HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Agenda Packet Special Meeting 09272022 SEPTEMBER 27, 2022 City of Port Angeles Council Special Meeting Agenda This meeting will be conducted virtually. By Council decision, meetings will be held virtually when the COVID-19 risk is Moderate or High, per the dashboard located at https://www.clallam.net/coronavirus/, at the time the meeting agenda is advertised. Meetings will be held in person with a virtual option (hybrid) when the COVID-19 risk is Very Low or Low, per the dashboard located at https://www.clallam.net/coronavirus/, at the time the meeting agenda is advertised. At the time the City Council agenda was created on September 26, 2022, the dashboard indicated the County was in a moderate risk level, therefore, the September 27, 2022 meeting will be conducted virtually. To attend the meeting, follow the instructions below, or visit www.cityofpa.us for more info regarding our virtual meetings. For audio only, please call: 1-844-992-4726 Use access code: 2558 121 1723 Join through the Webex link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/onstage/g.php?MTID=e59be44defa77dc7227debe6d9f8e5e8c The access code and link are good for the September 27, 2022 meeting only. A. Call to Order – Special Meeting at 5:00 p.m. B. Roll Call C. Consent Agenda: Shane Park Tile Re-installation / Award a contract for Shane Park Title Re-installation to Allplay Design in the amount of $85,685.71 and authorize the City Manager to execute and administer the contract and make any minor modifications as necessary. D. Re-envisioning the Port Angeles Municipal Code – Title 5 • Presentation • Council Q&A and discussion E. Adjournment – 7:00 p.m. The Mayor and council members encourage citizen participation and provide time for public comment on the agenda for every regular council meeting. Because of the limitations that apply, public comment is not available at special council meetings. An opportunity for public comment will be available at a later date. Upcoming meeting information can be found on the City website: www.cityofpa.us/583/Meetings-Agendas. Community members may also contact City Council by email at council@cityofpa.us, or written letter mailed to 321 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 or by dropping it by City Hall. Learn more by visiting: www.cityofpa.us/137/City-Council Kari Martinez-Bailey City Clerk (p) 360-417-4634 │TTY 360-417-4645 kmbailey@cityofpa.us Date: September 27, 2022 To: City Council From: Corey Delikat, Parks & Recreation Director Subject: Shane Park Tile Re-installation Background / Analysis: Unfortunately, on September 14th the City was forced to close the Shane Park playground after tiles were removed exposing the concrete foundation under the equipment. Prior to closing the playground earlier this month, we met with a local certified playground inspector from Allplay Systems. They agreed with our assessment and stated that the ASTM F-1292 dictates the minimum requirements for impact attenuation for playground surfacing within the use zone of play equipment and it indicates that a unitary surface must be continuous without gaps and held in place by a binder. The Shane Park Playground project was made possible through the dedication and efforts of Janet Young working with the City and Kiwanis to put the first fully functional ADA playground in Clallam County. Due to her commitment, care and work on this project Janet won the Citizen Project of the Year award from the Washington Recreation Conservation Office in Olympia. Since that time, use and weather have caused the tiles at this playground to shrink and expand which has enabled the tiles to be pulled up freely by users of the park. Staff has been cutting pieces of tile to fill these gaps in an effort to keep the park functional; however, this approach was not viable, and the playground was closed for safety purposes earlier this month. Because this playground is one of the key elements in our park system, especially on the west side of town, staff is prioritizing the re-opening of the playground as soon as possible. The City asked Allplay, who is on the local state contract, to provide the City a bid to fix the situation. This bid included 150 additional playground tiles ($5,280), fifty 5-gallon buckets of adhesive ($27,360), 130 tubes of caulking Summary: Over the last few years the City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Department has been maintaining the deteriorating playground safety tiles at Shane Park playground. The tiles have been pulled up by individuals, leaving gaps that expose the concrete foundation underneath. These tiles are critical to the safety of children using the park. Allplay Design is available on a state contract to install a small number of new tiles, reuse the existing ones, and glue them down to enhance the safety of the playground and require less maintenance from Parks and Recreation Staff. The Shane Park playfields are being actively used for soccer, but there is no playground equipment for other family members not participating in the practices and games. Funding: The Parks and Recreation department has a savings of $105,000 in the Seasonal personnel budget due to lack of applications for these positions. It is recommended these funds be re-allocated to complete the replacement of the tile at Shane Park. Recommendation: Award a contract to Allplay Design for Shane Park Tile Re-installation in the amount of $85,685.71 and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract and to make any minor modifications as necessary. ($2,242.50), freight ($1,225), and labor to install is $42,647.75 and tax for the project is $6930.46. Total cost for the tile replacement is estimated at $85,685.71. In order to complete this project this year, work will need to commence as soon as possible as the glue and caulking required to prevent the tiles from lifting again must be done in warm weather, prior to winter months, to ensure adhesion. Funding Overview: The Parks and Recreation department has a savings of $105,000 in the Seasonal personnel budget due to lack of applications for these positions. It is recommended these funds be re-allocated to complete the replacement of the tile at Shane Park. PAMC Re-Envisioning: Title 5 Workshop PRESENTED BY: ANN MARIE SOTO & RACHEL TURPIN SEPTEMBER 27, 2022 Presentation Overview ❖PAMC Re-Envisioning Project update ❖Overview of proposed changes to Title 5 ❖Discussion on general business licenses vs. regulatory licenses ❖Discussion on special event permits ❖Next steps Project Status Completed •Code Enforcement (including updates to penalties) and Title 8 Drafts with Council •Title 1 –General Provisions •Title 9 –Public Peace, Morals and Safety (criminal code) Drafts with Staff •Fee Schedule and related provisions in Title 3 •Regulating short term rentals Preliminary Drafts Complete •Title 5 –Business Licenses and Regulations •Title 11 –Streets and Sidewalks •Title 12 –Public Places Remaining •Updates to board and commissions •Title 10 –Vehicles and Traffic •Title 13 -Utilities •Title 7 -Animals •Title 2 –Admin and Personnel •Title 3 –Revenue and Finance (remaining) •Title 4 –Public Corporations •Titles 15 and 18 Title 5 –Business Licensing Proposed Changes to Title 5 ❖Updates to licensing procedures for consistency ❖Repeal and adopt/rely upon state law by reference ❖Ch. 5.08 (ambulances), Ch. 5.37 (horse taxis), Ch. 5.44 PAMC (junk dealers/pawnbrokers), Ch. 5.70 (tattoo businesses), Ch. 5.90 (fire extinguisher services), Ch. 5.95 (retail bags) ❖Move Chapter 5.80 (public utility tax) to Title 3 ❖Consolidate special event provisions into one chapter ❖Ch. 5.20 (public dances w/o alcohol), Ch. 5.24 (dancehalls w/ alcohol), Ch. 5.52 (outdoor music festivals) ❖Consolidate solicitor and other transient vending regulations into one chapter ❖Ch. 5.16 (Charitable Solicitations), Ch. 5.56 (Peddlers and Hawkers), Ch. 5.58 (Transient Merchants), Ch. 5.64 (Religious Solicitation), Ch. 11.18 (as related to begging/interference with pedestrians) ❖Minor updates to Chapter 5.50 (adult entertainment) General vs. Regulatory Business Licenses ❖Code cities can require license to engage in business within the city. RCW 35A.82.020 ❖Cities can require a general business license, a regulatory business license, or both ❖General business license: A license, not including a regulatory license or a temporary license, that a city requires all or most businesses to obtain to conduct business within that city. RCW 35.90.010(4) ❖Regulatory business license: A license, other than a general business license, required for certain types of businesses that a city has determined warrants additional regulation. RCW 35.90.010(6) What must the City do if it wants to adopt a general business license requirement? ❖Cities and towns that issue general business licenses must partner with one of two licensing portals: ❖DOR’s Business Licensing Service (BLS) ❖FileLocal ❖Must advise DOR of City’s intent at least 90 days before the licensing requirement takes effect. RCW 35.90.020(2)(a) ❖Must adopt "model ordinance" ❖Keep in mind, DOR onboarding process can be lengthy (6 months or longer) What is included in the Model Ordinance? ❖Definitions for “engaging in business” ❖Exemptions for businesses not physically located within the city that do not meet the $2,000 minimum threshold of business activity ❖Cities may adopt a higher threshold if desired ❖Businesses under the threshold must be either exempt from the licensing entirely, or require licensing, but at no cost ❖Does not address temporary licenses (ex. seasonal businesses or special event permits), regulatory licenses, or local business and occupation taxes ❖Does not include fees, procedures, terms, exemptions, and enforcement options ❖Cities can adopt such provisions so long as they are consistent with the model ordinance Which cities/towns have adopted a general business license requirement? ❖Approx. 210 cities/towns partner with BLS for general business licensing services ❖City license endorsements | Washington Department of Revenue ❖Approx. 10 cities partner with File-Local for general business licensing services ❖FileLocal-wa.gov [a Portal to e-File and Pay Business Taxes, Licenses, and Fees] ❖There are 281 cities/towns in WA (Our 281 cities and towns (wacities.org)) PROS Monitor business activities operating within the City Generates revenue Helps to ensure businesses are operating in appropriate zones Can be used as an enforcement tool Helps establish business credibility CONS Increases City administrative costs Increases costs to businesses May adversely impact marginalized communities Should the City adopt a general business license requirement? What do the residents/business owners in Port Angeles think? Special Events How does the City currently regulate special events? ❖Ch. 5.20 (public dances w/o alcohol) ❖Ch. 5.24 (dancehalls w/ alcohol) ❖Ch. 5.52 (outdoor music festivals) ❖Ch. 11.12 (exhibitions that require right-of-way use permit) ❖Ch. 12.04 (special events in Parks) ❖Ch. 12.08 (events at Vern Burton Memorial Community Center) ❖Ch. 12.10 (events at City Hall) ❖Ch. 12.12 (events at waterfront parks) Topics for Council Consideration ❖Consolidate Title 5 chapters only or consolidate all chapters related to special events throughout the PAMC? ❖Include regulations to address any specific special event concerns? ❖Other types of specific special events to be considered? ❖Same permit procedures for all special events? ❖Enforcement? Next Steps NEXT STEPS ❖Title 5 ❖Hold a meeting to obtain feedback from residents and business community ❖Finalize Title 5 draft based on input from Council, staff, and community ❖Titles 1 and 9 ❖Complete Council review ❖Fee/rate Schedules and related amendments ❖Staff to complete review then forward to Council Questions? AnnMarie@MadronaLaw.com Rachel@MadronaLaw.com www.MadronaLaw.com