HomeMy WebLinkAboutSenator Murray Snake River Dam Letter of Support DocuSign Envelope ID: EFCAC45C-992F-413B-AB3B-ODE66D25B583
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PORTA GELS 321 East Fifth Street
c — WASH I N G T' O N , U . S . Port Angeles, WA 98362
Sent through the Washington Environmental Council link gj.,,r _n_. 2a �;��/�b lc 1a�,vx,, emailed, and via
July 11, 2022
Senator Patty Murray
154 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Governor Jay Inslee
Office of the Governor
PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002
Re: Lower Snake River Dams Benefit Replacement Draft Report Comments
Dear Senator Murray and Governor Inslee,
On behalf of the City of Port Angeles, I respectfully urge you to review and consider the following
comments based on our review of the Lower Snake River Dam Benefit Replacement Draft Report. The
City continues to encourage the removal of this infrastructure in support of regional environmental
The City appreciates that the draft report conveys perspectives on how to replace the services currently
provided by four dams on the Lower Snake River, and if those dams are removed,how to restore
critically endangered salmon, steelhead and salmon-dependent Southern Resident orcas. The City is
grateful for the opportunity to submit comments. We are suggesting the following information be taken
into consideration during the comment period:
• As our Congressman, Derek Kilmer has said, "...we have a moral obligation to effectively
recover both salmon and Southern Resident Orca populations."
• Sharing the North Olympic Peninsula with multiple Indian tribes,we recognize the nation's legal
obligation to honor the fishing rights guaranteed to the Tribes under treaties signed with the U.S.
• We also recognize that commercial fishermen and businesses relying on recreational fishing have
suffered real harm from declines in salmon and steelhead numbers.
• The City of Port Angeles municipal electric utility is committed to delivering reliable, affordable
and clean energy, to our citizen owners.
• Maintaining the status quo with the lower Snake dams in place will continue uncertainty about
what resources BPA will have available to serve its utility customers and what its future costs of
fish and wildlife recovery will be. Ongoing litigation would be a certainty.
DocuSign Envelope ID: EFCAC45C-992F-413B-AB3B-ODE66D25B583
Page 2
July 11, 2022
Re: Lower Snake River Dams Benefit Replacement Draft Report Comments
• While the draft report contains much valuable information,its summary of estimated costs of dam
removal and replacement of the dams' services,needs to be balanced by an estimate of costs
associated with keeping the lower Snake dams in place. It may well be that dam removal is the
cheaper option.
• ESA-listed Columbia-Snake Basin salmon and steelhead stocks, and salmon-dependent Southern
Resident orcas, are genuinely in near-term peril of extinction.
• For all listed salmon and steelhead populations that utilize the Snake River and its tributaries,the
lower Snake dams are a primary source of endangerment.
• There is broad agreement among salmon scientists that restoring a free-flowing lower Snake
River is one essential component of a larger regional recovery strategy in order to prevent
extinction and to recover abundant,harvestable Columbia Basin wild salmonid runs and support
healthy southern Resident orca populations.
• Replacement of the services these four dams now provide is feasible and affordable, can actually
improve upon some of the existing services and can create new opportunities not available under
the status quo approach.
• The status quo is unsustainable. It has proven costly,illegal and inadequate, and it has
perpetuated an atmosphere of uncertainty for all involved. As the draft clearly says, "Change in
the Lower Snake River and the Columbia River System Is Inevitable".
Thank you for this important opportunity for the City of Port Angeles to provide input on this important
matter and please do not hesitate to reach out if you would like to discuss these points further.
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