HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 03/01/2022CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles. Washington
March 1. 2022
This meeting was conducted rirtually
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting ofthe Pon Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer, Council Members Carr, French, McCaughan, Schromen-
Wawrin and Suggs.
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: City Manager West, Attomey Bloor. Clerk Maninez-Bailey, C. Delikat, K. Dubuc, B. Smith.
E. Bolin. T. Hunter. and S. Carrizosa.
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge ofAllegiance to the Flag.
l. Public Safety Telecommunicators Life-Saving Awards to Commurications Oflicer Brooke Pucciarelli
Police Chief Brian Smith and PenCom Deputy Directory Karl Hatton presented the Life-Saving Award to Brook
Pucciare lli for her compassion and professionalism in the line of work. Chief Smith and Deputy Direator Hatton
provided background on the sinration and about Ms. Pucciarelli's exceptional work when she provided extended
lifesaving phone CPR instructions and emotional support to a caller.
No public comment was received.
The Mayor added a Utilit-v" A6isom Committee Appointment and Public Works Trust Fund Da?rr.r.sion to the agenda
as Other Considerations items as l-5 and t-6.
Deputy Mayor Meyer asked the Mayor to consider moving ".4" Street Substation Electrical Su.,itchgear Upgrade -
Contfttct ,4u urd ar,d Council member McCaughan asked the Mayor to consider moving the leazslers Local 5E9
Sworn Olficers l-,'nit Collective Bat^gqining Agreement to the Consent Agenda. Hearing Consensus fiom the Council.
the Mayor moved the items to the Consent Agenda as items E-5 and E-6.
It was moved bv McCaughan and seconded by Schrom€n-Wawrin to epproye the Consent Agenda to include:
l. City Council Minutes of February 1. February 15. and February 22 . )022 i Approte
2. Expenditure Report'. From Februq, y^ 5. 2022 to February I E, 2022 in the aruount of $1,291,390.39 / Approte
l. PenCom 9l I Center Console Replacement I Authori:e the Cit!- Monoger to complete the purchase oJ four
PenCom workstation consolesfrou the NASPO contttct tnd enter inlo o contract for the electt'ital work
requirecl.for installation and to make uinor changes us necessary.
4. Planning Commission Appointments I Re-qppoint Ben St.rnle,- and Arulrew Schwab to the Planning
Commission.for 4--vear terms ending Februam- 28, 2026
5. "A" Sreet Substation Electrical Switchgear Upgrade - Contract Award /,4wqrd s contract with KVA Electric
Inc ql Arlington WA to upgrade the A Street Substution Electric.tl S*-itchgeqr in the amount not to exceed
)97,6J8.72, including taxes, and authorize the City Monuger to sign ull documents necessarv to execute a
contract with KV.4 Electic and to make minor moddictttions .ts necessory-
6. Teamsters Local 589 Swom Officers Unit Collective Bargaining Agreement / Sralrecomuends the City
Council ctpprote the terms ofthe Teamsters Locul 589 Swom Oflicers Unit collectiye bargaining qgreement as
outlined in this memo and authori:e the City Manuger n make minor mocliJications to the ogreemcnl ts
The Ma!'or asked if there was unanimous consent. hearing no opposition, the motion carried ?-0.
l. Solid Wflste Updates
Director of Public Works & Utilities Thomas Hunter presented updates on the solid waste transfer of services from
Waste Connections, lnc. to the City ofPon Angeles that began early that day per the contract termination. He shared
an update on recycling containers ard spoke to the ordinance that would soon be before Council relative to
additional services not previously provided by the City. Director Hunter stated that since the City planned to
provide new services to customers, the fees would need to be adopted by code before the City had the authority to
bill customers. Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa spoke to the code adoption and stated the reasoning the ordinance
was necessary. adding it wasn't a change to existing rates. but instead was an addition ofservices previously
provided by Waste Connections. Inc. She stated the costs were for comingled recycling and cardboard recycling for
commercial customers. She added the ordinance that contained these fees would come before Council during the
March l5 meeting.
2. Short Term R€ntal Discussion
City Manager Nathan West provided background on municipal code prioritization relative to the agenda item and
stated in consideration ofthe diversity ofCouncil opinions. staff were looking for Council input. Manager West
suggested ifthere was interest. Council could choose to hold a work session in April. He stated Madrona Law
Croup could be available to provide a presentation on the approach other cities are taking relative to short term
rentals. adding it would be a great oppornrnity to plan through the important public process. Council was in suppon
offunher discussions on the matter. Council discussion followed.
,1. Public Safety Advisorv Board
City Clerk Maninez-Bailey provided background on the Public Safety Advisory Board agenda item. stating Kelsey
Lane's appointment was supponed by the Public Safety Advisory Board. Clerk Bailey-Maninez provided additional
information relative to the Board's discussion. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Re-appoint Kelsey Lane as the representative from the Pon Angeles School Disrict for a term ending February
The Mayor asked if th€re was unanimous cotrsent. hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Table the discussion on appointments to positions #8 and #l: to the March l5 meeting.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0.
5. LATE ITEM Utility Advisory Appointmert
Clerk Maninez-Bailey provided background on the late item- stating staff had been notified that previously
appointed lndustrial Customer Representative Raj Jethwa had resigned from the Committee. Mr. Jethwa was
recently re-appointed by City Council as the City's Industrial Customer Representative representing McKinley
Paper Company. She added the City received a recommendation from McKinley staff, recommending the
appointment of Terry Nishimoto.
It was moved by Schromen-wawrin and seconded by Suggs to:
Appoint Terry Nishimoto as the Industrial Customer Representative on the Utility Advisory Committee lor the
unexpired term ending February 28, 2026.
The Mayor asked if there rryas unanimous coIIsent, hearing no opposition! the motion carried 7-0.
6. LATE ITEM Public Works Trust Fund - Letter of Opposition
Mayor Dexter provided background on the late item, stating the recommendation would be Council support of
Association of Washington Cities recommendation to communicate to the 24th Legislative District representatives the
City of Pon Angeles' opposition to reducing funding to the Public Work Trust Fund (aka Public Works Assistance
Account). Manager West spoke to the item and provided additional information including projecs that received
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funding through the program. including the 8th Street Bridges. Combined Sewer Overflow prqect, Downtown water
main projects. and storm water repairs. Director Hunter spoke to the matter and the need for Council's support.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Meyer to:
Direct the Mayor or City Manager to urgently communicate to our 24th Legislative District representatives the City
of Port Angeles' opposition to reducing funding to the Public Works Trust Fund (aka Public Works Assisknce
The Mayor asked if there was una mous consetrt, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0.
Council member McCaughan provided updates on Shore Aquatic Center activities and events
Council rnember Suggs shared updates on a recent County Marine Resources Committee meeting
Council member Schromen-Wavrin spoke to a graph shared by the meeting host that related to a conf'erence on the
future ofpublic health.
Council member Carr spoke about North Olympic Development Council climate stakeholder meeting and spoke about
sea level rise. She provided an update fiom a County Commissioner meeting and spoke about upcoming open houses
relative to organizations providing homeless services.
Manager West spoke about an upcoming meeting regarding climate action and provided a housing grant update
Steve Dryke. city resident and former City ol Port Angeles. in a pre-recorded message, spoke about concerns of the
lack ofADA access at the comers ofFrcncis and Georgianna Streets.
Kate Dexter. Mayor Kari Maninez-Bailev- Citv C lerk
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Mayor Dexter spoke about a Feiro Marine Life Center meeting and spoke about a change of meeting location for the
tauridsen Trust group.
No other repons were given.
llayor Derter adjoumed the meeting at 8: l[i p.m.