HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 07/19/2022CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington Jttly 19,2022 This meeting w'as held virtually. CALL T ER PE IAL MEETING Mayor Dexter called the special meeting ofthe Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:06 p.m Members Present; Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer, Council Members Carr, French, McCaughan, Schromen- Wawrin and Suggs. Members Absent: None Staff Present: City Manager West. Attomey Bloor. Clerk Maninez-Bailey, C. Delikat. M. Sanders, B. Smith. N. Gollub, T. Hunter, and S. Carrizosa. BTIDGET GOALS WORK SESSION Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa spoke about budget considerations and process, provided a 2022 budget update, presented results from the Council and staff budget goals survey. and shared upcoming budget dates. Council discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjoumed the Special Meeting at 5:56 p.m CALL TO ORDER.REGLTLAR MEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROI,I, CAI,I, Members Presenti Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer. Council Members Carr, French, McCaughan. Schromen- Wawrin and Suggs. MembeIS Absent: None Staff Present: City Manager West. Attomey Bloor. Clerk Ma(inez-Bailey. C. Delikat. M. Sanders, B. Smith, N. Gollub, T. Hunter. and S. Carrizosa. PLf,DGE OF ALLEGIdNCE Mayor Dexter led the Pledge ofAllegiance to the Flag PIIRI,IC COMMENT Steve Luxton spoke about the affordable housing agenda items and the need for housing as it relates to economic development. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS Manager West added Settlement Amentlment to the Professional Services Agreement )eith Exeltech Consulting Phase 1De.slg, to the agenda as item I-4. CONSENT AGENDA At the request of Deputy Mayor Meyer, and hearing no objection, the Mayor added Signal Controller Upgrtules Professionql Senices Agreement PSA-2022-24 and Amendment to ll'ater Contqcl betw-eert Cit1, of Port Angeles and McKinley Popsv Q6mpdr,l to the Consent Agenda. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by McCaughan to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Councit Minutes ofJune 7 and June 21.2022 | Approl'e PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 19. 2022 2. Expenditure Repon'. From June 25, 2022 to July 8, 2022 in the amount of $2,097,871.99/ Approte 3. 2022 Landfill Beach Nourishment Project CON-2022-39 I Awaxl a construction contact with 2 Grade LLC of' Pon Angeles. 11,4. ftr the 2022 Landfll Beach Nourishment Project, CON-2022-39, in qn amount not to exceed $34,752.35; ctnd uuthorize the Citv Munuger to sign all documents necessary to execule the consttaction contr.tct.fbr the project and to mqke minor modificqtions to the contuct, as necessary. 4. Etectric Utility 2022 Resource Plan / Przss the att.tched resolulion to set a public hearing on the Cit-t, s proposed biennial upclate to its Power Resource Pltrn /or the regular Council meeting on ,4ugusl 16, 2022 and gite notice ofthat hearing / Resolution #14-22 5. Letter ofSupport and Parmership for National Endowment for the Arts (NEA\ Qrant I Approte the lener of suppon ofthe Port Angeles Fine Arts Center seeking un Out'Tov'n grant lhrough the Nutional Endowmenl of the ,{ns to formalize a nev arts distict in Port Angeles 6. Harbor Cleanup Process -Authorizing Payment of City Deposit to Port ir the Amount of $ 14,000 / Harbor Cleanup Work Ordet lll I Authoi.e pq)ment of $14,000 to the PLPs group account 7. Sub-recipient Agreement with OIICAP for Federal CARES Act CDBG-CV Funding for Clallam County (including Cities ofForks. Pon Argeles and Sequim) / lpprote and aurhori:e the Cit1)'s Community Development Block Grunt responsible ofiiciol to sign ond execute a starulard sub-recipient agreement with OIyCAP and make minor modiJications as necessur!- 8. ITEM MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA Signal Controller Upgrades - Professional Services Agreement PSA-2022-24 I Award the Signal Conrroller Upgrades Professional Sen'ices Agreement to Purameh'Lr, lnc. in the not to exceed amount of$263.257.18 and approte and authori:e the Citv Manager to sign and make minor modiJicqtions ds necessary. 9. ITEM MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA / Amendment to Water Contract between City of Pon Angeles and McKinley Paper Compar.y I Appt'ote qn amendment to the McKinlel," Paper Company l|/aler contract for a twelte-month extension arul authoize the Citv Marutger to execute qnd to mqke minor modilcotions to the agreement, a5 neceSsary- The Mayor ask€d if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS l. Bird Rides, LLC. Manager West introduced the agenda item and provided background. Bird Rides, LLC. Senior Account Executive Camille Didio was present flor the discussion and answered various questions. Council discussion followed. It was moved b! Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Meyer to: Authorize, negotiate and execute, a Memorandum of Understanding with Bird Rides. LLC. similar to the recently approved agreement executed by the City of Sequim. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. The Mayor recessed the meeting tbr a break at 6:53 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:58 p.m Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title. entitled. AN ORDINANCE ofthe City ofPort Angeles. Washington amending Chapters 13.32. 13.44. 13.62 and 13.65 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Accessory Dwelling Units. Page 2 ol5 ORDINANCES NOT REOUIRING COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS l. Ordinance Amerdments - Accessory Dwelling Unit Ut if.v Connections Public Works & Utilities Director Thomas Hunter spoke about the proposed amendments. stating the Port Angeles Municipal Code Title I J revisions would reduce fees for water and wastewater connections for new and existing accessory dwelling units within the City while maintaining the integrity and operations of City utilities. He spoke to rhe condensed summary ofthe proposed revisions listed in the memo. Council discussion followed. oRDt\.\\cE \o. -r6q5 It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to: Adopt amending Chapters 13.32.025. 13.62.015 and 13.65.010(C) related to revising current requirements for accessory dwelling unit water and wastewater connections and elimination of mo thly base charges and also waive the second reading and adopt the ordinance. After a roll call yot€, the motion carried 6-0. Deputy llayor Meyer was not present during the vote. 2. Building P€rmit Fee Reductions Housing Coordinator Holden Fleming introduced the proposed ordinance that would waive building permit fees for a variety of housing types including muttilamily devetopments available for families at or below 80% AMt. He said waiving the second reading and adoption of the ordinance would address the urgent nature surrounding the need for affordable housing. Council discussion followed. Mayor Dexter conducted a lirst reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3696 It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to: After the original motion was amended and approved. the final motion included: Waive the second reading and adopt the ordinance amending portions ofChapter 3.70 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to permit fees. Ard, in section l. E l. change suspended to wai ed ar,d add language to Section I E l(c) that would state: "Occupied by the owner-developer and;or" reserved tbr families at or below 807o area median income (AMI) until September 2028". The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. 3. Secord Amendmelrt to the 2022 Budget Director Carrizosa presented the ordinance that proposed amefldments to the 2022 budget. She stated the amendments would bdng the budget into alignment with th€ recently adopted 2023-2028 Capitat Facilities Plan (CFP). as well as, adjust revenues and expenditures that have been approved by Council at previous meetings. She spoke to the attachments to the memo. Mayor Dexter conducted a tirst reading of the ordinance by title. entitled, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Pon Angeles. Washirgton. amending the City's 2022 budget. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Meyer to: Waive the second reading ofthe ordinance that hadjust been approved unanimously by Council. The NIayor asked if there was unanimous consent. hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. PORT ANGELES CITY COL,'IiCIL MEETING July 19, 2022 AN ORDINANCE ofthe City ofPort Angeles, Washington amending portions ofChapter 3.70 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to permit fees. oRDI-\.{\CE :,{O. 3697 After conducting a first reading of the ordinance that would approve an amendment to the Cit-v's 2022 budget, the Mayor asked if there were questions or comments from Council. Hearing none, the Mayor went directly to approval of the motion. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion to approye the budget ordinance carried 7-0. The Mayor recessed the meeting fbr a break at 8:12 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:17 p.m. RESOLUTIONS NOT REOUIRING COTJNCIL PT]BLIC HEARINGS l. American Rescue Plar Act Funding Approval and Subrecipient Agreement with the Olympic P€ninsula YMCA Manager West presented the proposed agenda item and provided background on matter. He spoke about the continued need for childcare in the community. adding the pandemic created shortages in childcare programs and exacerbated an already limited service in the community. He said the YMCA plans to build an Early Leaming Page 3 of5 PORT ANCELES CITY COTNCIL MEETING - July 19. 2022 Center that would serve up to 92 children between the ages of6 weeks and 5 years. He recognized YMCA Chief Executive Otlicer Wendy Bart in attendance who spoke about the proposed funding. Council discussion followed. Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title, entitled. RESOLLTTO\ \O. 15-22 A RESOLUTTON ofthe City Council ofthe City ofPort Angeles. Washington. approving funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fbr reimbursement to the City for pandemic related expenses incurred in responding to COVID. It was moved by McCaughan and second€d by Carr to: Pass the Resolution a-s read approving funding for the Olympic Peninsula YMCA in the amount of$250,000. and approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the ARPA Subrecipient Agreement and complete final negotiations on Attachment D with the Olympic Peninsula YMCA and to make minor modifications to the agreement as necessary. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous cons3nt, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS l. Fleet Prese[tation Fleet Management Manager Brian Coburn presented slides that identified vehicles set fbr replacement, provided side- by-side photos comparing the proposed purchases to the new purchases. and spoke about supply chain challenges. Director Hunter spoke about tleet requirements set by the state and the relationship between the fleet operations and the Climate Resiliency Plan. Council discussion fbllowed. CONTR{CTS & PURCHAST:{G J. Equipment Purchase - Replacement of Police vehicles Director Hunter presented the agenda item and provided background. He said the vehicle purchases and replacements are identified in the 2022 budget and are included in the 2022 Capital Facilities Plan. Police Chief Smith provided additional information relative to the departrnent vehicle purchase. Council discussion followed. It was moved by French seconded by Carr to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract for the purchase and outfitting of three police patrol vehicles: and approve and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the purchase contact if necessary; and approve and authorize the C ity Manager to surplus vehicles 9 I I , I I l0 and 14l l. once the new police vehicles are placed into service. After a roll call yote the motion passed 6-l with Schromen-Wawrin opposed. St-CO\D PLBLIC COIIIIEIiT ln a pre-recorded message to the City Council phone message [ine. an unidentified caller stated they were a city resident wirh concems about a boil water notice. Director Hunter spoke to the issue and his departments attempts to reach out to the resident related to a private property water issue. 4. LATE ITEM - Settlement Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Exeltech Consulting Phase I Design Manager West spoke to the late agenda item. saying the Race Street Corridor is an imponant gateway for the City ol Pon Angeles and the Oll.rnpic National Park. and one of the City's most active anerials. Director Hunter added the projcct was quite complicated. from the depanments and consultants involved and various funding sources. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin seconded by Carr to: Page 4 of 5 It was moved by Schromell-Wawrin and s€conded by Carr to: Table the item until after the fleet initial planning and evaluation process. After a roll call vote the motion failed l-6 with Schromen-Wawrin in frvor. PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING - July 19. 2022 Extend the meeting until the end ofthe agenda. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin seconded bv Carr to: Approve Amendment 4 to the Race Street lmprovements Prof-essional Service Agreement and the Settlement Amendment and Release of All Claims with Exeltech Consulting, Inc. and authorize the City Manager to execute all documents necessary for the amendment and to make minor modifications to the agreement. as necessary. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no oppositionr the motion carri€d 7-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council member Suggs spoke about attendance at an MRC meeting Council member Schromen-Wa*rin spoke about Climate Resiliency Plan implementation meetings, Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Legislative priorities meeting. thanked the Mayor for filling in during a Clallam Transit System meeting. spoke about continued contact with AWC connections relative to tansportation needs. and an upcoming discussion related to ree canopies. Council member French spoke about Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission and Elevate PA meeting topics Council member CarI spoke about the opening ofthe Pump Track, a family unification eyent, and shared updates from the Board ofHealth meeting. Mayor Dexter spoke about the celebmtion oflife for Black Batl Ferry Co-Owner Ryan Malane No other reports were given. INFORMATION Manager West reminded Council about an upcoming Revenue Work Session ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjoumed the meeting at l0:20 p.m. Kate Dexter. Mayor Kari Martinez-y, City Cl Page 5 of 5