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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washinglon amending
portions of Chapter 10.20.070 and 13.10.060of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code to allow for the re-sale electricity expressly for EV
charging stations by entities other than the City of Port Angeles.
Section l. Ordinances 2451 and 2341 as amended, and Chapters 10.20.070 and 13.10.060
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending sections of Chapters
I 0.20.070 and I 3.10.060 as follows:
10.20.070 Restricted parking zones.
A. "No lnrking zone'i No vehicle, except an authorized emergenry vehicle, shall parh sand,
or slop in a no parking zone as delineated by red curb marking and/or appropriate signs.
B. "Itading zora." No vehicle shall parh stop or stand in a loading zone designated by yellow
curb marking and/or appropriare signs, except for the purpose of, and only for such period of time
necessary for, expeditious loading or unloading ofa commercial or passenger vehicle. In no case
shall the stop for loading or unloading of articles or materials or passengers exceed 15 minutes in
C. "Taci zone." No vehicle, other than a for-hire vehicle properly licensed by the City of Port
Angeles, shall stop, stand, or park in a taxi zone designated by yellow curb marking and/or
appropriate signs.
D. "Police zone."No vehicle, other than one upon official police brsiness, shall stop, stand, or
park in a police zone designated by green curb marking and/or appropriate signs.
E. "Bus stop."No vehicle shall park, stop or stand in a bus stop, except a bus, either to lay over
in an operating schedule, or while waiting for, loading, or unloading passengers, provided that such
bus provides regularly scheduled service with thejurisdiction ofthe City authority.
13.10.1)60 Meters.
E. The customer shall not install or use equipment or devices to submeter electricity for the
purpose of reselling or otherwise apportioning the costs of electric enerry usage; exc€pt that the
Departrnent shall permit the apponionment of electricity for boat mooring establishments, Electric
Vehicle Charging Stations, and recreational vehicle (RV) park under the following circumstances:
l. Electrical service to boat mooring establishments and recreational vehicle parks may
be master metercd. The Departrnent will not provide meGrs for individual spaces nor directly bill
individual tenants at a boat moorage establishment or recreational vehicle park for which a master
metering arrangement has been established.
2. Apportionment of electricity by customer-operator shall be considered a service
provided by a boat mooring establishment or r€creational vehicle park. The charge for such service
shall be reasonable and nondiscriminatory and shall not exceed the operatols average cost per KWH
as billed by the City plus the operato/s reasonable cos of providing such service, and shall not
exceed the proportion ofthe mss for which the boat moorirge or recrealional vehicle park tenant is
F - " Electric Vehicle (EV) Charqinp" Exceil.for an elef,,frc vehicle (EY\ that is LE,ins. ch eed.
no vehicle shall oark stand or stop in a parkins zone desisEted bv curb markines ard/or appropriale
sipn^s desierraed solelv for the ouroose of charqins EVs. No EV shall remain in a desienated mrkine
zone bevond the oeriod oftime neces-sary to eain a full EV charee or for a period beyond the sp€cific
chargins station timeframe puchased. whichever is less.
FA. "Dbabled Tnrking zone."
l. It is a traffic infraction for any person to park a vehicle in a disabled parking zone
without a special license plate, or placard, as provided for in RCW 216.16.38 t . A person charged with
a violation hermf shall not be determined to have committed an infraction if he or she produces in
court or prior to the court appearance the special license plate, or placard required herein or
demonstrales he or she was enlitled to the same at the time of being ticketed.
3. Ooerators of Electric Vehicle stations may charge for such service by
establishine fees. Electric vehicle charging s€rvices must complv with metering requirements of
section 13. l2 and must not interfere with the service ofolher customers.
Section 2. - Corrections. TheCi ty Clerk and the codifiers ofthis ordinance are authorized
to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the conwtion
of the scrivener'Vclerical ertorg referEnc€s to odm local, slde, or fed€ral laws, codeg nrles or
regulations, or ordinance nurnbering sectiory'subrcction numbers and any references therrto.
Section 3. - Severability. If any provisions ofthis Ordinance, or its application to any pe6on or
circurutanoes, ae held invali4 fte rcrnainder ofihe Ordinancg or ryplic*iur of the provisions of the
fuinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Sec{ion 4. - Effec'tive Date. This Ordinancg being an exercise ofa power specifically delegated to
the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5)
days after passage and publication ofan approved summary thereof consisting ofthe title.
PASSED by the City Council ofthe City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council
trctdonoe bb *rv"r fjrr.nLrr:zaz.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
William E. Bloor.tyA
Kari arttnez-Bailey, City Clerk
Summary of Ordinances Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on !)gbj!6Jq2/
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the 2023 budget for the fiscal year
ending December 3 l, 2023.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, levying regular ad valorem property taxes for
collection in the fiscal year 2023, and directing the City Clerk to certifo said amount to the Board ofClallam
County Commissioners.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the City's 2022 budget.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending portions of Chapter 10.20.070 and
13.10.060 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Codeto allow for the re-sale electricity expressly for EV charging
stations by entities other than the City ofPort Angeles.
The full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the Clerk's office, on the City's website at
rv* u .citrotba.us or will be mailed upon request.
Kari Martinez-Bailey
City Clerk
Published by summary: Saturday, December 10,2022
These Ordinances, being an exercise ofa power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, are not
subject to referendum. These Ordinances shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication ofan
approved summary thereof consisting ofthe title.