HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSAB Minutes 04/20/2022 PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD
Virtual Meeting
Port Angeles, Washington
April 20th, 2022 6:00 pm
Chair Andrew Schwab called the regular meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board to order at 6:11 p.m.
Members Present: Gayle Brauner, Evan Brown, Kathleen Graf,John Hauck, Kelsey Lane, Michael McGuire,
Mary Margolis, Andrew Schwab
Absent: Jesse Charles, Octavia Smith
Staff Present: Mike Sanders, Assistant Fire Chief; Brian Smith, Police Chief; Catherine Dewey, Secretary
Guest: Chris Cowgill, Assistant City Attorney
Kelsey Laney made a motion to accept the March minutes, John Hauck provided a second and the motion
passed unanimously.
a. Public Comment: Kari Martinez-Bailey the City Clerk called in and noted that *3 allows for call in
users to raise their virtual hand if they would like to speak.
a. Application consideration and recommendation of Applicants—
A motion was made by Gayle Brauner that Autumn Hudgins be recommended to City Council to fill
the Port Angeles High School Student Representative seat for the Public Safety Advisory Board,
Mary Margolis provided a second to the motion and a roll call vote followed:
1. Gayle Brauner - Yay
2. Evan Brown - Yay
3. Kathleen Graf—Yay
4. John Hauck- Yay
5. Kelsey Lane —Yay
6. Mary Margolis - Yay
7. Michael McGuire - Yay
8. Andrew Schwab —Yay
Prior to considering applicants for the enrolled tribal member position the Board members sought
clarification regarding which tribes were being represented by each applicant and current members as well
as whether tribal "representative" met the intention of the enrolled tribal member seat. Mary Margolis
and Gayle Brauner noted that they believed applicant and enrolled tribal member Rochelle Blankenship
should have first consideration over the open seat and conversation ensued.
Michael McGuire made a motion to recommend Glen Roggenbuck for the enrolled Tribal Member
seat, Evan Brown provided a second to the motion and a roll call vote followed:
1. Gayle Brauner - No
2. Evan Brown - Yay
3. Kathleen Graf—Yay
4. John Hauck- No
5. Kelsey Lane —Yay
6. Mary Margolis - No
7. Michael McGuire —Yay
8. Andrew Schwab - Yay
Mary Margolis made a motion to recommend Rochelle Blankenship for the enrolled Tribal Member
seat, Kelsey Lane provided a second to the motion and a roll call vote followed:
1. Gayle Brauner - Yay
2. Evan Brown - Yay
3. Kathleen Graf— No
4. John Hauck- Yay
5. Kelsey Lane —Yay
6. Mary Margolis - Yay
7. Michael McGuire — No
8. Andrew Schwab —Yay
Assistant City Attorney Chris Cowgill provided the PSAB with their Annual Ethics Training.
1. Police Department Report—Chief Smith shared information that he received from the Drug
Enforcement Administration regarding Fentanyl. Chief noted that what they are not dealing with
drugs is different than what they have ever seen. Fentanyl is being added to everything these days
and it is very dangerous. PD Participated at PAHS at Wellapalooza and had a great time with the
students interacting. PD just hired a new code enforcement officer and hopes to be fully staffed on
the line early 2023. They have had a few high-profile incidents recently and are grateful for the
support of their neighboring agencies for stepping up and taking calls. Chief Smith also invited the
Board to fill out a request if they would like to do a ride along with the department.
2. Fire Department Report—Assistant Chief Sanders noted that the Fire Department recently brought
6 new hires onto shift and they are in training now with 3 of those new hires going to the Fire
Academy in the near future. Chief spoke to the Firefighter Trainee program and that they recently
graduated 3 inhouse Paramedics. There have been promotions and Daniel Montana has moved
out of the Community Paramedic office and into a Lieutenant position back on shift. On the Fire
prevention side Chief sees an influx of permits and it appears that there is an uptick in building and
development in the City which is exciting to see.
1. Workplan-Add to May Agenda
2. Board to discuss summer months:June, July and August meeting schedule
3. Senior Committee— "Walk Safely, PA!" Report—Gayle Brauner noted that the Committee is now
ended but Gayle made a few brief points about her experience. She enjoyed working with the
Seniors and getting to work with and speak to people in the community. She took surveys and got
more comfortable on the forums. Gayle also noted the importance of supporting not only the
Police Department but the Fire Department as well and that there is a need for more personnel,
she would like the Board to consider making a recommendation in support of the Fire Department
hiring at least one more employee in 2023.
4. Chair Schwab asked the board members to send any agenda items and topics ahead of time in
order to get them on the Agenda and through them in a timely manner. Chair Schwab also
proposed the idea of the Board meeting twice a month and conversation ensued. This question
will be revisited at a later meeting.
Gayle Brauner suggested having Board training and education on the importance of having representation
of the Tribes.
Evan Brown noted that we have always had Tribal representation on the board.
Kathleen Brown thanked Chief Smith and his officers for their response to the break in at her business.
Kelsey Lane thanked PD for coming out to the High School and interacting with the kids in such a fun way.
Michael McGuire welcomed the new members Mary and John.
John Hauck made a motion to adjourn and Michael McGuire provided a second to the motion and the
motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
The next Scheduled PSAB Meeting May 18t", 2022