HomeMy WebLinkAbout3697 ORDINANCE No. 3 q'7
A1'* ORDINANCE of the City off Port Angeles, Washington, amending
the City"s 20,22 budget.
1 ,
WHEREAS, the Annual Budget of the City of fort Angeles for the year 2022, was
adopted, approved and confirmed on December 7, 2021, in.Ordinance No. 26' ; and
WHEREAS on April 19, 20,22, the first 2022 budget amendment was adopted,
approved and confirmed by Ordinance No. 3690; and
WHEREAS,, now there exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been
foreseen when the 2022 budget or the first amendment to it were adopted.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Fort Angeles, Washington, do
ordain as followers:
Section 1. The Council finds and declares:
A. There exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been foreseen when
the 2022 budget or the first amendment to it were adapted. The facts
constituting the emergency include, but are not limited to:
1. Unanticipated additional revenue; and
2. Unanticipated reduced reverse, and..
2. Unanticipated additional and reduced expenditures primarily for changes in
planned capital expenditures, as previously authorized by Council.
13, These facts require amendments to the adopted budget in order to meet the
expenses of government of the City for the fiscal year ending December 21,„
Section 2. On the basis of the foregoing findings, pursuant to l CW 25A.22.090,
the City Council declares that an emergency exists..
Section 3. To respond to the budget emergency, the 2022 budget appropriation for
each separate fund as set forth in Ordinance No.3686, is amended as shown in the attached
Exhibit A.
Section 4, The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to
correct scrivener's errors, references, ordinance numbering, section and subsection numbers,
and any references the eto.
Section 5. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City
Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days
after publication according to law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles by a vote of one more than
the majority of all members of the legislative body at a regular meeting,of said Council on the
19"' day of July, 20�22.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
Kari Martinez-Bailey, cle William E. floor, City Attorney
By ummary
Detailed Ust of Proposed Budget Changes-2022 Budget,A-end-ent#2
WASPc'iVIHFR,Gmnt,Revenue 001-501G-434 06 910 CcHincill Approved 7/5/22
WA5PCMHFR GpogPZ,Expeise 65,0010 QnI 5019-521-41 50 Councill Appircived 7,15/22
KUM,-pcbl�,e lbser peplacemerrts I,100 1 S97-59 91 Reriorrontut-,d iin UP
I r ansfep Parks Secui)tV to Gene Fund 7,S(Xj) 001-"AM,59'59 94 Traristpi,Pwks Securdy to Geinei,,A Fund
POO'S serwrty 27,300 GOI 5022-521 10,It Transler Pwks,I>tcwayti,)Gerie,,M Fund
WASfIC Grunt;rrollic5oferty 001-5022°133-20-60 Grant Reve rrdU e
rmg&Sqfety Ni 7,000 001-5022-52 1-35-01 Grant Ei,pense
AiA Attorney Generw Grant-Ewdence fief4cratar 1,4100 WI 5029333-16-83 Giant Revenue
Ewuti Ref"'gefilon, 1,400 C01,5029 521-31.(il iGmant Expense
Hoiusmg AMon MOM&Impoementabon Grant 10c"ONI 001 4060-334-04 20 Council!Approved 4119/22
Hm)5ing Artiotri Pfan&Impiernenrarpain Grant - I U(), 0 001-4060-558i 41 50 Councd Approved 4/19/22
FHRE p4cr progrom 15foople 10,000 91t1-6020-334-06 90 Grant Revenue
FHRE Adot Program 10,0i�jo 001 602G.522 31 11 Groat F.Kpiense
FDO4,15-Fe Departmerwl 7gjrnapjt Gear 2,800 001-6t7Ur 597-59-191 Redni in UP
fire Peasonnef rramrng Semr(par,Fees from Neiqhbo and Otstrien 2,000 001-6045.342-20-17 Reimbursed Training
�rR0616-Francos utreet 494 1,200 001-7012-597-59-91 RepirOrdimd in i
TR42821 Fuc0OyASsLssrrRM 1,007 RepraOrwti2ed un UP
PK0519-City Arr bcsaor.Stabioivatmri and5WewGARePoWf 5 5,0100 001 SOSO 597-5�9-91 RepinafrWed iin CFP
PK04'18'-Dvn 1 11&00 001-808)-597-59-91 Repirrow aii zed m UP
Kar1rome Rodgir Frans,r EvL ri Gmirt increase 13,8010 101 14 30-557-41-50 Ccowicd ApparaVed 6/21/22
PK0418-Civic FuOd 01,0010} 101-1410-597-59 91 RepTitiritised in UP
100 I'Miflit 101 '14?vA7537 59 1 RLiprioritozed in UP
TROICI jaa;jet S1reer Sterms Repgvsemein;! P415,(XKi� 105-7840 597-59-91 Repmriwcd in UP
T,R0621 Waterfront rradRepoi 1100,M1l 105 784M97-59,91 Maye to BEET H Fund
PX0819-Oty rkev Radinsis Repiocrent d20010K'4 1rj5-7840-597-59-91 Move to REET H Fund
PK0220 Svirnhevr Furf at Vokerteer Freild' 5(),000 105 7940-597-S9 91 Repr loy mued bri C rp
P001,11-EOC/911 D6spiarch Center 1,000 WO 207-5 L60 5�97-59-91 Repnoi itizerd in UP
Pole J 19-rompurefl 4uded DapatcN 38,100) 107 5160,597-59-% Repo iorArzed m CFP
rOTA,L PENCOM FUNO 961,900 -
TR0918-Downtown Treel's#dewnik Repflotrenierrt-Phase ly 30(1 1X)O) 160 7841�597 59-91, Repiqintiqed un CFP
rRO618 r SteVen'MAddle S&,ois4 WoUking Routes I S,000), 160-784 1 597 59-91 Repricriotued in il,.F:P
IN0621 Warerfront TrarfiRepuprS INUCIO 160 7841,-1597-5,14-91, Repitkw4rzed in UP
202,01,010 160-784 1-S97-59-I)l Reprorm7red in UP
e(sJfjtV to Generail Frond Q27,dCE4D 175-56,19-397 10•94 Transfer Parks Securroy tin Generdr Fund
Transfer i.5rr:uoty to.Genercui Fund 175-5620-524,10-XX TransFer Park-,StriisritV to Gerierat Fund
TOTAL,CODE CO (27,30,01 27,
P00120-Taser Repdacemie,vts 1,100 310-5950-397-10-91 Repnovitized in UP
P00121 PENCOM911/fOCC,I evorer 1,0100,0100 310,5950-397-10-91 Reprtenuzed in UP
PDOI 19-Compute,,A�ded U(5,00rch 6 1CIE1x 310-5950-397-10-91 RePO'Dritized wo UP
FDO415�Fire Deportmew rumout Geor 2,800 310-5915G-397-10.911 Repnentized in UP
PKr)ffl9 Ci,fyPrer,RcidogRepiccement 2,0100 310-9985-397-10-91. Repnoritized iin UP
PK0220-Synthietuc Turfoot Vrtiunreer Fveld SG,OcIG 310-9985-397-10-91 Repnomozed vin UP
PK05119-Gfy Pier Eiospon 310-89855-397-10 91 RepriwituLd in UP
PWJ19 98,100 310-5950 5194 65-111) Reprofirued in UP
PDOJ21-&,14'1911 I Duspoitch Cenref 11,093,000d 310•59SO-594-65,10 Repriomatrd iin i"FP
ii-PerCoon AadPo/Phcne Traffic Reccrci4og 31,SO0 310-5950-594-65,10 ReptrisrAized in UP
PD0322-PenCom 911 Phorw Equrpment IS3,000 3101,59,50-594 65 To Repnoritized in UP
C;601 19-Ennps(reek F�sh Ramer Rerromot 199,700 310-7910-5'94-615 la RepnciriVzed in UP
PK0519-r4y Ppoir Erosio"Sta&uzof4ew Oood Skdewa,ik Repovir 110,IR40 3101-8985 Sla4-65 W Repriownized in UP
PK0719-Parks Maintenance Sufidenq 6532 1d, -, "-, -, -- Repriontued iin UP
July 19, 2022 G - 17
TRO6209 Rare Street Depqri,,PHA Grant 1,,7515,300 312-7930-S31-20-20 Grant Revenue
790919 Downtown ripelSideimWk Retmdaaenmeaxtt-Phose d 1�300,uft 312-7930-397 litl 91 Repriorvczed in UP
7A10618-5:revpjls Mtddje school Wo*'Aq Houtes (15,0001 312 7930-31,47-10-91 Reprwrvwed m UP
TROJOI d415,000�1: 312-7910-3197-10-91 ReprtaMized an UP
TRO616-Fonnis Street ADA 1,200 312-7910.3,97-10-91 RePjrq ohtixed m l7P
1RO1321-Farriisty AL$eisr"ent IMO 312 7930-397-10-91 Repnoritized m UP
IN0909-W(I�T#rRdrng5ig,"vqr ¢2SO,M 312 4 160-595-65 110 RepUrior'Rized in CIPP
rROJ 14-HM Screer OAympg,Fred' 16,1300 312-4160 59S-65-10 RepownWed iiin CIPP
TRO725-riStreetiChip 100,000 322-79301.595-65 10 RepHodWed iin CFPI
TRO120,Signa)Controfierr Upgrades(Js:t and Fropt3 12,S00 312 7913n-595-65.10 Repharitized m UP
7RO518'-N Street Chip SeW n"51h to 16rh 9meirts3 100,000 312-7930-595-65-10, Reprioftzed io UP
rR06,16 Freerces Streec,ADA 1,20G 312,7930-595-65-10 Repniairrtized on UP
1`90619-Stevens Viddie 50ofO WWA mg Ratites (15,00011 312•7930-595-65-10, Repriontized iin CFP
TRO821-FacfidyAsseisment 1,000 312-7930-595,-65,10 Repi6onticed m UP
7R09J 9-Traffic Safety Camera Progrom 136,1XXL 3 12-79 30-S95-16,S-10 Repirio"tozed uni UP
rA0119-8M Sheet Pawng(tincitht MA Screefs) �30,00) 312,1910-595-65-10 Rephotwtired vn CFP
TR0320-2021 Pavement Preservation 601,9001 312-7930-5,95-6S-10 Budget Carrecturn
C1032O F Street LTC Repincerrent Q2010,10Mp 451-7188 594-65-10 Repnotitized in UP
CLO414 (4,469,800)451«71$8-594-65,110 Repriairfized Mn UP
.. L2dCMI 451-7188-594-6!i�10 R epqr�n,j i e P
................... ritz (iin U
W70121-Wtdife Creek and Jr(I'Streef()osstnq Main 120,000 452-7388-594-65-11) RepnvMzerd iin UP
WT0219-Reservoir Repair 25,400 10 Reprior4tzed Rn UP
W50M Race Street Wateir,Mrrfzm RerjRarrnenr South 57,800 452-7388-594-65-10 RepharAlzed iin UP
WTO321-Facdoty Assessment 1,000 4 52-7 388-594-6 5°10 Reprioritized rn UP
WT0429-Dleeanl Facifty at the Transfer Station 1777,401,r)452•7A6-5,94-6-5-10 ReprwhOzed rn UP
WT0420-Ennis("leek Watv Mom Relocate 20,0001 452 7388-594-65-10 Rept,oritiZed in UP
WT042A-Race,Street Wirter Main Repiacnient North 4125,000 452.7398-544-65-10 ReprorOizeiJ in UP
vVTL1519-Water Plaint Repopts 78,000 452-7389-594-65-10 RepricoMmd m CIFP
WT0521-Water Main Repiocprnient VYtbqe birdberg {120,000p 452.7389-594-65-10 Repriorytaied iin CFP'
WT01619 Q66,0(kb 452 7388-594-6S-10 Reprioritizod in UP
WFO122-Elwha,Fah 5r,een Focifity improveritencs 2100,00C 452-7' &554-65-10 RepnorqUed on CyP
W70222-f4ho IS,= 452 7389.594-65-10 Reprtq�u oOzed Nn UP
WWO120-Purrip Station 3 Force Mom Replacment Q50,000Q 453-7488-594-65-10, Relpriontized in UP
WSW O121- Frri hry RepOrernenr 1,000 453-7488-594-65,10 Reprkarkized iin UP
WWOIY20 Wpsr 4,rh Screet Lapacirty Improvernent (400,000p 453-7489-594-65,10 RepnirrktiZed in UP
WIV0119-Wwewoter roarprehensive Man 66,600 453-7488 594-65-10 ReprlorAined in UP
WW0320-WWTP Septic Truck Pad Repair (20,000 453-74SS-594-65-10 Repraojftized in UP
WW0420-WW TP Patable Witter Aa-Gop 15,000 4531-7488 594-ta5-10 Repncoiticed ur UP
WWO50-Digesterhlmrrg Improvement IWWTP (50,000p 4S3 7,488-594-65-10 RepfIMjritvzed Er UP
WWO519-DecwTt FariftV at T ansferSfafion (577,4001b 453-7488 594-615-10 ReprooNtized iin UP
WWO520-Sonartry Force Mwo Repracerytent(Ceps Creek) 20,000 453-7488.5,94-65-10 Repnorftued on CIFP
WWGG.jS r Neiq,nborhoad Sealer RehGb$utUtq)n (2501,WO)4531r7488-594-65-10 Repriantued m UP
WWO918-2025 Neqhborhaad Sewer Rehabrktation p6.5010i 453,1488,594-65-10 RepviuriOzed un UP
WWO222-Anaerobic Drgester Roof Impromencenits 119,4010 453-7488-594-65-10 ReprorMzed iin UP
WWO419-WWTP HVAC Reglacerrvent 20000 453.7488-594-65-10 Repricnitized in UP
5 WO 112-Decant Fercedtfy at reansfer Stown Q707,,9(Xjp 454-76S9694-65-10 Repniorvtzed iin UP
SW'CIJJ 7-Londtit)ScaPeSaftwore, 3,800 454,7688,S94-65,10 Repnoiftized in UP
SWO120-LandPhi Pump Stotion.17 RepLocentent (250,000) 454-7688-594-65.10 RepIrcafItiZeat in UP
514,0121-,Eondfift Access Road Reporr ti515,000p 454-1688-594-65-10 Rep6lontlized m CFP
SWO221-Foofity Assessment LOW 4S4-76M-594-65-10 RepnorrUzed iin UP
OR0120-Der cant Facifety at rb m Transfer Sconon M7,4(V]i 456-7698-S94-65-10 Repriorctized iin UP
19R0223�Facifity Assessment 1,000 456-7688-594-65.10 Repirioritized un I FP
DR0213-H Street OurfaffOrnprovements 12,000 456-7688,594-65-10 Repirkantized iiin CFP
27R08,04-Liatalri Farkl&g Boy,Pond Shidq, (19,201S,456-7688,594-65.10 Rephotitized in CFP
DR0322 Pork Ave Outfolt to Peabody Cieeh 450,000 456-7688-594-65-10 Repnorklized m UP
OR0215-Fiancis Vieel Oyt&l Re goo 40,000 456-7656 594-65-10 Reprsagilued iin CFP
J�uly 19, 2022 G - 18
pill I
prianticed in CFP
AWM20 PaevgpSjvjtio�q Fnrf�p�,Vfaim Regjk,scement 335,000 46344:39-594-65-10 Re
�189,()00 463.7489-594,55-10 Repnowized in CFP
rotAL CSO,CAPITAL FUND 724,000. ..........
rfen,h 11'1,0I(J01 403 74FO-535-35-01 Carried from 202.1
ToTAL wAs rii TER FUND 19,OW
#1411 2005 Faid Crown Vnc r22,1r,)Qi 501 7630 594-64 10 Repnoilitized m UP
44103 2004FaYdCf,nwr?Vic r22,300 501 7630,59,4-64,10 Repriontized in CFP
#5107 2COS Ford Crown'Vic �2 2,3M 501-7630 594-64-10 Repnijfmzeid w CFP
42290 Ford F-S SO Serv?ce Fruck 176,,700 150 L-76 30 594-64-10 Repricxayzed in CFP
#2291-QT Lube Sh W 20,100 501-763M94-64 10 Repnorir�izod iin CFP'
#12,46 1999 DcidqA°3500 Setvirre Trur 4 �87,600 50 1 7163G 594-64-10 Repiriontued iin CFP
#154,9 1988 C47 926E A,hee�Waider Q153,900)501-7630 594-64-10 Repnonmed In CIFP,
4178,2 J993 GMC 5,90i0torp Truck M9,100 501 7630-S94-64 10 Repk)riozed ir CFP
42756 1991 lohn Deere SockPioe tomW 131,,400 501-7630 594-64-10 Reprioritaed iin CIFP
41240-2012(reqhNimerlOgm 4ar SlweepLr 138,700 501-7630-594- 10 Rep6opirtaeld ir,CTP
01,987 2001 Oadqe 4X4 Fforbed Trurk with Smw Prow 7'3,.34)Cl f So I r 7630-5'94-64-10 ReprPointued ir CFP'
#232ar 200?7Vro Aemfoe,fTfiactot Attodunentj i 502-7630-594-64-ID RepnoirMzed in UP
#21844_Ecostock 5032W Conveyor 100 501-763C-594 64-10 Reprimitlized iin CFP
ree"T noP TrarrroN,oatIrS Q300X7i SOI 7630-59�4-64-10 RepnovilimJ in CF-P
#2283 FonI F2504XJ Ark op 65M0 501-7630-594-64-'jG Repi,kmilized m CfP
d 11,900 501-763C-594-64,10
il%,71 6,-EAP Rood Mqp andftalacement 133,900 502-2082 594-65 10 Riepnoritized in CFP
rOl'AL IT FUND 113,9W
July 19, 2022 G - 19
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending
the City's 2022 budget.
WHEREAS, the Annual Budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 2022, was
adopted, approved and confirmed on December 7, 2021, in Ordinance No. 3686; and
WHEREAS on April 19, 2022, the first 2022 budget amendment was adopted,
approved and confirmed by Ordinance No. 3690; and
WHEREAS, now there exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been
foreseen when the 2022 budget or the first amendment to it were adopted.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. The Council finds and declares:
A. There exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been foreseen when
the 2022 budget or the first amendment to it were adopted. The facts
constituting the emergency include, but are not limited to:
1. Unanticipated additional revenue; and
2. Unanticipated reduced revenue; and.
3. Unanticipated additional and reduced expenditures primarily for changes in
planned capital expenditures as previously authorized by Council.
B. These facts require amendments to the adopted budget in order to meet the
expenses of government of the City for the fiscal year ending December 31,
Section 2. On the basis of the foregoing findings, pursuant to RCW 35A.33.090,
the City Council declares that an emergency exists.
July 19, 2022 G - 20
Section 3. To respond to the budget emergency, the 2022 budget appropriation for
each separate fund as set forth in Ordinance No.3686, is amended as shown in the attached
Exhibit A.
Section 4. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to
correct scrivener's errors, references, ordinance numbering, section and subsection numbers
and any references thereto.
Section 5. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City
Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days
after publication according to law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles by a vote of one more than
the majority of all members of the legislative body at a regular meeting of said Council on the
day of , 2022.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney
By Summary
July 19, 2022 G - 21
2022 Budget Ordinance-Amendment#2
Exhibit A
24 mic 71,Yml 24 UW
mo orrm-p" 35434V 499WAN mw
W2 14a e-r-col-al-t a 2 Kw lKV17
ilv X120 k"-fl,"o ql;00 176 14W v,a,lattv 06,800
0611 1230 CArCkvk 63 70V �56"Xmv 61 AX j W Wo
&,,, 4061 14324 2W D
Xi 100 "59�XAN 902.81%, J�59,wv 9419491
lool P913 6?RMW 48 e Sry 61,15,640 MAW
00Z 20,15 1_1 q9 am 1 W eon j s 951 WX J,18?400
J0,10 Doz 3:,Rol 0 M,6 M 37900 46,64V
W ?010 ravArw"ll, 17?,JW S',5 0,;( 172,5W 555,6W
X IDIj a,woC-fjr,a,,w,,,,, 0 9508M 0 9541,00
I'vU 4mv Ac""'y 43J 4W %1 Aw S31 400 96,Z 100
001 AM 9"114"9 54,8 Dw M W Ws= 1151 1X19
W1 4011 0-011p-t 50 MS =,%W ladd'4k';Y Jo I A
W11 l po- 0 6 74,5(0l S50M 749sw
Vic 1 5022 P-C-Aroplo, &W) k34'XV 60C1 511,700
001 S&I pl,w", AV I vq!lvmeo Me 1,095,0W
,X2 Wlz ftml 19ut- s3l,ysae a 2 9 1,Me 3.4p S00 1,750,ow
ml W,16 Rw,A-,-a 3,110 0 T A 307
Col 2 5029 PrA,,Raxvd, 46 5 ow M� 466,4M
AA.W-1, 16,3'w MW C9 300 A M
pax NUO Ad.l.,wo.. 76,900 .4,Aw) mj,4w
,V z "U2 J48,SM
MI 6014 P, 415 2(v looml, 1,425,IM
001 60,40 k-P,-twr ?�,avo 1,38,4WJ HhX 108,441V
W,11 6045 F-T,..,,,g 3,.i"1449 1"7 OW 117 Upe,
ME SOD F",F.lllf.z J, 119,400 w 55,4M)
X Alptol Vivk,Ad Vw- I'Zi(AX 2 WX RXI W 2,1189AW
X; "M ax4mva ww48 Op 0 69,940 0 7JAM4'7
001 7032 hnwubFk W 32,800 12,9d911 32 ROD I.,sm
Jcj 201,01 "Ye kVcl
MI WIN Fe-Cvv NW M5,9w
W 9050 U.-9.w lls"X)o 4$5,60o 115me Us,tvw '% ,
W1 �WXN P.A F-IMW� a 2,204 00 U ?n av
001 C12 SevoiilxCeplltfrfiwiwtx�.ti 900
AW 46I-1W 5 Co RV
56,UUN, 6,dfm) 56"m 1P8 dw
W1 82,21 sowp.s Aoonm a 1�4,00%1 11 HlJ,MV
001 W49 G-f,&,JmrwNd --, as 1"W'IM 0 t'Sol9"AW I
jo t TOTAL Gelverall Fund 9,827,510 21,125,2W 21115,M 7,3316,910 7J14,465 21,311,600 23,371,!RR Sl
01 tov"a Exdse Tax Fund! 824,440 701400 F66 41"XII 0t4!9,440 824,43g 7132,430 569,AW 956 6,t9
142 Street Fund 6717,348 1.boq X10 1,807,6100 481'748 677,349 16U9,000 t,84tZWU 483,148
LOS Real Estate Ead$0 Tal,,V(Al Fund 1048,25 406,WD 1,02,01,No 334,01l9 M1,148 151 19U00 31,15,20D 999105 1
107 IWwencarn Fund 4,998,Sn 4,637,500 TAxV S22 l,986,822 4,637,500 S,958,7ola 665622
160 Rl Estate Udell Tzrlt4iRl fund 8193,128 30,fcm 1211,fMc h,d4,528 Mir.3,927 307 6W S 0,00(0 09,132)
165 Susi"m fm$tntawneent Area 41,055, 35,300 0 76355, 4 1,1055 35-M 0 M,3"s
172 Part Anphts Housing Rehab.Fund 1 123,640 1,039,302gp (A,2,7UU 1,500,240 I'l,,"3,640 1,0�9,Xyj 562,?(WJ li,5t7U40
17S Code _J4,421 133,8U5 133,wa 39"Q 1
i, 514m,603
pal RoVel Funds 9,79UQ0 '94U.No 5,3071"s 6,624, 3 90 769:9-M
Jul�y 19, 20,22 G 22
2022 Budget Ordinance-Amendment#2
Exhibit A
fleplami Revenue I ExpentIftwas Editig Beginning Revenuie Ensand fn&
Balance, smance,Est, ��aalavcff
2014q.G0 Sol'Id:pLandfiiif Bluff StefisfiziVai Fund! 78,% ("m,AN, N,10 nUd,IrM "97 ,vu
A MI �s 153 14,3S3 u2 SOO M '1M TOTAL Debt Setvme Fiimdi 192,315 93412M &IIii-198 i1i" if,
1�9�F,7 �i'14�61�p 25,NO"Pic, �5
401 ELKVkc Li Fund 25 U lx) x� .
402 Watts Utffity Fund c,/', 84 7,d uO '4,602''X03 v nj,5,1� 6 6,84 Wo 1, 4,14d,571
403 Wasitimater UVHtW Farad 9 i' �'11h1 MU 7.4917M �41 011 lHuA a ;Aa�,,7cu 1,.ZS,o k i
404 5o8d Waste Uliks,Fuind 2,7q',879 Y4,3'A,009 V16"I"(11 S"�fi 119 2,&U�,R) i4-334,0(k 15,1%,2�WJ
406 Stimmimater Utlfty Fund 2.,21 1,4 8�"? 2 783,�)M� 2 s12 UM 2,X 9 IR,F67 2 M 487 ;p M M 0 W 900 2,IS 1,!i8 7
4014 Media I Utility Fwdi 1,4077,4Sf& I DO(,100 I'liAl 200 953,1354 1 40,454 IX6,7100 46CUM 953'X54
413 Hwbcw CL-w-up Fund 7 041,Flo!Lq (.4 1,biIIII 04�,6010 41147,600
±LI C 66,6
se omWqi6*n Fiand -57S,ii52 MIS I.V0 '15 35", ZI%lk�u
TOTAL Enterpo /JOhly Funds 38 6 34,574,$44 .19 iit,m,wai 45,100 33,8 04AM
Soil, Filimpmerst semwes 1 j,-',G4,J M i,544AXV 6 84 1 0,00 M,62.ids:A 1,J1 1,544 1X)C, 6,040,&C 4K'i
502 ilinformation T40imstially 4,64A M 1,71,11jiXIC ki,90 01,0 2 1,5i6,358 4,8�3,900 4P,3,459
6 15 7 I 00 E 1 it",200 1534,04V i,85,P6 57,1( M C fij.%,2co ;' ,778
TOTA,L Innisr-aiSmiue Funds _�8,253,292 xn932tzp 17667, qp 1141L L0,qB2, al 17,801 41QM3,335
wz Aremen's ae;,Mui�Fund '1 92 60) 140,:P62 32�in 9 11,00 9 1 60c, 253,7 75
T07AL Fiduciary Fun�ds 214,162 1 200 9ZWD 140,?Q 327 VIS 19,200 921wo 2,53,775
41 XH t"WO 'D 4 24 607 9 M% b,0019 474 V16
TOTAL Peirmanent Foods 41SA07 610001 0 424"WIT 418,606 6 424,606
. ..........
310 Governmental Cepi Pmpriti Fend'... 3,47 7,11A4 1 0914,l 6V 4AOU,900 F" d1,4 a 7 644 6,1 7I^w la Jut700 �k,i:!90,344
112 Transportation Ci0p408 4,175,65 9 5,212 500 9,% ,qoc 22,U,�1 4 375,64y 6,241,UM I,M6,400 !1,4M J,:
316 Gove-ental P&A ImprtvwesrvMt Fund 1079118 9,2(10 G b17,128 wj;"wa 9,a100 31 U ,123
*SI Vei Capi Funid 12,it M 7,PS &XI'MD S,HP,Kffj A,%J t2,430,778 RMI,000, J-m,cm 9'JU,178
452 Water Capsuas Fund w 3,!N 5,4flo _318,i11 4,N`9 a,b 7?4,CKIC 2 a 44 200 3 14q, 1
453 Wastontater Capi Fund 3,618'852 95VXQ m)M .1,618,852 9110,00) 75A 4vij 3,8,4,452
454 Solid WA to Capital Fund 2170 2a41 I'ass,fm 1 711"'900 3...L960 11 2 P0,260 i'8115,m1w) 2,321,1300
456 Starmwater Cai mil Fund 2,96U 34 2 434)M 12M,SiKi 2 U57 04,1 2,36o w "'Coo 142'1,tco 2,51,1,442
AL) Csimbowd Sei 1,FF9 25 a 2,321,500 2,5U )VM 2-80,955 B569 25K 0 1,400 t"'0,AM 656,959
TOTAL CA(Mad F,sis
Rese,ves-Designatsid 3430
Ri Used
TOTAL(iretgu)f At I FUPi 109,7521"1 m IS1,389,800 157,389,KV 73,707561 100,536,467 148,606,9m 148,60i 75,,876.467
July 19, 2022 G - 23
Surnmaryot'Ordinances Adopted by the Port An es City Council on Jul 19, 202,2
ANC DINANC.°E AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington arriending
Chapters 13.32, 13.44, 13.62 and 13.6 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to
Accessory Dwelling Units.
AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
Portions of Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to permit fees.
AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ofthe City of Port Angeles, Washin&qon, amending
the City's 2022 budget.
These Ordinances, being an exercise,of a. power specifically,delegated to the City legislative
body, are not subject to referendum. These ordinances shall take effect five (5) days after
passage and p�ublication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. Ordinance No,
3697 shall expire and its effectiveness shall tentimate as of September 1, 2021
"I"he Full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the C'Ierk*s office, on the City*s website
at wvww c11'vuij'jq,,�is or will be rnailed upon request.
Kari Martinez-Bailey
City(,:"l rk
published by summary: Saturday, July 23, 2022