HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 06/21/2022 CITY COUNCIL MEETING flo rt Angeles, Washington Jurte 21, 2022 This tneeting was held virtually.. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 600 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present; Mayor Dexter, Deputy Nlayor Meyer.Council Members Carr, French, McCaughan, Schramen- Wawi-in and SUggS tjoined at 6:13 p.rn) Members Absent: None Stafl'PresLnt' City Manager Lest., Attonicy,Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey.,C. Delikat, D, Sharp,E. Bolin,'F, Hunter, S. Ca1TiZ0SaJ, Boehrne, V. Mchityre.'r, Weeks, and K, Hatton, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Dexter led the Fledge.of Allegiance to the Flag. PUr BLIC COMMENT No public comment was received. CONSENT AGENDA Hearing no obJection, Mayor Dexter added J-1 Barad J-2 to the,Consent Agenda as items E-8 and E-9. It was,moved by McCaughan and seconded byNlever to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council M inutes of May 17.,and May 24, 2022 /,41.ytrove 2. I-Apenditure Report: From AM'V 28, 2022 tar June 10, 2022 in the apnont u t)1 A' pprw,Sl,320,987.63 I' ee Ir. Amendment 01 PSA-2020-48 Storinwater Pertnit Implementation Suppart/Apptwiv.- 1, PV'QC--2(t22- Po.1n11H'00.169, Conot)l Pi"t),grant Developnient Grant Agreement ttith Ecologr;2. 4'QC- 2022-PoAnPff'_00164, Storm water Afanagement,4crion Plan GruntAgreemenr tvidt Ecalogi,'°and, 3 Atnenchnen.t 01 to ISA-202048 ai ith Osborn Consulting, Inc., thereb'v, iner-easing the origined agreement's not- to-('X(Ved amount ftom $28 95, 06.00 to,5643,001, an increase o'JS34 7,195. And authorize the Cav Alcma,�!er to s';yn all ductonents neccssarr to,execute and tuhninister the above agi-eenjents and antendrnent rind it) rneike mhu'w modifications'to them,as necessaty 4, Olympic Public Safety Netivork(01"SN) Firewall Hardware and Software Grettip, Inc (DGI)and authorize the Cin Xlanagci-to execute all documents nec"vciry to complete and administer this purchase and to natal e Pninor motfifications to the docutnents a.s necessary 5. Three-Year Agreeme tit for Cisco U nibrella (0penDNS) Services A iddiorize they G y Hanaget"to appro iv pat,ment to forty 3 Technologies, Inc" to enable threes-vears q/the Cisco Umbrella DAS'Securitv Adi,antage S(r/htwre Package for 250 tiwrs; and to make minor 17110dificatioms as,needeel 6. 2022 Lod ging'fax Budget Amendment proposal -Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports,Club ',4ccept Me re(oonmendation of"the LTAC to approi,e an amendment to the 2022 Loc4,tng Tax(1714A)Bread gel in the innoun't ol',S13,800 to award the [IR CSC`.1ands in order to operate a shiatle set­v'ice to Hurricane Rit in the i,i inter season, 7. Stancil Recorder Retresh the softrivreXhardti'are refi-esh of the Cit.v",s C,41)s.waem KlithStancil in the amount qfS28,985.60 and authorLe the City ilhviager to sign all documear.s nt,cessat'v to peijonn this rqfivsh and make minor modli alions as;Tec(�ws(ffl sUbject to approval o 'the 2023 - 2028 Capital Facthfie 8. MOVED FRONI J-I - Intrado"Viper" Software Refresh and Upgrade of Existing 9-1-1 Phone System Approtv and anlhori:e the 01V Xfanager It,,)sign as Vilvi-phone sl'sieni upgr-aek,agrvetrient in the amount t'#- PORTANGELES CITY(I OUNCIL NI1.ETIN6—June 21, 2022 160,251_50plu.s tax iiith Intrado Lij & SerJi,IY Solutions Corporation and to niake nyinormodificactions to the documenl�a.s to approval 0�the proposed 2023-2028 Capital Tocilifick Plan 9. NIOVED FROM J-2 - Virtual System flosts,Replacement -CFP Item 40618 ; Ipprove andautht,,)rize the purchase of lbur(4)�01:11, Powerf,'d,�Ie R840,5ervers and afloi,a,the('41 Idanager to adininzSter the purchase and make ininor modificafions as necessai:i: Council discussion folltywed, The Mayor asked if there"as unanimous consent, hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS 1, Draft Climate Resiliency Plan, Interim ''onuminny and Economic Development Director Eninia Rohn spoke to the agenda item and walked Council duough changes from the previous, version. She walked through the Plan and noted all changes since the previous version that went before Council. She included input from Councd, staffand community, Mayor Denier conducted a second reading ofthe ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO.3692 AN (,::tRIANANCE of the City of'N)rl Angeles, Vww ashington. adopting the Climate Resiliency Plan and arnencling the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the Climate Resiliency Kan. It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to- Adopt the Chniate Resiliency Plan A motion to amend was made by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs to. Strike the last sentence of Action Item #47, Con,wider hard shorchne proteclie:na in cerrain areels, such as bluft cresf� where infiwstructure,needs to berealigned acrid prolecteef Without hearing an objection.the Mayor postlicmed discussion and vote until after the Public Hearings were completed. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Storrawater Ordinance Update I !`ses8 Source Control Program Director of`Public Works& Utilities Thomas Hunter presented the agenda item and introduced Civil Engineer Jonathan Boehine,Civil"Utility Engineer Vince McIntyje,and Tarelle Osborn of(")sborn Consulting, inc. Civil Utility Engineer McIntyre presented slides that explained the source control program. He stated the program was intended to reduce impacts o,f existing development to prevent and reduce pollutants in runoff from areas that discharge to the City's municipal separate storin sewer system. He said the City would work with local business, owners to evaluate their sites and activities routinely being perfornied against current standards and best management practices for pollutant control and pollution prevention. He provided backgrOUnd and timelines for the project. At 6:50 p,in..the Mayor opened the public hearing. There being no Public comment. the Mayor continued the matter to the July 5 mecting. Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinances,by title,enfided� ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapters 3.70 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code as follows, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE:of the City()f Port 6uigeles, Washington amending Chapters 13,62 and Chapter 13.63 ofthe Pcart Angeles Municipal Code relating io storrnwater-utility and regulations. Page 2 of 4 I PORT ANGELES (.'[T'Y' C(,.")LJN( IL MEETING —June, 21, 2022 The Mayor continued the matter to the July 5 meeting. 2. 2023-2028 Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa presented the Plan and spoke to correction to the titles ofthree pro�jccts and to capacity and staffing challenges. She said Council had requested additional itil'on-nation and criteria regarding the present condition of assets be provided to ensure clarity and consistency throughout the document, She spoke to statuses and prioritization,capacity. staffing, She spoke to the proposal to include r I-RO321 - Intersection Control Study for Council consideration. S50.000 in funding for this proJect is proposed front REET, The Mayor continued t�he Public Hearing at '7:16 p.m. There being no public cornment, the Mayor closed the public hearing. Mayor Dexter conducted a second reading of the resolution by title. entitled. RESOLUTION NO, 13,-22 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port, Angeles,Washington,adopting the City's Capital Facilities Plan Rir 3023 20-18, which iuClUdes,the City,*s Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2023 - 202 1'. It vvas moved by Schronten-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs to: After the niotion was amended and approved, the firtal motion was: Pass the ordinance as read and include TR0322 - Intersection Control Study fbr COUnCil consideration, $50,000 in funding for this project is proposed from REE"T" and amended language to amend PK0719 to replace "The next stel.� of the process is to hirc� at consultantfin-the chsign qfthe Illacentem of the filediij, on cristing Ot'y po,'y7ert'v. The inain.16cus vvi/I he° land space, utililies, and tree canopy so that lhi.w r.vj�w qf e.Mitt it-ill not hajy7en in the fitrure," With "AC 1Wvt stel) olf theirprocess is, trr tie) rile anal.iYSis, io find an ty,'yn-al)riate 1ocati(,,)n'fi,)r the Peirks Mainlenart(.,(a Building" The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. Mayor recessed the nteeting for as break at 8:12 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:17 p.m. ORDINANCES N0717REQUIRING C'OUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS CONTINUED It vvas moved by Meyer and seconded by Schromen-Wavorin to: After the motion was amended and approved,the final motion was proposed: Adopt the Climate Resiliency Plan and amending the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the Climate Resiliency Plan and strike the last sentence of Action Itein #47. on ace ct"I'lea.27 at'('US' SUCh as blu#crtw.s ivhere infi-amnicture net to be realigned andprorecied, and on page 6, add to the right sidebar, to the bottom of the Carbon Neutrality definition "Die CitY vvill prioriiLe emission reduction to)reach carbon neurralit " ''r The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. CITYCOUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Dexter provided two updates relative u)recent events in P'ort Angeles and Olympia. Council rnernber Meyer provided an update on Fourth of July activities dowwown. Council member McCaughan spoke about his tour of the Fire Department, provided an update on Peninsula Area Public Access live feed events,attendance at a recent Habitat for Humanity and BMX event. (''ouncil member Suggs spoke about the Dungeness R a recent Nature(enter and ecent event held for middle schoolers. COU1161 nierntier Schronten-Wawrin spoke about a PRITO meeting, spoke about his trip to Vancouver through AWC, spoke about healthy living. scooters,arid the passing of Ryan Malane. Page 3 of 4 PORTANGELES (11 ITYC.'OUNCIL MEE"FING - Jutie21. 2022 Council member French spoke about updates on travel reported by a member of Life Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission. COUncil mernber Carr provided updates trom the Board(A'Health nleetnlg. Mayor Dexter spoke about the upconfing AWC conf'erence, No other reports were given. INFORMA,rION Manager West.spoke abOUL the passing of Ryan Malane and expressed his appreciation for his work if) Port Angeles and spoke about an upcoming("ity C I OUncil Work SCSSiOII in JUIY. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT Bob Vreeland,city resident, spoke about the Climate Resiliency Plan. Ed Chadd,city resident,spoke about tile CHITiate Resiliency Plan, ADJOURNMENT Mayor DeNter adJourned the meeting at 9 15 p.m. r, t/� -� Kari Nfartinez-Bailey,City Cler, 411ty, Page 4 f4