HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 03/15/2022 l u , CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 15, 2022 'rhis meeting was conducted virtually. ROLL CALL Monbers present: Mayor Dexter. DepUIN, Mayor klever.CouncH Mernhers,(.,urr.French. MCCIILighan. Schromen- Wawrin:and Suggs. Members,Absenu None, Staffllresent; City Manager West. AtIorncvr Btoor.Clerk Martinez-BaHc�, C. Delikat. K.DubILIC. 13. Sni4h. L', BOOM 1. IIUMCr.S. Carrizosa and K. Hatton. Mavor Dexter led the P'ledge of Mlegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS& EMPLOYEE RECO�GNIT'IO,NS 1. Public Safety Telecommunicators Life-Saving Awards to Communications Supervisor Dennis LaBoy Police Chief fIrian Smith and PenCom Deputy Director Karl Hatton presented Lifi�-Savjng Award to Dennis Lallo% for his work in the depariment.Chief'Irnith and Deputy Director I latton lighlightcd his eleven Nears of service to the department. Chi°uef Smilh spoke alNwt Supervisor LaBoy*s exceptional work and spoke of a recent event where he provided lilesa%ing telephorilc CPR instructions. He added that through his heroic file saving measures and C1110tiOnal SUPPOrt to a caller.his actions ultimately saved the patient's life. PUBLIC COMMENT Steve Dryke. in a pre-recorded message.spoke ahout ADA sido,valk improvvnients needed at()eorgiana and U'rancis Streets Sharing he Nvas gU to hear h.was a part of the Council agenda. Gary Schrier. in a pre-recorded mes.sage. !stated lie represented WAVE and spoke about a request made to the City relative to overhead caNe lines, LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS City Manager Nathan West added Eranci,s,Slreel ADA ImI.)rovemenf Pipiect, Award,,Ufilire Bid to the agenda as item J-2. CONSENT AGENDA Council rnernber McCaughan asked the Mw,or to consider adding,Parks, Recreation, & Beautification 4111'ruinllnenl.s% Increased Development Reve:ery Capaci�y-Slormwater k Tf',, 0rIVvvork,0'q,Ith,vare Liceerve,Igreement Ittlentiftlent -4,and LAT]", ITEM FrancisMvel,I DA Improveinent Project, In,urd,rj(j(jjfiwe Bid to the Conscnt Agenda.licaring,consensus,the Mayor added the items to the Consent Agenda as items[`4. F-5,E-6 and,147. It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Sthromen-A'awrin to approve the Consent.Agenda to include: 1. L"xpenditure Report: 1-i-ont Fehruot�y 19, 202'2 to Ahirch 4, 2022 in the amoidni of S7,391,,138.42 I Utility Wooden Pole Testing 2021 Contract Final Acceptance/Accept the Pole 7c,sling 2021 pri?ject hYNorth, Idaho('017tractors, LI,Cas comPleie and err Ihori:eslq#'lo jv,oceed with pro.iect closeout and releose lite relainage in fits aniount()I51,874,09 upon receipt qf A required clearances 3. Clallarn County Econornic Development CouncH,2022 Contract/Award a conlract to the Clathim Economic Development Council fir Cit'v economic deveh)pnieni support in the aniountnot to exceed$2'0,000 and aulhorLe the O a iJ,Manger to siA�,n the cono-act and make modificatitins us necessur V 4', .Icc-epi the FI'2021-2023SIoi�iti�wate,rC'ijlaocil,,,Iv, Grant in the aniount o 'S 70,000 and a redlori:e the 00;Manager losiA gn at grant agreenient with the H'avilinglon ;tale Del)('11,1117eni(?/'lie ology, and to make alrYlsuhsequent ennendments(it-ininor modyleations to the agi-eenlent, gis necessa)-y, and awhori:e the creation qf one newfidfitn l- e Slorinwater Fitgineer an d nd , approve The addition qI'S 120,000fir this position in lite 2022 Budget PO�R"I' ANCiEL,ES CITY CC. LJNCII. MEE'TIN(,,i March l5,2022 5. Parks. Recreation.& BcaUfifiCation Appointments/ Re-oPPoini I'aul 1'orrestfiw anwher term heginning 11orch 2022 through PebruarY 2026 and Bennie Ifilory Im-a 4-Yeeir ter ni beginning Uarch 2022 through februai,V 2026 6 Cityworks Software License Agreenrent Amendment�I 1,,hvard a 1hree-' ear-Sqffirare Lc iense.-Igr n eetnei ,ImendinenY for Cit.Yvvorks sq1N,ure with,4--tecu SYsteens, Inc. (,4fSant4,(7 increwsing the lotal ce,'Ynn-act by, $112,000 lo anew nol-lo-exceedamount qfS142,00Q including applicable taxes cindauthork-e the 011v Ahmager to execute and make tailor mod lkwtions to the agreement ff necesstiry 7, LATE ITEM Francis Street Ai A Iniprovernent Project, A%vard Additi ve Bid/,hiwrd ,lddifive Biel 5 to Sinnnons&S'ons of,klontesaoto, H 1 1 fin-the Ile0616 braticis,Street,41),I lenprovente Pit Pr oiect in the atntount of S31,685,00 including al7plicable taxes, and authorLe the City,,thin alter to execute all docurnents necesvitrY to executt�and adininister the contract, and to make"finor modifications ifnecessary The Mayor asked if there was unanimous,consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 6. Hybridl Meeting Discussion Manager West introduced the agenda itei,n and provided background on the matter. I le said it was important to hear front Council on the timing of the hybrid meeting approach. lie spoke of the imix,)rtance of maintaining a virtual option for the connnunity,Council discussion foHowed. It was moved by Schromein-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to- I told hybrid meetings when the COVID-19 risk is Very Low or Low.per the dashboard located at [Iqpsl/....'svkv,,% did Lani.net`cq ri Pna%irus,,,at the time the meeting agenda is adNertised. T C w he ouncil HI hold virtual . ......­­_­------------ ____......................_ mectings when the COVID-19 risk is Moderate or I figh.per the dashtx.)ard located at omn rus/,,at the time the meeting agenda is advertised. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Proposed Adjustments to the 2022-2023 Solid Waste, Utility Rates Director Carriz�osa spoke about solid oastc rates and services currently offered by the ity which do not include options for commercial co mingled recycling and commercial yard%vaste. She stated that since Waste Connections has not provided rate inlionnation,adjustments will kdlokk the Solid Waste COS A schedule and will be in effect during the 2022-2023 fiscal years and then re-evaluated duHng the next COSA cycle which will expire 12/3 1 f2022. She stated stalThave received requests from commercial customers to add these services and as a result staffis recommending the second reading of the ordinance he waived and the ordinance adopted to ensure these customers can receive services in a tirnely manner. Fhe Mayor opened the public hearing,for public testimony at 61�54 p.m. I learing none. the Mayor closed the public Kearing,'The Mayor confirmed with the Clerk there were no pre-recorded public testimonics. Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading ofthe ordinance by title.entitled. ORDINANCE NO.368'9 AN ORDINANCE ofthe City of Port Angeles. Washington amending sections ol'Chapter 13.54 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to garbage collection. It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to: 'Naive the second reading ofthe ordinance for the 2022-2023 proposed rate adjustments for the Solid Waste utility and adopt the ordinance. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. Page 2 of 4 PORT ANGELES CITY MJNCH.., MEEIING March l5.20�22 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS CONTINUED L Elwha Ranney Reach Project Presentation Public Works and Utilities Dh-cctorThomas hunter spoke about the importance ofthe project and work that will soon be done, I I e introduced("it,'y Engineer Jonathan Boehnicoho spoke ot'planning work done in collaboration with the Lower Elwha Kiallam 1'ribe. Ile said me work would help restoreinstream habitats and increase resiliency for the Ranney Well. the primary municipal and industrial water supplies. Lower F,,'Iwha Ktallarn "Fribe Fisheries Habitat Manager Nfike McHcm-N shared background on the devclopment of the project and introduced kcy mcn,ihers ol'his team. Natural Systems 6csign's Aaron Lee and Tim Abbc. ,\,Ia%()r recessed the meeting tbr a break at 737 p.m,']he meeting reconvened at 7:�42 p.rn, 2. A FSCNIE Local 1619 Collective Bargaining Agreement I Inman Resources Manager Abbigail Fountain prokided background on the agenda item.negotiadons,and highlighted some of the details in the three-year collectk c bargaining agreement.Council discussion Bellowed. It was inoveld by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: Dircet staffto prepare an ordinance that would apply the language 1'eanistcrs Communications and Support Enip4)%ee Bill of'Rights(Section It)to all city employees.in addidon to any other negotiated rights. It was moved by Nloper and seconded by McCaughan to- Table the rno6on that would to direct staff to prepare an ordinance that would apply the language Teamsters Communications and Support I"'mployce Bill of Rights (Section 11) to all efty eiriployees. in addition to any other negotiated rights. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to. Approve the terms of the AI:SCMF Local 1619 collective bargaining agreement as outlined in this memo and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the agreement as necessarN. The Mayor asked if there was,unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to: Bring back to council comparative research on the employee rights in the I camsters Communications and Supporl V,mplo cc Bill ol'Rights(Section 111 compared to the City's employee procedures handbix:& The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. 4. Public Safety Advisory Board Discussion lt,, Clerk Kari Marfincz-Bailcr spoke ofa nierno,in the March I City Council agenda packet that identified vacant positions on the Public Safety Advisory Board, She stated that during that meeting.Council expressed interest in reviewing the minutes and audio to better understand what led up to two tic Yotes for positions 8 and 12, After Council discusslon took place.Council voted to table(tic discussion on appoltitrnents to positions 48 and#12 Lo the March 15 meeting, She added that public SaretN Advisory Board Chair Drew Schwab was in attendance and stated he would he available for an,,, questions relative to discussions that ux)k place during the 1`ebruary 16 Board meeting when the Board met to discuss the applications received for the vacant positions. It was moved by Carr and seconded by McCaughan to: Appoint Mary Margolis to position # 8 and John I lauck to position #12 for terms ending February 28,2026 fhe Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council member Carr spoke about an upcoming sailboat race taking place in May, Council member Drench spoke about Upcoming Lodging I'ax .Advisory Committee recommendations that will be come bet,6re Council at a future niecting. Councit member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about an Anchor C ornintinky Initiative rneethig that looks lbr solutions that end homelessness for young people, Page 3 of 4 PORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING - March 15., 2022 Council member Suggs spoke al,.x,)ut art upcoming Flarth Day event. Council member McCaughan spoke about sharps containers. Peninsula Area Public Access.and thanked Chict"Smith fim-his report in the packet. No offier rervols were given. INFORMATION Manager West ul,,Ydated Council on upcoming Climate ResificncN meeting and City Council special meeting. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT Gayle Brauner. city resident. stated she was a member of the Public Safety Advisory Board_ slx)ke about recommendations made by the Roard and the process. ADJOURNMENT Nlay,or Dexter ad.journed the mecting at 9:14 p.m. Kate Dexter Mayor . .... . Ka I arti n ez-BaiI&ey.(I t ya .lark Page 4 of 4