HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.858 Original Contract 5. cg SR An Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County Fire District #2 Relating to the Sharing of Administrative Space and Reserve Apparatus This Agreement is entered into this~o1i-day of '-/\F\')~ ~1., 2007, between the City of Port Angeles (hereinafter "City") and Clallam Cou~(hereinafter "District"). A. Authority This Agreement is made under authority conferred to theparties by Chapter 39.34 RCW. B. Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to enhance the services provided to the citizens through more efficient and cost effective services by both jurisdictions working collaboratively and sharing their collective resources whenever practical, including facilities and apparatus. C. Shared Space 1. The City will provide to the District administrative space within Station 11, located at 102 East 5th Street. This space is to include a minimum of 2 private offices, file storage and suitable work space for an administrative assistant. a) Additional Facility Access. Use shall be available for the training room, parking area and all other areas commonly associated with the administrative functions of both Departments. b) Infrastructure. Facility keys shall be issued as required. Facility keys shall not be duplicated and may not be shared without the permission of the City's Chief. Access shall be provided to all office equipment and communications infrastructure. Access to City Internet. portals shall be established by the City IT Department. c) Scheduling. Both parties will make every attempt to schedule common rooms in order to avoid overlap. When scheduling overlaps cannot be avoided, the respective Chief Officers shall make a final scheduling determination. d) Expendable Supplies. Purchase and use of expendable office supplies shall be the responsibility of each respective jurisdiction, and separate inventories will be maintained to ensure there is no "co-mingling." Provision of expendable fa~ility supplies shall be factored into maintenance and utility costs. . Office supplies are generally those supplies that are used on a regular basis by staff for the collection, refinement and output of . Facility supplies are generally those supplies that are associated with facility housekeeping, maintenance and personal hygiene. e) Facility Modifications. Clallam County Fire District #2 shall be responsible for any facility modifications that are accomplished in order to more effectively provide District administrative services from Station 11. No modifications will be performed without the prior written approval of the City. 2. The District will provide to the City apparatus storage space within its stations or District. This space will include a minimum of two apparatus bays. a) Infrastructure. Facility keys or access information shall be issued as required. Facility keys shall not be duplicated and may not be shared without the permission of the District Chief. b) Facility Modifications. The City shall be responsible for any facility modifications that are required. No modifications will be performed without the prior Written approval of the District. D. Shared Reserve Apparatus 1. The City will allow the District to use the City's reserve medic unit for those times when a District medic unit is out-of-service due to maintenance or repair. a) Expendable Supplies. The user shall be responsible for fuel consumed, any expendable supplies used, and for the repair of any damages incurred. 2. The District will allow the City use of the District's reserve engine for those times when a City engine is out-of-service due to maintenance or repair. a) Expendable Supplies. The user shall be responsible for fuel consumed, any expendable supplies used, and for the repair of any damages incurred. b) Modifications. Any modifications needed in order to make the reserve engine compatible with City infrastructure, such as the addition of 5" supply hose, will be the responsibility of the City. The District grants permission to the City to make any compatibility modifications necessary to the reserve engine. E. Cost Sharing Neither party will charge the other party for the use of shared space or shared apparatus. The parties agree that each derives a substantial benefit from this Agreement. The parties agree that the value of the shared space and shared apparatus is reasonably equal, and the benefits of the Agreement are mutual, reciprocal, and equivalent in value. 1. Maintenance and Utilities. The District shall compensate the City for a proportionate share of maintenance and utilities at Station 11. The share shall be based upon the calculations in accordance with the formula attached as Exhibit A. - 2- 2. Miscellaneous Items. It is not possible to anticipate all of the costs or cost savings that may be realized through the sharing of office equipment. As the issues arise, both parties agree to work towards a mutually acceptable arrangement. F. Procedures To fully implement this agreement, the Fire Chiefs are authorized to develop written procedures. These procedures may be amended from time to time by mutual written. agreement of the Fire Chiefs. G. Employees Neither party's employees shall be deemed to be employees of the other party in any manner whatsoever. H. Insurance Each party agrees to maintain adequate automobile insurance and General Liability insurance coverage for its own apparatus and facilities. Limits of such coverage shall be no less than $1 million combined single limit per occurrence. I. HOLD HARMLESS The City does hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the District, its agents, employees and contractors, from and against any and all liability arising from injury or death to persons or damage to property. resulting in whole or in part from acts, errors, omissions, or negligent acts of the City, its agents, servants, officers, or employees. In the event that the District elects to defend itself against any claim or suit arising from any such injury, death, or damage, the City, in addition to providing indemnification and holding the District harmless as set forth above, shall indemnify the District for all expenses incurred by the District in defending such claim or suit, including attorney fees. The District does hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its agents, employees and contractors, from and against any and all liability arising from injury or death to persons or damage to property resulting in whole or in part from acts, errors, omissions, or negligent acts of the District, its agents, servants, officers, or employees. In the event that the City elects to defend itself against any claim or suit arising from any such injury, death, or damage, the District, in addition to providing indemnification and holding the City harmless as set forth above, shall indemnify the City for all expenses incurred by the City in defending such claim or suit, including attorney fees. J. Duration This Agreement shall become effective January 1, 2008, and shall remam m effect until terminated as provided in K. below. .., - .J- K. Termination Either party can terminate this Agreement by providing a letter of intent to terminate with not less than one year notice prior to the termination date. Said letter shall be sent to the Chief and governing body of the affected jurisdiction. L. Filing This Agreement shall be filed with the County Auditor. M. Complete Agreement This Agreement is the full and complete understanding of the parties and there are no other agreements, either verbal or written, which would alter the terms of this document. CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attest: BY&~ lJ-:iD^- Becky 1. on, Cler Approved as to form: ByJ~ -r: ~ William E. Bloor, City Attorney CLALLAM COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT #2 By: /It-1cJ~,~~ By: I;;~on I avia. 'tney, C 'ssioner By: Attest: By: '-717 y~ 7//-d:..-- M. Joan Noal, District Secretary G:\Legal_ Bac(..\lp\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\2007 Agrmts & Contracts\Fire-County5-25-07.rtf 11/2/2007 1 :22 PM \\ YQ/ " " -:-.:.:;, , , " ,._, . ~i-' ; . '" . \ . , ~ I'" !:\ \ ( - 4- Exhibit A The table below represents CCFD #2's share of the 2008 facility's utilities, supplies, and maintenance. The space rent is accounted for as part of a shared space agreement between the City of Port Angeles and CCFD #2. 2008 FIRE DEPARTMENT FACILITIES SHARED SPACE FORMULA Description Amount PAFD CCFD #2 Share Share Facility Operating Supplies (Disposables) $1,400 $1,220 $180 Facility Maintenance Supplies $1,800 $1,690.51 $109.49 Cleaning Contract $4,740 $3,175.80 $1,564.20 Utilities $24,000 $22,660.74 $1,339.26 Repairs and Maintenance $6,000 $5,638.42 $361.58 TOTALS $37,940 $34,385.47 $3,554.53 NOTES Facility Operating Supplies Cost of total disposable supplies (toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, etc.) was divided by number of personnel; 27 PAFD + 3 CCFD #2 = 30 personnel; $1,800/30 = $60 X 3 CCFD #2 personnel = $180/year Facility Maintenance Supplies The total annual cost of $1,800 was divided by facility square footage (not counting the apparatus bay). $1,800/14,420 sf= $.126/sf. $.126/sfX 869 sf (total occupied by CCFD #2) = $109.49 Cleaning Contract An outside company provides twice weekly cleaning services for the administrative areas of the facility. CCFD #2 will occupy and share approximately 33% of the areas cleaned. 33% of $4,740 contract = $1,564.20 Utilities Total square footage offacility is 23,600. Yearly utilities are $24,000 = $1/sf. Total square footage of apparatus bay is 9,180. Assume 20% of apparatus bay for utilities cost. 9,180 sf X 20% = 1,836 sf or $1,836. $24,000 annual cost -- $1,836 for apparatus bay = $22,164. $22,164/14,420 sf of living space = $1.54/sf. 519 square foot of CCFD #2 office space X $1.54/sf = $799.26. 40% of 877 sf of shared common space = 350 sf. 350 sf X $1.54 = $540. $799.26 + $540 = $1339.26. Repairs and Maintenance $6,000 per year/14,420 sf ofliving space = $.42/sf. $.42/sfX 869 sf= $361.58.