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CC Agenda Packet 05/17/2022
tAPW-*.A-W— MAY 17, 2022 City of Port Angeles Council Meeting Agenda At the time the May 17,2022 City Council agenda packet was created,the Clallam County COVID-19 dashboard indicated the County was in a high risk level,therefore,the May 17,2022 meeting will be conducted virtually. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The Mayor will determine time of break.Hearing devices are available for those needing assistance. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. Call to Order— Special Meeting at 5:00 p.m. —Climate Resiliency Plan Presentation Call to Order —Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m. B. Roll Call,Pledge of Allegiance Ceremonial Matters, Proclamations & Employee Recognitions C. Public Comment The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment.However,the business of the City must proceed in an orderly and timely manner.Visit hUs://www.cityfpa.us/Live-Virtual-Meetings to learn how to participate during public comment and or watch the meeting live.Written public comments can be submitted to:councilkcityofpa.us. To provide pre-recorded messages to the City Council by phone,please call 360-417-4504.Messages received will be made a part of the final record.Comments should be received by 2:00 p.m.Tuesday,May 17,2022. For audio only please call: 1-844-992-4726 Use access code:2552 483 2518 Once connected press *3 to raise your virtual hand,if you wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code is good for the May 17,2022 meeting only. If you are joining in through the Webex link: https:Hcityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/onstage/g.php?MTID=ecO9025 e8483 81003504dbc28662030cc and wish to make a comment or public testimony,please use the"raise your hand"feature in Webex.You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. Members of the public may address the City Council at the beginning and end of any Regular Meeting under"Public Comment." During the "Public Comment"portion of the meeting,individuals may speak to agenda items,except those scheduled for a Public Hearing. The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment.However,the business of the City must proceed in an orderly,timely manner.At any time,the presiding officer,in the presiding officer's sole discretion,may set such reasonable limits as are necessary to prevent disruption of other necessary business. At its most restrictive,Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45 for the second Public Comment period. Individuals may speak for three(3)minutes or less,depending on the number of people wishing to speak.If more than 20 people are signed up to speak each speaker may be allocated two(2)minutes. Individuals who are residents of the City or own businesses within the City will be called to speak first,with preference given to those who wish to speak to an item on the meeting's agenda.If time remains,the presiding officer will call other individuals wishing to speak,generally in the order in which they have signed in.If time is available,the presiding officer may call for additional unsigned speakers. May 17,2022 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1 Persons speaking shall state their name,whether they reside within the City limits,whether they have any other pertinent connection to the City,and whether they are appearing as the representative of an organization.Excerpts: Council Rules of Procedure Section 12 D. Late Items To be placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the meeting. E. Consent Agenda I Approve 1. City Council Minutes of April 19 and April 26,2022/Approve....................................................................................E-1 2. Expenditure Report:From April 23, 2022 to May 6, 2022 in the amount of$4,401,807.37/Approve...........................E-5 3. Renewal of Forest Land Response Agreement with Department of Natural Resources/Authorize the Fire Chief to sign the attached agreement with the Department of Natural Resources for the provision of wildland firefighting services......E-26 4. Datamark Service Software Agreement/Authorize the City Manager to sign the software service agreement with Datamark and make minor modifications as necessary...................................................................................................................E-38 5. Tyler Technology Software Amendment/Authorize the City Manager to sign the software amendment with Tyler Technology,for "Tyler Data Collect", and allow the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary..........E-40 6. GovQA Amendment/Approve ......................................................................................................................................E-41 F. Public Hearings 16:30 p.m. or Soon Thereafter ..................................................................................................None G. Ordinances Not Requiring Council Public Hearings 1. Public Safety Advisory Board Ordinance Update/Conduct Is'Reading/Continue to June 7.......................................G-1 H. Resolutions Not Requiring Council Public Hearings.......................................................................................None I. Other Considerations 1. Wastewater Presentation/Presentation by Darlene Schanfald 2. Motion to Allow Hybrid and Virtual Meetings Under Specific Circumstances .............................................................I-1 J. Contracts & Purchasing 1. 24-Hour Stand-Alone Public Restroom Purchases/Approve..........................................................................................J-1 K. Council Reports L. Information City Manager Reports: 1. March and April 2022 Building Report...........................................................................................................................L-1 2. Monthly Update on Past Due Utility Accounts—April...................................................................................................L-2 M. Second Public Comment Follow the instructions from the first public comment period. Adjournment PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements.City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact citizens.Certain matters may be controversial and City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. May 17,2022 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 2 am N 4-0 CDL C3) N AW � W U O U 0 W ■ � = o c06 ■ � U E CL _� E E O E 0 L � U 06 N ov m U o cn C,4 a� O 0 U N N Q a� o O U � N C U — C N O a) c >; E o o � c�a � c� 4-0 a) C: a) � v o � cn _o L Cl) a) L O • j c • a) O a) O O C: N +- O U • O N C: a) • L = -0 • cu O 4-' O !� ca • imN vcU C: C: cn > � !� 'O Q Cl) _ — � , o a) U .O a) N U t/� � — p a . .N � � v Q cn E cn E w N .- V � o O !� U •— — 0 V N A.-O C Q � • OV ca c� O a� 0 w • — E 2 o > � � � o SCE a� cN ca Cl) E N o = O E 4-0 O O � � a U � cl) L L E 0 � LU ++ 0 E G) Q � .L U O O U L N CLcmC U j += N N o N N _ N O N ca ca � U • N _ > '++ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ G) O 'cA M N FJ5 10 UCD N = � Qco (MCU N O �U � 3: � o O O (DCU Cl) cu CD 70 (u M O cn N O � U N � 4-0 Cl) ca N CV SL O a) C � D� a � (7 � O NO Q wO U � '� U o o) LC: CU `nV� � N E w a > ! p L- .� L 0 C � � LZ O Q U c >4 cc ca Q � oL) 00 CO O �07 0)m o i a) a) _ -0 a) . � � cu (a CAL E .� Cl) O _ — +� E i a) U C _ .L � cam p CU cu U Q c .ci �m 0 a) _ � N C: (� Q cam W cm U � (A - pL � o � E 06 L cam' o o � � 0C) � }, Q- _ •— M �� cncNi � v) � • cn EO w ._ � Ica a) C: O E 0) 0)- a) O O � O > o � _ N (� � 0O +� � O � � U (aN O E U ++ o >, N N cm a)� a) }N Um ON �� - 0 � ca ca r � j N (� L� E O U N C E � � ,� _O �(7 � N O L � UQ L) CD o Q � U � '� o N 4EMW � N W -_ a No rn U N E-;u +� v ti bz c6 ca N }, W p (6 N C M m Q N m � � — a O N O Q V •� � � � L � CL O G1 � to d O � N a) O E N d bD (D m O ca bD ++ n W w 0 G1 pp O L Q -j cn co � N U •a C7 � Q � N N � 0 E O O 0 U U > W 06 aw °3 �, c 00 E •3 w • � I °+,' wmtw 1 C (j W u, O U O O N ca a, V O N Y d LO N U •� U a a) c� 000000 Q N 2 s N Y -MV) Q > 3 L a o N � � tea ° � 000 2 � 3 ain � cCL • " C a� � Y 0 7 a E Q _ L m O — T N a) U � • O O O O 0) Qo � c O m � O � • M 0) � N }, O C -- -- U M w W cn LO }' its � Q >% U m (6 N • NO M 0 .O EO �N E p Q CD- O O U � a) O U +- 0 o Qc O �- O 0 a}, O O (6 N -11 N a ■ ■ o U Ucnwim 06 _ ~ � N r MO to — N.,- FJ5 ++ V N 0J '} N ++ O O N 2 CA ~ N *a•N ° — ti .N •V W w LL 0) o (6 N 00 CL E (6 .r cn 3 O •O N C U N � N 1-0 OAS N ob 0) •v G1 00 • N Q 0) O a� 3 0 N v o O ca U_ .N ?� E N O O M � O W •. W U 06 E O Lr� E V fV E m O • U N O +a •m � N �i OCL c W W N O i a rn C: _0 O FJ5 a� Q 4-1 4 >� can > N O O N V ti (6 (6 cn tf N E N 0 u � � O All, 4-0 � Q E N o L: E � U Q O O o = V �• i 7 w �- Q m = CL > N O (' ._ o m Cf) m C: o w �1 �1�1 E1 vj w O m 06 O cn �' o cu ; �_ C E • U E m O a) a_+ m C> a) E }' °t t�h{ rr O vQ � o � E _� cu , r , �nn r.1► N U V N ■ O N o FJ5 0-- N N Ca © E Q E c� -3 o C C3 c� 0 0 m 0C . U N . 0 Cl • cn a) a) Cl) _ • 0) 0) ccu o a) o �= o • p E •• '_� �Lo aoi .5 � 0� Cl) c> o a) -aoca � i ca w a) o � o cl) L cl) O E +_ 4- � •— L O O E E � 4- O O o V a) � ca a) U U O a) (a L 0 cn � O O � O CU C) Q cn Q • aD o N O4-0 fn N cu (a X N U N � �_ a) N Q. 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CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Dexter,Deputy Mayor Meyer,Council Members Carr,French,McCaughan, Schromen- Wawrin and Suggs. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager West,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey,C.Delikat,K. Dubuc,B. Smith, E. Bolin,T. Hunter,and S. Carrizosa. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MATTERS,PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Earth Day Proclamation Mayor Dexter presented Marc Sullivan a proclamation in recognition of Earth Day as April 22, 2022. Mr. Sullivan spoke about a number of events happening on Earth Day and continuing through the weekend. PUBLIC COMMENT Dan Erickson,residing outside city limits, spoke about a piece of property as a suggestion for a location for the joint public safety building. Jim Bourget,in a pre-recorded message, spoke of concerns of current conditions in Port Angeles. Lynn Murphy,in a pre-recorded message,spoke of the deteriorating condition of the former Humane Society property. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Clallam County Healthy Youth Coalition Coordinator of Port Angeles, Racheal Ray, shared a presentation that provided an overview and history of the organization, introduced funding sources, spoke to prevention science, and offered ways to get involved. Mayor Dexter spoke to the action Council took relative to meeting in person when the COVID-19 risk is Very Low or Low and holding virtual meetings when the COVID-19 risk is Moderate or High,all per the dashboard located on the Clallam County website which documents current cases. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Suggs to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes of March 15&March 22,2022/Approve 2. Expenditure Report:From March 26, 2022 and April 8, 2022 in the amount of$2,099,291.68/Approve The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 2022 Budget Amendment#1 Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa presented the proposed ordinance that was before Council for a second reading that would amend the 2022 budget. She said the amendment includes funding and spending related to the Waste Connections settlement payment and spending from ARPA grant funding. She said a majority of the changes included have previously been approved by Council and are a result of capital projects moving from 2021 to 2022. May 17, 2022 E - 1 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—April 19,2022 Mayor Dexter conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO.3690 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington, amending the City's 2022 budget. It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Carr to: Adopt the ordinance as read. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Youth Athletic Field(YAF)Grant-Erickson Playfield Tennis Courts Director of Parks and Recreation Corey Delikat spoke about the grant opportunity that would fund repainting the Erickson Playfield tennis courts and a court lighting system. He said the Peninsula Tennis Club and the City have worked in cooperation to develop the project that would increase the available playing time on City tennis courts. Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title,entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 11-22 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the submittal of a Youth Athletic Field grant application to the Recreation and Conservation Office to be used for improvements to the Erickson Playfield Tennis Courts. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs to: Approve the attached Resolution authorizing the submission for an RCO application for grant assistance from the Recreation and Conservation Office as part of the 2023-2028 Capital Facilities Plan submittal of project PK-0122. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS CONTINUED 1. Discuss Holding Future Joint Meeting with County Commissioners Mayor Dexter introduced the agenda item. Manager West provided history and background on the matter and outlined a number of options Council could pursue. He spoke to timing and attendance, potential meeting locations, agenda items,and virtual and hybrid options.Council discussion followed. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Meyer to: Direct staff to plan a May 31 field trip and invite City Council,City Staff, County Commission,County staff and other County elected officials to visit possible sites. Then work to organize a subsequent meeting with Council and County Commissioners to discuss issues around the Joint Public Safety Building or other issues on an agenda developed by the Mayor and City Manager. After a roll call vote,the motion failed 2-5 Meyer and Schromen-Wawrin in favor. It was moved by Carr and seconded by French to: Direct staff to plan a joint meeting and field trip with City Council and County Commissioners during the month of May. After a roll call vote,the motion carried 7-0. Manager West noted potential agenda topics to include: discussion of partnership, backup site discussion, site selection update, and dissemination of information/public communication. Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 8:44 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:49 p.m. 3. Department of Commerce Housing Action Plan and Implementation(HAPI)Grant Community and Economic Development Interim Director Emma Bolin provided background information on the grant Page 2 of 3 May 17, 2022 E - 2 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—April 19,2022 award to the City to implement permit-ready building plans for accessory dwelling units, duplexes, and small infill lot designs. It was moved by LSW and seconded by Carr to: Accept the$100,000 Commerce HAPI grant and authorize the City Manager to sign necessary grant agreements with the Washington State Department of Commerce. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council member Suggs spoke about Earth Day events scheduled at the City pier. Council member French spoke about potential upcoming actions to be made by Elevate PA,a recent Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission meeting,and spoke about an upcoming Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting. Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about development and parking,an upcoming Clallam Transit System meeting,and spoke about recommendations to protect oneself from COVID. Deputy Mayor Meyer spoke about Manager West's State of the City presentation to the Chamber of Commerce. Council member McCaughan stated his report would be provided at the next meeting due to meeting schedules. Council member Carr spoke about her continued term on the Board of Health and provided updates relative to the work done on an on-line portal used for home test reporting,a letter of support of Clallam Transit System,and spoke about medical respite for those who are homeless. Mayor Dexter provided an update on the selection of a new Peninsula Community College president and spoke about a break-in at the Port Angeles Fine Art Center. No other reports were given. INFORMATION Manager West spoke regarding the reports included in the packet,an upcoming work session featuring a presentation by Madrona, Earth Day events including a City-sponsored booth, highlighted a presentation to Council on the Joint Public Safety Building on November 17,2020,and spoke about May as Bike Everywhere month. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment was received. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 9:36 p.m. Kate Dexter,Mayor Kari Martinez-Bailey,City Clerk Page 3 of 3 May 17, 2022 E - 3 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 26, 2022 This meeting was conducted virtually. CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Dexter called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer (left the meeting at 6:45 p.m.), Council Members Carr, French,McCaughan, Schromen-Wawrin and Suggs Members Absent: None Staff Present: City Manager West,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey,K. Dubuc,B. Smith,E. Bolin,T. Hunter, and S. Carrizosa. MADRONA PRESENTATION City Manager Nathan West opened the meeting and spoke about the purpose of the work session. Ann Marie Soto and Rachel Turpin of Madrona Law Group spoke about potential regulation of short term rentals as one part of the Port Angeles Municipal Code RE-Envisioning project. The slides included short term regulation information from several Washington cities and spoke of advantages,drawbacks and potential regulations. They spoke about public input received to date and matters Council should consider relative to administration and enforcement of any new regulations adopted by code. Council discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Kate Dexter,Mayor Kari Martinez-Bailey,City Clerk May 17, 2022 E - 4 URT NUELES �. �� y�y�/ p� y�,g *�^ �^�, pry,{ ry p gyp, i, „'�� ,,,. Y YP H I••••••' 1 V G 1. '�,J" I,,�V,, M.�.o. P'1�., 1... �00111N4::;"�:..... ` MEMO May 17, 2022 Department We, the. undersigned City Officials of the City of Part Angeles, do hereby certify that the merchandise and/or services hierein specified hiaive been received and that these claims are approved for payment in thie amouint of SaaraaaaC.a�rri osa $4,401,807.37 thiis 1,2t,h day of May, 2022. 1`4 once Director � `l rinaa McKee Senior Accountwit MarySue FTench Mayor City Manager Senior Accountant Linda Kheriaty, l iananncinal Systems Analyst Melody Schircider M aanaagc nient AccaauntantMicah Rose Fin aeadatl Analyst Jaatnc Perkins Payroll Specialist Jason)ones rlccar>umaant Juhe'Powell Accounting Technician Luke Anderson Accountarmp mrechirickm Nicole Blank Administrative Analyst, Kaathyclden Haancy Customer,services Manager Tracy Rooks Utility Billing Speciaaist, #�rf, City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report IL Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount BADGEANDWALLET.COM BADGES &OTHER ID EQUIP. 001-0000-237.00-00 (75.99) DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 001-0000-237.00-00 21.73 Excise Tax Returns-March 001-0000-237.10-00 50.00 Excise Tax Returns-March 001-0000-237.30-00 173.45 Leasehold Taxes-March 001-0000-237.50-00 8,812.69 Division Total: $8,981.88 Department Total: $8,981.88 KENBRIO, INC. CONSULTING SERVICES 001-1210-513.41-50 4,000.00 MADRONA LAW GROUP, PLLC CONSULTING SERVICES 001-1210-513.41-50 400.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPP 001-1210-513.31-01 206.45 City Manager Division Total: $4,606.45 LEMAY MOBILE SHREDDING MANAGEMENT SERVICES 001-1230-514.41-50 194.35 OLYMPIC REGION MUNICIPAL MEMBERSHIPS 001-1230-514.49-01 100.00 CLERKS City Clerk Division Total: $294.35 City Manager Department Total: $4,900.80 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 001-2023-514.44-50 (31.01) OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PAPER(OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 001-2023-514.31-01 637.57 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2023-514.31-01 3.50 Accounting Division Total: $610.06 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2070-518.31-01 25.08 Reprographics Division Total: $25.08 Finance Department Total: $635.14 CLALLAM CNTY COMMISSIONER'S SUPPLIES 001-3012-598.51-23 79,228.51 OFFICE Jail Contributions Division Total: $79,228.51 City Attorney Department Total: $79,228.51 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SUPPLIES 001-4060-558.31-01 217.59 SOUND LAW CENTER, LLC BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER 001-4060-558.41-50 1,995.00 SOUND PUBLISHING INC BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER 001-4060-558.41-15 74.26 BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER 001-4060-558.41-15 56.88 Planning Division Total: $2,343.73 SOUND PUBLISHING INC PUBLICATION/AUDIOVISUAL 001-4071-558.44-10 Economic Development Division Total: $500.00 Community Development Department Total: $2,843.73 Page 1 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 5 # rf City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Qtµ,, Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT UNIFORM SEW 001-5010-521.31-11 65.28 REIMBURSEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING INC HUMAN SERVICES 001-5010-521.41-50 431.00 Police Administration Division Total: $496.28 LINCOLN STREET STATION SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-5021-521.42-10 38.32 MISC TRAVEL CAMERON-WHIA CONF 001-5021-521.43-10 147.50 MALONE-WHIA CONF 001-5021-521.43-10 147.50 POWLESS-WHIA CONF 001-5021-521.43-10 147.50 Investigation Division Total: $480.82 CURTIS&SONS INC, L N CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 56.68 CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 236.10 CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 236.10 GUNARAMA WHOLESALE, INC POLICE EQUIPMENT& SUPPLY 001-5022-521.35-01 376.90 LINCOLN STREET STATION SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-5022-521.42-10 12.79 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-5022-521.42-10 45.24 MISC TRAVEL ORDONA-WHIA CONF 001-5022-521.43-10 147.50 L BROWN-WSHNA HOSTAGE NEG 001-5022-521.43-10 216.80 PERRY-CJTC FTO TRAINING C 001-5022-521.43-10 571.95 FAIRBANKS-WSPCA K9 SEMINA 001-5022-521.49-80 1.70 K MILLER-WSPCA K9 SEMINAR 001-5022-521.49-80 35.30 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 001-5022-521.49-90 153.00 OLYMPIC PENINSULA COMMUNITY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 001-5022-521.41-50 9,500.00 CLINIC OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 001-5022-521.31-01 174.08 PATRIOT3 INC POLICE EQUIPMENT& SUPPLY 001-5022-521.35-01 3,667.40 PROFORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT POLICE EQUIPMENT&SUPPLY 001-5022-521.35-01 6,746.69 RAVEN WORKS EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 001-5022-521.35-01 598.40 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC POLICE EQUIPMENT& SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-80 37.80 Patrol Division Total: $22,814.43 PEN PRINT INC PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 001-5029-521.31-01 870.40 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5029-521.31-01 95.43 Records Division Total: $965.83 Police Department Total: $24,757.36 GALLS CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6010-522.20-80 140.35 GLOBALSTAR USA 03-16 AC0015767 001-6010-522.42-10 87.56 Page 2 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 6 2Z3 " City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report C,,,� Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount LEMAY MOBILE SHREDDING OFFICE MACHINES&ACCESS 001-6010-522.41-50 50.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 001-6010-522.31-01 26.63 SUPPLIES 001-6010-522.31-01 21.05 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLY,INKS,LEADS 001-6010-522.31-01 216.16 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING INC MEMBERSHIPS 001-6010-522.41-50 359.00 Fire Administration Division Total: $900.75 ANGELES PLUMBING INC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA 001-6020-522.48-10 243.46 BADGEANDWALLET.COM BADGES &OTHER ID EQUIP. 001-6020-522.31-11 939.49 CURTIS&SONS INC, L N CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-6020-522.31-11 1,588.76 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 789.10 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 267.75 GALLS CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 113.98 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 113.98 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 256.22 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.31-11 1,274.66 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 163.24 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 122.40 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 10.77 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 64.62 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 862.42 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 23.83 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 75.90 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 140.35 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 141.44 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 284.42 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 303.60 JIFFY CLEANERS LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 001-6020-522.20-80 21.76 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 001-6020-522.20-80 87.04 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 001-6020-522.20-80 168.64 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE ZIEGLER REIMB UNIFORM ALL 001-6020-522.20-80 217.51 REIMBURSEMENT SEAWESTERN INC LAB EQUIP,BIO,CHEM,ENVIR 001-6020-522.35-01 293.76 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 544.00 Fire Suppression Division Total: $9,113.10 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC EPDXY BASED FORMULAS 001-6030-522.31-01 17.34 Page 3 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 7 # -111, City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ;., Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Fire Prevention Division Total: $17.34 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER SUPPLIES 001-6045-522.31-01 664.38 GALLS CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-6045-522.20-80 90.67 Fire Training Division Total: $755.05 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-6050-522.41-50 371.00 ANGELES PLUMBING INC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA 001-6050-522.48-10 241.54 M & P GARAGE DOORS BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.48-10 114.19 MISC ONE-TIME VENDORS LABOR DISHWASHER HOOKUPS 001-6050-522.48-10 151.18 OLYMPIC PARTY&CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-01 266.78 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-01 154.50 SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-01 440.12 SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-01 205.38 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-01 64.71 Facilities Maintenance Division Total: $2,009.40 Fire Department Total: $12,795.64 MISC TRAVEL BOEHME-PNWS AWWA CONF 202 001-7010-532.43-10 487.63 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC FURNITURE, OFFICE 001-7010-532.31-01 440.69 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-7010-532.31-01 112.41 Public Works Admin. Division Total: $1,040.73 Public Works&Utilities Department Total: $1,040.73 CASTLE BRANCH, INC SUPPLIES 001-8010-574.49-01 1,424.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 001-8010-574.31-01 17.30 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 001-8010-574.31-60 165.80 Parks Administration Division Total: $1,607.10 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.31-01 127.17 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.31-01 16.32 QUIRING MONUMENTS INC SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.34-01 225.00 SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.34-01 628.00 SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.34-01 833.00 SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.34-01 1,259.00 SOUND PUBLISHING INC SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.41-15 325.00 Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: $3,413.49 ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-40 55.66 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 224.75 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 12.62 Page 4 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 8 0 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ,� Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount ANGELES MILLWORK&LUMBER SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 62.68 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 20.40 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 48.78 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 40.05 BILL'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.45-30 720.00 CENTRAL WELDING SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.35-01 4,988.06 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 20.30 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 58.89 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.35-01 846.29 GRAINGER SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.35-01 144.00 HD SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 130.20 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINT. SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 4,063.68 HEARTLINE SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 70.67 LEITZ FARMS, INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 270.71 NORTHWEST RECYCLING SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.45-30 81.60 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 91.52 PORT ANGELES POWER SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 97.48 EQUIPMENT PORT OF PORT ANGELES SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.45-30 5,548.50 RAINBOW SWEEPERS, INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.49-90 4,638.38 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 76.13 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 18.40 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 6.50 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 10.81 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 22.35 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 6.68 THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 23.34 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 40.55 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 64.89 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 89.79 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 71.36 Parks Facilities Division Total: $22,666.02 Parks &Recreation Department Total: $27,686.61 HD SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8112-555.31-20 214.25 SUPPLIES 001-8112-555.31-20 214.25 Page 5 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 9 0 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ,, Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Senior Center Facilities Division Total: $428.50 ANGELES MILLWORK&LUMBER SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 74.53 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.35-01 31.16 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 10.86 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 162.24 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 279.62 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 29.84 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 83.41 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 90.46 HD SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 182.89 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 24.41 INTERMOUNTAIN LOCK& SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 31.89 SECURITY SPLY NAPA AUTO PARTS SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 34.97 RAINBOW SWEEPERS, INC SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.49-90 788.80 THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 33.50 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 39.53 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 69.43 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 39.02 Central Svcs Facilities Division Total: $2,006.56 Facilities Maintenance Department Total: $2,435.06 General Fund Fund Total: $165,305.46 OLYMPIC PENINSULA VISITOR MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 101-1430-557.41-50 7,134.98 BUREAU Lodging Excise Tax Division Total: $7,134.98 Lodging Excise Tax Department Total: $7,134.98 Lodging Excise Tax Fund Total: $7,134.98 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 102-0000-237.10-00 18.20 Division Total: $18.20 Department Total: $18.20 A WORKSAFE SERVICE, INC HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 102-7230-542.49-90 55.00 ALPINE PRODUCTS, INC PAINTS,COATI NGS,WALLPAPER 102-7230-542.31-25 796.96 ANGELES MILLWORK&LUMBER FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-542.31-01 4.82 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-542.31-20 235.10 SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 102-7230-542.35-01 112.48 Page 6 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 10 0 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ,� Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CEDAR GROVE COUNSELING, INC. HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 102-7230-542.49-90 18.50 HD SUPPLY JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 406.19 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 6,130.96 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE BRIDGES-MEAL REIMBURSMEN 102-7230-542.31-01 38.00 REIMBURSEMENT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 102-7230-542.31-01 70.65 PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 102-7230-542.47-10 20.10 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 102-7230-542.47-10 14.06 SR 101 & Euclid 102-7230-542.47-10 21.69 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SHOES AND BOOTS 102-7230-542.31-01 160.92 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-542.31-20 (235.10) LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-542.31-20 235.10 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT&SUP 102-7230-542.35-01 97.89 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 22.72 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 42.86 THURMAN SUPPLY PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 102-7230-542.31-01 19.04 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 102-7230-542.31-20 30.21 TRANSPO GROUP ENGINEERING SERVICES 102-7230-542.41-50 1,735.00 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 102-7230-542.31-25 6,271.97 Street Division Total: $16,305.12 Public Works-Street Department Total: $16,305.12 Street Fund Total: $16,323.32 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING&APPAREL 107-5160-528.20-80 168.66 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 107-5160-528.20-80 29.46 MISC TRAVEL SPROCK-TELECOMMUNICATOR 1 107-5160-528.43-10 265.50 J LEMON-TYLER CONNECT CON 107-5160-528.43-10 309.92 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPP 107-5160-528.35-01 146.83 PROFESSIONAL CABLE, LLC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 107-5160-528.48-10 338.05 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING INC HUMAN SERVICES 107-5160-528.41-50 184.00 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLY,INKS,LEADS 107-5160-528.31-01 525.49 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 107-5160-528.48-10 24,289.60 Pencom Division Total: $26,257.51 Pencom Department Total: $26,257.51 Pencom Fund Total: $26,257.51 US BANK-DEBT SVC WIRES FINANCIAL SERVICES 216-2437-592.83-10 155,950.00 Page 7 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 11 0 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ,, Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount 2014 LTGO Bond-Solid Wast Division Total: $155,950.00 Debt Service Department Total: $155,950.00 2014 LTGO Bond-Solid Wast Fund Total: $155,950.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 310-5950-594.65-10 34,380.80 Homeland Security Division Total: $34,380.80 Public Safety Projects Department Total: $34,380.80 RAINBOW SWEEPERS, INC SUPPLIES 310-8985-594.65-10 3,472.00 Misc Parks Projects Division Total: $3,472.00 Capital Proj-Parks& Rec Department Total: $3,472.00 Capital Improvement Fund Total: $37,852.80 PARAMETRIX INC CONSULTING SERVICES 312-7930-595.65-10 11,564.45 VANIR CONSTRUCTION MGMT, INC CONSULTING SERVICES 312-7930-595.65-10 2,832.50 CONSULTING SERVICES 312-7930-595.65-10 225.00 CONSULTING SERVICES 312-7930-595.65-10 75.00 GF-Street Projects Division Total: $14,696.95 Capital Projects-Pub Wks Department Total: $14,696.95 Transportation Benefit Fund Total: $14,696.95 MISC UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUNDS FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 44.79 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 70.25 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 217.38 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 323.50 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 387.64 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 752.71 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 11.06 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 155.18 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 256.84 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 524.60 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 555.76 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 674.12 FINAL CREDIT-1626 W 11TH 401-0000-122.10-99 20.62 FINAL CREDIT-706 DELGUZZI 401-0000-122.10-99 338.64 OVERPAYMENT-1129 SPRUCE 401-0000-122.10-99 379.08 OVERPAYMENT-1140 W LAURID 401-0000-122.10-99 414.77 OVERPAYM ENT-1 19 S PENN 20 401-0000-122.10-99 324.05 OVERPAYMENT-4016 FAIRMOUN 401-0000-122.10-99 359.66 Page 8 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 12 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report IZ3Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount MISC UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUNDS OVERPAYMENT-717 GEORGIANA 401-0000-122.10-99 108.23 OVERPAYMENT-927 W 10TH ST 401-0000-122.10-99 261.42 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 171.54 Division Total: $6,351.84 Department Total: $6,351.84 BPA-POWER WIRES ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7120-533.33-10 1,566,028.00 EES CONSULTING INC MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401-7120-533.49-01 261.88 NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER MEMBERSHIPS 401-7120-533.43-10 820.00 ASSN Power Systems Division Total: $1,567,109.88 BILL'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 401-7180-533.45-30 190.00 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 401-7180-533.44-50 94,255.26 DESIGNER DECAL, INC FIRST AID &SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.35-01 2,033.68 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 401-7180-533.31-01 15.18 GENERAL PACIFIC INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 261.12 KENNEDY, STEPHEN H. REAL PROPERTY,RENT/LEASE 401-7180-533.45-21 7,500.00 LUTZCO, INC. FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 144.90 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 401-7180-533.31-60 196.26 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7180-533.42-10 115.34 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) 401-7180-533.35-01 21.73 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 401-7180-533.35-01 8.64 WEST COAST CODE CONSULTING SERVICES 401-7180-533.41-50 687.50 CONSULTANTS Electric Operations Division Total: $105,429.61 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $1,672,539.49 Electric Utility Fund Total: $1,678,891.33 A&A ROCK, INC. ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 402-7380-534.31-20 1,449.51 A WORKSAFE SERVICE, INC HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 402-7380-534.49-90 55.00 AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER FEED,BEDDING,VIT-ANIMALS 402-7380-534.31-20 108.45 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT& SUP 402-7380-534.31-01 30.37 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-01 21.82 AZTECA SYSTEMS, INC DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 402-7380-534.48-02 12,508.80 CEDAR GROVE COUNSELING, INC. HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 402-7380-534.49-90 18.50 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 345.00 COLBERT INFRARED SERVICES, TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 1,392.25 INC Page 9 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 13 0 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ,� Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 402-7380-534.44-50 22,108.54 EDGE ANALYTICAL MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7380-534.41-50 148.40 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7380-534.41-50 559.60 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7380-534.41-50 336.00 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 402-7380-534.31-01 34.89 PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 402-7380-534.31-01 104.68 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 42.30 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE HECKENLAIBLE-MEAL REIMBUR 402-7380-534.31-01 37.00 REIMBURSEMENT LEONARD-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 402-7380-534.31-01 37.00 ROENING-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 402-7380-534.31-01 37.00 MURRAYSMITH INC. CONSULTING SERVICES 402-7380-534.41-50 7,537.00 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPP 402-7380-534.31-01 410.09 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPP 402-7380-534.31-01 104.55 PORT ANGELES POWER LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 402-7380-534.31-01 88.93 EQUIPMENT PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7380-534.47-10 50.31 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7380-534.47-10 104.31 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 402-7380-534.31-60 196.26 SPECTRA LABORATORIES-KITSAP TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 239.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7380-534.41-50 216.00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SHOES AND BOOTS 402-7380-534.31-20 152.21 HOSES,ALL KINDS 402-7380-534.31-01 54.37 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 70.74 FIRST AID &SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-01 133.03 CLOTHING&APPAREL 402-7380-534.31-01 277.02 US BANK-DEBT SVC WIRES FINANCIAL SERVICES 402-7380-592.83-10 22,081.00 FINANCIAL SERVICES 402-7380-592.83-10 63,903.26 USA BLUEBOOK CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP& SUPP 402-7380-534.31-01 319.02 PUMPS &ACCESSORIES 402-7380-534.31-01 1,310.22 Water Division Total: $136,622.43 PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7382-534.47-10 50.31 TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 402-7382-534.48-02 1,050.00 Industrial Water Treatmnt Division Total: $1,100.31 Public Works-Water Department Total: $137,722.74 Water Utility Fund Total: $137,722.74 Page 10 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 14 , ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 403-0000-237.00-00 39.53 Division Total: $39.53 Department Total: $39.53 ANGELES ELECTRIC INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 403-7480-535.48-10 660.96 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 403-7480-535.31-20 34.61 AZTECA SYSTEMS, INC DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 403-7480-535.48-02 12,508.80 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 403-7480-535.44-50 17,577.97 EDGE ANALYTICAL MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.41-50 41.30 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.49-90 860.95 ASSN FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL CLOTHING &APPAREL 403-7480-535.31-01 47.46 CLOTHING&APPAREL 403-7480-535.31-01 18.35 CLOTHING&APPAREL 403-7480-535.31-01 291.76 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 269.17 HACH COMPANY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.48-10 2,553.01 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC CLOTHING &APPAREL 403-7480-535.31-01 36.98 OLYMPIC PARTY&CUSTODIAL JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 325.92 SUPPLIES PETROCARD, INC MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.32-11 2,812.86 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 403-7480-535.31-20 16.94 ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 403-7480-535.31-20 107.99 ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 403-7480-535.31-20 315.17 PARTS 403-7480-535.31-20 1,527.39 ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 403-7480-535.31-20 2,017.43 PARTS 403-7480-535.31-20 (1,527.39) ELECTRICAL CABLES&WIRES 403-7480-535.31-20 58.18 PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.47-10 388.94 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.47-10 695.44 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SHOES AND BOOTS 403-7480-535.31-20 173.83 PAINTS,COATI NGS,WALLPAPER 403-7480-535.31-01 126.44 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 403-7480-535.31-01 212.36 SHOES AND BOOTS 403-7480-535.31-01 152.21 TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 403-7480-535.48-02 1,240.00 US BANK-DEBT SVC WIRES FINANCIAL SERVICES 403-7480-592.83-10 9,019.00 FINANCIAL SERVICES 403-7480-592.83-10 63,085.65 Page 11 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 15 ;r, City of Port Angeles or City Council Expenditure Report Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 403-7480-535.49-90 8,754.48 ECOLOGY WIN-911 SOFTWARE DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 403-7480-535.48-02 660.00 Wastewater Division Total: $125,064.16 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $125,064.16 Wastewater Utility Fund Total: $125,103.69 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 404-0000-237.10-00 Division Total: $383.77 Department Total: $383.77 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 404-7538-537.31-01 446.12 AZTECA SYSTEMS, INC DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 404-7538-537.48-02 3,300.00 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 404-7538-537.44-50 26,738.84 FOSTER GARVEY PC MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 404-7538-537.41-50 805.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 404-7538-537.41-50 833.00 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE ADOLPHSEN - MEAL REIMBURS 404-7538-537.31-01 18.50 REIMBURSEMENT OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 404-7538-537.31-01 150.58 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 404-7538-537.31-01 357.21 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HOSP SURG ACCES &SUNDRIS 404-7538-537.31-01 141.35 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 404-7538-537.31-01 33.47 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 404-7538-537.35-01 444.79 MACHINERY& HEAVY HRDWARE 404-7538-537.35-01 6,854.40 SW-Transfer Station Division Total: $40,123.76 BAILEY SIGNS &GRAPHICS SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.31-01 1,523.20 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 404-7580-537.44-50 17,476.81 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 404-7580-537.35-01 244.94 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE COOK-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 4/ 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 REIMBURSEMENT COOK-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 4/ 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 CRENSHAW-MEAL REIMBURSMEN 404-7580-537.31-01 18.00 CRENSHAW-MEAL REIMBURSMEN 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 DICKINSON-MEAL REIMBURSME 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 DICKINSON-MEAL REIMBURSME 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 DICKINSON-MEAL REIMBURSME 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 HENKE-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 4 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 HENKE-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 4 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 Page 12 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 16 0 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ,, Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE HENKE-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 4 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 REIMBURSEMENT SIEGLER-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 SIEGLER-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 WRIGHT-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 WRIGHT-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 WRIGHT-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 WURZ-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 4/ 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 WURZ-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 4/ 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 WURZ-MEAL REIMBURSMENT 4/ 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 SOLID WASTE SYSTEMS, INC RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 404-7580-537.45-30 8,377.60 RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 404-7580-537.45-30 8,377.60 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING &APPAREL 404-7580-537.31-01 32.50 CLOTHING &APPAREL 404-7580-537.31-01 (32.50) Solid Waste-Collections Division Total: $36,647.15 ASPECT CONSULTING, LLC CONSULTING SERVICES 404-7585-537.41-50 13,232.14 EDGE ANALYTICAL MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 404-7585-537.41-50 58.00 MATT'S TOOLS USA, LLC SUPPLIES 404-7585-537.31-01 51.33 Solid Waste-Landfill Division Total: $13,341.47 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $90,112.38 Solid Waste Utility Fund Total: $90,496.15 AZTECA SYSTEMS, INC DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 406-7412-538.48-02 10,850.40 BAXTER AUTO PARTS#15 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT& SUP 406-7412-538.35-01 87.00 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 406-7412-538.49-50 296.47 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 406-7412-538.31-01 36.96 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC NURSERY STOCK&SUPPLIES 406-7412-538.31-20 304.64 HEARTLINE NURSERY STOCK& SUPPLIES 406-7412-538.31-20 130.56 OSBORN CONSULTING, INC CONSULTING SERVICES 406-7412-538.41-50 21,196.46 CONSULTING SERVICES 406-7412-538.41-50 25,982.46 PENINSULA SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS 406-7412-538.31-20 222.43 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SHOES AND BOOTS 406-7412-538.31-01 195.73 CLOTHING &APPAREL 406-7412-538.31-01 351.33 SHOES AND BOOTS 406-7412-538.31-01 152.21 US BANK-DEBT SVC WIRES FINANCIAL SERVICES 406-7412-592.83-10 5,163.90 Stormwater Division Total: $64,970.55 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $64,970.55 Page 13 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 17 0 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ,, Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Stormwater Utility Fund Total: $64,970.55 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 409-0000-237.00-00 16.28 Division Total: $16.28 Department Total: $16.28 CLOTHING&APPAREL 409-6025-526.20-80 106.08 CLOTHING&APPAREL 409-6025-526.20-80 140.35 CLOTHING&APPAREL 409-6025-526.20-80 64.62 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE GAGE REIMB EMS SUPPLIES 409-6025-526.31-01 191.13 REIMBURSEMENT PEN PRINT INC PAPER(OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 409-6025-526.31-01 70.72 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-01 324.09 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 409-6025-526.31-01 3.23 CLOTHING&APPAREL 409-6025-526.20-80 516.80 SYSTEMS DESIGN WEST, LLC CONSULTING SERVICES 409-6025-526.41-50 1,754.00 TELEFLEX, LLC SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-01 557.75 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-01 557.75 WFCA'S FIRE SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 409-6025-526.31-01 344.25 BOOKSTORE Medic I Division Total: $4,630.77 Fire Department Total: $4,630.77 Medic I Utility Fund Total: $4,647.05 ALL WEATHER HEATING AND CITY REBATE-DUCTLESS HEAT 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 COOLING CITY REBATE-DUCTLESS HEAT 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 CITY REBATE-DUCTLESS HEAT 421-7121-533.49-86 3,800.00 DAVE'S HEATING &COOLING SVC CITY REBATE-DUCTLESS HEAT 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 CITY REBATE-DUCTLESS HEAT 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 CITY REBATE-DUCTLESS HEAT 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 CITY REBATE-DUCTLESS HEAT 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 GLASS SERVICES CO INC CITY REBATE-WINDOW REPLAC 421-7121-533.49-86 427.00 CITY REBATE-WINDOW REPLAC 421-7121-533.49-86 796.50 MATHEWS GLASS CO INC CITY REBATE-WINDOW REPLAC 421-7121-533.49-86 162.00 TRACY'S INSULATION CITY REBATE-INSULATION 421-7121-533.49-86 1,360.80 Conservation Division Total: $11,346.30 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $11,346.30 Conservation Fund Total: $11,346.30 Page 14 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 18 # ,,;�,� City of Port Angeles if City Council Expenditure Report 44 .. Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 451-7188-594.65-10 588.61 HEARTLINE NURSERY STOCK& SUPPLIES 451-7188-594.65-10 114.24 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 451-7188-594.65-10 97.41 Electric Projects Division Total: $800.26 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $800.26 Electric Utility CIP Fund Total: $800.26 KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTING SERVICES 452-7388-594.65-10 318.12 Water Projects Division Total: $318.12 Public Works-Water Department Total: $318.12 Water Utility CIP Fund Total: $318.12 KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS ARCH ITECTURAL&ENGINEERING 453-7488-594.65-10 8,391.69 KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTING SERVICES 453-7488-594.65-10 318.12 Wastewater Projects Division Total: $8,709.81 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $8,709.81 Wastewater Utility CIP Fund Total: $8,709.81 KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTING SERVICES 454-7588-594.65-10 318.13 US BANK-DEBT SVC WIRES FINANCIAL SERVICES 454-7588-592.83-10 148,700.00 Solid Waste Coll Projects Division Total: $149,018.13 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $149,018.13 Solid Waste Utility CIP Fund Total: $149,018.13 KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTING SERVICES 456-7688-594.65-10 Stormwater Util CIP Projs Division Total: $318.13 Public Works Department Total: $318.13 Stormwtr Util Projects Fund Total: $318.13 US BANK-DEBT SVC WIRES FINANCIAL SERVICES 463-7489-592.83-10 298,172.19 CSO Capital Division Total: $298,172.19 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $298,172.19 CSO Capital Fund Total: $298,172.19 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 260.82 BRAUN NORTHWEST AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 74.42 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-March 501-0000-237.00-00 75.53 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 7.46 GCR TIRES &SERVICE AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 1,925.89 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 158.29 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT&SUP 501-0000-141.40-00 130.21 Page 15 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 19 0 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ,� Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 16.93 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 162.11 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 178.36 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 406.76 HOSES,ALL KINDS 501-0000-141.40-00 176.03 HOSES,ALL KINDS 501-0000-141.40-00 58.04 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 (35.24) HOSES,ALL KINDS 501-0000-141.40-00 (73.98) PAPE-KENWORTH NORTHWEST, AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 170.77 INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 83.20 PETROCARD, INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 902.01 PRICE FORD LINCOLN AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 169.31 SIRENNET.COM AUTO&TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 924.80 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 199.09 Division Total: $5,970.81 Department Total: $5,970.81 ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 20.28 BAXTER AUTO PARTS#15 AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 8.99 BUD CLARY FORD/HYUNDAI AUTO MAJOR TRANSPORTATION 501-7630-594.64-10 38,605.58 COMMERCIAL BRAKE& CLUTCH AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 214.01 INC COPY CAT GRAPHICS& SIGNS AUTO&TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-594.64-10 998.20 AUTO &TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-594.64-10 998.20 AUTO &TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-594.64-10 998.20 DAREN'S POINT S EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 18.44 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 73.77 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 73.77 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 81.60 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 168.37 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 62.56 FERRELLGAS INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-12 2,348.45 GCR TIRES &SERVICE AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 156.65 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 480.32 JENNINGS EQUIPMENT INC ROAD/HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 501-7630-594.64-10 75,548.78 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 2,336.94 Page 16 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 20 City of Port Angeles i City Council Expenditure Report E wu 'q I,- , Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 40.18 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 63.11 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 9.78 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 130.55 MATT'S TOOLS USA, LLC AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 72.75 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 163.18 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 272.70 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 80.76 N C MACHINERY CO AUTO MAJOR TRANSPORTATION 501-7630-594.64-10 258,985.34 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 47.02 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 226.27 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 64.06 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 119.01 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 248.05 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 8.86 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 4.09 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 13.91 PETROCARD, INC AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 262.46 QT EQUIPMENT INC AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT& SUP 501-7630-594.64-10 20,617.00 SNAP-ON TOOLS-SARGENT AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 383.52 TOOLS LLC THE GRASSHOPPER COMPANY LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 501-7630-594.64-10 23,362.48 US MOWER AGRICULTURAL EQUIP&IMPLEM 501-7630-594.64-10 90,299.27 WESTERN STEEL METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 501-7630-548.34-02 289.13 Equipment Services Division Total: $518,956.59 Public Works Department Total: $518,956.59 Equipment Services Fund Total: $524,927.40 ASTOUND BROADBAND DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.42-12 24,025.01 CANON USA, INC OFFICE MACHINES&ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 4,243.04 EXP TECHNICAL INC CONSULTING SERVICES 502-2081-518.41-50 175.00 GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.43-10 3,262.91 PARADIGM SOFTWARE, LLC DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.48-02 8,272.67 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 502-2081-518.48-02 380.80 SUPERION, LLC DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.48-02 132,780.99 Information Technologies Division Total: $173,140.42 Page 17 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 21 0 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ,� Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY RADIO &TELECOMMUNICATION 502-2083-518.47-10 Wireless Mesh Division Total: $53.54 Finance Department Total: $173,193.96 Information Technology Fund Total: $173,193.96 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST L1 MED/DEN/VIS PREMIUMS 503-1631-517.46-34 8,040.92 LIFE INSURANCE 503-1631-517.46-32 1,842.15 LTD 503-1631-517.46-31 5,870.30 MED/DEN/VIS PREMIUMS 503-1631-517.46-30 213,431.18 HSA BANK Service Fee 503-1631-517.41-50 31.50 Service Fee 503-1631-517.41-50 267.50 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE WELLNESS REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.41-51 225.00 REIMBURSEMENT REDACTED REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (669.10) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (407.50) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (170.10) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (170.10) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (170.10) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (170.10) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (169.10) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (154.10) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (148.50) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (148.50) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (148.50) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (148.50) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (148.50) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (145.10) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (136.50) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (124.50) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (108.00) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (108.00) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 (108.00) REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 108.00 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 108.00 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 108.00 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 124.50 Page 18 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 22 City of Port Angeles i City Council Expenditure Report E wu 'q I,- , Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount REDACTED REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 136.50 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 145.10 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 148.50 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 148.50 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 148.50 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 148.50 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 148.50 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 154.10 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 169.10 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 170.10 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 170.10 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 170.10 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 170.10 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 407.50 REIMB MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 669.10 Disability Board-April 503-1631-517.46-35 149.80 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 108.00 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 108.00 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 108.00 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 124.50 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 136.50 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 145.10 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 148.50 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 148.50 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 148.50 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 148.50 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 148.50 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 154.10 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 169.10 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 170.10 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 170.10 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 170.10 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 170.10 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 444.10 Page 19 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 23 , ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount REDACTED REIMBURSE MEDICARE-APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 669.10 REDQUOTE, INC. HRA REIMBURSEMENTS 503-1631-517.46-30 1,145.97 HRA REIMBURSEMENTS 503-1631-517.46-30 235.29 Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $234,829.01 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR& 1ST QTR DEPT OF L&I REPOR 503-1661-517.49-50 89,359.44 INDUSTRIES DEPT OF LABOR& INDUSTRIES 1ST QTR L&I REPORT FOR SE 503-1661-517.49-50 1,118.03 Worker's Compensation Division Total: $90,477.47 Self Insurance Department Total: $325,306.48 Self-Insurance Fund Total: $325,306.48 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST SUPPLEMENTAL LIFE 920-0000-231.53-30 581.90 CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE Case#21-10696 920-0000-231.56-90 358.00 EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.55-30 610.00 EMPOWER-P/R WIRE PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-20 25,268.83 FEDERAL PAYROLL TAX PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 23.74 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 82,398.81 FICA/MEDICARE PAYROLL TAX PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 120.48 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 97,468.74 HSA BANK Employee Contributions 920-0000-231.52-40 3,756.54 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-11 100.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-12 301.54 JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-25 2,096.60 CO LEOFF PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-21 34,982.70 MISSION SQUARE-P/R WIRES PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-10 27,027.66 OFFICE OF SUPPORT PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-20 260.76 ENFORCEMENT PERS PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-11 644.82 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-10 863.63 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-11 15,471.71 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-12 85,460.10 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 589 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-10 2,148.50 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-10 2,094.00 UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-10 200.00 VOLUNTEER FIRE ASSOCIATION PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.55-20 5.00 WSCFF/EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-20 2,100.00 Page 20 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 24 0 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ,� Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Division Total: $384,344.06 Department Total: $384,344.06 Payroll Clearing Fund Total: $384,344.06 Total for Checks Dated Between Apr 23, 2022 and May 6, 2022 $4,401,807.37 Page 21 of 21 May 10, 2022 1:51:31 PM May 17, 2022 E - 25 -;G� POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , u , S , MEMO Date: May 17, 2022 To: City Council From: Ken Dubuc,Fire Chief Subject: Renewal of Forest Land Response Agreement with Department of Natural Resources Summary: Since 2008,the City of Port Angeles has had a cooperative agreement with the Department of Natural Resources(DNR) for the provision of wildland firefighting services. DNR provides specially trained personnel equipped with apparatus that is specifically designed for operations in wildland areas. The City of Port Angeles has a considerable amount of land that is considered wildland and the City also borders large wildland tracts. For these reasons it is advantageous to have access to wildland firefighting capability. The current agreement with DNR has expired and is up for renewal. Funding: There are no costs to the City associated with the renewal of this agreement. Recommendation: Authorize the Fire Chief to sign the attached agreement with the Department of Natural Resources for the provision of wildland firefighting services. Background / Analysis: In 2008,the City of Port Angeles entered into an agreement with the Department of Natural Resources(DNR)for the provision of wildland firefighting services. There are a number of large tracts of land within the City that are essentially wildland areas, and there are many areas of the City that border wildland areas. Extinguishing fires that occur in wildland areas can require specially trained personnel and specifically equipped apparatus. DNR has access to those types of resources and enters into agreements with jurisdictions for the use of those resources. The City benefits through access to these specialized resources. DNR benefits indirectly by protecting lands that are adjacent to their jurisdiction. In addition,DNR can benefit from access to structural firefighting resources. Both agencies recognize that they have resources that can be mutually shared for the protection of life and property within their respective jurisdictions. The current agreement is expiring and is up for renewal. Funding Overview: There are no costs to the City associated with entering into this agreement with the Department of Natural Resources. May 17, 2022 E - 26 �A��tnlcro4' 0 3 OF NATL3V� FORESTLAND RESPONSE AGREEMENT Agreement No. This Agreement is entered into between the state ofWashington, Department of Natural Resources, Olympic Region, hereinafter referred to as "DNR", and the below named Fire Protection District/Department,hereinafter referred to as "District/Department." Port Angeles Fire Department 102E5" St Port Angeles, WA 98362 Fire Chief': Ken Dubuc Phone: 360417-4655 FAX: 360-417-4659 Email: KdubucOucityofpalus Authority: This Agreement is entered into by DNR under the authority of RCW 76.04.015, RCW 76.04.135 and RCW 76.04.010(3); and by the District/Department under the authority of RCW 52.12.031, RCW 52.12.125 and IWW 35.21.010; and DNR and District./Departmcrit in conformity with RCW 39.34, the Interlocal Cooperation Act. In consideration of the terms, conditions and covenants contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, the Parties mutually agree as follows: 1. Purpose: The purpose of this Agreement is to(1)provide for mutual assistance and cooperation in the control and suppression of forestland fire and therefore to contract for the District/Department to provide fire protection services to an area within the jurisdiction of DNR and located in, or adjacent to, the District/Department and to contract for the DNR to assist in fire protection services on forestland within District/Department jurisdiction; and (2)dispatch and pav for fire service resources outside the fire service District/Department jurisdictional boundaries. 2. Scope: This Agreement pertains to forestland fire incidents within or adjacent to the District/Department boundaries and to District/Department resources ordered through the DNR Region or Division for dispatch outside of District/Departmcnt boundaries for support provided by DNR as outlined in.Attachment A—Operational Guidelines for «Agreement No» Page 1 of 11 FLRA 2018 --07.17.18 May 17, 2022 E - 27 Resources ordered through the DNR Region or Division for dispatch outside of District/Department boundaries. 3. Term.The term of this agreement is February 1,2019,or date of execution,whichever is later,through February 1,2024. 4. Jurisdictional Responsibility: Within or adjacent to the District/Department boundaries,the statutory jurisdictional responsibility for fire control on forestland varies. It may be: (1) Sole DNR Jurisdiction: Land subject to Forest Fire Protection Assessment and District/Department is NOT collecting fire protection levy (2) Sole District/Department Jurisdiction: Land subject to District/Department fire protection levy and not subject to Forest Fire Protection Assessment. (3) Joint Jurisdiction: Land subject to Forest Fire Protection Assessment and the District/Department is collecting fire protection levy. 5. Mutual Aid Fire Incident Response: (1) Sole DNR Jurisdiction: In the event of a fire emergency in a sole DNR jurisdiction area,the DNR will respond. The District/Department may respond to provide immediate control action,minimize fire loss, and thereby indirectly protect its own jurisdiction area. DNR may request response from the District/Department to gain timely initial attack and control action,or to supplement DNR resources. (2) Sole District/Department Jurisdiction: In the event of a fire emergency in a sole District/Department jurisdiction area,the District/Department will respond. DNR may respond to provide immediate control action,minimize fire loss,and thereby indirectly protect its own jurisdiction area. The District/Department may request that DNR provide supplemental resources for fire emergency operations and support. (3) Joint Jurisdiction: In the event of a fire emergency in a joint jurisdiction area, both DNR and the District/Department will respond, subject to the availability of resources. 6. Off-Season Incidents: For this Agreement,no incident will be considered off-season. Fire season will be January 1-December 31 each year. 7. Command: (1) Sole DNR Jurisdiction Incidents: When the District/Department is the first arriving agency,the District/Department on-site initial responders shall establish command until released by a representative of DNR. <<Agreement No>> Page 2 of 11 FLRA 2018—07.17.18 May 17, 2022 E - 28 (2) Sole District/Department Jurisdictional Incidents: When DNR is the first arriving agency,the DNR on-site initial responders shall establish command until released by a representative of the District/Department. (3) Joint Jurisdiction Incidents: The first arriving agency initial responders shall establish command and,upon the arrival of the other agency,unified command will be established and used for incident management. 8. Fire Control and Suppression Definitions: (1) Forestland: As the term is defined by RCW 76.04.005. (2) Ordering: Prior to the arrival of DNR at the incident,the initial attack incident commander may order special resources through DNR. That decision may be documented and payment authorized(see Section 11 of this Agreement) by DNR prior to the mobilization of special resources. (3) Special Resources: Air resources, dozers,heavy equipment,or other resources deemed necessary to contain and control the fire. 9. Operation Guidelines: (1) Forestiand Response: Representatives of the District/Department and DNR may mutually develop operation guidelines that provide principles,direction and guidance for the conduct of fire control operations related to forest land response. The operation guidelines shall be reviewed at least annually,and revised as necessary to achieve cooperation and understanding. (2) DNR Dispatch: See Attachment A-Operation Guidelines for resources ordered through the DNR Region or Division for dispatch outside of the District/Department jurisdictional boundaries;which is incorporated by reference herein. 10. Fire Investigation: The District/Department and DNR agree to protect the origin area of any fire to the best of its ability.Fires will be jointly investigated when an incident originated in a joint jurisdiction area. A DNR fire investigator may investigate fires originating on, spreading to or threatening land subject to Forest Fire Protection Assessment(i.e., sole DNR or joint jurisdiction areas). 11. Costs: (1) Charges Not Required: One purpose of this Agreement is mutual assistance and cooperation in the control and suppression of fires(see Section 1 -Purpose). In most instances,resource costs will not be charged to the other party. However,there may be circumstances or conditions where the District/Department or DNR desires or is required to charge,or request reimbursement, for resource costs as described in Subsections(2),(3), (4),and(5)below. <<Agreement No>> Page 3 of 11 FLRA 2018—07.17.18 May 17, 2022 E - 29 (2) Sole DNR Jurisdiction: If the District/Department responds,DNR will pay for District/Department personnel and equipment costs outside of mutual aid unless otherwise negotiated. (3) Sole District/Department Jurisdiction: If DNR responds,the District/Department will pay for DNR personnel and equipment costs outside of mutual aid unless otherwise negotiated. (4) Joint Jurisdiction: Initial attack through complete extinguishment of the fire, each party will pay its own costs. (5) DNR Dispatch: If District/Department personnel is dispatched by DNR outside of District/Department jurisdictional boundaries,DNR will pay for District/Department personnel and equipment costs. 12. Cost Reimbursement Procedures: (1) Forestland Response: Provisions within this Agreement for reimbursement of costs related to forest land response are subject to the following conditions: (a) Notice: Prior to costs being incurred as allowed by this Agreement(other than DNR Dispatch),notice of such expenditure must be given to DNR of the requesting agency prior to the expenditure or commitment of funds. (b)Invoice: Any resource provider costs,which are to be billed,must be invoiced within sixty(60)business days of the last date of incurred expense for the incident. (2) DNR Dispatch: Provisions within this Agreement for reimbursement of costs related to DNR dispatch are outlined in Attachment A-Operation Guidelines for resources ordered through the DNR Region or Division for dispatch outside of the District/Department jurisdictional boundaries;which is incorporated by reference herein. 13. Cost Reimbursement Rates: (1) Forestland Response: (a) Equipment costs shall be paid to the resource provider at the DNR Wage and Equipment Rates or as otherwise agreed to in writing by the respective authorized agency representatives. (b) Career/permanent and seasonal personnel costs will be reimbursed to the resource provider at the resource provider's actual total cost.This will include backfill costs as outlined in the State Mobilization Plan. (2) DNR Dispatch: Cost reimbursement rates related to DNR dispatch are outlined in Attachment A- Operation Guidelines for resources ordered through the DNR Region or Division for dispatch outside of the District/Department boundaries. <<Agreement No>> Page 4 of 11 FLRA 2018—07.17.18 May 17, 2022 E - 30 14. Insurance: DNR is an agency of the state of Washington and is therefore self-insured under the State's Self-Insurance Liability Program.The District/Department shall,at all times during the term of this Agreement at its sole cost and expense,buy and maintain insurance of the types and amounts listed below. Failure to buy and maintain the required insurance may result in the termination of the Agreement at DNR's option. If the District/Department is self-insured, evidence of its status as self-insured will be provided to DNR,and if deemed acceptable by DNR, shall satisfy the insurance requirements specified by this Section. The limits of insurance to be bought and maintained by the District/Department shall not be less than as follows: Minimum Coverage Requirements: These limits may not be sufficient to cover all liability losses and related claim settlement expenses. Purchase of these minimum limits of coverage does not relieve the District/Department from liability for losses and settlement expenses greater than these amounts. DNR shall not be charged for the cost for insurance coverage(s). District/Department is required to purchase insurance for a period of 36 months after completion of this Agreement.This requirement may be satisfied by the continuous purchase of an extended agreement.This requirement may be satisfied by the continuous purchase of an extended reporting period. During the term of the Agreement, District/Department must purchase and maintain the insurance coverage and limits specified below: (1) Commercial General Liability(CGL) Insurance or District/Department Equivalent. District/Department must purchase and maintain CGL on an Insurance Services Office(ISO) form CG 00 01 or equivalent form,covering liability arising from premises, operations,independent contractors,personal injury,products- completed operations,and liability assumed under an insured contract. Such insurance must be provided on an occurrence basis. If insurance is written on a "claims made"basis,the policy shall provide full coverage for prior acts or include a retroactive date that precedes the effective date of this Agreement. Insurance must include liability coverage with limits not less than those specified below: Description Dollar Amount General Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 (Other than products-completed operations) Each Occurrence Limit $2,000,000 (2) Employer's liability("Stop Gap") Insurance: District/Department shall purchase and maintain employer's liability insurance and if necessary,commercial umbrella liability insurance with limits not less than$1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident or$1,000,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease. (3) Business Auto Policy(BAP)Insurance: If activities pursuant to this Agreement involve the use of vehicles,to include FEPP vehicles, the District/Department must purchase and maintain a BAP on an Insurance Services Office(ISO) form CA 00 01 or equivalent form. The Description of Covered Autos must include one or more of the following: <<Agreement No>> Page 5 of 11 FLRA 2018—07.17.18 May 17, 2022 E - 31 a. "Any Auto"(Symbol 1). b. If District/Department-owned personal vehicles are used, the BAP must cover "Owned Autos Only"(Symbol 2). c. If District/Department hires autos, the BAP must cover"Hired Autos Only" (Symbol 8). d. If District/Department employee's vehicles are used,the BAP must cover"Non- Owned Autos Only" (Symbol 9). Such insurance must be provided on an occurrence basis.The BAP insurance must include liability coverage with limits not less than those specified below. The District/Department is responsible for any deductible. Description Each Accident Bodily Injury and Property Damage $1,000,000 (4) Workers Compensation Insurance or Equivalent: The District/Department shall comply with all state of Washington workers compensation statutes and regulations. Coverage shall be provided for all employees and volunteers of the District/Department and shall include bodily injury(including death)that arises out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement. 15. Service Limitations.The responses and fire suppression services provided for under this Agreement are intended to be rendered on the same basis as such services are rendered to other areas within the District/Department or DNR jurisdictions and neither party assumes liability for failure to provide services by reason of any circumstances beyond the party's control. In the event of simultaneous fires or medical aid calls within the areas covered by this Agreement whereby facilities of either party are taxed beyond the party's ability to render equal protection,the officers and agents of the party shall have sole discretion as to which call shall be answered first.The responding party shall have sole discretion to determine the manner and method of responding to and handling emergencies under this Agreement consistent with Section 7-Command of this Agreement. 16. Benefits. This agreement is entered into for the benefit of the parties to this agreement only and shall confer no benefits, direct or implied, on any third persons. 17. Renegotiation and Modification: The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be renegotiated at the request of either Party between January 1 and March 1 of any year. Any modification or amendment of this Agreement must be in writing and must be signed by duly authorized agents of the Parties. 18. Assignment and Delegation: This Agreement,or any right or interest therein,may not be assigned or otherwise transferred by either Party without the prior written consent of the other Party.Any attempted assignment shall be void unless made in strict conformity with this section. Either Party may perform its duty through a delegate or agent,but shall not be thereby relieved of any duty to perform or any liability for breach of this Agreement. <<Agreement No>> Page 6 of 11 FLRA 2018—07.17.18 May 17, 2022 E - 32 19. Remedies: Any remedy exercised by either Party shall not be deemed exclusive and either Party may pursue any and all other remedies available to it under the law. 20. CompIiance with Laws: Parties shall comply with all applicable federal,state, and local laws,rules and regulations that govern each component of this Agreement. 21. Non—Waiver: Waiver by either Party of strict performance of any provision of this Agreement shall not act as a waiver of the right of the other Party to require future strict performance of the same provision or any other provision. 22. Interpretation and Venue: This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington.The venue of any action brought under this Agreement shall be in the Superior Court of Thurston County. 23. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement that can be given effect without the invalid provision(s),and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared severable. 24. Termination: This Agreement may be terminated by either Party by the provision of ninety(90)days written notice,provided that neither Party may terminate this Agreement at any time between April 15 and October 15 of any year due to the fire danger during this period. 25. A reement Managers: DNR AGREEMENT MANAGER Name: Eric Flanigan Title: Fire District Manager Address:411 Tillicum Lane City/State/Zip: Forks,We 98331 Phone:360-374-2800 Email: eric.flanigan@dnr.wa.gov Dwml 6#MANAGER. Name: Title: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: Email: <<Agreement No>> Page 7 of 11 FLRA 2018—07.17.18 May 17, 2022 E - 33 This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements. By signature below,the Agencies certify that the individuals listed in this document, as representatives of the Agencies,are authorized to act in their respective areas for matters related to this instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement. DISTRICr/DEPARTMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Signature Date Signature Date Printed Name Printed Name: Mona Griswold Title Title:Olympic Region Manager DISTRICT/DEPARTMENT Signature Date Printed Name Title DISTRICT/DEPARTMENT Signature Date Printed Name Title DISTRICT/DEPARTMENT Signature Date Printed Name Title Page 8 of 8 FDA 10.16.18 May 17, 2022 E - 34 Attachment A Operation Guidelines Resources ordered through the DNR Region or Division for dispatch outside of District/Department jurisdictional boundaries Department of Natural Resources(DNR)agrees to dispatch District/Department resources to incidents outside of the Districts/Department jurisdictional boundaries as needed to meet DNR responsibilities and as approved by the District/Department. Dispatches can include out of the state of Washington. Participation by a District/Department with incidents outside its jurisdiction is voluntary and separate from involvement in State Fire Mobilization. This Agreement extends to all District/Department members: ■ Washington Fire Service(WFS)paid members which District/Department allow to participate will be paid by the District/Department. DNR will reimburse district/department costs as outlined in this agreement • Members of Washington Fire Service who are volunteers will need to be hired by the DNR via the DNR casual hire process and paid directly by DNR. This may be completed pre-season or at the time of the incident.Your local DNR Region office will handle the casual hire process. District/Department agrees: 1) All personnel dispatched outside of their jurisdictional boundaries will have a valid Incident Qualification Card(red card)stating current qualifications; and will adhere to qualifications and standards described in PMS 310-1; 2) To provide a copy of the Master IQS Record for each participating employee(needed to update status in the Resource Ordering Status System(ROSS); 3) To keep equipment and personnel status current in ROSS by selecting option a. or b. below as the preferred option. List available resources on the following resource list addendum. (Check one): a. ❑ DNR Region will give Web-Status rights to ROSS for district employees. It is the employee's responsibility to ensure that their status is accurate. b. ® DNR Region will status your employees. For this option,you would need to provide your local DNR Region Dispatch with the status of your employees every Monday by 1200 hours. Dispatch would then update their status in ROSS for that week(0800 Tuesday to 0800 Tuesday). For dispatches outside of the DNR region,approval from DNR host region fire staff is required. Host region fire staff will coordinate with Wildfire Division in order to ensure statewide readiness. 4) To notify your local DNR Region of any changes in status of personnel/equipment(i.e.; dispatched/demob under State Fire Mobilization,demob&ETA home from incidents dispatched thru DNR,etc.); <<Agreement No>> Page 9 of 11 FLRA 2018—07.17.18 May 17, 2022 E - 35 5) All personnel and equipment dispatched will be paid by the District/Department; (except volunteers will follow payment procedures outlined in their individual agreement and be paid directly by DNR); 6) All Equipment and Personnel dispatched under this agreement will arrive at each incident with a copy of their current Forestland Response Agreement. 7) Invoice for personnel and equipment costs billed to DNR will include: a. Original Emergency Fire Time Report(OF-288); hourly wage rate(regular and OT)for personnel hours on the OF-288. This applies to paid district/department staff. Volunteers will be paid directly by DNR. b. Original shift ticket(OF-286)documenting mileage to/from incident as well as mileage incurred on the incident signed by the incident supervisor. c. Copy of Resource Order card. 8) Invoices requesting payment for equipment(engines/tenders)will be submitted to DNR within sixty(60)business days of the last date of the incurred expense for the incident and shall include Original Emergency Equipment Use Invoice Form(OF-286)and shift tickets(OF-297); and 9) Invoices requesting payment for other travel costs(meals, lodging not provided by the incident)must be submitted to DNR within sixty(60)business days of the last date of the incurred expense for the incident. 10)Only utilize agency owned vehicles or procured rental vehicles on the fire line or offroad. DNR agrees to: 1) Assist the District/Department with updating status' in ROSS; 2) Maintain IQS records for DistrictlDepartment personnel with wildland fire qualifications, if red carded through the DNR; 3) Reimburse District/Department within 30 days of invoice receipt and documentation as required above; 4) Reimburse the Fire Service District/Department at the Total Cost of personnel. This includes,regular time, overtime, and District/Department backfill for that position as outlined in the State Mobilization Plan. The DNR will not pay for muster time,wildland premium pay,or other unspecified pay provisions. "Rental vehicles must be procured consistent with the R6 USFS rental vehicle agreement. Rental vehicle authorization must be documented on the resource order. Please speak with your local DNR Region for more specific information. In order to provide audit tracking for all rental vehicles,rentals ordered for overhead resources with ROSS O#Resource Orders,will have a support request ROSS order attached to that O#resource, with an E#assigned to the vehicle.The overhead resource and Dispatch will ensure that if that person is re-assigned or released,the supporting vehicle order will also be re-assigned or released. «Agreement No>> Page 10 of 11 FLRA 2018—07.17.18 May 17, 2022 E - 36 DISTRICT/DEPARMENT RESOURCE LIST OVERHEAD AND EQUIPMENT ADDENDUM DNR will dispatch and process invoices for the following fire district members and equipment when dispatched by DNR outside of their fire district. Overhead Resources Name Career or Backfill Position/Qualifications Team Affiliation or Volunteer Required Single Resource EQUIPMENT RATE/NEGOTIATED RATE• *The negotiated rate must be agreed upon between the signing parties prior to dispatch. CONTACT INFORMATION: <<Agreement No>> Page 11 of 11 FLRA 2018—07.17.18 May 17, 2022 E - 37 tfM POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T o N , U.S, MEMO Date: May 17, 2022 To: City Council From: Brian Smith,Police Chief Subject: Datamark Service Software Agreement Summary:This software service allows PenCom to continue to refine mandatory addressing layers within our system by allowing local addressing authorities to access and validate addressing information quickly and accurately. This will also assist in developing a newly required "Address Point Layer" that currently does not exist. This is a two-year initial contract with a total cost of$28,100. At the end of the two-year period the software will renew on an annual basis. Funding: This two-year software service and associated licensing will cost$28,100. The spending will be taken from the existing 2022 PenCom operations budget. There are no general fund costs associated with this purchase. PenCom staff has applied for a grant from the State Emergency Communications Office for reimbursement of the first year's costs. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the software service agreement with Datamark and make minor modifications as necessary. Background / Analysis: "VEP"(validate/edit/provision)software is a cloud-based application that is built using ESRI GIS products. It provides PenCom some needed capabilities we do not currently have,using a familiar ESRI format. 1. VEP will allow PenCom to use our GIS data to create a WEB presence accessible by agencies and individuals. It will assist PenCom with meeting the new next generation 911 (NG911) standards and in creating a consistent public safety standard of assigning new addresses. WA State is implementing a NG911 system to enhance and improve public safety's response to emergencies. This NG911 system is based off of GIS addressing data supplied by each County's primary dispatch Center. Each County must supply the State with exacting and consistent data. To meet these requirements PenCom is starting to implement a common practice used by dispatch centers throughout the state, of building working relationships with Clallam County's nine local addressing authorities. Allowing the Addressing Authorities access to Dispatch's actual GIS data is critical to achieving a consistent Countywide public safety addressing scheme. These relationships and giving the addressing authorities access to VEP will enable us to help the addressing authorities with assigning new addresses that more closely fits the NG911 and public safety addressing standards established by the state. 2. VEP has built-in scripts and functions that will allow PenCom's GIS staff to manipulate our data and collaborate with the different addressing authorities more effectively. May 17, 2022 E - 38 DataMark's VEP software is specifically designed around NG911 to assist agencies in meeting these new requirements. Using VEP to access and validate our data quickly and easily will allow us to bring the data up to the NG911 standards more efficiently. One of the NG911 standards is requiring PenCom to build a Site/Structure Address Point layer. This is a long and difficult process and using the built-in functionality of VEP will remove some of the burden of the creation and validation of that data. One of the benefits of VEP is the collaborative capabilities built into the WEB site so PenCom and all the different agencies,can directly communicate about specific issues using the same GIS Data. Funding: This two-year software service and associated licensing will cost$28,100. The spending will be taken from the existing 2022 PenCom operations budget. There are no general fund costs associated with this purchase. PenCom staff has applied for a grant from the State Emergency Communications Office for reimbursement of the first year's costs. May 17, 2022 E - 39 tfM POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T o N , u , s , MEMO Date: May 17, 2022 To: City Council From: Brian Smith,Police Chief Subject: Tyler Technology Software Amendment Summary: The Police Department has an existing contract with Tyler Technology that covers a range of products that include records management systems,mobile data and computer aided dispatch. Tyler has a new product, "Tyler Data Collect",that will electronically all photo, voice and other digital data into a cloud-based system, and interface with our existing software. The Police Department Operations, Police Records and PenCom are required to store and provide this data for public records,prosecution,court and investigative purposes. This is currently done via placing recordings onto computer disks. The proposed solution is far more efficient and robust, and it protects the record from accidental destruction. Funding: The contract total is$12,340,of which$3,180 in annual fees will be split between Police Operations and the PenCom fund. The remaining $9,160.00 is a one-time fee and will be paid by Police Operations from 2022 budgetary savings. There are 40 licenses as a part of the software amendment. Most of those licenses will be used by Patrol,Detectives and Police Records. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the software amendment with Tyler Technology, for"Tyler Data Collect", and allow the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary. Background / Analysis: Police Department Operations and PenCom generate,store and manage a considerable amount of electronic data in the form of voice recording,photos and other digital media.The legacy and current process for this data involves the creation and dissemination of this data in the form of computer disks. The data is currently stored by Records Staff as computer disks. The process takes considerable staff time and is not efficient or 100 percent reliable. Staff has spent considerable time in research and product review with the goal of locating an efficient cloud-based solution. With the deployment of "Tyler Data Collect" dispatch radio traffic and phone call recordings, recorded interviews,photos and video will be stored in this system. It will be secure and will be able to be efficiently disseminated by Records Staff as needed to prosecutors,court staff or for public records requests. Funding/Overview: The contract total is $12,340,of which $3,180 in annual fees will be split between Police Operations and the PenCom fund. The remaining $9,160.00 is a one-time fee and will be paid by Police Operations from 2022 budgetary savings. There are 40 licenses as a part of the software amendment. Most of those licenses will be used by Patrol,Detectives and Police Records. May 17, 2022 E - 40 tfM POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T o N , u , s , MEMO Date: May 17, 2022 To: City Council From: Karl Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk William Bloor, City Attorney Subject: GovQA Records Management Contract Amendment Summary: In 2012,the City invested in annual software to promote transparency and make access to public records easier though the purchase of WebQA's GovQA software. This software allows public records staff the opportunity to more efficiently process and manage requests. In 2017,the City amended the annual contract amount to include additional software to capture specific information necessary for the mandated, annual reporting to the state (JLARC). Staff is now requesting approval for the purchase of further add on software that will allow the City to redact confidential information as required by RCW directly through GovQA. This will greatly improve the City's redaction process which will create efficiencies and assist staff with maintaining compliance and regulations. Additionally,in 2012 when the original contract was authorized the City's financial policies did not require Council approval for contracts in excess of one year. Since then,these polices have been updated and include the requirement of Council approval on all contracts and agreements that have a duration longer than one year. As a result, Staff is requested approval of the original GovQA agreement and the first amendment at this time as well. Funding: $7,000 per year for the GovQA software is currently in the City Clerk's 2022 Budget. Licensing costs for the redaction software add-on will be shared between the PenCom fund,Police and Legal Departments and the IT fund from existing 2022 Budget as outlined in the table below. The yearly total for the seven requested licenses is$1,750.00; however, for the 2022 year this amount will be prorated to reflect the remaining months in this year's contract cycle. Fund Licenses Total PenCom Fund 2 licenses at$250.00 each $500.00 Legal Department 2 licenses at$250.00 each $500.00 Police Department 2 licenses at$250.00 each $500.00 IT Fund 1 license at$250.00 each $250.00 Grand Total $1,750.00 Additionally,the City wishes to continue this contract on a year-to-year basis. While the contract is below the $25,000 limit requiring Council approval,the contract renews each year and per City financial policies agreements with a duration longer than one year require Council approval. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign and execute the contract with WebQA for the yearly budgeted amount of$7,000,to include additional licenses for JLARC and redaction software and allow the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary. May 17, 2022 E - 41 Background / Analysis: To improve our dedication to transparency,in 2012 the City invested in software to make access to public records easier though the purchase of WebQA software. The software allows public records staff the opportunity to more efficiently process and manage requests. In 2017,the City amended the contract with WebQA to include additional software to capture specific information necessary for mandated, annual reporting to the state (JLARC). The City is now seeking approval for the purchase of further add-on software by requesting a second amendment to the GovQA contract that will improve the redaction process. The Public Records Act(PRA),passed as an initiative in 1972, states that agencies shall make available for inspection and copying all public records,unless exempt or disclosure prohibited.The City has long been dedicated to a robust public records process and has been dedicated to providing good customer service regarding public record requests. This process demonstrates the City's dedication to the Public Records Act,decreasing the possibility of large daily penalties in the case of a lawsuit and providing citizens a transparent and efficient means of requesting records. While a large portion of public records are just that,open public records,there are some records that contain sensitive information that by law, need to be redacted. It is not only required for staff to redact the information; it is also necessary to provide an explanation of how the given statute applies to the information redacted or the record withheld. The most common redactions applied to City of Port Angeles documents are listed below,in no particular order: RCW 46.52.130(3)Abstract of Driving Record—third parry release prohibited,except to privileged parties named within this statute. RCW 42.56.230(5)—Credit card numbers,debit card numbers,electronic check numbers,card expiration dates,bank or other financial information as defined in RCW 9.35.005 including social security numbers and driver's license numbers,except when disclosure is expressly required by or governed by other law. RCW 42.56.070(1)-To the extent required to prevent an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy interests protected by this chapter,an agency shall delete identifying details in a manner consistent with this chapter when it makes available. RCW 42.56.240(18)/ESHB 2700 child forensic interview and child interview digital recordings as defined in chapter RCW 26.44 are confidential and may only be disclosed pursuant to court order. Records are exempt from disclosure. RCW 13.50.260(6)(a)These records are confidential,and no information can be given about the existence or nonexistence of records concerning an individual. RCW 42.56.240(5)Information revealing identity of child victim—alleged sexual assault and/or information revealing the relationship when victim is a relative or stepchild of the alleged offender. RCW 42.56.290 Attorney/Client—work product. Confidential. RCW 42.56.360 and RCW 70.02.005—Medical Records are exempt from disclosure. RCW 5.60.060(2)—Attorney/Client privileged communication is confidential. May 17, 2022 E - 42 The GovQA public records portal allows customers to track their record requests online. The intake form allows staff the opportunity to refine requests,reducing the need for clarification and delivering improved accuracy. This service allows staff to track and release records including electronic documents and video and audio files in a timely manner. Prior to the GovQA platform,the City handled requests manually, switching to automation with the purchase of GovQA software in 2012. The software allows staff to manage requests while enhancing transparency and further improving efficiency. The redaction tool will allow staff to redact records within the GovQA platform. This creates standardized exemption/redaction logs to comply with the PRA instead of using third parry vendors and/or manual processes. In addition, State law {Chapter 40.14 RCW(1957)1 governs the retention,preservation and lawful destruction of public records. Public records are public property and agencies are the custodians of this public property.Agencies are required to retain records for different lengths of time depending on content,function and purpose of the record.The Washington state archives' records retention schedules establish the time frames in which records must be retained. The GovQA portal monitors and manages retention schedules for their specific retention periods. Over the last decade,the City has made great efforts to improve how residents get information which has included the public record request process. In 2017,the City purchased additional software to capture information necessary for the mandated,annual reporting to the state. The reporting module allows the City to comply with House Bill 1594 reporting requirements for tracking and reporting requirements. In 2017,the state legislature adopted ESHB 1594,which made significant amendments to public records laws. One of those changes is a new reporting requirement in RCW 40.14.026(5). It requires that local government agencies with staff and legal costs associated with fulfilling public records requests totaling $100,000 during the prior fiscal year must report to the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC)on 15 different public records metrics. In 2020,the City reported a total estimated staff cost of$120,929 for the year. The average estimated cost per request is estimated to be $52.81. Totals expenses recovered equals$361. The City would now like to upgrade our package to include a redaction tool. GovQA's redaction tools are built into the platform. The redaction tool will significantly improve the process used when redactions are necessary. The built-in redaction keeps data more secure and reduces the chance of personally identifiable information being released in violation of the RCW's described above.The current redaction process is time intensive and often manually implemented. This upgrade will help those applying redactions do so more efficiently, significantly improving the process start to finish thereby improving staffing capacity. Funding Overview: Licensing costs for this software will be shared between the PenCom fund,Police and Legal Departments and the IT fund from existing 2022 Budget. The yearly total for the seven requested licenses is$1,750.00; however, for the 2022 year this amount will be prorated to reflect the remaining months in this year's contract cycle. Because this contract amendment includes automatic renewal each year it is necessary to obtain Council approval. Additionally,in 2012 when the original contract was authorized the City's financial policies did not require Council approval for contracts in excess of one year. Since then,these polices have been updated and include the requirement of Council approval on all contracts and agreements that have a duration longer than one year. As a result, Staff is requested approval of the original GovQA agreement and the first amendment at this time as well. May 17, 2022 E - 43 SCHEDULE C — Extension/Request for Additional Service(s) For GovQA Applications A.Relationship to Original Contract and Purpose: This is a Schedule to the existing GovQA Services Agreement executed between GovQA,LLC,a Delaware limited liability company(and successor by conversion to WebQA Incorporated,an Illinois corporation),and the City of Port Angeles ("Customer")signed 10/06/2012("Original Contract"),with its current term starting 11/01/2021 and ending 10/31/2022 ("Current Contract Period"). The purpose of this Schedule is to add the new service(s) selected below. B. Services Descriptions: Subscribed Services Redaction License The Integrated GovQA Redaction Module allows for redaction to occur on documents within the GovQA (per named user) system.Features include:Text Search,Pattern Matching,Redact Similar,and Redaction Exemption Reasons. C. GovQA Agrees To The Following: 1. One-time setup of licenses. 2. Ongoing support through system videos and knowledgebase. 3. Periodic webinars to train and update customers on new features. D.Fees: Software Subscription Costs Annual Cost Redaction License(per named user)Qty: 7 @$250 each $1,750 Total Includes all Service s upgrades) $1,750 E.Data: Customer data is owned by Customer. Storage limits defined within Customer's Master Services Agreement F.Start Date and Timeframes: The START DATE will be 05/19/2022 and will go to a SYNC DATE of 10/31/2022,at which point the term for these Additional Services will sync to the term of the Original Contract and all subsequent renewals. G.Billing: Billing will occur on the START DATE of 05/19/2022 for the prorated price of$791.50.After the SYNC DATE,the billing period for these Additional Services will be incorporated into the billing of other GovQA services to the customer consistent with the Original Contract and all subsequent renewals. All Service Fees are exclusive of taxes. All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. H.Remittance:All payments should be made directly to GovQA.GovQA mailing address for all payments is: GovQA Accounts Receivable Department,900 S.Frontage Road Suite 110,Woodridge,IL 60517 BY SIGNING BELOW,CUSTOMER AGREES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS SCHEDULE. Customer GovQA,LLC By: By: Signature: Signature: Title: Title: Date: Date: May 17, 2022 E - 44 12/5/2019 1 of 1 Po RTANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , U . S . MEMO Date: May 17, 2022 To: City Council From: William Bloor, City Attorney Subject: Public Safety Advisory Board Ordinance Amendment Summary: At the May 3,2022 meeting,by a unanimous vote, City Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance to amend a portion of Chapter 2.26 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Funding: N/A: Recommendation: Conduct a first reading of the ordinance amending Chapter 2.26 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to the Public Safety Advisory Board. Background / Analysis: On May 3,2022, City Council discussed membership on the Public Safety Advisory Board. It was noted that the current ordinance,adopted by Council on September 15,2020, as to the tribal representative provided: "Two positions,to the extent feasible, shall be for enrolled tribal members." This provision allowed a person who was not a tribal member to serve as a tribal representative on the Board. After discussion, Council voted 7-0 to direct staff to amend the ordinance to require that the tribal representative to the Board be an enrolled member of a tribe. The amended language to Chapter 2.26. Section 020(F) Composition of Board is reflected in the attached amended ordinance. Funding: N/A: May 17, 2022 G - 1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending the Public Safety Advisory Board Chapter 2.26 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 2724 as amended, and Chapter 2.26 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to the Public Safety Advisory Board, are hereby amended by amending Chapter 2.26, Section 2.26.020 as follows: 2.26.020 - Composition of Board. 2.26.020 Composition of Board. The Board shall consist of 12 members, who shall meet the following criteria,provided that a majority of the members shall be City residents: A. All members shall either be City residents or work or attend school within the City. B. At least two members to the extent feasible, shall be owners or managers of businesses located within the City. C. One member to the extent feasible, shall be a representative from the Port Angeles School District 9121. D. At least one member to the extent feasible, shall be a high school student recommended by school administration. E. One member to the extent feasible, shall be affiliated with an associated EMS agency that operates in the City of Port Angeles. F. Two positions, tome*teo€easible, shall be for enrolled tribal members. G. One position, to the extent feasible, shall be for a resident who has experienced homelessness or a substance use disorder, or someone who has worked with people that have experienced homelessness or a substance use disorder. H. Other members to the extent feasible, shall represent diverse segments of the community. -1- May 17, 2022 G - 2 I. Eligibility shall not extend to defendants in any pending criminal matter before the courts nor to those individuals under active supervision by the Department of Corrections. J. The Chief of Police and the Fire Chief shall serve as advisors to the Board. Section 2 - Corrections_ The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors,references to other local,state,or federal laws,codes, rules or regulations, or ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3- Severabilitv__ If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions ofthe Ordinance to other persons or circumstances,is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date_ This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five(5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles by a vote of one more than the majority of all members of the legislative body at a regular meeting of said Council on the_ day of , 2022. Kate Dexter, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary -2- May 17, 2022 G - 3 J Q O a 0 W F- N Q 0 W F J LQL Q V N z GO tA N LU uu O Q J cn w V V z� � W cc (AQ ^ z w W cn > O oC Q a � z w W Q z 0 z LL x� N W N Q W J W W Q � W p� Q n �t W rr vi U N `b O a=, 4J aJ N L ,m cn M aJ N w CL� N ;+ Un vi Q aJ — cn m O V aJ (U U cn 1 L _I_- U co +J aJ O L OU c`oo CL U N -0 _0 aJ •— E u 0 aJ O ro f6 C O L -C -0 `� vi 4-jO o �i L7 0 }' o v ~ L _ U aJ � _ 0 o cn C N V — aJ aJ N > U O M ++ cn tw UA al aO+ `� C — E O o 0 c� � � 0 L N C6 U '.O = O '0 M C C tap O ^ 0 CLQJ I CL O L •4J C tip Fo O m L L C/I O O L N t L- O L O Q O C �0 0 C cn U O 47 0 � �-0 •� t .CL 0 w V cU 72 -0 C .! tap aJ cn p C4- U-0 < C ° � o � }' aj L _ f6 O >, C C 0 aJ S CPI O UA > tw C aJ cn U ++ tap -0 Ul m f6 UA C O N ai E 4- aJ C � N u CL > c� N ra aj x O +-, O V) O ) O OI � dA-0 ra UA E C vOi m 4-1 '— m tap C N S aN+ 'L i 0F � � o � �• N ) � � � > O U N aJ to ate+ � aJ a) �� LJ dCA m CL O a-' O :u N UOA+�-+ E aJ _0 U N V) roo U N cU ++ UA -C C N —4-1 >- to 0- 0 Q) L +-+ 3 � w QJ +, — m 0- aJ 3 aJ — C — CL o u aJ aJ aJ 1N cn C C E s LJ Up �}, C tw ai O +� C N C L aJ caj +-+ aii c- aj I— >' O L vi J L H U L CL tp C � ra U U � of a + 0 aJ O • = m =3 0 v) '0 -0 • • 3E • N CAA ^ •� � •i a--+ 0 O O ca N N i N N 4� O Q N C: Q i •N E E cif w u O 4A 4— — OLn ca vi � O 3 •Oc�i� L � +- N N � N ,� E O N O E .2 � `~ V� Q N 4 N N W N v -9 Q � qp O N clN Q O o o cn 0/'�'� L ( W O (a 4mJ Ca Ca O 00 U ca H °' N W Q 4- 4-3ca E G N cv U _ =3 o cn O W .Q a) N w •— N cn }, + to U U 3 rvo i N N U ateJ N Q O Ca a) a-J N a-•j N }' E O o ate-+ O o N O °r\j O E O O U mo w ca N N O N O 3 o Q U � ca. o a QQ � L—o � oQ w •— 4, N 00 4 O cn U rn 0 U 2 cn QJ N _0 � c6 � N E _0 N U Ln v1 4- 4 O N0 a-J O O - Z3 i N m m o- N N Q= +, � E O — N — o 0 4-J cn � a--' E 00 • • — W (AN00 ._ w ' O N N O O QLn D • > > O O •i (A O 06 c z — a-J f6 C6 M0c O 44- ._ .0 (A U i a-J f6 U O C: i V) V u N O M 4-J . n c V' E 7 Sj- 0 4- O — V N U c6 .c_ � .- 4 - G >- O Ln i N U U f6 N v v1 — }' QU O •- M 4- C 0 0 (3) v - N tDA o uo O roro U 12 tDA v CL o N Ca U VI }' OI an f6 }� N U ro n\ () °J _0 o Ln ro fa cl L I / U I I IL V u W f6 L U U IL U ro • v iE N a--+ a, to cu L _(M a o Q i O CL — tx Q o LnLn cn N v O ro v U N v N a� r ro +, O o ca u E v O � u a--' o N N ro L otx °J U N p N— U . U aJ tx E C6 N � U N c� fB U c " Ca Ca ro N CL V) �' U cU QJ vi N U L� c Q1 G 1 0 E -0 L +� 0 � � � o L Q � o N Q Qz 0 O O M (n U fB > Q a GJ — Q ti 0 Mtxo U Q00 O Q — +� � +r U > � U 0 ti Q O Q cuO Q � -�Z Q. *' O CU m cn N w >' , 0 J > U _ U o ro Ea--+ o -o z Ln 0 } _N fB co N O `� ++ L 0 Qa + O N �� ,} Q O .+ Y 0 p O,moo �. cn Q o N O cu Q Q Q s U m C GJ U •N +' .� C 0 0 L N 0 Q aQ+ 3 N O_ Q Q : v 0 (n Q. 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U= nO CY) O a--+ a--' Vf N O 4-, O� O Q r U 4-1 N u _ om CL E GJ N O s O ,f� A3' � v V I � 4-1 U ,W U N Q N r E +r E L NCl 0_ U O V ' O O ' o o U — Q +r 4-1 J E N 0 4-j — — . +-+ Q 0 i LO E N � a) c ( Q c Ln O E Q0 :� O O Q 2'— — s i chin > S O_ O LL � >. O N N 4— L40 W — f� O f� a W S N = U U w, o (L) I'o f- � o N " o 3 cn r" m o Q > m Qi o to V) bn .L m .E f� r Q- O a � s s Ln L c Q t. CL o f� I� o c SYS ro 3 O N ' o a �LJ�L �J�IJ �LJ z L � P1044 DC — aXi o = N +-+ 4-, Al L t a) i -11 c r N E _ > rj c � o H L N q u Ll ron o U Q- E L 0 I O N Q ainsodx3 o �, N l.L 3 N Q w� cc N M N Q > CL 4- o r� O V) QJ L •— cc rm- tiA O O Q pp C O a-J a--+ c O Q O V) 'L � (� U V) ca M 1 0 rn = in i p � aA E L LJJ � V) � N u U, U ClA rn i Na c � c c ♦-+ N O •j, N ca — u a V) O C arq O4-1 o ca V) bn N a- 3 O Q U p u) to uj ca a-J Q a U N +-+ LL a a--+ LL -°� ca +� cn O a— a) O tDA = +-+ U tDA N O a� L v� Q C � Q — ro U to (/') a) ate--+ — ateJ U ra t4 ca �p •— cn N N U +, o •— +-+ W •cccc cc 0 N °' L LL O .� u U G L U c V) N a m p u 3 (� M to cc .— to `� 0 'N O N L m LL 4-1 0 a3: W C U 0 au _0 C O 0- O — c� O -S tw � a � L co m N (D 3 a) ca an N N Cj i N m N � — •— O O N N �� r6Ln Q Lf W +-+ cn c -0 -0 �A u O a O ' E O E •E U CU L fa Ln E m Ln a- O 1-' —0 > ++ U U - U i U a cis c� 00 . +-+ LaL f6 L O Q a.., a) fa a) 4- O U O N 4-J �..� c� C c — O � ate--+ _N u > `, N V bn r ; O dA •V o v N -0 ca Q Ln N c Ln t 1 f6 r' CA u s o ai O N G1 t O of vi N Q •O 0 .. a U a••� Q E mua--� ro .M i = > +-+ G1 ca ca G1Lnc6 �..� z 4-1 laA ca -C '' ��.+ cn N u a-J �A N m cn ca f6 L •� a� `� s - a) f6 i E U � � v O = N O a--+ N fa o ONE N O O •a N f6 i > M C C ate..+ 3 � •V O cn cn cn a) >. 0 4- 3 N a i CO N 4- � .� 0J � � O x0 l�A ateJ L U L 4j Q Ln N � � O cn p O +j Ln U o M N O O U = 4J f� i� p 00 � O E Q v � i O � •w bn M 0) N �o O N � bn M v p O _ E cU E o L 3 m b Q N D U U Q � CAA f� N bn N CAA �J L O w N p O Qj E Q `� N f� C6 O s- 4., O N Q 4J 4 J J > O — CQ r a--' 4- 4J Q '� 4-j O v LLI N N LLI Q a--+ O — H H V' O � CAA V c/� Q U cn Q cn o N 3 4A L.- C: au 3 +j a) cn i O r a O E _ O .v N v CU :3 3 o N O 000 CU +-j 3 �_ O N E E - N N 3 O N v v ao u r- 3 ,_O v v tx — N ° — aJ ° N Ln GJ u v 0 0 w N N O �i Q + 4a CU c cu LLI 0 LE � a) i � N 0 N o _0 O c o +.+ 'cn N o 4 '— � L M 4J i 0 4-J 3 :u cn ° o ~ N � o ._ u O� a) o O N �� UP) u O U W N r,4 O 3 G t NC: 3: cu m tx ar m U p C6 cn o `� O U v N , a, DC LLu J Q Ln c .� a� O .� `~ � N �A �O �O •V � � f6 N � �O LU `� Q Ov c6 O _0 (~ Q a�J a.., N c6 c6 X o- o LU Q� = z ( : , 00 W ajC6 � a� _ > a� � � a� a� ~ � .N Ln Ln � a) .E Ln .Ln -0 (� Q0 N O z > Q ago O a� , � 0 m - w ra � � °nv -I-- Cr 2- 6 Po RTANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , U . S . MEMO Date: May 17, 2022 To: City Council From: William Bloor, City Attorney Subject: Motion to Allow Hybrid and Virtual Meetings Under Specific Circumstances Summary: At the March 15,2022 meeting Council passed a Motion to hold virtual meetings when the COVID-19 risk is at moderate to high levels as shown on the dashboard located at htpps://www.clallam.net/coronavirus/. Because the law changed on March 24,2022, Council should pass a new Motion to include a finding that it is not"reasonable safe"to conduct an in-person meeting when the COVID-19 risk is moderate to high as shown on the dashboard. Funding: N/A: Recommendation: Consider passing the following motion so that the determination as to the conduct of the meeting conforms with the newly-enacted law: It is moved that the City will hold hybrid meetings when a meeting can be held with "reasonable safety." "Reasonable safety"means that the COVID-19 risk is Very Low or Low,per the dashboard located at https://www.clallam.net/coronavirus/at the time the meeting agenda is advertised, and That the City will hold virtual meetings when a meeting cannot be held with "reasonable safety." "Without reasonable safety"means that the COVID-19 risk is Moderate or High,per the dashboard located at https://www.clallam.net/coronavirus/, at the time the meeting agenda is advertised,- and That the determination as to the manner in which meetings are to be conducted applies to all public meetings being held by City Council, all City Boards and all City Commissions. Background / Analysis: On March 15,2022 Council unanimously passed a Motion to hold hybrid meetings when the COVID-19 risk is Very Low or Low,per the dashboard located at https://www.clallam.net/coronavirus/,at the time the meeting agenda is advertised. The motion provided that Council will hold virtual meetings when the COVID-19 risk is Moderate or High,per the dashboard. On March 24,2022 ESHB 1329 became law. This new law states that after declaration of an emergency by a local public agency,where the public agency has determined that a meeting of a governing body cannot be held with members of the public with"reasonable safety"because of the emergency,the public agency, among other things,may hold a remote meeting without a physical location,which is what the Council has been doing following the March 15 motion. In order to retain the county dashboard as the reference to guide when future meetings will be in-person, Council should pass the attached Motion to incorporate language that conforms to state law. Funding: N/A: May 17, 2022 1 - 1 CERTIFICATION OF ENROLLMENT ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1329 Chapter 115, Laws of 2022 67th Legislature 2022 Regular Session OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGSVARIOUS PROVISIONS EFFECTIVE DATE: June 9, 2022—Except for sections 5 through 11, which take effect March 24, 2022 . Passed by the House March 7, 2022 CERTIFICATE Yeas 87 Nays 11 I, Bernard Dean, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the LAURIE JINKINS State of Washington, do hereby Speaker of the House of certify that the attached is Representatives ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1329 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. Passed by the Senate March 3, 2022 Yeas 47 Nays 0 BERNARD DEAN DENNY HECK Chief Clerk President of the Senate Approved March 24, 2022 8:34 AM FILED March 24, 2022 Secretary of State JAY INSLEE State of Washington Governor of the State of Washington May 17, 2022 1 - 1 ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1329 AS AMENDED BY THE SENATE Passed Legislature - 2022 Regular Session State of Washington 67th Legislature 2021 Regular Session By House Local Government (originally sponsored by Representatives Wicks, Pollet, Taylor, Ryu, Wylie, Shewmake, Bateman, Lovick, Fey, Morgan, Lekanoff, Harris-Talley, and Peterson) READ FIRST TIME 02/15/21 . 1 AN ACT Relating to public meeting accessibility and 2 participation; amending RCW 42 . 30 . 010, 42 . 30 . 030, 42 . 30 . 040, 3 42 . 30 . 050, 42 . 30 . 070, 42 . 30 . 077, 42 . 30 . 080, 42 . 30 . 090, 42 . 30 . 110, and 4 42 . 30 . 900; adding new sections to chapter 42 . 30 RCW; creating a new 5 section; and declaring an emergency. 6 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: 7 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 . The legislature finds and declares that, 8 due to technological advances since the 1971 adoption of the open 9 public meetings act, elected officials no longer conduct the public' s 10 business solely at in-person meetings, but can and do utilize 11 telephonic and other electronic methods to efficiently conduct the 12 business of state and local government remotely. Further, limitations 13 on public gatherings required as the result of a disaster or 14 emergency, for example, to assist in preventing the spread of 15 infectious diseases, may affirmatively necessitate the use of 16 technology and the avoidance of in-person attendance at public 17 meetings for the conduct of governmental business . It is the policy 18 of the state that a governing body' s actions, including 19 deliberations, shall be taken and conducted in the open. When the 20 public cannot observe and participate in person, it may limit 21 participation in democracy. Therefore, this act shall be construed in May 17, 2022 p. 1 ESHB 1131 9 . SL 1 favor of ensuring access by the public to observe elected officials 2 when they meet pursuant to this act. It is the intent of this act to 3 modernize and update the open public meetings act emergency 4 procedures to reflect technological advances, while maintaining the 5 act' s public policy that governing body' s actions and deliberations 6 be taken and conducted openly while balancing public safety in 7 emergency conditions . Governing bodies are encouraged to adopt 8 resolutions or ordinances establishing where and how meetings will be 9 held in the event of an emergency, in order to allow the public to 10 more easily learn about and observe public agency action in an 11 emergent situation. 12 The legislature further finds people participating in their 13 government, especially through public comment, is an essential part 14 of developing public policy. The legislature finds that there are 15 numerous developing technologies that can be used to facilitate 16 public comment, especially for those with disabilities, underserved 17 communities, and those who face time or distance challenges when 18 traveling to public meetings . Therefore, the legislature intends to 19 encourage public agencies to make use of remote access tools as fully 20 as practicable to encourage public engagement and better serve their 21 communities . 22 Sec. 2 . RCW 42 . 30 . 010 and 1971 ex. s . c 250 s 1 are each amended 23 to read as follows : 24 The legislature finds and declares that all public commissions, 25 boards, councils, committees, subcommittees, departments, divisions, 26 offices, and all other public agencies of this state and subdivisions 27 thereof exist to aid in the conduct of the people' s business . It is 28 the intent of this chapter that their actions be taken openly and 29 that their deliberations be conducted openly. 30 The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the 31 agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do 32 not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for 33 the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people 34 insist on remaining informed and informing the people' s public 35 servants of their views so that they may retain control over the 36 instruments they have created. For these reasons, even when not 37 required by law, public agencies are encouraged to incorporate and 38 accept public comment during their decision-making process . May 17, 2022 p. 2 ESHB 1131 9 . SL 1 Sec. 3. RCW 42 . 30 . 030 and 1971 ex. s . c 250 s 3 are each amended 2 to read as follows : 3 (1) All meetings of the governing body of a public agency shall 4 be open and public and all persons shall be permitted to attend any 5 meeting of the governing body of a public agency, except as otherwise 6 provided in this chapter. 7 (2) Public agencies are encouraged to provide for the increased 8 ability of the public to observe and participate in the meetings of 9 governing bodies through real-time telephonic, electronic, internet, 10 or other readily available means of remote access that do not require 11 an additional cost to access the meeting. 12 NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 . A new section is added to chapter 42 . 30 13 RCW to read as follows : 14 (1) Public agencies are encouraged to make an audio or video 15 recording of, or to provide an online streaming option for, all 16 regular meetings of its governing body, and to make recordings of 17 these meetings available online for a minimum of six months . 18 (2) This section does not alter a local government' s 19 recordkeeping requirements under chapter 42 . 56 RCW. 20 NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter 42 . 30 21 RCW to read as follows : 22 (1) If, after the declaration of an emergency by a local or state 23 government or agency, or by the federal government, a public agency 24 determines that it cannot hold a meeting of the governing body with 25 members or public attendance in person with reasonable safety because 26 of the emergency, the public agency may: 27 (a) Hold a remote meeting of the governing body without a 28 physical location; or 29 (b) Hold a meeting of the governing body at which the physical 30 attendance by some or all members of the public is limited due to a 31 declared emergency. 32 (2) During a remote meeting, members of the governing body may 33 appear or attend by phone or by other electronic means that allows 34 real-time verbal communication without being in the same physical 35 location. For a remote meeting or a meeting at which the physical 36 attendance by some or all members of the public is limited due to a 37 declared emergency, the public agency must provide an option for the 38 public to listen to the proceedings telephonically or by using a May 17, 2022 p. 3 ESHB 1131 9 . SL 1 readily available alternative in real-time that does not require any 2 additional cost for participation. Free readily available options 3 include, but are not limited to, broadcast by the public agency on a 4 locally available cable television station that is available 5 throughout the jurisdiction or other electronic, internet, or other 6 means of remote access that does not require any additional cost for 7 access to the program. The public agency may also allow the other 8 electronic means of remote access . 9 (3) No action may be taken at a remote meeting or a meeting at 10 which the physical attendance by some or all members of the public is 11 limited due to a declared emergency if the public agency has not 12 provided an option for the public to listen to proceedings pursuant 13 to subsection (2) of this section, except for an executive session as 14 authorized in this chapter. 15 (4) Notice of a remote meeting without a physical location or a 16 meeting at which the physical attendance by some or all members of 17 the public is limited due to a declared emergency must be provided in 18 accordance with this chapter and must include instructions on how the 19 public may listen live to proceedings and on how the public may 20 access any other electronic means of remote access offered by the 21 public agency. 22 (5) A remote meeting or a meeting at which the physical 23 attendance by some or all members of the public is limited due to a 24 declared emergency that is held under the provisions of this section 25 shall be considered open and public in compliance with the 26 requirements of this chapter. Nothing in this section alters the 27 ability of public agencies to take action in response to an emergency 28 as provided for in RCW 42 . 30 . 070, or to have members of a governing 29 body participate in a meeting remotely with no declared emergency. 30 (6) Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, any 31 governing body of a public agency which held some of its regular 32 meetings remotely prior to March 1, 2020, may continue to hold some 33 of its regular meetings remotely with no declared emergency so long 34 as the public agency provides an option for the public to listen to 35 the proceedings pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. 36 Sec. 6. RCW 42 . 30 . 040 and 2012 c 117 s 124 are each amended to 37 read as follows : 38 A member of the public shall not be required, as a condition to 39 attendance at a meeting of a governing body, to register his or her May 17, 2022 p. 4 ESHB 1131 9 . SL 1 name and other information, to complete a questionnaire, or otherwise 2 to fulfill any condition precedent to his or her attendance. This 3 section does not prohibit any generally applicable conditions 4 determined by the governing body to be reasonably necessary to 5 protect the public health or safety, or to protect against 6 interruption of the meeting, including a meeting at which the 7 physical attendance by some or all members of the public is limited 8 due to a declared emergency. 9 Sec. 7 . RCW 42 . 30 . 050 and 1971 ex. s . c 250 s 5 are each amended 10 to read as follows : 11 In the event that any meeting is interrupted by a group or groups 12 of persons so as to render the orderly conduct of such meeting 13 unfeasible and order cannot be restored by the removal of individuals 14 who are interrupting the meeting, the members of the governing body 15 conducting the meeting may order the meeting room cleared and 16 continue in session or may adjourn the meeting and reconvene at 17 another location selected by majority vote of the members . In such a 18 session, final disposition may be taken only on matters appearing on 19 the agenda. Representatives of the press or other news media, except 20 those participating in the disturbance, shall be allowed to attend 21 any session held pursuant to this section. Nothing in this section 22 shall prohibit the governing body from establishing a procedure for 23 readmitting an individual or individuals not responsible for 24 disturbing the orderly conduct of the meeting. Nothing in this 25 section prohibits the governing body from stopping people from 26 speaking to the governing body when not recognized by the governing 27 body to speak. 28 Sec. 8 . RCW 42 . 30 . 070 and 1983 c 155 s 2 are each amended to 29 read as follows : 30 The governing body of a public agency shall provide the time for 31 holding regular meetings by ordinance, resolution, bylaws, or by 32 whatever other rule is required for the conduct of business by that 33 body. Unless otherwise provided for in the act under which the public 34 agency was formed, meetings of the governing body need not be held 35 within the boundaries of the territory over which the public agency 36 exercises jurisdiction. If at any time any regular meeting falls on a 37 holiday, such regular meeting shall be held on the next business day. 38 If, by reason of fire, flood, earthquake, or other emergency, there May 17, 2022 p. 5 ESHB 1131 9 . SL 1 is a need for expedited action by a governing body to meet the 2 emergency, the presiding officer of the governing body may provide 3 for a meeting site other than the regular meeting site, for a remote 4 meeting without a physical location, or for a meeting at which the 5 physical attendance by some or all members of the public is limited 6 due to a declared emergency, and the notice requirements of this 7 chapter shall be suspended during such emergency. It shall not be a 8 violation of the requirements of this chapter for a majority of the 9 members of a governing body to travel together or gather for purposes 10 other than a regular meeting or a special meeting as these terms are 11 used in this chapter: PROVIDED, That they take no action as defined 12 in this chapter. 13 Sec. 9. RCW 42 . 30 . 077 and 2014 c 61 s 2 are each amended to read 14 as follows : 15 (1) Public agencies with governing bodies must make the agenda of 16 each regular meeting of the governing body available online no later 17 than ( (twenty-fer) ) 24 hours in advance of the published start time 18 of the meeting. An agency subject to provisions of this section ( (-i-s- 19 net requir-ed to pest an agenda if it dees net have a website—erifit 20 filet's€ewer than }en full-time equivalent emple e) ) may share a 21 website with, or have its website hosted by, another public agency to 22 post meeting agendas, minutes, budgets, contact information, and 23 other records, including any resolution or ordinance adopted by the 24 agency establishing where and how the public agency will meet in the 25 event of an emergency. Nothing in this section prohibits subsequent 26 modifications to agendas nor invalidates any otherwise legal action 27 taken at a meeting where the agenda was not posted in accordance with 28 this section. Nothing in this section modifies notice requirements or 29 shall be construed as establishing that a public body or agency' s 30 online posting of an agenda as required by this section is sufficient 31 notice to satisfy public notice requirements established under other 32 laws . Failure to post an agenda in accordance with this section shall 33 not provide a basis for awarding attorney fees under RCW 42 . 30 . 120 or 34 commencing an action for mandamus or injunction under RCW 42 . 30 . 130 . 35 (2) A special purpose district, city, or town subject to the 36 provisions of this section is not required to post an agenda online 37 if the district, city, or town: 38 (a) Has an aggregate valuation of the property subject to 39 taxation by the district, city, or town of less than $400, 000, 000, as May 17, 2022 p. 6 ESHB 1131 9 . SL 1 placed on the last completed and balanced tax rolls of the county 2 preceding the date of the most recent tax levy; 3 (b) Has a population within its jurisdiction of under 3, 000 4 persons; and 5 (c) Provides confirmation to the state auditor at the time it 6 files its annual reports under RCW 43 . 09 . 230 that the cost of posting 7 notices on a website of its own, a shared website, or on the website 8 of the county in which the largest portion of the district' s, city' s, 9 or town' s population resides, would exceed one-tenth of one percent 10 of the district' s, city' s, or town' s budget. 11 Sec. 10 . RCW 42 . 30 . 080 and 2012 c 188 s 1 are each amended to 12 read as follows : 13 (1) A special meeting may be called at any time by the presiding 14 officer of the governing body of a public agency or by a majority of 15 the members of the governing body by delivering written notice 16 personally, by mail, by fax, or by ( (e-leetr-enie mail) ) email to each 17 member of the governing body. Written notice shall be deemed waived 18 in the following circumstances : 19 (a) A member submits a written waiver of notice with the clerk or 20 secretary of the governing body at or prior to the time the meeting 21 convenes . A written waiver may be given by telegram, fax, or 22 ( (e-1 eetr-enre mail) ) email; or 23 (b) A member is actually present at the time the meeting 24 convenes . 25 (2) Notice of a special meeting called under subsection (1) of 26 this section shall be: 27 (a) Delivered to each local newspaper of general circulation and 28 local radio or television station that has on file with the governing 29 body a written request to be notified of such special meeting or of 30 all special meetings; 31 (b) Posted on the agency' s website. An agency is not required to 32 post a special meeting notice on its website if it ( (+i}) ) does not 33 have a website ( (; (ii) ) ) or share a website with another agency. 34 Except in the case of a remote meeting or a meeting at which the 35 physical attendance by some or all members of the public is limited 36 due to a declared emergency as provided for in this chapter, an 37 agency is not required to post a special meeting notice on its 38 website if it employs ( (fewer than ten) ) no full-time equivalent 39 employees ( (;, ) ), or ( ( (iii) ) ) does not employ personnel whose duty, as May 17, 2022 p. 7 ESHB 1131 9 . SL 1 defined by a job description or existing contract, is to maintain or 2 update the website; and 3 (c) Prominently displayed at the main entrance of the agency' s 4 principal location and the meeting site if it is not held at the 5 agency' s principal location and is not held as a remote meeting; 6 except that during a declared emergency which prevents a meeting from 7 being held in-person with reasonable safety an agency that hosts a 8 website or shares a website with another agency may instead post 9 notice of a remote meeting without a physical location on the website 10 hosted or shared by the agency. 11 Such notice must be delivered or posted, as applicable, at least 12 ( (twenty-fer) ) 24 hours before the time of such meeting as specified 13 in the notice. 14 (3) The call and notices required under subsections (1) and (2) 15 of this section shall specify the time and place of the special 16 meeting and the business to be transacted. Final disposition shall 17 not be taken on any other matter at such meetings by the governing 18 body. 19 (4) The notices provided in this section may be dispensed with in 20 the event a special meeting is called to deal with an emergency 21 involving injury or damage to persons or property or the likelihood 22 of such injury or damage, when time requirements of such notice would 23 make notice impractical and increase the likelihood of such injury or 24 damage, or when the required notice cannot be posted or displayed 25 with reasonable safety, including but not limited to declared 26 emergencies in which travel to physically post notice is barred or 27 advised against. 28 Sec. 11 . RCW 42 . 30 . 090 and 2012 c 117 s 125 are each amended to 29 read as follows : 30 The governing body of a public agency may adjourn any regular, 31 adjourned regular, special, or adjourned special meeting to a time 32 and place specified in the order of adjournment. Less than a quorum 33 may so adjourn from time to time. If all members are absent from any 34 regular or adjourned regular meeting the clerk or secretary of the 35 governing body may declare the meeting adjourned to a stated time and 36 place. He or she shall cause a written notice of the adjournment to 37 be given in the same manner as provided in RCW 42 . 30 . 080 for special 38 meetings, unless such notice is waived as provided for special 39 meetings . ( (Whenever-) ) Except in the case of remote meetings without May 17, 2022 p. 8 ESHB 1131 9 . SL 1 a physical location as provided for in this chapter, whenever any 2 meeting is adjourned a copy of the order or notice of adjournment 3 shall be conspicuously posted immediately after the time of the 4 adjournment on or near the door of the place where the regular, 5 adjourned regular, special, or adjourned special meeting was held. 6 When a regular or adjourned regular meeting is adjourned as provided 7 in this section, the resulting adjourned regular meeting is a regular 8 meeting for all purposes . When an order of adjournment of any meeting 9 fails to state the hour at which the adjourned meeting is to be held, 10 it shall be held at the hour specified for regular meetings by 11 ordinance, resolution, bylaw, or other rule. 12 Sec. 12 . RCW 42 . 30 . 110 and 2019 c 162 s 2 are each amended to 13 read as follows : 14 (1) Nothing contained in this chapter may be construed to prevent 15 a governing body from holding an executive session during a regular 16 or special meeting: 17 (a) (i) To consider matters affecting national security; 18 (ii) To consider, if in compliance with any required data 19 security breach disclosure under RCW 19 . 255 . 010 and 42 . 56 . 590, and 20 with legal counsel available, information regarding the 21 infrastructure and security of computer and telecommunications 22 networks, security and service recovery plans, security risk 23 assessments and security test results to the extent that they 24 identify specific system vulnerabilities, and other information that 25 if made public may increase the risk to the confidentiality, 26 integrity, or availability of agency security or to information 27 technology infrastructure or assets; 28 (b) To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of 29 real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such 30 consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price; 31 (c) To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be 32 offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such 33 consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price . However, 34 final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a 35 meeting open to the public; 36 (d) To review negotiations on the performance of publicly bid 37 contracts when public knowledge regarding such consideration would 38 cause a likelihood of increased costs; May 17, 2022 p. 9 ESHB 1131 9 . SL 1 (e) To consider, in the case of an export trading company, 2 financial and commercial information supplied by private persons to 3 the export trading company; 4 (f) To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against 5 a public officer or employee. However, upon the request of such 6 officer or employee, a public hearing or a meeting open to the public 7 shall be conducted upon such complaint or charge; 8 (g) To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public 9 employment or to review the performance of a public employee. 10 However, subject to RCW 42 . 30 . 140 (4) , discussion by a governing body 11 of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be 12 generally applied within the agency shall occur in a meeting open to 13 the public, and when a governing body elects to take final action 14 hiring, setting the salary of an individual employee or class of 15 employees, or discharging or disciplining an employee, that action 16 shall be taken in a meeting open to the public; 17 (h) To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment 18 to elective office. However, any interview of such candidate and 19 final action appointing a candidate to elective office shall be in a 20 meeting open to the public; 21 (i) To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters 22 relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal 23 counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to 24 which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an 25 official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public 26 knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse 27 legal or financial consequence to the agency. 28 This subsection (1) (i) does not permit a governing body to hold 29 an executive session solely because an attorney representing the 30 agency is present. For purposes of this subsection (1) (i) , "potential 31 litigation" means matters protected by RPC 1 . 6 or RCW 5 . 60 . 060 (2) (a) 32 concerning: 33 (i) Litigation that has been specifically threatened to which the 34 agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official 35 capacity is, or is likely to become, a party; 36 (ii) Litigation that the agency reasonably believes may be 37 commenced by or against the agency, the governing body, or a member 38 acting in an official capacity; or 39 (iii) Litigation or legal risks of a proposed action or current 40 practice that the agency has identified when public discussion of the May 17, 2022 p. 10 ESHB 1131 9 . SL 1 litigation or legal risks is likely to result in an adverse legal or 2 financial consequence to the agency; 3 (j ) To consider, in the case of the state library commission or 4 its advisory bodies, western library network prices, products, 5 equipment, and services, when such discussion would be likely to 6 adversely affect the network' s ability to conduct business in a 7 competitive economic climate. However, final action on these matters 8 shall be taken in a meeting open to the public; 9 (k) To consider, in the case of the state investment board, 10 financial and commercial information when the information relates to 11 the investment of public trust or retirement funds and when public 12 knowledge regarding the discussion would result in loss to such funds 13 or in private loss to the providers of this information; 14 (1) To consider proprietary or confidential nonpublished 15 information related to the development, acquisition, or 16 implementation of state purchased health care services as provided in 17 RCW 41 . 05 . 026; 18 (m) To consider in the case of the life sciences discovery fund 19 authority, the substance of grant applications and grant awards when 20 public knowledge regarding the discussion would reasonably be 21 expected to result in private loss to the providers of this 22 information; 23 (n) To consider in the case of a health sciences and services 24 authority, the substance of grant applications and grant awards when 25 public knowledge regarding the discussion would reasonably be 26 expected to result in private loss to the providers of this 27 information; 28 (o) To consider information regarding staff privileges or quality 29 improvement committees under RCW 70 . 41 . 205 . 30 (2) Before convening in executive session, the presiding officer 31 of a governing body shall publicly announce the purpose for excluding 32 the public from the meeting place, and the time when the executive 33 session will be concluded. The executive session may be extended to a 34 stated later time by announcement of the presiding officer. The 35 announced purpose of excluding the public must be entered into the 36 minutes of the meeting required by RCW 42 . 30 . 035 . 37 NEW SECTION. Sec. 13. A new section is added to chapter 42 . 30 38 RCW to read as follows : May 17, 2022 p. 11 ESHB 1131 9 . SL 1 (1) Except in an emergency situation, the governing body of a 2 public agency shall provide an opportunity at or before every regular 3 meeting at which final action is taken for public comment. The public 4 comment required under this section may be taken orally at a public 5 meeting, or by providing an opportunity for written testimony to be 6 submitted before or at the meeting. If the governing body accepts 7 written testimony, this testimony must be distributed to the 8 governing body. The governing body may set a reasonable deadline for 9 the submission of written testimony before the meeting. 10 (2) Upon the request of any individual who will have difficulty 11 attending a meeting of the governing body of a public agency by 12 reason of disability, limited mobility, or for any other reason that 13 makes physical attendance at a meeting difficult, the governing body 14 shall, when feasible, provide an opportunity for that individual to 15 provide oral comment at the meeting remotely if oral comment from 16 other members of the public will be accepted at the meeting. 17 (3) Nothing in this section prevents a governing body from 18 allowing public comment on items not on the meeting agenda. 19 (4) Nothing in this section diminishes the authority of governing 20 bodies to deal with interruptions under RCW 42 . 30 . 050, limits the 21 ability of the governing body to put limitations on the time 22 available for public comment or on how public comment is accepted, or 23 requires a governing body to accept public comment that renders 24 orderly conduct of the meeting unfeasible. 25 Sec. 14 . RCW 42 . 30 . 900 and 1971 ex. s . c 250 s 16 are each 26 amended to read as follows : 27 This chapter may be known and cited as the ( ("(9pen P blie 28 Meetings Aet= ez1971" . ) ) Washington state open public meetings act or 29 OPMA. 30 NEW SECTION. Sec. 15. Sections 5 through 11 of this act are 31 necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, 32 or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public 33 institutions, and take effect immediately. Passed by the House March 7, 2022 . Passed by the Senate March 3, 2022 . Approved by the Governor March 24, 2022 . Filed in Office of Secretary of State March 24, 2022 . --- END --- May 17, 2022 p. 12 ESHB 1131 9 . SL POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , U . S . MEMO Date: May 17, 2022 To: City Council From: Corey Delikat,Parks &Recreation Director Subject: 24-Hour Stand-Alone Public Restroom Purchases Summary: On April 11,2022,the City solicited bids for three 24-hour restrooms and the only bidder was Madden Fabrication of the Portland Loo's in the amount of$517,689.00,including tax. This is under the Engineers estimate of$550,000. Funding: Funding for this project will be taken out of funds that have been approved and dedicated to Capital Funds Projects PK-0120 and PK-0205. Recommendation: (1)Approve and authorize the City Manager to purchase three 24-Hour Stand- Alone Public Restrooms(Portland Loo's) from Madden Fabrication and; (2)Make minor modifications to the agreement,if necessary. Background / Analysis: hi 2005 the Parks&Recreation Department placed in the Capital Facilities Plan(CFP) a project to replace 60-year-old concrete block public restrooms with prefabricated concrete restrooms that meet ADA requirements, are easy to maintain,and can withstand constant vandalism. When this project was approved by the City Council in 2018, $75,000 per year was set aside to replace a restroom every two years. hi 2019, City Council continued to support this CFP project by placing $150,000 aside each year to move this project along faster. As funds for this program started to build up,the City received$150,000 in Lodging Tax funds and $50,000 out of Real Estate Excise Tax(BEET)to do a pilot project for a 24-hour restroom at the Gateway Transit Center in the 2020 budget. However,once the pandemic hit in the beginning of 2021,it became apparent that additional 24-hour restrooms were needed in the downtown area. With the assistance of a Council member, City staff met with a member of PHLUSH(Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human)to look at areas in the downtown area for 24-hour restrooms. It was decided shortly after that meeting that two restrooms would be placed at the Gateway Transit Center,one outside the main transit bus location to the west,and one located off Lincoln Street at the Gateway Center. Another 24-hour restroom would replace the concrete block restroom in the downtown parking lot next to the breezeway. hi the 2022 budget,funds were combined to purchase three 24-hour restrooms,however,in review of engineering challenges it deemed more cost effective and efficient to place two 24-hour restrooms at the breezeway parking lot location and one by the Gateway Transit Center bus location. Tying into the Lincoln Street location would have increased construction costs and,in order to lower construction costs, staff is proposing to tie into existing utilities where the current restrooms are located near the breezeway. This modification has also been shared with the PHLUSH representative. On April 11,2022,the City solicited bids for three 24-hour restrooms and received one bid from Madden Fabrication of the Portland Loo's in the amount of 517,689.00,including tax. This is under the Engineers estimate of$550,000. Portland Loo's were developed by employees of the City of Portland and are very well known throughout M �2 restroom will be a single occupant public restroom that will include stainless steel ayn 2 , - 1 posts,panels,louvers,roof,toilet,door, skylight,hand sanitizer,baby changing station,recessed hand wash station with air dryer,tempered water and soap dispenser. These will be open for use 24 hours per day year around as they do not need to be winterized during the cold months because of a built-in heating unit. Estimated time of arrival will be 5 to 6 months after this is approved by the City Council. Funding Overview: Funding for this project will be taken out of funds that have been approved and dedicated to CFP Funds PK-0120 and PK-0205 May 17, 2022 J - 2 00 0 � 0 00 +f6+ p O m Oi 0 0 0 0 cy O O O O O O O O rV cy 0 N N ti O W M O Ln F ljT m 00 ljT ljT p V). t/} 5j N Ln 0 c-I � c-I N 4j). 14 O O O O O O O O O O O O O J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p ljT ljT ljT ljT ljT ljT V). ljT ljT ljT ljT ljT ljT > O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O V O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O tjT tjT tjT tjT tjT tjT t/} t/} tjT tjT tjT tjT tjT O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ljT tjT tjT tjT tjT tjT t/} t/} tjT tjT tjT tjT tjT V, O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O Q i/} ljT ljT ljT ljT ljT t/} t/} ljT ljT ljT ljT ljT J O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O .� p O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O C ljT ljT ljT ljT ljT ljT t/} t/} ljT ljT ljT ljT ljT L 0 a y O O O O O O O O O O O O O z o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Of in. ln. in. ln. in. ln. in. ln. in. ln. in. ln. in. C m } O O O O O O O O O O O O O N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N Q 00 0 0 0 o N O O n 0 0 D o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a ti O m 0 0 . Zt o 00 � � ✓). ✓) o ✓). ✓). ✓) 00 00 � a)7 C a O O m C ✓� ✓� ✓i)i. ✓Ni. ✓Ni. � � to 0 0 0 O o N W N 0 rN Ln a o 0 rn 06 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m m o 0 0 ti C r, a oLn ln. 06 ✓). ln. in. ln. in. ln. � ✓). 0 rn m /} ljT O O O O O 0 O n Oo ti O Omi O O O O O O O m O m tp m O cy I� O O O O O O m O cy O 00 N a w 0 O O O O O O l0 O V1 O O LL O `"'� L O O O O O O cn O N O m W m N c-I yin. tn' O O O O Ill Lf O N N Q O D l0 O O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 N O O 0 m O 0 N m O W V. Ln lj} lj} lj} lj} lj? lj? W in ri yn, O m 00m o 6 a ti ti n ✓� -o c w O w 7 V = � Z Z Z 0 Z E � O O O p O y o N z z w a N u u > z o N Q N D J J = J Q V Q J F C w Q Q Q LL LL LL O Q o H p H p H p p w p U r 0 Q 0 Q 0 Q Q Z V Q p p V V V v Q z LLO QLL CCR w w w w w w w w w w w w Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 0 Q LL C U J LL ~ G O o V w w w w On V w �� P QR-TANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH iNGTON , U . S , MEMO Date: May 17,2022 To: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer, Councilmember Carr, Councilmember French, Councilmember McCaughan, Councilmember Schromen-Wawrin, Councilmember Suggs From: Sarina Carrizosa,Finance Director Subject: Monthly Update on Past Due Utility Accounts - April CITY OF PORT ANGELES MONTHLY REPORT ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS MARCH 2O22-APRIL 2022 za Number of Customers Past Due 1,674 1,724 1,649 (75) -4.35% Number of Disconnections for Non-payment - - - - N/A 60 days past due amount 248,814.61 324,324.87 333,740.80 9,415.93 2.90% 90 days past due amount 179,826.67 180,855.42 206,087.72 25,232.30 13.95% 120days past due amount 1,402,228.28 1,374,977.16 1,324,266.46 (50,710.70) -3.69% Total amount past due 1,830,869.56 1,880,157.45 1,864,094.98 1 (16,062.47) -0.85% Total Additional Payment Plan Agreements - 57 113 1 56 98.25% MARCH 2O22-APRIL 2022 PAST DUE AMOUNTS 2,000,000 16.0% 1,800,000 14.0% 1,600,000 12.0% 1,400,000 10.0% 1,200,000 8.0/ 6.0% 1,000,000 4.0% 800,000 2.0% 600,000 ilk 0.0% 400,000 -2 0% - -6.0% 60 days past due 90 days past due 120 days past due Total amount past amount amount amount due FEBRUARY 2022 MARCH 2O22 APRIL 2022 %CHANGE MAR.-APR. May 17, 2022 L - 2