HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.504 Original Contract I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT MANUAL '\ ORIGINAL I #1 </. 504 I --~- ~ - -~_ ~__J for Park Ave Sewer & Sidewalk Improvements PROJECT NO. 04-04 & Campbell Ave Street Widening/Paving/Waterline PROJECT NO. 05-12 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON June 2005 GLENN A. CUTLER, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES GARY W. KENWORTHY, P.E., DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES For information regarding this project, contact: James M. Mahlum, Project Engineer, City of Port Angeles 360-417-4701 N IPROJECTS\04-04 Pari< Ave Sewer ImprovementsIProject Manua~Comp/ete Manua~Complete Manual DOC ESCROW AGREEMENT for RETAINED PERCENTAGE Park Ave. Sewer & Sidewalk Improvements (Project No. 04-04) Campbell Ave. Street Widening/Paving/Waterline (Project No. 05-12) Escrow No.: t/7~qtT1 O/~ ZJ/ City of Port Angeles Contract No. 04-04 & 05-12 Completion Date: TO: THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT is for the investment of the retained percentage of the above contract. in accordance with chapter 60.28 of the Revised Code of Washington. It is limited to FDIC insured Washington State Chartered Banks who are covered by the State of Washington Public Deposit Protection Act The undersigned.:t~ ljQ9,.,At~ f(;: "Contractor'), has directed the CITY OF ORT ANGELES (as "City"). to deliver to you its warrants which shaD be payable to you and/or the contractor. The warrants are to be held and disposed of by you in accordance with the following instruction: INSTRUCTIONS 1 . Upon delivery the warrants shall be endorsed by you and forwarded to the City for collection. You shall use the monies to purchase investments selected by the Contractor and approved by the City. You may follow the last written direction received by you from the Contractor, for each purchase, provided the direction otherwise conforms with this agreement Acceptable i~tments are; C3I Bills, certificates, notes or bonds of the United States; B. Other obligations of the United States or its agencies; C. Obligations of any corporation wholly owned by the Govemment of the United States; D. Indebtedness of the Federal National Mortgage Association; E. Time deposits in commercial banks; F. Other investments, except stocks, selected by the Contractor, subject to express prior written consent of the City. 2. The .nvestments shall be in a form which allows you alone to reconvert them into money if you are required to do so by the City. 3. The investments must mature on or prior to the date set for the completion of the contract, including extension there of or thirty (30) days following the final acceptance of the work. 4. When interest on the investments accrues and is paid, you shall collect the interest and forward it to the Contractor unless otherwise directed by the Contractor. 5. You are not authorized to deliver to the Contractor all or any part of the investments held by you pursuant to this agreement (or any monies derived from the sale of such investments, or the negotiation of the City's warrants) except in accordance with the written lOstructions from the City. Compliance With such instructions shall relieve you of any further liability related thereto. 6. In the event the City orders you, in writing, to reconvert the investments and retum all monies, you shall do so within thirty (30) days of receipt of the order. 7. The Contractor agrees to compensate you for your services in accordance with your current published schedule of applicable escrow fees. Payment of all fees PW 0407_02 Part02 (ReVIsed 05127/04] shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor and shall not be deducted from any monies placed with you pursuant to this agreement until and unless the City directs the release to the Contractor of the lOvestments and monies held hereunder, whereupon you shall be entitled to reimburse yourself from such monies for the entire amount of your fee. . 8. This agreement shall not be binding until signed by both parties and accepted by you. 9. This document contains the entire agreement between you, the Contractor, and the City, with respect to this Escrow, and you are not a party to, nor bound by any .nstrument or agreement other than this. You shall not be required to take notice of any default or any other matter, nor be bound by nor required to give notice or demand, nor required to take any action whatever except as herein expressly provided. You shall not be liable for any loss or damage not caused by your own negligence or willful misconduct. CONTRACTOR Federal Tax 1.0. No. ~ () Z- 19 I S"'tJ r 0 By: -::r~/" tJ ~'f'df~ . jJ~e.r /;;~A Address; /n " ~ II" Cd ~~S c.. ~ ~dll A~,./tId'. Wt4 . 7J/.r1u~r- f / CITY OF P..9"lT ANGE~~S /\ By; ~~ ~ Title: ;hslikn I (J,;/I ~/Ht:eY.z DATE: ~~~s- THE ABOVE ESCROWctGREEME~T RECj:IVED AND ACCEPTED on the J" day of ""7tJS r- 20tJS":"""" BANK ~1 #/I~L ~ .--r- / By: '-Jt#el/ ' 1/U/I1/f'd"/ y/. /6J3 F /pi- 5/- AH ,4,7.e-4;,- E5 () tZtJ frI ~72 9 09 O/~ ~3 / Title: DATE: Title: Address: W4 DISTRIBUTION. t::City-aeik1 FinanCiallnstitubon Contractor File Copy II-9 CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF AWARD July 6, 2005 TO: Jordan Excavating, Inc. 1826 South Golf Course Road Port Angeles, W A 98362 PROJECT Description: Park Avenue Improvements/Campbell Avenue Widening, Project No. 04-04/05-12 The Owner has considered the bid submitted by you for the above described work in response to its Advertisement for Bids dated July 5, 2005. You are hereby notified that your bid has been accepted for items in the amount of $674,658.24 You are required, as stated in the Information for Bidders, to execute the contract and furnish the required Contractor's Performance and Payment Bond and certificates of insurance within ten (10) calendar days from the date of this notice to you. If you fail to execute said contract and to furnish said bonds within ten (10) days from the date of this Notice, said Owner will be entitled to consider all of your rights arising out of the Owner's acceptance of your bid as abandoned and as a forfeiture of your bid bond. The Owner will be entitled to such other rights as may be granted by law. You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this Notice of Award to the Owner. Dated this 6th day of Julv, 2005. CITY OF PORT ANGEW By;:CM \ IV Title Assistant Civil EnQineer II ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above Notice of Award is hereby acknowledged this 6'/,{day of ~ v~ 20~ /~N~~ . Print Name $~e-1 t/ 4,v.f)/:J#~ f / ' ~s / ;;~~ Title Please return signed original to the City of Port Angeles Public Works & Utilities Department, attn: Eric C. Walrath cc: City Clerk N:\PROJECTS\05-12 Campbell Avenue Wldenlng\Award\Notlce_oCAward wpd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADDENDUM NO.1 TO PROJECT MANUAL FOR NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS June 29, 2005 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the instructions and requirements of the subject bid are amended as follows: Proposal 1. Sawcutting Existing Asphalt and Concrete: Bid Item AI-7 Revise quantity to read: 3200 L.F. 2. Catch Basin Type 1 w/Curb Inlet Frame and Grate: Bid Item AI-19 Revise to read: Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. Diam. w/Curb Inlet Frame and Grate 3. HMA CI % In. PG64-22: Bid Item AII-15 Revise unit to read: Ton Specifications 4. Section 7-05.4 Measurement and Section 7-05.5 Payment Revise to read: Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. Diam. w/Curb Inlet Frame and Grate Plans 5. Where shown on the plans and details revise "Catch Basin Type 1 w/Curb Inlet Frame and Grate" to read: "Catch Basin Type 2 w/Curb Inlet Frame and Grate" The Bid Opening Date has not been changed. This addendum must be acknowledged in the space provided on the Bid Form in the Project Manual that is submitted to the City. Failure to do so may result in the proposal being rejected as non-responsive. /J _ L-. ~ .. Gary W. K~worthy City Engineer "l;: -- - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT MANUAL for Park Ave Sewer & Sidewalk Improvements PROJECT NO. 04-04 & Campbell A ve Street Widening/Paving/Waterline PROJECT NO. 05-12 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON June 2005 r EXPIRES 9/20/ () S- Reviewed by: ~ -- City Attorney I - 1 N \PROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer Improvcmcnts\ProJcct Manual\Complete Manual\Complcte Manual OOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT MANUAL for Park A ve Sewer & Sidewalk Improvements PROJECT NO. 04-04 & Campbell Ave Street Widening/Paving/Waterline PROJECT NO. 05-12 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON June 2005 GLENN A. CUTLER, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES GARY W. KENWORTHY, P.E., DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES For information regarding this project, contact: James M. Mahlum, Project Engineer. City of Port Angeles 360-417-4701 N IPROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer Improvemen1SlProjed ManuallComplete ManuanComplete Manual OOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Park Ave Sewer & Sidewalk Improvements (Project No. 04-04) Campbell A ve. Street Widening/Paving/Waterline (Project No. 05-12) PART I BIDDING REQUIREMENTS: PaQe No(s). Advertisements for Bids............. ........... ................ ........ ................................ ........... ..... 1-4 1 nformation for Bidders. ............. .............. .............. ........ ............................... ............ ..... 1-5 Bidder's Checklist.......................................... ................................................................ 1-6 Non-Collusion Affidavit.... ......... ................ ............. .......... ............................. ................. 1-7 Bidder's Construction Experience............ ..................... ............................... ............. .... 1-8 List of Proposed Subcontractors................................................................................... 1-9 Bid Form................. ............. ..... ................ ....................... ............... ........... ........... 1-10-14 Bid Bond.................................................................................................................... 1-15 PART II CONTRACT FORMS SUBMITTED FOLLOWING AWARD OF CONTRACT Contract................................................................................................................... ..11-1-6 Performance and Payment Bond................................................................................ 11- 7 Escrow Agreement for Retained Percentage ..............................................................11- 8 Certificate of Insurance ..................................................................... [provided by bidder] PART III SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND SUBMITTALS ......111-1-34 PART IV ATTACHMENTS A. Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates for Clallam County B. Request For Information (RFI) and Construction Change Order (CCO) Forms C. Contractor's Application for Payment Form D. Amendments to the Standard Plans and Specifications E. Project Plans 1-2 N \PROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer Improvcments\PrOJecl Manual\Complete Manual\Complett Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART I BIDDING REQUIREMENTS 1- 3 N \PROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer Improvements\ProjeCl MlOual\Complctc Manual\Compler.c: Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Park Ave Sewer & Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 04-04 Campbell Ave. Street Widening/Pavin/Waterline, Project No. 05-12 City of Port Angeles Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Public Works & Utilities at 321 East Fifth Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, until 11 :OOam, July 5, 2005, and not later, and will then and there be opened and publicly read at that time in the Engineering Conference Room for the construction of the following improvements: Installation of approximately 960 feet of Blnch waterline, 2325 feet of 6 to 12 inch sanitary sewer, 500 feet of 12 inch storm sewer, including manholes, catch basins and other related work. The project also includes installation of 2100 feet of curb, gutter and sidewalk, roadway excavation, and asphalt concrete paving. All work will be in Park A ve right of way from Race Street to Ennis Street and on Campbell A ve. from Mt. Angeles to Porter Street. All work will be done in accordance with the plans, special provisions, and the current Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Plans and Specifications. The City Engineer's estimate for this project is $400,000 to $600,000. The time of completion (performance period) for this Project is 65 working days. To view detailed plans and specifications (Project Manual), go to www.bxwa.com on the internet, or contact the Builders Exchange of Washington at 425-258-1303. Detailed plans and specifications (Project Manual) may be obtained from the office of the City Engineer, City of Port Angeles, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of $50.00. Informational copies of maps, plans and specifications are on file for inspection in the office of the City Engineer [Phone 360-417-4700]. Bidders shall be qualified for the type of work proposed. A Bidder's Construction Experience Form is included in the Project Manual. All bids shall be submitted on the prescribed Bid Forms and in the manner as stated in this advertisement and in the Project Manual and said bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a cashier's check, postal money order, or surety bond to the City of Port Angeles in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. If a surety bond is used, said bond shall be issued by a surety authorized and registered to issue said bonds in the State of Washington. The bond shall specify the surety's name, address, contact and phone number, and shall include a power of attorney appointing the signatory of the bond as the person authorized to execute it. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into the Contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the Information for Bidders, the bid deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Port Angeles. Faxed bids and/or surety bonds will not be accepted. Minority and women owned businesses shall be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation, shall not be discriminated against on the grounds of gender, race, color, age, national origin or handicap in consideration of an award of any contract or subcontract, and shall be actively solicited for participation in this project by direct mailing of the invitation to bid to such businesses as have contacted the City for such notification. Further, all bidders are directed to solicit and consider minority and women owned businesses as potential subcontractors and material suppliers for this project. The bid may be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The City of Port Angeles reserves the right to accept the bid that is in the best interest of the City, to postpone the acceptance of bids and the award of the Contract for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, or to reject any and all bids received and further advertise for bids. When awarded the Contract, the successful bidder shall promptly execute the Contract and shall furnish a bond of faithful performance of the Contract in the full amount of the Contract price. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the outside clearly marked with the bid opening date and time, the project name and number as it appears in this advertisement and the name and address of the bidder. Bids shall be addressed to the Director of Public Works & Utilities, City of Port Angeles, 321 East Fifth Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. When awarded the Contract, the successful bidder shall promptly execute the Contract and shall furnish a bond of faithful performance of the Contract in the full amount of the Contract price. Glenn A. Cutler, P.E. Director of Public Works & Utilities Publish: Peninsula Daily News [June 19,26,2005], Daily Journal of Commerce [June 24,2005] Copy to: NPBA 1-4 N \PROJECTS\04.04 Park Ave Scwer ImprovemcnlS\ProJcd MaDuaJ\ComplClC Manual\CompldC Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the City of Port Angeles (herein called "Owner"), at 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, until the time and date as stated in the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS or as amended through addendum, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. Each bid shall be received by the Owner in the manner set forth in the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope, so marked as to indicate its contents without being opened, and addressed in conformance with the instructions of the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Each bid shall be submitted on the required bid form contained in Part I of the Project Manual. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in, in ink or typewritten, and the Bid Form must be fully completed and executed when submitted. Only one copy of the Bid Form is required. In addition, all other forms included in Part I shall be filled out and completed, including any addendum(s), and enclosed in a sealed envelope endorsed with the name of the work. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a cashier's check, postal money order, or surety bond to the City of Port Angeles for a sum of not less than 5% of the amount of the bid, and no bid will be considered unless accompanied by such bid deposit. The Owner may waive any informalities or minor defects or reject any and all bids. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled time for the opening of bids or authorized postponement thereof. Any bid received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No bidder will be permitted to withdraw its bid between the closing time for receipt of bids and execution of the Contract, unless the award is delayed for a period exceeding sixty (60) calendar days. A conditional or qualified bid will not be accepted. The City of Port Angeles reserves the right to accept the bid that is in the best interest of the City, to postpone the acceptance of bids and the award of the Contract for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, or to reject any and all bids. If all bids are rejected, the City may elect to re-advertise for bids. Subject to the foregoing, the contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The work will begin within ten (10) calendar days after notice to proceed from the Director of Public Works & Utilities and shall be completed within the time as stated in the Advertisement for bids. The Owner may make such investigations as it deems necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid, if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such bidder fails to satisfy the Owner that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. The party to whom the Contract is awarded will be required to execute the Contract and obtain the Performance and Payment Bond within ten (10) calendar days from the date the notice of award is delivered to the bidder. Such bond(s) shall be on the form provided by the Owner, specify the name, contact phone, and address of the surety, and shall include a power of attorney appointing the signatory of the bond(s) as the person authorized to execute it (them). The notice of award will be accompanied by the necessary Contract and bond forms. In case of failure of the bidder to execute the Contract, the Owner may, at its option, consider the bidder in default, in which case the bid deposit accompanying the bid shall become the property of the Owner. The Owner, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the acceptable Performance and Payment Bond and the Contract signed by the party to whom the Contract was awarded, will sign the Contract and return to such party an executed duplicate of the Contract. Should the Owner not execute the Contract within such period, the bidder may, by written notice, withdraw its signed Contract. Such notice of withdrawal will be effective upon receipt of the notice by the Owner. The notice to proceed will be issued within ten (10) calendar days of the execution of the Contract by the Owner. Should there be reasons why the notice to proceed cannot be issued within such period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Owner and Contractor. If the notice to proceed has not been issued within the ten (10) calendar day period or within the period mutually agreed upon, the Contractor may terminate the Contract without further liability on the part of either party. All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the Contract throughout. 1-5 N \PROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer bnprovcmc:nts\ProJccl ManoaJ\Complctc Manual\Complcte Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I BIDDER'S CHECKLIST 1. Has a bid deposit in the form of a surety bond in the proper form, postal money order, or cashier's check been enclosed with your bid? 2. Is the amount of the bid deposit at least five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid? 3. Have the bid forms been properly signed? 4. Have you bid on all items? 5. Has the non-collusion affidavit been properly executed? 6. Have you shown your contractor's state license number on the bid form? 7. Have you listed all Subcontractors that you will use for the project? 8. Have you filled out the bidder's construction experience form? The foJ/owing forms are to be executed after the Contract is awarded: A. Contract - To be executed by the successful bidder and the City. B. Performance bond - To be executed on the form provided by Owner, by the successful bidder and its surety company. To include name. contact and phone number. and address of surety and power of attorney of siqnatorv. C. Insurance certificate(s). 1-6 N \PROJECfS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer lmprovcmCl1ts\PrOjett Manual\Complcte Maoual\Complete Manual DOC - I - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF (1.JIL t(lJ.1'. ) ) ) The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath, says that the bid herewith submitted is a genuine and not a sham or collusive bid, or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named; and (s)he further says that the said bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any bidder on the above work or supplies to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that said bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to him/her self an advantage over any other bidder or bidders. ~ Sig Subscribed and sworn to before me this I day of I.. J L-l( ,201!i Nota~ Public in and :r State of Washington. Residing at f).J.- i\~'re'~ My Comm. Exp.: 10 --d-a~ok 1.7 N \PROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer Impl)VCl11.cots\ProJect Manual\Complete ManuaJ\Completc Manual DOC - I - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9. 10. 11. 12. BIDDER'S CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE 1. Answer all questions and provide clear and comprehensive information. ~ J' Name of bidder: :Je~~ b'/t14v#7pvCj 7vvc Registration Number: -::roe[),1-~:r 9'?.7o }=' Permanent main office address: l.v Z~ s. LJ.-o J/ C'tJ<./MC /!!d ___I 1"6,.if /J;,y ~ /J When organized: ')/fj Where incorporated: ' 7JMh,)yI>i> ~ How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present firm name? 11~S * Contracts on hand. (Schedule these, showing gross amount of each contract and the approximate anticipated dates of completion), contact name and phone numbe!j Cw/~ a L-ti })cyr OL4;:7?tL I!cf UC4d-. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. * Gener~ character oJ work perf~Jmed by your company: (./,v~e,L 7~A- c.{~I/lfli-s ~d &iVif,evc;h,.;"" 8. * Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so, where and why? ~I'Q ~.J/:i fi~<e. <1'57 oY5/ , T/b/C/4..f 7~/~ -6#C-t::/~e S * List your major equipment available for this contract: 3 4;v1V(J~-f1.... '"j)d~p I {?$ ?If E;<{J#~-e- (;;OAr- /)e~ 5'jtJ ey:.. 2- C'#,,)- '//"'~ I :J) 770 (}/YfJ.e-!Z- * Experience of bidder in construction similar to this project in work and importance: 7~ 13. Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any other information that may be required by the City? fi.s * Add separate sheets if necessary. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or corporation to furnish any information requested by the City of Port Angeles. Date: 1/rp f Bidder's Signature: #P ~~' PrintNeme:----=r~ tJ ~~ ' ~es/d'e~ Title: N \PROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Scwer lmprovcmCOts\ProJccl Manual\Complcte ManuaJ\CompldC Manual OOC 1-8 I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LISTING OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS Bidder shaUlist all subcontractors proposed to be used on the project. FAILURE TO LIST SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE A NON-RESPONSIVE BID. If there are no subcontractors, write "NO SUBCONTRACTORS WILL BE USED". NAME, ADDRESS AND CONTRACTOR'S DESCRIPTION OF WORK REGISTRATION NUMBER j~t:e-sld<u IN'dvsflZlCJ /1$;:;114'/-/ ;f-Pr--f 10.- t3D-r 7?r8" Io-~+ 1f~/t6 ( tJf), q iJ~Z- i.-t.3 -0 I L..;:J--.e.e.- 57 ~ .,;). 7q'J j) #t~ tJv~~0/7()'~ t,lJt.lc/!e1-e- ;f'-;-e~J' ~(), I5tJf tAr; 41 (Ads /)0"1 ( WI) VI?] vy fi.1/il'OCIJ 3J f7 ~ 1t/!-'0 c;---t/llfl-G ~t4t6' ]:k/"'-'7 J 7 I 7 - [} , ;/,1 t f r- / $'N!//;/;rf tJ 0;& I3e1J'l,;[ t'/j ,-~R I~:r 1 2-1 'S jYt (J~e#hrl uO;;. ~~' ~ - A URE and TITLE 1#tJ?5'~ /-h-//- 1-9 N \PROJECTS\04.04 Park Ave Sewer lmprovanmts\Project Maoual\Compler.e Manual\Complete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BID FORM (5 pages) Honorable Mayor and City Council Port Angeles City Hall 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 \ BIDDER: ~~~ ~y(i.4t7rt~frc. DATE: j~? The undersigned, hereinafter called the bidder, declares that the only person(s) interested in this bid are those named herein; that the bid is in all respects fair and without fraud; and that it is made without any connection or collusion with any other person making a bid on this project. REGISTRATION NO.: -::soepllf-:l 7f"J(}~ UBI NUMBER: ftpo'L. /9( 57150 The bidder further declares that it has carefully examined the plan, specifications, and contract documents, hereinafter referred to as the Project Manual, for the construction of the proposed project improvement(s); that it has personally inspected the site(s); that it has satisfied itself as to the types and quantities of materials, the types of equipment, the conditions of the work involved, including the fact that the description of and the quantities of work and materials, the types of equipment, the conditions of and the work involved as included herein, are brief and are intended only to indicate the general nature of the work and to identify the said quantities with the corresponding requirements of the Project Manual; and that this bid is made in accordance with the provisions and the terms of the Contract included in the Project Manual. The bidder further agrees that it has exercised its own judgment regarding the interpretation of surface information and has utilized all data which it believes is pertinent from the City Engineer, hereinafter also referred to as the City or Owner, and such other source of information as it determined necessary in arriving at its conclusion. The bidder further certifies that the subcontracting firms or businesses submitted on the LISTING OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS will be awarded subcontracts for the described portions of the work: If the bidder is awarded a construction contract on this bid, the name and address of the surety who will provide the performance bond is: 1J~;zrJ Sf/~f; CJ-/TJjJ/rt; Surety f: () &v 13(,17 fl;pf fJcY9,P4: /J4 Surety address ' , r1dlY\ ~~ c(~7 -- /lefl Surety Contact and Phone Number /1ljY/ ~~~,L- * S;~ Agent J,dJ t: -:rAYJ/- y fir Agent Address ~/Yl 7?:/re:~ Agent Contact and Phone Number C/-S-l, /(vy 1.10 N \PROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer Improvcmcnts\ProJCCI ManuaI\ComplClc Manual\Complcte Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sec Estimated Unit Price Item No. No. Description of Item Quantitv Units (Fieures) Extended Amount SCHEDULE A (Group n AI-I 1-04 Minor Change $5000.00 $5000.00 AI-2 1-05 Contractor Surveying 1 Lump Sum /'5 (jot), 00 ~/5" 0 aO - dO AI-3 1-07 SPCC Plan 1 Lump Sum 5' ()(J < <tV .F Sot) 0-0 - '5 S- "OG) , ad ~ AI-4 1-09 Mobilization 1 Lump Sum .3 5" C)c)v - oc) l AI-5 1-10 Project Temporary Traffic 1 Lump Sum II Control :;2 cJ CtJ(), oG d)-o ( 00-0 , (J-iJ AI-6 2-01 Clearing and Grubbing 1 Lump Sum 3 6acJ. CD t .3,~ _ 0;) AI-7 2-02 Sawcutting Existing Asphalt ...J~I? L.F. .1 and Concrete "3 Z--d a t- ~p 18' ()O _ cJD AI-8 2-03 Roadway Excavation Incl. 1275 C.Y. ~a i Haul I'd - / Z-: 7~(j , o-D AI-9 2-03 Embankment Compaction 985 C.Y. ~:;!!-- I' ~97"() - o:J AI-10 2-09 Removing Culvert 190 L.F. __ tY" 'lso.do S -- AI-ll 2-09 Structure Excavation Class B 240 C.Y. I'?" ~ W- 132-0 ~ aD Incl. Haul AI-12 2-09 Controlled Density Fill 5 C.Y. ;50'!!-- ~ 2--5t) - eN) AI-13 4-02 Gravel Base 165 Ton / t;J? ~ 1# p1.. b c; 0 oJ .' AI-14 4-04 Ballast 1405 Ton /~ !/- w Z 2- c( fit) - oiJ AI-15 4-04 Crushed Surfacing Top Course 470 Ton ~Y.-- ~ V /0 ..>9"'0_ o{) AI-16 5-04 HMA Cl. Y2 in. PG 64-22 525 Ton .-- CJcel 7 0/'/ ~z-j',. ou [t' :) :..---- AI-17 7-04 Testing Storm Sewer Pipe 420 L.F. -jo tr 1--/cJ . ~ ,. ;::...--- AI-18 7-04 Corrugated Polyethylene 480 L.F. ~~ ~ Storm Sewer Pipe 12 In. Diam. I, f( Z-oi) .. o-D AI-19 7-05 Catch Basin TypeJ!' w/Curb >JWt. 8 Each d,7OD ~ tf Inlet Frame and Grate 2/ 6(;-(J .. ov AI-20 7-05 Adjust Manhole 4 Each 2-50 ~ ~ /uaV - 6-0 AI-24 7-05 Connection to Drainage 3 Each kf ( II'~ 000 ~ Structure 3,o-o-b ~ 0--0 Shoring or Extra Excavation '- AI-25 7-08 125 S.F. ~ ~ Class B 3 37S- cJU AI-27 7-09 Ductile Iron Pipe for Water 15 L.F. ?Ie) ~ ~ b OV , criJ Main 6 In. Diam. AI-28 7-12 Adjust Valve Box 7 Each /O~- ~ 'R' to'I) .. o-D AI-29 7-14 Resetting Existing Hydrant 2 Each /~ ~ ,$ 'l--- cJc)-r:) .. c/ ;;; AI-30 7-15 Adjust Water Meter 4 Each 2-01J~ ~ ?mJ _0;) AI-34 8-01 Inlet Protection 15 Each I'c~ ~ ~ ;: S-O i) _ oJ AI-35 8-02 Topsoil Type C 200 C.Y. ,,9- ~ dJ- '(' ~()-(){) r ()[) \ 1-11 N IPROJEcrSI04-04 Park Ave Sew" ImprovanenlS\ProJecI Maoual\Complete MaouallComplete Manual DOC ~) T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : Sec Estimated Unit Price Item No. I No. : Description of Item Quantity Units (Fieures) Extended Amount AI-36 ,8-02 ~Seedine:, Fertilizine:, Mulch 0.4 Acre ?dtfd _ ~ 77~d ~ O.J AI-37 ; 8-04 ,Cement Cone. Traffic Curb 2090 L.F. dJ-- -I I : and Gutter () dll/7cJ J' oJ AI-38 ' 8-06 !Cement Cone. Driveway 175 S.Y. :30 ~ ~ <--2.-50 . (j J AI-39 : 8-09 ;Raised Pavement Marker 1.5 Hood all (' ;Type 1 Z--5CJ ::.;- ""3 7 '5~ . (rt) AI-40 8-09 iRaised Pavement Marker 0.5 Hood aJ -I 00 Iv. L(1c( :/ 7~ iType 2 ;).3 ... ! 8-12 dU. (( AI-41 !Remove and Renlace Fence 1 Lump Sum /~C)() :;....--- / ~dl1 . aD , Z-~ :!-- W' AI-42 8-13 Monument Case and Cover 2 Each <?J{) . 0-0 ;Cement Cone. Sidewalk S.Y. dV I ;;<& .J JS" , oj) AI-43 ,8-14 1145 ~3 ..- AI-44 ' 8-14 !cement Cone. Sidewalk Ramo 5 Each ;J'ftf 0/ # /7 SV , dU I 7..-fl{J c.;:- (/ ~ 7.-- <IV " 0 tJ AI-45 ~ 8-14 Mailbox Suonort Tvne 1 11 Each AI-46 .8-14 Mailbox Suonort Tvne 2 3 Each qd~ ~ $( I I. 2-- O() , aD : [Relocate Sim. / Do ~ <;( 5'0 d AI-47 ' 8-21 5 Each . Od AI-48 ;8-22 Plastic Crosswalk Line 208 S.F. '1 }:JI- ~ /,St, 0 ,(Jd AI-49 :8-22 Plastic Ston Line 30 L.F. -;1Y- 7 7 _ z.,.- 5. 00 : SCHEDULE A (Group ill All-4 1-09 Mobilization 1 Lump Sum 7001) 7- ,~ 7 ODd ' CTJ All-5 ' 1-10 !Project Temporary Traffic 1 Lump Sum ~ [ Control /0, oC){J.of) /0, GtH) - oJ : , All-to ,2-09 ~tructure Excavation Class B 2925 C.Y. / Z-- cJj:!..- tf iIncl. Haul -:? 5/ c)J . oJ All-II ;2-09 Controlled Density Fill 255 C.Y. // ~tf;!.-- ~ /2- /~_ 00 ;5-04 I ~/b;J (J5'-o~ /( ~ ~ '7 ()-Q . (/ J All-IS HMA Cl. Y2 In. PG64-22 40 All-20 )-05 Abandon Existing Manhole 4 Each (157) '?5!-- {( .? C)cdJ - crO [ 02750 ~ I' Ie .5OV . oj) All-21 ;7-05 ,Manhole 48 In. Diam Tvne 1 6 Each Manhole Additional Height 48 / All-22 :7-05 11 L.F. ?- ~ In. Diam. Tvne 1 z,ui> "Z- I 2-- av ... CJ () : I All-23 7-05 Connection to Drainage 1 Each ~ f Structure /ooV I (}-?Jc) - 00 I AIT-24 17-08 Shoring or Extra Excavation 22270 S.F. # s"V f IJ~' 0-0 Class B II All-25 '7-08 J>lue:e:in2 Existing Pive 2 Each zsv- ui?- t( .so/J~d'V I ff All-31 -7-17 ffestine Sewer Pine 2325 L.F. . Ii) 7_ 77.- ' s-o , I All-32 )-17 ;PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe 6 615 L.F. ()~ , , / s--: J 75r, di) , In. Diam. z..5' All-33 7-17 PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe 12 1710 L.F. 0-<> s-rf 7 ZO ~ 00 In. Diam. :3 -2---- ....- 1-12 N:\PROJI!C1'SI04.OO _1\"" _ ~<llIlII'I1!iea MarnsaIICompIcl MarnsaIICompIcl_OOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sec Estimated Unit Price Item No. No. Description of Item Quantitv Units (Fhmres) Extended Amount SCHEDULE B B-1 1-04 Minor Change $5000.00 $5000.00 B-2 1-07 SPCC Plan L.S. ~() .04 If' St}-fJ ~ 00 B-3 1-09 Mobilization L.S. /601Jo~ F / 50cJtJ ~ 0-0 ... B-4 1-10 Project Temporary Traffic L.S. ()C> f Control /' S. OcJt) '/ /.5, 0zJ0 ' oa B-5 2-01 Clearing and Grubbing L.S. 7 CJrJrj;5 rf' -; (J(j(J , 00 B-6 2-02 Removing Rock Wall 123 L.F. ./0 ~ r / Z-5cJ - 0-0 'Z-~ U' t _ (1) B-7 2-02 Sawcut Asphalt and Concrete 1900 L.F. ?~ B-8 2-03 Gravel Base for Fill Slopes 300 TON IcP ~ V c( ?Ov , o-J "- B-9 2-03 Roadway Excavation, Incl 400 C.Y. Ie( ~ f Haul S--; (9 eJO ~ oJ 10 6~ :f , B-IO 2-09 Embankment Compaction 200 C.Y. /-rl..crd-J . u-() B-ll 2-09 Structure Excavation Class B 40 C.Y. Z--d~ t Incl. Haul rOO .00 B-12 4-04 Ballast 600 TON I~ o~ ~ 1/J? Od .00 B-13 4-04 Ballast for Path 80 TON ;)0 ~ ~ Lief en) . o{) B-14 4-04 Crushed Surfacing Top Course 150 TON '1-2- ~ 4' 3 .3 ()f) , Oi) B-15 4-04 Crushed Surfacing Top Course 40 TON \ for Path :5 ~::!- t /~ ()cJ .. ou B-16 HMA for Preleveling Cl. !h" \ 5-04 80 TON ~ #' PG 64-22 /oS 8z~ o-L> _ c:JO B-17 5-04 HMA for Widening and 180 TON 9< OJ If Driveways Cl. !h" PG 64-22 I 1 /0-0 - 0 () \ B-18 5-04 HMA for Overlay Cl. !h" PG 200 TON o-tJ W' 64-22 N"- ( 7{ 8VzJ - 0-0 B-t9 7-02 Corrugated Polyethylene Culv. 232 L.F. I~ ~ bf Pipe 12 In. Diam. 3,ljZ-.cJO B-20 7-02 Plugging Existing Culvert 7 EACH /0-0 ~ W /(j() _ 0 () B-21 7-05 Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. t EACH <9 l# Diam. "3:500~ :5 50!) .00 B-22 7-05 Connection to Drainage I EACH ~ l Structure /ovC) ::..--- / o{)i) . OD B-23 7-09 C-900 Pipe for Water Main 8 960 L.F. ~ L In. Diam. c:::2 '/ oj) aJ,Oc(cJ . en:> B-24 7-12 Adjust Valve Box 3 EACH (' 0lJ c:TC-- 1,( "3 c:) 0 . QU B-25 7-12 Gate Valve 8 In. 2 EACH '1 cJl) ~ k( /. Rz}-u , 00 B-26 7-14 Hydrant Assembly 2 EACH J57J{)~ :I -; cJ~C) Ol) B-27 7-15 Adjust Water Meter 10 EACH ( 50 <TV :# c9-ft17J . c) CJ V ~ 1-13 N \PROJECTS\04-04 Part Ave Sewer Improvemc:nts\ProJcct Maoual\Complelc Manual\Complctc Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~'---~ I ""\PItOJECI'S\1l4 ..k Avo s-.. ~1SIProjcu -aaI1OImpktc ~ - DOC \, See Item No. . No. Deseri tion of Item B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-34 B-35 Units Extended Amount 18 EACH dG> FA. F.A. $2000.00 ~ 0 a 50 C.Y. fo~ oIJ _ aD 0.2 ACRE ~ 00 10 EACH . () t) 3 EACH " 00 256 S.F. . 0 lJ 30 S.Y. .... 6.;) 7-15 ;Service Connection 1 In. Diam. 8-01 $ $ $ $ $ 60 -.J~1f 3d!) 13~2-. ~~MuI 111 ( C;! 1,- "so I r I 51 7 ., ./ f I Ie( ~C(0 - ()() ~4 ti ~ 7 c( G,sf" " if I ~ 8-02 8-02 ~8-18 8-18 .8-24 :8-24 1 ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGMENT The bidder herebylacknowledges that it has received Addenda No(s). ( to this Project Manual. The name of the bidder submitting this bid and its business phone number and address, to which address all communications concerned with this bid and with the Contract shall be sent. are listed below. ~ .1. ~ \ 'i Bidder's firm name, J S;ecJdt:V bVC'/'VvtJ 7 /'"",,/ 'ppl/( , Complete address I? Z ~ s. t9tJlT ~v~5'C /Cd ~. f/J g.. 9?-J?" L (Street address) (State) (Zip) Schedule A{I) Subtotal Schedule A{II) Subtotal Schedule A{II) Sales Tax (8.3%) Schedule B Subtotal Total Bid Telephone No. (3 ~O) C/<5'el-! '];;.. 7 <3 , I I' Signed by . ~~ Tille Printed Na~ . -=re#itjt f-J j::/J~//4.J6 n ?~/d~/-- Notes: (1) If;the bidder is a partnership, so state, giving firm name under which business is transacted. (2) Ifthe bidder is a corporation. this bid must be executed by its duly authorized officials. 1-14 r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I ~~ BID BOND FORM Herewith find deposit in the fonn of a cashier's check, postal money order or Bid Bond in the amount of $ which amount is not less than five (5%) percent of the total bid. SIGN HERE BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we,..brdan :Ela::roOO~ Irr. as Principal and W?<>tE"'T' Su:ety Gb. as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF 6RT ANGELES as Obligee, in the penal sum of fi.~~~' euL of bid Dollars, for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for: Park Ave. Sewer & Sidewalk Improvements (Project No. 04-04) Campbell Ave. Street Widening/Paving/Waterline (Project No. 05-12) according to the terms of the bid made by the Principal, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful perfonnance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the advertisement for bids, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty and liquidated damages, the amount of this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS -1- day of Jtily ,2005 . ~ Surety . , " ~', ~~- W:stem s..rr.-ety 0::Iq::any Sirux: City, ID Surety address m R1x 1147, R1rt- ~l~, WA QA~6? Agent Address MoM. F'c}er & 9:rE Tn::;[I1mTYP, Trr 'lh:na<3 Fr)eL 360-457-1144 Surety Contact and Phone Number 'Ihnas Fr)eL Agent Contact and Phone Number Dated: Received return of deposit in the sum of $ 1-15 N \PROlECl'S\D4-04 Pork A""Sewtt Improv...cntslProjed MIDlIIIICompl..e ManlllllCompl... Man.1I DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . POWER OF ATTORNEY 22485271 . . That thIs Power of Attorney IS not valId or In effect unless attached to the bond whIch It authonzes executed, but may be detached by the apprOVIng offlc'er If deSIred. That Western Surety Company, a corporatIOn, does hereby make, constitute and appoInt the folloWIng ~THREE ::~ '" :;: I ,3:;, I authOrIZed IndlVlduals' Know All Men by These Presents: (Irrevocable) BOND No. SP. AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUALS DANIEL j ,FRYER >>.T~,.t. t;,~YE,~v:."" . ',' .,., ..., y,/ AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUALS Pl\UL M REED (:;: . ",)->" ,', ,/ '^~ >> ' ~:~ , , '-::>., : Y""~," / .<,1' ., ~/., ~> , ~,\ ~yY ~ '7 , y' ~ In the City of paR TAN GEL E S , State of PI ASH IN G TON lawful Attorney(s) In fact with full power and authonty hereby conferred, to sIgn, execute, acknowledge following descnbed bond. ., ~ t /' ~ ,,:' j ~ ..: "~ "Zt',.,/ .,,~' < ... ~ '~... }} , ,,"; I " ~~:y l~~J ',,". L , i.1 wIth lImited authonty, ItS true and and delIver for and on ItS behalf as Surety, the '" \~ y ':,/ , ' \;<=h' 'v ,: ../, ". ,,~:~~ :;... , .. ,~ <." ~ P" '"^ ':~ *' ' , '. ".^ {~:' /' ., ~ Y,,' ' Y ,. , , ONE 8l0t PERFORMANCE,. AND/OR PAYMENT BOND PROVIDING THE BONO PENALTY DOES NO EXCEED SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/IOO DOLLARS <***750 000.00). *******l********************************.***************************** ********************************.************************************* ********************************************************************** The acknowledgment and executIOn of such bond by the said Attorney in Fact shall be as binding upon this Company as if such bond had been executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of this Company. All authority hereby conferred shall expire and terminate, without notice, unless used before midnight of FEBRUARY 28 , 2006, but until such time shall be irrevocable and in full force and effect. WESTE~~~O~MPANY further certifies that the followlOg IS a true and exact copy of Sechon 7 of the By-Laws of Western Surety Company, duly adopted and now 10 f~~' ~~,\"I ~lttirn~~ll bonds, pollcles. undertaklOgs, Powers of Attorney or other obllgatlOns of the corporatIOn shall be executed 10 the corporate name of the Company b~~ re'lldoRt..~[et AsSistant Secretary, Treasurer, or any Vice PreSident, or by such other offIcers as the Board of Duectors may authorIZe The PreSIdent, any Vice i:!' " n,," .-::4..~ 04:'. eqt; Se~tl:J/,t9'ny..('>"ll"~ Secretary. or the Treasurer may appolOt Attorneys 10 Fact or Agents who shall have authority to Issue bonds. pollcles, or undertaklOgs In the ~e:b~-m CompaDl9' T~ ~ate seal IS not necessary for the valldlty of any bonds, pollcles. undertaklOgs. Powers of Attorney or other obllgallons of the corporal1On. The ;;;:lJgI1iure"'df any such of~er"<lt~lj corporate seal may be printed by facsimIle" g::> : U m: ~ 8:> 'Ehe penal amount of the: boh~erelO deSCribed may be IOcreased If there IS attached to thiS Power. written authOrity so authorlzlOg 10 the form of an endorsement, letter or ~ tc:.l,egtam SIgned by the SenIDr .llr\i!lirwrItlng OffICer, UnderwrltlOg Officer, PreSident, Vice PreSident, AsSistant Vice PreSident, Treasurer, Secretary or AsSIstant Secretary of Western ~sttrett Com~n~ speclflcally.llurl1'ol:!tlOg SOld lOcrease ~ 8l!'..}VI"rN$SfW)rEI!l~, itstern Surety Company has caused these presents to be executed by ItS PreSident With ItS corporate seal affixed thiS 8th ~~;:f~l:;;Atril~'~Y . 1997 . W EST ERN SUR E T Y COM PAN Y ST:;~o08'O~B~~~ DAKOTA} ss By ~i'. - . -r: 4- COUNTY OF MINNEHAHA ~t.VJ'Z,./ PreSIdent 8th April 1997 On thIS day of , 10 the year , before me, a Notary Pubhc, personally appeared Stephen T Pate, who belOg by me duly sworn, acknowledged that he Signed the above Power of Attorney as the aforesaid officer of WESTERN SURETY COMPANY and acknowledged said lOstrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporallon ~:~~~I My ComrrussJon ExpIres 6-2-2003 .---- I, the understgned offIcer of Western Surety Company, a stock corporatIOn of the State of South Dakota, do hereby cerhfy that the attached Power of Attorney IS 10 full force and effect and is irrevocable, and furthermore. that SectIOn 7 of the By-Laws of the company as set forth 10 the Power of Attorney, IS now 10 force, 'i~ Notary Public, South Dakota In teshmony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of Western Surety Company this" 1 day of Ji W ' 2005 WESTERN SUR TY COMPANY "IMPORTANT: ThiS date must be filled in before it is attached ~ /7 to the bond and it must be the same date as the bond. By -r: ~ Form 749-4-97 PreSident NOTICE: This border must be BLUE. If It IS not BLUE, this IS not a certified copy I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART II CONTRACT FORMS SUBMITTED FOllOWING AWARD OF CONTRACT PW 0407_02 Part02 [Revised OS/27/04] II - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT This Contract is made and entered into in duplicate this '3 rJday of IA f.. , ~o?' by and between the City of Port Angeles, a non-charter code city of the tate of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "the City", and ~o,.J~.I" {;;;el)va4"., J:.e. , a ~.~h(Hf f,rt c:."l'tIIl'a/". --, , hereinafter referred to as "the Contr~tor". WITNESSETH: Whereas, the City desires to have certain public work performed as hereinafter set forth, requiring specialized skills and other supportive capabilities; and Whereas, the Contractor represents that it is qualified and possesses sufficient skills and the necessary capabilities to perform the services set forth in this Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Work. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment in order to accomplish the following project: Park Ave. Sewer & Sidewalk Improvements (Project No. 04-04) Campbell Ave. Street Widening/Paving (Project No. 05-12) in accordance with and as described in A. this Contract, and B. the Project Manual, which include the attached plans, Specifications, Special Provisions, submittal requirements, attachments, addenda (if any), Bid Form, Performance and Payment Bond, and C. the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation, as may be specifically modified in the attached Specifications and/or Special Provisions, hereinafter referred to as "the standard specifications", and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract and every part thereof. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in this Contract, except as may otherwise be provided in the Project Manual. 2. Time for Performance and Liquidated Damages. A. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract and in adhering to the time frames specified herein. The Contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days after notice to proceed from the City, and said work shall be physically PW 0407_02 Part02 [Revised OS/27/04] ll-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I completed within 65 working days after said notice to proceed, unless a different time frame is expressly provided in writing by the City. B. If said work is not completed within the time for physical completion, the Contractor may be required at the City's sole discretion to pay to the City liquidated damages as set forth in the Project Manual, for each and every day said work remains uncompleted after the expiration of the specified time. 3. Compensation and Method ofPavrnent. A. The City shall pay the Contractor for work performed under this Contract as detailed in the bid, as incorporated in the Project Manual. B. Payments for work provided hereunder shall be made following the performance of such work, unless otherwise permitted by law and approved in writing by the City. No payment shall be made for any work rendered by the Contractor except as identified and set forth in this Contract. C. Progress payments shall be based on the timely submittal by the Contractor of the City's standard payment request form. D. Payments for any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract shall be in accordance with the Request For Information (RFI) and/or Construction Change Order (CCO) process as set forth in the Project Manual. Following approval of the RFI and/or CCO, the Contractor shall submit the standard payment request form(s). E. The Contractor shall submit payment requests with a completed Application for Payment form, an example of which is included in the Attachments to this Contract. This form includes a lien waiver certification and shall be notarized before submission. Applications for payment not signed or notarized shall be considered incomplete and ineligible for payment consideration. The City shall initiate authorization for payment after receipt of a satisfactorily completed payment request form and shall make payment to the Contractor within approximately thirty (30) days thereafter. 4. Independent Contractor Relationship. The relationship created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. No agent, employee, servant, or representative of the Contractor shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant, or representative of the City, and the employees of the Contractor are not entitled to any of the benefits the City provides for its employees. The Contractor shall be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and the acts of its agents, employees, servants, subcontractors, or representatives during the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all wages and salaries and all federal, state, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, workers compensation insurance, social security, and income tax withholding. 5. Prevailing Wage Requirements. The Contractor shall comply with applicable prevailing wage requirements of the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, as set forth in Chapter 39.12 RCW and PW 0407_02 Part02 [Revised OS/27/04] II - 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Chapter 296-127 WAC. The Contractor shall document compliance with said requirements and shall file with the City appropriate affidavits, certificates, and/or statements of compliance with the State prevailing wage requirements. The Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts, Clallam County, incorporated in this Contract have been established by the Department of Labor & Industries and are included as an Attachment to this Contract. The Contractor shall also ensure that any subcontractors or agents of the Contractor shall comply with the prevailing wage and documentation requirements as set forth herein. 6. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. A. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers against and from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or lawsuits, including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this Contract, except as expressly provided herein. B. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event ofliability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination ofthis Contract. 7. Insurance. The Contractor shall procure, and maintain for the duration of the Contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Failure by the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract upon which the City may, after giving five working days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the Contract or at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City, off set against funds due the Contractor from the City. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance The Contractor shall obtain insurance ofthe types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 11. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 Oland shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, PW 0407_02 Part02 [Revised OS/27/04] IT - 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I stop gap liability, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured Contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 1001 and Additional Insured- Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 10 01 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. 111. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws ofthe State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance The Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1 ,000,000 per accident. 11. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance. 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be in excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 11. The Contractor's insurance shall not be cancelled or reduced as to coverage by either party, except after forty-five (45) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage The Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. PW 0407_02 Part02 {Revised OS/27/04] 11-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Subcontractors The Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. G. Compliance with Laws. A. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including regulations for licensing, certification, and operation of facilities and programs, and accreditation and licensing of individuals, and any other standards or criteria as set forth in the Project Manual. B. The Contractor shall pay any applicable business and permit fees and taxes which may be required for the performance of the work. C. The Contractor shall comply with all legal and permitting requirements as set forth in the Project Manual. 9. Non-discrimination. The parties shall conduct their business in a manner which assures fair, equal and nondiscriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed, color, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin, and, in particular: A. The parties will maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions from qualified individuals who are members of the above-stated minorities. B. The parties will comply strictly with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of nondiscriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all patrons and customers without discrimination with respect to the above-stated minority status. 10. Assignment. A. The Contractor shall not assign this Contract or any interest herein, nor any money due to or to become due hereunder, without first obtaining the written consent of the City, nor shall the Contractor subcontract any part of the services to be performed hereunder without first obtaining the consent ofthe City. B. The Contractor hereby assigns to the City any and all claims for overcharges resulting from antitrust violations as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this Contract, except as to overcharges resulting from antitrust violations commencing after the date of the bid or other event establishing the price of this Contract. In addition, the Contractor warrants and represents that each of its suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims for overcharges to the City in accordance with the terms of this provision. The Contractor further agrees to give the City immediate notice of the existence of any such claim. PW 0407_02 Part02 [Revised OS/27/04] II - 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11. Contract Administration. This Contract shall be administered by -.:r ~~ tJ ~~j?J64~ behalf of the Contractor and by James M. Mahlum. Civil Emdneer on behalf of the City. Any written notices required by the terms of this Contract shall be served or mailed to the following addresses: Contractor: City: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 12. Interpretation and Venue. This Contract shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any litigation between the parties regarding this Contract shall be Clallam County, Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first set forth above. CONTRACTOR: . ~a~~ WC.4vdr7 Jive. Name of Contractor By: ..--.:s:e~ t-I P/V'~~J~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES: ~)-DO~ Mayor , Title: I~/d~'-/- Attest: ~{I~ ~ 8:4J ~ PW 0407_02 Part02 [Revised OS/27/04] 11-7 I I I I I I I I I I I i - - - - - I I . ' PERFORMANCE and PAYMENT BOND Bond to the City of Port Angeles Bond # 2 24 8 5 2 7 2 '~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned,Jordan Excava tinq Inc as Principal, and WPRrprn Surety Co a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, as a surety corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to becom~ surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations as surety, are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Port Angeles in the penal sum of $ 674,658.24 for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be. This obligation is entered into pursuant to the statutes of the State of Washington and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. Dated at Port Angeles , Washington, this ~ tElay of July ,2005. The conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has let or is about to let to the said Jordan Excava tinq, Inc the above bounded Principal, a certain contract, the said contract being numbered 04-04 & 05-12 ,and providing for Park Ave. Sewer & Sidewalk Improvements AND Campbell Ave. Street Wideninq/Paving/Waterline (which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto), and WHEREAS, the said Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the said contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth; now, therefore, If the said Principal, ,1nnlrm Excava tina, Inc. , shall faithfully perform all of the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time therein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply said Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and shall indemnify and hold the City of Port Angeles harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in said contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under said contract within a period of one year after its acceptance thereof by the City of Port Angeles, then and in that event, this obligation shall be void; but otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. Signed this 13 tttay of July ,2005. Jordan Excavating, Inc. Principal ~~ ~;d~ Title PO Box 1347, Port Angeles WA 98362 Agent Address Thomas L. Fryer 360-457-1144 Agent Contact and Phone Number Attornev in Fact Title Sioux City, SD Surety Address Thomas L. Fryer 360-457-1144 Surety Contact and Phone Number PW 0407_02 part02 {Revised OS/27/04] 11-8 ,-^...-' j , -~--.:-~ POWER OF ATTORNEY -# KnQlV All Men by These Presents: 22485212 I !! That thIs Power of Attorney IS not valId or In effect unless attached to the bond which It authOrIzes executed, but may be detached by the approVIng offIcer If deSIred That Western Surety Company, a corporatIOn, does hereby make, constitute and appoInt the follOWIng i I iH::::: 0: ,; ,l:3'; ,,:1 . .. ....,........ . .' authOrIzed IndIVIduals. (Irrevocable) BOND No. SP- ::tHREE:; AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUALS OANIEl.uUFRYEJ\ T L .fRYER- AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUALS ~AUL' M REED . \~, " " " ", ' ! ! I . i ~ , I 0' j I In the CIty of POR T lawful Attorney(s) In fact follOWIng descnbed bond ANGFLES ,State of WASHINGTON ,wIthlImltedauthonty,ltstrue~and WIth full power and authonty hereby conferred, to sIgn, ~xecute, acknowledge and delIver for and on ItS behalf as Surety, the I . , ONE BID PERFORMANCE AND/OR PAYME~T BONO PROVIDING THE BOND PENALTY DOES Not EXCEED SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/lOa DOLLARS l:::~~~!~~~*~~l****************************************************~** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** The acknowledgment and execution of such bond by the said Attorney in Fact shall be as binding upoh this Company as If such bond had been executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of this Company. ' i All authority hereby conferred shall expire and terminate, without notice, unless used before midnight of FEBRUARY 28 , 2006, but until such time shall be irrevocable and In full force and :effect. +;-~~-~l My CommisSIOn Expires 6~2~2003 . ..~-- I, Ihe underSlgned off,cer of Western Surety Company, a stock corporatlOn of Ihe State of South Dakota, do hereby cerl1fy that the attached Power of Attorney IS 10 full force and effect and IS urevocable, and furthermore, that SectlOn 7 of the By-Laws of the company as set forth 10 the Power of Attorney, IS now 10 force In tesl1mony whereof, I have hereunto ~et my hand and the seal of Western Surety Company this' 13 t h day of J U 1 y 2 0 0 5 W EST ERN SUR E T Y COM PAN Yi By ~';:4 I; Pres~ .....CE: T~r mUS_E If It '.UE, Ihl""" certlf" ':R~ Notary Public, South Dakota 'IMPORTANT: This date must be filled in before It is attached to the bond and it must be the same date as the bond. I Form 749.4-97 - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART III SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND SUBMITTALS III- 1 N IPROJECTSI04..Q4 Park Ave Sewer ImprovemenlslProjeCl ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION/ORDER OF PRECEDENCE See Section 1-04.2 of the Standard Specifications for the general order of precedence for inconsistency in the parts of the Contract. In addition, the order of precedence in the case of conflicting specifications, special provisions, submittal requirements, plans, drawings, or other technical requirements of this Project Manual is as follows: 1. Special Provisions as set forth on pages III - 1 through III - 34. 3. Project Plans, as set forth in Attachment~. 4. Amendments to the Standard Plans and Specifications issued prior to April 1, 2004, as set forth in Attachment JL. 5. Washington State Department of Transportation's 2004 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction (English Units), referred to herein as the Standard Specifications. This includes Section 1-99, APWA SUPPLEMENT. 6. Washington State Department of Transportation's Standard Plans, as referenced on pages -1.!L= 29 Through 111- 32. 7. Attachments (exclusive of the above-mentioned) as listed in the Table of Contents of the Project Manual. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS This Contract incorporates the Washington State Department of Transportation's 2004 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction (English Units), referred to herein as the Standard Specifications. Unless otherwise superseded as detailed above, the Standard Specifications describe the general requirements, description, materials, construction requirements, measurement and payment of work to be completed under this Contract. Section 1-99, APWA SUPPLEMENT, of the 2004 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, shall be included and made a part of the contract specifications. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following Special Provisions are made a part of this contract and supersede any conflicting provisions of the 2004 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, and the foregoing Amendments to the Standard Specifications. . Several types of Special Provisions are included in this contract; General, Region, Bridges and Structures, and Project Specific. Special Provisions types are differentiated as follows: (date) (******) General Special Provision Notes a revision to a General Special Provision and also notes a Project Specific Special Provision. Region Special Provision Bridges and Structures Special Provision (Regions1 date) (BSP date) III- 2 N IPROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer lmprovementslProjecl ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DESCRIPTION OF WORK (March 13, 1995) This contract provides for the installation of approximately 960 feet of 8 Inch waterline, 2325 feet of 6 to 12 inch sanitary sewer, 500 feet of 12 inch storm sewer, including manholes, catch basins and other related work. The project also includes installation of 2100 feet of curb, gutter and sidewalk, roadway excavation, and asphalt concrete paving. All work will be in Park Ave right of way from Race Street to Liberty Street and on Campbell Ave. from Mt. Angeles to Porter Street. All work will be done in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these Contract Provisions, and the current Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Plans and Specifications. DEFINITIONS (******) Section 1-01.3 is supplemented with the following: The term "Contract Bond" is understood to be equal to "Performance and Payment Bond" for this project. The term "State" is redefined to mean the City of Port Angeles for this project. The term "Commission" is redefined for this project to mean the City Council of the City of Port Angeles. The term "Secretary" is redefined for this project to mean the Director of Public Works for the City of Port Angeles. The term "Department" is redefined to mean the City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works & Utilities for this project. The terms "Engineer" and "Project Engineer" are redefined for this project to mean the City Engineer for the City of Port Angeles. The terms "Contract" and "Project Manual" are interchangeable. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS (******) Section 1-02.2 of the Standard Specifications is deleted and replaced with the following: Information as to where plans and specifications can be obtained or reviewed will be found in the advertisement for the work placed in the Owner's official newspaper. BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS PROPOSAL FORMS (******) The term "prequalified" is deleted from Section 1-02.5 of the Standard Specifications for this project. III- 3 N IPROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementslProJect ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (******) PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL Section 1-02.6 is supplemented with the following: Schedule of Bids Because of the nature of funding on this project, the bidding proposal on this project is composed of the following parts: Schedule A - Park Ave. Sewer/Sidewalk Improvements Group 1 - Sidewalk, Street, and Storm Drainage Improvements Group 2 - Sanitary Sewer Improvements Schedule B - Campbell Ave. Widening/Paving and Waterline Improvements The bids include all labor, materials, service, and incidentals necessary for the completion of the project as shown on the drawings and these specifications. Schedule A Schedule A (Group 1) consists of items related to the construction of roadway, sidewalk and storm drainage and therefore are considered non-taxable items. These items will be paid as defined in Section 1-07.2. Schedule A (Group 2) consists of items related to the construction of Sanitary Sewer and therefore are considered taxable items. These items will be paid as defined in Section 1-07.2. Schedule B Schedule B consists of items related to the construction of roadway, sidewalk and storm drainage and therefore are considered non-taxable items. These items will be paid as defined in Section 1-07.2. Bidding Procedures The bidder shall submit a price on each and every item of work included in all of the schedules. The successful bidder will be determined by the lowest total of all the schedules, including the taxes on Schedule A (Group 2). Award will be based on the lowest total subject to the requirements of Section 1-03. DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL (******) Section 1-02.9 of the Standard Specifications is modified in its entirety for this project to now read as follows: Each proposal shall be submitted in accordance with the instructions outlined in the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS and the INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS AND BIDDER'S CHECK LIST. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND (******) In accordance with Section 1-03.4 of the Standard Specifications the Contractor shall execute a Performance and Payment Bond as provided in the Contract. The bond shall specify the surety's name and address and shall include a power-of-attorney appointing the signatory of the bond as the person authorized to execute it. CHANGES IN WORK (******) Section 1-04.4, Changes, of the Standard Specifications shall be amended to add the following: III- 4 N \PROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer Improvemen\S\ProJecl Manual\Complele Manual\Complete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I All revisions, clarifications, field requests and field authorizations for construction contracts shall be documented using the "REQUEST FOR INFORMATION" form. A construction contract change order may be initiated by the Contractor, City inspector, or Architect/Engineer by using the RFI form provided. Definitions: RFI: ceo: Request for Information (City of Port Angeles' Document PW 404_02) Construction Change Order (City of Port Angeles' Document PW 404_04) CONTROL OF WORK PLANS AND WORKING DRAWINGS (******) Unless otherwise required by the Submittal Requirements, Section 1-05.3 of the Standard Specifications shall apply. Conformity With And Deviations From Plans And Stakes Section 1-05.4 is supplemented with the following: (December 6, 2004) Contractor Surveying - Roadway (Park A ve Project Only) Copies of the Contracting Agency provided primary survey control data are available for the bidder's inspection at the office of the Project Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for setting, maintaining, and resetting all alignment stakes, slope stakes, and grades necessary for the construction of the roadbed, drainage, surfacing, paving, channelization and pavement marking, illumination and signals, guardrails and barriers, and signing. Except for the survey control data to be furnished by the Contracting Agency, calculations, surveying, and measuring required for setting and maintaining the necessary lines and grades shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Detailed survey records shall be maintained, including a description of the work performed on each shift, the methods utilized, and the control points used. The record shall be adequate to allow the survey to be reproduced. A copy of each day's record shall be provided to the Engineer within three working days after the end of the shift. The meaning of words and terms used in this provision shall be as listed in "Definitions of Surveying and Associated Terms" current edition, published by the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and the American Society of Civil Engineers. The survey work shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Verify the primary horizontal and vertical control furnished by the Contracting Agency, and expand into secondary control by adding stakes and hubs as well as additional survey control needed for the project. Provide descriptions of secondary control to the Contracting Agency. The description shall include coordinates and elevations of all secondary control points. 2. Establish, the centerlines of all alignments, by placing hubs, stakes, or marks on centerline or on offsets to centerline at all curve points (PCs, PTs, and Pis) and at points on the alignments spaced no further than 50 feet. ' 3. Establish clearing limits, placing stakes at all angle points and at intermediate points not more than 50 feet apart. III- 5 N \PROJECTS\04-Q4 Park Ave Sewer Improvements\Project Manual\Complete Manual\Complete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. Establish grading limits, placing slope stakes at centerline increments not more than 50 feet apart. Establish offset reference to all slope stakes. 5. Establish the horizontal and vertical location of all drainage features, placing offset stakes to all drainage structures and to pipes at a horizontal interval not greater than 25 feet. 6. Establish roadbed and surfacing elevations by placing stakes at the top of subgrade and at the top of each course of surfacing. Subgrade and surfacing stakes shall be set at horizontal intervals not greater than 50 feet in tangent sections, 25 feet in curve sections with a radius less than 300 feet, and at 10-foot intervals in intersection radii with a radius less than 10 feet. Transversely, stakes shall be placed at all locations where the roadway slope changes and at additional points such that the transverse spacing of stakes is not more than 12 feet. 7. Establish intermediate elevation benchmarks as needed to check work throughout the project. 8. Provide references for paving pins at 25-foot intervals or provide simultaneous surveying to establish location and elevation of paving pins as they are being placed. 9. For all other types of construction included in this provision, (including but not limited to channelization and pavement marking, illumination and signals, guardrails and barriers, and signing) provide staking and layout as necessary to adequately locate, construct, and check the specific construction activity. The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency copies of any calculations and staking data when requested by the Engineer. To facilitate the establishment of these lines and elevations, the Contracting Agency will provide the Contractor with primary survey control information consisting of descriptions of two primary control points used for the horizontal and vertical control, and descriptions of two additional primary control points for every additional three miles of project length. Primary control points will be described by reference to the project alignment and the coordinate system and elevation datum utilized by the project. In addition, the Contracting Agency will supply horizontal coordinates for the beginning and ending points and for each Point of Intersection (PI) on each alignment included in the project. The Contractor shall ensure a surveying accuracy within the following tolerances: Vertical :to.10 feet Slope stakes Subgrade grade stakes set 0.04 feet below grade :to.01 feet Stationing on roadway Alignment on roadway Surfacing grade stakes N/A N/A :to.01 feet III- 6 N IPROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementsIProjeCl ManuallCOrll>lete ManuallComplete Manual.DOC Horizontal :to. 1 0 feet :to.5 feet (parallel to alignment) :to.1 feet (normal to alignment) :to. 1 feet :to.04 feet :to.5 feet (parallel to alignment) :to. 1 feet (normal to alignment) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Roadway paving pins for surfacing or paving :to.01 feet :to.2 feet (parallel to alignment) :to. 1 feet (normal to alignment) The Contracting Agency may spot-check the Contractor's surveying. These spot-checks will not change the requirements for normal checking by the Contractor. When staking roadway alignment and stationing, the Contractor shall perform independent checks from different secondary control to ensure that the points staked are within the specified survey accuracy tolerances. The Contractor shall calculate coordinates for the alignment. The Contracting Agency will verify these coordinates prior to issuing approval to the Contractor for commencing with the work. The Contracting Agency will require up to seven calendar days from the date the data is received. Contract work to be performed using contractor-provided stakes shall not begin until the stakes are approved by the Contracting Agency. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the accuracy of the stakes. Stakes shall be marked in accordance with Standard Plan H-14. When stakes are needed that are not described in the Plans, then those stakes shall be marked, at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency as ordered by the Engineer. Licensed Surveyors (******) The Contractor shall be responsible for reestablishing or locating legal survey markers such as GLO monuments or property corner monuments, conduct boundary surveys to determine Contracting Agency right-of-way locations, and obtain, review and analyze deeds and records as necessary to determine these boundaries. The Contracting Agency will provide "rights of entry" as needed by the Contractor to perform the work. The Contractor shall brush out or clear and stake or mark the right-of-way lines as designated by the Engineer. When required, the Contractor shall prepare and file a Record of Survey map in accordance with RCW 58.09 and provide a recorded copy to the Contracting Agency. The Contracting Agency will provide all existing base maps, existing horizontal and vertical control, and other material available with Washington State Plane Coordinate information to the Contractor. The Contracting Agency will also provide maps, plan sheets, and/or aerial photographs clearly identifying the limits of the areas to be surveyed. The Contractor shall establish Washington State Plane Coordinates on all points required in the Record of Survey and other points designated in the Contract documents. Existing right of way documentation, existing base maps, existing horizontal and vertical control descriptions, maps, plan sheets, aerial photographs and all other available material may be viewed by prospective bidders at the office of the Project Engineer. The Contractor shall perform all of the necessary calculations for the contracted survey work and shall provide copies of these calculations to the Contracting Agency. Electronic files of all survey data shall be provided and in a format acceptable to the Contracting Agency. III- 7 N \PROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer Improvements\Project Manual\Complete Manual\Complele Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I All survey work performed by the Contractor shall conform to all applicable sections of the Revised Code of Washington and the Washington Administrative Code. The Contractor shall provide all traffic control, signing, and temporary traffic control devices in order to provide a safe work zone for the surveyors. Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for the following bid item when included in the proposal: "Contractor Surveying", lump sum. The lump sum contract price for "Contractor Surveying" shall be full pay for all labor, equipment, materials, and supervision utilized to perform the work specified, including any resurveying, checking, correction of errors, replacement of missing or damaged stakes, traffic control, and coordination efforts. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS (******) Section 1-05.5 As-built drawings are required to be maintained by the Contractor. The as-built drawings shall be a record of the construction as installed and completed by the Contractor. They shall include all the information shown on the contract set of drawings and a record of all construction deviations, modifications or changes from those drawings which were incorporated in the work; all additional work not appearing on the contract drawings; all design submittals, including any electrical schematics; and all changes which are made after final inspection of the contract work. The Contractor shall mark up a set of full size plans using red ink to show the as-built conditions. These as-built marked prints shall be kept current and available on the job site at all times, and be made available to the City Engineer upon request. The changes from the contract plans which are made in the work or additional information which might be uncovered in the course of construction shall be accurately and neatly recorded as they occur by means of details and notes. No construction work shall be concealed until it has been inspected, approved, and recorded. The drawings shall show at least the following: a. The location and description of any utilities or other installations known to exist and or encountered within the construction area. The location of these utilities shall include an accurate description, dimensions, and at least 2 ties to permanent features for all utilities encountered. b. The location and description of all facilities and appurtenances installed by the Contractor. The location of facilities and appurtenances shall include accurate dimensions and at least 2 ties to permanent features for all major components, including gate valves. The City of Port Angeles has the right to deny progress payments for completed work if as- built records, as required by this section, are not available on the job site for the work that has been completed by the date of the payment request. Final as-builts shall be delivered to the City Engineer at the time of final inspection for review and approval. As-built drawings must be approved by the City Engineer before final payment will be made. See Submittal Requirements for additional information. III- 8 N IPROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementslProJect ManuallComplete Manual\Complete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-05.10 GUARANTEES (******) Section 1-05 is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall guarantee all materials and equipment furnished and work performed for a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial completion. The Contractor shall warrant and guarantee for a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial completion of the system that the completed system is free from all defects due to faulty materials or workmanship, and the Contractor shall promptly make such corrections as may be necessary by reason of such defects including the repairs of any damage to other parts of the system resulting from such defects. The City will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. In the event that the Contractor should fail to make such repairs, adjustments, or other work that may be made necessary by such defects, the City may do so and charge the Contractor the cost thereby incurred. The Performance and Payment Bond shall remain in full force and effect through the guarantee period. Measurement and Payment All costs associated with this item shall be incidental to the contract prices for the various bid items. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC State Taxes Section 1-07.2 is supplemented with the following: (March 13, 1995) The work on this contract is to be performed upon lands whose ownership obligates the Contractor to pay State sales tax on portions of the project work and obligates the Contractor to collect State sales tax from the Contracting Agency on other portions of the project as follows: 1. The provisions of Section 1-07 .2( 1) apply to the following listed portions of the project: Schedule A (Group 1) AND Schedule B 2. The provisions of Section 1-07.2(2) apply to all of the remaining portions of the project. For bidding purposes the Contracting Agency has segregated the plan quantities which are affected by Section 1-07.2(1) from those quantities affected by Section 1-07.2(2). These approximate quantities are shown on the Summary of Quantities sheets; however, any tax payments shall be based on actual quantities used. Permits And Licenses (******) All requirements of any permits included in this Project Manual shall be adhered to by the Contractor. All costs related to adhering to these permit(s) shall be included in the overall cost of the contract - no additional payment will be made to the Contractor for work required to meet the requirements of the any permit. Utilities And Similar Facilities (******) Section 1-07.17 is supplemented by the following: Locations and dimensions shown in the plans for existing facilities are in accordance with available information obtained without uncovering, measuring, or other verification. III- 9 N IPROJECTS\04-Q4 Park Ave Sewer Improvemenls\Project ManuallComplete Manual\Complele Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Public and private utilities, or their contractors, will furnish all work necessary to adjust, relocate, replace, or construct their facilities unless otherwise provided for in the Plans or these Special Provisions. Such adjustment, relocation, replacement, or construction will be done during the prosecution of the work for this project. The Contractor shall call the Utility Location Request Center (One Call Center), for field location not less than two nor more than ten business days before the scheduled date for commencement of excavation which may affect underground utility facilities, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties involved. A business day is defined as any day other than Saturday, Sunday, or a legal local, state or federal holiday. The telephone number for the One Call Center for this project is 1-800-424-5555. The Contractor is alerted to the existence of Chapter 19.22 RCW, a law relating to underground utilities. Any cost to the Contractor incurred as a result of this law shall be at the Contractor's expense. No excavation shall begin until all known facilities in the vicinity of the excavation area have been located and marked. The following addresses and telephone numbers of utility companies known or suspected of having underground facilities within the project limits are supplied for the Contractor's convenience: Owest Communications (telecommunications) 635 Oakridge Drive Port Angeles, W A 98362 Telephone: 452-2184 City of Port Angeles - Department of Public Works & Utilities (water, sewer, stormwater, power) 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 Telephone: 417-4807 (Underground utility location assistance) Wave Broadband Television (cable TV) 725 East First Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 Telephone: 452-8466 Capacity Provisioning, Inc. (Telecommunications) 116% West Eighth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 460-9159 Clallam County PUD (Telecommunications) 2431 East Highway 101 Port Angeles, W A 98362 452-9771 Bonneville Power Administration (Telecommunications) 1400 East Park Avenue Port Angeles, WA 98362 457-4565 Virginia Mason Port Angeles (Telecommunications) 433 East Eight Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-3373 III - 10 N IPROJECTSI04.Q4 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementslProject ManuaJIComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Olympic Medical Center (Telecommunications) 939 Caroline Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 417-7000 Public Convenience And Safety Construction Under Traffic Section 1-07.23(1) is supplemented with the following: (April 5, 2004) The construction safety zone will be determined as follows: When the posted speed is 35 MPH or under, the safety zone will be 10 feet from the outside edge of traveled way or 2 feet beyond the outside edge of the sidewalk. When the posted speed is from 40 to 55 MPH the safety zone will be 15 feet from the outside edge of traveled way. When the posted speed is 60 MPH or over the safety zone will be 30 feet from the outside edge of traveled way. During nonworking hours equipment or materials shall not be within the safety zone unless it is protected by permanent guardrail or temporary concrete barrier. The use of temporary concrete barrier shall be permitted only if the Engineer approves the installation and location. During the actual hours of work, unless protected as described above, only materials absolutely necessary to construction shall be within the safety zone and only construction vehicles absolutely necessary to construction shall be allowed within the safety zone or allowed to stop or park on the shoulder of the roadway. The Contractor's nonessential vehicles and employees private vehicles shall not be permitted to park within the safety zone at any time unless protected as described above. Deviation from the above requirements shall not occur unless the Contractor has requested the deviation in writing and the Engineer has provided written approval. (******) In addition to the requirements of Section 1-07.23(1) of the Standard Specifications, the following provisions shall apply: 1. Adjacent roadways and sidewalks shall be cleaned of construction debris at the end of each workday, or sooner if there is an unanticipated adverse impact on the safety of the traveling public. 2. There shall be no delay to medical, fire, police, or other emergency vehicles with flashing lights or sirens. The Contractor shall alert all flaggers and personnel of this requirement. 3. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least one work day in advance of the need to restrict parking within the project limits. The Engineer will notify the Police Department of the required restricted parking. 4. Prior to cutting across driveways and business or parking accesses, the Contractor MUST NOTIFY ALL OWNERS AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. 1II-11 N IPROJECTSI04-Q4 Pari< Ave Sewer IrnprovemenlsIProject ManuallComplele ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Every effort shall be made to limit restrictions to access of businesses to short periods of time. The Contractor may be required to address business access concerns on short notice. Modification(s) to the contract to compensate the Contractor for changes due to access concerns shall only be made if such change results in an impact on the delivery schedule of more than one day and/or a significant change in labor or equipment requirements. (******) Construction and Maintenance of Detours Section 1-07.23(2) is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall close Park Avenue from Race Street to Liberty, including intersections with Washington Street and Port Street, except to local traffic. The Contractor shall maintain access to local traffic throughout the project. The Contractor is responsible to maintain access to Franklin Elementary School, on Washington Street, at all times during the school year and as requested by the school district. The Contractor shall be responsible to contact the school district for the bus schedules. PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS Progress Schedule (March 13, 1995) The third sentence of the second paragraph of Section 1-08.3 is revised to read as follows: The schedule shall be developed by a critical path, bar graph, or similar type method. (******) Order of Work The contractor shall make a concerted effort to complete that portion of work along Park Avenue between Race Street and Washington Street in a timely fashion to provide bus access for Franklin Elementary School. Time For Completion (******) Section 1-08.5 is supplemented with the following: Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract and in adhering to the time frames specified herein. The Contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days after notice to proceed from the City, and said work shall be physically completed within 65 working days after said notice to proceed, unless a different time frame is expressly provided in writing by the City. If said work is not completed within the time for physical completion, the Contractor may be required at the City's sole discretion to pay to the City liquidated damages as set forth in the Project Manual, for each and every day said work remains uncompleted after the expiration of the specified time. PAYMENTS (******) Section 1-09.9 is supplemented with the following: III - 12 N IPROJECTSI04-04 Pari< Ave Sewer ImprovementslProJect ManuallColll>lete ManuallColll>lete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Contractor shall submit payment requests with a completed Application for Payment form, an example of which is included in the Attachments in Part 4 of the Project Manual. This form includes a lien waiver certification, and shall be notarized before submission. Applications for payment not signed or notarized shall be considered incomplete and ineligible for payment consideration. TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL Traffic Control Management General (August 2,2004) Section 1-10.2(1) is supplemented with the following: The Traffic Control Supervisor shall be certified by one of the following: The Northwest Laborers-Employers Training Trust 27055 Ohio Ave. Kingston, W A 98346 (360) 297-3035 Evergreen Safety Council 401 Pontius Ave. N. Seattle, W A 98109 1-800-521-0778 or (206) 382-4090 III - 13 N IPROJECTSI04-Q4 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementslProJect ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP . Description Section 2-01.1 is supplemented with the following: (March 13, 1995) Clearing and grubbing on this project shall be performed within' the following limits: From centerline of roadway to proposed toe of slope. REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS Description (******) Section 2-02.1 is supplemented with the following: This work shall consist of: Sawcutting Existing Asphalt and Concrete Construction Requirements Section 2-02.3 is supplemented with the following: Sawcutting Existing Asphalt and Concrete All work done under this item consists of sawcutting existing asphalt pavement, cement concrete curb, gutter sidewalk and ramps at locations indicated on the Plans and wJ1ere directed by the Engineer. Measurement The measurement for "Sawcutting Existing Asphalt and Concrete" shall be by the linear foot. Payment Section 2-02.5 is supplemented with the following: The unit contract price per linear foot for "Sawcutting Existing Asphalt and Concrete" shall be full compensation for all costs for furnishing all labor, equipment, tools, and materials to sawcut asphalt concrete pavement, cement concrete curb and gutter, and cement concrete sidewalk and ramps at required locations, regardless of depth of cut required, in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. Removal of Bridges, Box Culverts, and other Drainage Structures (******) Section 2-02.3(2) is supplemented with the following: Any voids or cavities created in the removal of drainage structures and the installation of new drainage structures shall be filled with Controlled Density Fill, as per plans. III - 14 N IPROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovemenlsIPrOject ManuallComplele ManuallComplele Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT Description (******) Section 2-03.1 is supplemented with the following: This work shall include excavating material to daylight storm drain pipes as shown in the Plans. This work shall include excavation and removal of all existing curb ramps, sidewalks, and curb and gutter as shown to be removed in the plans or as designated by the Engineer. Construction Requirements Disposal Of Surplus Material (December 6, 2004) Contractor-Provided Disposal Site Section 2-03.3(7)C is supplemented with the following: All surplus excavation or other materials shall be disposed of or reused in a manner that does not degrade sensitive resources such as wellhead protection zones, surface water bodies, parks, and child-use areas. Disposing of soils of any kind directly to a topsoil manufacturer is prohibited. Embankment Construction The Contractor shall us Method B as described in Section 2-03.3(14)C to construct embankments when necessary. Measurement (******) Section 2-03.4 is revised by following: The third, fourth and fifth sentences of the first paragraph are deleted. STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (*-***) Description Section 2-09.1 is supplemented with the following: This work shall consist of removing existing culverts as shown in the Plans. Construction Requirements Backfilling Section 2-09.3(1)E is supplemented with the following: Controlled Density Fill (CD F) shall be used in all trenches under existing pavement. The trenches for the side connections (sewer and water) will use full-depth CDF under the HMA and above the pipe zone backfill. The trenches for the sanitary sewer main and the storm drain shall us CDF for the top 3 feet of the trench below the HMA. The backfill below the CDF and above the pipe zone backfill shall be select native material. Where the roadway is rebuilt as part of this project, no CDF shall be used in the backfill. Measurement (******) Section 2-09.4 is supplemented with the following. III- 15 N \PROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovemenlslProJecl ManuallComplele ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Removing culvert will be measured by the linear foot of culvert removed. No measurement of structure excavation will be made for removing culvert. Payment (******) Section 2-09.5 is supplemented with the following. "Removing Culvert", per linear foot. III-16 N-\PROJECTSl04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementsIPrOject Manual\Complete Manual\Complete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 5 SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS (January 5, 2004) Section 5-04.3(8)A is supplemented with the following: Commercial HMA Evaluation The following HMA will be accepted by commercial HMA evaluation: "HMA for Preleveling CI. _ PG 64-22" "HMA for Overlay CI. _ PG 64-22" "HMA for Widening and Driveways CI. _ PG 64-22 Joints (January 5, 2004) Section 5-04.3(11) is supplemented with the following: The HMA overlay shall be feathered to produce a smooth riding connection to the existing pavement. HMA utilized in the construction of the feathered connections shall be modified by eliminating the coarse aggregate from the mix at the Contractor's plant or the commercial source or by raking the joint on the roadway, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Surface Smoothness (******) The second sentence of Section 5-04.3(13) is revised to read: The completed surface of the wearing course shall not vary more than 1/8 inch from the lower edge of a 10-foot straightedge placed on the surface parallel to centerline. Measurement (******) Section 5-04.4 is revised as follows: Paragraph 11, "Temporary Pavement Marking will be measured by the linear foot as provided in Section 8-23.4", is deleted. Paragraph 12, "Removing Temporary Pavement Marking will be measured by the linear foot as provided in Section 8-23.4", is deleted. "Temporary Pavement Marking shall be incidental to the unit bid items of "Project Temporary Traffic Control" and "Asphalt Concrete Pavement". Payment (******) Section 5-04.5 is revised as follows: The first paragraph is supplemented as follows: "HMA for Overlay CI. _ PG 64-22", per ton "HMA for Widening and Driveways CI. _ PG 64-22", per ton The second paragraph is supplemented as follows: The unit contract bid price for "HMA for Widening and Driveways CI. _ PG 64-22" shall include application of soil residual herbicide. The unit contract bid price for "HMA for Overlay CI. _ PG 64-22" shall include the construction of butt joints where indicated on the plans. Paragraph 23, "Temporary Pavement Marking", per linear foot, is deleted. III-17 N.\PROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementslProJect ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Paragraph 25, "Removing Temporary Pavement Marking", per linear foot, is deleted. "Temporary Pavement Marking shall be included in the unit bid items of "Project Temporary Traffic Control" and "Asphalt Concrete Pavement". III - 18 N'IPROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementsIPrOject ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 7 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS, AND CONDUITS CULVERTS Description (******) Section 7-02.1, Description, is supplemented with the following: This work shall also include plugging existing culverts where shown on the plans or where designated by the engineer. Construction Requirements (******) Section 7-02.3, Construction Requirements, is supplemented with the following: Plugging existing culvert shall be as described per Section 7-08.3(4), Plugging Existing Pipe. Measurement (******) Section 7-02.4, Measurement, is supplemented with the following: Plugging existing culvert shall be measured per each. Payment (******) Section 7-02.5, Payment, is supplemented with the following: "Plugging Existing Culvert", per each The unit contract bid price for "Corrugated Polyethylene Culv. Pipe _In. Diam.", shall include beveled end sections and trash guards where indicated on the plans. STORM SEWERS Payment (******) Section 7-04.5 is supplemented with the following: The unit contract price per linear foot for storm sewer pipe of the kind and size specified shall be full pay for structure excavation, saw-cutting pavement, making connections to existing facilities, and furnishing and installing controlled density backfill and pipe bedding. MANHOLES, INLETS, CATCH BASINS, AND DRYWELLS Materials (******) Section 7-05.2, Materials, is supplemented with the following: Grates and lids shall be standard bolt down type. Adjusting rings for inlets shall be ductile iron. Adjusting rings and sleeves for water valve risers shall be ductile iron. Construction Requirements (******) Section 7-05.3, Construction Requirements, is supplemented with the following: II1- 19 N IPROJECTSI04..Q4 Park Ave Sewer ImprovemenlSlProJect ManuallComplete ManualIComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Where shown on the Plans, or directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall install catch basin Type I with a curb inlet frame & grate to finished grade. The frame and grate shall have stamped on them the words "Drains to Streams". (******) Section 7-05.3(1), Construction Requirements, is revised as follows: The first sentence of the second paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following: The existing cast iron ring and cover shall be removed and become the property of the Contractor. Adjusted manholes shall be replaced with new bolt down type covers and rings. Measurement (******) Section 7-05.4, Measurement, is supplemented with the following: Catch Basin Type I, with Curb Inlet Frame & Grate, will be measured per each. Payment (******) Section 7-05.5 Payment, is supplemented with the following: "Catch Basin Type I, with Curb Inlet Frame & Grate", per each. All costs associated with furnishing and installing gravel backfill for bedding shall be included in the unit contract price for the item installed. Structure excavation and pavement sawing for "Catch Basin Type I, with Curb Inlet Frame & Grate" is considered incidental and shall be included in the unit contract price. WATER MAINS Payment (******) Section 7-09.5, Payment, is revised as follows: The second paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following: Restoration shall be considered incidental to the work of constructing the water Main, and all costs thereof shall be included in the unit contract price bid for " Pipe for Water Main In. Diam." VALVES FOR WATER MAINS Adjust Water Valve Box (******) Section 7-12.3, Construction Requirements, is supplemented with the following: Where shown on the Plans, or directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall adjust water valve boxes to finished grade. The Contractor shall exercise care in handling the valve box. Valve boxes damaged, due to the Contractor's operations, shall be repaired by the Contractor at no added cost to the City and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Should the existing box be found unsuitable for adjustment, the Contractor shall supply and install a new box, or extension, at no additional cost to the City. Measurement (******) Section 7-12.4, Measurement, is supplemented with the following: Measurement for "Adjust Water Valve Box" shall be per each box actually adjusted. Payment (******) Section 7-12.5, Payment, is supplemented with the following: III - 20 N IPROJECTSIQ4..Q4 Pari< Ave Sewer ImprovementslProJecl ManuallComplele ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The unit contract price per each for "Adjust Water Valve Box" shall be full pay for performing the work as specified including all costs necessary for restoration of adjacent areas in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. HYDRANTS Payment (******) Section 7-14.5, Payment, is revised as follows: The second paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following: The unit contract price per each for "Hydrant Assembly" shall be full pay for all work to furnish and install fire hydrant assemblies, including all costs for auxiliary gate valve, shackles, tie rods, concrete blocks, gravel, painting, excavation, backfill, shoring, thrust blocking, pipe connecting the hydrant to the main, and the hydrant lateral tee. SERVICE CONNECTIONS Description (******) Section 7-15.1 is supplemented with the following. This work shall consist of adjusting existing water meters to match the finished grade in accordance with the Plans, these Specifications, and the Standard Plans, in conformity with the lines and grades as staked by the Engineer. Construction Requirements (******) Section 7-15.3 is supplemented with the following. Where shown in the Plans or where directed by the Engineer, the existing water meters shall be adjusted to final grade as staked or otherwise designated by the Engineer. The City shall provide new meter boxes for the Contractor to install for the water meters in the new sidewalk. Measurement (******) Section 7-15.4 is supplemented with the following. Adjust water meter will be by the unit for each water meter adjusted. Payment (******) Section 7-15.5, Payment, is supplemented as follows: "Adjust Water Meter", per each The unit contract bid price per each for "Adjust Water Meter" shall be full pay for all work and materials required, including any additional piping, required by the new grade or location. The unit contract price per each for "Service Connection _In. Diam." shall be full pay for all necessary pavement sawing and pavement restoration. SIDE SEWERS Construction Requirements (******) Section 7-18.3 is supplemented with the following. III - 21 N.IPROJECTSI04-Q4 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementsIPrOjE!ct ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Contractor shall verify location and depth of all existing side sewer connections prior to construction of the new sanitary sewer main. Existing side sewer connections shall be reconnected as shown in the Plans. Restoration of the trench shall be in kind. Payment (******) Section 7-18.5 is supplemented with the following. Trench restoration in addition to HMA, topsoil, or seeding, shall be incidental to the cost per linear foot of pipe installed. Payment for HMA, topsoil, and seeding shall be included in the contract bid items. III - 22 N IPROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer Improvements\Projecl Manual\Complete Manual\Complete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Erosion Control Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching Seeding and Fertilizing Section 8-02.3(15)8 is supplemented with the following: (December 23, 2002) Grass seed shall be a commercially prepared mix, made up of low growing species which will grow without irrigation at the project location, and approved by the Engineer. The application rate shall be two pounds per 1000 square feet. (December 23, 2002) Fertilizer shall be a commercially prepared mix of 10-20-20 and shall be applied at the rate of 10 pounds per 1000 square feet. Mulching The first paragraph of Section 8-02.3(15)0 is revised to read as follows. Straw or wood cellulose fiber mulch shall be furnished, hauled, and evenly applied to provide a uniform covering and shall be spread on seeded areas within 48 hours after seeding unless otherwise specified. Measurement (******) The sixth paragraph of Section 8-01.4 is revised to read as follows. No unit of measure shall apply to street cleaning. Payment (******) The ninth paragraph of Section 8-01.5 is revised to read as follows. All costs to clean the streets as required in Section 8-01.3(8) shall be included in other bid items in this contract. The tenth paragraph of Section 8-01.5 is supplemented with the following. All costs included with maintenance of the inlet protection and ESe Lead shall be included in the cost per each for "Inlet Protection". CURBS, GUTTERS, AND SPILLWAYS (******) Construction Requirements Section 8-04.3 is supplemented with the following. III - 23 N IPROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementslProJect ManuallCofTlllete ManuallCornplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Contractor shall apply residual herbicide under all curb and gutter prior to placing of materials. Payment (******) Section 8-04.5 is supplemented with the following. All costs for application of residual herbicide shall be included in the unit cost per linear foot. CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES (******) Materials (******) Section 8-06.2 is supplemented with the following. All references to cement concrete Class 4000 shall be replaced with cement concrete Class 3000. Construction Requirements (******) The Contractor shall construct a cement concrete driveway approach for the Green Crow development at a location and width as directed by the Engineer. Approximate station limits for the development are 31 +65 to 34+35, LT. The driveway from station 29+71 to 30+28, L T, serves three parcels. Section 8-06.3 is supplemented with the following. The Contractor shall apply residual herbicide under all cement concrete prior to placing of materials. Payment (******) Section 8-06.5 is supplemented with the following. "Cement Concrete Driveway", square yard. All costs in constructing the driveway entrance in segments and installing, removing the temporary approach, and application of residual herbicide shall be included in the unit cost per square yard. CHAIN LINK FENCE AND WIRE FENCE Description (******) Section 8-12.1 is supplemented with the following. This work shall consist of removing and disposing of the existing fence and furnishing and constructing a new fence at the locations shown in the Plans and as directed by the Engineer. This work shall also consist of relocating a wood barricade. Materials III - 24 N IPROJECTS\04-o4 Park Ave Sewer ImprovemenlslProJecl ManuallComplele ManuallComplele Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (******) Section 8-12.2 is supplemented with the following. Replaced fencing shall be constructed of new materials and shall be in kind. Construction Requirements (******) Section 8-12.3 is supplemented with the following. The Contractor shall install fence in kind to connect two sections of existing fence between stations 20+30 and 20+65, L T, as shown in the Plans or as designated by the Engineer. The fence shall be constructed in accordance with Section 8-12 of the Standard Specifications. New materials shall closely match the existing fencing. Posts shall be of the same material as the existing fence posts unless approved by the Engineer. The existing fence at station 28+70, L T, shall be removed and replaced as shown in the Plans or as designated by the Engineer. The Contractor shall relocate the barricade at approximate station 39+40, L T, to a location designated by the Engineer. Notification The Contractor shall notify the affected property owner and the Engineer five days prior to any fence removal or fence construction. Notification to the property owner shall be by registered letter. Measurement (******) Section 8-12.4 is supplemented with the following. No specific unit of measurement will apply to the lump sum item remove and replace fence, but measurement will be for the sum total of all items to be removed, replaced, furnished, and installed. Payment (******) Section 8-12.5 is supplemented with the following. "Remove and Replace Fence", lump sum. All costs associated with removing and disposing of the existing fence, clearing of the fence line, and relocating the wood barricade shall be included in the lump sum contract price for "Remove and Replace Fence." MONUMENT CASES Description (******) Section 8-13.1 is deleted and replaced by the following: This work shall consist of furnishing and placing monument cases, covers, and pipes in accordance with the Standard Plans and these Specifications, in conformity with the lines and locations shown in the Plans and identified and referenced by a Land Surveyor licensed to practice in Washington State. III - 25 N IPROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementslPrOject ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Materials (March 13, 1995) Section 8-13.2 is supplemented with the following: The pipe shall be Schedule 40 galvanized pipe. Construction Requirements (******) The last paragraph of Section 8-13.3 is revised to read: A Land Surveyor licensed to practice in Washington State will place reference marks suitable for the Contractor to install the monument case and pipe. The Contractor shall be responsible for placing the concrete core and brass cap inside the pipe. Unmarked brass caps shall be provided by the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging to have the brass caps stamped with the license number of the Surveyor. After the concrete securing the brass cap within the pipe has cured for a minimum of three days, the Brass cap shall be punched under the direction of the Surveyor at the calculated position in such manner as to produce an approximately 1/8" diameter by 1/8" deep divot on the top surface of the brass cap. Measurement (April 28, 1997) Section 8-13.4 is deleted and replaced by the following: Measurement of monument case, cover, pipe and brass cap will be by the unit for each monument case, cover, pipe and brass cap furnished, set and marked. Payment (April 28, 1997) Section 8-13.5 is supplemented with the following: "Monument Case, Cover, and Pipe", per each. CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Construction Requirements (******) Section 8-14.3 is supplemented with the following. The Contractor shall apply residual herbicide under all sidewalks prior to placing of materials. Placing and Finishing Concrete (******) The final paragraph of Section 8-14.3(3) is deleted and replaced with the following: Sidewalk ramps shall be of the type specified in the Plans. The detectable warning pattern shall have the truncated dome shape and dimension shown in the Standard Plans and shall be formed by installing a detectable warning surface panel to be supplied by the City. The panels shall be installed by the Contractor immediately after the concrete has been poured and prior to curing. The panels shall be installed under the direction of the Engineer. Payment (******) Section 8-14.5 is supplemented with the following. All costs for application of residual herbicide before pouring the cement concrete shall be included in the unit cost per square yard. "Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp", per each. III - 26 N IPROJECTSI04-o4 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementslProJecl ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I All costs to furnish and install the detectable warning pattern and for application of residual herbicide shall be included in the unit cost per each. (******) RELOCATE SIGN Construction Requirements Sign Relocation Section 8-21.3(5) is supplemented with the following. The Contractor shall relocate each sign and post as shown in the Plans. Measurement Section 8-21.4 is supplemented with the following. Relocate sign will be measured per each. Payment Section 8-21.5 is supplemented with the following. "Relocate Sign", per each. PAVEMENT MARKING Materials (******) Section 8-22.2 is supplemented with the following. All plastic pavement markings shall be pre-formed fused thermoplastic. ROCK AND GRAVITY BLOCK WALL AND GABION CRIBBING Materials (******) Section 8-24.2 is supplemented with the following: Blocks for "Gravity Block Wall" shall be Ultrablock with an aesthetic facing approved by the Engineer. III - 27 N IPROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovemenlslProJecl ManuallComplele ManuallComplele Manual.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 9 MATERIALS AGGREGATES (January 5, 2004) HMA Test Requirements Section 9-03.8(2) is supplemented with the following: ESAL's The number of ESAL's for the design and acceptance of the HMA shall be 0.1 million. III - 28 N IPROJECTSI04-04 Pari< Ave Sewer ImprovementslProJecl ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STANDARD PLANS April 4, 2005 The State of Washington Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction M21-01 transmitted under Publications Transmittal No. PT 05-012, effective April 4, 2005 is made a part of this contract. The Standard Plans are revised as follows: All Standard Plans All references in the Standard Plans to "Asphalt Concrete Pavement" shall be revised to read "Hot Mix Asphalt". All references in the Standard Plans to the abbreviation "ACP" shall be revised to read "HMA". C-1 Sheet 2 The SNOW LOAD RAIL WASHER dimensions are revised to 1 3/4" from 2", and to 7/8" from 1". C-11 b Sheets 1 and 2 In the PRECAST FOOTING, ELEVATION view (Sheet 1) and in the CAST-IN-PLACE FOOTING, ELEVATION view (Sheet 2), COMMERCIAL CONCRETE is revised to CONCRETE CLASS 4000. In the BREAKAWAY ANCHOR ANGLE, ELEVATION view (Sheet 2), the welding symbols are revised to indicate that the 1/4" Inside Gussets have 1/4" fillet weld joints, and the 1/2" End Gussets have 1/2" fillet weld joints. C-14f In SECTION "A", the reference to SEE STD. PLAN C-14b is revised to SEE STD. PLAN C-14e. C-14g In SECTION "A" and SECTION "B", the reference to SEE STD. PLAN C-14b is revised to SEE STD. PLAN C-14e. D-2k Sheet 2 In the "BAR B" detail, all references to "button head" are revised to read "cone head". D-2n Sheet 2 In DETAIL A, the specification for 1/4" Anchor bolt is revised to 1 1/4" Anchor bolt. In the BASE PLATE DETAIL the reference to MSHTO M .183 is revised to ASTM A 36. In the "BAR B" detail, all references to "button head" are revised to read "cone head". K-1 throuqh K-27 These plans shall not be used on projects administered by WSDOT. The following are the Standard Plan numbers applicable at the time this project was advertised. The date shown with each plan is the publication approval date shown in the lower right-hand corner of that plan. Standard Plans not having this date shall not be used in this contract. A-1 .......... ...........5/13/02 A-3 .......... .... ...... 5/30/02 A-5 ........... ......2/24/03 A-2 ........... ..........5/09/02 A-4 ... .................3/07/97 A-6 .................2/24/03 B-1....... ....... .......7/21/03 B-4g ........... .......7/18/97 B-20d .... ......... 6/30/04 III - 29 N \PROJECTS\04-04 Park Ave Sewer Improvemenls\ProJecl Manual\Complele Manual\Complete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8-1a ...................6/23/04 8-1 b................... 6/23/04 8-1 e ................... 5/20/04 8-1 z ...................6/23/04 8-2.....................2/25/05 8-2a ...................2/25/05 8-2b ................... 6/17/02 8-2c ...................6/17/02 8-2d ................... 6/17/02 8-2e ...................2/25/04 8-3 ..................... 1/28/02 8-3a ................... 5/09/97 8-4b ................... 2/09/05 8-4c ................... 2/09/05 8-4d ................... 9/16/02 8-4f .................... 5/09/97 C-1 ............ ...<... 10/31/03 C-1 a ................... 7/31/98 C-1 b ................. 10/31/03 C-1 c ................... 5/30/97 C-1 d ................. 10/31/03 C-2 ..................... 1/06/00 C-2a ................... 7/17/98 C-2b ................... 6/12/98 C-2c ................... 2/20/03 C-2d ...................5/22/98 C-2e ................... 3/07/97 C-2f.................... 3/14/97 C-2g ................... 7/27/01 C-2h ................... 3/28/97 C-2i .................... 3/28/97 C-2j ....................6/12/98 C-2k ................... 7/27/01 C-2n ................... 7/27/01 C-20 ................... 7/13/01 C-2p. ................ 10/31/03 C-2q ................... 3/03/05 C-2r .................... 3/03/05 C-25 ................... 3/03/05 0-1 a ................... 1/23/02 0-1 b ................. 1 0/06/99 0-1 c ................. 10/06/99 0-1 d ................. 10/06/99 D-1 e ................... 1/23/02 D-1 f .................. 10/06/99 0-2a ................... 3/14/97 0-2b ................... 3/14/97 0-2c ................... 3/14/97 0-2d ................... 3/14/97 0-2e ................... 3/14/97 0-2f .................... 3/14/97 0-2g ................... 3/14/97 0-2h ................... 3/14/97 8-4h ..................5/09/97 8-7..................11/23/04 8-7 a .................. 2/09/05 8-8 .................... 6/23/04 8-8a .................. 6/23/04 8-9 .................. 11/23/04 8-9a ................ 11/23/04 8-9b ................ 11/23/04 8-9c................. 11/23/04 8-9d ................ 11/23/04 8-11 ..................2/25/05 8-13 .................. 2/25/05 8-18 .................. 2/25/05 8-18a ................ 5/09/97 8-18b ................ 7/18/97 8-19 ..................5/30/97 C-2t ................... 3/03/05 C-3 .................. 10/31/03 C-3a ................ 10/31/03 C-3b ................ 10/31/03 C-3c ................ 10/31/03 C-3d ..................3/03/05 C-4 ........ ............ 7/13/01 C-4a .................. 2/25/05 C-4b .................. 6/23/00 C-4e ..................2/20/03 C-4f ................... 6/30/04 C-5 .................. 10/31/03 C-6 .................... 5/30/97 C-6a .................. 3/14/97 C-6c .................. 1/06/00 C-6d ..................5/30/97 C-6f ...................7/25/97 C-7..................10/31/03 C-7a ................10/31/03 C-8 ................... .4/27/04 C-8a .................. 7/25/97 C-8b ..................7/17/98 C-8c ..................5/30/97 0-2i ................... 3/14/97 0-2j ...................3/14/97 0-2k ..................3/14/97 D-21 ...................3/14/97 0-2m .......... ....... 3/14/97 D-2n ..................3/14/97 0-20.................. 3/14/97 D-2p .................. 3/14/97 0-2q .................. 3/14/97 0-2r ... ................ 3/14/97 0-25..................3/14/97 0-2t ...................3/14/97 0-2u ..................3/07/97 0-2v ..................3/07/97 8-21 ............... 7/18/97 8-21 a .............8/10/98 8-22............... 7/21/03 8-22a ............. 8/01/97 8-23a .............2/25/05 8-23b ............. 2/25/05 8-23c.............. 5/20/04 8-23d ............. 5/09/97 8-25 ............... 6/30/04 8-26 ...............7/18/97 8-27 ...............8/01/97 8-28 ............. 10/06/99 8-29 ...............4/24/98 8-30 .... ...........8/10/98 8-34 ............... 3/03/05 C-8d ............... 5/20/04 C-8e ...............6/24/02 C-8f ................ 6/30/04 C-1 0 ............... 7/31/98iC-11 ............... 5/20/04 C-11 a ............. 5/20/04 C-11 b ............. 5/20/04 C-12 ............... 7/27/01 C-13 ...... ......... 4/16/99 C-13a ............. 4/16/99 C-13b ............. 4/16/99 C-14a ............. 7/26/02 C-14b ............. 7/26/02 C-14c ............. 7/26/02 C-14d ............. 7/26/02 C-14e ............. 7/26/02 C-14f .............. 7/26/02 C-14g ........... 10/31/03 C-14h ........... 12/02/03 C-14i ............ 12/02/03 C-14j ............ 12/02/03 0-2w...............3/07/97 D-2x ...............3/07/97 0-2y ............... 9/12/97 0-3 ................. 6/30/04 D-3a ............... 6/30/04 D-3b ............... 6/30/04 0-3c ............... 6/30/04 0-4 ............... 12/11/98 0-6 ................. 6/19/98 D-7 ............... 1 0/06/99 D-7 a ............. 1 0/06/99 0-9...............12/11/98 III - 30 N IPROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovemenlslPro)ecl ManuallComplele ManuallComplele Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E-1 .....................7/25/97 E-2 ..................... 5/29/98 F-1 ................... 12/17/02 F-1a .................12/17/02 F-2 .....................8/27/99 F-2a ...................6/23/04 F-2b ................... 2/09/05 G-1 .....................9/12/01 G-2..................... 6/04/02 G-2a ................... 6/04/02 G-3..................... 6/04/02 G-3a...................6/04/02 G-4a ................... 5/20/04 G-4b................... 6/30/04 G-6 .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. ... 8/27/03 H-1.....................1/10/02 H-1 a ...................4/14/00 H-1 b ................... 3/04/05 H-1 c................... 3/04/05 H-1 d ................... 1/10/02 H-1 e ...................4/14/00 H-2 ..................... 3/04/05 1-1.......................7l18/97 1-2....................... 4/23/99 1-3.......................8/20/99 1-4....................... 7/17/03 1-5.......................7/17/03 J-1 b. ................. 10/08/99 J-1 C .................... 4/24/98 J-1e....................8/01/97 J-1 f... ..................6/23/00 J-3......................8/01/97 J-3b.................... 3/04/05 J-3c .................... 6/24/02 J-3d .................. 11/05/03 J-5...................... 8/01/97 K-1 ................... 12/20/02 K-2 ................... 12/20/02 K-3 ................... 12/20/02 K-4 ................... 12/20/02 K-5 ................... 12/20/02 K-6 ................... 12/20/02 K-7 ................... 12/20/02 K-8 ................... 12/20/02 K-9 ................... 12/20/02 L-1...................... 7/18/97 L-2......................7/18/97 E-4 .................... 8/27/03 E-4a ..................8/27/03 F-2c................... 6/23/04 F-2d...................6/23/04 F-3....................1/13/03 F-3a................... 2/09/05 F-3b.. ................. 2/09/05 G-6a .................. 8/27/03 G-6b .................. 8/27/03 G-7 .... ................ 7/18/97 G-8a ........ .. .. .... 12/15/04 G-8b.................. 8/18/04 G-8c . .. .. .. . ...... .. .. 8/18/04 G-8d ................ 12/15/04 G-8e .................. 8/18/04 H-4 .... ................8/18/04 H-4a ..................2/25/05 H-4b .................. 2/25/05 H-6 .................. 10/29/03 H-7....................8/10/98 H-8 .................... 9/18/98 H-9....................4/18/97 1-6...................... 7/17/03 1-7......................7/17/03 1-8...................... 7/17/03 1-9...................... 7/17/03 1-10...... ..............7/17/03 J-6c .. ................. 4/24/98 J-6f....................4/24/98 J-6g ................. 12/12/02 J-6h ...................4/24/98 J-7a ...................9/12/01 J-7c ...................6/19/98 J-7 d ................... 4/24/98 J-8a ................... 5/20/04 J-8b ................... 5/20/04 K-10 ................12/20/02 K-11 ................ 12/20/02 K-12 ................ 12/20/02 K-13................12/20/02 K-14................12/20/02 K-15................12/20/02 K-16................12/20/02 K-17................12/20/02 K-18................12/20/02 L-3.....................7/18/97 L-5..................... 7/31/98 E -5 ................. 5/29/98 F-3c................ 2/09/05 F-3d................ 2/09/05 F-3e................ 2/09/05 F-4.................. 1/13/03 G-8f ................ 6/30/04 G-8g ............... 6/30/04 G-9a ............... 6/25/02 G-9b ............... 2/09/05 G-9c ............. 11/23/04 G-ge ............... 2/09/05 H-10 ............... 5/29/98 H-12 ...... ......... 2/25/05 H-12a ............. 2/25/05 H-12b ............. 2/25/05 H-13 ............... 2/25/05 H-13a .............2/25/05 H-14 .... ........... 2/09/05 1-11.................9/11/03 1-12................. 7/17/03 1-13.................7/17/03 1-14................. 7/17/03 J-8c ................ 5/20/04 J-8d ................ 5/20/04 J-9a ................4/24/98 J-10 ................7/18/97 J-11a .............. 9/12/01 J-12 ................ 5/20/04 J-16a .............. 3/04/05 J-16b .............. 3/04/05 K-19 ............. 12/20/02 K-20 ............. 12/20/02 K-21 ............. 12/20/02 K-22 ............. 12/20/02 K-23 ............. 12/20/02 K-24 ............. 12/20/02 K-25 ............. 12/20/02 K-26 ............. 12/20/02 K-27 ............. 12/20/02 L-5a ....... ......... 7/31/98 L-6..................7/25/97 III - 31 N IPROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementslProjecl ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M-1.20-00...........2/25/05 M-1 .40-00........... 2/25/05 M-1.60-00...........2/25/05 M-1 .80-00........... 2/25/05 M-2.20-00........... 2/25/05 M- 2.40-00.. . .. .. . '" 2/25/05 M-2.60-00...........2/25/05 M-3.1 0-00......... 12/15/04 M-3.20-00.........12/15/04 M-3.30-00........12/15/04 M-3 .40-00. . .. .. .. 12/15/04 M-3.50-00........ 12/15/04 M-5.1 0-00........ 12/15/04 M-7 .50-00.......... 3/04/05 M-9 .50-00..........3/04/05 M-11.10-00........3/04/05 M-15.1 0-00........2/25/05 M-17.10-00........3/04/05 M-20.1 0-00 .....3/04/05 M-20.20-00.....3/04/05 M-20.30-00.....3/04/05 M-20.40-00 ..... 3/04/05 M-20.50-00 .....3/04/05 M-24.20-00.....3/04/05 M-24.40-00.....3/04/05 M-24.60-00 ..... 3/04/05 III - 32 N:IPROJECTSI04-04 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementslProject ManuallComplete ManuallComplele Manual OOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS The following is an index of the section contained under Submittal Requirements: SR-01 Material Submittals SR-02 Design Submittals SR-03 Progress Schedule SR-04 As-Built Drawings SR-05 Other Post-Construction Submittals SR-06 Itemized List Of Submittals SR-07 Submittals Review Form SR-01 MATERIAL SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish to the City Engineer 3 copies of all material submittals listed in SR-06, "Itemized List Of Submittals". All material submittals or resubmittals shall be accompanied by SR-07, "Submittals Review Form". The location of the specification for each of these items in the Standard Specifications or Special Provisions is indicated in SR-06. If the item description for the material submittal is not the exact brand or model specified in the Contract, then 3 copies of the manufacturer's descriptive literature, catalog cut-sheets, etc., must also be included with the submittal package. The Contractor shall clearly indicate on all material submittals and copies, the submittal review package number (starting with "1" for the first submittal review package), submittal item number (from SR-06) and the exact item selected. In all cases, the Contractor shall enter the exact brand and model on the "Submittal Review Form" for that particular item. All material submittals shall be submitted within 28 days after award of the Contract. The Contractor should allow 14 calender days from receipt by the City Engineer for review and approval or rejection. For each material resubmittal required, the Contractor should allow an additional 7 calender days from date of receipt by the City Engineer for review and approval or rejection. Except as provided herein, all requirements of Section 1-05.3, "Plans and Working Drawings", of the Standard Specifications shall apply. NOTE: NO CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PERFORMED ON ANY PORTION OF THE CONTRACT THAT DOES NOT HAVE APPROVED SUBMITTALS. NO PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR DESIGNS INSTALLED WITHOUT APPROVAL AS REQUIRED BY THIS SECTION. SR-02 DESIGN SUBMITTALS Three copies of all design submittals and related shop drawings are required. Each design submittal or resubmittal and related shop drawings shall be listed on the "Submittal Review Form" by the Contractor with an appropriate reference to the attachments submitted. All design submittals shall be stamped by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Washington. All design submittals are required within 28 days after award of the Contract. The Contractor should allow 14 calender days from receipt by the City Engineer for review and approval or III - 33 N IPROJECTSI04-Q4 Park Ave Sewer ImprovementslProject ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rejection. For each design resubmittal required, the Contractor should allow an additional 14 calender days from date of receipt by the City Engineer for review and approval or rejection. The following are required Design Submittals for this Contract: SR-02.1 Traffic Control Plans See Section 1-10.2(2) of the Standard Specifications, as modified by the Special Provisions, for submittal requirements for Traffic Control Plans. SR-03 PROGRESS SCHEDULE See Section 1-08.3, as modified in the Special Provisions, for the submittal requirements for a Progress Schedule and regular updates. SR-04 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS Requirements for maintaining As-Builts for the work completed under this Contract are specified in Section 1-05.5 of the Special Provisions above. Final As-Builts shall be submitted to the City Engineer at or before the final inspection for review and approval. As- built drawings must be approved by the City Engineer before final payment will be made. SR-05 OTHER POST-CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish the City Engineer with all other post-construction submittals required by the specifications, whether or not listed on the submittal review form. All results of tests the Contractor performs as required by the Contract for quality assurance such as compaction tests, pressure tests, or bacteriological analyses shall be submitted to the Project Engineer whether or not the test meets the performance standards as required by the specifications. SR-06 ITEMIZED LIST OF SUBMITTALS Below is a summarized list of the submittals required under this contract. ITEM APPLICABLE NO. DESCRIPTION SECTION Submittals 1 Traffic Control Plan(s) 1-10 2 Progress Schedule 1-08.3 3 Bedding and Backfill Materials various Post-Construction Submittals 4 Final As-Builts 1-05.5 5 Compaction Test Results 6-11.5 6 Certification of Construction 6-11.9(8) 7 Disinfection Results 7-11 I1I-34 N IPROJECTSI04-o4 Park Ave Sewer ImprovemenlslProJecl ManuallComplete ManuallComplete Manual DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART IV ATTACHMENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment A Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates for Clallam County State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone (360) 902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects. workers' wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements is provided on the Benefit Code Key. I I I I CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** I I Classification ASBESTOS ABATEMENT WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL BOILERMAKERS JOURNEY LEVEL BRICK AND MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL CABINET MAKERS (IN SHOP) JOURNEY LEVEL CARPENTERS ACOUSTICAL WORKER BRIDGE, DOCK AND WARF CARPENTERS CARPENTER CREOSOTED MATERIAL DRYWALL APPLICATOR FLOOR FINISHER FLOOR LAYER FLOOR SANDER MILLWRIGHT AND MACHINE ERECTORS PILEDRIVERS, DRIVING. PULLING. PLACING COLLARS AND WELDING SAWFILER SHINGLER STATIONARY POWER SAW OPERATOR STATIONARY WOODWORKING TOOLS CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL DIVERS & TENDERS DIVER DIVER TENDER DREDGE WORKERS ASSISTANT ENGINEER ASSISTANT MATE (DECKHAND) BOATMEN ENGINEER WELDER lEVERMAN, HYDRAULIC MAINTENANCE MATES OILER DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL ELECTRICAL FIXTURE MAINTENANCE WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL I I I I I I I I I I Page 1 I I I (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note WAGE Code Code Code $32.61 1N 50 $44.97 1B 5N $39.87 1M 5A $14.67 $39.11 1M 50 $38.95 1M 50 $38.95 1M 50 $39.05 1M 50 $39.63 1M 50 $39.08 1M 50 $39.08 1M 50 $39.08 1M 50 $39.95 1M 50 $39.15 1M 50 $39.08 1M 50 $39.08 1M 50 $39.08 1M 50 $39.08 1M 50 $32.61 1N 50 $80.62 1M 50 8A $41.72 1M 50 $39.52 1B 50 8L $38.76 1B 50 8L $39.52 18 50 8L $39.57 1B 50 8L $41.04 1B 50 8L $38.76 1B 50 8L $39.52 18 50 8L $39.16 1B 50 8L $39.44 1J 5B $9.37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code ~ Code ELECTRICIANS - INSIDE CABLE SPLICER $49.51 10 6H CABLE SPLICER (TUNNEL) $53.31 10 6H CERTIFIED WELDER $47.79 10 6H CERTIFIED WELDER (TUNNEL) $51.41 10 6H CONSTRUCTION STOCK PERSON $24.33 10 6H JOURNEY LEVEL $46.06 10 6H JOURNEY LEVEL (TUNNEL) $49.51 10 6H ELECTRICIANS - MOTOR SHOP CRAFTSMAN $15.37 2A 6C JOURNEY LEVEL $14.69 2A 6C ELECTRICIANS - POWERLlNE CONSTRUCTION CABLE SPLICER $50.84 4A 5A CERTIFIED LINE WELDER $46.37 4A 5A GROUNDPERSON $33.64 4A 5A HEAD GROUNDPERSON $35.46 4A 5A HEAVY LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $46.37 4A 5A JACKHAMMER OPERATOR $35.46 4A 5A JOURNEY LEVEL L1NEPERSON $46.37 4A 5A LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $39.50 4A 5A POLE SPRAYER $46.37 4A 5A POWDERPERSON $35.46 4A 5A ELECTRONIC & TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $12.07 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS MECHANIC $52.27 4A 6Q MECHANIC IN CHARGE $57.41 4A 6Q FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS $13.50 FENCE ERECTORS FENCE ERECTOR $13.80 FENCE LABORER $11.60 FLAGGERS JOURNEY LEVEL $27.93 1N 50 GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL $39.96 2E 5G HEAT & FROST INSULATORS AND ASBESTOS WORKERS MECHANIC $41.93 1F 5E HEATING EQUIPMENT MECHANICS MECHANIC $16.00 HOD CARRIERS & MASON TENDERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33.09 1N 50 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE AND MACHINE MECHANICS MECHANIC $15.65 INDUSTRIAL POWER VACUUM CLEANER JOURNEY LEVEL $9.07 INLAND BOATMEN CAPTAIN $35.14 1K 5B COOK $30.11 1K 5B DECKHAND $29.09 1K 5B ENGINEER/DECKHAND $31.66 1K 5B MATE, LAUNCH OPERATOR $33.24 1K 5B Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** Classification INSPECTION/CLEANING/SEALING OF SEWER & WATER SYSTEMS BY REMOTE CONTROL CLEANER OPERATOR, FOAMER OPERATOR GROUT TRUCK OPERATOR HEAD OPERATOR TECHNICIAN TV TRUCK OPERATOR INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL IRONWORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL LABORERS ASPHALT RAKER BALLAST REGULATOR MACHINE BATCH WEIGHMAN BRUSH CUTTER BRUSH HOG FEEDER BURNERS CARPENTER TENDER CASSION WORKER CEMENT DUMPER/PAVING CEMENT FINISHER TENDER CHANGE-HOUSE MAN OR DRY SHACKMAN CHIPPING GUN (OVER 30 LBS) CHIPPING GUN (UNDER 30 LBS) CHOKER SETTER CHUCK TENDER CLEAN-UP LABORER CONCRETE DUMPER/CHUTE OPERATOR CONCRETE FORM STRIPPER CONCRETE SAW OPERATOR CRUSHER FEEDER CURING LABORER DEMOLITION, WRECKING & MOVING (INCLUDING CHARRED DITCH DIGGER DIVER DRILL OPERATOR (HYDRAULIC, DIAMOND) DRILL OPERATOR, AIRTRAC DUMPMAN EPOXY TECHNICIAN EROSION CONTROL WORKER FALLER/BUCKER, CHAIN SAW FINAL DETAIL CLEANUP (Le., dusting, vacuuming, window cleaning; NOT construction debris cleanup) FINE GRADERS FIRE WATCH FORM SETTER GABION BASKET BUILDER GENERAL LABORER GRADE CHECKER & TRANSIT PERSON GRINDERS GROUT MACHINE TENDER Page 3 PREVAILING WAGE $9.73 $11.48 $12.78 $7.35 $10.53 $20.50 $43.12 $33.09 $32.61 $27.93 $32.61 $32.61 $32.61 $32.61 $33.45 $33.09 $32.61 $32.61 $33.09 $32.61 $32.61 $32.61 $32.61 $33.09 $32.61 $33.09 $27.93 $32.61 $32.61 $32.61 $33.45 $33.09 $33.45 $32.61 $32.61 $32.61 $33.09 $25.61 $32.61 $27.93 $32.61 $32.61 $32.61 $33.09 $32.61 $32.61 (See Benefit Code Key) Over Time Holiday Note Code Code Code 1B 5A 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 50 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 50 1N 5D 1N 5D I CLALLAM COUNTY I Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over I PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code GUARDRAIL ERECTOR $32.61 1N 50 HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL A $33.45 1N 50 I HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL B $33.09 1N 50 HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL C $32.61 1N 50 HIGH SCALER $33.45 1N 50 HOD CARRIERlMORTARMAN $33.09 1N 50 I JACKHAMMER $33.09 1N 50 LASER BEAM OPERATOR $33.09 1N 50 MANHOLE BUILOER-MUOMAN $33.09 1N 50 MATERIAL YARDMAN $32.61 1N 50 I MINER $33.45 1N 50 NOZZLEMAN, CONCRETE PUMP, GREEN CUTTER WHEN USING HIGH $33.09 1N 50 PRESSURE AIR & WATER ON CONCRETE & ROCK, SANDBLAST, GUNITE, SHOTCRETE, WATER BLASTER I PAVEMENT BREAKER $33.09 1N 50 PILOT CAR $27.93 1N 50 PIPE POT TENDER $33.09 1N 50 PIPE RELlNER (NOT INSERT TYPE) $33.09 1N 50 PIPELAYER & CAULKER $33.09 1N 50 I PIPELAYER & CAULKER (LEAD) $33.45 1N 50 PIPEWRAPPER $33.09 1N 50 POT TENDER $32.61 1N 50 POWOERMAN $33.45 1N 50 I POWOERMAN HELPER $32.61 1N 50 POWERJACKS $33.09 1N 50 RAILROAD SPIKE PULLER (POWER) $33.09 1N 50 RE-TIMBERMAN $33.45 1N 50 I RIPRAP MAN $32.61 1N 50 ROOOER $33.09 1N 50 SCAFFOLD ERECTOR $32.61 1N 50 SCALE PERSON $32.61 1N 50 I SIGNALMAN $32.61 1N 50 SLOPER (OVER 20") $33.09 1N 50 SLOPER SPRA YMAN $32.61 1N 50 SPREADER (CLARY POWER OR SIMILAR TYPES) $33.09 1N 50 I SPREADER (CONCRETE) $33.09 1N 50 STAKE HOPPER $32.61 1N 50 STOCKPILER $32.61 1N 50 TAMPER & SIMILAR ELECTRIC, AIR & GAS $33.09 1N 50 I TAMPER (MULTIPLE & SELF PROPELLED) $33.09 1N 50 TOOLROOM MAN (AT JOB SITE) $32.61 1N 50 TOPPER-TAILER $32.61 1N 50 TRACK LABORER $32.61 1N 50 I TRACK LINER (POWER) $33.09 1N 50 TRUCK SPOTTER $32.61 1N 50 TUGGER OPERATOR $33.09 1N 50 VIBRATING SCREED (AIR. GAS, OR ELECTRIC) $32.61 1N 50 VIBRATOR $33.09 1N 50 I VINYL SEAMER $32.61 1N 50 WELDER $32.61 1N 50 WELL-POINT LABORER $33.09 1N 50 I Page 4 I I I I CLALLAM COUNTY I Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over I PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code LABORERS - UNDERGROUND SEWER & WATER GENERAL LABORER $32.61 1N 5D I PIPE LAYER $33.09 1N 5D LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION IRRIGATION OR LAWN SPRINKLER INSTALLERS $11.42 LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS OR TRUCK DRIVERS $7.81 I LANDSCAPING OR PLANTING LABORERS $7.93 LATHERS JOURNEY LEVEL $39.63 1M 5D MACHINISTS (HYDROELECTRIC SITE WORK) I MACHINIST $0.00 METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) FITTER/WELDER $15.16 LABORER $11.13 I MACHINE OPERATOR $10.66 PAINTER $11.41 PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $30.76 2B 5A PLASTERERS I JOURNEY LEVEL $25.83 PLAYGROUND & PARK EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS JOURNEY LEVEL $7.93 PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS I JOURNEY LEVEL $51.01 1G 5A POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ASSISTANT ENGINEERS $37.26 1T 5D 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (3 YD & UNDER) $39.88 1T 5D 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (OVER 3 YD & UNDER 6 YD) $40.34 1T 5D 8L I BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (6 YD AND OVER WITH $40.86 1T 5D 8L BACKHOES, (75 HP & UNDER) $39.49 1T 5D 8L BACKHOES, (OVER 75 HP) $39.88 1T 5D 8L BARRIER MACHINE (ZIPPER) $39.88 1T 5D 8L I BATCH PLANT OPERATOR, CONCRETE $39.88 1T 5D 8L BELT LOADERS (ELEVATING TYPE) $39.49 1T 5D 8L BOBCAT (SKID STEER) $37.26 1T 5D 8L BROOMS $37.26 1T 5D 8L I BUMP CUTTER $39.88 1T 5D 8L CABLEWAYS $40.34 1T 5D 8L CHIPPER $39.88 1T 5D 8L COMPRESSORS $37.26 1T 5D 8L I CONCRETE FINISH MACHINE - LASER SCREED $37.26 1T 5D 8L CONCRETE PUMPS $39.49 1T 5D 8L CONCRETE PUMP-TRUCK MOUNT WITH BOOM ATTACHMENT $39.88 1T 5D 8L CONVEYORS $39.49 1T 5D 8L I CRANES, THRU 19 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $39.49 1T 5D 8L CRANES, 20 - 44 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $39.88 1T 5D 8L CRANES, 45 TONS - 99 TONS, UNDER 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING $40.34 1T 5D 8L JIB WITH ATACHMENTS) I CRANES, 100 TONS - 199 TONS, OR 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $40.86 1T 5D 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, 200 TONS TO 300 TONS, OR 250 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $41.40 1T 5D 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, A-FRAME, 10 TON AND UNDER $37.26 1T 5D 8L I Page 5 I I I I CLALLAM COUNTY I Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over I PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code CRANES,A-FRAME,OVER10TON $39.49 1T 50 8L CRANES, OVER 300 TONS, OR 300' OF BOOM INCLUDING JIB WITH $41.92 1T 50 8L I ATTACHMENTS CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 20 - 44 TONS) $39.88 1T 50 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 45 - 99 TONS) $40.34 1T 50 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE (100 TONS & OVER) $40.86 1T 50 8L I CRANES, TOWER CRANE UP TO 175'IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $40.86 1T 50 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE OVER 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $41.40 1T 50 8L CRUSHERS $39.88 1T 50 8L DECK ENGINEER/DECK WINCHES (POWER) $39.88 1T 50 8L I DERRICK, BUILDING $40.34 1T 50 8L DOZERS, 0-9 & UNDER $39.49 1T 50 8L DRILL OILERS - AUGER TYPE, TRUCK OR CRANE MOUNT $39.49 1T 50 8L DRILLING MACHINE $39.88 1T 50 8L I ELEVATOR AND MANLlFT, PERMANENT AND SHAFT-TYPE $37.26 1T 50 8L EQUIPMENT SERVICE ENGINEER (OILER) $39.49 1T 50 8L FINISHING MACHINE/BIDWELL GAMACO AND SIMILAR EQUIP $39.88 1T 50 8L FORK LIFTS, (3000 LBS AND OVER) $39.49 1T 50 8L I FORK LIFTS, (UNDER 3000 LBS) $37.26 1T 50 8L GRADE ENGINEER $39.49 1T 50 8L GRADECHECKER AND STAKEMAN $37.26 1T 50 8L GUARDRAIL PUNCH $39.88 1T 50 8L I HOISTS, OUTSIDE (ELEVATORS AND MANLlFTS), AIR TUGGERS $39.49 1T 50 8L HORIZONTAUDlRECTIONAL DRILL LOCATOR $39.49 1T 50 8L HORIZONTAUDIRECTIONAL DRILL OPERATOR $39.88 1T 50 8L HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (10 TON & UNDER) $37.26 1T 50 8L HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (OVER 10 TON) $39.49 1T 50 8L I LOADERS, OVERHEAD (6 YO UP TO 8 YO) $40.34 1T 50 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (8 YO & OVER) $40.86 1T 50 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (UNDER 6 YO), PLANT FEED $39.88 1T 50 8L LOCOMOTIVES, ALL $39.88 1T 50 8L I MECHANICS, ALL $40.34 1T 50 8L MIXERS, ASPHALT PLANT $39.88 1T 50 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (FINISHING) $39.88 1T 50 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (NON-FINISHING) $39.49 1T 50 8L I MUCKING MACHINE, MOLE, TUNNEL DRILL AND/OR SHIELD $40.34 1T 50 8L OIL DISTRIBUTORS, BLOWER DISTRIBUTION AND MULCH SEEDING $37.26 1T 50 8L OPERATOR PAVEMENT BREAKER $37.26 1T 50 8L I PILEDRIVER (OTHER THAN CRANE MOUNT) $39.88 1T 50 8L PLANT OILER (ASPHALT, CRUSHER) $39.49 1T 50 8L POSTHOLE DIGGER, MECHANICAL $37.26 1T 50 8L POWER PLANT $37.26 1T 50 8L I PUMPS, WATER $37.26 1T 50 8L QUAD 9, 0-10, AND HD-41 $40.34 1T 50 8L REMOTE CONTROL OPERATOR ON RUBBER TIRED EARTH MOVING $40.34 1T 50 8L EQUIP I RIGGER AND BELLMAN $37.26 1T 50 8L ROLLAGON $40.34 1T 50 8L ROLLER, OTHER THAN PLANT ROAD MIX $37.26 1T 50 8L ROLLERS, PLANTMIX OR MUL TILlFT MATERIALS $39.49 1T 50 8L ROTO-MILL, ROTO-GRINDER $39.88 1T 50 8L I SAWS, CONCRETE $39.49 1T 50 8L Page 6 I I I I I CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** I Classification SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT ( UNDER 45 YO) SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT (45 YO AND OVER) SCRAPERS, CONCRETE AND CARRY ALL SCREED MAN SHOTCRETE GUNITE SLlPFORM PAVERS SPREADER, TOPSIDE OPERATOR - BLAW KNOX SUBGRADE TRIMMER TOWER BUCKET ELEVATORS TRACTORS, (75 HP & UNDER) TRACTORS, (OVER 75 HP) TRANSFER MATERIAL SERVICE MACHINE TRANSPORTERS, ALL TRACK OR TRUCK TYPE TRENCHING MACHINES TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER ( UNDER 100 TON) TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER (100 TON & OVER) TRUCK MOUNT PORTABLE CONVEYER WHEEL TRACTORS, FARMALL TYPE YO YO PAY DOZER POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS- UNDERGROUND SEWER & (SEE POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS) POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE SPRAY PERSON TREE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TREE TRIMMER TREE TRIMMER GROUNDPERSON REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS MECHANIC RESIDENTIAL BRICK & MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL CARPENTERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL LABORERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 7 I I I PREVAILING WAGE $39.88 $40.34 $39.49 $39.88 $37.26 $40.34 $39.88 $39.88 $39.49 $39.49 $39.88 $39.88 $40.34 $39.49 $39.49 $39.88 $39.88 $37.26 $39.88 $33.06 $31.34 $31.76 $29.48 $21.94 $27.68 $39.87 $17.85 $25.63 $18.00 $27.78 $0.00 $9.86 $18.08 $15.97 $14.60 (See Benefit Code Key) Over Time Holiday Note Code Code Code 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 1M 5A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code RESIDENTIAL REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING JOURNEY LEVEL $48.21 1G 5A RESIDENTIAL SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) $30.22 1J 6L RESIDENTIAL SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $10.88 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL $19.67 ROOFERS JOURNEY LEVEL $34.53 1R 5A USING IRRITABLE BITUMINOUS MATERIALS $37.53 1R 5A SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) $46.74 1J 6L SIGN MAKERS & INSTALLERS (ELECTRICAL) JOURNEY LEVEL $19.29 SIGN MAKERS & INSTALLERS (NON-ELECTRICAL) JOURNEY LEVEL $12.15 SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $32.24 1B 5A SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS JOURNEY LEVEL $10.31 1B 50 SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL $19.67 STAGE RIGGING MECHANICS (NON STRUCTURAL) JOURNEY LEVEL $13.23 SURVEYORS CHAIN PERSON $9.35 INSTRUMENT PERSON $11.40 PARTY CHIEF $13.40 TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION - OUTSIDE CABLE SPLICER $28.31 2B 5A HOLE DIGGER/GROUND PERSON $15.92 2B 5A INSTALLER (REPAIRER) $27.16 2B 5A JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE L1NEPERSON $26.34 2B 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER I $28.31 2B 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER II $27.74 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (HEAVY) $28.31 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (LIGHT) $26.34 2B 5A TELEVISION GROUND PERSON $15.12 2B 5A TELEVISION L1NEPERSONIINSTALLER $20.05 2B 5A TELEVISION SYSTEM TECHNICIAN $23.82 2B 5A TELEVISION TECHNICIAN $21.45 2B 5A TREE TRIMMER $26.34 2B 5A TERRAZZO WORKERS & TILE SETTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $37.03 1H 5A TILE. MARBLE & TERRAZZO FINISHERS FINISHER $30.86 1H 5A TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $31.90 1K 5A TRUCK DRIVERS ASPHALT MIX (TO 16 YARDS) $36.89 1T 50 8L ASPHALT MIX (OVER 16 YARDS) $37.47 1T 50 8L Page 8 I I CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** I Classification DUMP TRUCK DUMP TRUCK & TRAILER OTHER TRUCKS TRANSIT MIXER WELL DRILLERS & IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLERS IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLER OILER WELL DRILLER PREVAILING WAGE $20.23 $20.23 $37.47 $23.73 $11.60 $9.45 $11.60 (See Benefit Code Key) Over Time Code Holiday Code Note Code I I 1 1 1T 1 50 8L I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-05 *****************************************************************.************************.********....**.**..******.*** OVERTIME CODES OVERTIME CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON THE HOURLY RATE ACTUALLY PAID TO THE WORKER. ON PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS, THE HOURLY RATE MUST BE NOT LESS THAN THE PREVAILING RATE OF WAGE MINUS THE HOURLY RATE OF THE COST OF FRINGE BENEFITS ACTUALLY PROVIDED FOR THE WORKER. 1. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. C. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. D. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAYS OF A FIVE - EIGHT HOUR WORK WEEK AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON A FIFTH CALENDAR DAY, EXCLUDING SUNDAY, IN A FOUR - TEN HOUR SCHEDULE, SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY ON SATURDAY; ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS IN A FIFTH CALENDAR WEEKDAY OF A FOUR - TEN HOUR SCHEDULE; ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. E. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF 10 PER DAY SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. F. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. G. THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON A FIFTH CALENDAR WEEKDAY IN A FOUR - TEN HOUR SCHEDULE, SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE H. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS OR EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. I. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. WORK PERFORMED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. WORK PERFORMED ON A HOLIDAY SHALL BE PAID ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THEIR HOURLY RATE FOR ACTUAL HOURS WORKED PLUS EIGHT (8) HOURS OF STRAIGHT TIME FOR THE HOLIDAY. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. J. K. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. 1. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE M. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. N. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 2. BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-05 -2- P. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. Q. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT CHRISTMAS DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON CHRISTMAS DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. R. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE T. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, EXCEPT MAKE-UP DAYS, SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED AFTER 6:00PM SATURDAY TO 6:00AM MONDAY AND ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. U. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. W. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPT MAKE-UP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. THE FIRST SIX (6) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF SIX (6) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. C. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. D. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT STRAIGHT TIME IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. E. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS OR HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS OR ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. F. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT THE STRAIGHT HOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. G. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE INCLUDING HOLIDAY PAY. H. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE 1. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. J. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, INCLUDING THE HOLIDAY PAY. ALL HOURS WORKED ON UNPAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. K. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY. M. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. 4. 5. BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-05 -3- O. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. HOLIDAY CODES A. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). B. C. D. E. G. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS (6). HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6) HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). PAID HOLIDAYS' NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). H. I. N. O. P. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). Q. PAID HOLIDAYS' NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). R. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, ONE-HALF DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7 1/2). PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). T. PAID HOLIDAYS SEVEN (7) PAID HOLIDAYS. S. V. PAID HOLIDAYS: SIX (6) PAID HOLIDAYS. W. PAID HOLIDAYS: NINE (9) PAID HOLIDAYS. X. HOLIDAYS: AFTER 520 HOURS - NEW YEAR'S DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. AFTER 2080 HOURS - NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY AND A FLOATING HOLIDAY (8). HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY FOLLOWING THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). Y. z. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6. 8. BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-05 -4- A. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). B. PAID HOLIDAYS' NEW YEAR'S EVE DAY, NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE'S DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). C. HOLIDAYS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). D. PAID HOLIDAYS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, THE DAY BEFORE OR THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY (9). HOLIDAYS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). H. I. L. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY. (8) Q. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. UNPAID HOLIDAY; PRESIDENTS'DAY. S. PAID HOLIDAYS' NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DA Y, DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY (9). PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, EMPLOYEE'S BIRTHDAY, AND ONE DAY OF THE EMPLOYEE'S CHOICE (10). T. U. V. W. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY (10). x. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DA Y, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY , DAY BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY, EMPLOYEE'S BIRTHDAY (II). NOTE CODES A. THE STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHALL BE ONE-HALF TIMES THE DIVERS RATE OF PAY. IN ADDITION TO THE HOURLY WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS, THE FOLLOWING DEPTH PREMIUMS APPLY TO DEPTHS OF FIFTY FEET OR MORE: OVER 50' TO 100' - $1.00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 50 FEET OVER 100' TO 175' - $2.25 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 100 FEET OVER 175' TO 250' - $5.50 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 175 FEET OVER 250' - DIVERS MAY NAME THEIR OWN PRICE, PROVIDED IT IS NO LESS THAN THE SCALE LISTED FOR 250 FEET C. THE STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHALL BE ONE-HALF TIMES THE DIVERS RATE OF PAY. IN ADDITION TO THE HOURLY WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS, THE FOLLOWING DEPTH PREMIUMS APPLY TO DEPTHS OF FIFTY FEET OR MORE: OVER 50' TO 100' - $1.00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 50 FEET OVER 100'TO 150'-$1.50PERFOOTFOREACHFOOTOVER 100 FEET OVER 150' TO 200' - $2.00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 150 FEET OVER 200' - DIVERS MAY NAME THEIR OWN PRICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8. BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-05 -5- D. WORKERS WORKING WITH SUPPLIED AIR ON HAZMA T PROJECTS RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL $ 1.00 PER HOUR L. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A: $0.75, LEVEL B: $0.50, AND LEVEL C: $0.25. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS: LEVELS A & B: $1.00, LEVELS C & D: $0.50. M. N. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A: $1.00, LEVEL B: $0.75, LEVEL C: $0.50, AND LEVEL D: $0.25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment B Request for Information and Construction Change Order Forms I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) FORM PROJECT NAME: PROJECT/CONTRACT NUMBER: ORIGINATOR: ITEM: REFERENCE DRAWING OR SPECIFICATION: DESCRIPTION OF CLARI FICA TION/REQUEST: DOwner o Contractor DATE REPLY REQUESTED: CRITICAL TO SCHEDULE: 0 YES 0 NO ORIGINATOR SIGNATURE: DATE: COMMENTS: RFI Number: I CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER (CCO) NO. I I Project Name Date I Contractor Project No. I DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: I 1. Describe work here 2. Additional work, etc.... I Such work will be compensated by: check one or more of the fol/owing as applicable [ ] Increase or [ Decrease in bid items; [ ] Force Account; [ ] Negotiated Price: The described work affects the existing contract items and/or adds and/or deletes bid items as follows: I I Item Description No. RFI# Qty. Unit $ Cost Per Unit $ Cost I Ong. Rev. 2 Orig. Rev. I I CURRENT CONTRACT EST. NET CHANGE THIS CHANGE ORDER TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS, INCLUDING THIS ONE EST. CONTRACT AFTER THIS CHANGE ORDER I DAYS: XX DAYS:YY DAYS: ZZ DAYS: XX+ZZ-YY DAYS: YY+ZZ * Amount with applicable sales tax included I All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the original contract and/or the standard speCifications and special provisions for the type of construction Involved. The payments and/or additional time specified and agreed to in this order include every claim by the Contractor for any extra payment or extension of time with respect to the work described herein, including delays to the overall project. I I I PROJECT ENGINEER CITY ENGINEER CONTRACTOR PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment C Contractor's Application for Payment Form I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Park Ave. Sewer & Sidewalk Improvements (04-04) Campbell A ve. Street Widening/Paving/Waterline (05-12) Page 1 of 2 TO: City of Port Angeles DATE: Public Works & Utilities Department P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 FROM: PAYMENT REQUEST NO. PERIOD From: to [end of period]: STATEMENT OF CONTRACT ACCOUNT 1 Original Contract Amount [Excluding Sales Tax] $ 2 Approved Change Order No(s). [Excluding Sales Tax] $ 3 Adjusted Contract Amount (1 +2) $ 4 Value of Work Completed to Date [per attached breakdown] $ 5 Material Stored on Site [per attached breakdown] $ 6 Subtotal (4+5) $ 7 8.3% Sales Tax [at 8.3% of subtotal], As Applicable $ 8 Less Amount Retained [at 5% of subtotal] $ 9 Subtotal (6+7-8) $ 10 Total Previously Paid [Deduction] $ 11 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST (9-10) $ WAIVER OF CLAIMS FOR EXTRA COST OR TIME: The undersigned Applicant waives and releases, up through the date hereof, any and all claims for costs or item extensions arising out of or relating to extra or changed work or delays or acceleration not specifically identified and reserved in the amounts identified below or previously acknowledged in writing by the City of Port Angeles. CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR: I hereby certify that the work performed and the materials supplied through the ending period date noted above represent the actual value of accomplishment under the terms of the contract (and all authorized changes) between the Applicant and the City of Port Angeles, relating to the above referenced project, and that the remaining contract balance is sufficient to cover all costs of completing the work in accordance with the contract documents. Continued on Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Page 2 of 2 I also certify that all lower-tier payments, less applicable retention, have been made by the Applicant for the periods covered by previous payment(s) received by the Applicant to (1) all lower- tier subcontractors! suppliers, and (2) for all materials, equipment and labor used or in connection with the performance of this contract. I further certify that I have complied with all federal, state and local tax laws, including Social Security laws and Unemployment Compensation laws and Workmen's Compensation laws, insofar as applicable to the performance of this work, and have paid all such taxes, premiums and!or assessments arising out of the performance of the work. I further certify that, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, all work for which previous payment(s) have been received shall be free and clear of liens, claims, security interests and encumbrances in favor of the Contractor, subcontractors, material suppliers, or other persons or entities making a claim by reason of having provided labor, materials and equipment relating to the work. Within seven (7) days of receipt of the payment requested herein, all payments, less applicable retention, will be made through the period covered by this pay request to all my lower-tier subcontractors/suppliers and for all materials, equipment, labor, taxes and assessments arising out of the performance of all said lower-tire work. DATED: CONTRACTOR: SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME AND TITLE: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of ,20_. Notary Public in and for the State of residing at My appointment expires APPROVAL: Project Manager Date City Engineer Date I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I Attachment 0 Amendments to the Standard Plans and Specifications I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION The following Amendments and Special Provisions shall be used in conjunction with the 2004 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS The following Amendments to the Standard Specifications are made a part of this contract and supersede any conflicting provisions of the Standard Specifications. For informational purposes, the date following each Amendment title indicates the implementation date of the Amendment or the latest date of revision. Each Amendment contains all current revi'sions to the applicable section of the Standard Specifications and may include references which do not apply to this particular project. SECTION 1-07, LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC April 4, 2005 1-07.11(10}B Required Records and Retention The third and fourth paragraphs are revised to read: Monthly Employment Utilization Reports WSDOT Form #820-010 or substitute form as approved by the Contracting Agency. This form is required for all federally assisted projects if the contract is equal to or greater then $10,000 and for every associated subcontract equal to or greater than $10,000. These monthly reports are to be maintained in the respective Contractor or subcontractor's records. In addition, for contracts with a value of $100,000 or more, the Contractor shall submit copies of the completed WSDOT form 820-010 or approved substitute to the Contracting Agency by the fifth of each month throughout the term of the contract. The Contractor shall also collect and submit these forms monthly from every subcontractor who holds a subcontract with a value of $100,000 or more. Failure to submit the required reports by their due dates may result in the withholding of progress estimate payments. 1-07.13(4} Repair of Damage This section is revised to read: The Contractor shall promptly repair all damage to either temporary or permanent work as directed by the Engineer. For damage qualifying for relief under Sections 1-07.13(1), 1- 07.13(2) or 1-07.13(3), payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.4 using the estimated bid item "Reimbursement for Third Party Damage". In the event the Contracting Agency pays for damage to the Contractor's work or for damage to the Contractor's equipment caused by third parties, any claim the Contractor had or may have had against the third party shall be deemed assigned to the Contracting Agency, to the extent of the Contracting Agency's payment for such damage. Payment will be limited to repair of damaged work only. No payment will be made for delay or disruption of work. For the purpose of providing a common proposal for all bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount for "Reimbursement For Third Party Damage" in the proposal to become a part of the total bid by the Contractor. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-07.16(1) Private/Public Property This section is revised to read: The Contractor shall not use Contracting Agency owned or controlled property other than that directly affected by the contract work without the approval of the Engineer. If the Engineer grants such approval, the Contractor shall then vacate the area when ordered to do so by the Engineer. Approval to temporarily use the property shall not create any entitlement to further use or to compensation for any conditions or requirements imposed. The Contractor shall protect private or public property on or in the vicinity of the work site. The Contractor shall ensure that it is not removed, damaged, destroyed, or prevented from being used unless the contract so specifies. Property includes land, utilities, trees, landscaping, improvements legally on the right-of-way, markers, monuments, buildings, structures, pipe, conduit, sewer or water lines, signs, and other property of all description whether shown on the plans or not. If the Engineer orders , or if otherwise necessary, the Contractor shall install protection, acceptable to the Engineer, for property such as that listed in the previous paragraph. The Contractor is responsible for locating and protecting all property that is subject to damage by the construction operation. If the Contractor (or agents/employees of the Contractor) damage, destroy, or interfere with the use of such property, the Contractor shall restore it to original condition. The Contractor shall also halt any interference with the property's use. If the Contractor refuses or does not respond immediately, the Engineer may have such property restored by other means and subtract the cost from money that will be or is due the Contractor. The Contractor may access the worksite from adjacent properties. The Contractor shall not use or allow others to use this access to merge with public traffic. During non-working hours, the Contractor shall provide a physical barrier that is either locked or physically unable to be moved without equipment. The access shall not go through any existing structures. The access may go through fencing. The Contractor shall control or prevent animals from entering the worksite to the same degree that they were controlled before the fence was removed. The Contractor shall prevent persons not involved in the contract work from entering the worksite through the access or through trails and pathways intersected by the access. If the contract documents require that existing trails or pathways be maintained during construction, the Contractor will insure the safe passage of trail or pathway users. The Contractor shall effectively control airborne particulates that are generated by use of the access. The location and use of the access shall not adversely affect wetlands or sensitive areas in any manner. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all haul road agreements, permits and/or easements associated with the access. The Contractor shall replace any fence, repair any damage and restore the site to its original state when the access is no longer needed. The Contractor shall bear all costs associated with this worksite access. 1-07.16(2) Vegetation Protection and Restoration The new paragraph below is inserted to follow the third paragraph: Any pruning activity required to complete the work as specified shall be performed by persons qualified as a Certified Arborist at the direction of the Engineer. In the fifth paragraph, "Guicle for Plant Appraisal, Eighth Edition" is revised to read "Guide for Plant Appraisal, Current Edition". 1-07.16(3) Fences, Mailboxes, Incidentals The first sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Contractor shall maintain any temporary fencing to prevent pedestrians from entering the worksite and to preserve livestock, crops, or property when working through or adjacent to private property. 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance This section is revised to read: The Contractor shall obtain and keep in force the following policies of insurance. The policies shall be with companies or through sources approved by the State Insurance Commissioner pursuant to Chapter 48.05, RCW. Unless otherwise indicated below, the policies shall be kept in force from the execution date of the contract until the date of acceptance by the Secretary (Section 1-05.12). 1. Owners and Contractors Protective Insurance providing bodily injury and property damage liability coverage with limits of $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for each policy period, written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CG0009 together with Washington State Department of Transportation Amendatory Endorsement No. CG 29 08, specifying the State of Washington as a named insured. The Contractor may choose to terminate this insurance after the date of Substantial Completion as determined by the Engineer or, should Substantial Completion not be achieved, after the date of Physical Completion as determined by the Engineer. In the event the Contractor elects to terminate this coverage, prior to acceptance of the contract, the Contractor shall first obtain an endorsement to the Commercial General Liability Insurance described below that establishes the Contracting Agency on that policy as an additional insured. 2. Commercial General Liability Insurance written under ISO Form CG0001 or its equivalent with minimum limits of $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for each policy period. This protection may be a CGL policy or any combination of primary, umbrella or excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $3,000,000. Products and completed operations coverage shall be provided for a period of one year following final acceptance of the work. 3. Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance providing bodily injury and property damage liability coverage for all owned and nonowned vehicles assigned to or used in the performance of the work with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence with the State named as an additional insured in connection with the Contractor's Performance of the contract. The Owners and Contractors Protective Insurance policy shall not be subject to a deductible or contain provisions for a deductible. The Commercial General Liability policy and the Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance policy may, at the discretion of the Contractor, contain such provisions. If a deductible applies to any claim under these policies, then payment of that deductible will be the responsibility of the Contractor, notwithstanding any claim of liability against the Contracting Agency. However in no event shall any provision for a deductible provide for a deductible in excess of $50,000.00. Prior to contract execution, the Contractor shall file with the Department of Transportation, Contract Payment Section, P.O. Box 47420, Olympia, WA 98504-7420, ACORD Form Certificates of Insurance evidencing the minimum insurance coverages required under these specifications. All insurance policies and Certificates of Insurance shall include a requirement providing for a minimum of 45 days prior written notice to the Contracting Agency of any cancellation .or I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I reduction of coverage. All insurance coverage required by this section shall be written and provided by "occurrence-based" policy forms rather than by "claims made" forms. Failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract upon which the Contracting Agency may, after giving five working days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the contract or, at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the Contracting Agency on demand, or at the sole discretion of the Contracting Agency, offset against funds due the Contractor from the Contracting Agency. All costs for insurance, including any payments of deductible amounts, shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit contract prices and no additional payment will be made. 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic The first paragraph is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall enter interstate highways only through legal movements from existing roads, streets, and through other access points specifically allowed by the contract documents. The fourth sentence in the second paragraph is revised to read: Deficiencies not caused by the Contractor's operations shall be repaired by the Contractor, when ordered by the Engineer, at the Contracting Agency's expense. In the sixth paragraph, 3. "C", the first sentence is revised to read: Temporary concrete barrier or other approved barrier installed on the traffic side of the drop-off with 2 feet between the drop-off and the back of the barrier and a new edge of pavement stripe a minimum of 2 feet from the face of the barrier. SECTION 1-09, MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT April 5, 2004 1-09.6 Force Account On page 1-91, under "For Labor", the fourth and fifth sentences in the second paragraph are deleted. 1-09.7 Mobilization Under the second paragraph, item 3 is revised to read: When the substantial completion date has been established for the project, payment of any amount bid for mobilization in excess of 10 percent of the total original contract amount will be paid. SECTION 1-10, TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL December 6, 2004 Section 1-10 is revised in its entirety to read: 1-10.1 General The Contractor, utilizing contractor labor and contractor-provided equipment and materials (except when such labor, equipment or materials are to be provided by the Contracting I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Agency as specifically identified herein), shall plan, manage, supervise and perform all temporary traffic control activities needed to support the work of the contract. 1-10.1 (1) Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Stop/Slow Paddles Construction Signs Wood Sign Posts Sequential Arrow Signs Portable Changeable Message Signs Barricades Traffic Safety Drums Barrier Drums Traffic Cones Tubular Markers Warning Lights and Flashers Truck-Mounted Attenuator 9-35.1 9-35.2 9-35.3 9-35.4 9-35.5 9-35.6 9-35.7 9-35.8 9-35.9 9-35.10 9-35.11 9-35.12 1-10.1 (2) Description The Contractor shall provide flaggers, spotters and all other personnel required for labor for traffic control activities and not otherwise specified as being furnished by the Contracting Agency. "' The Contractor shall perform all procedures necessary to support the contract work. The Contractor shall provide signs and other traffic control devices not otherwise specified as being furnished by the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall erect and maintain all construction signs, warning signs, detour signs, and other traffic control devices necessary to warn and protect the public at all times from injury or damage as a result of the Contractor's operations which may occur on or adjacent to highways, roads, or streets. No work shall be done on or adjacent to the roadway until all necessary signs and traffic control devices are in place. The traffic control resources and activities described shall be used for the safety of the public, of the Contractor's employees, and of the Contracting Agency's personnel and to facilitate the movement of the traveling public. Traffic control resources and activities may be used for the separation or merging of public and construction traffic when such use is in accordance with a specific approved traffic control plan. Upon failure of the Contractor to immediately provide flaggers; erect, maintain, and remove signs; or provide, erect, maintain, and remove other traffic control devices when ordered to do so by the Engineer, the Contracting Agency may, without further notice to the Contractor or the Surety, perform any of the above and deduct all of the costs from the Contractor's payments. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate labor, sufficient signs, and other traffic control devices, and for performing traffic control procedures needed for the protection of the work and the public at all times regardless of whether or not the labor, devices or procedures have been ordered by the Engineer, furnished by the Contracting Agency, or paid for by the Contracting Agency. Wherever possible when performing contract work, the Contractor's equipment shall follow normal and legal traffic movements. The Contractor's ingress and egress of the work area shall be accomplished with as little disruption to traffic as possible. Traffic control devices shall be removed by picking up the devices in a reverse sequence to that used for Installation. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I This may require moving backwards through the workzone. When located behind barrier or at other locations shown on approved traffic control plans, equipment may operate in a direction opposite to adjacent traffic. The Contractor is advised that the Contracting Agency may have entered into operating agreements with one or more law enforcement organizations for cooperative activities. Under such agreements, at the sole discretion of the Contracting Agency, law enforcement personnel may enter the workzone for enforcement purposes and may participate in the Contractor's traffic control activities. The responsibility under the contract for all traffic control resides with the Contractor and any such participation by law enforcement personnel in Contractor traffic control activities will be referenced in the Special Provisions or will be preceded by an agreement and, if appropriate, a cost adjustment. Nothing in this contract is intended to create an entitlement, on the part of the Contractor, to the services or participation of the law enforcement organization. 1-10.2 Traffic Control Management 1-10.2(1) General It is the Contractor's responsibility to plan, conduct and safely perform the work. The Contractor shall manage temporary traffic control with his or her own staff. Traffic control management responsibilities shall be formally assigned to one or more company supervisors who are actively involved in the planning and management of field contract activities. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a copy of the formal assignment. The duties of traffic control management may not be subcontracted. The Contractor shall designate an individual or individuals to perform the duties of the primary Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS). The designation shall also identify an alternate TCS who can assume the duties of the primary TCS in the event of that person's inability to perform. The TCS shall be responsible for safe implementation of approved Traffic Control Plans provided by the Contractor. The designated individuals shall be certified as worksite traffic control supervisors by one of the organizations listed in the Special Provisions. Possession of a current flagging card by the TCS is mandatory. A traffic control management assignment and a TCS designation are required on all projects that will utilize traffic control. The Contractor shall maintain 24-hour telephone numbers at which the Contractor's assigned traffic control management personnel and the TCS can be contacted and be available upon the Engineer's request at other than normal working hours. These persons shall have the resources, ability and authority to expeditiously correct any deficiency in the traffic control system. 1-10.2(1)A Traffic Control Management The responsibilities of the Contractor's traffic control management personnel shall include: 1. Overseeing and approving the actions of the Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) to ensure that proper safety and traffic control measures are implemented and consistent with the specific requirements created by the Contractor's workzones and the Contract. Some form of oversight shall be in place and effective even when the traffic control management personnel are not present at the jobsite. 2. Providing the Contractor's designated TCS with approved Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) which are compatible with the work operations and traffic control for which they will be implemented. Having the latest adopted edition of the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTeD,) including the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD and applicable standards and specifications available at all times on the project. 3. Discussing proposed traffic control measures and coordinating implementation of the Contractor-adopted traffic control plan(s) with the Engineer. 4. Coordinating all traffic control operations, including those of subcontractors and suppliers, with each other and with any adjacent construction or maintenance operations. 5. Coordinating the project's activities (such as ramp closures, road closures, and lane closures) with appropriate police, fire control agencies, city or county engineering, medical emergency agencies, school districts, and transit companies. 6. Overseeing all requirements of the contract that contribute to the convenience, safety, and orderly movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 7. Reviewing the TCS's diaries daily and being aware of field traffic control operations. 8. Being present on-site a sufficient amount of time to adequately satisfy the above- listed responsibilities. Failure to carry out any of the above-listed responsibilities shall be a failure to comply with the contract and may result in a suspension of work as described in Section 1-08.6. 1-10.2(1)8 Traffic Control Supervisor A Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) shall be present on the project whenever flagging or spotting or other traffic control labor is being utilized or less frequently, as authorized by the Engineer. The TCS shall personally perform all the duties of the TCS. During nonwork periods, the TCS shall be available to the job site within a 45-minute time period after notification by the Engineer. The TCS's duties shall include: 1. Having a current set of approved traffic control plans (TCPs), applicable contract provisions as provided by the Contractor, the latest adopted edition of the MUTCD, including the Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD, the book Quality Guidelines for Work Zone Traffic Control Devices, and applicable standards and specifications. 2. Inspecting traffic control devices and nighttime lighting for proper location, installation, message, cleanliness, and effect on the traveling public. Traffic control devices shall be inspected at least once per hour during working hours except that Class A signs and nighttime lighting need to be checked only once a week. Traffic control devices left in place for 24 hours or more shall also be inspected once during the nonworking hours when they are initially set up (during daylight or darkness, whichever is opposite of the working hours). The TCS shall correct, or arrange to have corrected, any deficiencies noted during these inspections. 3. Preparing a daily traffic control diary on each day that traffic control is performed using DOT Forms 421-040A and 421-040B, and submitting them to the Engineer no later than the end of the next working day. The Contractor may use alternate forms if approved by the Engineer. Diary entries shall include, but not be limited to: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a. Time of day when signs and traffic control devices are installed and removed, b. Location and condition of signs and traffic control devices, c. Revisions to the traffic control plan, d. Lighting utilized at night, and e. Observations of traffic conditions. 4. Making minor revisions to the traffic control plan to accommodate site conditions provided that the original intent of the traffic control plan is maintained and the revision has the concurrence of both the Contractor and the Engineer. 5. Attending traffic control coordinating meetings or coordination activities as necessary for full understanding and effective performance. 6. Ensuring that all needed traffic control devices and equipment are available and in good working condition prior to the need to install or utilize them. The TCS may perform the work described in Section 1-10.3(1)A Flaggers and Spotters or in Section 1-10.3(1)8 Other Traffic Control Labor provided that the duties of the TCS are accomplished. 1-10.2(2) Traffic Control Plans The traffic control plan or plans appearing in the contract documents show a method of handling traffic. All construction signs, flaggers, spotters and other traffic control devices are shown on the traffic control plan(s) except for emergency situations. Where mainline contract traffic control plans are developed with the intent of operating without the use of flaggers or spotters, the plans shall contain a note that states, "NO FLAGGERS OR SPOTTERS". The use of flaggers or spotters to supplement these traffic control plans will not be allowed except in a case where no other means of traffic control can be used or in the event of an emergency. If the Contractor proposes the use of flaggers or spotters with one of these plans, this will constitute a modification requiring approval by the Engineer. The modified plans shall show locations for all the required advance warning signs and a safe, protected location for the flagging station. If flagging is to be performed during hours of darkness, the plan shall include appropriate illumination for the flagging station. When the Contractor's chosen method of performing the work in the contract requires some form of temporary traffic control, the Contractor shall either: (1.) designate and adopt, in writing, the traffic control plan or plans from the contract documents that support that method; or (2.) submit a Contractor's plan that modifies, supplements or replaces a plan from the contract documents. Any Contractor-proposed modification, supplement or replacement shall show the necessary construction signs, flaggers, spotters and other traffic control devices required to support the work. Any Contractor-proposed traffic control plan shall conform to the established standards for plan development as shown in the MUTCD, Part VI. The Contractor's submittal, either designating and adopting a traffic control plan from the contract documents or proposing a Contractor-developed plan, shall be provided to the Engineer for approval at least ten calendar days in advance of the time the signs and other traffic control devices are scheduled to be installed and utilized. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for submitting any proposed traffic control plan or modification, obtaining the Engineer's approval and providing copies of the approved Traffic Control Plans to the Traffic Control Supervisor. 1-10.2(3) Conformance to Established Standards Flagging, signs, and all other traffic control devices and procedures furnished or provided shall conform to the standards established in the latest WSDOT adopted edition of the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD,) published by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Judgment of the quality of devices furnished will be based upon Quality Guidelines for Work Zone Traffic Control Devices, published by the American Traffic Safety Services Association. Copies of the MUTCD and Quality Guidelines for Work Zone Traffic Control Devices may be purchased from the American Traffic Safety Services Association, 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406-1022. The Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD may be obtained from the Department of Transportation, Olympia, Washington 98504. In addition to the standards of the MUTCD described above, the Contracting Agency has scheduled the implementation of crashworthiness requirements for most workzone devices. The National Cooperative Highway Research Project (NCHRP) Report 350 has established requirements for crash testing. Workzone devices are divided into four categories. Each of those categories and, where applicable, the schedule for implementation is described below: Category 1 includes those items that are small and lightweight, channelizing, and delineating devices that have been in common use for many years and are known to be crashworthy by crash testing of similar devices or years of demonstrable safe performance. These include cones, tubular markers, flexible delineator posts, and plastic drums. All Category 1 devices used on the project shall meet the requirements of NCHRP 350 as certified by the manufacturer of the device. Category 2 includes devices that are not expected to produce significant vehicular velocity change, but may otherwise be hazardous. Examples of this class are barricades, portable sign supports and signs, intrusion alarms and vertical panels. All new Category 2 devices purchased after October 1, 2000 shall meet the requirements of NCHRP 350. Existing equipment, purchased prior to October 1, 2000, may be used on the project until December 31, 2007. For the purpose of definition, a sign support and sign shall be considered a single unit. A new sign may be purchased for an existing sign support and the entire unit will be defined as "existing equipment." Category 3 is for hardware expected to cause significant velocity changes or other potentially harmful reactions to impacting vehicles. Barriers, fixed sign supports, crash cushions, truck mounted attenuators (TMA's) and other work zone devices not meeting the definitions of Category 1 or 2 are examples from this category. Many Category 3 devices are defined in the design of the project. Where this is the case, NCHRP 350 requirements have been incorporated into the design and the Contractor complies with the requirements by constructing devices according to the plans and specifications. Where the device is a product chosen by the Contractor, the device chosen must be compliant with the requirements of NCHRP 350. Category 4 includes portable or trailer-mounted devices such as arrow displays, temporary traffic signals, area lighting supports, and portable changeable message signs. There is presently no implementation schedule for mandatory crashworthiness compliance for these devices. The condition of signs and traffic control devices shall be acceptable or marginal as defined in the book Quality Guidelines for Work Zone Traffic Control Devices, and will be accepted based on a visual inspection by the Engineer. The Engineer's decision on the condition of a sign or traffic control device shall be final. A sign or traffic control device determined to be unacceptable shall be remove.d from the project and replaced within 12 hours of notification. 1-10.3 Traffic Control Labor, Procedures and Devices 1-10.3(1) Traffic Control Labor The Contractor shall furnish all personnel for flagging, spotting, for the execution of all procedures related to temporary traffic control and for the setup, maintenance and removal of I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I all temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control traffic during construction operations. Workers engaged as f1aggers or spotters shall wear reflective vests and hard hats. During hours of darkness, white coveralls or white or yellow rain gear shall also be worn. The vests and other apparel shall be in conformance with Section 1-07.8. 1-10.3(1)A Flaggers and Spotters Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All f1aggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. The flagging card shall be immediately available and shown to the Contracting Agency upon request. Flagging stations shall be shown on Traffic Control Plans at locations where construction operations require stopping or diverting public traffic. Flagging stations shall be staffed only when flagging is required. This staffing may be continuous or intermittent, depending on the nature of the construction activity. Whenever a f1agger is not required to stop or divert traffic, the flagger shall move away from the flagging station to a safer location. During hours of darkness, flagging stations shall be illuminated in a manner that insures that f1aggers can easily be seen but that does not cause glare to the traveling public. Flaggers shall be equipped with portable two-way radios, with a range suitable for the project. The radios shall be capable of having direct contact with project management (foremen, superintendents, etc.). The Contractor shall furnish the MUTCD standard Stop/Slow paddles for all flagging operations. The specification for Stop/Slow paddles in Section 9-35.1 requires 24" paddles and all new paddles purchased for the project shall conform to those provisions. Previously specified 18" paddles may be used at the request of the Contractor until December 31, 2005. Spotting stations shall be shown on Traffic Control Plans at locations where a spotter can detect errant drivers or other hazards and provide an effective warning to other workers. Spotting stations will not be allowed at locations where the spotter will be in unnecessary danger. The Contractor shall furnish noise-makers or other effective warning devices for spotting operations. The duties of a spotter shall not include flagging. 1-10.3(1)8 Other Traffic Control Labor In addition to flagging or spotting duties, the Contractor shall provide personnel for all other traffic control procedures required by the construction operations and for the labor to install, maintain and remove any traffic control devices shown on Traffic Control Plans. 1-10.3(2) Traffic Control Procedures 1-10.3(2)A One-Way Traffic Control The project work may require that traffic be maintained on a portion of the roadway during the progress of the work using one-way traffic control. If this is the case, the Contractor's operation shall be confined to one-half the roadway, permitting traffic on the other half. If shown on an approved traffic control plan or directed by the Engineer, one-way traffic control, in accordance with the MUTCD, shall be provided and shall also conform to the following requirements: In anyone-way traffic control configuration, side roads and approaches will be closed or controlled by a flagger or by appropriate approved signing. A side road f1agger will coordinate with end flaggers where there is line of sight and with the pilot car where the end flaggers cannot be seen. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Queues of vehicles will be allowed to take turns passing through the workzone in the single open lane. When one-way traffic control is in 'effect, Contractor vehicles shall not use the open traffic lane except while following the same rules and routes required of the public traffic. As conditions permit, the Contractor shall, at the end of each day, leave the work area in such condition that it can be traveled without damage to the work, without danger to traffic, and without one-way traffic control. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, one-way traffic control cannot be dispensed with after working hours, then the operation will be continued throughout the non-working hours. 1-10.3(2)8 Rolling Slowdown For work operations on multi-lane roadways that necessitate short-term roadway closures of 15 minutes or less, the Contractor may implement a rolling slowdown. Where included in an approved traffic control plan, a rolling slowdown shall be accomplished using one traffic control vehicle with flashing amber lights for each lane to be slowed down plus one control vehicle to serve as a chase vehicle for traffic ahead of the blockade. The traffic control vehicles shall enter the roadway and form a moving blockade to reduce traffic speeds and create a clear area in front of the moving blockade to accomplish the work without a total stoppage of traffic. A portable changeable message sign shall be placed ahead of the starting point of the traffic control to warn traffic of the slowdown. The sign shall be placed far enough ahead of the work to avoid any expected backup of vehicles. The location where the traffic control vehicles shall begin the slowdown and the speed at which the moving blockade will be allowed to travel will be calculated to accommodate the estimated time needed for closure. The chase control vehicle shall follow the slowest vehicle ahead of the blockade. When the chase vehicle passes, the Contractor may begin the work operation. In the event that the work operation is not completed when the moving blockade reaches the site, all work except that necessary to clear the roadway shall cease immediately and the roadway shall be cleared and reopened as soon as possible. All ramps and entrances to the roadway between the moving blockade and work operation shall be temporarily closed using flaggers. Radio communications between the work operation and the moving blockade shall be established and utilized to adjust the speed of the blockade to accommodate the closure time needed. 1-10.3(2)C Lane Closure SetuplTakedown Where allowed by the contract and where shown on approved traffic control plans or directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall set up traffic control measures to close one or more lanes of a multi-lane facility. When this is to occur, the following sequence shall be followed: 1. Advance warning signs are set up on the shoulder of the roadway opposite the lane to be closed, 2. Advance warning signs are set up on the same shoulder as the lane to be closed, 3. A truck-mounted attenuator, with arrow board, is moved into place at the beginning of the closure taper, 4. Channelization devices are placed to mark the taper and the length of the closure as shown on the traffic control plan. Once the lane is closed, the TMAlarrow board combination may be replaced with an arrow board without attenuator. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If additional lanes are to be closed, this shall be done in sequence with previous lane closures using the same sequence of activities. A truck-mounted attenuator with arrow board is required during the process of closing each additional lane and may be replaced with an arrow board without attenuator after the lane is closed. Each closed lane shall be marked with a separate arrow board at all times. Traffic control for lane closures shall be removed in the reverse order of its installation. 1-10.3(2)0 Mobile Operations Where construction operations are such that movement along the length of a roadway is continuous or near-continuous to the extent that a stationary traffic control layout will not be effective, the Contractor shall implement a moving, or mobile, traffic control scheme. Such moving control shall always be conducted in the same direction as the adjacent traffic. Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where directed by the Engineer, mobile traffic control shall consist of portable equipment, moving with the operation. A portable changeable message sign shall be established in advance of the operation, far enough back to provide warning of both the operation and of any queue of traffic that has formed during the operation. The advance sign shall be continuously moved to stay near the back of the queue at all times. A truck-mounted attenuator, with arrow board, shall be positioned and maintained at a fixed distance upstream of the work. A shadow vehicle, with truck-mounted attenuator shall be positioned and maintained immediately upstream of the work. 1-10.3(2)E Patrol & Maintain Traffic Control Measures At all times, when temporary traffic control measures are in place, the Contractor shall provide for patrolling and maintaining these measures. The work shall consist of resetting mislocated devices, assuring visibility of all devices, cleaning and repairing where necessary, providing maintenance for all equipment, including replacing batteries and light bulbs as well as keeping motorized and electronic items functioning, and adjusting the location of devices to respond to actual conditions, such as queue length, unanticipated traffic conflicts and other areas where planned traffic control has proven ineffective. This work shall be performed by the Contractor, either by or under the direction of the Traffic Control Supervisor. Personnel, with vehicles if necessary, shall be dispatched so that all traffic control can be reviewed at least once per hour during working hours and at least once during each non-working day. 1-10.3(3) Traffic Control Devices 1-10.3(3)A Construction Signs All construction signs required by approved traffic control plans, as well as any other appropriate signs directed by the Engineer shall be furnished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide the posts or supports and erect and maintain the signs in a clean, neat, and presentable condition until the need for them has ended. Post mounted signs shall be installed as shown in Standard Plans G-1 and G-4a. Sign attachment to posts shall conform to the applicable detail shown in Standard Plan G-9b. When the need for construction signs has ended, the Contractor, upon approval of the Engineer, shall remove all signs, posts, and supports from the project and they shall remain the property of the Contractor. No passing zones on the existing roadway that are marked with paint striping and which striping IS to be obliterated by construction operations shall be replaced by "Do Not Pass" and "Pass With Care" signs. The Contractor shall provide and install the posts and signs. The signs shall be maintained by the Contractor until they are removed or until the contract is physically completed. When the project includes striping by the Contractor, the signs and posts shall be removed by the Contractor when the no passing zones are reestablished by I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I striping. The signs and posts will become the property of the Contractor. When the Contractor is not responsible for striping and when the striping by others is not completed when the project is physically completed, the posts and signs shall be left in place and shall become the property of the Contracting Agency. All existing signs, new permanent signs installed under this contract, and construction signs installed under this contract that are inappropriate for the traffic configuration at a given time shall be removed or completely covered with metal, plywood, or an Engineer approved product specifically manufactured for sign covering during periods when they are not needed. Construction signs will be divided into two classes. Class A construction signs are those signs that remain in service throughout the construction or during a major phase of the work. They are mounted on posts, existing fixed structures, or substantial supports of a semi-permanent nature. Class A signs will be designated as such on the approved Traffic Control Plan. "Do Not Pass" and "Pass With Care" signs are classified as Class A construction signs. Sign and support installation for Class A signs shall be in accordance with the Contract Plans or the Standard Plans. Class B construction signs are those signs that are placed and removed daily, or are used for short durations which may extend for one or more days. They are mounted on portable or temporary mountings. Where it is necessary to add weight to signs for stability, the only allowed method will be a bag of sand that will rupture on impact. The bag of sand shall have a maximum weight of 40 pounds, and shall be suspended no more than 1 foot from the ground. Signs, posts, or supports that are lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed, or which the Engineer deems to be unacceptable while their use is required on the project shall be replaced by the Contractor. 1-10.3(3)8 Sequential Arrow Signs Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide, operate and maintain sequential arrow signs. In some locations, the sign will be shown as a unit with an attenuator. In other locations, the plan will indicate a stand-alone unit. 1-10.3(3)C Portable Changeable Message Sign Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide, operate and maintain portable changeable message signs. These signs shall be available, on-site, for the entire duration of their projected use. 1-10.3(3)0 Barricades Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide, install and maintain barricades. Barricades shall be kept in good repair and shall be removed immediately when, in the opinion of the Engineer, they are no longer functioning as designed. Where it is necessary to add weight to barricades for stability, the only allowed method will be a bag of sand that will rupture on impact. The bag of sand shall have a maximum weight of 40 pounds, and shall be suspended no more than 1 foot from the ground. 1-10.3(3)E Traffic Safety Drums Where shown on an approved Traffic Control Plan, or where ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide, install and maintain traffic safety drums. Used drums may be utilized, provided all drums used on the project are of essentially the same configuration. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The drums shall be designed to resist overturning by means of a weighted lower unit that will separate from the drum when impacted by a vehicle. Drums shall be regularly maintained to ensure that they are clean and that the drum and reflective material are in good condition. If the Engineer determines that a drum has been damaged beyond usefulness, or provides inadequate reflectivity, a replacement drum shall be furnished. When the Engineer determines that the drums are no longer required, they shall be removed from the project and shall remain the property of the Contractor. 1-10.3(3)F Barrier Drums Where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans and as ordered by the Engineer, barrier drums shall be placed on temporary concrete barrier at the following approximate spacing: Concrete Barrier Placement Tangents ~ mile or less 1 Tangents greater than ~ mile 1 2 Tapers and Curves Barrier Drum Spacing in Feet 2 times posted speed limit 4 times posted speed limit posted speed limit Note 1 A minimum of 3 barrier drums shall be used. Note 2 A minimum of 5 barrier drums shall be used. Temporary concrete barrier reflectors may be excluded when using barrier drums. Both legs of the barrier drums shall be completely filled with sand. The top oval should not be filled. Used barrier drums may be used, provided all barrier drums used on the project are of essentially the same configuration. Barrier drums shall be regularly maintained to ensure that they are clean and that the barrier drum and reflective material are in good condition. If the Engineer determines that a barrier drum has been damaged beyond usefulness, or provides inadequate reflectivity, a replacement barrier drum shall be furnished. When the Engineer determines that the drums are no longer required, they shall be removed from the project and shall remain the property of the Contractor. 1-10.3(3)G Traffic Cones Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide, install and maintain traffic cones. Cones shall be kept in good repair and shall be removed immediately when directed by the Engineer. Where wind or moving traffic frequently displace cones, an effective method of stabilizing cones, such as stacking two together at each location, shall be employed. 1-10.3(3)H Tubular Markers Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide, install and maintain tubular markers. Tubular markers shall be kept in good repair and shall be removed immediately when directed by the Engineer. Tubular markers are secondary devices and are not to be used as substitutes for cones or other delineation devices without an approved traffic control plan. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Where the Traffic Control Plan shows pavement-mounted tubular markers, the adhesive used to fasten the base to the pavement shall be suitable for the purpose, as approved by the Engineer. During the removal of pavement-mounted tubular markers, care shall be taken to avoid damage to the existing pavement. Any such damage shall be repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the Contracting Agency. 1-10.3(3)1 Warning Lights and Flashers Where shown attached to traffic control devices on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provi(je and maintain flashing warning lights. Lights attached to advance warning signs shall be Type 8, high-intensity. Lights attached to traffic safety drums, barricades or other signs shall be Type C, steady-burning low intensity or, where attention is to be directed to a specific device, Type A, flashing low-intensity units. 1-10.3(3)J Truck-Mounted Attenuator Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide, operate and maintain truck-mounted impact attenuators (TMA). These attenuators shall be available, on-site, for the entire duration of their projected use. The TMA shall be positioned to separate and protect construction workzone activities from normal traffic flow. During use, the attenuator shall be in the full down-and-Iocked position. For stationary operations, the truck's parking brake shall be set. 1-10.4 Measurement 1-10.4(1) Lump Sum Bid for Project (No Unit Items) When the bid proposal contains the item "Project Temporary Traffic Control", there will be no measurement of unit items for work defined by Section 1-10 except as described in Section 1- 10.4(3). Also, except as described in Section 1-10.4(3), all of Sections 1-10.4(2) and 1-10.5(2) is deleted. No specific unit of measurement will apply to the lump sum item of "Project Temporary Traffic Control." 1-10.4(2) Item Bids with Lump Sum for Incidentals When the bid proposal does not contain the item "Project Temporary Traffic Control", Sections 1-10.4(1) and 1-10.5(1) are deleted and the bid proposal will contain some or all of the following items, measured as noted. No specific unit of measurement will apply to the lump sum item of "Traffic Control Supervisor." "Flaggers and Spotters" will be measured by the hour. Hours will be measured for each flagging or spotting station, shown on an approved Traffic Control Plan, when that station is staffed in accordance with Section 1-10.3(1)A. When a flagging station is staffed on an intermittent basis, no deduction will be made in measured hours provided that the person staffing the station is in a standby mode and is not performing other duties. "Other Traffic Control Labor" will be measured by the hour. With the exception of patrolling and maintaining, hours will be measured for each person engaged in anyone of the following activities: . Operating a pilot vehicle during one-way piloted traffic control. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Operating a traffic control vehicle or a chase vehicle during a rolling slowdown operation. . Operating a vehicle or placing/removing traffic control devices during the setup or takedown of a lane closure. Performing preliminary work to prepare for placing and removing these devices. . Operating any of the moving traffic control equipment, or adjusting signing during a mobile 9peration as described in Section 1-10.3(2)0. . Patrolling and maintaining traffic control measures as described in Section 1- 10.3(2)E. The hours of one person will be measured for each patrol route necessary to accomplish the review frequency required by the provision, regardless of the actual number of persons per route. . Placing and removing Class B construction signs. Performing preliminary work to prepare for placing and removing these signs. . Relocation of Portable Changeable Message Signs within the project limits. . Installing and removing Barricades, Traffic Safety Drums, Barrier Drums, Cones, Tubular Markers and Warning Lights and Flashers to carry out approved Traffic Control Plan(s). Performing preliminary work to prepare for installing these devices. Time spent on activities other than those listed will not be measured under this item. "Construction Signs, Class A" will be measured by the square foot of panel area for each sign designated on an approved Traffic Control Plan as Class A or for each construction sign installed as ordered by the Engineer and designated as Class A at the time of the order. Class A signs may be used in more than one location and will be measured for each new installation. Class B construction signs will not be measured. Sign posts or supports will not be measured. "Sequential Arrow Sign" will be measured by"the hour for the time that each sign is operating as shown on an approved Traffic Control Plan or as directed by the Engineer. "Portable Changeable Message Sign" will be measured per each one time only for each portable changeable message sign used on the project. The final pay quantity shall be the maximum number of such signs in place at anyone time as approved by the Engineer. "Operation of Portable Changeable Message Sign" will be measured by the hour for each hour of operation. The hours of operation will be determined by the Engineer. Hours of operation in excess of those determined by the Engineer will be at the Contractor's expense. "Truck Mounted Impact Attenuator" will be measured per each one time only for each truck with mounted impact attenuator used on the project. The final pay quantity shall be the maximum number of truck-mounted impact attenuators in place at anyone time. "Operation of Truck-Mounted Impact Attenuator" will be measured by the hour for each truck- mounted attenuator manned and operated. Manned and operated shall be when the truck- mounted impact attenuator has an operator and is required to move, in operating position, with the construction operation or when moving the TMA from one position to another on the project. No specific unit of measurement will apply to the force account item of "Repair Truck-Mounted Impact Attenuator". I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I No specific unit of measurement will apply to the lump sum item of "Other Temporary Traffic Control" . 1-10.4(3) Reinstating Unit Items with Lump Sum Traffic Control The contract provisions may establish the project as lump sum, in accordance with Section 1- 10.4(1) and also include one or more of the items included above in Section 1-10.4(2). When that occurs, the corresponding measurement provision in Section 1-10.4(2) is not deleted and the work under that item will be measured as specified. 1-10.4(4) Owner-Provided Resources The contract provisions may call for specific items of labor, materials or equipment, noted in Section 1-10 as the responsibility of the Contractor, to be supplied by the Contracting Agency. When this occurs, there will be no adjustment in measurement of unit quantities. 1-10.5 Payment 1-10.5(1) Lump Sum Bid for Project (No Unit Items) "Project Temporary Traffic Control", lump sum. The lump sum contract payment shall be full compensation for all costs incurred by the Contractor in performing the contract work defined in Section 1-10, except for costs compensated by bid proposal items inserted through contract provisions as described in Section 1-10.4(3). 1-10.5(2) Item Bids with Lump Sum for Incidentals "Traffic Control Supervisor", lump sum. The lump sum contract payment shall be full compensation for all costs incurred by the Contractor in performing the contract work defined in Section 1-1 0.2( 1 )8. "Flaggers and Spotters", per hour. The unit contract price, when applied to the number of units measured for this item in accordance with Section 1-10.4(2), shall be full compensation for all costs incurred by the Contractor in performing the contract work defined in Section 1-1 O.3( 1 )A. "Other Traffic Control Labor", per hour. The unit contract price, when applied to the number of units measured for this item in accordance with Section 1-10.4(2), shall be full compensation for all labor costs incurred by the Contractor in performing the contract work specifically mentioned for this item in Section 1- 10.4(2). "Construction Signs Class A", per square foot. The unit contract price, when applied to the number of units measured for this item in accordance with Section 1-10.4(2), shall be full compensation for all costs of labor, materials and equipment incurred by the Contractor in performing the contract work described in Section 1-10.3(3)A. In the event that "Do Not Pass" and "Pass With Care" signs must be left in place, a change order, as described in Section 1-04.4, will be required. "Sequential Arrow Sign", per hour. The unit contract price, when applied to the number of units measured for this item in accordance with Section 1-10.4(2), shall be full compensation for all costs of labor, materials and equipment incurred by the Contractor in performing the contract work described in Section 1-10.3(3)8. "Portable Changeable Message Sign", per each. The unit contract price, when applied to the number of units measured for this item in accordance with Section 1-10.4(2), shall be full compensation for all costs of labor, materials I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and equipment incurred by the Contractor in procuring all portable changeable message signs required for the project and for transporting these signs to and from the project. "Operation of Portable Changeable Message Sign", per hour. The unit contract price, when applied to the number of units measured for this item in accordance with Section 1-10.4(2), shall be full compensation for all costs of labor, materials and equipment incurred by the Contractor in performing the contract work described in Section 1-10.3(3)C except for costs compensated separately under the items "Other Traffic Control Labor" and "Portable Changeable Message Sign". "Truck-Mounted Impact Attenuator", per each. The unit contract price, when applied to the number of units measured for this item in accordance with Section 1-10.4(2), shall be full compensation for all costs of labor, materials and equipment incurred by the Contractor in performing the contract work described in Section 1-10.3(3)J except for costs compensated separately under the items "Operation of Truck- Mounted Impact Attenuator" and "Repair Truck-Mounted Impact Attenuator". "Operation of Truck-Mounted Impact Attenuator", per hour. The unit contract price, when applied to the number of units measured for this item in accordance with Section 1-10.4(2), shall be full compensation for all costs of labor, materials and equipment incurred by the Contractor in operating truck-mounted impact attenuators on the project. "Repair Truck-Mounted Impact Attenuator", by force account. All costs of repairing or replacing truck-mounted impact attenuators that are damaged by the motoring public while in use as shown on an approved Traffic Control Plan will be paid for by force account as specified in Section 1-09.6. To provide a common proposal for all bidders, the Contracting Agency has estimated the amount of force account for "Repair Truck-Mounted Impact Attenuator" and has entered the amount in the Proposal to become a part of the total bid by the Contractor. Truck-mounted attenuators damaged due to the Contractor's operation or damaged in any manner when not in use shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at no expense to the Contracting Agency. "Other Temporary Traffic Control", lump sum. The lump sum contract payment shall be full compensation for all costs incurred by the Contractor in performing the contract work defined in Section 1-10, and which costs are not compensated by one of the above-listed items. 1-10.5(3) Reinstating Unit Items with Lump Sum Traffic Control The contract provisions may establish the project as lump sum, in accordance with Section 1- 10.4(1) and also reinstate the measurement of one or more of the items described in Section 1-10.4(2). When that occurs, the corresponding payment provision in Section 1-10.5(2) is not deleted and the work under that item will be paid as specified. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 1-99, APWA SUPPLEMENT April 4, 2005 Section 1-04.2 (APWA Only) page 1-125 The second paragraph is revised to read: Any inconsistency in the parts of the contract shall be resolved by following this order of precedence (e.g., 1 presiding over 2,2 over 3,3 over 4, and so forth): 1. Addenda, 2. Proposal Form, 3. Special Provisions, 4. Contract Plans, 5. Amendments to Division 1-99 APW A Supplement 6. Division 1-99 APW A Supplement 7. Amendments to the WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications, 8. WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction 9. Contracting Agency's Standard Plans (if any) 10. WSDOT/APWA Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction Section 1-07.18.4 (APWA Only) Page 1-134 and 1-135 This section is revised to read: When the Contractor delivers the executed contract for the work to the Contracting Agency it shall be accompanied by a Certificate(s) of Insurance and endorsements for each policy of insurance meeting the requirements set forth above. The certificate must conform to the following requirements: An ACORD certificate Form 25-S, showing the insuring company, policy effective dates, limits of liability and the Schedule of Forms and Endorsements. A copy of the endorsement naming Contracting Agency and any other entities required by the Contract Provisions as Additional Insured(s), and stating that coverage is primary and noncontributory, showing the policy number, and signed by an authorized representative of the insurance company on Form CG2010 (ISO) or equivalent. The certificate(s) shall not contain the following or similar wording regarding cancellation notification to the Contracting Agency: "Failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company." Section 1-10 Temporary Traffic Control (APWA Only) page 141 This section is revised to read: 1-10.1(2) Description (APWA only) The third paragraph is revised to read: The Contractor shall provide flaggers, signs, and other traffic control devices not otherwise specified as being furnished by the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall erect and maintain all construction signs, warning signs, detour signs, and other traffic control devices necessary to warn and protect the public at all times from injury or damage as a result of the Contractor's operations which may occur on highways, roads, streets. sidewalks. or oaths. No work shall be done on or adjacent to any traveled way until all necessary signs and traffic control devices are in place I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 2-02, REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS April 5, 2004 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, and Curbs The section title is revised to read: 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters The first sentence is revised to read: In removing pavement, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, the Contractor shall: Item 3 is revised to read: 3. Make a vertical saw cut between any existing pavement, sidewalk, curb, or gutter that is to remain and the portion to be removed. 2-02.5 Payment The second paragraph is revised to read: If pavements, sidewalks, curbs, or gutters lie within an excavation area, their removal will be paid for as part of the quantity removed in excavation. SECTION 2-03, ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT January 5, 2004 2-03.3(14)0 Compaction and Moisture Control Tests This section is revised to read: Maximum density and optimum moisture content shall be determined by one of the following methods: 1. materials with less than 30 percent by weight retained on the U.S. NO.4 sieve shall be determined using FOP for MSHTO T 99 Method A. 2. materials with 30 percent or more by weight retained on the U.S. NO.4 sieve and less than 30 percent retained on the 3/4 inch sieve shall be determined by WSDOT Test Method No. 606 or FOP for AASHTO T 180 Method D. The determination of which test procedure to use will be made solely by the Contracting Agency. 3. materials with 30 percent or more retained on the 3/4 inch sieve shall be determined by WSDOT Test Method No. 606. In place density will be determined using Test Methods WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 310 and WSDOT SOP forT 615. SECTION 2-09, STRUCTURE EXCAVATION December 6, 2004 2-09.3(1)E Backfilling The first paragraph under Timing is revised to read: Backfill shall not be placed against any concrete structure until the concrete has attained 90 percent of its design strength and a minimum age of 14 days, except that reinforced concrete retaining walls 15 feet in height or less may be backfilled after the wall has attained 90 percent of its design compressive strength and curing requirements of Section 6-02.3(11) are met. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Footings and columns may be backfilled as soon as forms have been removed, so long as the backfill is brought up evenly on all sides. 2-09.4 Measurement In the third paragraph, the width for pipes 18 inches and over is revised to (1.5 x 1.0.) + 18 inches. SECTION 2-10, DITCH EXCAVATION April 5, 2004 2-10.1 Description The second paragraph is supplemented with the following: Ditches 8 or more feet wide at the bottom shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of Section 2-03.3(14)M. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 4-04, BALLAST AND CRUSHED SURFACING January 5, 2004 4-04.3(5} Shaping and Compaction In the first paragraph, the first sentence is revised to read: Immediately following spreading and final shaping, each layer of surfacing shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard density determined by the requirements of Section 2- 03.3(14)0 before the next succeeding layer of surfacing or pavement is placed. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 5-04, HOT MIX ASPHALT April 4, 2005 5-04.3(7)A Mix Design The first paragraph "1. General", is revised to read: . 1. General. Prior to the production of HMA, the Contractor shall determine a design aggregate structure and asphalt binder content in accordance with WSDOT Standard Operating Procedure 732. Once the design aggregate structure and asphalt binder content have been determined, the Contractor shall provide test data demonstrating that the design meets the requirements of Sections 9-03.8(2) and 9-03.8(6) on WSDOT HMA Mix Design Submittal form 350-042. In no case shall the paving begin before the determination of anti-strip requirements has been made. 5-04.3(8)A Acceptance Sampling and Testing - HMA Mixture In Item 2 (Aggregates) the second sentence is revised to read: The acceptance criteria for aggregate properties of sand equivalent, fine aggregate angularity and fracture will be their conformance to the requirements of Section 9-03.8(2). In item 3, C. (Test Results), the second and third paragraphs are revised to read: Sublot sample test results (gradation and asphalt binder content) may be challenged by the Contractor. For HMA mixture accepted by statistical evaluation with a mix design that did not meet the verification tolerances, the test results in the test section including the percent air voids (Va) may be challenged. To challenge test results, the Contractor shall submit a written challenge within five working days after receipt of the specific test results. A split of the original acceptance sample will be sent for testing to either the Region Materials Lab or the State Materials Lab as determined by the Project Engineer. The split of the sample with challenged results will not be tested with the same equipment or by the same tester that ran the original acceptance test. The challenge sample will be tested for a complete gradation analysis and for asphalt binder content. The results of the challenge sample will be compared to the original results of the acceptance sample test and evaluated according to the following criteria: Deviation U.S. NO.4 sieve and larger U.S. NO.8 sieve U.S. No. 200 sieve Asphalt binder % Va% Percent passing :1:4.0 Percent passing :1:2.0 Percent passing :1:0.4 Percent binder content :1:0.3 Percent Va :1:0.7 Item 3, D. (Test Methods) is revised to read: D. Test Methods Testing of HMA for compliance of volumetric properties (VMA, VFA and Va) will be by WSDOT Standard Operating Procedure SOP 731. Testing for compliance of asphalt binder content will be by WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 308. Testing for compliance of gradation will be by W AQTC FOP for AASHTO T 27fT 11. In item 3,E (Test Section - HMA Mixture) the first sentence in the third paragraph is revised to read: For a test section to be acceptable, with or without a verified mix design, the pay factor (PFi) for each of gradation, asphalt binder, VMA, VFA and Va shall be 0.95 or greater, and the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I remaining test requirements in Section 9-03.8(2) (dust/asphalt ratio, sand equivalent, fine aggregate angularity and fracture) shall conform to the requirements of that Section. 5-04.3(13) Surface Smoothness In the first paragraph, the second sentence is revised to read: The completed surface of the wearing course shall not vary more than 1/8 inch from the lower edge of a 10-foot straightedge placed on the surface parallel to the centerline. 5-04.4 Measurement The first sentence is revised to read: HMA CL. _ PG _, HMA for _ CL. _ PG _, and Commercial HMA will be measured by the ton in accordance with Section 1-09.2, with no deduction being made for the weight of asphalt binder, blending sand, mineral filler, or any other component of the mixture. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 7-05, MANHOLES, INLETS, CATCH BASINS, AND DRYWELLS August 2, 2004 7 -05.5 Payment The sentence following "Catch Basin Type 2_ln. Diam.", per each" is deleted. The following is inserted after "Concrete Inlet", per each": All costs associated with furnishing and installing gravel backfill for bedding manholes, inlets and catch basins shall be included in the unit contract price for the item installed. The following is inserted after "Precast Concrete D rywe II" , per each. "Combination Inlet", per each. All costs associated with furnishing and installing gravel backfill for bedding manholes, inlets, and catch basins shall be in the unit contract price for the item installed. SECTION 7-12, VALVES FOR WATER MAINS April 5, 2004 7 -12.3 Construction Requirements In the third paragraph the reference to Section 7-10 is revised to Section 7-09. In the fourth paragraph the reference to Section 7-11 is revised to Section 7-09. SECTION 7-14, HYDRANTS April 5, 2004 7-14.3(1) Setting Hydrants In the third paragraph the reference to Section 7-11 is revised to Section 7-09. 7-14.3(6) Hydrant Extensions The reference to Section 7-11 is revised to Section 7-09. SECTION 7-15, SERVICE CONNECTIONS April 5, 2004 7 -15.3 Construction Requirements In the second paragraph the reference to Section 7-10 is revised to Section 7-09. SECTION 7-17, SANITARY SEWERS April 5, 2004 7-17.3(2)B Exfiltration Test In the third paragraph, "Maximum leakage (in gallons per hour)" = 0.28 x ;/H x D x.!, ;/6 100. 7 -17 .3(2)C Infiltration Test In the second paragraph, "Maximum leakage (in gallons per hour)" = 0.16 x "H x D x .l: "2 100. 7-17.3(2)E Low Pressure Air Test for Sanitary Sewers Constructed of Air-Permeable Materials In the seventh paragraph, the statement "If Cr -1, then time = Kr" is revised to "If Cr ~ 1, then time = Kr." I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I In the seventh paragraph, the statement "lf Cr . 1.75, then time = Kr/1.75" is revised to "lf Cr ~ 1.75, then time = Kr/1. 75." I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 8-01, EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL August 2, 2004 8-01.3(1)B Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Lead This section is revised to read: The Contractor shall identify the ESC Lead at the preconstruction discussions. The ESC Lead shall have, for the life of the contract, a current Certificate of Training in Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control from a course approved by WSDOT's Statewide Erosion Control Coordinator. The ESC Lead shall implement the Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) plan. Implementation shall include, but is not limited to: 1. Installing and maintaining all temporary erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) included in the TESC plan to assure continued performance of their intended function. Damaged or inadequate TESC BMPs shall be corrected immediately. 2. Inspecting all on-site erosion and sediment control BMPs at least once every five working days and each working day there is a runoff event. Inspections shall occur within 24 hours of the runoff event. A TESC Inspection Report shall be prepared for each inspection and shall be included in the TESC file. A copy of each TESC Inspection Report shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than the end of the next working day following the inspection. The report shall include, but not be limited to: a. When, where and how BMPs were installed, maintained, modified, and removed; b. Observations of BMP effectiveness and proper placement; c. Recommendations for improving future BMP performance with upgraded or replacement BMPs when inspections reveal TESC plan inadequacies. 3. Updating and maintaining a TESC file on site that includes, but is not limited to: a. TESC Inspection Reports. b. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) plan narrative. c. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System construction permit (Notice of Intent). d. Other applicable permits. Upon request, the file shall be provided to the Engineer for review. SECTION 8-04, CURBS, GUTTERS, AND SPILLWAYS December 6, 2004 8-04.3(1)A Extruded Cement Concrete Curb The second and third paragraphs are revised to read: The pavement shall be dry and cleaned of loose and deleterious material prior' to curb placement. Cement concrete curbs shall be anchored to the existing pavement by placing steel tie bars 1 foot on each side of every joint. ' Tie bars shall meet the dimensions shown in the Standard Plans. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 8-12, CHAIN LINK FENCE AND WIRE FENCE August 2,2004 8-12.3(1)A Posts The seventh paragraph is revised to read: Pull posts shall be spaced at 1 ,ODD-foot maximum intervals for Type 1, 3, and 6 fence, and at 500-foot maximum intervals for Type 4 fence. SECTION 8-14, CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS April 4, 2005 8-14.3(3) Placing and Finishing Concrete The fourth paragraph is revised to read: Sidewalk ramps shall be of the type specified in the Plans. The detectable warning pattern shall have the truncated dome shape shown in the Standard Plans and may be installed using a manufactured material before or after the concrete has cured, or by installing masonry or ceramic tiles. Embossing or stamping the wet concrete to achieve the truncated dome pattern or using a mold into which a catalyst hardened material is applied shall not be allowed. Acceptable manufacturers' products are shown on the Qualified Products List. When masonry or ceramic tiles are used to create the detectable warning pattern, the Contractor shall block out the detectable warning pattern area to the depth required for installation of the tiles and finish the construction of the concrete ramp. After the concrete has set and the forms have been removed, the Contractor shall install the tiles using standard masonry practices. The two-foot wide detectable warning pattern area on the ramp shall be yellow and shall match Federal Standard 595a, color number 33538. When painting the detectable warning pattern is required, paint shall conform to section 9-34.2(1). 8-14.3(5) Ramp Detectable Warning Retrofit This section is supplemented with the following: Where shown in the plans, the Contractor shall retrofit existing cement concrete sidewalk ramps by installing a detectable warning pattern having the truncated dome shape shown in the Standard Plans. The warning pattern shall be the width of the ramp and cover the bottom two feet of the ramp. The truncated dome pattern shall be perpendicular to the long axis of the ramp. The Contractor shall use one of the detectable warning pattern products listed in the Qualified Products List or submit another manufacturer's product for approval by the Engineer. The warning pattern shall be capable of being bonded to an existing cement concrete surface. The surface of the warning pattern, excluding the domes, shall not be more than 3/8 inch above the surface of the concrete after installation. 8-14.4 Measurement This section is supplemented with the following: Ramp detectable warning retrofit will be measured by the square foot of truncated dome material installed on the existing ramp. 8-14.5 Payment The following new bid item is inserted after "Cement Conc. Sidewalk Ramp Type _", per each. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "Ramp Detectable Warning Retrofit", per square foot. SECTION 8-18, MAILBOX SUPPORT August 2, 2004 8-18.2 Materials This section is revised to read: Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Steel Posts Bracket, Platform, and Anti-Twist Plate Type 2 Mailbox Support Timber Sign Posts Fasteners Snow Guard Concrete Base Steel pipe U-Channel Post Mailboxes will be furnished by others. 8-18.3 Construction Requirements This section is supplemented with the following: 9-32.1 9-32.2 9-32.7 9-28.14(1 ) 9-32.5 9-32.6 9-32.8 9-32.9 9-32.10 8-18.3(1) Type 3 Mailbox Support The concrete base shall be constructed using commercial concrete, with the pipe set to the dimensions shown in the Standard Plans. The base shall be crowned so as to shed water. The concrete may be mixed on the jobsite as specified in Section 6-02.3(4)8. The U-channel post may be driven in place provided the method of driving does not damage the post. With the Engineer's consent, a Type 3 Mailbox Support design, made of steel or other durable material, that meets the NCHRP 350 crash test criteria may be used in place of the design shown in the Standard Plans. In which case, the manufacturer's recommendations concerning installation shall be followed; however, the mailbox itself shall be positioned on the roadway according to the dimensions shown in the Standard Plans. SECTION 8-22, PAVEMENT MARKING April 4, 2005 8-22.1 Description Transverse Markings This section is revised to read: Crosswalk Line A series of SOLID WHITE lines, 24 inches wide and 8 feet long, conforming to details in the Standard Plans. Stop Line A SOLID WHITE line, 18 inches wide unless noted otherwise in the Contract. Symbol Markings This section is supplemented with the following: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Access Parking Space Symbol with Background A WHITE marking with, a BLUE background and WHITE border conforming to details in the Standard Plans that is used to a designate restricted parking stall on cement concrete pavement surfaces. Yield Line Symbol A series of WHITE markings conforming to details in the Standard Plans forming a transverse line across a vehicle path and used to designate the point when vehicles shall yield before entering a traffic lane. Yield Ahead Symbol A WHITE marking conforming to details in the Standard Plans that is used in advance of a yield line. Speed Bump Symbol WHITE marking used to identify a speed bump placed in a traffic lane. 8-22.3(2) Preparation of Roadway Surfaces This section is revised to read: For the application of paint the pavement surface temperature and ambient temperature shall be 500 F and rising. New and existing HMA pavement shall be dry, clean and free of contaminants such as surface oils. Portland cement concrete pavement shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi and shall be dry, clean and free of contaminants. Contaminants shall be removed by approved mechanical means. For the application of plastic pavement marking material surface temperature and ambient temperature shall be 500 F and rising. New and existing HMA pavement shall be dry, clean, and free of contaminants such as surface oils and existing pavement marking materials. Portland cement concrete pavement shall also be free of contaminants including curing agents. Contaminants shall be removed by approved mechanical means. Pavement surfaces shall be prepared for plastic marking application in accordance with the previous paragraph and the pavement marking material manufacturer's recommendations. Manufacturers of Type 0 material also require a pavement cure period prior to application. Typically, Type 0 material applied on hot mix asphalt pavement requires a pavement cure period of 21 days. Typically, Type 0 material applied on portland cement concrete pavement requires a pavement cure period of 28 days. These cure periods may be reduced if the manufacturer performs a successful bond test. Existing pavement marking material shall be removed, measured, and paid for in accordance with the provisions in this section of the Standard Specifications. 8-22.3(3) Marking Application The first paragraph is revised to read: Lane line and right edge line shall be white in color. Center line and left edge line shall be yellow in color. All temporary pavement markings shall be retroreflective. Paint and sprayed or extruded plastic material shall be applied with a top dressing of glass breads. Two applications of paint will be required to complete all paint markings. The time period between paint applications will vary depending on the type of pavement and paint (low vac waterborne. high vac solvent, or low vac solvent) as follows: Pavement Type Bituminous Surface Treatment Paint Type Low vac Waterborne Time Period 4 hours min., 48 hours max. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Low vac Waterborne 4 hours min., 30 days max. Cement Concrete Pavement Low vac Waterborne 4 hours min., 30 days max. Bituminous Surface Treatment High and Low vac Solvent 40 min. min., 48 hrs. max. Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement High and Low vac Solvent 40 min. min., 30 days max. Cement Concrete Pavement High and Low vac Solvent 40 min. min., 30 days max. The first sentence of the second paragraph is revised to read: Where paint is applied on centerline on two-way roads with bituminous surface treatment or centerline rumble strips, the second paint application shall be applied in the opposite direction as the first application. The ninth and tenth paragraphs are revised to read: Profiles are defined as that portion of the plastic line that is applied at a greater thickness than the base line thickness. Profiles shall be applied using the extruded method in the same application as the base line. See the Standard Plans for details. Embossed plastic lines are defined as a plastic line applied with a transverse groove. Embossed plastic lines may be applied with profiles. See the Standard Plans for details. . The last paragraph is revised to read: When two or more spray applications are required to meet thickness requirements for Type A and Type D materials, top dressing with glass beads is only allowed on the last application. Any loose beads, dirt or other debris shall be swept or blown off the line prior to application of each successive application. Successive applications shall be applied squarely on top of the preceding application. 8-22.4 Measurement The sixth paragraph is revised to read: Diagonal and chevron-shaped lines used to delineate medians, gore areas, and parking stalls are constructed of painted or plastic 4 inch and 8 inch wide lines in the color and pattern shown in the Standard Plans. These lines will be measured as painted or plastic line or wide line by the linear foot of line installed. Crosswalk line will be measured by the square foot of marking installed. The seventh paragraph is revised to read: Traffic arrows, traffic letters, access parking space symbols, HaV symbols, railroad crossing symbols, drainage markings, bicycle lane symbols, aerial surveillance full, and 1/2 markers, yield line symbols, yield ahead symbols, and speed bump symbols will be measured per each. Type 1 through 6 traffic arrows will be measured as one unit each, regardless of the number of arrow heads. The ninth paragraph is revised to read: Removal of traffic arrows, traffic letters, access parking space symbol, HaV lane symbol, railroad crossing symbol, bicycle lane symbols, drainage markings, aerial surveillance full and I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1/2 markers, yield line symbol, yield ahead symbol, and speed bump symbol will be measured per each. Removal of crosswalk lines will be measured by the square foot of lines removed. 8-22.5 Payment The following items are deleted: "Painted HOV Lane Symbol Type "Plastic HOV Lane Symbol Type " " This section is supplemented with the following: "Painted Access Parking Space Symbol with Background", per each. "Plastic Access Parking Space Symbol with Background", per each. "Painted HOV Lane Symbol", per each. "Plastic HOV Lane Symbol", per each. "Painted Yield Line Symbol", per each. "Plastic Yield Line Symbol", per each. "Painted Yield Ahead Symbol", per each. "Plastic Yield Ahead Symbol", per each. "Painted Speed Bump Symbol", per each. "Plastic Speed Bump Symbol", per each. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 9-01, PORTLAND CEMENT December 6, 2004 9-01.2(1) Portland Cement This section is revised to read: Portland cement shall conform to the requirements for Types I, II. or III cement of the Standard Specifications for Portland Cement, AASHTO M 85 or ASTM C 150, except that the content of alkalis shall not exceed 0.75 percent by weight calculated as Na20 plus 0.658 K20and except that the content of Tricalcium aluminate (CsA) shall not exceed 8 percent by weight calculated as 2.650A 1203 minus 1.692Fe203' The total amount of processing additions used shall not exceed 1 % of the weight of portland cement clinker. The type and amount of processing additions used shall be shown on mill test reports. The time of setting shall be determined by the Vicat Test method, AASHTO T 131 or ASTM C 191. 9-01.2(4) Blended Hydraulic Cement This section is revised to read: Blended hydraulic cement shall be either Type IP (MS), Type I (SM) (MS) or Type I (PM) (MS) cement conforming to AASHTO M 240 and meet the following additional requirements: 1. Type IP(MS) Portland - Pozzolan Cement with moderate sulfate resistance. This product shall be limited to Portland Cement and Pozzolan. Pozzolan shall be limited to fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag. Fly ash is limited between 15 percent and 35 percent by weight of the cementitious material. Ground granulated blast furnace slag is limited between 15 percent and 25 percent by weight of the cementitious material. 2. Type I(SM) (MS) Slag Modified Portland Cement with moderate sulfate resistance. This product shall be limited to Portland Cement and ground granulated blast furnace slag. The addition of ground granulated blast furnace slag shall be limited to a maximum of 25 percent by weight of the cementitious material. 3. Type I(PM)(MS) Pozzolan - Modified Portland Cement with moderate sulfate resistance. The product shall be limited to Portland Cement and pozzolan. The pozzolan shall be limited to fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag at a maximum of 15 percent by weight of the cementitious material. The source and weight of the fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag shall be certified on the cement mill test certificate and shall be reported as a percent by weight of. the total cementitious material. The fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag constituent content in the finished cement will not vary morethan plus or minus 5 percent by weight of the finished cement from the certified value. Fly ash shall meet the requirements of Section 9-23.9 of these Standard Specifications. Ground granulated blast furnace slag shall meet the requirements of Section 9-23.10 of these Standard Specifications. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 9-02, BITUMINOUS MATERIALS August 2, 2004 9-02.1(3) Rapid-Curing (RC) Liquid Asphalt The column headings MC-70, MC-250, MC-800, and MC-3000 are revised to RC-70, RC-250, RC- 800, and RC-3000 respectively. The RC-250 requirement for "Residue of 6800F distillation % volume by difference" is revised from 67 to 65. 9-02.1 (4)A Performance Grade (PG) Asphalt Cement This section including title is revised to read: 9-02.1 (4)A Performance Graded Asphalt Binder 1- Performance I PG58 I PG64 I PG70 I PG76 I Grade -22 I -28 I -34 I -22 I -28 I -34 I -22 I -28 I -34 1 -22 I -28 1- Original Binder Flash point temp, AASHTO T48 Minimum 230 .c Viscosity, AASHTO T316 Maximum 3 Pa . s, test 135 temp, .C Dynamic shear, AASHTO T315 G*/sino, minimum 58 64 70 76 1.00 kPa Test temp. @ 10 rad/s, .C Rolling Thin Film Oven Residue (AASHTO T240) Mass Change, Maximum, 1.00 percent Dynal"(1ic shear, AASHTO T315 G*/sino, minimum 58 64 70 76 2.20 kPa Test temp. @ 10 rad/s, .C Pressure Aging Vessel Residue (AASHTO R28) PAV aging temperature, 100 .C Dynamic shear, AASHTO T315 G*SInO, maximum 5000 kPa Testtemp. @ 22 19 16 25 22 19 28 25 22 31 28 10 rad/s, .C Creep stiffness, AASHTO T313 S, maximum 300 -12 -18 -24 -12 -18 -24 -12 -18 -24 -12 -18 MPa, m - value, minimum 0.300 Test temp. @ 60 s, .c All Performance Grade asphalt binders not included in this chart shall be determined by Table 1-Performance Graded Asphalt Binder Specification in MSHTO M320. SECTION 9-03, AGGREGATES April 4, 2005 9-03.1 (4)C Grading The third paragraph is revised to read: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I In individual tests, a variation of four under the minimum percentages or over the maximum percentages will be permitted, provided the average of three consecutive tests is within the specification limits. Coarse aggregate shall contain no piece of greater size than two times the maximum sieve size for the specified grading measured along the line of greatest dimension. 9-03.8(2) HMA Test Requirements Number 1 is revised to read: Vacant. The last paragraph of this section is revised to read: When material is being produced and stockpiled for use on a specific contract or for a future contract, the fine aggregate angularity, fracture, and sand equivalent requirements shall apply at the time of stockpiling. When material is used from a stockpile that has not been tested as provided above, the specifications for fine aggregate angularity, fracture, and sand equivalents shall apply at the time of its introduction to the cold feed of the mixing plant. 9-03.12(4) Gravel Backfill for Drains The percent Passing for Sieve size 3/8" square is revised from "10 - 40" to "0 - 40". 9-03.12(5) Gravel Backfill for Drywells The percent passing for sieve size 1" square is revised to "50-100". 9-03.14 Borrow This section is supplemented with the following: 9-03.14(1) Gravel Borrow Ballast may be substituted for gravel borrow for embankment construction. 9-03.14(4) Gravel Borrow for Geosynthetic Retaining Wall All backfill material used in the reinforced soil zone of the geosynthetic retaining wall shall conform to requirements of Section 9-03.14(1) and shall be free draining, free from organic or otherwise deleterious material. The material shall be substantially free of shale or other soft, poor durability particles, and shall not contain recycled materials, such as glass, shredded tires, portland cement concrete rubble, or asphaltic concrete rubble. The backfill material shall meet the following requirements: Property Los Angeles Wear, 500 rev. Degradation pH Test Method Allowable Test Value AASHTO T 96 WSDOT Test Method 113 AASHTO T 289-91 35 percent max. 15 min. ** ** 4.5 to 9 for permanent walls and 3 to 10 for temporary walls Wall backfill material satisfying these gradation, durability and chemical requirements shall be classified as nonaggressive. 9-03.21 (2) Recycled Hot Mix Asphalt The Maximum Bitumen Content (Percent) for Gravel Borrow is revised from "0" to "1.2". I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 9-04, JOINT AND CRACK SEALING MATERIALS April 5, 2004 9-04.2(2) Two Component Poured Rubber Joint Sealer The section title is revised to read: 9-04.2(2) Poured Rubber Joint Sealer SECTION 9-05, DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, CULVERTS, AND CONDUITS April 5, 2004 9-05.4(3) Protective Treatment Treatments 3, 4, and 6 are revised to read: This treatment is no longer available. 9-05.4(4) Asphalt Coatings and Paved Inverts The second paragraph under item 2 is revised to read: The paved invert for Treatment 2 shall consist of bituminous material applied in such a manner that one or more smooth pavements will be formed in the invert filling the corrugations for at least 40 percent of the circumference. The pavement shall have a minimum thickness of 1/8 inch above the crest of the corrugations except where the upper edges intercept the corrugation. The pavements shall be applied following the coating with asphalt. Treatment 5 may be substituted for Treatment 2, at the option of the Contractor. 9-05.10 Steel Storm Sewer Pipe The first sentence is revised to read: Steel storm sewer pipe shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-05.4 for steel culvert pipe, except that protective coating shall be Treatment 1 or 5, and be constructed of either helically corrugated lock seam or helically corrugated continuous welded steel pipe. 9-05.11 Aluminum Storm Sewer Pipe The first sentence is revised to read: Aluminum storm sewer pipe shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-05.5 for aluminum culvert pipe, except that the protective coating shall be Treatment 1 or 5, and the pipe shall be constructed of helically corrugated lock seam aluminum pipe. 9-05.16 Grate Inlets and Drop Inlets The first and second paragraphs are revised to read: Steel in grates, angles, and anchors for grate inlets shall conform to ASTM A 36, except structural tube shall conform to ASTM A 500, Grade B, and structural shapes may conform to ASTM A 992. After fabrication, the steel shall be galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 111, or galvanized with a hot-sprayed (plasma flame applied) 6 mil minimum thickness plasma coating. Steel grating shall be fabricated by weld connections. Welds, welding procedures, and welding materials shall conform with the AWS D1.1/D1.1 M, latest edition, Structural Welding Code. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 9-06, STRUCTURAL STEEL AND RELATED MATERIALS January 5, 2004 9-06.16 Roadside Sign Structures The third paragraph is revised to read: Posts for multiple post sign structures shall conform to either ASTM A 36 or ASTM A 992. Posts conforming to either ASTM A 588 or ASTM A 572 Grade 50 may be used as an acceptable alternate to the ASTM A 36 and ASTM A 992 posts. All steel not otherwise specified shall conform to either ASTM A 36 or ASTM A 992. 9-06.18 Metal Railings The first paragraph is revised to read: Metal bridge railing shall conform to the type and material specifications set forth in the Plans and Special Provisions. Steel used for metal railings, when galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M 111, shall have a controlled silicon content of either 0.00 to 0.04 percent or 0.15 to 0.25 percent. Mill test certificates verifying the silicon content of the steel shall be submitted to both the galvanizer and the Engineer prior to beginning galvanizing operations. SECTION 9-14, EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING August 2, 2004 9-14.4(1) Straw The first sentence is revised to read: All straw material shall be in an air dried condition free of noxious weeds and other materials detrimental to plant life. 9-14.4(8) Compost The fourth paragraph is revised to read: Compost production and quality shall comply with the Chapter 173-350 Section 220 WAC. Under the fifth paragraph, item 1 is revised to read: 1. Compost material shall be tested in accordance with AASHTO Test Method T87 and Section 7 of AASHTO T88. Compost Type 1 shall meet the following: 100% shall pass through a 2" sieve 90% to 100% shall pass through a 1" sieve. 70% to 100% shall pass through a %" sieve. 40% to 75% shall pass through a %" sieve. Maximum particle length of 6 inches. Compost Type 2 shall meet the following: 1 00% shall pass through a 3" sieve 90% to 1 00% shall pass through a 1" sieve. 70% to 1 00% shall pass through a %" sieve. 40% to 60% shall pass through a %" sieve. Maximum particle length of 6 inches. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I In the seventh paragraph, the first sentence is revised to read: Approval of sources for com posted products shall be based on the following submittals by the Contractor: This section is supplemented with the following: Acceptance will be based upon a satisfactory Test Report from the State Materials Lab indicating that the lot (or lots) of compost meets the specification requirements. SECTION 9-23, CONCRETE CURING MATERIALS AND ADMIXTURES April 4, 2005 This section is supplemented with the following new sub-sections: 9-23.10 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Ground granulated blast furnace slag shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 302, Grade 100 or Grade 120. The grade of the ground granulated blast furnace slag, the source, and type of manufacturing facility shall be certified on the cement mill test certificate. 9-23.11 Microsilica Fume Microsilica Fume shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 307. The optional physical requirement for Reactivity with Cement Alkalies set forth in Table 3 will be required when Microsilica Fume is being used as an ASR mitigation measure. SECTION 9-28, SIGNING MATERIALS AND FABRICATION December 6, 2004 9-28.1 General The third sentence in the first paragraph is deleted. 9-28.6 Destination Sign Messages The second paragraph is deleted. 9-28.8 Sheet Aluminum Signs The sheet thickness chart is revised to read: Maximum Horizontal Dimension Overlay panels Up to 20 inches 20 inches to 36 inches, inclusive Over 36 inches (Permanent Signs) Sheet Aluminum Thickness 0.050 jnch 0.063 inch 0.080 inch 0.125 inch The fourth paragraph is revised to read: Before placing aluminum in contact with untreated steel, the steel surfaces shall be protected by proper cleaning and painting with one coat of Zinc Primer A-9-73 or A-11-99 and two coats of aluminum paint D-1-57. 9-28.10 Plywood Signs This section is deleted. 9-28.11 Hardware The entry for hardware item "Angle and "Z" Bar" in the table in this section is revised to read: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Angle and "Z" Bar ASTM B 221 6061-T6 Aluminum ASTM A 36 or ASTM A 992 Steel 9-28.14(2) Steel Structures and Posts This section is revised to read: Truss chords, struts, and diagonals, end posts, and end post struts and diagonals for sign bridge structures and cantilever sign structures shall conform to either ASTM A 36 or ASTM A 53 Grade B Type E or S. The nominal pipe diameter and the pipe wall thickness shall be as shown in the Plans or Standard Plans. All other structural steel for sign bridge structures and cantilever sign structures shall conform to either ASTM A 36 or ASTM A 992. Truss member connection hardware shall conform to Section 9-06.5(3). Pipe members for bridge mounted sign brackets shall conform to ASTM A 53 Grade B Type E or S, and shall be Schedule 40 unless otherwise specified. All other structural steel for bridge mounted sign brackets shall conform to either ASTM A 36 or ASTM A 992. U bolts, and associated nuts and washers, shall be stainless steel conforming to Section 9-28.11, and shall be fabricated hot. Anchor rods for sign bridge and cantilever sign structure foundations shall conform to ASTM F 1554 Grade 105, including Supplemental Requirements S2, S3, and S5. Nuts and washers for sign bridge and cantilever sign structure foundations shall conform to AASHTO M 291 Grade DH and AASHTO M 293, respectively. Steel sign structures and posts shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M 111, unless noted otherwise in the Plans. All bolts, nuts, and washers shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M 232. Unless otherwise specified in the Plans or Special Provisions, metal surfaces shall not be painted. Except as otherwise noted, steel used for sign structures and posts shall have a controlled silicon content of either 0.00 to 0.04 percent or 0.15 to 0.25 percent. If the Plans or Special Provisions specify painting of the galvanized steel surfaces, then the controlled silicon content requirement does not apply for those steel members. Mill test certificates verifying the silicon content of the steel shall be submitted to both the galvanizer and the Engineer prior to beginning galvanizing operations. Minor fabricating and modifications necessary for galvanizing will be 'allowed if not detrimental to the end product as determined by the Engineer. If such modifications are contemplated, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for approval, six copies of the proposed modifications, prior to fabrication. SECTION 9-30, WATER DISTRIBUTION MATERIALS August 2,2004 9-30.6(1) Saddles The first sentence is revised to read: Saddles shall be ductile iron, bronze, brass, or stainless steel. 9-30.6(2) Corporation Stops The first sentence is revised to read: Corporation stops shall be made of bronze or brass alloy. 9-30.6(4) Service Fittings The first sentence is revised to read: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fittings used for service connections shall be made of bronze or brass alloy. SECTION 9-32, MAILBOX SUPPORT August 2, 2004 9-32.2 Bracket, Platform and Anti-Twist Plate This section is revised to read: The bracket, platform, and anti-twist plate shall be 16 gage sheet steel, conforming to ASTM A 36. 9-32.4 Wood Posts This section is revised to read: Wood posts shall meet the requirements of Section 9-28.14(1) or western red cedar. Section 9-32 is supplemented with the following: 9-32.8 Concrete Base The concrete in the concrete base shall meet or exceed the requirements of Section 6- 02.3(2)B. 9-32.9 Steel pipe The requirements for commercially available, Schedule 40, galvanized steel pipe, elbows, and couplings shall be met for all parts not intended to be bent or welded. Welded and bent parts shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M 111. 9-32.10 U-Channel Post U-channel posts shall meet the requirements of ASTM A 29, weigh a minimum of 3 pounds per linear foot, and shall be galvanized according to AASHTO M 111. SECTION 9-34, PAVEMENT MARKING MATERIAL August 2, 2004 9-34.5 Temporary Pavement Marking Tape This section is supplemented with the following: Pavement marking masking tape shall conform to ASTM D 4592 Type 1 (removable), except that material shall be black, non-retroreflective and non-glaring. SECTION 9-35, TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL MATERIALS December 6, 2004 Temporary traffic control materials in this section consist of various traffic communication, channelization and protection items described in Section 1-10 and listed below: Stop/Slow Paddles Construction Signs Wood Sign Posts Sequential Arrow Signs Portable Changeable Message Signs Barricades Traffic Safety Drums I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barrier Drums Traffic Cones Tubular Markers Warning Lights and Flashers Truck-Mounted Attenuator The basis for acceptance of temporary traffic control devices and materials shall be visual inspection by the Engineer's representative. No sampling or testing will be done except that deemed necessary to support the visual inspection. Requests for Approval of Material and Qualified Products List submittals are not required. Certification for crashworthiness according to NCHRP 350 will be required as described in Section 1-10.2(3). "MUTCD," as used in this section, shall refer to the latest WSDOT adopted edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. In the event of conflicts between the MUTCD and the contract provisions, then the provisions shall govern. 9-35.1 Stop/Slow Paddles Paddles shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD, except that the minimum width shall be 24 inches. 9-35.2 Construction Signs Construction signs shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD and shall meet the requirements of NCHRP Report 350 for Category 2 devices. Except as noted below, any sign/sign stand combination that satisfies these requirements will be acceptable. Where aluminum sheeting is used to fabricate signs, it shall have a minimum thickness of 0.080 inches and a maximum thickness of 0.125 inches. All orange background signs shall be fabricated with Type X reflective sheeting. All post-mounted signs with Type X sheeting shall use a nylon washer between the twist fasteners (screw heads, bolts or nuts) and the reflective sheeting. Soft, fabric, roll-up signs will not be acceptable. Any fabric sign which otherwise meets the requirements of this section and was purchased prior to July 1, 2004, may be utilized until December 31,2007. If a fabric sign is used, it shall have been fabricated with Type VI reflective sheeting. 9-35.3 Wood Sign Posts Use the charts below to determine post size for construction signs. One Post Installation 17.0 21.0 26.0 Max. Sign Sq. Ft. 16.0 20.0 25.0 31.0 Post Size 4x4 4x6 6x6 6x8 Min. Sign Sq. Ft. Two Post Installation (For signs 5 feet or greater in width) Post Size 4x4 4x6 '6x6 Min. Sign Sq. Ft. Max. Sign Sq. Ft. 16.0 17.0 36.0 37.0 46.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6x8 47.0 75.0* * The Engineer shall determine post size for signs greater than 75 square feet. Sign posts shall conform to the grades and usage listed below. Grades shall be determined by the current standards of the West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLlS) or the Western Wood Products Association (WWPA). 6 x 10, 6 x 12 Construction grade (Light Framing, Section 122-b WCLlS) or (Section 40.11 WWPA) No. 1 and better, grade (Structural Joists and Planks, Section 123-b WCLlS) or (Section 62.11 WWPA) No. 1 and better, grade (Posts and Timbers, Section 131-b WCLlS) or (Section 80.11 WWPA) No. 1 and better, grade (Seams and Stringers, Section 130-b WCLlS) or (Section 70.11 WWPA) 4x4 4x6 6x6,6x8,8x10 9-35.4 Sequential Arrow Signs Sequential Arrow Signs shall meet the requirements of the MUTCD supplemented with the following: Sequential arrow signs furnished for stationary lane closures on this project shall be Type C. The color of the light emitted shall be yellow. The dimming feature shall be automatic, reacting to changes in light without a requirement for manual adjustment. 9-35.5 Portable Changeable Message Signs Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS) shall meet the requirements of the MUTCD and the following: The PCMS shall employ one of the following technologies: 1. Fiber optic/shutter 2. Light emitting diode 3. Light emitting diode/shutter 4. Flip disk Regardless of the technology, the PCMS shall meet the following general requirements: . Se light emitting and must not rely solely on reflected light. The emitted light shall be generated using fiber optic or LED technology. . Have a display consisting of individually controlled pixels no larger than 2 1/2 inch by 2 1/2 inch. If the display is composed of individual character modules, the space between modules must be minimized so alphanumeric characters of any size specified below can be displayed at any location within the matrix. . When activated, the pixels shall display a yellow or orange image. When not activated, the pixels shall display a flat black image that matches the background of the sign face. . Se capable of displaying alphanumeric characters that are a minimum of 18 inches in height. The width of alphanumeric characters shall be appropriate for the font. The I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PCMS shall be capable of displaying three lines of eight characters per line with a minimum of one pixel separation between each line. . The PCMS message, using 18-inch characters, shall be legible by a person with 20/20 corrected vision from a distance of not less than 800 feet centered on an axis perpendicular to the sign face. . The sign display shall be covered by a stable, impact resistant polycarbonate face. The sign face shall be non-glare from all angles and shall not degrade due to exposure to ultraviolet light. . Be capable of simultaneously activating all pixels for the purpose of pixel diagnostics. Any sign that employs flip disk or shutter technology shall be programmable to activate the disks/shutters once a day to clean the electrical components. This feature shall not occur when the sign is displaying an active message. . The light source shall be energized only when the sign is displaying an active message. The PCMS panels and related equipment shall be permanently mounted on a trailer with all controls and power generating equipment. The PCMS shall be operated by a controller that provides the following functions: 1. Select any preprogrammed message by entering a code. 2. Sequence the display of at least five messages. 3. Blank the sign. 4. Program a new message, which may include animated arrows and chevrons. 5. Mirror the message currently being displayed or programmed. 9-35.6 Barricades Barricades shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD supplemented by the further requirements of Standard Plan H-2. 9-35.7 Traffic Safety Drums Traffic safety drums shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD and the following: The drums shall have the following additional physical characteristics: Material Fabricated from low-density polyethylene that meets the requirements of ASTM D 4976 and is UV stabilized. Overall Width 18-inch minimum in the direction(s)of traffic flow. Shape Rectangular, hexagonal, circular, or flat-sided semi-circular. Color The base color of the drum shall be fade resistant safety orange. The traffic safety drums shall be designed to accommodate at least one portable light unit. The method of attachment shall ensure that the light does not separate from the drum upon impact. Drums and light units shall meet the crashworthiness requirements of NCHRP 350 as described in Section 1-10.2(3). When recommended by the manufacturer, drums shall be treated to ensure proper adhesion of the reflective sheeting. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9-35.8 Barrier Drums Barrier drums shall be small traffic safety drums, manufactured specifically for traffic control purposes to straddle a concrete barrier and shall be fabricated from low-density polyethylene that meets the requirements of ASTM D 4976 and is UV stabilized. The barrier drums shall meet the following general specifications: Formed support legs length Space between legs (taper to fit conc. barrier) Weight 22 in., ::!: 1 in. hollow oval 10 in. X 14 in., ::!: 1 in. 13 in., ::!: 1 in. 6 1/4 in. min. Total height Cross-section Color 33 lb. ::!: 4 lb. with legs filled with sand. Fade resistant safety orange. Barrier drums shall have three 4-inch reflective white stripes, (one complete and two partial). Stripes shall be fabricated from Type III or Type IV reflective sheeting. When recommended by the manufacturer, barrier drums shall be treated to ensure proper adhesion of the reflective sheeting. 9-35.9 Traffic Cones Cones shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD, except that the minimum height shall be 28 inches. 9-35.10 Tubular Markers Tubular markers shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD, except that the minimum height shall be 28 inches. Pavement-mounted tubular markers shall consist of a surface-mounted assembly which uses a separate base with a detachable tubular marker held in place by means of a locking device. 9-35.11 Warning Lights and Flashers Warning lights and flashers shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD. 9-35.12 Truck-Mounted Attenuator The Truck-Mounted Attenuator (TMA) shall be selected from the approved units listed on the Qualified Products List. The TMA shall be mounted on a vehicle with a minimum weight of 15,000 pounds and a maximum weight in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Ballast used to obtain the minimum weight requirement, or any other object that is placed on the vehicle shall be securely anchored such that it will be retained on the vehicle during an impact. The Contractor shall provide certification that the unit complies with NCHRP 230 or 350 requirements. Units fabricated after 1998 must comply with NCHRP 350 requirements. The TMA shall have an adjustable height so that it can be placed at the correct elevation during usage and to a safe height for transporting. If needed, the Contractor shall install additional lights to provide fully visible brake lights at all times. The TMA unit shall have a chevron pattern on the rear of the unit. The standard chevron pattern shall consist of 4-inch yellow stripes, alternating non-reflective black and reflective yellow sheeting, slanted at 45 degrees in an inverted "V' with the "V" at the center of the unit. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment E Project Plans I ta I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c I '" III = on ~ <::. l!l I ~ . ~ ~ ~ 0 : i~ ~ THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON, u.s. PARK AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS RACE STREET TO LIBERTY STREET PROJECT 04-04 T .I.B. P-W-150-(P01)-1 ~CTORIA \1~ ~ '. I jl~ , ~I. f ",,, JUNE 2005 SHEET INDEX # TITLE 1 COVER SHEET 2 GENERAL NOTES AND LEGEND 3 ROADWA Y PLAN AND PROFILE 4 ROADWA Y PLAN AND PROFILE 5 ROADWA Y PLAN AND PROFILE 6 ROADWA Y PLAN AND PROFILE 7 SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE 8 SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE 9 SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE 10 DETAILS 11 DETAILS ~-J-.--r---l._:_L.-1 : ;'-1 ; i---_: ~_~: I Jf ~ ! -I I GRANT~AVE._l C~~:~} ~ j , I ' ,'---------_~ '- :--,!~,,, -::-~:~'--\1/ ; !~' : : I j 9LYMP'~_S' A~ : ! r, /;/-.: lfTT'1 I !.,-- t t VICINITY MAP AREA MAP NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE ~ VERTICAL DA WM NAVDBB HORIZONTAL DAruM WASHINGTON COORDINATE SYSTEM GRID. NORTH ZONE. NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983,1991 ADJUSTMENT (NAD83/91). SAID DATUM WAS DERIVED FROM TIES TO GPS STATIONS 0631521(JI2-1-20 AND 06301171(JI4-4-1) AS SHOWN ON VOLUME 34 OF SURVEYS. PAGE 22 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 14 (GEOMPT 606301511) AS SHOWN ON VOLUME 39 OF SURVEYS. PAGE 41, RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY. WASHINGTON THE AVERAGE COMBINED SCALE AND ELEVATION FACTOR USED FOR THE SURVEY IS 099993 TO OBTAIN GROUND DISTANCES MULTIPLY SAID DISTANCES BY 1 00007 VERTICAL DATUM NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88) AS DERIVED FROM TIES TO GPS STATIONS 0631521 (JI2-T-2) AND 06301171 (J14-4-1) AS SHOWN ON VOLUME 34 OF SURVEYS. PAGE 22 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 14 (GEOMPT 606301511) AS SHOWN ON VOLUME 39 or SURVEYS. PAGE 41. RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY WASHINGTON . L ., SKILLINGS CONNOLLY 5016 Lacey Boulevard SE. Lacey. Washington 98503 (360) 491-3399 (800) 454-7545 Fax (360) 491-3857 ~ I NOTES: I 1 niE CITY SHAU. BE GIVEN 72 HOURS NOTICE PRIOR TO SCHEDULING A DIVERSION or ROWS IN niE WASTEWATER SYSTEM NO DISRUPTION or SEWER SERVICE WILL BE AU.OWED 2 ALL SEWER MAINS SHAlL BE HIGH VELOOTY Q.EANED AND PRESSURE TESTED PRIOR TO PAVING niE SnREETS IN CONroRMANCE Wlni niE WSDOT SPECIFICATIONS, AT niE CONnRACTOR'S EXPENSE HYDRANT RUSHING OF LINES IS NOT AN ACCEPT ABLE Q.EANING MEniOD AN AIR TEST or ALL LINES IS niE MINIMUM TESTING REQUIRED TESTING OF niE MAIN MAY INCLUDE TELEVISION INSPECTION. IF DIRECTED BY niE CITY TESTING SHAlL TAKE PLACE AFTER ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE INSTAlLED AND COMPACTION or niE ROADWAY SUBGRADE IS COMPLETED 3 PRIOR TO BACKI'ILLlNG. AlL SEWER LINES AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY niE CITY"S INSPECTOR APPROVAl SHAlL NOT RELIEVE niE CONnRACTOR rOR CORRECTION or ANY DEFICIENCIES AND/OR FAILURE AS DETERMINED BY SUBSEQUENT TESTING AND INSPECTIONS. IT SHAU. BE niE CONnRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY niE CITY FOR niE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS 4, SEWER MAINS SHAU. BE PVC. ASTlI 03034, SDR 35 W TH JOINTS AND RUBBER GASKETS CONrORMING TO ASTlI 03212 AND ASTlI F477 UNLESS OniERWSE SHOWl'l ON niE PLANS 5. CONNECTION or A SEWER MAIN TO A SYSTEM WHERE A MANHOlE IS NOT AVAILABLE SHAlL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY POURING A CONCRETE BASE AND SETTING MANHOLE SECTIONS niE EXISTING PIPE SHAlL ONLY BE CUT INTO BY CITY CREWS, UNLESS OniERWSE APPROVED. 6 niE CONnRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR AU. SHORING or nRENCHES IF SHORING IS NOT ADEQUATE. niE CITY CREWS WILL NOT ENTER THE nRENCH AND niE CONnRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST or AN ADDITIONAl nRlP TO niE SITE BY niE CITY CREWS 7 PRECAST MANHOlES SHALL MEET niE REQUIREMENTS or ASTlI C478 Wlni ElniER A PRECAST BASE OR A CAST-IN-PLACE BASE MADE rROM 3.000 PSI SnRUCTURAL CONCRETE MANHOLES SHAU. BE TYPE 1-48 [WSDOT DRAWING B-23o] INCH DIAMETER MINIMUM JOINTS SHALL BE RUBBER GASKETED CONroRMING TO ASTlI C443 AND SHALL BE GRQUTED rROM niE INSIDE LIFT HOLES SHAlL BE GROUTED FROM niE OUTSIDE AND INSIDE or niE MANHOLE MANHOLES CONSnRUCTED or OniER MATERiAlS MAYBE APPROVED BY niE CITY ENGINEER, PROVIDED THEY MEET niE REQUIREMENTS OF niE DEPARTlIENT or ECOLOGY. MATERiAl SPECIFICATIONS NEED TO BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW BEFORE AN AlTERNATE MATERiAl WILL BE CONSIDERED 8. ECCENnRlC MANHOLE CONE SHALL BE OITSET so AS NOT TO BE LOCATED IN niE TIRE nRACK OR A nRAVELED LANE AND SHAU. BE IN LINE Wlni niE MANHOlE STEPS. 9. MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS SHAU. BE CAST IRON MARKED "SEWER" CONFORMING TO niE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTlI A536, GRADE 80-55-06. OLYMPIC FOUNDRY TYPE MH 30D/T. OR APPROVED EQUAL REPAIR OF DEFECTS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED niE MINIMUM CLEAR OPENING IN niE MANHOLE FRAME SHALL BE 24 INCHES MANHOlE RINGS AND COVERS SHAlL BE MACHINE-FINISHED OR GROUND-ON SEATING SURFACES so AS TO ASSURE NON-ROO<ING FIT IN ANY POSITION AND INTERCHANGEABILITY MANHOlE LOCATED IN AREAS SUBJECT TO INFLOW SHALL BE EQUIPPED Wlni A PRECO SEWER GUARD WATERTIGHT MANHOlE INSERT OR APPROVED EQUAl AlL COVERS AND GRATES SHAU. BE BOlTED DOWl'l PER SECTION 7-05 OF niE SPECIAL PROVISIONS 10 SArETY STEPS SHAlL BE FABRICATED or POlYPROPYlENE CONrORMING TO ASTII 0-4101, INJECTION MOLDED AROUND A 1/2 INCH ASTII A-615 GRADE STEEL REINFORCING BAR Wlni ANTI-SLIP nREAD. STEPS SHAlL PROJECT UNlrORML Y rROM niE INSIDE WALL or niE MANHOLE STEPS SHAlL BE INSTALlED TO FORM A CONTINUOUS VERTICAL LADDER Wlni RUNGS EQUALLY SPACED ON 12 INCH CENTERS AND INSTALLED PER WSDOT/APWA STANDARD PLAN B-24 " MINIMUM SlOPE niROUGH niE MANHOlE SHALL BE 1/1 Oni or ONE FOOT FROM niE INVERT IN TO niE INVERT OUT AlL MANHOLES SHAlL BE CHANNELED. 12. SEWERS SHALL BE LAID Wlni UNIFORM SlOPE BETWEEN MANHOlES 13 ALL nRENCH EXCAVATION, BEDDING AND BACKI'ILL SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE Wlni WSDOT SPECIFICATION SECTION 7-08 AND AS CONTAINED HEREIN A Q.EANING AND GRUBBING YttIERE REQUIRED SHAlL BE PERFORMED WlnilN THE EASEMENT OR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AS PERMITTED BY THE CITY AND/OR GOVERNING AGENCY DEBRIS RESULTING FROM niE CLEANING AND GRUBBING SHAlL BE DISPOSED or BY niE CONnRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE Wlni niE TERMS or ALL APPLICABLE PERMITS niE COST OF ALL LABOR, EQUIPMENT AND MATERiAlS NECESSA TY TO COMPLETE niE Q.EARING AND GRUBBING SHALL BE INCLUDED IN niE UNIT PRICE BID or THE PIPE NO SEPARATE MEASUREMENT OR PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR Q.EARING AND GRUBBING B niE nRENCH SHALL BE KEPT FREE rROM WATER UNTIL JOINTING IS COMPLETE. SURFACE WATER SHAU. BE DIVERTED SO AS NOT TO ENTER niE nRENCH niE CONnRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN sumClENT PUMPING EQUIPMENT ON niE JOB TO ENSURE niAT THESE PROVISIONS ARE CARRIED OUT, C nRENCHING AND SHORING OPERATIONS SHAlL NOT PROCEED MORE niAN 100 FEET IN ADVANCE or PIPE LAYING WlniOUT APPROVAL OF niE CITY ENGINEER. o BACKFIlliNG WTH NATIVE MATERiAlS EXCAVATED FROM niE nRENCHES MAY ONLY OCCUR WITH niE WRITTEN APPROVAl or THE CITY ENGINEER IF niE EXCAVATED nRENCH MATERiAl IS DETERMINED BY niE CITY ENGINEER TO BE SUITABLE FOR BACKFILL, THE CONnRACTOR MAY USE niE MATERiAl TO THE BOTTOM or SUBGRADE ALL nRENCH BACKI'ILL MATERiAlS SHAU. BE COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT DENSITY, E IN PAVED AREAS WlnilN niE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY niE CONnRACTOR SHAU. USE CONnROLLED DENSITY BACKFILL PER DETAIL ON THIS SHEET UNLESS ANOniER AlTERNATIVE MEniOD IS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ALTERNATIVE MATERiAlS MAY ONLY BE ACCEPTED WTH WRITTEN APPROVAL BY niE CITY ENGINEER ALL OniER nRENCHING SHALL BE BACKFILLED Wlni CRUSHED SURrACING MATERiAlS CONFORMING TO WSDOT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 4-04 AND SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT MAXIMUM DENSITY, AS DESCRIBED IN WSDOT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-03 14. TEMPORARY RESTORATION OF nRENCHES WlnilN niE nRAVELLED WAY SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY USING 2" MINIMUM DEPni ClASS A OR B ASPHAlT CONCRETE PAVEMENT WHEN AVAILABLE, MEDIUM-CURING (MC-250) L10UID ASPHAlT (COLD MIX). ASPHAlT nREATED BASE (ATB), OR nRAmC BEARING nilCKNESS STEEL PLATES WITHIN 24 HOURS OF COMPLETION or BACKFILL STEEL PLATES TO BE SECURED BY PLACEMENT or COlD OR HOT MIX ASPHAlT WEDGE ON EACH SIDE or THE PLATE SLOPE OF ASPHAl T WEDGE NOT TO EXCEED 12'1. 15 ATB USED rOR TEMPORARY RESTORATION MAY BE DUMPED DIRECTlY INTO niE nRENCH OR PATCH AREA, BLADED AND ROlLED. AFTER ROLLING. niE TRENCH MUST BE FILLED FLUSH Wlni niE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO PROVIDE A SMOOni RIDING SURFACE 16. AU. TEMPORARY PATCHES SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY niE CONnRACTOR UNTIL SUCH TIME AS niE PERMANENT PATCH IS IN PLACE. Ir niE CONTRACTOR IS UNABLE TO MAINTAIN A PATCH FOR YttIATEVER REASON, niE CITY WILL PATCH niE AREA AT niE EXPENSE OF THE CON nRACTOR. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 17 TRAmc SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO CROSS GRAVEL OR COF TRENCH BACKrlLL FOR MORE niAN 24 HOURS WlniOUT UTILIZATION or TEMPORARY PATCHING MEASURES STATED ABOVE COST or INSTAlLATION AND MAINTENANCE or TEMPORARY PATCHING SHAU. BE INClUDED IN niE UNIT CONTRACT PRICE or OniER BID ITEMS WlnilN niE PROPOSAL. 18 TACK COAT SHAU. BE APPLIED TO EXISTING PAVEMENT AND EDGE or THE CUT, GUTTER, AND AT COLD JOINTS PRIOR TO PAVING AS SPECIFiED IN WSDOT SPEClI'ICATlON SECTION 5-04 I I DATE 05/05 NO. 05/05 DATE REVISIONS DESIGNED BY: ENTERED BY: CHECKED BY: PROJ ENGR: K ZAYAS K KIMMEL S. THOMAS 05/05 I D1R;t02049-1LGkdw<j Xref:z-24xJ6b, .._51, 06/14/05 11 44 KnsIa 19 ASPHALT CONCRETE CLASS A OR B, EOUAL IN DEPni TO niE EXISTING PAVEMENT, SHAlL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS or WSDOT SPECIFICATIONS or SECTION 5-04, EXCEPT THAT LONGITUDINAl JOINTS BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE LAYERS OF ASPHALT CONCRETE SHAU. BE DISPLACED LATER AlL Y A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES ASPHALT CONCRETE OVER 2 INCHES nilCK SHALL BE PLACED IN EOUAL LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED 2 INCHES EACH 20. PATCHES ON AlL SnREET SURrACES, WAlKS OR DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE FEAniERED AND SHIMMED TO AN EXTENT niAT PROVIDES A SMOOni-RIDING CONNECTION AND EXPEDITIOUS DRAINAGE rLOW rOR niE NEWLY PAVED SURFACE SHIMMING AND rEAniERING AS REOUIRED BY niE CITY ENGINEER SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BE RAKING OUT THE OVERSIZED AGGREGATES FROM THE ASPHAlT CONCRETE MIX AS APPROPRIATE. 21. SURFACE SMOOniNESS SHAlL BE PER WSDOT SPECIFICATION SECTION 5-043(13) UNACCEPTABLE PAVING PATCHES SHAU. BE CORRECTED BY REMOVAl AND REPAVING or THE TRENCH 22. WHEN TRENCHING WlnilN niE ROADWAY SHOULDER(S), niE SHOULDER SHALL BE RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAl OR BETTER CONDITION 23 niE FiNAl PATCH SHAlL BE COMPLETED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND SHALL BE COMPLETED 'MnilN 30 DAYS AFTER FIRST OPENING THE TRENCH nilS TIME rRAME MAY BE ADJUSTED IF DELAYS ARE DUE TO INQ.EMENT PAVING WEATHER OR OniER ADVERSE CONDITIONS niAT MAY EXIST, HOWEVER. DELAYING OF THE FINAl PATCH or OVERLAY WORK IS ALLOWABLE ONLY SUBJECT TO THE CITY ENGINEER'S APPROVAl niE CITY ENGINEER MAY DEEM IT NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK WnilN niE 30 DAY TIME FRAME AND NOT AlLOW ANY TIME EXTENSION Ir nilS OCCURS. niE CONnRACTOR SHALL PERFORM niE NECESSARY WORK AS ORDERED BY niE CITY ENGINEER. 24 A MANDREL TEST IN ACCORDANCE Wlni WSDOT SPEClrlCATlONS - 7-173(2)G MAY BE REOUIRED BY niE CITY ENGINEER ON SEWERS EXCEPT LATERAlS WHERE DERECTlON or THE PIPELINE IS SUSPECTED 25. CONTRACTOR SHAlL INSPECT SERVICE LINES FOR BLOO<AGE OR DAMAGE AND REPLACE ACCORDINGlY UP TO R/W LIMITS 26. WHEN THE SEWER LINE CROSSES AN EXISTING WATER MAIN. niE CONnRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT niERE IS AN 18 INCH SEPARATION BETWEEN niE PIPES IF niERE IS LESS THAN 18 INCHES CLEARANCE, niE CONTRACTOR SHALL CUT niE SEWER PIPE AS NECESSARY TO ASSURE niAT NO JOINTS IN niE SEWER PIPE ARE CLOSER niAN 10 rEET FROM THE CROSSING 27, AlL SANITARY SEWER PIPES AND SERVICES SHAU. BE INSTALLED 'MTH CONTINUOUS nRACER TAPE niE CONnRACTOR SHALL BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR niE LOCATION AND PROTECTION or ALL EXISTING UTILITIES THE CONnRACTOR SHAlL VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY CALLING THE UNDERGROUND LOCATE LINE AT 1-800-424-5555 A MINIMUM or 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCA VA TlON THE CONTRACTOR 'MLL AlSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL LOCATE MARKS ONCE THE UTILITIES HAVE BEEN LOCATED COtTRACT NO. ............ ~~ T, ~./ r:::: ~~a'~~~ ., SKilliNGS W~4 ,< ~~m~~2~~!.98,"' b (360) 491-3399 (800) 454-7545 Fax (360) 491-3857 IUPIRII!I "/11/010 PORT ANGELES WA P ARK A VENUE RACE STREET TO LIBERTY STREET LEGEND: ROADWAY CENTERLINE PROPERTY LINE / ROW EXISTING GAS EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER EXISTING POWER EXISTING SANATARY SEWER EXISTING STORM DRAIN EXISTING TELEPHONE EXISTING CABLE EXISTING WATER -G--G-- -OHP--- -P- -P- - -SS--- -SD--- -T- -T- - -C- -C- - -w---w--- EXISTING CURB EXISTING EDGE or PAVEMENT EXISTING FENCE -X - -- EXISTING CULVERT EXISTING CULVERT EXISTING VAlVE M EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT '0 EXISTING WATER WETER III EXISTING SANATARY SEWER MANHOLE o @ EXISTING STORM DRAIN MANHOlE EXISTING CATCH BASIN o EXISTING LUMINAlRE p: EXISTING UTILITY POLE -<>- EXISTING TELEPHONE PEOEST Al EXISTING UTILITY POLE -0- EXISTING SIGN 'U' EXISTING MAILBOX CJ EXISTING BUILDING r----------.., I I L__________..J PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE . PROPOSED CATCH BASIN . PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER 55 PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SO PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER l. . 'j PROPOSED SIDEWAlK . PROPOSED HOT MIX ASPHAlT I ^" n ;i.;- " ~ ~ ". I PROPOSED FENCE X PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT ., PROPOSED WATER METER . PROPOSED CU T LINE C PROPOSED FILL LINE F JOB t4UWSER GENERAL NOTES AND LEGEND 02049-6 9i[[T 2 llF 11 SHtE'" 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 315 1 310 305 1 300 1295 1290 SEe 10, 11, 14 AND 15, T 30 N, R 6 W, W.M. STA 23+23, 56' LT END CURB AND CUTTER STA 20+08 38' LT MA TO! EXISTING CURB AND CUTTER AND SIDEWALK STA 23+51, 55' LT (PC fO C) BEGIN CURB AND GUTTER AND SIDEWALK REMOVE EXISTING SIDEWALK, RAMP, / / / 23+54 2, 29 l' LI , CEN TER Of RAMP '-,(f 0 C ) ./ " /' '---, INSTAll. 10 Lf Of 12 IN CORR. PE PIPE AT 211 DAYLIGHT INTO EXISTING TREA TIotENT SWALE REGRADE SWALE AND fiLL SLOPES TO DAYLIGHT PIPE ;i -J /1 /, , ~ ,~ REMOVE CURB AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER ACROSS fROM ~ '() Ii, ~"=!- ('""'- -7' - ~ :~: ../ ~ 11'/' / II: ~ ~/ EXISTI"IG 1 B IN 1--- CU~ VEflT ! \ I \ \ 7 I STA 21+08, 175' LT STA 20+95 L T INSTAU 12 DRIVEWAY, 5' ~DE SCALf IN fEn 10..0- \ o 20 40 - -- - 093X .--": !'\ Ie 10 LFi f 12 IN CORRl ,PE PIPE AT 2" ~ 1 1\ 1 \.--.- ...__---1 . STA 23+78, 19' LT INSTALL N YPE 1 1IIllf CIJR5 INLO' F'RAMr AND GRATE RIM = 311.85 IE (N) a 308,50 ---:::: o on + . "'0 , . ,., ...,., ... . ~iil -..----.----------. --::::: .--::::: o o + ,., "',., . '" ID <0 ...,., en u ' ...J o on(n ~ g: EXISTING GROUND AT N' ROADWAY CENTERLlNE~ i=5~ enw ~ ~ ---::::!) 42~ ~ ---:::: ---=:: ...--::: or- ono +on 001 "'''' , b ~~ w ---== ------- oon 001 +.... ~~ II < I ...> enw .... Q.w ~2; m --= VPI STA a 23+75 "y'P1 ELf:V "' ~12 70 L a 150 fT llfE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE fULLY RESPONSIBLE fOR THE LOCATION AND PROTECTION Of ALt. EXISTING UTILITIES THE CONTRACTOR SHI\LL VERifY AU UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO .cotISTRl:l.CTlON BY CALl.ING THE. UNO.ERGROUN!l. LOCAIE: LINE AT 1-800-424-5555 A MINIMUM Of 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. THE CONTRACTOR ~LL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE fOR MAINTAlNING ALL LOCATE MARKS ONCE THE UTILITIES HAVE BEEN LOCATED. 1285 PROPOSED GUTTER ELEVATIONS (TYP) STA 21+06 19' T INSTALL CA TO! BASIN E 1 ~TH CURB INLET fRAME AND GRATE RIM - 298.28 IE (S) = 295.20 SCALES' ," = 20' HOR l' a 5' VEil I on 0 on '" 01 CD '" '" '" ,., . on 01 01 01 01 '" '" '" '" 20+00 REVISIONS NO DATE . '" 0 0 ID 0 '" '" '" ID 01 0 01 01 01 0 '" '" '" ,., 21 +00 CONTRACT NO 02049-6 ,., r- 0 :: '" ,., '" . 01 ;;; '" 01 '" CD 01 01 CD 0 0 '" '" . '" '" '" 01 on '" '" . '" 0 '" ,.j . on '" r- m .,; 0 '" '" '" '" '" 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 22+00 23+00 24+00 r- ID '" ;;; 25+ 00 280 19+00 PORT ANGELES WA L 1 SKILLINGS CONNOLLY P ARK A VENUE RACE STREET TO LIBERTY STREET ROADW A Y PLAN AND PROFILE I DESIGNED BY: ENTERED BY: CHECKED BY' PROJ ENCR.. S THOMAS S. HELLER K. KIMMEL 5Q16 Lacey Boulevard SE, Lacey. Washington 98503 (360) 491-3399 (800) 454-7545 Fax (360) 491-3857 I OllCt 02049-6..JlPP1. lIT., 1-24xJ6b, so_st, r 1002. Z02049-6BII. 06/14 OS 11'48 K"sta '/II/f16 315 310 305 300 295 290 285 280 JOB Nl.&I8ER 02049-6 SHEET 3 OF 11 SHl:ElS REGRADE SWAlE AND I'lLL SLOPES TO DAYLIGHT PIPE SEe 10, 11, 14 AND 1&, T 30 N, R 8 W, W.M. I SCALE IN f'frT ~ o 20 I 40 STA 27+64 19' L T ~~M~~~ ; FRAME AND GRATE / I N: 41260232 : / E: 1007916.43 )/ ///1 STA 27+51 30' L T DAYLIGHT 12 IN PVC PI INTO EXISTING TREATMENJ.--SWALE I I REGRADE SWALE-lIND FILL / _ x _ _ _ ~.-ro;oAYLIGHT PIPE X - - _ _ _ f x __________-~ ~ 7 ----- ~- - r_F i..-- ~ 0- LT I II I ! I V ,j :, -'~ / ADJUST vAlVE I I BOX TO GR\&.DE I : I ADJUST 2 IEXISTlNG I WATE~M.EJERS : I I II STA 26+88 LT I L1.~_STALL 12 DRIVEWAY I I 1._______J[ ( I REMOVE 16 LF OF )i I EXISTING 12 IN /I~ I CULVERT ./ I I I I I I : I) RELOCATE POLEA' BY OTHERS I I I , I r---~-------1 I I I I R~OVE 65 LF OF ExiSTING 12 IN. CULVERT I STA 30+26 L T _ _ ..J END 571 DRIVEWAY I RESET EXISTING HYDRANT ADJUST I VALVE BOX~ GRADE I FACE OF H RANT SHAlL BE $Ii I WITH THE B CK'. SDGE or 51 WALK I I --- I ~ I n I' I 'J'" ~ =-F ~ - --" _=:::;t INSTALL 16 LF OF 12 IN CORR. PE PIPE AT 1 5" / I I I / I //' // / -~- / ~j~O--- / r-~~__~ / I I / I I / I I / I I I / I I I / I I / I I /( I ,___.J / I I >< I' I ~ \ \' \ I I I / i ( \ I I I \ ....", _ .1 - ==~ -Vr I ' I I ~/I / I ~__~ I ---'r I r--" . I 1--+-, I I I i-----l I ~ I ' I J L____-, /~~ '- r/-, // I- -- // // ( SS_ 5$'- - ~ EXISTING ~~ (/ \ \ \ \ STA 26+16 19' LT \ CATCH BASIN WITH CURB INCf;T FRAME AND GRATE \ r--------------------, CONNECT TO EXISTING 12 IN CULVERT \ N' 41261232 \ II IE: 100777309 \ \ I 1 \ I I ) I I / I I / I _________-l / ----------/ // ;----------, I I I ' I I I ' I L-, I \ i J I J I I J J I J J I ) / / / / / ) / ,I' / /~ // 330 EXISTING GROUND 4T ......" """"'" \ --- 0.... "'''' +.ri "'- "'''' " . -<--' ...'" <II (.) g; VPI STA = 27+50 VPI ELEV = 316 20 L-2ooFT 0'" "'CD ~~ ...'" " -<--' ...", <II ~ - ..---::: - ---= . 325 -- -- -- - 265" or- 12 IN' CORR. fOE PIP 376LF' - Ii I' t] j' ..J' :- ~ - At 2 SlII 320 -- --- {) 93" I II H II (;uTTER LINE II PROFILE Ii /1 II _-- \- 315 .-----' ----.---> -----...........----..........~--_.--.-.. ~~---- 310 --- THE CONTRACTOR SHAll BE FULL't RESPONSlBL;E FOR THE LOCATIO;'" AND PROlECTlON OF ALL EXISTING :UTILITIES - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY I\LL UTILITY LOCATIONS PIiIOR TO- CO.N.STR!JCTION ay 1;:A.~~lti(i THE !JNOERCROlJNO ~QCAlf. ~1tiE. AT ~- 1-600-424-5555 . A MINIMUM Of 46 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION THE CONTRACTOR WILL AlSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAlNTA.NING All LOCATE MARKS ONCE THE lJTllITIES HAVE BEEN LOCATED 305 16 LF OF 12 IN CORR. fOE PIPE AT 1 5" , T INSTAlL CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 WITH CURB INLET FRAME AND GRATE RIM = 31680 IE(E) = 313.62 IE(W) = ;:51362 rPROPOSED GUTTER' ... . E~~VAn~NS (TYP) :. T + 'T INSTAlL CA~ BASIN T'If'E 1 WITH CURB INLET FRAME AND GRA TIE RIM = 3146-7 IE(N) = 312.10 300 It., SKILLlrt6S ~ CONNOLLY 5016 Lacey Boulevard SE, Lacey, Washington 98503 (360) 491-3399 (800) 454-7545 Fax (360) 491-3857 :: . ~ 0 '" '" CD Iii . .... 0 '" .... '" ": '" 0 '" CD . 0> 0> 0 N N ... N .., '" ;;; ;;; '" '" '" '" . '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 29+ 00 30+00 P ARK A VENUE ROADW A Y RACE STREET TO LIBERTY STREET PLAN AND PROFILE '" 0> . ... '" '" . '" :;:: 295 '.31 +00 " '" . '" 0 0> '" 0> <<> 0 ... . ;;; ~ . ::! '" ..; . . CD. 0> '" '" CD . . . .- . '" .ri '" ;;; ;;;- ;;; '" '" '" ;;; ;;; ;;;. ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; 25+ 00 26+00 27+00 DATE REVISIONS CONTRACT NO. S. HEL~ER 05 05 NO DATE 02049-6 K. KI!A!AEL 05/05 S THO!AAS 05 05 lItol,,-24..l6b. seJ\. r fl102, 102049-6lllI, 06 4 05 11 47 Krist. Iii 0 '" 0> CD '" '" 0 '" '" ,..: .... CD CD ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; 28+00 JOB NUMBER 02049-6 '/Ol1VO PORT ANGELES WA SHEET 4 OF 11 SHEEr.; DATE I DESIGNED BY: S HELLER 05 05 NO. DATE ENTERED BY: K. KIMMEL 05/05 CHECKED BY: PROJ. ENGR.: S. THOMAS 05 05 I I I I I I I I I I I 345 I 340 335 I 330 I 325 I 320 I 315 I 310 I SEe 10, 11, 14 AND 15, T 30 N, R 8 W, W.... I -- SCALE IN FEET ....- o J 40 STA 31+30 19' LT CA TCH BASIN W1lH CURB INLE T FRANE AND GRATE N: 412577.05' E: 1008283 51" '---. RELOCATE E~S 'G WA TER IotETljR /lJ1 INSTALL DRIVEWAY v.lDlH AND LOCATION TO BE FIELD VERifiED BY THE ENGINEER. --- -------- INSTALL....C\lRB RANP A~ -EXISTING CRosswAl.K-L . EXACT LOCATION TO BELD ______ o VERlfIEtr"B'f-tllE....~____ ~.-/ /) "'--- 335-- --333--- ~ ~ -------334-~ ______ ~r ' ~~-~_~3~_--~~ r)i: -~ . 9---~- ,;,w~~~__]l______ - -:'-.Jl'=-=;;-~:;.-!t.:::_~-_.:;:~~~~k~~~ ll' .... ====-_ . - --- - - - or n-_ 5D- - -50- -50- - -50- _ __J _ - - ___ -SD- - -SD-_5D- - -50- 55 55------SS ...____- I - - SD- - - SO AVE. 35+00 "~~5l~ss-- __ _ 36+00 - S 85~01!:..L..- _ _ --1Z.tllQ . nn,~mL:r~_n~_:=J~':," n ~ .' _ _ w- _ _ w- _ _ w- - ~ -T---!- -T- -Tr -----"'T- -T- -r 'I '-_ / (336~ ~x--- I -x_ - / l - =-\=: w_ - - vI_ - - w_ - -:...JI/.- - - -_-_-=--_-~--~,~:;:_;;.,=.lF_"""'==i::< - -e---.OH"" ."..< -OHP- -Z;O"<>'-_/_- ----rt.....u--l--~-- -- --,.. rr---w-r=--~.r""W..rT',.. (yo ,J: I I I ( I~'~ - - I I \ J. "I R I \ I '" ... ,\ b I V' I II 'r I \ <II I \ ~\ ! I / 'I ,/ I \ CENTERLINE MONUIotENT AND GEODETIC \ I"""'" I ~ ' CON TROL POIN T 06301171 \ Y ~ i - i L - - _ _ _ ..l NO 2" BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE \ I 1'\ f, f ~ " IotATCH EXISTING PAVEt.AENT, SEE P VOL 34 Of SURVEYS. PG. 22, I \ " 1 ~ __Bl.!lL..IOJJIiI.JlE.~ SHEET 11. RE ORDS Of CLALLAIot COUNTY, WA I n.1 \... : \ I 'I "- STA 34+39 ", EL a336 46 -,-- 336_ "336- '---I!.... END CENTERUNE RPIot'S"" ~~ J~~~17.5~3 \ I I MATCH EXISTING! CONTRA TOR SHALLAlEEEREJ\J~E \ Iii MONUME T Ol!RlNC CONTRUCTIOlhANQ RESET ONyMENT v.lTH CASE AND\fO~R. l5 II \\ ~ , \ \ \ ' 20 / /~ -;~9- ~ LT DRIVEWAY () -0336_ ~4--~~-=- f 33 \ RELOCATE s:: - 95657 fT I \ -r' '~\ ~', MAilBOX \ I ~ _ _ _ _ _ -L ~ ~~~=~~~~ ~-----?C ~~-----~-- ~ _ .1 L l... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - -, '-Y I ' 1 , ~! i i /~~i ; / II " /, :; t\ J ! ! -? I : I \ I A\ I f ~ ~ I '/', If/ \ I I I i ' I, <..::.."-'1 \ i ~--, 'TI \ ' I I " I , L_-l I I I I I 'l I I I L_J '; ,~fi I I V 1 ~~ ~ ~>n__~_SS-~~~r:J x-=--=- - :-"\ \~- ~----- ':'---r"\-~---Q;- 7-7 ..., ::J", \ ; \ I / ,. ~~ I ,. I i \ ~~ I \ \,~, \ b-1-_ ~ cc. v" I II \ '\ I v" ~ ~<l \ \ '" \ )" } // / V' V' \ V' ~ , / I ! / // ,,/,'/"'/ //"-........ ,// ------...... -- / / / / -, / ----1 SCALES' 1" a 20' HOR I" a 5' VER THE ~ONtRACTOR SHALL BE fULLY RESPONSIBLE fOR THE I.QCA TION AND PR01[CTION Of' ALl. EXISTING UTILITIES THE ~ONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UTILITY LQCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY c;ALLlNG THE UNDERGROUND l.OCATE LINE AT 1-800-4'2'4-555"5 A :/oAINIMUIot Of 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATIoN. THE CONTRACTOR \\!LL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE fOR MAINTAINING ALL LOCATE MARKS ONCE TH( UTILITIES HAVE BEEN LOCATED. 345 STA 34-+-39 MA TCH EXISTING CURB. GUTTER, SIDEWALK AND PAVEMENt 340 0'" on'" +10 ;;~ . . <> ~~ g;~ ~- =-== _::-::::- - ===1:== - =-= ~ =-= -=-= - - -'L- - ~ - - - ~ - -=-:- ~ - --=-= - -( - - =-=---=-==----: ~ ~ ~ , , ~. [XISTING GUTTER i I , :LINE PROF1Le: I i: " , II I, ,I , I' Ii II I' 11 , , vPl StA = 34+90 ELEV "" 336.4 7 ; L=350fT ' 320 335 -" ,.",,, """.., "'.....\ .:.--- - --= -----'"' ......- - - -~ - 330 i /1 It it il ,I 1 ' I: ji 11 J f===, 315 - on + .., .., '" U .... <;;; ......, VI <.> u ~d ~--'- .J - - 2.8'5" on CO + CO "'", ~ 0 \ \ oo(~ I I :;;.., .... I g.;j - .2,.65" GUTTER LINE PROFILE 325 ~-, -- PROPOSEO : GUTTER ELEVATIONS : .(!YP! l -- ----...---.....----......--- -- ~ ----- ~... PE ..- ~ ~- .... N '" on '" en ~ '" ~ CO ... .., en .. CO ... '" cD en en 0 ;;; ;;; '" '" '" '" '" '" .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., 32+00 33+00 REVISIONS CONTRACT NO. 02049-6 '" .... on '" .., 31+00 en en '" '" .., '" '" CO '" .., ... o ... '" .., '" on '" en on '" on en .., '" ...; ...; .., .... .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., 34+ 00 310 37+00 35+ 00 36+00 1l2049-6.JlPP3. WA JOB NUNBER l.] SKILLINGS COtltlOLLY 5016 Lacey Boulevard SE, Lacey, Washln9ton 98503 (360) 491-3399 (800) 454-7545 Fax (360) 491-3857 ROADWAY PLAN AND PROFILE 02049-6 PARK AVENUE RACE STREET TO LIBERTY STREET 9iEET 5 or 1t SHEE~ PORT ANGELES lrI.,,- 24.J6b, se_sL' 1002, Z02GI9-6llIl. 06 14 05 11 49 Knslo I I I I JJ6 I I STA 37+13 MATCH EXISTING CURB, GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK ,-- SEe 10, 11, 14 AND 15, T 30 N, R 8 W, W.... INSTALL 9 Lf Of 12 IN. CORR PE PIPE AT 6:11: STA 42+15 19' LT CATCH BASIN WITH CURB INLET fRAME AND GRATE N. 41249649 E: 1009633 16 SCALE IN nET .....- ' o 20 40 STA 37+16, 20' LT HROUGH CURB IN N 41253543 E: 100886511 STA 42+15, 10' L T STA 40+15, 19' LT EXISTING MANHDU: CATCH BASIN WITH CURB,INLET \ N' 41248763 '-- 327 FRAME AND GRATE "\ E 1009365.49 ~ N 412511 54 ~ \ CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLE E 1009166 B8 '""~ \ ADJUST MANHOLE TO GRADE \ ADJUST MANHOLE __. _. \ ~ TO GRADE -- ~ -, F I,.. F a F f F ~.'\_---=-==:::-~ ~. ~ ;:..3.J~~~ __~-~ .3J~_. ._~~:::;;f~ -- --~ - .--;-3 . : STA 37+23, 20' LT EXl5TING TREES TO BE ANGLE POINT REMOVED AS NECESSARY i!t\ -331_ i '" r"",~ ---331~ "-\\\~, ~............ . ~ l3 ~Q ----...... / f ____ 3,,~ F -=.f-33 L::::.....( f--.=: ~ J -- - =-=--==--= ,____ff__ _ Vt. , W __ nlr_ _It _=-_W=___ lY_ - _.wc__ ~::.I_~ --w- --w- - ~-.w:: , ~o ~--X ~_x~ rr X =-x / :I: \_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ _0-- - - - - - - - - - - ; STA 40+15 105' LT /:i \ \ ~xl~~~go~~HOLE I \ \ E' 1009166 18 : \ 'V CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLE I a.. 6',,\ ADJUST MANHOLE TO GRADE f ~ \ \ a.. :I: o -<\r STA 42+80 20' RT M.\TCH EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER ST A 42+91 END CENTERLINE RPM S MATCH EXISTING d~ ~-OHP- 0 .., - OHP-O ~~ I'~ ')J -''Ii - - - -."-IF ~~r~ ~~X-~~-~"?(""""a.. 337-~ 1 ;bh is A 37+ _ _____.... I i I B GIN, NTERlINE RPM:s---.......... ,I, ~ M TCI1 EXISTING 'l:l / 336'; " \::r - ,,"-, STA 37+31 5 8' LT \ EXISTING MANHOLE " N' 412521 89 . ",- E: 1008882 75 CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOlE ADJUST MANHOlE TO GRADE -0- 1- -[~ _ ~ ( \ U I I . -- -, / 114-- r \' I Jl/ ~// s fOUND 2" BRASS CAP, STAMPED "ClARK 12223" N: 41246968 E: 1009467.92 INSTAlL 9 Lf Of 12 IN CORR PE PIPE AT 6:11: 9 STA 37+13 MATCH EXISTING- CURB, GUTTER, SIDEWALK AND PAVEMENT THE CONtRACTOR SHALL BE fULL'" RESPONSIBLE fOR THE LOCATION AND PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING :UTILITIES. THE COf'4TRACTOR SHAlL VERIfY AlL UTILITy LOCATIONS P~IOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY CALLING THE UNDERGROUND LOCATE LINE AT '~800-424~5555 A MINIMUM Of 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANT EXCAVATION THE CONTRACTOR WILL AlSO BE RESPONSIBlE fOR MAINTAINING ALL L(lCATE MARK$ ONCE THE UTILITIES HAVE BEEN LOCATED 350 SH\ 40+15 19' LT INSTALL CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 WItH CURB INLET fRAME AND GRATE RIM = 335 51 IE(S) a 332 11 345 5l~ +.... ...'" "'''' n . ;:!;> ",:l \oJ ~ STA 37+31 5, 8' LT El(ISl1NG MANAOlE RIM a 335.93 IE(N) = 31928 IE(W) a 323 93 IE(E) a 318 311 IE(NW) a 331 D8 ,.~, ....." "'m~'~ D.D2l1:. 335 340 GUTTER LINE PROfiLE o .... + en "'. p '" ui <'" ....'" '" o I ~d o .... + o .", n '" .... <'" ....'" '" .... I ~d -114" -- - 9 Lf' or 12 IN CORR PE PIPE AT 6:11: 330 II II II II 11 9 Lf Of 12 IN. COR~. PE PIPE AT 6 lI: STA 112+15 19' LT INSTALL CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 WTH CURB INLET fRAME AND <;RATE RIM = 333 3D IE(S) a 329 90 I 11 1\ II ------------~--~I --------------- H EXISTING 24 111I DIAM COIIIC PIPE __________.....__~ ----------------~ VP1 $TA = 40+OQ VP1 ElLEV = 335.115 L '= 100 fT I PROPOSED GUTTER ELEVATIONS (TIP) SCALES I" a 20' HOR ,. .. 5' VER 325 STA 42+15 10' LT EXISTING J,lANHOlE RIM a 333 43 IE(W) = ~21 98 iE(S) a 321 99 it(N) = J2g.3S 320 '" '" .... '" '" ... .... .... '" '" . en . '" '" '" . . '" '" .... '" . '" '" o '" '" '" '" ... .... '" '" '" 42+00 .... CO to< '" '" 315 '" . to< '" '" 43+00 '" '" to< '" '" . '" '" '" '" to< o . '" '" en '" on '" '" ~ ;::: . '" '" ..; '" '" .... '" '" S. HELLER K. KIMMEL 38+00 40+00 41+00 39+00 PORT ANGELES WA COtTRACT NO JOB NUMBER REVISIONS ROADWAY PLAN AND PROFILE l.., SKILLINGS CONNOLLY 02049-6 02049-6 PARK AVENUE RACE STREET TO LIBERTY STREET NO. OA TE SHUT 6 or 11 91tETS 5 THOMAS 5016 Lacey Boulevard SE, Lacey, Washington 98503 (360) 491-3399 (800) 454-7545 Fax (360) 491-3857 1lWGt02049-6.../ll'P4 llte. z-24r3611, so_51, r 11I02, Z02049-68U, 06 4 05 U:OO Kn,to I I I I I I I I I I I 310 I 305 300 I 295 I 290 I 285 I 280 I 275 \~....- 1/ / I \ f \ f ~ f \ r\ \ \\~\\ ~ \/~ \, ^ \ I \ I " / ~ \\ \ SCALE: IN ffE:T ~ o 20 SEC 10, 11, 14 AND 1S, T 30 N, R 8 W, W.M. 1/1 1/ 'I v fl I Ii II 'I \ ,// ,~ / / :/// I STA 23+50, 12/; IT MANHOLE I N. 41262271,/ E: 1007503 90 j ../..,/ / / / // / ,1 \ I , I \1 ~, NOTE' CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION AND DEPTH OF AlL SIDE SEllrR CONNECTIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW SANITARY SEWER t.tAIN // ! //",/ / ./// \ \ \ I' ~ \ ~~ $' \",\ ~~ STA 20+00, 11.8. L T ~ t.tANHOLE \ N. 41262302 \ ~ E: 100715388 _ -rr ~ --- -------~-~4'-W--- -------fi~==Y-_;--V.. 7.97. - - w- --7=-------~ - -/- // \ .?.9 '?, 1-===;~~ :l,,\\, ............ J _ _ -; - - 1\, " , _':>- __---r- I '\ \, \ \ \ - - - .... - - ! 1" \\ \' \ / ~ I "- I ",,- "-_I '...., I '~ SCAlES. ," D 20' HOR I" D S' VER STA 23+32 EXISTING 18 CUL RT STA 23+14 , STA 21,+70 , EXlSflNG WATER liNE J EXISTING _W!~J.lliL _ - _.L. - - - - - - -- _---l----- ---- --- --- --- 310 _...+-- -- -... _.....---- o o STA 21 90 EXISTINC SANITARY SEllrR --- o _..-- -- ~-- --- -- 305 EXISTING GROUND AT CENIEIi LINE fJF PiP.E ~ STA 20~14 ~ _-- EXISTING BURIED TELEPHONEJ - - -- -- "EXlSTlNG WATER LINEJ _ _ _ - - -' ---- - _....- -+----------~ ------- .Q 300 --- o PVC PIPE ~ T 1 5" ....-- --- --- --- --- -- 280 -- o 295 CTION 290 o STA 23+ 5"0 T2.3" L T IN TAlL 48 IN DIAM t.tANHOLE, TYPE 1 RIIII '" 311 10 IE(W) .. 301.60 Iqi) a 301.70 285 .;.- -------- . " II ['26 LF "EXlSTING , I 12 IN PIPE . f + . .. . , I _----- , L-- -- _---- L...l------ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FUllY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE lOCATION AND PROTECTION OF AlL EXISTING UTILITIES THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AlL UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONS'TllUCTION flY C'ALL1NG 'THE tJNDeRGROUND LOCATE LINE AT 1-800-424- 5555 A. t.tINIt.tUt.t or 1,8 HOURS PRIOR TO AN'" EXCAVATIoN. THE CONTRACTOR WILL ALSO BE RESPONSiBLE FOR t.tAINTAINING ALL lOCATE t.tARKS ONCE THE UTILITIES HA.'VE BEEN LOCATED 59 I.F :or \2 IN. Pl/C.. . PIPE AT 4.67ll: 20+00 23+00 24+00 275 25+00 21 +00 22+00 PORT ANGELES WA DATE I DESIGNED BY S. HELLER 05 05 NO. DATE ENTERED BY: K. KIMMEL 05 05 CHECKED BY: PROJ. ENGR. S. THOMAS 05 I REVISIONS CONTRACT NO. JOB NUMBER l , SKILLltlGS CONNOLLY ~ 5016 Lacey Boulevard SE, Lacey, Washington 98503 (360) 491-3399 (800) 454-7545 Fax (360) 491-3857 SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE 02049-6 PARK AVENUE 02049-6 RACE STREET TO LIBERTY STREET SHEET 7 Of 11 SH[[~ DWGtD2049-6_5'P1 d Ilret z- 24xJ6b, so_st, r 100J, 202049-6811, 06 4 11 55 Kri1ta I I SEe 10, 11, 14 AND 15, T 30 N, R 8 W, W.... / 1/ i I ; II Ii i---i--------; ,yi / I I /. I I I ! I ! /: / :/ i /1 I j ~//) ;// , I /-----r-----JJ ----------- : // X x- -x---x---x--r-7 __x___x_~-x---x--- --- / /---A ____ =-====- --------- ---- /~~ "-:::- \ -,,"J / ------ ~ _ .L _ NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHAlL \'ERlfY lOCATION AND DEPTH OF All SIDE SEWER CONNECTIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION Of THE NEW SANITARY SEWER MAIN , I L-r----J I I I I f I; I I' I I I I ; . J 1/ ;1 /. . I; \ : II I I I: \ : II \ I II ,___+______--1 I: I I 11 I \ II I II I ,L____..J ,: Ii I' \ \ \ I ;7 . -,'" -J \ \\ \ 1\ lIl' 1Il. 1 \ , '- ,/ tl I I SCALE IN FfCT ....- o 20 , 40 STA 26+64, 108' IT MANHOLE N: 41260102 E: 1007815.15 STA 29+79, 109' IT MANHOLE N, 412577.10 E. 1008164 11 =- I .':w :- -;W'!.... ~ :~;::c~~f~~"/A~~<,.: _ I I =_=-=-_-=- SS- - - SS-~____ - - ~ --- ' ~-~---rr:= ! ~'1 I . I I , : ---w I _~.~J}~f:i~I~;r<t:cl: ~ ~ -sso -- - --"55- -~~ - ""5S---------SS=-~-~-- =8s: ~- ,..-/ / ' /~ I ~"O/ / r-~-~__, / I I I I I / I I / : I r------- I ---, 1 I I I I \ ) / I // i I , \ \ I ,------------------, I \ I '. I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / I 315 STA 25+47 E~~nNG ~A T~~ lINE I ....- I --------- STA 27+69 EXISTING WA TER LINE I ------- ------ STA 29+7!l 109' IT INSTAll 4ll IN DIAM lo4 ANHOlE, TYPE 1 RIM a 32i 60 lE(W) a 331.24 STA 28 98- IE(E) a 311,34 ~ ------- I ~-- --------------------------:----------- THE CON 'TRACTOR SHALL BE fUllY RESPONSIBLE fOR THE lOCATION AND PROTECTION OF All EXISTING UTILITIES. THE CO~TRACTOR SHALL \'ERlfY ALL UTILITY lOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY CAlliNG THE UNDERGROUND lOCATE UNE AT l-8OD-+.24-S555- A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATIOf'! THE CONTRACTOR v.1ll ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE fOR MAINtAINING ALL lOCATE MARKS ONCE THE UTILITIES HA\'E BEEN loeA TED 330 I SCALES. ." = 20' HoR ." = 5' \'ER 330 I 325 STA 30+25 -EXISTING WA~ ~~ J __ ---- ----.. 325 ------ ---- I 320 o 320 I ........-----~,..-- ----- -_-..---- ----- 315 o o :;15 lf Of 1 IN P P 310 o 310 I 315 lV Of 12 IN P I'll' A 300 STA 26+05 RT S VI lIN CONN STA 26+64 108' T INSTAlL 46 IN DlAN MANHOLE, TYPE 1 RIM a 31522 IE(W) " 306 42 IE(.E) .. 306 52 STA 27+93 RT SEll'll!;!; JoiN!; (:ONN!;PION STA 28+20 L t SE VlC lIN 'CONN STA 29+28 LT SERVICE LINE CONNECTION 305 I ON ~'" 30<,49 RT SERVICE LINE CONNECTION 305 ,J.~5 l.F Of IN PVC PIPE AT 1 300 I ION STA 29+96 IT RVlCE LINE: CONNEC ION ON 295 25+00 295 CONTRACT NO. 28+ 00 29+00 30+00 31+00 S, THOMAS 26+00 27+00 I REVISIONS JOB NUMBER DESIGNED BY: ENTERED BY: CHECKED BY: PROJ ENGR: S. HELLER K. KIMMEL NO. DA TE 02049-6 l , SKILLINGS CONNOLLY PARK AVENUE SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE 02049-6 RACE STREET TO LIBERTY STREET SHEET 8 Of 11 SHEETS I O'M:;"D2049-6_SPP2 d 1t.~l-24xJ6b, 50-51, r 100J, Z02049-6Blo1, 06/14 05 11 55 KrlSla 5016 Lacey Boulevard SE. Lacey, Washln9ton 98503 (360) 491-3399 (800) 454-7545 Fax (360) 491-3857 PORT ANGELES WA I SEe 10, 11, 14 AND 16, T 30 N, R 8 W, W.... I I I I L_____________J 330- I I I I Vl Vl I I I III Vl SCALE IN F[ET ~ o > 20 I 40 NOTE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION AND DEPTH OF ALL SIDE SEWER CONNECTIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW SANITARY SEWER MAIN I ;- / '. ," STA 35+00, 11 9' L T MANHOLE N 41254337 E 100865206 EXISTING IAANHOLE REMOVE ENOUGH PIPE TO LAY NEW PIPE INTO MANHOLE PLUG EXISTING PIPE TO THE WEST N 41251125 E 100879873 o I I ')~q>> / ))0 ')')\ I, I o T 335------1- 334 ~: i 0 0336 3J~_~ ~~ --:----:.. ~'~-~~-:1rrr::-~~~ ~:~:~~::::~=~::-::=::==:.:I~- - _-_ _~=-=;; ~=_-~-':=_~-~-_\f_~-.:=_-==~;;~"]=\r';=;; =7;;= =-~ == =,'" = = = =- 55 . ~ - -SD- - -SD- - -SD- - -So- - -SD -55 I - - -SD-- --55 I 35+00 --;-55~ 36+00 S 85"40'21. _ _ --Etll9 --....----~- ~5;;-----'05019FT- ::1_=_::1 \5S=_-=1~_~___-=__~_ss.=_~_r-SS-~_~_-=-5S-~_~_~b==-_~55=-@-- - - w- - - w- - - w- - - ~ / I I, "" I -i'/ "" \ -T -T- -T- ----"ET- -T - -T ',/ 336 " x - - - I - X _ _ _ __ '-~" / , "'...... r:-....JI= = - -:.-:.~-_-;..-o.Jl(-_-_-JL-_-_-=--_-..w_--W~~W=-=:.::-w--_~-e--~HP~~~ -OHP- - -OHP-,?_~'OHf>=- ~ \ I Jr -; -, T",\ .' ,fi!-~ I \ I 'I' \ ~'- - -- I \ I ABANDON PIPE ' , ,~ " I \ I IN PLACE 'C 'I " VI I';'n 1 \ ~ ,~ \ Q: ii { \ I 10- \ ~ ~: ----_..J 'I' I 5 f,: I ' 1 Q. I~ -9-\ JJ6: JJ6 I:: . I I I / 5TA 32+94, 109' LT IAANHOLE N 41255757 E 100844665 / ')')~ I '"1ht.,~:-_"-~mr~:'-n-'" ------"'- n.,/'-mnr _m -;:'::,: ;n"".~r-"n~- --=-": --PA~K A VE~;;!ltr~/ 7 ~ ~ - -,~ - - - - - - '- 9'5'6'57FT --:-- ~ "?~_==__==;;J==--.n;""'-j1m"",-=-- -,,;__b_ -,,-~-= n~-~- s,_:_~__-"- - r~I::I--~-~~-T-:J--~ ,- ~x~~~")( q - .1' ( - x _ - ~-=-~~-x--=-=--=--r--=--- ~ =----)f . -0- ) -\. r--:I!-r~~ I --=~---~,-----------' ~---:----- --------~~ -----~; ,-- Q~~i~~ --7 ~ I j i ~t!! )f ~ I Y:,\ ~: ~n -b ABANDON PIPE " - I I I IN PLACE ~ <J __..., I, II I I L_-l I I I I I '-C> v 'V ". I I " I " , ' , ' , ' I I .340 SCALES ,. = 20' HOR ,. = S' VER STA 34+38 EXISTING BURIED TELEPHONE STA 35+00, 11 9' L T INSTALL 48 IN DIAIA MANHOLE, TYPE 1 RIIA = 335 39 IE(W) = 31915 IE(E) = 319 25 340 I 3.35 STA 32+94, 109' LT INSTALL 4B IN OIAIA MANHOLE, TYPE 1 R11A = 3304l IE(W) = 316.06 IE(E) = 316,16 ----......---- --------------------------- ---- ----- o -----, I D II II II II 1I II II II II II I I I I I ( Sf A 36+49, 9' RT EXISTING MANHOLE RIM = 336 55 IE(W) = 321 5S (NEW PIPE) IE(W) = 321 55 (PLUG PIPE 'M TH CONCRETE) IE(E) = 321 60 IE(S) = 321 65 .3.35 ---............----...... .330 --- _.....-- --- --- --- o I ----- 330 ---- ---- 325 --- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- 325 I 320 150 LF OF 12 IN PVC PIPE AT 15% 320 I 206 LF OF 12 IN PVC PIPE AT 15% 315 315 tl' 0 12 iN PVC PIPE AT 15'\ 315 310 STA 33+02 RT SERVICE LINE CONNEClION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION AND PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES THE CONTRACTOR SI1ALL VERIFY (ILL UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY <:AlllNG THE UNDERGROUND LOCAlE LINE AT 1-800-424-5555 A IAINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION THE CONTRACTOR WlLL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL LOCATE MARKS ONCE THE .uTILITIES HAVE BEEN LOCATED 310 I ON 305 CONTRACT NO 34+00 35+00 36+00 37+00 33+00 REVISIONS JOB NUMBER 02049 6 II SKilLINGS CONNOLLY 5016 Lacey Boulevard SE, Lacey, Washington 98503 (360) 491-3399 (800) 454-7545 Fax (360) 491-3857 PARK AVENUE RACE STREET TO LIBERTY STREET SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE 02049-6 I OWCtD2049-6..5PP3clw Xr.~z-24.J6b, .....1, rcprlOO3, ID2049-6811, rx./14/05 1535 Ira-.. '''''/llll PORT ANGELES WA SHEET 9 Of 11 SHEETS I !Ii o a: I A L SINGlE SERVICE METrR BOX 6" TYP~ - A J I METrR, METER BOX AND SETTrR SEE - NOTE 13 /~ ~=~rlf'$ )) - C( I V.\1i~~)i BENDS AS TRACER S '7 REQUIRED TAPE \ . (12" RADIUS~ \ ~ / == I ~5' I" SERVICE ~ - t LINES l'llTH TRACER TAPE SECTION A-A L SEE NOTr 12. SADDLE, CORPORA TION STOP AND PAC JOINTS SEE NOTr fl. WA TrRMAIN ~ 1 SERVICE SADDLES SHALL BE PAlNTrD DUCTILE IRON OR NYLON COATrD DUCTILE IRON l'llTH STAINLESS STrEL STRAPS AND SHALL BE ROt.lAC STYLE 101S ON I" TAP, 202S ON 1-1/2" OR LARGER TAPS ROt.lAC 202N, ROCK~LL 313 OR APPROVED EQUALS ARE REQUIRED FOR HOT OR CORROSIVE SOILS ALL CLAMPS SHALL HAVE RUBBER GASKET AND IRON PIPE THREADED OUTLETS CORPORATION STOP SHALL BE ALL BRONZE AND SHALL BE FORD TYPE F - 500 OR APPROVED EQUAL l'llTH IRON PIPE THREADS CONFORMING TO AWWA CBOO. STAINLESS STrEL INSERTS SHALL BE USED l'llTH PACK JOINTS AND POL YE THELENE PIPE. I I I 2 SERVICE LINES SHALL BE ONE (1) INCH HIGH DENSITY POL Y- ETHELENE PIPE, COPPER TUBE SIZE, MINIMUM PRESSURE CLASS 200 PDI PHILLIPS DRISCO 5100 ULTRA-LINE NO GLUED JOINTS l'llLL BE ACCEPTrD ON I" SERVICE LINES 1- 1 /2" AND 2" PVC SERVICES MAY BE GLUED SERVICE LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED 45 DEGREES orr THE MAIN TRACER TAPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL SERVICE LINES PER GENERAL CONDITIONS COPPER TUBING TYPE K SHALL BE USED IN AREAS REQUIRED BY THE WATrR SUPERINTrNDENT 3 ALL WATrR METrRS SHALL BE PURCHASED AND INSTALLED BY THE CITY ANO PAID BY THE O"""ER/DEVELOPER. METrR BOX AND SETTERS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY O.",..ER/ DEVELOPER. I" METrR SETTrRS SHAU BE FORD VH 74-12 (MALE Sl'llVEL END) l'llTH CARSON 1419B-15 METrR BOX l'llTH INSPECTION LID LARGER METrR SETTrRS/BOX SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED BY CITY I I I ALL WORK AND MATERIALS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE l'llTH CURRENT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION", WASHINGTON STATr DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION I WA TER SERVICE CONNECTION NOT TO SCALE I 6" l'llDE X 6" DEEP CONCRETr COUAR REQUIRED IN PAVED AREAS ALIGN VALVE BOX LID "EARS" PARALlLEL TO MAIN 7" ... CAST IRON VALVE BOX USE RICH MANUFACTURING 1940A/1940B OR OLYMPIC FOlJNDRY vaZB/vaZC AND BASE ~- I TRENCH BOTTOM~ ........... ". \ ..~ . I ~ .:, . . ..- ~. ..... I tlQlE.. 1 CONCRETr SHALL BE CLASS 3000 ALL WORK AND MATERIALS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE l'llTH CURRENT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION", WASHINGTON STATr DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION, AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION I ADJUST VALVE BOX NOT TO SCALE DATE I DESIGNED BY: S. HELLER 05/05 NO DATE ENTERED BY: K KIMMEL 05/05 CHECKED BY: PROJ ENGR: S. THOMAS 05/05 I OlIGtD2049-6j)1 dllQ Xt.~l-24x.16b,.. .1, 06/14{05 11 41 KnsIa ~ ~:._ /v~ (o.,~~~~or. ~~ ~ SKILLlfiGS II"/} ~ l~tIl ~ - j~ ~:5I~~ ~~ 5016 Lacey B~~dr:!,~2 ~~!n 98503 (/ _ "(360) 491-3399 (800) 454-7545 Fax (360) 491-3857 1_ '/WIIOOI EXISTING 'T'~ - S/HMA TO BE FLUSH ~ /l'llTH EN::TING PAVEMENT PAVEMENT BUTT JOINT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 40' 12' 2B' '- 0 0 '- TYPE 2YV RPM (TYP) ""- TYPE 1 Y RPM (TYP) SKIP CENTER LINE o o o W2ll CROSSWALKS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER WSOOT STO PLAN H-5c. CHANNELIZATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ~ A--l ~ .A L "-~~\NSIO~~ O~O~O~O~ ~~ ~~~ L ~. .~I ,~Dhh~~ t "",,"- 1\ MATCH GUTTrR LIP GRATr..../ A --~ \l OR EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVA TION 1'0" MIN 3'- 0" FROM FACE OF CURB 3' -0" (TYP.) . USE WSDOT DRAl'llNG B-2A AT SAGS AND WSDOT DRAl'llNG B-2B FOR MATCH EXISTING ALL OTHER LOCATIONS PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS AT GRATr EDGE I. 1 ':1"4 ~"~ EXPANSION / ~J JOINi'~ ADJUSTING RING AS NECESSARY NQID.. 1. OIL SEPARATOR "T" REOUIRED AT OUTLET' UNLESS OTHERl'llSE APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER. 2, CONCRETr CLASS 3000 3. CA TCH BASIN BASE TO BE SET LEVEL. GRA Tr FRAME TO BE SHIMMED TO MATCH LONGITUDINAL SLOPE. I 1 ~~ "~ :'-PVC :IPE '--E~ANSION JOINT ~/ INSTALLATION l12" MIN ~ 4 ____MANHOLE ADAPTOR USE CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 4 c.,;; 4" -~ 1.,,') " <J SECTION B-B CAU FOR INSPECTION BY CITY I fBJQB. TO BACKFILL I MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVATION ~ 6"viOLYMPIC FOUNDRY FRAME SM 52-A l'llTH 3 16" NON-SKID ROADWAY GRATE r..:... DIAMOND PATTrR~ ON TOP SURFACE CROSS SLOPE SLOPE. I - - '~~. ADJUST HOoo TO MATCH CURB HEIGHT (3" MIN OPENING) CAU FOR FORM INSPECTION BY CITY I eBIllB TO POURING CONCRETr. I SECTION A- A THROUGH CURB INLET INST ALL A TION NOT TO SCALE REVISIONS C~TRACT NO SEE NOTE 5 SEE NOTr 4 , '.? A 6' 4t,-\, A '-/ ~ '.?' .c,,-\, , '< SIDEWALK AT (;_ .,0 DRIVEWAY APPROACH. TYP. 4t,-\'.............~ ~ [TRANSITION RAMP FROt.l .~ DRIVEWAY TO SIDEWALK ~ MAX SLOPE D 1. 12 (8") ~ ~i~~~ED~11E~~~ ---V 2" MAX 6' PEDESTRIAN \1 t--TRAVELWAY CROSSING- lGRADE TO MATCH DRIVEWAY EXISTING DRIVEWAY SIDEWALK SURF ACE (BEYOND;~~ FULL CONCRETr CURB AND GUTTrR (BEYOND)_ r=' I DEPRESSED CONCRETr~ CURB AND GUTTrR SECTION A- A o NOTES: 1 THE PEDESTRIAN TRAVELWAY SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF 1:48 (2ll:) 2 INT ALL RAMPS ON BOTH SlOES OF THE DRIVEWAY AS SHO.",.. ON THE PLANS RAMPS SHALL BE LONG AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE A MAXIMUM SLOPE or 1,12 PARALLEL AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE EXISTING PLANE ON WHICH THE RAMP IS TO BE CONSTRUCTrD. 3 CEMENT CONCRETr TO BE MIN 6" THICK INCLUDING RAMPS 4 ASPHALT IMPREGNATrD EXPANSION JOINT, FULL DEPTH AT BACK OF CURB AND EVERY 20 FEET AT TRANSVER5E JOINTS. 5 CRACK JOINTS EVERY 5 FEET IN WAlK 6 HERBICIDE (RESIDUAL) TO BE APPLIED BEFORE POURING CONCRETr DRIVEWAY CROSSING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOTES: I SIDEWAlK LOCATION TO BE APPROVEO BY CITY ENGINEER 2 EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE ASPHALT IIlPREGNATED JOINT IlATERIAL 3. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE 1/4" THICK, FULL DEPTH AND AT 20'-0" INTERVALS 4 DUIlMY JOINTS SHALL BE l/B" THICK, I" DEEP AND AT 5'-0" INTrRVALS 5 ALL UTILITY POLES, IlETER BOXES. HC IN SIDEWALK AREA SHALL HAVE EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL (FULL DEPTH) PLACED AROUND THEil BEFORE PLACING CONCRETr 6 ALL JOINTS SHALL BE CLEAN AND EDGED 7 EXPOSED AGGREGATr OR SPECIAL SURFACE TREAT\,tENT WORK NOT ALLO~ IN RiGHT-OF-WAY A~ / I,R 0 W ~f..~ Ii' /7INT / /./ / I 1If *. - EXPANSI~ -All :&I~~~ JOINT 7 1$ / / / .tji SIDEWALK WITH PLANTING STRIP SEE NOTr 11 R 0 W.,/ / Bj -7 B. DRIVEWAY AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE SEPARATED FROM OTHER CONCRETE WORK USING EXPANSION JOINTS 9 CONCRETr SHALL BE CLASS JOOO. 10 HERBICIDE TO BE PLACED UNDER PAVING. CURB AND SIDEWALK PRIOR TO PLACING OF IlA TERIALS EXP~N ON !1~ffJ1 JOINT 0 !<J I t:~ ~MY ~N~S~ " ~,~~':'-; ,- / 1/ tI '- EXPANSION JOINT B ...... SIDEWALK AT CURB SEE NOTr 'I 11 SIDEWALK ELEVATION SHALL BE BASED ON 2" SLOPE PROJECTION FROM TOP OF CURB 3' MIN 5' MIN I EXPANSION JOINT, 6' MIN. ~"- ,I" ~~\ :.: ~'""" ~~.: ~ ;-"" 6" AT DRIVEWAYS 4" MINIMUM" '-COMPACTrD SUBGRADE COMPACTrD SUBGRADE 6" AT DRIVEWAYS SECTION A-A SECTION B-B I CALL FOR FORM INSPECTION BY CITY I fBlQJl TO POURING CONCRETE SIDEWALK INST ALLA TION NOT TO SCALE PARK AVENUE RACE STREET TO LIBERTY STREET PORT ANGELES WA 6' I 4' I 6' I - '" ~ 1 12 1'12 3: - - .., 0 iii 000000000000 Co 000000000000 ~foOoOoOoOo o go~ogogogo ogagogogogog / DETrCTABLE / WARNING PATTrRN..--/ NOT TO EXCEED l/U" RISE FROM GUTTrR GRADE. ROlJND EDGE l'llTH 1/2" RADIUS liQIES;. 1. DETrCTABLE WARNING PATTrRN SHALL BE 2'.4' YELLOW ARMOR TILE PANEL. 2 CURB RAMP CEMENT CONCRETr SHALL BE Q.ASS 3000, 4" THICK MINIMUM. 3, HERBICIDE TO BE PLACED UNDER PAlliNG, CURB AND ADJACENT SIDEWALK PRIOR TO PLACING or MATrRIALS. 4 EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE 1/4" THICK, FUU DEPTH, ASPHALT IIlPREGNATrD JOINT MATrRIAL 5 STrEP STREET GRADES AND/OR CURVE RETURN RADII OF LESS THAN 20 FEET OR GREATrR THAN 35 FEET, REQUIRE SPECIAL DESIGN CURB RAMPS TO BE APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER 6 SIDEWAlK CROSS SLOPES NOT TO EXCEED 2'" CURB RAMP SLOPE TO BE 1: 12 OR FLA TTrR 7 SIDEWALK l'llDTHS SHO.",.. ARE FOR RESIDENTIAL AREAS COMMERCIAL AND DOVotHO.",.. AREA l'llDTHS SHALL BE 10' AND 14' RESPECTIVELY I CAU FOR FORIl INSPECTION BY CITY I eBWR TO POlJRiNG CONCRETr AU WORK AND MATrRIALS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE l'llTH CURRENT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD. BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION", WASHINGTON STATr DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION CURB RAMPS NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1 FORMS SHALL BE STrEL WOOO MAY BE APPROVED FOR AREAS REQUIRING SPECIAL FORMING 2. FORMS SHALL BE TRUE TO LINE, GRADE & SECURELY STAKED, 3. EXTRUDED CURBS REQUIRE PRIOR APPROVAL BY CITY ENGINEER. 4 THE I" RADIUS ON UPPER FACE or CURB MAY BE FORMED BY EDGER OR BUILT INTO FACE FORM - I" RADIUS ON LO~R FACE or CURB SHALL BE FORMED BY THE FACE FORM, 5, CONCRETr SHALL BE CEMENT CONCRETr CLASS 3000 6 WHEN MATCHING EXISTING PAVEMENT GRADE, PAVEMENT SHALL BE SAWCUT 2'-6" FROt.l BACK or CURB 7 HERBICIDE TO BE PLACED UNDER PAVING. CURB AND ADJACENT SIDEWALK PRIOR TO PLACING OF MA TrRIALS B JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL ALLEY AND DRIVEWAY RETURNS STRUCTURES, CURB RAMPS AND AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 9. ALL JOINTS SHALL BE CLEAN AND EDGED 10 EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE 1/4 INCH THICK AND AT 20 n INTrRVALS OR AS DIRECTrD. CALL FOR FORM INSPECTION BY CITY 111 EXPANSION JOINTS SHAU BE ASPHALT eBIllB TO POURING CONCRETr IMPREGNATrD JOINT MATrRIAL. r-TOP or CURB AT DRIVEWAY \ \ \ \ I"R 5'1/2" 1/2"R { i 18" I ~ :0 //1/2R ..- . &.~ . 4 4... . _ 4 I' 4 .... of ll" CEMENT CONCRETE BARRIER CURB AND GUTTER PER WSOOT STANDARD PLAN F-l CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER NOT TO SCALE 12. DUMMY JOINTS SHALL BE 1/8 INCH THICK AND AT 20' INTrRVALS OR AS DIRECTrD 13. DUMMY JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTrD TO A MINIMUM DEPTH or 1 INCH JOB NUIllIER 02049-6 DET AILS SHEET 10 OF 11 SHEETS I o 5' CURB SAWCUT LINE AND ROADWAY <t I <", Jl' Q,)' GUTTERLlNE PROf'ILE POINT ~IES MATCH CENTERLINE ELEVATION 6' SIDEWALK 12' TRAVEL LANE I ~\.\. ...' 017' HMA CL. 1/2 IN PG 64-22 017' CSTC o 67' BALLAST ---- CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND CUTTER I I NOTE: IN FlU SECTION, USE GRAVEL BASE YIl TH 2" or TOPSOIL TYPE C ON TOP HYDROSEED ALL DISTURBED AREAS TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION A I NOT TO SCALE STA 20+00 - 2J+~ I HYDRANT (SEE NOTE '3) I I COVER GRAVEL YIlTH 15' FELT ROOf'ING MATERIAL, 1/2 CU YD . \ GRAVEL BACKFIL FOR DRAINS I I 6' FLANGE X MECH JOINT GATE VALVE TYPE B (ALTERNATE) (VALVE BEHIND CURB) TYPE A (PREFERRED) (VALVE IN STREET) I HQ!ES; 1 FIRE HYDRANTS SHAU BE PLACED AT STREET INTERSECTIONS WHEREVER POSSIBLE, AND LOCATED TO MINIMIZE THE HAZARD or DAMAGE BY TRAffiC UNLESS OTHERYIlSE REOUIRED. THE FOlLOYllNG SHAU APPLY FOR HYDRANT NUMBER AND LOCATION: a f'lRE HYDRANTS SHAU BE LOCATED AS PER THE UNIFORM FIRE COOE, MOST RECENT EDITION ADOPTED BY THE CITY Of' PORT ANGELES b SINGlE FAMILY HOMES PROVIDED YIlTH RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS MAY BE 500 FEET AWAY FROM A HYDRANT 2 THE LEAD FROM THE SERVICE MAiN TO THE f'lRE HYDRANT SHAU BE DUCTILE IRON CEMENT MORTAR LINED ClASS 52 NO LESS THAN 6 INCHES IN DIAMETER 3. f'lRE HYDRANTS SHAU COMPLY YIlTH AWWA STANDARD C502 STANDARD FOR DRY-BARREL FIRE HYDRANTS YIlTH 5-1/4 INCH MAIN VALVE OPENING, TWO 2-1/2 INCH HOSE NOZZLES (NATIONAL STANDARD THREAD), ONE 4-INCH PUMPER NOZZLE (PAClf'lC COAST THREAD - '3), 6-INCH MECHANICAL JOINT SHOE CONNECTION, HYDRANT BURY 42 INCHES. HYDRANTS SHAU BE MUELLER CENTURION A-423, ClOW F-2500: WATEROUS: OR APPROVED EOUAL. 4. HYDRANTS SHAU BE BACCED UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS ACCEPTED AND APPROVED ~O~hH~.ANTS TO BE PAiNTED CHROME YEUOW. LOW FLOW HYDRANTS TO BE INDENTIFIED BY PAiNTING 6. f'lRE HYDRANTS MUST BE INSTALLED, TESTED AND ACCEPTED PER APWA 7-14 PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE ~p~~~~~G PERMIT. THE FLOW TESTING OF THE HYDRANT SHAU BE YIlTNESSED BY THE FIRE 7. FIRE SYSTEMS SHALL BE SEPARATE OR SEPARATED FROM DOMESTIC SYSTEMS IN SUCH A WAY THAT BOTH SYSTEMS CAN BE OPERATED AND TESTED AT THEIR RESPECTIVE PRESSURES ALL WORK AND MATERIALS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE YIlTH CURRENT STANDARD SPEClf'lCATIONS FOR ROAD. BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION', WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION. I I I I I FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TYPE A & B NOT TO SCALE DATE 05 05 NO. DATE 05 05 I REVISIONS DESIGNED BY. ENTERED BY: CHECKED BY: PROJ. ENGR.: K. ZAYAS K. KIMMEL S. THOMAS 05 05 I lltetz-24.36b. se_st, 06 14 05 11 42 Knsto 6' SIDEWAlK CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWAlK CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 05' CURB 8' PARKING LANE SAWCUT LINE AND ROADWAY <t 12' TRA VEL LANE GU TTERLlNE PROFILE POINT ~IES MATCH CENTERLINE ELEVATION ---- o 17' COMMERCIAL HMA 017' CSTC o 67' BALLAST NOTE IN FILL SECTION, USE GRAVEL BASE YIlTH 2" Of' TOPSOIL TYPE C ON TOP HYDROSEED AU DISTURBED AREAS. TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION B NOT TO SCAlE STA 23+50 - 42+91 ASPHALT CONCRETE ROADWAY PATCH FINNISHED JOINT AT SAWCUT EXISTING AC ROADWAY ;., CONTROUED DENSITY FILL. SEE NOTE 5 PIPE UNDER LA\\tI 3' MIN TOPSOIL f'lNAL BACKFILL ~~z :2 .. Q::~~ ~o", ~:;;~ ",~bl ~~>- z;;~ 'i~~ ~~V1 =1--Ja Sot rt .1 I .. SEE STANDARD NOTES' SPEC. 2-09.4 1 ACP PATCH SHALL BE ROUED AND NOT VIBRATED. 2 TO 8E USED FOR AU PAVED STREETS AND ALLEYS BACKFILL LOCATION TO 1'-0" BEHIND CURB OR EDGE or PAVING UNLESS OTHERYIlSE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY CITY ENGINEER. 3 WHERE CONCRETE PAVEMENT JOINT IS LESS THAN 4'-0' FROM SAWCUT, THE PAVEMENT SHAU BE REMOVED TO THAT JOINT. 4 TEMPORARY PATCHING YIlTH ASPHALT OR PLACEMENT OF STEEL PLATES IS REQUIRED WHEN TRAf'FIC YIlLL CROSS COF FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS VtlTHOUT PERMANENT RESTORATION STEEL PLATES SHALL HAVE COlD PATCH WEDGES ON TRAffiC EDGES 5 CONTROLLED DENSITY BACKf'lU (COF) TO BE USED IN AU TRENCHES YIlTHIN THE EXISTING ROADWAY SIDE SEWERS SHALL HAVE FULL-DEPTH COF MAINS SHAU HAVE 3 f'T OF COF. WHERE THE ROADWAY IS BEING REBUIL T. NO COF SHAU BE USED IN THE TRENCHES. COF CONSISTS OF' THE FOlLO\\r1NG: 2600 LB5. OF' 0 375 IN AGGREGATE 800 LBS OF STANDARD CONCRETE SAND 94 LBS OF' PORTlAND CEMENT APPROX 14 GAL OF' WATER' 'THE AMOUNT OF' WATER IS A CRITICAL FACTOR TO SET-UP TIME AND SHOULD BE ADDED ADDED AT THE SITE. CALL FOR INSPECTION PRIOR TO PLACING COF BACKFILL ALL WORK AND MATERIALS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT STANDARD SPECIf'lCATIDNS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION", WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION SUPPLEMENT. co.TRACT NO TRENCH DETAIL NOT TO SCAlE ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT OR CLASS B PCC PAVEMENT (HIGH EARLY) MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT TYPE AND OEPTH. SEE NOTE '4. VARIES ;' /'::':. /'Y:. ;,( .. .. .... ~ ~ .... ,. 0.... :2 '" :> ~ :2 0 Z '" 'i a. .... ;" <C SLOPE 4" C.D. BACKFILL SPECIFICATIONS 6" PVC RECONNECT TO EXISTING SIDE SEWER 2600 LBS OF 0 375 IN AGGREGATE 800 LBS OF STANDARD CONCRETE SAND 94 lBS OF PORTlAND CEMENT APPROX 14 GAL OF WATER THE AMOUNT Of' WATER IS A CRITICAL FACTOR TO SET UP TIME AND SHOULD BE ADDED AT THE SITE ~ 6"-45' PVC ELBOW PVC WYE TO f'IT GRAVITY SEWER MAIN NOTES: 1 ACP PATCH SHALL BE ROllED AND !fill VIBRATED. 2 TO BE USED FOR ALL PAVED STREETS AND ALLEYS BACKFILL LOCATION TO 1'-0" BEHIND CURB OR EDGE Of' PAVING UNLESS OTHERYIlSE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY CITY ENGINEER NOTES' ROTATE THE 45' ELBOW TO ACHIEVE THE PROPER ANGlE TO REACH THE PROPERTY LINE YIlTH 5' Of' COVER, THE MINIMUM ALLOWABLE SlOPE IS 2:11. 3 WHERE CONCRETE PAVEMENT JOINT IS LESS THAN 4'-0' FROM SAWCUT. THE PAVEMENT SHALL BE REMOVED TO THAT JOINT 2 3' MINIMUM TO ADJOINING LOT LINE 4 TEMPORARY PATCHING YIlTH ASPHALT OR PLACEMENT or STEEL PLATES IS REOUIRED WHEN TRAlFFIC YIlLL CROSS COF FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS YIlTHOUT PERMANENT RESTORATION STEEL PLATES SHAU HAVE COLO PATCH WEDGES ON TRAf'f'IC EDGES CALL FOR INSPECTION PRIOR TO PLACING COF BACKFILL ALL WORK AND MATERIALS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE VtlTH CURRENT STANDARD SPECIf'lCATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE ANO MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION", WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION ALL WORK AND MATERIALS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE VtlTH CURRENT STANDARD SPEClFICA TlONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE ANO MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION", WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOOATION. CONTROLLED DENSITY BACKFILL (CDF) NOT TO SCAlE SINGLE SEWER SERVICE NOT TO SCAlE 1 ~ L 0" TO 12" ~ 1 INSTALL SEWER SADDLE YIlTH GASKET AND STAINLESS STEEL ClAMPS FOR CONNECTION TO EXISTING SEWERS. INSTALL WYE SEWER FITTING YIlTH GASKETS FOR NEW SEWER INSTALLATIONS 2. MARK LOCATION Of' SEWER STUB IN ACCORDANCE YIlTH CONTRACTING AGENCY REQUIREMENTS. FACE OF CURB ~ NOTE. _ I MAILBOX TO BE INSTALLED PER WSDOT STO PLAN H-12 6" DIA 3034 PVC SEWER PIPE :., STEEL OR WOOD POST 45' ELBOW 0-- CAP SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 1 ;., SE WER MAiN PLAN -= 211: IolIN. 45' IolAX r' MAILBOX PLACEMENT DETAIL NOT TO SCAlE ELEVA TION WYE CONNECTION NOT TO SCAlE JOB NUIrIlSER II SKILLINGS CONNOLLY s 5016 Lacey Boulevard SE, lacey, Washington 98503 {360) 491-3399 (800) 454-7545 Fax (360) 491-3857 DEl AILS SHEET 11 <:IF '1 SHEElS P ARK A VENUE RACE STREET TO LIBERTY STREET 02049-6 PORT ANGELES WA ; CITY OF PORT ANGELES CAMPBELL AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT No. 05-12 SHEET INDEX SHEET TITLE PAGE T-l TITLE SHEET 1 C-l STA 1+00 TOSTA 5+25 2 e; C-2 ST A 5+25 TO ST A 9+75 3 C-3 ST A 9+75 TO END AND 4 DET AILS VICINITY MAP PORT ANGElES _ i -' ~ ~ PORT ANGELES SCALE 1"=2000' PROJECT SITE GENERAL NOTES C-4 TO 5 DRIVEW A Y CROSS SECTIONS 1. AU WORKlWlSIIP AND 1IA'I[JlW.5 SIWl. BE IN ACCOIll\\HCE WIlH lItE aTY or PORT ANGfl!S STANtWlDS, 1IIE aJRREHr EOO1ON or lItE STAlE or WASHINGTON STNORD SPEClFICAlIONS FOR RO.\D, BRIDGE AND 1lUNICIP.IL CONSlR\JCllON, Nil Nrr flllO.l[Cf SPECflC SPECAL PRO\IISIONS OR CONllIT1ONS AND REQUIREIIEIIIS. 2 TEIlI'ORARY EROSQI/WATIR POUlIIION IIEASURES ARE REQUIRED AND SIWl. COIII'lY WIlH 1HE aTY a.ENlNG AND GRADING 0RIlINNlCE AND WSIlOT I N'WA SPECIfICATKlII 1-07.15. 3. EXIST1NG AND NEWLY CONSIRUClED SIORII WATIR ORAINAGE SYSTDlS SIWl. BE PROTECTm FROII CONSIIlUCI1ON SITE RUNOFf. 4. A PRECONSIRUClKlN IIEIl1NG SIWl. BE HELD WItH lItE aTY PRIOR 10 1HE START or CONSIRUClKlN. 5. HORIZONTAl NIl 'l'ERllCN.. CONIRllS,ItW\AI IS AIlOPIIIl BY lit: aTY SIWl. BE USED, UIIISS N'I'RlMD 0lI0WISE. 6 AU APPROVAlS AND PERIIns REQUIRED BY THE aTY SIWl. BE OBTAINED BY 1HE CONlR1CIOR PRIOR 10 1IlE START or CONSlR\JCllON, UNlESS lJIHERWIS[ AI'I'RIMD BY lit: aTY ENGINEER. 7. 1HE CONIRICIOR SIWl. BE AllY RESI'ONSIIll! FllR lIfE LOCA1lOH NlO PROlECI1DN or AU EXIST1NG l/IlJIES. lit: CONlR1CIOR SIWl. \'ERIFY AU UlUIY LOCAlIONS PRIOR 10 CONSIRUClKlN BY CALliNG UNllOlGROUND LOCATE AT t -8DD-424-~ A IIHIIUII or 48 HOURS PRIOR 10 Nrr EXCAVA1lOH WORK. 8. II" lit: CURRENT WSIlOT STANDo\Rll "K" PlANS ARE NOT UIIJZED, THE CONlR1CIOR SIWl. PRCMDE A 1RAFFIC COHlROl PINI(S) FOR Rf'IIEW AND APPROVAl BY lit: aTY ENGINEER II ACCORIlANC[ MlH lit: IINIlIAl ON UNIFORII 11WfIC COHlROl DEVICES (IIJ1al). lit: WSDOT IS REQUIRED TO ~ AND AI'PRCM lit: PlANS AT lEAST 1HREE 11\"5 PRIOR TO Nrr WORK ON STATE ROUTES. 9. 1HE CONIRICIOR SIWl. HA~ A COPY or lit: AI'I'RIMD PlANS AT THE CONSTRUCIION SITE AT ALL 1IlIES.. 10. SPECAL STRIJCI\IlES SIWl. BE IISTAUm PER PlANS AND IlNU'ACIURERS' RECllIIIIf:NlW1 11. AU DlSlURBED AAEJS SIWl. REaIVE TEIIPORNlY AND f'ERIIANOO' EROSQI COIlIRll. II THE FORII or VEU:TA1lOH ESTAIlUSHIIENT SUCH IS GRASS SEEDING A IItN6 SIWl. BE ESTAIlISHEIl TO PROTECT lIfE I'ERIINIENT STORII DRAIN SYSTEII PRIOR TO ESTAIIJSHIIENT or lit: I'ERIINIENT EROSQI COIlIRll. 1lEASURES. THESE IIEIHODS SIWl. BE INCWlED II 1HE EROSQI NIl sallIIENT COHlROl P\ANS IN ACCORIlNlCE WIlH QW>IER 6 1HE aTY or PORT ANGfl!S URIlNl SER'IICES STANIlAROS AND GUIlEUNES. 12. CDHSlRUCTION WORK HOURS SIWl. BE RESTRIClED TO 7 A.II. 10 10 P.II., UIIISS lJIHERWIS[ AI'I'RIMD II llRI1IlG. 13. T!lI: aTY CONSIRUClKlN INSPECTlIl SIWl. BE NOIf1ED A IIINIIIUII Of 48 HOllIS II NNNU or lit: NEED FOR Nl INSPECTION, IJft.ESS lJIHERWIS[ 1NfORIlID. 14. 11WfIC NlO STREET SIGN Sl.!EVES 10 BE PR<MDm BY 1HE aTY. PRIOR 10 POURING lXlNCAEIE, COII1'RM:IOR TO CDHf1RII Sl!M LOCATIONS, II" Nrr, WIlH INSPECTOR. 15. PER THE PR<MSIOIIS or THE aJRREHr wsoor STi\HllARIl SPEClFICAlIONS RElATED 10 PUBLIC lXlIMNIENCE NIl SAfETY, lItE CONlR1CIOR SIWl. IlAlNTAIN READY ACaSS TO QRMWA'tS, HOUSES, AND IJUIlDlNGS ALONG 1HE UN[ Of WORK. 16. A IIINIIIUII Of ONE WJit TRA'ttL THROUGH lit: PROJECT AREA SIWl. BE IIAINTAINED AT AU l1IIES. 17. SHOll.D ACaSS 10 A f'ROP(JlIY ADJDINIIIG 1HE PROJECT RElllIAE TEIIPOR.\RY ClOSURE ANTICIPATED 10 HA~ A 1llJlA1lOH EXCEmHG 15 IIINUTE5. THE CONlR1CIOR SIWl. CllORIlIIW'E lit: TEIIPORAR\' ClOSURE WIlH 1HE f'ROP(JlIY OWNER/RESIlID<<. A IIIIIIIUII or 24 HOURS NNNa. N01IFlCA1lOH SIWl. BE PRlMDED TO T!lI: PROPERlY OMiER/RESIlID<< PRIOR 10 Nrr SUCH TEIIPORARI' ClOSURE. 5-6 C-6 TO 9 STREET CROSS SECTIONS 7-10 CI0 TO 11 WATER DETAILS 11-12 O. 1. 2. I . HORIZONTAL DA ruM = NGVD 83 VETRICAL DA ruM = NA 1m 88 1WO IICIES AT FULL SCAlE II' NOT SCAlI IICCORIlINGlv I txPIlES: Sept. 20. _ I T-1 l; ..... ~I! ~ li.J ~ i:::: I (,:) ~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~lt) lQ,,~ ~l:::llt') ~~I :t:$?~ ~ ~ ~~6 --.JpC) --.J:-o...~ G~J. ~ ~~~ N ~;~i_ jg"'g~~~ i.....1; ~ ~ i~i~;~ ~hil ~J~ ~ (:3 @) .. I I . i ~ I I I I I I I I ; & ~ :. I I I I I I I I . Ii l Z 00 FZo ~<(<{ (/)wO o::~o:: ~Z(/) z~w -<{~ 1I...J0 o...JZ o~<{ + 0.. . ...-:::!:I- <(:::!: ~o (/) o o + I") ~~ (/)0 m w<{ Z -w ...JW IV) o I- <{ :::!: APPROX. DAYlIGHT LOCA liON fOR CUT/F1Ll, TYP. SIDE SlOPES Of DRI\lEWA ys TREE TO REMAIN NOT SHO'Ml REPLACE EXIST. SERVICE TO EXIST 2 04 -0-- - - - _ METER SETTER, TYP. 4 4. 0.1' DEPTH OVERlAY AREA INDICAlED -'- -. r .' c: ..a.. -""""'T -T -T "~T I . FiNiSHED GRl\OE-ATrNEL- EDGE Of PAVING PRIOR TO 0.1' T - T OVERLAY, TYP. '""'" c: 428.15 424.41 RIGHT Of WAY --- /' N;~R'VlCE )1- INSTAlL NEW fOR fUlURE USE T METER SETTER AND BOX , PROVIDED BY QTY R1 0, TYP. fOR DRI\IEWA YS C ........ .. ......... ..... -0-- 1 -1 -T -T...:.=........1...-T T 428.03 .. ..... "'C" . 1+00 SAW OR GRIND' SUTr JOINT PRIOR T0 0.1' MRLAY. . EDGE Of EXIST. PAVlEMENT --------------... '" .... ~-- . CAMPBELL .A VE. N~~~ ~ ~A~MENT-< 2+00 . RELOCATE lIA1LBOXES . SEE STANDARD PlAN H-I2A MAILBOX SUPl'ORT TYPE 2 -'!-~~-- \I ss \I _\I \I _\I ^- ^- ^- ^ rl~~j;=~:C~T ...... R20' APPROX. DAYlIGHT LOCAlION j fOR CUT /l'1Ll, TYP. SIDE SlOPES Of DRI\lEWA YS NOT SHO'Ml 4' WIDE GRAIIEI. PATH . ........,.. ....... SE~JL J PlJHIER- AND ARBOR TO RDICNED BY ~ OWNER , c,., i -------1 , L_____ I CON~~_-L_____ ~ ROCK WAlL p -1LT -T -1 -T -T -T -T -1 ~-~~~~-~~~~-~~~---~----------------, IlSTAU. J2Lf 12" Cll'IERT . ~H. . . 1 . . . ... _ ;.....~ . h......... NCUJDES BMim I.E, 6.(E)(W)=420. RELOCATE MAILBOX 2. JYP 4+00 \~'" END SEl:OON, TYP.) SEE STANDARD PlAN H-3. . L l.E.(E)-426.46 .., _ . ..... .. ... ... ..., -T ..... ....., ....... ............. .......... " o o + I"") <{:= 1-0 V)...J W WCD Z -W ....JW I(/) U I- <{ :::!: -T -T ...... ., ....... ..,. ...... ~ r-~~-~~~_~~ .;.~-.~~~-J. . . . ~OO ss ----,. . '. '..., 'CAMPBE~~' AVE... ',';>> L__~~~~__________ ~ RELOCATE ,llAlLBOXES " '" ,.... 'Ii SEE STANDARD P\,),N H-12A JMAlLBOX SUPP~T l)'PE.2 '. . " . - ------------- ----- '.. " . fLOYtUNE DITCH SS ss -\I _\I _\I _\I _'\I '" _..~.\.......:.-.~.~.~.._.~..I..I................... c: SAWl::UT pST. ASPH~ T DRIVE. 2 T < 1 INSTILL 24lF 12" Cll'IERT LE.(WF426.44 LE.(E)-426.38 ....... ..... I 427,50 SS -V_\1 I.{) N +N I.{) I <{U 1-1- V)W W WI ZV) ::JW IW ~V) <{ :::E ~ [f\{]@~UC={] LEGEND ~ WAlDlVJLVE A HYIlRNIT IB WAlDl IIETER -\1- WA1ERlIlE 0 SNlITNlY SEwtR IIANHOlE -ss- !WITARY SEwtR lINE -SD- SlllRII IlRNN lINE @ CAlOl B.\SIN TYPE 2 P IIWlllX e- f'OI[ ANCHOR -0-- UIlJIY POlE ..a.. SIGN D 1n!PIlOHE PEDfSlJL -T - UNOOlGROUND mIPHONE ~ ROCK WIU FDlCE 01m [DPIIIEs: SopI. _2!L2OIlI~ 0' I' 2' 1Wll INCHES AT fill SCALE F NOT SCN.E ACCORIJNGI.Y C-1 I~ ~ i- ~I! t:::) t:::) i- ...... I!! ! lJ)~lg ~CS:g ~~I ~~ CQ ~ ~~I --.J~t:::) --.J ,:- t:::) ~\tCQ <.5()::)1 ...... i;j~!N ~e~ i p i~!~11 i~ili~ ~hil ~~~ ~ <::3 ~ I I. ~ I I I I I I I I. : & II I I I I I I Ix .. I: o It) + ,..... ~~ l/;o (]) w~ z -w ...Jw :c(/) U I- <( ::?E CONCRElEWAlK "''''',,'''" . I 426.~ ------ -1 427.01 -~---- r T -T -J1 T -1 . ..... " ... Li) N + Li)"- I <(u I- lI>l- W WW ZI :::ill> IW uW I-lI> <( ::?E -------..1- I -T I 426.91 -T ~~~, . . . . r,~~- > . . . . L.......---d ~ . . <CAMPBELL. AVE. INSTALL 20Lf' 1~" CULVERT" 1.E.(W)a425.95 . . . . ..:, I.E.(rla425.85 ;) . . ---~------------....-._-- c: ---- . ~ ~~ ---------------~-. . . . I .<: 7+00 SSI.IH /1.E {l"(E)(W)a41S.4 ~------~ ss ..; ------------ 427.11' -\I INSTAlL 29Lf' 12" CULVERT J.E.(W)-42517 I E.(EF425.~ ------ ss ss ss V -\I -\I -'J -\I I I ...... ......,........ -------- INSTAll 44lf' 12" CII.\mT LE.(W)-425.n LE.(E)-425.54 REMOVE LANDSCAPE PLANTER 427.35 REMOVE NORlH/SOUlH PORllON Of' ROCK WALJ... 15Lf' --- I I I I ."" - -:c-~=_II ~+:-:"''''''''':Q:24'2~ ....... ~...F~ .... .. . .. . > > ... ... , .. "'~ 425.08 It.. '. . T T - -1 -T -T -T -T _ _ I I I ~----- I L...J 426.81 ;) ;) 426.74 .~---~~-------- :;.0 427.07 425.27 T -T -T IT- 426.82 427.00 -T ) 8+00 CAMPBELL . AVE, ------------~-~------------- .> ... ------ > . :> - 9+00 ---------~--..... RELix:A1E~LBoXES 2A SEE STAND 0 PLAN H-l MAILBOX . PPORT :r"~ 2 "'~~-:"'~r~' L____~___ 426.n Ss SS 426.97 SS '" . ....... -w -\I _\I _\I ~ -\I _\I _\I - -- - --.;;;::; - ~- , I SAWl:Ul' EXIST. ASlWL1 IlRr>{, 14lF REMOVE ROCK WALL AND SHRUBS I'fllHlN RIGHT Of WAY. 58 Lf'@ CONSTRUCT GRAIIITY BLOCK RETAINING WALJ... 64Lf' - o Li) + ,..... <(~ 1-0 lI>-l W W(D Z -W ...Jw I(/) U I- <( ::?E Li) ,..... d;~ <(I I-U (/)1- w Ww ZI ~(/) IW Uw I-(/) <( ::?E ~ [F\!](Q)~UC={] LEGEND M A -\I -ss- -SD- @ P ~ -T -'VVVV'VVVVVV'v IB lIAlIR VAlVE II\'1lRNfl' WATER IIE1IR 1IA1IRUNE SNfTAR'( SEWER IINHllE SNlITARY SEWER LH STllRII DR.\IN lH CAltH ~ 1'/I'E 2 IIMJlOX POl[ ANCHOR Ul1U1Y POl[ SIGH m.EI'HONE PDESTAl lJIlIl(RGROUNI) 1ElfPHONE ROCK WAU. o -0- .A. D FDIC[ OlREE [EiiiIREs: 50pL 20, _ I ll" I' 2' 1WO INCHES liT FII.L SCAI! f NOT sau: ACCORDIlCl.Y C-2 ~ ~ ci; I~ ~~ ~ i- ll) ~ lr) I ~~ ~ ~ ~ ;::: i b}Q ~ i.! ~ ~ ~.~ :s: II: . !:I "'C 5 ~ -.J L>! ~ ~ ~jg:I"" GI:l~ .. ~I BI ! !~i III ~il~~, l1)~~ ~CSlr) ~~'? ~"I- ~ ~ "I-~I -.J~~ -.JI":-'~ ~i;:J~ '-5QjI .... t3 o:-!loI51 ~.::: I ~U - ., "'C S~ ~ ~ i"-~ ~~ !ol~n I~ ~itU.! ~hlf t~~ ~ (:) ~ I I. ~ I I I I I I I I: & j Ii I I I I I I I x . Ii L() I' +('l 0)1 <it) I- (/)1- LU LULU z:::c :J(/) :::cLU ()LU I-(/) <i ~ R/W ~< ,\ L / ... lJ ~ ~~ / ~ < t; NE~E~1J.~,t~~......./ ~ ""-2" a < 1 T -T 1 INSTAU. 48" OIAM. 'M' 2 C8 PER SlO. B-1Ft? RIM ELEV. - 428.31i' I.E.( 423.2 1.E.(NE)o0423. (CONNECT TO EXISnNG 12'>CON ) INSTAll GEOTEXTIlE FOR SEPARATION AT BACK OF WAll PER STANDARD SPEC. 9-33.2 2" SAND lEVELING COURSE _ ~ ~EMAlN",\ i' ....... . O. < '. ~-O- T ../ ,T -T -T -/ .... I r REMOVE EXlsnNG ". ". ROCK WAll, 50 LF . CAP BLOCK ~ T - 1.25' hi 2.5' 6V L - Q GRAVITY BLOCK WALL ~ A H\'DRANT TO .... BE REPLACED CONN~T)...-~-MAlN TO N 'W~~A1N VI ; \ NO SCALE ____~A ----f t f R/W f DITCH 0.0' rr12.0' 2.0' 2X SLOPE 'f'J'e . 4.1 .' '. ao' 12.0' 1.0' 1.0' ~1- I (3) I I 2X SLOPE 'l/t-~. A f k r LOW POINT ~~t:x=9 r F4'4i~ I~~ 12" SMOOTH WAll CPEP w_________m_m - - ----:- SEE DETAR. "" END . TREA TAlENT SECT/ON A-A ~ 6" MINIMUM COIIE:R 2.0' 2% SLOPE :!I:' ..~'? \" ~~ '\ 2- CSTC' 2" MIN. COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS B ASPHALT CONCRETE 4- BALLAST 2- MIN. COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE (CSTC) 8- MIN. COMPACTED DEPTH BALLAST DITCH FLOW UNE ~TRUCTURAL SEC~ ~ 13' lIJn. IN RIGHT-OF-WAY SEE NOTE P AND~) 2" ASPHAL T COM 'ErE I- 10'_ ~: ~fJC. .' 1__ _'" .-:j~,.~ SECTlONB-B ~ ~ NO SCALE I BEVELED END DETAIL ." ..J DRIVEWAY AND CULVERT STREET CROSS SECTION NO SCALE ~ NO SCALE ~ ~(Q)~LFc={] LEGEND M WATER VALVE A HY1lIlNIT IB WATER IIETER -IJ WAlIRLK 0 SNITARY SEWER lWIlOI,[ -ss- SNlfNrf SEWER I.H: -SD- SICIlII 0RAIIj I.H: 0 CATCIf BASIN fIPE 2 P IIMBOX e-- PIllE ANCHOR -0- UllJIY POlE .A. SIGIl D 1ElD'HONE PEDESrAL -T UIlDERCROUND 1ElD'HONE ~ ROCK WAll FENCE 0 1REE I EXl'IIIES: 5001. 20. 2001 I 0' I' 2' I I 1WO INlXS 1J FUL SCALE If NO! SCALE ACCORDINGI.Y C-3 tI) ::::! ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ I.iJ ~ :Q ..... Ol ~I!I tI)! I ~~ _OJ I..oJ i I ~ ~- ~ ~~~ ~ I!! ~ ~ 8 ....,J 0- N - I,ij .. 9:i . 1!1 ~ ! ~ B ~J ~ ~~o:J~ i i!:! Y'l~~ 9::~1t) g It) :t~~ ~ ~ 'I-~I ....,J~~ ....,J ,:- ~ ~i;j~ U~~ t3 ;:-!",lil <:5"::~ <:U:: :: r1~I~I~ R~~ ~! ~C:Si'Ei.! ~Q.. E~\i ~ ill )... ~: ~ '- t:l (:) e I I. . e I I 432 I 428 I 424 420 I 432 I 428 I 424 I~ : & j II 432 428 I 424 I 420 -60 I 436 I 432 428 I 424 I 420 -60 I . j Ii ROW 3+69 ~ 1-2.0000x ~ -20000: ~ 40 -20 ROW ~I~ l-- -40 -20 ROW J..---- ~ -40 -20 ROW ~~ I--- -40 _..rr.' -20 ~IO aiui NN ... ... o 3+62 '-2.0000x m'a:i NN ...... o 3+29 -2.000ll" I - 2 00ll0% ~ ~ o 2+17 1-2. 779'n -2.0000~ 1.5403" -0- ( .?It.."U. Q_01~ ( ROW 432 432 428 424 420 40 432 v ( -12'R1 428 425.47 EllISTJlG J lJRry[ 424 ~428 L llA EXISIINC lJRry[ 424 420 40 ROW '0':11114: 425.36 20 ROW 20 ROW ~ 420 40 A5.87 N GRA\.n P~TH, nP 8'AC~ C ..,vr.,TER IotAlN, ftP. J ~'a:i NN ...... o 20 20 40 ,. ~ lID 5+92 ~S:2:g ~t:::l:g <:::l~1 :t~"", ~ ~ ""'l,.,J1 -..J~g I ~ t5 ~ '5Qj..!. . ~"'~.. (5" - a ~;~.. :: 1~8~lf ...... ~ ~ 'l Q:: ... ~ ~" I" 2" ~ ~ If' ! 1WO tOES AT FUll SCN.E I ~ " g i f F NOT SCN.E Ja:alIllIG.Y )... ~ ~ ~ ...... ::l t5 C-41~ . ~ 432 ROW 432 ~ ROW cP' - ~ 428 IWCH EllISTING COIlCREIE lJRry[ 428 i 424 '" " N ... 424 40 -40 -20 5+87 :1 t~j I ~u_ ~I~ '1- t~ I: -40 -20 0 20 40 5+35 :1 r 1 ~,wm;~-'~I-vot:t~=~ -40 -20 0 20 40 436 432 4+60 428 :r I'~ f'~~I~-'l Qm=~ -20 0 20 40424 424 420 p x ' II_LS. <09l:J _ ;/: 01 6 X 13_ 'I'OlId v:xJ 9999 frZfr OOB t --~- ~ ;-0 I]IIVIO'1U "tlMQ Ollll X08 O'd lDlIl.S HIS 'J Itt ,- J-':3l't:)S 14 Z'-90:oN J:l3I'Olld 010 flOA 380.:138 " -.1. -.. "31't:)S '^ 1lO LI 8 l]1'OQ S3730W lJJ/iOdJO ~11:J NOIS1I\3ll 31'OQ X :W~ ~noJllOO ,W MOl :.18 lI3N9lS3O S8flOH Bfr 77t1:J SA tlM311180 1 tI SN0I1:J3S SS08:J 3flN311 tI 7738dfftl:J \ SlRIOM :lI18Ild \I~ N LD 'HI :1 I ~ ~ . :.. i~ u ~'l; 1 ~i ~! .~. ~ I e III . ~ .,Ii . N ~ jlil N . . . . i ,,) l( ~ ~ . N . . ~ ~~ ~ [?.1 N ~ I~ . <l> ... 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I<) ~ 11' ~.. ..,. ...... lr)~ll) 9::CS~ ~~jS :J::~~ ~ ~ ~~I -..JC)~ I ~ t5 ~ UQj..!. 13 i:-!",~ <::: 0:: ~ ~m2 co ~ 12~hl~ 1~5 ~! 2" ~CSI'Ei"! I i Q... ~ o:J 1\10 INCHES AT All SCALE ~ ~ i i F IllJf SCALE ACCORDINGl.Y :::.... ~ ~ ~ ...... &l <:3 C-61e 0" r I" ,. ~ lID 4+75 432 ROW 432 428 428 424 424 -40 -20 0 20 40 4+50 43~OW I 1432 I 428 8 428 424 424 -20 0 20 40 4+25 432 ROW ROW 432 428 428 424 424 -40 -20 0 20 40 4+00 6+00 432 ROW ROW 432 424 ~."" ,...,... NN ~ ~ 20 428 ~ .... I() ~ d!! ;;!; ~ V) I ~ gl~ ~ V) ~ O}I C) . 0 9::: i,'; <.s~__ ~i,1 I ~ ~ii ~L% "" 428 -40 -20 o 424 40 5+75 432 ROW ROW 432 428 ~- 428 424 ;j. ~ ,...,... ~~ 424 -40 -20 o 20 40 5+50 432 ROW ROW 432 ~~81 gj ~ ~. ~ G ~I 424 10110 - 428 ~~ I _~ 428 -40 -20 !::il!::i ~ o 424 20 40 5+25 :1 r I ~.-k'm I: -40 -20 0 20 40 :1 11 f'-k'~ t I: -40 -20 0 20 40 (,1)~ll) 9:: c:d:1 ~ It) =t~1 ~~ ~ I.. "f 't-~I -..J~~ I ~ t5 ~ UQ:)J.. lDPtiis: Sopl.~2!!OI I - 3+75 5+00 ROW 432 432 . ROW , ROW ,432 . . . . , . , _.1:1.' 1-2.0000l'--.L=2.0ll0lI%1 428 424 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40 0' r I' 432 ROW 428 ~ 424 -40 -20 ~ I .1 ~ I 7+25 ~ ROW ROW 8+50 432 432 I 43~~w . . . . ROW .432 . 428 - 428 I 428 2. - 428 C) I , II) 424 424 ;... COlD 00 Cl;) r..:r.: 424 r-:r..: 424 ~ "'''' "'''' 420 ...... .. .. I I 420 ~I! -40 -20 0 20 40 -20 0 20 40 ;... Ie I I 7+00 8+25 ~ 4321 ROW ROW 43~OW ROW V) 1 I I T 1 I I 432 432 I I I 428 .,dS':- , ..- ~ .N::<: - . ~7 428 428 2.??oo" 2.0000~ "'::'q /7 428 C5 ....... Ii"'I:::I" ~Is L---- 425:?: 1/424.14 ,~ 'Y / ~ ~ 424 424 424 ...?~ ?~ 424 Vi I I - 425.20 "'''' "'''' ~ r.:r.: co'" ..,} "'''' "'''' C5 420 .... 420 420 .... 420 -40 -20 0 20 40 -20 0 20 40 ~ ~ I I . I I ~ ~~~ iii 6+75 8+00 ~ ::s: ~:>% 432 ROW RO~2 ROW ROW '" I -...J x 428 428 NH . ~... 2.00 - ~5!~ ... & 428 ...n. - . nt' " 428 9..: co j ~'i!1 .!!! ---- " ......... I > 424 424 ~ a IJ. - V " ~ 424 OlOl 424.23 ..... "42580 ...... 424 ,..:....: coco "'''' "'''' .... 420 .... 420 'l':!" -60 -40 -20 0 20 -20 0 20 40 l! ~ ua:J"- I I ... g ~U ~.~ ~ .~ ~ ti "~i 6+50 7+75 ~ ~ ~~i1. I I 432 ROW ROW 432 ROW ROW l1)~lg 428 428 ~~:g Are. 2. C):::::> I . 428 ,.,N.J. 428 ::t:~~ I I ~........... - 424 424 Cl;)J,.J"" "'" " ""g:1 - - 424.32....... 425.90 "'''' 424 424 -...JGC) ,..:,..: ~~ -..J!-i:.C) "'''' ... ... 420 ... .. 420 (5~~ I I -40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 CQ..... 6+25 7+50 l.aj I I ~1oI51 4321 ROW ROW ROW ROW <.5"~1 I I I I 1 1 T 432 ~ ~ Ii! .:: 1\':- I EllPIlES: SeoI. 20. 2DOl1 I I"'~~I~ ~ 428 - 2.UUUU" - ~ UWU>I ^~ 428 I ~"!':!I' .....1: ~ ~ I 428 428 ~u ~ ~" ~ ~ T /423.96 0' I' 2' iC5~Ei.~ .... ~ - I Cl ~iw "'-/ 424 - 425.50 424 I - ~h ~ on on 424.41-....., 426.00 IDID 424 424 1\10 INCIIS AT fIJIJ. SCAli ,..:,..: ,..:,..: If NOT SCAli ACCORlllNGlY ~ ~~ ~ I "'''' "'''' .. ... 420 ... .. 420 ..... ::l -40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40 <:3 x . fJ) ... C-8 & I 1) 15: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Plot Dote. x Revision hUI)( f'l~x ... t ~ ~ e ~ ... ... e ... ... ~ N N N N ... QI ... '" I ... QI N I ... QI 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ I I '" '" N N ~ 0 0 0 ~ I I N N 0 0 (Xl <D 427. J + 427.5 + 0 o 427. 5 427. J '" 0 (J'I 0 <D <D 427. 9 + 427. J + 0 o 427. J 427. 9 N (J'I e ... (J'I 0 N 8 ~ II) 0 N N 0 0 ... ... N N ... ~ ~ en fD '" '" N N 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ '" '" ~ it ~ en &: ... ... ~ ~ t t e N N ~ ... QI N ... QI t ~ ~ ~ t ~ ... QI ... QI ... it it ... ... ~ ... ... I N l:J N N l:J ,0 ... DO 10 ... QI DO ~ ~ 0 '" 0 0 ~ ~ I I I en N ~ 0 0 ... N o ... N ... ~ QI ~ N o \ \ \ ... \ 426. j6 426. 5 0 ~ QI ~ ~ ... 3f1 "- Ie,., "- it ~ '" ~ -> <D 0 I 427. 1 + + ... 0 0 427. 1 '" 0 (J'I 0 it ... '" 0 I N N N 0 0 0 '" '" 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ -> o + N (J'I it o it ... it QI ~ ... N o ~ ... N QI e N '" o ~ ~ ... N o ... N ... ... N QI e N ~ CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 DESIGNED Ill': tw CAMPBELL A VENUE CROSS SECTIONS - STA CONTOUR INTERVAL: NA CAlE V. SCALE: I". I" . 5' H.SCALE:I.I.1 9 10 CAlE: I 17 05 8+75 TO 10+25 , REVISION n I CD "'~ ~~ ~~ I; '": III PUBUC WORICS @CIT~ q[.!2f!! r2f[tE. 321 E. 51H 51Rm PO. BOX 1150 PORT ANGEUS. WASH_ llI3ll2 PHONE. (3110) 457-0411 PROoJ[CT NO: 05-12 DWG. fll.EIWIE: C-8 OCA E:NA fII.EN#ME: X Ii 10 , , ACP PATrH SHAll. BE RtIlJED AND ~ I&i'A 1m 2. trJ BE USED FOR AU PAD S711EC7$ AND Al1F'/S. BAatFU LOCA11ON trJ "-I)" _ CVRB OR EDGE OF PA_IIILESS 0_ _ IN ADvA!o'GF BY aTY ENGINEER. .1 ItHO/C caK1IC1C PAIOIDfT _T IS lESS THAN 4'-0" FHOII.I:4KVT. THE PAIOIDfT SHAU. BE REJIO>C1) trJ 1HA T JOINT. 4. IDII'ORARY PAItHNS _ A5PHA1.T 01/ PlACCMOIT OF:nm PlAtes IS RfiJURED ///HEN TRAn/C IIIU CROSS aJI' FOR I/OI/E THAN 24 HOII/S 'II7HOI/T PCRMANCNT RESTORA71ON. :nm PlAtes SHAU. HAle COU) PAtr;H JlElll:ES (IN 11INT1C EDGES CONTROLLED DENSITY BACKFILL ( CDF) ,. FlRe HYDRANTS SHALL BE PLAceD AT STREET INTERSEC710NS WHEREVeR POSSIBLE. AND LOCATED TO MIN/JIIZE THE HAZARD OF DAMACC BY TRAFFIC. UNLESS OTHERIt/SE ReQiJIRED, THE FOUOIt/NC SHALl. APPLY FOR HYDRANT NUMBER AND LOCA71ON: Do FlRe HYDRANTS SHALl. BE LOCATED AS PER THE UNIFORM FlRe cooc. MOST ReCENT EDI710N ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES. b. SINGLE FAMILY HOMES PRDlADED It/TH RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS MAY BE 500 FEET AWAY FROM A HYDRANT. 2 THE LEAD FROM THE SERlACE MAIN TO THE FlRE HYDRANT SHALl. BE DUCTILE IRON CEMENT MORTAR liNED aASS 52 NO LESS THAN 6 INCHES IN DIAMETER. .3 FlRe HYDRANTS SHALL COMPLY It/TH AWWA STANDARD C502 STANDARD FOR DRY-BARREL FlRe HYDRANTS It/TH 5-1/4 INCH MAIN VALIC OPENING, 1)10 2-1/2 INCH HOSE NOZZLES (NA71ONAL STANDARD THREAD). ONE 4-INCH PLIMPER NOZZLE (PAClFlC COAST THREAD - 13). 6-1NCH MECHANICAL JOINT SHOE CONNEC71ON. HYDRANT BURY 42 INCHES. HYDRANTS SHALL BE MUElLER CENTURION A-42J. CLOW F-25OO; WA 7ll\'OV.S" OR APPROVED EQiJAL 4. HYDRANTS SHALL BE BAGGED UN7lL THE SYSTEM IS ACCEPTED AND APPROVED. 5 ALL HYDRANTS TO BE PAINTED CHROME lfiLOW. LOW now HYDRANTS TO BE INDEN71FlED BY PAlN71NG BONNET RED. 6. FlRE HYDRANTS MUST BE INSTALLED, TESTED AND ACCEPTED PER APWA 7-14 PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. THE now TES71NC OF THE HYDRANT SHALL BE It/TNESSED BY THE FlRe DEPARTMENT. 7. FlRE SYSTEMS SHALL BE SEPARATE OR SEPARATED FROM DOMESTIC SYSTEMS IN SUCH A WAY THAT BOTH SYSTEJ/S CAN BE OPCRA TED AND TESTED A T THEIR RESPEC711C PRESSURES. AS1'HALT CONCRC7E PAIOIDfT OR CUSS B Pee PAIOIDfT (H/f;H ~>:1 MAtaI DI1ST/NG PA_ T'IPC AND DEPtH. SEE NOTE ,. NOT TO SCALE NOTES: ,NOIE: rACE OF HYDRANT SHALL BE RJJSH _ BAar EDGE OF PAtH OR S/DEJfAU( ItHO/C S/DEJfAU( IS HCXT trJ CVRB. COlei' QfA lfl WItH '5# FaT "- I1OORNf; MAIlliW. " '1'2 cu Ill. QfA lfl BAatFU FrJR _ r FIAN1E X IIEr:H. JOINT &4 TE VAL Ie NOTES: TYPE A (PREFERRED) (VALVE IN SlREET) NOTES: ASPIW.T CONCRm ROIDIIAY PATCH f1NNJSHED JOINT AT SAWCUT EXIST1NG N::. ROIDIIAY ~()() U1S. OF 0.375 IN. A~TE 800 U1S. OF STANOAI/D CONCRE1E SAND !H U1S. or POfInAND aJ/DfT APPROX. 14 GAL OF WA 7ER THe AMOUNT OF Il'AmllS A Cl//1/CAL rActrJR trJ SCT UP TIlE AND SHOIIlJ) BE ADDED AT THe SITe. 3. IJHERE CONCRETE PAVEMENT JOINT IS LESS THAN 4'-1)' fROM SAIJCUT, THE PAVEMENT SHALL BE REMOVED TO THAT JOINT. lJ) :::::! ~ L..Jls ~ ~ ~I O}I ii~u II ~- in: L:z: I. ACP PATCH SHALL BE ROLLED AND NIIT VIBRATED. PIPE UNDER I PIPE UNDER LAWN RON:1WAY C.D. BACKFILL SPECIFlCA TlONS 2. TO BE USED fOR ALL PAVED STREETS AND ALLEYS. BACKfiLL LOCATIDN TO 1'-0" BEHIND CURB OR EDGE or PAVING UNLESS OTHERIJISE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY CITY ENGINEER. 3" IIIN. TOPSOIL 4. TEMPORARY PATCHING IJITH ASPHALT OR PLACEMENT or STEEL PlATES IS REQUIRED IJHEN TRAffiC 'WILL CROSS CDf fOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS IJITHDUT PERMANENT RESTORATI~ STEEL PlATES SHALL HAVE COLD PATCH IJEDGES ON TRAffiC EDGES. CONTROU.ED CENSITY FlLL SEE NOTE 5 PIPE ZONE BACKFlLL GRAVEL BACKF1LL fOR PIPE ZONE BEDDING I' 5.CONTRDLLED DENSITY BACKfiLL (CDr) TO BE USED IN HYDRANT TO HA&l.s;r~s IJITHlN THE RDADIJAY. CDf CONSISTS Dr ADAPTOR NDZZL~~~' CONNECTION IJITH CAP AND CABLE 2600 L05 OF 0.375 IN AGGREGATE BOO L05 OF STANDARD CONCRETE SAND 94 L8S. Of' PORTLAND CEMENT APPROX 14 GAL. OF WA TER- -THE AMQiJNT OF WA TER IS A CRI71CAL FACTOR TO SET-UP TIME AND SHOULD BE ADDED AT THE SITE HYDRANT TO HAVE 5" STORZ ADAPTOR NOZZLE WITH 4" PCT CONNECTION WITH CAP AND COVER BACKFILL DETAILS II t:" NOTES: I!! ~ I W(__4) I BACKFlLL MA TERIAL : ..:-... (SH not. 5) 1. Prolllde uniform support under barrel 2. Hand tamp under haunches. 3. Compact bedding material to 9S"; MAX. density except directly 0_ pipe. 4 See"lRENCH EXCAVAllON" In Section 7-09 of the Standanl Specifications far trench width "W' and trenching options. The pipe zone wftl be the actual trench width. except far Class A bedding. The minimum concrete width shall be I 1/2" 1.0. + 18". 5. Trench backfill shall conform to backfilling trenches In Section 7-09 of the Standanl Specifications. except that racks ar lumps larger than I" per foot of pipe diameter shall not be used In the backfBl material. :0 calCRETE CLASS C (SH not. 8) Foundation Lllve, . .. .. . .. )< (aaa~ \~ r FIAN1E x FlANGC &4 TE VAL Ie r MCCH. OR FIAN1E JaNT X /1" FIAN1E 1CC V)~~ ~CSIr) C)...... I.() ::t~1 ~)::~ ~\,&J~ --.J~6 --.J 1;- C:l ~i;:J~ UCljI - BACKF1LJ. MA TERIAL (SH not. 5) :0 TYPE B (ALTERNATE) (VALVE BEHIND CURB) BEDDING AlA TERIAL FOR RIGID PIPE. (SH not. 6) Foundation L.""', . . ..-... -. . ...---. 6. See "Bedding Material far Rigid Pipe" In the Aggregates section of the Standard Specifications lar the material specifications. 7. See "Bedding Material far flexible Pipe" In the Aggregates section of the Standanl Specifications far the material specifications. 8. Pipe must be anchared In such a manner as to ensure flow line IS maintained. (CIaoo B, C. 0) BEDDING FOR RIGID PIPE NOTE: Also see City Standanl drawing far Controlled Density Backfill (cor) far street crossings. lA.J r:-! w Iil <:5 0:;; I <:Wit:: oq:: I 0 Ii ' 1~5" ~! 2' 'i~~~;~ ~hll )... ~: i t-.... l:l ~ C-1 Ol~ BEDDING CLASS TABLE a~ I WSSAI QASS 81 WSS cl WSS 0\ WSS F 4" 1lIl. X I 1'~ ~ . I . I Zaro Y 1/4 0.0.11/2 0.0.1 1/8 I" z_ D.O. I)' Z I 3/4 0.0.11/2 D.o.1 7/8 0.0.1 0.0 AU __ AND MAmIrAlS 10 BE #I _ _ QII/RDfT ST_ SFCCI1CAI1ONS _TA_ AJERJCAN PIJBUC _ AS5Q24_ FOR AOlll _ AND MNaPAJ. ~ __ STArE DlPARIJIENTOF . x _ ,,- .... 2r LD. and under .. .... ..,., 2T LD. 1liO INlXS AT fill SCALE F HOT SCALE Aa:llfiDINGLY FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TYPE A & B PIPE BEDDING FOR WA TERMAINS '" Mlr x ," lJED' CQiC1IC1C caLAR REWIRED IN PA Ie> ARf"A$ I' r ~ HIGH l~ CAST /1KJN VAL I€ /lOX /JSC R1Qt IlANfFAC1IH/ING #94lJA//9IDB OR <<1IoAl;' FOUNDRY -,IlBll: AND IIASC - Z4 me SrnE ac y t--:;::r: ffT~ 77IENCH BOnrM~ NOTE: I. CONa/C1E SHAU BE CZASS .JDDD Z. VAL I€ IHRtJST BLOCKS 7D BE /NSTALLtD IIHEN SHOrIN ON PLAN. / 2-1/""__ "'---- 2-;/,," DEPTH 401 * :1t- 351 . ~ '. 1/4" STEEL '"" 301 .' ~'. .- SEARING PLATe ... l:2 UNBALANCED CROSS CROSS tlTTH SHACKLED PLUG 1:5 ~ ~ 2&1 ~ ,~.. ~ ~ ~ BEARING ill PLA Te ~ IS PLUGCCD TEE HORIZONTAL BCNDS ~ ~ - ;ll ~ 10 . . ~ ~~ (vAL Ie SICM DfIENS1()N REWIRED /II/CN DEPIH Dtr:EEDS 5') VAL VE BOX. SUPPORT BLOCK AND THRUST BLOCK NOTES: lEE WI!" BRANot ,. AI.L BLOCKING ro SE CONCRCTC ct.ASS JOOO 2. LOCATe THRUST BLOCKING AT ALL LOCATIONS NOTED ABOIif" AND AS REOIIIReD SY THe OTY ENGINeeR. J; AI.L BLOCKING ro /EAR AGAINST UNDISTURBeD NATlIif" SOIL 4. PLACE 1~ FELT ROOFING MATCRIAL OR 6M1L Plot' SHCETlNG /ET'MEN RmNG AND CONCReTE. 5. SEE SHeET 2 FOR 8EAR1NG ARCA. ..:~>< !~i:1 I ill~11 New SCRVlCE UNE ro ~-=C? /-\~ \ I , / / CXlST. PIPC ./' -... S" C900 NORTH SERVICE LINE Bl A/MJST METER. SCTTER. AND BOX ro RNlSHeD GRADe AS REQ'D. ~l"" r.itI~ I~ C:l Q:; I!! i5 12 a 9 10 PIPE DIAMETeR (INCHCS) 11 7 I SOUTH SERVICE LINE / NeW SCRVlCE UNE ro MATCH OLD AUGNMENT -~-------- D---------~-' \ ~ ./" / 8" C900 CXlST. PIPE -- V)(.:)~ ~CSIl) C).......1l) ::t~1 CO~~ ~~~ --.J~6 ~!.&::~ 10~1 ..... = = :::3 NOlES: 1. BASED ON ~ PSI TCST PRESSURE AND SEARING VALUE.S OF' DRY SOILS. 2. VALUES FROM CtJRIif"S ARC FOR 7CCS, CROSS AND DCADENDS. Le.: STRAIGHT UNE THRUST. FOR go. BCND: use 1.4X VALue FROM CtJRIif" FOR 45. BCND: use d:8X VALUE FROM CURve. FOR 22 1/2. SEND: use o.4X VALUE FROM CURve. FOR 07HCR ANGLES (OJ: USC (2sm 0/2) X VALue FROM CURve. J; FOR CONDITIONS NOT cofERED Sy CtJRvtS. . SPeCIAL THRUST BLOCKS MUST /E COMPUTED AND APPROVCD. " 50""'""" ~ CONNECT ro CXISTlNG MCTCR SCTTCR THRUST BLOCK DETAILS AND BEARING AREAS SADDLE. CORPORA TlON STOP AND PAC JOINTS. SCE NOTe". NOTES: ~ N... 51 ~...: ; ~I~j: 12'" ~i~ ........1: ~ ~~lJ ~ 2' ~C5I'1:i ! ~ ~Cl E ... TWO INCIES AT FW. SCAI.[ ~ ~ i ~ If NOT SCALE ACCORDINClY )... i ~ I ...... R <:5 C-111e 1. SCRVlce SADDLE.5' SHALL /E PAINTED DUCTILe IRON OR Nn.ON COA TED DUCTILe IRON tlTTH STAlNLCSS STeeL STRAPS AND SHAI.L Be ROMAC SmE 101S ON I" TAP. 2025 ON 1-1/2" OR LARGER TAPS ROMAC 202N. ROCKWfiL .Jl.J OR APPROVCD EOIIALS ARC REOIIIRED FOR HOT OR CORROSIIif" SOILS AI.L aAMPS SHALL HA Iif" RUBBeR GASKeT AND IRON PIPE THRCADCD OIInETS. CORPORATION STOP SHALL SE ALL BRONZE AND SHALL Be FORD T'tPC F-SOO OR APPROVCD EOIIAL tlTTH IRON PIPE THREADS CONFORMING ro AWWA C8OO. STAINLCSS STEEL INSERTS SHALL DC USED tlTTH PACK JOINTS AND POLYETHCLENE PIPC. 2. SCRVlCE UNES SHALL /E ONE (1) lNot HIGH DENSITY POLY-ETHCLENE P/PC. COPPER 7U8C SIZE. MINIMUM PRESSURE CUSS 200 PSI CAGLE SWe. NO GLUeD JDlNTS tlTLL DC ACCEPTED ON I" SCRVlCE UNCS 1-1/2" AND 2" Plot' SCRVlCCS MA Y DC GLueD. SeRVIce UNES SHALL DC INSTALLED 45 DeGREES OFF' THE IIAIN. f[iPUlI:s: Soot. 20. 2001 -, 0" I" WA TER SERVICE