HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2022-09-14
Virtual Meeting
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
September 14, 2022 6:00 p.m.
Acting Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting at 6:03 P.M.
Commissioners Present: Tammy Dziadek, Andrew Schwab (Acting Chair), Marolee Smith,
Colin Young
Commissioners Absent: Richie Ahuja, Benjamin Stanley (excused)
City Staff Present: Ben Braudrick (Senior Planner)
Chris Cowgill (Assistant City Attorney)
Holden Fleming (Housing Coordinator)
Norman Gollub (Interim Director of Community and Economic
Zach Trevino (Assistant Planner)
Public Present: James Taylor
Acting Chair Schwab opened the meeting to public comment.
No member of the public provided comment.
Acting Chair Schwab closed the meeting to public comment.
Commissioner Smith moved to approve the minutes from the August 10, 2022 regular meeting of
the Planning Commission. Commissioner Dziadek seconded. The motion passed unanimously (4-
1. Continued discussion of proposed changes to Port Angeles Municipal Code Title 17
Presentation of staff memorandum providing itemized feedback and recommendations in
response to the Commission’s proposal to proceed with implementation of amendments to Title
17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) aimed at advancing housing solutions.
Acting Chair Schwab introduced the item and turned the discussion over to staff.
Planner Braudrick introduced the continued discussion about the Commission’s
recommendations for changing the Zoning Code to encourage more housing. He explained that,
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September 14, 2022
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while staff has not prepared a new presentation, they have thoroughly reviewed the proposed
language as originally presented by former Commissioner Stephen Luxton and addressed each of
the proposed changes in a memorandum. This memorandum, included in the September 14th
Planning Commission Agenda Packet, includes staff’s comments and feedback on each of the
proposed changes to Title 17 PAMC, as they were originally presented to the Commission at the
July 13th Planning Commission meeting. This memorandum was intended to facilitate further
discussion of the proposal. Planner Braudrick reminded the Commission that Chair Stanley had
asked at the August 10th meeting whether the Commissioners had any further input about changes
that could be made to Title 17 PAMC.
Following staff’s introduction, Acting Chair Schwab opened the discussion to the Commissioners.
He noted that, since Chair Stanley and Commissioner Ahuja wanted to discuss the proposed
changes as well, that it may be ideal to table further discussion until the next meeting so they have
the change to participate in the conversation.
Commissioner Dziadek explained that she has been reading about these issues. She noted that one
book, Golden Gates by Conor Dougherty, contains recommendations for zoning reform, including
the elimination of single-family zoning, as well as the construction of more affordable housing to
stem displacement. Another book she is reading, Evicted by Matthew Desmond, identifies the
significant problem of eviction that cities across the country are facing.
Commissioner Young stated that he would withhold his comment until the absent Commissioners
are able to participate in the discussion.
Commissioner Smith stated that she liked what she read and found it interesting but wants
additional time to review the memorandum more thoroughly. Responding to Commissioner
Dziadek’s raising of the topic of eviction, she noted that one problem facing Port Angeles is that
many people have moved to the City from out of the area, purchased inexpensive multi -family
homes, raised the rental rates, and pushed existing tenants out. No law prevents this from
happening, but it will continue to become a larger problem here and elsewhere in the county. This
raising of rental rates has the effect of changing the whole landscape of the community. She
explained that she looks forward to hearing the other Commissioners’ thoughts on this matter.
Acting Chair Schwab noted that the Commission expects for this item to be placed on the next
Planning Commission meeting agenda for continued discussion by all Commissioners.
Planner Braudrick provided updates to the Commission, as follows:
• On September 6, 2022, Staff provided an informational memorandum to the City Council
explaining the steps that have been taken so far in the Planning Commission’s effort to amend
Title 17 PAMC. The memorandum included an overview of the steps that will need to be taken
in the future as part of this effort, for the purpose of informing the City Council of the
anticipated process. The goal of including the memorandum was to make the Council aware
that this effort will be added to their work plan and eventually move forward for their formal
review and decision.
• At the September 6, 2022 City Council meeting, the Council added a late agenda item directing
staff to analyze how the City can include provisions for religious organizations to allow for
emergency shelter and temporary housing on their properties. As a result of this direction, staff
prepared a memorandum outlining several alternative approaches to accomplishing this.
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September 14, 2022
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Planner Braudrick noted that the item would be placed on the September 20th City Council
meeting agenda, with the agenda being made available online on September 16th.
Commissioner Smith stated that she thought Washington State law allows churches to
establish whatever type of housing they want on their property without a city preventing it.
Planner Braudrick responded that this is correct, as long as public safety and proper sanitation
are ensured. Commissioner Smith noted that this relates to allowing recreational vehicles
(RVs) to be used as dwelling units on private property. Planner Braudrick noted that there is
potential for further consideration of that, but at this point there has been no focus on the
temporary use of RVs outside of the conditional use permit process that religious organizations
would be subject to.
Commissioner Smith asked whether the parking of RVs on City property is included in this
analysis of temporary housing provided by religious organizations. Planner Braudrick
responded that the discussion of RVs on public property as part of “safe parking areas” is more
of a regional discussion. It is possible that an area could be designated for that type of use,
subject to applicable safety measures. Planner Fleming added that whatever requirements and
framework the Council adopts enabling religious organizations to house the homeless on their
property could be utilized to allow for safe parking structures. He has spoken about this matter
with Clallam County and local organizations, through which he has been able to determine that
safe parking areas on public property would likely be addressed in a similar process to what is
being discussed regarding religious organizations. Commissioner Smith noted that she had
contacted every church in Port Angeles twelve years ago to assess their interest in entertaining
an initiative to provide temporary housing on their property. At the time, they were resistant to
the idea, so she hopes that outreach is occurring now to obtain their support.
• Staff will be creating a special meeting for the Commission on September 29th to enable the
Commissioners to attend the Washington State Department of Commerce’s Short Course on
Local Planning, scheduled for Thursday, September 29th from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
• The façade of the Lee Plaza Building owned by the Peninsula Housing Authority is being
updated, and a façade grant application has been submitted, which staff anticipates being
presented to the Planning Commission at an upcoming meeting.
• A request for applications for filling the vacant Planning Commission seat will be distributed
to the public by the City Clerk soon. Any candidate that has already expressed interest to the
City regarding the vacant position will be contacted.
• The City’s Housing Coordinator provided a presentation on September 14th to the Association
of Washington Cities, which included an overview of the Planning Commission’s activities
aimed at increasing housing availability in the City.
Planner Fleming provided an update to the Commission, as follows:
• The presentation he provided on September 14th to the Association of Washington Cities was
a productive conversation. He noted that the Planning Commission’s work makes a positive
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September 14, 2022
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and noticeable impact on the community. The City serves as a leader statewide, and local
jurisdictions such as the City of Sequim seek advice from the City of Port Angeles.
Acting Chair Schwab reminded the Commission that individual Commissioners cannot attend
City Council meetings and speak during the public comment period on behalf of the Planning
Commission unless they are sent to the meeting as a representative of the Commission through an
approved motion. However, individual Commissioners may attend public meetings and comment
as private citizens, as long as they specify that they are not speaking as a representative of the
Commission when doing so.
Commissioner Dziadek expressed her intent to read as much as she can to increase her knowledge
and better serve the City. One book she plans on reading is The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein.
Planner Braudrick responded by stating that staff could provide a reading list to the Commission
of suggested educational resources.
Acting Chair Schwab opened the meeting to public comment for a second time.
James Taylor provided comment, stating that he had submitted an application for membership on
the Planning Commission in 2021, so is monitoring the status of the current vacancy so he can
resubmit his application at the appropriate time.
Acting Chair Schwab closed the meeting to public comment.
Commissioner Young made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Smith seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously (4-0).
The meeting adjourned at 6:38 p.m.
Zach Trevino, Secretary Andrew Schwab, Acting Chair
MINUTES PREPARED BY: Zach Trevino, Secretary
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