HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 07/05/2022 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Afigeles. Washingtort July . 20,22 This meeiing tv4m held virtmiliv, CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dexter cabled the regular rneefing of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:02 p.rn. It was moved by!Schromen-Wa%rin and seconded by Carr to: EXCUSC COLVICil mernber.Meyer from the ineefing. Motion carried 6-0. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Dexter,Council Members Can-, French, McCaughan(,joined at 6:05 pm.).Schrornen- Wav,rin and Suggs, N.Menibers Absent: Deputy Mayor Meyer,, Staffilresent- City Managei-West. Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey,C. Delikat, M. Sanders.B.'stnith. T. Hunter. S,,Carrizosa-V, McIntyre,J. Boehme.and A. Fountain. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE vlayor Dexter led the Pledge ofAllegiance to the Flag. PUBLAC COMMENT \o pubhe contment was received. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS I. Council Discussion Regarding No Tolerance on Racist Behavior in olur Community Council member Schronicri-Wavvrin read a statement front a Port Angeles visitor reflecting on their experience encountering a racist statement spray painted on City property.Council,discussion foflowed, Fite Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 7-09 pm. The rnecting reconvened at 7:14 pm, PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Source Control Ordinances Public Works and t 4 il i ties Director Thomas I I unter provided background on the proposed ord i nances. plc spoke about the Source Control Progrant and coordinated inspections of oval businesses to evaluate sites and activities routinely being perfortmed at these locations.and best management practices for p(dlutant control and pollution prevention,Civil Engineer Jonathan Bodune provided information on inspections. Council discussion followed. At 7:16 p.m. the Mayor continued the public hearing, Hearing that no one wished to make a public comment on the matter,the Mayor closed the public hearing. 'vlayor Dexter read the resolution by title,entitled. ORDINANCES NO3.3,693 AN ORDINANCE ofthe 0ty of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapters 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as t7ollows. ORDINANCES NO.,3694 ANORDlNANCE ofthe City of PortAngeics, Washing ton amending Chapters 13.62 and Chapter 13,63 of the Port Angeles Municipal C ode relating to storrnvvater-utility and regWafions. PORTANC&LES ITY CO(ACIL MEETIN(i --July 5, 2022 It was,moved by Suggs and seconded by Schiromen-Wawrin to: Adopt the ordinances as read. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to: Continue the adoption of codes 3,70. 1:3.62.and 13,63 und I the August Council meeting. After a roll call vote,the motion failed 0-6. It was moved bN(Suggs and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to: Adopt ordinances as read, The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 6-0. The Ma t� yor recessed the niecting for a break- at 8:26 p.rni nteetiri reconvened at 8:3 1 P.m. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS CONTINUED 2. Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity Cilcutive Officer Colleen Robinson provided a Presentation on the work the organization does in the community and provided an update on at recent property Purchase front the,City to build fuggy A living space for veterans,Council discussion Ulowed. CONSENT AGENDA At the request of Councilinernber French and McCaughan and hearing no,objection frorn t1w Council, Mayor Dexter added items 3-In J-2, 1-1 and 1-4 to the Consent Agenda. It was moved by French:and seconded by McCaughan to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1, Expenditure Report: From didne 11, 2022 to,fune 24, 2022 in the ainount of 2,639,M6 11 ,Ipprove 1 NA, aterial Purchase: Electrical L riderground Cables brard a contract with 14'L�S'CO Distribution, Inc. q/ Portland, OR 9 Sign cmd make,minor modifications lo the contract as otecessary 3 ADDED TO CONSENTJ-I /Service Aureement -Class B Bioso lids Transportat i o it& Beneficial (...se Services/ Ippr(we Tenelee) inc the contrac,t and ntake nnnor apodificalions, as nvcessar,v 4, ADDIED TO CONSENTJ-2 'Material Purchase,Overhead Distribution Transformers MEC-2022-14, Contract Award/,brard ert contract to ffesco,-lntmer(#Pordancl ORfi)r ihe 202 (h,erhead Distribution Tratpjortners Valerials Purchase VEC-2022-14, in the uniouen q0301,24'.02, laxes, anclenahe,w,L-e the C. 11nnager to sign al(doculnents necessitt"v to execule andatfininister the contract un(J make enirun njodt(ieafion.s as necessar,� 5, ADDED f()CONSENT 1 3 /Snake River Dam Removal Letter of Support/.li and enrmlsa ri--e the ,VaYortea signci lelter tea Senator.Ihdrrctv and Governor Instee as ith cononents on the th-afi rejwrf eninted Lower Snake kiver Dena m Benefit 1?eplacetnent Drqfi J?ejaorl 6, KIDDED TO CONSENT 14/Lower Elwha KUlain Tribe Letter of Support/Approve Band authori--e the 1 kn or 10.q6gn the letter in siq?poi-t of the trans,Pr tq'lanctv to the LOWL,r Ahrhu Klathan Tribe The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 6-0. OTHER CONSI DE RATIONS CONTI N ll 1 Community and Economic Development,Finance and Public Works arid L tilities Department Positiion Changes and Restructure Manager West provided background(!)it the agenda itern and spoke ab(,wt changes and cost irnpacts of the restruCtUre. Councill discussion fi.fflowed. It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to: Approve the proposed position restructures at the Cornmunityr and Econornic Development, Finance and Public Works and Utilities Departments and authorize the City Manager and Human Resources to determine the correct placement of the job classifications urn the current sallary schedules based on comparative data from Sirtlilar size cities and create or update applicable job descriptions. The Mayor asked if there,was unanimous consent,hearing int)opposition,the motion carriied 6-0. Page 2 of 3 PORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING -July 5.2022 CONTRACTS& PU.RCHASING 3. WASPCNIental Health Fielld Response Grant,2,022-2023 Contract Police Chief Brian Smith spoke to the agenda kern and spoke about the benefits the funds will provide the community. Council diSCUSSi0o k4lowed. Council member French stated lw was a board mernber for Olympic Peninsula Community Clinic and I-CCUsed himself born the discussion arid vow, leaving the meeling at 9;24 p.m. He returned to the meeting at 9:31 p m. It was moved by Carr and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to: Accept(lie grant authorizing the City Manager to sign a professional services contract for mental health field response with W,NSPCand a cmitract with OPCC for semices and to make minor mocfifications to both contracts as necessnry. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 5-0., CITY COUNCIL RL PC)R,rs Council member Carr spoke about Board of friealth updates. Coun6l member Frendi spoke about parking,4PA,and upcon-fing meetings. Council rnernber Schronien-Wawrin provided iupdates frorn liis pm°fi6patk)n at the Association ofWashhugton 0ties Conference. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT No public corruner'n was received. The vlayor noted for the record there were no pre-recorded rnessages to play. It was moved by MeC aughian and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to- Extend the MCCtiuLl U11til 10:05 p.rn, The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent.hearing ino opposition,the motion carried 64. Council meniber Suggs spoke about a Shore Aquatic Center incefing and shared updates on programs and attendance and Spoke about the 41"of July event. Council member McCaughan spoke about attendance at the Forever Streani Fest event at Peninsula Community College. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: Extend the meeting to the end of the agenda. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no oplposition,the,motion carried 6-0. Mayor Dexter provided updates from her participation at the)xssociation ofWashington Cities Conference,spoke about the grand opening of the purrip track.4"''of July events.and her attendance at a recent Coast Guard Change of Command ceremony. No other reports were given. INFORMATION Manager W`est spoke about a fUtUre ARPA item on a an upcorning Council agenda and an upcoming work session, ADJOURNMENT klayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 10-10 p.m. "-A Kate Dexter. Mayor arm Mart tnez-Ball y.Ci page: . of 3