HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.542 Original Contract r/ - -<J. 5 <I t5L- ORIGINAL #1 PROJECT MANUAL Erickson Skate Park Improvements Project 06-23R SCOPE OF WORK At Erickson Park Skate Park, located on the west side of Race Street between East 2nd and 4th Streets, install the following: 1. Approximately 300 linear feet of concrete sidewalk as shown on the attached drawing. The sidewalk will be 5 feet wide and contoured to match approximately the location shown on the attached drawing. 2. Approximately 150 linear feet of chain link fencing along the alley, matching the existing fencing, and extending from the east end of the existing fencing to the sidewalk along Race Street. 3. Approximately 2,100 square feet of 6-inch thick reinforced concrete plaza as shown on the attached drawing. 4. 1-1/4 inch steel bottom bars, painted black to match existing, to the existing fencing around the concrete skate park itself, using tamper-proof fasteners and a minimum 4 gage wire to attached the bottom of the fence fabric to the bottom bar. 5. Topsoil, grass seed and cover with loose hay the area immediately surrounding the skate park, as shown on the drawing. The topsoil shall be placed to a minimum of 3 inches depth after tilling the existing soil and compacting the placed topsoil. All work shall meet the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, a copy of which is available on the second floor of City Hall, and the 2006 Washington State Department of Transportation's Standard Plans and Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The bid shall be submitted on the attached Bid Form (pages 3-4) and mailed or delivered to the Director of Public Works & Utilities, City of Port Angeles, 321 East Fifth Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. Questions may be directed to Stephen Sperr, at 360-417-4821 or ssperr@cityofpa.us. 2. The most recently issued Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates for Clallam County, a copy of which is attached to this Project Manual, shall apply to this Contract. 3. If the bid is awarded, the attached Contract will then be signed, requiring the Contractor to meet the requirements in the Contract as well as the entire Project Manual. No bidder will be permitted to withdraw its bid between the closing time for receipt of bids and the execution of a Contract, unless the award is delayed PW-407_10 [rev. 1/31/07] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 1 of 11 r/ for a period exceeding sixty (60) calendar days. 4. Bids shall be submitted no later than 1 :30pm, Tuesday, January 30,2007. 5. Because this Contract is for an amount less than $35,000, a bid bond, performance and payment bond, and retainage will not be required for this work. However, the City shall have the right of recovery against the Contractor for any payments made on the Contractor's behalf. 6. The performance period for this work is 30 working days. Contractor is to mobilize and start work within 10 working days of Notice To Proceed. PW-407_10 [rev. 1/31/07] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 2 of 11 ------- -- - BID FORM Erickson Skate Park Improvements Project 0643R The. bidder hereby bids the following amounts for all work (Including labor, equIpment, time and materials) required to install the items as described In the Scope of Work. I Item Extended Estimated Unit Price Am:unt No. DescrlDtlon of Item Quantltv Units S 1 Concrete SIdewalk 300 linear · 28."7S f; Btp"lfi. 00 feet 2 Chain Link Fencing 150 linear '16.Ci:> 't"Z,. 1 ~ . 0:::> feet 3 Reinforce Concrete 2,100 square -~. ClO '1'2, y~.QO Plaza feet 4 Charn LInk Fence 1 lump \ 3c:Q:). a:::. · !tc::oo. !DO bottom bars sum 5 Topsoil, aeed and 1 lump "s~ 00 '5'Q:X) .co loose hay sum Subtotal $ ?> \ \ ~ 2..5.0 Q Sales Tax (8.4%) $ "'Z~e>\ .10 Total Bid $ i ~.AILDOCI. -,0 The bidder hereby acknowledges that It has received Addenda No(s). J (Enter UN/A" if none were issued) to this Project Manual. The name of the bidder submitting this bid and its business phone number and address. to which address all communications concemed with this bid and with the contract shall be sent, are listed below. Bidder's firm name (j? J s-(. Y 1\1'<' (.5' Complete address 3- / l/ t..... ..I j .... ...' (Street eddIUa) ~ rT ..4 I"'J{ t 5 (OIlY) :JA/C-- Jr... ~~ b5 R d.. tij /J"'> 1 (State) 9#'36.1. (Zip) PW-407_10 [rev. 5112/06J Small Wo~ Roster Project Manual Page 3 of 11 Telephone No. J~c>-l.lS)- / lJ;J 0 - ~ Signed by Title f t'L '5 - Printed Name: R OJ <-r J l..J ~ t!- '- t4 I! f f , Registration Number R J S~ Y' T ~ 86 cJ 8 .- D LI /0;;1 :;;;008 ~ UBI Number bO/- 353 -- 0/ S f ,I , J I '~ I a i' .~ ~ r, ' ~ : "~~"~ - :~ ~ '~ , ~ j PW-407_10 [rev. 5/12/06] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 4 of 11 01/23/2007 TUE 11:21 FAX 141001 CITY OF PORT ANGELES ERICKSON SKATE PARK IMPROVEMENTS. PROJECT NO. 06-23 ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO THE PROJECT MANUAL FOR ERICKSON SKATE PARK IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 06..23 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS (January 23, 2007) The following change is hereby made a part of the Project Manual for the construction of Erickson Skate Park Improvements as fully and completely as if the same were fully set forth therein: A. In paragraph 4 of the Additional Requirements (page 2 of the Project Manual), replace the word "Friday" with 'Tuesday'. The date and time remain unchanged. B. In Section 7. part b of the Contract (page 8 of the Project Manual). replace subpart ii., Commercial General Liability, with the following: ii. Commercial General Liabilitv insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 general aggregate and a $1,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. ~q~~ Director of Public Works & Utilities There is no change to the Bid Due Date and time. This addendum must be acknowledged in the space provided on the Bid Form (page 2 of 11) in the Project Manual when it is submitted to the City with your bid. Failure to do $0 may result in the bid being rejected as being non-responsive. END OF ADDENDUM Addendum No.1 P... ~/ PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT This Contract is made and entered into in duplicate this (p-JJl...chY of ,1:~ ~11~ 2007, by and between the City of Port Angeles, a non-charter code city of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "the City", and RJ Services, Inc., a Washington Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor". WITNESSETH: Whereas, the City desires to have certain public work performed as hereinafter set forth, requiring specialized skills and other supportive capabilities; and Whereas, the Contractor represents that it is qualified and possesses sufficient skills and the necessary capabilities to perform the services set forth in this Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Work. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment in order to accomplish the following project: Erickson Skate Park Improvements Project 06-23R in accordance with and as described in this Contract and the Project Manual, which include the attached plans and scope of work, and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract and every part thereof. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in this Contract, except as may otherwise be provided in the Project Manual. 2. Time for Performance and Liquidated Damages. a. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract and in adhering to the time frames specified herein. The Contractor shall commence work within 10 working days of Notice to Proceed, and said work shall be physically completed within 30 working days after commencing work, unless a different time frame is expressly provided in writing by the City. b. If said work is not completed within the time for physical completion, the Contractor may be required at the City's sole discretion to pay to the City PW-407_10 [rev. 1/31/07] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 5 of 11 liquidated damages of $100 for each and every day said work remams uncompleted after the expiration of the specified time. 3. Compensation and Method ofPavrnent. a. The City shall pay the Contractor for work performed under this Contract as detailed in the bid, at the completion of work and submission of a detailed mVOIce. b. PaYments for any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract shall be on a negotiated time and materials basis. 4. Independent Contractor Relationship. The relationship created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. No agent, employee, servant, or representative of the Contractor shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant, or representative of the City, and the employees of the Contractor are not entitled to any of the benefits the City provides for its employees. The Contractor shall be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and the acts of its agents, employees, servants, subcontractors, or representatives during the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for paYment of all wages and salaries and all federal, state, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemploYment insurance, workers compensation insurance, social security, and income tax withholding. 5. Prevailing Wage Requirements. The Contractor shall comply with applicable prevailing wage requirements of the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, as set forth in Chapter 39.12 RCW and Chapter 296-127 WAC. The Contractor shall document compliance with said requirements and shall file with the City appropriate affidavits, certificates, and/or statements of compliance with the State prevailing wage requirements. The Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts, Clallam County, incorporated in this Contract have been established by the Department of Labor & Industries and are included as an Attachment to this Contract. The Contractor shall also ensure that any subcontractors or agents of the Contractor shall comply with the prevailing wage and documentation requirements as set forth herein. 6. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. a. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers against and from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or suits, including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. PW-407_10 (rev. 1/31/07] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 6 of 11 b. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract. 7. Insurance. The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Failure by the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract upon which the City may, after giving five working days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the Contract or at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City, off set against funds due the Contractor from the City. a. Minimum Scope of Insurance The Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liabilitv insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 11. Commercial General Liabilitv insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 0001 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, stop gap liability, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability PW-407_10 [rev. 1/31/07] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 7 of 11 insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 01 and Additional Insured-Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 1001 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. 111. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. IV. Builders Risk insurance covering interests of the City, the Contractor," Subcontractors, and Sub-contractors in the work. Builders Risk insurance shall be on a all-risk policy form and shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and physical loss or damage including flood and earthquake, theft, vandalism, malicious mischief, collapse, temporary buildings and debris removal. This Builders Risk insurance covering the work will have a deductible of $5,000 for each occurrence, which will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Higher deductibles for floor and earthquake perils may be accepted by the City upon written request by the Contractor and written acceptance by the City. Any increased deductibles accepted by the City will remain the responsibility of the Contractor. The Builders Risk insurance shall be maintained until final acceptance of th work by the City. b. Minimum Amounts of Insurance The Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$1,000,000 per accident. /' {) f~ \l1 \/;: r,/' Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 general aggregate and a $1,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. Builders Risk insurance shall be written in the amount of the completed ~ value of the project with no coinsurance provisions. ..{n 1-7 11. 111. c. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance. 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect to the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be in excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. PW-407_10 [rev. 1/31/07] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 8 of 11 11. The Contractor's insurance shall not be cancelled or reduced as to coverage by either party, except after forty-five (45) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. d. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. e. Verification of Coverage The Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance of the Contractor before commencement of the work. Before any exposure to loss may occur, the Contractor shall file with the City a copy of the Builders Risk insurance policy that includes all applicable conditions, exclusions, definitions, terms and endorsements related to this project. f. Contractor's Insurance For Other Losses The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Contractor's employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehicles owned or rented by the Contractor, or the Contractor's agents, suppliers or contractors as well as to any temporary structures, scaffolding and protective fences. g. Waiver of Subrogation The Contractor and the City waive all rights against each other, any of their Subcontractors, Subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by Builders Risk insurance or other property insurance obtain pursuant to the Insurance Requirements Section of this Contract or other property insurance applicable to the work. The policies shall provide such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. 8. Compliance with Laws. a. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including regulations for licensing, certification, and operation of facilities and programs, and accreditation and licensing of individuals, and any other standards or criteria as set forth in the Project Manual. b. The Contractor shall pay any applicable business and permit fees and taxes which may be required for the performance of the work. PW-407 _10 [rev. 1/31/07] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 9 of 11 c. The Contractor shall comply with all legal and permitting requirements as set forth in the Project Manual. 9. Non-discrimination. The parties shall conduct their business in a manner which assures fair, equal and nondiscriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed, color, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin, and, in particular: a. The parties will maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions from qualified individuals who are members of the above-stated minorities. b. The parties will comply strictly with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of nondiscriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all patrons and customers without discrimination with respect to the above-stated minority status. 10. Assignment. a. The Contractor shall not assign this Contract or any interest herein, nor any money due to or to become due hereunder, without first obtaining the written consent of the City, nor shall the Contractor subcontract any part of the services to be performed hereunder without first obtaining the consent of the City. b. The Contractor hereby assigns to the City any and all claims for overcharges resulting from antitrust violations as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this Contract, except as to overcharges resulting from antitrust violations commencing after the date of the bid or other event establishing the price of this Contract. In addition, the Contractor warrants and represents that each of its suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims for overcharges to the City in accordance with the terms of this provision. The Contractor further agrees to give the City immediate notice of the existence of any such claim. 11. Contract Administration. This Contract shall be administered by Roger Wheeler on behalf of the Contractor and by Stephen Sperr on behalf of the City. Any written notices required by the terms of this Contract shall be served or mailed to the following addresses: PW-407_10 [rev. 1/31/07] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 10 of 11 ----I City: City o[Port AngeleS---- - -l P.o. Box 1150 I 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 Contractor: RJ Services, Inc. 514 Erving Jacobs Road Port Angeles, W A 98362 12. Interpretation and Venue. This Contract shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any litigation between the parties regarding this Contract shall be Clallam County, Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first set forth above. CONTRACTOR: R J 5~rIVc..c::~ By::pn Tit1e:----=P~ So - CITY OF PORT ANGELES: :f/f/L ~ Approv 1 d as to Form: .' -~/A City Attorney Attest: bVt~ -I.J.p:i5A_ City k \. PW-407_10 [rev. 1/31/07] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 11 of 11 x - x-- Extend existing fence to sidewalk at Race St. .. ~':"" ." x-.-_... ",' . , . {:~.~ ~.'-.'. .....:(:;.:>..;/::~~../... ." '5" ..-:~. '.... . -... . i'.~'.~:: :>>.:~:,: (/-.r-~: "" . ., ~.' . " *. . :,,:..:...~'~~ ..... .., ......... ~.: :i..~;...;~.~... ':)~.~<~. -: (..... ::,' ". ~"',;' .................: ,0- ." -,-, '. .~-.:<~.~: ,. ..... ....... .' ., ' ..... . . .- ....'... ..::f' \." :' .. CI) 32 .Q) ~ l..... Q) (.) (.) o C/) "- ::::: co -C 't:: o C/) " ' Install bottom rail to existing fence 1/// i : : / / ,I ,", ,I:' / ,',' ,i ,I / :' I!' ,: :!.' ,: ,/,,///i , I} 1'1 t' ,,' I'll f, I" f r" I ,I I I I ,'i ; i,' ! /,/////)/::,,;/l//I///////:li/I/'///:'/:/ ,',':" /,' J CJ CJ ox x x x x ...... Q) ~ ...... C/) Q) (.) co a:: ~ 40 Feet Skate Park Improvements .. . ,. -..,. : _".::' ~~:;:i TopsOIl cover wi hay /// //h Concrete Proposed Sidewalk )( ) ( Proposed fence State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone (360) 902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fnnge benefits. On public works projects, workers' wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A brief descnptlon of overtime calculation requirements is prOVIded on the Benefit Code Key. CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-06 ***************************************************************************************************************** Classification ASBESTOS ABATEMENT WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL BOILERMAKERS JOURNEY LEVEL BRICK AND MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL CABINET MAKERS (IN SHOP) JOURNEY LEVEL CARPENTERS ACOUSTICAL WORKER BRIDGE, DOCK AND WARF CARPENTERS CARPENTER CREOSOTED MATERIAL DRYWALL APPLICATOR FLOOR FINISHER FLOOR LAYER FLOOR SANDER MILLWRIGHT AND MACHINE ERECTORS PILEDRIVERS, DRIVING, PULLING, PLACING COLLARS AND WELDING SAWFILER SHINGLER STATIONARY POWER SAW OPERATOR STATIONARY WOODWORKING TOOLS CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL DIVERS & TENDERS DIVER DIVER TENDER DREDGE WORKERS ASSISTANT ENGINEER ASSISTANT MATE (DECKHAND) BOATMEN ENGINEER WELDER LEVERMAN, HYDRAULIC MAINTENANCE MATES OILER DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL ELECTRICIANS - INSIDE CABLE SPLICER CABLE SPLICER (TUNNEL) CERTIFIED WELDER CERTIFIED WELDER (TUNNEL) CONSTRUCTION STOCK PERSON JOURNEY LEVEL JOURNEY LEVEL (TUNNEL) ELECTRICIANS - POWERLlNE CONSTRUCTION CABLE SPLICER CERTIFIED LINE WELDER GROUNDPERSON HEAD GROUNDPERSON Page 1 PREVAILING WAGE $34.36 $46.32 $42.47 $14.67 $41 .43 $41.33 $41.33 $41.37 $41.31 $41.40 $41.40 $41.40 $42.27 $41.47 $41 40 $41 .40 $41.40 $41 .40 $34 36 $85 75 $44 22 $42 02 $41.51 $42.02 $42 07 $43.64 $41.51 $42.02 $41.64 $41.14 $52.30 $56.21 $50 53 $54.26 $27.32 $48.75 $52 30 $52.38 $47.88 $34 87 $36.75 (See Benefit Code Key) Over Time Holiday Note Code Code Code 1N 50 1C 5N 1M 5A 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1N 50 1M 50 8A 1M 50 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1E 5P 10 5A 10 5A 10 5A 10 5A 10 5A 10 5A 10 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-06 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See 8enefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code HEAVY LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $47.88 4A 5A JACKHAMMER OPERATOR $36.75 4A 5A JOURNEY LEVEL L1NEPERSON $47.88 4A 5A LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $40.87 4A 5A POLE SPRAYER $47.88 4A 5A POWDERPERSON $36.75 4A 5A ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $12.07 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS MECHANIC $55.22 4A 6Q MECHANIC IN CHARGE $60.60 4A 6Q FENCE ERECTORS FENCE ERECTOR $13.80 FENCE LA80RER $11.60 FLAGGERS JOURNEY LEVEL $29.68 1N 5D GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL $42 41 1H 5G HEAT & FROST INSULATORS AND AS8ESTOS WORKERS MECHANIC $44.68 1S 5J HOD CARRIERS & MASON TENDERS JOURNEY LEVEL $34.84 1N 5D INLAND 80ATMEN CAPTAIN $37 34 1K 58 COOK $31.23 1K 58 DECKHAND $30.90 1K 58 ENGINEER/DECKHAND $33.65 1K 58 MATE, LAUNCH OPERATOR $35.32 1K 58 INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL $20.50 IRONWORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $46.25 10 5A LABORERS ASPHALT RAKER $34.84 1N 5D BALLAST REGULATOR MACHINE $34 36 1N 5D BATCH WEIGHMAN $29.68 1N 5D BRUSH CUTTER $34.36 1N 5D BRUSH HOG FEEDER $34.36 1N 5D BURNERS $34 36 1N 5D CARPENTER TENDER $34.36 1N 5D CASSION WORKER $35.20 1N 5D CEMENT DUMPER/PAVING $34.84 1N 5D CEMENTAN~HERTENDER $34.36 1N 5D CHANGE-HOUSE MAN OR DRY SHACKMAN $34.36 1N 5D CHIPPING GUN (OVER 30 LBS) $34.84 1N 5D CHIPPING GUN (UNDER 30 L8S) $34.36 1N 5D CHOKER SETTER $34 36 1N 5D CHUCK TENDER $34.36 1N 5D CLEAN-UP LABORER $34.36 1N 5D CONCRETE DUMPER/CHUTE OPERATOR $34 84 1N 5D CONCRETE FORM STRIPPER $34.36 1N 5D CONCRETE SAW OPERATOR $34.84 1N 5D CRUSHER FEEDER $29.68 1N 5D CURING LABORER $34.36 1N 5D DEMOLITION, WRECKING & MOVING (INCLUDING CHARRED $34 36 1N 5D DITCH DIGGER $34.36 1N 5D DIVER $35.20 1N 5D DRILL OPERATOR (HYDRAULIC, DIAMOND) $34.84 1N 5D DRILL OPERATOR, AIRTRAC $35.20 1N 5D Page 2 CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-06 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code OUMPMAN $34.36 1N 50 EPOXY TECHNICIAN $34.36 1N 50 EROSION CONTROL WORKER $34.36 1N 50 FALLER/BUCKER, CHAIN SAW $34.84 1N 50 FINAL DETAIL CLEANUP (I.e., dusting, vacuuming, window cleaning, NOT $27.36 1N 50 construction debns cleanup) FINE GRADERS $34.36 1N 50 FIRE WATCH $29.68 1N 50 FORM SETTER $34.36 1N 50 GABION BASKET BUILDER $34.36 1N 50 GENERAL LABORER $34 36 1N 50 GRADE CHECKER & TRANSIT PERSON $34.84 1N 50 GRINDERS $34.36 1N 50 GROUT MACHINE TENDER $34 36 1N 50 GUARDRAIL ERECTOR $34.36 1N 50 HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL A $35.20 1N 50 HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL B $34.84 1N 50 HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL C $34.36 1N 50 HIGH SCALER $35.20 1N 50 HOD CARRIER/MORTARMAN $34.84 1N 50 JACKHAMMER $34.84 1N 50 LASER BEAM OPERATOR $34 84 1N 50 MANHOLE BUILOER-MUOMAN $34.84 1N 50 MATERIAL YARDMAN $34.36 1N 50 MINER $35 20 1N 50 NOZZLEMAN, CONCRETE PUMP, GREEN CUTTER WHEN USING HIGH $34.84 1N 50 PRESSURE AIR & WATER ON CONCRETE & ROCK, SANDBLAST, GUNITE, SHOTCRETE, WATER BLASTER PAVEMENT BREAKER $34.84 1N 50 PILOT CAR $29.68 1N 50 PIPE POT TENDER $34.84 1N 50 PIPE RELlNER (NOT INSERT TYPE) $34.84 1N 50 PIPELAYER & CAULKER $34.84 1N 50 PIPELAYER & CAULKER (LEAD) $35.20 1N 50 PIPEWRAPPER $34.84 1N 50 POT TENDER $34.36 1N 50 POWOERMAN $35.20 1N 50 POWOERMAN HELPER $34.36 1N 50 POWERJACKS $34.84 1N 50 RAILROAD SPIKE PULLER (POWER) $34 84 1N 50 RE-TIMBERMAN $35 20 1N 50 RIPRAP MAN $34.36 1N 50 ROOOER $34.84 1N 50 SCAFFOLD ERECTOR $34.36 1N 50 SCALE PERSON $34.36 1N 50 SIGNALMAN $34.36 1N 50 SLOPER (OVER 20") $34.84 1N 50 SLOPER SPRA YMAN $34.36 1N 50 SPREADER (CLARY POWER OR SIMILAR TYPES) $34.84 1N 50 SPREADER (CONCRETE) $34.84 1N 50 STAKE HOPPER $34.36 1N 50 STOCKPILER $34.36 1N 50 TAMPER & SIMILAR ELECTRIC, AIR & GAS $34.84 1N 50 TAMPER (MULTIPLE & SELF PROPELLED) $34.84 1N 50 TOOLROOM MAN (AT JOB SITE) $34.36 1N 50 TOPPER-TAILER $34.36 1N 50 TRACK LABORER $34 36 1N 50 TRACK LINER (POWER) $34.84 1N 50 Page 3 CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-06 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code TRUCK SPOTTER $34.36 iN 50 TUGGER OPERATOR $34.84 iN 50 VIBRATING SCREED (AIR, GAS, OR ELECTRIC) $34.36 iN 50 VIBRATOR $34.84 iN 50 VINYL SEAMER $34.36 iN 50 WELDER $34.36 iN 50 WELL-POINT LABORER $34 84 iN 50 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION IRRIGATION OR LAWN SPRINKLER INSTALLERS $11.42 LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS OR TRUCK DRIVERS $7.81 LANDSCAPING OR PLANTING LABORERS $7.93 LATHERS JOURNEY LEVEL $41.31 1M 50 PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $32.73 2B 5A PLASTERERS JOURNEY LEVEL $25.83 PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $54.34 1G 5A POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ASSISTANT ENGINEERS $39.57 1T 50 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (3 YO & UNDER) $42 35 1T 50 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (OVER 3 YO & UNDER 6 YO) $42 84 1T 50 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (6 YO AND OVER WITH $43.39 1T 50 8L BACKHOES, (75 HP & UNDER) $41 93 1T 50 8L BACKHOES, (OVER 75 HP) $42.35 1T 50 8L BARRIER MACHINE (ZIPPER) $42.35 1T 50 BL BATCH PLANT OPERA TOR, CONCRETE $42.35 1T 50 BL BELT LOADERS (ELEVATING TYPE) $41.93 1T 50 BL BOBCAT (SKID STEER) $39.57 1T 50 BL BROOMS $39 57 1T 50 8L BUMP CUTTER $42.35 1T 50 8L CABLEWAYS $42.84 1T 50 8L CHIPPER $42 35 1T 50 8L COMPRESSORS $39 57 1T 50 8L CONCRETE FINISH MACHINE - LASER SCREED $39.57 1T 50 8L CONCRETE PUMPS $41.93 1T 50 8L CONCRETE PUMP-TRUCK MOUNT WITH BOOM ATTACHMENT $42 35 1T 50 8L CONVEYORS $41 93 1T 50 8L CRANES, THRU 19 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $41.93 1T 50 8L CRANES, 20 - 44 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $42 35 1T 50 8L CRANES, 45 TONS - 99 TONS, UNDER 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING $42.84 1T 50 8L JIB WITH ATACHMENTS) CRANES, 100 TONS -199 TONS, OR 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $43.39 1T 50 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, 200 TONS TO 300 TONS, OR 250 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $43.96 1T 50 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, A-FRAME, 10 TON AND UNDER $39.57 1T 50 8L CRANES, A-FRAME, OVER 10 TON $41.93 1T 50 BL CRANES, OVER 300 TONS, OR 300' OF BOOM INCLUDING JIB WITH $44.52 1T 50 8L ATTACHMENTS CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 20 - 44 TONS) $42.35 1T 50 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 45 - 99 TONS) $42 84 1T 50 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE (100 TONS & OVER) $43.39 1T 50 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE UP TO 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $43.39 1T 50 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE OVER 175'IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $43.96 1T 50 8L CRUSHERS $42.35 1T 50 8L DECK ENGINEER/DECK WINCHES (POWER) $42.35 1T 50 8L DERRICK. BUILDING $42.84 1T 50 8L Page 4 CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-06 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code DOZERS, D-9 & UNDER $41.93 1T 5D 8L DRILL OILERS - AUGER TYPE, TRUCK OR CRANE MOUNT $41.93 1T 5D 8L DRILLING MACHINE $42.35 1T 5D 8L ELEVATOR AND MANLlFT, PERMANENT AND SHAFT-TYPE $39.57 1T 5D 8L EQUIPMENT SERVICE ENGINEER (OILER) $41.93 1T 5D 8L FINISHING MACHINE/BIDWELL GAMACO AND SIMILAR EQUIP $42.35 1T 5D 8L FORK LIFTS, (3000 LBS AND OVER) $41.93 1T 5D 8L FORK LIFTS, (UNDER 3000 LBS) $39.57 1T 5D 8L GRADE ENGINEER $41.93 1T 5D 8L GRADECHECKER AND ST AKEMAN $39.57 1T 5D 8L GUARDRAIL PUNCH $42.35 1T 5D 8L HOISTS, OUTSIDE (ELEVATORS AND MANLlFTS), AIR TUGGERS $41.93 1T 5D 8L HORIZONTAUDIRECTlONAL DRILL LOCATOR $41.93 1T 5D 8L HORIZONTAUDIRECTIONAL DRILL OPERATOR $42.35 1T 5D 8L HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (10 TON & UNDER) $39.57 1T 5D 8L HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (OVER 10 TON) $41.93 1T 5D 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (6 YD UP TO 8 YD) $42.84 1T 5D 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (8 YD & OVER) $43 39 1T 5D 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (UNDER 6 YD), PLANT FEED $42 35 1T 5D 8L LOCOMOTIVES, ALL $42.35 1T 5D 8L MECHANICS, ALL $42.84 1T 5D 8L MIXERS, ASPHALT PLANT $42 35 1T 5D 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (FINISHING) $42.35 1T 5D 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (NON-FINISHING) $41 93 1T 5D 8L MUCKING MACHINE, MOLE, TUNNEL DRILL AND/OR SHIELD $42 84 1T 5D 8L OIL DISTRIBUTORS, BLOWER DISTRIBUTION AND MULCH SEEDING $39.57 1T 5D 8L OPERATOR PAVEMENT BREAKER $39 57 1T 5D 8L PILEDRIVER (OTHER THAN CRANE MOUNT) $42.35 1T 5D 8L PLANT OILER (ASPHALT, CRUSHER) $41.93 1T 5D 8L POSTHOLE DIGGER, MECHANICAL $39 57 1T 5D 8L POWER PLANT $39.57 1T 5D 8L PUMPS, WATER $39.57 1T 5D 8L QUAD 9, D-10, AND HD-41 $42.84 1T 5D 8L REMOTE CONTROL OPERATOR ON RUBBER TIRED EARTH MOVING $42.84 1T 5D 8L EQUIP RIGGER AND BELLMAN $39.57 1T 5D 8L ROLLAGON $42.84 1T 5D 8L ROLLER, OTHER THAN PLANT ROAD MIX $39.57 1T 5D 8L ROLLERS, PLANTMIX OR MUL TILlFT MATERIALS $41.93 1T 5D 8L ROTO-MILL, ROTa-GRINDER $42 35 1T 5D 8L SAWS, CONCRETE $41.93 1T 5D 8L SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING $42.35 1T 5D 8L OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT ( UNDER 45 YD) SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING $42.84 1T 5D 8L OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT (45 YD AND OVER) SCRAPERS, CONCRETE AND CARRY ALL $41 93 1T 5D 8L SCREED MAN $42.35 1T 5D 8L SHOTCRETE GUNITE $39.57 1T 5D 8L SLlPFORM PAVERS $42.84 1T 5D 8L SPREADER, TOPSIDE OPERATOR - BLAW KNOX $42.35 1T 5D 8L SUBGRADE TRIMMER $42 35 1T 5D 8L TOWER BUCKET ELEVATORS $41.93 1T 5D 8L TRACTORS, (75 HP & UNDER) $41.93 1T 5D 8L TRACTORS, (OVER 75 HP) $42.35 1T 5D 8L TRANSFER MATERIAL SERVICE MACHINE $42.35 1T 5D 8L TRANSPORTERS, ALL TRACK OR TRUCK TYPE $42 84 1T 5D 8L TRENCHING MACHINES $41.93 1T 5D 8L Page 5 CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-06 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClassificatIon WAGE Code Code Code TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER ( UNDER 100 TON) $41.93 1T 5D 8L TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER (100 TON & OVER) $42.35 1T 5D 8L TRUCK MOUNT PORT ABLE CONVEYER $42.35 1T 5D 8L WHEEL TRACTORS, FARMALL TYPE $39 57 1T 5D 8L YO YO PAY DOZER $42.35 1T 5D 8L POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE $34.75 4A 5A SPRAY PERSON $33 00 4A 5A TREE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $33.43 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER $31 10 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER GROUNDPERSON $23 43 4A 5A REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS MECHANIC $27 68 ROOFERS JOURNEY LEVEL $35.78 1R 5A USING IRRITABLE BITUMINOUS MATERIALS $38.78 1R 5A SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) $49.97 1E 6L SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33.76 1B 5A SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS JOURNEY LEVEL $10.31 1B 50 SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL $19.67 SURVEYORS CHAIN PERSON $9.35 INSTRUMENT PERSON $11.40 PARTY CHIEF $13.40 TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $29 87 10 5A TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION - OUTSIDE CABLE SPLICER $29.89 2B 5A HOLE DIGGER/GROUND PERSON $1681 2B 5A INSTALLER (REPAIRER) $28.68 2B 5A JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE L1NEPERSON $27.82 2B 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER I $29 89 2B 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER 11 $29 30 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (HEAVY) $29.89 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (LIGHT) $27 82 2B 5A TELEVISION GROUND PERSON $15.96 2B 5A TELEVISION L1NEPERSON/lNSTALLER $21.17 2B 5A TELEVISION SYSTEM TECHNICIAN $25.15 2B 5A TELEVISION TECHNICIAN $22.64 2B 5A TREE TRIMMER $27.82 2B 5A TERRAZZO WORKERS & TILE SETTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $40.33 1B 5A TILE, MARBLE & TERRAZZO FINISHERS FINISHER $34.16 1B 5A TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $34.90 1K 5A TRUCK DRIVERS ASPHALT MIX ( TO 16 YARDS) $39.04 1T 5D 8L ASPHALT MIX (OVER 16 YARDS) $39.62 1T 5D 8L DUMP TRUCK $20 23 1 DUMP TRUCK & TRAILER $20.23 1 OTHER TRUCKS $39.62 1T 5D 8L TRANSIT MIXER $23.73 1 WELL DRILLERS & IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLERS IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLER $11.60 Page 6 CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-06 ***************************************************************************************************************** Classification PREVAILING WAGE (See Benefit Code Key) Over Time Code Note Code OILER WELL DRILLER $9.45 $11.60 Page 7 Holiday Code .ACORD.. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP 10 01 DATE (MM/DDIYYYY) RJSERV2 02/16/07 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Ralston & Ralston ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE An EHL Insurance Company HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR P.O. Box 1405 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Port Angeles WA 98362 Phone: 360-452-8415 Fax: 866-697-4598 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A General Ins Co. of America INSURER B F~rst Nat'l Ins Co of Amer.ca R. J. Services, Inc. INSURER C 514 Ervin~ Jacobs Road INSURER 0 Port Ange es WA 98362 INSURER E COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS Nsiu POLICY NUMBER 'D~,;!~T!EFFEG- J:f..E PQ!-Lq,VXPIRAJ!t~N LIMITS LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE DATE MM/DDIYY DATE MM/DDIYY GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 I-- B X X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 01CG32074940 04/02/06 04/02/07 ~~ffi~siEaO~ffin~) $200,000 I CLAIMS MADE ~ OCCUR MED EXP (Anyone person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 I POLICY !Xl ~~8i n LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $1,000,000 - A X X ANY AUTO 01CG32074940 04/02/06 04/02/07 (Ea aCCIdent) - ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY - (Per person) $ SCHEDULED AUTOS - HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY - (pe, aCCIdent) $ NON-OWNED AUTOS - - PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per eccldent) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ ~ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EAACC $ AUTO ONLY AGG $ EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ ~ OCCUR o CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ $ =1 DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND I TORY L1Mln3 [ [U~~- B EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 01CG32074940 04/02/06 04/02/07 E L EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E L DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes, deSCribe unde, E L DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $2,000,000 SPECIAL PROVISIONS below OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS I VEHICLES / EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS City of Port Angeles is named as additional insured per policy forms CG8674 and CA7110. Coverage is primary. A waiver of subrogation for the City of Port Angeles is included per endorsement on policy. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION CITYP04 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 45 DAYS WRITTEN City of Port Angeles NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL Director Public Work/Utilities IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR PO Box 1150 Port Angeles WA 98362 REPRESENTATIVES. ~SEmE. ~ ACORD 25 (2001/08) @ ACORD CORPORATION 1988 -.. REPRINTED FROM THE FORMS LIBRARy.... . Insurance Qll COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 867410 02 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. CONTRACTORS LIABILITY PLUS ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: SCHEDULE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART Name of Person or Organization: ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? DUTY TO DEFEND Paragraph a. of SECTION I - COVERAGE A and COVERAGE B is replaced by the following: a. We will pay those sums that the insured be- comes legally obligated to pay as damages because of "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal injury and advertising injury" to which this insurance applies. We will have the right and duty to defend the in- sured against any "suit" seeking those dam- ages. Our duty to defend begins once you notify us of a "suit" as described in SEC- TION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LI- ABILITY CONDITIONS, 2.b. However, we will have no duty to defend the insured against any "suit" seeking damages for "bodily injury", "property damage", or "personal injury or advertising injury" to which this insurance does not apply. We may. at our discretion. investigate any "occurrence" and settle any claim or "suit" that may result. But: CG 86 74 10 02 (1) The amount we will pay for damages is limited as described in SECTION III - LIMITS OF INSURANCE; and (2) Our right and duty to defend ends when we have used up the applicable limit of insurance in the payment of judgments or settlements under COVERAGES A or B or medical expenses under COV- ERAGE C. No other obligation or liability to pay sums or perform acts or services is covered unless ex- plicitly provided for under SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVERAGES A AND B. EMPLOYERS LIABILITY The last paragraph of exclusion e. of SECTION I - COVERAGE A is replaced by the following: This exclusion does not apply to liability assumed by the insured under an "insured contract" ex- cept for that part of a contract or agreement that indemnifies any person or organization for their sole liability. Safeco and the Safeco logo are regIStered trademarks of Saleco Corporabon Page 1 of 5 EP -. REPRINTED FROM THE FORMS LIBRARy.... WRONGFUL EVICTION The following exclusion is added to SECTION I - COVERAGE B: The wrongful eviction from, wrongful entry into, or invasion of the right of private occupancy of a room, dwelling or premises arising out of any: (1) "property damage" to the room, dwell- ing or premises; or (2) "bodily injury" sustained through occu- pancy of a room, dwelling or premises. ADDITIONAL INSURED - BY WRITTEN CON- TRACT, AGREEMENT OR PERMIT, OR SCHED- ULE The following paragraph is added to SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED: 5. Any person or organization shown in the Sched- ule or for whom you are required by written con- tract, agreement or permit to provide insurance is an insured, subject to the following additional provisions: a. The contract, agreement or permit must be in effect during the policy p~riod shown in the Declarations, and must have been exe- cuted prior to the "bodily injury," "property damage," "personal and advertising injury." b. The person or organization added as an in- sured by this endorsement ;s an insured only to the extent you are held liable due to: (1) The ownership, maintenance or use of that part of premises you own, rent, lease or occupy, subject to the following additional provisions: (a) This insurance does not apply to any "occurrence" which takes place after you cease to be a tenant in any premises leased to or rented to you; (b) This insurance does not apply to any structural alterations, new con- struction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of the person or organization added as an insured; (2) Your ongoing operations for that in- sured, whether the work is performed by you or for you; Page 2 of 5 (3) The maintenance, operation or use by you of equipment leased to you by such person or organization, subject to the following additional provisions: (a) This insurance does not apply to any "occurrence II which takes place after the equipment lease expires; (b) This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the sole negligence of such person or or- ganization; (4) Permits issued by any state or political subdivision with respect to operations performed by you or on your behalf, subject to the following additional pro- vision: This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury," "property damage," "personal and advertising injury" arising out of op- erations performed for the state or municipality; c. The insurance with respect to any architect, engineer, or surveyor added as an insured by this endorsement does not apply to ''bodily injury," "property damage," "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering of or the failure to render any professional services by or for you, in- cluding: (1) The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, change or- ders, designs or specifications; and (2) Supervisory, inspection or engineering services. d. This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" included within the "products-completed operations haz- ard." e. A person's or organization'S status as an in- sured under this endorsement ends when your operations for that insured are com- pleted. f. No coverage will be provided if, in the ab- sence of this endorsement, no liability would be imposed by law on you. Coverage shall be limited to the extent of your negligence or fault according to the applicable principles of comparative fault. -.. REPRINTED FROM THE FORMS LIBRARY"- g. The defense of any claim or "suit" must be tendered as soon as practicable to all other insurers which potentially provide insurance for such claim or "suit". h. The insurance provided will not exceed the lesser of: (1) The coverage and/or limits of this policy, or (2) The coverage and/or limits required by said contract, agreement or permit. NON.OWNED WATERCRAFT AND NON-OWNED AIRCRAFT LIABILITY Exclusion g. of SECTION I - COVERAGE A is re- placed by the following: g. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use or entrustment to others of any aircraft, "auto" or watercraft owned or operated by or rented or loaned to any insured. Use includes oper- ation and "loading or unloading." This exclusion applies even if the claims against any insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the "occurrence" which caused the "bodily injury" or "property damage" involved the ownership, mainte- nance, use or entrustment to others of any aircraft, "auto" or watercraft that is owned or operated by or rented or loaned to any in- sured. This exclusion does not apply to: (1) A watercraft while ashore on premises you own or rent; (2) A watercraft you do not own that is: (a) Less than 52 feet long; and (b) Not being used to carry persons or property for a charge; (3) Parking an "auto" on, or on the ways next to, premises you own or rent, pro- vided the "auto" is not owned by or rented or loaned to you or the insured; (4) Liability assumed under any "insured contract" for the ownership, mainte- nance or use of aircraft or watercraft; or (5) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the operation of any of the CG 86 74 10 02 equipment listed in paragraph f.(2) or f.(3) of the definition of "mobile equip- ment. " (6) An aircraft you do not own provided it is not operated by any insured. TENANTS I PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY When Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is shown in the Declarations, SECTION I - COVER- AGE A, exclusion j" is replaced by the following: j. Damage To Property ''Property damage" to: (1) Property you own, rent, or occupy, in- cluding any costs or expenses incurred by you, or any other person, organiza- tion or entity, for repair, replacement, enhancement, restoration or mainte- nance of such property for any reason, including prevention of injury to a per- son or damage to another's property; (2) Premises you sell, give away or aban- don, if the "property damage" arises out of any part of those premises; (3) Property loaned to you; (4) Personal property in the care, custody or control of the insured; (5) That particular part of real property on which you or any contractors or sub- contractors working directly or indirectly on your behalf are performing oper- ations, if the "property damage" arises out of those operations, or (6) That particular part of any property that must be restored, repaired or replaced because "your work" was incorrectly performed on it. Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of this exclusion do not apply to "property damage" (other than damage by fire) to premises, including the contents of such premises, rented to you. A separate limit of insurance applies to Damage To Premises Rented To You as described in SECTION III - LIMITS OF INSURANCE. Paragraph (2) of this exclu- sion does not apply if the premises are "your work" and were never occupied, rented or held for rental by you. Page 3 of 5 EP - REPRINTED FROM THE FORMS L1BRARY-.. Paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this exclu- sion do not apply to liability assumed under a sidetrack agreement. Paragraph (6) of this exclusion does not ap- ply to ''property damage" included in the "products-completed operations hazard." Paragraph 6. of Section III is replaced by the follow- ing: 6. Subject to 5. above, the Damage To Property Limit is the most we will pay under COVERAGE A for damages because of "property damage" to anyone premises, while rented to you, or in the case of damage by fire, while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner. The Tenants' Property Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is the higher of $200,000 or the amount shown in the Declarations as Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit. WHO IS AN INSURED - MANAGERS The following is added to Paragraph 2.a. of SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED: Paragraph (1) does not apply to executive officers, or to managers at the supervisory level or above. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVERAGES A AND B - BAIL BONDS Paragraph 1.b. of SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVERAGES A AND B is replaced by the follow- ing: b. Up to $2,000 for cost of bail bonds required because of accidents or traffic law violations arising out of the use of any vehicle to which the Bodily Injury Liability Coverage applies. We do not have to furnish these bonds. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVERAGES A AND B - INDEMNITEES AND ADDITIONAL IN- SUREDS Paragraph 2.f.(1) (d) of SUPPLEMENTARY PAY- MENTS - COVERAGES A AND B is replaced by the following: (d) Cooperate with us with respect to coordinating other applicable insurance and self-insured retention available to the in- demnitee; and EMPLOYEES AS INSUREDS - HEALTH CARE SERVICE Provision 2.a.(1) d. of SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED is deleted, unless excluded by separate endorsement. EXTENDED COVERAGE FOR NEWLY ACQUIRED ORGANIZATIONS Provision 4.a. of SECTION II - WHO IS AN IN- SURED is replaced by the following: a. Coverage under this provision is afforded only until the end of the policy period. EXTENDED "PROPERTY DAMAGE" Exclusion a. of SECTION I - COVERAGE A is amended to read: a. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" ex- pected or intended from the standpoint of the insured. This exclusion does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" result- ing from the use of reasonable force to pro- tect persons or property. INCREASED MEDICAL EXPENSE LIMIT The medical expense limit is amended to $10,000. KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE The following is added to Paragraph 2. SECTION IV COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS Duties In The Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suit of: Knowledge of an "occurrence," claim or "suit" by your agent, servant or employee shall not in itself constitute knowledge of the named insured unless an officer of the named insured has received such notIce from the agent, servant or employee. INSURED CONTRACT The following definition is added to SECTION V - DEFINITIONS, Definition 9. "insured contract" par- agraph f.: (4) That part of any contract or agree- ment that indemnifies any person or organization for the indemnitee's sole tort liability. Page 4 of 5 -.. REPRINTED FROM THE FORMS UBRARy.m OTHER INSURANCE The first paragraph of Other Insurance of SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CON- DITIONS is replaced with the following: If other valid and collectible insurance, or any self-in- sured retention, is available to the insured for a loss we cover under COVERAGE A or B of this Coverage Part, our obligations are limited as follows: METHOD OF SHARING The second paragraph of Method of Sharing of SEC- TION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS is replaced with the following: If any of the other insurance does not permit contri- bution by equal shares or is subject to a self-insured retention, we will contribute by limits. Under this method, each insurer's share is based on the ratio of its applicable limit of insurance or self-insured re- tention or both combined to the total applicable limits of insurance of all insurers and the amount of any self-insured retention. CG 86 74 10 02 UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE ALL HAZARDS The following is added to Paragraph 6. Representa- tions of SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS: If you unintentionally fail to disclose any hazards ex- isting at the inception date of your policy, we will not deny coverage under this Coverage Form because of such failure. However, this provision does not affect our right to collect additional premium or exercise our right of cancellation or non-renewal. LIBERALIZATION CLAUSE The following paragraph is added to SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDI- TIONS: 10. If a revision to this Coverage Part, which would provide more coverage with no additional premium, becomes effective during the policy period in the state shown in the Declarations, your policy will automatically provide this addi- tional coverage on the effective date of the re- vision. Page 5 of 5 EP ..~ REPRINTED FROM THE FORMS LIBRARY ~~ THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ULTRA AUTO PLUS ENDORSEMENT CA 71 10 10 01 COMMERCIAL AUTO This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless mo dified by the endorsement. EXTENDED CANCELLATION CONDITION Paragraph 2.b. of the CANCELLATION Common Policy Condition is replaced by the following: b. 60 days before the effective date of cancellation if we cancel for any other reason. TEMPORARY SUBSTITUTE AUTO . PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE Under paragraph C. - CERTAIN TRAILERS, MOBILE EQUIPMENT AND TEMPORARY SUBSTITUTE AUTOS of SECTION 1 - COVERED AUTOS, the following is added: If Physical Damage coverage is provided by this Coverage Form, then you have coverage for: Any "auto" you do not own while used with the permission of its owner as a temporary substitute for a covered "auto" you own that is out of service because of its breakdown, repair, servicing, "loss" or destruction. BROAD FORM NAMED INSURED SECTION II - LIABILITY COVERAGE-A.1. WHO IS AN INSURED provision is amended by the addition of the following: d. Any business entity newly acquired or formed by you during the policy period provided you own 50% or more of the business entity and the business entity is not separately insured for Business Auto Coverage. Coverage is extended up to a maximum of 180 days following acquisition or formation of the business entity. Coverage under this provision is afforded only until the end of the policy period. FELLOW EMPLOYEE COVERAGE. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Exclusion 5. FELLOW EMPLOYEE of SECTION II - LIABILITY COVERAGE - B. EXCLUSIONS is amended by the addition of the following: This exclusion does not apply to liability incurred by your employees that are executive officers. PHYSICAL DAMAGE . ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE COVERAGE The first sentence of paragraph A.4. of SECTION III PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended as follows: Includes Copyrighted Material of . Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1997 We will pay up to $50 per day to a maximum of $1,500 for temporary transportation expense incurred by you because of the total theft of a covered "auto" of the private passenger type. EXTRA EXPENSE . BROADENED COVERAGE Paragraph A. - COVERAGE of SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended to add: 5. We will pay for the expense of returning a stolen covered "auto" to you. AIR BAG COVERAGE Under paragraph B. - EXCLUSIONS of SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, the following is added: The exclusion relating to mechanical breakdown does not apply to the accidental discharge of an airbag. GLASS REPAIR. WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE Under paragraph D. - DEDUCTIBLE of SECTION III . PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, the following is added: No deductible applies to glass damage if the glass is repaired rather than replaced. AMENDED DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM, SUIT OR LOSS The requirement in LOSS CONDITION 2.a. - DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM, SUIT OR LOSS - of SECTION IV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS that you must notify us of an "accident" applies only when the "accident" is known to: (1) You, if you are an individual; (2) A partner, if you are a partnership; or (3) An executive officer or insurance manager, if you are a corporation. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS SECTION IV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS . B.2. is amended by the addition of the following: If you unintentionally fail to disclose any hazards existing at the inception date of your policy, we will not deny coverage under this Coverage Form because of such failure. However, this provision does not affect our right to collect additional premium or exercise our right of cancellation or non-renewal. Page 1 of 3 .... REPRINTED FROM THE FORMS LIBRARy.... RESULTANT MENTAL ANGUISH COVERAGE SECTION V . DEFINITIONS . C. is replaced by the following: "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person including mental anguish or death resulting from any of these. HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE If hired "autos" are covered "autos" for Liability coverage and if Comprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss or Collision coverages are provided under this Coverage Form for any "auto" you own, then the Physical Damage Coverages provided are extended to "autos" you hire of the private passenger or light truck (10,000 Ibs. or less gross vehicle weight) type, subject to the following limit. The most we will pay for loss to any hired "auto" is $35,000 or Actual Cash Value or Cost of Repair, whichever is smallest, minus a deductible. The deductible will be equal to the largest deductible applicable to any owned "auto" of the private passenger or light truck type for that coverage. Hired Auto Physical Damage coverage is excess over any other collectible insurance. Subject to the above limit, deductible and excess provisions, we will provide coverage equal to the broadest coverage applicable to any covered "auto" you own of the private passenger or light truck type. If symbol 8 is listed on the Covered Autos section of the policy declarations page as applying to any of the physical damage coverages, then the Hired Auto Physical Damage Coverage described on this form does not apply. HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE . LOSS OF USE SECTION III . PHYSICAL DAMAGE A.4.b. Form does not apply. Subject to a maximum of $1000 per accident, we will cover loss of use of a hired "auto" if it results from an accident, you are legally liable and the lessor incurs an actual financial loss. RENTAL REIMBURSEMENT COVERAGE A. This coverage applies only to a covered "auto" of the private passenger or light truck (10,000 Ibs. or less gross vehicle weight) type. B. We will pay for rental reimbursement expenses incurred by you for the rental of an "auto" because of a covered "loss" to a covered "auto." Payment applies in addition to the otherwise applicable amount of each coverage you have on a covered "auto." No deductibles apply to this coverage. C. We will pay only for those expenses incurred during the policy period beginning 24 hours after the "loss" Includes Copyrighted Material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. CoPYright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1997 CA 71 10 10 01 COMMERCIAL AUTO and ending, regardless of the policy's expiration, with the lesser of the following number of days: 1. The number of days reasonably required to repair or replace the covered "auto." If "loss" is caused by theft, this number of days is added to the number of days it takes to locate the covered "auto" and return it to you. 2. 30 days. D. Our payment is limited to the lesser of the following amounts: 1. Necessary and actual expenses incurred. 2. $25 per day. E. This coverage does not apply while there are spare or reserve "autos" available to you for your operations. F. If "loss" results from the total theft of a covered "auto" of the private passenger type, we will pay under this coverage only that amount of your rental reimbursement expenses which is not already provided for under the PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE Coverage Extension. G. The Rental Reimbursement Coverage described above does not apply to a covered "auto" that is described or designated as a covered "auto" on Rental Reimbursement Coverage Form CA 99 23. AUDIO, VISUAL AND DATA ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT COVERAGE A. Coverage 1. We will pay with respect to a covered "auto" for "loss" to any electronic equipment that receives or transmits audio, visual or data signals and that is not designed solely for the reproduction of sound. This coverage applies only if the equipment is permanently installed in the covered "auto" at the lime of the "loss" or the equipment is removable from a housing unit which is permanently installed in the covered "auto" at the time of the "loss", and such equipment is designed to be solely operated by use of the power from the "auto's" electrical system, in or upon the covered "auto." 2. We will pay with respect to a covered "auto" for "loss" to any accessories used with the electronic equipment described in paragraph A.1. above. However, this does not include tapes, records or discs. 3. If Audio, Visual and Data Electronic Equipment Coverage form CA 99 60 or CA 99 94 is attached to this policy, then the Audio, Visual and Data Electronic Equipment Coverage described above does not apply. Page 2 of 3 ,. .... REPRINTED FROM THE FORMS LIBRARy.... B. Exclusions The exclusions that apply to PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, except for the exclusion relating to Audio, Visual and Data Electronic Equipment, also apply to this coverage. In addition, the following exclusions apply: We will not pay for either any electronic equipment or accessories used with such electronic equipment that is: 1. Necessary for the normal operation of the covered "auto" for the monitoring of the covered "auto 's" operating system; or 2. Both: a. an integral part of the same unit housing any sound reproducing equipment designed solely for the reproduction of sound if the sound reproducing equipment is permanently installed in the covered "auto"; and b. permanently installed in the opening of the dash or console normally used by the manufacturer for the installation of a radio. C. Limit of Insurance With respect to this coverage, the LIMIT OF INSURANCE provision of PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is replaced by the following: 1. The most we will pay for "loss" to audio, visual or data electronic equipment and any accessories used with this equipment as a result of anyone "accident" is the lesser of: a. The actual cash value of the damaged or stolen property as of the time of the "loss"; or b. The cost of repairing or replacing the damaged or stolen property with other property of like kind and quality. c. $1,000. Includes Copynghted Material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Copyright Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1997 CA 71 10 10 01 COMMERCIAL AUTO 2. An adjustment for depreciation and physical condition will be made in determining actual cash value at the time of the "loss." 3. If a repair or replacement results in better than like kind or quality, we will not pay for the amount of the betterment. D. Deductible 1. If "loss" to the audio, visual or data electronic equipment or accessories used with this equipment is the result of a "loss" to the covered "auto" under the Business Auto Coverage Form's Comprehensive or Collision Coverage, then for eac~ covered "auto" our obligation to pay for, repair, return or replace damaged or stolen property will be reduced by the applicable deductible shown in the Declarations. Any Comprehensive Coverage deductible shown in the Declarations does not apply to "loss" to audio, visual or data electronic equipment caused by fire or lightning. 2. If "loss" to the audio, visual or data electronic equipment or accessories used with this equipment is the result of a "loss" to the covered "auto" under the Business Auto Coverage Form's Specified Causes of Loss Coverage, then for each covered "auto" our obligation to pay for, repair, return or replace damaged or stolen property will be reduced by a $100 deductible. 3. If "loss" occurs solely to the audio, visual or data electronic equipment or accessories used with this equipment, then for each covered "auto" our obligation to pay for, repair, return or replace damaged or stolen property will be reduced by a $100 deductible. 4. In the event that there is more than one applicable deductible, only the highest deductible will apply. In no event will more than one deductible apply. Page 3 of 3