HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 09/20/2022CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
September 20, 2022
This neeling utts conducted irtu.tll\'.
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Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting ofthe Pon Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m
Members Present: Mayor Dexter. Deputy Mayor Meyer, Council Members Carr, French, McCaughan, Schromen-
Wawrin and Suggs.
Members Ahsent: None
Staff Present; City Manager West, Anomey Bloor, Deputy Clerk Curran. B. Smith, S. Carizosa, C. Delikat, M
Sanders. N. Gollub, G. King. and K. Hatton.
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge ofAtlegiance to the Flag
Linda Snyder, city resident, spoke in support ofreligious institutions to provide shelter to the homeless.
Roberta Batdwin Stoneman, residing outside the city, spoke in opposition to logging of the Little fuver forests.
Susan Hillgren, business owner in the city, spoke in support ofreligious instinrtions to provide shelter to the homeless
without an additional use permit.
Irene (no last name provided), spoke in support ofreligious institutions to provide tiny homes to the homeless.
Ron Erickson, city resident, spoke in support ofreligious institutions to provide tiny homes to the homeless.
Julia McCord, city resident, spoke in opposition to logging in the Aldwell and Elwha tegacy lands.
Tyson Minck, residing outside the city. spoke in opposition to the Aldwell timber sale on Linle Nver Road.
Chadie Comrie, city resident, spoke in suppon ofreligious institutions to provide tiny homes to the homeless.
Kim Chapman, city resident, spoke in suppo( ofreligious instihrtions to provide shelter to the homeless.
Elizabeth Dunn, spoke in suppon ofprotection ofthe Aldwell forest and Elwha river valley, and to pause the auction
of those lands.
Patricia Jones, speaking on behalf of the Olympic Forest Coalition, spoke in support of the delay of the auction of
Aldwell forest.
Ed Chadd, city resident, spoke to the DNR proposed timber sales on the Olympic Peninsula and forest management.
Joe DeScala, city resident, spoke in support ofreligious institutions to provide shelter to the homeless.
l. Peninsula Trails Coalition-RAISE Grant
Mayor Dexter introduced Peninsula Trails Coalition President Jeff Bohman who provided information on the Great
American Rail Trail. and introduced the Coalition's proposal to pursue the RAISE Grant to expand the trail through
all jurisdictions in the scope of area provided on maps. Council discussion followed.
2. Joint Public Safety Facility Project Management Agreement
Manager West provided information regarding the Joint Public Safety Faciliry prqect and provided background
material on the MOU outlining the pannership between Clallam County and the Ciry ofPort Angeles. The agreement
covers only the design phase 2 of the project. and further ensures both parties will share the role of site selecrion, as
well as clearly defines the roles for the City and County. Chief Smith confirmed the agreement includes City staff
input. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by French to:
Approve the Management Agreement for the Joint Public Safety Facility Project between the City of Port Angeles
and Clallam County. authorize the City Manager to sign the same. and authorize rhe City Manager to make minor
modifications to the Agreement as appropriate to accomplish the purposes of the project.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous cotrsent! hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0.
The Mayor added Zetter b Rcquest DNR to Delay Timber Auction to qlloh' Ciry to Reriew Impacts to llcuer, Climote
Action Plqn, and Carbon Ofliet discussion to the agenda as Other Considerations item I-4.
It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by Carr to epprove the Consent Agenda to include:
l. Expendirure Repofi'. From August 27, 2022 arul September 9, 2022 in rhe anount of$1,706,727.62 / Approre.
2. Bonneville Power Administration Energy Conservation Agreement Amendment No. 2l Approle and authori:e
the Cit,'Manager to sign the Enerw* Consen'otion Agreement Amendment No. 2 - Contruct No. lTES-l1536
*ith the Bonneville Pov,er Admi istration. Approte and authorize the CiN Manager lo make ant subsequent
omerulments or minor modiJications to the Energt Consen'ation Agreenent.
The Mayor asked if there wrs unanimous cons€nt, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0.
Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 7:01 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:06 p.m
l. ReligiousOrganizationsShelteringPeopleExperiencingHomelessness
lnterim CED Director Collub introduced the ordinance that addresses homeless encampments. and provide optrons
that are sat'e. sanitary and healthy. Senior Planner Ben Braudrick provided information on the four alternatives for
sheltering people experiencing homelessness, and reviewed the code and existing conditions required for religious
organizations to p.ovide services to the homeless. Housing Coordinator Holden Fleming provided background on the
important historic and current role that religious organizations serve to the homeless in the communiry. Council
discussion followed.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin rnd seconded by Cfir to:
Amend the ordinance by. in draft PAMC 17.96.055(lXB). adding "permanent" before "facilities," and adding to the
end of thar subsection. "Permanent facilities are permanently affixed to land. All other facilities do not require any
city permits.": do a fint reading ofthe draft ordinance tonight: direct our staff to forward the draft ordinance creating
a new section of code titled 17.96.055 to Plaruring Commission at the Commission's next meeting, for review and
recommendation to Council: and pass the resolution as written regarding hosting people experiencing homelessness
by religious organizations.
Per that motion. the draft ordinance on PDF page 59 (bates stamp page G-31) is modified so that subsection (l)(B)
reads in full: "A religious organization that intends to host permanent facilities ior sheltering the homeless shall first
obtain a Conditional Use Permit. Permanent facilities are permanently affixed to land. All other facilities do not
require any city permits."
Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title. entitled.
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RESOT.LTIO\ \O. l8-22
A resolution ofthe City of Pon Angeles, Washington regarding hosting the homeless by religious organizations.
It was moved by French and seconded by Carr to:
Recommend to the Planning Commission a discussion making temporary homeless uses allowable uses for community
cenlers withoul a conditional use permit.
After a roll call yote, the motion passed 5-2 with Dexter and Meyer opposed.
Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 8:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:56 p.m.
3. City Council Virtual vs. Hybrid Meetings
Manager West proyided background information regarding bringing back a discussion to address in-person meetings
and at a minimum to continue to offer a hybrid meeting option. This would apply to all Boards and Commissions.
Attomey Bloor clarified the City already has a system in place to provide for hybrid meetings. Council discussion
4. Letter to Request DNR to Delay Timber Auction to allow City to Review Impacts to Water, Climate
Action Plan. 8nd Carbon Offset.
Manager West provided information and sent notice to DNR requesting a review of the Aldwell forest land and
believes the harvest should be evaluated for impact to the City water supply. Manager West read into the record an
email provided to Department ofNatural Resources on the subject harvest. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to:
Submit a letter on behalf of City Council to DNR to delay the Aldwell timber harvest. and request that the forest be
considered for the carbon offset program and to allow the City to review impacts to watenihed and Climate Action
Plan policies implemented.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent. hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0.
No comments were receir,ed.
Council member McCaughan spoke of the Pon Angeles Public Access streaming schedule
Council member Suggs spoke of a Clallam County MRC meeting
Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke ofan invitation for a recycling tour in British Columbia, Canada, the North
Olympic Development Council September conference, gave thanks to Housing Coordinator Holden Fleming for co-
presenting at the Housing & Zoning Councit, panicipated in the Week Without Driving event. and WA Tax Structure
Work Group meeting.
Council member French spoke about attended the Utility Advisory Committee meeting. Elevate PA meeting, and
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting.
It was moved by Nleyer and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to:
Extend the City Council meeting until Council and City Manager repons have concluded.
The llayor asked if ther€ was una[imous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0
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It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Add Council member French as a second altemate for the Clallam Transit System Board.
The llayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0
Council member Carr spoke about a local NODC event and opportunities, and the Board of Health meeting.
Mayor Dexter shared thanks to the Police Department for this week's efforts, attended the MRSC meeting, guest on
the KONP show tomorrow, and Feiro Marine Life Center Board meeting this week.
No other reports were given.
Manager West spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and reminded Council of the Madrona Law Group
Work Session scheduled for September 27,2022.
Mayor Dexter adjoumed the meeting at l0: l0 p.m.
Kate Dexter- Mayor
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