HomeMy WebLinkAbout3710ORDINANCE NO. 3-7 1 D
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
portions of Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code_
section 1. Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amended by amending
sections of Title 17 as follows:
1 17.01.010 Purpose.
Zoning Code is adopted for the following purposes:
To proteet the eh and maintain the stability of residential, commercial,
and public and mixed use areas within the City, and to promote the orderly
appropriate development of such areas.
JE. To limit congestion in the public streets and to protect the public health, safety,
ience, and general welfare by providing for off-street parking standards for of
vehicles, the loading and unloading of commercial vehicles, public transit access,
pedestrian safety.
To establish building lines and the location of buildings designed for residential,
manufacturing, public, or other mixed uses within such lines_
17.01.020 - Purposes of zones.
zones in this Zoning Code are established for the following purposes:
R- -7R7 Zone. This is a Iewmixed density residential zone intended to create and
ide a diverse mix of infill housing and single fihmi single -household
ial neighborhoods that historically consisted eensistig of predominantly single
it homes single -household dwellings on standard townsite-size lots. Uses which are
Page 1 of 79
patible with and functionally related to a single -fi-n4 a diverse mix of lower and
residential environments may also be located in this zone. Because of land
use impacts associated with nonresidential uses, few nonresidential uses are allowed in
this zone and then only conditionally. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern
for the City's single family original townsite residential neighborhoods, following a
standard rectangular street grid system of 60-foot rights -of -way for local access streets and
300-foot by 450 or 500-foot blocks with 50-foot by 140-foot lots and usually located in
that are largely developed and closer to the center of the City.
R, --9R9 Zone. This is a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve
single single -household residential neighborhoods consisting of
riinantly single fun i4-ysinle-household honwsdwellings on larger than standard
ite-size lots. Uses that are compatible with and functionally related to a
idential environment may be located in this zone. Because of land use
impacts associated with nonresidential uses, few nonresidential uses are allowed in this
zone and then only conditionally. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land use
for the City's single f mil~ -sin le -household residential neighborhoods, following
curvilinear street system of non -through public and private streets with irregularly
aped lots, minimum 75-foot front lot lines, and 60-foot rights -of -way for collector
streets in large rectangular blocks and usually located in outlying areas with large
of vacant buildable land.
P.944R11 Zone. This is a low density residential zone intended to create and
suburban sized single vA4-ysingle-household residential neighborhoods
of predominantly single isingle-household hefftesdwellings on larger than
sized townsite-sized lots, while maintaining densities at or more than four
yelling units per acre. Uses that are compatible with and functionally related to a single
► 4 }ya ngle-household residential environment may be located in this zone. Because of
nd use impacts associated with nonresidential uses, few nonresidential uses are allowed
this zone and then only conditionally. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land
e pattern for the City's single-family residential neighborhoods, following a curvilinear
reet system of non -through public and private streets with irregularly shaped lots,
inimum 75-foot front lot lines, and 60-foot rights -of -way for collector arterial streets in
Page 2 of 79
ee 1
large rectangular blocks and usually located in outlying areas with large tracts of vacant
buildable land.
D. RTP Overlay Zone. This is a mediummixed density residential zone intended
inantly for mebile home tate re fated manufactured structure occupancies, and
the area is regarded as essentially residential in character. Few nonresidential uses are
allowed in this zone and then only conditionally, because of land use impacts associated
with nonresidential uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for the City's
I lots.
lot, single f-~i'nin le -household, mobilemanufactured home parks, following an
far urban land use pattern of private access roads and minimum 3.500 square foot
RMD Zone. This is a medium density residential zone, which allows a mix of
ingle single -household dwellings, duplexes and apartments at a minimum density
greater than single f milysj le -household neighborhoods but less than the RHD Zone.
The permitted uses in the RMD Zone are also intended to be moreless restrictive than the
RHD Zone. Commercial uses are not considered to be compatible. Few nonresidential uses
are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally, because of land use impacts
associated with nonresidential uses. This zone provides for variety in the urban land use
:rn for the City's lower density multi -family residential neighborhoods (at twice the
ity of the City's basic single familyinQle-household residential neighborhoods) with
;t access on an arterial street, and serving as a transitional use between low density
ial uses and commercial/industrial uses.
RHD Zone. This is a high density residential zone for multi -family structures.
:ompatible uses may be allowed on conditional use permits, but the zone is still regarded
s a residential area, where commercial enterprises are not generally felt to be compatible.
ew nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally, because of
use impacts associated with nonresidential uses. This zone provides the basic urban
use pattern for the City's higher density multi -family residential neighborhoods (at
developed and closer to the center of the City.
usually Iocated in areas that are
ge 3 of 79
G. PRD Overlay Zone. This overlay zone is to provide alternative zoning regulations
which permit and encourage design flexibility, conservation and protection of natural
critical areas, and innovation in residential developments to those regulations found in the
underlying zone. It is intended that a Planned Residential Development will result in a
residential environment of higher quality than traditional lot -by -lot development by use of
a design process which includes within the site design all the components of a residential
neighborhood, such as open space, circulation, building types, and natural features, in a
consonant with the public health, safety, and welfare. It is also intended that a
Planned Residential Development may combine a number of land use decisions such as
conditional use permits, rezones, and subdivisions into a single project review process to
encourage timely public hearings and decisions and to provide for more open space and
transitional housing densities than is required or may be permitted between single family
ial zones of differing density. The consolidation of permit reviews
does not exempt applicant(s) from meeting the regulations and submitting the fees and
applications normally required for the underlying permit processes. Few nonresidential
uses are allowed in this overlay zone and then only conditionally, because of land use
impacts associated with nonresidential uses. This overlay zone provides for the
opportunity to create self-contained residential neighborhoods with a variety of housing
without following a standard system of public streets and lot design and with
allowances for mixed use, residential and commercial developments not usually permitted
in residential zones.
L. CBD Zone. This is a eemmer-eialmixed use zone intended to strengthen and
preserve the area commonly known as the downtown for major retail, service, financial,
and other commercial operations that serve the entire community, the regional market, and
This zone has standards to improve pedestrian access and amenities and to
public enjoyment of the shoreline. Commercial uses that are largely devoid of any
pacts detrimental to the environment are allowed. This zone provides the basic urban
id use pattern for high density, pedestrian oriented, commercial uses located in the center
the City with direct access to mass transit services, design standards for compatible
mmercial development, and support for public parking and business improvements-
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Home occupation permit. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that an occupation
business undertaken within a dwelling uPAprimary or accessory structure located in a
idential use district is incidental and subordinate to the primary use and is compatible
ith the residential e-hete of the exisbmg neighborhood. This special use permit
-ovides allowances for business activities taking place within a residential use.
T. Bed and breakfast permit. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that abed and
-.akfast is compatible with its surrounding properties, and when located in a residential
ighborhood, to—pr-eserve the residential ehafaeter- of the neighbor -hood an ensure
ion for the surrounding residences. This special use provides procedures
land regulations for business activities taking place within a residential use.
Adult entertainment use. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that adult
nment businesses are appropriately located and operated within the City of Port
s, are compatible with uses allowed within the City, and are conducive to the public
safety and welfare. This chapter provides procedures and regulations for specific
business activities.
Retail stand permit. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that retail stands are
located in the commercial and public areas, are compatible with the uses
lowed in such areas, and are conducive to the public health, safety, and welfare, and to
the diversity of retail stand activity. This special use provides procedures and
ations for business activities taking place outside a building or on public property.
W. Junk yard conditional use. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that junk yards
e appropriately located, are compatible with uses allowed within the City, and are
ucive to the public health, safety and welfare. This chapter provides for junk yards to
/'IN I Pe permitted through the conditional use permit process.
age 5 of 79
Commercial, Office
Commercial, Neighborhood
Community Shopping District
Central Business District
Commercial, Regional
Industrial Park
Planned Residential Development Overlay Zone
Industrial, Light
Industrial, Heavy
Industrial, Marine
Page 6 of 79
Public Building - Park
For -es! Lan&
Planned Low Impact Development Zone
Infill Overlay Zone
17.08.010 - "A.'r
A. Accessoa buildin . See "Building, accessory."
AB. Accessory use. The subordinate and incidental use of land or buildings on a lot. A
use is to be considered accessory when it occupies less than 50 percent of a building's or
lot's total square footage.
BC. Accessory dwelling unit (ADU). ^r bitable uk- -Ad-deto, created-=:r=thin, 9F
unlike a duplex, i! is elear-ly ineidental te a detached p -le household dwelling
(^ R ) ; twig 44P. See "Dwelling unit, accessory."
ED. Adult family home. A dwelling of a person or persons who are providing personal
care, room, and board to more than one but not more than six adults who are not related
by blood or marriage to the person or persons providing the services and who are licensed
by the State of Washington pursuant to Chapter 70.128 RCW and Chapter 388.76 WAC
(Adult Family Home regulations).
Affordable housing. Residential housing available for sale or rent that requires a
ly housing cost, including utilities other than telephone, of no more than 30 percent
of the income of an eligible household. An eligible household is one with a total household
t*'1 I lincome no greater than 80 percent of the Clallam County median income as reported by
the Washington State Office of Financial Management.
Page 7 of 79
Alley_ A public right-of-way which provides service access to abutting property.
of an allev-street subdivision configurati
isfv the minimum lot frontage requi
vision of a standard City lot that results in one lot
ith street frnntnae and one lot with exclusi
1-H. Amendment. A change in language of the zoning text which is an official part of
these Zoning Regulations.
Animal care. Any commercial facility where house pets are groomed, trained,
(including pet day care), provided medical treatment (such as veterinary clinics
and animal hospitals), or sheltered for adoption. The use does not include kennels. The use
is primarily indoors and may include limited, ancillary outdoor space. Retail sales may be
I incidental.
Animal husbandry, commercial. The care and raising of animals, particularly farm
animals, for agricultural or other commercial purposes, provided that this shall not include
non-commercial animal husbandry, private horse stables, up to three dogs and cats which
are not house pets, or house pets.
Animal husbandry, non-commercial. The care and raising of animals for non-
mercial purposes, provided that this shall not include private non-commercial horse
les, kennels, up to three dogs and cats which are not house pets, or house pets.
Antenna. Any pole, panel, rod, reflection disc including satellite earth station
nna as defined by 47 CFR Sections 1.4000 and 25.104, or similar device used for the
smission and/or reception of radio frequency signals.
M. Antenna support structure. Any building or structure other than a tower which can
used for location of telecommunications facilities.
. Applicant. Any person that applies for approval from the City.
40. Application. The process by which the owner of a parcel of land within the City
ubmits a request to develop, construct, build, modify, erect or use such parcel of land.
Application" includes all written documentation, verbal statements, and representations,
whatever form or forum, made by an applicant to the City concerning such a request.
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NP. Articulation. The giving of emphasis to architectural elements (like windows,
balconies, entries, etc.) that create a complementary pattern or rhythm, dividing large
buildings into smaller identifiable pieces.
9Q. Articulation interval. The measure of articulation, the distance before architectural
elements repeat.
PR. Artisan manufacturing. Production of goods by the use of hand tools or small-scale,
light mechanical equipment occurring solely within an enclosed building where such
ion requires no outdoor operations or storage, and where the production,
)ns, and storage of materials related to production occupy no more than one
building on a lot. Typical uses have negligible negative impact on surrounding properties
and may include uses such as, but not limited to, woodworking and cabinet shops, ceramic
studios, jewelry manufacturing and similar types of arts and crafts, makers spaces,
production of alcohol and food processing.
Assisted living facility. Any home or other institution that provides housing, basic
services, and assumes general responsibility for the safety and well-being of the residents
(for seven or more residents) and may also provide domiciliary care consistent with
Chapter 142, laws of 2004 in Chapter 18.20.020 RCW.
RT. Attainable housing. Residential housing available for sale or rent that requires a
monthly housing cost, including utilities other than telephone, of no more than 30 percent
of the net income of an eligible household. For purposes of the preceding sentence, an
eligible household is one with a total net household income no greater than 120 percent of
the Clallam County median income as reported by the Washington State Office of
Financial Management.
Automotive service and repair. Any land or facility used for the repair and
e of automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, trailers, or similar vehicles including,
not limited to, fender, muffler, or upholstery work, oil change and lubrication, tire
ice and sales. The use may include incidental retail sales of automobile parts and
The term excludes dismantling or salvage.
17.08.015 - " B."
Page 9 of 79
A. Bed and breakfast. A sing miI5, i Ie-household residence which remains
owner -occupied at all times and provides lodging for guests and travelers for a period of
up to 30 days, and where food service is typically limited to breakfast which may be served
to overnight guests only. Bed and breakfasts are outright permitted uses in all residential
high and medium density zones, but are a conditional use in residential single-
€amil single -household zones.
K. Business. See "Establishment business or commercial. "
KL. Business parking lot and/or structures. A commercial off-street parking lot or
structure used exclusively for parking and/or storage of vehicles.
17.08.020 - "C."
IF. Commission. The appointed Planning Commission establishcd and rc ulatcd b
Q. Cotter a housin . See "Dwelling. cottage housing.'
QR. Council. The City Council.
RS. Club or lodge, private. A non-profit association of persons who are bona fide
members paying annual dues, which owns, hires, or leases a building or portion thereof,
the use of such premises being restricted to members and their guests.
117.08.025 - "D."
Density. The ratio of the number of dwelling units per area of land, typically used
nonstrate the minimum or maximum number of dwelling units available for
of a minimum of 4 and maximum of 7 uni
Page 10 of 79
C. Densi Medium. Residential development of a minimum of 4 units and no
maximum units per acre that consists of a mix of middle housin and multifamily
structures along with single household dwellings.
D. Density,High. Residential development of a minimum of S units and no maximum
units per acre that consists of a mix of middle housing and multifamily structures.
E. DensiM Mixed. Residential development of a maximum 25 units per acre that
consists of a mix of residential infill housing types identified in Chapter 17.21 and single
household dwelling units.
IMF. Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) means City of Port
Angeles Community and Economic Development Department.
GG. Departure. A provision allowing for applicants to propose alternative means of
compliance with a specific standard on a voluntary basis, provided they meet the purpose
of the standard. See PAMC 17.22.040 for more information on departures.
PH. Detached building. See the definition for "Building, accessory".
E-I. Development. Any activity which would alter the elevation of the land, remove or
destroy plant life, cause structures of any kind to be installed, erected, or removed, divide
the land into two or more parcels, or any use or extension of the use of the land.
FJ. District. A portion of a planning area which is defined by the primary uses located
in that portion of the planning area.
GK. Dormitory. A residence hall providing sleeping rooms, with or without eating
14L. Duplex. n buiiding, t ,w we dwelling units. See d 'Ycix standards in GhaY te
17.L' D�:G. See "Dwelling Unit, Duplex. "
IEM. Dwelling or dwelling unit. A building or portion thereof with one or more rooms
which are arranged, designed or used for occupancy as separate living quarters for the
exclusive use of a single household and is constructed in accordance with the International
Building Code or International Residential Code or park models as defined in the
American National Standards Institute A119.5 standard for park trailers. Permanently
installed kitchen, sleeping, and sanitary facilities must always be provided within the
dwelling unit. A dwelling or dwelling unit does not include a house trailer that does not
meet ANSI -Al 19.5 nor does it include hotels, motels or lodging houses.
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N. Dwelling unit accesso . A habitable unit added to created within or detached
from a Primm single -household residential dwelling that provides basic requirements for
living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation as outlined by the International Residential
Building Code. An ADU is distinguishable from a duplex in that unlike a duplex, it is
clearly incidental to a detached primary single -household dwelling_ both in use and
appearance. An ADU mqy also be referred to as an accessory residential unit ARU in
this title.
JO. Dwelling, cottage housing. A small single -household dwelling that is clustered with
other similar units sharing a common open space. See cottage housing standards
in Chapter 17.21 PANIC.
P. Dwelling Unit Duplex, A building containing two dwelling units. See duplex
standards in Chapter 17.21 PANIC.
K-Q. Dwelling, multi family. A building or a portion thereof containing three or more
dwelling units. The term also includes any dwelling unit within a mixed use building.
LR. Dwelling, single -household. A building containing one dwelling unit.
MS. Dwelling, small lot single -household. A building containing one dwelling unit on a
lot less than 5,000 square feet in area. See small lot single -household standards in Chapter
17.21 PANIC
T. Dwelling, townhouse. A dwelling unit that shares one or more common or abutting
walls with one or more dwelling units and has exterior access. A townhouse does not share
common floors/ceilings with other dwelling units. See townhouse standards in Chapter
17.21 PANIC.
17.08.035 - "F."
B. Farming, commercial. The planting and cultivating of crops for agricultural or other
commercial purposes, provided that this shall not include private gardening or greenhouse structures
accessory to single familvsinp-le-household dwelling.
G. Fronta e. See "Buildinz frontaize " Or "Lot frontage.'
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GH. Fuel station. A retail use primarily involving automobile fuels and specialized structures for
selling fuel and fuel storage tanks, often underground. These establishments may provide incidental
retail sales of food and other convenience items.
M. Fuel yard or bulk plant. That portion of a property where flammable or combustible liquids
are received by tank vessel or tank vehicle and are stored or blended in bulk for the purpose of
distributing such liquids by tank vessel, tank vehicle, portable tank or container for subsequent resale
and not to the consuming public.
17.08.040 - "G."
Group living. A building, portion of a building or a complex of buildings under unified
control and management which contains facilities for living, sleeping, sanitation, eating and cooking
for occupancy for residential uses; and which does not otherwise meet the definition of another
residential use defined in this chapter and does not include any type of group living facility that is
licensed by the State of Washington. Eating and cooking areas may be shared in whole or part.
17.08.045 - "H."
C. Hi h Density. See "Densi High"
C-D. Household. One person or two or more persons living together as a single, nonprofit,
housekeeping unit. A household may also be referred to as "family" in this title.
DE. Home occupation. An occupation or business activity which results in a product or service,
is conducted in whole or in part in the dwelling unit, and is clearly incidental and subordinate to the
residential use of the property.
EF. Hospital. An institution specializing in giving clinical, temporary, and emergency services
of a medical or surgical nature to human patients and licensed by Washington State law.
Hospital, mental (including treatment of alcoholics). An institution licensed by Washington
agencies under provisions of law to offer facilities, care, and treatment for cases of mental and
,us disorders and alcoholics.
Hospice. A facility for the terminally ill.
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Hostel. A residential structure or commercial building where transient accommodations for
0 days or less (daily or weekly) for the traveling public are provided and for which the
contain no more than one shared kitchen facility and do not have individual
sleeping rooms. Hostels are differentiated by housing type and/or owner occupancy as follows:
1. Owner occupied single-family residential hostels are allowed in the same zones as
bed and breakfasts.
2. Non -owner occupied commercial structure hostels are allowed by the same process
and in the same zones as hotels and motels.
1. Hotel. A facility offering transient lodging accommodations for 30 days or less to the general
and that may include additional facilities and services, such as restaurants, meeting rooms,
services, etc.
K. House pets. Domestic animals such as dogs, cats, fish, birds, rodents, and reptiles, not
ncluding inherently dangerous species of animals, which sleep and are primarily housed in a
ing unit together with their owners.
17.08.050 - "L"
Infill Overlay Zone (IOZ). A site -specific development that has been approved by the City
r the provisions of Chapter 17.45 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Internal walkway. Any pedestrian path or pedestrian walkway internal to a development.
includes sidewalks along private streets.
7.08.065 - "L."
ine lot."
Aolftb� I J6H. Lot frontage. The length of the front lot line measured at the street right-of-way line. Alleys
not considered right-of-way providing a lot frontage when anv front&e along a street is present.
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For the purpose of an alley -street subdivision configuration, lot fropine along an alley is sufficient
to satisfy the minimum lot frontage requirement.
Hi. Lot, irregular. A lot that has an irregular shape, such as narro-vk necks. points. legs and
Lot line. A line of record bounding a lot that divides one lot from another lot or from a public
or private street or any other public right-of-way or public space.
Lot, panhandle (also known asflag). A lot generally in the shape of a flag where access is
y provided by a narrow, private right-of-way or driveway also known as the "panhandle."
-L. Lot types.
1. Allen access lot. A lot with right of wan access only on an alle-
4-2. Corner lot. A lot at a junction of, and fronting on, two or more intersecting streets,
forming an interior angle of less than 135 degrees.
-23. Interior lot. A lot other than a corner or through lot.
34. Double frontage or through lot. A lot having frontage on two parallel, or
approximately parallel, streets. Both lot lines abutting streets shall be deemed front
lot lines. Lots with rear alley frontage shall not be considered through lots.
4-5. Reverse frontage lot. A double frontage or through lot that is not accessible from one
of the parallel or nonintersecting streets on which it fronts.
LM. Lot, zoning. A single tract of land located within a single block, which at the time of filing
for a building permit, is designated by its owner or developer as a tract to be used, developed, or built
on as a unit, under single ownership or control. A zoning lot may or may not coincide with a lot
Lot line, front. In the case of an interior lot, a line separating the lot from a street or all
=way, and in the case of a double frontage or through lot, a line separating the lot from a street
from which a drive access may be permitted and located by the City. In the case of a
lot, a property owner may designate either line separating the lot from street rights -of -way as
primary front lot line, therefore creating a subsequent -an additional front lot line. For a lot with
irregular shape, narrow neck, point and panhandle, the front lot line is the shortest lot line
the panhandle portion of the lot, excluding the unbuildable portion of the pole.
Lot line, rear. That boundary of a lot which is most distant from and is most nearly parallel
the front lot line.
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Lot line, side. Any boundary of a lot which is not a front nor a rear lot line.
Lot line, zero. A concept utilized to permit a structure or wall of a building to be located on
properly line.
Lot coverage. The amount or percent of the ground area of a lot on which buildings are
. This amount/percent shall include all buildings which are partially or totally enclosed and
1 by an impervious roof, including any garages, carports, covered patios, and cantilevered
s of a building, and structures covered by an impervious roof even if not fully enclosed. Lot
does not include the first horizontal 30 inches of the roof overhang, nor does it include
decks and porches or other structures not higher than 30 inches from the ground.
Lot width. The horizontal distance between side lines of a lot measured at right angles to the
lot depth along a straight line parallel to the front lot line at the minimum required building setback
U. Low impact development (LID) facilitiesl&Ws are distributed stormwater management
integrated into a project design, that emphasize pre -disturbance hydrologic processes of
infiltration, filtration, storage, evaporation and transpiration. LID facilities/BMPs include, but are not
limited to: bioretention, rain gardens, permeable pavements, roof downspout controls, dispersion,
soil quality and depth, minimal excavation foundations, vegetated roofs, and water re -use.
Low powered, networked telecommunications facilities. Those facilities with maximum
transmitter peak output power that do not exceed one watt and are less than 14 inches by 16 inches
eight inches with an antenna no greater than 30 inches.
,17.08.070 - "M."
Manufactured home. Factory built, single}household structures that meet the National
Home Construction and Safety Standards Act (42 U.S.C. § 5401), commonly known
the HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) Code, and that also meets the
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Bears an insignia issued by the appropriate federal agency indicating compliance with the
ction standards of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), as
amended and as approved by the State of Washington;
2. Is placed on an on -grade permanent foundation or on footings and piers or on blocks in
`accordance with HUD's specifications for the specific home and has skirting installed so that no more
one foot of the skirting is visible above grade;
3. Has all transport appurtenances removed;
-54. Is served by underground electrical power; and
65. Was originally constructed with and prior to occupancy has a composition or wood shake or
coated metal, or similar roof of not less than 3:12 pitch.
Medium Den
Mixed use structure. A single structure or building containing two or more complementary,
and functionally integrated, or mutually -supporting uses (such as housing, offices,
retail, public service, or entertainment).
Mobile home. See the definition for "Trailer, house ".
J. Modulation. The stepping forward or backwards a portion of the fagade as a means to
articulate or add visual interest to the facade.
1K. Motel. See definition for "Hotel".
JL. Motor freight terminal. A building or area in which freight brought by motor truck is
assembled and/or stored for routing intrastate and interstate shipment by motor truck.
IM. Multi- anvil dwellin . See "Dwelling,multi-family."
17.08.075 - "N."
roor area. See "Floor area, net A ."
Nonconforming building or structure. Any building or structure that does not conform with
the lot area, yard, height, or lot coverage restrictions in these Zoning Regulations, either at the
effective date of these regulations or as the result of subsequent amendments to these regulations.
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GD. Nonconforming lot. A legally established lot, the area, dimensions or location of which met
the applicable zoning code requirements in effect at the time the lot was created, but which fails by
reason of such adoption, revision or amendment of these Zoning Regulations, to conform to the
present requirements of the zone in which it is located.
DE. Nonconforming use. Any use of land, building or structure which does not comply with all
of these Zoning Regulations or of any amendment hereto governing use for the zoning district in
which such use is situated.
EF. Noxious matter. Material capable of causing injury to living organisms by chemical reaction,
or is capable of causing detrimental effects upon the physical or economic well-being of individuals.
FG. Nursing home. Any home or residential facility licensed per 18.51 RCW that operates or
maintains facilities providing convalescent or chronic care for a period in excess of 24 consecutive
hours for three or more patients not related by blood or marriage to the operator, who by reason of
illness or infirmity, are unable to properly care for themselves. Nothing in this definition shall be
construed to include any "assisted living facility".
17.08.085 - "P."
A. Park Model. A mobile home intended for anent or semi- anent installation and in
compliance with ANSI A 119.5. See WAC 296-150P for additional information.
AB. People with functional disabilities. People with functional disabilities means: (I) a person
who, because of a recognized chronic physical or mental condition or disease, is functionally
disabled to the extent of (a) needing care, supervision or monitoring to perform activities of daily
living or instrumental activities of daily living, or (b) needing supports to ameliorate or compensate
for the effects ofthe functional disabilities so as to lead as independent a life as possible, or (c) having
a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life
activities, or (d) having a record of such impairment; or (2) being regarded as having such an
impairment, but such term does not include current, illegal use of, or active addiction to a controlled
BC. Permanent supportive housing. Defined by RCW 36.70A.030.
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GD. Permeable pavement pervious concrete, porous asphalt, permeable pavers or other forms of
pervious or porous paving material. Intended to allow passage of water through the pavement
section. It often includes an aggregate base that provides structural support and acts as a stormwater
DE. Person. Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or other legal
entity, private or public, whether for profit or not for profit.
EF. Personal care services. Uses involved in providing nonmedical body and health services to
the general public, including, but not limited to, salons, barbers, tanning, massage therapy, tailors,
and tattoo parlors. These uses may include accessory retail sales.
FG. Planned industrial development (PID). A PII] is a site specific development which has been
approved by the City Council under the provisions of Chapter 17.31 of the Port Angeles Municipal
GH. Planning area. A large geographical area of the City, which is defined by physical
characteristics and boundaries.
DI. PRD. Planned residential development.
J. Principal building. See "Building, principal."
1:K. Principal use. The primary use of land or buildings on a lot as distinguished from a
subordinate or accessory use. A use is considered principal when it occupies 50 percent or more of
a building's total square footage.
JL. Private educational services. Uses providing for -profit and non-profit educational services.
Examples include but are not limited to testing centers, business schools, trade and vocational
schools, language and exam tutoring, music instruction, dance studios, and arts and craft studios.
The term does not include government facilities.
KM. Professional, business, and media offices. Offices used as a place of business conducted by
persons engaged in professions including, but not limited to, accounting, finance, law, real estate,
design, engineering, photography, software development, research, counseling, journalism, and
business administration. The term includes banks/credit unions and audio and video recording and
N. Public. Owned, operated or frarichised by a unit of general or special-purpose government.
O. Public building. Any structure used in whole or in part for a public purpose or by a public
or wuzation. The term includes all City -owned facilities.
Page 19 of 80
17.08.090 - "R."
F. Remodel. Development activity modifying in an existing structure or facility. A remodel can
include a chanize in use. Remodel activiW is subject to the same development standards Wlicable
to new development ex t where stated otherwise.
FG. Repair, minor. Improvements to correct deficiencies resulting from normal wear and tear or
improvements not requiring a building permit.
GH. Residence. A building or structure, or portion thereof, which is designed for and used to
provide a place of abode for human beings. The term "residence" includes the term "residential" as
referring to the type, or intended use, of a building.
I. Residential building. See "Building,residential."
W. Restoration. The act of putting back or bringing back into a former or original state.
W. Retail sales. Any use involving the sale, lease, or rental of new or used products, including
but not limited to appliances, art supplies, baked goods, bicycles, books, building supplies, cameras,
carpet and floor coverings, crafts, clothing, computers, convenience goods, dry goods, electronic
equipment, fabric, flowers, furniture, garden supplies, gifts or novelties, groceries, hardware, home
improvement, household products, jewelry, medical supplies, music, musical instruments, office
supplies, package shipping, pets, pet supplies, pharmaceuticals, photo finishing, picture framcs,
plants, printed materials, produce, seafood, souvenirs, sporting goods, stationery, tobacco, used or
secondhand goods, vehicle parts and accessories, videos and related products. The use may include
incidental exterior sales activities that do not meet the definition of "retails sales, heavy."
Retail sales, heavy. "Retail sales, heavy" means retail uses with exterior sales and/or storage
greater than 15,000 gross square feet or occupying a greater area than the use's principal
ng. Examples include, but are not limited to, uses selling agricultural supplies, farm equipment,
and landscape design materials, building materials, and heating fuels.
Retail stand. A small, moveable cart that is operated from a fined location and is designed
and sized to be readily moved under the control of one person but not under its own power.
Right-of-way. Land acquired or dedicated for purposes of a street, highway, sidewalk, alley,
/01 I avenue, other structure used for pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or easement or any combination of
such uses for which the City has regulatory authority.
Page 20 of 80
MO. Roof. A structure covering any portion of a building or structure, including the projections
beyond the walls or supports.
Roofline. The highest edge of the roof or the top of a parapet, whichever establishes the top
of the structure when viewed in a horizontal plane.
17.0&095 - "S.''
Site coverage. The amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved
sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces.
Smart growth. A mix of land uses that include the following:
1. Take advantage of compact building design;
2. Create a range of housing opportunities and choices;
3. Create walkable neighborhoods;
4. Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place;
5. Preserve open space, natural beauty and critical environmental areas;
6. Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities;
7. Provide a variety of transportation choices;
8. Make development decisions predictable, fair and cost effective;
9. Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions.
Story. The space between the floor and the ceiling above said floor. Outside the CBD zone,
basement shall be considered a story when more than half of the basement height is above the
;d lot grade. A half -story shall be considered when the space between a floor and ceilings
said floor has at least one interior side wall that is five feet or less in height.
Street. A vehicular way that affords a primary means of access to abutting property.
Streetscape. The space between buildings on either side of a street. The elements that
atribute to the quality and character of streetscape are building fagades and awnings, sidewalks,
ving materials, signs, lighting, trees and landscaping, and street furniture and fixtures.
' Street right-of-way line. The boundary line between a street and abutting property. This may
may not match a property's front lot line.
Page 21 of 80
10 \
9Q Structure. Anything constructed in the ground, or anything erected which requires location
on the ground or water, or is attached to something having location on or in the ground and is over
30 inches in height above the ground level, but not including fences or walls used as fences six feet
or less in height.
FR- Structural alteration. Any change, other than incidental repairs, which would prolong the life
of the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams, or girders.
QSS. Subordinate. Less important than and secondary to a primary object, usually in these Zoning
Regulations referring to an accessory use.
17.08.100 - "T."
B. Through lot. See dywu ". "Lot, tapes. "
E. Townsite block. A block of 450 or 500 feet by 300 feet dimension or a minimum of 3.1 acres
as created by the original platting of the townsite of Port Angeles.
Trail. A pedestrian facility which is designated for travel and recreation purposes and which
may include sidewalks, portions of roadways, natural surfaced walkways, and structures such as
Trailer, house (automobile trailer, mobile home, recreational vehicle, or vacation trailer). A
without motor power designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle and to be used for human
a motor vehicle designed to be used for human habitation, and a manufactured home
does not meet City Building Code or state and federal manufacturing standards-
H. Trailer park, trailer court, mobile home park, recreational vehicle park. Any premises on
are parked one or more vehicles designed, intended, arranged, or used for living purposes„ or
premises used or held out for the purpose of supplying to the public a space for one or more such
whether such vehicles stand on wheels or rigid supports.
ge 22 of 80
mil. Transit center. Any centralized structure, station, or transit facility that is primarily used, as
part of a transit system, for the purpose of loading, unloading, or transferring passengers from one
mode of transportation to another. This use does not include singular street -side bus stops.
IJ. Transitional housing. Defined by RCW 84.36.043.
W. Trellis. A lattice work structure designed to support plant growth. Trellises that demarcate an
entryway to a yard, are detached from any other structure, other than a permitted fence, on the site,
have a minimum sidewalk span of four feet, depth of two feet and a height of eight feet, is exempt
from the requirement for a building permit and is not considered a structure.
17.08.130 - "Z."
B. Zoning Lot. See "Lot, zoning. "
BC. Zoning dot covenant. An agreement, on a form provided by the Department of Community
and Economic Development, which is recorded at the County Auditor's Office by a property owner
of two or more adjacent lots and which designates said lots as a single, lot of record.
17.10.010 - Purpose.
is is a lowmixed density residential zone intended to rovide a diverse mix of
urban residential neighborhoods eon at historicall consisted of a mix of
single -household liermesdwellins, duplexes and accesseFy dwelling unit hemes and includes infill
on historic townsite-size lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related
to a single household residential a diverse mix of lower and mixed densily environment may also be
located in this zone. Because of land use impacts associated with nonresidential uses, few
nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally. This zone provides the basic
urban land use pattern for the City's leviff density tvsidenfial original townsite neighborhoods,
following a standard rectangular street grid system of 60-foot rights -of -way for local access streets
and 300-foot by 450 or 500-foot blocks with 3-5-50-foot by 140-foot original lots and usually
Page 23 of 80
located in areas that are largely developed and closer to the center of the City or commercial
17.10.020 - Permitted uses.
A. Adult family home.
B. Single -household dwellings.
C. Small let single heusehold d%viling (lots less than 5,000 squme feo). This use is EWAy
pefmiffed on alley leaded lets.
C. All residential uses meeting lot dimensional standards and complying with applicable
structure design standards in Cha tern 17.21 and 17.22 PANIC.
D. Exempted home occupations defined in Section 17.17.030 PANIC.
E. Child care provider.
F. Group living.
rv. Duplexes.
17.10.030 - Accessory uses.
Accessory dwelling units. See Section 17.21.020 PANIC.
;trial uses subordinate to the residential use of the lot.
17.10.050 - Area, dimensional, and density requirements.
A.The following area and dimensional requirements apply to all R7 zones:
Page 24 of 80
Table 17.10.050-
R7 zone area and dimensional requirements
Measurement Type
Reference and Additional Provisions
5,000 square feet
PANIC 17.94.020
Minimum lot area
3,500 square feet on
PANIC 17.94.Q30
PANIC 17.94.175
access lots
35 feet
Minimum lot
25 feet on alley-
alley access
minimum net
Municipal utilily capacity (including but not
limited to stormwater, wastewater, and
electrical) shall be considered when assessing,
nMI unit per 1,750
the feasibility of any proposal that results in 3
maximum net
Nuare feet
or more primga units on a single lot. A re -
a lication meeting is recommended to address
c aci .
35 feet where all roof forms above 30 feet have
building height
30 feet
a minimum 3:12 roof pitch
In locations where stormwater runoff from
structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios,
and other surfaces is managed on -site, per the
requirements of the Port Angeles Urban
site coverage
Services Standards and Guidelines
Manual Chapter 5, the project is exempt from
site coverage calculations (see
PANIC 17.94.135 for more information).
PAMC 17.94.075
15 feet
PANIC 17.94.080
front setback
PAMC 17.94.120
Page 25 of 80
ne area and dimensional requirements
Measurement Type
Reference and Additional Provisions
Minimum front
PAMC 17.94.075
setback, alley access
10 feet
PAMC 17.94.080
PAMC 1794.120
20 feet
entrance setback
2015 feet
rear setback
Minimum rear
setback, alley access
10 feet
5 feet
side setback
5 feet
side setback (alley)
Detached Accessory Structure Requirements
Minimum rear
03 feet from lot lines abutting an alley, except 5
setback for accessory
feet where a garage or carport entrance faces
structures in the rear
10 feet
the alley. For small lot design standards, see
one-third of the lot
PAMC 17.21.010.
Minimum side
03 feet from lot lines abutting an alley, except 5
setback for accessory
3 feet
feet where a garage or carport entrance faces
structures in the rear
the alley.
one-third of the lot
A 251%
building height
to exceed o
within required
' F
"u'.^'" o in *'�zone
a pfineipal
Page 26 of 80
Table 17.10.050-1
7 zone area and dimensional requirements
Measurement Type
Reference and Additional Provisions
primacy structure
building hei 30
feet, 2 stories
building site may be FequiFed wheft th
..oei fled in Title 15 PAMC;
feaffe MC
sknilar- as
building height
Not to exceed the
outside required
pftary structure
primary structure
building height 2
building footprint
Not to exceed the
primary structure
building footprint
17.10.080 - Design standards.
See the following Code sections for applicable design standards:
1. Detached small lot single -household dwellings: PAMC 17.2 1A 10.
2. Accessory dwelling units: PAMC 17.21.020.
3. Cottage housing: PAMC 17.21.030.
4. Duplexes: PAMC 17.21.040.
5. Multifamily: PAMC 17.22,200, 17.22.300, 17.22.400.
17.11.020 - Permitted uses.
A. Adult family home.
B. Single -household dwellings.
� I IC. Exempted home occupations defined in Section 17.17.030 PAMC.
D. Child care provider.
Page 27 of 80
E. Group living.
F. Duplexes.
G. Cottage housing.
17.11.030 - Accessory uses.
A. Accessory dwelling units. See Section 17.21.020 PAMC.
B. All other non-commercial or non -industrial uses subordinate to the residential use of the lot.
G. Ne eermnereial ffeenhouses, gazebb stetuge shed and similar- aeoessary st ..t..,S.
17.11.050 - Area, dimensional, and density requirements.
A.The following area and dimensional requirements apply to all R9 zones:
ne area and dimensional requirements
Measurement Type Limit Reference and Additional Provisions
PAMC 17.94.020
Minimum lot area
7,000 square feet
PAMC 17.94.030
PAMC 17.94.175
Minimum lot
50 feet
minimum net
maximum net
Page 28 of 80
10 1
Table .
R9 zone area and dimensional requirements -
Measurement Type
Reference and Additional Provisions
30 feet
building height
In locations where stormwater runoff from
structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios,
and other surfaces is managed on -site, per the
requirements the Port Angeles Urban Services
site coverage
Standards and Guidelines Manual Chapter 5, the
project is exempt from site coverage calculations
(see PANIC 17.94.135 for more information).
20 feet
front setback
20 feet
entrance setback
25 feet
rear setback
PANIC 17.94.075
PAMC 17.94.080
7 feet
PAMC 17.94.120
side setback
13 feet
side setback (street)
7 feet
side setback (alley)
Detached Accessory Structure Requirements
Minimum rear
03 feet from lot lines abutting an alley, except 5
setback for accessory
10 feet
feet where a garage or carport entrance faces the
structures in the rear
one-third of the lot
Page 29 of 80
R9 zone area and dimensional requirements
Measurement Type
Reference and Additional Provisions
Minimum side
setback for accessory
03 feet from lot lines abutting an alley, except S
structures in the rear
3 feet
feet where a garage or carport entrance faces the
one-third of the lot
0 height bonus is if
wvailable the
is the building
swdetwe vAthin envelope mquired
building height,
nm ♦h
within required
13EyE e
i ed however-,
prop", s locate& �'
re a safe
buil&t be the
primary structure
feet, 2 stories
site may mquired when prop
.mac ' fim_ in Title 15 D A M
Not to exceed the
building height,
outside required
primary structure
building height, 2
primary structure
Not to exceed the
pnmary structure
building footprint
building footprint
17.12.020 - Permitted uses.
A. Adult family home.
B. Single -household dwellings.
C. Exempted home occupations defined in Section 17.17.030 PAMC.
D. Child care provider.
E. Group living.
Page 30 of 80
F. Cottage housing.
1712.030 - Accessory uses.
A. Accessory dwelling units. See Section 17.21.020 PAMC.
B. All other non-commercial or non -industrial uses subordinate to the residential use of the lot.
17.12.050 - Area, dimensional, and density requirements.
A. The following area and dimensional requirements apply to all RI zones:
- 17.12.050-1 .
[-Rl1 zone area and dimensional requirements
Measurement Type
Reference and Additional Provisions
PAMC 17.94.020
Minimum lot area
9,000 sf
PAMC 17.94.030
PAMC 17.94.175
Minimum lot
65 feet
minimum net
maximum net
30 feet
building height
in locations where stormwater runoff from
site coverage
structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios,
Page 31 of 80
able 17.12.
11 zone area and dimensional requirements
Measurement Type
Reference and Additional Provisions
and other surfaces is managed on -site, per the
requirements of the Port Angeles Urban
Services Standards and Guidelines
Manual Chapter 5, the project is exempt from
site coverage calculations (see
PANIC 17.94.135 for more information).
20 feet
front setback
20 feet
entrance setback
25 feet
rear setback
PANIC 17.94.075
PANIC 17.94.080
7 feet
PANIC 17.94.120
side setback
13 feet
side setback (street)
7 feet
side setback (alley)
I3etached Accessory Structure Requirements
Minimum rear
03 feet from lot lines abutting an alley, except 5
setback for accessory
10 feet
feet where a garage or carport entrance faces the
structures in the rear
one-third of the lot
Minimum side
03 feet from lot lines abutting an alley, except 5
setback for accessory
3 feet
feet where a garage or carport entrance faces the
structures in the rear
one-third of the lot
Page 32 of 80
- able
11 zone area and dimensional requirements
Measurement Type Limit Reference and Additional Provisions
building height,
within required
primary structure
building height,
outside required
primary structure
building footprint
Not to exeeM the
6-1fl-d—iffi.g ieighQ0
feet, 2 stories
Not to exceed the
primary structure
building height, 2
Not to exceed the
primary structure
building footprint
17.13.010 - Purpose.
This is a medium density residential zone intended for mobile home occupancies, and the area is
regarded as essentially residential in character. Few nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and
then only conditionally, because of land use impacts associated with nonresidential uses. This zone
provides the basic urban land use pattern for the City's small lot, singe f ., ijy, in e-household,
mobile home parks, following an irregular urban land use pattern of private access roads and
minimum 3500 square foot lots.
17.13.020 - Permitted uses.
(Page 33 of 80
A. Manufactured homes on individual lots that meet the development standards minimum lot
area and dimension requirements of the RSR7 Zone.
B. Mobile homes.
C. Trailer-pa4c-s Cotta a Housing
D. Park Models
17.13.040 - Conditional uses. Trailer park development standards.
A. Location • Trailer parks may be located upon approval of the Hqgfigg Examiner in any zone
in which middle and multifamily housing is permitted. Each boundply of the park must be at least
200 feet from 4ny pgManent residential building located outside the park, unless separated therefrom
by a natural or artificial barrier, or unless a rna'ori of the pEQpgjy owners according to area within
said 200 feet. consent in writing to the establishment of the park.
B. Driveways, walkways:
1. All mobile homes aces shall abut u n a vate roadway, which is not less than 25
feet in width and which shall have unobstructed access to a public street or highway.
2 Walkways not less than two feet wide shall be provided from the mobile home spaces
to the service buildings.
3 All drivewa s and walkways within the park shall be lighted at ni t with electric
lamps of not less than 50 watts each s aced at intervals of not more than 100 feet.
C. Screening: ExceptingExcgpting the entrance -driveway. a screening of ever een trees or shrubs shall
be maintained at a planting height of five feet and at a height of 12 feet at full gowth, in the front,
side and rear yards of every trailer park-
D. Signs: Signs not to exceed 12 square feet shall be permitted. No lighted signs of any kind
shall be itted. One sign trailer park.
E. Sanitation facilities: Each trailer park shall be provided with toilets baths or showers slop
sinks and other sanitation facilities which shall conform to all Cijy and State Health Rules and
F. Water su 1 : An ad uate sLipply of pure water for drinking and domestic pqWses shall be
supplied by pipes to all buildings and mobile home spaces within the park to meet the requirements
of the park. Each mobile homes ace shall be provided with a cold water W at least four inches
Page 34 of 80
above the ground. An adequate supplysgpply of hot water shall be provided at all times in the service
buildim for all bathing, washing, cleansiniz, and laund afacilities.
G. Lau acilities: Laura facilities shall be provided with one single laun tra and one
automatic or semi -automatic tyM washing machine for each ten mobile homes aces or an less
nwnber thereof.
H. Service buildin s:
1 Service buildings housing sanitation and laundry facilities shall be permanent
structures compjyLng with all @pplicable ordinances and statutes regulating building —
electrical installations and plumbing s stems.
2 Service buildin s housing sanitation facilities shall be located not closer than 20 feet
nor farther than 200 feet from any mobile home space.
I Sewage and refuse disposal: Waste from showers, bath tubs, flush toilets, urinals, lavatories,
slop sinks and laundries in service and other buildings and from each trailer within the park shall be
discharged into a public sewers stem in compliance with japplicable ordinances.
J. Garbage receptacles: Regglation garbape tacles with tight -fitting covers shall be
provided in quantities to permit disposal of all garbWe and rubbish. Garbage receptacles may
located in groups not farther than 100 feet from any mobile home space. The receptacles shall be
kept in sanitary condition at all times. Garbage and rubbish shall be collected and disposed of as
frequently as ma_y be necessary to ensure that individual garbage receptacles shaH not overflow.
K. Fire protection: Every ark shall be equiuped at ail times with fire extinguishingJequipment
in g22d working order, of such 13Te, size and number and so located within the park as to satis
applicable reasonable regulations of the Fire Department. No qM fires shall be permitted at an
lace which m@Ly endanger life or pEgRM.
17.13.050 - Area and dimensional requirements for trailer parks.
Page 35 of 80
2. Re�w.-- Ten feet
3. SideLs.- Seven
to rear- pfeperty lii+e ef
f6et to side pr-operty line
individual site.
of iffdi,.,idtW site.
5,000 square f�eet (8-71 units/aerv) of total ]-And-
K Density shall not exceed
ene tFailer- every
ioilet laundfy buildings,
> affd playgrou
f r +an),� 1'
M f a and a o e!E) ff +b,., to f of to
30 propeftyaL�/
any ether- pr-epeFty line.
that abtAr a s4 ef public
♦�u�] a aav vay..rva aaawa ava. ivv, av
ineluding .
TP zone area and dimensional requirements
Measurement Type
Reference and Additional Provisions
Minimum area, Trailer
1.4 acres
Land must be contiguous. Total land area
ratio to include driveways, toilet and laundry
buildings, playground -recreation open
spaces, individual trailer sites, and caretaker's
Minimum lot area
3,504 sf
Minimum lot
25 feet
building height
30 feet
site coverage
In locations where stormwater runoff from
structurespaved driveways, sidewalks
patios, and other surfaces is managed on -site,
per the requirements of the Port Angeles
Urban Services Standards and Guidelines
Manual Chapter 5, the project is exempt
from site coverage calculations (see PAMC
17.94.135 for more information).
Page 36 of 80
10 feet
front setback
entrance setback street
20 feet
and alley
rear setback
7 feet
side setback
side setback, exterior
10 feet
trailerpark lot
17.13.060 - .Densi r airements for trailer arks.
parking shall be pf:ovided as required by Chapter 1,4.40 of the PoA Angeles MuHieipal Cede.
A. Densily shall not exceed one trailer for every 3,500 s uare feet 12.44 units/acre of total land
land area ratio to include dri
B. A minimum of ten pgpent of the total area of a trailer park shall be reserved and shall be
used solely and exclusively for a recreation oppn space.
C. 1n the interests of fire prevention, there shall be a minimum s ace of 14 feet between trailers
including cabanas.
17.13.070 - Signs permitted. Procedure for approyal
The procedure for approval of an RTP shall be composed of four steps:
A Conceptual plan and pre -application submittal and neighborhood meeting. This step occurs
before an RTP a lication is acre ted as complete by the Ci
B. Public hearin on the prelimindeve1ppment plan and, if gpplicable, the prelimiM plat
and other permit actions;
C. Approval by the Hearing Examiner of the preliminM development plan and other actions
I I as a livable after the close of the ublic hearin • and
Page 37 of 80
D. Action on the final development plan and plat by the Department of Communijy and
Economic Development (DCED) Final approval may_only be grated after all conditions of
approval have been met or bonded for by the Lapplicant. No lots may be offered for sale Lnor
to preliminga plat approval b. the Hearing Examiner.
17.13.080 - TraileFs. Pre -application review
beats, reeFeatiOn vehieles, vaeatien trailers ead eampefs tsed fef residential ptupeses sWl not -be
Prior to Applying for a RTP a developer shall submit a concqptual plan to the Department of
Communi and Economic Develo ment DCED . The conceptual plan will be reviewed for its
general compliance with the intent standards and vrovisions of this chapter and other Ci
ordinances by the ae�ropriate departments of the City, and written comments in regard to the plan
will be furnished to the developer. The conceptual plan shall contain in sketch form all of the
information required in subsections 17.13.090.E. and G.
After the conceptual plan review and prior to accepting a RTP application, the City shall
require a neighborhood meeting. The neighborhood meeting shall be organized and sponsored by
the project proponent Neighbors within 300 feet of the proposed location shall be included in
notification of the meeting Thepurpose of the meeting will be to solicit information regarding design
alternatives to minimize any adverse impacts from the RTP and to alleviate communijy concems.
17.13.090 - Trailer par4m,I A Rite plan showing the location ofthe propesed tFailer-park and all A lication rocerlure
buildings,A. No peFseR, eompany or- eeMeration shall establish a new tMiler park eF mobile home park OF
ef4aFge an existing tFailer er mobile home park widtin the City limits of Peft Angeles witheut fii:st
B. Pefi:nit fees shall be as set fefth in Chaplef 3.70 RAMC.
C. Said permit shall r-equife the following:
fasilifies, playground mcfeafien open spaee, utility buildings,
7 ,
. di ;,1..,l ,...,;ler- sites, includi al dimensions o the Kilo, park .,act e ,.t,
Page 38 of 80
speeifieatiens of all buildings shA be submitted to " PlanmifT Co.
•-J 1l.�f�if l.n w,�. �.y l��.l-�+l lily f�U[!!lS_
_ _-•____--__-___ - ,i it ��17�f!!LL1 � w��
The application for a RTP shall contain the following:
A. The name location and le al description of the pmsed development,develppment, together with the
names addresses and tele hone numbers of the recorded owners of the land and of the
a licant and, if applicable, the names addresses and telephone numbers of ypy land
surveyor, architect lanner, desi er or engineer responsible for the geparation of the plan.
and of any authorized representative of the Mlicant
B. A narrative explaining the propgsed use or uses of the land and building, includingthe
ro sed number of dwelling units b • information on an special features conditions
of which cannot be adequately shown on drawin . and an explanation of covenants
continuous maintenance provisions and/or homeowners association for the project, if
C. A survey
of the prop
M showing existing features including
contours at five-foot intervals,
structures streets utility easements ri
is -of -way, environmentall
sensitive areas and existing land uses.
D. PreliiniffiM site plans showing existing and propgsed contours at five-foot intervals location
and dimensions of proposed buildings, open space, recreation areas, parking areas,
circulation, landsc4M areassubdivisionlattin and gpneral an an ement.
E. Detailed site statistics including, but not limited to:
1. Total site area in both acres and square feet;
2. Site coverage expressed in square feet and percentage of
a. Total footprint area of buildings for:
Residential structures;
ii. Non-residential structures.
b. Roadway and sidewalk paved surfaces;
c. Parking lot areas;
d. Apy areas paved with pprmeable paving s stems'
3. Total area in lots,
Page 39 of 80
4. Open space area:
a. Common usable open space must be 15 percent of site
b. Total area dedicated too ens ace must be 30 percent of site
5. Number and location of off-street parking spaces;
6. Number of residential units proposed;
7. Total number of lots being created,
8. Densijy of site expressed as residential units per acre.
F. A preliminaa plat, if applicable, pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW and Chapters 16.04 and
16-08 PAMC.
G. A preliminary utilities plan, including fire hydrant locations.
H. A preliminary storm drainage plan with calculation of impervious areas.
1. A circulation plan showing all means of vehicular and_pgdestrian ingress and egress to and
from the site- size and location of driveways, streets sidewalks trails and off-street parkin
spaces Any new traffic control devices required for the safe - of the project must be shown.
I Mailing labels of pLo owners within 300 feet of the proposed project pursuant to section
17.96.140 PAMC.
17.13.100 - Additional development. standaMs..Routing and staff recommendations
condkienal use permit &em said Hewing E any zone in Ir. ch Riukiple dwellings ar-ka.
permi4ed. Eaeh boundary of the park fnti4 be at least 200 feet fiFem any permanent resideRtial
Maas zee.
Page 40 of 80
a - -
heme be with
a eeld watff tap at
least fi3uf
of the park. Eaeh mobile spaee shall provided
be at all times
in the sef-viee
abeve the gFound. An adequate stipply of water- shall
for- bathing, and laundi=y faeiii
buildings all washing-, eleansing,
Page 41 of 80
appReable reasonable regulations of the Fire Depai4fnent. No open fires shall be pefmi4ed at any
plaee which may endangef life or- pmpeFty.
Upon receipt of an application satisfLg the Muirements of section 17.13.090, the
Department of Conimunily and Economic Development(DCED) shall route the same to all
appropriate City Departments. Each department shall return recommendations and comments
regarding the a lication to DCED. The Planning Division shall r)rcl2area rt to the Hearin
Examiner summarizing the factors involved, the recommendations of other departments and the
DCED including findings and conclusions. A copy of the report shall be mailed to the a licant and
copies shall be made available at c2§it for use by My interested
17.13.110 Hearine Examiner public hearingScheduline and notice.
Upon receipt of an application satisfying the requirements of section 17.13.090, the DCED
shall schedule a public hearing before the Hearing Examiner. Public notice shall be given as provided
in section 17.96.140.
17.13.120 Hearing Examiner decision —Preliminary development plans.
Prior to makinp, a decision on an a lication fora iprelimiam RTP the Hearing Examiner shall
hold a public hearing. The HqgdAg Examiner's decision fora roval denial or a roval with
modifications or conditions shall be in written form based upon compliance with section 17.13.050
and the following criteria:
A. The proppsed develo ent will comply with the p2licies of the comprehensive plan and
further attainment of the objectives and goals of the comprehensive plan.
B. The proposed development will through the improved utilization of open spaces natural
topgAphy, transitional housing densities and integrated circulation systems, create a
residential environment of higher quaIjjy than that normally achieved by traditional
development of a subdivision._
C. The proposed development will be compatible with adjacent, existing, and future
D. All necessM municipal utilities services and facilities existing and proposed, are adequate
to serve the proposed develgMent.
Page 42 of 80
17.13.130 Reserved.
17.13.140 Final amproval Residential Trailer Park(RTP).
Application for final W roval of a RTP that involves subdivision ofthe underlying property shall
be submitted within five years of preliminn RTP approval. An application for final review of a
RTP that does not involve a subdivision of the underlying ro shall be submitted within two
years of the preliminary development Plan approval; provided, that for phased RTP's, each phase
shall have an additional one- ear pgjjod for final a roval• and provided further that an a licant
may gMlyto the Heanng Examiner, and the Heanny, Examiner mLay Uprove,one or more one- ear
extensions as the Hearing Examiner mpay deem o riate. The site must be under one ownership
nor to final approval by the Hearing Examiner, and the #Mlication for final a roval must be made
by the owners of the entire site. The application shall include the following:
A. A title report showing record ownership of the parcel or parcels upon which the RTP is to be
B. Adequate assurance for the retention and continued maintenance of common open space,
recreation facilities and recreation structures. If develo ent is to be done in phases,each
phase must meet the requirements of this section.
C. Ad uate assurance for the retention and continued maintenance of environmentall
sensitive areas and their buffers. If development is to be done in phases, each phase must
meet the requirement of this section.
D. Final development plans that shall be in compliance yvith the approved prcliminary
development plans.
E. The final plat, if a licablepursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW and Chapters 16.04 and 16.08
F. Development schedule.
G. Bond or other form of security acceptable to the City in a sufficient amount to complete the
project or submitted phase, as determined by the City_
H. Covenants, conditions and restrictions and/or homeowners' association agreement.
17.13.160 Final action.
Page 43 of 80
The Director of Community and Economic Development shall review the application for
final approval and shall improve, deny, or approve with modifications the final development plan
and if a licable the final lat. A raval of the final develo ment ian shall be b ordinance and a
co of the final RTP shall be filed with and made a art of said ordinance. The zonin ma shall be
amended to indicate the extent of the approved RTP and all future development of the site shall be
in conformance with the approved RTP.
17.13.170 Building permits.
The Building Division shall issue building its for buildin and structures that conform
with the approved final development plans for the RTP and with all other applicable Cjjy and state
ordinances and reaulations. The Building Division shall issue a certificate of occLipancyfor
completed nonresidential buildings or structures that conform to Muirements of the a roved final
development plans and all other a licable City and state ordinances and regulations for such
occu ancies. The construction and development of all common usable opgn sraces, including
recreational facilities and other public improvements of each project phase must be completed
before any certificates of occupancy will be issued except when bonds or other acceptable forms of
security are dopsited assuring the completion of such facilities within six months of a roval of
final RTP.
17.13.180 Modifications after final approval.
The final approval shall be binding upon the development. Desimi variations from the plan
must be submitted to the Hearing Examiner for approval and amendment of the ordinance, except
for minor changes, as follows: The DCED is authorized to allow minor adjustments in the
develo ment schedule locationplacement, height or dimension of buildings and structures not to
exceed an alteration of ten pment in heigbt or ten feet in 4qy other direction when such minor
changes and alterations are required by engineering and other circumstances not foreseen or
reasonably foreseeable at the time of a roval of the final developmentplans; exc t that such
adjustments shall not increase the total amount of floors ace authorized in the approved final RTP
or the number of dwelling units or density, or decrease the amount of arkinZ or loading facilities
or permit buildings to locate closer to the closest boundM line or decrease the amount of open
Page 44 of 80
s ace or decrease the recreation facilities or chane any points of in ess ore ess to the site or
extend the development schedule for not more than 12 months.
17.14.020 - Permitted uses.
A "eeess ry dwelling -units-.-All residential uses meetinglot dimensional standards and
complying with applicable structure design standards in Chapters 17.21 and 17.22 PAMC.
B. Adult family homes.
C. Bed and breakfasts.
D. Child care facility.
E. Child care provider.
F. Short-term rental.
G. Group living.
H. Single -household dwellings existing as of December 21, 2021.
h Multi family dwellings (buildings with si* units or less).
K. Duplexes.
L. Cottage housing.
17.14.030 - Accessory uses.
A. Gamges and emports.
B. Ckeenhouses, gazebos, storage sheds, and similar- aeeessory sawe4we
E. Private television.,tellite Feeeption dishes,
G. Playffound equipment.
14Man artee o f flee
Page 45 of 80
A. Access9a dwelling -units. See Section 17.21.020 PAMC
B. All other non-commercial or non -industrial uses subordinate to the residential use of the lot.
17.14.050 - Area, dimensional, and density requirements.
A. The following area and dimensional requirements apply to all RMD zones:
able 17.t .
zone area and dimensional requirements
Measurement Type
Reference and Additional Provisions
PAMC 17.94.020
Minimum lot area
3,500 sf
PAMC 17.94.030
PAMC 17.94.175
4 8 units/acre
minimum net
40 feet where all roof forms above 35 feet have a
35 feet
building height
minimum 3:12 roof pitch
In locations where stormwater runoff from
structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other
surfaces is managed on -site, per the requirements
of the Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and
site coverage
Guidelines Manual Chapter 5, the project is
exempt from site coverage calculations (see
PANIC 17.94.135 for more information).
15 feet
front setback
Page 46 of 80
zone area and dimensional requirements
Measurement Type I Limit
20 feet
entrance setback
15 feet
rear setback
Reference and Additional Provisions
PANIC 17.94.075
5 feet PAMC 17.94.080
side setback
PAMC 17.94.120
5 feet
side setback (street)
5 feet
side setback (alley)
11 Detached Accessory Structure Requirements
Minimum rear
setback for accessory
5 feet
structures in the rear
one-third of the lot
Minimum side
setback for accessory
5 feet
structures In the rear
one-third of the lot
03 feet from lot lines abutting an alley, except 5 feet
where a garage or carport entrance faces the alley.
03 feet from lot lines abutting an alley, except 5 feet
where a garage or carport entrance faces the alley.
Page 47 of 80
rRRMD14zone area and dimensional requirements
Measurement Type
Reference and Additional Provisions
A 25% height bonus is available if the detached
Not to exceed the
structure is within the building envelope required
primary structure
building height
of a principal structure in the zone that the property
building height
is located.
Not to exceed the
primary structure
building footprint
building footprint
17.15.020 - Permitted uses.
A. Aceessefy dwelling ffit . All residential uses meeting lot dimensional standards and
complyiny, with a livable structure design standards in Chapters 17.21 and 17.22 PAMC.
B. Adult family homes.
C. Bed and breakfasts.
D. Child care provider.
E. Child care facility.
F. Short-term rental.
G. Group living.
H. Maki family &&4fiRp:
17H. Single -household dwellings existing as of December 21, 2021.
y . T., :, .
Page 48 of 80
17.15.030 - Accessory uses.
A. Exempted home occupations.
B. Cmrages and Fts. Accesspa dwelling units. See Section 17.21.020 PAMC. -
. ,
All other non-
commercial or non -industrial uses subordinate to the residential use of the lot.
17.15.050 - Area, dimensionaland density requirements.
A. the following ge
A dimensional and densily Mquirements apply to all RHD zones:
Table 17.15.050-1
zone area and dimensional r uirements
Measurement Tyne LiReference and Additional Provisions
PAMC 17.94.020
Minimum lot area
PAMC 17.94.030
PAMC 17.94.175
10 units/acre
minimum net
maximum net
building height
45 feet
50 feet where all roof forms above 45 feet
have a minimum 3:12 roof pitch
In locations where stormwater runoff from
structures drivewa s sidewalks atios and
other surfaces is managed on -site, per the
site coverage
requirements of the Port Angeles Urban
Services Standards and Guidelines Manual
Chapter 5, the project is exempt from site
Page 49 of 80
coverage calculations (see PAMC_17.94.135
for more information).
15 feet
front setback
20 feet
entrance setback
PAMC 17.94.075
15 feet
rear setback
PAMC 17.94.080
5 feet
PAMC 17.94.120
side setback
5 feet
side setback (street)
5 feet
side setback all
Detached Accessory Structure Requirements
Minimum rear
3 feet from lot lines abutting an alley, except
setback for accessory
5 feet
5 feet where a e or�carport entrance
structures in the rear
faces the alley.
one-third of the lot
Minimum side
3 feet from lot lines abutting an alley,_excent
setback for accessory
5 feet
5 feet where a pEgge or gAiport entrance
structures in the rear
faces the alley.
one-third of the lot
A 25% hen t bonus is available if the
Not to exceed the primga
detached structure is within the building
structure building t
envelope required of a principal structure in
building height
the zone that the proncM is located.
Not to exceed the primary
structure building
building footprint
foo Tint
1. An additional ten percent coverage that enables development to achieve the allowed
maximum density of the RHD zone per 17.15.050.A.; or
2. An additional ten percent coverage for development that is reserved as affordable
housing. All applicants seeking bonus impervious surface for inclusion of affordable
housing shall pLovide a mechanism to ensure that affordable housing remains
affordable for the life of the project. Such mechanism shall be approved by the City
Page 50 of 80
Attorney in conjunction with the Department of Community and Economic
Development, and shall be recorded on the land title, in addition:
3. In locations where storrmwater runoff from structures driveways, sidewalkspatios
and other surfaces is desiVed to infiltrate on -site, according to the requirements
in Chapter 5 of the City of Port An eles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines
manual pqqjons of the pro'ect can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations.
(See PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions.)
17.15.060 - Off-street Paulin .
Parking shall be provided as required by pter 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
17.15.070 - Signs permitted.
A. Permitted uses: Signs not larger than ten square feet, lighted, but not flashing or intermittent.
One pg building.
B. Conditional uses: Size and type as determined by Hearing, Examiner.
17.20.020 - Permitted uses.
Principal uses permitted in commercial zones
Principal Use
Dwelling Units
Single -household
Page 51 of 80
°Table 17.20.020
Principal uses permitted in commercial zones
Principal Use
Existing single -
household dwelling
(as of the adoption
date of this
Ground Floor
n Must meet block frontage
Accessory dwelling
PAMC 17.21.020
Caretaker Unit
PAMC 17.21.025
(x) Only on lots that do not front
Cottage housing
P (x)
p (X)
P (x)
on Mixed block frontages (see
PAMC 17.22.110).
PAMC 17.21.030
PAMC 17.21.040
P (X)
P (X)
P (x)
(x) Only on lots that do not front
on Mixed block frontages (see
PANIC 17.22.110).
Maximum 6 attached units
PANIC 17.21.050
Multi -family
Chapter 17.22 PAMC
Supportive Housing
Permanent supportive
Must be designed as one of the
dwelling unit types permitted in
the zone.
Page 52 of 80
a e . �►
' cipal uses permitted in commercial zones
'Principal Use CBD CA CSD CN CO Condition/Reference
Must be designed as one of the
Transitional housing P P P C C dwelling unit types permitted in
the zone.
Emergency housing
Emergency shelter
Group Living
Must be designed as one of the
Adult family home
dwelling unit types permitted in
the zone.
Assisted living
Nursing home
Child Care
Child care provider
Child care facility
Clubs and lodges
Conference centers
Libraries, community
centers, museums,
Page 53 of 80
able 17 W
rincipal uses permitted in commercial zones
" cipal Use
Fire stations
Public parks and
recreation facilities
Utility buildings and
When located on the ground floor,
a high volume pedestrian -oriented
use adjoining the building's
P (X)
P lX)
entrance on a street is required
(x) Maximum 3,500 gross square
feet, except for breweries and
Impound yards
PAMC 17.94.040
Cold storage lockers
Salvage and recycling
PAMC 17.94.040
Self-service storage
treatment and
detoxification centers
Page 54 of 80
uses permitted in commercial zones
Principal Use
Medical offices and
business, and media
Private educational
Overnight Lodging
Bed and breakfasts
Hotels, motels, and
Short-term rental
Indoor recreation
Indoor theater
Recreational camps
Retail and Restaurants
Art gallery
For sidewalk cafes, see Street Use
Food and beverage
P (x)
P (x)
Ordinance No. 2229 as amended
by 2350
Page 55 of 80
(x) Conditional when an alley that
provides customer access abuts
residentially zoned property.
Boat sales
Retail sales
Applies to individual business
(by net floor area)
<10,000 square feet
square feet NFA
(x) CUP not required for building
square feet NFA
C (x)
additions of up to 10% of existing
net floor area.
> 100,000 square feet
(x) Conditional when over 100,000
Retail sales, heavy
P (X)
square feet net floor area
PAMC 17.94.040
Vehicle sales
Animal care
PAMC 17.20.030(A)
Consumer goods
Funeral homes and
Page 56 of 80
Principal uses permitted in commercial zones
Principal Use
Personal care services
P (x)
(x) Massage parlors, saunas and
steam baths are conditional
Transportation Services
Automotive service
(x)Auto body and paint shops and
and repair
P (X)
auto engine repair shops are
Car wash
Ferry, seaplane, and
helicopter facilities
Fuel station
to Must be accessory to a
convenience or grocery store
Transit center
Parking lots and
P cX�
(x) Structured parking garages only
(as a principal use)
Vehicle rental
Vessel moorage,
sx�Boat service facilities are a
marinas, and research
P (x)
conditional use
17.20.25 Accessory Uses
Accessory uses determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development to be
compatible with the pi4Wsc of this chapter mgy be established.
Page 57 of 80
17.21.010 - Small lot single -household.
C. Driveway access and garage standards.
1. All garages and on -site parking must be accessible from the alley with exception of
alle /street subdivisions resulting in lots less than 5,000 sf (see PAMC 14.40.045 for parking
reduction tools).
2. For individual garage or carport units facing an alley, driveways must be designed to
prevent parked cars from protruding into alleys. Such driveways must be either less than five
feet long or longer than 20 feet, measured along the centerline of the driveway.
D. Entry standards.
1. For new dwellings, the faVade facing the street must be designed as the front of the
dwelling with a primary building entrance and a covered pedestrian entry, such as a covered
porch or recessed entry, with minimum weather protection of three feet by three feet.
2. Clear and obvious pedestrian access between the sidewalk the building entry is
required for new dwellings. Aliey fronta a lots require clear pedestrian access between the
aUff and building en .
Figure 17.21.010(D)
Small lot entry configuration examples
Page 59 of 80
17.21.020 - Accessory dwelling unit (ADLI).
A. Purpose. The purpose of an accessory dwelling unit is to:
1. Add affordable units to existing housing and make housing units available to people
who might otherwise have difficulty finding homes within the City.
2. Promote the development of additional housing options in residential neighborhoods
that are appropriate for people at a variety of stages of their lives.
3. Provide homeowners with a means of obtaining, through tenants in either the
accessory dwelling unit or the principal residence, rental income, companionship, or security.
4. Protect neighborhood stability, property values, and the character of the
B. Standards. An ADU, in any zone, must comply with the following development standards:
Configuration. An ADU may be located either within, attached to, or detached from
a primary structure housing a primary single -household dwelling.
2. Density. Only one ADU may be created in conjunction with each single -household
dwelling or duplex. The ADU must be located on the same zening lot as the skWe-housel�eld
dwelling TrimM structure. AccessoKy housing which conforms to the standards in this
chapter shall not be considered to exceed the allowable density for the lot upon which it is
located and shall be considered a residential use which is consistent with the com rehensive
plan and zoning desiggation for the lot.
3. Minimum lot size. An ADU must not be established on any parcel smaller than 3,500
square feet�or that already has a park modelyermitted on it.
4. Maximum unit size. The ADU must not exceed 50 percent of the gross floor- area a
the pfknar-y single household &vllaverage gross floor area of all other dwelling units on
the lot, not including a detached garage and/or a detached accessory building, or 600 square
feet, whichever is larger. The unk may net be more dim efie bedroom.
5. Setbacks, height, and site coverage. ADUs must comply with all dimensional
standards including the site coverage, height, and setback requirements of the zone.
6. Scale and visual subordination. The ADU must be visually subordinate to the
primary unit. If the ADU is located within an existing residence, there can only be one main
entrance located on the primary street -facing facade of the c: Wef m ty- single -household
Page 59 of 80
residential, structure, unless the residence contained additional entrances before the ADU was
proposed. Detached ADU's and entrances that do not have access from the ground, such as
an entrance from a balcony or deck, are exempt from this standard.
7. Parking. The off-street parking requirements set forth in Chapter 14.40 must be
provided and maintained for the primary dwelling. No additional parking is required for an
8. Addressing. A separate address must be created for the ADU:.
Detached accessory dwelling unit examples
B. Park Model Alternative. A Park Model meeting the of WAC 296-150P may be
placed on a lot in place of a detached ADU in all zones where ADUs are an allowed accessory use
when the followingdevelopment evelopment standards are met.
1. Configuration. A Park Model may be used as an accessory use in conjunction with a primary_
structure housing a primary single -household dwelling or duplex.
2. Densi . QWy one Park Model mgy be placed in conjunction with each single -household
dwelling or duplex. The Park Model must be located on the same zoning lot as the prim
structure. A Park Model which conforms to the standards in this chapter shall not be
considered to exceed the allowable density for the lot upon which it is located and shall be
considered a residential use which is consistent with the comprehensive plan and zoning
designation for the lot..
3. Minimum lot size. A Park Model must not be established on any parcel smaller than 3,500
INuare feet.
Page 60 of 80
4. Setbacks height, and site coverage. Park Models must comply with all dimensional
standards includin the site cover
dge,height, and setback requirements of the zone.
5. Scale and visual subordination. The Park Model must be visually subordinate to the primary
unit. There can only be one main entrance located on the rim street facing lot line.
6. Parking. The off-street parking requirements set forth in Chapter 14.40 must be provided and
maintained for the primn dwelling. No additional parking is rNuired for a Park Model.
7. Addressing A separate address must be created for the Park Model:
8. UtdLty Connection. A Park Model must have a pgMitted and p=anent connection to all
applicable municipal utilities.
4. Anchoring Standards. A Park Model placed on a lot must comply with ANSI 225.
17.21.025 —Commercial caretaker unit in commercial and industrial zones (CCU).
A. Pur se. The ose of a commercial caretaker unit is to:
1. Promote the development of limited housing options in commercial and industrial
areas that are otherwise prohibitive of residential development.
2. Provide housing for an owner/ ro rietor em to ee or other on -site securily or
operations personnel of a commercial/industrial property where no residential dwelling units
B. Standards. A CCU must comply with the following development standards:
1. Configuration. An CCU may be located either within, attached to, or detached from
a primary structure housing a commercial or industrial use. CCUs shall only be located above
the first floor or to the rear of commercial or industrial buildin .
2. Density. Only one CCU may be created in conjunction with each commercial or
industrial enterprise. A CCU which conforms to the standards in this chapter shall not be
required to meet minimum residential density standards for the lot upon which it is located
and shall be considered an accessory use which is consistent with the comprehensive plan
and zoning designation for the lot.
3. Maximum unit size. The CCU must be subordinate to the pr_imary commercial or
industrial use, not exceeding 1,250 square feet unless approved through an administrative
conditional use permit process.
Page 61 of 80
4. Setbacks hei ht and site covers e. CCUs must comply with all dimensional
standards includin the site coverage, heightand setback Le
uirements of the zone.
5. Parking The off-street parking requirements set forth in Chapter 14.40 must be
provided and maintained for the primm use of the parcel. No additional parking is re uired
for an CCU.
6. Addressin . A spparate address must be created for the CCU.
7 Occupancy. CCUs shall be reserved for individuals employed on site at the
commercial/industrial use the CCU is subordinate to.
8. Applicability. CCUs shall be permitted on all lots within commercial and industrial
zones where an approved commercial or industrial use is operating. In all other
circumstances CCUs mgy be administratively a roved as a conditional use permit.
17.21.030 - Cottage housing,
A. Applicability. The standards herein apply to all cottage housing developments.
B. Purpose.
Provide opportunities for creative, diverse and high -quality infill development that is
compatible with existing neighborhoods.
2. Promote housing affordability and greater choice by encouraging smaller and more
diverse home sizes in accordance with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan.
3. Support compatibility with existing neighborhoods by promoting high -quality
4. Support more efficient use of urban residential land.
5. Enhance the character of the residential neighborhood.
6. Provide usable open space for residents.
7. Support protection of environmentally sensitive area amenities.
Page 62 of 80
n 111 Figure 17.21.030(B)(1)
Cottage housing example with key standards
70 SF min. with 7'
min dimensions
Private Open Spate
200 SF / unit
Page 63 of 80
r-rIgu re 17.21.030(B)(2)
Cottage housing site plan example
Private internal access road with
parking (open and enclosed)
placed to the side of cottages
Shared community
Cottages with porches facing
common open space
6' min. separation
between cottages
Private open space
Connected internal
pathway system
C. Lot size standard. Cottages are exempt from minimum lot area and lot width standards,
provided they comply with demity design standards herein.
D. Density standard Due to the smaller relative size of cottage units, eaeb eet age may
would be eq .,la...t to twe dwelling , nit ^ottage developments meetingall design
standards herein are considered to comely with the underlyiqg zoning.
E. Minimum and maximum number of cottages.
1. Cottage housing developments must contain a minimum of three cottages.
2. Three to 4-221 cottage structures may make up a cluster. There is no limit on the
number of clusters provided all other standards are met.
3. In the R7, RMD, and RHD zones, attached duplex cottages are allowed.
4. Accessory dwelling units are not permitted in cottage housing developments, except
as provided in subsection (KL) below.
Page 64 of 80
17.22.110 - Block frontage designation maps and regulations.
A. Application of map and block frontage regulations.
New ulti-unit, aPA non-residential development, and first floor
residential within the CBD, CSD, CA, CN, and CO zones in Port Angeles are subject to the
block frontage standards in sections PAMC 17.100-170 based on the block frontage
designation of the street, as illustrated in the figures in this section.
2. For multi -family and non-residential development in the RHD and RMD zones, the
standards for landscaped block frontages apply.
3. Civic uses, public buildings, and hotels are exempt from the block frontage standards,
provided the building and site design meet the following objectives:
a. Enliven the pedestrian environment along the adjacent sidewalks.
b. Incorporate a prominent and inviting entry visible from the street. If the site
has multiple street frontages, the entry must be visible from at least one street.
C. The site and building design stand out from the surrounding context as a
distinct landmark and provides visual interest from all observable scales.
4. These block frontage standards do not apply to townhouses.
Page 65 of 80
wash f4eilities an
Atao supply>islands,
4e shops,
3. Building material stores,
shops, glaSS
paint stores and plumbing supply
4. Conference
c Tlr., .. h
6SheA tefm rental-.
Food and beverage
> siteh
as eafes, eafeterias,
Page 66 of 80
i. A.r
m� !'"
n riiiauo-
5. r_>ula
walls and
alleys, theaters
? Eq
r nt l rro�
rinks, put4 ptm golf
9. Frozen
of eold
>such as
`� t� viler -shops,
12. i iL
r- -flies
ats �
al n
shoe r-ep
and TV and
14 Si_an_sheps.
20. Utility
as applianee
Page 67 of 80
3. Mass
r w1sit
4. Pa
o v
' .
body and shop
FeaWs, wn-d-weh-iedma
shops, net
auto paipA
i. Mini war-ehouses, inmsf _moving d storage r ii•.
Page 68 of 80
C. Fire sWiens.
D. Weensed impoundyards.
baths,E. Massage paFlefs, saunas and steam
rT. Salvage and reeyeling buildings-,
K. Seeial sen,iee agency buildings providing 24 hour residential eare.
L. Kennels, pr-evided7
i. Buildings and stmetwes are soundproof
2. AR am areas aFe surmunded by an eight fi3et solid wall or fen
M. Other- uses eompatible with the intent efthis ehapter.
A. The felle%ing area and dimensional r-eq Ply to all CA zones:
. 200 79
,::ure entType
Mktifnum lot area
lot eeiv
site eev-e.malgle-
Page 69 of 80
AA-Ax-imffim- building }
Page 70 of 80
. ..............
1, '' 001.00
Page 71 of 80
management techniqi i es
ia.,g, areas shall have imefsper-sed landseaped islands and shall have no mefe thm ei&
17.32.030 - Accessory uses.
Accessory uses, including commercial caretaker units determined by the Director of Community
and Economic Development to be compatible with the intent of this chapter are penitted.
17.34.030 - Accessory uses.
Accessory uses, including commercial caretaker units, determined by the Director of Community
and Economic Development to be compatible with the intent of this chapter are permitted.
17.40.040 - Permitted uses.
A. Bleachers, grandstands (subject to review by Planning Commission).
B. Bridle trails.
C. Cemeteries and crematoriums.
D. Civic buildings and governmental offices.
E. Common open space.
F. Convention centers (publicly owned) and associated activities.
G. Tire stations.
H. Hospitals.
Page 72 of 80
I. Landfills, sanitary.
J. Libraries.
K. Marinas, boat storage, maritime and harbor activities.
L. Municipal pool.
M. Museums.
N. Off-street parking structures and lots.
O. Parks, greenbelts.
P_ Picnic areas and facilities.
Q. Playfields.
R Playgrounds.
S. Public recreation structures and facilities.
T. Reservoirs.
U. Schools and school related facilities.
V. Residences which meet the requirements of the RS4R7 District.
W. Streets, sidewalks, trails and roads.
X. Utility buildings and structures.
Page 73 of 80
17.46.020 - Definitions.
The following definitions shall apply to this chapter:
13. "Multi family housing" means a bail ngsn having four or more dwelling units
designed for permanent residential occupancy resulting from the combination of new construction
or rehabilitation or conversion of vacant, underutilized, or substandard buildings and lots.
17.46.040 - Tax exemption terms and project eligibility.
C. Project eligibility. To be eligible for exemption from property taxation, the property must
satisfy all of the following requirements:
1. Applications. The Director shall have exclusive authority to determine whether an
application is complete. Only complete applications are eligible to be considered for the tax
exemptions authorized by this chapter.
2. Size. The project must include multi -family housing within a residential lot or
structure or as part of a mixed -use development. This requirement can be satisfied either by
Page 74 of 80
constructing a minimum of four new units in a residential structure, or constructing or
converting at least four additional multi -family units to existing occupied multi -family
housing. Additionally. this r uirement can be satisfied by increasing the number of
residential units on a lot to four, excluding ADUs or other accessM housing . Existing
multi -family housing that has been vacant for 12 months or more does not have to provide
additional units so long as the project provides for occupancy at least four units of new,
converted, or rehabilitated multi -family housing.
17.46.050 - Application procedure.
F. Application review and issuance of conditional certificate. The Director may certify as
eligible an application if the Director finds that:
1. A minimum of four new units are being constructed, or in the case of occupied
rehabilitation or conversion, ef four- aMfienal multi family unks am being
developed -the development results in a at least four residential units being located on a single
2. If applicable, the proposed multi -unit housing project meets the affordable housing
requirements as described in RCW 84.14.040.A;
3. The proposed project is, or will be at the time of completion, in conformance with all
local laws and regulations that apply at the time the application is approved;
4. The owner has complied with all standards and guidelines adopted by the City under
this chapter; and
5. The site is located in a residential targeted area of an urban center that has been
designated in accordance with procedures and guidelines indicated in RCW 84.14.040; and
6. That the proposed project otherwise complies with the requirements of this chapter
and Chapter 84.14 RCW.
I17.471 17.46.110 - Conflict of provisions.
Page 75 of 80
If any provision of this chapter conflicts with any provision of Chapter 84.14 RCW, the provisions
of Chapter 84.14 RCW shall apply as if set forth in this chapter.
17.94.065 - Development standards for conditional uses in residential zoning.
Yard Requirements
'Uses Lot Area Lot
Width Fron Interio Corne Rea
Per Site
t r Side r Side r ge
10 sq.
Art Galleries
ft. unlit
y lit
Bed and
Two 5
breakfasts in
sq. ft.
R-7R7, R-
9R9 and R-
apter 17.18
44RI 1
y lit
Child care
7,000 sq. ft.
5 sq. ft.
24 sq.
ft. of
Churches or
other places
ft '�
100 ft.
35 ft.
35 ft.
35 ft.
of worship
y lit
10 sq.
ft. unlit
Page 76 of 80
Lot Area
Per Site
r Side
r Side
stations and
10 sq.
'/2 acre
100 ft.
35 ft.
35 ft.
35 ft.
ft. unlit
1 acre
200 ft.
30 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
10 sq.
ft. unlit
Public parks
20 sq.
ft. unlit
Public utility
9,000 sq. ft.
75 ft.
25 ft.
8 ft.
25 ft.
20 sq.
ft. unlit
Public and private schools:
5 acres + 1
acre per ea
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
, _�
100 sq.
10 acres +
Middle, Jr.
1 acre per
100 sq.
and Sr. high
ea- 100
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
* See applicable zone for minimum standards.
Page 77 of 80
1796.025 - Nonresidential dwelling prohibition.
House trailers, automobiles, automobile trailers, mobile homes, park model manufactured homes,
boats, recreation vehicles, vacation trailers and campers shall not be used for residential purposes in
the City of Port Angeles except in approved trailer parks, the Port Angeles Boat Haven (boats only),
or as permitted by section 17 95 06 17.96.075 PAMC (Temporary Use Permit ., section 17.13.020
PAMC (Residential Trailer Park Overlay Zone), or section 17.21.020 PANIC (Us).
17.%.075 - Temporary use permits.
A. Purpose, criteria and review authority. The Director of the Department of Community and
Economic Development may authorize temporary use permits for the construction and occupancy
of temporary buildings, including mobile homes, used in conjunction with construction or
reconstruction projects, or other circumstance requiring a temporary installation and occupancy, for
a period not to exceed one year. Such temporary use permits may be located in any zone; provided,
required setbacks of zone where the temporary use permit is to occur are provided to protect the
public health, safety and welfare. Temporary use permits requested for longer than one year shall
conform in every respect to all provisions of these regulations but must be considered at a public
hearing before the Hearing Examiner.
B. Fxtensions. Upon written request the Director of Community and Economic Development
may issue an extension for a period not to exceed six months. Only one six-month extension may be
anted for each tgMpoLaa use permit.
Requests for extensions exceeding six months of previously approved temporary use permits with
;d time periods of authorization shall also be considered at a public hearing before the Hearing
ier and may be granted for a period of one to five years, provided that the following minimum
are met:
1. The use complies with the permit conditions.
2. There have been no significant adverse changes in circumstances.
Page 78 of 80
1. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Director or Hearing Examiner may
appeal the decision as allowed in sections 2.18.060 and 2.18.065 PAMC.
2. Appeals shall be submitted to the Department of Community and Economic
Development in writing within 15 days following the date of the decision and shall pay and
shall remit the fee set by resolution for such action.
17.96.130 - Entry upon private properly,
The Building Official, members of the Planning Commission, and the Planning or Enginee' Public
Works staff, in the performance of their functions and duties, may, on notification, except in an
emergency, enter upon any land and make examinations and surveys. Provided, that such entries and
examinations do not damage or interfere with the use of the land by those persons lawfully entitled
to the possession thereof.
Page 79 of 80
Section 2. - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to,
the connection of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes,
rules or regulations, or ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
Section 3. - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or
cimmistances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the
Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4. - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to
the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5)
days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED � by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council
held on the= day of 2023.
illiam . Bloor, City
Kari Martinez -Bailey, _ C
Kate Dexter, Mayor
Summary of Ordinances Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on March 21 2023
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending portions of Title 17 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not
subject to referendum. These Ordinances shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an
approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
The full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the Clerk's office, on the City's website at
wwNti.ciq-ofoa.us or will be mailed upon request.
Kari Martinez -Bailey
City Clerk
Published by summary: Saturday, March 25, 2023
ORDINANCE 3710 Attachment A
A. Findings. The Council of the City of Port Angeles finds that:
l. Within Part Angeles there are insufficient housing opportunities, including;
affordable and multi-family housing;opportunities; and.
;. Adoption of the ordinance from which this chapter derives will help to increase
and improve residential opportunities, including affordable and multi-family housing
opportunities, within the City of Port Angeles.
# B, Purpose. The purposes of this chapter are to:
1. Encourage more multi-family housing opportunities, including, affordable housing
opportunities, within the Cityl
2. Stimulate the construction of new multi-family housings and the rehabilitation of
existing vacant and underutilized buildings for multi-family housings opportunities;
3. Increase the supply of mixed-income, multi-family housing opportunities within
the City;
4. Promote community development, neighborhood revitalization, and availability of
affordable housing.; and
5. Encourage additional housing density in areas that are consistent with planning for
public transit systems.
C. Any one or a combination of these purposes may be furthered by the designation of
residential target areas under this chapter.
17.46.020 Definitions.
The following definitions shall apply to this chapter:
1 g ,1, '"Affordable housing," means residential housing,
required as a condition of o,
.that is rented by a person or household whose monthly housing costs,_including;
utilities other than telephone, do not exceed thirty percent of the household's monthly income.
For the ourvoses of housinja intended for owner occupancy,, "affordable housing" means
residential housing that is within the means of low or moderate-income households.
. "Assessor" means the Clallam County Assessor.
. "'Building codes" means the City building and construction codes as set forth in Title 14
P'AM .
4. "'City" means the City of Port Angeles..
r5, "Council" means the Port Angeles City Council. t
ORDINANCE 3710 Attachment A
. "Director" means the City"s Director of the Community and Economic Development
Department and any authorized designee.
7, "Household" means a single person, family or unrelated persons living together.
S. "Local housing standards" means the International Property Maintenance Code, as
adopted by the City of fort.Angeles.
9. "''Low-income household" means a single person, family, or unrelated persons living
together whose adjusted income is at or below 80 percent of the median family income adjusted
for family size, for Clallam County, as reported by the United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development.
10. "Growth Management Act" means Chapter i.?OA, rCW.
,. ., wider sild , utilities;
, meownership , energyu.
-21.1. "Moderate-income household"' means a single person, family, or unrelated persons living
together whose adjusted income is more than 80 percent of the median family income adjusted for
family size, for Clallam County, as reported by the United States Department of Housing and.
Urban Development. f
» "
-,ilized, buildings, "lvlultntale-unut housnn " means a snn "le lot or a
building or.a� of buildinpas having four or more dr�rellin aun is not dcsi necl or eased as
ttransient accommodations and not incltu n hotels and,motels. MultLfLamily units ma result from
1 the combination of new construction or rehabilitated or conversion of vacant underutilized or
substandard buildings or lots to multifamily housing.
4413. "Owner" means the property owner of record as filed with the Clallam. County Assessor's
4-51144. "Permanent residential occupancy" means multi hmily ides either FenW
multi-unit housing that rovides either
rental or owner occu anc on a non-transient basis. This includes owner-occupied or rental
accommodation that is leased for a veriod of at least one month. This excludes hotels and motels
that predominately offer rental accommodation on a daily or weekly basis.
.1615. "Rehabilitation improvements" means modifications to existing structures that,are vacant
for 12 months or longer, or modification to existing occupied structures which convert non-
residential space to residential space and/or increase the number of multi-family housing units.
4- lug. "Residential targeted area,"" also "residential target area,"" means an area within the City"s
urban governmental center that has been designated by the Council as lacking sufficient,
available, desirable, and convenient residential housing to meet the needs of the public..
ORDWANCE 3710 Attachment A
4-917. "Substantial compliance" means, compliance with all local building, fire and zoning code
requirements, which are typically required for rehabilitation as opposed to new construction.
4-918,. "Urban governmental center" is an identifiable district containing several business
establishments, adequate public facilities, and a mixture of uses and activities where residents
may obtain a variety of products and services. For Port Angeles, the urban governmental center
includes the entire incorporated area of the City.
17.46.030 Residential targeted area standards.
A. Criteria. Following public notice and a public hearing, the Council may, in its sole
discretion, designate one or more residential target areas. Each designated target area must meet
the following criteria, as determined by the Council:
1. The target area is within an urban governmental center;
2. The target area lacks sufficient available, desirable, and convenient residential
housing, including multi-family and affordable housing, to meet the needs of'the public
who would be likely to live in the urban governmental center if affordable, desirable,
attractive, and livable residences were available'.
3. The providing additional housing opportunity in the target area will assist in
achieving one or more of the following purposes:
a. Encourage increased residential opportunities within the target area,
including mixed income and affordable housing opportunities; or
b. Stimulate the construction of new multi-family housing and/or the
rehabilitation of existing vacant and underutilized buildings for multi-family
housing-, or
C. Where appropriate, stimulate the construction, rehabilitation or conversion
of existing vacant and underutilized multi-family rental units to owner occupied
multi-family housing as such property redevelops.
4. In designating a residential target area, the Council may also consider other
factors, including, but not limited to: whether additional housing, including affordable
housing units, in the target area will attract and maintain an increase in the number of
permanent residents-, whether an increased permanent residential population in the
residential targeted area will help to achieve the goals and policies described in the City's
comprehensive plan or mandated by the Growth Management Act under Chapter
36.70A.020 RCW; whether encouraging additional housing in the target area is consistent
with public transportation plans; and whether additional housing,may contribute to,
revitalization of distressed neighborhoods or areas within the target area.
5. When designating a residential target area, the Council shall give notice of a
hearing to be held on the matter and that notice shall be published once each week for two
consecutive weeks, not less than seven days,nor more than 30 days before the date of the
hearing. The notice must state the time, date, place and purpose of the hearing and
generally identify the area proposed to be designated.
ORDINANCE 3710 Attachment A
B. Target area standards and guidelines. For each designated residential target area, the
Council shall adopt and implement basic requirements for both new construction and
rehabilitation, including the application process and procedures. The Council may also adopt
guidelines including the following:
1. Requirements that address demolition of existing structures and site utilization; t
. Building requirements that may include elements addressing parking, building
height, residential density, access to alternative transportation facilities, environmental
impact, public benefit features, compatibility with the surrounding properties,and other
site layout and design amenities intended to enhance the livability of the residential target
. More stringent income eligibility, rent, or sale price limits, including limits that
apply to a higher percentage of units than the minimum conditions under PANIC
The required amenities shall be proportional to the sire of the proposed project and the tax benefit
to be obtained,
C. Designated residential target areas. The following areas, as depicted in Figure 1 and the
City's adopted map known as "Residential 'Targeted Areas," have been designated as residential
target areas in the City"by resolution adopted by the City Council on January 15, 2019.
ORDINANCE 3710 Attachment A
Figure 1
P�jl .�,ad wwgftd Pew
ORDNANCE 3710 Attachment A
17.46,040 Tax exemption terms and project eligibility..
A. Duration of exemption. For properties for which applications are submitted under Chapter
84.14 RCW, the value of improvements qualifying under this chapter is exempt from ad valorem
property taxation as follows.
I. For eight successive years beginning January 1 st of the year immediately
following the calendar year of issuance of the certificate 'Nh fepeAy�4e
subseetion. For-the propeily to qualify for the eight year-exemption Undef this s4section,
the qtta4ifies for-the exemption under Chapter-84.14 RCW and meets the eenditions in this
below.eant may e-haose a mafket rate option er- a&r-dable option as set forth
rate,a. Market rate, in the ca-se of pr-ejeets intended fef mar-ket
housing, applicants shall en4er into a development agfeement ee4i4ng
mqWr-efnents sue-has efthaneed design; publie aft; additional multi family
sueh-_ass for-instanee
1 pafking, ,
bieyele ; .;
, ;
home ownefship
eempenent, energy effieieney; plans.ith
housing, applicants must eemmit to renting or-
. For 12 successive years, beginning January 1 st of the year immediately fallowing
the calendar year of issuance of the certificate, if the property otherwise qualifies for the
exemption under Chapter 84.14 RC ' and meets the conditions in this subsection. For the
property to qualify for the 12-year exemption under this, subsection,the applicant must
commit to renting or selling at least 20 percent of the multi-unit housing units as
affordable to low and moderate income households as set forth below;
a. Owner occupancy. In the case of projects intended exclusively for owner
occupancy,the minimum requirement of this subsection may be satisfied solely
through housing affordable to moderate income households during the authorized
exemption period,
b. Rental occupancy, In the case of projects intended for rental occupancy, the
minimum requirement of this subsection must be satisfied based on affordability
requirements outlined in TANNIC 17.46.,040.C.g9.
B. Limits on exemption. The exemption does not apply to the value of land or to the value of
non-housing related improvements not qualifying under this chapter, nor does the exemption.
apply to increases in assessed valuation of land and non-qualifying improvements, or to increases
made by lawful order of the Clallam County hoard of Equalization, the Washington State
Department of Revenue, 'State Board of Tax Appeals, or Clallarn County, to a class of property
throughout the county or a specific area of the county to achieve uniformity of assessment or
appraisal as required by law. In the case of rehabilitation of existing buildings, the exemption.
does not include the value of improvements constructed prior to submission of the completed
application as required under PANIC 1.7.46,05 . The incentive provided by this chapter is in
addition to any other incentives, tax credits, grants, or other incentives provided by law.
ORDINANCE 3710 Attachment A
C. Project eligibility. To be eligible for exemption from property taxation, the property must
satisfy all of the following requirements.
1. Applications. The Director shall have exclusive authority to determine whether an
application is complete. Only complete applications are eligible to be considered for the
tax exemptions authorized by this chapter.
2. Size. The project must include multi-family housing within a residential structure
or as part of a mixed-use development. This requirement can be satisfied either by
constructinga minimum of four new units in a residential structure, or constructing or
converting at least four additional multi-family units to existing occupied multi-family
housing,. Additionally, this requirement can be satisfied by increasing the number of
residential units on a lot to four, excluding ADUs or other accessory housing types.
Existing multi-family housing that has been vacant for 12 months or more does not have
to provide additional units so long as the project provides for occupancy at least four units
of new, converted., or rehabilitated multi-family housing,
3. Tenant displacement prohibited. The project must not displace existing residential
tenants of structures that are proposed for redevelopment. Existing,dwelling units
proposed for rehabilitation must have been unoccupied for a minimum of 12 months prior
mission ofa application and must have two or more violations of applicable City
to sub pp y
p p
building codes. Applications for new construction cannot be submitted for vacant property
upon which an occupied residential rental structure previously stood, unless a minimum of
12 months has elapsed from the time of most recent occupancy.
4. Permanent residential housing. At least 50 percent of the space designated for
multi-family housing must be provided for permanent residential occupancy, as defined in
PAMC 17.46.020.
5. Proposed completion date. New construction multi-unit housing and rehabilitation
p p g a
improvements must be scheduled to be completed within three years from the date of
approval of the application.
6. Compliance with guidelines and standards. The project shall be designed to
comply with the City's comprehensive plan, building, housing, and zoning codes,the
standards and guidelines adopted by the Council for the residential target area, and with
any other applicable regulations in effect at the time the application is approved.
T historic resource protection.
a. Applications for new construction that require the demolition of structures
�I listed in the local, state or national register, or identified as contributing to an
historic district in the City's historic property survey are not eligible for the multi-
family tax exemption.
8.. Affordability. Projects intended for rental occupancy.seeking a 12-year tax
exemption shall provide 20 percent of the multi-unit housing as to households
whose adjusted income is at or,below 80 percent of median famil income adjusted for
family size in Clallam Count
ORDMANCE 3710 Attachment A
available to households whes
' . Contract, The applicant must enter into a contract with the City,approved by the
Director, under which the applicant agrees to the implementation of the development on
terms and conditions consistent with this chapter and Chapter 4.14 RCW and satisfactory
to the Director.
17.46.041 Extension of Exemption Period
lryor taroperties that Qualified for satisfied the conditions of and utilized the exam tion.
under PANIC 17,46.040. follows the initial exam titan eriod or the extension period
autlncarized in this sectican the exam titan criod ma e cxteunded fear an additional 12 years for
r ct that are vithin l mcanths of cx iration_countin gent can it a royal. Fcr the ro artY to
calif for an extension under this sectn'�an the a licant must meet at a minimum the locall
adocatcd requirements for the pro art to calif for an exam tion under lP1C 17. .044 .r .2 as
a lucable at the time of the extensu an applucatton, and the a licant commas to renting or sellin
at least erccnt of'the rruultnfamul htausun units as affordable housinp,units for low-income f
B. At the end of both the tenth and eleventh years of an extension for twelve-year extensions
of the exern tion, licants must provide tenants of rent-restricted units with notification of
intent to provide the tenant nvitkrental relocation assistance:
t '
l�_ Except pt as provided in (h) of this subsection for any l - year cxemption.authorized
under PANIC 17.46. 4O. .7 after July 25 �fl�l or for an 1 - ear exem tion extension
authorized under this section at tlnc cx i:ratican of the exam tion the a licant roust
provide tenant relocation assistance in an amount equal,,to one month's rent to a ualified
tenant within the final month of the auYalified tenant's lease. To be eligible for tenant
relocation assistance under this suibscction the tenant must occu an incoune-restricted
unit at the time the exemption expires and must oualifv as a low-income household under
this chapter at the time relocation assistance is sought.
2�. If affordability rquirements consistent at a minimum with those required under
PANIC 17.46.04t1. . on
relocation assistance in an amount equal to one month's rent must be provided to a
qualified tenant within the final month of qualified tenant's lease who occupies an
income-restricted unit at the time those additional atTordability requirements cease to
G apply to the unit.
ORDMANCE 3,710 Attachment A
C. No new exemptions ma be provided under this section beg inn!ng on or after January I
12032. No extensions may be granted under subsection of of this sectiori on or after January 1.,
17.46.045 Twen!I-Year Duration of Exemption
A, The value of new housing construction, conyqrsion., and rehAbilitation improvements
uali in under this alas ter is exam t from ad valorem propertv taxation is for 20 successive
years be inning januqry I st of the year immediate)v following, the c.alendar vear of issuance of
the certificate:, if the pro erty otherwise qualifies for the exam tiers under this ha ter and meets
the conditions in this section:,
I At least 25 percent of the units must be
le homeownership, The remaining 75
perce it of units may be rented or sold at market rates,
2, Permanently affordable homeownership units or pernianently affordable rental
units must be sold or rented to households caminLy no more than 8O percent of the averag
median income for the city or local jurisdiction in which the unit is located-
3, The it may assign and collect an administration fee at each vpint of sale to cover
the administrative costs for oversight ofthe taro gram to maintain permanently affordable
housing units consistent with this segfiM
4. The exemptions in this section do not include the value,of land or nonhousing
related improvements not qualif yigg under this chapter;,
. _
5. For puKposes of this section, "pennapently affordable homeowngh�j "means
homeownership,that, in addition to meeting the definition of"affordable housing"' in RCW
a. S onsored by a nonprofit pMADjggjM or governmental entity
b�. Subject to a ground lease or deed restriction that includes:
i. A resale restriction designed to prov,ide affordability forfuturc low
and moderate-income homebuyprs'
ii. A right of first refusal for the_sRonsor organization to purchase the
home at resale, and
iii. A requirement that the sp2gsor must approve anyrefinancin
including,home equity lines of credit: and
C. Sponsored by a nonprofit o[ganization or goverrangntal entity and the
ORDINANCE 3710 Attachment A
1. Executes, a new Uound lease or,deed restriction with a duration of
at least 99-years at the initial sale and with each successive sale, and
ii. 'Su arts homeowners and enforces the ground lease or deed
B. The doartment of commerce must develop a template for permanent affordability for
home or condo ownership through deed restrictions that can be used by the City to, ensure
compliance with this section.
C. No new exemptions may be provided under this section beginning,on or after janugy 1,
17.46.0150 Application procedure.
A. The owner of property applying for exemption under this chapter shall submit an
application to the Director, on a form established by the Director. The owner shall verify the
application by oath or affirmation. The application shall contain such information as the Director
may deem necessary or useful., and sha4l include at a Minimilm.
i. information setting forth the grounds suppet4ing the feqtiested exemptie
ineluding i4�atio_n indie—ateaul on the apphealinn fi4rm
2. A brief wi-74ten desei-4ption of the pr-oj�eet and pir-eliminary, site, and t!0 O.r
plans of the multi family units and the structure(s) in whieh they afe proposed to
leea4ed; and
3. A statement from the owner-acknowledging the potential tax liability when
pfepei4y eeases to be eligible fbf e-xemptien undef this chapter-.
B. In the case of rehabilitation or where demolition or new construction is required, the
owner shall secure from the City, before commencement of rehabilitation improvements or new
construction, verification of property noncompliance with applicable building and housing codes.
C. At the tifne of submitting an applieation under-this se!etion, the applieant shall pay to
City, an initial apphea4ien fee in the ametint of$1, . . To encourage development of housing
pursuant to this Chapter, the City is waiving all fees for applications made pursuant to this
D. The Director shall notify the applicant within 30 days of the application being filed if the
Director determines that an application is not complete and shall identify what additional
:information is required before the application will be complete. Within 30 days of receiving
additional information, the Director shall notify the applicant in writing if the Director determines
that the application is still not complete, and what additional information is necessary,
E. An application shall be deemed to be complete if the Director does not notify the applicant
in writing by the deadlines in this section that the application is incomplete-, however, a
determination of completeness does not preclude the Director from requiring additional
ORDINANCE 3710 Attachment A
information during the review process if more information is needed to evaluate the application
according to the criteria in this chapter.
F. Application review and issuance of conditional certificate. The Director may certify as
eligible an application if the Director finds that:
1. A minimum of four new units are being constructed, or in the case of occupied
rehabilitation or conversion, a minimum of four additional multi-family units are being
2. If applicable, the proposed multi-unit housing project meets the affordable housing
requirements as described in RC' 84.14.040.A;,
3. The proposed project is, or will be at the time of completion, in conformance with
all local laws, and regulations that apply at the time the application is approved;
4. The owner has complied with all standards and guidelines adopted by the City
under this chapter; and
5. The site is located in a residential targeted area of an urban center that has been
designated in accordance with procedures and guidelines indicated in RC` 84,14.040;
6. That the proposed project otherwise complies, with the requirements, of this chapter
and Chapter 84.14 RCW.
G. A decision to approve or deny an application shall be made within 90 days of receipt of
complete application.
1. Approval. If an application is conditionally approved, the applicant shall enter into
a contract with the city regarding the terms and conditions of the project as provided in
P'AMC 17.47.040.A.9, The Director shall issue a conditional certificate of acceptance of
tax exemption. The conditional certificate expires three years from the date of approval
unless an extension is,granted as provided in this chapter.
2. Denial. The Director shall state in writing the reasons for denial and shall send
notice to the applicant at the applicant's last known address within ten days, of the denial.
The applicant may appeal the Director's decision to the hearing examiner. If so, the city's
hearings, examiner shall conduct the appeal hearing and grant or deny the appeal within 30
days of receipt of notice. The appeal before the Hearings Examiner will be based upon the
record before the Director, and the Director's decision will be upheld unless the applicant
can show that there is no substantial evidence on the record to support the Director"s
17.46.060 Extension of conditional certificate.
The conditional certificate may be extended beyond its, initial three-year term by the Director for a
period not to exceed 24 consecutive months. The applicant must submit a written request stating
the grounds for the extension, o
conditional certificate shall be eligible for more than one such extension. An extension may be
granted if the Director determines that:
ORDINANCE 3710 Attachment A
1. The anticipated failure to complete construction or rehabilitation within the required time
period is due to circumstances beyond the control of the owner;
2. The owner has been acting and could reasonably be expected to continue to act in good
faith and with due diligence;
3. The project will comply with the city's development regulations, building, housing, and
zoning codes, and any other applicable regulations in effect at the time the extension of the
conditional certificate is granted; and
4,. All the conditions of the original contract between the applicant and the city will be
satisfied upon completion of the project.
17.46.0�70 Final certificate—Application—Issuance—DeniaI and appeal.
A. Upon completion of the rehabilitation improvements or new construction as provided in
the contract between the applicant and the City, and upon issuance of a temporary certificate of
occupancy, or a permanent certificate of occupancy if no temporary certificate is issued, the
applicant may request a final certificate of tax exemption. The applicant shall file with the
Director such information as the Director may deem necessary or useful to evaluate eligibility for
the final certificate, and shall include:
1. A statement of expenditures made with respect to each multi-family housing unit
and the total expenditures made with respect to the entire property;
2. A description of the completed work with evidence of final City inspection of all
work completed and a statement of qualification for the exemption;
3. A statement that the work was completed within the required three-year period or
any authorized extension; and
4. If applicable, a statement that the project meets the affordable housing
requirements as described in this chapter.
B. Issuance of final certificate,. Within 30 days of receipt of all materials required for a final
certificate, the Director shall determine whether the completed work, and the affordability of the
units, is consistent with the contract between the City and owner and is qualified for exemption
under this, chapter.
I. If the Director determines that the project has been completed in accordance with
the contract between the applicant and the City and the requirements of this chapter,
including, if applicable, affordable housing requirements, the City shall file a final
certificate of tax exemption with the assessor within ten days of the expiration of the 30-
day period provided under subsection C of this section.
2. The Director is authorized to require the applicant or owner to record, in the real
property records of the Clallam county assessor, the contract with the City required under
P'AMC 17.46.040.A,8, and such other document(s) as will identify such terms and
conditions of eligibility for exemption under this chapter as the Director deems
appropriate for recording.
ORDINANCE 3710 Attachment A
I The Director,shall notify the applicant in writing that the City will not file a final
certificate if the Director determines that the project was not completed within the
required three-year period or any approved extension, was not completed in accordance
with the contract between the applicant and the City and the requirements,of this chapter,
if applicable,that the affordable housing,requirements as,described this chapter were not
met, or if the owner's property is otherwise not qualified.
C. Within 14 days of receipt of the Director's denial of a final certificate, the applicant may
file an appeal with the hearing examiner, as provided in PANIC The applicant may
appeal the hearing examiner's decision to Clallani County Superior Court, if the appeal is filed
within 30 days of receiving notice of the hearing examiner's decision.
17.46.080 Annual compliance review.
A. Within 30 days after the first anniversary of the date of filing the final certificate of tax
exemption and each year thereafter, for the tax exemption period, the property owner, or the
qualified nonprofit or local overnment that will assure permanent affordable homeownership for
at least 25 ercent of the units for propertie�s receiving an exemption under RC W 84.14.02 1,shall
file a notarized declaration with the Director indicating the following:
I. A statement of occupancy and vacancy of the multi-family units during,the
previous year; and
2, A certification that the property has not changed use and, if applicable, that the
property has been in compliance with the affordable housing requirements of this chapter
since the date of filing of the final certificate of tax exemption, and continues to be in
compliance with the contract with the City and the requirements of this chapter; and
3. A description of any subsequent improvements or changes to the property, and
4, A report on affordable housing utilization, if applicable, including:
a. The total monthly rent or total sale amount of each unit produced;
b. The income of each renter household at the time of initial occupancy and
the income of each initial purchaser of owner-occupied units, at the time of
purchase for each of the units receiving a tax exemption; and
C. Any additional information requested by the city in regards,to the units,
receiving a tax exemption.
B. City staff shall have the right to conduct on-site verification of the declaration.
C. Failure to submit the annual declaration may result in the tax exemption being canceled.
D. The City shall report annually by December 31 st of each year to the Washington State
Department of Commerce as required by RCW 84.14.100(2).
17.46.090 Cancellation of tax exemption—Appeal.
A. If at any time the Director determines,that the property no longer complies, with the terms
,of the contract or with the requirements of this chapter, or for any reason no longer qualifies for
ORDNANCE 3710 Attachment A
the tax exemption,the tax exemption shall be canceled and additional taxes, interest and penalty
imposed pursuant to state law.
B. Upon detennining that a tax exemption shall be canceled, the Director shall notify the
I property owner by certified mail, return receipt requested.
1. The property owner may appeal the determination by filing a notice of appcal with
the hearings examiner within 30 days,, specifying the factual and legal basis for the appeal.
2. The hearing examiner will conduct a hearing at which all affected parties may be
heard and all competent evidence received,
3. The hearing examiner will affinn, modify or repeal the decision to cancel the
exemption based on the evidence received. The hearing examiner shall give substantial
weight to the Director's decision and the burden of overcoming that weight shall be upon
the appellant.
4. An aggrieved party may appeal the hearing examiner's decision to the Clallam
County Superior Court as, provided in RC W 34,05.510 through RCW 34.05.,598.
C. If the property owner sells the affordable multi-family housing units, the new property
owner shall file with the City a report indicating that the unit was purchased at a value affordable
to low- and moderate-income persons, to continue to comply with the 20 percent requirement of
RC W 84.14M0(I)(ii)(B).
D. If the owner intends,to convert the multi-family housing to another use, or if applicable, if
the owner intends to discontinue compliance with the affordable housing requirements as
described in RC W 84.14.020(l)(ii)(B), or any, other condition to exemption, the owner must
notify the Director and the Assessor within 6�0 days of the change in use or intended
discontinuance. If after the issuance of a final tax certificate an owner-occupied multi-,family
housing unit that initially qualified as a low or moderate-income unit is sold and no longer
qualifies as an affordable housing unit, that unit shall lose its tax-exempt status and all prior
exempt taxes and penalties and interest shall become a lien on the property per RC W 84.14.110
and the subsequent owner shall no longer qualify for the tax exemption. The remaining units' tax
exemption status shall not be affected.
E The Director may adopt administrative policies, and procedures which are not inconsistent
i the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 84.14 RCW,, to implement the reporting requirement
for this section.
17.46.100 Tax exemption program review.
A. Not later than the last day of January, 2022, the, Director shall report to the Council about
the utilization and consequences of the tax exemption created by this Chapter. Such report shall
include the number of applications filed, the number of tax exemptions granted, the number of
housing units created or rehabilitated, and any facts that indicate whether the tax exemption
program created by this Chapter should, or should not, continue to be available past the last day of
February, 2022, as now provided in section 17,4 .040.C;.I.
B. If and when five projects have been granted tax exemptions under this Chapter, the
Director shall report to the Council about the utilization and consequences of the tax exemption
ORDINANCE 3710 Attachment A
created by this chapter. such report shall include the number of applications filed, the number of
projects successfully completed, the number of housing units created or rehabilitated, and any
additional facts that indicate whether the tax exemption program created by this, Chapter is
achieving any of the purposes identified in section 1"7,46,01 O.B.
17.476.110 Conflict of provisions.
If any provision of this chapter conflicts with any provision of Chapter 84.14 RC , the
n f Chapter 84.14 RC'� shall apply as if set forth in this chapter.
provisions o p pp y p
Summary of Ordinances, Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on March 2,1,2023
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending portions cif"Title 17 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not
subJect to referendum, These Ordinances shall take effect five(5) days after passage and pLiblication of an
approved summary thereof consisting,of the title,
'rhe full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the Cierk's,office, on the City's website at
a tis or will be mailed upon request.
Kari Martinez-Bailey
City Clerk
Published by summary: Saturday, March 25, 2023