HomeMy WebLinkAboutVacation Rentals in Port Angeles [CAUTION - EXTERNAL EMAIL] I am compelled to write to you about the potential moratorium on vacation rentals in the city of Port Angeles, which I find baffling. This shouldn’t be a topic of discussion by the city council, as the vacation rental business has had positive impact in many areas of the city and is a growing, thriving part of our tourism industry. The impact the moratorium would have is catastrophic to not only the rental owners, but the businesses that serve those rentals. Having over 30 years of experience within the hospitality industry, gives me a deep perspective on the tourism industry and the benefits of providing a diverse experience for travelers. The tourism industry has evolved over the last 20 years, to offer alternative accommodation experiences for travelers. The vacation rental industry was a much needed gap that was finally filled. To take a step backward, offering only standard hotels, would be to show that Port Angeles is narrow minded and not forward thinking, which could affect our tourism and send travelers to alternative destinations. Vacation rentals make travelling more affordable. Instead of renting multiple rooms, in overpriced hotels, families and groups can rent a home, where they are given the flexibility to cook or eat out. They can visit with ease, as they have common spaces to share. Their children can have backyards to play within, free of fecal matter and needles. They are offered amenities that our local hotels cannot offer, such as high chairs, playpens, refrigerators for diabetic travelers that need to store insulin, and much more. Vacation rentals are a huge employer within our community, providing jobs for housekeepers, landscapers, construction workers, window washers, flooring people, and fix-it people. The level of pay received by vacation rental owners is competitive and a livable wage, unlike many other jobs. These jobs allow for flexibility, where housekeepers can work hours that accommodate their children and families. I have been allowed to home school my medically fragile daughter, bringing her to my vacation rental cleans. A traditional job would not have allowed me the same flexibility. There are plenty of stories like mine of hardworking housecleaners that depend on the income of vacation rental cleans. Vacation rentals are kept in pristine condition, as all guests and owners are rated by their cleanliness, and behaviors. Guest are respectful, kind people, that are appreciative of the time and money owners have taken to provide an attractive dwelling. Long term renters do not have the same respect level, sometimes severely damaging rentals and keeping them in complete disarray, as an eye soar to neighbors. Vacation rentals have been financially lucrative for the city, as owners not only pay property taxes, but also pay the taxes incurred by their guests, bringing increased dollars to our community. By removing the rentals, you remove a huge tax roll that can bring added amenities to our travelers and our local community. In addition, vacation rentals would incur higher property taxes, as they are continually making improvements to their properties, which are assessed at a higher rate than if they were standard homes. It’s time to turn solutions inward and look at what they city is doing to solve the housing dilemma and not punish thriving businesses in our community. It is time to reduce the time spent in approval processes for building permits, reduce the cost of permits, reduce the restrictions on what type of dwellings and designs can be built within the city, and search for grants and federal funds that could support the cause. Think outside the box! Use the expertise of your vacation rental community to come up with a solution, instead of “biting the hand that feeds” your tax roll. Create a committee of vacation rental owners, realtors, and local builders to brainstorm for a solution. You are have options out there that don’t hurt local business and tourism. Sincerely, Ann-Elizabeth Pfaff 360-477-6625 Sent from Mail <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.microsoft.com%2Ffwlink%2F%3FLinkId%3D550986&data=05%7C01%7CKmbailey%40cityofpa.us%7C2ed7355a05db45e4fae908db66c675 e5%7C57b967ad7ef047f092f508dad41714f3%7C0%7C0%7C638216774808213889%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=FkOJfmvpTducVhngFfi RAwauFYpsN7DYJRxIX8RmzCY%3D&reserved=0> for Windows 1 }, \"PictureSwordResponseInvalid\" : { \"EventFlag\" : 1 }, \"WordSaveHostRequestEntityTooLarge\" : { \"EventFlag\" : 1 }, \"PictureUploadFailed\" : { \"EventFlag\" : 1 }, \"PictureNotAvailable\" : { \"EventFlag\" : 1 }, \"PictureServerRenderingFailed\" : { \"EventFlag\" : 1 }, \"PictureSwordRequestFailed\" : { \"EventFlag\" : 1 }, \"FatalOcsSaveErrorDueToOcsService\" : { \"EventFlag\" : 1 }, \"DraftCommentLostOnParentResolve\" : { \"EventFlag\" : 1 }, \"WordSaveHostBadRequest\" : { \"EventFlag\" 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