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225 E 5th St - Building
North Peninsula Electric 928-9409 P,1 R E"'C Elt Oti rORrVED ,y CCITYCITYQF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APl'✓L1CA'ITON SPR �- Building DivisionlElectrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street—P.O.Box 1150/Fort Angeles Washington,98362 ELECTRICAL Ph: ((360) 417-4735 Fax: (360) 417-4711 INSPEC QNS Date: QS �lultl-Family or Commercial* *Pian Review May Be ReguirBd, Jease Corn�le-te Ele trial Plan Review Information Sheet Job Addross: C �"S� C. 3c ._ _...._....., -- Ba'Iding Square Fcotago:_ D escOp kin of above "7 Owner Information Contractor Infor alio 1 Name: Name: fv ill Add S r� Y"r�r�� Malling A rens: City, 5t � ale: 7ip:_ _ta: City: State: Patens. - Fax:_ Plwn - Fa: L - License#l Exp. - License#1 Exp. "VZU h`�- i- 'r,%N Item Unit Charge QtV Total(Qty Multiplied by Unit ChargJ ServicelFeecer 200 Amp. $132.00 $ Servie il.er201-400 Am p, $Ill $ 5ervicelFeeder401-600 Amp $225.04 $ ServloelFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $286.00 S ServioelFeeder aver 1000 Amp, $410.00 $ Branch Circuit VV1Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit 00)Service Feeder $ Moo ll Addllicnal&anch Circuit $ 5.00 4 _ Branch Circuits 1.4 S 86.00 $ Temp.Servicol Feeder 200 Amp, $102.00 $ Temp.Servicafeeder 201-400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp.ServicelFeeder401-WO Amp, $164,00 $ Temp."oervlcer'Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $185,00 $ Poral to Portal Hourly $ 988.00 $ SigrVOutllne Ughtin•g $ 88.00 $ Signal Cl Lim4ed Erergy-Mult3-Famuy $ 64,00 $ Signal Cirnulll Limited Energy I First 1500 sf-Commercial $ 96,00 $ Note. $5,OC for each additional 1500 sr Renewable Eleck1cal Energy-SKVA System or Lem $113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Note:$5,00 for each additional T-Stat $ � . Total Owner as defined by RCVV.19.28.261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit Is finalized.(2)Omer Is required to hire an electrical contractor If above said property is for sale,rent or lease.Rail expires atter six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor.I am making the electrical Installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N.E.C.,RCW.Chapter 19.28,WAG,Chapter 296-468,The City of Port Angeles Municipal Cade,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14,05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner,electrical contractor or electrical administrator: ❑ cash ❑ 011 Ll t{�d It Card x L�� oated: rU t 011QU2072 i 1 I ELECTRICAL PERMIT ps CITY OF PORT ANGELES X 360-417-4735 Application Number 14-00000499 Date 4/29/14 Application pin number 889573 Property Address 225 E 5TH ST REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER! 06-30-00-0-1-6940-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise fax form Subdivision Name . . . . . . to the City Of Port Angeles Property Use Property Zoning (Location Code 0502) Application valuation 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Swimsuit spinners ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL NORTH PENINSULA ELECTRIC DISTRICT 761 FRESHWATER PARK RD 233 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 477-1764 (360) 41- - - Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc , Permit Fee . . , . 79,00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 4/29/14 valuation 0 Expiration Date 10/26/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension �V 1.00 74.0000 ECH EL-COMM BRANCH CIR WO/ 3/8 74.00 1.00 5.0000 ECH EL-ECH ADDNT BR?aNCH CIRCUIT 5.00 -------------------------- ----------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ---- --------- -- ---------- -- ---------- __---�----- Permit Fee Total 79.00 79.00 .0Q .00 PlanCheck Total .00 .00 ,00 OO WWW Grand Total 79.00 79.00 00 .00 s� INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: GAEXCHANGEIBUILDING May 23 20113 02:32PM Olympic Electric Co., Inc 36U4b;!34Yb page 1 E C E I VE DI CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION �� 2 �, ���� Building Division/Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street—P.O. Box 1150/Port Angeles Washington,98361ELECTRICAL Ph: (360) 417-4735 Fax: (360)417-4711 INSPECTIONS Date; T Q Multi-Family or Commercial" 'Plan Review May Be Requ redff ease Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address 9.Z 57 Building Square Footage: Descriplion of above a Owner Inf rmation { - , Contractor Information Name: l/l,7,I7 Mame: OLYMPICELEGTRIC Mallin ddress: ��" - ��.rf 4230 TL—TER 9 Mailing Address. c4ty: e ! state: 4�-117 zip:�.�" r i� U*I POR TANGELEe State: WA Zi 88388 Tse" ,. `7 MOOS•-303 380.452"3798 pt r. !�q Phone'. � Fax; Phone: Fax: ` ,��`i l License#1 Exp. License p I Exp.oiy OPEC=Df Item Unit ChangeCity Tota Multiplied by Unit Charge ServicelFeeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ ServicelFeeder 201.400 Amp. $160.00 $ ServicelFeeder 4C1-600 Amp $225.00 $ ServicelFeeder 601.1000 Amp, $28600 $ Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp, $410,00 Branch Circuit WI Service Feeder $ Soo -2-2 $. //'[- Branch Circuit WIC,Service Feeder $ 74,00 $ Each Additional Brandt Circuit $ 5,00 $ Branch Clrcults 1.4 $ 86.00 $ Temp.Service!Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp.Servioe(Feeder 201-400 Amp. $f 21,00 $ Temp. ServicefFeeder 401-600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp. ServicelFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96,00 $ SignlCutline Lighting $ 88.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy-Mult-Family $ 64.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy 1 First 1500 sf-Commercial $ 966.00 $ Note: $5 00 for each additional 1500 st Renewable Elect cal Energy-5KVA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Note:$5.00 for each add itional T-Stat $ Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1)Owner will occupy the struclure for two years alter this electrical permit is finalized. (2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease, permit expires after six months of last inspection, After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that i am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N,E,C.,RCW. Chapter 19.23,WAC, Chapter 296.466, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications, Signature of owner,electrical contractor or electrical administrator: ❑ cash ❑ checx _ © Credit Card l 0110112012 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number 13-00000560 Date 5/24/13 Application pin number 436000 Property Address 225 E STH ST REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER. 06-30-00-0-1-6940-0000 r Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise tax form Subdivision Name Property Use to the City of Port Angeles Property zoning , , , , . . . (Location Code 0502) Application valuation , , . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc 1600 A SVC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CQ INC DISTRICT 4230 TUMWATER 233 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98363 y PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 457-5303 \) {360) 417-9767 ----- Permit . , . , . , ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional. desc , , 1.600 A SVC + UPGRADES V Permit Fee , , , . 972,00 Plan Check .Fee .00 Issue Date 5/24./13 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 11/20/13 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 22.00 5.0000 ECH RL-ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT 110.00 1.00 132,0000 ECH EL-COM 0-200 SRV FEEDER 132,00 2,00 160,0000 ECH EL-COM 201-400 SRV FEEDER 320,00 ` 1100 410,0000 ECH EL-COM 1001-UP SRV FEEDER 410,00 \V1 1 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- .___.----- Permit Fee Total 972,00 972,00 00 .00 Plan Check Total 00 .00 00 .00 Grand Total 972.00 972.00 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE , -� ROUGH-IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date:. GAIHXCHANGEIBUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT 0 CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 W Application Number . . . . . 12-00000839 Date 7/09/12 Application pin number . . . 558973 Property Address . . . . . . 225 E STH ST REPORT'SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-1-6940-0000- on your excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Y Subdivision Name . . . . . . to the City of Port Angeles Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . (Location Code 0502) Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc New lighting for pool. Panel replacement. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL NORTH PENINSULA ELECTRIC DISTRICT 761 FRESHWATER PARK RD 233 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98363 y PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 477-1764 )v (360) 417-9767 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . ELECTRICAL/ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit Fee . . . 324 00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 7/09/12 Valuation . . . . 0 VVV Expiration Date 1/05/13 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 12.00 5.0000 ECH EL-ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT 60.00 2.00 132.0000 ECH EL-COM 0-200 SRV FEEDER 264.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due \\\ ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 324.00 324.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 324.00 324.00 .00 .00 \V►'l1 6,0 W- AleeVv-ti INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN Z FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X _ Date: G:\EXCHANGE\13UIL.DING 2012-06-14 12:09 NORTH PENINSULA ELEC 3609289409 >> 360 417 4711 P 1/1 Y i'Okl CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATIONQZ �` =-- ��''��►� Building Division/ElectricalInspections 321 East Flfth Street-P.O.Box 1150/Port Angeles Washington,98362 W Ph:(360)417-4735 Fax: (360)4174711 Cie 7RIC„1 -� Cate: �- Mttlti•Family or Comm lal• 1PGiSPEC71aArS ”Plan Review Q!<Repaired,Phase plate Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job AWr899: J Building Square Footage: Description of above r Owr+sr InfprrnaUon Contractor Infor on Name: Name: Ir,C�fir 1 Melling Ad rasa: Z Mwjinq Aft: City State:LL�_�p: Clty: e 42 State: D : ".1.1Sj Phone: Fax: Phane:' F License#I Exp. 1 License fi I Exp. �. } ca L Unit Charao Total QW JINWalledn h e Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ / Service/Feeder 201400 Amp. $160.00 $ Senrlce/Feeder 401-00 Amp $225.00 $ ServioWFeeder 601.1000 Amp. $28800 $ Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $410.00 $$ Branch Circuit W/Service Feeder $ 5.00 Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $ 74.00 $ Each Addltlonal Branch Circuit $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $ 86.00 $ Temp.Servlce/Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp,Servic0eeder 201.4W Amp, $121.00 $ Temp.ServicerFeeder 401-600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp.Serviowfasder 601-1000 Amp, $185.00 $ Patel to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ Sign/Outline Lighting $ 88,00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy-Muhl-Family $ 64.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limped Energy/First 1500 sf-Conrerdal $ 96.00 $ Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sr Renewable FJectrical Energy-5KVA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 ;K2-?T."3 Note:$5.00 for each additional T-Stat �— Owner as defined by RCW.19-28,261:(1)Omer will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical"t Is finalized.(2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease.Permit expires attar six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement,I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor.I am making the electrical installatlon or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N.E,C.,RCW.Chapter 19.28,WAC,Chapter 296.468,The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14,05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner,electrical contractor or elsctrfral adminletrator: 0 can 0 Ch.cr I ;, -tranc. �.....s � rdrr Detail: ' J I Lf '( 01NIM2 zoey 40OAr I M A141A- -100 A 50A t4' i ' r ive 1 A 2GO Q� 2oo 4 woo il. �n 10 OA �, 100 4 n r , VUt►_ C, C 7 u a, v'F F L Lft • e .•r"I`c 111 1,P-I., CONDUCTORS PER MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS SPAO I v I.I s•n. SURFACE MOUNTED DOWN WALL FROM LOW-VOLTAGE PANEL IN ATTIC TO JUNCTION BOX OF WALL. PROVIDE SURFACE CONDUIT FROM JUNCTION BOX TO NEW �- LOW-VOLTAGE SWITCH LOCATION ROUTED BELOW IC I ON 7:00AM,OFF 10:00PM WINDOW SILL. I'C2 13UILDING SWEEP(11:OOPM,1:00AM) . RAs pRAwnp wns P.w x'o'R - cxcwAL AsauLr�aAwan;s nNp Rao . wseRVAac»s.Arro MAr Npl REP 1— .— ACe ARA5 CONpmON.pHCIpANq[S NuBE ENCOIIpITEREp,Ar4p Rtl ME CONfPACIOR3 RPSPpufBAlfv 10 ap.p ' vEP6Y ALL CON]IRONS. SEMI- A i 10.000 LUSH MOUNTING PANELSCHEDULE SEMI-FLUSH MOUNTING �� 10000 AIC 10,000 AIC PANEL SCHEDULE NO: B LOCATION: MAIN OFFICE '` 120/208 VOLTS 3PHASE 4WIRE NO. LOCATION: MAIN OFFICE 1201208 VOLTS 3PHASE 4WIRECKr a m2epm SERVING: BUILDING 200 AMPS WITH 200 MAIN BREAKER C SERVING: BUILDING 200 AMPS WITH MAIN LUGS NO. IMP TRIP CKT CKT TRIP TRIP S/ORAL E� No. LOAD DESCRIPTION KVA AMpS AMPS KVA LOAD DESCRIPTION No. NO, LOAD DESCRIPTION KVA AMPS AMPS KVA LOAD DESCRIPTION CK 4/!3 A 12 I E MENS LOCKER ROOM HEAT21 20 E HANDICAP HEAT 2 f E OFFICE LIGHTS _ 20_ ZO OOOAO E WALKAWY LIGHTS 2 PROJECT TITLE 3 E EMERG,LIGHTS SIN (E H1 ANDICAP HEAT _ 4 3 E1MENShVOMENS RECEPTS. _ _ (E)WALI(AWY LIGHTS q 5 E GIRLS SHOWER LIGHTS T _ (E)OUTSIDE LIGHTS 6 5 LELIGHT LIGHTS _ E FAN RM.LIGHTIRECEPTS. 6 NATATORIUM LIGHTING 7 E LIGHTSIEXHAUST FAN ELWOMENSfMERG.LIGHTS B 7 E MENS HAIR DRYER __ _ E POOL RECEPTS. 8 UPGRADE PROJECT- -9 E GIRLS SHOWER LIGHTS _ E MENS ENERG.LIGHTS 10 0 E MENS HAIRDRYER E POOL RECEPTS. 10 11 E GIRLS SHOWER LIGHTS )_ - L PW-2012.03 —. (E)MENS SHOWER LIGHTS 12• 11 E OFFICE RECEPTS. - _ _ (E)POOL RECEPTS,-_ 12 13 E AUTO FRONT DOOR E MENS SHOWER LIGHTS 14 73 EEjOFFICE RECEPTS_ E HAIR DRYER 14 _ 15 NEW POOL OVERHEAD LIGHTS L68 __IlI MENS SHOWER LIGHTS 16 15 E POP MACHINE E1HAIR DRYER 16 PROJECT ADDRESS �.L..<_ 17 1.45- MENS SHOWER LIGHTS iB 17 E POOL RECEPTS. 20 E HAIR DRYER 18 19 _ 1,45 W IN POOL LIGHTS 20 19 Ej HEATER-FOYER _ 20 20 E HAIR DRYER 2(7 225 E.STH STREET 21 144_ ARE 22 21 - 2 60 E SAUNA y2 PORT ANGELES.WA 98362 23 145 V - 24 23 E POOL VACUUM 303 2q 25 120 -- 26 25 2 3 26 27 NEW POOL OVERHEAD LIGHTS T2 28 27 SPARE KEYPLAN 20 20 SPARE 2829SPARE 30 29 -� - p _ 30 LOBB) J3 _ 20 SPARE 34 33 _ - - 32 c 34 1 35. - SPACE -`-- 36 35 SPARE 20- 20 SPARE 36 37 M _ PACE _ SPACE 38 39 _41� --- y ��-__.�..40 39 SPACE SPACE 40 _....__ 41 SPARE 20SPACE` q2 41 SPACE SPACE 42 1.I REMARKS: PROVIDE FEED THOU LUGS l'0 CONNECTED LOAD: KVA AMPS REMARKS: CONNECTED LOAD: KVA AMPS: , �� KEY PLAN PANEL C. DEMAND LOAD: KVA AMPS DEMAND LOAD: KVA AMPS . ul - NOTE:CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY CIRCUIT BREAKER SIZES FOR EXISTING LOADS TO BE NOTE:CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY CIRCUIT BREAKER SIZES FOR EXISTING LOADS TO BE DRAWING REVISIONS RECONNECTED PRIOR TO ORDERING PANELBOARD. RECONNECTED PRIOR TO ORDERING PANELBOARD, PROVIDE HANDLE TIES FOR ALL MULTWJRCUIT HOMEHIMS SHARING A NEUTRAL PER THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE AHIICL 210.4 PROVIDE HANDLE TIES FOR ALL MULTI-CIRCUIT HOMERUNS SHARING A NEUTRAL PER TH E NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE ARTICLE 210.4 MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUITS.PART(B)DLSCCNNCGTINIi MEANS.DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC.WHERE THE CONTRACTOR MULTPMRE BRANCH CRCUITS,PART(8)DISCONNECTING MEANS.DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC.WHERE THE CDNTRACTOR MODIFIES THE CRCURWG,THE CON rRACTORSHAI 1.1 1140V0)6 AN INDIVIDUAL NEUTRAL PER CIRCUIT,MIK.I IPOI.E CIHCUI i'*BRFARL HS, MODIFIES THE CIRCUITING,THE CONTRACTOR$HALL PROVIDE AN INDIVIDUAL NEUTRAL PER CIRCUIT,MULTIPOLE CIRCUIT BREAKERS. OR CIRCUIT BREAKER HANDLE TIE TO MEET THE W.'(:A+IN:LE.ALL CDSTS ASSOCIATED WITH MODIFICATIONS SHATL RE INCLUDED IN OR CIRCUIT BREAKER HANDLE TIE TO MEET THE NEC ARTICLE ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH MODRICATIONS SHALL BE INCLUDED R DRAWING ISSUE DAL TME CONTRACTDR'S 8I0. THE CORIRACTORS BID. BID SET 04/13/2G i SHEET NILE OVERALL LIGHTING LOAD REDUCTION FOR PANEL B: ' PARTIAL ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN/SCHEOULES EXISTING OVERHEAD/TUNNEL LIGHTS =16.04 KVA NEW OVERHEAD/TUNNEL LIGHTS =10.27 KVA DRAWN LR TOTAL LIGHTING LOAD REDUCTION =5.77 KVA CHECKED GLW/S ESL PROJECT R 12OI CUENTPROIECT9 PW-2012 CROSS ENGINEERS,INC SHEET NUMBER '• ETsmpsemwnA RE301 SHEEP%%% OF XXX CITY OF PORT ANGELES ate'` DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT- BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 f-14Application Number . . . . 12-00000733 Date 6/12/12 h ;l" Application pin number . . . 566586 Property Address . . . . . . 225 E 5TH ST a ^•' ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-1-6940-0000- REPORT SALES TAX Application type description PLUMBING PERMIT on your state excise tax form SubProperty Name . . . . . . to the City of Port Angeles Pro ert Use s Property Zoning . . . . . . . (Location Code 0502) Application valuation . . . . 270000 r --------------- ----------------------------------------------- Application desc REMOVE/REPLUMB POOL DRAINS ---------- ------------------------------------------------------ Owner Contractor WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL GENERAL MECHANICAL INC {� �v•I ��' '� DISTRICT 2701 S J ST (r 233 E 4TH ST TACOMA WA 98409 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (253) 606-2510 (3 60) 417-9767 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . REPIPE PUBLIC POOL Permit Fee . . . . 1972.25 Plan Check Fee 1281.96 Issue Date . . . . 6/12/12 Valuation . . . . 270000 Expiration Date 12/09/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 1020.25 170.00 5.6000 THOU BL-100,001-500K (5.60 PER K) 952.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . PLUMBING PERMIT Additional desc . . REPLUMBING POOL Permit Fee . . . . 50.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 6/12/12 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 12/09/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50.00 Y ,------------------------------ ---------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due 6 ,r Q ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 6 Permit Fee Total 2022.25 2022.25 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 1281.96 1281.96 .00 .00 Grand Total 3304.21 3304.21 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions `df laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does Biot presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. \ en Pe i',,- , Date Print Name Signature of Contradtor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) � T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24-HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS — Building Inspections 417-4815 Electrical Inspections 417-4735 Public Works Utilities 417-4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417-4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. p POST PERMIT INCONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. 1 Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage/Downspouts Piers Post Holes(Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor/Slab Rough-In Water Line(Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow/Water FINAL Date Accepted b AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists/Girders/Under Floor Shear Wall/Hold Downs Walls/Roof/Ceiling Drywall Interior Braced Panel Only)__ T-Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall/Floor/Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pum /Furnace/FAU/Ducts Rough-In Gas Line Wood Stove/Pellet/Chimney Commercial Hood/Ducts FINAL Date Accepted b MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing/Slab Blocking&Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit ids SEPA: Parkin /Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417-4735 (� Construction- R.W. PW /Engineering 417-4831 1 1 Fire 417-4653 Planning 417-4750 Building 417-4815 + V' T-Fnrmc/Ruilrlinn nivicinn/Ruilriino Permit PREPARED 7/26/12, 8:39:36 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 4 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR: JAMES LIERLY DATE 7/26/12 ---------------------------—----—-------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS . : 225 E STH ST SUBDIV: CONTRACTOR GENERAL MECHANICAL INC PHONE (253) 606-2510 OWNER WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL PHONE (360) 417-9767 PARCEL 06-30-00-0-1-6940-0000- APPL NUMBER: 12-00000733 PLUMBING PERMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERMIT: BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCTAT• REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS -----------—---------------------------------------------------------------------------—- BL99 01 7/26/12 L BLDG FINAL July 26, 2012 8:33:33 AM hcatuzo. BEN 253-606-2510 -------------- - ------ COMMENTS AND NOTES THE CITY OFORT NGELES P For City Use m -A- Permit # �a' �5� �' Wo 0 W A S H I N G T 0 N , U . S . N a> Date Received: (o' ' la' UJ� o 321 East S"' Street a z Port Angeles, WA 98362 ate A roved: °� �' au m P: 360-417-4817 F: 360-417-4711 hcatuzo@cityofpa.us C�3 Building Permit Application Project Address: Z25 F_ 51-4 o L✓ 36 Z Main Contact: Phone # / A4-3)606 Z-Ro Property Name Phone Owner W:1(� s' w ,�; Avol Mailing Address Email 22s— 5 S f4 City State Zip And- An.paka Wet 9,916Z V-0 Z Contractor Name (', Phone�2s Mailing Address Email 2701 SovTti T .Scree 7L 1644-6) S e6 City State Zip `racd.-, . t✓' v o W11 9SIVO 9 Contractor License # Expiration: G ENrI�e�I X 306 q �0 1 Z Project Value: Zoning: Tax Parcel # Lot# $ 'z ZOO a00 NAA 36pn 0 (lPci4-0 Type of Residential ❑ Commercial .® Industrial ❑ Public Permit Demolition Fire ❑ Repair M Reroof(tear off/lay over) ❑ For the following, fill out both pages of permit application: New Construction ❑ Remodel ❑ Addition. ❑ Tenant Improvement ❑ Mechanical ❑ Plumbing M Other ❑ Existing Fire Sprinkler System? Maximum height of structure Proposed Bedrooms Proposed Bathrooms Yes ❑ No 1:1 Project Description I have read and completed the application and know it to be true and correct.I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required,and to obtain permits prior to working on projects.I understand the plan review fee is not refundable after review has occurred.I understand that I will forfeit 20%of the review fee if I cancel or withdraw the application before plan review has occurred.I understand that if the permit is not issued within 180 days of receipt,the application will be considered abandoned,and the fees forfeit. Date Print Name Signature 6/711 Z /J0� .�c-�'i.^Al �_i�7 Or°�r� OILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn: Building Permit Technician For City Use Only: g Date Received �....__ � 321 E. Fifth St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 Permit# (360) 417-4815 fax (360)417-4711 Date Approved Applicant W 1111 im cj,are- PD z L- `>>s4v�•c-{-- Phone Litl--9-161 Property Owner s_ar1G _ Phone 4(ao -,-2,52., SVeU, Property Owner's Address 2z5 e . 5T,'` 51'- _ Contractor ou-r-ro g,cDPhone Contractor's Address License# Expires �E-mail PROJECT ADDRESS zZs t~ s�- Parcel Number 063 COWL IO 9LI D Lot Zoning Project Type & Brief Description: ❑ Residential ❑ Multi-family ❑ Commercial ❑ industrial Check all that apply ❑ New Construction ❑Addition ❑ Remodel ❑ Repair ❑ Demolition _ ❑ Re-roof ❑ House ❑ garage ❑ other ❑tear off& re-roof ❑ Jay over one layer ❑ Heat System ❑ Heat pump ❑ wood-burning stove ❑gas fireplace ❑ pellet stove c other Other 'ip� e_ Q.e tac a*h.e Floor Areas Existing(sq. ft.) Proposed(sq. ft.) Basement _._ @ per sq, ft. _ $ 15' Floor 2n6 Floor —� 3'd Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch R E C EAVE Deck Shed NPR 1 -1 9t11qZ _ Other CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION TOTAL VALUATION $ Total footprint of structures _sq. ft. T Lot size sq. ft. = Lot coverage % Site Coverage = the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces. (see PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions) Site coverage % Max. height of proposed structures _ft. Occupancy group #of bedrooms Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load #of full baths Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type #of half baths have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. 1 am authorized to apply for this permit and understand hat it is my responsibility to determine what pemits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projects. Date 4' )1- tZ Print Name Sf-ei,, 19"-Ik Signature F-.Forms/Building Division/Building permit application Contractors or Tradespeople Printer Friendly Page Page 1 of 2 General/Specialty Contractor A business registered as a construction contractor with L&I to perform construction work within the scope of its specialty. A General or Specialty construction Contractor must maintain a surety bond or assignment of account and carry general liability insurance. Business and Licensing Information Name GENERAL MECHANICAL INC UBI No. 278040974 Phone 2536278155 Status Active Address 2701 South J St License No. GENERM-306QF Suite/Apt. License Type Construction Contractor City Tacoma Effective Date 11/6/1970 State WA Expiration Date 9/30/2012 Zip 984098092 Suspend Date County Pierce Specialty 1 General Business Type Corporation Specialty 2 Unused Parent Company Business Owner Information Name Role Effective Date Expiration Date KEMPF, DANIEL A Treasurer 09/03/2002 HOOVER, DALE E Vice President 09/03/2002 BOYCE, ALAN T Vice President 09/03/2002 COLEMAN, JAMES P jPresident 111/06/1970 110/01/2003 MANLEY, PETER T jPartner 01/01/1980 10/01/1998 Bond Information Bond Bond Account Effective Expiration Cancel Impaired Bond Received Bond Company Number Date Date Date Date Amount Date Name 4 Safeco Ins Co 695000624 04/20/2012 Until $12,000.00 05/11/2012 of America Cancelled 3 Safeco Ins Co 4796529 09/30/2001 04/20/2012 $12,000.0009/20/2001 of America Assignment of Savings Information No records found for the previous 6 year period Insurance Information Insurance Company policy Number Effective Expiration Cancel Impaired Amount Received Name Date Date Date Date Date Travelers 29 Indemnity DTCO260N4548COF1109/30/201109/30/2012 $1,000,000.0009/20/2011 Co of Ame TRAVELERS https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/bbip/Print.aspx 6/7/2012 Contractors or Tradespeople Printer Friendly Page Page 2 of 2 28 INDEMNITY DTCO260N4548COF1009/30/201009/30/2011 $1,000,000.0009/14/2010 CO OF AME TRAVELERS 27 INDEMNITY DTCO260N4548COF09 09/30/2009 09/30/2010 $1,000,000.00 08/19/2009 CO OF AME TRAVELERS 26 INDEMNITY DTCO260N4548COF08 09/30/2008 09/30/2009 $1,000,000.00 08/22/2008 CO OF AME TRAVELERS DT-CO- 25 INDEMNITY 260N4548COFO6 09/30/200509/30/2008 $1,000,000.0009/13/2007 CO OF AME THE 24 TRAVELERS DTCO260N4548COF05 09/30/2005 09/30/2006 $1,000,000.00 09/22/2005 INDEMNITY CO Summons/Complaint Information No unsatisfied complaints on file within prior 6 year period Warrant Information No unsatisfied warrants on file within prior 6 year period https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/bbip/Print.aspx 6/7/2012 CITY OF PORT ANGELES �w m PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES v 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number . . . 11-00000925 Date 8/29/11 Application pin number . . . 552825 Property Address . . . . . . 225 E 5TH ST REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-1-6940-0000- Application type description PUBLIC WORKS UTILITES on your state excise tax form Subdivision Name . . . . . . to the City of Port Angeles Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . (Location Code 0502) Application valuation . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Replace driveway and sidewalk RCP# 11-33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL ALEX ANDERSON CONCRETE DISTRICT P O BOX 4028 233 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452-6659 (360) 417-9767 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . DRIVEWAY INSTALLATION Additional desc . . REPLACE DRIVEWAY AND SIDEWALK Permit pin number . 191676 Permit Fee . . . . 180.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . 8/29/11 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 2/25/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE ----------------------------180.00 ------ Special Notes and Comments Call City inspector prior to start of work. No material or wash water to enter City Storm drain. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 180.00 180.00 .00 .00 U 1 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 180.00 180.00 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority t violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construe ti 'n. 27 �� Signature f Contractor or Authorized Agent ate Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T:Forms/Building Division/Public Works Permit PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD ,.r CALL 417-4831 FOR UTILITY INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER; INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK IIEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO PW UTILITIES ," (Engineering Division) WATERLINE;/METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE_, SITE EROSION CONTROL . PARKING SIDEWALK S':e.. 1Y .. 'CURB&'GUTTER DRIVEWAY APPROACH BACK-FLOW DEVICE:, wr ----------------- g. l _ k 4.1 I > i i - FINAL INSPECTIONS,REQUIRED PRIOR;TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE' YES. NO COMMERCIAL DATE'' ACCEPTED .,NO.. . CONSTRUCTION R W FP}W/' CONSTRUCTION :R W ENGINEERING'r 417-4807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 4174653 FIRE DEPT.. FPLANNING DEPT -417-4750 _ PLANNING.DFPT. BUI!DING :BUILDING 4815 T Forms/Building'Dn}s}on/Public Works P'"i' r t t� ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES C9 360-417-4735 N A Application Number 11 00000250 Date 3/23/11 C Application pin number X30250 REPORT SALES TAX Property Address 225 E STH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 0 1 6940 0000 on your excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name to the City of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning Application valuation 0 Application desc 1 crcuit for judge platform Owner Contractor WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL SIMPSON ELECTRIC DISTRICT 243036 W HWY 101 233 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98 63 (� , PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 457 9270 \\V\ (360) 417 9767 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 182857 Permit Fee 73 50 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 3/23/11 Valuati Dn 0 Expiration Date 9/19/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1 00 73 5000 ECH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO/FEEDER 73 50 Fee summar✓ Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 73 50 73 50 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 73 50 73 50 00 00 r V INSPECTION TYPE DATE. RESULTS INSPECTOR. DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN q FINAL �01 COMMENTS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date• G:\EXCHANGE\BUILDING o�Q°ATaN ELECTRICAL INSPECTION U N WIRING REPORT Ks& ' 417-4735 c�'oa `S� DATE PERMIT# INSPECTOR 3 2, I 11- d 'D OWNER/CONTRACTOR G✓t M SO a•-� ADDRESS --? Z- vz— APPROVED NOT APPROVED ❑ DITCH ❑ ❑ ROUGH IN/COVER l&' ❑ SERVICE ❑ ❑ FINAL ❑ CORRECTIONS NEEDED: 5'1F G V TL r A-- b S %�ypm 1Z.� gob., 2 NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS — DO NOT REMOVE — OLYMPIC PRINTERS,INC.(360)452-1381 r DF 'PORT,gM CITY OF PORI' ANGELES � •'• BUILDING DIVISION MORNING INSPECTION REQUEST Date S-01 11 Time - 3© )" Inspection Address_ , , 5 S4- (��J; ����rh sl d,a,-& Contact s4e f, Phone number(s) 14 I - 9767 a Permit number Type of inspection D-eJl►vefr -G,�<<t��d--hna� .' coinmor Ran 1,V) Sri e� +o 2w 8,'30 Remarks/Action l 1l oo a-- �4 6 is T Forms/Building Division/Morning Inspection Request o,*p°RT ELECTRICAL INSPECTION N WIRING REPORT KS " 417-4735 6� DATE: PERMIT# INSPECTO 3 Z l i� OWNER W u-( n CONTRAC T OR ADDRESS 22 ' )L. 5- APPROVED NOT APPROVED ❑ DITCH ----o- 0 ❑ ❑ ROUGH IN/COVER )2� ❑ SERVICE ❑ ❑ FINAL ❑ CORRECTIONS NEEDED: ���-���1 C—Pst— T'�LUh )-r— Rvcjc-�01 Mrz'-A B*--:F-o 2if- L.)o fz tc Ya s� we) rl K S��"��D JA.) 1 r')-Eo(L- t�izP�I� r �u.o�� �Li6 � NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS — DO NOT REMOVE — REEVED POR7,gt, ` CITY OF PORT ANGELES PER]VjT APPLICAum MAR 2 2 2011 �111 � )FtniWingAivision/Etectrienl T..asPectioas Bw 321 East Fifth Street-P-O,BOX 1.150/Port An elesWA°hiingkonELECTRICAL pt Ph; (360)417-4735 Tax;(360)417-471>t ,98362 INSPECTIONS (N� Date:_�2__c_L/ 1 &2 Single Family Dwelling Muhl-Family or Commercial- Commercial Addition 1 Alteratlof Remodel I Repair" O Plan Review May Be R wired,Please��rrrr����mplete Bll9drIcal Plan.Revia I rmation ShaFq Job Aadra rs: _ + t'.. �LGC1•? -/ �.d�_ Building Square Footage: --•—- — Desrrlptkln of above Owner I onnaBon Contractor Information Name: ' Mailing Add re .� _ z� Name; r *2-' clty; State lGj L Zip: Mailing A -,Phone:�LL� �5 rax p' City'— stat;: V1/Z Zip _6 License df I Fxp.. - Phone ; ax. _ , Llrens Item U it Clts � Setvice/Feeder 200 :1119.90 Tota Am , �t l ul Ilei t Ch e (falx Allb U U�•--�1 Service/Feeder 201-000 Amp. $145.50 $orvlre/Feeder 401-G00 Amp $204,60 $ service/Feederrmi.1000 Amp, $262-20 Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $372,50 Dranrh Circuit w/Service Feeda_r $ 2 60 — --- $ Branch Circuit W/0 Service Feeder $ 73,50 Each Additional Branch Circuli $ 2.60 Temp.Service/Feeder 200 Amp, $ 92.70 .. $ temp.service/Feeder 201.400 Amp. $110.30 -- temp,Seruire/Feeder4D1-600 Amp. $148,70 - $ Temp,98rVIce/Feeder 601-1000 Amp $1G7 s0 Portal to Portal Hourly $ 95.90 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 88 20 $ Signal Clrtxdt/limited Energy/First 1500 sf-Commercial $ 95,90 — $ — Nole: $5,00 for each additional 1500 s( Signal Circultl Limited Energy 1&2 Family Dwelling $ 63,90 �~ Signal Circuli/limited Energy Mulll Family Dwelling $ 83.90 - Marnifactured Home Connection $119.9D Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less $102,30 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 — --- NEIN CONSTRUCTION ONLY' --- First 1300 Square Ft $110.30 Each Additional 500 Square Ft.or Portion of $ 35.29 Each outbuilding or Detached Garage $ 73.50 �----—Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub $110.30 $� Total Owner as defined by RCW 19.28,261 (1)Owner will occupy the structure for two year.after this electrical permit is finalize, '2.) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property Is for sale,rentor lease,Permit expires after six months M last Inspect)ar After reading the above statement,I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical It 010;Icier.I am making Angeles MuniGpal Code,and the electrical installation or alteration In compliance with the electrical laws,N.C.0 RCW Chapter 18.28,WAC.Chapter 29 3.f61 i,The City of Port Utillly SpeclFicatlons and PAMC 14,0 al regarding Electrical Permit Applications. :SIgnaft , owner,electrical con or or electrical administratarr , ❑ CA811 is Cback ►' Credit Cad#af _ �' nim+rzrno %f�► CITY OF PORT ANGELES r"1� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 11 00000130 Date 3/31/11 Application pin number 110380 Property Address 225 E STH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 0 1 6940 0000 REPORT SALES TAX Tenant nbr name WILLIAM SHORE MEM POOL Application type description COMM REMODEL on your state excise tax form Subdivision Name to the City of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning Application valuation 1000 Application desc 144 SQ FT STORAGE STRUCTURE INSIDE BUILDING Owner Contractor WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL OWNER DISTRICT 233 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 417 9767 Structure Information 000 000 Construction Type UNKNOWN Occupancy Type ASSEMBLY Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc 144 SQ FT STORAGE INSIDE POOL Permit pin number 181339 Permit Fee 65 25 Plan Check Fee 42 41 Issue Date 3/31/11 Valuation 1000 Expiration Date 9/27/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50 00 V \lil 5 00 3 0500 HND BL-501 2K (3 05 PER C) 15 25 1 Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 (]� Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 65 25 65 25 00 00 Plan Check Total 42 41 42 41 00 00 Other Fee Total 4 50 4 50 00 00 Grand Total 112 16 112 16 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit r BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD — PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24-HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS— CJ Building Inspections 417-4815 Electrical Inspections 417-4735 Public Works Utilities 417-4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417-4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type 7 Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION- Footings OUNDATION•Footin s Stemwall Foundation Drainage/Downspouts Piers Post Holes(Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING Under Floor/Slab _ Rough-In Water Line Meter to Bldg) _ Gas Line Back Flow/Water FINAL Date Accepted b AIR SEAL. _ O Walls Ceiling N FRAMING Joists/Girders/Under Floor Shear Wall/Hold Downs Walls/Roof/Ceiling (� Drywall Interior Braced Panel Only) 1 1 T-Bar INSULATION Slab c Wall/Floor/Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pum /Furnace/FAU/Ducts Rough-in Gas Line Wood Stove/Pellet/Chimney /1 Commercial Hood/Ducts FINAL Date Accepted b V MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing/Slab Blocking&Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit#s SEPA. Parkin /Lighting ESA. Landscaping SHORELINE. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417-4735 ' Construction R.W PW I Engineering 417-4831 Fire 417-4653 Planning 417-4750 Building 417-4815 T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit Linda Pangrle From Linda Pangrle Sent: Friday March 11 2011 3 45 PM To 'sburke@williamshorepool.org' Subject: Your permit is ready to be paid for and picked up Attachments Permit#11 130 pdf Hi Steven, Your building permit for the self-standing storage/race booth is ready to be signed for and picked up Please see the attachment of your permit fee breakdown (of what is still owed on this permit) Please come pay for and pick up this permit as soon as possible Thanks, x1�,1 Linda 3 5� Ca�1 �� ` �- P e_�\,10 6 1 e pc7o ?j Z & �` ,. i PREPARED 4/08/11 8 24 08 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 5 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 4/08/1 ADDRESS 225 E 5TH ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR WILLIAM SHORE MEM POOL CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL PHONE (360) 4 7 9767 PARCEL 06 30 00 0 1 6940 0000 APPL NUMBER 11 00000130 COMM REMODEL PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL99 01 4/08/11 L BLDG FINAL TIME O1 00 April 7 2011 4 31 11 PM 1pangrle STEVE 460 3526 BUILDING FINAL 144 SQ FT STORAGE STRUCTURE INSIDE BUILDING AFTERNOON COMMENTS AND NOTES BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in Ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES For City Use Only Attn Building Permit Technician Date Received e� ? —1 1 �—. 321 E Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 v� Permit# (360) 4'17-4815 fax (360)417-471 per Ste' D to Approved Applicant V'fle�rnorl•d�j Y001 J)166LJC Phon 1-7_11710 Property Owner G a.yyt#_, Pho e Property Owner's Address Lt'K'i 5f , PA .Wh 98362 Contractor -Sa_t-� Phone 2,(,o y`p— 3s-L6 Contractor's Address n! JA License # Expires E-mail Sh���c`�w•�►� sk���� D� PROJECT ADDRESS Parcel Number Lot Zoning Project Type & Brief Description. ❑ Residential ❑ Multi-family Commercial ❑ Industrial Check all that apply ❑ New Construction ❑ Addition ❑ Remodel S e l wand�v. S}Vra R AGe I�'ou l �l(J ❑ Repair ❑ Demolition ❑ Re-roof ❑ House ❑ garage ❑ other ❑ tear off& re-roof ❑ lay over one layer ❑ Heat System ❑ Heat pump ❑ wood-burning stove ❑ gas fireplace ❑ pellet stove ❑ other Other i iWilliam Floor Areas Existing(sq. ft.) P,ro osed(sq. ft.) Share MemorialPio l O.istrict Basement WILLI 1 Floor SHO Steven D. Burke rd Floor P3 rd Floor ExecativeDirecmr Garage Carport 255 E.5th St 9Nkm360-417-9767 Covered Porch Part Angeles,WA Ce/l•360-460-3526 Deck 98362 sharkaAWIliamsharopaalarg Shed Other -- TOTAL VALUATION $ 1/ 00o OR Total footprint of structures sq ft. - Lot sizekctures ft. = Lot cove ge % Site Coverage = the amount of impe io surface on a parcel incd driveways sid s patios and other impervious surfaces (see AMC 17 94 135 for exempSite covera % Max. height of proposed structur ft. Occupan #ofbe omsWill a lawn sprinkler system be nstalled? Occupan #of fbathsWill a fire sprinkler system b nstalled? Construc #o alf baths I have read and completed this application and know it o be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projects Date&)^ _ Print Name `c37_&yF_ Bvf..<<E Signature T Forms/Building Division/Building permit application NOTES s� Permit#—1 I I I hog�ns/Building Division/Notes r 1;4 tY p Q + S ca 3 d i94a 4 ' a c w N s d 3 � a \ 4 4 t� ILE C"N®F PORT ANGELES Construction Plans QThe issuance of this permit based upon these plans,We fi cations and other data shall not cpreE�nhefbuildingi official from thereafter requiring preventing M rrors plan specifications and other data, or from p building operations being carried on thereunder when in d violation of all codes and rdinances sof}this jurisdictionCID7 3 � y47 v Approval Date By z r � 4 � / 00 3 tr � ti .I P e,ti- Cmc� 403 -210 \ w �f 216 205 . /r \A o� \` 225" "� :501 321- 09 s Sf 321 212 t 2rs A Clallam County Assessor & Treasurer - Property Details 57307 WILLIAM SHORE ME Page 1 of 3 Clallam County Assessor&Treasurer Property Search Results>57307 WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL DIST for Year 2011 2012 Property Account Property ID 57307 Legal Description: LTS 12-16&VAC ALY BL 169 Geographic ID, 0630000169400000 Agent Code: Type: Real Tax Area: 0010 PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L WMP Land Use Code 89 Open Space: N DFL N Histonc Property N Remodel Property N Multi-Family Redevelopment:N Township Section: Range: Location Address 225 E FIFTH Mapsco: PORT ANGELES,WA � Neighborhood: Exempt&Ref Region 5 Map ID: 2 Neighborhood CD' 50985200 c ,� Owner �(�• , Name: WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL DIST Owner ID, 193921 Mailing Address: 223 E 4TH STREET %Ownership: 100.0000000000% PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Exemptions: EX Taxes and Assessment Details Property Tax Information as of 02/09/2011 Amount Due if Paid on TT NOTE.If you plan to submit payment on a future date,make sure you enter the date and click RECALCULATE to obtain the correct total amount due. First Second Half Half Base Base Year Statement ID Taxing Jurisdiction Amt. Amt. Penalty Interest Base Paid Amount Due 2011 152019 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2011 152019 CC-GEN COUNTY CLALLAM $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2011 152019 SD#121 SCHOOL DISTRICT#121 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2011 152019 CITY PORT ANG CITY OF PORT ANGELES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2011 152019 PORT PORT OF PORT ANGELES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2011 152019 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2011 152019 HOSP#2 HOSPITAL#2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2011 152019 WSMET PK DIST WILLIAM SHORE MET PARK DIST $0.00 $000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2011 152019 CITY-STORMWATER CITY STORMWATER $40.00 $4000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $80.00 2011 152019 WEED-CONTROL WEED CONTROL $0.82 $0.81 $000 $0.00 $0 00 $1.63 2011 152019 TOTAL. $40.82 $40.81 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $81.63 2010 40309 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $000 $0.00 $0.00 2010 40309 CC-GEN COUNTY CLALLAM $0 00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2010 40309 SD#121 SCHOOL DISTRICT#121 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2010 40309 CITY PORT ANG CITY OF PORT ANGELES $000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2010 40309 PORT PORT OF PORT ANGELES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2010 40309 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2010 40309 HOSP#2 HOSPITAL#2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $000 2010 40309 WSMET PK DIST WILLIAM SHORE MET PARK DIST $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2010 _ 40309 CITY_STORMWATER CITY STORMWATER $40.00 $4000 $0.00 $0.00 $8000 $0.00 2010 40309 WEED CONTROL WEED CONTROL $0.82 $0.81 $0.00 $0.00 $1.63 $0.00 2010 40309 TOTAL. $40.82 $40.81 $0.00 $0.00 $81.63 $0.00 Values (+)Improvement Homesile Value: N/A (+)Improvement Non-Homesite Value:+ N/A (+)Land Homesile Value: N/A (+)Land Non-Homesile Value: N/A Ag/Timber Use Value (+)Curr Use(HS): N/A N/A (+)Curr Use(NHS): N/A N/A (-)Market Value: NIA (-)Productivity Loss: - N/A (-)Subtotal: N/A http.//websrv8 clallam.net/propertyaccess/Property.aspx?cid=0&year=2011&prop_id=57307 2/9/2011 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS -BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUED: 2/11/2002 PERMIT NO: 13208 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION CITY OF PORT ANGELES 225 5TH ST E 225 E. 5TH STREET Lot: 12-18 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 1 ® Long Legal 360/457-0411 Subdivision: TPA T: S: Parcel No: CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT OWNER N/A VARIOUS Port Angeles, WA 99360 98360-0000 206/000-0000 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $3,500.00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: p Project Type: ADDITION SFD SQ FT: 0 Industrial: p Occupancy Type: COMMERCIAL Garage: 0 h� Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 Construction Type: MFD SQ FT: 0 Zoning Use: PBP PROJECT NOTES (� ENCLOSE ALCOVE ON EASTSIDE OF POOL BLDG PERMIT FEES WAIVED AS PER REQUEST FROM MARC CONNELLY, 02/11/2002 FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $0.00 Misc Fee 1: $0.00 Pian Check: $0.00 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 State Surcharge: $0.00 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $0.00 Plumbing: $0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $0.00 Mechanical: $0.00 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements.This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned fora period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Cc tract o Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL T&COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INA CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE l INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS VES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT:# ROUGH-IN PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW/WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS/ GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS/ROOF/CEILING DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL/FL R/CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP WOODSTOVE/PELLET/CHIMNEY/INSERT HOOD/DUCTS PW UTILITIES/SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE PERMIT#'s: WATERLINE/METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT#'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE VES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED VES NO ELECTRICAL-LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEFT CONSTRUCTION R.W./PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING Q C:W PPL.W PD t � 7z) N i � u s L7 s� vD.i .(?. ff 7E304 .. ,. .., :iii' ., Bi,iAS:..rl 'MC — _ V,1-11- T: _ ;d _ 6 From: Marc Connelly To: LHAEHNLE Date: 2/11/02 2:01 pm Subject: WM SHORE POOL-Reply Please waive permit fee for pool project. Thanks. Marc ^�� CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -BUILDING DIVISION 'v 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Application Number . . . . . 04-00000823 Date 10/05/04 Pin number . . . . . . .513434 Property Address . . . . . . 225 E 5TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-1-6940-0000- Application description . . . COMM ADDITION Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . Application valuation . . . . 2000 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ CITY OF PORT ANGELES OWNER PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES WA 983620217 ------ Structure Information STORAGE BLDG ----- Construction Type . . . . . TYPE V NON-RATED Occupancy Type . . . . . . GARAGES, CARPORTS, SHEDS Other struct info . . . . . HARD SURFACE AREA EXISTING LOT COVERAGE 1.00 NUMBER OF UNITS 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . CHEM. STORAGE SHED Permit Fee . . . . 92.75 Plan Check Fee 60.29 Issue Date . . . . 10/05/04 Valuation . . . . 2000 Expiration Date 4/04/05 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 47.00 15.00 3.0500 HND BL-501-2K (3.05 PER C) 45.75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 Fee summary------ Charged - Paid--- Credited ----Due R 1 Permit Fee Total 92.75 92.75 .00 .00 ill Plan Check Total 60.29 60.29 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 157.54 157.54 .00 .00 f� 7 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements.This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of con on. l Signature of Contractor r uthorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15[11/14/20031 yOR7A1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY- OX .�``�� BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION Date Rec Cit/ � Permit#(�—L— �Z� Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK.Your application and site plan MUST BE Date Approved COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have any questions, call Date Issued PERMITS (360)417-4815 FAX(360)417-4711 Applicant or Agent: C Vl� Cp Phone: Owner. C IT-f/ C.) t= 19. Phone. Address: City: Zip: Architect/Engineer: Phone: Contractor �.� �/ SA'a-TV- State License#: Exp: Phone: Address- _.—C,itty: Zip: PROJECT ADDRESS: '�0 5- ZONING: 7� � LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: Block: Subdivision: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: Credit Card Holder Name: �- Billing Address: - City: Credit Card Type VISA -- MC # ---- Exp.Date: TYPE OF WORK: SIZE/VALUATION: ❑ Residential )10' New Constr. ❑ Re-roof ❑ Stove SF. @$ /SF =$ ❑ Multi-family E9 Addition ❑ Move ❑ Garage SF. @$ /SF.=$ 14 Commercial ❑ Remodel ❑ Demolition ❑ Deck SF. @$ /SF.=$ ❑ Repair ❑ Sign ❑ Other TOTAL VALUATION $ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: GNIi�LK f CUAL .1;7'O t A4-9 31.,D C., w )—( ,q CD.iJ TA I.iJ.rt COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: Construction Type: No. of Stories:_ Lot Size: Existing Sq.Ft. &Proposed Sq.Ft. =TOTAL Sq.Ft. Total lot coverage % APPROVALS: PLANNING USE ONLY: PLAN: BLDG: DPWU: ESA/Wetland(s)- ❑Yes ❑No SEPA Checklist required? ❑ Yes ❑ No Other: FIRE. OTHER: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The Building Division can provide you with information on the application and plan submittal requirements if you have questions. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION. In all cases,a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and maybe revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE-IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time ofpe=t issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application,the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant(see Section R105.3.2 of the International Buildmg/Residential Code,2003). No application can be extended more than once. 1 hereby certify that 1 have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. 1 am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required,not the City's, and that 1Bmust obtain such permits prior to work. T:\RVESS\BLDG-forms-brochures\2003-Buildtngpermit.wpd Applicant: ? Y' Dater 3 { . Rw - x�W7h"�"' itlll;,, , ,.. YgC'�'rt.�ii 58' •' r"J � l aFa � .. >, � � v' Al rM f 61 .ti , »`NI„, f4 Y IN M-k qj Sfx aW tl hsf, ;sy . A, 41 N. 100 Vertical Datum NA VD 88 N Y This map is not intended to be used as a legal description Area Man This map/drawwg is produced by the City of Port Angeles for its own use and proposes Feet Horizontal Datum=NAD 83191 r Am,other use of this map/drawing shall not be the responsibilini of the Gtly - ' JI, rte ,�� .�y�� / ��e.vx K.•,-^,.. = u�� .a�` E � R'`i� �� ��� � cr r , J' LI C) 3 3 / CITY OF PORT ANGELES A 000131. FEE RECEIPT NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT PERMITNUMBER _... _. . APPLICATIOWAND ELECTRICAL PERMIT ,t TOTAL-FEE- "75-0 � (Pmm MP XF I 11 L CONT.UC:NO. , TIMETOCOMPLETE t' -NO:STORIES LEGALOCCUPANCY �/ ELECTRICAL PERMIT ONLY NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMI Site Address �i//iJ// //. �1G2.f�3L- C RRECT DDRESS IS RESPONSIBILITY OF APPLICANT. PERMITS WITH WRONG ADDRESSES ARE CANCELLED Owner Installation By eft-Q��1 G�f�U=1 /' r. . y�— Owner's Address Installers Address - Day.Phone Ihstallers Phone' Z- - App_lication is hereby made for Permit to install Electrical Equipment as follows:.. %fib��,x=��Tn-. Wiring Method NUMBER AMP .120V 240V NUMBER AMP 120V 240V _ USE OF CIRCUIT PER 1 0OR FEE USE OF CIRCUIT PER 1 BOR FEE CIRCUITS CIR 10 30 CIRCUITS CER t0 30 LIGHT SIGN LIGHT 50 VOLTS ' OR LESS CONVENIENCE MOTOR CONVENIENCE- - - MOTOR APPLIANCE. MOTOR DISHWASHER FIRE ALARMS - DISPOSAL BURGLAR ALARM RANGE MISO. ~ OVEN WATER HEATER LAUNDRY DRYER- - REINSTALLATION LIGHT FIXTURE# FURNACE _ SUB TOTAL FEE GAS-OIL' - FURNACE ENERGY FEE ELECTRIC BASIC FEE ELECTRIC HEAT _ TOTAL FEE - ELECTRIC HEAT SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER- A.C.UNIT AMP PHASE FEEDERSIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS SERVICE 6 A.W.G. SUB-TOTAL SIZE OF GROUND SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH I certify that the work to be pe)rfoor/reed under this permit will be done by the installer and in ccy o an with the N.E.C. Ele trical Code. Date Application made (/ / n ,19 By - NTRATOR OR OWNER(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) Permission is hereby given to do the above described work,according to the condit1 s hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinances ooffftthe 'City of Port Angeles. h By I� � IT F CITY LIGHT. -- Date Permit Issued y` — �� -1 � � PLANS AP OVED Notify Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection.Work must not _ be covered or current turned on before inspection and O.K.for covering or service has been given by Inspector in Writing on Permit Placard. A. - Permits Phone: 457-0411 Ext. 158. WARNING PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK—SEE OVER — WHITE-Original CANARY Duplicate PINK Triplicate WHITE CARD Inspector's Report OLYMPIC PRINTERS,INC. / A REPORT OF INSPECTOR DATEOFVISIT MADEBY REMARKS /3 - /{c AO OF 7RA/YS e lloZ7T46P l�4TrN6 TPA�/I CmeECJ �O Ry° (2*-z4--o Ka� z Ixa a g _N S H _z W H O z O D �� Gf O.K.FOR COVERING ( O.K.TO CONNECTSERVICE FINAL O.K. f r", i I (I A Ct 64e4q,41 r ow m Cr v e ma 1111111 lq ILI( f1644-1 d e d( (1 ) a I (a [U 1/1 e On In e e Ch,I K (J Il J 1'1-' 1. T�l �� ) ) r'r �( IGcI ( Z1 ( � �.. I�r 6j rc � C � F f' CiU II Cr CcWct( �`� (A u r rosl if ab6ve -1ho, tiv �- PT, o c. r ca r Q 11 U 1'0 CIO i)i't'1 r"C•1 � (� � G'Ch It; (Cl * Ic3G'1 s C � ' .x �'t ) l�J'<i!( 11 � ���.� I�J' t' ( t'Itrf� d/e 41 > (,> >' r n[ I G`{ C_'c� I v. r,t, c ( ( (i yl (.I f e e (i 0 r Ito I ^S, 0 S d J c) 11 biL (.1 o NY 1�1(- lc)i � w NAILOR ENTERPRE ��"M'.Pa_yYrppy rriK�ii M[�.✓.T•^cr.rr-txi•rs.+ar�t+s xn«n.sss.. +}n�� '�'b' .- >,Y'����^yy'..'r �•��� � /// ~`:�' � 1 ••M�M.�rVOrVtTrMrAfY rNN+• "� _ fl ,. T�"^'u+y ,Lid"""�'-" - m'�y: Commercial Carpeting � + � �� �I�r���i���►vim �a � ��:�� �,w � IA 61 � I (, 111 t � F �' r,� � (,;11 Lf {Q 1'� �' (1 Q i'i �E �"�'� (6"t �/ �� t'�•'t� U C, „A � � 1 C.' �'� � � 11 /,•I• r.l l l �� � �!1 r�r,( .�_�. � � ��� I (' r fr�� 1�IJ li � r.^•`� _ ry1 r I t�► c- r�� f I 1 �r �'a r ( r t r ^^ �j re �lrtre n (,i(1 6 /'/1 I r j 1.'. .7 T !1 i� it I ., �.I I � / it I l �� (• f � �� I C ( h r• �.' . . — n. .; � - I (� tY �• I r_, � I� � r �' I J" f` �1 f �+; I'1 1 i I•� 1 S' f•��'f l,f N{� I �1 �" `S. �._(�al%�4r(�j' 1 n �r .. � ter• r `:.r� {'t• (.( �'i i' rl !r i 1 rs cc./ I'l r ry r I a 1�/ r !I (. / i% 1. I, ! ,.' :':y 'x• � ,- 15( � c�, I�; (� alt , �� IC �f: i x'1 r �HF'li � .4ilk' Cr ri ,. � lol•r ca: ��rr ,-jig / � . 1u t r, j I ( 4 J-� r,u V ('a f r l0 crytar<� c� � x.r� [)rtt•i t IE dl err r r1 (( ) ► t, haOc I,r, s,�� r '�V� K µy1~ •."Nr�.I a-•,>F ��t�^y� Post Office Box 1144, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Phone: (20 45-50 s''T" . Post O(tico� Rix 9n9, f`ntipm- Pima Wachtnrntnn QQ19r! Phnnnr mnm 59a.79/1S ___�, ��?i!,��.,.�•• �� _.y..� :, ''((./`•1S.�^�;/�•<�v +��'� has ) I`Lt � Va,��sy,,, t}�yyy+ •�'.-...'..Y`;:•��w p s I � •n.+ r �1{. l+�+J`��' ` 4� S1" '(h�:y�?o-�YT � \JJ Cl '= d� •^ :`'��` ^ •1'� ��{r'r�/ire 't,�•' + k dill — ly • •! ,Cr � Lr rY '�/ U ``�11'1 ` �,.,��I•: �"`�*,;` ".�,��' ,��,��,i'Yom''£'- ! Ir; RIvMr� "�>^'z.Ti' :3: e5{i�.3±i♦i.'• YYY ' 9 My '�. ����.ab+.Pyr �� •+ � �� '4l y;��«.. ���'.'fV•'�.t�^'�R r' ., h Au'�'.n.y�� ,i�•E f. l , ,moi �� �,•'�t {t � { t' .ri h�,*;• ''.2 .ytx Aw SCJ INIM ING POOL ROOF RI;: FIrtiesL R. Niiijor 8/27/85 EST IMNIT"D T(TI'Al, COST FA(-rORS: MaLcriols: 470 Shcas 4' x 8' x 21," "Isocycinuate Roof" Deck Insulation (R-l6) 15040' @ 1.00 $15,(:40.00 400 lbs 16(t GaIv. Box Nails @ 523 Ib 209.20 100 lbs 7/8" Galv. Roof Nails 67.08 165 Rolls Uni-Shield SIngIc Illy @ 82.25 13,571.25 75 Rolls (216' ) 30 asphalt roofing felt @ 10.00 750.00 372 (;jilloils jimpca Ifeavy Duty roof conLing @ 9.29 3,455.88 Labor: 450 Hom's in-house 1,11)01- is per detail 91000.00 - estimaLed - @ 20.00 Truck hauling, OsLimilLed 100 yds 300.00 TOTAL $42,393.41 • .K3'�;.`°rox �^5'�T'"''n rxt^F`+• I'F' + av'aR bT � .+fit M E M 0 TO: Richai'.d Fr nch, Acting Director, DATES 24 July 1984 Cit I/L_ Lg FROM: J n arsh, Director , Parks 6 Recreation SUPIECT: William Shore Memorial Pool -- Weatherization Project At this point ih 'time we are monitoring the pool beams as part of a structual analysis survey by staff and a local engineering firm. It is imperative that all plans , drawings , permits , designs , changes , modifications, etc. , pertaining to the Pool Weatherization Program, be also passed through the atten- tion of Jack Pittis , Public Works Director. Of special � significance are any appendages , such as lighting, that would affect and/or be attached to the pool beams . The information mentioned herein is to be regarded as "Confidential" . If you desire more complete information please contact me at the office . CC : Dave Flodstrom, City Manager Jack Pittis , Public Works Larry Roming, Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. t Sheila Hardy, City Light psCE!v[r' P,ITE John Hicks , Parks Super . `_:�. `""""".�T."_v'y ENGINEZRNG i FILE Z— PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. RECEIVED DATE N1 E M Ur C;?�f*OR 1-ryl r G y (UNC. CITY ENGINEER ` Scptc►nber 6, 1085 fU: Day 710( tronl, City Nfarlagcr �,arsli, EGINEDirector, Parks & Recreation ENGINEERING Y ER.MC3 SUB: Potential Re-Roofing -- Idilliaill Shore Pool FILE "-�- ti V AS !I Fol low-up to ,uld i ng 1;1111 i naL i ons to the pool beams, we now need to explore Lhc n1(1t.Lc► of rcducil, the welgilL factor on tale fool roof. Ili asses s I Il<; til 1 s Ill' LLor- 1 t appears wc, have to choose nnC (1) of four al terhaL 1VeS, l��}ltch arc: I, Altol-IMLive ill : Rcnlove old roof (existlilg 55 Lon weight) and install now (reduces weight .� to 15 tons at a cost of $47-50,000.00) . This alternative is recommended ' by Craig Owell, Structural Engineer. AlLei-ni)Liye, i12 (see attachments) In early 1985 we re.-furbished the Senior Center Roof using materials supplied by Ernie Nailor and in-house labor. The project was completed with quality worknr<lilsh ip and SCCIIIS to be 1101 d ing (Iui Lc W011 . Tile aLtaclied estimate from Mr. Nai.lor reflects again the best in quality matcrinls with labor Cstlmatcs for in-house. construction. If we were to absorb the labor cosLs, it Would reduce the estimate to approximately $33,093.41 . 'file weight factor would still be under the 3# recommended by Craig Owens (2. 16 lbs per sq. ft.) AitcrnilLlve t!3 (Ref: att<lchnu)nL regarding poly form and poly master roof i1lClnbr(111C�,. Tllis Lrcal-inc11L is the sa11C F,ppllcaLloll tllat was used oil the J.C. Penney Company illld the cost would be lbotlt 1 /2 of installing a new roof from ground •r.er0 applo\ l1llaLe1y $24 ,000.00. It would Garry an eight (8) year guaranLee and reduce the kv(nighL by 2n per sq. FL. AI LCl-MILhIC u4 I,cave the ronf as is incl garnble on the beam lamination to maintain structural illLegrIty. lZecocs��rndat lorl: From a layrnans perspective and observing last years effect of our heavy snow load, I believe that removing the weight of the gravel and installing alternative iia would carry us Until the time: conies where major renovations to the pool will be a major necessity, probably within 5-7 years. Not being an Engineer I would request a decision from you and your Engineering Staff as to what approach to Lake for the 1986 Budget . cc: Jack P i tt i sbQ \Y�JO\ U �vl �S �C2SS 0. John I1icks - f, 'nn Hitt 1��,V CM �' y ������ • . ..... .... vve41-vr cntrrt r Mllty t.en 1 1r I%-,M 1 Z %-,#r- vI-+%,vrr+nv r DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON — — BUI DING SECTION i' iS DATc g asl'.fL _,Valuation Building n.� BwlUinq permit"eC Address -1" CLASS OF WORK C_.._ Plan CheCLiny Fee POO Ne.ti Oemoosn �- t/ Total S NE AAt v / T !�^} � � RCJa r ir.asurcr s Reca..t No Mdd APdresS ,fl t/`/,/(��!!! Ac r, R —.-}-- ---- Use o!ou.lmnq 7h/., 7JG.r r�� Com: -- Cit. �i� Ph No Sze of Budding___, �- -,-L. �-�._ Application.when ��--- NAME Height No of Famtl•es C-'----- f t_review c�moteted,-__ J No of ttoors (\ Size of Lot --'-"-"-"- m tAalt address No of atdgs J Use of Bldg it iat Fhc ,rra -- Sq Ft No.an Lot Now on Lot Lot co eraq' Sq Ft City Ph No /4 -------- —` SPECIFICATIONS Area ( Sq Ft. r t p NAME �'>✓ `FOUNDATION "- �� y '--"-"-- Material Exterior Piers T,,pe Construction I, C 1111, IV. a Mad Address _ Moth of V:all _ FR, 1-Hr. HT 4 OCrty Ph No _- Footing Size Use Zone ��`-� `? a License No /� Heignt NAME - 1 '//� Mateo?l Size Spacing Span M C = Beams �- ,� ��- Occupancy Group UA E, I H, B, R, M = Address .totst tstFI 1 2, 3 4 5 mCity Ph No, Joist 2nd FL n license No Jost Ceiling Other Perm•t Numbers Root Rafters -- Plumbing FVw Plot Plan( ) Property Line - Sewer Exterior Studs C O. Interior Studs _ Exterior Walls Roof _ Interior Walls Reroofing APPROVED i✓ � Heat Wood Gas Ott Electric Oireqtorlof Dept.of Inspections } MISC: I nereby acknowled a that I have read this application SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CONDITIONS 491hr and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with cc all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building con- 1 i; struction. , 0. y / f� ' L/7 / SIGNATURE OF to PERMITEECD S-2 _ ip pRl LEGAL DESCRIPTION U) U H OR IST �� Subdivision r / ( } BUILDING Lot No _ ( Block No. o o - _ r 0 C � O tp 11 } Variance or Conditional Use Permit 1 ) Street Is Lot on a Corner?_ —_ OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC CITY OF PORI'iANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT . . . . . . . . . • . REQUEST: Date Time Received by (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. IVa 61>7 Sewer Z-- Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date 31,;2-6 �. Time S 3 D By SLC Remarks: RESTORATION REQUIRED . . . . . . YES NO 14 1 If f%a%t ,Z'.✓s r?a��b /U ,c•r. s/i="u/ 6,&11C. Zr 1,01S C444-64-- SURFACE 444 G,CSURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑Asphalt ❑PCC ❑Other [-]Repaired by City Work Order # ❑Repaired by Permittee [] COMPLETE 0 No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) 'STREET SUPERINTENDENT R'(DATE) �e V Pl .- --__.,._•_� .._. , , ' u? In„r,r':� ,f l,l,l LI0II lur tilt• 7,rI Itn,llr);: ' LICYI� Right-of-way construction permit •subject to ptovtn: t,ia , reouirr_d by Ordinance 2166 as amended and the Municipal RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION Code o: uther City of Part Anoeles ordinance _. ual� .o tr_ Gor„l t.•7:. •l/ 5`/-per (date) 2. Lccation of wo:',: ,.ut...ic ln>ide traveled roaduay (If within traveled roadway, crnoln_te item:. 3, 4 & 5) Value of '.'o:% to ce .._:farmed_ (if over $2,000, complete items 3, 4 t. 5)(If under $2,007, complete 'tcr, 6) ',. Conti nr n: nam ` f�L(-� +J(V. OR PUBLIC k'OR1;5 i)L"I''I'. 4. nerfo:mama fond :aunt, WORK ORDLR 5. :.nof of i isu ra.r l! Wol 5:', 00 :nd ,cs:: 550,000 personal injuty, $100,000 pet incident, $20,000 property SI Ii)oik 37,C10 -.r•,d rnn:t.: b200,OOfl per:;onal injury, ?,500,000 per incident, $10tl,000 property b, ncI.9'tte unrfr;^,+ ,17'171•, that nn •strn_ot may be closed to traffic unless approved by the City Engineer and Chief of On' qiven to the Chief of Fire Department -nay be c)oc.r_d Lo traffic from to , City It„sine$: _ Chir'f of Prince Fire Chief ❑ till!HP 11,(1i11 Su[vicr; ❑ 1n,Lallatron ❑ Repair ❑ JlispeCLioil Fee. . . .. . . . .S ❑ SAIlit„R( HI&H Service ❑ ln:tallaLFon ❑ Repair ❑ J11speCL,lon Fee.. . . ... . .$ ❑ Sicf•I- :,LYLR Service ❑ Installatlon ❑ Repair ❑ Inspection Fee. . . .. . . . .$ _ ❑ ti I I Vi`-,I(Nd f r(11 i III,,I,nl l,tt•tun ❑ Repair ❑ Other 1nBpect ion 1'(-,e. . .S ❑ if 11('Ilflf)i III)DLi1r,I0)lIND1NL lonl,ol lat ion L3 Repair ❑ ❑ n)11.i)'t Itrn! Ins Lalloltan ❑ Repaii ❑ 1n5per Lioil Subtnl:l1 . . . .S hCTiyiTYM NOTI'ti I'GRINIT RESTORATION TOTAL )'c'rm,ulc'nt tilil f,lr r• 1',••( nv;lt loll. . . . �� S"i0.00 $300.00 $330.00 Clntol tial l,If c• I •( ;I%,II Ion. . . . . . . 30,00 1 50.00 1130.00 Non-t 1.Irt Ir d -.url,I, o o ,rnt•It Inn. .(I.00 150.00 180.00 Nf:t, ( ,,it( ret r• t,;iIk Iii ,tn1I,II Ion. . 1)().00 -0- 50.00 - Cor,r [-(,t e tart I I,, r u t 1, , l t c r - lc•I,n,•tl ,Itw/o1 :rplru.clnent . . . . 50.00 -0- 50.00 DI. cl:Ivel l :';t,ll I,tt Inn. . . 30.00 -0- 30.00 DrIvra,',I.k n •t,,l kit ion. . . . . . . . . . I.A).00 150.00 200.00 Rc' ,t of r11, loII tiubl0LaI $ Permit SuhLot.I l $ SEWER : Sewer permit subject to provisions required by Ordinance 2160 as imend=ri and the Municipal Code or other City of Port Angeles ordinance A, Sins l' ($mull 1r'sul('rn ................. STi,(Y) �fillti—f;un1!t ro,Id'uro................. $75.(1) Inl f 11 ,L (1l,'clltng unit and (IAlrlo•;, 171111 1-11,111 , .Il,WIMCllts, $5.0) Int- each acldlliorudl unit. Iinllel 'C .nnn ,t,ultti, nritel•,) (,. OI L„r ,I ruf t ill('•. ...................... .4).(()5 •,(1. It . of grou(I arc<l for the first (16,1$1-, r,(fl,c l,-,ir;,., ,L,)tus, 1(K),(( 'X1. FL. and 9).J)25 sq. ft.. for rcurmider ul evr_e55 of IOO,000 sl. ft. u,dust rl Il/rvynn_'r I„I hldss.) In 'IddILIon, 55.(X:) for each (Iwo]ling tin iL c.(mbinccl Lherewlth, with a minifrnm fee of 415,(1) .Ind a inixi im fee of $750.00 U. A!tor,it 101, 1(yIvlll , (,III of o:1.�1_iug '.If!(' r^,c1 .................... I;. Add I11oI,,ll IIIIt, 1 ,(,Iun.rllol,,, ret”1817, I innh.......................... S'ullr 17i9 InlLtal conncVLions ([hove 1 . Intil,il I'll Inn of (-,Itch or nnl.0 nitr,r„•nlr,1 ..... ............. 415.([1 - S,hint al i rl'L AND ILL OF P I pC PLUMBING : Nurtlilrl r,f f i*Lura^,.. Wa.,Ir t,e(rnit for ?,i.O0 plu=.'4,2.00 per fixture)' - 1^ canal E••.t la,,( th.• v , •t1; n( t^', p•rr,t, it Ic further agreed br the applicant that the C”, of Fort A-,,La r tt. o!'n.r, arinr•re anall be . .rf, ha rrle,a hr thr app][- herrill t_ t o L a I . . . . . . ant !mr n,y Itnlrilnr' rn rr<ry i,t 1,1117 far 1117 nu ideal, Inas ora Enm,ea to prnnna or prr,- I;CSLor.it,ion to Lill . p^rty, hn,prn •,lri. of o.i arra: nIt- pr o.,mnt• $$coir or any -.,I under,nl rn under the terms $ C. o! [hie n,plttet in, and the -t or prrami which may be granted in recponr thereto, and TOTAI.. . . . ... ..... . .. . .. ... that .:l of aa,: I,abrirura arc ✓- br -,-d by the nppl"ant. Reset pL No. 'Telephone No. 1111 111,)1 i'(;clr'c��s 24 HOUR MINIMUM NOTICE I skied 1 7 l REQUIRED PRIOR TO ^' r 11 "' '' "' ' "'` ` ”' SERVICE OR INSPECTION ,i�•.,i i::;.,;.:.;.;•;.;; .•;:;,; •,,: iV•;417.,:'S•i:. :/,r;Y i,r�;,,�;,r r.�r.�iJ%i4%t���r�l'S�:JJ�lly�»lJJ1J�?�l'iy!'ill.jf.5 ri•i i%�'ilY/, FI n,lnc (• - Co>,I of r 17'1,,11 r (f r nal work ardor . . . S Work Order No. I,n,� ,Im„lint d„lloq 1 t od. . . . . . . . . . . . . S ) Ih'f 1117! ,ununul duo In'rml l . . . . . . . ,$ Warronl. NO. 1171$11 t 117$11,11 nnu,nnl (111e (:I I y. . . . . . . . 4 Receipt INu. 1;x'51'11"I(IN''. ( OI'1' - t,itir AI'PI,I( AN''I"` COPY - pial 5 225 E, �\ �\ >3 - �` . z A _ y. L LB400ujmNAiRE 1. The LB400 lumina;re is designed for general purpose industrial lighting applications where the economics of high intensity discharge lamps are required consistent with excellent brightness control The computer designed optical assembly provideslil-)e to mount the luminaire withir) 8 feet cf*,,-%e working surface while maintain;irg economic fixture spacing, and required unior,—it,, A ratio of 2 to 1 horizontal to ver*,,ca! footcandles provides effective, eff i r,t ;!ijmj notion on vertical surfaces, around and within equipment con,ve'vors, vvo,K s*-cfions, mechanical ooeratio^s storCae rocks, aisles. etc. gar X Q r Z FFJUTMES: • Die-cast aluminum ballast housing with * Fixture may be mounted as low as 4 feet off the removable mounting hub for quick Installation work sudoce • Enclosed, and gosketed optical assembly 9 UL listed 550C all lamp types and wattages • Secondary disconnect Wovides safe lumping UL listed wet location label standard without having the socket energized •IBEW label •All stainless steel hardware • 2 to i horizontal to vortical footcandle ratio, •White dry polyester powder finish •Precision spun aluminum hinged reflector with heat-resistant acrylic lens •Ample wiring compartment with cover plate and captive screw • Efficient r~cx/priwT)crtIc retractor provides light distribution necessary for untformi low-brightness Illumination PUBLI��U'K�P`?� r RECEIVED DATE coPr CoW -1 DsF*CTOR fi T u� '• 'orfs °r)tr!'.r.',;,r� 0 1blilir,NCO p ENG,nEE�:hG -, 2�, j ll ` fltE ¢ _ tLo Auw civ'c"Cr. (" —`.v�-t,` Com, C,& I In: JOHN MARSH ` FROM: SHEILA HARDY C DATE: FFBMIPM 11, 1985 I SUBJECT: POOL ECM PRWECr INSPECTIONS Bob Schmitt expects to have the replacement for the defunct Power Perfect controller installed this week. With the controller installed and operational the project will be complete with the exception of any corrections or additional work identified during inspections. Providing that the controls are installed as promised, I have arranged for Bill Goerlich of Brown and Caldwell to perform the engineering inspection on Tuesday, February 19. The contractor and necessary subcontractors will be on hand to demonstrate all systems and equipment. It is important that especially Bob and also Lynn be available throughout the day since this will be an excellent opportunity for them to pick up information on the operation and maintenance of the new systems. Please let me know to what extent you or others of your staff wish to participate. Regarding other inspections, the city electrical inspector, Noel Searcy, made a preliminary inspection prior to authorization of the last partial payment made to the contractor. He will do a final inspection when notified by Angeles Electric, —e hope this week. The contract documents, at your request, require thdt the project be approved by the Director of Public Works. Although a mecik aical permit was not required for the project, I would like to have an inspection performed by the building department, expecially of the plumbing work. I would appreciate if you can arrange for this inspection through Jack Pittis. In order to meet deadlines, we need the inspection` performed this week. I would not expect it to require more than an hour. Following Bill Goerlich's inspection we will issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion listing any corrective work to be completed and as soon as systems are running reasonably will have the inspection by WSEO and BPA engineers. This inspection must be scheduled before February 28 to meet our contract deadlines. Therefore, the rest of February will be busy with the winding up activities. However, I'm sure none of us regret being at this point. Thanks for your assistance in arranging the public works inspection and having your staff available. Please let me know when building department inspection arrangements are made so that I can be present. I can arrange to be available any time this week except Friday afternoon. cc: Ron Saville Tarrasin Sterner �r Lynn Hitt .�_ r�w_ i{� �. _ .:� i^'� �_..-•tJ"="�cwt--% 3-1,-`>> /.�. t�-CJ`".,,,r,-"�Y�`. I ..�'��• .i • � , � _--'•._� �-; (_ "C- , t.,>--. ..•.v--,�� �... A_L�( '-�,<`, .�.�t <-Get=t'�„C-'' `4•�,`\,. �, l•__' �`�--�-X--r__,�� c��—f,'A __• � � �.15���G7k�� � 2/!cj/�<— r�vt-ilj� v�1\un /l r' PUsL#fffi RECEIVED DATE per"o �9 CRAIG R. O W E N, P.E. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 41P.ECif1R FYI, rtN. COr'r COtt' CITY ENGINEER 220 E FIRST STq EE:T - PORT ANGELI"f,, WA 98782 OFFICE.ENGR• � 0� qAM May 9 , 1985 SOLID WASTE SES,"':R;WATER I--� Dave F lodstrom, P. h. , City Manager ".-,:tNG Cizy of Port Angeles _ P .O'* B o x 1150 ENGINEERING Port Angeles , V,7A 98362 FILE Dear Dave: As directed in our meeting of May 2, more information has been obtained regarding repair of the glue-laminated beams at the William Shore Memorial Pool . The projected starting date is now flay 28 , per John Marsh' s request, in order to allow opening of the pool on .lune 14 . It may be necessary to leave the shoring for the beams in place after the opening of the pool to allow sufficient curing time for the adhesive, since microwave curing would not be feasible. Andy Rose, P.E. , is checking on scaffolding and on the possibility of having it set up prior to the starting date . A variation of the originally proposed method of using full-length shop-jointed laminations is being investigated . Timfab of Portland , Oregon , has a finger joint that differs from most Joints used in the industry, one that may accommodate satisfactory field splicing . This would allow the use of short sections, reducing the labor and transportation costs. Timfab will supply finger jointed lam stock for 19 L-1 tension laminations, plus overage, wrapped and crated , for $4 , 835.00. This price �-:ill be good through Monday May 13 . It may be possible to ootair the laminations on time if ordered after that date , but the price may be higher for a rush order of this top grade lamination stock . hails will cost $534 .00, and resorcinol glue will cost r-235 . 00 plus the cost of the catalyst. Donald. Neal , P. E. , intends to check the procedures on a sample beam and test the results. If it is determined that field s;:)l. icinc of the laminations will not be satisfactory, they could still be shop Jointuu: with traditional methods and curing. Ite;,iis such as rlLe, special ring shank Duo-Fast nails, speclal nailing gun , and planers, may need to be ordered or reserved soon to insure timely delivery. I recommend that the order Lor the finger jointed laminations be placed by this Monday to insure this price on these laminations that provide the best potential for field jointing and the resultant savings in labor and transportation . Sincerely, r Crayg R.ROwen � P.E. CRO : rso SKrK, SWEPCO 1M 01yFolar & ASP TM P01YMiX%VXeX' ROOF MEMBRANES Designed To Stay Strong bigger, costlier problems. And it makes repairs cost Arid SWEPCO PolyFormt1A and PolyMaster1tA Roofs more because it must be removed before maintenance stay strong through the years because they're created can be performed. from the very finest waterproofing materials . . . The modern, smooth, seam free surface provided by SWEPCO's world famous line of "Heavy-Duty" Water- a SWEPCO PolyForMTM or PolyMasterlm Roof is easier proofing products, Including SWEPCO Heavy-Duty Roof and less costly to inspect and maintain. Periodic inspec- Coahng, Heavy-Duty Primer, Heavy-Duty Patching Corn- tion becomes a task measured in minutes instead of pound and Patching Fabric hours. Minor problems can be detected before they These premium quality SWEPCO waterproofing mate- become major problems. And, if maintenance does rials form a super tough, attractive, weather resistant finally becomes necessary, it costs less because it takes surface which shield the original roof membrane from less time.As a consequence,SWEPCO PolyForm'41 and the natural weathering cycle. And the new roof surface PolyMasterTm insure continued savings beyond their won't weather like the old one did because it has guaranteed service life. superior resistance to oxidation, age hard6ning, crack- ing, allgatoring, blistering, checking, erosion and corro- Guaranteed Eight-Year Non-Prorated sion from Industrial pollutants. Service Life Simple, Easier, Faster, Less Costly SWEPCO PolyFormlm and PolyMasterlm Roofs are de- Installation signed to last. They are designed t0 put problem roofs Choosing a SWEPCO PolyFormlm or PolyMasterTA4 back in trouble free condition and keep them there for a Roof means more of the roofing expenditure goes for minimum of eight long years. And this performance is high quality waterproofing backed by Southwestern Petroleum's famous g q y p g protection and less goes for guarantee. labor. Application of SWEPCO "cold process" products Southwestern Petroleum's guarantee is not a typical is easy, fast and simple. Products are applied "cold", roofing bond for which the property owner must pay a lust as they come from the container No special prepa ration of the products No dangerous heating, No smelly specified amount based upon the size of the roof, The kettles or pollution No special, costly equipment. SWEPCO guarantee is just that . . . a non-prorated Simplicity of application means a smaller portion of guarantee of performance . . . provided at no additional the roofing expenditure goes towards contract labor. But cost. The protection it provides does not decrease as ease of application can mean even more substantial the roof ages. It provides as much protection on the final savings for those who prefer to take full advantage of It day of coverage as it does on the first. by having their own maintenance staff apply the prod- Guarantee coverage is based on proper application Lists General maintenance personnel can get profes- over a properly prepared roof surface. Consult your sional results by following the simple installation instruc- SWEPCO Sales Consultant or contact Southwestern Pe- tions, troleum Corporation for the other terms and conditions of coverage provided by SWEPCO's "straight talk" Cuts Future Mc-lintenance Costs guarantees. Because SWEPCO PolyForm"I and PolyMasterrh, Roofs do not require gravel, they eliminate much of the cost associated with future roof maintenance. Besides Coverage Rate: adding weight and expense to the roof, gravel often creates drainage problems and always makes inspec• 1 roll of either PolyMaslerTM or PolyFormlm will tion and routine maintenance more difficult and more cover 1,000 square feet. costly Gravel hides minor problems until they become SOUTHWESTERN PETR LEM CORPORATI N FORT WOR H1 J 8,160 1(h, M C TEXAS U.S.A. PHONE (817)332.2336•TELEX 758300 or 6829053•CABLE:SWEPCO SOUTHWESTERN PETROLEUM CANADA LTD.Tor ONTO,ONTARIO• N V SOUTHWESTERN PETROLEUM EUROPE S A.,ANTWERP.BELGIUM SWEPCO =Heart Of Teras"Asptulr' IRI!AASTIC" lonamme ZHO 7,Flex-Shield', tine+Shield'",De•Seat°,Pofyform-,PdyMaster'"and PoKwil"are trademarks of Souttnvestern Petroleum Cvpaafion, . . . for a tough.aaw reinforced roof right over the old one Reinforciod With Miracle Polyester f Iw 4 A large part of the reliability of this approach to main- taining problem roofs lies in the exceptional strength of SWEPCO's polyester reinforcing membranes SWEPCO PolyMasterTM Roof Membrane for smooth sur- face roofs or SWEPCO PolyFormTM Roof Membrane for gravel or other rough surface Roofs. Both of these mem- branes are made of 100% polyester. They provide outstanding strength, flexibility and stretchability . . . reinforcing the finished roof just like steel mesh rein- forces concrete. Four times stronger, 20 times more flexible, and 10,000 times more stretchable. Laboratory tests de- signed to show the relative strengths of roof reinforce- SWEPCO PolyFormTM and PolyMasterTM Roofs combine the ments have proven SWEPCO's polyester reinforce- world's finest waterproofing products with the world's strongest ments are as much as 10,000 times more flexible, up to reinforcing membrane This combination means supenor strength 20 times more stretchable and up to 4 times as strong and durability as conventional fiberglass and organic roofing felts. Stronger Than It Has To Be That's significantly more strength and flexibility than is required to handle typical roof stresses. The secret to the reliability of this approach to main- Polyester reinforcing provides exceptional resistance taming deteriorated roofs lies in combining the world's to splitting, cracking and tearing caused by structural finest waterproofing materials and the world's strongest stresses and rapid thermal shock. The new membrane reinforcing membrane. has the ability to expand and contract with these This unique process of embedding one of SWEPCO's stresses to a much greater degree than other mem- polyester reinforcing membranes between two coatings branes. And the new roof membrane has improved im- of SWEPCO Heavy-Duty Hoof Coating produces a one pact resistance, too, which means greater protection piece, seam-free membrane with exceptional perfor- from hail storms and accidental punctures from mance characteristics . , . a tough new roof membrane workmen or other traffic on the roof. that is stronger, more stretchable and more flexible than An important additional feature of SWEPCO Poly- it has to be. FormTM Roof Membrane is its superior conformability.A These properties mean SWEPCO PolyFormTM and special weave makes it extremely pliable,permitting it to PolyMasterTM Roofs have superior resistance to crack- conform to rough gravel surfaces. This helps,eliminate ing caused by structural stress and to splitting caused the blister causing voids created by roof reinforcements by rapid temperature changes. It has the ability to ex- that simply lay across the top of embedded gravel and pand, contract and flex with these destructive stresses greatly reduces the likelihood of punctures. And to a much greater degree than other types of roof mem- because it molds itself to rough gravel surfaces, it branes And that means longer service life and fewer makes costly removal of the entire gravel surfacing un- maintenance problems necessary. An Effective & Inexpensive Solution Light weight reduces installation time and labor costs. Even as strong as these remarkable roof mem- For Problem Hoofs branes are, they are exceptionally light in weight. Both Because of their outstanding strength, SWEPCO weigh approximately 1 pound per 100 square feet, com- PolyFormT"' and PolyMaster'M Roofs can solve roof pro- pared to 45 pounds per 100 square feet for typical as- blems which are beyond the scope of other mainte- phalt roll roofing. On the roof, this means less structural nance techniques Many difficult problems which load, which can be very important in maintenance appli- previously required removal of the old roof at great ex- cations. And it has a significant effect on the roofing pense can be solved without a roof tear-off. Because it budget as well. Less weight per square foot means less can solve some of these more severe forms of deteriora- labor cost.Weighing only 10 to 12 pounds per roll,work- tion, it can extend the life of existing roofs, creating men can carry a roll of PolyMasterTM or PolyFormTM up substantial savings for building Owners and managers. the ladder quickly, easily and safely—and each roll In many cases, a SWEPCO PolyFormTM or PolyMasterTM contains 10 times more material than a typical roll of Roof can resolve serious roof problems for less than asphalt roll roofing, so less trips up the ladder. This one-third the cost of reroofing and only very little more significantly increases the speed of application and re- than typical patching and recoating, duces the cost of the job. SWEPCO [65"m TM rm i asoter I 1 h4 ®] N Roof problems come In varying degrees of serious- ness . . . some much more serious than others. One of t the moderately serious stages of roof deterioration occurs when sound preventive maintenance mea- Sures are neglected during the roof's first few years of ti service. ' Undetected and uncorrected problems on the roof eventually expose underlying roofing felts to moisture,; ,.... causing general deterioration and weakening of the .e� ' roof membrane. This deterioration may take many forms, including leaks, cracks through the felts, alligatoring, blisters, the beginning of delamination of . plies and/or serious flashing problems. These forms of deterioration not only advance with age . . . but accelerate It's not uncommon for roofs Ease of application means that more of the roofing expendilu which exhibit these problems to deteriorate to a goes for high quality waterproofing protection and less for tabor period of only six months to a point where total roof re- placement is the only solution.The further the deterio- ration is allowed to progress without correction, the less protection the roof provides and the more costly A Tough New Roof Right Over The Old Or it becomes for the owner to restore it to proper condi- A SWEPCO PolyFormTM or PolyMasterTM Roof pi tion. vides more protection than simple patching and reco,' ing because it's a completely new roof membrane ii Deteriorated Roofs Need Immediate stalled right over the old roof. Attention So it is extremely important that corrective action • The first step is a simple cleaning and patching be taken as soon as possible on such roofs to of the old roof. preserve the original investment in the existing roof • If the roof is exceptionally dirty, a light coatip, and avoid the great expense of a roof tear off and re- of SWEPCO Heavy-Duty Primer is applied to is placement. sure durable bonding. But the dilemma for building owners with roofs to . Then a thick flood coat of SWEPCO Heavy-Du: this condition is "what to do". Simple patch, prime Roof Coating is applied. This coating sea,• and recoat maintenance measures don't provide hairline cracks and helps rejuvenate the o,.'c complete protection at this stage of deterioration roof. >' because the roof surface doesn't provide a stable enough base A super strong polyester membrane, eitho Because ihey Cd(I't replace the strength lost by the SWEPCO PolyMasterTM Roof Membrane k, weakened roof membrane, new coatings applied over smooth roofs or SWEPCO PolyFormTM Roc weakened root membranes normally crack and Membrane for rough roofs, is embedded init weather away m a short period of time. this flood coating. • Then a second protective coating of Heavy-Dur More Strength, More Protection, More Value Roof Coating is applied over the polyester mer,., brane. This coating penetrates the membrar,I The economical way to break this costly cycle of and bonds itself to the first coating, creating . deterioration is to protect the existing roof with a com- single tough, reinforced new roof membrane. bination of SWEPCO Heavy-Duty Roof Coating and Finally, all edge, wall and protrusion flashing. either SWEPCO PolyForm or PolyMaster Roof are reinforced with SWEPCO Heavy-Duty Patc Membrane before it is too late. This simple combina- ing Compound and Patching Fabric to strengtl tion of SWEPCO Roof Products provides today's build- en these critical areas of the roof. ing owner with an effective and inexpensive solution for roofs which need immediate attention if costly roof removal is to be avoided. No other approach to roof The result is an exceptionally durable three layer rot, maintenance of its type offers more strength, membrane installed right over the original roof . . more protection or more value. without the high costs and inconveniences of reroofing P `tet,`� 'r j" F + Y r rf tE}ii ,'fit•^' �, ti ! ..S. . ri,tl t K � i Lt .'1 t;�•: _ r y•+t/•4�'�d't'�r" 1 Fr� }�� {' t � � t�.t•(."� S .�, F{ r r 7 7 ��'.. v`xti•t a 4� i4 S I t �• ,�YB�'��•��O `} 'r ij. � �+� � tit t . • i �+ + ,S7.y r y a < '.{moi+ ��(.•�'Yi ?\t+ ' Gx�,3a `L` t �.,:�•'t .� aYL~ • - rt (, i 1� �'� r� ���� `=��!^. �a4}e•� i�il'' t. �•� •'t • 1�..!- + �+ 1 �t�' —r*•�•+�,;,i� 'rte ___sJ•'• •�.• • •'+a. .l tike!S�;x tr�r-�y,t��K*rtti �.` '`�`���'',ti" ��'•ti�`�, i ` - .: F�:. _ i � 5 b4,alL1.�,Y��F"t�tt•`'" x h 5. ~ j�� �' i\� ..\�.\�� .�:, d . '� ` �. C_. '^• '+ roti} t`t.i`t'�;!L� it 4 �'•1 t \�.+. �•i\� .,}.�.�� t t-1 \ .. \. -�, t�,�. c j�t �- ...t_�+ `� . `. .t ;,:t idi �lF tt � -• \ .y ' a.. * w � '.� F' � � .. '` � .` 7 1 t1t ,.;'i. �+ � r t vxF�"';i L iY r'. { f �°M.. i 4 � F 1 r •. �. S f +� z ?i' ..i . s'�+ `� �, ��44 t'l ii t z ^7 1sfi. st'• � +, ^`�±'.� $ � .... •e t+ . .yH A s�~i�� 3t�.� � �} t�t� t .4 .', -r l 4 �''�..i`,i F f.. ti\'• L ��i�-�'.Ft4 xL �to, i �j .�I. 0. .�F+ .* rl � '' `!. � i l -- ! - � t '`•' `s,. � ,tri , t't'+t' z,.t�,i a . '. '� :.� �Mx •. 1i ��Wt) Ai'- t�is �>,'�;. „�. ..t;°�Ei�tY) y � t� �S ,��'' x � e i • r` + ROS ,� :� 11v if t h�,r�r� c• rt t � 1 I >,< iso' 1�t,4�o� ., / r1E61 _. 14 4 1 i Z K L� re ri 1 r ralru�a ,�n , j rive! r � rAF i r i r I �r __,.-•wiy Lr... -e Y 1_ 'i• toe (�n-4), F�d t Wf CO 61 1L S ti 77 �.S'o ISS• "rr })v t s 11 1 ur 41 1 {'� U Cc t d ! �� —_ 1 W FF l 7 - A AcG cl tri Pkr � �r:Z�� 'x y -eh 2 . Asbestos insulation wrapping the heater pipes should be replaced with newer non-carcinogenic insulation. 3 . Cost estimate: -43coc`-- C. Lateral force transfer at the roof diaphragm. 1 . The ability of the straight sheathed roof decking to transfer lateral forces such as from wind or earthquake is quite low, certainly less than current code requirements and probably less than code requirements when built . 2. Although not recognized by code or general engineering practice, the existing roofing and fiberboard insulation provides some diaphragm strength and stiffness. 3. A 5/16 " plywood overlay stapled to the decking could provide sufficient diaphragm strength. The only feasible time to do this is when the roofing is replaced . 4 . Cost estimate: $7,000. ��s tii itis. C. Repairs without requirement of roof replacement 1 . Girder system supporting beams near their center a . Requires bracing of the top flange of the plate girder from the glue-lam beams. b . Requires variations in connections to the glue-lam beams from the plate girder to account for stiffness changes along the girder span . C. Requires new columns and foundations. d . Requires field splicing near maximum stress area for exterior application and presents potential clearance problems at the nortt end with interior application . e . Interior columns would reduce girder size, but foundation installation becomes more difficult. f . Not aesthetically compatible with the existing . g. Cost estimate: 970,003" 2 . Other methods investigated which were more expensive and had other disadvantages for this application: a . Exterior space truss b. Interior parallel beams under roof and adjacent to or under beams C. Exterior parallel beams over roof beams d . Exterior cable stays III . Other Structural Repairs A. The reinforcement in the corbels supporting the roof beams is not adequately developed into the wall . 1 . The west corbel on Beam #5 is cracked . The support for the glue-lam beam is not level , which creates a potentially higher stress condition than the others. 2. Steel plates on the face of the corbel and the outside of the wall clamped together with large bolts and epoxy injected into the cracks would be the suggested repair method . 3 . Cost estimate:48C& s"`— B . The decking and adjacent 6 x 10 purlins are overstressed adjacent to the heaters. 1 . 4 x 10 beams should be installed at each side of the rods supporting the heaters and attached to the girders with heavy joist hangers. Additional 4 x 10 ' s should be installed parallel and adjacent to the concrete wall and attached to the existing 6 x 10 purlins to support the new double 4 x 10 ' s. 1 . Lamination addition a . Requires the addition of 3 high grade lams typically and 4 laminations at Beam $ 1. Orthotropic finite element analysis could affect this by + or - one lamination . ti. Requires skilled application with epoxy injection into gap created by the 95 ' long continuous lamination being held in place with partially embedded nails, then pneumatically driving the nails to full penetration starting at the beam center working to both ends while the beam is supported to relieve its load in an undeflected position . C . Requires stitch clamps near the termination point of the new laminations adjacent to the corbels. Orthotropic finite element analysis may indicate radia'. tension stresses in the non-curved portions of the beams, which could require additional stitch clamps. d . Advantages : Aesthetically compatible with the existing structure; repair limited to existing girders without additional foundation or modification of existing concrete structure. The addition of finger-jointed tension laminations of predictable capacity will significantly reduce the stress level in the existing laminations in which scarf joints, fractures, and other unknown defects need not be meticulously scrutinized. e. Cost estimate: $30,000. 2 . Post-tensioned queen post "truss" a . Requires the addition of 1/2" round high strength prestressing cables with 2 vertical steel struts attached to the beams and the cables near the 1/3 points of the spans. b. Requires installation of thick plates at the ends of the beams to hold the ends of the prestressed cables. C . Requires cutting and drilling of the walls near the beam ends for the post-tensioning operation . d . Requires bracing of the lower ends of the queen post struts. e . Requires special considerations for corrosion protection of the highly stressed cables in a chlorine environment . f. Advantages : Repair limited to existing girders without additional foundation . g . Disadvantages : Useable height reduction , especially near the north end. h. Cost estimate: 535 ,000 C . More information from the weight of a roof sample, temperature recordings, determination of weight of the heating units , and more accurate analysis has shown a higher stress level than indicated in the preliminary analysis of earls June . The results are similar to those shown on the calculations submitted in early July. Shop drawings have not been located nor have scarf joint locations been determined. 1 . The degree of overstress does explain the occurrance of tension lamination fractures in Beams #1 and 3. These fractures significantly reduce the beam capacities. The capacity of highly stressed timber is reduced with time, daily in the probability of. failure. Lower longitudinal "E" readings in Beam #1 relative to the other beams could be caused by high stress conditions. If the beam remains in such a condition prior to repair , new readings should be taken to verify that degeneration has not made the beam unuseable. 2. The recommendations for beam shoring in my letter of June 13 , 1984 are still recommended , especially with the snow potential. (Copy enclosed with some items highlighted and modified . ) 3 . I recommend that any snow be removed from the roof prior to use of the pool . Shoring for all the girders and the 6 x 10 beams supporting the heating units would provide safety to personnel removing snow on the roof. II . Repair otethods for Roof Beams A. Replacement of existing heavy gravel built-up roofing and fiberboard insulation with a lightweight single membrane roofing and rigid urethane insulation. 1 . Reduces the load on the roof by 55 tons or 10 pounds per square foot. 2 . Increases insulation on the roof for energy savings. 3. Allows preferred methods of structural girder repair . 4 . Cost estimate : $45 , 000 . B. Preferred methods of structural girder repair to 20 psf snow capacity (city code requires 25 psf for new buildings) which require reduction of roof load by roofing replacement . Ft;B+IC°t 5�DEPT: PrCrivr:D DATE RMD_ EG-2 X984_: William Shore Memor i a 1 Pool City of Port Angeles FILE Beam Repair Outline Abstract: The fractures in the bottom laminations of the glue-laminated roof beams indicate a dangerous condition and can inititiate total roof collapse. The potential of snow on the roof increa7es the possibility. The beams should be shored immediately and repaired as soon as possible. I think the best method of repair is to replace the existing roofing with a lighter roof and insulation system and to add laminations to the bottom of the existing beams. I . Existing Conditions A. The roof beams are overstressed with existing dead loads alone. 1 . Beam #1 (southernmost) is the most heavily loaded and is overstressed 15% without the effects of adjacent scarf joint lamination splices, taper effects, or effects of the fracture. These effects increase the overstress to an estimated 30% to a potential 1000 overstress (2000 of allowable) at the point of fracture with existing loads. 2 . The other glue-laminated beams are stressed to about 90% of Beam #1. 3 . Beam #3 has two tension lamination fractures near midspan . 4 . The tension lamination fractures in Beams #1 and 3 are the first stage of failure. B . Snow loads or additional load from water entry through the roofing into the fiberboard insulation 1 . The stress level with 20 psf snow on the roof would increase about 40% above levels with existing dead loads . 2 . A roofing leak could saturate the fiberboard insulation , adding load from rainwater which may not be noticed . ALPHA ENGINEERS INC. + h e UUo Ciwl R SiPUCIUFIAL ENGlfIt(PING CONSULTANTS ti f u!•� .9.hYi.'S�.T. �1 LI; M O =Q �q — _ 6M # 4— �n r Fr1 4- 1 �N a' f— �oo � �12 A M �N� FAH CUFi.IrCT_ (ITf Ur- PDP-T NL1ELES BY-1---F_ - - - - - - - - - DATE -- q Mr. John Marsh City of Port Angeles Page 3 January 8, 1985 0 The roofing should also be investigated by a roofing expert during the repair operation to determine when or if it should be replaced. The address and telephone number for Western Wood Structures is: P.O. Box 130, Tualatin, Oregon 97062, Attn: Mr. Marshall Turner, (503) 692-6900. This letter completes our work requested by you to date. We will be glad to assist you further in preparing the construction documents for the .project. Please call me if you need any further assistance. Yours truly, Nick Paranjpye P.E. Project Manager NP: Ikl Enclosure Mr. John Marsh City of Port Angeles Page 2 January 8, 1985 The results of our analysis of the roof beams indicated the following: 1. All the roof beams are overstressed under total dead load plus full live load. 2. The actual calculated dead load stress in the roof beams is just within the allowable stress range. However, Beam 1 is overstressed at the crack due to the reduced section properties at this location. 3. The deflections of the beams are more than the allowable deflection permitted by the Uniform Building Code. 4. The crack in Beam 1 corresponds very closely with the location of the maximum bending stress in the beam. 5. The reinforcing steel in the corbels is inadequate for full dead plus live loads. The following conclusions are based on our field investigation, analysis, and experience: o The glue-laminated beams can be repaired and strengthened in place by post-tensioning to take the full dead plus live (snow) load. o Based on our conversations with the Weyerhaeuser Company of Tacoma and Western Wood Products (a contractor), the proposed post-tensioning technique and resulting camber of the beams will not adversely affect the roofing. This conclusion is based on their recent experience on a 90 foot span glue-laminated beam system. o From our conversations with Western Wood Structures,each beam can be repaired/strengthened for an approximate cost of $9,000. o The roofing need not be removed at this time. o The concrete corbels can be strengthened and repaired. We recommend the following repairs: o That the existing roof framing glue-laminated beams be repaired and strengthened by a post-tensioning technique. o That the City retain a contractor to perform the work who is know- ledgeable in the repair/strengthening of same, prior to finalizing the repair contract documents. o That the repair contract documents also include the strengthening of the concrete corbels. 00. o ALPHA ENGINEERS INC: L= CIVIL L,$TRUCTUNAt EWANEEMIsdcoNE'Utimas xa;; January 8, 1985 KtiuC� .r,l +� % 119851 Mr. John Marsh, Director City of Port Angeles - i ------ Parks & Recreation Department -� �- -t --'---- 140 West Front Street - f•� P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 6ullo.r4c _ ENGINEERING Subj: Roof Beam Inspection at Swimming Pool Fue Dear Mr. Marsh: We have completed the field investigation and the necessary review of the roof glue-laminated beams of the swimming pool as requested by you. Our field investigation revealed the following: 1. The roof beams are variable depth glue-lain beams, with maximum depth in the center of the span. Stringers and decking are sawn lumber. 2. Roof Beams 1 and 3 showed random horizontal cracking and vertical cracking on the soffit. 3. All the remainder of the beams showed some random horizontal cracking. a. Our field investigation also revealed that Beam 1 has a knot in the most highly stressed lamination located very close to where the beam has cracked on the soffit. 5. One concrete corbel supporting a glue-lam Beam 5 showed cracking. Our analysis of the r:,of beams and corbels is based on the following: I. Roof Dead Load = 20 psf. (This load is derived from the actual measured weight of a roofing saiple cut out of the roof by Mr. Craig Owen. ) 2. Roof Live Load (snow) =.20 psf' required by the local building code. , 3. Weight of Mechanical Unfit and Accompanying Piping = 300 pounds each. As a concentrated load at four locations on Beam 1 and 6. 4. Beam 1 has the largest tributary load area and also provides support for the mechanical units. 5. The Allowable Unit Stress in the Glue-Lam Beams at the Extreme Tension Fiber = 2200 psi based on the design drawings. 'PUBR T6 AOL LI � 1985 M E M O DIRK MR Ry Lie ?� January 18, 1985 ��- TO: J,aft is, Director, Public Works BUILDING FROM: }�'!�'V' 's'h. Director, Parks & Recreation INGMEMNG ♦_ � RE: Wern Burton Gym Weatherization Project ---� Please advise, at your ronvience, the approximate date that Bill McNeece will be able commence our door weatherization project at the Community Gym. Thank You ! ! cc: John Hicks Scott Brodhun Dale Warner p�fi° F pall %15"N a •.,` 'r o additional information . WEIGHTS Meta►+old 175,250.400 WATT c.W.A tA0048 ulaf«l DIMENSIONS _ 475W-32 LBS. sow-a2c .� 1 r Dia. r,r aoow-s3 tOs�� By* —� ; — 23' MIn 8' Min 11' I „} WORK PLANE I �tt�6 I 28`Dia. FLOOR w APPLrAJlON RANGE ,d ! The lu: i'aire shall be Day-Brite LB400 luminaire, catalog number (specify) to operate t state lamp type and wattage) from a ( 120, 208. 240, 277 or 480V) 60 Hertz source. The luminaire shall have an integral ballast and optical assembly. # The f \ture shall be able to operate in an indoor ambient temperature of 55°C. The lumtn,2re shall be enclosed and gasketed, and carry the UL wet location label. -II herd•.,a;e shall be stainless steel. The b?I ast housing shall be die-cast aluminum. For ease of installation, the ballast housing shall have a removable hub that can be mounted on % inch threaded conduit or other suitable hanging means before the ballast is installed. The b?; ast shall be required to start and operate the lamp within the lamp ° man: ac-urer s specifications. The ballast shall be a CWA (Auto-Regulator) type capable :)f operating and starting the lamp in ambient temperatures as low as —20=F. The optical assembly shall consist of a spun aluminum reflector and a heat rests*a-t acr`•Itc refractor. The reflec,or shall he coated inside and out with a t 90 pe- ce-t 'eflechve white dry polytster powder finish. A secondary disconnect shall :,_ provided to disconnect the lamp socket from the energy source to factlitat_ ease in relamptng. The optical assembly shall hinge to the ballast housi- ?-,d be secured by two latches. The unit shall provide at least 4 percent posit;.e Itaht. REVISE_ ;A"'C" -4y ;.. .. .. ....i - .S ._... - ......� ................... ..,.r...........�..n�...1.'5.... .i've,�. :,��...r n...... .r....lM ens. +x 1rY'.'r�p•+y��^nt � i''� _l`�`_ .� 9 f i w1 w P....S' r, t^ 00, a N -,�r.:;�•, *r Si ? .�S 2 '. 1 oS�-- �ENSioNin�p o ton/ V � 1 US ii✓<, .rr S J fi/1��p3 J —asl a t t a f t )) pp ,; 2. a 1`c�,>c„r brr- nl v r'K r e-ax � s�aXl c w e-- T'^�TI, c ►h�re �1�s7�G,1 �) ���E...� �Qs • p�o�a9��• ��� +''ey,.,c�.`r�`�ac.�c!n� ��'o,,., ��'1�, ¢�..Qa re co N w.,v CU Qv • ii �, C,G Y"t^O S r A N �'/'O I C�);k�l �i�� ��.J�I�f' 1 N C.�!O/'%MC t'•.1 y�r 0 N art t+v�1 t v GY f of wry r�St MExY op 1 ro Q IO 1/ r i��E. i rr ov...- 4 �. y, J re�1e,A.-r S'LLef' G�vl[ �-•�•�E t^e.c•{a.: r¢L ra..d-il,..cl.A �,�.L Tc►^ tvV�F1! �o.,srz � e s't`y vS 6) 11 J �d.+ ��lc� c� ex/1rin�p roan INSL, .6s- 4 vle I� 1 ate-rn� tdr Ash, W t� v c ol",-O- U C,�,7L b ,p Y•a-/ s4-SLL CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engineer I Proposed Modifications 270 E 1st St Port Anpoles• WA 98362 .r a ,4' q ,,�!d}hii.•ik�'._.cysmRiro,�r.ia'���v���'� 5. • JS.•}� _.,6. ��� �• •� Y� �:F•.�f.4�j�Q�h�q� /r�'y5 4 TIED RRFrLR SySTE,1 j ip risme t— 1 co r=oR s�crio-v i I I 1 g� RI(S)r> )rAAMt ,N 0 1� /''1� „►c.k �l /oat /d' r c�sv�;.c . - fi-•�,,. �;.�u ..sem r �a coy Q A IO>o :N3 u13 C z 260 CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool (�/ .S T 11'q14p,S >< Nei �oST 0- : $ " bc.�ow ems►aje- 12.,t MR..J. {c : �Z7.� 90,7 _--.-2S' g K 3374 .3st1 raTcG SSgZ Z = 3.329 , S) psr 1.2S N "tv RF Lo 4,P 599 + .906 b MA2S/p (1.0) £ = 'Z O G c3' w� + , 3329 .7r�7 �• OS ��o M�.� ' No '11 (�I - , N6 �0� o �0 aA- e ES �2o.S3K M Q = —37zX .. .Sc A�X. 3 /v 2) 1 IT + �3� -- s�,2 L CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Enensar Proposed Modifications 220 E tst St. Port Angeles.WA 9MU ¢ 1205)452-8574 . . G 4 T R A.a u,it K'1 A 8873 72 t. e^'s ; 1IS. Cc 1*JS 7o t 9. 2 i S 8J CMT L + ( 36q (9.r) 7j (.3 L . 7"j, i.ss ^gym (2.2 — ,-1 , sz3 + I i TQ1' Q1A 5APEPrIv ok ie)o.a 137.2 ���P�► ' C� STA4,j .9 �3lr,Z2) Z i i Al CRAIG R. OWEN Willison Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engineer Proposed Modifications 220 E 1 st St. Port Angeles.WA 98362 (,%^f,% 'GA r!C'7,R 1 . 'idv'. ..���� 5`+ ✓s,�j.e a ru '�.Y3;YP '. .sSr. `�T^ r i ; -,...'.^Y ;e'„�rV,'"'S+yyu a _ •� �.i.V fS� e �,. C-QMPvTEk M ovt L Mi�GPoST �'� - PR'E.srress , of KIA-�� GC�nt�R Y � i t ' car P � t8.SK 9� •a 2..S t t 2j i ® -r 109(0 — .5230 = G63� ? D` @ 62;S1r„ �� 1f � z /o $ 2 o t 2-0 I r2- — /©960 Z- (CZ� S z � -� �S'G — 7 r 7 ( 9 -91-7-7-IS�9 ( Z> ,'� 3��7.5 Lt.OJr` •/ l ?4S _37i0 • � �- ��9 moi,�,,- �f���� + CRAIG R. OWEN j William Shore Memorial Pool Consutting Structural Engineer Proposed Modifications 220 E 1st St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 t (206) 452.8574 1 u , d "Fr?� ., M t 'Y•t�t d`�'� y . a nd. �..E„� _..w_ ..�. ._ . . _. . . . _ _ ..._... .... _ . . . . . ... ...._:. ...._ .. .�. .. _ .. _� .. ....'.:�.�.. . " 8973 Z�. _ 4 t - 9�9. ?S � G c 4 .�.� ��.,,� � 6 a..r e o a �e�t-r'a�1 o n► o�' C:�,u;��c„f' .. dye 3S: 7;Y X Z - '71.42 K L = /72 g� w S V1/Q 3 17? g.. Asa E 7 32 -s�, E 7 e / 527.0 z (t Z -sW) no ,gO .r t jos �s, F 1 CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Modifications Consulting Structural Engineer Proposed � 220E 1st St Part Angeles.WA 98362 I TK I p I r c L-0 <D I cj Gw/ pCcx i�1G @ FoKfAeP. H,6,1 P V4T' 8a t t�to�g� ® , ASSUMC �( � �1:�-Y�^�G Dr PIP i-rw_o.re I I ;,aL G��•c �`�r' N Qt..ol. ,��a� ,�`ficN; �2S,, f7.2S�16,7, 00 - 2.�8�a Dl. Pv,,,1,.,, Ind �co�,..�'�;•.• � cFe<l:ec. 4rLp �i �+�� �ifi� / 0e-j�e p..r�; 7. 2 1 L (2 35 2 J 20 SL. (203 h i 20� )bo ti 13.310 f: 13.3#/,MJ L �Nlev�or o� t:lcea ar F. (8/�✓Gq-7, = 1200a 1-14o5;'' t30c 1W'�- (8 (S) (io) = 12Sol' S n glJt/S r-- F1N��L �?. 11�l� Qtn►aXyS%S NQ��Q/1 r,taN OOQ v CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engineer PrnnosAd Mod i f i rat i ons . 11'x' . • . �� A.Y: E `.i �' �'4y'' Q 1 USC► 3eo..,-. Elc ..,..vLs �f/S/,1SNess l'"1a�r:K A.,1.,1�a,s�r • se-c+ioN 0CaTi0 is coo /5,, pw�411� �a Aless US .07E (1L' 131jlooLP4, JJ��1 e,c� li S�u..�cl,,�, • Ta�1u //e��e�*t 1.�,t� a�rl,of�otpi[c. ►+.o���rrc_� CF cve� n1 r2E r���C ��11 St C.JS�S e� J ra.tA.k: G O 41,4- lop CT p t.w, KokG ..1 f(>4n` ct Nc\1��oNS O f- 4 3' c j c t o 4 3,S j 131 S .�,. i Z 3 q S C. 12 MCIA TYIP IS A - 29 q.2S 313.06 331.ft 35S.3 37!..42, 397.S4 1 ?•. 17 S-4601, 2 1 131 25102 30890 36733 g32c.°► 2Co.7S 2$.Q(e 30.3$ 3230 34.22 3b.t4 & GntTR. 01« G CEMEnN1 7 $ 9 to 11 J2 (1 d) A _q IS-6f, -.939.73 �IwA -182.01 so3.14 524.24 (A ? = -OS3g 96579 6793a ')7131 87720 99863 d = 3P-c4, .51.19 4i.90 45.52 95.7.4 4266 11 ssPLr- , rL '.J L 2C• PL h 0°,1 SM R LU v p gv/QJ+p i9 5,e Ac.s N X9, eSTE YAli' CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool i Consulting Structural Engineer Proposed Modifications 220 E I st St Port Angeles, WA 98362 �a•i FLGL;C w0RK5 DEPT. FE1�'EG pFiF REQ D � i=, IF--1 + P,,i CA S c c. P-S o"- S�Q^f4,K S I qA �o'ov, __ 73 2 Jo x 1 o P P 1 WI-ICAC co -jM�v /-!T 8-,YceEDS' J 8 SX 1 0 LzNEr, 4E7 It0LUM Q 1-)," )S LL-SS r7�4N I g / , C-C-4- G R O�� p`of • A s y,�c\��` ► o 177175 /IT ,r C-opt- X LOA pLnor--, St_o PE C-D,\ E X �tAKIMli pF Co Lt,(M.v 1 x X x t, P L`(%.J o o D S H ►n1 tj ,v)�> U E:"A M NA t LS To C,o L ,�MV , b � i ® SRAc'F FOR F-LusH a 9,TtrG 3 ( 3 yi r , , , , CRAIG K. OWEN Preliminary Analysis and 1 Qq i cy. sic C.�er a� s�o�, ,�r't' 14,r'l'a:;►= ;5 CA M o 424 9'r' 11 x S ao 3.8 KA,si. SEAMBCgM 01 (-3j y�CB•Lr4iHt TEMPORARY CoL.JMN CI-IGR w. \C3 R. 0/,, � w —AS 6,1 �< � `\ `4• ,� ��, 6 -s7'0 PAPE coLUMN Sj opt' _ 9F 17175 �Q ;* ►' � `1��� 9 4 BASS r2 8 x SLAB QP LI FFGVARD I SLAND E&N Z:RY TOP )IL 8x °o X i9 ��l►�!� ?"NRO dGN sLAj3', ? c t� I C3�S c FL o X g X Sg cJ/ yZl 7B No,) s tt�,N k ro til O C . O PT I �'n �o�. � �`�� ,•� SIS • -9GaQ �J/C FO2 THis oo � } CRAIG R. OWEN 1 Preliminary Analysis and Consulting Structural Engineer Investigation of . , - . , . / . • _ , .may � �+. ? . ® • v_ 2 ± . Z® ` . . .: .. . . _.._Poc,LBM3 .. -��o.,,. PootBtitt• ~Rawy� �Prier�e^I.i'� oCi✓LMro�.�w�Cc�c�' _ . , ._.. , Te ...porray s"pport 9 fool 64&xLlb C-0-MG. ARCA ReDQC-7 0 P + (90161 8 Z. 32Z.$'i' - .'I%:K 1 , t � cr J J A t �o r1.e1.cl,j A&A n1 c+izi P�°� Jct fe.� $,f�cf'� Oc7G,7�a\. L�fO dl.Vi N� f�lwJ `Din LA�,: ToT.� X �� { . l zz ,. 57E-mss ,43545, +- • �OSj. i3 . Z9t 4 39 c`-4s6 f I i F i t f 1 CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engineer Proposed Modifications 220 E 1st St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 '(206)452-8574 17 i TEM('GRARY Supro$, ' FOR BEAM 1 @ cNTR tt ® GL+ LL ,r O w.oMt C 9,17.5 XM@ J7 raraT.tYQ `,L 7. Q.30 n�Q. � 9.9 11 "d j 7 ., D`` F a IK z - 2EZ,7 ` f � 3$.•¢lS'� CZ ¢ �or � ►+,o ,,w�' t q.3�3'� �7,2(�'e�n.� l C22.183'c p, = CS•412''D��g.'!11'0� �7. ) - 2.9Z� Allow 12.3 ' q•'��+ 2.427 70e Me.attiT A!L _ t•l�,'yh7e:X,•vb +k_ ,0 p S.�;2 SA Lnt;NV LCA = 16,39.x'` c1� D� 0`r���t /�-393 C3fl;.�� x Z47JKn 2 (2) N 3AcK.s tr�M Rcaluu4 ex Ls+rrr� wic-..w� b�` td? f nnL 4.A LLS .57.,s P. 7S 7 y/ �•it�ay W/ort M�te,� `� 3g_•J�s �30�.> ssSJx �r> �� 6.x'7, 2q zs C L_ � 22 w L, {-• +� /e tc,c re CalI `} r ry s E C s i D �.��rr < 2 p + $ l nit ko j- J G C G« c , CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Englnoer Proposed Modifications Y' 220 E Ist St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 (206)452-8574 s , � „` • 1 �. .,_- . _ . ..mow ....:�= _ �..u.. ' WPM • t . CONFUTER KdN POOL13M1 40 c. A%,.jAT.Io.J .FRACTJQ®o4 ® AE40,40AMY 7APER , EfAF,c�s LOAD e-A5F- 'y 1 0E.A0 LOADS h M d .5 eq 46 F6oll0w 7 2 77� 2?,S y rh12c-4.9 .616 220o x.4X.lLs .33.4o l.204 DiR\iiau �pn�JGS.7 J M .8%J t d � o.q 1.885 t t o2.9 t U > 3S.Ig v b a013.4 2.024 1' IIO.S F � l 19.9 t iA753% o. v 23314.0 2.130�2.1Of EL(M(n'T ' Q cc Loc' „A.^'2; T `''t.�.£ /0:. /.3 2498.10 2,107 11 ►� /15.0 I oi3 -7r 9 SS7S qo.?S � 4 26 1.1 2.079 " 113.5 i 10 SgSo 4 g2.t36 , L 2923.b 21000 " 1o1.2 � ` F ' ® i �L O 11 6 14D I 4-1,7g o g 3175.9 1.911 It 109.9 46.7a 12 E 2�c 3`138.0 1.303 9$.9 . ' l3 C-2%; '?5.:�� 371o,b 1.690 't x. 872 105.3 CJ0.v4-vAf L0A v C.ASG 1 rJ vN44:ic.v 7EH� �o P 2.2xI.IixaL. 153 FRALT0rE f,ioT- a jt.Y RcDUcCS THC 5EAM 4EC.710e; Cz, 7HAT ?c�n1T 2_I; 'ALS0 UaC:se�-r A St c«s R1.5E,c AivD A Fb7'4"7V AL FOR C.ftA(K PhcEn Ga 7i0n1 , JcrsL:AKLH VVQR�e HAS DErtru TC STRESS 14CRE.ASZx DUL 7"10 fi>�E TAF&' * 01ZTNC7'j?oPIG PROPrR7'1d's' , RLGrNT KESEARCH HAS SuG6csTe-D THAT THE 'TtMttER C,0ISTRve-T%eN MANVAL INTERACTION l-OCMJLA MAY F35 700 C---IV-V E" tVA-rIVE AND 0RTH0TR0PIC. FINITE EL4!�mEN% A)v 4L-YSiS AS ?:E4c-4)-1e I CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engineer Proposed Modifications 220 E 1st St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 '(206) 452-8374 s. •t y �zi ) 2- 20,Ib �n c � w N a.�`r • � 1Ct Z. gq jQl-9xq& r ��LCG/rn/TMu 01 pQ 1VLs�n JKJfa.L 71x.1¢ ) Pel 3� rc 'i H-F> 10 X 4i (Q> 7-o7-aL- Y _ S HYle*lC I TO QOW-S J4fi�-,1qp C, �, , 1�« _ 6.�,� X1.,6, r-A8 rNbs CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engineer Proposed Modifications ?..' 220 E l st St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 j (206)452-8574 • ;.';�` h`" - . • . . , . . _ ..... . ._ _ ... . ... _. ._..� ._ ..�.._._...___.._.._..._._.._...---�_-..........._...•oAI_.... ..89732 5�. 1 All �frt S r 1�etL�, P a 3!o '� 1 l�3 K ✓`1S X ?Y P 4- 7. —7.�! j1s 3�1616 16 751g.7� wtj LP 32c � 2.7 1 2-1 i I TFY S ' I �X �1 6���8.7�(`I) +(►�,}�7�� + �3� 8,7) 7-3) S.7�' %> 121 ' t J � _ (14))z -t3Gx33.- t6) � )t Z I r , ,src jj -Fb J6e{6 ;,y ' t I 1 : `110 OS rN + 29943 = 340 20:� S Z 1334 ;.43 t, t 5 ' 6 � I iS SS2 + 64827 = 803 $ rN`� .S r 2193,:,3 4- q xio /z J 8031 -C fi jN na 72 S71/-tz r`n/a.eS @ er floS r,/0 G 1 i ill; o 71 r r i+E R.J ;'J P i o� a c,..�-�b mar t CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engineer Proposed Modifications 220 E ist St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 (206)452-$574 " I TL 13e . BEANt PIA ktA K18 6rlj, 1 I I y -4�• 0�7.� i � ,c:�c ��3,n 47�g �9£� �oya � , i 4'23 X9.27 79,5:` -S-2--: z.v , 1 i c 1. ��.t J ;5 ;6•c 1 CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engirmw Proposed Modifications 220 E 1st St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 l (206) 452-8574 - 5,V(,)17)NC. P?oM L ,j 1 r A¢R�cAf�D J 7 E E 1, -T V0:1E SiMr�A,R Q CAW E/JD _ a t,T cpNe4 UrrcR Arta ��� Pj S (�R ►(c.niZONTAI. CO3Qi� ./_DpsStQ K 7 H R J 4� i NoT f CAa,ALc PcR SFF�ciENT FAgRiLA1,L`N I pREc.1S% �`—t_ �ti1.rrAc��7ioJ C�aaT��- o� A � �,.ry��r+c.�,�i1 e PrRmA)4CWT Lo�clt�te )l��V``TrrefE rnl�_ G ��/ Q)rf CSLv MN 7o Keep dt711 lit t�/Qi2g,SPL-;MANcNT Qi� SN a etC Alse.�c IJO R r _C.J T n t. REAc.Tio�J bessn,, '�?1 r ^rBR LINE oo� Ir�JL1t srn�NLF� EPoxY _( I1 Z•o r�1� Ip..�q��' Iv o� G.r �TI�Gx�C � 3� � cf Lc N Tsr • cS ��� u,z,rl�`cf tee, �e.,ai1 ytr car ljcs� g nJee� �1 L IV o� TCGNJIn j SI Y'GS �1 8N TC� (-f ����L c.)YC•✓E i�•�'c, i es S�a� �S r^1e�sc.�t�Bb= t����., .,,,ori,(/ i^P�t�.i-r E Q n� ba f ft �o (� n.l ash �rc.u�.✓` C CJGtt j�ouro �C�7/Ji�N•f �> `i '^u'�1'Y� f. ��Gc�J� C��K.,,,.,I �G`np'� C ✓.T�GU r S, cScrif c4r.i� �Cr+'SL n1C V,EJ �i^Q1Q o�WQ� U %14' Ir n'cf� A �.(T r�on�\ Sw��o{l`f O� dla.[�:.v�f Tro �a�.0¢/j ./'o ��u(-�� �a.a.►kJ C M�N �I YE a r sA ^^� n1 c cd .,�o o���Ll' r �1 — U�IaS o.�rA/n o` r t._�T'CQ r h o.U•� i c e G-7 r f, �'i William Shore Memorial Pool CRAIG R. OWEN Consulting Engineer *, Proposed Modifications 220 E 1st St. Port Angeles,WA:983612 ",,, '(206) 452-8574 . • � . i • `.� �;--yak°:�� .;�:��.�: .��'..�,�._,� 37 • 3.. .. _ .•. ...,........ -....• •. .. -.. ...-.-.._..� ........r..rwr.. k '..+.r.w_............. � .._..-...♦,..r+.w..r.......R'.Si1. riM�.r.ver .... }Y 89732 s•t RST BAA i / r—A D LZS LAiEAiAL f a V,PI c t�TT , h � 7SooD ; 7 ICa STnvT SY.STt:n� ST rt%31- 7-0 T7-C GJL(3 Eacr�RNA� RrG�D FRa�w£ To iNTCR/Ok c01-vMN_ u�PTLr-N ! To 7-,4iCE MiNtMVM l..t'J #4O0 oo—FpAmc �ooc ce�,a� Cnt.y Fp JN DA?JON 1 , , 21 EA f=RRIv- PA RP' v-PARa CRAIG R. OWEN , William Shore Memorial Pool Consutting Structural Engineer Proposed Modifications 220 E 1st St. Port Angeles,WA 98352 j 40990 (206)452.8574 —Tw .4 tier 'Y�Ii7 .a r.Ja......,....,.riw....•,,..•hi... S,Ji....4...5^va+wl'.'JYlis• �bt.<^"�'Y �•.x.•'a���s�`�•Yl ,'"�.{��t'er` . .7,.� LAAAi 1/kTION /} DDIT)ON 4410 oe,1.1�+- ✓`� �, /ON w!e o� 29D0 �.!/ 7QVdia A�, r t;Zo S/2� 712 /7f 7s��1 ? .30% 0-51,4 SEARS roc �• S� s' a l 1 390 .3 ;,�� 3X51 / : ;N� or ' 1 c_ 00- Q , 1 7R Y �t�y� i N rc u,5e a� .7 0.�=�.1 Jl ►6.",;N 0..�"j .S oN • rr �, t C� l 376s' u g, TRY IZ� I4^VNro�JS 0 <.1�bt, V rk CD ) LA � �n^�(~ or 0 1aw� �ORlS 4, -22-r-1 r r ) ,. , r�. � k�5 �� Lq " ;�rsr, or !a ' (4r+.S /.2 i,rc� I i WIJ 0 1�SF �'E C J CT-)OAI r, DEA 4 LOA 0 I 7) t �� Z,o = 5&00/6/ sof = 3 73 :N3 e�9� 1 �, 2171 a � X.9ac = 7342 TYP 1 p of �j-, "��L. o Ir 1` l+r yo f �l yz h; 1 s:,,4 7 Y10 �•La y �c K ,y S G — �o Z 11 IL 33�f #n 3 Tr " 4 o rJ T 31319 ; ,43 C% 70 REpL;cE MIST/Nb t..A6A A-TACrJ' VZOc.l1, 1.3 a r 2. /Q j 0/4 /. 2 CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engineer _ Proposed Modifications 220E 1st St. Port Ames,WA 98362 - (206)452.8574 A 1 I IIR�� �tZ� w,ADD��.. VAAIC! Fva sr�FsivetS / .✓ ,3p � C4I+rI L�VFP c.�rae� 60 svA� `7 j 2270'�l �{'t9oa) AIr 2' DtrJL %—'*W 36X172 x "t2' �tatcN �� POST GJ34-97so x9Q., "1k-TCN 2 c o Q•••-,,,�s�S}-��1 �,sb ,I 2 �o��;�s �- Rxz Z�3K LAc&e poor;"+G `o 7- p S ( 12,E4MS of VAR Y"'44' RFNESJ) F- (_0 'Ar Co I ri 4A- Q r o J5ICSL? . tI. N o L1 ca'- CA ® i INsrn��ana,� R� 2) ra Q enc y,�w cc va^y% �m o,d ✓eai fToww- ` i i I '-c►' C;�1-r.� �1 C,�k.'•,r u;•��1�GG�I'`i'J .^G �{ty 1. -3) �P��w1 ;�`j,� poo✓) 1 tMPOQARY Gfll Vnn.! J/13RID(�r�tG 7o =xiJT.NC, r`ool/NGl �-Qoc� r #w CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engineer r Proposed Modifications 220 E 1st St. Port Angeles,WA 93352 _ (206) 4S2$S74 ....r<• .c 4•�.:.�.'s.r�'..r�ir=3.�t :-�isia4..'a'r.;�� a 'r $ :*,": "�- I OS 1 7 G'�)S/Onr,slr o 1✓1J r Sq LK r N G `�2♦�OG i w, ,a�CpZ000 x S7T O Ur i T- .ITAi,T r.c^r<�L ?,�CG� ?GSC " Ky' Fzx Lr, Jr R A CC-.I' E FOXY' C-ORTSD 4 ¢ Z1�S00 ' j 2000 t Z r,Sco 43�Joo '• �T'�:' , , ® °w 1k =� V K x','j to - / Z P,7F L U _,11 �• �C C r.1�F e4K I /N7C �� J��fJ• NS� CD.�w� C � L Z Q -. L I r , I t •r , cr . 0 cc� � - J ^ c .'7 PS !� )� ,�;.<< 1'` - �' v.[r•c.� �•�...� moi;�( ../��r�0 �r� f:S� �n s.ti�i� , '17-3-vQ i- 300 -:k '�-VSOoo .HANK A II � = 3Lsoo — •90900 z 3 g/Toc .4✓� X 1 I oS,Q - � .3(01 P90 o o�•A s.j,' CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engineer Proposed Modifications ` 220 E 1st St Port Angeles WA 98362 ' !1' (206)45Z-5574 .' . k ♦ • t,- Y ;v. Fal ;".'R�, ✓.t� 'ti ECS o v„ L-[N7' .SNau.N Lc•Apj,3a ST•/tcss,v- Onl &&AM N'Fi To VLAD c.oAP STRESS ON Bird'/O 4 FRAC-10MCa LAMnATiO,J WiTI-( Thr[ L'FFc*e-ri•` OX ' •',LOAD 00AAT;04 PAc1rcRj . o�kty NeCa�aa�7ilr• /t_^+,pvcitt�(_ � Cd, • 3 yt' `` "j �. 20r awc{'ov Si�EtJ o..� NE, 3Ct?"icn/ /rR0A1 D,L. /1fONE�lT (1,OS PSr 2387 P-fF- or .4ricTNC Ur.P ,} AC.-Tc.:�v `� 13EA.•,� �v: �Ll`. pill AsrKr,glti4A7CLY s7r?FSS .t T/7C GlG�Er'i DCAt,- Cs,f1OS DO i1T 7VC FRACTL'JQE W/TI-loc'T r 7'rl c � I f 6,GT_S �=F � tTCS 2 1 Z rJ/' �"o WG•Jc.D `/✓: F�C'in'- .SlT�)A AT S� GSTcni7:AL�r ri�tRE zc%/46 1 CRAIG R. OWEN Preliminary Analysis and ^ , Consulting Structural Engineer Investigation of 220 E Ist St Port Angeles. INA 98362 Glue-Laminated Beams,:""' (206) 452.8574 Wi 11 i am�Shore me;-..ori al; Po + 1 JM�¢t_Lo�JA 13 UC sTt.E tiDE�D �pA0Z `on►�'� b�.�ZQ/83 } /Q 4'" 4',:RANAN60V7 ps. w*�tioa a 1w,r,�1�+ LOAD D�0.4T:oro Fe.aT6n FAetor. ;�;;s �^• Arx - )ISO P.S; �1r•,j. D.i ,c KA Y.S%s or- �Ixle4 ; �.7bt)j2C 1622 psi p W r �/MnRE �4 CGJRAT r; a_GAp1N(, t�A i� :• I CIO-, 7.r/fi I)- 2 0 20 lro las% �SMA: u L�y�•J -,. e >'s p-2 O Non j c s�n:rs ccNc�a:aalmN Fa�ToK ruei.0 =le_; Ic^ DQE Tc Node►( w�r1LH GD�LD CCE C LL RAISr_ LocaL 57AiSJ .5UMSTANTtALLY /,r ',,,i e=A,zc7i'i', • ALSC GAJfL 5�1nt7.7,'liit)j)7} —�- -�►'cN CZQC rli CAPActly 1NN/W CG,�LJ 8c lr "4 I I.ESS AScVj TKF Lr-ar-P. LAAAsArAl)rN 'ANJI LESS r3`/ ~cCRyS .SIDS Nr , .CAPACITY RGOt1C7)C ✓�{�s� )'Ei pvE TC r'RtxtntjTY Of .SCARF Z W eVf TP r, 7 i.n<' Q ��1�e •G• ANS 714r LfleAL uLlPt Gf GRAS.�� ctrl CLQ i7 cr:• �_ � � „'1 �� C CSS G• rT•�iy - __._-��6S��. CRAIG R. OWEN Preliminary Analysis and Consulting Structural Engineer Investigation of • 220 E lst St. Port Angeles,WA 98352 Glue—Laminated Beams ;;K,; „• (206) 451.8574 William• Shore Memorial P Slr.•s S x 4 1 �r-.�r�r �.•rr.1'/ ( �• f�.'/, . 1 �1 � t •j"hc f`C• J C Nv N �q i.,�..) dN -F,,4 e_ ter e, sy. 4 4100 rxV't ( 1r,3:,.�Jro,s 12 .75 Sg0.'p x> R U , 4.-1Z SAzeo oa ��/rr�•C cGwJica� P", /rte I's/ S% b)(_ Nib t=;F_ 1N Y+.r�SL 1. / •Mr mal�r �2 Zc,Z X 1 , o15 - 2O.S PSF' '7.2s FA c It k 7S • PCF (A S 'ICn of Cr,"Iet,'TkATED t:' PLL !D LG AD 61-'4MC 7i�o Mc_ �a9,S PAF �/:GS TC 122 .SGt' 'CS Pc,x DAs ED QN APX.1JT, or Vt, f 3ccrf�P► � 5 1� �� r� .�`•-" �pint,; I -"z ,,r• dls,.S PcF - A r oft. pr ���) L GCC - 2 1(0"C' �X &R, ACTi11 _ 011 '>' 3oc(� zr}rns�s� Jl `` r :., t F�c�• /: LY/DC/l> LOAD) . •tom •„ . t1 S. CRAIG R. OWEN Preliminary ?analysis and Consulting Structural Engineer Investigation of 220 E 1st St Port Angeles. WA 98362 Glue—Laminated Beams (206) 452.8574 h'i 11 - ! cf- iam Shore Memorial- Pool- CRAIG R. OWEN �' `"" LC�4Ct yn�;."• .1�••R;'4 Consulting Engineer 220 E. First Street PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 oATc roe o. .r 7/2/81+ &'732 ATTCNTiON (206) 452-8574 Dave Flodstrom, F.E. TO Dave Flodstrom, P:E. , City Manager "`Preliminary Analysis and Investigation City of Port Angeles 'of Glue-Laminated Beams William Shore Memorial Pool ' F.U. Box 1150 _ Port Angeles, WA 98362 .x ' GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU XX Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items:, F ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Pl3ns ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COf Ids DATE NO DESCRIPTION 1 6/29/8a 3 pp, Copy of calculations THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: CI For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for apprcvai For your use C Approved 2s noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested 0 Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints El For rev,ew and comment 0 E) FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US PEMARKS Dave, _. In your review of the calculations on the William Shore Memorial Pool, I thought it would be beneficial for ,you to see recently acquired loading information. Enclosed are calculations which include those based on existing dead loads at the point of fracture. The relative stress percentaa.es are shown with different variables included. Variables which are not included, as noted on Sheet P-8, could greatly raise the percentage of overstress. This underlies my reasons for concern as expressed in my letter of June 13 to John r:arsh. COPY TO SIGNED: nzl t0QV 243 2 A.*.Ne Iron %,Fmk'wn Bolen mm w4sc It enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at MEMO: July 3, 1984 TO: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works FROM: Dave Flodstrom, City Manager SUBJECT: Structural Concerns at William Shore Memorial Swimming Pool First, Jack, I would like to thank Larry Romig and you for reviewing Craig Owen's structural analysis of the beams at the swimming pool . And secondly, then for reviewing, in person, the problems which Craig highlighted in his report. At this point, I would like to proceed as we discussed on July 3rd with frequent monitoring of 'the major beam elements of the roof structure of the swimming pool until such time as John Marsh has had an opportunity to return to Port Angeles and we can thoroughly discuss where we ought to go from here. I will depend upon Larry Romig and you to determine the frequency of inspection of the beams as well as the manner of inspection, the method of inspection and the timing of those inspections. I think Larry Romig's comment was most appro- priate that the inspections, if possible, be conducted during a period of time when the pool is not open to the public. Upon John Marsh's return, I would like to sit down and more thoroughly discuss Craig Owen's report and the options which are available to us for solving the structural problems of the bleams. We also need -`to coordinate our structural assessment and any repair activities with the energy conservation measures which are planned for September of this year. I will be sending a copy of this memo to Sheila Hardy so she will be aware of the fact that we may need to coordinate some additional work at the time the energy conservation measures are taken. Thanks. DF/jg cc: John Marsh, Dir. of Parks & Rec. Lynn Hitt, Swim. Pool Mgr. S )heila Hardy, Energy Conserv. Analyst PUDL: RECEIVED DATE Q., C 0 X C., DIRECTOR 0 F F 1 C E E,'.'G R. SOLID WASTE S;VFR/WATER S,P,_r IT DUUNG ENGINCE.1 NG tilt Fj4 , I % J �l MEMO: July 3, 1984 TO: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works FROM: Dave Flodstrom, City Manager SUBJECT: Structural Concerns at William Shore Memorial Swimming Pool First, Jack, I would like to thank Larry Romig and you for reviewing Craig Owen's structural analysis of the beams at the swimming pool . And secondly, then for reviewing, in person, the problems which Craig highlighted in his report. At this point, I would like to proceed as we discussed on July 3rd with frequent monitoring of the major beam elements of the roof structure of the swimming pool until such time as John Marsh has had an opportunity to return to Port Angeles and we can thoroughly discuss where we ought to go from here. I will depend upon Larry Romig and you to determine the frequency of inspection of the beams as well as the manner of inspection, the method of inspection and the timing of those inspections. I think Larry Romig's comment was most appro- priate that the inspections, if possible, be conducted during a period of time when the pool is not open to the public. 1 Upon John Marsh's return, I would like to sit down and more thoroughly discuss i Craig Owen's report and the options which are available to us for solving the structural problems of the beams. We also need to coordinate our structural assessment and any repair activities with the energy conservation measures which are planned for September of this year. I will be sending a copy of this memo to Sheila Hardy so she will be aware of the fact that we may need to coordinate some additional work at the time the energy conservation measures are taken. Thanks. DF/jg cc: John Marsh, Dir. of Parks & Rec. Lynn Hitt, Swim. Pool Mgr. Sheila Hardy, Energy Conserv. Analyst RECEIVED DATE D1REC?OR �- 0MC-1INGIR I d 1 SOLID WASTE SEWER/WAtER S,REET BUILDING _ I ENGINCE.I NG L , PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. RECEIVE cy ESONEEP'NG filt A www" mom ;1�' .. is"'� _.___-----------� , • `o":%,�F.r, ,.�.,,, -IM AR CSOUTH t±LEVATION 10 � 2SLGr , ` _0MMEwrS i _ RgAD+,oGS LOe AT�C^� TEST T G U00 poiNT G�aO . M N I�O� R l.A � . EqD 1 SYz7 L G c •' } �poD L-Z� r pas F Rpn,, ToP ;� t G o/o SdRFACtr ��� � , f'F{ �� ��� >cflr►a 7 MID -DEP Q o ,Rt_n13 PCl� Ito G c�W�A-r�CaS I �RoM rJCA0. O i k1/C 2 t SCS 'Q, f� Rvc,L�.rJot i r332. rs�b ,r18 rs"& ,✓ pnSr FJA�,�t (3ao r,3RN u� VF,N aYC I Tq Z37SS 1393 v t3�2- 2S 117 pr eliminazY Analysis and CRAIG R. oWEN Investigation of eams (neer aminated B a. ; :.. . Consulting Structural Eng' Glue—L error ial.,Pool` .. . ..,, 224E 1st St. Port Angeles.WA,98362 William Shore M (206} 452.8574 >r••r$,' y T,x v^;;»Y•.x., y art''�=:''= . �t � ��` �t i •q�.3' A ,y fi tp,f- a ��-- P-BIWORKS dE 1 RECEIVED PT. DATERC �.."'• i'?►. AC1N. COPi CONC OFFICE EIlGR SOi,�)vit.51E Wr,tNEEWNG ------ • FILE "to® LATGKA-L- � Z-S ORtr 01;V v ROOK D)AAr RAGM : sLE.s M,c N - s (/25.7 (► i5� +�.5V(i--� 4 clo.�rs) + 2z5 + zzS I 1 , r•7 57S% i (?�(liS Lr vJ / �/ / 612.7.5 0e� aet%yam i SX/S/l.Sx O t�e j. 'y��' Ni �'/ d�SC/S-t i L L: I So p){ Tcm �I.3 .33X139 3 2,9 o° A•v+-,rs �.�44 1D L1� 1N re-L h� �h k.+ ,j�4" �J ,..Jl i �'�` b y LJ '�o �a.hx 7Lo )o-j c./" ,^ooT q��c,�et..i/ L r -avL z „amass / — moIL i , > 9 g y? f i CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engineer Proposed Modifications $, 220 E 1st St PortelesWA 98362 r� ' 206 Mg , " ( )452-$374 •�, r "- f:� �;�K :F� - k,� SCAM �3 — TGMPeRAQ?' SVPOORT i R`( PON ja' MnM6o a © iJ� pts /� - 272,G,k~ L G ) 0 , 2.75,1 © Q t-.Q - M A o = .0490 i 31,9� t c r �' M•;:"`t"T i T - �.iq" ,� 1E 4 2AGK .3S i MRED�vs-ioa e � i ''S/D L tS .312560 7 " n yi f ' reca.,.vi st wa, t- �t DiASfc, 4 r CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool Consulting Structural Engineer Proposed Modifications 220 E 1 st St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 f (206)452-8574 ; ,�_. . •'- --'-_ ti .._ -... _� _. .. ._�.. _ _.....-.._.,.W:`�.�,..m+tea::,t"; ��',;�+-P`g�a^�'�.,~'a.:,sw'�:x.wc.,,�,�' �.. f-:t:� .8-7`/32. BEF,M s �6• a�. �b:oz.s t;b aLlo� �. D c-�>9e t.+•S ELI: OL 1010! DL Z 674.E 1202 t24.1.4 •533 Ass 2.2xtaSx.92S 2 1 � �D,6 3 X522 Z7tlo 143.3 �.o�0 I A116 q 2,-43 4000 161P.S 1.3$� 2.471 `-A '15.7'':'.•IOS,to ti 2oa� �2cs 1�IC.° I.GZ7 2.102 r/ $$•a i2�.0,,':`-'.�~� `F c� 20,39 1.�4� 3.loi ✓ 9S 3 y4 2.8 3199 '7107 7 t 7 23$ 2224..0 1.827 3.25' ✓ 4Z•7, Y£1138.°/' ' 4315 1470 23310.0 1.847 3,283';'_' ✓ -.100.9 X40.3 9571 ;a4� $ S�g2 745g 244E.6 1.8jo 3.25 ,' R.w.' . / 9R 4"' 138:41 q -q 9 746 2681.1 1.819 3.2.3 10 St39 91012923.6 1.75.6 3111 45.41 ;�' ,330_. II it 5347 ?$1? 3175.41 1.00 2.997 ✓ 42.3 ;, 28.1 .3M,b ,12 :s463 966 3438A ),Sb9 2.8 t9 `� 86.$ ' ��1}2.nd.3' y 13 SS32 9207 37/0.0 1.490 2.443 'iX.�72 93,41 .t •iR;t x TEMPCRAR.Y SuPPOiLT r0F, BEAM Jt3 PoC` WALLS,, E4 SIDE; I t • CRAIG R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool, r ,Y Consulting Structural Engineer Proposed Modifications ;, , •;i ia; 220 E Ist St. Port Arkiefes,WA 98362 —,-41 (206) 452.857 .-:., ; .:. _ >, i J Pte � Page 4 ,�� ,� .;:� U��M. :x �. ,a•� William Shore Memorial Pool Report consistent with previous readings and the moisture readings were between 8 and 9%. ,x Another type of test was decided upon ' to check the longitudinal modulus of elasticity. This could reveal potential .. ;. de radation of lon itudinal stress capacity. These tests require g gq . more time for mounting the test equipment- for recording they-''L�° a ==_ t stress wave over a longer section of beam.'-,-Mr. Neal worked with ;:�Fa research engineers at Washington State University to determine proper coefficients for the testing apparatus by comparing his readings on glue-laminated beams to results of full-scale tests on those beams. These tests indicated consistent modulus of elasticity readings later computed with the proper coefficients -' to be 2,130,000 psi for Beam 6, 2,180,000 psi for Beam 3, and a somewhat lower value of 1,890,000 on Beam 1 and 1,880,000 on Beam -°,_:: 1 including the portion with the fractured lamination. None of those values would give reason to reduce the allowable fiber stress below the 2,200 psi specified on the plans. The lamination grade requirements were significantly less y restrictive when these beams were fabricated than atpresent. ; ' `F• ;` Therefore, a somewhat lower and more variable factor of safety could be expected for beams fabricated then than now. The major modifications to glue-laminated beam specifications were made after full-scale test=ng in the late sixties. These tests also led to some modifications of the design methods. However, it appears that analysis based on the 1958 Uniform Building Code - Standards ode Standards would show similar but slightly higher overstress for primary flexural stress than current requirements. This is based on the grade, size, and shape specified on the contract drawings. F� More information is required to make a precise determination of the stress conditions on the glue-laminated beams and to determine all the causes of the tension lamination fracture. This information includes the shop drawings for the glue-laminated beams which were probably manufactured by Woodlam of Tacoma, a company which went out of business last year. All of their records were destroyed, but the contractor, engineer, or architects may have records of these if they can be located. Shop drawings may indicate some changes from the original plans and include additional information such as splice locations and slopes, radius of the center curved portion of the laminations, and lamination lay-up grades. Some of this could be obtained from the beams with detailed inspection after removal of the paint. A sample of the roofing including the insulation board should be taken to determine its weight. The options given on the original plans for insulation on the roof could vary as much as four pounds per square foot which could result in a difference; ""� ' of over 6, 500 pounds on one beam. The weight of the heating " `� r, Page 3 � William Shore Memorial Pool Report wave timing device. The east half of Beam 1, which has the ;> x fractured lamination, was extensively checked, and readings consistantly better than average for good sound Douglas fir through 10 15/16 inch thickness perpendicular to grain. This confirmed that there has been no decay problem during the life of.. " the structure. Moisture readings were surprisingly low with values between 7 and 8 1/2%. The surface readings were typically 1% lower than at a two inch depth. These tests indicated that the heating and ventilating system has been very effective in eliminating the moisture which has caused severe decay problems in many other timber framed swimming pool structures. However, the temperature was noticeably warmer at the beam height than on. , the floor and higher temperatures do reduce timber capacities. The east portion of Beam 2 was checked in a similar manner and with similar results. The moisture readings of 8 to 9 1/4% were slightly higher as might be expected closer to the center of the pool and further from the heaters. These values are still very low, however . Decay is not a problem until the moisture content of the wood reaches about 20%. Kiln dried material from which glue-laminated beams are fabricated has about a 12% moisture content, so the glue-laminated beams have actually ' become drier since their installation. This is probably the major cause of the longitudinal splitting in the beams. Preliminary analysis does not indicate that radial tension stresses would be a contributing factor in splitting. Present analysis methods as in the 1982 Uniform Building Code for radial stresses would indicate their existence only in the curved lamination area near the center of the beam and that these would be in compression with gravity loads. Recent tests and computer analysis by finite element methods, however, indicate the existence of significant radial tension stresses in peaked (tapered face up) double tapered beams without curvature. Therefore, the potential of radial tension stresses should be studied in somewhat more detail to verify their effect on the swimming pool beams. Beam 3, which shows the greatest amount and depth of longitudinal splitting, was checked at the east side of the center . Stress wave timing device readings still indicated good material. Moisture content varied from 8 1/2 to 9 1/2% with a 1/2% increase at a two inch depth from the surface reading. Two more tension lamination fractures were noticed, however, on the underside of this beam near the center . These fractures are at the location of lamination curvature and of maximum bending moment in the beam although not at the location of maximum primary bending stress. They are very significant but not as severe as the one on Beam 1. Since testing results indicated no problems with past or present decay, Beams 4 and 5 were skipped as well as the west portions of Beams 1, 2, and 3. A few readings were taken on Beam 6 since access was easy. These were Page 2 s F Vis' William Shore Memorial Pool Report;µKn Ys7-1 T•.s4 ' . it was decided to ask Mr. Neal to perform the testing as soon as possible. I obtained a set of building plans and performed a ;_;y,; preliminary structural analysis of the glue-laminated beam system. Beam 1 is the most heavily loaded of the roof beams, 0 the pool due to longer purlin spans framing into the beam,., greater roof slope slightly increasing dead load on a horizontal projected area,, and the proximity of the heating units suspended from the ceiling. The maximum flexural stress which creates tension on the lower fibers occurs at about 26 feet from the supports which corresponds with the location of the observed fracture. The initial analysis indicated a 25% overstress from primary flexural stress at this location with a 20pound per .. : , .,, square foot (psi) snow loading. The city of Port Angeles ~, requires a 25 psf snow loading; however, the publication Snow Load Analysis for Washington indicates a 20 psf snow loading in ,FPr Port Angeles and for elevations below 400, feet in the Port `y - Angeles area. The structural notes on the original plans specify -",;{`, ; a 20 psf design sncw load. The effects of tapers in timber beams have been researched and published. In 1950, C. B. Norris published a U.S. Forest Products Laboratory Report proposing the use of an interaction formula for orthotropic materials which would be applicable to determining the effect of combined bending and shear stresses along the tapered face of a beam. Subsequent research and testing on various types of tapered glue-laminated timber beams ,•'?,k in the elastic stress range indicated that. stress calculated by the Norris interaction formula was in approximate correlation with test results. The second edition of the Timber Construction Manual published by the American Institute of Timber Construction in 1974 incorporated the Norris interaction equation as a design requirement for tapered glue-laminated beams. The initial analysis by this method indicated a 62% overstress at the location of lower lamination fracture of Beam 1. Recent research reports on the ultimate strength of tapered glue--laminated beams discount the application of the Norris interaction equation. These reports are based on the much more common tapered and curved glue-laminated beams which have their tapered face up, on the compression edge of the beam. I would not normally expect tension lamination fracture with a 25% overstress from design loads, especially since the 20 psf design snow load probably has not been on the roof. The snow of two years ago was probably close to 70% of that amount. Therefore, I expected other contributing factors, some of which I expected to be revealed by the accoustical stress wave timing tests on the beams. On the morning of June 6, after checking calibration, determining expected readings, and reviewing the situation with Mr. Neal, perpendicular to grain tests were made with the stress '�r CRAIG CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 220 E.FIRST STREET PORT ANGELES WA 98382 (tog)4552-8574 June 11, 1984 Preliminary Report on the Condition of the Tapered Glue-Laminated Beams over the William Shore Memorial Pool On the morning of May 23, 1984, my office received a call from Lynn Hitt at the William Shore Memorial Pool. She expressed r • ncern about the splitting and cracking visible in the glue-laminated beams over the swimming pool. I explained the potential for splits due to radial tension stresses inherent in many applications of curved and tapered beams which have not always been properly accounted for in earlier designs. I also mentioned that longitudinal splits will occur in timber during drying. This is not common in most glue-laminated applications since the laminations are kiln dried prior to lay-up and are close to their final equilibrium moisture content when installed.i1''' A swimming pool environment, however, could subject the beams to moisture changes that could causer such splitting. Since the splits were described as being located mainly near the center of the span, I did not believe them to be from horizontal shear. Neither did Ms. Hitt's description indicate a lamination separation problem from poor or non-waterproof glue. I expressed- concern that excessive moisture could be causing decay in the beams and cited instances of such problems over other swimming pools. I recommended an accoustical check with a stress waver, timing device to adequately assess the condition of the beams. This required access to the beams, preferably with a scaffolding. I recommended a structural engineer from Portland, Oregon, Donald Neal, P.E. , a specialist in glue-laminated timber who has the proper testing equipment. Ms. Hitt suggested that fall might be a good time to perform that work, when some electrical contractors would be working above the pool, but she wondered if concern was warranted prior to that time. I responded that the longitudinal cracks should be marked so that any growth could be noted and appropriate action taken but that if there was not a severe decay problem I would not expect a structural failure during the summer without the potential for snow load. If testing is done in the fall , that much advance notice may allow Mr. Neal to share travel expenses with another project in this area. On the morning of June 4, 1984, Ms. Hitt phoned to ask me to inspect the glue-laminated beams at the pool since it was shut down for maintenance. Visual inspection not only confirmed the existence of the longitudinal cracks described by Ms. Hitt, but also revealed a fracture of the lowest tension lamination 26 feet from the east end of Beam 1. This I considered very significant. , ; I suggested that further tests be made with appropriate equipment. Since the pool is currently closed for maintenance, :`u ',�;;'� '::S'"fit';. ,ti",• , Letter to Mr. John Marsh Page 2 V. Since the engineer does not have the easy option of increasingw ;: ? ' the stress capacity of that area as in new construction, a completely modified solution may need to be: reviewed. It may also be beneficial to come up with alternate solutions for = . economic, aesthetic, and usability comparisons. ' I also understandy our need to work within a fixed limited ,',,"', budget, and as a taxpayer I appreciate your 'concern for keeping costs down. If additional work needs to be done for a fixed fee, , that can be arranged. It may be less expensive to proceed based on hourly rates, however . A maximum cost not to be exceeded ' could be specified, particularly if the engineering proceeds in . phases. Sincerely, CraA R. wen, P.E. CRO:rso ,:;:, ,• s,-. fir,� .. 'r_� CRAIG R. MEW- CONSULTING CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 220 E.FIRST STREET PORT ANGELES.WA 99362 (208)452-8574 June 11, 1984 Mr . John Marsh „ Director, Parks and Recreation Departmentw' g'f= , City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dear John: Enclosed is the preliminary report and structural calculations regarding the main glue-laminated beams over the William Shore Memorial Pool . As we discussed last Thursday, the engineering fees are $1,200 to date for inspection, testing, preliminary structural ' 1 analysis, and report preparation. My fees are $40 per hour for engineering, but I have reduced them to $38 for this project. The billing rate of Donald Neal, P.E., the structural engineer who performed the tests on the beams, is $45 per hour. He is a recognized expert in glue-laminated timber and has worked on numerous projects involving investigation of structural failures and methods for their repair. I have had the opportunity to work '-'- " ; with him on some of those projects. He also has a working relationship with many other experts and research engineers in the field through professional association and membership in various technical committees in the American Institute of Timber, Construction. I therefore believe it will be beneficial to utilize his services during the course of this project. This is especially true given the large amount of recent research, some of it controversial, on the behavior of tapered glue-laminated beams similar to those over the pool . It is difficult to predict the amount of engineering required on a project involving repair of existing construction. It is difficult to predict the amount of time needed to obtain the information necessary to do the analysis. If this information, such as detailed shop drawings, is not available, more time may be needed to determine some of the critical information by performing detailed inspections. The analysis itself can uncover other questionable areas which may need more investigation and inspection. Inspection can in turn cause need for more analysis. The less known information, the more conservative the solution must be, so the more information that can be found, the greater the chance for a less expensive repair. It is difficult to estimate the amount of time required to come up with design solutions when the information is not yet available to determine the extent of modification required. It is often necessary to explore more than one solution for repair, since in the course of checking a potential repair solution, it may be discovered that another related area becomes overstressed. ,a _1�,, • • "A Vii. N t Itemization of Engineering Time Glue-Laminated Beams Over William`Shore Memorial Pool Please note: This is not a bill. Date Hours Hours Description to be Charged Not Included For Donald Neal, P.E.: =<• 6/5 1/2 Equipment Preparation 4 1/2 Travel 1/2 Project Introduction 6/6 1/2 Equipment Calibration 1/2 Determination of Expected Readings 6 Testing 1 Review and Interpretation of Results 4 1/2 Travel 6/7 1/4 Discussion of Test Results 6/8 1/4 Discussion of Test Results 14 @ $45/hour = $630.00 Total pyy` r kP'fy'k'{ry»♦f J fir, For Craig Owen, P.E. : y$ 6/4 2 Preliminary Inspection 6/5 3 1/4 Preliminary Analysis and Testing Preparation 6/6 6 3/4 Testing, Review and Interpretation of Results 6/7 3 2 Analysis of Results 6/8 7 Report Preparation 6/9 8 Report Preparation 15 @ $38/hour = $570.00 Total 6/9 6 Secretarial Report Preparation twr $1,200.00 Total for Engineering Time Page 2 , to the lifeguard station which is close to midspan of the beam.. ' ;-'` This column must pass through or be supported under the walkway - with another column down to a new footing or perhaps• to cribbing spanning to existing footings. Without,additional based on additional information, Beam' 31 the less severely fractured of the two beams, should be supported in a similar ':`v ;' manner . Unless a temporary column support' is placed in the pool, it is much more difficult to, temporarily support Beam 3 at ay`.: rr`r. location adequate to significantly relieve tension stresses'''a`t'_`'��',', .., the cracks. ><. The engineering costs for final analysis and design of a ',",,. solution would probably range between $2,000 and $6,000 _'depending,.,, ,. _? upon variables listed in my letter of,'June" ll and in . the:` : - . preliminary report, as well as on the amount of help pro" 60 city personnel in obtaining information,, the amount of information found, the amount of correspondence desired, in the.. ,.-A;,% ,. X4- form of reports and letters, the' extent;-,ok-j computer,,anal `s '' needed , and the extent of analysis' needed "of 'other. areas of`.the '' 'T structure besides the main glue-laminated beams. The preparation';r " of bidding specifications and contract ,drawings for - 4,,'� '' modification would be an additional amount similar •• fi `,range�to =s that for analysis and determination of,. solutions. ,' This ',istbased on hourly rates stated in my letter of 'dune 11. ' - ti r+A• is.✓�hr s.Rk� . It is imperative that more information be obtained 'and 'that ;' an accurate analysis be made to determine the capacity of these =: - beams. Time is of the essence. Sincerel , vim` Cray R. Owen P.E. 9 , CRO/rso • .- -;i�x tiA "^ `l is-' i J ffI.t 41 ).'r R4 i viz f'�'.1'�"� i psi .k �•� � � I y=��4��.: y • _*k 4v.A '��a"may � 'p � y�e�'.'#t�" ,X• y CRAIG 'R.''-OWEN:•P.E."�q..t'' 1, kv •'. , CONSULTING tjTFWbTURAL EN6INEER' 220 E.f1iiST STREET � ',' '' PORT ANGELES.WA 81!382 (208)452.8574 catx`r June 13, 1984 Mr . John Marsh Director , Parks and Recreation Department City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 '" Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: William Shore Memorial Pool glue-laminated beam cracks Dear John: In response to our discussion this morning, I will comment`s on the potential hazards of the existing situation. Perhaps urgency of the situation was not sufficiently emphasized in,,the' 1,'.r _r preliminary report or previous discussion due to my relu tance,�to",�- „ make ominous statements until sufficient . information-is availabl'e' to make an accurate assessment. I will give a rough estimate of costs associated with further study of the beams and determination of solutions for their repair and modification.,.�_,p, ' As mentioned in the preliminary .report, more information required for accurate assessment of the condition of the beams:,.-. -. Obtaining roofing and insulation samples �to determine ,weighth:is,' necessary. Other items mentioned in the preliminary- reporti°•are* � also necessary to complete the analysis. That information xis"; " `; ' required to determine the potential of crack propagation from',='x stresses due to existing dead load. Without the benefit of this .,. information, I would have to err on' the side of safety and recommend that a temporary support column be placed under Beam";1':x The potential catastrophic results of a structural failure in this building have to be considered. The beams are overstressed with design loads, possibly to a,r',, dangerous degree, dependent on actual dead load, temperature range, and lamination layup. The tension lamination fracture such as those in Beams 1 and 3 is the first stage of beam failure. Besides indicating an overstressed condition, the fracture reduces the beam section capable of resisting loads and creates a high stress concentration at the point of fracture. The load carrying capacity of timber at high stress is time dependent. The ability of a wood beam to carry the load today does not insure its capacity to carry the same load tomorrow. An analysis with accurate information can predict the relative safet•, of those beams. A temporary support column should be placed at the walkway 1(1 FI(1V1�(: Ftlyl4( state 01 Washington f' John Marsh, Director � r n c� cm Parks Recreation 01 J - William Shore Pool Dave Flodstrom� City Manager '� `fa ( Structural Cracking) 4 As noted in the attached data analysis, we-have been faced with a *Catch 22" situation, namely the expenditure of &I.211 to determine whether.or not the horizontal F vertical cracks appearing in the overhead pool beams represent an imminent or potential danger to the participants and/or the structure. Craig Owens advises the vertical creek poses a potential, possiblyl; ar futur problem of serious nature. Since we do not have budgeted funds for another follow-up of a guesstimated $2,000.00 I have asked Craig f r an estimate plus a b ief write--up of the seriousness of the situation. cc: City Attorney �- PW Director Lynn Hitt John Hicks NiL=�'VORK' UPt. F.KEI`Ir0 CdTE �, F c• An..- COPi COK. DIRECTOR SFwER!',,'JER SIREET EUIDNG ENGINEERING FILE T 1 t� TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL._' FROM: SHEILA HARDY, ENERGY ANALYST, LIGHT DEPARTMENT ;:, DATE: JUNE 19, 1984 SUBJECT: BID AWARD FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES, WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIALS ,x£ ¢; SWIMMING POOL '�kw BACKGROUND f ": �sw> `" On April 17, Council gave permisssion for staff to rebid the swimming pool energy, " conservation measures including the lighting changes, heat recovery system •and" pool ciruclation pump motor. ANALYSIS Bid specifications and drawings were modified to provide a solution to the pool 's"_," non-standard supply voltage and other details prior to the rebid which resulted",a +q - in receipt of one bid on May 29. _r Attached is a summary of the bid from Schmitt's Sheet Metal and Roofing,- Inc.-i' q The bid for the selected combination of alternates totals $101,068.97 which is"." Y $26,747 over the engineer's estimate. However, the difference is being covered by additional funding through the Institutional Buildings Program. The Washington =,:'•; r._..:.,-;. State Energy Office contract amendment providing the additional reimbursement. rz,, ® is also on this Council agenda. The difference between estimates and bid is due- to costs of a number of items such as lighting access and resolving voltage prob--{:`;, .; j~ lems not included in estimates which were made prior to starting the design work;".. The alternates selected include using CPVC pipe on the heat recovery loop ,and , : x•. ',.'i` f' complete replacement of the 20HP pool recirculation pump. The CPVC pipe is both :',•: we °rte lower cost and avoids corrosion problems. The twenty Year old existing pump is showing wear and therefore a complete replacement of pump and motor for :only.-,. $1054 additional was selected by City Light and Parks Department staff as: thejg most economical choice. '�` -' A RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council accept the William Shore Memorial Swimming Pool ";.. ; Energy Conservation Measure Base Bid B plus Alternate 8A, from Schmitt's Sheet Metal and Roofing, Inc. for a total of $101,068.97 including tax. Attachments: Bid Summary _ `4 Prepared by: Sheila Hardy L "v ' t .• �,,,i., fy,.,r I BEAM C.ONrir,*VCD C ir- At O N C� t nJ N& SOUTH l=. VTI ooK - 0.TH MEA W.�--� E n, QEpTNS .Y IWC' _ 'Irk •36yL L„, �,.,.-wR+.+a • ''3 / I A NcIsTOAC M&TCA, TCN:aoN iaati%NArro#1 r . -, STItUX WAVE r1 Mlnl4 F0.Ae.T0aE �' B•I ?HRQJGh! w►orM REAo�aGS GoAAAnENTS sus ` „ ` ,OINT LOeATIc�f ' TEST' ' BT�.1N PJRLINS - 20(. GOOD t 2(pp� IniM ic4tWE I l� 2 t 3, 2" F-jkw g 173 AVE = 1 R6 t AMC*- ?NAK 1ArolcA7r= ` Q I rear - olsF����r ro DEa.�vEe•��, • .„;,. 147 AVE )61. C-0000 e- Z60 IS• 1p II FaOM I aZoTTOM ►y7 I )12. -- ,ii S” _ IIEa (Z G•o�ER I88 AVE �i9) C 17 � LO.,�eaZ � �s >:OME SP��TT1AiL� viS10,t L.AAAiNAT1oN ExPEca' COMc 04 ►VTCRi 220S t/ LAMiearloj lY Z-4 FROM TOP 0 ✓ PROM Toe 220 +� ►tsst 1.#; f f ° 24 Li,a eP, FAcE gY��o S�RfAcE,%J '% 2"DE I :22 ZdAV-M.. rROPAGam VERY ARY 12-3 M 10 10"TI-► INITIATE 0- PVRUN j e 4 �CO1p 6a�f� �otilC I 4 roT' Q PJALrJ 3 °131 A VE = 93S 2"Q A�eN�, LnwfEa C- 58.92/�r f- SEG cAtcO+.Awomi LAMinlAT,O.J 4134 roR ^C PET CAM 1,4477 N TwTOTE a Puk-r,1 1 ►.100 scop a PURL_IN'9 I'►►7 4VE?19n7 LAMNAT',o.l I qC� SgoZ/7� T1-1R004 7CA)S;04 FA,r tjAf I I CRAIG R. OWEN Preliminary Analysis and Consulting Structural Engineer Investigation of 220 E 1st St. Port Angeles,WA 96362 Glue-Laminated Beams' (206) 452.8574 � William Shore Memorial Pool ..+y �yR.tjar ;.rz' ' �"y"°YtF�.'r'l�.ii•.�'• � i1,,1'___:!mwww SEAM # 4V6/54 CSOUTH Ct.EvATION i W E. I • t1 to 8 4 s q 3 t +NRS+a • iQ3 U t I A. MOtSTdttE METf:R TENs�oa � �t I.AMrVATioa ( 6. STRESS (NAVE ''WIN& FRAC_TVR6 TNROJbrY DEAPA WspfH 1 i ` I - R�AarNbJ ra MrcRo-3EGANstt t�0000 01NT �ocnrlo�r TEST REAolaGS GoMMENTS I t}►ID6R 5''` v.rl�r 179 I A Q L tgc AVE: )78 Good s. 260 176 r plRtcrtiY uJDgR 162. . 8 t68 AVE - IG? 1 J7l 2' EAtr or. Stb 185 j 3 PuRuN pJeAA 1r__ .8 lee AVS a 140 Hr or- .3-M 1 q7 uno�ASrDE OETJE�N �2�o � SttRfAC£ _ PJRtINS 4#S A AVE 8l. VE/R+t ORY AfPM i" umo4ti 18 0 i S l3 19 t AYE 140 ,Opp ZtA i t B4 • I t49 (p L006A EDGE ILEI 7% Q SdRF4G.6 i 7 MrD DCPV'( 6NT1, A AVC - 745-P VERY CRY ' 1 Loom ecw,c Am, NE16rI7of 4p IWIV 8�;'. a 2"OCAT►•I ' .4 " FROM Top, ►gb , , $ 5TWN PJRWN& )8q Ave 190 CroV0 L L60 , 2 4. 19q r 2Az 1 cl 16vrr t=ROM a0TroH $ 2a7 A✓E s 2.0% , 2-12 QrsJN pVALIN! 27� 7�3 )p C -Z is- AVE a 206 ; 7T'-`.-1 1960 e)-TC0Si0-J I-AM, 22'3 REAtwg44 TAKEN I2 cP.AcK 2t vvEJ'r- 2Z3230 L PAROLL4. e- To e-RAK Avr a 3 2L6 W0JL0 NOT exPct_T- U'= PuR�+n o,�er FALF 244 j:IGN1FIeAwjr 4CV/ATIoN 260 ;. ND GoNc.ICrw .J�DEcay La TOP r-Acc 79e 6Lsonf:AGE + t3 Srr.1n6 PJril'NS A%/E ?0 +le2y DRY Q 2a Eorr6 CRAIG R. OWEN r Preliminary Analysis and Consulting Structural Engineer Investigation of 220 E 1st St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 Glue—Laminated Beams (206) 452-8574 William shore Memorial Pool. 1=-U � z 1 HLATINC. UN ITS- "VA ' G►.�tK S(TTl(wtf�ST tRAc►( `MGATING UNITS GA& w ` , ! SEA �rc ABovE i 1 , i s '(SEAM tiS I1 1 ' I ' i I i I ; I SCAM 6°3 , t I TEN&VAI cA wAriolJ OFF�GE \ C-RAC.KS i i t I , 1 SCAM 1 i ' TtNSfOA {.A+1iMATtIyJ t� FRAcluRE N w E s CRAIG R. OMEN Preliminaty Analysis and Consulting Structural Engineer investigation of 220 E 1st St Port Angeles,INA 98362 Glue—Laminated Beams (206) 452-8574 William Shore Memorial Pool 4,7.7 Z" ` 0/a/� I _ • 6I n f w.by /I v; G e J a 1r "a 0. o N zl mAs WA.v` oiG c� re-"; vrp w�� s�cNs,� besed�' o« a.vv.se va1�s �"ar . j �o•�,�aS �r tr a q s e� o of rv�ests.,v c�. w,o�r��,,ve i ` L j Is CFe.C�.t i S I 4 U "iesf' res K�'�r f3 uEA side. w.cKv�'e� �y►f;a.}7�.�, v ACV;c L t � I � l 1 Igea� 1 U_% 7�2 �� Mn;sruni C.. 'rCrT 1v = a toff z / E xlo16 E = 132.5 ��']E�oeo93ss'-') �'92� I, SS15f Ps' j 1.Sq 32.2 �� • 1 q�4 i,�1 j i INCIJPwG QQ 1 = r•rt�c r JRl`p E �32.S jCoo1.407 [92� )� 87�123SPs; 1.88 I.,AMSN4TC� .YZe� �'1'Q i t 1 Qe a V.% 3 LASE ago sAropt CoNTcN i E _ ooto49 1_ 2; 1 S 11 678 Ps; I 32.z • 194 i dfnr� G US E $!'L'. M0-1570RG CO1VrCMr• f � i E 32.8 32.2 •l qui Z� 139J 579 psi 2.14 zs � 4 32.2. • s`7'I - 2j ! ZgJ�9S Ps. , CRAIG R. OWEN Preliminary Analysis and Consulting Structural Engineer Investigation Of 220 E 1st St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 Glue-Laminated Beams (206) 452.8574 William Shore Memorial Pool .,. _ > w;gr,:s / ,mak•,..io- Z- 19S$ t,(13G STp•r, 2S-!�:_'g ro/!//�•;'. tress rec�ub�/on1 '�� sac. o• i ca cf •qg. 675,' ' 4 ► - Fh • MuJC !�/•er' � � TY.vJrin�' 1l vf+J . �•. • ;r`1 ��/L`Q 'uS ,J..,.�,� 1'l. •i� ,•,�..,5,/30� `�) �G.0..� �Onll rl:.�i'.l�,•,,� �p! � • Tom•• ��Lf_ rJ1 � '1,�.�• CRAIG R. OWEN Preliminary Analysis and Consulting Structural Engineer investipation of 220 E 1st St Port Angeles,WA 98362 Glue-Laminated Beams (206) 452.8574 William Shore Momorial Pool tee- s 'x ' CI X 10 e a 634u. M"4RJ i s PAS a�mac, t � 4 ii S -SY•�,. —3 = 1 � J t i w,oTN . 428!5714286* i DC�f �.,. '1. 15 -'DUR ' 1600000. �Et' f +' 240. 230. ^,.LD' '.116:•. 431422 , `'.>'b - 41'sso w�`� Re HiGHE2 Q ; - 3,5. 27:570,332 RPXA <,soo HEArgk %3N srJ "' 1'99. 219558 I RQ SELfcr S7ROtTJR�t. --'2298. 8 '' ' 'RXI' . 9c5. 2 RXDL" t _ i r i t CRAIG R. OWEN Preliminary Analysis and Consulting Structural Engineer Investigation of 220 E 1st St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 Glue-Laminated Beams (206)452-8574 William shore Memorial .. a i :"4ti.'-a'✓t eq gi,�%,'• vy.'�' .q�3;1•S4A i. 1 t-64.r . k� ±S A.4.1- Np�ril lw�¢I'o.e`%eM rpPMM1R 7/, .0G,c� e,2 °l �,�CcwT R�;a�r '�! aoEs NoT SuPpgRr usC of THS$ tG0AT1oN CRAIG R. OWEN Preliminary Analysis and Consulting Structural Engineer Investigation of 224 E 1st St Port Angeles,WA 98362 Glue-Laminated Beams (205) 452.8574 William shore Memorial Pool . } •, ,;w} d-,F.3 �. "^1 'r '4`��y�iN .O° ,,�� Yi �q 1 care. l � � U Ca a4- cc 12S (J 0 \•q�.(o7S-�2to.I ZS, j .Z .. t L `i 48.1o2S NI�Q' :•� T^iMr�wlal `tai., jao.A �t���Nt� Cie,c k ca e�ci11-ier_r i - i } It 91o ?ic E1C�G�-'�'J' • I (o = 23$7. Siy3 M2 2G ' �31�,s f 1.48 Z� — 673 2v z s7rx2 a- Z t (63/ 79T 1 Z) •, + z 2� j�S i : V V n 2S 'J, o✓�r,r'Me S.t ed 4J/rH i,2,g/Mi4RY J,7126 fSjr `- Rcaa ONl.1l 1UCGLEcsi�l ; . I 3TRcSS GRADE � G 6.Q0 GaR�/J}TI�RI. I E_FFELXr WHIG-# ./tit`Y INC�c'G4 dE sTRCSs I I 1 N v 7Ay4 ¢8'62.!' — ZG,i 2S% _1� I 2,.Z 90 < Z.-NIX" MAX ! ( I f } CRAIG R. OWEN Preliminary Analysis and Consulting Structural Engineer Investigation of 220 E tst St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 Glue-Laminated Beams (206) 452-8574 William Shore Memorial Pool -- R o. :�Qg 6.D • .— CoJ w vA rs Y O/.11 rays � 4�' C0,1 ba Af NtrH AS 'y..SPSF f,f4P�E WA NIL /y F rlftH otT>oN oR ,AISNLAT,oN asD, , q'7 VLptrvccpjr o-a MOISTUAC cQNTCN7' 9 `� y►,C�. -2� E-- NEEDS vERft,CAtioN 3. At-cover O 9 17115 40 \2�f� stof¢ �0. LOCATfoN . CL.ltEn1TRATGD FS�c r ST EXtam rL [ I- p� J AS �i g X/.O/S- t O A D J Iz'`rrONAL"r/rr DLAD 'LQ Ab � /i` ZJ fJ�`¢t W�� T•¢A� Ate, G�� ' SOOT, DAY Gf.b OCAo LVAe4p- Covbr pSl'ENOQ,JT oN = 32g e .371 j . ' GL$ D6'4d LAAO @ CgNT&}, 1 i s,r c, 7.',.S)(?-p) c 395 PG-F u N,r` 1y Sll I)N8.G?�}z �-9�S l 3710 3 32s sus 473 PLP LAN rZ 0. 5. DL/1 1. 15 DUR 3710. 'Scf r. 165. FV A jYzr- _. ZB6 ;N z ! 1760000: ,: :{: E ' •240. rti.,LIM 673. G.e-3 a 4PG63 lz-1 94. 25 'SPAN FaoM SAM TAPE,Z 1�- 37/0 (r.is) �. 2101. 32357 F6 SW wet' 250. 7124506 APXA RADIUS o� zr6l _C; aad,�;e�, 72032. 583.47 I RQ C-**, ATIJA 9 131 p s% 31715. 12.5 R X� GJq V ATV tE. (' Mo.i...�U rtti G+-�.i'•v�K r �_�c� C .` RX �y NB f,Q-S oT �15 :' )-tot, _ 223 1 ti,1�...��• ti�r....5 Rr1L�L YERtFic�TtpN avC✓-Sfrers 16,-17 / ' lv lb AIOTl=: TFl t t QT NOT TqE LOCOTiGN OG MA7e,,,o y armir" CRAIG R. OWEN Preliminary Analysis and Consulting Structural Engineer Investigation of 220 E 1st St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 Glue-Laminated Beams (206) 452-8574 William shore Memorial Pool Page William Shore Memorial Pool Report indicates a small settlement of the foundation under the north wall. If soil settlement under the foundation is as severe as indicated by the floor slab, the wall may be acting as a deep beam spanning over that area. If the settlement continues and creates a progressively longer span for the wall to act as a beam, this would create more stress in the wall and on the soil on which the footing is still bearing. If this is the case, a structural problem could be developing. A vertical crack in the concrete above the edge of the north door could be caused by concrete shrinkage, foundation settlement, stress from the eccentrically applied load from the corbel supporting Beam 6 above the door, or some combination of those with possible aggravation as a cold joint separating concrete pours. Testing has indicated that decay is not a problem, as might have been expected in a swimming pool environment. Testing also indicated that the rated stress grade of the glue-laminated beams is reasonable. The temperature of the beams could reduce their strength. Initial preliminary analysis indicates that the beams are overstressed by today' s methods and possibly those used for glue-laminated beam design when the original plans were made. Closer analysis with more information and investigation of latest research will determine the amount of overstress and whether the fractures are a predictable result of that overstress. The fractures occurring at the lower tension laminations of the beams are a serious problem. The fracture for half the width through the total depth of the lower lamination of Beam 1 is the most critical . It is important that these cracks be closely observed for further growth and that analysis continue to more precisely determine the severity of the overstress problem so that solutions can be determined. Respectfully submitted, \G 0 o, Q, of tip, LC 4. 1711 — � OP!t \ t,01 June 11, 1984 Craig R. Owen, P.E. Page 5 fr �?,,•..- William Shore Memorial Pool Report • ; . r :,l..4: units and asbestos piping insulation should also be determined. ,",'", w s`z Thermometers should be mounted on the beams to estimate �. tempe8atures to which the beams have been subject. A temperature of 90 would reduce allowable stresses over 20%. More investigation into previous and ongoing research is needed in an attempt to find the effects of tapers on the tension face ofa` glue-laminated beams. One recent research report indicates an r' increase of up to 17% in primary flexural tension stresses in double tapered beams due to increased lower lamination stiffness. :y.3 The disagreement in published research reports may be due in part' , to the earlier research which grouped tapered beams into one category regardless of the lamination direction on the taper or whether the taper was at the top or bottom of the beam. Once as. " ',",", much of this information is gathered as is reasonably obtainable, • a closer analysis should be made to include the more accurate data. If the investigation of research does not reveal conclusive data on double tapered glue-laminated beams of this geometry, a finite element computer analysis can be made. Recent research with tapered glue-laminated beams has shown very good correlation of test results to computer analysis with finite " element methods using properly modeled orthotropic element properties. From the results of this analysis, recommendations = , can be made and various solutions may be investigated for their _,; suitability. Examples of potential solutions include reduction' W"" s of weight on the roof, the exacting art of proper field application of additional laminations, addition of members to make a king post truss, a form of prestressing with high strength cables, addition of interior supports, installation of additional flexural. members, or some combination of the above. Other items of potential concern are the smaller sawn timber framing members supporting the heating units, depending on the weight of those units. The concrete corbels supporting the glue-laminated beams present some question regarding the amount, location, and embedment of their reinforcement. The corbel supporting the west end of Beam 5 has a vertical crack which is aggravated by the beam bearing at the end of the bracket due to the slope of that bracket in relation to the bottom of the beam. =r Ms. Hitt pointed out settlement of the floor slab is relation to the wall at the north end of the pool. It is difficult to totally assess that situation without a soil investigation. However, if the slab were placed on poorly compacted fill material , I would expect the settlement rate to diminish. If the settlement is aggravated by a water problem, the rate may not diminish. There is not any particular structural problem from the slab settlement itself. Further settlement may cause additional slab cracking. The east end of the north wall of the pool is vertically cracked, with the crack wider near the top. Another crack near the center of the north wall at an architectural V-joint is wider at the bottom. This ,,r AtyF .afi����Ilt ... ra r ti r i f - r 5S �• r ' s '9 K f-oj� V � e '' '.+.ti„.„t..�.»..}'..fd+Y..M.an.,,.»+w•.,.-..',S.»w-..+(.. r•."� *+t'<"'Y.","+h---•�—^f....—.'_.-..--��.. � � a. '�`A7• � � S ct. J i 1S 7 ____...---�_'� � _.._.—a►``j` .;a.1 4 �y � fie` w.fr.In ; s^ '�' _R,..� '��• � . .,n"`� �-t�'�' i _a"v ;^,'Y: ' �, .>- .. r•'�'".'��,pie �,t:' "s�"A 'Y��"�`T~c.,�O.` w., h; tr � <-� l+e,,,ti�nr �'« .,9 �. {' `"rs-, .t ,- '%.. 3 sa M• ,. ". � f��tY" � .�bT.�1=n �� L��,: ,����� �ti y� :.vG ..e '#� t �,•x,ti,v," n P< ,•�tom':=;` `� , t ,rt '�, 'a e 'h r`�. '�'��; a"M• �R.' , �.ft �.» ;rx;*:- ri'_ 'Y '�..,-- k%w. t:4�Y^ '��'+`�;3�,;`��gy.>,� Vii: '�->r � n ��,�^-.�y'•aS;,,,��'.�• ;:)_�L C• �;�",,,,,,,,.�, � ter' a .�"� .V�`W� �'kY '„�:'"�ay - ' ' � '^r'�.:.�„"'r'",I ,:,x>y 'w3.+t'... .�E,; .�;.r. ., „. xt+� - '•`e• , 'e Sv i'�: ';` ,y'' u•x,,,.^:., �,�.. } .'S � °��•� , - p.? :". `� .a�. lt�,a$;;;* I'}' •�� "?� - � v a, .. ,.. l"�C,`- ,-5T4�7:.{s,^ �'. .�'.>�, -'�'•.` w iI^S•' ;,��'�''�,`. .�`�,,'e"a'C�'.��'- ;,�h'`' ':^::s°}k ,1. "'?,. _ - _i". .� ref�,'f ;`M. ;�.:>a 'a� r'�.g �- �$�q�j`.,"�'.' tz"h•:��4zS'{ .t,,• :ti, k• .�sy. ~x. y. ,:�^`�^' � +,3 ^;�h ..y, '?. :'„��{s�-k`':5 ,sA�^e. � �4, ,e+' •• _��•'-.',�. _' e amu,,,,,,'•:,, -�;y� t .,`3;,:` - ,. - - - --,<y�.. ,?¢�'< ,vim. "�• Vs.r,_ _ ,�. , .y '- , i,�4....1� �R;; `�.• ,�,�" .i^�,ydrr`„','�`'�;kr.� „<. ¢i •” i�.i't .''�f• k _ , •,�n�,s*Y r d e7�. _ :' e r Yi+,)' + t+ 4Vy(,y t^. �l`� 3r�a'V'y. {6,�1i�i',gry�,'^,• �^`.F°"Cr?�^a ��` .S.s,`�'7�3 ,x„75' �t •�e a.: "h t� �-- _ ` 2 M t -X , �.k vyx'. �ry 9 - Mei�^� ,4• .,�•�a�.y� ��E_>W A i to: i„h'I :'I.Ir'' Il. ! trI-:. t;,'t Diroct0r f?M'E: OC:LoIx.,r 1 I.C11r1 1. I'It11 , ttllocIof etf Pub Iit .tork. 51111IFCT: t: tianitt' fliir t,f til:ililniitig POO ' � ing l'ot �7� I hay'(' 1-(.( f,I ve d I h” .t i;r,1t . from St r('eL Sul)erintenClent 11(11e Warner ropaiI it 1-111-e ' ;I rvo. ., in Iht-' :-;imming pool parking tot. 'Che total. sgttFi'r% , ,mss rooLap: 1�, NOO lout .11A Lo remove, repair the base, and rep.La "w;l - 2" of asnhitl Leet COI—e'I'111to %:I 1 1 rose. approxi mate Ly,$650 in MaLerials and In labor for ;t t e,L:l I t1C During Dalt ', inspt•� I ion of Lho parking lot err` �;; he also discovere" ,Lh2 t.he're were a nimil—r• of ;once post. sockets in the parking IOL aIong 1.11e peri- moL''r Ihal, shmil'1 nt' and replaced. Ile believes that til is is something the` P,Irk: CI-11W ('W11ti Cosi 1 alt) in t3YdC'!" 13 rerilQVt' it (1t7tCilt lEl1 safety, hazard. x's „ PI C';I"c I,!%- I St S"'C'n <t� tl t t' i t ':(iii des i r6 St_rec'L Crews t r) make the„` ` I-t'raii's ill flit' It�lIkIrl:t IOt f l't,tt have any quest.ions on t11iS Ostii71aCt_'t'''.fl«.� I110b1,' f' 1(1111 ,W i :`+Fr WI'I IItetidCiIt- Date !darner. pUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 1 REC£1��Ct1 CAIE DIRECTOR JTY[-MGR/ASST DiR. t '� FFICE;NGR. t 5.AID W4SiE -^- t :i'NER,IWATER . E1 �„_� cPAF T r. h1zVf-. �•. i ur r:tti t 1;r.r r::► trt 7 rtr: .vnr;'r'ur� r;,�'t' �. -- -= Y 1.1.0 WEST F-RONT STRrCT PORT ANGELES, VASHiN0 �9 October •7.�'` ,1 7� x .W ;�' =` i1Z i�Ullr:� i� S. 1-:C-h] 11.` o11 Dcpartimciit: c,t !"Colony .i°.. R e'c;i r; ;.,l O i.cc epi rdttC tra t13 1'i1r?: '•r ' Olympi a , WA 9 E:504 Dear Sir : Conccrn in; },our letter of July 29 , 1975 to Mr. t:en Whorton, 4C ' please he ad i scd that the contaminated water from the Municipal`, Pool ha.- bccn intercepted and is now piped into the sanitary sewer. Your interest and cooperation are sincerely appreciated. PP Yours vcry,� truly, John B. Warder `rt Director of Public Works J 1310/rm µ` '} A��m :�: F, .,.� a .CITYOFPOR,'f ANGELES ` DEPARTMENT OF PUBel WORKS. err, . . . . . . . . r. . . INSPECTION REPORT . . .� . . . . *Y REQUEST: `3n Date Time Received.by (phon person Location of Work to be inspected Mal Name of person requesting inspection L Address of person requesting inspection ' � v " Phone.No. � 6 Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Per Permit No. Sewer Foundation . Framing Chimney Plumbing Fyin I., "Sewer Excay. Other' INSPECTION NOTE Inspected: Date Timew' By Remarks: QAIM''" dAV- - Yti RESTORATION REQUIRED.: . . . . .,YES rN0 ' "i�:. k •.•`t`+l4 xFxC,,f'•t`.j,"';c}M�'�'`m-"� � . III _ OM1 V. SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACETYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel E3 Asphalt` PCC, ®Other ❑Repaired by City Work 0' r # ❑Repaired by Permittee 'F Q COMPLETE ❑No Damage Found `# 0 INCOMPLETE AAM - - r / • � - _ �^'.�-- a '.a'�+?fi:s&yF, .rr-C'��..>?r i%�e'z-fin.t�f'�1 `".:"„ #;=�e�i. ti b� y�� `�^,Y- y:�;t.- •".^� ¥i:'��' 'p�•Y°{r�y}., e x:.�.:.7'{f•nr",+t .�`4h , •. .`sh.) !ice f.. t.T�..a M . T0: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC' WORKS r • v , s:�a. ��;. ' �� FROM: JOHN MARSH, PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOP. DATE: MAY 1, 1984 + ° SUBJECT: IBP FOR CITY POOL (PIPING) It is my understanding that using PVC' piping in pipe alleys and corridor s',does;:;t ' not conform to City code. Will this also apply, to forthcoming ,code changesV", According to engineers of Brown and Caldwell-,�r'it•would definitely be'` 1,11 a4 cost' a+ advantage to use PVC pipe in the pool piping,system.`''PVC pipe also,has- the ' �µ advantage of corrosion resistance in the pooleatmosphere. - The PVC. pipe would:: be used for the heat recovery loop and would be,under -relatively constant temp- erature. j I understand that the City replaced corroded copper ,pipe at the pumping station 1 with PVC pipe. Please advise if we can utilize 'PVC..'in our new heat recovery `-' t system, perhaps under the new code or by application for a variance. Your quick response would be greatly appreciated. . JM:jr PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. �JE2 1 �( REC CEn'ED DATE. 1 `CJ.� ^LL SVS �oM4 DM/tvrs7kAT)YE- M. ACTM COPT CONC. # r✓ ��7 9 U PZ °) 5 / PE r-1 G DIRECTOR M 6N T ti /d d CON l 7 t•0 N:S. OFFICE MR. I y� - SOLID WASTE 1"I"A EZL J49-;,D T H P V SEWER/v:aTER EFT 7 N 1' /'��ryS 1 N A T P V A STRDI t BUILDING � l 5 N L r A I>n L t 1 o Co L.P �rA ENGINEERNG FILE pyc 1-10-1 % CoLrs \V-a-70?_ 1 N ,-,v, O tiPWWJ,-M )/A7 41-Lti V)Ry INS )ALA>tot4 Ct V C ��� l'%,�-� hrt-�Y !-1cQ7 � xcov��v�,Y' ��rs?t' N� ,• ; T - ' / f . 4 Qt MEMORANDUM d 1Ti #n May 4 , 1984 _ TO: John Marsh, Parks & Recreation Direct FROM: Jack Pittis , Director of Public Works RE: Use of PVC Piping for City Pool Section 201 (c) of the 1979 Uniform Plumbing Code allows for some .-- administrative ome .-administrative judgment in special conditions concerning °the uses'`�'- of various types of piping. The Building Official has researched the use of PVC piping in the above referenced application and„it,;;,.., appears that PVC is only applicable to cold water instal lations.• ,,,' q4� However, CPVC is adequate for hot and cold water installations and after reviewing the situation, the Building Official determined that allowing the installation of CPVC piping in your new heat recovery system would not be in violation of the Code. q - r "A. . .r`- ... �r»�:4 ww Jam.^-�+ - s•�•Y +tigY. W.. 'pG,` a'E2•^w, • .t^+_\.t,4i Y''3ji,r �.. oa+,a;' . .aCt' .. Y' Y.k Y•i. PUFLIC WORKS DEPT. R,CEPJED DINE FV1 A04, COPY CONC. ” Dir-MOR OFME R*R. r- SOLID ti t'STL' _ _y SE1JERJ1 ATER 1 OUILCING ENGINEER'NG 1 VILE ; _.K ` oL i • -_----- •---- :�A ' �,'� s- ' • �-�����:y.^��' $4732. BEAM SOUTH L LEVAT ION (LcoKlnitr IYORTH� :�, t W. tl 10 E 6 S g 3 t . nA oN+MEa•rs P�IAIT LOGATIo�1 TE - REnoIaGS G I,o�.JctZ (AN►IIJa l!„O� G oo 4 U00 , " t �✓ 827. •SJ+2FAc.8. � a,�• � � ., 3 pRY 8 z aCP7H ;4 22 of 1 Gooa e-2&0 • t S M11 o DE�Ti-1 B J�•YE - )��" ,� -.�'-, F,_ ,.,F. 4 11 F RO nA To P PO4 MID -DEPTH A „ I>my � Q 2" DcPJ•N ` ' FROM NEAR PJRL( !3 90& i c Ta hDsACfr1"faa T07 A•VC= q10 Gc0 1 C 9/7 2./� sS' t SEE Ut-W�ATIONI'. 'bl..�rr qlp f•o ` 'ro pAST' P�0.�I�t g 1332 '� ►c Rau3�.>,�r t3Yo (D ISr6�IS18/ tSu °� 2J'Q ►:�i3 ✓E 13o Z- 3 t37 - CRAG R. OWEN Preliminary Analysis Consulting Structural Engineer T nve s t i g a t i on of 10 11111111-�11 11 11 ijj�11'11111111! BEAM SOUTH ELEVATION (1_00KIA14- NO W. -��yµ.. • ,ti,��'�. W. E.F. _ .._.� I ll 10 9 P 7 6 1S'` 'Y 4 3 Lw h'a �" 'f PVRL\�1•s . , , h {, j 2 0 A ,DINT LOc^TroN TEST -) RtADrw1GS GOMME�ITS £` j UNDER evR%-%o1 L- LSM � y Z- Aye ! -Pt.IT IN i 3 LAM EypEar jilemarm. _k. i.'fADrNGS AutcSS cRr4GK I'o SJnitAGC j � 9tz� � 2'`C�PTN DR,r ;��� • L.r FAowl TOP �yt�, 'L° 6-00 I , ; 7 Q r' FRAM Trop b 18os Goo p � Z64 � ' � ANV�� t�\► . zo LCN6T►� ro9C� , p 1Io7�r122�tf37 -V,7/�j` O Zr fn1SrDC P+�r.uN � ►09 ', stczT�6NTEN 2 To2 'rw.rpE P.S^ 3 En J�44 Ci0o> L ,�v ZrvC �raH fFoti< QOTTOM ' 1, b-X� CRAIG R. OWEN Preliminary Analysis and f' _•: _ =`�w Consulting Structural Engineer •..3 _ #.<<n^ ,,,, �. . + ,,,^ Investigation of 1 .. _•- �`" `,meq 4"; ''�_` i r,j+Cr,�� ,�• .< ..�. .•, �-� .r NRS a `.x •;,,..�-"'�-�" � 2 `ooh a �, '� �•'� ,. ', BEAM --'' �•t �pt�i C E.°�';��. . • � t r<� �{� ���*� + RcNotiaGs Ooh `-'2r°�?• .. � �r+a•a TEST` A JG ZSO� r¥. a IST I pe y� *3,v .; £{f,- LY;<• O 'Not la T"r,�04 IT Good 14 Q A DRY 12' F. f o£PT��1 .� } Z aS 't +o pvs ' Miff jkJ 00 � A gxf2, and Ana ` lysis. ,� � s•'-" 3�T �inasY ,- 7 CVINIG� 'R r„r�� � , � r•d;x`1yt_,�a ice,-j'.� :'�,,`•���a - ' ` �:5, i/� 'ate-'�� .}. „. Lcs ` LC& To �,x�,e9LL#`•^� ias'•`Wtm X221'' l LG i cz PA 4a h @.SK '.} 1 ,� � '�.b M+►x t`ow, (�.�tGS t•�,• ,ter. `�. � d q�.. �24�/S�l� ,,s� �•~ - e 300 :zlq" k . �bN.tir �► DL M �� .S/J� 1 g .. Ka,Iy2,P'/`}.Z.p1;;`N"rrli��' �,,� -l53.7 ..7S.9 A +6Sa.b�.. (zsS�v� + �jl�► �' '; ,-7 03.z 8 «�►� ,� ,y , tj.a=s9.97✓K ' + 6 9s K„ + ! S"vaFa. Edd `u 7 +�t 9.q� (-32-Z , a s tr�4y�c .• � SC,a,a,�.s ?�_Zg x 171)5PF` i Ae, Ct 1ST ' 'sySlOttA1'j ' W1111wn Shore Msmor4'a jyo CRAIG R. OWEN '• proposed Modif'ioAtions nAf Cori"* 9W2 220 E 1st St POtt (2to4)4SZ 4 Ir t :,��'� ' • - p tit �1 ',t s• N s?P^, �'"��-_, ., "�{�'1 � k. ti,,,$r'l1' `/� t? -. /"3ts••,,11. -�$ P,,. 3 ,p'S a. o `-,;e's'% ►? rx• / ! x.11. '� 1'4' s.<$� � ,. . 33t 1,s4 i� o�,, te= ',sF� '` rt•� lit C.6 q K« 373• x vs z3'• �.•� Q 'L.�O� � � JYs^° ..'7•e' �`N�":.t `x<r`.rr`';•�°,;,,?;*SAN' js c� �"'k� obi _z12• '`��'" 42, ilk SJ i �1 2$ riQ,�l Is ` si A-1 4 r. •;yrj lk 1,� a�o� ration � i .M it says,w�C't to 1 fi� 131 i..�.���� - ;9S~/- 1 b-..= 9 3.,s �-� $9'732• 3� Sof �L �" rf:ix��d�z�c''+, `_-.``•' 1 33 14 4 .. 231.8 • 32SK1' — — ty • ;y`;,•���x� i `�,��, j.0 K. Tv� Ay. •��-.:�;.`; ,<P�,:�' ��.�-�:rad Jog/ Lt It 1#3 Y- 45* S ` � a •�" � r csr fir.S IT9.S ��'•' C � i © go76 �163.5� 66.0, ®' 4LEL OSO�,iY/} ��• wj� SS7-1 z 19.CVj 9x-f 1 q l 9. .,? 2 .9' rz7/ 162.$3tlio2r6 l2 1 � � 391; - !z 9.3-t2.2 - 532.�r•1 /,9�lPs%� 78.L ,�.1 ' A",'�� ,' _ ,,� T--- Zt N OT k ��t�c��y �j 1S 4z4-L GI'.7��s-ItJ� V°Gj 01/'I i� �}1. aT 1 ot CRAM R. OWEN William Shore Memorial Pool. Oonstdtlrt6-iii Engkw ' Proposed Modifications'- 220 E 1st S;.X"x s,WA 95362 1 MAX /6..SZ�` ^obi¢ ►KMt ` `;„ � = �8r .Fi � � • 'K' '^� i�jG�'''/-1@''11 :ri�� '�\� ".%���. '.�j.: d •.moi stf'�' ,¢ VC soil PREX.rOAE �pj^/�(,j - :Q 9y�+g � �• .Rys,. z,�>.;�Jyh..� eat x?�,,t • i '.� 4� 1 "1""fir:' - 7~� 64 = J.o9 l<Si Q29 :r it u S6 12.k "I L' DF M i pRG f: h iF �r ' 49 CLAM94 , L,4M jNQT/oni CURVE �.e- &- CRAIG R. comd*t W William Shore Memorial�,Poo1 �y .r Proposed Modifications 220 E 1st St Pat 'as,W U362 (216)44214 111� �' t, • .. �.'s+,x ,"�a r 0000 tC) CA- s� - ,ob��� • rr� tv 'A"40 di�tg ,p,�. ��� 14Jy3 Sy tole 4-7 Ctx 40 s 1 ' p�,at c •�V"'" z o r IL k'r. tit" VS / ZX # J ` Z X' 2 Sit& G,LI ` }��4moxisl Ppo14 William 5htio�tions�r `�i� �opos (fit R•Qvmiil,'Oros 2 WOW- kvilk ZZO E lst 157 t- 4 ' '41 Q^l Poet' =1.9 Y`<<`, ,* � .,• ►).2S mc-0/4 n� vK , 1.'� 13.� �- �i:r� �1Ap�4J, F� _ j 1 -Kit ,• � _ a.f;�r;.� ~� '1'` ';, IM16 - ec z 54 T-� N� y �z� �46.z � • �. ..9 V �'���l1�t6 �:���`� �?5 K _ jT- ?—`(,( ;nl.►r-/C'LD „dp �Mst�� P4� IjeAvy temp xl I LL(nom ROLIS Cl� 12�.��►q �. j3i9.X Llo� 7�' (3.SXs%�$� � � '` '; ',. VL" � L GASi WALL MoGY�-G�tAPK� /G/1lFN 7-p �S *-!../ SA 7, t�rc�d' L46 LAI. Ta ;may' cati►Po�nrD . .� ��lr.., ; ; " �y William Shore Memorial YPool" ` M R. M a� ,,6 Z 'Pr sed Modifications al Oo +t=ur �' aP°.. ' 220 E l:t St Port s,WA 9983622 8362 206)4%2_t574:- I ., `�h��.. �;''ka'R^. �,• F�., ,�,ry<.a;,r,; .c.. "'g',' '>�.�;w.�+^+• ' 3\ ' p z Ik USE all AN .T , ,�r r " bYt � •� i 1 J «..r+��•. � .. ;�`r�..S.C /yam/ �..+�' f.'.A.lam A i William Shore'Memorial Poalc- AIG R. OWN pro j d,Modifications CR taon�++l m Mf�16�62. Z20 E 1st It. Pwt /WIPP CATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit No. Date Permit Issued ; DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS–CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 642 BU: DING DIVISION ------------- - --------- D iTE D1tTEApplicant to fill in between heavy lines $ __Zr_$��0 ._..____ Valuation me aing CLASS OF WORK Building Permit Fe*____ S r A idress , Plan Checking Fee _ S New Demolish Total $ /' 2 f NAME_ �_� ��/_�S Alteration 'Repair R./-?I 3: 1 f -- ,/' --— Treasurer's Receipt No. .. ....... ....... T Mail Address •-( Addition f/ !More /� -/ — --- Use of building r it/ a JJ_ Life of Permit.. !"P UQ ' C:ty /�' --� Ph No. 2 S� — s --- Size of building Height _T Application t en by.��.��� NA.'.l'e �'�v-_— No. of rooms — -7 - No. of Families Address No. of floor Sine of tot Date •/0- �/' T _ No. of Bldgs. Use of Bldg. Total Fluor Area 5q.FI City Ph No. Now on lot I Now on lot - -- -- SPECIFICATIONS Ano of lot Sq.p C NAME C• FOUNDATION 2 ExteriorPien Address _— __- Typo Construction 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, y Width of Wall g/&_ r r City Footing Size r (,,yV Use Zone R. B. M. C' Ph. No. Height 7r -- 1, 2, 3, 4, Material Size Spacing Span NAME .. —-- Beam: - Occupanq Group A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1. J. Address Lst - i City Ph. No. Joist 2nd FL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ' License No. Joist C«'6ng J / Fire Zone 1, 2, 3 _ r Exterior Studs Pep and Specifications submitted......... Interior Stade / Plot Plow ( ) Property Line Reef RafterAPPROVE -.._.._ - E — l - -- COVERING binder of Dept. of Inspectiop ^ Exterior Walla Roof q I SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CONDITIONS Interior Walls Reroofing Heat: Wood Gas Oil Electric o I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application e and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with .a -0 all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building con- 2 struction. O SIGNATURE OF . - -DPERMITER ...... ....... . . ...... r C PROPOSED yr LEGAL DESCRIPTION s's 0 OR EXISTING subdivision elot Ne. Block No. e ( ) BUILDING ( ) a x o e s«�4-s�r • ; s ( ) Street �,.�. �$' :.,�-.°"'c`_�,a: - _. v._,'�.., _ �.•'s�::rd;° .. - ;;,- ;-. .�, " `r'.-a�Y_ ,_` t i� � �" S• � -4'r ..<z.',����'�3 r"-ih- pORT AN N1 TFti : CITY OIFTORT ANGELES k'ij ,,,` . 140 WEST FRONT ST.,P O.BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES,WASHINGTON 99362 1'_ PHONE (206)457.0411 PUBIC WORKS DEPT. ,r December 8, 198DATE RECEIVED ' M` ,e.......�..Y. FY! ACTra. COPY l NC. .r DIRECTOR City Of Port Angeles OFFICE ENGR. Light Department SOLID vemiE Port Angeles, WA 98362 SEVVEER/WATER STREET , RF: File No. V-83(12)22 BUIdoMc William Shore Pool 7-0241 28,5 E, ercMEMMc /60 FILE ,t=rION: Sheila Hardy Dear Sheila, On December S, 1983, the Board of Adjustment granted you a variance for a reduction of the 3S foot minimum setback required in the PBP, Public Buildings and Parks, Zone, to 10 feet, to allow the construction of an attached solarium on the south side of the William Shore Memorial Poo t. Phis variance will automatically expire in .June 1984, Lidless at least a building permit for the structure is applied for. If additional time is required, application for an extension may be submitted in lrriting together with the $30 extension fee, to the Planning Department by early May 1984. If you have any questions regarding this, contact this Department. Sincerely, C, � , C.D. Bann lemert Assistant Planner CMI I:sr cc: Pidblis Works Dept. Fire Department T FRI 11111 1, '�;,.,f �'' _t' '_�� _ �o .N��j :� �,r-' o•. � - � - o �Q�•� .I ,, •, ->:st�i ,'5c r_:e:a��f�c�.#sF,`r:u. ;'!J a �'�� ��T. -:}i'�,,.4 v,' ��� `` 'L I "` ° co ., c{�-`4'�,o ��n�, ,, d+, ,c,.}*�:��';�,�•���b:R..•�'i�.•, '�f�: �3 •r �r.tt.i�, ,O '.f� � �5i�`�,5x'�`n°�`"`"���_�..��'rro%dd�sA . `,��,,���mm.X11 ,� ',; o- �.;,'� '1'�' ry•��' _ ��' ``'O e� ,1zXf'�c 'l`1•n�. ,'E r '9 .V`* '- W''',R'a-<''"is'�'�t'.r��2+ - ''�� ° !(_'�P'.o.w .:'i ral�,k'.T-,w ,t „{{y��'' .�1". '•., �.r4.�{ 'hT .<d ��y,"tu°x9`x^„ Y,�tib.`d)F ° ��•xs'-r:. :^��...� �rt d'-e.!�''�'r'siF•r _ v�-'r'F'-•. ''L :, ,�, to.�' t� p 3,. �,y�i } �' tt J ,1 „ � �, \� tJU .•�.^•) ,. J•f,'` t ��J`^f1 .. ' c t S c: Ne v „o J fix• ti i ='; , if Al v a o �• , F( r, c r—•yam--•;�,Ah,,�t� �.oP`e'—."_ _¢._.-.}3. '.z, °3 0, �o _ ..._ __ ' .V '+,�e:..e'� '�r`""�";>.�, -i n'�' ..�..1et.rts'va.: ;e}i•N. .. _ - '. - - ,,,.,,.. F rV -.'Y.= z wS a Q 35'•*er s-�,�``�u,++ d. YT,, : .. •5..v.r s r .g;+'� s t.t\1•[SRF{, r ` �`�: 1` • �.'"of r ,�' :.4•�[A.,rr^�l+�S�h'�"C t�•�'n,Y'��.''�,�`VAy �`.'�.�1,fi g • - + L.Y CITY OF PITT ANGELES — PUBLIC WORK $6 , BUILDING DIVISION — PERMIT APPLICATION G 3661 Date Received I I Date lssued' Name Address CI Phone Lic.NoJ !1k; r t.Owner Ci-1 Y C) a ani c 32 !VW P 0'1 a Z.ContractorScw,H111�,ji# f 9229 11/jr/01 3.ArchitecUEn r. , I.Class of Work- 0 New 0 Addition 0 Alteration . Repair U Mova qDemolition, , Y S Description of Work: �GMp�[a��/LAOFfA .' KENO✓ISL� ,e oo C Am&1300t tl17c P1 nj I y (y 6.Type of Permit: t3vilding 11 Plu Ing Contrector No. Fixture Type Fee � �r Valuation S 61 9'I S i Wa r Closet Lavat t'a Permit Fee �v e7_1 Bathtub •,=a Plan Check Fee f ecei to Shower Investigation Fee Kitchen Sink Other *K ;�ts Dispolser � Total S 3 %Receipt N Floor Drain IM ink Building Sq. Ft. Clothes Washer Occupancy Group /1-3 Urinal Occupant Load Water Heater , No.of Stories Drinking Fountain Type of Construction Z- N Lawn Sprinkler Occupancy Permit Issued Date: Vacuum Breaker § Legal Description: Lot: Block: Soiar Panels ' Subdivision Other ; Land Uso Zoner r ` Sub Total Lot Area Permit Fee w LotCoverage •A = Sq.Ft. Recel t N Total S L)S Contractor C)Mechb4cal Contractor Sign ftX No. Type of Equipment Fee Illumination Elec.Funftace Overall Het ht _ Heat Pum Sign Width _ Woodstove Sign Height Oil Furnace SQ.F!. I Kitchen Hood Clearance Other Land Use Zone Fee Total $ Receipt N Receipt It Total S APPiK,A 1xEP1Et)Br Pt,ANS CtcEO Br =ms" Special Conditions- TME A aePratt p,,-t •h,. tPt«ech.W �t�t•iC,�or�(�� ��or�`T - _ � Tt••f P. bvtolnt'f•pre art.o.d A-k P[P'S•R1C'tlon autronted t3•lot coil"W K d - Wet—t!:CM P It WnStrnctwn P WW%n fufeerbed Ct atrandbned to,a PaMtd of 18D darf at"tette attw owt n cci u*need t tletebr CM1fT that 1 Raw NaJ and e.MnMd Mn aoobCY.,Om and hM6 the Bartle to be ` trtta&R0 CPtOCI All Wo sso if of lan and otdtnWW"ptwannq il"•fpa 01"A WW be - •t til - ConWfd with wR~apeclhed baa.n P not TM praMmp M•pq_t doff Mt Oteuptla to W"a,rtRP.tf to.•orate P CMK91•te Poaflbnf of a••a an V ftafa or txy t" ' wputahno iPnahu th P IRR wttonna+.ca of em'sttuctton Other Permits: °, a twmtonhrh74. ........do Sewer RNV M Apert tD+hl ' Driveway Other icgnsim.d a:n.;n}own«;N~1- — -. - - (Dwob \. �� '�. � ..seu`r`.yj;�•1t�Taia.� • y,k.µ'�+E{.' � III III �.�• < ` .� ' ' .yf•=, ; -s6'..'•ti.-1.�..'rI F���A.1S`�v-els$ ,�1a � e'a'r f•i• .r..J.r. A�I�',',�•�< <'$ - 457.0411 Ext._120 — INSPECTION R,ECORDtx�--,';,PERMFT, ,f a, IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER INSULATE,OR OTHERWISE CONCEAL'ANY OR BEFORE INSPECTED &ACCEPTED. ''24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED PRIOR TO INSPEC)ION.POST THIS INSPECTION RECOR ' IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION, APPROVLD PLANS MUST BE ON JOBSrrE'AT;T1Mi:'.g ' OF INSPECTIONS. ��� Inspection Accepted �_, t, 'Date Inspector%- x Foundation Footings Corrections r Foundation Walls tt :+ : Corrections Rough In Electrical Corrections 77 Plumbing 4 Corrections Y b, Framing Corrections Chimney Corrections k Mechanical Corrections Insulation Corrections Electrical Final 'r Corrections _ r 4 Final Inspection Corrections �_ FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY OCCUPANCY CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • . . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT . . . -. . . . ... . . j REQUEST: yY' Oate '`x Time —Received by (phone,personl °~ Location of Work to be inspected `s s Name of person requesting inspection Address o! g p g person requesting Inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection(circle appropriate one): Permit No. 3C (elY- i Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other r _1• �'' '� INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date rte, /'' Time C� By Remarks: �, �-•.tee%•-�. ok Y trA i, '• • % w LtS�S�_ t�/iy�/�• 9 3�-JrcJ, �'ZZS E.S�-�!�-9�-!�/ ❑Repaired by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE ❑No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE c (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET Ri�ccoiuT°�^eN+ :tea'. law v wry �y•4✓ If. R � � r 4 A� s t r, r—' - z 7 1yn 4 , a .y I . f J F- t�7t W� � J N H W w 1 z v w t �W y D W S N M %N H M f W V M 0 z i .6 CITY OF PORT ANGELES-- PUBLIC WORKS BUIL.DiNG DIVISION -- PERMITAPPLiCATiOV NS 714. 'A Dcte Received r Daae 1--wd 10f 21g N --- - Arch r E.r• % ela%%of Wort U Ne. 0 Addaxcf J Akheration LJ Reps 13Moe Demo6siota LDe.crtptxm o(Wm t Wl toµ Poo, - SA UPOA- 1 T)-Iw cf Permit O RuiMmF O FltatihinE Ceeitractw w .r so Fntu re T Fee V ahtatiaei S 2 SOC Wath Clow -- - 3e Ptrmlt Fcc — [ � Bathtub T = Ran C'Vc►Fot Irnt a IiiveatiaN�Fee l(kchen Stitt t Chiu' — - ---1_wu* S►- Total S Rc•cr a _! Rom Dmm I Finm Smt C14h[3 Wa+ittf t (ltt•uliarx•Y Cnnrl+ ��.�----— ._ L'noai uz far ani L.cvd ♦i. r.r Strxx• Watt Fkzw N -_ N Ti of camuncum __LL"t-�__-- Dr%nkmg Fountain J icaa-t 2-0 unn Ltx 1 2. - j ___ V actum Prcs4cr w►_- RI.R► Solar PXWII% a� (hher O Land Uae 7txa j? °w N_H_ _L -Atc# - _ -- - - s Lni cmen 4 a F Regie • TetaS S ~3 S ;Cmtrbctcw lMtcMnical Carwactot s o Typt a FK !sH ukc.fMal pump tunace • O _ 1-- Cijn,llcijM cal Fmmacc_•.F w i- _S'L Kaehen Hood N Ckaratrc - - - 00W 11-C.» LardUv.Inns I — hct i 1 Total S Kc:.x t a Recap(• TOW S 1 .At e•t*n.cttmn ai nw••e» vn•• .nartaicr nu 1v!ai Spee•al ctimsbams i p- L 2- - A.c a p—a'°w. far alai•I-ere r.d Tm Ire r-a ra.t cd.tied d--%err aa' —..rirrre!a ser caamazad -afs 100 mti o d ca.•rrr err--t- ,q,-J,d a r'vea_w.d fw t teno4 d l m Mn.•rn,ex�.ch a car-.t.red I.e el.eei,f.car.I Mw•.d W-.-4 ft, -Ti.—rd a-o.7e urr•',+. rue a+d ce.-n. kt •o.o..•.It t-re..Cl—i.--I x,r.;-d.ere 113 CA�er Permits tee bad-d'-":--r-.iw 4-e• err•,n r4 F--%d.?er-.at dbe+e- 7e'•.E'e Q`f 4ZII.b+lata[a lasl dt im.�aaT•.d r�ea.�tr Kele w Ali ev.¢r:uo. �� R/W dc....-.•.....�y. a.., Ihin.r (kha l_ - .t o-..a.....At--i - ---- ,a.i -_JI N aff _ tiv Rp-Z K i e # BUMUNG PMRMiT WPECMN REWRD i CL 4V4Nl l VT.)ri FM llVa WO VISPO lOta riM%CflON IIOVR$AU L4 ftL M .f4 MM MVV ICS RBQt�ED►R qWASTUL TO C8' M Q�LQUU Olt Ct7WSAL AW'AV=MOM AND AOC6FM W f MZWT In A QO1fSPK'1OA LACATION. *� • IMU PERMIT GRD AND APMVE MANS AT f'i WSRCTIQDt n" DATE ,AOCK"" QOA z .�M SF,�,� ' f ERAMM spew ril! s *A WS&Ifocl/aa7iR i j ,_ '.4v S1lL+ r "h' i i jai Farts Cbr•rctias a � Mg�. .a .��s�?•� { i I , iTXAL[XSTEC'ffolmR 7zBDlRto3T000CLTitMLY/l3i «;•�t - .�., z MwISI7UL C[UMUCNf, fMITE ACCGO'[tSD �y C I Mewed �, i J ..•q 221 Ilk �••� EaPExt 124 me*iet it Rt Dub-fam ac)y) t En,252 H" ti +z Aug 16 2013 08:12AM Olympic Electric Co., Inc 3604523498 page 1 t� U V RECEIVED CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION � Building Division/Electrical Inspections AUG � � �� � 321 East Fifth Street—P.O. Box 1150 1 Port Angeles Washington,98362 Ph: (360)417-4735 Fax: (360)417-4711 ELECTRICAL Date: `/ A2 6 IRECTIONS �( IMultlTanily or *Plan Review May Be Required Please Compiete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address:_ e?_75 g Yd Building Square Footage —••• _._ ., .,.,_._._ Description of above 1¢t�sxI 47e-rG S-7777 14 Owner Information Contractor Information Name: �Z,J��7.t? S�ldr '>`.%/!%%F �f Name: oLVMPICFL@cTRlc Mailin Address: 7 _. { 423OTLJM-TER g Mailing Address: City:%4' f .�.Y f-1 State; ifs 71c:�_� :, % CIO: PORYANGELES State: WA ZIP- Oases Phone::_ 7 Fax: Phone:340-457-S303 pax; aea452-3rea License#1 Exp. License li l Exp.oynaveczaso' tem Unit Charge Q1i Total(Qty Multiplied by Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ ServicelFeeder 2014CO Amp. $160.00 ServiaelFeeder 401-6C0 Amp $225.00 $ Service)Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $288.00 $ Servic0oeder over 1000 Amp. $410.00 $ Branch Circuit W1 Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit W10 Servica Feeder $ 74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $ 86.00 �_ $ ;� Temp.Service]Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp.ServicelFeeder 201-400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp.ServicelFeeder 401-600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp.SarvicelFeeder 601-1000Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ Sign]CulGne Lighting $ 8$•00 $ Signal CircuiU Limited Energy-Multi-Family $ 64.00 $ Signal Circuit!Limited Energy I First 1500 sf-Commercial $ 96.00 $ Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy-5KVA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermostai $ 56.00 $ Note:$5.00 for each additional T-Stat $ a 'Total Owner as defined by KWA926.261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized.(2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease.Permitexpires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N.E.C.,li Chapter 19.28,WAC,Chapter 29BA6B,The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and lJiility Specifications and PANIC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner,electrical contractor or electrical administrator: ❑ cash C Check ELECTRICAL INSPECTION cui u WIRING REPORT FW NKS 417-4735 DATE PERM IT ft INSPECTOR ti 1-2(o OWNER CONTRACTOR Lqt�y�oc, ADDRESS L APPROVED NOT APPROVED D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — . — . ROUGH IN/COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A'NAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CORRECTJONS NEEDED: t-uft)r4 A I II 15,kthjmA., M . ko-c 410-362, NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES t 364-417-4735 Application Number 13-QD000931 Date 8/16/13 Application pin number 531712 Property Address , . , , . , 225 E 57H ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-1-6940-0000- REPORT SALES TAV Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise tax form Subdivision Name . . , , , . Property Use , . . . . . . . . to the City of Port Angeles Property zoning , . , . . . . (Location Code 0502) Application valuation , > . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Lighting replacement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC DISTRICT 4230 TUMWATER 233 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 457-5303 (360) 417-9767 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . , . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc 1--9 CIRCUITS Permit Fee 86.00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 8/16/13 Valuation . . , . 0 Expiration Date 2/12/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension FASE FEE 86,00- ------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Fee summary Charged Paid ' Credited Due Permit Fee Total 86,00 86,00 OD .00 Plan Cheek. Total .00 00 ,00 .00 Grand Total 86.00 86.00 .00 .00 ( �� V'J INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: GAEXCHANGEIBUILDING CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATI®N Building Division/Electrical InspectionsIVEU NIL [y� 321 East Fifth Street—P.O.Box 11501 Port Angeles WashingtREU 1 Ph: (360)417-4735 Fax: (360)417-4711 Date: 6�l3-�'� �� �1 �� 2Q1 Multi-Family or Commer0ERICA INSPECTIONS CSO Plan Review May BeReq_wired, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address:Z2S /3 5 AS� �l$ Building Square Footage: 15,lody'� Description of above Owner Information Contractor Information Name: L4)t 1 51_�.et_ o- 1 PN4. Name: I il IL S 1 &4, 1 Mailing Address: 7- G 5,4-,- 54 P.In. LUQ 9 43 3 G Z Mailing Address: 9 d $$ City: 0 A State: 1�4 Zip: q834 2 City:&AW,0_A State: WA Zip: C1$4.52 Phone:360 4 Go 3 1.Q%ax: Phone:&M 13 1611 Fax: Q-2 5-q} 2121 License#I Exp. &Q 3 6 23 0?- License#1 Exp. LAJQ T"r� 7. kk 1 Item Unit Charge City Total(Qty Multipl,igd by Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 20C Amp. $132.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $160.00 $ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp $225.00 $ Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $288.00 $ ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp. $410.00 $ Branch Circuit Wl Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 74,00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $ 86,00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp,Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ Sign/Outline Lighting $ 88.00 $ Signal Circuifl Limited Energy--Multi-Family $ 64.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy/First 1500 sf--Commercial $ 96.00 $ V-t l Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy-SKVA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 __..... ._..__. $ ]to Note:$5.00 for each additional T-Stat $ Z V7 Total Owner as defined by RCW,19.28,261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized.(2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease, Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor,I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28,WAC. Chapter 296-468,The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14,05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner,electrical contractor or electrical administrator: © cash ❑ check X Credit Card# Dated: 6— IS — )3 01101/2012 q�pORT ivQ.' ELECTRICALINSPECTION �a r� 6WIRING REPORT N 417-4735 DATE: - PERMlT# NSECTOR QWN R CE'NTRACTCR A6DRESS APPROVED NOT APPROVED ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUGH IN/COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'yg-, ®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINAL . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ CORRECTIONS NEEDED: L.A)S�T 3� Hum. FL< L�iIL1C d�t� L!G"a:,V-- ?,*17)Rfj / 1�m UW.fg, Uo!-T 4,r 4AA-6 lq,Q-5- ))L — L,-'�.oY2 sHAI-L- A,P t,-reYF— l.t., wo ►[ 'Sv 'i'3.� � 'F� f�} ► + 1�trt A d. Lt t�� M�NbSL II49-,e, i(bo d2- NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE — ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number . , , . , 13-00000648 pate 6/13/13 Application pin number . . , 439472 Property Address . . . , , , 225 E STH ST REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR ,PARCEL NUMBERi 06-30-00-0-1-6940 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise fax form V y ,Subdivision Name Property Use to the City of Port Angeles , Property zoning , , . . , . , (Location Code 0502) Application valuation , , , , 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL WPCS INTL INC SEA OP DISTRICT 1.8536 142ND AVE NE 233 E 4TH ST WOODINVILLE WA 98072 PORT ANGELES WA 96362 (425) 483-2677 (366) 417-9767 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . , . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc LV SYSTEM Permit Fee 217,00 Plan Check Fee 00 . Issue Date 6/13/13 Valuation . , , , 0 Expiration Date 12/10/13 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 217.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Tatal 217.00 217,00 00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 217,00 217.00 00 .00 V INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPME SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGMBUILDING North Peninsula Electric 928-9409 p1 R Et"";h E I V E D W APR 18 209 moo,yartr.�,t�. CITY OF PORT.ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION ELECTRICAL �.� Budding DWIsion/Mectrical Inspections INSPECTIONS ''V 321 East Fifth Street—P.O.Box 11501 Port Angeles Washington,98362 Ph: (360)417.4735 Fix: (360)417-4711 i c '? ter' Cate, — + _Multi-Family or Commercial` Plan Review May Be R aired Please mpleteF-lectrical Pian Review InformalJan Sheet Job Address: - Building Square Footage: Description of above Owner Inferrpationn Contractgrf�torma' n t l�� r,Jc Name: 1 2� 1�,'rn h Name: + _ .. 1`42!ling Address:__ Mailing Ad s: — f I'K, City tabes Zip: (_ L City Slate; Zips -� Phone: Fax: '� Phone: - Fax: C� €cense#1 E.+sp. License#1 Exp. n _ l Item Unit Charge Total Multi lied by Unit Cl Se rvicel Feeder 200 Amp $132.00 ServicelFeeder 201.400 Amp. $160.00 5 ServicalFeeder 401-600 Amp $225.00 S ServicelFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $288.00 S ServicelFeeder ever 1000 Amp- $410.00 S Branch Circuit VVI Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 �_ $ Bunch Circuits 14 $ 86.00 �� $ Temp,Servloel Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp.ServicelFeecer201-403Amp. $121.00 $ Temp.ServicelFeeder401.600 Amp. $164.00 S Temp.ServicelFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $185,00 $ Portal tc Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ Sign/Outline Lighting $ 88.00 Signal Circuit!Limited Entergy-Multi-Family $ 54,00 5 Signa€Circuit!Limited Energy 1 First 1500 sf-Commercial S 96,00 Note: 55.00 for each additional 15CO sf Renewal Electrical Energy-SKVA System of Less $ 113.00 S Thermostat $ 56.00 5 Note:55.00 for each additional T-Stat $Tota! 1 Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized.(2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent er lease. Permit expires after six months of Iasi inspection After reading the above statement,I hereby certify that!am the owner of the above named property or a licensed elec Tical contractor. €am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N,E.C.,ll Chapter 19.28,WAG Chapter 296-466,The City of Port Angeles Munidpal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner,electrical contractor or electrical administrator: © Cash 0 check ti Q edlt Card tl �� v x Dated: Ao -� 1�, '-�o.jl?oR7'44'. ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT nKS& 417-4735 DATE IERVIT NSPF "N �CTO OVVNL:H CONTRACTOR ADDRESS APPROVED fNOT APPR� 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUGH IN/COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1:1. . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVICE . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El El. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 )l CORRECTIONS NEEDED: G,12Oy)Q V Z4. Z), W-0. )N'LL- L) 126,592 o'g're,t'i I P4, )z-c hic) " (z N LL- wb2j<6H PyLL FAptqv�&-- tA4 g� V __&_ MA 0 k .0 h 140 7 . NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS - DO NOT REMOVE - pORT.%Q, ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT ORKS 417-4735 DATE; PEMT 4 INSPECTOR ql�-Z� 0 N R CONTRACTOR ADl7-- ESS 4:-- APPROVED NOT APPRO 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0. ROUGH IN/COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 CORRECTIONS NEEDED: —C&1�05. Lle hlo-- vvizew jw-r- -A CO 17-12 -41 L- rel NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE ?OR T.1,,, ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT ip ORKS 16�1fi� 417-4735 ATE P PERMIT INSPECTOR PERMIT f, oLr UWNERICONTRACTOR L r2- LO t C.4-t J4 f1l e ADDRESS APPROVED NOT APPROVED . . . . . . DITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ❑. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUGH IN/COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . jK 0. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CORRECTIONS NEEDED: .-?CV-M t-T- V,CG u I r2-r,-2 ?Tz i o rz 577ar4l- c)TL ?AMC. 19 '0 �'04'0 fz- ( - 0 V, k' 5 A MT Jr- wjj-lAo( -3} 0 (2��l NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN COPd3_ECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITH I P(i—5D–AI�- DO NOT REMOVE OLYMPIC PRINTERS,INC.(360)452-1381 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES C4� 360-4174735 Application Dumber 13-00000402 Date 4/19/13 y Application pin number . . , 330624 ylV Property Address . . . , 22.5 E 5TH ST REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER; 06-30-00-0-1-6940-0000- Application type 'description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise tax form Subdivision Name , , , . , . to the City of Port Angeles Property Use . . , , Property (Location Code 0502) .Zoning , Application valuation , . , . 0 Application desc 2 circuits office double fee ----------------------------------------------------------------------->--- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ WILLTAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL NORTH PENINSULA ELECTRIC DISTRICT 761 FRESHWATER PARK RD 233 E 4TH S'T' PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 477-1764 (360) 417-9767 --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Permit , . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 1 Additional desc DOUBLE FEE NO PERMIT ! � Permit Fee 158.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 4/19/13 valuation . . . Expiration Date 10/16/13 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 79,00 1,00 74.0000 ECH EL-COMM. RRANCH.CIR WO/ SIF 74.00 1.00 5,0000 ECH EL-ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT 5,00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 158.00 158.00 .00 :00 Plan Check Total O0 .00 .00 .00 � Grand Total 150.00 158..00 00 .00 V INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE s ROUGH-IN FINAL 7 �X- COAEVIENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGEI 3UILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number :1..5-00000941 Date 7/29/.15 r.r Application pin number 01.:3223 Property Address . . . 225 E 5TH ST REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER! 06..30..00._0-1-6940-0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise tax form Subdivision Name . . . . . . to the City of Port Angeles Property Use Property zoning . . . (Location Code 0502) Application valuation . 0 Application desc Buck boost trans, Owner Contractor WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC DISTRICT 4230 TUMWAT'ER 233 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 38::363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 45'7...5303 (360) 41.7 9767 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional. desc . Permit Fee '74,00 Plan Check Fee . =00 Issue Date 7/29/1.5 Valuation . . . 0 Expiration Date ., 1/25/1.6 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 74.0000 ECII EL-COMM BRANCH CIR WO/ SIF 14.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit: Fee Total 74.00 74.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total. 74.00 74.00 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X late: GAEXCHANGE\BUILDING Jul 28 2015 04:15PM Olympic Electric Co., Inc 3604523498 page 1 U, 4 J CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION Building Division/Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street-P.O.BOX 1150/Port Angeles Washington,98362 Ph: (360)417-4735 Fax- (360)417-4711 t9 Date, zlz,eh 5 Multi-Family or Commercial' 'Plan Review May Be Regu�ireddl, Please Complete Electftal Plan,Review In rmation Sheet Job Adcress: Building Square Footage: Description of above Owner Information Contractor Information Name:_WLName: OLYMPICELECTRIC MalinOddress: ft� J Z t�� -;;'4V s Mailing Address: 4230 TUMVVATER State: P: -4 Z4 City:±2!_�ANIUI ES State; WA Zip:-La_0 Fant— Phone!1604,574303 fax; 3W462-3498 License#I Exp, License#/Exp.OLYMPECISS01 Item Unit Chaw Qht IgIll'ift Multiplied 1W Unit Chamt) Servies,'Feeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ Service,'Feeder 201400 Amp. $160.00 $_ Servicej'Feeder 401-600 Amp $225.00 Servic&'Feader6011-11000 Amp. $288.00 Servioej'Feeder over 1000 Amp. $410.00 $ Branch Circuit W/Service Feeder $ 5.00 Branch Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 74.00 zy Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 $_ Branch Circuits 14 $ 86,00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $10200 $_. Temp,Service/Feeder 201400 Amp, $121.00 Temp.Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $164,00 Temp.Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $18500 Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 88.00 $ Signal Circuit/Umiled Energy-Multi-Family $ 64,00 $ Signal Circuitl Umiled Energy/First 1500 sf-Commercial $ 96.00 $_ Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy-5KVA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Ncle:$5.00 for each additional T-Stat r*c> Owner as defined by RCW.19,28.261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease.Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement,I hereby certify that I am the owner of the abov6 named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N.E.C.,RCW.Chapter 19.28,WAC.Chapter 296466,The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05,050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner,electrical contractor or electrical administrator: C3 Cash C Check credit card#__ OIMI12012