HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.552 Original Contract ." -<t. 55~ PENINSULA COLLEGE Contract - Short Form This contract is made and entered into by and between Peninsula College, and Port Angeles Fire Department, for the express purposes that are set forth in the following provisions of this contract. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: Scope of Work and Terms and Conditions Introduction The Peninsula College Center of Excellence (PC) will collaborate with the Port Angeles Fire Department (PAFD) and Clallam County Fire District 2 (CCFD2) to develop and analyze geographic information in support of the specification of performance measures applicable to response-time objectives for the delivery of fire suppression and emergency medical services as required by HB 1756. Clallam County in general and the Port Angles area in particular are experiencing rapid population growth and develcrpment. With increasing development comes increased demand on the resources and services of fire and EMS response, as well as increased challenges to strive for response times that remain within the critical event thresholds of flashover for fire or the onset of brain death for EMS. This project also allows for increase collaboration between Peninsula College, The Port Angeles Fire Department, and the Clallam County Fire Districts. This partnership is seen as mutually beneficial, supporting the needs of all of these agencies. Goals and Objectives The primary goal of this project is to provide a spatia/ analysis of incident locations and response times for fire and EMS calls over the past two years within the jurisdictions of PAFD and CCFD2. The second goal is to use that analysis, combined with an assessment of projected growth in the study area, to make an initial assessment of potentia/locations for a future fire station that minimize fire and EMS response times within the study area. To meet this goal, PC will work with PAFD and CCFD2 to . Coordinate between PC, PAFD, and CCFD2 for the purposes of completing this project; Dwight Barry (PC), Ken Dubuc (PAFD), and Mike Oakes (CCFD2) will serve as the primary pOints of contact for each entity. . Compile, develop, and/or integrate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) datasets relevant to the project. 1 .. . Develop a geodatabase for the spatial analysis of fire service incidents in 2005 and 2006 (or other years, if necessary). . Perform spatial and temporal analysis on this database for incident density assessment, for the identification of areas of high call volumes. . Perform spatial and temporal analysis on this database for current and recent fire and EMS response times, for identification of primary service areas. . Using these analyses and development growth projections in the study area, identify potential areas/locations for a new fire station that minimize response times. . Compile these analyses into a report, including a set of maps and data products, and present the results to the Port Angeles City Council. Tasks, Milestones, and Timeline Stage: Data compilation and compatibility assessment Goal: Work with City and County to collect/compile all necessary information, ensure data compatibility with objectives . Compile accessible GIS data for the jurisdiction of the Port Angeles Fire Department and Clallam County Fire District 2. Data will include, but not be limited to: Geocoded Streets, Parcels, Zoning, Fire Station locations, and Growth Projections. MARCH/APRIL . Compile fire and EMS incident data for the years 2005, 2006, and farther back if available, in Microsoft Excel format that includes spatially-explicit incident locations (e.g., lats/longs). MARCH/APRIL . Rectify data and note bad data as necessary. MARCH/APRIL . Ensure that all available metadata is intact and note areas of bad or missing metadata for collected data. MARCH/APRIL . Project all data using NAD 83 datum and WA N State Plane projection unless otherwise specified. MARCH/APRIL . Write metadata and data collection report section. MARCH/APRIL Stage: Geographic Analysis Goal: Use GIS analysis and discussions with Fire Service personnel to meet objectives of study . Use collected data to conduct analyses and create maps for the coverage area based on study objectives. MARCH/APRIUMA Y . Conduct discussion sessions with PAFD and CCFD2 on initial map products; revise as necessary. MARCH/APRIUMAY Stage: Report and Presentation Goal: Disseminate results of study to policy makers and public . Produce draft report, maps, and presentation for review by PAFD and CCFD2; revise as necessary. Give presentation to County Fire Chiefs Assoc. APRIUMAY 2 : . Produce final report, maps, and presentation, present to PA City Council. JUNE Products After data collection and analyses are done, PC will provide the PAFD and CCFD2 with the following products no later than July 31, 2007: . A written report including o Custom maps indicating incident locations, response times, and urban growth projections for the study area. o A written metadata report for all bad or missing metadata. o A written report on the data collected (sources, accuracy, etc.), and documentation and results of all analyses performed. o A written report on the "methods, results, and conclusions of the geographic analysis . 2 poster-sized custom maps displaying the primary results . CDs containing all data compiled and created during this study . A PowerPoint presentation on the study's findings (and oral presentation to be given by PC, PAFD, and CCFD2 to the PA City Council) All products will be owned by PAFD and CCFD2 and may be used and altered by them in any way upon delivery. With permission from all partners, the final report will be posted on the Center of Excellence publication webpage (pc. ctc.edu/coe/publications. htm). Period of Performance This project will take place between March 1,2007 and July 31,2007. Tasks, Milestones, and Timeline Stage: Data compilation and compatibility assessment Goal: Work with City and County to collect/compile all necessary information, ensure data compatibility with objectives . Compile accessible GIS data for the jurisdiction of the Port Angeles Fire Department and Clallam County Fire District 2. Data will include, but not be limited to: Geocoded Streets, Parcels, Zoning, Fire Station locations, and Growth Projections. MARCH/APRIL . Compile fire and EMS incident data for the years 2005, 2006, and farther back if available, in Microsoft Excel format that includes spatially-explicit incident locations (e.g., lats/longs). MARCH/APRIL . Rectify data and note bad data as necessary. MARCH/APRIL . Ensure that all available metadata is intact and note areas of bad or missing metadata for collected data. MARCH/APRIL " .J J' . Project all data using NAD 83 datum and WA N State Plane projection unless " otherwise specified. MARCH/APRIL . Write metadata and data collection report section. MARCH/APRIL Stage: Geographic Analysis Goal: Use GIS analysis and discussions with Fire Service personnel to meet objectives of study . Use collected data to conduct analyses and create maps for the coverage area based on study objectives. MARCH/APRIUMA Y . Conduct discussion sessions with PAFD and CCFD2 on initial map products; revise as necessary. MARCH/APRIUMAY Stage: Report and Presentation Goal: Disseminate results of study to policy makers and public . Produce draft report, maps, and presentation for review by PAFD and CCFD2; revise as necessary. APRIUMA Y/JUNE . Produce final report, maps, and presentation, present to PA City Council. JUNE orJULY Riahts and Obliaations All rights and obligations of the parties to this contract shall be subject to and governed by the scope of work and terms and conditions section above. Compensation and Payment Total compensation including expenses payable by Port Angles Fire Department to Peninsula College for satisfactory performance of the work under this contract shall be the following: $2,130.00. Port Angles Fire Department 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 D~ (Signature) (Title) r=i'r~ Ghlef:; ------ Peninsula College 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd. Port Angeles, WA 98362 ~ (Signature) Viae Presid t f Administrative Services Date: 3 J cJ J J 0 --7 . Date: ~/~hloi- 4