HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Agenda Packet 07052023 July 5, 2023 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1 July 5, 2023 City of Port Angeles Council Meeting Agenda This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public, Council members, and City sta ff have the option to attend the meeting in person, in Council chambers at City Hall located at 321 East 5th Street, Port Angles, or remotely via telephone or video link. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The Mayor will determine time of break. Hearing devices are available for those needing assistance. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. Call to Order – Call to Order – Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m. B. Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance Ceremonial Matters, Proclamations & Employee Recognitions C. Public Comment The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an or derly and timely manner. Visit https://www.cityofpa.us/Live-Virtual-Meetings to learn how to participate during public comment and or watch the meeting live. Written public comments can be submitted to: council@cityofpa.us, comments will not be read aloud. To provide pre-recorded messages to the City Council by phone, please call 360 -417-4504. Messages received will be made a part of the final record. Comments should be received by 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 5, 2023. For audio only: 1-844-992-4726 Use access code: 255 065 69036 Webinar password: 4Qe8SRMXZh2 (47387769 from phones and video systems) Once connected, press *3 to raise your virtual hand if you wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. Webex link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=mf99e4c8d050643a67ae75236db0b6a23 and wish to make a comment or public testimony, please use the “raise your hand” feature in Webex. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access information is good for the July 5, 2023 meeting only. Members of the public may address the City Council at the beginning and end of any Regular Meeting under "Public Comment." During the "Public Comment" portion of the meeting, individuals may speak to agenda items, except those scheduled for a Publi c Hearing. The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At any time, the presiding officer, in the presiding officer's sole discretion, may set such reaso nable limits as are necessary to prevent disruption of other necessary business. At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45 for the second Public Comment pe riod. Individuals may speak for three (3) minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak. If more than 20 people are signed up to speak each speaker may be allocated two (2) minutes. Individuals who are residents of the City or own businesses within the City will be called to speak first, with preference given to those who wish to speak to an item on the meeting’s agenda. If time remains, the presiding officer will call other individuals wish ing to speak, generally in the order in which they have signed in . If time is available, the presiding officer may call for additional unsigned speakers. Persons speaking shall state their name, whether they reside within the City limits, whether they have any other pertinent co nnection to the City, and whether they are appearing as the representative of an organization. Excerpts: Council Rules of Procedure Section 12 July 5, 2023 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact citizens. Certain matters may be controversial and City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. D. Late Items To be placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the meeting. E. Consent Agenda | Approve 1. City Council Minutes of May 23, June 20, and June 27, 2023 / Approve ....................................................................... E-1 2. Expenditure Report: From June 10, 2023 and June 23, 2023 in the amount of $1,852,391.06 / Approve ...................... E-6 3. Memorandum of Understanding – Restoring Locomotive #4 / Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a Memorandum between the City of Port Angeles, Rayonier Inc, North Olympic Railroaders, and Scott Golding. ......... E-30 F. Public Hearings | 6:30 p.m. or Soon Thereafter ..................................................................................None G. Ordinances Not Requiring Council Public Hearings ....................................................................................... None H. Resolutions Not Requiring Council Public Hearings ....................................................................................... None I. Other Considerations 1. Habitat for Humanity / Update from Chief Executive Officer Colleen Robinson 2. Opioid Settlement Funding Oversight and Allocation Methodology / Adopt and Designate .......................................... I-1 J. Contracts & Purchasing 1. East City Hall Parking Lot LID Retrofit, Authorize Construction Contract / Authorize ................................................ J-1 2. Landfill Beach Nourishment Project / Award .................................................................................................................. J-2 K. Council Reports L. Information City Manager Reports: 1. RAISE Grant Award ........................................................................................................................................................ L-1 2. Public Works & Utilities Grant and Loan Status Report ................................................................................................. L-2 M. Second Public Comment Follow the instructions from the first public comment period. Adjournment City Council Meeting PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET July 5, 2023 Print Name Clearly Are you a City of Port Angeles resident or ' business owner. Yes or No Topic r-\ C a Qj S Yes or No !V A l �OAJ '1L PA �04N I ` 1 �,•�A�„ Q„ o �l i ` l� Yes or Z/ k 1�1 p Cc► r'` 6N l vrl� Yes or No lit (Z . 1 � AhA�,e Yes or No VD U Yes or No ICI Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Page 1 D m 91) `< s o 0 ID � � CDN O en O < CCDD �v c v o CD CD (° Cl) O Q CD cn Q CD O ^' cn -* O O O �. co p Cr 0 O 0 6 rr cnR CD O � CD N � p CD CD C Q O 6 CD � 0 0 cnO 0 0 C to 3Qo Q o a3�. CD CDCr CD 'O. v N (n (D CD a a) CD n 7 Cn ^� `C O O N O 0)�* O CD= O C o v Q CD c m ym N_ Q Na CD�w ;;C 3�D CD CD CD o <' 3 -0 cn cn o o Q _� cn C= O O 7 N a)w �� C -� S v Q CD cn —, 0 cn o, o c c 0 n O CD cn o a v c ~' o (n �= O O CD c 5. CD CD v O N W CD CD c O ci 3 CL 0' (n � o . cu D' �' O ° rt o 0 3 n7 -0 v N O 0 Q 00 N C 0- CD ° _+ CD a n 0 CD o =r o 0CD CD �' m c n m O cn oo * FD• 0, can o o Q Tco v s cn' o v O -n o m fD � cy -°0 � CD v l< CD m o cc Ln• r. �CDa- c =r m 0 ,< o o o O c cc Q (o X- � cn CD r, 0 Pr O (n Q CD 0 CD * CD 3 -0 m @ (D C < a)(D Q <_ = C �, O o O CD n. Q =3 CD CD ::r CD 0 Q cc CD 3 0 0. N CD �' h 0 o v o CD CD CD Cn o o Q Q (n m m Q C cn 6 C w cn. 0 EO CT 0 CD 0 ZZw -P. wv o o 0 0 c N nW1 C N CD 3 6�oCD CD o ° �' B 3 m CD N cn fu C' 7 0 -69aDw�-P�.--0 cm m IC) oXoo 000000� o0 O N � o °o -� a w a)0 3 3 cn o N O CCD D 03 v c cn N CD c 6 x Q `� N G m CD CL O O m s C ° X C CD v a cn S CD 0 a CD 0- 0 O 3- CD' C) z' Sb tU W O O N v c O `w J' CD O CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 23, 2023 This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Dexter called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer, Council Members Carr, McCaughan, Miller, Schromen- Wawrin and Suggs. Staff Present: City Manager West, Assistant City Manager Goings, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat, B. Smith, S. Carrizosa, D. Sharp, M. Healy, S. Cartmel, J. Boehme, B. Braudrick, K. Hatton, and M. Sanders. City Manager Nathan West spoke to the agenda, planning process, Council directives and additional considerations relative to the Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan for the years 2024-2029. Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa spoke about capacity in relation to the Council’s Strategic Plan, provided a list of 2022 completed projects, spoke about revenue and cash flows, and identified new projects and unfunded projects. Director Carrizosa spoke about next steps which included two public hearings. Council discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m. _____________________________________ _______________________________ Kate Dexter, Mayor Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk July 5, 2023 E - 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 20, 2023 This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port An geles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Dexter (attended virtually), Deputy Mayor Meyer, Council Members Carr, McCaughan, Miller (attended virtually), Schromen-Wawrin (attended virtually) and Suggs. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager West, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, S. Cartmel, C. Delikat, B. Smith, S. Carrizosa, D. Sharp, and M. Healy. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy Mayor Meyer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PUBLIC COMMENT Marolee Smith, city resident, spoke about the need for roll call votes. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS City Manager Nathan West added the Amendment to the Harbor Clean-up Grant with Department of Ecology Amendment to the agenda. CONSENT AGENDA At the request of Deputy Mayor Meyer and Council member McCaughan and after hearing no objection, the Mayor added items J-1, J-2, J-3, and G-1 to the Consent Agenda. It was moved by Meyer and seconded by McCaughan to approve the Consent Agenda. Due to members of the Council wishing to recuse themselves from voting on the Consent Agenda, it was suggested the motion approve the Consent Agenda as read be rescinded. Deputy Mayor Meyer made the motion to rescind his motion, hearing no objection, the motion to rescind was approved 7-0. Disclosing a conflict with the approval of an agenda item relative to her role as a member on the Port Angeles Fine Art Center Board, Council member Carr asked the Mayor to pull item E-3. Disclosing a conflict with the approval of an agenda item relative to her emp loyer’s role as a Port Angeles Harbor Trustee, Council member Suggs asked the Mayor to pull the late item from the Consent Agenda. It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes of June 6, 2023 and Joint Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2023 / Approve 2. Expenditure Report: From May 27, 2023 to June 9, 2023 in the amount of $2,830,052.97 / Approve 3. PULLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA-Department of Natural Resources Community Forestry Assistance Grant Acceptance 4. Multi-Agency Purchased Services Contract for Towing and Impoundment of Recreational Vehicles / Authorize the City Manager to sign the Multi-Jurisdictional Purchased Services Contract for Towing and Impoundment of Recreational Vehicles and to make minor modifications as necessary. 5. Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Body Worn Camera Implementation Assistance Grant Acceptance / Accept the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Body Worn Camera July 5, 2023 E - 2 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING – June 20, 2023 Page 2 of 3 grant and authorize the City Manager and Police Department to sign such grant agreements and other documents as necessary to receive the grant and to make minor modifications as necessary . 6. ADDED TO CONSENT AGENDA – G-1 / 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendment / Conduct a second reading of the draft ordinance and adopt the ordinance amending the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan as recommended by the Planning Commission. 7. ADDED TO CONSENT AGENDA – J-1 / Added On-call On-Call Water Main Repair Contract SVC- 2022-65 / Award a contract to C&J Excavating Inc. Carlsborg, WA in an amount not to exceed $150,000.00 through May 31, 2024, for the On -Call Water Main Repair Contract SVC2022-65; and authorize the City Manager to sign all documents necessary to execute and administer the contract, extend the contract for years two, three and four, and to make minor modifications to the documents as necessary. 8. ADDED TO CONSENT AGENDA – J-2 / Water treatment Water Treatment Plant Assessment – Professional Services Agreement (PSA-2023-01) / Award a Water Treatment Plant Assessment – Professional Services Agreement to Jacobs Engineering Group in the not to exceed amount of $220,000.00, and authorize the City Manager to sign and execute the agreement and to make minor modifications to the agreement as necessary. 9. ADDED TO CONSENT AGENDA – J-3 Pavement repair 2023 Pavement Repairs CON 2022-45, Award Construction Contract / Award a contract to Puget Paving & Construction of Lakewood, WA for the City’s 2023 Pavement Repairs Project CON 2022-45 in the amount of $520,950.00 including applicable taxes; and authorize the City Manager to execute all documents and make minor modifications as necessary. 10. LATE ITEM – Pulled from Consent Agenda- Amendment to the Harbor Clean-up Grant with Department of Ecology Motion carried 7-0. 3. Department of Natural Resources Community Forestry Assi stance Grant Acceptance It was moved by Meyer and seconded by McCaughan to: Approve the City’s receipt of the Community Forestry Assistance Grant and authorize the City Manager to sign the associated contract with the Department of Natural Resources and make minor modifications to the agreement as necessary. Motion carried 6-0 with Carr recusing herself from the vote. 10. LATE ITEM - Amendment to the Harbor Clean-up Grant with Department of Ecology It was moved by Miller and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to: Authorize the City Manager to sign the fourth amendment to agreement No. TCPRA -2014-PoACED-00022 with the Department of Ecology to extend the deadline for the Western Port Angeles Harbor RI/FS grant from June 30, 2023 to June 30, 2024, increase the grant match from 10% to 25% and update task descriptions and scope of work to include the Draft Cleanup Action Plan and allow the City Manager to make minor modifications if necessary. Motion carried 6-0 with Suggs recusing herself from the vote. CITY MANAGER REPORTS City Manager Nathan West provided Council an update on their upcoming work session on the impact of the opioid crisis on emergency services and shared a recycling update. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council member Suggs spoke about the upcoming graduation ceremonies. Council member Meyer spoke about upcoming meetings. Council member McCaughan asked about glass recycling container locations. Council member Carr provided Council with an update on th e recent Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting. Council member Miller spoke about her attendance at the Association of Washington Cities conferences. July 5, 2023 E - 3 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING – June 20, 2023 Page 3 of 3 Mayor Dexter spoke about graduation celebrations and upcoming ceremonies her attendance at the Association of Washington Cities conference. No other reports were given. Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 6:22 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:27 p.m. Council member Schromen-Wawrin shared an upcoming retirement event for Transit General Manager Kevin Gallacci. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. The 2024-2029 Capital Facility Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa presented the agenda item before Council for a second reading. Director Carrizosa said the matter received a favorable recommendation from the Utility Advisory Committee (UAC). She stated the plan included 3 new projects added since the June 6th hearing: affordable housing pipeline project study, EOC unfunded infrastructure items, and the recommended item put forward by the UAC, a community solar project study to occur in 2025. At 6:32 p.m. the Mayor continued the public hearing. Mike Doherty spoke about the need for parking downtown and suggested parking options. James Taylor, city resident, spoke about City owned land use and affordable housing. After verifying there were no other public testimonies to be heard , the Mayor closed the public hearing. Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title, entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 03-23 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the City’s Capital Facilities Plan for 2024 – 2029, which includes the City’s Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2024 -2029. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: Pass the resolution as read, to include the proposed community solar project recommended by the UAC. Motion carried 7-0. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment was received. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 6:44 p.m. _____________________________________ _______________________________ Kate Dexter, Mayor Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk July 5, 2023 E - 4 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 27, 2023 This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Dexter called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer (attended virtually), Council Members Carr, Miller, and Suggs. Members Absent: Council member McCaughan and Schromen-Wawrin. Staff Present: City Manager West, Assistant City Manager Goings, Assistant City Attorney Cowgill, Clerk Martinez- Bailey, Chief Sharp, Chief Smith, Director Healy and Deputy Director Hatton. WORK SESSION - THE IMPACT OF THE OPIOID CRISIS ON EMERGENCY SERVICES Police Chief Smith and Fire Chief Sharp shared a presentation titled Resilience in the Face of Despair. The slides included information on the opioid epidemic’s impact on emergency services. The slides identified statistics overdoses, drug related death and crimes in the County and included some statewide information. Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 5:53 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 5:58 p.m. City Council discussion followed. Various members of the community, including City and County staff provided responses to Council’s questions and spoke to various needs, and solutions relative to the epidemic. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 7:01 p.m. _____________________________________ _______________________________ Kate Dexter, Mayor Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk July 5, 2023 E - 5 Finance Department Samna Cariizosa Finance Dimctor Trina McKee Senior Accountant Mekxiy Schneidff Mamurgement Accountant MicMi Rose Financial Analyst Jane Peikins Payroll Specialist Jason.fones AccowiLanl Julia: Powell Accounting fechnician Like Amlerson Accounting Tedinician Nicole Blank, Adininistralike Amilysl Kaffiyeflen Haney Customer Serviecs Manager 'I't-acy Rooks Utaity Billing Specialist 9 115 WVA AREM WASHINGTON, U.S. A� July 5, 2023 We, the undersigned City officials of thie City of Port Angeles, do hereby certify that the merchandise and/or services herein specified have been received and that these claims are approved for payment in the amount of $1,852,,391 .0this 5th day of July, 2023. Mayor City Manager City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount COMPOSITE RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY CTR FRAZER BENCH AT ELKS PLAY 001-0000-239.96-00 2,665.60 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE EXCISE TAX RETURNS-MAY 001-0000-237.30-00 129.54 MADDEN FABRICATION EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-0000-237.00-00 (61.67) US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM CITY CREDIT CARD 001-0000-213.10-95 (38,175.00) SALES TAX 001-0000-213.10-95 27,332.05 Division Total:($8,109.48) Department Total:($8,109.48) US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Working lunch-Dexter/LSW/001-1160-511.43-10 81.65 Lodging-Dexter 001-1160-511.43-10 158.10 Lodging-LSW 001-1160-511.43-10 158.10 Lodging-Suggs 001-1160-511.43-10 158.10 Parking meter-Dexter/LSW/001-1160-511.43-10 0.75 Working lunch-Dexter/Sugg 001-1160-511.43-10 62.64 NLC Cong City Conf Reg-LS 001-1160-511.43-10 515.00 Mayor & Council Division Total:$1,134.34 Legislative Department Total:$1,134.34 DATABAR INCORPORATED COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1210-513.42-10 1,607.64 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 001-1210-513.31-01 229.57 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SUPPLIES 001-1210-513.31-01 187.11 SUPPLIES 001-1210-513.31-01 7.88 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Wall clock-Goings 001-1210-513.31-60 23.92 Clallam EDC Gala Reg-West 001-1210-513.31-01 130.00 Working lunch-West 001-1210-513.43-10 27.21 Lodging-West 001-1210-513.43-10 158.10 Parking meter-West 001-1210-513.43-10 0.25 Wall file/writing pads-Go 001-1210-513.31-60 96.91 ICMA membership-Goings 001-1210-513.49-01 200.00 MRSC membership-Goings 001-1210-513.49-01 315.00 Working lunch-West 001-1210-513.43-10 31.31 Lunch Mtg-West/Goings 001-1210-513.43-10 45.11 City Manager Division Total:$3,060.01 JURASSIC PARLIAMENT CONSULTING SERVICES 001-1230-514.43-10 1,790.00 LEMAY MOBILE SHREDDING OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-1230-514.41-50 245.35 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1230-514.44-10 72.68 Page 1 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 6 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1230-514.44-10 80.58 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1230-514.44-10 94.80 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Lodging-KMB 001-1230-514.43-10 145.90 Lodging-KMB 001-1230-514.43-10 437.70 WebEx package-Feb 2023 001-1230-514.42-10 418.88 City Clerk Division Total:$3,285.89 City Manager Department Total:$6,345.90 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE EXCISE TAX RETURNS-MAY 001-2023-514.44-50 174.02 WASHINGTON (AUDITOR), STATE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 001-2023-514.41-50 31,832.85 Accounting Division Total:$32,006.87 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2025-514.31-80 308.98 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Job posting-Cust Svc Rep 001-2025-514.41-15 107.84 Customer Service Division Total:$416.82 QUADIENT RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 001-2070-518.45-30 2,178.12 Reprographics Division Total:$2,178.12 Finance Department Total:$34,601.81 CLALLAM CNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-3012-598.51-23 86,755.23 Jail Contributions Division Total:$86,755.23 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Webinar-Molay/Roberts/Blo 001-3030-515.43-10 160.00 WAPRO membership-Molay 001-3030-515.49-01 25.00 WAPRO membership-Roberts 001-3030-515.49-01 25.00 Webinar-Molay/Roberts 001-3030-515.43-10 80.00 City Attorney Division Total:$290.00 City Attorney Department Total:$87,045.23 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL PUBLICATION/AUDIOVISUAL 001-4050-558.31-01 2,067.74 Building Division Total:$2,067.74 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC FURNITURE, OFFICE 001-4060-558.31-60 3,863.49 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 001-4060-558.31-60 126.25 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Job posting-Deputy Dir Co 001-4060-558.49-01 46.35 Job posting-Deputy Dir Co 001-4060-558.49-01 80.00 Job posting-911 Dispatche 001-4060-558.49-01 249.00 Job posting-Deputy Dir Co 001-4060-558.49-01 50.00 Job posting-Deputy Dir Co 001-4060-558.49-01 50.00 Page 2 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 7 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Job posting-Deputy Dir Co 001-4060-558.49-01 225.00 Job posting-Deputy Dir Co 001-4060-558.49-01 295.00 ZENOVIC & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING SERVICES 001-4060-558.41-50 340.00 Planning Division Total:$5,325.09 CLALLAM CNTY ECONOMIC DEV CNCL CONSULTING SERVICES 001-4071-558.41-50 20,000.00 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SUPPLIES 001-4071-558.31-01 23.01 Economic Development Division Total:$20,023.01 Community Development Department Total:$27,415.84 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Boots-Viada 001-5010-521.31-11 190.35 WA ASSN OF SHERIFFS & POLICE MEMBERSHIPS 001-5010-521.49-01 75.00 Police Administration Division Total:$265.35 LINCOLN STREET STATION SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-5021-521.42-10 15.54 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-5021-521.42-10 46.36 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Ferry tickets-Sanchez/Van 001-5021-521.43-10 21.25 Ferry tickets-Sanchez/Van 001-5021-521.43-10 26.65 Crime scene supplies 001-5021-521.31-01 317.52 Holster-Malone 001-5021-521.31-11 144.65 Lodging-Malone 001-5021-521.43-10 253.58 Lodging-T Dropp 001-5021-521.43-10 263.58 WA ASSN OF SHERIFFS & POLICE MEMBERSHIPS 001-5021-521.49-01 75.00 Investigation Division Total:$1,164.13 BEST FRIEND NUTRITION FEED,BEDDING,VIT-ANIMALS 001-5022-521.49-80 130.67 CURTIS & SONS INC, L N CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 1,871.90 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 1,871.90 GALLS CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 165.75 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 180.56 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 975.73 GOODMAN SANITATION BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-5022-521.49-90 116.18 BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-5022-521.49-90 116.18 LINCOLN STREET STATION SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-5022-521.42-10 60.18 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-5022-521.42-10 24.04 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC NOTIONS & RELATED SEWING 001-5022-521.35-01 155.42 CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 001-5022-521.35-01 14.41 Page 3 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 8 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount SYMBOLARTS, LLC BADGES & OTHER ID EQUIP. 001-5022-521.31-11 2,740.13 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Annual dues-K Miller 001-5022-521.49-80 50.00 Annual dues-WFC 001-5022-521.49-80 50.00 K9 Conf Reg-K Miller/WFC 001-5022-521.49-80 590.00 Weapon Maintenance Suppli 001-5022-521.31-80 28.24 Weapon Maintenance Suppli 001-5022-521.31-80 394.25 Tool chest 001-5022-521.31-80 596.77 Trijicon SG601 night sigh 001-5022-521.35-01 146.87 Holster 001-5022-521.31-11 28.17 Weapon Parts 001-5022-521.31-80 16.85 Armorers course reg-N Cla 001-5022-521.43-10 550.00 Airfare Ins-K Miller 001-5022-521.49-80 21.88 Airfare Ins-WFC 001-5022-521.49-80 21.88 Airfare-K Miller 001-5022-521.49-80 337.81 Airfare-WFC 001-5022-521.49-80 337.81 Lodging-K Miller 001-5022-521.49-80 78.23 Lodging-K Miller 001-5022-521.49-80 156.46 Lodging-WFC 001-5022-521.49-80 78.23 Air Tank Fill Adaptor (2)001-5022-521.31-80 83.74 Duty gear 001-5022-521.31-11 232.95 Lodging-WFC 001-5022-521.49-80 156.46 Trijicon Sig night sight-001-5022-521.35-01 141.49 Trijicon Sig night sight-001-5022-521.35-01 141.49 Refund-Trijicon SG601 nig 001-5022-521.35-01 (146.87) Front sight double rail m 001-5022-521.35-01 16.85 Transparent red dot cover 001-5022-521.35-01 87.48 VIKING SEW & VAC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 001-5022-521.31-11 10.88 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 001-5022-521.31-11 32.64 Patrol Division Total:$12,663.61 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY HOSP SURG ACCES & SUNDRIS 001-5029-521.31-01 57.12 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5029-521.31-01 203.12 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPP 001-5029-521.31-80 369.45 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Webinar-E Murray 001-5029-521.43-10 40.00 Spill Magic All Purpose-K 001-5029-521.31-01 15.78 Records Division Total:$685.47 Page 4 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 9 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Police Department Total:$14,778.56 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM GoodToGo bridge toll-Veh 001-6010-522.45-21 13.00 PNW Fire Conf-Sharp 001-6010-522.43-10 325.00 Fire Administration Division Total:$338.00 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 001-6020-522.31-01 180.79 TARGETSOLUTIONS LEARNING, LLC MEMBERSHIPS 001-6020-522.41-50 587.52 THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-6020-522.31-01 28.92 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Shipping 001-6020-522.20-80 31.78 SCBA mask bags 001-6020-522.35-01 163.66 Headsets (3) 001-6020-522.48-10 250.75 Active 911 subscriptions 001-6020-522.41-50 55.06 Chainsaw chain sharpening 001-6020-522.48-10 37.63 Shipping-LN Curtis 001-6020-522.20-80 9.99 Snacks-Officer Mtg 001-6020-522.31-01 32.57 Station flags (2) 001-6020-522.31-01 218.69 WA STATE PATROL SCHOOL EQUIP& SUPPLIES 001-6020-522.43-10 9,098.00 Fire Suppression Division Total:$10,695.36 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Fire Training Academy 001-6045-522.49-01 95.00 Fire Training Division Total:$95.00 FERRELLGAS INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 001-6050-522.47-10 616.50 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 001-6050-522.31-01 153.97 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-01 160.08 WALTER E NELSON CO EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-6050-522.31-01 108.14 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-6050-522.31-01 143.06 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-6050-522.31-01 43.06 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-6050-522.31-01 281.25 Facilities Maintenance Division Total:$1,506.06 Fire Department Total:$12,634.42 FAMILY SHOE STORE SHOES AND BOOTS 001-7010-532.31-01 195.80 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT RACE ST. PROJECT - OVERT 001-7010-532.43-10 37.00 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.31-01 72.96 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.31-01 98.35 Page 5 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 10 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-7010-532.31-01 162.92 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Job posting-GIS Analyst 001-7010-532.44-10 29.70 Job posting-Capital Proje 001-7010-532.44-10 50.00 Job posting-Capital Proje 001-7010-532.44-10 50.00 Job posting-Capital Proje 001-7010-532.44-10 199.00 Job posting-Capital Proje 001-7010-532.44-10 199.00 Job posting-Capital Proje 001-7010-532.44-10 375.00 Job posting-Capital Proje 001-7010-532.44-10 375.00 Flooring Pad 001-7010-532.48-10 145.25 Floor Base Molding 001-7010-532.48-10 152.17 Public Works Admin. Division Total:$2,142.15 Public Works & Utilities Department Total:$2,142.15 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Flowers-last Parks Comm M 001-8010-574.31-01 23.93 Chamber luncheon table #1 001-8010-574.31-01 144.00 Chamber luncheon table #2 001-8010-574.31-01 144.00 Parks Administration Division Total:$311.93 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-8012-555.31-01 108.42 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Job posting-Senior Center 001-8012-555.44-10 50.00 Job posting-Senior Center 001-8012-555.44-10 199.00 Senior Center Division Total:$357.42 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE EXCISE TAX RETURNS-MAY 001-8050-536.44-50 83.60 MATTHEWS BRONZE PA CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536.34-01 472.36 QUIRING MONUMENTS INC CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536.34-01 1,023.00 Ocean View Cemetery Division Total:$1,578.96 ALLPLAY SYSTEMS, LLC PARK,PLAYGROUND,REC EQUIP 001-8080-576.31-20 298.88 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-8080-576.31-20 63.69 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 120.38 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 61.87 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 99.01 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-8080-576.31-20 16.77 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-8080-576.31-20 230.14 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 114.39 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 24.90 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 8.99 BEACON ATHLETICS ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 001-8080-576.31-40 1,708.16 Page 6 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 11 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CENTRAL WELDING SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.45-30 34.27 FERRELLGAS INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.45-30 85.95 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 135.55 FIRE CHIEF EQUIPMENT CO, INC FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 001-8080-576.48-10 619.07 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 001-8080-576.48-10 619.07 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-576.31-20 269.68 HEARTLINE ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 001-8080-576.31-40 143.62 ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 001-8080-576.31-40 71.81 ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 001-8080-576.31-40 71.81 HI-TECH ELECTRONICS INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 16.21 LEITZ FARMS, INC ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 001-8080-576.31-40 65.16 MADDEN FABRICATION EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-8080-576.31-20 762.47 MAYDA AND SONS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC 001-8080-576.48-10 728.33 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 99.90 PORT OF PORT ANGELES CONSULTING SERVICES 001-8080-576.45-30 485.11 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 48.00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 67.66 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 34.69 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 108.66 SHOES AND BOOTS 001-8080-576.31-01 166.21 SHOES AND BOOTS 001-8080-576.31-01 195.73 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 56.37 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-8080-576.45-30 3,239.83 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 001-8080-576.45-30 106.82 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Mower parts for dept mowe 001-8080-576.31-20 269.68 Parks Facilities Division Total:$11,248.84 Parks & Recreation Department Total:$13,497.15 MISC ONE-TIME VENDORS LANDSCAPING & PLANTERS FO 001-8112-555.31-20 207.18 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-8112-555.31-20 8.64 Senior Center Facilities Division Total:$215.82 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 59.84 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 174.08 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-01 409.09 Page 7 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 12 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 57.66 THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 8.81 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 73.53 Central Svcs Facilities Division Total:$783.01 Facilities Maintenance Department Total:$998.83 General Fund Fund Total:$192,484.75 DUNGENESS CRAB & SEAFOOD FESTIVAL LTAX Grant 101-1430-557.41-50 4,900.00 LINCOLN PARK BMX ASSOCIATION SUPPLIES 101-1430-557.41-50 19,289.89 OLYMPIC PENINSULA VISITOR BUREAU MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 101-1430-557.41-50 2,401.21 PA PANTO MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 101-1430-557.41-50 4,275.00 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 101-1430-557.41-50 9,353.71 Lodging Excise Tax Division Total:$40,219.81 Lodging Excise Tax Department Total:$40,219.81 Lodging Excise Tax Fund Total:$40,219.81 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 102-7230-542.35-01 42.89 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 102-7230-542.35-01 136.60 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-542.31-20 88.40 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.102-7230-542.31-01 481.49 HEARTLINE NURSERY STOCK & SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 71.81 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 313.18 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 629.46 NORTHWEST SAFETY SERVICE, LLC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 102-7230-542.41-50 247.97 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-542.31-01 2.16 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-542.31-01 7.59 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 102-7230-542.47-10 20.55 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 102-7230-542.47-10 14.09 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 102-7230-542.47-10 21.72 SARGENT ENGINEERING, INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 102-7230-542.41-50 574.11 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 102-7230-542.31-01 19.55 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Door latch assembly-Veh #102-7230-542.45-21 215.22 WALTER E NELSON CO JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 104.14 Street Division Total:$2,990.93 Page 8 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 13 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Public Works-Street Department Total:$2,990.93 Street Fund Total:$2,990.93 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING & APPAREL 107-5160-528.31-11 270.65 CENTURYLINK 06-06 A/C 300539444 107-5160-528.42-11 66.77 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 06-02 A/C 360Z020380301B 107-5160-528.42-11 222.63 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 100 % TUITION REIMBURSEME 107-5160-528.43-10 1,795.00 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING INC HUMAN SERVICES 107-5160-528.41-50 74.00 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM WA Criminal Law books (2)107-5160-528.31-01 22.98 Western Digital 1TB solid 107-5160-528.31-01 195.81 Job posting-911 Dispatche 107-5160-528.41-15 199.00 Lodging-T Lozano 107-5160-528.43-10 790.50 Blue Classification Folde 107-5160-528.31-01 58.62 Refund-Reg-H Conway 107-5160-528.43-11 (395.00) Refund-Reg-S Craig 107-5160-528.43-11 (395.00) ACCIS Conf Reg-J Lemon 107-5160-528.43-11 450.00 Lodging-J Conner 107-5160-528.43-11 542.88 Lodging-K Hatton 107-5160-528.43-11 542.88 Wireless mouse 107-5160-528.31-01 87.38 WESTEK MARKETING DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 107-5160-528.48-10 6,793.75 Pencom Division Total:$11,322.85 Pencom Department Total:$11,322.85 Pencom Fund Total:$11,322.85 ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 310-5950-594.65-10 3,715.87 Homeland Security Division Total:$3,715.87 Public Safety Projects Department Total:$3,715.87 SARGENT ENGINEERING, INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 310-8985-594.65-10 2,576.24 Misc Parks Projects Division Total:$2,576.24 Capital Proj-Parks & Rec Department Total:$2,576.24 Capital Improvement Fund Total:$6,292.11 PARAMETRIX INC CONSULTING SERVICES 312-7930-595.65-10 42,760.00 SARGENT ENGINEERING, INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 312-7930-595.65-10 3,788.81 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 312-7930-595.65-10 54.51 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 312-7930-595.65-10 54.51 VANIR CONSTRUCTION MGMT, INC CONSULTING SERVICES 312-7930-595.65-10 33,141.25 Page 9 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 14 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount GF-Street Projects Division Total:$79,799.08 Capital Projects-Pub Wks Department Total:$79,799.08 Transportation Benefit Fund Total:$79,799.08 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.42-00 1,010.80 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.41-00 64.89 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.42-00 1,907.45 ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-0000-141.41-00 2,363.92 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.41-00 8,532.48 CARLSON SALES METERING SOLUTIONS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.41-00 2,282.70 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-0000-141.41-00 1,945.78 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.42-00 25,924.86 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.42-00 483.07 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.42-00 1,009.66 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.41-00 600.84 RETURN ITEMS 401-0000-141.42-00 (1,901.82) DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE EXCISE TAX RETURNS-MAY 401-0000-237.00-00 10.89 MISC UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUNDS FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 38.38 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 89.19 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 94.47 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 108.70 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 109.47 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 119.60 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 480.52 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 20.01 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 34.30 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 42.78 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 63.11 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 106.33 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 173.20 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 187.20 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 304.82 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 326.82 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 597.37 BUDGET SETTLE UP 401-0000-122.10-99 383.35 Page 10 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 15 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount MISC UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUNDS OVERPAYMENT-1013 S CHERRY 401-0000-122.10-99 131.23 OVERPAYMENT-123 W 10TH ST 401-0000-122.10-99 55.31 OVERPAYMENT-1511 W 6TH ST 401-0000-122.10-99 242.83 OVERPAYMENT-1703 MELODY 401-0000-122.10-99 97.69 OVERPAYMENT-1932 HAMILTON 401-0000-122.10-99 764.03 OVERPAYMENT-203 CREEKSIDE 401-0000-122.10-99 613.17 OVERPAYMENT-512 E 7TH ST 401-0000-122.10-99 339.33 OVERPAYMENT-520 W 10TH ST 401-0000-122.10-99 189.00 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.42-00 260.95 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.42-00 2,609.46 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.42-00 4,566.55 SUNBELT SOLOMON SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 401-0000-237.00-00 (3,127.16) Division Total:$54,257.53 Department Total:$54,257.53 MISC TRAVEL SAIZ-STAKING CERT TRAININ 401-7111-533.43-10 70.90 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM AED pads-replacement 401-7111-533.31-01 239.36 Lodging-Saiz 401-7111-533.43-10 922.25 Lodging-V Smith 401-7111-533.43-10 922.25 Engineering-Electric Division Total:$2,154.76 MISC TRAVEL G KING-NWPPA ACCT/FIN CON 401-7120-533.43-10 128.00 NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER ASSN MEMBERSHIPS 401-7120-533.43-10 880.00 Power Systems Division Total:$1,008.00 AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER FEED,BEDDING,VIT-ANIMALS 401-7180-533.34-02 108.55 SEED,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT 401-7180-533.34-02 390.88 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 32.58 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 57.11 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.401-7180-533.31-01 48.96 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 7.35 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 121.40 BILL'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 401-7180-533.45-30 200.00 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 143.45 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 1,945.63 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 478.72 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 694.14 Page 11 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 16 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 365.02 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 574.46 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 306.82 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 631.04 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 576.64 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE EXCISE TAX RETURNS-MAY 401-7180-533.44-50 78,795.73 HEARTLINE NURSERY STOCK & SUPPLIES 401-7180-533.34-02 97.92 KENNEDY, STEPHEN H. REAL PROPERTY,RENT/LEASE 401-7180-533.45-30 7,500.00 LUTZCO, INC. FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 147.53 MATT'S TOOLS USA, LLC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 226.29 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT ALASKA MARINE HIGHWAY - 0 401-7180-533.43-10 4,033.58 DOLLAR RENT A CAR - 03/24 401-7180-533.43-10 346.54 FUEL - 04/16/23 401-7180-533.43-10 2,309.96 LODGING/HOTEL - 04/17/23 401-7180-533.43-10 505.82 MEAL TICKET - OUTAGE - 06 401-7180-533.31-01 37.00 MEAL TICKET - OUTAGE - 06 401-7180-533.31-01 37.00 MEAL TICKET - OUTAGE - 06 401-7180-533.31-01 37.00 PACKING SUPPLIES - 2/18/401-7180-533.43-10 322.96 PENSKE TRUCK RENTAL - 05/ 401-7180-533.43-10 21.70 SAMSON TUG & BARGE CO. - 401-7180-533.43-10 9,978.30 WA FERRY EDMONDS - 04/20/ 401-7180-533.43-10 67.30 MURREY'S DISPOSAL CO, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-533.47-10 487.39 NORTHWEST SAFETY SERVICE, LLC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 578.01 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 725.20 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.31-01 101.84 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 14.64 SUNBELT SOLOMON SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 401-7180-533.34-02 38,663.16 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Cell phone booster for tr 401-7180-533.35-01 235.00 Battery for hand radio 401-7180-533.31-01 63.76 Cell phone booster for di 401-7180-533.35-01 732.00 Electric Operations Division Total:$152,748.38 Public Works-Electric Department Total:$155,911.14 Electric Utility Fund Total:$210,168.67 Page 12 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 17 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 1,737.44 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 (6,563.14) PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 6,563.14 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 6,563.14 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 565.76 HTM SENSORS WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ 402-0000-237.00-00 (73.92) Division Total:$8,792.42 Department Total:$8,792.42 A & A ROCK, INC. ROOFING MATERIALS 402-7380-534.31-20 2,413.73 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.31-20 3.87 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 402-7380-534.31-01 15.84 HOSES, ALL KINDS 402-7380-534.31-01 50.03 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 402-7380-534.31-20 105.74 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 772.26 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 138.00 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE EXCISE TAX RETURNS-MAY 402-7380-534.44-50 24,437.34 EDGE ANALYTICAL MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7380-534.41-50 1,406.00 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL RAGS,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING 402-7380-534.31-01 224.20 ROAD/HWY EQUIP EARTH,GRD 402-7380-534.31-01 209.44 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 739.55 METER BOXES 402-7380-534.31-20 (1,703.59) HEARTLINE SEED,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT 402-7380-534.31-20 244.80 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT SAFETY SUPPLY REIMBURSEME 402-7380-534.31-01 155.95 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-01 71.74 NORTHWEST SAFETY SERVICE, LLC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 402-7380-534.41-50 247.97 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 54.62 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 402-7380-534.31-20 168.41 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 402-7380-534.31-20 61.35 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 402-7380-534.31-20 56.06 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 402-7380-534.31-20 27.78 PRESTIGE WORLDWIDE TECHNOLOGIES BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 402-7380-534.31-20 762.09 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7380-534.47-10 50.34 RH2 ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICES 402-7380-534.41-50 2,588.08 Page 13 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 18 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount SPECTRA LABORATORIES-KITSAP TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 269.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 269.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 217.00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SHOES AND BOOTS 402-7380-534.31-01 108.73 CLOTHING & APPAREL 402-7380-534.31-01 234.34 HOSES, ALL KINDS 402-7380-534.31-01 123.93 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 402-7380-534.31-20 53.22 THURMAN SUPPLY PIPE AND TUBING 402-7380-534.31-20 24.81 PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 236.13 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Lodging half-Helgeson 402-7380-534.43-10 376.66 Lodging service fee half-402-7380-534.43-10 7.99 Lodging-J Groves 402-7380-534.43-10 492.38 WALTER E NELSON CO JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 104.15 Water Division Total:$35,818.94 HTM SENSORS WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ 402-7382-534.31-20 913.92 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC AUTO BODIES & ACCESSORIES 402-7382-534.35-01 124.80 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7382-534.47-10 52.81 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Refund-Rod seal/piston ki 402-7382-534.31-20 (301.25) Rod seal/piston kit-Elwha 402-7382-534.31-20 179.91 Industrial Water Treatmnt Division Total:$970.19 Public Works-Water Department Total:$36,789.13 Water Utility Fund Total:$45,581.55 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE EXCISE TAX RETURNS-MAY 403-0000-237.00-00 142.10 NCL NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403-0000-237.00-00 (15.31) Division Total:$126.79 Department Total:$126.79 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 403-7480-535.31-20 79.45 BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-20 66.48 BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-20 86.20 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 403-7480-535.31-20 126.20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 403-7480-535.35-01 70.80 BEAVER EQUIPMENT SPECIALTY CO, INC WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ 403-7480-594.64-10 11,958.21 CUES TELEVISION EQUIP & ACESS 403-7480-535.31-01 326.15 Page 14 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 19 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CUES ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 403-7480-535.48-10 6,899.02 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE EXCISE TAX RETURNS-MAY 403-7480-535.44-50 19,499.47 E&M ELECTRIC & MACHINERY COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 403-7480-535.31-20 391.42 EDGE ANALYTICAL MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.41-50 798.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.41-50 56.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.41-50 300.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.41-50 56.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.41-50 56.00 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 44.67 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP SHIPPING CHARGES 403-7480-535.42-10 31.63 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PIPE AND TUBING 403-7480-535.31-20 6.19 GRANICH ENGINEERED PRODUCTS INC PUMPS & ACCESSORIES 403-7480-535.31-20 322.13 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 403-7480-535.31-20 33.18 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 403-7480-535.35-01 20.89 HASA, INC CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 403-7480-535.31-05 10,748.88 MACDONALD MILLER SOLUTIONS, INC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 403-7480-535.48-10 276.08 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT SAFETY SUPPLY REIMBURSEME 403-7480-535.31-01 155.96 NCL NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403-7480-535.31-01 189.34 NORTHWEST SAFETY SERVICE, LLC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 403-7480-535.41-50 247.97 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 98.36 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC BADGES & OTHER ID EQUIP. 403-7480-535.31-01 67.89 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPP 403-7480-535.31-01 139.84 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 403-7480-535.31-20 184.72 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 403-7480-535.31-20 3.81 POWER GENERATION EQUIPMEN 403-7480-535.31-20 20.82 REBUILD-IT SERVICES GROUP, LLC WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ 403-7480-535.31-20 1,240.12 SENTRY EQUIPMENT CORP WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ 403-7480-535.31-20 294.73 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC BOATS,MOTORS,& MARINE SUP 403-7480-535.31-01 69.57 PAINTING EQUIPMENT & ACC 403-7480-535.31-01 168.38 SHOES AND BOOTS 403-7480-535.31-01 108.73 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.403-7480-535.31-01 30.46 FOODS: PERISHABLE 403-7480-535.31-01 65.08 Page 15 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 20 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 403-7480-535.31-20 62.21 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 217.27 TENELCO MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 403-7480-535.47-10 3,967.61 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 403-7480-535.47-10 4,251.87 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 403-7480-535.47-10 4,277.49 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 403-7480-535.47-10 3,946.87 TMG SERVICES INC SHIPPING AND HANDLING 403-7480-535.31-20 54.06 WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ 403-7480-535.31-20 3,653.53 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Lodging half-Helgeson 403-7480-535.43-10 376.66 Lodging service fee half-403-7480-535.43-10 8.00 Ferry tickets-Carlseen (2 403-7480-535.43-10 34.40 Lodging-Carlseen 403-7480-535.43-10 129.80 WALTER E NELSON CO PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 403-7480-535.31-01 378.00 WIN-911 SOFTWARE COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 403-7480-535.48-02 800.00 Wastewater Division Total:$77,496.60 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total:$77,496.60 Wastewater Utility Fund Total:$77,623.39 A/R MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS OVRPMNT OF TFR STN FEES 404-0000-213.10-90 20.40 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE EXCISE TAX RETURNS-MAY 404-0000-237.00-00 113.61 INDEPENDENT AD SPECIALTIES SUPPLIES 404-0000-237.00-00 (124.53) Division Total:$9.48 Department Total:$9.48 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 404-7538-537.31-01 122.95 CLALLAM CNTY SOLID WASTE DEPT BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 404-7538-537.49-90 1,822.18 BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 404-7538-537.49-90 4,393.47 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE EXCISE TAX RETURNS-MAY 404-7538-537.44-50 28,095.78 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.404-7538-537.31-01 256.28 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 404-7538-537.31-20 280.01 I-WASTENOT SYSTEMS MEMBERSHIPS 404-7538-537.41-15 1,000.00 INDEPENDENT AD SPECIALTIES SUPPLIES 404-7538-537.41-15 1,539.75 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT MAY MILEAGE 404-7538-537.43-10 71.07 MAY MILEAGE 404-7538-537.43-10 91.70 MAY MILEAGE 404-7538-537.43-10 213.01 MAY MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 404-7538-537.43-10 48.33 NORTHWEST SAFETY SERVICE, SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 404-7538-537.41-50 247.97 Page 16 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 21 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount LLC PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 404-7538-537.47-10 226.69 RABANCO, LTD MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 404-7538-537.41-51 (16,700.41) MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 404-7538-537.41-51 58,427.01 REGIONAL DISPOSAL BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 404-7538-537.41-51 17,839.22 BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 404-7538-537.41-51 30,907.25 BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 404-7538-537.41-51 311,636.86 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 404-7538-537.31-01 36.75 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.404-7538-537.31-01 86.63 THERMO-FLUIDS PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 404-7538-537.41-51 117.80 THURMAN SUPPLY FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 404-7538-537.48-10 40.28 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM SWANA Webinar-Evans 404-7538-537.43-10 49.00 Transfer Station Mgmt Reg 404-7538-537.43-10 250.00 SW - Transfer Station Division Total:$441,099.58 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE EXCISE TAX RETURNS-MAY 404-7580-537.44-50 17,742.42 I-WASTENOT SYSTEMS MEMBERSHIPS 404-7580-537.41-15 1,000.00 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY - 0 404-7580-537.31-01 55.50 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY - 0 404-7580-537.31-01 55.50 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY - 0 404-7580-537.31-01 55.50 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY WOR 404-7580-537.31-01 18.50 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY WOR 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY WOR 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY WOR 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY WOR 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY WOR 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY WOR 404-7580-537.31-01 37.00 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY WOR 404-7580-537.31-01 55.50 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY WOR 404-7580-537.31-01 55.50 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY WOR 404-7580-537.31-01 55.50 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY WOR 404-7580-537.31-01 55.50 MEAL TICKET - HOLIDAY WOR 404-7580-537.31-01 55.50 MEAL TICKET - OVERTIME - 404-7580-537.31-01 18.50 MEAL TICKET - OVERTIME - 404-7580-537.31-01 55.50 MEAL TICKET - OVERTIME - 404-7580-537.31-01 55.50 Page 17 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 22 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT MEAL TICKET - OVERTIME - 404-7580-537.31-01 55.50 MEAL TICKET - OVERTIME - 404-7580-537.31-01 55.50 NORTHWEST SAFETY SERVICE, LLC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 404-7580-537.41-50 247.97 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 404-7580-537.49-90 83.78 SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.41-15 824.70 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC BADGES & OTHER ID EQUIP. 404-7580-537.31-01 53.10 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 404-7580-537.31-01 45.32 SOLID WASTE SYSTEMS, INC RENTAL CREDIT 404-7580-537.45-30 (8,468.10) RENTAL CREDIT 404-7580-537.45-30 8,468.10 WALTER E NELSON CO JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.31-01 104.14 WASTEQUIP MANUFACTURING CO GLASS & GLAZING SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.35-01 42,031.37 Solid Waste-Collections Division Total:$63,057.80 ASPECT CONSULTING, LLC CONSULTING SERVICES 404-7585-537.41-50 4,284.50 EDGE ANALYTICAL MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 404-7585-537.41-50 1,992.00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SHOES AND BOOTS 404-7585-537.31-01 152.21 Solid Waste-Landfill Division Total:$6,428.71 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total:$510,586.09 Solid Waste Utility Fund Total:$510,595.57 AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER FERTILIZERS & SOIL CONDTN 406-7412-538.31-20 59.72 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 406-7412-538.31-01 137.18 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE EXCISE TAX RETURNS-MAY 406-7412-538.49-50 17,949.56 LEITZ FARMS, INC FERTILIZERS & SOIL CONDTN 406-7412-538.31-20 217.18 FERTILIZERS & SOIL CONDTN 406-7412-538.31-20 217.18 NORTHWEST SAFETY SERVICE, LLC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 406-7412-538.41-50 247.97 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 406-7412-538.35-01 86.90 CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 406-7412-538.31-01 57.13 CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 406-7412-538.31-01 19.44 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 406-7412-538.35-01 123.40 THURMAN SUPPLY LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 406-7412-538.31-01 47.81 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Muni Stormwater Conf Reg 406-7412-538.43-10 495.00 Pesticide training/exam-L 406-7412-538.43-10 120.00 Ferry tickets-Moore (2) 406-7412-538.43-10 34.40 WALTER E NELSON CO JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 406-7412-538.31-01 104.14 Page 18 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 23 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Stormwater Division Total:$19,917.01 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total:$19,917.01 Stormwater Utility Fund Total:$19,917.01 GALLS CLOTHING & APPAREL 409-6025-526.31-01 8.58 LIFE ASSIST SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-01 525.32 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-01 1,368.95 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 89.16 SYSTEMS DESIGN WEST, LLC HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 409-6025-526.41-50 2,037.42 TARGETSOLUTIONS LEARNING, LLC MEMBERSHIPS 409-6025-526.41-50 1,370.88 TELEFLEX, LLC SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-01 1,224.41 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Background screening-Buts 409-6025-526.43-10 59.50 Half mask facepiece/filte 409-6025-526.31-13 722.13 Airfare-Butscher 409-6025-526.43-10 382.81 Airfare-Carlson 409-6025-526.43-10 382.81 Airfare-Hagaman 409-6025-526.43-10 382.81 Lodging-Butscher/Carlson/409-6025-526.43-10 4,365.83 PM School-Butscher 409-6025-526.43-10 20.00 PM School-Butscher 409-6025-526.43-10 11.00 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-01 429.89 Medic I Division Total:$13,381.50 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Community Paramedic Desk 409-6027-526.31-01 1,485.12 Standing desks (2)-CPM of 409-6027-526.31-01 1,485.12 Desk mounts (3)-CPM offic 409-6027-526.31-01 195.81 Office supplies-CPM offic 409-6027-526.31-01 523.31 Community Paramedicine Division Total:$3,689.36 Fire Department Total:$17,070.86 Medic I Utility Fund Total:$17,070.86 CHERBOURG COMPANY INC AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG 421-7121-533.49-86 1,200.00 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA 421-7121-533.49-86 1,162.50 DAVE'S HEATING & COOLING SVC AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG 421-7121-533.49-86 1,600.00 AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM AEE renewal-Currie 421-7121-533.49-01 300.00 Page 19 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 24 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Conservation Division Total:$5,862.50 Public Works-Electric Department Total:$5,862.50 Conservation Fund Total:$5,862.50 HDR ENGINEERING, INC CONSULTING SERVICES 453-7488-594.65-10 618.75 KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTURAL&ENGINEERING 453-7488-594.65-10 3,634.93 Wastewater Projects Division Total:$4,253.68 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total:$4,253.68 WasteWater Utility CIP Fund Total:$4,253.68 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 501-0000-141.40-00 55.71 ASSOCIATED PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 15,198.59 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 13.55 FREIGHTLINER NORTHWEST AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 811.17 BELTS AND BELTING 501-0000-141.40-00 27.66 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 9.76 HEARTLINE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 361.11 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 571.04 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 103.41 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 192.80 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 23.05 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 23.05 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 22.52 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 382.67 BELTS AND BELTING 501-0000-141.40-00 59.60 BELTS AND BELTING 501-0000-141.40-00 63.77 OWEN EQUIPMENT AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 914.98 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 416.02 PAPE-KENWORTH NORTHWEST, INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 752.07 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 136.09 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 136.28 PAPE' MACHINERY BELTS AND BELTING 501-0000-141.40-00 161.87 SOLID WASTE SYSTEMS, INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 1,046.30 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 467.62 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 3,810.81 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTRIB AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 15.07 Page 20 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 25 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount INC LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 501-0000-141.40-00 217.41 Division Total:$25,993.98 Department Total:$25,993.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 125.99 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 43.63 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 83.62 ANGELES COLLISION REPAIR AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 8,013.15 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 3,956.80 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 39.17 ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 16.31 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 16.31 ASSOCIATED PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-13 176.41 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-13 119.31 BICKFORD FORD INC. AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 816.55 DAREN'S POINT S EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 20.13 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 54.29 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 18.44 ECOLUBE RECOVERY, LLC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.49-90 495.60 EVERGREEN COLLISION-SEQUIM EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 943.35 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 980.10 FAR-WEST MACHINE & HYDRAULICS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 188.17 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 292.33 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 7.65 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 139.67 OPTICAL EQUIP ACESS& SUPP 501-7630-548.31-01 174.21 FERRELLGAS INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-12 420.75 FREIGHTLINER NORTHWEST AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 902.13 HD SUPPLY AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 218.41 LEAVITT MACHINERY USA, INC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 71.67 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 63.56 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 9.78 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 87.00 MATT'S TOOLS USA, LLC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 228.47 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 106.69 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 49.94 Page 21 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 26 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount NORTHWEST SAFETY SERVICE, LLC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 501-7630-548.41-50 247.97 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 420.46 BELTS AND BELTING 501-7630-548.34-02 80.92 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 (65.28) PRICE FORD LINCOLN AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 121.56 RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 261.12 RUDY'S AUTOMOTIVE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 205.28 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 430.42 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 56.34 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 15.45 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 62.85 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 237.31 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 15.45 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 30.36 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 51.33 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 167.66 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 99.63 BELTS AND BELTING 501-7630-548.34-02 53.92 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 563.04 SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.49-90 308.21 SOLID WASTE SYSTEMS, INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 340.89 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 501-7630-548.44-10 90.06 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 228.80 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Diagnostic software licen 501-7630-548.48-02 979.20 Equipment Services Division Total:$23,882.54 Public Works Department Total:$23,882.54 Equipment Services Fund Total:$49,876.52 CANON USA, INC OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 4,245.81 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 06/05 A/C 206Z0500310 502-2081-518.42-10 2,819.26 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP NOTIONS & RELATED SEWING 502-2081-518.31-60 90.41 SUPERION, LLC DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.48-02 145,972.05 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Cisco Meraki security app 502-2081-518.31-80 664.54 Tool kit tools 1 of 3 502-2081-518.35-01 504.93 Page 22 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 27 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM Cisco Meraki security lic 502-2081-518.48-02 381.20 Tool kit tools 2 of 3 502-2081-518.35-01 126.25 Tool kit tools 3 of 3 502-2081-518.35-01 73.42 I-series ptantest SSL cer 502-2081-518.48-02 554.01 Standard SSL-ptan400 502-2081-518.48-02 554.01 Standard SSL-ptan401 502-2081-518.48-02 291.58 DisplayPort to HDMI adapt 502-2081-518.31-80 26.10 Satellite subscription-Fi 502-2081-518.42-10 110.00 Wireless Access Points (4 502-2081-518.48-02 1,740.76 Access Point Licensing (4 502-2081-518.48-02 481.08 FebSmart PCIE 4-port USB 502-2081-518.31-80 21.75 VERIZON WIRELESS 06-05 A/C 542276284-00001 502-2081-518.42-10 94.08 Information Technologies Division Total:$158,751.24 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 502-2083-518.47-10 58.57 Wireless Mesh Division Total:$58.57 Finance Department Total:$158,809.81 Information Technology Fund Total:$158,809.81 MISC CLAIM SETTLEMENTS IN HOUSE LIABILITY CLAIM 503-1671-517.49-98 473.00 IN HOUSE LIABILITY CLAIM 503-1671-517.49-98 1,620.00 Comp Liability Division Total:$2,093.00 Self Insurance Department Total:$2,093.00 Self-Insurance Fund Total:$2,093.00 AFLAC AFLAC SUPP INSURANCE PREM 920-0000-231.53-10 744.74 CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE CASE #21-10696 920-0000-231.56-90 358.00 EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.55-30 695.00 EMPOWER-P/R WIRE PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-20 25,959.21 FEDERAL PAYROLL TAX PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 86,809.71 FICA/MEDICARE PAYROLL TAX PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 110,215.96 HSA BANK PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-11 75.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-12 321.93 JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE CO PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-25 1,645.22 LEOFF PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-21 34,191.96 MISSION SQUARE-P/R WIRES PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-10 31,442.92 OFFICE OF SUPPORT PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-20 1,116.83 Page 23 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 28 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 Vendor Description Account Number Amount ENFORCEMENT PERS PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-10 713.44 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-11 17,367.33 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-12 94,902.72 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 589 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-10 2,755.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-10 2,524.00 UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-10 190.00 WSCFF/EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-20 5,400.00 Division Total:$417,428.97 Department Total:$417,428.97 Payroll Clearing Fund Total:$417,428.97 Total for Checks Dated Between Jun 10, 2023 and Jun 23, 2023 $1,852,391.06 Page 24 of 24 Jun 26, 2023 9:24:21 AMJuly 5, 2023 E - 29 Date: July 5, 2023 To: City Council From: Corey Delikat, Parks & Recreation Director Subject: Memorandum of Understanding – Restoring Locomotive #4 Background / Analysis: The Rayonier Locomotive #4 (#4) was built in 1924 by the Willamette Iron and Steel Company in Portland, Oregon and is only one of 33 engines built of this type and is only one of six remaining today. This locomotive is of significant history to the Pacific Northwest, Washington State, and Clallam County after Rayonier Inc. purchased #4 to move lumber off both the Clallam River and the Hoko mains. After #4 was retired, Rayonier Inc. donated it to the City of Port Angeles in 1960 and now sits at a City owned traffic island off 200 East Lauridsen Boulevard and has been deteriorating ever since. In 2019, during a winter storm event, a Declaration of Emergency was declared by City Manager West after chunks of insulation fell of the boiler plate of the locomotive that contained a significant amount of asbestos in it. The City contracted with Northwest Abatement Services out of Lakewood, WA to clean up the hazardous material. In the 2023 City budget, an additional $50,000 was set aside to have the rest of the asbestos removed and staff is working on that as a 2023 project. For over 10 years the City’s Parks & Recreation Department has been looking for a partner to help to restore Locomotive #4. In 2021, this opportunity finally arose when City staff met with an employee of Rayonier Inc., Scott Golding, on strategies on how to restore this historic piece of infrastructure. Since that onsite meeting, the City and Mr. Golding have found multiple partners which includes Rayonier Inc., North Olympic Peninsula Railroaders Club, and Scott Golding (as a private citizen). This exciting collaboration is the first step to partner together with the objective to not only restore but to protect #4 so that people for generations will be able to appreciate and enjoy this example of logging history for years to come. Summary: Since 2013, the City’s Parks & Recreation Department has been looking for a partner to help to restore Locomotive #4. In 2021, this opportunity finally arose when City staff met with an employee of Rayonier Inc., Scott Golding, on strategies on how to restore this historic piece of infrastructure. Since that onsite meeting, the City and Mr. Golding have found multiple partners which includes Rayonier Inc., North Olympic Peninsula Railroaders Club, and Scott Golding (as a private citizen). This exciting collaboration is the first step to partner together with the objective to not only restore but to protect #4 so that people for generations will be able to appreciate and enjoy this example of logging history for years to come. Funding: The memorandum of agreement is not intended to be a funding agreement, however, the City has already allocated $50,000 for Locomotive #4 restoration as part of the 2023 Budget. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a Memorandum between the City of Port Angeles, Rayonier Inc, North Olympic Railroaders, and Scott Golding. July 5, 2023 E - 30 Funding Overview: The memorandum of agreement is not intended to be a funding agreement, however, the City has already allocated $50,000 for Locomotive #4 restoration as part of the 2023 Budget. . July 5, 2023 E - 31 MEMORANDUIM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN RAYONIER INC., NORTH OLYMPIC PENINSULA RAILROADERS, SCOTT GOLDING AND CITY OF PORT ANGELES This Memorandum of Understanding made and entered into this ___ day of _____________, 2023, by and between North Olympic Peninsula Railroaders, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as “NOPR,” Rayonier Inc., a [State of _North Carolina] corporation registered to do business in the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as “Rayonier,” Scott Golding, acting as a private citizen outside of his employment with Rayonier Inc., hereinafter referred to as “Golding,” and the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as “City.” Subsequent reference to the NOPR, Rayonier, Golding, and the City, in a collective sense, shall be by the use of the term “Parties.” WHEREAS, Rayonier Locomotive #4 (Locomotive #4) is currently located upon a City owned traffic island at 200 East Lauridsen Boulevard; and WHEREAS, Locomotive #4 is one of only six remaining locomotives of its type and a significant piece of Pacific Northwest history which was donated to the City by Rayonier following its career as a lumber hauler from both the Clallam and Hoko River mains, WHEREAS, Locomotive #4 has deteriorated significantly since it was donated in 1960; and WHEREAS, Locomotive #4 required emergency mitigation in 2019 due to presence of insulation containing asbestos; and WHEREAS, the Parties share the common goal to restore and protect Locomotive #4 so future generations will be able to appreciate and enjoy this example of logging history for years to come. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD THAT: 1. Term. The term of this MOU shall be from the date upon which the last signature is affixed below until Locomotive #4 is restored; provided, however, that any party may withdraw from this agreement at any time by giving to the other Parties notice of withdrawal at least sixty (60) days in advance of the effective date of the withdrawal. Withdrawal of the City shall cause this agreement to terminate, but withdrawal of any other party shall not cause this agreement to terminate. 2. Purpose. The purpose of this MOU is to describe what contribution(s) each party will make to the effort to restore Locomotive #4. 3. Objectives. For purposes of this MOU, restoration of Locomotive #4 does not mean the locomotive will be returned to functional operating condition. Rather, for purposes of this MOU, restoration of Locomotive #4 shall consist of the July 5, 2023 E - 32 - 2 - following: a. Remove toxic substances from Locomotive #4, including the asbestos. b. Clean and paint Locomotive #4, tender and repair rusting areas and perform other cosmetic needs. c. Provide a covered shelter for Locomotive #4. d. Add a covered log car, with logs, behind Locomotive #4 that also includes an additional 50 feet of new rails and ties upon which the log car will reside. e. Create a park surrounding Locomotive #4. 4. Rayonier’s contributions to the Objectives stated above include: a. Provide a grant to be used for the restoration of Locomotive #4 including funding for cleaning, painting and fixing other cosmetic issues. b. Provide assistance and historical resources to assist in fundraising and for historical displays. c. Seek the donation of a load of logs for the log car. 5. The City’s contributions to the Objectives stated above include: a. Contract with a qualified person or firm to manage and oversee the restoration project. b. During the 2023 Budget process $50,000 was approved to remove toxic material, including asbestos, from the locomotive. c. Manage the majority of the funds given to the City by the Parties through the City’s Capital Facilities Plan. d. Apply and pay for all necessary permits. e. Prior to the commencement of the restoration work described, contract with a licensed professional to (1) analyze existence and amount of materials deemed to be hazardous or toxic and (2) estimate the cost of their removal and disposal in a manner consistent with Federal and State laws, f. Pay one half the cost of the study described in subparagraph e. above. 6. NOPR’s contributions to the Objectives stated above include: a. Provide $2,500 received from a Clallam County Heritage Grant to the City for the purpose of aiding with the removal of asbestos from Locomotive #4. b. Channel raised funds to the City for the project. c. Provide $2,000 per year for four years, received from a Rayonier Community Fund Grant, in furtherance of cleaning, painting, and fixing Locomotive #4. d. Provide assistance wherever it is appropriate and requested throughout this project. 7. Golding contributions to the Objectives stated above include: a. To raise funds in furtherance of completing the restoration of Locomotive #4. July 5, 2023 E - 33 - 3 - b. To raise funds necessary for the purchase of a log car. c. Provide all funds raised by Golding to NOPR for the purpose of restoring Locomotive#4 and the purchase of the log car. 8. Not City Employees. The Parties agree that persons acting on behalf of Rayonier, persons acting on behalf of NOPR and Scott Golding (and persons acting on his behalf) are not agents or employees of the City. As such, they assume full responsibility for payment of all applicable Federal, State and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including but not limited to, unemployment insurance, social security and income tax. 9. Default. In the event one or more of the Parties fail to take the actions set forth above for each of them, the City reserves the right to end the restoration project and, at its sole discretion, to determine if the project should be completed at the City’s expense, or Locomotive #4 removed from City property and disposed of. Should this occur, any unused funds contributed by the other Parties will be returned. 10. Indemnification. Any party providing physical labor for this project, not to include fundraising or advertising, agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the acts, errors or omissions in the performance of this MOU, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. For this purpose, each party providing physical labor shall have liability and property damage insurance deemed to be acceptable by the City and shall cause the insurance policy to be amended by naming the City as an additional insured. However, should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Parties and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, Parties liability, including the duty and cost to defend, hereunder shall be only to the extent of Parties negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes Parties waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. July 5, 2023 E - 34 DATED this ____ day of _______________, 2023. CITY OF PORT ANGELES RAYONIER INC. By: ___________________________ By: ____________________________ City Manager, Nathan West Mike Bell, VP of Public Affairs NORTH PENINSULA RAILROADERS SCOTT GOLDING By: ___________________________ By:_____________________________ Edward Oldenburg, Club President Scott Golding, Private Citizen Approved as to form: By: ___________________________ William E. Bloor, City Attorney By: ___________________________ Kari Martinez-Bailey , City Clerk July 5, 2023 E - 35 Date: July 5th, 2023 To: City Council From: William Bloor, City Attorney Brian S. Smith, Police Chief Derrell Sharp, Fire Chief Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director Subject: Opioid Settlement Funding Oversight and Allocation Methodology Summary: As a result of agreeing to participate in the nationwide opioid settlements, the City of Port Angeles is eligible to receive funds to combat the opioid crisis. As a condition to receiving those funds, the settlement documents require the City to undertake specific actions. The first is to establish a “methodology” that describes how the City will obtain public input; solicit, accept, and review program proposals; decide what proposals are funded; and account for and report on the use of the funds. Funding: Approximately $1.8 million is available to the City over the next 18 years to address issues associated with opioid abuse. Council approved proposals can receive funds from the Trustee. Funds must be used for approved purposes as specified in the settlement agreement. Recommendation: (1)Adopt a methodology to establish a process to obtain public comment on the use of the opioid funds; to solicit program proposals and award opioid funds; (2) Designate the Finance Director as the City’s agent a.) to receive funds from the Trustee and to distribute the Opioid Funds to the recipient(s); and b.) to be responsible for the reporting required by the settlement documents and to make publicly available all decisions on Opioid Fund allocation applications, distributions, and expenditures. Background / Analysis: On May 2, 2023 City Council voted 4-3 to table the matter and appoint a City Council subcommittee to work with staff to refine the funding guidance methodology. Deputy Mayor Brendan Meyer and Council member Amy Miller were appointed to the subcommittee. The subcommittee met with staff on June 1st and discussed changes to the funding guidance and methodology. Details including draft documents were circulated to subcommittee members for review and comment prior to scheduling the item for this Council meeting. A Participating City that receives a direct payment from the Opioid Settlement maintains full discretion over the use and distribution of the Opioid Funds, provided the funds are used for an Approved Purpose. As a condition of receiving a direct payment of settlement funds from the Trustee each participating City agrees to undertake the following actions: •Develop a methodology for obtaining proposals for use of Opioid Funds. •Ensure opportunity is provided for community-based input on priorities for Opioid Fund programs and services. •Receive and review proposals for use of Opioid Funds. July 5, 2023 I - 1 •Approve or deny proposals for use of Opioid Funds for Approved Purposes. •Receive funds from the Trustee for approved proposals and distribute the Opioid Funds to the approved recipient. •Report to the OAC (Opioid Abatement Council) and make available to the public all decisions on Opioid Fund allocation applications, distributions, and expenditures. To fulfill the foregoing requirement, the Council should adopt a methodology that describes how each of the foregoing actions will be carried out in Port Angeles. The Opioid Funding committee has drafted a methodology for Council consideration. It is presented in the Attachment A. The first action of Council should be to adopt a methodology. To assist in the implementation of the methodology, the Council Subcommittee and staff have prepared a template for submitting a proposal for use of settlement funds. It is labeled Attachment B. The committee and staff propose that City Council announce that all proposals must be submitted using this application and that proposals will be accepted up to the application deadline. The announcement should provide details about when, where and how to submit a proposal. The subcommittee and staff recommends that the application period be open for a minimum of 14 days. The subcommittee and staff also recommends that each Council approved Opioid Settlement applicant provide a written report in December of each fiscal year detailing its use of the funds and the progress and status of its program or project. Funding Overview: The Finance Director shall act as the City’s agent for receiving and distributing Opioid Settlement Funds as directed by the City Council. Attachments: Attachment A: Opioid Committee proposed methodology guide Attachment B: Opioid Settlement Funding application July 5, 2023 I - 2 Attachment A Methodology 1. First Council meeting. The Committee presents the draft to the full Council and explains its purpose and procedure it creates. Council discusses the proposed methodology; adopts it; and sets a schedule for the next steps. a. A primary purpose of the methodology is to establish a process to obtain public comment on the use of the opioid funds; to solicit proposals for the opioid funds; and to award funds to approved recipients. i. Ideally, but not mandatory, the methodology would include: 1. A template for submitting a proposal for use of settlement funds 2. A timeline a. E.g., the City Council first announces it will receive proposals for use of the funds and provides details about when and how to submit a proposal; Next, Council will review proposals for use of settlement funds at its XXX meeting; then the Council will conduct a public hearing and consider the proposals at its YYY meeting; finally, the council will decide which proposals to accept at its ZZZ meeting b. Another purpose of the methodology is to assign administrative functions needed to comply with the reporting requirements of the settlement agreements. To satisfy that requirement, at this meeting or at a subsequent meeting, the Council should: i. Appoint the person or entity to receive funds from the Trustee and to distribute the Opioid Funds to the recipient(s); e.g., Sarina or Finance Dept. ii. Assign the person or entity that will be responsible for the reporting required by the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) and to make publicly available all decisions pertaining to Opioid Fund allocation applications, distributions, and expenditures – this might require combined efforts of City Manager, Finance, Police, and Fire 2. Second Council meeting (or a workshop, open house, or period for receiving written comment). The purpose of this meeting and/or comment period is to provide an opportunity for community-based input on priorities for Opioid Fund programs and services. a. The announcement for this meeting or comment period should include basic information, such as: i. Where and when the Council will receive community input. ii. What format or formats will be used. 1. E.g., input can be provided at a public meeting; a community workshop; in writing; or a combination thereof. iii. Also, may want to consider this: will the Council give responsive comments to community input? July 5, 2023 I - 3 1. If so, when and in what context; e.g., discuss community based input during session while discussing which proposals to approve 3. Third Council meeting. a. Council may review the community-based input on priorities. (this is optional) b. Based on that review, Council may announce that it will give priority to certain categories of proposals (e.g., proposals that continue or expand current programs of PAPD and PAFD, if of course that is supported by the community-based input). (this is optional) c. Announce it will receive proposals for use of Opioid Funds for Approved Purposes. d. Establish a format, template, or guideline for proposals i. Where and when a proposal is submitted ii. The info that must be included 1. A template or proposal form would be good, but not mandatory. iii. What criteria the City Council will use to evaluate proposals. iv. When and how the Council will review proposals. e. Essential that PAPD and PAFD both submit strong and complete proposals. i. They could ask that annual installments of funds be given to them in full, until circumstances change. 4. Fourth Council meeting. a. Council will receive written proposals until the deadline established in step 3. c. above. b. Council should review all proposals it receives. i. This can be done during a Council meeting, or the review can be done individually, apart from a meeting. ii. Council also could appoint an ad hoc committee or review board to review the proposals and make a recommendation to Council. c. During an open portion of a Council meeting, either regular or special, Council should discuss all the proposals received. 5. During an open portion of the Fourth, or subsequent, Council meeting, Council will approve or deny each proposal received. Council’s decision must assure that i. Funds are being used for Approved Purposes ii. The recipient signs an agreement or acknowledgement limiting use of funds to an Approved Purpose and acknowledging its obligation to provide periodic reports to the City. NOTES: The terms of the MOU require that, because the City elected to receive direct distributions of its share of the settlement funds, the City must fulfill all of the requirements listed above. However, the MOU is silent on how the City is to undertake these actions. So long as they fit within the criteria above, our procedures can be adapted to local preferences. This leaves a fair amount of flexibility. For example, July 5, 2023 I - 4 • The process of accepting and reviewing proposals can be done at such intervals as Council chooses. It could be an annual process or some other fixed duration. • Council also could make an initial allocation that could continue year after year, subject to reporting and reopening requirements to assure that the funds continue to go to Approved Purposes. • Also, in the foregoing, City Council is named as the actor for all the required duties. That, however, is not necessarily true. The Council must make the final decision awarding funds for proposed purposes; but the Council can appoint others to handle all the other actions and duties. July 5, 2023 I - 5 Port Angeles Opioid Settlement Funding Request Introduction and Background In May of 2022 Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced a $518 million settlement with several major opioid distributors aimed at resolving opioid-related claims. A portion of these funds are being allocated to the City of Port Angeles to address the opioid crisis, including substance use treatment, access to overdose-reversal drugs and services to assist with those struggling with addition. Goals and Scope The City’s goal in the distribution of Opioid Settlement Funds is to reduce the impact to public safety services, healthcare facilities, local businesses, city residents/visitors through effective strategic measures including but not limited to treatment, prevention, and education of opioid use and abuse. Eligibility Local government agencies and organizations operating within the City of Port Angeles working to reduce the impact upon City resources and residents caused by the opioid crisis. Applicants must be in good financial standing and have a City of Port Angeles focused program that meets the intent of the opioid settlement approval parameters. Role of City Council The Port Angeles City Council will provide the following roles and functions to support partners under this funding opportunity: •Review written proposals for the use of the opioid settlement funds. •Receive public comment pertaining to the dispersal of opioid settlement funds. •Approve/Deny requests for use of the opioid settlement funds. •Review annual report submission from funded recipients. Application Requests for Opioid Settlement funding should provide a detailed narrative that outlines the project/program Goals, Scope and Outcome potential for reducing the impact of the opioid crisis upon city resources and community members. How to Submit an Application Written proposals for use of the opioid settlement funds will be submitted via email to cityclerk@cityofpa.us during the “open” application period. Proposals must fall within the approved purposes as outlined in the settlement agreement. July 5, 2023 I - 6 Port Angeles Opioid Settlement Funding Request Instructions: Please begin by reviewing One Washington Memorandum of Understanding Between Washington Municipalities Exhibit A “Opioid Abatement Strategies” to ensure the program proposal falls within the approved strategies guidelines. Application materials should include: •One completed application per project (this document). Application Questionnaire – Opioid Abatement Action Plan Implementation Section 1: General Project Information 1.Name of Project: 2.Which Opioid Abatement Strategy category does the project fall within? (Choose one application per project goal area.) •Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) •Prevention of Opioid Deaths and Other Harms •Education/Training •Other Strategies (Exhibit A part three) 3.Name of Agency/Organization submitting proposal for funding. Section 2: Project Description 1.Describe the Project being proposed (include project goals and anticipated outcomes). July 5, 2023 I - 7 2.Describe how this project will advance the goal of reducing the impact to City resources and community members from the Opioid Crisis. 3. What is the total budget request for the project being proposed? 4. Describe how success of the program/project will be measured? July 5, 2023 I - 8 - Date: July 5, 2023 To: City Council From: Mike Healy, Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: East City Hall Parking Lot Local Improvement District Retrofit, Authorize Construction Contract Background / Analysis: In May 2019, the City accepted a Department of Ecology water quality grant to design stormwater retrofits for the East City Hall parking lot. The completed design consists of a porous asphalt parking lot over the top of an aggregate stormwater storage reservoir to detain runoff and slowly release it into a bioretention cell in the grassy area outside the City Manager’s office. Additionally, a bioretention cell will be installed along Peabody Street to capture and treat additional runoff from the surrounding tributary roadway. The project will install five cisterns under the roof line that will serve to collect roof runoff and water the bioretention cell. This design will slow down the stormwater discharge rate, reducing the peak flow to Peabody Creek, treating the parking lot runoff, and removing common pollutants like zinc, copper, and petroleum hydrocarbons. The City’s application for construction funding was accepted by Ecology and a grant agreement (WQC- 2023-PoAnPW-00153) was agreed upon and executed in November 2022. The project was advertised for bids on June 3rd, 2023, via Builder’s Exchange along with postings in the local Peninsula Daily News and Daily Journal of Commerce and with notification to the North Peninsula Building Association. On June 22nd, 2023, the City received and reviewed two qualifying bid packages. Summary: The purpose of this memo is to request City Council award a contract for the East City Hall Parking Lot Local Improvement District (LID) Retrofit Project. The project was advertised for construction bids and Jamestown Excavation, of Sequim WA, was the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $1,490,000. Funding: The Department of Ecology previously approved the City of Port Angeles for a grant in the amount of $1,005,426.00, with a City match of 15% in the amount of $177,428.12. Funding for construction has been set aside in the 2023 Transportation Capital Budget. Sources of local match funding are split between Stormwater Reserves and the City’s REET Fund for a combined amount of $199,600.00. The available funds for construction are $1,106,854.12 which does not cover the costs of the low bid. The City has requested additional Department of Ecology funding under the Water Quality Combined Financial Assistance Agreement to address the funding gap associated with higher than anticipated Construction bids. Should the City acquire additional grant funding, the City would be required to match an additional $53,436.88 (15% of the $356,245.88 necessary to fully fund construction). $60,000 in additional funds can be reallocated to this project from account 456-7688-594-6510. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager upon successful confirmation of additional funds from Department of Ecology to sign a construction contract with Jamestown Excavation of Sequim, WA, for the East City Hall Parking Lot LID Retrofit Project, TR1215, in the amount of $1,490,000 including applicable taxes; and execute necessary grant amendments and make minor modifications to the contract and grant documents, as necessary. July 5, 2023 J - 1 The lowest qualifying bid was submitted by Jamestown Excavation of Sequim, WA with a base bid of $1,490,000.00. The total bid amounts, including taxes, are tabulated in the following table: Contractor Total Bid Jamestown Excavation $1,490,000.00 Interwest Construction $1,520,739.00 Engineer’s Estimate $1,153,395.90 The construction bids exceeded the Engineer’s Estimate and available grant funds. The bids received are likely the results of continued high inflation and capacity constraints in the supply chain and labor markets. It is unlikely that rejecting the bids and rebidding next year will result in substantial project savings. Funding Overview: The City accepted a Water Quality Stormwater Facility grant (WQC-2023- PoAnPW-00153) for construction from the Department of Ecology (DOE) in the amount of $1,005,426.00. The grant requires a 15% match from the City in the amount of $177,428.12 for a total project agreement amount of $1,182,854.12, Funding for construction has been set aside in the 2023 Transportation Capital Budget and included in the 2024-2029 Transportation Improvement Plan, local match funds are budgeted in the amount of $199,600.00. To cover the funding gap the City has submitted a request to the DOE for an additional $302,809 in grant funding. Should the City acquire additional funding from the DOE, the City would have to match an additional 15% or $53,436.88. $60,000 in additional stormwater capital funds can be reallocated to this project from deferred Stormwater Utility capital projects, account 456-7688-594-6510 to address this City Match. July 5, 2023 J - 2 Date: July 5, 2023 To: City Council From: Mike Healy, Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: 2023 Landfill Beach Nourishment Project CON-2023-19 Background / Analysis: As part of a recurring condition of the landfill seawall construction, the Shoreline Conditional Use Permit, and the Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA), the City is required to place beach nourishment material in front of the 454-foot-long seawall fronting the Landfill bluff face. This project will use beach nourishment material from the Landfill Stabilization Project and imported beach nourishment material. Transport trucks and bulldozers, operating on the existing seawall toe armor, will place 2600 cubic yards of clean beach nourishment materials waterward of the seawall. This work will follow all conditions required of the HPA and Army Corp of Engineer permits, including ensuring that all work waterward of the seawall will take place during low tide. The City was able to submit a proposal to include an Ediz Hook Drift Cell Feasibility Study in the North Olympic Peninsula Lead Entity for Salmon Work Plan. Due to staff capacity constraints no further progress has been made with stakeholders to revise beach nourishment placement permit conditions. Notice of the bid opportunity was advertised through the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) Rosters on June 6, 2023 and posted to the City’s website. Bids were opened on June 22, 2023, and four bids were received. 2 Grade LLC, of Port Angeles, WA is the lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of $79,699.26. Contractor Bid Amount 2 Grade LLC $79,699.26 Bruch and Bruch $147,465.34 Anderson Environmental Contracting LLC $156,009.83 C & J Excavating Inc. $171,066.24 Engineer’s Estimate $75,180.80 Summary: The purpose of this memo is to receive City Council approval for the 2023 Landfill Beach Nourishment project. This project will place 2600 cubic yards of clean beach nourishment material which serves as mitigation of the seawall to prevent natural erosion along the Landfill bluff face. Funding: Funds are available in the approved 2023 Solid Waste Utility Repairs and Maintenance budget account 404-7585-537-4810 in the amount of $85,000.00. Recommendation: Award a construction contract with 2 Grade LLC of Port Angeles, WA, for the 2023 Landfill Beach Nourishment Project, CON-2023-19, in an amount not to exceed $79,699.26; and authorize the City Manager to sign all documents necessary to execute the construction contract for the project and to make minor modifications to the contract, as necessary. July 5, 2023 J - 3 Funding Overview: Funds are available in the approved 2023 Solid Waste Utility Repairs and Maintenance budget account 404-7585-537-4810 in the amount of $85,000.00 July 5, 2023 J - 4 July 5, 2023 L - 1 PUBLIC WORKS GRANT & LOAN STATUS REPORT March 2023 – May 2023 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT COST GRANT/LOAN SOURCE & ID AMOUNT GRANT MATCH/ LOAN DATA AWARD LISTING STATUS Stormwater City Hall Parking Lot LID Retrofit $102,000 (design only) Grant DOE #WQSWPC-2016- PoAnPW-00001 $102,000 from Stormwater Financial Assistance Program; No City match required February 2018 Grant acceptance approved by Council March 2019. Final design, approval and reimbursement completed Q1 2022. Grant closeout complete. City Hall Parking Lot LID Retrofit $1,182,853 Construction Grant DOE #WQC- 2023-PoPAnPW- 00153 $1,005,426 from Stormwater Financial Assistance Program, 15% match required. July 2022 Grant acceptance approved by Council October 2022. City received 100% PS&E review and acceptance May 2023. Project advertised with bid submittal deadline June 22, 2023. Construction scheduled to begin July 2023 and extend through October 2023. 16th Street LID Retrofit $160,000 (design only) Grant DOE #WQSWPC-2016- PoAnPW-00014 $160,000 from Stormwater Financial Assistance Program; No City match required February 2018 Grant acceptance approved by Council March 2019. Grant agreement in place. Design Completed. Grant closeout anticipated Q3, 23. Decant Facility $1,272,000 (including grant-funded design) Grant DOE #WQC-2016- PoAnPW-00368 $474,300 from Stormwater Financial Assistance Program; $83,700 minimum City match required July 1, 2015 Grant acceptance approved by Council Feb 2016, Grant awarded Feb 2018. Agreement in place. Responding to DOE design report comments. 90% design in progress. Stormwater Management Action Plan $85,000 Grant DOE WQC-2022- PoAnPW-00164 $85,000 from Stormwater Financial Assistance Program; 15% City match required July 2021 Grant Acceptance approved by City Council June 2022. Grant Agreement in place. Work underway. SMAP completed March 2023. Grant closeout anticipated September 2023. July 5, 2023 L - 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT COST GRANT/LOAN SOURCE & ID AMOUNT GRANT MATCH/ LOAN DATA AWARD LISTING STATUS Enhanced Source Control Program Development $173,245 Grant DOE WQC-2022- PoAnPW-00169 $173,245 from Stormwater Financial Assistance Program; 15% City match required July 2021 Grant Acceptance approved by City Council June 2022. Grant Agreement in place. Work underway. Grant active into Summer 2024. Progress on- going. Capacity Grant $70,000 Grant DOE FY2021- 2023 $132,500, No City match required July 2021/ January 2023 Approved by CC March 15, 2022. Notified of additional award of $62,500. Grant closeout anticipated July 2023. Wastewater Puget Sound Nutrient General Permit $160,091 Grant DOE WQPSNR-2021- PoAnPW-00035 $160,091 from Water Quality Puget Sound Nutrient Reduction – DOE, No City match required July 2022 Approved by CC October 2022. Work underway. Transportation Race Street Complete $462,000 (design only) Grant FHWA #DTFH701E3002 $398,540 from WA Federal Lands Access Program; $63,761 City minimum match January 2015 Grant Agreement signed. 100% Phase I design complete. Race Street Complete Phase 1- 8th Street to Olympic Park 3,973,000 (construction only) Grant FHWA #TBD $2,000,000 from WA Federal Lands Access Program; 13.5% minimum City match June 2018 Grant Agreement signed. This grant will be used to construct phase 1 and will run from 2021-2023. Race Street Complete Phase 1- 8th Street to Olympic Park $3,973,000 Grant FHWA/ WSDOT $113,348 HIP $568,000 STP 13.5% minimum City match April 2019 Grants accepted by Council May 2019. Funds transferred to WFL under agreement above. Race Street Complete Phase 1- 8th Street to Olympic Park $3,973,000 Grant FHWA/ RTPO $487,240 TA, 13.5% minimum City match June 2020 Project selected for TA Grant. Funds transferred to WFL under agreement above. Race Street Complete Phase 1- 8th Street to Olympic Park $3,973,000 Grant FHWA/ WSDOT $500,000 STBG, 13.5% minimum City match August 2020 Project selected for 2021 Surface Transportation Block Grant. Funds transferred to WFL under agreement above. July 5, 2023 L - 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT COST GRANT/LOAN SOURCE & ID AMOUNT GRANT MATCH/ LOAN DATA AWARD LISTING STATUS Race Street Complete Phase 1- 8th Street to Olympic Park $3,973,000 Grant FHWA/ WSDOT $550,000 STBG, 13.5% minimum City match April 2021 Project selected for 2021 Surface Transportation Block Grant. Funds transferred to WFL under agreement above. Race Street Complete Phase II Design-Front Street to 8th Street $6,000,000 Grant FHWA/WSDOT $750,000 STBG, 13.5% minimum City match May 2023 Project selected for 2021 Surface Transportation Block Grant. Funds transferred to WFL under agreement above. Signal Controller Upgrades $1,662,159 Grant WSDOT/FHWA #LA-10265 HSIP: $293,159 Design, $9,000 RW, $1,360,000 Construction December 2020 Grant accepted by Council Dec 2021. Agreement in place. Design underway. First/Front Pedestrian Safety Enhancements $1,280,000 Grant WSDOT/FHWA HSIP: $241,000 Design; $100,000 RW, $939,000 September 2022 Accepted by CC 1/17/2023. Agreement in negotiations; Design phase to begin 2023. CN phase to start 2025. 8th Street Paving $1,904,395 Grant TIB 2-2-150(010)-1 $1,464,365 TIB $440,000 City Match December 2022 Accepted by CC 1/17/2023. Agreement in place. Design to be done in-house. Construction planned for next summer. FEMA City Light EV Charging $48,000 Grant AQVWEVWP- 1921-PoAnPW- 00031 $28,800 from WA Dept of Ecology, 40% City match. January 2020 Agreement in place. Project Complete, in close out. Grant closeout complete. List of Acronyms AIP: Arterial Improvement Program BPA: Bonneville Power Administration BRAC: Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee DOE: Department of Ecology DWSRF or SRF: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund or State Revolving Fund FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency FHWA Federal Highway Administration HSIP: Highway Safety Improvement Program NOANet: Northwest Open Access Network NOSC: North Olympic Salmon Coalition July 5, 2023 L - 4 PASD: Port Angeles School District PBS: Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety PSP: Puget Sound Partnership PSMP: Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Program PWB: Public Works Board, administers the PWTF Program PWTF: Public Works Trust Fund RCO: Recreation and Conservation Office RCO WWRP – Trails: Recreation Conservation Office Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program – Trails STBG: Surface Transportation Block Grant Program SRF: Salmon Recovery Funding TIB: State of Washington Transportation Improvement Board TBD To Be Determined WSDOT: Washington State Department of Transportation WFL: Western Federal Lands July 5, 2023 L - 5