HomeMy WebLinkAbout3690 ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending
the City's 2022 budget.
WHEREAS, the Annual Budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 2022, was
adopted, approved and confirmed on December 7, 2021, in Ordinance No. 3686; and
WHEREAS, now there exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been
foreseen when the 2022 budget was adopted,
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. The Council finds and declares:
A. There exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been foreseen when
the 2022 budget was adopted. The facts constituting the emergency include,
but are not limited to:
1. Unanticipated additional revenue; and
2. Unanticipated reduced revenue; and.
3. Unanticipated additional and reduced expenditures primarily for changes in
planned capital expenditures as previously authorized by Council.
B. These facts require amendments to the adopted budget in order to meet the
expenses of government of the City for the fiscal year ending December 31,
Section 2. On the basis of the foregoing findings, pursuant to RCW 35A.33.090,
the City Council declares that an emergency exists.
Section 3. To respond to the budget emergency, the 2022 budget appropriation for
each separate fund as set forth in Ordinance No.3686, is amended as shown in the attached
Exhibit A.
Section 4. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to
correct scriveners errors, references, ordinance numbering, section and subsection numbers
and any references thereto.
Section 5. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City
Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days
after publication according to law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles by a vote of one more than
the majority of all members of the legislative body at a regular meeting of said Council on the
19'h day of April, 2022.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
Kari Martinez-Bailey, City c illi C
am E. Bloor, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: .... d_
By Summary
2022 Budget Ordinance-Amendment#1
Exhibit A
Funds 2022 Budget 2022''dq AE,ntl" nt I I
I Fund Div. Name I Description Beginning Revenue Expenditures l Ending aL n'ng Revenue
E,e P ndt ures I Ending
I I BalanBalance [I..a1!.ffncn_e Est. Balance-Est.
GENERAL FUND(Note;Divislonot totals for reference only/
Fund Balance: 7,839,261 6,781,961 9,827,510 7,836,910
001 YY60 City Council 24,200 71,900
?1. �21L qf�Manager 3598QD 445,. 359,800 496,600
1211 Customer Commitment------- 0 Z500
--- ---- -
001. 1220 _W.n�an Resources 97,100 276,800 7 276,800
City Clerk 63,700 �63700 256,000
001. 1230 256,WO 'V
001. 2001 Fman-Revenue 14,324,200 0 14,324,200 0
Finance Administration 159,900 941,800 159,900 941'sw
2023 A5c-IntR ................................... �7_9,6?L 679,600 981,500
001. 2025 Customers �Jce 1,199,000,_1,1 7, 1,199,000 1,187,400
001. 2070 Reprographla 37,900 46,600 _j�,600_
M. 3030 City Attorney 172,500 555.600 172,-WO
�?L_ :Jail Contributions 0 950'sw 0 95D,800
001 4060 Planning 431,400 733,800 431,400 762,700
001. 4050 548,OW 251,700 S48,0W 253,700
001. 14071 50,000 101,900 50,000 101,900
........... ...........
001. 5010 Police Administration 0 664,SOO 0 674,500
001 6,600 537,900 537,9w PenComlCapitul Transfers 35
001. 5021 Police Investigation 2,700 1,090,800 Z 700 1,095,800
001. 5022 PolicePatrot- 553,100 31715,700
T!, 5026 Police Reserves&Volunteers 0 11,300 0 11,300
00L 5029 Police Records 13,600 465,000
001. 5050 Police rod6rhvI Mwoloworco w 8,100 8,100
010+F!i�reAdmtni�stration 61,900 1,400, 76.900 241,400
001 Otil, 6012 F� 'Cqms� upimrr 0 349,500 0 348,500
001. 6020 Fire Suppression 0 1,415,200 j 0 1,415200
:n, 6030 Are Prevention 7,800 109,400, Z'800 108,400
.001. 6045 Fire Training 3,OOD liz000 3,000 127,000
001. 6050 Fire Facilities Maintenance 0 59,4 0 59,400
trot. 7010 pm o , t'rolion 1,247,700 2,199,800
001 7012 Public Works CIP 0 15,000 0 68,800
001. 7032 Public Works Telecommunications 3ZSW 3ZHOWD z 32,800
001. 8010 P rks Administration 276,200 0 276,100
P!!r 33,200 165,9W 33,200 165,900
11� 185,000 115,000 185,
0 1
001, �8050 Ocean View Cemetery 000
0 P
001. 8080 Park Facilities 0 2,204,100 0 2,204,100
................... .... ......-
001. 8112 Senior Center Facilities . ............................ 0 57,900 ----",0- 57,900
00L 8131 Central Services Facilities 463,200 510,200 463,266 510,200
001. 8155 Facility Rentals 56,000 118,100 56,000 118,100
001. 1221_Sports Programs 0 114, 0 114,000
201. 2E9_Genera Unspecified 0 7.95,900 0 11501,000
001 TOTAL General Fund 7.939,261 21,110,200 22,167,500 6,781,961 9,827,510 21,125,200 23,115,1100 7,836,910
6615=,4W 101 Lodging Excise Tax Fund 296,966 _701,400 666,400 852,�R
102 ,Street 556,935 1,609,000 1,777,600 388,335 677 1,66 2,601 �83,748
47 '64.!48
105 Real Estate Excise Tax (BEET-1)Fund 761,534 306,000 1,020,200 334 2,1 306,000 1,020,200 334,051
107 Pencom'Fund -- ....... 1,090,058 4,544,500 4,903,800 730,758 1,986,922 4,637,500 4,996,800 1,627,522
160 Real Estate Excise Tax-2(REE-2)-Fund 572,425 307 600 525,000 355,025 883,928 307,600 525,000 666,528
165 Business trnpra!ernent Area 56,945 92,245 41,055 35,300 0 76,355
172 Port Angeles Housing Rehab.Fund 363,001 1,039,300 662,700 739,601 1,123,640 1,039,300 662,700 1,500,240
175 1 Code Compliance Fund 1
6''00 161,100 31,462 39,42111 161,100 161,100 39,421
1 TOTAL Special Revenue Funds 3,5i,325 11,7.�i5o 1 9,716,800 2,695,726 6,624,905 8,797,200 9,834,800 5�587,305
2022 Budget Ordinance-Amendment#1
Exhibit A
Fonds g. 8 2022 Budget 202:2.% et Arnendmeryt R1
Fund 'Div. Name/Description Be innin Revenue Ex enditures Endln ,Beginning Revenue Expenditures Ending
Balance-Est. Balance-Esks Balance-Est. Balance-Est.
217 2014 LTGO Bond(landfill Bluff Stabilization)Fund 186,891 601 700 597,200 191,391 178,462 601 700� 597 200 182,962
20151LTGO Bon4-Rofureding.(W„U4.A.i 16,787 232,500 231,700 17,587 14,353 232,500 231,700 15,153
TOTAL Debt Service Funds 203,678 834,200 828,900 1 208,978 192.815 834,200 1 828,900 i 198,115
... .^., ,,, ,300 9,427,004 ...16,907,671 26,8470,100m 25,442 900 1...
1 391 057
ty �� 9,602 200 14152571
aterr Utlllty Fundd10,126,204 26,847,100 27 546„�Wastewater, Utility .. .,� . 13 7,161,300 7,397,700 3,144,013
4D4 Wd..,,- 7 Utility Fund 3 131,916 7,161,300 7,361,300 2 931,916 I 3,380,4
1,312,026 12,334,000 12,360,500 1,285,526 2,797,8 9 14.334,000 15,556 200 1,575,679
.... Waste Utlli.... un.�....., ,, ..... -,.._._.,...-,:�...a ............. ....... .. s...,,...,..,
406 Stormwater Utility
Fund 2,091,457 2,763,000 2,692,800 2,161,657 2,211,487 2,783,000 2,812,600 2,181,687
ity Fund
413 Medic
C etaln-up Fund 1182 599 2„047,600., 2 047 TSOCb. .......�7615,0991 .-....1,407,454(152,-.W7 2,047,600.., 2 040,600".-- 953,954
421 Conservation Fund 657,789 305,000 296,500 666,289 575,352 305,000 ONE
TOTAL Enterprise/Utility Fonds 27,539,195 59,855,000 61,119,500 26,274,695 38,571,,546 61,675.,000 66,616,100 33,830,446'j
501 1 Equipment Services 3285,558 1,915,800 2,376,900
� - 13 503 274 1,944,000 6,841,000 8,606,274
502 InforrapaUon Tecflnolagy 2,412.,910 2,724,900 4,394,000 743,810 4,184,878 2,731,000 4,690,000 2,225,878
603 Self-Insurance 692,424 6,136,200 6,136,200 692,424 �� 5.5,140 �6,15i 7,100 6,,136,200 586,040
'TOTAL internal Service Funds 6,390,892 10,776,900 12,907,100 4,260,692 18,253,292 10,332,100 17,667,200 11,418,192
602 I Firemen's Pension Fund 214,162 19.,200 92,600 140,762 214162 19,200 92,600 140,762
TOTAL Fiduciary Funds 214,162 19,200 92,600 14C 1 214,162 19,200 1 92,600 140,762
'601 Cemetery Endowment Fund 427,060 6,000 0 433060 418,607 6,000 0 424 607
TOTAL Permanent Funds 427,060 6,000 0 433,060 418,607 6.000 0 424,601
310 Governmental Capital
312 'Transportation Capitallm Improvement Fund 6453958 2,146,700 7,692,20
_ 31477,644 5,099,100 8,400,900 175,844
p 00 228 950 3 375 651 5,212,500 1 9,363,900 224,251
P 0 718.458 4
316 Governmentai Park Improvement Fund 302 537 %200 0 311,737 307,928 .� 9,200 0 317,128
451 Electric Capital Fund 11,401,818 800,000 7,798,000 4,403,818 12,430,778 800,000 8,267,800 4,962,978
425 �... Water Capital Fund 4,536,003 725,0002,736,000 --... , .. - .....,.
2,525,,003 4,769,111 725,000 3,115,400400 2,378,711
453 Wastewater.Capital Fund 3,246,128 950,000 2,064,500 2,131,628 3,618,852 950,000 2,047,300 2,521,552
454 Solid Waste,.. Cap
ital Fund 1- 653,354 1,855,600 2,613,4 ,.895,554.. 270260 1,855,600 3,793,900 - 331,960�.
� 00 2
456 Stormwater Capital Fund 2,605,973 434,000 1,165,200 1,874,773 2,860,342 434,000 1,236,500 2,057,842
463 Combined Sewer....,_,... .,,...� ..........
Overflow Capital Fund 1 601 225 2,321,900 1 2,320,200 1.602,925 1,569,258 2,321,,900 2,510 200 1,380,958
TOTAL Capital Funds 35,029,446 1 14,248,500 1 34,594,100 14,692,846. 35,679,824. 17,407,300 38,735.900 14,351,224
SUB-TOTAL ALL FUNDS 81,341,020 1115,554,200 1141,416,500 1 55,478,720 1109,792,661. 120,896,200I 156,891,300 73;797,�561�
Reserves Used �^^^ 26 410,100, 547 800
36,493600 ,^, 498 500
TOTAL CITYWIDE ALL FUNDS 81,341„020 141„964,300 141.964,300 55,478„720 105,782;661 1157,399,900 1 157„389,800 1 73,787,561
Summary of Ordinance Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on April 19 2022
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the City's 2022 budget.
This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body,
is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and
publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
The full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the Clerk's office, on the City's website
at ;%I yo tis or will be mailed upon request.
Kari Martinez-Bailey
City Clerk
Published by summary: Friday, April 22, 2022