HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSAB Agenda Packet 11/17/2021 Public Safety Advisory Board
November 17, 2021 — 6 p.m.
City of Port Angeles — Virtual Meeting
Attendees: Members
1. Gayle Brauner
2. Evan Brown
3. Jesse Charles
4. Jesse Driese
5. Kathleen Graf
6. Kelsey Lane
7. Michael McGuire
8. Andrew Schwab - Chair
9. Octavia Smith
10. Viola Ware
Deputy Police Chief, Jason Viada
Fire Chief, Ken Dubuc
Catherine Dewey, Board Secretary
1. Call to Order......................................................................................................Chair Schwab
2. Roll Call ..............................................................................................................Chair Schwab
3. Approval of Minutes... Chair Schwab
4. Communications from the Public..............................................................................Chair Schwab
5. Public hearing/Other Business.................................................................................Chair Schwab
a. Vacant Positions, Review of Applications
b. "Safety on our Streets" for Senior Citizens
c. PSAB Roles and Responsibilities
d. PSAB Online Resource Page
6. Staff Updates
a. Police Department Report..................................................................Deputy Chief Viada
a. PAPD De-escalation Training
b. PAPC Vacancies and Hiring
b. Fire Department Report...............................................................................Chief Dubuc
7. Reports of Board Members
a. Gayle Brauner Report exploring resources at ht )s://www.al)r.wa.gov/
8. Adjournment
The next scheduled meeting TBD
Virtual Meeting
Port Angeles, Washington
October 20', 2021 6:00 pm
Chair Schwab called the regular meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board to order at 6:10 p.m.
Members Present: Gayle Brauner, Evan Brown, Jesse Driese, Kathleen Graf, Andrew Schwab, Octavia
Smith, Viola Ware
Absent: Jesse Charles, Kelsey Lane, Michael McGuire, Joseph Turrey
Staff Present: Ken Dubuc, Fire Chief, Brian Smith, Police Chief, Catherine Dewey, Secretary
Guests: Derrell Sharp, Assistant Fire Chief
A motion was made by Jesse Driese to approve the September meeting minutes, a second was made by
Evan Brown and the motion passed unanimously.
a. Vacant Positions
There are two vacant positions after Shana Scott and Joseph Turrey's resignation. Catherine is working with
the City Clerk to gather applicants for consideration and recommendation at the next meeting. Voting for
Vice Chair is also needed. The Board decided to wait until the November meeting to vote for this seat.
b. Land Acknowledgement
The Board has decided to make an informal request for Council to Consider Land Acknowledgement at the
higher level and then for the Board to take their lead.
c. November and December Meetings
Historically the PSAB has taken a break for November and December so Chair Schwab asked the Board
what they would like to do during this time and conversation ensued. The Board seemed to like the idea of
keeping November's meeting on the calendar and decide at the November's meeting if the Board needs to
meet in December.
a. Public Comment: N/A
b. Fire Department Report
Chief Dubuc introduced Derrell Sharp the new Assistant Fire Chief of Operations/EMS he comes to us from
Clallam County Fire District 43. Chief Sharp introduced himself to the Board. The Fire Department just
completed a 2-year grant that would fund one of the Community Paramedic positions. Boosters will be
given out to First Responders in the coming weeks provided by the Community Paramedics. There are 3
new personnel starting on November 1". Chief Sharp has coordinated a 15-day Academy for the new hires.
c. Police Department Report
Chief Smith noted that the PD is very busy, and they will be receiving the round 3 Maderna Booster.
Staffing continues to be an issue and PENCOM is operating at half capacity, hopeful to be fully staffed in
2023. On the sworn side there are 32 authorized positions, they have lost 5 this year 2 to retirements and 3
to other careers. 40mm Launchers and 37mm launchers and ammunition are all now prohibited because
they were caught up in legislature, Chief is hopeful that with clarification legislature will allow those to go
back into use so that more force is not required. PD received grant funding of$79 thousand to replace the
equipment that they can no longer use. They ordered Bolawraps that assists in immobilizing someone under
some circumstances. Chief said they have had a busy summer; they are planning a Reserve Academy next
spring and summer. Code Enforcement currently has 1 fulltime employee and 1 vacant part-time position.
Chief also announced that the PD has received funding to help fund 1 of the county's 3 CREW (Community
Resource & Ecology Workers)teams formerly known as "Chain Gangs".
Brauner: Submitted a memorandum about House Bill 1310 (enclosed). Gayle would like to address the
Board Duties and Responsibilities again in the November meeting, she has some ideas specifically
regarding the elderly who walk and fraud against the elderly. Gayle noted that Webster Park has really been
cleaned up and she appreciates that effort.
Driese: Thanked the Chiefs for taking the time out to keep everyone informed.
Ware: REdisCOVERY has expanded their outreach where they are now working with medical staff to assist
people. Viola also noted that the Community Paramedics have been a great resource as wel.
Evan Brown made a motion to adjourned, a second was made by Jesse Driese and the motion passed
unanimously at 7:00 pm.
w y The City of Port Angeles JAB 2 12020AdvisorA Board Aj2pljcation
CITY OF Pnpj,�ljaEl Es
Public Safety Advisory Board
Applicant Name and General Information
First M[�. �....e....,..� Last
Address Citwr State Zip
Home phone Work phone Cell phone
E-mail addres �
Certification and Location Information
Areyou employed by the City of Port Angeles?............................_.............................................._................................_.................................................. Yes No
Areyou a citizen of the United States?..........................................................................._-,,..,.................,...,................................,.,,............................................ es No
Areyou a Registered Voter?.........................................................................................................................................................-............
Areyou a City resident?................................................................................._.............................._.....................................................................,....................................... es No
If so,how long Z T
M....., i� z /2 l
Do you own/manage a business in the City?„ Yes No
Do you hold any professional licenses,,registrations or certificates in any field?.............................................................................. <9) No
If so,please list: f=%r®,.,_,t�l
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for?
If so,please explain:
/ � iv. The City of Port Angeles
�' "' "�` `� Advisory Board Application
Work or Professional Experience- List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
Brief job description
��r l C .... .__ ..._ ._....... _...—.....
_ Re )il
Brief job description
Employer�� ...._
_. ._...M...................._..........w.
Brief job description
Education—List most recent experience first
4 X I j_ es No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in
during the last five years
Or anization/Location Groups pu pose/obi
g eclive
Brief description of your participation
Organ ization/Location Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation
The City of Port Angeles
AdvisoEy hoard Appligation.
Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire
1. Have you ever been employed in a public safety position or worked in the public safety profession?
es" lease describe t ._�Gy�,
lf" ....._� `'l:
"yes",p escribe your experience?
T6LA,ja 4e W ,^ e,r I L.14.4
2. What is it that interests about public ��t �ic. Sti�� C.,`"� AS- 144r" i~""
you y p is safety?
a 6W �.
3. Is there a particular area of public safety that specifically interests you?
Law enforcement
911 /Dispatch
Emergency Management
Emergency medical services
4. Are you interested in participat'ng i'n an annual and scheduled"ride along"with both Police and Fire/EMS personnel?
5. What issue(s)are the most pressing issue that impacts publi safety in Port Angeles?
U 41
C d 0 + q r Gh
� Z-4a
ApplicanttSign "c Date
Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey
City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634
321 East 5"Street kmbailey@cityofpa.us
Port Angeles,WA 98362
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,
please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made.
This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City
Council for appointment consideration. Additionally, it may become a part of a City Council packet.
The City of Port Angeles
u" Advisory Board Ap lication
o �
Public Safety Advisory Board AUG 1
Applicant Name and General Information
First MI Last ���
�. ......�
Address City _ State_ .. ..Y....__..o._.,� �r�r.�__._.....�.._..
Ci __.... Zip
. phone....- .._
Home W..
ork phone Cell phone
E-mail address
Certification and Location Information
Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles?.._................._....
.... Yes QN�.
Areyou a citizen of the United States?................._............_................_................................_.................. .._..__............._._.................... ��' No
Areyou a Registered V6ter?-......_,.._..._...__. ................ ......,.................. _—_....._.......... ................._....._. No
Are you a City resident?......_...._......._......................... Yes
Ifso,how long:.............................................................................................................._........................................._....._......_...._........................................................._
Doyou own/manage a business in the City?..................................._...._.........................--............_...........--....... _......... No
Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field?.......-.............._...........................
If so lease list. p .4.E, " '�►h 1 t1�r
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for?
If so,please explain:
� w
The City of Port Angeles
Advison Board ADDlication
Work or Professional Experience-List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
...�..�..8 .. ,°� �.r dlus'dfi ... .� 'wP / g c a - ...w.���c�. ...
Brief job description
Brief job description41
,w Y
Brief j ob dewipG iow l
Education—List most recent experience first
� e» No
Institution/Location Degree earned/M.ajor area of Study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location - �" �� Degree earned/Major area of Study
dy Graduated?
Yes No
- Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in
during the last five years
Organization/Location Groups purpose.o,o jective
... -..- ......
Brief description of your✓participation
y,A" . r.d�e—
�. .,eF P
.� ....... .—._... .... . ��....
f N° ;K�u�/pion/l.oe�at�akn Group's purposar/a)bjective
Brief description of your participation
The City of fort Angeles
.. AdvisoKy,Board Application
Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire
1, Have you ever been employed in a public safety position or worked in the public safety profession?
... �
If"yes",please describe your experience?
2. What is it that interests you about public safety?
3. Is there a particular area of public safety that specifically interests you?
Law enforcement
911 /Dispatch
® Emergency Management
Emergency medical services
4. Are you interested in participating in an annual and scheduled"ride along"with both Police and Fire/EMS personnel?
.. ........m ................
5. What issue(s)are the most pressing issue that impacts public safety in Port Angeles?/j ale
t ...D "
A PP p]cl Signature
ant Si ur
� g �.e Date_.... w ___..,_�...-..... ..uu���.�_....
Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey
City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634
321 East 5'h Street kmbailey@cityofpa.us
Port Angeles, WA 98362
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,
please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made.
This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City
Council for appointment consideration. Additionally,it may become a part of a City Council packet.
Please copy and paste the following and type"yes"after all the positions you are eligible for and send that information to
• Owners or managers of bus ncme.N located wilMn the City YES
• Rep resenwive fkma ffic Port Angck s School District It 21
ffigh school swdeiiit thm is mcovrimended by schocfl�ai,(flrTuifiii-,�li'at,uc)nI
Meirnbor affilhated wu h ain associated INUIs'agency ffiat operark'S iH flIV,(,'jty'of Poll Angcdcs
FIuNfl menlibers
Represent(fi-V¢`11s;�, a)f flile�'011111nI.Indt YES
Please copy and paste the following question and indicate your answer with one of the following answers,yes,no,prefer
not to answer and include the information in the same email.
pages you Expei in,�nced homca ssn(,-,ss or a chenric"O use disorder,or have worked with pcople that jj"aVre,expericinced horgiclessness
or a chvni6cal lase(fisoirder"?Y ES YES
Susan Hillgren
1. Have you read the current City Ordnance (attached) establishing the Public Safety Advisory Board and
do you have any questions about the structure, purpose and or function of this Board?Yes I have read,
no questions.
t, Why are you interested in serving on the Public Safety Advisory Board for the City of Port Angeles? I
want, the public to be aware of all levels and aspects of corrcerrr over public safely, Keeping our police
and fire personnel infor fined and up to date on how to deal with"hard to help"people is a great concern
for rtaany. Whether dealing with vets„ honacicss, L .rll'r ,rucrataal health,age,or other deciding laactors.
We need to keep those safe that cannot speak or act for their own best interest. Diversity and strength
will forge a new avenue to not onl educate the auhlic on ongoing issues, but find answers that work for
all concerned.
t. How do you feel that your experience will provide relevant and useful advice to the Police and Fire
Chief s of the City of Port Angeles? I have worked for 20 years with the population that live on the
strects wid l know rnariay of their oragoirag issues. 1 have a child that identifies atnd nora-bhiarry gtmeer„ l aarn
32 yc.ars sober, and 1 have: 11tim.ily that are Native Anacrrcaras. 1 believe to have an open,arid enrbraacrng.
a;oraala•rrrrrity we creed to work diligently for the poprrlaatiort with the sn't allest sand weakest voice, As it co-
creatoa, and dieeta rlor l 1 years ofTAFY 1 personally know who where„why,and how to nieet the
needs of this population. I have the energy, strength,tenacity, integrity and ability to bring the issues to a
forefront and find solutions that make sense for all conecriied.
Thety ort Andes
A Viso1r Board 1" A- alication.
Public Safety Advisory Board
Applicant Name and General Information
...... .m. ... ......... ............. _ .w ................._. ! __....................._..__._. ..
First MI Last
� , r s.............. e...........
Address city State Zip
01007 e ....... ....nv�?! .
Home phone Work phone Cell phone
E-mail addressa
Certification and LocationInformation
Are you employed by the City of PortAngeles?.....__..............................................................................__.,.... ...... Yes
Areyou a citizen of the United States°1.......,.._..... _....._.._....................................................._...............,.,...........,..........._......_... _.._.._. No
Areyou a Registered Voter?........................................................................................................................_...........,.._..._..........,....,...._. es No
Areyou a City resident?...._.................................----..................................................................._..._.._..-.___...ww___._.__._m...._._._.......................................-...... No
Lfso,how lord;:........ (�
Doyou own/manage a business in the City?................................_..._............_........_.__..._._e._... _.,..................,.....,.............................................._..... Yes
Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field`/_.� _.__._....._.,.._.................................... Yes 0°
If so,please list.
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory hoard that you are applying for?
If so,please explain:
The City of Ort Andes
Advisor* Hoard Anplication
Work or ProfessionalExperience-List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
mm _ .
Brief job description
Brief job description
Employer w .................
.—............._..- _, _..... �.......—._��
Briefjob description
Education—List most recent experience first
" Yes
Institution/Location m. � H Degree e "" ,�.�.ITITIT�
earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
�r Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location. � ......" Degree earned/Major mm..... _ .........__....�u
area of Study Graduated?
Charitable,Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in
during the last five years
Organization/Location (arty s purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation
. _.. _._. ................. .....
. .r,
Organization/Location .purpose/objective
Brief descri tt. .. ...�....._._...._._...._ ........ ...
p ion of your participation
The GO of Port Andes
Advisory 18011rd AviDlication
Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire
1. have you ever been employed in a public safety position or worked in the public safety profession?
If"yes",please describe your experience?
2. What is it that interests you about public safety?
3, Ts there rgac,trl�a f�i�rbC r"
1 p safety that specifically interests you?
® Law enforcement
911 /Dispatch
Emergency Management
Emergency medical services
4. Are you '?
/interested in participating in an annual and scheduled"ride along"with both Police and Fire/EMS personnel
Y I-S,
5. What issue(s)are the most pressing issue that impacts public safety in Port Angeles?
Applicanttiil;na arc Date
Submit completed forms to: iicc of the City Clerk Kari Martina.-1 silt*.y
City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634
321 East 51 Street kmbailey@cityofpa.us
Port Angeles,WA 98362
In Compliance ance with the Americans with Disabilities Act;if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,
pluaase contact the City Nfinager's Office at 360-417-4 a00 so appropriate arrangements can be made.
This docinnent and all attached information k considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City
Council R)r appointaneatt consid(mition. Additionally,it may become a part of a City Council packet.
From: Allisa Immina
To: Kari Martinez Bailey
Subject: Re:Public Safety Advisory Board Application-Additional Information Requested
Date: Friday,October 23,2020 6:29:49 PM
Attachments: ima®e003,ioa
da rw ', l r fir,
Good evening Ms. Martinez-Bailey,
My answers per your request are below.
• Owners or managers of businesses located within the City
• Representative from the Port Angeles School District#121
• High school student that is recommended by school administration
• Member affiliated with an associated EMS agency that operates in the City of Port Angeles
• Tribal members
• Represent diverse segments of the community
**1 am not eligible to represent any of the above sectors of the community,
Have you Experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder,or have worked with people that have experienced
homelessness or a chemical use disorder?
**I have not experienced, nor have I worked with someone who has experienced homelessness or a chemical use
disorder. However, my aunt was an alcoholic and my brother is an alcoholic and suffers drug addiction nearly all
his life.
Thank you for your consideration.
Allisa Imming
On Fri, Oct 23, 2020, 6:14 PM Kari Martinez-Bailey - wrote:
Dear Applicant,
Recently, City Attorney Bill Bloor and I were invited to speak about the Board's application
process during the Public Safety Advisory Board meeting on Wednesday, October 21. First,
I want to thank you for your desire to volunteer. We place great value on the input shared
by the members of our boards, committees and commissions.
Regarding the process, we will be advertising for the open positions for two weeks starting
today. Recently,we have updated our application. Please know, the new application asks for
additional information that was not included on the application you filled out. 1 am not
asking you to fill out a new application. But if it is your desire to do so, I have included one.
However, I am asking that you share information that was not on the application you have
turned in. I will provide your responses to the Board along with your original application.
These application additions are referenced in the new municipal code relative to the
composition of the Board.
Please copy and paste the following and type "yes" after all the positions you are
eligible for and send that information to me.
* Owners or managers of businesses located within the City
Representative from the Port Angeles School District#121
o High school student that is recommended by school administration
Member affiliated with an associated EMS agency that operates in the City of Port
• Tribal members
• Represent diverse segments of the community
Please copy and paste the following question and indicate your answer with one of the
following answers, yes, no,prefer not to answer and include the information in the
same email.
Have you Experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder, or have worked with
people that have experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder?
Language taken from the PSAB application
I wish to share my sincere appreciation for the time you have taken to apply and for your
patience with us as we worked through the process. If you have any questions,please feel
free to reach out to me and I will be more than happy to assist.
xari Martinez-Bailey
City Clerk
City Manager's Office
(p)360-417-4634 1 (0 360-417-4509
City of Port Angeles
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles,WA 98362
NOTICE: This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure as a public record
under the Public Records Act,RCW Chapter 42.56
'The City of Port Angeles
Public Safety Advisory Board
Applicant Name and General Information
Karen A Rogers
First MI Last
Address city State Zip
Port Angeles WA 98363
................. .. ..... W o i-'k—1),1-o-i i i e.............. . .ell--p-di o"i"i'e-
.. ...... ...... --------- .............
E-mail .... .address
Certification and Location Information
Are you ernpk)yed by the City ofl"ort Anaol�;2 .
Are you a citizen of the United States'2
Are you a Registered Voter?,
Do you Hve within the City of'Port Angeles liaiits`?_
28 Ifso, how long" . .....
Do you own/manage a.business in the City?
Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates "In any field?
If so, please list: Licensed and Bonded Notary, Business License, FFL, State and Federal
.......... ......... ........
................... .............
Are you aware ofainy conflict ofinterest which n6ght arise by your seirvice on the advisory board that you are
applying for? If so, 1please expWii:
........... ............
Application updated 1/12/2021
The City of Port Angeles
y�1�� Wit
Public Safet -J— ar ication
Work or professional Experience - List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
lnKaren ergConsulting, Associates LLC
a �. loyer . ... _
___...... _ __� ............
Strategic i Consulting Marketing
. _...... _..... ... ... ... -.....m..
Brief job description
c u
.. ... .... . . .
Eire ployeu` �,..
Co-Owner ® Management and Financial
13rucf lob d ---- ... ..... .. ......
. - __-........... ......... . ... _.. __.. .... ............ ..... .. _
E3rict`job de
Education—List most recent experience first
Fullerton College Business
Study irned/ ...„.or a _
ln.�titutoon/L,ocatiour 1�erc.c ca. . .ark rein.c>f
....®, ......� .� Il�c,.p�,lco aWarruvalll�6apor area of .... ..w__ ._. __
l .. .. ..... Graduated?
Institution/L,oc;ation De give earned/Mayor arrea,ok
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships®-List major activities you have participated in
during the last five years
Olympic Medic Center Foundation Healthcare
Organization/l.c�s at Wa
Group's pu"
uon ..,.r .. ... ... n°pose(obJcctuve
Executive f Directors
Brief dcscrip o y
... ..... , p.. ... .... ... m ..,,,,.�....�...... ..... .... _.-------
f our participation
Chair �.. fundraising events
__. ---.�... . .
Org,,tanozstion/Locatio n Group's purpose/objective
c e i r e s 1
�.. __...... w_. ... ...... ........ ....,...... � ....... �....
Brief description of your participation
Application updated 1/12/2021
The City of Port Angeles
. 6. 0- Composition of Board
`'he Board shall consist of 12 nnernmbers, who slmall nneet the following criteirla., (provided that a rnaaporRy o:nfthe
members shall be(,Ity resideints;
Please check all that apply:
✓)I Owners or managers ol'busirnesses located within the City:
Representative front the Dort Angeles School District 8 l 21:
I-Ili h school student that is recorrmnnm.endecl by school adrn nktration
_i Member affiliated with an associated FIBS ag ency that operates inn the t.`ity ofi'IPor°t:Angeles
Tribal rrnermnbers
Represent diverse sr;g nnents of the community
F1'xjperiernced horrnelessrness or a chemical use chsoirder, or have worked with peolple that have cx.perienced
lionnele;,s,srnes,s orr a chernical use,disorder
If yc:>u Would like to speakk to your qualiificat:ions, please feel free to share infon-naa6on below or provide a resurnne as
an attachment to this apphcatio:yrn.
Former City Council Member and (Mayor 2002-2009. Knowledgeable of RCW's and Federal
t1 l es ei ed mY
ab u i ess re7 a in protoctton of rcip �r . lW o i any c ffff unity Public Safety visory Board Applicant Supplemental stio afire
1. Have you ever been employed in a public safety position or worked in the public safety profession?
If"yes", please describe your experience?
2. What is it that interests you about public safety?
Port Angeles is a very special community l want to help insure community safety and ellness
an support of the evircirrn� t.
.... .e -- _........�_���rr _ .
%appheation updated 1.l12l2021
The City of Port Angeles
?. Is there an area of`puubiic safbty that speCHicaNy interests your?
Law enforcernc,urt
l:° re
El a I 1 /Dispsatch
Emergency Management
Elmergency medical services
4. Are you interested in participating in an annual anid scheduled `"ride along"with both
police and k urcl�C�S
5. What issue(s)do you believe are the Most pressing issue(s)� )tkaat impacts pakPrd-
p p p e s p is safety uar Mort Angeles?
Protections a
r ncbrrd f p t� i §l f f drl'J �i regarding
hbssi impacts frcarrr the drug addict Population. There i
k . � : 13,Mestr`lent_ � d. a :.i. _.� _ W t� �. ur j°t u r � i J
r ,.. rW H o led Icy Karen A Rogers
�....... 0�2 ark 15,3122 a�oo 2/19121
plicant Signature
Submit completed forms to:
l ld'lia�a uaf"CPae Cata,,Clerk
l tiaa i Martinez-Bailey
( iC) a;r9�d•"err°t �'�wt�.�,c,1es y'
Y'1 d;;�aw� w��� l60-d 17.46,3:g.
�rcA krnbaile c@ci ors
Port Angelc,s�, W� °�8.362 y�, � f r' �a.a
do cornphance wittu the Arneruc;ans with Disarbditics Act., rd Y()ua reed specu d accoarrdruo dations because of'ar physical
hi-citation, please Conl.aact the C4v lganago's Office at RM d 17.4500 so rjppropupaatc rarrangecenerrts can be rnade
This cdi�,a rruraent and Al rta�rched inferrination r:, considered a pa.ubNe rec.rrrd and May be distrrdrs.j�,ect tag nieu'w°rbers of"tlae
G rty t�aeauur�ciS boa°appoirrument Consideration. AdditionaHy, it may becorne a pan of a City("'(Arneil packet.
Application updated 1/12/2021.
From: Karen Ro ers
Subject: RE:Supplementary Questions
Date: Tuesday,March 23,2021 6:39:01 AM
1::3elow are: my responses per your request. Please: c onfirrn receipt of my ernail.
i hank you,
Karen Rogers
From: Kari Martinez-Bailey [mailto:Kmbailey@cityofpa.us]
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2021 10:27 AM
Cc:Catherine Dewey<Cdewey@cityofpa.us>
Subject:Supplementary Questions
Dear PSAB Applicant,
On Wednesday, during the regular meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board, it was
pointed out that the applications presented to the Board contained information that was not
standard from applicant to applicant. The questions below were included with one of the
applications from a previous application review. The Board would like to hear answers from
all of the applicants so they can learn more about each of you. Ordinarily, a board might opt
to do in person interviews. During these challenging times, we are opting for a different
approach that will still allow the Board to learn more about you, but does not require
additional meetings especially in a time when we can only meet virtually. We are providing
these questions to each of the applicants so that you all have the same opportunity to provide
I have three questions below and have attached the new ordinance adopted by Council for
your review and reference. Please have your responses back to me by end of day Wednesday,
March 24. If for any reason this will not be possible,please indicate so, and let me know
when I can expect to receive your responses. We plan to provide your responses to the Board
prior to their meeting to allow them time to process your answers and make a
If you have any questions,please feel free to reach out to me. Thank you again for your
interest in serving on the Public Safety Advisory Board.
1. Have you read the current City Ordnance (attached) establishing the Public Safety
Advisory Board and do you have any questions about the structure,purpose and or
function of this Board?
| have read the Ordinance and have followed the process and issues for months resulting in this
revised Ordinance. | have been following the work and issues of Public Safety Board for over a year.
I am very experienced and have participated on many boards and Would be happy to assist with
board procedures, parliamentary proceedings and Roberts Rules of Order. | did attend last week's
Z. Why are you interested in serving on the Public Safety Advisory Board for the City of
Port Angeles?
I care deeply for our community and continue to serve in ways that benefit the quality of our lives.
We are all very blessed to live in this arnazing beaubful part of:our country, Port Angeles is a
wonderful com I-11 Lill ity and I want to help keel.)our con-irriunity safe and rernain a beautifUl
env/ron men tally sound area. | have served on City Council and as Mayor, involved as board
membervvith the Chamberof[umnnerce, PAB4, 0PBA and numerous non-profitsforourconnmunity
all working to make Port Angeles the p|aceto live, raise a family arid work. We have a lot(if
ch�Ilenges facing Port Angeles, the economy, the envirorirnent arid the increase in crirne I wa n L to
hello advocate for policies that help our entire community,
3. 8on'do you feel that your experience will provide relevant and useful advice to the
Police and Fire Chief u of the City ofPort Angeles?
As a former Council member and Mayor I have a lot of experience with our city in community
communications and a thorough understand of the laws and the challenges facing our community
safety. My eight years on council provided me with detailed understanding ofour Public Safety
` operations | served on the Medic l committee and PAFD and [CFOJ operations consolidation. |
have personally participated in the Neighborhood watch program for our neighborhood and referred
many citizens to the program and helped businesses under the trespass law, As a business owner of
two businesses in the City of Port Angeles, one is high profile and deals directly with federal, state
and local law enforcement agencies and the other business participates in many legislative actions, |
also served on the Board of Directors and as President for the Association of Washington Cities and
worked directly with the WA Sheriff and Police Association and the WA State Fire Fighters Council,
City Clerk
City Manager's Office
(p)3OO'4i74 |634 | (O360'4i7'4S09
City o[Port Angeles
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles,VYA906%
www.(:olyofipao.0 s
NOTICE: This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure as a public record
under the Public Records Act, RCW Chapter 42.56
Washington Association of 3060 Willamette Drive NE
Lacey, WA98516
360-486-2380 (Phone)
360-486-2381 (Fax)
November 5, 2021
Greetings from your Executive Director:
As we head into November, this may be a good time to do a status check:
In July, Gene Johnson of the Associated Press wrote a story on the new police reform laws then going
into effect.
The article mentioned our state is "embarking on a massive experiment", and the laws are "likely the
nation's most ambitious police reform legislation." Chief Rafael Padilla is quoted as saying, "the laws
were written very poorly... and led to there being conflicts in clarity and in what was intended versus
what was written". Finally, Rep.Jesse Johnson, the author of the main bills of police tactics and use of
force, "acknowledged some clarifications are necessary-but said that's not uncommon in complex
The story quoted WASPC and pointed out, correctly,that "law enforcement officials have embraced
some of the changes and said they share lawmakers goals, but uncertainty about how to comply...may
have unintended outcomes that result in increased levels of confusion, frustration,victimization, and
increased crime within our communities".
Force is not defined in the new laws, and probable cause is now needed before that undefined force can
be used, rather than the historical standard of reasonable suspicion,which the article cites as "a
common sense notion, based on specific facts,that's someone might be involved in a crime". The article
goes on to point out that"it also means police might sometimes have to let the bad guy go, at least
The new laws have been in effect for several months and it is time to review their impact.
This week, a Poulsbo officer was commuting to work before 5:00 AM in uniform and in a fully marked
police vehicle. He heard the sound of a horn blaring and when he looked in that direction, saw a person
sprinting away from the parked vehicle with the alarm sounding, leading a reasonable person to believe
they were interrupting an alarm. The 15-year veteran activated his emergency lights and caught up to
the sprinting subject as they were getting into a vehicle, as the officer got out and told the person "show
their hands". The person got into the vehicle, made eye contact with the officer, and ignored the
officer's commands as they frantically tried to start the vehicle. The officer stood outside the driver's
door of the vehicle giving loud verbal commands, and the person continued to ignore the officer and,
after about 10 seconds, got the vehicle started and then drove away recklessly. The officer broadcast
the subject's vehicle, physical description and direction of travel over police radio as the suspect drove
A few minutes later, all of the officer's reasonable suspicions were confirmed. The original vehicle
sounding its alarm had a broken driver's side window and there was a hammer lying on the ground
beside the car. The suspect ran from the area of this vehicle, but the officer did not see the suspect in
Serving the Law Enforcement Community and the Citizens of Washington
the vehicle. The officer did not feel, at any point in his contact with this suspect, that he had probable
cause to arrest the person, and therefore able to use force, if necessary, under the new laws. Prior to
the implementation of the new law, the officer could have, and would have, used force if necessary to
detain this suspect. As Chief Harding points out,theft has risen sharply in Kitsap County since the
implementation of the new law.
This week, Puyallup PD had a case.where officers could not pursue a driver who recklessly struck two
patrol cars.
I have heard from several Chiefs and Sheriffs about the increased frequency of drivers not stopping for
law enforcement, and we have highlighted several instances in this newsletter. Combined with
restrictions on proactive policing, fewer resources due to retirements and departures of our officers and
deputies, and the knowledge that pursuits cannot be initiated for stolen cars,we should not be
surprised at the most recent auto theft data sent out this week from the State Patrol. The Auto Theft
Prevention Authority tracks these numbers, and in October of 2021 we saw 851 more vehicles stolen in
this state than October 2020 (3404 vs. 2553);that is a 33% increase. Since July of 2021, car thefts have
increased 55%, from 2200 in July 2021 to 3404 in October. Here is the data_fro ACIIC for auto thefts
by month going back to 2002.
Here is where we are- there are many examples each week of the public safety outcomes created by
the new laws, and they likely result in the desired outcome of reducing law enforcement uses of
force. Why? Because the nature of these sweeping changes effectively removed law enforcement from
many interactions completely. The new laws are the most restrictive in the nation and have in some
ways eliminated large elements of proactive policing, and may result in more dangerous situations for
residents, emboldened criminal behavior, more violent crime, and more disorder. If that is the
acceptable and desired new normal, our policy makers and our communities need to understand what
that means.
The July article from the Associated Press also went on to point out these laws are "taking effect as
police have left the state and the profession in droves." The recent 2020 FBI Crime report points out
that Washington State is,for the 11th straight year,51"out of 50 for officers per thousand, when you
include Washington, DC. Based on this year's data, our Policy Director,James McMahan, did some math
and here are some remarkable results. As people use the politically loaded term of"defunding the
police",the numbers show in Washington State we have been defunded for years.
• If Washington State were to move up to be tied for 50th,we would need to hire 802 additional
officers statewide (a 7% increase in the number of officers). Assuming an annual cost of
$120,000 per officer,that would require a statewide investment of more than $96 million per
• If Washington State wanted to rank in the middle,25th in the nation,we would need to hire
an additional 6,320 officers statewide (a 58% increase). Assuming an annual cost of$120,000
per officer, that would require a statewide investment of more than $758 million per year.
• If Washington State wanted to rank#1 in this measure,we would need to hire an additional
34,033 officers (a 310% increase), costing more than $4 billion per year (assuming the same
$120,000 cost per officer).
The elections this week, both locally and nationwide, seem to be reflecting a move toward balance and
coming together for solutions. Here are a number of recent columns and links that provide some
• A Portland City Commissioner recently authored a column that is worth reading
• Retired Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor authored this excellent column.
• Here is an article about how the dynamics of"defunding the police" have changed in many
• A recent Pew survgy indicates strong support for more funding for law enforcement, which says,
"the share of adults who say spending on policing in their area should be increased now stands
at 47%, up from 31% in June 2020. That includes 21%who say funding for their local police
should be increased a lot, up from 11%who said this last summer."
• In Tacoma,this article,highlights demands from the community for greater safety and the sense
that"crime is taking over.
• Here is an interesting article about Apple AirTags and the ways they may be used to recover
stolen property, and also concerns about their use in stalking.
Finally,this week we are posting a new_pgc! ast,titled, "Slow Down,Team Up and Tell Our Story:
Managing Change" with Marysville PD Chief Erik Scairpon. The Chief's themes really help communicate
to the department and the community the changes being developed for de-escalation and implementing
the concepts from Patrol Tactics Training.
Stay Safe!
House ofRepresentatives f Roger Goodman
Public Safety Chair
Jesse Johnson
Committee Washington State Legislature vice Chair
August 12Ih 2021
The Honorable Robert Ferguson
Attorney General of the State of Washington
PO Box 40100
Olympia, Washington 98504-0100
Dear Attorney General Ferguson:
We are requesting an Attorney General Opinion regarding the legal standards for use of physical force
by peace officers.
During the 2021 Regular Session, the Legislature passed Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill
(E2SHB) 1310 with the goal of establishing a uniform statewide standard that emphasizes the
importance of exercising reasonable care and preserving and protecting human life. While many of the
concepts contained in the legislation are already common practice for peace officers, the complexities
and nuances of police practices and applicable laws, both in statute and common law, are posing
implementation challenges for some law enforcement agencies. For that reason, the Washington
Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs is requesting additional clarification and guidance. Therefore,
we respectfully request answers to the following questions:
1. What constitutes "physical force" in the context of the standard in E2SHB 1310?
2. Does the standard in E2SHB 1310 preclude an officer from using physical force in the context of
an investigatory detention (based on reasonable suspicion and not probable cause)when it
becomes apparent that an individual will not otherwise comply with the request to stop?
3. In light of the standard in E2SHB 1310, are the provisions of Chapter 71.05 RCW, Chapter 13.34
RCW, Chapter 43.185C RCW, and other statutes and court orders (civil or criminal) authorizing
or directing a law enforcement officer to take a person into custody to be interpreted as
authorizing the officer to use physical force when necessary for that purpose?
4. In light of the standard in E2SHB 1310, is a law enforcement officer authorized to use physical
force pursuant to the emergency aid doctrine, where there is no "imminent threat of bodily injury
to the officer, another person, or the person against whom force is being used"? Does using
physical force in this manner breach a legal duty to leave the scene, and would an officer's
efforts constitute an exception to the Public Duty Doctrine under the rescue doctrine?
5. Read together, does section 3(3) of E2SHB 1310 effectively authorize a law enforcement officer
to use a chokehold or neck restraint"to protect against his or her life or the life of another person
from an imminent threat" despite the specific prohibition of such tactics in section 2 of
Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1054 (2021)?
6. How should the terms "possible, "available," and "appropriate" in section 3 of E2SHB 1310 be
interpreted? Should those terms be interpreted according to their common definitions or
according to the "reasonable officer" standard established under Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S.
386 (1989), which provides that"the'reasonableness' of a particular use of force must be judged
from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of
Answers to these questions will assist agencies with interpreting recent legislation and provide for
consistent implementation across the State of Washington. It is possible that you may receive similar or
duplicate questions from other persons requesting an Attorney General Opinion, and as such, we
recognize that consolidating such requests may be appropriate under the circumstances. Thank you for
taking the time to issue a formal opinion on these pressing matters.
Qn-o' X
Representative Roger Goodman Representative Jesse Johnson
Chair, House Public Safety Committee Vice Chair, House Public Safety Committee
45th Legislative District 30th Legislative District
November 10, 2021 4:OOPM ET
This BulletIn wIllexplre
�w Februafy8,2022 at
"The NTAS Bulletin issued on August 13, 2021 and
R fl7 5� uu ® o
set to expire on November 11, 2021 is hereby canceled.
The Secretary of Homeland Security has issued an updated National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin regarding the
current heightened threat environment across the United States. The Homeland continues to face a diverse and challenging
threat environment as it approaches several religious holidays and associated mass gatherings that in the past have served as
potential targets for acts of violence.These threats include those posed by individuals and small groups engaged in violence,
including domestic violent extremists (DVEs) and those inspired or motivated by foreign terrorists and other malign foreign
influences.These actors continue to exploit online forums to influence and spread violent extremist narratives and promote
violent activity.The ongoing global pandemic continues to exacerbate these threats, in part due to perceived government
overreach in implementation of public health safety measures. Further, foreign terrorist organizations and DVEs continue to
attempt to inspire potential followers to conduct attacks in the United States, including by exploiting recent events in Afghanistan.
As of November 10, 2021, DHS is not aware of an imminent and credible threat to a specific location in the United States.
• Following the 201"anniversary of the September 111"attacks and the U.S.withdrawal from • We all play a role in keeping our
Afghanistan,violent extremist media branches of al-Qa'ida and its affiliates, as well as the communities safe. Stay vigilant and
Islamic State of Iraq and as-Sham (ISIS), have celebrated perceived victories over the United `2.y....:>. ..r!„rc t„h%r7 ;when you see signs of
States and encouraged the use of violence by their followers and supporters to further their `r.!a:`l:%c.%(.r.u:` a cct:„%u%ty.
objectives. These foreign terrorist organizations will likely continue to maintain a highly visible • Ej.L..I:,2 t,�1u�2i .!..c%g„i s actiuit:y and threats
online presence in an attempt to inspire U.S.-based individuals to engage in violent activity. of violence, including online threats,
• Through the remainder of 2021 and into 2022, racially or ethnically motivated violent to local law enforcement,.....E3.....F::%�....IS:�...
extremists and anti-government/anti-authority violent extremists will continue to pose a
• i fff is c t, or your local F..!:.A.si.�2..r.7.....C_er7.t.�:?.Y::
you know someone who is
threat to the United States. Pandemic-related stressors have contributed to increased societal struggling with mental health issues
r may be a danger t o themselves or
strains and tensions, driving several plots by DVEs, and they may contribute to more violence s a danger this and next year. If a new COVID-19 variant emerges and new public health restrictions are others,,>„ial c r„t, ��u„��„i„Irhe .
imposed as a result, anti-government violent extremists could potentially use the new • Get engaged in prevention efforts in
restrictions as a rationale to target government or public health officials or facilities. In Your community...::..a.:..a..:...rr.......n...... .ra aboutr
addition, some DVEs have attempted to use the relocation of Afghan nationals to the United community-based prevention efforts
States to exacerbate historical DVE grievances over immigration and the American Muslim that help individuals stay off the
community. pathway to violence.
• Historically, DVEs and individuals inspired by foreign terrorist organizations have targeted Be Prepared and Stay Informed
crowded commercial facilities, houses of worship, and public gatherings,which have at times
• Be prepared for emergency situations
caused mass causalities. The continued reopening of commercial and government facilities
and remain aware of circumstances
and the potential for ongoing societal and economic disruptions due to the pandemic, as well that may place you at risk.
as mass gatherings associated with several dates of religious significance over the next few . Maintain c:ii€.x.%„t„.L rnedia itc.rc cy to
months,could provide increased targets of opportunity for violence,though there are recognize and build resilience to false
currently no credible or imminent threats tied to any dates or locations. and harmful narratives.
• Foreign and domestic threat actors,to include foreign intelligence services,foreign terrorist • Make note of your surroundings and
organizations, and DVEs, continue to introduce, amplify, and disseminate narratives online that the nearest security personnel.
promote violence,and have called for violence against elected officials, political • Government agencies will provide
representatives,government facilities, law enforcement, religious communities or commercial details about emerging threats as
facilities,and perceived ideological opponents. information is identified. Listen to
• Ideologically motivated violent extremists fueled by personal grievances and violent extremist local authorities and public safety
ideological beliefs continue to derive inspiration from and obtain operational guidance, officials.
including regarding the use of improvised explosive devices and small arms,through the
I�IIIIIIIII(IIII IIII IIII � Ilili I : � �u IITi ,m lull II II III IIII II lull II@ II III II III III�II I�� � � - � _ � � n
The National Terrorism Advisory System provides information on homeland security issues and threats.It is distributed by the Department of Homeland Security.
More information is available at:DI I°I;�i�,((�a�ivi5�,rir=s,.To receive mobile updates: I wiiteil:(()i,ULI LE1 ty,.
If You See Something Say Something'used with permission of the NY Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
November 10, 2021 4:OOPM ET
This BulletIn wIllexpre
�w Februafy8,2022 atAOOPMET
"The NTAS Bulletin issued on August 13, 2021 and
R fl7 5� uu ® o
set to expire on November 11, 2021 is hereby canceled.
consumption of information shared in online forums. The use of encrypted messaging by violent extremists may obscure operational
indicators that provide specific warning of a pending act of violence.
• Law enforcement officials have expressed concerns that the broad sharing of false narratives and conspiracy theories that endorse the use
of violence will continue to gain traction, resulting in individuals or small groups embracing violent tactics to achieve their desired
objectives. DHS is concerned that increased acts of violence, as well as targeted attacks against law enforcement, may strain local resources
and challenge the ability of law enforcement to maintain the safety and security of local communities.
• DHS and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) continue to provide guidance to state, local,tribal,and territorial (SLTT) partners about
the current threat environment. Specifically, DHS has issued numerous intelligence assessments to SLTT officials on the evolving threat.
• DHS is engaging industry partners to help them identify and respond to the spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories,and false
narratives on social media and other online platforms.
• DHS has prioritized combatting DVE threats within its Iiorn6 nd Sc�civity tj.r rr7t. Pmg,r rr€I„as a National Priority Area and its rrrr;., .��
Vi<alenc and Ferr risrn I'rc.vention (3; ar7�t P' (rxr rrl:)•
• DHS remains committed to working with our partners to identify and prevent all forms of terrorism and targeted violence.
I�IIIIIIIII(IIII IIII IIII � Ilili I : � �u IITi ,m lull II II III IIII II lull II@ II III II III III�II I�� � � - � _ � � n
The National Terrorism Advisory System provides information on homeland security issues and threats.It is distributed by the Department of Homeland Security.
More information is available at;DI I°I;�i�,((�a�ivi5�,rir=s,.To receive mobile updates; I wiiteil:(()i,ULI LE1 ty.
If You See Something Say Something'used with permission of the NY Metropolitan Transportation Authority.