HomeMy WebLinkAbout3695 ORDfNANCE NO.
AN ORDINAN(E of` the City of Port Angeles, Washin&qon amending
Chapters 13.32, 13.44, 13.62 and 13.65 of the, Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to Accessory Dwelling Units.
Section 1. Ordinance 2181 as amended, and Chapter 13.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to water service connection, charges are hereby amended by adding a new, section
13.32.025 to Chapter 13.32 as follows,:
13.32.025 —Exception to Conditions applicable to all water service connections —Accessor
Dwellina Unit.
Subject to the conditions set out in suboaravranbs A through Q below, water service to a sin le
attached or detached accessory dwelling unit (ADU) may be supplied from a supply line
connected to an existinp-or new service line that supplies water from a City main to the primary
;dwelling unit on the propgqy�
A. The service line must provide water to the ADU with a flow of at least 2 GPM g 30 PSL
B. New ADU water meter shall be installed to Citv Standards.
C. The owner of the primary dwelling unit shall assume all risks and shall hold the City
harmless from all losses and damages,arisinp, from, an such connection.
D. No separate water system development fee shall be chgged for the ADU water connection.
Section 2. Ordinance 2181 as amended, and Chapter 13.44.020 of the Port Angeles
,Municipal Code relating to water service connection charges are hereby amended as follows:
13.44.020 Monthly non-discounted residential metered rate—Within City.
A. The following monthly customer charges are applicable to water service to single-family
residences within the corporate limits,of the City of Port Angeles, For the purposes of this
section, "single-family residences" are defined as structures designed for occupancy by a
single family only, containing a complete kitchen unit. Structures which are not "'single-
family residences," include, but are not limited to, duplexes, fourplexes, apartments, and
rooming houses. The base rate charge is specified below:
with 5/' -inch rmeter $3 ,50
with 3/4-inch meter $38.50
l-inch meter $38.50
I-1/2-inch meter S38.50
2-inch meter S3 .50
B. No base rate will he charged for a new or existing lawful single attached or detached
censor dwelling unit (ADU) service where the primary residence pays a base rate chart.
IRS". Metered consumption for up to 1,000 cubic feet shall be L926 for 2020 for each 100 cubic
feet consumed.
D. Additional consumption up to 1,500 cubic fret shall be 2,495 for 2020 for each 100 cubic
feet consumed,
DE. Additional consumption beyond 1,500 cubic feet shall be 3.012 for 2020 for each 100 cubic
feet consumed.
F. The monthly residential rate for those qualil ing for discounts per section 13.20 P,AM ,
regardless of meter sires, shall be:
25% Discount $28. S
f 35% Discount S25.03
FG. 25% discount metered consumption per cubic feet shall be 1.522 for 2020 for each 1110 cubic
feet consumed.
GH. 35% discount metered consumption per cubic feet shall be 1.319 for 2020 for each 100 cubic
let consumed.
Section 3. Ordinance 2394 as amended, and Chapter 1.3.62 of the fort Angeles Municipal
Code relating to connections-extensions are hereby amended by,adding a new section 13,62.015 to
Chapter 13,62 as follows:
13.62.01 a - Separate connection re aired exception —Accessory Dwelling Unit
Subject to the_conditions set out in sub ara a hs A through E below, sewer service to a single
attached or detached acces,sory dwwellin unit (A DU) maybe provided by a connection from the
A,DU to the primary dwelling unit on the Tro ert
A. The connectioua of the ADU to,the-vrimary dwelling shall be " diameter or greater.
B. Prior to a connection being made the line servicing the primaEY dwelling, shall be video
l inspected at the sole e ease of the developer to verify suer line integdty. record of
video inspection shall be provided to the Director for approval or denial of the connection.
C. The developer must demonstrate that both the line serving the primary dwelling and the line
serving the A13,U are or will be constructed to City Standards.
D. The owner of the rimy dwellin unit shall assume all risks and shall hold the City
harmless from all losses and damages arising,from any such connection.
E. No se...�arate wastewaters stem..development fee shall ble charged for the ADU wastewater
Section 4. Ordinance 2394 as amended, and Chapter 13.65 Section 010 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code relating to wastewater service rates are hereby amended as follows:
13.65..010 - Single residential unit monthly rate.
A. Each residential unit and each living unit connected to the City wastewater collection,
treatment and disposal systean shall be charged a monthly customer charge during months
in which water is consumed, except when exempt by l: 6➢ �;l 4011 PAl'a�lC. This section shall
not apply to a residential connection to the City water system for agricultural and
irrigation purposes in accordance with 1' .Rl i i 510 PAMC".
P. The monthly rate is based upon the size of the meter as specified below, lAor. non-
discounted residential users and shall be:
IN IrgrA ME,
Base Rate CSO Rate Total
With 5/8-inch-inch rector $33.34 $13.92 $47.26
1 � 5��.�a8 I
With 3/4-inch meter $41 76 3 � $
With 1-inch meter $58.60 $13.92 $72.52
With, 1-1/2-inch $100.71 $13.92 $114.63
C. ._._._...No base ratem will .be char ed_.for_a newm or e. ist n laww�fuj „since attach dmmor detached
access r _dyvellisw unitA ) T service where tel e a M y_ esidencqsm s.qfw _rats_w�l r
GD. The monthly residential rate for those qualifying for discounts per section 1.3.20 PANIC, for
all meter sizes, shall be:
Bane Rate CSO Rate Tbtal
. •b 25% Discount $25. 0 $10.26 $35.26
35% Discount $21.67 $8.89 $301.56
DE. Metered consumption for all residential customers shall be based on the water consumption
and shall be per each 100 cubic foot, regardless of meter size;
Waistewater urn us ug Total mega
Residential moan- $4,243 $1.543 $5.7'86
Re�sid+entual TS ,� $3.183 $1.137 $4.320
Residential35% $7.759 $a985 $3.744
Section S. - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifuers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including,, but not limited to,
the correction of the scrivener's/clerica:l en-ors, references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes,
rules or regulations,or ordinance numbering, section'subsection numbers and any references thereto.
Section 6. -Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or
circumstances,are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance,or application of provisions of the
Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Seetion 7.-Effective Date. 1 his Ordinance,being an exercise of a wver specifically delegated to
the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five ( )
days after passage and publication of an approved .summary thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED D by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting ofsaid.Council
held on the 19 ' day of ,Tully,20222.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
P 0 A, S4 O
Will lour, City Otto 'ey
sari Martinez-Bailey, C'i
y er ,.
� '! 4
Summary of Ordinances Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on July 19,, 2022
AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
Chapters 13.32, 13,44, 13.62 and 13.65 of the Port Angeles 'Municipal Code relating to
Accessory Dwelling Units.
AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, 'Washington amending
portions of Chapter 3.7('.) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to pen nit fees.
AN' ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ofthe City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending
the City's 2,022 budget,
These Ordinances, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative
body, are not subject to referendum, These ordinances shall take effect five (5) days after
passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. Ordinance No.
3697 shall expire and its effectiveness shall terminate as of September 1, 202,3�.
The full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the Clerk's office, on the City's website
at fj,� ��L�Ls or will be derailed upon request.
Karl Martinez-Bailey
City Clerk
Published by summary: Saturday, July 23, 2022