HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2022-01-26
Virtual Meeting
January 26, 2022, 6:00 p.m.
Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting at 6:10 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Andrew Schwab (Chair), Ben Stanley (Vice Chair), Colin
Young, Steve Luxton, and Richie Ahuja
City Staff Present: Emma Bolin (Interim Director of Community and Economic
Ben Braudrick (Associate Planner)
Nathan Docherty (Assistant Planner)
Chris Cowgill (Assistant City Attorney)
Public Present:
Chair Schwab closed public comments 6:12 pm
Minutes of October 27, 2021, November 10, 2021, and January 12, 2022.
1. Climate Resiliency Strategies and Actions Development.
Planner Braudrick opened up the discussion of strategies and actions to the Planning
Commissioners. He invited the Commissioners to have an open discussion about Commissioner
Young’s comments. Commissioner Young reviewed his comments and explained his reasoning.
Commissioner Stanley asked for a deadline extension due to his personal workload. Interim
Director Emma Bolin responded by reminding the Commissioners of the milestones that need to
occur in order to move the process forward. Planner Braudrick reminded the Commission that
although there is time for input, that it would be good to get comments in soon in order for it to get
into the public record for the workshop. Chair Schwab asked if there was any other input.
Commissioner Ahuja responded that he would try and get comments by the weekend. He wanted
further the discussion on cost and equity.
Commission Young continued his review. Discussion followed on water resources, buildings and
energy, and transportation.
2. DCED Planning Division and Planning Commission 2022 projects.
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Planning Commission Minutes
January 26, 2022
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Interim Director Bolin discussed the Planning Division and Planning Commission projects to
work on for 2022. Discussed the Community and Economic Developments work plan and ongoing
projects. Staff knows that the Commission will be working on in 2022 is the Climate Resiliency
Plan and its Implementation Plan, the latter in the summer or fall. The City is likely to receive a
final determination from FEMA on our flood insurance rate maps, and then we'll have 6 months to
adopt a new floodplain ordinance. Discussed continuance of work on subdivision code and zoning
definitions and how we can accomplish making modifications in response to development realities.
She named this the Residential Building Capacity Check-In. There are some current projects that
will not require Planning Commission input these are grant application for the Housing Action Plan
that will help in updating development fees, also development of an Accessory Dwelling Unit
prototype to help find a path for pre-approved designs, and Multi-family Housing Tax Exemption
update. There might be an advisory role to the Planning Commission to help engage with the
development community.
Interim Director Bolin opened the discussion for Phase II Development Code Update. The goal is
to have a joint City Council and Planning Commission meeting to discuss this more in depth in
March. There are work sessions that occur once a month on the 4th Tuesday in the month. Wants
to start working with a consultant to adequately plan for this meeting. Discussed items that Planning
Commission would have interest in short-term rental program and working on procedures for
enforcement and design standards. At this moment we don't see us having capacity, nor do we have
a business license process to fully implement a mature, short term rental program. Discussed Urban
Canopy Plan and complimentary code. We will need to update our Environment Sensitive Areas
plan and the Urban Canopy Plan might fit nicely into this update.
Planner Braudrick reports that he is planning to have a workshop in March for climate resiliency
that will likely take place during a regular Planning Commission meeting.
Chair Schwab discussed looking at signage and fixing and updating the sign code. Chair Schwab
added Commissioner Luxton’s items of discussion to the next meeting.
Vice Chair Stanley discussed having more time to have comments in. Vice Chair Stanley supports
prioritizing affordable housing and housing density over the urban canopy plan. Discussed focusing
on creating affordable housing that would allow the option to live in the community and get around
town without a car. Would like to understand the barriers to development amongst the development
Commissioner Ahuja agreed with Vice Chair Stanley more time would be needed to have
comments turned into staff. Commissioner Ahuja discusses following up with departments about
concerns to understand motivations and affirms we should go all in on housing as it is closely tied
to jobs and much more.
Commissioner Luxton inquired Interim Director Bolin about the new code update and if the
ordinance was now in effect; discussion followed. Discussed affordable housing as being the
number one problem we are facing right now, discussion followed. We still need to focus on
Residential Building Capacity and Urban Standards, discussion followed. Is working on compiling
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Planning Commission Minutes
January 26, 2022
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a list of five items to discuss at the next meeting, discussion followed.
Commissioner Young discussed the cost and feasibility associated with climate resiliency plans.
Commissioner young presented discussed and presented his comments for the Climate Resiliency
Plan. Commissioner Young agrees housing is a top priority, discussion followed. At some point
we should revisit the code we implemented specifically in reference to block frontages.
Commissioner Young would like to focus on parking requirements, discussion followed.
The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
Ben Braudrick for Andrew Schwab, Chair
Nathan Docherty, Secretary
PREPARED BY: Nathan Docherty, Secretary
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