HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSAB Minutes 02/16/2022 PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD
Virtual Meeting
Port Angeles, Washington
February 16th, 2022 6:00 pm
Chair Andrew Schwab called the regular meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board to order at 6:05 p.m.
Members Present: Gayle Brauner, Evan Brown, Jesse Driese, Kathleen Graf, Kelsey Lane, Michael
McGuire, Andrew Schwab, Viola Ware
Absent: Jesse Charles, Octavia Smith
Staff Present: Mike Sanders, Assistant Fire Chief, Brian Smith, Police Chief, Catherine Dewey, Secretary
Gayle Brauner requested that the reference to"round table" be replaced with"round robin" in the minutes, a
motion was made by Michael McGuire to approve the January 19th, 2022 meeting minutes with correction
noted, a second was made by Viola Ware and the motion passed unanimously.
a. Public Comment: N/A
a. Review of Applications and Voting- Chair Schwab asked for clarification as to which seats were
being considered this evening, requesting that the Board look at each specific seat at a time and
clarified that the seats do not have to be filled by only candidates that meet the requirements, such
as for the High School Student Representative or Tribal Representative, but it is encouraged if
possible. Chair Schwab recognized that at this time the Board does not have an applicant for the
seat of enrolled Tribal member or High School Student.
The following individuals are being considered:
Position 43
Representative for the Port Angeles School District:
Kelsey Lane —Port Angeles School District
Position 48
Resident who has experienced homelessness or a substance use disorder, or someone who has worked
with people that have experienced homelessness or a substance use disorder:
John DeBoer—Olycap
Mary Margolis —Clallam/Jefferson County Pro Bono Lawyers, Admin
Susan Hillgren- Executive Director of The Answer For Youth
Position 412 Resident who represents diverse segments of the community
John Hauck— Sound Publishing, News Assistant PDN
Allisa Imming—Retired
Owner or Manager of business located within the City:
Bruce Monro— Clallam County Transit System Driver
Karen Rogers-Karen Rogers Consulting & Doc Neely's Gun Store
After further consideration the Public Safety Advisory made the following recommendations to
Chair Andrew Schwab made a motion to City Council to appoint Kelsey Lane for position 43,
Representative for the Port Angeles School District, Kathleen Graf provided a second to that motion
and a roll call vote followed:
Gayle Brauner - Yay
Evan Brown - Yay
Jesse Driese - Yay
Kathleen Graf- Yay
Kelsey Lane - Yay
Michael McGuire - Yay
Andrew Schwab - Yay
Viola Ware - Yay
Chair Andrew Schwab made a motion that for position 48, Because there is a split vote on the Board,
City Council appoints either John DeBoer or Mary Margolis to the Public Safety Advisory Board.
Gayle Brauner provided a second to that motion and a roll call vote followed:
Gayle Brauner - Yay
Evan Brown - Yay
Jesse Driese - Yay
Kathleen Graf- Yay
Kelsey Lane - Yay
Michael McGuire - Yay
Andrew Schwab - Yay
Viola Ware - Yay
Chair Andrew Schwab made a motion that for position 412, Because there is a split vote on the Board,
City Council appoints either John Hauk or Karen Rogers to the Public Safety Advisory Board. Viola
Ware provided a second to that motion and a roll call vote followed:
Gayle Brauner - Yay
Evan Brown - Yay
Jesse Driese - Yay
Kathleen Graf- Abstained
Kelsey Lane - Yay
Michael McGuire - Yay
Andrew Schwab - Yay
Viola Ware - Yay
Chair Andrew Schwab made a motion that City Council does not appoint someone to fill position 46
until an enrolled tribal member applies for that position. Viola Ware provided a second to that motion
and a roll call vote followed:
Gayle Brauner - Yay
Evan Brown - Yay
Jesse Driese - Yay
Kathleen Graf- Yay
Kelsey Lane - Yay
Michael McGuire - Yay
Andrew Schwab - Yay
Viola Ware - Yay
a. Police Department Report—Chief Smith began with an update on the REdisCOVERY program and
the work that is being done in the community. Chief Smith emphasized the widespread drug use in
the community that is unlike they have ever seen before. Next, Chief Smith spoke of junk vehicle
abatement in our neighborhoods and how they are utilizing CREW to help with the work of
dismantling these vehicles. Chief noted that they are not"allowing" the abandoned vehicles to sit,
but there are very strict regulations and laws in place in protecting this property.
b. Fire Department Report— Chief Sanders began by thanking Chief Smith for his update from PD.
The Fire Department had a fun visitor Brecky Breck, a children's YouTube channel host, she
presented our department in a fun light and the personnel enjoyed helping create that educational
video. Staffing continues to be a challenge for the Department, Chief Sanders announced that we
recently graduated 3 FF/EMTs from Paramedic school. Unfortunately, staffing is still low, but they
continue to advertise and interview for open positions. The majority of the department is now less
than 5 years into their career, so we have lost a lot of institutional knowledge over the years. Chief
Sanders also recognized the Community Paramedic program for all that they are doing in the
community, the program has been a tremendous success.
Michael McGuire— Conversation regarding a visit to Walla Walla, with regards to City camping, litter,
derelict vehicles, etc in contrast with Port Angeles: Michael decided to table the report until the next
meeting in respect of the Board's time.
Gayle Brauner—Propose that the PSAB recommend to the City Manager that the City purchase 1-2 more
radar trailers and also more solar powered speed signs: Gayle gave a quick update on the Senior Committee.
Gayle then stated that speeding in town
is an issue. Speeding, such as, accelerated speeding, speeding in school zones, speeding at Ediz Hook, road
rage, accidents, tailgating, inability to cross busy streets. She has noticed that there is a lack of radar
trailers, which help to control speeding. The City's has been in the shop for months so there is not one in
service currently but two solar powered ones. These radars and speed signs help to slow traffic and avoid
accidents. Gayle would like the Board to consider making a recommendation to City Council. Chief Smith
noted that this is in the CFP for the Parks and Recreation Department. Conversation ensued.
Chair Andrew Schwab made a motion to recommend to the City of Port Angeles City Council to direct staff
to find grant and funding opportunities to acquire additional radar speed signs. Evan Brown provided a
second to the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Gayle Brauner- commended all of the Police Department for their diligence and abilities.
Jesse Driese—this will be his last meeting and he noted how much he enjoyed being on the Board, he also
recommended the Board advertising at the High School for the student position.
Kelsey Layne—yesterday was National SRO Day so Kelsey wanted to thank the PAHS SRO
Michael McGuire made a motion to adjourn and Evan Brown provided a second to the motion and the
motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:55pm
The next Scheduled PSAB Meeting will be March 16, 2022