HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.557 Original Contract '. . :. PROJECT MANUAL for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 PROJECT NO. 06-22 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHlNGTON MONTH YEAR GLENN A. CUTLER, P.E., DIRECfOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES GARY W. KENWORTHY, P.E., DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES For infonnation regarding this project, contact: City of Port Angeles . . . CERTIFICATION The technical material and data contained in this document were prepared under the supervision and direction of the undersigned, whose seal, as a professional engineer licensed to practice as such, is affixed below. 5~~ ...--' Prepared by Ken Brown Checked by Gary Arndt, P .E. ~ City of Part Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract Docwnellts 23J-2191-01J (01/04) March 2007 . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I - BIDDING DOCUMENTS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. .............. ................ ..... ...... .......... ..... ........ ..................... ................. ............. ....1-1 INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS .......................................................................................................................1-3 BIDDER'S CHECKLIST ......... ....... ........ .... ................... ................. ....... ........ ...... ..... .............. ...... ................ .....1-5 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT .......................................................................................................................1-6 BIDDER'S CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE ..................................................................................................1-7 LISTING OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS .............................................................................................1-9 BID FORM ......... ........................... ........................ .............. .................. ........ ..... ..... ............. ........... ...... ...... ......1-10 ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.............................................................................................................1-15 BID BOND FORM ................ ...........................................................................................................................1-16 PART II - CONTRACT FORMS PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT.............................................................................................................. .......... IT-1 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND .................................................................................................... IT-7 ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR RETAINED PERCENTAGE ......................................................................... ll-8 Addenda \ SPECIAL PROVISIONS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUlREMENfS ............................................................................................... SP-2 DIVISION 2 - EARTHWORK........ ....... ......... ............................................ ...... ....... ............................... ...... SP-19 DIVISION 4 - BASES .................................................................................................................................: SP-24 DIVISION 7 -DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS, AND CONDUITS .................................................................................................................... SP-25 DIVISION 8 - MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION ........................................................... .................. SP-32 DIVISION 9 - MATERIALS ........................................................................................................................ SP-53 APPENDIX A - DRAWINGS A DRAWINGS B CQA PLAN C PREVAILINGWAGEDATA D BORROW SOIL AND COMPOST ANALYSIS E APPROVED GEOSYNTHETICS MATERIAL F CONSTRUCTION STORMW ATER GENERAL PERMIT Error! U"knolpn dOCllllltmt properly nallle. Error! UllknowII dOClllltellt property "Ollle. Errorl Ullknown JOCl/lllellt property IIallle. 23J-2/91-()1J (01104) Errorl UllkllOWII docllment property name. . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF AWARD May 16, 2007 TO: Delhur Industries, Inc. Attn: Tim Holth, President 4333 Tumwater Access Road Port Angeles, Washington 98363 PROJECT: Port Angeles Landfill Closure, Project No. 06-22 The Owner has considered the bid submitted by you for the above described work in response to its Advertisement for Bids dated April 11, 2007 You are hereby notified that your bid has been accepted for the base bid in the amount of $1 ,867,584.31. You are required, as stated in the Information for Bidders, to execute the contract and furnish the required Contractor's Performance and Payment Bond and certificates of insurance within ten (10) calendar days from the date of this notice to you. If you fall to execute said contract and to furnish said bonds within ten (10) days from the date of this Notice, said Owner will be entitled to consider all of your rights arising out of the Owner's acceptance of your bid as abandoned and as a forfeiture of your bid bond. The Owner will be entitled to such other rights as may be granted by law. You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this Notice of Award to the Owner. Dated this IlDth day of ['(\0.--\ ,2001 . CITY 0;= -pORT ANGELE~S By: ~-1--... 'I....J -===--= C rJ " Title: De{)Uhl D\('ec.'ror QfE.~~\(',ee('"\~~ . ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE BY CONTRACTOR Receipt of the above Notice of Award is hereby acknowledged this ~ day of \'1.Ot'f ~;~ 1Iu.~ ' SIGNATURE 20fl.. Print Name: -r;'rn go J i-l, .fv-esl 'd e tI+ Title: Please return signed original to the City of Port Angeles Public Works & Utilities Department, attn: Terri Partch cc: City Clerk PW 0407_17 [ReVIsed 05/06] . . PART I - BIDDING REQUIREMENTS . . . '. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 (PROJECT NO. 06-22) CITY OF PORT ANGELES Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Pubhc Works and Utilities at 321 East Fifth Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, until 2:00 p.m, on May 8,2007, and not later, and will then and there be opened and publicly read for the construction of the following improvements: construction of a fma1 cover system (approximately 11 acres) for the landfill. This work includes the installation of the cover system, as described in the project manual, the modification of the existing gas and leachate collection system, installation of a gravel access road on the cover system, storm drainage improvements, and other work, all in accordance with the Contract Provisions and Plans. The City Engineer's anticipated cost range for this project is between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000. The time of completion (performance period) for this Project is 80 working days and final erosion control m place by September 30, 2007. To view detailed plans and specifications (Project Manual), go to www.b:lL'wa.com on the Internet, or contact the Builders Exchange of Washington at 425-258-1303. Informational copies of maps, plans, and specifications are on file for inspection 1U the office of the City Engineer [phone: 360-417-4700]. BIdders shall be qualified for the type of work proposed. A pre-bid conference will be held on 1 0:00am, on MaJ 15,--2007 in the Crews Building at the Landfill. AprIl d-.'t All bids shall be submitted on the prescribed Bid Forms and in the manner as stated in this advertisement and in the Project Manual, and said bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit ill the form of a cashier's check, postal money order, or surety bond to the City of Port Angeles in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. If a surety bond IS used, said bond shall be issued by a surety authorized and registered to issue said bonds in the State of Washmgton. The bond shall specifY the surety's name, address, contact, and phone number and shall include a power of attorney appointing the SIgnatory of the bond as the person authorized to execute it. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into the Contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the Information for Bidders, the bid deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Port Angeles. Faxed bids and/or snrety bonds will not be accepted. Minority- and women~owned businesses shall be afforded full opportunity to submit bIds in response to this invitation, shall not be discriminated against on the grounds of gender, race, color, age, national origin or handicap in consideration of an award of any contract or subcontract, and shall be actively solicited for participation in this project by direct mailing of the invitation to bid to such businesses as have contacted the City for such notification. Further, all bidders are drrected to solicit and consider minority and women owned businesses as potential subcontractors and material suppliers for this project. The City of Port Angeles reserves the right to accept bids and award the Contract to responsible bidders which are in the best interest of the City, to postpone the acceptance of bids and the award of the Contract for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, or to reject any and all bids received and further advertIse for bIds. When awarded the Contract, the successful bidder shall promptly execute the Contract and shall furnish a bond of faIthful performance of the Contract in the full amount of the Contract price. City of Port A1lgeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Part I-I Contraet DOClmU!llts 235-2191-015(OIl04) . Marcil 2007 . . . Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the outside clearly marked with the bid opening date and time, the project name and number as it appears in this advertisement, and the name and address of the bidder. Bids shall be addressed to the Director ofPubIic Works & Utilities, City of Port Angeles, 321 East Fifth Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. ~uA Gle1U1 A. Cutler, P .E. Director of Public Works & Utilities Publish: Peninsula Daily News [Tuesday, April 11, & Sunday, April 15, 2007], Daily Journal of Commerce [Monday, April 9, 2007] Copy to: NPBA CIty oj Port Angeles Pori Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 ParI 1-2 Contract Documents 235-2191-015(0//04) March 2007 . INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the City of Port Angeles (herein called "Owner"), at 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, until the time and date as stated in the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS or as amended through addendum, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. Each bid shall be received by the Owner in the manner set forth in the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope, so marked as to indicate its contents without being opened, and addressed in conformance with the instructions of the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Each bid shall be submitted on the required bid form contained in Part I of the Project Manual. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in, in ink or typewritten, and the Bid Form must be fully completed and executed when submitted. Only one copy of the Bid Form is required. In addition, all other forms included in Part I shall be filled out and completed, including any addendum(s), and enclosed in a sealed envelope endorsed with the name of the work. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a cashier's check, postal money order, or surety bond to the City of Port Angeles for a sum of not less than 5 percent of the amount of the bid, and no bid will be considered unless accompanied by such bid deposit. . The Owner may waive any informalities or minor defects or reject any and all bids. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled time for the opening of bids or authorized postponement thereof. Any bid received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No bidder will be permitted to withdraw its bid between the closing time for receipt of bids and execution of the Contract, unless the award is delayed for a period exceeding sixty (60) calendar days. A conditional or qualified bid will not be accepted. The work witt begin within ten (10) calendar days after Notice to Proceed from the Director of Public Works & Utilities and shatt be completed within the time as stated in the Advertisement for Bids. The Owner may make such investigations as it deems necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the Owner att such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid, if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such bidder fails to satisfy the Owner that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations ofthe Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. The party to whom the Contract is awarded will be required to execute the Contract and obtain the Performance and Payment Bond within ten (10) calendar days from the date the notice of award is delivered to the bidder. Such bond(s) shall be on the form provided by the Owner, specify the name, contact phone, and address of the surety, and shall include a power of attorney appointing the signatory ofthe bond(s) as the person authorized to execute it (them). . The Notice of Award will be accompanied by the necessary Contract and bond forms. In case of failure of the bidder to execute the Contract, the Owner may, at its option, consider the bidder in default, in which case the bid deposit accompanying the bid shall become the property of the Owner. The Owner, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the acceptable Performance and Payment Bond and the Contract signed by the party to whom the Contract was awarded, will sign the Contract and return to such party an executed duplicate of the Contract. Should the Owner not execute the Contract within such period, the bidder may, by written notice, withdraw its signed Contract. Such notice of withdrawal will be effective upon receipt of the notice by the Owner. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Part 1-3 Contract DOCfl11/eJltS 235-2191-0/5(01104) March 2007 . . . The Notice to Proceed will be issued within ten (10) calendar days of the execution of the Contract by the Owner. Should there be reasons why the Notice to Proceed cannot be issued within such period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Owner and Contractor. If the Notice to Proceed has not been issued within the 1 a-calendar-day period or within the period mutually agreed upon, the Contractor may terminate the Contract without further liability on the part of either party. All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the Contract throughout. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-12 Part 1-4 Colltraet Dommellts 235-2191-015(01/04) March 2007 . BIDDER'S CHECKLIST 1. Has a bid deposit in the form ofa surety bond in the proper form, postal money order, or cashier's check been enclosed with your bid? 2. Is the amount of the bid deposit at least five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid? 3. Have the bid forms been properly signed? 4. Do the written amounts of the bid forms agree with the amounts shown in figures? 5. Have you bid on all items? 6. Have you checked to see if there are any addenda? Ifso, have you acknowledged them on the bid form? 7. Has the Non-Collusion Affidavit been properly executed? . 8. Have you shown your contractor's state license number on the bid form? 9. Have you listed all subcontractors that you will use for the project? 10. Have you filled out the Bidder's Construction Experience form? The following forms are to be executed after the Contract is awarded: A Contract - To be executed by the successful bidder and the City. B. Performance Bond - To be executed on the form provided by Owner, by the successful bidder and its surety company. To include name. contact and phone number. and address of surety and power of attornev of signatory. C. Insurance Certificate(s). . City of Pori Angeles Pori Angeles Lalldfl// Closw'e 2007 -Project No. 06-22 Part 1-5 CoII/ract Doa,ments 135-1191-015(01/04) March 2007 (it NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) COUNTY OF ) The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath, says that the bid herewith submitted is a genuine and not a sham or collusive bid, or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named; and (s)he further says that the said bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any bidder on the above work or supplies to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that said bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to him/her self an advantage over any other bidder or bidders. ~ ihtJ Signature of Bidder ICon tractor Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~ day of , 2007. (e Not Public In and for the State of Washington. Residing at ftrJ- ~~ My Commission Expires: 5 -- l 3 - oct' " (e City of Pori .4 ngeles Port Angeles LondfiTl Closure 1007 - Project No. 06-22 Part 1-6 Cootmet Documents 235-2191-015(01/04) Metrefl 2007 Page 10 Non-collusion Affidavit Provided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc For usage Conditions Agreement see www bxwa.com it BIDDER'S CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE Answer all questions and provide clear and comprehensive information. 1. Name of bidder: De' h L-\V""" :=:LAdus-h--; e 5, -=c:.I\C . DELHU.Lr 15<;?o4 Registration No.: 2. Permanent main office address: ~3 3 3 IU YY\ w a...t-e r Ac.c.e 5 $ eo o.-cl Po...--!- An:ydes, LJil- "Igj" 3 3. When organized: D e...L.. e..rY\ b e r- \ \ , I '1 r I , 4. Where incorporated: l0o...s h L'n yon 5. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present :firm name? ~~ 6. *Contracts on hand.. (Schedule these, showing gross amount of each contract and the approximate anticipated dates of completion), contact name, and phone number. (. Sf!.. A-TTA-C!.-~~%\t 1- *General character of work performed by your company: Lo...n.d b.J l:s te Us +-~Jo Su..re S I W.ljhw~ I UG\..(Yi,.S I rYl:"e. eeL(o...(YIO-+;crn 8. *Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? ND 7. If so, where and why? 9. *Have you ever defaulted on a contract? ~ tJ 10. *List the more important projects recently completed by your company, stating approximate cost for each, the month and year completed, contact name and phone number. S -e- e. A-If It Chin en t .J... (' City of Port Angeles Port Angeles LaJICfji/l Clasuro 2007 - Project No 06.22 Part 1-7 Contract DocIUllf!1ll~ 235-2 J 91-0/5(01/04) Marcil 2007 (,. Page 11 Bidders Construction Experience Provided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com l~ . 11. *List your major equipment available for this contract: S ee a..-~ch Yn e Vl + S 12. *Experience of bidder in construction similar to this project in work and importance: Se.e. A--t+Ac.hMen+ 1 13. Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any other information that may be required by the City? ye s * Add separate sheets if necessary. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or corporation to furnish any information requested by the City of Port Angeles. Date; s J ~) 0 7 !::M !/d.J Bidder's Signature Print Name: 17 M \40 \+h Title: ""Pr"'es\'de.n (. (. City of Port Angeles P011 Angeles Landfin Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Part 1-8 COn/roa Dcr:llments 235-2191-015(01104) Mme" 2007 Page 12 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com DelHur Industries, Inc. Contracts on Hand Contract Amount .4,940,30400 $4,737,91800 $2,596,43400 $505,450 09 Estimated Completion Class of Work 09/07 1,2 09/07 05/07 06/07 Title/Contract No. 118-K Burial Grounds Remedial Action 1,2 Pend Orielle Mine Agency Address Washington Closure Hanford 3070 George Was9lngton Way Rlchland, WA 99354 Patrick Jewell (509) 375-4640 Teck Comlnco American POBox 7 Metallne Falls, WA 99153 Brett Garland (604) 685-0543 Santa Fe Solid Waste Management 149 Wildlife Way Santa Fe, NM 87506 Randall Klppenbrock (505) 424-1850 Oregon Waste Management 18177 Cedar Splngs Lane Arlington, OR 97812 Sam Jines (541) 454-3201 . . 1,2 CaJa Del RIo Landfill 1,2 Module 12 - Columbia Ridge Landfill Delhur Industries, Inc. Projects Complete - Past 5 Years Contract Amount Date Complete Class of Work Title/Contract No. Agency Address .1,785,05350 04/07 1,2 Knott Landfill Deschutes Co Dept Solid Waste 61000 S E ,27th Street Bend, OR 97702 Chad Centola (541) 322-7172 $2,310,48818 1 0/06 1,2 Caja Del RIo Landfill Santa Fe Solid Waste Management 213 S Camino del Pueblo Vernallllo, NM 87004 $1,596.71660 08/06 1,2 LRI - Cell 4A Construction LRI Phase II 17925 Mendlan Street East Puyallup, WA 98375 Jim Crandall (253) 377-2958 $12,702,954.00 08/06 1,2 Integrated Disposal CH2M HIli Hanford Group, Inc Facility POBox 1500 2414 Rlchland, WA 99352-1505 Tim Hubbard (509) 373-9137 $5,901,41480 07/06 1,2 East Boulder Mine StIllwater Mining Company Stage 2 Tailings Storage 2562 Nye Road Facility Nye, MT 59061 2511 Ken Jokl (406) 328-8605 $983,715 00 07/06 1,2 Lea County Landfill Lea Co Solid Waste Authonty 2612 100 North Main, SUite 11 Lovlngton, NM 88260 Michael Helnsteln, P E (505) 867-6990 $1,099,66487 07/06 1,2 Vincent Mullins Landfill City of Tucson . 2610 POBox 27210 Tucson, AZ 85726-7210 Dan Longanecker 520-791-4217 $335,750 00 07/06 1,2 Vincent Mullins Landfill City of Tucson 2611 POBox 27210 Tucson, AZ 85726-7210 Dan Longanecker 520-791-4217 $2,046,66021 07/06 1,2 116-N-1 Cnb and Washington Closure Hanford Trench Backfill 3070 George Washington Way 2608 Rlchland, WA 99354 Jonetta Everano. (509) 521-3880 $641,65412 06/06 1,2 Port Angeles Stormwater City of Port Angeles System Project 05-16 P O. Box 1150 2515 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Gary Kenworthy (360) 417-4700 $383,62800 06/06 1,2 Clallam County Crushing Clallam County Road Department 2006 POBox 863 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Steve Hauff (360) 417-2000 $1,318,25024 11/05 1,2 Landfill 14, Cell 2 Chemical Waste Management Construction 17629 Cedar Spnngs Lane 2513 Arlington, OR 97812 Sam Jlrles (541) 454-3201 $3,117,62000 10/05 1,2 Stage 1 - Heap Leach Lisbon Valley Mining Company . Pad and Ponds 900 Denver Center BUilding 2419 1776 Lincoln Street Denver, CO 80203 Peter Thatcher 604-669-8444 Delhur Industries, Inc. Projects Complete - Past 5 Years 2 Contract Amount Date Complete Class of Work Title/Contract No. Agency Address .1,674,61600 10/05 1,2 Sitework Excavation Lisbon Valley Mining Company 2417 900 Denver Center BUilding 1776 Lincoln Street Denver, CO 80203 Peter Thatcher 604-669-8444 $10,158,25013 09/05 1,2, 15 Sacramento River Road Federal Highway Administration 2314 POBox 1680 Cloudcroft, NM 88317 Richard Gillette (505) 443-0003 $10,997,758.78 07/05 1,2 Flowery Trail Road Federal Highway Administration 2211 107 West Main Street POBox 1220 Chewelah, WA 99109-9257 Linda Persoon 509-935-7175 $569,90000 06/05 1,2 Cell F and G Excavation Waste Control Specialists, LLC East+West Landfill POBox 1129 2410 Andrews, TX 79714-1129 Tom Jones (432) 523-4444 $7,086,15700 11/04 1,2 US 101 Hoh River Erosion Washington DOT 2413 4801 Olympic Hwy Aberdeen, WA 98520 Bnan Brewer (360) 533-9352 $9,844,063 78 09/04 1,2 Hertzler Tailings Stillwater Mining Company Impoundment 2562 Nye Road 2308 Nye, MT 59061 Ken Jokl 406-328-8605 1,298,700 00 07/04 1,2 Knott Landfill - Cell 3 Deschutes County Improvements Dept of Solid Waste 2408 61000 SE 27th Street Bend, OR 97702 Tlmm Schimke (541) 317-3163 $903,268 00 06/04 1,2 Wasco County Landfill Waste Connections, Inc Cell3A POBox 61726 Vancouver, WA 98666 John Rodgers (360) 695-4858 $608,557 00 04/04 1,2 Finley Buttes Regional Waste Connections, Inc. Landfill 501 SE Columbia Shores Blvd SUite 350 Vancouver, WA 98661 Dan Swanson (503) 288-7844 $20,108,11700 02/04 1,2 Horsetooth Reservoir Bureau of Reclamation Spnng, Soldier, and Dixon POBox 36900 Dams Billings, MT 59107-6900 2112 Field Office Ft Collins, CO Terrence Lewton (970) 212-2740 $9,839,91498 05/03 1,2 Gilt Edge Mine Superfund Bureau of Reclamation Site - Ruby Gulch POBox 25007,0-7810 2209 Denver, CO 80225-0007 Cheryl Rolland (605) 578-2109 .4,479,79869 02/03 1,2 Cedar Hills Regional King County Landfill Area 5 Stage 2 Solid Waste DIvIsIon Closure, Area 6 Phase 1 400 Yessler BUilding Excavation and Area 5 Room 600 LOURA Construction Seattle, WA 98104 Victor 0 Okereke (206) 296-4422 Delhur Industries, Inc. Projects Complete - Past 5 Years 3 Contract Amount Date Complete Class of Work Title/Contract No. Agency Address .7,573,911 16 11/02 1,2 Horsetooth Dam Filter & Bureau of Reclamation Drain Modification 316 North 26th Street 2103 Billings, MT 59101 Gerl Voto (406) 247-7809 $504,36827 1 0/02 2, 19 Edlz Hook Beach Feed Seattle District Erosion Control Corp of Engineers POBox 3755 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 Anita Repanlch (206) 764-6805 $21,695.84 1 0/02 2,19 Dungeness Levee Rehab Seattle District Corp of Engineers POBox 3755 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 Anita Repanlch (206) 764-6805 $4,007,70323 09/02 1,2 Short Mountain Landfill Lane County Phase IVa Improvements Waste Management DivISion 2208 3100 E 17th Avenue Eugene, OR 97403 Ken Kohl (541)682-3811 $72,223 50 04/02 1,2 North Winfield Pit Crush Dept of Natural Resources POBox 47030 Olympia, WA 98504-7030 EriC Carlson (360) 374-2828 $2,348,79656 11/01 1,2 Pend Orellle Mine AMEC E&C Services limited 2111 1385 Cedar Avenue . Trail, BC V1 R 4C3 Tony Vecchio (250) 368-2433 $20,135,293 96 11/01 1,2 Summltvllle Mine Colorado Dept of Public Health Reclamation Superfund Site 4300 Cherry Creek Dr S BUilding B, 2nd Floor Denver, CO 80246-1560 Angus Campbell' (303) 692-3385 $1,621,58696 1 % 1 1,2 Cedar Hills Regional Landfill King County Area 5 Stage 1 Solid Waste DIVISion 2110 400 Yessler BUilding Rom 600 Seattle, WA 98104 Victor 0 Okereke (206) 296-4422 $1,097,50038 09/01 1,2 LaUridsen City of Port Angeles Boulevard/Edgewood Drive POBox 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Gary Kenworthy (360) 417-4700 $2,164,432 13 7/01 1,2 Monticello Mlllslte City of Monticello Reclamation POBox 457 17 North 100 East Monticello, UT 84535 Trent Schafer (435) 587-2271 $412,28870 7/01 1,2 Foxhlll Landfill Union County Planning Department 1001 4th Street ~241 ,420 00 La Grande, OR 97850 Hanley JenkinS II. (541) 963-1014 5/01 1,2 Clallam County Crushing Clallam County Road Department 2001 POBox 863 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Steve Hauff (360) 417-2000 Delhur Industries, Inc. Projects Complete - Past 5 Years 4 Contract Amount Date Complete Class of Work Title/Contract No. Agency Address .171,31019 5/01 1,2 Monticello Haul Road MACTEC-ERS 2597 B 3/4 Road Grand Junction, CO 81503 Fred Hudson (970) 248-6000 $512,14230 4/01 1,2 Exploration Benches Colorado Dept of Public Health 4300 Cherry Creek Dr S BUilding B, 2nd Floor Denver, CO 80246-1560 Angus Campbell (303) 692-3385 $308,11500 4/01 1,2 JA Jones Remedial Action Bechtel Hanford, Inc 3350 George Washington Way Rlchland, WA 99352 Dawn Perry' (509) 372-9061 $1,392,69224 1/01 1,2 Hoko Ozette & Swan Road Clallam Co Road Department POBox 863 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Steve Hauff (360) 417-2000 . . . PORT ANGELES LANDFILL 2007 PROJECT NO 06-22 MAJOR EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ATTACHMENT 3 ITEM 11 DOZERS CAT D6R LGP CAT D8N CRAWLER TRACTOR CAT D4CXL LOADER CAT 980 LOADER EXCAVATORS CAT 330 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR CAT 307 HYDRAULIC EXCA V A TOR COMPACTOR CAT CS563 GRADER CAT 16G GRADER . WATER TRUCK INTERNATIONAL HARVESTOR FUEL TANK 10000 GALLON . . DelHur Industries, Inc. Landfill Cell Closure Leichner Brothers Landfill Phase II Closure Owner: Contact: Contract Amount: Date Completed: LeIchner Brothers Land Reclamation Company Mike Stewart - (206) 485-5000 $4,011,448 00 11/92 Project Description: This project involved a 40-acre closure with 50% to be completed in 1991 and 50% completed In 1992. Project involves 100,000 yd3 of general earth fill. Select earth fill is screened from an on sIte borrow pit supplied by owner. HDPE liner of 2,000,000 ft.2 is covered with 70,000 yd.3 of drainage layer material, 46,000 yd.3 of vegetative sOil and 43,000 yd 3 of top sOil Other Items Include a gas collection system, flare installation as well as road drainage construction $900,000 in extras was added to the original contract the second year, these include 880,000 yd.3 of refuse relocation, construction of a lined detection basin, and installation of a storm water drainage system . . . DelHur Industries, Inc. Landfill Cell Closure Landfill Closure Owner: Contact: Contract Amount: Date Completed: Mason County Gary Yando - (206) 427-9670 $739,110.00 09/93 Project Description: This project involved the closure of approximately a 10-acre landfill. The different components to complete the closure consisted of the excavation and construction of a detention pond with outlet controls, surface water and storm sewer facilities, access roads, active landfill gas collection and flare facilities, and the final cover system over the 10-acre site which consisted of sub grade soils, geomembrane, geonet composite, drainage layer, and topsoil with hydro seeding . . . DelHur Industries, Inc. Landfill Cell Closure North Landfill Cell Closure Owner: Engineer: Contract Amount: Date Completed: City of Spokane CH2M HIli, Inc./Jay Dehner - (509) 747-2000 $10,257,86700 12/93 Project Description: PrOject Involved a 150-acre final cover system over a refuse disposal area Major items of work Included 150 acres of 60-mil HDPE geomembrane, strip drainS for seepage control, 850,000 c y excavation and embankment, 562,000 yd 3 refuse excavation, 400,000 yd.3 drainage layer (over liner), and 200,000 yd.3 topsoil layer, which Included mixing 25% compost with 75% on site matenal. Mixing was done with our pugmlll. Landfill gas collectIon included vertical gas wells and 32,000 ft. of HDPE piping Also Included were a 4-mlle roadway system, 30 million- gallon capacity run-off Impoundment/infiltration system, landscaping, and seeding . . . DelHur Industries, Inc. Landfill Cell Closure Colbert Landfill Closure Owner: Contact: Engineer/Quality Assurance: Contract Amount: Date Completed: Spokane County Bill Wedlake - (509) 477-7281 CH2M HIli, Inc /Jay Dehner - (509) 747-2000 $2,871,397.00 08/96 Project Description: . The project Involved a 40-acre final cover system over a refuse disposal area Major Items of work Included a HOrizontal Gas Collection trench system under the 60-mil HDPE lining system Once subgrade contours were achieved we processed and placed a 6-inch cushion layer of 1- inch minus material utilizing the excavated materials from the settling basin to protect the lining system. Over the liner we placed strip drains for seepage control, 80,000 c.y. of drainage layer (over liner), and 40,000 c y. of topsoil layer. The landfill gas collection system over the liner consisted of 12 vertical wellhead tYPing into the hOrizontal gas trenches, with 3,000 I.f. of HDPE manifold piping conveYing the methane gas to the Landfill Gas Treatment Facility. Also included in the work were roadways/drainage systems, a 5-acre settling pond for storm runoff, drywells, and seeding. . . DelHur Industries, Inc. Landfill Cell Closure Umatilla Chemical Depot Landfill Closure Owner: Contact: Contract Amount: Date Completed: Army Corp of Engineers Gary Struthers and Associates/Robin Larson - (206) 519-0300 $855,770 00 11/97 Project Description: This project Involved a 7 -acre final cover system over a refuse disposal area. Major Items of work included the hauling and placing of 120,000 c.y. of general fill to achieve site grades for drainage, installation of an HDPE 40-mllllner, processing and placing of 11,000 c.y. of select fill material, processing and placing of 12,000 c.y. of draInage matenal over the HDPE lining system, and the processing and placement of 24,000 c Y of amended topsoIl with a pug mill. Other Items of work to complete this project were a perimeter drainage system and roadway restoration. . . . DelHur Industries, Inc. Landfill Cell Closure Cedar Hills Regional Landfill Area 4 Stage 4 Closure and Area 5 Phase III Development Owner: Contact: Engineer: Contract Amount: Date Completed: King County Solid Waste Division Mike Spillane - (206) 441-9080 CH2M HIli, Inc.lMlke Relmbold - (425) 453-5000 $6,174,04340 10/00 Project Description: . Stage 4 Closure of Area 4 consisted of construction of 32 acres of final cover system, and 4 acres of Intenm final cover system. Major phase of work Included installing 3,700 I f of a leachate seep recovery collection system in refuse, the processing and placement of 90,000 c.y. of subgrade cushion, Installation of 153,000 s Y of GCl and 60 mil HDPE liner, hauling and placement of 55,000 c.y. of drainage sand, processing and placement of 73,000 c Y of amended topsoil, hauling and placement of 30,000 c.y. of material for Intenor road construction, and the crushing and placement of 48,000 tons aggregate products. This cover system was completed With low ground pressure dozers ASSOCiated Items of work included a landfill gas system consisting of 9,700 I.f. of horizontal gas collection trenches In refuse, and 7,300 I f of 22-inch HDPE manifold piping and associated lateral tie-ins. . . DelHur Industries, Inc. Landfill Cell Closure Cedar Hills Regional Landfill Area 5 Stage 1 Closure Owner: Contact: Engineer: Contract Amount: Date Completed: King County Solid Waste Division Mike Spillane - (206) 441-9080 Parametrix, Inc./Gary Arndt - (253) 863-5128 $1,682,619,65 1 % 1 Project Description: Area 5 Stage 1 consists of interim final closure including capping system, leachate management system, gas management, storm water and contaminated storm water management systems, and erosion control system. Major phases of work included installing 2,550 I.f. of a 6-lnch leachate seep recovery collection system; 2,650 I.f of a 12-lnch leachate seep recovery collection system, 44,600 s,y, of composite drainage net, 53,200 s,y of LLDPE Geomembrane, 1,300 s,y. of GCL, 4,675 s y. of Geotextlle - Type 2; hauling and placement of 15,760 c y. of drainage sand, processing and placement of 32,960 c y, of tOpSOIl. ThiS cover system was completed with low ground pressure dozers. Associated items of work Included a landfill gas system consisting of 2,100 I.f, of Header and 270 I f, of East Header Replacement. . . . DelHur Industries, Inc. Landfill Cell Closure Foxhill Landfill Phase 1 Final Cover Construction Owner: Contact: Engineer: Contract Amount: Date Completed: UnIon County Planning Department Hanley Jenkins II - (541) 963-1014 Cascade Earth SCiences/Greg L Thurman, P.E. - (541) 963-7758 $330,213.70 07/01 Project Description: . Project consisted of regrading and prepanng the existing 8.0-acre Intenm cover to construct the final cover From an onsite borrow source we mined and processed approximately 26,000 c.y. of 3-lnch minus sOil to construct a 2.0 foot deep hydraulic barrier layer The barner layer was placed in 8-lnch lifts on a 3 15 slope. The compaction was achieved using an 825C Sheepfoot Compactor kneading the lifts together to construct a homogenous 2.0-foot layer For the protection cover soil layer we mined and processed approxImately 40,000 c.y. of 3-lnch minus material and placed it in 1.0 foot lifts with machine compaction only The oversized rock from materials processing was used for the perimeter drainage ditches. The entire site was hydroseeded upon completion of the secondary drainage ditches which outfalled Into the pnmary penmeter drainage ditch . . DelHur Industries, Inc. Landfill Cell Closure Cedar Hills Regional Landfill Area 5 Stage 2 Closure, Area 6 Phase 1 Excavation, Area 5 LOURA Owner: Contact: Engineer: Contract Amount: Date Completed: King County Solid Waste Division Victor O. Okereke - (206) 296-4422 Parametnx, Inc./Gary Arndt - (253) 863-5128 $4,479,79869 02/03 Project Description: Cedar Hills ReJ:lional Landfill Area 5 StaJ:le 2 Closure Area 5 Stage 2 Closure construction consists of the Interim final cover subgrade; landfill gas collection system, leachate collection system, Intenm final cover system, surface water management controls, erosion and sediment controls, including replacement of the Select Fill Stockpile Cover . Area 6 Phase 1 Excavation Area 6 Phase 1 Excavation consists of Area 6 excavation (700,000 cy), constructing the main stockpile; processed excavated material for select fill and topsoil base (140,000 cy); south solid waste area LFG modifications (3,700 If); surface water management controls (6,690 sf); erosion and sediment controls. Area 5 LOURA Area 5 LOURA consists of subgrade; leachate collection system (2,650 If); landfill gas collection system (6,800 If), lining system (61,500 sy), contaminated surface water management controls; erosion and sediment controls. . . DelHur Industries, Inc. Landfill Cell Closure Coffin Butte Landfill- Cell 3C Phase 1/Cell 2 South Slope Closure Owner: Contact: Engineer: Contract Amount: Valley Landfills, Inc (541) 745-2018 Allied Waste - Bill Borlaug - (800) 275-5641 $764,428.98 Project Description: Cell 3C Phase 1 - Consisted of the demolition of an existing pond liner; 6,340 cy excavation to embankment; 460 If to expose existing Cell 2 terminations; 1.183 If of underdrain lateral and 4- inch pipe, 422 If of underdrain lateral and 8-inch perforated pipe; 392 If of stormwater underdraln pipe, 537 If of underdrain discharge pipe, 4,525 cy of Cell 3C underdrain layer, 1,670 If SLCRS trough and pipe, 9,100 cy of SLCRS layer, 1,670 If of PLCS trough and pipe, 6,650 cy of PLCS layer, 6,500 cy of soil operations layer; 7,000 cy of tire-chip operations layer, 485 If of south permanent anchor; 79 If of west slope anchor trench; 595 If of west Intenm termination; installed 75,000 sf of geotextile separator and 281,000 sf of geotextlle filter, 1,300 tons of road base; 100 If of leachate force main. . Cell 2 South Slope Closure - consisted of Installing 200,000 sf of geocomposite; 15 pepe sleeves for vertical gas wells, 1,010 If of 4-inch underdrain header pipe; 1,360 If of 4-lnch underdraln lateral pip; 13,300 cy of 18" soil barrier layer placement and bench subgrade; 890 If to expose eXisting Cell 2 cover geosynthetlcs and underdrain, 780 If of slide slope anchor, 600 If of bench drainage ditch, 415 If crest of slope bench ditch, installed 15,225 sf of geotextile cushion; 7,230 cy gravel drainage layer placement, Installed 183,000 sf geotextlle filter, 6,800 cy vegetative cover layer; 1,170 tons road base; 400 If 18-lnch downdrain; 104,000 sf geosynthetlc reinforcement, 3,440 cy of Cell 2A flap underdraln layer, 7,750 cy of protective SOil layer, 57,400 cy of excavation to stockpIle for future cover soils, 9 acres of hydroseedlng. . . DelHur Industries, Inc. Landfill Cell Closure Columbia Ridge Landfill Owner: Contact: Contract Amount: Date Completed: Oregon Waste Management Sam Jiries - (541) 454-3201 $2,100,000.00 12/06 Project Description: This project consisted of mining and processing of 142,000 tons of aggregate, 53,000 tons of drainage rock, 30,000 tons of asphalt rock, 29,000 tons of road base rock, and 30,000 tons of road surfacing rock. The 38-acre closure construction consisted of excavating and placing 161,000 cy of cover 5011 on a 3'1 slope to a 30-lnch depth and then placement of 3 inches of compost (13,000 cy) for vegetative growth Construction of mid slope access roads for the gas monitoring system and drainage swales/berms for run-off control. . . . ( . . Subcontractor List Prepared in compliance with RCW 39.30.060 as amended To Be Submitted with the Bid Proposal ^ 1 Project Name '"Pori- A eles lo..(\df,ll c..IO.5ure ";'001-i1 'ed- I\JO. Ot.:,-22. Failure to list subcontrac ors who are proposed to perform the work of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing, as described in Chapter 18.106 RCW, and electrical as described in Chapter 19.28 RCW will result in your bid being non-responsive and therefore void. Subcontractor(s) that are proposed to perfonn the work of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing, as described in Chapter 18.106 RCW, and electrical as described in Chapter 19.28 RCW must be listed below. The work to be performed is to be listed below the subcontractor(s) name. Uno subcontractor is listed below, the bidder acknowledges that it does not intend to use any subcontractor to perfunn those items ,0[WOrk, . ~ Subcontractor Name _ }(1r"lt.L J.\jdr-D Se~dll"\ a) 7-=hc.~ Work to be Performed ~ J ~d....c).se<!"d ..23 tl...O-e.5 - rf-err. ~ '1 Pol~"-c.~Ia..W1:Je... /1 a...Cres - :r::+eV"Vl ~5 Subcontractor Name Work to be Perfonned I+ell'\ 3 IteM 1 .I:. +e/'Y) K r+em q br"'.-:1 +- Ba..:<-.; (1 I:;() \..l; Yhf\ W\eI'\ ta.J (Ylbh (;..eo.s~(\f+h6#-I'C. (', (~ l,i 11 er 1.../ 6 - Wl'" LL "D p~ Toe. y...t-u.. rI""~ d r '1. t . creD~orY)fbS:IT-e... DV'"A.If\~P ILl.J~{/" Subcontractor Name Work to he Performed Subcontractor Name Work to be Performed Subcontractor Name Work to be Performed City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Projtxt No. 06-22 Pari 1-9 Contrac( DOCIUlIeII(S 235-2191-015(01/04) March 1007 Page 13 Subcontractors List Provided to BUilders Exchange of WA, Inc For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com . ( . . BID FORM Honorable Mayor and City Council Port Angeles City Hall 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 BIDDER:Delhu.v- Tt:\c\U5k-;e5 The. REGISTRATION NO.: De.\huI:r: 158'04- I DATE: ()\~ ~, ~oo 7 UBI NUMBER: (000 4~~ loLf~ The undersigned) hereinafter called the "bidder," declares that the only person(s) interested in this bid are those named herein; thatlhe bid is in all respects fair and without fraud; and that it is made without any connection or collusion with any other person making a bid on this project. The bidder further declares that it has carefully examined the plan, specifications, and contract documents, hereinafter referred to as the Project Manual, for the construction of the proposed project improvement(s); that it has personally inspected the site(s); that it has satisfied itself as to tl;1e types and quantities of materials, the types of equipment, the conditions of the work involved, including the fact that the description of and the quantities of work and materials, the types of equipment, the conditions of and the work involved as included herein, are brief and are intended only to indicate the general nature of the work and to identify the said quantities with the corresponding requirements of the Project Manual; and that this bid is made in accordance with the provisions and the terms of the Contract included in the Project Manual. The bidder further agrees that it has exercised its own judgment regarding the interpretation of surface information and has utilized all data which it believes is pertinent from the City Engineer, hereinafter also referred to as the City or Owner, and such other source ofinfonnation as it determined necessary in arriving at its conclusion. The bidder further certifies that the subcontracting firms or businesses submitted on the LISTlNG OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS will be awarded subcontracts for the described portions of the work. If the bidder is awarded a construction contract on this bid, the name and address of the surety who will provide the performance bond is: A- r G- {;(\ v ,rO(\Me.t\ +tLQ Surety J 7ot) /'Y\o-rkef- St-~~+J Sc..u'J-.e Ig{)O Surety Address ~be.d- Sfttp/1!S ~/5 - ~55 - ~/f(p Surety Contact and Phone Number ~('a_;h...u.c\ .. m:cldlgtQ~_.:r;:o.s.!",l,rQ"f'\ce. Agent I'd.o \ P~fl" Jtve.,Su..;f-e. \00 To..c.o~t /J.JA <=i8~o2. Agent Address 'B("en+ ~llt:5e(\ 4~ty. ~53" 75'1- 2.2.ol> Agent Contact and Phone Number Ctty of Pori Ange/e3 Pori Angeles Lamlfll/ Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Pari 1-10 em/tract Dol:umerlts 235-2191-015(01104) Marcil 1007 Page 14 Bid Form Provided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com . . . PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 - (PROJECT 1\0. 06-22) s, ' +"'-25 f)nys ESC Lcad (8-0 I) $ 500. ~ $ \'2.~~DO.-- I \'\ \J.II\ rlvl' c\ +- 00/'00 i I I $ J::\v{ Per Day I ~ j (Words) Day COVER SYSTEM i Is 3.~ ! i 6. 5-I~~ 53.675 I ('"over Soil (2-03) $lloq j011D..! 1.~ i Square Yards $ Thy-a.- r\o\\Clv'S t- 1%1, 1-- \DO Per S Y ( Words) SY I - 33 <2A co I ,. ~ 51.200 I Geosynthetic Clay Liner (8-05) $ '::>.- $1..,2, \0,- ! SqllareYard~ I $1=ivp rlD\\rAVS +- ;3/IOD I I Per SY j ~ ( Words) SY I I I s+..7-S4 51.200 I 40-mil LLDPE Geomembranc (8-05) S. -;co I 8. .$ - I $ 2. 15" 4I5lo,.-, Square Yards $ t:,'-fP do\\et.....s + '3f?/\oo "'- J i I (Words) SY Pcr SY ! I 5.~ i 9. ~ 51.050 Gcocolnposite Drainage Layer f8-05) '$ : $ 3b:>-t1L.\..1: ~ I. Lump Sum I I ' I ! /3. I r, ~ 25 Each '_ I I i Lump SUlTl Lump Sum Square Yalds Items With Unit Price Bid Unit Price to be written in words PRf,Pt\RATION -r i I I Unit Price mnllsrs} Amount (Dollan) i I LS ....,..,.1 $Z.41000~ /' 2'-\ODD.~, --- . I I , LS ' $.\ O()C). ~ : i \\OOO.~ I LS , I I I $1I6,090~' I I I , Mobilization ( 1-09.7) LS SOl'\t h\.lflc\tltdt\t\.i(\u~ -\-V\m:<'\o.l'\r\ t%OI 1\3.ooo.~ (Words) LS TESC In~pection Reports (8-0 I ) $ Oy\{ ~\lo...nc\vl' r\ +- 001\00 Words) $2500,Q2- - --I $1tw.. ~ EA Per Each 00 Sy I Per SY rl1\' df Prm ,1 "I!"/"" /'1'1/1 Angele.".(/nr(fI" ("().wr~ :lfln7 Pltyc'cr No, f'l6-22 I.nPllfrUI nrlCIIIII~",.1 r"r,I-, 2.]:.11'J'-(l/S (fI/.'1I4) ..ldcfrndll/11 No, , . . I I : I I Item No. I I /10, II. Estimated QUllntities for Compnring Bids Onl . 120.000 i Cubic Yards I I 52.850 I Square Yards Items With {lnlt Price Bid (['nit Price to be: writren in words COVER S'l-STt,". (CONTINlIF.D) Topsoil (8-02) $ j~o ool\o.t~ &)00 (Words L.\NDf'II,I, G ,\5 SWI'I1M I I I ~ k~" 0 s- I $ilitm.ro I I Per cy I Amount I (DolI:lfSLj 1$ ;)." q~ : $10Q,9J,8..oo I Per S y I SY . CJ1y of Pm' An,rr,./r, /'01 fA l1)7ele., [Qllrf/iff CrO,m,..; ;nn7 - I'mj!!e' No (/6-22 rM/I'OCI nOr:1II71~"'S Parr '.2 :JS.;{lJ/.llfj (111'11-1) II dd~'lrfll/lt NCI. / . . . I I I Item ~o. I Elitimllted QIlllntities rnr Compluing Bids Onl 20. 4.100 Linear Feet 21. 1100 I Linear Feet I 30 , Linear Feel I 8,000 : Square Yards I I 12.000 Square Yards I I 25. t I Acres 26. I I I 24 Each 27. ~ 1.1 00 Square Yemls Items With Unit Price Bid l'nit Price to be written in words ~ t:>l>j, l> b Cy Is 1.33 i SY Per SY $~:.~ Per CY s_14.l.fD_ Pcr LF I $.dD. ero Pcr LP $ 30.oD Per LF $ I. 56 Per SY I $-1~ 5D Pcr S Y Polyacrylamide (PAM) (8-01) , ~ sl3oo.co $ C>~ ;-\~~~.s.t.~~1.!h ~~~ ~~ Per Acre Words "ere $ 170. o~ Per EA TUl'fReinforcing Mat $~_9_ West Dile",..Qeo~YR~etie TRM (2-12) I I s f. u e.dc>11lfo.V'"s a.llt.d .f1'fk, c.t'r'\+sl (Words) J SV r'~I' "I r"l'l A"~~le,t fo/? 'tn}(~/t'.I,/1f,d,/i1l Clrmll"1! :!nm - {'mjcef ,v". ntl.22 rflrtIN},'1 Dor,tn,em.! far 11-3 Per S V -: I Amount I (DollarsL-J I I 1 ----l I S~3"cr~,oo I I I I s ft:> ooD...po " I I I~~..~o I I . $.;l 6tro . an I' .- J I.lli- '100. lJ!) i ~ j I Ia,~o i 1$ 3000. ~D ! Sl<t 300. 6l) 1 11-':l,..Pi~ D I I I' 10, oSc>.._~ I I ! 2JS.2IIJI.fI/J rnf!'J4j A"f1~nd"1I/ ,'yo, I . . . ------------ " 28, , ,. 2.500 I Square Yards I ! 23 Acres I I -i 1300 Tons I 29. 130. 131. I I I I Lump Sum I i Tl'imming and Cleanup (2-11 ) I LS $ 5CDO. DO I $ Ji' Je... +hou.s~d a.r'\d ~ ce~ 50DD.l5t); -..- Words) LS SlIBTOTAL (ITEMS l-JIL $ I SALES TAX (8.41/10) ~ Bill TOTAL: , $ Items With Unit Price Did Unit Price to be written in words OTHER ITr,MS (CON nNliED) i West Ditch Topsoil (2-03) 1$ 5.00 ~: 5; J.l\le. c:b \lo..vs ~d '2...el'{J ce",ts/- Per SY (Words) Sy ~ Seeding, Fertilizing. and Muh;:hing/{8-0 [)d d i $-.-l.kJ?o. 0 D JI 6V\e +h.ous o..~ 51)/.. I'\. ~l."'" V"e I $ ~ d Le~o c....cV\.o+S Per Acre _ (WO~ :\cre , I Quarry Sralls(8-IS) $~~ : $ \ 'D tiS a..""d Per TOll Word Unit Price ( 0011:1 rs) ..., Amount (1)01lI1r9) _ . I I I Sl~/5o 6.0'0 I I : , I I , , S ~~YDCt..51) I I J , , i s 9J 0-06.0 0 I I ! I I ! , $ 11,)" fl., 3 7 . ~G I $ 1~'11 7Ul.5 , ;) $?rfq{ ) $1)i"7.5itl~1 , ~ rllt. rl( I'm', A I1Jlcle.' {'or/ Allp'~/"~ I.(J/ldjill Clo.wre 2n07 Pm/I'tl Nn. 06-21 ")/In'flel DoclIlllen/., Pm'fl-4 2J;-;'/~/-0/5 ((J/:nd) Ade/end"", 'v" / . ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The bidder hereby acknowledges that it has received Addenda No{s). I to this Project Manual. The name of the bidder submitting this bid and its business phone number and address, to which address all communications concerned with this bid and with the Contract shall be sent, are listed below. Bidder's firm name: j) e.. \ h v.. v- I.nd ustv-i e ~ I T (\ c.. Complete Address: t.j.~3 ~ T uVY\wo...-t-er- ACLe~s ~A. ~.....+- A-n"~c."'.5 J LUIt ~ &'3" 3 (Street Address) (State) 0 (Zip) Telephone No.: 3'=>0 - 4-57 - 113 3 Signed by: 1/~ JlrtfI Title: Presl'den+ Printed Name: IT fY\ \-+0 \ % Notes: (1) If the bidder is a partnership, so state, giving finn name under which business is transacted. (2) If the bidder is a corporation, this bid must be executed by its duly authorized officials. (e Ce City of Port Angeles POri A/lgeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06.22 Part 1-15 Controel Doaunenls 235-1191 -01 5(01104) Marerl 1007 Page 19 Addenda Acknowledgment Provided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www bxwa.com 4'..--. ," . BID SECURITY TRANSMITTAL FORM Herewith find an executed Bid Bond or a deposit in the form of a cashier's check, postal money order or other security in lieu of a bid bond in the amount of .$ . which amount is not less I:ban five (5%) percent of the total bid. SIGN HERE BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Delhur The Insurance Company of the State Thatwc, Industries, Inc.asprincipaland of Pennsylvania asS~,a:rebeld!lJldfirmIybotUldunto the CITY OF PORT ANGELES as Obligee, in the penalsumof Five, Percent (5%) of B1d Amount Dollarll, fur the payment ofwhicb the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, !heir heirB, executors, administrators, succesSOIS and assigDs. jointly and severally, by these presenfB. The condition of this obligation is such that ifthc Obligee shall malce any award to the Principal for: Port Angeles LandnIl Closure PROJECT 06-ZZ . according to tbe terms oftbe bid made by the Principal, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful perfonnance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shaU, in cl\se of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the advertisement for bids, then this obligation sball be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect aod the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, 88 penalty and Hquidated damageB, tho 80xnmt of this bond. \' , SlGNED,SBALBDANDDATEDTHIS8th dayof May Delhur Industries, Inc. By: 1t1j') IId;4 ,~~surance Company of the State o~ Pennsylvania Bratrud Middleton Insurance Surety Agent ~I' L ~P"'- , J? O. Box 2940 Kare C. w~ AttorneY-1nT".I!'act 7~ Pine Street, New York, New York Surety address 10270 ,~athleen Kallen 215-255-6052 Surety Contact llDd Phone Number 2007 '-" , , " 'T'::ll"'nm::l, WA Agent Address QS40l " Brent Heilesen 253-759-2200 Agent Contact and Phone Number ....' Dated: Received retwn of deposit in the sum of $ CiIy o/Port Anples Pori tlngelul.andjlll Closure 1007 - Pl'OJ~t No. 06-21 Part /-16 Con/rtlet DoclIP"enLr 135-2191-0JJ(OJ/04) Malf:n 2007 . )age 20 Bid Security Transmittal Form )rovided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see wvm.bxwa.com i '-~~, ~\ -oOIIlll '"'" ., The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania Pnnclpal Bond Office 70 Pl11e Street, New York, NY 10270 ~?WER~~ATTORNEY Expiration Date' Or.tohpr 4 ?007 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: .at The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania corporatIOn, does hereby appomt ---Kip W. Vandeventer, Stacy J. Cutbirth, Victoria J. Reinkensmeyer, Karen C. Swanson: of Tacoma, WA--- Its true and lawful Attorney(s)-m-Fact, with full authority to execute on Its behalf bonds, undertakmgs, recogl1lzances and other contracts of mdemnity and writings obligatory m the nature thereof, issued in the course of its busmess, and to bmd the company thereby m the maximum amount of $20,000,000.00 per bond, undertaking, recogl1lzance and other contract of mdernnity. This power of attorney shall remam m full force and effect until the expiration date above-referenced. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Insurance Company of the State ofPennsylval1la has executed these presents this ~ day of October, 2006 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA} COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA}ss. 7/~d#~ On this 4th day of October, 20~before me came the above Amed officer of The Insurance Company of the State of Wnnsylval1la, to me personally known to be the individual and officer descrIbed herein, and acknowledged that he executed the foregoing instrument and affixed the seal of said corporation thereto by authority of his office COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA NOTARIAL SEAL VIVIAN A MATTOX 'Notary Public City of Philadelphia Phlla. County My CommiSSion Expires March 28, 2009 CERTIFICATE Excerpts of ResolutIOn adopted by the Board of Directors of The Insurance Company of the State ofPennsylvama, on May IH, 1976. "RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board, the President, or any Vice President be, and hereby IS, authonzed to appol11t Attorneys-I11-Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Company to execute bonds, undertakmgs, recogmzances and other contracts of 111denmIty and wntmgs oblIgatory 111 the nature thereof, and to attach thereto the corporate seal of the Company, 111 the transactIOn of ItS surety busl11ess, "RESOLVED, that the signatures and attestatIOns of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any cel11ficate relatmg thereto by faCSimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate beanng such facsl1111le signatures or faCSimile seal shall be valId and bl11dmg upon the Company when so affixed With respect to any bond, undertakl11g, recogmzance or other contract of I11demmty or wntl11g oblIgatory 111 the nature thereof, "RESOLVED, that any such AttorneY-I11-Fact delIvenng a secretanal certIficatIOn that the foregol11g resolutIOns stIll be 111 effect may I11sert 111 such certificatIOn the date thereof, said date to be not later than the date of delIvery thereof by such AttorneY-I11-Fact " I, ElIzabeth M. Tuck, Secretary of The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvama, do hereby certify that the foregol11g excerpts of ResolutIOn adopted by the Board of Directors of thiS corporatIOn, and the Power of Attorney Issued pursuant thereto, are true and correct, and that both the ResolutIOn and the Power of Attorney are 111 full force and effect IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the faCSimile seal of the corporatIOn . dayof-Y'Yt"-{- ,aM1 'hL ."I~.L Elizabeth M. Tuck, Secret~r.y , . . PART n - CONTRACT FORM '. . . . PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT This Contract is made and entered into in duplicate this ~ ~y of '1V\.,., ~ J , 2007 by and between the City of Port Angeles, a non-charter code city of the S~n, hereinafter referred to as "the City", and De,,",ur \nO~(\eC,1 \"c.,. a , hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor". WITNESSETH: Whereas, the City desires to have certain public work performed as hereinafter set forth, requiring specialized skills and other supportive capabilities; and Whereas, the Contractor represents that it is qualified and possesses sufficient skills and the necessary capabilities to perform the services set forth in this Contract. NOW, TIIEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Work. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment in order to accomplish the following project: Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 (Project No. 06-22) in accordance with and as described in Section 1~O1.3 of the Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract and evelY part thereof. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of matelials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in this Contract, except as may otherwise be provided in the Project Manual. 2. Time for Performance and Liquidated Damages. A. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract and in adheling to the time frames specified herein. The Contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days after notice to proceed from the City, and said work shall be physically completed within 80 working days after said notice to proceed, and final erosion control measures by September 30, 2007, unless a different time frame is expressly provided in writing by the City. 3. B. If said work is not completed within the time for physical completion, the Contractor may be required at the City's sole discretion to pay to the City liquidated damages as set forth in the Project Manual, for each and every day said work remains uncompleted after the expiration of the specified time. Compensation and Method ofPavment. City of Port Angeles Port klgeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents Part If - 18 235-219H)J 5(01104) March 2007 . . '. A. The City shall pay the Contractor for work performed under this Contract as detailed in the bid, as incorporated in the Project Manual. B. PaYments for work provided hereunder shall be made following the performance of such work, unless otherwise permitted by law and approved in writing by the City. No payment shall be made for any work rendered by the Contractor except as Identified and set forth in this Contract. C. Progress payments shall be based on the timely submittal by the Contractor of the City's standard payment request form. D. Payments for any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract shall be in accordance with the Request For Information (RFI) and/or Construction Change Order (CCO) process as set forth in the Project Manual. Following approval of the RFI and/or CCO, the Contractor shall submit the standard payment request formes). E. The Contractor shall subIDlt payment requests with a completed Application for Payment form, an example of which is included in the Attachments to this Contract. This form includes a lien waiver certification and shall be notarized before submission. Applications for payment not signed or notarized shall be considered incomplete and ineligible for payment consideration. The City shall initiate authorization for payment after receipt of a satisfactorily completed payment request form and shall make payment to the Contractor within approximately thirty (30) days thereafter. 4. Independent Contractor RelationshIP. The relationship created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. No agent, employee, servant, or representative of the Contractor shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant, or representative of the City, and the employees of the Conn'actor are not entitled to any of the benefits the City provides for its employees. The Contractor shall be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and the acts of its agents, employees, servants, subcontractors, or representatives during the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all wages and salaries and all federal, state, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, workers compensation insurance, social security, and income tax withholding. 5. Prevailing Wage Requirements. The Contractor shall comply with applicable prevailing wage requirements of the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, as set forth in Chapter 39.12 RCW and Chapter 296-127 WAC. The Contractor shall document compliance with said requirements and shall file with the City appropriate affidavits, certificates, and/or statements of compliance with the State prevailing wage requirements. The Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts, Clallam County, incorporated in this Contract have been established by the Depaltment of Labor & Industries and are mcluded as an Attachment to this Contract. The Contractor shall also ensure that any subcontractors or agents of the Contractor shall comply with the prevaihng wage and documentation requirements as set forth herein. 6. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. City of Po/'{ Angeles Port Angeles LOIulfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-21 Contract Documents PorI II - ] 9 235-2191-015(01104) March 2001 . . . A. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers against and from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or suits, including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence ofthe City. B. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract. 7. Insurance. The Contractor shall procure, and maintain for the duration of the Contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Failure by the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract upon which the City may, after giving five working days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the Contract or at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City, off set against funds due the Contractor from the City. A. Minimum Scope oflnsurance The Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on msurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 11. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, stop gap liability, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the CIty using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 Oland Additional City oJ Port Angeles Pori Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract Documents Part II - 20 235-2191-015(01104) March 2007 . . . Insured- Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 10 01 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. 111. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. IV. Builders Risk insurance covering interests of .the City, the Contractor, Subcontractors, and Sub-contractors in the work. Builders Risk insurance shall be on a all-risk policy fonn and shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and physical loss or damage including flood and earthquake, theft, vandalism, malicious mischief, collapse, temporary buildings and debris removal. This Builders Risk insurance covering the work will have a deductible of$5,000 for each occurrence, which will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Higher deductibles for floor and earthquake perils may be accepted by the City upon written request by the Contractor and written acceptance by the City. Any increased deductibles accepted by the City will remain the responsibility of the Contractor. The Builders Risk insurance shall be maintained until final acceptance of the work by the City. B. Minimum Amounts ofInsurance The Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: i. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$I,OOO,OOO per accident. 11. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $3,000,000 each occurrence, $3,000,000 general aggregate and a $3,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. iii. Builders Risk insurance shall be written in the amount of the completed value of the project with no coinsurance provisions. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance. i. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be in excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 11. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled or reduced as to coverage by either party, except after forty-five (45) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage CIty a/Port Angeles Pan Allgeles Landfill Qosllre 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents PO/III - 21 235-2/91-015(01/04) March 2007 .... . . The Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance of the Contractor before commencement of the work. Before any exposure to loss may occur, the Contractor shall file with the City a copy of the Builders Risk insurance policy that includes all applicable conditions, exclusions, definitions, terms and endorsements related to this project. F. Contractor's Insurance For Other Losses The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Contractor's employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehicles owned or rented by the Contractor, or the Contractor's agents, suppliers or subcontractors as well as to any temporary structures, scaffolding and protective fences. G. Waiver of Subrogation The Contractor and the City waive all rights against each other, any of their subcontractors, lower tier subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by Builders Risk insurance or other property insurance obtained pursuant to the Insurance Requirements Section of this Contract or other property insurance applicable to the work. The policies shall provide such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. 8. Compliance with Laws. A. The Contractor shall comply with an applicable federal, state, and local laws, including regulations for licensing, certification, and operation of facilities and programs, and accreditation and licensing of individuals, and any other standards or criteria as set forth in the Project Manual. B. The Contractor shall pay any applicable business and permit fees and taxes which may be required for the performance of the work. C. The Contractor shall comply with all legal and permitting requirements as set forth in the Project Manual. 9. Non-dlscrimination. Non-discrimination shall be in accordance with and as described in the Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications Division 1-07.11. 10. Assignment and Subcontractors. A. The Contractor shall not assign this Contract or any interest herein, nor any money due to or to become due hereunder, without first obtaining the written consent of the City. City a/Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-21 Contract Documents POll 11- 22 135-2191-0/5(01104) March 2007 . . . B. The Contractor shall not subcontract any part of the services to be performed hereunder without first obtaining the consent of the City and complying with the provisions of this section. C. In the event the Contractor does assign this contract or employ any subcontractor, the Contractor agrees to bind in writing every assignee and subcontractor to the applicable terms and conditions of the contract documents. D. The Contractor shall, before commencing any work, notify the Owner in writing of the names of any proposed subcontractors. The Contractor shall not employ any subcontractor or other person or organIzation (including those who are to furnish the principal items or materials or equipment), whether initially or as a substitute, against whom the Owner may have reasonable objection. Each subcontractor or other person or organization shall be identified in writing to the Owner by the Contractor prior to the date this Contract is signed by the Contractor. Acceptance of any subcontractor or assignee by the Owner shall not constitute a waiver of any right of the Owner to reject defective work or work not in conformance with the contract documents. If the Owner, at any time, has reasonable objection to a subcontractor or assignee, the Contractor shall submit an acceptable substitute. E. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all acts and omissions of its assignees, subcontractors and of persons and organization directly or indirectly employed by it and of persons and organizations for whose acts any of them may be liable to the same extent that it is responsible for the acts and omissions of person directly employed by it. F. The divisions and sections of the specifications and the identifications of any drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the work among subcontractors or delineating the work to be performed by any specific trade. G. Nothing contained in the contract documents shall create or be construed to create any relationship, contractual or otherwise, between the Owner and any subcontractor or assignee. Nothing in the contract documents shall create any obligation on the part of the Owner to payor to assure payment of any monies due any subcontractor or assignee. H. The Contractor hereby assigns to the City any and all claims for overcharges resulting from antitlUst violations as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this Contract, except as to overcharges resulting from antitrust violations commencing after the date of the bid or other event establishing the price of this Contract. In addition, the Contractor warrants and represents that each of its suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims for overcharges to the City in accordance with the terms of this provision. The Contractor further agrees to give the City immediate notice of the existence of any such claim. I. In addition to all other obligations of the contractor, if the contractor does employ any approved subcontractor, the contractor shall supply to every approved subcontractor a copy of the form, provided in the project manual, to establish written proof that each subcontract and lower-tier subcontract is a written document and contains, as a part, the current prevailing wage rates. The contractor, each approved subcontractor and each 235-219]-015(01104) March 2007 City of Pori Angeles POl1 Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents P0/1II - 23 . . . approved lower-tier subcontractor shall complete and deliver the form directly to the City. Contract Administration. This Contract shall be administered by Sno.t\(\ol"l \'nom~~ on behalf of the Contractor and by insert Proiect Manaeer's name and title here ~ behalf of the City. Any written . notices required by the terms of this Contract shall be served or mailed to the following addresses:~ 'Tert'\ ~o.rtt.h ~isto.n~ C \'il\ E.t\~~ (\e.e <" 11. Contractor: City: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 12. Interpretation and Venue. This Contract shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any litigation between the parties regarding this Contract shall be Clallam County, Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first set forth above. CONTRACTOR: l)e.-IhL.(V' Lv-l/L<...+n'es. L,c, Name of Contractor I CITY OF PORT ANGELES: ~~~ ayo' ~ By: 7~ /-Iol.J Pre 5 id ~f'\ +- APProJed as to F~ ~~ . City Attorney Title: Attest: ~Ol!~ {JrtnA City~ City oj P0I1 Angeles Port Angeles Landfill CloslIre 2007 - ProjecJ No. 06-22 Contract Documents POll 11- 24 235-2191-015(01/04) March 2007 . PERFORMANCE and PAYMENT BOND Bond to the City of Port Angeles Bond # ESD7 31 7480 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned, DELHUR INDUSTRIES, INCas Principal, and 'llie In.surarx:e Carp:my of the State of Pennsylvania a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, as a surety corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corpomtions as surety, are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Port Angeles in the penal sum of $ L 867 ,584. 31 for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be. This obligation is entered into pursuant to the statutes of the State of Washington and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. Dated at Port Angeles , Washington, this 16tl1Iay of May . 20-2] The conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has let or is about to let to the said DELHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. the above bounded Principal, a certain contract, the said contract being numbered 06-22, and providing for Port Anl!eles Landfill Oosure 2007. Proiect No. 06-22 (which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto), and . WHEREAS, the said Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the said contract, and undertake to perfonn the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth; now, therefore, If the said Principal, DELHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. . shall faithfully perform all of the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time ~erein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply said Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and shaD indemnify and hold the City of Port Angeles harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in said contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under said contract within a period of one year after its acceptance thereof by the City of Port Angeles, then and in that event, this obligation shall be void; but otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. Signed this 21stday of May .20..2..7 The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania DELHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. ~ Surety ~ ]rincipaIBy' ~einkenSmeye~ Attorney-in-Fact Title 1700 Market Street, #1800 Surety Address Title 1201 Pacific Ave., #1000 Agent Address Philadelphia, PA 19103 Tacoma, WA 98402-4321 . CiJy afPort ArrgeJes Port IIngeJes Lnrrdfill QDSIJn 20()1- Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents Part 0 - 25 235-2191-015(01104) March 2007 "VA +."W...._, ,~~ , A The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania PIlI1Clpal Bond Office 70 Pme Street, New York, NY 10270 POWER 91;f TTORNEY No Expiration Date. O~tohpr 4. ?007 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: .at The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylval1la, a Pennsylval1la corporatIOn, does hereby appoint ---Kip W. Vandeventer, Stacy J. Cutbirth, Victoria J. Reinkensmeyer, Karen C. Swanson: of Tacoma, W A--- Its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full authonty to execute on Its behalf bonds, undertakings, recogl1lzances and other contracts of mdemnity and writmgs obhgatory m the nature thereof, Issued m the course of Its busmess, and to bmd the company thereby in the maXImum amount of $20,000,000.00 per bond, undertakmg, recogl1lzance and other contract of mdemnlty. This power of attorney shall remam in full force and effect until the expiratIOn date above-referenced. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Insurance Company of the State ofPennsylval1la has executed these presents this 4th day of October, 2006 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA} COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA}ss. ~;j#d4c On thIs 4th day of October, 20~before me came the above _ed officer of The Insurance Company of the State of nsylval1la, to me personally known to be the individual and officer described herein, and acknowledged that he executed the foregomg mstrument and affixed the seal of said corporatIOn thereto by authonty of hIs office. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA NOTARIAL SEAL VIVIAN A MATTOX Notary Public City of Philadelphia Phlla County My CommisSion Expires March 28, 2009 CERTIFICATE Excerpts of ResolutIOn adopted by the Board of Directors of The Insurance Company of the State ofPennsylval1la, on May U!, 1976 "RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board, the President, or any Vice President be, and hereby IS, authonzed to appomt Attomeys-m-Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Company to execute bonds, undertakmgs, recogmzances and other contracts of mdeml1lty and wntmgs obligatory m the nature thereof, and to attach thereto the corporate seal of the Company, m the transactIOn of ItS surety busmess, "RESOL VED, that the signatures and attestations of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certIficate relatmg thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate beanng such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and bmdmg upon the Company when so affixed With respect to any bond, undertakmg, recogl1lzance or other contract of mdemmty or wntmg obligatory 111 the nature thereof; "RESOL VED, that any such Attorney-m-Fact delivenng a secretanal certificatIOn that the foregoing resolutions still be m effect may msert m such ceI1IficatlOn the date thereof, Said date to be not later than the date of delivery thereof by such Attomey-m-Fact." 1, ElIzabeth M Tuck, Secretary of The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvama, do hereby certIfy that the foregomg excerpts of Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of tl1lS corporatIOn, and the Power of Attorney Issued pursuant thereto, are true and correct, and that both the ResolutIOn and the Power of Attorney are m full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the faCSImile seal of the corporation . th,,":;/>-'6 d'YOf~ ~7 , fx .r! ucL-, Elizabeth M. Tuck, Secretary BRATRUD ,IDDLETON INS U RAN C E 1201 Pacific Ave, SUite 1000 Tacoma, WA 98402-4321 POBox 2940 Tacoma, WA 98401-2940 253.759.2200 1 800499 0933 fax 253 752 8659 www bratrud com May 24, 2007 City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 Attn: Gary Kenworthy Deputy Director of Engineering Re: Delhur Industries, Inc. Port Angeles Landfill Closure, Project No. 06-22 Dear Mr. Kenworthy: Enclosed is the original Performance Bond Rider that is to be attached to Bond No. . ESD7317480 delivered to you on May 23,2007 by Delhur Industries, Inc. We overlooked attaching this required rider to the Performance and Payment Bond. Therefore, we are sending the rider to you at this time to attach to the original bond. Do not hesitate to contact me at 253-761-3220 or kcs@bratrud.com if you have questions or need additional information. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, ~ L~-- Karen Swanson Senior Account Administrator Surety Division CC: Tony Sample Delhur Industries, Inc. P. O. Box 1116 Port Angeles, W A 98362-0210 . . PERFORMANCE BOND RIDER (For Contracts Involving Liner Installation) Exclusions From The Scope Of The Surety's Du~ies, Obligations and liabilities under Bond Attachment A WHEREAS this Rideris executed concurrently with Bond No. ESD7317480 in the amount of $1,867,584.31 for work under the Contract #06-22 Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007" Project No. 06-22 contract (hereinafter "the Bond") and is intended to form a part thereof; and Whereas the parties, consisting of City of, Port Angeles as Obligee, Delhur Indus tries, Inc. as Contractor and Principal on the Bond, and The Insurance Comoanv of The State ofPennsvlvania as Surety wish to amend the Bond to make certain exclusions from the scope of the Sureties duties, obligations and liabilities under the Bond. NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree to amend the bond as follows: 1. The Bond is not intended by the parties to be, nor shall it be construed to be, an insurance policy, primary or excess, or in any other way be considered to satisfy the requirements for any type of insurance set forth in the contract documents between the Principal and the Obligee and/or Owner (hereinafter "the Contract"). The existence and maintenance of any and all insurance required by the Contract through the completion of any guaranty period provided therein shall be both a condition precedent and a condition subsequent to the Surety's duties, obligations and liabilities under the Bond. 2. Any rights of action under the Bond shall accrue to, and be for the exclusive use of the Obligee. The bond is not intended by the parties to, nor shall it be construed to, create or extend any third party beneficiary rights. 3. No suit or action shall be commenced against the Principal or Surety for any default in performance or for labor performed or materials supplied after the earlier of (1) the contract duration period as set forth in the Contract at the time of execution plus any agreed extensions; or (2) one year after substantial completion of work under the Contract; or (3) one year after termination of the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions. In no eve}lt shall the Surety be liable under any warranty provision in the Contract after one year from the date of substantial completion undfu- the Contract. . 4. In the event of default, the Surety's liability under the Bond is limited to providing funds for the cost of completion of the Contract work in accordance with the plans and specifications, less the balance of funds remaining to be paid under the Contract Under no circumstances is the Surety obligated to tender another contractor to complete the work, enter into a takeover agreement with the Owner and/or Obligee for the Completion of the work, fmance completion of the work by the Principal or in any way assume responsibility, directly or indirectly, for the work required to be performed. Under no circumstances shall the liability of the Surety exceed 1he penal Sum of the Bond. Any funds provided by the Surety for the cost of completion of the contract work shall be credited against the penal sum of the Bond and shall reduce the penal sum of the Bond accordingly. 5. The Surety shall in no event be liable to indemnify or compensate the Obligee for loss or liability, including products liability, arising from personal injury or property damage whether or not caused by breach of the bonded Contract. Under no circumstances shall the Surety be liable to indemnify or compensate the Obligee for any consequential damages. 6. The Surety shall in no event be liable to any person for injuries, costs, damages, expenses, or other liability which results from any release or threatened release of a hazardous substance or pollutant or contaminant, even if such release or threatened release is caused by the conduct of the Principal or Obligee which is negligent, or which constitutes intentional misconduct. 7. The Bond is not intended to be, nor shall it be construed to be a contract, agreement or other instrument arranging for disposal or treatment, or arranging with a transporter for transport for disposal or treatment of hazardous substances. 8. Notwithstanding any provision of the Contract or the Bond to the contrary, extension of the Contract completion date and modification or changes to the Contract require written notice of such extension(s), modification(s) or change(s) to the Surety, and authorization in writing by the Surety in order for the Surety to be bound by such extension(s), modification(s) or change(s). 9. The Bond is issued subject to the above express conditions which shall survive the release and discharge of the Surety from any further liability of its Bond obligations, and those conditions are accepted by the Obligee notwithstanding any obligation to the contrary in the Contract. . 10. It is not the intent of this Bond to accept any design or professional responsibility within the terms of this contract. Further, this Bond in no way provides a guarantee of the adequacy or efficiency of equipment selected or supplied, nor does this Bond guarantee the achievement of any remedial limits resulting from design specifications. Accordingly, it is agreed by all parities that this Bond shall only cover the actual physical construction work contained within the contract, all other work is specifically excluded from the scope of this Bond as if it were individually stated herein. . . \, . 11. As part of its work on the Contract between the Principal and the Obligee, the Principal is to furnish and/or install one or more waste containment liner systems. The Surety shall in no event be liable to indemnify or compensate the Obligee for loss or liability, including products liability, arising from arv claim that a liner system was defective as manufactured, that the Principal recommended, selected or installed a liner system which was not fit for the intended purpose, that the Principal furnished or installed a liner system which failed to meet one or more Contract performance requirements or specifications, that a liner system furnished or installed by the Principal failed to meet one or more express or implied warranties, or that the Principal in any way misrepresented the fitness of a liner system :Dr a particular use or the performance capabilities of a liner system. This limitation on the Surety's obligations is effective even if the Principal is a subsidiary of the manufacturer of a liner system furnished or installed. 2007 Executed this 21st day of May ~ti& THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYL VANIA BY~ Attorney-in fact Victoria J. Reinkensmeyer ~ \ I t 'f, _."~ ~~,,~ .-:- . .- -- -- -;: -:. . Witn,ss: ~ .L/A--drl-- Karen Swanson . ESCROW AGREEMENT for RETAINED PERCENTAGE Port Angeles Landfill Closure Z007 - Project No. 06-2Z TO: THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT IS for the Investment ofthe retained percentage of the above contract, in accordance with chapter 60.28 of the Revised Code of Washington. h is limited to FDIC insured Washington Slate Chartered Banks who are covered by tile State of Washington Pubhc OepositProtcction Act . J)\ '- The Wldersigned."'D elh.u.... L-du.sit/C'o\. (as "Contractor"), hlUl directed the CITY OF PORT ANGELES (as "City"), to deliver to you its warrants whIch shall be payable to you andlor the contractor. The WlIIT8nts are to be held and disposed of by you m accordance with the following mstTUction: INSTRUcrIONS l. Upon delivery the warrants shan be endorsed by you and forwarded to the City fOi"collection You shall use the momes to purehase investments selected by the Contractor and IIPProved by the City. You may follow the last wnllcn i. direcl10n receIved by you from the Contractor, for each purchase, proVIded the directIon othelWlse confOl nlS Wlth l1us agreement Acceptable invcstments are: A. Bills, certificates, notes or bonds of the United Slates; B, Other obligations of the United States or Its agencies, C. Obligations of any corporation wholly owned by the Government of the United Slates; D. Indebtedness of the Federal National Mortgage AssoclatlOl1 ; E. Time deposits in commercial banks; F. O!her investments. except stocks, selected by the Contractor, subject to express pnor wntten consent of the City. 2. The investments shall be in a furm which allows you alone to reconvert them mto money .fyou arc reqUIred to do so by the CIty. 'll1e Investmeuts must mature on or prior to the date set for the completion of the contract, includmg extensIOn (here of or thirty (30) days foTlowmg the final acceptance of the work 4. When interest on the Investments accrues and is paid. you shall collect the inlerast and forward It to the Contractor unless otherwise directed by the Contractor, 5. You arc not authorized to dehver to the Contractor all or any part of the invcslmenls held by you pursuant to flllB agreement (or any monies denved from the sale of such Investments, or the negotlation of tile City's warrants) except in accordance with the written instlllcbons from the City, Compliance with such instructions shall relieve you of any further habil1ty related thereto. 6. In the event the CI ty ocdC11l you, in wnting, to reconvert the mvestments and return aI] monies, you shall do so Wlthm tlurty (30) days of receIpt ofthe order. 7. The ConlTactor agrees to compensate you for your services In accordance WIth your current published schedulc of applIcable . Escrow No.: _ City ot'Port Angeles Contract No. 06-22 Completton Date: escrow fees. Payment of all fees shall be the sole responSibility of the Contractor and shall not be deducted from any momes placed with you pursuant to this agreement until and unless the City directs the release to the Contractor of the investments and momes held hereunder, whereupon you shall be cnhtled to reimburse yourself from such monies for the entire amount of your fee. 8. This agreement shall not be binding until signed by both parties and accepted by you. 9. This document contains the entire agreemenl between you, the ConlTlletor, and the City, with respect to thIS Escrow, and you are not a party to, nor bound by any Instrument or agreement other thBn this. You shall not be required to take notIce of any default or any other matter, nor be bound by nor required to give notice or demand, no\' required to take any actIOn whatever except as herein expressly proVIded. You shall not be bable for any loss or damage not causcd by your own negligence or willful misconduct. CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: 11tle DATE. THE ABOVE ESCROW AGREEMENT RECENED AND ACCEPTED on the _ day of 20_. BANK ~/ By: LlI a-<<../b~ '.l.P Address: '1 \ to E ~ 'S+. ~~~ wA-q~~L- Tille: DISTRIBUTION City Clerk F1I1anc13IInstiluhon ContractOl FIle Copy Page 31 Escrow Agreement for Retained Percentage ProVided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www bxwa.com ACORDTM DELHINDU CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE Client#: 112248 PRODUCER Bratrud Middleton Insurance rokers, Inc.-Tac General 1201 Pacific Ave, Suite 1000 Tacoma, WA 98402 INSURED DATE (MM/DDIYYYY) 05/11/07 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. DelHur Industries, Inc. 4333 Tumwater Access Road Port Angeles, WA 98362 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER A AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SPECIALI INSURER B Commerce and Industry Insurance CO INSURER C INSURER D INSURER E NAIC# LI COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS LTR NSR~ TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER PJ>;~1ri~f88~E Pg~!fJ 1~'g'J..~reN LIMITS A ~NERAL LIABILITY PROP7004930 05/01/07 05/01/08 EACH OCCURRENCE $1 000 000 ~ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO RENTED $50 000 - :=J CLAIMS MADE [!] OCCUR MED EXP (Anyone person) $5 000 X WA Stop Gap PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $1 000 000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2 000 000 ~'L AGGREri1ELIMIT APnS PER PRODUCTS - COM PlOP AGG $2 000 000 POLICY X ~~8i LOC B ~TDMOBILE LIABILITY CA6561318 05/01/07 05/01/08 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT ~ ANY AUTO (Ea aCCident) $1,000,000 ~ ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) ~ ~ HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ ~ NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per aCCIdent) X MCS90 Incl. PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per aCCIdent) $ R~GE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY AGG $ A ~ESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY PROU7004931 05/01/07 05/01/08 EACH OCCURRENCE $10000000 X OCCUR 0 CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $10000000 $ ~ DEDUCTIBLE $ X RETENTION $ 10 000 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND I Tv;,~J(~J.V<: I IO;W- EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY E L EACH ACCIDENT ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E L DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes, descnbe under E L DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ SPECIAL PROVISIONS below X OTHER Poll/Prof PROP7004930 05/01/07 05/01/08 Combined w/General Liab Pollution Occurance Lmtd.Professional Claims Made DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS RE: Project 06-22 - Port Angeles Landfill Closure City of Port Angeles is additional insured per the attached endorsement with respects auto and general liability. Coverage is primary and non contributory. Waiver of Subrogation applies in favor of City of Port Angeles per the attached endorsement. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL -30.... DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRE~EA'1T A TIVE E;";-" A. ""ff- oa- ACORD 25 (2001/08) 1 of 2 #S175865/M175787 BGSOO @ ACORD CORPORATION 1988 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder IS an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25-5 (2001/08) 2 of 2 #S175865/M175787 ENDORSEMENT NO. .IS endorsement, effective 12:01 AM, 05/01/07 - 05/01/08 Forms a part of Polley No: PROP7004930 Issued to: Delhur Industries. Inc. By: AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL TV LINES INS. CO. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION - SPECIFIC PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY AND PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY POLICY SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: WHERE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT . (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement) It is hereby agreed that SECTION IV, Conditions, paragraph 9. Subrogation is amended to include the following: We agree to waive this right of subrogation against the person or organization shown in the Schedule above to the extent that you had, prior to an occurrence or claIm, a written agreement to waive such rights. All other terms. conditions, and exclusions shall remain the same. (~p~ AUTH IZED REPRESENTATIVE or countersignature (in states where applicable) 111 (5/01) C11442 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Offices, Inc.. with Its permission. Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1992 PAGE '\ OF , ENDORSEMENT NO . This endorsement, effeCllve 1201 AM, 5/1/07 to 5/1/08 Forms a part 01 Policy No: PROP 7004930 Issued to: Delhur Industries. Inc. By American International Specialty Lines THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULL Y. ADDITIONAL INSURED / PRIMARY COVERAGE ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies Insurance provided under the 10 110 ll\i1Og, COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY AND PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY POLICY In consideration at an additional premium of $ It IS hereby agreed that the foUolMng IS Included as an Additional Insured as respects Coverage A and B but only as respects liability arising out of your work for the Additional Insured by or tor you Additional Insured' BLANKET, WHERE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT . This does not apply to bodily injury or property damage arising out of the sole negligence or IMllIul mIsconduct of, or for defects in deSign furnished by, the Additional Insured. As respects the coverage aHorded the Additional Insured, this insurance is primary and non.contrlbutory, and our obligations are not affected by any other Insurance earned by such Additional Insured VIklether pflmary, excess, contingent, or on any other baSIS. This endorsement does not increase the Company's limits of liability as specified In the DeclaratIons of this policy. All other terms, conditions, and excluSions shall remain the same. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE or countersignature (In states where applicable! 90667 (04/06! .12791 P AG E 1 OF 1 POLICY NUMBER. DT810526D7003T COMMERCIAL AUTO CA 20 01 10 01 . THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. LESSOR - ADDITIONAL INSURED AND LOSS PAYEE This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE FORM GARAGE COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM TRUCKERS COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by the endorsement. This endorsement changes the policy effective on the inception date of the policy unless another date is indicated below. Endorsement Effective. Countersigned By: Named Insured:Key Mechanical Co of WA (Authorized Representative) SCHEDULE Insurance Company Travelers Policy Number Effective Date x iration Date amed Insured Address Additional Insured (Lessor) Address Desi nation or Descri tion of "Leased Autos" Coverages Limit Of Insurance Liability $- Each "Accident" Personal Injury Protection (or equivalent no-fault coveraqe) $ Comprehensive ACTUAL CASH VALUE OR COST OF REPAIR WHICHEVER IS LESS; MINUS: $ For Each Covered "Leased Auto" Collision ACTUAL CASH VALUE OR COST OF REPAIR WHICHEVER IS LESS, MINUS: $ For Each Covered "Leased Auto" Specified Causes of Loss ACTUAL CASH VALUE OR COST OF REPAIR WHICHEVER IS LESS, MINUS: $ For Each Covered "Leased Auto" (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement. ) . A. Coverage 1. Any "leased auto" designated or described in the Schedule will be considered a covered "auto" you own and not a covered "auto" you hire or borrow For a covered "auto" that is a "leased auto" Who Is An Insured is changed to include as an "insured" the lessor named in the Schedule. 2. The coverages provided under this endorsement apply to any "leased auto" described in the Schedule until the expiration date shown in the Schedule, or when the lessor or his or her agent takes possession of the "leased auto", whichever occurs first. B. Loss Payable Clause ---~We-wittp-ay;-as-rnteresrmay-appear;-yorrandihe-lesso,rramed-ilTthis-endorsemenrfor"tussU-tocr4eased-auto~-:------- 2. The Insurance covers the interest of the lessor unless the "loss" results from fraudulent acts or omissions on your part. 3 If we make any payment to the lessor, we will obtain his or her rights against any other party. C. Cancellation 1. If we cancel the policy, we will mail notice to the lessor In accordance with the Cancellation Common Policy Condition. 2. If you cancel the policy, we will mall notice to the lessor. 3. Cancellation ends this agreement. D. The lessor IS not liable for payment of your premiums. E. Additional Definition As used in this endorsement: "Leased auto" means an "auto" leased or rented to you, including any substitute, replacement or extra "auto" needed to meet seasonal or other needs, under a leasing or rental agreement that requires you to provide direct primary insurance for the lessor. . CA 20 0110 01 Pages 1-2 @ ISO Properties, Inc., 2000 ';ISO Properties, Inc. . CITY OF PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT #06-22 . ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007, PROJECT NO. 06-22 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS (May 1, 2007) The following changes are hereby made a part of the Contract Documents for the Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007, Project #06-22 dated March 2007 as fully and completely as if the same were fully set forth therein: . Questions Received Prior to April 26, 2007 and their responses . Changes to Contract Documents, Specifications and Drawings . Attachment A Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes . Attachment B Contract Documents, Parts 1-1 through Part 1-4 . . Attachment C Additional South Stockpile Geotechnical Reports . Attachment D Sheet C11 /RQ~ GLENN A. C~TLER, P. . Director of Public Works & Utilities There is no change to the Bid Opening Date, Performance Period, or Engineer's Estimate as a result of this Addendum. This addendum must be acknowledged in the space provided on the revised Bid Form in the Contract Documents when it is submitted to the City with your bid. Failure to do so may result in the bid being rejected as being non-responsive. . Addendum No. 1 235-2191-015 (01/06) Page 1 of 4 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT #06-22 . Questions and Responses received as of April 26. 2007. DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Bid Form Item #17 - Written words has unit as tons, unit price has cubic yards - which is it tons or cy? RESPONSE - Cubic Yards is correct. Correction to revised Bid Forms in Attachment B. Builder's risk insurance is required- why, it is not a building- is this going to be dropped? RESPONSE: The City of Port Angeles includes this as part of its Public Works Contract. See also, Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes. DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK . How much cover is need(ed) to work above the geomembrane with the low ground pressure equipment? Normal equipment is 3 feet. RESPONSE: Section 2-03.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS states "Cover soil spread evenly to a thickness of 18 inches. .." See also, Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes. Cover and Base soils - any oversized rock can be removed by hand picking- how do you guarantee that this will get all the oversize rock- either it needs to be screened or it doesn't- that is how we need to be directed to bid the project. If you change you(r) mind later, that is fine. RESPONSE: Volume is anticipated to exceed capability of efficient and cost effective hand picking. It is suggested that bidders familiarize themselves with the source through on-site visits and/or review of geotechnical information to ascertain quantities. Can the oversize rock be crushed and mixed in the cover and base soils? RESPONSE: Yes, provided it meets the appropriate specification. See Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes. DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION . Under section 8-02.3(4), Topsoil, it says that no additional soil supplements are required to complete the topsoil mix, yet under section 8-01.5, seeding, fertilizing and mulching states to include the cost for testing, application of amendments and Addendum No. 1 235-2191-015 (01/06) Page 2 of 4 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT #06-22 . incorporation into the soil if required, and second application of fertilizer if required. Is the soil getting tested or is it going to be accepted when it is mixed 7:1 with the materials you are providing? RESPONSE: No additional testing will be required if the contractor provides topsoil as specified. Section 8-02.3(4) TOPSOIL is based on the soil test reports included in Appendix D of the Contract Documents. The bidder may provide alternate topsoil but shall provide laboratory tests showing that it meets or exceeds the specified topsoil. You are measuring everything on the horizontal plane- will we be given the limits in AutoCAD before the project starts to verify the City's and Parametrix's measurements? Why not measure on the actual surface? RESPONSE: The nature of landfills is to settle over time. The horizontal plane was deemed the most consistent area measurement. It is suggested that bidders familiarize themselves with the site through on-site visits and make adjustments to horizontal areas for volumes based on actual site conditions. AutoCad@files will be made available to the successful bidder. Chanaes to Contract Documents . Remove the Bid Forms, Part 1-1 through Part 1-4, and replace with the revised Bid Forms Part 1-1 through Part 1-4. Chanaes to Specifications Section 1-02.4(2) Subsurface Information. Add to this section the following: Additional South Stockpile area geotechnical information is included in Attachment C of this Addendum. Section 1-05.5(2) Surveys Required. Add the following paragraph: Soil Screenings Surveys: Submit survey showing pre-construction site topography for the oversized material stockpile site and soil screening area. Upon completion of screening operations, submit a topographic survey of the oversized material stockpile and soil screening area accurate to plus or minus 1-foot. Show all breaks on the topographic survey. Submit topographic maps to Engineer for review. Engineer may field very the accuracy of the survey. Section 1-05.14 Cooperation with Other Contractors. Add the following bullet: . Logging in the east triangle property, part of the South Stockpile area, will be completed by July 1, 2007. The logger will be removing 20 trees and stumps. The remainder of the trees that are suitable for harvest will be felled and removed . Addendum NO.1 235-2191-015 (01/06) Page 3 of 4 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT #06-22 . leaving their stumps on the property. Small trees and' brush will remain. Section 1-09.1 Measurement of Quantities. Add to this section the following: The Contractor shall provide all surveys for pay items measured by the cubic yard. Cubic yard measurements will be for the material actually removed and placed. All surveys for pay items will be by a professional surveyor licensed in the State of Washington. Section 2-03.3 Construction Requirements, second paragraph, add the following: The Contractor shall remove cover and base soil from the on-site stockpiles in the following order of precedence: 1. South stockpile working from north to south. 2. Triangular shaped area east of Water Treatment Plant site. Section 2-03.3 Construction Requirements, ninth paragraph. Delete paragraph and replace with the following: Base soil shall be placed in layers not exceeding 12 inches in thickness. Base soil in place shall be firm and unyielding. . Section 2-03.4 Measurement. Delete the sixth paragraph and replace with the following: "Soil Screening" shall be measured by cubic yard from a before and after survey of material removed from the South Stockpile of soil processed by screening. r; Section 2-12.4 Measurement, last sentence, revise to read "TRM, per square yard." Section 2-12.5 Payment, last sentence, delete the words "West Ditch Geosynthetic. " Section 8-02.5 Payment. Delete the last sentence and replace with the following: This shall include the cost of mixing screened on-site soil and compost, placing, grading, and track walking. Chanaes to Drawinas Sheet C11, Details 1 and 2 - modify as shown in Attachment D. END OF ADDENDUM . Addendum No. 1 235-2191-015 (01/06) Page 4 of 4 . . . . Attachment A Parametrix ENGINEERING. PLANNING. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES MEETING MINUTES Project Name: Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007, #06-22 235-2191-015 (01/06) Project No.: Meeting Date: April 24, 2007 Time: 1000 am Location: Landfill Office, Port Angeles, Washington Apnl Whittaker Tom McCabe (TMC) Steve Sperr (SS) AI Stanford (AS) Tyler Moore (TM) Lynn Bruch (LB) Sean Coleman (SC) Tim Haith (TH) Tony Sample (TS) Gary Arndt (GA) April Whittaker (AW) Prebid Meeting City of Port Angeles City of Port Angeles Northwest linings Glacier Construction Bruch & Bruch Bruch & Bruch Delhur Industnes, Inc Delhur Industnes, Inc Parametrix Parametnx Minutes by: Attendees: Company: Subject: GA - started the meeting with introductIons around the room. MentIoned the bids will be due May 8th, 2007. GA- descnbed the project and the roles of the City of Port Angeles and Parametrix. To date, there IS no assigned Project Manager from the City. Parametnx wIll admmister the project and provide constructIon observatIOn. GA - make sure that all items on the Bidders ChecklIst are included m bid packet. GA - Addenda #1 will include issues from questions already received and brought up at tills meetmg. TH asked if everything measured on a horizontal plane? GA answered yes. GA - CADD drawings on the Builder's Exchange website site are not good qualIty. So we are providing half size copies of the drawmgs for the contractors at the meeting. The City also handed out copies of the contract documents on CD. GA - clanfied that cover and base soil need to be screened. GA - clanfied base soil to be placed a minimum of 3 inches thick over the landfill. GA - gradmg IS based on WSDOT SpecificatIOns. SS - pointed out that the CIty has a tree removal/logging/excavatmg contract out to bid currently. Project IS to be completed by July 1,2007. Parametnx and City Will clanfy the mfluence of the loggmg contract to the Closure project. TH - asked the current mOIsture content of the stockpiles? (GA - stated that the Contractor has to use the matenal on site.) Parametnx and the City do not know the mOIsture content m the stockpIle. Meetmg Mmutes Apn124, 2007 Form OJ-GN-16/Rev 07/05 . . . . Attachment A Meeting Minutes (continued) GA - wIll check on the exact specIficatIons and reconsIder the 90 percent compactIon reqUlrement for base soIl. GA - asked for clarificatlOn from the City regarding BuIlder's Insurance. SS - per the CIty Attorney that has to stay m the bId documents. GA - restated that the survey for the project will be done by the Contractor. TMC - stated that the transfer station will be open for busmess dunng the project. Requested the Contractor use the East Road. GA - enforced the fact of Traffic Control during the project is required and will be provided by the Contractor during construction. GA - rhentioned the other factors (Loggmg Contract, Slope Stabihzation Project, Compost FacIlity, Shooting Range) that could influence the project - traffic, staging area, etc. TMC - will get the schedule from the Shootmg Range and pass along to contractor for informational purposes. GA - re-emphasized health and safety, site specific plan. Potential asbestos Issues to be aware of, also explosives, and other gases and leachate. GA - discussed the payment wIll be off the schedule prepared by the Contractor. Contractor will have to submit an Earned Value CalculatlOn. GA - dIscussed the schedule. Contract will be for 80 workmg days after the notIce to proceed. Erosion control measures shall be m place by September 30, 2007. SS - asked If anyone thought there was a long lead tIme on the GeosynthetIc Items? . NW Lmings rep saId that he dId not a forese problem. QuestIons: Testing of topsoil? GA - responded If Contractor stays with mix on SIte, no need for additional testing. Compost stockpIle being used by others? GA - clanfied that once Contractor takes control of the stockpile by the firing range, the CIty wIll not allow other usage. Open to other method than pugmill mIX compost with base soIl to create topsoil? GA - Contractor can propose alternative mix and it will be consIdered. The alternatIve method WIll need to provIde as good a mixing as a pugmill to evenly blend the compost mto the base SOlI. GA Items to take into consIderation: . Landfill settling so grade control has to account for this fact. Contractor cannot use GPS control of eqUlpment on the landfill. Another method wIll have to be used to control your work. . Refuse can be put back mto landfill when excavatmg for gas trenches and French drams. CIty of Port Angeles Meetmg Mmutes 235-2191-015 (01106) Aprtl24, 2007 2 . . . . Attachment A Meeting Minutes (continued) . QC - contractor responsIble for testmg geosynthetics and sOlIs and all other items listed m the specIficatIOns. Site Walk: Did not walk the site WIth the Contractors. CIty of Port Angeles Meetmg Mmutes 235-2191-015 (01106) Apn124. 2007 3 L r I' ! Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 Prebid Meeting April 24, 2007 Sign In Sheet Name Company Contact (Phone. Email) Garv Arndt Parametrix 253)501-5160 <t: 'E (]) lE .J:: () <ll ~ b t~(~ ::L~VL"(Y J?""'" "<.' ~ \1 \" Anri! Whittaker Parametrix 360)850-5341 awhittaker(tlloarametrix.com ~.a.~kY , ;;.~~..b o;u.r~ tt \.1 -;- W\ r\Q<... '\'t4. OEU4V\2.. IN.f)u5'rP./e::> !He. L( t t 3G..o -4&'1'-1153: -rho it, \-, e ~ C'o'l'>1 Vl ~ :?{~ ~Jt{~\"l.r. (0"t1 T~ <:. ,~~ft) ~ M-1 ~rm, U~ . . . . . . City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract Documents Part /-1 235-2191-015 (01104) Addendum No 1 COVER SYSTEM (CONTINUED) 10. 20,000 Base SoIl (2-03) $ $ CUbIC Yards $ Per CY CY 11. 52,850 TOpSOIl (8-02) $ $ Square Yards $ Per SY SY LANDFILL GAS SYSTEM 12. 1,010 New 3-Inch HDPE SDR II PIpe (7-06) $ $ Lmear Feet $ Per LF LF 13. 920 Reused 3-Inch HDPE SDR 11 PIpe (7-06) $ $ Lmear Feet . $ Per LF LF 14. 950 6-Inch HDPE SDR II Pipe(7-06) $ $ Lmear Feet $ Per LF LF 15. 31 3-Inch Gate Valves (7-06) $ $ Each $ Per EA EA 16. 6 Trench ConnectIon (7-06) $ $ Each $ Per EA EA OTHER ITEMS 17. 400 Access Road Gravel Base (4-02) $ $ CUbIC Yards $ Per CY +ens CY . . . CIty of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract Documents 235-2191-015 (01104) Addendum No 1 Part /-2 . OTHER ITEMS (CONTINUED) 18. 18,000 Water Treatment Plant Gradmg (2-03) $ $ Square Yards $ SY Per SY 19. ~ 40,000 SoIl Screening (2-03) $ $ CubIc Yards $ Per CY CY 20. 4,]00 Underdram (7-01) $ $ Lmear Feet $ Per LF LF 21. 100 Leachate Seepage Infi]tratlOn Trench (2-03) $ $ Lmear Feet $ Per LF LF 22. 30 CPEP Culvert 12 In DJam. (7-02) $ $ Lmear Feet . $ Per LF LF 23. 8,000 EroslOn Control B]anket (8-01) $ $ Square Yards $ Per SY SY 24. 2,000 PlastIC Covenng (8-01) $ $ Square Yards $ Per SY SY 25. 11 Acres Po]yacry]amlde (PAM) (8-01) $ $ $ Per Acre Acre 26. 24 Each Wattle Check Dams (8-01) $ $ $ Per EA EA 27. +W 1,100 Turf Reinforcmg Mat $ $ Square '.Vest DItch Gcos)T1tnctlC TRM (2-12) Per SY Yards $ SY Cay of Port Angeles 235-2191-015 (01/04) . Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Part 1-3 Addendum No 1 Contract Documents OTHER ITEMS (CONTINUED) 28. 2,500 West Ditch TopsOIl (2-03) $ $ Square Yards $ Per SY SY 29. 23 Acres Seedmg, FertllIzmg, and Mulchmg (8-01) $ $ $ Per Acre Acre 30. 300 Tons Quarry Spal1s (8-15) $ $ $ Per Ton Ton 31. Lump Sum Tnmmmg and Cleanup (2-11) LS $ $ LS $ $ $ $ . BID TOTAL: $ $ . . CIty of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract Documents Part 1-4 235-2191-015 (01/04) Addendum No 1 Attachment C . . EXCERPTS FROM Report of Geotechnical Investigation for the Proposed Transfer Station, Port Angeles, Washington July 14, 2005 Soil & Environmental Engineers, Inc. . i ' . ) 1 1 ] 1 ] ] 1 . J ] J ) ) J ] . J Attactiment C 3.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Published geologic infonnation (Geologic Map of/he Olympia PenJnsula, Washington by R.W. Tabor and W;M. Cady, 1978) indicates that the site area is covered by glacial till. The material is a hard. unsorted mixture of clay, silt, sand and gravel. The soil conditions underlying the site were explored by the excavation of 10 test pits,)'P-I through TP~10 on JlU1e 29,2005. The approximate test pit locations are shown on Figure 2. Details of the field exploration program and the test pit logs are included in Appendix A. Our Imowledge of the subsurface conditions is augmented by the test pit data presented in the following reports: · "Subsuiface information report, Port Angeles Transfer Station': dated October 20, 2004 and prepared by AMEC Earth & Enviromnental, Inc. A few test pits were excavated in the vicinity of the proposal Transfer Building and Staff Facility Building. The locations of these test pits are shown on Figure 2, and the test pit logs are included in Appendix B. · "Report of Geotechnical Investigation for the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant" dated May 28, 2003 and prepared by URS. In general, the subsurface conditions at the Transfer Building, Staff Facility Building, MHR, and MRWF include random fill over native/glacial soils. The fill consist of a silty sand with gravel and various amount of debris. The native soils are primarily silty and clayey sand with various amounts of gravel and cobbles. No fin was found at the pit floor in the northeastern portion of the transfer building, the depression to the west ofMRWF and in the area of the ScaleslScalehouse. Specific soil conditions at each project component are presented below. · Transfer Building: About 6 to 7 feet thick of random fill was found in the southern and southwestern portions of the bUilding. The fill consist of silty sand with debris including wood, concrete, metal, plastic, and pockets of organic soils. The debris contents vary from about 5% to as high as 50% (by volume). In general, the fill material is loose to medium dense, dry to moist in the upper 3 feet and moist to damp below. The fill is underlain by dense to very dense native/glacial till. · Staff Facility Building: The subsoil conditions here are similar to those found in the transfer 526rpt 4 S&EE j .- . , , , 1 1 ] ] . ] ] 1 ] I I I f I . . 'III 8M Brown silty fine to medium sand with some (about 30%) fine to coarse gravel . . . . , , III (dry to moist)(medlum dense)(tlll) , . , . III , . . . III . . , , III . , . , . . . III . . ~ . III . . , III , . . . . III , , , III , . fll , III 8M Gray and dark brown silty fine to coarse sand with abundant (about 40 to 50%) tree , III debris (molst)(loose)(fill) . . III . III . III , . III . III , 11.1 8MI Gray and brown silty and clayey fine to coarse sand with some (about 30%) fine to coarse III GM gravel and occasional cobbles (moist to damp)(medium dense to dense) . II, . . III Ill! - dense below 8 feet tll , II . ~ IH - damp below 9 feet , is 01 II. - brown below 10 feet , III . ,HI :Qo CD ~ ""'" i CD Cl o 5 10 , , . . , . , , 15 :u.-.Ju_..;'Uh Excavallon Method: Excavatlon Date: Ground Elevation: ~ - c:: ~ c:: <'3 ~ :s2 ~ s Ii} Cl ~ ~ ~ Attachment C ~ .a ~ tl ~ TEST PIT Tp..10 Soil Description , , , , , , . . . . . . . . , , . , . . , --....~,.......&_I Test pit completed at a depth of 11 feet on 6-29-05. No groundwater encountered during excavation. No caving occured during excavation. CAT E120B Excavator June 29, 2005 230 feet +/- Figure A-10 Proposed Transfer Station S&EE Job No. 526 Attachment C . . EXCERPTS FROM Report of Geotechnical Investigation for The Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant May 28, 2003 URS . 1\II~i~~~II~I~~~rl~\~~ij~~\1 BRE04016 FIN A l R E P 0 R T I . I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I . eLL 2003 I 01 Attachment C C L.t... 2ct>3 01 ELWHA WATER TREATMENT PLANT PREDESIGN CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON D-01300 REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR THE PORT ANGELES WATER TREATMENT PLANT Prepared for u.s. Bureau of Reclamation 1150 NOlth Curtis Road, Suite 100 Boise, Idaho 83706-1234 May 28, 2003 URS 8181 East Tufts Avenue Denver. Colorado 80237 22235879 Attachment C . SEITIOIITHREE Site CondiOons 3.1 EXPLORATION PROGRAM The previous geotechnical exploration activities for the P A WTP project consisted of drilling borings at locations that were largely concentrated in the south half of the site where the heaviest and deepest structures are planned. The additional geotechnical work included the excavation of 6 test pits using a backhoe. Five test pits (UM~TPl, UM-TP2, UM-TP4, UM-TPS and UM-TP6) were excavated to depths ranging from 7 to 24 feet in the unexplored areas in the new treatment plant layout. The sixth test pit (UM- TP7) was excavated to a depth of 5 feet in the unpaved Milwaukee Road just south of the proposed facility (see Figure 1). Proposed test pit UM- TP3 was eliminated due to its close proximity to an existing cut face exposure along the west side of the Recycle Storage Basins. The test pit excavations were monitored and logged by a URS geotechnical technician. The test pits were backfilled with the excavated material upon completion of the logging. Logs of the test pits are presented in Appendix A. A photograph of the cut face exposure is shown on Figure 2. 3.2 SUBSURFACE SOILS . In general the new test pits encountered subsurface conditions that were similar to those previously described in the original URS report, i.e., a shallow layer of fill typically from on-site gravelly materials underlain by a deep deposit of glacially deposited dense silty sand, gravel and cobbles. However, exceptions are as follows: · The ~!L~~R.~,BfQf'im~t~1y,)'?<f~.~_,.~,;,~.~t\LM,7T~~ and consisted of loose slightly gravelly sand in the upper 13 feet, then 2 feet of wet Clay overlying the dense native glacial deposit. The lateral extent and manner of placement of this deep fill is not known; hence, it is referred to in the original report and this addendum as uncontrolled fill. The absence of deep fill at UM- TPl located ISO feet to the north and in the cut face exposure located 1 10 feet to the west suggests that the deep fill condition extends no further than about 100 feet in any direction from UM- TP2. · The upper 2 to 3 feet of soil in UM- TP4 to UM- TP6, which were located in a forested area with minimal previous disturbance, consisted of a layer of forest duff then a medium dense slightly gravelly silty sand that may be a fine-grained weathered zone of the native glacial deposit. · The upper 3 to 5 feet of the native glacial deposit is slightly cemented and till-like in the upper 3 to 5 feet at most locations. This cementation was not noticed in the samples from the previous borings, probably due to disturbance from the drilling process. Test pit UM- TP7 encountered 3 feet of fill derived from glacial silty sand and gravel, then a native hard clay. This native material is similar to the brown to gray clay described in the Paramctrix test pits of2001 (see Appendix A ofthe May 28,2003 URS report). 3.3 GROUNDWATER The soils below depths of approximately 5 feet in each boring were generally wet. Slight seepage into the excavation was observed in the test pits in the forested area (UM- TP4 to UM- TP6) at a depth of approximately 9 feet. The seepage is interpreted to be local perched water zones from surface water infiltration. . URS K\163\ELWHA RIVERlGEOTECHNICAL\2004 GEOTECHTASKSIRPTAO01PAWTP,OOc\H-SEP.()4\\ 3-1 . . . -...- \ \ \ \ \, \ .\ \ '\ .\ \ l/'~'~,:~, I __ ~ I ; r-__ ;- /........ --. ' I __ I I 1 :..;rUiTt t".~ . I I I-U~~(;i' t., "~"!.'..{:" : ! '''> ...,~. ...... --. -- - -- --- ----- ---. , , \ ~\ , , '. --- -. PROP<lSED S RECYCl METALS HAZARDOlI -'-- "'-." --- -- ------- --- - ---- \ \ \ --. { I '-- -- -- \ '-'- --- .\ "\ : ;t~ PERIMETER SECURITY FENCE (TVP) [~ SECfJRIT..... FENCE .: , I I I , , I I I I /." . . I I , I ! // Il I, , " / \ r i . SCUD WAS" SIA nON ./ /" j' I, ~ra,,~~E 5;'iEICH _t___ y\. ~ ! 1- .c- L._' __ .__,.~,s::"-._..__._.._ ----.----- -- ..-,.,.$ l I I I PRopfED I TI"o\N$ EP. STA nON I E 1 , t)R:OPOSEO RO,\O""\ v' . ..' /~\" '.- . ~ s ~ .. ./ /. PROPOSED ROA.~ . . A.CCESS ROAO r ~O"OSEO ----...... I. t /: / / f i , -- --- ,. -:.- .::~'..IR' :-';'-::=..-:r~---r--r-_ . -",.... ') :... ~'\'": -:--::~-~T=- \ \ i 1 I .. , --\.... .,,/ ~';,~~=~:.-:"- WIDlll:.. V"'-Z~ '" --... "'\'/-' BOROlC DRllLEO By URS IN 2003 MONITORING WELl. 8Y OPlHERS '0. e ! t ~ ~ ~ . ~ 1 Job No 2223~79 lP-6 : n:ST PllS BY 2001 PARAlJETRIX IN SITE PL UBS Port Angele: Pc Attachment C . Appendix A Field ExploraUons . The subsurface soil and groundwater conditions at the site were investigated by drilling 10 exploratory borings (UM-I to UM-I 0) to a maximum depth of 40 Y2 feet below the ground surface at the approximate locations shown on Figure 2. The borings were drilled using truck- mounted TUBEX air rotary equipment supplied by Environmental West Exploration, Inc. A URS geologist monitored the field explorations, classified the materials encountered, maintained a log of the subsurface conditions and obtained representative samples of the various strata for visual examination and laboratory testing. The soils have been classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) described on Figure A-I. Relatively undisturbed soil samples were obtained from the borings using a Dames & Moore Type U Sampler, which is illustrated on Figure A-2. Graphical representation of the soils penetrated by the borings is presented on Figures A-3 to A-12. The Dames & Moore sampler was advanced with a hammer weighing 300 pounds and having a free fall ono inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler for the final foot of penetration at each sample location is presented as "N=" on the boring log. This value provides an approximate one to one correlation with Standard Penetration test N-values. A piezometer was installed in Boring UM-2 for water level monitoring. The piezometer installation details are indicated on the Log. Downhole Geophysical Testing was conducted in Boring UM-I. This boring was cased with Schedule 40 PVC pipe and grouted prior to conducting the geophysical testing (see Appendix C for further details). . URS K \\G3\E..lWtlA RIVER'lINOUSTFUAl. oeSIGN'lGCOTCCHNICAl.\PAWT P ~og03\PAWTP G(OTECU OQC\'!N'.4AY-Q3\\ A-I . Attachment C Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Key to log of Boring and Descriptive Terms for Soil Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D2487 & 02488) Major DIvISionS Symbols TWlcal DeSCllplions Gra"h 19l1llr ~ .. Clean .-. . GW Well. Graded Gravels. Gravel-Sand Mixtures, Lillie or ... ~~ Gravels .... no Fines ~ (leS3 than .I".~~ poony'Graded Gravels, Grave~Sand MIxtures, Lillis or ci) J!O~~ ~~~ GP no Fines CD ~ ~ ~ ci 5'Y.lines) .. if; Gravels . . GM Silly Gravels, Gravel.Sand-Silt Mixtures =iii C1ia: Abbreviations ,gg - II with Fines' 'iN !' M (more Ihan GC Clayey Gravels, Grav9~Sand-Clay Mixtures " 0 ~LL 12 % lines) SA Sieve Analysis .. z h _ ~ -& :~~ .t~~:~ M Moisture I Cl 0 SW Well-Graded Sands, Gravelly Sanda, little or no Flnss :l ~ sf Clean Sand DD Dry Density h ~ 11 ~ It "5 F (less lhan o~:\~ SP Poorly Graded Sands, Graveily Sands. Lints or no Fine AL AUerberg limits I 0 g 1! 5 ~ 5% hne.$) "#'. HA Hydrometer Analysis I ; .. ~ '" :a " C Consolidation <5 " a. Sanda with : , SM Silty Sands, Sand.C1ay MIxtures 1 ::< g !i Fines ,': Pc Constant Head Permeability , ~ ~ L (mo<e than . .~ SC Clayey Sands, Sand-Clay Mixlu/es Pf Falling Head Permeability :li It 12 '\Hnes) .~~ OS Direcl Shear i <I> ML Ino/genle Sdts and very FIM Sands, Rock Flour. Sdty 0 TX TriQKlal on "! Clavev Fine Sands or Clavev S.IIS with Shaht Plasticity TV TONana Shear .::tI) I !!1 .. Sills CL In<>rganic Clays 01 low \0 Medium PlMticlty. Gravelly LV Laboratory Vane Shear ~ - > llquldumll .. .. Clavs Sandv Clavs, Sdtv Clavs Lean Clavs : (; tiici) and Less lhM 50% PP Pocket Penetrometer (ft ~8 : 0 - OL Organio SIllS and Organic Sdty Clays 01 Low P/a~bOlly OVA Organic Vapor Analyzer .. 0", CI~ya -- , c t; 0 OC Organic Content iii InorganiC SIllS, M,caceous Or DIatomaceous Fine ., '0 z MH N Number of hammer blows lor last c: C Sand or Siltv SOils .. ., ., 12 Inches sampled , c .c ~ Slits ..;: ; ~ uqUldLmut CH Inorganic Clays 01 High Plastlclty, Fal Clays o iii and GrealCf lhall 50~ .:; E OH Organ.c Clays of MedIum to HIQI> Plasticity, . '" Clays - Organic Sdt. - =uu Peal Humus, Swamp Soils wllh High Organic ! HIghly OrganIc Sools ~~~ PT -::tCd.~ . Contents (see ASTM 04427.92) -. Relative Density or Consistency ; i .~ Coarse-Grained Soils ~clatlve Density N, SPT Blows I ft 0-4 4 - 10 10 - 30 30 - 50 Over 50 Fine-Grained Solis Relative Consistency N, SPT Blows I ft <2 2-4 4-8 8 - 15 15 - 30 Over 30 Sampler Symbols ; 3" 0 D. Spilt Spoon ~ 3" 0.0 Shelby Sample with brass Tube Sample nngs ~~ Core ~ Piston Sample ~ Non-standard &J Grab Sample penetration tesl ~ 2" 0 D. Split Spoon with 140lb Hammer and 3D-inch drop (SPT) ;"'y loose sand Loose M'lduJn1 dense (Ipnse Very dense Very soft Soft Medium stiff Stiff Very st Iff Hard Minor Descriptors Moisture Content 0.5% ", ,"'V<'y, s.lty, sandy qr~vclly) 5 - l~o , ,.ltv. sandy. gravelly 12 - 30% Udy..y. Silty. sanoy. \l1,lvl'lIy) 30.50% Dry MOist Wet Absence 01 mOisture, dusty Damp but no VISible water VIsible free waler, from bslow the waler lable 'rES; ')pscnptions and stratum lines are interpretive' field desoriptions may have been modified to reflect lab test results Descriptions on thes~ '.1()5 apply only at the $peclflc boring locations'and at the lIme the borings were advanced; they are not warranted to be representative of ':bsurlace conditions at other locations or times. h'dl Sy.nbols ale IJst!d It) Indicate borderline SOil classificatIOns URS Figure A-1 . , Frojeet: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Log of Boring UMM1 ~roject Location: Port Angeles, Washington ~roject Number: 22235879 Sheet 1 of 2 ate(s) 3/2112003 Logged R.D.C. Checked W,M.M. "lIet! By By tilling TUBEX. Air Rotary Drill Bit Total Depth 40.5 feet Method Slze/Type of Borehole I- ' IDrdl Rig Mobil 8-90 Drilling Environmental West Surface 231.5 feet ])pe Contractor Elevation -- Boreholo Install Geophysical Casing Sampling O&M U.Type Sampler Hammer 300lb Hammer, 30. drop Backfill Method(s) Data Borehole Northing Locallon , Coordinates Ellsting Attachment C SAMPLES 'i' -> c ~ 5.91 "R Q c 0 -cC/') *' Ri .c '- (0 ~ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 00 - III . REMARKS AND 0.._ III -- '" (.)0 1: ....- 3~ >- LJ rn > t/)~ :J-6, _ell OTHER TESTS III III Q)Q> III E :!: 0 .,- w,s! O.!!? a. u III v ~iii .- c ;>. :::l 0 '" ~~ 00 I- Z co a: o~ ~o 0 230 8 r 16 100 25 N=41 19 2 23 too 50 225 N=73 . 10- . 3 16 100 110 135 93 50for6 2:?O . ~ il- 15 . 5 17 4 50 for 3 tOO ~ . ~ 21S . ~ 0: . " ~ . ~ 20~ l<> lD '" Dnller Indicates cobble to boulder at 19.5' bgs, fJJ 12: .::> -, ~ ,0. 210 Cl '" Driller indIcated out of cobble/boulder at 21.5' bgs .... 5 :?l '" Driller indicates cobblos/boulders from 22 5' to 24 S' bgs '" .. ~ . i3 I :z ::> ?~ . ~ ~ 6 o for 5' 100 , , . u: '1 <( 2[" J: . 5: J ~ .. . '" <( '" . ~ UJ fJJ sO ri URS 0 Figure A-3.1 Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 SAMPLES '-' Log of Boring UM-1 . Sheet 2 of 2 C C ~ g> 0 0 c:. ...J ~ ~ w .S:! MATERIAL DESCRIPTION lil III >- > .c C/) Q)Q) E ~ 8 c- o [j,J!! ;:) 0 II> ~ C/) z 1ii a: 0 :::l 19 7 35 200 50 lor 5 Ql -> Co> al- '0 e(/) ~ REMARKS a. 0 08 II> - ON e_a :5E <II", :;:)~ -0) OTHER TI Vl- Q)v ~'a; .- C ~~ 00 Cl~ :Eu 35 8 8.2 117 6.4 195 . . . . 40 9 100 10 50 lor 4 0 . 190 Bonng completed at 40.5 feet below ground surlace (bgs) on . 3/21/2003. No groundwater was encountered at the time of the Investigalion. Installed inclinometer casing lor geophysIcal testing to a deplh of 40' with 3' 01 stickup. . 45 185 (0) 50- 0 5 5 180 Cl :1 f w <II ~ 1:! :> , III . ..J r; Cl 55 } 11 l w h: ~ r,' IX: 175 " ::> ~ ,. Cl f Ol .... :ll ~ ~ .. > !)I i I 60 t' () , Z ::> ~ 170 I II: ~ ~ ..J , ~ f~ ~ it ~I '" k . ~ 65 [ '" w Figu.-e A-J <II I 0 W URS Cl f \ 1 ~ Attachment C . Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Log of Boring UM-2 Sheet 1 of 2 Date(s) 3120103 Logged R,D,C. Checked W.M.M. ~~lIed By By "- Drilling TUBEX. Air Rotary DnllB,t Total Depth 30:8 feet , ~~Ihod SizefType of Borehole ," Drill RIg Mobil 8.90 Dnlling Environmental West Apflroximate 234.0 -'!ype Contractor Surface Elevation Groundwater level Sampling D&M U-Type Sampler Hammer 3001b Hammer, 30" drop Method(s) Dala - Borehole I II P' Location Completion nsta lezometer SAMPLES c(,) 'Q) .Q"", -> ,.g -ro c:~ .1i REMARKS to c: 0 -!E ~ii.i '#. Q .r:: <D MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -E<I> 00 .. 1i5 ... ~j{ c AND 4l CiioL: o~ > . 0.._ ...... (/) 3:o~ <ll .0 Ul _CIl c~ OTHER Q) l' QJQ) QJ E 3'; u S1~ !fJ- 1 -1 02 a. .5~ 01: ~8. W. :;:3 0 (/) TESTS ~ >. m ::> :!:8 I- z lL_ 0__ 0 ~ Concrele Plug i' .1 ~ 2 ! 12 Brown, silty, fine to coarse SAND and GRAVEL ~ 1 25 I N=37 (medium dense) (fill?) J 230 Brown, silty, fine to coarse SAND and GRAVEL zz \ z < (very dense) " I 22 "z 2 o for 6 "~ z" 1 z "z zz ~" " j Zz "z "" ~ "" " " . "z " BentOnite Seal ., " "" z z 2/ z" Z" z z ~ z "" zz .1 10 -. zz ~z :J , ~ 3 3f 100 , "~ 50 for 6 Z" zz " zz " 1 zz zz ~ ~ ,z " ~z , , zz ~ Driller noles large boulder al 12.5' bgs, cullings arc mostly z" " ,",' fractured rock S 2;':' b 0 15- 3 4 VI VI l( '. " ~ L" :t' " . . <" ~ .-, 5 3~1 100 11.4 7.3 131 Sand p .ck, bO for (; blank' ,sing j I - , , - ;"1 6 30 100 ~ I 50 for 2' Dnller notes cobble/boulder from 26 5' 10 28 S' bgs . ! I Sand Pack, 10 . slol ~rreen . . 30 -~..._.- ~.~. URS Figure A-4.1 . . . Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Log of Boring UM-2 Sheet 2 of 2 " SAMPLES ill ~ ~ Ol 5.2 c:~ ~ REMAI c: (1).- C 0 0 'EW :,l1 0 i6 --l 0 ~ s.: ... ij) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~(ij 00 Q)...; '" ANI 0 !E (.)0 c >- 0.- Q) l Q) :c C/) ~c <J> OTHi ~ ~ ",(\j alii o~ (l)Q) Q)Q) <I) 0- u -EQ) Q)"*' 0- -Q) 02 0- u 1Il 1io.c c: v 55 ,=,'0 . w_ >- :3 0 Q) ... C/) ~u~ u:~ TESl I- z ii5 II: " ::> ~t) o.s, 30 IX! 7 -^ ~~ ^ 100_ 1 h~ Boring completed at 30 75 feet below ground surlace (bgs) I on 3/20/2003. Groundwater was not encountered at the time of the Investigation A piezometer was installed wlthm I the bonng. I I ! 200 f 35- - ! t f j ~ , t 1 \ 195 1 i 40- f-- - I ! , ! f , 1-190 i 45- - - , ~ i ! l 185 1 50- - I' t ~ t f f H80 i I 55- - - , r : r , I : 175 l i 60- - , >. , 1, 170 I: 65 ~ , f ~ ' , ~ I ~ .., ~ ~ b CJ l2 w '" II) It :> G) J " :l w '" '" It ;;) ~ " ~ ~ ~ i o Z :> ! ~ J: ~ w Fi '" 1< ~ J W := <( w l{) o lJJ I;> URS 1 Figure A-4.2 I , I I - - I I I . Ii I: I, I Ii Ii I . Ii ....--..'='.yt,. l;-r'p'~'X'1f~rf'''''''' "'~""~""'~~\.."'r<'I'.:-W{i!~'h"':',!<~~4~;~~~ Attachment C Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Log of Boring UM-3 Sheet 1 of 2 Date{s) 3/20/2003 logged R.D.C. Checked W.M.M. Drilled By By 1--- DrtllBil Total Depth Drilling TUBEX . Air Rotary 30.25 feet Me>thod SizefType of Borehole Of"! Rig Mobil 8-90 Drilling Environmental West Surface 238.5 feet Type Contractor Elevation ~'--- ---- Borehole Bentonite Chips Sampling D&M U.Type Sampler Hammer 300lb Hammer, 30. drop Backfill Melhod{s) Data 1---- -- Borehole Northing Location Conrdinales Easllng SAMPLES Qi' -> :J!. C> C4) c: C 0 0),- 'R. :J!. .Q 0 -rJ) i6 .J !So 0 Cil .c ... <i5 () MATERIAL DESCRIPTION .... 0) . REMARKS AND 0) Q) (,)0 'c"': :;c > .- 0.- ..0 Cil > :c (J) :ll~ ::>-6, -Q) OTHER TESTS w -, w<l> Q) E ~ 8 Q. 0 "'- w. . 02 0- f!! c':: ~'a; -- C >. :::l 0 Q) (J) 00 ..... Z CO a: (!) ::l irc' oi: ~o 0 B13Ck log~oll wilh sogJsoftl /1111\ rn 100 ML Black sill with organic material, occasional rOols 1 --=.::..... (soft) (fill) .m 2 ML Brown 10 reddish brown. sandy, gravclly SILT 3 2 4 100 (loose) (fill) 2'" N=7 - - " SM Brown, silty, gravelly, fine 10 coarse SAND 5- ~ -" :f- 15 . ' ~_4____ 3 33 100 . . ~M Brown, silty, fine 10 coarse sandy GRAVEL 50for5 . (very dense) . 1-2.,1) . . . 10- l!l 38 - 4 ~O for 3 100 . . . . 225 Cultlngs no longer saluraled . . 15- ~ .- - - 5 35 100 . 11.6 131 8,8 50 for 6' ~ . ; I . I . I . :>0 b 6 50 lor;?' u'- .1- - I No rcc.'Overy, sampler bounCIng on cobble I . , [Ql 7 100 . i Driller nolos cobbles, slow dnlllng from 22' 10 24' bgs I I I . I . , ~ - ~ r '9 8 o lor 2' 100 . . ; I . , r i i I . , I r:;J 9 ~!QQ.. . l{: . I - - . ., ~ ;j I- o C '" a: ::> Il) ...J Cl It w VI IJ) Ie ::> ~ I:) '" ... '" ., ,., ~ , Q z ::> ~ ~ :t >: -' III URS Figure A 5 1 I . Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Att8cnmenl c.; Log of Boring UM-3 Sheet 2 of 2 I I s ;a ;; l:i Cl :2 w '" :g :> lD ... C> ~ III l:! :> ~ C> ~ ., "' '" ~ 'i o Z :> ~ ~ r !5 ~ SAMPLES 4l -> ~ Cl C:Q) c: C 0 Q) .- R ~ . EU) .g --l 0 <0 .J:! ... <0 ~ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 00 - (\) . REMARKS AND Q) (\) <.) UO c"': '-c >- a._ .D (;j > :i: CfJ (II ::)-6, 2m OTHER TESTS III III Q)CIl III E ~ 0 a. U "''' 1/1- -(1) O,! a. u <<l CIly C:- . a; .- c: w_ ~ ~ 0 Q) a CfJ .s~ 00 z ai a: ::) LL_ o~ :!;u 30 Boring completed at 30.25 feet below ground surface (bp,s) -~ on 3/20/2003. Some saturated soils were encountered rom a~proXjmatelY 10'10 13' bgs allhe time of the investigation. T e bonng was backfilled with bentomte. 1-205 35- - - 200 40- I- - 195 45- - - 1-190 50- - - 185 55- '- - 1-180 60- - - 175 65 I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I :c <( .~ w " I URS Figure A-5.2 I I . I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I . . I _.,',....~"'?'>""".rtO"~ ~.- ~ -'---..- ,r., "'J........p'~..P./~w~ Attachment C proJect: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Log of Boring UM-4 Sheet 1 of 2 Date(s) 3/18/2003 logged R,D.C, Checked W.M,M. Orilled By By - Drilling TUBEX . Air Rotary Drill Bit Total Depth 30.5 feet Method SizefType of BorehOle -- Surface Drill Rig Mobil 8.90 Drilling Environmental West 234 feet ~- Contractor Elevation Borehole Bentonite Chips Sampling D&M U-Type Sampler Hammer 300lb Hammer, 30" drop Backfill Method(s) Data - Borehole Northing location Coordinates Eastlng SAMPLES Q) -> C ~ g> 5i~ ~ ~ 0 c(f) ..J 1-' .c: (i) <<5 c:- o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 00 - 4> . REMARKS AND 0.- ...... Q) :c 00 e...:- :;c .J:J (J) > (J) gj~ =>-a, _CIl OTHER TESTS Q)O> <l> E ~ 8 a. 0 .~'E I o.!!? a. ~ .s*, ~'iii ;>. ~ Q) (J) 00 ~ Z CD a: C,!) ::> Ll._ o~ :Eo 0 Dark brown organic mailer with SILT and occasional grl\vel l 100 (soft) (saturated) (fill) I , 5 8M Gray, silty, gravelZ, fine to coarse SAND 10 0> 2 \8 100 (medium dense) ( III) I N=28 5-~ 14 3 24 \00 Mottled brownish, grayish lan, sifty, gravelly, fine to coarse 10.7 127 10.3 26 N=52 SAND (very dense) Brown, very Silly, line to coarse sandy, fine to coarse GRAVEL (very dense) 10-. 4 17 100 5210r6 I 15-~ j J I 20-.~ 6 I I I i 25 ~ 1m 8 I ! 5 50 fOI 5 10_0 Oul of saturaled solis 28 50 for 6' 100 Cuttings very dry below 22' bgs '50 for 4' '..0... 7 Drillor notes cobbles/boulders from 25' to 28' bgs 100 Cutllngs are wet 30 URS Figure A-6.1 . . ~ S E Cl ~ '" ~ ~ .xl -' Cl :2 .... V) V) a: ::> ~ Cl l!! '" on ~ N !)I ,. <; Z ::> ;; ,. ~ :t: ;; -' ~ >:: .~ d Ul Cl I Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Log of Boring UM-4 Sheet 2 of 2 I I SAMPLES ~~ ~ Ol C::(I) c: c: 0 (1).- "& ~ 0 cOO ,Q i- ...J 0 1ii s= ... U5 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 00 (I) - REMARKS AND 41 ~ 00 C:'" ~c >- 0..- -- E CI) <1)(\1 Be> .D en =>-5, OTHER TESTS 1IlQ) Q)e> Q) E ~ 0 a. () Q)"" "'- -Q) o~ a. 0 <1l .s}. (::-'(ii ,- c:: w..... CI) 00 >- :J co Q) a o~ ~o I- Z a: ;:) ~- 30 2L-~ ,0 for 5 100 lon11 Boring compleled at 30.5 feel below ground surface IbgS) on - 311812003 Some saturated salls were encountered rom approximately 1610 17.5' bgs and at 29 to 30.5' bgs at the tIme of the investigation. The boring was baCkfIlled with bentonite 200 35- !- - - 195 40- - - 190 45- '- - , -185 50- - - 180 55- I- - 175 60- - - 1-170 65 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I URS I Figure A~6.2 I . I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I . I Attachment C Project: Municipal Water Treatment P!ant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Log of Boring UM-S Sheet 1 of 2 Date(s) 3119/2003 Logged R.D.C. Checked W.M.M, ~I!~ By -- By Drilling TUBEX - Air Rotary DnllSlt Total Depth 31 feet Method SizefType of Borehole Drill Rig Drilling Surface --- Type Mobil 8-90 Contractor Environmental West Elevation 235.5 feet Borehole Bentonite Chips Sampling D&M U-Type Sampler Hammer 300lb Hammer, 30. drop BackfIll Method(s) Data Borehole - Northing LocatIon Coordinates Eastlng SAMPI.ES -i c ~ 0) l;i.Q! c 0 0 Eel) 8- 'if. .2 .J iii c' '- <<i ~ () MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 00 - ell . REMARKS AND > 0.- Q) ..... Gl :c rJ) 00 'c: ..: "'c .0 '" > &l~ ::J-a, ECIl OTHER TESTS ~ ,1 Q)<1l Gl E ~ 8 c- O .~ 'E UJ o~ C. ::l 0 I!! en .s#. ~'a; 00 >. Ql o~ ,.... z i:i5 CI: C) :J lJ.._ :Eo 0 -~ Dark brown OIRafllc matenal With some 5111 and occasional :; 1 ~ fine aravel (so ) (well (fill) . ___. . 8M! Motlled dark brown and dark gray, s~ty, SAND and GRAVEL ~ 4 . K>M (medium dense) (r,lI) 2 14 tOO 8,5 126 9.9 20 ,- N=34 I-- GM Brown to gray, Silly, GRAVEL and SAND - (wet) (very dense) 5- ~ 10 . -I- - ;- 3 24 100 . 30 . . N=54 . . I . JO'~ 20 - Bottom of sample is dry, top or sample IS wet - : 4 tOO . SO lor R I - < . i I i 15i 5 5010r2 :n: No recovery, sampler bouncing all cobble - ;- Driller Injected some water 10 assist Wllh drilling --- 6 100 I--- I . Driller noles cobblelbouldcr from 175' to 19.8' bgs I . , I . ',(1 0 25 - 7 100 - Drilling encounters cobbles and bOulders lrom 20' 10 25' tJgs 50 lor 2' I I ! i I l I I 25 8 SO lor:?' -=n= No recovery, sampler bounc,ng on cobble - 2 .1 ~ 9 100 1 I . -< -- ------ - --- .-- I SM ~J I ~ .. 6 Cl ~ w '" '" II: => lD .J C) ~ '" '" II: => i? t!) ~ ~ N '" j)/ i o Z ::> ~ 0: <C ~ ~ '" l< <C ~ '" o w t:) URS Figure A. 7 ,1 . Log of Boring UMw5 Sheet 2 of 2 II - ") ., ,.~ - ",' II ~ I - I I - I Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Attachment C ~ ~ l- e Cl ~ w (fl III a: ::> III .... Cl l:l w '" In II: ::> SAMPLES Q) -> ,e OJ C:Ql c: 0 Q).- 8. c: 0 c:U) ~ 0 ~ -l 0 ~ .r;; ... (0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 00 Ql - REMARKS AND - <I> l Ql E 00 'c ..: -c: >- 0._ .0 > en ~~ :J-6, :;)Q) OTHER TESTS <1><1> Q)<I> <I> E 0 a. 0 .12E w$ 0$ 0. ::l u ~ en E#. ~:a; 00 ~ Ql Z 10 a: C} ::> LL~ 031: ~o 3:: ~ 18 IH~ SM Brown, sIlty, gravelly, fine 10 coarse SAND. occasional 205 to 50 for 5 100 cobble \(vervdenSJil) J E)onn~ completed at 31 feet below ground surface (bgs) on 31191 003. Some saturated soils were encountered in the upper 10' to 12' b~S at the time of the investigation The boring was backfll ed with bentoOlle. 35- - -200 - 40- I- - 195 45- I- - H90 - SO- l- - 185 - 55- - 180 60- - - 1-175 6S I I . . . . . ., ll. Cl ~ ~ , u Z :l ~ . ~ :r ~ .J W f2 <" '" <( '" .~ Cl . . URS Figure A-7.2 . I . I I I I I I I a I I I I I I I . I - ....~...~....:p..~~~~ Attachment C Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Log of Boring UM-6 Sheet 1 of 2 Date(s) 3/18/2003 Logged R.D.C. Checked W.M.M. Dnlled By By I---~ DrillB!t Total Depth Dnlling TUDEX - Air Rotary 30.76 feet Method Sizerrype of Borehole Surface - Drill Rig Mobil 8-90 Drilling Environmental West 236 feet Type Contractor Elevation ~- Sampling Hammer Borehole Bentonite Chips D&M U-Type Sampler 300lb Hammer, 30. drop Backllll Method(s) Data Borehole Northing Location Coordinates Easting .. SAMPLES m -> ~ CO) C Ol.- '& #. Q c i- E(/) .s:::." <0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 00 REMARKS AND iij (j; 00 :r:!. ~...: 0.- <n 0) C.E ::JC >.. .LJ > (J) (/)C\l OTHER TESTS Q)Q) Q)0l Q) E :: 8 u 0>"" =>0 UiS Ui2 02 c.. .s}, ~'a; .- c >. ;:l 0 Ql (J) ~8 I- Z m a: ::l LL~ O~ 0, Dark brown organic mal1erwrth occasional gravel and trace ;J _S; Silt (very solt) (saturated) (fill) ~ 4 Gray. silty, flOe to coarse SAND and GRAVEL 5 2 25 (medium dense) (wet) (fIH) N,,30 I 5 !Ill 3 60 for 2 Brown to gra~ veOl silty, fine 10 coarse SAND and GRAVEL -; III ~ to ve~ silty, RA EL WIth fine to coarse sand I very ansa, wet 10 saturated I . 1 I . i 10~ 4 25 100 . Interbedded layers With water from 10' 10 15' bgs ", 50 for 6 l i I ! \ . . I , I 1 . , :.1 I . I . j i ,I 15 t8l 20 . . I 5 tOO 10.9 10.8 .1 5010r3 . I ; ..) 1 ! , I . , I I I . 20 I JIll 6 No recove~, sampler bounCing on boulder I .', i Dry from 2 . to 25 bgs 25 t~ I 7 150 lor 2' I I 30 . 3M Brown, Silly, gravelly. 'InOIO coarse SAND (molsl) (very dense) URS Figure A 8 1 I . Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Log of Boring UM-6 I Sheet 2 of 2 SAMPLES m -> ~ C> C:a> C <1>.- C 0 0 -(/) 13 ~ 0 ~ ..J 50 c- o ~ J:." Iii iD (,) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION (.)0 ... ~~ REMARKS AND Q) 'c: ...: >- 0.- ...... .c en l(l~ ~-E, OTHER TESTS .0 CI) > ...11) QlQl <IlII) <11 E ~ 8 c- u C/I- w.2! o~ 0- f'! c: v ,=,'a; -c ~ :::I Q) en u:~ 00 z m a: (!) ::::> o~ ~(.) 30 ~I .nP.~. 100 UI' 7.2 114 6.3 8 205 Boring completed at 30.75 feet below ground surface (bgs) on 3/16/2003. Some saturated sods were encountered between approximalely 10' and 15' bRS at the time of the InvesllgatlOn. TM bonng was backlll ed with bentomte. 35- - 200 40- I- - 195 45- - - 190 50- c... - -185 55- - - 1'-180 60- - - -175 65 . ~ ~ ... 0 (!l li Ul U) CI) a: ~ <D -' 0 :2 m a: '" .., lL (!l 0> .... '" l!l '" '" !l' I (3 Z :::l ~ ~ :r s: -' Ul '" <D " . q: \( '" U) 0' Ul (!l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I URS I Figure A-8.2 I' . I I I I I I I . I I I I , I O' j d ~~ ~ i I . ~ ~ '" .n -? '" I '" ~ I (3 ;; ~ . , I , c' ' t I -~...~~ ~ ,# . ~'''''''''n'''~ :J, -";"''''(.;;~'7''''''''1i'3,;r-~~~ Attachment C Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Log of Boring UM-7 Sheet 1 of 2 Date(s) 3/18/2003 Logged R.D.C. Checked W.M.M. Drilled By By 1--- Drilling TUBEX . Air Rotary Drill Bit Total Depth 30.S feet Method SlzelType of Borehole Drill Rig Mobil B-90 Drilling Environmental West Surface 231.5 feet 2.Y1?? _. Contractor Elevation Borehole Bentonite Chips Sampling D&M U-Type Sampler Hammer 300lb Hammer, 30" drop Ailc:klill Method(s) Data - --- flnrchole Northing Location C('0rdlnates Eastlng .? SAMPLES Ql -> ~ 01 em C 0 w- 8- 0 1::(1) '<fl i- ..J .r:." Q; co 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 00 '" . REMARKS AND 0.- Cis Q) :.c en uo .c"': ~'E ID .D > Xl~ =>a .3", OTHER TESTS QlCl> QI E ;: 0 0- 0 ..,- ~l o~ 0- 0 0 I'tI en c;V ~'Qj .- e - >- :;) Q) ... u:~ ~8 t- z ill 0: " => 0:;: 0 ?'0." Dark browr o~rgaOlc matter with dark brown SILT and -~ 1 tOO~ occasIonal ravel (soft) (saturated) (1111) ---- - lO f--- . 8M/ Brown, silly, ll11e 10 coarse SAND and GRAVEL m 4 f--- . '-GM (dense) 2 19 100 SM/ 40 N=59 f----. . GM Em . 5 ~ t9 - 31 Brown and way, Silty, line to coarse SAND and GRAVEL t3.1 t25 3 55 (very dense 95 '<, N,,86 . . I 10- ~ f--- - - 4 33 100 so lor 6 f--- . --0 . ,.: - 8M Mottled brownish, graYish tan, silty, gravelly, 11Oe'0 coarse- - SAND (very dense) . - - 15- ~ I-- " - 25 5 45 100 , ) SO lor 4'f-- I ---- GM 20- :gJ 6 50 for 4' 100 -- Brown silty, fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL ~ery dense) 0 riller notes gravel and cobbles from 20' to 2S' bgs With - lenses of silty SAND . . . 25- 81 7 50 lor S' "Too - Dnller notes water al 25' bgs dUflng dnlhng . 32 65 ~ . . -, . . Soil IS wet but nol saturated below 27 5' bgs . 30 -- [ ~' co > <l> W ", ~, 21 URS Figure A-9.1 I . Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington ProJect Number: 22235879 Attachment C Log of Boring UM-7 Sheet 2 of 2 I . * ~ ::; o :t UJ III III cc :;> CD ..J o ~ UJ '" '" a: :;> .., l1. (!l 0> ... CD "' ... ~ , o z :;> ~ .. a: c( :x: ~ ..J UJ ~ " .. ~ UJ Vl g <!l SAMPLES Cil -> :J! Ol C:Q) c: c: 0 Ql- '0 0 ;::CI) 1ft. 0 ...J ~ .t::.- lii (0 c:. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 00 0- Ql . REMARKS AND l) ~ 0.- W Q) 1: 00 c": ~E >- JJ :> (/) ",N ;:)J:: -0> OTHER TESTS Q)Q) <IlQ) Ql E ~ 0 0- 0 Ql~ ~.~ "'- w.l!! 02 0- l) CIl -c >. ;;, Q) 5 (/) ';cfl. ~8 3~ I- Z 00 II: ::l u.~ Cl~ XI 8 o for 6' 100 . . Bonn~ completed at 30.5 feet below ground surface (bgs) on -200 3/18/ 003. Groundwater encountered at approxImately 25 feet bre at the time 01 the investigation. The bOring was backf.led with bentonite 35- I- - 195 40- - - H90 - 45- - ~185 SO- t- - 180 55- - - 1-175 60- I- - 170 65 , I I I I I I I . I I I :1 I I I I Figure A-9.2 I I URS I . I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I . I .._^~.."..,,'~ Attachment C Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Log of Boring UM..8 Sheet 1 of 1 Date(s) 3/18/2003 Logged R.D.C. Checked W.M.M. Drilled By By Dnlllng TUBEX . Air Rotary Drill Bit T olal Depth 25.25 feet Method SizelType of Borehole 1-'--- .--- DnllRlg Mobil 8-90 Dnlllng Environmental West Surtace 230 feet Type Contractor Elevalion Borehole Bentonite Chips Sampling O&M U-Type Sampler Hammer 3DOlb Hammer, 30. drop Backfill Melhod(s) Data Borehole Northing Location Coordinates Easting SAMPLES Q) -> c it 0> ~.!!! C 0 'E(/) R :,!! Q i- -1 0 n; s;; Q) <0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION og -E...r ~~ REMARKS AND - ..... Ql :E ON > .' 0._ .D '" > CJ) :;:)-5, EQl OTHER reSTS el> ">> <1)Ql Ql E :; 0 c. () "'* .,- w.."I' Cl.:E 0.. (.) ~ Qlv ~'(jj '- C >- ;:) 0 Ql CJ) J:~ 00 I- Z iii a: (!) ::l Cl~ ~O 230 O. 100 ML - .-- $MI 6 ML Brown and gray, Sillr- fine SAND with occasional gravel 6 28.5 14.9 2 8 100 (medium dense) (fill Neol4 8M/ Brown, silty, SAND and GRAVEL ~1')5 . M (very dense) 3 30 100 124 7.6 50 for 5 . . M e '" ~ > (' I" M .. hI l:l II' J W -' C" .... .. ", !/) ~ 210 ;( C> 0> '" ., '" M '" N ~ [, L ? ;on') 11 "I -' '" t,l y ~ .f l': "'()C) . I . 220 :>8 4 0 . 50 for 6 . 5 100 . . ::"'> 15 6 Boring completed at 22 25feet below ground surface (bgs) oc) 3/19/2003 No groundwater encountered at the time 01 the investigation The bonng was backfilled wllh benton,le 25- 7 8 or 30,- URS Figure A-1 0.1 Attachment C I Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project Location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 . Log of Boring UM-9 I Sheet 1 of 1 Date(s) 3/19/2003 Logged A.O.C. Checked W.M.M. Drilled By By -- Drilling TUSEX . Air Rotary Dill! Bit Total Depth 25.25 feet Method SILefType of Borehole Drill Rig Mobil B-90 Drilling Environmental West Surface 229 feet Type Contractor Elevation ___w_ - -- Borehole Bentonite Chips Sampling D&M U-Type Sampler Hammer 300lb Hammer, 30" drop Backfill Method(s) Data --- Borehole Northing Location Coordinates Easting . . ~ 215 ~ f0- e Cl ~ III III II: ::> '" oJ Cl ~ 210 w '" '" IX: :> ., II- Cl '" ~ ., ~ ~ 205 z ::> ~ ~ :r ~ yi '"' ~ x <( 200 B VI ri Cl c: .Q (;j >- Q)Q) m~ s;; 0.- GlQl oo!! o 225 5 220 10 15 25 30 SAMPLES ... Q) .0 E ::l Z 1 2 3 4 5 40 50 lor 2 6 7 c <<i -- U> ~ 10 ~ i- Q) > 8 Q) a: 100 Ol o .-I (.J .E (/J 0. (.) <tJ (/J (; ::J -SM 5 6 12 N=18 . 9 13 21 N=34 . 100 . 'I I MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Ql -> C:Ql Q)-- EC/) 00 t.>~ III "I; G>v S;~ IL~ I <3 _0. c;i =>0) ~'a; oS: ~ o ~~ -Q) tJ)- .- c: ~8 REMARKS AND OTHER TESTS I Brown, very silty, gravolly, fine to coarse SAND (medium dense) (fill) I Brownish gray, silty, flrle to coarse SAND and GRAVEL (loose 10 medium dense) (fill) I I OM - --'Brown. slhy, fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL . (dense) I 12 28 40 N=68 . 100 . . Ofor5 100 . 100 . 7.4 138 8.9 I SMI ReddIsh-brown. srlty, flrle to coarse SAND and GRAVEL GM (very dense) I I I Driller notes boulder from 225' to 25'+ bgs. I Boring completed at 25 25 leet below ground surface (bgs) on 3/19/2003. No groundwater was oncounlered at the tIme of the investigation The bonng was backfilled WIth bentorllte I I URS I Figure A-11.1 I I I I I I . I I I . I I - , , ,- I '. I I I . I ~W.''':.:''''~:'''.s-.~ Attachment C Project: Municipal Water Treatment Plant Project location: Port Angeles, Washington Project Number: 22235879 Log of Boring UM..10 Sheet 1 ot 1 Date(s) 3119/2003 logged R.D.C. Checked W.M.M. Dnlled By By Dnlllng TUBEX. Air Rotary Drill Bit Total Depth 11.5 feet Method Sizetrype of Borehole Drill Rig Mobil B-90 Dnlling Environmental West Surface 230 feet Type Contractor Elevation --. - '- Borehole Bentonite Chips Samphng D&M U.Type Sampler Hammer 300lb Hammer, 30' drop BacklJll Melhod(s) Data . --'-'- Borehole Northing Locallon Coordinates Easling SAM PLES 'G} ~ Ol 1:~ c- c: 0 0 .sO) '0 :.l! .Q (0 c3 ...J MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 60 Q. 0 ~ .cO ... (J - 4l 0 REMARKS AND >- 0.- CI> (jj Cl> :E U) o~ c"': :;c .n E; ::>-5, _CI> OTHER TESTS Cl>Q) C1>Q) ! E ~ a. U 81* 11)- UJ.9! O.9! l..l !2 c: ~ ~a; '_ c ;:, CI> U) 00 z iD a: (!) ::l u::~ c~ ~u 1-230 0 Brown to way, sandy, SILT with occasional gravel 10 silly. ~ - .' MU 1 100 .' SM SAND wit o<x:asional gravel - (soft) (salurated) (fill) m 14 - .' 16 ...... 2 19 100 -SMI N=35 ~ . GM . -225 5- ~ 8 I--- - Brownish j.ray. sj~y', GRAVEL and SAND - 3 9 100 Htlili 151 122 6.5 10 (medium ense) (fill?) . N=19 f-- . Brownish gray. silty. GRAVEL and SAND . - --... 8M! -OM (dense) . -220 10 E_ 18 I--- - 4 20 100 . 124 9.7 ..2~., - ~ --'---' - -- Borin~ completed alll.5 feet below ground surface (bgs) on I 3/191 003. No groundwater was encountered at the time ot I the Investigation. The bonng was backfilled wllh bentOnite :?1S 15- - I I I , , ; I , 1 i I 20- I . to I- - I I , I , I ~ 15 25- !- - , ! < I i , ; 'dO 30 I ._- URS Figure A-12.1 Attachment C . . . . . . . I I . . TeSI Pillogs I from Paramelrix I I . . . . . . . . I ~. - .' .' . I I .' .1 . I ~ .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 ~ I. ....-....,~"~}l';0<r"";::>>>;;;Kt{f Attachment C P ARAMETRIX, INC. BORINGIWELL CONSTRUCTION I.OG Project Number 235-219 J -008-0 1-07 BoringlWell Number # TP-W Project Name pon Angeles Landfill Soillnvcsti~ation Date Completed March (I J. 2001 Location Port Angeles L<lndfill Total Depth of Boring 17/eet Coordin.1tes 7208 lnilial Water Level 4 feet Drilling Method KomillSU PC200 Static Water Level NA Sampling MeulOd Excavator. Tape Measure Logged by Christopher J, Hamilton Ground ElevatIon Approximatelv 232 Top of Casing Elevation NA ~ S! l: ' '" - ~ W 1- l>: '" :t :Ii x ~~ " ..J Z =0 c. >.;: ::0 w 1---:- l..i fo---:- .e 0;:> o U L.. 0..;:: ~o GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION c.;:: WELL DIAGRAM ...2_ U ~ c:- >< w~ '" ~...2 bl)..... 9 c:u w~ < CI ;:i ~ c. c::> lJ) w l' .- f- - () 10 0.5 F<<t ~ - f- - BI aC'k In y;:r. organ r cs ,... - f- - Q.5 to 2 5 f\'t'1 f- - f- - Light Ian clav wIlh sand, roOl~ f- - - - I- - 2.5 to 5 Ft't't - f- - - M~dillm sr~y clay, rools - f- - l- f- - 5 to IJ Fret I- - - - O:u"k hrowll ~alluy day roots f- - - - f- - IJ It} 17 Fr~l - - MCl1lllllll.1I1 cla\' \Y,lh ~mall gral'cl I- - f- - I- - f- - f- - f- - W:ll{!r:1I (l r~Cl L~oming In 'hrollgh suJc w:llIs f- - wata W,l.\ nowmg l\Ic~ly f- - i- - f- - f- - f-. - f- - - - I- - - - I- - - - f- - - - f- - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - f- - I - - f- - -~ -- - -~ -- - I ., I I I I I I I , I I I I I I. I, , I Attachment C . . I . PARAMETRIX, INC. BORINGIWELL CONSTRUCTION LOG Project Number 235-2191-008-0 I -07 BoringfWell Number # TP-ll Project Name Port Angeles Landfill SOIl Investigation Dale Completed March 01. 200 I Location Port Angeles Landfill Tolal Depth ofBonng 17 feel I Coordinates 7205 lnilml Water Level Drilling Method Komntsu PC200 St.1lic Waler level NA Sampling MeLhod Excavator - Tape Measure Logged by Christopher J. Hamilton Ground Elevalion Approximalely 23 I Top of Casing Elevation NA I :d~ Q::"", ~ ti u w~ oJ :r: '" XI.) :r: c: 02: >..: e:..Q l>l I-~ V 1---- -- ..J;::> 0'" ~- I- c...::;: 0 "'0 GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION c.~ WELL DIAGRAM Q =0 u.E < X w~ ;i.J l>l~ w~ Q ::> Q c: V Q::> V> 101 I.) - o 10 2.5 Feet I- - - Med.um brown sandy clay wIth smnll gravel I- - - 2.5w 01.5 fe('f I- - I- - MedIum grey dny. hnrd comllnc! day ~ - I- - I- - I- - ".5 107 feel - Dart. bro\\1l clay. ro"I_, no gravel 10 '"lnll gravel '- I- - '- - I- - 7 In 9 Fed I- - I- - MedIUm grev dny med,,"n gra,'el. gril1y .nlld, cb~ - - - - - - 910 11 Frrl - - Dort. 1311 cloy - - - - - - - - Hlo J5 teel ,.... - - - M.d,um 1.111 doy wIlh n!(dllll11 gmvcl I- - I- - J5 10 17 Fttl I- - '- - Dn,k 'Oll S:\I\dy day w,,!>slll..ll gfavd I- - - I- - - '- - - - - - - - - - I- - - - I- - - - I- - - - I- - - - I- - - - I- - - - I- - - - I- - - I- - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - I- - - - - I- - I- - I- - - - . .,' I '. . . . . . . . . , . . . . -I , . . . (, hment C , . , / I " I f J / / /,_J ( / I I x 1 I / \\/\1 / : ' .' '-, / / ,...- '0 , I I o N N ~. \ ....C> .--'- -_.- :v /'.._-~ '\1/ ""_"..'' <: , \ \ , , , \ ., ., .. / /,;,'".~... ......... /. . / ' / S&EE Job no. 526 -$- TP.1 -$- TP.1 Figure 2 Site and Exploration Plan Proposed Transfer Station Port Angeles, Washington Approximate location of test pit in this investigation Approximate location of test pit by AMEC . . . ~ ~ I'! 5 ~ ! """ ~b ;;I~ Attachment D .', '; : . .:"~ ."', ,., :w: , ,,?;- :~:::::I: >>'>'>'>'>'>'>'>'>'>'>>';;;;>'>'; .....-18. COVER SOIL /////////////////,/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rGEOCOMPOSITE / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /, L-GEOMEMBRANE (30 MIL PVC) -=--=--GQ.--=~GCL 2000 FINAL COVER SYSTEM DETAIL 11'\ NO SCALE TYP 2007 FINAL COVER SYSTEM DETAIL 12'\ NO SCALE TYP DRAIN ROCK - PROVIDE 3" MIN COVER OVER PIPE NOTES: GJ INSTALL CLEAN OUTS IN UNDERDRAIN PIPE AT BEGINNING, AT ELBOWS, AND EVERY 300 LF SEE DETAILS ffi ~ UNDERDRAIN DETAIL NO SCALE 1'3\ TYP GEOTEXTlLE TYPE 1 MSHTO NO 57 OR 57 STONE NOTES: REFERENCE LANDFILL COVER SYSTEM WITH LFG LATERAL, SECTION A ON SHEET Cl4-. LFG LATERAL SLIP CONNECTION DETAIL f5\ NO SCALE C13 w Q, I .. <> & ~ l:::. RE\IlSlONS 0,6. TE BY DESIGNED G ARNDT A V STOCKMAN CADD K CHECKED APPROVED ~ ~ "- t; ADDENDUM NO 1 4-30-07 GA i'! ~ 2' TYP 2007 FINAL COVER SYSTEM SEE DETAlLffi ~ 3' NOTE: TRENCH AS REQUIRED BY ENGINEER I I ONE INCH AT FULL. SCALE. IF NOT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY l NAM 8R21 91 01 5PDlTD4C-D5 JOB No 235-2191-015 POlTD4 OAT!: MARCH 2007 LEACHATE SEEPAGE INFILTRATION TRENCH DETAIL f6\ NO SCALE PROJECT NAME ENGutEERiHG PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON NOTES: 1. ONLY TOPSOIL DITCH UNING SHOWN LAYERS, IF ANY, BELOW TOPSOIL TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR WHEN SHAPING SUBGRADE CD 2-FOOT DEPTH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Y:Q!If!:!. DETAIL NO SCALE f4\ C5,C7,C9,C12 UNDERDRAlN SEE DETAILffi ~ SUBSURFACE WATER COLLECTION FLAP DETAIL ff\ NO SCALE C5 BID SET ORAYI1NG NO 13 OF 18 DETAILS AND NOTES C11 . . SPECIAL PROVISIONS . . . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS This Contract incorporates the Washington State Department of Transportation's 2006 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, referred to herein as the Standard Specifications. Unless otherwise superseded as detailed above, the Standard Specifications describe the general requirements, description, materials, construction requirements, measurement, and payment of work to be completed under this Contract. STANDARD PLANS The Washington State Department of Transportation's Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, up to and including any official changes to these Plans, are hereby made a part of this Contract. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following Special Provisions supersede any conflicting provisions of the Standard Specifications and are made a part of this Contract. The sections referenced in these Special ProviSIOns refer to sections of the Standard Specifications. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Conti act Documents SP-l 235-2]91-0]5 (0]/04) March 2007 . . . 1-01 1-01.2 1-01.2(1) DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQillREMENTS DEFINITIONS AND TERMS Abbreviations Associations and Miscellaneous Section 1-01.2(1) is supplemented with the following: CQA FTMS GRI 1-01.2(2) Constructlon Quality Assurance Federal Test Method Standard Geosynthetics Research Institute Items of Work and Units of Measurement Section 1-01.2(2) is supplemented with the following: BMP cm/s CP CPM ESC FTB HDPE LC LFG LLDPE mil NPDES PAM PGI SDR SSHSP SWPPP TESC TRM Best Management Practice Centimeter Per Second Cleanout Pipe Critical Path Method Erosion and Sedimentation Control FIlm Tear Bond High Density Polyethylene Leachate Collection Pipe Landfill Gas Linear Low-Density Polyethylene One Thousandth of an Inch National Pollutant Discharge Elimmation System Polyacrylamide PVC Geomembrane Institute Standard Dimension RatIo Site Specific Health and Safety Plan Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Temporary Erosion and SedImentation Control Turf Remforcement Mat Cuy ofPO/1 AI/geles POll Angeles wnaftl! Closllre 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Coil/met DoclIments SP-2 235-2l91-O15 (Ol/04) March 2007 . . . 1-01.3 Definitions Section 1-01.3 is supplemented with the following: Where the term "Engineer" appears in the Contract Documents (including the Standard Specifications) it shall mean Parametrix, Inc., located at 4660 Kitsap Way, Suite A, Bremerton, Washington, acting as the duly authorized representatIve of the City of Port Angeles in the administrative management of the Contract. Where the term "Owner" or "Contracting Agency" appears in the Contract Documents (including the Standard Specifications) it shall mean the City of Port Angeles, Department of Public Works, as represented by its authorized officers, employees, or agents. Where the terms "Commission," "Washington Transportation Commission," "Department," "Deparonent of Transportation," "State" or "State of Washington" appear in the Standard Specifications, it shall mean Owner, except "State" shall be constru~ to mean State of Washington as indicated: 1. Whenever the words refer to Agencies or Department of the State of Washington other than the Washington State Department of Transportation, state sales tax, state employment agencies, state wage rates, and state laws. 2. When referring to the Washington State Department of Transportation Laboratory manual. Where the location "Thurston County, Washington" appears in the Standard Specifications, it shall be replaced with "Clallam County, Washington." Where the term "Specifications" appears in the Contract Documents it shall mean the Washington State Department of Transportation 2006 Standard SpecificatIons and the Special Provisions. Where the tenn "Landfill" appears in the Contract Documents (including the Standard Specifications) it shall mean the entirety of the City of Port Angeles project property and mcludes previously closed cells, solid waste transfer station, Moderate Risk Waste Facility, metals and organics stockpiles and nonoperational areas including roads. 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDmONS 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications Section 1-02.2 is replaced with the followmg: Copies of the Plans and SpeCIfications may be obtained from the Builders Exchange of Washington (425-258-1303 or www.bxwa.com). in accordance with conditions as set forth in the Advertisement for Bids. Plans and Specifications may also be viewed at Parametrix, Inc., 4660 Kitsap Way, Suite A, Bremerton, Washington, 98312. After award of the Contract, up to five (5) sets of Plans and Specifications will be provided to the Contractor at no charge. Additional copies of the Plans and Specifications may be obtained on request by paying the actual cost of reproduction. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Docwnenrs SP-3 235-2191-015 (0/104) Marcl12007 . 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal The first paragraph of Section 1-02.9 is replaced With the following: Each proposal shall be found in the Contract Specifications and submitted in a sealed envelope marked clearly: "Sealed Bid for Port Angeles Landf1ll, Landfill Closure 2007, Project No. 06-22." 1-03 AWARD AND EXEcunON OF CONTRACT 1-03.3 Execution of Contract The first sentence of Section 1-03.3 is replaced with the following: ''Within 10 calendar days after the award date, the successful bidder shall return the signed Contracting Agency-prepared contract, an insurance certification as required by Section 1-07.18, and a satJ.sfactory bond as required by law and Section 1-03.4." 1-04 SCOPE OF WORK 1-04.3 Project Description New Section The project is for the Landfill Closure 2007 at the Port Angeles LandfIll and includes the construction of a final cover system for the landfill. A portion of the landfill was closed previously in 2000. Placement of the approximately II-acre cover and ancillary structures will constitute the final closure of the landfill. Preparation for the cover installation includes placement of base soil and minor grading to provide drainage and a cushion for the cover system. The cover system consists of (from the bottom to top) geosynthetic clay liner (GCL), 40-mil bnear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) geomembrane (textured), geocomposite, 18 inches of cover soil, 6 inches of topsoil and hydroseeding. Topsoil will be mixed on- site using compost and stockpiled soil located at the landfill, supplied by the Owner. Base and cover soil shall also be provided by the Owner. A gravel access road and truck turnaround will be constructed on the surface of the cover system. In addition, the existing gas and leachate collection system will require modification to accommodate the cover. Existing landfill gas collection pipes on the surface and buried within the landfill will require disconnection, extension through the geomembrane using a boot. and reconnection. Leachate piping gas connections and c1eanouts Will also reqwre extension through the geomembrane using a boot. Two leachate catch basins will be removed and leachate piping will be extended through the geomembrane using a boot and completed as cleanouts. Storm drainage improvements consist of the installatIon of SIde slope ditches on the cover surface. Surface water runoff will be conveyed by the ditches to the existing stormwater dItches at the perimeter of the landfill. Only minor modifications to the eXIsting ditches are required. . 1-04.11 Final Cleanup Section 1-04. I lIS supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall also clean up the material stockpiles, haul routes, staging areas, storage areas, and such other areas the Contractor has impacted for the duration of this project to the Engineer's satisfacti on. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract DocllmeJlts SP-4 235-219/-015 (01/04) March 2007 . . . . 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK 1-05.4 Conformity with and Deviations from Plans and Stakes The first paragraph of Section 1-05.4 is replaced with the following: The City shall provide a minimum of two (2) horizontal and one (1) vertical control points for use by the Contractor. The Contractor shall set any construction stakes and marks needed to establish the lines, grades, slopes, and cross-sections to govern his work. The Contractor shan take full responsibility for detaIled dimensions, elevations, and slopes. The City reserves the right to enter the work area to verify the accuracy of all marks and stakes and the accuracy of all excavation and rough grading as needed. 1-05.5 Construction Survey New Section 1-05.5(1) Base Lines and Grades Existing contours shown on the Plans may not reflect contours at time of construction, since some additional f1lling by the Owner may have occurred. Also, the landffil is settling, so the grades shown on the Plans will be different than shown. Settlement will occur during construction. The Contractor shall anticipate and allow for settlement in developing their control and grades when fillmg on the landfill. Contours outside the limits of the liner system accurately reflect conditions at time of construction. Contractor shall verify all grades, lines, levels and dimensions shown on the Plans and shall report any errors or inconsistencies to the Engineer before commencing work. FaIlure to do so shall make the Contractor responsible for any changes which may be required thereafter in connection therewith. Any final contours shown on the grading plan represent the grade prior to placement of auy portion of the cover system, including cover soil, topsoil or quarry spall. Final contours show embankment required to top of base soil. 1-05.5(2) Surveys Required General: The Contractor shall furnish all land surveys, construction staking, and quantity calculations necessary for the completion and acceptance of this project. All survey work shall be by a professional surveyor, licensed in the State of Washington. The Contractor shall furnIsh a certificate or document signed and sealed by the surveyor, certifying that the completed lines, levels, and elevations are in conformity with the Contract. The Contractor shall verify a1llines, levels, and elevations indIcated in the Contract before any excavation or construction begins. Any discrepancy shall be immediately brought to the attentIon of the Engineer and any change shall be made in accordance with his instruction. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment if he fails to report the discrepancies before proceeding with work within the area affected by the discrepancies. Topographic Survey: After all site work is complete, conduct a topographic survey and prepare a topographic map with 2-foot contours, accurate to plus or minus I foot. Include the former location of the stockpiles in the survey. Show all breaks on the topographic survey. Submit topographic map to Engineer for review. The map shall include all information from the utility and geosynthetic surveys. Engineer may field verify the accuracy of the survey. City of Port AJlgeles POri Angeles Lon(/fi/l Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contracl Documents SP-5 235-2191-()15 (01104) Marcil 2007 . Utility Survey: Submit a utility survey of all completed work including ditches, piping (including relocated gas piping and suhdrains), and cleanouts, indicating horizontal and vertical location, and inverts as appropriate. Also include the location of the 8-inch landfill gas header at the perimeter of the work and all associated valves, valve boxes, and leachate cleanouts (both existing and relocated) in the survey. Engineer may field verify the accuracy of the survey. Utility survey shall be accurate to plus or minus 0.1 foot Geosynthetic Surveys: Submit a survey of the installed limits of the GCL, geomembrane, and geocomposite. Submit a survey of all field seams and test and repair locations for the geomembrane with I unique identification names that correspond to names given by the CQA Engineer. The Contractor is cautioned that the surveys shall occur prior to filling over the geosynthetic layer. Engineer may field ' verify the accuracy of the survey. The accuracy of the survey shall be plus or minus 0.1 foot for installed limits and 1.0 foot for all other requrred surveys. Provide CD in latest Auto CAD format, and two hard copy prints. 1-05.5(3) Payment Survey shall be paid on a lump sum basis. The contract lump sum price shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tests, tools, equipment and incidentals required to accomplish the work, complete. 1-05.6 Inspection of Work and Materials Section 1-05.6 is supplemented with the following: To ensure that the work is accomplished in accordance with the Plans and these Specifications, the Engineer and Owner will perform construction quality assurance as described in the Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan provided in Appendix B. . The Contractor shall assist the Engineer and Owner in testing and measurement of the work. The Contractor shall supply manpower and equipment to asSist in this testing and measurement 1-05.10 Guarantees Section 1-05.10 is supplemented with the following: Additionally, if within two (2) years after the date of fmal acceptance of the work by the Owner, defective and unauthorized work is dIscovered, the Contractor shall promptly, upon written request by the Owner, return and in accordance with the Engineer's instructions, either correct such work, or if such work has been rejected by the Engineer, remove it from the Project Site and replace it With nondefective and authorized work, all without cost to the Owner. If the Contractor does not promptly , comply with the written request to correct defective and unauthorized work, or if an emergency exists, the Owner reserves the right to have defective and unauthorized work corrected or rejected, removed, and replaced pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-05.7. The Contractor agrees the above two year limitation shall not exclude or diminish the Owner's rights under any law to obtain damages and recover costs resulting from defective and unauthorized work discovered after two years but prior to the expiration of the legal time period set forth III RCW 9.16.040 limiting actions upon a contract in writing or Iiabihty, expressed or implied, arising out of a written agreement. City of Port Allgeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 .. Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents SP-6 235-2191-0]5 (01/04) March 2007 . . . . 1-05.8 Record Drawing Information New Section The Contractor shall maintain a set of Plans on-site showing all deviations from the original Plans, addenda, and change orders for this project. These Plans shall be available for inspection by the Engineer during nonnal working hours. The Plans shall be updated with this new information on a weekly baSIS. Prior to or concurrent with the physical completion date, the Contractor shall provide a neatly marked set of Plans and such other appropriate information denoting all deviations from the Plans, addenda, and change orders and other requirements listed below: 1. Limits of OCL, geomembrane, and geocomposite drainage installed, together with elevations. The completed geomembrane panel layout shall be included. 2. All piping locations, appurtenances and structure locations, and elevations of gravity piping and all piping at structures. 3. Topography map of the top of the topsoil and all disturbed areas. 1-05.12 Final Acceptance Section 1-05.12 is supplemented with the following; Progress estimates shall not be construed as acceptance of any work under this contract. The Owner shall not be barred from requiring the Contractor to remove, replace, repair, or dispose of any unauthorized or defective work or from recovering damages from any such work or material. 1-05.14 Cooperation with Other Contractors Section 1-05.14 is supplemented with the following: It is anticipated that the following work adjacent to or within the limits of this project will be performed by others during the life of this project. · Daily Solid Waste Transfer Station Opera1Jons. . Daily MRW facility operations. . Daily Co-Composting Facility operations. . Activities and construction by others at the Port Angeles Landfill. The landfill's hours of operation are as noted in Section 1-08.11. The Contractor shall cooperate with the landfill staff to ensure that there will be no interference or interruption of the existing transfer station. The Contractor shall not use any of the landfill or transfer station facilities except as noted in these Specifications. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill CloslIre 1007 - Project No. 06-22 Co/ltrnd DoCllments SP-7 135-119]-0]5 (0]/04) March 2007 . 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIALS 1-06.1 Approval of Materials Prior to Use Section 1-06.1 is supplemented with the following: Promptly after award of the Contract, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer, in writing, of the proposed sources of materials, suppliers, fabricators, and installers including addresses, telephone numbers, and names of contact persons. Approval by the Engineer is required for all sources of materials, suppliers, fabricators, and installers before delivery is started. Information provided in the required submittals need not be duplicated in meeting the requirements of this section. 1-06.5 Submittals, Shop Drawings, Project Data and Samples New Section Fabrication of an item or construction work shall not start before the Engineer has taken action on the shop drawing submittal. Any such work shall be entirely at the Contractor's nsk. The Contractor shall prepare and submit a final submittal register to the Engineer no later than 10 working days after the Notice to Proceed is issued by the Owner. The final submittal register shall list all submittals, shop drawings, project data, and sample submittals required for this Contract. The submittal register shall also indicate the expected subtnlttal dates. A draft submittal register, which shall be the basis for the final submittal register, is provided in Appendix B of these Specifications. Submittals, shop drawings, project data, and samples shall be submitted and reviewed in the following manner: . 1. The Contractor shall review, stamp with his approval and submit postpaid with such promptness as to cause no delay m his work or in that of any other Contractor, the required number of copies of all shop drawings, submittals, schedules, data, and samples required for the work. 2. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer five (5) caples of submittals describing the actual materials and equipment to be furnished by the Contractor for this project. The submittals shall include shop drawings, manufacturer's literature, brochures, catalog cuts, and other pertinent data which specify the materials or equipment. 3. The Engineer shall review the shop drawings within ten 10) days after receipt and will affix the I Shop Drawing Review Stamp with notations thereon indicating "No Exceptions Taken," "Make I Corrections Noted," "Revise and Resubmit," "Submit Specified Item," or "Rejected." The Engineer will then forward three (3) marked-up copy ofthe submittal to the Contractor. 4. When shop drawings and/or other submittals are required to be revised or corrected and resubmitted, the Contractor shall make such revisions and/or corrections and resubmit the submittal, drawings, or other material in the same manner as specified above. Except at his own risk, the Contractor shall not undertake work covered by the submittal until the submittal is returned to the Contractor, marked "No Exceptions Taken" or "Make Corrections Noted." 5. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to clearly note on the submittals and shop drawings, and in writmg specifically call to the Engineer's attention, any deviations from the Contract Plans and Specifications. No review of the submittal by the Engineer shall relieve the Contractor of full responsibility and at his own cost and expense to comply with the Contract Documents unless the City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Lant(fi/l Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 COn/ract Doculllellfs SP-8 235-219/-0/5 (0/104) March 2007 . . . . deviations are clearly noted and in writing called to the Engineer's attention as above provided, in which event subsequent acceptance by the Engineer in writing shall be authority for the change or changes proposed in the submittal. 6. If corrections are required, the Contractor shall make the corrections required by the Engineer and resubmit the same number of corrected copies to the Engmeer as indicated above. The Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing or, on resubmitted submittals and shop drawings to revisions other than the corrections requested on previous submissions. The Engineer will return, to the Contractor, copies of the submittal in the same manner and number as before. 7. Submittals and shop drawings shall give complete infonnation necessary for the fabrication and installation of all the matenals and equipment needed to complete the work for this project Manufacturer's standard details, catalogues, advertismg literature, etc., shall not necessarily constitute all of the shop drawings required for any unit or facility. Addittonal shop details designed for the particular project shall be furnished when required by the Engineer. 8. The Engineer's review of and placement of Shop Drawing Review Stamp on any shop drawing is understood to be an acceptance of the character of the details and not a check of any dimension or quantity and will not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors of any sort in shop drawings data or schedules, whether or not such errors are found by the Engineer in lus review of such details. 9. The Engineer's review of and placement of Shop Drawing Review Stamp on any shop drawing will not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for consequences due to deviations from the Contract Documents unless the Contractor has called attention to such deviations in writing at the time of submission and the Engineer accepts such deviations in writing. 10. No changes will be made in any drawing after it has been reviewed except by the consent or direction of the Engineer in writing. 11. Submittal transmittal forms provided by the Engineer shall accompany each and every submittal. A separate form shall be used for each specific item, class of material, equipment, and items specified in separate, discrete sections, for whlch the submittal is required. Submittals for various items shall be made with a single fonn when the items taken together constitute a manufacturer's package or are so functionally related that expediency indicates checking or reVIew of the group or package as a whole. A unique number, sequentially assigned, shall be noted on the transmittal fonn accompanying each item submitted. Original submittal numbers shall have the following format: "XXX"; wllere "XXX" is the sequential number assigned by the Contractor. Resubmittals shall have the following format: "XXX Y"; where "XXX" is the originally assigned submittal number and "Y" is a sequential letter assigned for resubmittals; i.e., A, B, or C being the first, second, and third resubmittals, respectively. Submittal 25B, for example, is the second resubmittal of Submittal 25. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Oosure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Controct Documents SP-9 23$-2/91-0/5(0/104) March 2007 . 12. If the Contractor proposes to provide material or equipment whIch does not conform to the Specifications and Plans, the Contractor shall indicate so under "deviations" on the transmittal form accompanying the submittal copies. The Contractor shall prepare the reason for a change, including cost differential, and shall request a Change Order to cover the deviations. 13. Submittals which do not have all the information required to be submitted, including deviations, and the required signatures are not acceptable and will be returned without review. 1-06.5(1 ) Contractor's Responsibility By approving and submitting submittals, shop drawings, and samples, the Contractor thereby represents that he has determined and verified all field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers and similar data, or will do so, and that he has checked and coordinated each submittal with the requirements of the work and of the Contract Documents. A copy of each approved shop drawing and each approved sample shall be kept in good order by the Contractor at the job site and shall be available to the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordination of submittals among the related crafts and Subcontractors. Two (2) submIttals of each item requiring samples and/or shop drawings will be reviewed by the Engineer in the regular course of the Contract. However, all subsequent reviews of the same item over two (2) will be reviewed at the expense of the Contractor unless the right to an additional review without charge was prevlOusly approved in writing by the Engineer. Contractor will be billed by the Owner for all costs incurred by the Owner in such review, including but not limited to the Engmeer's fees. . 1-06.5(2) Project Submittal Table The following table lists the submittals to be prepared by the Contractor. The Contractor shall prepare a submittal register for tracking of all submittals on this project and give both a hard copy and electronic copy to the Engineer for review and approval. Contractor shall provide updated submittal register bi-weekly and/or prior to construction meetings. PROJECT SUBMITTAL TABLE Section Descrintion 1-05 Surveyor 1-05 Record Drawings 1-06 Submittal Register 1-07 Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan 1-07 Spill PreventJ.on, Control, and Countermeasures Plan 1-07 Emergency Phone Numbers 1-07 Traffic Control Supemsor 1-07 Traffic Control Plan 1-08 Progress Schedule City of Port Angele.. Port Angeles Landfill Closllre 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents SP-IO 135-2191~15 (01104) March 2007 . . . PROJECT SUB:MITTAL TABLE Section Description 1-09 Lump Sum Breakdown 2-12 TRM 7-06 Certificate of Person for Butt-Fusion Welding 8-01 TESC Plan 8-01 ESC Lead 8-01 Topsoil Testing 8-01 Seed, Fertilizer, Tackifier, and Mulch 8-01 Wattles 8-01 Erosion Control Blanket 8-01 PAM 8-01 Plastic Covering 8-05 Geosynthetic Clay Liner (all parts) 8-05 Geomembrane (all parts) 8-05 Geocomposite Drainage Net (all parts) 8-05 Geotextile Type 1 (all parts) 8-05 Installers (all parts) 8-05 Geosynthetic Testing Laboratory and All Conformance Tests 8-05 GCL Subgrade Acceptance 8-05 Geomembrane Quality Control Testing 8-05 GeL, Geomembrane, Geocomposite Drainage Layer Material Warranties 8-05 Installer Warranty 9-03 Drain Rock 9-05 High Density Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings (all parts) 9-14 Seed 9-30 Valves 9-33 Constructing GeotextiIes (all used on the project) 9-37 Geosynthetic Clay Liner, Geomembrane, Geocomposite, and GeotextiIe Type 1 DWGC-6 Cable Gate Shop Drawing Note: The Engineer can add to the above table of submittals at any tune. . City of PorI Angeles Port Angeles Lmulfi" Qo:mre 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents SP-lJ 235-2191-015 (01104) Marcil 2007 . 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC 1-07.9 Wages 1-07.9(1) General Section 1-07.9(1) is supplemented with the following: Current prevailing wage data is included in Appendix C. 1-07.13 Contractor's Responsibility for Work Section 1-07.13 is supplemented with the following: Underground utilities, groundwater monitoring wells, landfill gas wells, piezometers, landfill gas probes and gas collection lines are located on-sIte. The Contractor shall locate and protect underground utilities, wells, probes, and gas lmes, and shall take all necessary precautions to avoid disturbing any underground utilities, well, probe casing, and gas lines on or off the landfill. The Contractor shall not encroach within 10 feet of any monitoring well or probe without approval of the Engineer. If the Engineer determines that a well or probe casing has been disturbed, or gas line damaged, the Contractor shall be responsible for all damages and repair to the satisfaction of the Owner and regulatory agencies. 1-07.15 Temporary Water PollutionlErosion Control Section 1-07.15 is supplemented with the following: . Permanent and temporary erosion control measures shall be mstalled as shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall coordinate temporary erosion control measures with the permanent drainage and erosion control work. The temporary measures shall also be installed in accordance with the temporary erosion and sedimentation control (TESC) plan provided by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. If the Contractor's TESC plan results in unacceptable conditions, the Contractor shall revise the plan and implement the revisions at no additional cost to the Owner. Damaged and otherwise improperly functioning portions of silt fence, coir logs, plastic sheeting, and rock check dams installed as part of this Contract shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner, as determined by the Engineer. 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities Section 1-07.17 is supplemented with the following: The existence and approximate location of underground utIlitles or similar facilihes are indicated in the Plans insofar as it is possible to do so. The existence and approximate locations were determmed by a search of available records; however, additional utilities may be encountered and the locations of the utilities indicated therem may vary from the actual locatIons of the utilities as indicated. The Contractor shall take the necessary precautionary measures to protect the existing utihties and structures indicated and any of the utilities or structures which may be encountered at the site during construction. Failure of the Owner to show the existence of subsurface objects or facihties on the Plans shall not relieve the Contractor from the responSIbility to make an independent surface check of the project site, nor relieve the Contractor from all liability for damages resulting from the Contractor's operations. City of Pori Angeles Pori Angeles Landfill OO!fu/'e 2007 - P/'oJect No 06-22 Contract Documents SP-12 235-2191-0]5 (0]/04) March Z007 . . . . To aid in their protection, existing utilities in the project area, as indicated on the Plans, shall be verified and marked by a private utility locating firm retained by the Contractor. Markings shall consist of colored paint on the ground surface that corresponds to the APW A color code. The markings shall be preserved by reapplication of paint as needed for the duration of the project. The Contractor shall contact the Utihties Underground Location Center at (800) 424-5555, 48 hours prior to digging (excluding weekends and holidays) and provide notification of upcoming excavation activities. Participating utility agencies will locate utilities within public property or easements in the work area. However, such location shall not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility for damage incurred, except where the utilities are not located as closely as IS normally possible using appropriate equipment or meet the additional exception criteria listed herein. Existing underground utilities, whether public or private, which are damaged by the Contractor, will be repaired by the utility owner. The Contractor shall be liable for all costs resulting from the damage to a utility if. 1. The utility system is in a standard location adopted by the local jurisdiction, or is indicated in the Plans, and the actual location of any portion of the utility is within 24 inches horizontally of the standard location, or the location indicated on the Plans; 2. The utility has field located and marked its facilities and the actual location of any portion of the utility is within 24 inches horizontally of said locatIon mark; 3. The utility system is visible or has become viSIble or can be reasonably assumed to exist at the location due to visible evidence prior to the damage; or, 4. The Contractor has failed to provide the required notification to the utility owner of the utility that has been damaged. The depth of the utility, if indicated, is for the Contractor's convenience only, and the Contractor's responsibility for damage as specified above shall not be altered due to the actual depth being different or other than that indicated on the Plans. The Contractor shall notify the proper utility immediately upon breakage or damage to any utility line or appurtenance, or the interruption of their service. He shall notify the proper utility when his operations may affect the service or cause damage to the utility involved. Any loss of time suffered by the Contractor due to delay and removal or relocation of any utility or other facility by others may be adjusted in accordance with Section 1-08.8 permitting extensions of time. 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Section 1-07.18 deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: The Contractor shall procure, and maintain for the duration of the Contract, insurance against clalms for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work heretmder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Failure by the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constItute a material breach of contract upon which the City may, after giving five working days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the Contract or at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Ciosllre 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents SP-13 235-2191-015 (01104) March 2007 . all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City, off set against funds due the Contractor from the City. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance The Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile LiabilIty insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 0001 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liabIlity coverage. ii. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 Oland shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, stop gap liability, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liabilIty assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 I I 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 0 I and Additional Insured- Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 1001 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. . iii. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. IV. Builders Risk insurance covering interests of the City, the Contractor, Subcontractors, and Sub-contractors in the work. Builders Risk insurance shall be on a all-risk policy form and shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and physical loss or damage including flood and earthquake, theft, vandalism, malicious mischief, collapse, temporary buildings and debris removal. This Builders Risk insurance covering the work will have a deductible of $5,000 for each occurrence, which will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Higher deductibles for floor and earthquake perils may be accepted by the City upon written request by the Contractor and written acceptance by the City. Any increased deductibles accepted by the City will remain the responsibility of the Contractor. The Builders Risk insurance shall be maintained unol final acceptance of the work by the City. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance The Contractor shall maintain the followmg msurance limits: i. Automobile Liabilitv insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$l,OOO,OOO per accident. n. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be wntten With hmits no less than $3,000,000 each occurrence, $3,000,000 general aggregate and a $3,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. City of Port Angeles Pori Angeles umdfi/l CloslIre 1007 - Project No. 06-21 Contract Documellls SP-I4 235-1191-015 (01/04) Marcll 1007 . . . . iii. Builders Risk insurance shall be written in the amount of the completed value of the project with no coinsurance provisions. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General LIability insurance. 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be in excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. ii. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled or reduced as to coverage by either party, except after forty-five (45) days prior wntten notice by certified mail, return receIpt requested, has been given to the City. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best raung of not less than A: VII. E. Verification of Coverage The Contractor shall finnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance of the Contractor before commencement of the work. Before any exposure to loss may occur, the Contractor shall file with the City a copy of the Builders Risk insurance policy that includes all applicable conditions, exclusions, defmitions, tenus and endorsements related to this project. F. Contractor's Insurance For Other Losses The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Contractor's employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehicles owned or rented by the Contractor, or the Contractor's agents, suppliers or subcontractors as well as to any temporary structures, scaffoldmg and protective fences. G. Waiver of Subrogation The Contractor and the City waive all nghts against each other, any of their subcontractors, lower tier subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by Builders Risk insurance or other property insurance obtained pursuant to the Insurance Requirements Section of thIS Contract or other property insurance applicable to the work. The policies shall provide such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. City of POlt Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closl/re 2007 - Project No. 06-21 Contract Docl/1IIents SP-15 235-2191-015 (01/04) March 1007 . 1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety SeCTIon 1-07.23 IS supplemented with the following: Port Angeles Transfer Station will be open to the public and solid waste haulers during construction. Other construction projects may occur simultaneous to this one. Access roads into the landfill run along the east side of the landfill and to the west. The Contractor shall provide for traffic control during this project when the Contractor's construction activities are near or cross publicly traveled roads. The Contractor shall provide signage and flagging when crossing publicly traveled roads and when requested by the Owner. The cost for traffic control shall be incidental to the project. The Contractor shall prepare a Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for submittal to the Owner. The TCP shall describe all traffic control necessary when the Contractor's work is near or crosses pubhcly traveled roads. 1-07.28 Health and Safety Plan New Section 1-07.28(1 ) Present Site Characterization The LandflIl received mixed municipal solid waste; has a leachate collection, pumping and pretreatment system; and collects and flares landfill gas from the old closed landfill and from the lined landf1Il. The exact nature of materials and wastes disposed of at the landfill is unknown. The possibility exists of encountering gases and/or other substances during the work that may be potentially hazardous to the safety and health of personnel, especially those working in the vicinity of open excavations and pipes venting gases. Since other substances and gases may be present and may be found during work pursuant to the Contract, the Contractor shall consider the possibility of encountering other substances in preparing the Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan. . The Contractor shall provide all personnel working on the project with required orientation and training on the potential hazards antIcipated and the appropriate use of safety equipment. 1-07.28(2) Contractor's Responsibility for Health and Safety for Hazardous Waste Operations Due to the nature of the Port Angeles Landfill, the Contractor is cautioned that there is a possibility of encountering potentially hazardous gases, liquids, and other substances that may be harmful to personal health and safety while perforrnmg elements of the work. The Contractor shall do whatever is necessary for health and safety, and be solely and completely responsible for conditions on the site for this project, including safety of all persons, employees, and property during the contract period. This requirement shall apply continuously and not be limited to workmg hours. For all work conducted for this project at the Port Angeles Landfill, the Contractor shall ensure compliance with all requirements of the Federal OccupatLonal Health and Safety Act of 1970 (OSHA), including OSHA 29 CFR Part 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency response, Final Rule, and with the Washington Industnal Health and Safety Act of 1973 (WISHA), WAC 296-62 Part P, as they apply to health and safety provisions for hazardous waste operations, and all other applicable federal, state, county, and local laws, ordinances, codes, the requirements set forth herein, and any regulations that may be specified in other parts of this Contract. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill ClOSl/re 2007 -Project No. 06.22 COlltract Docl/ments S~D-J6 235-1191"()15 (01/04) March 2007 . . . . The Contractor shall at all times provide proper facIlities for safe access to the work by authorized persons. The Contractor shall develop and maintain, for the duration of this contract, a SIte-Specific Health and Safety Plan (SSHSP) that will effectively incorporate and implement all required safety prOVISIons. The SSHSP shall be submitted by the Contractor within 14 days after notice to proceed. The Engineer wIll review the Contractor's SSHSP, but thts is not intended as approval of the adequacy of the Contractor's safety supervisor, the safety program, or any safety measures taken in, on, or near the work areas. The SSHSP shall, at a minimum, include the following considerations: 1. Names of key personnel and alternates responsible for site health and safety and appointment of a Site Health and Safety Officer. 2. Health and safety risk analysis for each site task and operation. 3. Employee training assignments. 4. Personal protective equipment to be used by employees for each of the site tasks and operations being conducted. 5. Medical surveillance requirements. 6. Frequency and types of air monitoring, personnel monitoring, and environmental sampling techniques and instrumentation to be used. Methods of maintenance and calibration of momtoring and sampling equipment to be used. 7. Site control measures. 8. Decontamination procedures. 9. Site standard operating procedures. 10. Emergency response plan including the necessary personal protective equipment and other equipment. 11. COnImed space entry procedures. 12. Spill containment program. 13. Fire prevention procedures. In the event the SSHSP is found to be madequate, as determined by any regulatory agency of jurisdiction, to protect the employees and the public, the SSHSP shall be modified to meet the requirements of those regulatory agencies. 1-07.28(3) Measurement Measurement shall be by lump sum for all requirements specified. CiLy a/POll Angeles Port Angeles Landfill CloslIre 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract DoclIments SP-17 235-2191-015 (OltrJ4) March 2007 . 1-07.28(4) Payment Payment shall be by lump sum for all requirements specIfied. 1-07.29 Emergency Phone Numbers New Section The Contractor shall supply to the Owner the names and phone numbers of responsible personnel representing the Contractor and each Subcontractor for the purpose of contacting these individuals in the event of an emergency. 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 1-08.3 Progress Schedule Section 1-08.3 is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Owner, a critical path method (CPM) schedule including both hard copy and electronic subffilttal. The CPM schedule shall mclude proposed procurement, construction, testing, and inspection acbvitles covering the time from the contract award to the contract completion date and shall incotporate cost information as it relates to the contract bid items. The Contractor shall develop the CPM schedule using the most current version of Sure Trak software by Primavera Systems, Inc. which shall be capable of operating in a Windows environment. The Contractor shall submit, within 10 calendar days after Notice to Proceed, a preliminary draft CPM time-scaled logic diagram on 24-mch by 36-inch sheets with accompanying schedule reports and one electronic copy. The schedule diagrams shall show activity numbers, descriptions, early dates, float, and all relationships, resources, and costs. The diagrams shall also show the sequence, order, and interdependence of activities in which the work is to be accomphshed. The Contractor shall also provide a tabular schedule report sorted by predecessor and successor and a graphIcal schedule report sorted by Total Float and Early Start. A final CPM shall be subffiltted with the first payment request. . The Contractor shall submit monthly updates to the CPM schedule concurrent with each payment request. The Contractor shall also provide a written narrative report describing current status and identifying potential delays. This report shall, as a minimum, state whether the contract is on schedule, note any milestones that will not be met, all changes to the schedule, and comment on the project's current critical path as it relates to the previously submitted critical path. The CPM software and CPM deliverab1es shall be incidental to the Contract, and the Owner will prOVIde no additional payment other than that identIfied in the bid form. 1-08.4 Prosecution of Work Section 1-08.4 is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall commence construction actiVlties on the Project Site wlthm 10 calendar days of the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles LiltulfilJ CloslIre 2007 - Pmject No 06-22 Contract DoclIments SP-J8 235-2191-015 (01/04) March 2007 . . . . 1-08.5 Time for Completion Section 1-08.5 is supplemented with the following: The work as specified in Section 1-04.3 shall be substantially completed within eighty (80) working days. SubstantIal Completion is defmed as all topsoil, gravel base, and cover system have been installed and accepted by the Owner. Final erosion control measures shall be in-place by September 30, 2007. There will be no extension of tlus date for any reason. The Contract time shall commence on the day that the Owner issues the Notice to Proceed to the Contractor. Upon completion of all work required by the Contract, the Engineer, pursuant to Section 1-05.11, will advise the Contractor and Owner in writing of the date on which such work was substantially completed, taking into account weather delays and other approved time extensions. Such notIfication of date of completion shall not constitute acceptance of the work by the Owner (see Section 1-05.12, Final Acceptance). 1-08.11 Hours of Work New Section Normal hours of operation for the transfer station are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. The Contractor may work additional hours at his option, provided no noise limitations are violated. The Contractor's additional hours will be limited to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., and the Contractor must coordinate his construction schedule and access with the solid waste superintendent and accept responsibility for securing and protecting the property if he opts to work other than the normal operating hours. 1-08.12 Preconstrnction and Weekly Construction Meetings New Section A preconstruction conference may be held within 10 days after the Contract award. Following the start of work, weekly construction meetings will be held at the landfill office. The following are requested to attend the weekly construction meetings: City Representatives: Project Engineer(s), DepartJ.nent of Public Works Construction Inspector(s) and Engineer (if required). Contractor Representatives: Project Manager (Superintendent), Major Subcontractors (geosynthetic, etc.) when working on-site and Project Foreman. Deslgn and CQA Engineer: Project designer, CQA Engineer, additional CQA personnel, and project manager as requested. Other Interested Parties: Health Department and Department of Ecology (attendance not mandatory). The agenda will vary with the work completed and upcoming, but will generally follow this format: schedule, upcoming work, problems encountered/corrected, testing, regulatory and enVIronmental issues, measurement, and payment. TIrree-week look-ahead schedules shall be updated weekly for the construction meeting. Any changes to the Contractor's Plans shall be given to the City at these meetings. City of P0I1 Angeles POl1 Angeles Lanc/fUJ Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents SP-19 235-2191-0/5 (01104) March 2007 . 1-08.13 Contractor-Provided Office Equipment New Section The Contractor shall provide the following equipment in the Owner/Engineer field office: · Desk and two chairs. · Copier with letter, legal, and 11- x 17-inch capability, mc1uding Contractor-provided copier supplies and maintenance agreement. · Copier shall be capable of collating and stapling. 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1-09.1 Measurement of Quantities Section l-Q9.1 is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall submit a comprehensive breakdown of Items constituting each lump sum price in a supplemental schedule of unit prices and shall show the value assigned to each item, including an allowance for overhead and profit. Submittal shall be witlun 10 days of receipt of NotIce to Proceed (no later than the pre construction conference in accordance with Section 1-08.12). Upon acceptance of the supplemental schedule of unit prices by the Engineer, the supplemental schedule of unit prices shall be used as the basis for all requests for payment oflump sum items except for mobilIzation. The Contractor shall provide all surveys for pay items measured by the square yard. Square yard measurements will be by horizontal (plan) area. All surveys for pay items will be by a professional surveyor licensed in the State of Washington. . 1-09.9 Payments The end of the first paragraph of Section 1-09.9 is supplemented with the followmg: "The payment will be based on the earned value as calculated in the most current schedule." END OF DIVISION 1 CIty of Port Allgeles Port Allgeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 COlltrod DoCllments SP-20 235-2191-015 (01/04) March 2007 . . . . DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT 2-03.1 Description Section 2-03.1 is replaced with the following: This work includes minor grading of the completed landfill surface; placement and compaction of base soil to provide positive drainage with a minimum 5 percent slope, and a cushion layer for the cover system; and placement and compaction of new cover soil and topsoil. It also includes all work associated with the Water Treatment Plant site. All work described herein must reasonably conform to the alignment and grade shown on the Plans or established by the Engineer. The CQA Plan for cover soil observation and monitoring IS mcluded in Appendix B. 2-03.2 Materials New Section Materials shall meet the requirements of the following section of these Specifications: Topsoil Cover Soil Base Soil 9-14.1(1) 9-36.1 (New Section) 9-36.2 (New Section) 2-03.3 Construction Requirements Section 2-03.3 is supplemented WIth the following: Excavation and fill shall be performed to the lines and grades mdicated. Satisfactory excavation material shall be transported to and placed in fill areas withm the limits of the work. All unsatisfactory material including trash and any soil which is disturbed by the Contractor's operations or softened due to exposure to the elements and water, and surplus material shall be disposed of in areas approved by the Engineer. Excavation and fillmg shall be performed in a manner and sequence that will provide drainage at all times. Cover and base soil and shall be obtained from the on-site borrow stockpiles shown on the Plans. Two stockpiles are shown and are referred to as the "north" and "south" stockpiles. The south stockpile includes the entire Water Treatment Plant site. The south borrow soil stockpile shall be removed in its entirety and shall be excavated below the existing surrounding grade to the proposed contours shown on the Plans. The disturbed areas surrounding the excavation shall be graded to drain, leaving no depressions that could pond water. The borrow soil in the south stockpile contains sufficient fines to cause potential difficulties in handling and moisture control during wet weather. Contractor shall anticipate and be aware of this potential and take appropriate measures. Oversized material removed from the cover and base soils shall be stockpiled on~site as shown on the Plans. Work delays due to difficulties m excavating and placing the on-site borrow soil shall not constitute a changed condition. Sieve analyses for borrow soils are provided in Appendix D. City of Pori Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Pl'Oject No. 06-22 Contract DOCIDnellts SP-21 135-2191-015 (0//04) March 2007 . The Water Treatment Plant site will be graded to the contours shown on the Plans to provide cover and base soil for the landf111. The Contractor shall clear and grub the Slte, mcludmg logging of any trees. Trees shall be removed with stumps attached and be hauled to a designated storage site at the Landfill. All other vegetation shall be shredded and placed m the green waste stockpIle. Ditches shall be cut accurately to the cross sections and grades indicated. All refuse, trash, roots, stumps, rocks, and foreign matter in the sides and bottom of ditches shall be trimmed and dressed or removed to conform to the slope and shape of the section indicated. Excessive ditch excavation shall be backfilled to grade with satisfactory, thoroughly compacted embankment. All exposed refuse shall be covered with a minimum of 12 inches of base soil. All ditches excavated under this section shall be maintained until final acceptance of the work. Sahsfactory material excavated from ditches shall be used as cover soil. The Contractor shall excavate and expose the edge of the existing HDPE bottom liner along the entire perimeter of the work and the PVC top liner on the work boundary with Cell 1. Verify that the edge of the bottom and top liners corresponds with the locations shown on the Plans. Notify the Engineer immediately if the edge does not correspond to the plan sheets. Satisfactory material excavated from this work shan be used as cover soil. Any overexcavation shall be backfilIed. Any trash and debris excavated shan be disposed of within the landfill beneath the final cover. Base soil under the GCL shall meet the requirements of ASTM D6102. The bedding layer shall be firm and unyielding with no abrupt elevation changes, voids, cracks or standing water. The thickness of base soil placed shall be as necessary to provide positive drainage, a minimum slope of 5 percent to allow for possible future settlements, and a cushion layer for the final cover system. The placement of base soil shall be to the lines and grades determined by the Engineer. . Base soil shall be placed in layers not exceeding 12 inches m thickness and shall be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density established using ASTM Method D1557. Base soIl layers in excess of2 feet thick will require compaction testing. A minimum of five compaction tests per day or one compaction test for every 500 cubic yards of base soil placed shall be performed, whichever 1S greater. The GeL bedding layer surface (top of base soil layer) shall be smooth and free of vegetation, sharp- edged rocks, stones, sticks, refuse, debris and other foreign matter that could contact the GeL. The bedding layer surface shall be rolled with a smooth-drum compactor of sufficient weight to remove any wheel ruts, footpnnts or other abrupt grade changes prior to GCL deployment. All protrusions extending or protruding more than 1/2 inch from the sub grade surface shall be removed, crushed, or pushed into the surface with the smooth-drum compactor. All areas covered by the project, including the subgrade for the final cover system; existing, excavated and filled sections; and adjacent transition areas, shall be uniformly smooth-graded. The finished surface shall be reasonably smooth, compacted, and free from irregular surface changes and voids. The degree of finish shall be that ordinarily obtainable fl:om blade-grader operations, except as otherwtse specified. Ditches and gutters shall be finished to permit adequate drainage. Cit.y of Port Angeles Pon Angeles Landfill Clo:mre 2007 - Project No. 06-12 COll/raC! Documents SP-22 135-219UJJ5 (01/04) March 2007 . . . . Cover soil placed over geocomposite shall be placed in one lift beginning at the bottom of a slope and pushmg the cover soil up or across the slope. The cover soil shall not be crowded, but tumbled to prevent damage to the underlying geocomposite and geomembrane. Cover soil shall be spread evenly to a thiclrness of 18 inches and graded to elevations and slopes shown. Cover soil shall not be spread when excessively wet or dry. Only low ground pressure equipment can place and spread cover soil above the geomembrane. Equipment that is not low ground pressure shall be operated on at least 3 feet of soil above the geomembrane. Low ground pressure equipment is equipment that exerts less than 7 pounds per square inch or equipment listed by the manufacturer as "low ground pressure" equipment. The maximum weight oflow ground pressure equipment is 40,000 pounds. Cover and base soils shall be screened to remove oversized rock in order to meet the requirements of Sections 9-36.1 and 9-36.2. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, large quantities of oversized rock are not present. soil will not be screened and any oversized rock will be removed by hand picking. On areas to receive topsoil, the cover soil shall be scarified to a 2-inch depth for bonding of topsoil with subsoil. Topsoil then shall be spread by pushing the material up or across the slope evenly to a thiclrness of6 inches and graded to the elevations and slopes shown. TopSOIl shall not be spread when excessively wet or dry. Topsoil over the geomembrane and geocomposite shall not be placed by pushing the soil down slope. The topsoil shall be placed by only low ground pressure equipment (as previously defined) above the geomembrane. The topsoil shall be finished by track walking perpendicular to the slope (up and down the slope) over the entire surface of the area to be hydroseeded. Leachate seepage infiltration trenches shall be located on-site as required by the Engineer. Material excavated to form the trench shall be disposed of in the landfill. 2-03.4 Measurement Section 2-03.4 is replaced with the following: Cover soil obtained from the on-site borrow soil stockpiles shall be measured in place by the square yard based on horizontal plan area within the limits of the final cover system shown on the Plans or as allowed by the Engineer. The excavation, hauling, and placement of soils associated with ditching, liner edge preparation, and other mcidental construction associated with this project, will be considered incidental to the cost of the final cover construction and shall not be measured. Placement of soil for side slope ditches will be considered inCIdental to the cost of the final cover construction and shall not be measured. Base soils obtained from on-site borrow area, including the Water Treatment Plant site, shall be measured by the cubic yard. Measurement shall be based on a pre- and post-excavation survey of the borrow site area excavated for base SOll. Surveys shall be accomplished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit daily, to the Engineer, the estimated quantity of base soil placed. "Leachate Seepage Infiltration Trench" shall be located by the Engineer on an "as required" basis and shall be measured by linear foot. "West Ditch Topsoil" shall be measured by square yard. The measurement area shall be between the cover soil hmit and the limit of topsoil placed for the west ditch. Soil thiclrness shall be as shown on the Plans. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closllre 2007 - PI ojsct No. 06-22 eontrad Documents SP-23 235-2191-015 (01104) Marc1l2007 . "Soil Screening" shall be measured by cubic yard. "Water Treatment Plant Grading" shall be measured by the square yard based on field measurement of actual area graded. 2-03.5 Payment Section 2-03.5 is supplemented with the following: "Cover Soil" shall be paid by the square yard (based on the horizontal plan area). The contract unit price per square yard shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tests, tools, equipment, and incidentals required to accomplish the work. The cost to expose the liner edges, shape and construct the SIde slope ditches, construct ditch linings, construct the gravel access road, and other incidental grading shall be included in this ttem. The cost shall also include removal of vegetation from stockpiles, removal of deleterious materials, excavation and transportation of the soil from the borrow area to the closure area, and grading the stockpile areas. "Base Soil" shall be paid by the cubic yard. The unit price per cubic yard shall be full pay for all material, labor, and equipment costs required to accomplish the work. This shall include the cost of placing, grading, and compacting the base soil as directed by the Engineer "Water Treatment Plant Grading" shall be paid by the square yard and shall include clearing and grubbmg, tree removal, and grading of the site to the contours shown on the Plans. It does not include any costs associated with the excavation and haul of soil, all of which will be paid for under "Cover Soil" and "Base Soil", "Leachate Seepage Infiltration Trench" shall be paid by the linear foot. The unit price per linear foot shall be full pay for excavation, haul and disposal of excavated material, gravel, geotextile, and any other labor or material required to accomplish the work. No adjustment shall be made for the length of leachate seepage infiltration trench installed or not installed. . "West Ditch Topsoil" shall be paid per square yard and shall be full pay for all material and labor to provide, haul, place, and grade topsoil to form the west side dItch as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. "Soil Screening" shall be paid per cubic yard and shall be full pay for screening soil. Payment will be for only the soil that is screened, at the dtrection of the Engineer. 2-11 TRIMMING AND CLEANUP Section 2-11 is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall, as directed by the Engineer, remove from the Owner's property and from all public and private property, at his own expense, an temporary structures, rubbish, and waste materials resulting from his operations. Throughout the period of construction, the Contractor shall keep the site clean and free from all rubbish and debris and shall promptly cleanup all or any portion of the site when notified to do so by the Engineer. Care shall be taken to prevent spillage on the roads over which haulmg is done, and any such spillage or debris deposited due to Contractor's operations shall immediately be cleaned up. The Contractor shall promptly remove from any parts of the working area all unused materials, surplus earth and debris. Construction areas shall be left in a clean, neat, and acceptable condition at the earliest time following completion of that portIOn of work. Ciry of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract DoC!lll/eJlts SP-24 235-2191-015 (01/04) March 2007 . . . . During all phases of the construction work, the Contractor shall take precautions to abate a dust nuisance or a wind blown sand nuisance, by cleaning Up, sweepmg, sprinkling with water, or other means as necessary to accomplish results satisfactory to the Engineer. Upon completion of the work and prior to fmal inspection, the entire project site shall be cleared of equipment, unused materials, and rubbish, so as to present a clean and neat appearance. 2-12 CONSTRUCTION GEOTEXTILE 2-12.1 Description Section 2-12.1 is replaced with the following: This work includes the furnishing and placing of geotextile under the gravel access road and as part of the ditch lining. It shall also include the furnishing and placement of the west side ditch TRM. Install in accordance with the details shown on the Plans. 2-12.4 Measurement Section 2-12.4 is supplemented with the following: "'West Ditch Geosynthetic TRM", per square yard. 2-12.5 Payment Section 2-12.5 is supplemented with the following: "West Ditch Geosynthetic TRM", per square yard, shall be full pay for providing and installing the geosynthetic TRM in accordance with the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. END OF DIVISION 2 City of POI t Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract DoCllments SP-25 235-2191-015 (01/04) March 1007 . DIVISION 4 BASES 4-02 GRAVEL BASE 4.02.1 Description Section 4-02.1 is supplemented with the following: This work consists of excavating, hauling, and placing the gravel base for the 12-foot access road on the closed landfill. Gravel base material WIll be obtained from on-site stockpile. 4-02.3 Construction Requirements Section 4-02.3 is supplemented with the following: Place each gravel base layer to maximum compacted depth of 9 inches. Compact each layer to at least 95 percent of the standard density. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the compaction is inadequate, the Contractor shall confirm the density in accordance with SectIon 2-03.3(14)D using a nuclear gauge. 4-02.4 Measurement Section 4-02.4 is supplemented with the following: . Measurement for access road gravel base shall be per cubic yard. 4-02.5 Payment Section 4-02.5 is supplemented with the following: "Access Road Gravel Base", per cubic yard, includes excavation and haul from on-site borrow site (north site), grading of road and placement, compaction of gravel base, and cable gate. END OF DIVISION 4 City of Port Angeles Pon Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract Documents SP-26 235-2191-015 (01104) March 2007 . . . . DIVISION 7 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS, AND CONDUITS 7-01 DRAINS 7-01.1 Description Sechon 7-01.1 is supplemented with the following: This work consists of the installation of 4-inch underdrains and cleanouts at locations shown on the plans. 7-01.4 Measurement Section 7-01.4 IS replaced with the following: Underdrains shall be measured by linear foot in-place and installed. All materials used for the underdrain construction, including perforated pipe, solid pipe, geotextile, gravel backfill for drains, flexible guideposts, fittings, flaps, and junction boxes, cleanouts, shall be considered integral to the underdrain and shall be included in the measurement. 7-01.5 Payment Section 7-01.5 is replaced with the following: "Underdrains", per linear foot. The contract unit price shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tests, tools, equipment and incidentals required to install the underdrains, complete. 7-06 LANDFILL GAS COLLECTION SYSTEM NEW SECTION 7-06.1 Description This work consists of constructing, installing, and modifying the existing landfill gas collection system in accordance with the Plans and these Specificanons, or as directed by the Engineer. The modifications include: disconnecting and reconnectIng landfill gas collection pipes at the horizontal gas trenches to extend through the geomembrane liner, locating and extending leachate cleanout pipes through the geomembrane liner and above the ground surface, adjusting the elevation of existlng monitoring runs to match grade changes, replacing twenty-five (25) existing gate valves with stainless steel valves, and installing six new gate valves in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, or as directed by the Engineer. CityofPon Angeles Port Angeles l",ulfill Closure 2007 - PI'Dject ND 06-22 Conll"act Documents SP-27 235-2191-015 (01104) March 2007 . 7-06.2 Materials Drain Rock HDPE Pipe and Fittings Flexible Guide Post Gate Valves Meter Boxes Geotextile Type I 9-03.22 9-05.21 9-17.1 9-30.3(1 ) 9-30.6(7) 9-38.4 (New Section) (New Section) (New Section) 7-06.3 Submittals The Contractor shall provide certification that the person(s) butt-fusion welding the HDPE pipe and fittings has been certified by the manufacturer as capable of butt-fusion welding HDPE pipe and fittings. The Contractor shall provide certification that the pipe and fittings matenals, drain rock, bedding material, valves, meter boxes, and geotextile used meet material specifications. The Contractor shall subrmt in wnting to the Engineer details of any proposed changes in, or departures from, these Contract Documents along with the reasons therefor. Make no changes or departures without the prior written favorable review of the Engineer. 7-06.4 Construction Requirements 7-06.4(1) General . The landfill gas collection system collects and conveys landfill gas and condensate from the new/existing landfill horizontal gas trenches and leachate cleanouts to the eXIsting landfill gas collection system piping near the flare facility. The existing perimeter HDPE gas header is buned and located just outside the landfill liner system. The gas header connects to the new/existing horizontal gas trenches and leachate cleanouts. The gas header 1S sloped, as indicated on the Plans, for condensate removal at the low points (condensate knockouts). The condensate is collected in either an existing leachate manhole or condensate manhole. Condensate collected in the condensate manhole is pumped to the existing leachate manhole. The landfill gas collection system contains valves for isolation of system components. The landfill gas collection system HDPE piping and fittings shall be constructed in conformity with the line and grades as shown on the Plans and in accordance with Section 7-08.3. All pipe grades shall be continuous between grade breaks. The Contractor shall uncover the eXIsting perimeter HDPE pipe at the connection point indicated on the Plans or indicated by the Engineer and verify the location and invert elevation prior to further excavation of the landf1ll gas collection system, and notify the Engineer. The lines and grades shown on the Plans may be altered to maintain minimum grades as shown on the Plans. Contractor shall mamtain contmuous slope on the lateral pipe from the horizontal gas trench to the perimeter landfill gas manifold as shown on the Plans. The geotextlle shall be a Type I and shall conform to Section 9-38.4. City of Port Angeles Porl Angeles Landfill CloslIre 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract Documents SP-28 235-2191-015 (01/04) March 2007 . . . . 7-06.4(1)A BDPE Pipe and Fittings All pipe and fittings shall be new and supplied in the nommal diameter shown on the Plans. Perforated pipe shall be installed where shown on the Plans. All piping shall have airtight joints and all joints shall be thermal butt~fusion welded and shall be conducted according to manufacturer's recommendation. Butt-fusion shall be done with eqUIpment reconunended by the pipe manufacturer. However, to reduce the SOlI excavation for the horizontal landfill gas trench tie-ins at perimeter manifold, electro-fusion welding couplings can be used to install the 8" x 8"x 3" reducing tees, or 8"x3" electro-fusion saddle fittings can be used. No mechanical couplings shall be acceptable. HDPE piping, which is to be installed underground, shall be laid in a manner that the excavation, pipe laying, and back-filling of the pipe trench, as shown on the Plans, shan be completed within the same day and before the Contractor leaves the site on that day, unless approved by the Engineer. When necessary to cut the HDPE pipe, the pipe shall be cut using a chain saw, a tool, or tools specifically designed to leave a smooth, even and square end on the pipe material to be cut. Cut ends shall be reamed to the full inside diameter of the pipe. The individual lengths of pipe and all fittings shall be jointed together by thermal butt-fusion. This pipe shall be fused of the same type, grade, and class of polyethylene compound and supplied by the same raw material. 1. Butt fusion shall be made only when the pipe materials to be jointed are clean and dry, and only at ambient temperatures of 40 degrees F and above, or as approved by the Engineer. 2. The butt-fusion shall be accomplished according to the pipe manufacturer's recommendation. 3. Contractor shall remove HDPE shavings and debris from bore of pipe as a result of cutting, butt-fusion, or placement prior to fusing pIpe, or piping shall be flushed prior to testing. The Contractor shall take care when handling the pipe so as not to damage it by dragging it over sharp and cuttIng objects. Sections of the pipe with gouges or cuts shall be removed and ends ofrejomed. Pipe sections within 10 feet either way of a slip coupler shall not be welded. The minimum slope for the piping between the grade breaks, in the directIOn shown, or from high points to low points as indicated on the Plans, is a continuous 5 percent. Where shown on the Plans, or for ease of installation, lengths of pipe shall be joined together by the use of flanges rather than thermal fusion. Flange bolts shall be tightened by pulling down on diametrically opposite nuts until proper bolt torque values are achieved. Bolt torques for the HDPE flanges shall not exceed the maximum value according to manufacturer specifications for each appropriate pipe size. Contractor shall provide necessary gaskets and bolting to install between adjoining flanges. Flanged connections are required where disconnection of one flange IS required for removal, repair or maintenance of equipment. Monitoring runs shall be placed in a manner as shown on the Plans. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill QoslIre 2007 - Project No. 06-22 SP-29 Contract Documents 235-2/91-015 (01/04) March 2007 . 7-06.4(1)B Low Pressure Air Test Contractor shall test all landfill gas pIpmg with a low-pressure aIr test prior to commencing normal service on this project. The Contractor shall provide all required temporary plugs, flanges and blind flanges, and all test equipment. The Engineer shall be present to inspect, observe, and accept test. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance of any planned test. The Engineer may at any time require calibration test of gauges or other Instrumentation that is incorporated in the test equipment. The limits of the testing for landfill gas system piping shall include all of the 3-inch piping between the perimeter main manifold to the 6" x 3" line reducer for the horizontal trench. The gate valves at the monitonng runs shall be in the open position during the test. After a successful test, all valves shall be in the closed position prior to connecting to the perimeter manifold. No testing is required for the 6-inch perforated trench piping. Testing shall be the same for a segment of the system or the entire system. The gauge used for the testing shall be certified accurate, marked in one-tenth pOlmd per square inch increments. Procedures for a Low Pressure Air Test: 1. Interior of the pipe shall be clean and free of foreIgn materials and water prior to the test. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable plugs. Brace each plug securely. Segments to be tested can be isolated using the nearest valve or by temporarily installing plugs or blind flanges. If valves are not suitable for testing, temporarily plugs or blind flanges are required. . 3. Add air slowly to the portion of the installation under test until the internal pipe pressure is raised to 4.0psig. 4. Check exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. Restart the test. 5. After the appropriate internal pressure is obtamed, allow at least five minutes for air temperatures to stabilize, adding only the amount to air required to maintain test pressure. 6. After a ten-minute stabIlization period, disconnect air supply. 7. Start stop watch. The required test period is 60 minutes (1 hour) and there is no allowable mternal pressure change. 7-06.4(3) Valve Installation All valves shall be inspected upon delivery in the field to ensure proper working order before installanon. The valves shall also be carefully inspected for injury to the outer protective coatings. Valves shall have the interiors cleaned of all foreign matter and shall be inspected both in open and closed position pnor to installation. City of Pori Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 ColltracJ Documents SP-30 235.2191-015 (01/04) March 1007 . . . . All gas system valves shan be installed in meter box and shall be oriented for operator convenience with the operation handle or actuator in the most accessible posItion. Meter boxes shall be set plumb and shall be placed over the valve or valve operator in a manner that the meter box does not transmit shock or stress to the valve. The meter box shall be installed as shown on the Plans. Contractor shall install drain rock material on the base of the meter boxes as shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall remove and instan a new gate valve at the locations stated on the Plans. Generally, valves and accessories shall be installed in a manner and location as shown on the Plans or as required for the application and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Size of valve shall be equal to line piping in which valve is installed unless otherwise noted on the Plans. Support all valves where necessary. In case of conflict between these specifications and a governing code, the higher standard shall prevail. Contractor shall provide an necessary accessories, such as spacers, for proper valve operation as specified or requIred for the application. A flexible guide post shall be placed within 12 inches next to the meter box for identification. The guide post shall be place between the meter box and perinleter access roads. 7-06.5 Temporary Gas Collection System 7-06.5(1) General The temporary gas collection system will be advantageous to the Contractor's installation of the liner system. If the existing landfill gas system was removed during construction, landfill gas generation may result in excessive landfill gas odors, lifting of geomembrane liner, impacts to huer installation, and impacts to human health. 7"()6.5(2) Phasing Plan At no time will the Contractor take any trench off line unless the Owner has given their approval. The Owner will be afforded every opportunity to sustain the landfill gas system, whether it is tie-in to existing, temporary, or permanent gas system header. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor operate any valves, connect, or disconnect any portion of the active gas system, except where required for the permanent system. The Owner will be responsible for all gas system operations. All temporary piping shall allow for the free drainage of landfill gas condensate to the existing, temporary, or permanent gas system header. At no time shall more than two existing trenches be allowed offline during construction at any given time unless approved by the Engineer. At the end of each day's construction, every existing/new gas trench shall be connected to the landfill gas collecllon system. The Contractor shall proVIde protection to the existing/new trench connections and to the existing, temporary, or permanent gas system header connections until the project is complete and approved. The Contractor at his owns expense shall perform any damage. City of Pori Angeles Port Angeles ltmdftll Gosul'e 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents SP-31 235-2191-015 (01/04) March 2007 . The Contractor shall proVIde temporary 3-inch flexible PVC hose and clamps, and 3-inch slip caps for connection to each eXIstmg/new gas trench to the gas system header. Flexible PVC hose shall be constructed so hose's inside diameter matches nominal outside dimension of pipe. Each end connection shall be airtight by installing a stainless steel band clamp. Contractor shall modify all trenches as appropriate for 3-mch connection. 7-06.6 Measurement The length oflandfill gas collection HDPE piping shall be the number oflinear feet of 3-inch HDPE pipe of the completed installation and tested measured along the invert and will include the length through elbows, tees, and fittings as shown on the Plans. The length of horizontal gas trenches shall be the number of linear feet of 6-inch HDPE pipe of the completed installation measured along the invert and will include the length through fittings as shown on the Plans. The number oflandfilI gas collection 3-inch gates valves per each installed or replaced as shown on the Plans, or as directed by Engineer. The number ofIandfil1 gas trench connections per each installed as shown on the Plans. No measurement for the temporary landfill gas collection system materials, equipment, maintenance, and labor under this project. 7-06.7 Payment . Payment shall be made as follows: "New 3-Inch HOPE SDR 11 Pipe," and "Reused 3-Inch HDPE SDR 11 Pipe," per linear foot. The unit contract price per linear foot for the ''New 3 -Inch HDPE SDR 11 Pipe" and "Reused 3-Inch HDPE SDR 11 Pipe" shall be full compensation for all cost for materials, labor, tools, testing, and equipment necessary to furnish and install the pIpe and fittings. The unit pnce per linear foot shall include the cost to furnish and install all elbows; reducing tees; flanges; blinds; grade stakes, drain rock base, bolts, washers, and nuts; slip couplers; and other fittings associated with the pipmg, as shown on the Plans. Unit price does not include the 3-inch HDPE pipe for the Trench Connection bid item. The unit bid price for HDPE pipe shan also include all costs associated with trenching, shoring, bedding, sloping, dewatenng, soil backfill reqUlred for mstaIlation. No additional compensation will be allowed for trench excavation and backfill, and existing trench connection adjustment; and shall be incidental to the Contract. "6-Inch HDPE SDR II Pipe," per linear foot. The unit price bid per linear foot for 6-Inch HDPE Pipe and Fittmgs shall include all cost for materials, labor tools, and equipment necessary to furnish and install the 6-Inch HDPE sohd wall and perforated pipe and fittings. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles LAndfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contr(lct DocumelllS SP-32 235-219]-015 (0]/04) March 2007 . . . . The unit bid price per linear foot shall also include all excavation, shoring, disposal of material, grading, geotextile, 6-inch by 3-inch reducer, drain rock, sloping. backfill, compaction. and daily cover layer replacement as shown on the Plans and as accepted by the Engineer. "3-inch Gate V alves," per each. The unit price bId per each for gate valves, shall include all costs for materials including valve, nipples. and flanges for the installation of new gate valves, or the replacement of existing valves. "Trench Connection," per each. The unit price bid per each for trench connections to the existing perimeter main manifold, shall include all cost for materials, labor tools, and equipment necessary to furnish and install the trench connections from the monitoring run valve to the main manifold. The unit bid price per each shall also include all excavation, shormg, disposal of material, grading, S-inch by 8-inch by 3-inch reduct;T tee, S-inch electro-fusion couplings, 3-mch HDPE pipe, monitoring port. flexible guide post, flange connection, bolts. nuts, and washers, meter boxes, bedding material replacement, sloping, back:fill, and compaction, as shown on the Plans and as accepted by the Engineer. The temporary landfill gas collection system shall be considered incidental to the project With no payment for the required materials, equipment, or labor. END OF DIVISION 7 City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Lmulfill Closure 2007 -Project No. 06-22 ContrDct Documents SP-33 235-2/9/-015 (01104) Marcil 1007 . DIVISION 8 MUSCELLANEOUSCONSTRUCTION 8-01 EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL 8-01.1 Description Section 8-01.1 is supplemented with the following: This work includes installing temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures (silt fence, plastic sheeting, rock and wattle check dams, and placing erosion control blanket), placing and compacting topsoil, seeding, and mulching. 8-01.3 Construction Requirements 8-01.3(1) General Section 8-01.3(1) is supplemented with the following: AIl exposed and erodible soils shall be stabilized by suitable application of PAM which protects the soils from the erosive forces of raindrops impact and flowing water. Soil shall be determined to be erodible based on inspection during rainfall events. The Contractor shall cover all erodible soils with plastic sheeting at the direcbon of the Engineer. . Eroded soils ordered by the Engineer to be replaced, if from ditches and other deposit areas, including sedimentation ponds, shall be at no cost to the Owner. The Contractor, when removing eroded soils for replacement, shall be careful to keep the full depth of cover system soils and rock layers as designed. The Contractor shall provide potholes to verify depth of soils if requested by the Engineer. 8-01.3(l)A Submittals Section 8-01.3(1)A is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall prepare and provide, within 14 days of notice to proceed, a temporary erosion and sedimentation control (TESC) plan meeting the requirements of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) contamed in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for stormwater discharges associated with construction activity. The Owner shall obtain a NPDES permit for the project w1nch shall be transferred to the Contractor. The Contractor shall describe measures that will be taken to prevent sou erosion and maintenance and repair of eroded areas. Contractor shall submit documentation to show that the proposed seed, fertIlizer, tackifier, soil testing laboratory and test results, mulch, wattles, erosion control blanket, PAM, and plastic covering meet the material specifications. Documentation shall be proVlded and no exceptIon taken prior to the delivery of any of these materials to the site. City of Pori Angele. POl1 Angeles Lanclfill CloslIre 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract DoclIments SP-34 235-2191-015 (01/04) March 2007 . . . . 8-01.3(1)B Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Lead Section 8-01.3(1)B is supplemented WIth the following: The Contractor shall provide an Ese lead with a current certificate of training meeting Washington State Department of Ecology requirements. The ESC Lead shall implement the TESC plan and shall conduct (at a minimum) weekly inspections of all Bl.\.1Ps and stormwater discharge points. Inspections shall also be conducted within 24 hours of a stormwater runoff event. Inspections shall include sampling of runoff turbidity using an electromc turbidity meter. TESC inspection reports shall be prepared for each inspection and shall be provided to the Engineer on a weekly basis. If the in-place BMPs are shown to be deficient, the Contractor shall implement additlonal BMPs including, but not limited to, the covering of erodible soils with plastic sheeting until stabilized. 8-01.3(2) Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching 8-01.3(2)B Seeding and Fertilizing Section 8-01.3(2)B is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall test the soils that are not Topsoil Type A to determine the appropriate quantity and type of fertilizer to apply. The testing shall be done by a laboratory that specialIzes in topsoil analysis. The Contractor shall follow the recommendations of the laboratory regarding amendments and additional applications of fertilizer. 8-01.3(2)E Tacking Agent and Soil Binders Section 8-0 1.3(2)E is supplemented with the following: At the completion of topsoil placement, Contractor shall apply a polyacrylamide (PAM) soil binder to the topsoil surface. The PAM soil binder shall be used to stabilize the topsoil during the period between topsoil placement and hydroseeding. 8-01.3(2)F Dates for Application of Final Seed, Fertilizer, and Mulch Section 8-0 1.3 (2)F is supplemented with the following: Contractor shall perform hydroseeding during the period September 1 to October 1. If rainfall conditions are not conducive for establishment of the grass, Contractor shall be directed to delay hydroseeding or watenng as necessary to establish the grass. Such delay or watering shall not constitute a changed conditlon. 8-01.3(3) Placing Erosion Control Blanket Section 8-01.3(3) is supplemented with the following: Turf reinforcement matting shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's installation requirements. Staples shall not exceed 12 inches in length. Matting shall be installed in intimate contact with underlying topsoil. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Lalldfin Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Doalments SP-35 235-219] -015 (01/04) March 2007 . 8-01.3(5) Placing Plastic Covering Section 8-01.3(5) is supplemented with the following: If initial BMPs are found to be msufficient to prevent soil erosion, the Contractor shall install plastic covering With sandbag anchoring over all erodible soils prior to stabilization. Application of hydroseed will constitute stabilization in areas to receive hydroseeding only. In ateas to receive erosion control blanket, stabihzation shall be accomplished by installation of the erosion control blanket. 8-01.3(6) Check Dams 8-01.3(6)B Rock Check Dam Section 8-01 3(6)B is supplemented wIth the following: Permanent rock check dams shall be installed as directed by the Engmeer or City in the eXIsting perimeter stormwater ditches as shown on the Plans. 8-01.3(6)D Wattle Check Dam Section 8-01.3(6)D is supplemented with the followmg: Wattle check dams shall be minimum 12-inch diameter and 10 feet long and shall be placed at the inlet to the existing stormwater culverts as shown on the Plans. Wattle check dams shall also be placed in the side slope ditches at IOO-linear-foot intervals as soon as the ditches are completed and prior to the installation of the erosion control blanket. Remove wattle check darns and any accumulated sediment immediately prior to installation of the erosion control blanket. . 8-01.4 Measurement Section 8-01.4 is supplemented WIth the following: TESC Inspection Reports shall be measured by the indiVidual report. ESC Lead shall be measured by days (rounded to nearest half day) based on actual days spent on the construction Slte. Erosion Control Blanket shall be measured by the square yard. Plastic Covering shall be measured by the horizontal plan area square yard. Polyacrylamide (PAM) shall be measured per acre (plan area). Wattle Check Dams shall be measured in place per each. Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching shall be measured in place by the acre based on the horizontal plan area. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles L(JJZdfil/ Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract Documents SP-36 235-219/-015 (01104) MardI 2007 . . . . 8-01.5 Payment Section 8-01.5 is supplemented with the following: TESC Inspection Reports shall be paid by unit price. The contract unit price shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals required for the accomplishment of the work, complete. ESC Lead shall be paid by the days spent on-site. The contract unit price shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals required for the accomplishment of the work, complete. Erosion Control Blanket shall be paid by the lump sum. The contract lump sum pnce shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tests, tools, equipment and incidentals required for the accomplishment of the work, complete. Plastic Covering shall be paid by in-place plan area square yard. The contract square yard price shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals required for the accomplishment of the work, complete. Polyacrylamide (PAM) shall be paid by acre (plan area) in place. Wattle Check Dams, per each. The contract per each price shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals required for the accomplishment of the work, complete. Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mnlching shall include the cost for laboratory testing, application of amendments, incorporation into the soil if required, and second application of fertilizer if required. 8-02 ROADSIDE RESTORATION 8-02.3 Construction Requirements 8-02.3(4) Topsoil Section 8-02.3(4) is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall manufacture all TOpSOll Type A on-site using soil from the South Stockpile and compost provided by the Owner. The compost stockpile is located on-site at the location shown on the Plans. The topsoil mix shall be manufactured using a pug mill. The mix shall be seven (7) parts soil to one (1) part compost (by volume). No additional soil supplements are required to complete the topsoil mix. 8-02.4 Measurement Section 8-02.4 is supplemented with the following: Topsoil shall be measured by the square yard in place based on the horizontal area placed (plan area) within the limits of the final cover system shown on the Plans or as allowed by the Engineer. By definition, honzontal area does not allow for quantity adjustment for slope. The access road area shall not be included in the area of topsoil measured. Czty of Port Angeles Port A1Igeles Londjill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract DOCHlIIelltS SP-37 235-2/9/-015 (01/04) Marcil 2007 . 8-02.5 Payment Section 8-02.5 is supplemented with the following: Topsoil shall be paid by the square yard in place. The contract unit price per square yard shall be full pay for all material, labor, and equipment costs required to accomplish the work. This shall include the cost of screening stockpiled soil, mixing on-site soil and compost, placing, grading, and track rolling. 8-05 GEOSYNTHETICS NEW SECTION 8M05.1 Description This work consists of installing the fmal cover system for the landfill. The geosynthetics to be installed include a GCL and a double sided textured 40-mil LLDPE geomembrane overlain with a geocomposite dram layer as shown on the Plans. This work also includes liner repair (if required), welding of the new geomembrane to the existing HDPE bottom liner, and such other work necessary to install the geosynthetics. All work shall be in strict accordance with the Specifications, as shown on the Plans, and as directed by the Engineer. 8-05.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requrrements of the following sections: Geosynthetic Clay Liner Geomembrane: 40-mil LLDPE Geocomposite Geotextile 9-38.1 (New Section) 9-38.2 (New Section) 9-38.3 (New Section) 9-38.4 (New Section) . 8-05.3 Testing Testing shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Interface Friction Angles 8-05.5(2)A 8-05.4 Qualifications 8-05.4(1 ) Manufacturers The Contractor shall provide geosynthetics manufactured by manufacturers WIth the followmg minimum qualifications: The GeL manufacturer shall have at least five continuous years' experience in the manufacture of GeLs, and shall have manufactured a minimum of 25 million square feet of GCL prior to producing materials for this project. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Qosure 2007 - Project No. 06-21 Contract Documents SP-38 235-2191-015 (01/04) March 2007 . . . . The geomembrane manufacturer shall have at least 5 continuous years' experience in the manufacture of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) geomembranes, and shall have manufactured a minimum of 25 million square feet ofLLDPE geomembrane prior to producing materials for this project. The geocomposite drainage layer manufacturer and fabricator shall have produced at least 10 million square feet of geonet and geocomposite matenals meeting the specificatlOns for this project prior to producing materials for this project. The geotextile manufacturer shall have produced at least 25 million square feet of each type of geotextile meeting the specifications for this project prior to producing materials for this project. 8-05.4(2) Installers The Contractor shall provide for geosynthetics installation by installers with the following minimum qualifications: The geomembrane installer's personnel shall have successfully installed at least 25 million square feet of LLDPE geomembrane prior to installing geomembrane for this project. Submit a list of at least 10 completed projects. For each installation, provide name, type, location of facility, facility contact and phone number, date of installation, description, type, and quantity of geosynthetic materials installed. The installer's quality control program shall be submitted. The supervisor for the geomembrane installer (Master Seamer) shall have supervised the installation of at least 25 million square feet of LLDPE geomembrane, which have been incorporated into environmental barrier layers, prior to installing geomembrane for this project. A QC Tester shall be assigned to collect and test all samples. The QC Tester shall not be the Master Seamer. The QC Tester shall meet the same qualifications as the Master Seamer with the experience requirement reduced to 5 million square feet. The GeL and geocomposite drainage layer shall be installed by the geosynthetic installer under the direction ofthe Master Seamer. 8-05.4(3) Meetings Prior to and during construction of the geosynthetic materials, construction meetings will be held. The meetings shall be attended by the Owner, CQA Engineer, Contractor, and Geosynthetic Installer. Topics for the meetings shall include the following: 1. Responsibilities of each party. 2. Lines of authority and communication. ResolutlOn of any project document ambiguity. 3. Methods for documenting, reporting, and distributmg documents and reports. 4. Procedures for packaging and storing archive geomembrane samples. 5. Review of time schedule for all installation and testing. City of POI t Allgeles Port Allgeles Lnndfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Documellts SP-39 235-219/-0/5 (0/104) March 2007 . 6. Review of panel layout and numbering systems for panels and seams includmg detaIls for marking on the geomembrane. 7. Procedures and responsibilities for preparation and submission of as-built panel and seam drawings. 8. Temperature and weather limitations. Installation procedures for adverse weather conditions. Defming acceptable subgrade geosynthetic, or ambient moisture and temperature conditions for working during installation. 9. Subgrade conditions, dewatering responsibilities, and sub grade maintenance program. 10. Deployment techniques including allowable subgrade for the geosynthetics. 11. Plan for controlling expansion/contraction and wrinkling of the geosynthetics. 12. Covering of the geosynthetics and cover soil placement. 13. Surveying of the geosynthetic limits and geomembrane panels panel numbers, and seams. 8--05.5 Submittals The Contractor shall submit the information specified in the following subsections in accordance with Sections 8-05.4(1), 8-05.4(2), and 8-05.5 within 10 days after the Notice to Proceed is received, unless otherwise specified. The conformance samples shall be obtained as described in ASTM D4354 and ASTM D4759. All submittals in this subsection are for Owner Approval (OA). . 8-05.5(1 ) Geosynthetic Testing Laboratory The Contractor shall submit accreditation from an independent third party laboratory selected for the geosynthetic testmg. The laboratory shall be NICET certified. The Engmeer shall make a determination of the acceptability of the selected laboratory within three workIng days of the submittal. 8-05.5(2} Geosynthetics 8-05.5(2)A Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) Manufacturer's certification that material meets project specifications and quality control certificates for each roll produced and delivered to the proJect. Testing results not meeting the requirements in Section 9-36 will result in rejection of the applicable rolls. Certified test results shall be provided 7 days prior to deIivClY to the site. 1. A copy of the product specificatlons sheet listing all testing methods and property values. 2. Qualifications statement of manufacturer. 3. Qualifications statement of installer. 4. Results of tests conducted Manufacture wan"anty meeting the requirements of Section 8-05.7. 5. Samples and product descnptions for GCL. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Qosllre 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Docllments SP-40 235-2191-015 (01/04) Marcil 2007 . . . '. 6. Manufacturer's certification that material meets project speClfications. 7. Quality control certificates for each roll produced seven days prior to material delivered to the site. 8. Manufacture and installation procedures and quality control program, including a plan for protecting the work, and for repairing and replacing damaged work. 9. Details, methods, and materials for overlapping; installing around boots and penetrations, and making GCL repairs. 10. Friction angle test results. Interface Friction Angle Testing. If the Contractor uses geosynthetic manufacturer or material other than those tested in AppendIX E, the Contractor shall submit the results of the geosynthetic friction angle testing for the landfill required in this section prior to installation or construction of the lmer system. The GCL, geomembrane, and geotextile sample shall be saved and given to the Engineer upon completion of the testing. The direction of testlng shall be marked on the samples. Laboratory interface friction tests shall be conducted on the GCULLDPE and LLDPE/geocomposite dramage layer interfaces usmg ASTM D5321/6243. Normal stresses of 1.2, 4.0, and 6.0 pounds per square inch (psi) along with a displacement rate of 0.04 inches per minute shall be used. Cover system soil components shall be compacted to the same moisture denSIty requirements specified for a full scale field placement and saturated 24 hours prior to shearing. Geosynthetics shall be oriented such that the shear force is parallel to the down slope orientation of these components in the field. The minimum seating time shall be 24 hours. The minimum residual friqtion angles required between all cover system components IS 26 degrees at 3 mches displacement. Results shall be submitted and approved prior to delivery of cover system geosynthetics. The asperity height shall be reported in accordance with GM 12 and will be the minimum asperity height allowed on the project. The use oflesser asperity heights will require additional fnction angle testing. The Contractor shall select geosynthetic materials that are capable of meeting the minimum required friction angle. The Contractor shall test each layer interface individually. Material used for the testing shall be from the same lots of materIal delivered to the SIte. 8-05.5(2)B Geomembrane 1. Qualifications statement of manufacturer. 2. Qualifications statement of ins taIler. 3. Resin suppliers name, resm production plant identification, resin brand name number, production date of the resin, resin manufacturer's quality control certificaTIOn, and certification that the properties of the resm meet the requirements of the project. 4. Resume of installation supervisor. 5. Manufacturer and Installer warranty meeting the requirements of Section 8-05.8. 6. Samples and product descriptions for geomembrane, penetrations, and associated appurtenances. City of Pon Angeles Port Angeles LnndfiU Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Colltl act Documellts SP-4/ 235-2191-015 (01104) March 2007 . 7. A material properties sheet, including at a mimmum all properties specified in GRI GM 17, including test methods used. 8. Quality control certificates issued by the resin supplier, quality control certificates for each roll produced, certification that geomembrane and extrudate produced for this project have the same material properties, seven days prior to material delivered to the site. 9. Manufacture and installation procedures and quality control program, including a plan for protecting the work, and for repairing and replacing damaged work. 10. Proposed installation panel layout identifying panels, seams, and anticipated sequence. 11. Details, methods, and materials for making field joints; constructing and installing boots around penetratIons; and making geomembrane repairs. A shop drawing shall be submitted for shop fabricated geomembrane boots. 12. Friction angle test result. 13. Record drawings (as-builts) of the panel layout, prior to final payment. 8-05.5(2)C Geocomposite Drainage Layer 1. Qualifications statement of manufacturer/fabricator. 2. Samples and product descriptions. 3. Manufacturer's and fabricator's certificatlOn that product meets project specifications. . 4. Installation procedures including a plan for protectmg work, and fOT repairing or replacing damaged work. 5. Proposed installation layout. 8-05.5(2)D Geotextile 1. Qualifications statement of manufacturer. 2. Samples and product description for each type. 3. Manufacturer's certification that material meets project specificatIOns. 8-05.5(3) Quality Control Reports The geosynthetic installer shall submit, on a daily basls, the following reports. The geosynthetic installer wiII not be allowed to begin work untIl the previous day's reports are submitted to the EngIneer. 1. Dally progress reports including the following: a. Project name. b. Date. City a/Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Qosrue 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents SP-42 235-1191-015 (01/04) Marclr 2007 . . . . c. Weather conditions, including range of wind speed and temperature, cloud cover, and precIpitation. d. Panels installed. e. Panels seamed. f. Field Observations. 2. Daily quality control records detailing the initial weld qualification of equipment and welding crews and destructive seam testing results, including, but not limited to, the following: a. Project name. b. Date. c. Weld crew/machine identification. d. Qualification results. e. Destructive test results. f. General observations. 3. Subsurface Certification: The installer shall supply written certificatIon that the surface on which the GCL and geomembrane will be installed is acceptable. After the underlying layers/materials has been accepted, it shall be the installer's responsibility to indicate to the Contractor and the Engineer any change to its condition due to natural causes or any other occurrences that may require repair work. 8-05.6 Conformance Testing The Contractor wj11 conformance test geosynthetics. The Contractor shall make arrangements to collect geosynthetic samples at the manufacture's facilities. The frequency of testing will be one test per 100,000 square feet or lot whichever results in more testing. Typical samples will be 3 feet wide by roll width. The Contractor will conformance test the materials listed below. Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GeL) Description Index Flux Clay Mass per Unit Area Test Method ASTM D5887 ASTM D5993 City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract Documents SP-43 235-219]-015 (0]/04) Marcll2007 Geomembrane Descriotion Density Thickness Tensile PropertIes Tear Resistance Puncture Resistance Carbon Black Content Carbon Black Dispersion Asperity Height Geocomposite Descril)tion Geotextile AOS (both sides) Thickness Grab Tensile (both sides) Peel Strength (both sides) Transmissivity (both sides) Bonded Length (both sides) Geotextiles Description AOS Mass per Unit Area Grab Tensile Strength Puncture Strength Trapezoidal Tear Strength Flow Rate (Type I only) . Test Method ASTM 01505 ASTM 05994 ASTM0638 ASTM D l004a ASTM 04833 ASTM 01603 ASTM 05596 GRI-GM12 Test Method ASTMD4751 ASTM 05199 ASTM 04632 ASTM 07005 ASTM04716 . Direct Measure Test Method ASTM 04751 ASTM 05261 ASTM D4632 ASlM 04833 ASTM D4533 ASTM D4491 The Contractor shall submit electronically conformance testing directly from the laboratory to the Engineer at the same time the Contractor receives the test results. No installation of any geosynthetic material shall occur lUltil the Engineer approves of the material tested. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Ltmdfill Closure Z007 - Project No. 06.22 Conl1'act DOCIIlllent.. SP-44 235.2191-015 (01/04) March 2007 . . 8-05.7 Construction Requirements No layer of geosynthetic shall be covered unttl the geosynthettc installer and the Engineer have completed inspection, and written approval from the geosynthetic installer has been received. No vehicular traffic shall travel on the geosynthettcs other than approved low ground pressure All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs), or equivalent. All geotextiles shall be covered by overlying layers within 28 calendar days of exposure to sunlight. 8-05.7(1) Geosynthetic Clay Liner 8-05.7(1)A Packaging, Labeling, Shipping, Storage, and Handling Each roll of GCL shall be uniquely marked by the manufacturer identifying the roll number and date of manufacture. Labels on each roll shall identify the material, roll number, the length and width of the roll, and manufacturer. The GCL rolls shall be stored elevated on a smooth, flat, nonabrasive surface and stacked no more than four high. The Contractor shall protect the GCL foIls at all times from moisture, ultraviolet light, and any cause of damage. The Contractor shall replace GCL damaged by any means at the Contractor's expense, including wind and water damage at any time. . 8-05.7(1)B Installation Installation shall be performed under the constant direction of a single master seamer who shall remain on-site at all tunes during the installation and be in responsible charge for all GCL mstallation, includmg panel layout, seaming, patching, testing, and all other activities associated with the installation. The subgrade (GCL bedding layer) under the GCL shall be compacted smooth, and the surface shall be free of all rocks, stones, sticks, roots, sharp objects, or debris of any kind. The surface shall provide a frrm, unyielding foundatton with no sudden, sharp, or abrupt changes or break in grade. There shall be no divots in the GCL bedding layer greater than 1/2 mch. Additional subgrade preparatton may be required prior to and during the installation of GCL due to GCL installation teclmiques and activities. No standing water or excessive moisture will be allowed. Poor to placing GCL over sections of prepared GCL bedding layer, the master seamer shall certify, m writing, that the receiving surface is acceptable. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to prepare and keep the receiving surfaces ill acceptable condItion unttl complete installation of the GCL IS accomplished. All GeL bedding layer damaged by construction equipment or personnel, and deemed unsuitable for GeL deployment and placement shall be repaired prior to placement. All GCL bedding layer repairs shall be approved by the Installer. This damage and repair shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall excavate and backfill the anchor trenches for the geosynthetics as shown on the Plans. Any damage caused by the Contractor durmg excavatton shall be repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. The GCL shall be overlapped onto the existing Cell I top liner and bottom liner as indicated on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. . City oJPort Angele!/ Port Angele!/ Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Docl/ments SP-45 135-2/91-015 (01104) Morclr 2007 . GCL rolls shall be delivered to the working area of the site in their original packaging. Immediately prior to deployment, the packagmg shall be carefully removed without damaging the GCL. The orientation of the GeL (Le., which side faces up) should be in accordance W1th the manufacturer's recommendations. The side to be placed up shall be the same as selected for the interface friction angle testing. Equipment, which could damage the GCL and underlymg bedding layer, shall not be allowed to travel directly on it. If the installation equipment causes rutting of the bedding layer, the bedding layer shall be restored to its originally accepted condition before placement continues. Care must be taken to minimize the extent to which the GCL 1S dragged across the bedding layer in order to avoid disturbing the bedding layer and damaging the bottom surface of the GCL; therefore, the GCL shall not be dragged over the GCL bedding layer, except for slight adjustments that may be necessary for obtaining the correct overlap of GCL. Any dislodging of stones in the GCL bedding layer caused by dragging the GCL, shall be removed by the Installer. A temporary geosynthettc covenng commonly known as a slip-sheet or rub sheet may be used to reduce friction and damage during placement. The GeL shall be placed so that seams are parallel to the direction of the slope. Seams should be located at least 3 feet from the toe and crest of slopes steeper than 4H: 1 V. If seams are required, adjacent panels shall not have a seam within 10 feet of each other. All GeL panels shall lie flat on the underlying surface, with no wrinkles or folds, especially at the exposed edges of the panels. Only as much GCL as can be covered with the geomembrane at the end of the working day, shall be deployed, or a temporary waterproof tarpaulin shall be used. The GCL shall not be left uncovered overnight. If the GCL is hydrated when no confining stress is present, the Contractor shall remove and replace the hydrated material. . The GCL seams shall be constructed by overlapping their adjacent edges. Care should be taken to ensure that the overlap zone is not contaminated with loose soil or other debris. Supplemental bentonite 1S not required if the GCL has a 0.5 inch strip of exposed bentonite. The minimum dimension of the longitudinal overlap shall be 12 inches. End-of-roll overlapped seams should be similarly constructed, but the minimum overlap shaH measure 24 inches. Seams at the ends of the panels shall be constructed such that they are shmgled in the drrection of the grade to prevent the potential for runoff flow to enter the overlap zone. Bentonite-enhanced seams are constructed between the overlapping adjacent panels described above. The Wlderlying edge of the longItudinal overlap is exposed, and then a continuous bead of granular sodium bentonite is applied along a zone defined by the edge of the underlying panel at the 6-inch line. A similar bead of granular sodmm bentonite is applied at the end-of-roll overlap. The bentonite shall be applied at a minimum uniform applIcation rate of 114 pound per linear foot. If the GCL has strip of exposed bentonite produced dunng manufacture, then the application of a bentonite bead is not required. The GCL shall be sealed aroWld penetrations and embedded structures in accordance wtth the design drawings and the GCL Manufacturer. City of Pori AJlgeles Pori Angel~ Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 COlltract Documents SP-46 235-2]9]-0] 5 (0]/04) March 2007 . . . . If the GCL is damaged (torn, plIDctured, perforated, etc.), it shall be repaired by cutting a patch to fit over the damaged area. The patch shall be obtained from a new GCL roll and shall be cut to size such that a minimum overlap of 12 inches IS achieved around all of the damaged area. Dry bentonite or bentomte mastic shall be applied around the damaged area prior to placement of the patch. The geosynthetic installer shall afftx the patch with an adhesive to prevent displacement during geomembrane placement. 8-05.7(2) Geomembrane 8-05.7(2)A Packaging, Labeling, Shipping, Storage, and Handling Each roll of geomembrane shall be uniquely marked by the manufacturer identifying the roll number and date of manufacture. Labels on each roll shall identify the material, roll number, thickness of the material, the length and width of the roll, and manufacturer. The geomembrane rolls shall be stored elevated on a smooth, flat, non abrasive surface, and stacked no more than two high. The Contractor shall protect the geomembrane rolls at all times from dirt, grease, moisture, heat, and any cause of damage. The Contractor shall replace geomembrane damaged by any means at the Contractor's expense, including wind damage at any time. 8-05.7(2)B Installation Installauon shall be performed under the constant direction of a single master seamer who shall remain on-SIte at all times during the installation and be in responsible charge for all geomembrane installation, including panel layout, seaming, patching, testing, and all other activities associated with the installation. Prior to placing geomembrane over sections of the GCL, the master seamer shall certify m writmg that the receiving surface is acceptable. It shall be the responsibIlity of the Contractor to prepare and keep the receiving surfaces in acceptable conditIon until complete installation of the geomembrane is accomplished. A temporary geosynthetic covering known as a slip sheet or rub sheet should be used to minimize friction during placement and to allow the textured geomembrane to be more easily moved into its final position. The Contractor shall excavate and backfill the anchor trenches for the geosynthetics as shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall excavate the existing geomembrane edges for connection. Any damage caused by the Contractor during excavation shall be repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. Geomembrane deployment shall proceed when liner temperatures are between 32 degrees F to 170 degrees F as measured by an infrared thermometer or thermocouple. Contractor shall have one operating temperature device on-site during the deployment and installation of the geomembrane and shall document the temperature every two hours. Placement can proceed below 32 degrees F or above 170 degrees F only after it has been verified by the Engineer that the material can be seamed according to the specification. Geomembrane placement or seaming shall not be done during any precipitation, in the presence of excessive moisture (e.g., fog, rain, dew), during dusty periods or In the presence of excessive winds. The geomembrane shall be installed to the limits indicated on the Plans. The geomembrane shall be placed in such a manner to minimize field seaming. The geomembrane shall be installed such that field seams run 10ngitudinaIIy down slopes steeper than 10 percent. The Contractor shall provide temporary wind anchorage during geomembrane instalIation. Only geomembrane panels for each day's field seammg shall be spread each day. The ends of geomembrane installed each day shall be buried in an anchor trench or covered with soil. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Lflndjill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents SP-47 235-2191"()15 (01104) March 2007 . As geomembrane materials are unrolled, the Contractor shall perform further VIsual inspection of the geomembrane surface. If damage or faults not previously observed are discovered, they shall be clearly marked and repaired. All rips, tears, puncture, or other injuries to the geomembrane shall be repaired as required in Section 8-05.7(2)D. The Contractor shall note ifthe texturmg IS or is not consistent across the sheet and if the texturing is not conSIstent with the sample submitted for friction angle analysis. All seams shall be made by extrusion or fusion welding, including seams between the new top liner geomembrane and the existmg bottom liner (60-mil HDPE). The completed joints shall have a minimum bonded seam strength in shear of 70 pounds per inch and in peel of 60 pOlUlds per inch when tested in accordance with ASTM D6392. The seam shall also fail as a film tear bond. Incursion shall not exceed 50 percent of the welded area. All polyethylene seams shall be fusion welded using double wedge welding techniques separated by an air space. The Contractor shall use only welding apparatus on which proper control of extrudate or wedge temperature, apparatus pressure, welding speed, width of weld, and sheet preheating temperature can be maintained. The seams shall have edges that are at least 1/2 inch wide to allow for testing. The Contractor will verify that the welding apparatus meets these requirements. Fusion field seams shall be made by overlapping adjacent sheets a minunum of 3 inches and fonning a double welded seam separated by an air space. Fusion field seams shall be produced by a double hot shoe welder capable of maintaining a recordable temperature. Extrusion welds will be made by overlapping adjacent sheets a minimum of 3 inches and extruding a ribbon of hot fusion joint material no less than 1 inch in WIdth between the overlapped sheets or over the seams between the lapped sheets, as required. Extrusion weld material shall be ofthe same material as the geomembrane. The surface of the geomembrane liner sheet shall be roughened by an acceptable means no more than 15 minutes before extrudate IS placed between overlapping sheet or over the lapped seam. ExceSSIve grinding resulting in grooving of the liner or reducing the liner thickness greater than 10 percent shall not be pennitted. . No geomembrane shall be covered until all inspections, field tests, repairs, and the geomembrane survey are satIsfactorily completed. Where the installer's or Engineer's laboratory tests indicate a failure for a destructIve test, the seam shall be repaired as required in Section 8-05.7(2)D. The geomembrane installer shall prepare record drawings of the completed geomembrane panel layout. The record drawings will detail and show dimensions and location of each panel, geomembrane penetration, destructive test locabon, and repairs. The record drawmgs will also include any changes to the geomembrane details on the Plans. 8-0S.7(2)C Geomembrane Quality Control Testing Quality control testing of the geomembrane seams shall be performed by the installer and shall include qualification test seams, nondestructive seam testing, and destructive seam testing The installer shall have on-site a certified tensiometer to test seam samples in peel and shear. All samples shall be cut with a die cutter. Qualification Test Seams. Field test seams shall be conducted on the geomembrane to verify that seaming conditions are satisfactory. Test seams shall be conducted for each crew at the beginning of each seaming period, at the Engineer's discretion, and at least once each 4 hours, or 40 minutes if idle, for each seaming apparatus used. Cily af Pori Angeles Pori Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Documents SP-48 235-2191-0/5 (01104) March 2007 . . All test seams shall be made at a location in the area of the anticipated seaming and in contact with the subgrade. The test seam samples shall be as long as necessary for the wedge weld to go through one temperature cycle for hot shoe welding and for extrusion welding with the seam centered lengthwise. Specimens 1 inch wide shall be cut from each end and the middle (lowest temperature of welder) of the test seam WIth a die cutter at locations identified by the Engineer. The installer shall supply and use the on-site certified tensiometer to test these specimens for shear and peel. If a test specimen fails to meet field seam specifications, the seaming apparatus and seamer shall not be accepted and shall not be used for seaming until the deficiencies are corrected and two consecutive successful full test seams are achieved. Nondestructive Seam Testing. The installer shall nondestructively test all field seams with a air channel pressure testing (double fusIon seams only), vacuum box or air pressure testing (for double fusion seams only), and/or spark test over their full length in accordance with GRI Test Method GM6 and ASTM D5641. Air Channel Pressure Test. Air pressure testing for double-fusion seams shall be performed in-place of vacuum box tests. The following procedures shall be followed by the installer to perform air pressure testing: 1. Seal both ends of the seam to be tested. 2. . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Insert needle or other approved pressure feed device into the tunnel created by the double wedge fusion weld. Energize the air pump to a pressure between 30 and 32 psi, close valve, and sustain pressure for a minimum of 5 minutes. If loss of pressure exceeds 4 psi, or pressure does not stabilize, locate faulty area, repair, and retest. Relieve pressure at end opposite pressure gauge to check for continuity of air channel. Remove needle or other approved pressure feed device and seal holes with an extrusion weld. Results of the pressure testing shall be recorded on the geomembrane at the seam tested with the date tested, times of the test, the name of the technician performing the test, and the results of the test Vacuum Box Test. The followmg procedures shall apply to locations where seams cannot be nondestructively tested or for extrusion welded seams, as determined by the Engineer: 1. Equipment for testing extrusion seams shall be comprised of but not hmited to: a vacuum box assembly consisting of a rigid housing, a transparent viewing wmdow, a soft rubber gasket attached to the base, port hole or valve assembly and a vacuum gauge: a vacuum pump assembly equipped with a pressure controller and pIpe connections; a rubber pressure/vacuum hose with fittings and connections; a plastic bucket; wide pamt brush or mop; and a soapy solution. 2. The vacuum pump shall be charged and the tank pressure adjusted to approximately 5 pSIg. 3. The Installer shall create a leak tight seal between the gasket and geomembrane interface by wetting a strIp of geomembrane approxlfnately 12 inches by 48 inches (or length and width of box) with a soapy solution, placing the box over the wetted area, and then compressing the box against the geomembrane. The Installer shall then close the bleed valve, open the vacuum valve, . City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract DoCllmeJlts SP-49 235-2191-015 (0//04) March 2007 . and maintain initial pressure of approximately 5 psig for approximately 5 seconds. The geomembrane should be continuously examined through the viewing window for the presence of soap bubbles, indicating a leak. Ifno bubbles appear after 5 seconds, the area shall be considered leak free. The box shall be depressurized and moved over the next adjoining area with a 6-inch overlap and the process repeated. 4. All areas where soap bubbles appear shall be marked, repaired, and then retested. CQA Engineer shall be notified of all failures. 5. At locations where seams cannot be nondestructively tested, such as pipe penetrations, nondestructive spark testing shall be substituted. 6. All seams that are vacuum tested shall be marked with the date tested, the name of the technician performing the test and the results of the test. Spark Test. The following procedures shall apply to locations where both air pressure testing and vacuum testing are not possible such as pipe penetrations, as determined by the Engineer: 1. Equipment for spark testing shall be comprised of; but not limited to, a hand held holiday spark tester and conductive wand that generates a high voltage. 2. The testing activities shall be performed by the Installer by placing an electrically conductive tape or wire beneath the seam prior to welding. A trial seam containing a nonweld segment shaH be subject to a calibration test to ensure that such a defect (nonwelded segment) will be identified under the planned machine settings and procedures. Upon completion of the weld, enable the spark tester and hold 1 inch above the weld moving slowly over the entire length of the weld in accordance with ASTM 6365. If there is no spark the area is considered to be leak free. . 3. A spark indicates a hole in the seam. The faulty area shall be located, repaired, and retested by the Installer. 4. Care should be taken if flammable gases such as landfill gas are present in the area to be tested. Destructive Seam Testing. The installer shall provide the Engineer with a minimum of one destructive test sample per 500 feet of seam length from a location specified by the Engineer. The installer shall not be informed in advance of the sample location. Patches will be destructively tested daily by removal of destructive test sample or coupons. Sample Procedure. In order to obtain test results prior to completion of liner installation, samples shall be cut by the installer as the seaming progresses. Sampling tunes and locatIons shall be determmed by the Engineer. The Engineer must witness the obtainment of all test samples and the installer shall mark all samples with the date, time, location, panels, and seam number. The information must be on each sample portion. All holes in the geomembrane resulting from obtaining the seam samples shall be repaIred. All patches shall be vacuum tested. Size and Disposition of Samples. The samples shall be 12 inches wide by 36 inches long and the seam centered lengthwise. The sample shall be cut into two equal length pieces, with one piece given to the Engineer, and one piece retamed by the installer for destructive testing on-site. City of Port Angeles Port Allgeles umdfi// Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Colltract Doctlments SP-50 235-1191-015 (01/04) March 2007 . . . . Testing. The installer shall cut ten l-inch-wide replicate specimens from his sample. The installer shall test five speCImens for shear strength and five for peel strength in accordance with AS1M D6392. The installer shall have the required certified eqUIpment on-site in order to perform the above mentioned tests. To be acceptable, all five replicate test specimens must meet the seam requirements specified in Section 8-05.5(2)B. Results of all field testing shall be supplied to the Engineer, in written form, at the end of each working day. The Engineer will test each seam sample after the installer's testing has shown the sample meets the specification requirements. The Engineer's testing shall be the test that accepts the sample as conforming to the specifications or not. The Contractor shall allow three working days for the Engineer to obtain test results after submittal of the samples. Covering of the geomembrane prior to receiving test results and approval for covering shall be at the Contractor's risk and sole expense. Procedures for Destructive Test Failure. The following procedures shall apply whenever a sample fails a test: 1. The installer shall reconstruct the seam between the failed location and any passed test location. 2. The installer can retrace the welding path to an intermediate location (at a minimum of 10 feet from the location of the failed test), at the Engineer's discretion, and take a sample for an additional destructive test. If this test passes, then the seam shall be reconstructed between that location and the original failed location. This procedure shall be performed on both sides of the faded test location. If the test fails, then the process is repeated. 3. Over the length of seam failure, the instaUer shall either cut out the old seam, reposition the panel, and reseam, or add a cap strip. 4. After reseaming or placement of the cap strip, full non destmctive testing shall be completed. Also, additional destructive field testes) may be taken within the reseamed area. litest results are not acceptable, this process shall be repeated until the reseamed length is judged satisfactory by the Engineer. In the event that a sample, including a sample supplied to the Engineer and tested at an independent geosynthetics laboratory, fails a destructive test, then the above procedures shall be followed, considenng the failed test exclusively. 8-05.7(2)D Geomembrane Repairs All seams and nauseam areas of the geomembrane shall be inspected by the installer and Engineer for defects, holes, blisters, undispersed raw materials, and any sign of damage or contamination by foreign matter. Because light reflected by the geomembrane helps to detect defects, the surface of the geomembrane shall be clean at the time of inspection. The geomembrane surface shall be brushed, blown, or cleaned with a mOlst cloth by the installer if the amount of dust or mud mhibits inspection. The Engineer shall decide if cleaning of the geomembrane is needed to facilitate inspection. I. Evaluation: a. Each suspect location in seam and non seam areas shall be nondestructively tested as appropriate in the presence of the Engineer. Each location that fails the nondestructive testing shall be marked by the installer and repaired accordingly. City oj Pori Angeles Po/'! Angeles Landfill Closllre 2007 - Project No. 06-21 Contract DocllmeJ/ts SP-51 23j-219/"(}/ j (0/104) Mm'ch 1007 . 2. Repair Procedures: a. Defective seams shall have the old seam cut out, reposition the panel, and reseam or add a cap as described in these specifications. Rewelding over failed seams shall not be allowed. b. Small holes and scratches in polyethylene shall be reparred by extrusion cap welding. The area to be repaired shall be ground prior to welding as specified m Section 8-05.7(2)B. If the hole is larger than 1/4 inch, it shall be patched. c. Tears shall be repaired by patching. The tear must be rounded pTlOf to patching. d. Blisters, large holes, undispersed raw materials, and contamination by foreign matter shall be repaired by patches. e. Surfaces of the geomembrane, which are to be patched, shall be abraded and cleaned no more than 15 minutes prior to the repair. No more than 10 percent of the lmer's thickness shall be removed. f. Patches shall be round or oval in shape, made of the same geomembrane, and extend a minimum of 6 inches beyond the edge of defects. All patches shall be of the same compound and thickness as the geomembrane specified. All patches to be extrusion welded shall have their top edge beveled with an angle grinder pnor to placement on the geomembrane. Patches shall be applied using approved seaming methods only. g. Wnnkles, which may become folds during placement of material above the geomembrane, shall be repaired by cutting away the excess material and repainng as required above. No folding in the geomembrane is allowed. No spanning over voids in the subgrade by the geomembrane is allowed. . 8.05.7(3) Geocomposite Drainage Layer 8.05.7(3)A Packaging, Labeling, Shipping, Storage, and Handling Each roll of geocomposite drainage layer shall be uniquely marked by the manufacturer/fabricator identifYing the roll number and dates of manufacture/fabrication. Labels on each roll shall identifY the material, roll number, the length and width ofroll, and the manufacturer and fabncator. The geocomposite drainage layer rolls shall be stored on a smooth, flat, nonabrasive surface, and stacked no more than three high. The Contractor shall protect the geocomposite drainage layer rolls at all times from dirt, grease, moisture, heat, sunlight, and any cause of damage. The geocomposite drainage layer rolls shall be left in their protective wrapping from the fabricator until deployed. The Contractor shaH replace the geocomposite drainage layer damaged by any means at the Contractor's sole expense, including wind damage at any time. 8-05.7(3)B Installation The geocomposite drainage layer shall be mstalled over the geomembrane after acceptance of the geomembrane installation by the Installer and the Engineer, and geosynthetic survey by the Contractor. City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract Docrunents SP-52 235-2191-015 (01104) Marcil 2007 . . . . Geocomposlte drainage layer that has defects, ribs, holes, flaws, deterioration, or damage incurred during manufacture, transportation, or storage shall be rejected. The geocomposite drainage layer shall be inspected for these flaws, as well as blisters and unbonded areas prior to acceptance. Sections of geocomposite with unbonded areas constituting 15 percent or greater of the total area across a roll section shall be rejected. The surface to receive geocomposite drainage layer shall be free from dust, dirt, stones, and any other objects or debris. The smface shall be free of wrinkles. The geocomposite drainage layer shall be installed as shown on the Plans. When installed on slopes steeper than 10 percent, longitudinal seams shall run down the slope. When the geocomposite drainage layer is placed on the texture geomembrane, the geocomposite drainage layer shall not be moved or realigned. A slip-sheet shall be used when moving the geocomposite drainage layer into place. Adjoining sections of geocomposite drainage layer shall have no more than 1/4-inch gap between the edges of the net structure on each piece and shall be fastened every 10 feet of seam with plastic ties approved by the geonet manufacturer and the Engineer. All seams shall have the upper geotextile sewn in a prayer seam along the entire length of seam by a locking stItch method approved by the geotextile manufacturer. No gaps shall be left m the sewn seam. The geotextile can be heat bonded, provided seam strength is greater than 80 percent of the parent material strength as demonstrated by laboratory testing. The Contractor shall not operate equipment or vehicles of any kind on the geocomposite drainage layer. Any damaged sections of geocomposite drainage layer caused by wind, weather, Contractor's activities, or any other means, shall be repaired or replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. Liner cover layer shall be placed over the installed sections of geocomposlte drainage layer only after written approval of the geocomposite drainage layer installation by the Installer and the Engineer, and acceptance of the geosynthetic survey. Geocomposite drainage layer shall be covered by soil within 28 days of installation. Repairs shall be made by cutting out damaged areas, in rectangular shapes, and replacing with new material. Seaming shall be as required above with a minimum of one tie on each SIde of the patch. 8..05.8 Warranty The installer of the GCL, geomembrane, and geocomposite drainage layer materials and aSSOCIated appurtenances shall warrant his worlananship to be free of defects on a non-pro-rata basis for two years. After acceptance of the work by the Owner, the installer shall provide all warranty work and associated costs required by the Owner at the Contractor's sole expense. The installer shall also obtain and furnish the Owner a warranty from the GCL, geomembrane, and geocomposite drainage layer manufacturers for the materials used. The material warranty for the GCL, geomembrane, and geocomposite drainage layer shall be for defects or failure of the material for 5 years after final acceptance of the work by the Owner on a pro-rata basis. 8-05.9 Measurement "Geosynthetic Clay Liner", "40-mil LLDPE Geomembrane", and "Geocomposite Drainage Layer", shall be measured by the square yard based on the horizontal area placed ("plan area") within the limits of the final cover system shown on the plans or as allowed by the Engineer. No adjustment for slope or overlaps Wlll be made. City of Port Angeles Pori Angeles Lnndfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Docrnmmts SP-53 235-2191-015 (01/04) March 2007 . 8-05.10 Payment "Geosynthetic Clay Liner", "40-mil LLDPE Geomembrane", and "Geocomposite Drainage Layer," shall be paid by the square yard. The urnt contract price per square yard shall be full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, and material needed to furnish and install in place the matenal, includmg seaming, testing, welding, overlaps, flaps, penetrations, reporting, surveying, and reparring as needed in accordance with these Specifications. Geosynthetic testing shall be incidental to the unit prices listed in this sectIon. 8-15 RIPRAP 8-15.3 Constrnction Requirements 8-15.3(6) Quarry Spans Section 8-15 .3(6) is replaced with the following: Quarry spalls shall be placed in ditches to be protected in accordance with the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Care shall be taken when placing the quarry spalls so that no damage is incurred to the underlying geotextile, pipe, geocomposite, and geomembrane. Quarry spalls shall also be used to construct stabilized Construction Entrances and Rock Check Darns in accordance with the Plans. 8-15.4 Measurement Section 8-15.4 is supplemented with the following: . Quarry spalls required for the project, including for ditch lining, rock check dams, and stabilized Construction Entrance, shall be measured per ton of spalls actually placed. 8-15.5 Payment Section 8-15.5 is replaced with the following: "Quarry Spalls", per ton shall be full pay for material and placement in accordance with the Plans. END OF DIVISION 8 City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 20W - Project No. 06-22 Col/tract Documents SP-54 235-2191-015(01/04) March 2007 . . DIVISION 9 MATERIALS 9-03 9-03.10 AGGREGATES Aggregate for Gravel Base Section 9-03.10 is supplemented with the following: Material in the North Stockpile shall be used for Gravel Base. 9-03 AGGREGATES 9-03.22 Drain Rock New Section Drain rock for smrounding the horizontal gas trenches perforated HDPE pipe shall be subrounded or rounded, non-crushed rock containing no organic matter, anhydrite, gypsum, mica, calcareous matenal, or other deleterious material and shall conform to the following Section 9-03.1(4)C, AASHTO Grading No. 57 requirements: Percent Passing SIeve Size Min. Max. 1-112/1 square 100 . 1 n square 95 100 1/2" square 25 60 U.S. No.4 0 10 U.S. No.8 0 5 U.S. No. 200 0 0 9-05 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, CULVERTS, AND CONDillTS 9-05.21 BDPE Pipe and Fittings New Section Pipe and fittings used for the landfill gas and condensate piping system, unless otherwise designated on the Plans, shall be High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe conforming to the following specifications: 1. Pipe sizmg shall be in accordance with ASTM F714 and ASlM D3035 and conform to the nominal pIpe sizes as shown on the Plans. 2. The pipe shall be made from Premium High Density Polyethylene resin qualified as Type ill, Category 5, Class C, GradeP34 in AS1M D1248. 3. This material shall have a compressive yield strength of 1,600 psi when tested and analyzed by ASTM D695. This material shall have tensile yield strength of 3,200 psi when tested and analyzed by ASTM D638. . The HDPE pipe and fittings shall have a Standard DimenslOn Ratio (SDR) as follows: 1. All 3-inch piping shall be solid wall and have a minimum SDR of 11. All fittings shall be molded. City of Port Allgeleii Port Angeles Landfill Qo.mre 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contract DoaJnlent:; SP-55 235-219/-Q/5 (01/04) March 2007 . 2. AIl 6-inch horizontal gas trench piping shall have a minimum SDR of 11. All fittings shall be molded. The perforation shall be shop fabricated and have basic configuration and dimensIOns as follows: four 114-inch-diameter holes, offset 90 degrees, every 5 feet on-center. The pipe shall contain no recycled compound except that generated on the manufacturer's own plant from resin of the same specifications from the same raw suppher. The HDPE pipe shall be homogenous throughout and free from visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or other injurious defects. The pipe shall be uniform in color, opacity, density, and other physical propertIes. The following information shall be continuously marked on the pipe or spaced at intervals not exceeding 5 feet: 1. Name and/or trademark of the pipe manufacturer. 2. Nominal pipe size. 3. SDR. 4. PE 3408. 5. Manufacturing Standard Reference. 6. A production code from which the date and place of manufacture can be determined. . All HDPE pipe and fittings shall be thermal butt-fused. No repair couplings shall be allowed. Polyethylene compound shall be protected against ultra-violet degradation by carbon black ill concentratIOn of not less than 2 percent. Flanges shall consist of a polyethylene flange adapter (nbbed-face) fused to each stub-out of pipe, with a hot-dipped galvanized fmish backup ring (Class 150# ANSI B 16.5). Flange bolts shall conform to material requirements of ASTM A307 Grade B WIth ANSI BI8.2.1 standard hex head pattern, ANSI B 1.1 coarse thread, Class 2 fit. Nuts shall meet the requirements of ASTM A307, ANSIBI8.2.2 standard hex head pattern ANSI B 1.1 coarse thread and have a Class 2B fit. Flat washers shall be proVided with each nut for protectIon of flanges. AIl bolting materials shall be hot-dipped galvanized per ASTM A153. Gaskets shall be full-faced, lI8-inch thick neoprene for HDPE to HDPE, and HDPE to steel applications. 9-05.22 Slip Couplers New Section The slip coupler assembly shall consist of all components required to provide a positive seal between two concentric pieces of HDPE pipe while allowing for longitudinal movement of the smaller pipe within the larger pipe. Components may include, but are not limited to flange adapters, backing rings, shp coupler split flange body, gasket matena], confining strap, and bolts. The fittmgs shall allow free movement of smaller pipe mside larger pipe, without hmit except as constrained by pipmg configuratIon, without Joss of pressure or vacuum. Clly of Port Angeles Pon Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 Contmct Documents SP-56 235-Zl91-015 (01104) March 2007 . . . . The fittings shall meet all pressure requirements for adjoining sections ofHDPE pipe. The slip coupler shall consist of an integral unit in which the smaller pipe is held m place by a split flange designed to allow assembly and disassembly of the unit from one side of the pipe. Pressure or vacuum with the pipe shall be maintained by confining the smaller pipe with an elastomeric a-ring gasket held in place by the split flange. Pressure shall be transmitted to the a-ring material through the split-flange body by a tensioned confining strap around the circumference of the split flange. Confining strap and all other metal parts of the expansion/contraction coupler shall be constructed from 304 stainless steel. Slip Coupler shall be EC Coupler, as manufactured by Ferguson Industrial Plastics DIvision, www.hdpe.com. 1-800-634-5082, or approved alternate. 9-14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING 9-14.1 Soil 9-14.1(1} Topsoil Type A Section 9-14.1(1) is supplemented with the following: Topsoil shall be manufactured onsite using SOlI from the south on-site borrow stockpile and compost and green waste provided by the Owner. The topsoil mix shall conSIst of seven (1) parts soil to one (1) part compost (by volume) and one (1) part shredded green waste. Rocks greater than 3 inches shall be removed from the stockpiled soil by screening. No additional sod supplements are requITed to complete the topsoil mix. 9-14.2 Seed Section 9-14.2 is supplemented with the following: Seed for all slopes shall be grass seed of the following composition, proportion, and quality, applied at the rate of 120 pounds per acre on all areas requiring seeding within the project: Minimum Minimum Kind and Variety Percent by Percent Percent of Seed in Mixtnre Weil!ht Pure Seed Germination Annual Rye (tolicum mulf1orum) 40 39.20 90 Tall Fescue, Dwarf (One of the following: Crossfire 2, Gauridian, Shortstop 2, or Mic-18) 40 38.80 80 Subterranean Clover (inoculated) 20 19.20 90 Weed Seed 0.50 max. Inert and Other Crop 1.50 max. TOTAL: 100% 100% City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contrad DoClllllenrs SP-57 235-2/9/-015 (0]104) March 2007 9-14.4 9-14.4(2) . Mulch and Amendments Wood Cellulose Fiber Section 9-14.4(2) is supplemented with the following: Mulch: Wood cellulose fiber mulch for hydroseeding shall be applied at a rate of 2,000 pounds per acre. 9-30 9-30.3 9-30.3(1) WATER DISTRIBUTION MATERIALS Valves Gate Valves (3 inches to 16 inches) Replace tlus Section with the followmg: Gates valves shall meet the requirements of ASTM A351 CF8MA. The gate valves for the landfill gas system's monitoring runs shall be 3-inch flanged stainless steel gate valves, rated for full vacuum service. The valves shall be Class 150 and designed in accordance with ANSI B16.34 with an outside screw and yoke, rising stem, and solid wedge disc. The valves may be standard threaded type equipped with flanges and short nipple fittings of the same material as the valve. 9-30.6 Gate valves shall be Fluid Controls GT15F type or approved equal. Water Service Connections . 9-30.6(7) Meter Boxes Replace this section with the following: Meter boxes and covers located within the landfill shall be constructed of high density polyethylene. HDPE meter boxes and covers shall have a tensile strength confonning to ASTM D638. Meter box covers shall include a reading lid. Meter boxes shall be Series 1730 and manufactured by Carson Industries, Inc. or approved equal. 9-33 9-33.1 CONSTRUCTION GEOTEXTILE Section 9-33.1 is supplemented with the following: Geosynthetic Material Requirements The Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM) to be used in the West Ditch or other locations indIcated on the plans shall be a Permanent Geosynthetic Turf Reinforcement Mat manufactured for the purpose of permanent channel lining and turf reinforcement. The TRM shall be a three-dimensiOnal matrix and maintain the three dimenslOnal stability WIthOut laminated or stltched layers. It shall have a minimum 90 percent open space available for soil and root mteraction. The TRM shall exhibIt no buoyance factor so as to allow the TRM to maintain intimate contact Wlth the soil under low flow conditlons. City a/Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closllre 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract Doc/lments SP-58 235-2191-015 (01104) March 2007 . . The TRM shall meet the following minimum requirements: , Property Test Method Units Value Mass/Unit Area ASTM D5261 Oz/yd2 8.0 Thickness ASTM D5199 fuches 0.4 Tensile Strength ASTM D5035 Lb/ft 160 UV Stability ASTM D1682 % 80 Flow Velocity Ftlsec 15 Anchoring devices shall be used to secure the TRM and shall be U-shaped and a minimum of 6 inches long and 1-112 inches wide. Installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 9-33.4 Geosynthetic Approval and Acceptance 9~33.4(5) Approval of Seams . Section 9-33.4(5) is supplemented with the following: All seams shall be sewn and the sewn seams shall meet 80 percent of the parent fabric tensile strength. 9~36 SOILS NEW SECTION 9-36.1 Cover Soil Cover soil shall consist of approved gravel, sand, silt, and clay materials processed and blended or natma11y combined from the onsite stockpiles. Material shall be well graded, durable and sound, free from lumps and balls of clay, organic matter, objectionable coatIngs, and other foreign or deleterious materIals. Material shall have a maximum partIcle size of 4 inches. Oversize rock shall be removed by screening as directed by the Engineer. 9-36.2 Base Soil The base soil shall be from the south on-site soil stockpile. Base soil shall consist of soil that has a maxImum partIcle size of 4 mches, is well graded, and can be compacted to a smooth dense surface suitable for the overlying GeL. Oversize rock can be removed by hand picking or screening. The Contractor shall use soil from the south stockpile as directed by the Engineer for base soil. . City afPort Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Cla:!lfIre 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Cammct DocullleJlts SP-59 235-2/9J-<)15 (01/04) March 2007 . 9-37 GEOSYNTHETICS FOR GAS SYSTEM NEW SECTION 9-37.1 Geotextile The geotextile for the honzontal gas trenches shall be nonwoven and consist of polymenc fibers or filaments composed of polypropylene or polyester. The fibers and filaments shall be oriented IDto a stable network whereby they retain their positions relative with each other. Geotextile shall be free of any chemical treatment or coating which reduces permeability, be inert to chemicals commonly found ill soil, and shall be mildew resistant. The geotextiles shall be guaranteed needle free by the manufacturer. The geotextile shall conform to the following minimum average roll value for the physical properties (in each principal direction): Type 1 Type 2 Property Test Method Value Value Mass per Unit Area (ozlsy) ASTM D526l 7.0 8.0 Tensile Strength (lbs) ASTM D4632 180 200 Elongation (%) ASTM 04632 50 50 Puncture Strength (lbs) ASTM D4833 95 125 Trapezoidal Tear Strength (Ibs) ASTM D4533 75 - Flow Rate (gpmlsq. ft) ASTM D4491 80 - Apparent Opening Size (AOS) (US Std Sieve) ASlMD4751 70 - . The geotextile shall be furnished in a protective wrapping to protect it from ultraviolet radiation and from damage due to shipping and handling. 9-38 GEOSYNTHETICSFORCOVERSYSTEM NEW SECTION 9-38.1 Geosynthetic Clay Liner The materials supplied under these specifications shall be first-quahty products designed and manufactured specifically for the purposes of this work, and have been satisfactorily demonstrated by prior use to be suitable and durable for such purposes. The materials shall be specifically compounded and mined of high-quality ingredients to produce a dimensionally stable, durable, and watertight liner. The GeL shall consist of a layer of natural sodIUm bentonite clay encapsulated between two mechanically connected geotextIles and shall comply WIth all criteria in this specification. The minimum acceptable dimension of full-sized GCL panels shall be 150 feet in length and 13 feet in width. Short rolls shall not be accepted for this project. City oj PorI Angeles PorI Angeles lAndfill Closure 2007 - Projecl No. 06-22 Con/roet DocumeJ/ts SP-60 235-2191-015 (01104) Marcil 2007 . . . . The GCL shall have the following minimum values as determined by the test methods: Property Test Method Value Grab Strength (lbs.) ASTM D4632 150 Peel Strength (lbs.) ASTM 04632 15 Bentonite Mass/Unit Area (lb./ft.2) ASTM D5993 0.75 Flux (m3/m2) ASTM D5887 1x10-8 Hydraulic ConductIvity (cm/s) ASTM D5887 5xl0.9 Swell Index (ml/2g) ASTM D5890 24 Internal Shear Strength (reinforced) (pst) ASTM D5321 500 Fluid Loss (m!) ASTM D5891 18 9-38.2 Geomembrane: Textured 40-Mil LLDPE The materials supplted under these specifications shall be new and first quality products designed and manufactured specifically for the purposes of this work, which have been satisfactorily demonstrated by prior use to be suitable and durable for such purposes. The geomembrane rolls shall be seamless, LLDPE (Density 0.939 g/cm) containing no plasticizers fillers, or extenders, and shall be free of holes, blisters or resin contaminants, and leak free verified by 100 percent in-line spark or equivalent testing. The geomembrane shall be supplied as a continuous sheet WIth no factory seams in rolls. The resultant membranes shall be free from dirt, oil, foreign matter, scratches, cracks, creases, bubbles, pits, tears, holes, pinholes, or other defects. The LLDPE lining material shall be manufactured into roll panels to conform to submitted and reviewed fabrication drawmgs. These drawings shall be submitted in accordance with Sections 1-06. The double-sided textured hnear low-density (LLDPE) geomembrane shall be unifonnIy textured on both sides. The LLDPE geomembrane shall have the followmg physical properties as determined by test method: Textured Property Test Method LLDPE Value Thickness (mils min. avg.) ASTM D5199 for 40 . Lowest mdividual of 10 values smooth and Nom. (-5%) . Lowest individual for 8 oflO values ASTM D5994 for -10% Lowest individual for 10 of 10 values textured -15% . Aspenty Hetght (mil) GM12 10(1) Density (gIcc, min. avg.) ASTM D 1505/D792 .939 City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closllre 2007 - Project No. 06.22 Contract Documents SP.61 135-2/91-015 (01104) March 2007 . Textured Property Test Method LLDPE Value Minimum Tensile Properties (each direction) (min. avg.) ASTM D638 . Tensile Strength at Break (lb/in width) (Type IV) 60 . Elongation at Break (%) 250 Puncture Resistance (min. avg.) (lbs) ASTM D4833 44 Tear Resistance (lbs, min.) ASTM Dl 004 22 Oxidative Induction Time (OlT) (min. avg.) . Standard Off or ASTM D3895 100 . High Pressure OlT ASTM D5885 400 Carbon Black Content (percent allowable range) ASTM D1603 2-3 Carbon Black Dispersion ASTM D5596 (Attachment) See Note 2 (1) Minimum average height. Actual height WIll be determmed by Interface fnctlon testing for tlus project. (2) Carbon black dispersion (only near spherical agglomerates) for ten dIfferent vIews (nine in Categories I or 2 and one in Category 3.) . Rolls shall be labeled such that it is possible to relate each roll with manufacturing quality control docmnentation and raw material documentahon. 9-38.3 Geocomposite The polymer used to manufacture the geonet shall be nonthermally degraded polyethylene, which is clean, and free of any foreign contaminates. The manufactured geonet shall conform to the property requirements listed below and shall be free of defects including tears, nodules or other manufacturing defects which may affect its serviceability. Property Test Method Requirements Polymer Density (g/cm3) minimwn ASTM D1505 0.940 Carbon Black Content (min. percent) ASTM D1603 2-3 Thickness (mil) minimum ASTM D5199 250 In Plane Flow Rate (gpmlft) minimum ASTMD4716 6.0 In Plane Flow Rate shall be measured using water at 68 degrees F with a gradIent of 0.1 under a normal pressure of 14.5 pounds per square inch. Geotextiles shall be attached to the geonet in the same configuration as will be used in the field for Transmissivity testing. The geocomposite shall be sandWlched between two (2) steel plates. A minimum seating period of 24 hours shall be used. City ofPon Angeles Port Allgeles Landfill OoslIre 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Cammct DoclImellls SP-62 235-2191-015 (01/04) March 2007 . . . . The geonet shall be covered on both sides with a geotexttle that complies with the requirements specified in Section 9-36.4, and shall be a Type 1. A geocomposite shall be created by heat bonding geotextiles to the geonet with ply adhesion meetmg the requirements of ASTM D413. The bond between the geotexnle and the geonet shall exhibit minimum average ply adhesion of 1.5 pounds per inch. If a conformance test result for any coupon is less than 0.5 pound per inch, all rolls represented by this test shall be rejected. Unbonded area between the geotextile and geonet shall be no greater than 15 percent ofthe roll Width including edge flaps. 9-38.4 Geotextile Type 1 The geotextile shall be nonwoven and consist of polymeric fibers or filaments composed of polypropylene or polyester. The fibers and filaments shall be oriented into a stable network whereby they retain their positions relative with each other. Geotextile shall be free of any chemical treatment or coating which reduces permeability, be inert to chemicals commonly found in soil, and shall be mildew resistant The geotextiIes shall be guaranteed needle free by the manufacturer. The geotextiIe shall conform to the following minimum average roll value for the physical properties (in each principal direction) . Property Test Method Type 1 Value Mass per Unit Area (oz/sy) ASTM D5261 8.0 Tensile Strength (lbs) ASTM D4632 200 Elongation (percent) ASTM D4632 50 Puncture Strength (lbs) ASTM D4833 130 Trapezoidal Tear Strength (lbs) ASTMD4533 75 Flow Rate (gpmlsq. ft) ASTM 04491 110 Apparent Opening Size (AOS) (US Std Sieve) ASTM D475 1 80 The geotextiIe shall be furnished in a protective wrapping to protect it from ultraviolet radiation and from damage due to shipping and handling. END OF DIVISION 9 City of Port Angeles Port Angeles Landfill Closure 1007 - Project No. 06-22 Contract DOQllnents SP-63 235-2191-015 (01/04) MardI 2007 ~""I - . . <( x - c z w a.. a.. <( II) C') c ~ cv ~ C . e e .0 . o ~ eJ }jb ..", ;!x ! N '" 0- J .. " 6 REVISIONS ~ o ?; ;;, o ~ o VICINITY MAP ~ DATE DESIGNED G IIRNOT V STOCKMIIN BY H K APPROVED PORT ANGELES LANDFILL LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT NUMBER 06-22 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E. CITY ENGINEER: Gary W. Kenworthy, P.E. SOLID WASTE SUPERINTENDENT: Tom McCabe '" ,"". i',. ,\ :/. 'I ' . ,{ .; > ,,(.. \ Y.ft!V.'Dc 'iti ,.' :i:y\";~',~ ,,;:-:"": 'f' '~ PROJECT MANAGER: Mike Szatlocky, P.E. l ~ INDEX TO DRAWINGS DWG NO. SHT NO. SHEET TITLE 1 Gl COVER SHEET 2 G2 LEGEND, ABBREVIATIONS IIND NOTES 3 Cl DEMOLITION IIND EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN 4 C2 TEMPORIIRY EROSION 8< SEDIMENTIITION CONTROL PLAN 5 C3 FINAL EROSION 8< SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN 6 C4 TESC DEf"IILS /\NO NOTES 7 C5 GCL SUBGRIIDE PLAN 8 C6 SURFACE WATER AND IICCESS ROllO PLAN 9 C7 WIITER TREIITMENT PLANT - SITE GRIIDING PLAN 10 C8 COVER SECTIONS 11 C9 COVER SECTIONS IIND DETAILS 12 cIa DETAILS AND NOTES 13 Cll DETAILS AND NOTES 14 C12 DETIIILS AND NOTES 15 C13 LANDFILL GIIS SYSTEM PLAN 16 C14 GAS SYSTEM DETAILS 17 C15 GIIS SYSTEM DETAILS 18 C16 COVER SYSTEM PIIY LIMITS I TO HURRICIINE RIDGE LOCA nON MAP ~ I I ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE. IF NOT. SCALE ACCORDINGLY NA BR2191015POlT04G 01 No 235 2191-015 P01T04 DATE MIIRCH 2007 BID SET PROJECT NAME DRAWlNC NO 1 OF 18 CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ENGINeeRING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENces COVER SHEET G1 . . .Q . ~ o . w .. I .. " ~Y' ~~ ;!!1i i N 6. REVISIONS .... ~ ~ ~ " GENERAL NOTES: 1 ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST CURRENT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION PREPARED BY WSDOT AND APWA AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (PADPW) 2 ANY REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTED CONSTlRUCTlON PLANS SHALL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE PADPW PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD 3 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A SET OF THE ACCEPTED CONSTlRUCTlON DRAWINGS ON SITE AT ALL TIMES WHILE CONSTlRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS 4 IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTlRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FROM THE PADPW PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY WORK WITHIN CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY 5 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ADEQUATE TlRAFFIC CONTlROL AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTlRUCTION ALONGSIDE OR WITHIN ALL PUBLIC ROADWAYS AND ROADS USED BY THE PUBLIC TlRAFFIC FLOW ON EXISTING PUBLIC ROADWAYS INCLUDING ACCESS AND EGRESS FROM THE TlRANSFER STATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES, UNLESS PERMISSION IS OBTAINED FROM THE PADPW FOR ROAD CLOSURE AND/OR DETOURS 6 THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES ON THIS PLAN IS APPROXIMA TE ONLY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTlRACT THE "UNDERGROUND LOCATE" CENTER AT PH 1-800-424-5555, AND NON-SUBSCRIBING INDIVIDUAL UTILITY COMPANIES 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTlRUCTlON ACTIVITY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FOR PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES FROM DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE CONTlRACTOR'S OPERATIONS. UTILITIES IN THE WORK AREAS SHALL BE LOCATED AND MARKED IN THE FIELD BY A PRIVATE LOCATING CONTlRACTOR GRADING NOTES: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN THE EVENT OR DISCOVERY OF DISCREPANCIES IN THE EXISTING CONDITIONS AS NOTED ON THE PLANS 2 GRADING OVER THE GEOMEMBRANE SHALL BE CONDUCTED USING LOW GROUND PRESSURE EQUIPMENT EXERTING LESS THAN 7 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH GROUND PRESSURE LOW GROUND PRESSURE EQUIPMENT SHALL WEIGH LESS THAN 40,000 POUNDS EQUIPMENT THAT IS NOT LOW GROUND PRESSURE SHALL BE OPERA TED AT LEAST 3 FEET ABOVE THE GEOMEMBRANE ~ HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD 83/91 VERTICAL DATUM: NGVID 88 DETAIL AND SECTION DESIGNATION ~INDICATES DETAIL ~NUMBER 4 INDICATES DRAWING/SHEET WHERE DETAIL IS SHOWN ~INDICATES SECTION ~ LETTER 5 INDICATES DRAWING/SHEET WHERE SECTION IS ffi SHOWN ~DETAIL OR SECTION APPEARS ON THE SAME DRAWING/SHEET INDICATES SECTION LETTER l TYPICAL ~ SECTION IA\ NO SCALE 5 INDICATES DRAWING/SHEET J WHERE SECTION IS REFERRED TO ~ STANDARD DETAIL INDICATES DETAIL NUMBER l TYPICAL ~ DETAIL 11'\ NO SCALE 4 INDICATES DRAWING/SHEET J WHERE DETAIL IS REFERRED TO DATE DESIGNED G ARNDT V STOCKMAN K I I ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE IF NOT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY N M BR21 91 01 5POlT04G-01 JOB No 235 2191-015 POlT04 DATE MARCH 2007 8Y CH C D APPRO\lUl ABBREVIATIONS ACP ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT BMP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE CB CATCH BASIN CF CUBIC FEET CO ~ CPEP CSBC CSTC DIA OR III E EA ECB EL ELEV ESC FT OR F1LG GDL GCL GP H HDPE HYD IE LF LFG CLEAN OUT CENTERLINE CORRUGATED POLYETHELENE PIPE CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE DIAMETER EAST, EASTI NG EACH EROSION CONTROL BLANKET ELBOW ELEVATION EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL FEET FLANGE GEOSYNTHETIC DRAINAGE LAYER GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER GAS PROBE HORIZONTAL HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE HYDRANT INCHES INVERT ELEVATION LINEAR FEET LANDFILL GAS NPDES OC 7. NATlONAIl POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM ON CENTER PERCENT PAM POLYACRYLAMIDE PVC R RD SD T TO TESC TRM TYP V .W , W/ LLDPE LINEAL LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE MFA MH MAX MIN N MOLDED FLANGE ADAPTOR MANHOLE MAXIMUM MINIMUM NORTH, NORTHING 04 21 09 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RADIUS ROAD STORM DRAIN HORIZONTAL TRENCH TOE DRAIN TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTlROL TURF REINFORCING MAT TYPICAL VERTICAL WEST WITH ENGINEERING PlANNING ENYUIONMENTAL SOEHCES LEGEND - -- - -- EXISTING CONTOUR MINOR - - - 230 _ _ _ .' EXISTING CONTOUR MAJOR PROPOSED CONTOUR MINOR _250- PROPOSED CONTOUR MAJOR EXISTING GROUND SURFACE PROPOSED GRADE OUTLINE PROPOSED COVER SYSTEM LIMITS EXISTING LANDFILL LINER LIMITS EXISTING COVER SYSTEM LIMITS EXISTING Il DITCH NEW Il DITCH, SURFACE DRAINAGE DITCH I SUBSURFACE WATER COLLECTION FlAP OR UNDER DRAIN -X-l(- I EDGE OF GRAVEL EDGE OF ASPHAlT CHAIN LINK FENCE -o--a-a- SILT FENCE - - - - - - - - - EXISTING STOCKPILE STAGING AREA --\3----- SANITARY SEWER I ,r) STORM DRAIN -- - - .-- --- - POWER ., - WATER --c.-- LANDFIUl GAS _ ,) LEACHATE TlRANSFER PIPE EXISTING MANIFOLD PIPING VEGETATION TlREES QUARRY SPALL ACCESS ROAD STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE " " /" /~~, ..,}.(' ~..... }.~... ~) I~' ~;-:f'",; ).~;'i,,,;'j ~ DETAILS --GQ,~- PERMANENT GEOSYNTHETIC TRM GEOCOMPOSITE GEOMEMBRANE GEOTEXTILE GCL ORGANIC ECB EXISTING BOTTOM LINER HYDROSEED -ECB-ECB-ECB- ..lIlo1lU/... ..ol.WIL ~ PROJECT NAU[ CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON <,~ " /P-X @MW-X "GW-X Cl l:;, 6. = - \>~ :~ ), ." >.;.~ v > v--;.....- '" r-n-..( c 8. ~ V///////l I~":<~K>~,,<'~I ~~ ~>. ............i ~ ~ BID SET EXISTING GAS PROBE (GP-X) EXISTING LEACHATE GAS CONNECTION (LCO-X) EXISTING MANIFOLD ISOLATION VALVE EXISTING HORIZONTAl GAS TRENCH CONNECTION EXISTING 6" LEACHATE CLEAN OUT GAS PROBE MONITORING WELL GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LFG LATERAL SLIP REDUCER EXISTING LINE SIZE REDUCER (6"x3") ROCK CHECK DAMS WATTLES CLEANOUT SS MANHOLE CATCH BASIN SD MANHOLE FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER GATE VAlVE < POWER POLE POWER POLE W/lIGHT ILLUMINAlRE POWER VAULT EXISTING CULVERT PROPOSED CULVERT POST BENCHMARK GRAVEL BACKFILL COVER SOIL EXISTING GROUND BASE SOIL TOPSOIL QUARRY SPALLS DRAIN ROCK ORA'NING NO 2 OF 18 LEGEND, ABBREVIATIONS & NOTES G2 . ----- -, <: / ;.r-F"<" V~.~ "', GP-3 'Ii ,,;j"'i>:;"~,':"".-' -,~ --'--'-..: .r::/,Y'-; _ '-- ~~.~ - -, /",'//zj '. - _ '--'~"...: 107 ':~!f' < '> '. ,~. --:- --:'1-"': _gO 1://'/1 ,- '.' //'~' ! kit " ' I J / . ~;j f i ,~ !f'//; ,1 I, "~ " . ~ , \GW-3! . J 'I' I \ I I ~ ~ < , 1" . , ' / ',\ 1 . . ! .. \ ., / ~" GW-l i I I ! f ------,----- " ( ! SCALES AND : . SCALE HOUSE I ~/~.::,; / <- '/. (NOT IN USE);' /';(/""~'>>V/ ';' , /, d~ ;/' ,/ / : /,~ ''l~1 / /' ! /- i f /// /:-~'~'.\ : ""I~tJ' '>: ~ '>'\ / , \,:1 '\' / / i I ," \ /- : . I . Ii \ I ", ' ' , I ~,l \ '\ l_ ,_~ ", \ '. .1 'A'\" \. ~-~-,~::::-'-::'" !. \ "..,,~-~,..."-.-I'// ---1- " ,\' \ '.,4'",,/ <- "', h > /~ ;7-.-_ / I " , \: -- ~ ~-- " " / ~ // ~........... !j~":\~;>.\~~'~~'~.:..,':~'-'" />: " ' I ',.,~, _ /// :,...' , - -: '.:/:' ," '--" ~:<'''' --::::'-~'" /18TH STREET LANDFILL ~ ENTRANCE O' I::::. SURVEY CONTROL POINT # DESCRIPTION ELEVATION 107 HUB & PK NAIL 6' W OF HYD 13464 108 HUB & PK NAIL 4' N OF HYD 13400 1350 %" REBAR W/ ALUMINUM CAP 20127 19000 HUB & PK NAIL AT E EDGE OF RD 16860 19001 RR SPIKE AT W EDGE OF RD 19200 NORTHING EASTING . 42416262 985445 27 98491578 424208 41 423432 66 42298501 985248 98 98514461 '" o I NOTE SURVEY CONTROL WAS PROVIDED BY PARAMETRIX NOTES f;, /.) ! " ~! I' !:: ! I " ! jZ / 1 J X' IT] THERE WILL BE TRAFFIC ASSOCIATED WITH THE TRANSFER STATION, HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY, COMPOSTING FACILITY, AND FIRING RANGE. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL CONTINUOUSLY WHEN CIilNSTRUCTION ENCROACHES UPON AND/OR CROSSES TRAFFIC CONSTRUCTION FOR A SEAWALL WILL BE OCCURRING CONCURRENTLY WITH CLOSURE CONSTRUCTION COORDINATE WITH SEAWALL CONTRACTOR FOR USE OF NORTH STOCKPILE OFF ROAD EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT OPERATE ON ASPHALT PAVED ROADWAYS , SEDIMENTATION/ 3 SOUTH STOCKPILE CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA PROPERTY LINE " ", / / ' (...... ~..... '-,~... ... o I :i " << III ~ a: \l! '"........~-- '\ \ \ '" "- , << <> ~ . ~ . I o PLAN SCALE IN FEET 100 ,~ 200 COMPOST STOCKPILE. I """ ~1. ~~ CHECKE APPROVED BR2191015Pon04C-03 JOB No 235- 2191- 015 POn04 DATE MARCH 2007 BID SET E ~ N 6. REVISIONS DATE BY DESIGNED G ARNOT V STOCKMAN I I ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE. IF NOT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY PROJECT NAME ... ~ ;:;- o ENGINEERING PlANNING ENVIRONMENTAl. SCIENCES CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON DEMOLITION AND EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN DRAWING NO 3 OF 18 i'! << o C1 . . .0 .. ~ <5 l!; ~ V> V> ~t.. ~~ .__ . 18TH STREET --t j ~~~~~E .-" ~,',~,_, . - _'. '. 'f' '1 , LEACHATE AERATION ~'~:;; ~)~4 ---~_._~... !' '" " ",/ POND ~r::=,,~ ::-::~~~~,;l, -~ ~Z~"" ~ j SEDIMENTATlON/ " / / / , ' , -- -- " , ",- --..::...L. ":i-_~, I DETENTION BASIN : /',' ,,' '~... "--)-- ,'1'1' - _: J -~ ,/ 1 ~ " .- '''",' ''\--= -?... "- ".~. '-. . 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I' , /',/,,":- /'~ .,....., ---_~' " '...."..."" >,~ ~_......~, \ .., -~ "",>.' ft'" '.,... * I ' i ~, , //,' __', \ LANDFILL OFFICE .;, '; ~'f ',~~" i " !' ; 'i' <.. <..:....:: "':.:", rf 'r~,." i'" I ,,' , 1 ""/-J' //-;';. ;.'-' ,~:- - ::: -- ..;" ~ j . ,C;-- '-::- '::'::'~.:::, ,h~"(,\ I ' i ('. .:J..""-~ --:::::;""!::.- :', - ~ ~ ' ./ - \ ~ :., r ' , , '- \ ~', I \ ~ ,I \ I I"'''', 1. I ~1,J )'1 J.d I ~ / ,I ~: j-'}' >t:~...'..... f ~ ~". "f';': l' \ .lr':..(/ ~>/'i-N'S":':- -=:"'""':; -;:"T' _..l ~..;",,~..::::..-:--: ...~...~ -. ::-~:..;: -..."..:".<'v,..., ), 13 , ~t /" !;- "', -0" :.:...~---_- ~ -:..' .i..... ,'.. / ___ '" / ':- \-_ 1'.",) J .... \\<-' \ I 'f, ',\ , <' '\ ' "#11 ! /--'-, "I &:>< EQUIPMENT, II," ") I,J:,'I!.I' Ii," t.!.,/;. 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SEE DETAILffi ~ INSTALL WATTLES AT CULVERT INLETS USE STREET SWEEPER TO REMOVE TRACKED SOILS A MINIMUM OF ONE TIME DAILY AND WHEN DIRECTED BY THE OWNER 141 REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO AND AFTER COMPLETION OF L.:J CONSTRUCTION FROM POND [2J [II [2] "' " , i ~ ~ " " , Z < " ~ ~ 0: \!l "' " ~ ~ " Q. '" " '" "j \!l "' Q. , < <> ! N 6. REVISIONS DESIGNED G ARNDT V STOCKMAN I I ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE. IF NOT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY NA BR2191 01 5POH04C-01 J 8 No 235 191-015 POH04 DATE MARCH 2007 DATE BY " ~ ;:;- " 0< APPROVED I!! < " GENERAL EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A CERTIFIED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL (ESC) LEAD WITH A CURRENT CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING IN CONSTRUCTION SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A SITE-SPECIFIC TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN (TESC) 3 THE ESC LEAD SHALL IMPLEMENT THE CONTRACTOR'S TESC PLAN INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE TESC MEASURES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING THESE MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS THE FIRST ELEMENT OF WORK 4 CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT ADDITIONAL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) AS SITE CONDITIONS DICTATE AND/OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER ALL EXPOSED AND ERODABLE SOILS INCLUDING SOIL STOCKPILES. SHALL BE STABIUZED BY SUITABLE APPUCATION OF BMPS WHICH PROTECT THE SOILS FROM THE EROSION FORCES OF RAINDROP IMPACT AND FLOWING WATER APPLICATION PRACTICES INCLUDE. BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO MULCHING AND PLASTIC COVERING FROM OCTOBER 1 TO APRIL 30. NO SOILS SHALL REMAIN UNSTABllIZED FOR MORE THAN 2 DAYS FROM MAY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30. NO SOILS SHALL REMAIN UNSTABllIZED FOR MORE THAN 7 DAYS SOIL SHALL BE DETERMINED TO BE ERODABLE BASED ON INSPECTION DURING RAINFALL EVENTS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COVER ALL ERODABLE SOILS WITH PLASTIC SHEETING AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER. AT ALL TIMES OF THE YEAR. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE SUFFICIENT MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND LABOR ON-SITE TO STABILIZE AND PREVENT EROSION FROM ALL DENUDED AREAS WITHIN 12-HOURS AS SITE AND WEATHER CONDITIONS DICTATE. 7 8 9 WHEREVER CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED ROADS. PROVISIONS MUST BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT (MUD) ONTO THE PAVED ROAD BY USE OF APPROPRIATE BMPS SUCH AS A STABIUZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IF SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A ROAD SURFACE. THE ROADS SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY, AS A MINIMUM, AT THE END OF THE DAY SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND BE TRANSPORTED TO A CONTROLLED SEDIMENT DISPOSAL AREA STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER 5 BMP EFFECTIVENESS SHALL BE EVALUATED BY INSPECTION (BY THE TESC LEAD) AT LEAST ONCE EVERY 5 WORKING DAYS AND EACH WORKING DAY THERE IS A RUNOFF EVENT, A TESC INSPECTION REPORT SHALL BE PREPARED FOR EACH INSPECTION AND PROVIDED TO THE ENGINEER WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE INSPECTION INSPECTIONS SHALL INCLUDE STORMWA TER RUNOFF TURBIDITY MEASUREMENTS CONDUCTED USING AN ELECTRONIC TURBIDITY METER 6 THE CITY HAS OBTAINED A NPDES CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT 10 ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY BMPS ARE NO LONGER NEEDED TRAPPED SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED OR STABIUZED ON-SITE DISTURBED SOIL AREAS RESULTING FROM REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY BMPS SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED -;'::;" , BID SET ] PROJECT NAUE DRAWING NO 4 OF 18 txP I RES 04 27 0 CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO, PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON ENGINEERING PlANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES TEMPORARY EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN C2 . . .0 .. ~ . ~b ::!~ i '" CONSTRUCTION NOTES '" c ~ ~ <5 l1; ~ \l1 '" '" i 18TH STREET /;ij;~~-~-~~/r;fl~7iE . /';~l//,/~J, --....~_' ~"'-~ '~L --- If J /~/ j'!!}1'/, , " - , , '" ...~ ""'- / (i/ ,': " .",'" '-;-~' i/ ,'" ~{~',GP:'2~"":~:', "~ 1 ':, " :4;1 j /' / / / -:-; -;r~~ ~-_U(l ~ ',"""" ( ~-- -. ,'- ;}/~ ' , / f::!, 'I': ~ ~~ ~, '", ,'......._~ . "-'<"""::-~':' ROCK CHECK DAM ,fr/lt'f "f! [hi; ,1'7?~^':{~', (:::::2:< , ";;~,__,\ :",,',_. " ' ~~DETAllffi JAJ > I ! -3> f If/ '-7 t' 1 l ." ').>- ''', '--.x-__ ---- { .... ,~~ ---' \ / ~ " f f" .!r'~ ;X' ,/,1;;~y:" ",,! \ --.x ;- ~,<:- "- f. " ,.....,"-v..~P:-l.- " / ' \\ l >?f'~ ~ I I 'J / \ ~ j; , \/ , .... /' ~- ---~ ~ I ---'~ ".... -.... --":' , ' ," " ,t' "I' "',, \ / W'" ....~' ""'" "~",, f - ' \ 'i \1" /~ ~ '/ltl 'r ...j~ '!(,' +. 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IF NOT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY NA" BR2191015POlT04C-01 JOB No 235-2191 015 POlT04 DATi: MARCH 2007 PROJECT NAME DATi: DRAWING NO 5 OF 18 BY io! <'i APPROVED CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON " ~ ~ ENGINEERING PlANNING ENVIRONMENTAl. SCIENCES FINAL EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN . . .0 . ~ o . .., a. ~ " """ l:j!.. ~~ E ~ g ... ~ > o I!! -< o GEOTEXTILE FOR TEMPORARY SILT FENCE 6"x6"x14 GA WIRE FABRIC OR EQUIVALENT WIRE FABRIC <0 a I N NATIVE MATERIAL BACKFILL " // / ,,", OVER GEOTEXTILE~OR -,> CD ''-','v', TEMPORARY SILT FENCE J ~ (6" MIN DEPTH) -.:. 8"l- 6' MAX GEOTEXTILE FOR TEMPORARY SILT FENCE, USE STAPLES OR WIRE RINGS TO ATTACH SILT FENCE TO WIRE FABRIC BURY BOTTOM OF GEOTEXTILE FOR TEMPORARY SILT FENCE IN 8"x6" TRENCH ~ 2"x4" WOOD POST UTILITY GRADE I OR BETTER, OR APPROVED EQUAL NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE SILT FROM BEHIND GEOTEXTILE FOR TEMPORARY SILT FENCE WHENEVER 6 INCHES OF SILT ACCUMULATES 2 SILT FENCE SHAlL BE REMOVED WHEN THE UPSLOPE AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED SILT FENCE DETAIL NO SCALE IT\ TYP AS REQUIRED 100' MIN EXCEPT MAY BE REDUCED TO SIZE SHOWN ON DRAWINGS N 20' MIN OR FULL WIDTH OF INGRESS/EGRESS AREA Sl'ABILlZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL 13\ NO SCALE 1YP 6 REVlSlONS DESIGNED G ARNDT A V STOCKM AN o K DATE BY CHECKED APPROVED I I ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE. IF NOT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY BR2191015P01T04C 02 JO No 235- 2191 015 P01T04 DATE MARCH 2007 >:~ ........./>'..//-... //":/(Y/<(,0/// 100' PROFILE MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR ENTRANCE 1 QUARRY SPAlLS SHALL BE ADDED IF THE ENTRANCE PAD IS NO LONGER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS 2 IF THE ENTRANCE IS NOT PREVENTING SEDIMENT FROM BEING TRACKED ONTO PAVEMENT, THEN AlTERNATIVE MEASURES TO KEEP THE STREETS FREE OF SEDIMENT SHALL BE USED THIS MAY INCLUDE STREET SWEEPING, AN INCREASE IN T1HE DIMENSIONS OF T1HE ENTRANCE, OR THE INSTALLATION OF A WHEEL WASH IF WASHING IS USED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA COVERED WITH CRUSHED ROCK, AND WASH WATER SHAlL DRAIN TO SEDIMENT TRAP 3 ANY SEDIMENT T1HAT IS TRACKED ONTO PAVEMENT SHAlL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY BY SWEEPING T1HE SEDIMENT COLLECTED BY SWEEPING SHALL BE REMOVED OR STABILIZED ON-SITE THE PAVEMENT SHALL NOT BE CLEANED BY WASHING DOWN THE STREET, EXCEPT WHEN SWEEPING IS INEFFECTIVE AND T1HERE IS A THREAT TO PUBLIC SAFETY IF IT IS NECESSARY TO WASH T1HE STREETS, THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SMALL SUMP SHALL BE CONSIDERED THE SEDIMENT WOULD THEN BE WASHED INTO T1HE SUMP 4 ANY ROCK SPALLS T1HAT ARE LOOSENED FROM T1HE PAD AND END UP ON T1HE ROADWAY SHALL BE REMOVED 5 IF VEHICLES ARE ENTERING OR EXITING THE SITE AT POINTS OTHER THAN THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(S), FENCING SHAlL BE INSTALLED TO CONTROL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Pl.ANHING ENVlRONM'ENTALSClENCES ('0' " "'C" L EXISTING DITCH ROCK CHECK DAM DETAIL NO SCALE f2\ TYP DRAINAGE DITCH, TYP STRAW WATTLE DETAIL NO SCALE PROJECT NAlAE CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON l1' SECTION A ;;18" STAKE, TYP ff 12" DIA STRAW WATTLE Y 'U"' '"'0 J" SECTION B 14\ TVP BID SET DRAWING NO 6 OF 18 TESC DETAILS AND NOTES C4 . .~ ~ g <5 il; ~ ~ . , '""LEACHATE ',' ,f\AERATION P~~D " : (' \'1 1, -',-, ,-- -- , ! I I' -- ' ~ '~...,~-, ->-.- ~ ___ .....:: i I "---"- ( LEACHATE CATCH BASIN ~ '". -,;:' ,::-:~: . ---"-l. " REMOVE AND INSTALL ffi ~_>~~~~-;:.i<2"_:~ ,~2. -" CLEANOUT, S[~ DETAIL~ /' />:,- "~,~ ;;~:;~~,<~~ ~.\ '\ / ~ TJ ,'-'_ _ /' -4 ,M~ .-,_ " " " ,---- ' . --, d. ,'t$?) ,~~~ - "'- ,; ~'" :::t '1" -~..:. ' ," - '-;<,.: '" 'C.., . ~J;~ ',': ~-:_ ,.'.-,~~, ,-' r~ :::: '~~ -::i ~.,-{~> -_ , ,'/ Jz". _,,' '- .,-,-' -_ ,--" -- Fi'- -",'-.0:.'" Y !,'~ ,'l!'J!J~:>',,:~.-._-~-~~,~-----',J,;,,-,--~-~:"_ ~'-,~~::(:- --':; ~'7:_, _: ;- ! I LIMITS 'OF 2'000 ' /:, '~-,,:t;/:' '; :"' _: "/,' "'-'- ..:.:.--,':... ~ ':,::::, ':- ,f ! CLOSURECOVERAND j y):/>i;' "/!.-----'';'-_____ _" " >--- --",____ ~:, .,,'X;,-' \ NEW COVER SYSTEM ", /,,' '/ ,>-",:: ",- ,- ',', "'----,,--,--- "', - \/' I SEE DETAIL@~r '_)f~<,;; /- ,,' .>. . : . ------>.,"'\\ : , "Cll ,J>" ,/', " " J ----- - __ . ' , , I I; ,/ ,',',', ,; . : '" - --::: :,::- -'- --.. :' " '-I J ~~ ! r \ r," r",~! / I ,,/) -~ ...--- \ \, I ':' I ; , ;< f :' ;" ,,', ," -- 2007 --" \\1 , ' i I ;-1, I I! i f CLOSURE -- "\ " ' \1 I' I: ( ;' , /, ~ ~,', " .". . .",,-:' , ' '- ': ! I ' ,/' I' J, :'- " I' ~ ' , ;',' )11,,: 't: /' 1'/ :;,'1/ \: ,11 [f, f, 2~O:" ,,/~\>" ,1 " / 'I ~ , ; III :; /' I ' \: . ,> , ,,/ " ! , ), ! "'" < I ' I / / 'I- /,,' ',::' : ' f ',,' , I ' / ' , " ';;, ,I J sell. ':.Ji,,:' " ,:;, ) f, 2000, ,;/ '. -, C9 '" Ii' " ' (' ' , , CLOSURE 'I ' 'if I !. :'1';-1 ~ ',. ", - ,p '~" :'~ ';" > " , 1 I ' ;-J '1 : ;-~ ! ; J.. N'" / ~ <' ,,/ / / ,~/ / I ' j; ~ 4 , I '':- 1 I 1 J , } " / /,/ - I ")1 f I Ii ! ' 1')' >, 'i ' '", if\ >~/,~;' Ik~' 'j-. 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';::,____, '-", -,.^'''''\;,~\Z\~':,,;'\~~'S. :'<" ,>,-i,~MANIFOLD FIELD LOCATE '" " SCALE HOUSe , '-'.... 0" II'; \{'<\: '\, -. '0\~">'< -. .:< '3", SEE NOTE f2l "-- AND SCAlES - " ~ <<li...\~~~J'~~~Z~':S-:::::~~'-':...~~~<'~\~{ ...~~~>....\~~~~ ...., ' ~ -... ........ .... , " ~ ;1 ~,7 SEDIMENTATION/ , ' DETENTION BASIN ,'{';'::" ,'., , , , , ~ ~-, ,\ " EXISTING BOTTOM LINER AND NEW COVER SYSTEM PAY LIMIT " ,L , , i' " '- , " , , '::-: '.... ~> ::l , I .. " '" \, \, 'I '/ @ , I \, " ! , ! ' '-'-''''~ '// " , \, y- u/ ..."",~ ~ ~~ "' :::''-,,- '-; 7,--,: // \, ~,~.J, ;', . " , , " " ,I 1 ;"J' ! I' : , ! -- t.. I, ", ',: I .. I' ! , I ' -! l' I t, I f" -........ // ","---'>-_..::.:. \.; I,' i / _,/ > _" : ; 1 ,1~- ~ ,/ "~~.,..,., i ',: 'j / ,/:;,~.; ,'~, .:." t ~ (I F~,,/f, . ' ~-,' , 'I' I' r:..'\' /,-' ",,'~-, ; I v' ,!" 0S0UTH ' e I I~", STOCKPILE, J:' J ',,<:....' \, ~~ ~ " 'I . I l '" ~.... ... ............, :: '....... ~ ......~............'''";:;....' '>~.......' .... :; ~IELD LOCATE E;'ikING':'1!PI;:",: :' LANDFILL LINER LIMITS ' ,;~ SEE NOTE[2] 1'''~ @'M")~5- ---::- - - - -- f I' W::;;., ' ....... ~j ~1, 1 , ' I' i , , " v, 1,1 "..... / ;' /; ~,"::J7 , ,# : . !/i~",~<~:/ ,.,/ .- /" L \ t,OUZP"~'- ' " .' , ME:, -,,' -' ;; -' ,-<PORAe NT "J .' , ~-,..f...._ / ---' @-Z 'r-", ! J ~f ; " . " " I I j 1 , I ~ o 4, <( ~, I \!i ;- A' , ...."......,... '" , i " , ! >)}, .../ ;1, ~ ........._ _"'_ ' --4%..~ z". --"-,>-, ~,' .......,... )/-~, '-'--....~ A .:,,';; " SEDIMENTATION/ DETENTION BASIN , ! ! f' '........ \ \ /~~/ -' J w '" iil 3 ~ ~ <( Q, * " -:11' w Q, , <( " D .. ~ i '" \!i ,'1 c L, .,/~jU,,-L~--, ~,::- , I '1"...-<' ,>,',I! /,\ i :: ,,' ,.-"", . l--"tJ,,~~" -~ ),! ~ / / ~'<--'" ' '. I ,1/ ~ f' f , ...f, 'I , ~b ::!~ "~"~,- - --.- -~~ "~^~-::-~ --- --.. j .....--- " ,/ ,'I -7 ,/ , i N ~ I o PLAN SCALE IN FEET ~ 60 120 NOTES rj1 EXISTING LANDFILL LINER LIMITS ARE INDICATED IN FIELD BY ~ VERTICAL 4"x4" WOODEN POSTS TOP OF LINER LIES APPROXIMATELY 2 FEET BELOW GRADE. VERIFY LINER LOCATION BY HAND EXCAVATION IN SUFFICIENT LOCATIONS SO THAT LINER IS NOT DAMAGED DURING MACHINE EXCAVATION REPAIR DAMAGED LINER USING APPROVED METHODS r.;j 8" HDPE PERIMETER GAS MANIFOLD LOCATION IS PARTIALLY L2.J INDICATED IN FIELD BY EXISTING FLEXIBLE MARKER POSTS AND VALVE BOXES PIPE IS BURIED 2 TO 3 FEET BELOW GRADE VERIFY LOCATION BY HAND EXCAVATION PRESERVE AND PROTECT G1 THE EDGE OF THE PROPOSED COVER SYSTEM IS APPROXIMATELY ~ 4 FEET OUTSIDE OF THE EDGE OF THE EXISTING LANDFILL 4. LEACHATE CLEANOUT. SOME ARE BURIED EXTEND TO SURFACE OR TO TOP OF COVER AS APPROPRIATE SEE DETAIL ffi ~ 5 THE GRADES SHOWN WITHIN THE LANDFILL FOOTPRINT WILL BE DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN AS THE LANDFILL CONTINUOUSLY SETTLES THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ANTICIPATE SmLEMENT IN THEIR BID AND FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES NO GPS CONTROL OF EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE LANDFILL FOOTPRINT. 6 FINAL CONTOURS AT TOP OF LANDFILL MAY DIFFER FROM THOSE SHOWN DUE TO PLACEMENT OF REFUSE OR SmLEMENT GRADE EXISTING SURFACE TO OBTAIN MINIMUM 5% SLOPE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF GCL 7 CONTOURS REPRESENT EXISTING GRADES PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF COVER SYSTEM r8J SOUTH STOCKPILE IS WATER TREATMENT PLANT SITE ON ~ SHEET C7 9 SHAPE TO FORM V-DITCH, SEE DETAIL Q) ~ GRADE AND SHAPE EXISTING CLOSED LANDFILL AS NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT A UNIFORM SUBGRADE BID SET DATI: BY PROJECT NAME DRAWING NO 7 OF 18 S: 6. REVISIONS ~ ~ DESIGNED G ARNOT AWN V STOCKMAN CADH 0 CHECKE APPROVED ENGI"'EERlNG PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCiENCES CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON I I ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE. IF NOT, SCALe. ACCORD1NGL v FlL N t.4 8R2191 015POl T04C-04 JOB No 235-2191-015 POH04 DATI: MARCH 2007 o '" I!! <( o GCl SUBGRADE PLAN C5 . .~ ~ I ~ . .. ~ i ".-.....<. / I > : ~7 SEDIMENTATION/ DETENTION BASIN , ' , i > >;~<' ~'" " I' ~" ,f ''')<~~~ '\. ' ( / I' , if -,Y I' } t / I /ij \ " , \\ \\ _'v ,.- , '\EACHATE '/\~RATION POND , I \ t / 1 " ! j , -; , .... o I z <( ~, <( ill I 0: \l1 " I' f::/ UNDERDRAIN DISCHARGE ~ -;~~:::~~~,__~_ ' '~,~' ! ,SEE DETAILffi / / /,' / ~,... '-'0-.' ,_ '. "', '>,> ,! ~ ,;;1//:'::/,', -_:..~~"'<-=..;i:_z,-: :'0>:" "(, ,':':,^,-,): " \ /;/ ft !, /" , -- -, ' LEACHATE CLEANOUT AND " iI // / /' /' ..,.,....' .-:', - , LEACHATE GAS CONNECTION, "- it ,: ;;: / -/w - - -- _,~,~-I- ;':=~SJ~'3:'-- _ ~.)iFiJ~~~~\fu~~' 'I ' 1 /; C'.~ '/p,I' k_:::.,::"" '!,'~ ~/?h, r-< - ' , t J 1 f ) '... If' ,f;~;:"." ''''''''1;g~, _-h ~~ __ -:.,......", -.: ',- {, / 7<:-~ - // '" f': ! : I, / "" - - ",: <" /;/ . ' ,- . --- -, ;"'::- ~ --.: ~7 I ;-0. ';,- - '-' ""', -.::, L ',' r .' J' ,f \ f " '; / " ", " '14 N 42334506 - '," ''' " ~ ,'""- - - I" f':' I Y"'-, '1/; /'~ E 98507535 '+." -_,_"~,-,,;,,,~2- ~ -: .,. '" - i "_~'~\ f :' i i /, i - I",:_:;~:~:-~~,~:~-,_ }~'" ':-- <___, ,I.' . L.!!.....P:..'7r~J ,\;, 1"1', ; II ";, / ~,/ jd ,<: ," / '"1:-: "~iL--'-~""--'- --. :,,_.'~:~:j.__-. " :', " j;", ,t 'I~'! 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',I MINIMUM ; ,;,' i" 'SEE DETAIL 2 '. , ,> zl ,J,,/ -m-'_". \ ,i :,/ " , ' /' > ,- ' ,,,' 'I I "~ ';' Cl0,' " ,,'"'-,1 ',I" 'u../::E.', '''<" "" l I ' f 2 ; , , '. ~' ' " , 40'" - - , -,," ""--_--<.,..<" /7:> '- '''_,.. \, ; ~,';.: /" I, :, ; 000 f ,/ ,.' B \ 1111,/ ? " ; '.., :,': "..:,.' ,j:' . ;:' ~ g Ii! " 1l)/t31 ) '''>:;._,,\ /j'!j~?-' Ii" CLOSURE "J/'~ C9 -:1/4 ";,,, -) ,,'., ['I /",,1 ' "': 'I :: ,(" ~'if" ----777-.-./ >'-"-, ~ /. :''', / I '~: I!,' , ' '. " ;';' ""~, , , "\,~ ' "i i I", . I ' '<///",' 'I ", " !! ' -J i ' I,! '0 ' I' ,.)." " I '" i'. , ~ I // j /' -5; ,,-, ' J / ! 'vi " ,I' f": i <0 i "'--- --......... T ,,' j I ' I " , : \ 14~ '/;1/ .. ~t" < /~ / / y J / ' j J ,of > \ ,!~. ~~ l :; I' ...............,,;-~' '1;~~~ ~ >,1 1, .. < .., ,... I,> .;(;1 /'////// - f,' I -,)/. "/1)., ,'v, I I""""-""~ ;i.,/';: ,'-'j/'\/>/ /,; / f/! ::,:.''', I J ! " I' " ~\ I \ ' :' " .i; " 'il J' ':' I', < : " 'j 'I . \ ,., J ; , < ' 1 h :\ I I ,,' I .' j -' ' , ,;-; !' 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UNDERDRAIN CLEANOUT ' -=:----"':L___"-____La /~'c-'" \EXISTING DITCH, lYP OF 4, ,", :;" ,~::;;,::':,:)~~!~ET!.!..?:lIY'-- ----.,.--~;.~^:..-~- , ,,' :' "" SEE DETAIL m f " /, <" . / " ',' , ,;"w~;mmrLi;' ".r~~,_~,.\,'u:,e: ./=-.'\) //,"/"- -^-'-""....:.~>:: \ ~ " /<:,:'/ ;jf3~~:~:;j}PJ'"" _:~~':_~__~-;- .,,~_....::,'t,..;,':.:. i V> V> ~b :!~ k,}, ~ .., , o PLAN SCALE IN FEET 60 ,~ 120 ::; 6. REVISIONS ~ re DESIGNED G ARNDT A V STOCKMAN CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON I I ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE. IF NOT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY N BR21 91 015POlT04C-04 JOB 0 235-2191-015 POlT04 DATE MARCH 2007 BY PROJECT NAUE DATE ENGINEERING PlANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES o '" CHECKED APPROvto Ie <( o , '-,' NOTES EXISTING LANDFILL LINER LIMiTS ARE INDICATED IN FIELD BY VERTICAL 4 "x4" WOODEN POSTS TOP OF LINER LIES APPROXIMATELY 2 FEET BELOW GRADE VERIFY LINER LOCATION BY HAND EXCAVATION IN SUFFICIENT LOCATIONS SO THAT LINER IS NOT DAMAGED DURING MACHINE EXCAVATION REPAIR DAMAGED LINER USING APPROVED METHODS 2 8" HOPE PERIMETER GAS MANIFOLD LOCATION IS PARTIALLY INDICATED IN FIELD BY EXISTING FLEXIBLE MARKER POSTS AND VALVE BOXES PIPE IS BURIED 2 TO 3 FEET BELOW GRADE VERIFY LOCATION BY HAND EXCAVATION PRESERVE AND PROTECT rj1 THE EDGE OF THE PROPOSED COVER SYSTEM IS APPROXIMATELY L:J 4 FEET OUTSIDE OF THE EDGE OF THE EXISTING LANDFILL, 141 LEACHATE CLEANOUT, SOME ARE BURIED EXTEND TO SURFACE L.::...J OR TO TOP OF COVER AS APPROPRIATE SEE DETAIL ffi ~ 5 THE GRADES SHOWN WITHIN THE LANDFILL FOOTPRINT WILL BE DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN AS THE LANDFILL CONTINUOUSLY SETTLES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ANTICIPATE SETTLEMENT IN "- THEIR BID AND FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES NO GPS CONTROL OF EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE LANDFILL FOOTPRINT. 6 FINAL CONTOURS AT TOP OF LANDFILL MAY DIFFER FROM THOSE SHOWN DUE TO PLACEMENT OF REFUSE OR SETTLEMENT GRADE EXISTING SURFACE TO OBTAIN MINIMUM 5% SLOPE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF GCL 7 CONTOURS REPRESENT EXISTING GRADES PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF COVER SYSTEM r'8"1 SOUTH STOCKPILE IS WATER TREATMENT PLANT SITE ON ~ SHEET C7 o SHAPE TO FORM V-DITCH. SEE DETAIL G1) 10, GRADE AND SHAPE EXISTING CLOSED LANDFILL AS NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT A UNIFORM SUBGRADE r:;'7\ ACCESS CONTROL GATE I22.J 4" DIA CONCRETE -FILLED STEEL POSTS, 4' ABOVE GROUND, 3' MINIMUM EMBEDMENT IN CONCRETE, HASPS WELDED TO POSTS AT 3 5' ABOVE GRADE POWDER COAT POSTS AND HASPS FOR UNDERGROUND BURIAL, COLOR YELLOW. INSTALL %" IWRC WIRE CLAMPED WITH CHAIN-BINDER TO PROVIDE 6" MAX SAG SLIDE CABLE THROUGH ORANGE SAFETY BARREL AND CENTER BARREL IN ROAD PROVIDE SHOP ORAWING OF CABLE GATE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION f121INSTALL CULVERT OUTFALL PROTECTION L:.=.J SEE DETAIL ffi ~ r.71 GRADE TO PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SLOPE FOR DITCH AND L!2J CULVERT OUTFALL PROTECTION EXISTING SOIL COVER OVER BOTTOM LINER GEOMEMBRANE IS GREATER THAN lYPICAL COST FOR THE GRADING AND EXCAVATION IN THIS AREA SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACTOR'S UNIT PRICES, ~ CONNECT EXISTING UNDERDRAlN TO NEW UNDERDRAIN BID SET SURFACE WATER AND ACCESS ROAD PLAN DRAWING NO 8 OF 18 C6 . -I N ~ ~ o , z < i ~ "' ~ ~ ~ Q. ~ "' Q. , < <> " ~ o i ~ "'"' ~b <or '!!~ ,. .. . c "' ~ ! ~ ~ 6- REVISIONS 0 0 N ~ 0 " "' ~ , , N-~~~~'_'~7- ~ . " E 98498499 ., EL 221 N 422337 56 , . E 98481003 EL 221 NOTES Q EXCAVATION BEYOND WATER TREATMENT PLANT LIMITS SHALL BE AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE SOIL FOR COVER SYSTEM LIMIT SHOWN IS APPROXIMATE 2 EXCEPT AS REQUIRED FOR ACCESS RAMP ALL GRADING ON WATER TREATMENT PLANT SITE SHALL BE BY EXCAVATION \ \ j; RIGHT -OF -WAY \ ~NM~ \--- '-- \ \ ' r --1r ~ '\\-\,;-- , '" \.~ ~~, '\ '- ~ ~ , " /"2:.':-'!~;.',:,::~_, \, '''-~, ~, ";';':, "" r- :::;~, ;---...', '''l, ,,~ ".' ( ,~...:: ,~>.:?'-- "--- 0J~;:~~~;~~ . - .--~:"~ ~~~~,;,~ "-" ", '. --- '- ~ ' " -,' ,-::) . 1',' ::: ,-:'C-', I.::.r--"",--:,:;~! . -,~-::- ~~ ' /. /210 LF --=-=--+-=-.:- = -::~t_ :- ==-~ -- ~ __~~ I " - ----~"_. . -- ,. .-~r',,,__,' . ", '"'- -~-:-.:... t' -=- " ~, , --,.,~..:),-=-:. ---:- ," ,> \---'~ --... ;.-y,""} ," - - -- - ~ .L,' _"",-/,"" -- . '. ---.--1.. ' '- /\ T,-7--l-.;. - --- --::~J~,~--~~~= . ." ,~,'>~'~;/ i' ~!lirV /h'~;-:--:;;:~~~"~:'?'c:.,-c.,:':'~ .:::, 0' -=-, :~. ..., ',-- '-,' ", -.....'. ',/::-.' \" i I,:U /ji.-;;:"::-;"'==-, =-:,0____, ~. '--'. } ~j~~~;~~2~-.-- -~ - --~~~\.." '-. ,}; I ,:/ /?X:fF:!":~',~" ~~?~~~;~ -----i'-:':..'~ "'1"::- -- __ '_ ',' ","" .!....._",' ,,::.::-~~~, ,", ,: ',II \ 'I 1:1::10:[.. ,212 ,.,.-=>..:;..:::.' . '_'~c:.--, .:.:'" ,-~', - _ ,- --." _.'."..,/'C, -,,",,\' "\~ II,I'/,':{I"," ,/ '.,:::<':--'-:::-:-"Q <.' ",--- '- I - - ........~ :- ~,-, \ \\,\\ \ \ _j ',/,'N-f.H:, .\' 1/ / --" -- :~~--- ----- , ,;.0,/ __~I'" ...., \',:\ ')\, '; 1\ ,(Ii \:iiL "'~\'f-",' , ',. '..; , . '././ ,\' ," i::: ""f-I I '~I ''''>:--'':::<--'..<-:'\''.. , I ~ ..- i " I I ( I I I" I III ,...... =--:'5-..:.::;.... \ '-::--..c / / "'p 2Jq,.' '1 ;:,'1,1' '{ f,': I II \ \ ';' :~~':K"":C> ", ":- ~----.' _"lV__ , I ---(./ ~ \ : ( " "I' " ": I ' III' I ; """~ C"~?''>a:~----, ~ If; i /1 J iI, ! Ii,' , / ! I, \\ L I 'I'>"'<~' '~~;;.~:;:- ~:=-::-t -=-:- ~~r/ --- , 0 2007 .\, ", , ' ':" I I, \' ",-, (, ,..",,,-,- c./:,__ '., " . 1-_ " I 'j} F lit I I ~' '- --~-.-- ','CLOSURE :II'!'I::! \'1\1; t. \ " , : ~,~-"-,---(--,."",,, ,1, /' ! ',:,(,. :,,~)' 'MW'-5-~--":" \ ' ::::::,,", ........--, ( j I I I I " , II , I I @ - - - \ '~ \ " " ", " : I' " \ ' :, " I, PROTECT MONITORING - - - - -,-.-::::-= - - -, ,'-. ,~ " ::::, rL~_~1 TP I I I I---~ / I 1 \, ,. 1 f I I, \ ' ~, / I ';-'--- ~-~ rp_-I.~ l-._ 'I \ I :'; I ,If ~~ fl' i! WELL '".... .?o I ' ______, -l/r~ \""" ., '--- , , N 42250037 "I '-, " , :,' ,'-', lfP'r~l.l" 'I' ,n : ; E 98486751 " I '" ,,\', I" "" 1';-[".,1,1 1'\" , 'EL 214 I I ), \' ". II' ': , I ' : I ; '~I d .:.. , ~, I \ ;','" ' I': : I : : I : \~r' 'c" I,~ \,,' / i:, ! :j: :1 'i J '- /) ; I) f ,; 1,: : T Iii ''-,' 1.//'" I " '1'1:/ ' '. r .,~-: /".,-',/,1/ /' , : .' t" 'f, ' I". -1<::_<. /:/"1' I', !;I: , r "1 /.Y " " ,II ': '- \' l.... I ii' , : 'Ii I ~':I __ 1_ _ ~ _ i~~ ~ ) l, ,-...._ I r;' /' /.. ',! I ~, ~'~I''': f, , \. ,,' '/ I ' , ' I I I ' t - "'I I~/' \""- .( ,.... " I r" J1 I \, \~I""'" ) ,--,'I " I I I' I r ,\ \.. \:; ( "\;. , I : f;. 11 ' 1_ , ' '\ 1,,' ",- ' 't" ' , , .. l : '- :- - - -- UIf'__::.:.J -"', 'I, ,\ ,,^ j .',', ,Ifli , --'-"', ' '("" " )~ '" "ff ' ~tj~k'~~, , ',,'E, '\~,~,} "~I (~' :\~Il ~~ ~:_JftJt, ~~~~~~g~f' ,J- --, -- '""," -:: -,~- ~ ,-' \'k' ,'- 'I \ I / ' WASTE FACILITY -}=--~-~-- l<~,~~:~~~-_-_-:-~-;~_ -::-\ ~ \ \ X;- ,-l~ : ; JUl / ,," .____--L.:__:r.,-." " II"" ,(1, ,. '" I / f__ -- - ,-- -__ -~ ' - -- .-1 I \" j-r-- _"'2 I 1'-1 :.c_-:-~~::-::_ _ J:-;- :---6J:zT:-_-:_-: -1:1 ,\ \:') ! \vh - - V-DITCH SEE DETAILffi ~ N 422502 20 E 985038 53 EL 212 , \ , N 422152 78 E 98494956 EL 222 ...:..... ~ \'- ~I --he- _:J _ METALS & to [(- HAZARDOUS l' 11 " MATERIAL ' : STORAGE J/ [ j I Ii ,~ I, , I ir : ~ .- 1[1, :' - -- -=--- WINDROW STOCKPILE OVERSIZE ,ROCK FROM SCREENING IN THIS " AREA MAINTAIN CLEAR DRAINAGE , , ; I !;..- I" I" ~A( ~I' , I. I j J , , , , , , ,'r- I o PLAN SCALE I N FE ET 60 ,~ 120 DAIT DESIGNED R KUGEN A V STOCKMAN BY I I ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE. IF NOT. SCALE ACCORDINGLY IL NAM BR2191015POlT04C-04 J B No 235-2191-015 POlT04 DATE MARCH 2007 ENGINEERING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES H CK APPROVED \ \ \ " ,'0" "'\! : I f ~,\ ~ \ , '.'.\~ f .. \) \ \ \\\\ ~ " ,i':~\\ '\ " J ,\ \ \ '<'-'~::\I '. . . 11',\ . \:\\\ \ \,\ ,1\\' \\. \ 1\ '.\:0 ' : \,,'.:, '\',1 , \ \ ~.\ I " ,,""1 'I,ll \ '\....\, I~ \\l\ \ I' I '" \\\\ \\ ;-';\\ \\\,1 \ \\ " ,,\1 \ ' " \\ \ \ 11\ \' "'f,J'1 :1\\\\\ ':,\\ 'i I ;\\\ Ii' ':1~\,1'~\ \ ':\11' \ 'i "\ I } \\ \ \\' \ \> // / \' / / / / / / \ \ / / / / / / / / \ / ' / / / / / / -- / ----;:---:-/ ..----.-..- ...---- \ \ , / V /\, \ / / / N 422022 02 E 985097 86 ~L 225 / / \ \ .....-- RIGHT -OF -WAY Y BOUNDARY \ PROPOSED WATER TREATMENT PLANT LIMITS (BY OTHERS) ,.I \ \\ ,', ,( -"...: \, \ , \\ '- '........', _.~( ',' f, '.\:\ \\-..', \ ' "\..-..\ \ '" \ ' ~ \;tj\~, ,\~\ \\ " ':,;~.i:\ '\1''.\ I :~:\'. \ \~\ \ -Ii ' '- \ ':;.:..\ I " II" ,\ " , .'1:0' II, _ _ ~..-" "1\\\' "\ \'\ " - ~~~'"~~~- -~ 1 1\ I't\ --'---;--_:'::"- '\ ".~\:\{" I I ~j \...." \ \ \\\, \\\\'\ " \ \\\ ','.\ 1\ "ll' \', ( \ i '\ \ \\ \\\\1\\\\\ ~\ \;, r , '\ \, , 1'( 't ,I " \ \" 1\\\\,,,\ 'I - \' "I, "I 'Q'~,,:, __ _ I .' '~\ I\:'~~W'\\ \ \ \1 , l ~ '/'~.. ,'_ '. __ / , PROTECT MONITORING WELL,\J\\\'\, " " I ~~""'" /\ ... PROVIDE 10' RADIUS BETWEEN\\\"\\ (;\, 'I,' , "',,," / \, ' EXCAVATION AND MONITORING WELL ,,- ; ,,\ ,," / \ '-.. , I' 1\)" '. 'I"~ ,~--.;,,~, \ 5) I h\1 (' \ \ \ I I ,I, \",,, ~I '/ . I , ,- r 1;/ N 42189968 \~" \,' \ I ~)....~-i\\~ // ~,.. / ,:: : E 98470602 ". /,', '_---,}t'rf~, "\ '{,II', J '~ -',: EL 228 ' - / --; ~.,;~'<,:;.--/\ i\ 'I''''.'' 1,1"" \ ~" fill / .--;~ ~ _Dt- ',< F 1,IIi \\~\\ r.\ j'("' L----;~-"-___/-:,~'\[---: /~>:>"-' :' \" ~,\,,:,,' ~'\'\'D ',\\ '1 :' ' /~ _ ---'_, ,/', 'j 1 ,\</ "\'.\1 ~\\\~ ~ \, ?!' .:~~'/': ~/:II ",:~~-:~~:/ PROPERTY : l ':""\\~,,, \ ';, " /),/,"-;--- / r~ ...~ -< LINE ,~--;o___ ~~\'\'\~\\'\\ '1'\1. "',r"" / / ./" ,,,\, \ 1\\ 'Oy.\\\\ \\\ I , ,/ .;,' ,,\' , " ' ,,\ \~," 'i "\ ' , jll--~!__ ...-.------/.. I ;'~O\ " "-,' \ \\\\ \\~,\\\ (\ j~ \ : ,_ '\ \, ___ ~ ~ \ \ \ \t\\\ r, \ 1/'1 'I" .><-..._ ' ,\' -- >----., ,\\'(\\1,. ,I \' ..../f r r- .___--0<:.',- - - --:--_~-~ \ \ .....--- -_____ :::', \'. ,\~\\\\\ ;-, \ I' ( \}- I / ;" I I I / ~"?:.---,<t'<f-' l'/~, _1. \~~'-.._'v ~ BID SET PROJECT NAtJE DRAWING NO 9 OF 18 CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON WATER TREATMENT PLANT SITE GRADING PLAN C7 G '" w z :::; ;:'i 0 '" z < ::0 88 ~ ~oo '-' 0'" w ~~ \ ~~ ~\)~ I- z w z ~::i ffi~ffi a..~~ It;:jW ~~u:x: D~~g tr;~~O Ww. Z ~01.O0 :::l; 1 ~ V I Y / ww zz << "'''' [0[0 ~G3~ :::l;:::l;Q2 88~ to tow wwO a. > z 00::0 I~1- ~a::g ~C)~ O-'Vl roWz ~o '" U oz 00 OV)t- ID ::0 >- to '" '" z'xiJi i= W(f) !;Qt-W G5\Q[;J (LZ I- a~!1l :r u l- e I- m 8 :::l o :r I- 3E Z oz i= 0 ~ ~ i= U :E ~ ~ ffi U) z I- ~ W > o U ...I ~ D: ~ o (lj '" ..... o -' i5 Vl a. f? =!~ 1'a. 0, ro", "'w Oz < 0"'0 ID[O-, 0~~ ~:::l; I- OZ VlWO I- Z W Z ~:::l; e3~t5 a...~~ ItJW g~~5 ~~g5 ~ EID ~-' <- g:;~ "'0 w Ow zw ::OVl Z Q~ o ~ Z :5 ~ ~ z w ~ Q ~ ~t;'" Ow 0 ~ U) z U l- e I- Ul w 3:: e o z :::> o '" to toW zU i=~ Vl", x::o \ 1:.-----' \ \ \ \ \ G ~ <( I a. !;Q '" W I- <(I ~g I '" 0 I f? / '" / o / 5 / o / '" I to / toW I ~~ / "'''' I X::> I WVl / ~/I z' o "'~ W5 tJO :::l;-'I- ffit[;J Q..[Eb WW'" a.>a. o . 0 I9z , 0< ro..... -w to~6e ~:::eW I- '" ~(f)W X<('" wtoa. ~ ...JI- i5~ w If)1-:::iO a.\Q0Q2 ~8e:g ~WtJ~ [0", w .....-' OOI.L.U 1-1-0<..:> <( :::l; I to-' ~O 1-'" '" t~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ 1 I -' i5 '" a. o I- ..... o I t5 / o / ~/I I I e ztJ o"=' v;z 0:5 8}[O u-' _0 2'" <(I- a. o I- -' ~ -' ! c(8 a. f? -' w '" :::> ..... w '" to Z ;:: Vl X w :r u !:: Z w Co ...J W _ <( Q. I- U o u '" ul w 0 w U) z C Ii) ) e HOllO ~ w z Q2 [0 '" w :::l; o W to W a. o -' -' HOllO ~ in z o v; :::> '" l- X W in ~ffi t;:j[O wI IUZ V)!::::=: 00 z I O:::l;Vl '" ~G:!1l ~~~ '" 0 ",'" Z ~~~ ~ ~~a3 ~ ~~E w <..:>U~ . ~ co U rn z 0 I- i= UJ U en w c rn !Xl ~ Cl WID W U > Z Z 0 ::::; u ~ W 1--.1 c(-.lz W ~~Q -' < ~ C I- U ow U '" I-UlW 0 ~ 9 U) z UU l- e I- Ul w 3:: Ul'" z we ~ jjj:;l to z Cl W . I z~O en <cijlZ ~ 1-01- ~...I0 ui oo!!l UJ ...J Q....I0 UJ ......I~ to 0ii:Q. Z ~~ < I- a:: 0:3 0 w a. :t -< Z .... U '" ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ . ~ ~ ~ !1 ~ . ~ ;,. z o v; ::0 '" I- G5 v o l- e " a. 0 '" ~ e I m Z u8 0 ~ Z :E ~ W I-Z w :;;0 -' ~i= < '" U I- UlU '" ::E ~w 0 :::; ~U) z ~ W a. > 0 ..... U 0 :r z I- 0 :::l F 0 a. Ul [i" U '" W 0 '" 0 ..... ID ;::; tJ w I Vl ~I w w '" 0 ~ i'! ~ ~ o in ~ <J . I 3d-VD I qa'OHOdfLO. S..:I3HX S3nVr41 wd9f I loIBl/fa 31 va . . D ~ o o Q. '" o .~ ,,::, <", ;!!x ~ N EXISTING GROUND SURFACE CUT EXISTING GEOCOMPOSITE AND REMOVE TO EXPOSE EXISTING 30 MIL PVC GEOMEMBRANE STRIP AND REMOVE GEOTEXTILE FROM CONTACTING FACES OF NEW AND EXISTING GEOCOMPOSITE COVER OVERLAP AT EXISTING SIDE SLOPE DITCHES SECTION fA\ NO SCALE C5,C6 ORGANIC EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 12' UNDER DRAIN ffi SEE DETAIL \2J7 W Q. I < " NOTE: o - SEE SHEET C16 FOR DESCRIPTION OF PAY LIMITS GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD SECTION NO SCALE ffi C6,C12 6. I REVISIONS DESIGNED G ARNDT ~ V STOCKM AN = DATE BY ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE. IF NOT, SCALE ACCQRDINGLY Ill:. NAME BR2191 D15P01 TD4C-05 JOB No 235-2191-015 POlT04 DA TE MARCH 2007 ~ o ~ 8 -cf.tTCK APPROvED w ~ ;'i 4' OVERLAP GRAVEL BASE REMOVE EXISTING COVER SOILS TO VERIFY AND EXPOSE EXISTING CELL 1 PYC GEOMEMBRANE REMOVE EXISTING COVER SOILS TO VERIFY AND EXPOSE EXISTING CELL 1 GEOMEMBRANE AND GEOCOMPOSITE EXISTING 30-MIL PVC GEOMEMBRANE 4' OVERLAP GCL AND GEOMEMBRANE COVER OVERLAP CONNECTION AT TOP OF LANDFILL SECTION f'i\ NO SCALE C5,C6 UNDERDRAIN SEE DETAIL ffi \2J7 2007 FINAL COVER SYSTEM SEE DETAIL CD \2J7 CONTINUE GEOTEXTILE FOR UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE TO COVER GEOMEMBRANE ~;:XISTING GROUND SURFACE BOnOM LINER ~ D EXTRUSION WELD EXISTING 8" HDPE PERIMETER GAS MANIFOLD, VERIFY LOCATION, PRESERVE AND PROTECT / 4"0 SOLID WALL PIPE, 2% SLOPE MIN, LENGTH VARIES r EXTEND 1 ROLL WIDTH PERMANENT GEOSYNTHETIC TRM, CENTER ON UNDERDRAIN .~ 1 / PERMANENT GEOSYNTHETIC TRM, '-", . I / 6' WIDE, CENTER ON SIDE SLOPE OUTLET 6" TOPSOIL SIDE SLOPE DITCH OUTLET DETAIL f'1\ NO SCALE TYP BID SET PROJECT NAME CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON COVER SECTIONS AND DETAILS ENGINEERING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 2007 FINAL COVER SYSTEM SEE DETAIL CD \2J7 DRAWING NO 11 OF 18 C9 . PERMANENT GEOSYNTHETIC TRM 6' WIDE, CENTER ON SIDE SLOPE DUTLET EXTEND 1 ROLL WIDTH PERMANENT GEOSYNTHETIC TRM, CENTER ON UNDERDRAIN 4"0 SOLID WALL PIPE 2% SLOPE MIN 2D07 FINAL COVER SYSTEM SEE DETAIL ffi \07 JUNCTION BOX WSDOT STANDARD PLAN J-11 a TYPE CENTER BOX OVER CLEANOUT PIPE SLIP CAP ATTACH 2".5" METAL TAG STAMPED WITH "UNDERDRAIN CLEANOUT" FLEXIBLE GUIDEPOST EMBED IN A MINIMUM 2 CF CONCRETE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE \ 6" TOPSOIL -" __ -" -" -" -" -" "- " "- " - . 3 , UNDERDRAIN CTi7 SEE DETAIL CONTINUE GEOTEXTlLE FOR UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE TO COVER GEOMEMBRANE EXISTING 8" HDPE PERIMETER GAS MANIFOLD, VERIFY LOCATION, PRESERVE AND PROTECT ~ BOTTDM LINER 4"0 SOLID WALL PIPE INSTALL CLEANOUTS EVERY 3DD LF, AT ELBOWS AND AT THE BEGINNING OF UNDERDRAINS INSTALL TEE, OR CROSS IN UNDERDRAIN PIPE FOR CLEANOUT PIPE ROTATE FITTING TO ALLOW CLEANOUT PIPE TO BE INSTALLED ON DITCH SUBGRADE TYPICAL SIDE SLOPE DITCH OUTLET DETAIL f'1\ NO SCALE TYP UNDERDRAIN SEE DETAIL ffi '2Y TYPICAL UNDERDRAlN CLEANOUT DETAIL fi\ NO SCALE TYP . 2-1/2" SS HOSE CLAMPS EXTEND 1 ROLL WIDTH PERMANENT GEOSYNTHETIC TRM, CENTER ON UNDERDRAIN 6" 20D7 FINAL COVER SYSTEM SEE DETAILffi \07 PERMANENT GEOSYNTHETIC TRM 6' WIDE, CENTER ON SIDE SLOPE OUTLET 4" SOLID WAll PIPE 2% SLOPE MINIMUM lENGTH VARIES LINER DITCH llDPE OR HDPE BOOT, EXTEND 3 INCHES (MIN) BEYOND NEOPRENE PAD NEOPRENE RUBBER PAD, SEE NOTE 3 GAS TYPICAL UNDERDRAlN DISCHARGE DETAIL 13\ NO SCALE TYP BUTYL MASTIC TAPE, SEE NOTE 3 RISER PIPE w "- I < " I I / " '" .. o o "- .., o .J w~ "w <<< ~x ~ N GEOMEMBRANE BOOT DETAIL NO SCALE Ot"SIGNE[j G ARNDT ;;w;r-- V STOCKMAN = ,. -------, ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE~ IF NOT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY LE NAMI:. BR2191 015PDl TD4C-05 JOB No 235-2191-015 POlT04 DATE MARCH 2007 CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ~ il ~ APPRovED 2007 FINAL COVER SYSTEM SEE DETAIL ffi '2Y EXTRUSION WELD llDPE OR HDPE BOOT TO GEOMEMBRANE, SEE NOTES 3 AND 4 1" GRAN ULAR BENTONITE FillET, SEE NOTE 1 PENETRATION DIA VARIES NOTES: ONLY llDPE GEOMEMBRANE REQUIRES CONNECTION TO BOOT FOR GDL, CUT OPENING IN GCL t SMAllER THAN PIPE OD Fill ANNULAR SPACE WITH 1" MINIMUM GRANULAR BENTONITE FillET AS SHOWN APPLY BUTYL MASTIC TAPE AND NEOPRENE RUBBER PAD 2 CONTINUOUSLY AROUND PIPE FORM BOOT WITH SUFFICIENT MATERIAL TO PREVENT OVERSTRESSING 3 DURING BACKFilLING, BUT WITHOUT FOLDS OR WRINKLES CONSTRUCT BOOT FROM SAME GEOMEMBRANE MATERIAL AS THE 4 COVER SYSTEM GEOMEMBRANE CD TYP,C14 BID SET I DETAILS AND NOTES I DRAWING NO 12 OF 18 . . '" a. I < " ~ .. e " a. -- """ ~b ~~ ~ ... 6 REVISIONS ~ ~ ;:,: " I" ~ ... ': : . ~w~ ."'. ... :~. ,& :~D;::::I: ............................... .. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>; ~18' COVER SOIL /////////////////,/ /////////////////, / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / /, rGEOCOMPOSITE / / // / / // / / / / / / / / /, / ~GEOMEMBRANE (30 MIL PVC) ,--Ga.--oo.~GCL ~,",--3"-12" BASE SOIL AS REQUIRED r,/,/v'/,' //<:~'v/,r/:r<. TO PROVIDE A UNIFORM CUSHION LAYER AND POSITIVE DRAINAGE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE 2000 FINAL COVER SYSTEM DETAIL 1'1'\ NO SCALE TYP ....,:.~..,..,.~..0~O:::: , > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> ~ 18" COVER SOIL r////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rGEOCOMPOSITE r / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ~GEOMEMBRANE (40 MIL LLDPE) ~--oo. ,--Ga.~GCL 0" -12" BASE SOIL AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A UNIFORM CUSHION LAYER AND POSITIVE DRAINAGE 2007 FINAL COVER SYSTEM DETAIL f2\ NO SCALE TYP METER VAULT NOTES: REFERENCE LANDFILL COVER SYSTEM WITH LFG LATERAL, SECTION A ON SHEET C14 LFG LATERAL SLIP CONNECTION DETAIL f5\ NO SCALE C13 DATE DESIGNED G ARNDT AWN V STOCKMAN A CHECKED APPROVED BY I I ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE IF NOT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY BR2191015POH04C-05 JOB No 235- 21 91 - 01 5 POH04 DATE MARCH 2007 EXISTING GROUND SURFACE MSHTO NO 57 OR 67 STONE DRAIN ROCK - PROVIDE 3" MIN COVER OVER PIPE GEOTEXTILE FOR UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE CLASS B, LOW SURVIVABILITY 4"~ PERFORATED Gl UNDERDRAIN PIPE ~ NOTES: ~ INSTALL CLEAN OUTS IN UNDERDRAIN PIPE AT BEGINNING, AT ELBOWS, AND EVERY 300 LF SEE DETAILS ffi ~ UNDERDRAIN DETAIL NO SCALE f3\ TYP GEOTEXTI LE TYPE 1 2' TYP 2007 FINAL COVER SYSTEM SEE DETAIL ffi \07 3' NOTE: TRENCH AS REQUIRED BY ENGINEER LEACHATE SEEPAGE INFILTRATION TRENCH DETAIL 16\ NO SCALE PROJECT NAt.4E ENGINEERING PlANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON NOTES: ONLY TOPSOIL DITCH LINING SHOWN LAYERS, IF ANY, BELOW TOPSOIL TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR WHEN SHAPING SUBGRADE 2-FOOT DEPTH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IT] V-DITCH DETAIL NO SCALE f4\ C6,C7,C9,C12 UNDERDRAIN~ SEE DETAIL 3 Cll SUBSURFACE WATER COLLECTION FLAP DETAIL f7\ NO SCALE C6 BID SET DRAWING NO 13 OF 18 DETAILS AND NOTES C11 . . w .. I < <) ~ .. ~ . ~~ ~~ ~ " 6. RE"SlONS ~ ~ S o I" < o COVER SYSTEM { SEE DETAIL ffi ~ C8 TO DAYLIGHT PROVIDE PERMANENT ~ GEOSYNTHETIC TRM C~ 0 @ OUTLET PER DETAIL GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD SEE DETAIL ffi @ OATt: EC8 BY 12" DEEP V-DITCH SEE DETAIL ffi ~ GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD AND DITCHES SECTION NO SCALE 10' n 12' QUARRY SPALL Il "" t;J~ a ;::!~ <3 :::>:::> 37- a:: au --- 2' 12" CPEP 12" QUARRY SPAlLS UNDERLAY WITH GEOTEXTILE FOR DITCH LINING UNDERDRAIN~ SEE DETAIL 3 Cll DESIGNED G ARNDT AWN V STOCKMAN A CH eKED APPROVEO ;;:; ~> >::~?::(;;~V~>>~~\;>~;>~:~)0<'" "",cc '\::.<<:C-<<"'X~ :::::.,~ (,-""::<-,, ,/,,', __c,:,n / .....v/ Y/)'/ ....'<Y/' /' BOTTOM LINER ~ GEOMEMBRANE FLAP L EXISTING 8" HOPE GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PERIMETER GAS MANIFOLD PIPE ZONE BEDDING It. CULVERT SECTION NO SCALE IB\ 12" QUARRY SPALL APPROACH 12" MIN COVER It. ACCESS ROAD AND CULVERT DETAIL NO SCALE (1\ C6 I I ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE IF NOT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY NA BR 2191 015POlT04C- 05 J B No 235-2191-015 POlT04 OA Tt: MARCH 2007 TERMINATE TRM AT EDGE OF ROAD ~I ""I ~l~L . ~ } COVER SYSTEM SEE DETAIL ffi t ~ EXISTING LFG COLLECTION PIPE ~ SLOPE TO DITCH ------ ~ . ~ GRAVEL -- ACCESS ROAlD ffi SEE SECTION ~ --- 'C EXISTING GR:U~: --- 12" DEEP V-DITCH SEE DETAIL ffi ~ fA\ C6 <l DITCH >-- t;JeJ --':'j ~:::> u - - - ~ :I:T:~ :R~:N: } SOUTH COVER SYSTEM TERMINATION ffi SEE SECTION ~ I (4' MAX) I I "- J I U U >-- >-- 15 15 "- "- a I a a.. a.. 0 0 >-- >-- tT MIN I I I U U >-- >-- 15 15 "- "- a 0 w I w ~ I 0 >-- = ~ L L+J ~ TRl\NSITION UNDERDRAIN AT INLET OF CULVERT TO GO TO 2' BELOW CULVERT INVERT EXCAVATION INTO REFUSE AT THIS LOCATION MAY BE REQUIRED EXISTING HMA PAVEMENT II ~ 15 PLAN ""I FORM DRAINAGE /;/'/ >> I~~' '>'/' //~..;' 2" DISCHARGE PIPE GEOTEXTILE DITCH LINING /Y ;;~' ,,<~Y SECTION A CULVERT OUTFALL PROTECTION DETAIL IT\ NO SCALE TYP BID SET PROJECT NAIrAE DRAWING NO 14 OF 18 CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ENGINEERING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES DETAILS AND NOTES C12 . w a. , . <I w c ~ ~ I w c , " '; ~ C Q. '" C ~ ~ 0 , ~ , I D .. :< <5 il; ~ ~ "'''' ~b <", ~x 0 0 0 0 E > '" . c ~ ~ c .. I,; Ji ;/: I ,.. '\ ~~"-'~" \ " -' / --",::::- ~'I -:' ~,\ " \\ " ~~~N~~R~~~NNT:~Tlg~: TYP OF 6 'n '~, I,'.' j'Z, ",LEACHATE AERATION i- - " ~, 'I EXISTING MANIFOLD 1 @ " , 'I' f' <; ~ / POND ;-' \, "I" \,~ ',e d'- ' : / SEE DETAIL 2 :-, ,'" < ,'-',~~,l' , --c- :;""',-'_, ' ", '00&,,",,, ,I ISOLATION VALVE C14 1'~'!';/ "//)\\-/-,','<, "\;1;.,,', EXISTINGWETPOND ::-;"/:-~,'-', :'::'-~', , T"-'-'-,,~'/ : I :1,! 1,1;// '\ "V', ,;)/1:",.:" \ ".< :'/'~'~.;;::..:.::-;-:':::,''----','- -" ~'-=2:-<"-,', 1 EXISTING HORIZONTAL GAS ,"I>';:r ' II't'lt:I':': \ I ':?I'i ,:'f,//' "--"'~.;-=~,C"'~T14E '-. -'~-:>v_"" ',TRENCHCONNECTION,TYPOF50 ' ' ) I /1"," /f / " ',' - ----' L ""- ~ ,,' '. ) , ,,' " _ 5 " , SEE NOTE f5l , " 0 E ZJ ';';/ JI/I I,i/,!~jj I (J/'j:,'!T{/ ------::,-:-:-~:",/,,~...'~---~-.-,."':"-,,', '::-Cl~'2?'-' 5., \ ~ \~~~I~~~E~G~SPMANIFOLD 'I ", ' II" >"" < /; '" " --/' -" '-- "-=--,...-''''-.''' " " N 42297084 , ,I 0'),' 1,/ ((I / I":~';/,' I f ,/I,' '/' ( ,.L ,-,;" ", '" , ,-;- '~" LC04~' .' "~~,: ' ", E 98510550 ' \., EXISTING LEACHATE " 1/ / i: LANDFILL ,'\ / /::;~I:? I l,lllfl::;;'; .: ' ~.z~"o--=~~'_______--LCOtl~>f"' -~-":~ ;;~1'208: ,-->, \ : ".' :'-!'~'~~5 /P;" """, "', ~~A~~Ui3CONNECTION ,':: 'f~ OFFICE \:::-'1/ fl';f,::',' (MW-7 " (i.< ,..f.<,,,., , ". ~i;fF 'T(gE=:::" ~"'i0-~~?"" i -:.:. "', ',5 '''-.. SEE DETAILffi "///1 ,,':. ~~-~'--<y //,~//~/ l' @ 1;;1'~'lljll:':""'//"/' I,! / -,)~- ,-'~~~~:-::~,--,"":~,<:--E{TL,?':~"Q: ,!,~,~~--:'~,-: _'~~~~'" /-~ ~;{;~ '~,r~~~_ _~' " 5" ...." "h" ',,- """''-'~'" / .> ~L=--,>-___ --~ -~II~>~/I//T,/,// ' , - - /;// -r~- _ _;_ ~_._ ~_~,__ A ~__ ___ , _ __-..:. '" ,,- \ , I, : If': (, / I / " ,J . -- --".-', ,I ': r.-- 1.>--;',", " )FTl5E' ,,'P-'::T20E ---:--- ~Tl6E -~,_-;,' i ,_ ". _ ' . '--, \"~~r) JC'~1. Jr\~ - I", '.-' I' 1:1':Tl2",,'/ "I~---~'~--:--;::-< '/-,.'i:.-;,~-":::~'~-:-.--:-~"~:--::::--:-:'-"'i--+,:-::--::-,;o --,,~-,----_r-"r7--'::::.;;,,>- < '~'::'-::'o..!;' J' - :"',> ~;LJ"~ _~:~____:: -/l__\.~~~.I~_----:-,_-,~~,-~__~ ' /' ck 1__/ " / ! I " / / .'".- ------- - ~, ) p--\ .,..--A-"'~--=: _ - --- -_ _ n'.___ -~ Fj_J -- ---__ l"-'---- -_. '~T21E _ __~ "- __ _ _~.-" , r" ,~ " "''''', h" " , 'I, i "":' t " f " , ,," A, ~ 'v:::/:~, :J:' ',I- '::~,':~, , ':" '" :-"',:, - ,"" ,:",', ::,_~ / //~1:/ //; j!:?/~~I ~\i'~ '\)';';':}'7/'---~~~J;1 rr/:,; i / ;: I, i ~ ',~:;JltfJ<-l ~~~-/J?~~ 3", l::, '3'~ -,',' Tn~1::S~~~ ~012 ?:j/ .\,( " ,/.' ,... :, f: :1'::::/' t/ ~ \3 ill iiI: I: 'I, I" ' ',:'o~:">'/;? :":r ~ -- ',{ ,3" ~ .:,.::.:-, ::':..C',' C14 ' . - -:....:.:.::~,: -<, ,"; '-- '< 'f ,-----':-<.,,'\ :1;1.' 1 \-,!'/j// ;'II/I!!: ;I!;'[, "__, Ih i!,I::T'11 I 1;[' I:: I~ ,;If?i;//' 3~~~:~~'1' -i1-;:,,-:,'~~--:::---:' 7:~"~"~=--'~~_:""---~:~~'~>':<-:'\'11 I'I!IA I" "I , " 'I""L \--____.. -'-'_I,B, : '!'?1",!' 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T9, i ' ,':,,' !:1 , II i';',' ", I ~'I ;-;";""1'L .I," I"~ ", I " ',' , -" ~'/';/'~f/))) /j ( I . ~ I;" \ 'I ' "" ,'; 'b '. ,., I 1- rj--L ikl;ll EXISTING MANIFOLD I ! \ ,I ,'/), T8', " '/ -- ~..I. ,--L,V,:,' i' I: ~ ,If: i\: Ii ) , .\ CLOSURE I 'j ",' , ,: ' 'I 'Lcon ~I I~ ISOLATION VALVE, , '. ~J;'" I ,', '/ ,/ /, / .'7" ' ,,' . , 'i ,,. , I 'I' " , ',' , " ','" , HIGH POINT __ /', '- ') /1.: / , /, ,',,' " " / /." I '-\ !/", A I j ,,' I '/\ :' : I:, I :: '16~:''''---m-- -'h ; II,"/,/Ii,/,:{" ,',/i/-:/,', J: I<JjI,;,~t:'(','/.'1 .0.; (;~ f: l~; ,,:,':,',,' I i'I'i:I"~' "111 L ' //)"'ll-;':/ /-.. I- nj' II ;llff'/, I j' ,I 1,'1, · I' 'JI.:: '1 ii/I-' " , , " / : ,,' ,'J' ': I :' ' !' I ,i ',.', I I, C15 " I I I :1" I ' : , 1"11 ,; { " I~' ,/,/ '/ :,',": I ,", " Ii ; j : ,/ .' " ", : I ,I, I ,1\ \ "', I : ;' " ... / ".., ,', , \I.,! , ;, /1 ,: : ': " I :' , I: 1': : H~~::RL~O~S 2j .. ~, , tv.", i', / ' Y' I, / : .' " 1/ 1'1' , '", ,'" .. : ~'" ' '----"'~, '.. i,. """, I I ,1', : ,I I' III ~" I '.", '" " / /' \ ' , '" ' "I : ' ",I' I II -- i--' ,-'" / ,,", I' : MATERIAL 'I' ," ~ i " , " I , /, ' /, It,' L ' , , , ' ;',: NEW 4 LFG LATERAL' 6 '" ' ;.,' '1, ' " ' ' .,' /1 ': i'; I, I ' " : STORAGE 'III ' \ / " " I , ': I." "v -- .!. ",- _ __' \ I' ' , ~ /' \, I , : 1\ SLIP CONNECTION, '.,', 6": ~ ' r - -,' -- ',y ',' I':! 'I' ,I I, , ' l ' \,tf'}? I' ,1//' (, '-'::j~'o-:-'--'\,---""I'\"'ISEEDETAILffi I", I' 1. ./"--l<'~"";.'f' ,,1:/ I ";~Irl ~ " I,' I';(\I\~':" ,'/,' fly" :;\" ",L__ --.; -'::...:'C::'1I~"~' \,\\' ;(TY: OF ~)\2J7 -1, , 16:'x3"" " /,' 'l,,~ ' , {I' 'I' I 'III~ NEW 6" HORIZONTAL ~ 11.1 ~,>-.:."<~:<----.../< /"\;" ,,',,>,,\"':, IJ/' ' , : , --,' ,-, ':{f,I'(\"I";,'i:\'''.,'----:- ",-'l~--':---:" ~'REDUCE~,TYP ,C ,/ ;'~, ..'-' ::i," ! ~~~6~~~I~Hffi I,! '~~_~:c::~<,<~:~) ~I '\~"';\'\\\",'~^':(~'~\", \,,\~>'<::__ ,,- '.--~ ' '.~r(')<~'''\~i~:'''~-;~~~~''~r,'',--,--y.'-s-----,~.~:I,r~~',' I, 1 '\~i,: ':-:':~."'': ::;1\111 (TYPOF3)~ r'll'lli: ," , I \- \' ,'" /" ,\ '" - ---:..----::-'''------,---- '---"~ '1" ""'" j;' "'. .' '.-----<-;...: 7~' " ;-", -.....', -",-- [if- :--'.,: I,. \" l ,'- : : I I:!..: \ 1 '-"'.,'\\' II EXISTING LEACHATE ~~~~''.'X\'' ,"--..:,' >'~~_ -,'--'j~--"-',~,:----Ji,\:_<<,\~';=,~":::::.~-':'-' ~'.t<: 'L:' !;,t-",7 I :J--~:_''', ,)':- (11,',:,:I~il'fi HOUSEHOLD~ ,'I \,\\\<PUMPSTATIONN";\'\\J'\.',' \ -________.' '",., '" . ---'t1't,',,-'-''.::::J-,T. ',-:-:<::'::--:'':,-,:-:- - ~~,2._~';" , ,"__" ",\,",<,/;:: 1\'/ rI HAZARDOUS '-:<".'/:':J'L/---" r: J ~-,\l,y>,' ''''-- ,'" ,,', '. ," '-'-, 'J~f\'0:,-:r':---:::G:--~""""::-----;'.:...t:"- 3"'I'~''"'~,I'-<:':'::--'-3'; -.:..--.''''s:---'.:.______' 0\\,\1,',.',', :11 II WASTEFACiLlTY ~ ~cc~" ",;;(;/,/, 'Y'\--~~"~I i: 1 . ~", T01 , --...:.. " ," '-'--------- -" < --' "--]I' .,:, Z-;i--: .:, - -::-.:..:.'::-- ,> ", ,- , \::~-.....:. I , ',' 150', ,:1,,:-----.:: - ,,~:: " 1 507'" '-~'- '-.:-:- ,,' - '150,' 0 C -' ..1'1 Ii ~ ~ V'I '.~'2~";~1/ xlt;':I\~,<~':;11 i ,':'~ It} <\\",", ,--"':"<,~'>-~~:' // -'-:::--;'''J,lt<~')'~~l>~~:,~?,;:....::k:. ~_~~;~',~ ::.~' ';~:::',2~,~'~~~.~"" ~~P) '.' .:/ffl--, ,~"LJ ' :~:~~'/>' I" -- '; ~, l/"\C'i {\~' ~,' "I.'::----'~',----.',~'( --- '-- --",;;~~ >>---,':~,":\""-----..::.--=---::,.:';,~:.:\~2~_; -F--,~,j\~~:~f~~.~ -,'::"::-','..:.:.:: -:' ':::':'5; ~~ ::- - ,X :, ' '1 ill n. ._ ;/ ' .:::- ,"~, I' ',/~:;,,-,~' ~~, ',' ''''':'' /",,'-- ", ", .:;;:;, b<' '.~ -----~'," . '~-'-;:-:-~'=-l- ,::'~,::- -:'j:"~~24W " -'- -.-:~ '-"':-:;;Sw :--':;:~':-" k! I ' " ",,J: , ~~<-+-~ .n ''o;~~'.,,:;'~~\A~' .'il~o~)Gi~ !<2:<~i};+~-+iILrBS~SS;f,.~ II !~~~~.~jl/- ' ,,' ;" ' ;- '{ ,dJt ,,-=- ,'-- \ --" - 'LC05 ~ -:-,' LC07 -,< _ T20W " 'n16W "--__-~ T21W '-, -' "T1 7W '-:-:,- ':':\, T22W, 'j' Hi, ,,/ /.~~" . e,'. T18W "'1'::-:'':-:,o::_'~~.::::..''~ (:Tl9W" " ~ '_ LC09 ',"" _.. _ """'- ' "'~:, ,~, ,,' " j) JIG-;: EXISTING 3 LATERAL , .. ....~.~, ...... ........ '"'~.;;~'?:~. . ";;;;;'"+'-~~~;i'~~;~"..,'.~~;'~~l 1 :'~~~:~O~~':~::::~~- f :s - '~ ~; I ~ \ I 'MW-4A , 5 I 5 ' '5' 5 ~, :@ J I ) ~,_--,~I~ '--~l-'~/-/ ~ ~ ~ ~ : \EXISTI:~~~Tf~;i~~~:~I) v{.Ii~Nii,;~*'d~~.~~'",{, ///1 _ --CONNECTION, TYP OF 13 i: V Ie',,/, /',/r r _ /~.,.r~;>~>'<'''''~./-'''~~m'~''';~i!'.M''--J,'~-.1~>s:I''''''''l::'1.'i4h\:''':\oI-Y~ _~~ - ~ SEE DETAI~ffi J .: ,: 5/ flr~' //:{~::,:-:~.- ;-~__:~i;J{r5"tt~ ::~~ _ ~ ~~~~- ~~:C"'_~__~ _~ ==-=-==_1( ___ '__ ~...~ t ,~ 120 /'---~ v-<., ~ r ~:::::~'-"". I I ~ J'/,t PLAN ~ 6. REVISIONS DESIGNED S EMGE w V STOCKMAN A H K SCALE IN FEET , o 60 I [ ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE. IF NOT. SCALE ACCORDINGLY IL NAM BL2191015POlT04C-01 JO No 235-2191-015 POlT04 OA TE MARCH 2007 DATE BY PROJECT NAME ENGINEERING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ;; o " CHECK w < c APPRQV 0 GENERAL NOTES: EXISTING CONTOURS OF ACTIVE LANDFILL ARE BASED ON TOPOGRAPHIC GROUND SURVEY SURVEY DATE JANUARY 2007 GROUND CONTROL BY NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC 2 ASSUME HORIZONTAL GAS TRENCHES INSTALLED AT TOP OF EXISTING LANDFILL SURFACE FROM ELEVATION 222 TO 228 3 ALL LFG PIPES WITHIN THE LANDFILL FOOTPRINT SHALL BE SLOPED A CONTINUOUS 5% MINIMUM SLOPE FROM HORIZONTAL GAS TRENCH TO TRENCH CONNECTION NEAR THE PERIMETER MANIFOLD 4 REPLACE 3" LFG VALVE AT TO-l, T9 THROUGH T17, AND LCOl THROUGH LC013 EXCEPT LCO 10 FOR A TOTAL OF 25 VALVES TO BE REPLACED rc.l FIELD LOCATE 3" LATERAL HOPE GAS PIPE SOME CJ PIPING RUNS ARE BURIED DISCONNECT PIPE AND EXTEND THROUGH GEOMEMBRANE USING A BOOT SEE DETAIL ffi ~ f""6l LOCATE LFG LATERAL SLIP CONNECTION AT LOCATION l...::J DIRECTED BY ENGINEER f7l BOOT LATERAL TO FLAP, L:.J SEE DETAIL ffi '\297 r;;l BOOT ALL LATERALS WHERE THEY PENETRATE THROUGH ~ COVER GEOMEMBRANE, SEE DETAIL ffi \8Y BID SET LANDFILL GAS SYSTEM PLAN DRAWING NO 15 OF 18 C13 . . '" .. I < " .0 ;;: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~b ;!!~ c i -- .. E ~ N ,... ^ REVISIONS ~ LJ. re" o ~ ~ o 2007 FINAL COVER SYSTEM SEE DETAIL ffi \2V '" .1 <0 EXISTING GROUND SURFACE LANDFILL COVER SYSTEM WITH LFG LATERAL SECTION fA\ NO SCALE C13 NOTE EXISTING LANDFILL GAS COLLECTION PIPING, SIZE VARIES SEE SHEET C13 EXISTING NEW OR REUSED 3" OR 4" HOPE PIPING PAY LIMIT TRIM GEOCOMPOSITE WITHIN 6" OF PASSING PIPE COVER ENDS WITH TYPE 1 GEOTEXTILE GEOMEMBRANE BOOT SEE DETAIL ffi ~ 4" OR 6"x3" REDUCER 2-4" OR 6" 90' ELBOW LA (ROLL TO MATCH GRADE) ~ PIPE PENETRATION DETAIL NO SCALE f3\ C10,C15,C14 DATE DESIGNED S EMGE AWN V STOCKMAN CH I I ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE IF NOT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY " BL2191015POlT04C-02 JOB No 235-2191-015 POlT04 DATE MARCH 2007 BY CHECKED APPROVED 8" ELECTRO-FUSHION COUPLING (TYP OF 2 PER CONNECTION) SEE NOTE 12] MONITORING RUN NEW OR REUSED 3" OR 4" HOPE PIPING PAY LIMIT 6" HOPE PIPE PAY LIMIT 8"x8"x3" REDUCING TEE SEE NOTE 12] NEW OR RELOCATED 4" OR 3"-90' ELBOWS SEE DETAIL ffi REMOVE AND ~ RELOCATE EXISTING 3" HOPE PIPE LFG LATERAL SLIP CONNECTION ON NEW HORIZONTAL GAS TRENCH PIPES SEE DETAIL ffi \2V EXISTING 8" HOPE LFG MAlNIFOLD PLAN TRENCH CONNECTION PAY LIMIT 3"-90' EL VAlVE r7l PAY LIMIT ~ NEW OR REVISED 3" HOPE PIPING PAY LIMIT 6" HORIZONTAL TRENCH 6"x4" REDUCER FOR NEW PIPING OR 6"x3" REDUCER FOR EXISTING PIPING EXISTING 3" 90' HOPE ELBOWS REMOVE AND RELOCATE / REFUSE ~ NOTES CD MAINTAIN A CONTINUOUS SLOPE OF 5% (MIN) FROM HIGH POINT TO 8" MANIFOLD EXISTING 8" HOPE LFG MANIFOLD MONITORING RUN SEE DETAIL ffi ~ REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EXISTING 12"~ HOPE PIPE (EXTEND 1'-0" BEYOND BACKFILL SOIL) OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD REPLACE 3" LFG VALVE AT TD-1, T9 THROUGH T17, AND LC01 THROUGH LC013 EXCEPT LCO 10 FOR A TOTAL OF 25 VALVES TO BE REPLACED BOTTOM 2. INSTALL 3" LFG PIPE OVER 4" SIDE SLOPE DITCH UNOERDRAIN PIPE AT CROSSING POINTS. MAINTAIN 2% SLOPE MIN IN 3" LFG PIPE REPLACE EXISTING BEDDING MATERIAL 12] o TRENCH CONNECTION DETAIL NO SCALE tT\ C11,C13,C15 2007 FINAL COVER SYSTEM SEE DETAILffi \2V FLEXIBLE GUIDE POST TO MARK LEACHATE CLEAlNOUT ~fC,,1 L' REFUSE ~ -~~:::--- SEE DETAILffi L EXISTING 6" LEA~~~~ ~ CLEANOUT PIPE NOTE TYPICAL GAS MONITORING RUNS SHOWN SOME VALVE BOXES MAY REQUIRE ELEVATION USING BOX RISERS TO ACCOMODATE GRADE CHANGES EXISTING LEACHATE CLENOUT CONNECTION DETAIL /4\ NO SCALE C6,C10,Cl1,C13,C14 BID SET PROJECT NA~E DRAINING NO 16 OF 18 CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ENGINEERING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES GAS SYSTEM DETAILS C14 . . W 0- J " ~ .. o ~ o 0- ~ ~ .. \!! "'''' ~~ <.. ;!x >- '" . " ~ ~ i ~ 6- REVISIONS ~ ~ 0 '" w < " 12" CONCRETE (TYPICAL ALL FLEXIBLE GUIDE POSTS) 3"-LFG LATERAL \ a:: w z :J -' -' G:(J1 0... 5~ 3" LAT~I ~~ (TYP) __~_---- ?~-';>.....~ ..... -.......-:;- '---... '-- ) FLEXIBLE GUIDE POST METER BOX (SET 2" ABOVE GRADE) 3" FLG STAINLESS STEEL GATE VALVE SEE NOTE QJ 40' - 6" HOPE SOLID WALL PIPE AND EXISTING BACKFILL MATERIAL 6" REDUCER (TYP) 5% MIN MONITORING PORT, SEE DETAIL e:1 TO GAS MANIFOLD ffi SEE TRENCH CONNECTION ~ "-~I 3" FLANGE CONNECTIONS (TYP) NOTE: 6"-THICK DRAIN ROCK MATERIAL WITHIN METER BOX QJ REPLACE EXISTING VALVES AT TO-1, T9 THROUGH T17, LCO 1-9 AND LCO 11-13 MONITORING RUN DETAIL NO SCALE DATE DESIGNED S EMGE AW V STOCKMAN K BY H CK APPROV 0 r2\ C14 I ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE. IF NOT. SCALe ACCORDlNOLY IL NAl.1 BL2191015POl T04C-02 No 235-2191-015 P01T04 DAfE MARCH 2007 HORIZONTAL GAS TRENCH 6" HOPE PERFORATED PIPE AND DRAIN ROCK MATERIAL (LENGTH VARIES) EXISTING GRADE TYPICAL HORIZONTAL GAS TRENCH DETAIL 17\ NO SCALE C13,C15 ~ FROM TRENCH CONNECTION SEE DETAIL ffi \B7 1"x 1 /2" MT x T PVC REDUCER BUSHING WITH A 1/2" NPT PVC PIPE PLUG FINAL COVER 40' -6" HOPE SOLID WALL PIPE AND EXISTING BACKFILL MATERIAL MONITORING PORT DETAIL NO SCALE ENGINEERING PlANNINQ ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 5% MIN a:: w z :J -' -' G:(J1 0... 5~ 3 - ~~""'" '''''''''' - - _ _ SEE DETAIL ffi -----___- --(~~_ \B7 EXISTING GRADE~ -----~,----- , , ------------ TOP LOCATION DRILL, TAP, AND CHAMFER 1" HOLE 3" -LFG 13\ PROJECT NAME a a I I ".,. N CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFILL CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ~~ c . -:~ EXISTING BOTTOM LINER (TYP) BACKFILL WITH EXCAVATED MATERIAL SEE NOTE [2] 6"0 HOPE PERFORATED PIPE SEE NOTE QJ DRAIN ROCK '0 I NOTES QJ '- THE FIRST 40' OF TRENCH PIPING SHALL BE SOLID WALL AND SLOPED A MINIMUM OF 5%, AND DRAIN ROCK SHALL BE REPLACED WITH SOIL BACKFILL MATERIAL 2'-0" [2] PLACE NEW/REUSE 6" DAILY COVER LAYER OVER "BACKFILL WITH EXCAVATED MATERIAL" SECTION NO SCALE fi'\ C13,C15 BID SET DRAWING NO 17 OF 18 GAS SYSTEM DETAILS C15 . ~ . I .. \'l . .. '" .. I <( <> ~ ~ i ill x '" Q I .. i o 0; ~ \'l ... Q I Z <( l <( ill ~ ~ '" t.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 REVISIONS o " Ie <( o I / \ <~'" I ::~-2_i ,~~~'>~,:'''~~''''<-~~>" ' \ '--... ' \"'", - "" , '''-~':':z~';.::~{~ ': 'c'" , ~.... \, "- \ , '" \ ......"..... '\ " '''''. " ~....f" ~ ".." ~~'(," r 'f" """'" ~"" ""lr~<f7: ,," ;:;.),.... 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"-, ~: '~::)~~::-----~'~::~'~:',:',:_~ :,:-~~-- ~;--"::',;:::':~~--~)J ' ~~,"'" '~" ',',,' " SCALE HOUSE,,', " ' \ "I ~g\k~%..',~ '~'::,,~;,.',,' \ / AND SCALES '\" ,,' ,\ :{, t, ~\'I:'\\\\~\\~/.:-'~ :'-~"~ ~',,:~,'., ,>~ /r; n _ ' '. '. \ ' \ ') \ }, ,}J: / J /, ~/ 'i I ", ~; , : I! " , ' , , :' i , } 2007 CLOSURE , \ 7 1/1 ' "~' > i , I, I' " I " ,- r--- .l ~ ",LJ 1:J~~=~ 'I"',,, ~ I'~""d#?' " ,.-;{;if5;r . ';(,;,>" , ./ ;' .>C'0i7 GEOCOMPOSITE, GEOMEMBRANE AND GCl PLAN 1"=80' OAl! DESIGNED G ARNDT A V STOCKMAN K BY I I ONE INCH AT FULL. SCALE. IF NOT, SCALE ACCORDINGLY A 8R2191 D15POlT04C-06 JOB No 235-2191-015 POlT04 OAl! MARCH 2007 O<CKD APPROVED <~ " -""", ''-,~'~:'r..~.., '1/~"- ') '~""-:---""" ,'- :.,~" ',I: '_.:~;:~-:-; __ 1/ " _" "~'::>:: '" ~. ~,7/~~~~:; .-;:";~><-"!- /~/j~;~_~~-.~C__,___-_"-:' -..' 1 ,,('/ . <,// " ___ _.. ___ _ -:------- \~' /',:', ,'if ,,:,/),--: -7:-'~' -- -- ~'-. -:..- '_________:~': <. 't 'I' ': / J .. . -:..,- jl, l'. ,( " i/ /",' \' II /: / ,J ", \ fifi I \ d /' ! , t11; ," i ", ,/ / /., :,,~jil' . 'l 'Ii 'f, ; ~ fj I I '\ l.t'! ! I, j I :;! / I) I , " / ", t,', \, , /,' , \, '" 'i, \' ' I"~ ..,\', , \ ' ",,"'>~ _:-_.~ ~,:=~ ~ ---l'~;: \f:;iL~'~>:':~~:~:-~~:: :,'~:.:" \ ~"" " ,,J.,, ,'" ' " , -- -,,_ ;~\, :-:\\.:<,<:-,~, <:.'-' 20~~""''':'' -' ", r'~t("~<' :::!R~~<<~' ':' ,:' .>-<-:'::' , ...., ",', "...', "",'.. -.......... ...~ ~ ~ ~ ,.- ! ' ~.. ,....;-...: :,,'," :, . :"" -" -, ~,,' - -. ~"- 'I " ,', " '-" CLOSURE ,^"", , ',', >~" " " -_ ' , .. "", ,', ',----,:,:-.,:;" '" --, --""-- ~,- ,,-" ...-'",,:':::':,' \'':' -:'>~" ' ," :- '-,,< " ",;\' ',', """"',,,,~,'" '::: "1\: "'- ":", ,<,: ::,'': ':,":~. ~,~ ::::~~'~'~::~,_>,~, ' ::ii~( ~ ".\(~~ >,': ~<~~~:: ,:::.,,,~ ' : I ' ~." '::i:;::: "'='" -_~"," ...---_ '~/.Y /-,." '----___ --'-- rr"'!'.- "'.- .- y"J, <'ie.. - ,::" '. ~~::& I;~~~,~:~C\ ' '-. . _:: ",,~c,m;:~ -~-~._~,:~'>~'r' . 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'-~-,- ':;"~"", ":- "-", ). r-'-, 0-"..' ~ . / , ">OJ , \, >~ "i\ ,--<, :.,,::~>, <\~ I _,_, ,,', \\ 11 ~j '\ \ \ < \ > \ i 1. 1 \ I :."'1....\1 , " , I."!~ ': ,'f';,':", 'I ' I' , I',' / , '" I /' ''';;''\' "I' ',~ '\ " ,':j< :1 (;r--' /) , II : r 1 ~,," )" I,! d ,/,<,,/ ,; i: i __:~_~-, "'~\'~~~'~' "4TR~ I ," .,X'I' ""\.,, '<'~,' ,~ , ,<'~, '! '- -lJ!, ) , , ~ "< '\', "'\", ,II :~/" ',: \ ~,~ / / " , \, '\., \, " \ \, ...., , ", " GEOMEMBMBRANE AND GCL SHAlL BE CALCULATED FROM THE SAME PAY LIMIT 2007 CLOSURE GEOCOMPOSITE PAY LIMIT ACCESS ROAD AREA DEDUCT FROM TOPSOIL AREA WEST DITCH TOPSOIL, COVER SOil AND TRM PLAN '"=80' , o PLAN SCALE IN FEET 80 ~ I 160 BID SET PROJECT NAME COVER SYSTEM PAY LIMITS ENGtNEERlNQ PlANNING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES CITY OF PORT ANGELES LANDFill CLOSURE 2007 PROJECT NO. PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON " f-''--) ~ ~{/ II '1J11 /~ I 'fl~' / /" ,) I ,,~ 'l' ,j,< I ~f / i ~~ 1\ ,I. I III , I.,' l~ I : '('-.'_~ If I ( j', " 'Il' \' ' I/i" (, \, ,'f~@ ':- 1!1 \ " t-- ~, ---1 I i - _ ~_ ~~l-I DRAVf'lNG NO 18 OF 18 C16 ,~ . . APPENDIX B CQA Plan . . Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 ~ ,ORT -4+. ""O~Q~ J.... - ~'< (;~,.~ L... ...........--- . . . March 2007 Parametrix . Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 Prepared for . City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works PO. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 Prepared by Parametrix 4660 Kltsap Way, SUite A Bremerton, W A 98312-2357 360-377-0014 www parametnx com . Malch 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) . CITATION . Parametrix. 2007. Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22. Prepared by Parametrix, Bremerton, Washington. March 2007. . . . . Construcllon Quahty Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles CERTIFICATION The technical material and data contained in this document were prepared under the supervision and direction of the undersigned, whose seal, as a professional engineer licensed to practlce as such, is affixed below. ~ Prepared by Ken Brown Checked by Gary Arndt, P .E. b March 2007 1235-2191-015 (01/04) . Constructzon Qualzty Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 -Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles TABLE OF CONTENTS . 1. CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE CONCEPTS AND OVERVIEW.... 1-1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................1-1 1.1.1 Proj ect Description... ................... .... ............................................................ .1-1 1.1.2 Scope ............................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1.3 DefInitions.................... ............ ................................................................... .1-2 1.2 RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY ..............................................................1-2 1.3 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS .................. .................. ....... ............................1-5 1.4 WRITTEN CQA PLAN ........................ .................................... .......... ......... ..........1-5 1.5 DOCUMENTATION ........................................... ................. ....................... ...... ....1-7 1.5.1 Daily Observation Reports ............................................................ ...............1-7 1.5.2 Observation and Testing Reports................................. ................. ................1-8 1.5.3 Problem IdentifIcation and Corrective Measures Reports ............................1-8 1.5.4 Drawings of Record................................ ......................... ............................. 1-8 1.5.5 Final Documentation and CertifIcation ........................................................1-9 1.5.6 Document Control....... ........... ................. .......................... ........................ ...1-9 1.5.7 Storage of Records.... ................................................................................... .1-9 1.6 MEETINGS............................................ ......................... ................................... ..1-1 0 1.6.1 Pre-Bid Meeting ....... .... ........ .......... ............................................................ 1-10 1.6.2 Pre-Construction Meeting.................................. .................... ....... ..............1-1 0 1.6.3 Progress Meetings.... ..... ............ ............ .............. ................................ ........1-11 1.7 WEA THER........................................................... .......... ........ ......... ........ ...... ...... .1-11 1.8 WORK STOPPAGES ......................................................................... .................1-11 2. COMPACTED SOIL - VACANT ...................................................................... 2-1 . 3. G E OMEM BRAN ES ........ ..... ......... .............. .......... ................................. ........... 3-1 3.1 INTRODUCTION.. .............................. .............. ........... ........... .................... .......... 3-1 3 .2 MANUFACTURING ............... ............ .............. .......... ............... ...........................3-1 3.2.1 Submittal Review............. ......................... .............. ..... ................................ 3-1 3.2.2 Receiving Observations ........ ................. ......... ........ .......... .......... ........... .......3-1 3.2.3 Geomembrane Conformance Testing ........................................................... 3-1 3.3 HANDLING ..... ...... ....................... ......... ............ ......... ........ ... ..... ................... ........3-2 3.3.1 Handling and Site Storage............................................................................ 3-2 3.3.2 Deployment ......................... .............. ....... ............. ..... .......... ......... .... .... .......3-2 3.3.3 Documentation.............................................................................................. 3-3 3.4 SEAMING ........ ............ .............. ............ ...... ..........................................................3-3 3 .4.1 Nondestructive Seam Testing....................................................................... 3-3 3.4.2 Destructive Seam Testing.... ..... ...... ....................... ........ ........................ .......3-4 3.4.3 Laboratory Testing ......... ..... ..... .................. ........................ ..........................3-5 March 2007 : 235-2191-015 (01/04) ConstnlctlOn Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 CIty of Port Angeles TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) 3.5 FIN"AL ACCEPTANCE ................. ...................................................... .... ....... ....... 3-5 3.6 COVERIN G/BACKFILLIN"G ................................................................................ 3-5 3.6.1 Covering with Geosynthetic Drainage Layer ...............................................3-5 4. GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINERS ..................................................................... 4-1 4.1 IN"TRODUCTION ................. ........ .... ............ .............. .......... .......... ........... ............4-1 4.2 MANUFACTURING .......................................................... ...................................4-1 4.2.1 Submittal Review......................................................................................... 4-1 4.2.2 Receiving Observations........................................... ................... ..................4-1 4.2.3 Acceptance and Conformance.................... ........ ................................... .......4-1 4.3 HANDLIN"G ........................ .......................................... ........ .... ........... ..................4-2 4.4 IN"ST ALLA TION ........................................................... ........................................4-2 4.5 COVERING/BACKFILLIN"G ................................................................................ 4- 3 5. VACANT. ............. ......... ............................................. ............ ........... ....... ........5-1 6. MISCELLANEOUS GEOSYNTHETICS ........................................................... 6-1 6.1 IN"TRODUCTION ................. ............ ..... .................... .......................... ......... ......... 6-1 6.2 GEOTEXTILES ....... ................. ........ .............. ......... ....................................... ....... 6-1 6.2.1 Manufactunng ...................................................... ........................................6-1 6.2.2 Handling................... ...... ..................................... ................ .........................6-1 6.2.3 Installation.................................................................................................... 6-1 6.2.4 Backfilling or Covering ........... ............. ............................................. ........ ... 6-2 6.3 GEONET AND GEOCOMPOSITES .................................................................... 6-2 6.3.1 Manufacturing ....... ...... ............ .................................... ........................ ......... 6-3 6.3.2 Handling .... ......... ..................... .......... ............... .............. ........ .... ... ... ...... ...... 6-3 6.3.3 Installation................................................................................................... 6-3 6.3.4 Backfilling or Covering........... ................ ......... ........ ............ ............... ......... 6-4 6.4 GEOGRIDS - VACANT .......................................................................................6-4 7 . VACANT........................... ........................................... ....................................7-1 8. APPURTE NAN CES .......... .... ........................................................................... 8-1 8.1 IN"TRODUCTION .............. ................. ..... ............... ........ ............. .......................... 8-1 8.2 PLASTIC PIPE ............. ......... ................. ................... ...... ......... .............................. 8-1 8.2.1 Receiving Observations ........ ................................. ............. ..........................8-1 8.2.2 Handling... .................................. ......... ......... ......... ............... ... ....... ..... '" ......8-1 8.2.3 Placement ... ................. .......... ..... ....... ..... ...... ......... .............................. ......... 8-1 8.3 SUMPS, MANHOLES, AND RISERS.................................................................. 8-2 8.4 PENETRATIONS ........ ... ... ....................... .... ... ........ ..... ........... ............. .......... ....... 8-2 11 March 2007 : 235-2191-015 (01/04) . . . . . . ConstmctlOn Qualzty Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) LIST OF FIGURES 1-1 CQA Team Organization Chart ..............................................................................1-6 LIST OF TABLES 1-1 Personnel Qualifications .............................................................. .......................... .1-5 APPENDICES A CQA Forms March 20071235-2191-015 (01104) iii . . . ConstructIOn Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 CIty of Port Angeles KEY TERMS ASTM CQA CQC Ecology FTB GCL ill LLDPE PVC American Society for Testing and Materials Construction Quality Assurance Construction Quality Control Washington State Department of Ecology film tearing bond geosynthetic clay liner identification linear low-density polyethylene Polyvinyl Chloride March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01104) v . Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 City of Port Angeles 1. CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE CONCEPTS AND OVERVIEW 1.1 INTRODUCTION This Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan is for the Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 Project. It has been prepared by Parametrix for the City of Port Angeles, the owner of the landfill. This CQA Plan describes the actions the owner will undertake to assure and to document that the project is constructed in general accordance with the project plans and specifications. . 1.1.1 Project Description This project is for the Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 and includes the construction of the final cover system for the landfill. The project covers and closes the remainder of the landfill, an area of about 11 acres, with a cover system consisting of (from the bottom to the top) a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL), 40-mil linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) textured geomembrane, geocomposite, 18 inches of cover soil, 6 inches of topsoil, and hydro seeding. The integrity of the cover system is critical to the existing landfill gas and leachate collection systems, which will require modification to accommodate the cover. Stormwater collection ditches on the landfill surface and along the perimeter of the landfill must be constructed. These ditches all have underdrains to help carry water rapidly away from the soiVgeomembrane interface. Additional minor site improvements will also be required. 1.1.2 Scope . Construction quality assurance is widely recognized as a critically important factor in overall quality management for waste containment facilities. The best of designs and regulatory requirements will not necessarily translate to a waste containment facility that is protective of human health and the enVIronment unless the facility is properly constructed. This CQA Plan provides the following guidance to the owner: · For specific observations and tests; · For documentation of the observed quality of materials and work; and · Serves as a reference source for personnel performing and monitoring construction. The observations, testing, and documentation will be performed by the owner's CQA organization. This CQA Plan does not establIsh construction requirements. Construction requirements are established by the plans and specifications and are not restated herein. The criteria for acceptance wIll be as defined m the plans and speCIfications. This CQA Plan does not establish procedures to control or guide the operations of the manufacturer of materials or the contractor or relieve them of their contractual responsibility to set up the necessary procedures and controls within their organizations to produce the quality of work called for in the plans and specifications. This CQA Plan is not intended to function as or replace the contractor's quality control program. March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01104) I-I Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 CIty of Port Angeles . 1.1.3 Definitions It is critical to define and understand the differences between CQC and CQA and to counterpoint where the different activities contrast and/or complement one another. The definitions follow. · Construction Quality Control (CQC): A planned system of inspections that is used by the contractor to directly monitor and control the quality of a construction project. CQC is normally performed by the geosynthetics installer, or by the earthwork contractor for natural soil materials, and is necessary to achieve quality in the constructed or installed system. CQC refers to measures taken by the installer or contractor to determine compliance with the requirements for materials and workmanship as stated in the plans and specifications for the project. · Construction Quality Assurance (CQA): A planned system of activities that provides the owner and permitting agency assurance that the facility was constructed as specified in the design. CQA includes verifications, audits, and evaluations of materials and workmanship necessary to determine and document the quality of the constructed facility. CQA refers to measures taken by the CQA organization to assess if the installer or contractor is in compliance with the plans and specifications for a project. CQA is performed independently from CQC. Although CQA and CQC are separate activities, both have similar objectives, and in a smoothly running construction project, the processes will complement one another. Conversely, an effective CQA program can lead to . identification of deficiencies in the CQC process, but a CQA program by itself (in complete absence of a CQC program) is unlikely to lead to acceptable quality management. Quality is best ensured with effective CQC and CQA programs. 1.2 RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY Many individuals are involved directly or indirectly in CQC and CQA activities. The individuals, their affiliation, and their responsibilities and authority are discussed below. The principal organizations and individuals involved m designing, permitting, constructing, and inspecting a waste containment facility are: · Permitting Agency. The permitting agency for this project is the Clallam County Department of Community Development. It is the responsibility of the permitting agency to review the owner's permit application, including the site-specific CQA plan, for compliance with the agency's regulations and to make a decision to issue or deny a permit based on this review. The permitting agency also has the responsibility to review all CQA documentation during or after construction of a facility, possibly including visits to the construction site to observe the CQC and CQA practices, to confirm that the approved CQA Plan was followed and that the facility was constructed as specified in the design. The permitting agency will receive assistance from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) to review documents. · Owner. The City of Port Angeles will own and operate the facility. The owner is responsible for the design, construction, and operation of the facihty. This responsibility includes complying wlth the requirements of the permitting agency, the . submission of CQA documentation, and assuring the pemutting agency that the facility was constructed as specified in the construction plans and specifications and as approved by the pemutting agency. The owner has the authority to select and dismiss organizatlOns charged with deSIgn, construction, and CQA. 1-2 Malch 2007: 235-2191-015 (01104) . ConstructIOn Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles . · Owner's Representative. The owner's representative, or construction manager, is responsible to administer the construction program for the owner. This responsibility includes communications to other members in the owner's organization, pennitting agency, general contractor, and CQA engineer. The owner's representative may be an employee of the City or an outside contractor. · Design Engineer. Parametrix is the design engineer. The design engineer's primary responsibility is to design the facility so that it fulfills the operational requirements of the owner, complies with accepted design practices for municipal solid waste landf1l1 closures, and meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of the pennitting agency. The design engineer may be requested to change some aspects of the design if unexpected conditions are encountered during construction (e.g., a change in site conditions, unanticipated logistical problems during construction, or lack of availability of certain materials). Because design changes during construction are not uncommon, the design engineer is a major and essential part of the CQA process. · Manufacturer. Many components, including geosynthetics and piping, of a municipal solid waste landfill closure are manufactured materials. The manufacturer is responsible for the manufacture of its materials and for quality control during manufacture. The manufacturer is responsible for certifying that its materials conform to the plans and specifications. The quality control steps taken by a manufacturer are critical to overall quality management in construction of waste containment facilities. Such activities often take the form of process quality control, computer-aided quality control, and the like. As requested, the manufacturer should provide information to the owner, pennitting agency, design engineer, fabricator, installer, or CQA engineer that describes the quality control steps that are taken during the manufacturing of the product. In addition, the manufacturer should be willing to allow the owner, pennitting agency, design engineer, fabricator, installer, and CQA engineer to observe the manufacturing process and quality control procedures if they so desire. · Fabricator. Some materials are fabricated from manufactured components. For example, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) geomembranes are fabricated by seaming together smaller, manufactured geomembrane sheets at the fabncator's facility. The fabricator is responsible for certifying that its materials and processes conform to the plans and specifications. The quality control steps taken by a fabncator are critical to overall quality in construction of waste containment facilities. As requested, the fabncator should provide information to the owner, pennitting agency, design engineer, installer, or CQA engineer that describes the quality control steps that are taken during the fabrication of the product. In addition, the fabricator should be willing to allow the owner, pennitting agency, design engineer, installer, or CQA engineer to observe the fabrication process and quality control procedures if they so desire. · General Contractor. The general contractor has overall responsibility for construction of the project and for CQC during construction. The general contractor arranges for purchase of materials that meet specifications, enters into a contract with one or more fabricators to supply those materials, contracts with an installer (if separate from the general contractor's organization), and has overall control over the construction operations, including scheduling and CQC. The general contractor has the primary responsibility for ensuring that a facility is constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications that have been developed by the design engineer and approved by the pennitting agency. The general contractor is also responsible for informing the owner's representative of the scheduling and occurrence of all construction activities. . March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) 1-3 ConstructIOn Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 CIty of Port Angeles . · Installation Contractor. Manufactured products (such as geosynthetics) are placed and installed in the field by an installation contractor who is the general contractor or a subcontractor to the general contractor. The installer's personnel may be employees of the manufacturer or fabricator, or they may work for an independent installation company hired by the general contractor. The installer is responsible for handling, storage, placement, and installation of manufactured and/or fabricated materials. The installer will have a quality control plan to detail the proper manner that materials are handled, stored, placed, and installed. · Earthwork Contractor. The earthwork contractor is responsible for grading the site to elevations and grades shown on the plans and for constructing earthen components of the project (e.g., sub grade, granular drainage layers, and embankments) according to the specifications. The earthwork contractor may be hired by the general contractor. In some cases, the general contractor's personnel may serve as the earthwork contractor. The earthwork contractor is responsible not only for grading the site to proper elevations but also for obtaining suitable earthen materials, transport and storage of those materials, preprocessing of materials (if necessary), placement and compaction of materials, and protection of materials during and (in some cases) after placement. Earthwork functions must be carried out in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the permitting agency. The earthwork contractor should have a quality control plan and is responsible for CQC operations aimed at controlling materials and placement of those materials to conform with project specifications. · CQC Personnel. Construction quality control personnel are individuals who work for . the general contractor, installation contractor, or earthwork contractor and whose job it is to ensure that construction is taking place in accordance with the plans and specifications. · CQA Engineer. The CQA engineer has overall responsibility for construction quality assurance. The engineer is usually an individual experienced in a variety of activities, although particular specialists in soil placement, polymeric materials, and geosynthetic placement will invariably be involved in a project. The CQA engineer is responsible for reviewing the CQA Plan as well as general plans and specifications for the project so that the CQA Plan can be implemented with no contradictions or unresolved discrepancies. Other responsibilities of the CQA engineer include education of observation personnel on CQA requirements and procedures, scheduling and coordmating of CQA observation activities, ensuring that proper procedures are followed, ensuring that testing laboratories are conforming to CQA requirements and procedures, confirming that test data are accurately reported and that test data are maintained for later reporting, and preparation of periodic reports. The CQA Engineer will review all documentation on a weekly basis. The most important duty of the CQA engineer is overall responsibility for confirming that the facility was constructed in general accordance with plans and specifications approved by the permitting agency. In the event of nonconformance with the project specifications or CQA Plan, the CQA engineer should notify the owner as to the details and, if appropriate, recommend work stoppage and possibly remedial actions. The CQA engineer is an authonzed representative ofthe owner. The CQA engmeer will be on the construction site on a regular basis. During the . installation of the GCL, geomembrane, geocomposite, and cover soil, the CQA engineer will be on site weekly. 1-4 March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) . Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles . The CQA engineer is responsible for certifying to the owner and permitting agency that, in his opinion, the facility has been constructed in general accordance with plans and specifications and the CQA plan approved by the permitting agency. The certification statement is accompanied by a fmal CQA Report that contains all the appropriate documentation, including daily observation reports, sampling locations, test results, drawings of record, and other relevant data. CQA Personnel. Construction quality assurance personnel are responsible for making observations and performing field tests to ensure that a facility is constructed in general accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the permitting agency. CQA personnel shall not revoke, alter, or relax the provisions of the plans and specifications. CQA personnel report to the CQA engineer. Testing Laboratory. Many CQA tests are performed by commercial laboratories. The testing laboratory should have its own internal quality control plan to ensure that laboratory procedures conform to the appropriate American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards or other applicable testing standards. The testing laboratory is responsible for ensuring that tests are performed in accordance with applicable methods and standards, for following internal quality control procedures, and for reporting data. The testing laboratory must be willing to allow the owner, permitting agency, design engineer, installer, or CQA engineer to observe the sample preparation and testing procedures or record-keeping procedures, if they so desire. . . 1.3 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS The key individuals involved in CQA and their minimum qualifications are listed in Table 1-1. Table 1-1. Personnel Qualifications Individual DeSign Engineer Owner's Representative Minimum Qualifications Registered Professional Engineer. The specific individual designated by the owner, with knowledge of the project, its plans, specifications, and CQA documents. Employed by an organization that operates separately from the contractor and the owner, who has experience inspecting on at least two similar projects. Employed by an organization that operates separately from the contractor and owner, who IS a registered Professional Engineer, and who has shown competency and experience in similar projects. CQA Personnel CQA Engineer 1.4 WRITTEN CQA PLAN . Quality assurance begms with a quality assurance plan. This CQA Plan is the owner's written plan for CQA activitIes. This CQA Plan has been tailored to this specific project and coordinated WIth the project plans and specifications. It includes a detailed description of all CQA activities that will be used during materials manufacturing and construction to manage the installed quality of the facility. Figure 1-1 illustrates the organization of the CQA team that will be used to implement this CQA Plan. March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) 1-5 ConstructIOn Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 City of Port Angeles THIRD-PARTY ENGINEER Parametrix Peter Battuello, R.G. Project Manager Gary Arndt, P.E. Design and CQA Engineer DWight Miller, P.E. Senior QA/QC Reviewer To Be Determined On-Site Construction Monitor and Additional CQA Personnel Steve Emge, P E Additional CQA Personnel . REGULATORY AUTHORITIES Clallam County Department of Community Development Jennifer Garcelon, R.S. Department of Ecology Southwest Regional Office Bill Harris, P.E., Project Engineer OWNER City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works Glenn A. Cutler, P.E. Gary Kenworthy, P.E., City Engineer Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent . CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR To Be Determined GEOSYNTHETIC INSTALLERS To Be Determined Testing Results THIRD-PARTY MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY To Be Determined . 1-6 Figure 1-1. CQA Team Organization Chart March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) . Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 City of Port Angeles A copy of the plans and specifications, CQA Plan, and CQA documentation will be retained at the project site during the project. The plans, specifications, and CQA documents may be reviewed during a site inspection by the permitting agency and will be the chief means for the facility owner to demonstrate to the permitting agency that CQA objectives for this project are being met. 1.5 DOCUMENTATION A major purpose of the CQA process is to provide documentation for those individuals who were unable to observe the entire construction process (e.g., representatives of the permitting agency) so that those individuals can make informed judgments about the quality of construction for this project. CQA procedures and results must be thoroughly documented. . 1.5.1 Daily Observation Reports Routine daily reporting and documentation procedures are required. CQA observers will prepare daily written observation reports that will ultimately be included in the final CQA document. The daily reports will include information about work that was accomplished, tests and observations that were made, and descriptions of the adequacy of the work that was performed. As a minimum, the reports will contain the following: · Date, project name, location, personnel involved in major activities, and other relevant identification information. · Description of weather conditions, including temperature, cloud cover, and precipitation. . Summaries of any meetings held and actions recommended or taken. · Specific work units and locations of construction underway during that particular day. · Equipment and personnel being utilized in each work task, includmg subcontractors. . Identification of areas or units of work being inspected. · Unique identifying sheet number of geomembranes for cross referencing and document control. . · Description of off-site materials received, includmg any quality control data provided by the supplier. · Calibrations or recalibrations of test equipment, includmg actions taken as a result of recahbration. · Decisions made regarding approval of units of material or of work and/or corrective actions to be taken in instances of substandard or suspect quality. · Unique identifying sheet numbers of observation data sheets and/or problem reporting and corrective measures used to substantiate any CQA decisions described in the previous item. . Signature of the CQA engineer or designated representative. See Appendix A for sample report forms. March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) 1-7 Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 CIty of Port Angeles 1.5.2 Observation and Testing Reports All observations, results of field tests, and results of laboratory tests performed on site or off site will be recorded on a suitable data sheet. Recorded observations may take the form of notes, charts, sketches, photographs, or any combination of these. Where possible, a checklist may be useful to ensure that pertinent factors are not overlooked. As a minimum, the observation data sheets will include the following information: · Description or title ofthe observation activity. · Location of the observation activity or location from which the sample was obtained. · Type of observation activity and procedure used. · Unique identifying geomembrane sheet number for cross-referencing and document control. · Recorded observation or test data. · Results of the observation activity (e.g., pass/fail); comparison with specification requirements. · Personnel involved in the observation besides the individual preparing the data sheet. · Signature of the CQA observer and review signature by the CQA engineer. See Appendix A for sample report forms. 1.5.3 Problem Identification and Corrective Measures Reports A problem is defmed as material or workmanship that does not meet the requirements of the plans, specifications, or CQA Plan for the project or any obvious defect in material or workmanship. Problem identification and corrective measures reports will contain the following information: . Location of the problem. · Description of the problem (in sufficient detail and with supporting sketches or photographic information where appropriate) to adequately describe the problem. · When and by whom the problem was located (reference to observation data sheet or daily summary report). · Corrective measure(s). · Who approved the corrective measure(s). · Documentation of correction if corrective action was taken and completed prior to finalization of the problem and corrective measures report (reference to observation data sheet, where applicable). · Signature of the CQA observer and review signature of the CQA engineer. See Appendix A for sample report forms. . . 1.5.4 Drawings of Record Drawings of record (sometimes called "as-bUilt" drawings) will be prepared to document the . actual lines and grades and conditions of each component of the project. For soil components, the record drawings will include the horizontal dimensions of the component and locations of all tests performed or samples taken, including depth measurements. 1-8 March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01104) . . . Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles For geomembrane components, the record drawings will be provided by the geomembrane installer and will show the dimensions and location of each panel and geomembrane penetration. Each panel and seam will be identified with its appropriate alpha-numeric identification. The location of patches, repairs, and destructive test samples will be shown on individual panel observation sheets. 1.5.5 Final Documentation and Certification At the completion of a project, the owner will submit a fmal report to the permitting agency. This report will include all of the contractor's submittals, daily observation reports, observation data sheets, problem identification and corrective measures reports, and other documentation such as quality control data provided by manufacturers or fabricators, laboratory test results, photographs, record drawings, internal CQA memoranda or. reports with data interpretation or analyses, and design changes made by the design engineer during construction. The document will be certified by the CQA engineer as follows: I hereby declare that I am the CQA Engineer of the project and that the project was reviewed and observed by me or my authorized agent in accordance with the quality assurance plan approved by the Clal/am County Department of Community Development. I further declare that said project was, to the best of my knowledge and information, constructed and completed in general accordance with the plans and specifications, CQA Plan, and major change orders approved by the Clal/am County Department of Community Development and as shown on the owner's record drawings. Signature of CQA Engineer Date Stamp of CQA Engineer 1.5.6 Document Control A control scheme will be implemented to organize and index all CQA and CQC documents. This scheme will be designed to allow easy access to all documents and will enable a reviewer to identify and retrieve submittals, observation reports, or data sheets for any completed work element. 1.5.7 Storage of Records During construction, the CQA engineer WIll be responsible for all CQA documents. Tills includes a copy of the design criteria, plans, specifications, CQA Plan, and originals of all data sheets and reports. Duplicate records will be kept at another location to avoid loss of this valuable information if the originals are destroyed. March 2007 : 235-2191-015 (01/04) 1-9 ConstructIOn Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles . Once construction is complete, the document originals will be stored by the owner in a manner that will allow for easy access while still protecting the documents from damage. An additional copy should be kept at the facility if this is in a different location from the owner's main files. A final copy should be kept by the permitting agency. All documentation should be maintained through the operating and post-closure monitoring periods of the facility by the owner and the permitting agency in an agreed-upon format (hard copy, electronic medium, etc.). 1.6 MEETINGS Communication is extremely important to quality management. Quality construction is easiest to achieve when all parties involved understand clearly their responsibility and authority. Meetings can be very helpful to make sure that responsibility and authority of each organization is clearly understood. During construction, meetings can help to resolve problems or misunderstandings and to fmd solutions to unanticipated problems that have developed. 1.6.1 Pre-Bid Meeting Discussion of the CQA Plan will be included in the pre-bid meeting so that the companies bidding on the construction will understand the level of CQA to be employed on the project. 1.6.2 Pre-Construction Meeting The pre-construction meeting is held after a general construction contract has been awarded . and the major subcontractors and material suppliers are established. The meeting is usually held concurrent with the initiation of construction. The purpose of this meeting is to: · Review construction plans and specifications, emphasize the critical aspects of a project necessary to ensure proper quality, begin planning and coordination of tasks, and anticipate any problems that might cause difficulties or delays in construction. · Review the details of the CQA Plan to make sure that the responsibility and authority of each individual is clearly understood, to agree on procedures to resolve construction problems, and to establish a foundation of cooperation in quality management. The pre-construction meeting should be attended by the owner's representative; design engineer; representatives of the general contractor, installer, and other major subcontractors; and the CQA engineer. A representative from the permitting agency will be invited to the pre-construction meeting to visit the site and independently observe CQA procedures and protocol. The pre-construction meeting will include the following activities: . Assign an individual to take minutes · Introduce parties and identify their responsibihty and authority. · Describe the plans and specifications and discuss any unique deSIgn features (so the contractor will understand the rationale behind the general design), identify and discuss any potential construction problems, and discuss questions from any of the . parties concerning the construction. · Review and discuss the CQA Plan, identifying expectations and the most critical components of the project. 1-10 March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01104) . . . Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 CIty of Port Angeles . Discuss CQC procedures that the installer or contractor will employ. Discuss any special permit restrictions. Discuss responsibilities and lines of communication. Discuss reporting procedures, distribution of documents, schedule for any regular meetings, and resolution of construction problems. Review site requirements and logistics, including safety procedures. . . . . · Discuss construction variables (e.g., precipitation, dust, wind, temperature) which may affect the work and schedule. It is very important that the procedures for observation and testing be known to all, that the criteria for pass/fail decisions be clearly defmed (including the resolution of test data outliers), that all parties understand the key problems that the CQA personnel will be particularly careful to identify, that each individual's responsibilities and authority be understood, and that procedures regarding resolution of problems be understood. 1.6.3 Progress Meetings Weekly progress meetings will be held. Weekly meetings can be helpful in maintaining lines of communication, resolving problems, identifying action items, and improving overall quality management. When numerous critical work elements are being performed, the frequency of these meetings can be increased to biweekly, or even daily. Persons who should attend this meeting are those involved in the specific issues being discussed. At all times the CQA engineer, or designated representative, should be present. 1.7 WEATHER Weather can play a critical role in the construction of waste containment facilities. Installation of some geosynthetic materials (including geomembrane and geosynthetic clay liners) and soils are particularly sensitive to weather conditions, including temperature, wind, humidity, and precipitation. The contractor or installer is responsible for complying with the contract plans and specifications and to protect their work. It is the responsibility of the CQA personnel to make sure that these weather restrictions are observed during construction. 1.8 WORK STOPPAGES Unexpected work stoppages can occur due to a variety of causes, including labor strikes, contractual disputes, weather, CQA problems, etc. The CQA engineer should be particularly careful during such stoppages to determine (1) whether in-place materials are covered and protected from damage (e.g., hftmg of a geomembrane by wind or premature hydration of geosynthetic clay liners); (2) whether partially covered materials are protected from damage (e.g., erosion of soil); and (3) whether manufactured materials are properly stored and properly or adequately protected (e.g., whether geotextiles are protected from ultraviolet exposure). The cessation of construction should not mean the cessation of CQA observation and documentation. March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01104) 1-11 Construction Qualzty Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 . CIty of Port Angeles 2. COMPACTED SOIL - VACANT . . March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) 2-1 . Constrnction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles 3. GEOMEMBRANES 3.1 INTRODUCTION This section presents information regarding quality assurance for the LLDPE geomembrane. LLDPE is material consisting of LLDPE resin manufactured in 40-mil thick sheets and delivered to the site in rolls. The rolls are typically 500 to 700 feet long and 20 to 25 feet wide. This material functions as the barrier layer. 3.2 MANUFACTURING . 3.2.1 Submittal Review All qualification statements, samples, product descriptions, and quality control documentation and certification submitted by the manufacturer will be reviewed and initialed by the CQA personnel for conformance with the specifications. The manufacturer's documentation will also be checked to verify that the testing frequency and the test parameters required by the specifications are implemented and followed. All deviations from specified ranges (outliers) will be reported to the CQA engineer and documented on Problem Identification and Corrective Measures Reports. The CQA engineer will review all outliers and determine the necessary corrective action. The CQA engineer's determination will be based on all available data, guidance from ASTM D4759 Standard Practice for Determining the Specification Conformance of Geosynthetics, and best engineering judgment. All manufacturer's quality control submittals and delivered geomembrane panels/rolls will be tracked on a ledger to ensure that all required quality control submittals are received. See Appendix A for a sample ledger. 3.2.2 Receiving Observations Visual observation of each shipment of geomembrane will be performed when the material is received on the site to ensure that the correct material is received, it is in accordance with reviewed submittals, and it is not damaged. A checklist will be used to document observations. See Appendix A for sample receiving checklists. . 3.2.3 Geomembrane Conformance Testing Conformance testing is completed to conflrm that the geomembrane has the appropriate properties. Geomembrane samples for conformance testing shall be collected from the geomembrane manufacturer's facility or in the field by the Contractor at the minimum rate of one per 100,000 square feet of geomembrane supplied or once per lot, whichever is greater. Samples shall only be collected from matena1 that wlll be delivered to the site. Geomembrane samples for conformance testing shall be m accordance with the specifications and sufficiently large in order to provide enough material to meet the test requirements. The samples should not include matenal from the outermost wrapping of the roll. The Contractor shall mark the machine dlrection on the sample using an arrow. If the sample must be cut further for shipping, match lines should be shown on all pieces to illustrate the original configuration of the sample. The Contractor shall forward the samples to the laboratory for testing. March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) 3-1 ConstructIOn Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles . Testing shall be carried out by the laboratory to detennine the values for the appropriate properties. Properties shall be tested in accordance with the ASTM test methods indicated in Section 8-05.6 of the project specifications. All deviations from specified ranges (outliers) will be reported to the CQA engineer and documented on Problem Identification and Corrective Measures Reports. The CQA engineer will review all outliers and determine what rejection or corrective action is required. The CQA engineer's determination will be based on all available data, guidance from ASTM D4759 Standard Practice for Detennining the Specification Conformance of Geosynthetics, and best engineering judgment. 3.3 HANDLING It is important that the geomembrane is handled, stored, transported, re-stored, re-handled, and deployed in a manner so as not to cause any damage. 3.3.1 Handling and Site Storage Visual observations of the geomembrane prior to deployment will be performed to ensure that: · Unloading of rolls or pallets does not damage the geomembrane. · Pushing, sliding, or dragging of the rolls or pallets does not occur. · Storage areas are and will continue to be free of standing water. · The ground surface of the storage area is free of stones or other rough objects that could damage the geomembrane. · Pallets of geomembrane are not stacked at all. The visual observations will be documented on the daily reports when applicable. . 3.3.2 Deployment Visual observations and verification will be performed during deployment to ensure that: · The geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) has been approved for placement of the overlying geomembrane. · The weather conditions (i.e., fog, rain, temperature, wind) are wIthm acceptable ranges. · Rocks or other deleterious material that may cause damage are not trapped beneath the geomembrane or GCL. · The construction equipment deploying the pallets does not deform or rut the soil sub grade excessively. Generally, tire or track deformations beneath the geomembrane should not be greater than 1 inch. . The geomembrane is not deployed on frozen ground. · Underlying geosynthetic materials do not have unacceptable folds, wrinkles, or other undulations that will be trapped under the geomembrane. · Construction equipment is not running on underlying geosynthetics. · Care is being taken to unfold the geomembrane close to its intended and final position to minimize dragging material into position. . 3-2 March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) . Construct/on Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles . Sufficient slack is placed in the geomembrane to compensate for the coldest temperatures envisioned so that no tensile stresses are generated in the geomembrane or in its seams during installation. . Sufficient slack is placed in the geomembrane so that it does not lift up off of the subgrade at any location (i.e., no "trampolining" over ditches or sumps). . The geomembrane does not have excessive slack to the point where creases fold over upon themselves during backfilling of overlying materials. Visual observation of the geomembrane sheet will be made to identify pinholes, surface blemishes, scratches, cuts, or other manufacturing defects or installation damage. Any imperfections will be marked for repair. . 3.3.3 Documentation Work on each individual geomembrane panel will be documented on its own individual Geomembrane Panel Form. See Appendix A for a sample form. The Geomembrane Panel Form will be used to document the following work: . Pertinent visual observations made during deployment. . Seaming crew identification, seaming time, and direction. . Location and results of nondestructive and destructive testing. ~ Location and results of observation of sumps, manholes, risers, and penetrations. . Location of patches and repairs. . Location of chemical and fusion welds. . Geomembrane roll and/or panel identification number. . Final panel observation and approval for covering. 3.4 SEAMING All field seaming shall conform to the approved seam and panel layout. Field seaming operations must be completely monitored and documented by the CQA personnel to ensure conformance with the specifications. As a minimum, documentation shall include: . A record of the tnal seams, including date, time, welder identification (ID), machme ID and settings, and associated test results; . The seam number, based on a seam numbering system agreed to by the CQA project director and contractor; . Date, time, welder ID, machine ID, and settings for each seam; and . The ambient temperature. . 3.4.1 Nondestructive Seam Testing The purpose ofnondestructlve testmg is to detect discontinuities or holes that may exist in the seams, and to indIcate whether a seam is continuous or has no unseamed sections. Nondestructive tests for LLDPE geomembranes include vacuum testing and air pressure testing. March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01104) 3-3 Construction Qualzty Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 City of Port Angeles The CQA personnel shall observe and document the testing to verify compliance with the specifications and document any seam defects and necessary repairs. Documentation shall include, at a minimum, the date, time, location, and pass or fail for each test. The CQA personnel shall identify the failed areas by marking the area with a waterproof marker compatible with the geomembrane, informing the contractor of any required repairs, and recording the repair needed. 3.4.2 Destructive Seam Testing Destructive seam tests will be performed at an initial interval of at least one test per 500 linear feet for geomembrane seams. The CQA personnel may require additional tests if there are seams that do not appear to meet specification requirements. Reasons for selecting test locations may include, but are not limited to: · Wrinkling in seam area; · Excess crystallinity; · Suspect seaming equipment or techniques; · Weld contamination; · Insufficient overlap; · Adverse weather conditions; · Possibility of moisture, dust, dirt, debris, or other foreign material in the seam; or . Failing tests. The CQA personnel WIll select locations where seam samples will be cut for destructive testing. The CQA personnel will select these locations as follows: · The minimum testing frequency of one test per 500 feet of seam length is an average frequency for the entire installatIOn. Individual samples may be taken at greater or lesser intervals; and · If the number of failed samples exceeds 5 percent of the tested samples, this frequency may be increased solely at the discretion of the CQA personnel. Samples taken as a result of failed tests do not count toward the total number of required tests. The CQA personnel shall not inform the contractor in advance of destructive sample locations. The contractor shall collect samples in accordance with the specifications. The CQA personnel shall observe the sample cutting operations; mark each sample with an identifying. number that contains the seam number, destructive test number, welder ill, machine ill, date, and time; and record the sample location and reason for taking the sample. Destructive testing must be performed concurrently with seaming operations, and not at the completion of the entire installation. The Contractor shall divide each sample into four parts, of which one part will be field-tested by the Contractor in accordance with the Specification. The CQA Field Manager must observe the tests. A geomembrane seam sample passes when the break is a ductile, film tearing bond (FTB). FTB means the test strip must break at the edge but not within the seam. In addition, the seam strength must meet the values listed in the Specifications. If any field test sample fails, the CQA personnel and Contractor shall follow the failed weld procedures outlined in the Specifications. 3-4 March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) . . . . Construction Qualzty Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles Of the remaining three parts, the CQA personnel shall submit one part of the sample to the laboratory for testing. The laboratory testing is discussed in Section 3.4.3. The contractor shall retain one part for their records and the construction manager shall retain one part on behalf of the County. . 3.4.3 Laboratory Testing The CQA personnel shall forward one part of all samples for destructive testing to the laboratory to verify seam quality. Testing includes bonded sea, strength (shear), and peel adhesion (peel). Both tests shall be completed in accordance with the specifications. The purpose of peel and shear tests is to evaluate seam strength and to evaluate long-term performance. Shear strength measures the continuity of tensile strength through the seam and into the parent material. Peel strength addresses weld quality. At least five specimens from each sample must be tested in each method used. Minimum test values are presented in the specifications. The laboratory must provide test results to the CQA personnel within 24 hours of receipt. Certified test results shall be provided within 5 days. The CQA field manager must immediately notify the CQA project director in the event of a calibration discrepancy or failed test results. The CQA personnel must record the results of the laboratory testing on the destructive seam test form, the paneVseam log, and the panel layout drawing. If the laboratory test fails in either peel or shear, the contractor shall follow the failed weld procedures outlined in the specifications. This process shall be repeated until passing tests bracket the failed seam section. All seams must be bounded by locations from which passing laboratory tests have been taken. Laboratory testing governs seam acceptance. In no case can field testing of repaired seams be used for final acceptance. 3.5 FINAL ACCEPTANCE Prior to covering the geomembrane with the geosynthetic drainage layer, each panel will receive a final observation to ensure that all seams have been tested, all damage has been repaired, and that the proper documentation has been recorded on the Geomembrane Panel Form. The CQA personnel performing the final observation will sign and date the Geomembrane Panel Form when the panel is approved for covering. 3.6 COVERING/BACKFILLING After the geosynthetic dramage layer, then backfill with soil in a tImely manner after its acceptance by the CQA personnel. This is a critical step since geomembranes are relatively thin materials with puncture and tear strengths of finite proportions. . 3.6.1 Covering with Geosynthetic Drainage Layer General visual observatlOn of geosynthetic drainage layer placement over geomembranes WIll be performed by CQA personnel to ensure that: · Rocks or other deleterious materials that may damage the geomembrane are not trapped between the matenals. · The type of equipment and geosynthetic placement methods are in accordance with the speClfications. March 2007 : 235-2191-015 (01104) 3-5 ConstructIOn Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 City of Port Angeles · The geomembrane is not damaged by dragging rolls or sheets of geosynthetics over it. · Construction equipment does not operate directly on the geomembrane. · Folds of geomembrane are not trapped between the materials. This visual observation will be documented on daily checklists for each area being backfilled. See Appendix A for a sample checklist. 3-6 March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) . . . . Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles 4. GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINERS 4.1 INTRODUCTION Geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) are factory-manufactured hydraulic barriers consisting of bentonite clay materials, supported by geotextiles that are held together by needling, stitching, and/or chemical adhesives. GCLs are hydraulic barriers to water, leachate, or other liquids. As such, GCLs are used to replace compacted soil liners or geomembranes, or used in a composite manner to augment compacted soil liners or geomembrane materials. Generally, the material quality of GCLs is less variable than for compacted soil liners. The installation of GCLs is quicker, simpler, and less weather-dependent than for compacted soil liners. Therefore, CQA for GCLs is less intense than for compacted soil liners. 4.2 MANUFACTURING 4.2.1 Submittal Review . All qualification statements, samples, product descriptions, and quality control documentation and certifications submitted by the manufacturer will be reviewed and initialed by the CQA personnel for conformance with the specifications. The manufacturer's documentation will also be checked to verify that the testing frequency and the test parameters required by the specifications are implemented and followed for the clay material, the associated geosynthetic, and the finished GCL. All deviations from specified ranges (outliers) will be reported to the CQA engineer and documented on Problem Identification and Corrective Measures Reports. The CQA engineer will review all outliers and determine the necessary corrective action. The CQA engineer's determination will be based on all available data, guidance from ASTM D4759 Standard Practice for Determining the Specification Conformance of Geosynthetics, and best engineering judgment. All manufacturer's quality control submittals and delivered GCL rolls will be tracked on a ledger to ensure that all required quality control submittals are received. See Appendix A for a sample ledger. 4.2.2 Receiving Observations Visual observation of each shipment of GCL will be performed when the material is received on the site to ensure that the correct material is received, it is in accordance with reviewed submittals, it is properly covered, and it is not damaged. A checklist will be used to document observations. See Appendix A for sample receiving checklists. . 4.2.3 Acceptance and Conformance Conformance testing will be performed on all GCLs delivered to the project site. Sampling will be performed in accordance with ASTM D4354 Standard Practice for Sampling of Geosynthetics for Testing, Procedure B - Sampling for Quality Assurance Testing. The samples will be tested for mass per unit area of the clay component and index flux by an independent laboratory. Test methods will be as stipulated in Section 8-05.6 of the project specifications. March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01104) 4-1 Constmction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 CIty of Port Angeles . All deviations from specified ranges (outliers) will be reported to the CQA engineer and documented on Problem Identification and Corrective Measures Reports. The CQA engineer will review all outliers and determine what rejection or corrective action is required. The CQA engineer's determination will be based on all available data, guidance from ASTM D4759 Standard Practice for Determining the Specification Conformance of Geosynthetics, and best engineering judgment. Samples for acceptance and conformance testing can be collected at the manufacturer's production facility or from rolls sent to the site. A GCL roll is not to be installed until acceptance and conformance testing have been completed and accepted by the CQA engineer. 4.3 HANDLING GCLs are sensitive to moisture and must be protected from premature hydration. General observation will be performed during delivery, storage, and deployment to ensure that: · The GCL, its core, and protective wrapping are not damaged. · The rolls are stored in a manner/location that will protect the rolls from the weather or other water damage. · The rolls are not stacked in a manner that will cause thinning at the points of contact with supports or other rolls. The visual observations will be documented on the daily reports when applicable. . 4.4 INSTALLATION Visual observation will be performed during installation to ensure that: · The underlying soil has been approved for covering and meets the recommendations of ASTM D6102. · The construction equipment deploying the rolls does not damage the underlying soil. · Care is being taken to unroll the GCL close to its mtended and final position to rmnimize dragging material into place. . Wrinkles and folds are minimized. · Rocks and other deleterious material that may cause damage are not trapped beneath the GCL. · Trimming of the GCL is performed properly so that clay particles are not lost from the GCL and fugitive clay does not contaminate adjacent drainage materials such as drain rock, geonets, or geotextiles. · Seams are shmgled correctly, and overlap distances are equal to or greater than the speCIfied requirements. · Additional bentonite clay is properly placed in seam overlap regIOns, if reqUIred (this is a product-specific requirement). · All damage is identified and repaired m accordance with the specifications. . This visual observation wIll be documented on daily checklists for each area bemg installed. See Appendix A for a sample checklist.e 4-2 March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01104) . . . Constmction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 City of Port Angeles 4.5 COVERING/BACKFILLING GCLs should generally be covered before a rainfall or snow event occurs. Generally, GCLs require covering on the same day of installation. The reason for covering a GCL is that hydration before covering can cause changes in thickness as a result of uneven swelling or when compressive or shear loads are encountered. Hydration before covering may be less of a concern for the needled and stitch-bonded types of GeLs, as specified for this project, but migration of the fully hydrated clay in these products might also be possible under sustained compressive or shear loading. GCLs should not be deployed in the rain or when there is a significant likelihood that it will rain prior to covering the GCL. Generally, GCLs can be deployed shortly after a rainfall or threat of a rainfall is over, once standing water has drained away. Visual observation of covering with the PVC geomembrane will be performed by CQA personnel. At least one CQA observer will be in each area where and when this work is being performed. Visual observations will be performed to ensure that: · The GCL is approved for covering by CQA personnel. · The GCL is covered by the next overlying layer of geomembrane prior to rainfall or snow and within the time period stipulated in the specifications. · Oversized or other deleterious materials that may damage the GCL are identified and removed from the soil beneath the GCL. · The type of equipment and geomembrane placement methods are in accordance with the specifications. · Construction equipment that can damage the GCL does not operate directly on the GCL. · Shrinkage has not caused seam overlaps to be less than specified. This visual observation will be documented on daily checklists for each area being covered or backfilled. See Appendix A for a sample checklist. March 2007 : 235-2191-015 (01104) 4-3 ConstructIOn QualIty Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 CIty of Port Angeles 5. VACANT Malch2007: 235-2191-015 (01104) 5-1 . . . . ConstructIOn Qualzty Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 CIty of Port Angeles 6. MISCELLANEOUS GEOSYNTHETICS 6.1 INTRODUCTION Geosynthetics such as geotextiles and geocomposite drainage layers are used to perform various functions such as filtration, cushioning, and liquid transmission. Typical uses are as follows: · Geotextiles used as filters over various drainage systems (i.e., geonets, sand, or gravel). · Geotextiles or geosynthetlc drainage layers used for collection and/or transmission of clean water. · Geotextiles used for cushioning and protection of geomembranes. · Geotextiles and geogrids used for soil reinforcement. 6.2 GEOTEXTILES . 6.2.1 Manufacturing Submittal Review All qualification statements, samples, product descriptions, and quality control documentation and certifications submitted by the manufacturer will be reviewed and initialed by the CQA personnel for conformance with the specifications. Receiving Observations Visual observation of each shipment of geotextile will be performed when the material is received on the site to ensure that the correct material is received, it is in accordance with reviewed submittals, it is properly covered, and it is not damaged. A checklist will be used to document observatIOns. See Appendix A for sample receiving checklists. 6.2.2 Handling Of all geosynthetics, geotextiles are the most sensitive of all geosynthetics to degradation induced by ultraviolet light exposure. All rolls of geotextiles, regardless of type, must be enclosed in a protective wrapping that is opaque. General observation will be performed during delivery, storage, and handling to ensure that: · The protective wrapping prevents exposure of the geotextile to ultraviolet light. · The geotextile rolls, core, and protective wrap are not damaged. · The rolls are not stacked in a manner that will cause damage. The visual observations will be documented on the daily reports when apphcable. . 6.2.3 Installation Visual observation wlll be performed during installation to ensure that: · The underlying soil or geosynthetic has been approved for placement of the geotextiles. · The construction equipment deploying the rolls does not damage the underlying soil or geosynthetic. Malch2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) 6-1 ConstructIOn Quallty Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles . · Underlying geosynthetic materials do not have unacceptable folds, wrinkles, or other undulations that will be trapped under the geotextile. · Care is being taken to unroll the geotextile close to its intended and final position to minimize dragging material into place. . Wrinkles and folds are minimized. · Trimming of the geotextile is performed using only an upward-cutting hook blade to protect underlying geomembrane, if it exists. · Rocks and other deleterious material that may cause damage are not trapped beneath the geotextile. · Seaming is performed in accordance with the specifications. · All damage is identified and repaired in accordance with the specifications. This visual observation will be documented on daily checklists for each area being installed. See Appendix A for a sample checklist. 6.2.4 Backfilling or Covering Geotextiles should be covered before ultraviolet light causes significant degradation. Generally, this is within 14 days for polypropylene and 28 days for polyester geotextiles. Visual observation of covering with geosynthetics or soil backfilling will be performed by . CQA personnel. At least one CQA observer will be in each area where and when this work is being performed. Visual observations will be performed to ensure that: · The geotextile is approved for covering by CQA personnel. · The geotextile is covered by the next overlying layer of soil or geosynthetics within the time period stipulated in the specifications. · Oversized or other deleterious materials that may damage the geotextile are identified and removed from the soil. · The initial lift height of the soil is greater than or equal to the specified height. · The type of equipment and soil placement methods are in accordance with the specifications. · Construction equipment does not operate dIrectly on the geotextile. · The direction/method of soil placement IS in accordance with the specifications (i.e., from bott?m to top on slopes). This visual observatIOn will be documented on daily checklists for each area being covered or backfilled. See Appendix A for a sample checklist. 6.3 GEONET AND GEOCOMPOSITES Geonets are used to collect and/or transmit liquid or gas withm the plane of the matenal . because of their large open spaces (apertures). The apertures must be protected agamst migration and clogging by adjacent soil materials. Therefore, gepnets are always used in conjunction with geomembranes and/or geotextlles. 6-2 March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) . Construction Qua/zty Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 CIty of Port Angeles Geonets that have geotextiles bonded to one or both sides are called geocomposites. 6.3.1 Manufacturing Submittal Review All qualification statements, samples, product descriptions, and quality control documentation certifications submitted by the manufacturer will be reviewed and initialed by the CQA personnel for conformance with the specifications and approved submittals. Receiving Observations Visual observation of each shipment of geonet or geonet composite will be performed when the material is received on the site to ensure that the correct material is received, it is in accordance with reviewed submittals, it is properly covered, and it is not damaged. A checklist will be used to document observations. See Appendix A for sample receiving checklists. . 6.3.2 Handling The geotextile component of a geocomposite is susceptible to degradation induced by ultraviolet light exposure. All rolls of geocomposite must be enclosed in a protective wrapping that is opaque. General observation will be performed during delivery, storage, and handling to ensure that: · The protective wrapping prevents exposure of the geocomposite to ultraviolet light. · The geonet or geocomposite rolls, core, and protective wrap are not damaged. · The rolls are not stacked in a manner that will cause damage. · If weeds grow into the geonet during storage, the trapped pieces are removed by hand before deployment. The visual observations will be documented on the daily reports when applicable. 6.3.3 Installation . Visual observation will be performed during installation to ensure that: · The underlying geomembrane has been approved for covering. · The construction equipment deploying the rolls does not damage the underlying soil or geosynthetic. · Underlying geosynthetic materials do not have unacceptable folds, wrinkles, or other undulations that will be trapped under the geocomposite. · Care is being taken to unroll the geocomposite close to its intended and final position to minimize dragging material into place. . Wrinkles and folds are minimized. · Trimming of the geocomposite is performed using only an upward-cutting hook blade to protect underlying geomembrane, if it exists. · Rocks and other deleterious material that may cause damage or clogging are not trapped beneath or within the geocomposite. March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01104) 6-3 Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 CIty ofPort Angeles · Joining/seaming is overlapped and tied and/or sewn in accordance with the specifications (Le., ties are plastic, not metallic). · All damage is identified and repaired in accordance with the specifications. This visual observation will be documented on daily checklists for each area being installed. See Appendix A for a sample checklist. 6.3.4 Backfilling or Covering Geocomposites should be covered before ultraviolet light causes significant degradation to the geotextile component. Generally, this is within 14 days for polypropylene and 28 days for polyester. Visual observation of covering with geosynthetics or soil backfilling will be performed by CQA personnel. At least one CQA observer will be in each area where and when this work is being performed. Visual observations will be performed to ensure that: · The geocomposite is approved for covering by CQA personnel. · The geocomposite is covered by the overlying layer of soil within the hme period stipulated in the specifications. · OversIzed or other deleterious materials that may damage the geocomposite are identified and removed from the soil backfill. · The initial lift height of the soil is greater than or equal to the specified height. The initial lift of cover soil is 18 inches. · The type of equipment and soil placement methods are in accordance with the specifications. · Construction equipment does not operate directly on the geocomposite. · Folds m the geomembrane are not trapped under the geocomposite. · The direction/method of soil placement is in accordance with the specifications (Le., from bottom to top on slopes). This visual observation will be documented on daily checklists (see Form 1-6) for each area being covered or backfilled. See Appendix A for a sample checklist. 6.4 GEOGRIDS - VACANT 6-4 March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) . . . . . . Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles 7. VACANT March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) 7-1 Constructzon Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No 06-22 City of Port Angeles . 8. APPURTENANCES 8.1 INTRODUCTION There are various appurtenances necessary for the proper functioning of the barrier and collection/transmission systems on this project, including: . Plastic pipe for landfill gas and subsurface water transmission. · Sumps, manholes, and risers for condensate collection and removal. · Penetrations through geomembrane and other materials. 8.2 PLASTIC PIPE 8.2.1 Receiving Observations Visual observation of each shipment of pipe will be performed when the material is received on the site to ensure that the correct material and product certification is received, it is in accordance with reviewed submittals, and it is not damaged. A checklist will be used to document observations. See Appendix A for sample receiving checklists. 8.2.2 Handling General observation will be performed during delivery, storage, and handling to ensure that: . The pipe is not damaged. · The pallets are not stacked higher than allowed by the manufacturer's recommendations (generally three high). · Outdoor storage is not longer than allowed by the manufacturer's recommendations (generally 12 months) unless temporary covering is provided. The visual observations will be documented on the daily reports when applicable. . 8.2.3 Placement Proper compaction of bedding and backfill soils or aggregate around pIpe is important to prevent subsidence of the pipe while in service. General observation will be performed dunng pipe installation to ensure that: · The soil or aggregate beneath, around, and above the pipe meets the requirements of the specifications and is placed and compacted in accordance with the specificatIOns. . The pipe is free of unacceptable nicks, gouges, or other damage. · The pipe is free of shavings, perforation plugs, dIrt, rocks, or other deleterious material inside. · The pipe is laid to the proper horizontal and vertical alignment. · Pipe fittings and all joints are in accordance with the specifications. . All testing IS performed in accordance WIth the speCIficatIOns. . March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) 8-1 . . . Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Port Angeles Landfill Closure 2007 - Project No. 06-22 CIty of Port Angeles The visual observations will be documented on the daily reports when applicable. Density and pressure tests will be recorded on standard testing forms. See Appendix A for sample forms. 8.3 SUMPS, MANHOLES, AND RISERS Careful visual observation of sub grade compaction, geomembrane seaming, and pipe joining will be performed around sumps, manholes, and risers, since neither destructive nor nondestructive tests can usually be accommodated, due to the irregular shapes of these features. Observation of the geomembrane around sumps, manholes, and risers will be documented on the appropriate Geomembrane Panel Form. Any seams that can be nondestructively tested around these items will be tested. Visual observations associated with other soil and geosynthetic layers will be documented on daily reports and checklists when applicable. 8.4 PENETRATIONS Careful visual observation of geomembrane penetrations will be performed, since neither destructive nor nondestructive tests can usually be accommodated, due to the irregular shape of penetrations. Observation of the geomembrane boot, skirt, and seams around penetrations will be documented on the appropriate Geomembrane Panel Form. Any seams that can be nondestructively tested around penetrations will be tested. 8-2 March 2007: 235-2191-015 (01/04) . . APPENDIX A CQA Forms The forms in this Appendix are provided to illustrate the type of documentation to be performed. The style and content of the forms may be modified by the CQA engineer, as appropriate for the project. However, revised forms must include all pertinent information contained in the original forms. .' . LIST OF FORMS Construction Meeting Summary 01-CN-63 Contract Change Order 01-CN-72 Daily Observation Report 01-CN-65 Defective/Rejected Work Notification 02-CN-80 Field Directive (Work Change Directive) 02-CN-78 Field Order 01-CN-67 Geomembrane Panel Form 1-1 Destructive Seam Test Ledger 1-2 Installation Observation - Geonet/Geonet 1-3 Com posite/Geotextile Installation Observation - Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCl) 1-4 Installation Observation - Pipe and Fittings 1-5 Installation Observation - Soil Backfilling 1-6 Certificate of Acceptance of Soil Subgrade Surface 1-7 . Trial Seam Test ledger 1-8 Air Test for Pipe M-3 Geosynthetics Receiving Observation Checklist R-1 Pipe Receiving Observation Checklist (Delivery) R-2 Pipe Receiving Observation Checklist (Material Type) R-3 Payment Application and Certificate Payment Application of Materials on Hand 02-CN-83 Photo Record File Index 02-CN-81 Project Closeout Procedures Checklist Punch List 02-CN-82 Record of Communication 01-GN-31 Shop Drawing Transmittal Control Form 01-CN-73 Shop Drawing Transmittal 01-CN-71 Site Assessment/Observation Worksheet 02-EN-77 Submittal Review Comments 01-CN-74 Work Directive Status (including change orders) 02-CN-79 Contract Working Days Status Report 02-CN-84 . RFllog 07 -CN-218 . PARAMETRIX Form 01-CN-63/Rev 12/01 CONSTRUCTION MEETING SUMMARY Owner: Project No.: Meeting Date: Meeting Location: Contractor: Contract: Attendance Taken. DYes D No The following is intended to provide a summary of essential items discussed during the meetmg. Any party questioning the accuracy or completeness must bring it to the attention of Parametrix, Inc. within one week of receipt. ITEMS OF DISCUSSION 1. Corrections to last "CONSTRUCTION MEETING SUMMARY" D None required 2. Is work on schedule? DYes D No (If No, list reason). Is Contractor's schedule up to date? DYes D No (If No, Contractor must submit updated schedule ): 3. . 14 [5 16 17 Submittal Status' Health and Safety Issues: New Work Items. ConstructIon 0 problems or 0 claIms: 8 Outstanding Issues Needing Attention: Other: 19 . PARAMETRIX Form 01-CN-721Rev 04/02 . CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER . Project Name: Date TO: Project Number (Contractor) Location: Contract No. Contract Price prior to this Change Order: Change Order No Upon approval by the Owner, the Contractor is hereby requested to comply with the following changes from the contract plans and specifications: Description of Changes (quantities, units, unit prices, Increase Decrease Item No. changes in completion schedule, etc.) in Contract Price in Contract Price Sub-Total $000 $000 Sales Tax (%) $000 $000 TotallncreaselDecrease $000 $0.00 Net Increase in Contract Price $000 $000 The sum of IS hereby (added) (deducted) to the contract price, and the total adjusted price to date thereby IS The time provided for completion in the contract is (unchanged) (increased) (decreased) by _ (calendar) (work) days This document shall become an amendment to the contract and all provIsions of the contract will apply thereto Recommended by Engineer Date Accepted by Contractor Date Approved by Owner Date PARAMETRIX . Job No . ProJect. Owner Contractor Contractor's Rep !Title Weather A.M. of Form 01-CN-65/Rev 06/03 DAILY OBSERVATION REPORT Phase Task: Report No - Page 1 of - Date. Day. P.M.. of Site Conditions (Good) (Fair) (Poor) Location and Type of Work. ---- Number and ClasSification of Contractors, Men, and Equipment (include condition of equipment). -- Work in Progress (include report of operations, matenals received and condition, work start/stop time, and any unusual conditions): . ---- ~.. --.._- .. ..--.---.. .----......---- ----.....---.. .....-... --....--.... -- _..- _.. .......... ....-...-. ..... -..---- ._~. .................._......... ~_ .....~........ _....... ~._~n.................__.._ .___...._~..._~ Work Completed 0..- .....__... ___ __ ............._ ...____......... ~__..____..______.__......._....... ......___ ..___....-............._ _____..__... ____._..____....__..___.__.__.........._.......__......_.____ Discrepancies Noted (Nonconformance Report #_) _._-------~._-----------------_._.__...._-_._-------_._-~._--._-------_.._-_..-...~--.~- DISCUSSions with Contractor (include orders given and received) __ ._______. - __ __. .0_- __.__.._~___...._._____.______.__....... __.... _......__...__... _"'__ ____._ ______...~ _.___.____..___..___ .. ___ ___. ____.~..._____.__...____ Any Cause for Dispute, Change Orders, or Delays, and Reasons ......~..- .....-.. _ ---- -- .--.- -.--... ___n........_.._...... .........--.....------..-.......-.._........___ .___~... "''''____' . _..____________..._ __.._ _._... ..._______.._ __ _ .. ...~ __ _ ._.n.. ___ ...___. . ..._____ Extra Work In Progress-Descnptlon (Include Extra Work Report Form) ...- . --. ~_.... . -- _...... - .. '_ .... _.. .. __.__ ._ ._.. .....___ __n .~... __A ... ...._.. ..__. ... ~..____.._ .",_.,__, __A __....__._.__.... _.. .... _...__.. __ .. __~.... ._.._.. ...... __.......... .. .........__ __. ..___ Items for Office Action . VIsitors . --.. -. .-.......... ~ ..... .. .. ... .. . .... . ......~ . .... - ...- ---. .. -- . .... -..- ..-.... ...-- ..-........ . - ....-. ... -...- -..... --__ ._. . ..__ . ...... .. ... ...... ... n_ ...._.... ~ ...._.. ...... ........... ._.. ..., ......... ..._. ....... Signature PARAMETRIX DAILY OBSERVATION REPORT (cont.) Form 01-CN-65/Rev 6/03 . Report No Page Date of Notes Continued: 1-----..------ . . Signature PARAMETRIX . Form 02-CN-80/Rev 06/02 DEFECTIVE/REJECTED WORK NOTIFICATION To Contractor' Notification Number' ProJect: Project Number Time' AM/PM Owner: Observer' Resident Eng Parametnx, Inc Pursuant to the General CondItions of the Contract, you are hereby notified of the follOWing noncompliance violation: SpecIfication Section: Paragraph: Violation: . Contract Requirements: Noncompliance Work IS. o Test 0 Inspection o Defective 0 Rejected o Observation Violation Detected By Estimated Value of NoncomplYing Work $ Defective work shall be corrected Rejected work shall be removed and replaced All costs shall be borne by the Contractor Payment Will not be made for defective or rejected work Contractor shall notify Resident Engineer when defective or rejected work is corrected Resident Engineer' Received by Authonzed Representative Contractor Date Title . Dlstnbutlon 1 Resident Engineer 2 Owner 3 Field File Date PARAMETRIX Form 02-CN-78/Rev 06/02 . FIELD DIRECTIVE (WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVE) FIELD DIRECTIVE NUMBER: CONTRACT NUMBER: DATE: Project: Owner: Contractor: Engineer: Construction Manager: The following additions, deletions, or revisions to the Work have been ordered and authorized DESCRIPTION OF ALTERATION: REASON FOR CHANGE: . METHOD OF PAYMENT: Contract Unit Price. $ Lump Sum: $ Cost of Work (Time and Materials) $ REMARKS: It IS understood that this Work Change Directive will not change the Contract Price or Times but IS eVidence that the parties expect a Change Order to be subsequently Issued reflecting any changes RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: Construction Manager ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Contractor APPROVED BY: . DATE: Owner PARAMETRIX Fonn 01-CN-67/Rev 12/01 . FIELD ORDER FIELD ORDER NO.: CONTRACT NO.: SCHEDULE: Project Name: Project Number: Owner Name: lTD' . FR~M: You are hereby requested to execute promptly this Field Order, which Interprets the Contract Documents or directs minor changes In the Work without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time, unless noted below, and unless approved below by the Owner If you consider that a change In Contract Sum or Contract Time is required, and It IS not noted on this Field Order, please submit your itemized proposal to Parametrix immediately and before proceeding with this Work. If your proposal IS found to be satisfactory and In proper order, this Field Order Will, In that event, be superseded by a Change Order DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: . REASON FOR FIELD CHANGE: DOCUMENT REFERENCES: Plan Sheet No.(s): ATTACHMENTS: Spec: RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: Construction Manager ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Contractor APPROVED BY: . DATE: Owner NEXT PANEL # ( ) . . NEXT PANEL # ( LEGEND Q9 Patch AT Air Test (Pressure) AL Air Lance Test VT Vacuum Test PH Pinhole OS Destructive Sample D Destructive Sample Extrusion Weld N/A Not Applicable North Parametrix Form 1-1 o Arrow GEOMEMBRANE PANEL # PRE-DEPLOYMENT CONDITIONS Date Condition Geomembrane Roll Weather Suborade PROJECT NAME PMX# VISUAL OBSERVATIONS DEPLOYMENT Geomembrane Roll # Date. Time. AIRNACUUM TESTING Distance Tested Passl Date AT/ALIVT From To Tech Fall Cross Seam )LF WELDS FOR PATCHES Pass Date Time Tech Mach # Location VT DESTRUCTIVE SAMPLE Sample # Date Removed Results Pass/Fall APPROVED FOR COVERING: FINAL OBSERVATION Date Time OBSERVED BY: Signature of CQA Personnel . . param" Project Name: Form 1-2 PMX#: DESTRUCTIVE SEAM TEST LEDGER Installer's 3rd Party Seam Weld Machine Welder Test Results Lab Results Date Sample 1.0.# 1.0.# Type. 1.0.# 1.0. (P/F) (P/F) Comments . F.W. = Fusion Weld E.W. = Extrusion Weld C.W. = Chemical Weld Date' Observer. (Signature) Weather: Temperature. Location and quantity installed during shift. TYPE OF MATERIAL: o Geonet o Geonet Composite o Geotextile (Provide explanatory notes if the answer to any of the following questions is "no." Include any remedial steps required.) YES NO NOTE NO. . . Is the underlYing matenal approved and free from apparent damaging material? 0 0 . Is the material installed in a manner that appears to prevent damage to underlying materials? 0 0 . Is dragging of the matenal minimized? 0 0 . Is the material installed with Its longest dimension oriented up and down the slope? 0 0 . Is the material free from apparent folds, damage, dirt, and debris? 0 0 . Is the matenallnstalled over a smooth/clean surface? 0 0 . Are seams lapped, tied, and/or sewn according to specifications? 0 0 . Have all reqUIred repairs been completed? 0 0 NOTES: . GENERAL NOTE: The information presented herein represents the observer's opinion of the Contractor's(s) adherence to requirements of the Drawings and Speclficalions This shall not be relied upon as acceptance of the work nor shall It relieve the Contractor from contractual obligations and responsibilities. or generally accepted Industry or customary practice Date. Weather: Observer" Temperature: (Signature) location and quantity of GCl installed during shift: (Provide explanatory notes if the answer to any of the following questions IS "no." Include any remedial steps required.) YES NO NOTE NO. . Is the underlying material approved and free from apparent damaging material? 0 0 . Is the GCl free from apparent damage after it is .' unrolled? 0 0 . Is the GCl installed in a manner that prevents apparent damage to underlYing materials? 0 0 . Is dragging of the GCl minimized? 0 0 . Is the GCl installed with ItS longest dimension oriented up and down the slope? 0 0 . Are seams lapped and prepared according to specifications? 0 0 . Are horizontal seams on side slopes kept to a minimum? 0 0 . Are there any creases or irregularities in the placed GCl or underlYing geosynthetics? 0 0 . Are the GCls being properly protected from moisture? 0 0 . Is loss of clay material at cut edges minimized? 0 0 . Have all required repairs been completed? 0 0 NOTES: . GENERAL NOTE: The mformallon presented herem represents the observer's opmlon of the Contractor's(s) adherence to reqUirements of the DraWings and Specifications This shall not be relied upon as acceptance of the work nor shall It relieve the Contractor from contractual obligations and responsibilities, or generally accepted Industry or customary practice , \i;::\i" ~~,~~"tii(1i M't~>::A;{;{tfR!~{itr>:~\r>, ;~" ;': : ;~, ;;:"~f#;;'i:~;~;;t~(>>;;, l>;f,~;Jfj~;<1;h>:{t:;> > ''''i';;i':':>0:>>jWZ;;.;;~1>IN TAa::IiA':EION10BSERVA1T0N' ,>';'1>;;.~ ,>1<:,:"';{',.7, ':"",::,y l\~."i;~~~:;':~::Pf~tftftS~~~~;;l~~14~;~:; f;~'(,"')>i#'}\P-<';{,%X~''$\.-/,v,,^>'t ^ ~ '\ ,.~." >, ;~M~ >. , fJ r",' ....:: ,'/"~ . >: ^:, '^.-, rl'-:{~""",N{ ::ti'~"~'i;;'G:40:tf\>?"Z;}A~;.;:-;;.{fJ</1<~...'~S'i1:~ ^ /:;./I-l..,;}...M y '< ~ >< ~0;:;-'4 -' ",:s,h"''fZ$lt[';;- ~* \:}if f';F.t?fl/~~hN' '?,.r(~? ->{>;.,'\jJi>>l<'> ,~ f~-,.~, "t}p?i''''''Fy\'/'{^ ?'+-'<'<}~?'~d#h~\ , , ^ ' V~~~ '<i>' "<^' J ~:r Date Weather Observer: Temperature: (Signature) Location and quantity of pipe installed dUring shift: (Provide explanatory notes if the answer to any of the following questions is "no." Include any remedial steps required.) YES NO NOTE NO. . Is the pipe installed in a manner that appears to prevent damage to underlYing materials? 0 0 . . Is the pipe free of apparent defects, dirt, and debriS? 0 0 Does the pipe appear to be properly joined? 0 0 . . Is the layout and location of the pipe installed In general accordance with Drawings? 0 0 . Is assOCiated geotextlle, backfill, and compaction in accordance with specifications? 0 0 NOTES: GENERAL NOTE: The information presented herein represents the observer's opinion of the Contractor's(s) adherence to reqUIrements of the DraWings and SpeCifications This shall not be relied upon as acceptance of the work nor shall It relieve the Contractor from contractual obligatJons and responsibilities, or generally accepted Industry or customary practice . , <!~1~~\"~~~~~~~0{ ~t~:~:::fv<~::{~;;;{~(~;'~~0 )~:{~/~ t ..OBSERVA TION' ,<,>'0,: ;'",:,r ~:i{F!~,~jN,~, ':::::" ' " ,:' , ., ,~i?~J,{~~0~~f~:i~iY;'i' Date' TYPE OF MATERIAL Observer: (Signature) o Drainage SOIl o Cover SOil o Top Soil o Compacted Clay Soil Weather: Temperature: Location and quantity of soil placed during shift. (Provide explanatory notes if the answer to any of the follOWing questions IS "no." Include any remedial steps required.) YES NO NOTE NO. . . Is the underlying geosynthetic approved for covering? D D . Does the soil appear to be free of over-Sized and other deleterious material? D D · Does the initial lift thickness appear to meet or exceed the specified thickness? D D . Is the sOil placed In a manner that appears to prevent damage to and minimize wrinkles in underlYing geosynthetics? D D NOTES: GENERAL NOTE: The Information presented herein represents the observer's opinion of the Contractor's(s) adherence to reqUirements of the DraWings and Specifications This shall not be relied upon as acceptance of the work nor shall It relieve the Contractor from contractual obligations and responSibilities, or generally accepted Industry or customary practice . . . . One Form Per Shift Parametrix Form 1-7 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF SOIL SUBGRADE SURFACE PROJECT NAME PMX NUMBER: OWNER: LOCATION: I, the undersigned, a duly appointed representative of (Installer), have visually observed the soil subgrade surface described below, and found it to be an acceptable surface on which to Install geomembrane. This certification is based on observations of the surface of the subgrade only. No subterranean inspections or tests have been performed, and no representations or warranties regarding conditions which may eXit below the surface of the subgrade are made Area Being Accepted: Date' Signature' Name. TItle: . . . Parametrix Welding Test Pass/Fail Date Time Crew Mach. # Shear Peel Retest Inspector Comments NOTES: GENERAL NOTE: The InformatJon presented herein represents the observer's OpiniOn of the Contractor's(s) adherence to requirements of the Drawings and Specifications This shall not be relted upon as acceptance of the work nor shall It relteve the Contractor from contractual obltgatlons and responsibilities, or generally accepted mdustry or customary practice. . Parametrix Maximum Pressure Drop: (psi) TYPE OF MA TERrAL' o PVC o HOPE Test Date: . Pipe Under Test Field Test Operations Data Pressure Time Allowed Initially for Pressure Start Test Stop Test Dia. Length SpeCification Raised To to Stabilize Pressure Pressure Elapsed LOCATION D (in.) L (ft ) Time (psi) (min.) (psi) (pSI) Time Pass or Fall Inspector's Name and Title: Signature of Observer: If a section fails, the followmg items should be completed: Identify sectlon(s) that failed: Leak (was) (was not) located. Method used: Description of leakage found: Description of corrective action taken: For test results after repair, refer to Test No . Observer NOTES: . .one Form Per Delive '^~, ~ ~< !':"%"> ^ /"}; ~" ,'~ 4~^'<<''fI^?'j:' ^< y "" -t ;J~^'~J%'>1; ~^~ '+'--,Y" l0<n^* qX,"... ...~;O,(..;'/::.~f~ >'{M^'\'-,; f ( il J ,'i,3'"' <-/;:':; ~,.-:~< ~,,;i~t-\*l\t< :\ >l~>:G,CJ'i)':~C>:~~>'F '/ ;'-< r~}~<,P~:f:i~' y"'" :'>,>~' >,,>,,",^'$~: ~ ; '?.<\fr'4:'{<vEC'E""'V' I" G"J':tf,,:::.{ 'y' ,,,,,,,"(/~'q"""",~t',,;,~, '3'1qg;q~y~'t::,mE]TIC~ 8 ,t, ~'" f " ,m, ,/, <\' 0,< "" ,,{ i\1;'" OBSERVATIONlC L:;IS:J;,<," ;:tJ1t.:;;<~7"<' .," ":}~,y: . "~::t:::~~~?~f:~!t;~~t,:,~,<:~:!:~:,:,:p::::;" : " , };(}i "~,/}, '[4A, J~r:oJ~ctN ,';',,,,,;""" ,"v<il ",",' .">"J),,',,'1fA;:;hYt'"',,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,, " P'~#fJ""'" ~ :,;~~;~,~~',*';;~l%;;;~~~~'Y,J4}~~tlfr" '(,~,t;(qi;%ff:ii%t~;,;; \~y ;'~~~::~0ir, y;':~'~ ' 'I' ~" I~:Y"~' '~;~ ':' !~:\!y;;~;~: /'h::'; ; ~~,:~,1',;l{~;, 1:(;Y~ /i:~':~~ !~,(>,~;:'i~'13;h}~) {"k. Date Received' TYPE OF MATERIAL' Observed by' Storage location: D Geomembrane D Geonet D Geonet Composite D GeotextJle D GCl Delivery Number' Note No. Manufacturer Manufacturer's Designation Number of Rolls Delivered . Roll Identification Numbers (If Applicable) (Provide explanatory notes if the answer to any of the following questions is "no." Include any remedial steps required.) . Is the material properly covered? YES NO NOTE NO. D D D 0 0 0 0 0 D D 0 0 . Is the material free of apparent damage? . Is there an approved submittal? . Has the manufacturer's quality control documentation been reviewed? . Is the material stored according to mfr. recommendations and/or speCifications? . Have conformance samples been sent to the laboratory? NOTES: . GENERAL NOTE: The Information presented herein represents the observer's opinion of the Contractor's(s) adherence to requirements of the DraWings and Speclflcabons This shall not be relied upon as acceptance of the work nor shall It relieve the Contractor from contractual obligations and responsibilities, or generally accepted Indusliy or customary pracbce .;;;~~r1.:';;~~'~;;V(~:r'i::;~':~~":"::'~s;';,,: ;T~~\:l'.~:z7;0~;~~' .' '~IC~"l.:,;:t~;i~l: ';rJ;~~jl~",,!~>>~ ^; ,^ ,~;;; >~<~t A1':Y"A<Y~};:i"t<','M~"1JS~ ~~'/f <,f>>( ',~^'<+. ~;\,'r, ,~(~+-: ;}~~;:A;,PIPE:"RECEI~INGf /S,v,(,< \ >'\~{S~,~x." ::"0"b~nf:(4~~,,,,^o, ') >~") f)(:<')kf<~}t4;<;*;4~Y~Ormr'R~2~,,; < v /~,V{,,' ~H+{,,~<;.,t::?f'R'''~%:1&P ,,"\i',(">I) -< ^" ;(>'f'~""';''\''~~'' ~ l>'~."y'V'r ',' '<'~~Y'J:y~)"<~l\;'''>P,,,%''1^''V.#~'<"' ~')"- "-', Nt<~;~;;y~<<.;;'fM' '<~~1>(~'\t ~ :^~~o?' ~YA :* /y:~i;;'~>!-.:'.~r/;;i~qN': '~t/ek^60BSERVAlI0NfGHEeKl!.tST^ Jj~~,;';;:i 'A ',~>, < /,'~^ <t"~t\~~;t"~'W?:~V~'?J}A~<';&;j;;;/i.>,~ ,,'/>fJ:i,%'>~Y ~p"::i~~~~;:(:':VYN::,,;!tl1~i~~' :;k~t~;~~{f,,;~:~:':;;f;J~li},1~P(;{~'~~(~~:,;~:;~{:" r'>~~ /:' " . :; , ;:,,, rOJect} ame4t..; '0",<,,-<, '- ; '.f~f,:,t:l;,-t;J}>,','*"~ /"r~ :' :;<</>/{<f;~H':/:)f'i'/,," ~df'~i~L~4si;':~;;~~~:,?:.:V ,." <' ", ,,,.,, Date Received: TYPE OF MATERIAL Observed by: D D PVC HOPE Storage Location: Delivery Number: Note No. Manufacturer Manufacturer's DesignatIon Amount Delivered .(prOVide explanatory notes If the answer to any of the following questions IS "no.' Include any remedial steps required) YES NO NOTE NO. . Is the pipe free of apparent damage? D D . Is there an approved submittal? D D . Has the manufacturer's certificatIon been reviewed? D 0 . Is the material stored according to mfr. recommendations and/or specifications? 0 0 NOTES: GE~ERAL NOTE: The InformatJon presented herein represents the observer's opinion of the Contractor's(s) adherence to requirements of the DraWings and Specifications This shall not be relied upon as acceptance of the work nor shall It relieve the Contractor from contractual obligations and responsibilities, or generally accepted Industry or customary practice . . TYPE OF MATERIAL. D Geomembrane D Geonet D Geonet Composite D GCl . Date Form R-1 Delivery # Received Checked Panel/Roll #s Completed? Observer/Comments D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D NOTES: . GENERAL NOTE. The information presented herein represents the observer's opinion of the Contractor's(s) adherence to reqUirements of the Drawings and Specifications This shall not be relied upon as acceptance of the work nor shall It relieve the Contractor from contractual obligations and responsibilities, or generally accepted Industry or customary practice . . PARAMETRIX PA YMENT APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE Date: Sheet 1 of 2 Application No. Period: Project: Contract No. Contractor: Onginal Contract Sum 2 Contract Modifications Approved In prevIous Applications. Addltons Deductions 3 Contract Modificalions Approved this Penod (List Contract Modlficallons No ). Addlllons Deductions 4 Net Change by Contract Modlficallons (sum of Lines 2 and 3) 5 Revised Contract Amount (Sum of Lines 1 and 4) 6 Total Value of Work to Date (Estimate Attached) 7 Percent Project Complete (Line 6/ Line 5) x 100=" #DIVlOI 8 Total Matenals on Hand (Listing Attached) 9 Subtotal - Work Completed and Stored (Sum of LInes 6 and 8) 10 Total Retalnage (5% times Line 9) 11 Total Earned to Date, Less Retalnage (Line 9 less Line 10) 12 Less PrevIous Certificates for Payment (Line 9 from PrevIous Applications) 13 Current Month Subtotal (Line 11 less Line 12 plus Line 10) 14 Current Month Retalnage (Line 13 times 5%) 15. Current Month Sales Tax (Line 13 times 8 4%) 16 Current Month Payment Due (Line 13 less Line 14 plus Line 15) . a Percent Complete IS percent of work to date complete based on onglnal contract amount With adjustments for approved contract modifications . . . PAYMENT APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE Date: Sheet: 2 of 2 The undersigned Contractor certifies that the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed In accordance with the Contract Documents, that the current payment shown herein is now due, and that title for all Work, materials, and equipemtn covered in this Application will pass to the Owner free and clear of all liens at the time of payment. Contractor Date I hereby acknowledge that the material and labor Involved on the above estimate is correct to the best of my knowledge, Information, and payment is due the Contractor. Project Manager - Parametrix, Inc. Date 2 . PARAMETRIX . . Form 02-CN-83/Rev 06/02 PAYMENT APPLICATION OF MATERIALS ON HAND Date: Project No.: Project: Contractor: To: In accordance with the provIsions of the GENERAL CONDITIONS, request IS made for payment as "Matenals on Hand" for the following matenals. Type of Item Invoice Substantiating Evidence Where No. Qtv. Material Description Number Value of Purchase Attached Stored Affidavit: The matenals listed above have been purchased exclusively for use on the above-referenced project The matenal IS separated from other like matenals and IS physically Idenlified as the property of and for use only on thiS Contract The Owner may enter upon the premises for the purposes set forth In the GENERAL CONDITIONS for inspection, checking, or auditing, or for any other purpose as they conSider necessary ltis expressly understood and agreed that this Information and affidavit is furnished to the Owner for the purpose of obtaimng payment for the above matenals before they are delivered to, or Incorporated Into, the project desCribed above, and that the storage thereof at the localion is subject to the Conditions of the Contract A revised form shOWIng the current status of the value of matenals for which payment IS being requested and Will be submitted With each payment Contractor Signature: Date: Title: When stored at a location other than on the Job site or at a fabricator's yard, a warehouse receipt for the matenallssued In the name of the Owner shall accompany the request for payment In case the storage location (other than the job site or fabricator's yard) IS the Contractor's property, the area containing the material to be paid for shall be fenced off and posted to indicate that the materials Within the fenced area are under the control of the Owner Pnor to storing at a location other than the job Site, approval must be obtained from the Construction Manager Instructions to Contractor: Submit anginal and two caples to the ReSident Engineer not later than one week pnor to the Payment Request Attach eVidence of purchase (and warehouse receIpt, when required) to anginal . PARAMETRIX Fonn 02-CN-B 1/Rev 06/02 PHOTO RECORD FILE INDEX . ProJect. Roll Number Period From To Prepared by Project Number Contract Number' Daily Picture Log Number Photo Description/Location Date Number . . . . Responsibility ConstructIon Manager Owner Owner Construction Manager Contractor Contractor Owner Construction Manager Owner Owner Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Owner Owner Construction Manager Project Closeout Procedures Checklist 1 2 Preliminary Punch List Beneficial OccupancY-If County desires (establishes warranty date with exception of Punch List Items) a. Copy In Risk Management Office with Job Cost Breakdown on At beneficial Occupancy or Final Acceptance, accept responsibility for a Insurance (date of notice to Risk Management) b. Utilities (date of notice to client agency) Final Punch List 100 percent completion of Specification Replacements a. Guarantees b Warranties c Test Results d As-Built Drawings by Contractor (to Architect) e Maintenance and Instruction Manuals 3 4 5 6 Final Bllllng/100 percent (all Items complete) a Release of Liens; Contractor and Subcontractor forms 7 State Tax Release and Certificate of Payment of Seattle B&O Tax a Applied for by Owner on b Received In Letter to Owner recommending Acceptance Final Acceptance Letter (Identifying Warranty date) a Copy to Risk management Officer with Cost Breakdown Lien Search - 30 days after Final Acceptance a Request for Lien Search on b Received on 8 9 10 11. Certificate of Occupancy Issued by Permit Agency 12 Certificate of Compliance (form In specs) 13 Final AffidaVit of Wages Paid 14 Department of Labor and Industries Insurance Release 15 Notice of Completion and Acceptance (Exec Slg) 16 Processing of Retalnage Payment begins 30 days follOWing date of Final Acceptance a Memorandum written on 17 Final Observation prior to end of guarantee period Date Received . PARAMETRIX . . Form 02-CN-82/Rev 06/02 PUNCH LIST Date: Task No.: Construction Contract: Contractor: Inspected by: AcceDted Item Location Action Required By Date . . . PARAMETRIX Form 01-GN-31/Rev 04/02 Record of Communication o Telephone Communication Project No.. Project Name Date. By' o Incoming Individual Phone No. Organization Location o Outgoing Time: o PMX Staff Meeting o Client/Agency Consultation Meeting Location: Participants: PARA ME. SUMNER KIRKLAND OLYMPIA BREMERTON PORTLAND . Form 01-CN-73/Rev 04/. Contractor: Owner: Project Description: Phone: Project No.: Fax: Consultant Action "B" "E" Spec. "A" Make "0" Submit Date Transmittal Item Section Supplier or No Exceptions Corrections "C" Revise & Speclfoed Returned to Number No. No. Item Description Manufacturer Date Rec', Reviewed By Date Sent Date Ret'd Taken Noted Rejected Resubmit Item Checked By Contractor Remarks SHOP DRAWING TRANSMITTAL CONTROL FORM Page 1 of2 PARAMEe SUMNER KIRKLAND OLYMPIA BREMERTON PORTLAND . Form 01-CN-73/Rev. 04/. SHOP DRAWING TRANSMITTAL CONTROL FORM Contractor: Owner: Project Description: Phone: Project No.: Fax: Consultant Action "B" "E" Spec. "A" Make "0" SubmIt Date TransmIttal Item Section Supplier or No Exceptions Corrections "C" Revise & SpecIfIed Returned to Number No. No. Item Descroptlon Manufacturer Date Rec'd RevIewed By Date Sent Date Ret'd Taken Noted Rejected Resubmit Item Checked By Contractor Remarks Page 2 of2 . . . PARAMETRIX Form 01-CN-71/Rev 05/03 SHOP DRAWING TRANSMITTAL To' Address Attn Parametnx, Inc Transmittal No Date: PrOject Owner' PrOject No Location PrevIous Transmittal No (If resubmitted) USE ONE FORM PER ITEM SUBMITTED Spec. Spec. Approval Paragraph Page Dwg Status Ow. Number No Item Descnptlon and Use Manufacturer No(s). (Enaineer) By this submittal, the Contractor represents that he has determined and venfied all field measurements, field construction cnteria, matenals, catalog numbers and similar data, or Will do so, and that he has checked and coordinated each Shop DraWing with the project reqUirements and the Contract Documents DeViations from the Contract Documents are noted below. COMMENTS: , Contractor Signature (THIS SPACE FOR ENGINEER) To Date Enclosed are copies of the above Item. Approval status as noted above IS in accordance with the follOWing legend A No Exceptions Taken B Make Corrections Noted C ReVise and Resubmit D. Submit SpeCIfied Item E. Rejected F See attached ReView Comment Sheet dated PARAMETRIX, INC By: cc . . . PARAMETRIX Fonn 02-EN-77/Rev 07/02 SITE ASSESSMENT/OBSERV A TION WORKSHEET Project Name: Project No.: Date: Weather Conditions: Inspector (name, title): Site Contact (name, title): The source (name, agency, publication) of all data should be provided with the data. Arrival Time: AM Departure Time: AM I. PHYSICAL SITE DESCRIPTION Facility/Project Names: Address: City, State, Zip: County: Property Boundaries (street names, development, woods, lakes, etc.): North: South: East: West: Methods ofInvestigation (walk, drive, perimeter, etc.): D Accessed 0 Not Accessed II. GENERAL PHYSICAL CONDITIONS Size of Site (acres/sq. ft.): Shape of Site: Number of Parcels: Land Use: . Present Use: . Zoned: · Percent Occupancy: _% . Tenant Life (use): . Land Cover: . Number of Buildings: Page 1 . . . PARAMETRIX Fonn 02-EN-77/Rev 07/02 SITE ASSESSMENT/OBSERVATION WORKSHEET (continued) Project Name: Project No.: . Number of Stories: . Age of Buildings: . Size of Buildings: . Materials Building Constructed Of: . Condition and Cleanliness of Buildings and Surrounding Area (debris, dumps, equipment clutter): . Warnings, Notices, and Permits Displayed (type): · Evidence of Past Use (disturbed areas/patched pavement/demolition remains): Odors: . Description (gasoline, paint, chemical): DN/A . Location: Spills: . Description (size, composition): DN/A . Location: Staining (on walls, ceilings, floors, ground, soil, etc.): . Description (size, composition): DN/A . Location: . Color: Vegetation: · Ground Cover (trees, grass, crops, bare): · Discoloration (description/location/probably cause): · Bare Spots (location/probably cause): · Stunted Vegetation Growth (location/description): . Increased Vegetation Growth (location/description): DN/A Page 2 . . . PARAMETRIX Fonn 02-EN-77/Rev 07/02 SITE ASSESSMENT/OBSERVATION WORKSHEET (continued) Project Name: Project No.: Topography: . Relief (flat, gently rolling, sloping, hilly, karst): . Regional and Local Slope: . Elevation: . Depression/pits/lagoons (description/location): . Evidence of Fill (changed topography, immature vegetation, mining activities, description/ location): . Source of Fill (source of information): Hydrology: . Ponds, Streams, Ditches, etc. (location, direction, distance): DN/A . Wetlands (detailed study required?): . Source of Water (where water in streams, rivers, ditches is flowing from): . Discharge Points of Water: . Site Receives/Surface Water Run-off From (direction): · Run-off From Site Flows To (direction into inlets, street, adjacent land): . Wastewater Discharge: . Flood Plain: Geology and Hydrogeology (Record Review): . Soil Type (clay, sand, loam): DN/A . Drainage (good, fair, poor): . Depth of Bedrock: . Groundwater Depth/Flow Direction: III. STORAGE USTs DN/A DN/A · Evidence of On-site/Adjacent Site USTs (pipes, vents, pump islands, fill caps, patching): Page 3 . . . PARAMETRIX Fonn 02-EN-77/Rev 07/02 SITE ASSESSMENT/OBSERVATION WORKSHEET (continued) Project Name: Project No.: . Monitor Systems (location): . Contents: . Tank ID #: . Size: . Age: . Tank Type (steel, fiberglass, composite): · Records (tightness, testing, inventory): ASTs DN/A . Location: . Contents: · Age/Condition of Tank/Type of Tank/Size: . Evidence of Spills/Leaks/Containment: IV. PCBs (transformers, florescent light ballasts, hydraulic lifts) DN/A . Type/Number of Equipment: . ID#: . Labeled: . Location: . Condition of Units: . Condition of Surroundings: . Owner of Units: . PCB Content: V. EQUIPMENT USED ON SITE DN/A · Type of Equipment (processing, maintenance): . Location: · Chemicals Used by Equipment (process): Page 4 . . . PARAMETRIX Form 02-EN-77/Rev 07/02 SITE ASSESSMENT/OBSERVATION WORKSHEET (continued) Project Name: Project No.: · Chemicals Used in Cleaning Equipment (maintenance): · Cleanliness/Upkeep of Equipment: VI. UTILITIES (include name of pUblic utility) . City/Well Water (age/test results): DN/A . Sewer Water (leach field, dry wells, age): DN/A · Septic System (tiles or leach field/age/records): DN/A · On-site Treatment Facility (lagoons, ponds, age/records): DN/A . Power (company name/age): DN/A . Natural Gas (age): DN/A VII. WASTE AND CHEMICAL HANDLING DN/A · Size/Numbers/Type of Storage Containers: . Location: . Contents: · Condition of Containers (covered, labeled, corroded): · Disposal Methods (who/frequency): · Spills/Leaks: · On-site Chemicals (MSDS) (get copies): · Purpose of Chemicals (process, cleaning): . Use of Herbicides or Pesticides: Page 5 . . . PARAMETRIX Form 02-EN-77/Rev 07/02 SITE ASSESSMENT/OBSERVATION WORKSHEET (continued) Project Name: Project No.: VIII. ACMs (Asbestos Containing Materials) ON/A . ACM Inspector: · Suspect ACMs Observed: · Condition: . Classification: . Location: . Quantity: IX. LEAD/LEAD IN PAINT ON/A . Lead in Paint Inspector: · Maps Checked: . Agency Sources, etc.: . Maps Checked: · Agency Sources, etc.: X. WETLANDS/SEISMIC/OIL AND GAS/HYDROGEOLOGIC/ TRANSMISSION TOWER ON/A · Maps, Agency Personnel, Records, Surveys Checked: · Description (reported/observed): XI. ADJACENT LAND USE . Property Use (north): . Property Use (south): · Property Use (east): · Property Use (west): · Potential Concerns (USTs, ASTs, spills, operations, age): XII. PAST USE OF PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING AREA ON/A . Topography: Page 6 . . . PARAMETRIX Form 02-EN-77/Rev 07/02 SITE ASSESSMENT/OBSERVATION WORKSHEET (continued) Project Name: Project No.: · USTs (for on-site USTs include all information): . ASTs (include all information): . Solid/Hazardous Waste: · Spills and Leaks: XIII. INTERVIEWS DN/A . Property Owner/Tenant (name): . Adjacent Properties: . Local Regulatory: XIV. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION DN/A Page 7 . . . PARAMETRIX SUBMITTAL REVIEW COMMENTS Date' Project Contractor Submittal Title. Submittal Number' Specification Section Submittal DISposition. Reviewer Form 01-CN-74/Rev 03/03 Review comments are as follows: Page 1 of 1 PARAMET. . Form 02-CN-79/Rev 06/. OWNER: PROJECT: PMX NUMBER: CONTRACT NUMBER: DATE: Date Owner Contractor Original Contract Amount Contract Number Description Sent to Signed Sent to Signed Net Change Total to Date Notes WORK DIRECTIVE STATUS (INCLUDING CHANGE ORDERS) PARAMETRlX . . . Form 02..cN-S"JRev 06/02 CONTRACT WORKING DAYS STATUS REPORl Contract No.: Project: Date: Working Days Unworkable Days NonwOlkllble Day. Worldng Day. Week ending Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Frhtay Saturday Sunday Charged Awarded Accrued Remaining Comments , Contract Time Summary: Nobee to Proceed Contract WorkIng Days Time ExtensIon by Contract ModIficatIon To Date Unworkable Days Awarded PARAMETRIX. . . Form 07-CN-218/Rev 02/07 :;, \:~ '~, {if,~ ': <., r"4 ~~{;l~~t~fi~'>i[;~n;'~}'~t~:'3~~~;~~i:;,;: ;:~;~ o~ l ~ ';;; .~*& ,~~~~/:: " ~i#lw~:'^:<' (>~:,: ~Y\;:~:;' ,: 'J?~,l:," ~,~ ,;:;::~~f " H&~t~>:l,;-:);>;<<~~j_{ < :'i~e~'1;J,~A~ ',i "~'" 'DOES l'1';:;s5;: :-:: ~~l~~'~~ >~~,~:,~~?~'~;_~: J rt;~;' t~l' ~;z~~ f; " P,l"fW'",,, >d"'~~("" " ,~ >'::''>;l>.< jdNt"",... "'0- :') GEN'eRATEJ: ,~ ii~~~:J:~::'~^ 'REQl!lEST;; f> T~ '~1~' ?:::'>>'i>jj:;0~" ;';RESPON-$~"~f' r~$~~}42"~lO~~';2->:~::: ,~,9' )'COMMENTS:FR.OM , J :';"DATE*I;~'~ :'~ ~NSVVEREO:} ~, " ,,~ ""," u> ~". ~'^~~. ~; , . A CJ0?'~::, Jft' .'f~J :~.PARANII3:rRI:Xjk : N~MB'ER: >" J< ~ '~""':DESCRIPtION d, . ;,~;( , ; ~~:~ 'FRQM:0~}: h,i%wH"DA:'FE'" ",<"- 'i~,$e,HEDUI.:.E', '" ,~ _~ < 1('1'" ""0' ", h ; < < ',} '^"V ~ >~:--; Sm~ ',~" Y_, < lV - RFI LOG . . APPENDIX C Prevailing Wage Data . State of Washington . DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Prevailing Wage Section. Telephone (360) 902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts The PREVAILING WAGES listed here Include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects, workers' wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A bnef descnptlon of overtime calculation reqUIrements IS provided on the Benefit Code Key. CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-07 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClassIfication WAGE Code Code Code ASBESTOS ABATEMENT WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $34.36 1M 5D BOILERMAKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $47.47 1C 5N BRICK AND MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $42.47 1M 5A CABINET MAKERS (IN SHOP) JOURNEY LEVEL $14.67 CARPENTERS ACOUSTICAL WORKER $41 .43 1M 5D BRIDGE, DOCK AND WARF CARPENTERS $41 .33 1M 5D CARPENTER $41.33 1M 5D CREOSOTED MATERIAL $41.37 1M 50 DRYWALL APPLICATOR $41.31 1M 5D FLOOR FINISHER $41.40 1M 5D . FLOOR LAYER $41 .40 1M 5D FLOOR SANDER $41 .40 1M 5D MILLWRIGHT AND MACHINE ERECTORS $42.27 1M 5D PILEDRIVERS, DRIVING, PULLING, PLACING COLLARS AND WELDING $41.47 1M 5D SAWFILER $4140 1M 5D SHINGLER $4140 1M 50 STATIONARY POWER SAW OPERATOR $41 .40 1M 5D STATIONARY WOODWORKING TOOLS $41.40 1M 5D CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $34.36 1M 5D DIVERS & TENDERS DIVER $85.75 1M 5D 8A DIVER TENDER $44.22 1M 5D DREDGE WORKERS ASSISTANT ENGINEER $42.02 1T 5D 8L ASSISTANT MATE (DECKHAND) $41.51 1T 5D 8L BOATMEN $42.02 1T 5D 8L ENGINEER WELDER $42.07 1T 5D 8L LEVERMAN, HYDRAULIC $43.64 1T 5D 8L MAINTENANCE $41.51 1T 5D 8L MATES $42.02 1T 5D 8L OILER $41.64 1T 5D 8L DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $41.14 1E 5P ELECTRICIANS - INSIDE CABLE SPLICER $52 30 1D 5A CABLE SPLICER (TUNNEL) $56.21 1D SA CERTIFIED WELDER $50.53 1D 5A CERTIFIED WELDER (TUNNEL) $54.26 10 SA CONSTRUCTION STOCK PERSON $27.32 10 5A JOURNEY LEVEL $48.75 10 SA JOURNEY LEVEL (TUNNEL) $52.30 1D SA . ELECTRICIANS - POWERLlNE CONSTRUCTION CABLE SPLICER $55.40 4A 5A CERTIFIED LINE WELDER $49.64 4A SA GROUNDPERSON $35.92 4A 5A HEAD GROUNDPERSON $37.88 4A 5A Page 1 CLALLAM COUNTY . Effective 03-03-07 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING TIme Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code HEAVY LINE EOUIPMENT OPERATOR $49.64 4A 5A JACKHAMMER OPERATOR $37.88 4A 5A JOURNEY LEVEL L1NEPERSON $49.64 4A 5A LINE EOUIPMENT OPERATOR $42.26 4A 5A POLE SPRAYER $49.64 4A 5A POWDERPERSON $37.88 4A 5A ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $12.07 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS MECHANIC $57.88 4A 60 MECHANIC IN CHARGE $63.45 4A 60 FENCE ERECTORS FENCE ERECTOR $13.80 FENCE LABORER $11.60 FLAGGERS JOURNEY LEVEL $29.68 1M 5D GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL $42.41 1H 5G HEAT & FROST INSULATORS AND ASBESTOS WORKERS MECHANIC $45.13 1S 5J HOD CARRIERS & MASON TENDERS JOURNEY LEVEL $34.84 1M 5D INLAND BOATMEN . CAPTAIN $38.04 1K 5B COOK $31.90 1K 5B DECKHAND $31.59 1K 5B ENGINEER/DECKHAND $34.37 1K 5B MATE, LAUNCH OPERATOR $36.02 1K 5B INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL $20.50 IRONWORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $46.25 10 5A LABORERS ASPHALT RAKER $34.84 1M 5D BALLAST REGULATOR MACHINE $34.36 1M 50 BATCH WEIGHMAN $29.68 1M 50 BRUSH CUTTER $34.36 1M 50 BRUSH HOG FEEDER $34.36 1M 50 BURNERS $34.36 1M 50 CARPENTER TENDER $34.36 1M 50 CASSION WORKER $35.20 1M 50 CEMENT DUMPER/PAVING $34.84 1M 50 CEMENTRN~HERTENOER $34.36 1M 50 CHANGE-HOUSE MAN OR DRY SHACKMAN $34.36 1M 50 CHIPPING GUN (OVER 30 LBS) $34.84 1M 50 CHIPPING GUN (UNDER 30 LBS) $34.36 1M 50 CHOKER SETTER $34.36 1M 50 CHUCK TENDER $34.36 1M 50 CLEAN-UP LABORER $34.36 1M 50 CONCRETE DUMPER/CHUTE OPERATOR $34.84 1M 5D CONCRETE FORM STRIPPER $34.36 1M 5D CONCRETE SAW OPERATOR $34.84 1M 5D CRUSHER FEEDER $29.68 1M 5D CURING LABORER $34.36 1M 5D DEMOLITION, WRECKING & MOVING (INCLUDING CHARRED $34.36 1M 5D . DITCH DIGGER $34.36 1M 5D DIVER $35.20 1M 5D DRILL OPERA TOR (HYDRAULIC, DIAMOND) $34.84 1M 5D DRILL OPERATOR, AIRTRAC $35.20 1M 5D Page 2 . CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-07 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code OUMPMAN $34.36 1M 50 EPOXY TECHNICIAN $34.36 1M 50 EROSION CONTROL WORKER $34.36 1M 50 FALLER/BUCKER, CHAIN SAW $34.84 1M 50 FINAL OETAIL CLEANUP (i e., dusting, vacuuming, window cleamng; NOT $27.36 1M 50 construclion debris cleanup) FINE GRADERS $34.36 1M 50 FIRE WATCH $29.68 1M 50 FORM SETTER $34.36 1M 50 GAB ION BASKET BUILDER $34.36 1M 50 GENERAL LABORER $34.36 1M 50 GRAOE CHECKER & TRANSIT PERSON $34.84 1M 50 GRINOERS $34.36 1M 50 GROUT MACHINE TENDER $34.36 1M 50 GUARDRAIL ERECTOR $34.36 1M 50 HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL A $35.20 1M 50 HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL B $34.84 1M 50 HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL C $34.36 1M 50 HIGH SCALER $35.20 1M 50 HOD CARRIER/MORTARMAN $34.84 1M 50 JACKHAMMER $34.84 1M 50 . LASER BEAM OPERATOR $34.84 1M 50 MANHOLE BUILDER-MUDMAN $34.84 1M 50 MATERIAL YARDMAN $34.36 1M 50 MINER $35.20 1M 50 NOZZLEMAN, CONCRETE PUMP, GREEN CUTTER WHEN USING HIGH $34.84 1M 50 PRESSURE AIR & WATER ON CONCRETE & ROCK, SANDBLAST, GUNITE, SHOTCRETE, WATER BLASTER PAVEMENT BREAKER $34.84 1M 50 PILOT CAR $29.68 1M 50 PIPE POT TENDER $34.84 1M 50 PIPE RELlNER (NOT INSERT TYPE) $34.84 1M 50 PIPELAYER & CAULKER $34.84 1M 50 PIPELAYER & CAULKER (LEAD) $35.20 1M 50 PIPEWRAPPER $34.84 1M 50 POT TENDER $34.36 1M 50 POWDERMAN $35.20 1M 50 POWOERMAN HELPER $34.36 1M 50 POWERJACKS $34.84 1M 50 RAILROAD SPIKE PULLER (POWER) $34.84 1M 50 RE-TIMBERMAN $35.20 1M 50 RIPRAP MAN $34.36 1M 50 ROODER $34.84 1M 50 SCAFFOLD ERECTOR $34.36 1M 50 SCALE PERSON $34.36 1M 50 SIGNALMAN $34.36 1M 50 SLOPER (OVER 20") $34.84 1M 50 SLOPER SPRAYMAN $34.36 1M 50 SPREADER (CLARY POWER OR SIMILAR TYPES) $34.84 1M 50 SPREADER (CONCRETE) $34.84 1M 50 STAKE HOPPER $34.36 1M 50 STOCKPILER $34.36 1M 50 TAMPER & SIMILAR ELECTRIC, AIR & GAS $34.84 1M 50 . TAMPER (MULTIPLE & SELF PROPELLED) $34.84 1M 50 TOOLROOM MAN (AT JOB SITE) $34.36 1M 50 TOPPER-TAILER $34.36 1M 50 TRACK LABORER $34.36 1M 50 TRACK LINER (POWER) $34.84 1M 50 Page 3 CLALLAM COUNTY . Effective 03-03-07 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClaSSification WAGE Code Code Code TRUCK SPOTTER $34.36 1M 5D TUGGER OPERATOR $34.84 1M 5D VIBRATING SCREED (AIR, GAS, OR ELECTRIC) $34.36 1M 5D VIBRATOR $34.84 1M 5D VINYL SEAMER $34.36 1M 5D WELDER $34.36 1M 5D WELL-POINT LABORER $34.84 1M 5D LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION IRRIGATION OR LAWN SPRINKLER INSTALLERS $11.42 LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS OR TRUCK DRIVERS $7.93 LANDSCAPING OR PLANTING LABORERS $7.93 LATHERS JOURNEY LEVEL $41.31 1M 5D PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33.16 2B 5A PLASTERERS JOURNEY LEVEL $25.83 PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $55.34 1G 5A POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ASSISTANT ENGINEERS $39 57 1M 5D 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (3 YD & UNDER) $42.35 1M 5D 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (OVER 3 YD & UNDER 6 YD) $42.84 1M 5D 8L . BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (6 YD AND OVER WITH $43.39 1M 5D 8L BACKHOES, (75 HP & UNDER) $41.93 1M 5D 8L BACKHOES, (OVER 75 HP) $42.35 1M 5D 8L BARRIER MACHINE (ZIPPER) $42.35 1M 5D 8L BATCH PLANT OPERATOR, CONCRETE $42.35 1M 5D 8L BELT LOADERS (ELEVATING TYPE) $41.93 1M 5D 8L BOBCAT (SKID STEER) $39.57 1M 5D 8L BROOMS $39.57 1M 5D 8L BUMP CUTTER $42.35 1M 5D 8L CABLEWAYS $42.84 1M 5D 8L CHIPPER $42.35 1M 5D 8L COMPRESSORS $39.57 1M 5D 8L CONCRETE FINISH MACHINE - LASER SCREED $39.57 1M 5D 8L CONCRETE PUMPS $41.93 1M 5D 8L CONCRETE PUMP-TRUCK MOUNT WITH BOOM ATTACHMENT $42.35 1M 5D 8L CONVEYORS $41.93 1M 5D 8L CRANES, THRU 19 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $41.93 1M 5D 8L CRANES, 20 - 44 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $42.35 1M 5D 8L CRANES, 45 TONS - 99 TONS, UNDER 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING $42.84 1M 5D 8L JIB WITH ATACHMENTS) CRANES, 100 TONS - 199 TONS, OR 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $43 39 1M 5D 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, 200 TONS TO 300 TONS, OR 250 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $43.96 1M 5D 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, A-FRAME, 10 TON AND UNDER $39.57 1M 5D 8L CRANES, A-FRAME, OVER 10 TON $41.93 1M 5D 8L CRANES, OVER 300 TONS, OR 300' OF BOOM INCLUDING JIB WITH $44.52 1M 5D 8L ATTACHMENTS CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 20 - 44 TONS) $42 35 1M 5D 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 45 - 99 TONS) $42.84 1M 5D 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE (100 TONS & OVER) $43.39 1M 5D 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE UP TO 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $43.39 1M 5D 8L . CRANES, TOWER CRANE OVER 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $43.96 1M 5D 8L CRUSHERS $42.35 1M 5D 8L DECK ENGINEER/DECK WINCHES (POWER) $42.35 1M 5D 8L DERRICK, BUILDING $42.84 1M 5D 8L Page 4 . CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-07 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code DOZERS, D-9 & UNDER $41.93 1M 5D 8L DRILL OILERS - AUGER TYPE, TRUCK OR CRANE MOUNT $41.93 1M 5D 8L DRILLING MACHINE $42.35 1M 5D 8L ELEVATOR AND MANLlFT, PERMANENT AND SHAFT-TYPE $39.57 1M 5D 8L EQUIPMENT SERVICE ENGINEER (OILER) $41.93 1M 5D 8L FINISHING MACHINE/BIDWELL GAMACO AND SIMILAR EQUIP $42.35 1M 5D 8L FORK LIFTS, (3000 LBS AND OVER) $41.93 1M 50 8L FORK LIFTS, (UNDER 3000 LBS) $39.57 1M 5D 8L GRADE ENGINEER $41.93 1M 5D 8L GRADECHECKER AND STAKEMAN $39.57 1M 5D 8L GUARDRAIL PUNCH $42.35 1M 5D 8L HOISTS, OUTSIDE (ELEVATORS AND MANLlFTS), AIR TUGGERS $41.93 1M 5D 8L HORIZONTAUDIRECTIONAL DRILL LOCATOR $41.93 1M 5D 8L HORIZONTAUDIRECTIONAL DRILL OPERATOR $42.35 1M 5D 8L HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (10 TON & UNDER) $39.57 1M 5D 8L HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (OVER 10 TON) $41.93 1M 5D 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (6 YD UP TO 8 YD) $42.84 1M 5D 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (8 YD & OVER) $43.39 1M 5D 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (UNDER 6 YD), PLANT FEED $42.35 1M 5D 8L LOCOMOTIVES, ALL $42.35 1M 5D 8L MECHANICS, ALL $42.84 1M 5D 8L . MIXERS, ASPHALT PLANT $42.35 1M 5D 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (FINISHING) $42.35 1M 5D 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (NON-FINISHING) $41.93 1M 5D 8L MUCKING MACHINE, MOLE, TUNNEL DRILL AND/OR SHIELD $42.84 1M 5D 8L OIL DISTRIBUTORS, BLOWER DISTRIBUTION AND MULCH SEEDING $39.57 1M 5D 8L OPERATOR PAVEMENT BREAKER $39.57 1M 5D 8L PILEDRIVER (OTHER THAN CRANE MOUNT) $42.35 1M 5D 8L PLANT OILER (ASPHALT, CRUSHER) $41.93 1M 5D 8L POSTHOLE DIGGER, MECHANICAL $39.57 1M 5D 8L POWER PLANT $39.57 1M 5D 8L PUMPS, WATER $39.57 1M 5D 8L QUAD 9, D-10, AND HD-41 $42.84 1M 5D 8L REMOTE CONTROL OPERATOR ON RUBBER TIRED EARTH MOVING $42.84 1M 5D 8L EQUIP RIGGER AND BELLMAN $39.57 1M 5D 8L ROLLAGON $42.84 1M 5D 8L ROLLER, OTHER THAN PLANT ROAD MIX $39.57 1M 5D 8L ROLLERS, PLANTMIX OR MULTILlFT MATERIALS $41.93 1M 5D 8L ROTO-MILL, ROTO-GRINDER $42.35 1M 5D 8L SAWS, CONCRETE $41.93 1M 5D 8L SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING $42.35 1M 5D 8L OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT ( UNDER 45 YD) SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING $42.84 1M 5D 8L OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT (45 YD AND OVER) SCRAPERS, CONCRETE AND CARRY ALL $41.93 1M 5D 8L SCREED MAN $42.35 1M 5D 8L SHOTCRETE GUNITE $39.57 1M 5D 8L SLlPFORM PAVERS $42.84 1M 5D 8L SPREADER, TOPSIDE OPERA TOR - BLAW KNOX $42.35 1M 5D 8L SUBGRADE TRIMMER $42.35 1M 5D 8L TOWER BUCKET ELEVATORS $41.93 1M 5D 8L . TRACTORS, (75 HP & UNDER) $41.93 1M 5D 8L TRACTORS, (OVER 75 HP) $42.35 1M 5D 8L TRANSFER MATERIAL SERVICE MACHINE $42.35 1M 5D 8L TRANSPORTERS, ALL TRACK OR TRUCK TYPE $42.84 1M 5D 8L TRENCHING MACHINES $41.93 1M 5D 8L Page 5 CLALLAM COUNTY . Effective 03-03-07 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER ( UNDER 100 TON) $41.93 1M 5D 8L TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER (100 TON & OVER) $42.35 1M 5D 8L TRUCK MOUNT PORTABLE CONVEYER $42.35 1M 5D 8L WHEEL TRACTORS, FARMALL TYPE $39.57 1M 5D 8L YO YO PAY DOZER $42.35 1M 5D 8L POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE $35.62 4A 5A SPRAY PERSON $33.82 4A 5A TREE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $34.27 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER $31.88 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER GROUNDPERSON $24.03 4A 5A REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS MECHANIC $27.68 ROOFERS JOURNEY LEVEL $35.78 1R 5A USING IRRITABLE BITUMINOUS MATERIALS $38 78 1R 5A SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) $49.97 1E 6L SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33.76 1B 5A SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS JOURNEY LEVEL $10.31 1B 50 SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) . JOURNEY LEVEL $19.67 SURVEYORS CHAIN PERSON $9.35 INSTRUMENT PERSON $11.40 PARTY CHIEF $13.40 TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $31.15 10 5A TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION - OUTSIDE CABLE SPLICER $29.89 2B 5A HOLE DIGGER/GROUND PERSON $16.81 2B 5A INSTALLER (REPAIRER) $28.68 2B 5A JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE L1NEPERSON $27.82 2B 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER I $29.89 2B 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER II $29.30 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (HEAVY) $29.89 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (LIGHT) $27.82 2B 5A TELEVISION GROUND PERSON $15.96 2B 5A TELEVISION L1NEPERSON/INST ALLER $21.17 2B 5A TELEVISION SYSTEM TECHNICIAN $25.15 2B 5A TELEVISION TECHNICIAN $22.64 2B 5A TREE TRIMMER $27 82 2B 5A TERRAZZO WORKERS & TILE SETTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $40.33 1B 5A TILE, MARBLE & TERRAZZO FINISHERS FINISHER $34.16 1B 5A TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $34.90 1K 5A TRUCK DRIVERS ASPHALT MIX ( TO 16 YARDS) $39.04 1T 5D 8L ASPHALT MIX (OVER 16 YARDS) $39.62 1T 5D 8L DUMP TRUCK $20.23 1 DUMP TRUCK & TRAILER $20.23 1 . OTHER TRUCKS $39.62 1T 5D 8L TRANSIT MIXER $23.73 1 WELL DRILLERS & IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLERS IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLER $11.60 Page 6 . . . CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-07 ***************************************************************************************************************** Classlfrcatlon PREVAILING WAGE (See Benefit Code Key) Over Time Code Note Code OILER WELL DRILLER $9.45 $11.60 Page 7 Holiday Code . . . BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-3-07 ************************************************************************************************************************ OVERTIME CODES OVERTIME CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON THE HOURLY RATE ACTUALLY PAID TO THE WORKER. ON PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS, THE HOURLY RATE MUST BE NOT LESS THAN THE PREV AILING RATE OF WAGE MINUS THE HOURLY RATE OF THE COST OF FRINGE BENEFITS ACTUALLY PROVIDED FOR THE WORKER. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE A ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE B ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE C THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER OVERTIME HOURS WORKED SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE D THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS BEFORE OR AFTER A FIVE - EIGHT (8) HOUR WORKWEEK DAY OR A FOUR - TEN (10) HOUR WORKWEEK DAY AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED THE NEXT DAY AFTER EITHER WORKWEEK SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL ADDITIONAL HOURS WORKED AND ALL WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE E THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE F THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER OVERTIME HOURS WORKED, EXCEPT LABOR DAY, SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURLY RA IE OF WAGE G THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON A FIFTH CALENDAR WEEKDAY IN A FOUR - TEN HOUR SCHEDULE, SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE H ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS OR EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN) SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY OVER TWELVE (12) HOURS AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. J THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED OVER TEN (10) HOURS MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE K ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RA TE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE L ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RA TE OF WAGE. M ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE N. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. o THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA Y SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS AND AFTER TWELVE (12) HOURS, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, AND AFTER TEN (10) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE P ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF CIRCUMSTANCES WARRANT) AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-07 -2- Q THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND UP TO TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SA TURDA Y AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT CHRISTMAS DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON CHRISTMAS DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE . R ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDA YS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE S THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER OVERTIME HOURS WORKED, EXCEPT LABOR DAY, SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE P AID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE T ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, EXCEPT MAKE-UP DAYS, SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED AFTER 600PM SATURDAY TO 600AM MONDAY AND ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE U ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURL YRA TE OF WAGE V ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE W ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPT MAKE-UP DAYS DUE TO CONDITIONS BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE EMPLOYER)) SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE X THE FIRST FOUR (4) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST TWELVE (12) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. . ALL HOURS WORKED OVER TWELVE (12) HOURS MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE WHEN HOLIDAY FALLS ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY, THE DAY BEFORE SATURDAY, FRIDAY, AND THE DAY AFTER SUNDAY, MONDAY, SHALL BE CONSIDERED THE HOLIDAY AND ALL WORK PERFORMED SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. 2 ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE A THE FIRST SIX (6) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF SIX (6) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE C ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE D ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT STRAIGHT TIME IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE E ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS OR HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS OR ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE F THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT THE STRAIGHT HOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE G ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE . INCLUDING HOLIDAY PA Y H ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID A T ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE .2 BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-07 -3- ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DA Y) SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND ON LABOR DA Y SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE J ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, INCLUDING THE HOLIDAY PAY ALL HOURS WORKED ON UNPAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY. K. M ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE o ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RA TE OF WAGE. P THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT 8) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDA YS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. 4A ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE 5 . . HOLIDAY CODES A HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) B HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) C HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDA Y AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) D HOLIDAYS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDA Y AND SA TURDA Y AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) E HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) F. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DA Y, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (11) G HOLIDA YS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) H. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS (6) HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6) J HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) N HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DA Y, LABOR DA Y, VETERANS' DA Y, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) P HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AND SA TURDA Y AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) Q PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6) R PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, ONE-HALF DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DA Y, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7 1/2). BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-07 -4- 5 S. PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) . T PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DA Y, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND THE DAY BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS (10) V PAID HOLIDAYS SIX (6) PAID HOLIDAYS W PAID HOLIDAYS NINE (9) PAID HOLIDA YS X HOLIDA YS AFTER 520 HOURS - NEW YEAR'S DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY AFTER 2080 HOURS - NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY AND A FLOATING HOLIDAY (8) Y HOLIDAYS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DA Y, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY FOLLOWING THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). Z HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) 6 A PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) B PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S EVE DAY, NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE'S DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) C HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) D PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, . THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, THE DAY BEFORE OR THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY (9) F PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (I I) PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DA Y, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DA Y, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) L HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) Q PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) UNPAID HOLIDA Y_ PRESIDENTS' DAY T PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) U HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DA Y, CHRISTMAS DAY (9) V PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DA Y, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND ONE DAY OF THE EMPLOYEE'S CHOICE (9) W PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DA Y, DA Y BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY (10) . X PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DA Y, CHRISTMAS DAY, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY, EMPLOYEE'S BIRTHDAY (I 1) . . . BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-07 -5- NOTE CODES 8 THE STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHALL BE ONE-HALF TIMES THE DIVERS RATE OF PAY IN ADDITION TO THE HOURL Y WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS, THE FOLLOWING DEPTH PREMIUMS APPLY TO DEPTHS OF FIFTY FEET OR MORE OVER 50' TO 100' - $100 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 50 FEET OVER 100' TO 175' - $2 25 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 100 FEET OVER 175' TO 250' - $5 50 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 175 FEET OVER 250' - DIVERS MAY NAME THEIR OWN PRICE, PROVIDED IT IS NO LESS THAN THE SCALE LISTED FOR 250 FEET A C THE STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHALL BE ONE-HALF TIMES THE DIVERS RATE OF PAY IN ADDITION TO THE HOURLY WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS, THE FOLLOWING DEPTH PREMIUMS APPLY TO DEPTHS OF FIFTY FEET OR MORE. OVER 50' TO 100' - $1 00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 50 FEET OVER 100' TO ISO' - $1 50 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 100 FEET OVER 150' TO 200' - $2 00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER ISO FEET OVER 200' - DIVERS MAY NAME THEIR OWN PRICE D WORKERS WORKING WITH SUPPLIED AIR ON HAZMA T PROJECTS RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL $1 00 PER HOUR. L WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A $075, LEVEL B $0 50, AND LEVEL C $025 M WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS LEVELS A & B $100, LEVELS C & D' $0 50 N WORKERS ON HAZMA T PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A $1 00, LEVEL B $0.75, LEVEL C $050, AND LEVEL D $025 . Washington State Department of labor and Industries Policy Statement (Regarding the Production of "Standard" or "Non-standard" Items) Below is the department's (State L&I's) list of criteria to be used in determining whether a prefabricated item is "standard" or "non-standard". For items not appearing on WSDOT's predetermined list, these criteria shall be used by the Contractor (and the Contractor's subcontractors, agents to subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, and fabricators) to determine coverage under RCW 39.12. The production, in the State of Washington, of non-standard items is covered by RCW 39.12, and the production of standard items is not. The production of any item outside the State of Washington is not covered by RCW 39.12. 1. Is the item fabricated for a public works project? If not, it is not subject to RCW 39.12. If it is, go to question 2. 2. Is the item fabricated on the public works jobsite? If it is, the work is covered under RCW 39.12. If not, go to question 3. . 3. Is the item fabricated in an assembly/fabrication plant set up for, and dedicated primarily to, the public works project? If it is, the work is covered by RCW 39.12. If not, go to question 4. 4. Does the item require any assembly, cutting, modification or other fabrication by the supplier? If not, the work is not covered by RCW 39.12. If yes, go to question 5. 5. Is the prefabricated item intended for the public works project typically an inventory item which could reasonably be sold on the general market? If not, the work is covered by RCW 39.12. If yes, go to question 6. 6. Does the specific prefabricated item, generally defined as standard, have any unusual characteristics such as shape, type of material, strength requirements, finish, etc? If yes, the work is covered under RCW 39.12. Any firm with questions regarding the policy, WSDOT's Predetermined List, or for determinations of covered and non-covered workers shall be directed to State L&I at (360) 902-5330. . Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 1 . WSDOT's Predetermined List for Suppliers. Manufacturers. Fabricators 8elow is a list of potentially prefabricated items, originally furnished by WSDOT to Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, that may be considered non- standard and therefore covered by the prevailing wage law, RCW 39.12. Items marked with an X in the ''YES'' column should be considered to be non-standard and therefore covered by RCW 39.12. Items marked with an X in the "NO" column should be considered to be standard and therefore not covered. Of course, exceptions to this general list may occur, and in that case shall be evaluated according to the criteria described in State and L&I's policy statement. ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 1. Manhole Ring & Cover - manhole type 1, 2, 3, and 4. For use with Catch 8asin type 2. The casting to meet AASHTO-M-1 05, class 30 gray iron casting. See Std. Plan 8-30.10, 8-30.70, 8-30.80, and E-5. X . 2. Frame & Grate - frame and Grate for Catch 8asin type 1, 1L, 1P, 2, and Concrete Inlets. Castframe may be grade 70-36 steel, class 30 gray cast iron or grade 80-55-06 ductile iron. The cast grate may be grade 70-36 steel or grade 80-55-06 ductile iron. See Std. Plan 8-25.20, 8-30.20, 8-30.30, 8-30.40, and 8-30.50. X 3. Grate Inlet & Drop Inlet Frame & Grate - Frame and Grate for Grate Inlets Type 1 or 2 or Drop Inlets Type 1 or 2. Angle iron frame to be cast into top of inlet. See Std. Plan 8-35.20, 8-40.20, 8-40.40, and 8-50.20. X 4. Concrete Pipe - Plain Concrete pipe and reinforced concrete pipe Class 2 to 5 sizes smaller than 60 inch diameter. X 5. Concrete Pipe - Plain Concrete pipe and reinforced concrete pipe Class 2 to 5 sizes larger than 60 inch diameter. X . Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 2 YES NO . 6. Corrugated Steel Pipe - Steel lock seam corrugated pipe for culverts and storm sewers, sizes 30 inch to 120 inches in diameter. May also be treated, 1 thru 5. x 7. Corrugated Aluminum Pipe - Aluminum lock seam corrugated pipe for culverts and storm sewers, sizes 30 inch to 120 inches in diameter. May also be treated, #5. x 8. Anchor Bolts & Nuts - Anchor Bolts and Nuts, for mounting sign structures, luminaries and other items, shall be made from commercial bolt stock. See Contract Plans and Std. Plans for size and material type. x . 9. Aluminum Pedestrian Handrail - Pedestrian handrail conforming to the type and material specifications set forth in the contract plans. Welding of aluminum shall be in accordance with Section 9-28.14(3). x 10. Major Structural Steel Fabrication - Fabrication of major steel items such as trusses, beams, girders, etc., for bridges. x 11. Minor Structural Steel Fabrication - Fabrication of minor steel Items such as special hangers, brackets, access doors for structures, access ladders for irrigation boxes, bridge expansion joint systems, etc., involving welding, cutting, punching and/or boring of holes. See Contact Plans for item description and shop drawings. x 12. Aluminum Bridge Railing Type BP - Metal bridge railing conforming to the type and material specifications set forth in the Contract Plans. Welding of aluminum shall be in accordance with Section 9-28.14(3). x . Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 3 YES NO . 13. Concrete Piling--Precast-Prestressed concrete piling for use as 55 and 70 ton concrete piling. Concrete to conform to Section 9-19.1 of Std. Spec.. Shop drawings for approval shall be provided per Section 6-05.3(3) of the Std. Spec. See Std. Plans E-4 and E-4a x 14. Manhole Type 1,2,3 and 4 - Precast Manholes with risers and flat top slab and/or cones. See Std. Plans 8-15.20, 8-15.40, and 8-15.60. . x 15. Drywell- Drywell as specified in Section 9-12.7 of the Std. Sec. See Std. Plan 8-20.20, 8-20.40, and 8-20.60. x 16. Catch 8asin - Catch 8asin type 1, 1 L, 1 P, and 2, including risers, frames maybe cast into riser. See Std. Plans 8-5.20, 8-5.40, 8-5.60, 8-10.20, 8-10.40, and 8-10.60. x . 17. Precast Concrete Inlet - Concrete Inlet with risers, frames may be cast into risers. See Std. Plan 8-25.60. x 18. Drop Inlet Type 1 - Drop Inlet Type 1 with support angles and grate. See Std. Plans 8-45.20. x 19. Drop Inlet Type 2 - Drop Inlet type 2 with support angles and grate. See Std. Plans 8-45.40. x 20. Grate Inlet Type 2 - Grate Inlet Type 2 with risers and top unit with bearing angles. See Std. Plans 8-35.40. x 21. Precast Concrete Utility Vaults - Precast Concrete utility vaults of various sizes. Used for in ground storage of utility facilities and controls. See Contract Plans for size and construction requirements. Shop drawings x . Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 4 YES NO . are to be provided for approval prior to casting. 22. Vault Risers - For use with Valve Vaults and Utilities Vaults. x 23. Valve Vault - For use with underground utilities. See Contract Plans for details. x 24. Precast Concrete Barrier - Precast Concrete Barrier for use as new barrier or may also be used as Temporary Concrete Barrier. Only new state approved barrier may be used as permanent barrier. x . 25. Reinforced Earth Wall Panels - Reinforced Earth Wall Panels in size and shape as shown in the Plans. Fabrication plant has annual approval for methods and materials to be used. See Shop Drawing. Fabrication at other locations may be approved, after facilities inspection, contact HQ. Lab. x 26. Precast Concrete Walls - Precast Concrete Walls - tilt-up wall panel in size and shape as shown in Plans. Fabrication plant has annual approval for methods and materials to be used. x 27. Precast Railroad Crossings - Concrete Crossing Structure Slabs. x 28. 12, 18 and 26 inch Standard Precast Prestressed Girder - Standard Precast Prestressed Girder for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)c. x . Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 5 YES NO . 29. Prestressed Concrete Girder Series 4-14 - Prestressed Concrete Girders for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)c. x 30. Prestressed Tri-Beam Girder - Prestressed Tri-Beam Girders for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)c. x 31. Prestressed Precast Hollow-Core Slab - Precast Prestressed Hollow-core slab for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)c. x 32. Prestressed-Bulb Tee Girder - Bulb Tee Prestressed Girder for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(26)A. x . 33. Monument Case and Cover - To meet AASHTO-M-1 05 class 30 gray iron casting. See Std. Plan H-7. x 34. Cantilever Sign Structure - Cantilever Sign Structure X fabricated from steel tubing meeting AASHTO-M-183. See Std. Plans G-3, G-3a, G-3b, and Contract Plans for details. The steel structure shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO-M-111. 35. Mono-tube Sign Structures - Mono-tube Sign Bridge fabricated to details shown in the Plans. Shop drawings for approval are required prior to fabrication. X . Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 6 YES NO . 36. Steel Sign Bridges - Steel Sign Bridges fabricated X from steel tubing meeting AASHTO-M-138 for Aluminum Alloys. See Std. Plans G-2, G2a, and Contract Plans for details. The steel structure shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO-M-111. 37. Steel Sign Post - Fabricated steel sign posts as detailed in Std. Plan G-8a, G-8b, G-8c, G-8d, G-8e, G-8f, and G-8g. Shop drawings for approval are to be provided prior to fabrication. X 38. Light Standard-Prestressed - Spun, prestressed, hollow, concrete poles. X 39. Light Standards - Lighting Standards for use on highway illumination systems, poles to be fabricated to conform with methods and materials as specified on Std. Plan J-1 a. See Special Provisions for pre-approved drawings. X . 40. Traffic Signal Standards - Traffic Signal Standards for use on highway and/or street signal systems. Standards to be fabricated to conform with methods and material as specified on Std. Plans J-7a and J-7c. See Special Provisions for pre-approved drawings. X 41. Traffic Curb, Type A or C Precast - Type A or C Precast traffic curb, for use in construction of raised channelization, and other traffic delineation uses such as parking lots, rest areas, etc. NOTE: Acceptance based on inspection of Fabrication Plant and an advance sample of curb section to be submitted for approval by Engineer. X . Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 7 42. Traffic Signs - Prior to approval of a Fabricator of Traffic Signs, the sources of the following materials must be submitted and approved for reflective sheeting, legend material, and aluminum sheeting. NOTE: *** Fabrication inspection required. Only signs tagged "Fabrication Approved" by WSDOT Sign Fabrication Inspector to be installed. YES NO . X X custom std. msg msg 43. Cutting & bending reinforcing steel X 44. Guardrail components X X custom standard end sect. sect. 45. Aggregates/Concrete mixes Covered by WAC 296-127-018 . 46. Asphalt Covered by WAC 296-127-018 47. Fiberfabrics X 48. Electrical wiring/components X 49. Treated or untreated timber piles X 50. Girder pads (elastomeric bearing) X . Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 8 YES NO . 51. Standard Dimension lumber x 52. Irrigation components x 53. Fencing materials x 54. Guide Posts x 55. Raised Pavement Markers x 56. Epoxy x . 57. Cribbing x 58. Water distribution materials x 59. SteellH" piles x 60. Steel pipe for concrete pile casings x 61. Steel pile tips, standard x 62. Steel pile tips, custom x . Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 9 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES. EFFECTIVE 03/3/07 METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) Classification Fitter Welder Machine Operator Painter Laborer Welder Machine Operator Painter Fitter Welder Machine Operator Painter Laborer Fitter Welder Machine Operator Painter Laborer PREVAILING WAGE Over Time Code Counties Covered: Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield Kittitas, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Orellle, Stevens, Walla Walla and Whitman 1276 1276 12.66 1020 8.13 Counties Covered. Benton 1670 1053 9.76 Counties Covered. Chelan 15.04 1224 9.71 9.93 940 Counties Covered: Clallam, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, LewIs, Mason, Pacific, San Juan and Skagit 1516 15.16 10.66 11.41 11.13 Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 10 Holiday Code . Note Code . . . METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) 03/3/07 Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClaSSification WAGE Code Code Code Counties Covered. Clark Layerout 27.20 1E 68 Fitter 25.92 1E 68 Welder 2532 1E 68 Painter 2374 1E 68 Machine Operator 25.92 1E 68 Laborer 1764 1E 68 Counties Covered' Snohomlsh Fitter 15.38 1 Welder 1538 1 Machine Operator 884 1 Painter 9.98 1 Laborer 9.79 1 . Counties Covered Spokane Fitter 12.59 1 Welder 10.80 1 Machine Operator 1326 1 Painter 10.27 1 Laborer 7.98 1 Counties Covered: Thurston Layerout 26.77 1A 6T Fitter 24.70 1A 6T Welder 2263 1A 6T Machine Operator 19.54 1A 6T Laborer 16.43 1A 6T Counties Covered: Whatcom Firter/Welder 1381 Machine Operator 1381 Laborer 900 . Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 11 . METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) 03/3/07 Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClaSSification WAGE Code Code Code Counties Covered. Yakima Fitter 12.00 Welder 11.32 Machine Operator 1132 Painter 1200 Laborer 10.31 Counties Covered Cowlitz Fitter 24.48 18 6V Welder 24.48 18 6V Machine Operator 2448 18 6V Counties Covered. Grant . Fitter 1079 Welder 1079 Painter 763 Counties Covered: King Fitter 15.86 1 Welder 15.48 1 Machine Operator 13.04 1 Painter 11 10 1 Laborer 978 1 Counties Covered: Kitsap Fitter 2696 1 Welder 1383 1 Machine Operator 1383 1 Laborer 7.63 1 . Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 12 . . . METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) 03/3/07 Classification Counties Covered: Khckltat, Skamania and Wahklakum FitterlWelder Machine Operator Painter Laborer Counties Covered: Pierce Fitter Welder Machine Operator Laborer Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 13 PREVAILING WAGE 1699 17.21 1703 1044 15.25 13.98 1398 1018 Over Time Code Holiday Code Note Code WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES - EFFECTIVE 03/3/07 FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS ClaSSification PREVAILING WAGE Counties Covered: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Orellle, Stevens, Walla Walla, and Whitman All Classifications 9.96 Counties Covered: Franklin All Classifications 11.50 Counties Covered King All Classifications 1230 Counties Covered: Pierce All Classifications 9.28 Counties Covered' Chelan, Kittitas, Kllckltat and Skamania All Classifications 8.61 Counties Covered. Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, Kltsap, LewIs, Mason, Pacific, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomlsh, Thurston, Wahklakum All Classifications 13.50 Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 14 Over Time Code Holiday Code 2K 5B Note Code . . . . . . WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES - EFFECTIVE 03/3/07 FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS ClasSification Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note WAGE Code Code Code Counties Covered: Spokane All Classifications 20.23 Counties Covered: Yakima Craftsman Laborer 865 7.63 Counties Covered: Whatcom All Classifications 13.67 Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 15 Washington State Department of labor and Industries Policy Statements (Regarding Production and Delivery of Gravel, Concrete, Asphalt, etc.) The following two letters from the State Department of Labor and Industries (State L&I) dated August 18,1992 and June 18, 1999, clarify the intent and establish policy for administrating the provisions of WAC 296-127-018 COVERAGE AND EXEMPTIONS OF WORKERS INVOLVED IN THE PRODUCTION AND DELIVERY OF GRAVEL, CONCRETE, ASPHALT, OR SIMILAR MATERIALS. Any firm with questions regarding the policy, these letters, or for determinations of covered and non-covered workers shall be directed to State L&I at (360) 902-5330. Effective September 1, 1993, minimum prevailing wages for all work covered by WAC 296-127-018 for the production and/or delivery of materials to a public works contract will be found under the regular classification of work for Teamsters, Power Equipment Operators, etc. Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 16 . . . . ESAC DIVISION - TELEPHONE (206) 586-6887 PO BOX 44540, OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504-4540 August 18, 1992 TO: FROM: All Interested Parties SUBJECT: Jim P. Christensen Acting Industrial Statistician Materials Suppliers - WAC 296-127-018 This memo is intended to provide greater clarity regarding the application of WAC 296-127-018 to awarding agencies, contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers and other interested parties. The information contained herein should not be construed to cover all possible scenarios which might require the payment of prevailing wage. The absence of a particular activity under the heading "PREVAILING WAGES ARE REQUIRED FOR" does not mean that the activity is not covered. . Separate Material Supplier Equipment Operator rates have been eliminated. For those cases where a production facility is set up for the specific purpose of supplying materials to a public works construction site, prevailing wage rates for operators of equipment such as crushers and batch plants can be found under Power Equipment Operators. PREVAILING WAGES ARE REQUIRED FOR: 1. Hauling materials away from a public works project site, including excavated materials, demolished materials, etc. 2. Delivery of materials to a public works project site using a method that involves incorporation of the delivered materials into the project site, such as spreading, leveling, rolling, etc. 3. The production of materials at a facility that is established for the specific, but not necessarily exclusive, purpose of supplying materials for a public works project. 4. Delivery of the materials mentioned in #3 above, regardless of the method of delivery. PREVAILING WAGES ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR: 1. The production of materials by employees of an established materials supplier, in a permanent facility, as well as the delivery of these materials, as long as delivery does not include incorporation of the materials into the job site. 2. Delivery of materials by a common or contract carrier, as long as delivery does not include incorporation of the materials into the job site. 3. Production of materials for unspecified future use. . Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 17 . STA TE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES June 18, 1999 TO: Kerry S. Radcliff, Editor Washington State Register FROM: Gary Moore, Director Department of Labor and Industries SUBJECT: Notice re WAC 296-127-018, Coverage and exemptions of workers involved in the production and delivery of gravel, concrete, asphalt, or similar materials The department wishes to publish the following Notice in the next edition of the Washington State Register: NOTICE Under the current material supplier regulations, WAC 296-127-018, the department takes the position that prevailing wages do not apply to the delivery of wet concrete to public works sites, unless the drivers do something more than just deliver the concrete. Drivers delivering concrete into a crane and bucket, hopper of a pump truck, or forms or footings, are not entitled to prevailing wages unless they operate machinery or use tools that screed, float, or put a finish on the concrete. . This position applies only to the delivery of wet concrete. It does not extend to the delivery of asphalt, sand, gravel, crushed rock, or other similar materials covered under WAC 296-127-018. The department's position applies only to this regulation. If you need additional information regarding this matter, please contact Greg Mowat, Program Manager, Employment Standards, at P.O. Box 44510, Olympia, WA 98504-451 0, or call (360) 902-5310. Please publish the above Notice in WSR 99-13. If you have questions or need additional Information, please call Selwyn Walters at 902-4206. Thank you. Cc: Selwyn Walters, Rules Coordinator Patrick Woods, Assistant Director Greg Mowat, Program Manager . Supplemental to Wage Rates 18 . . APPENDIX D Borrow Soil and Compost Analysis .' ~. r0o\CTH I MATERIALS-TE$TlNG-lABORATORY 117 S. Poab-o(fY;O-Port~l1g()los, WA 98362 (360) 452.8491-Fax (360) 452-8498 lel,ont. fam,W\RfuX- : proJect:~-it- I ~I BILLING INFORMATION II no open lab account or active projectlD, musl go through IILJ~lrless Manager first. I I Lab Account # I >1 Project Account 10 P8-~:X 010 I 0 Project Manager [ I Pre-paid (reqUIred if not on account- see reverse) Specimen Control # $18/ COARSE PORTION Sieve .'>Ize ? J / 17 /t; ,0 Dry % % Weight Retained Pass (grams) I ~ ~?1 5 Lf . Cj 4, b C)b~.5 2R,L1 f;;(0,) ~ )f\ V\ . 'ate Tested , ~/6/6b 0sled Bv: - 7T-r ,and Equivalency: 'J( '''''enls ~nd SelilngsuomlOeskloplsleveanal wpd STocK-fl LE SIEVE ANALYSIS/SAND EQUIVALENCY MATERIAL SAMPLE-TRANSMITTAL & TEST RESULTS FORM For (lrst projoctspaclmen balch:complote roverse lor rosults Iransrnltlill 1 Dale (use one (arm per tesT sample): 3/b/00 2 Sample collected by: C J leV\.. f ' . 3 Matenal desc/source:~f1 lah..lfL1J 4 Tesl requested:jxJ [ I [ I Wet Sieve Analysis (BC=241) Dry Sieve AnalysIs (BC=244) Sieve Analysis wI Sand Equlvalency(BC=242) Sand Equivalency Only (BC=243) 5 Contractor: 6 Remarks 7 Date Rec'd In Lab: ,0 Ii !tJ6 8 Rec'd by --rr:; TESTS RESULTS (TO BE FILLED OUT BY NTI PERSONNEL ONLY) % I FINE PORTION % I x Dry % % X Sample Weight Retamed Pass Sample % (grams) % J Comb 0' 10 Spec ~ ~0C}, \ '1''-''\ 41~\. \ I~,O * l t;) Y f. b \fo,O :} S-~16.~ (7,/ >f h3tJ.O I f11 ~ R T ~I~. ~ \00 r- -'f) to.) - 1" S?D \-:sro.D IA\~ () I Z. ,~O-$ YD - 'LIS . ']j) -y () ~5 -? "J r) r<)/ I Starting Weight. ....."J J ~r '11 '} . ~ Dry Weight Before WetSieve. DrY Welqht After Wet Sieve: Remarks:~ .ql eUJ2. a--l-\ ~ I IC> I ZCO, PtAM..._ Sfl\F Wr ~ 3) 2~\ C> '1t" r"rt-6....-h-Jr"--~. ~^\,--\-H \-f,L-\;;OV-.Jt . . . ~ . Soil and Plant Laboratory, Inc. 352 Mathew Street Santa Clara, CA 95050 408-727-0330 phone 408-727-5125 fax www.soilandplantlaboratory.com SANTA CLARA OFFICE October 9, 2006 Lab No. 06-275-0521 P ARAMETRlX 4660 Kitsap Way #A Bremerton, W A 98312 Attn: David Dinkuhn RE: PORT ANGELES LANDFILL, WASHINGTON BACKGROUND Topsoil will be planted with erosion control grasses and two blends of soil plus compost were received for evaluation to help establish a suitable rate of compost use. A sample of the compost alone is also on hold in case any further evaluation of that material is desired. SUMMARY Even the lower rate of 25% compost / 75% soil results in excessive soluble salts and this could significantly impair germination and establishment. The higher rate of compost proportionality increases salinity and nutrient levels suggesting that it is the source of the problem rather than the soil itself. It is suggested that a maximum rate be in the range of IOta 12% volume. If this compost will be spread over the soil for incorporation, then this is equivalent to 2-114 cubic yards per 1000 square feet for blending with 6 inches of soil. This would bring salinity down sufficiently so as to not inhibit germination or establishment and would also leave all available nutrients at levels well above sufficiently. There is no requirement for other additives unless additional organic matter enhancement is desired. If that is the case, then it should be a relatively inert material such as redwood or fir sawdust or fir bark. ANAL YTICAL RESULTS Particle size data place these materials in the gravely sand loam classification by USDA standards. Organic matter content at the 25% compost rate is a bit a higher than a soil of this texture would typically require. The rather high amount of coarse sand and fine gravel and their broad distribution reflects susceptibility for this soil to consolidate as the various particle sizes intermingle. the presence of the organic matter will help offset this tendency. Based on these characteristics the infiltration rate is estimated at 0.29 inch per hour. NOT FOR FilE r . . . . , ' ~ Soil and Plant Laboratory, Inc. 2 P ARAMETRIX October 9, 2006 Lab No. 06-275-0521 Reaction values are moderately alkaline and satisfactory for most grasses. Decreasing the rate of compost may result in a blend that is a little less acidic but still quite satisfactory. As noted above, soluble salts are high to a degree of concern at the 25% rate and even higher at 50%. Sodium is only a small contributor to this and in both cases SAR values show soluble sodium sufficiently balanced by calcium and magnesium. Boron levels are safely low and adequate from a nutritional standpoint. Even at the lower 25% rate nitrogen availability is particularly excessive while all of the other available nutrient levels are substantially higher than necessary but not in ranges of concern relative to toxicity. Levels of all the nutrients are portion ally higher at the higher rate of compost use. JIM WEST Email 3 pages. fIr . Soil and Plant Laboratory, Inc. www.soilandplantlaboratory.com COMPREHENSIVE SOIL ANALYSIS (A05-1, A05-2 or A05-3) . '" Samples Rec'd: 101 2106 352 Mathew Street Santa Clara, CA 95050 408-727-0330 phone 408-727-5125 fax Santa Clara Office Lab No. 06-275-0521 PORT ANGELES LANDFILL, WASHINGTON Parametr:LX 4660 Kitsap Way Suite A Bremerton, WA 98312 Sam pl.e # Hal.f Sat'lll TEC pHI Qual. Lime ECe ------------Parts Per M:Ll.lion Parts Dry Soil------------- N03 NH4 P04 I Organic N N P K Ca Mg Cu Zn Mn Fe I % dry wt. Sample Description & Log Number 20337 17 13 5.5 7.4 31 1.0 3 77 3.8 82 1.4 581 2.2 84 7.6 26 78 2.1 45.2 40.2 54.7 156 24.5 7.3 Sample 1 - 25% Compost 75% SO:Ll 1. 6106-G7452 SC-40 20338 24 24 5.4 12.6 90 30 2.5 125 4.3 194 2.1 1198 2.6 217 16.6 57 0 3.1 52.7 47.0 0.0 233 13.0 19.6 Sample 2 - 50% Compost 50% Soil 1.3206-G7453 SC-40 Sam pl.e # --------Saturat:Lon Extract Values--------- Ca Mg Na K B S04 mell mell mell mell ppm mell lpercent of Sample Pass:Lng 2 mm Screen I---Gravel--I---------Sand----------- I I Very Med. to I I ICoarse F:Lnel Coarse Coarse V. Fine I Silt I SARI 5-12 2-5 I 1-2 0.5-1 0.05-.5 .002-.05 I I I I Clay I 0-.002 USDA Soil. Cl.ass:Lf:Lcation 20337 42.4 32.4 7.3 6.3 0.59 16.9 1.2 12.2 18.3 12.0 14.1 31. 8 23.5 18.6 Gravelly Sandy Loam 20338 72.9 56.0 11.1 21.7 0.89 32.5 1.4 15.3 16.3 11. 7 14.6 36.6 21.5 15.6 Gravelly Sandy Loam 10/ 5/06 Suff:Lciency factor (1.0=suff:Lc:Lent for average crop) below each nutrient value. N factor based on 200 ppm constant feed. SAR = Sodium adsorpt:Lon ratio. Half Saturation 'll=approx field moisture capac:Lty. Nitrogen(N), PotaSS:Lum(K), Calc:Lum(Ca) and Magnesium(Mg) by sod:Lum chloride extraction. Phosphorus(P) by sodium bicarbonate extraction. Copper (Cu) , Zinc (Zn) , Manganese(Mn) & Iron(Fe) by DTPA extract:Lon. Sat. ext. method for sal:Lnity CECe as dS/m), Boron(B), Sulfate(S04), Sod:Lum(Na) and SAR. TEC(listed below Half Sat) = Est.Total Exchangeable Cations (meq/kg) . Gravel fraction expressed as percent by weight of oven-dried sample passing a 12mm(1/2 inch) S:Leve. Part:Lcle sizes in mill.imeters. . . . Soil and Plant Laboratory, Inc. 352 Mathew Street Santa Clara, CA 95050 408-727-0330 phone 408-727-5125fax www.soilandplantlaboratory.com SANTA CLARA OFFICE October 19,2006 Lab No. 06-285-0508 P ARAMETRIX 4660 Kitsap Way #A Bremerton, W A 98312 Attn: David Dinkuhn RE: PORT ANGELES LANDFILL, WASHINGTON BACKGROUND The 10/9 report discussed characteristics of blends containing 25% and 50% biosolids compost mixed with soil. Data revealed that even this lower rate of compost was excessive and the sample received 10/12 represents a 12.5% compost / 87.5% soil blend. Also attached is a corrected data sheet pertaining to the first two samples. The sheet I accidentally sent originally was initial data that I questioned and had the lab recheck. I based the report on the corrected values but just sent you the wrong sheet. I hope this did not cause any confusion. The initial errors were the extractable potassium, calcium and magnesium levels. ANAL YTICAL RESULTS Reaction is slightly acidic and in the appropriate range without the need for any pH adjustment. Salinity has been brought down to a satisfactory low level. Boron and sodium are safely low and the SAR value shows soluble sodium adequately balanced by calcium and magnesium. Fertility characteristics still reveal abundant nutrient levels but nothing is so high as to suggest any toxicity concern. Significant reserve potential is indicated for virtually all of the required nutrients. Physical characteristics still show a gravely sandy loam classification by USDA standards and this is consistent with the first set of samples. Organic matter content is still a fairly good range for topsoil of this texture. The infiltration rate is estimated at 0.27 inch per hour and there is still a tendency toward compaction suggested by the broad distribution of particle sizes. RECOMMENDATIONS Nothing else needs to be added to this blend. It has been indicated that the intent is to bulk blend this material and then spread it over the proposed planting area. Volume proportions should be 1 part compost to 7 parts soil (i.e. 12.5 cubic yards compost blended with 87.5 cubic yards soil to prepare a 100 cubic batch). NOT FOR FILE 'l. . . . ~ Soil and Plant Laboratory, Inc. 2 P ARAMETRIX October 19,2006 Lab No. 06-285-0508 No additional nutrients should be included in the hydroseed slurry. JIM WEST Email 4 pages. fir . Soil and Plant Laboratory, Inc. www.soilandplantlaboratory.com . 352 Mathew Street Santa Clara, CA 95050 408-727-0330 phone 408-727-5125 fax parametrix 4660 K1tsap Way Suite A Bremerton, w.A 98312 COMPREHENSIVE SOIL ANALYSIS (A05-1, A05-2 or A05-3) Santa Clara Office Lab No. 06~285-0508 PORT ANGELES LANDFILL w.A Samples Rec'd: 10/12/06 Sam ple # Half Sat%/ TEC pHI Qual L1Dle ECe ------------Parts Per Mi1110n Parts Dry Soil------------- N03 NH4 P04 I Organ1c N N P K Ca Mg Cu Zn MIl Fe I % dry wt. Sample Description & Log Number 20862 16 106 6.2 4.1 121 4.0 8 52 2.7 305 2.5 1629 1.1 348 5.6 12 1.8 4.8 2.7 49 5.0 130 3.0 3.3 12.5% Compost/87.5% Soil 0.806-G8544 SC-41 Sam ple # --------Saturat10n Extract Values--------- Ca Mg Na K B S04 me/l me/l me/l me/l ppm me/l IPercent of Sample Passing 2 mm Screen I---Gravel--I---------Sand----------- , I Very Med. to J I ICoarse F1nel Coarse Coarse V. Fine I Silt I SARI 5-12 2-5 I 1-2 0.5-1 0.05-.5 .002-.05 I I I I Clay I 0-.002 USDA Soil Classif1cat10n 20862 26.4 16.3 4.2 1.3 0.19 8.4 0.9 16.8 15.9 13.6 15.0 34.4 22.0 15.0 Gravelly Sandy Loam 10/16/06 Suff1ciency factor (1.0=suff1c1ent for average crop) below each nutr1ent value. N factor based on 200 ppm constant feed. SAR = Sodium adsorption rat1o. Half Saturation %=approx field moisture capacity. Nitrogen(N), Potassium(K), Calc1um(Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) by sodium chloride extract1on. Phosphorus(P) by sodium bicarbonate extraction. Copper (Cu) , Zinc (Zn) , Manganese (MIl) & Iron(Fe) by DTPA extract1on. Sat. ext. method for salinity (ECe as dS/m), Boron (B) , Sulfate (S04) , Sodium (Na) and SAR. TEC(11sted below Half Sat) = Est.Total Exchangeable Cations(meq/kg). Gravel fraction expressed as percent by weight of oven-dried sample passing a 12mm(1/2 inch) sieve. Part1cle sizes in millimeters. . . . Soil and Plant Laboratory, Inc. www.soilandplantlaboratory.com 352 Mathew Street Santa Clara, CA 95050 408-727-0330 phone 408-727-5125 fax Parametr3.x 4660 Kitsap Way SU3.te A Bremerton, WA 98312 COMPREHENSIVE SOIL ANALYSIS (A05-1, A05-2 or A05-3) Santa Clara Off3.ce Lab No. 06-275-0521 Samples Rec'd: 101 2106 Sam ple # Half Sat%1 TEC pHI Qual Lime ------------Parts Per Mill3.on Parts Dry Soil------------- I N03 NB4 P04 I Organ3.c ECe INN P K Ca Mg Cu Zn MIl Fe r % dry wt. Sample Descript3.on & Log Number 20337 17 136 5.5 7.4 259 17 8.1 77 3.8 719 5.2 1957 1.2 505 2.3 7.6 5.8 26 5.2 78 7.1 156 3.2 7.3 Sample 1 - 25% Compost 75% Soil 0.7406-G7643 SC-40 20338 24 200 5.4 12.6 605 37 13.4 125 1807 4.3 7.6 2993 1.1 719 16.6 2.0 7.7 57 0 6.9 0.0 233 13.0 2.9 Sample 2 - 50% Compost 50% S03.1 0.8206-G7644 SC-40 Sam --------Saturat3.on Extract Values--------- pIe I Ca Mg Na K B S04 # I mell mell mell mell ppm mell IPercent of Sample Passing I---Gravel--I---------Sand----------- I r Very Med. to I I ICoarse Fine I Coarse Coarse V. Fine I Silt I SARI 5-12 2-5 I 1-2 0.5-1 0.05-.5 .002-.05 I 2 mm Screen I I I Clay I 0-.002 USDA Soil Classificat3.on 20337 42.4 32.4 7.3 6.3 0.59 16.9 1.2 12.2 18.3 12.0 14.1 31. 8 23.5 18.6 Gravelly Sandy Loam 20338 72.9 56.0 11.1 21.7 0.89 32.5 1.4 15.3 16.3 11 . 7 14. 6 36.6 21.5 15.6 Gravelly Sandy Loam 101 6106 Sufficiency factor (1.0=sufficient for average crop) below each nutrient value. N factor based on 200 ppm constant feed. SAR = Sodium adsorpt3.on ratio. Half Saturat3.on %=approx field m03.sture capacity. Nitrogen(N), Potassium(K), Calc3.um(Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) by sod3.um chloride extract3.on. Phosphorus(P) by sodium b3.carbonate extract3.on. Copper (Cu) , Z3.nc(Zn), Manganese(Mn) & Iron(Fe) by DTPA extract3.on. Sat. ext. method for salinity (ECe as dS/m) , Boron (B) , Sulfate (S04) , Sod3.um(Na) and SAR. TEC(l3.sted below Half Sat) = Est.Total Exchangeable Cations (meq/kg) . Gravel fract3.on expressed as percent by we3.ght of oven-dried sample pass3.ng a 12mm(1/2 3.nch) sieve. Particle sizes 3.n mill:i.meters. . . APPENDIX E Approved Geosynthetics List . . ~~!~; ~, Precision Geosynthetic Laboratories '" , " " i~ ~ l' 1 June 30, 2006 j r I: I I, I' , \ f j Gary Arndt PARAMETRIX, INC. 1231 Fryar Avenue P. O. Box 460 Mr. Arndt: RE: Port of Anae/es . Thank you for consulting Precision Geosynthetic Laboratories for your material testing needs. Enclosed is the final laboratory report for the testing of one sample of Polyflex Black llDPE Textured Geomembrane received on June 26, 2006 and one sample of Bentomat DN GCl received on June 26, 2006. It should be noted that the test specimen and test sample used for this report was believed to be representative of the material produced under the designation herein stated. However, these results are indicative of only the specimens that were actually tested. The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Precision Geosynthetic Laboratories neither accepts responsibility for nor makes claims to the final use and purpose of the material. By accepting the data and results represented on this report, Client agrees to limit the liability of Precision Geosynthetic Laboratories from Client and all other parties for claims arising out of the use of this data to the cost for the respective test(s) represented in this report, and Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Precision Geosynthetic Laboratories from and against all liability in excess of the aforementioned limit. The test data and all associated project information provided shall be held in confidence and disclosed to other parties only with the authorization of Client or Precision Geosynthetic laboratories. . PRECISION GEOSYNTHETIC lABORATORIES M~~~' Quality Assurance Enclosure: (Job No.G060461) //.,.., .,/ L .cora B~eja Vice President ! , 1 j I i I I 1 i I !. I i' f I f , I i I i It is a company policy to keep the physical records of each job for 2 years since the receipt of the samples and keep the electronic file for 7 years. We will dispose the samples two weeks after the final report is faxed to you. Should you want us to keep them for some period of time, please advise us immediately If you have any questions or jf we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to call at 800-522-4599. Sincerely, 1160 North Gilbert Street, Anaheim, CA. 92801, Tel# 714-520-9631, Fax#714-520-9637 . ~""d~~I"">Y" 1) HA!I F~.: \7 ... ~"'''''''''' ,,~ Precision Geosynthetic Laboratories - ",,- CLIENT: PARAMETRIX, INC. PROJECT: Port of Angeles INTERFACE/INTERNAL SHEAR TEST RESULTS (PGL Job No. G060461) SAMPLE IDENTIFICATIONS: SAMPLE 10 PRECISION CONTROL NUMBER DATE RECEIVED ORIGIN OF MATERIAL Polyflex LLOT R#PT -6-06-0012-5 Bentomat ON R#2693 23554 23552 06/26/06 06/26/06 Poly-Flex CETCO TESTS REQUIRED: TEST METHOD DESCRIPTION ASTM 05321/6243 Intemal/ Interface Shear . TEST CONDITIONS: The samples were conditioned for a minimum one hour in the laboratory at 22 .:!: 20C (71.6 .:!: 3.60F) and at 60 .:!: 10% relative humidity prior to test. TEST RESULTS: The test results are summarized in Tables 1. The units in which the data are reported are included on this table. GAl-LAP! ! ' I I: PRECISION GEOSYNTHETIC LABORATORIES Initlals:M ~ : 13 Date: d' // ~ /~-_.. ...~_..-' '. j -.-.- t '-..~ ~~ -'e ~<'" Cora B. Queja Vice President ~ria Espitia . "~. , , ality Assi1fance . 1160 North Gilbert Street, Anaheim, CA. 92801, Tel# 714-520-9631, Fax#714-520-9637 . QC'd by' Date: /XV V/ I ~ if, 11 ~ J , n L r f l TABLE 1 CLIENT: Parametrlx PROJECT: Port of Angeles INTERFACE SHEAR TEST RESULT (ASTM 05321/6243) PGL Job No. G060461 TeST CONFIGURATION . f I I r. :rOP BOX POlyfelx Black LLDT~;RolI # PT -6'()6'()012-5 .) Control # 235541 Bentomat eNn Roll # 2693 Lot # 200625LO White side .. eOTIOfY.I aox - . $011. C#'2~55~ . Control # 23552 I .. .' ". I TEST CONDITIONS: SAMPLE PREPARATION: 1. SpllClmens were cut along machine direction to 14" x 19" for the upper box, and 14" x 17" for the lower box, wllh an effective test area of 12" x 12". CONSOLIDATION: 1. Each set of speCimen was consolidated under Flooded condition for 24 hrs 2. Normal loads were applied uSing dead weiqhts for the highest load, dead weights and dead weights for the lowest load SHEAR TEST: 1. Shear test was conducted @ 0.200 1I1( min. 2. Sheared @ minimum 3.0 inch horizontal displacement 3. The test specimens were sheared in ~ OOndIUon 4. Test were performed in general accordance with ASTM 06243-98 ( ASTM 05321-92 usmg Bramard-KlIman LG-112 Direct Shear machine with effective test area of 12 in X 12 in @ normal load before sheanng. for the medium load . TEST RESULTS: Asperity Heights Normal Stress (psi) (pst) 1 50 216 4 00 576 6 00 864 Before After ( mils) (mils) 23.3 22.5 22.9 21.3 24.4 22 5 PEAK STRENGTH 10 % Strain at peak .. DISPLACEMENT STRENGTH SHEAR PEAK SECANT STRESS ANGLE (pst) (degrees) 276 52 593 46 765 42 10% Strain SHEAR at Peak .. DISPLACEMENT STRESS (pst) 272 584 756 SECANT ANGLE (degrees) 52 45 41 COHESION (pst): 125 COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION: 0.76 FRICTION ANGLE(degrees): 37.2 NOTE' The friction angles and cohesion results given here are based on mathematically determined best fit line OBSERVATIONS: See Figure #1 and #2 Failure occurred between the interface. Soil at the bottom of the GCL was in good order. Flgum #1 Normal Stress/ Interface ~S'6 . eoo 800 700 'i 600 oS .. g SOO U> 8 400 .. 1: .. 300 ~ 200 100 A ./ .~ I.-' / o o 200 400 600 NI>tm:>I toM I ps~ 800 1000 I ~..~ )'oDis~~ a lJM.H 13 0 Dbpbe~) .... 122 075 369 Figure 112 Shear Stress! DIsplacement Curve too BOO i 700 i 600 .El 600 ':! 4 ~ 400 200 100 u U U U ~ r':':':::':864;;5'';:'__878 PSF ~216 PSF I ~~ <<h ISO 9('<01 _ 4000 Olspla<efllefll(l Precision Geosynthetic Laboratories ~~~II!I ,::~.:"J Q;J , if . . APPENDIX F Construction Stormwater General Permit . ...:;:J ... - WASHIHGIOH STilE DEI ART M E H T 0 f ECOLOGY NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) APPLICATION FORM Check if applicable: o Change/Update Permit Information o Modification of Permit Coverage Permit #WAR Construction Stormwater General Permit Please print or type legibly all sections of this application. I. Operator/Permittee Operator: Person who has operational control over plans and specifications andlor has day-to-day operational control of activities which ensure compliance with permit conditions. Name Glenn Cutler, P.E. II. Site Owner (If different than Operator/Permittee) Name Company City of Port Angeles Company Unified Business Identifier (UBI) Unified Business Identifier (UBI) Individuals without a UBI, enter none or non-a plicable. Mailing Address Post Office Box 1150 Individuals without a UBI, enter none or non-a plicable. Mailing Address PO Box (Optional) ty Port Angeles State W A PO Box (Optional) Zip 98362 City State Zip Phone No. Business 360-417-4800 Ext. Ext. Cell E-mail (Optional) Fax No. 0 tional III. On-site Contact Person IV. Billing Information Same as Certified Erosion & Sediment Control Lead Name Tom McCabe Name Glenn Cutler, P.E. Title Solid Waste Superintendent Title Company City of Port Angeles Company City of Port Angeles Mailing Address Post Office Box 1150 Mailing Address Post Office Box 1150 PO Box (Optional) PO Box (Optional) City Port Angeles State W A Zip 98362 City Port Angeles State WA Zip 98362 Phone No. Business 360-417-4800 Ext. Cell E-mail (Optional) Fax No. 0 tional ECY 020-85 (Rev 10/06) Page 1 . Site Location Site/Project Name Port Angeles Sanitar Landfill Street Address or Location Description (If the project or site lacks a street address, indicate the general location of the site (e.g., Intersection of Highways 61 and 34)) 3501 West 1 Efh Street Type of project (Road, utilities, subdivision, private home, commercial, etc.) Final closure of sanitary landfill. Project involves placement of Impervious cover on landfill, construction of stormwater conveyance ditches, installation of landfill gas collection system, hydroseeding of cover topsoil, and other miscellaneous work to close the landfill. City (or nearest city) Port Angeles Zip 98362 VI. Site Information Total size of site: 56 acres Total area of soil disturbance: 15 acres (Enter the estimated total area to be disturbed during the life of the project, including grubbing, excavation, grading, utilities and infrastructure installation. Note: 1 acre = 43,560 ff How many cubic yards of concrete will be poured? Q yd3 How many cubic yards of recycled concrete will be used? Q yd3 How many cubic yards of engineered soils (CTB, CKD, etc.) will be used? Q yd3 Estimated project start-up date: May 2007 County Clallam Estimated project completion date: September 2007 Record the latitude and longitude of the site." Record the latitude and longitude of main entrance to the site. For projects without a main entrance (pipelines, roads, etc.), record approximate center of site. degrees, minutes, seconds degrees, minutes, seconds Latitude 480 01' 53" N Longitude 1230 31' 08" W For assistance with latitude and longitude refer to: http://cfpub1.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/latlong.cfm or . top ozone. com or http://www.epa.gov/trilreport/siting_tool/index.htm. VII. Discharge/Receiving Water Information Discharge: Does your construction site's storm water discharge to: o A storm water infiltration structure with discharge to ground water? (e.g., infiltration pond, dry well, regional detention basin, etc.) [8] Directly or indirectly to a surface water body/water bodies (e.g., via storm drain system, roadside ditch, pipe, etc.)? Provide locations below or attach separate sheet, if necessary. Does your project include dewatering? DYes IZl No Dewatering plans and discharge locations must be included in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Some large construction projects (subdivisions, roads, pipelines, etc.) may discharge to several water bodies. If the map does not provide a name of a creek or tributary, use a format such as "unnamed tributary to Bull Run Creek. Please indicate the name of the receiving water body. (Attach a separate list for multiple water bodies.) Are any of the water bodies designated as water quality impaired?" (i.e., is the water body 303(d) listed or have a TMDL for turbidity, fine sediment, phosphorus or Q..t!l? 0 Yes [8] No " For information on impaired water bodies, htt :llwww.ec.wa.ov!Jroramslw./stormwaterlconstructionlimaired.html . ECY 020-85 (Rev 10/06) Page 2 ocation of Discharge to Receiving Water Enter the water body name, latitude/longitude* of the point(s) where the site discharges to the receiving water body (enter all locations ). Latitude Longitude Receiving Water Body degrees, minutes, seconds degrees, minutes, seconds Dry Creek 480 01' 53N 1230 31' 08W 0 . N 0 W 0 . N 0 , W 0 . N 0 . W 0 . N 0 , W * For assistance with latitude and longitude refer to: http://cfpub1.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/latlong.cfm (or www.topozone.com) or http://www.epa.gov/trilreport/siting_tool/index.htm VIII. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Has a SWPPP been developed that includes a narrative and drawings? t8J Yes If NO, the SWPPP must be completed prior to start of construction. DNa State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) SEPA requirements must be complied with prior to submittal of the stormwater permit application. If exempt, provide documentation that justifies SEPA exemption. Has SEPA been complied with? t8J Yes 0 No 0 Exempt Date of SEPA compliance x. Public Notice The public notice must be published at least once each week for two consecutive weeks, in a single newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the construction is to take place. See the NOr instructions for the public notice language requirements. Permit coverage will not be granted sooner than 31 days after the date of the second public notice. Note: Submit the NOI and public notice to Ecology before the date of the first public notice. You may fax the NOr and public notice to (360) 407-6426. You can also attach a copy of the public notice to thiS form. Provide the exact dates (mm/dd/yy) that the first and second public notices will appear in the newspaper: Date of the first notice _/_ /_ Date of second notice _/_ /_ Name of the newspaper that will run the public notices' Peninsula Dailv News Ecology does not require the submittal of the affidavit of publication. Complete the above public notice information or provide a copy of the notice to be published. ECY 020-85 (Rev 10106) Page 3 PUBLIC NOTICE TEMPLATE lenn Cutler P.E. Director of Public Works and Utilities Port Anqeles Deoartment of Public Works P.O. Box 1150 Port Anqeles, WA 98362 (Name of operator/permittee) The above (Address of owner or % representative) is seeking coverage under the Washington Department of Ecology's NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Actrvities. The proposed 15 acre (total acres) project, known as the Port Anqeles Landfill Closure 2007 Proiect (project name) is located at 3501 W 18th Street (street address, intersection, crossroads, or other descriptive site location) in Port Anqeles, Washinqton (name of nearest city). Approximately 15 acres (number of disturbed acres) will be disturbed for construction of an impervious cao to permanently close the landfilll(project type). (List all construction activity, e.g., clearing, grading, stockpiling (approx yef. and location), importing/exporting materials (yef), demolition, grading, stormwater facilities, roads, utilities, number buildings/homes and type, sidewalks, landscaping.) Stormwater will be collected in conveyance ditches and routed throuqh existinq stormwater treatment ponds (Brief description of how the stormwater will be cleaned and controlled) prior to discharging to Dry Creek. (Describe the direction of the stormwater flows; include distance to receiving waters. List wetlands, unnamed and named receiving waters and storm drains; clearly identify buffer location and widths used to protect sensitive water bodies.) Any persons desiring to present their views to the Department of Ecology concerning this application may notify Ecology in writing within 30 days from the last date of publication of this notice. Comments may be submitted to: Washington Department of Ecology Water Quality Program Stormwater Unit - Construction PO Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 XI. Certification of Permittees HI certifY under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility offine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Operator's Pnnted Name * Tille Operator's Signature * Date * Federal regulations require this application to be signed as follows: A. For a corporation, by a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice president; B. For a partnership or sole proprietorship, by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or C. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer ortanking elected official. Please sign and return this document to the following address: Washington Department of Ecology Water Quality Program Construction Stormwater Unit PO Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 . If you have any questions, please call. · (360) 407-7451 Charles Gilman for city of Seattle or counties: Kitsap, Pierce, Thurston · (360) 407-7229 Elaine Worthen for counties: King, Island, San Juan · (360) 407-6437 Linda Matlock for counties: Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreil/e, Lincoln, Spokane, Grant, Adams, Whitman, Franklin, Walla Walla, Columbia, Garfield, Asotin ECY 020-85 (Rev 10/06) Page 4 . . . . (360) 407-6858 Joyce Smith for counties: Okanogan, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Yakima, Benton, Klickitat, Skamania, Clark, Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Lewis, Pacific, Grays Harbor, Mason, Jefferson, Clallam If you reqUIre this document m an alternative format, please contact the Water Quailty Program at (360)-407-6401 Persons with heanng loss can caJl 711 for Washmgton Relay SeNlce. Persons with a speech disabtlity can caJl 877-833-6341. Ecology IS an Equal Opportumty Agency. ECY 020-85 (Rev 10106) Page 5