HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.501 Original Contract CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF AWARD Received AUG 01 2005 July 29, 2005 TO: Strider Construction Co., Inc. 4721 Northwest Drive Bellingham, WA 98226 PROJECT Description: West UGA Utilities Extension, Project No. 05-01 The City has considered the proposal submitted by you for the above described. You are hereby notified that your proposal has been accepted for items in the amount of $3,067,083.08, including tax. You are required, to execute the contract and furnish the required Contractor's Performance and Payment Bond and certificates of insurance within ten (10) calendar days from the date of this notice to you. You are also required to return an acknowledged copy of this Notice of Award to the Owner. Dated this 29th day of July, 2005. CITY OF PORT ANGELES S~ By Title Enqineerino Manaoer ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above Notice of Award is hereby acknowled 2005. James A. Gebhardt Title President Please return signed original to the City of Port Angeles Public Works & Utilities Department, attn: Stephen Sperr cc: City Clerk ~ ,- PERFORMANCE and PAYMENT BOND Bond to the City of Port Angeles Bond # 104581455 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; That we, the undersignedr.~r~dTf;" Constructional$ Principal, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of Ame~lea a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of~~~tas a surety corporation, and auellfred under the laws of the State of WaShington'1:8rwidbrfi~ sorety upon bonds of contrac;tol"5 with municipal corporations as surety, are jointly and severally held and finnly bound to the City of Port Angeles in the penal sum of $ 3,067, o 83fdt&:he payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors. heirs. administrators or personal representatives. as the case may be. This obligation is entered Into pursuant to the statutes of the State of Washington and the ordinances of the Oty of Port Angeles. Dated at , Washington, thls:c2... day of -.JuJ1.4 --' ?oCS The conditions of the above obligation are SUGh that: WHEREAS. the City of Port Angelas has Ister Is about to let to the~id Strider Construction Co., Inc. the above bounded Principal. a ~rtain contract, the said contract being numbered .".-06-01. .' and provIding for _WeISt UGA Utilities extensIon (which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as thoug h attached here1o). and WHEREAS. the said Principal has accepted, or is aboul to sccept, the said contract, and undertake to perfonn the work therein provided fer in the manner and within the lime set forth: now. therefore, Strider Construction If the said Principal, Co., Inc. , shall faithfully perform all of the provisions of said rontract in the mannQf and within the time therein sal forth. or wilhin such extensions Of time as may be granted under said contract, and shall pay all laborers. mechanics. subcontractors and malenalmen. and all persons who shall supply said Principal or subcontractors with provlslons and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and shall indemnify and hold 1he City of Port Angeles hannless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of perfonnance as specified In said contract or from defects appearing or developing In the m~terial or worf<manship provided or performed under said contract within a period of one year aftar Its acceptance thereof by the City of Port AngAles. then and In that event, thIs Obligation shall be voidj but othelWise. it shall be and remain in full force and effect. Signed this z..~ day of ~l...l \ \ I Travelers Casualty and .~ Surety Company of America SUrety B'i Darlene Jakiel _Attor~ey-In-Fac Title P.O. Box 3018 Bothell, WA 98041-3018 Surety Addres5 Steve Scott (425) 489-4500 Surety Contact and PhOne Number P.O. Box 3018, Bothell, WA 98041-3018 Agont Address Steve Scott (425) A89-4500 Agent Contact and PtJone Number 11-8 .. v TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY Hartford, Connecticut 06183-9062 POWER OF ATTORNEY AND CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF ATTORNEY(S)-IN-FACT KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY, corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, and having theIr principal offices m the City of Hartford, County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, (hereinafter the "Companies") hath made, constituted and appointed, and do by these presents nillke, constitute and appomt: Darlene Jakielski, Julie M. Glover, M.J. Cotton, Nancy J. Osborne, S.M. Scott, Steven K. Bush, Michael A. Murphy, Jim W. Doyle, Lawrence J. Newton, Andy D. Prill, Jim S. Kuich, John C. Beeson, Viki Baum, of Bothell, Washington, their true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, execute and acknowledge, at any place within the United States, the following mstrument(s): by hislher sole signature and act, any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or condluonal undertaking and any and all consents mcident thereto and to bind the CompanIes, thereby as fully and to the same extent as IT the same were SIgned by the duly authorized officers of the Companies, and all the acts of said Attomey(s)-in-Fact, pursuant to the authority herein given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appoinunent is made under and by authority of the following Standing Resolutions of said Companies, which Resolutions are now in full force and effect: VOTED. That the Chamnan, the President, any Vice Chamnan, any Executive Vice PreSIdent, any Semor Vice President, any VIce PreSIdent, any Second VIce President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assis~t Secretary may appomt Attorneys-m-Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the company and may gIve such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authonty may prescnbe to SIgn Wlth the Company's name and seal Wlth the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, contracts ofmdemmty, and other wntmgs oblIgatory m the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking, and any of saId officers or the Board of Drrectors at any tIme may remove any such appomtee and revoke the power gIven him or her VOTED: That the Chairman, the President, any VIce Chairman, any ExecutIve VIce President, any Senior VIce PreSIdent or any VIce PreSIdent may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees oftrus Company, proVIded that each such delegatIOn IS m writing and a copy thereof IS filed m the office of the Secretary VOTED: That any bond, recogruzance, contract of mdenmIty, or wnting oblIgatory m the nature of a bond, recognizance, or condItIonal undertaking shall be vahd and binding upon the Company when (a) SIgned by the PreSIdent, any Vice Chairman, any ExecutIve VIce PreSIdent, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President, any Second VIce President, the Treasurer, any ASSIStant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed witll the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, or (b) duly executed (under seal, If required) by one or more Attorneys-in-Fact apd Agents pursuant to the power prescnbed in rus or her certificate or therr certIficates of authonty or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegatIon of authority. This Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority is signed and sealed by facsimile (mechanical or printed) under and by authority of the following Standing Resolution voted by the Boards of Directors of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASlJALTY ANp SURETY CQMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY, which Resolution is now in full force and effect: VOTED: That the signature of each of the following officers' President, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any VIce PreSIdent, any Assistant Vice Preside~t, any S~retary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimIle to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing ~esident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistant SecretarIes or Attorneys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakIngs and other writings obligatory m the llII-ture thereof, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimIle seal sh!111 be valId and bmding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and fllf:siWle s~l shall be v~lid an~ bindmg upo~ ~~ Gqmp'~y in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. (02-05) Unlimited IN WITNESS WHEREOF, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY have caused this Illstrument to be signed by their Senior Vice President and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed this 28th day of Apnl, 2005 STATE OF CONNECTICUT }SS. Hartford COUNTY OF HARTFORD TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY F~GTONCASUALTYCOMPANY /~-'~~- - ~ George W. Thompson Senior Vice President By On this 28th day of Apnl, 2005 before me personally came GEORGE W. THOMPSON to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say. that he/she is Senior Vice President of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY, the corporations described in and which executed the above Illstrument; that he/she knows the seals of said corporations; that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals; and that he/she executed the said Illstrument on behalf of the corporatIOns by authority of hislher office under the Standing Resolutions thereof. 'r<\. ~ c.~ My commiSSion expires June 30, 2006 Notary Public Marie C. Tetreault CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Senior Vice President of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY, stock corporations of the State of Connectlcut, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney and CertIficate of Authority remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that the Standing Resolutions of the Boards of Duectors, as set forth in the Certificate of Authority, are now in force Signed and Sealed at the Home Office of the Company, III the City of Hartford, State of Connectlcut. Dated tlus ~ ~ ..Ju-'~ ,200S- >, day of ~~~ -- By Nicholas Seminara Senior Vice President tI " "" .STPAUL TRAVELERS IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE NOTICE OF TERRORISM INSURANCE COVERAGE On Nov. 26, 2002, President Bush signed into law the Terrorism Risk I nsurance Act of 2002 (the "Act"). The Act establishes a short-term program under which the federal government will share in the payment of covered losses caused by certain acts of international terrorism. We are providing you with this notice to inform you of the key features of the Act, and to let you know what effect, if any, the Act will have on your premium. Under the Act, insurers are required to provide coverage for certain losses caused by international acts of terrorism as defined in the Act. The Act further provides that the federal government will pay a share of such losses. Specifically, the federal government will pay 90 percent of the amount of covered losses caused by certain acts of terrorism, which is in excess of an insurer's statutorily established deductible for that year. The Act also caps the amount of terrorism-related losses for which the federal government or an insurer can be responsible at $100 billion, provided that the insurer has met its deductible. Please note that passage of the Act does not result in any change in coverage under the attached policy or bond (or the policy or bond being quoted). Please also note that no separate additional premium charge has been made for the terrorism coverage required by the Act. The premium charge that is allocable to such coverage is inseparable from and imbedded in your overall premium, and is no more than one percent of your premium. ILT-I018 (9/04) .. AC.dB.DTM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATE (MMlDDNY) 08/02105 PRODUC'i:R THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Parker Smith & Feek, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Bellevue Office HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 2233112th Avenue NE Bellevue, WA 98004 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED INSURER A Zurich American Insurance Co. Strider Construction Co., Inc. INSURER B Zurich American Insurance Co. 4721 Northwest Road INSURER C Bellingham, WA 98226 INSURER D I INSURER E Client#: 10635 STRICONS COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS , INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER Pg~!fEY(~~5~J.}~~ P<6~fJ (~l:;'J~tJ)~N LIMITS LTR A GENERAL LIABILITY CP0399219502 06/23/05 06/23/06 EACH OCCURRENCE $1 000000 - X COMMERCIAL GENERAL L1AB ILlTY FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $300,000 I CLAIMS MADE W OCCUR MED EXP (Anyone person) $10.000 , PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $1 000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2 000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS -COM~OPAGG $2 000,000 I POLICY Iil j~gT n LOC B ~TOMOBILE LIABILITY CP03~9219502 06/23/05 06/23/06 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT lL ANY AUTO (Ea aCCident) $1,000,000 . - ALL OWNED AUTOS , BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) - X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY - $ X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per aCCident) - - PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per aCCIdent) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY. EA ACCI DENT $ =1 ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY AGG $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ ~ .OCCUR D CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ $ =1 DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ $ A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND CP0399219502 06/23/05 06/23/06 I.WC STATU- I X IOTH- TORY LIMITS ER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY WA STOP GAP E L EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 E L DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 E L DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS Project No. 05-01 - West UGA Utilities Extension. City of Port Angeles is included as Additional Insured and coverage is primary and non contributory per Endorsement UGL-1175-A CW, Edition Date 09/03 attached and Auto per policy coverage form. CERTIFICATE HOLDER I X I ADDmONALINSURED,INSURERLETTER. A CANCELLATION Ton n..,," .. . , Nt'\n_- nf SHOULD ANYOFTH EABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORETHE EXPIRATION CITY OF PORT ANGELES DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TOMAIL45-DAYSWRITTEN P.O. Box 1150 NOTICETOTHE CERTIFICATE HOLDERNAMEDTOTHELEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DOSOSHALL Port Angeles, WA 98362 1M POSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON TH E INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES ~~D REPRESENTATIVE I ~--- ~.-... ~ ACORD 25-S (7/97)1 of 2 #S44004/M39772 SSOOO @ ACORD CORPORATION 1988 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pollcY(les) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the ISSUing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does It affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25-8 (7/97)2 of 2 #844004 1M3 9 772 ,Additional Insured-Automatic - Owners, Lessees Or Contractors Broad Form o ZURICH PolIcy No Eff Date of Po) Exp Date of Pol Eff Date of End Producer Add') Prem Return Prem CP0399219502 06/2312005 06/23/2006 06/23/2005 73791000 $N/A $N/A TIllS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the: Commercial General Liability Coverage Part A. WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured any person or organization whom you are required to add as an additional insured on this policy under a written contract or written agreement B. The insurance provided to additional insureds applies only to "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertis- ing injury" covered under Section I, Coverage A, BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY and Coverage B, PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY LIABILITY, but only if: I. The "bodily injury" or "property damage" results from your negligence; and 2. The "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" results directly from: a. Your ongoing operations; or b. "Your work" completed as included in the "products-completed operations hazard", performed for the additional insured, which is the subject of the written contract or written agreement. C. However, regardless of the provisions of paragraphs A. and B. above: 1. We will not extend any insurance coverage to any additional insured person or organization: a. That is not provided to you in this policy; or b. That is any broader coverage than you are required to provide to the additional insured person or organization in the written contract or written agreement; and 2. We will not provide Limits of Insurance to any additional insured person or organization that exceed the lower of: a. The Limits of Insurance provided to you in this policy; or b. The Limits of Insurance you are required to provide in the written contract or written agreement. D. The insurance provided to the additional insured person or organization does not apply to: 1. "Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" that results solely from negligence of the addi- tional insured; or Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office. Inc. with its permission. U-GL-117S-A CW (9/03) Page 1 of2 " 2. "Bodily injury", "proper. unage" or "personal and advertising injury" ing out of the rendering or failure to render any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services including: a. The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, opinions, ~orts, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; and b. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. E. The additional insured must see to it that: 1. We are notified as soon as practicable of an "occurrence" or offense that may result in a claim: 2. We receive written notice of a claim or "suit" as soon as practicable; and 3. A request for defense and indemnity of the claim or "suit" will promptly be brought against any policy issued by an- other insurer under which the additional insured also has rights as an insured or additional insured. F. The insurance provided by this endorsement is primary insurance and we will not seek contribution from any other in- surance available to any additional insured person or organization unless the other insurance is provided by a contractor other than you for the same operations and job location. Then we will share with that other insurance by the method de- scribed in paragraph 4.C. ofSEcrION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDmONS. Any provisions in this Coverage Part not changed by the terms and conditions of this endorsement continue to apply as writ- ten. U-GL-111S-A CW (9/03) Page 2 of2 ESCROW AGREEMENT for RETAINED PERCENTAGE West UGA Utilities Extension, Project 05-01 Escrow No.: Y (VV~ 2 02(o~L..j / City of Port Angeles Contract No. 05-01 Completion Date: '?S - \ - OS TOo 16L'-l &uue of l.U:dLl~ ) 2C:X:J \2-P1 0t-V'ee-+- ~) ,; n~nQfY) (WA q~dd.l:) 8. THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT is for the investment of the retained percentage of the above contract, in accordance with 9. chapter 60.28 of the Revised Code of Washington. It is Iim ited to FDIC insured Washington State Chartered Banks who are covered by the State of Washington Public Deposit Protection Act. ~,id.e.-Y). . _ The undersigned, C on"\WC 'l:t.QQ., (as "Contractor"), has directed the CITY OF PORT ANGELES (as "City"), to deliver to you its warrants which shall be payable to you and/or the contractor. The warrants are to be held and disposed of by you in accordance with the following instruction: INSTRUCTIONS 1. Upon delivery the warrants shall be endorsed by you and forwarded to the City for collection. You shall use the monies to purchase investments selected by the . Contractor and approved by the City. You may follow the last written direction received by you from the Contractor, for each purchase, provided the direction otherwise conforms with this agreement. Acceptable investments are: A. Bills, certificates, notes or bonds of the United States; B. Other Obligations of the United States or its agencies; C. Obligations of any corporation wholly owned by the Government of the United States; D. Indebtedness of the Federal National Mortgage Association; E. Time deposits in commercial banks; F. Other investments, except stocks, selected by the Contractor, subject to express prior written consent of the City. 2. The investments shall be in a form which allows you alone to reconvert them into money jf you are required to do so by the City. 3. The investments must mature on or prior to the date set for the completion of the contract, including extension there of or thirty (30) days following the final acceptance of the work. 4. When interest on the investments accrues and is paid. you shall collect the interest and forward it to the Contractor unless otherwise directed by the Contractor. 5. You are not authorized to deliver to the Contractor all or any part of the investments held by you pursuant to this agreement (or any monies derived from the sale of such investments, or the negotiation of the City's warrants) except in accordance with the written instructions from the City. Compliance with such instructions shall relieve you of any further liability related thereto. 6. In the event the City orders you, in writing, to reconvert the investments and return all monies, you shall do so within thirty (30) days of receipt of the order. 7. The Contractor agrees to compensate you for your services in accordance WIth your current published schedule of applicable escrow fees. Payment of all fees shall be the sole responSibility of the Contractor and shall not be deducted from any monies placed with you pursuant to this agreement unbJ and unless the City directs the release to the Contractor of the investments and monies held hereunder, whereupon you shall be entitled to reimburse yourself from such monies for the entire amount of your fee. This agreement shall not be binding until signed by both parties and accepted by you. This document contains the entire agreement between you, the Contractor, and the City, with respect to this Escrow, and you are not a party to, nor bound by any instrument or agreement other than this. You shall not be required to take notice of any default or any other matter, nor be bound by nor required to give notice or demand, nor required to take any action whatever except as herein expressly provided. You shall not be liable for any loss or damage not caused by your own negligence or willful misconduct. CONTRACTOR Feder By: Title: Y. Address: Li7LJ fU ~ t- 1)'(. ~ lin~c>vY) r \NFl 9~ DATE: ~~\.-- C; CITY OF 'J!;T ANGELES & <::: By: ~ '\.-'_ ~ "- Title: <LIT\ 1.2 ~ t-..5l.<;)~ DATE: .'9> / qJ or I I THE ABOVE ESCROW AGREEMENT RECEIVED AND ACCEPTED on the _ day of 20_. ~~ . By: . I Title' /7 }~~ ~~ Address: \ '7 lJ () \ 7_ ~h &- . (~::d \ : ,,~'r("\'Y1 , U ~1S Z:2:5 &')~~ ~ DISTRIBUTION: City Clerk Financial Institution Contractor File Copy 11-9 .1 I I: I. I, ~ I. I .,1: ~ 'I, :.. I' I , I I" I I I. I: I, 1 ' I ....-':. , , - .'", " I , . </. SDI ORIGINAL #1. - .... '- . PROJECT M,ANU,AL .. for - " WEST UGA UTILITIES ~XTENSION ' , PROJECT NO. 05-01- \' , . .. .CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON " , JUN'E: 2005 - , \ ' GLENN A. CUTLER, P.E, DIREOTOR OF PUBLlO WORKS & UTILITIES , ,r GARY W.,KENWQRTHY, P.E., DEpUTY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES " For information regarding this project, contact: Stephen Sperr, City ot Port Angeles 360-417-4821 . , , \, '..., , ~ . \ I I I I I ,I J I I' I I I I' I I ,I I I I PROJECT MANUAL for WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION PROJECT NO. 05-01 l~rI CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON JUNE 2005 leXPIRES 12/24/&6 GLENN A. CUTLER, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES GARY W. KENWORTHY, P.E., DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES preP1l1: It) 111 . Project Engineer ~eVi~WedbY~ h?9 -- City Attorney I - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS (As revised tt1rough Addendum No 3) WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION PROJECT NO. 05-01 PART I BIDDING REQUIREMENTS Paqe No( s ). Advertisements for Bids (Deleted per Addendum No. 3)..................................................1-3 Information for Bidders (See Addendum NO.3 for revisions) ...........................................1-4 Bidder's Checklist (See Addendum NO.3 for revisions) ...................................................1-5 Non-Collusion Affidavit....................................................................... .... ......................... .1-6 Bidder's Construction Experience................................................................................... .1-7 List of Proposed Subcontractors ..................................................................................... .1-8 Bid Form (As issued in Addendum No.1) ................................................................. 1-9-12 Bid Bond (Deleted per Addendum No.3)..................................................................... 1-12 Addendum No.1.......................... ................... ..................................... ............... 13 pages Addendum No.2....................... ............................ ......................................... ......... 1 page Addendum No.3.......................... .............. ...... ............................................ ......... 2 pages PART II CONTRACT FORMS SUBMITTED FOLLOWING AWARD OF CONTRACT Contract...................................................................................................................... ..11-1-7 Performance and Payment Bond....... ........ .......... .......................................... .............. ..11- 8 Escrow Agreement for Retained Percentage .................................................................11- 9 Certificate of Insurance ............................................... [provided by Contractor after award] PART III AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROViSiONS..................... ............................................................... ...... .111-1-74 PART IV TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PARTV ATTACHMENTS A. Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates for Clallam County B. Request For Information (RFI) and Construction Change Order (CCO) Forms C. Contractor's Application for Payment Form D. Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Plans E. City of Port Angeles Water, Sewer, Electrical, and Transportation Standard Details F. Port Angeles City Light Electrical Distribution Specifications G. Project Plans (bound separately) H. Electrical Staking Sheets I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART I BIDDING REQUIREMENTS PW 407_04 Part04 [Revised 5/27/041 I I I I, I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION PROJECT 05-01 City of Port Angeles Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Public Works & Utilities at 321 East Fifth Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washmgton 98362, until 2:00 p.n:'., Wednesday, July 13, 2005, and not later, and will then and there be opened and publicly read at that time in the City Council Chambers for the construction of the following Improvements: Approximately 7,900 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water line with valves and hydrants and service connections, approximately 4,400 linear feet of 4-inch polyvmylchloride sewer forcemain with valves and service connections, approximately 2,200 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer main with manholes, approximately 12,500 linear feet of 5-inch electrical conduit with vaults and secondary feed lines, approximately 12,400 linear feet of bundled 1.5-inch fiber optIC conduit with vaults/handholes, a 100-gpm sewage pump station, a 3,500-gpm water pump station, removal and restoration of eXisting surface improvements, and associated site work. The City Engineer's estimate for this project is between $2,400,000.00 and $3,100,000.00. All work, excluding generator, shall be substantially complete within 85 working days after Notice to Proceed. Operational requirements, less than the specified time of completion, are specified i ection 1-08 of Part III of this Project Manual. The entire project, excluding installation of the generator, shall b hy' I complete within 105 working days after Notice to Proceed. To view detailed plans and specifi ons (Pr . ct Man I), go to www.bxwa.com on the internet, or contact the Builders Exchange of Washington 425-258-130 All bids shal,l be submitted on the prescribed Bid F9f1ns and i the manner as stated in this advertisement and in the Project Manual and said bids shall be accom;tanie by a bl deposit in the form of a cashier's check, postal money order, or surety bond to the City of Port nge s in the a unt of five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. If a surety bond is used, saId bond shall be' s ed by a surety uthorized and registered to issue said bonds in the State of Washington. The bond s II specify surety's ame, address, contact and phone number, and shall include a power of attorney appointing e signata of the b d as the person authorized to execute it. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into the C tract and fu' atisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the Information for Bidders, th id depos shall be forfeited to the City of Port Angeles. Faxed bids and/or surety bonds will not be accep e The bid may be award to the 10 st responsible bidder. The City of Port Angeles reserves the right to accept the bid that is in the best inte st of the City, to postpone the acceptance of bids and the award of the Contract for a period not to exceed sixty ( ) da}l ,or to reject any and all bids received and further advertise for bids. When awarded the Contract, the succ sful bidder shall promptly execute the Contract and shall furnish a bond of faithful performance of the Contract In the full amount of the Contract price. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the outside clearly marked with the bid opening date and time, the project name and number as it appears in this advertisement and the name and address of the bidder. Bids shall be addressed to the Director of Public Works & Utilities, City of Port Angeles, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. When awarded the Contract, the successful bidder shall promptly execute the Contract and shall furnish a bond of faithful performance of the Contract in the full amount of the Contract price. Glenn A. Cutler, P.E. Director of Public Works & Utilities Publish: Peninsula Daily News (June 12, 2005), Daily Journal of Commerce (June 13, 2005) 1- 3 I I I I I I - I ,I I, I I' I I I I ~ I I I INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS aled bids will be received by the City of Port Angeles (herein called "Owner"), at 321 East Fifth Street, Port Ang Wa . gton 98362, until the time and date as stated in the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS or as amended thro addend and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. Each bid shall be ceived by the Owner in the manner set forth In the ADVERTISEMENT FOR B . Each bid must be submitted In a seale velope, so marked as to indicate its contents without being opened, addressed in conformance with the ins ctions of the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Each bid shall be submitted on tfi equired bid form contained in Part 1 of the P ect Manual. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in, in ink or type 'tten, and the Bid Form must be fully: mpleted and executed when submitted. Only one copy of the Bid Form is require In addition, all other forms i uded in Part I shall be filled out and completed, including any addendum(s), and enclosed i sealed envelope e rsed with the name of the work. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a hier's chec ostal money order, or surety bond to the City of Port Angeles for a sum of not less than 5% of the amou of t id, and no bid will be considered unless accompanied by such bid deposit. The Owner may waive any informalities or r defects or reJ t any and all bids. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the uthorized postponeme hereof. Any bid received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. idder will be permitted to with w its bid between the closing time for receipt of bids and execution of the Cont , unless the award IS delayed for a perio exceeding sixty (60) calendar days. A condittonal or qualified bid . not be accepted. Subject to the City's right t eject non-conforming bids and to reject all bids, the bi ard may be made to the lowest responsible bidder. The City of Po A.ngeles reserves the right to accept the bid that is in the best interest of t ity, to postpone the acceptance bids and the award of the Contract for a penod not to exceed sixty (60) days, or eject any and all bids. If all bid re rejected, the City may elect to re-advertise for bids. Subject to the foregoing, the con t will be awarded to the 10 est responsible bidder. e work will begin within ten (10) calendar days after notice to proceed from the Director of Public Works & Uti shall be completed within the time as stated in the Advertisement for bids. The Owner may make such investigations as it deems necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid, if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such bidder fails to satisfy the Owner that such bidder IS properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. The party to whom the Contract is awarded will be required to execute the Contract and obtain the Performance and Payment Bond Within ten (10) calendar days from the date the notice of award is delivered to the bidder. Such bond(s) shall be on the form provided by the Owner, specify the name, contact phone, and address of the surety, and shall include a power of attorney appointing the signatory of the bond(s) as the person authorized to execute It (them). The notice of award will be accompanied by the necessary Contract and bond forms. In case of failure of the bidder to execute the Contract, the Owner may, at its option, consider the bidder in default, in which case the bid deposit accompanying the bid shall become the property of the Owner. The Owner, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the acceptable Performance and Payment Bond and the Contract signed by the party to whom the Contract was awarded, will sign the Contract and return to such party an executed duplicate of the Contract. Should the Owner not execute the Contract within such period, the bidder may, by written notice, withdraw its signed Contract. Such notice of withdrawal will be effective upon receipt of the notice by the Owner. The notice to proceed will be issued within ten (10) calendar days of the execution of the Contract by the Owner. Should there be reasons why the notice to proceed cannot be issued within such period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Owner and Contractor. If the notice to proceed has not been issued within the ten (10) calendar day period or within the period mutually agreed upon, the Contractor may terminate the Contract without further liability on the part of either party. All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the Contract throughout. 1-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BIDDER'S CHECKLIST 1. ! a deposit in the form of a surety bond in the r order, or cashier s been enclosed with bid? m, postal money 2. ent (5%) of the total amount of the 3. Have the bid forms been properly signed? 4. Do the written amounts of the bid forms agree with the amounts shown in figures? 5. Have you bid on all items? 6. Have you received any and all addendum{s) and acknowledge this on the Bid Form? 7. Have you reviewed the list of Owner (City) furnished products in Section 1-06.7 of the amendments to the standard specifications and special provisions (Part III)? 8. Has the non-collusion affidavit been properly executed? 9. Have you shown your contractor's state license number on the bid form? 10. Have you listed all Subcontractors that you will use for the project? 11. Have you filled out the bidder's construction experience form? The following forms are to be executed after the Contract is awarded: A. Contract - To be executed by the successful bidder and the City. B. Payment and Performance bond - To be executed on the form provided by Owner, by the successful bidder and its surety company. To include name, contact and phone number, and address of surety and power of attorney of siqnatorv. C. Insurance certificate(s). 1- 5 I'" 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,', I'] NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF Whatcom ) The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath, says that the bid herewith submitted is a genuine and not a sham or collusive bid, or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named; and (s)he further says that the said bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any bidder on the above work or supplies to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that said bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure him/her self an advantage over any other bidder or bidders. Signature of Bidder/Contractor Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of ,........"1 ~."\~~lLE L. k"~',#" _..<ii. ~c ...._..... ~ ",~ _~..,... ..'::r::JCW~ ~ '"4! :r .,'!Io~-' -t~ ';. i II NOTARY" = ! ! -*- z = \~\ PUBLIC iEI .. if.. '. ho.. ~ "("A. ~ ~ r"", ....-vv 13.~"'" ~'oJ 3fj "" '" "_;.;.0"; ,~ .~ ~'t" o!: WAS ~~...... !1611,'e....'.~ Ige 8 Non-Collusion Affidavit July ,20~. ~ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. Residing at Bellingham, WA My Comm. Exp.: 11-13-05 1-6 I'" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9. 10. \ ) 11. 12. 13. BIDDER'S CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE Answer all questions and provide clear and comprehensive information. 1. Strider Construction Co., Inc. 2. Name of bidder: Registration Number: STRTDCC1210Z Permanent main office address: 4721 Northwes t Drive Bellingham, WA 98226 When organized: August 1988 Where incorporated: Washington How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present firm name? 17 3. 4. 5. 6. * Contracts on hand. (Schedule these, showing gross amount of each contract and the approximate anticipated dates of completion), contact name and phone number. See attached "A" 7. 8. * General character of work performed b~ yo.ur.compan~: \JQh>1" ^' ~::.rf"::.r~r 'trp::.rmpnr, Roads, Earthwork, Underground lftilltles, EnVlronmen a eme la lon, Highw~y ~nn Rringe. Sewer/ W~ter MRin * Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? No If so, where and why? * Have you ever defaulted on a contract? No * List the more important projects recently completed by your company, stating approximate cost for each, the month and year completed, contact name and phone number. See attached list "B" * List your major equipment available for this contract: See attached Equipment List * Experience of bidder in construction similar to this project in work and importance: See attached "c" Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any other information that may be required by the City? Yes * Add separate sheets if necessary. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or corporation to furnish any information requested by the City of Port Angeles. Print Name: Date: 7-11-0'1 Bidder's Signat re: Title: President age 9 Bidder's Construction Expenence 1-7 I ' Equipment List Strider Construction Co., Inc. . . NEW# DESCRIPTION NEW# DESCRIPTION NEW# DESCRIPTION I CB11 Ford 755B Backhoe 1992 C075 Rosco RB48 Sweeoer MP19 LlQht plant SoecIaltv BTK64MH CB12 Ford 755B Backhoe 1992 CS45 JD 862 Scraper 1980 MP20 Light plant Soeclalty BTK64MH CB13 NH 6750 Backhoe 1994 Moo2 Kenworth T800 Dump Truck 1998 MP21 LiQht plant Soeclaltv BTK64MH CB16 Ford 6750 Backhoe 1995 MD03 Peterbilt 385 DT 1998 MP40 6" Pump Thomoson Centrificar I CB17 Ford 655C Backhoe 1990 MOO4 IH Dump Truck 1990 MP51 Water Trailer CB18 Ford 755B Backhoe 1991 M005 Ford Dump Truck 1983 MP52 Texas H20trI 2004 CB19 NH 575E Backhoe 1998 MOO6 Ford 9000 Dump Truck 1983 MP53 Texas H20b12004 CC48 SakaISW 350 2000 Moo7 Kenworth TaOO 1999 MP56 Mobile 3- A1rvac I CC49 Sakal SW350 2000 ME01 TK 50 Lowboy Trailer MP60 ComP Sullalr 195 CC50 Bomaa 120AD Roller 1997 ME02 TK 50 Trailer 1999 MP61 Como SuJlalr 195 CC51 Bomaa 120AD Roller 1988 ME12 TK 20 Trailer 1989 MP63 Sullivan AIr Compressor 1996 CC52 Bomaa 120AD RoRer 1989 ME15 TK 40 Traifer 1967 MP72 DenyO 180 Compressor 1985 CC53 IR SD10DD VIbrate Roller 1986 ME17 Peterson Dolley MP73 MQ 180 Compressor 1986 I CC54 Vlbromax Compactor ME18 Homemade Converter Dolly 1980 MP74 AUas CODCO 2002 CC55 Vibromax 265 Compactor ME19 TK 50 Trailer MP75 AUas CoDCO 2002 CC56 Sakal Vibratory Compactor 2000 ME30 Olympic trailer 30TDT -3 2004 MP76 MIJfer Port Welder 1981 CC57 Sakal Vibratory Compactor 2000 MF20 Isuzu 1 ton 1996 MP77 Hobart Welder I CC59 Sakal SV70D 1998 MF49 Ford F550 2004 MP79 Asphalt Grinder Trailer CD21 Cat D8H Dozer 1979 MF50 Ford F550 2004 MP80 Genset CD22 Cat D6C LGP Dozer 1972 MF51 Ford F550 2004 MT25 Ford AUenuator TRIck CD23 JD 550G Dozer 1989 MF52 Ford F550 2000 MT28 GMC Allenuator truck I CD24 JD 55QG.. TC Dozer 1998 MF53 Ford F550 2000 MT68 Addco Messaae Sign CD26 JD 4508 Dozer 1986 MF54 Ford F550 2000 MT72 Solar Arrow Board CD27 JD 550G Dozer 1992 MF55 Ford F550 2000 MT73 Solar Arrow Board CD28 JD 550 GTC L T Dozer MF56 Ford F550 2001 MT75 L1er SIeQIer Arrow Board CD29 Cat OS Dozer MF57 Ford F550 2001 MT76 L1er Siealer Arrow Board 1985 I CD31 JD650G LGP Dozer 1998 MF58 Ford F550 2002 MU12 ADple 6xf2 Trailer CD32 JD650G LGP Dozer 1991 MF62 Ford F450 1995 MU14 Maanum Bomaa Trailer CD96 Cat D8H Dozer 1978 MF64 Ford F450 1991 MU15 Magnum Bomaa Trailer CE01 Hitachi 200LC Excavator 1989 MF67 Chevy LD 1995 MU16 HM Bomaa Trailer 1990 I CE02 Hitachi Ex120 Excavator 1996 MF68 Chevy HD 1997 MU17 HM Bomaa Trailer 1990 CE04 Hitachi EX150 Exc 1990 MF69 Chevy HD 1998 MU19 Homemade 1 (!{ 2 Trailer CEOS Hitachi EX150-5 LC 1998 MF70 Chevy HD 1999 MV21 Storaae van 30' CE07 JD 690ELC Excavator 1995 MF71 Ford F450 1999 MV22 Tool Van CE09 JD 992 LC Excavator 1995 MH11 Ford F150 1999 MV51 Trfmo 40' Storaae Van 1984 I CE10 Hitachi EX700 Excavator 1991 MHf2 Ford F250 1999 MV52 40' Storage Van CE11 Hitachi EX200 Excavator 2000 MH13 Isuzu Hombre1996 MV54 40' Storage Van 1969 CE12 Hitachi EX150 Excavator 2000 MH14 Chevy 1500 1989 MV55 Strlcler Blue Van CE13 Hitachi EX200 Excavator 1994 MH15 Ford RanQer 2004 MV56 45' Storaae Van (Red) CE14 Hitachi EX400 Excavator 1996 MH20 Ford F150 2004 MW22 Everareen 12x60 Jobshack 1986 I CE15 Hitachi EX135 Excavator 1999 MH21 Ford F150 1999 MW50 Hitchhiker 5th Wheel CE16 Hitachi EX135 Excavator 2000 MH22 Ford F150 199~ MW81 Cornm 28' Office Trailer 1971 CE17 ., Hitachi EX135 Excavator 1999 MH23 GMC K1500 2000 MW83 12 x 56 everareen CE18 Hitachi ZX225 Excavator 2002 MH24 Tovota Tundra 2004 MW84 Evenueen 10 'x 24 Jobshack I CE19 Hitachi EX400 LC-5 1998 MH25 Toyota Tundra 2004 MW85 12 x 46 Jobshack Trailer CE20 Hitachi EX150 LC-5 MH33 Chevy 314 HD 1999 MW81 8 X 28 Job Shack CE21 Hitachi ZX200LC 2003 MH35 Ford F250 2000 MW88 Evel'Qreen 8 X 24 Job Shack CE22 Hitachi ZX135 2001 MH36 Ford F250 1999 MWB9 Evenueen 10X321995 CE23 Hitachi ZX200LC 2002 MH37 Chevy 2500 2003 SA03 Asphalt CuttinQ Wheel I CE24 Hitachi EX135 2000 MH60 Ford F350 4dr 2004 S874 Bn TB725X Breaker CE25 Kubota 10(121-32004 MH82 Ford F150 1990 S875 NPK Hammer CF61 Hvster 150 Forfclift 96' 1969 MH83 Chew 1500 1996 SB71 Kent KB999 Breaker 1980 CF62 Cat TH83 Forklift 1996 MH84 Chevy Tahoe 1998 SB78 ' Allied 730 Breaker 1991 I CF63 Clark Forklift MH86 Tovota 4Runner 2001 SB79 Kent KHB 20G HYD Breaker 1995 CF65 GEHL 553 MH87 Bravada 2003 SBSO Bn Breaker 2004 CF66 Mitsublshi FD40 MH93 GMC Crew Van 1991 SC04 Cuttina Torch! Leads CF68 GEHL8831997 MH94 Ford F150 1992 - SC06 Hilt! Drill I Bits CF69 GEHL 553 1997 MH95 Ford F350 Pickup 1992 SC08 Finishina Tools I CF71 Geni-Uft MH98 Ford F250 Diesel 1996 SC20 Concrete Forms CF73 Geni Scissor lift MH99 Dodae Ram 1995 SC41 Concrete VIbrator CF80 Grolle RT740 Crane 1982 MK17 HM Fuel TanklTrailer 1989 SC50 Power Trowel CG42 Cat 140G Grader 1977 MK18 Chev TK Water truck 1991 S001 Air Quality Monitor I CG43 CAT 1400 Grader 1985 MK19 Frtliner Water Truck 1999 SG31 Portable Generators CL10 JD210lE Landscape Loader 2003 MK20 Inti Water Truck 1999 SG71 ComDressorsJWelders CL30 Cat 1T28G Wheel Loader 1998 MK22 Chevy Fuel Truck 1975 SH12 TC151 Hoe Pac CL31 Cat 1T28B Wheel Loader 1987 MK23 Chew Fuel Truck 1971 SH13 Allied 9700C Hoe Pac I CL32 Cat IT28G Loader 1998 MK24 Inti Fuel Truck 1982 SH14 Allied 8700c Hoe Pac CL33 Cat 1T28B Loader 1992 MM66 IH Truck. 1994 SH15 TC150 Compactor 1994 CL34 JD 544G loader 1996 MM68 Peterbllt330 MechTruck 1997 SH16 Allied 870DC Hoe Pac C030 Brush Cutter Promac 36MPII MP11 Amlda Liaht Plant 1991 SH17 TC150 Hoe Pac C044 14' Brushoa Offset Disc 28' MP12 Amida LiQht Plant SH18 Kent KHP210S 36 X 48 I C046 Zipper Asphalt Grinder 1996 MP13 Amida liQht Plant 1986 SH19 Stan lev HS-1100 C048 Asphalt Grinder MP14 LiQht Plant Coleman SH20 Kent HP210 C071 Rosco RB28 Sweeper 1989 MP15 LiQht Plant Coleman SH21 TC151S Hoe Pac C072 Rosco RB38 Sweeper 1991 MP16 Liaht Plant Coleman SH22 TC151S Hoe Pac I C073 Rosco SWeeoer MP17 LiQht olant Specialty BTK64MH SH23 TC151S Hoepac C074 Rosco RB48 Sweeper MP18 LiQht plant SpeciallY BTK64MH SJ01 Conex blue MOlltlay, January 31, 2005 Page lofl '\I:mA.ll: ' J.. L.a..~v..'z_~~ui'..u::,,*~/L"".:1.Yl:.tLr::r.t.::l:.~~1l"r..Ji,.'I.;:ttft"'..:!:rl..'t~tItl(....,:.....,wr"iOii:l<a.Wll~'1l"l..!.-=,,~.t(~'\'Ir'" ~ rt!' \.:. ,~..~.;...""...~"".....l:".-<......I.....__ _-....................,".., _ I NEW# DESCRIPTION SJ02 Conex Grav SL01 I SL05 SL10 SL30 SL4D SL45 I SL51 SL60 SL71 SL9D I SL93 SL96 SL97 SM08 SM25 I SP11 SP12 SP13 SP74 I SP76 SP78 SS01 SS02 SS04 I SS05 ST93 SU21 SU23 I SU25 SU31 SU81 SU85 SU87 ISU91 SU92 SW40 SW51 ISX52 SX53 SX54 TE01 TE02 lE03 E04 E05 TE06 I I I I I I I Transit DiQital Transit Level Survey station Receiver' For GraderlDozer Remote Receiver/Reader SlnQle Plane WlReceiver SinQle Plane Laser Pipe Laser Dual Plane Laser Dual Plane Laser Dual Plane Laser Dual Plane laser 8' Manbasket 25' Manbasket 2"or 3" ,DewaterinQ Pumps Pressure Test Pumps/DCV Pressure Washer WlHoses 6" MQ Trash Pump 1986 2002 Thompson 6" Pump 8" Vacuum Pump Pipe Cut-off Saws Power Chain Saws Brick Saw WedQe Concrete Saw/Blades Barricades & SiQns Hvdraullc Pipe Pusher Greenlee Conduit Bender Mcelrov Pipe Welder Victaulic couplinlJ tool Allied Hole HQ!J Leak Detector Locator UnderQround Locater Portable Tekk Radios Plate Compactors Whackers 20' Steel Trench Box Steel ShorinIJ Sheets Garbo BucketsIRock Box JD 590 Excavator Hitachi EX60 Bobcat 331 Ex Bobcat T200 Loader Mower for Bobcat loader Dump truck 6cv I Monday, January 31,2005 ,'for NEW# DESCRIPTION NEW# DESCRIPTION , - Page2of2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LISTING OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS Bidder shall list all subcontractors proposed to be used on the project. FAILURE TO LIST SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE A NON-RESPONSIVE BID. If there are no subcontractors, write "NO SUBCONTRACTORS WILL BE USED". NAME, ADDRESS AND CONTR.ACTOR'S REGISTRATION NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF WORK HVAV/ Plumbing Strider Construction Co., Inc. 4721 Northwest Drive Bellingham, WA 98226 STRIDCC1210Z Lakeside Industries P.O. Box 7016 Issaquah, WA 98027 ACP LAKESI*274JD Colvico Electrical Contractors 2121 N. Waterworks St. Spokane, WA 99212 Electrical - Line COLVII*134D6 Strait::S :.Electric P.O. Box 2914 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Electrical - Building STRAIE*OllOS -,- President ~ ,10, .Lis~in~ of Proposed Subcontractors 1- 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BID FORM (4 pages) Honorable Mayor and City Council Port Angeles City Hall 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 BIDDER: REGISTRATION NO.: DATE: UBI NUMBER: The undersigned, hereinafter called the bidder, declares that the only person(s) interested in this bid are those named herein; that the bid is in all respects fair and without fraud; and that it is made without any connection or collusion with any other person making a bid on this project. The bidder further declares that it has carefully examined the plan, specifications, and contract documents, hereinafter referred to as the Project Manual, for the construction of the proposed project improvement{s}; that it has personally inspected the site(s); that it has satisfied itself as to the types and quantities of materials, the types of equipment, the conditions of the work involved, including the fact that the description of and the quantities of work and materials, the types of equipment, the conditions of and the work involved as included herein, are brief and are intended only to indicate the general nature of the work and to identify the said quantities with the corresponding requirements of the Project Manual; and that this bid is made in accordance with the provisions and the terms of the Contract included in the Project Manual. The bidder further agrees that it has exercised its own judgment regarding the interpretation of surface information and has utilized all data which it believes is pertinent from the City Engineer, hereinafter also referred to as the City or Owner, and such other source of information as it determined necessary in arriving at its conclusion. The bidder further certifies that the subcontracting firms or businesses submitted on the LISTING OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS will be awarded subcontracts for the described portions of the work: If the bidder is awarded a construction contract on this bid, the name and address of the surety who will provide the performance bond is: Surety Agent Surety address Agent Address Surety Contact and Phone Number Agent Contact and Phone Number Addendum No.1 1-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3tr~ d-ey ConSt-fucJ-l'on LO~) ~Y\L.. Item Sec Estimated Unit Price Extended No. No. Description of Item Quantitv Units (Fb~ures) Amount 1 1-07 Temporary Water Pollution! 1 Lump $ $ Erosion Control Sum \ 5 ,(X)(). CO 15.000,,00 2 1-07 Filter Fabric Fence for 5,400 Linear $ $ Temporary Erosion Control Feet 'd~SO \ 2> .soa.co 3 1-09 Mobilization 1 Lump $ 00 $ CO Sum afb CDO' aI5.CCO' 4 1-10 Temporary Traffic Control 1 Lump $ $ Sum l\ b COO'co Ll5.CCO'OO 5 2-03 Embankment Fill 600 Tons $ \~.CO $/.1.CO.CO 6 2-09 Foundation Material 100 Tons $ ?>S. 00 $3i5CO.CC 7 2-09 Imported Pipe Trench Backfill 9,750 Tons $ \0. SO $ IrQ Al,c;fl: 8 2-09 Controlled Density Fill (CDl') -+I' -. \~~~ CY $ 55.00 $ CoCo Ct:O.co 9 4-04 Crushed Surfacin2 Base Course 3,600 Tons $3Co.00 $ \ ao. JrfY\fO 10 5-04 Asphalt Cold Patch Mix 50 Tons $\~O.CO $ (^ (\f'y"j . CO 11 5-04 Hot Mix Asphalt (lIMA) CL 2,300 Tons $ $ CI. 1/2", PO 70-22 \DO.CO ~30.NJ{{ 12 7-05 48 In. Manhole, Type n 11 Each $ 3dln . ex; $35.100.00 , 13 7-09 Trench Safety System for 7,900 Linear $ $ Water Main Feet 3.00 ~?-, 100.00 14 7-09 Install DI Water Main, 16 In. 7,900 Linear $ $ Diam. Feet QQ.Cf5 3'1 LJ (rflL;. ex. 15 7-12 Water Air Relief Valve 3 Each $ \.8DO.CO $ 5 Llor\CL 16 7-12 Gate Valve, 12 In. 1 Each $\ ,LoCO~OO $ \ . (nf'f"), (Y) 17 7-12 Butterfly Valve, 16 In. 19 Each $ .~ 2C:b l:;!J $ (,,0 <f..N'\.00 18 7-14 Hydrant Assembly 16 Each $~]DO.CO $ 43200.00 19 7-15 Residential Service 7 Each $ $ Connections, 1 In. Diam. Cd::D. [X) LI.200bCO 20 7-15 Individual Service PRY 7 Each $2CO.co $ \)Ljoo"co 21 7-17 Trench Safety System for 6,800 Lineal' $ $ Sanitary Sewer Feet O.d.S \ ,/ro.OO 22 7-17 Install PVC C900 Sanitary 4,600 Linear $ $ OC Sewer Forcemain, 4 In. Diam. Feet \ d-..OO 55, zro. 23 7-17 Install PVC Sanitary Sewer, 2,200 Linear $ $ 8 In. Diam. Feet d.9.oo (0':', ~OO.CO 24 7-17 Sewage Air Relief Valve 2 Each $ L\ ,Geo. 00 $g .liXJ.OO 25 7-17 2-Inch Force Main Connection 5 Each $ Lj LJCO.OO $ d. d, ,0P/\DO 26 7-17 Side Sewer Connection 10 Each $ \. \00. ()() $ \ \. DOO.CO Addendum No. 1 1-10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Str\dtr Cons-tru,-~)cfyl Co"l -1l Y1L. ' Item Sec Estimated Unit Price Extended No. , No. Description ofItem Quantitv Units (Fhmres) Amount 27 8-22 Pavement Markings 1 Lump $ $ Sum L\ .DDO.OO L\,OOO.OO 28 8-30 Fainnount Water Pump Station 1 Lump $ $ Sum <'0 &D I OOD. (j) &kO 000. CC 29 8-30 Fainnount Water Pump Station 200 Hour $ $ Additional Control System \ \O.DO d.~,CCO. DC Programming 30 8-31 West UGA Sewage Pump 1 Lump $ $ Station Sum \ 9..{') _ N'l',_CO \~O,OOO.OO 31 8-31 West UGA Sewage Pump 50 Hour $ $ Station Additional Control \ \ 0 ~ 00 5)5oo.DO System Programmin2 32 8-32 Install Electrical Conduit,S In. 13,000 Linear $ $ Diam. Feet 5.15 ILl 750.00 33 8-32 Install Electrical Conduit, 4 In. 3,200 Linear $b~5D $ Diarn. Feet II, loCO.OC 34 8-32 Install Electrical Conduit, 2 In. 9,800 Linear $,-\ $ Diarn. Feet .l5 Li{fl~SO.CO 35 8-32 Install Cable 3-Phase 350 Cu 8,000 Circuit $ $ Feet ~.C() (aLj ,Df'D.en 36 8-32 Install Cable 3-Phase I/O AI 250 Circuit $ $ Feet q..SO d Jol5.o0 37 8-32 Install Cable I-Phase 1/0 AI 1160 Circuit $ $ Feet 1.00 ~ \~O.CO 38 8-32 Install U 3 04 ( Sectionalizing 12 Each $ $ cabinet, terminations, Vault & 3,Mpo 45", (JX) ~ 00 Pad) 39 8-32 Install Switching Cabinet (600 2 Each $ $ amp switch, terminations, 7'x7' I 7..DO. 00 \L\/100.ro vault & pad) , 40 8-32 Install Future Electrical Vault 10 Each $ $ (4' X 6' w/concrete cover) Cleo. DO qJctO. (X) 41 8-32 Install U 3 06-5 (Termination 1 Each $ $ w/3-Phase Gan2 Air Switch) ~,qCO. 00 <6,LJOO.oo 42 8-32 Install U 1 05 (Sectionalizing 1 Each $ $ cabinet, terminations, Vault & 3/-iCD.OO 3,L1CO,OO Pad 43 8-32 Install U 3 03 (3-phase I Each $ $ padmount transformer, ~ttf). CD b,CJX).. CD terminations, vault & pad) 44 8-32 Install U I 04 (I-phase 9 Each $ $ padmount transformer, 3, \C::O.aD d.J,Cfco,OO terminations, vault & Dad) Addendum No.1 1-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Item Sec Estimated Unit Price Extended No. No. Description of Item Quantity Units (Figures) Amount 45 8-32 Install UM 5 02 Barricade 20 Each $ \90.00 $ ?:J I 'tfYJ.OO 46 8-32 Install Additional 200 Amp 3 Each $ $ Load Break Elbows DCO.OO qW.OO 47 8-32 Install Additional 600 Amp 6 Each $ $ Non Load Break Elbows lidS.OD ~,S5D.C:D S 1-r ) c\~f Cons tW.cJ--\'OY) CD.-, ~J1L, Bid Subtotal $ d,?<?~.0cl500D $ d35, D5><. 0'8 . $ 3,()(ol. OR3.0~ ~ . Sales Tax (8.3%) Total Bid ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~ ~+'rC\ The bidder hereby acknowledges that it has received Addenda No(s). 'J ~ '3 to this Project Manual. The name of the bidder submitting this bid and its business phorte number and address; to which address all communications concerned with this bid and with the Contract shall be sent, are listed below. Bidder'sfirmname ~f;Jey CoL~tru(1\oYl c.ou J)JiL. Complete address L{l \ l)o(~h~+ Dr\ V-€. ~ \\;n m LUA q~~Co (Street address) (State) (Zip) Signed b \ 'd;SL/ Title 'iie~~dDn1- 7/d..B/06~ o G-ebhand-\- Notes: (1) If the bidder is a partnership, so state, giving firm name under which business is transacted. (2) If the bidder is a corporation, this bid must be executed by its duly authorized officials. Addendum No. 1 1-12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO THE PROJECT MANUAL FOR WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION, PROJECT NO. 05-01 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS (July 1, 2005) The following changes, additions, and/or deletions are hereby made a part of the Project Manual for the construction of West UGA Utilities Extension dated June 2005 as fully and completely as if the same were fully set forth therein: A. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Part V, Attachments: ADD "H. Electrical Staking Sheets". B. PART I. BIDDING REQUIREMENTS 1. Advertisement for Bids; page 1-3, 2nd paragraph. 5th line: After "... vaults/hand holes" ADD "(to be installed in common trench by others),". 2. Bid Form; pages 1-9 to 1-11: DELETE these pages of the Bid Form in their entirety and REPLACE with revised Bid Form appended to Addendum No.1. C. PART III. AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Introduction/Order of Precedence; page 111-1: REVISE order of precedence such that "Attachments listed in Table of Contents" is NO.5 and "Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Plans" is No.6. 2. Section 1-04.1, Intent of the Contract; page 111-3, last paragraph, 6th line: After"... vaults" ADD "(to be installed in common trench by others),". Addendum No. 1 Page 1 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 3. Section 1-06.7, Owner Furnished Products: a. Page 111-11, Paragraph 1.a: DELETE this paragraph in its entirety and REPLACE it with the following: "a. 16-inch water pipe, Section 02502 and 7-09: (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12) 16-inch pressure class 250 01 water pipe, 6350 LF. 16-inch pressure class 25001 water pipe, RJ, 1970 LF. Four (4) - 16-inch pressure class 25001 water pipe, RJ, 10-foot length. Two (2) - 16-inch pressure class 250 01 water pipe, RJ, 5-foot length. One (1) - 16-inch 01 RJ plug. Three (3) -16-inch 0111.250 RJ bend. Three (3) - 16-inch 01 22.50 RJ bend. Three (3) - 16-inch 01 450 RJ bend. Sixteen (16) -16-inch x 16-inch x 6-inch FL Tee. Two (2) -16-inch x 16-inch x 12-inch FL Tee. One (1) -16-inch 01 FL Tee. Fifteen (15) -16-inch 01 adapters, FL x RJ." b. Page 111-12, Paragraph 1.e: DELETE this paragraph in its entirety. 4. Section 1-06.7 (1), Location; page 111-12: a. Paragraph 1: DELETE "and fiber optic materials." b. Paragraph 2: At the end of this paragraph, ADD the following: "The Public Works Corporation Yard will be open from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm for pickup of equipment." 5. Section 1-06.7(4), Transfer of Responsibility; page 111-13, 1st paragraph, 3rd line: After sentence ending in "...storage site(s)." ADD the following: "Any and all material transferred to the Contractor and not remaining after completion of construction shall be removed by contractor at contractor's expense. With the exception of the water and sewer pipe, which may remain at the Eclipse Industrial Parkway site." Addendum No. 1 Page 2 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENS~ON 3231948 6. Section 1-08.4(8), Schedule Constraints; page 111-27, after paragraph 1, (16): ADD the following new paragraph: "2. Utility Locating: a. Contractor shall perform all utility locating identified on the drawings within 2 weeks of Notice to Proceed and before beginning construction of the water and sewer lines." 7. Section 7-09.5, Payment; page 111-62, fourth line on the page: REVISE as follows: "...complete up to the valve located at STA 78+26.74. Use of... " 8. Section 7-15.3, Construction Details; after "The Section is supplemented with the following": ADD the following: "Pressure reducing valves will be set to deliver 60 psi to each service." 9. Section 7-17.4, Measurement; page 111-65: Atthe end of the section ADD the following paragraphs: "2-inch force main connections will be measured per each connection made from the force main as shown on the Plans or as directed by the City in the field. Side sewer connections will be measured per each connection made from the sanitary sewer as shown on the Plans or as directed by the City in the field." 10. Section 7-17.5, Payment; page 111-65: a. After bid item "Sewage Air Relief Valve", per each, ADD the following new bid items: ""2-inch Force Main Connection", per each "Side Sewer Connection", per each" b. 2nd paragraph (payment description for PVC Sanitary Sewer), 6th line: DELETE"... and 2-inch diameter stubouts on the forcemain to the north side of Highway 101 as shown on the Plans." c. At the end of the section, ADD the following paragraphs: "The contract unit price for the "2-inch Force Main Connection" shall be full payment for all materials, equipment, Addendum NO.1 Page 3 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 and labor to install the connection on the sanitary sewer force main including saddle, corporation stop, valve box, trenchless highway crossing if needed, sufficient pipe to reach the property line of the proposed service, pipe marker, and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete installation. Contractor shall install connections as shown on the drawing and as directed by the City in the field. The contract unit price for the "Side Sewer Connection" shall be full payment for all materials, equipment, and labor to install the sanitary side sewer per the City's detail with sufficient pipe to reach the property line of the proposed service, pipe marker, and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete installation. Contractor shall install side sewers as shown on the drawing and as directed by the City in the field." 11. Section 8-30.5, Payment; page 111-69, third line of the first sentence of the third paragraph: REVISE as follows: "... .catch basin, associated piping, and associated surface restoration; connection of drains..." 12. Section 8-32.3(2), Electrical Vault and Pad Installation; page 111-71: After this section, ADD the following new sections: "8-32.3(3) Electrical Cable Installation Electrical cable, for primary and secondary feed lines, shall be installed in accordance with Port Angeles City Light Electrical Distribution Construction Standards and Specifications (attached). 8-32.3(4) Electrical Cable Terminations Electrical cable terminations both outdoor and elbow terminations shall be installed in accordance with Port Angeles City Light Electrical Distribution Construction Standards (attached) and instructions packaged with each termination." 13. Section 8-32.4, Measurement; page 111-71: DELETE this section in its entirety and REPLACE it with the following: "8-32.4 Measurement Measurement for payment of electrical conduit installation will be by linear foot of conduit installed. Measurement for payment of electrical cable installation will be by circuit foot of cable installed. Addendum No. 1 Page 4 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Measurement for payment for all Construction Standard items (U 3 04, U 1 05, U 3 03, etc.), switching cabinets including vaults & pads, future vaults wI covers and elbows not included in Construction Standard material lists will be each complete assembly." 14. Section 8-32.5, Payment; page 111-71: DELETE this section in its entirety and REPLACE it with the following: "8-32.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with 1-04.1 for the following Bid Items in the Bid Form: "Install Electrical Conduit 5 In. Diam.," per linear foot "Install Electrical Conduit 4 In. Diam.," per linear foot "Install Electrical Conduit 2 In. Diam.," per linear foot "Install Electrical Cable 3-phase 350 kcmil15kV copper," per circuit foot "Install Electrical Cable 3-phase 1/0 AWG 15kV aluminum," per circuit foot "Install Electrical Cable 1-phase 1/0 AWG 15kV aluminum," per circuit foot "Install U 3 04 (Including Sectionalizing Cabinet, vault, excavation, backfill, pad and cable terminations)," per each "Install Switching Cabinet (Including Switching Cabinet, vault, excavation, backfill, pad and cable terminations)," per each "Install Future Electrical Vault (Including vault, excavation, backfill, and concrete cover)," per each "Install U 306-5 (Including Conduit, bracket, arresters, gang switch and cable terminations)," per each "Install U 1 05 (Including Sectionalizing Cabinet, vault, excavation, backfill, pad and cable terminations)," per each "Install U 3 03 (Including 3-phase padmount transformer, vault, excavation, backfill, pad and cable terminations)," per each "Install U 1 04 (Including 1-phase padmount transformer, vault, excavation, backfill, pad and cable terminations)," per each "Install UM 5 02 Barricade (Including barrier post, excavation and backfill)," per each "Install Additional 200 Amp load break elbow (not included in Construction Standard material list)," per each "Install Additional 600 Amp non load break elbow (not included in Construction Standard material list)," per each Addendum No.1 Page 5 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 The Contract unit price per linear foot for "Install Electrical Conduit _In. Diam." For the sizes specified shall be full pay for installing the electrical distribution system conduit, complete, including but not limited to, conduit, sweeps, trench bedding, pipe zone backfill and pull line. The Contract unit price per linear foot for "Install Electrical Cable _phase _kcmil/AWG 15kV ." For the sizes specified shall be full pay for installing the electrical distribution system cable, complete, including but not limited to, pulling cables, lubricating cables and protective moisture proof capping of cable ends. The Contract unit price per each for "Install U 3 04" shall be full pay for installing the 3-phase sectionalizing cabinet, complete, including but not limited to, sectionalizing cabinet, vault, excavation, backfill, pad, ground connections and 600 amp and 200 amp cable terminations. The Contract unit price per each for "Install Switching Cabinet" shall be full pay for installing the 3-phase switching cabinet, complete, including but not limited to, switching cabinet, vault, excavation, backfill, pad, ground connections and 600 amp and 200 amp cable terminations. The Contract unit price per each for "Install Future Electrical Vault" shall be full pay for installing the vault, complete, including but not limited to vault, excavation and backfill. The Contract unit price per each for "Install U 3 06-5" shall be full pay for installing the 3-phase pole transition, complete, including but not limited to, conduit, bracket, arresters, gang switch and cable terminations. The Contract unit price per each for "Install U 1 05" shall be full pay for installing the 1-phase sectionalizing cabinet, complete, including but not limited to, sectionalizing cabinet, vault, excavation, backfill, pad, ground connections and 200 amp cable terminations. The Contract unit price per each for "Install U 3 03" shall be full pay for installing the 3-phase padmount transformer, complete, including but not limited to, transformer, vault, excavation, backfill, pad, ground connections and 200 amp cable terminations. The Contract unit price per each for "Install U 1 04" shall be full pay for installing the 1-phase padmount transformer, complete, including but not limited to, transformer, vault, excavation, backfill, pad, ground connections and 200 amp cable terminations. Addendum No. 1 Page 6 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B The Contract unit price per each for "Install UM 502 Barricade" shall be full pay for installing the barrier post, complete, including but not limited to, barrier post, excavation and backfill. The Contract unit price per each for "Install Additional_Amp Load or Non Load Break Elbows" shall be full pay for installing elbows, complete, including but not limited to, cable preparation, training and elbow installation." 15. Section 8-33, FIBER OPTIC CONDUIT; page 111-72: DELETE this section in its entirety and REPLACE it with the following: "8-33 FIBER OPTIC CONDUIT (NEW SECTION) 8-33.1 Description This work shall consist of coordinating and allowing installation of fiber optic conduit and hand holes by others, at location shown on the Drawings, in a common trench excavated and backfilled by the Contractor." D. PART IV. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. Section 02500, Conveyance Piping: a. Page 3, Article 2.03, Paragraph C.3: After "...with AWWA C210" ADD "and wrapped with petroleum wax tape in accordance with AWWA C217." b. Page 3, Article 2.04, Paragraph A: REVISE "201S" to "202S." c. Page 6, Article 3.03, Paragraph B.1: DELETE this paragraph in its entirety. 2. Section 11305, Submersible Pumps; page 1, Article 1.02, Definitions: After Article 1.02, ADD the following new article: "1.03 OWNER FURNISHED PRODUCTS A. The following products listed in Part 2 of this section will be furnished by the City. See Part III, Section 1- 06.7 of this Project Manual for details. 1. Submersible sewage pumps (Tag Numbers P-21-1 and P-21-2) and associated equipment (guide rails, lifting cables)." Addendum No. 1 Page 7 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3. Section 11305, Submersible Pumps; page 3, Article 2.04: DELETE Paragraph A in its entirety and REPLACE with the following: "A. As specified in Section 13390, Package Control Systems. 4. Section 13401, Process Instrumentation and Control Systems (PICS), Supplement, Control Narratives - Sewage Pump Station, page XVI: REVISE section 26. title to read "Generator Status (Future)". 5. Section 15202, Process Valves and Operators: a. Page 3, Paragraph 2.05.A: DELETE this paragraph in its entirety. b. Page 3, Paragraph 2.05.B.2: After Paragraph 2, ADD the following new paragraph: "3. Type V133 Resilient Seated Gate Valve 4 Inches to 12 Inches, for Buried Service: a. Iron Body, resilient seat, bronze mounted, ends as shown on the drawings, flanged ends conform to ANSI Class 125, nonrising stem, in accordance with AWWA C509, 2-inch operating nut, design working water pressure 250 psig, full port, fusion epoxy coated inside and outside per AWWA C550, NSF Standard 61 certified. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) M&H Valve, AWWA C509 2) U.S. Pipe, Metroseal." E. PART V, ATTACHMENTS 1. ADD Attachment H - Electrical Staking Sheets. Three (3) sheets appended to Addendum NO.1. F. PROJECT PLANS (PART V - ATTACHMENT G) 1. Drawing C1 01: ADD a hydrant symbol at ST A 0+15.00 and ADD callout "Hydrant, Detail 2 on Drawing C122, STA 0+15.00,7.0 LF RT, (2) FLxRJ Adapter." 2. Drawing C1 01: ADD valve symbol and callout "V500" on down gradient side of TEE on water pipeline at STA 4+17.91. 3. Drawing C102: ADD valve symbol and callout "V500" on down gradient side of TEE on water pipeline at STA 7+96.65. Addendum No.1 Page 8 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 4. Drawing C103, Station 11 +30, 15LF RT: REVISE callout for switching cabinet type from "EV PMH10" to "EV PMH9". 5. Drawing C103: On callout at STA 11+44.38, DELETE "(1) 12" FL- V500" and REPLACE with "(1) 12" V132." 6. Drawing C104: ADD valve symbol and callout "V500" on down gradient side of TEE on water pipeline at STA 14+16.17. 7. Drawing C104: DELETE symbol and callout for "STA 16+00.00, 16"x16"x6" Tee W/BF" and "Thrust Block For TEE." and ADD hydrant symbol and callout, "Hydrant, Detail 2 on Drawing C122, STA 15+75.00,30 LF L T, Engineer to Field Locate Hydrant" at STA 15+75.00. EXTEND leaderfor test station callout to STA 15+75.00. 8. Drawing C105: RELOCATE hydrant symbol and callout at STA 19+75.00 to STA 20+80.00. On Callout DELETE "STA 19+75.00" and REPLACE with "STA 20+80.00." 9. Drawing C105: ADD valve symbol and callout "V500" on down gradient side of hydrant TEE on water pipeline at ST A 20+80.91. 10. Drawing C105: DELETE note, "Restrained Joint Pipe From STA 22+80.35 to STA 23+16.35" and REPLACE with "Restrained Joint Pipe From STA 22+80.35 to STA 26+25.00" 11. Drawing C105, Station 23+48, 3LF RT: DELETE callout for "Sectionalizing Vault" and ADD callout for "EV PMH11" at this station. Callout for "Sectionalizing Cabinet" at Station 23+56.5, 3LF RT is unchanged 12. Drawing C106: For MH10, DELETE RIM EL = 418.29 and REPLACE with RIM EL = 418.03; For MH11, DELETE IE EL= 410.94 and REPLACE with IE EL= 411.26 13. Drawing C1 06: ADD Note "Contractor to install sewer/utility trench from Sta. 25+12.69, 65.7 RT to Sta. 66+50.0, 74.8 RT between the flow line of the existing ditch and the southern fog line of Highway 101." 14. Drawing and C106: ADD hydrant symbol and valve symbol on down gradient side of valve at STA 28+20.00 and ADD callout "Hydrant, Detail 2 on Drawing C122, STA 28+20.00,6.8 LF L T,V506, (2) FLxRJ Adapter. " Addendum No. 1 Page 9 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 15. Drawing C106: DELETE note "Restrained Joint Pipe From STA 23+ 28.78 to STA 26+25.00" and REPLACE with ""Restrained Joint Pipe From STA 22+80.35 to STA 26+25.00" 16. Drawing C106: ADD note "Support and Protect Existing Power Pole During Construction" to electric pole located north of the water line at STA 25+00." 17. Drawing C107: DELETE hydrant symbol and callout at STA 29+40. 18. Drawing C107: ADD Note "Contractor to use deflection to transition the sewer/utility trench from Sta. 30+03.4, 64.42 RT to Sta. 30+22.9, 64.26 RT to Sta. 31 +20.4, 58.58 RT to Sta. 31 +40.4, 58.58 RT with 75% (Max.) allowable deflection per manufacture specification." 19. Drawing C107, Station 30+24 80LF RT: ADD callout to existing power pole "2 phase transition from existing power pole to sectionalizing vault Sta 30+30, 80LF RT" 20. Drawing C107, Station 30+30 80LF RT : REVISE 4" stub, cap, and to be shown exiting the sectionalizing vault to the west and tying into the existing power pole at Sta 30+24 80LF RT. 21. Drawing C108: ADD valve symbol and callout "V506" on down gradient side of TEE on water pipeline at STA 34+68.50. 22. Drawing C109: On callout, "...Hydrant, STA 39+87.24,10.8 LF LT," ADD "16"x16"x6" FL Tee, (2) 16" FLxRJ Adapters." 23. Drawing C11 0: ADD valve symbol and callout "V506" on down gradient side of TEE on water pipeline at ST A 45+46.71. 24. Drawing C111: ADD valve symbol and callout "V506" on down gradient side of TEE on water pipeline at STA 51+93.35. 25. Drawing C112: ADD valve symbol and callout "V506" on down gradient side of TEE on water pipeline at ST A 55+69.06. 26. Drawing C113: On callout, "...Hydrant, STA61+76.56, 6.3 LF LT...," ADD "16"x16"x6" FL Tee, (2) 16" FLxRJ Adapters." 27. Drawing C114, Station 64+66, 78LF RT: REVISE station callout for sectionalizing vault from "66+66, 78LF RT" to "64+66, 78LF RT" 28. Drawing C114: ADD note "Support and Protect Existing Power Pole During Construction" to electric pole located north of the water line at ST A 64+70 and ST A 68+90. Addendum No. 1 Page 10 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 29. Drawing C114: DELETE note "Joint Deflection W/3.750 Max" and REPLACE with "Contractor to Use Joint Deflection to Maintain Alignment W175% Maximum Allowable Deflection Per Joint." 30. Drawing C114: DELETE note" Restrained Joint Pipe From STA 67+07.02 to STA 67+75.02." 31. Drawing C114: ADD valve symbol and callout "V506" on down gradient side of TEE on water pipeline at STA 67+37.02. 32. Drawings C114 and C115: ADD Note "Contractor to remove and replace existing off street pavement as necessary during water force main installation. Sta 66+85 to 71 +40." 33. Drawing C115: ADD valve symbol and callout "V506" on down gradient side of TEE on water pipeline at ST A 71 +94.00. 34. Drawing C116: DELETE note "Restrained Joint Pipe From STA 76+54.65 to STA 77+84.53" and REPLACE with "Restrained Joint Pipe From STA 76+54.65 to STA 78+26.74." 35. Drawing C116: To callout, "V506," ADD "STA 78+26.74, (2) FLxRJ Adapter. " 36. Drawing C117: DELETE callouts for fence "N 414770.68, E 997324.76" and "N 414781.15, E 997324.95" and REPLACE with "N 414770.65, E 997326.48" and "N 414781.24, E 997326.71" to move the fence segment approximately 2 feet further east than shown. 37. Drawing C117: ADD retaining wall segments to the retaining wall shown to extend the retaining wall to the south along the property line. ADD five A-style retaining wall segments to the bottom row of blocks and move the 8-style block on the bottom row to the southernmost position and ADD four C-style blocks and one D-style block at the southernmost position to the top row of retaining wall blocks in the Retaining Wall Longitudinal View. DELETE the callout "N 414719.63, E 997368.78" from the fence corner and REPLACE it with "N 414721.36, E 997368.82" to place the fence corner on the southernmost corner of the retaining wall. DELETE the grade lines located west of the new wall segments and grade the area as shown in Section A with a 3:1 slope until it catches the 1% slope from the east shown on the drawing for the general area. 38. Drawing C 122: On Detail 2, DELETE the callout "8"x8"x6" TEE" and REPLACE with "16"x16"x6" FL TEE." Addendum NO.1 Page 11 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 39. Drawing C122: On Detail 2, to the callout "6" FLxMJ Gate Valve" ADD "V133." 40. Drawing C122: On Detail 2, ADD the callout "Megalug Series 1100 or Romac Romagrip MJ Restrainers" to the mechanical joint hydrant connection and the V133 MJ end. 41. Drawing M101: ADD callout "Place Thrust Blocks for 12-lnch TEE, Detail 5 on Drawing C 121" to the east side of the existing 20"x20"x12" TEE and to the west side of the 12"x12"x12" TEE. 42. Drawing M101: DELETE callout "Connect to Existing 20" Line Using a Direct Tap Sleeve" and REPLACE with "Connect to Existing 20" Line Using a 20"x20"x6" FL Tapping Sleeve and Tapping Valve in Accordance with Manufacturer Recommendations. US Pipe DI T -28, or approved equal." 43. Drawing M102, Section B: DELETE callout "Direct Tap Sleeve" and REPLACE with callout "Connect to Existing 20" Line Using a 20"x20"x6" FL Tapping Sleeve and Tapping Valve in Accordance with Manufacturer Recommendations. US Pipe DI T -28, or approved equal." Attach callout to sleeve and adjoining valve. 44. Drawing M104: DELETE callout "Concrete Anchors" and REPLACE with callout "Masonry Anchors." 45. Drawing E1 02: RELOCATE "PIT 3" to match location on Drawing M101. 46. Drawing 1101: RELOCATE "PI 4" and "PIT 3" to match location on Drawing M101. NJ--. ~. GLENN A. CUTLER, P.E. Director of Public Works & Utilities There is no change to the Bid Opening Date, Performance Period, or Engineer's Estimate as a result of this Addendum. Addendum No. 1 Page 12 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B This addendum must be acknowledged in the space provided on the revised Bid Form in the Project Manual when it is submitted to the City with your bid. Failure to do so may result in the bid being rejected as being non-responsive. Appended hereto and part of Addendum No.1: A. Revised Bid Form B. Attachment H - Electrical Staking Sheets (3) END OF ADDENDUM Addendum No.1 Page 13 of 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B ADDENDUM NO. 2 TO THE PROJECT MANUAL FOR WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION, PROJECT NO. 05-01 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS (July 12, 2005) The following change is hereby made a part of the Project Manual for the construction of West UGA Utilities Extension dated June 2005 as fully and completely as if the same were fully set forth therein: Drawing E105, Note 6: Change the words "GENERATOR MANUFACTURER" to "CONTRACTOR. " The purpose of this change is to clarify that the Automatic Transfer Switch for the sewer pump station shall be furnished by CONTRACTOR. /)LJL..a GLENN A. CUTLER, P.~. Director of Public Works & Utilities There is no change to the Bid Opening Date, Performance Period, or Engineer's Estimate as a result of this Addendum. This addendum must be acknowledged in the space provided on the revised Bid Form in the Project Manual when it is submitted to the City with your bid. Failure to do so may result in the bid being rejected as being non-responsive. END OF ADDENDUM Addendum NO.2 Page 1 of 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B ADDENDUM NO. 3 TO THE PROJECT MANUAL FOR WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION, PROJECT NO. 05-01 July 28, 2005 The following change is hereby made a part of the Project Manual for the construction of West UGA Utilities Extension dated June 2005 as fully and completely as if the same were fully set forth therein: 1. Delete the Advertisement For Bids, page 1-3 of the Project Manual. 2. Change all references to the "Bid Form" to "Proposal". 3. Delete the first 6 paragraphs of the Information for Bidders, page 1-4 of the Project Manual. 4. Delete the first two items in the Bidder's Checklist, page 1-5 of the Project Manual. 5. Delete the Bid Bond, page 1-12 of the Project Manual. 6. Delete all references to a sealed bid. 7. Change Hot Mix Asphalt, bid item 11, to %" PG 64-22 8. Aside from the restrictions on work hours listed in section 1-08.4(B) of the Special Provisions, Schedule Constraints, the Contractor can work up to 60 hours per week without incurring overtime inspection fees. 9. The date listed in section 1-08.4(B), part 3 Operational Requirements, shall be changed from November 1, 2005 to November 18, 2005. This is contingent on the Contractor's receipt of the 16-inch valves from its supplier in a timely manner. 10. The estimated quantity for bid item 8, Controlled Density Fill, shall be changed to 1,200 cubic yards. Addendum NO.3 Page 1 of 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 11. The sand from Jonothan Shotwell Corp., as detailed in the attached sieve analysis, can be used as pipe zone bedding for all pipeline and conduit installations under this Contract, including along Eclipse Industrial Parkway. 12. The gravel base from Jonothan Shotwell Corp., as detailed in the attached record of field test, can be used as Imported Pipe Trench Backfill, including along Eclipse Industrial Parkway. ~_.~ ~ cP.--GLENN A. UTLER, P.E. Director of Public Works & Utilities END OF ADDENDUM Addendum No.3 Page 2 of 2 f I I I GENERAL TESTING LABORATORIES, INC 18970 ThirdAvenueNE P.O. Box 1586 Poulsbo, Washington 98370 (360) 779-9196 Toll Free (888) 898-8378 Fax (360) 779-4320 I October 4, 200 I General Testing's Project Nwnber: B9484 Jonathan Shotwell Corp. 670-/378 P. o. Box 2081 Port Angeles, W A 98362 I ATTN: Jonathan Shotwell I Dear Mr. Shotwell: . RE: Sieve AnalysIS with Wash I TIlls letter presents the laboratory test results on a sample of material, which was delivered to our laboratory by your representative on September 27, 2001. Sample identification and data follow: I Laboratory ill #: Test Procedures: Sampled by: Date Tested: Material Type: I I I I I Laboratory ill #: Test Procedures: Sampled by: Date Tested: Material Type: I I 01-1D-4466-02 Sieve Analysis with wash, ASTM C-136/C-117 Client October 2, 200 I Fine Sand Sieve Analysis Sieve Size % Passin!!: 3/8" 100 #4 100 #10 100 #18 100 #35 98 #60 70 #100 21 #140 9 #200 4.4 #270 2.5 01-10-4466-03 Sand Equivalent, ASTM D-24 19 Client October 2, 200 I Fine Sand Sand Equivalent: 67 Should you have any questions, or if we may be of additional service to you, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 360-719-9196 or to)) free at 888-898-8378. I I I I SIncerely, GENERAL TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. .S{ I.. <:jS~ 1)~~e b(l.~~ ' r U-h~-n~ b~~J\ RETAINED PASSING G~S 2-1/2 -4:bs "" "" 2 "" "" 1-1/2 "" "" 1-1/4 "" "" 1 "" "" 3/4 391>,0 . "" "" 519 "" "" 1/2 7''Z..1. '3 · "" "" ~ "" "" 1/4 /f>ft,z,,'5'. 28 "" 72. "" Pan .4 "" I Tolaf 3775.'/" ':, : vJe,,~6i)39'27.1 30 "" I 't:4~E.. ~S3,4/ :: ~~ .377S",' _ 80 "" 100 "" I NPI$1U~ ISI. z: 111J"~200 /,~"" 'f.U1D '": 'I,/) fiCO ',H, Moisture Content JI. 0 Dlo I I I '^.. n _ ~PA{S*2<N ~ ~ s r 1C.1'Pf70 ::::= i{; I;.S r~ Lfc I (z/ 1 I/A)<' ,) I I- I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ Washington State ~...... Department of Transportation INSPECTOR'S RECORD OF FIELD TEST Cont.No. SA,3Zg3 Date 7/f.{/O I Time D':30 Pit No. ~ -fro? Acceptance Sample No. Z Assurance Sample No. l.A.S. No, Material G~AV6L ?>AS€- Quantity Produced to Date - a State Provided Source ]a Contractor's Source 0 Informational Sample Only I l t 'U a Material Being Placed in Stockpile . 0 Sampled at Point of Acceptance {Q ~ t1 ~ L.- \, Total Weight of Sample Taken SO iA ! (before split) ~ Fine Grading (1/4" Minus) SPECIFICATIONS FRACTURE U.S. NO. "!7 "'::t RETAINED PASSING "" 4 rZz:.~.~ "" "" "" 6 "" % % 8 "" % % 10/76/.'8- % % % 16 "" % % ~ % % % 30 "" % % 40'3101.9 - f/:z., "" / 8' % % 50 % % % 00 % "" % 100 % % % 2003728.~-, 98'. 'K % I, Z- % Pan ~; Total 3..,..,S-, fi-~' SPECIF. SIZES 2.S1UNN - Max. Organic p.p.m. Sand Equivalent Fracture Fine Other Sieving .~ Wet 0 Dry WA-S#t!"J) wr. 376S.-r {$ 2 7 Min. - "" Min. -% /1)10 %H~ COARSE AGGREGATES SPEC IF. Wood Waste Fracture - % Max. % Min. .3.'1 . ~ 62 q 5,y,,(vo -: ,/ - % % SE~{ COMPUTATIONS I,~.... A "7 ~ v,v ,S ~:#- '2... 3, b _ )c I (jO -:::. 6. G- :1 Sot{ b! +:.J 0::.. @ AVE REMARKS b( ("nnditlonally Accepted. f(]&;bstandard Material. o Rejected; describe corrective action taken and disposition of non-specification material. o Written notification of rejection forwarded to Prime Contractor. , . Inspector: ~~ Contractor: by Copl.. To: Project Engineer Prime Contractor DOT Fonn .22-02OX Revised 5Ill5 White Copy - Do not detach Canary Copy - Contractor Foreman @ d-oP'1 f)f'A/T --rf) C', Ttf' 7 / ~~/ . I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I PART II CONTRACT FORMS SUBMITTED FOLLOWING AWARD OF CONTRACT PW 407_04 Part04 [Revised 5/27/04] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT This Contract is made and entered into in duplicate this /.:) gt;A.. day of ~ ~~, ~/)/) 5 by and between the City of Port Angeles, a no;;JJ::;er code city of ~t - 0\ Washington, hereinafter referred to as "the City", and ~ _~a ~ ' hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor". ..0 ^'-- WITNESSETH: Whereas, the City desires to have certain public work performed as hereinafter set forth, requiring specialized skills and other supportive capabilities; and Whereas, the Contractor represents that it is qualified and possesses sufficient skills and the necessary capabilities to perform the services set forth in this Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Work. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment in order to accomplish the following project: West UGA Utilities Extension, Project 05-01 in accordance with and as described in A. This Contract and B. The Project Manual, which include the plans, Specifications, Special Provisions, submittal requirements, attachments, addenda (if any), Bid Form, Performance and Payment Bond, and C. The Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation, as may be specifically modified in the attached Specifications and/or Special Provisions, hereinafter referred to as "the standard specifications", and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract and every part thereof. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in this Contract, except as may otherwise be provided in the Project Manual. 11-1 2. Time for Performance and Liquidated Damages. A. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract and in adhering to the time frames specified herein. The Contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days after N9tife. to Proceed from the City, and said work shall be substanti~lly complete within 85 working days after Notice to Proceed, as defined in ,these specifications, unless a\different time frame is expressly provided in writing by l: \ ,I -the' City....Opeiatiorlal requirements, less than the specified time of substantial , 'completion, are specified herein. . . . B. If said work is not completed within the time for physical completion, the Contractor may be required at the City's sole discretion to pay to the City liquidated damages as set forth in the Project Manual, for each and every day said work remains uncompleted after the expiration of the specified time. 3. Compensation and Method of Payment. A. The City shall pay the Contractor for work performed under this Contract as detailed in the bid, as incorporated in the Project Manual. B. Payments for work provided hereunder shall be made following the performance of such work, unless otherwise permitted by law and approved in writing by the City. No payment shall be made for any work rendered by the Contractor except as identified and set forth in this Contract. C. Progress payments shall be based on the timely submittal by the Contractor of the City's standard payment request form. D. Payments for any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract shall be in accordance with the Request For Information (RFI) and/or Construction Change Order (CCO) process as set forth in the Project Manual. Following approval of the RFI and/or CCO, the Contractor shall submit the standard payment request formes). E. The Contractor shall submit payment requests with a completed Application for Payment form, an example of which is included in the Attachments to this Contract. This form includes a lien waiver certification and shall be notarized before submission. Applications for payment not signed or notarized shall be considered incomplete and ineligible for payment consideration. The City shall initiate authorization for payment after receipt of a satisfactorily completed payment request form and shall make payment to the Contractor within approximately thirty (30) days thereafter. 4. Independent Contractor Relationship. The relationship created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. No agent, employee, servant, or representative of the Contractor shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant, or representative of the City, and the employees of the Contractor are not entitled to any of the benefits the City provides for its employees. The Contractor shall be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and the acts of its agents, employees, servants, subcontractors, or representatives during the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall assume full 11-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I responsibility for payment of all wages and salaries and all federal, state, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, workers compensation insurance, social security, and income tax withholding. 5. Prevailing Wage Requirements. The Contractor shall comply with applicable prevailing wage requirements of the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, as set forth in Chapter 39.12 RCW and Chapter 296-127 WAC. The Contractor shall document compliance with said requirements and shall file with the City appropriate affidavits, certificates, and/or statements of compliance with the State prevailing wage requirements. The Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts, Clallam County, incorporated in this Contract have been established by the Department of Labor & Industries and are included as an Attachment to this Contract. The Contractor shall also ensure that any subcontractors or agents of the Contractor shall comply with the prevailing wage and documentation requirements as set forth herein. 6. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. A. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees, agent(s), and volunteers against and from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or lawsuits, including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this Contract, except as expressly provided herein. B. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event ofliability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agent(s), and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract. 7. Insurance. The Contractor shall procure, and maintain for the duration of the Contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Failure by the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract upon which the City may, after giving five working days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the Contract or at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City, off set against funds due the Contractor from the City. 11-3 A. Minimum Scope of Insurance The Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. n. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, stop gap liability, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured Contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground prol'erty damage. The City shall be named as an insured under t~e Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO AddItional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 Oland Additional Insured- Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 10 01 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. 111. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance The Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1 ,000,000 per accident. n. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance. 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be in excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. n. The Contractor's insurance shall not be cancelled or reduced as to coverage by either party, except after forty-five (45) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 11-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage The Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. F. Subcontractors The Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. . . ~...' \. ' I 10.\ 8. Compliance with Laws. 'j ~ J ~' .. \ A. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including regulations for licensing, certification, and operation of facilities and programs, and accreditation and licensing of individuals, and any other standards or criteria as set forth in the Project Manual. B. The Contractor shall pay any applicable business and permit fees and taxes which may be required for the performance of the work. C. The Contractor shall comply with all legal and permitting requirements as set forth in the Project Manual. 9. Non-discrimination. The parties .shall conduct their business in a manner which assures fair, equal and nondiscriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed, color, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin, and, in particular: A. The parties will maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions from qualified individuals who are members of the above-stated minorities. B. The parties will comply strictly with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of nondiscriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all patrons and customers without discrimination with respect to the above-stated minority status. 11-5 10. Assignment. A. The Contractor shall not assign this Contract or any interest herein, nor any money due to or to become due hereunder, without first obtaining the written consent of the City, nor shall the Contractor subcontract any part of the services to be performed hereunder without first obtaining the consent ofthe City. B. The Contractor hereby assigns to the City any and all claims for overcharges resulting from antitrust violations as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this Contract, except as to overcharges resulting from antitrust violations commencing after the date of the bid or other event establishing the price of this Contract. In addition, the Contractor warrants and represents that each of its suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims for overcharges to the City in accordance with the terms of this provision. The Contractor further agrees to give the City immediate notice of the existence of any such claim. 11. Contract Administration. This Contra~ shall be adm~'n' tered by ~^-I1LtJ'Y~A..~~ behalf of the Contractor and by &-u~ 0 ^- ~.At.),. ./ on behalf of the City. Any written notices required by the term~is Contra shall be served or mailed to the following addresses: Contractor: City: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 11-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Interpretation and Venue. This Contract shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any litigation between the parties regarding this Contract shall be Clallam County, Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first set forth above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES: By: Attest: ~O~~.~ City Cl 11-7 PERFORMANCE and PAYMENT BOND Bond to the City of Port Angeles Bond # KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned, as Principal, and a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, as a surety corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations as surety, -are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Port Angeles in the penal sum of $ for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be, This obligation is entered into pursuant to the statutes of the State of Washington and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. Dated at . ,. ,~O_' "- , Washin~ton, this _ day of . , ~". The conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has let or~is about to let to the said the above bounded Principal, a certain contract, the said contract being numbered 05-01 ,and providing for West UGA Utilities Extension (which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto), and WHEREAS, the said Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the said contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth; now, therefore, If the said'Pri'ncipal, : , . \ ,sh~1I faithfully perform all of the provisions of said contract in the manner and within1the time therein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply said Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and shall indemnify and hold the City of Port Angeles harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in said contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under said contract within a period of one year after its acceptance thereof by the City of Port Angeles, then and in that event, this obligation shall be void; but otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. Signed this _ day of ,20_, Surety Principal By By Title Title Surety Address Agent Address Surety Contact and Phone Number Agent Contact and Phone Number 11-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ESCROW AGREEMENT for RETAINED PERCENTAGE West UGA Utilities Extension, Project 05-01 I I TO: I THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT is for the Investment of the retained percentage of the above contract, in accordance WIth chapter 60 28 of the Revised Code of Washington It is limited to FDIC insured Washington State Chartered Banks who are covered by the State of Washington Public Deposit Protection Act. I I The undersigned, , (as "Contractor"), has directed the CITY OF PORT ANGELES (as "City"), to deliver to you ItS warrants which shall be payable to you andlor the contractor. The warrants are to be held and disposed of by you In accordance WIth the follOWIng instruction: I INSTRUCTIONS I 1. Upon delivery the warrants shall be endorsed by you and forwarded to the City for collection. You shall use the monies to purchase investments selected by the Contractor and approved by the City. You may follow the fast wntten direction reCeived by you from the Contractor, for each purchase, proVided the direction otherwise conforms WIth thiS agreement. Acceptable investments are: A. Bills, certificates, notes or bonds of the United States; B. Other obligations of the United States or ItS agencies; C. Obligations of any corporatIOn wholly owned by the Government of the United States; D. Indebtedness of the Federal National Mortgage Association; E. Time depoSits In commerCIal banks; F. Other investments, except stocks, selected by the Contractor, subject to express prior wntten consent of the City. 2. The Investments shall be In a form which allows you alone to reconvert them Into money If you are required to do so by the City. 3. The investments must mature on or prior to the date set for the completion of the contract, including extension there of or thirty (30) days following the final acceptance of the work. .' 4. When interest on the investments accrues and is paid, you shall collect the interest and forward it to the Contractor unless otherwise directed by the Contractor. 5. You are not authorized to deliver to the Contractor all or any part of the Investments held by you pursuant to this agreement (or any monies derived from the sale of such investments, or the negotiation of the City's warrants) except in accordance with the written instructions from the City. Compliance with such instructions shall relieve you of any further liability related thereto. 6 In the event the City orders you, in writing, to reconvert the investments and return all monies, you shall do so WIthin thirty (30) days of receipt of the order. 7. The Contractor agrees to compensate you for your services in accordance with your current published schedule of applicable escrow fees. Payment of all fees shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor and shall I I I I I I I I I I Escrow No.: City of Port Angeles Contract No. 05-01 Completion Date: not be deducted from any mOnies placed WIth you pursuant to this agreement until and unless the City directs the release to the Contractor of the Investments and monies held hereunder, whereupon you shall be entitled to reimburse yourself from such monies for the entire amount of your fee. 8 ThiS agreement shall not be binding until Signed by both parties and accepted by you. 9. ThiS document contains the entire agreement between you, the Contractor, and the City, WIth respect to this Escrow, and you are not a party to, nor bound by any Instrument or agreement other than thiS. You shall not be reqUired to take notice of any default or any other matter, nor be bound by nor reqUired to give notice or demand, nor required to take any action whatever except as herein expressly provided. You shall not be liable for any loss or damage not caused by your own negligence or willful misconduct. CONTRACTOR Federal Tax I.D. No. By: Title: Address: DATE. CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: Title: DATE: THE ABOVE ESCROW AGREEMENT RECEIVED AND ACCEPTED on the _ day of 20_. BANK By: Title: Address: DISTRIBUTION: City Clerk Financial Institution Contractor File Copy 11-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART III AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS PW 407_04 Part04 [Revised 5/27/04] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS INTRODUCTION/ORDER OF PRECEDENCE See Section 1-04.2 of the Standard Specifications for the general order of precedence for inconsistency in the parts of the Contract. In addition, the order of precedence in the case of conflicting specifications, special provisions, submittal requirements, plans, drawings, or other technical requirements of this Project Manual is as follows: 1. Technical Specifications as set forth in Part IV of the Project Manual. 2. Special Provisions as set forth in Part ill of the Project Manual. 3. Project Plans, as set forth in the Attachments. 4. Washington State Department of Transportation's 2004 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction (English Units), referred to herein as the Standard Specifications. This includes Section 1-99, APW A SUPPLEMENT. 5. Washington State Department of Transportation's Standard Plans, as referenced below. 6. Attachments (exclusive of the above-mentioned) as listed in the Table of Contents of the Project Manual. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS This Contract incorporates the Washington State Department of Transportation's 2004 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction (English Units), referred to herein as the Standard Specifications. Unless otherwise superseded as detailed above, the Standard Specifications describe the general requirements, description, materials, construction requirements, measurement and payment of work to be completed under this Contract. Section 1-99, APW A SUPPLEMENT, of the 2004 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, shall be included and made a part of the contract speclfications. STANDARD PLANS The Washington State Department of Transportation's Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, up to and including any official changes to these Plans issued through June 1,2005, are hereby made a part of this contract. Any conflicts between the Standard Plans and other parts of this contract will be resolved as stated in the Order of Precedence at the beginning of Part III. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following Special Provisions supersede any conflicting provisions of the Standard Specifications and are made a part of this contract. The Sections referenced in these Special Provisions refer to Sections of the Standard Specifications. 1-01.3 Definitions The term "Contract Bond" is understood to be equal to "Performance and Payment Bond" for this project. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 ill-I JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The term "State" is redefined to mean the City of Port Angeles for this project. The term "Commission" is redefined for this project to mean the City Council of the City of Port Angeles. The term "Secretary" is redefined for this project to mean the Director of Public Works for the City of Port Angeles. The term "Department" is redefined to mean the City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works & Utilities for this project. The terms "Engineer" and "Project Engineer" are redefmed for this project to mean the City Engineer for the City of Port Angeles. The term "Consultant" shall refer to the firm of CH2M HILL, authorized by City to provide engineering design and associated consultation for the Work. The terms "Contract" and "Project Manual" are interchangeable. 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications Section 1-02.2 of the Standard Specifications is deleted and replaced with the following: Information as to where plans and specifications can be obtained or reviewed will be found in the advertisement for the work placed in the City's official newspaper. 1-02.5 Proposal Forms The term "prequalified" is deleted from Section 1-02.5 of the Standard Specifications for this project. 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal Section 1-02.9 of the Standard Specifications is modified in its entirety for this project to now read as follows: Each proposal shall be submitted in accordance with the instructions outlined in the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS and the INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS AND BIDDER'S CHECK LIST. 1-03.4 Performance and Payment Bond In accordance with Section 1-03.4 of the Standard Specifications the Contractor shall execute a Performance and Payment Bond as provided in the Contract. The bond shall specify the surety's name and address and shall include a power-of-attomey appointing the signatory of the bond as the person authorized to execute it. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-2 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 1-04 SCOPE OF WORK 1-04.1 Intent of the Contract The section is supplemented with the following: The work under the contract generally consists of water main and pump station construction. All work shall be carefully executed, coordinated, and sequenced by the Contractor to ensure that it is completed in accordance with the contract documents and that water, sewer, drainage, and other utility service is maintained or temporarily disrupted only per the requirements specified herein. To determine the full scope of work under the contract or any part of it, Contractor shall coordinate the applicable requirements of the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents. The work consists of the following: Approximately 7,900 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water line with valves and hydrants and service connections, approximately 4,400 linear feet of 4-inch polyvmylcWoride sewer pipe with valves and service connections, approximately 2,200 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer main with manholes, approximately 12,500 linear feet of 5-inch electrical conduit vaults and secondary feed lines, approximately 12,400 linear feet of bundled I.S-inch fiber optic conduit with vaults, a 100-gpm sewage pump station, a 3,SOO-gpm water pump station, removal and restoration of existing surface improvements, and associated site work. 1-04.1(2) Bid Items Not Included in the Proposal The section is changed to be as follows: Work shown or specified for which there is no specific bid item in the Bid Form shall be considered incidental to and included in the bid items shown on the Bid Form. 1-04.3 Description of Work The section is changed to be as follows: See Advertisement for bid opening instructions. 1-04.4 Changes in Work This section shall be amended to add the following: All revisions, clarifications, field requests and field authorizations for construction contracts shall be documented using the "REQUEST FOR INFORMATION" form. A construction contract change order may be initiated by the Contractor, City inspector, or ArchitectJEngineer by using the RFI form, PW -404_02. Copies of these forms are included in the Attachments. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-3 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I Definitions: a. RFI: Request for Information (City of Port Angeles' Document PW 404_02) b. CCO: Construction Change Order (City of Port Angeles' Document PW 404_04) I I I I 1-04.12 Operation and Maintenance Manuals (New Section) 1-04.12(1) Preparation Operation and maintenance data for pumps, valves, engine-generator, and all equipment and instrumentation in the water and sewage pump stations shall be prepared, compiled, and assembled for each equipment item or system by the equipment manufacturer or system supplier. The Contractor shall compile and assemble the operation and maintenance data from various manufacturers and suppliers into a manual for each for each facility. 1-04.12(3) Manual Format and Content I I I I 1-04.12(2) Schedule for Submittal Preliminary operation and maintenance data manuals shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to the shipment date for equipment, system, subsystem, or component. Copies of warranties, bonds, and service agreements shall be included. Final manuals shall be submitted to the Engineer not less than 30 days prior to equipment or system field testing or startup. 1. Size: 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches. 2. Paper: 20-pound minimum, white for typed pages. 3. Test: Manufacturer's printed data, or neatly typed pages. 4. Three-hole punch data for binding and composition; arrange printing so that punched holes do not obliterate data. 5. Provide fly-leaf for each separate product, or each piece of operating equipment, with typed description of product and major component parts of equipment and provide with heavy section dividers with numbered plastic index tabs. 6. Provide each volume of the manual with a title page, and a typed table of contents for the entire manuaL 7. Cover: Identify each volume with typed or printed title "OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR , VOLUME NO. OF 8. Photocopying of material will be acceptable, except for material containing photographs and color figures, charts, or other items where color is used to convey information. 9. Preliminary manuals may be submitted in heavy paper covers. Final manuals shall be shall be bound in commercial three-ring binders with durable, cleanable, plastic covers. 10. List the name, address, principal contact, and telephone number of the Contractor, and the subcontractor, supplier, installer, and maintenance contractor, and identify the area of responsibility for each, for each equipment item, product, and system. 11. List the local sources of supply for parts and replacement for each equipment item, product, and system. 12. Delete references to inapplicable information in manufacturers' standard printed data. 13. Include control and wiring diagrams and dimensional drawings. Drawings shall be 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches if practicaL Place required larger drawings in 8-II2-inch by II-inch envelopes bound into the text. 14. Provide handling, storage, maintenance during storage, assembly, erection, installation, adjusting, testing, operating, shutdown in emergency, troubleshooting, maintenance, I I I I I I I SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 1lI-4 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B interface, description of normal operating characteristics and limiting conditions, performance curves, engineering data, nameplate data, test results, nomenclature and commercial number of replacement parts, normal operating procedures, safety precautions, special operating instructions, disassembly, repair, reassemble, adjustment,_ original manufacturers parts lists assembly drawings with parts numbers, relay settings, and additional information as may be needed to ensure safe and satisfactory performance and longevity. Provide information on instances that might affect the validity of warranties or bonds. 15. Include a suggested spare parts list to maintain in service for a period of 5 years and a list of special tools required for checking, testing, parts replacement, and maintenance with current price information. 16. Include a list of special tools, materials, and supplies furnished with equipment for use pnor to and during startup and for future maintenance. 1-04.12(4) Submittal Procedure Submit three copies of the preliminary manuals and five copies of the final manuals. One copy of the preliminary manual will be returned to the Contractor. If rejected, the Engineer's comments will accompany the returned copy and the Contractor shall revise and resubmit the preliminary manual. Contractor shall identify on a resubmitted preliminary manual any and all changes from the previous submittal. If the preliminary manual is accepted, Contractor shall submit the final manuals and shall identify any and all changes from the accepted preliminary submittal. If the final manuals are acceptable, the Contractor will be so notified. If the final manuals are rejected, the Contractor will be notified ofthe reason for rejection and shall submit the necessary revision items. 1-04.13 Subsurface Conditions (New Section) In preparation of Drawings and Specifications, the Engineer and Engineer's Consultants have utilized the report "Geotechnical Data Report, Port Angeles West UGA Utility ExtenSIOn Project," dated June 2005. This report provides information about explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site, and is not part of the Contract Documents. The subsurface investigations made by the Engineer's Consultants were for the sole purpose of furnishing data necessary for planning and design of the work. The Engineer's Consultants warrant that the data represents, with reasonable accuracy, the conditions and materials found in the specific test pits and soil borings at the time they were made. The Engineer and the Engineer's Consultants do not warrant the condition, materials, or proportions of materials between such test pits and soil borings. The Engineer and the Engineer's Consultants make no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, that the Bidders' interpretations from the data are correct, that moisture conditions and indicated water tables will not vary substantially from those found at the time that the test pits were made, and that the ground at the location of the test pits has not been physically disturbed or altered after the tests were made. The availability ofthis subsurface information from the Engineer and the Engineer's Consultants is solely for the convenience of the Bidder, and shall not relieve the Bidder or Contractor from any risks, or from any duty to make a separate examination and investigation, or any other responsibility under the terms and conditions of the Contract. A copy of this report is available for review by the bidder at the office of the City Engineer, located on the second floor of City Hall, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, W A 98362. A copy is also available to download from the internet. Contact Office of the City Engineer for more information (360-417-4700). SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 111-5 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK 1-05.4 Conformity with and Deviations from Plans and Stakes The first paragraph is changed to be as follows: The Contractor shall lay out the work from the general information given on the Plans, including control points in the field, and shall obtain the Engineer's approval. Where the pump station is located near private property, the Contractor shall furnish a professional surveyor, registered in the State of Washington, to locate the private property line and establish the pump station location. If the survey control points shown on the Plans are destroyed by the construction, the Engineer will establish new control points in the vicinity of the points shown and will provide location and elevation data for them to Contractor. The Engineer's cost for establishing new control points will be deducted from payments made to the Contractor. Contractor shall also protect and maintain for the entire duration of the work the survey control points established by Engineer. Contractor shall provide a competent employee during normal working hours to assist Engineer, at such time and times as Engineer requests such assistance, in reviewing lines and" elevations and for measuring quantities for payment purposes as the work proceeds. The third to the last paragraph and the last paragraph are deleted. 1-05.5 As-Built Drawings The Contractor shall mark up a set of full size plans using red ink to show the as-built conditions. These as-built marked prints shall be kept current and available on the job site at all times, and be made available to the City Engineer upon request. The changes from the contract plans which are made in the work or additional information which might be uncovered in the course of construction shall be accurately and neatly recorded as they occur by means of details and notes. No construction work shall be concealed until it has been inspected, approved, and recorded. The drawings shall show at least the following: I I I I This section is supplemented with the following: As-built drawings are required to be maintained by the Contractor. The as-built drawings shall be a record ofthe construction as installed and completed by the Contractor. They shall include all the information shown on the contract set of drawings and a record of all construction deviations, modifications or changes from those drawings which were incorporated in the work; all additional work not appearing on the contract drawings; all design submittals, including electrical schematics; and all changes which are made after final inspection of the contract work. I I a. The location and description of any utilities or other installations known to exist and or encountered within the construction area. The location of these utilities shall include an accurate description, dimensions, and at least 2 ties to permanent features for all utilities encountered. I SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-6 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I ,I I I I' I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B b. The location and description of all facilities and appurtenances installed by the Contractor. The location of facilities and appurtenances shall include accurate dimensions and at least 2 ties to permanent features for all major components, including gate valves. The City of Port Angeles has the right to deny progress payments for completed work if as-built records, as required by this section, are not available on the job site for the work that has been completed by the date of the payment request. Final as-builts shall be delivered to the City Engineer at the time of final inspection for review and approval. As-built drawings must be approved by the City Engineer before final payment will be made. 1-05.6 Inspection of Work and Materials The section is supplemented with the following: Failure on the part of the Engineer or his representative to discover and condemn or reject bad or inferior work or materials shall not be construed as acceptance of any such work or material, or the part of the improvement in which the same may have been used. 1-05.10 Guarantees The word "furnish" is changed to ..obtain and assign." This section is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall guarantee all materials and equipment furnished and work performed for a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial completion. The Contractor shall warrant and guarantee for a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial completion of the system that the completed system is free from all defects due to faulty materials or workmanship, and the Contractor shall promptly make such corrections as may be necessary by reason of such defects including the repairs of any damage to other parts of the system resulting from such defects. The City will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. In the event that the Contractor should fail to make such repairs, adjustments, or other work that may be made necessary by such defects, the City may do so and charge the Contractor the cost thereby incurred. The Performance and Payment Bond shall remain in full force and effect through the guarantee period. 1-05.11(4) Equipment Testing and Facility Startup (New Section) Functional tests shall be performed in presence of Engineer and City to demonstrate that installed ,equipment meets manufacturer's installation, calibration, and adjustment requirements and other ,requirements as specified. Performance tests shall be performed after required functional tests in presence of Engineer and City to demonstrate and confirm individual equipment meets performance requirements specified in individual sections. SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 III-7 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I Contractor, with assistance of City, shall demonstrate and document the performance of the entire operating facility, both manually and automatically, based on criteria developed in conjunction with City and as accepted by Engineer. Such demonstration is for the purposes of (i) verifying to City entire facility performs as a whole, and (ii) documenting performance characteristics of completed facihty for City's records. Contractor shall designate and furnish one or more personnel to coordinate and expedite testing and facility startup and representative(s) shall be present during startup meetings and shall be available at all times during testing and startup. I I '1 I Contractor shall provide functional and performance test results and completed Facility Performance Demonstration/Certification Form. Contractor shall provide temporary valves, gauges, piping, test equipment and other materials and equipment required for testing and startup. 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor, and Equipment of Contractor I I The words "reasonable progress" are changed to "progress conforming to the Contractor's current progress schedule" in the first paragraph. The words "an authorized representative" are changed to "the Contractor's superintendent" in the first sentence of the second paragraph. I The last two paragraphs of the section are deleted. I The section is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall also designate an agent who may be contacted in event of any emergency that may occur after working hours, on holidays, on weekends, or at any time during the absence of the Contractor's work force. The Contractor may designate the Superintendent as the emergency contact agent, but the designee shall be available to personally attend to and/or arrange for help to attend to such emergencies on a 24-hour per day, seven-day per week, basis. I I The Contractor shall provide the designated agent with a digital telephone.pager. Ifthe designated agent is not the Superintendent, then the Contractor shall provide both the Superintendent and agent with digital telephone pagers. The Superintendent and agent shall carry the pagers at all times until all work on the Contract is complete. The Contractor's agent shall respond to the City's page within 30 minutes and shall arrange for the Contractor's forces to respond on the site within one hour after initial contact by the City of Port Angeles. I I City or City-designated forces may be called to the work site at the expiration of one hour after the City's initial contact. When City or City-<lesignated forces are called, the Contractor will be charged for all resulting costs at the City's or City designee's then current labor, material, and equipment rates. The City's or City designee's charges will be deducted from moneys due or to become due to the Contractor and shall be deducted from the Contractor's next progress payment, or payments if the charges exceed the amount of the next payment. I I I SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-8 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I , I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 1-05.18 Manufacturers' Services (New Section) Manufacturers' services shall be provided when required by an individual specification section, to meet the requirements of this section, One person-day is one person for 8 hours during regular working hours. Where time is necessary in excess of that stated in the Specifications for manufacturers' services, or when a minimum time is not specified, the time required to perform the specified services shall be considered incidental. Schedule manufacturer' services to avoid conflict with other onsite testing or other manufacturers' onsite services. Determine, before scheduling services, that all conditions necessary to allow successful testing have been met. When specified in individual specification sections, manufacturer's onsite services shall include: 1. Assistance during product (system, subsystem, or component) installation to include observation, guidance, instruction of Contractor's assembly, erection, installation or apphcation procedures. 2. Inspection, checking, and adjustment as required for product (system, subsystem, or component) to function as warranted by manufacturer and necessary to furnish Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation. 3. Providing, on a daily basis, copies of all manufacturers' representatives field notes and data to City. 4. Revisiting the Site as required to correct problems and until installation and operation are acceptable to Engineer. 5. Resolution of assembly or installation problems attributable to, or associated with, respective manufacturer's products and systems. 6. Assistance during functional and performance testing, and facility startup and evaluation. 1-05.19 Manufacturers' Certificate of Proper Installation (New Section) When so specified, a Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation form, a copy of which is attached to this section, shall be completed and signed by the equipment manufacturer's representative. Such form shall certify that the signing party is a duly authorized representative of the manufacturer, is empowered by the manufacturer to inspect, approve, and operate their equipment and is authorized to make recommendations required to assure that the equipment is complete and operational. 1-05.20 Measurement and Payment All costs assocIated with this item shall be incidental to the contract prices for the various bid items. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-9 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I, I I 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL 1-06.1 Approval of Materials Prior to Use The section is supplemented with the following: Unless specifically stated otherwise, reference to any equipment, material or article, or trade name, make or catalog number, shall be regarded as establishmg a standard of quality and shall not be construed as limiting competition. If the Contractor desires to use other products as equal thereto, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the name of the manufacturer, the model number, and other identifying data and information respectmg the performance capacity, nature, and rating of the machinery and mechanical and other equipment which the Contractor contemplates incorporating in the work. 'I I In addition to notIfication of material suppliers and fabricators, the Contractor shall also furnish for the Engineer's review and approval all required shop drawings. I I Shop drawings are defined as drawings or data which illustrate how specific items shall be fabricated, manufactured, or installed. Shop drawings shall be required for all shop or field fabricated or manufactured items and shall include all information necessary for the fabrication and installation of the item and to show conformance with these contract documents. The information shall include, but not be limited to: (a) For fabricated items, or those constructed in place, component sizes, layout, materials, and connection details including, but not limited to, connectors, weld type, and reinforcement schedules and sizes. (b) Shop drawings for reinforced concrete structures shall include, but not be limited to, reinforcement bendmg and placing drawings. (c) Manufacturers' standard catalog information and details may be submitted; however, standard manufacturers' information and advertising literature may not necessarily be sufficient. I I I II I I I In addition to the above, the Contractor shall note any required exceptions to the Contract and required deviations from the Contract Plans and any required modifications to other details that would result from the required exception or deviation. Shop Drawio2s Submittal Procedure. The Contractor shall review and sign all shop drawings to certify that he has reviewed the shop and supplemental drawings submittal and submit them to the Engineer attached to a shop drawing transmittal form noting the item name, quantity, location by drawing number and section in the Specifications where the item is specified. Six copies shall be submitted. Following review of the shop drawings, the Engineer will indicate appropriate action to be taken by the Contractor and return three copies to the Contractor. If revisions are required, the Contractor shall follow the same procedure for the resubmittal as for the original submittal. A minimum often (10) working days shall be allowed for the Engineer to review each submittal and resubmittal. I The Contractor shall be responsible for insuring that items submitted for shop drawings submittal meet the requirements of the contract documents and that the shop drawings I SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-1O JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B information is complete and accurate. For each item requiring shop drawing submittal, the Engineer will make up to two reviews at no cost to the Contractor. If a third review is required, the expense of that and any subsequent reviews will be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor will be billed at the Engineer's current rates. Approval of shop drawings by the Engineer is only for general conformance with the design concept of the product and general compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Any action shown is subject to the requirements of the Plans and Specifications. The Contractor is responsible for dimensions which shall be confirmed and correlated at the job site, coordination of his work with that of all other trades, and the satisfactory performance of his work. Samples. Samples are defmed as physical examples to illustrate materials, equipment, or workmanship, and to establish standards by which completed work is judged. Samples submitted shall be of sufficient size and quantity to clearly illustrate functional characteristics of products or materials and full range of colors available. 1-06.2 Acceptance of Materials 1-06.2(2) Statistical Evaluation of Materials for Acceptance The entire section is deleted. 1-06.4 Handling and Storing Materials The section is amended to clanfY that the term "materials" includes without limitation mechanical and electrical equipment and other manufactured items. 1-06.7 Owner Furnished Products (New Section) The City will be providing the following equipment and materials: 1. Materials: a. 16-inch water pipe, Section 02502 and 7-09: (1) 16-inch pressure class 250 DI water pipe, 5900 LF. (2) 16-inch pressure class 250 DI water pipe, RJ, 1970 LF. (3) Four (4) - 16-inch pressure class 250 DI water pipe, RJ, 10-foot length. (4) Two (2) - 16-inch pressure class 250 DI water pipe, RJ, 5-foot length. (5) One (1) - 16-inch DI RJ plug. (6) Three (3) - 16-inch DI 22.50 RJ bend. (7) Three (3) - 16-inch DI 450 RJ bend. (8) Two (2) - 16-inch x 16-inch x 12-inch FL Tee. (9) One (1) - 16-inch DI FL Tee. (10) Ten (10) - 16-inch DI adaptors, FL X RJ. b. 4-inch PVC C900 sewer force main, 4600 LF, Sections 02509 and 7-17. c. 8-inch PVC sewer gravity main, 2440 LF, Sections 02512 and 7-17. d. Electric utility conduit, vaults, and materials associated with electrical conduit and vault installation (see complete list in subsection Location below), Section 8-32. SEN323194. WU.FD.02 III-ll JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I ,I I I I I I I I I I ,I I ,I I I I I I e. Fiber optic conduit, vaults, and materials associated with fiber optic conduit and vault installation, Section 8-33. 2. Mechanical Equipment: a. Horizontal centrifugal pumps (low and high flow), Sections 11312 and 8-30. b. Check valves (Type V614), Section 15202. c. Submersible sewage pumps and associated equipment, Sections 11305 and 8-31. 3. Electrical Equipment: a. MCC, Sections 16440 and 8-30. b. 250 HP starters, Sections 16440 and 8-30. 1-06.7(1) Location The City furnished equipment and materials are located at the following locations inside the City of Port Angeles: 1. Water and sewer pipe, and fiber optic materials: Blue Mountain Leasing, 404 Eclipse Industrial Parkway. 2. MechanIcal and Electrical Equipment: Public Works Corporation Yard, 1703 South B Street. 3. Electrical Materials: a. Warehouse at 2nd and Valley: (1) Spec # U 3 06-5 modified with gang operated switch. (2) Spec # U 3 04 modified wi 600A DB elbows. (3) Spec # U 3 03-L. (4) Spec # U 1 02-2. (5) Spec # U 1 04-L. (6) Spec # U 1 05-3. (7) Spec # UM 0 01. (8) Spec # GR 0 02. (9) Spec # UM 5 0.2. (10) 3-phase switching cabinet PMH-9. (11) 3-phase switching cabinet PMH-II. (12) 15kV 600A nonloadbreak elbows and accessories. (13) 15kV 200A loadbreak elbows and accessories. (14) Cable 15kV 350kcmil Cu underground. (15) Cable 15kV 1/0 AL underground. (16) 3-phase 600A air break switch, gang operated. (17) Cable pulling lubricant. b. Warehouse at Front and Cherry: (1) Spec # UM4 01. (2) Conductor #2 7str for ground connections. c. Warehouse at 1707 S. "A" Street. (1) Conduit 5-inch. (2) Conduit 4-inch. (3) Conduit 2-inch. (4) 5-inch sweeps 90 deg 4-foot R. (5) 4-inch sweeps 90 deg 4-foot R. (6) 2-inch sweeps 90 deg 4-foot R. (7) 5-inch sweeps 22.5 deg 4-foot R. (8) 4-inch sweeps 22.5 deg 4-foot R. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 1lI-I2 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B (9) 2-inch sweeps 22.5 deg 4-foot R. (10) Vault 84-inch x 84-inch x 42-inch. (11 ) Vault cover 84-inch x 84-inch x 8-inch with 2-18-inch x 60-inch access holes. (12) Vault cover 78-inch x 48-inch x 6-inch solid. (13) I-phase 25 KV A padmount transformer. 1-06.7(2) Contractor Inspection Prior to taking possession of the equipment or material, the Contractor shall inspect the items to make sure that they have not been damaged or compromised. If the Contractor detects damaged equipment or materials they shall not accept that portion which is damaged. The City will be responsible to replace any damaged pieces of equipment or materials identified by the Contractor. The Contractor will be required to re-inspect any replaced items furnished by the City. The Contractor shall notify the City one working day (24 hours) in advance of the inspection. For electrical materials Contractor shall call Warehouseman Charlie McCaughan at (360) 417- 4738 to schedule pickup. For all other items the Contractor shall call Bill Beverford at (360) 417- 4855. 1-06.7(3) Acceptance After completion of the equipment/material mspection defmed above, the Contractor shall sign the "Acceptance of Responsibility for City Furnished Items" form following this section. The Contractor shall defme the items being accepted and any damaged equipment or material that is not being accepted on the form. The Contractor shall be required to complete additional forms upon acceptance of replaced items furnished by the City. If the City determines that the damage is minor and will not affect the long term viability of the equipment or material, the minor damage will be clearly identified and documented by the City. The Contractor shall accept equipment and materials with minor damage after the item has been identified and documented. 1-06. 7( 4) Transfer of Responsibility The Contractor shall be responsible for equipment and materials identified on the "Acceptance of Responsibility for City Furnished Items" form upon signing said form. The Contractor shall have 24 hours to remove accepted equipment and materials from the City's storage site(s). The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all necessary equipment to move all City furnished equipment and materials from the City's storage site to the Contractor's designated storage site(s). 1-06.7(5) Storage and Handling After transfer of responsibility, the Contractor shall be responsible for all storage and handling of City furnished equipment and materials. In storage and handling, the Contractor shall protect equipment and materials against damage from careless handling, from exposure to weather, from mixture with foreign matter, and from all other causes. The Contractor shall repair, replace, or make good all City furnished equipment or materials that are damaged or lost due to the Contractor's operation or while it is the Contractor's responsibility, at no expense to the City. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 lli-13 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I ,I I I I "I I I I I 'I I 'I 'I 'I I I I I The Contractor shall not be responsible for any damage prior to acceptance, including documented minor damage that the City has determined to be insignificant. 1-06.7(6) Installation In the case of equipment, the Contractor shall install the equipment in strict compliance with the manufacturer's requirements. In addition, the Contractor shall have the manufacturer certify that the installation has been completed per their requirements for all City furnished equipment. Contractor must provide incidental materials and all tools and equipment for proper installation of the City furnished materials. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-14 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B ACCEPTANCE OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWNER FURNISHED ITEMS Date of Inspection: Project: West UGA Utilities No. 05-01 The undersigned, a duly authorized representative of , hereinafter called the Contractor, has inspected equipment and materials, furnished by Citv of Port Angeles, hereinafter called the CIty, in accordance with the Project Manual, and hereby declares that the following items are not damaged or have minor damage that has been identified and documented by the City and will be accepted by the Contractor for use on the subject project: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. During the inspection of City furnished equipment and materials, the Contractor has identified the following items as damaged and the City will need to replace: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Contractor further certifies that upon acceptance of the non-damaged items above shall accept all responsibility for storage, handling, and protection of the equipment and material. Contractor City Title Title SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-IS JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B I I I I 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSffiILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed The section is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall at all times provide proper facilities for safe access to the work by authorized government officials. The Contractor shall do all work necessary to protect the general public from hazards, including, but not limited to, surface irregularities or unramped grade changes in pedestrian sidewalk or walkway, and trenches or excavations in roadway. Barricades, lanterns, and proper signs shall be furnished in sufficient amount to safeguard the public and the work. I I The performance of all work and all completed construction, particularly but without limitation with respect to ladders, platforms, structure openings, scaffolding, shoring, lagging, machinery guards and the like, shall be in accordance with the applicable governing safety authorities. During construction, the Contractor shall construct and at all times maintain satisfactory and substantial temporary chain link fencmg, solid fencing, railing, barricades, steel plates, delineators, or cones, as applicable, at all openings, obstructions, or other hazards in streets, sidewalks, floors, roofs, and walkways. All such barriers shall have adequate warning lights and reflective markings as necessary, or required, for safety. All material shall be in good and usable condition. I I I I 1-07.5 Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Regulations 1-07.5(2) State Department of Fish and Wildlife I The last paragraph is changed to be as follows: The City will obtain and pay for all permits required by the project except as specified ,I I I I I Work in all items (1) through (9) above will be incidental to contract pay items. 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses The section is supplemented with the following: herein. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain electrical and mechanical (plumbing) building permits from the City of Port Angeles Department of Economic and Community Development. The City will pay any and all permit fees required by the permit(s). The Contractor shall not enter upon or place materials on private property except by written consent of the individual owners and shall save the City harmless from all suits and actions of every kind and description that might result from the Contractor's use of private property. SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 llI-16 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323 1 94B 1-07.9 Wages The first paragraph is changed to be as follows: This contract is subject to the minimum wage requirements ofRCW 39.12 and to RCW 49.28 (as amended or supplemented). The most recent schedule of prevailing wage rates which are in effect at the time of bidding are included with the Bidding Requirements and shall apply for this project. 1-07.15 Temporary Water PoUutionlErosion Control The section is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall implement temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures as necessary to prevent erosion and to stop sediment-laden water from leaving the site and entering the storm drain system. The Contractor shall construct all necessary elements and provide other necessary materials, labor, and equipment. Exposed slopes and excavations shall be protected. The Contractor shall maintain and clean the facilities for the life of the construction. The Contractor shall have adequate materials on the site to respond to weather changes and shall modify the system to accommodate seasonal changes. A temporary water pollution/erosion control plan will be required from the Contractor. Temporary water pollution/erosion control measures shall be taken in accordance with Section 1-07.15 of the Standard Specifications and pertinent details on the Plans and in these Special Provisions. All silt shall be contained within the construction area. The temporary water pollution/erosion control shall contain the following items: 1. As soon as the areas have been cleared and opened for construction, the Contractor shall complete earthwork, compaction, finish-grading, and placement of at least the first course of surfacing material. 2. Critical drainage features such as catch basins, ditches, and culverts receiving runoff from exposed earth surfaces shall be protected from siltation by temporary gravel berms or check dams made of crushed surfacing top course material. 3. Stockpiled soil materials shall be protected from erosion at the end of each working day by covering the piles with impervious sheeting, containing the edges with a one-foot-high gravel berm of crushed surfacing to course material or other means approved by the Engineer. 4. Slopes shall be mulched, fertilized, and seeded as soon after finish shaping as possible. 5. No drainage systems shall be blocked for more than one working day or during periods of runoff without temporary drainage bypass. 6. Straw bales shall be placed as determined by the Engineer to filter surface runoff and control erosion. Where straw mulching is necessary, straw bales shall be broken and the straw spread as slope protection. 7. Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control Plan shall be submitted and the Engineer's approval obtained prior to construction. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 III-17 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I Filter fabric fence shall be provided for temporary erosion control as requested and where directed by the Engineer. Fabric filters for fences shall be composed of strong rot-proof woven or non-woven polymeric fibers oriented into a stable network such that the fibers retain their relative positions with respect to each other. The fabric shall be free of any chemical treatment or coating which may sigmficantly reduce permeability, and shall have no flaws or defects which could significantly alter its physical properties. Filter fabric for silt fences or silt berms shall be a woven geotextile fabric, Amoco 2122, as manufactured by Amoco Fabrics and Fibers Company or equivalent. Bid quantities are for bidding purposes only and may not coincide with actual project requirements. The provisions of Section 1-04.6 will not apply to this item. Upon completion of the project or when directed by the Engineer, remove temporary water pollution/erosion control facilities except those designated by the Engineer to remain. I I 1-07.15(1) Payment For Temporary Water PollutionlErosion Control (New Section) "Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control," lump sum. "Filter Fabric Fence for Temporary Erosion Control," per linear foot. I I 'I I Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for the following bid items: 1-07.16 Protection and Restoration of Property 1-07.16(1) PrivatelPublic Property The section is supplemented with the following: The City will videotape the pipeline route before construction begins to provide a record of pre-existing surface conditions for the Contractor's and City's reference. The City will provide a copy of the videotape to the Contractor at no cost. ,I I I I I I 1-07.16(3)A Lot Corners or Permanent Control Points (New Section) All lot comers or comers of tracts, section comers or permanent markers of subdivisions therein as well as street monuments shall be carefully noted and maintained by the Contractor. Some monuments and markers are shown on the Plans and there may be others. The Contractor shall notifY the Engineer of any existing federal, state, county, city, and private land monuments encountered prior to pipeline construction. The Contractor shall preserve such monuments or they shall be referenced, relocated or replaced by a licensed surveyor. Any such pin, pipe, stone, plaque, or monument that is removed or disturbed by the Contractor shall be accurately located and replaced by a licensed surveyor at the expense of the Contractor. Replacement of survey monuments and lot comers shall conform in all respects to the requirements of RCW 58.09 and Chapter 332-120 WAC. This work shall be incidental to contract pay items. 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities The section is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall call underground utilities locate service at 1-800-424-5555 a minimum of two working days prior to any excavation. I SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 III-I 8 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Prior to any excavation activity near the existing water lines Contractor shall have repair fittings available onsite. All existing utilities may not be shown on the Plans. The locations and dimensions shown on the Plans for existing utilities and facilities are in accordance with available information, without uncovering and measuring. The Engineer does not guarantee the accuracy of this information or that all existing underground facilities are shown. The Contractor shall be responsible for repair of any marked utilities damaged during construction in accordance with RCW 19.122. Restoration of marked utilities damaged by the Contractor, his agents or employees shall be accomplished by the utility involved at the Contractor's expense. Notify the Port Angeles Fire Department at telephone 360-417-4650 at least 48 hours prior to removing any fire hydrants from service or restricting access to any fire hydrants or structures. 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance This section is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Sections 6 and 7 of the City's standard Public Works Contract in Part II of the Project Manual. 1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety The section is amended as follows: Pipe shall not be strung out along a trench or road shoulder in a manner which causes a safety hazard to the public. During non-working hours, all excavations on rights-of-way shall be backfilled and temporary surfacing or steel plates shall be provided within the roadway with the exception that steel plates are not permitted on US 101 road surface or shoulder. Dropoffs of more than 1 inch shall not be allowed. Where steel plates are used on a roadway surface, the Contractor is responsible to use the following two traffic control signs in advance of the steel plates: W21-170 1 "Motorcycles Use Extreme Caution" and "Steel Plates Crossing Roadway." The section is supplemented with the following: Emergency traffic such as police, fire, and disaster umts, shall be provided access at all tilles. Contractor shall keep police, fire and other emergency agencies continuously informed regarding access to each property in the project area. In addition, the Contractor shall coordinate Contractor activities with all disposal firms, schools, nearby businesses (particularly on Eclipse Industrial Parkway), and transit bus service which may be operating in the project area. Safe and convenient access of heavy and large truck turning movements around/through the work zone traffic control shall be provided and maintained at all times by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be liable for any damages which may result from failure to provide reasonable access or coordination. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-19 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I Existing traffic control and street name signs which interfere with construction shall be relocated or removed by the Contractor and temporarily stored in a safe place. "Stop," "Yield," and "One-Way" SIgnS shall be removed or relocated only upon approval of the Engineer. Existing signs shall not be removed until the Contractor has proVIded temporary measures sufficient to safeguard and direct traffic after the existing signs have been removed. Except as otherwise specifically provided in the contract documents, preservation and maintenance of traffic control and street name signs shall be the sole responsibilIty ofthe Contractor. As work progresses and permits, temporarily relocated or removed traffic and street name signs shall be reset in their permanent location by the Contractor. Signs and other traffic control devices damaged or lost by the Contractor, shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the City. The option whether a sign can be repaired or shall be replaced shall be the Engineer's, and such decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor. I' I I I I I When pamt lines are obliterated due to construction activities or pavement restoration, temporary pressure sensitive pavement marking tape, traffic buttons or delineators shall be installed where designated by the Engineer. These temporary features shall be removed only upon installation of permanent traffic channelization. Unless otherwise provided for by a separate bid item in the Bid Form, installation and removal of temporary striping shall be incidental to the unit contract price for other items in the Bid Form. During the hours of darkness, excavations within roadways, driveways, pedestrian pathways, or similar areas within rights of way or easements used by the public shall be covered with steel plates or other approved temporary bridging, or backfilled and compacted. . The Contractor shall notify all affected businesses and residents at least one calendar week in advance of construction activities adjacent to their business or home. Additionally, the Contractor shall notify all affected businesses at least 24 hours and not more than 36 hours in advance of construction activities that would block or restrict access to their businesses or homes. Blockage must occur only during construction hours and shall not remain overnight. No dead-end streets will be allowed to have less than one-way access at any time. I I I I I I Unless otherwise provided herein, the Contractor shall keep all streets open to traffic at all times. During normal working hours, the Contractor shall maintain, in a safe, acceptable condition, all approaches and intersections with roads, streets, alleys, and driveways to businesses, parking lots, residences, etc. All streets shall be open to local traffic at the end of each working day unless otherwise noted in the approved Traffic Control Plans. It is understood and agreed that the Contractor or the Contractor's agent as specified in Section 1-05.13 will be contacted to correct any traffic control or signing deficiencies during normal working hours or during evenings or weekends as necessary or required. If the Contractor' forces do not respond, the City will make any necessary corrections using its own or other forces, as may be necessary, and shall deduct the entire cost of all such work from sums due, or to become due, to the Contractor. All such charges against the Contractor's payments shall be made at the City's then current rates for labor, equipment, and materials. I SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-20 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS 'I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I .1 I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic The section IS supplemented with the following: Project Construction Safety Zone: The construction safety zone will be determined as follows: 1. When the posted speed is 35 MPH or under, the safety zone will be 10 feet from the outside edge of traveled way or 2 feet beyond the outside edge of the sidewalk. 2. When the posted speed is from 40 to 55 MPH the safety zone will be 15 feet from the outside edge oftraveled way. 3. When the posted speed is 60 MPH or over the safety zone will be 30 feet from the outside edge of traveled way. During nonworking hours equipment or materials shall not be within the safety zone unless it is protected by permanent guard rail or temporary concrete barrier. The use of temporary concrete barrier shall be permitted only if the Engineer approves the installation and location. During the actual hours of work, unless protected as described above, only materials absolutely necessary to construction shall be within the safety zone and only construction vehicles absolutely necessary to construction shall be allowed within the safety zone or allowed to stop or park on the shoulder of the roadway. The Contractor's nonessential vehicles and employees private vehicles shall not be permitted to park within the safety zone at any time unless protected as described above. Deviation from the above requirements shall not occur unless the Contractor has requested the deviation in writing and the Engineer has provided written approval. Construction vehicles using a closed traffic lane shall travel only in the normal direction of traffic flow unless expressly allowed in an approved traffic control plan. Construction vehicles shall be equipped with flashing or rotating amber lights. Work over an open lane of traffic will not be allowed, unless a plan for the protection of the traveling public from debris falling onto the traveled way is approved by the Engineer. This protection shall remain in place during construction and meet minimum vertical clearance for the highway. Controlled Access: No special access or egress will be allowed the Contractor other than normal legal movements or as shown in the Plans. LANE CLOSURES: Lane Closure(s) on Highway 101: Single Lane closures will be allowed provided the Contractor maintains one 12-foot lane in each direction (two lanes open to traffic) utilizing the traffic control plans in the contract or submitting a revised Washington P.E. stamped traffic control plan for approval from the City. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-21 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I Lane Closure(s) on Highway 101 (vicinity of Eclipse Industrial Parkway): Single Lane closures, between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. (with the exception of Friday night to Saturday mormng) will be allowed provided the Contractor maintains one 12-foot lane in each dIrection (two lanes open to traffic) utilizing the traffic control plans in the Contract or submitting a revised Washington P.E. stamped traffic control plan for approval from the City. Lane Closures on Eclipse: Smgle Lane closures, between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m., will be allowed provided the Contractor maintains one 12-foot lane (one lane open to traffic for alternating single lane traffic control) utilizing the traffic control plan in the Contract or submitting a revised Washington P.E. stamped traffic control plan for approval from the City. Any revised traffic control plans shall be completed in a form matching the requiremen~s of the current version ofthe WSDOT Plans Preparation Manual and be submitted to City for approval, a mmimum of 5 working days prior to scheduling work. FULL CLOSURES: The Contractor will be allowed, for construction, up to two separate full closures of Eclipse Industrial Parkway, from 6 p.m. Saturday until 4 a.m. Monday on consecutive weekends, utilizing the traffic control plans in the Contract or submitting a revised Washington P.E. stamped traffic control plan for approval from the City. Any revised traffic control plans shall be completed in a form matching the requirements of the current version of the WSDOT Plans Preparation Manual and be submitted to City for approval, a minimum of 5 working days prior to scheduling work. Closure Restrictions: The traffic closures listed above will not be allowed during the following time periods: Holidays: From noon the day prior to a holiday or holiday weekend through noon the day following a holiday or holiday weekend. Holidays that occur on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday are considered a holiday weekend. Signs and Traffic Control Devices: All signs and traffic control devices for the permitted closures shall only be installed during the specified hours. Construction signs, if placed earlier than the specified hours of closure, shall be turned or covered so as not to be visible to motorists. Hours of Darkness: The Contractor shall, at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency, make all arrangements for operations during hours of darkness. Flagger stations shall be illuminated using a minimum 150 watt floodlight. Night Work: Working at night (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. weekdays, 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. weekends and holidays) is anticipated by the Contracting Agency for the US 101 crossing. The Contractor shall schedule project work during the nighttime closure hours allowed below, and it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain any required noise variance or exemption for such work. Advance Notification: The Contractor shall notify the City/Engineer in writing 5 working days in advance of any lane closure. The Contractor shall notify the City/Engineer in writing 10 working days in advance of any roadway closure. I SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-22 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTSTOTHESTANI?ARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Public Notification: The Contractor shall furnish and install information signs that provide advance notification of a road closure a minimum of 5 working days prior to the closure. The signs shall have a black legend on a white reflective background. Sign locations, messages, letter sizes, and sign sizes are shown in the Plans. The Contractor shall notify the Washington State Patrol; local fire, police, emergency service, and city engineering departments; Medic 1; transit compani~s; and the affected school district(s) in writing a minimum of 5 working days prior to each closure. The Contractor shall furnish copies of these notifications to the Engineer. LOCAL CONTACTS (PARTIAL LIST): City Engineering: Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director, 360-417-4803. Local Fire Contacts: Dan McKeen, Chief 360-417 -4651. Ken Dubuc, Fire Marshall 360-417-4653. County Fire Contacts: Jon Bugher 360-452-7725. Local Police: Tom Riepe, Chief, 360-417-4901. Terry Gallager, Assistant Chief, 360-417-4902. County Sheriff: Joe Martm 360-417-2262. 1-07.23(3)A Dust and Mud Control and Street Cleaning (New Section) The Contractor is responsible for controlling dust and mud within the project limits. All streets outside the project limits used by the Contractor during the execution of this Contract shall be kept clean. The Contractor shall be prepared to use watering trucks equipped with high-velocity water jets and low- head sprinkling devices, power sweepers, and any other pieces of equipment necessary to render the streets free of all mud, debris, and foreign materials. Any damage caused by dust or mud accumulation on the streets and in the storm drain system shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Watering trucks may be used on paved streets with an adequate storm drainage system. Watering trucks shall not be used on streets where, in the opinion of the Engineer, mud is created, causing a nuisance. Where water flushing is not allowed, street sweepers (not power brooms) shall be used. The Contractor shall provide for sweeping or flushing all surfaced roadways upon completion of each day's activities. Equipment required for his operation shall be on the job site or available at all times. Failure to have this equipment on the job site or available may necessitate a shutdown of the project. 1-07.23(3)B Daily Cleanup and Maintenance Items (New Section) The Contractor shall clean all roadways, streets, and appurtenances of all material or debris which has been dropped or otherwise deposited thereon, as a result of Contractor on- and off-site operations, at the conclusion of each working day, and at such other times as deemed necessary by the Engineer to ensure ,the safety of the traveling public and to prevent inconvenience to the public and owners of private property adjacent to the project. If the Engineer determines that roadways, streets, and appurtenances are not properly cleaned to prevent public inconvenience or the condition of the excavation or disposal sites so warrant, the SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-23 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I Contractor shall provide facilities to remove clay or other deposits from tires, between wheels, and outside of truck beds before trucks and other equipment will be allowed to travel over paved streets. Any vlOlation of the above requirements will be sufficient grounds for the Engineer to order the roadways, streets and appurtenances cleaned or sprinkled by others, and to deduct all costs of such cleaning or sprinkling from any money due, or to become due to the Contractor. All Contract requirements specified in Section 1-07.23 and subsections thereof will be considered incidental to the Contract unless otherwise specified. 1-07.24 Rights of Way The section is amended and supplemented as follows: If the Contractor utilizes private property for temporary construction facilities, storage of materials and equipment, employee parking or other Contractor needs, a "Temporary Use Agreement" shall be secured from the property owner. The Contractor must file a written release with the City from all private property owners upon whose property the Contractor's operations has encroached before the completion date will be established, unless such work was specified in the Contract. 1-07.25 Opening of Sections to Traffic The section is deleted. 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 1-08.1 Subcontracting The first two sentences of the second paragraph are deleted. "Along with the request to sublet, the" is changed to "The" in the third paragraph. 1-08.3 Progress Schedule The first two paragraphs of the section are changed to be as follows: The Contractor shall, prior to the Preconstruction Conference, prepare and submit to the Engineer for approval, a construction progress schedule using the Critical Path Method (CPM), showing the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work, the date on which the Contractor will start the work, the date on which the Contractor will start the several salient features (including without limitation procurement of materials, plant and equipment), and the contemplated dates for completing the same. The Contractor shall develop the CPM using the most current version of SureTrak software by Primavera Systems, Inc. which shall be capable of operating in a Windows NT environment. The Contractor shall submit, along with Contract and bonds, 3 sets of complete CPM time-scaled logic diagram on 22" x 34" sheets with accompanying schedule reports. An electronic copy shall also be submitted. The schedule shall at least include the following information: 1. The various units of work which are required to be done, broken down into: a. Times projected for submittals, approvals, and procurement. I SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 11I-24 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B b. Times for installation and erection. c. Times for testing and inspection. 2. The work to be completed and the work remaining to be done to complete the project. 3. Any items of work which will delay the start or completion of other major items of work so as to delay completion of the whole project. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor falls behind the progress schedule, the Contractor shall take such measures as may be necessary to improve the Contractor's progress and the Engineer may require the Contractor to increase the number of shifts, overtime operations, days of work, the amount of construction planned, or all of these measure or any combination thereof, and to submit for approval such supplementary schedule or schedules in chart format as may be necessary to demonstrate the manner in which the agreed rate of progress will be regained, all without additional cost to the Contracting Agency. Failure of the Contractor to comply with the requirements of the Engineer under this provision shall be grounds for determinatton,by the Contracting Agency that the Contractor is not prosecuting the work with such diligence as will insure completion within the time specified. Upon such determination the Contracting Agency may terminate the Contractor's right to proceed with the work, or any separable part thereof, in accordance with Section 1-08.10, Termination of Contract. The Engineer's approval of a schedule shall not relieve the Contractor from compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The review is only for the general conformance with the scheduling requirements of the Contract Documents. Upon the Engineer's request, the Contractor shall participate in the review of the Contractor's construction schedule submissions (including the original material, all update submittals, and any resubmittals). The Engmeer may request the participation of subcontractors in these reviews as determined necessary by the Engineer; All revisions shall be submitted within fifteen (15) calendar days after the Engineer's review. Float, slack time, or contingency within the schedule (i.e., the difference in time between the project's early completion date and the required Contract Completion Date), and total float within the overall schedule, is not for the exclusive use of either the Contracting Agency or the Contractor, but is jointly owned by both and is a resource available to and shared by both parties as needed to meet Contract milestones and the Contract Completion Date. The Contractor shall not sequester shared float through such strategies as extending activities duration estimates to consume available float, using preferential logic, or using extensive crew/resource sequencing. Since float time within the schedule is jointly owned, no time extensions will be granted nor delay damages paid until a delay occurs which extends the work beyond the Contract Completion Date. Since float time within the construction schedule is jointly owned, it is acknowledged that the Contracting Agency caused delays on the project may be offset by Contracting Agency caused time savings. In such event, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive a time extension or delay damages until all Contracting Agency time savings are exceeded and the Contract Completion Date is also exceeded. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer updates to the CPM schedule every two weeks. At the same time, the Contractor shall also provide a written narrative report describing current status and identifying potential delays. This report shall, at a minimum, state whether the contract is on schedule, note any milestones that will not be met, and comment on the project's SEA/3231 94.WU.FD.02 III-25 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B I I I I I I I current critical path as it relates to previously submitted critical path. The updated schedule and narrative will be reviewed at the weekly progress meeting. The submittal of an updated Construction Progress Schedule which satisfies the requirements of this Section, accurately reflecting the status of the work, and incorporating all changes, shall be a requirement to justify the processing of the monthly progress payment. The CPM software, CPM deliverables, and associated training shall be incidental to the contract, and the City will provide no additional payment for work related to developing and maintaining the CPM schedule as required in this contract. The fourth paragraph of the section IS deleted. The word "supplemental" is changed to "updated" in the fifth and sixth paragraphs. 1-08.4 Prosecution of Work The section is supplemented with the following: SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-26 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I In general, the Contractor shall field-verify by excavation each connection location and determine all necessary components needed to make connections between the new water mains and the existing water system. The Contractor shall have on hand all components needed for connections prior to initiating each shutdown, and shall use multiple crews when necessary to complete the connections in the permitted time. Maximum permitted duration of each shutdown shall not exceed 9 hours, and shall be between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. At least 1 week in advance of each requested shutdown, the Contractor shall submit a schedule for the planned work to the City for review. 1-08.4(A) Weekly Meetings (New Section) Weekly meetings shall be held at a mutually agreed location, either the Contractor's Field Office or the City offices, and day of the week and time. The purposes of the meetings will be to discuss the work, resolve any quantity or payment issues, review the Contractor's Progress Schedule, and review the record drawings. The Contractor shall produce an agenda for each meeting and deliver it to the Engineer the day before the meeting. 1-08.4(B) Schedule constraints (New Section) Contractor shall meet all of the schedule constraints defined in this section. Contractor shall also consider the schedule constraints defined in this section in developing their detailed construction schedule. Schedules submitted that do not meet the constraints defined herein will be rejected and Contractor will be required to resubmit schedule. 1. Submittals: a. Time-sensitive equipment and material, identified below, will require submittals as detailed in individual Specification Sections to be delivered to the Engineer within 2 weeks of Notice to Proceed. b. Time-sensitive equipment and material shall be all equipment and materials with long lead times that require early submittal review and approval to meet operational requirements defined below. Contractor shall include all equipment I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B and material with long lead times. Time-sensitive equipment and materials shall include, but is not limited to, the following: (1) All interior DI pipe for Fairmount Water Pump Station, Section 02500 and 02502 and 7-08 and 7-09 of the Standard Plans as amended in Part III ofthe Project Manual. (2) Electrical enclosure for Sewer Pump Station and all items inside, Sheet E105 and Specification Sections 13390 and 13401. (3) CP-SPS including Panel Layout and Control Wiring Diagrams, Sewage Pump Station, Section 13401. (4) CP-WPS including Panel Layout and Control Wiring Diagrams, Water Pump Station, Section 13401. (5) Flow Element and Transmitter (FE/FIT-l, FE/FIT-2), Section 13401. (6) Gate valves, Section 15202 (VI00, V132). (7) Butterfly valves, Section 15202 (V500, V506.) (8) Check valve, Section 15202 (V608). (9) Pressure reducing valves, Section 15202 (V712, V7I4). (10) Pressure reducing/pressure sustaining valves, Section 15202 (V7I5, V7I6). (11) Surge tanks, Section 15209 (T-6-2 and T-6-1). (12) Air compressor, Section 15209,2.03. (13) Building exhaust fan, Section 15830. (14) Service main breaker (Water Pump Station), Sheet E101, Section 16050. (15) Diesel engine generator set, Section 16230. (16) Automatic transfer switch, Section 16412. 2. Eclipse Industrial Parkway: a. All work on Eclipse Industrial Parkway or at the intersection of Eclipse Industrial Parkway and Highway 101 shall be completed between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. One lane shall remain open to allow truck traffic to pass construction. b. Contractor will be allowed to completely shut down Eclipse Industrial Parkway for two consecutive weekends. Shutdown may begin 6 p.m. Friday and must be concluded by 4 a.m. Monday. Contractor shall notify businesses and City of said shutdown 10 working days in advance. 3. OperatlOnal Requirements: a. Both pump stations (water and sewer) and associated pipelines shall be operational by November 1, 2005. All testing and disinfection of affected piping and equipment must be complete and approved by said date. Operational shall be defmed as being able to provide water (high and low flow) and sewer service with the improvements defmed for this project to properties on Eclipse Industrial Parkway. b. Generator: due to the long lead time necessary to deliver the generator for this facility, the Contractor will be allowed 30 working days after generator has been delivered to install, test, and complete punch list items associated with the generator installation. 4. Electrical Conduit and Vaults: a. All electrical conduit, vaults, wire, and all associated appurtenances in accordance with City details located on the south side of Highway and on Eclipse Industrial Parkway need to be installed and ready for the City to connect and electrify by October 24,2005. b. Electrical conduit and vaults located on the north side of Highway need to be installed and ready for the City to install wire by Contract completion. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 III-27 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I 5. Owner Furnished Equipment and Matenal: a. All electrical and mechanical equipment (see Section 1-06.7) will be available no later than September 16, 2005. b. All other materials are available to Contractor upon inspection and acceptance. 1-08.5 Time of Completion (Contract Time) (APWA Only) All except the last paragraph of the section is replaced with the following: All work, excluding generator, shall be substantially complete within 85 working days, beginning on the "Notice to Proceed" date. The Contractor shall meet operatiOnal requirements of Section 1-08.4(B), Schedule Constraints, in a time period less than the specified time of completion. The entire project, excluding the installation of the generator, shall be physically complete (including completion of punch list items and cleanup), and a final acceptance shall be achieved within 105 working days of the date of the Notice to Proceed. Time of completion for the installation of generator at Fairmount water pump station shall be in accordance with Section 1-08.4(B) Schedule Constraints. Within 10 days after the date of Contract A ward and before the Contractor starts any work at the site, the Contractor shall attend a Preconstruction Meeting with the Engineer and others as appropriate. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the Contractor's Progress Schedule, procedures for handling submittals, procedures for processing application for payment, traffic control, City force account requirements, City quantity reporting, and other matters pertaining to the work under the contract. The Engineer will schedule the date, time, and place of the meeting after the Contract is awarded. I I I I I I If the Contract completion times or operational requirements (Section 1-08.4(B), Schedule Constraints) are not met, the Contractor shall pay liquidated damages in accordance with Section 1-08.9 (Liquidated Damages) ofthe Standard Specifications. The Contract tIme may be extended by the City for justified reasons. Late delivery of materials will be considered a justified reason for an extension if the Contractor can shown written evidence of a prompt order date after award of the Contract, and a determined effort to acquire prompt delivery III the specified time. A "non-working day" is hereby defined as described in Section 1-08.5 (Time for Completion) of the Standard Specifications (not in the APW A Supplement). 1-08.10(1) Preconstruction Conference (APWA Only) The first two sentences of the first paragraph are deleted. The section is supplemented with the following: I The Engineer shall make the measurement and determine the actual quantities for the respective items by generally accepted engineering methods and in accordance with the applicable sections of these specifications and other contract documents. Failure to provide the I I I 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1-09.1 Measurement of Quantities The section is supplemented with the following: SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-28 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Engineer with reasonable notice and opportunity to determine quantities shall preclude the Contractor from making claim for payment thereof. Weigh tickets for such items as asphalt concrete, asphalt for tack coat, bank run gravel, crushed surfacing, etc., shall be provided to the Engineer at the time of material delivery to the job site. Additionally, the Contractor shall conform to the Contracting Agency's Quantity Reporting Requirements, stated elsewhere in these Specifications. Where these requirements are not met, the Contracting Agency may elect to deny payment for the material. 1-09.1(1) Estimated Quantities (New Section) The estimated quantities shown in the bid form are estimates only, being given only as the basis for the comparison of bids, and the City does not warrant, expressly or by implication, that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith. The right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work, or to make changes in the work required as may be deemed necessary is reserved by the City as provided elsewhere in these specifications. The basis of payment will be the actual unit bid items of work performed and measured in accordance with the contract. 1-09.3 Scope of Payment The section is supplemented with the following: Payment will only be made for items listed in the Proposal Form. Should a Bid Item be listed in a "Payment" clause but not in the Proposal Form, and work for that item is required by the contract and performed by the Contractor, the work for that item shall be considered incidental to and included in the items that are included in the Proposal Form. 1-09.6 Force Account The section is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall submit by twelve noon of each working day a complete listing of all equipment on standby to the Engineer. The listing shall identify the exact location of each equipment item. All equipment items are to be made available for inspection by the Engineer on the same day as listed. Items not listed on the standby equipment listing and/or items not available for inspection on the same day as listed shall not be eligible for standby consideration. 1-09.6(1) Force Account Reporting Requirements (New Section) The Engineer will complete a separate Force Account Report, on City forms, for each Force Account Unit, for each day that such work is performed. The Contractor and Engineer shall review and sign the reports not later than the close of business on the same day. The Engineer will furnish one copy of each day's reports to the Contractor. The Force Account Report will indicate the number and classification of workers, major equipment in use or on standby, and the number of hours for each worker and piece of equipment in accordance with the Standard Specifications. Force Account reports for the preceding week shall be reviewed at each weekly site meeting and, to the extent possible, any disagreement related to the quantity of work performed during the preceding SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 1lI-29 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I week shall be resolved and final material quantities, labor hours, and equipment hours agreed upon. Nothing in this section shall bar adjustment at a later time, for the purpose of correcting errors or omissions, when such adjustments are authorized by the Engineer. 1-09.7 Mobilization The section is supplemented with the following: Mobilization shall include, but not be limited to, the following items: the movement of Contractor personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the project site; the establishment of an on-site office; secunng suitable storage areas, and other facilities necessary for work on the project; providing sanitary facilities for Contractor personnel; obtaining permits or licenses required to complete the project, but not furnished by the City; and other work and operahons which must be performed or costs that must be incurred. Also to be included in the lump sum bid price for "Mobilization" are the following: 1. Written clearance, per Section 1-07.24 Right-of-Way of the Specifications, shall be obtained from all property owners whose property is used for storage or other purposes. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for installing project construction signs, as provided by the City, at all key approach limits of the project and as directed by the Engineer. The signs are to be erected before beginning of construction and remain in place for the duration of construction. They shall be mounted on Contractor-provided posts, existing fixed structures, or substantial supports of a semi-permanent nature. The Contractor shall remove signs at project completion or when directed by the Engineer. These signs shall remain City property. Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract) for the following bid item: "Mobilization", lump sum. 1-09.8 Payment for Material on Hand The section is supplemented with the following: The Contracting Agency will reimburse the Contractor for pipe purchased by the Contractor and delivered to the site, provided all other requirements of this section are met. The Contractor shall submit to the City, no later than the 25th day of each month, a request for payment for work completed during the previous period. The Contractor shall submit payment requests with a completed Application for Payment form, an example of which is included in the Attachments to this Contract. This form includes a lien waiver certification, and shall be notarized before submission. Applications for payment not signed or notarized shall be I I 1-09.9(1) Payments (APWA Only) The section is supplemented with the following: I SEN323194.WU.FD.02 ill-30 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B considered incomplete and ineligible for payment consideration. All montWy pay requests are subject to approval and verification by the Engineer. The submittal of an updated Construction Progress Schedule which satisfies the _ requirements of Section 1-08.3, accurately reflecting the status of the work, and incorporating all changes, shall be a requirement to justify the processing of the monthly progress payment. Errors, omissions, revisions or corrections in the original submittal for payment may result in delayed payment. The Contractor is responsible for maintaining adequate records of bid item quantities for the work completed for each monthly pay period. These quantities will be subject to approval and verification by the Engineer. All progress payments will be mailed to the address designated in writing by the Contractor at the pre-construction conference. 1-09.10 Payment for Surplus Processed Materials The section is deleted. 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 1-10.1 General The words "the roadway" are changed to "any roadway" in the last sentence. 1-10.2 Traffic Control Management 1-10.2(1) General Section 1-10.2(1) is supplemented with the following: The Traffic Control Manager and Traffic Control Supervisor shall be certified by one of the following: The Northwest Laborers-Employers Training Trust 27055 Ohio Ave. Kingston, W A 98346 (360) 297-3035 Evergreen Safety Council 401 Pontius Ave. N. Seattle, W A 98109 1-800-521-0778 or (206) 382-4090 SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-31 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I 1-10.2(2) Traffic Control Plans The sixth sentence of Section 1-10.2(2) is revised to read: The Contractor's letter designating and adopting the specific traffic control planes) in the drawings, or any proposed modified plane s) shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval at least ten calendar days in advance of the time the new plan will be implemented. 1-10.3 Flagging, Signs, and All Other Traffic Control Devices 1-10.3(1) Traffic Control Labor The section is supplemented with the following: Flaggers shall be equipped with portable two-way radios, wIth a range suitable for the project. The radios shall be capable of having direct contact with project management (foremen, superintendents, etc.). 1-10.3(3) Construction Signs The section is revised to read as follows: All signs required by the approved traffic control planes) as well as any other appropriate signs prescribed by the Engineer shall be furnished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide the posts or supports and erect and maintain the signs in a clean, neat, and presentable condition unhl the necessity for them has ceased. All nonapplicable signs shall be removed or completely covered with metal, plywood, or an Engineer approved product specifically manufactured for sign covering during periods when they are not needed. When the need for these signs has ceased, the Contractor, upon approval of the Engineer, shall remove all signs, posts, and supports from the project and they shall remain the property of the Contractor. I I All orange background signs shall utilize materials, and be fabricated in accordance with, Section 9-28. All orange background signs shall be fabricated with Type X fluorescent orange sign sheeting. I I All post mounted signs with Type X sheeting shall use a nylon washer between the twist fasteners (screw heads, bolts, or nuts) and the reflective sheeting. There shall be no intermixing of signs with non-fluorescent orange reflective sign sheeting and signs with fluorescent orange reflective sign sheeting on the same sign post. I I I I Construction signs will be divided into two classes. Class A construction signs are those signs that remain in service throughout the construction or during a maj or phase of the work. They are mounted on posts, existing fixed structures, or substantial supports of a semi-permanent nature. Sign and support installation for Class A signs shall be in accordance with the Contract Plans or the Standard Plans. Class B construction signs are those signs that are placed and removed daily, or are used for short durations which may extend for one or more days. They are mounted on portable or temporary mountings. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 II1-32 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B If it is necessary to add weight to signs for stability, only a bag of sand that will rupture on impact shall be used. The bag of sand shall: (1) be furnished by the Contractor, (2) have a maximum weight of 40 pounds, and (3) be suspended no more than 1 foot from the ground. Signs, posts, or supports that are lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed, or which the Engineer deems to be unacceptable while their use is required on the project, shall be replaced by the Contractor without additional compensation. Unless otherwise specified, all warning signs used in construction shall be black on orange, and all diamond shaped signs shall be 48 inches by 48 inches in size. Wood Sign Posts: Use the below charts to determine post size for Class A construction SignS. One Post Installation Post Size Min. Sign Sq. Ft. Max. Sign Sa. Ft. 16.0 20.0 25.0 31.0 4x4 4x6 6x6 6x8 17.0 21.0 26.0 Two Post Installation (For signs 5 feet or greater in width) 4x4 4x6 6x6 6x8 17.0 37.0 47.0 16.0 36.0 46.0 75.0 * * The Engineer shall determine post size for signs greater than 75 square feet. Warning Lights: Type A low-intensity flashing warning lights shall be used on all advance warning signs during the hours of darkness. 1-10.3(4) No Passing Zones The entire section is deleted. 1-10.3(5) Temporary Traffic Control Devices Section 1-10.3(5) is supplemented with the following: Traffic cones used on this contract shall be a minimum of 28 inches in height. Traffic safety drums shall be manufactured specifically for traffic control purposes, and shall be fabricated from low density polyethylene that maintains its integrity upon impact. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 111-33 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I The drums shall be of the following general specificatIons: Overall Height: 36 inches minimum. Overall Width: 18 inch minimum in the direction(s) of traffic flow. Ifthe front to back dimension is less than 18 inches, only those drums specifically approved by the Engineer will be permitted. Shape: Rectangular, hexagonal, circular, or flat-sided semi-circular. Color: The base color of the drum shall be fade resistant safety-orange. Reflective Stripes: The exterior vertical surface shall have at least two orange and two white circumferential stripes. Each stripe shall be 4 to 6 inches wide and shall be reflectonzed. If there are nonreflectorized spaces between the horizontal orange and white stnpes they shall be no more than 2 inches wide. Reflective stripes shall be 3-M flexible 3810, Reflexite PC 1000, 3-M Diamond Grade, or Avery Dennison W-6100. I I The traffic safety drums shall be designed to accommodate at least one portable hght unit. The method of attachment shall ensure that the light does not separate from the drum upon impact, and shall meet the requirements ofNCHRP 350 as certified by the manufacturer of the device. The Contractor shall obtain the manufacturer's certification documentation for all such devices purchased and shall keep the documentatIOn available for inspection throughout the life of the project. I I When recommended by the manufacturer, drums shall be treated to ensure proper adhesion of the reflective sheeting. I If approved by the Engineer, used drums with new reflective sheeting may be used, provided all drums used on the project are of essentially the same configuration. I The drums shall be designed to resist overturning by means of a weighted lower unit that will separate from the drum when impacted by a vehicle. The lower unit shall be a maximum of 4 inches high and shall be designed to completely enclose the ballast. The lower unit, with ballast, shall have a minimum weight of 10 pounds and maximum weight of 50 pounds. The base shall be designed to resist movement or creeping from wind gusts or other external forces. The drums shall be designed to resist rolling if overturned. I I Drums shall be regularly maintained to ensure that they are clean and that the drum and reflective material are in good condition. If the Engineer determines that a drum has been damaged beyond use, or provides inadequate reflectivity, a new drum shall be furnished. I I When no longer required, as determined by the Engineer, the drums shall remain the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the project. I I Traffic safety drums shall be used on all lane closure tapers throughout the project. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 111-34 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323 1 94B During hours of darkness, all traffic safety drums used on lane closure tapers shall be equipped With Type C steady burning warning hghts. Replacement batteries for warning lights shall be included in the cost of furnishing the drums. Type III Barricade: The barricades shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown in the MUTCD and the Standard Plans. The barricade width shall be 8 feet unless otherwise specified in the contract plans. If it is necessary to add mass to barricades for stability, only bags of sand that will rupture on impact shall be used. The bags of sand shall: be furnished by the Contractor; have a maximum mass of 40 pounds; and be placed no more than 1 foot above the ground. As may be indicated in the Signing Plan or Traffic Control Plan, the Contractor may be required to install signs, warning lights, or both, on barricades. Portable Changeable Message Sign (PCMS): The PCMS shall meet the requirements of the MUTCD and the following: The PClvIS shall employ one of the following technologies: l. Back-lighted split-flap 2. Fiber optic/shutter 3. Light emitting diode 4. Light emitting diode/shutter 5. Flip disk Regardless of the technology, the PCMS shall meet the following general requirements: l. Be light emitting and must not rely solely on reflected light. 2. Have a display consisting of individually controlled pixels no larger than 2-1/2 inch by 2 1/2 inch. If the display is composed of individual character modules, the space between modules must be minimized so alphanumeric characters of any size specified below can be displayed at any location within the matrix. 3. When activated, the pixels shall display a yellow or orange image. When not activated, the pixels shall display a flat black image that matches the background of the sign face. 4. Be capable of displaying alphanumeric characters that are a minimum of 18 inches in height. The width of alphanumeric characters shall be appropriate for the font. The PCMS shall be capable of displaying three lines of eight characters per line with a minimum of one pixel separation between each line. S. The PCMS message, using 18 inch characters, shall be legible by a person with 20/20 corrected vision from a distance of not less than 800 feet centered around an axis perpendicular to the sign face. 6. The sign display shall be covered by a stable, impact resistant polycarbonate face. The sign face shall be non-glare from all angles and shall not degrade due to exposure to ultraviolet light. 7. Be capable of simultaneously activating all pixels for the purpose of pixel diagnostics. Any sign that employs flip disk or shutter technology shall be programmable to activate the disks/shutters once a day to clean the electrical SEA/323194.WlT.FD.02 I1I-35 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I components. This feature shall not occur when the sign is displaying an active message. 8. The light source shall be energized only when the sign is displaying an active message. 9. Be equipped with a redundant light source such that the sign will continue to emit light if one of the light sources fails. The PCMS panels and related equipment shall be permanently mounted on a trailer with. all controls and power generating equipment. The PCMS shall be operated by an easy to use controller that provides the following functions: 1. Select any preprogrammed message by entering a code. 2. Sequence the display of at least five messages. 3. Blank the sign. 4. Program new message, which may include moving arrows and chevrons. 5. Mirror the message currently being displayed or programmed. I I Portable changeable message signs(s) shall be available, on site, for the life of the project. I I The Contractor shall operate the PCMS in accordance with the approved traffic control plans or as directed by the Engineer. The PCMS shall not be used in lieu of sequential arrow SignS. 1-10.3(6) One-Way Piloted Traffic Control Through Construction Zone I The entire section is deleted. 1-10.4 Measurement I Payment for temporary traffic control will be made on a lump sum basis and no measurement will be made. I I The section is changed to be as follows: 1-10.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for each of the following bid items included in the Bid Form: I I The section is changed to be as follows: "Temporary Traffic Control", lump sum. I I The lump sum contract price for "Temporary Traffic Control" shall be full pay for all labor, management, the traffic control plan, materials, and equipment for temporary traffic control, complete. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-36 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 1-11 MISCELI,ANEOUS EQUIPMENT AND SPARE PARTS (New Section) 1-11.1 Forklift Truck Lift Contractor shall provide a telescoping pivot boom jib lift attachment for the 8,600 or 5,000-pound capacity City forklift truck with sufficient capacity to lift all pumps, motor, and valves installed in the water pump station. The lift will adjust from 0 to 50 degrees in the vertical direction and will have a minimum horizontal reach of 100 inches. The lift will be compatible with the City forklift truck manufactured by Centrex Cranes. 1-11.2 Measurement No measurement will be made for forklift truck lift. 1-11.3 Paymen1 Payment for forklift truck lift will be included in the lump sum amount for "Fairmount Water Pump Station." SEA/323194.WlJ.FD.02 III-37 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FACILITY PERFORMANCE DEMONSTRATION/CERTIFICATION FORM OWNER: PROJECT: Unit Processes Description (List unit processes involved in facility startup): Unit Processes Startup Sequence (Describe sequence for startup, including computerized operations, if any): Contractor Certification that Facility is capable of performing its intended function(s), including fuUy automatic operation: Contractor: Date: ,20_ Engineer: Date: ,20_ (Authorized Signature) SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-38 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I OWNER EQPT TAG NO: I PROJECT NO: MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATE OF PROPER INSTALLATION EQPT SERIAL NO: EQPT/SYSTEM: SPEC. SECTION: I I hereby certify that the above-referenced equipment/system has been: (Check Applicable) I D D D D D D D I I I I Installed in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. Inspected, checked, and adjusted. Serviced with proper lllltlallubncants. Electrical and mechanical connections meet quality and safety standards. All applicable safety equipment has been properly installed. Functional tests. System has been performance tested, and meets or exceeds specified performance reqUirements. (When complete system of one manufacturer) I Comments: Note: Attach any performance test documentatlon from manufacturer. I I I I, the undersigned Manufacturer's Representatlve, hereby certify that I am (i) a duly authorized representative of the manufacturer, (ii) empowered by the manufacturer to inspect, approve, and operate his equipment and (iLi) authorized to make recommendations required to assure that the equipment furnished by the manufacturer is complete and operational, except as may be otherwise indicated herein. I further certify that all information contained herein is true and accurate. I I Date: ,20_ Manufacturer: I By Manufacturer's Authorized Representatlve: I SEN323194.WU.FD.02 I ill-39 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I I, 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK 2-01 CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP 2-01.1 Description The section is supplemented with the following: All clearing and grubbing shall be confined to within the limits shown on the Plans, or to public right-of-way. Grub all stumps within 5 feet of any new pipe or conduit installation. Clearing shall also be minimized to only the area reqUlred by the Contractor to construct the specified project improvements. 2-01.2(1) Disposal Method No.1 - Open Burning The section is supplemented with the following: Open burning will not be permitted on this project. 2-01.2(2) Disposal Method No.2 - Waste Site The section is supplemented with the following: No waste site has been provided for the disposal of excess material. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining waste sites. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer copies of all permits necessary for the disposal of surplus materials before removing materials from the construction site. All costs shall be incidental to the project. The hours for dehvery to the Port Angeles Landfill of approved material under this contract is limited to Monday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., excluding holidays. Material delivered and/or disposed of at other hours will not be compensated for under this contract. The Port Angeles Landfill will not accept asphalt, wood, concrete, or soil under this Contract. Other local disposal sites for these materials are available in Clallam County. 2-01.2(3) Disposal Method No.3 - Chipping The section is supplemented with the following: Unsold chips may be spread on selected parts of the project site as approved by the Engineer. 2-01.3 Construction Requirement The section is supplemented with the following: Clearing and grubbing shall be done to the construction limits shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall protect existing landscaping outside the construction limits from damage during the construction operations including, but not limited to, such items as rockeries, SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-40 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B fences, landscape timbers, beauty bark, decorative gravel, bushes, shrubbery, and inigation systems, except where such items are shown on the Plans to be removed. All costs of protecting existing landscaping from damage shall be incidental to the bid item(s). JProperty owners are responsible for relocating or removing trees, shrubs, or any other landscaping material within the work areas that they wish to save unless specified elsewhere in the contI act documents. The Contractor shall notify property owners a minimum of 5 days in advance of clearing the site to allow the owner time to remove landscape materiaL All landscape materials that remain in the work area shall be removed and disposed of by the Contractor, except when salvage or protection is specifically ordered by the Engineer. Before removing landscaping material, the Contractor must receive written approval from the Engineer to begin his work. J[f the Contractor removes or damages any existing landscaping designated to be saved or protected because of any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct in the execution of the work, such landscaping shall be restored or replaced by the Contractor to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such damage or removaL 2-01.5 Payment The section is changed to be as follows: Payment for clearing and grubbing at the sewage pump station site will be included in the lump sum amount for "West UGA Sewage Pump Station"; payment for clearing and grubbing at the water pump station site will be included in the lump sum amount for "Fairmount Water Pump Station"; or will be considered incidental to other items included in the Bid Form. 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS 2-02.1 Description The section is supplemented with the following: All asphalt concrete pavement removal is part of "Trench excavation" and removal costs shall be incidental to the pay items in Division 7. 2-02.3 Construdion Requirements The section is supplemented with the following: Remove completely all existing pavement, structures, and other improvements and facilities as shown on the Plans and as required for construction of the new facilities. Also remove obstructions encountered including, but not limited to, tree roots, stumps, abandoned structures, and debris of all types. Except as specified elsewhere or as shown on the Plans, upon their removal, the structures and obstructions, except for items specified to be salvaged, shall become the property of the Contractor and the Contractor shall dispose of them in a manner meeting all requirements federal, state, county, and local laws and regulations. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-4l JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, and Curbs The section is changed to be as follows: All pavement, sidewalks, and curbs shall be saw cut in such a fashion as to form a neat break line. Saw cutting is incidental to the bid item involved. 2-02.5 Payment The section is changed to be as follows: Removal of existing structures and obstructions shall be incidental to the items included In the Bid Form and the costs for such removal shall be included in the Contract prices for those bid items. 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT 2-03.1 Description The section is supplemented WIth the following: The work descnbed in this section includes excavation and embankment construction required to complete construction of the Fairmount Water Pump Station site, embankment fill along Highway 101, and the West UGA sewage pump station site to the lines and grades shown on the Plans. 2.03.2 Materials (New Section) Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Embankment Fill (Gravel Borrow) 9-03.14(1) 2-03.3(7) Disposal of Surplus Material The section is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall dispose of all excess excavation off-site at an approved location. 2-03.4 Measurement The section is changed to be as follows: Measurement for "Embankment Fill" will by the ton. The number of tons shall be as shown on the load ticket for each load of embankment fill delivered and placed along Highway 101 as shown on the Plans or directed by the Engineer. Requirements for load tickets shall be as specified for Controlled Density Fill. Embankment fill placed for water or sewage pump station construction will not be measured for payment and will be incidental to the pump station bid items. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 111-42 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTlLITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2-03.5 Payment The section is changed to be as follows: - The cost for excavation and embankment, where there is no bid item, shall be considered incidental to the construction and shall be included in the costs of other items involved in the project. Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for the following bid items included in the Bid Form: "Embankment Fill", per ton. The unit contract per ton for "Embankment Fill" shall constitute full compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment for processing as required, loading, hauling, and final placement, and other activities necessary to accomplish this work along the shoulder of Highway 101 as shown on the Plans. No payment will be made for processing excess material not used in the project. 2-09 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION 2-09.2 Materials The section is supplemented with the following: 2-09.2(1) Pipe Uedding Material (New Section) Pipe bedding material shall be either Control Density Fill or conform to Section 9-03.12(3), Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding, with maximum particle size of 5/8 inch. 2-09.2(2) Backfill Material (New Section) Trench backfill above the pipe zone under and within the area of influence of structures, paved areas, and roadways shall be either Control Density Fill (CDF) or Base Course conforming to Section 9-03.9(3). CDF shall be used as trench backfill only where also used as pipe zone and bedding material. The area of influence is defined as the area within planes sloped downward and outward at 60-degree angle from horizontal measured from I foot outside the outermost edge at base of foundations or slabs or 1 foot outside outermost edge at surface of roadways or shoulder. CDF is required for trench backfill at the following locations for the water main installation (and other pipe and conduits in common trench with the water main): Eclipse Industrial Parkway from Station 0+00 to 17+00: Backfill with CDF for pipe bedding, pipe zone and trench backfill above the pipe zone. Allow sufficient space at top of trench backfill for surface restoration as shown on the Plans. Eclipse Industrial Parkway from Station 17+00 to US Highwav 101: Backfill with CDF for pipe bedding, and pipe zone material. Trench backfill above the pipe zone shall be Base Course. Allow sufficient space at top of trench backfill for surface restoration as shown on the Plans. CDF is required for trench backfill at the following locations for all pipe and conduit installation: SEA/323 I 94.WlT.FD.02 1lI-43 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 32319413 I I i I I US HIghway 101 Crossings: Backfill wIth CDF for pipe bedding, pipe zone and trench backfill : above the pipe zone. Allow sufficient space at top of trench backfill for surface restoration as shown on the Plans. I I I I For areas outside the influence zone of structures, paved areas, or roadways, as specified herein, . excavated material shall be used for trench backfill above the pipe zone when approved by Engineer. Remove particles larger than 6 inches in any dimension, frozen material, roots, debris, and organic matter. At locations where, in the opinion of the Engineer, there are strata of matenal suitable for backfill and strata of material unsuitable for backfill, excavation shall be performed and the work otherwise performed to separate out the suitable material for use as fill or backfill. Provide imported pipe trench backfill material conforming to Section 9-03.10 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill as dIrected by Engineer. 2-09.2(3) Controlled Density Fill (CDF) (New Section) I I CDF shall be used only as specified herein, where directed by the Engineer or shown on the Plans. It is intended to be used as trench backfill, pipe zone and pipe bedding where the water main or sanitary sewer crosses US 101, in trench sections for the water main or Eclipse Industrial Parkway as specified herein, under the Fairmount Water Station, and under existing utilities. CDF shall be a mixture of portland cement, fly ash, aggregates, water, and admixtures proportioned to provide a non-segregating, free-flowing self-consolidating, and low shrink slurry, that will result in a hardened, dense, non-settling, and excavatable material fill with an unconfined compressive strength at 28 days not exceeding 100 psi, per ASTM D4832, (+50 psi, -20 psi). Maximum: density shall be 100 pounds per cubic foot. CDF shall conform to the following requirements: I Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Types I or II. I I I Aggregate: Sand with a gradation to produce the specified unit weight and other specified properties. Material passing the No. 40 sieve shall be nonplastic. Water: Potable. I I I I Fly Ash: Class F ASTM C618, unless other approved. Admixture: As necessary to produce the specified unit weight and to develop flowability without segregation. The Contractor shall detennine the materials and proportions used to meet the requirements of these Specifications. The Contractor shall make daily checks of the aggregate gradation and adjust the mix design as required to meet these Specifications. The CDF mix shall be modified as necessary to meet the flowability, pumpability, and set time requirements for each individual pour. No CDF shall be placed until the Engineer has approved the mix design. The Engineer's approval of the mix design shall be understood to indicate conditional acceptance. Final acceptance will be based on tests conducted on field samples and conformance with these Specifications. I I CDF mix proportions shall be detennined by laboratory trial mixes in general accordance with ACI 301. After completion of trial mix work and prior to CDF placement, the Contractor shall establish, based on the design mixes, field proportions for CDF to be used in the work. Field trial CDF shall be produced using the equipment that will be used for the job. Adjustments shall be made in design mixes to SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 111-44 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B provide homogeneous, durable CDF with good workability and with density and strength not exceeding the specified maximums. Six standard test cylinders shall be obtained from each field trial mix and tested as in mix design. The Engineer shall be notified in advance of any field trial mix work, and no field trial mix shall be made without the Engineer and the testing laboratory being present. . If a minimum time between subsequent pours of less than 24 hours for multiple lift placements is desired, that feature, including the minimum time proposed, shall be specifically addressed in the mix design and shall be demonstrated by laboratory trial mix and field trial tests. 2-09.3 Construction Requirements 2-09.3(1) General Requirements 2-09.3(1)C Removal of Unstable Base Material The section is changed to be as follows: When, in the opinion of the Engineer, the material at the bottom of an excavation is not stable enough to support the pipeline or structure, the Contractor shall excavate below grade and replace the unstable material With Foundation Material, as specified in Section 9-03.17, Foundation Material Class A or Class B, or with Controlled Density Fill as directed by the Engineer. Foundation material shall only be used at the direction ofthe Engineer. Foundation material shall be placed in lifts of not more than 12 inches and compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density determined by the Compaction Control Test, Section 2-03.3(14)D. 2-09.3(1)D Disposal of Excavated Material The section is changed to be as follows: Excavated materials not required or not suitable for backfill shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the site. Make arrangements for the disposal of the excavated material and bear all costs or retain any profit incidental to such disposal. Excavated . material shall be disposed of at not more than two sites. Notify the Engineer in writing of the disposal site locations. Record where each load delivered to each site originated in the project by pipeline name and full station. Submit the records for each day to the Engineer not later than the close of business on the same day. 2-09.3(1)E Backfilling The second sentence of the first paragraph is deleted. The second paragraph is changed to be as follows: When specified in the contract or when directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide Imported Pipe Trench Backfill, Base Course, Gravel Borrow, or Controlled Density Fill as backfill material. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-45 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I The items Alternative Sources and Stockpiling are deleted. I I The item Compaction is changed to the following: BackfIll and Pipe Bedding Placement and Compaction. Place backfill and pipe . bedding in horizontal layers and compact each layer before placing the next layer. Pipe bedding material layer thickness shall not exceed 6 inches before compaction. Place fill and backfill in layers not more than 12 inches thick before compaction. Place and compact pipe bedding material below the pipe prior to placing the pipe. After compaction, grade the top surface of the , pipe bedding material and excavate bell holes to provide continuous and uniform support along the pipe barrel. Place bedding material simultaneously to the same level on both sides of the pipe to avoid shifting the pipe out of position. I I Compaction of fill, backfill, and pipe bedding shall be by mechanical means. Compact pipe bedding to 95 percent of maximum density. Compact fill and backfill to 95 percent of maximum density. Compact backfill that is not within the area of influence of structures and roadways to 90 percent of maximum density. Maximum density shall be as determined by the Compaction Control Test, Section 2-03.3(14)D. Change the moisture content of backfill material as required to achieve the specified compaction density. Requirements for placement in layers, maximum layer thickness, and minimum compacted density of each layer specified in this section are separate and independent requirements. Place materials in layers not exceeding the specified' maximum layer thickness regardless of whether the specified minimum density can be achieved using thicker layers. I I I I Backfill within the area of influence of structures and roadways shall be placed to a minimum compacted depth of 6 inches, and compacted to 95 percent of maximum density. Maximum density shall be as determined by the Compaction Control Test, Section 2-03.3(14)D. ' Change the moisture content of backfill material as required to achieve the specified compaction: density. I I 2-09.3(3)D Shoring and Cofferdams Providing "Shoring or Extra Excavation Class A or B" and all aspects involved therein for safety systems for trenches and excavations shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. All trenches and excavations greater than 4 feet deep shall be shored. Shoring shall comply with Chapter 49.17 RCW of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act. I I I I The third paragraph is changed to be as follows: Trench boxes, sliding trench shields, jacked. shores, and shoring systems installed after excavation are allowed as structural shoring. The section is supplemented with the following: See also appropriate sections of Division 7 for trenching and backfilling. I I 2-09.3(5) Removal of Water (New Section) Provide and operate equipment adequate to keep all excavations free of water. Do not cause settlement or damage to adjacent property. Dispose of water in a manner that will not damage adjacent SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-46 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B property or the environment. Dewater from outside structural limits and from a point below the bottom of the excavation when possible. The dewatering system design shall prevent removal of fines from existing ground and shall provide for removal of sediments before discharge to the storm sewer system. Protect the work and the excavation from the entry of surface drainage. 2-09.3(6) Controlled Density Fill (CDF) (New Section) Discharge CDF from a mixer by any means acceptable to the Engmeer into the area to be filled. Bring the CDF up uniformly. Individual pours shall not be greater than 8 feet in height. Further restrict the pour height, restrain the pipe, brace the pipe internally, or take other measures needed to prevent pipe buoyancy or deflection or buckling of pIpe walls. Subsequent pours shall not be placed until the underlying pour has set for at least 24 hours, unless the approved mix design specifically provides for a shorter time between pours. The subgrade on which CDF is placed shall be free of disturbed or softened material and water and shall not be frozen. CDF batching, mixing, and, placing may be started if weather conditions are favorable, when the air temperature is 34 degrees F and rising. At the time of placement, CDF must have a temperature of at least 40 degrees F. Mixing and placement shall stop when the air temperature is 38 degrees or less and falling. Each filling stage shall be as continuous an operation as is practical. Contain CDF in trench sections using bulkheads or fill materials at the ends of the trench section. Provide steel plates to span utility trenches and prevent traffic contact with CDF for at least 24 hours after placement or until CDF is hard enough to prevent rutting or damage by construction equipment or traffic. 2-09.4 Measurement The section is supplemented with the following: Base Course. Measurement and payment for "Base Course" is specified in Section 4-04. Foundation Material Measurement for "Foundation Material" will be by the ton. The number of tons shall be as shown on the load ticket for each load of foundatIOn material delivered and placed, as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Requirements for load tickets shall be as specified in Section 1-09.2. Imported Pipe Trench Backt-'ll. Measurement for "Imported Pipe Trench Backfill" will be by the ton. The number of tons shall be as shown on the load ticket for each load of imported pipe trench backfill delivered and placed, as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Requirements for load tickets shall be as specified for Controlled Density Fill. Controlled Density Fill (CDF). "Controlled Density Fill (CDF)" will be measured by the cubic yard. The number of cubic yards shall be as shown on the load ticket for each load of controlled density fill delivered and placed, as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Duplicate load tickets shall accompany each load of controlled density fill delivered to the project. The tickets shall bear at least the following information: I. Truck number. 2. The number of cubic yards of controlled density fill in the load. 3. Truck tare weight. 4. Gross truck weight stamped at the batch plant. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-47 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I 5. 6. 7. 8. Date and time of dehvery. Place for receipting by the Engineer. The pay item number. The contract number. I I Each truck shall be clearly numbered, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and there shall be no duplication of numbers. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to see that a certified load ticket is given to the Engineer's representative on the project and receipted by the representative at the time of delivery for each truckload of controlled density fill delivered. Load tickets not delivered to and receIpted by the Engineer's representative at the time of delivery will not be honored for payment. I I Measurement and payment of "Trench Safety Systems" is specified in Section 7-09. I I 2-09.5 Payment The section is changed to be as follows: "Foundation material", per ton. "Imported Pipe Trench Backfill", per ton. "Controlled Density Fill (CDF)", per cubic yard. I I Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items included in the Bid Form: The Contract unit price shall be full pay for excavation, backfill, compaction, and all I, other work specified in this section, complete. Disposal of excavated material that is displaced by foundation material, pipe, pipe bedding, structures, and surface improvements restoration, I together with disposal of excavated material that is otherwise not needed or is determined by the I Engineer to be not suitable for use as backfill, is incidental to and included in the Contract unit ], prices for these items, except disposal of excavated material that is specifically specified as being included in the Contract lump sum and unit prices for other items in the Bid Form. I The Contract unit price for "Foundation Material" shall be full pay for furnishing the foundation material at the point of use and for disposal of the excavated material displaced by the foundation material, complete. ] I The Contract unit price for "Controlled Density Fill (CDF)" shall be full pay for furnishing and placing the controlled density fill, complete, including disposal of the excavated material displaced by the CDF, complete. I I I I I The Contract unit price for "Imported Pipe Trench Backfill" shall be full pay for furnishing the imported pipe trench backfill at the point of use and for disposal of the excavated material displaced by the imported material, complete. Pipe bedding as specified in Section 2-09.2(1) shall be incidental to and included in the Contract unit prices for pipe. I I SEN323 I 94.WU.FD.02 1lI-48 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Backfill material within the area of influence of structures as specified in Section 2-09.2(2) and controlled density fill (CDF) as specified in Section 2-09.2(3) shall be incidental to and included in the lump sum amounts for eIther "Fairmount Water Pump Station" and "West UGA Sewage Pump Station" when used within the pay limits of that lump sum item. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 1lI-49 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I DIVISION 4 BASES 4-04 BALLAST AND CRUSHED SURFACING 4-04.1 Description The section is supplemented with the following: This includes crushed surfacing base course for those areas requiring patching of asphalt concrete pavement at water main trenches, for gravel shoulder restoration, gravel road surfacing, and other miscellaneous gravel requirements. Due to the undefmed need for these materials, quantities will vary from the bid item quantities for this work listed in Section 4-04.5 and shown on the "Bid Form." Therefore, the provisions of Section 1-04.6 will not apply to these items. I Compacted depth of base course shall be as shown on the Plans and as directed by the Engineer. I I 4-04.4 Measurement 1. Truck number. 2. The number of tons of tons in the load. 3. Truck tare weight. 4. Gross truck weight stamped at the material source. 5. Date and time of delivery. 6. Place for receipting by the Engineer. 7. The pay item number. 8. The contract number. I I I I I I I The section is changed to be as follows: Crushed surfacing base course will be measured by the ton for material delivered and placed within 5 feet ofthe pipe centerline or other payment limits shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. The number of tons shall be as shown on the load tickets for each load of crushed surfacing delivered and placed, as shown on the Plans and as directed by the Engineer. Duplicate load tickets shall accompany each load of crushed surfacing fill delivered to the project. The tickets shall bear at least the following information: Each truck shall be clearly numbered, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and there shall be no duplication of numbers. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to see that a certified load ticket is given to the Engineer's representative on the project and receipted by the representative at the time of delivery for each truckload of crushed surfacing delivered. Load tickets not delivered to and receipted by the Engineer's representative at the time of delivery will not be honored for payment. I Payment for crushed surfacing base course used at pump station sites, will be included in the lump sum amount for "Fairmount Water Pump Station" or "West UGS Sewage Pump Station." I I SEAl323194.WU.FD.02 III-50 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 4-04.5 Payment The section is changed to be as follows: Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for each ofthe following bid items in the Bid Form: "Crushed Surfacmg Base Course", per ton. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 1lI-51 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I: 323194i ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 5 SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS 5-04 HOT MIX ASPHALT 5-04.1 Description The section is supplemented with the following: All pavement patching for trench restoration shall be completed with hot plant mix Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Class 1/2", PG 70-22, to the sections shown on the Plans and Standard Details or as directed by the Engineer. Where the water main is located under or near existing pavement, the Contractor shall saw cut in straight lines parallel to the trench to remove all damaged pavement. The Contractor shall protect all remaining bituminous and asphalt concrete pavement from damage. I The Contractor shall replace all striping and pavement markings and shall tack, seal, and: sand all joints between new and existing pavement and all cost shall be incidental to pavement restoration. Due to the undefined need for these materials, quantities will vary from the bid item quantities for this work listed in Section 5-04.5 and shown on the "Bid Form." Therefore, the provisions of Section 1-04.6 will not apply to these items. 5-04.2 Materials The section is supplemented with the following: All materials shall be furnished by the Contractor. The grade of asphalt for tack coats shall be Cationic Emulsified Asphalt CRS-2 or STE-l meeting the requirements of Section 9-02. The grade of asphalt for seahngjoints and other meet lines shall be AR 4000W. Asphalt Cold Patch Mix shall be approved by the Engineer. 5-04.3(21) Asphalt Binder Revision This section is deleted in its entirety. 5-04.3(22) Asphalt Cold Patch (New Section) Asphalt Cold Patch Mix for temporary pavement patching shall be placed by the Contractor immediately following trench backfill at the US 101 crossing and at other locations where directed by the Engineer, as required for maintenance of traffic as specified in Section 1-07.23. The "Asphalt Cold Patch Mix" shall be removed in its entirety before asphalt concrete pavement is placed. 5-04.4 Measurement The section is changed to be as follows: Measurement for the bid item "Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) CL 1/2", PG 70-22" will be measured by the ton for asphalt concrete delivered and placed within 5 feet of the water main SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-52 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION Q 323194B centerline or other payment limits shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. No payment will be made for "Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Class 1/2", PG" more than 5 feet from the centerline of the water main. Measurement for the bid item "Asphalt Cold Patch Mix" will be measured by the ton for asphalt cold patch mix delivered and placed within 5 feet of the pipe centerline or other payment limits shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. 5-04.5 Payment The section is changed to be as follows: Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for each of the following bid items in the Bid Form: "Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) CL 1/2", PG 70-22", per ton. "Asphalt Cold Patch Mix", per ton. The Contract unit price for "Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) CL 1/2", PG 70-22" shall be full pay for furnishing and placing the asphalt concrete for pavement, complete. Asphalt tack coat shall be incidental to and included in the Contract unit price for "Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) CL 1/2", PG 70-22." The Contract unit price for "Asphalt Cold Patch Mix" shall be full pay for furnishing and placing and subsequent removal and disposal of the asphalt cold patch mix, complete. SEA/323I 94.WU.FD.02 III-53 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION " 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 7 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER ' MAINS, AND CONDUITS 7-01 DRAINS 7-01.2 Materials The section is supplemented with the following: Drain pipe shall be new PVC drain pipe conforming to Section 9-05.1(5), or as approved by the Engineer. 7-01.3 Construction Requirements. The section is supplemented with the following: Construct the drains in accordance with applicable portions of Section 7-04, Storm Sewers, and Section 7-08, General Pipe Installation Requirements. 7-01.4 Measurement The section is supplemented with the following: Payment for relocating the 8-inch drain pipe beneath and adjacent to the Fairmount Water I Pump Station will be included in the lump sum amount for "Fairmount Water Pump Station" and: no measurement will be made. ' 7-01.5 Payment The section is changed to be as follows: All work related to drain pipe construction shall be incidental to and included in other Contract prices. 7-05 MANHOLES, INLETS, CATCH BASINS, AND DRYWELLS 7-05.2 Materials The section is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: For sewer manhole material specification, reference Section 02631, Utility Structures, in Part IV of this Project Manual. 7-05.3 Construction Requirements The section is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Manholes shall be installed in accordance with requirements specified in Section 02631, Utility Structures, in Part IV of this Project Manual. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-54 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 7-05.5 Payment The section is supplemented with the following: Payment for furnishing and installing the catch basin for roof drainage and connection of the floor drams to the existing manhole at the Fairmount Water Pump Station site shall be included m the lump sum price for "Fairmount Water Pump Station." 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 7-08.3(1)A Trenches The following is added to end of first paragraph: The maximum open trench length is 200 feet unless approved by the Engineer. 7-08.3(2)J Pipe Laying - Ductile Iron (New Section) Cleaning Pipe and Fittings Remove lumps, blisters, and excess coal tar coating from bell and spigot ends of each pipe. Wire brush outside of spigot and inside of bell and wipe clean, dry, and free from oil and grease before pipe is laid. Wipe ends of mechanical joint pipe and fittings and of rubber gasket joint pipe and fittings clean of dirt, grease, and foreign matter. Joining Push-On Joint Pipe and Mechanical Joint Fittings Provide special tools and devices, such as, special jacks, chokers, and similar items required for installation. Lubricate pipe gaskets using lubricant furnished by pipe manufacturer. No substitutes will be permitted. Clean ends of fittings of dirt, mud, and foreign matter by washing with water and scrubbing with a wire brush, after which, slip gland and gasket on plain end of pipe. If necessary, lubricate end of pipe to facilitate sliding gasket in place, then guide fitting onto spigot of pipe previously laid. Cutting Pipe Dressing Cut Ends: Dress cut end of mechanical joint pipe to remove sharp edges or projections, which may damage rubber gasket. Dress cut ends of push-on joint pipe by beveling, as recommended by manufacturer. Field Welding Use offield welded outlets will not be allowed. Welding for outlets shall be performed only in pipe manufacturer's shop. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-55 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION , 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Field installed outlets may be installed with saddle approved by Engineer. Opening in pipe shall be machined cut and not with cutting torch. 7-08.3(3) Backfilling The following is added to the end of the second paragraph: Pipe zone backfill material shall meet the requirements outlined in the amendments to the standard specifications and special provisions Section 2-09.2(1), Pipe Bedding Material. Other backfill materials shall meet the requirements in Section 2-09.2(2) of these Special Provisions. The first sentence of the third paragraph is changed as follows: Pipe zone backfill shall be placed in loose layers and compacted to 95 percent maximum density. The fourth paragraph IS changed as follows: Backfill above the pipe zone shall be accomplished in such a manner that the pipe will not be shifted out of position nor damaged by impact or overloading. If pipe is being placed in a new embankment, backfill above the pipe zone shall be placed in accordance with Section 2-03.3(14)C and the embankment fill shall be placed and compacted to full height prior to trench excavation and placement ofthe pipe. If pipe is being placed within the area of influence of structures, paved areas, or roadways, backfill within and above pipe zone shall be placed in horizontal layers no more than 6 inches thick and compacted to 95 percent maximum dry density. If pipe is being placed outside the area of influence of structures, roadways, and paved areas, ! backfill above the pipe zone shall be compacted to 90 percent maximum density. All compactionl shall be in accordance with the Compaction Control Test of Section 2-03.3(14)D. Material i excavated from the trench shall be used for backfill above the pipe zone when outside of the areal of influence of structures, paved areas, and roadways only as approved by the Engmeer. Remove all organic material frozen lumps, wood, rocks, or pavement from excavated material determined by the Engmeer to be unsuitable for backfill. Material determined by the Engineer to be unsuitable for backfill at the time of excavation shall be removed and replaced with imported backfill material. 7-08.3(5) Thrust Blocking (New Section) All hydrants, valves, tees, and bends shall be thrust blocked except pipe and fittings with restrained joint as specified on Drawings. Concrete thrust blocking will not be allowed on buried pipe larger than 8 inches. Concrete blocking shall be APW A Class 5 (1-1/2) concrete mix, poured in place against undisturbed soil. Thrust blocking shall comply with the Drawings and the test pressures specified in Section 7-09.3(23). SEA/323 194. WU.FD.02 ill-56 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I Thrust Block Concrete: As specified in Section 03301, Reinforced Concrete, in Part IV of this Project Manual. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615/A615M, Grade 60 deformed bars. Formwork: Plywood; earth cuts may be used as approved by Engineer. I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B 7-09 WATER MAINS 7-09.2 Materials The section is supplemented with the following: Pipe and fittings for water air relief valve connections or shown on Drawings as 2-1I2-inch or smaller buried HDPE pipe shall conform to Section 9-30.6(3)B, Polyethylene Tubing (HDPE), with a 200-psi rating, and shall be installed in conformance with Section 7-15, Service Connechons. Foundation Material shall conform to Section 9-03.17, Class A or Class B, as specified in Section 2-09.3(1)C. Pipe Bedding Material for Pipe Base and Pipe Zone Backfill is specified in Section 2-09.2(1). Imported Pipe Trench Backfill is specified in Section 2-09.2(2). Controlled Density Fill (CDF) IS specified in Section 2-09.2(3). Locator (trace) wire and warning tape shall be used with all buried pipe. All pipe shall be laid with one piece of No. 16 insulated copper wire. The locating wire shall be placed immediately adjacent to the pipe and connected to all valves. Warning tape SHALL NOT be used as an alternative to wire but in all situations shall be used in addition to the wire. Warning tape shall be laid approximately 18 inches below the [mished grade. Split nut connectors shall be used m all wire splices. Locator wire shall be extended one foot above the ground at all valve locations. For fire hydrants and blowoffvalves, the locator wire shall be extended one foot above the hydrant traffic flange and one foot above grade at the blowoff valve. 7-09.3(6) Existing Utilities The section is supplemented with the following: Not all existing utilities may be shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall call One-Call (1-800-424-555) for utility locations. No separate payment will be made for relocation or repair of existing utilities. Prior to any excavation activity near existing water lines, Contractor shall have repair fittings available onsite. 7-09.3(7)B Rock Excavation The section is supplemented with the following: No rock excavation is anticipated. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-57 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194.8 I I 7-09.3(10) Backfilling Trenches All drainage ditches disturbed by trench excavation and backfilling shall be restored to their pre-existing line, grade and cross section, and the work required shall be mcidental to the items included in the Bid Form. 'I I The section is supplemented with the following: 7-09.3(17) Laying Ductile Iron Pipe with Polyethylene Encasement I The section is supplemented with the following: All ductile iron pipe, valves, and buried appurtenances shall be installed with a single layer of polyethylene encasement conforming to ANSI! A WW A CI 05/ A21.5 Method A. I I. Cut polyethylene tube approximately 2 feet longer than pipe length. 2. Slip tube around pipe, centering to provide I-foot overlap on each adjacent section. 3. Pull encasement to take out slack and wrap snug around pipe. 4. Secure overlap in place and fold at quarter pomts of pipe length. 5. Wrap and tape encasement snug around fittings and valves. I I I I 7-09.3(21) Concrete Thrust Blocking The section is deleted in its entirety. 7-09.3(23) Hydrostatic Pressure Test An approved backflow prevention assembly shall be used on the supply connection. The Contractor shall not operate valves in the existing water system. Contractor shall convey water in disinfected pipelines or containers. I 'I I I The section is supplemented with the following: The City will supply water for flushing, testing, and disinfection through existing water lines at the water pump station. Water will be supplied at these connection points at no charge to the Contractor, provided it is not wasted. Delivery rate (approxunately 300 gallons per minute) and duration will be limited so that it does not adversely impact operation of the existing water system. Water mains and appurtenances at the Fairmount Water Pump Station shall be tested as follows: 1. From the suction side of the pumps to ST A 24+46 at the intersection of Eclipse Industrial Parkway and Highway 101 shall be tested to 240 psi when measured at elevation 341 (hydraulic grade line equals 895) and at all pressures at other elevations which correspond to the 895 hydraulic grade line with the exception of the piping downstream of the Fairmount zone pressure reducing valves (pRV 5-1 and 5-2). I I SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 ill-58 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2. From ST A 24+46 at the intersection of Eclipse Industrial Parkway and Highway 101 to the end of Eclipse Industrial Parkway at STA 0+00 shall be tested to 201 psi when measured at elevation 341 (hydraulic grade line equals 807) and at all pressures at other elevations which correspond to the 807 hydraulic grade line. 3. Upstream of the Fairmount Water Pump Station pumps from the connections to the existing piping to the suction of the pumps shall be tested to 185 psi when measured at elevation 341 (hydraulic grade line equals 768) and at all pressures at other elevations which correspond to the 768 hydraulic grade line. 4. Downstream of the Fairmount zone pressure reducing valves (PRV 5-1 and 5-2) shall be tested to '225 psi when measured at elevation 341 (hydraulic grade line equals 861) and at all pressures at other elevations which correspond to the 861 hydraulic grade line. Maximum filling velocity shall not exceed 0.25 foot per second, calculated based on the full area of pipe. Expel air from pipe system during filling. Expel air through air release valve or through corporation stop installed at high pOlllts and other strategic points. Maximum length of pipe to be tested at one time shall be 2,000 feet or the distance between isolation valves. Limit pressure differential on inline valves to 150 psi during testing. Maintain hydrostatic test pressure continuously for 2 hours minimum, adding additional make-up water only as necessary to restore test pressure. If measured leakage exceeds allowable leakage or ifleaks are visible, repair defective pipe section and repeat hydrostatic test. Allowable Leakage: Maximum allowable leakage shall not exceed amount stated in AWWAC600. All piping below the Fairmount Water Pump Station foundation slab shall be satisfactorily hydrostatically tested before the slab is constructed. 7-09.3(23)A Testing Extensions From Existing Mains The section is supplemented with the following: The provisions of the first and second paragraph shall apply to the sections of pipe connecting with existing pipe below the Fairmount pump station future floor. Following satisfactory testing and disinfection of the pipeline between temporary end plugs, the sections connecting to the existing pipeline shall be completed with pretested, prechlorinated pipe. 7-09.3(24) Disinfection of Water Mains The section title is replaced with the following: 7-09.3(24) Disinfection of Water Mains, Water Pumps, and Associated Piping The section is supplemented with the following: Chlorine gas shall not be used for disinfectant. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-59 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I , I Conform to A WW A C651 for pumps, pipes, and pipelines, except as modified in these SpecificatIons. Disinfect the following items installed or modified under this Project, intended to hold, transport, or otherwise contact potable water: 1. 2. 3. Pumps. Pipelines: Disinfect new pipelines that connect to existing pipelines up to point of connection. Disinfect surfaces of materials that will contact finished water, both during and ' following construction, using one of the methods described in A WW A C652 and C653. Disinfect prior to contact with finished water. Take care to avoid recontamination following disinfection. I I 1. Hydrostatic and pneumatic testing, pressure testing, functional and performance , testing and acceptance of pipelines, pumping systems, structures, and equipment~ Disinfection of pumps and associated system piping. I I; I 'I I I Prior to application of disinfectants, clean pump and pipelines ofloose and suspended material. Allow freshwater and disinfectant solution to flow into pipe or vessel at a measured rate ' so chlorine-water solution is at specified strength. Do not place concentrated liquid commercial disinfectant in pipeline or other facilities to be disinfected before it i,s filled with water. Commence disinfection after completion of following: 2. In accordance with A WW A C65I, unless herein modified. I I I I 7-09.3(24)A through 7-09.3(24)1 These sections are replaced with the following: 7-09.3(24)A Cleaning Before disinfecting, clean all foreign matter from pipe in accordance with A WW A C65I. 7-09.3(24)B Chlorinating Procedure 7-09.3(24)C Chlorinating Pumps I Disinfecting Solutions: Minimum free chlorine concentration of 100 ppm. Application: I 1. Inject disinfecting solution into pump and associated piping and circulate for a minimum I-hour period of time. At end of I-hour period, solution shall have a strength of at least 50 ppm free chlorine. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 III-60 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I' I' I I I I I I I I, I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2. Operate valves and pump appurtenances during disinfection to ensure that disinfecting solution is dispersed into all parts of pump and lines. 3. If disinfecting solution contained in pump has a residual free chlorine concentration less than 50 ppm after the I-hour retention period, reclean pump, _ reapply disinfecting solution, and retest until a satisfactory test result is obtained. 4. After cWorination, flush water from pump until water through the unit is chemically and bacteriologIC ally equal to permanent source of supply. 7-09.3(24)N Final Flushing and Testing The section is supplemented with the following: The City will take all water samples for bacteriological testing. Initial samples will be tested at no cost to the Contractor. Subsequent samples, if required, will be tested at the expense of the Contractor. Do not allow flow of heavily chlorinated water into a waterway without neutralizing disinfectant residual. See the appendix of A WW A C651 for acceptable neutralization methods. 7-09.4 Measnrement The section is supplemented with the following: Measurement and payment for Foundation Material is specified in Section 2-09. Measurement and payment for CDF, Base Course, and Imported Pipe Trench Backfill is specified in Section 2-09. Measurement for providing, maintaining, and removing adequate Trench Safety Systems for Water Main excavations, including individual service connections, will be per linear foot measured along the centerline of the pipe. No separate payment will be made for trench safety systems associated with excavations that are part of items of work for which payment is made on a lump sum basis or per each basis. 7-09.5 Payment The section is supplemented with the following: Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items in the Bid Form: "Trench Safety System for Water Mains", per linear foot. "Install DI Water Main, 16 In. Diam.", per linear foot. ; The Contract unit price per linear foot for "Install DI Water Main, 16 In. Diam." for the sizes specified shall be full pay for furnishing all remaining components not provided by City, including small sections of 12 In. diameter pipe, and installing the water pipe and fittings, and small diameter pipe reaches, complete, including but not limited to exploratory excavations for SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-61 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B ,I I I 'I I I I 'I 'I I I ,I I 'I I I ,I I I existing utilities shown on the Plans, trench excavation, dewatering, pipe bedding, pipe zone backfill, thrust blocking, testing, joint bonding, flushing, and disinfecting the pipeline and surface restoration. Includes all items not otherwise specified as necessary to install the 16 In. water line complete up to the payment limits ofthe Fairmount Water Pump Station pay item. Use of excavated materials for trench backfill above the pipe zone is incidental to the Contract unit prict for the pipe. 7-12 VALVES FOR WATER MAINS 7-12.3(1) Installation of Valve Marker Post The section is supplemented with the following: Valves outside of paved areas shall be marked with a delineator marker post with a blue reflector. 7-12.5 Payment The section is supplemented with the following: Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items in the Bid Form: "Water Air Relief Valve", per each. "Gate Valve, 12 In.", per each. "Butterfly Valve, 16 In.", per each The unit contract price for "Water Air Relief Valve" shall be full pay for all work to furnish and install air relief valves, including costs of excavation, valve vaults, backfill, and piping for connections. 7-14 HYDRANTS 7-14.3(1) Setting Hydrants and 7-14.3(2) Hydrant Connections The word "Plans" shall be substituted for "Standard Plans" in these sections. 7-14.5 Payment The section is replaced with the following: Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items in the Bid Form: "Hydrant Assembly", per each. The unit contract price per each for "Hydrant Assembly" shall be full pay for all work to furnish and install fire hydrant assemblies, including all costs for auxiliary gate valve, shackles, tie rods, concrete blocks, gravel, and painting required for the complete installation of the hydrant SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-62 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I .1 I I I I I' I" I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B assembly as specified, except the pipe connecting the hydrant to the main and the hydrant lateral tee will be paid for as specified in Section 7-09.5. 7-15 SERVICE CONNECTIONS 7-15.1 General The section is supplemented wIth the following: Due to the undefined need for service connections, quantities will vary from the bid item quantities for this work listed in Section 7-15.5 and shown on the "Bid Form." Therefore, the provisi~ns of Section 1-04.6 will not apply to these items. 7-15.2 Materials The section is supplemented with the following: Pipe for service connections shall meet the requirements of Section 9-30.6(8), Polyethylene Tubing, with a 200 psig rating. All fittings shall have a 200 pSlg rated working pressure. 7-15.3 Construction Details The section is supplemented with the following: IndivIdual residential service locations for connections from the 16 In. water pipe to existing are shown on the Drawings. Additional connection locations may be identified by the Engineer during construction. Water service connections shall comply with City of Port Angeles Standard Details, attached. All service connection components shall be as specified herein. The location of corporation stop and locating wire on all individual services shall be as indicated on Standard Details and directed by the Engineer. Where pressure reducing valves are required for individual service connections (where directed by the City), each pressure reducing valve shall be installed in a separate meter box. Pressure reducing valves to be located adjacent to pipe trench as directed by the Engineer. Connections to the existing water line and placement of the pressure reducing valve shall be less than 10 feet from the 16 In. water line. 7-15.4 Measuremen~ The section is changed to be as follows: Residential service connections will be measured per each service connection made from the water main to the meter, or to connection point to existing water service line as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer in the field. Individual service PRVs will be measured per each for PRVs installed. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-63 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 'I I I I I I 7-15.5 Payment The section is changed to be as follows: Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for each of the following bid items in the Bid Form: "Residential Service Connection, 1 In. Diam.", per each. "IndlVidual Service PRV", per each. The unit contract price per each for "Residential Service Connection, 1 In. Diam." shall be full pay for all work to install the service connection, including but not limited to, excavating, tapping the main, laying and jointing the pipe and fittings and appurtenances, backfilling, testing, flushing, and disinfection of the service connection. Surface restoration above trench backfill will be paid separately under applicable unit price items. The unit contract price per each for "Individual Service PRV" shall be full pay for all work to furnish and install the PR V with meter box. I I 'I .1 7-17 SANITARY SEWERS 7-17.2 Materials The section is supplemented with the following: Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Sewage Air Relief Valves Section 15202 (Part IV) I ,I I I I Pipe and fittings for sewage air relief valve connections or shown on Drawings as 2-1/2-inch or smaller buried HDPE pipe shall conform to Section 9-30.6(3)B, Polyethylene Tubing (HDPE), with a 200-psi rating, and shall be installed in conformance with Section 7-15, Service Connections. Locator (trace) wire and warning tape shall be used with all buned pipe. All pipe shall be laid with one piece of No. 16 insulated copper wire. The locating wire shall be placed immediately adjacent to the pipe and connected to all valves. Warning tape SHALL NOT be used as an alternative to wire but in all situations shall be used in addition to the wire. Warning tape shall be laid approximately 18 inches below the fmished grade. Split nut connectors shall be used in all wire splices. Locator wire shall be extended one foot above the ground at all valve locations. 7-17.4 Measurement I The section is supplemented with the following: Measurement and payment for CDF, Base Course, and Foundation Material is specified in Section 2-09. I SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-64 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I' I' I I I, I. I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B Measurement and payment for Imported Pipe Trench Backfill is specified in Section 2-09. Measurement for providing, maintaining, and removing adequate Trench Safety System~ for sanitary sewer excavations will be per linear foot measured along the centerline of the pipe. No separate payment will be made for trench safety systems associated with excavations that are part of items of work for which payment is made on a lump sum basis or per each basis. Measurement of valves shall be per each type and size actually installed. 7-17.5 Payment This section IS supplemented with the following: Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for the following bid items in the Bid Form. "Trench Safety Systems for Sanitary Sewer", per linear foot. "Install PVC C900 Sanitary Sewer Forcemain, 4 In. Diam.", per linear foot. "Install PVC Sanitary Sewer, 8 In. Diam.", per linear foot. "Sewage Air Relief Valve", per each. The contract unit prices per linear foot for "Install PVC C900 Sanitary Sewer Forcemain" and "Install PVC Sanitary Sewer" for the sizes specified shall be full pay for furnishing all remaining components not provided by the City and installing the pipe and fittings, complete, including but not lImited to trench excavation, dewatering, pipe bedding, pipe zone backfill, and adjustments of inverts to manholes for completion of the installation to required lines and grade and 2-inch diameter stubouts on the forcemain to the north side of Highway 101 as shown on the Plans. Use of excavated material for trench backfill above the pipe zone is incidental to contract unit price for the pIpe. The unit contract price for "Sewage Air Relief Valve" shall be full pay for all work to furnish and install air relief valves in calculating costs of excavation, valve vaults, backfill, and piping for connections. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 1lI-65 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I \1 II I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 8-02 ROADSIDE RESTORATION 8-02.1 Description The section is changed to be as follows: This work shall consist of removing and replacing topsoil, seeding, fertilizing, and mulching all disturbed areas outside of paved or graveled areas. 8-02.2 Materials The topsOll item is changed to be as follows: Remove existing topsoil over the area to be excavated and stockpile for later replacement. Replace topsoil after backfilling is.completed. 8-02.3 Construction Requirements 8-02.3(1) Preparation of Area 8-02.3(4) Topsoil The section is changed to be as follows: Remove existing topsoil to a minimum depth of 4 inches and stockpile for later replacement. Replace the topsoil after excavation and backfill have been completed. Loosen the finished surface to a depth of 2 mches to prepare it for seeding. 8-02.3(5) Planting Area Preparation The section is supplemented with the following: Areas to be seeded shall be cultivated to provide a reasonably firm but friable seedbed. Cultivation shall take place within two days prior to seeding. All excess excavation materials shall be removed from all areas adjacent to the construction. All disturbed areas outside of paved or graveled areas shall receive topsoil and seeding. They shall be brought to the correct grade to allow space for the topsoil, shall be free of undesirable weed or plant growth, and the surface shall be free of clods, rocks, and debris larger than 2 inches in any dimension. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-66 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I 'I I I I I: I ,I I I I 'I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 8-02.3(15) Seeding and Fertilizing The section is supplemented and amended with the following: Seed and wood fiber mulch shall be applied with a hydro seeder. All areas disturbe~, by construction, which are not resurfaced by pavement or gravel, shall be hydroseeded. Seed mix shall be 50 percent Perennial Rye, 25 percent Chewing Fescue, and 25 percent Red Fescue. Apply seed at a rate of5 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 8-02.4 Measurement The section is changed to be as follows: Removal and replacement of topsoil shall be incidental to excavation and backfill or other earthwork, and no measurement will be made. Hydroseeding and mulching shall be incidental to excavation and backfill or other earthwork, and no measurement will be made. 8-02.5 Payment The section is changed to be as follows: Payment for removal and replacement of topsoil, seeding, and mulching will be considered incidental to other bid items included in this Bid Form. 8-12 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND WIRE FENCE 8-12.1 Description The third paragraph is deleted. 8-12.2 Materials The section is supplemented with the following: Chain link fence and gates shall be Type 1, topped with three strands of barbed wire on 45-degree supports pointing out from site. 8-12.4 Measurement No measurement will be made for chain link fence. 8-12.5 Payment The section is changed to be as follows: Payment for chain link fence will be included in the lump sum amount for "Fairmount Water Pump Station" or "West UGA Sewage Pump Station." SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 1lI-67 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I \1 I I I I I I I I I I I 8-22 PAVEMENT MARKING 8-22.4 Measurement This section is supplemented with the following: Payment for pavement markings will be by lump sum and no measurement will be made. 8-22.5 Payment This section is supplemented with the following: Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following Bid Items on the Bid Form: "Pavement Markings", lump sum. The lump sum Contract price for "Pavement Markings" shall be full pay for constructing pavement lines and markers as shown on the Plans or specified. 8-30 FAIRMOUNT WATER PUMP STATION (NEW SECTION) 8-30.1 Description This section provides for measurement and payment of the pump station. Construction materials and requirements are shown on the Plans and specified in other sections of Part III and Part IV of the Project Manual. 8-30.2 Materials Materials for pump station are shown on the plans and specified in other sections of Part III and Part IV of the Project Manual. 8-30.3 Vacant 8-30.4 Measurement Payment for the Fairmount Water Pump Station will be by lump sum and no measurement will be made. Payment for additional control system programming will be by the hour for each hour of additional control system programming requested by the City for the water pump station. Additional programming is only to be used as authorized in writing by the City and is intended for control system programming beyond the scope required by the Project Manual. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 llI-68 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I. I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 8-30.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for the following Bid item: "Fairmount Water Pump Station", lump sum. The lump sum contract price for "Fairmount Water Pump Station" shall be full payment for constructing the station within the chain link fencing limits shown on the Plans, including furnishing and installing catch basins and associated piping connection of drains to existing manholes, site surfacing, site grading, tree removal, clearing and grubbing, forklift attachment, connecting piping and appurtenances, including engine-generator and RTU panel, controls, and SCADA system integrator services, excavation, dewatering, trench safety systems, backfill, arrangements and coordination with the local power company for service, conduit, conductors, and electrical service equipment outside the Station, startup, testing, and training, and applicable permits and inspections, and all other materials and equipment necessary to allow this item to be complete. Cost of materials for Owner-furnished products shall not be included in the lump sum Contract price. The contract unit price for "Fairmount Water Pump Station Additional Control System Programming" shall be full payment for providing additional programming as authorized by the City. Request for this item shall be limited to hours programmer is actively performing the programming outside the scope required by the Project Manual. All other programming shall be included in the lump sum Contract price for "Fairmount Water Pump Station." 8-31 WEST UGA SEWAGE PUMP STATION (NEW SECTION) 8-31.1 Description This section provides for measurement and payment of the pump station. Construction materials and requirements are shown on the Plans and specified in other sections of Part III and Part IV of the Project Manual. 8-31.2 Materials Materials for pump station are shown on the Plans and specified in other sections of Part III and Part IV of the Project Manual. 8-31.3 Vacant 8-31.4 Measnrement Payment for the West UGA Sewage Pump Station will be by lump sum and no measurement will be made. Payment for additional control system programming will be by the hour for each hour of additional control system programming requested by the City for the sewage pump station. Additional programming is only to be used as authorized in writing by the City and is intended for control system programming beyond the scope required by the Project Manual. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-69 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I ,I 8-31.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for the following Bid item: "West UGA Sewage Pump Station", lump sum. The lump sum contract price for "West UGA Sewage Pump Station" shall be full payment for constructing the station wIthin the gravel pad hmits shown on the Plans, including tree removal clearing . and grubbing, site grading, site surfacing, furnishing and installing manholes and valve vault, installing of submersible pumps, piping and appurtenances, portable engine-generator connection, controls, and SCADA system integrator services, excavation, dewatering, trench safety systems, backfill, arrangements and coordination with the local power company for service, conduit, conductors, and electrical enclosure service equipment, startup, testing, and training, and applicable permits and inspections, and all other labor, materials, and equipment necessary to allow this item to be complete. Cost of materials for City-furnished products shall not be included in the lump sum contract price. 1. Electrical Conduit (5 In., 4 In., and 2 In. Diam.). 2. Sectionalizing Cabinet and Vault. 3. Padmount Transformer, Pad and Vault. 4. Switch Cabinet, Vault. 5. Cable 15 kV. I I I I I, I I I .1 I ,I I The contract unit price for "West UGA Sewage Pump Station Additional Control System Programming" shall be full payment for providing additional programming as authorized by the City, complete. Request for this item shall be limited to hours programmer is actively performing the programming outside the scope required by the Project Manual. All other programming shall be included in the lump sum contract price for "West UGA Sewage Pump Station." 8-32 ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND V AUL TS (NEW SECTION) 8-32.1 Description This work shall consist of installing electrical conduit, pads and vaults for primary and seconda~ power lines in accordance with the Plans, the Standard Specifications and the Special Provisions and Port Angeles City Light Electric Distribution Construction Specifications (attached), at the locations shown on the Plans. Along the north side of Highway 101, work shall consist ofinstalhng conduit and vaults only at the locations shown on the Plans. On the south side of Highway 101 and along Eclipse Industrial Parkway, the Contractor shall install all electric materials, including conduit, conductors, cable, cabinets, vaults, and padmount transformers. Electrical work for the Fairmount Water Pump Station and the West UGA Pump Station is not included in this work. Measurement and payment for pump station(s) electrical work shall be incidental to the lump sum bid price for the pump stations. 8-32.2 Materials 8-32.2(1) Owner-Furnished Products The following products listed below will be furnished by the City. Refer to Section 1-06.7 of these Special Provisions for details. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 1lI-70 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B It is the intent of the City to provide all materials required for the electrical distribution system construction as described in Section 8-32.1 for this Contract and shown on the Plans. All electrical materials shall be in accordance with the Port Angeles City Light Electrical Distribution Construction Specifications (attached). 8-32.3 Construction Requirements 8-32.3(1) Electrical Conduit Installation Electrical conduit, for primary and secondary feed lines, shall be installed in accordance with Port Angeles City Light Electrical Distribution Construction Specifications (attached). 8-32.3(2) Electrical Vault and Pad Installation Electncal vaults and pads for electrical service eqUIpment shall be in accordance with Port Angeles City Light Electrical Distribution Construction Specifications (attached). 8-32.4 Measurement Measurement for payment of electrical conduit will be by the linear foot of conduit installed. Sectionalizing Cabinet Vault, Padmount Transformer Pad and Vault, and Switch Cabinet Vault will be measured per each. 8-32.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with 1-04.1 for the following Bid Items in the Bid Form: "Install Electncal Conduit, 5 In. Diam.", per linear foot "Install Electncal Conduit, 4 In. Diam.", per linear foot "Install Electrical Conduit, 2 In. Diam.", per linear foot "Install Sectionalizing Cabinet Vault", per each "Install Padmount Transformer Pad and Vault", per each "Install Switch Cabinet Vaults", per each The Contract unit price per linear foot for "Install Electrical Conduit, _ In. Diam." for the sizes specified shall be full pay for installing the electrical distribution system conduit, complete, including but not limited to, trench excavation, dewatering, pipe bedding, and pipe zone backfill. The Contract unit price per each for "Install Sectionalizing Cabinet Vault", "Install Padmount Transformer Pad and Vault", "Install Switch Cabinet Vault", shall be full pay for installing the electrical distribution system vaults, complete, including but not limited to excavation, dewatering, bedding, and backfill. The Contract unit prices for "Install Electrical Conduit, _ In. Diam." and electrical distribution system vaults shall include installation of all City-furnished electrical products, as described in Section 8-32.1. Along north side of Highway 101, work shall consist of installation electrical conduit and vaults only at locations shown on Plans. On the south side of Highway 101 and along Eclipse Industrial SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-71 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I ,1 I I I I I I I '1 I I Parkway, the work Contractor shall install all electric materials, including conduit, conductors, cable, cabinets, vaults, and padmount transformer. 8-33 FffiER OPTIC CONDUIT (NEW SECTION) 8-33.1 Description This work shall consist of installing fiber optic conduit and handholes in accordance with the Plans and the Standard specifications, and the Special ProvIsions, at the locations shown on the Plans. Fiber optic cable will be installed by others. 8-33.2 Materials 8-33.2(1) Owner-Furnished Products The following products listed below will be furnished by the City or its authorized agent. Refer to Section 1-06.4 of these special provisions and details. 1. Fiber Optic Conduit (1.5-In.). 2. Fiber Optic Handholes. It is the intent of the City and its authorized agent to provide all materials required for the fiber optic installation described in Section 8-33.1 and shown on the Plans. 8-33.3 Construction Requirements Fiber optic conduit shall be installed in accordance with requirements specified in Section 7-15.3! Construction Requirements, for service connections. 8-33.4 Measurement Measurement for payment of fiber optic conduit will be by the linear foot of each bundle of four (4) or bundle oftwo (2) fiber optic conduit installed. Handholes will be measured per each. 8-33.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with 1-04.1 for the following Bid Items in the Bid Form: "Install Fiber Optic Conduit, 1.5 in. Diam. (bundle of 4)", per linear foot "Install Fiber Optic Conduit, 1.5 in. Diam. (bundle of 2)", per linear foot "Install Fiber Optic Handhole", per each The contract unit price per linear foot (bundle of 4 or bundle of 2) of fiber optic conduit for the size specified shall be full pay for installing the fiber optic conduit and handholes, complete, including but not limited to trench excavation, dewatering, pipe bedding, and pipe zone backfill. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-72 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323 1 94B DIVISION 9 MATERIALS 9-30 WATER DISTRIBUTION MATERIALS 9-30.3 Valves 9-30.3(4) Valve Boxes The section is supplemented with the following: All valve boxes shall be two-piece cast iron and equipped with cast iron extensions as required for a 36-inch to 65-inch trench depth. Top sections and lids shall be designed for installation in vehicular areas. Lids shall be 9-inch minimum depth labeled "WATER" or "SEWER" and lid tabs shall point in the direction ofthe water main. All valves and valve boxes shall be set plumb with the valve box centered on the valve. Valve box installation shall comply with Standard Detail for valve box in paved and unpaved areas. Cast iron valve boxes shall be Olympic Foundry or approved equal and shall be compatible with the Port Angeles system. 9-30.5 Hydrants The section is supplemented with the following: Fire hydrants shall conform to A WW A Standard 502 for post-type, dry-barrel, self- draining hydrants suitable for at least a 54-inch depth. Each hydrant shall have a 6-inch inlet, a minimum valve opening of 5-1/4 inches, two 2-1/2-inch hose connections (National Standard Thread), and a 4-inch pumped nozzle (Pacific Coast Thread, #3). Fire hydrants shall have a 200 psi working pressure and be Mueller A-423, Clow, Waterous, or approved equal. 9-30.6(1) Saddles The section is supplemented with the following: All service connection valves and fittings shall be per A WW A C800 and as specified in Section 02500, Conveyance Piping - General. Service saddles shall be designed for iron pipe threads and use with DI pipe. Service saddles shall conform to City's Standard Detail and Technical Specification Section 02500. 9-30.6(2) Corporation Stops All service connection valves and fittings shall be per A WWA C800 and as specified in Section 15202, Process Valves and Operators. Corporation stops shall conform to City's Standard Detail and Technical Specification Section 15202. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 III-73 JUNE 16, 2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9-30.6(3) Service Pipes The section is supplemented with the following: Service lines shall be IPS I-inch polyethylene for single services and I-inch polyethylene for double services and service connections which must cross under a roadway. Double services shall utilize a Ford, or approved equal, U-branch connection with a I-inch inlet and 3/4-inch outlets. A I-inch curb stop shall precede U-branch connections. Adapters for service lines shall be Ford Pack Joint or approved equal. 9-30.6(3)B Polyethylene Tubing The section is supplemented with the following: PE pipe can be joined to other PE pipe or fittings by either brass compression or brass insta-tite couplings. The use of insert fittings with external stainless steel clamps will not be permitted. 9-30.6(7) Meter Boxes Meter boxes shall conform to City's Standard Detail. 9-30.6(9) Service Pressure Reducing Valves (New Section) IndIvidual service pressure reducing valves shall be adjustable, of bronze body construction with a renewable stainless steel seat, stainless steel integral strainer, and temperature-resistant diaphragm. When required, they shall be installed as directed by the City, on the owner's service line downstream of the meter, in a separate meter box conforming to the meter box in the City's Standard Detail. Individual service PRVs shall be Watts Series US, Wilkins, or approved equal. END OF AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 III-74 JUNE 16,2005 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART IV TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PW 407_04 Part04 [Revised 5/27/04] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B CONTENTS Pages PART IV-TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 2-SITE CONSTRUCTION 02500 02502 02509 02512 02631 Conveyance Piping - General.............................................................. 1- 7 Supplement: Piping Schedule Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings .............................................................. 1- 4 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings ......................... 1- 4 Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings .......................................................... 1- 12 Utility Structures ............................................... ................................... 1- 5 DIVISION 3-CONCRETE 03301 03600 Reinforced Concrete ......... .............................. ..................................... 1- 7 Grout.................... ............... ................................................ ............. .... 1- 6 Supplement: 24-hour Evaluation of Non shrink Grout Test Form and Grout Testing Procedures DIVISION 4--MASONRY 04230 Reinforced Unit Masonry...... ............................................................... 1- 14 DIVISION 5-MET ALS 05500 05520 Metal Fabrications and Castings .... ....................... ............................... 1- 15 Handrails................................... ................................................ ........... 1- 6 DIVISION 6-WOOD AND PLASTICS 06100 06190 06200 Rough Carpentry .............. ...... ........................ ........ ......... ..................... 1- 8 Prefabricated Wood Trusses ................................................................1- 6 Finish Carpentry... .............................. ............ ........... ........................... 1- 4 DIVISION 7- THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07210 07260 07610 Building Insulation................................. ................ ....... ....................... 1- 3 Vapor Retarders................... ......... ............. ....................... ................... 1- 3 Sheet Metal Roofing ............................................................................ 1- 6 SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 00060 11 JUNE 16, 2005 CONTENTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 07620 07900 Pages Sheet Metal Flashing... .................. ..... .... .... ............. ...... ............ .... ....... 1- 6 Joint Sealants ... ........ ...... ...................... ...... ................ .... ........ .... ...... .... 1- 8 DIVISION 8-DOORS AND WINDOWS 08150 Steel Door Assemblies ......................................................................... 1- 6 Supplements: Door and Hardware Schedule Door and Frame Types DIVISION 9-FINISHES 09000 09250 09900 , Finish Schedules... ......... ......... ............ ........................... ...... ....... .... ..... 1- [ Supplement: Exterior Finish Schedule Gypsum Board ............ ..... .... ............... ............ ...... ......... ... ............. ...... 1- 3 Painting and Protective Coatings ......................................................... 1- 26 Supplement: Paint System Data Sheet DIVISION 100SPECIALTIES 10200 10400 10520 Louvers................. .................................. ............. ................................. 1- 4 Supplement: Louver Schedule Louver Types IdentifYing Devices ............ ................ .... ............ ............. .......... ... ........ 1- 6 Supplement: Sign Schedule Portable Fire and Safety Equipment .................................................... 1- 2 DIVISION II-EQUIPMENT 11305 11312 Submersible Pumps... .., ......... ....... ... ...... .............. ......... ..... ....... ............ 1- 5 Supplements: Data Sheets: Pump and Motor Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps ............................................................. 1- 4 Supplements: Data Sheets: Pumps DIVISION 12-FURNISHINGS (NOT USED) SEN323194.WU.FD.02 00060 111 JUNE 16, 2005 CONTENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Pages DNISION 13-SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13390 13401 13985 Package Control Systems..................................................................... 1- 15 Supplement: Sewer Pump Station: Electrical Enclosure Process Instrumentation and Control Systems (PICS)......................... 1- 42 Supplements: Component Specifications Instrument List Control Narratives PLC I/O List Instrument Calibration Sheet I&C Valve Adjustment Sheet Performance Acceptance Test Sheet Pipe Bonding and Test Stations ........................................................... 1- 10 Supplement: Joint Bond Continuity Test Schematic DNISION 14-CONVEYING SYSTEMS (NOT USED) DNISION 15-MECHANICAL 15100 15100-01 15100-02 15202 15209 15760 15830 Plumbing Piping and Accessories........................................................ 1- 9 Copper and Copper Alloy Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings.......................... 1- 1 Cast Iron Soil Pipe (CISP) and Fittings ............................................... 1- 1 Process Valves and Operators.............................................................. 1- 13 Supplement: Valve Schedule Surge Control System .......................................................................... 1- 9 Terminal Heat Transfer Units .............................................................. 1- 4 Supplement: Electric Unit Heater Schedule Fans...................................................................................................... 1- 6 Supplement: Exhaust Fan Schedule DIVISION 16-ELECTRICAL 16010 16050 16060 Basic Electrical Requirements ............................................................. 1- 6 Supplement: Environmental Conditions and Materials Application Basic Electrical Materials and Methods............................................... 1- 11 Grounding............................................................................................ 1- 6 SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 00060 IV JUNE 16, 2005 CONTENTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16080 16120 16130 16140 16220 16230 16288 16412 16440 16442 16460 16500 Pages Electrical Testing ... ............... ....... .......... ...... ...................... .......... ........ 1- 14 Conductors ....... .... ........ ....... ........ ...................... ............... ...... .......... .... 1- 16 Raceways and Boxes ............................................................................ 1- 22 Wiring Devices ... ..... ..... ..... ................. ............... ....... ........ ............. ...... 1- 6 Low Voltage AC Induction Motors ..................................................... 1- 13 Supplement: Table 1, Motor Performance Requirements Diesel Engine Generator Set................................................................ 1- 11 Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors (TVSS)..................................... 1- 5 Automatic Transfer Switch .................................................................. 1- 6 Low Voltage Motor Control ................................................................ 1- 12 Panelboards ..... ................ .... ........... ........... ....... ...... ................ .......... .... 1- 6 Low Voltage Transformers ..................................................................1- 3 Lighting.... .......... ..... ............ ..... ........... ........... ......... ....... .................. .... 1- 7 END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 00060 v JUNE 16, 2005 CONTENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 02500 CONVEYANCEPIMNG-GENERAL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Detailed pipe fabrication drawings showing pipe details, special fittings and bends, dimensions, coatings, and other pertinent information. 2. Pipe pressure class. 3. Product Data: Manufacturer's data for couplings, saddles, gaskets, and other pipe accessories. Indicate maximum rated working pressure and test pressure for each item. B. Informational Submittals: Provide manufacturer's certificate(s) in accordance with Part III, Section 1-05.18, Manufacturer's Services. 1.02 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. In accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Marking at Plant: Mark each pipe and fitting at plant. Include date of manufacture, manufacturer's identification, specification standard, diameter of pipe dimension ratio, pipe class, and other information required for type of pIpe. C. Pipe, specials, and fittings received at Project Site in damaged condition will not be accepted. D. Gasket Storage: Store rubber gaskets in cool, well ventilated place, and do not expose to direct rays of sun. Do not allow contact with oils, fuels, petroleum, or solvents. E. Store and support pipe securely to prevent accidental rolling and to avoid contact with mud, water, or other deleterious materials. F. Handling: 1. Pipe shall be handled with proper equipment in a manner to prevent distortion or damage. Use of hooks, chains, wire ropes, or clamps that could damage pipe, damage coating or lining, or kink and bend pipe ends is not permitted. 2. Use heavy canvas, or nylon slings of suitable strength for lifting and supporting materials. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02500 1 JUNE 15, 2005 CONVEYANCE PIPING - GENERAL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I 323l94B I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Lifting pipe during unloading or lifting into trench shall be done using two slings placed at quarter point of pipe section. Pipe may be lifted using one sling near center of,pipe, provided pipe is guided to prevent uncontrolled swinging and no damage will result to pipe or harm to workers. Slings shall bear uniformly against pipe. 4. Pipe and fittings shall not be stored on rocks or gravel, or other hard material that might damage pipe. This includes storage area and along pipe trench. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE A. As specified in the individual Specification(s) following this section. 2.02 JOINTS A. As specified in the individual Specification(s) following this section. 2.03 COUPLINGS A. General: 1. Coupling linings for use in potable water systems shall be in conformance with NSF 61B. 2. Couplings shall be rated for appropriate operating pressure and hydrostatic test pressure. 3. Exposed, bolted, sleeve-type couplings shall be lined and coated with fusion bonded epoxy in accordance with A WW A C2l3. 4. Buried, bolted, sleeve-type couplings shall be lined and coated with fusion-bonded epoxy in accordance with A WW A C2l3. 5. Bolting Materials: Type 304 stainless steel. B. For Pipe with Plain-Ends: 1. Bolted, sleeve-type coupling, in accordance with A WW A C2l9. a. Manufacturer of couplings shall observe same quality control requirements as specified in A WW A C221 for fabrication of pipe expansion joints. b. Unless thrust restraint is provided by other means, bolted, sleeve- type couplings shall be harnessed. Harness details shall be in accordance with requirements of appropriate reference standard or as shown on Drawings. c. Rated Working Pressure: 200 psi. d. Test Pressure: As specified. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02500 2 JUNE 15, 2005 CONVEYANCE PIPING - GENERAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B e. Flexible Coupling Manufacturers and Products: 1) Dresser Industries Style 38. 2) Smith-Blair Style 501. 3) Or equal. f. Transition Coupling Manufacturers and Products: 1) Dresser Industries, Style 162. 2) Smith-Blair, Style 413. 3) Romac, Style 501. 4) Or equal. C. For Pipe with Grooved Ends: 1. Grooved couplings, in accordance with A WW A C606. System shall provide for flexible joints. 2. Exposed couplings shall be lined and coated with liquid epoxy in accordance with A WW A C210. 3. Buried couplings shall be lined and coated with coal tar epoxy in accordance with A WW A C21 O. D. For Pipe with Flanged Ends: Dismantlingjoints for connecting flanged pipe shall be A WW A C219 compliant. Provide studs and nuts to seal gasket separate and independent from tie-bar restraint system. Dismantlingjoints shall be restrained joint models. 2.04 SERVICE SADDLES A. Double strap design rated for 200 psi minimum working pressure. Romac 20IS, or equal. 2.05 SLAB AND ROOF PENETRATIONS A. Modular Mechanical Seal: 1. Type: Interconnected synthetic rubber links shaped and sized to continuously fill annular space between pipe and wall sleeve opening. 2. Assemble interconnected rubber links with Type 316 stainless steel bolts, nuts, and pressure plates. 3. Size modular mechanical seals according to manufacturer's instructions for the size of pipes shown to provide a watertight seal between pipe and wall sleeve opening. 4. Manufacturers and Products: a. Thunderline/LinkSeal, Div. Of PSI, Houston, TX; Link Seal. b. Calpico, Inc., South San Francisco, California; Sealing Linx. c. Advance Products and Systems, Lafayette, Louisiana; Innerlynx. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02500 3 JUNE 15,2005 CONVEYANCE PIPING - GENERAL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.06 FLANGES, FLANGE GASKETS, AND BOLTING MATERIALS A. As specified in individual specifications following this section. B. Flanges, bolting materials, and flange gaskets for steel flanges shall conform to AWWA C207. C. Flanges, bolting materials, and flange gaskets for ductile iron flanges shall conform to AWWA ClIO andAWWA Cl15. 2.07 FLANGE INSULATION KITS AND INSULATING COUPLINGS A. Flange Insulating Kits: 1. Gaskets: Full-face Type E with elastomeric sealing element. Sealing element shall be retained in a groove within retainer portion of gasket. 2. Insulating Sleeves: Full-length fiberglass reinforced epoxy (NEMA G-10 grade) 3. Insulating Washers: Fiberglass reinforced epoxy (NEMA G-lO grade). 4. Steel Washers: Plated, hot-rolled steel, 1/8 inch thick. 5. Manufacturers: a. Pacific Seal, Inc., Burbank, CA. b. Advance Products and Systems, Lafayette, LA. B. Insulating Couplings: 1. Bolt holes, sized as required. 2. Manufacturers and Products: a. Dresser Industries; Style 39. b. Baker Coupling Company, Inc.; Series 216. c. Romac Industries; Style IC501. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify size, material, joint types, elevation, and horizontal location of existing pipeline to be connected to new pipeline or new equipment. B. Inspect size and location of structure penetrations to verify adequacy of wall pipes, sleeves, and other openings. C. Damaged Coatings and Linings: Repair using coating and lining materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02500 4 JUNE 15, 2005 CONVEYANCE PIPING - GENERAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Flanged Joints: a. Install perpendicular to pipe centerline. b, Bolt Holes: Straddle vertical centerline, aligned with connecting equipment flanges or as shown on Drawings. c. Use torque-limiting wrenches to provide uniform bearing and proper bolt tightness. d. Flange Type: Use flat-faced flange when joining with flat-faced ductile or cast iron flange. 2. Couplings: a. Install in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. b. Before coupling, clean pipe holdback area of oil, scale, rust, and dirt. c. Do not remove pipe coating. If damaged, repair before joint is made. d. Clean gaskets before installation. e. If necessary, lubricate with gasket lubricant for installation on pipe ends. f. Tighten coupling bolts progressively, drawing up bolts on opposite sides gradually until bolts have uniform tightness. B. Buried Pressure Pipe: 1. Concrete Encased or Embedded Pipe: Do not encase joints in concrete, unless specifically shown on Drawings. 2. Placement: a. Keep trench dry until pipe laying and joining is completed. b. Exercise care when lowering pipe into trench to prevent twisting or damage to pipe. c. Measure for grade at pipe invert, not at top of pipe. d. Excavate trench bottom and sides of ample dimensions to permit proper joining, welding, visual inspection, and testing of entire joint. e. Prevent foreign material from entering pipe during placement. f. Close and block open end of last laid pipe section when placement operations are not in progress and at close of day's work. g. In general, lay pipe upgrade with bell ends pointing in direction of laying. For lines on appreciable slope, face bells upgrade at discretion of Engineer. h. Deflect pipe at joints for pipelines laid on a curve using unsymmetrical closure of spigot into bell. If joint deflection of SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 02500 5 JUNE 15, 2005 CONVEYANCE PIPING - GENERAL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I standard pipe lengths will not accommodate horizontal or vertical curves in alignment, provide: 1) Shorter pipe lengths. 2) Standard or special fabricated bends. 1. Check gasket position with feeler gauge to assure proper seating. . J. After joint has been made, check pipe alignment and grade. k. Place sufficient pipe zone material to secure pipe from movement before next joint is installed. 1. Prevent uplift and floating of pipe prior to backfilling. m. When using movable trench shield, take necessary precautions to prevent pipe joints from pulling apart when moving shield ahead. 3. Tolerances: a. Deflection From Horizontal Line: Maximum 2 inches. b. Deflection From Vertical Line: Maximum 1 inch. c. Joint Deflection: Maximum of75 percent ofmanufacturer's recommendation. d. Horizontal position of pipe centerline on alignment around curve~ maximum variation of 1 foot from position shown. 4. Cover Over Top of Pipe: Minimum 3.5 feet, unless otherwise shown. 5. Provide sufficient pipe depth at air valves to accommodate parts and meet required slopes with vault top flush with grade. 6. Disposal of Excess Excavated Material: As specified in Section 2-03, Roadway Excavation and Embankment, of the Standard Specifications i and amended in Part III of this Project Manual. I 3.03 THRUST RESTRAINT A. Location: At pipeline tees, plugs, caps, bends, and locations where unbalanced forces exist. B. Thrust Blocking: 1. Place only where shown on Drawings. 2. Quantity of Concrete: Sufficient to cover bearing area of pipe and provide required soil bearing area as shown on Drawings. 3. Place blocking so pipe and fitting joints are accessible for repairs. 4. Conform to Section 7-08.3(5) of the Standard Specifications as amended in Part III of the Project Manual. C. Restrained joint pipe and fittings as specified. 3.04 CORROSION PROTECTION A. Buried Pipe: As specified in the individual specifications following this section. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02500 6 JUNE 15,2005 CONVEYANCE PIPING - GENERAL II II II I II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Notify Engineer at least 3 days prior to start of surface preparation, coating application, and corrosion protection work. 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Pressure Leakage Testing: As specified in Section 7-09.3(23) of the Standard Specifications, Hydrostatic Pressure Test and amended in Part III ofthis Project Manual, or in the individual Specification following this section. 3.06 INSULATING JOINT TESTING A. Test all insulating flanges and insulated flexible couplings as specified in Section 13985, Pipe Bonding and Test Stations. 3.07 CLEANING AND DISINFECTION A. Pressure Pipe Cleaning: 1. Following assembly and testing, and prior to disinfection (potable water lines only) and final acceptance, flush pipelines with water at 2.5 fps minimum flushing velocity until foreign matter is removed. 2. If impractical to flush large diameter pipe at 2.5 fps, clean pipe in-place from inside by brushing and sweeping, then flush or blow line at lower velocity. B. Gravity Pipe Cleaning: As specified in the individual Specification(s) following this section. C. Disinfection: As specified in Section 7-09, Water Mains, of the Standard Specifications and amended in Part III of this Project Manual. 3.08 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplement listed below, following "END OF SECTION," is part ofthis Specification. 1. Piping Schedule. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02500 7 JUNE 15,2005 CONVEYANCE PIPING - GENERAL - ------ CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION - - - - - - - - - - - 323194B - PIPING SCHEDULE Corrosion Operating Test Protection Spec. Size(s) Piping Joint! Pressure Test Pressure Specified in Section Service (In.) Location Material Type (psh!:) Type (psi!!:) Section Remarks 02509 SSFM 8" & smaller BUR pve SOL 20 H 100* 15099 Test as required In Section 02509. EXP FL H 09900 See W 4" through 16" BUR CLDI RME,PO, 35-183 H See See Remarks Test procedure and pressures as specified in Remarks EXP FL,GE Remarks SectIOn 7-09 of the Standard Specifications and as amended In Part III of the Project Manual. Materials and Corrosion Protection as specified in Section 02502 and Section 7-09 of the Standard Specifications and as amended in Part III of the Proiect Manual. 02512 RD 10" & smaller BUR PVC PO NA P See NA Test as required in Section 02509. Starts at Remarks approxlmatelv 10' beyond building wall 15100 RD 6" & Smaller EXP CISP See Data NA See See NA Install and test as required by the Unifonn BUR Sheet Remarks Remarks Plumbing Code. For use up to 10' beyond 15100 building wall 02512 SSG 8" & smaller BUR PVC PO NA P orB See NA Test as reqUired in Section 02512. Starts at Remarks 10' beyond building wall 15100 VTR 6" & smaller EXP CISP See Data NA See See NA Install and test as required by the Unifonn BUR Sheet Remarks Remarks Plumbing Code. 15100 15100 Floor 6" & Smaller EXP CISP See Data NA See See NA Install and test as required by the Unifonn Drain! BUR Sheet Remarks Remarks Plumbing Code. For use under buIlding and Process 15100 up to 10' beyond building wall Drain SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 02500 SUPPLEMENT I JUNE 15,2005 CONVEYANCE PIPING - GENERAL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Corrosion Operating Test Protection Spec. Size(s) Piping Joint! Pressure Test Pressure Specified in Section Service (In.) Location Material Tvpe (psig) Tvoe (osig) Section Remarks 15100 W 3" & smaller EXP COP S 35-183 See See 09900 PIping < 1 In : Install and test as required by Remarks Remarks the Uniform Plumbing Code. Piping> 1 In.: Install as required In section 15100. Clean, dismfect and test as required for W piPInll 4 In. to 16 In. 15100 CA I" & smaller EXP COP S 200 P 250 09900 Soap test all joints at 250 PSI Remake joints as required Blow hnes clear of debns before placmg Into service * Test pressure as measured at low point in pipe. CA= Compressed air FL=Flanged P=Pneumatic FD=Floor drain PO= Push On H=Hydraulic RD= Roof drain NH=No Hub VTR= Vent to roof SOL=Solvent Weld EXP=Exposed S=Solder BUR-Buried RME=Restrained Mechanical SSG= Samtary Sewer Gravity GE=Grooved End SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02500 SUPPLEMENT 2 JUNE 15,2005 CONVEYANCE PIPING - GENERAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 02502 DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUBMITTALS A. Field Hydrostatic Testing Plan: Submit at least 15 days prior to testing and at minimum, include the following: 1. Testing dates. 2. Piping systems and section(s) to be tested. 3. Method of isolation. 4. Method of conveying water from source to system being tested. 5. Calculation of maximum allowable leakage for piping section(s) to be tested. B. Certifications of Calibration: Approved testing laboratory certificate if pressure gauge for hydrostatic test has been previously used. If pressure gauge is new, no certificate is required. C. Test documentation form and results. 1.02 OWNER FURNISHED PRODUCTS A. City has prepurchased ductile iron pipe and fittings as identified in Part III, Section 1-06.7, Owner Furnished Products, of this Project Manual. Contractor shall lay out pipeline and provide any and all additional pipe and fittings in excess of the prepurchased products necessary to complete this project. 1.03 GENERAL A. Additional materials and installation requirements are specified in Sections 7-08 and 7-09 of the Standard Specifications, as amended in Part III of this Project Manual. B. Refer to Part III of the Project Manual for order of Precedence. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02502 1 JUNE 16, 2005 DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Pipe: 1. General: a. Centrifugally cast, grade 60-42-10 iron. b. Meet requirements of A WW A C150, C153, C151, and Cll!. c. Lined and coated as specified. 2. Pressure rating of pipe shall be 250 psi. 3. Pipe wall thickness ofthreaded pipe for a flanged pipe end shall be minimum special thickness Class 53 from 12-inch to 54-inch diameter pipe in accordance with A WW A C 115. 4. Grooved end pipe, for all pipe diameters, shall be minimum Special Class 53. 5. Pipe shall be new and recently manufactured. Refurbished pipe shall not be provided. B. Joints: 1. Push-On Joint: Rated at minimum working pressure equal to pipe material design. 2. Restrained Joint: . a. Manufactured proprietary joint that mechanically restrains pipe to! adjoining pipe. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) American Cast Iron Pipe; Flex-Ring and Lok-Ring. 2) Pacific States Pipe; Thrust-Lock. 3) U.S. Pipe; TR Flex. 3. Use of set screws for restraint or field-lock gaskets shall not be allowed. 4. Flanged Joint: Threaded 250 psi working pressure ductile iron flanges conforming to A WW A C 115. 5. Grooved Joint: a. Flexible type radius cut grooved, conforming to A WW A C606. b. As manufactured by Victaulic Company of America. C. Fittings: 1. Ductile Iron, Push-On, Flanged or Restrained Joint: In accordance with A WW A ClIO, at 250 psi minimum working pressure for 3- to 24-inch fittings. 2. Mechanical Joint Fittings: In accordance with A WW A CIll. 3. Grooved End Fittings: a. Radius cut grooved, flexible type conforming to A WW A C 11 0 and AWWA C153. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 02502 2 JUNE 16, 2005 DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B b. Manufacturers: 1) Victaulic Company of America. 2) Gustin-Bacon. 4. Fittings shall be new and recently manufactured. Refurbished fittings will not be accepted. D. Lining: 1. Pipe and fittings for clean water applications shall be cement lined and asphaltic seal coated in accordance with A WW A C104. 2. Pipe and fittings for wastewater applications shall be lined with 40-mil ceramic epoxy, as manufactured by Induron. E. Coating: 1. Buried or Non-Painted Pipe in Vaults: Asphaltic type, 1 mil thick, in accordance with A WW A C151, C115, ClIO and C153. 2. Above-Grade or Submerged Pipe to be Painted: Shop-prime with epoxy as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings. F. Polyethylene Encasement: 1. Virgin polyethylene raw material conforming to requirements of ASTM D4976. 2. Elongation: 800 percent, minimum, in machine and transverse direction (ASTM D882). 3. Tensile Strength: 3,600 psi, minimum. 4. Dielectric Strength: 800V per mil-thickness, minimum. 5. Propagation Tear Resistance: 2,550-grams force (gf), minimum, in machine and transverse direction (ASTM D 1922). 6. Tube form, conforming to A WW A C 1 05. 7. Film shall have minimum thickness of 0.008 inch (8 ml). G. Bolting: 1. Bolts for flanged connections shall be carbon steel, ASTM A307, Grade A hex bolts and ASTM A563, Grade A hex head nuts. 2. Bolts for grooved end connections shall be manufacturer's standard. H. Gaskets: 1. Gaskets for flat faced 150 and 250 psi working pressure flanges shall be 118 inch thick, red rubber (SBR), hardness 80 (Shore A), rated to 200 degrees F, conforming to ANSI B 16.21, A WW A C207, and ASTM D1330, Grades I and 2. 2. Gaskets for grooved end joints shall be Halogenated butyl, conforming to ASTM D2000 and A WW A C606. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02502 3 JUNE 16, 2005 DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 FIELD PAINTING A. Field finish as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02502 4 JUNE 16, 2005 DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 02509 POL YVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PRESSURE PIPE AND FITTINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. American Water Works Association (A WW A): a. ClIO, Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings, 3 inch Through 48 inch (75 mm Through 1200 mm), for Water and Other Liquids. b. C605, Underground Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride (PYC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Water. c. C900, Polyvinyl Chloride (PYC) Pressure Pipe and Fabricated Fittings, 4 inch Through 12 inch (100 mm Through 300 mm), for Water Distribution. d. C907, Polyvinyl Chloride (PYC) Pressure Fittings for Water, 4 inch Through 8 inch (100 mm Through 200 mm). e. Manual M23, PYC Pipe - Design and Installation. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: Drawings showing pipe diameter, pipe class, and fitting details. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance, in accordance with Part III, Section 1-05.19, Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation. 2. Testing Plan: Submit at least 15 days prior to testing and at minimum, include the following: a. Testing dates. b. Piping systems and section(s) to be tested. c. Method of isolation. d. Method of conveying water from source to system being tested. e. Calculation of maximum allowable leakage for piping section(s) to be tested. 3. Certification of Calibration: Approved testing laboratory certificate if pressure gauge for hydrostatic test has been previously used. If pressure gauge is new, no certificate is required. 4. Test report documentation. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02509 1 JUNE 15,2005 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PYC) PRESSURE PIPE AND FITTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.03 CITY FURNISHED PRODUCTS A. 4,600 linear feet of A WW A C900 pipe has been prepurchased by the City, as c identified in Part III, Section 1-06.7, Owner Furnished Products, of this Project Manual. Contractor shall provide any and all fittings and pipe, in excess of the prepurchased material, necessary to complete this project. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Pipe: 1. PVC, conforming to requirements of A WW A C900. 2. Dimension ratio for A WW A C900 shall be 18. B. Joints: 1. Rubber gasketed. 2. Conform to AWWA C900. C. Fittings: Ductile iron, conforming to AWWA C153 or ClIO. D. Service Saddles: 1. Double strap type with minimum strap width of 2 inches. 2. Straps shall be Type 304 stainless steel. Saddles shall be ductile iron, epoxy-coated, 10 mils minimum thickness. E. Restrained Joints: 1. Pipe restraint, where indicated on Drawings, shall be provided by system using wedges or gripping teeth. System shall be specifically recommended for use on PVC pipe. Systems with set screws shall not be used. 2. Pressure rating of pipe restraint shall meet or exceed pressure rating of pipe being restrained. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. In accordance with A WW A C605. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02509 2 JUNE 15,2005 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PRESSURE PIPE AND FITTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Joints: 1. Rubber Gasketed: In accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. 2. Restrained Joint Systems: In accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. C. Pipe Bending for Horizontal or Vertical Curves: 1. Radius of curves shall not exceed 75 percent of manufacturer's recommended values. 2. Use blocks or braces at pipe joints to ensure axial deflection in gasketed or mechanical joints does not exceed allowable deflection. D. Maximum Joint Deflection: 75 percent of manufacturer's recommended values. 3.02 INSPECTION AND HYDROSTATIC TESTING A. General: 1. Notify Engineer in writing at least 5 days in advance of testing. Perform testing in presence of Engineer. 2. Using water as test medium, all newly installed pipelines shall successfully pass hydrostatic leakage test prior to acceptance. 3. Conduct field hydrostatic test on buried piping after trench has been completely backfilled. Testing may, as approved by Engineer, be done prior to placement of asphaltic concrete or roadway structural section. 4. Contractor may, if field conditions permit and as approved by Engineer, partially backfill trench and leave joints open for inspection and conduct initial service leak test. Final field hydrostatic test shall not, however, be conducted until backfilling has been completed as specified above. 5. Contractor is responsible for supply of temporary water. 6. Install temporary thrust blocking or other restraint as necessary to prevent movement of pipe and protect adjacent piping or equipment. Make necessary taps in piping prior to testing. 7. Wait a minimum of 5 days after concrete thrust blocking is installed to perform pressure tests. If high-early strength cement is used for thrust blocking, wait may be reduced to 2 days. 8. Prior to test, remove or suitably isolate appurtenant instruments or devices that could be damaged by pressure testing. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 02509 3 JUNE 15,2005 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PRESSURE PIPE AND FITTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 I I I I I I I I " I I I I I I I I I I I 9. New Piping Connected to Existing Piping: Isolate new piping with grooved-end pipe caps, blind flanges, or other means as acceptable to Engineer. B. Hydrostatic Testing Procedure: 1. Furnish testing equipment, as approved by Engineer, which provides observable and accurate measurements of leakage under specified conditions. 2. Expel air from piping system during filling. 3. For A WW A C900 pipe, test pressure shall be 100 psi as measured at the low point of the pipe section being tested. 4. Apply and maintain specified test pressure with hydraulic force pump. I Valve off piping system when test pressure is reached. 5. Maintain hydrostatic test pressure continuously for 2 hours minimum, adding make-up water only as necessary to restore test pressure. 6. Determine actual leakage by measuring quantity of water necessary to maintain specified test pressure for duration of test. C. Maximum Allowable Leakage: ND(P)I/2 L= 7400 where: L = Allowable leakage, in gallons per hour. N = Number of joints in tested line. D = Nominal diameter of pipe, in inches. P = Average test pressure during leakage test, in pounds per square inch. END OF SECTION SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 02509 4 'JUNE 15,2005 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PRESSURE PIPE AND FITTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 02512 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. American Water Works Association (A WW A): a. C900, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fabricated Fittings, 4 in. Through 12 in. (100 mm Through 300 mm), for Water Distribution. 2. ASTM International (ASTM): a. C596, Test Method for Drying Shrinkage of Mortar Containing Hydraulic Cement. b. D16, Standard Terminology for Paint, Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications. c. D1784, Standard Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds. d. D3034, Standard Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings. e. D3212, Standard Specification for Joints For Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals. f. F477, Standard Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. CCTV: Closed Circuit Television. B. DVD: Digital Versatile Disc. C. SDR: Standard Dimension Ratio. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Information on gasket polymer properties. 2. Tee fabrication details. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02512 1 JUNE 15,2005 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Application methods, application requirements, and chemical resistance data for coating and lining products. 4. Quick setting grout design mix. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Certificates: a. Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance, in accordance with Part III, Section 1-05.19, Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation, that products furnished meet requirements of this section. b. Certification of Calibration: Approved testing laboratory certificate if pressure gauge for hydrostatic test has been previously used. If pressure gauge is new, no certificate is required. c. Certified statement from manufacturer of gaskets, setting forth that basic polymer used in gaskets and test results of physical . properties of compound are in accordance with ASTM F477 for ! PVC pipe. 2. Manufacturer's Written In-Plant Quality Control Program: Quality control procedures and materials testing to be used throughout manufacturing process. 3. Test or historical performance data to verify that joint design meets requirements of these specifications. 4. Provide pipe and pipe joint test results with delivery of pipe. Do not deliver pipe not meeting test requirements to Project Site. 5. Manufacturer's written recommendations for pipe handling and installation. 6. Field Leakage Testing Plan: Submit at least 15 days in advance ofthe testing and include at least the following: a. Testing dates. b. Piping systems and sections to be tested. c. Test type. d. Method of isolation. e. Method of conveying water from source to system being tested. f. Calculation of maximum allowable leakage for piping section(s) to be tested. g. Method for disposal of test water, if applicable. 7. CCTV Inspection Equipment: Submit minimum 15 days prior to performing inspections: a. Name and qualifications of inspection firm. b. Brand name and model number of video equipment to be used. 8. Leakage test results. 9. PVC pipe deflection test results. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02512 2 JUNE 15,2005 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 10. CCTV inspection DVD and inspection logs. DVDs shall become property of City. 1.04 QUALIFICATIONS A. CCTV Inspection Firm: Actively performed such services for minimum of 2 years. 1.05 CITY FURNISHED PRODUCTS A. 2,440 linear feet of ASTM D3034 PVC pipe has been prepurchased by the City, as identified in Part III, Section 1-06.7, Owner Furnished Products, of this Project Manual. Contractor shall lay out pipeline and provide any and all additional pipe in excess of the prepurchased materials necessary to complete the Project. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC) A. IS-Inch Diameter and Smaller: I. In accordance with ASTM D3034. 2. Joints: Integral bell and spigot, in accordance with ASTM D3212. 3. Minimum SDR: 26. 4. Cell Classification: 12454-B or 12454-C, as defined by ASTM D1784. 5. Fittings: SDR 35 minimum wall thickness. 6. Gaskets: Factory fabricated rubber compression type with solid cross section in accordance with ASTM F477. Lubricant for joining pipe as approved by pipe manufacturer. 2.02 SERVICE CONNECTION PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Acceptable Pipe Materials: Polyvinyl chloride. B. Use one type of service connection pipe material throughout, no interchanging of pipe and fittings allowed. Long-radius bends shall be used for changes in direction, unless approved otherwise by Engineer. C. Size shall be as determined by Engineer. In general, single or double residential services shall be 4 inches. Large commercial services, motel units, and certain multiple dwelling users shall be 6-inch services. SEN323 I 94.WU.FD.02 02512 3 JUNE 15,2005 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.03 PIPE TO MANHOLE CONNECTOR A. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Uniseal, Evansville, Indiana; Pipeconx, Universal Pipe Connector. 2. NPC Inc., Milford, NH; Kor-N-Seal. 2.04 FLEXIBLE COMPRESSION COLLAR A. Mechanical joint coupling with No. 305 stainless steel bands. B. Manufacturers: 1. Calder, Inc. , Bellflower, CA. 2. Femco Inc., Davison, MI. 2.05 QUICK SETTING GROUT A. High strength, nonstaining grout. i Reach initial set within 90 minutes at 70 degrees F and minimum compressivl strength of 2,500 psi within 24 hours. I I B. C. Shrinkage shall be less than 0.01 percent when tested in accordance with ASTM C596. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Notify Engineer immediately of manufacturing imperfections or damage caused by improper handling. B. Verify size, pipe condition, and pipe class prior to installation of pipe. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Pipe Distribution: Do not distribute more than 1 week's supply of materials in advance of laying, unless otherwise approved by Engineer. B. Inspect pipe and fittings prior to lowering into trench to ensure no cracked, broken, or otherwise defective materials are being used. C. Remove foreign matter and dirt from inside of pipe and fittings and keep clean during and after laying. Wash ends of section clean with wet brush prior to joining sections of pipe. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02512 4 JUNE 15,2005 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Install pipe sections in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Provide and use proper implements, tools, and facilities for safe and proper prosecution of Work. 3. Lower pipe, fittings, and appurtenances into trench, piece by piece, by means of crane, slings, or other suitable tools and equipment, in such a manner as to prevent damage to pipe materials, protective coatings and linings. Do not drop or dump pipe into trenches. B. Line and Grade: I. Establish line and grade for pipe by use of lasers. 2. Measure for grade at pipe invert, not at top of pipe. 3. Do not deviate from line or grade, as shown on Drawings, more than 1/2 inch, provided that such variation does not result in a level or reverse sloping invert. C. Laying and Jointing: I. Use gasket lubricant as recommended by gasket manufacturer. 2. Lay pipe upgrade with bell ends pointing in direction of laying. 3. When field cutting or machining pipe is necessary, use only tools and methods recommended by pipe manufacturer and approved by Engineer. 4. After section of pipe has been placed in its approximate position for jointing, clean end of pipe to be joined, inside of joint, and rubber ring immediately before joining pipe. 5. Assemble joint in accordance with recommendations of manufacturer. 6. Apply sufficient pressure in making joint to assure that joint is "home" as defined in standard installation instructions provided by pipe manufacturer. Inside joint space shall not exceed 50 percent of pipe manufacturer's recommended maximum allowance. 7. Place pipe to specified line and grade to form smooth flow line. 8. Ensure that bottom of pipe is in contact with bottom of trench for full length of each section. , 9. Check for alignment and grade after joint has been made. 10. Place sufficient pipe bedding material to secure pipe from movement before next joint is installed. 11. When pipe is laid within movable trench shield, take precautions to prevent pipe joints from pulling apart when moving shield ahead. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02512 5 JUNE 15,2005 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , 12. When laying operations are not in progress, and at close of day's work: close and block open end of last laid section of pipe to prevent entry of' foreign material or creep of gasketed joints. 13. Take precautions to prevent "uplift" or floating ofline prior to completion of backfill operation. D. Connection to Structure or Manhole: 1. Locate standard pipe joint within 1.5 feet of outside face of structure for pipe 18 inches and smaller and within one pipe diameter for pipe 21 inches and larger. 2. Plug or close off pipe stubbed with watertight plug. 3. Connect PVC pipe to manhole with pipe to manhole connector in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.04 SERVICE CONNECTION TEES A. Install as shown on Drawings. C. Install caps or plugs on tees. I Furnish tee outlets with gasketed type joint or approved adapter to join service connection pipe. I B. D. Concrete encase tees in trenches deeper than 12 feet. Do not encase joints at ends of tee fitting. 3.05 CLEANING A. Clean each section of completed sewer pipeline prior to testing. B. Place screen or dam in downstream manhole of section being cleaned to catch debris. C. Remove material from each manhole section before cleaning the next section downstream. D. Method: High velocity hydro-cleaning equipment. E. Dispose of cleaning water in a manner that will not damage or interfere with adjacent property and in a manner acceptable with Engineer and regulatory agenCIes. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02512 6 JUNE 15,2005 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.06 GASKET FIELD SPLICE TESTS A. Perform field splice test on 20 percent of each lot of delivered gaskets, in accordance with ASTM C361 in presence of Engineer. B. Furnish feeler gauges of proper size, type, and shape to verify proper placement of gasket. C. Test section of gasket shall be at point where ends of gasket are joined together. D. If gasket joints separate during test, entire lot will be rejected and shall immediately be removed from Site. 3.07 HYDROSTATIC AND PNEUMATIC TESTS A. General: 1. Notify Engineer in writing 5 days in advance oftesting. Perform testing in presence of Engineer. 2. Pipe 18 inches in diameter and smaller shall be tested for leakage using Hydrostatic Exfiltration or Pneumatic Test Methods at Contractor's option. 3. Pipe shall successfully pass leakage test prior to acceptance. 4. Test sections of constructed sewer between stations only after service connections, manholes, and backfilling are completed. Testing may be done prior to placement of asphaltic concrete or roadway structural section. 5. Install pipe plugs as required to allow section of new pipe to be pressure tested. 6. Plug wyes, tees, stubs, and service connections with gasketed caps or plugs securely fastened or blocked to withstand internal test pressure. Such plugs or caps shall be removable, and their removal shall provide socket suitable for making flexible jointed lateral connection or extension. 7. Furnish testing equipment and perform tests as approved by Engineer. Testing equipment shall provide observable and accurate measurement , ofleakage under specified conditions. 8. Contractor is responsible for supply of temporary water. 9. Conduct initial leakage test after five sections of pipe have been installed to confirm integrity of pipe and joints. to. Test sections of constructed sewer between stations only after service connections, manholes, and backfilling are completed. Testing may be done prior to placement of asphaltic concrete or roadway structural section. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02512 7 JUNE 15,2005 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Hydrostatic Exfiltration Test: 1. Fill pipe test section 24 hours prior to time of testing, if desired. 2. Procedure: a. Expel air from piping system during filling. b. Apply and maintain specified test pressure with hydraulic force ' pump. Valve off piping system when test pressure is reached. c. Maintain hydrostatic test pressure continuously for 2 hours minimum, adding additional make-up water only as necessary to . restore test pressure. d. Determine actual leakage by measuring quantity of water necessary to maintain specified test pressure for duration of test. 3. Measurement Accuracy: Plus or minus 1/8 gallon of water leakage under specified conditions 4. PVC pipe and joints shall sustain maximum water loss limit of 0.8 gallon per inch diameter per 1,000 feet of pipe, including service connections within test section per 2 hours. Allowable leakage shall be modified as stated below if hydrostatic head is other than 6 feet. 5. Hydrostatic Head: a. At least 6 feet above inside top of highest section of pipe in test section, including service connections. b. In every case, determine height of water table at time of test by exploratory holes or such other methods approved by Engineer. Engineer will make final decision regarding test height for water : in pipe section being tested. I c. If hydrostatic head is other than 6 feet, allowable leakage as computed by criteria above shall be adjusted by the square root 015 actual head divided by square root of 6. I 6. Length of Pipe Tested: Limit length such that pressure on invert of lower end of section does not exceed 16 feet of water column. In no case shall length be greater than 700 feet or distance between manholes when greater than 700 feet. 7. Dispose of test water in a manner that will not damage or interfere with, adjacent property and in a manner acceptable with Engineer and regulatory agencies. C. Pneumatic Testing for 18-inch and Smaller Diameter Pipe: 1. Equipment: a. Calibrate gauges with standardized test gauge provided by Contractor at start of each testing day. Engineer will witness calibration. , b. Install compressor, air piping manifolds, gauges, and valves at ground surface. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02512 8 JUNE 15,2005 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B c. Provide pressure release device, such as rupture disc or pressure relief valve, to relieve pressure at 6 psi or less. d. Restrain plugs used to close sewer lines to prevent blowoff. 2. Procedure: a. No person shall enter manhole or structure, or occupy area above opening of manhole or structure where pipe is under pressure. b. Determine height of groundwater table at time of test. c. Slowly introduce air into pipe section until internal air pressure reaches 4 psi greater than average backpressure of groundwater submerging pipe. d. Allow 2 minutes minimum for air temperature to stabilize. e. This method is based on allowable air loss rate of 0.003 cubic foot per minute (cfm) per square foot of internal pipe surface, with total air loss rate not less than 2.0 cfm nor greater than 3.5 cfm. f. Allowable leakage for sewers constructed of nonair-permeable materials such as ductile iron, and polyvinyl chloride (PVe). 1) When nonair-permeable pipe is subjected to low pressure air test, time in seconds for pressure drop shall be equal to or greater than three times required time calculated using the following procedure: K = 0.0111d2L C = 0.000392dL If Ct is less than or equal to 1.0, then time = Kt IfCt is between 1.0 and 1.75, then time = Kt/Ct IfCt is greater than or equal to 1.75, then time = Kt/1.75 d = pipe diameter in inches L = pipe length in feet K = value for each length of pipe of a specific diameter C = value for each length of pipe of a specific diameter Kt = Sum of all K values Ct = Sum of all C values 2) Defective Piping Sections: Replace or test and seal individual joints and retest as specified. Where: D. Hydrostatic Joint Testing: If pipe fails to pass hydrostatic test and location of leak cannot be readily identified, individual joint tests shall be performed. After leaking joints have been located and repaired, retest pipeline. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02512 9 JUNE 15,2005 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E. Test Report Documentation: 1. Test date. 2. Pipe section or pipe joint tested. 3. Test Method. 4. Test Pressure. 5. Length oftest. 6. Pressure or water loss. 7. Remarks, including: a. Leaks (type, location). b. Repair/ replacement performed to remedy excessive leakage. 8. Signed by Contractor and Engineer to represent that test has been satisfactorily completed. F. Subsequent Failure: Visible infiltration of groundwater following successful test shall be considered evidence that original test was in error or that subsequent failure of pipeline has occurred. I PVC Pipe Deflection Test: I 1. General: I a. Test installed pipeline for deflection by pulling a mandrel through sewer without aid of mechanical pulling device. I Perform test at least 10 days after trench backfill and compaction! have been completed. Mandrel: a. Full circle, solid or rigid odd number oflegs (minimum 9 legs) steel cylinder with pulling rings at each end. Diameter: Sized to allow only as much initial deflection for ultimate deflection of 5 percent. Obtain Engineer approval, through Contractor calculations, for use of mandrel smaller than 96-2/3 percent of inside diameter of pIpe. Correcting Deficiencies or Obstructions: I a. Excavate to springline of pipeline and replace and recompact pipe zone material. Internal pipe rerounding or vibration will not be allowed. If pipe does not pass mandrel test after replacement of pipe zone material and trench backfill, re-excavate and replace pipeline. b. G. 2. b. c. 3. b. c. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02512 10 JUNE 15, 2005 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I \1 I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 3.08 INSPECTION A. Television Pipeline Inspection: 1. General: a. Internally inspect sewer pipelines by closed circuit television (CCTV) after completion of pipeline cleaning and testing. b. Conduct inspection in presence of Engineer. 2. Procedure: a. Provide complete and continuous taped record and written log of inspection. b. Format: DVD, color. Do not use long-playas quality is not acceptable c. Television Camera Equipment: 1) Rotating lens or pan and tilt. 2) Resolution: Minimum 350 lines per inch. 3) Focal Distance: Adjustable through a range of 6 inches to infinity. 4) Remote-Reading Footage Counter: Accurate to less than 1 percent error. 5) Lighting: Sufficient to provide clear, in-focus picture of entire inside periphery of pipe, and minimizes reflection. d. Pull camera at uniform rate, stopping to proper! y document defects. Maximum pull of camera shall not exceed 30 feet per minute. 3. Quality Standard: a. Provide clear, sharp image when played back on conventional television receiver. b. Neatly label DVD showing contents, project title, DVD number, pipe structure identification numbers, and date that DVD was made, inspection company. c. DVDs to include: 1) Opening Screen: a) Date of inspection. b) Pipe structure identification number. c) Upstream and downstream node identification numbers. d) Street address. e) Pipe size. t) Normal (upstream to downstream) or reverse (downstream to upstream) pull. 2) Continuous View: Current distance along reach (counter footage). SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02512 11 JUNE 15, 2005 GRA VITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I d. Log sheets to show time and date of inspection, location, upstream and downstream manholes, direction of pull, pipeline length, pipe size, pipe material, location oflateral connections, DVD number i and detail of defects encountered. e. Show sufficient detail to determine cracks in pipe, offset joints, leaking joints, sags, and other flaws in pipeline installation. Record location of deficiencies by distance from center of reference manhole. f. Upon completion, play back DVD in presence of Engineer. Any DVD not meeting quality standard will be rejected and taping process repeated. g. Correct deficiencies found as a result ofDVD replay, and repeat CCTV inspection. B. Deficiencies Requiring Correction: 1. Variations in alignment greater than specified herein. 2. Joint separations greater than allowed by pipe manufacturer. 3. Visible infiltration. 4. Presence of debris or foreign objects. 5. Obvious damage or defects in pipeline. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02512 12 JUNE 15,2005 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS I I I I I, ,I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B - SECTION 02631 UTILITY STRUCTURES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards that may be referenced in this section: I. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): Standard Specifications for Highway Bridge. 2. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A48, Specification for Gray Iron Castings. b. A536, Specification for Ductile Iron Castings. c. A615, Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. d. C55, Specification for Concrete Brick. e. C139, Specification for Concrete Masonry Units for Construction of Catch Basins and Manholes. f. C 150, Specification for Portland Cement. g. C443, Specification for Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets. h. C478, Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections. 1. C858, Standard Specification for Underground Precast Utility Structures. J. D4101, Specification for Polypropylene Injection and Extrusion Materials. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Information: 1. Dimensions for precast concrete structures, covers, frames, and steps. 2. Precast manhole sections: Manufacturer's results of tests performed on representative sections to be provided. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Precast Base, Cones, and Top Slab Sections: Details of construction. 2. Precast Vaults: Detailed drawings stamped by a licensed professional engineer registered in the State of Washington. Drawings shall clearly show concrete thickness and reinforcing steel and shall be prepared specifically for the precast vault application in this Contract. SEN323 I 94.WU.FD.02 02631 1 JUNE 15,2005 UTILITY STRUCTURES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I II I '- I 'I I 'I 'I I I \1 I ,I I I PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Unless otherwise indicated, utility structures shall be as specified herein. B. The use of salvaged or scrap materials will not be permitted. 2.02 MORTAR A. Standard premixed mortar conforming to ASTM C387, Type S, or proportion 1 part portland cement to 2 parts clean, well-graded sand which will pass a lI8-inch screen. Admixtures may be used not exceeding the following percentages of weight of cement: Hydrated lime, 10 percent; diatomaceous earth or other inert materials,S percent. Consistency of mortar shall be such that it will readily adhere to concrete. 2.03 PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE SECTIONS A. Per ASTM C478. B. Cement: ASTM C150, Type II. C. Size, length and pipe connection method as indicated on the Drawings. 2.04 MANHOLE JOINT GASKETS A. Rubber Gasket Type: ASTM C443. B. Joints between precast manhole elements shall be rubber gasketed with O-rings or approved equal conforming to AASHTO M198 and shall be grouted on the inside. C. Completed joints shall show no visible leakage and shall conform to the dimensional requirements of ASTM C478. 2.05 MANHOLE PIPE GASKETS OR CONNECTIONS A. As shown on the Drawings. B. Polyvinyl Chloride or Other Plastic Pipe: Locate flexible connection within a distance no greater than one-half of the outside diameter of the pipe or 12 inches, whichever is greater. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 02631 2 JUNE 15,2005 UTILITY STRUCTURES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2.06 MANHOLE STEPS AND GRAB BARS A. General: 1. Conform to ASTM C478 except as modified herein. 2. Conform to OSHA and WISHA standards. 3. Precast manhole elements shall be provided with steps and/or ladders such that the completed manhole will contain a continuous vertical ladder with rungs equally spaced at 12 inches plus or minus 3/4 inch. The lowest rung shall be not more than 16 inches above the shelf, and the uppermost rung shall be not more than 18 inches below the surface. Ladder rungs or handholds in the manhole neck area must be recessed 2 inches for improved clearance. B. Steps: 1. Polypropylene plastic steps shall be a polypropylene plastic step injection molded around a 1/2 inch diameter ASTM A-615, Grade 60, steel reinforcing bar. 2. Step dimensions and pattern shall conform to Section 7-05.3 of the Standard Specifications, and the Standard Plans. C. Ladder: 1. Ladders shall be made of the same material as the steps installed in the manhole sections. 2. Ladders shall be installed so they are centered on the largest shelf of the manhole or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. , D. Grab Bar (Hand Holds): 1. Same manufacturer as the manhole steps. 2. l-inch diameter galvanized rebar. 2.07 CONCRETE FOR CHANNELING A. Concrete shall be ready mixed, conforming to ASTM C94, Alternate 2. Compressive field strength shall be not less than 2,500 psi at 28 days. Maximum size of aggregate shall be 1-1/2 inch. Slump shall be between 2 and 4 inches. Field strength shall be assumed as equal to 85 percent of strength of laboratory-cured cylinders. 2.08 REINFORCING STEEL A. Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A615, Grade 40, deformed bars. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02631 3 JUNE 15,2005 UTILITY STRUCTURES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194:8 I ,I I I I I I I 'I I ,I .'1 I I I I I I I 2.09 MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS A. Frames: 1. Cast iron, ASTM A48, Class 30B. 2. As shown on the Drawings. B. Covers: 1. Ductile iron, ASTM A536, Grade 60-40-1B. 2. As shown on the Drawings. 2.10 PRECAST VAULTS A. Precast vaults shall comply with ASTM C858, Underground Precast Utility Structures. B. Dimensions shall be as shown on Drawings. Vaults shall be designed and constructed to withstand saturated backfill loads and shall be sufficient weight to avoid flotation based on an empty structure and a water level at the ground: surface. The top slab and hatches shall be designed to withstand H20 highwa~ loading. Conform to structural requirements of ACI 318 for reinforced I concrete capable of withstanding earth pressures, traffic, lifting, and other appropriate loading conditions as covered in the recommenced practice standard ASTM 857. C. Joint sealant for use between sections of precast vaults shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. D. Precast vaults shall have watertight construction below grade with no open cracks or spalls that expose reinforcement to groundwater. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PLACING MANHOLE SECTIONS A. Place base pad on well compacted bedding, a minimum of 6 inches thick. B. Place sections plumb and level, trim to correct elevations, and anchor to base. Install rubber gasketed joints in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Locate precast steps in line with each other to provide a continuous vertical ladder. The completed manhole shall be rigid, true to dimension and watertight. C. Cut and fit for pipe or pipe sleeves, as indicated on the drawings. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 02631 4 JUNE 15,2005 UTILITY STRUCTURES I I I I 'I I I I I I I 'I, I 'I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Grout lift holes from the inside and the outside of the manhole prior to backfilling. E. Backfill around manholes and pipe connections as shown on the Drawings, F. Construct flow channels and shelves in manholes. Manhole channels shall be made to conform to the sewer grade and shall be brought together with well- rounded junctions. Channel sides shall be carried up vertically to the top of the largest pipe's diameter and rounded to the shelf at the largest pipe's crown <, elevation. The concrete shelf shall be smoothly finished with slopes to drain. G. Unless otherwise indicated, set manhole frames and covers level. Install manhole rims flush with the pavement. Manholes set in gravel shoulders or other non-paved improved areas shall be set flush with the finished grade and in an asphalt patch 6 feet in outside diameter. The asphalt patch shall be as shown in the Drawings. The manhole frame shall be tilted to conform to the grade of the finished surface. 3.02 PLACING PRECAST VAULTS A. Place base pad on well compacted bedding, a minimum of 6 inches thick. B. Place sections plumb and level, trim to correct elevations, and anchor to base. Install rubber gasketed joints in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Place top slab flush with surrounding surface. D. Backfill as shown on the Drawings, and as specified in Section 2-09, Structure Excavation in Part III of this Project Manual. END OF SECTION SEN323194.WU.FD.02 02631 5 JUNE 15, 2005 UTILITY STRUCTURES I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 03301 REINFORCED CONCRETE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. American Concrete Institute (ACI): a. 301, Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings. b. 305R, Hot Weather Concreting. c. 306R, Cold Weather Concreting. d. 318/318R, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. e. 347, Formwork for Concrete. 2. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A497, Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement. b. A615, Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. c. C31, Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field. d. C39, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. e. C94, Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete. f. C150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement. g. C260, Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. h. C309, Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. 1. C494, Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete. J. C618, Standard Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete. k. D994, Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type). 1. D1751, Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types). 3. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI): a. Manual of Standard Practice. b. Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 03301 1 JUNE 15,2005 REINFORCED CONCRETE CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I I 3231948 \ I :1 'I I, I I I I .1 'I I ,I I' I I I I" ,I I 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Reinforcing steel in accordance with CRSI Manual of Standard Practice. 2. Curing compound data. 3. Complete data on the concrete mix, including aggregate gradations and admixtures, in accordance with ASTM C94. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's application instructions for curing compound. 2. Ready-mix delivery tickets for each truck in accordance with ASTM C94. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Formwork: Unless otherwise specified, follow the recommendations of ACI347. B. Concrete and Reinforcement: Unless otherwise specified, meet the requirements of ACI 301 and ACI 318/318R. C. Hot Weather Concreting: Conform to ACI 305R. D. Cold Weather Concreting: Conform to ACI 306R. 1.04 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not place Concrete when the ambient temperature is below 40 degrees F or approaching 40 degrees F and air temperature less than 40 degrees F for the first 7 days, without special protection to keep Concrete above 40 degrees F. B. Do not use curing compound where solvents in the curing compounds are prohibited by state or federal air quality laws. Use only water curing methods. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE A. Ready-mixed meeting ASTM C94, Option A. B. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I or II. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 03301 2 JUNE 15, 2005 REINFORCED CONCRETE I I I I I I I I, I I I, I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B C. Admixtures: 1. Air-Entraining: ASTM C260. 2. Fly Ash: ASTM C618, Class C or Class F. D. Mix Design: 1. Minimum Allowable 28-day Compressive Field Strength: 4,000 psi when cured and tested in accordance with ASTM C31 and ASTM C39. Use 3,000 psi at 28-day for secondary concrete elements such as curbs, sidewalks, and pipe/conduit encasement. 2. Coarse Aggregate Size: 1-112 or 1 inch( es) and smaller. 3. Slump Range: 3 inches to 5 inches. 4. Air Entrainment: Between 3 and 6 percent by volume. Use 4 percent minimum for concrete placed under requirements of cold weather concreting. E. Mixing: Minimum 70 and maximum 270 revolutions of mixing drum. Nonagitating equipment is not allowed. 2.02 REINFORCING STEEL A. Deformed Bars: ASTM A615, Grade 60. Welding of deformed bars is prohibited. B. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A497. 2.03 ANCILLARY MATERIALS A. Premolded Joint Filler: ASTM D994 or D1751. B. Curing Compound: 1. Water-based, high solids content nonyellowing curing compound meeting requirements of ASTM C309 and ASTM C1315. a. Moisture Loss: 0040 kg/square meter172 hours maximum. b. Capable of meeting moisture retention at manufacturer's specified application rate. 2. Manufacturers and Products: a. Degussa Building Systems, Inc., Shakopee, MN; Masterkure. b. Euclid Chemical Co., Cleveland, OH; Super Diamond Clear VOX. c. WR Meadows, Inc., Hampshire, IL; VOCOMP-30. d. Vexcon Chemical, Inc.; Philadelphia, PA; Starseal1315. e. Dayton Superior; Safe Cure and Seal 30%. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 03301 3 JUNE 15,2005 REINFORCED CONCRETE CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B '1 ,1 '1 I 'I il I ,1 I I I II I I I I I I I C. Clear Floor Hardener (Surface-Applied): Colorless, aqueous solution of zinc and magnesium fluosilicate with a minimum 2 pounds of crystals per gallon. 1. Manufacturers: a. Degussa Building Systems, Inc., Shakopee, MN. b. Euclid Chemical Co., Cleveland, OH. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 FORMWORK A. Form Materials: 1. Use hard plastic finished plywood for exposed areas, and new shiplap or plywood for unexposed areas. 2. Earth cuts may be used for forming footings. B. Form Ties: 1. Fixed conical or spherical type inserts that remain in contact with forming material and allow for dry packing of form tie holes. 2. Ties shall withstand pressures and limit deflection of forms to acceptable limits. 3. Wire ties are not acceptable. C. Construction: 1. In accordance with ACI 347. 2. Make joints tight to prevent escape of mortar and to avoid formation of fins. 3. Brace as required to prevent distortion during concrete placement. 4. Construct so ties remain embedded in the wall with no metal within 1 inch of concrete surface when forms, inserts, and tie ends are removed. D. Form Removal: 1. Remove after concrete has attained 28-day strength, or approval is obtained in writing from Engineer. 2. Remove forms with care to prevent scarring and damaging the surface. 3. Prior to form removal, provide thermal protection for concrete being placed under the requirements of cold weather concreting. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 03301 4 JUNE 15,2005 REINFORCED CONCRETE I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B - 3.02 PLACING REINFORCING STEEL A. Unless otherwise specified, place reinforcing steel in accordance with CRSI _ Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars. B. Splices and Laps: 1. Top Bars: Horizontal bars placed such that 12 inches of fresh concrete is cast below in single placement. 2. Lap bars as indicated on the Drawings. 3. Tie splices with I8-gauge annealed wire as specified in CRSI Standard. 3.03 PLACING CONCRETE A. Place concrete in accordance with ACI 301. B. Prior to placing concrete, remove water from excavation and debris and foreign material from forms. Check reinforcing steel for proper placement and correct discrepancies. C. Before depositing new concrete on old concrete, clean surface using sandblast or bushhammer or other mechanical means to obtain a I/4-inch rough profile, and pour a cement-sand grout to minimum depth of 1/2 inch over surface. Proportion 1 part cement to 2.5 parts sand by weight. D. Place concrete as soon as possible after leaving mixer, without segregation or loss of ingredients, without splashing forms or steel above, and in layers not over 2 feet deep. Place within 1-1/2 hours after adding cement to mix. E. Eight feet maximum vertical drop to final placement, when not guided with chutes or other devices to prevent segregation due to impact with reinforcing. 3.04 COMPACTION A. Vibrate concrete as follows: 1. Apply approved vibrator at points spaced not farther apart than vibrator's effective radius. 2. Apply close enough to forms to vibrate surface effectively but not damage form surfaces. 3. Vibrate until concrete becomes uniformly plastic. 4. Vibrator must penetrate fresh placed concrete and into previous layer of fresh concrete below. SEA/323 194. WU .FD.02 03301 5 JUNE 15,2005 REINFORCED CONCRETE CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I 3.05 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS A. Locate as shown or as approved. B. Maximum Spacing Between Construction Joints: 60 feet. 3.06 PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER A. Drive nails approximately 1 foot 6 inches on center through filler, prior to installing, to provide anchorage embedment into concrete during concrete placement. B. Secure premolded joint filler in forms before concrete is placed. 3.07 FINISHING A. Floor Slabs: 1. Screed surfaces to true level planes. 2. After initial water has been absorbed, float with wood float and trowel with steel trowel to smooth finish free from trowel marks. 3. Do not absorb wet spots with neat cement. B. Tolerances: Floors shall not vary from level or true plane more than 1/4 inch in 10 feet when measured with a straightedge. C. Exterior Slabs and Sidewalks: 1. Bull float with wood float, wood trowel, and lightly trowel with steel trowel. 2. Finish with broom to obtain nonskid surface. 3. Finish exposed edges with steel edging tool. 4. Mark walks transversely at 5-foot intervals with jointing tool. 3.08 FINISHING AND PATCHING FORMED SURFACES A. Cut out honeycombed and defective areas. B. Cut edges perpendicular to surface at least 1 inch deep. Do not feather edges. Soak area with water for 24 hours. C. Patch with low pressure mortar approved by Engineer. D. Finish surfaces to match adjacent concrete. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 03301 6 JUNE 15, 2005 REINFORCED CONCRETE I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B E. Keep patches damp for minimum 7 days or spray with curing compound to minimize shrinking. F. Fill form tie holes with nonshrink grout. 3.09 PROTECTION AND CURING A. Protect fresh concrete from direct rays of sunlight, drying winds, and wash by ram. B. Keep concrete slabs continuously wet for a 7 -day period. Intermittent wetting is not acceptable. C. Use curing compound only where approved by Engineer. Cure formed surfaces with curing compound applied in accordance with manufacturer's directions as soon as forms are removed and finishing is completed. D. Remove and replace concrete damaged by freezing. 3.10 FLOOR HARDENER A. Use where noted or scheduled. B. Follow manufacturer's application instructions. 3.11 FIELD TESTS A. Evaluation of Concrete Field Strength: In accordance with ACI 318/318R. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 03301 7 JUNE 15,2005 REINFORCED CONCRETE I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 03600 GROUT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. ASTM International (ASTM): a. C230, Standard Specification for Flow Table for Use in Tests of Hydraulic Cement. b. C939, Standard Test Method for Flow of Grout for Preplaced- Aggregate Concrete (Flow Cone Method). c. CII07, Standard Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic- Cement Grout (Nonshrink). 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Product data of grouts. 2. Proposed method for keeping existing concrete surfaces wet prior to placing grout. 3. Forming method for fluid grout placements. 4. Curing method for grout. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's written instructions for mixing of grout. 2. Manufacturer's proposed training schedule for grout work. 3. Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance: a. Grout free from chlorides and other corrosion-causing chemicals. b. Nonshrink grout properties of Categories II and III, verifying expansion at 3 or 14 days will not exceed the 28-day expansion and nonshrink properties are not based on gas or gypsum expanSIOn. 4. Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation. 5. Statements of Qualification: Nonshrink grout manufacturer's representative. 6. Test Reports: a. Test report for 24-hour evaluation of nonshrink grout. b. Test results and service report from demonstration and training seSSIOn. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 03600 1 JUNE 15, 2005 GROUT CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I ,I I I I I I c. Field test reports and laboratory test results for field-drawn Samples. 1.03 QUALIFICATIONS A. Nonshrink Grout Manufacturer's Representative: Authorized and trained representative of grout manufacturer. Minimum of I-year experience that has resulted in successful installation of grouts similar to those for this Project. B. For grout suppliers not listed herein, provide completed 24-hour Evaluation of Nonshrink Grout Test Form, attached at the end of this section. Independent testing laboratory to certify that testing was conducted within last 18 months. 1.04 GUARANTEE A. Manufacturer's guarantee shall not contain disclaimer on the product data sheet, grout bag, or container limiting responsibility to only the purchase price of products and materials furnished. B. Manufacturer guarantees participation with Contractor in replacing or repairing grout found defective due to faulty materials, as determined by industry standard test methods. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 NONSHRINK GROUT SCHEDULE A. Furnish nonshrink grout for applications in grout category in the following schedule: Temoerature Ran2e Max. Placin2 Time Greater than Application 40 to 100 de2 F 20 min 20 min Filling tie holes I I I Blockouts for gate guides I or II II Machine bases 25 hp or less II II II Through-bolt openings II II II Machine bases 26 hp and up III III III Baseplates and/or soleplates with vibration, thermal movement, etc. III III III SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 03600 2 JUNE 15,2005 GROUT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2.02 NON SHRINK GROUT A. Category I: 1. Nonmetallic and nongas-liberating. 2. Prepackaged natural aggregate grout requiring only the addition of water. 3. Test in accordance with ASTM ClI07: a. Flowable consistency 140 percent, five drops in 30 seconds, in accordance with ASTM C230. b. Flowable for 15 minutes. 4. Grout shall not bleed at maximum allowed water. 5. Minimum strength offlowable grout, 3,000 psi at 3 days, 5,000 psi at 7 days, and 7,000 psi at 28 days. 6. Manufacturers and Products: a. Degussa Building System, Inc, Shakopee, MN; Set Grout. b. Euclid Chemical Co., Cleveland, OH; NS Grout. c. Dayton Superior Corp., Miamisburg, OH; 1107 Advantage Grout. d. US MIX Products, Denver, CO; US Spec Multi-Purpose Grout. e. L & M Construction Chemicals, Inc., Omaha, NE; Duragrout. B. Category II: 1. Nonmetallic, nongas-liberating. 2. Prepackaged natural aggregate grout requiring only the addition of water. 3. Aggregate shall show no segregation or settlement at fluid consistency at specified times or temperatures. 4. Test in accordance with ASTM ClI07, Grade B: a. Fluid consistency 20 to 30 seconds in accordance with ASTMC939. b. Temperatures of 40, 80, and 100 degrees F. 5. 1 hour after mixing, pass fluid grout through flow cone with continuous flow. 6. Minimum strength of fluid grout, 3,500 psi at 1 day, 4,500 psi at 3 days, and 7,500 psi at 28 days. 7. Maintain fluid consistency when mixed in 1 to 9 yard loads in ready-mix truck. 8. Manufacturers and Products: a. Degussa Building System, Inc., Shakopee, MN; Master Flow 928. b. Five Star Products Inc., Fairfield, CT; Five Star 100. c. Euclid Chemical Co., Cleveland, OH; Hi Flow Grout. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 03600 3 JUNE 15,2005 GROUT CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I ,I ,I I I I d. Dayton Superior Corp., Miamisburg, OH; Sure Grip High Performance Grout. e. L & M Construction Chemicals, Inc., Omaha, NE; Crystex. C. Category III: 1. Metallic and nongas-liberating. 2. Prepackaged aggregate grout requiring only the addition of water. 3. Aggregate shall show no segregation or settlement at fluid consistency at specified times or temperatures. 4. Test in accordance with ASTM ClI07, Grade A: a. Fluid consistency 20 to 30 seconds in accordance with ASTM C939. b. Temperatures of 40 and 100 degrees F. 5. 1 hour after mixing, pass fluid grout through flow cone with continuous flow. 6. Minimum strength of fluid grout, 4,000 psi at 1 day, 5,000 psi at 3 days, and 9,000 psi at 28 days. 7. Maintain fluid consistency when mixed in 1 to 9 yard loads in ready-mix truck. 8. Manufacturer and Product: a. Degussa Building Systems, Inc., Shakopee, MN; EMBECO 885. b. L & M Construction Chemicals, Inc., Omaha, NE; Ferrogrout. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 NONSHRINK GROUT A. General: Mix, place, and cure nonshrink grout in accordance with grout manufacturer's representative's training instructions. B. Form Tie or Through-Bolt Holes: Provide nonshrink grout, Category I and II, fill space with dry pack dense grout hammered in with steel tool and hammer. Through-bolt holes, coordinate dry pack dense grout application with vinyl plug and bonding agent in Section 03301, Reinforced Concrete. C. Grouting Machinery Foundations: 1. Block out original concrete or finish off at distance shown below bottom' of machinery base with grout. Prepare concrete surface by sandblasting, chipping, or by mechanical means to remove any soft material. 2. Set machinery in position and wedge to elevation with steel wedges, or use cast-in leveling bolts. 3. Form with watertight forms at least 2 inches higher than bottom of plate. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 03600 4 JUNE 15,2005 GROUT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B . 4. Fill space between bottom of machinery base and original concrete in accordance with manufacturer's representative's training instructions. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Evaluation and Acceptance of Non shrink Grout: 1. Provide a flow cone and cube molds with restraining plates onsite. Continue tests during Project as demonstrated by grout manufacturer's representative. 2. Perform flow cone and bleed tests, and make three 2-inch by 2-inch cubes for each 25 cubic feet of each type of nonshrink grout used. Use restraining caps for cube molds in accordance with ASTM C1I07. 3. For large grout applications make three additional cubes and one more flow cone test. Include bleed test for each additional 25 cubic feet of nonshrink grout placed. 4. Consistency: As specified in Article Nonshrink Grout. Grout with consistencies outside range requirements shall be rejected. 5. Segregation: As specified in Article Nonshrink Grout. Grout when aggregate separates shall be rejected. 6. Nonshrink grout cubes shall test equal to or greater than minimum strength specified. 7. Strength Test Failures: Nonshrink grout work failing strength tests shall be removed and replaced. 8. Perform bleeding test to demonstrate grout will not bleed. 9. Store cubes at 70 degrees F. 10. Independent testing laboratory shall prepare, store, cure, and test cubes in accordance with ASTM C1I07. 3.03 MANUFACTURER'S SERVICES A. General: 1. Coordinate demonstrations, training sessions, and applicable Site visits with grout manufacturer's representative. 2. Provide and conduct onsite, demonstration and training sessions for bleed tests, mixing, flow cone measurement, cube testing, application, and curing for each category and type of nonshrink grout. 3. Necessary equipment and materials shall be available for demonstration. B. Training: 1. Training is required for all Type III grout installations. 2. Grout manufacturer's representative shall train Contractor to perform grout work. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 03600 5 JUNE 15, 2005 GROUT CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I 3. Establish location at Site and schedule time for grout manufacturer's demonstration and training session of proposed nonshrink grouts. Mix nonshrink grouts to required consistency, test, place, and cure on actual Project, e.g., baseplates and tie holes to provide actual on-the-job training. 4. Use minimum of three bags for each grout Category III. Mix grout to fluid consistency and conduct flow cone and two bleed tests, make a minimum of six cubes for testing of two cubes at 1,3, and 28 days. Use remaining grout for final Work. 5. Training shall include methods for curing grout. 6. Mix and demonstrate patching through-bolt holes and blockouts for gate guides, and similar items. 7. Transport test cubes to independent test laboratory and obtain test reports. 3.04 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplement listed below, following "End of Section," is part of this Specification. I 1. 24-hour Evaluation of Non shrink Grout Test Form and Grout Testing Procedures. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 03600 6 JUNE 15, 2005 GROUT I I I I I ,I I I I I END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION SUPPLEMENT 1 (Test Lab Name) (Address) (Phone No.) 323194B 24-HOUR EVALUATION OF NON SHRINK GROUT TEST FORM OBJECTIVE: Define standard set of test procedures for an independent testing laboratory to perform and complete within a 24-hour period. SCOPE: Utilize test procedures providing 24-hour results to duplicate field grouting demands. Intent of evaluation is establish grout manufacturer's qualifications. PRIOR TO TEST: Obtain three bags of each type of grout. 1. From intended grout supplier for Project. 2. Three bags of grout shall be of same lot number. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR GROUT BEING TESTED FROM LITERATURE, DATA, AND PRINTING ON BAG: A. Product data and warranty information contained in company literature and data? Yes No B. C. Literature and bag information meet specified requirements? Manufacturer guarantees grout as specified in Article Guarantee? Guarantee extends beyond grout replacement value and allows participation with Contractor in replacing and repairing defective areas? E. Water demands and limits printed on bag? F. Mixing information printed on the bag? G. Temperature restrictions printed on bag? *Rejection of a grout will occur if one or more answers are noted NO. D. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 03600 SUPPLEMENT Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 1 JUNE 15, 2005 24-HOUR EVALUATION OF NON SHRINK GROUT TEST FORM CITY OF PORT, ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GROUT TESTING PROCEDURES A. Bagged Material: 1. List lot numbers. 2. List expiration date. 3 . Weigh bags and record weight. Engineer will disqualify grout ifbag weights have misstated measure plus or minus 2 pounds by more than one out of three bags. (Accuracy of weights is required to regulate amount of water used in mixing since this will affect properties.) B. Mixing and Consistency Determination: 1. Mix full bag of grout in IO-gallon pail. 2. Use electric drill with a paddle device to mix grout (jiffy or jiffler type paddle). 3. Use maximum water allowed per water requirements listed in bag instructions. 4. Mix grout to maximum time listed on bag instructions. 5. In accordance with ASTM C939 (flow cone) determine time of mixed grout through the flow cone. seconds 6. Add water to attain 20- to 30-second flow in accordance with ASTM C939. 7. Record time of grout through cone at new water demand. 8. Record total water needed to attain 20- to 30-second flow. seconds pounds 9. Record percent of water. percent C. When fluid grout is specified and additional water is required beyond grout manufacturer's listed maximum water, ASTM C939 will be run at new water per grout ratio to determine whether grout passes using actual water requirements to be fluid. Use new water per grout ratio on remaining tests. D. Bleed Test: 1. Fill two gallon cans half full of freshly mixed grout at ambient temperatures for each category and at required consistency for each. 2. Place one can of grout in tub of ice water and leave one can at ambient temperature. 3. Cover top of both cans with glass or plastic plate preventing evaporation. 4. Maintain 38 to 42 degrees F temperature with grout placed in ice and maintain ambient temperature for second container for 1 hour. 5. Visually check for bleeding of water at IS-minute intervals for 2 hours. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 03600 SUPPLEMENT 2 JUNE 15,2005 24-HOUR EVALUATION OF NONSHRINK GROUT TEST FORM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 6. Perform final observation at 24 hours. If grout bleeds a small amount at temperatures specified, grout will be rejected. E. Extended Flow Time and Segregation Test (for Category II and III): 1. Divide the remaining grout into two 3-gallon cans. Place the cans into the 40-degree F and 100-degree F containers and leave for 20, 40, and 60 minutes. Every 20 minutes remove and check for segregation or settlement of aggregate. Use a gloved hand to reach to the bottom of the can, ifmore than 1/4-inch of aggregate has settled to the bottom or aggregate has segregated into clumps reject the grout. 2. Right after the settlement test mix the grout with the drill mixer for 10 seconds. Take an ASTM C939 flow cone test of grout and record flow time. Maintain this process for 1 hour at ambient temperatures of 40 and 100 degrees F. a. 20 min _' sec. @ 40 degrees F. b. 40 min_, sec. @40degreesF. c. 60 min , sec. @ 40 degrees F. d. 20 min _' sec. @ 100 degrees F. e. 40 min _' sec. @ 100 degrees F. f. 60 min , sec. @ 100 degrees F. All Category II and III grout that will not go through the flow cone with continuous flow after 60 minutes will be disqualified. Qualified Disqualified F. 24-hour Strength Test: 1. Using grout left in mixing cans in accordance with ASTM Cl1 07 for mixing and consistency determination test and for extended time flow test, make minimum of nine cube samples. 2. Store cubes at 70 degrees F for 24 hours. 3. Record average compressive strength of nine cubes at 24 hours. Grout will be disqualified if 24-hour compressive strengths are under 2,500 psi for grouts claiming fluid placement capabilities. Grouts that have not been disqualified after these tests are qualified for use on the Project for the application indicated in Nonshrink Grout Schedule. Signature of Independent Testing Laboratory Date Test Conducted SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 03600 SUPPLEMENT 3 JUNE 15, 2005 24-HOUR EVALUATION OF NONSHRINK GROUT TEST FORM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 04230 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 530.11 ASCE 6/TMS 602, Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures and Specifications for Masonry Structures and Related Commentaries. 2. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A82, Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement. b. AI53/AI53M, Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. c. C33, Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates. d. C90, Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units. e. C140, Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units. f. CI44, Standard Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar. g. CI50, Standard Specification for Portland Cement. h. C207, Standard Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes. 1. C270, Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry. J. C404, Standard Specification for Aggregates for Masonry Grout. k. C476, Standard Specification for Grout for Masonry. 1. E514, Standard Test Method for Water Penetration and Leakage through Masonry. 3. International Code Council (ICC): a. International Building Code (IBC), Chapter 21. b. ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) Reports. 4. National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA). 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Shop Drawings: a. Information illustrating horizontal joint reinforcement and preformed control joint materials proposed. b. Grout proportions. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 04230 I JUNE 15, 2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. Mortar proportions. d. Letter of certification stating grout aggregates and mortar sand meet requirements of ASTM C33, including nonreactivity. 2. Samples: a. One of each type of masonry unit to be used on Project. b. Two each; textured, glazed, sound absorbing, and brick units for selection of color and texture. c. Mortar colors for color selection. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Method of placing grout. 2. Certified field test results within 5 days of performing specified tests. 3. Letter of certification from masonry unit manufacturer stating that units comply with mc Table 2105. 4. Letter from water repellent admixture manufacturer verifying masonry unit manufacturer's proper use of product. 5. Certified test reports showing compliance with specified performance tests. 6. Method and materials for removal of efflorescence. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Masonry Unit Manufacturer: Qualified by manufacturer of water repellent admixture to use product. B. Mockups: 1. Lay up Sample panel for each type of masonry at Site. 2. Dimensions: Minimum 4 feet high by 4 feet long. 3. May be part of permanent construction. 4. Approved panels shall serve as basis of color, texture, bond, quality of finished joints, and for acceptance of permanent construction. 5. Demonstrate ability to keep insulation and grout isolated and in certain cells during any sequence of placement, and to demonstrate materials will be restricted to cells and bond beams intended to receive each material. 6. Construction shall show areas required to receive mortar, including webs on each side of each cell to prevent insulation from entering cells to receive grout or to prevent grout from entering cells to receive insulation. 7. Where bond beams are to be used, demonstrate proper placement of both insulation and grout to bond beam level, and proper placement of SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 04230 2 JUNE 15, 2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B bond beam prior to placement of insulation and grout above bond beam level. 8. Demonstrate proper use of running bond or stacked bond. C. Efflorescence: Protect masonry construction to prevent efflorescence. Provide measures to prevent moisture from entering incomplete walls. Remove all efflorescence prior to applying water repellents. D. Comply with the requirements and criteria of the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA), Brick Institute of America (BIA), ASTM C90, ASTM C216, and ACI 530.1 for masonry finish and appearance, dimension tolerances, tolerances of construction, joint tolerances, ,and wall plumb tolerances. 1.04 DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Storage and Protection: Keep lime and other ingredients dry. 1.05 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Temperature: Do not lay masonry when ambient temperature is below 32 degrees F on a rising temperature, or below 40 degrees F on a falling temperature, or when there is a probability of such conditions occurring within 48 hours, unless written approval of procedures for protection from freezing is obtained from Engineer. B. Moisture Protection: Protect masonry construction from loss of moisture during curing period of 7 days when ambient air temperature is 90 degrees F or greater and when relative humidity is less than 50 percent. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 COMPRESSNE STRENGTH OF MASONRY A. Minimum 28-Day Compressive Field Strength (fm) of Completed Assemblage: 1,500 psi. 2.02 MASONRY UNITS A. General: 1. Furnish or cut special shapes for comers, jambs, lintels, and other areas shown or required. 2. Special units shall match color and texture of standard units. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 04230 3 JUNE 15,2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Where units are placed so end of unit is exposed, such as at a comer or intersection, exposed end of that block shall have surface to match color and texture of sides of other units. 4. Furnish sound, dry, clean units free of cracks, prior to placing in structure. 5. Vertical Cells to be Grouted: Capable of alignment sufficient to maintain clear, unobstructed continuous vertical cell dimensions in accordance with ACI 530.1, Table 3.1.2. 6. Masonry unit size and shape shall allow for all placement patterns to prevent materials, such as grout or poured insulation, from escaping from cell being filled to adjacent cells where material is not intended to be placed. B. Concrete Masonry Units (CMU): 1. ASTM C90: Medium weight. 2. Water Repellent Admixture: a. Structural concrete masonry units 'in weather exposed exterior wall shall be manufactured with integral liquid polymeric admixture to provide resistance to water penetration. b. Manufacturer and Product: W.R. Grace & Co.; Dry-Block Block Admixture. 3. Nominal Size: ,16 inches long by 8 inches high by thickness shown on Drawings. 4. Compressive Strength: 1,900 psi minimum, in accordance with ASTM C90, Table 2. 5. Color of Units: Natural, and as scheduled in Section 09000, Finish Schedules. 6. Surface Texture on Exposed Surfaces: As shown on Drawings, and in following paragraph. C. Textured Concrete Masonry Units (TCMU): 1. Same type and weight as structural units. 2. Rib Textured (R-T) Exposed Faces: Eight ribs on a 16-inch face; outside comer units with ribs on face and end; ribs spaced, sized, and located so they align vertically when laid in either running or stack bond. Ends ribbed where exposed. 3. Split Face Units (S-F): 8-inch by 8-inch by 16-inch units with ends split where exposed. 4. Ground Face Scored units (G-S) with center score providing 8-inch square face. 5. Color of Units: As shown in Section 09000, Finish Schedules. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 04230 4 JUNE 15,2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B - D. Glazed Concrete Masonry Units (GCMU): 1. Meet same requirements as structural concrete masonry units, except omit water repellent admixture. 2. Plain face type, smooth satin-gloss finish, externally heat-polymerized, cast-on facing, with no telegraphing of texture or color, meeting ASTM C744. 3. Size: 8-inch square face. 4. Edges of Glaze at Exposed Face: 1/16 inch thick with lip returned about 1/4 inch into joints at perimeter. 5. Glazed Facing: 1/8 inch thick. 6. Color of Glazed Facing: As scheduled in Section 09000, Finish Schedules. 7. Manufacturer and Product: Spectra Development Corporation, Baltimore, MD; Spectra-Glaze II, prefaced concrete masonry units, or approved equal. 2.03 MORTAR AND GROUT MATERIALS A. Cement: ASTM C150, Type I and II, portland cement. B. Lime: ASTM C207, Type S hydrated. C. Aggregates: 1. Mortar: ASTM C 144, sand. 2. Grout: ASTM C404. D. Water: Fresh, clean, and potable. E. Mortar Plasticizer Admixture: 1. May be used instead of lime. 2. Manufacturer and Product: American Colloid Co.; Easy/Spred Plasticizer. F. Water Repellent Admixture: 1. Mortar for structural and textured concrete masonry units in weather exposed exterior walls shall include an integral liquid polymeric admixture to provide resistance to water penetration. 2. Mortar shall achieve a Class E rating when tested in accordance with ASTM E514. 3. Use Dry-Block Mortar Admixture by W.R. Grace & Co. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 04230 5 JUNE 15,2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G. Grout Admixture: 1. Controlled expansion additive. 2. Manufacturer and Product: Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, NJ; Grout Aid. 2.04 REINFORCEMENT A. Deformed Bars: As specified in Section 03301, Reinforced Concrete. 2.05 PREFORMED CONTROL JOINTS A. Solid rubber cross-shape extrusions as manufactured by: 1. Dur-O-Wal, Inc., Aurora, IL; Regular Rapid Control Joint. 2. Sonneborn-Contech Co., Oakland, CA; Sonneborn Control Joint. 3. Hohmann and Barnard, Inc; #RS-Standard. 2.06 MORTAR MIXES A. Minimum average mortar 28-day compressive strength 1,800 psi. B. Proportions: 1. In accordance with ASTM C270, Type S. 2. Mortar plasticizer admixture may be substituted for lime. Batch in accordance with ICC, International Building Code Current Reports for specified mortar type and strengt.h. C. Mixing: 1. Machine mix in approved mixers. 2. Keep mixer drums clean and free of debris and dried mortar. 3. Mix by placing 1/2 water and 1/2 aggregate in operating mixer. 4. Add cement. 5. Add remaining aggregate and water and mix for at least 2 minutes. 6. Add lime and continue mixing as long as needed to secure a uniform mass, but no less than 3 minutes after addition of lime. 7. Time addition of admixture in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Procedure used for adding it to mix shall provide good dispersion. 8. Follow manufacturer's instructions for mortar plasticizer admixture. 9. Follow manufacturer's instructions for water repellent admixture. 10. Review compatibility with other mortar admixture. SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 04230 6 JUNE 15, 2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Where colored masonry units are used, color mortar to match. Inert coloring pigments may be added, but shall not exceed 6 percent by weight of cement. 2.07 GROUT MIXES A. Proportions: Conform to ASTM C476 for coarse grout and as follows: 1. Compressive Strength: Minimum 2,000 psi at 28 days. 2. For Pouring: a. Fluid consistency (suitable for pouring without segregation) meeting requirements of ASTM C476. b. Conform to mc Table 2103.10, except as noted. 3. For Pumping: Fluid consistency with minimum seven sacks of cement in each cubic yard. B. Mixing: 1. Onsite: Follow procedure specified in Article Mortar Production. 2. Transit-Mixed Grout: Meet requirements of ASTM C476. 3. Add approved grout expansion admixture in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Premix admixture with water and add resulting solution to grout mix and thoroughly mix. Do not exceed quantity of admixture recommended by manufacturer. 2.08 MASONRY FILL INSULATION A. As specified in Section 07210, Building Insulation. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Prepare surface contact area of foundation concrete for initial mortar placement by one of following methods: 1. Sandblasting foundation and reinforcing dowels after concrete has fully cured to remove laitance and spillage and to expose sound aggregate. 2. Water blasting foundation and reinforcing dowels after concrete has partially cured to remove laitance and spillage and to expose sound aggregate. 3. Green cutting fresh concrete with high pressure water and hand tools to remove laitance and spillage from foundation and reinforcing dowels and to expose sound aggregate. B. Clean surfaces of loose material prior to initial mortar placement. SEN323 1 94.WU.FD.02 04230 7 JUNE 15,2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Prevent surface damage to foundation concrete that will be exposed to view outside of contact area. 3.02 LAYING MASONRY UNITS A. General: 1. Conform to building code applicable to this Project and as supplemented by these Specifications. 2. Do not start laying masonry units unless foundation wall is plumb within 1/4 inch in 10 feet or not straight within 5/16 inch in 10 feet. 3. Finish Tolerances (Measured on Interior Surfaces): a. Maximum permissible variation from plumb of masonry wall or ofline ofjoints in masonry wall: 1/16 inch per foot of height and 1/4 inch in total height of wall. b. Maximum permissible variation from horizontal line along base of wall or for lines of horizontal joints: 1/16 inch per block and 1/4 inch per 50 feet of wall with proportionately greater tolerance for longer walls up to 1/2 inch in total length of wall. 4. Place units with chipped edges or comers such that chipped area is not exposed to view. B. Wall Units: 1. General: a. If necessary to move a unit after once set in-place, remove from wall, clean, and set in fresh mortar. b. Toothing of masonry units is not permitted. 2. Running Bond: a. Unless otherwise shown, lay up walls in straight, level, and uniform courses using a running bond pattern. b. Place units for continuous vertical cells and mortar joints to prevent materials, such as grout or poured insulation, from escaping from cell being filled to adjacent cells where material is not intended to be placed. 3. Glazed Concrete Masonry Units: a. Single-faced units may be installed through wall where walls or partitions are shown to have glazed masonry unit finish on one side only. b. Use facing for dimensional and plane reference in installation. c. Where glazed masonry unit finish is indicated on both sides of a wall or partition, install coved bases of two-unit construction or two-faced units through the wall. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 04230 8 JUNE 15, 2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B d. Install coved bases flush with finished surfaces above, except as otherwise specified. 4. Comers: Lay standard masonry bond for overlapping units and grout solid. C. Special Shapes: 1. Provide and place such special units as comer block, dOOIjamb block, lintel block fillers, and similar blocks as may be required. 2. Use required shapes and sizes to work to comers and openings, maintaining proper bond throughout wall. 3.03 BUILT-IN ITEMS A. Position door frames, windows, vents, louvers, and other items to be built in wall, and construct wall around them. B. Install masonry anchors to secure items to wall. C. Fill spaces around items with mortar or grout. D. Do not place electrical, instrumentation, or water conduits in a cell containing reinforcement, unless approved in writing by Engineer. Pipes, sleeves, and conduits shall not be placed closer than three diameters, center-to-center, nor shall they impair strength of construction. 3.04 MORTAR JOINTS A. General: 1. Straight, clean, with uniform thickness of 3/8 inch. 2. Horizontal and vertical mortar joints shall have full mortar coverage on face shells. 3. Vertical Head Joints: a. Butter well on each unit for a width equal to face shell of unit, shove tightly so mortar bonds well to both units. b. Solidly fill joints from face of block to at least depth of face shell. 4. As units are laid, remove excess mortar from grout space of cells to be filled. 5. Place mortar before initial setting of cement takes place. Do not retemper mortar that has started to set or is not used within one hour. Retempering of colored mortar is not allowed. 6. Remove mortar containing water repellent admixture from face of masonry, before it sets. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 04230 9 JUNE 15,2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Exposed Joints: 1. Tool joints exposed to view after final construction, unless otherwise noted or shown. 2. Cut joints flush and, as mortar takes its initial set, tool to provide a concave joint. 3. Perform tooling when mortar is partially set but still sufficiently plastic to bond. 4. Perform tooling with tool that compacts mortar, pressing excess mortar out rather than dragging it out. 5. Rake out joints that are not tight at time of tooling, point, and then tool. 6. Rake and tool joints at split-face surfaces, interior, and exterior. C. Concealed Joints: Strike flush with no further treatment required. 3.05 CONTROL JOINTS A. Preformed Control Joints: 1. Omit mortar from vertical joints. 2. Place rubber control joint material as wall is built. 3. After wall is grouted, cured, and cleaned, install backing rod and sealant as specified in Section 07900, Joint Sealants. 4. Place and tool sealant to match depth oftypical joint. 3.06 REINFORCING A. Foundation Dowels: 1. Size, number, and location of foundation dowels shall match vertical wall reinforcing, unless otherwise noted. 2. When foundation dowel does not line up as intended, with vertical core, do not slope more than 1 horizontal to 6 vertical to bring it into alignment. B. Vertical Reinforcing: 1. Use deformed bars. 2. Hold in position near the ends of bars by wire ties to dowels or by reinforcing positioners. 3. Lap reinforcing bars as shown, where spliced and wire tie together. 4. Minimum Bar Clearance: One bar diameter from masonry and from additional parallel bars in same grout space. 5. Hold in position at maximum intervals of 160 bar diameters by reinforcing positioners. SEAJ323194.WU.FD.02 04230 10 JUNE 15, 2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.07 MORTAR PRODUCTION A. General: 1. Mix ingredients 3 to 5 minutes after all ingredients are introduced. 2. Provide volumetric control by using batching box or similar measuring device. Do not use shovel to introduce materials directly into batch. 3. Keep sand damp and loose. 4. Use cool mix water. 3.08 GROUTING A. General: 1. Do not mix, convey, or place with equipment constructed of aluminum. 2. Secure vertical and horizontal reinforcement, ties, bolts, anchors, and other required embedments in place; inspect and verify before placing grout. 3. Grout beams over openings in one continuous operation. 4. Maintain vertical alignment in accordance with ACI 530.1, Table 7. 5. Place grout as soon as possible after mortar has set to reduce shrinkage cracking of vertical joints. 6. Vertical Reinforcement: a. First wire tie to foundation dowels, then build wall around it. b. Provide reinforcing positioners or approved cross bracing to secure top of steel in place. c. Do not drop in vertical steel after block is laid, unless reinforcing positioners are provided in the course above previously grouted course. B. Grouting Requirements: 1. Slump: 8 inches to 11 inches. 2. Do not start grouting until wall has cured for 24 hours, minimum. 3. Partial Grouting Requirements: a. Walls Not Requiring Solid Grouting: Fill cells containing reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, and other embedded items as shown with grout. b. Construct cells to be fille~ to confine grout within cell. c. Cover tops of unfilled vertical cells under a bond beam with metal lath to confine grout fill to bond beam section. 4. Form horizontal construction joints between pours by stopping grout pour 1-1/2 inches below a mortar joint, except at a bond beam; stop pour 1/2 inch below top of masonry unit. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 04230 11 JUNE 15,2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. Partial Grouting with Insulation Fill: a. Where cells of masonry units are to receive masonry fill insulation in some cells and to receive grout in some cells, provide continuous mortar on block webs on each side of cells to be filled with grout to ensure insulation will not enter grout cells. b. Where bond beams are required with masonry fill insulation and grout, limit pours to less than 6 feet in height. 6. Fully embed horizontal steel with grout in an uninterrupted pour. 7. Do not construct wall more than one course above top of grout pour prior to placing grout. 8. Vibration: a. Use internal "pencil" type, low energy vibrator to thoroughly consolidate grout and reduce amount of air voids. Do not use concrete vibrators. b. After waiting sufficient time to permit grout to become plastic, but before it has taken any set, reconsolidate grout. c. Waiting period will vary depending upon weather conditions and block absorption rates, but under "normal" weather conditions with average masonry units the waiting period should be between 30 to 60 minutes. 9. Cleanouts: a. Provide for grout pours over 5 feet in height. b. Provide of sufficient size to permit cleaning of cell, positioning of reinforcing, and inspection at bottom of every vertical cell containing reinforcing. c. Location: Concealed from view after final construction, unless otherwise approved by Engineer. d. After wall has been inspected and approved and prior to grouting, cap cleanouts in a manner that will seal them from grout leakage and provide a flush finish. 3.09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Special Inspection of masonry in accordance with mc Section 1704.5. B. Masonry shall be tested by testing agency retained by City, in accordance with ASTM C1314, Method B, as modified by ACI 530.lIASCE 6. C. Masonry test prisms, when required, shall be constructed onsite with same materials and workmanship to be used for Project. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 04230 12 JUNE 15, 2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Provide adequate facilities for safe storage and proper curing of masonry prisms, mortar samples, and grout samples, as applicable, onsite for first 24 hours, and for additional time as may be required before transporting to test lab. E. Masonry Testing: 1. Unit Strength Method: a. Method and frequency for mortar, grout, and masonry unit sampling and testing in accordance with IBC 2105.2.2.1. b. Provide masonry units for test samples required. F. Corrective Action: 1. If compressive strength tests made prior to construction of permanent structure fail to meet Specifications, adjustments shall be made to mix designs for mortar, or grout, or both, as needed to produce specified strength. Masonry units shall also be tested to verifY compliance to requirements of ASTM C90, Type 1. 2. If strength tests performed on materials representative of in-place construction fail to meet Specifications, prisms or cores shall be cut from constructed walls in sufficient locations to adequately determine strength in accordance with IBC 2105.3. G. Performance Test: Masonry using concrete masonry units and mortar with integral water repellent additives, and water repellent masonry sealer, shall achieve a Class E rating when evaluated in accordance with ASTM E514, with the test extended to 72 hours. 3.10 CLEANING A. Immediately after completion of grouting, clean masonry surfaces of excess mortar, grout spillage, scum, stains, dirt, and other foreign substances using clean water and fiber brushes. B. Clean walls not requiring painting or sealing so there are no visible stains. 3.11 PROTECTION OF INSTALLED WORK A. Do not allow grout and mortar stains to dry on face of exposed masonry. B. Protect tops of walls at all times. Cover tops of walls with waterproof paper when rain or snow is imminent and when the Work is discontinued. C. Adequately brace walls until walls and roof are completed. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 04230 13 JUNE 15,2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Provide sufficient bracing to protect walls against damage from elements, including wind and snow. E. Protect masonry against freezing for minimum 72 hours after being laid. F. Protect masonry from damage until final acceptance of the Work. Damaged units will not be accepted. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 04230 14 JUNE 15, 2005 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS AND CASTINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. American Galvanizers Association (AGA): Inspection of Products Hot-Dip Galvanized After Fabrication. 2. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI): Stainless Steel Types. 3. American Welding Society (A WS): a. Dl.l, Structural Welding Code - Steel. b. D 1.2, Structural Welding Code - Aluminum. c. D1.6, Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel. 4. ASTM International (ASTM): a. AI23/AI23M, Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. b. AI53/AI53M, Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. c. AI93/AI93M, Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service. d. A385, Practice for Providing High-Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot- Dip). e. 1\..992/ A992M, Specification for Steel for Structural Shapes for Use in Building Framing f. F593, Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs. g. F594, Specification for Stainless Steel Nuts. h. F1554, Specification for Anchor Bolts, Steel, 36, 55, and 105-ksi Yield Strength. 5. International Code Council (lCC): Evaluation Reports for Concrete and Masonry Anchors. 6. NSF International (NSF). 7. Specialty Steel Industry of North America (SSINA): a. Specifications for Stainless Steel. b. Design Guidelines for the Selection and Use of Stainless Steel. c. Stainless Steel Fabrication. d. Stainless Steel Fasteners. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 05500 1 JUNE 15,2005 METAL FABRICATIONS AND CASTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Corrosive Area: Containment area or area exposed to delivery, storage, transfer, or use of chemicals. B. Exterior Area: Location not protected from the weather by a building or other enclosed structure. C. Interior Dry Area: Location insid-e building or structure where floor is not subject to liquid spills or washdown, nor where wall or roof slab is common to a water-holding or earth-retaining structure. D. Interior Wet Area: Location inside building or structure where floor is sloped to floor drains or gutters and is subject to liquid spills or washdown, or where wall, floor, or roof slab is common to a water-holding or earth-retaining structure. E. Submerged: Location at or below top of wall of open water-holding structure, such as a basin or channel, or wall, ceiling or floor surface inside a covered water-holding structure, or exterior belowgrade wall or roof surface of water- holding structure, open or covered. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Shop Drawings: a. Metal fabrications, including welding and fastener information. b. Specific instructions for concrete anchor installation, including drilled hole size, preparation, placement, procedures, and instructions for safe handling of anchoring systems. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Concrete and Masonry Drilled Anchors: a. Manufacturer's product description and installation procedures. b. Current test data or ICC Evaluation Report. c. Adhesive Anchor Installer Certification. 2. Passivation method for stainless steel members. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 05500 2 JUNE 15,2005 METAL FABRICATIONS AND CASTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: 323194B 1. Adhesive Anchor Installers: Trained and certified by manufacturer. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Insofar as practical, factory assemble items specified herein. Assemblies that due to necessity have to be shipped unassembled shall be packaged and tagged in manner that will protect materials from damage and will facilitate identification and field assembly. B. Package stainless steel items in a manner to provide protection from carbon impregnation. C. Protect painted coatings and hot-dip galvanized finishes from damage due to metal banding and rough handling. Use padded slings and straps. D. Store fabricated items in dry area, not in direct contact with ground. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Unless otherwise indicated, meet the following requirements: Item Steel Shapes and Plates Steel Pipe Structural Steel Tubing Stainless Steel: Bars and Angles Shapes Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip Bolts, Threaded Rods, Anchor Bolts, and Anchor Studs Nuts SEN323194.WU.FD.02 05500 3 ASTM Reference A36/ A36M A501 or A53/A53M, Type E or S, Grade B A500, Grade B A276, AISI Type 316 A276, AISI Type 304 A240/ A240M, AISI Type 316 F593, AISI Type 316, Condition CW F594, AISI Type 316, Condition CW JUNE 15, 2005 MET AL FABRICATIONS AND CASTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION Item Steel Bolts and Nuts: Carbon Steel High-Strength Anchor Bolts and Rods Eyebolts Threaded Rods Flat Washers (Unhardened) Flat and Beveled Washers (Hardened) Thrust Ties for Steel Pipe: Threaded Rods Nuts Plate Welded Anchor Studs Aluminum Plates and Structural Shapes Aluminum Bolts and Nuts Cast Iron 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ASTM Reference A307 bolts, with A563 nuts A325, Type I bolts, with A563 nuts FI554, Grade 55, with weldability supplement S 1. A489 A36/ A36M F844 F436 AI93/AI93M, Grade B7 AI94/AI94M, Grade 2H A283/ A283M, Grade D AI08, Grades C-IOIO through C-I020 B209 and B308/B308M, Alloy 6061-T6 F468, Alloy 2024- T4 A48, Class 35 B. Bolts, Washers, and Nuts: Use stainless steel, hot-dip galvanized steel, zinc-plated steel, and aluminum material types as indicated in Fastener Schedule at end of this section. 2.02 ANCHOR BOLTS AND ANCHOR BOLT SLEEVES A. Cast-in-Place Anchor Bolts: 1. Headed type, unless otherwise shown on Drawings. 2. Material type and protective coating as shown in Fastener Schedule at end of this section. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 05500 4 JUNE 15,2005 METAL FABRICATIONS AND CASTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Anchor Bolt Sleeves: 1. Plastic: a. Single unit construction with corrugated sleeve. b. Top of sleeve shall be self-threading to provide adjustment of threaded anchor bolt projection. c. Material: High density polyethylene. d. Manufacturer: Sinco Products, Inc., Middletown, CT, (800) 243-6753. 2. Fabricated Steel: ASTM A36/ A36M. 2.03 CONCRETE AND MASONRY DRILLED ANCHORS A. General: 1. AISI Type 316 stainless, hot-dip galvanized, or zinc-plated steel, as shown in Fastener Schedule at end of this section. 2. Current evaluation and acceptance reports by ICC or other similar code organization. 3. Acceptable for use in potable water structures by EP A and local health agencies or NSF. B. Wedge Anchors: 1. Manufacturers and Products: a. ITW Ramset/Red Head, Wood Dale, IL; Trubolt Wedge Anchor. b. Hilti, Inc., Tulsa, OK; Kwik-Bolt-3 (KB-3) Anchor. c. Powers Rawl, New Rochelle, NY; Power-Stud Anchor. d. Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc., Pleasanton, CA; Wedge-All Anchor. e. Wej-It Corp., Tulsa, OK; ANKRtite Wedge Anchor. f U.S. Anchor, Pompano Beach, FL; Kingpin Wedge Anchor. g. Unitex, Kansas City, MO; Pro-Poxy 300 and Pro-Poxy 300 Fast Epoxy Adhesive Anchors. C. Expansion Anchors: 1. Self-drilling anchors, snap-off or flush type, zinc-plated. 2. Nondrilling Anchors: Flush type for use with zinc-plated or stainless steel bolt, or stud type with projecting threaded stud. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. ITW Ramset/Red Head, Wood Dale, IL; Multi-Set II Drop-In and Self Drill Anchor. b. Hilti, Inc., Tulsa, OK; Hilti HDI Drop-In Anchor. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 05500 5 JUNE 15,2005 METAL F ABRICA nONS AND CASTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. Powers Rawl, New Rochelle, NY; Steel Drop-In Anchor. d. Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc., Pleasanton, CA; Drop-In Anchor. D. Sleeve Anchors: 1. Manufacturers and Products: a. ITW Ramset/Red Head, Wood Dale, IL; Dynabolt Hex Nut Sleeve Anchor. b. Powers Rawl, New Rochelle, NY; Hex Head Power-Bolt Anchor. c. Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc., Pleasanton, CA; Sleeve-All Hex Head Anchor. d. Wej-It Corp., Tulsa, OK; Wej-It Sleeve Anchor. e. Hilti, Inc., Tulsa, OK; HSL-3 Heavy Duty Sleeve Anchor. E. Adhesive Anchors: 1. Threaded Rod: a. ASTM F593 stainless steel threaded rod, diameter as shown on Drawings. b. Length as required, to provide minimum depth of embedment. c. Clean and free of grease, oil, or other deleterious material. d. For hollow-unit masonry, provide galvanized or stainless steel wire cloth screen tube to fit threaded rod. 2. Adhesive: a. Two-component, designed to be used in adverse freeze/thaw environments, with gray color after mixing. b. Cure Temperature, Pot Life, and Workability: Compatible for intended use and environmental conditions. c. Nonsag, with selected viscosity base on installation temperature and overhead application where applicable. 3. Packaging and Storage: a. Disposable, self-contained cartridge system capable of dispensing both components in the proper mixing ratio and fitting into a manually or pneumatically operated caulking gun. b. Store adhesive cartridges on pallets or shelving in covered storage area, in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. c. Cartridge Markings: Include manufacturer's name, product name, material type, batch or serial number, and adhesive expiration date. d. Dispose of cartridges if shelflife has expired. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 05500 6 JUNE 15,2005 METAL FABRICATIONS AND CASTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 4. Manufacturers and Products: a. ITW Ramset/Red Head, Wood Dale, IL; Epcon Ceramic 6 Epoxy or A 7 Adhesive Anchor System. (Use only Epcon A 7 Adhesive System for hollow masonry.) b. Hilti, Inc., Tulsa, OK; HIT Doweling Anchor System, HIT HY 150 (HIT HY 20 for hollow masonry). c. Powers Rawl, New Rochelle, NY; Power Fast Epoxy Injection Gel Cartridge System. d. Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc., Pleasanton, CA; Epoxy-Tie Adhesive ET or Acrylic-Tie Adhesive. (Use only Acrylic-Tie Adhesive for temperatures below 40 degrees F.) e. Covert Operations, Inc., Long Beach, CA; CIA-Gel 7000 Epoxy Anchors. f. U.S. Anchor, Pompano Beach, FL; Ultrabond 1. g. Unitex, Kansas City, MO; Pro-Poxy 300 and Pro-Poxy 300 Fast Epoxy Adhesive Anchors. 2.04 PIPE SLEEVES A. ASTM A53/ A53M, Schedule 40 steel pipe sleeves with continuously welded 3/16-inch-thick seep ring with outside diameter 3 inches greater than sleeve outside diameter. Hot-dip galvanize in accordance with ASTM AI23/AI23M. 2.05 STEEL LINTELS AND SHELF ANGLES A. ASTM A36/ A36M, hot-dip galvanize after fabrication in accordance with ASTM AI23/AI23M. 2.06 ACCESSORIES A. Antiseizing Lubricant for Stainless Steel Threaded Connections: 1. Suitable for potable water supply. 2. Resists washout. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Bostik, Middleton, MA; Neverseez. b. Saf- T -Eze Div., STL Corp., Lombard, IL; Anti-Seize. - 2.07 F ABRICA TION A. General: 1. Finish exposed surfaces smooth, sharp, and to well-defined lines. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 05500 7 JUNE 15,2005 METAL FABRICATIONS AND CASTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. I Furnish necessary rabbets, lugs, and brackets so work can be assembled in neat, substantial manner. 3. Conceal fastenings where practical; where exposed, flush countersink. 4. Drill metalwork and countersink holes as required for attaching hardware or other materials. 5. Grind cut edges smooth and straight. Round sharp edges to small uniform radius. Grind burrs, jagged edges, and surface defects smooth. 6. Fit and assemble in largest practical sections for delivery to Site. B. Materials: 1. Use steel shapes, unless otherwise noted. 2. Steel to be hot-dip galvanized: Limit silicon content to less than 0.04 percent or to between 0.15 and 0.25 percent. 3. Fabricate aluminum in accordance with AA Specifications for Aluminum Structures - Allowable Stress Design. c. Welding: 1. Weld connections and grind exposed welds smooth. When required to be watertight, make welds continuous. 2. Welded fabrications shall be free from twisting or distortion caused by improper welding techniques. 3. Steel: Meet fabrication requirements of A WS D 1.1, Section 5. 4. Aluminum: Meet requirements of A WS Dl.2. 5. Stainless Steel: Meet requirements of A WS D 1.6. 6. Welded Anchor Studs: Prepare surface to be welded and weld with stud welding gun in accordance with A WS D 1.1, Section 7, and manufacturer's instructions. 7. Complete welding before applying finish. D. Painting: 1. Shop prime with rust-inhibitive primer as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Coat surfaces of galvanized steel and aluminum fabricated items to be in direct contact with concrete, grout, masonry, or dissimilar metals, as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings, unless indicated otherwise. 3. Do not apply protective coating to galvanized steel anchor bolts or galvanized steel welded anchor studs, unless indicated otherwise. SEA/323194. WU .FD .02 05500 8 JUNE 15,2005 METAL FABRICATIONS AND CASTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B E. Galvanizing: 1. Fabricate steel to be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A143, ASTM A384, and ASTM A385. Avoid fabrication techniques that could cause distortion or embrittlement of the steel. 2. Provide venting and drain holes for tubular members and fabricated assemblies in accordance with ASTM A385. 3. Remove welding slag, splatter, burrs, grease, oil, paint, lacquer, and other deleterious material prior to delivery for galvanizing. 4. Remove by blast cleaning or other methods surface contaminants and coatings not removable by normal chemical cleaning process in the galvanizing operation. 5. Hot-dip galvanize steel members, fabrications, and assemblies after fabrication in accordance with ASTM AI23/AI23M. 6. Hot-dip galvanize bolts, nuts, washers, and hardware components in accordance with ASTM AI53/AI5'3M. Oversize holes to allow for zinc alloy growth. Shop assemble bolts and nuts. 7. Galvanized steel sheets in accordance with ASTM A653. 8. Galvanize components of bolted assemblies separately before assembly. Galvanizing of tapped holes is not required. F. Fitting: Where movement of fabrications is required or shown, cut, fit, and align items for smooth operation. Make comers square and opposite sides parallel. G. Accessories: Furnish as required for a complete installation. Fasten by welding or with stainless steel bolts or screws. 2.08 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Visually inspect all fabrication welds and correct any deficiencies. I. Steel: A WS D 1.1, Section 6 and Table 6.1, Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria. 2. Aluminum: A WS D 1.2. 3. Stainless Steel: A WS D1.6. SEA/323 194. WU.FD.02 05500 9 JUNE 15, 2005 METAL FABRICATIONS AND CASTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION OF METAL FABRICATIONS A. General: 1. Install metal fabrications plumb or level, accurately fitted, free from distortion or defects. 2. Install rigid, substantial, and neat in appearance. 3. Install manufactured products in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Obtain Engineer approval prior to field cutting steel members or making adjustments not scheduled. B. Aluminum: 1. Do not remove mill markings from concealed surfaces. 2. Remove inked or painted identification marks on exposed surfaces not otherwise coated after installed material has been inspected and approved. 3. Fabrication, mechanical connections, and welded construction shall be in accordance with the AA Aluminum Design Manual. C. Pipe Sleeves: 1. Provide where pipes pass through concrete or masonry. 2. Holes drilled with a rotary drill may be provided in lieu of sleeves in existing walls. 3. Provide a center flange for water stoppage on sleeves in exterior or water-bearing walls. 4. Provide a rubber caulking sealant or a modular mechanical unit to form a watertight seal in the annular space between pipes and sleeves. D. Steel Lintels and Shelf Angles: Provide as required for support of masonry and other construction not attached to structural steel framing, unless otherwise shown on Drawings. 3.02 CAST-IN-PLACE ANCHOR BOLTS A. Accurately locate and hold anchor bolts in place with templates at the time concrete is placed. B. Use anchor bolt sleeves for location adjustment and provide two nuts and one washer per bolt of same material as bolt. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 05500 10 JUNE 15,2005 METAL F ABRICA TIONS AND CASTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B C. Minimum Bolt Size: II2-inch diameter by 12 inches long, unless otherwise shown. 3.03 CONCRETE AND MASONRY DRILLED ANCHORS A. Begin installation only after concrete or masonry to receive anchors has attained design strength. B. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Provide minimum embedment, edge distance, and spacing as follows, unless indicated otherwise by anchor manufacturer's instructions or shown otherwise on Drawings: Anchor Min. Embedment Min. Edge Distance Min. Spacing Type (bolt diameters) (bolt diameters) (bolt diameters) Wedge 9 6 12 Expansion 4 6 12 and Sleeve Adhesive 9 9 13.5 D. Use only drill type and bit type and diameter recommended by anchor manufacturer. Clean hole of debris and dust with brush and compressed air. E. When embedded steel or rebar is encountered in the drill path, slant drill to clear obstruction. If drill must be slanted more than 10 degrees to clear obstruction, notify Engineer for direction on how to proceed. F. Adhesive Anchors: 1. Do not install adhesive anchors when temperature of concrete is below 40 degrees F (25 degrees F for Simpson Strong-Tie Acrylic-Tie Adhesive) or above 100 degrees F. 2. Remove any standing water from hole with oil-free compressed air. Inside surface of hole shall be dry where required by manufacturer's instructions. 3. For hollow-unit masonry, install screen tube in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 4. Do not disturb anchor during recommended curing time. 5. Do not exceed maximum torque as specified in manufacturer's instructions. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 05500 11 JUNE 15,2005 METAL F ABRICA TIONS AND CASTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.04 ELECTROLYTIC PROTECTION A. Aluminum and Galvanized Steel: 1. Coat surfaces of galvanized steel and aluminum fabricated items to be in direct contact with concrete, grout, masonry, or dissimilar metals, as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings, unless indicated otherwise. 2. Do not apply protective coating to galvanized steel anchor bolts or galvanized steel welded anchor studs, unless indicated otherwise. 3. Allow coating to dry before installation of the material. 4. Protect coated surfaces during installation. 5. Should coating become marred, prepare and touch up in accordance with paint manufacturer's written instructions. B. Titanium: Where titanium equipment is in contact with concrete or dissimilar. metal, provide full-face neoprene insulation gasket, 3/32-inch minimum thickness and 70-durometer hardness. C. Stainless Steel: 1. During handling and installation, take necessary precautions to prevent carbon impregnation of stainless steel members. After installation, visually inspect stainless steel surfaces for evidence of I iron rust, oil, paint, and other forms of contamination. I Remove contamination in accordance with requirements of ASTM A380 and ASTM A967. Brushes used to remove foreign substances shall utilize only stainless steel or nonmetallic bristles. After treatment, visually inspect surfaces for compliance. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.05 PAINTING AND REPAIR OF GALVANIZED STEEL A. Painted Galvanized Surfaces: Prepare as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings. B. Repair of Damaged Hot-Dip Galvanized Coating: 1. Conform to ASTM A 780. 2. For minor repairs at abraded areas, use sprayed zinc conforming to ASTM A 780. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 05500 12 JUNE 15,2005 METAL F ABRICA TIONS AND CASTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3. For flame cut or welded areas, use zinc-based solder, or zinc sticks, conforming to ASTM A 780. 4. Use magnetic gauge to determine that thickness is equal to or greater than the base galvanized coating. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Concrete and Masonry Drilled Anchors: Special inspection and testing will be provided by City where indicated on Drawings. 3.07 MANUFACTURER'S SERVICES A. Adhesive Anchors: Conduct site training of installation personnel for proper installation, handling, and storage of adhesive anchor system. NotifY Engineer of time and place for sessions. 3.08 FASTENER SCHEDULE A. Unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings, provide fasteners as follows: Service Use and Location Product Remarks 1. Anchor Bolts Cast Into Concrete for Structural Steel, Metal Fabrications and Castings Interior Dry Areas Hot-dip galvanized steel headed anchor bolts, unless indicated otherwise. Submerged and Stainless steel headed See Section 09900, Corrosive Areas anchor bolts with fusion Painting and Protective bonded coating Coatings Exterior and Stainless steel headed Interior Wet Areas anchor bolts. 2. Anchor Bolts Cast Into Concrete for Equipment Bases Interior Dry Areas Stainless steel headed anchor bolts, unless otherwise specified with equipment SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 05500 13 JUNE 15,2005 METAL FABRICATIONS AND CASTINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I Service Use and Location Product Remarks Submerged, Stainless steel headed See Section 09900, Exterior, Interior anchor bolts with fusion Painting and Protective Wet, and bonded coating, unless Coatings Corrosive Areas otherwise specified with equipment 3. Drilled Anchors for Metal Components to Cast-in-Place Concrete (e.g., Ladders, Handrail Posts, Electrical Panels, and Equipment) Interior Dry Areas Zinc-plated or stainless steel wedge or expansion anchors I Submerged, Adhesive stainless steel Exterior, Interior anchors Wet, and Corrosive Areas 4. Anchors in Grout-Filled Concrete Masonry Units Exterior and Hot-dip galvanized steel Interior Wet and headed anchor bolts, Dry Areas zinc-plated or stainless steel sleeve anchors, or stainless steel adhesive anchors 5. Anchors in Hollow Concrete Masonry Units Exterior and Zinc-plated or stainless Interior Wet and steel sleeve anchors, or Dry Areas stainless steel adhesive anchors with screen tube 6. Connections for Steel Fabrications and Wood Components Exterior and Hot-dip galvanized Interior Wet and carbon steel bolted Dry Areas connections SEA/323194.WU .FD.02 05500 14 JUNE 15,2005 METAL FABRICATIONS AND CASTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Service Use and Location Product Remarks 7. Connections of Aluminum Components Submerged, Stainless steel bolted Exterior and connections, unless Interior Wet and otherwise specified Dry Areas with equipment 8. All Others Exterior and Stainless steel fasteners Interior Wet and Dry Areas B. Antiseizing Lubricant: Use on all stainless steel threads. C. Do not use adhesive anchors to support fire-resistive construction or where ambient temperature will exceed 120 degrees F. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 05500 15 JUNE 15,2005 METAL FABRICATIONS AND CASTINGS I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 05520 HANDRAILS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. Aluminum Association, Incorporated (AA): 45, Designation System for Aluminum Finishes. 2. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI): SS306, Stainless Steel for Building Exteriors. 3. ASTM International (ASTM): a. AI93/A193M, Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service. b. A 194/ A 194M, Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure or High-Temperature Service, or Both. c. A554, Standard Specification for Welded Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing. d. B241, Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube. e. E985, Standard Specification for Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings. 4. International Building Code (IBC). 5. International Code Council (ICe). 6. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA): 29 CFR 1910, Code of Federal Regulations. 7. Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC). 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Handrails: Synonymous with terms; i.e., guardrail system, railing system, ramp-rail system, and stair-rail system. Handrails are comprised of a framework of vertical, horizontal, or inclined members, grillwork or panels, accessories, or combination thereof, as shown on Drawings. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 05520 1 JUNE 15,2005 HANDRAILS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I ,I' II I I 'I I 'I I I I I I I I I 'I I I 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Shop Drawings: a. Indicate handrail profiles, sizes, connections, anchorage, size and type of fasteners, and accessories. Project-specific scale plans and elevations of handrails. b. Manufacturer's literature and catalog data of handrail and components. c. Design Data: Calculations or test data using design performance loads and include the following: 1) Bending stress in, and deflection of, posts in accordance with ASTM E985. 2) Stress in post base connection. 2. Samples: Railing sections, 6 inches long showing different connections and proposed finish. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's assembly and installation instructions. 2. Manufacturer's written recommendations describing procedures for maintaining handrails including cleaning materials, application methods, and precautions to be taken in the use of cleaning materials. 3. Test Reports: Test data may supplement load calculations providing data covers the complete handrail system, including anchorage: a. Test data for handrail and components showing load and deflection due to load, in enough detail to prove handrail is strong enough and satisfies national, state, local standards, regulations, code requirements, and OSHA 29 CFR 1910, using design loads specified. Include test data for the following: 1) Railing and post connections. 2) Post and base connections. b. Deflection Criteria: In accordance with ASTM E985 and design loads specified. c. Aluminum Rail Piping: Test data showing yield strength of pipe as-delivered equals or exceeds values specified in this section. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: Calculations required for design data stamped by a registered engineer licensed in the State of Washington. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 05520 2 JUNE 15,2005 HANDRAILS I I I I I I I I I ,I I I 'I ,I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Railings adequately packaged and wrapped to prevent scratching and denting during shipment, storage, and installation. Maintain protective wrapping until railing is completely installed. B. Aluminum Railings: Deliver clear mill finish handrail pipe and posts with protective plastic wrap. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 DESIGN PERFORMANCE A. Structural Performance of Handrails: Design, test, fabricate, and install handrails to withstand the following structural loads without exceeding allowable design working stress or allowable deflection. Apply each load to produce maximum stress and deflection in each of the respective components comprising handrails. 1. Top Rail and Posts of Handrails: Capable of withstanding the following load cases applied: a. Concentrated load of 200 pounds applied at any point along the top rail and in any direction in accordance with ICC mc. Transfer this load through the supports to the structure. b. Uniform load on the top rail of 50 pounds per linear foot applied in any direction in accordance with ICC me. Transfer this load through the supports to the structure. c. Concentrated load need not be assumed to act concurrently with uniform loads in accordance with ICC mc. 2. In-Fill Areas and Mid-Rail of Railing Systems: a. C~pable of withstanding horizontal concentrated load of 50 pounds applied to 1 square foot including openings and space between rails. Apply load at any point in the system including panels, intermediate rails, or other elements composing in-fill area. b. Horizontal concentrated load need not be assumed to act concurrently with loads on tpp rails of handrails. 2.02 ALUMINUM HANDRAILS A. General: 1. Fllfl1ish pre-engineered and prefabricated two-rail handrails. 2. Pop rivets and glued railing construction not permitted. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 05520 3 llJNE 15,2005 HANDRAILS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I 'I I 'I, I ,I I ,I I I I I I ,I I B. Manufacturers: 1. Thompson Fabricating Co., Birmingham, AL. 2. Moultrie Manufacturing, Moultrie, GA; Wesrail II. C. Rails, Posts, and Formed Elbows: Extruded Alloy 6105-T5 or 606I-T6, minimum tensile strength of 38,000 psi and minimum yield strength of 35,000 psi. 1. Miscellaneous Aluminum Parts: 6063- T6 or 6061- T6 extruded aluminum of adequate strength for all loads. 2. Post and Railing: NominaII-l/2 inch diameter. a. Rails: I.900-inch outside diameter by 0.145-inch wall thickness, Schedule 40. b. Posts: I.900-inch outside diameter by 0.200-inch wall thickness, Schedule 80. c. Solid dowel interconnectors of 61 05- T5 or 6061- T6 aluminum. D. Fittings: 1. Handrail and Post Fittings: Extruded, machined bar stock, permanent mold castings, or die castings of sufficient strength to meet load requirements. Fittings shall match color of pipe in handrails. Sand cast parts not permitted. 2. Miscellaneous Rail to Post Fittings: a. Aluminum Tee Fittings: 1) Manufacturers and Products: a) Thompson Fabricating Co.; Part Nos. TF-I and TX-l. b) Moultrie Manufacturing Co.; Part Nos. WIIT40, WIIT40/05, WIIT80, and WIIT80/05 b. Aluminum Ell Fittings: 1) Manufacturers and Products: a) Thompson Fabricating Co.; Part Nos. TE-I, TE-2, and TE-3. b) Moultrie Manufacturing Co.; Part No. 51900. c. Aluminum Splice Lock: 1) Manufacturers and Products: a) Thompson Fabricating Co.; Part No. SL-l. b) Moultrie Manufacturing Co.; Part No. WIIS40 3. Castings for Handrails: a. Cast AI-mag with sufficient strength to meet load and test requirements. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 05520 4 JUNE 15,2005 HANDRAILS I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B b. AnodizabIe grade finish with excellent resistance to corrosion when subject to exposure of sodium chloride solution intermittent spray and immersion. E. Finishes: 1. Handrail Pipe and Post: In accordance with AA 45, designation AA-M32-C22-A4I. 2. Cast Fittings: In accordance with AA 45, designation AA-MIO-C22-A4I. 2.03 F ABRICA TION OF ALUMINUM HANDRAILS A. Shop Assembly: 1. Post Spacing: As shown on Drawings. 2. Railing Posts Bolted to Metal or Concrete: Provide concrete base inserts as detailed on Drawings. , 3. Free of burrs, nicks, and sharp edges when fabrication is complete. 4. Welding is not permitted. B. Shop/Factory Finishing: 1. Use same alloy for uniform appearance throughout fabrication for railings. 2. Handrail and Post Fittings: Match fittings with color of pipe in handrail. 3. Sand cast parts not permitted. C. Tolerances: 1. Shop assemble rails, posts, and formed elbows with a close tolerance for tight fit. 2. Fit dowels tightly inside posts. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Provide railing posts longer than needed and field cut to exact dimensions required in order to satisfy vertical variations on the actual structure. Install railing with a base that provides plus or minus 114-inch vertical adjustment inside the base fitting. If adjustment is required in the field and exceeds plus or minus 1/4-inch, reduce post length not to exceed beyond bottom oflowest set-screw or bolt in base fitting. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 05520 5 JUNE 15,2005 HANDRAILS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Field fabrication of aluminum railing systems not permitted. C. Modification to structure not permitted where handrail is attached. 3.02 HANDRAIL INSTALLATION A. Assembly and Installation: Perform in accordance with manufacturer's written recommendations for installation. B. Protection from Entrapped Water: 1. Make provisions to drain water from railing system. 2. Posts mounted in concrete, bends and elbows occurring at low points, drill weep holes of ll4-inch diameter at lowest possible elevations, one hole per post or rail. Drill hole in the plane of the rail. C. Setting Post Bases: Install as detailed on Drawings. 3.03 FIELD FINISHING A. Corrosion Protection: Prevent galvanic action and other forms of corrosion caused from direct contact with concrete and dissimilar metals by coating metal surfaces as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings. 3.04 CLEANING A. Wash railing system thoroughly using clean water and soap. Rinse with clean water. B. Do not use acid solution, steel wool, or other harsh abrasive. C. If stain remains after washing, restore in accordance with manufacturer's ) recommendations, or replace stained handrails. END OF SECTION SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 05520 6 JUNE 15, 2005 HANDRAILS I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. American Wood Preservers' Association (AWPA): a. C2, Lumber, Timber, Bridge Ties and Mine Ties, Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes. b. C9, Plywood-Preservative Treatment by Pressure Process. c. C20, Structural Lumber-Fire-Retardant Treatment by Pressure Processes. d. C27, Plywood-Fire-Retardant Treatment by Pressure Processes. e. M4, Standard for the Care of Preservative-Treated Wood Products. 2. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A307, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength. b. E84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. c. F1667, Standard Specification for Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, and Staples. 3. Composite Panel Association (CPA): A208.1, Standard for Particleboard. 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 5. Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB): 1003, Grading Rules. 6. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL): 723 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 7. U.S. Department of Commerce-Product Standards (PS): a. PS 1, Construction and Industrial Plywood. b. PS 2, Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels. c. PS 20, American Softwood Lumber Standard. 8. Western Wood Products Association (WWPA): G5, Western Lumber Grading Rules. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 06100 1 JUNE 15,2005 ROUGH CARPENTRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. A~tion Submittals: 1. Product Data: a. Sheathing. b. Metal framing anchors. c. Construction panel thickness where not shown. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Wood treatment manufacturer's instructions for handling, storing, installation, and finishing of treated material. 2. Certificates: a. Material certificates for dimensional lumber in compliance with allowable unit stresses. Show species and grade selected for each use as well as design values approved by the ALSC's Board of Review. b. For each type of preservative treated wood product, include certification by treatment plant stating type of preservative solution and pressure process used, net amount of preservative retained, and compliance with applicable standards. c. For waterborne treated products include statement that moisture content of treated materials were reduced to levels indicated prior; to shipment to Site. 3. Material test reports from testing laboratory showing and interpreting test results in accordance with test methods UL 723, NFP A 255, and ASTM E84, relative to fire-retardant treated wood products. 1.03 DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Immediately upon delivery to Site, place materials in area protected from weather. Do not store seasoned materials in wet or damp areas. B. Protect sheet materials from breaking comers and damaging surfaces while unloading. C. Store materials a minimum of 6 inches above ground on framework or blocking and cover with waterproof covering, providing for adequate air circulation and ventilation. Store sheet materials flat, not on edge. D. Protect fire-retardant materials against high humidity and moisture during storage and erection. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 06100 2 JUNE 15,2005 ROUGH CARPENTRY I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B E. For lumber and plywood pressure treated :with waterborne chemicals, place spacers between each bundle to provide air circulation. F. Store materials for which a maximum moisture content is specified in areas where humidity can be controlled. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Lumber Standards: 1. Lumber manufactured in accordance with DOC PS 20 and with applicable grading rules and wood species certified by ALSC. Design values for wood members equal to those published in supplement to AF&P A's National Design Specification for Wood Construction. 2. Stamp or brand each unexposed piece of lumber with grade, species, and moisture content at time of mill surfacing. 3. Furnish exposed lumber pieces with grade stamps applied to ends or back of each piece. If completely exposed, and permitted by local building jurisdiction, omit grade stamps entirely. B. Lumber sizes shown on Drawings are nominal, unless shown otherwise. Provide actual sizes as required by DOC PS 20 for use. C. Dressed lumber S4S, unless shown otherwise on Drawings. D. Moisture content oflumber not to exceed 19 percent, unless otherwise specified and marked "DRY". E. Each plywood panel identified with designated grade trademark of AP A. 2.02 LUMBER A. Furnish lumber as follows, unless specified otherwise: Usa2e Plates, blocking, furring, braces, & nailers Minimum Grade Douglas Fir-Larch No.2, Hemlock, Southern Pine Stud grade, non-dense Douglas Fir-Larch No.1, or Southern Pine No. 1 Structural light framing, general framing, studs 2 to 4 inches thick by 2 to 4 inches wide SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 06100 3 JUNE 15, 2005 ROUGH CARPENTRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.03 CONSTRUCTION PANELS A. Plywood: 1. General: a. Where construction panels are shown on Drawings for the following concealed types of applications, provide AP A Performance-Rated Panels complying with requirements designated under each application for grade designation, span rating, exposure durability classification, edge detail, and thickness. b. Construction Panel Standards: Comply with DOC PS 1 for plywood construction panels and for products not manufactured under DOC PS 1 provisions, in accordance with APA PRP-108. c. Trademark: Each construction panel factory-marked with AP A trademark evidencing compliance with grade requirements. 2. Wall Sheathing: AP A rated sheathing. ' a. Exposure Durability Classification: EXTERIOR. b. Span Rating: 32/16 for stud spacing of24 inches or less, l/2-inch thick. c. Grade: Structural L 3. Roof Sheathing: AP A rated sheathing. a. Exposure Durability Classification: EXTERIOR. b. Span Rating: 32/16, 5/8-inch-thick. c. Grade: Structural L B. Plywood Backing Panels: Mounting electrical, telephone and like equipment, provide fire-retardant treated plywood panels with grade designation, AP A C-D Plugged Exposure 1, in thickness shown on Drawings, or, if not shown on Drawings, not less than 15/32 inch. 2.04 PRESERVATIVE WOOD TREATMENT BY PRESSURE PROCESS A. General: Where lumber or plywood is indicated as preservative treated wood, in accordance with A WP A C2 (Lumber) and A WP A C9 (Plywood). Mark and grade each treated item in accordance with SPIB 1003 or WWP A G5. 1. Kiln-dry after treatment to maximum moisture content of 19 percent. 2. Treat wood in contact with roofing or flashing. 3. Treat wood in contact with masonry or concrete. 4. Treat wood less than 18 inches above grade. B. Aboveground Materials: Pressure treat items with waterborne preservatives to a minimum retention of 0.25 pcf. For interior uses, after treatment, kiln-dry SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 06100 4 JUNE 15,2005 ROUGH CARPENTRY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B lumber and plywood to maximum moisture content, respectively, of 19 percent and 15 percent. Treat the following items: 1. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking, furring, stripping, and similar concealed members in contact with masonry or concrete. C. Complete fabrication of treated items prior to treatment, where possible. If cut after treatment, coat cut surfaces to comply with A WP A M4. Inspect each piece of lumber or plywood after drying and discard damaged or defective pIeces. 2.05 AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER A. See Section 06200, Finish Carpentry. 2.06 HARDWARE A. Conforming to ASTM F1667. B. Nails: 1. Conforming to ASTM F1667. 2. Steel common nails or alternatives listed in rough carpentry section of the general structural notes found on Drawings. 3. Use hot-dipped zinc-coated nails wherever exposed. 4. Use deformed shank nails for fastening underlayment. C. Staples: Conforming to ASTM F1667, galvanized where exposed. D. Bolts and Screws: Conforming to ASTM A307, galvanized where exposed. E. Framing Anchors, Joist, and Beam Hangers: 1. Manufacturers: a. Bowman Distribution, Bames Group, Inc., Cleveland, OH. b. United Steel Products, Kant-Sag Silver, Montgomery, MN. c. KC Metal Products, San Jose, CA. d. Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Pleasanton, CA. e. Cleveland Steel Specialty Co., Bedford Heights, OH; galvanized minimum 18-gauge steel, complete with nails. F. Ply Clips: Extruded 6063- T6 aluminum alloy. G. Bar or Strap Anchors: ASTM A653/A653M, zinc-coated steel, 18 gauge mInImum. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 06100 5 JUNE 15,2005 ROUGH CARPENTRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I I 32319413 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.07 MISCELLANEOUS A. Construction Adhesives: Elastomeric glue conforming with AP A AFG-O 1 for gluing sub floor to joists. B. Roofing Felt: Asphalt-saturated organic felt conforming to ASTM D226, Type I (No. 15 Asphalt felt), nonperforated. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that surfaces to receive rough carpentry materials are prepared to exact grades and dimensions. 3.02 GENERAL A. Layout, cut, fit, and install all rough carpentry items. Anchor sufficiently to ensure rigidity and permanence. B. Install items accurate to dimension, true to line, level, and square unless shown otherwise on Drawings. Provide for installation and support of other Work. C. Discard units of material with defects that impair quality of rough carpentry construction and that are too small to use in fabricating rough carpentry with minimum joints or optimum joint arrangement. D. Countersink nail heads on exposed carpentry work and fill holes. E. Make provisions for temporary construction loads, and provide temporary bracing sufficient to maintain structure in true alignment and safe condition until completion of erection and installation of permanent bracing. F. Field cuts and holes in pressure-treated lumber and timber shall be field treated with preservative in accordance with A WP A M4. G. Holes shall be 1/16 inch larger than nominal bolt diameter, except holes for cast-in-place anchor bolts shall be 3/16 inch larger than nominal bolt diameter. Tight holes requiring forcible driving of bolts shall be enlarged by reaming. H. Provide washers under bolt heads and nuts bearing on wood. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 06100 6 JUNE 15,2005 ROUGH CARPENTRY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Sills and Plates: Set level and flush with outside face of foundation or as shown on Drawings. Anchor as noted on Drawings. B. Stud Framing: 1. Plates and Stud Members: a. Provide single bottom plates and double top plates for load-bearing partitions, 2 inches thick by width of stud. Lap top plates at comers. Splice top plate two stud spaces from lower top plate. b. Provide single bottom plates and single top plates for nonload-bearing partitions, 2 inches thick by width of studs. c. Provide studs in continuous lengths without splice. d. End nail studs to bottom plate and end nail to lower top plate. Tilt up and anchor into place. e. Face-nail upper top plate to lower top plate. r Nail bottom plate to wood construction. g. Anchor bottom plate to CMU wall as shown on Drawings. h. Triple studs at comers and partition intersections. 1. Frame openings with double studs and headers for openings less than 4 feet; triple studs and headers for openings 4 feet and greater. C. Miscellaneous Framing: 1. Fire Stops: a. Stud Walls: 2 inches thick by depth of member blocking at each floor level and top story ceiling level, so placed that the maximum dimension of any concealed space is not over 10 feet. 2. Framing for Mechanical Work: a. Frame members for passage of pipes and ducts to avoid cutting structural members. b. Do not cut, notch, or bore framing members for passage of pipes or conduits without concurrence of Engineer. Reinforce framing members where damaged by cutting. D. Roof Sheathing: 1. Install plywood panels with face grain perpendicular to supports, using panel continuous over two or more spans, with end joints staggered between panels and locate over supports. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 06100 7 JUNE 15, 2005 ROUGH CARPENTRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Allow minimum space of 1/ 16 inch between end joints and 1/8 inch at edge joints for expansion and contraction of panels. 3. Support edge joints by use of ply clips or lumber blocking, unless noted- otherwise on Drawings. 4. Unless noted otherwise on Drawings, minimum nailing shall be 6 inches on center along panel edges and 12 inches on center at intermediate supports. 5. Unless noted otherwise on Drawings, use 8d common nails for panels 3/4 inch thick and less, and 10d nails for greater thickness. See rough carpentry section of general structural notes found on Drawings for alternate fastener and spacing options. E. Wall Sheathing: 1. Allow minimum 1/16 inch space at end joints and 1/8 inch at edge joints, doubling these spacings in wet or humid conditions. 2. Unless noted otherwise on Drawings, minimum nailing shall be 6 inches on center along panel edges and 12 inches on center at intermediate supports. 3. Unless noted otherwise on Drawings, use 6d common nails for panels and 1/2 inch thick and less, and 8d nails for greater thickness. See rough carpentry section of general structural notes found on Drawings for alternate fastener and spacing options. 4. Place an air infiltration barrier horizontally over wall sheathing, weather lap edges, and ends. F. Air Infiltration Barrier: In accordance with Section 06200, Finish Carpentry. 3.04 PRESERVATIVE TREATED WOOD PRODUCTS A. Provide preservative treated wood for all framing, blocking, furring, nailing strips built into exterior masonry walls, wood in contact with concrete or masonry and in conjunction with gravel stops, and built-up roofing. B. Apply two brush coats of same preservative used in original treatment to all sawed or cut surfaces of treated lumber. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 06100 8 JUNE 15,2005 ROUGH CARPENTRY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 06190 PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA): 01, National Design Specification for Wood Construction. 2. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI): SS502, Stainless Steel Fasteners a Systematic Approach to Their Selection. 3. American Lumber Standards Committee's Board of Review (ALSC). 4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): a. BI8.2.1, Square and Hex Bolts and Screws (Inch Series). b. BI8.6.1, Wood Screws (Inch Series). 5. ASTM International (ASTM): a. AI53/AI53M, Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. b. A167, Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. c. A307, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength. d. A563, Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts. e. A591/A591M, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Electrolytic Zinc-Coated, for Light Coating Weight (Mass) Applications. f. A653, Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. g. A 792/ A 792M, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, 55% Aluminum-Zinc Alloy-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process. h. F1667, Standard Specification for Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, and Staples. 6. National Evaluation Service, Inc. (NES): NER-272, Power-Driven Staples and Nails for Use in All Types of Building Construction. 7. Truss Plate Institute (TPI): a. TPll , Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. b. HIB, Recommendations for Handling, Installing, and Bracing Metal plate Connected Wood Trusses. 8. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL). 9. U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC): PS 20, American Softwood Lumber Standard. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 06190 1 JUNE 15, 2005 PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Prefabricated Wood Truss: Planar structural unit consisting of metal-plate-connected members that are fabricated from dimensional lumber and have been cut and assembled prior to delivery to Project Site. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Show species and stress grades oflumber, all dimensions, camber, spacing of trusses in building, connector types, detail of connectors, and bracing requirements. Include elevation view drawings of trusses of sufficient scale to show all details of construction, configuration, chord and web member sizes, panel point dimensions, and chord extensions. 2. Calculations: a. Complete design, including stress and deflection calculations, for joists, joist members, and connections for design load and equipment weight as indicated, plus construction loads applied by Contractor's operations. b. Calculations shall include check of joist chord bending stresses for concentrated loads applied between panel points. c. Design drawings and stress calculations stamped by Registered Professional Engineer valid in State of Washington. 3. Plan view layout of joists and bridging. 4. Connection and bearing details. Special joist reinforcing and connections for supported items, such as monorails and mechanical equipment. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's instructions for handling, erection, and bracing of steel joists. 2. Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance. 3. Fabricator's Qualifications. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: 1. Connector Plate Manufacturer: Member ofTPI and complies with TPI quality control procedures for manufacture of connector plates published in TPI 1. 2. Registered Professional Engineer: Legally authorized to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and experienced in providing SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 06190 2 JUNE 15,2005 PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B engineering services that has resulted in installation of wood trusses similar to those of this Project. 3. Fabricator: Demonstrate in writing experience in prefabricating wood trusses similar to those of this Project and participation in a recognized quality assurance program that involves inspection by TPI. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Handle and store trusses with care and comply with manufacturer's instructions and TPI recommendations to avoid damage from bending, overturning, or other causes which trusses are not designed to resist or endure. B. Clearly identify trusses with warning tags and stickers attached as necessary for truss erector to properly identify, orient, and position during installation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Comply with requirements and recommendations of the following TPI publications: 1. TPI 1 Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. 2. HIB, Recommendations for Handling, Installing, and Bracing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. B. Design trusses to suit conditions shown on Drawings and to meet local building codes. 2.02 LUMBER A. Factory mark each piece of lumber with type, grade, mill, and grading agency. B. Use lumber complying with DOC PS 20 and with applicable grading rules of inspection agencies certified by American Lumber Standards Committee's (ALSC) Board of Review. C. Dressed lumber, S4S, manufactured to actual sizes required by DOC PS 20 to comply with the following: 1. ' Moisture Content: Seasoned, with 19 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing and shipment for sizes 2 inches or less in nominal thickness. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 06190 3 JUNE 15,2005 PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Species and grade that complies with the following for species group as defined in AF &P A 0 I, for extreme fiber stress in bending "Fb" for single and repetitive members, and for modulus of elasticity "E": a. Chord Members: Use DFL or SP No. lor No.2 grade. Top chord members shall be a minimum of 2 by 6 members. b. Web Members: Use DFL or SP No.2 2.03 CONNECTOR PLATES A. Electrolytic Zinc-Coated Steel Sheet: Structural steel sheet complying with ASTM A653, Grade 33; zinc coated by electro-deposition to comply with ASTM A591, Coating Designation 80Z; with minimum coated metal thickness not less than 0.047 inch. B. Connector Plate Manufacturers: I. Alpine Engineered Products, Pompano Beach, FL. 2. CompuTrus, Inc., Riverside, CA. 3. Gang-Nail Systems, Inc., Miami, FL. 4. Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc., St. Louis, MO. 5. Robbins Manufacturing Corp., Tampa, FL. 6. TEE-Lok Corp., Edenton, NC. 7. Truswal Systems Corp., Arlington, TX. 2.04 FASTENERS A. General: Where truss members are exposed to weather or to high relative humidities, furnish fasteners with a hot-dip zinc coating in accordance with ASTM A153/A153M or AISI SS502. B. Nails, Spikes, Staples: ASTM F1667. C. Power Driven Fasteners: NER-272. D. Wood Screws: ASME BI8.6.1. E. Lag Bolts: ASME B 18.2. L F. Bolts: Steel bolts complying with ASTM A307, Grade A; with ASTM A563 hex nuts and flat washers. G. Uplift Anchors: Truss wind uplift anchors shall be one ofthe following: I. Cleveland Steel, Bedford Heights, OH. 2. Simpson-Strong Tie, Pleasanton, CA. SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 06190 4 JUNE IS, 2005 PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3. Kant-Sag Silver, Montgomery, MN. 2.05 METAL FRAMING ANCHORS A. Galvanized Steel Sheet: Structural steel sheet, Grade 33, ASTM A653 zinc-coated by hot-dip process on continuous lines prior to fabrication to comply with ASTM A653, Coating Designation G60. 2.06 FABRICATION A. Verify dimensions of supporting structures at Site prior to fabrication. B. Cut truss members to accurate lengths, angles, and sizes to produce close-fitting joints with wood-to-wood bearing in assembled units. C. Fabricate metal connector plates to size, configuration, and thickness required to withstand design loadings. D. Fabricate and assemble truss members to design configuration shown on Drawings, with joints closely fitted to comply with tolerances specified in TPI 1. E. Connect truss members by means of metal connector plates and securely fasten to each side of wood members. F. If lumber defects, such as wane or knots, occur in connector plate area, up-size connector plate so as not to reduce effective number of teeth in truss member. G. Excessive splitting of truss wood members by connector plate teeth is not acceptable. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Erect and brace trusses to comply with TPI HIE. B. Follow manufacturer's instructions for handling and erection. C. Erect trusses with plane of truss webs vertical, plumb, and parallel to each other. D. Exercise care to keep out-of-plane bending of trusses to minimum. Install temporary horizontal- and cross-bracing to hold trusses until permanent bracing is installed. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 06190 5 JUNE 15,2005 PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E. Anchor trusses securely at all bearing points. F. Install permanent bracing and related components prior to application of loads to trusses. Tighten loose connectors. Restrict construction loads to prevent overstressing of truss members. Do not cut or remove truss members. G. Fasten securely to wall framing and other structural components. Brace, block, and bridge as soon as possible after placement. K. Install uplift anchors at all bearing points to adequately secure trusses against wind uplift on roof trusses. L. Solid block all truss ends. M. Trusses shall not be altered, cut, or modified in any way without written approval of truss fabricator. N. Where trusses do not fit, return to fabricator, and replace with trusses of correct size. Do not alter configuration of trusses in field. END OF SECTION SEN323194.WU.FD.02 06190 6 JUNE 15, 2005 PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. APA-The Engineered Wood Association (APA): a. Grades and Specifications. b. 303, Plywood Siding. 2. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A526, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, Commercial Quality. b. D226, Standard Specification for Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing. c. D2559, Standard Specification for Adhesives for Structural Laminated Wood Products for Use Under Exterior (Wet Use) Exposure Conditions. 3. Federal Specifications (FS): MMM-A-130B, Adhesive, Contact. 4. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-Product Standards Section (PS): 1, For Construction and Industrial Plywood. 5. Western Wood Products Association (WWPA): a. Western Lumber Grading Rules 81. b. W estern Wood Species Book. c. Standard Product Patterns. d. Installation Information. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Shop Drawings for Running Trim: a. Show field measurements, construction details, dimensions, materials used, and finish. b. Use full-size or 1/4-scale drawings. c. Reference Shop Drawings to Contract Document Drawings. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Plywood Grades: U.S. Product Standard PS 1. Identify each plywood panel with appropriate grade trademark of AP A-The Engineered Wood Association. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 06200 1 JUNE 15, 2005 FINISH CARPENTRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Grade and Trademark: Identify each piece or bundle of lumber or other product with a recognized mark of the authority grading the product. 1.04 DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Defer material delivery to Site until installation or storage areas are complete or protected from wetness. Install materials or store in these areas immediately upon delivery. B. Protect sheet materials from comer breaks and surface damage while unloading. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 LUMBER A. Moisture Content: Kiln-dry lumber to an average moisture content range as follows, unless shown otherwise: 1. Exterior Work: 9 to 12 percent. 2. Interior Work: 6 to 11 percent. B. Exterior Trim: Western Red Cedar, No. 1 Common or B & Better Select Grade. C. Interior Trim: Douglas fir, Superior Finish Grade, or AWl Custom Grade. 2.02 PLYWOOD A. Softwood Plywood: APA A-B Interior. 2.03 BOARD SIDING A. Western Red Cedar, A Grade bevel siding, 112 by 6 nominal size. 2.04 PLYWOOD SIDING (SOFFIT) A. Exterior Type AP A 303-NR siding; U.S. Product Standard PS I. B. Douglas fir rough sawn face veneer, 3/8-inch thick, kerfed groove pattern 4 inches on center. 2.05 ANCILLARY MATERIALS A. Vent Screen: Galvanized hardware cloth, 1I8-inch square mesh. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 06200 2 JUNE 15,2005 FINISH CARPENTRY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Hardware: Furnish fasteners and miscellaneous hardware required for assembling and anchoring woodwork, including casework. C. Metal Zee Flashing: Galvanized 0.0217-inch (26-gauge) steel sheet, ASTM A526, G90; bend for I-inch minimum vertical concealed leg and 1/2-inch maximum exposed leg. Furnish 10-foot long pieces. PART 3 EXECUTION , 3.01 PREPARATION A. Do not install finish interior woodwork until the building has been dry for at least 10 days. B. Verify spaces aIid preparation of surfaces are ready to receive finish carpentry items. C. Broom clean spaces before beginning installation. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Layout, cut, fit, and install finish carpentry items. B. Anchor securely to ensure rigidity, tight fit, and permanence and as noted on Drawings. C. Install items accurate to dimension, true to line, level, and square unless otherwise shown. D. Install running trim in as long a length as practical. 1. Miter comers of casings and moldings. 2. Anchor securely using finishing nails. 3. Counter set nails 1/16 inch for filling. E. Make Work neat and secure, developing full strength of components and providing intended function. 3.03 SIDING INSTALLATION A. Apply felt paper horizontally in shingle fashion using staples over framing or sheathing, lapping horizontal joints 2 inches and vertical joints 6 inches. B. Secure with galvanized siding nails, in pattern recommended by manufacturer or Western Wood Products Association, concealing nails wherever possible. Set face-nails. Make all edges neat and true to line. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 06200 3 JUNE 15,2005 FINISH CARPENTRY CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Plywood Siding: Position panels for lI8-inch joints along edges and ends. 1. Nailing: a. Use galvanized 6d casing or siding nails. b. Edges at 6 inches on center. c. Intermediates at 12 inches on center. 2. Metal Zee Flashing: a. At horizontal joints. b. Bend exposed vertical leg at comers and lap other portions. c. Locate joints 24 inches minimum from comers. d. Lap joints 4 inches minimum. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 06200 4 JUNE 15,2005 FINISH CARPENTRY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 07210 BUILDING INSULATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. ASTM International (ASTM): a. C303, Standard Test Method for Dimensions and Density of Preformed Block-Type Thermal Insulation. b. C549, Standard Specification for Perlite Loose Fill Insulation. c. C578, Standard Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation. d. C665, Standard Specification for Mineral-Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured Housing. e. D4397, Standard Specification for Polyethylene Sheeting for Construction, Industrial, and Agricultural Applications. f. E84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. g. E96, Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. 1.02 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. On packaging clearly identify manufacturer, contents, brand name, applicable standard, and R-value. B. Store materials off ground and keep them dry at all times. Protect against weather, condensation, and damage. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 BATT INSULATION AND FASTENERS A. Fiberglass or Mineral Wool Batts: 1. ASTM C665, Type II, Class C, with 1.0 perm rating, nonreflective kraft paper vapor-resistant membrane laminated to one side with R-values as indicated on Drawings. 2. Manufacturers: a. CertainTeed Corp. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07210 1 JUNE 15,2005 BUILDING INSULATION CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. Owens-Coming Fiberglas Corp. c. Johns Manville. B. Fasteners: Galvanized flattened steel staples with 7/16-inch minimum crown and I/2-inch minimum shank. C. Tape: As recommended by insulation manufacturer. D. Ventilation Baffles: As recommended by insulation manufacturer for installation between prefabricated wood trusses. 2.02 MASONRY FILL INSULATION A. Perlite Water Repellent Loose Fill: ASTM C549. 2.03 RIGID INSULATION A. Extruded polystyrene foam. B. ASTM C578, Type IV. C. Flame Spread: Less than 25 when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. D. R-value: Minimum R-10. E. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Dow Chemical Co.; Styrofoam Square Edge. 2. UC Industries; Foamular. F. Adhesives and Fasteners: As recommended by insulation manufacturer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 BATT INSULATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as specified below: 1. Install batt insulation in widths required by framing spacing with vapor retarder facing warm side. 2. Fit tightly to ensure continuous seal. Tape overlapping flanges of vapor retarder when necessary, using tape as recommended by insulation manufacturer. 3. Where electrical outlets, ducts, pipes, vents, or other utility items occur, place insulation on cold weather side of obstruction. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07210 2 JUNE 15,2005 BUILDING INSULATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 4. Protect installed insulation from tears and other damage until covered with finish material. 5. Remove and replace damaged material. 6. Install ventilation baffles between trusses as recommended by manufacturer. 3.02 MASONRY FILL INSULATION A. Pour from bag into unfilled cells of hollow masonry units. B. Pours may be made at convenient interval, but height of pour shall not exceed 8 feet. C. Do not rod or tamp. 3.03 RIGID INSULATION A. Install boards in location and in R-value as shown. B. Cut insulation with saw, knife, or other sharp tool to fit tightly around obstructions. C. Butt insulation boards together tightly at joints. D. Where thickness required exceeds 2 inches, install two layers of boards. E. Apply to masonry or concrete with adhesive recommended by insulation manufacturer. 1. Follow manufacturer's recommendations for preparing surfaces and applying adhesive. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07210 3 JUNE 15,2005 BUILDING INSULATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 07260 VAPOR RETARDERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. ASTM International (ASTM): a. D779, Standard Test Method for Water Resistance of Paper, Paperboard, and Other Sheet Materials by the Dry Indicator Method. b. D828, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Paper and Paperboard Using Constant-Rate-of-Elongation Apparatus. c. D4397, Standard Specification for Polyethylene Sheeting for Construction, Industrial, and Agricultural Applications. d. D4479, Standard Specification for Asphalt Roof Coatings - Asbestos-Free. e. E96, Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's materials' specifications. 2. Manufacturer's written instructions for preparation, installation/application, repair, protection and maintenance. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's certification of product compliance. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store fluid-applied materials in area where temperatures are not less than 50 degrees F or over 85 degrees F, unless otherwise authorized in writing by manufacturer. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 07260 1 JUNE 15,2005 VAPOR RETARDERS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 UNDERSLAB VAPOR RETARDER A. High-strength Kraft paper, laminated with bi-directional glass reinforcing fibers, with polyethylene coating on both surfaces: 1. Weight: 4.2 pounds per 100 square feet. 2. Permeability Value: 0.10 in accordance with ASTM E96, Procedure A. 3. Water Resistance: 76 hours minimum in accordance with ASTM D779. 4. Dry Tensile Strength (Pounds per I-inch Width): MD 75 and CMD 35. 5. Wet Tensile Strength (psi): MD 5,000 psi and CMD 2,800 psi in accordance with ASTM D828. 6. Puncture Resistance: 120 beach units. B. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Fortifiber Corp.; Moistop Underslab. 2. Reef Industries, Inc.; Griffolyn-65G. 2.02 ANCILLARY MATERIALS A. Sand: 1. Natural or clean; free from clay, organics, or other materials that would damage vapor retarder. 2. Gradation: a. Produced from maximum size 1/4-inch crushed gravel or crushed rock. b. 95 percent passing No.4 sieve, with maximum of 5 percent passing No. 200 sieve. c. Maximum Grain Size: 3/16 inch. 3. Do not use saltwater sources or beach sand. B. Fasteners, Tape, Adhesive, or Sealant: As recommended by vapor retarder manufacturer. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07260 2 JUNE 15, 2005 VAPOR RETARDERS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 UNDERSLAB VAPOR RETARDER A. Installation: 1. Apply vapor retarder in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, except as follows: a. After base for slab has been leveled and tamped, apply vapor retarder with roll width parallel to direction of pour. 2. Joints: a. Minimum Lap: 6 inches. b. Seal with tape or adhesive as recommended by vapor retarder manufacturer. B. Repairs: 1. Tear or Holes Under 6 Inches in Length: Repair with tape. 2. Tear or Holes Over 6 Inches in Length: Replace entire sheet. C. Sand Cover: 1. Cover vapor retarder with 2-inch layer of sand with top surface at elevation of bottom of slab. 2. Moisten sand and thoroughly and compact with a vibratory plate compactor. 3.02 CLEANING A. Upon completion of vapor retarder installation, remove waste materials and debris resulting from this operation and dispose offsite. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07260 3 JUNE 15,2005 VAPOR RETARDERS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 07610 SHEET METAL ROOFING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A653/ A653M, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc- Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. b. A 792/ A 792M, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Aluminum- Zinc Alloy-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process, General Requirements. c. B32, Standard Specification for Solder Metal. d. B209, Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate. e. D226, Standard Specification for Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing. f. D2178, Standard Specification for Asphalt Glass Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing. 2. Federal Specifications (FS): O-F-506C, Flux, Soldering; Paste and Liquid. 3. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA): Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, 5th Ed.. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Shop Drawings: a. Drawings showing thickness and dimensions of all parts, fastening and anchoring methods, details, and locations of all seams, joints, and other provisions for thermal movement. Include Drawings at not less than 1/4-inch to I-foot scale and details at not less than 3-inch to I-foot scale. b. Two copies of manufacturer's printed installation instructions. 2. Samples: Three 12-inch square Samples of specified metal. Samples will be reviewed for color and texture only. Compliance with other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of Contractor. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07610 1 JUNE 15,2005 SHEET METAL ROOFING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Informational Submittals: 1. A letter from the roofing manufacturer stating that the roofer is approved by manufacturer to apply the roof. 2. Special guarantee. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator's Qualifications: Approved by the accepted system manufacturer. B. Preroofing Conference: 1. Conduct preroofing conference with Engineer, roofing applicator, roofing system materials manufacturer, and subcontractors likely to be on the roof, present. 2. Discussion: To resolve questions regarding acceptability of the deck, roofing system and materials, flashing details, roof insulation, roof- mounted mechanical equipment, and roofing. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Product Delivery: Keep panels dry. B. Product Storage and Handling: 1. Protect against damage and discoloration. 2. Handle panels with nonmarring slings. 3. Do not bend panels. 4. Store panels aboveground, with one end elevated for drainage. 5. Stack panels to prevent twisting, bending, or abrasion, and to provide ventilation. 6. Protect panels against standing water and condensation between adjacent surfaces. 7. If panels become wet, immediately separate sheets, wipe dry with clean cloth, and separate sheets for air-drying. 8. During storage prevent contact with materials that may cause discoloration or staining. 1.05 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Apply roofing only in dry weather and when ambient temperature is above 40 degrees F. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07610 2 JUNE 15,2005 SHEET METAL ROOFING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B - PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 ROOFING PANELS A. Material: Aluminum, ASTM B209, Alloy 3003H-16, 0.032-inch thick, stucco embossed pattern, or steel, galvanized, ASTM A653/A653M, coating designation G90, or ASTM A 792/ A 792M coated steel, 24-gauge minimum metal thickness. B. Finish: 1. Polyvinylidene Fluoride: Kynar 500, two coats minimum. 2. Color: As indicated in Exterior Finish Schedule. C. Standing Seam: 1. Flat panels with upturned edges that are either rolled together or covered with a snap-on cover to form the joints or seams, 2. Interlocking panels not acceptable. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. AEP-SPAN; Cap Seam System. b. Berridge; Tee-Panel. c. Carlisle Engineered Metals; TR Series. d. IMETCO; SS Series. e. Petersen Aluminum Corp.; Snap-On Standing Seam. 2.02 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Underlayment: ASTM D226, Type II or ASTM D2178, Type III asphalt roofing felt. B. Slip Sheet: Coated-glass fiber fire-resistant slip sheet as recommended by sheet metal roofing manufacturer. C. Fasteners: 1. Stainless steel or alloy appropriate to the particular metal specified for roofing. 2. Screws: Panhead wood or sheet metal type. 3. Exposed Fasteners: Finished to match roofing. D. Holddown Clips: System manufacturer's ASTM A792/A792M stan'dard shape steel. E. Solder: ASTM B32, Class A, Grade 1, composition 50/50 tin/lead. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 07610 3 JUNE 15, 2005 SHEET METAL ROOFING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Soldering Flux: Federal Specification O-F-506, Type 1, Form A or B. G. Closures: Manufacturer's standard neoprene blocks shaped to fit roof metal profile. H. Sealant: Type 5 as specified in Section 07900, Joint Sealants. 2.03 FABRICATION A. Configuration: Form panels for standing seams spaced no less than 12 inches and no more than 18 inches on center. B. Edges: Turned up 7/8 inch high minimum. C. Panel Length: Full length from eave to ridge-cross seams not allowed. D. Fabricate flashings and trim from same metal as roof panels. E. Form and fabricate sheets, battens, strips, cleats, valleys, ridges, edge treatments, integral flashings, gutters, downspouts, and other components of specified metal roofing panels to profiles, patterns, and drainage arrangement shown, and as required for permanent leakproof construction. F. Provide for thermal expansion and contraction of Work. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SHEET METAL ROOFING SYSTEM A. Install metal roofing system consisting of nonstructura1 sheet metal panels held to substrate with concealed fasteners. B. Provide ridges, eaves, rakes, fascia, gutters, downspouts, and other exposed trim and flashings for a weathertight roofing system. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Deck: Firm, dry, free of foreign materials, and smooth. Report immediately to the Engineer all cracks, breaks, holes, or other unusual irregularities in the surface. B. Layout Pattern: . 1. Layout to place seams equidistant from comers and aligned with seams on other side of hip or ridge. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07610 4 JUNE 15,2005 SHEET METAL ROOFING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2. Coordinate Work of this section with flashing, trim, and other construction to provide a permanently leakproof, secure, and noncorroding installation. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Comply with recommendations and instructions of metal roofing panel producer and SMACNA Sheet Metal Manual. 2. Conceal fasteners and expansion joint provisions wherever possible in exposed Work; locate so as to minimize the possibility of leakage. Cover and seal fasteners and anchors as required for a tight installation. 3. Separate dissimilar metals from each other where electrolysis might occur. Separation is satisfactorily accomplished by coating the metal(s) with a I5-mil bituminous coating. Comply with various metals producers' recommendations for other forms of protection against contamination from corrosive materials or agents. B. Underlayrnent and Slip Sheet: 1. Apply underlayrnent single-ply lapped shingle fashion, 3 inches at head and 6 inches at sides. 2. Cover with loose-laid slip sheet similarly lapped and with joints staggered. 3. Install no more than can be covered by metal roofing, or other approved protection, in same day. C. Roofing Panels: 1. Begin at eaves. 2. Locate holddown clips in joints within 6 inches of panel ends and at 18 inches on center, maximum. 3. At eaves cut upturned edges and bend panel down to form fascia. 4. At intersections of roof slope with ridge and hips, turn up edges of roof panels 1 inch. D. Cross Seams: Not allowed. E. Seam or Joint Covers: 1. Snap in-place over clips and upturned edges of roof panels. 2. At eaves cut sides of covers and fold down over fascia in one continuous pIece. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07610 5 JUNE 15, 2005 SHEET METAL ROOFING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Edges: 1. Extend gutter lining under metal roofing 6 inches minimum and terminate in 3/4-inch folded edge secured by cleats. 2. Hook lower end of roofing into lock strip to form 3/4-inch wide loose- lock seam. G. Ridge Covers: Secure in-place using Z-closer clips and fasteners. Seal joints where necessary for we.athertightness. H. Metal Roofing, Gutters, Downspouts, and Flashings: Straight, weathertight, exposed surfaces free of dents, scratches, abrasions, stains, and other visible defects. 1. Cutting and Fitting: Neat, square, and true. Saw cut panels, deburr, and use touchup paint immediately as recommended by roofing panel manufacturer. Torch cutting is prohibited. 3.04 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Cleaning: 1. At the end of each day sweep metal clean of foreign materials, especially metal particles and scrap. 2. Peel off all strippable film. 3. Where needed, clean metals in conformance with the metals industry recommendations (American Iron and Steel Institute for stainless steel, Copper and Brass Association for copper, and other associations) or use Basic H organic metal cleaner, Shaklee Products, Hayward, CA. B. Protection: 1. Protect material from exposure to chlorides, hydrochloric-based and muriatic acids. If contaminated, wash affected areas immediately with 5 percent soda and water solution and rinse with clear water. 2. Avoid walking on roof after completion. C. Final Cleanup: 1. Remove all debris, metal clips, nails, and other materials that could prevent adequate drainage or produce corrosion products through electrolysis. 2. Repair and touch up damage. END OF SECTION SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 07610 6 JUNE 15, 20~05 SHEET METAL ROOFING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 07620 SHEET METAL FLASHING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A153/A153M, Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. b. A653/ A653M, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc- Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. c. A666, Standard Specification for Annealed or Cold- Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip, and Flat Bar. d. A924/ A924M Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process. e. B32, Standard Specification for Solder Metal. f. B209, Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate. g. B370, Standard Specification for Copper Sheet and Strip for Building Construction. h. D1187, Standard Specification for Asphalt-Base Emulsions for Use as Protective Coatings for Metal. 2. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA): Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, 5th Edition. 1.02 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Sheet metal flashing and trim shall withstand wind loads, structural movement, thermally induced movement, and exposure to weather without failing, rattling, leaking, and fastener disengagement. B. Thermal Movements: 1. Provide sheet metal flashing and trim that allows for thermal movements resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures by preventing buckling, opening of joints, hole elongation, overstressing of components, failure of joint sealants, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects. 2. Provide clips that resist rotation and avoid shear stress as a result of sheet metal and trim thermal movements. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 07620 1 JUNE 15,2005 SHEET METAL FLASHING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Base engineering calculation on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss. C. Water Infiltration: Provide sheet metal flashing and trim that does not allow water infiltration to building interior. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim Standard: Comply with SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual." Conform to dimensions and profiles shown, unless more stringent requirements are indicated. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Shop Drawings: a. Show joints, types and location of fasteners, and special shapes. b. Catalog data for stock manufactured items. 2. Samples: Color Samples for items to be factory finished. 1.05 DELIVERY, HANDLING, AND STORAGE A. Inspect for damage, dampness, and wet storage stains upon delivery to Work Site. B. Remove and replace damaged or permanently stained materials that cannot be restored to like-new condition. C. Carefully handle to avoid damage to surfaces, edges, and ends. D. Do not open packages until ready for use. E. Store materials in dry, weathertight, ventilated areas until immediately before installation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 METAL A. Prefinished Galvanized Steel Sheet: ASTM A924/ A924M, Grade A or ASTM A653/ A653M, G90 zinc coating; 24-gauge (0.02-inch) core steel, shop prefinished with fluoropolymer coating (Kynar polyvinylidene fluoride resin) coating; color as scheduled in Exterior Finish Schedule. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 07620 2 JUNE 15,2005 SHEET METAL FLASHING I I I Il I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Stainless Steel: ASTM A666, Type 304 or Type 316, soft temper; No. 2D, dull finish, 20-GA, unless otherwise shown. 2.02 DOWNSPOUTS, GUTTERS, SCUPPERS, AND CONDUCTOR HEADS A. By metal roofing manufacturer. 2.03 ANCILLARY MATERIALS A. Solder: ASTM B32, alloy composition Sn 50 and Sn 60 for stainless steel. B. Soldering Flux: ASTM B32, Type RA. C. Isolation Paint: As specified in Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings D. Isolation Tape: Butyl or polyisobutylene, internally reinforced, or 20-mil thick minimum polyester. E. Fasteners: 1. For Galvanized Steelwork: Steel, galvanized per ASTM A153/A153M or stainless steel fasteners. 2. For Stainless Steelwork: Stainless steel. 3. Nails: Roofing nailhead, lO-gauge spiral or ring shank, lengths as required to penetrate wood at least 3/4 inch or as required in Article Performance Requirements. 2.04 FABRICATION OF FLASHING A. Field measure prior to fabrication. B. Fabricate in accordance with SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual that apply to design, dimensions, metal, and other characteristics of item indicated. C. Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim in thickness or weight needed to comply with performance requirements, but not less than that specified for each application and metal. D. Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim without excessive oil canning, buckling, and tool marks and true to line and levels indicated, with exposed edges folded back to form hems. E. Seams: Fabricate nonmoving seams in accessories with flat-lock seams. Tin edges to be seamed, form seams, and solder. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 07620 3 JUNE 15,2005 SHEET METAL FLASHING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Reinforcements and Supports: Provide same material as flashing, unless other material is shown. Steel, where shown or required, shall be galvanized or stainless. G. Rigid Joints and Seams: Make mechanically strong. H. Fabricate sheet metal in IO-foot maximum lengths, unless otherwise indicated. I. At exposed ends of counterflashing furnish watertight closures. J. Fabricate comers in one-piece with legs extending 30 inches each way to field joint. Lap, rivet, or solder comer seams watertight. Apply sealant if necessary. K. Neutralize soldering flux. L. Solvent clean sheet metaL Surfaces to be in contact with roofing or otherwise concealed shall be coated with isolation paint. M. Pipe Penetrations Through Roof: As shown on Drawings. N. Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions where possible on exposed-to- view sheet metal flashing and trim, unless otherwise indicated. O. Fabricate cleats and attachment devices from same material as accessory being anchored or from compatible, noncorrosive metal. 1. Thickness: As recommended by SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" and FMG Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-49 for application, but not less than thickness of metal being secured. 2.05 FABRICATION OF DOWNSPOUTS AND GUTTERS A. Form downspouts and gutters in maximum lengths as practicable to sizes and shapes indicated on Drawings: 1. Telescope end joints 1-1/2 inches and lock longitudinal joints of downspouts. 2. Furnish elbows at bottom where downspouts empty onto splash blocks. 3. Fit downspouts into cast iron boots or drainpipes where indicated on Drawings; neatly caulk or cement joints. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 07620 4 JUNE 15, 2005 SHEET METAL FLASHING I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify roof openings, curbs, pipes, sleeves, ducts, or vents through roof are solidly set, a~d cant strips and reglets in place. B. Verify nailing strips and blocking are properly located. C. Verify membrane termination and base flashings are in place, sealed, and secure. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Flashing: 1. General: Install sheet metal roof flashing and trim to comply with performance requirements and SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual." Provide concealed fasteners where possible, set units true to line, and level as indicated. Install work with laps, joints, and seams that will be permanently watertight. 2; Isolate metal from wood apd concrete and from dissimilar metal with isolation tape or two coats of isolation paint. 3. Use only stainless steel fasteners to connect isolated dissimilar metals. 4. Joints: 10-foot maximum spacing and 2-1/2 feet from comers, butted with 3116-inch space centered over matching 8-inch-Iong backing plate with sealing tape in laps. 5. Set flanges of flashings and roof accessories on continuous sealer tape or in plastic roof cement on top of envelope ply of roofing. Nail flanges through sealing tape and at 3-inch maximum spacing. Touch up isolation paint on flanges. 6. Joints, Fastenings, Reinforcements, and Supports: Sized and located as required to preclude distortion or displacement due to thermal expansion and contraction. 7. Provide continuous holddown clips at counterflashing and gravel stops. 8. Conceal fastenings wherever possible. 9. Set flashing and sheet metal to straight, true lines with exposed faces aligned in proper plane without bulges or waves. 10. At vents through roof turn down lead flashing minimum 2 inches inside vent pipe. B. Downspouts and Gutters: Anchor downspouts to wall with straps of same material as downspouts. Install gutters as indicated on Drawings. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 07620 5 JUNE 15,2005 SHEET METAL FLASHING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I 'I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I 3.03 FINISH A. Exposed Surfaces of Flashing and Sheet Metalwork: Free of dents, scratches, abrasions, or other visible defects, and clean and ready for painting where applicable. 3.04 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean exposed metal surfaces of substances that interfere with uniform oxidation and weathering. B. Clean and neutralize flux materials. Clean off excess solder and sealants. C. Remove temporary protective coverings and strippable films as sheet metal flashing and trim are installed. On completion of installation, clean finished surfaces, including removing unused fasteners, metal filings, pop rivet stems, and pieces of flashing. Maintain in a clean condition during construction. D. Replace sheet metal flashing and trim that have been damaged or that have deteriorated beyond successful repair by finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07620 6 JUNE 15,2005 SHEET METAL FLASHING I I I I I I I I I I I ,I' I I I I I" I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALANTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. ASTM International (ASTM): a. C661, Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Elastomeric Type Sealants by Means of a Durometer. b. C920, Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants. c. C1193, Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants. 1.02 SUB MITT ALS A. Action Submittals: I. Shop Drawings: Surface preparation instructions. Indicate where each product is proposed to be used. 2. Samples: Material proposed for use showing color range available. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Installation instructions. 2. Applicator Qualification: Documentation showing minimum of 5 years' experience installing sealants in projects of similar scope. 3. Certificate of Compliance: Proposed materials meet Specification requirements. 4. Special guarantee. 1.03 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Ambient Temperature: Between 40 and 80 degrees F (4 and 27 degrees C) when sealant is applied. Consult manufacturer when sealant cannot be applied within these temperature ranges. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SEALANT MATERIALS A. Sealant Characteristics: 1. Uniform, homogeneous. SEA/323194. WU .FD .02 07900 1 JUNE 15,2005 JOINT SEALANTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I 'I I I I '1 II I I I 'I II I I II I ,I I I 2. Free from lumps, skins, and coarse particles when mixed. 3. Nonstaining, nonbleeding. 4. Hardness of 15 minimum and 50 maximum, measured by ASTM C66I method. 5. Immersible may be substituted for nonimmersible. B. Sealant Color: Unless specifically noted, match the color of the principal wall material adjoining the area of application. C. Type I-Silicone, Nonsag, Nonimmersible: 1. Silicone base, single-component, chemical curing; ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25. 2. Capable of withstanding movement up to 50 percent of joint width. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Dow Coming Corp.; No. 790. b. General Electric; Silpruf c. Sonneborn; Sonolastic Omniseal. D. Type 2-Multi-Part Polyurethane, Self-Leveling, Immersible: 1. Polyurethane base, multi-component, chemical curing; ASTM C920, Type M, Grade P, Class 25. 2. Capable of being continuously immersed in water. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Sonneborn; Sonolastic Paving Joint Sealant. b. Pecora Corp.; Urexspan NR-200. c. H. S. Peterson Co.; Iso-Flex 880GB. d. Mameco International; Vulkem 245. E. Type 3-Multi-Part Polyurethane, Nonsag, Immersible: 1. Polyurethane base, multi component, chemical curing; ASTM C920, Type M, Grade NS, Class 25. 2. Capable of being continuously immersed in water. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. H. S. Peterson Co.; Iso-Flex 881. b. Mameco International; Vulkem 922. c. Product Research Corp.; PRC 270. F. Type 4-Multi-Part Polyurethane, Nonsag, Nonimmersible: Polyurethane base, multi component, chemical curing; ASTM C920, Type M, Grade NS, Class 25. \\ 1. Manufacturers and Products: a. Sonneborn; Sonolastic NP-II. SEA/323194.WU.FD:02 07900 2 JUNE 15,2005 JOINT SEALANTS I I I I, I I 1\ I I ,I I' I 1\ I I I I, I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B b. Pecora Corp.; Dynatro1 II. c. Tremco; Dymeric. d. H. S. Peterson Co.; Isoflex 2000. e. Mameco International; Vulkem 227. f. Sika Chemical Corp.; Sikaflex 2C. G. Type 5-0ne-Part Polyurethane, Immersible: 1. Polyurethane base, single-component, moisture curing; ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS or P, Class 25. 2. Capable of being continuously immersed in water. 3. Manufacturers and Products for Nonsag: a. Sika Chemical Corp.; Sikaflex-1a. b. Mameco International; Vulkem 116. 4. Manufacturers and Products for Self-Leveling: a. Sonneborn; Sonolastic SL-1. b. Mameco International; Vulkem 45. H. Type 6-0ne-Part Polyurethane, Nonimmersible: Polyurethane base, single- component, moisture curing; ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25. 1. Manufacturers and Products: a. Pecora Corp.; Dynatrol 1. b. Tremco; Dymonic. c. Sonneborn; Sonolastic NP-1. 1. TyPe 7-Multi-Part Polysulfide, Immersible: 1. Polysulfide base, two-component, chemical curing; ASTM C920, Type M, Grade P or NS, Class 25. 2. Capable of being continuously immersed in water. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. W. R. Meadows; CM-60, two-part. b. Sonneborn; Sonolastic, two-part. J. Type 8-0ne-Part Polysu1fide, Nonsag, Nonimmersible: 1. Polysulfide base, single-component, moisture curing; ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 12 112. 2. Capable of withstanding movement up to 20 percent of joint width. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. W. R. Meadows; CM-60, one-part. b. Product Research Corp.; PRC 7000. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 07900 3 JUNE 15,2005 JOINT SEALANTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B K. Type 9-0ne-Part Acrylic Terpolymer, Nonsag, Nonimmersible: 1. Acrylic base, single-component, solvent curing; ASTM C834 nonsag. 2. Capable of withstanding movement up to 7.5 percent of joint width; Shore "A" hardness of 55 maximum. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Pecora Chemical Corp.; 60 + Unicrylic. b. Tremco; Mono. c. Sonneborn; Sonolac Acrylic Latex Caulk. L. Type 1 O-Sanitary Sealant: Silicone sealant similar to Type 1, above, formulated to resist mold growth and repeated exposure to high humidity while retaining adhesion, flexibility, and color. ( 1. Manufacturers and Products: a. Dow Coming; 786. b. General Electric; Sanitary Sealant. M. Type II-Fire Penetration Seal: 1. Manufacturers and Products: a. Dow Coming Corp.; Fire Stop Sealant or Foam. b. 3M Corp.; Fire Barrier Caulk CP25 and Putty 303. c. General Electric; Pensil Sealant or Foam. d. The Carborundum Co.; Fyre Putty. e. Hilti Construction Chemicals; CS240. N. Type I2-0ne-Part Polycarbonate, Immersible: 1. Polycarbonate base, single-component, moisture curing; ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25. 2. Capable of being continuously immersed in water. 3. Manufacturer and Product: Pro-Seal Products, Inc.; Pro-Seal 34. O. Type 13- Tape Sealant: Compressible polyurethane foam impregnated with polybutylene or polymer-modified asphalt. 1. Color: Black. 2. Size: 3/4-inch wide by length required by expanded thickness recommended by manufacturer for particular application. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Emseal Joint Systems, Ltd.; 25V. b. Polytite Manufacturing Corp.; Standard. c. Phoenix Building Products; Compriband. d. Koch Protective Treatments, Inc.; Epti 606. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07900 4 JUNE 15,2005 JOINT SEALANTS \ I ,I I ,I I ,II II I: I a il II I I II I ,I I I I, I ,I I I - I I 'I' I I I, I I I ,I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B e. IIIbruck; Willseal. f. Williams Products, Inc.; Everlastic. 2.02 BACKUP MATERIAL A. Nongassing, extruded, closed-cell round polyethylene foam rod, compatible with sealant used, and as recommended by sealant manufacturer. B. Size: As shown or as recommended by sealant material manufacturer. Provide for joints greater than 3/16 inch wide. C. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Haveg Industries; Minicel. 2. Dow Corning; Ethafoam SB. 3. Sonneborn; Sonofoam. 4. Hercules, Inc.; HBR. 2.03 ANCILLARY MATERIALS A. Bond Breaker: Pressure sensitive tape as recommended by sealant manufacturer to suit application. B. Joint Cleaner: Noncorrosive and nonstaining type, recommended by sealant manufacturer; compatible with joint forming materials. C. Primer: Nonstaining type recommended by sealant manufacturer to suit application. 2.04 PREFORMED SEALS A. Preformed Compressible Joint Seals: 1. Widths Up to 5 Inches: Watson Bowman Acme Corp., Amherst, NY, W ABO W A Series; H. S. Peterson Co., Pontiac, MI, Isoflex Neoprene Seal, LS-Series. 2. Other Widths: Series or model recommended by seal manufacturer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Use of more than one material for Jhe same joint is not allowed unless approved by the sealant manufacturer. B. Install joint sealants in accordance with ASTM C1193. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 07900 5 JUNE 15,2005 JOINT SEALANTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B ,I I 1\ I I I I I, ,I I I I I I I I I ,I I C. Horizontal and Sloping Joints of 1 Percent Maximum Slope: Use self-leveling (Grade P) joint sealant. D. Steeper Sloped Joints, Vertical Joints, and Overhead Joints: Use nonsag (Grade NS) joint sealant. E. Use joint sealant as required for the applicable application and as follows: Joint Size Sealant Type 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or 9 1,2,3,4, or 7 Follow manufacturer's recommendation Less than 1" Less than 2" Over 2" 3.02 PREPARATION A. Verify that joint dimensions, and physical and environmental conditions, are acceptable to receive sealant. B. Surfaces to be sealed shall be clean, dry, sound, and free of dust, loose mortar, oil, and other foreign materials. 1. Mask adjacent surfaces where necessary to maintain neat edge. 2. Starting of work will be construed as acceptance of subsurfaces. 3. Apply primer to dry surfaces as recommended by sealant manufacturer. C. Verify that joint shaping materials and release tapes are compatible with sealant. D. Examine joint dimensions and size materials to achieve required width/depth ratios. E. Carefully follow manufacturer's instructions for mixing multi-component products. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Use joint filler to achieve required joint depths, to allow sealants to perform intended function. 1. Install backup material as recommended by sealant manufacturer. 2. Where possible, provide full length sections without splices; minimize number of splices. 3. Tape sealant may be used as joint filler if approved by sealant manufacturer. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 07900 6 JUNE 15,2005 JOINT SEALANTS I I, I I I I" I. I I I I :1, I I I I. I., I I, CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 B. Use bond breaker where recommended by sealant manufacturer. C. Seal joints around window, door and louver frames, expansion joints, and elsewhere as indicated. D. Joint Sealant Materials: Follow manufacturer's recommendation and instructions, filling joint completely from back to top, without voids. E. Joints: Tool slightly concave after sealant is installed. 1. When tooling white or light color sealant, use a water wet tool. 2. Finish joints free of air pockets, foreign embedded matter, ridges, and sags. F. Tape Sealant: Compress to 50 percent of expanded thickness and install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.04 PREFORMED SEALS A. Prepare joint surfaces clean and dry, free from oil, rust, laitance, and other foreign material. B. Construct joints straight and parallel to each other and at the proper width and depth. C. Apply joint sealant manufacturer's approved primer and adhesive in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. D. Install seal in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.05 CLEANING A. Clean surfaces next to the sealed joints of smears or other soiling resultant of sealing application. B. Replace damaged surfaces resulting from joint sealing or cleaning activities. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07900 7 JUNE 15, 2005 JOINT SEALANTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B ,I I 'I, :1 I I J I I' ,I, I ,.1 I I I il ,I .1 .1 3.06 JOINT SEALANT SCHEDULE A. This schedule lists the sealant types acceptable for each joint location. Use as few different sealant types as possible to meet the requirements of Project. Joint Locations Sealant Type(s) Expansion/Contraction & Control Joints At: Concrete Walls (except water-holding & 1,3,4,5,6,7,12 belowgrade portions of structures) Concrete Floor Slabs (except for water-holding 2,5 Structures) Slabs Subject to Vehicle and Pedestrian Traffic 2,5 Masonry Walls 1,3,4,5,6,7,12,13 Material Joints At: Metal Door, Window, & Louver Frames 1,5,6,8,12 (Exterior) Metal Door, Window, & Louver Frames 1,5,6,8 (Interior) Wall Penetrations (Exterior) 1,5,6,8,12 Wall Penetrations (Interior) 1,5,6,8 Floor Penetrations 5,6,7 Ceiling Penetrations 1,3,4,5,6,7 Roof Penetrations 5 Sheet Metal Flashings 5,13 Sheet Metal Roofing & Siding 5 er Joints: Threshold Sealant Bed 5 Openings Around Pipes, Conduits, & Ducts 11 Through Fire-Rated Construction Concrete Form Snap-Tie Holes 1,4,5 END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 07900 8 JUNE 15, 2005 JOINT SEALANTS I: I ,I I I I I I I' ,I I 'I -I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 08150 STEEL DOOR ASSEMBLIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): a. A250.6, Hardware on Standard Steel Doors (Reinforcement - Application). b. A250.8, Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames. c. A250.11, Recommended Erection Instructions for Steel Frames. 2. Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA): a. 101, Butts and Hinges. b. 601, Bored and Preassembled Locks & Latches. c. 301, Door Controls - Closers. d. 621, Mortise Locks & Latches. e. 1201, Auxiliary Hardware. f. 1301, Materials and Finishes. 3. Door and Hardware Institute (DHI): A115, Specifications for Hardware Preparations in Standard Steel Doors and Frames. 4. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A366, Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Carbon, Cold- Rolled, Commercial Quality. b. A653/ A653M, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc- Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. c. C1048, Standard Specification for Heated-Treated Flat Glass-Kind HS, Kind FT Coated and Uncoated Glass. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: I. Showing door and frame construction and anchorage details. 2. Complete Hardware Schedule, including numbers and finishes. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Provide packaging such as cardboard or other containers, separation, banding, and wrappings. SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 08150 1 JUNE 15, 2005 STEEL DOOR ASSEMBLIES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 'I I I, 'I J I I I 'I ,I, I ,I' I - I I I I I B. Store doors upright, inside, at least 1 inch off floor. 1.04 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Special Tools: Furnish two sets of those required for installation, maintenance, or adjustment. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 DOOR AND FRAME MATERIALS A. Sheet Steel for Doors and Frames: Cold-rolled, stretcher level sheet, ASTM A366. B. Ancillary Items: Manufacturer's standard core filler, anchors, and fasteners. C. Glazing: 1. Tempered Float Glass (T.G.): ASTM C1048, clear tempered float glass, 6 rom minimum thickness. 2. Ancillary materials as required. D. Louver: Manufacturer's standard fixed Double-Zee, 16-gauge minimum, 30 percent free area. 2.02 HARDW ARE MATERIALS A. General: 1. Furnish finish hardware with suitable stainless steel fasteners for complete installation. 2. Products complete and of equal quality and finish. B. Butt Hinges: BHMA 101. Type Item ANSI/BHMA Stanley McKinney HI Regular, ball bearing A2112 FBBI91 TB2314 C. Locks and Latches: BHMA 601 or BHMA 621, keying on schedule; furnish two keys for each lock and two master keys. Type Item BEST Sar2ent ScWa2e BHMA Ll Mortise entrance lock 35H7F3H 8245-LNH L9456P-03 F12, F13 With lever handle SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 08150 2 JUNE 15,2005 STEEL DOOR ASSEMBLIES I, I I I I I, I .1 ,I I I I I' ,I I. I I, I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Closers: BHMA 301 with painted finish. Type Item ANSIIBHMA LeN Sarl!ent \ C1 Parallel arm with C02021 4110 Cush-N-Stop 350-PS Series integral stop Series E. Bolts: BHMA 156.16 with bright nickel finish No. 645. Type Item ANSI/BHMA Ives Glynn- Johnson B1 Top and bottom L04201 FB358 FB6 flush bolts 2.03 KICKPLA TES A. Solid metal, not plated. Bevel four edges. B. Width of door leafless 1-1/2 inches at single leaf and less 1 inch at pairs. C. Finish: Satin stainless steel No. 630. D. Types and Manufacturers: Builders Brass Works, Baldwin, or Cipco as follows: 1. KilO inches high by 0.05 inch thick. 2. K2 36 inches high by 0.05 inch thick. E. Thresholds: Type Item ANSIIBHMA Pemco Reese T1 Saddle -- 175A S 104A F. Weatherstripping: Type Item ANSIIBHMA Pemco Reese WI Head and jamb -- S88D 797B Door shoe 222A V DB596AF Rain drip 346C R201C G. Finishes: BHMA 1301, satin stainless steel No. 630, unless indicated otherwise. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 08150 3 JUNE 15,2005 STEEL DOOR ASSEMBLIES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B ,I I I, I, " I I I I I, ,I 'I ,I' 'I I ,I I ,I I I 2.04 DOOR AND FRAME F ABRICA TION A. Hollow Metal Doors and Frames: Meet requirements ofDHI AII5, ANSI A250.6, and ANSI A250.8. B. Hollow Metal Doors: 1. Type F: Insulated, 1-3/4 inches thick, flush panel. 2. Flush end closure on top. 3. Furnish overlapping astragal on active leaf of pairs of doors. 4. Rust-inhibiting prime coating over ASTM A653/ A653M A60 zinc coating. 5. Exterior: ANSI A250.8, Level 3, Modell, 16 gauge. C. Hollow Metal Frames: 1. Welded type. 2. Exterior Frame Thickness: 14 gauge. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Coordinate doors, frames, and hardware. B. Provide hardware templates as required to door and frame manufacturers. 3.02 FRAME AND DOOR INSTALLATION A. Frames: Plumb and square, in accordance with ANSI A250.II and manufacturer's recommendations, and secure to adjacent construction. B. Doors: ASTM A250.8. C. Remove labels from glass, wash and polish both faces. D. Leave clean and undamaged. E. Touch up prime coating. 3.03 HARDWARE INSTALLATION A. Mounting Dimensions: Follow National Builder's Hardware Association Standard; lock and latch backset, 2-3/4 inches. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 08150 4 JUNE 15, 2005 STEEL DOOR ASSEMBLIES I: I I I I I, I I ,I I I I '11 " I ,I I, I' I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Follow manufacturer's instructions. Make Work neat and secure, developing full strength of components and providing intended function. C. Prevent marring, scratching, or otherwise damaging adjacent finishes during installation. D. Set stops over solid backing after painting is complete. E. Cope ends of thresholds neatly to jamb profile and set in sealant, anchoring securely. F. Do fitting, dismantling, and reinstalling of finish hardware required before and after painting. G. After installation, adjust hardware for noise-free operation without resistance. 3.04 PROTECTION A. Protect doors, frames, and hardware from damage after installation. 3.05 HARDWARE SETS A. Hardware sets are guide to functional requirements of each opening. Provide hardware complete. Size omitted shall be as recommended by manufacturer. Item Type HDW-t. Single Locked Entrance Door 1-1/2 Pair butts, 4-1/2 by 4-1/2 HI 1 Lock Ll 1 Closer Cl 1 Threshold Tl 1 Set weatherstrip WI 1 Kick plate Kl HDW -2. Double Doors, with Lock 4 Pair butts, 5 by 4-1/2 HI 1 Lock Ll 2 Closers with integral stop Cl SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 08150 5 JUNE 15,2005 STEEL DOOR ASSEMBLIES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I II I I I I 'I I I I 'I I' I I I I I Item Type Top and bottom flush bolts Bl 1 Threshold Tl 1 Set weatherstrip WI 2 Kick plates B2 3.06 SUPPLEMENTS A. Supplements listed below, following "End of Section", are a part of this Specification: 1. Door and Hardware Schedule: Tabulation of door, frame, and finish hardware characteristics for each opening numbered on Drawings. Provide items as scheduled. 2. Door and Frame Types. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 08150 6 JUNE 15, 2005 STEEL DOOR ASSEMBLIES ...--......-,- CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION - - .. - ..,' - _. - .. .- 323194B DOOR AND HARDWARE SCHEDULE ABBREVIATIONS: AS As Selected CLSR Closer COL Color CONSTR Construction FNSH Finish HM Hollow Metal K-PL Kick Plate KEY K G MATL MET MS SIM SST TSHD VIN WS Material Metal Manufacturer's Standard Sunllar Stam1ess Steel Threshold Vinyl W h NOTES' No I No 2 No.3 No 4 No.5 No 6 For door and frame types, see end of this Specification section. For door detalls, see Drawing No AlS 104. For hardware sets, see this SpecificatIOn section Numbers in Fnsh column refer to pamt systems in Specification SectIOn 09900. Codes m Col column refer to color list in SpeCIficatIOn Section 09000. For Door Signs see Specification Section 10400 ey rouo - eat erstnoomg Openifil! Size Door Frame Details Hardware Other No. Width Heil!ht Constr Type Glazin2 Fnsh Col Mati Type Fnsh Col Head Jamb Sill Set No. Door Sign Requirements WATER PUMP STATION 101 3'_0" 7'_2" HM F . 106 Note 5 HM F-l 106 Note 5 9 10 II 1 1-3 - 102 PR 3'_6" 7'-10" HM 2xF - 106 Note 5 HM F-l 106 Note 5 9 10 11 2 1-3 - SEN323194.WU.FD.02 08150 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15,2005 STEEL DOOR ASSEMBLIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DOOR I~IIDTHI -,--- l- I /DOOR AS 0 ~ SCHEDULED w I a: 0 0 0 - F - DOOR TYPES 2" DOOR 2" = ~ N l- I 0 rHM ~ w FRAMES I cr 0 0 0 Fl - FRAME TYPES CITY OF PORT ANGELES I DOOR & FRAME TYPES WEST UGA UTILITY EXT SECTION 08150 SEA/3231g4DWU PAGE 1 1~NA9~~D_323194.DGN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 09000 FINISH SCHEDULES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUBMITTALS A. Submittal requirements are specified in appropriate product sections. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Products and materials referred to in this section are specified in appropriate product sections. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Requirements for incorporation of scheduled products into the Work are specified in appropriate product sections. 3.02 FINISH SCHEDULE Other Surface Material Finish Color Requirements Floors Concrete Hardener Clear Walls, Interior CMU PS-I09 Pittsburgh 501-1 Rain Drop Ceilings GWBX PS-115 Pittsburgh 501-1 Rain Drop Interior Trim Wood PS-I02 Pittsburgh 501-1 Rain Drop Doors and Frames Metal PS-I06 Pittsburgh 518-4 Flagstone 3.03 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplements listed below, following "End of Section," are a part of this Specification. 1. Exterior Finish Schedule: A tabulation of finishes and colors for each exterior material shown on the Drawings. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09000 1 JUNE 15,2005 FINISH SCHEDULES I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE ItemIMaterial Finish Color Smooth Face CMU FCTY IPS-II 0 Mutual Materials - Cocoa/Clear Ribbed Textured CMU (R-T) FCTYIPS-IlO Mutual Materials - Charcoal/Clear Split Face CMU (S-F) FCTY IPS-II 0 Mutual Materials - Cocoa/Clear Ground Face CMU (G-F) FCTY IPS-II 0 Mutual Materials - Cocoa/Clear Glazed CMU (GCMU) FCTY Spectra Glaze - Deep Leaf Green Wood Siding PS-lO 1 Cabot Stains - Driftwood Gray/0344 Plywood Soffit PS-IOI Cabot Stains - Driftwood Gray/0344 Wood Fascia and Trim PS-lO 1 Cabot Stains - Driftwood Gray/0344 Metal Roofing and Trim FCTY IKynar AEP-SP AN/Hemlock Green Metal Gutter and Downspout FCTYIKynar AEP-SP AN/Hemlock Green Louvers FCTY IK ynar Construction Specialties - No. 60 Onyx Gray HM Door and Frame FCTY GALV/I06 Pittsburgh Paints - 518-4 Flagstone SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 09000 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15, 2005 FINISH SCHEDULES I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 09250 GYPSUM BOARD PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards that may be referenced in this section: I. ASTM International (ASTM): a. C475, Standard Specification for Joint Compound and Joint Tape for Finishing Gypsum Board. b. C514, Standard Specification for Nails for the Application of Gypsumboard. c. C840, Standard Specification for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board. d. ClO02, Standard Specification for Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Board or Metal Plaster Bases. e. CI047, Standard Specification for Accessories for Gypsum Wallboard and Gypsum Veneer Base. f. C1396, Specification for Gypsum Board. 2. Gypsum Association (GA): a. 214, Levels of Gypsum Board Finishes. b. 216, Recommended Specifications for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board. 1.02 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Temperature: Maintain between 55 and 70 degrees F for 24 hours before, during, and after application and finishing. B. Ventilation: Provide ventilation, but protect from drafts during hot, dry weather. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Fire-Rated Board (GWBX): ASTM C1396, Type X, 5/8 inch thick with tapered edges. B. Fasteners: 1. Nails: ASTM C514, smooth shank, 1-112 inches. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 09250 1 JUNE 15,2005 GYPSUM BOARD CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I ,I I I I 2. Screws: ASTM CI002, Type W or S, 1-114 inches. C. Joint Treatment: 1. Tape: ASTM C475, perforated; 2 inches wide 10 by 10 glass mesh tape for soffit board. 2. Compound:'ASTM C475, all-purpose, ready-mixed. - D. Metal Accessories: 1. ASTM CI047, galvanized metal. 2. Comer Bead: ASTM C840, Figure 1, CB114X114. 3. Edge Trim: ASTM C840, Figure 1, L12 or L-58. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 APPLICATION OF GYPSUM BOARD A. Inspection: 1. Verify that framing is aligned, spaced correctly, and does not exceed maximum allowable for gypsum board used. 2. Correct deficiencies before proceeding. B. Application: 1. Meet requirements of ASTM C840 and GA-216. 2. Use gypsum board of maximum lengths to minimize end joints. Stagger end joints when they occur. 3. Use edge trim wherever gypsum board abuts another material. 4. Apply gypsum board to ceiling before walls. 5. Fasten gypsum board securely to framing using double nailing, screw, or adhesive method. 6. On intermediate and end supports, space fasteners 6 to 8 inches apart on walls and 5 to 7 inches apart on ceilings. 7. Keep fasteners 3/8 inch from ends and edges of panels. 8. Drive fasteners to just below surface of gypsum board without breaking the surface paper. 9. Begin fastening in center of panel and work toward edges. 3.02 FINISHING A. General: Meet requirements of ASTM C840; leave a flat, uniformly smooth surface ready for painting. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09250 2 JUNE 15,2005 GYPSUM BOARD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Taping and Finishing: 1. Apply tape properly for bond to gypsum board. When compound is dry, apply second and finishing coats in sufficient widths to form a smooth, even plane. After dry, lightly sand final coat. Do no raise nap of the paper when sanding. 2. Finish: Conform to GA-214, LevelS. 3. Leave gypsum board ready for painting. C. Fasteners: Cover fasteners, heads, and dents and gouges with three successive coats of finishing compound, each applied in a different direction. D. Comer and Edge Trim: Finish with successive coats of finishing compound so as to make the bead flush with the board surface. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09250 3 JUNE 15,2005 GYPSUM BOARD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 09900 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): Standard Colors for Color Identification and Coding. 2. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): Al3.I, Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems. 3. NACE International (NACE): RPOI88, Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates. 4. NSF International (NSF): 61 Drinking Water System Components- Health Effects. 5. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). 6. The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC): a. SP 1, Solvent Cleaning. b. SP 2, Hand Tool Cleaning. c. SP 3, Power Tool Cleaning. d. SP 5, Joint Surface Preparation Standard White Metal Blast Cleaning. e. SP 6, Joint Surface Preparation Standard Commercial Blast Cleaning. f. SP 7, Joint Surface Preparation Standard Brush-Off Blast Cleaning. g. SP 10, Joint Surface Preparation Standard Near-White Blast Cleaning. h. SP 11, Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal. 1. SP 12, Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Steel and Other Hard Materials by High- and Ultrahigh-Pressure Water Jetting Prior to Recoating. J. SP 13, Surface Preparation of Concrete. k. PAl, Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting. 1. P A 2, Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages. m. P A 3, Guide to Safety in Paint Applications. SEA/323 194. WU.FD.02 09900 1 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JI 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Terms used in this section: 1. Coverage: Total minimum dry film thickness in mils or square feet per gallon. 2. FRP: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic. 3. HC1: Hydrochloric Acid. 4. MDFT: Minimum Dry Film Thickness, mils. 5. MDFTPC: Minimum Dry Film Thickness Per Coat, mils. 6. Mil: Thousandth of an inch. 7. PSDS: Paint System Data Sheet. 8. PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride. 9. SFPG: Square Feet Per Gallon. 10. SFPGPC: Square Feet Per Gallon Per Coat. 11. SP: Surface Preparation. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Shop Drawings: a. Data Sheets: 1) For each paint system, furnish a Paint System Data Sheet (PSDS), the manufacturer's technical data sheets, and paint colors available (where applicable) for each product used in paint system. The PSDS form is appended to the end of this section. 2) Technical and performance information that demonstrate compliance with Specification. 3) Submit required information on a system-by-system basis. 4) Furnish copies of paint system submittals to the coating applicator. 5) Indiscriminate submittal of manufacturer's literature only is not acceptable. b. Detailed chemical and gradation analysis for each proposed abrasive material. 2. Samples: a. Proposed Abrasive Materials: Minimum 5-pound sample for each type. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 09900 2 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE ~OATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B b. Reference Panel: I) Surface Preparation: a) Prior to start of surface preparation, furnish a 4-inch by 4-inch steel panel for each grade of sandblast specified herein, prepared to specified requirements. b) Provide panel representative of the steel used; prevent deterioration of surface quality. c) Upon approval by Engineer, panel to be reference source for inspection. 2) Paint: a) Unless otherwise specified, before painting work is started, prepare minimum 8- by IO-inch sample with type of paint and application specified on similar substrate to which paint is to be applied. b) Furnish additional samples as required until colors, finishes, and textures are approved. c) Approved samples to be the quality standard for final finishes. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Applicator's Qualification: List of references substantiating experience. 2. Factory Applied Coatings: Manufacturer's certification stating factory applied coating system meets or exceeds requirements specified. 3. If the manufacturer of finish coating differs from that of shop primer, provide finish coating manufacturer's written confirmation that materials are compatible. 4. Manufacturer's written instructions and special details for applying each type of paint. 5. Manufacturer's written verification that submitted material is suitable for the intended use. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Minimum 5 years' experience in application of specified products. B. Regulatory Requirements: 1. Meet federal, state, and local requirements limiting the emission of volatile organic compounds. SEA/3231 94.WU.FD.02 09900 3 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B il II ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Perform surface preparation and painting in accordance with recommendations of the following: a. Paint manufacturer's instructions. b. SSPC P A 3, Guide to Safety in Paint Applications. c. Federal, state, and local agencies having jurisdiction. C. Mockup: 1. Before proceeding with Work under this section, finish one complete space or item of each color scheme required showing selected colors, finish texture, materials, quality of work, and special details. 2. After Engineer approval, sample spaces or items shall serve as a standard for similar work throughout the Project. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Shipping: 1. Where precoated items are to be shipped to the Site, protect coating from damage. Batten coated items to prevent abrasion. 2. Shop painted surfaces shall be protected during shipment and handling by suitable provisions including padding, blocking, and use of canvas or nylon slings. B. Storage: 1. Store products in a protected area that is heated or cooled to maintain temperatures within the range recommended by paint manufacturer. 2. Primed surfaces shall not be exposed to weather for more than 2 months before being topcoated, or less time if recommended by coating manufacturer. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: 1. Do not apply paint in temperatures or moisture conditions outside of manufacturer's recommended maximum or minimum allowable. 2. Do not perform final abrasive blast cleaning whenever relative humidity exceeds 85 percent, or whenever surface temperature is less than 5 degrees F above dew point of ambient air. SEN323194. WU.FD.02 09900 4 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Nationally recognized manufacturers of paints and protective coatings who are regularly engaged in the production of such materials for essentially identical service conditions. B. Minimum of 5 years' verifiable experience in manufacture of specified product. 2.02 ABRASIVE MATERIALS A. Select abrasive type and size to produce surface profile that meets coating manufacturer's recommendations for specific primer and coating system to be applied. 2.03 PAINT MATERIALS A. General: 1. Manufacturer's highest quality products suitable for intended service. 2. Compatibility: Only compatible materials from a single manufacturer shall be used in the Work. Particular attention shall be directed to compatibility of primers and finish coats. 3. Thinners, Cleaners, Driers, and Other Additives: As recommended by coating manufacturer. B. Products: Product Def"mition Acrylic Latex Single-component, finish as required Alkyd Enamel Optimum quality, gloss or semigloss finish as required, medium long oil Bituminous Paint Single-component, coal-tar pitch based Block Filler Primer-sealer designed for rough masonry surfaces, 100% acrylic emulsion Coal-Tar Epoxy Amine, polyamide, or phenolic epoxy type 70% volume solids minimum, suitable for immersion servIce SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 5 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I Product Defmition Epoxy Filler/Surfacer 100% solids epoxy trowel grade filler and surfacer, nonshrinking, suitable for application to concrete and masonry Epoxy Primer - Anticorrosive, converted epoxy primer containing Ferrous Metal rust-inhibitive pigments Fusion Bonded 100% solids, thermosetting, fusion bonded, dry Coating powder epoxy or polyurethane resin, suitable for the intended service Fusion Bonded, TFE Tetrafluoroethylene, liquid coating, or open gear Lube or Grease Lube grease as supplied by McMaster-Carr Supply Corporation., Elmhurst, IL; RL 736 manufactured by Amrep, Inc., Marietta, GA High Build Epoxy Polyamide or polyamidoamine epoxy, minimum 69% volume solids, capability of 4 to 8 MDFT per coat Latex Primer Sealer Waterborne vinyl acrylic primer/sealer for interior gypsum board and plaster. Capable of providing uniform seal and suitable for use with specified finish coats Masonry Plugger Clear acrylic block filler, minimum 20 percent solids Siloxane Sealer Clear 10 percent siloxane/acrylic emulsion; Okon, W-2; or equal NSF Epoxy Polyamide epoxy, approved for potable water contact and conforming to NSF 61 Epoxy, High Solids Polyamide or polyamidoamine epoxy, 80% volume solids, minimum, suitable for immersion service Polyurethane Enamel Two-component, aliphatic or acrylic based polyurethane; high gloss finish Rust-Inhibitive Single-package steel primers with anticorrosive Primer pigment loading Stain, Wood Satin luster, linseed oil, solid or transparent as required SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 6 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Product DeImition Epoxy Mortar 100 percent solids aliphatic amine-cured epoxy mortar, Tnemec Series 434 Perma-Shield HzS Amine-Cured Epoxy 100 percent solids amine-cured epoxy suitable for immersion service and exposure to hydrogen sulfide, Tnemec Series 435 Perma-Glaze 2.04 MIXING A. Multiple-Component Coatings: 1. Prepare using each component as packaged by paint manufacturer. 2. No partial batches will be permitted. 3. Do not use multiple-component coatings that have been mixed beyond their pot life. 4. Furnish small quantity kits for touchup painting and for painting other small areas. 5. Mix only components specified and furnished by paint manufacturer. 6. Do not intermix additional components for reasons of color or otherwise, even within the same generic type of coating. B. Colors: Formulate paints with colorants free oflead, lead compounds, or other materials that might be affected by presence of hydrogen sulfide or other gas likely to be present at Site. 2.05 SHOP FINISHES A. Shop Blast Cleaning: Reference paragraph Shop Coating Requirements, this section. B. Surface Preparation: Provide Engineer minimum 7 days' advance notice to start of shop surface preparation work and coating application work. C. Shop Coating Requirements: 1. When required by equipment Specifications, such equipment shall be primed and finish coated in shop by manufacturer and touched up in field with identical material after installation. 2. Where manufacturer's standard coating is not suitable for intended service condition, Engineer may approve use of a tie-coat to be used between manufacturer's standard coating and specified field finish. In such cases, tie-coat shall be surface tolerant epoxy as recommended by SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 7 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I manufacturer of specified field finish coat. Coordinate details of equipment manufacturer's standard coating with field coating manufacturer. D. Pipe: 1. Ductile Iron Pipe: a. Use SSPC standards as a guide for desired prepared surface. Follow recommendations of pipe and coating manufacturers for means and methods to achieve SSPC-equivalent surface. b. The surface preparation and application of the primer shall be performed by pipe manufacturer. c. For high performance (epoxy) coatings, follow additional recommendations of pipe and coating manufacturers. d. Prior to blast cleaning, grind smooth surface imperfections, including, but not limited to delaminating metal or oxide layers. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Provide Engineer minimum 7 days' advance notice to start of field surface preparation work and coating application work. B. Perform the Work only in presence of Engineer, unless Engineer grants prior approval to perform the Work in Engineer's absence. C. Schedule inspection with Engineer in advance for cleaned surfaces and all coats prior to succeeding coat. 3.02 EXAMINATION A. Factory Finished Items: 1. Schedule inspection with Engineer before repairing damaged factory- finished items delivered to Site. 2. Repair abraded or otherwise damaged areas on factory-finished items as recommended by coating manufacturer. Carefully blend repaired areas into original finish. If required to match colors, provide full finish coat in field. B. Surface Preparation Verification: Inspect and provide substrate surfaces prepared in accordance with these Specifications and printed directions and SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 8 JUNE 15, 2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B recommendations of paint manufacturer whose product is to be applied. The more stringent requirements shall apply. 3.03 PROTECTION OF ITEMS NOT TO BE PAINTED A. Remove, mask, or otherwise protect hardware, lighting fixtures, switchplates, aluminum surfaces, machined surfaces, couplings, shafts, bearings, nameplates on machinery, and other surfaces not specified elsewhere to be painted. B. Provide drop cloths to prevent paint materials from falling on or marring adjacent surfaces. C. Protect working parts of mechanical and electrical equipment from damage during surface preparation and painting process. D. Mask openings in motors to prevent paint and other materials from entering. E. Protect all surfaces adjacent to, or downwind of Work area from overspray. 3.04 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Field Abrasive Blasting: 1. Perform blasting for items and equipment where specified and as required to restore damaged surfaces previously shop or field blasted and primed or coated. 2. Refer to coating systems for degree of abrasive blasting required. 3. Where the specified degree of surface preparation differs from manufacturer's recommendations, the more stringent shall apply. B. Metal Surface Preparation: 1. Where indicated, meet requirements of SSPC Specifications summarized below: a. SP 1, Solvent Cleaning: Removal of all visible oil, grease, soil, drawing and cutting compounds, and other soluble contaminants by cleaning with solvent. b. SP2, Hand Tool Cleaning: Removal ofloose rust, loose mill scale, loose paint, and other loose detrimental foreign matter, using nonpower hand tools. c. SP3, Power Tool Cleaning: Removal ofloose rust, loose mill scale, loose paint, and other loose detrimental foreign matter, using power-assisted hand tools. SEA/323194. WU .FD.02 09900 9 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTNE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I d. SP5, White metal Blast Cleaning: Removal of all visible oil, grease, dust, dirt, mill scale, rust, coatings, oxides, corrosion products, and other foreign matter by blast cleaning. e. SP6, Commercial Blast Cleaning: Removal of all visible oil, grease, dust, dirt, mill scale, rust, coatings, oxides, corrosion products, and other foreign matter, except for random staining limited to no more than 33 percent of each unit area of surface which may consist of light shadows, slight streaks, or minor discolorations caused by stains of rust, stains of mill scale, or stains of previously applied coatings. f. SP7, Brush-Off Blast Cleaning: Removal of all visible rust, oil, grease, soil, dust, loose mill scale, loose rust, and loose coatings. Tightly adherent mill scale, rust, and coating may remain on surface. g. SP I 0, N ear- White Blast Cleaning: Removal of all visible oil, grease, dust, dirt, mill scale, rust, coatings, oxides, corrosion products, and other foreign matter, except for random staining limited to no more than 5 percent of each unit area of surface which may consist of light shadows, slight streaks, or minor discolorations caused by stains of rust, stains of mill scale, or stains of previously applied coatings. h. SPII, Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal: Removal of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, mill scale, rust, paint, oxide, corrosion products, and other foreign matter using power-assisted hand tools capable of producing suitable surface profile. Slight residues of rust and paint may be left in lower portion of pits if original surface is pitted. 1. SPI2, Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Steel and Other Hard Materials by High- and Ultrahigh-Pressure Water Jetting Prior to Recoating: Surface preparation using high- and ultrahigh-pressure water jetting to achieve specified surface cleanliness condition. Surface cleanliness conditions are defined in SSPC SPI2 and are designated WJ-I through WJ-4 for visual surface preparation definitions, and SC-I through SC-3 for nonvisual surface preparation definitions. 2. The words "solvent cleaning", "hand tool cleaning", "wire brushing", and "blast cleaning", or similar words of equal intent in these Specifications or in paint manufacturer's specification refer to the applicable SSPC Specification. 3. Where OSHA or EP A regulations preclude standard abrasive blast cleaning, wet or vacu-blast methods may be required. Coating SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 10 JUNE 15, 2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B manufacturers' recommendations for wet blast additives and first coat application shall apply. 4. Ductile Iron Pipe Supplied with Asphaltic Varnish Finish: Remove asphaltic varnish finish prior to performing specified surface preparation. 5. Hand tool clean areas that cannot be cleaned by power tool cleaning. 6. Round or chamfer sharp edges and grind smooth burrs, jagged edges, and surface defects. 7. Welds and Adjacent Areas: a. Prepare such that there is: 1) No undercutting or reverse ridges on weld bead. 2) No weld spatter on or adjacent to weld or any area to be painted. 3) No sharp peaks or ridges along weld bead. b. Grind embedded pieces of electrode or wire flush with adjacent surface of weld bead. 8. Preblast Cleaning Requirements: a. Remove oil, grease, welding fluxes, and other surface contaminants prior to blast cleaning. b. Cleaning Methods: Steam, open flame, hot water, or cold water with appropriate detergent additives followed with clean water nnsmg. c. Clean small isolated areas as above or solvent clean with suitable solvent and clean cloth. 9. Blast Cleaning Requirements: a. Type of Equipment and Speed of Travel: Design to obtain specified degree of cleanliness. Minimum surface preparation is as specified herein and takes precedence over coating manufacturer's recommendations. b. Select type and size of abrasive to produce surface profile that meets coating manufacturer's recommendations for particular primer to be used. c. Use only dry blast cleaning methods. d. Do not reuse abrasive, except for designed recyclable systems. e. Meet applicable federal, state, and local air pollution and environmental control regulations for blast cleaning, confined space entry (if required), and disposition of spent aggregate and debris. 10. Post-Blast Cleaning and Other Cleaning Requirements: a. Clean surfaces of dust and residual particles from cleaning operations by dry (no oil or water vapor) air blast cleaning or other method prior to painting. Vacuum clean enclosed areas and other areas where dust settling is a problem and wipe with a tack cloth. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 11 JUNE 15, 2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. Paint surfaces the same day they are blasted. Reblast surfaces that have started to rust before they are painted. C. Galvanized Metal, Copper, and Nonferrous Metal Alloy Surface Preparation: 1. Remove soil, cement spatter, and other surface dirt with appropriate hand or power tools. 2. Remove oil and grease by wiping or scrubbing surface with suitable solvent, rag, and brush. Use clean solvent and clean rag for final wiping to avoid contaminating surface. 3. Obtain and follow coating manufacturer's recommendations for additional preparation that may be required. D. Concrete Surface Preparation: 1. Do not begin until 30 days after concrete has been placed. 2. Remove grease, oil, dirt, salts or other chemicals, loose materials, or other foreign matter by solvent, detergent, or other suitable cleaning methods. 3. Blast clean in accordance with SSPC-SPI3 to meet fine grit standard profile to remove loose concrete and laitance, and provide a tooth for binding. 4. Secure coating manufacturer's recommendations for additional preparation, if required, for excessive bug holes exposed after blasting. 5. Unless otherwise required for proper adhesion, ensure surfaces are dry prior to painting. E. Masonry Surface Preparation: 1. Complete and cure masonry construction for 14 days or more before starting surface preparation work. 2. Remove oil, grease, dirt, salts or other chemicals, loose materials, or other foreign matter by solvent, detergent washing, or other suitable cleaning methods. 3. Clean masonry surfaces of mortar and grout spillage and other surface deposits using one of the following: a. Nonmetallic fiber brushes and commercial muriatic acid followed by rinsing with clean water. b. Brush-off blasting. c. Water blasting. 4. Do not damage masonry mortar joints or adjacent surfaces. 5. Leave surfaces clean and, unless otherwise required for proper adhesion, dry prior to painting. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 09900 12 JUNE 15, 2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 6. Masonry Surfaces to be Painted: Uniform texture and free of surface imperfections that would impair intended finished appearance. 7. Masonry surfaces to be clear coated. Free of discolorations and uniform in texture after cleaning. F. Gypsum Board Surface Preparation: Typically, new gypsum board surfaces need no special preparation before painting. 1. Surface Finish: Dry, free of dust, dirt, powdery residue, grease, oil, or any other contaminants. G. Existing Painted Surfaces to be Repainted Surface Preparation: 1. Detergent wash and freshwater rinse. 2. Clean loose, abraded, or damaged coatings to substrate by Hand or Power Tool, SP 2 or SP 3. 3. Feather surrounding intact coating. 4. Apply one spot coat of specified primer to bare areas, overlapping prepared existing coating. 5. Apply one full finish coat of specified primer to entire surface. 6. If an aged, plural-component material is to be topcoated, contact coating manufacturer for additional surface preparation requirements. 7. For ductile iron pipe with asphaltic varnish finish not specified to be abrasive blasted, apply coat of tar stop prior to application of cosmetic finish coat. 8. Application of Cosmetic Coat: a. It is assumed that existing coatings have oxidized sufficiently to prevent lifting or peeling when overcoated with paints specified. b. Check compatibility by application to a small area prior to starting painting. c. Iflifting or other problems occur, request disposition from Engineer. 9. Perform blasting as required to restore damaged surfaces. Materials, equipment, procedures shall meet requirements of Steel Structures Painting Council. 3.05 SURFACE CLEANING A. Brush-off Blast Cleaning: I. Equipment, procedure, and degree of cleaning shall meet requirements of SSPC SP 7, Brush-off Blast Cleaning. 2. Abrasive: Either wet or dry blasting sand, grit, or nutshell. SEA/323 194. WU.FD.02 09900 13 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Select various surface preparation parameters, such as size and hardness of abrasive, nozzle size, air pressure, and nozzle distance from surface such that surface is cleaned without pitting, chipping, or other damage. 4. Verify parameter selection by blast cleaning a trial area that will not be exposed to view. 5. Engineer will approve acceptable trial blast cleaned area and will use area as a representative sample of surface preparation. 6. Repair or replace surface damaged by blast cleaning. B. Solvent Cleaning: 1. Consists of removal of foreign matter such as oil, grease, soil, drawing and cutting compounds, and any other surface contaminants by using solvents, emulsions, cleaning compounds, steam cleaning, or similar materials and methods which involve a solvent or cleaning action. 2. Meets requirements of SSPC SP 1. 3.06 APPLICATION A. General: 1. The intention of these Specifications is for new, interior and exterior wood, masonry, concrete, and metal, and submerged metal surfaces to be painted, whether specifically mentioned or not, except as specified otherwise. Do not paint exterior concrete surfaces, unless specifically indicated. 2. Extent of Coating (Immersion): Coatings shall be applied to all internal vessel and pipe surfaces, nozzle bores, flange gasket sealing surfaces, carbon steel internals, and stainless steel internals, unless otherwise specified. 3. For coatings subject to immersion, obtain full cure for completed system. Consult coatings manufacturer's written instructions for these requirements. Do not immerse coating until completion of curing cycle. 4. Apply coatings in accordance with these Specifications and paint manufacturers' printed recommendations and special details. The more stringent requirements shall apply. Allow sufficient time between coats to assure thorough drying of previously applied paint. 5. Sand wood lightly between coats to achieve required finish. 6. Vacuum clean surfaces free ofloose particles. Use tack cloth just prior to applying next coat. 7. Fusion Bonded Coatings Method Application: Electrostatic, fluidized bed, or flocking. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 09900 14 JUNE 15, 2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 8. Coat units or surfaces to be bolted together or joined closely to structures or to one another prior to assembly or installation. 9. On pipelines, terminate coatings along pipe runs to 1 inch inside pipe penetrations. 10. Keep paint materials sealed when not in use. 11. Where more than one coat is applied within a given system, alternate colors to provide a visual reference showing required number of coats have been applied. B. Galvanized Metal, Copper, and Nonferrous Metal Alloys: 1. Concealed galvanized, copper, and nonferrous metal alloy surfaces (behind building panels or walls) do not require painting, unless specifically indicated herein. 2. Prepare surface and apply primer in accordance with System No. 10 specification. 3. Apply intermediate and finish coats of the coating system appropriate for the exposure. C. Porous Surfaces, Such As Concrete and Masonry: 1. Filler/Surfacer: Use coating manufacturer's recommended product to fill air holes, bug holes, and other surface voids or defects. 2. Prime Coat: May be thinned to provide maximum penetration and adhesion. a. Type and Amount of Thinning: Determined by paint manufacturer and dependent on surface density and type of coating. 3. Surface Specified to Receive Water Base Coating: Damp, but free of running water, just prior to application of coating. D. Film Thickness and Coverage: 1. Number of Coats: a. Minimum required without regard to coating thickness. b. Additional coats may be required to obtain minimum required paint thickness, depending on method of application, differences in manufacturers' products, and atmospheric conditions. 2. Application Thickness: a. Do not exceed coating manufacturer's recommendations. b. Measure using a wet film thickness gauge to ensure proper coating thickness during application. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 15 JUNE 15, 2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3, Film Thickness Measurements and Electrical Inspection of Coated Surfaces: a. Perform with properly calibrated instruments. b. Recoat and repair as necessary for compliance with Specification. c. All coats are subject to inspection by Engineer and coating manufacturer's representative. 4. Visually inspect concrete, masonry, nonferrous metal, plastic, and wood surfaces to ensure proper and complete coverage has been attained. 5. Give particular attention to edges, angles, flanges, and other similar areas, where insufficient film thicknesses are likely to be present, and ensure proper millage in these areas. 6. Apply additional coats as required to achieve complete hiding of underlying coats. Hiding shall be so complete that additional coats would not increase the hiding. 3.07 PROTECTIVE COATINGS SYSTEMS A. System No. I Submerged Metal-Potable Water: Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover SP5, White Metal NSF Epoxy 3 coats, 3 MDFTPC Blast Cleaning B. System No.2 Submerged Metal-Domestic Sewage: Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover SP5, White Metal Prime in accordance Blast Cleaning with manufacturer's recommendations Coal-Tar Epoxy 2 coats, 16 MDFT C. System No.5 Exposed Metal-Mildly Corrosive: Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover SPlO, Near-White Epoxy Primer - I coat, 4 MDFT Blast Cleaning Ferrous Metal Polyurethane Enamel I coat, 3 MDFT SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 09900 16 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. System No.8 Buried Metal-General: Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover SPIO, Near-White Coal-Tar Epoxy 2 coats, 16 MDFT Blast Cleaning E. System No. 10 Galvanized Metal, Copper, and Nonferrous Metal Alloy Conditioning: Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover In accordance with Epoxy Primer-Other As recommended by the Paragraph Galvanized coating manufacturer Metal, Copper, and Nonferrous Metal Remaining coats as Alloy Surface required for exposure Preparation F. System No. 18 Special Sealer-Concrete: Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover In accordance with Epoxy Filler/Surfacer As required to fill voids Paragraph Concrete and level surface Surface Preparation, Epoxy, High Solids I coat, 250 SFPG this section SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 17 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G. System No. 19 Concrete Tank Lining-Domestic Sewage: Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover In accordance with Epoxy Filler/Surfacer As required to fill voids Paragraph Concrete and level surface Surface Preparation, this section Epoxy, Mortar 1 coat, 32 SFPG Amine-Cured Epoxy 1 coat, 80 to 100 SFPG 1. Notes: a. Holiday test all interior coated surfaces in accordance with NACE RP-01-88. Repair defects in accordance with paint manufacturer's written directions. b. Extend Amine-Cured Epoxy over pipe penetrations and fasteners to provide a monolithic finish. H. System No. 27 Aluminum and Dissimilar Metal Insulation: Surface Prep. Paint Material I Min. Coats, Cover Solvent Clean (SP 1) Prime in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations Bituminous Paint 11 coat, 10 MDFT 1. System No. 29A Fusion Bonded, Steel Dowel Coating: Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover SPI0, Near-White Fusion Bonded 1 or 2 coats, 7 MDFT Blast Cleaning Coating 100% Solids Epoxy TFE Lube, Shop TFE Lube or Grease 1 coat, as required Applied; Grease Lube Lube Alternative, Field Applied Just Prior to Installation SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 18 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTNE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.08 ARCHITECTURAL PAINT SYSTEMS A. System No. 101 Wood, Stained (Interior or Exterior): Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover In accordance with Wood Stain 2 coats, 250 SFPGPC Paragraph Wood Semi-transparent Surface Preparation, this section B. System No. 102 Wood, Semigloss (Interior or Exterior): Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover In accordance with Alkyd Wood Primer 1 coat, 400 SFPG Paragraph Wood Surface Preparation, this section Alkyd (Semigloss) 1 coat, 400 SFPG C. System No. 106 Galvanized Metal: Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover In accordance with Manufacturer's 1 coat, as recommended Paragraph Galvanized Recommended Primer by Manufacturer Metal, Copper, and Nonferrous Metal Alloy Surface Preparation, this section Alkyd Enamel 2 coats, 4 MDFT (Semigloss) SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 19 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. System No. 107 Metal Trim and Structural Steel: Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover SP6, Commercial Rust-Inhibitive Primer 1 coat, 2 MDFT Blast Cleaning Alkyd Enamel 2 coats, 4 MDFT (Semigloss) E. System No. 109 Masonry, Semigloss: Surface PreD. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover In accordance with Block Filler 1 coat, 75 SFPG Paragraph Masonry Surface Preparation, this section Acrylic Latex 2 coats, 240 SFPGPC (Semigloss) F. System No. 110 Masonry Sealer: Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover In accordance with Acrylic/Siloxane 1 coat, 60 SFPGPC Paragraph Masonry Plugger/Filler Surface Preparation, Acrylic/Siloxane 2 coats, 60-100 SFPGPC this section Sealer G. System No. 115 Gypsum Board and Plaster, Semigloss: Surface Prep. Paint Material Min. Coats, Cover In accordance with Latex Primer/Sealer 1 coat, 350 SFPG Paragraph Gypsum Board Surface Preparation, this section Acrylic Latex 2 coats, 400 SFPGPC (Semigloss) or Alkyd (Semigloss) SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 20 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTNE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.09 COLORS A. Provide as shown in Section 09000, Finish Schedules, for architectural finishes, and as shown for equipment and appurtenances and designated herein or as selected by City. B. Proprietary identification of colors is for identification only. Selected manufacturer may supply matches. C. Equipment Colors: 1. Equipment includes the machinery or vessel itself plus the structural supports and fasteners and attached electrical conduits. 2. Paint equipment and piping one color as selected. 3. Paint nonsubmerged portions of equipment the same color as the piping it serves, except as itemized below: a. Dangerous Parts of Equipment and Machinery: OSHA Orange. b. Fire Protection Equipment and Apparatus: OSHA Red. c. Radiation Hazards: OSHA Purple. d. Physical hazards in normal operating area and energy lockout devices, including, but not limited to, electrical disconnects for equipment and equipment isolation valves in air and liquid lines under pressure: OSHA Yellow. D. Pipe Identification Painting: 1. Color code nonsubmerged metal piping, except electrical conduit. Paint fittings and valves the same color as pipe, except equipment isolation valves. 2. On exposed stainless steel piping, apply color 24 inches in length along pipe axis at connections to equipment, valves, or branch fittings, at wall boundaries, and at intervals along piping not greater than 9 feet on center. 3. Pipe Supports: Painted light gray, as approved by City. 3.10 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Equipment: 1. Provide magnetic type dry film thickness gauge to test coating thickness specified in mils, as manufactured by Nordson Corp., Anaheim, CA, Mikrotest. 2. Provide low-voltage wet sponge electrical holiday detector to test completed coating systems, 20 mils dry film thickness or less, except zinc primer, high-build elastomeric coatings, and galvanizing, for SEN323194.WU.FD.02 09900 21 JUNE 15, 2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I pinholes, holidays, and discontinuities, as manufactured by Tinker and Rasor, San Gabriel, CA, Model M-1. 3. Provide high-voltage spark tester to test completed coating systems in excess of 20 mils dry film thickness. Unit to be as recommended by coating manufacturer. B. Testing: 1. Thickness and Continuity Testing: a. Measure coating thickness specified in mils with a magnetic type, dry film thickness gauge, in accordance with SSPC P A 2. Check each coat for correct millage. Do not make measurement before a minimum of 8 hours after application of coating. b. Holiday detect coatings 20 mils thick or less, except zinc primer and galvanizing, with low voltage wet sponge electrical holiday detector in accordance with NACE RP0188. c. Holiday detect coatings in excess of 20 mils dry with high voltage spark tester as recommended by coating manufacturer and in accordance with NACE RP0188. d. After repaired and recoated areas have dried sufficiently, retest each repaired area. Final tests may also be conducted by Engineer. C. Inspection: Leave staging and lighting in place until Engineer has inspected surface or coating. Replace staging removed prior to approval by Engineer. Provide additional staging and lighting as requested by Engineer. D. Unsatisfactory Application: 1. If item has an improper finish color or insufficient film thickness, clean surface and topcoat with specified paint material to obtain specified color and coverage. Obtain specific surface preparation information from coating manufacturer. 2. Evidence of runs, bridges, shiners, laps, or other imperfections is cause for rejection. 3. Repair defects in accordance with written recommendations of coating manufacturer. E. Damaged Coatings, Pinholes, and Holidays: 1. Feather edges and repair in accordance with recommendations of paint manufacturer. 2. Hand or power sand visible areas of chipped, peeled, or abraded paint, and feather the edges. Follow with primer and finish coat. Depending on SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 09900 22 JUNE 15, 2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B extent of repair and appearance, a finish sanding and topcoat may be required. 3. Apply finish coats, including touchup and damage-repair coats in a manner that will present a uniform texture and color-matched appearance. 3.11 MANUFACTURER'S SERVICES A. In accordance with Part III, Section 1-15.18, Manufacturers' Services, coating manufacturer's representative shall be present at Site as follows: 1. On first day of application of any coating system. 2. A minimum of two additional Site inspection visits, each for a minimum of 4 hours, in order to provide Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation. 3. As required to resolve field problems attributable to or associated with manufacturer's product. 4. To verify full cure of coating prior to coated surfaces being placed into . . . ImmerSIOn servIce. 3.12 CLEANUP A. Place cloths and waste that might constitute a fire hazard in closed metal containers or destroy at end of each day. B. Upon completion of the Work, remove staging, scaffolding, and containers from Site or destroy in a legal manner. C. Remove paint spots, oil, or stains upon adjacent surfaces and floors and leave entire job clean. 3.13 APPLICATION SCHEDULE A. As shown in this Section and shown in Section 09000, Finish Schedules. B. Surfaces Not Requiring Painting: Unless otherwise stated or shown below or in other sections, the following areas or items will not require painting or coating: 1. Concrete surfaces. 2. Reinforcing steel. 3. Nonferrous and corrosion-resistant ferrous alloys such as copper, bronze, Monel, aluminum, chromium plate, atmospherically exposed weathering steel, and stainless steel, except where: a. Required for electrical insulation between dissimilar metals. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 09900 23 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. Aluminum and stainless steel are embedded in concrete or masonry, or aluminum is in contact with concrete or masonry. c. Color coding of equipment and piping is required. 4. Nonmetallic materials such as glass, wood, and porcelain, except as required for architectural painting or color coding. 5. Prefinished electrical and architectural items such as motor control centers, switchboards, switchgear, panelboards, transformers, disconnect switches (if prefinished in OSHA yellow), acoustical tile, cabinets, elevators, building louvers, and wall panels; color coding of equipment is required. 6. Nonsubmerged electrical conduits attached to unpainted concrete surfaces. 7. Cathodic protection anodes. 8. Items specified to be galvanized after fabrication, unless specified elsewhere or subject to immersion. 9. Insulated piping and insulated piping with jacket will require prime coat only, except as required for architectural painting or color coding. 10. Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) surfaces with an integral ultra-violet resistant colored gel coat do not require painting, provided the color is as selected. C. Unless otherwise shown or specified, paint surfaces in accordance with the following application schedule. In the event of discrepancies or omissions in the following, request clarification from Engineer before starting work in question. D. System No.1 Submerged Metal-Potable Water: Use on the following items or areas: 1. Metal surfaces exposed to potable water, and the following specific surfaces: a. Interior surfaces of potable water pumps. b. Interior of surge tanks. E. System No.2 Submerged Metal-Domestic Sewage: Use on the following items or areas: 1. Metal surfaces inside wastewater wet well, concrete embedded surfaces of metallic items, such as wall pipes, pipes, pipe sleeves, access manholes, gate guides and thimbles, and structural steel, and the following specific surfaces: a. Submersible pumps. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 24 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B F. System No.5 Exposed Metal-Mildly Corrosive: Use on the following items or areas: 1. Exposed metal surfaces of mechanical equipment, including pipe, valves, pumps, fittings, and miscellaneous appurtenances, located inside or outside of structures and exposed to weather. G. System No.6 Exposed Metal-Atmospheric: Use on the following items or areas: 1. Exposed metal surfaces, of architectural items located inside or outside of structures or exposed to weather, including metal doors and frames, vents, louvers, exterior metal ductwork, flashing, sheet metalwork and miscellaneous architectural metal trim. 2. Apply surface preparation and primer to surfaces prior to installation. Finish coats need only be applied to surfaces exposed after completion of construction. H. System No.8 Buried Metal-General: Use on the following items or areas: 1. Buried, belowgrade portions of steel items, except buried stainless steel or ductile iron. I. System No. 10 Galvanized Metal, Copper, and Nonferrous Metal Alloy Conditioning: Use on the following items or areas: 1. Galvanized surfaces requiring painting. 2. After application of System No. 10, apply finish coats as required for exposure. J. System No. 18 Special Sealer-Concrete: Use on the following items or areas: 1. All exterior surfaces of concrete wet well. K. System No. 19 Concrete Tank Lining-Domestic Sewage: Use on the following items or areas: 1. All interior concrete surfaces of wet well L. System No. 27 Aluminum and Dissimilar Metal Insulation: Use on aluminum surfaces embedded or in contact with concrete. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 25 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.14 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplements listed below, following "End of Section," are a part of this Specification: 1. Paint System Data Sheet (PSDS) END OF SECTION SEN323194.WU.FD.02 09900 26 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B PAINT SYSTEM DATA SHEET Complete and attach manufacturer's Technical Data Sheet to this PSDS for each coating system. Paint System Number (from Spec.): Paint System Title (from Spec.): Coating Supplier: Representative: Surface Preparation: Product NamelNumber Paint Material (Generic) (Proprietary) Min. Coats, Coveraee Provide manufacturer's recommendations for the following parameters at temperature (F)/relative humidity: TemperaturelRH 50/50 70/30 90/25 Induction Time Pot Life Shelf Life Dryim~ Time Curing Time Min. Recoat Time Max. Recoat Time SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 09900 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Provide manufacturer's recommendations for the following: Mixing Ratio: Maximum Permissible Thinning: Ambient Temperature Limitations: mIll.: max.: Surface Temperature Limitations: mIll.: max.: Surface Profile Requirements: mIll.: max.: Attach additional sheets detailing manufacturer's recommended storage requirements and holiday testing procedures. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 09900 SUPPLEMENT 2 JUNE 15,2005 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 10200 LOUVERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA): Standard 500. 2. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A480/ A480M, Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat- Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip. b. D1187, Standard Specification for Asphalt-Base Emulsions for Use as Protective Coatings for Metal. c. E84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 3. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL): Building Materials Directory. 1.02 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Installed Louvers: Capable of resisting wind load of 30 pounds per square foot. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Shop Drawings: Large scale details of louvers, anchorage, and relationship to adjoining construction. a. Manufacturer's Literature: 1) Descriptive and performance data of louvers, including standard drawings and louver-free area. 2) Parts list, if applicable. 3) Installation instructions. 4) Maintenance procedures. 2. Samples': Manufacturer's standard finishes and colors. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Factory test data. 2. Certificates of AMCA ratings. 3. Special Guarantee. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 10200 1 JUNE 15,2005 LOUVERS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.04 SPECIAL GUARANTEE A. Manufacturer's extended guarantee or warranty, with Owner named as beneficiary, in writing, as Special Guarantee. Special Guarantee shall provide for correction, or at option of Owner, removal and replacement of special fluorocarbon or baked-on finish found defective during a period of 2 years after date of Substantial Completion. Duties and obligations for correction or removal and replacement of defective Work as specified in General Conditions. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Nonacousticallouver sizes are based on minimum 50 percent free area and 800 fpm maximum velocity through free area. If louvers furnished do not meet these parameters, Contractor is responsible for resizing louvers and wall openings, and for making all other adjustments to allow for larger openings. B. Water Penetration Rate: No greater than 0.02 ounce per square foot. C. Louvers: Rated and tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 500. D. Furnish louvers with interior duct collars. 2.02 FIXED STORMPROOF LOUVERS (TYPE SP) A. Frame: Extruded aluminum channel, 0.081 inch thick, 4 inches deep, with concealed mullions. B. Blades: Extruded aluminum, 0.081 inch thick, Z-shaped, 35- to 45-degree pitch angle, spaced 3 to 4.25 inches on center. C. Pressure Loss: AMCA certified rating of no greater than 0.10-inch WC. D. Sizes: As scheduled. E. Screen: Inside mounted, painted aluminum, II2-inch mesh. F. Finish: Kynar 500 fluorocarbon coating. G. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Construction Specialties; Model 4110. 2. Dowco; Series LEB-4. 3. Ruskin; Model ELF-375DXH. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 10200 2 JUNE 15, 2005 LOUVERS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Anchors and Fasteners for Louvers: Stainless steel. B. Flashings: Match louver frame. C. Isolation Tape: Tremco 440, 3M EC1202, or Presstite 579.6. D. Isolation Paint: ASTM D1187, bituminous coating. E. Insulated Blank-Off Panels: 1. Panels: Urethane core faced on both sides with 0.032-inch stucco embossed 5005-H134 aluminum sheet in finish and color to match louvers. 2. Frames: 6063- T52 extruded aluminum sections 0.080-inch thick, with mitered comers. 3. Perimeter Gaskets: Closed-cell PVC, to ensure tight fit of panel to louver. 4. Thickness: 2 inches. 5. U-Value: 0.10. 2.04 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Factory Performance Tests: 1. Airflow versus pressure loss. 2. Rain penetration data. 3. Air infiltration leakage through closed operating louvers. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Check openings to assure that dimensions conform to Drawings. B. Assure that openings are free of irregularities that would interfere with installation. C. Do not install louvers until defects have been corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install louvers as shown on reviewed Shop Drawings. Coordinate with heating or ventilation ductwork to be connected. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 10200 3 JUNE 15, 2005 LOUVERS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Follow procedures in manufacturer's recommended installation instructions. C. Install insulated blank-off panels where indicated, completely closing space between: ducts and louver frames. D. Separate aluminum from other metals with isolation tape or paint. 3.03 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Set adjustable louver blades for uniform alignment in OPEN and CLOSED positions. 3.04 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplement listed below, following "End of Section," is a part of this Specification. 1. Louver Schedule: A tabulation of louver characteristics for each opening numbered on Drawings. Provide items as scheduled. 2. Louver Types. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 10200 4 JUNE 15, 2005 LOUVERS ---------------- CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION - -- 323I94B LOUVER SCHEDULE LOUVER TYPES: ABBREVIATIONS: NOTES: DB Drainable AL Aluminum No.1 For detaIls see Drawing No. A/S 104 FX Fixed AS As Selected No.2 Numbers m "Fnsh" column refer to pamt systems in SpecificatIOn Section 09900. SP Stormproof FCTY Factory No.3 Codes in "Col" column refer to color ltst m Specification Section 09000 Openin2 Louver Details No. Width Hei2ht Type MatI Fnsh CoI Head Jamb Sill Other Requirements L-I 5'-4" 3'-0" SP Al FCTY 13 SIM 13 14 L-2 4'-0" 4'-0" SP Al FCTY 13 SIM 13 14 L-3 2'-4" *2'-0" SP Al FCTY 6 SIM6 7 *See Louver Tvnes-Slope Top. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 10200 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15, 2005 LOUVERS AND VENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - t'Sl I , (Y) I. = (D .-l "- .-l .-l = .-l t'Sl .-l I , , (\j (\j 5' -4/1 CG) 2' -4" ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES / WEST UGA UTILITY EXT SEA/323194.WU .1 I. 4' -0/1 GV 12 SL~5 6/1 2' -4/1 - lSl I , '<;j .1 LOUVER TYPES SECTION 10200 PAGE 1 10NA~00D_323194.DGN II I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 10400 IDENTIFYING DEVICES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards that may be referenced in this section: 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): AII7.I, American Standard for Building and Facilities Providing Accessibility and Usability for Physically Handicapped People. 2. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): A13.I, Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems. 3. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A53, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot- Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless. b. D709, Standard Specification for Laminated Thermosetting Materials. 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): a. 49, Hazardous Chemicals Data. b. 704, Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response. 5. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). 6. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Shop Drawings: a. Drawings showing layouts, actual letter sizes and styles, and Project-specific mounting details. b. Manufacturer's literature showing letter sizes and styles, sign materials, and standard mounting details. 2. Samples: One full size for each type of nameplate, sign, and label specified. B. fuformational Submittals: Manufacturer's installation instructions. SEA/323 194. WU .FD.02 10400 1 JUNE 15,2005 IDENTIFYING DEVICES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I' I, I I I I 'I I I I I I I i 'I ,I I I I PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 DOOR NAMEPLATES A. Material: Plastic with square comers. B. Thickness: 1/8 inch. C. Height: 2 inches. D. Finish: Nondirectional matte. E. Background: Black. F. Letters: Engraved. I. Size: 1 inch high. 2. Color: White. 3. Style: Helvetica medium upper case. 4. Message Text: As shown on Door and Hardware Schedule. G. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Best Manufacturing Co., Kansas City, MO; System A-I0I. 2. Andco Industries Corp., Greensboro, NC; 1400 series. 2.02 PICTORIAL SYMBOLS A. Material: Plastic with square comers, match door nameplates. B. Conform to ANSI All?.!, Section 4.30. C. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Best Manufacturing Co., Kansas City, MO; System A-lOt. 2. Andco Industries Corp., Greensboro, NC; 1400 series. 2.03 SIGNS A. Metal Signs (Type B): 1. Material: Baked enamel finished 20-gauge (minimum) steel or 18-gauge (minimum) aluminum signs. 2. Manufacturers: a. Seton Identification Products. b. Nutheme Illustrated Safety Co. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 10400 2 JUNE 15, 2005 IDENTIFYING DEVICES I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Fiberglass Signs (Type C): 1. Material: Three-ply laminated fiberglass, minimum 1/8 inch thick, with contrasting color core message layer between two clear weather-resistant surface layers. 2. Manufacturers: a. Best Manufacturing Co. b. Brady Signmark. C. Exit Signs (Type G): 1. Material: Plastic, 1/8 inch minimum thickness. 2. Letters: a. 6 inches high, with 314-inch stroke. b. 2 inches wide, except for letter "I", with spacing of 3/8 inch. 3. Colors: Red letters on whi.te background. 2.04 IDENTIFICA nON LABELS A. Pipe Labels: 1. Labels: a. Snap-on, reversible type with lettering and directional arrows, sized for outside diameter of pipe and insulation. b. Provided with ties or straps for pipes of 6 inches and over diameter. c. Designed to firmly grip pipe so labels remain fixed in vertical pipe runs. 2. Material: Heavy-duty vinyl or polyester, suitable for exterior use, long lasting, and resistance to moisture, grease, and oils. 3. Letters and Arrows: Black on OSHA safety yellow background. 4. Color Field and Letter Height: Meet ASME A13.1. 5. Message: Piping system name a~ indicated on Piping Schedule. 6. Manufacturers and Products: a. Brady Signmark; B-915 BradySnap-On and Strap-On Pipe Markers. b. Seton Identification Products; Ultra-mark Pipe Markers. B. Equipment Labels: 1. Applies to equipment with assigned tag numbers, where specified. 2. Letters: Black bold face, white engraved, 3/4 inch minimum high. 3. Background: OSHA safety yellow. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 10400 3 JUNE 15,2005 IDENTIFYING DEVICES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B -I \1/ I I I I II I I - I I I - :1 ,I 'I I I 4. Materials: Aluminum or stainless steel with a baked-on finish suitable for use on wet, oily, exposed, abrasive, and corrosive areas. 5. Furnish I-inch margin with holes at each end of label, for mounting. 6. Size: a. 2 inches minimum and 3 inches maximum high, by 14 inches minimum and 18 inches maximum long. < b. Furnish same size base dimensions for all labels. 7. Message: Equipment names and tag numbers as used in sections where equipment is specified. 8. Manufacturers: a. Brady Signmark. b. Seton Identification Products. 2.05 ANCILLARY MATERIALS A. Fasteners: Stainless steel screws or bolts of appropriate sizes. B. Pipe Posts: 2-1I2-inch galvanized steel pipe meeting ASTM A53, Type S, Grade B. C. Chain: Type 304 stainless steel, No. 16 single jack chain or No.2 double loop coil chain. D. Manufacturer's standard brackets for wall mounting oftwo-sided exit signs. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION-GENERAL A. In accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Mount securely, plumb, and level. 3.02 DOOR NAMEPLATES AND PICTORIAL SYMBOLS A. Attach to doors with self-sticking permanent adhesive. See Door and Hardware Schedule for locations and messages. B. Mount with bottom of nameplate at 5 feet 6 inches above floor. 3.03 SIGNS A. Fasten to walls or posts or hang as scheduled. Anchor in place for easy removal and reinstallation with ordinary hand tools. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 10400 4 JUNE 15,2005 IDENTIFYING DEVICES I I I I I ,I I I I ,I I. I I i I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Information, Exit, and Safety Signs: Install facing traffic. Locate for high visibility with minimum restriction of working area around walkways and equipment. C. Hazardous Material Signals: 1. Install where required byNFPA No. 704 and UFC, Chapter 79. 2. Install at entrances to spaces where hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, used, or handled and on sides of stationary tanks. 3. Specific Materials: Hazardous Materials Health Flammability Instability Special Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Mark Material (Blue) (Red) (YeUow) (White) H-5 Diesel Fuel, No.2 2 2 0 3.04 IDENTIFICATION LABELS A. Pipe Labels: 1. Locate at connections to equipment, valves, or branching fittings at wall boundaries. 2. At intervals along piping not greater than 18 feet on center with at least one label applied to each exposed horizontal and vertical run of pipe. 3. At exposed piping not normally in view, such as above suspended ceilings and in closets and cabinets. 4. Supplementary Labels: Provide to City those listed on Piping Schedule that do not receive arrows. 5. Application: To pipe only after painting in vicinity is complete or as approved by Engineer. 6. Installation: In accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Equipment Labels: 1. Locate and install on equipment or concrete equipment base as shown on Drawings. 2. Anchor to equipment or base for easy removal and replacement with ordinary hand tools. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 10400 5 JUNE 15,2005 IDENTIFYING DEVICES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I \1 I I I I I I I ,-, I , 'I I I I I, I I 3.05 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplement listed below, following "End of Section," is a part of this Specification. 1. Sign Schedule: A tabulation of characteristics and mounting information for each sign on the Project. Provide items as scheduled. Meet requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). END OF SECTION SEN323194.WU.FD.02 10400 6 JUNE 15, 2005 IDENTIFYING DEVICES _ _ '.. _ _ ~ .. IiIII .. CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION _...... _ _, 1iIa...._ 323194B SIGN SCHEDULE Sil!n Size Mountinl! Letterinl! Height Other No.1 TVPe2 Formae Width Heil!ht Color Location Method to Top Heil!ht Style Color Message Faces Reauirements C-1 C 10402 20" 14" Yellow Hanging Chain 5'-6" l"mm. Helvetica Black CAUTION 1 8 Required EqUIpment Starts Automatically C-2 C 10402 20" 14" Yellow Wall Bolts 5'-6" l"mm. Helvetica Black CAUTION 1 2 Required Ear Protection Required D-1 C 10401 20" 14" WhIte Electrical Screws *5'-6" 1" rom. Helvetica Black DANGER 1 5 ReqUIred Equipment High Voltage- 480 Volts D-114 C 10401 10" 7" White PIpe Post Bolts 5'-6" l"mm. Helvetica Black DANGER 1 1 Required CONFINED SPACE AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES ONLY 1-3 A 10408 14" 10" White Wall Screws 5'-6" I" min. Helvetica Black PUMP ROOM 1 2 Required Authorized Personnel Only X-I G 10405 14" 10" White Wall, Screws or 8'-0" 6" Block Red EXIT 1 2 Required Above Bolts Doors INumbers refer to a particular sign type with a particular message. *Or as dIrected by the Engineer 2Letters refer to sign types specified in thIS section. 3Numbers refer to DeSIgn Details that show sign layout. 4Verify requirements for this sign with Laws and Regulations in state where Project is located. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 10400 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15,2005 IDENTIFYING DEVICES I J I, I I' I I I I I' I' I I ,a 'I I ,I ,I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 10520 PORTABLE FIRE AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. Factory Mutual (FM). 2. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): a. No. 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers. b. No. 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. 3. National Institute of Safety and Health (NIOSH): Certification Program. 4. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). 5. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): Fire Protection Equipment List. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: Manufacturer's product data for each item including sizes, ratings, UL listings, or other certifications, and mounting information. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS A. General: 1. Conform to NFP A 10 for fire extinguishers. 2. Furnish fire extinguishers and cabinets from one manufacturer. 3. All Extinguishers: UL listed, charged and ready for service. B. Multipurpose Hand Extinguisher (F. Ext-l): 1. Tri-class dry chemical extinguishing agent. 2. Pressurized, red enameled steel shell cylinder. 3. ,Activated by top squeeze handle. 4. Agent propelled through hose or opening at top of unit. 5. For use on A, B, and C class fires. 6. Minimum UL Rating: 4A-60B:C, 10-pound capacity. C. Carbon Dioxide Hand Extinguisher (F. Ext-2): 1. Carbon dioxide. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 10520 1 JUNE 15,2005 PORTABLE FIRE AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 'I \1 I I 'I I J I I :1 I '.1 l' t ,I ,I I 'I I 2. Pressurized, red enameled steel shell cylinder. 3. Activated by top squeeze handle. 4. Agent propelled through hose and spreader nozzle. 5. For use on Band C class fires. 6. Minimum UL Rating: 10B:C, 15-pound capacity. 2.02 ACCESSORIES A. Fasteners: Furnish necessary screws, bolts, brackets, and other fastenings of suitable type and size to secure items of fire and safety equipment in position. 1. Metal expansion shields for machine screws at concrete and masonry. 2. Interior: Rust-resistant. 3. Exterior: Stainless steel. B. Brackets: For all hand extinguishers not located in cabinets, furnish heavy- . duty brackets with clip-together strap for wall mounting. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install where indicated or directed and following manufacturer's recommendations. B. Plumb and level equipment. C. Rigidly attach cabinets and brackets to structure. D. Provide adequate backing for mounting surfaces. 3.02 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS A. Provide at locations shown or as directed by Engineer. B. Mount hangers securely in position, following manufacturer's recommendations. C. Top of Extinguisher: No more than 54 inches above floor. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 10520 2 , JUNE 15,2005 PORTABLE FIRE AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT I Ii I, ,I I I I I I I I' ,I I I t I I I' I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 11305 SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards that may be referenced in this section: 1. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A48, Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings. b. A576, Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot- Wrought, Special Quality. 2. Hydraulic Institute Standards (HIS). '3. National Electric Code (NEC). 4. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). 5. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 70, National Electric Code. 6. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL). 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Terminology pertaining to pumping unit performance and construction shall conform to ratings and nomenclature of Hydraulic Institute Standards. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Make, model, weight, and horsepower of each equipment assembly. 2. Complete catalog information, descriptive literature, specifications, and identification of materials of construction. 3. Performance data curves showing head, capacity, horsepower demand, and pump efficiency over entire operating range of pump, from shutoff to maximum capacity. Indicate separately head, capacity, horsepower demand, overall efficiency, and minimum submergence required at guarantee point. 4. Power and control wiring diagrams, including terminals and numbers. 5. Complete motor nameplate data, as defined by NEMA, from motor manufacturer. 6. Factory-finish system. 7. Bearing life calculations. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 11305 1 JUNE 15,2005 SUBMERSffiLE PUMPS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 'I 1,1 il I I I I ~ I I I 'I 'I 1 I I il I \1 'I 1.04 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish for this set of pumps: 1. One set mechanical seals. 2. One complete set of special tools required to dismantle pump. 3. One impeller and wear rings. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.0 I GENERAL A. Pump and Electrical Driver: Meet requirements for class, group, and division location in accordance with NFP A 70. 2.02 SUPPLEMENTS A. Specific requirements are attached to this section as supplements. B. No "or-equal" or substitute products will be considered. 2.03 COMPONENTS A. Pump equipment shall consist of pump(s) complete with motor(s), control system, guide rail and anchoring brackets, base elbow, power cable(s), and pump lifting cable(s). 1. Pump metal parts that come into contact with guide rail or cable system shall be made of nonsparking materials. B. Lifting Arrangement: 2 feet minimum, stainless steel chain, and one "grip- eye." Attach chain permanently to pump and interior of manhole within 1 foot of top of manhole with stainless steel wire rope. "Grip-eye" will be capable of being threaded over and engaging links of stainless steel chain so pump and motor may be lifted with "grip-eye" and independent hoist. ... C. Sliding guide bracket shall be integral part of pump unit. Pump unit shall be guided by no less than two Type 304 stainless steel guide bars, or equivalent cable system, and pressed tightly against discharge connection elbow with metal-to-metal contact, or through use of profile-type gasket, provided that gasket is attached to pump's flange and can be easily accessed for inspection when pump is lifted out of wetwell. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 11305 2 JUNE 15, 2005 SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS I I, I J I I I I' I ,I I ,I f I 'I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Oil chamber between seals shall be equipped with drain and inspection plug. Plug shall have positive anti-leak: seal and shall be easily accessible from outside. E. Motor nameplate horsepower shall not be exceeded at any head-capacity point on pump curve. F. Pump motor and sensor cables shall be suitable for submersible pump application and cable sizing shall conform to NEC specifications for pump motors. Cable shall be of sufficient length to reach junction boxes without strain or splicing. G. Cable Entry System: 1. Utilize cable with factory-installed sealing gland with nonshrink epoxy seal system. 2. O-ring compression seal between sealing gland and cable entry point shall also be acceptable. 2.04 CONTROL PANEL A. By others. 2.05 ACCESSORIES A. Equipment Identification Plate: 16-gauge stainless steel with 1/4-inch die- stamped equipment tag number securely mounted in readily visible location. B. Lifting Lugs: Equipment weighing over 100 pounds. C. Anchor Bolts: Type 316 stainless steel, sized by equipment manufacturer, and as specified in Section 05500, Metal Fabrications and Castings. Coat in accordance with Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings. 2.06 FACTORY FINISHING A. Prepare, prime, and finish coat with coal tar epoxy in accordance with Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings. 2.07 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Pump: 1. Factory Performance Test: a. In accordance with HIS 11.6, Level B for submersible pump tests. b. Include test data sheets and curve test results. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 11305 3 JUNE 15,2005 SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 'I \1 I, I, 'I 'I I 'I I I I I J I I ,I I 'I I 2. Conduct on each pump. 3. Perform under actual or approved simulated operating conditions. a. Throttle discharge valve to obtain pump data points on curve at 2/3, 1/3, and shutoff conditions. B. Submersible Motor Functional Test: In accordance with HIS 11.6. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. B. Connect suction and discharge piping without imposing strain to pump flanges. 3.02 FIELD FINISHING A. Touch up as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Functional Test: Conduct on each pump. 1. Alignment: Test complete assemblies for correct rotation, proper alignment and connection, and quiet operation. 2. Flow Output: Measured by instrumentation and storage volumes. 3. Test for continuous 2-hour period. 5. Test Report Requirements: In accordance with Hydraulic Institute Standards for submersible pump tests HIS 1.6 and 11.6. B. Vibration Test: 1. Test with units installed and in normal operation, and discharging to connected piping systems at rates between low discharge head and high discharge head conditions specified, shall not develop vibration exceeding limits specified in HIS 11.6. 2. If units exhibit vibration in excess oflimits specified, adjust or modify as necessary. Units that cannot be adjusted or modified to conform as specified shall be replaced. 3. Flow Output: Measured by instrumentation and storage volumes. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 11305 4 JUNE 15, 2005 SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS I ,I, I \1' I I I ,I 'I, ,I I ,I I ,I f I 'I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.04 MANUFACTURER'S SERVICES A. Manufacturer's Representative: Present at Site or classroom designated by City, for minimum person-days listed below, travel time excluded: 1. 1 person-day for installation assistance and inspection. 2. 1 person-day for functional and performance testing and completion of Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation. 3. 1 person-day for facility startup. 3.05 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplements listed below, following "End of Section," are part of this Specification. 1. Data Sheets: Pump and motor. END OF SECTION SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 11305 5 JUNE 15, 2005 SUBMERSIDLE PUMPS I' t II, ,II 'I Ii I I, I I I I 'I ,f I' i, I' Ii I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SUBMERSIBLE PUMP DATA SHEET, 11305-1 Tag Numbers: P-21-1, P-21-2 Pump Name: Sewage Pump No. I, Sewage Pump No.2 Manufacturer and Model Number: (1) Hvdromatic S4NX SERVICE CONDITIONS Liquid Pumped (Material and Percent): Abrasive (Y IN) Y Minimum diameter solid pump can pass (inches) ~ Min. NPSH Available (Ft. Absolute): 2L PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Capacity (US gpm): Rated: ---1Q!L Total Dynamic Head (Ft): Rated: 25.5 Maximum Shutoff Pressure (Ft): 30.3 Min. Rated Pump Hydraulic Efficiency at Rated Capacity (%): ~ Max. Pump Speed at Rated Capacity (rpm): 1.750 Constant (YIN): l Adjustable (Y IN): -.lL DESIGN AND MATERIALS Pump Type: Heavy-Duty Nonclog (YIN) l Volute Material: Cast Iron ASTM A48 Pump Casing Material: Cast Iron ASTM A48 SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 11305 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15,2005 SUBMERSffiLE PUMPS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I ., ., I I' II. I II, I I I I I I, I ,i " I I SUBMERSIBLE PUMP DATA SHEET, 11305-1 Tag Numbers: P-21- 1, P-21-2 Pump Name: Sewage Pump No.1, Sewage Pump No.2 Fasteners: Stainless Steel Base Elbow: Cast Iron ASTM A48 Double Mechanical Seal (Y IN): Y Bearing Life (Hrs): 50,000 DRIVE MOTOR (See Section 16220, Low Voltage AC Induction Motors) Horsepower: l. Voltage: 240 Phase: l Synchronous Speed (rpm): 1,800 Enclosure: EXP _ CLASSIFICATION: Class 1, Group D, Division 1 REMARKS SEN323194.WU.FD.02 11305 SUPPLEMENT 2 JUNE 15,2005 SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS I 'I I- I- I, II I Ii I I I- i I I I I I' II I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SUBMERSIBLE PUMP DATA SHEET, 11305-1 Tag Numbers: P-21-1. P-21-2 Pump Name: Sewage Pump No. I, Sewage Pump No.2 Manufacturer and Model Number: (l) Hvdromatic S4NX SERVICE CONDITIONS Liquid Pumped (Material and Percent): Abrasive(Y~) Y Minimum diameter solid pump can pass (inches) ~ Min. NPSH Available (Ft. Absolute): ~ PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Capacity (US gpm): Rated: -1..iliL Total Dynamic Head (Ft): Rated: 25.5 Maximum Shutoff Pressure (Ft): 30.3 Min. Rated Pump Hydraulic Efficiency at Rated Capacity (%):-19- Max. Pump Speed at Rated Capacity (rpm): 1,750 Constant (Y~): ~ Adjustable (Y ~): ~ DESIGN AND MATERIALS Pump Type: Heavy-Duty Nonclog (Y~) ~ Volute Material: Cast Iron ASTM A48 Pump Casing Material: Cast Iron ASTM A48 SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 11305 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15, 2005 SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 'I 'I 'I ,- I II I ':1, J il I a I I I I I :1 I SUBMERSIBLE PUMP DATA SHEET, 11305-1 Tag Numbers: P-21-1, P-21-2 Pump Name: Sewage Pump No.1, Sewage Pump No.2 Fasteners: Stainless Steel Base Elbow: Cast Iron ASTM A48 Double Mechanical Seal (Y IN): Y Bearing Life (Hrs): 50,000 DRIVE MOTOR (See Section 16220, Low Voltage AC Induction Motors) Horsepower: 2- Voltage: 240 Phase: 2- Synchronous Speed (rpm): 1,800 Enclosure: EXP_ CLASSIFICATION: Class 1, Group D, Division 1 REMARKS SEN323194. WU.FD.02 11305 SUPPLEMENT 2 JUNE 15,2005 SUBMERSffiLE PUMPS I' I ,o_'" 'I ,I I, I I: I I ,I I t I " I i ,I' I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 11312 HORIZONT AL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DEFINITIONS A. Terminology pertaining to pumping unit performance and construction shall conform to the ratings and nomenclature of the Hydraulic Institute Standards. 1.02 OWNER FURNISHED PRODUCTS A. The following products listed in Part 2 of this section will be furnished by the City. See Part III, Section 1-06.7 of this Project Manual for details. 1. Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps. 2. Horizontal Split Case Centrifugal Pumps. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Coordinate pump requirements with drive manufacturer and be responsible for pump and drive requirements. 2.02 SUPPLEMENTS A. Some specific requirements are attached to this section as supplements. 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Lifting Lugs: Equipment weighing over 100 pounds. B. OSHA-approved coupling guard for direct coupled or belt driven pumps. C. Anchor Bolts: Type 316 stainless steel, sized by equipment manufacturer, and as specified in Section 05500, Metal Fabrications and Castings. 2.04 FACTORY FINISHING A. Manufacturer's standard baked enamel finish. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 11312 1 JUNE 15, 2005 HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 'I I 'I' I ,I I {I I I I I I I I I I 'I, I I 2.05 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Factory Inspections: Inspect control panels for required construction, electrical connection, and intended function. B. Factory Tests and Adjustments: Test all equipment actually furnished. C. Factory Test Report: Include test data sheets and curve test results, certified correct by a registered professional engineer. D. Functional Test: Perform manufacturer's standard, test on equipment. Include vibration test, as follows: 1. Dynamically balance rotating parts of each pump and its driving unit before final assembly. 2. Limits: a. Driving Unit Alone: Less than 80 percent ofNEMA MG 1 limits. b. Complete Rotating Assembly Including Less than 90 percent of limits established in the Hydraulic Institute Standards. E. Performance Test: 1. In accordance with Hydraulic Institute Standards. 2. Adjust, realign, or modify units and retest in accordance with Hydraulic Institute Standards if necessary. F. Motor Test: See Section 16220, Low Voltage AC Induction Motors. G. Hydrostatic Tests: Pump casing(s), nozzles, and flanges from discharge flange back to suction flange tested at 150 percent of shutoff head, or hydrostatic test pressure of discharge pipeline, whichever is greater. Test pressure maintained for not less than 5 minutes. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. B. Level base by means of steel wedges (steel plates and steel shims). Wedge taper not greater than 1/4 inch per foot. Use double wedges to provide a level bearing surface for pump and driver base. Accomplish wedging so that there is no change of level or springing of the baseplate when the anchor bolts are tightened. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 11312 2 JUNE 15, 2005 HORaONTALCENTRWUGAL PUMPS I I I' ,I 'I I, I; ,I , I , " , I, I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B C. Adjust pump assemblies such that the driving units are properly aligned, plumb, and level with the driven units and all interconnecting shafts and couplings. Do not compensate for misalignment by use of flexible couplings. D. After pump and driver have been set in position, aligned, and shimmed to proper elevation, grout the space between the bottom of the baseplate and the concrete foundation with a poured, nonshrinking grout of the proper category, as specified in Section 03600, Grout. Remove wedges after grout is set and pack void with grout. E. Connect suction and discharge piping without imposing strain to pump flanges. F. Anchor Bolts: Accurately place using equipment templates and as specified in Section 05500, Metal Fabrications and Castings. 3.02 FIELD FINISHING A. Finish equipment as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Functional Tests: Conduct on each pump. 1. Alignment: Test complete assemblies for correct rotation, proper alignment and connection, and quiet operation. 2. Vibration Test: a. Test with unit installed and in normal operation, and discharging to the connected piping systems at rates between low discharge head and high discharge head conditions specified, and with actual building structures and foundations provided, shall not develop vibration exceeding 80 percent of the limits specified in HIS 9.6.4. b. If units exhibit vibration in excess of the limits, adjust or modify as necessary. Units which cannot be adjusted or modified to conform as specified shall be replaced. 3. Flow Output: Measured by station instrumentation and portable flow meters. B. Operating Temperatures: Monitor bearing areas on pump and motor for abnormally high temperatures. C. Performance Test: SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 11312 3 JUNE 15, 2005 HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I 'I I I \1 il ,II I I I ,I I I I I I I I 1. Conduct on each pump. 2. Perform under simulated operating conditions. 3. Test for a continuous 3-hour period without malfunction. 4. Test Log: Record the following: a. Total head. b. Capacity. c. Horsepower requirements. d. Flow measured by factory instrumentation and storage volumes. e. Pump discharge pressure converted to feet of liquid pumped and corrected to pump discharge centerline. f. Calculated velocity head at the discharge flange. g. Field head. h. Driving motor voltage and amperage measured for each phase. 3.04 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplements listed below, following "End of Section," are a part of this Specification. 1. Data Sheets: Pumps. END OF SECTION SEN323194. WU.FD.02 11312 4 JUNE 15,2005 HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS I I " ,I I I, I " I I, I , I' I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B HORIZONTAL END SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL PUMP DATA SHEET Tag Numbers: P-I-l, P-I-2. P-I-3 Pump Name: Low Flow Booster Pump Manufacturer and Model Number: (1) CornelL Mode12YH (2) Or equal SERVICE CONDITIONS Liquid Pumped (Material and Percent): Potable Water Pumping Temperature (Fahrenheit): Normal: 60 Max ~ Min 55 Specific Gravity at 60 Degrees F: 1.0 Viscosity Range:_ pH: 7.0 Abrasive (Y IN) ~ Possible Scale Buildup (Y IN): ~ Min. NPSH Available (Ft. Absolute): >75 Suction Pressure (psi): Max _ Rated 150 Discharge Pressure (psi): Max Rated 250 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS AT PRIMARY DESIGN POINT Capacity (US gpm): Rated: 250 ea. Total Dynamic Head (Ft): Rated: 283 Min. Hydraulic Efficiency (%): 68 , Maximum Shutoff Pressure (Ft): 350 Max. Pump Speed at Design Point (rpm): 3.600 Constant (YIN): ~ Adjustable (YIN): ~ PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS AT SECONDARY DESIGN POINTS Capacity (US gpm): 253 Total Dynamic Head (Ft): 278 Capacity (US gpm): Total Dynamic Head (Ft): _ Min. Hydraulic Efficiency (%): _ Min. Hydraulic Efficiency (%): _ SEA/323 194. WU.FD.02 11312 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15,2005 HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B .1 I I I I II .1 I, ,1 II I ,I , I I I I I I DESIGN AND MATERIALS ANSI (YIN) _Standard (YIN) ~ Design: Frame-mounted (YIN) ~ Close-Coupled ~asing (Y IN)~ Back Pullout (Y IN) ~ Discharge Orientation: Horizontal Rotation (view from end coupling): _ Casing Materials: CI - see spec Case Wear Ring (Y IN) Y Material: Bronze SAE 660 Impeller: Type: Enclosed Material: Bronze SAE 40 or Cast Iron ASTM A48 Impeller Wear Ring (YIN):~ _ Material: Shaft Material: Shaft Sleeve Material: Bronze SAE 660 Shaft Seal: Packing (Y IN) ~ Mechanical (Y IN) ~ Lubrication: Product Material: Type: Internal ABMA L-IO Bearing Life (Hrs): 30,000 Lubrication: Grease Coupling: Falk (YIN) Spring-Grid (Y IN) _ Gear Type (Y IN) _ Standard (Y IN) _ Fast (YIN)_ Spacer (Y IN) _ Manufacturer Baseplate: Design: _ Material: Drive Type: Direct-Coupled: ~ Belt _ Adjustable Speed ~ Other: DRIVE MOTOR (See Section 16220, Low Voltage AC Induction Motors) Horsepower: 2L Voltage: 480 Phase: ~ Synchronous Speed (rpm): 3,600 Service Factor: ~ Inverter Duty (YIN) ~ Motor nameplate horsepower shall not be exceeded at any head-capacity point on the pump curve, excluding any service factor when pump is operated above 250 TDH. Enclosure: DIP TENV EXP WPI ODP ~ TEFC CISD- TEFC WPII SUBM Mounting Type: Horizontal ~ Nonreverse Ratchet (Y IN) _ SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 11312 SUPPLEMENT 2 JUNE 15,2005 HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS I I I I, 'I I I I I, I I, I I I I I ,I ,I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B TESTING Pump Tests: Factory Functional (YIN) ~ Field Performance (YIN) ~ Factory Hydrostatic Casing Pressure Test (YIN) -L Other _ Field Functional (Y IN) -L Field Performance (Y IN) ~ Field Vibration (Y IN) ~ Motor Test: Short Commercial (Y IN) _ Other (Y IN) _ REMARKS SEA/323 194. WU .FD.02 11312 SUPPLEMENT 3 JUNE 15,2005 HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS I I I I 'I I I I I I I , I I I I I ,I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B HORIZONTAL SPLIT-CASE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP DATA SHEET Tag Numbers: P-2-L P-2-2 Pump Name: High Flow Booster Pump Manufacturer and Model Number: (l) Peerless Model No. 8AE20, or equal (2) SERVICE CONDITIONS Liquid Pumped (Material and Percent): Water Pumping Temperature (Fahrenheit): Normal: 60 Max -1SL Min 55 Specific Gravity at 60 Degrees F: 1.0 Viscosity Range: pH:...1lL Abrasive (Y IN) ~ Possible Scale Buildup (Y IN): ~ Min. NPSH Available (Ft. Absolute): ~ Suction Pressure (psig): Max _ Rated 150 Discharge Pressure (psi): Max _ Rated 250 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS AT PRIMARY DESIGN POINT Capacity (US gpm): Rated: 1,750 ea. Total Dynamic Head (Ft): Rated: 308 Suction Pressure (psig): Max _ Rated 150 NPSH Available (ft): <75 20 Design Point 2.230 gpm at 278 feet THD Min. Hydraulic Efficiency (%): -IL Maximum Shutoff Pressure (Ft): ~ Max. Pump Speed at Design Point (rpm): 1200 Constant (YIN): l Adjustable (YIN):_ Rated Power (BHP): 250 Factory Testing: I:8J Required, functional and performance D Not Required SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 11312 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15,2005 HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I ,I I I I I ,J I I I I I I I I I PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS AT SECONDARY DESIGN POINTS Capacity (US gpm): 2230 Total Dynamic Head (Ft): 278 Capacity (US gpm): _ Total Dynamic Head (Ft): _ Min. Hydraulic Efficiency (%):_ Min. Hydraulic Efficiency (%): _ DESIGN AND MATERIALS ANSI (Y IN) _ Standard (Y IN) ~ Design: Frame-mounted (Y IN) _ Close-Coupled Casing (Y IN) _ Back Pullout (Y IN) Coupling Manufacturer: Steel flex Driver Half-Coupling Mounted by Pump Mfr. Casing Mount: Near Centerline Casing Type: Single Volute Rotation (view from end coupling): Casing Materials: ~ Case Wear Ring (YIN) ~ Material: Bronze Impeller: Type: _ Material: Bronze Impeller Wear Ring (YIN): Material: Bronze Shaft Material: Carbon Steel Shaft Sleeve Material: Bronze Shaft Seal: Packing (YIN)-.lL Mechanical (Y IN) ~ Lubrication: Material: Type: CraIie21. or equal Bearing Type: Radial: SRDG Thrust: SRDG Bearing Life (Hrs): 30.000 Coupling: Falk (Y IN) _ Spring-Grid (Y IN) Gear Type (Y IN) _ Standard (Y IN) Lubrication: Grease Fast (YIN)_ Spacer (Y IN) _ Manufacturer SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 11312 SUPPLEMENT 2 JUNE 15, 2005 HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Baseplate: Design: _ Material: Drive Type: Direct-Coupled: ~ Belt Other: Adjustable Speed _ DRIVE MOTOR (See Section 16220, Low Voltage AC Induction Motors) Horsepower: 250 Voltage: 480 Phase: ~ Synchronous Speed (rpm): 1800 Service Factor: 1.15 Inverter Duty (Y IN) ~ Motor nameplate horsepower shall not be exceeded at any head-capacity point on the pump curve, excluding any service factor. Enclosure: DIP TENV EXP WPI ODP -L TEFC CISD- TEFC WPII SUBM Mounting Type: Horizontal -L Nonreverse Ratchet (Y IN) _ TESTING Pump Tests: Factory Functional (Y IN) ~ Field Per:formance (Y IN) ----Y- Factory Hydrostatic Casing Pressure Test (YIN) -L Other _ Field Functional (Y IN) ~ Field Performance (Y IN) ~ Field Vibration (Y IN) ----Y- Motor Test: Short Commercial (Y IN) _ Other (Y IN) _ REMARKS Horizontal Bolted Casing SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 11312 SUPPLEMENT 3 JUNE 15, 2005 HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I 'I J I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 13390 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. Instrumentation, Systems, Automation Society (ISA): S50.I, Compatibility of Analog Signals for Electronic Process Instruments. 2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum). b. AB 1, Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Molded Case Switches. c. ICS 2, Industrial Control Devices, Controllers and Assemblies. 3. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). 4. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): 508, Standards for Safety, Industrial Control Equipment. 1.02 RESPONSIBILITY A. The PICS integrator as specified in Section 13401, Process Instrumentation and Control Systems, shall provide the equipment specified in this section. 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Assemble panels and install instruments, plumbing, and wiring in equipment manufacturer's factories. B. Test panels and panel assemblies for proper operation prior to shipment from equipment manufacturer's factory. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Bill of material, catalog information, descriptive literature, wiring diagrams, and Shop Drawings for components of control system. 2. Catalog information on electrical devices furnished with system. 3. Shop Drawings, catalog material, and dimensional layout drawings for control panels and enclosures. 4. Panel elementary diagrams of prewired panels. Include in diagrams control devices and auxiliary devices, for example, relays, alarms, fuses, lights, fans, and heaters. SEA/323194. WU .FD.02 13 390 1 JUNE 15, 2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I ,I I I II I I I I I I 5. Plumbing diagrams of preplumbed panels and interconnecting plumbing diagrams. 6. Interconnection wiring diagrams that include numbered terminal designations showing external interfaces. 7. Complete operational description of control system. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation. 2. Programmable Controller Submittals: a. Complete set of user manuals. b. Fully documented ladder logic listings. c. Function listing for function blocks not fully documented by ladder logic listings. d. Cross-reference listing. 3. Manufacturer's list of proposed spares, expendables, and test equipment. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Prior to shipment, include corrosive-inhibitive vapor capsules in shipping containers and related equipment as recommended by capsule manufacturer. 1.06 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Spares, Expendables, and Test Equipment: 1. Selector Switch, Pushbutton, and Indicating Light: 20 percent, one minimum, of each type used. 2. Light Bulb: 100 percent, 2 minimum, of each type used. 3. Fuse: 100 percent, 5 minimum, of each type used. 4. Surge Suppressors: 20 percent, one minimum, of each type used. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Section 13401, Process Instrumentation and Control Systems (PICS): Interface requirements to Package Control Systems. 2.02 SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS A. Analog Signals: 1. 4 to 20 mA dc, in accordance with compatibility requirements of ISA S50.1. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13390 2 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 2. Unless otherwise specified or shown, use Type 2, two-wire circuits. 3. Transmitters: Load resistance capability conforming to Class L. 4. Fully isolate input and output signals of transmitters and receivers. B. Pulse Frequency Signals: dc pulses whose repetition rate is linearly proportional to process variable over 10: 1 range. Generate pulses by contact closures or solid-state switches. 1. Power source: Less than 30V dc. C. Discrete Signals: I. Two-state logic signals. 2. Utilize 120V ac sources for control and alarm signals. 3. Alarm signals shall be normally open, close to alarm isolated contacts rated for 5-ampere at 120V ac and 2-ampere at 30V dc. D. As defined in Section 13401, Process Instrumentation and Control Systems (PICS). 2.03 CORROSION PROTECTION A. Corrosion-Inhibiting Vapor Capsule Manufacturers: 1. Northern Instruments; Model Zerust VC. 2. Hoffmann Engineering; Model A-HC!. 2.04 CONTROL PANEL A. Panel Construction and Interior Wiring: In accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC), UL 508, state and local codes, and applicable sections ofNEMA, ANSI, and ICECA. B. Conform to NEMA ratings as specified in individual equipment sections. C. Minimum Metal Thickness: 14 gauge. D. NEMA 250, Type 4X Panels: Type 316 stainless steel construction unless otherwise specified. E. Doors: 1. Three-point latching mechanisms in accordance with NEMA 250 Type I and 12 panels with doors higher than 18 inches. 2. For other doors, stainless steel quick release clamps. SEA/323 194. WU.FD.02 13390 3 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I \1 I I I I I F. Cutouts shall be cut, punched, or drilled and finished smoothly with rounded edges. G. Access: Front, suitable for installation with back and sides adjacent to or in contact with other surfaces, unless otherwise specified. H. Temperature Control: 1. Size panels to adequately dissipate heat generated by equipment mounted on or in the panel. 2. Furnish cooling fans with air filters if required to dissipate heat. 3. For panels outdoors or in unheated areas, furnish thermostatically controlled heaters to maintain temperature above 40 degrees F. 1. Push-to-Test Circuitry: For each push-to-test indicating light, provide a fused push-to-test circuit. J. Lighting: Minimum of one hand switch controlled internal IOO-watt incandescent light for panels 12 cubic feet and larger. K. Minimum of one I20-volt duplex receptacle for panels 12 cubic feet and larger. L. Finish: 1. Metallic External Surfaces (Excluding Aluminum and Stainless Steel): Manufacturer's standard gray unless otherwise specified. 2. Internal Surfaces: White enamel. M. Panel Manufacturers: 1. Hoffman. 2. H.F. Cox. N. Breather and Drains: Furnish with NEMA 250, Type 4 and 4X panels. 1. Manufacturer and Product: Crouse-Hinds; Model ECDI8. 2.05 CONTROL PANEL ELECTRICAL A. Description: See Supplement 1, Sewer Pump Station: Electrical Enclosure. B. All panels shall bear UL listing mark stating "Listed Enclosed Industrial Control Panel". C. I&C and electrical components, terminals, wires, and enclosures UL recognized or UL listed. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13390 4 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Control Panels Without Motor Starters: 1. Furnish main circuit breaker and a circuit breaker on each individual branch circuit distributed from power panel. 2. Locate to provide clear view of and access to breakers when door is open. Group on single subpanel. Provide typed directory. 3. Circuit Breakers: a. Coordinate for fault in branch circuit trips, branch breaker, and not main breaker. b. Branch Circuit Breakers: 15 amps at 250V ac. c. Breaker Manufacturers and Products: 1) Heineman Electric Co.; Series AM. 2) AirpaxINorth American Philips Controls Corp.; Series 205. E. Control Panels with Three-Phase Power Supplies and Motor Starters: 1. Interlock defeatable main circuit breaker operator with panel door. a. Mount logic controls, branch circuit breakers, overload reset switches, and other control circuit devices inside panel. b. Mount operator controls and indications on front access door. 2. Motor branch circuit breakers, starter, and overload relays shall be sized to accommodate future upgrade to 10 horsepower pumps without relying on component replacement. 3. Circuit Breakers: a. In accordance with NEMA AB 1. h. 18,000-ampere RMS symmetrical rating, minimum at 480 volts, unless otherwise specified. c. Breakers, except Motor Branch Breakers: Molded case thermal magnetic. d. Motor Branch Circuit Breakers: 1) 50 Horsepower and Less: Magnetic. 2) Larger than 50 Horsepower: Thermal magnetic with adjustable magnetic trip units. 3) Ratings: Recommended by manufacturer for maximum motor protection. 4) Through-the-door defeatable operators with padlock provisions in OFF position. e. Tripping: Indicate with operator handle position. 4. Magnetic Motor Starters: a. Full voltage, NEMA ICS 2, Class A, Size 1 minimum. b. Include three-pole solid state overload relays with single phase and phase reversal protection sized for each motor. c. Manual reset type with reset button mounted on panel door. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13390 5 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I 'I I ,I I I I II I I I I I 5. Motor Control: 120V ac (except intrinsically safe circuits where applicable). a. Power Control Transformer: 1) Sufficient capacity to serve connected load, including 200V A for duplex outlet plus 1 OOV A (minimum). 2) Limit voltage variation to 15 percent during contact pickup. 3) Fuse one side of secondary winding and ground the other. 4) Furnish primary winding fuses in ungrounded conductors. 6. Power Distribution Blocks: Furnish to parallel feed tap on branch circuit protective devices. Do not "leap frog" power conductors. 7. Terminations for Power Conductors: Suitable for use with 75 degrees C wire at full NFPA 70, 75 degrees C ampacity. F. Wiring: 1. ac Circuits: a. Type: 600-volt, Type MTW stranded copper. b. Size: For current to be carried, but not less than No. 14 A WG. 2. Analog Signal Circuits: a. Type: 300-volt, Type 2 stranded copper, twisted shielded pairs. b. Size: No. 18 A WG, minimum. 3. Other dc Circuits. a. Type: 600-volt, Type MTW stranded copper. b. Size: No. 18 A WG, minimum. 4. Separate analog and other dc circuits at least 6 inches from any ac power and control wiring. 5. Enclose wiring in sheet metal raceways or plastic wiring ducts. 6. Wire Identification: Numbered and tagged at each termination. a. Wire Tags: Machine printed, heat shrink. b. Manufacturers: 1) Brady PermaSleeve. 2) Tyco Electronics. G. Wiring Interface: 1. For analog and discrete signal, terminate at numbered terminal blocks. 2. For special signals, terminate power (240 volts or greater) at manufacturer's standard connectors. 3. For panel, terminate at equipment on/with which it is mounted. H. Terminal Blocks: 1. Quantity: a. For external connections. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13390 6 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B b. Wire spare or unused panel mounted elements to their panels' terminal blocks. c. Spare Terminals: 20 percent of connected terminals, but not less _ than 10. 2. General: Group to keep 120V ac circuits separate from 24V dc circuits. a. Connection Type: Screw connection clamp. b. Compression Clamp: 1) Hardened steel clamp with transversal grooves penetrating wire strands providing a vibration-proof connection. 2) Guides strands of wire into terminal. c. Screws: Hardened steel, captive, and self-locking. d. Current Bar: Copper or treated brass. e. Insulation: 1) Thermoplastic rated for minus 55 to plus 110 degrees C. 2) Two funnel shaped inputs to facilitate wire entry. f. Mounting: 1) Rail. 2) Terminal block can be extracted from an assembly without displacing adjacent blocks. 3) End Stops: One at each end of rail, minimum. g. Wire Preparation: Stripping only. h. Jumpers: Allow jumper installation without loss of space on terminal or rail. 1. Marking System: 1) Terminal number shown on both sides of terminal block. 2) Allow use of preprinted and field marked tags. 3) Terminal strip numbers shown on end stops. 4) Mark terminal block and terminal strip numbers as shown. 3. Terminal Block, 120-Volt Power: a. Rated Voltage: 600V ac. b. Rated Current: 30 amp. c. Wire Size: 22-10 A WG. d. Rated Wire Size: lOA WG. e. Color: Gray body. f. Spacing: 0.25 inch, maximum. g. Manufacturer and Product: Entrelec; Type M4/6. 4. Terminal Block, Ground: a. Wire Size: 22-12 AWG. b. Rated Wire Size: 12 A WG. c. Color: Green and yellow body. d. Spacing: 0.25 inch, maximum. e. Grounding: Ground terminal blocks electrically grounded to the mounting rail. f. Manufacturer and Product: Entrelec; Type M4/6.P. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13390 7 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I 5. Terminal Block, Blade Disconnect Switch: a. Use: Provide one for each discrete input and output field interface Wlft? b. Rated Voltage: 600V ac. c. Rated Current: 10 amp. d. Wire Size: 22-12 AWG. e. Rated Wire Size: 12 A WG. f. Color: Gray body, orange switch. g. Spacing: 0.25 inch, maximum. h. Manufacturer and Product: Entrelec; Type M4/6.SN. 6. Terminal Block, Fused, 24V dc: a. Rated Voltage: 600V dc. b. Rated Current: 6.3 amp. c. Wire Size: 22-12 A WG. d. Rated Wire Size: 12 A WG. e. Color: Gray body. f. Fuse: 5 by 20 GMA fuses. g. Fuse Marking: Fuse amperage rating shown on top of terminal block. h. Indication: LED diode 24V dc. 1. Leakage Current: 5.2 mA, maximum. J. Spacing: 0.32 inch, maximum. k. Manufacturer and Product: Entrelec; Type M4/6.SFD. 7. Terminal Block, Fused, 120V ac: a. Rated Voltage: 600 V ac. b. Rated Current: 6.3 amp. c. Wire Size: 22-12 AWG d. Rated Wire Size: 12 A WG. e. Color: Gray body. f. Fuse: 5 by 20 GMA fuses. g. Fuse Marking: Fuse amperage rating shown on top of terminal block. h. Indication: Neon lamp 11 OV ac. 1. Leakage Current: 1.8 mA, maximum. J. Spacing: 0.32 inch, maximum k. Manufacturer and Product: Entrelec; Type M4/6.SFL. 1. Grounding: Internal copper grounding bus for ground connections on panels, consoles, racks, and cabinets. J. Relays: 1. General: a. Relay Mounting: Plug-in type socket. b. Relay Enclosure: Provide dust cover. SEN323194. WU.FD.02 13 3 90 8 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B c. Socket Type: Screw terminal interface with wiring. d. Socket Mounting: Rail. e. Furnish holddown clips. 2. Control Circuit Switching Relay, Nonlatching: a. Type: Compact general purpose plug-in. b. Contact Arrangement: 3 Form C contacts. c. Contact Rating: lOA at 28V dc or 240V ac. d. Contact Material: Silver cadmium oxide alloy. e. Coil Voltage: As noted or shown. f. Coil Power: 1.8 watts (dc), 2.7V A (ac). g. Expected Mechanical Life: 10,000,000 operations. h. Expected Electrical Life at Rated Load: 100,000 operations. 1. Indication Type: Neon or LED indicator lamp. J. Push-to-test button. k. Manufacturer and Product: Potter and Brumfield; Series KUP. 3. Control Circuit Switching Relay, Latching: a. Type: Dual coil mechanical latching relay. b. Contact Arrangement: 2 Form C contacts. c. Contact Rating: lOA at 28V dc or 120V ac. d. Contact Material: Silver cadmium oxide alloy. e. Coil Voltage: As noted or shown. f. Coil Power: 2.7 watts (dc), 5.3V A (ac). g. Expected Mechanical Life: 500,000 operations. h. Expected Electrical Life at Rated Load: 50,000 operations. i. Manufacturer and Product: Potter and Brumfield; Series KB/KBP. 4. Control Circuit Switching Relay, Time Delay: a. Type: Adjustable time delay relay. b. Contact Arrangement: 2 Form C contacts. c. Contact Rating: lOA at 240V ac. d. Contact Material: Silver cadmium oxide alloy. e. Coil Voltage: As specified or shown. f. Operating Temperature: Minus 10 to 55 degrees C. g. Repeatability: Plus or minus 2 percent. h. Delay Time Range: Select range such that time delay set point fall between 20 to 80 percent or range. 1. Time Delay Set Point: As specified or shown. J. Mode of Operation: As specified or shown. k. Adjustment Type: Integral potentiometer with knob external to dust cover. 1. Manufacturer and Products: Potter and Brumfield. 1) Series CB for O.I-second to IOO-minute delay time ranges. 2) Series CK for 0.1- to 120-second delay time ranges. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 13390 9 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I K. Intrinsic Safety Barriers: 1. Intrinsically Safe Relays: Monitor discrete signals that originate in hazardous area and are used in a safe area. a. Manufacturer and Product: MTL, Inc.; Series MTL 2000. 2. Intrinsically Safe Barriers: Interface analog signals as they pass from hazardous area to safe area. a. Manufacturer and Product: MTL, Inc.; Series MTL 3000. L. Front-of-Panel Devices in Conjunction with NEMA 250, Type 1 and 12 Panels: 1. Potentiometer Units: a. Three-terminal, oiltight construction, resolution of 1 percent and linearity of plus or minus 5 percent. b. Single-hole, panel mounting accommodating panel thicknesses between 1/8 and 1/4 inch. c. Include legend plates with service markings. d. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Allen Bradley; Model 800T. 2) Eaton/Cutler-Hammer; Model 10250T. 2. Indicating Lights: a. Heavy-duty, push-to-test type, oil tight, industrial type with integral transformer for 120V ac applications. b. Screwed on prismatic glass lenses in colors noted and factory engraved legend plates for service legend. c. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Eaton/Cutler-Hammer; Type 10250T. 2) General Electric; CR2940U. 3. Pushbutton, Momentary: a. Heavy-duty, oiltight, industrial type with full guard and momentary contacts rated for 10 amperes continuous at 120V ac. b. Standard size legend plates with black field and white markings for service legend. c. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Square D; Class 9001, Type K. 2) Eaton/Cutler-Hammer; Type T. '3) General Electric; Type CR-2940. 4. Selector Switch: a. Heavy-duty, oiltight, industrial type with contacts rated for 120V ac service at 10 amperes continuous. b. Standard size, black field, legend plates with white markings, for service legend. c. Operators: Black knob type. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13390 10 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B d. Single-hole mounting, accommodating panel thicknesses from 1/16 inch to 1/4 inch. e. Manufacturers and Products for Units with up to Four Selection _ Positions: 1) Eaton/Cutler-Hammer; Type T. 2) Square D; Type K. f. Manufacturers and Products for Units with up to 12 Selection Positions: 1) Rundel-Idec; Standard Cam Switch. 2) Electroswitch; 31. M. Front-of-Panel Devices Used in Conjunction with NEMA 250, Type 4X Panels: t Indicating Lights, Watertight: a. Heavy-duty, push-to-test type, NEMA 250, Type 4X watertight, industrial type with integral transformer for 120V ac applications and corrosion-resistant service. b. Screwed on prismatic lenses and factory engraved legend plates for service legend. c. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Square D; Type SK. 2) Allen Bradley; Type 800H. 2. Pushbutton, Momentary, Watertight: a. Heavy-duty, NEMA 250, Type 4X watertight, industrial type with momentary contacts rated for 120V ac service at 10 amperes continuous and corrosion-resistant service. b. Standard size, black field, legend plates with white markings for service legend. c. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Square D; Type SK. 2) Allen Bradley; Type 800H. 3. Selector Switch, Watertight: a. Heavy-duty, NEMA 250, Type 4X watertight, industrial type with contacts rated for 120V ac service at 10 amperes continuous and corrosion-resistant service. b. Standard size, black field, legend plates with white markings, for service legend. c. Operators: Black knob type. d. Single-hole mounting, accommodating panel thicknesses from 1/16 to 1/4 inch. e. Manufacturer and Products: 1) Square D; Class 9001, Type SK. 2) Allen Bradley; Type 800H. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13390 11 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.06 INSTRUMENT TAG NUMBERS A. A shorthand tag number notation is used. For example: AI -1-12(2 )(3 )[pH] Notation Explanation AI ISA designator for Analysis Indicator 1 Unit process number 12 Loop number (2) First unit number; number of same component types in a given loop; -1 and 1-2 in this example (3) Second unit number; number of same component types with same first unit number in a given loop; -1, -2, and -3 in this example [pH] Same notation shown at 2 o'clock position on ISA circle symbol on Process and Instrument Diagram B. In this example, AI-I-12(2)(3)[pH] is shorthand for: AI-I-12-1-1 [pH], AI-I-12-1-2[pH], AI-l-12-1-3 [pH] AI-I-12-2-1 [pH], AI-I-12-2-2[pH], AI-I-12-2-3[pH] 2.07 NAMEPLATES, NAMETAGS, AND SERVICE LEGENDS A. Nametags: Permanently mounted bearing entire ISA tag number. 1. Panel Mounted: Plastic, mounted to instrument behind panel face. 2. Field Mounted: Engraved Type 316 stainless steel, 22-gauge minimum thickness, attached with stainless steel. B. Service Legends (Integrally Mounted with Instrument) and Nameplates: 1. Engraved, rigid, laminated plastic type with adhesive back. Furnish service legends and nameplates to adequately describe functions of panel face mounted instruments. 2. Color: White with black letters. 3. Letter Height: 3/16 inch. 4. For each panel, face mounted laminated nameplate inscribed with the panel name and tag number. Color shall be white with black letters 1/2 inch high. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13390 12 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B C. Standard Light Colors and Inscriptions: Unless otherwise specified in individual equipment specifications, use the following color code and inscriptions: Tag Inscription(s) Color ON ON Green OFF OFF Red OPEN OPEN Green CLOSED CLOSED Red LOW LOW Red FAIL FAIL Red HIGH HIGH Red AUTO AUTO White MANUAL MANUAL Yellow LOCAL LOCAL White REMOTE REMOTE Yellow FORWARD FORWARD Red REVERSE REVERSE Blue I. Lettering: Black on white and amber lenses; white on red and green lenses. 2. Standard Pushbutton Colors and Inscriptions: a. Unless otherwise specified in individual equipment specifications, use the following color code and inscriptions: Tae: Inscription( s) Color 00 ON Green OFF Red OC OPEN Green CLOSE Red SS START Green ) STOP Red FR FORWARD Red REVERSE Blue RESET RESET Black SEN323 I 94.WU.FD.02 13 3 90 13 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tal! Inscription( s) Color OCA OPEN Green CLOSE Red AUTO White OOA ON Green OFF Red AUTO White MA MANUAL Yellow AUTO White EMERGENCY EMERGENCY Red STOP STOP b. Unused or noninscribed buttons shall be black. Lettering: Black on white and yellow buttons; white on black, red and green buttons. 2.08 ELECTRICAL SURGE AND TRANSIENT PROTECTION A. General: Equip control panels with surge-arresting devices to protect equipment from damage due to electrical transients induced in interconnecting lines from lightning discharges and nearby electrical devices. B. Suppressor Locations: " 1. At point of connection between each equipment item, including ac powered transmitters and its power supply conductors (direct wired equipment). On analog pairs at each end when the pair travels outside of building. In other locations where equipment sensitivity to surges and transients requires additional protection beyond that inherent to design of equipment. 2. 3. C. Power Supply Suppressor Assemblies: 1. Suitable for connection to 120-volt, single-phase power supplies EDCO "HSP SERIES." 2. Suitable for connection to 480-volt, three-phase power supplies; Square D J9200-9A. D. Analog Signal Cable Suppressor Assemblies: 1. Epoxy encapsulated within a phenolic enclosure. 2. Flame retardant. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13390 14 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3. Four lead devices; include a threaded mounting/grounding stud. 4. Manufacturers and Products: a. EDCO; SRA-64 Series. b. Joslyn; Series 1800 and 1669. E. Grounding: Coordinate surge suppressor grounding in field panels and field instrumentation as specified in Section 16060, Grounding, and suppressor manufacturer's requirements. Furnish control panels with an integral copper grounding bus for connection of suppressors and other required instrumentation. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 ELECTRICAL POWER AND SIGNAL WIRING A. Restrain control and signal wiring in control panels by plastic ties or ducts. Secure hinge wiring at each end so bending or twisting will occur around the longitudinal axis of wire. Protect bend area with a sleeve. B. Arrange wiring neatly, cut to proper length, and remove surplus wire. Install abrasion protection for wire bundles passing through holes or across edges of sheet metal. C. Use manufacturer's recommended tool with sized anvil for crimp terminations. No more than one wire may be terminated in a single crimp lug. No more than two lugs may be installed on a single screw terminal. D. Do not splice or tap wiring except at device terminals or terminal blocks. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Protect enclosures and other equipment containing electrical, instrumentation and control devices, including spare parts, from corrosion through the use of corrosion-inhibiting vapor capsules. B. During Work, periodically replace capsules in accordance with capsule manufacturer's recommendations. Replace capsules at Substantial Completion. 3.03 SUPPLEMENT A. The supplement listed below, following "End of Section," is a part of this Specification: 1. Sewer Pump Station: Electrical Enclosure. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13390 15 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SEWER PUMP STATION: ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE Electrical Enclosure: Custom, free-standing, NEMA 3R stainless steel, suitable for mounting on concrete pad. Enclosure shall be sized to accommodate the listed equipment, controls, and indicators and shall include HV AC components sized to maintain the internal temperature between 40 and 95 degrees F. See the Electrical Drawings for additional information. Equipment: 1. Meterbase (mounted on outside). 2. Main circuit breaker. 3. Transient voltage surge suppressor. 4. Automatic transfer switch. 5. Main breaker panelboard. 6. Enclosure heater. 7. Enclosure air conditioner (mounted outside). 8. Inside enclosure light with switch. 9. Outside pole light switch. 10. GFI 120V AC receptacle. 11. Alarm beacon (mounted outsIde). 12. UPS. 13. LIT. 14. FIT. 15. SCADA system fiber optic cable patch panel. 16. Pump control panel, CP-SPS. 17. AIT. CP-SPS Components: A. NEMA 12 enclosure fully wired and factory tested. B. Main circuit breaker disconnect with lockable through-the-door operator. C. Individual pump motor starters each with solid state overload relay and circuit breaker disconnect with lockable through-the-door operator. Size and select components to accommodate future pump upgrade from 3hp to J Ohp such that only component parameter adjustments or sensor upgrades are required. D. Ethernet switch with fiber converter. E. RTU (PLC). F. Intrinsic safety barriers in isolated subsection. G. All necessary auxiliary components, relays, and timers. H. Front mounted controls and indicators. 1. Panel power ON light. 2. HOA switch for each pump. 3. Pump ON light for each pump. 4. HIGH HIGH level light. 5. Local Operator Interface (LO!) panel. 6. RUN TIME meter for each pump. 7. NUMBER OF STARTS counter for each pump. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13390 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Control Narrative: See Specification Section 13401, Process Instrumentation and Control Systems (PICS). SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13390 SUPPLEMENT 2 JUNE 15,2005 PACKAGE CONTROL SYSTEMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 13401 PROCESS INSTRUMENT A TION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PIeS) PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A182, Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High- Temperature Service. b. A276, Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes. c. A312, Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes. d. B32, Standard Specification for Solder Metal. e. B88, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube. f. Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society (ISA): g. PRI2.6, Installation of Intrinsically Safe Systems for Hazardous (Classified) Locations h. S5.4, Standard Instrument Loop Diagrams. 1. S20, Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, Primary Elements and Control Valves. J. S50.1, Compatibility of Analog Signals for Electronic Industrial Process Instruments. 2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1,000 Volts Maximum). b. ICS 1, General Standards for Industrial Control and Systems. 3. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). 1.02 SUMMARY A. Work Includes: 1. Engineering, furnishing, installing, calibrating, adjusting, testing, documenting, starting up, and City training for a complete Process Instrumentation and Control System for the water pump station and the sewage pump station. 2. Major parts are: a. Primary elements, transmitters, and control devices. SEN3231 94.WU.FD.02 13401 1 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. One pad-mounted outdoor Electrical Enclosure complete as specified in Section 13390, Package Control Systems. c. One freestanding control panel (CP- WPS) and one wall-mounted control panel (CP-SPS; reference Section 13390, Package Control Systems), with the following equipment: 1) Programmable logic controller (PLC) system. 2) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system. 3) Panel mounted local operator interface (LOI). 4) Communications interface between the PLC system and an existing central SCADA computer system. d. Programming of all PLC and operator interface systems to provide the specified control functions. e. Programming ofthe existing central SCADA computer systems to provide the specified control and monitoring functions. B. Detailed Design: PICS as shown and specified includes functional and performance requirements and component specifications. Complete detailed PICS design. C. PICS Integrator: The control system provided as a part of this Contract is in addition and modification to the City's existing control system which was designed and installed by S&B Inc. For compatibility with this comprehensive control system, The PICS Integrator shall be S&B, Inc. of Belle vue, Washington as pre-selected by the City. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Abbreviations: I. FDT: Factory Demonstration Test. 2. LOI: Local Operator Interface. 3. I&C: Instrumentation and Control. 4. I/O: Input and Output. 5. CP: Control Panel. 6. MCC: Motor Control Center. 7. O&M: Operations and Maintenance. 8. PAT: Performance Acceptance Test. 9. P&ID: Process and Instrumentation Diagram. 10. PLC: Programmable Logic Controller. II. SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. 12. UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 13401 2 JUNE IS, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Rising/Falling: Terms used to define actions of discrete devices about their set points. 1. Rising: Contacts close when an increasing process variable rises through set point. 2. Falling: Contacts close when a decreasing process variable falls through set point. C. Signal Types: 1. Analog Signals, Current Type: a. 4 to 20 mA dc signals conforming to ISA S50.1. b. Unless otherwise indicated for specific PICS Subsystem components, use the following ISA 50.1 options: 1) Transmitter Type: Number 2, two-wire. 2) Transmitter Load Resistance Capacity: Class L. 3) Fully isolated transmitters and receivers. 2. Analog Signals, Voltage Type: 1 to 5 volts dc within panels where a common high precision dropping resistor is used. 3. Discrete signals, two-state logic signals using dc or 120V ac sources as indicated. 4. Pulse Frequency Signals: a. Direct current pulses whose repetition rate is linearly proportional to process variable. b. Pulses generated by contact closures or solid state switches as indicated. c. Power source less than 30V dc. 5. Special Signals: Other types of signals used to transmit analog and digital information between field elements, transmitters, receivers, controllers, and digital devices. D. Instrument Tag Numbers: 1. A shorthand tag number notation is used in the Loop Specifications. For example: AI-2(2)[pH] Notation Explanation ISA designator for Analysis Indicator. Loop number. AI 2 SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 3 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENT A nON AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [pH] First unit number; number of same component types in a given loop; -1 and -2 in this example. Same notation shown at 2 o'clock position on ISA circle symbol on P&ID. (2) 2. In this example, AI-2(2)[pH] is shorthand for: AI-2-1 [pH], AI-2-2[pH] 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. General: a. Shop Drawings, full-scaled details, wiring diagrams, catalog cuts, and descriptive literature. b. Identify proposed items and options. Identify installed spares and other provisions for future work (e.g., reserved panel space; unused components, wiring, and terminals). c. Legends and Abbreviation Lists: Complete definition of symbols and abbreviations used on this Project (e.g., engineering units, flow streams, instruments, structures, and other process items used in nameplates, legends, and data sheets). 2. Bill of Materials: List of required equipment. a. Group equipment items as follows: 1) I&C Components: By component identification code. 2) Other Equipment: By equipment type. b. Data Included: 1) Equipment tag number. 2) Description. 3) Manufacturer, complete model number, and all options not defined by model number. 4) Quantity supplied. 5) Component identification code where applicable. 3. Catalog Cuts: I&C Components, Electrical Devices, and Mechanical Devices: a. Catalog information, mark to identify proposed items and options. b. Descriptive literature. c. External power and signal connections. d. Scaled drawings showing exterior dimensions and locations of electrical and mechanical interfaces. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 4 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENT AnON AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 4. Component Data Sheets: Data sheets for I&C components. a. Format and Level of Detail: In accordance with ISA-S20. b. Include component type identification code and tag number on data sheet. c. Specific features and configuration data for each component: 1) Location or service. 2) Manufacturer and complete model number. 3) Size and scale range. 4) Set points. 5) Materials of construction. 6) Options included. d. Name, address, and telephone number of manufacturer's local office, representative, distributor, or service facility. 5. Sizing and Selection Calculations: a. Primary Elements: Complete calculations plus process data used. Example, for flow elements, minimum and maximum values, permanent head loss, and assumptions made. b. Controlling, Computing and Function Generating Modules: Actual scaling factors with units and how they were computed. 6. Panel Construction Drawings: a. Scale Drawings: Show dimensions and location of panel mounted devices, doors, louvers, and subpanels, internal and external. b. Panel Legend: List front of panel devices by tag numbers, nameplate inscriptions, service legends, and annunciator inscriptions. c. Bill of Materials: List devices mounted within panel that are not listed in panel legend. Include tag number, description, manufacturer, and model number. d. Construction Details: NEMA rating, materials, material thickness, structural stiffeners and brackets, lifting lugs, mounting brackets and tabs, door hinges and latches, and welding and other connection call outs and details. e. Construction Notes: Finishes, wire color schemes, wire ratings, wire and terminal block, numbering and labeling scheme. 7. Panel Control Diagrams: For discrete control and power circuits. a. Diagram Type: Ladder diagrams. Include devices, related to discrete functions, that are mounted in or on the panel and that require electrical connections. Show unique rung numbers on left side of each rung. b. Item Identification: Identify each item with attributes listed. 1) Wires: Wire number and color. Cable number if part of multiconductor cable. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 5 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2) Terminals: Location (enclosure number, terminal junction box number, or MCC number), terminal strip number, and terminal block number. 3) Discrete Components: a) Tag number, terminal numbers, and location ("FIELD", enclosure number, or MCC number). b) Switching action (open or close on rising or falling process variable), set point value and units, and process variable description (e.g. Sump Level High). 4) Relay Coils: a) Tag number and its function. b) On right side of run where coil is located, list contact location by ladder number and sheet number. Underline normally closed contacts. 5) Relay Contacts: Coil tag number, function, and coil location (ladder rung number and sheet number). c. Show each circuit individually. No "typical" diagrams or "typical" wire lists will be permitted. d. Ground wires, surge protectors, and connections. e. Circuit Names: Show names corresponding to Circuit and Raceway Schedule for circuits entering and leaving a panel. Refer to Division 16, Electrical. 8. Panel Wiring Diagrams: Show point-to-point and terminal-to-terminal wiring within panel. 9. Panel Plumbing Diagrams: For each panel containing piping and tubing. Show type and size for: Pipes and Tubes: Thickness, pressure rating, and materials. a. Components: Valves, regulators, and filters. b. Connections to panel mounted devices. c. Panel interface connections. 10. Loop Diagrams: Individual wiring diagram for each analog or pulse frequency loop. a. Conform to the minimum requirements oflSA S5.4. b. Under Paragraph 5.3 oflSA S5.4, include the information listed under subparagraphs 2 and 6. c. Drawing Size: Individual II-inch by 17-inch sheet for each loop. d. Divide each loop diagram into areas for panel face, back-of-panel, and field. e. Show: 1) Terminal numbers, location of dc power supply, and location of common dropping resistors. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 6 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2) Switching contacts in analog loops and output contacts of analog devices. Reference specific control diagrams where functions of these contacts are shown. 3) Tabular summary on each diagram: a) Transmitting Instruments: Output capability. b) Receiving Instruments: Input impedance. c) Loop Wiring Impedance: Estimate based on wire sizes and lengths shown. d) Total loop impedance. e) Reserve output capacity. 4) Circuit and raceway schedule names. 11. Interconnecting Wiring Diagrams: a. Diagrams, device designations, and symbols in accordance with NEMA ICS 1. b. Diagrams shall bear electrical Subcontractor's signature attesting diagrams have been coordinated with Division 16, Electrical. c. Show: 1) Electrical connections between equipment, consoles, panels, terminal junction boxes, and field mounted components. 2) Component and panel terminal board identification numbers, and external wire and cable numbers. 3) Circuit names matching Circuit and Raceway Schedule. 4) Intermediate terminations between field elements and panels for, e.g., to terminal junction boxes and pull boxes. 5) Pull boxes. 12. Installation Details: Include modifications or further details required to adequately define installation of I&C components. 13. List of spares, expendables, test equipment and tools. 14. Additional Equipment Recommended: List of, and descriptive literature for, additional spares, expendables, test equipment and tools recommended. B. Informational Submittals: For PICS equipment, provide Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation and readiness for operation. 1. City Training Plan. Reference Part III, Section 1-05.19, Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation. 2. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals: In accordance with Part III, Section 1-04.12, Operation and Maintenance Manuals, unless otherwise specified in this section. a. Content and Format: 1) Complete sets O&M manuals. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 7 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2) Sufficient detail to allow operation, removal, installation, adjustment, calibration, maintenance and purchasing replacements for each PICS component. 3) Final versions of Legend and Abbreviation Lists. 4) Manual format in accordance with Part III, Section 1-04.12, Operation and Maintenance Manuals. b. Include: 1) Process and Instrumentation Diagrams: One reproducible copy of revised P&ID to reflect as-built PICS design. 2) Refer to paragraph Shop Drawings for the following items: a) Bill of Materials. b) Catalog Cuts. c) Component Data Sheets. d) Panel Control Diagrams. e) Panel Wiring Diagrams, one reproducible copy. f) Panel Plumbing Diagrams, one reproducible copy. g) Loop Diagrams, one reproducible copy. h) Interconnecting Wiring Diagrams, one reproducible copy. i) Application Software Documentation. 3) Device O&M manuals for components, electrical devices, and mechanical devices include: a) Operations procedures. b) Installation requirements and procedures. c) Maintenance requirements and procedures. d) Troubleshooting procedures. e) Calibration procedures. f) Internal schematic and wiring diagrams. g) Component Calibration Sheets from field quality control calibrations. 4) List of spares, expendables, test equipment and tools provided. 5) List of additional spares, expendables, test equipment and tools recommended. 3. Performance Acceptance Tests (PAT) Submittals: a. Preliminary Test Procedures: Outlines of proposed tests, forms, and checklists. b. Final Test Procedures: Proposed test procedures, forms, and checklists. c. Test Documentation: Copy of signed off test procedures when tests are completed. SEN323 I 94.WU.FD.02 13401 8 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Calibration Instruments: Each instrument used for calibrating PICS equipment shall bear the seal of a reputable laboratory certifying that instrument has been calibrated within the previous 12 months to a standard endorsed by the NIST. B. Coordination Meetings: 1. Location: City's Representative's office. 2. Attended By: City's Representative, City, and Contractor. 3. Minimum ofthree are required. Specific dates will be established in Progress Schedule. 4. First Meeting: Within 45 days after Notice to Proceed. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Provide Site and warehouse storage facilities for PICS equipment. B. Prior to shipment, include corrosive-inhibitive vapor capsules in shipping containers, and related equipment as recommended by the capsule manufacturer. C. Prior to installation, store items in dry indoor locations. Provide heating in storage areas for items subject to corrosion under damp conditions. D. Cover panels and other elements that are exposed to dusty construction environments. 1.07 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Standard Environmental Requirements: Unless otherwise noted, design equipment for continuous operation in these environments: 1. Freestanding Panel and Consoles: a. Inside, Air Conditioned: NEMA 1. b. Inside: NEMA 12. 2. Smaller Panels and Assemblies (that are not Freestanding): a. Inside, Air Conditioned: NEMA 12. b. All Other Locations: NEMA 4X. 3. Field Elements: Outside. SEN323194. WU.FD.02 13401 9 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Environmental Design Requirements: Following defines the types of environments referred to in the above. 1. Inside, Air Conditioned: a. Temperature: 1) Normal: 60 to 80 degrees F. 2) With Up to 4-Hour HV AC System Interruptions: 40 to 105 degrees F. b. Relative Humidity: 1) Normal: 10 percent (winter) to 70 percent (summer). 2) With Up to 4-Hour HV AC System Interruption: 10 to 100 percent. c. NEC Classification: Nonhazardous. 2. Inside: a. Temperature: 20 to 104 degrees F. b. Relative Humidity: 10 to 95 percent noncondensing. c. NEC Classification: Nonhazardous. 3. Inside, Corrosive: a. Temperature: Minus 20 to 104 degrees F. b. Relative Humidity: 10 to 95 percent noncondensing. c. Corrosive Environment: Sea air. d. NEC Classification: Nonhazardous. 4. Outside: a. Temperature: Minus 20 to 104 degrees F. b. Relative Humidity: 10 to 95 percent noncondensing, rain, snow, freezing rain. c. NEC Classification: Nonhazardous. 5. Outside, Corrosive: a. Temperature: Minus 20 to 104 degrees F. b. Relative Humidity: 10 to 95 percent noncondensing, rain, snow, freezing rain. c. Corrosive Environment: Sea air. d. NEC Classification: Nonhazardous. 1.08 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Activity Completion: The following is a list of key activities and their completion criteria: 1. Shop Drawings: Reviewed and approved. 2. Quality Control Submittals: Reviewed and accepted. 3. Hardware Delivery: Hardware delivered to Site and inventoried by City's representative. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 10 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 4. PAT: Completed and required test documentation accepted. B. PICS Substantial Completion: When City's Representative issues Certificate_ of Substantial Completion. 1. Prerequisites: a. All PICS Submittals have been completed. b. PICS has successfully completed PAT. c. City training plan is on schedule. d. All spares, expendables, and test equipment have been delivered to City. C. PICS Acceptance: When City's Representative issues a written notice of Final Payment and Acceptance. 1. Prerequisites: a. Certificate of Substantial Completion issued for PICS. b. Punch-list items completed. c. Final revisions to O&M manuals accepted. d. Maintenance service agreements for PICS accepted by City. D. Prerequisite Activities and Lead Times: Do not start the following key Project activities until the prerequisite activities and lead times listed below have been completed and satisfied: Activity Submittal reviews by City's Representati ve Hardware purchasing, fabrication, and assembly Shipment of field instrumentation Shipment of control panels City Training PAT SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 Prerequisites and Lead Times City's Representative acceptance of Submittal breakdown and schedule. Associated Shop Drawing Submittals completed. Completion of PICS Shop Drawing Submittals and preliminary O&M manuals. Completion ofFDT. City training plan completed Startup, City training, and P AT procedures completed; ORT completed; notice 4 weeks prior to start. 11 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. PICS functions as shown on Drawings and as required for each loop. Furnish equipment items as required. Furnish all materials, equipment, and software, necessary to affect required system and loop performance. B. First Named Manufacturer: PICS design is based on first named manufacturers of equipment and materials. I. If an item is proposed from other than first named manufacturer, obtain approval from City's Representative for such changes in accordance with Article Submittals. 2. If proposed item requires, i.e., different installation, wiring, raceway, enclosures, intrinsically safe barriers, and accessories, furnish equipment and work. C. Like Equipment Items: I. Use products of one manufacturer and of the same series or family of models to achieve standardization for appearance, operation, maintenance, spare parts, and manufacturer's services. 2. Implement all same or similar functions in same or similar manner. For example, control logic, sequence controls, and display layouts. 2.02 CONTROL NARRATIVES A. Location: Article Supplements. B. Organization: By unit process and loop number. C. Functional Requirements for Control Loops: 1. Shown on Drawings, in Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID). P&ID format and symbols are in accordance with ISA S5.1, except as specified or shown on Drawings. 2. Supplemented by Control Narratives. D. ~ubheadings for Each Loop: 1. Functions: Clarifies functional performance of loop, including: a. Equipment operation. b. Local status monitoring and alarm annunciation functions. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 12 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENT A TION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B c. Remote status monitoring and alarm annunciations functions. d. Local and remote data logging functions. 2.03 I&C COMPONENTS A. Components for Each Loop: Major components for each loop are listed in Instrument List referenced in Article Supplements. Furnish all equipment that is necessary to achieve required loop performance. B. Component Specifications: Generalized specifications for each type of component are located in Article Supplements. C. Uninterruptible Power Supply: Dedicated UPS system for each control panel. D. PLC components: I. I/O Chassis: Sufficient slots to accommodate all required I/O modules plus three spare slots. 2. I/O Modules: a. Installed spare I/O points: Provide 20 percent of each type of I/O point, but no less than 2, wired from I/O module to terminal block b. Sufficient I/O modules to handle the required and spare I/O points 3. Communications Modules: a. Provide Ethernet communications module for each PLC processor. E. Network Components: 1. Install Ethernet Switch in each Control Panel. 2. Provide necessary hardware to complete Ethernet and Fiber-Optic network connections inside the Control Panel. 3. Provide power and cable connections required to complete network functionality. 2.04 NAMEPLATES AND TAGS A. Panel Nameplates: Enclosure identification located on the enclosure face. 1. Location and Inscription: As shown. '2. Materials: Laminated plastic attached to panel with stainless steel screws. 3. Letters: 112-inch white on black background, unless otherwise noted. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 13401 13 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Component Nameplates-Panel Face: Component identification located on panel face under or near component. 1. Location and Inscription: As shown. 2. Materials: Laminated plastic attached to panel with stainless steel screws. 3. Letters: 3/16-inch white on black background, unless otherwise noted. C. Component Nameplates-Back of Panel: Component identification located on or near component inside of enclosure. 1. Inscription: Component tag number. 2. Materials: Adhesive-backed, laminated plastic. 3. Letters: 3/16-inch white on black background, unless otherwise noted. D. Legend Plates for Panel Mounted Pushbuttons, Lights, and Switches. 1. Inscription: Refer to: a. Table under paragraph Standard Pushbutton Colors and Inscriptions. b. Table under paragraph Standard Light Colors and Inscriptions. c. P&IDs in Drawings. 2. Materials: Stainless steel, keyed legend plates. Secured to panel by mounting nut for pushbutton, light, or switch. 3. Letters: Black on gray or white background. E. Service Legends: Component identification nameplate located on face of component. 1. Inscription: As shown. 2. Materials: Adhesive backed, laminated plastic. 3. Letters: 3/16-inch white on black background, unless otherwise noted. F. Nametags: Component identification for field devices. 1. Inscription: Component tag number. 2. Materials: 16-gauge, Type 304 stainless steel. 3. Letters: 3/16-inch imposed. 4. Mounting: Affix to component with 16- or 18-gauge stainless steel wire or stainless steel screws. 2.05 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS A. In accordance with Division 16, Electrical. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 14 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. I&C and electrical components, terminals, wires, and enclosures: UL recognized or UL listed. C. Wires within Enclosures: 1. AC Circuits: a. Type: 600-volt, Type MTW stranded copper. b. Size: For current to be carried, but not less than No. 18 A WG. 2. Analog Signal Circuits: a. Type: 600-volt stranded copper, twisted shielded pairs. b. Size: No. 18 AWG, minimum. 3. Other dc Circuits. a. Type: 600-volt, Type MTW stranded copper. b. Size: For current carried, but not less than No. 18 A WG. 4. Special Signal Circuits: Use manufacturer's standard cables. 5. Wire Identification: Numbered and tagged at each termination. a. Wire Tags: Machine printed, heat shrink. b. Manufacturers: 1) Brady PermaSleeve. 2) Tyco Electronics. D. Wires entering or leaving enclosures, terminate and identify as follows: 1. Analog and discrete signal, terminate at numbered terminal blocks. 2. Special signals, terminated using manufacturer's standard connectors. 3. Identify wiring in accordance with Section 16120, Conductors. E. Terminal Blocks for Enclosures: 1. Quantity: a. Accommodate present and spare indicated needs. b. Wire spare PLC I/O points to terminal blocks. c. One wire per terminal for field wires entering enclosures. d. Maximum of 2 wires per terminal for 18- WG wire for internal enclosure wiring. e. Spare Terminals: 20 percent of all connected terminals, but not less than 10 per terminal block. 2. General: a. Connection Type: Screw compression clamp. b. Compression Clamp: 1) Complies with DIN-VDE 0611. 2) Hardened steel clamp with transversal groves that penetrate wire strands providing a vibration-proof connection. SEA/323194.Wu.FD.02 13401 15 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3) Guides strands of wire into terminal. c. Screws: Hardened steel, captive and self-locking. d. Current Bar: Copper or treated brass. e. Insulation: 1) Thermoplastic rated for minus 55 to plus 110 degree C. 2) Two funneled shaped inputs to facilitate wire entry. f. Mounting: 1) Standard DIN rail. fJ 2) Terminal block can be extracted from an assembly without displacing adjacent blocks. 3) End Stops: Minimum of one at each end ofrail. g. Wire preparation: Stripping only permitted. h. Jumpers: Allow jumper installation without loss of space on terminal or rail. 1. Marking System: 1) Terminal number shown on both sides of terminal block 2) Allow use of preprinted and field marked tags. 3) Terminal strip numbers shown on end stops. 4) Mark terminal block and terminal strip numbers as shown on Panel Control Diagrams and Loop Diagrams. 5) Fuse Marking for Fused Terminal Blocks: Fuse voltage and amperage rating shown on top of terminal block. J. Test Plugs: Soldered connections for No. 18 A WG wire. 1) Pin Diameter: 0.079 inch. 2) Quantity: 10. 3) Manufacturer and Product: Entrelec; Type FC2. 3. Terminal Block, General-Purpose: a. Rated Voltage: 600V ac. b. Rated Current: 30 amp. c. Wire Size: No. 22 to lOA WG. d. Rated Wire Size: No. 10 AWG. e. Color: Grey body. f. Spacing: 0.25 inch, maximum. g. Test Sockets: One screw test socket 0.079-inch diameter. h. Manufacturer and Product: Entrelec; Type M4/6.T. 4. Terminal Block, Ground: a. Wire Size: No. 22 to 12 AWG. b. Rated Wire Size: No. 12 A WG. c. Color: Green and yellow body. d. Spacing: 0.25 inch, maximum. e. Grounding: Ground terminal blocks electrically grounded to the mounting rail. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 16 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENT A TION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B f. Manufacturer and Product: Entrelec; Type M4/6.P. 5. Terminal Block, Blade Disconnect Switch: a. Rated Voltage: 600V ac. b. Rated Current: 10-amp. c. Wire Size: No. 22 to 12 A WG. d. Rated Wire Size: No. 12 AWG. e. Color: Grey body, orange switch. f. Spacing: 0.25 inch, maximum. g. Manufacturer and Product: Entrelec; Type M4/6.SN.T. 6. Terminal Block, Fused, 24V dc: a. Rated Voltage: 600V dc. b. Rated Current: 16-amp. c. Wire Size: No. 22 to 10 A WG. d. Rated Wire Size: No. 10 A WG. e. Color: Grey body. f. Fuse: 0.25 inch by 1.25 inches. g. Indication: LED diode 24V dc. h. Spacing: 0.512 inch, maximum. i. Manufacturer and Product: Entrelec; Type M1O/13T.SFL. 7. Terminal Block, Fused, 120V ac: a. Rated Voltage: 600V ac. b. Rated Current: 16-amp. c. Wire Size: No. 22 to 10 AWG. d. Rated Wire Size: No. 10 A WG. e. Color: Grey body. f. Fuse: 0.25 inch by 1.25 inches. g. Indication: Neon Lamp 11 OV ac. h. Leakage Current: 1.8 mA, maximum. 1. Spacing: 0.512 inch, maximum j. Manufacturer and Product: Entrelec; Type M1O/13T.SFL. 8. Terminal Block, Fused, 120V ac, High Current: a. Rated Voltage: 600V ac. b. Rated Current: 35 amps. c. Wire Size: No. 18 to 8 AWG. d. Rated Wire Size: No.8 A WG. e. Color: Grey. f. Fuse: 13/32 inch by 1.5 inches. g. Spacing: 0.95 inch, maximum. h. Manufacturer and Product: Entrelec; Type MB1O/24.SF. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 17 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Grounding of Enclosures: 1. Furnish isolated copper grounding bus for signal and shield ground connections. 2. Ground bus grounded at a common signal ground point in accordance with National Electrical Code requirements. 3. Single Point Ground for Each Analog Loop: a. Locate at dc power supply for loop. b. Use to ground wire shields for loop. c. Group and connect shields in following locations: 1) Water pump station RTU panel, CP-WPS. 2) Sewage pump station RTU panel, CP-SPS. 4. Ground terminal block rails to ground bus. G. Analog Signal Isolators: Furnish signal isolation for analog signals that are sent from one enclosure to another. Do not wire in series instruments on different panels, cabinets, or enclosures. H. Power Distribution within Panels: 1. Feeder Circuits: a. One or more 120V ac, 60-Hz feeder circuits as shown on Drawings. b. Make provisions for feeder circuit conduit entry. c. Furnish terminal board for termination of wires. 2. Power Panel: Furnish main circuit breaker and a circuit breaker on each individual branch circuit distributed from power panel. a. Locate to provide clear view of and access to breakers when door IS open. b. Breaker sizes: Coordinate such that fault in branch circuit will blow only branch breaker but not trip the main breaker. 1) Branch Circuit Breaker: 15 amps at 250V ac. c. Breaker Manufacturers and Products: Refer to Division 16, Electrical. 3. Circuit Wiring: P&IDs and Control Diagrams on Drawings show function only. Use following rules for actual circuit wiring: a. Devices on Single Circuit: 20, maximum. b. Multiple Units Performing Parallel Operations: To prevent failure of any single branch circuit from shutting down entire operation, do not group all units on same branch circuit. c. Branch Circuit Loading: 12 amperes continuous, maximum. d. Panel Lighting and Service Outlets: Put on separate IS-amp, 120V ac branch circuit. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 18 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B e. Provide 120V ac plugmold for panel components with line cords. I. Signal Distribution: 1. Within Panels: 4 to 20 mA dc signals may be distributed as 1 to 5V dc. 2. Outside Panels: Isolated 4 to 20 mA dc only. 3. All signal wiring twisted in shielded pairs. J. Signal Switching: 1. Use dry circuit type relays or switches. 2. No interruption of 4 to 20 mA loops during switching. 3. Switching Transients in Associated Signal Circuit: a. 4 to 20 mA dc Signals: 0.2 mA, maximum. b. 1 to 5V dc Signals: 0.05V, maximum. K. Relays: 1. General: a. Relay Mounting: Plug-in type socket. b. Relay Enclosure: Furnish dust cover. c. Socket Type: Screw terminal interface with wiring. d. Socket Mounting: Rail. e. Provide holddown clips. 2. Signal Switching Relay: a. Type: Dry circuit. b. Contact Arrangement: 2 Form C contacts. c. Contact Rating: 0 to 5 amps at 28V dc or 120V ac. d. Contact Material: Gold or silver. e. Coil Voltage: As noted or shown. f. Coil Power: 0.9 watts (dc), 1.2V A (ac). g. Expected Mechanical Life: 10,000,000 operations. h. Expected Electrical Life at Rated Load: 100,000 operations. 1. Indication Type: Neon or LED indicator lamp. J. Seal Type: Hermetically sealed case. k. Manufacturer and Product: Potter and Brumfield; Series KHlKHA. 3. Control Circuit Switching Relay, Nonlatching: a. Type: Compact general-purpose plug-in. b. Contact Arrangement: 3 Form C contacts. c. Contact Rating: lOA at 28V dc or 240V ac. d. Contact Material: Silver cadmium oxide alloy. e. Coil Voltage: As noted or shown. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 19 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f. Coil Power: 1.8 watts (dc), 2.7VA (ac). g. Expected Mechanical Life: 10,000,000 operations. h. Expected Electrical Life at Rated Load: 100,000 operations. L Indication Type: Neon or LED indicator lamp. J. Push to test button. k. Manufacturer and Product: Potter and Brumfield; Series KUP. 4. Control Circuit Switching Relay, Latching: a. Type: Dual coil mechanical latching relay. b. Contact Arrangement: 2 Form C contacts. c. Contact Rating: lOA at 28V dc or 120V ac. d. Contact Material: Silver cadmium oxide alloy. e. Coil Voltage: As noted or shown. f. Coil Power: 2.7 watts (dc), 5.3V A (ac). g. Expected Mechanical Life: 500,000 operations. h. Expected Electrical Life at Rated Load: 50,000 operations. i. Manufacturer and Product: Potter and Brumfield; Series KBIKBP. 5. Control Circuit Switching Relay, Time Delay: a. Type: Adjustable time delay relay. b. Contact Arrangement: 2 Form C contacts. c. Contact Rating: lOA at 240V ac. 1) Contact Material: Silver cadmium oxide alloy. d. Coil Voltage: As noted or shown. e. Operating Temperature: Minus 10 to 55 degrees C. f. Repeatability: Plus or minus 2 percent. g. Delay Time Range: Select range such that time delay set point fall between 20 to 80 percent of range. h. Time Delay Set Point: As noted or shown. L Mode of Operation: As noted or shown. J. Adjustment Type: Integral potentiometer with knob external to dust cover. k. Manufacturer and Products: Potter and Brumfield: 1) Series CB for 0.1 second to 100 minute delay time ranges. 2) Series CK for 0.1 to 120 second delay time ranges. L. Power Supplies: 1. Furnish to power instruments requiring external dc power, including two-wire transmitters and dc relays. 2. Convert 120V ac, 60-Hz power to dc power of appropriate voltage(s) with sufficient voltage regulation and ripple control to assure that instruments being supplied can operate within their required tolerances. 3. Provide dual power supplies with diode auctioneered outputs. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 20 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 4. Provide output over voltage and over current protective devices to: a. Protect instruments from damage due to power supply failure. b. Protect power supply from damage due to external failure. 5. Enclosures: NEMA 1 in accordance with NEMA 250. 6. Mount such that dissipated heat dO,es not adversely affect other components. 7. Fuses: For each dc supply line to each individual two-wire transmitter. a. Type: Indicating. b. Mount so fuses can be easily seen and replaced. M. Internal Panel Lights for Panels: 1. Type: Switched fluorescent back-of-panellights. 2. Quantity: One light for every 4 feet of panel width. 3. Mounting: Inside and in the top of back- of-panel area. 4. Protective metal shield for lights. N. Service Outlets for Panels: 1. Type: Three-wire, 120-volt, 15-ampere, duplex receptacles. 2. Quantity: a. For panels 4 feet wide and smaller: One. b. For panels wider than 4 feet: One for every 4 feet of panel width, two minimum per panel. 3. Mounting: Evenly spaced along back-of-panel area. O. Electrical Transient Protection: 1. General: a. Function: Protect elements of PICS against damage due to electrical transients induced in interconnecting lines by lightning and nearby electrical systems. b. Implementation: Provide, install, coordinate, and inspect grounding of surge suppressors at: 1) Connection of ac power to PICS equipment including panels, consoles assembles, and field mounted analog transmitters and receivers. 2) At the field and panel, console, or assembly connection of signal circuits that have portions of the circuit extending outside of a protective building. c. Construction: First-stage high energy metal oxide varistor and second-stage bipolar silicon avalanche device separated by series impedance. Includes grounding wire, stud, or terminal. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 21 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I d. Response: 5 nanoseconds maximum. e. Recovery: Automatic. f. Temperature Range: Minus 20 degrees C to plus 85 degrees C. 2. Suppressors on 120V ac Power Supply Connections: a. Occurrences: Tested and rated for a minimum of 50 occurrences of IEEE 587 Category B test waveform. b. First-Stage Clamping Voltage: 350 volts or less. c. Second-Stage Clamping Voltage: 210 volts or less. d. Continuous Operation: Power supplies for one four-wire transmitter or receiver: 5 amps minimum at 130V ac. All other applications: 30 amps minimum at 130V ac. 3. Suppressors on Analog Signal Lines: a. Test Waveform: Linear 8 microsecond rise in current form 0 amps to a peak current value followed by an exponential decay of current reaching one half the peak value in 20 microseconds. b. Surge Rating: Tested and rated for 50 occurrences of2,000-amp peak test waveform. 1) dc Clamping Voltage: 20 to 40 percent above operating voltage for circuit. 2) dc Clamping Voltage Tolerance: Less than plus or minus 1 0 percent. , 3) Maximum Loop Resistance: 18 ohms per conductor. 4. Physical Characteristics: a. Mounted in Enclosures: Encapsulated inflame retardant epoxy. b. For Analog Signals Lines: EDCO PC-642 or SRA-64 series. c. For 120V ac Lines: EDCO HSP-121. d. Field Mounted at Two-Wire Instruments: Encapsulated in stainless steel pipe nipples. EDCO S864 series. e. Field Mounted at Four-Wire Instruments: With 120V ac outlet, ac circuit breaker, and 10-ohm resistors on signal lines, all in enclosure. 1) Enclosure: NEMA 4X fiberglass or Type 316 stainless steel with door. a) Maximum Size: 12 inches by 12 inches by 8 inches deep. 2) Manufacturer and Product: EDCO; SLAC series. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 13401 22 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B P. Standard Pushbutton Colors and Inscriptions: Use following color code and inscriptions for pushbuttons, unless otherwise noted Instrument List, Article Supplements. Tag Function Inscription( s) Color 00 ON Green OFF Red OC OPEN Green CLOSE Red OCA OPEN Green CLOSE Red AUTO White OOA ON Green OFF Red AUTO White MA MANUAL Yellow AUTO White SS START Green STOP Red RESET RESET Red EMERGENCY STOP EMERGENCY STOP Red 1. Unused or Noninscribed Buttons: Black. 2. Lettering Color: a. Black on white and yellow buttons. b. White on black, red and green buttons. Q. Standard Light Colors and Inscriptions: Use following color code and inscriptions for service legends and lens colors for indicating lights, unless otherwise noted in Instrument List, Article Supplements. Tag Function Inscription( s) Color ON ON Green OFF OFF Red OPEN OPEN Green CLOSED CLOSED Red SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 13401 23 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ta~ Function Inscription( s) Color LOW LOW Red FAIL FAIL Red HIGH HIGH Red AUTO AUTO White MANUAL MANUAL Yellow LOCAL LOCAL White REMOTE REMOTE Yellow 1. Lettering Color: a. Black on white and amber lenses. b. White on red and green lenses. 2.06 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS A. Flow Element, Rotameter, Purge: 1. For air service, unless otherwise noted. 2. Materials: Glass tube, fiberglass body, stainless steel float, nylon ball check valve. 3. Direct-Reading Scale Length: 2-1/2 inches, minimum. 4. Scale Ranges: 0 to 2.5 scth for air service or 0 to 10 gph for water servIce. 5. Integral inlet needle valves. 6. Integral Differential Pressure Regulators: a. For water service. b. For air service for level ranges greater than 10 feet of water. 7. Manufacturers and Products: a. Fischer & Porter; Series lOA3130. b. Brooks; Series DS-1350. B. Manifold, Three-Valve Equalizing: 1. Type: For isolation and equalization of differential pressure transducers. 2. Materials: Stainless steel. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Anderson, Greenwood and Co.; Type MI. b. Evans. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 24 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B C. Pressure Gauge: For other than process variable measurement. 1. Dial Size: Nominal 2-inch dial size. 2. Accuracy: 2 percent of span. 3. Scale Range: Such that normal operating pressure lies between 50 and 80 percent of scale range. 4. Connection: 1/4-inch NPT through bottom, unless otherwise noted. 5. Manufacturers and Products: a. Ashcroft Utility; Gauge Series 1000. b. Marsh; Standard Gauge Series. c. Ametek U.S.; Gauge Series P500. d. Acculite; Series 2000. D. Valve, Needle: 1. Materials: Stainless steel body with 0.020-inch orifice. 2. Manufacturers and Products: a. Whitey; Model 21 RF2. b. Hoke; 3700 Series. E. ON/OFF Valves: 1. Type: Ball valve. 2. Materials: Stainless steel. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Whitey; Series 41 through Series 43. b. Hoke; Flomite 7100 Series. F. Regulating Valves: 1. Type: Needle valves, with regulating stems and screwed bonnets. 2. Materials: Stainless steel. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Whitey; Catalog No. RF or RS. b. Hoke; 3100 through 3300 Series. G. Valve, Three-Way: 1. Type: Ball valve. 2. Materials: Stainless steel with nylon handle. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Whitey; Series 41 through Series 43. b. Hoke; Selecto-Mite Series. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 25 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H. Valve, Four-Way: 1. 2. Type: Four-way, two-position ball valve. Materials: a. Body and Stem: Type 316 stainless steel. b. Handle: Black nylon. c. Packing Gland: Teflon. Ball and stem bed, one-piece assembly. Machined handle stops and directional nameplates. Manufacturers and Products: a. Whitey; Series 457. b. Hoke; Multi-Mite Series. \ 3. 4. 5. I. Spool Valve: 1. Type: Five-port arrangement as shown, two-position, push-to-operate knob attached to the spool stem, and spring return. 2. Materials: Aluminum construction with Teflon impregnated aluminum spool, stainless steel spring, and Buna-N O-rings. 3. Port Connection: 1/4-inch OD tube fittings. 4. Manufacturer and Product: Norgren; T71DAOO-TSO-TKO. J. Solenoid Valve, Two-Way: 1. Type: Globe valve directly actuated by solenoid and not requiring minimum pressure differential for operation. 2. Materials: a. Body: Brassed globe valves. b. Valve Seat: Buna-N. 3. Size: As noted and normally closed or opened, as noted. 4. Coil: 115V ac, unless noted otherwise. 5. Solenoid Enclosure: NEMA 4. 6. Manufacturer and Product: ASCO; Red Hat Series 8260. K. Pressure Regulator, Air: 1. Provide air at reduced pressures, as shown, constant to within plus or minus 10 percent for flows from 0 to 300 scth with 100 psi supply pressure. 2. Setscrew for outlet pressure adjustment. 3. Integral filter and relief valve. 4. Manufacturers and Products: a. Masoneilan; Series 77-4. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 26 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B b. Fisher; Series 67FR. L. Pressure Regulator, Water: 1. Materials: a. Body: Bronze. b. Spring Case: Cast iron. c. Seat Rings: Brass. d. Valve Disk and Holder: Buna-N and bronze. e. Diaphragm: Buna-N diaphragm. 2. Sizing: For maximum of 7 psi offset pressure. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Fisher; Controls Type 95H or 95L. b. Masoneilan; Series 17. M. Test Tap: 1. Manufacturers and Products: a. Imperial-Eastman; quick-disconnect couplings No. 292-P and caps No. 259-P. b. Crawford Fitting Co.; Swagelok quick-connects Series QC4 and caps QC4-DC. c. Parker; CPI Series precision quick couplings. N. Copper Tubing and Fittings: 1. Type K hard copper, ASTM B88, with commercially pure wrought copper solder joint fittings. Make joints with 95-5 wire solder, ASTM B32, Grade 95 TA. Do not use cored solder. 2. Alternatively, Type K, soft temper copper tubing, ASTM B88, with brass compression type fittings may be used where shown on the Drawings. 3. Manufacturers: a. Parker-Hanni fin. b. Swagelok tube fittings. O. Plastic Tubing and Fittings: 1. Tubing: Polyethylene capable of withstanding 190 psig at 175 degrees F. a. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Dekoron; Type P. 2) Imperial Eastman; Poly-Flo black instrument tubing. 2. Fittings: a. Type: Brass compression. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 27 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Imperial Eastman; Poly-Flo tube fittings. 2) Dekoron; E-Z fittings. P. Stainless Steel Tubing: ASTM A312, Type 316, seamless, soft annealed, as shown on Drawings, 0.065-inch wall. Q. Stainless Steel Fittings: 1. Compression Type: a. Materials: Stainless steel, ASTM A182 forged bodies or ASTM A276 barstock bodies, Type 316, flareless. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Parker Flodar; BA Series. 2) Swagelok tube fittings. 3) Parker CPI tube fittings; Parker A-LOK dual ferrule tube fittings. 2. Socket Weld Type: a. Materials: Stainless steel, ASTM A182 forged bodies or ASTM A276 barstock bodies, Type 316 for 3,000 psi maximum working pressure, safety factor 4: 1. b. Manufacturers: 1) Cajon. 2) Swagelok. 3) ParkerWELDLOK. R. Air Set: Consist of a shutoff valve, pressure regulator, discharge pressure gauge, and interconnecting tubing. S. Purge Set: 1. Parts: Purge rotameter flow element, pressure regulator, pressure gauge, test tap, shutoff valve, spool valve, and interconnecting tubing as shown on Drawings and as specified. 2. Pressure Gauge Scale Range: 150 percent of the process variable. 3. Mounting: Within consoles, panels, or a separate enclosure as shown. For separate enclosure mounted purge sets, refer to paragraphs Nonfreestanding Panel Construction and Factory Finishing for enclosure requirements. T. Tubing Raceways: 1. Cable tray systems complete with tees, elbows, reducers, and covers. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 28 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2. Size in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations for the intended service. 3. Materials: Galvanized steel. 4. Manufacturers: a. Globetray. b. Cope. U. Air Supply Sets: 1. Parts: Integrally Mounted: a. Pressure Controls: Automatic START/STOP, factory set at 30 to 50 psig. b. Valves: Manual drain, manual shutoff, pressure relief, and check valve. c. Pressure gauge. d. Inlet filter muffler. e. Power: 120V ac. f. Compressor: Oil-less, single cylinder, rated for at least 1 scfin at 50 psig. g. Manufacturers and Products: 1) ITT Pneumotive; GH Series. 2) Gast. 2. Simplex Air Supply Sets: a. Air Receiver: 2 gallons. b. Compressors: One. 3. Duplex Air Supply Sets: a. Air Receiver: 20-gallon. b. Compressors: Two. c. Automatic Failover Control: Factory set at 20 psig. 2.07 SPARE PARTS Percent of Each Description Type and Size Used No Less Than dc power supplies 20 1 Fuses 20 5 Indicating light bulb 20 10 Relays 20 3 SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 29 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I II I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Percent of Each Description Type and Size Used No Less Than Terminal Blocks 10 10 Hand Switches 10 2 Component (Code) Quantity Option PLC(RTU)CPU 1 PLC (RTU) VO Module 1 One of each type used PLC (RTU) Power Supply 1 One of each type used 2.08 EXPENDABLES Item Quantity Chemicals for analyzers Manufacturer's recommended 2-year supply Corrosion-inhibiting vapor capsules Manufacturer's recommended 2-year supply Spray pump filter adhesive; Hoffinan One pint per panel with air filters Model A-FL TAD 2.09 FABRICATION A. General: 1. Panels with external dimensions and instruments arrangement as shown on Drawings. 2. Panel Construction and Interior Wiring: In accordance with the National Electrical Code, state and local codes, NEMA, ANSI, UL, and ICECA. 3. Fabricate panels, install instruments, wire, and plumb, at the PICS factory. 4. Electrical Work: In accordance with Division 16, Electrical. B. Factory Assembly: Assemble panels at the manufacturer's factory. No fabrication other than correction of minor defects or minor transit damage shall be done on panels at Site. C. UL Listing Mark for Enclosures: Mark stating "Listed Enclosed Industrial Control Panel." SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 30 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENT A TION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I ,I I I' I I I I I I I "I Ii I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Wiring Within PICS Panels: 1. Restrain by plastic ties or ducts or metal raceways. 2. Hinge Wiring: Secure at each end so that bending or twisting will be around longitudinal axis of wire. Protect bend area with sleeve. 3. Arrange wiring neatly, cut to proper length, and remove surplus wire. 4. Abrasion protection for wire bundles which pass through holes or across edges of sheet metal. 5. Connections to Screw Type Terminals: a. Locking-fork-tongue or ring-tongue lugs. b. Use manufacturer's recommended tool with required sized anvil to make crimp lug terminations. c. Wires terminated in a crimp lug, maximum of one. d. Lugs installed on a screw terminal, maximum of two. 6. Connections to Compression Clamp Type Terminals: a. Strip, prepare, and install wires in accordance with terminal manufacturer's recommendations. b. Wires installed in a compression screw and clamp, maximum of one for field wires entering enclosure, otherwise maximum of two. 7. Splicing and tapping of wires, allowed only at device terminals or terminal blocks. 8. Terminate 24V dc and analog signal circuits on separate terminal block from ac circuit terminal blocks. 9. Separate analog and dc circuits by at least 6 inches from ac power and control wiring, except at unavoidable crossover points and at device terminations. 10. Arrange wiring to allow access for testing, removal, and maintenance of circuits and components. 11. Plastic Wire Ducts Fill: Do not exceed manufacturer's recommendation. E. Temperature Control: 1. Freestanding Panels: a. Nonventilated Panels: Size to adequately dissipate heat from equipment mounted inside panel or on panel. b. Ventilated Panels: 1) Furnish with louvers and forced ventilation as required to prevent temperature buildup from equipment mounted inside panel or on panel. 2) For panels with backs against wall, furnish louvers on top and bottom of panel sides. 3) For panels without backs against wall, furnish louvers on top and bottom of panel back. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 31 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I II I 'I I I, I I I I 'I I, il I I I I I I 4) Louver Construction: Stamped sheet metal. 5) Ventilation Fans: a) Furnish where required to provide adequate cooling. b) Create positive internal pressure within panel. c) Fan Motor Power: I20V ac, 60-Hz, thermostatically controlled. 6) Air Filters: Washable aluminum, Hoffman Series A-FLT. 2. Refrigerated System: Furnish where heat dissipation cannot be adequately accomplished with natural convection or forced ventilation. Smaller Panels (that are not freestanding): Size to adequately dissipate heat from equipment mounted inside panel or in panel face. 3. Space Heaters: a. Thermostatically controlled to maintain internal panel temperatures above dew point. b. Required for following panels: 1) None. F. Freestanding Panel Construction: 1. Materials: Sheet steel, unless otherwise shown on Drawings with minimum thickness of IO-gauge, unless otherwise noted. 2. Panel Fronts: a. Fabricated from a single piece of sheet steel, unless otherwise shown on Drawings. b. No seams or bolt heads visible when viewed from front. c. Panel Cutouts: Smoothly finished with rounded edges. d. Stiffeners: Steel angle or plate stiffeners or both on back of panel face to prevent panel deflection under instrument loading or operation. 3. Internal Framework: a. Structural steel for instrument support and panel bracing. b. Permit panel lifting without racking or distortion. 4. Lifting rings to allow simple, safe rigging and lifting of panel during installation. 5. Adjacent Panels: Securely bolted together so front faces are parallel. 6. Doors: Full height, fully gasketed access doors where shown on Drawings. a. Latches: Three-point, Southco Type 44. b. Handles: "D" ring, foldable type. c. Hinges: Full length, continuous, piano type, steel hinges with stainless steel pins. d. Rear Access Doors: Extend no further than 24 inches beyond panel when opened to 90-degree position. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 13401 32 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I, I I I I I I I. I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B e. Front and Side Access Doors: As shown on Drawings. G. Nonfreestanding Panel Construction: 1. Based on environmental design requirements required and referenced in Article Environmental Requirements, provide the following: a. For panels listed as inside, air conditioned: 1) Enclosure Type: NEMA 12 in accordance with NEMA 250. 2) Materials: Steel. b. For all other panels: 1) Enclosure Type: NEMA 4X in accordance with NEMA 250. 2) Materials: Type 316 stainless steel. 2. Metal Thickness: 14-gauge, minimum. 3. Doors: a. Rubber-gasketed with continuous hinge. b. Stainless steel lockable quick-release clamps. 4. Manufacturers: a. Hoffman Engineering Co. b. Ri ttal. H. Factory Finishing: 1. Enclosures: a. Stainless Steel and Aluminum: Not painted. b. Nonmetallic Panels: Not painted. c. Steel Panels: 1) Sand panel and remove mill scale, rust, grease, and oil. 2) Fill imperfections and sand smooth. 3) Paint panel interior and exterior with one coat of epoxy coating metal primer, two finish coats of two-component type epoxy enamel. 4) Sand surfaces lightly between coats. 5) Dry Film Thickness: 3 mils, minimum. 6) Color: Grey. 2. Manufacturer's standard finish color, except where specific color is indicated. If manufacturer has no standard color, finish equipment with light gray color. 2.10 CORROSION PROTECTION A. Corrosion-Inhibiting Vapor Capsule Manufacturers: 1. Northern Instruments; Model Zerust VC. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 13401 33 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I, 'I I' I ,I I 'I I I I ,I II I I I I I I 2. Hoffinann Engineering Co; Model A-HC!. 2.11 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. General: 1. Test PICS elements, both hardware and software, to demonstrate that PICS satisfies requirements. 2. Factory tests described under this article: a. Unwitnessed Factory Test (UFT). b. Factory Demonstration Tests (FDT). 3. Test Format: Cause and effect. a. Person conducting test initiates an input (cause). b. Specific test requirement is satisfied if correct result (effect), occurs. 4. Procedures, Forms, and Checklists: a. Except for UFT, conduct tests in accordance with, and documented on, City's Representative accepted procedures, forms, and checklists. b. Describe each test item to be performed. c. Have space after each test item description for sign off by appropriate party after satisfactory completion. 5. Required Test Documentation: Test procedures, forms, and checklists. Signed by City's Representative and Contractor except for ORT items signed only by Contractor. 6. Conducting Tests: a. Special testing materials and equipment. b. Wherever possible, perform tests using actual process variables, equipment, and data. c. If not practical to test with real process variables, equipment, and data, provide suitable means of simulation. d. Define simulation techniques in test procedures. 7. Coordinate PICS testing with City and affected Subcontractors. 8. City's Representative will actively participate in many ofthe tests. 9. City's Representative reserves right to test or retest all specified functions whether or not explicitly stated test procedures. 10. City's Representative's decision will be [mal regarding acceptability and completeness of all testing. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 34 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I .1 I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 11. Excessive Test Witnessing: City will recover costs for witnessing retesting of corrected or replaced defective Work, and for return visits to manufacturing facilities to witness factory testing or retesting as set forth in Supplementary Conditions. B. Unwitnessed Factory Test (UFT): 1. Scope: Inspect and test PICS to ensure it is operational, ready for FDT. 2. Location: PICS Subcontractor's factory. 3. Integrated Test: a. Interconnect and test PICS, except for primary elements and smaller panels. b. Exercise and test all functions. c. Provide stand alone testing of smaller panels. d. Simulate inputs and outputs for primary elements, final control elements, and panels excluded from test. C. Factory Demonstration Tests (FDT): 1. Scope: Test entire PICS, with exception of primary elements, final control elements, and certain smaller panels, to demonstrate that it is operational. 2. Location: PICS Suppliers factory. 3. Loop-Specific Functions: Demonstrate functions as defined in the Loop Specifications. . 4. Non-Loop-Specific Functions: a. Capacity: Demonstrate that PICS Subsystems have required spare capacity for expansion. Include tests for both storage capacity and processing capacity. b. Timing: Include tests for timing requirements. c. Diagnostics: Demonstrate online and offline diagnostic tests and procedures. 5. Panels. a. Water Pump Station RTU Panel (CP-WPS). b. Sewage Pump Station RTU Panel (CP-SPS). 6. Provide a temporary SCADA computer interface to demonstrate remote SCADA functions. 7. " Correct deficiencies found and complete prior to shipment to site. 8. Failed Tests: a. Repeat and witnessed by City's Representative. b. With approval of City's Representative, certain tests maybe conducted by PICS Subcontractor and witnessed by City's Representative as part ofORT. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 13401 35 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I 'I 'I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I " I I 9. Make following documentation available to City's Representative at test site both before and during FDT: a. All Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, and Change Orders. b. Master copy of FDT procedures. c. List of equipment to be tested including make, model, and serial number. d. Shop Drawing hardware Submittals for equipment being tested. 10. Daily Schedule for FDT: a. Begin each day meeting to review day's test schedule. b. End each day with each meeting to review day's test results and to review or revise next day's test schedule. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. For equipment not provided by PICS, but that directly interfaces with the PICS, verify the following conditions: 1. Proper installation. 2. Calibration and adjustment of positioners and liP transducers. 3. Correct control action. 4. Switch settings and dead bands. 5. Opening and closing speeds and travel stops. 6. Input and output signals. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Material and Equipment Installation: Retain a copy of manufacturers' instructions at Site, available for review at all times. B. Electrical Wiring: As specified in Division 16, Electrical. C. Mechanical Systems: 1. Drawings for PICS Mechanical Systems are diagrammatic and not intended to specifically define element locations or piping and tubing run lengths. Base materials and installations on field measurements. 2. Copper and Stainless Steel Tubing Support: Continuously supported by an aluminum tubing raceway system. 3. Plastic Tubing Supports: Except as shown on Drawings, provide continuous support in conduits or by aluminum tubing raceway system. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 36 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I, I :1 I' I I I I I' I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 4. Install tubing conduit for plastic tubing and tubing raceways parallel with, or at right angles to, structural members of buildings. Make vertical runs straight and plumb. 5. Tubing and Conduit Bends: a. Tool-formed without flattening, and all of same radius. b. Bend Radius: Equal to or larger than conduit and tubing manufacturer's recommended minimum bend radius. c. Slope instrument connection tubing in accordance with installation details. d. Do not run liquid filled instrument tubing immediately over or within a 3-foot plan view clearance of electrical panels, motor starters, or mechanical mounting panel without additional protection. Where tubing must be located in these zones, shield electrical device to prevent water access to electrical equipment. e. Straighten coiled tubing by unrolling on flat surface. Do not pull to straighten. f. Cut tubing square with sharp tubing cutter. Deburr cuts and remove chips. Do not gouge or scratch surface of tubing. g. Blow debris from inside of tubing. h. Make up and install fittings in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Verify makeup of tube fittings with manufacturer's inspection gauge. 1. Use lubricating compound or TFE tape on stainless steel threads to prevent seizing or galling. J. Run tubing to allow, e.g., clear access to doors, controls, and control panels; and to allow for easy removal of equipment. k. Provide separate support for components in tubing runs. 1. Supply expansion loops and use adapters at pipe, valve, or component connections for proper orientation of fitting. m. Keep tubing and conduit runs at least 12 inches from hot pipes. n. Locate and install tubing raceways in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Locate tubing to prevent spillage, overflow, or dirt from above. o. Securely attach tubing raceways to building structural members. 6. Enclosure Lifting Rings: Remove rings following installation and plug holes. D. Removal or Relocation of Materials and Equipment: 1. ,- Remove from Site materials that were part of the existing facility but are no longer used, unless otherwise directed by City's Representative to deliver to City. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 37 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I -I I I 'I I I I 'I ,I I 'I I 2. Repair affected surfaces to conform to type, quality, and finish of surrounding surface. 3.03 FIELD FINISHING A. Refer to Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Startup and Testing Team: 1. Thoroughly inspect installation, termination, and adjustment for components and systems. 2. Complete onsite tests. 3. Complete onsite training. 4. Provide startup assistance. B. Operational Readiness Inspections and Calibrations: Prior to startup, inspect and test to ensure that entire PICS is ready for operation. 1. Loop/Component Inspections and Calibrations: a. Check PICS for proper installation, calibration, and adjustment on a loop-by-Ioop and component-by-component basis. b. Prepare component calibration sheet for each active component (except simple hand switches, lights, gauges, and similar items). 1) Project name. 2) Loop number. 3) Component tag number. 4) Component code number. 5) Manufacturer for elements. 6) Model number/serial number. 7) Summary of functional requirements, for example: a) Indicators and recorders, scale and chart ranges. b) Transmitters/converters, input and output ranges. c) Computing elements' function. d) Controllers, action (direct/reverse) and control modes (PID). e) Switching elements, unit range, differential (fixed/adjustable), reset (auto/manual). 8) Calibrations, for example: a) Analog Devices: Actual inputs and outputs at 0, 10, 50, and 100 percent of span, rising and falling. b) Discrete Devices: Actual trip points and reset points. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 38 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I ,I I I I II I ,I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B c) Controllers: Mode settings (PID). 9) Space for comments. c. These inspections and calibrations will be spot checked by City's Representative. 2. Leak Test: In accordance with Division 15, Mechanical. C. Performance Acceptance Tests (P AT): These are the activities that Part III, Section 1-05.11(4) refers to as Performance Testing. 1. General: a. Test all PICS elements to demonstrate that PICS satisfies all requirements. b. Test Format: Cause and effect. 1) Person conducting test initiates an input ( cause). 2) Specific test requirement is satisfied if correct result (effect) occurs. c. Procedures, Forms, and Checklists: 1) Conduct tests in accordance with, and documented on, City's Representative accepted procedures, forms, and checklists. 2) Describe each test item to be performed. 3) Have space after each test item description for sign offby appropriate party after satisfactory completion. d. Required Test Documentation: Test procedures, forms, and checklists. All signed by City's Representative and Contractor. e. Conducting Tests: 1) Provide special testing materials, equipment, and software. 2) Wherever possible, perform tests using actual process variables, equipment, and data. 3) Ifit is not practical to test with real process variables, equipment, and data, provide suitable means of simulation. 4) Define simulation techniques in test procedures. f. Coordinate PICS testing with City and affected Subcontractors. 1) Excessive Test Witnessing: Refer to Supplementary Conditions. 2. Test Requirements: a. Once facility has been started up and is operating, perform a witnessed PAT on complete PICS to demonstrate that it is operating as required. Demonstrate each required function on a paragraph-by-paragraph and loop-by-Ioop basis. b. Perform local and manual tests for each loop before proceeding to remote and automatic modes. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 39 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 'I I I 'I I I I I I \1 I I II I I ,I 'I I I c. Where possible, verify test results using visual confirmation of process equipment and actual process variable. Unless otherwise directed, exercise and observe devices supplied by others, as needed to verify correct signals to and from such devices and to confirm overall system functionality. Test verification by means of disconnecting wires or measuring signal levels is acceptable only where direct operation of plant equipment is not possible. d. Make updated versions of documentation required for PAT available to City's Representative at Site, both before and during tests. e. Make one copy ofO&M manuals available to City's Representative at the Site both before and during testing. f. Refer to referenced examples of P AT procedures and forms in Article Supplements. 3.05 MANUFACTURER'S SERVICES A. Specialty Equipment: For following equipment, provide the services of a qualified manufacturer's representative during installation, startup, and demonstration testing and City training. Provide original equipment manufacturer's services for: None. 3.06 TRAINING A. General: 1. Provide an integrated training program to meet specific needs of City's personnel. 2. Include training sessions, classroom and field, for managers, engineers, operators, and maintenance personnel. 3. Provide instruction on one working shift as needed to accommodate the City's personnel schedule. 4. City reserves the right to make and reuse video tapes of training seSSIOns. B. Operations and Maintenance Training: 1. Include a review of O&M manuals and survey of spares, expendables, and test equipment. 2. Use equipment similar to that provided or currently owned by City. 3. Provide training suitable for instrument technicians with at least a 2-year associate engineering or technical degree, or equivalent education and experience in electronics or instrumentation. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 13401 40 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENT AnON AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I' I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B C. Operations Training: 1. Training Session Duration: One 8-hour instructor day. 2. Number of Training Sessions: Two. 3. Location: Site. 4. Content: Conduct training on loop-by-Ioop basis. a. Loop Functions: Understanding of loop functions, including interlocks for each loop. b. Loop Operation: For example, adjusting process variable set points, AUTO/MANUAL control transfer, AUTO and MANUAL control, annunciator acknowledgement and resetting. c. Interfaces with other control systems. D. Maintenance Training: 1. Training Session Duration: One8-hour instructor day. 2. Number of Training Sessions: Two. 3. Location: Project Site. 4. Content: Provide training for each type of component and function provided. a. Loop Functions: Understanding details of each loop and how they function. b. Component calibration. c. Adjustments: For example, controller tuning constants, current switch trip points, and similar items. d. Troubleshooting and diagnosis for components. e. Replacing lamps, chart paper, fuses. f. Component removal and replacement. g. Periodic maintenance. - 3.07 CLEANING/ADJUSTING A. Repair affected surfaces to conform to type, quality, and finish of surrounding surface. B. Cleaning: 1. Prior to closing system using tubing, clear tubing of interior moisture and debris. 2. Upon completion of Work, remove materials, scraps, and debris from interior and exterior of equipment. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 41 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENT AnON AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I 3.08 PROTECTION A. Protect enclosures and other equipment containing electrical, instrumentation and control devices, including spare parts, from corrosion through the use of corrosion-inhibiting vapor capsules. B. Periodically replace capsules in accordance with capsule manufacturer's recommendations. Replace capsules just prior to Final Payment and Acceptance. 3.09 SUPPLEMENTS A. Supplements listed below, following "End of Section," are part of this Specification. 1. Component Specifications. 2. Instrument List. 3. Control Narratives. 4. PLC I/O List. 5. Instrument Calibration Sheet: Provides detailed information on each instrument (except simple hand switches, lights, and similar items). 6. I&C Valve Adjustment Sheet: Each sheet shows detailed information for installation, adjustment, and calibration of a given valve. 7. Performance Acceptance Test Sheet: Describes the PAT for a given loop. The format is mostly free form. a. Lists the requirements of the loop. b. Briefly describes the test. c. Cites expected results. d. Provides space for check offby witness. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 42 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENT A TION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I, ,I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS A. AIO Combustible Gas Element and Transmitter: 1. General: a. Function: Continuously monitor ambient air for the lower explosive limit (LEL) of combustible hydrocarbon based gases. b. Type: Multi-channel transmitter with poison-resistant infared elements. c. Parts: Elements, transmitter, interconnecting cables, calibrator, and calibration check kit. 2. Performance: a. Range: 0 to 100 percent LEL. b. Resolution: 0.1 percent LEL. c. Repeatability: Plus or minus 1 percent of full scale. d. Analog Output Accuracy: Plus or minus 1 percent full scale. e. Sensor Life: 1 year, minimum. f. Temperature, Operating: 1) Element: Minus 40 to plus 200 degrees F. 2) Monitor: Plus 32 to 125 degrees F. g. Humidity, Operating: 0 to 95 percent, noncondensing. 3. Element (Sensor): a. Type: Combustible gas sensor, infared. b. Gas Monitored: As noted for each element. c. Calibration: Wireless calibration receiver using a digital coded infrared light from remote calibrator. d. Enclosure: Suitable for NEC, Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D hazardous areas. e. Mounting: Wall. f. Signal Interface: Digital or frequency transmitted via interconnecting cable. g. Power: 14V dc obtained from transmitters via interconnecting cable. 4. Transmitter (Monitor): a. Input: Separate, independent input for each sensor. b. Number of Channels: As noted. c. Indicator: Three-digit LED readout to display the value measured by each sensor in units 0 to 100 percent LEL. d. Alarm Indication: Separate alarm lights for caution, warning, and alarm for each sensor. e. Alarm Set Points: Three separate alarm set points for each sensor independently adjustable for any value in range. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I ~I I I I I I I I I I I :1 f. Audible Alarm: Horn, buzzer, or tone when alarm condition occurs. g. Discrete Outputs: I) Relay contact outputs for each set point noted. 2) One relay contact output to indicate system power loss, sensor signal loss, and 15 percent or greater under range. h. Signal Interface: I) Contacts: When noted or shown, Form C, SPDT rated 5A resistive at 120V ac, minimum. 2) Analog Output: 4 to 20 mA dc, for each channel representing measured gas concentration, for load impedance 0 to 250 ohms minimum for 24V de supply without load adjustments. 1. Enclosure: I) Type: NEMA 4X. 2) Mounting: Case Mounted with Stanchion. j. Power: 115V ac, 60-Hz, unless otherwise noted. 5. Cables: a. Type: As recommended or provided by the manufacturer. b. Length: As required to accommodate the device locations. 6. Calibration System: a. Zero and Span Adjustment: One remote control calibrator unit for calibration of all combustible gas sensors, without declassifying the area, and without opening the sensor enclosure. b. Calibration Check Kit: With all accessories, including cylinder(s) of the gas(es) being monitored. 7. Manufacturers: a. MSA Instrument; Ultima XE, remote XIR sensor module. SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 2 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. F4 Flow Element and Transmitter, Electromagnetic: 1. General: a. Function: Measure, indicate, and transmit the flow of a conductive process liquid in a full pipe. b. Type: 1) Electromagnetic flowmeter, with operation based on Faraday's Law, utilizing the pulsed dc type coil excitation principle with high impedance electrodes. 2) Full bore meter with magnetic field traversing entire flow-tube cross section. 3) Unacceptable are insert magmeters or multiple single point probes inserted into a spool piece. c. Parts: Flow element, transmitter, interconnecting cables, and mounting hardware. Other parts as noted. 2. Service: a. Stream Fluid: 1) As noted. 2) Suitable for liquids with a minimum conductivity of 5 microS/cm and for demineralized water with a minimum conductivity of20 microS/cm. b. Flow Stream Descriptions: If and as described below. 3. Operating Temperature: a. Element: 1) Ambient: Minus 5 to 140 degrees F, typical, unless otherwise noted. 2) Process: Minus 5 to 140 degrees F, typical, unless otherwise noted. b. Transmitter: 1) Ambient: Minus 5 to 140 degrees F, typical, unless otherwise noted. 2) Storage: 15 to 120 degrees F, typical, unless otherwise noted. 4. Performance: a. Flow Range: As noted. b. Accuracy: Plus or minus 0.5 percent of rate for all flows resulting from pipe velocities of 2 to 30 feet per second. c. Turndown Ratio: Minimum of 10 to 1 when flow velocity at minimum flow is at least 1 foot per second. 5. Features: a. Zero stability feature to eliminate the need to stop flow to check zero alignment. b. No obstructions to flow. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 3 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I ,I I 'I I I I I I ,I I I ,I I I I I I I c. Very low pressure loss. d. Measures bi-directional flow. 6. Process Connection: a. Meter Size (diameter inches): As noted. b. Connection Type: ISO-pound ANSI raised-face flanges; A WW A C207, Table 2 Class D; or wafer style depending on meter size, unless otherwise noted. c. Flange Material: Carbon steel, unless otherwise noted. 7. Power (Transmitter): 120V ac, 60-Hz, unless otherwise noted. 8. Element: a. Meter Tube Material: Type 304 or 316 stainless steel, unless otherwise noted. b. Liner Material: 1) Teflon, unless otherwise noted. 2) For potable water service, must have appropriate approvals. c. Liner Protectors: Covers (or grounding rings) on each end to' protect liner during shipment. d. Electrode Type: Flush or bullet nose as recommended by the manufacturer for the noted stream fluid. e. Electrode Material: Type 316 stainless steel or Hastelloy C, unless otherwise noted. f. Grounding Ring: 1) Required, unless otherwise noted. 2) Material: Type 316 stainless steel, unless otherwise noted. g. Enclosure: NEMA 4X, minimum, unless otherwise noted. h. Submergence: 1) Temporary: Ifnoted. 2) Continuous (up to 10 feet depth), NEMA 6P/IP68: Ifnoted. 1. Direct Buried (3 to 10 feet): If noted. J. Hazardous Area Certification: 1) Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D: Ifnoted. 2) Class 1, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, D, and FM approved: If noted. 3) Class 1, Division 1, Groups C, D, and FM approved: If noted. 9. Transmitter: a. Mounting: Surface (wall), unless otherwise noted. b. Display: Required, unless otherwise noted. 1) Digital LCD display, indicating flow rate and total. 2) Bi-directional Flow Display: Required, unless otherwise noted. a) Forward and reverse flow rate. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 4 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B b) Forward, reverse and net totalization. c. Parameter Adjustments: By keypad or non-intrusive means. d. Enclosure: NEMA 4X, minimum, unless otherwise noted. e. Empty Pipe Detection: 1) If noted. 2) Drives display and outputs to zero when empty pipe deleted. 10. Signal Interface (at Transmitter): a. Analog Output: 1) Isolated 4 to 20 mA dc for load impedance from 0 to at least 500 ohms minimum for 24V dc supply. 2) Supports Superimposed Digital HART protocol: Ifnoted. b. Discrete Outputs: If noted. 1) Two discrete outputs, typical, rated for up to 30 volts, typical. 2) Programmable as noted for the following typical parameters: a) High/low flow rates, percent of range, empty pipe zero, fault conditions, forward/reverse, etc. c. Discrete Input: If noted. 1) Contact closure, configured as noted for the following typical parameters: reset totalizer, change range, hold output constant, drive output to zero, and low flow cutoff, etc. d. Other: As noted. 11. Cables: a. Types: As recommended by manufacturer. b. Lengths: As required to accommodate device locations. 12. Built-in Diagnostic System: a. Features: 1) Field programmable electronics. 2) Self-diagnostics with troubleshooting codes. 3) Ability to program electronics'with full scale flow, engineering units, meter size, zero flow cutoff, desired signal damping, totalizer unit digit value, etc. 4) Initial flow tube calibration and subsequent calibration checks. 13. Factory Calibration: a. Calibrated in an ISO 9001 and NIST certified factory. b. Factory flow calibration system must be certified by volume or weight certified calibration devices. c. Factory flow calibration system shall be able to maintain calibration flow rate for at least 5 minutes for repeatability point checks. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 5 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 14. Factory Ready for Future In situ Verifications: If noted. a. Original meter parameter values available from vendor by request. 15. Accessories: a. In situ Verification System: Ifnoted. 1) Quantity: One complete system provided for the project. 2) Verifies quantitatively that the meter and signal converter's present condition is the same as originally manufactured. 3) Physical access to the flow-tube not required. 4) Meet standards established by the National Testing Laboratory. 5) Tests and stores over 50-meter parameters related to primary coils, electrodes, interconnecting cable and signal converter. 6) Verification standard shall be plus or minus 1 percent of wet calibration for meters produced using the calibration verification service, or plus or minus 2 percent for standard meters. 7) Windows-based software b. Primary Simulation System: If noted. 1) Quantity: One complete system provided for the project. 2) Verifies proper operation of the signal converter by simulating the flow meter's output signal. a) Generates pulsed dc excitation signal with a reference voltage of70 mV. b) Generated signal ranges from 0 to 99 percent (0 to 32.8 feet per second) with a resolution of 0.1 percent. c) Switch selectable for forward, reverse and zero flow rate. 3) Verifies various input and output signals. 16. Manufacturers: a. ABB Automation MagMaster (includes Transmitter): 1) 1OD1475 Mini-Mag (size: 1/10 to 4 inches). 2) MFE (size: 1/2 to 24 inches). 3) Plus MFF (size: 8 to 84 inches). b. Emerson Process Management, Rosemount Division: 1) Model 8705 (flanged) and Model 871 1 (wafer) flow tubes. 2) Model 8712 (surface) and Model 8732 (integral) transmitters. c. Endress & Hauser, Inc. Flow Measuring System: I) Promag 50/53H (size: 1/1204 inches). 2) Promag 50/53P (size: 1/2 to 24 inches). 3) Promag 50/53W (size: 1 to 78 inches). SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 6 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B d. Invensys Foxboro (includes IMT 25 Series Intelligent Magnetic Flow Transmitter): 1) 8000A Series Wafer Body (size: 1/16 to 16 inches). 2) 9100A Series Flanged Body Flow Tubes (size: 1 to 78 inches). 3) 9200A Series Flanged Body Flow Tubes (size: 8 to 48 inches). 4) 9300A Series Flanged Body Flow Tubes (size: 8 to 16 inches). e. Krohne [includes IFC 020K/IFC 090K (integral) or IFC 020F/IFC 090F (remote) signal converter]. 1) Aqua Flux Flowmeter (size: 3/8 to 120 inches). 2) EnviroMag, IFS 4000 Flowmeter (size: 2 to 60 inches). 3) IFS 1000 EcoFlux Flowmeter (size: 1/10 to 8 inches). SEA/323194. WU .FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 7 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. L5 Level Element and Transmitter, Ultrasonic: 1. General: a. Function: Continuous, noncontacting level measurement. b. Type: Ultrasonic. c. Parts: Element, transmitter, and interconnecting cable between element and transmitter. 2. Service: a. Vapor Space Pressure: Atmospheric, unless otherwise noted. b. Operating Temperature Range: 1) Element: Minus 40 to plus 150 degrees F. 2) Transmitter: Minus 5 to 122 degrees F. 3. Performance: a. Range: As noted. b. Zero Reference: As noted. c. Accuracy: Plus or minus 0.25 percent of maximum range or 6 mm, whichever is greater. d, Resolution: 2 mm or 0.1 percent of range, whichever is greater. e. Blanking Distance: As short as 1 foot. 4. Element: a. Waterproof/weatherproof. b. Housing: Kynar, PVC, or Valox 357, unless otherwise noted. c. Face: Kynar, Teflon, Valox 357, unless otherwise noted. d. Process Connection: I-inch NPT, unless otherwise noted. e. Electrically Hazardous Rating: Unrated, unless otherwise noted. f. Beam Angle: 12 degrees or less. g. Integral temperature compensation. h. Sound Wave Frequency: 44 kHz, typical. 5. Transmitter: a. Primary Configuration: Microprocessor based with keyboard operator interface. b. Secondary Configuration: Windows Based Configuration Software. c. Enclosure: NEMA 4X polycarbonate, unless otherwise noted. d. Power Supply: lIS-volt, 50/60-Hz, unless otherwise noted. e. Isolated Analog Output: 1) One, minimum, Milliamp current loop for load impedance of 0 to 750 ohms. 2) Milliamp current loop programmable as 4-20, 0-20, 20-4, or 20-0 mA. f. Digital Communication: As noted. g. Other Features: As noted. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 8 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B h. Discrete Outputs: Minimum, five relays (combination of SPST and SPDT) rated for 5 amps continuous at 120V ac. 1. Display: 1) Multifield LCD. 2) High contrast 40 mm (1.5 inches). 3) In standard engineering units (feet, inches, or centimeters); volumetric conversion. 4) Alarm Messages: Loss of echo and cable circuit open or shorted. J. Filters, Electronic: 1) For agitator blade echoes. 2) To remove small variations from surface waves. 3) Narrow echo and spike filters to remove spurious readings from noise sources such as variable frequency drives. k. Various pump control features. 6. Interconnecting Cable: Weatherproof, UV protected, length as required, and type as recommended by manufacturer. 7. Manufacturers and Products: a. Milltronics; Model HydroRanger 200. b. Endress & Hauser; Model FMU-860. c. Greyline; Model PSL. d. Pulsar; Advanced Level and Pump Controller. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 9 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. L8 Level Switch, Float: 1. General: a. Function: Actuate contact at preset liquid level. b. Type: Direct-acting float with enclosed mercury switch and integral cable. 2. Service (Liquid): Wastewater, unless otherwise noted. 3. Performance: a. Setpoint: As noted. b. Differential: I-inch maximum. c. Temperature: 0 to 160 degrees F. 4. Features: a. Entire Assembly: Watertight and impact-resistant. b. Float Material and Size: Polypropylene body; 4.5-inch diameter and 6-inch length. c. Cable: 1) Combination support and signal. 2) Length as noted or as necessary per mounting requirements. 3) PVC Type STO, two #I8AWG. d. Mounting: Pipe, unless otherwise noted. 1) Pipe: a) Cable-to-pipe clamp, corrosion-proof cable for I-inch pIpe. b) Pipe-to-wall bracket for I-inch pipe. 2) Suspended Type: If and as noted. 5. Signal Interface: a. Switch Type: Mercury tilt. b. Switch Contacts: 1) Isolated, rated 4.5A continuous at I20V ac. 2) Form C-type contact (1 NO, 1 NC). 6. Accessories: a. Intrinsic Safety Barriers: If noted. b. TCB Junction Box (for four switches and ground lug): Ifnoted. 7. Manufacturers and Products: a. US Filter Control Systems; Model LS Direct Acting Float Switch (B 1 00). b. Anchor Scientific; Roto-Float, Type P/Type S. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 10 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B E. MI2 Hand Switch and Light, Oiltight, Round: I. General: a. Function: Select, initiate, and display discrete control functions. b. Type: Heavy-duty, oiltight, industrial. 2. General Features: a. Mounting: 30.5 mm single round hole. Panel thickness 1/16 inch to 1/4 inch. b. Legend Plate: Standard size square style aluminum field and black markings, unless otherwise noted. Markings as shown. c. Configuration: Light, pushbutton, or switch as noted or shown. 3. Light Features: a. Lights: 6V ac lamps and integral transformer for operation from 120V ac, unless otherwise noted. b. Lens Color: Color as specified under P ANEL, STANDARD LIGHT COLOR AND INSCRIPTIONS, or as noted. 4. Pushbutton and Switch Features: a. Guard: Full guard with flush button, unless otherwise noted. b. Operator: Black pushbutton, black nonilluminated knob on switch, unless otherwise noted. c. Boot: None, unless otherwise noted. 5. Signal Interface: a. Contact Block: 1) Type: Silver-coated butting, unless otherwise noted. 2) Rating: 10 amps continuous at 120V ac or as noted. 3) Sequence: Break-before-make, unless otherwise shown. 4) Arrangement: Normally open or normally closed as shown, or perform functions noted. 5) Terminals: Screw with strap clamp, unless otherwise noted. 6. NEMA Rating: NEMA 4, watertight and dusttight and NEMA 13, oiltight. 7. ManufacturerslModels: a. Allen-Bradley; Bulletin 800T. b. Eaton Corp.; Cutler-Hammer, Type 10250T. c. Square D Co.; Class 9001, Type K. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 11 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. M43 Intrusion Switch, Door: 1. General: a. Function: Monitor intrusion of standard door. b. Type: Magnetic, indoor use. c. Parts: Magnet on door, switch on door frame. 2. Features: a. Type: Surface-mount screw terminals with cover, unless otherwise noted. b. Color: Brown, unless otherwise noted. c. Gap Distance/Type: As required, field evaluate. d. Nominal Dimensions of Switch: 3 inches H by 0.5 inch W. e. Rhodium plated contacts. 3. Signal Interface. a~ Switch: SPDT, unless otherwise noted. b. Contact rating: 0.3 amps continuous at 30V dc. 4. Manufacturer and Product: Simplex Security Systems; Surface Type 2760-9000 Series. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 12 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B G. M45 Intrusion Switch, Motion 1. General: a. Function: Monitor for intruder motion in building. b. Type: Integrated Infared/Microwave sensor, indoor use. c. Parts: Metal housing with multi-directional swivel. 2. Service: a. Operating Temperature Range: 1) Minus 30 to 130 degrees F. b. Operating Humidity Range: 1) 0 to 100% relative humidity. 3. Features: a. Stereo doppler microwave sensor with two receiving channels. b. Dual element infared sensor. c. Digital range control. d. Digital sensitivity control. e. Balanced temperature compensation. 4. Signal Interface. a. Switch: Form C relay output. b. Contact rating: 5. Manufacturer and Product: Protection Technologies Inc., Model SDI- 77-24VDC, or equivalent. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 13 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H. P4 Pressure Gauge: 1. General: a. Function: Pressure indication. b. Type: Bourdon tube. 2. Performance: a. Scale Range: As noted. b. Accuracy: Plus or minus 0.50 percent of full scale. 3. Features: a. Liquid Filled: Required unless otherwise noted. 1) Glycerin fill, unless otherwise noted. b. Dial: 4-II2-inch diameter, unless otherwise noted. c. Case Material: Black phenolic plastic, unless otherwise noted. d. Element Material: Phosphor-bronze, unless otherwise noted. e. Throttling Devices. 1) Pulsation Dampener required, unless otherwise noted. 2) Brass, unless otherwise noted. f. Pointer: Micrometer-adjustable. g. Movement: Stainless steel, Teflon coated bearings, rotary geared. h. Window: Glass, unless otherwise noted. 1. Socket Materials: brass, unless otherwise noted. J. Threaded reinforced polypropylene front ring for easy zero adjustment. k. Case Type: Solid front with solid wall between window and element. Rear of case, gasketed pressure relief. 4. Process Connection: a. Mounting: Lower stem, unless otherwise noted. b. Size: II2-inch, unless otherwise noted. c. Connection Type: Threaded (NPT). 5. Manufacturers and Products: a. Ashcroft; Duragauge Model 1279/1379. b. Weksler; Royal Process Gauge Model AAXX. c. Ametek U.S. Gauge; Solfrunt Mode1I9XX. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 14 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENT AnON AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 1. P9 Pressure Transmitter, Electronic: 1. General: a. Function: Measure pressure and transmit signal proportional to pressure or level. b. Type: Electronic variable capacitance; two-wire transmitter; "smart electronics". c. Parts: Transmitter and communicator. 2. Performance: a. Range: As noted. b. Maximum Adjustable Range: Noted range shall lie between 40 percent and 80 percent of maximum adjustable range. c. Accuracy: Plus or minus 0.075 percent of span, unless otherwise noted. d. Temperature: Operating range minus 20 degrees F to plus 250 degrees F, minimum. e. Humidity: 0 to 100 percent relative humidity. 3. Features: a. Type: Gauge pressure, unless otherwise noted. b. Damping: Fluid or electronic type with adjustment. c. Indicator: Four-digit LCD indicating noted range. d. Suppressed or Elevated Zero: When noted. e. Materials: Wetted parts including process flanges and drain/vent valves, 316 stainless steel, unless otherwise noted. f. Wetted O-Rings: Glass filled TFE, graphite filled PTFE, or Viton, unless otherwise noted. g. Fill Fluid: Silicone, unless otherwise noted. 4. Process Connections: a. Line Size: 1/2 inch or 1/4 inch, selectable. b. Connection Type: FNPT. 5. Signal Interface: a. 4 to 20 mA dc output for load impedance of 0 to 500 ohms minimum, without load adjustment with 24V dc supply. b. Digital process variable signal superimposed on 4-20 mA signal; support HART@ protocol type device. 6. Enclosure: a. Type: NEMA 4X, unless otherwise noted. b. Mounting: Pipe or wall as noted. Provide stainless steel brackets with stainless steel bolts. c. Housing: Modular with separate compartments for electronics and field connections. Epoxy coated aluminum, unless otherwise noted. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 15 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. Communicator: a. Quantity: One per lot of Component P9 devices provided under Contract, unless otherwise noted. b. Features: 1) Keypad and LCD display. 2) Program Memory: 8.0 MB, unless otherwise noted. 3) Transmitter Data: 2 KB, unless otherwise noted. 4) Battery Pack: Disposable AA I.5V batteries, unless otherwise noted. 5) Factory Mutual (FM) Intrinsic Safety Approval: Intrinsically safe for Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, and D. 6) Manufacturer: HAR T@ Communicator. 8. Manufacturers and Products: a. Gauge Pressure Units: 1) Rosemount; Model 3051 TG. 2) SMAR; LD30IM Series. 3) Foxboro; Model IGPlO. b. Absolute Pressure Units: 1) Rosemount; Model 3051 TA. 2) SMAR; LD30IA Series. 3) Foxboro; Model IAPIO. SEN3231 94.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 16 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B J. Y40 Uninterruptible Power Supply System: 1. General: a. Function: Provides isolated, regulated uninterrupted ac output power during a complete or partial interruption of incoming line power. b. Major Parts: Inverter, battery charger, sealed battery. 2. Performance: a. Capacity: As noted. ' b. Input Power: 1) 120 Vac single phase, 60-Hz, unless otherwise noted. 2) Connections: Manufacturer's standard, unless otherwise noted. c. Output Power: 1) 120 Vac single phase, 60-Hz, unless otherwise noted. 2) Connections: Manufacturer's standard, unless otherwise noted. d. On-line Efficiency: 85 percent minimum, unless otherwise noted. e. Backup Runtime: 1) Full Load: 10 minutes minimum, unless otherwise noted. 2) Half Load: 20 minutes minimum, unless otherwise noted. f. Continuous no-break power with no measurable transfer time. g. Sine-Wave Output Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): Plus or minus 6 percent or less. h. Input Voltage Range: Plus 15 percent, minus 20 percent. 1. Output Voltage Regulation: Plus or minus 3 percent nominal. J. Operating Temperature: 0 degrees to 40 degrees C (32 degrees to 104 degrees F). k. Operating Relative Humidity: 5 percent to 95 percent without condensation. 1. Lightning and Surge Protection: 1) Pass lightning standard IEEE C62.41 Categories A and B tests. 2) 2000 to 1 attenuation of input spike. 3. Features: a. UPS Bypass Module. b. Dry Contact for UPS Fail. c. Enclosure: 1) Tower, unless otherwise noted. 2) If rack -mount noted, unit to be suitable for mounting in a I9-inch rack. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 17 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. Manufacturers and Products: a. Powerware; FERRUPS FE/Rackmount Uninterruptible Power System. b. Controlled Power Company. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 18 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B K. Y50 Progrflmmable Logic Controller System: 1. General: a. Type: Microprocessor based programmable device with chassis- mounted plug-in modules. b. Parts: Central processing unit (CPU), power supply, local input/output modules, local chassis, and factory assembled interconnecting cables. Provide components required to make a complete and totally operational system. 2. Environmental: a. Temperature: Operating range 32 to 140 degrees F (0 to 60 degrees C); storage range minus 40 to 158 degrees F (0 to 70 degrees C). b. Humidity: Operating range 5 to 95 percent noncondensing. c. Vibration: 1) Sinusoidal: IEC 68-2-6, Test Fc; 0.15 mm peak-to-peak, 10-to 57-Hz; 1 g, 57- to 150-Hz. 2) Random: IEC 68-2-34, Test Fdc; 0.4 g2/Hz, 80- to 350-Hz, and 3dB/octave rolloff, 80- to 20-Hz and 350- to 2-KHz at 10 min/axis. d. Noise: IEC 801, Part 3, Level 3 and Part 4, Level 3; MIL STD-461B. e. Isolation: User-side to PLC side 1 ,500V fillS. 3. Central Processing Unit (CPU): a. Scan Time: Less than 1 ms/K words of relay ladder logic. b. Network Communications: 1) Function: High speed network connection through Ethernet to host computers. 2) Type: Ethernet TCP/IP. 10/100Mbps 4. Power Supply: One unit for each input/output base assembly: a. Voltage: 120/220 volts (user selectable), 60-Hz input; 85 to 132 volts output. b. 5 Amp or 10 Amp as required by application. c. Mounting: Internal to base. 5. Input/Output: a. Discrete Input Modules: 1) Voltage: 120 volts, 60-Hz. 2) Points per Module: 16 maximum. 3) LED status indicator for each point. b. Discrete Output Modules: 1) Voltage: 120 volts, 60-Hz. 2) Points per Module: 16 maximum. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 19 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3) LED status indicator for each {loint. c. Isolated Analog Input/Output Modules: 1) Signal 4-20rnA at 24 volts dc. 2) Points Per Module: 8 maximum. 6. Hardware: a. All hardware shall be of the most recent manufacturer's revision number as of the date of equipment purchase order. b. Provide hardware DIN mounting rail as required. 7. Identification: a. Nameplates installed abovelbelow each PLC component (CPU, I/O rack, power supply.). b. Label configured I/O points as they have been configured (addressed) in the system, as approved by the Engineer. 8. Manufacturers and Products: a. To maintain compatibility with existing system, Siemens S7-300 Series. No exceptions. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 20 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B L. Y55 Local Operator Interface Terminal (LOI) 1. Features: a. 10.4-inch TFT LCD color screen. 1) 640 by 480 resolution 2) 256 colors b. Membrane keyboard with 38 system keys and 36 programmable function keys c. 4.0 Mbytes of flash memory. d. 1 OBase- T Ethernet port e. Profibus DBIMP1 communications. f. One USB port 2. Operating System: Windows CE operation system. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. To maintain compatibility with existing system, OIT shall be Siemens Simatic TP-170B with Ethernet M. Y175 Ethernet Switch, fiber optic converter 1. Features: a. Autoswitching 1011 00 Mbps. b. Fully compliant with IEEE 802.3. c. Minimum of four autoswitching 1011 OOBase- T ports and six 100Base-F multimode fibre optic ports per switch. d. Provide RJ45 connectors for lO/lOOBase- T ports. e. Provide connectors for fibre optic ports. 2. Minimum Features: a. Full duplex transmission. b. Auto-negotiation for transmission speeds and operation modes. c. Broadcast throttling to limit flooding of packets through the switch. d. LED indication of switch connection status. 3. Manufacturer and Product: a. Hirschmann 4 Port Ethernet Switch with Fiber Converter SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 21 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) "~- -------------- CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION ----- 323194B INSTRUMENT LIST Comp Inst. Panel Ta2 Number Code Component Title Options P&ID Detail Mech/Elec Number FEIFIT -1 F4 Flow Element and Transmitter, Size: 4 mch 1101 CP- WPS Electromagnetic Range: 0 - 800 GPM FEIFIT-2 F4 Flow Element and Transmitter, SIze: 12 mch 1101 CP- WPS Electromagnetic Range: 0 - 4000 GPM PI-1-1(6) P4 Pressure Indicator Range: 0-100 PSI 1101 2 CP- WPS PI-2(3) P4 Pressure Indicator Range: 0-200 PSI 1101 2 CP- WPS PIT-3 P9 Pressure Transmitter, Electronic Range: 0-200 PSI 1101 4 CP-WPS PIT -9 P9 Pressure Transmitter, Electronic Range: 0-100 PSI 1101 4 CP- WPS ZS-7-1(2) M43 Intrusion Switch, Door 1101 CP- WPS OS-7 M45 Motion Detector, Indoor 1101 CP- WPS Y A-13 Y40 UninrerruptiblePowerSupply 1101 CP- WPS LSH-23-1 (2) L8 Level Switch, Float Class 1, DIV 1 InstallatlOn 1102 6 CP-SPS LE/LIT-23 L5 Level Element and TransmItter, Range: 0-20 Feet 1102 7 CP-SPS Ultrasonic Class 1, Div 1 Installation AE/AIT-24-1 A10 Combustible Gas Element and Range: 0-100% LEL 1102 5 CP-SPS Transmitter Class 1, Div 1 Installation ZS-25-1 M43 Intrusion Switch, Sewage Class 1, Div 1 Installation 1102 CP-SPS Wetwell Hatch ZS-25-2 M43 Intrusion Switch, Utility Vault 1102 CP-SPS Hatch FEIFIT-26 F4 Flow Element and Transmitter, SIze. 6 inch 1102 CP-SPS Electromagnetic Range: 0 - 200 GPM SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 1 , JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENT AnON AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Comp Inst. Panel Tal?: Number Code Component Title Options P&ID Detail Mech/Elec Number Y A~28 Y40 Unintenuptlble Power Supply II 02 CP-SPS Qty (2) YI75 4 Port Ethernet Switch, Fiber 10/1 00 Mbps, FIber CP- WPS antic Converter Connections CP-SPS SEN323194.WU .FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 2 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) l ------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B , Control Narratives - Water Pump Station The following process control narratives provide a description of the required control system functionality for the Water Pump Station. 1. Surge Tank 1 Low Pressure 1.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the Low Pressure signal PSL-6-1 from Surge Tank L The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. Transmit the valve status signal to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 1.2. Alarms L Surge Tank 1 Low Pressure 2. Suction Header Pressure 2.1. Control Functions The pressure on the suction header for all of the pumps is monitored by pressure sensor PIT -9. The pressure signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. Scale the pressure sensor input into engineering units for use in the PLC program. The PLC system monitors the pressure sensor for loss of signal. If the PLC detects the signal from the pressure sensor is out of range, the PLC will initiate a signal failure alarm. Once initiated, the pressure sensor failure alarm will remain active until the PLC system detects that the sensor signal has returned to normal operating range. The PLC system monitors the pump suction header pressure for High and Low pressure conditions. If the pressure exceeds the operator adjustable pressure setpoints for a preset period of time, the PLC system will initiate the alarm condition. Once initiated, the pressure alarm will remain active until the PLC system detects that the pressure sensor signal is no longer exceeding the alarm setpoint plus a 1 percent alarm deadband. All setpoints are operator adjustable through the local operator interface. Transmit the pressure signal value, the alarm setpoints and alarm signals to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 2.2. Alarms 1. Pressure sensor failure alarm 2. High and Low pressure alarm SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT I JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Low Flow Booster Pump Operation The PLC system shall be programmed to control the operation of the booster pumps to maintain pressure in the distribution system. The pumps are operated in a Lead/1st Lag/2nd Lag configuration. The pumps are controlled in either a "Fixed" or "Alternating" operating sequence. lbe selection of operating sequence is made through a 1-2-3-ALT selector switch configured on the pump station local operator interface. The local operator interface is installed on the RTU paneL The PLC system shall be configured to disable the automatic operation of the low flow booster pumps if a high-flow pump is in operation. All pump operation status signals, setpoints and alarms shall be transmitted to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 3.1. Fixed Pump Operating Sequence The pump operation is configured to follow the sequences shown in Table 1. The sequence operation is based upon selection of pump 1,2 or 3 as the Lead pump. TABLE 1 Fixed Pump Operation Sequences lead Pump 1 st lag Pump 2nd lag Pump Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 3 Pump 2 Pump 3 Pump 1 Pump 3 Pump 1 Pump 2 The Lead pump starts and runs continuously as long as the pump is selected to Auto operation at the pumps MCC. The 1st Lag pump is called to start if the Lead pump is operating and the booster pump discharge pressure stays below an operator adjustable pressure setpoint for a preset period of time. Likewise, the 2nd Lag pump is called to start if the 1st Lag is operating and the discharge pressure stays below an operator adjustable setpoint. The pressure setpoint is adjustable through the local operator interface. When the Lead and Lag pumps are operating, the PLC will stop a Lag pump when the booster pump discharge header flow stays below an operator adjustable flow setpoint for a preset period of time. The flow setpoint is adjustable through the local operator interface. 3.2. Alternating Pump Operating Sequence The pump operation is configured to follow the sequences shown in Table 1. The alternating sequence operation is based upon selection of ALT on the 1-2-3-ALT selector switch configured in the local operator interface. The selection of the Lead pump is done automatically by the PLC SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT IT JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B system based upon the first pump being placed into Auto control mode at the pump MCC. The operator can also select the Lead pump through the local operator interface. The pump operation is identical to that of the "Fixed Sequence" except that the PLC system will automatically alternate the Lead pump in a First On/First Off sequence under the following conditions. When the Lead and Lag pumps are operating, the PLC will stop the Lead pump when the process condition requires that one of the pumps be stopped. When the lead pump is stopped, the PLC changes the status of the Lag pump to be the lead pump. The alternation function also occurs if the Lead pump has been running continuously for a period of time in excess of an operator adjustable pump run time setpoint. The run time setpoint is entered through the local operator interface. When the run time is exceeded, the PLC system will start the next pump in the sequence. Once the replacement pump is started the PLC system will stop the Lead pump. When the Lead pump is confirmed as stopped, the PLC system will assign the newly started pump as the Lead. 3.3. Pump Fault And Available For Service Recovery The pumps are monitored for Fault, Available and Running status. A pump is defined as Available if it is selected to Auto operation mode at the pump MCC and the pump Fault condition is not true. A pump is defined as Faulted if the pump fails to start or stop in response to PLC system commands. In either a pump Not Available or Fault condititn, the PLC locks that pump out of service and commands the next available pump to take that pump's place in the control sequence. The pump Not Available and Fault alarms are displayed on the local operator interface and transmitted to the existing SCADA system. Once a pump is locked out as Faulted, the pump is not available for operation until the pump is taken out of Auto control mode and placed back into Auto control mode at the pump MCC. 3.4. Alarms 1. Low Flow Booster Pump Fault (3) SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT III JUNE 15,2005ePROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. High Flow Booster Pump Operation The PLC system shall be programmed to control the operation of the high flow booster pumps to maintain pressure in the distribution system. All pump operation status signals, setpoints and alarms shall be transmitted to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. The pumps are operated in a Lead/Lag configuration. The pumps are controlled in either a "Fixed" or "Alternating" operating sequence. The selection of operating sequence is made through a 1-2-ALT selector switch configured on the pump station local operator interface. The local operator interface is installed on the RTU panel. The PLC system shall be configured to disable the automatic operation of the low flow booster pumps if a high-flow pump is in operation. All pump operation status signals, setpoints and alarms shall be transmitted to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 4.1. Fixed Pump Operating Sequence The pump sequence of operation is based upon the selection of pump 1 or pump 2 as the lead pump. The Lead pump starts and runs continuously as long as the pump is selected to Auto operation at the pumps MCC. The Lag pump is called to start if the Lead pump is operating and the booster pump discharge pressure stays below an operator adjustable press~re setpoint for a preset period of time. The pressure setpoint is adjustable through the local operator interface. When the Lead and Lag pumps are operating, the PLC will stop the Lag pump when the booster pump discharge header flow stays below an operator adjustable flow setpoint for a preset period of time. The flow setpoint is adjustable through the local operator interface. 4.2. Alternating Pump Operating Sequence The pump operation is configured to follow the sequences described in section 4.1. The alternating sequence operation is based upon selection of ALT on the 1-2-ALT selector switch configured in the local operator interface. The selection of the Lead pump is done automatically by the PLC system based upon the first pump being placed into Auto control mode at the pump MCC. The operator can also select the Lead pump through the local operator interface. The pump operation is identical to that of the "Fixed Sequence" except that the PLC system will automatically alternate the Lead pump in a First On/First Off sequence under the following conditions. When the Lead pump is operating, the PLC will stop the Lead pump when the process condition requires that one of the pumps be stopped. When the lead pump is stopped, the PLC changes the status of the Lag pump to be the lead pump. The alternation function also occurs if the Lead pump has been running continuously for a period of time in excess of an operator adjustable pump run time setpoint. The run time SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT IV JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B setpoint is entered through the local operator interface. When the run time is exceeded, the PLC system will start the other pump. Once the other pump is started the PLC system will stop the Lead pump. When the Lead pump is confirmed as stopped, the PLC system will assign t:J:1e newly started pump as the Lead. 4.3. Pump Fault And Available For Service Recovery The pumps are monitored for Fault, Available and Running status. A pump is defined as Available if it is selected to Auto operation mode at the pump MCC and the pump Fault condition is not true. A pump is defined as Faulted if the pump fails to start or stop in response to PLC system commands. In either a pump Not Available or Fault condition, the PLC locks that pump out of service and commands the lag pump to take that pump's place in the control sequence. The pump Not A vailable and Fault alarms are displayed on the local operator interface and transmitted to the existing SCADA system. Once a pump is locked out as Faulted, the pump is not available for operation until the pump is taken out of Auto control mode and placed back into Auto control mode at the pump MCC. 4.4. Alarms 1. High Flow Booster Pump Fault (2) 5. Surge Tank 2 Common Alarm 5.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the Common Alarm signal YA-13 from the Surge Tank 2 Control Panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. Transmit the valve status signal to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 5.2. Alarms -1. Surge Tank 2 Common Alarm 6. Booster Pump Discharge Pressure 6.1. Control Functions The pressure on the discharge of the booster pumps is monitored by pressure sensor PIT-3. The pressure signal is transmitted to the PLC system for pump control, monitoring and alarm functions. Scale the pressure sensor input into engineering units for use in the PLC program . The PLC system monitors the pressure sensor for loss of signal. If the PLC detects the signal from the pressure sensor is out of range, the PLC will initiate a signal failure alarm. Once initiated, the pressure sensor failure alarm will remain active until the PLC system detects that the sensor signal has returned to normal operating range. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT v JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The PLC system monitors the pump discharge pressure for High and Low pressure conditions. If the pump discharge pressure exceeds the operator adjustable pressure setpoints for a preset period of time, the PLC system will initiate the alarm condition. Once initiated, the pressure alarm will remain active until the PLC system detects that the pressure sensor signal is no longer exceeding the alarm setpoint plus a 1 percent alarm deadband. All setpoints are operator adjustable through the local operator interface. Transmit the pressure signal value, the alarm setpoints and alarm signals to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 6.2. Alarms 1. Pressure sensor failure alarm 2. High and Low pressure alarm SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT VI JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTA nON AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323 I 94B 7. Low Flow Booster Pump Flow 7.1. Control Functions The low flow booster pump flow is monitored by flow meter FE/FIT-I. The flow signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. The flow sensor input is scaled into engineering units for use in the PLC program and for transmission to the local operator interface and the existing SCADA system. The PLC system monitors the flow sensor for loss of signal. If the PLC detects the signal from the flow sensor is out of range, the PLC will initiate a signal failure alarm. Once initiated, the flow sensor failure alarm will remain active until the PLC system detects that the sensor signal has returned to normal operating range. Transmit the failure alarm to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 7.2. Alarms 1. Flow sensor failure alarm 8. High Flow Booster Pump Flow 8.1. Control Functions The high flow booster pump flow is monitored by flow meter FE/FIT-2. The flow signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. The flow sensor input is scaled into engineering units for use in the PLC program and for transmission to the local operator interface and the existing SCADA system. The PLC system monitors the flow sensor for loss of signal. If the PLC detects the signal from the flow sensor is out of range, the PLC will initiate a signal failure alarm. Once initiated, the flow sensor failure alarm will remain active until the PLC system detects that the sensor signal has returned to normal operating range. Transmit the failure alarm to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 8.2. Alarms 1. Flow sensor failure alarm SEN323I 94.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT VII JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9. High-Flow Booster Pump Pressure Reducing Valve 9.1. Control Functions The High Flow Pressure Reducing Valve PRV-4 shall be hard-wired to fail to the valve open position. The solenoid valve shall be electrically interlocked to close (energized state) only in the event that neither of the two high flow pumps are running. The PLC system shall monitor the Closed status of the High Flow Pressure Reducing Valve PRV-4. Transmit the valve status signal to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 9.2. Alarms None 10. High-Flow Booster Pump Pressure Relief Valve 10.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the Closed status of the booster pump pressure relief valve PRV- 8. Transmit the valve status signal to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 10.2. Alarms None 11. High-Flow Booster Pump Isolation Valve 11.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the Closed status of the booster pump pressure relief valve PRV- 2. Transmit the valve status signal to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 11.2. Alarms None SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT vrn JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 12. Station Intrusion Monitoring 12.1. Control Functions The PLC system monitors the status of the exterior door switch, interior motion sensor and the state of the intrusion Enable/Disable function configured in the local operator interface. When "Enabled" through the local operator interface, the PLC initiates an exit delay timer. After the timer expires, the PLC arms the intrusion system. Once armed, the opening of an exterior door, or the activation of the motion sensor will initiate an entry delay timer. If the Enable/Disable function is not selected to "Disable" before the entry delay timer times out, an intrusion alarm is activated by the PLC. Once activated, the PLC system will maintain the intrusion alarm until the intrusion system is "Disabled" through the local operator interface. Transmit the intrusion alarm to the existing SCADA system. 12.2. Alarms 1. Door Intrusion alarm 2. Intruder Motion alarm 13. A TS Status 13.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the status of the Utility Power Fail signal from the A TS control panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. The PLC system shall monitor the status of the Generator Position signal from the A TS control panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. The PLC system shall monitor the status of the A T5-Retransfer signal from the A TS control panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. Transmit the status signals to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system 13.2. Alarms 1. Utility Power Fail 2. A TS In Generator Position 14. Generator Status 14.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the status of the Generator On signal from the Generator Control Panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. The PLC system shall monitor the status of the Generator Low Fuel signal from the Generator Control Panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. The PLC system shall monitor the status of the Generator Trouble signal from the Generator Control Panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT IX JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Transmit the status signals to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system 14.2. Alarms 1. Generator Low Fuel 2. Generator Trouble 15. Air Compressor Low Pressure 15.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the status of the Air Compressor low pressure signal from the Air Compressor Control Panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. Transmit the status signals to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system 15.2. Alarms 1. Air Compressor Low Pressure Alarm 16. Water Pump Station Smoke Alarm 16.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the status of the Smoke Alarm signals (2) from the Smoke Detectors. The signals are transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring -<md alarm functions. Transmit the alarm signals to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system 16.2. Alarms 1. Smoke Alarm 17. UPS Fail Alarm 17.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the status of the UPS Fail signal. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. Transmit the alarm signals to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system 17.2. Alarms 1. UPS Fail SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT X JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Control Narratives - Sewage Pump Station The following process control narratives provide a description of the required control system functionality for the Sewage Pump Station. 18. Wetwell level 18.1. Control Functions The level in the wetwell is monitored by level sensor LIT-23. The level signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. Scale the level sensor input into engineering units for use in the PLC program. The PLC system monitors the level sensor for loss of signal. If the PLC detects the signal from the level sensor is out of range, the PLC will initiate a signal failure alarm. Once initiated, the pressure sensor failure alarm will remain active until the PLC system detects that the sensor signal has returned to normal operating range. The PLC system monitors the wetwell level for High and Low level conditions. If the level exceeds the operator adjustable level setpoints for a preset period of time, the PLC system will initiate the alarm condition. Once initiated, the level alarm will remain active until the PLC system detects that the level sensor signal is no longer exceeding the alarm setpoint plus a 1 percent alarm deadband. All setpoints are operator adjustable through the local operator interface. Transmit the level signal value, the alarm setpoints and alarm signals to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 18.2. Alarms 1. Level sensor failure alarm 2. High and Low level alarm SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT XI JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 19. Wetwell High level Float 19.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the status of the High Level float LSH-23-1. If the High Level float detects fluid, the PLC will automatically switch the Sewage Pump operation to Float mode and signal an alarm. Transmit the High Level float alarm signal to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 19.2. Alarms Wetwell High level alarm 20. Wetwell High-~igh level Float 20.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the status of the High-High Level float LSH-23-2. If the High- High Level float detects fluid, the PLC will signal an alarm. Transmit the High Level float alarm signal to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. If for any reason, including a PLC failure or software or instrument failure, the High-High Level float switch LSH-23-2 detects fluid, the following applies: The High-High Level float will be hard-wired to immediately start Sewage Pump 1 and energize a 30 second time delay relay. If 30 seconds elapses, the time delay relay will start Sewage Pump 2 and signal an alarm to the local operator interface and existing SCADA system. Both pumps will continue to run and the High-High alarm will remain until both the High- High Level and the High Level floats no longer detect fluid. At this point, both pumps will stop and the High-High Level alarm will cease. 20.2. Alarms Wetwell High-High level alarm SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT XII JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 21. Sewage Pump Operation The PLC system shall be programmed to control the operation of the sewage pumps to maintain level in the wetwell. The pumps are operated in a Lead/Lag configuration. The pumps are controlled in either a "Fixed" or "Alternating" operating sequence. The selection of operating sequence is made through a 1-2-ALT selector switch configured on the pump station local operator interface. The local operator interface is installed on the RTU panel. The PLC system shall be configured to control the pumps in '~Level" or "Float" mode. The selection of operating sequence is made through a Level-Float selector switch configured on the pump station local operator interface. All pump operation status signals, setpoints and alarms shall be transmitted to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 21.1. Fixed Pump Operating Sequence The pump sequence of operation is based upon the selection of pump 1 or pump 2 as the lead pump. The Lead pump is called to start if the wetwelllevel stays above an operator adjustable Lead start level setpoint for a preset period of time. The Lag pump is called to start if the Lead pump is operating and the wetwelllevel stays above an operator adjustable Lag start level setpoint for a preset period of time. When the Lead and Lag pumps are operating, the PLC will stop the Lag pump when the wetwelllevel drops below an operator adjustable level setpoint for a preset period of time. The PLC will stop the Lead pump when the wetwelllevel drops below and operator adjustable Lead stop level setpoint for a preset period of time. All level setpoints are adjustable through the local operator interface. 21.2. Alternating Pump Operating Sequence The pump operation is configured to follow the sequences described in section 12.1. The alternating sequence operation is based upon selection of ALT on the 1-2-ALT selector switch configured in the local operator interface. The selection of the Lead pump is done automatically by the PLC system based upon the first pump being placed into Auto control mode at the pump MCC. The operator can also select the Lead pump through the local operator interface. The pump operation is identical to that of the "Fixed Sequence" except that the PLC system will automatically alternate the Lead pump in a First On/First Off sequence under the following conditions. When the Lead pump is operating, the PLC will stop the Lead pump when the process condition requires that one of the pumps be stopped. When the lead pump is stopped, the PLC changes the status of the Lag pump to be the lead pump. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT xm JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The alternation function also occurs if the Lead pump has been running continuously for a period of time in excess of an operator adjustable pump run time setpoint. The run time setpoint is entered through the local operator interface. When the run time is exceeded, the PLC system will start the other pump. Once the other pump is started the PLC system will stop the Lead pump. When the Lead pump is confirmed as stopped, the PLC system will assign the newly started pump as the Lead. 21.3. Level Mode Under normal operation, the PLC will control the pumps to maintain wetwelllevel based on the level sensor LIT-23 signal. The PLC will compare the analog signal to the operator adjustable Lead/Lag start and stop setpoints and start or stop the pumps as needed to maintain the level. If the level sensor LIT-23 fails, the PLC will automatically switch the pump operating mode to Float mode and signal an alarm to the operator interface terminal and SCADA system. 21.4. Float Mode If the High Level float LSH-23-1 detects fluid, the PLC will start the lead pump. The Lead pump will continue to run until the High Level float no longer detects fluid and a preset Pumpdown time delay expires. If the Lead pump is running and the High Level float continues to detect fluid for a preset Lag Start time delay, the PLC will start the Lag pump. The Lag pump will continue to run until the High Level float no longer detects fluid and the Pump down time delay expires. Both the Pumpdown time delay and Lag Start time delay are adjustable through the local operator interface. See Control Narrative 18.0, Wetwell High-High Level float, for hard-wired backup float control description. 21.5. Pump Fault And Available For Service Recovery The pumps are monitored for Fault, Available and Running status. A pump is defined as Available if it is selected to Auto operation mode at the control panel and the pump Fault condition is not true. A pump is defined as Faulted if the pump fails to start or stop in response to PLC system commands. In either a pump Not Available or Fault condition, the PLC locks that pump out of service and commands the standby pump to take that pump's place in the control sequence. The pump Not Available and Fault alarms are displayed on the local operator interface and transmitted to the existing SCADA system. Once a pump is locked out as Faulted, the pump is not available for operation until the pump is taken out of Auto control mode and placed back into Auto control mode at the pump MCC. 21.6. Alarms 1. Sewage Pump Fault (2) 2. Wetwell In Float Mode SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT XIV JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 22. Wetwell High LEL 22.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the LEL sensor AE-24-1 in the wetwell. Display the LEL signal on the LOI and provide the signal to the SCADA system. The PLC system shall monitor the High LEL contact signal from ASH-24-1 for High LEL in the wetwell. Annunciate the High LEL alarm on the LOI and provide the alarm signal to the SCADA system. Transmit the LEL level and the High LEL alarm signal to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 22.2. Alarms 1. Wetwell High LEL alarm 23. Sewage Pump Discharge Flow 23.1. Control Functions The sewage pump discharge flow is monitored by flow meter FE/FIT-26. The flow signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. The flow sensor input is scaled into engineering units for use in the PLC program and for transmission to the local operator interface and the existing SCADA system. The PLC system monitors the flow sensor for loss of signal. If the PLC detects the signal from the flow sensor is out of range, the PLC will initiate a signal failure alarm. Once initiated, the flow sensor failure alarm will remain active until the PLC system detects that the sensor signal has returned to normal operating range. Transmit the failure alarm to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. 23.2. Alarms 1. - Flow sensor failure alarm 24. Station Intrusion Monitoring 24.1. Control Functions The PLC system monitors the status of hatch switches Z5-25-1 and Z5-25-2 and the state of the intrusion Enable/Disable function configured in the local operator interface. When "Enabled" through the local operator interface, the PLC initiates an exit delay timer. After the timer expires, the PLC arms the intrusion system. Once armed, the opening of either hatch will initiate an entry delay timer. If the Enable/Disable function is not selected to "Disable" before the entry delay timer times out, an intrusion alarm is activated by the PLC. Once activated, the PLC system will maintain the intrusion alarm until the intrusion system is "Disabled" through the local operator interface. Transmit the intrusion alarm to the existing SCADA system. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT XV JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I 24.2. Alarms 1. Intrusion alarm 25. A IS Status 25.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the status of the Utility Power Fail signal from the A 1'5 control panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. The PLC system shall monitor the status of the Generator Position signal from the A TS control panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. The PLC system shall monitor the status of the AT5-Retransfer signal from the ATS control panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. In the event of a power failure, and ONLY if a High Flow pump is in operation, the PLC system shall inhibit an A T5-retransfer from generator power back to utility power until the operator selects Inhibit Release from the Lalor SCADA system. When Inhibit Release is selected at the Lalor SCADA system, the PLC will send the Inhibit Release signal to the A 1'5 and thereby initiate the retransfer back to utility power. If neither High Flow pump is in operation, the ATS shall automatically retransfer from generator power to utility power. Transmit the status signals to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system. Transmit the Inhibit Release signal to the A 1'5 system. 25.2. Alarms 1. Utility Power Fail 2. A 1'5 In Generator Position 3. A1'5 Retransfer Ready 26. Generator Status 26.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the status of the Generator On signal from the Generator Control Panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. The PLC system shall monitor the status of the Generator Low Fuel signal from the Generator Control Panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. The PLC system shall monitor the status of the Generator Trouble signal from the Generator Control Panel. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. Transmit the status signals to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system 26.2. Alarms 1. Generator Low Fuel 2. Generator Trouble SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT XVI JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 27. UPS Fail Alarm 27.1. Control Functions The PLC system shall monitor the status of the UPS Fail signal. The signal is transmitted to the PLC system for monitoring and alarm functions. Transmit the alarm signals to the local operator interface and to the existing SCADA system 27.2. Alarms 1. UPS Fail SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT XVII JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) ------------- CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION --'--- 323194B - PLC I/O LIST Point No. Description P&ID Function TVDe I/O FE/FIT -1 Low Flow Booster Pump Discharge Flow 1101 Flow AI FE/FIT -2 High Flow Booster Pump Discharge Flow 1101 Flow AI PIT-3 Discharge Header Pressure 1101 Pressure AI PIT -9 Suction Header Pressure 1101 Pressure AI LE/L1T-23 Sewage Wetwell Level 1102 Level AI AE/AIT-24-1 Sewage Wetwell LEL 1102 LEL AI FIT-26 Sewage Discharge Flow 1102 Flow AI HS-l-l Low Flow Booster Pump 1 In Auto 1101 Auto Status DI YL-l-l Low Flow Booster Pump 1 On 1101 On Status DI , HS-1-2 Low Flow Booster Pump 2 In Auto 1101 Auto Status DI YL-1-2 Low Flow Booster Pump 2 On 1101 On Status DI HS-1-3 Low Flow Booster Pump 3 In Auto 1101 Auto Status DI YL-1-3 Low Flow Booster Pump 3 On 1101 On Status DI HS-2-l High Flow Booster Pump 1 In Auto 1101 Auto Status DI YL-2-l High Flow Booster Pump 1 On 1101 On Status DI TSH-2-l High Flow Booster Pump 1 Hi Temo 1101 HIgh Alarm DI HS-2-2 High Flow Booster Pump 2 In Auto 1101 Auto Status DI YL-2-2 High Flow Booster Pump 2 On 1101 On Status DI TSH-2-2 High Flow Booster Pump 2 Hi TemD 1101 High Alarm DI ZS-2 High Flow Booster Pump DIscharge IsolatlOn Valve 1101 Open Status DI SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Point No. Description P&ID Function Type I/O 2S-4 High Flow Booster Pump Recirculation Valve nOI Closed Status DI PSL-6-1 Surge Tank I Low Pressure nOI Low Alarm DI 2S- 7-1 Door Intrusion nOI Open Alarm DI 2S-7 Motion Detector nOI Open Alarm DI YA-7-3A Smoke Alarm 1 nOI Fire Alarm DI YA-7-3B Smoke Alarm 2 nOI Fire Alarm DI 2S-8 Booster Pump Crossover Valve nOI Closed Status DI Y A-IO Utility Power Fail nOI Fail Alarm DI YL-IOA A TS Position nOI Generator Status DI YL-IOB A TS Retransfer nOI Closed Status DI YL-II Generator Running nOl On Status DI YA-llA Generator Low Fuel nOl Low Alarm DI YA-1IB Generator Trouble nOl Fall Alarm DI PSL-12 Air Compressor Low Pressure nOl Open Alarm DI YA-13 Surge Tank 2 Common Alarm nOl Alarm DI YA-14 UPS Fail nOl Fall Alarm DI YL-2l-l Sewage Pump 1 On n02 On Status DI HS-2l-l Sewage Pump 1 In Auto n02 Auto Status DI YL-21-2 Sewage Pump 2 On n02 On Status DI HS-21-2 Sewage Pump 2 In Auto n02 Auto Status DI LSH-23-1 Sewage Wetwell Hi Level n02 High Alarm DI LSHH-23-2 Sewage Wetwell HiHi Level n02 HIHi Alarm DI SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 2 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) ------------------- --..-...----------- CITY OF-PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION - - -- 323194B Point No. Description P&ID Function TVDe I/O AAH-24-1 Wetwell High LEL n02 High Alarm DI ZS-25 Hatch Open n02 Open Alarm DI Y A-27 Utility Power Fail n01 Fail Alarm DI YL-27 A ATS Position nOl Generator Status DI YL-27B A TS Retransfer Ready nOl Closed Status DI Y A-28 UPS Fail n02 Fail Alarm DI Low Flow Booster Pump 1 Run nOl Run DO Low Flow Booster Pump 2 Run nOl Run DO Low Flow Booster Pump 3 Run nOl Run DO High Flow Booster Pump 1 Run nOl Run DO High Flow Booster Pump 2 Run nOl Run DO ATS-Retransfer Inhibit Release nOl Release DO Sewage Purno 1 Run n02 Run DO Sewage Pump 2 Run n02 Run DO SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13401 SUPPLEMENT 3 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (PICS) ------------------- CH2M HILL INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION SHEET Rev 06 05 92 COMPONENT MANUFACTURER PROJECT Code: Name: Number: Name: Model: Name: Senal #: FUNCTIONS RANGE VALUE UNITS COMPUTING FUNCTIONS? Y I N CONTROL? Y IN Indicate? Y I N Chart: Describe: Action? direct I reverse Modes? P I I I D Record? Y IN Scale: SWITCH? Y I N Umt Range: Transmit! Input. DifferentIal: fixed/adjustable Convert? Y I N Output: Reset? automatIc I manual ANALOG CALffiRATIONS DISCRETE CALffiRATIONS Note REQUIRED AS CALIBRATED REQUIRED AS CALIBRATED No. Input Indicated Output Increasmg Input Decreasing Input Number Trip Pomt Reset Pt. Tnp Point Reset Pt. Indicated Output Indicated Output (note rising or falhng) (note nsing or falling) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CONTROL MODE SETTINGS: P: I: D: 7. # NOTES: Component Calibrated and Ready for Startup By: Date: Tag No.: CH2M HILL INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION SHEET EXAMPLE - ANALYZER/TRANSMITTER Rev 06 05 92 COMPONENT MANUFACTURER PROJECT Code: A7 Name: Leeds & Northruv Number: WDC30715 B2 Name: pH Element & Analyzer/TransmItter Model: 12429-3-2-1-7 Name: VaSA AWT PHASE 3 Senal#: 11553322 FUNCTIONS RANGE VALUE UNITS COMPUTING FUNCTIONS? N CONTROL?N . Indicate? Y Chart: Describe: Action? direct / reverse Record? N Modes? P / I / D Scale: 1-14 pH umts SWITCH? N Unit Range: Transmit! Input: 1-14 vH umts DIfferential: fixed/adjustable Convert? Y Output: 4-20 mAdc Reset? automatic / manual ANALOG CALm RATIONS DISCRETE CALmRATIONS Note REQUIRED AS CALIBRATED REQUIRED AS CALIBRATED No Input Indicated Output Increasing Input Decreasing Input Number I Tnp Pomt Reset Pt. Trip Pomt Reset Pt. Indicated Output IndIcated Output (note nsmg or fallIng) (note riSing or falling) 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 39 1. NA. NA. 23 2.3 5.6 2.2 55 2.3 5.6 2. 1. 7.5 7.5 12.0 7.5 11.9 75 12.0 3. 12.7 127 18.4 12.7 18.3 12.6 183 4. 14.0 14.0 20.0 140 20.0 140 20.0 5. 6. CONTROL MODE SETTINGS: P:NA. I: D: 7. # NOTES: , Component Calibrated and Ready for 1. Need to recheck low vH cahbration solutions Startup By: J.D. Sewell Date: Jun-6-92 g No.: AlT-12-6[pH] ------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CH2M HILL I&C VALVE ADJUSTMENT SHEET Rev 06 05 92 PARTS Proiect Name: Project Number: Body Type: Mfr: SIze: Model: Line Connection: Serial #: O~erator Type: Mfr: Action: Model- Travel: Serial #: Positioner Input SIgnal: Mfr: Action: Model: Cam: Serial #: Pilot Action: Mfr: Solenoid Ratmg: Model: Serial #: lIP Input: Mfr: Converter Output: Model: Action: Serial #: Position Settings: Mfr: Switch Contacts: Model: Serial #: Power Type: AIr Set Mfr: Supply Potential: Model: Serial #: ADJUSTMENTS Initial Date VERIFICATION Initial Date AIr Set Valve Action Positioner Installation PositIOn Switches Wire Connection lIP Converter Tube Connection Actual Speed REMARKS: Valve Ready for Startup By: Date: Tag No.: I CH2M HILL I&C VALVE ADJUSTMENT SHEET EXAMPLE Rev.06 05 92 I PARTS Project Name: SFO SEWPCP Project Number: SF010145.G2 Body Type: Vee-Ball Mfr: Fisher Controls Size: 4-mch Model: 1049763-2 Lme ConnectIOn: 159 # ANSI Flanges Senal#: 1003220 Operator Type: Pneumatic Dwphragm Mfr: Fisher Controls Action: Linear - Modulated Model: 4060D Travel: 3-inch Serial #: 2007330 Positioner Input Signal: 3-15 PSI Mfr: Fisher Controls Action: Direct - azr to open Model: 20472T Cam: Equal percentage Serial #: 102010 Pilot ActIon. Mfr: Solenoid Rating: None Model: Serial #: lIP Input: 4-20 mA dc Mfr: Taylor Converter Output: 3-15 pSI Model: 1O-T-576-3 Action: Direct Serial #: 1057-330 Position Settings: Closed / Open 5 deg, rismg Mfr. National Switch Switch Contacts: Close / Close Model: 1049-67-3 Serial #: 156 &157 Power Type: Pneumatic Air Set Mfr: Air Products Supply PotentIal: 40 PSI Model: 3210D Serial #: 1107063 ADJUSTMENTS Initial Date VERIFICATION Initial Date Air Set JDS Jun-06-92 Valve Action JDS Jun-03-92 Positioner JDS Jun-06-92 InstallatIon JDS Jun-03-92 Position Switches JDS Jun-06-92 Wrre ConnectIOn JDS Jun-04-92 I/P Converter JDS Jun-07-92 Tube ConnectIon JDS Jun-04-92 Actual Speed JDS Jun-07-92 REMARKS: Valve was mitially installed backwards. Valve Ready for Startup Observed to be correctly mstalled May-25-92 By: JD. Sewell Date: Jun-07-92 Tag No.: FCV-1O-2-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHlM HILL PERFORMANCE ACCEPTANCE TEST SHEET Rev. 06. 05. 91 I I Project Name I Project No.: I Demonstration Test(s): For each functional requirement of the loop: (a) List and number the requirement. (b) Bnefly descnbe the demonstration test. (c) Cite the results that wtll venfy the required performance. (d) Provide space for signoff ~ Forms/Sheets Verified By Date Loop Accepted By City Loop Status Report. By: Instrument Calibratton Sheet Date: I&C Valve Calibration Sheet Performance Acceptance Test By Date Performed Witnessed Loop No.: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CH2M HILL PERFORMANCE ACCEPTANCE TEST SHEET EXAMPLE Rev.06.0S.92 I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I ~ t Name: SFO SEWPCP Plant ExpansIOn Project No.' SF012345.Cl Demonstration Test(s): For each functional requirement of the loop: (a) List and number the requirement. (b) Briefly describe the demonstration test. (c) Cite the results that Will venfy the required performance. (d) ProvIde space for signoff. 1. MEASURE EFFLUENT FLOW J.a Wtth no flow, water level over weir should be zero and FIT indIcator should read zero Jun-20-92 BDG 2. FLOW INDICATION AND TRANSMISSION TO LP & CCS Wtth flow, water level and FIT Indicator should be related by expressIOn Q(MGD) = 429*H**(2/3) (H = height in inches of water over weIr) Vary Hand observe thatfollowing 2.a Reading of FIT indicator Jun-6-92 BDG 2.b Reading IS transmitted to FIon LP-521-1. Jun-6-92 BDG 2 c Reading is transmitted and displayed to CCS Jun-6-92 BDG H(measured) 0 5 10 15 Q(computed) 0 4796 135 7 251.7 Q(FIT indicator) 0 481 137 253 Q(LIon LP-521-1) 0 48.2 138 254 Q(dlsplay by CCS) 0 481 1362 252.4 ~ Forms/Sheets Verified By Date Loop Accepted Bv City Loop Status Report J D. Sewell Mav-18-92 By: J.D. Smith Instrument Calibration Sheet J.D. Sewell Mav-18-92 Date: Jun-6-92 I&C Valve Calibration Sheet NA. Performance Acceptance Test By Date Performed J. Blow MPSDC Co Jun-6-92 Witnessed B.deGlanvil/e Jun-6-92 Loop No.: 30-12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B SECTION 13985 PIPE BONDING AND TEST STATIONS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this Section: 1. NACE International (NACE): RPOI69, Recommended Practice for Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems. 2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): WC 70, Nonshielded Power Cables Rated 2000 volts or less for Distribution of Electrical Energy. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Electrical Isolation: Condition of being electrically isolated from other metallic structures (including, but not limited to, piping, reinforcement, casings) and the environment as defined in NACE RPOI69. B. Electrically Continuous Pipeline: Pipeline that has a linear electrical resistance equal to or less than the sum of the resistance of the pipe plus the maximum allowable bond resistance for each joint as specified in this section. C. Ferrous Metal Pipe: Pipe made of steel or iron, or pipe containing steel or iron as a principal structural material, except reinforced concrete pipe. D. Foreign-Owned: Buried pipe or cable not specifically owned or operated by City. E. Lead, Lead Wire, Joint Bonds, Pipe Connecting Wires, Cable: Insulated copper conductor; the same as wire. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: Catalog cuts and other information for products proposed for use. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance, in accordance with Part III, Section 1-05.18, Manufacturers' Services. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13985 1 JUNE 15,2005 PIPE BONDING AND TEST STATIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Field Test Reports. 3. Qualifications of Cathodic Protection Specialist. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 WIRES A. Conform to applicable requirements ofNEMA WC 70. B. J oint Bond: 1. General: Single-conductor, stranded copper wire with 600-volt HMWPE insulation. Supply joint bonds complete with formed copper sleeve on each end of wire. 2. Push-On, Mechanical, or Flanged Joints: No.2 A WG wires, 18 inches long. 3. Flexible Coupling Joints: No.2 A WG wires, 24 inches long, with two 12-inch-Iong THHN or XHHW insulated No. 12 A WG wire pigtails, as manufactured by Erico Products Inc. (Cadweld), Cleveland, OH. 4. Insulated Flexible Coupling Joints: No.8 A WG wire, 18 inches long, with one 12-inch-Iong THHN or XHHW insulated No. 12 A WG wire pigtail. C. Test Station: Single-conductor, No. 12 A WG stranded copper with 600-voIt XHHW insulation. D. Polarization Cells: Single-conductor, No. 2/0 A WG stranded copper with 600-volt HMWPE insulation. E. Insulation Colors: As shown on Drawings. 2.02 CATHODIC PROTECTION TEST STATIONS A. Post Mounted (Polycarbonate): 1. Test Box: Molded polycarbonate, with locking mechanism, suitable for mounting on a 3-1 /2-inch outside diameter plastic pipe. 2. Terminal Block: Integral molded test block with 5 terminals. Terminals shall have special heads to keep them from turning or shall be easily accessible from both sides of terminal block without requiring its removal. Terminal studs, washers, and nuts shall be nickel-plated brass. 3. Mounting Pipe: 3-/12-inch outside diameter by 6-foot-Iong polycarbonate pipe with UV inhibitors. Provide mounting pipe with integral anchor to prevent pipe from being pulled out of the ground. 4. Color: Blue. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13985 2 JUNE 15, 2005 PIPE BONDING AND TEST STATIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B 5. Manufacturers and Products: a. Cott Big Fink. b. Tinker and Rasor Model T-3. 2.03 THERMITE WELD MATERIALS A. General: Thermite weld materials consist of wire sleeves, welders, and weld cartridges according to weld manufacturer's recommendations for each wire size and pipe or fitting size and material. Welding materials and equipment shall be product of a single manufacturer. Interchanging materials of different manufacturers is not acceptable. B. Molds: Graphite. Ceramic "One-Shot" molds not acceptable. C. Adapter Sleeves: 1. ForNo. 12 AWG and No.2 AWG wires. 2. Prefabricated factory sleeve joint bonds or bond wires with formed sleeves made in field are acceptable. Attach field-formed joint bond sleeves with appropriate size and type of hammer die furnished by thermite weld manufacturer. 3. Extend wire conductor 1/4 inch beyond end of sleeve. D. Cartridges: Cast iron thermite weld cartridges for cast and ductile iron pipe and fittings. 1. Maximum Cartridge Size: 25 grams for steel and 32 grams for cast and ductile iron materials, respectively. E. Welders and Cartridges: For attaching copper wire to pipe material: Cartridge Size, Pipe Material Weld Type Max. No.4 A WG Wire & Smaller: Steel HA, VS, HC 25gm Ductile Iron HB, VH, HE 32gm Cast Iron HB, VH, HE 32gm No.2 A WG Joint Bonds: Steel FS 25gm Ductile or Cast Iron FC 32gm Concrete Cylinder Pipe HA, GR 32gm SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 13985 3 JUNE 15,2005 PIPE BONDING AND TEST STATIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Welding Materials Manufacturers: 1. Erico Products Inc. (Cadweld), Cleveland, OH. 2. Continental Industries, Inc. (Thermo-Weld), Tulsa, OK. G. Thermite Weld Coating: 1. Thermite Weld Caps: Prefabricated weld cap with coating and suitable primer, such as Handy Cap II with Royston Primer 747, as manufactured by Royston Laboratories, Inc. 2. Use products recommended by pipe or fitting coating manufacturer to repair spot damage at thermite weld connections not covered by standard pipeline coating repair procedure or thermite weld cap. 2.04 ANCILLARY MATERIALS A. Mastic Coating: TC Mastic (Brush Applied) as manufactured by Tapecoat Co., Evanston, IL. B. Wire Connectors: One-piece, tin-plated crimp-on lug connector as manufactured by Bumdy Co. or Thomas and Betts. C. Compression Connectors: 1. For in-line, tap, and multisplice, furnish "c" taps made of conductive wrought copper, sized to fit wires being spliced. 2. Manufacturer and Product: Bumdy; Type "YC." D. Electrical Tape: 1. Linerless rubber high-voltage splicing tape and vinyl electrical tape suitable for moist and wet environments. 2. Manufacturer and Product: 3M Products; Scotch 130 C and Scotch 88. 2.05 INSULATING JOINTS A. Insulating Joints: Dielectric unions, flanges, or couplings, as specified in Section 02500, Conveyance Piping - General. 2.06 INSULATING FLANGE OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTOR A. Solid-state overvoltage protector for insulating flange, Dairyland Electric Model OVP-60Hz. Provide complete with manufacturer's mounting brackets for use with flange bolts. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13985 4 JUNE 15,2005 PIPE BONDING AND TEST STATIONS I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Construct system of pipe joint bonds to form an electrically continuous pipeline, insulating joints, and test stations. 3.02 PIPE JOINT BONDING A. Electrically bond joints of buried steel and iron pipe, including vault and manhole piping and fittings, fire hydrant piping and risers, and including restrained joints, except joints specified to be threaded, welded, or insulated. B. Install two joint bond wire assemblies at each joint that requires bonding. C. Use thermite weld process for electrical connection of wires to pipe and fittings. D. Test each bonded joint for continuity. E. Joint bonds for cast iron soil pipe and fittings and high silicon cast iron pipe and fittings shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Bronze wedges are not an acceptable method of achieving electrical continuity. 3.03 TEST STATION INSTALLATION A. Determine location of test stations based on actual site conditions and as approved by Engineer. B. Locate test stations as indicated on the Drawings. 1. Install Type T test stations or other type test stations as appropriate at 2,000-foot intervals or less. C. Attach test wires to pipe. D. Locate post mounted test stations at protected locations such as fences, side of road crossings, and edges of cultivated land. E. Bury test and reference electrode wires a minimum of 36 inches below finished grade. F. Make wire connections to test station terminals with crimp-on spade lug terminals, except where solid wire is specified or terminal strips with tubular clamps are used. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 13985 5 JUNE 15,2005 PIPE BONDING AND TEST STATIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.04 WIRE CONNECTIONS A. Thermite Weld: 1. Use thermite weld method for electrical connection of copper wire to steel, ductile, and cast iron surfaces. Observe proper safety precautions, welding procedures, thermite weld material selection, and surface preparation recommended by the welder manufacturer. Assure that the pipe or fitting wall thickness is of sufficient thickness that thermite weld process will not damage integrity of pipe or fitting wall or protective lining. 2. After weld connection has cooled, remove slag, visually inspect, and physically test wire connection by tapping with a hammer; remove and replace any defective connections. 3. On pipe and fittings with dielectric linings, make weld connection on shop tab provided or on a thick metal section to minimize damage to lining and coating. After weld is made, coat weld with coating repair material. 4. Install prefabricated thermite weld cap over each completed connection. Repair exposed metal surfaces not covered by thermite weld cap in accordance with coating manufacturer's recommendations. Repair damage to pipe lining in accordance with lining applicator's recommendations. 3.05 WIRE INSULATION REPAIR A. Wires shall be handled with care. Splices for damage to wire insulation shall be required by spirally wrapping (50 percent overlap, minimum) with two coats of high-voltage rubber splicing tap and two layers of vinyl electrical tape. Make wire splices with suitable sized compression connectors or mechanically secure and solder with rosin cored 50/50 solder. Splices shall be approved by Engineer. 3.06 INSULATED JOINTS A. Install insulated joints to electrically isolate pipeline from other structures as specified in Section 02500, Conveyance Piping - General. Locate insulated joints at connections to existing metallic pipe, where cathodically protected pipe connects to pipe not intended to have cathodic protection, and where shown. Install a Type I test station at each buried insulated joint. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13985 6 JUNE 15,2005 PIPE BONDING AND TEST STATIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.07 INSULATING FLANGE OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTOR A. Provide overvoltage protector for insulating joints located in above ground piping. Mount overvoltage protector to pipe flange in accordance with the manufacturer's published recommendations. 3.08 TESTS AND INSPECTION A. Test Equipment: Before construction begins, obtain test equipment necessary for electrical continuity testing, and the following equipment: 1. Model 601, Above-Ground Insulation Checker; Model 702, Buried Insulation Checker, as manufactured by Gas Electronics Co., Seymour, MO. 2. A Model 77 Series III, Digital Multimeter, with case and test leads, as manufactured by Fluke Corporation, Everett, W A. 3. Two Model6B copper-copper sulfate reference electrodes as manufactured by Tinker and Rasor, San Gabriel, CA. 4. 1 quart of copper sulfate antifreeze solution. 5. 1/2 pound of copper sulfate crystals. B. Store test equipment at Site and maintain in accurately calibrated, working condition. Test equipment shall be available to Engineer for testing purposes. Upon completion of Project, test equipment listed above shall be turned over to City in clean, accurate, and fully functional condition, along with operating manuals, test wires, and cases supplied with equipment. C. Electrical Continuity Testing: 1. Provide necessary equipment and materials and make electrical connections to pipe as required to test continuity of bonded joints. 2. Conduct continuity test on buried joints that are required to be bonded. Test electrical continuity of joint bonds after bonds are installed but before backfilling of pipe. 3. Have Cathodic Protection Specialist monitor tests of bonded joints. 4. Test electrical continuity of completed joint bonds using either a digital low resistance ohmmeter or by Calculated Resistance Method, at Contractor's option. 5. Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter Method: a. Provide the following equipment and materials: 1) One Biddle Model 247001 digital low resistance ohmmeter. 2) One set of duplex helical current and potential hand spikes, Biddle Model No. 241001, cable length as required. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 13985 7 JUNE 15,2005 PIPE BONDING AND TEST STATIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3) One calibration shunt rated at 0.001 ohms, 100 amperes, Biddle Model No. 249004. b. Test Procedure: Measure resistance of joint bonds with low resistance ohmmeter in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Use helical hand spikes to contact pipe on each side of joint, without touching thermite weld or bond. Clean contact area to bright metal by filing or grinding and without surface rusting or oxidation. Record measured joint bond resistance on test form described herein. Repair damaged pipe coating. 6. Calculated Resistance Method: a. Provide the following equipment and materials: 1) One dc ammeter (meter or clamp-on) with full scale reading of 100 amperes and a minimum resolution of 1 ampere or a 100-ampere shunt with a voltmeter as specified herein. 2) One high resistance electronic voltmeter with a dc low range of200 millivolts full scale to a dc high range of20 volts full scale and capable of a minimum resolution of 1 millivolt (two voltmeters are required if a shunt is used). 3) One knife switch, safety switch, or time controlled relay suitable for test current. 4) Two electrical probes for the voltmeter. 5) Insulated wire suitable for carrying the test current, length as required. 6) One dc power supply with a steady capacity of 50 amperes minimum; storage batteries are not an acceptable power supply. b. Test Procedure: Either tightly clamp or thermite weld current wire connections to the pipe. Determine wire size for the test current, and do not exceed 1,000 feet in length. c. Apply a minimum direct current of 50 amperes. d. Measure voltage drop across each joint with voltmeter by contacting pipe on each side of joint. Voltmeter connections to bond wire or thermite welds will not be acceptable. e. Measure current applied to test span and voltage drop across joint simultaneously. f. Record measured voltage drop and current for each joint of test form described herein and calculate bond resistance in accordance with the following formula: R=E I SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 13985 8 JUNE 15,2005 PIPE BONDING AND TEST STATIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Where: R = Resistance of the joint bond. E = Measured voltage drop across the joint, in volts. I = Test current applied to the pipe test span, in amperes. 7. Joint Bond Acceptance: a. Joint Bond Resistance: Less than or equal to the maximum allowable bond resistance values in Table 1. Table 1 Max. Allowable Resistance Joint Type 2 Bonds/Joint Push-On or Mechanical 0.000162 ohm Flexible Coupling 0.000212 ohm b. Replace joint bonds that exceed the allowable resistance. Retest replacement joint bonds for compliance with bond resistance. c. Repair defective joint bonds discovered during energizing and testing. 8. Record Tests of Each Bonded Pipeline: a. Description and location of pipeline tested. b. Starting location and direction oftest. c. Date of test. d. Joint type. e. Test current and voltage drop across each joint and calculated bond resistance (Calculated Resistance Method only). f. Measured joint bond resistance (Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter method only). D. Insulated Joint Testing: Test each joint after assembly with the insulator tester in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions. Replace damaged or defective insulation parts. 1. Correct defects identified during testing. 2. Provide Engineer with 3 days' advance notice before beginning tests. 3.09 FUNCTIONAL TESTING A. Measure structure-to-soil potential of pipeline at each test station using equipment specified herein. Structure-to-soil potential measurements shall be made at surface with a portable copper-copper sulfate reference electrode installed at each test station. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 13985 9 JUNE 15,2005 PIPE BONDING AND TEST STATIONS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Tabulate structure-to-soil potential measurements, with the date and test location, and submit to City. 3.10 SUPPLEMENT A. The supplement listed below, following "End of Section," are a part of this Specification. 1. Joint Bond Continuity Test Schematic. END OF SECTION SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13985 10 JUNE 15, 2005 PIPE BONDING AND'TEST STATIONS ---------------- CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION - -- 323194B \Il:LDED OR CLAMPED \l.4RE CONNECTlON, TYP EACH END ~ JOINT BOND, lYP D.C. PO\Il:R SUPPLY ~ ---11111111111 ~ KNIFE OR SAFElY J S\I.4TCH --.... ..-{V -- I - .I I I VOl. TMETER, TYP V /"' 100 AMPERE SHUNT OR ..( AMMETER (OPTIONAL) 1'.0" PIPELINE UN 1,000' MA)GMUM .Q .Q € IS3 p!.. ~ .... fh Irl ~ I!:! n JOINT BOND CON TlNUllY TEST SCHEMA TlC SEN323194.WU.FD.02 13985 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15, 2005 PIPE BONDING AND TEST STATIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 15100 PLUMBING PIPING AND ACCESSORIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESIGN RQUIREMENTS A. Where pipe diameter, thickness, pressure class, pressure rating, or thrust restraint is not shown or specified, design piping system in accordance with the following: 1. Building Service Piping: AS ME B31.9, as applicable. 2. Sanitary Building Drainage and Vent Systems: ICBO/IAPMO Uniform Plumbing Code. Local plumbing code. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Product data sheets. 2. Shop Drawings showing changes in location of fixtures or equipment that are advisable in the opinion of Contractor. 3. Isometric riser diagrams. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Changes in location of equipment or piping that affect connecting or adjacent work, before proceeding with the work. 2. Complete list of products proposed for installation. 3. Test records produced during testing. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPING A. Piping Schedule: Refer to table in Section 02500, Conveyance Piping - General. B. Piping Material: Refer to Piping Data Sheet(s), Article Supplements. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 15100 1 JUNE 15,2005 PLUMBING PIPING AND ACCESSORIES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.02 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Hangers: 1. Clevis Type: MSS SP 58 and SP 69, Type 1 or 6. a. Anvil; Figure 104 or 260, sizes 1/2 inch through 30 inches. b. B-Line; Figure B3198H or B31 00, sizes 3/8 inch through 30 inches. 2. Hinged Split-Ring Pipe Clamp: MSS SP 58 and SP 69, Type 6 or 12. a. Anvil; Figure 104, sizes 3/4 inch through 8 inches. b. B-Line; Figure B3198H, sizes 3/8 inch through 3 inches. 3. Hanger Rods, Clevises, Nuts, Sockets, and Turnbuckles: In accordance with MSS SP 58. 4. Attachments: a. I-Beam Clamp: Concentric loading type, MSS SP 58 and SP 69, Type 21,28,29, or 30, which engage both sides of flange. b. Concrete Insert: MSS SP 58 and SP 69, Type 18, continuous channel insert with load rating not less than that of hanger rod it supports. B. Saddle Supports: 1. Pedestal Type: Schedule 40 pipe stanchion, saddle, and anchoring flange. a. Nonadjustable Saddle: MSS SP 58 and SP 69, Type 37 with U-bolt. 1) Anvil; Figure 259, sizes 4 inches through 36 inches. 2) B-Line; Figure B3090, sizes 2-1/2 inches through 36 inches. b. Adjustable Saddle: MSS SP 58 and SP 69, Type 38 without clamp. 1) Anvil; Figure 264, sizes 2-1/2 inches through 36 inches. 2) B-Line; Figure B3093, sizes 2-1/2 inches through 36 inches. C. Wall Brackets: 1. Welded Steel Bracket: MSS SP 58 and SP 69, Type 33 (heavy-duty). a. Anvil; Figure 199, 3,000-pound rating. b. B-Line; Figure B3067, 3,000-pound rating. 2. One-Hole Clamp: Anvil; Figure 126, sizes 3/8 inch through 4 inches. 3. Channel Type: a. Unistrut. b. Anvil; Power-Strut. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15100 2 JUNE 15,2005 PLUMBING PIPING AND ACCESSORIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B c. B-Line; Strut System. d. Aickinstrut (FRP). D. Pipe Clamps: 1. Riser Clamp: MSS SP 58 and SP 69, Type 8. a. Anvil; Figure 261, sizes 3/4 inch through 24 inches. b. B-Line; Figure B3373, sizes 1/2 inch through 30 inches. E. Channel Type Support Systems: 1. Channel Size: 12-gauge, 1-5/8-inch wide minimum steel, I-I/2-inch wide, minimum FRP. 2. Members and Connections: Design for all loads with safety factor of 5. 3. Manufacturers: a. B-Line; Strut System. b. Unistrut. c. Anvil; Power-Strut. d. Aickinstrut (FRP System). F. Accessories: 1. Insulation Shields: a. Type: Galvanized steel or stainless steel, MSS SP 58 and SP 69, Type 40. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Anvil; Figure 167, sizes 1/2 inch through 24 inches. 2) B-Line; Figure B3151, sizes 1/2 inch through 24 inches. 2. Welding Insulation Saddles: a. Type: MSS SP 58 and SP 69, Type 39. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Anvil; Figure Series 160, sizes 1 inch through 36 inches. 2) B-Line; Figure Series B3160, sizes 1/2 inch through 24 inches. G. Galvanize hangers, rods, clamps, protective shields, and hanger accessories. H. Trapeze Hangers: 1. Assembly consisting of structure attachments with rod size dependent upon total weight supported, and spacing of assemblies determined by minimum pipe size included in group supported. 2. Trapeze Horizontal: Structural angle or channel section of sufficient size to prevent measurable sag between rods. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15100 3 JUNE 15, 2005 PLUMBING PIPING AND ACCESSORIES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Manufacturers: a. Unistrut. b. B-Line; Strut System. c. Anvil; Power-Strut. d. Aickinstrut (FRP System). 2.03 VALVES A. Refer to Section 15202, Process Valves and Operators. 2.04 MISCELLANEOUS PIPING SPECIALTIES A. Water Hose: 1. Furnish one, 50-foot length of I-inch EPDM black cover and EPDM tube, reinforced with two textile braids. Furnish each length with brass male and female NST hose thread couplings to fit hose nozzle(s) and hose valve(s) specified. 2. Rated minimum working pressure of 200 psi. 3. Manufacturers: a. Goodyear. b. Boston. B. Hose Nozzles: 1. Furnish one I-inch cast brass satin finish nozzle(s) with adjustable fog, straight-stream, and shut -off features and rubber bumper. Provide nozzle(s) with female NST hose thread. 2. Manufacturers: a. Croker. b. Elkhart. C. Joint Solder: 95-5 wire solder, ASTM B32, Grade 95 T A. Do not use cored solder. D. Pipe Joint Sealer: Compound insoluble in water or Teflon tape; approved by NFS for use in potable water. E. Rubber Gaskets: ASTM C564. SEN323 1 94.WU.FD.02 15100 4 JUNE 15,2005 PLUMBING PIPING AND ACCESSORIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2.05 MEASURING DEVICES A. Pressure Gauges: 1. Construction: 3-112-inch gauge size, 0 to 690 kPa, 0 to 160 psi range, steel case, glass crystal, brass movement, and 1/4-inch NPT lower connection. 2. Furnish with 1/4-inch brass gauge cock. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Ashcroft; Type 1008. b. Marsh; 180. c. Marshalltown. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Install plumbing systems to meet the applicable plumbing code. B. Field Obstructions: 1. Drawings do not attempt to show exact details of piping. Provide offsets around obstructions. 2. Do not modify structural components, unless approved by Engineer. C. Provide unions in piping systems at connections to equipment. D. Provide insulating dielectric unions and flanges between ferrous and nonferrous piping and where otherwise required for electrically insulated connection. E. Pipe air release valves, water-lubricated bearings, and other appurtenances having water effluent with copper tubing to nearest drain. F. Trench Excavation and Backfill: As specified in Section 7-08, General Pipe Installation Requirement of the Standard Specifications, and amended in Part III of this Project Manual. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Copper Tubing: 1. Cut tubing square and remove burrs. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 15100 5 lUNE 15,2005 PLUMBING PIPING AND ACCESSORIES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I 2. Clean both inside of fittings and outside of tubing with sand cloth and flux before soldering. Flux shall comply with ASTM B813. 3. Prevent annealing of fittings and hard-drawn tubing when making connections. 4. Do not use mitered joints for elbows or notching of straight runs of pipe for tees. B. Valves: Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. C. Miscellaneous Piping Specialties: Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. D. Measuring Devices: Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.03 SANITARY AND WASTE DRAINS AND VENTS PIPING A. Installation: 1. Set piping above floor slab true and plumb. 2. Set exposed risers as close to walls as possible. 3. Where vent stacks pass through roof slab, fit with flashing sleeve secured to roof. 4. Extend vents minimum 1 foot above roof. 5. Provide cleanouts where shown and where required by code. 3.04 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Install pre-engineered support equipment in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Hanger Rod Sizing and Spacing for: 1. Steel Pipe: Max. Hanger Pipe Size Spacing Min. Rod Size 1 inch and smaller 6' 1/4" 1-1/4 through 2-1/2 inches 8' 1/4" 3 and 4 inches 10' 3/8" SEN323194.WU.FD.02 15100 6 JUNE 15, 2005 PLUMBING PIPING AND ACCESSORIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B Max. Hanger Pipe Size Spacin2: Min. Rod Size 6 inches 12' 3/8" 8 inches 12' 1/2" 2. Copper Pipe: a. Rod Size: Same as for steel pipe. b. Spacing: 2 feet less per size than for steel pipe, except pipe 1-1/4 inches and smaller shall be supported every 6 feet. 3. Cast Iron Pipe: a. Rod Size: Same as for steel pipe. b. Spacing: Locate hanger rods at each pipe joint and change of direction, 10-foot maximum spacing. 4. Plastic Pipe: a. Rod Size: Same as for steel pipe. b. Spacing: As recommended by manufacturer and required by applicable plumbing code for flow and temperature in pipe. c. No metal portion of hanger shall contact pipe directly. C. Attach Support Rods For Horizontal Piping: 1. To steel beams with I-clamps. 2. To concrete with inserts or with flanges fastened with flush shells. 3. To wood with thickness of2-1/2 inches or more with bolts or angle clips. D. Trapeze Hangers: 1. Trapeze hangers may be used in lieu of individual hangers where horizontal piping is arranged with two or more parallel lines. 2. Attach lines to horizontal with U-bolts or one-hole clamps. E. Vertical Piping: 1. Support by channel type support system and pipe clamps on lO-foot maximum centers. 2. Copper, and Plastic Piping: Isolate from channels and pipe clamps with pipe isolators. F. Insulated Piping: Furnish galvanized protection shield and oversized hangers under insulated piping. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15100 7 JUNE 15,2005 PLUMBING PIPING AND ACCESSORIES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.05 INTERIM CLEANING A. Prevent accumulation of weld rod, weld spatter, pipe cuttings and filings, gravel, cleaning rags, and other foreign material within piping during fabrication and assembly. B. Examine piping to assure removal of foreign objects prior to assembly. C. Shop cleaning may employ conventional commercial cleaning method if it does not corrode, deform, swell, or otherwise alter physical properties of material being cleaned. 3.06 TESTING A. Refer to Pipe Schedule attached at the end of Section 02500, Conveyance Piping - General. 3.07 CLEANING AND DISINFECTION A. Refer to Pipe Schedule attached at the end of Section 02500, Conveyance Piping - General. 3.08 PROTECTION OF INSTALLED WORK A. Protective Covers: 1. Provide over floor and shower drains during construction, to prevent damage to drain strainers and keep foreign material from entering drainage system. 2. Cover roof drains and emergency overflow drains during roofing process so roofing material and gravel do not enter drain piping. 3. Remove at time of Substantial Completion. SEN323194. WU.FD.02 15100 8 JUNE 15,2005 PLUMBING PIPING AND ACCESSORIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.09 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplements listed below, following "End of Section," are part of this ~ Specification. 1. Plumbing Piping Data Sheets. Section Number Title -01 Copper and Copper Alloy Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings -02 Cast Iron Soil Pipe (CISP) and Fittings END OF SECTION SEN323194.WU.FD.02 15100 9 JUNE 15, 2005 PLUMBING PIPING AND ACCESSORIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 15100-01 COPPER AND COPPER ALLOY PIPE, TUBING, AND FITTINGS Item Description Pipe Oxygen Service: Red brass, seamless, standard wall thickness, conforming to ASTM B43. Tubing Seamless, conforming to ASTM B88 as follows: No. 1 water (exposed) ............ Type L, hard drawn Compressed air service .......... Type L, hard drawn P-Trap priming service ..........Type L, soft temper Fittings Commercially pure wrought copper, socket joint, conforming to ASTM B75, dimensions conforming to ANSI BI6.22. Flanges Commercially pure wrought copper, socket joint, conforming to ASTM B75, faced and drilled 150-pound ANSI B16.24 standard. 1 Bolting ASTM A307, carbon steel, Grade A hex head bolts, and ASTM A563 Grade A hex head nuts. Gaskets 1/16-inch thick nonasbestos compression type, full face, Cranite, John Manville. Solder Joints 2-1/2 Inch and Smaller: Wire solder (95 percent tin), conforming to ASTM B32 Alloy Grade Sn95. Do not use cored solder. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15100-01 1 JUNE 15,2005 DATA SHEET COPPER AND COPPER ALLOY PIPE, TUBING, AND FITTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 15100-02 CAST IRON SOIL PIPE (CISP) AND FITTINGS Item Size Description Pipe 8" and smaller Hubless, CISPI 301, service weight, no-hub abovegrade ends. 8" and smaller Hub and spigot, ASTM A 74, service weight, belowgrade single hub and spigot. Joints 8" and smaller Compression: Neoprene sealing sleeve with abovegrade 24-gauge Type 304 stainless steel shield and clamp assembly. 8" and smaller Rubber gaskets, ASTM C564. belowgrade Fittings All ASME BI6.4; ASME 16.12, CISPI 301. Coating All Bituminous-coated inside and out; marked with manufacturer's name or trademark and CIS PI symbol. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15100-02 1 JUNE 15,2005 DATA SHEET CAST IRON SOIL PIPE (CISP) AND FITTINGS I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 15202 PROCESS VALVES AND OPERATORS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Shop Drawings: a. Product data sheets for each make and model. Indicate valve Type Number, applicable Tag Number, and facility name/number or service where used. b. Complete catalog information, descriptive literature, specifications, and identification of materials of construction. c. Power and control wiring diagrams for valves with electric solenoids. d. Sizing calculations for open-close/throttle and modulating valves. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance. a. Butterfly valves; full compliance with A WW A C504. 2. Tests and inspection data. 3. Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation, in accordance with Part III, Section 1-05.19, of the Project Manual. 1.02 OWNER FURNISHED PRODUCTS A. The following products listed in Part 2 of this section will be furnished by the City. See Part III, Section 1-06.7, ofthis Project Manual for details. 1. Type V614 Slanting Disc Check Valve. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. All valves to include operator, actuator, handwheel, chain wheel, extension stem, floor stand, worm and gear operator, operating nut, chain, wrench, and accessories for a complete operation. B. Valve to be suitable for intended service. Renewable parts not to be of a lower quality than specified. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15202 1 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS VALVES AND OPERATORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Valve same size as adjoining pipe. D. Valve ends to suit adjacent piping. E. Size operator to operate valve for the full range of pressures and velocities. F. Valve to open by turning counterclockwise. G. Factory mount operator, actuator, and accessories. 2.02 SCHEDULE A. Requirements relative to this section are shown on the Valve Schedule located at the end of this section. 2.03 MATERIALS A. Bronze and brass valve components and accessories that have surfaces in contact with water to be alloys containing less than 16 percent zinc and 2 percent aluminum. 1. Approved alloys are of the following ASTM designations: B61, B62, B98/B98M (Alloy UNS No. C65100, C65500, or C66100), B139 (Alloy UNS No. C51000), B584 (Alloy UNS No. C90300 or C94700), B164, B194, and B127. 2. Stainless steel Alloy 18-8 may be substituted for bronze. 2.04 FACTORY FINISHING A. Epoxy Lining and Coating: 1. Use where specified for individual valves described herein. 2. In accordance with A WW A C550 unless otherwise specified. 3. Either two-part liquid material or heat-activated (fusion) material except only heat-activated material if specified as "fusion" or "fusion bonded" epoxy. 4. Minimum 7-mil dry film thickness except where limited by valve operating tolerances. B. Exposed Valves: 1. In accordance with Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings. 2. Safety isolation valves and lockout valves with handles, handwheels, or chain wheels "safety yellow." SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15202 2 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS VALVES AND OPERATORS I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2.05 VALVES A. General: Manufactured and tested in accordance with A WW A C500. B. Gate Valves: 1. Type V100 Gate Valve 3 Inches and Smaller: a. All-bronze, screwed bonnet, single solid wedge gate, nonrising stern, Class 125 rated 200 psi cold water working pressure. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Crane; Figure 438, threaded ends. 2) Stockham; Figure B103, threaded ends. 3) Crane; Figure 1324, soldered ends. 4) Stockham; Figure B 1 04, soldered ends. 5) Dresser. 6) Kennedy. 7) Red-White, Figure 280, threaded ends. 2. Type V132 Resilient Seated Gate Valve 3 Inches to 12 Inches, for Buried Service: a. Iron body, resilient seat, bronze mounted, ANSI Class 125 flanged ends, nonrising stern, in accordance with A WW A C509, 2-inch operating nut, design working water pressure 200 psig for 2 inches through 12 inches, full port, fusion epoxy coated inside and outside per A WW A C550, NSF Standard 61 certified. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) M&H Valve; A WW A C509, 4067-02. 2) U.S. Pipe; Metroseal. C. Plug Valves: 1. Type V405 Eccentric Plug Valve 3 Inches to 12 Inches: a. Nonlubricated type rated 175 psig CWP, drip-tight shutoff with pressure from either direction, cast iron body, exposed service flanged ends per ASME B 16.1 or grooved ends in accordance with A WW A C606 for rigid joints, buried service mechanical joint ends, unless otherwise shown. b. Plug cast iron with round or rectangular port of no less than 80 percent of connecting pipe area and coated with Buna-N, seats welded nickel, stern bearings lubricated stainless steel or bronze, stern seal multiple V-rings, or U-cups with O-rings of nitrile rubber, grit seals on both upper and lower bearings. c. Valve shall have a full port opening. d. For buried service, provide external epoxy coating. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15202 3 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS VALVES AND OPERATORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B .1 .1 I I I I I I I .~ I I I I I I I I I I e. Operators: 1) 3-lnch to 4-lnch Valves: Wrench lever manual. 2) 6-Inch to 12-lnch Valves: Totally enclosed, geared, manuaL operator with handwheel, 2-inch nut, or chain wheel. Size operator for 1.5 times the maximum operating shutoff pressure differential for direct and reverse pressure, whichever is higher. For buried service, provide completely sealed operator filled with heavy lubricant and 2-inch nut. f. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Pratt; Ballcentric. 2) Milliken; Millcentric Series 600. 2. Type V462 Gauge Cock 1/8 Inch to 1/4 Inch: a. 1/4-inch bronze body, hexagon end pattern, tee head, male ends, rated 125-pound SWP. b. Manufacturer and Product: United Brass Works; Figure 973. 3. Type V464 Corporation Stop 1/2 Inch to 2 Inches: a. A WW A C800 type, tapered threaded inlet, except when connecting to tapped fittings which require IPS tapered threads, outlet compression connection or IPS threads to suit connecting pipe, stops rated 200 psi cold water working pressure. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Ford Meter Box Co.; Type 600. 2) Mueller Co.; Series 300. D. Butterfly Valves: 1. General: a. A WW A C504 valves to be in full compliance with A WW A C504 and following requirements: 1) Suitable for throttling operations and infrequent operation after periods of inactivity. 2) Elastomer seats which are bonded or vulcanized to the body shall have adhesive integrity of bond between seat and body assured by testing, with minimum 75-pound pull in accordance with ASTM D429, Method B. 3) Bubble-tight with rated pressure applied from either side. 4) No travel stops for disc on interior of body. 5) Self-adjusting V -type or O-ring shaft seals. 6) Isolate metal-to-metal thrust bearing surfaces from flowstream. 7) Provide traveling nut or worm gear actuator with handwheel. Valve actuators to meet the requirements of A WW A C504. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15202 4 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS VAL YES AND OPERATORS I I I .1 I I ,I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 8) Provide linings and coatings per A WW A unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings or specified. b. Non-A WW A butterfly valves to meet the following actuator requirements: 1) For above ground installations, provide handle and notch plate for valves 6-inch and smaller and heavy-duty, totally- enclosed gearbox type operators with hand wheel, position indicator and travel stops for valves 8-inch and larger, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings or specified. 2. Type V500 Butterfly Valve General Service 3 Inches to 72 Inches: a. Flanged end, short body type. b. AWWA C504, Class 150R c. Cast iron body, cast or ductile iron disc, Type 304 stainless steel shafts, rubber seat bonded or molded in body only, and stainless steel seating surface. d. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Pratt; Model 2FII or XR - 70. 2) Mueller. 3) M&H. 4) DeZurik; AWWA Valve. 3. Type V506 Butterfly Valve High Pressure Service 4 Inches to 48 Inches: a. Rated 250 psi cold water at 16 fi>s flow velocity, nonshock, watertight shutoff, conform to A WW A C504 where applicable, suitable for throttling operations, suitable for infrequent use after extended periods of inactivity, body heavy cast or ductile iron, flanged ends, flanges per ASME B 16.1, Class 125 drilling, disc cast or ductile iron with Type 316 stainless steel disc edge, shaft stainless steel ASTM A564/ A564M, Type 630, Condition H-II00, Buna-N rubber seat bonded or molded in body only, seals self-adjusting V -type or O-rings, manufactured and tested in accordance with applicable requirements of A WW A C504. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Pratt; Triton HP-250. 2) Mueller; Lineseal XP250. E. Check and Flap Valves: 1. Type V608 Swing Check Valve 2 Inches to 12 Inches: a. A WW A C508, 125-pound flanged ends, cast iron body, bronze body seat, bronze mounted cast iron clapper with rubber facing, stainless steel hinge shaft. b. Valves, 2 inches through 12 inches rated 200-pound working pressure. Valves to be fitted with adjustable outside lever and SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 15202 5 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS VALVES AND OPERATORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I ,I I I, 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I weight. Increasing-pattern body valve may be used where increased outlet piping size is shown. c. Manufacturers and Products: 1) M&H Valve; Style 159. 2) Mueller Co.; No. A-2600 Series. 2. Type V614 Slanting Disc Check Valve 2 Inches to 16 Inches: a. Slanting or tilting disc design, off-center pivot, body ductile iron two-piece design, bronze seat on 55 degree angle, disc bronze or ductile iron, pivot pin and bushing Type 304 stainless steel, Class 125,200 psi rating, Class 125 flange drilling, bottom mounted buffer cylinder for cushion closing, valve disc position indicator. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) APCO; Series 800. 2) Val Matic; Series 9800. 3. Type V642 Reduced-Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly 3/4 Inch: a. Two resilient seated check valves with an independent relief valve between the valves, two isolation ball valves, test cocks, in accordance with A WW A C511, rated 175 psi maximum working pressure, meets requirements ofUSC Foundation For Cross- Connection Control and Hydraulic Research and is approved by the Washington State Department of Health for installation on water distribution systems. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) FEBCO; Model 860. 2) CIa-Val; Model RP-4. 3) Watts; Series 009/909. F. Self-Contained Automatic Valves: 1. Type V710 Pressure-Reducing Valve 2-112 Inches and Smaller: a. Direct diaphragm operated, spring controlled, bronze body. b. Size/Rating: As shown in the Valve Schedule. c. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Fisher; Type 75A. 2) Watts; Series 223. 2. Type V712 Pressure-Reducing Valve 2 Inches and Larger: a. Hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated, pilot controlled globe valve, cast iron, ductile iron, or steel body, ASME B 16.1 flanged ends, rated 175 psi working pressure, bronze or stainless steel trim, stainless steel stem, externally mounted strainers with cocks, and maintain a constant downstream pressure regardless of fluctuations in flow or upstream pressure. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15202 6 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS VALVES AND OPERATORS I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B b. FDA approved fusion bonded epoxy lining and coating installed in accordance with A WW A C550. c. Size/Rating: As shown in the Valve Schedule. d. Manufacturers and Products: 1) CIa-Val; 90G-OIABCS. 2) Singer. 3) Watts; ACV 115E. 4) Golden Anderson. 3. Type V714 Pressure-Reducing Valve 3 Inches and Larger: a. Hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated, pilot controlled globe valve, cast iron, ductile iron, or steel body, ASME B 16.1 flanged ends, rated 175 psi working pressure, bronze or stainless steel trim, stainless steel stem, externally mounted strainers with cocks, and maintain a constant downstream pressure regardless of fluctuations in flow or upstream pressure. b. FDA approved fusion bonded epoxy lining and coating installed in accordance with A WW A C550. c. Size/Rating: As shown in the Valve Schedule. d. Manufacturers and Products: 1) CIa-Val; 90G-OIBCSY. 2) Singer. 3) Watts; ACV 115E. 4) Golden Anderson. 4. Type V715 Pressure-Reducing/Back-Pressure Sustaining Valve 3 Inches and Larger: a. Hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated, pilot controlled globe valve, cast iron, ductile iron, or steel body, rated 175 psi working pressure, ASME B 16.1 flanged ends, bronze or stainless steel trim, stainless steel stem, externally mounted strainers with cocks, and maintain a constant downstream pressure while maintaining a minimum upstream pressure. Include visual position indicator. b. FDA approved fusion bonded epoxy lining and coating installed in accordance with A WW A C550. c. Size/Rating: As shown in the Valve Schedule. d. Manufacturers and Products: 1) CIa-Val; 692G-OIBCKO. 2) Or equaL 5. Type V716 Pressure-Reducing/Back-Pressure Sustaining Valve 3 Inches and Larger: a. Hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated, pilot controlled globe valve, cast iron, ductile iron, or steel body, rated 175 psi working pressure, ASME B 16.1 flanged ends, bronze or stainless steel trim, stainless steel stem, externally mounted strainers with cocks, SEN323194.WU.FD.02 15202 7 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS VALVES AND OPERATORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I ,I. I I. 'I I I I 'I I I '1'\ I , I I 'I I I I I and maintain a constant downstream pressure while maintaining a minimum upstream pressure. Include visual position indicator. b. FDA approved fusion bonded epoxy lining and coating installed in accordance with A WW A C550. c. SizelRating: As shown in the Valve Schedule. d. Manufacturers and Products: 1) CIa-Val; 92G-07BCSYKO. 2) Singer. 3) Watts; ACV 1I5-2E. 4) Golden Anderson. 6. Type V744 Air Release Valve 1/2 Inch to 2 Inches: a. Suitable for water service, automatically exhaust small amounts of entrained air that accumulates in a system. In CLOSED position, seat against resilient seat to prevent water leakage. b. Rated 175 psi working pressure, cast iron or ductile iron body and cover, stainless steel float and trim, NPT threaded inlet and outlet, built and tested to A WW A C512. c. Manufacturers and Products: 1) APCO Valve and Primer Corp.; Series 50. 2) Val-Matic Valve; Series 15A to 45.6. 3) ARI; S-050. 7. Type V746 Combination Air Release Valve 1 Inch to 2 Inches: a. Suitable for water service, combines the operating features of both an air and vacuum valve and air release valve. Air and vacuum portion to automatically exhaust air during filling of system and allow air to re-enter during draining or when vacuum occurs. The air release portion to automatically exhaust entrained air that accumulates in system. b. Valve single body or dual body, air release valve mounted on air and vacuum valve, isolation valve mounted between the dual valves. I-inch through 3-inch valves with NPT threaded inlet and outlet, 4-inch and larger valves with ASME BI6.1 Class 125 flanged inlet and cover outlet. c. Rated 300 psi working pressure, cast iron or ductile iron body and cover, stainless steel float and trim, built and tested to AWWAC512. d. Manufacturers and Products: 1) APCO Valve and Primer Corp.; Series 143C to 147C or 1804 to 1816. 2) Val-Matic Valve; Series 201C to 203C or 104/22 to 116/38. 8. Type V754 Sewage Combination Air Valve 2 Inches to 6 Inches: a. Suitable for ~ewage service; combines the operating functions of both an air and vacuum valve and an air release valve. The air and vacuum portion shall automatically exhaust air during filling of a SEN323194.WU.FD.02 15202 8 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS VALVES AND OPERATORS I - I I I I I' I I' I I ,I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B system and allow air to re-enter during draining or when a vacuum occurs. Air release portion to automatically exhaust entrained air that accumulates in system. Single body unit with air and vacuum valve and an air release valve in a single housing. b. Rated working pressure of 150 psi, built and tested to AWWA C512. c. Materials: Cast iron or ductile iron body and covers, NTP threaded inlet and outlet, with concave or skirted stainless steel float and trim. d. Sewage air release valve fitted with blowoff valve, flushing valve with quick disconnect couplings, and a minimum 5 feet of hose with quick disconnect couplings to permit backflushing after installation without dismantling valve. e. Manufacturers and Products: 1) APCO Valve and Primer Corp.; Series 440 SCA V. 2) Val-Matic Valve; Series 800. 2.06 OPERATORS A. Manual Operator: 1. General: a. Operator force not to exceed 40 pounds under any operating condition, including initial breakaway. Gear reduction operator when force exceeds 40 pounds. b. Operator self-locking type or equipped with self-locking device. c. Position indicator on quarter-turn valves. d. Worm and gear operators one-piece design worm-gears of gear bronze material. Worm hardened alloy steel with thread ground and polished. Traveling nut type operators threader steel reach rods with internally threaded bronze or ductile iron nut. 2. Exposed Operator: a. Galvanized and painted handwheels. b. Lever operators allowed on quarter-turn valves 8 inches and smaller. c. Cranks on gear type operators. d. Chain wheel operator with tiebacks, extension stem, floor stands, and other accessories to permit operation from normal operation level. e. Valve handles to take a padlock, and wheels a chain and padlock. 3. Buried Operator: a. Buried service operators on valves larger than 2-1/2 inches shall have a 2-inch A WW A operating nut. Buried operators on valves 2 inches and smaller shall have cross handle for operation by SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 15202 9 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS VALVES AND OPERATORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I ,- 'I I I I 'I I 'I t I I I I I I, 'I I I forked key. Enclose moving parts of valve and operator in housing to prevent contact with the soil. b. Design buried service operators for quarter-turn valves to withstand 450 foot-pounds of input torque at the FULLY OPEN or FULLY CLOSED positions, grease packed and gasketed to withstand a submersion in water to 10 psi. c. Buried valves shall have extension stems, bonnets, and valve boxes. 2.07 ACCESSORIES A. Limit Switch: 1. Factory installed limit switch by actuator manufacturer. 2. SPDT, rated at 5 amps, 120 volts ac. B. Extension Bonnet for Valve Operator: Complete with enclosed stem, extension, support brackets, and accessories for valve and operator. 1. Manufacturers: a. Pratt. b. DeZurik. C. Floor Box and Extension Stem: 1. Plain type, for support of nonrising type stem. 2. Complete with solid extension stem, operating nut, and stem guide brackets. 3. Stem Guide: Space such that stem L/R ratio does not exceed 200. 4. Anchor Bolts: Type 304 SST. 5. Manufacturers and Products: a. Neenah Foundry; R 7506. b. Clow; No. F5690. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Flange Ends: 1. Flanged valve bolt holes shall straddle vertical centerline of pipe. 2. Clean flanged faces, insert gasket and bolts, and tighten nuts progressively and uniformly. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 15202 10 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS VALVES AND OPERATORS I ,- I I I \1 'I I I Ii I I, I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Screwed Ends: I. Clean threads by wire brushing or swabbing. 2. Apply joint compound. C. PVC and CPVC Valves: Install using solvents approved for valve service conditions. D. Valve Installation and Orientation: I. General: a. Install valves so handles operate from fully open to fully closed without encountering obstructions. b. Install valves in location for easy access for routine operation and maintenance. c. Install valves per manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Gate, Globe, and Ball Valves: a. Install operating stem vertical when valve is installed in horizontal runs of pipe having centerline elevations 4 feet 6 inches or less above finished floor, unless otherwise shown. b. Install operating stem horizontal in horizontal runs of pipe having centerline elevations greater than 4 feet 6 inches above finish floor, unless otherwise shown. 3. Eccentric Plug Valves: a. Unless otherwise restricted or shown on Drawings, install valve as follows: I) Liquids with suspended solids service with horizontal flow: Install valve with stem in horizontal position with plug up when valve is open. Install valve with seat end upstream (flow to produce unseating pressure). 2) Liquids with suspended solids service with vertical flow: Install valve with seat in highest portion of valve (seat up). 3) Clean Liquids and Gas Service: Install valve with seat end downstream of higher pressure when valve is closed (higher pressure forces plug into seat). 4. Butterfly Valves: a. Unless otherwise restricted or shown on Drawings, install valve a minimum of 8 diameters downstream of an elbow or branch tee and with shaft in horizontal position. b. For vertical elbow or branch tee immediately upstream of the valve, install valve with shaft in vertical position. c. For horizontal elbow or branch tee immediately upstream of the valve, install valve with shaft in horizontal position. SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 15202 11 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS VALVES AND OPERA TORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323 1 94B I ,I I' \1 I I I I I I. I I I I I II I I I d. When installed immediately downstream of a swing check, install valve with shaft perpendicular to swing check shaft. e. For free inlet or discharge into basins and tanks, install valve with- shaft in vertical position. 5. Check Valves: a. Install valve in horizontal or vertical flow (up) flow piping only for liquid services. b. Install valve in vertical flow (up) piping only for gas services. c. Install swing check valve with shaft in horizontal position. E. Install a line size ball valve and union upstream of each solenoid valve, in-line flow switch, or other in-line electrical device, excluding magnetic flowmeters, for isolation during maintenance. F. Locate valve to provide accessibility for control and maintenance. Install access doors in finished walls and plaster ceilings for valve access. G. Extension Stem for Operator: Where the depth of the valve is such that its centerline is more than 3 feet below grade, furnish an operating extension stem with 2-inch operating nut to bring the operating nut to a point 6 inches below the surface of the ground and/or box cover. H. Floor Box and Stem: Steel extension stem length shall locate operating nut in floor box. 3.02 TESTS AND INSPECTION A. Valve may be either tested while testing pipelines, or as a separate step. B. Test that valves open and close smoothly under operating pressure conditions. Test that two-way valves open and close smoothly under operating pressure conditions from both directions. C. Inspect air and vacuum valves as pipe is being filled to verify venting and seating is fully functional. D. Count and record number of turns to open and close valve; account for any discrepancies with manufacturer's data. E. Set, verify, and record set pressures for all relief and regulating valves. F. Automatic valves to be tested in conjunction with control system testing. Set all opening and closing speeds, limit switches, as required or recommended by the Engineer. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 15202 12 JUNE 15, 2005 PROCESS VALVES AND OPERATORS I j I I, I ,I I' I I 'i I, I ,I I I I , "I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B G. Test hydrostatic relief valve seating; record leakage. Adjust and retest to maximum leakage of 0.1 gpm per foot of seat periphery. 3.03 MANUFACTURER'S SERVICES A. The valve(s) as listed below require manufacturer's field services: 1. All V700 series valves. B. Manufacturer's Representative: Present at Site for minimum person-days listed below, travel time excluded: 1. 1 person-day for installation assistance and inspection. 2. 2 person-days for functional and performance testing and completion of Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation. 3.04 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplements listed below, following "End of Section," are part of this Specification. 1. Valve Schedule. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15202 13 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS VAL YES AND OPERATORS - - .. -- ... ..' .. WIll, - IIIIIE) _ _ _ .... _ .' .. ,.J _ CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B VALVE SCHEDULE Valve Size Inlet Outlet Maximum Flow Operation/ Ta2 No. Type No. (inches) Pressure Pressure osig (20m) Fluid Fail Position Voltage PRV4 V716 8 183 psig max 36 psig 200 0-2,200 W Open with 120 155 psig* Pump Start, Fail Open PRY 5-1 V712 2 183 psig max 93 psig 200 0-250 W - - PRY 5-2 V714 6 184 psig max 88 psig 200 100-2,500 W - - PRV8 V715 4 165 psig max 36 psig 200 0-300 W - - 150 psig* N/A V710 1 183 psig max 60 psig 200 - W - - *Pressure sustain feature setting SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 15202 SUPPLEMENT . 1 JUNE 15,2005 PROCESS VALVES' AND OPERATORS I' I I I I ,I I ,I I t I ,I 'I I 'I I 'I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 15209 SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this Section: 1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): a. B 16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. b. B16.11, Forged Steel Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded. 2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): ICS 1, General Standards for Industrial Control and Systems. 3. Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC): a. SP 6, Commercial Blast Cleaning. b. SP 10, Near-White Blast Cleaning. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Complete dimensional fabrication drawings of surge tanks, accessories, and piping. 2. Complete piping schematic drawings showing air and liquid piping, and flows directly associated with surge tank. 3. Fabrication drawings of surge control tank panel. 4. Complete electrical elementary diagrams and electrical interconnection diagrams for surge control tank. Diagrams in accordance with NEMA ICS 1. 5. Complete interior and exterior tank painting systems. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Tank manufacturer's written instructions. 2. Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance that tank is certified and stamped in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Division 1. 3. Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation. 4. Statements of Qualification: Tank welders. 5. Test Reports: a. Date and time of testing. b. Description of method of testing, including pumping combinations and pressure records. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 15209 1 JUNE 15,2005 SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B c. Description of observed leaks and method and date of repair. d. Description of catastrophic failures. 1.03 QUALIFICATIONS A. Tank welders shall be AS ME certified. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 HYDROPNEUMATIC SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS A. The purpose of the system is to maintain in a positive waterline pressure during pump startup, shutdown, and power failure. B. Major components shall include: 1. Hydropneumatic surge tank (T-6-2). 2. Air compressor package. 3. Automatic level control system. 4. Miscellaneous instruments and valves. C. The pressure transients in the pipeline system following pump shutdown! LEVEL SETPOINTS TO CONTROL PANEL r------------------------------------l CONTROL POVER TO SOLENOIDS I--------------T-----~ I "- "- I "- ~ "- "- "- "- CONTROL PANEL l- I iSl I ;0'1 I II AIR 81 Iz I~ RECEIVER "'I I: I~ I ~I I~ I> Sl 51 I~ I~ DI <I I I Ig --' ~I 1 1 IN ~I I 1 I ~I I I I 51 SURGE I I <II TANK TO SYSTEM startup from design operating conditions must not cause cavitation nor water SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15209 2 JUNE 15,2005 SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM 'I I I ,I I I 'I I I t ,I J I' I I 'I, I I I I I I I I ,I I I I " I I I I I ,I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 column separation at any point in the pipeline system and must not exceed the pressure rating of the piping at any point in the pipeline system. D. Accepted Manufacturer: PULSCO, 17945 Sky Park Circle, Suite GH, Irvine, CA 92614, telephone (949) 261-1717. Alternate suppliers shall be approved by the City. E. Alternate suppliers must have a minimum of 5 years' experience. F. An operation and maintenance manual must be provided and personnel representing the surge arrestor manufacturer are required to check the installation and instruct the City's personnel in the operation of the surge control system. A field test of the equipment shall be performed in conjunction with this Site visit. G. The manufacturer shall provide a guarantee of performance and workmanship certifying that the system will meet all provisions of these Specifications. H. Such performance shall be verified by operational field tests. I. The entire surge control system, including the air compressor, shall be supplied by a single manufacturer. However, this shall not relieve the General Contractor's responsibility for coordinating, installing and performing his complete portion of the Work. 2.02 HYDROPNEUMATIC SURGE TANK (T-6-2) A. The surge tanks shall be constructed of carbon steel for a maximum allowable working pressure of 250 psig and 100 degrees F in accordance with the ASME Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII. Tank shall be a nominal 1,600 gallon or 214 cubic feet of volume horizontal tank. Refer to Drawings for general tank layout requirements. The surge tank shall be provided with a flanged line connection, adequate saddle style supports, lifting lugs and couplings for a drain, safety relief valve and level control system. The surge tank shall be provided with an elliptical manway as shown on Drawings. Tank shall not exceed 5 feet 6 inches in diameter to allow removal through double doors. B. Tank shall be furnished with a suitable number of threaded and/or flanged openings to allow for connection to the various systems associated with the tank. As a minimum and in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Article D6. the tanks shall have the following: 1. One 10-inch flanged inlet/outlet nozzle. 2. One I-inch add air nozzle. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15209 3 JUNE 15,2005 SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I I 'I I I 'I ,I I I I I I, ~I I I 3. One I-inch vent air nozzle. 4. One I-inch pressure relief nozzle. 5. One I-inch air release valve nozzle. 6. One nozzle sized as required for level sensing probes. 7. Two level gauge nozzles. 8. One pressure gauge nozzle. 9. One I-lI2-inch drain line complete with a plugged quarter turn valve with a lockable handle. 10. Three try valve nozzles. 11. Pressure Relief (Safety) Valve. C. The tank must not have moving parts, vanes or elastomers, and shall contain a differential nozzle and vortex breaker. D. The internal surface of the surge arrestor shall be sandblasted to SSPC SP-6 and apply three coats ofTnemec Series 66, 10 to 12 mils total DFT or equivalent. E. The external surface ofthe surge tank shall be shop sandblasted to SSPC SP-6 and shop apply one coat of shop primer followed by two coats of premium grade of alkyd enamel paint. F. Tank shall be anchored to the floor pad as required to meet the criteria of the State of Washington seismic zone. As a minimum, each comer of the tank shall be held down with two 3/4-inch by IO-inch long epoxy anchor bolts. Tank supplier may alter this if appropriate calculations are provided to the Engineer. 2.03 AIR COMPRESSOR A. The skid air compressor package shall include an air-cooled, two-stage, oil- free reciprocating type or screw type air compressor skid mounted with a vertical air receiver and piped and wired to the control panel. Pressure and tank assembly shall be rated for a minimum of200 psi delivered pressure. The compressor shall be controlled by an ON/OFF pressure switch. The ON setting shall be approximately 165 psi. The OFF shall be approximately 190 psi. The air compressor shall be the standard product of a manufacturer such as Curtis or Bauer. B. A Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) motor shall drive the compressor and shall be adequate to drive compressor continuously at full-rated output. Motor shall be at least 5 hp. Power supply shall be 230/460-volts, three-phase, and 60-Hz. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15209 4 JUNE 15, 2005 SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I ,I J I I I' CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323 1 94B C. Compressor unit shall include industrial quality cast iron suitable for selected duty. D. The control panel shall be provided with a power on light, Hand-Off-Automatic (HOA) switch, run light, motor thermal overload alarm light, and low oil level alarm light. The panel shall contain combination magnetic motor starter and circuit breaker for the air compressor. Compressor shall be furnished with an automatic electric drain valve wired into the control panel. Valves shall be automatic set on a timer with the ability to have a pushbutton over-ride on the panel to control the valve. E. The air compressor shall start and stop based on pressure in the air receiver. Dry contacts shall be provided in the panel for remote indication of running conditions for the compressor. The compressor shall be shutdown by motor thermal overload. An alarm condition shall energize a local alarm light. F. The compressor shall start automatically, provided its HOA switch is in the AUTO position. The compressor shall run continuously if its HOA switch is in the HAND position and shall shut down if its HOA switch is in the OFF position. G. The hydropneumatic pressure control system supplier shall select the compressor volumetric capacity and discharge pressure. The capacity and discharge pressure selected shall be sufficient for operation. H. The air receiver shall be a minimum of l20-gallon capacity, 250 psi rated. 1. The air compressor package shall be coated with two coats of premium factory enamel. 2.04 LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM A. The purpose of the level control system is to control the water level in the surge tank within the designed range, depending on the number of pumps in operation and the associated dynamic heads. B. The level control device shall consist of five ll4-inch stainless steel PVC-coated electrodes and control panel with all required relays and timers. Probe( s) should be mounted in a probe well connected to the surge tank. When water level is above the normal operating range, air shall be added through a solenoid valve from the air compressor. C. When water is below the normal operating range, air shall be vented from the surge tank through a separate solenoid valve. HIGH and LOW alarm signals SEA/323 194. WU .FD.02 15209 5 JUNE 15,2005 SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I ,I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I shall be generated when the water level is out of range for a time period exceeding the time delays. D. Time delays shall be used to prevent false alarms and adding or venting air during minor fluctuations that last a short period of time. E. Level control panel shall house all relays, time delays, and alarm contacts. The panel shall be NEMA 12 and operate on 120-volt, 60-Hz, 20-amp electrical service. The enclosed electronic unit associated with the sensing RF probe or the level control probes should be mounted next to the level control panel. F. Miscellaneous Components: I. 3/4-inch safety relief valve. 2. 3/4-inch solenoid valves for adding/venting air. 3. 3/4-inch strainer. 4. 3/4-inch check valve for air line. 5. 112-inch or 3/4-inch valves for isolationlbypass of solenoid valves and sight glass and for probe well drain. 6. 3/4-inch sight glass assembly, including glass and guard rods for visually checking tank water level. 7. Probe well and probe assembly. 2.05 BLADDER TYPE SURGE TANK (T-6-1) A. The purpose of the system is to minimize transient pressures from shock waves due to pump startup, shutdown, or valve shutoff, and to maintain a positive pressure of 5 psi minimum in the distribution piping. B. Accepted Manufacturer: PULSCO, 17945 Sky Park Circle, Suite GH, Irvine, CA 92614, telephone (949) 261-1717. Alternate suppliers shall be approved by the City. C. The supplier must have a minimum of 5 years' experience. D. An operation and maintenance manual must be provided and personnel representing the surge tank manufacturer are required to check the installation and instruct the City's personnel in the operation of the surge control system. A field test of the equipment shall be performed in conjunction with this Site visit. E. The manufacturer shall provide a guarantee of performance and workmanship certifying that the system will meet all provisions of these Specifications. SEN323 194. WU.FD.02 15209 6 JUNE 15,2005 SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B F. Such performance shall be verified by operational field tests and by the surge analysis. G. Pressure vessel shall be vertical cylindrical type with elliptical heads constructed of carbon steel SA-5I6 Grade 70 material conforming to ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1, Table UCS-23, latest edition and designed for a working pressure of 150 psi(g) at 120 degrees F. Pressure vessel shall be ASME Code Stamped. Nominal volume shall be minimum 120 gallons or 16 cubic feet. H. Water-air separation, to prevent air absorption by the water, shall be achieved by the means of a replaceable heavy-duty rubber bladder. For bladder inspection and replacement, the pressure vessel shall have a I6-inch diameter hinged access manway with carbon steel removable cover assembly. The removable cover assembly must be equipped with a device that allows safe removal/installation of the bladder without removing the Surge Control System from the pipeline. The size of the bladder shall be calculated with respect to the necessary volume of water to be accepted during the pressure surge condition. The bladder shall fit inside the tank shell and leave an acceptable gap between the bladder and inner vessel surface. I. Bladder material shall be made of heavy-duty Butyl rubber suitable for potable water service and shall comply with NSF 61. J. At least one spare bladder and one spare manway gasket shall be furnished along with the Surge System. K. Dry nitrogen shall be used for the gas charge. With respect to the particular application, the pre-charge shall be as recommended by the Surge Control System manufacturer and coordinated with the Engineer. L Bottom Mounted Flanged Inlet/Outlet Assembly: Pressure vessel shall be provided with a bottom mounted flanged inlet/outlet line connection sized with respect to maximum possible system flow rate and consisting of the following: 1. 6-inch, ISO-pound class ANSI flange inlet/outlet nozzle designed to accept and securely house the bladder neck. 2. Distance from the inlet/outlet flange face to the floor level shall be equal to two-nozzle outside diameters or as required by Drawings. 3. Nozzles: Stainless steel SA-240 nozzles shall be provided as a part of the pressure vessel as follows: a. Nozzle for the Safety Relief Valve. b. Nozzle for nitrogen precharge and pressure gauge. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15209 7 JUNE 15, 2005 SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I, I I I I 'I :1 I I ,I I I I I I 4. Pressure gauge shall be as manufactured by Ashcroft or approved equivalent. The gauge shall be selected so, under normal operating conditions, the gauge pointer will be approximately vertical and at the midpoint of the scale gauge shall be 4-l/2-inch dial size with phenolic case, 1/2-inch NPTM lower mount connection and percent accuracy compliant with ANSI! ASME B40.1 Grade B. 5. Other nozzles, as required. 6. Vessel housing shall be provided with two lifting lugs and supporting structure consisting of four steel support legs sized as a minimum of 4 inches by 4 inches by 1/2 inch. 7. The Surge Control System manufacturer shall coat all internal and external surfaces, except stainless steel. 8. The internal surfaces shall be sandblasted to white metal (SSPC-SP-5) coated with three coats NSF-approved epoxy surface. 9. The external surfaces shall be sandblasted to near white metal (SSPC-SP-I0) and shop coated with one coat of epoxy primer and one coat of polyurethane enamel. Surface preparation and coating shall be as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Protective Coatings, System No.5. 10. Tank shall be anchored to the floor pad as required to meet the criteria of the seismic zone. As a minimum, each comer of the tank shall be held down with one 3/4-inch by 10-inch long epoxy anchor bolts. Tank supplier may alter this if appropriate calculations are provided to the Engineer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install tanks in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. B. Level tanks and grout support legs or saddles as required before anchoring. C. Assemble Accessories: Make process, control, and electrical connections. D. Make piping connections such that misalignment stresses are not induced in tank nozzles. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field Static Test: 1. Hydrostatically test installed surge control tank for 4 hours minimum consistent with pipeline operation and test pressures not to exceed maximum listed pressure of equipment, before dynamic testing. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15209 8 JUNE 15,2005 SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM I I I I .1 I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I' CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2. Repair all leaks detected during testing. B. Functional Test: 1. Dynamic Test: Perform in response to pump flow startup and stoppage. 2. Testing with Multiple Pumps: Increase number of pumps, one at a time. 3. Record pressures for dynamic operation of each pump combination in startup and shutdown of flow. 4. Inspect and test components for alignment, operation, and connection, and performance. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15209 9 JUNE 15,2005 SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM I I I: I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 15760 TERMINAL HEAT TRANSFER UNITS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. Air Moving and Conditioning Association (AMCA): Standard 300, Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans 2. American Gas Association (AGA). 3. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE): 90.1 IPISI, Energy Standard for Buildings, Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. 4. ASTM International (ASTM): A106, Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service. 5. Canadian Gas Association (CGA). 6. Electrical Test Laboratories (ETL). 7. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA). 8. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): a. 54, National Fuel Gas Code. b. 70, National Electric Code (NEC). c. 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems. 9. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Assoc., Inc. (SMACNA): Ducted Electric Heat Guide for Air Handling Systems. 10. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): Product Directories. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. The following is a list of abbreviations which may be used in this section: 1. AC: Alternating Current. 2. CISD: Chemical Industry, Severe-Duty. 3. dB: Decibel. 4. DWDI: Double Width, Double Inlet. 5. FRP: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic. 6. hp: Horsepower. 7. ODP: Open Drip Proof. 8. PSC: Permanent Split Capacitor. 9. SWSI: Single Width, Single Inlet. 10. TEFC: Totally Enclosed, Fan Cooled. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 15760 1 JUNE 15, 2005 TERMINAL HEAT TRANSFER UNITS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I ,I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11. UV: Ultraviolet 12. XP: Explosion Proof. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Complete specifications, descriptive drawings, catalog cuts, and descriptive literature which shall include make, model, dimensions, weight of equipment, and electrical schematics for products specified. 2. Manufacturer's standard finish color selection for cabinet finishes. 3. Performance data, including sound power level data (ref. 10 watts to 12 watts) at design operating point, shall be based on AMCA Standard 300. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's test reports for the following: a. Cabinet unit heater electric heating coil. 2. Recommended procedures for protection and handling of equipment and materials prior to installation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 EQUIPMENT A. Equipment Schedules: Refer to Article Supplements. 2.02 UNIT HEATER, ELECTRIC, SUSPENDED (EH-I, EH-2) A. Characteristics: 1. Factory assembled including casing, heater elements, fan wheel, drive assembly, motor, controls and accessories. 2. UL listed. 3. Meet requirements of National Electrical Code. 4. Three phase heaters shall have balanced phases. 5. Casing: a. Heavy gage steel casing. b. Baked enamel finish. c. Individual adjustable discharge louvers. d. Protective air inlet louvers or fan guards. 6. Heating elements shall be one of the following types: a. Aluminum finned, copper clad, steel sheath. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 15760 2 JUNE 15,2005 TERMINAL HEAT TRANSFER UNITS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B b. High mass, all steel tubular finned type, copper brazed, in fixed element banks. c. Nickel-chromium wire elements enclosed in powder filled aluminum coated steel tubes with permanently fused fins. d. Steel tubes with nickel chromium resistance wire embedded in a dielectric with steel fins crimped and brazed to the tube. e. Corrosion resistant steel fins brazed to tubular heating elements. 7. Fan and Motor: a. Totally enclosed motor. b. Direct drive fan. c. Sealed bearings. Permanently lubricated. 8. Controls: a. Thermal overload protection with automatic reset. b. Controls, transformers, and contactors shall be factory assembled, except wall mounted thermostats when indicated. B. Accessories and Features: Provide as follows: 1. Airflow discharge shall be horizontal. 2. Voltage: 480-volt, three-phase. 3. Wall mounting bracket. 4. Fan delay feature that starts fan after element warmup and stops fan after element cool down. 5. Independent summer fan operation with unit mounted switch. 6. Thermostat: Adjustable, unit mounted, low voltage with a minimum temperature range of 40 degrees F to 85 degrees F. 7. Control transformer. 8. Two-stage heating operation. C. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Qmark; Type MUH. 2. Trane; Type UHEC. 3. Modine: Type HER (horizontal discharge). 4. Markel; Series 5100. 5. Chromolox; Series LUH (horizontal discharge). 2.03 ELECTRICAL A. General: 1. Units shall include high and low voltage terminal block connections. 2. Control voltage to indoor unit fan shall be 24 volts. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15760 3 JUNE 15,2005 TERMINAL HEAT TRANSFER UNITS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Motor Starters/Contactors: Factory installed with unitary equipment, unless otherwise noted. 4. Disconnects: Factory installed nonfused disconnects or circuit breakers on each unit, unless otherwise noted. B. Motors: 1. Unless otherwise stated, electric motors shall comply with the following: a. Voltage, Phase, Horsepower, Synchronous Speed: Refer to Equipment Schedule for motor driven equipment. b. Enclosure: ODP, unless specified otherwise. c. Torque Characteristics: Sufficient to accelerate driven loads satisfactorily. d. Winding Thermal Protection: Manufacturer's standard. e. Space Heater: Manufacturer's standard. f. Multispeed Motors, Synchronous Speed, Number of Windings: Manufacturer's standard. PART 3 EXECUTION \3.01 INSTALLATION A. Electric Unit Heaters, All Types: 1. Install in strict compliance with manufacturer's instructions. Maintain clearances around unit as listed in manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Bottom of unit shall be as high as possible above finish floor, unless indicated otherwise. 3. Heater shall be permanently mounted in position indicated with a fixed power supply. 4. Install so obstructions do not block heater air inlet or outlet. 3.02 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplement listed below, following "End of Section," is a part ofthis Specification. 1. Electric Unit Heater Schedule. END OF SECTION SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 15760 4 JUNE 15,2005 TERMINAL HEAT TRANSFER UNITS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B ELECTRIC UNIT HEATER SCHEDULE - Desh!nation EH-l EH-2 cfm 650 650 Face Velocity 970 970 EAT Degree F DBIWB 50 50 kW 10 10 Voltage 460/3 460/3 Length 19" 19" Height 22" 22" Weight 40 lbs 40 lbs Area/Location Served Pump Room Pump Room Model MUH-IO-4 MUH-IO-4 Manufacturer QMARK QMARK Notes: I. Furnish with wall/ceiling mounting kit. 2. Provide with two-stage integral thermostat. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 15760 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15,2005 TERMINAL HEAT TRANSFER UNITS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 15830 FANS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this Section: 1. Acoustical Society of America (ASA): S2.19, Mechanical Vibration- Balance Quality Requirements of Rigid Rotors-Part 1, Determination of Permissible Residual Unbalance. 2. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI). 3. Air Movement and Control Association International (AMCA): a. 99, Standards Handbook. b. 201, Fans and Systems. c. 203, Field Performance Measurement of Fan Systems. d. 210, Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating. e. 300, Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans. f. 301, Methods for Calculating Fan Sound Ratings from Laboratory Test Data. 4. American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA): 9, Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings. 5. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE): HV AC Applications Manual. 6. ASTM International (ASTM): a. B117, Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus. b. D2247, Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in 100% Relative Humidity. c. D2794, Standard Test Method for Resistance of Organic Coatings to the Effects of Rapid Deformation (Impact). d. D3363, Standard Test Method for Film Hardness by Pencil Test. e. D4167, Standard Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Fans and Blowers. f. E84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 7. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): MG 1, Motor~ and Generators. 8. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 45, Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals. 9. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 15830 I JUNE 15,2005 FANS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10. Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC): a. SP 3, Power Tool Cleaning. b. SP 5, Joint Surface Preparation Standard White Metal Blast Cleaning. c. SP 6, Joint Surface Preparation Standard Commercial Blast Cleaning. d. SP 10, Joint Surface Preparation Standard Near-White Blast Cleaning. 11. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): 507, Electric Fans. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Provide for all products specified, as follows: a. Identification as referenced in Contract Documents. b. Manufacturer's name and model number. c. Descriptive specifications, literature and drawings. d. Dimensions and weights. e. Fan sound power level data (reference 10 to power minus 12 Watts) at design operating point. f. Fan Curves: 1) Performance Curves Indicating: a) Relationship of flow rate to static pressure for various fan speeds. b) Brake horsepower curves. c) Acceptable selection range (surge curves, maximum revolutions per minute, etc). d) Static pressure, capacity, horsepower demand and overall efficiency required at the duty point, including drive losses. 2) For variable air volume applications, indicate operating points at 100, 80, 60 and 40 percent of design capacity on fan curves including data to indicate effect of capacity control devices such as inlet vanes on flow, pressure and brake horsepower. g. Capacities and ratings. h. Construction materials. 1. Fan type, size, class, drive arrangement, discharge, rotation, and bearings. J. Wheel type, diameter, revolutions per minute, and tip speed. k. Motor data. I. Power and control wiring diagrams, including terminals and numbers. m. Vibration isolation. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 15830 2 JUNE 15,2005 FANS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B n. Factory finish system. o. Color selection charts where applicable. 2. "Or Equal" Equipment: a. Where submitted equipment results in change to fan inlet or outlet ductwork configuration shown on drawings, submit system effect factor calculations indicating increased static pressure requirements as described in AMCA 201. b. Where submitted equipment results in change to ductwork and equipment configuration shown on drawings, submit detailed information on structural, mechanical, electrical, or other modifications necessary to adapt arrangement to equipment furnished. B. Informational Submittals: I. Recommended procedures for protection and handling of products prior to installation. 2. Manufacturer's installation instructions. 3. Test reports. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Performance Ratings: Tested in accordance with AMCA 210. B. Sound Ratings: Tested in accordance with AMCA 300. C. Fabrication: In accordance with AMCA 99. 1.04 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish, tag, and box for shipment and storage the following spare parts: Item Vee Belts Quantity One complete set per unit PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 EQUIPMENT SCHEDULES A. Some specific equipment requirements are listed in Equipment Schedules. Refer to Article Supplements. SEN323 194. WU.FD.02 15830 3 JUNE 15, 2005 FANS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !I I I I 2.02 MIXED FLOW FAN A. Fan shall be a belt driven, tubular mixed-flow inline blower. Fan shall be horizontal with the motor in the bottom position. Fan shall bear the AMCA Certified Ratings Seal for Sound and Air performance shall also be UL listed. , B. The fan shall be of welded and bolted construction utilizing corrosion- resistant fasteners. Housing shall be minimum 12-gauge steel with integral inlet and outlet collars for slip fit duct connections. Straightening vanes shall be included to assure maximum efficiency and low noise levels. Adjustable motor plate shall utilize threaded studs for positive belt tensioning. Copper extended lube lines shall be furnished for lubrication of fan bearings. Lifting lugs shall be provided for ease of installation. C. All steel fan components shall be finished with a electrostatically applied, baked polyester powder coating. Each component shall be thoroughly cleaned and finished with a minimum 2-mil thick baked powder finish. Paint must exceed 1,000-hour salt spray under ASTM B 117 test method. D. Wheel shall be steel, non-overloading, high-efficiency mixed-flow type. Contoured single thickness blades shall incorporate 3-D curvature for maximum efficiency across the entire surface of the blade. Blades shall be continuously welded to the backplate and inlet shroud. Hubs shall be keyed and securely attached to the fan shaft. Blower shaft shall be AISI C-I045 hot rolled and accurately turned, ground, and polished. Shafting shall be sized for a critical speed of at least 125 percent of maximum rpm. Bearings shall be designed and tested specifically for use in air handling applications. Bearings shall be heavy-duty regreasable ball or roller type in a cast iron pillowblock housing selected for a minimum L50 life in excess of 200,000 hours at maximum cataloged operating speed. Belts shall be oil and heat resistant, non- static type. Drives shall be cast iron type, keyed and securely attached to the wheel and motor shafts. Drives shall be sized for 150 percent of the installed motor horsepower. E. Motor shall be Premium Efficiency TEFC motor with a minimum of a 1.15 service factor, permanently lubricated sealed ball bearings and furnished at the specified voltage. F. Manufacturers: 1. Loren Cook QMX. 2. Greenheck QEI. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15830 4 JUNE 15,2005 FANS I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install fans level and plumb. B. Ceiling Units: Suspend units from structure; use all thread with double nuts. C. Service Access: Locate units to provide access spaces required for motor, drive, bearing servicing, and fan shaft removal. D. Equipment Support and Restraints: 1. Seismic Restraint Snubbers: Install with sufficient clearance so unit isolators are not restricted for proper free isolation, but do limit movement in all directions. E. Connections: 1. Isolate duct connections to fans. 2. Install ductwork adjacent to fans to allow proper service and maintenance. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Functional Tests: 1. Verify blocking and bracing used during shipping are removed. 2. Verify fan is secure on mountings and supporting devices, and connections to ducts and electrical components are complete. 3. Verify proper thermal-overload protection is installed in motors, starters, and disconnect switches. 4. Verify that cleaning and adjusting are complete. 5. Disconnect fan drive from motor; verify proper motor rotation direction, and verify fan wheel free rotation and smooth bearing operation. 6. Reconnect fan drive system; align and adjust belts and install belt guards. 7. Verify lubrication for bearings and other moving parts. 8. Verify manual and automatic volume control and fire and smoke dampers in connected ductwork are in fully open position. 3.03 ADJUSTING A. Adjust damper linkages for proper damper operation. B. Adjust belt tension. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15830 5 JUNE 15,2005 FANS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Lubricate bearings. D. Balancing: 1. Perform air system balancing as per NEBB. 2. Replace fan and motor sheaves as required to achieve design airflow. 3.04 CLEANING A. After completing system installation, including outlet fitting and devices, inspect exposed finish. Remove burrs, dirt, and construction debris, and repair damaged finishes. B. On completion of installation, internally clean fans according to manufacturers' written instructions. Remove foreign material and construction debris. Vacuum fan wheel and cabinet. 3.05 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplement listed below, following "End of Section," is a part ofthis Specification. 1. Exhaust Fan Schedule. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15830 6 JUNE 15, 2005 FANS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B EXHAUST FAN SCHEDULE Desi2nation EF-l cfin 3,000 ESP in WG 0.5 rpm 1275 Wheel Diameter 15" Inlet Size 21 " Fan Length 30" Motor hp 0.75 Motor Voltage 460/3 Location Served Pump Room Weight 350 Model QMX Manufacturer Cook Notes: 1. Provide with inlet screen. 2. Provide with vibration isolators. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 15830 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15,2005 FANS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 RELATED SECTIONS A. Requirements specified within this section apply to all sections in Division 16, Electrical. Work specified herein shall be performed as if specified in the individual sections. 1.02 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): 1584, Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Calculations. 2. National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). 3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): Z535.4, Product Safety Signs and Labels. 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): a. 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). b. 70E, Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Provide manufacturers' data for the following: a. Electrical service components. b. Fiber optic service components. c. Nameplates, signs, and labels. 1.04 ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATION SERVICE DNISION OF RESPONSIBILITY A. See Part III, Section 1-04, Scope of Work. B. For each facility provide metering components and associated conduit, and secondary facilities. Provide customer required communication service provisions and electrical work. Schedule and coordinate work of serving utility as required to provide electric service to the Work. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16010 1 JUNE 15,2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.05 AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION APPROVAL A. Provide the Work in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). Where required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), material and equipment shall be labeled or listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or other organization acceptable to the AHJ, in order to provide a basis for approval under the NEC. B. Materials and equipment manufactured within the scope of standards published by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. shall conform to those standards and shall have an applied UL listing mark or label. C. Provide materials and equipment acceptable to AHJ for Class, Division, and Group of hazardous area indicated. 1.06 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. See Supplement 1 at end of this section. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Where two or more units of the same class of material or equipment are required, provide products of a single manufacturer. Component parts of materials or equipment need not be products of the same manufacturer. B. Material and equipment installed in heated and ventilated areas shall be capable of continuous operation at their specified ratings within an ambient temperature range of 40 degrees F to 104 degrees F. C. Materials and equipment installed outdoors shall be capable of continuous operation at their specified rating within the ambient temperature range. D. Equip panels installed outdoors in direct sun with sun shields: 2.02 EQUIPMENT FINISH A. Manufacturer's standard finish color, except where specific color is indicated. If manufacturer has no standard color, finish equipment in accordance with, light gray color finish as approved by the City. 2.03 NAMEPLATES A. Material: Laminated plastic. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16010 2 JUNE 15,2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Attachment Screws: Stainless steel. C. Color: Black, engraved to a white core. D. Letter Height: 1. PushbuttonslSelector Switches: 1/8 inch. 2. Other electrical equipment: 1/2 inch. 2.04 SIGNS AND LABELS A. Sign size, lettering, and color shall be in accordance with NEMA Z535.4. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Electrical Drawings show general locations of equipment, devices, and raceway, unless specifically dimensioned. Contractor shall be responsible for actual location of equipment and devices and for proper routing and support of raceways, subject to approval of Engineer. B. Check approximate locations of light fixtures, switches, electrical outlets, equipment, and other electrical system components shown on Drawings for conflicts with openings, structural members, and components of other systems and equipment having fixed locations. In the event of conflicts, notify Engineer in writing. C. Install work in accordance with NECA Standard of Installation, unless otherwise specified. D. Keep openings in boxes and equipment closed during construction. E. Layout work carefully in advance. Do not cut or notch any structural member or building surface without specific approval of Engineer. Carefully perform cutting, channeling, chasing, or drilling of floors, walls, partitions, ceilings, paving, or other surfaces required for the installation, support, or anchorage of conduit, raceways, or other electrical materials and equipment. Following such work, restore surfaces to original condition. 3.02 ANCHORING AND MOUNTING A. Equipment anchoring and mounting shall be in accordance with manufacturer's requirements for seismic zone criteria. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16010 3 JUNE 15,2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.03 COMBINING CIRCUITS INTO COMMON RACEWAY A. Homerun circuits shown on Drawings indicate functional wiring requirements- for power and control circuits. Circuits may be combined into common raceways in accordance with the following requirements: 1. Analog control circuits from devices in same general area to same destination. a. No power or AC discrete control circuits shall be combined in same conduit with analog circuits. b. No Class 2 or Class 3 circuits including, but not limited to, HV AC control circuits, fire alarm circuits, paging system circuits shall be combined with power or Class I circuits. c. Analog circuits shall be continuous from source to destination. Do not add TJB, splice, or combine into a multi-pair cable without authorization of Engineer. d. Raceways shall be sized per General Circuit and Raceway Schedule and do not exceed 40 percent fill. e. Changes shall be documented on record drawings. 2. Discrete control circuits from devices in the same general area to the same destination. a. No power or analog control circuits shall be combined in same conduit with discrete circuits. b. No Class 2 or Class 3 circuits including, but not limited to, HV AC control circuits, fire alarm circuits, and paging system circuits shall be combined with power or Class I circuits. c. Raceways shall be sized per the General Circuit and Raceway Schedule and do not exceed 40 percent fill. d. Changes shall be documented on record drawings. 3. Power circuits from loads in same general area to same source location (such as: panelboard, switchboard, low voltage motor control center). a. Lighting Circuits: Contractor shall be responsible for increasing con,duit and conductor size if derating is required by NEC. b. Receptacle Circuits, l20-Volt Only: Provide a separate neutral conductor for each circuit. Contractor shall be responsible for increasing conduit and conductor size if derating is required by NEC. c. All Other Power Circuits: Not more than two power circuits shall be combined without authorization of Engineer. Changes caused by derating are Contractor's responsibility. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16010 4 JUNE 15, 2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.04 NAMEPLATES, SIGNS, AND LABELS A. Arc Flash Protection Warning Signs: Field mark motor control centers and all other 480-volt equipment to warn qualified persons of potential arc-flash hazards. Locate marking so to be clearly visible to persons before working on energized equipment. B. Equipment Nameplates: 1. Provide a nameplate to label electrical equipment including switchgear, switchboards, motor control centers, panelboards, motor starters, transformers, terminal junction boxes, disconnect switches, switches and control stations. 2. Switchgear, motor control center, transformer, and terminal junction box nameplates shall include equipment designation. 3. Disconnect switch, starter, and control station nameplates shall include name and number of equipment powered or controlled by that device. 4. Switchboard and panelboard nameplates shall include equipment designation, service voltage, and phases. 3.05 LOAD BALANCE A. Drawings and Specifications indicate circuiting to electrical loads and distribution equipment. B. Balance electrical load between phases as nearly as possible on switchboards, panelboards, motor control centers, and other equipment where balancing is required. C. When loads must be reconnected to different circuits to balance phase loads, maintain accurate record of changes made, and provide circuit directory that lists final circuit arrangement. 3.06 CLEANING AND TOUCHUP PAINTING A. Cleaning: Throughout the Work, clean interior and exterior of devices and equipment by removing debris and vacuuming. B. Touchup Paint: I. Touchup scratches, scrapes and chips on exterior and interior surfaces of devices and equipment with finish matching type, color, and consistency and type of surface of original finish. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16010 5 JUNE 15,2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. If extensive damage is done to equipment paint surfaces, refinish entire equipment in a manner that provides a finish equal to or better than factory finish, that meets requirements of Specification, and is acceptable to Engineer. 3.07 PROTECTION FOLLOWING INSTALLATION A. Protect materials and equipment from corrosion, physical damage, and effects of moisture on insulation and contact surfaces. B. When equipment intended for indoor installation is installed at Contractor's convenience in areas where subject to dampness, moisture, dirt or other adverse atmosphere until completion of construction, ensure adequate protection from these atmospheres is provided and acceptable to Engineer. 3.08 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplement listed below, following "End of Section," is a part of this Specification: 1. Environmental Conditions and Materials Application. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16010 6 JUNE 15,2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS ------------ CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION ------- 323194B ENVIRONMENT AL CONDITIONS AND MATERIALS APPLICATION SEWER PS AREA CONDITION RACEWAY DEVICE BOX LARGE J-BOX ENCLOSURE (NOTE 3) COMMENT WET WELL HAZARDOUS, WET, COR PVC-RGS PVC-CAST PVC-CAST NOT ALLOWED CLASS I, DIV I HH-! HAZARDOUS, WET, COR PVC-RGS PVC-CAST PVC-CAST NOT ALLOWED CLASS I, DIV I BURIED HAZARDOUS, WET, COR PVC-RGS PVC-CAST CONCRETE N/A (NOTE J) BURIED WET, CORROSIVE PVC 40, PVC-RGS CAST CONCRETE N/A OUTSIDE WET ALUMINUM CAST NEMA 3R SS OR ALUM NEMA 3R SS OR ALUM (NOTE 2) TRANSITION EXCEPTION PVC-RGS N/A N/A N/A WATER PS AREA CONDITION RACEWAY DEVICE BOX LARGE J-BOX ENCLOSURE (NOTE 3) COMMENT PUMP ROOM EXPOSED DAMP ALUM, PVC-RGS CAST NEMA 3R SS OR ALUM NEMA 12 EMBEDDED CORROSIVE PVC 40 PVC OR METAL N/A N/A IN CONCRETE OR BLOCK CONCEALED DRY ALUMINUM METAL NEMA ! N/A FRAME CONSTRUCTION BURIED WET. CORROSIVE PVC 40 CAST CAST OR CONCRETE N/A UNDER SLAB WET, CORROSIVE PVC 80, PVC-RGS N/A N/A N/A OUTSIDE WET ALUMINUM CAST NEMA 3R SS OR ALUM NEMA 3R SS OR ALUM (NOTE 2) TRANSITION EXCEPTION PVC-RGS N/A N/A N/A TRANSITIONS I. MAKE TRANSITIONS FROM ONE TYPE OF CONDUIT TO ANOTHER ONLY AT PULL POINTS OR JUNCTION BOXES. 2. EXCEPTION: WHERE CONDUIT TRANSITIONS FROM BURIED OR EMBEDDED TO EXPOSED AND IS SUBJECT TO POSSIBLE IMP ACT DAMAGE MAKE CHANGE TO TRANSITION TYPE OF CONDUIT IN NEAREST STRAIGHT SECTION OF NON-EXPOSED CONDUIT. NOTES !. IF ANY PART OF A CONDUIT RUN BETWEEN PULL POINTS IS IN A HAZARDOUS AREA, THE ENTIRE RUN SHALL BE CONSIDERED HAZARDOUS. 2. ALUMINUM CONDUIT SHALL NOT BE IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE. PROVIDE AT LEAST 1/4" SPACING 3. FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INCLUDING DISCONNECTS, CONTROL CABINETS, AND P ANELBOARDS. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16010 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15,2005 . BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16050 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A167, Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. b. A10111A1011M, Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, and Strip, Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low Alloy and High-Strength Low Alloy Formability. c. E814, Method of Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops. 2. Canadian Standards Association (CSA). 3. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE): 18, Standard for Shunt Power Capacitors. 4. Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society (ISA): RPI2.06.01, Wiring Practices for Hazardous (Classified) Locations Instrumentation- Part 1: Intrinsic Safety. 5. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1 ,000 Volts Maximum). b. AB 1, Molded Case Circuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures. c. C12.1 Code for Electricity Metering d. C12.6 Phase-Shifting Devices Used in Metering, Marking and Arrangement of, Terminals for e. CP 1, Shunt Capacitors. f. ICS 2, Industrial Control and Systems: Controllers, Contactors, and Overload Relays Rated 600 Volts. g. ICS 5, Industrial Control and Systems: Control Circuit and Pilot Devices. h. KS 1, Enclosed and Miscellaneous Distribution Switches (600 Volts Maximum). 6. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). 7. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): a. 98, Standard for Enclosed and Dead-Front Switches. b. 248, Standard for Low Voltage Fuses. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16050 1 JUNE 15, 2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. 486E, Standard for Equipment Wiring Terminals for use with Aluminum and/or Copper Conductors. d. 489, Standard for Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches, and Circuit Breaker Enclosures. e. 508, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment. f. 810, Standard for Capacitors. g. 943, Standard for Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters. h. 1059, Standard for Terminal Blocks. 1. 1479, Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Provide manufacturers' data for the following: a. Control devices. b. Control relays. c. Circuit breakers. d. Fused switches. e. Nonfused switches. f. Timers. g. Fuses. h. Magnetic contactors. 1. Enclosures: Include enclosure data for products having enclosures. J. Support and framing channel. 1.03 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish, tag, and box for shipment and storage the following spare parts and special tools: 1. Fuses, 0 to 600 Volts: Six of each type and each current rating installed. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MOLDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER THERMAL MAGNETIC, LOW VOLTAGE A. General: 1. Type: Molded case. 2. Trip Ratings: 15-800 amps. 3. Voltage Ratings: 120,240,277,480, and 600V ac. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16050 2 JUNE 15,2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 4. Suitable for mounting and operating in any position. 5. NEMA AB 1 and UL 489. B. Operating Mechanism: L Ove~center, trip-free, toggle type handle. 2. Quick-make, quick-break action. 3. Locking provisions for padlocking breaker in open position. 4. ON/OFF and TRIPPED indicating positions of operating handle. 5. Operating handle to assume a center position when tripped. C. Trip Mechanism: 1. Individual permanent thermal and magnetic trip elements in each pole. 2. Variable magnetic trip elements with a single continuous adjustment 3X to lOX for frames greater than 100 amps. 3. Two and three pole, common trip. 4. Automatically opens all poles when overcurrent occurs on one pole. 5. Test button on cover. 6. Calibrated for 40 degrees C ambient, unless shown otherwise. 7. Do not provide single-pole circuit breakers with handle ties where multi-pole circuit breakers are shown. D. Short Circuit Interrupting Ratings: Equal to, or greater than, the larger of the available fault current or interrupting rating shown. E. Equipment Ground Fault Interrupter (EGFI): Where indicated, equip breaker specified above with ground fault sensor and rated to trip on 30-mA ground fault (UL-listed for equipment ground fault protection). F. Accessories: Shunt trip, auxiliary switches, handle lock ON devices, mechanical interlocks, key interlocks, unit mounting bases, double lugs as shown or otherwise required. Shunt trip operators shall be continuous duty rated or have coil-clearing contacts. G. Connections: L Supply (line side) at either end. 2. Mechanical wire lugs, except crimp compression lugs where shown. 3. Lugs removable/replaceable for breaker frames greater than 100 amperes. 4. Suitable for 75 degrees C rated conductors without derating breaker or conductor ampacity. 5. Use bolted bus connections, except where bolt-on is not compatible with existing breaker provisions. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16050 3 JUNE 15,2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H. Enclosures for Independent Mounting: I. See Article Enclosures. 2. Service Entrance Use: Breakers in required enclosure and required accessories shall be UL 489 listed. 3. Interlock: Enclosure and switch shall interlock to prevent opening cover with switch in the ON position. Provide bypass feature for use by qualified personnel. 2.02 FUSED SWITCH, INDIVIDUAL, LOW VOLTAGE A. UL 98 listed for use and location of installation. B. NEMA KS I. C. Short Circuit Rating: 200,000 amps RMS symmetrical with Class R, Class J, or Class L fuses installed. D. Quick-make, quick-break, motor rated, load-break, heavy-duty (HD) type with external markings clearly indicating ON/OFF positions. E. Connections: I. Mechanical lugs, except crimp compression lugs where shown. 2. Lugs removable/replaceable. 3. Suitable for 75 degrees C rated conductors at NEC 75 degrees C ampacity. F. Fuse Provisions: I. 30-amp to 600-amp rated shall incorporate rejection feature to reject all fuses except Class R. 2. 601-amp rated and greater shall accept Class L fuses, unless otherwise shown. G. Enclosures: See Article Enclosures. H. Interlock: Enclosure and switch to prevent opening cover with switch in ON position. Provide bypass feature for use by qualified personnel. 2.03 NONFUSED SWITCH, INDIVIDUAL, LOW VOLTAGE A. NEMA KS 1. B. Quick-make, quick-break, motor rated, load-break, heavy-duty (HD) type with external markings clearly indicating ON/OFF positions. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16050 4 JUNE 15, 2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B C. Lugs: Suitable for use with 75 degrees C wire at NEC 75 degrees C ampacity. D. Enclosures: See Article Enclosures. E. Interlock: Enclosure and switch to prevent opening cover with switch in ON position. Provide bypass feature for use by qualified personnel. 2.04 FUSE, 250-VOLT AND 600-VOLT A. Power Distribution, General: 1. Current-limiting, with 200,000 ampere rms interrupting rating. 2. Provide to fit mountings specified with switches. 3. UL 248. B. Power Distribution, Ampere Ratings 1 Amp to 600 Amps: 1. Class: RK-l. 2. Type: Dual element, with time delay. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Bussmann; Types LPS-RK (600 volts) and LPN-RK (250 volts). b. Littelfuse; Types LLS-RK (600 volts) and LLN-RK (250 volts). C. Power Distribution, Ampere Ratings 601 Amps to 6,000 Amps: 1. Class: L. 2. Double O-rings and silver links. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Bussmann; Type KRP-C. b. Littelfuse, Inc.; Type KLPC. D. Cable Limiters: 1. 600V or less; crimp to copper cable, bolt to bus or terminal pad. 2. Manufacturer and Product: Bussmann; K Series. E. Ferrule: 1. 600V or less, rated for applied voltage, small dimension. 2. Ampere Ratings: 1/10 amp to 30 amps. 3. Dual-element time-delay, time-delay, or nontime-delay as required. 4. Provide with blocks or holders as indicated and suitable for location and use. 5. Manufacturers: a. Bussmann. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16050 5 JUNE 15,2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. Littlefuse, Inc. 2.05 PUSHBUTTON, INDICATING LIGHT, AND SELECTOR SWITCH A. Contact Rating: 7 ,200V A make, 720V A break, at 600V, NEMA ICS 5 Designation A600. B. Selector Switch Operating Lever: Standard. C. Indicating Light: Push-to-test. D. Pushbutton Color: 1. ON or START: Black. 2. OFF or STOP: Red. E. Pushbutton and selector switch lockable in OFF position where indicated. F. Legend Plate: 1. Material: Aluminum. 2. Engraving: Enamel-filled in high contrasting color. 3. Text Arrangement: II-character/spaces on one line, 14-character/spaces on each of two lines, as required, indicating specific function. 4. Letter Height: 7/64-inch. G. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Heavy-Duty, Oil-Tight Type: a. General Electric Co.; Type CR 104P. b. Square D Co.; Type T. c. Eaton/Cutler-Hammer; Type 10250T. 2. Heavy-Duty, Watertight, and Corrosion-Resistant Type: a. Square D Co.; Type SK. b. General Electric Co.; Type CR I04P. c. Eaton/Cutler-Hammer; Type E34. d. Crouse-Hinds; Type NCS. 2.06 TERMINAL BLOCK, 600 VOLTS A. UL 486E and UL 1059. B. Size components to allow insertion of necessary wire sizes. C. Capable of termination of control circuits entering or leaving equipment, panels, or boxes. SEN323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16050 6 JUNE 15,2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Screw clamp compression, dead front barrier type, with current bar providing direct contact with wire between compression screw and yoke. E. Yoke, current bar, and clamping screw of high strength and high conductivity metal. F. Yoke shall guide all strands of wire into terminal. G. Current bar shall ensure vibration-proof connection. H. Terminals: 1. Capable of wire connections without special preparation other than stripping. 2. Capable of jumper installation with no loss of terminal or rail space. 3. Individual, rail mounted. I. Marking system, allowing use of preprinted or field-marked tags. J. Manufacturers: 1. Weidmuller, Inc. 2. Ideal. 3. Electrovert USA Corp. 2.07 MAGNETIC CONTROL RELAY A. Industrial control with field convertible contacts rated 10 amps continuous, 7,200V A make, 720V A break. B. NEMA ICS 2, Designation: A600 (600 volts). C. Time Delay Relay Attachment: 1. Pneumatic type, timer adjustable as shown. 2. Field convertible from ON delay to OFF delay and vice versa. D. Latching Attachment: Mechanical latch, having unlatching coil and coil clearing contacts. E. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Eaton/Cutler-Hammer; Type M-600. 2. General Electric Co.; Type CRl20B. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16050 7 JUNE 15,2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.08 TIME DELAY RELAY A. Industrial relay with contacts rated 5 amps continuous, 3,600V A make, 360V A break. B. NEMA ICS 2 Designation: B150 (150 volts). C. Solid-state electronic, field convertible ON/OFF delay. D. One normally open and one normally closed contact (minimum). E. Repeat accuracy plus or minus 2 percent. F. Timer adjustment from 1 second to 60 seconds, unless otherwis~ indicated on Drawings. G. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Square D Co.; Type F. 2. Eaton/Cutler-Hammer. 3. General Electric Co. 2.09 RESET TIMER A. Drive: Synchronous motor, solenoid-operated clutch. B. Mounting: Semiflush panel. C. Contacts: 10 amps, 120 volts. D. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Eagle Signal Controls; Bulletin 125. 2. Automatic Timing and Controls; Bulletin 305. 2.10 ELAPSED TIME METER A. Drive: Synchronous motor. B. Range: 0 hour to 99,999.9 hours, nonreset type. C. Mounting: Semiflush panel. D. Manufacturers and Products: 1. General Electric Co.; Type 240, 2-112-inch Big Look. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16050 8 JUNE 15, 2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2. Eagle Signal Controls; Bulletin 705. 2.11 MAGNETIC CONT ACTOR A. UL listed. B. Electrically operated, electrically held. C. Main Contacts: 1. Power driven in one direction with mechanical spring dropout. 2. Silver alloy with wiping action and arc quenchers. 3. Continuous-duty, rated 30 ampere or as shown. 4. Poles: As shown. D. Control: As shown. - E. Auxiliary Contacts: One normally open and one normally closed, quantity as shown, rated 7200V A make, 720V A break, at 600V, A600 per NEMA ICS 5. F. Enclosures: See Article Enclosures. G. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Eaton/Cutler-Hammer; Class A201. 2. General Electric Co.; CR 353. 3. Square D Co.; Class 8910. 2.12 PHASE MONITOR RELAY A. Features: 1. Voltage and phase monitor relay shall drop out on low voltage, voltage unbalance, loss of phase, or phase reversal. 2. Contacts: Single-pole, double-throw, 10 amperes, 120/240Vac. Where additional contacts are shown or required, provide magnetic control relays. 3. Adjustable trip and time delay settings. 4. Transient Protection: 1,000V ac. 5. Mounting: Multipin plug-in socket base. B. Manufacturer and Product: Automatic Timing and Controls; SLD Series. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16050 9 JUNE 15, 2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.13 SMOKE DETECTOR A. Photoelectric type with 135 degree self-restoring thermal sensor and plug-in, twist-lock base per UL 217 and 268 Standards. B. Solid state circuitry, nonradioactive photo-optic sensing chamber, suitable for device releasing service. C. Built-in audible notification appliance. D. Light-emitting diode; pulsed indication for power availability and steady indication for activated detectors. E. Voltage Range: 120V ac. F. Normally open, double-pole contacts rated 3 amperes, 125V ac for resistive loads. G. Detectors equipped with 30-mesh insect screen. H. Photoelectric sensors adjusted to within 3 percent ofUL 217 window obturation sensitivity valve. I. Built-in test feature. J. Manufacturers and Products: 1. Simplex; Model 71 OOHF. 2. Or approved equal. 2.14 SUPPORT AND FRAMING CHANNELS A. Carbon Steel Framing Channel: 1. Material: Rolled, mild strip steel, 12-gauge minimum, ASTM A1011/A1011M, Grade 33. 2. Finish: Hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. B. Paint Coated Framing Channel: Carbon steel framing channel with electro- deposited rust inhibiting acrylic or epoxy paint. C. PVC Coated Framing Channel: Carbon steel framing channel with 40-mil polyvinyl chloride coating. D. Stainless Steel Framing Channel: Rolled, ASTM A167, Type 316 stainless steel, 12-gauge minimum. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16050 10 JUNE 15,2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B E. Extruded Aluminum Framing Channel: 1. Material: Extruded from Type 6063- T6 aluminum alloy. 2. Fittings fabricated from Alloy 5052-H32. F. Nonmetallic Framing Channel: 1. Material: Fire retardant, fiber reinforced vinyl ester resin. 2. Channel fitting of same material as channel. 3. Nuts and bolts oflong glass fiber reinforced polyurethane. G. Manufacturers: 1. B-Line Systems, Inc. 2. Unistrut Corp. 3. Aickinstrut. 2.15 ENCLOSURES A. Finish: Sheet metal structural and enclosure parts shall be completely painted using an electrodeposition process so interior and exterior surfaces as well as bolted structural joints have a complete finish coat on and between them. B. Color: Manufacturer's standard color (gray) baked-on enamel, unless otherwise shown. C. Barriers: Provide metal barriers within enclosures to separate wiring of different systems and voltage. D. Enclosure Selections: Per Supplement 1 to Section 16010, Basic Electrical Requirements. PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16050 11 JUNE 15,2005 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16060 GROUNDING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this Section: 1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): C2, National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). 2. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 70, National Electrical Code. (NEC). 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Shop Drawings: Product data for the following: a. Exothermic weld connectors. b. Mechanical connectors. c. Compression connectors. d. Ground rods. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): 1. Provide the Work in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). Where required by the AHJ, material and equipment shall be labeled or listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or other organization acceptable to the AHJ in order to provide a basis for approval under NEC. 2. Materials and equipment manufactured within the scope of standards published by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. shall conform to those standards and shall have an applied UL listing mark. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GROUND ROD A. Material: Copper-clad. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16060 1 JUNE 15,2005 GROUNDING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Diameter: Minimum 3/4 inch. C. Length: 10 feet. 2.02 GROUND CONDUCTORS A. As specified in Section 16120, Conductors. 2.03 CONNECTORS A. Exothermic Weld Type: 1. Outdoor Weld: Suitable for exposure to elements or direct burial. 2. Indoor Weld: Utilize low-smoke, low-emission process. 3. Manufacturers: a. Erico Products, Inc. b. Thermoweld. B. Compression Type: 1. Compress-deforming type; wrought copper extrusion material. 2. Single indentation for conductors 6 A WG and smaller. 3. Double indentation with extended barrel for conductors 4 A WG and larger. 4. Barrels prefilled with oxide-inhibiting and anti seizing compound and sealed. 5. Manufacturers: a. Burndy Corp. b. Thomas and Betts Co. c. Ilso Corp. C. Mechanical Type: Split-bolt, saddle, or cone screw type; copper alloy material. 1. Manufacturers: a. Burndy Corp. b. Thomas and Betts Co. 2.04 GROUNDING WELLS A. Ground rod box complete with cast iron riser ring and traffic cover marked GROUND ROD. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16060 2 JUNE 15, 2005 GROUNDING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Manufacturers: 1. Christy Co. 2. Lightning and Grounding Systems, Inc. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Grounding shall be in compliance with NFP A 70 and IEEE C2. B. Ground electrical service neutral at service entrance equipment to supplementary grounding electrodes. C. Ground each separately derived system neutral to nearest effectively grounded building structural steel member or separate grounding electrode. D. Bond together system neutrals, service equipment enclosures, exposed noncurrent-carrying metal parts of electrical equipment, metal raceways, ground conductor in raceways and cables, receptacle ground connections, and metal piping systems. E. Shielded Power Cables: Ground shields at each splice or termination in accordance with recommendations of splice or termination manufacturer. F. Shielded Instrumentation Cables: 1. Ground shield to ground bus at power supply for analog signal. 2. Expose shield minimum 1 inch at termination to field instrument and apply heat shrink tube. 3. Do not ground instrumentation cable shield at more than one point. 3.02 WIRE CONNECTIONS A. Ground Conductors: Install in conduit containing power conductors and control circuits above 50 volts. B. Nonmetallic Raceways and Flexible Tubing: Install equipment grounding conductor connected at both ends to noncurrent-carrying grounding bus. C. Connect ground conductors to raceway grounding bushings. D. Extend and connect ground conductors to ground bus in all equipment containing a ground bus. E. Connect enclosure of equipment containing ground bus to that bus. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16060 3 JUNE 15, 2005 GROUNDING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Bolt connections to equipment ground bus. G. Bond grounding conductors to metallic enclosures at each end, and to intermediate metallic enclosures. H. Junction Boxes: Furnish materials and connect to equipment grounding system with grounding clips mounted directly on box, or with 3/8-inch machine screws. 3.03 MOTOR GROUNDING A. Extend equipment ground bus via grounding conductor installed in motor feeder raceway; connect to motor frame. B. Nonmetallic Raceways and Flexible Tubing: Install an equipment grounding conductor connected at both ends to noncurrent-carrying grounding bus. C. Motors Less Than 10 hp: Furnish compression, spade-type terminal connected to conduit box mounting screw. D. Motors 10 hp and Above: Tap motor frame or equipment housing; furnish compression, one-hole, lug type terminal connected with minimum 5/16-inch brass threaded stud with bolt and washer. E. Circuits 20 Amps or Above: Tap motor frame or equipment housing; install solderless terminal with minimum 5/16-inch diameter bolt. 3.04 GROUND RODS A. Install full length with conductor connection at upper end. B. Install with connection point below finished grade, unless otherwise shown. C. Space multiple ground rods by one rod length. 3.05 GROUNDING WELLS A. Install inside buildings, asphalt, and paved areas. B. Install riser ring and cover flush with surface. C. Place 6 inches of crushed rock in bottom of each well. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16060 4 JUNE 15, 2005 GROUNDING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B 3.06 CONNECTIONS A. General: 1. Abovegrade Connections: Install exothermic weld, mechanical, or compression-type connectors; or brazing. 2. Belowgrade Connections: Install exothermic weld or compression type connectors. 3. Remove paint, dirt, or other surface coverings at connection points to allow good metal-to-metal contact. 4. Notify Engineer prior to backfilling ground connections. B. Exothermic Weld Type: 1. Wire brush or file contact point to bare metal surface. 2. Use welding cartridges and molds in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Avoid using badly worn molds. 4. Mold to be completely filled with metal when making welds. 5. After completed welds have cooled, brush slag from weld area and thoroughly clean joint. C. Compression Type: 1. Install in accordance with connector manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Install connectors of proper size for grounding conductors and ground rods specified. 3. Install using connector manufacturer's compression tool having proper sized dies. D. Mechanical Type: 1. Apply homogeneous blend of colloidal copper and rust and corrosion inhibitor before making connection. 2. Install in accordance with connector manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Do not conceal mechanical connections. 3.07 METAL STRUCTURE GROUNDING A. Ground metal sheathing and exposed metal vertical structural elements to grounding system. B. Bond electrical equipment supported by metal platforms to the platforms. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16060 5 JUNE 15,2005 GROUNDING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Provide electrical contact between metal frames and railings supporting pushbutton stations, receptacles, and instrument cabinets, and raceways carrying circuits to these devices. 3.08 MANHOLE AND HANDHOLE GROUNDING A. Install one ground rod inside each. B. Ground Rod Floor Protrusion: 4 to 6 inches above floor. C. Make connections of grounding conductors fully visible and accessible. D. Connect all noncurrent-carrying metal parts, and any metallic raceway grounding bushings to ground rod with No.6 A WG copper conductor. 3.09 TRANSFORMER GROUNDING A. Bond neutrals of transformers within buildings to system ground network, and to any additional indicated grounding electrodes. B. Bond neutrals of pad-mounted transformers to locally driven ground rods and buried ground wire encircling transformer and system ground network. 3.10 SURGE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT GROUNDING A. Connect surge arrestor ground terminals to equipment ground bus. 3.11 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. As specified in Section 16080, Electrical Testing. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16060 6 JUNE 15,2005 GROUNDING I I' I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16080 ELECTRICAL TESTING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. ASTM International (ASTM): a. D665, Standard Test Method for Rust-Preventing Characteristics of Inhibited Mineral Oil in the Presence of Water. b. D877, Standard Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Liquids Using Disk Electrodes. c. D923, Standard Practices for Sampling Electrical Insulating Liquids. d. D924, Standard Test Method for Dissipation Factor (or Power Factor) and Relative Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) of Electrical Insulating Liquids. e. D971, Standard Test Method for Interfacial Tension of Oil Against Water by the Ring Method. f. D974, Standard Test Method for Acid and Base Number by Color- Indicator Titration. g. D1298, Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method. h. D1500, Standard Test Method for ASTM Color of Petroleum Products (ASTM Color Scale). 1. D1524, Standard Test Method for Visual Examination of Used Electrical Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origin in the Field. J. D1533, Standard Test Method for Water in Insulating Liquids by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration. k. D1816, Standard Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origin Using VDE Electrodes. 1. D2285, Standard Test Method for Interfacial Tension of Electrical Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origin Against Water by the Drop- Weight Method. 2. Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA): a. S-93-639, Shielded Power Cables 5000V-4600V. b. S-94-649, Concentric Neutral Cables Rated 5 through 46 kV. c. S-97-682, Utility Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 through 46 kV. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16080 1 JUNE 15, 2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I 'I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I 3. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): a. 43, Recommended Practice for Testing Insulating Resistance of Rotating Machinery. b. 48, Standard Test Procedures and Requirements for High- Voltage Alternating-Current Cable Terminators 2.5 kV through 765 kV. c. 81, Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Ground System (Part 1): Normal Measurements. d. 95, Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery (2300V and Above) with High Direct Voltage. e. 386, Separable Insulated Connector Systems for Power Distribution Systems Above 600V. f. 400, Guide for Making High-Direct-Voltage Tests on Power Cable Systems in the Field. g. 450, Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications. h. C2, National Electrical Safety Code. 1. C37.20.1, Standard for Metal-Enclosed Low Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear. J. C37.20.2, Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear. k. C37.20.3, Standard for Metal-Enclosed Interrupter Switchgear. l. C62.33, Test Specifications for Varistor Surge-Protective Devices. 4. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. AB 4, Guidelines for Inspection and Preventive Maintenance of Molded Case Circuit Breakers Used in Commercial and Industrial Applications. b. PB 2, Deadfront Distribution Switchboards. c. WC 74, 5-46 kV Shielded Power Cable for Use in the Transmission and Distribution of Electric Energy. 5. InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA): Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Distribution Equipment and Systems (A TS). 6. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): a. 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). b. 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces. c. 101, Life Safety Code. 7. National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET). 8. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): CFR 29, Part 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Standards. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16080 2 JUNE 15,2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Informational Submittals: 1. Submit 30 days prior to performing inspections or tests: a. Schedule for performing inspection and tests. b. List of references to be used for each test. c. Sample copy of equipment and materials inspection formes). d. Sample copy of individual device test form. e. Sample copy of individual system test form. 2. Submit test or inspection reports and certificates for each electrical item tested within 30 days after completion oftest: 3. Operation and Maintenance Data: a. In accordance with Part III, Section 1-04.12, Operation and Maintenance Manuals b. After test or inspection reports and certificates have been reviewed by Engineer and returned, insert a copy of each in Operation and Maintenance Manual. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Test equipment shall have an operating accuracy equal to or greater than requirements established by NET A A TS. B. Test instrument calibration shall be in accordance with NET A A TS. 1.04 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Perform inspection and electrical tests after equipment here in listed has been installed. B. Perform tests with apparatus de-energized whenever feasible. C. Inspection and electrical tests on energized equipment shall be: 1. Scheduled with Engineer prior to de-energization. 2. Minimized to avoid extended period of interruption to the operating plant equipment. D. Notify Engineer at least 24 hours prior to performing tests on energized electrical equipment. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16080 3 JUNE 15, 2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Tests specified in this section shall be performed in accordance with requirements of Part III, Section 1-05.11(4). B. Tests and inspections shall establish: 1. Electrical equipment is operational within industry and manufacturer's tolerances and standards. 2. Installation operates properly. 3. Equipment is suitable for energization. 4. Installation conforms to requirements of Contract Documents and NFPA 70, NFPA 70E, NFPA 101, and IEEE C2. C. Perform inspection and testing in accordance with NET A A TS, industry standards, and manufacturer's recommendations. D. Adjust mechanisms and moving parts of equipment for free mechanical movement. E. Adjust and set electromechanical electronic relays and sensors to correspond to operating conditions, or as recommended by manufacturer. F. Verify nameplate data for conformance to Contract Documents and approved Submittals. G. Realign equipment not properly aligned and correct unlevelness. H. Properly anchor electrical equipment found to be inadequately anchored. I. Tighten accessible bolted connections, including wiring connections, with calibrated torque wrench/screw driver to manufacturer's recommendations, or as otherwise specified in NETA ATS. J. Clean contaminated surfaces with cleaning solvents as recommended by manufacturer. K. Provide proper lubrication of applicable moving parts. L. Inform Engineer of working clearances not in accordance with NFP A 70. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16080 4 JUNE 15,2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING I I I, I I I I' I I I I 'I I I I I I. I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B M. Investigate and repair or replace: 1. Electrical items that fail tests. 2. Active components not operating in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3. Damaged electrical equipment. N. Electrical Enclosures: 1. Remove foreign material and moisture from enclosure interior. 2. Vacuum and wipe clean enclosure interior. 3. Remove corrosion found on metal surfaces. 4. Repair or replace, as determined by Engineer door and panel sections having dented surfaces. 5. Repair or replace, as determined by Engineer poor fitting doors and panel sections. 6. Repair or replace improperly operating latching, locking, or interlocking devices. 7. Replace missing or damaged hardware. 8. Finish: a. Provide matching paint and touch up scratches and mars. b. If required due to extensive damage, as determined by Engineer, refinish entire assembly. O. Replace fuses and circuit breakers that do not conform to size and type required by the Contract Documents or approved Submittals. 3.02 CHECKOUT AND STARTUP A. Voltage Field Test: 1. Check voltage at point of termination of power company supply system to project when installation is essentially complete and is in operation. 2. Check voltage amplitude and balance between phases for loaded and unloaded conditions. 3. Unbalance Corrections: a. Make written request to power company to correct condition if balance (as defined byNEMA) exceeds 1 percent, or if voltage varies throughout the day and from loaded to unloaded condition more than plus or minus 4 percent of nominal. b. Obtain a written certification from a responsible power company official that voltage variations and unbalance are within their normal standards if corrections are not made. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16080 5 JUNE 15, 2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I B. Equipment Line Current Tests: 1. Check line current in each phase for each piece of equipment. 2. Make line current check after power company has made final adjustments to supply voltage magnitude or balance. 3. If any phase current for any piece of equipment is above rated nameplate current, prepare Equipment Line Phase Current Report that identifies cause of problem and corrective action taken. 3.03 PANELBOARDS A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: Include the following inspections and related work: 1. Inspect for defects and physical damage, labeling, and nameplate compliance with requirements of up-to-date drawings and panelboard schedules. 2. Exercise and perform operational tests of mechanical components and other operable devices in accordance with manufacturer's instruction manual. 3. Check panelboard mounting, area clearances, and alignment and fit of components. 4. Check tightness of bolted electrical connections with calibrated torque wrench. Refer to manufacturer's instructions for proper torque values. 5. Perform visual and mechanical inspection for overcurrent protective devices. 3.04 DRY TYPE TRANSFORMERS A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: 1. Physical and insulator damage. 2. Proper winding connections. 3. Bolt torque level in accordance with NET A A TS, Table 100.12, unless otherwise specified by manufacturer. 4. Defective wiring. 5. Proper operation of fans, indicators, and auxiliary devices. 6. Removal of shipping brackets, fixtures, or bracing. 7. Free and properly installed resilient mounts. 8. Cleanliness and improper blockage of ventilation passages. 9. Verify that tap-changer is set at correct ratio for rated output voltage under nom\al operating conditions. 1 O. Verify proper secondary voltage phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground after energization and prior to loading. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16080 6 JUNE 15, 2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.05 LOW VOLTAGE CABLES, 600 VOLTS MAXIMUM A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: 1. Inspect each individual exposed power cable No.4 and larger for: a. Physical damage. b. Proper connections in accordance with single-line diagram. c. Cable bends not in conformance with manufacturer's minimum allowable bending radius where applicable. d. Color coding conformance with Specifications. e. Proper circuit identification. 2. Mechanical Connections For: a. Proper lug type for conductor material. b. Proper lug installation. c. Bolt torque level in accordance with NETA ATS, Table 100.12, unless otherwise specified by manufacturer. 3. Shielded Instrumentation Cables For: a. Proper shield grounding. b. Proper terminations. c. Proper circuit identification. 4. Control Cables For: a. Proper termination. b. Proper circuit identification. 5. Cables Terminated Through Window Type CTs: Verify neutrals and grounds are terminated for correct operation of protective devices. B. Electrical Tests for Conductors No.4 and Larger: 1. Insulation Resistance Tests: a. Utilize 1,000-volt dc megohmmeter for 600-volt insulated conductors. b. Test each conductor with respect to ground and to adjacent conductors for 1 minute. c. Evaluate ohmic values by comparison with conductors of same length and type. d. Investigate values less than 50 megohms. 2. Continuity test by ohmmeter method to ensure proper cable connections. C. Low voltage cable tests may be performed by installer in lieu of independent testing firm. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16080 7 JUNE 15,2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I 3.06 SAFETY SWITCHES, 600 VOLTS MAXIMUM A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: 1. Proper blade pressure and alignment. 2. Proper operation of switch operating handle. 3. Adequate mechanical support for each fuse. 4. Proper contact-to-contact tightness between fuse clip and fuse. 5. Cable connection bolt torque level in accordance with NET A A TS, Table 100.12. 6. Proper phase barrier material and installation. 7. Verify fuse sizes and types correspond to one-line diagram or approved Submittals. 8. Perform mechanical operational test and verify interlocking system operation and sequencing. 3.07 MOLDED AND INSULATED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. General: Inspection and testing limited to circuit breakers rated 100 amperes and larger and to motor circuit protector breakers rated 100 amperes and larger. B. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: 1. Proper mounting. 2. Proper conductor size. ~ 3. Feeder designation according to nameplate and one-line diagram. 4. Cracked casings. 5. Connection bolt torque level in accordance with NETA ATS, Table 100.12. 6. Operate breaker to verify smooth operation. 7. Compare frame size and trip setting with circuit breaker schedules or one-line diagram. 8. Verify that terminals are suitable for 75 degrees C rated insulated conductors. C. Electrical Tests: 1. Insulation Resistance Tests: a. Utilize 1,000-volt dc megohmmeter for 480-volt and 600-volt circuit breakers and 500-volt dc megohmmeter for 240-volt circuit breakers. b. Pole-to-pole and pole-to-ground with breaker contacts opened for 1 minute. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16080 8 JUNE 15,2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B c. Pole-to-pole and pole-to-ground with breaker contacts closed for 1 minute. d. Test values to comply with NET A A TS, Table 100.1. 2. Contact Resistance Tests: a. Contact resistance in microhms across each pole. b. Investigate deviation of 50 percent or more from adjacent poles and similar breakers. 3.08 INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: 1. Visually check current, potential, and control transformers for: a. Cracked insulation. b. Broken leads or defective wiring. c. Proper connections. d. Adequate clearances between primary and secondary circuit wmng. 2. Verify mechanically: a. Grounding and shorting connections have good contact. b. Withdrawal mechanism and grounding operation, when applicable, operate properly. 3. Verify proper primary and secondary fuse sizes for potential transformers. 3.09 METERING A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: 1. Verify meter connections in accordance with appropriate diagrams. 2. Verify meter multipliers. 3. Verify meter types and scales conform to Contract Documents. 4. Check calibration of meters at cardinal points. 5. Check calibration of electrical transducers. 3.10 GROUNDING SYSTEMS A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: 1. Equipment and circuit grounds in motor control center and panelboard assemblies for proper connection and tightness. 2. Ground bus connections in motor control center and panelboard assemblies for proper termination and tightness. 3. Effective transformer core and equipment grounding. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16080 9 JUNE 15,2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I 4. Accessible connections to grounding electrodes for proper fit and tightness. 5. Accessible exothermic-weld grounding connections to verify that molds- were fully filled and proper bonding was obtained. B. Electrical Tests: 1. Fall-of-Potential Test: a. In accordance with IEEE 81, Section for measurement of main ground system's resistance. b. Main ground electrode system resistance to ground to be no greater than 5 ohm(s). 3.11 AC INDUCTION MOTORS A. General: Inspection and testing limited to motors rated 5 hp and larger. B. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: 1. Proper electrical and grounding connections. 2. Shaft alignment. 3. Blockage of ventilating air passageways. 4. Operate motor and check for: a. Excessive mechanical and electrical noise. b. Overheating. c. Correct rotation. d. Check vibration detectors, resistance temperature detectors, or motor inherent protectors for functionability and proper operation. e. Excessive vibration, in excess of values in NET A A TS Table 100.10. 5. Check operation of space heaters. C. Electrical Tests: 1. Insulation Resistance Tests: a. In accordance with IEEE 43 at test voltages established by NET A A TS, Table 100.1 for: 1) Motors above 200 hp for 10-minute duration with resistances tabulated at 30 seconds, 1 minute, and 10 minutes. 2) Motors 200 hp and less for I-minute duration with resistances tabulated at 30 and 60 seconds. b. Insulation resistance values equal to, or greater than, ohmic values established by manufacturers. SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 16080 10 JUNE 15,2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2. Calculate polarization index ratios for motors above 200 hp. Investigate index ratios less than 1.5 for Class A insulation and 2.0 for Class B insulation. 3. Insulation resistance test on insulated bearings in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 4. Measure running current and voltage, and evaluate relative to load conditions and nameplate full-load amperes. 3.12 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: 1. Proper barrier and shutter installation and operation. 2. Proper operation of indicating and monitoring devices. 3. Proper overload protection for each motor. 4. Improper blockage of air-cooling passages. 5. Proper operation of drawout elements. 6. Integrity and contamination of bus insulation system. 7. Check door and device interlocking system by: a. Closure attempt of device when door is in OPEN position. b. Opening attempt of door when device is in ON position. 8. Check nameplates for proper identification of: a. Equipment title and tag number with latest one-line diagram. b. Pushbuttons. c. Control switches. d. Pilot lights. e. Control relays. f. Circuit breakers. g. Indicating meters. 9. Verify fuse and circuit breaker sizes and types conform to Contract Documents. 10. Verify current and potential transformer ratios conform to Contract Documents. 11. Check bus connections for high resistance by low resistance ohmmeter and calibrated torque wrench applied to bolted joints: a. Ohmic value to be zero. b. Bolt torque level in accordance with NETA ATS, Table 100.12, unless otherwise specified by manufacturer. 12. Check operation and sequencing of electrical and mechanical interlock systems by: a. Closure attempt for locked open devices. b. Opening attempt for locked closed devices. c. Key exchange to operate devices in OFF-NORMAL positions. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16080 11 JUNE 15,2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I ,I I I I' I I I I I I I I ,I I 13. Verify performance of each control device and feature furnished as part of motor control center. 14. Control Wiring: a. Compare wiring to local and remote control, and protective devices with elementary diagrams. b. Check for proper conductor lacing and bundling. c. Check for proper conductor identification. d. Check for proper conductor lugs and connections. 15. Exercise active components. 16. Inspect contactors for: a. Correct mechanical operations. b. Correct contact gap, wipe, alignment, and pressure. c. Correct torque of all connections. 17. Compare overload heater rating with full-load current for proper size. 18. Compare motor protector and circuit breaker with motor characteristics for proper size. 19. Perform phasing check on double-ended motor control centers to ensure proper bus phasing from each source. 3.13 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: 1. Check doors and panels for proper interlocking. 2. Check connections for high resistance by low resistance ohmmeter. 3. Check positive mechanical and electrical interlock between normal and alternate sources. 4. Check for proper operation: a. Manual transfer function switch. b. Generator under load and nonload conditions. c. Auto-exerciser of generator under load and no-load conditions. 5. Verify settings and operation of control devices. B. Electrical Tests: 1. Insulation Resistance Tests: a. Applied megohmmeter dc voltage in accordance with NET A A TS, Table 100.1 for each phase with switch CLOSED in both source positions. b. Phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground for 1 minute. c. Test values in accordance with manufacturer's published data. 2. Contact Resistance Test: a. Contact resistance in microhms across each switch blade for both source positions. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16080 12 JUNE 15, 2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B b. Investigate values exceeding 500 micro-ohms. c. Investigate values deviating from adjacent pole by more than 50 percent. 3. Set and calibrate in accordance with Specifications and Manufacturer's recommendations. a. Voltage and frequency sensing relays. b. Time delay relays. c. Engine start and shutdown relays. 4. Perform automatic transfer tests by: a. Simulating loss of normal power. b. Return to normal power. c. Simulating loss of alternate power. d. Simulating single-phase conditions for normal and alternate sources. 5. Monitor and verify operation and timing of: a. Normal and alternate voltage sensing relays. b. Engine-start sequence. c. Timing delay upon transfer and retransfer. d. Engine cool down and shutdown. e. Interlocks and limit switch functions. f. Engine cool down and shutdown feature. 3.14 STANDBY AND EMERGENCY GENERATOR SYSTEMS A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection: 1. Proper grounding. 2. Blockage of ventilating passageways. 3. Proper operation of jack water heaters. 4. Integrity of engine cooling and fuel supply systems. 5. Excessive mechanical and electrical noise. 6. Overheating of engine or generator. 7. Proper installation of vibration isolators. 8. Proper cooling liquid type and level. 9. Operate engine-generator and check for: a. Excessive mechanical and electrical noise. b. Overheating. c. Correct rotation. d. Check resistance temperature detectors or generator inherent thermal protectors for functionability and proper operation. e. Excessive vibration. 10. Verify voltage regulator and governor operation will cause unit speed and output voltage to stabilize at proper values within reasonable length of time. SEA/323 194. WU.FD.02 16080 13 JUNE 15,2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11. Proper operation of meters and instruments. 12. Compare generator nameplate rating and connection with one-line diagram or approved Submittal. B. Electrical and Mechanical Tests: 1. Cold start test by interrupting normal power source with test load consisting of connected building load to verify: a. Transfer switch operation. b. Automatic starting operation. c. Operating ability of engine-generator. d. Overcurrent devices capability to withstand inrush currents. 2. Phase rotation tests. 3. Test engine protective shutdown features for: a. Low oil pressure. b. Overtemperature. c. Overspeed. 4. Vibration base-line test on generator sets rated above 300 kW; levels in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 5. Load bank test with reactors and resistors adjusted to 80 percent power factor for each load step. Record voltage, frequency, load current, oil pressure, and engine coolant temperature at IS-minute intervals: a. 25 percent applied load for 30 minutes. b. 50 percent applied load for 30 minutes. c. 75 percent applied load for 30 minutes. d. 100 percent applied load for 3 hours. e. Load test results to demonstrate ability of unit to deliver rated load for test period. 6. One-Step Rated kW Load Pickup Test: a. Perform test immediately after performing load bank test. b. Apply rated load, minus largest rated hp motor, to generator. c. Start largest rated hp motor and record voltage drop for 20 cycles minimum with high-speed chart recorder or digital storage oscilloscope. d. Compare voltage drop with maximum allowable voltage dip for specified starting situation. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16080 14 JUNE 15, 2005 ELECTRICAL TESTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16120 CONDUCTORS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced iJ this section: I i 1. Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC): . a. CS 6, Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber-Insulated Shielded Power Cables Rated 69 kV. b. CS 8, Specification for Extruded Dielectric Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 kV through 46 kV. 2. ASTM International (ASTM): a. A167, Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. b. B3, Standard Specification for Soft or Annealed Copper Wire. c. B8, Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Soft. d. B263, Standard Test Method for Determination of Cross-Sectional Area of Stranded Conductors. 3. Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA), Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA): TIA-568-B, Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard. 4. Insulated Cable Engineer's Association, Inc. (ICEA): a. S-58-679, Standard for Control Cable Conductor Identification. b. S-73-532, Standard for Control Cables. c. T -29-520, Conducting Vertical Cable Tray Flame Tests with Theoretical Heat Input of210,000 Btu/hour. 5. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE): a. 48, Standard Test Procedures and Requirements for High-Voltage Alternating-Current Cable Terminations 2.5 kV tIti-ough 765 kV I b. 386, Separable Insulated Connector Systems for Power Distribution Systems Above 600V. I c. 404, Standard for Extruded And Laminated Dielec~c Shielded Cable Joints Rated 2500 V to 500000 V. 6. National Electrical Manufacturers' Association (NEMA): a. CC 1, Electric Power Connectors for Substations. I b. WC 55, Instrumentation Cables and Thermocbuple Wire. I c. WC 70, Standard for Nonshielded Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16120 1 JUNE 15, 2005 CONDUCTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I d. WC 71, Standard for Nonshielded Cables Rated 2001-5000 Volts for Use in the Distribution of Electric Energy. e. WC 74, 5-46 kV Shielded Power Cable for Use in the Transmission and Distribution of Electric Energy. 7. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). b. 262, Method of Test for Flame Travel and Smoke of Wires and Cables for Use in Air-Handling Spaces. 8. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): a. 13, Standard for Safety Power-Limited Circuit Cables. b. 44, Standard for Safety Thermoset-Insulated Wires and Cables. c. 62, Standard for Safety Flexible Cord and Fixture Wire. d. 486A-486B, Wire Connectors. e. 486C, Standard for Splicing Wire Connections. f. 510, Standard for Safety Polyvinyl Chloride, Polyethylene, and Rubber Insulating Tape. g. 854, Standard for Safety Service-Entrance Cables. h. 1072, Standard for Safety Medium-Voltage Power Cables. 1. 1277, Standard for Safety Electrical Power and Control Tray Cables with Optional Optical-Fiber Members. J. 1569, Metal Clad Cables. k. 1581, Standard for Safety Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables, and Flexible Cords. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Wire and cable descriptive product information. 2. Wire and cable accessories descriptive product information. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): 1. Provide the Work in accordance with NFP A 70. Where required by the AHJ, material and equipment shall be labeled or listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or other organization acceptable to the AHJ in order to provide a basis for approval under NEC. 2. Materials and equipment manufactured within the scope of standards published by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. shall conform to those standards and shall have an applied UL listing mark. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16120 2 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CONDUCTORS 600 VOLTS AND BELOW A. Conform to applicable requirements ofNEMA WC 70. B. Conductor Type: 1. 120-Volt and 277-Volt Lighting, No. 10 AWG and Smaller: Solid or stranded copper. 2. 120- V olt Receptacle Circuits, No. lOA WG and Smaller: Solid copper. 3. All Other Circuits: Stranded copper. C. Insulation: Type THHN/THWN-2, except for sizes No.6 and larger, with XHHW-2 insulation. D. Direct Burial and Aerial Conductors and Cables: I. Type USE/RHH/RHW insulation, UL 854 listed, or Type RHW-2/USE-2. 2. Conform to physical and minimum thickness requirements of NEMA WC 70. E. Flexible Cords and Cables: 1. Type SOW -Al50 with ethylene propylene rubber insulation in accordance with UL 62. 2. Conform to physical and minimum thickness requirements of NEMA WC 70. 2.02 600-VOLT RATED CABLE A. General: 1. Type TC, meeting requirements ofUL 1277, including Vertical Tray Flame Test at 70,000 Btu per hour, and NFP A 70, Article 340, or UL 13 meeting requirements ofNFP A 70, Article 725. 2. Permanently and legibly marked with manufacturer's name, maximum working voltage for which cable was tested, type of cable, and UL listing mark. 3. Suitable for installation in open air, in cable trays, or conduit. 4. Minimum Temperature Rating: 90 degrees C dry locations, 75 degrees C wet locations. 5. Overall Outer Jacket: PVC, flame-retardant, sunlight- and oil-resistant. SEAl323 I 94.WU.FD.02 16120 3 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Type 1, Multiconductor Control Cable: 1. Conductors: a. No. 14 A WG, seven-strand copper. b. Insulation: 15-mil PVC with 4-mil nylon. c. UL 1581 listed as Type THHN/THWN rated VW -1. d. Conductor group bound with spiral wrap of barrier tape. e. Color Code: In accordance with ICEA S-58-679, Method 1, Table 2. 2. Cable: Passes the ICEA T-29-520 210,000 Btu per hour Vertical Tray Flame Test. 3. Cable Sizes: Max. Outside Diameter Jacket Thickness No. of Conductors (Inches) (Mils) 3 0.41 45 5 0.48 45 7 0.52 45 12 0.72 60 19 0.83 60 25 1.00 60 37 1.15 80 4. Manufacturers: a. Okonite Co. b. Southwire. C. Type 2, Multiconductor Power Cable: 1. General: a. Meet or exceed UL 1581 for cable tray use. b. Meet or exceed UL 1277 for direct burial and sunlight-resistance. c. Overall jacket: PVC. 2. Conductors: a. Class B stranded, coated copper. b. Insulation: Chemically cross-linked ethylene-propylene or cross- linked polyethylene. c. UL rated VW-l or listed Type XHHW-2. d. Color Code: 1) Conductors, size No.8 A WG and smaller, colored conductors, ICEA S-58-679, Method 1, Table 1. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16120 4 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2) Conductors, size No.6 A WG and larger, ICEA S-73-532, Method 4. 3. Cable shall pass ICEA T-29-520, 210,000 Btu per hour Vertical Tray Flame Test. 4. Cable Sizes: No. of Max. Nominal Minimum Current Outside Jacket Conductor Ground Carrying Diameter Thickness Size Wire Size Conductors (Inches) (Mils) 12 12 2 0.42 45 3 0.45 45 4 0.49 45 10 10 2 0.54 60 3 0.58 60 4 0.63 60 8 10 3 0.66 60 4 0.75 6 8 3 0.74 60 4 0.88 4 6 3 0.88 60 4 1.04 80 2 6 3 1.01 80 4 1.16 1 6 3 1.10 80 4 1.25 1/0 6 3 1.22 80 4 1.35 2/0 4 3 1.32 80 4 1.53 3/0 4 3 1.40 80 4 1.60 4/0 4 3 1.56 80 4 1.78 110 5. Manufacturers: a. Okonite Co. b. Southwire. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16120 5 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B ,I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I D. Type 3, No. 16 A WG, Twisted, Shielded Pair, Instrumentation Cable: Single pair, designed for noise rejection for process control, computer, or data log applications meeting NEMA WC 55 requirements. 1. Outer Jacket: 45-mil nominal thickness. 2. Individual Pair Shield: I.35-mil, double-faced aluminum/synthetic polymer overlapped to provide 100 percent coverage. 3. Dimension: 0.31-inch nominal aD. 4. Conductors: a. Bare soft annealed copper, Class B, seven-strand concentric, meeting requirements of ASTM B8. b. 20 A WG, seven-strand tinned copper drain wire. c. Insulation: 15-mil nominal PVC. d. Jacket: 4-mil nominal nylon. e. Color Code: Pair conductors, black and red. 5. Manufacturers: a. Okonite Co. b. Alpha Wire Corp. c. Belden. E. Type 4, No. 16 AWG, Twisted, Shielded Triad Instrumentation Cable: Single triad, designed for noise rejection for process control, computer, or data log applications meeting NEMA WC 55 requirements. 1. Outer Jacket: 45-mil nominal. 2. Individual Pair Shield: I.35-mil, double-faced aluminum/synthetic polymer, overlapped to provide 100 percent coverage. 3. Dimension: 0.32-inch nominal aD. 4. Conductors: a. Bare soft annealed copper, Class B, seven-strand concentric, meeting requirements of ASTM B8. b. 20 A WG, seven-strand, tinned copper drain wire. c. Insulation: 15-mil nominal PVC. d. Jacket: 4-mil nylon. e. Color Code: Triad conductors black, red, and blue. 5. Manufacturers: a. Okonite Co. b. Alpha Wire Corp. c. Belden. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16120 6 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B F. Type 5, No. 18 AWG, Multi-Twisted, Shielded Pairs with a Common, Overall Shield Instrumentation Cable: Designed for use as instrumentation, process control, and computer cable, meeting NEMA WC 55 requirements. 1. Conductors: a. Bare soft annealed copper, Class B, seven-strand concentric, in accordance with ASTM B8. b. Tinned copper drain wires. c. Pair drain wire size A WG 20, group drain wire size A WG 18. d. Insulation: 15-mil PVC. e. Jacket: 4-mil nylon. f. Color Code: Pair conductors, black and red with red conductor numerically printed for group identification. g. Individual Pair Shield: 1.35-mil, double-faced aluminum/synthetic polymer. 2. Cable Shield: 2.35-mil, double-faced aluminum/synthetic polymer, overlapped for 100 percent coverage. 3. Cable Sizes: Maximum Outside Nominal Jacket Diameter Thickness N umber of Pairs (Inches) (Mils) 4 0.50 45 8 0.68 60 12 0.82 60 16 0.95 80 24 1.16 80 36 1.33 80 50 1.56 80 4. Manufacturers: a. Okonite Co. b. Alpha Wire Corp. c. Belden. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16120 7 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G. Type 6, No. 18 A WG, Multi-Twisted Pairs with a Common Overall Shield Instrumentation Cable: Designed for use as instrumentation, process control, and computer cable meeting NEMA WC 55. 1. Conductors: a. Bare soft annealed copper, Class B, seven-strand concentric, in accordance with ASTM B8. b. Tinned copper drain wire size A WG 18. c. Insulation: 15-mil nominal PVC. d. Jacket: 4-mil nylon. e. Color Code: Pair conductors, black and red with red conductor numerically printed for group identification. 2. Cable Shield: 2.35-mil, double-faced aluminum/synthetic polymer, overlapped for 100 percent coverage. Maximum Outside Nominal Jacket Cable Sizes: Diameter Thickness N umber of Pairs (Inches) (Mils) 4 0.48 45 8 0.63 60 12 0.75 60 16 0.83 60 24 1.10 80 36 1.21 80 50 1.50 80 3. Manufacturers: a. Okonite Co. b. Alpha Wire Corp. c. Belden. H. Type 7, Multi-Conductor Metal-Clad (UL Type MC) Power Cable: 1. Meeting requirements ofUL 44 and UL 1569. 2. Conductors: a. Class B stranded, coated copper. b. Insulation: 600-volt cross-linked polyethylene, UL Type XHHW or EPR. c. Grounding Conductors: Bare, stranded copper. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16120 8 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3. Sheath: a. UL listed Type Me. b. Continuous welded, corrugated aluminum sheath. c. Suitable for use as grounding conductor. 4. Outer Jacket: PVC per UL 1569. 5. Cable shall pass ICEA T-29-520, 210,000 Btu per hour Vertical Tray Flame Test. 6. Cable Sizes: Minimum Max. Ground No. of Outside Jacket Conductor Wire Size Insulated Diameter Thickness Size (A WG) Conductors (Inches) (Mils) 12 AWG 12 or 3x16 3 0.79 50 4 0.85 10AWG 10 or 3x14 3 0.82 50 4 0.90 8AWG 10 or 3x14 3 0.85 50 4 1.00 6AWG 8 or 3x12 3 0.99 50 4 1.10 4AWG 8 or 3x12 3 1.08 50 4 1.20 2AWG 6 or 3xlO 3 1.24 50 4 1.45 1AWG 6 or 3xlO 3 1.40 50 4 1.55 1I0KCM 6 or 3xlO 3 1.52 50 4 1.60 2/0 A WG 4 or 3x8 3 1.67 50 4 1.75 4/0 A WG 4 or 3x8 3 1.93 60 4 2.10 250 KCM 4 or 3x8 3 2.11 60 4 2.20 350 KCM 3 or 3x8 3 2.39 60 4 2.50 500 KCM 2 or 3x8 3 2.80 75 4 2.90 SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16120 9 JUNE 15, 2005 CONDUCTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I 7. Manufacturers and Products: a. Okonite Co.; Type CLX. b. Southwire Type MC. c. General Cable, CCW Armored Power. 2.03 GROUNDING CONDUCTORS A. Equipment: Stranded copper with green, Type USEIRHHIRHW-XLPE or THHN/THWN, insulation. B. Direct Buried: Bare stranded copper. 2.04 ACCESSORIES FOR CONDUCTORS 600 VOLTS AND BELOW A. Tape: 1. General Purpose, Flame Retardant: 7-mil, vinyl plastic, Scotch Brand 33+, rated for 90 degrees C minimum, meeting requirements of UL 510. 2. Flame Retardant, Cold and Weather Resistant: 8.5-mil, vinyl plastic, Scotch Brand 88. 3. Arc and Fireproofing: a. 30-mil, elastomer. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) 3M; Scotch Brand 77, with Scotch Brand 69 glass cloth tapebinder. 2) Plymouth; 53 Plyarc, with 77 Plyglas glass cloth tapebinder. B. Identification Devices: 1. Sleeve: a. Permanent, PVC, yellow or white, with legible machine-printed black markings. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Raychem; Type D-SCE or ZH-SCE. 2) Brady, Type 3PS. 2. Heat Bond Marker: a. Transparent thermoplastic heat bonding film with acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive. b. Self-laminating protective shield over text. c. Machine printed black text. d. Manufacturer and Product: 3M Co.; Type SCS-HB. 3. Marker Plate: Nylon, with legible designations permanently hot stamped on plate. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16120 10 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 4. Tie-On Cable Marker Tags: a. Chemical resistant white tag. b. Size: 1/2 inch by 2 inches. c. Manufacturer and Product: Raychem; Type CM-SCE. 5. Grounding Conductor: Permanent green heat-shrink sleeve, 2-inch mmlmum. C. Connectors and Terminations: 1. Nylon, Self-Insulated Crimp Connectors: a. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Thomas & Betts; Sta-Kon. 2) Bumdy; Insulug. 3) ILSCO. 2. Nylon, Self-Insulated, Crimp Locking-Fork, Torque-Type Terminator: a. Suitable for use with 75 degrees C wire at full NFP A 70, 75 degrees C ampacity. b. Seamless. c. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Thomas & Betts; Sta-Kon. 2) Bumdy; InsuIink. 3) ILSCO; ILSCONS. 3. Self-Insulated, Freespring Wire Connector (Wire Nuts): a. UL 486C. b. Plated steel, square wire springs. c. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Thomas & Betts. 2) Ideal; Twister. 4. Self-Insulated, Set Screw Wire Connector: a. Two piece compression type with set screw in brass barrel. b. Insulated by insulator cap screwed over brass barrel. c. Manufacturers: 1) 3M Co. 2) Thomas & Betts. 3) Marrette. D. Cable Lugs: 1. In accordance with NEMA CC 1. 2. Rated 600 volts of same material as conductor metal. 3. Uninsulated Crimp Connectors and Terminators: a. Suitable for use with 75 degrees C wire at full NFP A 70, 75 degrees C ampacity. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16120 11 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. Manufacturers and Products: I) Thomas & Betts; Color-Keyed. 2) Bumdy, Hydent. 3) ILSCO. 4. Uninsulated, Bolted, Two-Way Connectors and Terminators: a.. Manufacturers and Products: I) Thomas & Betts; Locktite. 2) Bumdy; Quiklug. 3) ILSCO. E. Cable Ties: I. Nylon, adjustable, self-locking, and reusable. 2. Manufacturer and Product: Thomas & Betts; TY-RAP. F. Heat Shrinkable Insulation: I. Thermally stabilized cross-linked polyolefin. 2. Manufacturer and Product: Thomas & Betts; SHRINK-KON. 2.05 PULLING COMPOUND A. Nontoxic, noncorrosive, noncombustible, nonflammable, water-based lubricant; UL listed. B. Suitable for rubber, neoprene, PVC, polyethylene, hypalon, CPE, and lead- covered wire and cable. C. Approved for intended use by cable manufacturer. D. Suitable for zinc-coated steel, aluminum, PVC, bituminized fiber, and fiberglass raceways. E. Manufacturers: I. Ideal Co. 2. Polywater, Inc. 3. Cable Grip Co. 2.06 WARNING TAPE A. As specified in Section 16130, Raceways and Boxes. 2.07 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Conductors 600 Volts and Below: Test in accordance with UL 44 and UL 854. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16120 12 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Conductor installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Conductor and cable sizing shown is based on copper conductors, unless noted otherwise. C. Do not exceed cable manufacturer's recommendations for maximum pulling tensions and minimum bending radii. D. Terminate conductors and cables, unless otherwise indicated. E. Tighten screws and terminal bolts in accordance with UL 486A-486B for copper conductors. F. Cable Lugs: Provide with correct number of holes, bolt size, and center-to- center spacing as required by equipment terminals. G. Bundling: Where single conductors and cables in manholes, handholes, vaults, cable trays, and other indicated locations are not wrapped together by some other means, bundle conductors from each conduit throughout their exposed length with cable ties placed at intervals not exceeding 18 inches on center. H. Ream, remove burrs, and clear interior of installed conduit before pulling wires or cables. I. Concrete-Encased Raceway Installation: Prior to installation of conductors, pull through each raceway a mandrel approximately 1/4 inch smaller than raceway inside diameter. 3.02 POWER CONDUCTOR COLOR CODING A. Conductors 600 Volts and Below: 1. No.6 A WG and Larger: Apply general purpose, flame retardant tape at each end, and at accessible locations wrapped at least six full overlapping turns, covering an area 1-112 inches to 2 inches wide. 2. No.8 A WG and Smaller: Provide colored conductors. 3. Colors: System Conductor Color All Systems Equipment Grounding Green SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16120 13 JUNE 15, 2005 CONDUCTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I System Conductor Color 240/120 Volts Grounded Neutral White Single-Phase, Three-Wire One Hot Leg Black Other Hot Leg Red 208Y/120 Volts Grounded N~utral White Three-Phase, Four-Wire Phase A Black Phase B Red Phase C Blue 240/120 Volts Grounded Neutral White Three-Phase, Four-Wire Phase A Black Delta, Center Tap High (wild) Leg Orange Ground on Single-Phase Phase C Blue 480Y1277 Volts Grounded Neutral White Three-Phase, Four-Wire Phase A Brown Phase B Orange Phase C Yellow NOTE: Phase A, B, C implies direction of positive phase rotation. 4. Tracer: Outer covering of white with an identifiable colored strip, other than green, in accordance with NFP A 70. 3.03 CIRCUIT IDENTIFICATION A. Circuits Appearing in Circuit Schedules: Identify power, instrumentation, and control conductor circuits, using circuit schedule designations, at each termination and in accessible locations such as manholes, handholes, panels, switchboards, motor control centers, pull boxes, and terminal boxes. B. Circuits Not Appearing in Circuit Schedules: 1. Assign circuit name based on device or equipment at load end of circuit. 2. Where this would result in same name being assigned to more than one circuit, add number or letter to each otherwise identical circuit name to make it unique. C. Method: 1. Conductors No.3 A WG and Smaller: Identify with sleeves or heat bond markers. 2. Cables, and Conductors No.2 A WG and Larger: a. Identify with marker plates or tie-on cable marker tags. b. Attach with nylon tie cord. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16120 14 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3. Taped-on markers or tags relying on adhesives not permitted. 3.04 CONDUCTORS 600 VOLTS AND BELOW A. Install lOA W G or 12 A W G conductors for branch circuit power wiring in lighting and receptacle circuits. B. Do not splice incoming service conductors and branch power distribution conductors No.6 A WG and larger, unless specifically indicated or approved by Engineer. C. Connections and Terminations: 1. Install wire nuts only on lighting or receptacle conductors. 2. Install nylon self-insulated crimp connectors and terminators for instrumentation and control, circuit conductors. 3. Install self-insulated, set screw wire connectors for two-way connection of power circuit conductors No. 12 A WG and smaller. 4. Install uninsulated crimp connectors and terminators for instrumentation, control, and power circuit conductors No.4 A WG through No. 2/0 A WG. 5. Install uninsulated, bolted, two-way connectors and terminators for power circuit conductors No. 3/0 A WG and larger. 6. Install uninsulated terminators bolted together on motor circuit conductors No. lOA WG and larger. 7. Place no more than one conductor in any single-barrel pressure connection. 8. Install crimp connectors with tools approved by connector manufacturer. 9. Install terminals and connectors acceptable for type of material used. 10. Compression Lugs: a. Attach with a tool specifically designed for purpose. Tool shall provide complete, controlled crimp and shall not release until crimp is complete. b. Do not use plier type crimpers. D. Do not use soldered mechanical joints. E. Splices and Terminations: 1. 2. 3. Tape insulate all uninsulated connections. Indoors: Use general purpose, flame retardant tape. Outdoors: Use flame retardant, cold- and weather-resistant tape. F. Cap spare conductors and conductors with UL listed end caps. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16120 15 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G. Cabinets, Panels, and Motor Control Centers: 1. Remove surplus wire, bridle and secure. 2. Where conductors pass through openings or over edges in sheet metal, remove burrs, chamfer edges, and install bushings and protective strips of insulating material to protect the conductors. H. Control and Instrumentation Wiring: 1. Where terminals provided will accept such lugs, terminate control and instrumentation wiring, except solid thermocouple leads, with insulated, locking-fork compression lugs. 2. Terminate with methods consistent with terminals provided, and in accordance with terminal manufacturer's instructions. 3. Locate splices in readily accessible cabinets or junction boxes using terminal strips. 4. Where connections of cables installed under this section are to be made under other sections, leave pigtails of adequate length for bundled connections. 5. Cable Protection: a. Under Infinite Access Floors: May install without bundling. b. All Other Areas: Install individual wires, pairs, or triads in flex conduit under floor or grouped into bundles at least 1/2 inch in diameter. c. Maintain integrity of shielding of instrumentation cables. d. Ensure grounds do not occur because of damage to jacket over the shield. I. Extra Conductor Length: For conductors to be connected by others, install minimum 6 feet of extra conductor in freestanding panels and minimum 2 feet in other assemblies. END OF SECTION SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16120 16 JUNE 15,2005 CONDUCTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16130 RACEWAYS AND BOXES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: I. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): HB, Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, Sixteenth Edition. 2. ASTM International (ASTM): a. AI23/123M, Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dipped Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. b. A167, Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. c. A240/ A240M, Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, ,Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications. d. C857, Standard Practice for Minimum Structural Design Loading for Underground Precast Concrete Utility Structures. e. D149, Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric Strength of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at Commercial Power Frequencies. , 3. Electronic Industry Alliance (EIA) and Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA): 569, Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces. 4. National Electrical Contractor's Association, Inc. (NECA): a. 101, Standard for Installing Steel Conduit (Rigid, IMC, EMT). b. 102, Standard for Installing Aluminum Conduits. c. 105, Recommended Practice for Installing Metal Cable Trays. d. III, Standard for Installing Nonmetallic Raceway (RNC, ENT, LFNC). 5. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum). b. C80.1, Specification for Rigid Steel Conduit, Zinc Coated. c. C80.3, Specification for Electrical Metallic Tubing, Zinc Coated. d. C80.5, Specification for Rigid Aluminum Conduit. e. C80.6, Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC) - Zinc Coated. f. RN I, Polyvinyl-Chloride (PVC) Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Intermediate Metal Conduit. g. TC 2, Electrical Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Tubing and Conduit. SEN323 194. WU.FD.02 16130 I JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I h. TC 3, Polyvinyl-Chloride (PVC) Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing. 1. TC 6, PVC Plastic Utilities Duct for Underground Installation. J. TC 14, Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit (RTRC) and Fittings k. VE 1, Metallic Cable Tray Systems. 6. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). 7. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): a. 1, Standard for Flexible Metal Conduit. b. 5, Standard for Surface Metal Raceways and Fittings c. 6, Standard for Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit - Steel. d. 6A, Standard for Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit - Aluminum, Bronze, and Stainless. e. 50, Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment. f. 360, Standard for Liquid-Tight Flexible Steel Conduit. g. 514B, Standard for Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Fittings. h. 514C, Standard for Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Flush-Device Boxes, and Covers. 1. 651, Standard for Schedule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit. J. 651A, Standard for Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and HDPE Conduit. k. 797, Standard for Electrical Metallic Tubing. 1. 870, Standard for Wireways, Auxiliary Gutters, and Associated Fittings. m. 1242, Standard for Intermediate Metal Conduit. n. 1660, Standard for Liquid-Tight Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit. o. 1684, Standard for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit (RTRC) and Fittings. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's Literature: a. Rigid galvanized steel conduit. b. Rigid aluminum conduit. c. PVC Schedule 40 conduit. d. PVC-coated rigid galvanized steel conduit, submittal to include copy of manufacturer's warranty. e. Flexible metal, liquid-tight conduit. f. Flexible metal, nonliquid-tight conduit. g. Conduit fittings. h. Wireways. 1. Device boxes for use in hazardous areas. SEA/323194. WU .FD.02 16130 2 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B J. Junction and pull boxes used at or below grade. k. Large junction and pull boxes. I. Terminal Nnction boxes. 2. Precast Manholes and Handholes: a. Dimensional drawings and descriptive literature. b. Traffic loading calculations. c. Accessory information. 3. Equipment and machinery proposed for bending metal conduit. 4. Method for bending PVC conduit less than 30 degrees. B. Informational Submittals: Manufacturer's certification of training for PVC-coated rigid steel conduit installer. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): 1. Provide the Work in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). Where required by the AHJ, material and equipment shall be labeled or listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or other organization acceptable to the AHJ in order to provide a basis for approval under NEC. 2. Materials and equipment manufactured within the scope of standards published by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. shall conform to those standards and shall have an applied UL listing mark. B. PVC-Coated, Rigid Steel Conduit Installer: Certified by conduit manufacturer as having received minimum 2 hours of training on installation procedures. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CONDUIT AND TUBING A. Rigid Aluminum Conduit (ALUM): 1. Meet requirements ofNEMA C80.5 and UL 6A. 2. Material: Type 6063, copper-free aluminum alloy. B. PVC Schedule 40 Conduit (pVC 40): 1. Meet requirements ofNEMA TC 2 and UL 651. 2. UL listed for concrete encasement, underground direct burial, concealed or direct sunlight exposure, and 90 degrees C insulated conductors. 3. Furnish without factory-formed bell. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16130 3 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. PYC Schedule 80 Conduit (PYC 80): 1. Meet requirements ofNEMA TC 2 and UL 651. 2. UL listed for concrete encasement, underground direct burial, concealed or direct sunlight exposure, and 90 degrees C insulated conductors. D. PYC-Coated Rigid Galvanized Steel Conduit (PYC RGS): 1. Meet requirements ofNEMA RN 1. 2. Material: a. Meet requirements ofNEMA C80.1 and UL 6. b. Exterior Finish: PYC coating, 40 mils nominal thickness, bond to metal shall have tensile strength greater than PYC. c. Interior finish: Urethane coating, 2 mils nominal thickness. 3. Threads: Hot-dipped galvanized and factory coated with urethane. 4. Bendable without damage to either interior or exterior coating. E. Flexible Metal, Liquid-Tight Conduit: 1. UL 360 listed for 105 degrees C insulated conductors. 2. Material: Galvanized steel, with an extruded PYC jacket. F. Flexible Metal, Nonliquid- Tight Conduit: 1. Meet requirements ofUL 1. 2. Material: Galvanized steel. 2.02 FITTINGS A. Rigid Aluminum Conduit: 1. General: a. Meet requirements ofUL 514B. b. Type: Threaded, copper-free. Set screw fittings not permitted. 2. Insulated Bushing: a. Material: Cast aluminum, with integral insulated throat, rated for 150 degrees C. b. Manufacturer and Product: O-Z/Gedney; Type AB. 3. Grounding Bushing: a. Material: Cast aluminum with integral insulated throat, rated for 150 degrees, with solderless lugs. b. Manufacturer and Product: O-Z/Gedney; Type ABLG. 4. Conduit Hub: a. Material: Cast aluminum, with insulated throat. b. UL listed for use in wet locations. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16130 4 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B c. Manufacturers and Products: 1) O-Z/Gedney; Type CHA. 2) Thomas & Betts; Series 370AL. 3) Meyers; Series SA. 5. Conduit Bodies: a. Manufacturers and Products (For Normal Conditions): 1) Appleton; Form 85 threaded unilets. 2) Crouse-Hinds; Mark 9 or Form 7-SA threaded condulets. 3) Killark; Series 0 electrolets. b. Manufacturers (For Hazardous Locations): 1) Appleton. 2) Crouse-Hinds. 3) Killark. 6. Couplings: As supplied by conduit manufacturer. 7. Conduit Sealing Fitting Manufacturers and Products: a. Appleton; Type EYF-AL or EYM-AL. b. Crouse-Hinds; Type EYS-SA or EZS-SA. c. Killark; Type EY or EYS. 8. Drain Seal Manufacturers and Products: a. Appleton; Type EYDM-A. b. Crouse-Hinds; Type EYD-SA or EZD-SA. 9. DrainlBreather Fitting Manufacturers and Products: a. Appleton; Type ECDB. b. Crouse-Hinds; ECD. 10. Expansion Fitting Manufacturers and Products: a. Deflection/Expansion Movement: Steel City; Type DF-A. b. Expansion Movement Only: Steel City; Type AF-A. 11. Cable Sealing Fittings: To form watertight nonslip cord or cable connection to conduit. a. Bushing: Neoprene at connector entry. b. Manufacturer: Appleton; CG-S. B. PYC Conduit and Tubing: 1. Meet requirements ofNf:MA TC-3. 2. Type: PYC, slip-on. C. PYC-Coated Rigid Galvanized Steel Conduit: 1. Meet requirements ofUL 514B. 2. Fittings: Rigid galvanized steel type, PYC coated by conduit manufacturer. 3. Conduit Bodies: Cast metal hot-dipped galvanized or urethane finish. Cover shall be of same material as conduit body. PYC coated by conduit manufacturer. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16130 5 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. Finish: 40-mil PVC exterior, 2-mil urethane interior. 5. Overlapping pressure-sealing sleeves. 6. Conduit Hangers, Attachments, and Accessories: PVC-coated. 7. Manufacturers: a. Robroy Industries. b. Ocal. 8. Expansion Fitting Manufacturer and Product: Ocal; OCAL-BLUE XJG. D. Flexible Metal, Liquid-Tight Conduit: 1. Metal insulated throat connectors with integral nylon or plastic bushing rated for 105 degrees C. 2. Insulated throat and sealing O-rings. 3. Manufacturers and Products: a. Thomas & Betts; Series 5331. b. O-Z/Gedney; Series 4Q. E. Flexible Metal, Nonliquid- Tight Conduit: 1. Meet requirements ofUL 5I4B. 2. Body: Galvanized steel or malleable iron. 3. Throat: Nylon insulated. 4. 1-1/4-lnch Conduit and Smaller: One screw body. 5. I-I/2-lnch Conduit and Larger: Two screw body. 6. Manufacturer and Product: Appleton; Series 7400. F. Flexible Coupling, Hazardous Locations: 1. Approved for use in the atmosphere involved. 2. Rating: Watertight and UL listed for use in Class I, Division 1 and 2 areas. 3. Outer bronze braid and an insulating liner. 4. Conductivity equal to a similar length of rigid metal conduit. 5. Manufacturers and Products: a. Crouse-Hinds; Type ECGJH or ECLK. b. Appleton; EXGJH or EXLK. 2.03 OUTLET AND DEVICE BOXES A. Sheet Steel: One-piece drawn type, zinc- or cadmium-plated. B. Cast Metal: 1. Box: Malleable iron or cast ferrous metal. 2. Cover: Gasketed, weatherproof, malleable iron or cast ferrous metal to match box, with stainless steel screws. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16130 6 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3. Hubs: Threaded. 4. Lugs: Cast Mounting. 5. Manufacturers and Products, Nonhazardous Locations: a. Crouse-Hinds; Type FS or FD. b. Appleton; Type FS or FD. 6. Manufacturers and Products, Hazardous Locations: a. Crouse-Hinds; Type GUA or EAJ. b. Appleton; Type GR. C. Cast Aluminum: 1. Material: a. Box: Cast, copper-free aluminum. b. Cover: Gasketed, weatherproof, cast copper-free aluminum with stainless steel screws. 2. Hubs: Threaded. 3. Lugs: Cast mounting. 4. Manufacturers and Products, Nonhazardous Locations: a. Crouse-Hinds; Type FS-SA or FD-SA. b. Appleton; Type FS or FD. 5. Manufacturers and Products, Hazardous Locations: a. Crouse-Hinds; Type GUA-SA. b. Appleton; Type GR. D. PVC-Coated Cast Metal: 1. Type: One-piece. 2. Material: Malleable iron, cast ferrous metal, or cast aluminum. 3. Coating: a. Exterior Surfaces: 40-mil PVC. b. Interior Surfaces: 2-mil urethane. 4. Manufacturers: a. Robroy Industries. b. Ocal. E. Nonmetallic: 1. Box: PVC. 2. Cover: PVC, weatherproof, with stainless steel screws. 3. Manufacturer and Product: Carlon; Type FS or FD, with Type E98 or E96 covers. 2.04 JUNCTION AND PULL BOXES A. Outlet Box Used as Junction or Pull Box: As specified under Article Outlet and Device Boxes. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16130 7 JUNE 15, 2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Conduit Bodies Used as Junction Boxes: As specified under Article Fittings. C. Large Sheet Steel Box: 1. NEMA 250, Type 1. 2. Box: Code-gauge, galvanized steel. 3. Cover: Full access, screw type. 4. Machine Screws: Corrosion-resistant. D. Large Stainless Steel Box: 1. NEMA 250 Type 4X and 12. 2. Box: 14-gauge, ASTM A240/ A240M, Type 316 stainless steel, with white enamel painted interior mounting panel. 3. Cover: Hinged with clamps. 4. Hardware and Machine Screws: ASTM A167, Type 316 stainless steel. 5. Manufacturers: a. Hoffinan Engineering Co. b. Robroy Industries. c. Wiegman. E. Large Steel Box: 1. NEMA 250 Type 1. 2. Box: 14-gauge steel, with white enamel painted interior and gray primed exterior, over phosphated surfaces. Provide gray finish as approved by Engineer. 3. Cover: Nonhinged with screws. 4. Hardware and Machine Screws: ASTM A167, Type 316 stainless steel. 5. Manufacturers:- a. Hoffinan Engineering Co. b. Robroy Industries. c. Wiegman. F. Large Nonmetallic Box: 1. NEMA 250 Type 4X. 2. Box: High-impact, fiberglass-reinforced polyester or engineered thermoplastic, with stability to high heat. 3. Cover: Hinged with clamps. 4. Hardware and Machine Screws: ASTM,AI67, Type 316 stainless steel. 5. Conduit hubs and mounting lugs. 6. Manufacturers and Products: a. Crouse-Hinds; Type NJB. b. Carlon; Series N, C, or H. c. Robroy Industries. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16130 8 JUNE 15, 2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B G. Concrete Box, Traffic Areas: 1. Box: Reinforced, cast concrete with extension and bottom slab. 2. Cover: Steel checked plate; H/20 loading with screw down. 3. Cover Marking: ELECTRICAL, TELEPHONE, or as shown. 4. Manufacturers and Products: a. Christy, Concrete Products, Inc.; BlOI7BOX. b. Utility Vault Co.; 3030 SB. 2.05 TERMINAL JUNCTION BOX A. Cover: Hinged, unless otherwise shown. B. Interior Finish: Paint with white enamel or lacquer. C. Terminal Blocks: 1. Separate connection point for each conductor entering or leaving box. 2. Spare Terminal Points: 25 percent, minimum. 2.06 METAL WIREWAYS A. Meet requirements ofUL 870. B. Type: Steel-enclosed, lay-in type. C. Cover: Removable, screw type. D. Rating: To suit environment. E. Finish: Rust inhibiting phosphatizing primer and gray baked enamel. F. Hardware: Plated to prevent corrosion; screws installed toward the inside protected by spring nuts or otherwise guarded to prevent wire insulation damage. G. Knockouts: Without knockouts, unless otherwise indicated. H. Manufacturers: 1. Circle A W. 2. Hoffman. 3. Square D. 2.07 PRECAST HANDHOLES A. Concrete Strength: Minimum 3,000 psi compressive, in 28 days. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16130 9 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Loading: AASHTO, H-20 in accordance with ASTM C857. C. Drainage: Slope floors toward drain points, leaving no pockets or other nondraining areas. D. Raceway Entrances: 1. Provide on all four sides. 2. For raceways to be installed under this Contract, provide knockout panels or precast individual raceway openings. 3. At entrances where raceways are to be installed by others, provide minimum 12-inch high by 24-inch wide knockout panels for future raceway installation. E. Handhole Frames and Covers: 1. Material: Steel, hot-dipped galvanized. 2. Cover Type: Solid, bolt-on, hinged, torsion spring, of nonskid design. 3. Cover Loading: AASHTO H-20. 4. Cover Designation: Bum by welder, on upper side in integral letters, minimum 2 inches in height, appropriate titles: a. 600 Volts and Below: ELECTRIC LV. b. TELEPHONE. F. Hardware: Steel, hot-dip galvanized. G. Furnish knockout for ground rod in each handhole and manhole. H. Manufacturers: 1. Utility Vault Co. 2. Penn-Cast Products, Inc. 3. Concrete Conduit Co. 4. Associated Concrete Products, Inc. 5. Pipe, Inc. 2.08 ACCESSORIES A. Duct Bank Spacers: 1. Type: Nonmetallic, interlocking, for multiple conduit sizes. 2. Suitable for all types of conduit. 3. Manufacturers: a. Underground Device, Inc. b. Carlon. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16130 10 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Identification Devices: 1. Raceway Tags: a. Material: Permanent, nylon or polyethylene. b. Shape: Round. c. Raceway Designation: Pressure stamped, embossed, or engraved. d. Tags relying on adhesives or taped-on markers not permitted. 2. Warning Tape: a. Material: Polyethylene, 4-mil gauge with detectable strip. b. Color: Red. c. Width: Minimum 3 inches. d. Designation: Warning on tape that electric circuit is located below tape. e. Identifying Letters: Minimum I-inch high permanent black lettering imprinted continuously over entire length. f Manufacturers and Products: 1) Panduit; Type HTDU. 2) Reef Industries; Terra Tape. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Conduit and Tubing sizes shown are b_ased on the use of copper conductors. Reference Section 16120, Conductors, concerning conduit sizing for aluminum conductors. B. All installed Work shall comply with NECA Installation Standards. C. Crushed or deformed raceways not permitted. D. Maintain raceway entirely free of obstructions and moisture. E. Immediately after installation, plug or cap raceway ends with watertight and dust-tight seals until time for pulling in conductors. F. Aluminum Conduit: Do not install in direct contact with concrete. Install in PVC sleeve or cored hole through concrete walls and slabs. G. Sealing Fittings: Provide drain seal in vertical raceways where condensate may collect above sealing fitting. H. A void moisture traps where possible. When unavoidable in exposed conduit runs, provide junction box and drain fitting at conduit low point. I. Group raceways installed in same area. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16130 11 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J. Proximity to Heated Piping: Install raceways minimum 12 inches from parallel runs. K. Follow structural surface contours when installing exposed raceways. Avoid obstruction of passageways. L. Run exposed raceways parallel or perpendicular to walls, structural members, or intersections of vertical planes. M. Block Walls: Do not install raceways in same horizontal course or vertical cell with reinforcing steel. N. Install watertight fittings in outdoor, underground, or wet locations. O. Paint threads and cut ends, before assembly of fittings, galvanized conduit, PVC-coated galvanized conduit, or IMC installed in exposed or 4amp locations with zinc-rich paint or liquid galvanizing compound. P. Metal conduit shall be reamed, burrs removed, and cleaned before installation of conductors, wires, or cables. Q. Do not install raceways in concrete equipment pads, foundations, or beams. R. Horizontal raceways installed under floor slabs shall lie completely under slab, with no part embedded within slab. S. Install concealed, embedded, and buried raceways so that they emerge at right angles to surface and have no curved portion exposed. T. Install conduits for fiber optic cables, telephone cables, and Category 5 data cables in strict conformance with the requirements of EWTIA 596-A. 3.02 INST ALLA nON IN CAST -IN-PLACE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE A. Minimum Cover: 2 inches, including all fittings. B. Conduit placement shall not require changes in reinforcing steel location or configuration. C. Provide nonmetallic support during placement of concrete to ensure raceways remain in position. D. Conduit larger than 1 inch shall not be embedded~in concrete slabs, walls, foundations, columns, or beams unless approved by Engineer. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16130 12 ,JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B E. Slabs and Walls: 1. Trade size of conduit not to exceed one-fourth of the slab or wall thickness. 2. Install within middle two-fourths of slab or wall. 3. Separate conduit less than 2-inch trade size by a minimum ten times conduit trade size, center-to-center, unless otherwise shown. 4. Separate conduit 2-inch and greater trade size by a minimum eight times conduit trade size, center-to-center, unless otherwise shown. 5. Cross conduit at an angle greater than 45 degrees, with minimum separation of 1 inch. 6. Separate conduit by a minimum six times the outside dimension of expansion/deflection fittings at expansion joints. 7. Conduit shall not be installed below the maximum water surface elevation in walls of water holding structures. F. Columns and Beams: 1. Trade size of conduit not to exceed one-fourth of beam thickness. 2. Conduit cross-sectional area not to exceed 4 percent of beam or column cross section. 3.03 CONDUIT APPLICATION A. See Supplement Environmental Conditions and Materials Application to Section 16010, Basic Electrical Requirements. B. Diameter (Minimums): 1. Connection to Device with II2-inch Threads: II2-inch to first junction box or conduit body. 2. Buried: I inch. 3. Otherwise: 3/4 inch. 3.04 CONNECTIONS A. For motors, wall or ceiling mounted fans and unit heaters, dry type transformers, electrically operated valves, instrumentation, and other equipment where flexible connection is required to minimize vibration: 1. Conduit Size 4 Inches or Less: Flexible, liquid-tight conduit. 2. Wet or Corrosive Areas: Flexible metal, liquid-tight. 3. Dry Areas: Flexible metal, liquid-tight. 4. Hazardous Areas: Flexible coupling suitable for Class I, Division 1 and 2 areas. SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 16130 13 JUNE 15, 2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323I94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. Length: I8-inch minimum, 60-inch maximum, sufficient to allow movement or adjustment of equipment. B. Lighting Fixtures in Dry Areas: Flexible steel, nonliquid-tight conduit. C. Outdoor Areas, Process Areas Exposed to Moisture, and Areas Required to be Oiltight and Dust-Tight: Flexible metal, liquid-tight conduit. 3.05 PENETRATIONS A. Make at right angles, unless otherwise shown. B. Notching or penetration of structural members, including footings and beams, not permitted. C. Concrete Walls, Floors, or Ceilings (Aboveground): Provide nonshrink grout dry-pack, or use watertight seal device. D. Entering Structures: Seal raceway at the first box or outlet with oakum or expandable plastic compound to prevent the entrance of gases or liquids from one area to another. 3.06 SUPPORT A. Support from structural members only, at intervals not exceeding NFP A 70 requirements, and in any case not exceeding 10 feet. Do not support from piping, pipe supports, or other raceways. B. Multiple Adjacent Raceways: Provide ceiling trapeze. C. Application/Type of Conduit Strap: 1. Provide clamp-backs for all surface mounted conduits. 2. Aluminum Conduit: Aluminum or stainless steel. 3. PYC-Coated Rigid Steel Conduit: PYC-coated metal. 4. Nonmetallic Conduit: Nonmetallic or PYC-coated metal. D. Provide and attach wall brackets, strap hangers, or ceiling trapeze as follows: 1. Wood: Wood screws. 2. Hollow Masonry Units: Toggle bolts. 3. Concrete or Brick: Expansion shields, or threaded studs driven in by powder charge, with lock washers and nuts. 4. Steelwork: Machine screws. 5. Location/Type of Hardware: a. Dry, Noncorrosive Areas: Galvanized. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16130 14 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B b. Wet, Noncorrosive Areas: Stainless steel. c. Corrosive Areas: Stainless steel. E. Nails or wooden plugs inserted in concrete or masonry for attaching raceway not permitted. Do not weld raceways or pipe straps to steel structures. Do not use wire in lieu of straps or hangers. F. Support aluminum conduit on concrete surfaces with stainless steel or nonmetallic spacers, or aluminum or nonmetallic framing channel. 3.07 BENDS A. Install concealed raceways with a minimum of bends in the shortest practical distance. B. Make bends and offsets of longest practical radius. Bends in conduits and ducts being installed for fiber optic cables shall be not less than 20 times cable diameter, 15 inches, minimum. C. Install with symmetrical bends or cast metal fittings. D. Avoid field-made bends and offsets, but where necessary, make with acceptable hickey or bending machine. Do not heat metal raceways to facilitate bending. E. Make bends in parallel or banked runs from same center or centerline with same radius so that bends are parallel. F. Factory elbows may be installed in parallel or banked raceways ifthere is change in plane of run, and raceways are same size. G. PVC Conduit: 1. Bends 30 Degrees and Larger: Provide factory-made elbows. 2. For 2-112-inch or Larger Conduits: a. 90-Degree Bends: Provide rigid steel elbows, PVC-coated where direct buried. 3. Use manufacturer's recommended method for forming smaller bends. H. Flexible Conduit: Do not make bends that exceed allowable conductor bending radius of cable to be installed or that significantly restricts conduit flexibility. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16130 15 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.08 PVC CONDUIT A. Solvent Welding: 1. Provide manufacturer recommended solvent; apply to all joints. 2. Install such that joint is watertight. B. Adapters: 1. PVC to Metallic Fittings: PVC terminal type. 2. PVC to Rigid Metal Conduit or IMC: PVC female adapter. C. Belled- End Conduit: Bevel the unbelled end of the joint prior to joining. 3.09 PVC-COA TED RIGID STEEL CONDUIT A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Tools and equipment used in the cutting, bending, threading and installation ofPVC-coated rigid steel conduit shall be designed to limit damage to the PVC coating. C. Provide PVC boot to cover all exposed threading. 3.10 WIREWAYS A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Locate with cover on accessible vertical face of wire way, unless otherwise shown. C. Applications: 1. Metal wireway in indoor dry locations. 2. Nonmetallic wireway in indoor wet, outdoor, and corrosive locations. 3.11 TERMINATION AT ENCLOSURES A. Cast Metal Enclosure: Provide manufacturer's premolded insulating sleeve inside metallic conduit terminating in threaded hubs. B. Nonmetallic, Cabinets, and Enclosures: 1. Terminate conduit in threaded conduit hubs, maintaining enclosure integrity. 2. Metallic Conduit: Provide ground terminal for connection to maintain continuity of ground system. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16130 16 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B C. Sheet Metal Boxes, Cabinets, and Enclosures: 1. General: a. Install insulated bushing on ends of conduit where grounding is not required. b. Provide insulated throat when conduit terminates in sheet metal boxes having threaded hubs. c. Terminate conduits at threaded hubs for NEMA 3R and NEMA 12 boxes and enclosures. d. Terminate conduits at threaded conduit hubs at NEMA 4 and NEMA 4X boxes and enclosures. 2. Aluminum Conduit: a. Provide one lock nut each on inside and outside of enclosure. b. Install grounding bushing. c. Provide bonding jumper from grounding bushing to equipment ground bus or ground pad. 3. Flexible Metal Conduit: Provide two screw type, insulated, malleable iron connectors. 4. PYC-Coated Rigid Galvanized Steel Conduit: Provide PYC-coated, liquid-tight, metallic connector. 5. PYC Schedule 40 or 80 Conduit: Provide PYC terminal adapter with lock nut, except where threaded hubs required above. D. Motor Control Center and Free-Standing Enclosures: 1. Terminate metal conduit entering bottom with grounding bushing; provide a grounding jumper extending to equipment ground bus or grounding pad. 2. Terminate PYC conduit entering bottom with bell end fittings. - 3.12 UNDERGROUND RACEWAYS A. Grade: Maintain minimum grade of 4 inches in 100 feet, either from one manhole, handhole, or pull box to the next, or from a high point between them, depending on surface contour. B. Cover: Maintain minimum 2-foot cover above conduit unless otherwise shown. C. Make routing changes as necessary to avoid obstructions or conflicts. D. Couplings: In multiple conduit runs, stagger so couplings in adjacent runs are not in same transverse line. E. Union type fittings not permitted. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16130 17 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Spacers: 1. Provide preformed, nonmetallic spacers, designed for such purpose, to secure and separate parallel conduit runs in a trench or concrete encasement. 2. Install at intervals not greater than that specified in NFP A 70 for support of the type conduit used, but in no case greater than 10 feet. G. Support conduit so as to prevent bending or displacement during backfilling or concrete placement. H. Installation with Other Piping Systems: 1. Crossings: Maintain minimum 12-inch vertical separation. 2. Parallel Runs: Maintain minimum 12-inch separation. 3. Installation over valves or couplings not permitted. 3.13 OUTLET AND DEVICE BOXES A. Install suitable for conditions encountered at each outlet or device in wiring or raceway system, sized to meet NFP A 70 requirements. See Supplement Environmental Conditions and Materials Application to Section 16010, Basic Electrical Requirements. B. Size: 1. Depth: Minimum 2 inches, unless otherwise required by structural conditions. Box extensions not permitted. a. Hollow Masonry Construction: Install with sufficient depth such that conduit knockouts or hubs are in masonry void space. 2. Ceiling Outlet: Minimum 4-inch octagonal sheet steel device box, unless otherwise required for installed fixture. 3. Switch and Receptacle: Minimum 2-inch by 4-inch sheet steel device box. C. Locations: 1. Drawing locations are approximate. 2. To avoid interference with mechanical equipment or structural features, relocate outlets as directed by Engineer. 3. Light Switch: Install on lock side of doors. 4. Light Fixture: Install in symmetrical pattern according to room layout, unless otherwise shown. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16130 18 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Mounting Height: 1. General: a. Dimensions given to centerline of box. b. Where specified heights do not suit building construction or finish, adjust up or down to avoid interference. Do not straddle CMU block or other construction joints. 2. Light Switch: 48 inches above floor. 3. Thermostat: 54 inches above floor. 4. Telephone Outlet: 6 inches above counter tops or 15 inches above floor. 5. Wall Mounted Telephone Outlet: 52 inches above floor. 6. Convenience Receptacle: a. General Interior Areas: 15 inches above floor. b. General Interior Areas (Counter Tops): Install device plate bottom or side flush with top of splashback, or 6 inches above counter tops without splashback. c. Industrial Areas, Workshops: 48 inches above floor. d. Outdoor, All Areas: 24 inches above finished grade. 7. Special-Purpose Receptacle: 48 inches above floor or as shown. 8. Switch, Motor Starting: 48 inches above floor, unless otherwise indicated on Drawings. E. Install plumb and level. F.' Flush Mounted: 1. Install with concealed conduit. 2. Install proper type extension rings or plaster covers to make edges of boxes flush with finished surface. 3. Holes in surrounding surface shall be no larger than required to receive box. G. Support boxes independently of conduit by attachment to building structure or structural member. H. Install bar hangers in frame construction or fasten boxes directly as follows: I. Wood: Wood screws. 2. Concrete or Brick: Bolts and expansion shields. 3. Hollow Masonry Units: Toggle bolts. 4. Steelwork: Machine screws. I. Threaded studs driven in by powder charge and provided with lock washers and nuts are acceptable in lieu of expansion shields. J. Provide plaster rings where necessary. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16130 19 JUNE 15, 2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I K. Boxes embedded in concrete or masonry need not be additionally supported. L. Install galvanized mounting hardware in industrial areas. M. Install separate junction boxes for flush or recessed lighting fixtures where required by fixture terminal temperature. N. Boxes Supporting Fixtures: Provide means of attachment with adequate strength to support fixture. O. Open no more knockouts in sheet steel device boxes than are required; seal unused openings. 3.14 JUNCTION AND PULL BOXES A. Install where shown and where necessary to terminate, tap-off, or redirect multiple conduit runs. B. Install pull boxes where necessary in raceway system to facilitate conductor installation. C. Install in conduit runs at least every 150 feet or after the equivalent of three right-angle bends. D. Use outlet boxes as junction and pull boxes wherever possible and allowed by applicable codes. E. Use conduit bodies as junction and pull boxes where no splices are required and their use is allowed by applicable codes. F. Installed boxes shall be accessible. G. Do not install on finished surfaces. H. Install plumb and level. 1. Support boxes independently of conduit by attachment to building structure or structural member. J. Install bar hangers in frame construction or fasten boxes directly as follows: 1. Wood: Wood screws. 2. Concrete or Brick: Bolts and expansion shields. 3. Hollow Masonry Units: Toggle bolts. 4. Steelwork: Machine screws. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16130 20 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B K. Threaded studs driven in by powder charge and provided with lock washers and nuts are acceptable in lieu of expansion shields. L. Boxes embedded in concrete or masonry need not be additionally supported. M. At or Below grade: 1. Install boxes for below grade conduit flush with finished grade in locations outside of paved areas, roadways, or walkways. 2. If adjacent structure is available, box may be mounted on structure surface just above finished grade in accessible but unobtrusive location. 3. Obtain Engineer's written acceptance prior to installation in paved areas, roadways, or walkways. 4. Use boxes and covers suitable to support anticipated weights. N. Flush Mounted: 1. Install with concealed conduit. 2. Holes in surrounding surface shall be no larger than required to receive box. 3. Make edges of boxes flush with final surface. O. Mounting Hardware: 1. Noncorrosive Dry Areas: Galvanized. 2. Noncorrosive Wet Areas: Stainless steel. 3. Corrosive Areas: Stainless steel. P. Install Drainlbreather fittings in NEMA 250 Type 4 and Type 4X enclosures. 3.15 MANHOLES AND HANDHOLES A. Excavate, shore, brace, backfill, and final grade in accordance with Part III of the Special Provisions of these Specifications. B. Do not install until final raceway grading has been determined. C. Install such that raceways enter at nearly right angles and as near as possible to one end of wall, unless otherwise shown. D. Penetrations: 1. Metallic Raceways: Provide insulated grounding bushings. 2. Nonmetallic Raceways: Provide bell ends flush with wall. E. Grounding: As specified in Section 16060, Grounding. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16130 21 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Identification: Field stamp covers with manhole or handhole number as shown. Stamped numbers to be I-inch minimum height. 3.16 EMPTY RACEWAYS A. Provide permanent, removable cap over each end. B. Provide PVC plug with pull tab for underground raceways with end bells. C. Provide nylon pull cord. D. Identify, as specified in Article Identification Devices, with waterproof tags attached to pull cord at each end, and at intermediate pull point. 3.17 IDENTIFICATION DEVICES A. Raceway Tags: 1. Identify Raceway Schedule designation. 2. Install at each terminus, near midpoint, and at minimum intervals of every 50 feet of exposed Raceway, whether in ceiling space or surface mounted. 3. Provide nylon strap for attachment. B. Warning Tape: Install approximately 12 inches above underground or concrete-encased raceways. Align parallel to, and within 12 inches of, centerline of runs. 3.18 PROTECTION OF INSTALLED WORK A. Protect products from effects of moisture, corrosion, and physical damage during construction. B. Provide and maintain manufactured watertight and dust-tight seals over all conduit openings during construction. C. Touch up painted conduit threads after assembly to cover nicks or scars. D. Touch up coating damage to PVC-coated conduit with patching compound approved by manufacturer. Compound shall be kept refrigerated according to manufacturers' instructions until time of use. END OF SECTION SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16130 22 JUNE 15,2005 RACEWAYS AND BOXES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16140 WIRING DEVICES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. ASTM International (ASTM): A167, Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. 2. Federal Specifications (FS): a. W-C-596, General Specification for Connector, Electrical, Power. b. W-S-896F/GEN, Switches, Toggle (Toggle and Lock), Flush Mounted (General Specification). 3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum). b. WD 1, General Requirements for Wiring Devices. 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). 5. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): a. 498, Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles. b. 508, Standard for Safety for Industrial Control Equipment. c. 943, Standard for Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters. d. 1449, Standard for Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: Manufacturer's product data for wiring devices. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SWITCHES A. Switch, General Purpose: 1. NEMA WD 1 and FS W-S-896F/GEN. 2. Totally enclosed, ac type, with quiet tumbler switches and screw terminals. 3. Rivetless one-piece brass or copper alloy contact arm with silver alloy contacts. 4. Capable of controlling 100 percent tungsten filament and fluorescent lamp loads. 5. Rating: 20 amps, 120/277 volts. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16140 1 JUNE 15, 2005 WIRING DEVICES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 6. Color: Ivory. 7. Automatic grounding clip and integral grounding terminal on mounting strap. 8. Manufacturers and Products, Industrial Grade: a. Arrow Hart; 1201/2221 Series. b. Bryant; 4801/4901 Series. c. Hubbell; 1202/1222 Series. d. Leviton; 1201/1221 Series. B. Switch, Motor Rated: 1. Type: Two-pole or three-pole, manual motor starting/disconnect switch without overload protection. 2. Enclosure/Mounting and Rating: a. General Purpose: 1) Totally enclosed snap-action switch. Quick-make, slow- break design with silver alloy contacts. UL 508 listed. 2) General Purpose Rating: 30 amperes, 600V ac. 3) Minimum Motor Ratings: a) 2 hp for 120V ac, single-phase, two-pole. b) 3 hp for 240V ac, single-phase, two-pole. c) 15 hp for 480V ac, three-phase, three-pole. 4) Screw-type terminals. b. Explosion-Proof: 1) Provide enclosed manual motor starter-type. Three-pole nonreversing contactor. 2) Minimum Motor Rating: 10 hp, 480V ac, three-phase, three- pole. 3) Enclosure: NEMA 250, Type 7. 4) Provide lockable external handle operator. 3. Manufacturers: a. General Purpose: 1) Bryant. 2) Hubbell. b. Explosion-Proof: Eaton, Type BIOI. 2.02 RECEPTACLES A. Receptacle, General Purpose: 1. NEMA WD 1 and FS W-C-596. 2. Duplex, two-pole, three-wire grounding type with screw type wire terminals. 3. Impact resistant nylon cover and body. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16140 2 JUNE 15,2005 WIRING DEVICES I II I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 4. One-piece mounting strap with integral ground contact (rivetless construction). 5. Contact Arrangement: Contact to be made on two sides of each inserted blade without detent. 6. Rating: 125 volts, NEMA WD 1, Configuration 5-20R, 20 amps. 7. Size: For 2-inch by 4-inch outlet boxes. 8. Industrial Grade: a. Color: Ivory. b. Manufacturers and Products: 1) Arrow Hart; 5262/5362 Series. 2) Bryant; 5262/5362 Series. 3) Hubbell; 5262/5362 Series. 4) Leviton; 5262/5362 Series. B. Receptacle, Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter: 1. Meet requirements of general-purpose receptacles. 2. Listed Class A to UL 943, tripping at 5 mA. 3. Color: Ivory. 4. Standard Model: NEMA WD 1, with No. 12 A WG copper USE/RHH/RHW-XLPE insulated pigtails or screw terminals and provisions for testing. 5. Feed-Through Model: NEMA WD 1, with No. 12 AWG copper USE/RHH/RHW-XLPE insulated pigtails or feed-through screw terminals and provisions for testing. 6. Manufacturers: a. Bryant. b. Hubbell. c. Arrow Hart. d. Leviton. C. Receptacle, Corrosion-Resistant. 1. Meet requirements of general-purpose receptacles. 2. Nickel coated metal parts. 3. Color: Yellow. 4. Manufacturer and Product: a. Hubbell; 52CM62/53CM62 b. Leviton; 52CM-62/53CM-62. D. Receptacle, Special-Purpose: 1. Rating and number of poles as indicated or required for anticipated purpose. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16140 3 JUNE 15,2005 WIRING DEVICES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. One matching plug with cord-grip features for each special-purpose receptacle. E. Receptacle, Explosion Proof. 1. UL listed. 2. Dead front, interlocked, circuit breaking. 3. Electrical Ratings: 20 amps, 125 volts. 4. Hazardous Area Ratings: NEMA 7BCD, 9FG. 5. Provide matching plug with each receptacle. 6. Manufacturers and Products: a. Crouse-Hinds; Ark Guard 2, Series ENR. b. Appleton; U-Line. c. Killark; Series UGRlUGP. 2.03 DEVICE PLATES A. General: Sectional type plates not permitted. B. Metal: 1. Material: Specification grade, one-piece, 0.040-inch nominal thickness stainless steel. 2. Finish: ASTM A167, Type 302/304, satin. 3. Mounting Screw: Oval-head, finish matched to plate. C. Cast Metal: 1. Material: Malleable ferrous metal, with gaskets. 2. Screw: Oval-head stainless steel. D. Sheet Steel: 1. Finish: Zinc electroplate. 2. Screws: Oval-head stainless steel. 3. Manufacturers: a. Appleton. b. Crouse-Hinds. E. Weatherproof: 1. Receptacles, Weatherproof Type 2: a. UL listed for WET location while in use. b. Polycarbonate cover. c. Locking type. d. Manufacturers and Products: TayMac; Type Multi-Mac. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16140 4 JUNE 15, 2005 WIRING DEVICES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2. Switches: a. Gasketed, cast-metal or cast-aluminum, incorporating external operator for internal switch. b. Mounting Screw: Stainless steel. c. Manufacturers and Products: I) Crouse-Hinds; DS-181 or DS-185. 2) Appleton; FSK-IVTS or FSK-IVS. F. Raised Sheet Metal: 1/2-inch high zinc- or cadmium-plated steel designed for one-piece drawn type sheet steel boxes. G. Sheet Steel: Formed sheet steel or Feraloy designed for installation on cast metal boxes. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SWITCHES A. Switch, General Purpose: I. Mounting Height: See Section 16130, Raceways and Boxes. 2. Install with switch operation in vertical position. 3. Install single-pole, two-way switches so toggle is in up position when switch is on. B. Switch, Motor Rated: I. Mounting Height: See Section 16130, Raceways and Boxes 2. Install with switch operation in vertical position so toggle is in up position when ON. 3. Install within sight of motor when used as a disconnect switch. 3.02 RECEPTACLES A. Duplex Receptacles: I. Install with grounding slot down, except where horizontal mounting is shown, in which case install with neutral slot up. 2. Ground receptacles to boxes with grounding wire only. 3. Weatherproof Receptacles: a. Install in cast metal box. b. Install such that hinge for protective cover is above receptacle openmg. 4. Ground Fault Interrupter: Install feed-through model at locations where ground fault protection is specified for "downstream" conventional receptacles. SEN323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16140 5 JUNE IS, 2005 WIRING DEVICES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. Special-Purpose Receptacles: Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.03 DEVICE PLATES A. Securely fasten to wiring device; ensure a tight fit to box. B. Flush Mounted: Install with all four edges in continuous contact with finished wall surfaces without use'ofmats or similar materials. Plaster fillings will not be acceptable. C. Surface Mounted: Plate shall not extend beyond sides of box, unless plates have no sharp comers or edges. D. Install with alignment tolerance to box of 1/16 inch. E. Types (Unless Otherwise Shown): 1. Office: Metal. 2. Exterior: a. Switch: Weatherproof. b. Receptacle in DAMP location: Weatherproof Type 1. c. Receptacle in WET location: Weatherproof Type 2. F. Interior: 1. Flush Mounted Boxes: Metal. 2. Surface Mounted, Metal Boxes: a. General Purpose Areas: Sheet Steel. q. Other Areas: Cast. 3. Surface Mounted, Aluminum Boxes: a. General Purpose Areas: Stamped. b. Other Areas: Cast. 4. Surface Mounted, Sheet Steel Boxes: Raised sheet steel. 5. Surface Mounted, Nonmetallic Boxes: Manufacturer's standard. 6. Receptacle shown as Weatherproof on Drawings: Weatherproof Type 1. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16140 6 JUNE 15,2005 WIRING DEVICES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16220 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS PART 1 GENERAL 1.0 1 RELATED SECTIONS A. This section applies only when referenced by a motor-driven equipment specification. Application, horsepower, enclosure type, mounting, shaft type, synchronous speed, and any deviations from this section will be listed in the equipment specification. Where such deviations occur, they shall take precedence over this section. 1.02 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA): a. 9, Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings. b. 11, Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings. 2. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE): a. 85, Test Procedure for Airborne Sound Measurements on Rotating Electric Machinery. b. 112, Standard Test Procedures for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators. c. 114, Standard Test Procedures for Single-Phase Induction Motors. d. 620, Guide for the Presentation of Thermal Limit Curves for Squirrel Cage Induction Motors. e. 841, Standard for Petroleum and Chemical Industry - Severe Duty Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled (TEFC) Squirrel Cage Induction Motors - up to and Including 500 hp. 3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1,000 Volts Maximum). b. C50.41, Polyphase Induction Motors for Power Generating Stations. c. MG 1, Motors and Generators. d. MG 13, Frame Assignments for Alternating Current Integral Horsepower Induction Motors. 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 70, National Electrical Code. (NEC) SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 1 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. Underwriters Laboratories (UL): a. 1, Flexible Metal Conduit. b. 674, Standard for Safety Electric Motors and Generators for use in Division 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations. c. 2111, Overheating Protection for Motors. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. CISD- TEFC: Chemical industry, severe-duty enclosure. B. DIP: Dust-ignition-proof enclosure. C. EXP: Explosion-proof enclosure. D. ODP: Open drip-proof enclosure. E. TEFC: Totally enclosed, fan cooled enclosure. F. TENV: Totally enclosed, nonventilated enclosure. G. WPI: Open weather protected enclosure, Type I. H. WPII: Open weather protected enclosure, Type II. I. Motor Nameplate Horsepower: That rating after any derating required to allow for extra heating caused by the harmonic content in the voltage applied to the motor by its controller. J. Inverter Duty Motor: Motor meeting all applicable requirements of NEMA MG 1, Section IV, Parts 30 and 31. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. No submittals required from Contractor on City-furnished products. B. Action Submittals: 1. Descriptive information. 2. Nameplate data in accordance with NEMA MG 1. 3. Additional Rating Information: a. Service factor. b. Locked rotor current. c. No load current. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16220 2 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B d. Safe stall time for motors 100 horsepower and larger. e. Guaranteed minimum full load efficiency and power factor. 4. Enclosure type and mounting (e.g. horizontal, vertical). 5. Dimensions and total weight. 6. Conduit box dimensions and usable volume as defined in NEMA MG 1 and NFP A 70. 7. Bearing type. 8. Bearing lubrication. 9. Bearing life. 10. Space heater voltage and watts. 11. Description, ratings, and wiring diagram of motor thermal protection. 12. Motor sound power level in accordance with NEMA MG 1. 13. Maximum brake horsepower required by the equipment driven by the motor. C. Informational Submittals: 1. Factory test reports. 2. Operation and Maintenance Data: As specified in Part III, Section 1-04.12, Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 1.05 OWNER FURNISHED PRODUCTS A. The following products listed in Part 2 of this section will be furnished by the City. See Part III, Section 1-06.7 ofthis Project Manual for details. 1. Low Voltage Motors. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. General Electric. B. Reliance Electric. C. MagneTek. D. Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc., Motors and Drives Division. E. Baldor. F. U.S. Electrical Motors. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 3 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G. TECO-Westinghouse Motor Co. H. Toshiba International Corp., Industrial Division. I. WEG Electric Motors Corp. 2.02 GENERAL A. For multiple units of the same type of equipment, furnish identical motors and accessories of a single manufacturer. B. In order to obtain single source responsibility, utilize a single supplier to provide a drive motor, its driven equipment, and specified motor accessories. C. Meet requirements ofNEMA MG 1. D. Frame assignments in accordance with NEMA MG 13. E. Provide motors for hazardous (classified) locations that conform to UL 674 and have an applied UL listing mark. F. Motors shall be specifically designed for the use and conditions intended, with a NEMA design letter classification to fit the application. G. Lifting lugs on all motors weighing 100 pounds or more. H. Operating Conditions: 1. Maximum ambient temperature not greater than 40 degrees C. 2. Motors shall be suitable for operating conditions without any reduction being required in the nameplate rated horsepower or exceeding the rated temperature rise. 3. Overspeed in either direction in accordance with NEMA MG 1. 2.03 HORSEPOWER RATING A. As designated in motor-driven equipment specifications. 2.04 SERVICE FACTOR A. 1.15 minimum at rated ambient temperature, unless otherwise indicated. 2.05 VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY RATING A. System Frequency: 60 Hz. r-- SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 4 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Voltage Rating: Unless otherwise indicated in motor-driven equipment specifications: Size V olta2e Phases 1/2 hp and smaller 115 1 3/4 hp through 400 hp 460 3 450 hp and larger 4,000 3 C. Suitable for full voltage starting. D. Suitable for accelerating the connected load with supply voltage at motor starter supply terminals dipping to 90 percent of motor rated voltage. 2.06 EFFICIENCY AND POWER FACTOR A. For all motors except single-phase, under 1 horsepower, multispeed, short- time rated and submersible motors, or motors driving gates, valves, elevators, cranes, trolleys, and hoists: 1. Efficiency: a. Tested in accordance with NEMA MG 1, Paragraph 12.59. b. Guaranteed minimum at full load in accordance with NEMA MG 1 Table 1, Supplement, or as indicated in motor- driven equipment specifications. 2. Power Factor: Guaranteed minimum at full load in accordance with Table 1 or as indicated in motor-driven equipment specifications. 2.07 LOCKED ROTOR RATINGS A. Locked rotor kV A Code G or lower, ifmotor horsepower not covered by NEMA MG 1 tables. B. Safe stall time 12 seconds or greater. 2.08 INSULATION SYSTEMS A. Single-Phase, Fractional Horsepower Motors: Manufacturer's standard winding insulation system. B. Motors Rated Over 600 Volts: Sealed windings in accordance with NEMAMG 1. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 5 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Three-Phase and Integral Horsepower Motors: Unless otherwise indicated in motor-driven equipment specifications, Class F with Class B rise at nameplate horsepower and designated operating conditions, except EXP and DIP motors- which must be Class B with Class B rise. 2.09 ENCLOSURES A. Enclosures to conform to NEMA MG 1. B. TEFC and TENV: Furnish with a drain hole with porous drain/weather plug. C. Explosion-Proof (EXP): 1. TEFC listed to meet UL 674 and NFP A 70 requirements for Class I, Division 1, Group D hazardous locations. 2. Drain holes with drain and breather fittings. 3. Integral thermostat opening on excessive motor temperature in accordance with UL 2111 and NFP A 70. 4. Terminate thermostat leads in terminal box separate from main terminal box. D. Submersible: In accordance with Article Special Motors. E. Chemical Industry, Severe-Duty (CISD- TEFC): In accordance with Article Special Motors. 2.10 TERMINAL (CONDUIT) BOXES A. Oversize main terminal boxes for all motors. B. Diagonally split, rotatable to each of four 90-degree positions. Threaded hubs for conduit attachment. C. Except ODP, furnish gaskets between box halves and between box and motor frame. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 6 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES ' WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Minimum usable volume in percentage of that specified in NEMA MG 1, Section 1, Paragraph 4.19 and NFP A 70, Article 430: Terminal Box Usable Values V olta2e Horsepower Percenta2e Below 600 15 through 125 500 Below 600 150 through 300 275 Below 600 350 through 600 225 Above 600 All sizes 200 E. Terminal for connection of equipment grounding wire in each terminal box. 2.11 BEARINGS AND LUBRICATION A. Horizontal Motors: 1. 3/4 Horsepower and Smaller: Permanently lubricated and sealed ball bearings, or regreasable ball bearings in labyrinth sealed end bells with removable grease relief plugs. 2. 1 Through 400 Horsepower: Regreasable ball bearings in labyrinth sealed end bells with removable grease relief plugs. 3. Minimum 100,000 hours L-IO bearing life for ball and roller bearings as defined in ABMA 9 and ABMA 11. B. Regreasable Antifriction Bearings: 1. Readily accessible, grease injection fittings. 2. Readily accessible, removable grease relief plugs. C. Oil Lubrication Systems: 1. Oil reservoirs with sight level gauge. 2. Oil fill and drain openings with opening plugs. 3. Provisions for necessary oil circulation and cooling. D. Bearing Isolation: Motors rated for inverter duty shall have electrically isolated bearings to prevent stray current damage. 2.12 NOISE A. Measured in accordance with IEEE 85 and NEMA MG 1. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 7 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Motors controlled by adjustable frequency drive systems shall not exceed sound levels of 3 dBA higher than NEMA MG 1. 2.13 BALANCE AND VIBRATION CONTROL A. In accordance with NEMA MG 1, Part 7. 2.14 EQUIPMENT FINISH A. Protect Motor for Service Conditions: 1. ODP Enclosures: Indoor industrial atmospheres. 2. Other Enclosures: Outdoor industrial atmospheres, including moisture and direct sunlight exposure. B. Internal Finish: Bore and end turns coated with clear polyester or epoxy varnish. 2.15 SPECIAL FEATURES AND ACCESSORIES A. Screen Over Air Openings: Stainless steel on motors with ODP, WPI, and WPII enclosures meeting requirements for Guarded Machine in NEMA MG 1, and attached with stainless steel screws. B. Winding Thermal Protection: 1. Thermostats: a. Motors for constant speed application 10 horsepower through 75 horsepower. b. Bi-metal disk or rod type thermostats embedded in stator windings. c. Automatic reset contacts rated 120 volts ac, 5 amps minimum, opening 011 excessive temperature. (Manual reset shall be provided at motor controller.) d. Leads extending to separate terminal box for motors 100 horsepower and larger. 2. Thermistors: a. Motors for constant speed application 100 horsepower and larger. b. Thermistor embedded in each stator phase winding before winding dip and bake process. c. In intimate contact with winding conductors. d. Epoxy-potted, solid state thermistor control module mounted in NEMA 250, Type 4X box on motor by motor manufacturer. e. Individual thermistor circuits factory-wired to control module. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16220 8 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B f. Control module rated for 120V ac power supply. g. Control module automatically reset contact for external use rated 120 volts ac, 5 amps minimum, opening on abnormally high winding temperature. Manual reset shall be provided at motor controller. C. Nameplates: 1. Raised or stamped letters on stainless steel or aluminum. 2. Display motor data required by NEMA MG 1, Paragraph 10.39 and Paragraph 10.40 in addition to bearing numbers for both bearings. 3. Premium efficiency motor nameplates to also display NEMA nominal efficiency, guaranteed minimum efficiency, full load power factor, and maximum allowable kV AR for power factor correction capacitors. D. Anchor Bolts: Provide anchor bolts meeting manufacturer's recommendations and of sufficient size and number for the specified seismic conditions. 2.16 SPECIAL MOTORS A. Requirements in this article take precedence over conflicting features specified elsewhere in this section. B. Chemical Industry, Severe-Duty (CISD-TEFC): 1. In accordance with IEEE 841. 2. TEFC in accordance with NEMA MG 1. 3. Suitable for indoor or outdoor installation in severe-duty applications including high humidity, chemical (corrosive), dirty, or salty atmospheres. 4. Motor Frame, End Shields, Terminal Box, and Fan Cover: Cast iron. 5. Ventilating Fan: Corrosion-resistant, nonsparking, external. 6. Drain and Breather Fittings: Stainless steel. 7. Nameplate: Stainless steel. 8. Gaskets between terminal box halves and terminal box and motor frame. 9. Extra slinger on rotor shaft to prevent moisture seepage along shaft into motor. 10. Double shielded bearings. 11. 125,000 hours minimum L-l 0 bearing life for direct-connected loads. 12. External Finish: Double-coated epoxy enamel. 13. Coated rotor and stator air gap surfaces. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16220 9 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 14. Insulation System, Windings, and Connections: a. Class F insulation, Class B rise or better at 1.0 service factor. b. Multiple dips and bakes of nonhygroscopic polyester varnish. 15. Service Factor: a. At 40 Degrees C Ambient: 1.15. b. At 65 Degrees C Ambient: 1.00. 16. Safe Stall Time Without Injurious Heating: 20 seconds minimum. C. Severe-Duty Explosion-Proof: Meet requirements for EXP enclosures and CISD- TEFC motors. D. Severe-Duty, Dust-Ignition-Proof: Meet requirements for DIP enclosures and CISD- TEFC motors. E. Submersible Pump Motor: 1. Manufacturers: a. Reliance Electric. b. ITT Flygt Corp. 2. At 100 Percent Load: Submersible Pump Motors Guaranteed Guaranteed Minimum Minimum Horsepower Efficiency Power Factor 5 through 10 80 82 10.1 through 50 85 82 50.1 through 100 87 82 Over 100 89 82 3. Insulation System: Manufacturer's standard Class B or Class F. 4. Motor capable of running dry continuously. 5. Enclosure: a. Hermetically sealed, watertight, for continuous submergence up to 65- foot depth. b. Listed to meet UL 674 and NFP A 70 requirements for Class I, Division 1, Group D hazardous atmosphere. c. Seals: Tandem mechanical. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 10 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 6. Bearing and Lubrication: a. Permanently sealed and lubricated, replaceable antifiiction guide and thrust bearings. b. Minimum 15,000 hours L-lO bearing life. 7. Inrush kV Alhorsepower no greater than NEMA MG 1 and NFP A 70, Code F. 8. Winding Thermal Protection: a. Thermal sensor and switch assembly, one each phase, embedded in stator windings and wired in series. b. Switches normally closed, open upon excessive winding temperature, and automatically reclose when temperature has cooled to safe operating level. c. Switch contacts rated at 5 amps, I20V ac. 9. Motor Seal Failure Moisture Detection: a. Probes or sensors to detect moisture beyond seals. b. Probe or sensor monitoring module for mounting in motor controller, suitable for operation from I20V ac supply. c. Monitoring module with control power transformer, probe test switch and test light, and two independent 120V ac contacts, one opening and one closing when the flux of moisture is detected. 10. Bearing Overtemperature Protection for Motors Larger than 100 horsepower: a. Sensor on lower bearing housing monitoring bearing temperature. b. Any monitoring relay necessary to provide 120V ac contact opening on bearing overtemperature. 11. Winding thermal protection, moisture detection, and bearing overtemperature specified above may be monitored by a single device providing two independent 120V ac contacts, one closing and one opening on malfunction. 12. Connecting Cables: a. Two separate cables, one containing power and grounding conductors, and the other containing control and grounding conductors. b. Each cable suitable for hard service, submersible duty with watertight seal where cable enters motor. c. Length: As required. d. UL 1 listed and sized in accordance with NFP A 70. SEA/323194. WU .FD .02 16220 11 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.17 FACTORY TESTING A. Tests: 1. In accordance with IEEE 112 for polyphase motors and IEEE 114 for single-phase motors. 2. Routine (production) tests on all motors in accordance with NEMA MG 1. Test multispeed motors at all speeds. 3. For energy efficient motors, test efficiency and power factor at 50, 75, and 100 percent of rated horsepower: a. In accordance with IEEE 112, Test Method B, and NEMA MG 1, Paragraph 12.59. and Paragraph 12.60. b. For motors 500 horsepower and larger where facilities are not available to test by dynamometer (Test Method B), determine efficiency by IEEE 112, Test Method F. c. On motors of 100 horsepower and smaller, furnish a certified copy of a motor efficiency test report on an identical motor. 4. Provide certified test reports for polyphase motors 100 horsepower and larger. B. Test Report Forms: 1. Routine Tests: IEEE 112, Form A-I. 2. Efficiency and power factor by Test Method B, IEEE 112, Form A-2, and NEMA MG I,Table 12-12. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. In accordance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. B. Align motor carefully and properly with driven equipment. C. Secure equipment to mounting surface with anchor bolts. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Refer to Section 16080, _Electrical Testing. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 12 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3.03 SUPPLEMENTS A. Table supplements, following "End of Section," are part ofthis Specification. 1. Table 1, Motor Performance Requirements. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 13 JUNE 16, 2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS --------- CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION ---------- 323194B TABLE 1 . MOTOR PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS % Guar. Min. Full Load Efficiency % Guar. Min. Full Load Power Factor Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Nom. Speed Drip- Proof Drip-Proof Drip-Proof Drip-Proof hp rpm ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC 1 1,800 82.5 82.5 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,200 80.0 80.0 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1.5 3,600 82.5 82.5 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,800 84.0 84.0 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,200 84.0 85.5 82.0 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 2 3,600 84.0 84.0 Mfr. ' s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,800 84.0 84.0 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,200 85.5 86.5 83.7 83.7 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 900 82.9 82.5 82.9 81.7 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 3 3,600 84.0 85.5 82.0 82.0 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,800 86.5 87.5 84.8 84.8 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,200 86.5 87.5 87.5 86.6 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 900 84.1 83.0 84.1 82.9 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 SUPPLEMENT 1 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B TABLEt MOTOR PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS % Guar. Min. Full Load Efficiencv % Guar. Min. Full Load Power Factor Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Nom. Speed Drip- Proof Drip-Proof Drip- Proof Drip-Proof hp rpm ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC 5 3,600 85.5 87.5 84.8 84.8 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,800 87.5 87.5 84.8 84.8 Mfr. ' s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,200 87.5 87.5 87.5 86.6 Mfr. ' s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 900 87.5 85.5 87.5 86.6 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 7.5 3,600 87.5 88.5 84.8 86.6 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,800 88.5 89.5 89.3 88.4 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,200 88.5 89.5 88.4 87.5 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 900 87.5 85.5 87.5 86.6 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 10 3,600 88.5 89.5 89.3 88.4 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,800 89.5 89.5 89.3 88.4 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,200 90.2 89.5 89.3 88.4 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr. ' s Std. 900 89.3 88.5 89.3 88.4 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 SUPPLEMENT 2 , JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS ------------------- ------------ CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION ------- 323194B TABLEt MOTOR PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS % Guar. Min. Full Load Efficiencv % Guar. Min. Full Load Power Factor Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Nom. Speed Drip- Proof Drip-Proof Drip-Proof Drip-Proof hp rpm ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC 15 3,600 89.5 90.2 88.4 88.4 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,800 91.0 91.0 90.9 90.2 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,200 90.2 90.2 90.2 89.3 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 900 89.3 88.5 89.3 88.4 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 20 3,600 90.2 90.2 90.9 89.3 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,800 91.0 91.0 91.7 90.9 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,200 91.0 90.2 90.2 89.3 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 900 90.2 89.5 89.3 88.4 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 25 3,600 91.0 91.0 91.7 90.2 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr. ' s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,800 91.7 92.4 92.4 91.7 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,200 91.7 91.7 90.9 89.3 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 900 90.2 89.5 89.3 88.4 Mfr. ' s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr. ' s Std. Mfr.'s Std. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 SUPPLEMENT 3 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B / TABLE 1 MOTOR PERFORMANCE REOUIREMENTS % Guar. Min. Full Load Efficiencv % Guar. Min. Full Load Power Factor Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Nom. Speed Drip-Proof Drip-Proof Drip-Proof Drip- Proof hp rpm ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC 30 3,600 91.0 91.0 89.5 88.4 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,800 92.4 92.4 92.4 91.7 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 1,200 92.4 91.7 91.7 90.2 Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 900 91.7 91.0 90.9 90.9 Mfr. ' s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. Mfr.'s Std. 40 3,600 91.7 91.7 90.2 89.3 86.6 86.1 87.0 89.0 1,800 93.0 93.0 92.8 91.7 78.2 78.2 83.0 84.5 1,200 93.0 93.0 91.7 90.9 81.5 81.5 81.5 81.5 900 91.7 91.0 90.9 90.2 70.0 70.5 70.0 70.5 50 3,600 92.4 92.4 90.2 89.3 85.1 86.7 89.0 89.0 1,800 93.0 93.0 92.8 91.7 79.5 79.4 82.5 82.5 1,200 93.0 93.0 91.7 90.9 81.5 81.5 81.5 81.5 900 91.7 91.7 90.9 90.9 78.5 72.9 78.5 80.0 SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 SUPPLEMENT 4 , JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS ------------------- ---------- CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION --------- 323194B TABLE 1 MOTOR PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS % Guar. Min. Full Load Efficiency % Guar. Min. Full Load Power Factor Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Nom. Speed Drip-Proof Drip-Proof Drip-Proof Drip-Proof hp rpm ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC 60 3,600 93.0 93.0 91.7 90.9 85.8 88.3 87.5 89.0 1,800 93.6 93.6 93.5 92.8 80.5 79.9 80.5 80.5 1,200 93.6 93.6 92.8 91.7 81.5 81.5 81.5 81.5 900 92.4 91.7 91.7 90.9 79.5 73.2 79.5 79.5 75 3,600 93.0 93.0 91.7 91.7 87.1 88.5 88.5 88.5 1,800 94.1 94.1 93.5 93.5 81.0 81.5 81.0 81.5 1,200 93.6 93.6 93.5 92.8 82.0 82.0 82.0 82.0 900 92.8 92.4 92.8 91.7 80.5 74.5 80.5 81.0 100 3,600 . 93.0 93.6 91.7 91.7 87.0 88.2 87.0 88.5 1,800 94.1 94.5 94.0 93.5 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 1,200 94.1 94.1 92.8 92.8 82.1 81.7 85.5 85.5 900 93.5 92.4 92.8 91.7 77.0 77.3 77.0 80.0 SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 SUPPLEMENT 5 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B TABLE 1 MOTOR PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS % Guar. Min. Full Load Efficiency % Guar. Min. Full Load Power Factor Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Nom. Speed Drip-Proof Drip-Proof Drip-Proof Drip-Proof hp rpm ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC 125 3,600 93.6 94.5 91.7 91.7 86.4 89.1 87.0 90.5 1,800 94.5 94.5 93:5 92.8 85.4 85.5 87.5 86.0 1,200 94.1 94.1 93.5 92.8 82.7 82.3 85.5 85.5 900 93.5 93.0 92.8 92.4 . 78.5 78.5 78.5 78.5 150 3,600 93.6 94.5 92.4 91.7 86.5 90.0 86.5 90.5 1,800 95.0 95.0 94.5 94.0 82.5 85.0 84.5 85.0 1,200 94.5 95.0 93.5 94.0 81.5 81.5 81.5 81.5 900 93.5 93.0 92.8 92.4 78.0 78.5 78.0 78.5 200 3,600 94.5 95.0 92.4 93.0 87.8 89.4 91.0 91.0 1,800 95.0 95.0 94.0 94.0 85.2 86.5 87.0 87.0 1,200 94.5 95.0 93.5 93.5 79.0 82.5 79.0 82.5 250 3,600 95.0 95.0 91.7 92.4 85.0 86.5 85.0 86.5 1,800 96.0 96.0 94.5 94.5 79.0 79.0 79.0 79.0 1,200 95.0 95.0 94.5 93.5 82.0 82.0 82.0 82.0 SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 SUPPLEMENT 6 , JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS ------------------- ---_._----------- CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION - -- 323194B TABLEt MOTOR PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS % Guar. Min. Full Load Efficiency % Guar. Min. Full Load Power Factor Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Nom. Speed Drip- Proof Drip- Proof Drip-Proof Drip-Proof hp rpm ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC ODP TEFC 300 3,600 95.0 95.0 89.8 89.9 1,800 95.4 95.2 94.5 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 1,200 95.0 95.0 84.5 90.1 350 3,600 95.0 95.0 89.4 85.9 1,800 95.0 95.0 85.9 85.9 400 3,600 95.0 95.0 88.4 1,800 95.0 95.0 86.8 450 3,600 95.0 95.0 89.1 500 3,600 95.0 95.0 88.3 SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16220 SUPPLEMENT 7 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE AC INDUCTION MOTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16230 DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR SET PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. ASTM International (ASTM): A335/A335M, Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic Alloy-Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service. 2. Diesel Engine Manufacturer's Association (DEMA): Standard Practices for Stationary and Gas Engines. 3. National Electric Manufacturer's Association (NEMA): a. MG 1, Motors and Generators. b. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1,000 Volts Maximum). 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 110, Emergency and Standby Power Systems. 5. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): 519, Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems. 6. Military Specifications (MIL): E-4970A, General Specification for Environmental Testing, Ground Support Equipment. 1.02 EQUIPMENT A. GEN-ll, 450kW, standby duty. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Dimensioned outline drawing showing plan and elevations of the proposed engine generator set and drive system, including anchoring requirements. 2. Engine and generator weights. 3. Catalog information and technical description of the proposed engine generator set. Include proposed materials for the block, heads, valves, rings, cylinders, pistons, crankshaft, and major bearings and wear surfaces. 4. Complete list of accessories provided. 5. Performance curves showing engine efficiency (fuel consumed per kWh output), gross fuel consumption rate, and kW output at design rated SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16230 1 JUNE 15, 2005 DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR SET CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I output, one-half1oad, and one-quarter load. Account for design altitude and temperature corrections and for engine parasitic loads. 6. Generator transient and subtransient reactances in per unit. 7. Generator output waveform and telephone interference factor (TlF). 8. Electrical schematic and wiring diagrams: a. Generator control panel. b. Main generator. c. Voltage regulator. d. Battery charging system. e. Governing system. 9. Control panel instrument identification inscriptions. 10. Engine generator set motor starting capability and percent voltage dip curve. 11. Coolant heater size and voltage. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Operation and Maintenance Data: As specified in Part III, Section 1-04.12, Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 2. Description of parts and service availability. 3. Certification, copies of analyses, or test reports demonstrating appropriate vibration analysis and design in all modes. 4. Certified Factory Test Report. 5. Manufacturer's Certificate of Performance. 6. Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation. 7. Special guarantee. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): 1. Provide the Work in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). Where required by the AHJ, material and equipment shall be labeled or listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or other organization acceptable to the AHJ in order to provide a basis for approval under NEC. 2. Materials and equipment manufactured within the scope of standards published by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. shall conform to those standards and shall have an applied UL listing mark. 1.05 SPECIAL GUARANTEE A. Provide manufacturer's extended guarantee or warranty, with City named as beneficiary, in writing, as special guarantee. Special guarantee shall provide SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16230 2 JUNE 15,2005 DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR SET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B for correction, or at the option ofthe City, removal and replacement of Work specified in this Specification section found defective during a period of 2 years after the date of Substantial Completion. Duties and obligations for - correction or removal and replacement of defective Work as specified in the General Conditions. 1.06 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish, tag, and box for shipment and storage the following spare parts and special tools: Item Diesel fuel line filter elements Lubricating oil filter elements with gasket Air cleaner filter element Auxiliary fuel and jacket water pump packing/seals Cooling fan drive belt (if applicable) Hydrometer Two-pronged battery voltmeter Special tools required to maintain or dismantle engine generator set Spare fuses, if used in the control panel Spare indicating lamps PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS Quantity 3 complete sets per unit 3 complete sets per unit 1 complete set per unit 1 complete set per unit 2 complete sets per unit 1 each 1 each 1 complete set for each different size unit 1 complete set per unit 4 each type used per unit A. Materials and equipment specified in this section shall be products of: 1. Onan; Model DFEJ. 2. Or approved equal. 2.02 SERVICE CONDITIONS A. Altitude: 500 feet above sea level. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16230 3 JUNE 15,2005 DIESEL ENGINE GENERA TOR SET CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Ambient Temperature at Air Intake: 90 degrees F maximum. C. Ambient Temperature at Engine Generator Set: 90 degrees F maximum. 2.03 ENGINE GENERATOR SET ENCLOSURE A. Outdoor, noise attenuating, with subbase fuel tame Onan Quietsite 2. B. 74 dBA rating at 23-foot open field. C. Sub-base fuel tank sized for 24-hour run time. 2.04 ENGINE GENERATOR SET VIBRATION DESIGN A. Meet applicable Diesel Engine Manufacturer's Association (DEMA) vibration standards. B. Use vibration analytical techniques to determine the shaft critical speeds, and to develop bearing design and shaft balancing to mitigate vibration. C. Apply torsional analysis and design to mitigate torsional vibration. D. The engine and generator, individually, shall not exhibit vibration in any plane exceeding 10 mils at continuous rating point, when measured at the attachment points to the common steel subbase. 2.05 ENGINE A. General: 1. Manufac~rer's standard design, unless otherwise specified. 2. Engine parts designed with adequate strength for specified duty. 3. Meet requirements ofthe DEMA Standard Practices for Stationary and Gas Engines. B. Type and Rating: Diesel Cycle, 4-stroke type suitable for a continuous output of 41 0 kW and a standby output of 450 kW when driving a synchronous generator at a speed not exceeding 1,800 rpm. C. Starting System: 1. Type: Automatic, using a 12-volt or 24-volt battery-driven starter acting in response to the control panel. 2. Batteries: a. 200 amp-hour capacity at 12-volt, minimum. b. Capable of providing cranking current at 0 degrees F. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16230 4 JUNE 15, 2005 DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR SET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B c. Housed in an acid-resistant frame for mounting on a concrete pad adjacent to the engine. d. Located such that maintenance and inspection of the engine is not hindered. 3. Battery Charger: Specified and mounted in Automatic Transfer Switch. D. Fuel and Governing System: 1. Transfer Pump: a. Engine-driven. b. Capable of pumping fuel from skid base storage tank to the engme. c. Suitable for operation with a 12 -foot suction lift. 2. Day Tank: Engine-mounted for positive fuel head over injectors during starting. 3. Fuel Oil Filter: Replaceable element type. 4. Fuel Connections to Engine: Flexible hose, suitable for application. 5. Governor: a. Electro-mechanical or electro-hydraulic type. b. Regulates speed as required to hold generating frequency within tolerable limits and within 5 percent of nominal design speed. c. Accessories: 1) Manual speed control device. 2) Positive overspeed trip switch. E. Jacket Water Cooling System: 1. Engine-mounted radiator with jacket water pump, fan assembly, fan guard, and duct flange outlet. 2. Engine thermostat to regulate engine water temperature as recommended by the manufacturer. 3. Coolant Water Heaters: a. Suitable for operation on 208V or 480V, three-phase 60-Hz current. b. Maintain engine water temperature at 120 degrees F with an ambient temperature of 50 degrees F. c. Thermostatically controlled. 4. Engine Cooling Liquid: Mixture of water and permanent type antifreeze to protect the system to a temperature of 0 degrees F. F. Lubrication System: 1. Type: Full-pressure. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16230 5 JUNE 15, 2005 DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR SET CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Accessories: a. Pressure switch to initiate shutdown on low oil pressure. b. Oil filter with replaceable element. c. Bayonet type oil level stick. d. Valved oil drain extension. G. Exhaust System: 1. Muffler: Rated for critical residential silencing. 2. Exhaust Pipe: ASTM A335, Grade PII, standard wall, with fittings selected to match piping materials. 3. Pipe Connections: Welded. 4. Engine Connection: a. Flanged, flexible, corrugated, stainless steel expansion fitting, specifically suited for diesel exhaust service. b. Length as required for flexibility and expansion in the piping arrangement shown. H. Air Intake System: Equipped with a dry type air cleaner with filter service indicator. 2.06 GENERATOR A. General: 1. Meet requirements ofNEMA MG 1. 2. Synchronous salient-pole type with amortisseur winding in rotor. 3. Stator Windings: a. Skewed for smooth voltage waveform. b. Reconnectable, 12 lead. B. Ratings: 1. Continuous: 410 kW, 513 kV A at 0.8 power factor. 2. Standby: 450 kW, 563 kV A at 0.8 power factor 3. Voltage: 480Y/277 volts, three-phase, 4-wire, 60-Hz. 4. Overspeed Capability: 150 percent. 5. Waveform Deviation from Sine Wave: 5 percent maximum. 6. Telephone Interference Factor: 50 maximum. 7. Total Harmonic Factor: 3 percent maximum. C. Insulation System: Class H in accordance with NEMA MG 1. D. Excitation System: Brushless, statically excited type. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16230 6 JUNE 15,2005 DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR SET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B E. Voltage Regulation: 1. Solid state, three-phase sensing type. 2. Adjustable output voltage level to plus or minus 5 percent. 3. Conformal coating environmental protection. F. Voltage and Frequency Regulation Performance: \ 1. Steady State Voltage Regulation: Less than plus or minus 1 percent from no load to continuous rating point. 2. NEMA MG 1 Defined Transient Voltage Dip: a. Less than 20 percent at rapid application of rated load. b. Recovery to rated voltage and frequency within 2 seconds following initial load application. 3. Steady State Frequency Regulation: Plus or minus l.5-Hz overload range. G. Motor Starting Capability: 1. Steady State Load: 30 kV A at 0.9 power factor. 2. Reduced voltage, solid state soft start of 250 hp set at 400 percent, max. H. Short Circuit Capabilities: Sustain 250 percent of rated current for 10 seconds for an external three-phase bolted fault without exceeding rated temperatures. I. Enclosure: Dripproof. J. Main Circuit Breaker: 1. Type: Molded case. 2. Current Rating: 115 percent generator current rating. 3. Interrupt Rating: 42,000 amps RMS symmetrical at 480 volts. 4. Service entrance rated. 5. Trips: a. Thermal-magnetic with inverse time characteristics and adjustable magnetic pickup. 6. Enclosure: a. Rating: NEMA 250, Type 12. b. Mounted with vibration isolation from engine generator set. 7. Surge Protective Devices: Three-phase capacitors and arrestors mounted in terminal compartment. 2.07 BASEPLATE A. Mount engine generator set on a rigid common steel base frame. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16230 7 JUNE 15,2005 DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR SET CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Base frame shall be stiffened to minimize deflections. 2.08 VIBRATION ISOLATORS A. Performance: Limit vibration transmissibility to 10 percent at each frequency. B. Manufacturer: Korfund; Senes L. 2.09 FACTORY FINISHING A. Engine Generator Set and Instrument Panel: Factory-applied primer and two finish coats of the manufacturer's standard heat-resistant engine paint. 2.1 0 AUTOMATIC LOAD TRANSFER CONTROL A. Automatic run controls shall be suitable for remote interface and control by an automatic transfer switch. engine generator set shall start and run upon closure of a remote dry contact in accordance with Section 16412, Automatic Transfer Switch. 2.11 CONTROL SYSTEM A. Control Panel: 1. The following control functional requirements may be met by manufacturer's digital controller. 2. Rating: NEMA 250, Type 12. 3. Material: Steel. 4. Instrument Identification: Face label or engraved, black, laminated plastic nameplate with white 1/4-inch high letters, attached with Type 422 stainless steel screws. B. Instrumentation: 1. Type: Suita~le for engine-mounted vibration environment. 2. Mounting: Non-shock mounted. 3. Alarm and Signal Contacts: Rated 5 amps at 120V ac, dry. 4. Fault Indication Lamps: Push-to-test type. 5. Meters: 3.5-inch, 240-degree scale, plus or minus 2 percent accuracy. C. Operator Controls and Indicators: 1. HANDCRANK/STOP/AUTO/ENGINE TEST selector switch. 2. Generator voltage adjustment. 3. Voltmeter PHASE SELECTOR switch. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16230 8 JUNE 15,2005 DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR SET I I I I I I I I I' I 'I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 4. Ammeter PHASE SELECTOR switch. 5. Voltmeter. 6. Ammeter. 7. FREQUENCY meter. 8. Engine OIL PRESSURE indicator. 9. Engine jacket WATER TEMPERATURE indicator. 10. Engine SPEED indicator. 11. Fuel PRESSURE indicator. 12. RUNNING TIME indicator. 13. DC battery voltage. D. Alarm Indicators With Manual Pushbutton RESET: 1. Low oil pressure. 2. High jacket water temperature. 3. Engine overspeed. 4. Engine overcrank. 5. Low/High dc voltage. 6. Low radiator coolant. E. External Interfaces: 1. Furnish a single, common DPDT relay output upon occurrence of any alarm condition. 2. Output: Dry contact rated 5 amps at 120V ac. 3. Accept remote dry start contact closure from automatic transfer switch, rated 10 amps at 32V dc. 4. Accept remote emergency stop (E-Stop) input to shut down engine generator. F. Functional Requirements: 1. Recranking Lockout: When engine fires, starting control shall automatically disconnect cranking control to prevent recranking for a preset period of time after engine stop. 2. Overcranking Lockout: Initiate after four cranking cycles of 10 seconds on and 10 seconds off. 3. Engine shutdown upon any of the following conditions: a. Engine overspeed. b. High jacket water temperature. c. Low oil pressure. 2.12 FACTORY TESTS A. General: Conform to NFP A 110. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16230 9 JUNE 15,2005 DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR SET CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I 'I I 'J I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Steady Load Test: Test engine generator set at steady load run of 60 minutes minimum duration at 100 percent full-rated load. C. Transient Load Test: Conduct transient load test to demonstrate ability to meet the load pickup and load release requirements specified. D. Harmonic Test: Conduct at full load conditions. E. Record and Report: 1. Strip chart recording and full harmonic analysis measuring up to the 50th harmonic for both voltage and current and three phases simultaneously. 2. Transient response. 3. Load/speed stability. 4. Engine fuel consumption. 5. Power output. 6. Harmonic analysis. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Level and securely mount engine generator set in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Where applicable, mount engine generator set on vibration isolators in accordance with isolator manufacturer's recommendations. 3.02 FIELD FINISHING A. Touch up damaged coating with paint system compatible to existing. 3.03 FIELD TESTS A. General: Conform to NFP A 110. B. Performance Test: 1. Perform upon completion of installation. 2. Operate 2 hours minimum. 3. Manufacturer's representative shall make necessary adjustments. 4. Demonstrate ability of engine generator set to carry specified loads. 5. Demonstrate engine generator set safety shutdowns. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16230 10 JUNE 15,2005 DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR SET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B C. Test Report: Record and report the following: 1. Electric load on generator. 2. Fuel consumption. 3. Exhaust temperature. 4. Ambient air temperature. 5. Safety shutdown performance results. D. Post-Test Requirements: 1. Make final adjustments. 2. Replace fuel and oil filters. 3. Check belt drive tensions. 4. Demonstrate proper operation of equipment, including automatic operation with control from automatic transfer switch, to Engineer and City. 3.04 MANUFACTURER'S SERVICES A. Manufacturer's Representative: Present at Site or classroom designated by City, for minimum person-days listed below, travel time excluded: 1. 1 person-day for functional and performance testing and completion of Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation. 2. 1/4 person-day for prestartup classroom or Site training. 3. 1/2 person-day for facility startup. 4. 1/4 person-day for post-startup training of City's personnel. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16230 11 JUNE 15,2005 DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR SET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16288 TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSORS (TVSS) PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product data on each suppressor type, indicating component values, part numbers, and conductor sizes. Include dimensional drawing for each, showing mounting arrangements. B. Submit manufacturer's UL certified test data and nameplate data for each TVSS. C. Submit electrical single-line diagram showing location of each TVSS. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. UL Compliance and Labeling: I. For power and signal circuits, TVSS devices shall comply with UL 1449 and complimentary listed to UL 1283 as an electromagnetic interference filter. Provide units that are listed and labeled by UL. 2. For telephone circuit protection, TVSS devices shall comply with UL 497 A. B. ANSI Compliance: Use TVSS devices in compliance with the recommendations ofIEEE C62.41.1, IEEE C62.41.2, and IEEE C62.45. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. All TVSS devices for power circuits, provided under this section, shall be the product of a single manufacturer. B. TVSS devices shall be capable of performance at ambient temperatures between minus 40 degrees C and 60 degrees C, at relative humidity ranging from 0 percent to 95 percent, and at altitudes ranging from sea level to 12,000 feet. C. TVSS devices shall be fused to disconnect the suppressor from the electrical source should the suppressor fail. The fusing shall allow full surge handling capabilities and to afford safety protection from thermal overloads and short circuits. SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 16288 I JUNE 15,2005 TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSORS (TVSS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Design TVSS devices for the specific type and voltage of the electrical service. Single-phase and three-phase wye-configured systems shall have L-N, L-G, and N-G protection. Grounded delta-configured systems shall have L-L - and L-G protection. E. Power Filter: The TVSS shall include a high frequency extended range power filter complimentary listed to UL 1283 as an electromagnetic interferenee filter. 2.02 MANUFACTURER A. Innovative Technology, VanGuard Series. B. Advanced Protection Technologies, Inc. C. General Electric. D. Manufacturer's preference when integral to a panelboard or MCC. 2.03 MAIN DISTRIBUTION TVSS A. Provide TVSS meeting IEEE C62.41.1 and IEEE C62.41.2 Location in accordance with Category C. B. Surge current capacity shall be not less than the following: 1. L-N Capacity: 200 kA. 2. L-G Capacity: 120 kA. \ 3. N-G Capacity: 120 kA. C. Suppressor housing shall be in an enclosure that has the same NEMA rating as the equipment it protects and painted to match. D. UL 1449 maximum suppression voltage shall not be more than: L-L or L-N System Voltage Phase Suppression V olta1?;e 120 1 400 208Y /120 3 400 240 3 800 480Y /277 3 800 SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16288 JUNE 15, 2005 TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSORS (TVSS) 2 I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2.04 P ANELBOARD TVSS A. Provide TVSS meeting IEEE C62.4 I. I and IEEE C62.4 1.2 Location Category B. B. Surge current capacity shall be not less than the following: 1. L-L Capacity: 80 leA. 2. L-N Capacity: 80 leA. 3. L-G Capacity: 80 leA. 4. N-G Capacity: 80 leA. C. Suppressor shall be in an enclosure that has the same NEMA rating as the panel it protects or the TVSS may be integral to a panelboard. D. UL 1449 maximum clamp voltage shall not be more than: L-L or L-N Clamp System V olta~e Phase Voltage 120 1 400 208Y/120 3 400 240 3 800 480Y1277 3 800 2.05 ANNUNCIATION A. Provide unit or separately mounted LED-type indication lights to show the normal and failed status of each module. Provide one normally open and one normally closed contacts which operate when the unit fails. ' 2.06 SURGE COUNTER A. Provide each TVSS rated above 100 leA with a counter displaying the number of voltage transients that have occurred on the unit input. The counter shall be battery backed and retain the count through system power outages. 2.07 PAIRED CABLE DATA LINE INTERIOR SUPPRESSORS A. Provide units meeting IEEE C62.41, Location Category A. B. Use bi-polar 1,500-watt silicon avalanche diodes between the protected conductor and earth ground. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16288 3 JUNE 15, 2005 TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSORS (TVSS) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I ,I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I C. Provide units with a maximum single impulse current rating of 80 amperes (10 by 1,000 microsecond-waveform). D. Breakdown voltage shall not exceed 36 volts. 2.08 P AIRED CABLE DATA LINE EXTERIOR SUPPRESSORS A. Provide units meeting IEEE C62.41, Location Category A. B. Suppressors shall be a hybrid design with a minimum of three stages, utilizing solid-state components and operating bi-directionally. C. Suppressors shall meet or exceed the following criteria: 1. Maximum single impulse current rating of 10,000 amperes (8 by 20 microsecond-waveform). 2. Pulse Life Rating: 3,000 amperes (8 by 20 microsecond-waveform): 2,000 occurrences. 3. Maximum clamping voltage at 10,000 amperes (8 by 20 microsecond current waveform), shall not exceed the peak of the normal applied signal voltage by 200 percent. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Install TVSS when indicated on the Drawings and: 1. Main Distribution TVSS in or near each low-voltage switchgear (load center). 2. Main Distribution TVSS in or near each motor control center. 3. Panelboard TVSS In or near each distribution panelboard unless otherwise indicated. B. Electronic Equipment Paired Cable Conductors: Install data line suppressors at the low voltage input and output of each piece of equipment, including telephone cable entrance. 1. Use secondary protectors on lines that do not exit the structure. 2. Use primary protectors on lines that exit and enter the structure. 3.02 GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Install suppressors according to manufacturer's recommendations. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16288 4 JUNE 15, 2005 TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSORS (TVSS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Install suppressors directly to the cabinet which'houses the circuit to be protected so that the suppressor leads are straight and short, with all conductors laced, running directly to the point of connection within the panel-, without loops or bends. Ifbends are unavoidable, no bend may exceed 90 degrees and bending radius may not be less than 6 inches. C. Connecting wires shall be as short as possible with gently twisted conductors, tied together, to prevent separation. Connecting wires shall not exceed 24 inches in length at any point. D. Field installed conductors shall be the same as specified for building wire, not smaller than No.8 A WG and not large; than No.4 A WG. Device leads shall not be longer than the length recommended by the manufacturer, unless specifically reviewed and approved by the manufacturer. E. Provide dedicated disconnecting means for TVSS devices installed at main service entrance location, switchgear, and motor control centers. Provide dedicated 30-60-ampere circuit breakers (size dependent upon wire size used) with number of poles as required, as disconnecting means for TVSS devices installed at paneIboards. The interrupting capacity of the circuit breakers shall be that specified for the other breakers at that location. END OF SECTION SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16288 5 JUNE 15,2005 TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSORS (TVSS) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16412 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: L Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): C37.90.1, Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus. 2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. ICS 1, General Standards for Industrial Control and Systems: General Requirements. b. ICS 2, Industrial Control and Systems Controllers, Contactors, and Overload Relays not more than 2000 volts ac or 750 volts ac. c. ICS 6, Industrial Control And Systems: Enclosures 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1,000 Volts Maximum). 3. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). 4. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL): 1008, Transfer Switch Equipment. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Descriptive product information. 2. Dimensional drawings. 3. Control diagrams. 4. Conduit entrance locations. 5. Equipment ratings. B. Informational Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation. 2. Operation and Maintenance Data: As specified in Part III, Section 1-04.12, Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 3. Factory test reports. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16412 1 JUNE 15,2005 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I' I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): 1. Provide the Work in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). Where required by the AHJ, material and equipment shall be labeled or listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or other organization acceptable to the AHJ in order to provide a basis for approval under NEe. 2. Materials and equipment manufactured within the scope of standards published by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. shall conform to those standards and shall have an applied UL listing mark. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Cummins. B. ASCO. C. Or approved equal. 2.02 GENERAL A. Transfer switch to be product of a single manufacturer in order to achieve standardization for appearance, operation, maintenance, spare parts, and manufacturer's service. B. In accordance with applicable standards ofNFPA 70, NEMA ICS 1, NEMA ICS 2, NEMA ICS 6, IEEE C37.90.l, and UL 1008. e. Transfer switch consisting of inherently double-throw power switch unit with interconnected control module. D. Rated 100 percent, in amperes, for total system transfer of motor, electric heating, discharge lamp loads, and tungsten-filament lamp loads. 1. Switches rated 400 amperes and below suitable for 100 percent tungsten- filament lamp loads. 2. Switches rated above 400 amperes suitable for 30 percent tungsten- filament lamp loads. E. Main and arcing contacts visible for inspection with cabinet door and barrier covers removed. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16412 2 JUNE 15, 2005 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B F. Terminal plate with pressure contacts for solidly connected neutral conductors. G. Suitable for electrical service as shown. H. Switch Rating: As shown continuous amperes in nonventilated enclosure. I. Current carrying capacity of arcing contacts shall not be used to determine the transfer switch rating. J. Suitable for use with 75 degrees C wire at full NFP A 70, 75 degrees C ampacity. K. Operating Conditions: 1. Ambient Temperature: Maximum 40 degrees C. 2. Equipment to be fully rated without any derating for operating conditions listed above. 2.03 ENCLOSURE A. Type: Nonventilated NEMA 250, Type as shown with enclosure grounding terminal. B. Dead front, front accessible wall or floor mounted cabinet with 14-gauge welded steel construction. C. Continuously hinged single door, with handle and lock cylinder. D. Finish: Baked enamel applied over rust-inhibiting, phosphated base coating. 1. Exterior and Interior Color: Provide manufacturer's standard finish. 2. Unpainted Metal Parts: Plated for corrosion resistance. 2.04 TRANSFER SWITCH A. Type: Electrically operated, mechanically held, double-throw. B. Momentarily energized, single-electrically operated mechanism energized from source to which load is to be transferred. C. Locking mechanism to maintain constant contact pressure. D. Mechanical interlock switch to ensure only one oftwo possible switch positions. E. Si,lver alloy contacts protected by arcing contacts. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16412 3 JUNE 15, 2005 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Main and arcing contacts visible when door is open and barrier covers removed. G. Manual operating handle for transfer in either direction under either loaded or unloaded conditions. H. Internal control wire connections made with ring or spade type terminals, lock washers, and sleeve type marking labels. 2.05 CONTROL MODULE A. Completely enclosed and mounted separately from the transfer switch unit. B. Microprocessor for sensing and logic control with inherent digital communications capability. C. Plug-in, industrial grade interfacing relays with dust covers. D. Connected to transfer switch by wiring harness having keyed disconnect plug. E. Plug-in printed circuit boards for sensing and control logic. F. Adjustable solid state undervoltage sensors for all three phases of utility and for three phases of standby source: 1. Pickup 85 to 100 percent nominal. 2. Dropout 75 to 98 percent of pickup setting. G. Adjustable frequency sensors for standby source: 1. Pickup 90 to 100 percent nominal. 2. Dropout 87 to 89 percent of pickup setting. H. Control module with adjustable time delays: ( 1. 0.5- to 6-second engine start delay. 2. 0- to 5-minute load transfer to emergency delay. 3. 0- to 3D-minute retransfer to normal delay. 4. 0- to 3D-minute unload running time delay. 5. Switch to bypass any of the above time delays during testing. L Form-C start contacts, rated 10 amperes, 32-volt dc, for two-wire engine control, wired to terminal block. J. Exerciser, adjustable in IS-minute increments, 7-day dial clock to automatically exercise generator without load transfer, complete with door mounted NO LOAD and LOAD selector switch. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16412 4 JUNE 15,2005 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 2.06 INDICATORS A. Type: Manufacturer's standard. B. Green lens to indicate switch position for utility power source. C. Red lens to indicate switch position for standby power source. D. White lens to indicate utility power source is available within parameters established by pickup and dropout settings. E. Amber lens to indicate standby power source is available within parameters established by pickup and dropout settings. 2.07 CONTACTS A. Provide one normally open and one normally closed, 5 amperes, 120-volt contact for remote indication when transfer switch is in either position. B. Provide "elevator module" with 120V rated SPDT contacts to provide at least a 20-second warning before retransfer. C. Provide SPDT contact output to indicate loss of utility power (PWR FAIL). D. At Water Pump Station Only: Provide for remote contact operation to inhibit retransfer to utility power by A TS. 2.08 BATTERY CHARGER A. Float type, with taper charging capability, a float range of 2.17 volts/cell, and an equalization range of 2.33 volts/cell, minimum. B. Include ammeter, voltmeter, fused ac input and dc output, pilot light, current failure relay, low/high dc voltage alarm relay, and surge suppressors. C. Alarm relay dry contacts rated 5 amps at 120V ac. D. Voltage to match generator starting batteries. 2.09 FACTORY TESTS A. Test to Ensure Correct: 1. Operation of individual components. 2. Sequence of operation. 3. Transfer time, voltage, frequency, and time delay settings. SEA/323194. WU .FD.02 16412 5 JUNE 15,2005 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I il I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Dielectric strength test per NEMA ICS 1. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Secure enclosure to floor using anchor bolts of sufficient size and number adequate for specified seismic conditions. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. In accordance with Section 16080, Electrical Testing. END OF SECTION SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16412 6 JUNE 15,2005 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16440 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which shall be followed for this section: 1. American National Standard Institute (ANSI): C2, National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). 2. National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA): 402, Recommended Practice for Installing Motor Control Centers (ANSI). 3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. AB 1, Molded Case Circuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and Circuit Breaker Enclosures. b. ICS 1, Industrial Control and Systems: General Requirements. c. ICS 2, Industrial Control and Systems: Controllers, Contactors, and Overload Relays Rated 600 Volts. d. ICS 2.3, Industrial Control and Systems: Instructions for Handling, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Motor Control Centers. e. ICS 18, Motor Control Centers. f. KS 1, Enclosed and Miscellaneous Distribution Equipment Switches (600 Volts Maximum). g. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1,000 volts maximum). 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 70, National Electrical Code. (NEC) 5. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL): a. 0098, Enclosed and Dead-Front Switches. b. 489, Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit Breaker Enclosures. c. 845, Motor Control Centers. 1.02 OWNER FURNISHED PRODUCTS A. The following products listed in Part 2 of this section will be furnished by the City. See Part III, Section 1-06.7 of this Project Manual for details. 1. MCC-1. 2. Softstart SS-2-1. 3. Softstart SS-2-2. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16440 1 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. CT: Current Transformer. B. LCD: Liquid Crystal Display. C. N.C.: Normally Closed. D. N.O.: Normally Open. E. THD: Total Harmonic Distortion. F. VT: Voltage Transformer. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor is not required to provide submittals on City-furnished products. B. Action Submittals: 1. Itemized bill of material. 2. Descriptive information. 3. Dimensional drawings. 4. Front Panel Elevations. 5. Conduit entrance locations. 6. Bus data. 7. Protective Devices: Copies of time-current characteristics. 8. Anchoring instructions and details. 9. Typed tabulation: a. Motor name; tag (equipment) numbers as shown on Drawings. b. Motor horsepower. c. Nameplate full load current. d. Measured load current and voltage. e. Heater model number and relay setting. f. Protective device trip settings. g. Manufacturer's solid state starter switch or dip switch or program settings. h. Attach above typed, tabulated data to a copy of starter manufacturer's overload heater or setting selection tables for starters provided. 10. Control diagrams. 11. One-line diagrams. 12. Schematic (elementary) diagrams. 13. Outline diagrams. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16440 2 JUNE 15, 2005 LOW VOLT AGE MOTOR CONTROL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B B. Informational Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's installation instructions. 2. Operation and Maintenance Data as specified in Part III, Section 1-04.12, Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 3. Factory test reports, certified. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide products manufactured within scope of Underwriters Laboratories that conform to UL Standards and have applied UL Listing Mark. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Shipping Splits: Established by Contractor to facilitate ingress of equipment to final installation location within building. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Materials, equipment, and accessories specified in this section shall be products of: 1. Schneider Electric/Square D Services. 2. Eaton Electrical/Cutler-Hammer. 3. GE Industrial Systems. 4. Siemens. 2.02 GENERAL A. Like Items of Equipment: End product of one manufacturer and same manufacturer as low voltage switchboard and panelboards for standardization. B. Make adjustments necessary to wiring, conduit, disconnect devices, motor starters, branch circuit protection, and other affected material or equipment to accommodate motors actually provided under this Contract. C. Controllers: NEMA ICS 1, NEMA ICS 2, Class A. D. Control Transformer: a. Two winding, 120-volt secondary, primary voltage to suit. b. Two current-limiting fuses for primary circuit. c. One fuse in secondary circuit with blown fuse indicator. d. Mount within starter unit. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16440 3 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E. Suitable for use with 75 degrees C wire at full NFP A 70, 75 degrees C ampacity. F. Lifting lugs on all equipment and devices weighing over 100 pounds. G. Anchor Bolts: Size to meet Seismic Zone and Importance Factor, Type 316 stainless steel, 1/2-inch minimum diameter. H. Operating Conditions: 1. Ambient Temperature: Maximum 40 degrees C. 2. Altitude: 500 feet above sea level. 3. Equipment to be fully rated. I. Enclosures: In accordance with NEMA 250. J. Equipment Finish: 1. Electrocoating process applied over rust-inhibiting phosphated base coating. 2. Exterior Color: Manufacturer's standard. 2.03 SEP ARA TEL Y MOUNTED MOTOR CONTROL A. Manually Operated Starter, Fractional Horsepower: 1. Rating: 16 amperes continuous at 277 volts maximum. 2. Single-phase, nonreversing, full voltage with overload protection. 3. Toggle operated. 4. Enclosure: NEMA 250, Type 4 or as shown. 5. Handle guard/lock-offplate. B. Combination Starters Disconnect Type: Motor circuit protector unless otherwise noted. C. Full Voltage, Magnetic Starter: 1. Rating: Horsepower rated at 600 volts with overload protection. 2. Three-phase, nonreversing, full voltage. 3. Control: As shown. 4. Enclosure: As shown. 5. Padlockable operating handle, capable of up to three locks. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16440 4 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Reduced Voltage, Solid State Starter: 1. Type: Heavy-duty with 50 degree C overload rating of 600 percent FLA for 10 seconds and 450 percent FLA for 30 seconds. 2. Rating: Horsepower rated at 600 volts with overload protection. 3. Three-phase, nonreversing with bypass run and isolation contactors. 4. Control: As shown. 5. Class 10/20/30 electronic overload relay, switch, or dip switch selectable. 6. Kick start, with adjustable torque and time settings. 7. Ramp start, selectable current or torque, and adjustable time. 8. Bumpless transition from bypass run contactor to enable smooth stop ramp, adjustable time. 9. Phase loss unbalance and phase reversal protection. 10. LED display or LCD of fault, N.O. contact to communicate fault conditions. 11. Enclosure: In MCC or NEMA 1 gasketed when stand-alone. 12. Padlockable operating handle, capable of up to three locks. E. Solid State Motor Overload Protection: 1. Inverse-time-limit characteristic. 2. Phase loss, phase unbalanced and Class II ground fault protection. 3. Current operated electronic circuitry with adjustable trip. 4. Class 10/20130 relay trip, switch selectable. 5. N.O. auxiliary contact for remote monitoring. 6. Manual reset. 7. Provide in each ungrounded phase. 8. Mount within starter unit. 9. Communications: None. 2.04 MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS A. General: 1. In accordance with NEMA ICS 1, NEMA ICS 2, NEMA ICS 18, and UL 845. 2. Voltage Rating: As shown._ 3. Short Circuit Rating: As shown amperes rms symmetrical at 480 volts for entire motor control center as a complete assembly. 4. Main and branch circuit breakers, controllers, wire connections, and other devices to be front mounted and accessible, unless otherwise noted. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16440 5 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. NEMA ICS 18, Part 3. a. Class: 1. b. Type: B. B. Enclosure: 1. Type: NEMA 1, gasketed. 2. Vertical Section Standard Indoor Dimensions for NEMA 1 Type: 90 inches high, 20 inches wide, 21 inches deep, nominal. Alternative width dimensions of 24 inches and 30 inches are acceptable for oversize devices or panels. Do not exceed space shown. 3. Construction: a. Sheet steel reinforced with channel or angle irons. b. Butt sections flush, end-to-end against similar section without bolts, nuts, or cover plates causing interference. c. Removable top cover plates and bottom cover plates. 4. Section Mounting: Removable formed-steel channel sills and lifting angles to meet specified seismic requirements. 5. Horizontal Wiring Compartments: Accessible from front, full width, top and bottom. 6. Vertical Wiring Compartment: Full height, isolated from unit starters with separate hinged door and tie supports. No terminal blocks allowed in vertical wireway compartment. 7. Unit Compartment: Individual compartments separated by steel barriers for each starter, feeder, or other unit capable of being wired from front without unit removal. 8. Compartment Doors: Separate hinged doors for each starter, feeder, or other unit. 9. Door Interlocking: Mechanically interlock starter and feeder doors so doors cannot be opened with unit energized. Provide defeater mechanism to allow intentional access and energizing at any time by qualified individual. 10. External disconnect handles with ON/OFF and trip positions showing, padlockable in OFF position with up to three-lock capability. 11. Cable Entrance: As shown. C. Bus: 1. Horizontal Power Bus: a. Three-phase copper, entire width of control center, rated as indicated. " b. Tin or silver-plated at joints. c. Construct to allow future extension of additional sections. d. Pressure type solderless lugs for each incoming line cable. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16440 6 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B e. Isolated from top horizontal wireway. f. Provide Belleville washers on bus connection bolts. 2. Vertical Power Bus: a. Three-phase copper, full height of section, rated 600 amperes. b. Tin-plated at joints. c. Sandwich type bus insulation providing deadfront construction with starter units removed except for bus stab openings. d. Insulated and isolated barrier, complete with shutters. e. Provide Belleville washers on bus connection bolts. 3. Neutral Bus: Pad. a. Copper. 4. Ground Bus: a. Copper, bare, rated 600 amperes, entire width of control center. b. Provide Belleville washers on bus connection bolts. 5. Bus Bracing: 65,000 amperes rms symmetrical. D. Motor Controller Unit: 1. Provide indicated individual components and control devices including pushbuttons, selector switches, indicating lights, control relays, time delay relays, and elapsed time meters as specified in Section 16050, Basic Electrical Materials and Methods. 2. Construction: a. Drawout combination type with stab connections for starters NEMA ICS, Size 5 and smaller. b. Bolt-on combination type with cable connection to riser for starters NEMA ICS, Size 6 and larger. c. Readily interchangeable with starters of similar size. d. Pull-apart unit control wiring terminal boards on all units. 3. Starters: a. NEMA ICS 18, standard rating, except none smaller than NEMA ICS, Size 1. b. Rating: Horsepower rated at 600 volt, UL labeled for 65,000 amperes at 480 volts short circuit capacity with overload protection. c. Type: As shown and specified under Separately Mounted Motor Control. d. Disconnect Type: Motor circuit protector. e. Combination Full Voltage, Magnetic Starter: 1) Control: As shown. f. Padlockable operating handle when de-energized with up to three- lock capability. g. Unit door interlocked to prevent opening when disconnect is in closed position. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16440 7 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I h. Mechanical interlocked to prevent placing disconnect in ON position when unit door is open. 1. Minimum Dimensions: 12 inches high by full section width, less - vertical wireway. 4. Disconnecting Device: a. As indicated. b. Padlockable in OPEN position for up to three locks. 5. Circuit Breaker: a. Meet requirements ofNEMA AB I and UL 489. b. Molded case with manufacturer's recommended trip setting for maximum motor protection. c. Magnetic trip only. d. Tripping indicated by operating-handle position. e. Interrupting capacity required for connection to system with short circuit capacity indicated. 6. Solid State Motor Overload Protection: As specified under Separately Mounted Motor Control. 7. Motor Thermal Protector Interface: Manual-reset interposing relay for connection to motor-mounted thermal protector system. E. Control Unit: I. Disconnecting Device: Pull-apart terminal blocks capable of de- energizing external source control circuits in unit. 2. Control Devices: As indicated and as specified in Section 16050, Basic Electrical Materials and Methods. 3. Control Wiring: a. Copper, 14 A WG, minimum. b. Permanent sleeve type markers with wire numbers applied to each end of wires. c. Terminate wires using insulated locking fork or ring type crimp terminals. d. Terminate current transformer leads on shorting type terminal blocks. F. Main Protective Device and Feeder Unit: I. Construction: As specified in Paragraph Motor Controller Urtit. 2. Incoming Service Feeder: Cable. 3. Molded Case Circuit Breaker: a. In accordance with NEMA AB I and UL 489. b. Main and feeder protective device. c. UL labeled as suitable for service entrance. SEA/323 I 94.WU.FD.02 16440 8 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B d. Thermal-magnetic trip and interrupting capacity required for connection to system with short circuit capacity indicated. e. Indicate tripping by operating-handle position. f. Suitable for use with 75 degrees C wire at full NEC 75 degrees C ampacity. 4. Fused Switches: a. Heavy-duty, motor rated, load-break, quick-make, quick-break type, meeting requirements ofUL 0098 and NEMA KS 1. b. Suitable for use with 75 degrees C wire at full NEC 75 degrees C ampacity. c. Current-limiting fuses with rejection clips. G. Digital Instruments: 1. Digital Power Meter: a. Microprocessor-based electronic metering package, complete with keypad. b. Displays: Phase current, phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral voltage, watts, volt amperes, volt-amperes reactive, watt-hours, volt-ampere hours, volt-amperes reactive hours, power factor, frequency, and percent THD. c. Also Displays: Present demand current and watts; minimum and maximum current, voltage, watts, volt amperes, power factor, and frequency. d. Control power voltage transformer with disconnect and fuses. e. Voltage sensing directly from bus with disconnect and fuses. f. Current transformers with ratio as shown, complete with shorting terminal block. g. Programmable CT and VT ratios. Accuracy plus or minus 0.3 percent accuracy for voltage and current readings. h. Communications: Interface capability to computer network. H. TVSS: As specified in Section 16288, Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors (TVSS). 1. Transformers: As specified in Section 16460, Low Voltage Transformers. J. Panelboards: As specified in Section 16442, Panelboards. K. Pushbuttons, Indicating Lights, Selector Switches, Elapsed Time Meters, Control Relays, Time-Delay Relays, and Reset Timers: As specified in Section 16050, Basic Electrical Materials and Methods. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16440 9 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L. Nameplates: 1. Laminated plastic; white, engraved to black core. 2. Provide for each motor control center and each unit. 3. Engrave with inscription shown on single-line diagram. 4. Provide blank nameplates on spaces for future units. 5. Attach with stainless steel panhead screws on face of control center. 2.05 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Factory Testing: 1. Applicable Standards: NEMA ICS 18; UL 845; and NEC Article 430, Part H. 2. Perform standard factory inspection and tests in accordance with NEMA requirements to verify components have been designed to specification, assembled in accordance with applicable standards, and each unit functions in accordance with electrical diagrams. 3. Actual operation shall be performed wherever possible. Otherwise, inspect and perform continuity checks. 4. Verify component devices operated correctly in circuits as shown on diagrams or as called for in Specifications. 5. Control Circuits and Devices: a. Energize circuit at rated voltage. b. Operate control devices. c. Perform continuity check. 6. Instruments, Meters, Protective Relays, and Equipment: a. Verify devices functioned by energizing potential to rated values with connection to devices made at outgoing terminal blocks. b. Verify protective relays operated for functional checks and trips manually initiated to verify functioning of operation for indicator and associated circuits. 7. Perform dielectric tests on primary circuits and equipment, except potential transformers. Tests shall be made phase-to-phase and phase to around with 60-cycle test voltages applied for 1 second at 2,640 volts. 8. Verify equipment passed tests and inspection. 9. Provide standard factory inspection and test checklists and final certified and signed test report. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16440 10 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install equipment in accordance with NEMA ICS 2.3, ANSI C2, Submittals, and manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations. B. Secure equipment to mounting pads with anchor bolts of sufficient size and number adequate for specified seismic conditions. C. Install equipment plumb and in longitudinal alignment with pad or wall. D. Coordinate terminal connections with installation of secondary feeders. E. Grout mounting channels into floor or mounting pads. F. Retighten current-carrying bolted connections and enclosure support framing and panels to manufacturer's recommendations. 3.02 CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. Field adjust trip settings of motor starter magnetic-trip-only circuit breakers. B. Adjust to approximately 11 times motor rated current. C. Determine motor rated current from motor nameplate following installation. 3.03 OVERLOAD RELAY A. Select and install overload relay heaters and switch settings after actual nameplate full-load current rating of motor has been determined. 3.04 MOTOR DATA A. Provide typed, self-adhesive label attached inside each motor starter enclosure door displaying the following information: 1. Motor served by tag number and equipment name. 2. Nameplate horsepower. 3. Motor code letter. 4. Full load amperes. 5. . Service factor. 6. Installed overload relay heater catalog number. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16440 11 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. In accordance with Section 16080, Electrical Testing. 3.06 MANUFACTURER'S SERVICES A. Furnish manufacturer's representative for the following services at jobsite or classroom as designated by City, for minimum person-days listed below, travel time excluded: 1. 1/2 person-day for installation assistance, and inspection of installation. 2. 1/2 person-day for functional and performance testing. 3. 1/2 person-day for plant startup. 4. 1/2 person-day for training of City's personnel END OF SECTION SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16440 12 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16442 PANELBOARDS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this Section: 1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): a. C62.1, Surge Arresters for Alternating Current Power Circuits. b. C62.11, Standards for Metal-Oxide Surge Arrestors for AC Power Circuits. 2. National Electrical Contractor's Association (NECA): 407, Recommended Practice for Installing and Maintaining Panelboards. 3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum). b. 289, Application Guide for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters. c. AB 1, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches, and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures. d. KS 1, Enclosed Switches e. LA 1, Surge Arrestors. f. PB 1, Pan-elboards. g. PB 1.1, General Instructions for Proper Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Panel boards Rated 600 Volts or Less. 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). 5. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): a. 67, Standard for Panelboards. b. 98, Standard for Enclosed and Dead-Front Switches. c. 486E, Standard for Equipment Wiring Terminals for use with Aluminum and/or Copper Conductors. d. 489, Standard for Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches, and Circuit Breaker Enclosures. e. 508, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment. f. 870, Wireways, Auxiliary Gutters and Associated Fittings. g. 943, Standard for Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's data sheets for each type of panelboard, protective device, accessory item, and component. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16442 1 JUNE 15,2005 P ANELBOARDS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Manufacturer's shop drawings including dimensioned plan, section, and elevation for each panelboard type, enclosure, and general arrangement. 3. Tabulation of features for each pane1board to include the following: a. Protective devices with factory settings. b. Provisions for future protective devices. c. Space for future protective devices. d. Voltage, frequency, and phase ratings. e. Enclosure type. f. Bus and terminal bar configurations and current ratings. g. Provisions for circuit terminations with wire range. h. Short circuit current rating of assembled panelboard at system voltage. L Features, characteristics, ratings, and factory settings of auxiliary components. B. Informational Submittals: Manufacturer's recommended installation instructions. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. . Listing and Labeling: Provide products specified in this Section that are listed and labeled as defined in NEC Article 100. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS i A. Materials, equipment, and accessories specified in this section shall be products of: 1. Eaton/Cutler-Hammer. 2. General Electric Co. 3. Square D Co. B. Panelboards shall be of the same manufacturer as equipment furnished under Section 16440, Low Voltage Motor Control. 2.02 GENERAL A. Provide low voltage panelboards for application at 600V or less in accordance with this Section, including panelboards installed in other equipment specified in Sections 16440, Low Voltage Motor Control, and 16230, Diesel Engine Generator Set. B. Provide equipment in accordance with NEMA PB 1, NFPA 70, and UL 67. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16442 2 JUNE 15,2005 PANELBOARDS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B C. Wire Terminations: 1. Panelboard assemblies, including protective devices, shall be suitable for use with 75 degrees C or greater wire insulation systems at NEC 75 degrees C conductor ampacity. 2. In accordance with UL 486E. D. Load Current Ratings: 1. Unless otherwise indicated, load current ratings for panelboard assemblies, including bus and circuit breakers, are noncontinuous as defined by NEC. Continuous ratings shall be 80 percent of noncontinuous rating. 2. Where indicated "continuous", "100 percent", etc., selected components and protective devices shall be rated for continuous load current at value shown. E. Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR): Integrated equipment short circuit rating for each panelboard assembly shall be no less than the indicated SCCR. F. Overcurrent Protective Devices: 1. In accordance with NEMA AB 1, NEMA KS 1, UL 98, and UL 489. 2. Protective devices shall be adapted to panelboard installation. a. Capable of device replacement without disturbing adjacent devices and without removing main bus. b. Spaces: Cover openings with easily removable cover. 3. Series-Connected Short Circuit Ratings: Devices shall be fully rated; series-connected ratings unacceptable. G. Circuit Breakers: 1. General: Thermal-magnetic unless otherwise indicated, quick-make, quick-break, molded case, of indicating type showing ON/OFF and TRIPPED positions of operating handle. 2. Noninterchangeable: In accordance with NEC. 3. Bus Connection: Bolt-on circuit breakers in all panelboards. 4. Trip Mechanism: a. Individual permanent thermal and magnetic trip elements in each pole. b. Variable magnetic trip elements with a single continuous adjustment 3X to lOX for frames greater than 100 amps. c. Two and three pole, common trip. d. Automatically opens all poles when overcurrent occurs on one pole. SEA/323 1 94.WU.FD.02 16442 3 JUNE 15, 2005 PANELBOARDS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e. Test button on cover. f. Calibrated for 40 degrees C ambient, unless shown otherwise. 5. Unacceptable Substitution: a. Do not substitute single-pole circuit breakers with handle ties for multi-pole breakers. b. Do not use tandem or dual circuit breakers in normal single-pole spaces. 6. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI): Where indicated, equip breaker as specified above with ground fault sensor and rated to trip on 5-mA ground fault within 0.025 second (UL 943, Class A sensitivity, for protection of personnel). a. Ground fault sensor shall be rated same as circuit breaker. b. Push-to-test button. c. Reset button. 7. Equipment Ground Fault Interrupter (EGFI): Where indicated, equip breaker specified above with ground fault sensor and rated to trip on 30-mA ground fault (UL listed for equipment ground fault protection). H. Enclosures: 1. NEMA Type 1 unless otherwise shown. 2. Material: Type 1, Type 3R, and Type 3S shall be code-gauge, hot-dip galvanized sheet steel with reinforced steel frame. 3. Finish: Rust inhibitor prime followed by manufacturer's standard gray baked enamel or lacquer. 1. Bus: 1. Material: tin-plated copper full sized throughout length. 2. Provide for mounting of future protective devices along full length of bus regardless of number of units and spaces shown. Machine, drill, and tap as required for current and future positions. J. Equipment Ground Terminal Bus: Copper with suitably sized provisions for termination of ground conductors, and bonded to box. 1. Provide individual mechanical termination points no less than the quantity of breaker pole positions. 2. Provide individual termination points for all other grounding conductors such as feeder, grounding electrode, etc. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16442 4 JUNE 15, 2005 P ANELBOARDS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B K. Neutral Terminal Bus: Copper with suitably sized provisions for termination of neutral conductors, and isolated from box. 1. Provide individual mechanical termination points no less than the quantity of breaker pole positions. 2. Provide individual termination points for all other neutral conductors. L. Provision for Future Devices: Equip with mounting brackets, bus connections, and necessary appurtenances for future protective device ampere ratings indicated. 2.03 LIGHTING AND APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUIT P ANELBOARDS A. Protective Device Locking: Furnish provisions for handle padlocking for main and for branch devices. B. NEMA 250 Type 1 Branch Panelboard Enclosure: 1. Front trim shall be secured to box with concealed trim clamps. 2. Surface-mount panelboard front trim shall have same dimensions as box. 3. Flush panelboards front trims shall overlap box nominal 3/4 inch on all sides. 4. Door in panelboard front trim, with concealed hinges, shall provide access to protective device operating handles. 5. Doors over 30 inches in height shall have multi-point latching. 6. Door lock shall be secure with flush catch and tumbler lock; all panelboards keyed alike, with two milled keys each lock. 7. Circuit Directory: Metal frame with transparent plastic face and enclosed card, mounted inside each panel door. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Install in accordance with NECA 407, NEMA PB 1.1 and manufacturers' written installation instructions. B. Install securely, plumb, in-line and square with walls. C. Install top of cabinet trim78 inches above floor, unless otherwise shown. Install cabinet so tops of protective device operating handles are no more than 78 inches above the floor. D. Ground Fault Protection: Install panelboard ground fault circuit interrupter devices in accordance with installation guidelines ofNEMA 289. SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16442 5 JUNE 15,2005 PANELBOARDS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323l94B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E. Install filler plates in unused spaces. F. Wiring in Panel Gutters: Train conductors neatly in groups; bundle, and wrap_ with nylon wire ties. 3.02 BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARD A. Mount flush panels uniformly flush with wall finish. B. Provide typewritten circuit directory for each panelboard. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16442 6 JUNE 15,2005 PANELBOARDS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16460 LOW VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this Section: 1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): C57.96, Guide for Loading Dry Type Transformers. 2. National Electrical Contractor's Association (NECA): 409, Recommended Practice for Installing and Maintaining Dry-Type Transformers. 3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum). b. ST 20, Dry-Type Transformers for General Applications. c. TP 1, Guide For Determining Energy Efficiency for Distribution Transformers. 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). 5. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): a. 486E, Standard for Equipment Wiring Terminals for use with Aluminum and/or Copper Conductors. b. 489, Standard for Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches, and Circuit Breaker Enclosures. c. 1561, Standard for Dry-Type, General Purpose, and Power Transformers. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Descriptive information. 2. Dimensions and weight. 3. Transformer nameplate data. 4. Schematic and connection diagrams. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. UL 1561, NEMA ST 20, unless otherwise indicated. B. Dry-type, self-cooled, two-winding, with copper windings. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16460 1 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLT AGE TRANSFORMERS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Units larger than 5 kV A suitable for use with 75 degrees C wire at full NFPA 70, 75 degrees C ampacity. D. Maximum Sound Level perNEMA ST 20: 1. 40 decibels for 0 kV A to 9 kV A. 2. 45 decibels for 10 kV A to 50 kV A. 3. 50 decibels for 51 kV A to 150 kV A. 4. 55 decibels for 151 kV A to 300 kV A. 5. 60 decibels for 301 kV A to 500 kV A. E. Overload capability: Short-term overload per IEEE C57.96. F. Wall Bracket: For single-phase units, 15 kV A to 37-1/2 kV A, and for three- phase units, 15 kV A to 30 kV A. G. Vibration Isolators: 1. Rated for transformer's weight. 2. Isolation Efficiency: 99 percent, at fundamental frequency of sound emitted by transformer. 3. Less Than 30 kV A: Isolate entire unit from structure with external vibration isolators. 4. 30 kV A and Above: Isolate core and coil assembly from transformer enclosure with integral vibration isolator. H. Manufacturers: 1. General Electric Co. 2. Square D Co. 3. Eaton/Cutler-Hammer. 2.02 GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSFORMER A. Insulation Class and Temperature Rise: Manufacturer's standard. B. Core and Coil: 1. Encapsulated for single-phase units 1/2 kV A to 25 kV A and for three- phase units 3 kV A to 15 kV A. 2. Thermosetting varnish impregnated for single-phase units 37.5 kV A and above, and for three-phase units 30 kV A and above. C. Enclosure: 1. Single-Phase, 3 kV A to 25 kV A: NEMA 250, Type 3R, nonventilated. 2. Single-Phase, 37-1/2 kV A and Above: NEMA 250, Type 2, ventilated. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16460 2 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 3. Three-Phase, 3 kV A to 15 kV A: NEMA 250, Type 3R, nonventilated. 4. Three-Phase, 30 kV A and Above: NEMA 250, Type 2, ventilated. 5. Outdoor Locations: NEMA 250, Type 3R. 6. Corrosive Locations: NEMA 250, Type 3R stainless steel. D. Voltage Taps: 1. Single-Phase, 3 kV A to 10 kV A: Four 2-112 percent, full capacity; two above and two below normal voltage rating. 2. Single-Phase, 15 kV A and Above: Four 2-112 percent, full capacity; two above and two below normal voltage rating. 3. Three-Phase, 3 kV A to 15 kV A: Four 2-112 percent, full capacity; two above and two below normal voltage rating. 4. Three-Phase, 30 kV A and Above: Four 2-112 percent, full capacity; two above and two below normal voltage rating. E. Impedance: 4.5 percent minimum on units 75 kV A and larger. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with NECA and manufacturer's instructions. B. Load external vibration isolator such that no direct transformer unit metal is in direct contact with mounting surface. C. Provide moisture-proof, flexible conduit for electrical connections. D. Connect voltage taps to achieve (approximately) rated output voltage under normal plant load conditions. E. Provide wall brackets for single-phase units, 15 kV A to 167-112 kV A, and three-phase units, 15 kV A to 112 kV A. END OF SECTION SEA/323194. WU.FD.02 16460 3 JUNE 15,2005 LOW VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B SECTION 16500 LIGHTING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. Canadian Standards Association (CSA). 2. Certified Ballast Manufacturer (CBM). 3. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 4. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA). 5. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): C62.41, Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits. 6. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1,000 Volts Maximum). 7. National Fire Protection Association (NFP A): 70, National Electrical Code (NEC) - Softbound Version. 8. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL): a. 595, Marine-Type Electric Lighting Fixtures. b. 844, Electric Lighting Fixtures for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations. c. 924, Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Action Submittals: 1. Shop Drawings: a. Interior Luminaires: 1) Catalog data sheets and pictures. 2) Luminaire finish and metal gauge. 3) Lens material, pattern, and thickness. 4) Mounting or suspension details. b. Exterior Luminaires: 1) Catalog data sheets and pictures. 2) Luminaire finish and metal gauge. 3) Lens material, pattern, and thickness. c. Lamps: 1) Voltages. 2) Colors. 3) Approximate life (in hours). SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16500 1 JUNE 15, 2005 LIGHTING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4) Approximate initial lumens. 5) Lumen maintenance curve. 6) Lamp type and base. d. Ballasts: 1) Type. 2) Wiring diagram. 3) Nominal watts and input watts. 4) Input voltage and power factor. 5) Starting current, line current, and restrike current values. 6) Sound rating. 7) Temperature rating. 8) Efficiency ratings. 9) Low temperature characteristics. 10) Emergency ballasts rating and capacity data. e. Photocells: 1 ) Voltage, and power consumption. 2) Capacity. 3) Contacts and time delay. 4) Operating levels. 5) Enclosure type and dimensions. 6) Temperature range. f. Occupancy Sensors: 1) Type. 2) Switching capacity. 3) Coverage. 4) Time delay AUTO/OFF adjustment. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): 1. Provide the Work in accordance with NFP A 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). Where required by the AHJ, material and equipment shall be labeled or listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or other organization acceptable to the AHJ in order to provide a basis for approval under NEC. 2. Materials and equipment manufactured within the scope of standards published by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. shall conform to those standards and shall have an applied UL listing mark. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16500 2 JUNE 15,2005 LIGHTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B 1.04 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish, tag, and box for shipment and storage the following spare parts: Item Spare ballast of each type Spare lamps of each type Quantity Two complete sets Two complete sets PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 LUMINAIRES A. Specific requirements relative to execution of the Work of this section are located in Luminaire Schedule on Drawings. B. Feed-through type, or separate junction box. C. Ballasts: Two-lamp when possible. D. Wire Leads: Minimum 18 AWG. E. Component Access: Accessible and replaceable without removing luminaire from ceiling. F. Exterior Installations: 1. UL Labeled: SUIT ABLE FOR WET LOCATIONS. 2. Ballast: Removable, prewired. 3. When factory-installed photocells are provided, entire assembly shall have UL label. G. Hazardous Classified Areas: 1. UL Labeled: CLASS I, DNISION 1, GROUPS C AND D. 2. Fixture Enclosure and Fittings: Copper-free, cast aluminum in accordance with UL 844. 2.02 LAMPS A. Fluorescent: 1. Type Efficiency: Energy. 2. Color: White. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16500 3 JUNE 15,2005 LIGHTING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. High Intensity Discharge: 1. Type: High pressure sodium. 2. Color: Clear. C. Incandescent: 1. Type Efficiency: Energy. 2. Color: Inside frosted. D. Manufacturers: 1. General Electric Co. 2. Osram Sylvania. 3. Phillips Lighting Company. 2.03 BALLASTS A. General: 1. Meet requirements for fixture light output, reliable starting, radio interference, total harmonic'distortion, electromagnetic interference, and dielectric rating. 2. Certified by electrical testing laboratory to conform to CBM specifications. B. Fluorescent (Electronic): 1. Provide in 1 lamp, 2 lamp, or 3 lamp models. 2. High frequency ballast of 20k Hz or greater. 3. Meets FCC Part 18. 4. UL listed, Class P, sound rating A. 5. Power factor of90 percent or greater. 6. Total harmonic distortion THD shall be less than 10 percent. 7. Shall withstand line transients per IEEE C62.41, Cat A. 8. Shall not contain PCB's and shall carry a minimum 3-year manufacturer's warranty. 9. Ballast shall start lamp at a minimum temperature of 0 degree F. C. Metal Halide: 1. High power factor, normal ambient, 180 degrees C insulation class. 2. Types: a. Autotransformer for 50 watt lamps. b. Constant wattage autotransformer for lamps 70 watts and above. SEN323194.WU.FD.02 16500 4 JUNE 15,2005 LIGHTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B D. Manufacturers: 1. MagneTek Lighting Products. 2. Advance Transformer Co. 3. Motorola Lighting Inc. 4. SLI Inc. 5. General Electric. 2.04 EMERGENCY BALLAST A. In accordance with UL 924. B. Nickel cadmium battery, charger, and electronic circuitry in metal case plus ac ballast. C. Solid state charging indicator monitoring light and double-pole test switch. D. Capable of operating two fluorescent lamps for a period of90 minutes with output of 1,100 to 1,200 lumens. E. Manufacturers: 1. MagneTek Lighting Products. 2. The Bodine Co., Inc. 3. Lithonia. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 LUMINAIRES A. General: 1. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Provide proper hangers, pendants, and canopies as necessary for complete installation and meeting specified seismic requirements. 3. Provide additional ceiling bracing, hanger supports, and other structural reinforcements to building required to safely mount. 4. Install plumb and level. 5. Mounting heights shown for pendant mounted luminaires are measured from bottom of luminaire to finished floor or finished grade, whichever is applicable. 6. Mounting heights shown for wall-mounted luminaires are measured from center of mounting plate to finished floor or finished grade, whichever is applicable. 7. Install each luminaire outlet box with galvanized stud. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16500 5 JUNE 15, 2005 LIGHTING CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 323194B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Pendant Mounted: 1. Provide swivel type hangers and canopies to match luminaires, unless otherwise noted. 2. Space single-stem hangers on continuous-row fluorescent luminaires nominally 48 inches apart. 3. Provide twin-stem hangers on single luminaires. C. Swinging Type: Provide, at each support, safety cable capable of supporting four times vertical load from structure to luminaire. D. Unfinished Areas: Locate luminaires to avoid conflict with other building systems or blockage of luminaire light output. 1. Fixture Suspension: Provide 3/8-inch threaded steel hanger rods. Scissor type hangers not permitted. 2. Attachment to Steel Beams: Provide flanged beam clips and straight or angled hangers. E. Building Exterior: Flush-mounted back box and concealed conduit, unless otherwise indicated. 3.02 LAMPS A. Provide in each fixture, number and type for which fixture is designed, unless otherwise noted. 3.03 BALLASTS A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Utilize all ballast mounting holes to fasten securely within luminaire. C. Replace noisy or defective ballasts. 3.04 EMERGENCY BALLAST A. Install battery, charger, and electronic circuitry metal case inside fluorescent fixture housing adjacent to ac ballast. B. Install monitoring light and double-pole switch adjacent to light fixture. C. Wire in accordance with manufacturer's wiring diagrams. SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16500 6 JUNE 15,2005 LIGHTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 3231948 3.05 EMERGENCY LIGHTING UNIT A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Provide permanent circuit connections with conduit and wire. C. Connect to branch circuit feeding normal lighting in area ahead of all local switches. D. Provide separate circuit wiring to luminaire. 3.06 CLEANING A. Remove labels and markings, except UL listing mark. B. Wipe luminaires inside and out to remove construction dust. C. Clean luminaire plastic lenses with antistatic cleaners only. D. Touch up painted surfaces ofluminaires and poles with matching paint ordered from manufacturer. E. Replace defective lamps at time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION SEA/323194.WU.FD.02 16500 7 JUNE 15,2005 LIGHTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PW 407_04 Part04 [Revised 5/27/04] PART V ATTACHMENTS I State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES II Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone (360) 902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. I On public works projects, workers' .wage and benefit rates must add to not less than thiS total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements is proVided on the Benefit Code Key. II CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** I (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code I ASBESTOS ABATEMENT WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $32.61 1N 5D BOILERMAKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $44.97 1B 5N BRICK AND MARBLE MASONS I JOURNEY LEVEL $39 87 1M 5A CABINET MAKERS (IN SHOP) JOURNEY LEVEL $14.67 CARPENTERS II ACOUSTICAL WORKER $39.11 1M 5D BRIDGE, DOCK AND WARF CARPENTERS $38.95 1M 5D CARPENTER $38 95 1M 5D CREOSOTED MATERIAL $39 05 1M 5D I DRYWALL APPLICATOR $39.63 1M 5D FLOOR FINISHER $39.08 1M 5D FLOOR LAYER $39.08 1M 5D FLOOR SANDER $39.08 1M 5D I MILLWRIGHT AND MACHINE ERECTORS $39.95 1M 5D PILEDRIVERS, DRIVING, PULLING, PLACING COLLARS AND WELDING $39.15 1M 5D SAWFILER $39.08 1M 5D SHINGLER $39.08 1M 5D I STATIONARY POWER SAW OPERATOR $39.08 1M 5D STATIONARY WOODWORKING TOOLS $39 08 1M 5D CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $32.61 1N 5D I DIVERS & TENDERS DIVER $80.62 1M 5D 8A DIVER TENDER $41.72 1M 5D DREDGE WORKERS I ASSISTANT ENGINEER $39.52 1B 5D 8L ASSISTANT MATE (DECKHAND) $38.76 1B 5D 8L BOATMEN $39.52 1B 5D 8L ENGINEER WELDER $39.57 1B 5D 8L I LEVERMAN, HYDRAULIC $41.04 1B 5D 8L MAINTENANCE $38.76 1B 5D 8L MATES $39.52 1B 5D 8L OILER $39.16 1B 5D 8L I DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $39.44 1J 58 ELECTRICIANS - INSIDE CABLE SPLICER $49.51 10 6H I CABLE SPLICER (TUNNEL) $53.31 10 6H CERTIFIED WELDER $47.79 10 6H CERTIFIED WELDER (TUNNEL) $51.41 10 6H CONSTRUCTION STOCK PERSON $24.33 10 6H I JOURNEY LEVEL $46.06 10 6H JOURNEY LEVEL (TUNNEL) $49.51 10 6H ELECTRICIANS - POWERLlNE CONSTRUCTION CABLE SPLICER $50.84 4A 5A I CERTIFIED LINE WELDER $46.37 4A 5A GROUNDPERSON $33.64 4A 5A HEAD GROUNDPERSON $35.46 4A 5A I Page 1 Revised 5-5-2005; 5-27-2005 I CLALLAM COUNTY I Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) I Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code HEAVY LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $46.37 4A 5A I JACKHAMMER OPERATOR $35.46 4A 5A JOURNEY LEVEL L1NEPERSON $46.37 4A 5A LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $39.50 4A 5A I POLE SPRAYER $46 37 4A 5A POWDERPERSON $35.46 4A 5A ELECTRONIC & TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $12.07 I ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS MECHANIC $52.27 4A 6Q MECHANIC IN CHARGE $57.41 4A 6Q FENCE ERECTORS I FENCE ERECTOR $13.80 FENCE LABORER $11 60 FLAGGERS JOURNEY LEVEL $27.93 1N 5D I GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL $39.96 2E 5G HEAT & FROST INSULATORS AND ASBESTOS WORKERS MECHANIC $41.93 1F 5E I HOD CARRIERS & MASON TENDERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33.09 1N 5D INLAND BOATMEN CAPTAIN $35.14 1K 5B COOK $30.11 1K 5B I DECKHAND $29.09 1K 5B ENGINEER/DECKHAND $31.66 1K 5B MATE, LAUNCH OPERATOR $33.24 1K 5B INSULATION APPLICATORS I JOURNEY LEVEL $20 50 IRONWORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $40.17 1B 5A LABORERS I ASPHALT RAKER $33.09 1N 5D BALLAST REGULATOR MACHINE $32.61 1N 5D BATCH WEIGHMAN $27.93 1N 5D BRUSH CUTTER $3261 1N 5D I BRUSH HOG FEEDER $32.61 1N 5D BURNERS $32.61 1N 5D CARPENTER TENDER $32.61 1N 5D CASSION WORKER $33.45 1N 5D I CEMENT DUMPER/PAVING $33.09 1N 5D CEMENT FINISHER TENDER $32.61 1N 5D CHANGE-HOUSE MAN OR DRY SHACKMAN $32.61 1N 5D CHIPPING GUN (OVER 30 LBS) $33.09 1N 5D I CHIPPING GUN (UNDER 30 LBS) $32.61 1N 5D CHOKER SETTER $32.61 1N 5D CHUCK TENDER $3261 1N 5D CLEAN-UP LABORER $3261 1N 5D I CONCRETE DUMPER/CHUTE OPERATOR $33.09 1N 5D CONCRETE FORM STRIPPER $32.61 1N 5D CONCRETE SAW OPERATOR $33.09 1N 5D CRUSHER FEEDER $27.93 1N 5D I CURING LABORER $32.61 1N 5D DEMOLITION, WRECKING & MOVING (INCLUDING CHARRED $32.61 1N 5D DITCH DIGGER $32.61 1N 5D DIVER $33.45 1N 5D I DRILL OPERATOR (HYDRAULIC, DIAMOND) $33 09 1N 5D Page 2 I I I CLALLAM COUNTY EffectIve 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** I (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code I DRILL OPERATOR, AIRTRAC $33 45 1N 5D DUMPMAN $32.61 1N 5D I EPOXY TECHNICIAN $32.61 1N 5D EROSION CONTROL WORKER $32.61 1N 5D FALLER/BUCKER, CHAIN SAW $33.09 1N 5D FINAL DETAIL CLEANUP (i e, dusting, vacuuming, window cleaning, NOT $25 61 1N 5D I construction debris cleanup) FINE GRADERS $32.61 1N 5D FIRE WATCH $27.93 1N 5D FORM SETTER $32.61 1N 5D I GABION BASKET BUILDER $32.61 1N 5D GENERAL LABORER $32.61 1N 5D GRADE CHECKER & TRANSIT PERSON $33.09 1N 5D GRINDERS $32.61 1N 5D I GROUT MACHINE TENDER $32.61 1N 5D GUARDRAIL ERECTOR $3261 1N 5D HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL A $33.45 1N 5D HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL B $33.09 1N 5D I HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL C $32.61 1N 5D HIGH SCALER $33.45 1N 5D HOD CARRIER/MORTARMAN $33 09 1N 5D JACKHAMMER $33.09 1N 5D I LASER BEAM OPERATOR $33.09 1N 5D MANHOLE BUILDER-MUDMAN $33.09 1N 5D MATERIAL YARDMAN $32 61 1N 5D MINER $33.45 1N 5D I NOZZLEMAN, CONCRETE PUMP, GREEN CUTTER WHEN USING HIGH $33.09 1N 5D PRESSURE AIR & WATER ON CONCRETE & ROCK, SANDBLAST, GUNITE, SHOTCRETE, WATER BLASTER PAVEMENT BREAKER $33 09 1N 5D PILOT CAR $27.93 1N 5D I PIPE POT TENDER $33.09 1N 5D PIPE RELlNER (NOT INSERT TYPE) $33.09 1N 5D PIPELA YER & CAULKER $33.09 1N 5D PIPELAYER & CAULKER (LEAD) $33.45 1N 5D I PIPEWRAPPER $33.09 1N 5D POT TENDER $32.61 1N 5D POWDERMAN $33 45 1N 5D POWDERMAN HELPER $32.61 1N 5D I POWERJACKS $33.09 1N 5D RAILROAD SPIKE PULLER (POWER) $33.09 1N 5D RE-TIMBERMAN $33.45 1N 5D RIPRAP MAN $32.61 1N 5D I RODDER $33.09 1N 5D SCAFFOLD ERECTOR $32.61 1N 5D SCALE PERSON $32.61 1N 5D SIGNALMAN $32.61 1N 5D I SLOPER (OVER 20") $33.09 1N 5D SLOPER SPRA YMAN $32.61 1N 5D SPREADER (CLARY POWER OR SIMILAR TYPES) $33.09 1N 5D SPREADER (CONCRETE) $33.09 1N 5D I STAKE HOPPER $32.61 1N 5D STOCKPILER $32.61 1N 5D TAMPER & SIMILAR ELECTRIC, AIR & GAS $33.09 1N 5D TAMPER (MULTIPLE & SELF PROPELLED) $33.09 1N 5D I TOOLROOM MAN (AT JOB SITE) $32.61 1N 5D TOPPER-TAILER $32.61 1N 5D TRACK LABORER $32.61 1N 5D I Page 3 I CLALLAM COUNTY I Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) I Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code TRACK LINER (POWER) $33.09 1N 50 .1 TRUCK SPOTTER $32 61 1N 50 TUGGER OPERATOR $33 09 1N 50 VIBRATING SCREED (AIR, GAS, OR ELECTRIC) $3261 1N 50 I VIBRATOR $33.09 1N 50 VINYL SEAMER $32.61 1N 50 WELDER $32 61 1N 50 WELL-POINT LABORER $33.09 1N 50 I LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION IRRIGATION OR LAWN SPRINKLER INSTALLERS $11.42 LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS OR TRUCK DRIVERS $781 LANDSCAPING OR PLANTING LABORERS $7.93 I LATHERS JOURNEY LEVEL $39 63 1M 50 PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $30.76 2B 5A I PLASTERERS JOURNEY LEVEL $25.83 PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $51 01 1G 5A I POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ASSISTANT ENGINEERS $37.26 1T 50 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (3 YO & UNDER) $39.88 1T 50 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (OVER 3 YO & UNDER 6 YO) $40.34 1T 50 8L I BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (6 YO AND OVER WITH $40.86 1T 50 8L BACKHOES, (75 HP & UNDER) $39.49 1T 50 8L BACKHOES, (OVER 75 HP) $39 88 1T 50 8L BARRIER MACHINE (ZIPPER) $39.88 1T 50 8L I BATCH PLANT OPERATOR, CONCRETE $39.88 1T 50 8L BELT LOADERS (ELEVATING TYPE) $39.49 1T 50 8L BOBCAT (SKID STEER) $37.26 1T 50 8L BROOMS $37 26 1T 50 8L I BUMP CUTTER $39.88 1T 50 8L CABLEWA YS $40 34 1T 50 8L CHIPPER $39.88 1T 50 8L COMPRESSORS $37.26 1T 50 8L I CONCRETE FINISH MACHINE - LASER SCREED $37.26 1T 50 8L CONCRETE PUMPS $39.49 1T 50 8L CONCRETE PUMP-TRUCK MOUNT WITH BOOM ATTACHMENT $39 88 1T 50 8L CONVEYORS $39.49 1T 50 8L ,I CRANES, THRU 19 TONS, WITH ATTAGHMENTS $39.49 1T 50 8L CRANES, 20 - 44 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $39 88 1T 50 8L CRANES, 45 TONS - 99 TONS, UNDER 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING $40.34 1T 50 8L JIB WITH ATACHMENTS) I CRANES, 100 TONS -199 TONS, OR 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $40 86 1T 50 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, 200 TONS TO 300 TONS, OR 250 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $41.40 1T 50 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS) I CRANES, A-FRAME, 10 TON AND UNDER $37.26 1T 50 8L CRANES, A-FRAME, OVER 10 TON $39.49 1T 50 8L CRANES, OVER 300 TONS, OR 300' OF BOOM INCLUDING JIB WITH $41.92 1T 50 8L ATTACHMENTS CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 20 - 44 TONS) $39.88 1T 50 8L I CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 45 - 99 TONS) $40.34 1T 50 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE (100 TONS & OVER) $40.86 1T 50 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE UP TO 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $40.86 1T 50 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE OVER 175'IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $41.40 1T 50 8L I CRUSHERS $39.88 1T 50 8L Page 4 I I I CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** I (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code I. DECK ENGINEER/DECK WINCHES (POWER) $39.88 1T 50 8L DERRICK, BUILDING $40.34 1T 50 8L I DOZERS, 0-9 & UNDER $39.49 1T 50 8L DRILL OILERS - AUGER TYPE, TRUCK OR CRANE MOUNT $39.49 1T 50 8L DRILLING MACHINE $39.88 1T 50 8L ELEVATOR AND MANLlFT, PERMANENT AND SHAFT-TYPE $37.26 1T 50 8L I EQUIPMENT SERVICE ENGINEER (OILER) $39.49 1T 50 8L FINISHING MACHINE/BIDWELL GAMACO AND SIMILAR EQUIP $39 88 1T 50 8L FORK LIFTS, (3000 LBS AND OVER) $39.49 1T 50 8L FORK LIFTS, (UNDER 3000 LBS) $37.26 1T 50 8L I GRADE ENGINEER $39.49 1T 50 8L GRADECHECKERANDSTAKEMAN $37.26 1T 50 8L GUARDRAIL PUNCH $39.88 1T 50 8L HOISTS, OUTSIDE (ELEVATORS AND MANLlFTS), AIR TUGGERS $39.49 1T 50 8L I HORIZONT AUDIRECTIONAL DRILL LOCATOR $39 49 1T 50 8L HORIZONT AUDIRECTIONAL DRILL OPERATOR $39.88 1T 50 8L HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (10 TON & UNDER) $37.26 1T 50 8L HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (OVER 10 TON) $39.49 1T 50 8L I LOADERS, OVERHEAD (6 YO UP TO 8 YO) $40 34 1T 50 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (8 YO & OVER) $40.86 1T 50 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (UNDER 6 YO), PLANT FEED $39.88 1T 50 8L LOCOMOTIVES, ALL $39.88 1T 50 8L I MECHANICS, ALL $40.34 1T 50 8L MIXERS, ASPHALT PLANT $39.88 1T 50 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (FINISHING) $39.88 1T 50 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (NON-FINISHING) $39.49 1T 50 8L I MUCKING MACHINE, MOLE, TUNNEL DRILL ANDIOR SHIELD $40 34 1T 50 8L OIL DISTRIBUTORS, BLOWER DISTRIBUTION AND MULCH SEEDING $37 26 1T 50 8L OPERATOR PAVEMENT BREAKER $37.26 1T 50 8L PILEDRIVER (OTHER THAN CRANE MOUNT) $39 88 1T 50 8L I PLANT OILER (ASPHALT, CRUSHER) $39.49 1T 50 8L POSTHOLE DIGGER, MECHANICAL $37.26 1T 50 8L POWER PLANT $37.26 1T 50 8L PUMPS, WATER $37.26 1T 50 8L I QUAD 9, 0-10, AND HD-41 $40 34 1T 50 8L REMOTE CONTROL OPERATOR ON RUBBER TIRED EARTH MOVING $40.34 1T 50 8L EQUIP RIGGER AND BELLMAN $37.26 1T 50 8L I ROLLAGON $40.34 1T 50 8L ROLLER, OTHER THAN PLANT ROAD MIX $37.26 1T 50 8L ROLLERS, PLANTM1X OR MUL TILlFT MATERIALS $39.49 1T 50 8L ROTO-MILL, ROTO-GRINDER $39.88 1T 50 8L I SAWS, CONCRETE $39 49 1T 50 8L SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING $39.88 1T 50 8L OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT ( UNDER 45 YO) SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING $40.34 1T 50 8L I OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT (45 YO AND OVER) SCRAPERS, CONCRETE AND CARRY ALL $39.49 1T 50 8L SCREED MAN $39.88 1T 50 8L SHOTCRETE GUNITE $37.26 1T 50 8L I SLlPFORM PAVERS $40.34 1T 50 8L SPREADER, TOPSIDE OPERATOR - BLAW KNOX $39.88 1T 50 8L SUBGRADE TRIMMER $39.88 1T 50 8L TOWER BUCKET ELEVATORS $39.49 1T 50 8L I TRACTORS, (75 HP & UNDER) $39.49 1T 50 8L TRACTORS, (OVER 75 HP) $39.88 1T 50 8L TRANSFER MATERIAL SERVICE MACHINE $39.88 1T 50 8L I Page 5 I CLALLAM COUNTY I Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) I Over PREVAILING TIme Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code TRANSPORTERS, ALL TRACK OR TRUCK TYPE $40.34 1T 5D 8L :1 TRENCHING MACHINES $39.49 1T 5D 8L TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER (UNDER 100 TON) $39.49 1T 5D 8L TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER (100 TON & OVER) $39.88 1T 5D 8L I TRUCK MOUNT PORTABLE CONVEYER $39.88 1T 5D 8L WHEEL TRACTORS, FARMALL TYPE $37.26 1T 5D 8L YO YO PAY DOZER $39.88 1T 5D 8L POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS I JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE $33.06 4A 5A SPRAY PERSON $31.34 4A 5A TREE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $31.76 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER $29 48 4A 5A I TREE TRIMMER GROUNDPERSON $21.94 4A 5A REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS MECHANIC $27.68 ROOFERS I JOURNEY LEVEL $34.53 1R 5A USING IRRITABLE BITUMINOUS MATERIALS $37.53 1R 5A SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) $46 74 1J 6L I SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $32.24 1B 5A SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS JOURNEY LEVEL $10.31 1B 50 I SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL $1967 SURVEYORS CHAIN PERSON $9.35 INSTRUMENT PERSON $11.40 I PARTY CHIEF $13.40 TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION - OUTSIDE CABLE SPLICER $28 31 2B 5A HOLE DIGGER/GROUND PERSON $1592 2B 5A I INSTALLER (REPAIRER) $27.16 2B 5A JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE L1NEPERSON $26.34 2B 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER I $28.31 28 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER II $27.74 28 5A .1 TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (HEAVY) $28.31 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (LIGHT) $26.34 28 5A TELEVISION GROUND PERSON $15.12 28 5A TELEVISION L1NEPERSON/lNSTALLER $20.05 2B 5A I TELEVISION SYSTEM TECHNICIAN $23.82 2B 5A TELEVISION TECHNICIAN $21.45 2B 5A TREE TRIMMER $26.34 2B 5A TERRAZZO WORKERS & TILE SETTERS I JOURNEY LEVEL $37.03 1H 5A TILE, MARBLE & TERRAZZO FINISHERS FINISHER $30.86 1H 5A TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS I JOURNEY LEVEL $31.90 1K 5A TRUCK DRIVERS ASPHALT MIX (TO 16 YARDS) $36.89 1T 5D 8L ASPHALT MIX (OVER 16 YARDS) $37.47 1T 5D 8L I DUMP TRUCK $20.23 1 DUMP TRUCK & TRAILER $20.23 1 OTHER TRUCKS $37.47 1T 5D 8L TRANSIT MIXER $23.73 1 I WELL DRILLERS & IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLERS IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLER $11.60 Page 6 I I I CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-03-05 ***************************************************************************************************************** I PREVAILING WAGE Classification I OILER WELL DRILLER $9.45 $11.60 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 7 (See Benefit Code Key) Over Time Code Holiday Code Note Code I BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-05 ************************************************************************************************************************ I I- I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J K. L. M. N OVERTIME CODES OVERTIME CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON THE HOURLY RA TE ACTUALLY PAID TO THE WORKER. ON PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS, THE HOURLY RATE MUST BE NOT LESS THAN THE PREV AILING RATE OF WAGE MINUS THE HOURL Y RATE OF THE COST OF FRINGE BENEFITS ACTUALLY PROVIDED FOR THE WORKER. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. A. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE C. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. D. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAYS OF A FIVE - EIGHT HOUR WORK WEEK AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON A FIFTH CALENDAR DAY, EXCLUDrNG SUNDAY, rN A FOUR - TEN HOUR SCHEDULE, SHALL BE P AID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY ON SATURDAY, ALL HOURS WORKED rN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS IN A FIFTH CALENDAR WEEKDAY OF A FOUR - TEN HOUR SCHEDULE, ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. E. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF 10 PER DAY SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. F. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y SHALL BE P AID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED rN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE P AID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. G. THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON A FIFTH CALENDAR WEEKDAY IN A FOUR - TEN HOUR SCHEDULE, SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. H ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO rNCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS OR EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. WORK PERFORMED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE WORK PERFORMED ON A HOLIDAY SHALL BE PAID ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THEIR HOURLY RATE FOR ACTUAL HOURS WORKED PLUS EIGHT (8) HOURS OF STRAIGHT TIME FOR THE HOLIDAY THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY) SHALL BE P AID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE 2. BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-05 -2- P ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE Q ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT CHRISTMAS DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON CHRISTMAS DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE R. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. T. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, EXCEPT MAKE-UP DAYS, SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED AFTER 600PM SATURDAY TO 6'00AM MONDAY AND ON HOLIDA YS SHALL BE P AID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE U. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. W. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPT MAKE-UP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. A. THE FIRST SIX (6) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF SIX (6) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE B ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE C ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. D ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT STRAIGHT TIME IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. E ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS OR HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE P AID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS OR ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE P AID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. F. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT THE STRAIGHT HOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. G ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE INCLUDING HOLIDAY PAY. H. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALFTIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE I. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. J. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, INCLUDING THE HOLIDAY PAY ALL HOURS WORKED ON UNP AID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. K ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY M. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 4. 5. z. BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-05 -3- O. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE A. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE P AID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE. HOLIDA Y CODES A. HOLIDA YS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) B HOLIDAYS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). C. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) D. HOLIDAYS' NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) E. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). G HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). H. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS (6). I. HOLIDA YS' NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6) N HOLIDAYS' NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DA Y, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). o PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). P. HOLIDAYS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AND SA TURDA Y AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) PAID HOLIDAYS' NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). Q. R. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, ONE-HALF DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7 1/2) PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) PAID HOLIDAYS: SEVEN (7) PAID HOLIDAYS. S T. V. PAID HOLIDAYS SIX (6) PAID HOLIDAYS W. PAID HOLIDAYS: NINE (9) PAID HOLIDAYS. X. HOLIDAYS: AFTER 520 HOURS - NEW YEAR'S DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY AFTER 2080 HOURS - NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY AND A FLOATING HOLIDAY (8) HOLIDAYS' NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY FOLLOWING THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). Y. \ 6 8 BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-05 -4- A PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). B PAID HOLIDAYS. NEW YEAR'S EVE DAY, NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE'S DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). C HOLIDA YS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) D PAID HOLIDAYS' NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, THE DAY BEFORE OR THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY (9). H. HOLIDAYS' NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DA Y, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) L PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DA Y, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). L HOLIDAYS' NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) Q. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. UNPAID HOLIDA Y_ PRESIDENTS' DAY. S. PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DA Y, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DA Y, CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) T PAID HOLIDAYS' NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) U HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY (9). V. PAID HOLIDAYS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, EMPLOYEE'S BIRTHDAY, AND ONE DAY OF THE EMPLOYEE'S CHOICE (10) W PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY (10) x PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DA Y, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY, EMPLOYEE'S BIRTHDAY (11). NOTE CODES A. THE STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHALL BE ONE-HALF TIMES THE DIVERS RATE OF PAY. IN ADDITION TO THE HOURLY WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS, THE FOLLOWING DEPTH PREMIUMS APPLY TO DEPTHS OF FIFTY FEET OR MORE. OVER 50' TO 100' - $1.00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 50 FEET OVER 100' TO 175' - $2.25 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 100 FEET OVER 175' TO 250' - $5 50 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 175 FEET OVER 250' - DIVERS MAY NAME THEIR OWN PRICE, PROVIDED IT IS NO LESS THAN THE SCALE LISTED FOR 250 FEET C THE STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHALL BE ONE-HALF TIMES THE DIVERS RATE OF PAY. IN ADDITION TO THE HOURL Y WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS, THE FOLLOWING DEPTH PREMIUMS APPLY TO DEPTHS OF FIFTY FEET OR MORE: OVER 50' TO 100' - $1.00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 50 FEET OVER 100' TO ISO' - $1.50 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 100 FEET OVER ISO' TO 200' - $2 00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 150 FEET OVER 200' - DIVERS MAY NAME THEIR OWN PRICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-05 -5- D. WORKERS WORKING WITH SUPPLIED AIR ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL $100 PER HOUR L. WORKERS ON HAZMA T PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A: $0 75, LEVEL B $0.50, AND LEVEL C. $0 25 M WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS: LEVELS A & B: $1 00, LEVELS C & D. $0.50 N WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A- $1.00, LEVEL B. $0 75, LEVEL C: $0.50, AND LEVEL D: $0.25. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) FORM PROJECT NAME: West UGA Utilities Extension PROJECT/CONTRACT NUMBER: 05-01 ORIGINATOR: 0 Owner ITEM: REFERENCE DRAWING OR SPECIFICATION: DESCRIPTION OF CLARIFICATION/REQUEST: o Contractor DATE REPLY REQUESTED: CRITICAL TO SCHEDULE: 0 YES 0 NO ORIGINATOR SIGNATURE: DATE: COMMENTS: RFI Number: PW 407_04 Part04 [Revised 5/27/04] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER (CCO) NO. Project Name West UGA Utilities Extension Date Contractor Project No. 05-01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: ' 1. Describe work here 2. Additional work, etc.... Such work will be compensated by: check one or more of the following as applicable [ ] Increase or [ Decrease in bid items; [ ] Force Account; [ ] Negotiated Price: The described work affects the existing contract items and/or adds and/or deletes bid items as follows: Item Descnptlon No. Unit $ Cost Per Unit $ Cost RFI# 2 Rev ORIGINAL CURRENT EST. NET CHANGE TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS, EST. CONTRACT AFTER CONTRACT CONTRACT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING THIS ONE THIS CHANGE ORDER . . . . . DAYS: XX DAYS:VY DAYS: ZZ DAYS: XX+ZZ-VY DAYS. VY+ZZ * Amount with applicable sales tax included All work, matenals and measurements to be In accordance With the provisions of the original contract and/or the standard speCIfications and special provisions for the type of construction Involved. The payments and/or additional time specified and agreed to In thiS order Include every claim by the Contractor for any extra payment or extension of time with respect to the work described herein, including delays to the overall project ]~:,'(~;~f~~JS~;;1;~~~~~~EO~~~~~f. . PROJECT ENGINEER CITY ENGINEER CONTRACTOR PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: PW 407_04 Part04 [Revised 5/27/04] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT West UGA Utilities Extension, PROJECT NO. 05-01 Page 1 of 2 TO: City of Port Angeles DATE: Public Works & Utilities Department P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 FROM: PAYMENT REQUEST NO. PERIOD From: to fend of period]: STATEMENT OF CONTRACT ACCOUNT 1 Original Contract Amount [Excluding Sales Tax] $ 2 Approved Change Order No(s). [Excluding Sales Tax] $ 3 Adjusted Contract Amount (1+2) $ 4 Value of Work Completed to Date [per attached breakdown] $ 5 Material Stored on Site [per attached breakdown] $ 6 Subtotal (4+5) $ 7 8.3% Sales Tax [at 8.3% of subtotal], As Applicable $ 8 Less Amount Retained [at 5% of subtotal] $ 9 Subtotal (6+7-8) $ 10 Total Previously Paid [Deduction] $ 11 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST (9-10) $ WAIVER OF CLAIMS FOR EXTRA COST OR TIME: The undersigned Applicant waives and releases, up through the date hereof, any and all claims for costs or item extensions arising out of or relating to extra or changed work or delays or acceleration not specifically identified and reserved in the amounts identified below or previously acknowledged in writing by the City of Port Angeles. CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR: I hereby certify that the work performed and the materials supplied through the ending period date noted above represent the actual value of accomplishment under the terms of the contract (and all authorized changes) between the Applicant and the City of Port Angeles, relating to the above referenced project, and that the remaining contract balance is sufficient to cover all costs of completing the work in accordance with the contract documents. Continued on Page 2 PW 407_04 Part04 [Revised 5/27/04] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Page 2 of 2 I also certify that all lower-tier payments, less applicable retention, have been made by the Applicant for the periods covered by previous payment(s) received by the Applicant to (1) all lower- tier subcontractors/ suppliers, and (2) for all materials, equipment and labor used or in connection with the performance of this contract. 1 further certify that I have complied with all federal, state and local tax laws, including Social Security laws and Unemployment Compensation laws and Workmen's Compensation laws, insofar as applicable to the performance of this work, and have paid all such taxes, premiums and/or assessments arising out of the performance of the work. I further certify that, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, all work for which previous payment(s) have been received shall be free and clear of liens, claims, security interests and encumbrances in favor of the Contractor, subcontractors, material suppliers, or other persons or entities making a claim by reason of having provided labor, materials and equipment relating to the work. Within seven (7) days of receipt of the payment requested herein, all payments, less applicable retention, will be made through the period covered by this pay request to all my lower-tier subcontractors/suppliers and for all materials, equipment, labor, taxes and assessments arising out of the performance of all said lower-tire work. DATED: CONTRACTOR: SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME AND TITLE: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of ,20_ Notary Public in and for the State of residing at My appointment expires APPROVAL: Project Manager Date City Engineer Date PW 407_04 Parl04 {Revised 5/27/04] - - - - #3 BAR EACH CORNER 18" MIN #3 BAR HOOP - - - - - - FRAME AND VANED GRATE , ONE #3 BAR HOOP FOR 6" TWO #3 BAR HOOPS FOR 12" RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION ~ PRECAST BASE SECTION - - - - - - - - - NOTES AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATE TO REBAR, WIRE MESH HAVING A MINIMUM AREA OF 0 12 SQUARE INCHES PER FOOT MAY BE USED WIRE MESH SHALL NOT BE PLACED IN KNOCKOUTS 2 THE KNOCKOUT DIAMETER SHALL NOT BE GREATER THAN 20" KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALL THICKNESS OF 2" MINIMUM TO 25" MAXIMUM. PROVIDE A 1 5" MINIMUM GAP BETWEEN THE KNOCKOUT WALL AND THE OUTSIDE OF THE PIPE AFTER THE PIPE IS INSTALLED, FILL THE GAP WITH JOINT MORTAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-04.3. 3 THE MAXIMUM DEPTH FROM THE FINISHED GRADE TO THE PIPE INVERT SHALL BE 5'. 4 FRAME AND GRATE MAY BE INSTALLED WITH FLANGE DOWN OR CAST INTO ADJUSTMENT SECTION 5 THE PRECAST BASE SECTION MAY HAVE A ROUNDED FLOOR AND THE WALLS MAY BE SLOPED AT A RATE OF 124 OR STEEPER. 6 OPENING SHALL BE MEASURED AT THE TOP OF THE PRECAST BASE SECTION _J PIPE ALLOWANCES MAXIMUM PIPE MATERIAL INSIDE DIAMETER REINFORCED OR 12" PLAIN CONCRETE ALL METAL PIPE 15" CPSSP * 12" (STD SPEC. 9-05 20) SOLID WALL PVC 15" (STD SPEC 9-0512(1)) PROFILE WALL PVC 15" (STD. SPEC. 9-05.12(2)) I EXPiRES JUL Y i, 2005 I * CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 STANDARD PLAN B-1 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLiCATiON Harold J. Peterfeso 07-21-03 ~ INO~ 1H3Pl.ANIS/tOTJ.I.EQAI.~00CUMENT.lITANWCmowcOl.FUCA1'l1 n.~aJNAl..lIGNED.r THl!'DtOINEEANtDN'l"RO'o'ECIFOl'tPlt.llUCATIOo'(,,, ~OH"-- ArlHEI'l'.UHINOTCW'TAl'EOf"PNIn1ENtO/'~A11ON. ACC>>>TMllrllEClIrTNNED lIPoNREQUut ..... STATE DESIGN ENGINEER W Wa.hlngton State Department of Tran,poJ1ailon - ~~a ~!~ I~. "i ~h ~~~ III It~ <<II .~w i~e ill; il~~ - - - - - - FRAME AND VANED GRATE - RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION ONE #3 BAR HOOP FOR 6" HEIGHT ;WO #3 BAR HOOPS FOR 12" HEIGHT ;WO #3 BAR HOOPS REDUCING SECTION - - - - - - - - - - - PIPE ALLOWANCES MAXIMUM PIPE MATERIAL INSIDE DIAMETER REINFORCED OR 18" PLAIN CONCRETE ALL METAL PIPE 21" CPSSP * 18" (STD SPEC 9-05 20) SOLID WALL PVC 21" (STD SPEC 9-0512(1)) PROFILE WALL PVC 21" (STO SPEC 9-05.12(2)) NOTES As an acceptable alternate to rebar, wire mesh havlOg a minimum area of 0 12 square inches per foot may be used. Wire mesh shall not be placed in knockouts 2. The knockout diameter shall not be greater than 26". Knockouts shall have a wall thickness of 2" minimum to 2 5" maximum Provide a 1 5" minimum gap between the knockout wall and the outside of the pipe After the pipe IS IOstalled. fill the gap with jOint mortar 10 accordance with Standard Specification 9-04.3. 3. The maximum depth from the finished grade to the pipe IOvert shall be 5' 4 Frame end grete may be installed With fiange down or cast IOta adjustment section. 5. The precast base secllon may have a rounded floor and the walls may be sloped at a rate of 1'24 or steeper 6. Opening shall be measured at the top of the precast base section. * CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE #3 BAR EACH CORNER CATCH BASIN TYPE 1L STANDARD PLAN B-1a ~ #3 BAR EACH SIDE I EXPIRES JULY I, 2005 I #3 BAR EACH WAY PRECAST BASE SECTION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterfeso 06-23-04 ~ 4/04 I ADDEO DIMENSIONS ON REClANCU1.AR AOJUSTJ4[HTSEtTlDl'I OATE REVISION ~ STA.TE DESIGN EHOIN!ER fA; Washington Staft; DepartnMInt of traruportatlon lAMe BY - ~ :r 8 ~ 5l ~ ~ Q ~~~ H I! ; ~h i~~ III li~ ~II <~. i~~ ill; ~ht - - - - - FRAME AND VANED GRATE - - RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION ONE #3 BAR HOOP FOR 6" HEIGHT TWO #3 BAR HOOPS FOR 12" HEIGHT - #3 BAR EACH CORNER #3 BAR EACH SIDE - - - - - #3 BAR EACH WAY PRECAST BASE SECTION - - - - - NOTES 1. As an acceptable alternate to rebar, wire mesh having a minimum area of 0 12 square Inches per foot may be used. Wire mesh shail not be plaoad In knockouts 2 The knockout diameter shail not be greater than 16" Knockouts shail have a wail thickness of 2" minimum to 2 5" maximum 3 The maximum depth from the finished grade to the pipe invert shail be 5'. 4 Frame and grate may be Instailed with flange down or cast into adjustment seclton 5 The precast base section may have a roundad floor and the walls may be sloped at a rate of 1 :24 or steeper 6. Opening shall be measured at the top of the precast base section I EXPIRES JUL Y I, 2005 I CATCH BASIN TYPE 1P PARKING LOT C. B. STANDARD PLAN B-1 b SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterfeso 06.23.04 I 4/04 1 "OOEO DIIC[H$ION$ ON RECTANCUlAR AOJUSTMENT SECTION DATE REviSION 1 ANC " --o:.;;n- ~ STAn:. DESIGN ENGINEER fA; Waahlngton Stat. D.parlrMnt of TrarllpOrlOllon - If) z w '" W III ::l 1ii ~ ~ o - - - - - - - - - CATCH BASIN FRAME AND VANED GRATE OR MANHOLE RING AND COVER liJ u ~~ b~ ~~ -", o !!:. HANDHOLD ~ lo N RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION OR CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION FLAT SLAB TOP . . = 48", 54", 60", 72", 84" OR 96" = MORTAR (TYP) . . . . . . STEPS OR C LADDER I I I I f I --- I I I I I - {~= -~ = * ., ., . ~. z :i ~ REINFORCING STEEL =:(6" SEPARATE BASE CAST IN PLACE "0" RING GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE ZONE BEDDING ~" SEPARATE BASE PRECAST - - - - - - - - - NOTES No steps are required when height IS 4' or les8. 2 The bottom of the precast catch basin may be sloped to faCilitate cleaning 3 Frame and grate may be Installed With flange down or cast Into adjustment section 4 Knockouts shall have a wall thickness of 2" minimum to 25" maximum. PrOVide a 1 5" minimum gap between the knockout wall and the outside of the pipe. After the pipe IS Installed, fill the gap With Joint mortar In accordance with Std Spec. 9-04.3. CATCH BASIN DIMENSIONS CATCH MAXIMUM MINIMUM BASE REINFORCING STEEL WALL BASE DISTANCE BASIN THICKNESS THICKNESS KNOCKOUT BETWEEN ln'lft IN EACH DIRECTION DIAMETER SIZE KNOCKOUTS INTEGRAL SEPARATE 48" 4" 6" 36" 8" 015 023 54" 4.5" 8" 42" 8" 019 019 60" 5" 8" 48" 8" 025 025 72" 6" 8" 60" 12" 024 035 84" 8" 12" 72" 12" 029 039 96" 8" 12" 84" 12" 0.29 039 PIPE ALLOWANCES CATCH PIPE MATERIAL WITH MAXIMUM INSIDE DIAMETER BASIN ALL SOLID PROFILE DIAMETER CONCRETE METAL CPSSP WALL WALL (j) PVC~ PVC@ 48" 24" 30" 24" 27" 30" 54" 30" 36" 30" 27" 36" 60" 36" 42" 36" 36" 42" 72" 42" 54" 42" 36" 48" 84" 54" 60" 54" 38" 48" 96" 60" 72" 60" 36" 48" I EXPIRES JULY I, 1005 I CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 (j) CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE (Std. Spec 9-0520) ~ (Std Spec 9-O5 12(1)) @ (Std Spec 9-0512(2)) STANDARD PLAN B-1 e SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET N01l. fIoIl.t FVoH /I NQT A lZ~ ENCJNEENNO DOCIMEN1.UT AN EUCmoNIe Dl.A.JCIl1E APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 7HEOIlIQ/HAl., "016''1 1HEENQ/foIEVf.NlDAHflOWEDFMI'lIllUCAJION. ISKB'rONFU AT?HIiWA$HWGl7tlN,TAl'IiDEPNf'ttlEHtOPf'RANSF'(IRTAY'ION ACOPY"""'''IlOlTAJHED Harold J. Peterfeso 05-20-04 1JPON.Ill:QC.E3T .-/1120041 ADDEO .,," OIAMETER l WAX. HElCHt lB' - ITATE DeslQN ENQINEER --o;:re- DATE REVISION BY fli. Waahlngton Slat. Department of Tranlportatlon - - - - 84" OR 96" FLAT SLAB TOP ~~s H Ih ~. ,~~ i~~ III I~~ III .~~ wt~ i1h th~ L 20" . 24", 24' DIAM , 48" DIAM OR 54" DIAM HOLE B' 72" FLAT SLAB TOP 20" . 24" OR 24" DIAM HOLE ~ B'~ =r=n - - till BARS AT 7' SPACING 2"(TYP) =t 1'MIN 2 112' MAX #5 BARS AT 8" SPACING r- =t 1'MIN 2 112" MAX #4 BARS AT 8' SPACING T 2'(TYP) : ,.. -1 L1'MIN 2 112" MAX 48",64" or 60" FLAT SLAB TOP - - - - TYPICAL ORIENTATION FOR ACCESS AND STEPS 24" MIN i~ ~\1 4B'MIN ECCENTRIC CONE SECTION - - - - - NOTE As an acceptabla altemate to rebar, wire mesh haVing a minimum area of 0.12 square Inches per foot may be used for adjustment sections 8]-i!i II I Q) S u '-' STEP ONE #3 BAR HOOP FOR 8" TWO #3 BAR HOOPS FOR 12" RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION 34' ONE #3 BAR HOOP CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION - - - - ~ ~ 8" lo ~ PREFABRICATED LADDER I EXPIRES JUL Y I. 2005 I MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS FOR MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS STANDARD PLAN B-1z SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterfeso 06.23-04 I 4/04 l.OOED ,,.' rU.T SLAB TOP DAfE REVISION lAMe 8Y ~ STATE OESlDH EHOINEe:A fli Washington State Depcrtment of transpottollon -c:;;:r;- END SECTION LENGTH SHALL BE AT LEAST SIX TIMES THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE (SEE STD SPEC 7-023(1)) r--- ------ ----------------- ---------l -; H H H H " I I I I I I I I I I 1 JIIIII,111111 tllllJ 1111111 11111',111111 I I I I t 1 I II t t [ I 1111111'11111 I I I r I 1 I II t f I f 111111,111 III I I \I I J I I II I I I 1111111'11111 111111,111111 1IIItl Ilflll "1 "1 U - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 410R StEEPER THERMOPLASTIC PIPE CONCRETE PIPE END SECTION LENGTH SHALL BE AT LEAST SIX TIMES THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE (SEE STD SPEC 7-023(1}) r-- -- - - --- ---------------- n___________ ------- -- -- --- o 0 0 - - - NOTES The culvert ends shall be beveled to match the embankment or ditch slope and shall not be beveled flatter than 4 1 When slopes are between 4 1 and 6 1, shape the slope In the VIClntlY of the culvert end to ensure that no part of the culvert protrudes more than 4" above the ground line 2 Field cut of culvert ends IS perr11ltted, when epproved by the Engineer All field cut culvert pipe shall be treated With treatment as shown In the Standard SpeCifications or General Special PrOVIsions ----~ - -- 4" MAX 4) " " " " " " " " " - ji - -- - - - - h - -- - - - -- - - -- - -- - -- -- - - -- - h h -- - -- - -- h h - -- -- h - -- -- - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- -- =1_ 4" MAX METAL PIPE -1 - --t__ 4" MAX, I EXPIRE S JUl Y I. 200 l I BEVELED END SECTIONS FOR CULVERTS 30" DIAMETER OR LESS STANDARD PLAN B-7a SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET O!lnoo2 REVISED I'lU. SLOPE .,.0 111M ,-["Cft! ~0fI N(Tf.L PIPE, AE' MOTEs. 4DO[OalAk PIPE SIZE DAtE REVISION - - -', - - FILL SLOPE - VARIABLE ~ '" g U ~ ~ ~ c - - - - - - '" @~ (j) <0 15 5;~ z ~c::: tll ;;!~ e ::>2 U) @~ - - -, - - - - ~ 1..j #4 BARS EaUALL Y SPACED r2 "I 16" MAX CENTER TO CENTER " NOTES The variable dimension indicated for the height of step for step mitered pipeS shall conform to the manufacturers recommendations unless specI- fied differently on the plans or In the Special ProviSions 2 Reinforcing steel shall have 1 1/2" mln clear cover to all concrete surfaces 3 Headwalls for concrete culvert pipe may omit anchor bolt ettachment 4 When steel pipe safety bars ar used, headwall thickness shall be Increased to 8". CLASS 3000 CONCRETE ANCHOR BOLTS - EaUALL Y SPACED. 24" MAX CENTER TO CENTER (SEE NOTES) STRUCTURAL PLATE PIPE ARCHES AND UNDERPASSES en 15 z UJ l!i t/J !!! STEP MITERED PIPE '" @~ UUJ ~~ >1- ""'" ~~ OUJ UJU ~~ ;!e I #4 BARS EaUALL Y SPACED 16" MAX CENTER TO CENTER 0+012 OR S+SI2 FILL SLOPE - VARIABLE I I I #4 BARS EaUALL Y SPACED 16" MAX CENTER TO CENTER ANCHOR BOLTS - EaUALL Y SPACED. 24" MAX CENTER TO CENTER (SEE NOTES) CLASS 3000 CONCRETE ANCHOR BOLTS - EaUALL Y SPACED, 24" MAX CENTER TO CENTER (SEE NOTES) CLASS 3000 CONCRETE 0+012 FULL MITERED PIPE PIPES AND STRUCTURAL PLATE PIPES I EXPIRES JUL Y I, 2005 I SECTION 0 I' 6" I "'oo,,~J ~ HEADWALLS FOR CULVERT PIPES STANDARD PLAN B-9 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterfeso 11.23.04 ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL I NO?:!. f)"1'f.NI11SIK1TA~~QOC!.JM!N'rlll1N1~~1'l! fH!0RI01HAl, .aNEDIY1HI!'fhQMEI!IIANlJN'MO\oUl.llOo't~7ION, I.SKUtON/'U ATNWA.SHNOTON.rrA72~OI'~iIl"ClRTAllON. AOOP'tMA'I'AlOltAWfO -"...... STATE DeSIGN ENGINEER ~ . Washington Stat. Department of Tran.portatfon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - CULVERT DIAM. NUMBER OF liARS REQUIRED UP TO 36" NONE 42" ~ 60" 1 66" ~ sO'. 2 96" ~ 120" 3 NOTES a HEADWALL Ii SEE NOTE 5 NOTCH BOTTOM OF CULVERT PIPE TO ALLOW ANCHOR/SOCKET PLACEMENT (TVP ) 1. Sockets shall be 3" extra strong steel pipe (3 1/2" 0.0) Sockets must be the proper angle and height so that safety bars are parallel With headwall and side slope, and are easily removable. 2. Safety Bars shall be 4" extra strong steel pipe (4 1/2" 0 0 ), or 4 1/2" 0 O. ( 250" wall thickness) steel tubing Length shall be the minimum required to achieve ReSin Bonded Anchor placement In full depth concrete (20' maximum) When multiple bars are reqUired (see table) place bars at equal spacing (3D" max.). 3 Bevel culvert pipe to match side slope. 4. Resin bonded anchors shall be 7" In length (5" embedment) 5, Centerline of headwall shall be normal to roadway centerline Q L ~ a STEEL PLATE - SEE DETAIL FIELD CUT CULVERT TO MATCH BLOCKOUT IN HEADWALL 3/4" RESIN BONDED ANCHOR (TYP ) - SEE NOTE 4 TOP VIEW CULVERT IS PERPENDICULAR TO ROADWAY '" x 4" SLOT WITH 2" HOLE AT BOTTOM (TVP) 2" (TVP ) 4"(TYP) 2"(TYP) 4 5" DEEP BLOCKOUT PLACE RESIN BONDED ANCHORS IN FULL DEPTH CONCRETE (TVP ) - SEE NOTE 4 g: S" I 9" I '~ SA~ETY'BAR STEEL PLATE DETAIL TOP VIEW CULVERT IS SKEWED TO ROADWAY ~ :r u 8 ~ ~ ~ Q CUT AND WELD SOCKET - SEE NOTE 1 I EXPIRES JUL Y I. 2005 I TYPE 1 SAFETY BARS FOR STEPPED CULVERT PIPE OR PIPE ARCH STANDARD PLAN B-9a ISOMETRIC CUTAWAY 0 24" ISOMETRIC VIEW SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 3/4" DIAM x 16" THREADED ROD CENTERED THROUGH PIPE, SECURED WITH NUTS, OR 314" x 6" ANCHOR STUDS WELDED TO PIPE SPACING SHALL BE 6" FROM TOP AND 8" FROM BOTTOM OF CONCRETE (TVP ) SOCKET SHALL EXTEND INTO SAFETY BAR 4" Harold J. Peterfeso 11.23.04 ~ NOr= ndPLNI"NOTAlau.I.~flOCI.ltIfIWrIUTNt~~~ 1'Hr~ 1IGM!D''''DelNGtNEDNiDN'l'ROWD,lrQltPUelJC2A~ IIt1B'rONI'U AT'!J<<WMH/H07tWSTAlI/:IeIwmawf'QII1JWW'OItTA1JOt( AtxJl"flllAyarOlltAMD .....- ..... STATE OESIGN ENOINEER 'li Washlngton Stat. D.partment of Transportation -, ~ J: g tJ ~ ~ ~ Q - - 0/4 0 0/4 SEE NOTE 1 ~~ ~ __.o_______.._______.______J__ . . FRONT VIEW 1 112" (TYP) -[ ~ ~ ~ 10" (TYP ) - - - _. - - - - - .. - - " ~ 7/S" DIAM HOLE NOTES - - - - FIELD CUT PIPE BEVEL St;t; NOTE: 21J G St;t;N07t;2 y D = Inside Diameter of Culvert Pipe. or Pipe Arch Span Width, 36" maximum 2. The distance between the safety bars, and between the top bar and the culvert crown, shall be equal spaces of no more than 24" The distance may vary :1:1" between bars to facilitate placement 3 Slope shall match Side Slope, 6H 1V preferred, not steeper than 4H 1V. CULVERT INVERT '" SIDE VIEW ~ C? 5 3/4" x 3/4" DIAM THREADED ROD, 4" EMBEDMENT WITH HEX HEAD NUT (TYP ) SAFETY BAR (TYP ) ~ 314" MAX (TYP) I- RESIN BONDED ANCHOR (TYP ) 0-2" SEE NOTE 1 SECTION 0 INSTALL RESIN BONDED ANCHOR (TYP) C? 5 314" x 3/4" DIAM THREADEO ROD. 4" EMBEDMENT WITH HEX HEAD NUT (TYP) CULVERT PIPE OR PIPE ARCH :...J: 314" MAX (TYP) I- 0-2" SEE NOTE 1 SECTION 0 NOre, 'IH'I'UN.NO"AIaAI.~OOOUIIBn'.urM~Ol.Il'lJCitl'Zt 1NI!0fII0.f\W, SIGN!D,'(1H!eG/NS!RANDAFMO'lm1O#f.POIlII..IC:A17CW,IIJIiZPTONfIU ATHWASOfNOTCW.TAlIrD8'MnlBn'0I'1JWGII'CIRTAl'I(W J,(;(IP'fIMYIltOlTA.W!O -- 31S" x 4" x 10" STEEL PLATE 3" x 3"x 5116" STRUCTURAL TUBING SECTION 0 I EXPIRES JUL Y I, 2005 I TYPE 2 SAFETY BARS FOR CULVERT PIPE OR PIPE ARCH (ON CROSS ROAD) STANDARD PLAN B-9b SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterfeso 11.23.04 ---o;;:re-- .... SlATE DESIGN ENGINEEI\ ill Washington State D.pat1lMnt of Tran.por1allon - ~ :c g () ~ ~ ~ c - - ~~ bb , , "'~ - - -\ - - -> MORTAR FILl.ET MANHOLE RING AND COVER ~ ~ CIRCULAR AOJUSTMENT SECTION (TYP ) ECCENTRIC CONE SECTION . . " . . 48', 54" OR 80" PRECAST RISER SECTIONS STEPS OR LADDER CHANNEL AND SHELF REINFORCING STEEL (TYP ) ~" GRAVEL BACKFIll. FOR PIPE ZONE BEDOING ~' SEPARATE BASE PRECAST - _.. - - .. - - - - - NOTE Knockouts shall have a wall thickness of 2" minimum to 2 1/2" maximum MANHOLE DIMENSION TABLE MAXIMUM MINIMUM BASE REINFORCING STEEL DIAM, WALL BASE KNOCKOUT DISTANCE (In2/ft IN EACH DIRECTION) THICKNESS THICKNESS BETWEEN SIZE KNOCKOUTS INTEGRAL BASE SEPARATE BASE 48" 4" 6" 36" 8" 0.15 023 54" 41/2" 8" 42" 8" 019 019 60" 5" 8" 48" 8" 025 025 I EXPIRES JUL Y I. 2005 I MANHOLE TYPE 1 STANDARD PLAN B-23a SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J, Peterfeso 02-25-05 --o.;:re- INO~ nllaPt>>/IINOTALl!lW.tHO/Na1f1N(JDOaHIEN1'UTNlUECTl'tONIC'Ol.IA.ICA~ rIiI! QIlJQ/NAt, 1I0NED.'I' rH66NWNEbtANOAHRO~MJIItP\RlLlColl1lOl'll, II KE/'rONFU ATrHEWA!IHlNQl1:lNlrAf'EOE/WtTIIDtTOF mANsPO/fTA1lON. AcoPYWAl'IEClBrNNED lJPONREQ!JUr ..... aTATE DESIGN ENGINEER fli Washington Sta" Dlportmlnt of Transportation - ~ :I: g '" ~ ?i; ! c - - - ~ b '. ..... . ..... : .: . ,'. /.: : .: ~ ?: ...: . ~ , , '. , , , , . " , . " 241 SLOPE -- . . MORTAR FILLET :.~~~~ " ....:.:.." SEPARATE BASE - CAST IN PLACE GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE ZONE BEDDING - - " , , " 72", 84" OR 96" z i l:! STEPS OR LADDER 46" OR 54" - - _. - - - .. MANHOLE RING AND COVER - - - - - - NOTE CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION (TYP ) Knockouts shall have a walllhlckness of 2" minimum to 2 1/2" maximum . '. " SEPARATE BASE - PRECAST ECCENTRIC CONE SECTION PRECAST RISER SECTION FLAT SLAB TOP CHANNEL AND SHELF . =r6" "0" RING 12" =r6" MANHOLE DIMENSION TABLE MAXIMUM MINIMUM BASE REINFORCING STEEL DIAM, WALL BASE KNOCKOUT DISTANCE (In2/flIN EACH DIRECTION) THICKNESS THICKNESS BETWEEN SIZE KNOCKOUTS INTEGRAL BASE SEPARATE BASE 72" 6" 8" SO" 12" 024 035 84" 8" 12" 72" 12" 029 039 9S" 8" 12" 84" 12" 029 039 I EXPIRES JUL Y I. 2005 I MANHOLE TYPE 2 STANDARD PLAN B.23b SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET HOrE THI'PtAN/SHOTAl.fGALtNOINEVIJNQOOCINENT'lITNla.ECl'RCWlCO~1E APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION n/l!cwo.w.v.IIfJNE()'r1HEENfJINEMANO~FOIt~TIQ'(IS/tS'TONfIU!. ATTHI!"WASHlNGTCWITATEOEPM1'M6NT0i'1'I\oWSPCl'ITAT1ON AooP'fMAr&l!OITNNED Harold J. Peterleso 02-25-05 I.JIIOHREOUE.T 1/2005 I ADDED lot" DIAI4TEA I Awe - 8TATE DESIGN ENGINEER ~ DATE REVISION BY fli ,WUlhlnClton Stat. Department of Transportation - en ifj lli III :l iii ~ ~ c - - - - - - - - - MANHOLE RING AND COVER CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION i 16" MAX 4"MIN .- . !o " " N FLAT SLAB TOP " > > " 46", 54", 60", 72", 64" OR 96" > >, STEPS OR LADDER > > > " i PRECAST RISER SECTIONS b '" N 241 " SLOPE MOTAR FILLET CHANNEL AND SHELF REINFORCING STEEL SEPARATE BASE CAST IN PLACE SEPARATE BASE PRECAST - - - - - - - - - NOTE Knockouts shall have a wall thickness of 2" minimum to 2 5" maximum MANHOLE DIMENSION TABLE MAXIMUM MINIMUM BASE REINFORCING STEEL MANHOLE WALL BASE DISTANCE In'lft IN EACH DIRECTION DII',METER THICKNESS THICKNESS KNOCKOUT BETWEEN SIZE KNOCKOUTS INTEGRAL SEPARATE 46' 4" 6" 36" 6" 016 023 54' 45" 6" 42" 6" 0.19 019 60" 5" 6" 46" 6" 025 025 72" 6" 6" 60" 12" 024 035 64" 6" 12" 72" 12" 029 039 96" 6" 12" 64" 12" 029 039 I EXPIRES JULY I. 2005 I MANHOLE TYPE 3 STANDARD PLAN B-23c SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET NOlE "..,f1J.NI'NOTAl.EIMl.EMG/NU1fINQDOCl.MIENT.U1MEl.fCfflOMICO<If'IJC,I,tE. APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION fHf~~'r1HEENOINEERANtJ~\lEDN)lf.P\.Il!UCAncw.I'QPTCIN"1U! AT~WA~n;w#TA'/I'tJV>MJ7GJ{tQll'm.wSPORTATION ACOl"t'.wAI'IICll1TAlN6.D Harold J. Peterleso 05-20-04 UPONAE'llJEST 4/112'0041 ADDED .... OIAWE:Tf:R I" STA'!'! DESIGN EN01NE!R --o;::re- - DATE REVISIOH " W.Waahlngton State Depar1rnent of transportation - z ~ z :> '" '" ffi ... w ~ ~ c - - - l ~TU 7[1 24" 28 314" 34 1/8" III o RING SECTION SKID GROOve PATTERN - SEE DETAIL ~ - - - - DRILL AND TAP 5/B" " 11 NC HOLE FOR 1 112" X 5/8" STAINLESS STEEL SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW (lYP ) SEE DETAIL "B" 275/8" 26 318" ~TU 711 24" 26 314" 34 1/6" ,II 1/4" DOVETAIL GROOVE IMTH NEOPRENE GASKET (SEE NOTES) RING SECTION o SEE DETAIL "A" SEE DETAIL "A" ".~ SPECIFY LETTERING COVER PLAN COVER PLAN . SEEDETAIL"B"~ :-L ~I ~E:J:TAIL "A" L ~ ~ SEE:AIL "A" 1~~] 1~,l- ~~ ] COVER SECTION 0 COVER SECTION 0 (SEE NOTE 8) STANDARD TYPE 1 (SEE NOTE 8) BOLT.DOWN I WATERTIGHT TYPE 2 - - - - 13/6" A ;---0-;:1 L___ .-l 4" BLIND PICK NOTCH ~ DETAIL "A" --.i :IDr~ ~ BOLT .DOWN / WATERTIGHT DETAIL "B" SEE DETAIL "A" COVER PLAN --L SEE DETAIL "COO COVER SECTION (SEE NOTE 6) CAMLOCK TYPE 3 - - - - - - - NOTES Gasket and groove may be In the seat or underside of cover 2 For bolt down manhole nng and covers that are not deSignated 'Watertight", the neoprene gasket, groove and washer are not required. 3. Washer shall be neoprene (Detail "B"). 4 In lieu of blind pick notch for storm sewer manhole covers, dnll three 1" diameter holes at 120' spacing 5, Propnetary manhole covers Without bottom nbs are acceptable 6 For clarity, the vertical scale of the Cover SectJon has been exaggerated, It IS 1.5 times the honzontal scale (1 H 1 5V) 2" $ ~[ "1/4"1 r- 1"112"1 ! " ~/-r :- :- BOLT ON CAM TYPE LOCKING DEVICE DETAIL "C" SKID GROOVE PATTERN DETAIL 313/16" '" BOLT ON CAM TYPE LOCKING DEVICE SECTION 0 I EXPIRES JUL Y I. 2005 I MANHOLE RING AND COVER STANDARD PLAN B.25 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterfeso 06-30-04 ~ I NOte 1HI1Pl.AHISNOTA~ENOINf!EJII1NoOOCUllENtI,"AN~~re. 7N!~ SKJNV)'Y1HlENOlNUJtANOMWfOVED~~TJO/tljJKEPT~"'" ATrHEw~TON'rATEOEJWtTIIENTOI'TRANSPQIU"TION.ACCJPrIlA'I'llEoerNHE1J lH'ON,uQlJl!"ST STATE DESIGN ENGINEER - W WashIngton Stat. Department of Tranlportallon - - - - - - - - - - - - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE COLLAR SEE NOTE 1 Cl STEEL WELDED WIRE FABRIC [SEE NOTE 5) ~ ~-J?"~ I. ,II 1 . f-++ II I \111 I I I I I III I \k- +-iJt--H Willi II I I~II II I I I -L.~ \\1 I II I 1III I I \I \:t.. I 1 Ii-:r I L_J.::.:.::::l 10~ CONCRETE COLLAR OPTION CORRUGATEO METAL PIPE 24' CONCRETE PIPE (SEE NOTE 2) TYPE K COUPLING BAND (SEE NOTE 4) 24' WIDE, l' THICK RUBBER GASKET IN ACCORDANCE WITH STD. SPEC. B.04 4[3) COUPLING BAND OPTION - - - - - - - NOTES 1. CONCRETE COLLAR WIDTH SHALL BE ONE HALF OF THE OUTSIDE PIPE DIAMETER OF THE LARGEST PIPE. THE MINIMUM COLLAR WIDTH SHALL BE 12'. CONCRETE COLLARS MAY BE USED WITH ALL PIPE MATERIALS AND OIAMETERS THE CONCRETE COLLAR OPTION SHALL ONLY BE USED TO EXTEND EXISTING PIPES. 2 WHEN A COUPLING BAND CONNECTION REQUIRES ATTACHING A BELL END OF A CONCRETE PIPE. THE BELL END OF THE PIPE SHALL BE REMOVED BEFORE THE CONNECTION IS INSTALLED. 3 INCREASE THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF THE METAL PIPE TO MATCH THE OUTSIOE DIAMETER OF THE CONCRETE PIPE WITH 12' WIDE RUBBER GASKETS. THICKNESS AS REQUIRED RUBBER GASKETS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION B.04 4(3) OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 4. USE A FLAT TYPE K COUPLING BAND TYPE K COUPLING BANDS WITH OIMPLES ARE NOT ALUDWED FOR THE INSTALLATION DETAIL SHOWN THE COUPLING BAND OPTION SHALL ONLY BE USED FOR EXTENDING EXISTING PIPES THAT HAVE AN INSIDE DIAMETER OF 36' OR LESS 5 STEEL WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 9.07 7 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. INSTALL TWO WRAPS FOR SIZE 6 x 6 W1 4 x W1.4 [10 GAGE) STEEL WELDED WIRE FABRIC OR ONE WRAP FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SIZES 6 x 6 W2.1 x W2.1 (B GAGE] B x B W2 9 X W2 9 [6 GAGE) 4 X 4 W2 B X W2 9 (6 GAGE) 4 X 4 W4.0 X W4 0 [4 GAGE) EXPIRES JULY I, 2001 CONNECTION DETAILS FOR DISSIMILAR CULVERT PIPE STANDARD PLAN 8.28 N071!: THI'Pl.ANIlN01ALBU.I.~l'iOO.JMSNtaurM~~~ APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION HORWHAt, nHED'V7NE'ENOINEERANDNWtO~FOFt#lU8UC.4~ "KSPTONFU Ar1HRWAIHH01'CWITA1lt'OB'AIfTIlS{t0l'1'JU/II.IIIORT....ncw. A coPYMAVUonA.M!O lJI"ON~UEST Clifford E. Mansfield 10-06-99 I ADDEO COUPLING BANO OPTION. REVISED WIRE I, ~ CEAITYSTATE[ESlQIIE/IOt&R CATE 1089 FABRIC BIZES 'foIJB .. W~ Iit"ATE lEPAFmv'fNT OF 1"FlANBF'atTA1'Dl CATE IIMlDl BY a.VMPA WASHltfJTD\,I - - See Note 1 - - - 4" or 6" OIA Sewer pipe (See Controct) 450 Elbow Wye Bronch Sewer Main PLAN Property Line - - ~ 2% MIN. 450 MAX ELEVATION WYE CONNECTION - Cop See Note 2 - See Note 1 - - - - - - NOTES - - - - 1. Instol I sewer sOddle with gosket ond stolnless steel clomps for connection to existing sewers. Instal I wye or tee sewer fitting with goskets for new sewer instol lotions. 2. Mark location of sewer stub in accordance with Contracting Agency requirements. 4" or 6" DIA Sewer pipe (See Controct) Tee Bronch Property Line Sewer Moin PLAN ELEVATION TEE CONNECTION See Note 2 I EXPIRES JULY I. 1999 I SIDE SEWER STANDARD PLAN 6-29 IjNOn!: JHlIPUoNIINOT A l.EaAL.lNC/NttRING DOClJllENTavT ANELECTRCWlCot.RJCA7'!. fHEOIVO/NAL,IIGNEDI'tTHEENOINEElfMDAPFI'lOVEDKJR.PV8LICA.TlON "~ON'U ArnE WA&MWaTON 'tATE IJEPNfI1rENTOI' mAN.SPORTAnON. A CCPYAlAYIJE oeTAJNED tM'ON~sr APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Cl1fford E Mansfield 4/24/98 DEPUTY STATE DESIGN ENCIHEER ~ . WA5HIHcrOH STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION I OL yIltPU. WASHIHCTOtt - - - ~i!1 ;!li liw "i .I~ i ~ III li~ - ~II 1- <~. ite , , ill; ;., ~I~~ , N TYPE 1 1- TYPE 2 - - - - - - - Predrllled holes for future guordroi I raising N . --r ;., N INITIAL INSTALLATION RAIL ELEMENT RAISEO TYPE 1 ALTERNATE %" Corr loge bOI t wI th hex nut ond _ pos t bo I t wosher in r/' hole C6xS.2 12' .SY~" MIN length '" , N %" Corrloge bolt wIth hex nut ond post bo I t wosher In r~" hole C6xS.2 12'-Sr~" MIN length TYPE 3 - N - - - !;(pe 1 ond 2 roll 7l' x IS" button heod bolt wIth V" " ovo I gr I pond recessed hex nut Iype 3 ond 4 roll 1'," x 2S" button heod bol t wI th ovo I gr I pond recessed hex nut or %" rod threoded both ends wi th hex - %" xl'/." Button heod sp II Ce bo I t wi th y" " ovo I gr I pond recessed hex nut (e I ght requ I red per sp II ce 1 . Screwdr I ver slot or mi lIed wrenCh shoulders in bolt heads. - - - - 1 r..' pos t bo I t wOSher for Type ond Type 2 only See Notes 4. 5. and 6 WOOO POST ASSEMBLY DETAIL Wood block for steel Type 1 ond 2 roll %" x 10" button heod bolt with y,," ovol grip and hex nut ond cut washer W beam guordro i I STEEL POST ASSEMBLY DETAIL I A II mount I n9 hardware some os for wood post ossembly. except os notedl ;., , N TYPE 4 091200) REV. STEEL POST ASSEMBLY QETAlL DATE REVISION See Note 6 W6x9 or W6xlS 1 EXPIRES JUL Y 24, 20041 BEAM GUARDRAIL (W-BEAM) STANDARD PLAN C-1 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVEO FOR PUSLlCATION Harold J. Peterfeso 10-31-03 RC ~ STATE OUtON EHGINEEA --o;;;:e- iJi, Washington Sfate Department of Tran.portatlon BY - ~~a ~!; lh mll ~~~ i~l II; li~ ~U .~~ it~ i1h ~!~~ - - - 2"J' 13' -G'Iz" G'-3" G'-3" 4 1/11 ,,! 4 1//' -i. co co ~ o o x 2" Splice slots <TVP) RAIL ELEMENT 13'-GV2" G' - 2'1." 4'J."!4'14' "I" ~ = x 2" Spl Ice slots (TVP) r." x 4" Post bolt slots (TVP) - - - - '\\, " x 2" Spl Ice slot In chonnel ond splice plote for %" corr loge bO It. hex nut ond wosher 'V. " Spl Ice holes for %" carr i age bo Its I t Post connect i on - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES 1. When required by the controct. 0 Snow LoOd Post Wosher sholl be used on the bockslde of the post (In lieu of the I 3/4 " post bOlt wosher) ond 0 Snow Lood Roi I Wosher shol I be ploced on the foce side of Type 1 ond Type 2 Beom Guordroil. Snow lood roi I woshers ore not to be Instol led on termlnols. 2. Roil washers, olso coiled "snow load roil washers" ore not required on new instollotlons. except os col led for in Note 1. Roil washers need not be removed on existing instal lations. except posts 2 through B of 0 BCT Instal lotion. Guordroll post spoclng for Types 1 through 4 sholl be 6' -3" on centers. Timber block shol I be toe-nol led to post with 0 lGd golvonlzed noil to restrict block rotation. For post ond block detoi Is. see Standard Plan C-lb. When Beom Guordroi I Type 1. __ Foot Long Post, is specified In Contract. the post length sholl be stomped with numbers 1 1/2 " MIN height ond 1/4" deep at the location where the letter "H" is shown on the detoll. After instollotion of long post. It sholl be the Contractor's responsibllty to ensure thot the stomped numbers ore sti I I legible ond 1/4" deep. 3. 4 . 'V." x 2" Post bolt slot in chonnel ond sp I Ice p I ate for %" button head bo I t wi th Vll " OVO I gr I p and recessed nut. 5. 6. CHANNEL RAIL SPLICE t .1 4''j. "14''j.'' 1I, -4 2" co co o 0 o 0 r." x 2V2" Post bolt slots (TvP) G'-3" 4 V," !4'14' ~ co co r,' x 2Y2" Post bolt slot (TvP) 2" o 0 ll\, " X We" Sp lice bo Its lots !TVP) EXPANSION SECTION DETAIL " 4" :1 2" q. 'I,' PI ote 'V. " Hole N SNOW LOAD POST WASHER (See Note 1) ~"'I I' " ~.".. .. "" r j' · 000"'" 1J -.-. " Plate SNOW LOAD RAIL WASHER I EXPIRES JUL Y 24, 20041 BEAM GUARDRAIL (W.BEAM) STANDARD PLAN C.1 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterleso 10-31-03 I 09/200] I REV. NOTES DATE REVISION I,e " STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ~ - W Wa.tlin;ton Stat. Department of Transportation - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 1 " CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 4 ~ ~ ., ., :.;. >< <l :>: Pu I I pos t N -'- ',T Tension wire " " " " " CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 6 ~ - - - - - - .1 '~I CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 3 ~ t CHAIN LINK FENCE L-2 07-18-97 sneet I of 2 Sheets - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ie W,' i5 {n Ie { All concrete post bases ShOll be 10" minimum diameter. NOTES I AI J posts shOI I be spaced at 10' maximum intervals unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. ~ '" Top or bottom tension wires sholl be placed within the I imlts of the first full fabric weave. Fobr I C J oops Fence Line e . '/." Rod i us ITYPI Detai Is are illustrative and shol I not limit hardware design or post selection of any particular fence type. END. CORNER AND PULL POST RAIL AND BRACE LINE POST ROLL FORMED SECTIONS MEMBER BRACE RAIL 8. TOP RAlL Ll NE 8. BRACE POST END, CORNER, 8. PULL POST GATE POST ALL TYPE POSTS ROUND H-COLUMN ROLL FORMED ROUND H-COLUMN ROLL FORMED ROUND ROLL FORMED ROUND 1.0. We I ght We i ght We I ght 1.0. We I ght We I ght We i ght LD. We I ght We j ght 1.0. We 1 ght Pipe Per root Size Per Foot 5 I ze Per Foot Pipe Per Foot 5 I ze Per Foot SIze Per Foot PIpe Per Foot Size Per Foot Pipe Per Foot LENGTH I Inches) I Pounds) ( Inches) I Pounds) ( Inches) I Pounds) ( Inches) (Pounds) I Inches) ( Pounds) ( Inches) (Pounds) ( inches) ( Pounds) ( Incheg) ( Pounds I I Inches) (Pounds) 1 1'/. 2.27 1'/. x 1% 1.35 % x 1'/, 1.35 2 3.65 2'/. 4.0 1% x I y" 2.34 2'/, 5.79 W, x 31', 5.14 3Y, 9.1 8' - a" 3 1'/. 2.27 1'/. x 1% t. 35 % x 1'/. I. 35 W, 2.72 Iy" 2.72 1% x I y" 1. as 2 3.65 31'. x 31'. 5.14 3'/, 9.1 a'-a" 4 1'/. 2.27 1'/. x 1% 1.35 % x 1'/. t. 35 W, 2.72 1% 2.72 1% xIV. 1. as 2 3.65 3Y, x 3Y, 5.14 W, 9.1 S'-6" 6 1'/. 2.21 1'/. x 1% 1.3S 1% x 1'/. 1.35 2 3.65 2'/. 4.0 1% x 1% 2.34 2Y, 5.79 3'/, x 3Y, 5.14 31', 9.1 5' -6" CHAIN LINK FENCE L-2 07-18-97 Sheet 2 of 2 Sheets - - - Top Hinge 1180' SWlngl - - - - - - - Bottom HlngeJ IIBO' Swing) "':i1J1ll - I" 14' or 20' > ChO i n Link F obr I c ~/ F Ob~ I c Bond _~tretcher )~or LLJ--12" Round Section ~,!--12" Round Section 6' 0" I" -I Top Hln 190' S Cha-;'n Link FObG$ Stretcher t;[abr I C Bar ~ Bond ~ ~ ", > Trus..v~~\< " " ," Bottom Hlnge--'/ " '. i90' Swlngl " " 3' " -2' 12" Round Sect t on - " , " .. , , .. - $; - ~. Truss Rods 12" Round Section ---I ge wing) '" "' """" U\ U\ " " c.c. "'''' 1-1- ",v Types & 3 Types & 6 - -I " " " - 3 ' -2' - "' "" .. U\ ~ " " c. c. "'''' >- >- "' v Types Types & 3 & 6 - - - - - NOTES: 1. Fence fabric shol I be secured to gote frames with knuckled selvage along top edge for Types 4 &. 6 cho i n 11 nk fence r ns t Q I I ot I ens. 2. ~~~~~UT ~o~t ~;~9~~1 Types 4 & 6 5'- 6" CHAIN LINK GATES L-3 10f1 07-18-97 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEE CONTRACT FOR LENGTH OF STORAGE LANE APPROACH TAPER "A" 50' "B" DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (NARROW PATTERN) WHITE EDGE LINE - - - - GENERAL NOTES The channelization shown on thiS plan assumes optimal roadway geomelnc deSign The dimen- sions may vary to fit existing conditions, See Contract, L = 12' TYPical Lane Width See Contract for specI- fied lane Widths LEGEND ~ Type 2L Traffic Arrow 50' "B" FL-I-- HO~ >>IISPt.AJl/8HOTA~aAL~l1OCtJlrflJNr.IITAHB.ECmoNlC"~1E ~ 7HEMIOlN.U,IlQNEDlIl'llE!NOINEER.AHDAIlPRo~'ORNllJ..JCA7lOf('SKEPtON'U ATn4WASHlHQTCW STAlE 0EPNl1MENT0I' m.\NSPCIATATJON A CClI>'!'AM'I8E ClITNNfD UI"ONNlQlJElIT , OO"~,~ CENTER LiNE Ul ~ W III :l iii 1;; i LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION SYMMETRICAL WIDENING ABOUT CENTERLINE OPTIONAL MARKED DECELERATION TAPER SEE CONTRACT FOR LENGTH OF STORAGE LANE 50' "B" DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (NARROW PATTERN) ~ WHITE EDGE LiNE " APPROACH TAPER "C" LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION ASYMMETRICAL WIDENING LEFT OF CENTERLINE SEE CONTRACT FOR LENGTH OF STORAGE LANE APPROACH TAPER "C" 50' "B" DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LiNE (NARROW PATTERN) STOPPING POINT FOR LEFT TURN LANE ~ ---- WIDE LINE WHITE EDGE LINE NO PASS LINE (WHEN REQUIRED) LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION ASYMMETRICAL WIDENING RIGHT OF CENTERLINE POSTED APPROACH DIMENSION APPROACH SPEED TAPER "A" "S" TAPER "C" 60 MPH 360' 120' 720' SS MPH 330' 110' 660' SO MPH 300' 100' 600' 4S MPH 270' 90' 540' 40 MPH 240' 60' 460' 35 MPH 210' 70' 420' 30 MPH 180' 60' 360' 25 MPH 150' 50' 300' 20 MPH 120' 40' 240' I EXPIRES MA Y 5. 2005 I LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION STANDARD PLAN M.3.10.00 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLiCATION Harold J. Peterleso 12.15.04 ~ ....... tTATE DESIGN ENGINEER fA; Woahlngton Shft Department of Tron.portatlon - - ~ w c: w CIl ::f lii 1;; ~ c - - - - - - - APPROACH TAPER "G" 50' "H" WHITE EDGE LINE DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (NARRDW PATTERN) LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION REDUCED TAPER LENGTHS ~ SYMMETRICAL WIDENING (FOR UMITED 'USE IN URBAN AREAS WITH POSTED SPEEDB OF 40 MPH OR LESS) APPROACH TAPER "J" 50' "K" - - DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (NARROW PATTERN) STOPPING POINT FOR LEFT TURN LANE ~ .- WIDE LINE WHITE EDGE LINE LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION REDUCED TAPER LENGTHS ~ ASYMMETRICAL WIDENING RIGHT OF CENTERLINE (FOR UMITED USE IN URBAN AREAS WITH POSTED SPEEDS OF 40 MPH OR UiSS) 50' "K" DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (NARROW PATTERN) APPROACH TAPER "J" WHITE EDGE LINE LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION REDUCED TAPER LENGTHS ~ ASYMMETRICAL WIDENING LEFT OF CENTERLINE (FOR UMITED USE IN URBAN AREAS WITH POSTED SPEEDS OF "'0 MPH OR LESS) - - NO PASS LINE (WHEN REQUIRED) - POSTED SPEED 40 MPH 35 MPH 30 MPH 25 MPH 20 MPH NO PASS LINE (WHEN REQUIRED) NO PASS LINE (WHEN REQUIRED) - - - - - - 50' "K" 150 R DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE OPTIONAL MARKED DECELERATION TAPER (FOR UMITED USE IN URBAN AREAS) APPROACH DIMENSION APPROACH DIMENSION TAPER "G" "H" TAPER "J" "K" 160' 27' 320' 53' 123' 90' 63' 40' 20' IS' la' 7' 41' 245' lBO' 125' 80' 30' 21' 13' GENERAL NOTES The channelization shown Dn this plan assumes optimal roadway geometric design The dlmen" slons may vary to fit eXisting conditions See Contract L = 12' TYPical Lane Width, See Contract for specI- fied lane widths LEGEND ...0;- Type 2L Traffic Arrow I EXPIRES MAY 5, 2005 I LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION REDUCED TAPERS STANDARD PLAN M-3.20-00 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterfeso 12-15-04 ~ NO~ 1H.lPf.AN"ItOT"lZCW.DIOINI!l!IWIO~tlJtNll!l..tC77lCWtCDl.PlJCATI! "..ClNtl.WA1.SlQNtO'YHlNOJNUIfNKJNIfIflO\OB)'OlIt~~I'tfUrOll~ A"'rH!WASHllV01'DNITA7!tJS>A/mIB(f'~rRN/3fl'QIItTA.ncw. ACOP'fMAYUQI1'A.Wl!D '....."'.0'.'" .,.., STATE DESIGN ENGINEER iZi WGlhlngton StaN D.partment of Transportation - - '" ffi '" w OJ ::l Iii 1:; ~ Q ~r~ H ~h ~~I ~g~ i~~ III I i ~ ~II .~~ i~e !Ij. Ifii h~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEE CONTRACT FOR LENGTH OF STORAGE LANE "E" " 100' 500' MAX TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LINE STOPPING POINT FOR LEFT TUR~ LANE. ~ g '" '" '" ~ o '" o ~ WlOE LINE DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (NARROW PATTERN) LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION IN TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LANE " 100' TAPER "F" WHITE EDGE LINE TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LINES ~ ..". 10' (TYP) DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (NARROW PATTERN) TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LANE TRANSITION WIDE LINE 50' "B" DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (NARROW PATTERN) PAINTED OR PLASTIC MEDIAN (SEE DETAIL) LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION IN PAINTED MEDIAN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20' TO 25' 10' TYP) 20' TO 25' GENERAL NOTES NO PASS LINE (WHEN REaUIRED) The channeJlzallon shown on this plan assumes optimal roadway geometric deSign The dimen- sions may vary to fit existing condlllons See Contract. L " 12' Typical Lane Width See Contract for specified lane widths POSTED "B" "E" TAPER SPEED "F" 60 MPH 120' 170' 360' 55 MPH 110' 150' 330' 50 MPH 100' 150' 300' 45 MPH 90' 140' 270' 40 MPH 80' 130' 240' 35 MPH 70' 120' 210' 30 MPH 80' 110' 180' 25 MPH 50' 100' 150' 20 MPH 40' 90' 120' LEGEND -a;- Type 2L Traffic Arrow _ DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC I EXPIRES MAYS, 2005 I TWO.WAY LEFT TURN AND MEDIAN CHANNELIZATION STANDARD PLAN M.3.40.00 DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC - SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION PAINTED OR PLASTIC MEDIAN DETAIL Harold J. Peterfeso 12.15.04 ~ STATE OESlGN EHGlNEEA ~ 'Ii ,WaahlngtDn State O.par1menf of Transportation - - - - iiii - '" z ffi en ;:j iii ~ ~ 300' MAX WIDE LINE iiii - - - VARIES DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (NARROW PATTERN) RIGHT TURN CHANNELIZATION 300' VARIES --- WIDE LINE WHITE DOTTED EXTENSION LINE 200' MIN (SEE CONTRACl) VARIES WIDE LINE 75' MIN (SEE CONTRACT) --- DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (NARROW PATTERN) RIGHT TURN CHANNELIZATION WITH DROP LANE - - - - - DOUBLE RIGHT TURN CHANNELIZATION - - 50' MIN (SEE CONTRACl) 50' 300' DROP LANE LINE WHITE EDGE LINE SKIP CENTER LINE HO'M'N (SEE CONTRACl) DROP LANE LINE ~ I DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (NARROW PATTERN) SKIP CENTER LINE - - - - - - - - - - 12' ~T032' "Ii I . ~ ~ _::,:'.l;:~....... ~ LOCATION AS J ~RAFFIC LE~ERS\ :> SHOWN IN PLAN _ PER "MUTCD" LANE MESSAGE DETAIL OPTIONAL - SEE GENERAL NOTE 2 GENERAL NOTES 1. The channellzabon shown on this plan assumes optimal roedwey geometric design. The dimensions may vary to fit eXIsting conditiOns See Contract 2. The lane message "ONL V" mey be added to the Traffic Arrow Type 2R locations shown. In which case, substitute the Arrow es per the LANE MESSAGE DETAIL. WHITE LANE LINE L = 12' TYPical Lane Width See Contract for specified lane widths. LEGEND ~ Type 2R Traffic Arrow ~ Type 3L Traffic Arrow WHITE LANE LINE I EXPIRES MAY 5. 2005 I RIGHT TURN CHANNELIZATION STANDARD PLAN M-5.10-00 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterfeso 12.15-04 /III01'e MlPI.NII.NOTAU!dIlL~Q/(JJ(JI.JISfTturANeta:'l'JIIOWCDUIl..ICoIo1R: 1HI~ IIONED.Y>><<I!ItOJNS!ItNlON'MOVEOf'OII/l"l..eIJCA1JCW,IIKBPrON~ ATJNl'l'IIoUHMJ~ITA~t:ItlNR1lIENrfY~IPClI'l'TA1'IOH. Ar:t:JP'flU.r~oeTNNED --'" ..... STAlE DESIGN ENGINEER --oATE iZi Washington Stat. DepartrMnt of Tramportatlon - - ~ => III '" ~ ~ ~ o - - - - SYMBOL & LANE It. I 6" " -0" TYPE 1 TRAFFIC ARROW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SYMBOL & LANE It. I 2' - 0" ,'-6" '''I 1 " , I "1"-1 -I I - _L_j i ELLIPSE "A" I ELLIPSE "B" !!1 " ~ lo:': 'w mill 0- 3 w lo '" I I l "r i ... , ! I r:, " ", " - 0" " - 8" 2'" 4" '/ ELLIPSE "A" AXIS " - 4". ELLIPSE "B" AXIS .I GRID IS 4" SQUARE TYPE 2L (LEFT) TRAFFIC ARROW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTE Use the dimensions shown on this plan for each type Traffic Arrow being placed on roadways with a posted speed limit of 45 mph or higher TYPE 2R (RIGHT) TRAFFIC ARROW MIRROR IMAGE OF TYPE 2L (LEFT) TRAFFIC ARROW I EXPIRES MAYS. 2005 I SYMBOL MARKINGS TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR HIGH SPEED ROADWAYS STANDARD PLAN M.24.20.00 SHEET' OF 3 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterfeso 03-04-05 ... '" ... ... , f- ;.. lo '" lo ;.. b b ~ ~ lo '" I NOtE' 7HIPl,.,WI"NOTA~Q,4Lt!NOINUJ4IN(JDOCtJjIEHT'/JTNlt!U!cmowcOtM'\..lCA1Z. 1HIi'0NlJ/MI., .!lCJH5D''(1)lfVIGINURANDN'PRO~~1'VILICA1'ION 1'lO!I'tQNI"U At1HEl4IASHWaroNlJTJ.TEDEPM.TJIENT~rRAHJI>OIIl'TATION. ACOPY-,"YaEOllTAINElJ iA'ON~.7T ~ STATE DES/aN ENGINEER - W Washington State Department of Tranlportatlon - :::! :3 '" '" ~ ~ ~ Q - - - --,- SYMBOL & LANE It 2'-S" :~_ ~r'~~;--, . 1'--r-;-~--rIT:1 P- It -:- ~ r-1- r;- IT -~IIJi tr i- , I, i 11 , j II -_-1-1 -;--tl Li I I , 1 b '" b F- b '" 10 Tn 2' - 0" ,'. S" b It b N " It ;. r. ;. r. " +l i - tli i I ! i I , . I i I I I I I I I . I ---fTI -- tl--j , I ' ! !-I -l- :-1 \, I _~.J__J '" ~ !o f 'w 0<", 3 w It ,., ,'. e" GRID IS 4" SQUARE TYPE 3L (LEFT) TRAFFIC ARROW 2' -4" ELLI~SE "A" AXIS - - - - TYPE 3R (RIGHT) TRAFFIC ARROW MIRROR IMAGE OF TY~E 3L (LEFl) TRAFFIC ARROW - - - - - - - - 2' -0" SYMBOL & LANE It I SYMMETRICAL ABOUT " _ 2" CENTERLINE " - S" 3'.2" It " It ;. 10 '" ;. ~ b r. it , w !:i '" '" .. 10 '" :3 ~ w " ~'" 0< w '" .. :3 w I- i ... , ,., " - S" " - 0" ~ eLLI~se "B" AXIS J 2' - 0" ~ eLLI~se "A" AXIS GRID IS 4" SQUARE TYPE 4 TRAFFIC ARROW I ;N01E. 1HI11'l.MI!NOtALEOAl.ENIJJNEVt1NGrxx:uIrtEkT.VTANEUCT1IONIC~1:!. l1iIE ~ ,!/aHfD.Y>>d' ENQINUAJ.N(JNIMOI'EDFOIt~mw. It KEPT ON FU ArTHEW~1TJNSrATEDENATllENT01'mwSPl:lMAtlON ACQl>'rMAYSfOflTA/NSJ lIPONREQUElIT - - - - - - I EXPIRES MAYS. 2005 I SYMBOL MARKINGS TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR HIGH SPEED ROADWAYS STANDARD PLAN M.24.20.00 SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS AP~ROVeD FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterleso 03-04-05 ~ ~ STAte DESlON ENQINEER 'li Wothlnlilton Stat. Department of Tran.portotlon - ~ 3 (I) ~ ~ i - - - - - LANE ct. - - - - HOlE' !'HIJPlANIlNOTALeGAl.l!NI2INR1VNOOO<:tIWfNTSUTANfU!'CTROHICDUl'l.ICAI'I!. fHl!"CWGtNAL, 1IONSJ."1HEENOlNUItAND/JIPlIlC)','fQI'ORPUfIUC,oI,11tW, GIa!PTONFU At 1h1!WASHWGtoH 'rA1E~TC#mANIPMTAncw A COPr~YIIE OIlTNNED 1JPON.ItEQUf.!T = 3'.," (= 308') TYPE 6L (LEFT) TRAFFIC ARROW - - .- - .. TYPE 6R (RIGHT) TRAFFIC ARROW MIRROR IMAGE OF TYPE 6L (MIRRORED ABOUT LANE CENTERLINE) - - - - I EXPIRES MAY 5. 2005 I SYMBOL MARKINGS TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR HIGH SPEED ROADWAYS STANDARD PLAN M.24.20.00 SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterfeso 03-04-05 ~ ~ STATE CEllON ENGINEER iJi Woshlngton $Iot' Department of Tronlportollon - - SYMBOL & LANE ~ b 10 ;.!! 3 '" ~ ~ ~ c - b r:, lo In - - - - SYMBOL & LANE ~ l' .4" I CENTER POINT OF ELLIPSES I, I r-n""" 1- I i L_' J_L ... N e" 1'.2" l' .6" /'ELLlPSE "A" 10" ~ ELLIPSE "B" AXIS ../ AXIS GRID IS 4" SQUARE TYPE 2SL (LEFT) TRAFFIC ARROW ,- - TYPE 2SR (RIGHT) TRAFFIC ARROW MIRROR IMAGE OF TYPE 2L (LEF1) TRAFFIC ARROW - ... lo P , N lo b ;.. b '" -, - - .... " -4" I , i ELLIPSE "B" I '" ~ loic $2 , w ~'" ~ b!o :i 'Ul Ul N ~ :i Ul CENTER POINT OF ELLIPSES , ii ,,: i I I ' . I-L' L_l __ ... ~ l' .2" 1'.6" /'ELLlPSE "A" 10" ~ ELLIPSE "B" AXIS ../ AXIS GRID IS 4" SQUARE TYPE 3SL (LEFT) TRAFFIC ARROW - - - - - - NOTE Use the dimenSions ehown on this plan for each type Traffic Arrow being placed on roadways With a posted speed limit of 40 mph or lower r... I EXPIRES MAY 5, 2005 I SYMBOL MARKINGS TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR LOW SPEED ROADWAYS STANDARD PLAN M-24.40.00 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterfeso 03-04-05 lo ~ ELLIPSE "A" lo TYPE1S b ELLIPSE "B" '" TRAFFIC ARROW ;.. ~ b lo ic b .' Ul lo .:, '"' CI) a. b :3 ~ Ul .... TYPE 3SR (RIGHT) TRAFFIC ARROW MIRROR IMAGE OF TYPE 3L (LEFT) TRAFFIC ARROW INO~ TH'II'IANI!NOTALEl2N;~DO<:I.JJiENt.vtMl!UCmoNICDUOl.JQl,n:. 7lll!IONGINAI,. SlGNEDI'fDt! ENGJNEEIf.N#DAPflftO-.aI '0If~71Q'( n ttEPTONFU At7HE:WUHWOrcwsr,t1EDEPAAtJlENTOFmM'Sf'OlIlTAncw. IoCCf'YWAYllloarNNED lJIlONRfQUf"llr --o;.re-- ..... srATE OESION ENCJINEEA fli I Washington Stat, D.partmlnl of Transportation - - - - i2 ~ " ~ ~ ~ Q SYMBOL & LANE It I SYMMETRICAL ABOUT l' - 4" l' , 0" CENTERLINE '" N 1',2" '" b .. b .. I I ELLIPSE "B" I I: I I, Im~:' CENTER POINT ",", .... OF ELLIPSES I I :. i ii' Iii: t" I! -.Lt.! b .. 1'.2" l' .6" YELLIPSE "N 10" - ELLIPSE "6" AXIS ..I AXIS GRID IS 4" SQUARE TYPE 48 TRAFFIC ARROW - - '" ~ "':.: Cl)l~ ~.. ~ b!n :3 ~ ~ W 0- :3 w It N - - - SYMBOL & LANE It I b 8" ~ TYPE 6 TRAFFIC ARROW - '" 10 It .. N .. - -, LANE It - - '" 2',,618" ('" 2 05') TYPE 68L (LEFT) TRAFFIC ARROW - - - - INOI'E 7l1lIPlANI.sNOTA~a.u.~DOCl.>>rIDIT'VTAN~~1ll. THllOAl'OH.\L, SICrG.r1)d[ENQINEef.ANDN'A'lO~FQJlPl,J8UCA1ION, ,.ftSPTON~ ArTHE. WASI1INOroN IrAI't"OEPARTlIENrOF rRoINSf'QRTAtlON A C(lpyMllVIEOITMiS) lJI'ONlEQl.EST TYPE 6SR (RIGHT) TRAFFIC ARROW MIRROR IMAGE OF TYPE 8SL (MIRRORED ABOUT LANE CENTERLINE) I EXPIRES MAYS, 2005 I SYMBOL MARKINGS TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR LOW SPEED ROADWAYS STANDARD PLAN M-24.40.00 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Harold J. Peterfeso 03-04-05 --wE .--.. STATE DESIGN ENGINEER W, WathlngtOn Stat. D,pCll'Im.nt of Transportation CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPT. STANDARD DETAIL ~ Lms~ ~ ROADSIDE DITCH --! f DRIVE I ~A LLLL/-L B R.O.W. LOW POINT I VARIES - SECTION A-A ")")0 -T0. V,," " .~~~)'ij>0' 0~1 Ir CMP, CCp, PVC OR CPEP WITH BEVELED ENDS (SEE DETAIL) ~ 25' MINIMUM LENGTH . 6. MINIMUM COVER C) Q:; I. DRIVEWA Y PERMIT REQUIRED 2. OWNER TO PROVIDE CULVERT 3. CITY WILL INSTALL CUL VERT 4. 6. CONCRETE (PLAIN ANISH) MA Y BE SUBSTlTUTEO. 5. ANY DEVlA TlONS FROM THESE MINIMUM STANDARDS REQUIRES APPROVAL BY CITY ENGINEER. Ir=;= ,;;t1-J~~L~~ 15 IN.RIGHT-OF-WAY (SEE NOTE #4) ~ 2 CLASS B ASPHALT (OPTlONAL) 12' 2:C.S. T.c. ~ 12" ~ 2% 2% 8 BASE I 3;1 - --- J../ . 25 LF. CUL~~T tll;'MI; SL~;~ I ~} ~ SECTION B-B NO T TO SCALE NOTES AU IIQW( AND MATERIALS ro BE IN ACCORDANCE ItfTH CURRENT STANDARD SPEClflCAl/ONS FOR ROAD- BRIOGF: AND IlUNIClPAL CONSTRUCl/ON: WASHINGTON STA TE: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAl/ON. AMERICAN PtJ8UC JlOIi'I(S AS5l:1Q'Al/Gw. BEVELED END DEl AIL APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER FILE NAME: DRIVECUL.DWG DATE. REVISED 01/18/01 GRA VEL/ASPHALT DRIVEWAY AND CULVERT -Lh. CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPT. STANDARD DETAILS C.D. BACKFILL ASPHAL T CONCRETE PA VEMENT OR CLASS B PCC PA VEMENT (HIGH EARL Y) MA TCH EXISllNG PA VEMENT TYPE AND DEPTH. SEE NOTE #4. 1'MIN. OVERLAP ----I I-- CUTS SHALL BE SAW.CUT. SEE NOTE #3. -1'>: - - _/> ~ BEDDING NOT TO SCALE C.D. BACKFILL SPEC/FICA T/ONS 2600 LBS. OF 0.375 IN. AGGREGA TE 800 LBS. OF STANDARD CONCRETE SAND 94 LBS. OF PORTLAND CEMENT APPROX. 14 GAL. OF WA TER THE AMOUNT OF WA TER IS A CRITlCAL FACTOR TO SET UP TlME AND SHOULD BE ADDED A T THE SITE. NO TES: ,. ACP PATCH SHALL BE ROLLED AND NOT II/BRATED. 2. TO BE USED FOR ALL PA ~D STREETS AND ALLEYS. BACKFILL LOCA TlON TO "-D. BEHIND CURB OR EDGE OF PA II/NG UNLESS OTHERW1SE APPRO~D IN ADVANCE BY CITY ENGINEER. 3. WHERE CONCRETE PAVEMENT JOINT IS LESS THAN 4'-0. FROM SAWCUT, THE PAVEMENT SHALL BE REMOVED TO THA T JOINT. 4. TEMPORARY PA TCHING W1TH ASPHAL T OR PLACEMENT OF STEEL PLA TES IS REOUlRED WHEN TRAFFIC W1LL CROSS CDF FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS W1THOUT PERMANENT RESTORA llON. STEEL PLA TES SHALL HA VE COLD PA TCH WEDGES ON TRAmc EDGES. CALL FOR INSPEC710N PRIOR TO PLACING CDF BACKALL APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER FILE NAME: COF.DWG DATE 11/02/00 CON TROLLED DEN SI TY BACKFILL ( CDF) ~ I CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPT. STANDARD DETAILS I I NOTES: I A L 6" TYP -l ~ A J ,. SERVICE SADDLES SHALL BE PAINTED DucnLE IRON OR NYLON COA TED DUCnLE IRON WITH STAINLESS STEEL STl?APS AND SHALL BE ROMAC smE 101S ON ,- TAP. 202S ON 1-1/2- OR LARGER TAPS ROMAC 202N. ROCKWELL 313 OR APPROVED EOUALS ARE REOUIRED FOR HOT OR CORROSIVE SOILS. ALL CLAMPS SHALL HA VE RUBBER GASKET AND IRON PIPE THREADED OUTlETS CORPORA nON STOP SHALL BE ALL BRONZE AND SHALL BE FORO TYPE F-Soo OR APPROVED EQUAL WITH IRON PIPE THREADS CONFORMING TO AWWA C8DO. STAINLESS STEEL INSERTS SHALL BE USED WITH PACK JOINTS AND POL YETHELENE PIPE. 2. SERVICE LINES SHALL BE ONE (1) INCH HIGH DENSITY POLY- ETHElENE PIPE, COPPER TUBE SIZE. MINIMUM PRESSURE CLASS 200 POI PHILLIPS DRlsea 5100 ULTl?A-LlNE. NO GLUED JOINTS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON ,- SERVICE LINES. 1-I/r AND 2- PVC SERVICES MA Y BE GLUED. SERVICE LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED 45 DEGREES OFF THE MAIN. Tl?ACER TAPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL SERVICE LINES PER GENERAL CONDmONs. COPPER TUBING TYPE K SHALL BE USED IN AREAS REOUIRED BY THE WA TER SUPERINTENDENT. 3. ALL WA TER METERS SHALL BE PURCHASED AND INSTALLED BY THE CITY AND PAID BY THE OWNER/lJEVELOPER. METER BOX AND SETTERS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY OWNER/ DEVELOPER. ,- METER SETTERS SHALL BE FORO VH 74-12 (MALE SWlIfi END) WITH CARSON 1419B-1S METER BOX KfTH INSPECTTON LID. LARGER METER SETTERS/BOx SHALL BE AS SPEClAED BY CITY. I I I~ Ci ll:: I SINGLE SERII1CE METER BOX I I I I METER. METER BOX AND SETTER. SEE NOTE P I BENDS AS REQUIRED. (12- RADlUS)--:----. Tl?ACER TAPE I I ,. / mffR~UMS ~... SEE N~:ER TAPE #2. I I SADDLE, CORPORA nON STOP AND PAC JOINTS. SEE NOTE #1. SECTION A-A I I APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER DATE 11/2/00 WA TER SERVICE CONNECTION ~I FILE NAME: WA T-SERV.DWG ...d.... I I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I I I I ~I CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPT. STANDARD DETAILS -..: c::i ;. I- 12" I 4N POST INDICA TOR VAL I.-F (MJxMJ) PAINTED BLUE 2-3/4N SHACKLE RODS PER CITY OF RENTON SPECIFICA nONS 4 N 9rJ BEND(MJ) ~ 13 LF 4 D./. 4 N 9rJ BEND(MJ) 4 nTEE(MJxFL) 7'_0" I :T 2'-4" 4NFLxMJ ADAPTOR 4nxMJ ADAPTOR " ... DEADMAN BLOCK REQUIRED Wl77-I SHA CKLlNG TO TEE PRECAST CONCRETE VAULT Wl77-I 2 3Nx3n HINGED STEEL PLA TE COI.-FR. OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS 4'-8Nx7'-0: (EUAL TO PIPE INC., OR UTILITY VAUL T WI 77-1 57-7L-8, 2 3'x3' DIAMOND PLATE DOORS) 6:4" OR 3" GATE VALI.-F (FLxFL) NON-RISING STEM Wl77-I HAND WI1EEL EQUAL TO MUELLER CO. A-2380-6. 6" OR 4" (FLxPE) CEMENT LINED DUCTILE IRON PIPE CLASS 52 3'-6" LONG Wl77-I COLLAR 20" FROM P.E. EQUAL TO 77-IOSE SUPPLIED BY PACIFIC WA TER WORKS CO. INC. 6;4N OR 3N COMPOUND WATER METER (FL) EQUAL TO SENSES COMPOUND METER. REDUCE AT METER Wl77-I CONCRETE SUPPORT 4''x3'' FLxFL CONCENTRIC PADS OR ADJUSTABLE REDUCER. PIPE SUPPORTS. TWO PIECE CAST IRON VAL I.-F BOX, EQUAL TO OL YMPIC FOUNDRY CO. STANDARD 8N TOP SECllON, WITH REGULAR BASE SECTION LENG77-I TO FI T. 6: 4n OR 3N GA TE VAL I.-F (FLxMJ) EQUAL TO MUELLER CO. A-2380-20. 1--14" 6" OR 4" PExPE CEMENT LINED DUCTILE IRON PIPE CLASS 52. LENG77-I TO FIT. 6" OR 4" FLEXIBLE FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTOR, ROMAC OR APPROI.-FD EQUAL GENERAL NOTES: ALL METERS AND BACKFLOW PREI.-FNTlON DEVICE COMBINATIONS ARE NOT SHOWN OR INCLUDED IN 77-IE STANDARD DETAIL DRAWINGS. IF YOUR PARTICULAR COMBINATION IS NOW SHOWN. AN APPROI.-FD DRAWING WILL BE REQUIRED BY 77-IE UTILITY ENGINEERING DEPT. FOR ITS INSTALLATION. 77-IE PRINCIPAL REQUIREMENTS REGARDING VAULT SIZING ARE 77-IE LENG77-I OF FlmNGS OR 77-IElR CLEARANCE FROM THE VAUL T WALL.S: (WI1ICH CLEARANCE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 12" FROM 77-IE ENDS AND 77-IE SIDE CLEARANCE SHOULD BE AS TYPICALL Y SHOWN ON 77-IE VARIOUS STANDARD DETAILS.) NOTE: DEADMAN BLOCK SHALL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED SO IT BEARS AGAINST SUFFICIENT UNDISTURBED EAR77-I SO AS TO SUPPORT 77-IE DESIGNED 77-IRUST. APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER DA TE. 11/2/00 MAS TER WA TER METER FILE NAME W_METER.DWG ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPT: STANDARD DETAILS I Of PORT ~ ~< O~ ~ ~/~~& tRING 0\"'" .. P>>>>>%.-%'0~; ,.~ I I I I ALIGN VAL vr BOX LID -EARS- PARALLEL TO MAIN 6- It1DE X 6- DEEP CONCRETE COLLAR REQUIRED IN PA vrD AREAS I I TRENCH BOTTOM CAST IRON VAL vr BOX USE RICH MANUFACTURING ~40A/~40B OR OL YMPIC FOUNDRY VBZB/VBZC AND BASE I I I I VALVE BOX AND SUPPORT BLOCK ANCHOR = 5/8- DIA. REINFORCING BARS I I I I I I I BRICKS UNDER HUB ONLY r SQUARE/2- HIGH 4-1/4- DIAMETER 1/8- MIN. THICKNESS / ~ ,- SOLID METAL STOCK ~ LENGTH AS REQUIRED 3/8- SET SCREW VALVE STEM EXTENSION (REQUIRED WHEN DEPTH EXCEEDS 5') CROSS HA TCHED AREA FOR KEY INTO TRENCH WALL i:!: ~ ~ ~....~ ~ ~~f::: ll1 l<: VALVE THRUST BLOCK BEARING AREA PER THRUST BLOCKING STANDARD DETAILS. NOTE- ,. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 3000 2. VAL vr THRUST BLOCKS TO BE INSTALLED WHEN SHOIt1'V ON PLAN. ~I APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER FILE NAME. VALV-BLK.DWG DATE 10/30/00 VAL VE BOX, SUPPORT BLOCK AND THRUST BLOCK ~ I I I, I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I ~I CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPT. STANDARD DETAILS VARIES s' ro 7' I 2"X'"XJ6" PAINTED MARKER. . I LABEL -s.s. STUB': INDICA TE DEPTH TO SERVICE TO NEAREST FOOT, ON BACK. _____ !tl ---- ~ ~ (tj . (tj ~ ~ ~ ~ ::::i ~ ~ ~ ei ~ ~ ~ 9::: ~ ll.: , ...... ll) "l; 12 GAUGE GAL V. WIRE A TTACHED TO PIPE AND STAKE , , , -I , , , 2.00% MIN. SLOPE PLUG END (TYP.) 6- pvt:: ~ 6--45. PVC ELBOW PVC W}f"" TO RT GRA VlTY SEWER MAIN NOTES: ,. ROTA TE THE 45. ELBOW TO ACHIEVE THE PROPER ANGLE TO REACH THE PROPERTY LINE WITH 5. OF COVER; THE MINIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2%. 2. 3' MINIMUM TO ADJOINING LOT LINE 3. SERVICE TO SINGLE RESIDENCE MA Y BE REDUCED TO 4- BEYOND PLUG. APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER FILE NAME. SEW-LAT.DWG DATE. 11/02/00 SINGLE SEWER SERVICE ...<h.. I 'Y I o~ !,ORT ~""'.J...~~ v.~~~(<": ~V' Ll ~ ~=~ ~~~~ cRING O\~\"=> CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPT. STANDARD DETAILS I I r go' BEND MTH aOSE NIPPiE BET'KEN BEND AND TEE 2U OPEN PATTERN, RF:7IJRN BEND I I 2" SHORT NIPPiE II I 18" trJt28U CONCRETF: METER BOX MTH Jfil" STEEl. DiAMOND PiA TC COile? EQUAL TO FOG-71TC METER Sl"AL CO. NO. 2 METER BOX RE:I.O LOCA TC J I 2'it2'itr TEE I BRONZE G4 TC VAL If; SCRflIW EQUAL TO REO-IfH/TC VALt.f" CORP.. RG NO. 280 I 2U G4L VANIZED IRON PIPE 18u LONG OSE NIPPlE I 2" CAP MTH t/8u HOLE J FOR DRAIN. r G4L VANIZED IRON PIPE TO RT I 2" go' ElBOWS MTH aOSE NIPPiES CORPORA 710N STOP go' BEND, lP. THREAD. TO COPPER. EQUAL TO FORO F8 500. I COile? G'i'AIH MTH 15' FE1.T ROOF/NG MA TCRIAL AIR AND VACUUM VALt.f" 2" ASSEMBL Y - APCO NO. H52C OR EQUAL DOIJBLE STRAP SCRIt1CE aAIIP MTH 2" IPS TAP TO RJ; EQUAL TO MUEUER co. NO TE: I 1. REQUIRED FOR MAINS LARGER THAN 12 INCHES. I 2. AIR/VACUUM RF:1EASE VALt.f" ASSEMBLY SHAU BE INSTALLED AT HIGHEST POINT OF LINE. IF HIGH PDiNT FAUS IN A LOCA71ON /tHERE ASSEMBLY CANNOT BE INSTALLED. PROIt1DE AODI71ONAL DEPTH OF UNE TO CREA TC A HIGH POINT A T A LOCA 710N /tHERE ASSEIIBL Y CAN BE INSTAUED. I '- I APPROVED BY CI TY ENGINEER DATE 10/30/00 2" AIR/VACUUM RELEASE VALVE ~I FILE NAME: AIR-REL2.DWG A I I I I I () ~ ~ ill I' ~ ..... "= I I I COVER GRAl-fl. lWTH 15' FELT ROOANG AlA TERIAL , CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPT. STANDARD DETAILS (NOTE:. FACE OF HYDRANT SHALL BE FLUSH lWTH BACK EOGE OF SIDEWALK I WHERE SIDEWALK IS NEXT TO CURB. L 18" I MIN 8! a ~ ~ l:: HYDRANT (SEE NOTE: p) L I I I I I I 2" ~ ~ ~ 6>> FLANGE X AlECH. JOINT GATE: VAL!of: NOTES: TYPE A (PREFERRED) (VAL VE IN STREET) CITY STANDARD VAL !of: BOX \~ 6>> FLANGE X FLANGE GA TE: VAL !of: B>> MECH. OR FLANGE JOINT X 6>> FLANGE TEE TYPE B (ALTERNATE) (VAL VE BEHIND CURB) ,. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE' PLACED A T STREET INlFRSECTlONS WHEREVER POSSIBLE, AND LOCA lFD TO MINIMIZE THE HAZARD OF DAMAGE BY TRAme. UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUIRED, THE FOLLOWfNG SHALL APPL Y FOR HYDRANT NUMBER AND LOCA TlON: o. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCAlFD AS PER THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, MOST RECENT EDmON ADOPlFD BY THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES. b. SINGLE FAMIL Y HOMES PROVIDED WITH RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS MA Y BE 500 FEET A WA Y FROM A HYDRANT. 2. THE LEAD FROM THE SERVICE MAIN TO THE FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON CEMENT MORTAR LINED CLASS 52 NO LESS THAN 6 INCHES IN DIAMElFR. 3. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL COMPLY WfTH AWWA STANOARD C502 STANDARD FOR DRY-BARREL FIRE HYDRANTS WITH 5-1/4 INCH MAIN VAL VE OPENING. TWO 2-1/2 INCH HOSE NOZZLES (NA TlONAL STANDARD THREAD), ONE 4-INCH PUMPER NOZZLE (PACIFIC COAST THREAD - #3), 6-INCH MECHANICAL JOINT SHOE CONNECTION, HYDRANT BURY 42 INCHES. HYDRANTS SHALL BE MUELLER CENTURION A-423; CLOW F-2500; WA lFROUS; OR APPROVED EQUAL 4. HYDRANTS SHALL BE BAGGED UNTIL THE SYSlFM IS ACCEPlFD AND APPROVED. 5. ALL HYDRANTS TO BE PAINlFD CHROME YELLOW. LOW FLOW HYDRANTS TO BE INDENTlFlED BY PAINTING BONNET RED. 6. FIRE HYDRANTS MUST BE INSTALLED, lFSTED AND ACCEPTED PER APWA 7-14 PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. THE FLOW lFSTlNG OF THE HYDRANT SHALL BE WITNESSED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. 7. FIRE SYSTEMS SHALL BE SEPARA TE OR SEPARA TED FROM DOMESTIC SYSTEMS IN SUCH A WA Y THA T BOTH SYSlFMS CAN BE OPERA lFD AND lFSlFD A T THEIR RESPECTIVE PRESSURES. FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY Type A & B I I I ~I APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER FILE NAME' HYDRANT5.0We DATE 10/30/00 ...d>... I y I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPT. STANDARD DETAILS I I STANDARD METER BOX 3' BACK OF CURB 2. GAL VANIZED CAP I I MJ x FL VAL \if: SAME SIZE AS MAIN. I I 2. GAL VANIZED IRON PIPE TO FIT. I I I I COVER GRA I.fl. WITH 15' FELT ROOFING MA TERIAL. I I 2" 90' ELBOW WITH 1/4. J HOLE FOR DRAIN. VAL VE THRUST BLOCK AND VAL VE BOX PER STANDARD DETAILS. SEE NOlE .11. 1/2 C. Y. GRA VEL BACKFILL FOR DRAIN. NOTE: 1. BLIND FLANGE TO BE CLEAN OF THRUST BLOCK CONCRETE FOR FUTURE MAIN EXTENSION. I I I ~I APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER DATE 10/30/00 2" BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY FILE NAME BLOWOFF.DWG A I I I ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS I GENERAL I The followmg informatIOn is provided to assist the Contractor in evaluation of and preparation for the work required to construct the Electric Underground Extension - Western UGA. II WORKFORCE REQUIREMENTS I Construction work on poles or equipment containing lines energized in excess of 600 volts will be done by crews containing a minimum of two journeyman linemen and one groundmanJequipment operator. Construction work on poles or equipment containing deenergized lines or lines energized at 600 volts or less will be done by crews containing a mimmum of one journeyman lineman and one groundmanJeqUlpment operator. I I III SWITCHING AND CLEARANCES I The Contractor's Qualified Worker (Foreman) will be reqUired to take all line clearances from designated City Representative who has jurisdiction over the line. All switching of the electrical system will be done by City personnel. A notice of 72 hours is required to schedule any switching other than in an emergency. IV AS-BUILT ORA WINGS I As-built drawings are required The CIty will supply a set of drawings to be used by the Contractor to prepare the as-bUIlt drawings for the project The as-built drawings shall be a record of the construction as installed and completed by the Contractor. They shall include all the information shown on the contract set of drawings and a record of all construction deviatIOns or changes from those drawings whIch were incorporated in the work; all additional work not appearing on the contract drawings; all design submittals, including electrical schematics; and all changes which are made after fmal inspection of the contract work. I I The Contractor shall mark up a set of full size plans using red ink to show the as-built conditions. These as- built marked prints shall be kept current and available on the job sIte at all times and be made available to the City Representative upon request The changes from the contract plans which are made m the work or additionalmformation which mIght be uncovered in the course of construction shall be accurately and neatly recorded as they occur by means of details and notes. No construction work shall be concealed until It has been inspected, approved, and recorded by the City Representative. The drawings shall show at least the following' I I A. The project number, contract number, community name, and other relevant general information. I B. The location and description of any utilities or other installation known to exist and or to be encountered within the construction area. The location of these utilities shall include accurate description, dimensions, and at least 2 ties to permanent features for all utilities encountered. I C. The location and description of all facilities and appurtenances installed by the Contractor. The location of facilities and appurtenances shall include accurate dimensions and at least 2 ties to permanent features for all major components. I I I, I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I The City of Port Angeles has the right to deny progress payments for completed work if as-bUilt records, as required by this section, are not available on the Job site for the work that has been completed by the date of the payment request. Fmal as-built drawings shall be delivered to the City Representative at the time of final inspection for the Project Engmeer's review and approval. As-built drawings must be approved by the Project Engineer before final payment will be made. v SEQUENCE OF OPERA nONS A. The Contractor shall cooperate in the coordination of their activities with any other contractors working in the 'area. B. The Contractor will be required to work on or around energized circuits, and hot-line work is anticipated. c. If any difficulty or dispute should arise in the accomplishment of the above, the problem shall be brought immediately to the attention of the City Representative for resolution. VI MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT A. MATERIALS All materials with the exception of backfill and paving repair materials will be provided by the City. These materials may be picked up, after 48 hrs advance notice, at the City'S warehouse at 206 South Valley Street, Port Angeles, W A All unused and/or removed matenals shall be returned to this warehouse B. EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS The Contractor shall provide all construction equipment and tools required to complete the work as specified herein c. INCIDENTAL MATERIALS Materials required for temporary work shall be provided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also provide pentachlorophenol solution for treating bolt holes, cedar plugs, gains, etc., as required, and all tools, fire suppression implements and other equipment as reqUired. The Contractor shall also supply ancillary items that may be needed for construction or maintenance. This shall include but not be limited to drainage culverts, water, gravel, fill dirt, concrete, seed and other erosion control devices. D. ENERGIZA nON Upon the completion of construction and cleanup, the Contractor shall energize each project task, or a portion thereof, after written notice to the City Representative, in accordance with applicable sections of the project manual, and as instructed by the City Representative. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS General These specifications provide for the construction of underground distribution power facilities. All construction work shall be done in a thorough and workmanlike manner in accordance with the Contract, specifications, basic framing units and construction drawings, adhermg to good constructIOn practices at all times. The 2002 or latest edition of the National Electric Safety Code and the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) shall be followed, except where local regulations are more stringent, in which case local regulations shall govern. II Handling of Cable Cable shall be handled carefully at all times to avoid damage, and shall not be dragged across the ground, fences or sharp projections. Care shall be exercised to avoid excessive bending of the cable. The ends of the cable shall be sealed at all times against moisture with suitable end caps. Where it IS necessary to cut the cable, the ends shall be terminated or sealed Immediately after the cutting operation. III Minimum Bending Radius of Cable The minimum bending radius of primary cable is 12 times the overall diameter of the cable. The minimum bending radius of secondary and service cable is six times the overall diameter of the cable. In all cases, the minimum radius specified IS measured to the surface of the cable on the inside of the bend. No cable bends shall be made within 6 0 inches of a cable terminal base. IV Conduit All exposed ends of conduit shall be plugged during construction to prevent the entrance of foreign matter and moisture into the conduit. Burrs or sharp projections which might injure the cable shall be removed. All PVC conduit must be glued securely with PVC cement. All rIgid steel conduit must be securely screwed at all couplings. Primary and secondary risers shall be sealed at the top with a suitable moisture resistant sealant to prevent water from accumulating in the riser. V Installation of Cable in Conduit Where cable must be pulled through conduit or duct, the operation shall be performed in such a way that the cable will not be damaged from strain or dragging. The cable shall be lubricated with a suitable lubricant prior to and during pulling into conduit or duct. In placing primary cables, the stress applied while pulling into ducts or during other pulling operations shall not exceed the least of the following: A. J Where a pulling eye is attached to the conductor, the maximum pulling strain in pounds shall not exceed .006 times the circular mil area for aluminum or .008 times the circular mil area for copper. B. Where a basket grip is placed over the cable, the pulling strain shall not exceed the lesser of (1) that calculated in "a." above or (2) 1000 pounds. The cable under the cable grip and 1.0 foot preceding it shall be cut and discarded after the pulling operation. C. In no case shall the maximum pulling tension exceed that recommended by the specific cable manufacturer. D. At bends the maximum sidewall pressure recommended by the cable manufacturer shall not be exceeded. VI Tagging of Cables at Termination Points I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I x I I I As the cables are pulled they shall be identified and tagged as indicated on the construction drawings. The Identification shall be permanent type, corrosIOn resistant tags provided by the City. The tag shall be securely attached to the cable as required. Cable term mat ions at nser poles shall also be tagged p~operly Tags inside enclosures shall be onented so they can be read without having to touch them. VII Pnmary Cable Termination Prefabricated terminations shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions at all primary cable terminals. They shall be sUItable for the size and type of cable that they are used with and for the environment in which they will operate Any indication of misfit, such as a loose or exceptionally tight fit, shall be called to the Light Department Representative's attention. The outer conductive surface of the termination shall be bonded to the system neutral. VIII Special Precautions for Cable Splices and Terminations A portable covering or shelter shall be available for use when splices or terminations are being prepared The shelter shall be used as necessary to keep ram, snow and windblown dust off the insulatmg surfaces of these devices. Since cleanliness is essential in the preparation and installation of primary cable fittings, care shall be exercised to prevent the transfer of conducting particles from the hands to insulating surfaces. Mating surfaces shall be wiped with a solvent such as denatured alcohol to remove any possible accumulation of dirt, moisture or other conducting materials. A silicone grease should be applied afterwards, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations Whenever prefabricated cable devices are opened, the unenergized mating surfaces shall be lubricated with silicone grease before the fittings are reconnected. IX Secondary and Service ConnectIOns A suitable inhibiting compound shall be used with all secondary and service connections. All secondary cable connections located below grade or in secondary pedestals shall be made with preinsulated secondary connector blocks. Diving bells with open terminals, insulating boots or mOisture barriers that depend solely on tape are not acceptable. A transformer secondary termmal connectIOn shall be completely insulated. If the secondary terminals are threaded studs, the connection shall be made with a pre insulated secondary transformer connection block. If the transformer secondary terminals are insulated cable leads, connection shall be made with a preinsulated secondary connector block or with a secondary prefabricated splice when the transformer leads continue directly to the service. If a transformer is so large that it must have secondary spades, the spades shall be taped or otherwise insulated. Boots used for insulation shall be taped so that they cannot be readily slipped off. Secondary connections to terminals of pole-mounted transformers shall be made so that moisture cannot get inside the cable insulation. This may be accomplished by covenng the terminals and bare conductor ends with an appropriate moisture sealant. The secondary connections and insulation shall have accommodations for all future and existing services as shown on the construction drawings and specifications. Transformers Transformers shall be handled carefully to avoid damage to the finish and shall be positioned in accordance with the construction drawings and specifications. Only qualified and experienced personnel shall be allowed to make connections and cable terminations. Lock rings must be installed in addition to penta nut. I I XI I I XII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Groundmg All neutral conductors, ground electrodes, sacrificial anodes and groundable parts of equipment shall be interconnected All interconnections shall be made as shown on the basic framing units. A complete ground loop shall be trained neatly around equipment opemng and shall include the ground rod in the loop. Cable Acceptance Tests A. Continuity: After installation of the cable and prior to the high potential test specified below, the contractor. and the Light Department Representative shall jointly perform a simple continuity test on the system. This can easily be accomplished by grounding the conductor at the source and checkmg for continuity from the end of each tap with a Meggar. B. High Potential: After successful continuity tests, the contractor and the Light Department Representative will jointly perform high potential tests on each length of cable in the system, with terminations in place but disconnected from the system. The installation shall withstand for a minimum of five minutes a dc test potential as follows: Primary URD Cable XLPE and HMW Poly Rated Voltage Insulation Thickness Inches Field dc Acceptance Voltage 15 kV .220 52.8kV The voltage may either be increased continuously or in steps to the maximum test value. (I) If increased continuously, the rate of increase of test voltage should be approximately uniform and increasing to maximum voltage in not less than 10 seconds and in not more than approximately 60 seconds. (2) If applied in steps, the rate of increase of test voltage from one step to the next should be approximately uniform. The duration at each step shall be long enough for the absorption current to attain reasonable stabilization (one minute mmimum). Current and voltage readings should be taken at the end of each step duration. The number of steps should be from five to eight. WARNING: A hazardous voltage may still exist on the cable after the above testing has been completed. Therefore, before handling the cable, the conductor shall be grounded to permit any charge to drain to earth. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES UNIT CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY LIST I UNIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION U 3 06-5 Termination Three Phase Underground 5" Conduit Riser-Primary -WI Switches U 3 04 Three Phase Sectionahzing Cabinet, 200AMP Loadbreak Components have been changed to 600AMP Deadbreak (See Drawing E4 for Detail of Junction) U 3 03-L Three- Phase Pad mount Transformer With Pad and Vault - Loop Feed U 1 02-2 Termination Single Phase Underground 2" Conduit Riser Pnmary U 1 04-L Single Phase Pad mount Transformer - Loop Feed UM 0 01 Trenching: Primary, Secondary, TV, & TELCO Depth UM 4 01 Ball Marker Installation I GR 0 01 Pole Ground UM 5 2 Barricade NEUTRAL, 4/0 AL 50" 24----1--26" --J 10- 15" 20" 48" 26 FT ON 40 FT POLE ,. 8ft MINIMUM T 14 TERMINATION WITH DISCONNECT THREE PHASE UNDERGROUND - PRIMARY 511 PVC RISER CITY OF PORT ANGELES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Sheet-1- of 2 U 3 06 - 5 <i Dare ,- ; ,,;=, ~~~~ ~~~. ~ Revised' ITEM QUANTITY STOCK No. (2) 600 amp Disconnect, 15 KV, solid blade 3 285 067 00001 @ Termination, 15 KV outdoor 3 285 100 00016 @ Arrestor, lightening, Distribution Class 3 285 030 00001 o Wire, #2 7-Str., cu 25 ft 280 016 00008 @ Clamp, hot tap 3 285 097 00005 (i) Connector, Fargo, cu 4 285 097 00037 o Screw, lag W x 4" 11 320 071 00001 @ Bracket, pole riser stand off 15" min. 5 285 078 00005 @ Clamp, conduit support, 5" 5 285 010 00005 @ Wire, CU, #6, Sol tie 30 ft 280 016 00006 @ Conduit, Sch 40 PVC, 5" 20 ft 285 019 00005 @ Conduit, Sch 80, PVC 5" 10ft 285 019 00011 0 @ Elbow, 90 fiberglass, 5" 1 28501900067 @ Ground rod %" dla x 8ft, copper bonded 1 285 074 00022 @ Clamp, ground rod %", bronze 1 285 097 00011 @ Bell end, Sch 40 PVC, 5" 1 285 019 00018 @ Staples, Y:;' x ")14" x .148, HD Galv. 1 (box) 285 074 00048 TERMINATION WITH DISCONNECT THREE PHASE UNDERGROUND - PRIMARY 5" PVC RISER CITY OF PORT ANGELES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Sheet~ of 2 U 3 06 - 5 I I Q"':.'~ Date Appd Eng- Appd Ops Revised THREE PHASE SECTIONALlZING CABINET Sheet---1- of 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION U 3 04-4 I ITEM QUANTITY STOCK No. 1 . Vault 4S"x72"x42" 285 098 00002 285 098 00004 2. Vault cover, 78" x 48"x6" with 18" x 60" access hole 3. Above ground primary sectionahzlng cabinet 1 24" x 74" x 30" high. feed thru Junction bar, 4-way 285 099 00002 4. Clamp, transformer case 3 5. Conductor, #6 cu bare STR 6 FT 6. Connector, Cnmpit 2 ~" 8 285 097 00013 280 016 00006 285 097 00072 280 016 00008 320 055 00005 7. Conductor, #2 cu 7-STR. 40 FT 8. Cadweld, one-shot 2 * 9. Ground rod, %" dia x 8', copper bonded 2 285 074 00022 10. 4" PVC Conduit, Sch 40 as required 285 019 00004 11. Elbow, load break, 15KV 6 285 100 00011 12. Cold shrink 6 285 100 00020 13. Bushing cap, 15 KV Insulated 6 285 100 00005 NOTES: 1. Grout around conduit at vault. 2. Backfill to be mechanically compacted In 6" hfts to 90% maximum Proctor denSity. 3. Ground to be sloped down and away from the top of the vault. * 4. Omit ground rods when grounded vault IS used. * 5 When uSing ground rods: Install 12" to 18" BELOW GROUND LEVEL Date. Appd. Eng. Appd Ops. ReVised THREE PHASE SECTIONALlZING CABINET CllY OF PORT ANGELES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Sheet~ of 2 U 3 04-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 42' ~ ~ Date Appd Eng: Appd Ops Revised THREEPHASEPADMOUNTTRANSFORMER WITH PAD & VAULT - Loop feed CITY OF PORT ANGELES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION U 3 03 - L Sheet-L of 2 I I I ITEM QUANTITY STOCK No. 1. Vault 48'x72'x42' With removable divider 285 098 00002 I 2. Transformer Pad 84'x66"x6' with 18' x 50' hole. 285 098 00003 3. 4' Conduit, sch 40 PVC as required 285 019 00004 I *4. Ground rod, 5/8"x 8' , Copper bonded 2 285 074 00022 *5. Cadweld, oneshot 2 320 055 00005 I 6. Elbow loadbreak, 15KV, 4/0 6 285 100 00011 7. Connector, crimpit 2 ~' 3 285 097 00072 I 8. Conductor, #6cu bare, tie 6ft 280 016 00006 9. Conductor, #2cu bare str. soft drawn 3ft 280 016 00008 I * *10 Lug, secondary bar 4 pOSition, AL 4 285 097 00131 11. Cold shrink 6 285 100 00020 12 Clamp, transformer case, 1/0 SOL 1 285 097 00013 I CONSTRUCTION NOTES: I I 1. Grout around condUit 2. Backfill to be mechanically compacted in 6' lifts to 90% maximum Proctor density. 3. Ground to be sloped down and away from the top of the vault. I 4. Customer to provide secondary service size. *5. Omit ground rods & cadweld when grounded vault is used. *6. When using ground rods; Install 12' to 18' below ground level. * *7. Secondary lugs, prOVided and Installed by Light Department at the transformer. I I I THREE PHASE PADMOUNTTRANSFORMER WITH PAD & VAULT - Loop feed CITY OF PORT ANGELES - Loop feed ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Sheet-2-of 2 U 3 03 - L I STREET/ALLEY /~OLE\ -lC-- ~O~~ LOCATION DETAIL I I I I I I . I I I I I I I , I t!i ! W I a: : I- I (J) /': ~ / I \Pd'-'; ~~~ STREET LA TOP 3. 8. (V OR & I I I I ~ I I I 36. -t 5' 0" 27 Fr ON 40 Ff POLE 8 ft. MINIMUM Ground level ... NOTE: First conduit installed at maximum distance from pole. Qi Oa~ W' ~:~~: TERMINATION SINGLE PHASE UNDERGROUND Shee1..L of 2 2" CONDUIT RISER - PRIMARY CITY OF PORT ANGELES U 1 02 - 2 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ITEM QUANTITY STOCK No. 1. Clamp, hot tap, bronze 1 285 097 00005 2. Wire, cu, bare #6cu (#2 Str. AL URD) 10ft. 280 016 00015 3. Wire, cu, bare, #2 -7 Str. 10ft. 28001600008 4. Cut out, 1 OOA, 15KV 1 285 028 00001 5. Bracket, mounting, cut out 1 285 078 00001 6. Screw, lag.Y2" x 4", galv. 11 320071 00001 7. Terminator, 15 KV, outdoor 1 285 100 00016 8. Arrestor, Lightning, 9 KV 1 28500300001 9. Bracket, mounting, 1 phase outdoor terminator 1 285 078 00003 10. Bolt, machine, % " x 10" 3 320 020 00014 11. Washer, 2fi" x 2)4", flat 3 320 092 00001 12. Wire, #6 Sol., cu tie 30 ft 280 016 00006 13. Connector, cu, (Fargo) 4 285 097 00037 14. Connector, cnmpit 2 >-2" 3 285 097 00072 15. Conduit, 2" SCH 80 PVC, 10ft section 10 28501900008 16. Bracket, pole nser stand off 15" min. 5 285 078 00005 17. Clamp, conduit support 2" 5 258 010 00002 18. Conduit, 2" PVC, Sch 40 18 ft 285 019 00002 0 285 019 00042 19. Elbow, 90 fiberglass, 24" radius 1 20. Ground rod %" dia. x 8', cu-bonded 1 285 074 00022 21. Clamp, ground rod, bronze %" 1 285 097 00011 22. Bellend, 2" PVC 1 285 019 00015 23. Staples,~" XY4" 1 box 285 074 00048 TERMINATION SINGLE PHASE UNDERGROUND 2" CONDUIT RISER - PRIMARY Shee~ of 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIRCATION U 1 02 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Date Appel Eng Appd. Ops Revised. SINGLE PHASE PADMOUNT TRANSFORMER Sheet---Lof 2 LOOP CITY OF PORT ANGELES U 1 04 - L ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS \ ITEM QUANTITY STOCK No. 1. Vault 32" X 44' X 36" 1 285 098 00001 2. Transformer Pad 42" X 42" 1 285 100 00012 with 1 2' X 27" access hole 3. 2" Conduit, sch 40 PVC as required 285 019 00002 * 4. Ground rod, 5/8"x8' , Copper bonded 2 285 074 00022 5 Cadweld, one-shot 2 320 055 00005 6. Elbow, loadbreak, 15 KV 2 28510000010 7. Clamp, grounding, xfmr case 285 097 00013 8. Connector, cnmplt, 2 ~' 2 285 097 00072 9. Conductor, #2 cu, 7 str 40 ft 28001600008 **10. Lugs, secondry bar, #12 - 350 MCM 3 285 097 00068 11. Cold shnnk 2 285 100 00020 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Grout around condUIt 2. Backfill to be mechanically compacted in 6" lifts to 90% maximum Proctor density. 3. Ground to be sloped down and away from the top of the vault. *4. Omit ground rods when grounded vault is used. *5. When uSing ground rods. Install 12" to 18" below ground level * * 6. Lugs, provided and installed by Light Department at the transformer ct Date ~. ,.)>=~; ~~~~. ~~~': Revised. SINGLE PHASE PADMOUNT TRANSFORMER LOOP CITY OF PORT ANGELES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Sheet~of 2 U 1 04 - L ~4'-1 r-18'-1 . ...... ,.:....:. 4,.".. . ", . ~1.l,:':,"I'~,~:~iL3f:,: :....:.~., -:':.~ ':. .~:., ;:~.,,' 'f' .. .' ......... .., ' .:'ES .;. .,' :'8 ", " :. . "~"~ ':.' -(!):~ --- ':1.:' - :,. :;, /-...;,...l 'I~.' '1'" .,. . .~ 4 .' ...~,'{: ,':', " " <.....' ::.~ ::'~'..i:2'l.-';, ;. :~~ :: '. 'I 'II -:'\:;":::.~:'./\.;><> ,::,1f " :~~',,:'" <. ..;.......::...........: ._~~~- .:,. . . ,,", "1:-' . I " .. - L , .; .,'. /1, " ~: >, ': . ::'''1- . '.' ,"" /1, \ ~. Y~:'. .... , 47!' '/ ", ,,' F " \ ":, '".>., . ':<~, ';11:'. ......."" '\ ~:",,'/ 'l:~: " "o;,:J., '~"'/!'" ".'~ ".-" .... r . .- ., " '>:':~ I -12"1- I. ,," or ,," ...... .. ',,"/''--., I I ,~ " ,", L..________---1 ';: :,::~;>:;, ,>~",> >' >:\~.. ,,-:.' " - - "-' ...... "~" . SECONDARY TRENCH UM 001-S PRIMARY TRENCH UM 001-P TRENCH NOTES 1 ALL GRADES SHOWN ARE FINAL GRADES, 2 ALL COVERAGE DEPTHS AND SPACING DIMENSIONS ARE MINIMUM. 3 THE BOlTOM OF THE TRENCH AND BACKFILL WITHIN 6 INCHES OF ELECTRICAL CONDUIT SHALL BE FREE OF ROCKS LARGER THAN 1.5 INCHES, DEBRIS, PAVING MATERIAL, SHARP ANGULAR OBJECTS OR CORROSIVE MATERIALS THAT MAY DAMAGE THE CONDUIT/CABLE OR PREVENT ADEQUATE COMPACTION OF BACKFILL IF TRENCH BOlTOM CONTAINS ROCKS EXCEEDING THIS LIMIT THE TRENCH SHALL BE OVER EXCAVATED BY 6 INCHES AND THEN BEDDED WITH 6 INCHES OF ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL AND COMPACTED PRIOR TO INSTALLING THE CONDUIT, 4. MINIMUM COVER AND TRENCH DEPTH REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE INCREASED BY 12 INCHES AT UNDEVELOPED LOCATIONS WITHOUT FINAL GRADE STAKES, CUSTOMER/DEVELOPER RESPONSIBLE FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH RELOCATION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES DUE TO SUBSEQUENT GRADE CHANGE. 5, THE DEVELOPER/CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING FINAL GRADE OF THE TRENCH AND WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SUBSEQUENT GRADE CHANGES AND THE ASSOCIATED COSTS TO RELOCATE UNDERGROUND FACILmES 6 TRENCHES 48 INCHES OR MORE IN DEPTH INTO WHICH A WORKER MUST ENTER SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE PROTECTION PROVIDED PER WAC 296-155 7, ALL CONDUIT TO BE 1 INCH MINIMUM FROM SIDES OF THE TRENCH. THIS SEPARATION IS REQUIRED FOR ADEQUATE COMPACTION, 8, ALL ELECTRICAL TRENCHES MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO BACKFILLING 9 CONTROLLED DENSITY BACKFILL REQUIRED UNDER ALL PAVED STREET SURFACES LEGEND ES - ELECTRIC SERVICE EP - ELECTRIC PRIMARY T - COMMUNICATIONS TV - CABLE TV Qt D." :'~ '~,=~' ~~~~, ;:. ~ ReVised: TRENCHING: PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TV, & TELCO DEPTH CITY OF PORT ANGELES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Sheet--Lof 1 UM 0 01- P UM 0 01- S LOCATOR INSTALL LOCATOR TAPE ::;:.::~ t>::-,:: .::~~ ::'~'.: .~X COVER BALL MARKER W~ ;;:~::?[?:;;;'~i~~ 6' OF FIRM SOIL BEFORE BACKFILL L ;.>: ~':~::L; r~~':~ .:~,~: ~::. .:: ---L- ."'t.O . . . ",': .....:... ... :.......:-.: 6" ~..:;." ::~..':~:: ].: ~;.:.~ ~ :~.;~. ~.: ii.~ t );;~{;::;.;;. . ~:i<~:':~ 3D" 47" 12" -L I I I 1-________--' PROCEDURE: 1. Place 12 inches of soil over the key point. 2. Insert the ball marker over desired point. Do not bury marker more than3 feet below grade because if cannot re-radiate the locator's signal when more than 4 feet from locator. 3. Handfill a minimum of 6 inches of soil over marker. 4. Backfill trench. 3M Ball marker, 4" Stock Number 285 060 00001 Date. Appd. Eng. Appd. ops RevIsed BAll MARKER INSTAllATION IN PRIMARY TRENCH CITY OF PORT ANGELES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS Sheet~of 1 UM 4 01 (j_:O-",_ Date: '- !~=- ~~~~ ~~~. REMsed I I , I I I I I I , I I I I I I I , I ~D 4t' ~ NOTES: ...c A. Ground wire to be located on the same side as neutral conductor and in quadrant opposite climbing space or pole top pin. /"" B. Staples on ground wire shall be 2 ft. apart, except for a a distance of 8 ft above ground and 8 ft. from top of pole where they shall be 6 inches apart. C. Ground wire to clear all hardware by 2 inches minimum and shall be stapled to maintain this position. D. Ground wire shall be stapled to the underside of the cross arm. E. Top of ground rod shall be 4 inches below grade. ITEM QUANTITY STOCK No. 1. Wire, CU, #6 Sol. 40 ft 2. Staples 1 box 3. Clamp, ground rod 5/8" bronze 1 4. Ground rod 5/8" x 8 ft. Copperbonded 1 5. Connector,#6 SOL vise cu (Fargo) 1 280 016 00006 285 074 00048 285 097 00011 285 074 00022 285 097 00037 MAINTENANCE ONLY POLE GROUND WITH GROUND ROD SheeL-j of 1 CllY OF PORT ANGELES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GR 0 01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~"-' Date: AppeL Eng ,. Appd. ops Revised. 1. SIX foot X 9 inch diameter concrete set a minimum of 2 ~ feet in the ground and in gravel, competed. 2. For customer installation: 6 foot X 6 inch diameter concrete filled steel pipe set a minimum of 2 X feet in the ground and in gravel, compacted. BARRICADE Sheet---1- of 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES ELCTRICAL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION UM 5 02 I CITY OF f'ORT ANGELES, LIGHT DIVISION - STAKING SHEET RECORDS 3 SYMBOLS: PRIORITY' Pencil Mop_ Dist Mops_ LOCATION' SHEET I OF .-REMOVE l-EMERG[NCY rielc:l Str. Ltg. - ENGINEERED BY: DATE: 6/21/05 E -EXISTING 2-NORMAL SCHEDULE I DESCRIPTION OF 'JORK: A-ADD 3,CALL TO SCHEDULE MGtl. Sheets_ GIS SUBST A TlON/FEEDER: CHECKED BY: DATE: 4-FllL-IN 'JORK Gric:l MGps _ Index 'Corc:ls_ rEEDER MAP. GRID MAP: LOCATE COMPLETION DATE: DATE ISSUED: REVISED: Far. MGps _ TILM/Corc:ls _ TIME: NUMBER: I FOREMAN: rixec:l Ass'L-- Engr. ChecL- START DATE: COMPLETED: I STATION '.lIRE SIZE SPAN CONDUIT SPAN PRIMARY FRAMING UNIT TRANSFORMER MISC. 8. REMARKS FT. FT. KVA No. 11 00 + 00 00 1-5- , 1- 4- UH 4 01 CAP 5- AND 4' PVC MARK I 02+70 7.2 LF RT 3-350 270 1-5- , 1- 4- 180 U 3 04 3B SECTIDNALlZING CABINET 07+00 7.2 LF RT 3-350 450 1-5- , 1- 4- 450 U 3 04 3B SECTIONALlZING CABINET I 11+30 ISLF RT 3-350 430 1-5- , 1- 4- 430 S'JITCH CABINET IVAUL T IPAD PMH 9 16+ 70.60 6.2 LF RT 3-350 540 1-5- , 1- 4- 540 U 3 04 22+50 60 LF L T 1- 4- 640 U 3 03 45 3 3H 45KVA PADMOUNT XFMR 23+48.4 7 6.8 LF RT 3-350 725 1-5- 725 PMH 11 I S'JITCH CABINET IVAUL T IPAD 3-1/0 AL 160 1-4- 160 23+58 6.8 LF RT 3-350 20 1-5- 20 U 3 04 3rt SECTIONALlZING CABINET. STUB 1-5- 'JEST, TIE 1-5- TO SEC. CAB 24+48 5.4 LF L T I 23+68 6.8 LF RT 1-1/0 AL 10 1-2' 10 U 1 04 R 25 1 lZ PADMOUNT XFMR FOR LIGHTING 24+48 5.4 LF LT 1-5- 100 3~ VAULT 'JI LID TIE 5- PVC TO SECT. CABINET 23+58 6.8 LF RT I 28+00 11.6 Lr L T 1-5-, 1-4- 352 3~ VAULT 'JI LID 29+30 11.6 Lr L T 1-2- 130 UM 4 01 STUB, CAP 8. MARK 2- PVC II 30+ 30 80 Lr RT 2- 1/0 50 1-4- 681 U 3 02-4 aD TRANSITION FROM S'JITCH TO CABINET 30+48 30+18 80 LF RT 1-1/0 20 1-2- 20 U 1 04-R 25 1 1" PADMOUNT xrHR FED FROM SEC. CABINET 30+48.17 I : 30+48.17 80 LF RT 3-350 700 1-5- 700 U 3 04 3rt SECTIONALlZING CABINET 2-1/0 20 1-4- 20 II 33+12 11.5 LF LT 1-5- 530 3~ VAUL T '.lITH LID 1-2- 400 I 33+30 80 Lr RT 1-2- 330 U 1 04-R 25 1 PADMOUNT XFMR FED FROM SEC. CABINET 35+03.77 34+85 79.9 LF RT I-liD 3rt SECTIONALlZING CABINET 120 1-2- 120 U 3 04 I 3-350 460 1-5- 460 36+85 80 Lr RT 1-1/0 180 1-2- 180 U 1 05-3 l)a' SECTIONALlZING CABINET II 38+60 15.1 LF' L T 1-5-, 1-2- 530 3$ VAULT 'J I LID 40+70 76.4 LF RT 1-2- 395 U 1 04-R 25 1 PADMOUNT XFMR FED FROM SEC. CABINET 40+94.76 I 40+78 76.4 Lr RT 3-350 590 1- 5- 590 U 3 04 1-1/0 20 1-2- 20 3Jil' SECTlONALlZING CABINET I 40+80 10.7 LF L T 1-2- 227 UM 4 01 STUB, CAP 8. MARK 2. PVC 44+F."'i Rn.R IF RT 1-2- 385 U 1 04-R 25 1 PADMOUNT XFMR FED FROM SEC. CABINET 46'1-68.55 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEPT. I.D. ACTIVITY PROJECT DESCRIPTION CITY OF PORT ANGELES} LIGHT DIVISION - ST AKING SHEET SHEET ? OF ~ STATION \.lIRE SIZE SPAN CONDUIT SPAN PRiMARY F"RAMING UNIT TRANSF"DRMER MISC. 8. REMARKS FT. n. KVA No. 17 44+80 10.7 LF L T 1-2" 385 UM 4 01 STUB, CAP AND MARK 2" PVC 45+00 10.7 LF" L T 1-2" 35 3P' VAULT \.II LID 1-5" 625 46+40 10.7 LF LT 1-2" 135 UM 4 01 STUB, CAP AND MARK 2" PVC 46+50 80.8 LF RT 3-350 574 1-5" 560 U 3 04 3J;l SEC. CABINET 1-1/0 190 1-2" 190 47+50 80.8 LF RT 1-1/0 106 1-2" 106 U 1 04-R 25 1 10' PAD MOUNT XFMR FED FROM SEC. CABINET 46+68.55 50+83 10.7 LF L T 1-5" 471 3i VAUL T \.II LID 1-2" 606 52+40 10.7 LF LT 1-2" 135 UM 4 01 STUB, CAP AND MARK 2" PVC 52+60 76.3 LF RT 1-2" 505 U 1 04-R 25 1 U!I PAD MOUNT XFMR FED FROM SEC. CABINET 51+44 53+18 76 LF RT 3-350 666 1-5" 666 U 3 04 4Q' SECTlONALlZING CABINET 1-1/0 55 1-2" 55 55+22 76 LF RT 1-1/0 205 1-2" 205 U 1 04 R 25 1 112f PAD MOUNT XFMR FED FROM SEC. CABINET 61+04 55+75 10.6 LF L T 1-2" 330 UM 4 01 STUB, CAP AND MARK 2" PVC 56+04 10.6 LF L T 1-2" 30 3tVAULT \.II LID 1-5" 495 59+00 10 LF L T 1-2" 290 UM 4 01 STUB, CAP AND MARK 2" PVC 59+04 79 LF RT 1-2" 285 U 1 04-R 25 1 W PAD MOUNT XFMR FED FROM SEC. CABINET 61+04 60+60 10.8LF RT 1-5" 165 3Jt VAUL T \.II LID 60+88 79.8 LF RT 3-350 770 1-5" 770 U 3 04 3ff SEC. CABINET 1-1/0 190 1-2" 190 60+97 79.8 LF RT 1-1/0 15 1-2" 15 U 1 04-R 50 1 1~ PAD MOUNT XFMR 64+66 80 LF RT 1-2" 380 U I 05 25 1 lliI SECTIONALlZING CABINET FED FROM SEC. CABINET 66+19.72 66+06 82 LF" RT 1-1/0 130 1-2" 130 U 3 04 :w SEC. CABINET 3-350 510 1-5" 510 66+03 1.5 LF" LT 1-5" 525 312f VAULT \.II LID 1-2" 525 EXISTING POLE ON 3-350 160 1-5" 160 U 3 06-5 31if RISER \.I I SWITCH FAIRMOUNT AVE. 1-2" 160 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .CITY OF PORT DEPT. I.D. ACTIVITY PROJECT DESCRIPTION ANGELES} LIGHT DIVISION - ST AKING SHEET SHEET 3 OF 3 I STATION "'IRE SIZE SPAN CONDUIT SPAN PRIMARY FRAMING UNIT TRANSFORMER MISC. 8. REMARKS FT. FT. KVA r No. II I 69+05 8 LF LT 1-2" 298 UM 4 01 STUB. CAP AND MARK 2" PVC 71 +80 8 LF LT 1-5" 570 3~ VAULT "'I LID 1-2" 280 77+65 1-5" 585 UM 4 01 STUB. CAP AND MARK 5" PVC 1-3" 585 UM 4 01 STUB. CAP ANG MARK 2" PVC I ' \ " , 1 I ,/ I I I I I I I . I ), I- I .J~ EIlCEWOOO DR . 3 , 4 5 \ CITY OF PORT AN~~LES ',," ,', ': ."ORIGINAL # 1 'ClaUamCounty."Washlngton , ' WEST U GAUTIL,ITI ES- EXTE N stON ... - ~ - > , , , Project No. ,05 - -01 INDEX OF DRAWINGS , L flTLE c' '- SHEET # DRAWING # GENERAl (G) Gl01 COVER SHEET.'LOCATION MAP. VICINTrf MAP AND INDEX TO DRAWINGS Gl02 'ABBREVIATIOIllS G103 CIVIL LEGEND i.ND GENERAl NOTES G104 ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL LEGEND AND NOTES G105 MECH,A.NICAL L(,GEND AND NOTES Gl06 ELEClRICAL LEpEND AND NOTES , Gl07 INSTRUMENTAl ION LEGEND AND NOTES CIVIL (C) , : 80F58 Cl01 "WAIER&S~'R STA-O+OOT04+60 9 OF 58 Cl02 WATER & SE R STA- 4+60 TO 9+60 100F58 Cl03 WATER&S R' STA-9+60T013+60 110F58 C104 WATER&S R STA-13+60TOI8+60- 120F58 Cl05 WATE('t&SEW R STA,18+60T023+60 13 OF 58 Cl06 WATER & SE R STA, 23+60 TO 29+00 140F58 Cl07 WATER&SE R STA-29+00T034+OO' 15 OF 58 'C1OB' WA1ER & SEWdR STA 34+00 TO 39+00 16 OF 58 Cl09' WATER & SEWER STA- 39+00 TO 44+00 - 170F58 Cl10 WATER&SEWER STA.44+oo'T049+00" 18 OF 58 Cll1' WATER &' SEWER STA. 49+00 TO 54+00 19 OF 58 C112 WATER & SEWER STA- 54+00 TO 59+00 - 20 OF 58 C113 WATER & SEW~R STA. 59+00 TO 64+00 21 OF 58 C114 WATER & SEWER STA 64+00 TO 69+00 22OF58 C115: WATER&SEWf,R STA-69+oot074+OO 230F58 . Cl16 WATER & SEWER STA- 74+OOTOSTA END 24 OF 58 Cl17 WATER PUMP STATION SITE, GRADING, AND ELECTRICAL PlAN 250F58 C118 SEWAGEPUMPSTATIC)N SITE PLAN 26 OF 58 Cl19 CIVIL DETAILS' 27 OF 58 Cl20 ~ML DETAILS 28 OF 58 C121 CML DETAILS 29 OF 58 'Cl22 CNIL DETAILS ' 30OF58 CI23 CIVIL DETAILS I . ARCHITECTURAUSTRUCTUR,l\L (NS) 31 OF 58 AiSl01 WATER PUMP qI'ATlON ,ARCI:\ITECTUAUSTRUCTlJRAL FLQOR PLAN & WALL SECTION 32 OF 58 NS102 WATER PUMP ~TA TlON ARCHITECTUAUSTRUCTURAl BUIlDING ELEVATIONS & SECTION 33 OF 58 NS103 ,WATER PUMP &,rATION ARCHITECTUAUSTRUCTURAl BUILDING SECTION & DETAILS 34 OF 58 NS104 " WATER PUM~ rATION ARCHITECTUAUSTRUCTURAL ROOF & WALL DETAILS , - , STRUCTURAl (S) , 35 OF 58 S101 STRUCTURAl NOTES 36 OF 58 $102 STRUCTURAl DETAILS 37 OF 58 SI03 STRUCTURAl O'=rAlLS . MECHANICAL (M), ; 38 OF 58 Ml0l WATER PUMP, ATlON MECHANICAL PlAN 39 OF 58' Ml02 WATER PUMP, ATlON MECHANICAL SECTIONS 40 OF 58 Ml03 SEWER PUMP STATION PLAN AND SECTIONS 410F58 M104 MECHANICAL OfT' AILS 42 OF 58 M105 NOT USED " ELECTRICAL (E) 43 OF 58 E101 WATER PUMP STATION ONE-LINE 44 OF 58 El02 WATER PUMP STATION ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN 45 OF 58 E103 WATER PUMP STATION HVAC AND ElEcrRtCAL FACILITY PLAN 46 OF 58 E104 WATER PUMP STATION ELECTRICAL CONTROL DIAGRAMS AND PANEL scHEDULE 47 OF 58 El05 SewER PUMP STATION, ELECTRICAL CONTROL DIAGRAMS AND PANEL SCHEDULE 48 OF 58 El06- ELECTRICAL DETAILS 49 OF 58 El01 ELECTRICAL DE:TAlLS INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL (I) 50 OF 58 1101 PROCESS AND INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAM WATER PUMP STATION 51 OF 58 1102 PROCESS AND INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAM SEWAGE PUMP STATION 52 OF 58 1103 INSTALLATION ilETAlLS TRAFFIC C.ONTROL (T) , T101 SIGN SCHEDULE & TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES Tl02 ECLIPSE SINGLE LANE TRAFFIC CONTROL T103 US 101 TRAFFICCONTROL T104 _ INTERSECTlONiCROSSING WORK ZONE ON US,101 Tl0S INTERSECTION/CROSSING WORK ZONE ON US 101 Tl06 ECLIPSE INDUSTRIAL PAAJ<YVAY CLOSURE BRITISH COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON 1 OF 58 20F58 30F58 4OF58 5 OF 58- 60F58 '7 OF 58 .' PORT ANGELES HARBOR . WASHINGTON STATE Spokane @ c ii o ~ ~ Q. i j 'jyASHINGTON OREGON @ Portland VICINITY MAP SCALE.NTS I '" ~ -.:J ~ co -- ,., 1 N :l 0 0 '" C II ~ ::> 'I i , I . co ~ ... If ~ .:s 'C Il~ ,U ~1i' "E I 'E c!t ~~. , /.... . gol :B3 .7l~ I~ ~~ ~c _ e-=l E j"i> I~I ~'2i'Z"'..Q I ,- .....,.. '- \ PROJECT LOCATION MAP SCALE: NTS 53 OF 58 54 OF 58 55 OF 58 56 OF 58 57 OF 58 58 OF"58 CAll 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 VERIfY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCIf ON ORIGINAl DRAWING. o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST 'YO (, SCAlES ACCORllIIlGL y M REIMBOLD DR R BENAELD CHK 0 BERSCHAUER ,AND 0 BERSCHAUER I NO. I DATE CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON , WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION GENERAl.." TITlE SHEET LbCATlON MAP VICINITY MAP & - INDEX TO DRAWINGS SHEET 1 OF58 DWG G101 OATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU REVISION BY / , IA ::j r ~ :J:: Q @ u.. o ~ ~;j .f~ !j!O, ...u.. ",0 -:z: wO o~ ~~ woe Bi~ '0< wffi :31= ~~ w u.:z: 01- ",1- z=> wO ;:;j: ~;: ~ zO -w ~i3 ~g: ,~ WI- ffio J:>- o~ ~oe ~~ 00-= &~ 00.. ~~- -0::' ~o' ~~ "'0 cg~ ~~' o ~~~ Qw WID ~~ 01- ~~ ...-.n z- wO ;:;~ g;;;! c:J: ",::E -<'I J::Z: ...0 u; , I- z: W ;:; ::> 8 o u.. o w lI) ::> :::! D I I I I. I I I I I I I r "U .. '" ;;; 00 I '1 "U 0 0 '" e 0 I -: :2 ~ ~ "' I ~ I . '" ~ I f ::E 0 > B e D_ I ED :>~ U i'1>' ~E ~Q. I cOO .e~ /- D ~I 'i3g t7l0 I .~ , o:! Be e:> ~-, j;; I /~ ij~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES Clallam County, Washington WEST UGA UTiliTIES EXTENSION Project No. 05 - 01 INDEX OF DRAWINGS SHEET # DRAWING # GENERAL (G) G101 COVER SHEET, LOCATION MAP, VICINITY MAP AND INDEX TO DRAWINGS G102 ABBREVIATIONS G103 CIVIL LEGEND AND GENERAL NOTES G104 ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL LEGEND AND NOTES G105 MECHANICAl LEGEND AND NOTES G106 ELECTRICAL LEGEND AND NOTES G107 INSTRUMENTATION LEGEND AND NOTES CIVIL (C) C101 WATER & SEWER STA. 0+00 TO 4+60 C102 WATER & SEWER STA. 4+60 TO 9+60 C103 WATER & SEWER STA. 9+60 TO 13+60 C1 04 WATER & SEWER STA. 13+60 TO 18+60 C105 WATER & SEWER STA. 18+60 TO 23+60 Cl06 WATER & SEWER STA.23+60T029+oo C107 WATER & SEWER STA 29+00T034+oo C108 WATER & SEWER STA 34+00 TO 39+00 C109 WATER & SEWER STA 39+ooT044+oo C110 WATER & SEWER STA 44+00 TO 49+00 Cl11 WATER&SEWER STA 49+00 TO 54+00 C112 WATER & SEWER STA. 54+00 TO 59+00 C113 WATER & SEWER STA. 59+00 TO 64+00 C114 WATER & SEWER STA 64+00 TO 69+00 C115 WATER & SEWER STA. 69+00 TO 74+00 C116 WATER & SEWER STA 74+00 TO STA END C117 WATER PUMP STATION SITE, GRADING, AND ELECTRiCAl PlAN C118 SEWAGE PUMP STATION SITE PlAN C119 CIVIL DETAILS C120 CIVIL DETAILS C121 CIVIL DETAILS C122 CIVIL DETAILS C123 CIVIL DETAILS ARCHITECTURAUSTRUCTURAL (A/S) 31 OF 56 A1S101 WATER PUMP STATION 32 OF 56 A1S102 WATER PUMP STATION 33 OF 56 A1S103 WATER PUMP STATION 34 OF 56 A1S104 WATER PUMP STATION STRUCTURAL (S) 35 OF 56 S101 STRUCTURAL NOTES 36 OF 56 S102 STRUCTURAL DETAILS 37 OF 56 S103 STRUCTURAL DETAILS MECHANiCAl (M) M101 WATER PUMP STATION M102 WATER PUMP STATION M103 SEWER PUMP STATION M104 MECHANiCAl DETAILS M105 NOT USED ELECTRICAl (E) E101 WATER PUMP STATION ONE-LINE E102 WATER PUMP STATION ELECTRiCAl POWER PlAN El03 WATER PUMP STATION HVAC AND ELECTRICAl FACILITY PlAN E104 WATER PUMP STATION ELECTRICAl CONTROL DIAGRAMS AND PANEL SCHEDULE E105 SEWER PUMP STATION ELECTRICAl CONTROL DIAGRAMS AND PANEL SCHEDULE E106 ELECTRICAL DETAILS E107 ELECTRICAl DETAILS INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL (Il 1101 PROCESS AND INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAM WATER PUMP STATION 1102 PROCESS AND INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAM SEWAGE PUMP STATION 1103 INSTALLATION DETAILS TlRAFFIC CONTROl (T) n01 SIGN SCHEDULE & TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES n02 ECLIPSE SINGLE lANE TRAFFIC CONTROL n03 US 101 TRAFFIC CONTROL T104 INTERSECTION/CROSSING WORK ZONE ON US 101 n05 INTERSECTION/CROSSING WORK ZONE ON US 101 n06 ECLIPSE INDUSTRIAl P~AY CLOSURE BRITISH COLUMBIA WASHINGTON 1 OF 56 2~56 3~56 4~56 5~56 6~56 7~56 PORT ANGELES HARBOR WASHINGTON STATE Spokane o 8 OF 56 9 OF 56 10 OF 56 11 OF 56 12 OF 56 13 OF 56 14 OF 56 15 OF 56 16 OF 56 17 OF 56 18 OF 56 19 OF 56 20 OF 56 21 OF 56 22 OF 56 23 OF 56 24 OF 56 25 OF 56 26 OF 56 27 OF 56 28 OF 56 29 OF 56 30 OF 56 5 11 o u '" g "- ~ , ) ~ASHINGTON OREGON WilLIAM R FAIRCHILD INTl AIRPORT o Portland EDGEWOOO DR VICINITY MAP SCAlE NTS iii 0-1 ~I "- It:, 4:; iii ~I m 101 >- It: o 51\.101 >- ~ ~ ... :;i ~ 5 ;r; III D- e SEWAGE PUMP STATION o II: ~ is m 38 OF 56 39 OF 56 40 OF 56 41 OF 56 42 OF 56 43 OF 56 44 OF 56 45 OF 56 46 OF 56 47 OF 56 48 OF 56 49 OF 56 PROJECT LOCATION MAP SCALE'NTS 50 OF 56 51 OF 56 52 OF 56 53 OF 56 54 OF 56 55 OF 56 56 OF 56 57 OF 56 56 OF 56 [EXPiRES - --'~J!.'J _I M REIMBOLD R BENFIELD D BERSCHAUER APVD D BERSCHAUER BY VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGiNAl ORAWlNG. o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST 'YD I SCAlES ACCOROINGL Y CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION NO I DATE REVISION r- TITLE ARCHITECTUAUSTRUCTURAL FLOOR PlAN & WAlL SECTION ARCHITECTUAUSTRUCTURAL BUILDING ElEVATIONS & SECTION ARCHITECTUAUSTRUCTURAL BUILDING SECTION & DETAILS ARCHITECTUAUSTRUCTURAL ROOF & WAlL DETAILS MECHANICAl PlAN MECHANICAl SECTIONS PLAN AND SECTIONS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 GENERAL TITLE SHEET LOCATION MAP VICINITY MAP & INDEX TO DRAWINGS SHEET 1 OF 56 DWG G101 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU =I :;: ~ is & .... o ~ ~~ ox a:~ ::;g i!'.... ",0 -..:;:: wo 0>= ~~ wa: 8 "'0 ~g 0< cnffi [31= ~~ ll.w ....x 01- 0-1- z=> wO ::;~ 1i!~ 1;;1- ~M ~o ~g: :a: Zw wi!' "'0 w,.. ;;~ ~a: ~12 ~~ OQ. ~2': -a: "'0 ~~ "'0 C~~ Oz ~-: ~~ o=> _w wm i!'~ 01- ~~ !;:1!2 ~~ G::l g:E "'~ ~g ~ z w ~ => o o o LL o w en ::> w a: D I ABBREVIATIONS I @ AT CUIN CUBIC INCH GVL GRAVEL POT POINT OF TANGENT T TANGENT AB ANCHOR BOLT, AGGREGATE BASE CUYD CUBIC YARD HAS HEADED ANCHOR STUD PPM PARTS PER MILLION TBG TUBING AC ASPHAlTIC CONCRETE CULV CULVERT HD HUB DRAIN PRC POINT OF REVERSE CURVE T&B TOP AND BOTTOM ACI AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE CV CHECK VALVE HOPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYlENE PRCST PRECAST TC TOP OF CURB ACP ASPHAlT CONCRETE PAVEMENT HDR HEADER PREFAB PREFABRICATED TDH TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD ACT ACOUSTICAL TILE 0 DRAIN HOW HARDWARE PRESS PRESSURE TECH TECHNICAl I ADD'L ADDITIONAl DBA DEFORMED BAR ANCHOR HGT HEIGHT PRI PRIMARY TEL TELEPHONE ADH AB ADHESIVE ANCHOR BOLT DBL DOUBLE HH HANDHOLES PROP PROPERTY TEMP TEMPERATURE ADJ ADJACENT,ADJUSTABLE DEC DECANT HM HOLLOW METAl PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT TF TOP FACE A AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR DEMO DEMOLITION HDRIZ HORIZONTAl PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE .... .... AFG ABOVE FINISH GRADE DET DETAIL HP HORSEPOWER PSIG POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH, GAUGE THO THREAD :r AHP AIR: HIGH PRESSURE DMJ DISMANTLING JOINT HR HANDRAIL PT POINT OF TANGENCY THK THICK ~ I AHR ANCHOR DI DROP INLET, DUCTILE IRON HV HOSE VAlVE PV PLUG VAlVE TOC TOP OF CONCRETE ::<: <..> AISC AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL DIA DIAMETER PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PlASTIC TOF TOP OF FOOTING @ CONSTRUCTION DIAG DIAGONAl I&C INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL PVCGS POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PlASTIC- TOW TOP OF WAlL Al AlUMINUM OIL DILUTE 10 INSIDE DIAMETER GRAVITY SEWER TYPE TP TURNING POINT ALP AIR LOW PRESSURE DIMJ DUCTILE IRON MECHANiCAl JOINT IE INVERT ELEVATION PVCW POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PLASTlC- TRANS TRANSITION ALTN ALTERNATE DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE IF INSIDE FACE WATER DISTRIBUTION SERVICE TYPE TRANSV TRANSVERSE I ANS! AMERICAN NATIONAl STANDARDS DIR DIRECTION IN INCH PVMT PAVEMENT TST TOP OF STEEL INSTITUTE ON DOWN INFL INFLUENT PW PlANT WATER IT THRUST TIE AP ANGLE POINT OWL DOWEL INSUL INSULATE PWOF PUMPWELL OVERFLOW TW TOP OF WAlL, TREATED WATER APPROX APPROXIMATELY DWG DRAWING INTX INTERSECTION TYP TYPICAl APVD APPROVED INV INVERT R. RAD RADIUS UBC UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ARCH ARCHITECTURAl E EAST, EASTING (COORDINATES) RC REINFORCED CONCRETE UH UNIT HEATER I ARV AIR RELEASE VAlVE EA EACH JT JOINT RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE UNO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE LL 0 AUTO AUTOMATIC EWEF EACH WAY, EACH FACE RCPP REINFORCED CONCRETE PRESSURE PIPE UP UNIT PROCESS ~ AUX AUXILIARY EC END CURVE RD ROAD, ROOF DRAIN UR URiNAl ~~ AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAGE ECC ECCENTRIC KIP THOUSAND POUNDS RDCR REDUCER AWT ADVANCED WASTE TREATMENT REF REFER OR REFERENCE 0::<: EF EACH FACE, EXHAUST FAN KW KILOWATT V VENT, VOLT, VAlVE "'~ EFL EFFLUENT REINF REINFORCED, REINFORCING, VAC VACUUM ::;8 I BC BEGIN CURVE EL ELEVATION REINFORCE VAR VENT ACID RESISTANT ~~ BD BAlANCING DAMPER ELB ELBOW REQD REQUIRED VARS VARIOUS L ANGLE, LENGTH -z BF BLIND FlANGE, BOTTOM FACE ELC ELECTRICAl LOAD CENTER RJ RESTRAINED JOINT VC VERTICAL CURVE ufo BFD BUTTERFLY VAlVE DAMPER ELEC ELECTRIC, ELECTRICAl lAB lABORATORY RlS RUBBER LINED STEEL VERT VERTICAl <..>>= BFV BUTTERFLY VAlVE ENGR ENGINEER LA T'L LATERAl RM ROOM VPI VERTICAL POINT OF INTERSECTION ~1!l LAV LAVATORY w'" BLDG BUILDING EO EMERGENCY OVERFLOW RO ROUGH OPENING VPS VENEER PLASTER SYSTEM B "'0 I' BM BENCH MARK, BEAM EQLSP EQUALLY SPACED LB POUNDS RPBP REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER VTR VENT THRU ROOF ;;J.::<: LB/CU FT POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT z5 BO BLOW OFF EQPT EQUIPMENT RST REINFORCING STEEL 0< BOO BOTTOM OF OPENING ERW EFFLUENT RECYCLE WATER LF LINEAR FEET RT RIGHT ii5ffi BOD BOTTOM OF DUCT EV ELECTRICAL VAULT LG LONG RTN RETURN :31= BOP BOTTOM OF PIPE EVC END OF VERTICAl CURVE LONG LONGITUDINAl RV ROOF VENT WI WITH ~~ BOS BOTTOM OF STEEl EW EACH WAY LR LONG RADIUS R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY W WIDE FLANGE (BEAM), WEST, WATER o..w I BOT BOTTOM EXC EXCAVATE LT LEFT RW RAW WATER WC WATER CLOSET- l5~ 1-1- BRG BEARING EXP EXPOSED, EXPANSION WD WOOD z=> wO BV BALL VALVE EXPJT EXPANSION JOINT MAX MAXIMUM S SOUTH WH WATER HEATER ~::<: BVC BEGINNING OF VERTiCAl CURVE EXST EXISTING SA SAMPLE WM WATER METER =>!::: MB MACHINE BOLT "';:: BYP BYPASS SAT SUSPENDED ACOUSTIC TILE WR WATER RESISTANT t>t; BWS BACKWASH SUPPLY FB FLAT BAR MCC MOTOR CONTROL CENTER SM SCUM WS WELDED STEEL ;;;w I BWW BACKWASH WASTE FC FLEXIBLE COUPLING' MECH MECHANiCAl SCCR SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING WSHST WEATHERING SHEET STEEL ~o FCA FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTER MFR MANUFACTURER SCFH STANDARD CUBIC FEET PER WSP WELDED STEEL PIPE ~R: C CHANNEL (BEAM) FCO FLOOR CLEANOUT MGD MILLION GALLONS PER DAY HOUR WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC "" MG/L MILLIGRAMS PER LITER Zw CB CATCH BASIN FD FLOOR DRAIN SCFM STANDARD CUBIC FEET PER W1 WATER PIPE Uj~ MH MANHOLE "'0 CCP CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE FDA FLOOR DRAIN W/lNTEGRAl TRAP MIN MINIMUM, MINUTE MINUTE WSDOT WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF w>- CCS CENTRAL CONTROL SYSTEM FDN FOUNDATION MISC MISCELLANEOUS SCH STORM DRAIN, SUMP DISCHARGE TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ;;~ I CD CONDENSATE DRAIN FE FILTER EFFLUENT SO SCHEDULE (YR 2004 EDITION) I!!'" '" CFM CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE FES FLARED END SECTION MJ MECHANICAl JOINT SECT SECTION ~12 . MSNRY MASONRY &~ ... CFS CUBIC FEET PER SECOND FEXT FIRE EXTINGUISHER SH SHEET .. CHEM CHEMiCAl FF FINISH FLOOR MTL MATERIAL '" MTS MILL TYPE STEEL PIPE SIM SIMIlAR YO YARD 00.. ;;; CI CAST IRON FG FINISH GRADE MO SLP SLOPE ~~ '" CIGC CAST IRON GROOVED COUPLING FH FIRE HYDRANT MASONRY OPENING -'" ,., MWS MAXIMUM WATER SURFACE SOLN SOLUTION NOTES' "'0 I I CIMJ CAST IRON MECHANICAl JOINT FIG FIGURE ~~ ... SP SPACE OR SPACES '" CIP CAST IRON PIPE FL FLOOR SPEC SPECIFICATIONS 1. CONTACT THE ENGINEER FOR ABBREVIATIONS NOT "'0 0 w::<: 0 CIRJ CAST IRON RESTRAINED JOINT FLG FLANGE SPLY SUPPLY LISTED TO AVOID ANY CONFLICTS WITH DRAWINGS Co;:: '" c CISP CAST IRON SOIL PIPE FLH FLATHEAD N NORTH, NORTHING(COORDINATES) SQ SQUARE OR SPECIFICATIONS ~~ ~ CJ CONSTRUCTION JOINT FLL FLOW LINE N/A NOT APPLICABLE SQFT SQUARE FOOT ~~ CLDIP CEMENT-LINED DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLTR FILTER NC NORMALLY CLOSED SQIN SQUARE INCH 2. THIS IS A STANDARD LEGEND SHEET, I ;;< CLG CEILING FNSH FINISH NIC NOT IN CONTRACT SSFM SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN THEREFORE, SOME SYMBOLS OR o=> ~ NO NUMBER, NUMBERING, NORMALlY OPEN _w CLR CLEAR FO FIBER OPTIC CONDUIT SSG SANITARY SEWER GRAVITY ABBREVIATIONS MAY APPEAR ON THIS w'" CL CLASS FOC FACE OF CONCRETE NPT NATIONAL PIPE THREAD SSH SAFETY SHOWER SHEET AND MAY NOT BE UTILIZED ON ~::? ~ G;. CL CENTERLINE FOV FIBER OPTIC VAULT, FIBER OPTIC HAND HOLE NTS NOT TO SCAlE SST STAINLESS STEEL THIS PROJECT 01- => ~~ 1: CMP CORRUGATED METAl PIPE FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PlASTIC STA STATION, STARTING AIR !Z"!2 ~ CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT FT FOOT OR FEET OC ON CENTER STD STANDARD ~~ I' CO CLEANOUT FTG FOOTING STL STEEL, STEEL PIPE I COL COLUMN FW FINISHED WATER 00 OUTSIDE DIAMETER, OVERFLOW DRAIN STlF STIFFENER G=l .... CONC CONCRETE FWD FORWARD OF OUTSIDE FACE, OVERFLOW STR STRAIGHT g:x: '" OFR OVERFLOW RETURN "'~ ~ CONCCYL CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE OF DEGREE FAHRENHEIT OG ORIGINAl GROUND STRl STRUCTURAl _N CONN CONNECTION STRUCT STRUCTURE ::<:::<: 1-<"> ~ CONT CONTINUOUS, CONTINUATION OSD OPEN SITE DRAIN SUBFL SUBFLOOR I COORD COORDINATE GA GAGE OTOO OUT TO OUT SUSP SUSPEND "- COP COPPER GAL GAlLON OPNG OPENING SYMM SYMMETRiCAl ~ :::E GALV GAlVANIZED 0 CP CONTROL POINT OZ OUNCE z ~ GC GROOVED COUPLING w CPLG COUPLING ::; GCO GRADE CLEANOUT ::J c CPVC CHLORINATED POLYVINYL CHLORIDE <..> G_ CS CHLORINE SOLUTION GCF GROOVED COUPLING FmlNG PC POINT OF CURVE 0 EG 0 I a~ CST CARBON STEEL GE GROOVED END PCC PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE LL 8.e Gl GLASS PO PERFORATED DRAIN 0 CT CURRENT TRANSFORMER GLDIP GlASS LINED DUCTILE IRON PIPE PE PLAIN END, PRIMARY EFFLUENT, POLYETHYLENE w CTD CENTERED '" :t~ GPO GAlLONS PER DAY P. ELEC PRIMARY ELECTRiCAl ::J CTR CENTER w ..[ GPH GAlLONS PER HOUR PENT PENETRATION '" CTOC CENTER TO CENTER 'E", CU CUBIC GPM GAlLONS PER MINUTE PERM PERIMETER D I .e;; CUFT CUBIC OOT GRTG GRATING PI POINT OF INTERSECTION /- GSP GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE PJF PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER . GSS GRAVITY SIDE SEWER PL PLATE, PROPERTY LINE ~I ~g GV GATE VAlVE PLYWD PLYWOOD CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE l'l YOU DIG 800-424-5555 ... I ~~ M REIMBOlD VERIFY SCAlE GENERAL SHEET 2 OF58 J!lc BAR IS ONE INCH ON CITY OF PORT ANGELES ,,:> G-, R BENFIELD ORlGINAlDRAWlNG CH2MHILL WASHINGTON DWG G102 E ~.;; D BERSCHAUER 0 l' ABBREVIATIONS JUNE 2005 IF NOT ONE INCH ON DATE ~ I ElCPIlES APVD THIS SHEET. ADJUST WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I ocr D BERSCHAUER NO DATE REVISION BY PVD SCAlES ACCORDINGlY PROJ 323194.WU I I I I I I I I I I I ! '" ~ ,., I ~ ~ I ! ::> 1;; I : ::3 ,., I f ~ " ,,- I ~~ u" 8.e i'~ ~E ;::0. ,,'" I .e;: /- .. go' :ell) ,,0 "'~ .., I ,,~ g- h ...., E ~i I ~~ 00: GENERAL NOTES: GENERAL NOTES: DEFINING TERMS CIVIL LEGEND PROPOSED 1 FOR GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION AND BORING LOGS, REFER TO THE GEOTECHNICAL DATA REPORT DATED MAY 2005. 17 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY AND BASE MAPPING PROVIDED BY ZENOVIC AND ASSOCIATES, PORT ANGELES, WA SURVEY PERFORMED IN MAY 2005, BASED ON. EXISTING ITEM CENTERLINE OF STRUCTURE OR MANHOLE OR ANGLE POINT OF PIPE CENTERLINE STRUCTURE OR MANHOLE 2 EACH NEW REACH OF SEWER BETWEEN SUCCESSNE MANHOLES SHALL BE TESTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED BY THE PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO ALLOWING SEWAGE TO FLOW THROUGH IT HORIZONTAL DATUM: WASHINGTON'STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, (NAD 83/91), AS DETERMINED FROM FIELD MEASUREMENTS MADE TO ClALLAM COUNTY GEOMETRIC FRAMEWORK CONTROL MONUMENTS (10#) 06300741 AND 06300841, SAID MONUMENTS BEING SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY FILED IN VOLUME 39 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 63, AND DESCRIBED IN ACCOMPANYING REPORT FILED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 1998-1008850. PIPE 3. SMALL DIAMETER WATER, ELECTRIC, AND POWER CROSSINGS ARE SHOWN AT APPROXIMATELY 3 5-FOOT DEPTH THE ACTUAL DEPTHS OF THE CROSSINGS IS LIKELY TO BE DIFFERENT FROM THAT SHOWN A ::l :;: ~ 5! o e> TOP SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT ..) AIR RELEASE STATION - WATER 4 PREVENT ON-SITE EROSION BY STABILIZING All SOILS, INCLUDING STOCKPILES, THAT ARE TEMPORARILY EXPOSED 5. PREVENT THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT FROM THE SITE AND PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING ALL STORM DRAINS, BOTH DITCHES, AND PIPED SYSTEM WHICH RECEIVE RUNOFF FROM THE DISTURBED AREA. B:Q!. INVERT OR FLOW LINE IN flOW DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE GRID DISTANCES (MULTIPLY BY 1 ??oo70 TO OBTAIN GROUND DISTANCE) VERTICAL DATUM SEWAGE COMBINATION AIR RELIEF AND VACUUM VALVE STATION TELEPHONE RISER rL INVERT OR FLOW LINE OUT 6 FOR NEW PIPES THAT CLEAR AN EXISTING PIPE OR UTILITY BY LESS THAN 6-INCHES, POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC FOAM (DOW ETHAFOAM 200LC PlANK) SHALL BE PLACED AS A CUSHION BETWEEN THE TWO PIPES MINIMUM ClEARANCE BETWEEN NEW PIPE AND EXISTING UTILITIES OR PIPE TO E 1 FOOT UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS OR APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. NAVD 88, BASED ON THE ABOVE REFERENCED FIELD MEASUREMENTS MAIL BOX !f2l POWER FEATURE (TRANSFORMER/SWITCH BOX) LL o ~ ~;;! ~~ ~~ ",0 -20 ~o -'" ~~ wa:: B <no <i!j!: ~~ cni'5 131= ~~ o.w LL:I: 0>- >->- 20::> wO ~j!: ~:E <n>- ~fd ~o ~g: "jffi ~5 :I:>- o~ wa:: ~12 o - g,~ 00. ~~ -a:: ~o !2~ <no C~~ i~ ~Hi 0::> _w WOO j!:~ 0>- ~~ !z;'!2 ~i g;;;! 0:I: ~g 7 CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH PERMIT RESTRICTIONS AND PUBLIC FACILITY ACCESS RESTRICTIONS CIVIL LEGEND PROPOSED ELECTRIC FEATURE SECTION AND DETAIL IDENTIFICATION EXISTING ITEM 8 PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT. NO CONSTRUCTION RELATED ACTIVITY SHALl CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEGRADATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, ALlOW MATERIAl TO ENTER SURFACE OR GROUND WATERS, OR ALLOW PARTICULATE EMISSIONS TO THE ATMOSPHERE, WHICH EXCEED STATE OR FEDERAl STANDARDS ANY ACTIONS THAT POTENTIALLY ALLOW A DISCHARGE TO STATE WATERS MUST HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY POWER UTILITY POLE SECTION AND DETAIL DESIGNATORS PROPERTY LINE AND/OR RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE POWER UTILITY POLE WITH LIGHT SECTION (LETTER)~ OR DETAIL (NUMBER) A DESIGNATION M-2 ON DRAWING WHERE SECTION /-'- OR DETAIL IS TAKEN \ I SHEET NUMBER WHERE SHOWN I SHEET NUMBER (REPLACED WITH ON DRAWING WHERE SECTION A LINE IF TAKEN AND OR DETAIL IS SHOWN' SHOWN ON SAME ~T NUMBER(S) WHERE TAKEN I SHEET) ---- ROAD CETER LINE POWER UTILITY POLE WITH TRANSFORMEI - "t - -,"" --- EMBANKMENT SLOPE AS INDICATED POWER UTILITY POLE WITH TRANSFORMER & LIGHT 9 LOCATIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION SHOWN FOR EXISTING BURIED UTILITIES WERE OBTAINED FROM AS-BUILT RECORDS, FIELD LOCATING AND OTHER DATA. THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED FOR CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE ONLY THERE MAY BE DISCREPANCIES AND OMISSIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY DEPTH AND LOCATION PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AND MODIFY ALIGNMENT AND DEPTH AS REQUIRED AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION UNLESS PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS INDICATE OTHERWISE. GUARDRAIL * FENCE SANITARY SEWER I t? STORM WATER WATER MAIN OR SERVICE I ;-'... UNDER GROUND POWER OVERHEAD POWER & TELEPHONE OVERHEAD TELEPHONE UNDER GROUND TElEPHONE -w----~_.- POLE GUY -x LUMINAIRE TELEPHONE UTILITY POLE DETAIL IDENTIFICATION lN~"W.-YM';:,STf)~-= 110. ALL CALLOUTS AND NOTES ARE DIRECTED TO THE CONTRACTOR UNLESS SPECIFICALLY STATED OTHERWISE. (1) THE DETAIL IDENTIFICATION SHOWN ON DRAWING AS: ~ DETAIL DESIGNATION S105 DRAWING ON WHICH DETAIL IS REFERENCED -INDICATES THE DETAIL LOCATED AND REFERENCED IS ON THE SAME SHEET. (2) ON DRAWING Al05 THIS DETAIL IS IDENTIFIED AS: SIGN ~.~~---vr:,^;A_._"- 111 EXISTING PIPING, EQUIPMENT AND TOPOGRAPHY ARE SHOWN SCREENED AND/OR LIGHTENED NEW PIPING, EQUIPMENT, STRUCTURES, AND FINISH GRADE IS SHOWN HEAVY LINED. SOIL TEST PIT ---~GP---- CONIFEROUS TREE (DBH SIZE & SPECIES IF KNOWN) 112 PROTECT EXISTING FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS FROM DAMAGE USE CARE WHEN EXCAVATING ADJACENT TO EXISTING MANHOLES AND PIPELINES. BRACING MAY BE REQUIRED. THE EXISTING 4" AC WATER LINE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS IS ACTIVE AND MUST BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE -- 01 iP&, --- :JH T -------- -- DECIDUOUS TREE (DBH SIZE & SPECIES IF KNOWN) --~liGT~- 113 FOR MANHOLES INSTALLED IN PAVED SURFACES, ADJUST RIM TO EXISTING GRADE OR FINISH GRADE AFTER OVERLAY AS APPLICABLE. FOR MANHOLES INSTALLED IN GRAVELED AREAS, ADJUST TO FINISH GRADE. FOR MANHOLES INSTALLED IN NON-TRAVELED AREAS ADJUST TO 2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. ~''''% ,:~ 1r.'~ r \~ TREE TO BE REMOVED "......-.. ...--.... .---.-- DRAINAGE WAY OR DITCH X 340 ~ SPOT ELEVATION ~ STANDARD DETAIL ~ DESIGNATED. SEE NOTE 2 S102 '-DRAWING ON WHICH DETAIL WAS TAKEN. - INDICATES THE DETAIL IS LOCATED AND REFERENCED FROM THE SAME SHEET. VAR INDICATES THE DETAIL IS REFERENCED ON MANY SHEETS. t-...- - . ~".: ..1 ". ........ 114 AT EXISTING MANHOLES WHERE THE FLOW PATTERN WILL CHANGE AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION, MODIFY THE CHANNELING AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE SMOOTH FLOW THROUGH THE MANHOLE. DETAIL NAME SCAlE: AS DESIGNATED CONCRETE OR GRAVEL SURFACE FINISH GRADE ELEVATION ______ 370__..___ ,/ CONCRETE PAVEMENT CONTOUR 5 LAY PIPE TO CONTINUOUS UPWARD OR DOWNWARD SLOPE BETWEEN AIR RELEASE STATIONS AND LOW POINTS WHILE MAINTAINING MINIMUM COVER, MINIMUM CLEARANCE WITH EXISTING UTILITIES, AND ALLOWING SUFFICIENT CLEARANCE AT HIGH POINTS FOR AIR RELEASE VALVE VAULTS TO BE INSTALLED AT GRADE. DO NOT EXCEED JOINT DEFLECTION ALLOWANCES LISTED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. 6 DI PIPE JOINTS TO BE BONDED AS SPECIFIED, SEE DETAIL @ 7 THE DATE OF THE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH IS DECEMBER 6,2000 r?""/}-- &3 q.o-o;.p.()~,. ~oo., GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAINS o !Jlli STORM WATER MANHOLE ~~ ~I ROCKRY STORM WATER CATCH BASIN ~ z w ::;: ::> <> o o LL o w rn ::> ~ l~~'l'.'- 0 8" OR 12" STORM CULVERT CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE NOTES: <) f7%'W~ tA/; -f~~~~L_Z CULVERT END WATER VALVE FILL (Cl09 AND Cll0) 1 IF PlAN AND SECTION (OR DETAIL CALl-OUT AND DETAIL) ARE SHOWN ON SAME DRAWING, DRAWING NUMBER IS REPLACED BY HORIZ LINE. 1><1 o ill ~ TRENCH BACK FILL ill WATER METER 2. PREFIX LETTER INDICATES THE FOLLOWING A1S - ARCHITECTURE/STRUCTURAl C - CML, M - MECHANICAL, E - ELECTRICAL, P - PROCESS, G - GENERAl, S - STRUCTURAL, 1- INSTRUMENTATION, T - TRAFFIC, IIIEUlEWJ311l =/111= D A o FIRE HYDRANT .s:::>. GROUND SURFACE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE . CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST BY It\PVD I SCALES ACCORDING\. Y M REIMBOLD R BENFIELD D BERSCHAUER APVD 0 BERSCHAUER SHEET 3 OF 58 DWG G103 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU GENERAL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON CH2MHILL CIVIL LEGEND AND GENERAL NOTES WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I ElcPItEs_ ,2,i24/l2li, NO I DATE REVISION I I I I I I I, I I I I r "tJ oj '" I ; '" " I ~ 2 ~ ~ => I ~ -l I I ... '" ~ '" I f :z ~ " I ~- g~ 0" t! ~~ I ~~ 'e.- r'" .. "'I ~:g UlO 11!~ o~ -E!i ..., E :0.. I ~I oiL , , , I . I 5 I 6 ARCH/STRUCT MATERIAL SYMBOLS ARCHITECTURAUSTRUCTURAL LEGEND SYMBOL LEGEND (SEE DWG G104 FOR DETAil AND SECTION SYMBOLS) .. GRATING, SPAN DIRECTION INDICATED SYMBOL LEGEND ff"/ "/zzzzz zzzzzzz z~~ ~y~y"zyy"z""'/'/.y"zyyyy CHECKERED PLATE ~"zY'l.YY'l.'l.~'l.Y'l.'l."zY'l.Y [ . : .' '. ..' , .1 GROUT , ROOM NAME J ~ ROOM NUMBER ~ GRANULAR FILL ~ITfdf111l EARTH OR FINISH GRADE d:> DOOR NUMBER 11=)= i .- -:.- .- -:- '-;f ... .... Q .... .... Q ... .... CONCRETE DOOR LETTER 1'JJ1-1)J1f CMU WALL (PLAN) @ LOUVER NUMBER ~I I I I I I I '1 CMU WALL (SECTION) -f"-/"-/"-/"-f S-1 SIGN NUMBER METAL STUD WALL (PLAN) ~ RIGID INSULATION @ 11050 SPOT ELEVATION ~ BATT INSULATION fEEE4 - DIRECTION OF SLOPE DOWN STEEL f$' $' $'f ALUMINUM B +. 't CJ HINGE SIDE DOOR/HATCH SWING PLYWOOD 1 t GYPSUM WALLBOARD ACTIVE f~?~,;a-7Z~B~j~~ ACOUSTICAL PANELS (PLAN) ~TIVE INDICATES PAIR OF DOORS IZI WOOD, ROUGH CONTINUOUS IZI WOOD, ROUGH NON-CONTINUOUS F EXT-X ~ WOOD, FINISHED ~ . f FIRE EXTINGUISHER 'X' = NUMBER IN SPECIFICATIONS lDO] CONTROL JOINT CMU (DETAIL-PLAN) EXPANSION JOINT 0 C .- CMU (DETAIL-SECTION) . · t RAILINGS POST t- o 0 CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE lS51m I YOU DIG 800-424-5555 u::;{j~ J HANSEN VERIFY SCALE GENERAL SHEET 4 OF 58 UK BAR IS ONE INCH ON CITY OF PORT ANGELES ~ R BENFIELD ORIGiNAl ORAWING CH2MHILL WASHINGTON ARCHITECURAL AND STRUCTURAL DWG G104 soot IF llASIINGIlIII CHK 0 r D BERSCHAUER LEGEND AND NOTES DATE JUNE 2005 IF NOT ONE INCH ON WEST UGA UTilITIES EXTENSION APVD 0 BERSCHAUER THIS SHEET, ADJUST NO DATE REVISION BY APVD SCALES ACCORDINGLY PROJ 323194 WU .... .... :f ::!; '" :r: o G u. o ~ ~;;j o:r: lfi& w:r: :r:u I-LL ",0 ~ u- ~~ Wo:: "'0 :;Ii: a~ c;;ffi f:3~ ~~ o.w :5i= 1-1- z=> wO ::!;:r: ::>!::: 0:::;: ~t; -w :;:6 !{llf :.0:: zW ~i: wO :r:>- 0:;: ~o:: ~~ o - g,~ go. zal; -0:: ~o ClW ~i ~~ ~~ 0::> _w WID i:g 01- zO <z I-'(J) z- wO ::!;:;: g~ o:r: ",::!; :r!:t! I-U ~ z w ::!; ::> o o o u. o w Ul ::> w II: I PIPE AND FITTING SYMBOLS DOUBLE LINE SINGLE LINE MECHANICAL LEGEND AND NOTES MECHANICAL LEGEND GENERAL PIPING NOTES REGULATED SIDE I ~ ~ LAY PIPE TO UNIFORM GRADE BETWEEN INDICATED ELEVATION POINTS SHOWN ON MECHANICAL DRAWINGS 2 SIZE OF FITTINGS SHOWN ON PLANS SHALL CORRESPOND TO ADJACENT STRAIGHT RUN OF PIPE, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. TYPE OF JOINT AND FITTING MATERIAL SHALL BE THE SAME AS SHOWN FOR ADJACENT STRAIGHT RUN OF PIPE 3 LOCATION AND NUMBER OF PIPE HANGERS AND PIPE SUPPORTS SHOWN IS ONLY APPROXIMATE CONTRACTOR SHALL DESIGN SUPPORTS AS SPECIFIED. 4. ALL JOINTS SHALL BE WATERTIGHT. WALL PIPES SHALL BE USED WHEREVER PIPING PASSES FROM A STRUCTURE TO BACKFILL 5. ALL FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS AND FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTERS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH THRUST TIES, BLOCKS, AND ANCHORS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED THRUST PROTECTION SHALL BE ADEQUATE FOR TEST PRESSURES SPECIFIED 6 SYMBOLS, LEGENDS, AND PIPE USE IDENTIFICATIONS SHOWN SHALL BE FOLLOWED THROUGHOUT THE PLANS, WHEREVER APPLICABLE. NOT ALL OF THE VARIOUS PIPING COMPONENTS ARE NECESSARILY USED IN THE PROJECT 7 ALL BURIED PIPING SPECIFIED TO BE PRESSURE TESTED, EXCEPT FLANGED, WELDED, OR SCREWED PIPING, SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS AT ALL DIRECTION CHANGES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SEE THRUST DETAILS AND NOTES ON THIS SHEET 8 NUMBER AND LOCATION OF UNIONS SHOWN ON PLANS IS ONLY APPROXIMATE. PROVIDE ALL UNIONS NECESSARY TO FACILITATE CONVENIENT REMOVAL OF VALVES AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT PRESSURE REGULATING VAlVE SOLENOID VAlVE NEEDLE VAlVE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE BAlL CHECK VAlVE SQUARE HEAD COCK OR BAlANCE FITTING FLEXIBLE PIPE CONNECTION HOSE VAlVE (TYPE AS SPECIFIED) GAUGE WITH COCK, VERT & HORIZ STRAINER HOSE RACK (TYPE AS INDICATED) NON FREEZE POST HYDRANT (TYPE AS SPECIFIED) WITH HOSE RACK HYDRANT WITH GATE VALVE CLEANOUT FLOOR CLEANOUT DECK CLEANOUT EXISTING PIPE NEW PIPE EXISTING PIPE TO BE ABANDONED EXISTING PIPE TO BE REMOVED WELDED PIPE GROOVED END JOINT FLANGED JOINT MECHANiCAl JOINT BELL & SPIGOT JOINT HUB & SPIGOT JOINT (RUBBER GASKET) FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTER FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTER WITH THRUST TIES FLEXIBLE COUPLING ADAPTER FLEXIBLE COUPLING ADAPTFR WITH THRUST TIES ELBOW UP ELBOW DOWN .t. -1'-----1- . .--t. .- X ~ --1'~ .- -. ~-- I ~ _.~-- A ::l :I: ::e ... x <.) €> -F- -f- ~ -El::3- --Et:=3- ~ -Eij:3- == ~ --=U=r- ~ -$=3- ~ ~ ~ +t----+_ I ~ ~ I 'Y T'T I=f --Q-t . Oeo OFCO Ooco I=f I u. o ~ w...J 0...... ~~ 0..'" ~a ........ eno -z wO go:: ~~ wa: B eno ~g 0< cnffi ~~ ~~ o..w u.x 0..... .......... z'" wO ::ex "'..... g::: ~ti -w ~~ ~o.. .a: Zw w~ ffio x>- o~ ~~ ~...: a:~ 00.. ~~ -a: f;go *~ C~~ ~~ ~~ a'" _w WID ~~ 0..... ~~ tz'!!2 wo ::e~ "'::I 8:1: !2~ ~<.) .. .. I 01 01 -D-- CONCENTRIC REDUCER ECCENTRIC REDUCER (IE TO IE SHOWN) UNION CAP 9. WHERE A GROOVED END COUPLING IS SHOWN, IT SHALL BE THE RIGID JOINT TYPE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED WHERE A FlANGED COUPLING ADAPTER IS SHOWN, A STANDARD FLANGE SHALL BE JOINED TO THE COUPLING ADAPTER. I ---t:>-- 0--- I ~ ~ ~ -EItP- ~ ~ ~ -HI- -!+- -N- -t:)l- FLANGED BUTTERFLY VAlVE GATE VAlVE OR FLANGED BUTTERFLY VAlVE AS INDICATED BY VAlVE TYPE SWING CHECK VAlVE I PLUG VAlVE I II WAFER CHECK VAlVE '" . "0 .,.: '" ~ '1 ;g o o '" e ~ ., ~ ~ :> -;: . ~ , .... '" ~ .., ~ lL ~ o z ~ e oo- EOO ~~ 8.e i'A' ~[ ~'" .e;; /- .. ~I 'fl8 ~o N "0 e . o~ .Be e:> oo-. E ji: ~ 60: -M- BAlL VAlVE 1-4 GLOBE VAlVE I ~ ANCHOR REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW PREVENTER ~ t ACTUATOR SYMBOLS ,t ELBOW, 90 DEGREE I + ~ CROSS TEE ~ ~ MOTOR OPERATED SOLENOID VALVE VALVE ~ DIAPHRAGM ~ PISTON OPERATED OPERATED VALVE VALVE ~ PRESSURE BAlANCE OPERATED VALVE I ElBOW, 45 DEGREE ,x LATERAl I en ..... z w ::e => <.) o o .... o w en => ~ PIPING DESIGNATION EXAMPLE. I INDICATES PIPE LENGTH ~rl 14" SSG D I INDICATES PIPE SERVICE INDICATES PIPE SIZE ~~u~ FLOW STREAM IDENTIFICATION CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 I VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl DRAWING o I' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST BY ,",PVD I SCALES ACCORDiNGlY G KNOX DR R BENFIELD CHK D BERSCHAUER iAPVD D BERSCHAUER I NO. I DATE SHEET 5 OF 58 DWG G105 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194,WU GENERAL MECHANICAL LEGEND AND NOTES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON CH2MHILL I ElCPIlES 0/2/.9- I WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I REVISION I I I I I I I I I I I '" 11 '" . ... ~ I "', ;g 0 0 '" " ~ I ~ rg ~ J 1;; I ~ . * ... ~ '" I <i 0. ::E 0 t 01- ED I ::I"" 8! ~A' ,,[ ~... I .e~ /~ .. go. 'e:g ~~ '" I 5~ .a" ,,::I 01" E ::I.. g'" I ~ oiL GROUNDING o GROUND ROD @ GROUND ROD WITH GROUND WELL . GROUND CONNECTION . CONNECTION -G- GROUNDING CONDUCTOR --1!}-- GROUNDP~TE DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT APPROXIMATE SHAPE AND SCALE OF SECTIONS REPRESENTED WHERE POSSIBLE. HOWEVER, EXACT SIZE AND NUMBER OF SECTIONS IS ESTIMATED. ~LOOR_STANDING DISTRIBUTION ASSEMBLY, SUCH AS A SWITCHBOARD, TRANSFORMER, OR MOTOR CONTROL CENTER MCC-5I'. EQUIPMENT DESIGNATION WALL-MOUNTED DISTRIBUTION GdSSEMBL Y, SUCH AS PANE160ARD, MOTOR STARTER PANEl, OR TERMINAL CABINET PBO-5B EQUIPMENT DESIGNATION CIRCUITS AND RACEWAYS CONDUIT ENDING WITH INSU~TED BUSHING ] HH-23 o CONDUIT STUB ENDING WITH CAP. MANHOLE (MH) OR HANDHOLE (HH), JB-270 o TB-l03 ~ ~ PBDA-l,3 JUNCTION BOX OPTIONAl IDENTIFIER TERMINAL BOX. OPTIONAl IDENTIFIER HOME RUN EXAMPLE HOME RUN TO PANELBOARD PBD-A, CIRCUITS 1,3, AND 5 SWITCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, All SWITCHES ARE WALL MOUNTED TOGGLE SWITCH, SINGLE POLE, 20 AMP GANGED SWITCHES IN COMMON BOX WITH COMMON WAlL P~TE $ $$ r- SUPERSCRIPT INDICATES CIRCUIT / CONTROLLED' a, b, c, ETC. MAY BE $ a COMBINED WITH CIRCUIT NUMBER 3 EXAMPLE la, 4b, ETC '- SUBSCRIPT MODIFIER INDICATES 2 = DOUBLE POLE 3 = THREE WAY 4 = FOUR WAY K = KEY OPERATED M = MOMENTARY CONTACT, THREE POSITION MS = MANUAL (MOTOR) STARTER OR SWITCH R = RHEOSTAT (DIMMER SPEED CONTROL) PH = PHOTOCONTROL WP = WEATHERPROOF B BADGELEY R BENFIELD D BERSCHAUER D BERSCHAUER RECEPTACLES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL RECEPTACLES ARE 125 VOLT, SINGLE PHASE, STRAIGHT B~E, NON- LOCKING, GROUNDING STYLE @ 10-50R ~ 0-1 100/2180 (0 @ @ G db DUPLEX RECEPTACLE, 20 AMP, 3WIRE RECEPTACLE MODIFIERS' C = CLOCK HANGER GF = GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER H = HAZARDOUS AREA-EXPLOSION PROOF WP = WEATHERPROOF SPECIAL RECEPTACLE. RATING OR NEMA CONFIGURATION AS SHOWN. EXAMPLE. NEMA 10-5OR, 1250'25OV, 3 POLE, 3 WIRE, 50 AMP, NON- GROUNDING TYPE. ~ RECESSED FLOOR RECEPTACLE- ANY RECEPTACLE INSIDE A SQUARE A SURFACE FLOOR RECEPTACLE- ANY RECEPTACLE INSIDE A TRIANGLE dJxIb GANGED RECEPTACLES-IN COMMON BOX, WITH COMMON WAll P~TE MOTORS AND EQUIPMENT ~ MOTOR STARTER NOT LOCATED IN AN MCC OR SIMILAR GROUP ASSEMBLY COMBINATION MOTOR STARTER NOT LOCATED IN AN MCC OR SIMI~R GROUP ASSEMBLY ~O DISCONNECT SWITCH, NON-FUSED EXAMPLE 60 AMP DISCONNECT SWITCH, FUSED EXAMPLE 100 AMP, 2 POLE, 80 AMP FUSES MOTOR EQUIPMENT, NON-MOTOR OR PACKAGE FIELD INSTRUMENT CONTROL STATION. CONNECTION POINT, AS NOTED LUMINAIRES I (A) I FLUORESCENT ~A)'9}}JI FLUORESCENT WITH EMERGENCY BAllAST l_____fA FLUORESCENT (SURFACE) 0 CEILING MOUNT ~ OUTDOOR LIGHT t-O LIGHT WAll ~ EXTERNAL WALL MOUNT @ EXTERNAL SURFACE MOUNT e-() LIGHT POLE DE- ALARM LIGHT 't::f EMERGENCY LIGHT @ NEON LAMP 8 EXIT UGHT NO DATE REVISION @ PLAN SYMBOLS WELDING RECEPTACLE WITH FUSED DISCONNECT RACEWAY EXPOSED - G - GROUNDING CONDUCTOR RACEWAY CONCEAlED - RC - REINFORCED CONCRETE DUCTBANK fi!>vvv HEAT TRACE ~ SMOKE DETECTOR ONE LINE DIAGRAM SYMBOLS -t- I xx --0- ----<>- ~ > ~;r -- -11' --0---<>- --8- -0- 0-1000 AMPS --<~ -<~>- -0 --0 BY PVD ENCLOSURE BOUNDARY CONDUCTORS CONNECTED CONDUCTORS NOT CONNECTED CONNECTION POINT TERMINAL POINT FOR EXTERNAl CONNECTIONS POTHEAD STRESS CONE INCOMING LINE SIGNAL BUS CONDUCTOR CABLE CONDUCTOR SURGE PROTECTOR LIGHTNING ARRESTOR AND GROUND TEST DEVICE METERING SWITCH AS = AMMETER SWITCH VS = VOLTMETER SWITCH METERS' A = AMPERES F = FREQUENCY KW = KILOWATTS, DEMAND PF = POWER FACTOR V = VOLTS VA = VOLT-AMPERES VAR = VOL TAM PERES REACTIVE WH = WATTHOURS CONNECTOR, PLUG DRAWOUT DRAWOUT MECHANISM MOTOR HORSEPOWER SHOWN HEATER. 5KW SIZE SHOWN VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET,ADJUST SCAlES ACCQRDINGL Y -0 "-0- 200 II~ m ---. -0 0..- AMPS m ---D--- AMPS 100 KVA 13.2 KV WJJ mn :l. 75ll Z 48lJ/2n v b. t 4 16 KV (3)W m 120V 400/5 m(3) DISCONNECT OR ISO~TlNG SWITCH 200 AMP SHOWN GROUND CONNECTION CIRCUIT BREAKER, THERMAl- MAGNETIC, 3 POLE, UON. MODIFIERS. 1M MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR (MAGNETIC ONLY) 12 POLES, IF OTHER THAN 3 FUSE, 3 POLE, UON MODIFIERS: CLF = CURRENT LIMITING FUSE DE = DUAL ELEMENT F = ClASS F POWER TRANSFORMER PRIMARY AND SECONDARY VOLTAGE, SIZE,IMPEDANCE SHOWN WINDING CONFIGURATIONS DELTA WYE (GROUNDED) POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER. PT QUANTITY (3) AND VOLTAGES SHOWN CURRENT TRANSFORMER CT QUANTITY (3) AND 400.5 TURNS RATIO SHOWN -::, ::; F ;::' :. ~ TERMINAl BOARD -iE-KVAR CAPACITOR GENERATOR. POWER RATING, FREQUENCY, VOLTAGE,GROUNDED WYE WINDING SHOWN GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS DRAWING IS GENERAl IN NATlJRE SOME SYMBOLS SHOWN THEREON MAY NOT BE USED ON THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS 2. SEE DRAWING Gl03 FOR ABBREVIATIONS. 3. SEE DRAWINGS G4, P1, AND P2 FOR ADDITIONAl SYMBOLS. 4 SYMBOLS ARE ARRANGED ON SPECIFIC DRAWINGS AND IN CATEGORIES FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY, SYMBOLS MAY BE USED ON ANY OF THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS. 5. IDENTIFICATIONS (ID), SIZES, RATINGS, LOCATIONS AND SIMILAR INFORMATION SHOWN ASSOCIATED WITH SYMBOLS ARE OPTIONAl, EXAMPLES OF SUCH INFORMATION ARE SHOWN WITH SOME SYMBOLS FOR C~RITY. ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC SYMBOLS oJyo ~ '0 " , ~ W CR-XXX --e- TDR.YVY -EJ- zzz ~ ~ o SOLENOID VAlVE CABLE SHIELD INDICATING PILOT LIGHT LETTER INDICATES COLOR OF LENS SINGLE PHASE MOTOR X INDICATES HORSEPOWER THREE PHASE MOTOR HP INDICATES HORSEPOWER CONTROL RE~Y OPERATING COIL XXX = RE~Y NUMBER TIME DE~Y RE~Y zzz= TIME RANGE XX = DE FOR DE~Y ON ENERGIZATION XX = DO FOR DE~Y ON DEENERGIZATlON YVY= RE~Y NUMBER DISCONNECT OR TOGGLE SWITCH TOGGLE SWITCH H t A .-~-' I I I I I I I X~: I ' O-L..o : I ' I : <Ll2 X r-----' 6 : I I , I THREE POSITION SELECTOR SWITCH : CONTACTS CLOSED IN POSITION , INDICATED BY .X'. NUMBER OF : ELECTRICAl CONTACTS ON SWITCH )Ie SHOWN ON CONTROL SCHEMATIC .....L o 0 a...Lo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION NORMALLY OPEN MOMENTARY CIRCUIT CLOSING PUSHBUTTON SWITCH SPRING OPEN NUMBER OF ELECTRiCAl CONTACTS ON SWITCH SHOWN ON CONTROL SCHEMATIC NORMALLY CLOSED MOMENTARY CIRCUIT OPENING PUSHBUTTON SWITCH SPRING ClOSE NUMBER OF ELECTRICAl CONTACTS ON SWITCH SHOWN ON CONTROL SCHEMATIC PUSHBUTTON LOCKOUT STOP LIMIT SWITCH NORMAlLY OPEN CONTACT ACTlJATED (HELD) CLOSED LIMIT SWITCH NORMAlLY CLOSED CONTACT OPENS WHEN ACTUATED LIMIT SWITCH NORMAlLY CLOSED CONTACT ACTUATED (HELD) OPEN LIMIT SWITCH NORMAlLY OPEN CONTACT CLOSES WHEN ACTUATED GENERAL ELECTRICAL LEGEND AND NOTES CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 6 OF 58 DWG G106 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU A ::l :r ~ x u @ LL o ~. ~~ ~~ Q.N ~G I-LL ",0 ~~ ~~ ffiir B"'o ~5 0< ooffi ~l= ~~ Q.UJ LLX 01- 1-1- z~ wO ::!Ox JI- "':;: tit; ;;:;w ~~ ~Q. .'" Zw wi!' "'0 w>- ;;~ w", ~f( &~ 00. uz z- -'" "'0 Q~ "'0 C~~ ~~ ~~ oJ _w w'" i!'~ Ot; ~z !z'!!l ~~ G::l g:i: !'2~ i!'u I!? z w .. J U o o ... o w <n J w '" D ~/ I I I I I I I I I I I '" . ." .. '" ;;; I N .., , ." ... 0 0 '" c I ~ '2 ~ i1 :> -;; I l , .. '" ;;; N I ~ 11. ::s 0 i .. I ~. ,,-= 8i -e ~1l' ~ .!!E I i~ -e .. ~ go, :Bit) .xo l<l I ." ~t h ..., E I !t 00: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 FUNCTIONAL IDENTIFICATION INSTRUMENT OPERATING FUNCTIONS PRIMARY ELEMENT SYMBOLS MEASURED OR READOUT OR OUTPUT CALCULATIVE FUNCTIONS CONVERSION FUNCTIONS MODIFIER MODIFIER I---m--> INITIATING VARIABLE PASSIVE FUNCTION FUNCTION ORIFICE PLATE A ANALYSIS ALARM [TI ~ ,l!:E] ~ MAGNETIC FLOWMETER SUMMING FOR INPUT/OUTPUT CONVERTERS ~ B BURNER, COMBUSTION VENTURI OR FLOW TUBE USING FOLLOWING SIGNALS: SONIC FLOWMETER (DOPPLER OF C CONDUCTIVITY CONTROL ~ DIFFERENCE (TYPICAL) o - ELECTROMAGNETIC OR ~ D DENSITY, SPECIFIC DIFFERENTIAL SONIC / \ VENTURI WEDGE TRANSIT TIME) GRAVITY 0EJD BIAS E - VOLTS H-HYDRAULlC ~ A E VOLTAGE PRIMARY PITOT TUBE t--[8------\ POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT METER I - CURRENT ELEMENT I AVG 10RM] AVERAGE P - PNEUMATIC F FLOW RATE RATIO R - RESISTANCE ~ PROPELLER OR TURBINE METER G FIRE, SMOKE GLASS 0 A - ANALOG ~ THERMAL FLOW ELEMENT MULTIPLYING B - BINARY ~ H HAND HIGH D - DIGITAL FLUME I CURRENT (ELEC) INDICATE EJ F-FREQUENCY ~ '6 DIVIDING J POWER SCAN WEIR FLOAT LEVEL ELEMENT K TIME, TIME SCHEDULE TIME RATE CONTROL STATION lTI SQUARE ROOT GJ OR 0 PROPORTIONAL CONTROL ACTION OF CHANGE EXTRACTION ~ VARIABLE AREA FLOW INDICATOR ~OREJ REVERSE PROPORTIONAL (ROTAMETER) - L LEVEL LIGHT LOW ~ OR Ix 1/" I EXPONENTIAL CONTROL ACTION M USER'S CHOICE MOMENTARY MIDDLE,INTERMEDIATE GJ OR IT) $ 0 ULTRASONIC FLOW ELEMENT ~ INTEGRAL CONTROL ACTION DIAPHRAGM SEAL .:::::;., N USER'S CHOICE '=' CHARACTERIZE 0 USER'S CHOICE ORIFICE ~OR@] P PRESSURE, VACUUM POINT (TEST) ~ DERIVATIVE CONTROL ACTION 5m TIME FUNCTION I \ IN-LINE PRESSURE SENSOR LJ> CONNECTION ~ Q QUANTITY INTEGRATE, ON-OFF CONTROl ACTION BUBBLER LEVEL TUBE TOTALIZE @] BOOST AND ISOLATE ~ FLOW ELEMENT INTEGRAL WITH I D1-o I DIFFERENTIAl GAP CONTROl R RADIATION RECORD EJ ACTION TRANSMITTER (MASS FLOW, ETC) [] VELOCITY LIMITER COMPENSATED FLOW METER B S SPEED,FREQUENCY SAFETY SWITCH T TEMPERATURE TRANSMIT 0 ~,~ GAIN U MUL TIVARIABLE MULTIFUNCTION MULTIFUNCTION MULTIFUNCTION HIGH SELECTING (TYPICAL) V VIBRATION, MECHANICAL VALVE, DAMPER, [[J ~,~ INSTRUMENT SIGNAL SYMBOLS MISCELLANEOUS SYMBOLS ANALYSIS LOUVER HIGH LIMITING ATTENUATE W WEIGHT, FORCE, TORQUE WELL D (TYPICAL) 0 X UNCLASSIFIED X AXIS LOW SELECTING INSTRUMENT SUPPLY, PURGE OR FLUSHING DEVICE ANALYTICAL FUNCTIONS PROCESS TAPS Y EVENT, STATE, OR YAXIS RELAY, COMPUTE, rn PRESENCE CONVERT LOW LIMITING 0 RESCr. RESIDUAL CHLORINE " // PNEUMATIC SIGNAL (ANALOG) RESET FOR LATCH-TYPE - Z POSITION, DIMENSION ZAXIS DRIVER, ACTUATOR, I REV I " II OPERATOR FINAL CONTROL ELEMENT REVERSE ACTION So. SULFUR DIOXIDE INSTRUMENT TAG NUMBERS TYPICAL INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION GAP ACTION COMB COMBUSTIBLE GAS ----------- ELECTRIC SIGNAL (ANALOG) 0 I GAF I FLOATING SEAL WATER CONTROL UNIT H2S HYDROGEN SULFIDE 'N. 11. PNEUMA TIC SIGNAL (DISCRETE) ~ SAMPLE AND HOLD 0 ,.,M, ~ pH pH INTRINSIC SAFETY RELAY O~""O<S'GNATION I SRG I SPLIT-RANGING DO DISSOLVED OXYGEN ---\-----\--- ELECTRIC SIGNAL (DISCRETE) (OPERATING FUNCTION" TYPICAL INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION CAPILLARY TUBE OR FILLED UNIT NUMBER )( )( SYSTEM CONTROL STATION SYMBOLS C 0 FACE MOUNTED LOOP NUMBER F FIELD MOUNTED INSTRUMENT 8 MULTIFUNCTION INSTRUMENT WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC OR SONIC IR~ ~'C'~O~ -- ~ SIGNAL (GUIDED) @ INDICATING LAMP (IL) SHARED HARDWARE (USED FOR - SUCCEEDING LETTERS; 8 FACE MOUNTED INSTRUMENT ON MAIN "DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEMS") ELECTROMAGNETIC OR SONIC READOUT OR PASSIVE PANEL, OPERA TOR ACCESSIBLE 'V 'V SIGNAL (UNGUIDED) ~ SELECTOR SWITCH (SEL SW) FUNCTION AND/OR ' '---LOOP NUMBER @ COMPUTER FUNCTION OUTPUT FUNCTION WITH -0-0- SOFTWARE OR DATA LINK MODIFIER WHEN REQUIRED FUNCTIONAL 8 INSTRUMENT MOUNTED ON/IN MAIN (J PUSH BUTTON (PB) IDENTIFICATION INPUT PANEL, OPERATOR INACCESSIBLE 0 ---.- MECHANICAL LINK UNIT NUMBER INTERLOCKING OR SEQUENTIAL - MODIFIER LETTER, WHEN SEE TABLE CONTROL FUNCTION L L HYDRAULIC ED - INDICATOR REQUIRED THIS DRAWING 8 FACE MOUNTED INSTRUMENT ON ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY 120 FIELD PANEL, OPERATOR ACCESSIBLE ~ PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC ES) VAC60 HZ UON. ~ MEASURED OR INITIATING CONTROL FUNCTION SPEED CONTROL RHEOSTAT VARIABLE LETTER INSTRUMENT MOUNTED ON/IN FIELD SA) SERVICE AIR SUPPLY 8 fPDiT\ -- PANEL, OPERATOR INACCESSIBLE # OPERA TOR ACCESS IN ACC INSTRUMENT QUALITY AIR EXAMPLE: IA) SUPPLY 2 -1 "'-/ % OPERA TOR ACCESS IN DCS 0 FIELD MOUNTED C2) WATER SUPPLY C1, C2, C3, ETC MULTIFUNCTION INSTRUMENT WITH SHARED HARDWARE (USED FOR "DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEMS") D UON = UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ~. CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE :J DSGN S BAKKEN YOU DIG 800-424-5555 VERIFY SCALE GENERAL SHEET 7 OF 58 ~ DR B.\R IS ONE INCH ON CITY OF PORT ANGELES ~~~/$')41 CHK R BENFIELD ORIGINAl. DRAWING CH2MHILL WASHINGTON DWG G107 D BERSCHAUER 0 r INSTRUMENTATION LEGEND IF NOT ONE INCH ON DATE JUNE 2005 IElCPIIlES 3/5/~ I APVD THIS SHEET, ADJUST WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION D BERSCHAUER NO DATE REVISION BY ~D SCAlES ACCORDING!. Y AND NOTES PROJ 323194.WU -' -' s: i<'j :1: o €l "- o ~ Ir W-' ,,-=, 0:1: Ir:>; 11.'" ~G ..."- ",0 -z wO ~~ Ir_ wa: "'0 <I.~ z::> 0< cnffi ~t= oa: Ir;;: I1.w "-:1: 0... ...... z::> wO ~E a:;;: t;t> ~w ~~ ~ zW w~ Iro ~~ Wa: ~f:2 &~ 011. ~~ -a: "'0 S2~ "'0 W:r 0;;: Oz z- ~o ;5lJl 0::> _w W'" :1:0 ...... 0'" zO <z ...'!a Zo ~~ ~::l gx ",:>; -'" :r:1: ...0 C/) ... z w ::;; ::> u o o "- o w C/) ::> w a: I I I I I I I I I I I r " .; '" I fj ~ 0 u " '" I I (j ::> I ~ ~ , . '" fj I ~ ~ 0 ~ Ii E_ gg' o~ ,..," I ~~ U /00 .. Sf ;1::" I ~~ ~~ .:I" i" E-' I ~ oii: .% o 20 40 60 P'.-~~_ I 1" = 20' 92 \ N o .- U Z o o w ::> z i= z o u o CO + ~ ~ .C/) ---. W Z .....J I o ~ <( ~ ~ II- I 10;";0 ~" ~ (ft '~Ci-.r, '6> '" .p. '-~~ """"""0 \. FOV <1l r . -"---=~ " "'P"1~A"". ,"'''_RT I ----=---- _ ~~ _ _ l Oli~ I -- - .~ ~ r I !r~_=-~U'C "il\ ~...:=~""~"r 'I! V r rr-55'~- ,",U'C . ~~ ~ I ~I~ ~ BY VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON TIllS SHEET, ADJUST D I SCAlES ACCORDINGLY WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION G KNOX R BENFIELD A STORBO IAPVD D BERSCHAUER N o .- U Z o o w ::> z i= z o u o CO + ~ <( ~ C/) W Z .....J I o ~ <( ~ NOTES: 1 FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SPACING SEE TYPICAL ECLIPSE INDUSTRiAl PARIWVAY CROSS SECTION ffi. ~ 2. SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-09 FOR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS A ::f :;: ::! N Z o @ 3. POSSIBLE WATER AND ELECTRIC UTILITIES IN ECLIPSE INDUSTRIAl PARJWJA Y. CITY TO LOCATE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER MUST APPROVE ANY AliGNMENT MODIFICATIONS u. o ~ ffi::l ~:f o.il!i wQ ~u. eno -z ~Q ~5 w'" B eno ;;!i= z::> 0< ~ffi ~~ 0'" "':;: o.w u.z 0... ...... z::> wO ::!z ::>~ f!'... ~o -w ~~ ~o. :.a:: Zw ~5 z>- o~ ~~ 0...- &~ 00. ~~ -'" ~o ~~ eno C~~ ~~ ~m 0::> _w w'" ~~ 0'" ~~ ..."<1) z- ~~ g~ OZ ~~ zZ ...0 rJ) >- z w ::;: ::> o o o u. o w en ::> w a:: KEY PLAN D NTS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON PIPELlNE- PHOTO & PlANlMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 0+00 TO STA 4+60 SHEET 8 OF 58 DWG C101 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU NO I DATE REVISION I I I T""" 0 T""" t) I I z 0 0 w ::> I z I i= z 0 t) I 0 I CD + '<:t I ~ I en w z -.J I I I U .- <( I . ~ I I I T""" '" 0 . T""" "" t) .,: '" z ;;; 0 I .... J 0 .... w 0 '5 ::> 0: z CD ~ i= I z 2 0 ~ t) ~ 0 ::> CD -;; I I + '<:t I ~ .... '" fj en .., I ~ W Q. Z 2 0 z -.J '" .8 I 0: . I E_ U "'" go: .- O~ <( >- ~l; ~ g,E I O:Q. '>on ~ "'.... . :1" :BII) .0 "'0 .... I "" 0: . .,~ .80: 0:" .., E ".. I 8~ -cB Oil. .z:. o 20 40 60 P'Il\.-._.-._.-.- -----. 1" =20' MH2, 48" TYPE II STA 6+72 89, 25.5lF IT RIM El=512 40 IE El=505 06 /' C") o T""" t) MH3. 48" TYPE II I Z STA 9+02 90, 10LF l T 0 RIM El=o96'89 0 'IE El=49026 W - ::> I ~ t- ~I t5 t) o CD + a> <( .- en w z -.J I U ~ ~ BY !<\PVD VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST SCAlES ACCOROINGl Y CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION PIPeliNE- PHOTO & PlANIMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 4+60 TO STA 9+60 SHEET 9 OF 58 DWG C102 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU R BENFIELD CHK A STORBO APVD D BERSCHAUER NO I DATE REVISION C") o T""" t) Z o o w ::> Z i= Z o t) o CD + a> ~ en w z -.J I U ~ ~ NOTES: 1 FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SPACING SEE TYPICAl ECLIPSE INDUSTlRIAl PARJ<NVAY CROSS SECTION @'\. ~ 2 SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-00 FOR BACKFill REQUIREMENTS. A ::l :;: ::E .... :x: o ~ 3 POSSIBLE WATER AND ElECTlRJC UTIlmES IN ECLIPSE INDUSTRIAL PARJ<NVAY CITY TO lOCATE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ENGINEER MUST APPROVE ANY ALIGNMENT MODIFICATIONS lL o ~ W-' Q.-' 0:;: O::::E 11..... w:X: ~~ ",0 -:z ~Q ~~ wo:: 8"'0 :;;!~ z::> 0< Ci5ffi !l!~ 00:: 0::;: I1.w ~~ !Z~ wO ~E ~;: ",>- zo ~a ",0:: <11. :0:: ZW ~5 ~~ l!!o:: ~~ 0": ~o:: oct: fi~ -0:: ~o 5:2~ "'a C~~ ~~ ~~ _w wm i!:~ 0>- ~g~ !Z;'!2 WO ::E~ ~~ ~~ i!:o en Ii: w ::E ::> g o lL o W '" ~ KEY PLAN I'JTS' D CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 I I I I I I I I I I I r ." .. '" I · ~ ~ " '" I ~ ~ ~ ~ :> 1; I ~ '" I ! e- lL ::E 0 ~ " I D- E- "I;: 81 ~J; I ,I I;' /~ . ~, 'Bon ,,;8 I ."N ~~ i~ E-' jij I~ 00:: C\I o ..- o z o o W ::l Z i= z o o o (0 + 0> ~ en W z .....J I () ~ ~ o 20 40 60 1'\.-.-.-..-. ----.. I 1" = 20' C\I o o z 0- 01 w- ::l ~I .- z o o o (0 + 0> ~ enl W-x- " Z .....J I () ~ ~ 5FT FlxFL 12" WATER W/BF FOR FUTURE C<JRNECTlONBY'OTHERS STA11+4438 16"x16"x12" FL TEE (1)16" FL-V500 (1) 12" FL-V500 (2)16" FLxRJ ADAPTER N41279245 E 992155 00 ,5 REVISION PVD VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl. DRAWING o I" IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCAlES ACCORDINGLY WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION G KNOX R BENFIELD A STORBO D BERSCHAUER CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON BY NO DATE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ NOTES 1. FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SPACING SEE TYPICAL ECLIPSE INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY CROSS SECTION 1""9 ~ 2. SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-09 FOR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS 3. LOCATE AND PROTECT EXISTING UGP. KEY PLAN 'FlTS" CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET DWG DATE PROJ PIPELlNE- PHOTO & PLANIMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 9+60 TO STA 13+60 10 OF 58 Ci03 JUNE 2005 323194 WU ::l :.: i!i i3 €> ... o ~. ~;;! ox ~g i!O... ",0 -z wO !.2~ ii:~ wo:: B"'o <i!~ ~< Uiffi f3~ ~~ a.w u..x 0.... ........ :z::> ~~ ::>1:: 0::;: ~b ;!;w a:o ~lE :a:: :zw ~5 w>- ~~ wo:: ~~ o - &~ 8a. :z;!; -0:: "'0 ~~ lfio CO~ ~~ ~m 0::> _w w'" i!'::? Ot; a:z lz'!!! WO ::E~ ::>..... u..... 8:': ",::E ~g '" 15 ::E :::> (.) o o u.. o w rn ::> ~ I I I C') 0 T""" () I I z 0 0 W ::l Z I I i= z 0 () 0 I I <0 + Cf') ~ I I ~ CJ) w z I I .....J I 0 ~ I I ~ I I I ~ '0 . '" I ~ i 8 .. c I ~ ; ~ s ~ ~ I 1> l I .... '" ;;; '" I 2; e 0. :I 0 ? JJ c I . E_ ~~ ~ ,. "A- I ~[ ~ ./N D ~I ilg Jlo I ... '0 :i~ -E'i .., E ~~ I~ 00. 'WEST'EEC7J:fPSEldRIVE" ~i~2. .;'~~k;~ \~i,~~~~~~ z. o 20 60 40 r\.-_-:_~_ _ ---~ 1" = 20' MH6, 48" TYPE II STA 16+57.81,19 3LF LT RIM EL=476.80 IE EL=467.10 8" SSG, 347LF 30" SD IE (OUT) 470.63 60 LF CONTRACTOR TO USE JOINT DEFLECTION TO MAINTAIN ALIGNMENT AND AVOID UGP WrT5 % MAX. ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION PER JOINT FOV STA 16+60 00, 65LF RT SECTIONALlZING VAULT STA 16+70 60, 62LF RT USE RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE FROM STA 16+32 14 TO STA 17+2034 ~ CJ) W Z .....J I &.;:0 'l- e::( ~ I I i~ MH7, 48" TYPE II STA 18+2586, 10 OLF LT RIM EL=462.24 IE EL=455.47 NO I OATE REVISION VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST BY ,",PVD I SCALES ACCORDINGlY WEST UGA UTILmES EXTENSION G KNOX R BENFIELD 10 o T""" () Z o o W ::l Z i= z o () o <0 + CO ~ NOTES. 1 FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SPACING SEE TYPICAL ECLIPSE INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY CROSS SECTION ffi ~ 2 SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-09 FOR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS. 3. LOCATE AND PROTECT EXISTING UGP. A ::l :;: ~ is @ ~ CJ) W Z .....J I o ~ ~ u.. o i l5~ a:::l: o.N ~~ ",0 ;;;-t5 0- ~~ wa: B"'O ~~ 0< -z ffl~ "-- 0'" a:~ Q.w ~F !Z~ wO ::l::r ~~ ~m ~Cl ~g: .Jll ~6 :r>- o~ w'" ~~ 0- l::~ 811. z;;!; ~~ lild c:gi ~~ ~~ o~ _w w'" F~ 0.... ~2 !Z~ ~~ g~ 0'" ~g ~ z w ::; ::> o o o "- o w '" ::> w a: KEY PLAN D NTS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON PIPELlNE- PHOTO & PLANIMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 13+60 TO STA 18+60 SHEET 11 OF 58 DWG C104 DATE JUNE 2005 PRDJ 323194.WU DR CHK A STORBO APVD D BERSCHAUER I I I ~ 0 ..... () I I z 0 0 w :::> z I I i= z 0 () I I 0 (0 + CO T""" I I ~ en w z I I .....J I () I- <( I I ~ I I I DO . ." -i '" :;; I N J on 0 'il e: CD I ~ ;e ~ ~ J I 1;; ~ I .... '" ~ I ~ D.. :E 0 Z :; e: I ..- E" iJ~ 8.e i'~ ~E I 1;0 e:CD .e~ /~ .. ~I :eon ..0 (1)0 I N ." ~~ .Be: e::> ..., E :>.. U." I 8" ~ UD.. z' o 20 60 40 ~_ I I 1" = 20' \ MH8, 48" TYPE II STA 21+51 07, 10 OLF L T RIM EL=428 58 IE EL=419 31 \ \ \ \ \ \ '- ...., """ SEWAGE PUMP STATION """ ~ SEE SHEET C118 $.""..,,r~~,,,,_ '~TX'"R ST 22+3~50LF RT / \ j- . -)-( ! ~ ~/' '--- ';In- ...__i5rr-~~~d ~ -----" l ------~--- -----~ ~ - " ,- ...---' ---------::::::::------ --------.--/ - / --- .-~---- --------,~ / r-- I MH9, 48" TYPE II STA 22+56 67,10 OLF LT RIM EL=420-26 IE EL=41044 ESTRAl NED JOINT PIPE \fROM STA 22+80 35 TO STA 23+16 35 PROTECT EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE OR REMOVE AND RESTORE TO ORIGINAL CONDITION G KNOX R BENFIELD A STORBO !APVD D BERSCHAUER VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE JNOl ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING o I' IF NOT ONE INtH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST BY jo,PVD I SCALES ACCORDINGLY WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION (0 o [) Z o o w :::> z -= z o () o (0 + C") C\I :,. <( -I- en W Z .....J I () ~ ~ NOTES 1 FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SPACING SEE TYPICAL ECLIPSE INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY CROSS SECTION ffi. ~ 2 SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-09 FOR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS. A ::l :;: i15 :>: o €l 18" CULVERT (89LF LT) IE (IN) 415 81 lL o ~ ~;;j 0:>: If~ Wo j!:lL ",0 ~S ~~ wa: B~~ z:~ Qz f3~ ~~ Q.w lL:>: 01- ffig :::!;E ~;: ~M ~~ ~Q. ~~ ll!1- wO ;;~ ~~ &~ OQ. oz z- -a: "'0 i3~ 050 C~~ Oz ~-: enfi! t5~ Qw w<D j!:g 015 ~z tz'!!l ~~ ::>..... 0..... gx en:::!; ~g w :::> z i= z o () o (0 + C") C\I <( I- en W Z .....J I () ~ ~ en .... z w :::!; ::> g o lL o w en ::> w a: KEY PLAN SECTIONALIZING VAULT /ITS STA 23+4800, 3LF RT STA 23+56.50, 3LF RT CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON PIPELlNE- PHOTO & PLANIMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 18+60 TO STA 23+60 SHEET 12 OF 58 DWG Cl05 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU NO. IDATE REVISION I I I I I I I I I I I '" . " .. '" I ~ J '" ~ e: '" I ~ :2 ~ ~ ::> I 1; - J: I ... '" ~ I ~ 0.. ::I 0 ~ e: I -- E- iJ~ g~ i'A' ~E ",0 I e:r- ~~ /- - g'1 ~g I '" " 6~ .!Ie: e::> -... E :>.. ll" I ~j 00.. ~ TEST STATION INSULATING FLANGE 6 SPOOL 12 2" BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY. SEE CITY sm DETAIL FOR TAP AND EXTENSION TO VALVE BOX ONLY MH". 48" TYPE /I RIM EL=41829 IE EL=410 94 N 414052 67 E 991983 90 - ""7 ==-- uRO ipJ(T-=11GL. "'i5HPl?t U ~ WIR ~~~.~~tft~f;~f~b ~r --- i FOV STA 24+47 25, 6LF LT 2" SEWER SERVICE FORCE MAIN CONTINUE PAST IMPROVEMENTS TO EDGE OF ROW CAP AND MARK WrrREA TED 2"x4" RELOCATE OR SUPPORT LIGHT POLE AS NEEDED L- 4Z2 -~ I ' nl I TI r;: T _ ~~-=-l...f:ii51' -v UG OHP&j1GT ol#> - wm W/R 1" = 20' o 20 40 "-...--.,.~. 60 , ~ I STA 24+46.10 16"x16"x16" FL TEE (3) FL V506 (2) FLxRJ ADAPTERS (1) 10FT PIPE WIBF FLxRJ ADAPTOR N 414044 04 E 992009 36 SECTIONALIZING VAULT STA 24+48.00, 5.4LF LT ~a1~ I OHi:::,--- OHT ~ ~.ClHT - 0Ii~4==' ~ ~-X V~\ ~~&~9~0I-~"~)( - .. 'I STA27+124864LFRT o!l:T -OHP~T _ (1) 2" SERVICE SADDLE (1) 2" CORP STOP - PLACED HORIZONTAL q, FOR WRENCH OPERATION ~ (1) VALVE BOX OHT I DPIlES R BENFIELD CHK A STORBO APVD D BERSCHAUER NO DATE VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o r If NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST BY PVD SCALES ACCORDINGLY WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON PIPELlNE- PHOTO & PLANIMETRICS WATER AND SEWER STA 23+60 TO STA 29+00 CH2MHILL REVISION l'- o T"'" () Z NOTES o ,. FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND o SPACING SEE TYPICAL CROSS W SECTION - HWY 101 @. ::> 11 Z i= 2 SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-00 ~ FOR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS () 3. LOCATE EXISTING WATER AT STA 24+00 o TO 26+00 AND 28+00 PRIOR TO o CONSTRUCTION. PROTECT + OR RELOCATE AS NECESSARY. 0> N 4. PLACE 16" WATER WITH 5FT MINIMUM <( COVER FROM STA 23+80 TO STA 24+60 ~ 5. INCREASE PIPE DEPTH TO MAINTAIN 12" CLEARANCE BELOW INVERT OF W STORM DRAIN CULVERTS. Z :J 6. CONNECT 16" WATER TO EXISTING SERVICE I CONNECTION CROSSING HIGHWAY 101. CONFORM TO CITY WATER SERVICE () CONNECTION STANDARD DETAIl. INSTALL .... INDIVIDUAL SERVICE PRV IN METER VAULT. <( LOCATE AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. ~ A ::f :;: ~ x u ~ LL o ~ ~;;;! ox g:~ Wu ~~ ~~ u- ~~ wa: B mo ~~ ~~ ~~ I1.w ~i!: tz5 wo ::lEX ::>>- j!:== ~~ ~a ~g: :.a: ZW ~5 ~~ ~f2 ~~ 811. z<!!; -a: mo Zw ~a c~~ ~~ ~~ C::> _w wm i!:e Cb ~Z tz'!2 ~~ 13::f 8:;: ~~ i!:u I ~ w ::lE ::> u o o LL o w m ::> ~ KEY PLAN NTS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 13 OF 58 DWG C106 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU I I I I I I I I I I I ~ .... ~ '" I ;; ~ 'il ~ I ~ :2 ~ ~ => I ~ '" ;;; N I t ~ .Il c: I -- E~ U !.~ I H .e~ /- . gol ~~ 11)0 I :~ ~~ I ~~ ~o oiL <0 o T"" () 51 o I~ w " ~ i)W - i= ,: z :co- o b ~~". () -" --'" 0""'" 0' .',' + I: .,: ,. ~ !~;"-1",'{l,O '.' I'" ,"'" "." ~ It' ".:'..,- w: Z :.., .....J;--- I' ,,~ () ~ ~ ~ j 40 60 o 20 P\.-.-.....-. -I 1" = 20' 2" STUB, CAP, AND MARK STA 29+30 00,11 6LF LT STA 29+44 60 AIR RELEASE STATION - WATER N 414097 17 E 992504.81 SECTIONALIZING VAULT STA33+12.00,l15LFLT FOV STA 33+22.0~ ~ W/ __- ~-- OHP,!tT 3=:::::: FOV STA 29+15 00,71 2 LF RT '-OHP&:r \ . ,;..' ",",-,,:,~,:.,.,-"'.:: . sEcrii)~Ai.IZTi.iG~VAutf:"- STA 3o~3b.oo;80LF RT SUPPORT POWER POLE AS NECESSARY DURING VAULT INSTALLATION STA 31+03 52, 70LF RT 3 'SEWAGE COMBINATION c1201 AIR RELIEF AND VACUUM VALVE STATION -I G KNOX R BENFIELD A STORBO D BERSCHAUER I NO. I DATE VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INOJ ON ORIGINAl. DRAWING. o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST BY ,",PVD I SCALES ACCORDINGlY WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION co o T"" () Z o o w ::::> z i= z o () o o + 'O:;t ('I) ~ C/) w Z .....J I () ~ ~ NOTES' 1. FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SPACING SEE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION - HWY 101 ffi . ~ 2. SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-09 FOR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS. 3. ADJUST WATER LINE DEPTH TO MAINTAIN 12" CLEARANCE FROM BOTTOM OF CULVERT TO TOP OF PIPE TRANSITION PIPE COVER FROM 35FT TO APPROXIMATELY 54FT AT CROSSING THEN RETURN TO 3.5 FT OF COVER USING ALLOWABLE JOINT DEFLECTION FOR A MINIMUM OF 3 PIPE SEGMENTS ON EACH SIDE OF CROSSING A ;;1 '" g €> 4 MAINTAIN A CONTINUOUS SLOPE FORM THE AIR RELEASE STATION TO LOW POINT IN PIPELINE. 5. USE CONCRETE ENCASEMENT~ FOR 10FT EACH SIDE OF CULVERT ~ 6 CONNECT 16" WATER TO EXISTING SERVICE CONNECTION CROSSING HIGHWAY 101 CONFORM TO CITY WATER SERVICE CONNECTION STANDARD DETAIL. INSTALL INDIVIDUAL SERVICE PRY IN METER VAULT LOCATE AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. u. o ~ ~;J ~~ ~~ -.<:: wO ~~ wa: B(/)O :a!5 is... ~~ ~~ l1.w ~~ ........ 2O=> ~~ ~~ t;t; ;!;w ~~ ~11. 2015 ~5 w> ~:i: wa: ~f2 0- !l:~ On; ~~ -a: (/)0 ~~ (/)0 C~~ Oz: ~-: ~~ o=> _w W'" ~~ 0.... :i:~ lz'!!! wO ::l;~ g;;1 0'" ~g 7. LOCATE EXISTING WATER FROM STA 30+00 TO 31+50 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. PROTECT OR RELOCATE AS NECESSARY I co o T"" () Z o o w ::::> z i= z o () o o + 'O:;t ('I) ~ C/) w Z .....J I () ~ ~ II) .... 20 w ::!: => o o o u. o w (/) => l:! KEY PLAN NTS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON PIPELlNE- PHOTO & PLANIMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 29+00 TO STA 34+00 SHEET 14 OF 58 DWG Cl07 DATE JUNE 200S PROJ 323194 WU REVISION I I I I I I I I I I I r " .. '" I ~ i 0 u ~ I I <1 ::> I ~ ~ I .... '" ~ I ~ Ii 0 z 'B I L ~[ >." ,.~ I ~E CD.. ~ ~, Z:g I :" ~.,; 11c E~ ~.;; I ~ oiL ,..... o ,.... U 2 o o W ::l 2 ~ 2 o U o o + """ ('i) ~ en UJ Z .....J I o ~ ~ J i o 20 40 60 . I ~-."..- 1"=20' ,..... ~I u 21 ~~" RO:P~T ~ f~ . wm ~ - - 2 _ """'=::::.... o U o o + """ ('i) ~ en UJ z __~ _ - ~ 46=-----:: .....JI____ \6-418-- I -420- ~ OI- l- i=-Cl4X ~I ' ~(ml~ ~ OV SECTIONAlIZING VAULT I \_ ~TA38+5000'1~LFL ~STA38+6000'15LFLT I _ _ ~ _ _ _ ...B.~w/ '_\---=::; ~OI-IN':T'-- --D1:!Es~J:--~~"rt5~O 11 If I' ~~~-- u ~--=- Yo7R 3a-TQOWTR 393 \I!ffl - J7R - r WTR - \"fR --as- I~ '-~ ~ CS RBR r I -- G KNOX R BENFIELD CHK A STORBO APVD D BERSCHAUER VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o t' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST BY ItIPVD I SCALES ACCORDING!. Y WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 6 0> o ,.... U 2 o o W ::l 2 ~ 2 o U o o + 0> ('i) ~ en UJ Z .....J I o ~ ~ NOTE. FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SPACING SEE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION - HWY 101 ~ ~ ::I x ~ is G ..... o i;;i li!:I: D..::e ~g 0-..... ",0 -:z ~Q ~~ uJD: B "'0 ;;!i: z::> 0< taffi tel:: li!~ "-w :5i: !;<~ wO :::;;:1: ::>0- g:3: "'0 ;:;w :i~ ~"- :.a:: zuJ [j!~ uJO :z:>- @:'i ~~ 0,.: ~~ OD.. Uz z- -D: "'0 Zw ~cl c~~ ~~ ~~ 0::> _w WID ~~ 00- :'i~ !;<'!2 wO ::e:'i g~ 0:>: !!1~ i:u I '" ffi :; ::> o o o u. o uJ '" ::> uJ D: KEY PLAN D NTS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON PIPElINE- PHOTO & PLANIMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 34+00 TO STA 39+00 SHEET 150F58 DWG C108 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU NO I DATE REVISION I I I I I I I I I I I i .,.: CD ~ I J !!; 0 u ~ I ! ~ ~ 1; I ! ~ I I ,11 I: I I. =>1: 8~ ~~ /' liE l;::C>. I:~ I ~.. /'~ .. ~I ~g I ,; ~I: E~ j.;; I ~ oiL co o ..- () -z o o w ::::> z i= z o () o o + 0) M ~ CJ) W Z .....J J: U ~ ~ J i o 20 40 60 I CO ~I () ~I o ...----Row w ::::> z i= z o () o o + 0) M ~ CJ) W Z .....J J:- -'-. ~~OHT-~- <( -X-X-X-R0V'J...x_ ~I_ "" ~ v. y P\..-.-.-.-. I 1" = 2rl 2" SEWER SERVICE FORCE MAIN CONTINUE PAST IMPROVEMENTS TO EDGE OF ROW CAP AND MARK WfTREATED 2"x4" 2" STUB, CAP. AND MARK STA 40+80.00 10FllT Fill AREA SEE NOTE 2 ~so__ .J' L... ______ --------- 'STA 42+12 45 54lF RT (1) 2" SERVICE SADDLE (1) 2" CORP STOP - PLACED HORIZONTAl FOR WRENCH OPERATION (1) VAlVE BOX G KNOX R BENFIELD CHK A STORBO IAPVD D BERSHAUER VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl DRAWING o l' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST BY ,""PVD I SCALES ACCOROINGl Y I o I ;: () I z o o w ::::> z i= z o () o o + 'V 'V <( I- CJ) W z I::J .J: IU ~ ~ NOTES 1. FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SPACING SEE TYPICAl CROSS SECTION - HWY 101 ffi. ~ 2. SEE TYPICAl EMBANKMENT Fill CROSS SECTION STA 42+30.00 TO 44+60 00 FOR EMBANKMENTCOVER~ ~ 3. CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT EXISTING GUARDRAIL OR REMOVE AND REPLACE WITH EQUAL OR BETTER. SEE WSDOT C-l. :i :;: :::!! g Q ... o ~ ~::I ~i wQ ~... ",0 --:z ~o ~~ B"'o ~5 0< m~ li1~ CLW l!;~ ~~ z=> wO ~~ ~;: ~t; ~~ ~CL :.a: zW w~ ffio ~~ ~a: ~~ 0,.: 5~ ~~ ~~ S!~ "'0 cl!::~ Cz ~fil ~'" o=> w~ ~12 C~ ~~ iZ"!!2 wC :::!!~ g;;! c'" ~g rn ~ z w ::e => u o o ... o w '" => ~ KEY PLAN NTS D CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON PIPElINE- PHOTO & PlANlMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 39+00 TO STA 44+00 SHEET 16 OF 58 DWG Cl09 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION NO I DATE REVISION I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..- ..- ..- NOTES () 1 FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SPACING Z SEE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION - HWY 101 ffi o ~ o W 2 SEE TYPICAL EMBANKMENT FILL CROSS ::::> SECTION STA 42+30 TO 44+60 AND 48+90 TO ~ 50+72 FOR EMBANKMENT COVER~. ~ ~ Z o 3 CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT EXISTING GUARDRAIL () OR REMOVE AND REPLACE WITH EQUAL OR . 0 BETTER SEE WSDOT C-1 o + 4 CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE EXISTING WATER AT 0> STA 48+90 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ~ PROTECT OR RELOCATE AS NECESSARY. ~ 5. SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-09 FOR BACKFILL e/) REQUIREMENTS. W 6. ADJUST WATER LINE DEPTH TO MAINTAIN 12" Z CLEARANCE FROM BOTTOM OF STORMDRAlN TO TOP - OF PIPE. TRANSITION PIPE COVER STARTING AT -! STA44+28 FROM 35 FT TO APPROXIMATELY 6.2 FT :c AT CROSSING. THEN RETURN TO 35FT OF COVER. o USING ALLOWABLE JOINT DEFLECTION FOR A MINIMUM I- OF 4 PIPE SEGMENTS ON EACH SIDE OF PIPE e::( CROSSING. MAINTAIN A CONTINUOUS SLOPE FROM :2 THE AIR RELEASE STATION TO LOW POINT IN PIPELINE. 7 USE CONCRETE ENCASEMENT~ FOR 10FT EACH SIDE OF STORMDRAlN ~ (j) o ..- () Z o o w ::::> Z i= Z 8. o o + ~ o:;t e::( l- e/) W Z .....J :c o ~ :2 J J o 20 f\a............. .. 40 60 , 1" = 20' N 41425914 E 994019 69 '" >> " .. '" ;;; '" '1 " o ~ c '" o " . :2 ~ ~ ::> 1; ~ I .. '" ;;; '" ~ Il. ~ o Z ~ c .- ~~ 8.e ;tA' "E "'" ~a of;: /- . g'1 EID .0 1/)0 '" " ~~ ~~ ...., E :J.. U" ~ 00:: FILL AREA SEE NOTE 2 2" SEWER SERVICE FORCE MAIN CONTINUE PAST IMPROVEMENTS TO EDGE OF ROW CAP AND MARK WITREATED 2"x4" L- 350 - N 414255 93 E 993959.52 FILL AREA SEE NOTE 2 ------ .:22.6 =- / 372 OHT OHT - >'--)(=x PA TMOUNT XFMR STA 47+50.00 60LF RT -------.J8w OHT ------- 24" SO CULVER't IE (IN) 361.22 PADMOUNT XFMR STA 44+65, 64LF RT FOV STA 46+45 00. 64LF RT R BENFIELD CHK A STORBO APVD 0 BERSHAUER BY VD VERIFY SCALE BAR 15 ONE INQj ON ORIGINAl DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET,AOJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION A ::i :;: ~ :I: U Q ..- ..- ..- () Z o o w ::::> Z i= Z o () o o + 0> ~ e::( l- e/) W Z .....J :c o l- e::( :2 u.. o ~ ~~ 0:1: a:;:!! ::;g i!:u.. ",0 -~ wQ Q< ~!:>l wa: B "'0 oil: z=> 0< wffi ::JI:: ~~ "-w u..:x: 01- !Z5 wO ~E ~== ~~ ~3 ~g; z'ffi i:15 ~~ wa: ~f2 ~~ 0"- Uz z- -cc "'0 ~~ ::Jo ce~ Oz ~-- ~~ o=> _w w'" i!:l? 06 ~z ..:~ Ze !!i~ G::i gs: ",;:!! ~g ~ w :!! => (,) o o u.. o w I/) ::> w a: KEY PLAN NTS o CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON PIPELlNE- PHOTO & PLANIMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 44+00 TO STA 49+00 SHEET 17 OF 58 DWG C110 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU I ElCPIlES REVISION NO DATE I I I I I I I I I I I ! .. '" I " J 0 u c: '" I I ~ ::> I ~ l I .. '" ;;; N I') I f ? .:J c: I ~- ~~ ,.. ~:t; I ~E ~ ........ D gol :e", DO 11I0 I ~~ 0:2 .:Jc: c:~ ~..., I ~ 011. o T""" T""" l) Z o o LlJ :) .. z i= z o () o o + 0> V ~ CJ) 1- ~I .....J I U !d: ~ o 20 40 60 P\.-_-.r~_ I 1" = 20' 2" SEWER SERVICE FORCE MAIN CONTINUE PASS I IMPROVEMENTS TO EDGE OF ROW CAP AND MARK WfTREATED 2"x4" ~ Q ~ FIRE HYDRANT STA 50+83.00. 10LFlT ."Wlo STA 51+93.35. 5 5LF LT X~-X-X_X_ r-==--:QHP6tT-'-- - GIJi. wm~-WTR- N T""" T""" l) #588 I Z o o LlJ :) Z i= Z o l) o o + V LO <( I~ ..1 w -z .....J I U !d: ~ FILL AREA SEE NOTE 2 6 378 OHT DhT 91.7 OHT ~uw-OHT --- X--k-X-X_\ x G KNOX R BENFIELD A STORBO D BERSCHAUER STA 52+32.60 61LF RT (1) 2" SERVICE SADDLE (1) 2" CORP STOP - PLACED HORIZONTAl FOR WRENCH OPERATION (1) VAlVE BOX VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORlGlNAl ORAWlNG o I' fF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCAlES ACCORDINGLY WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION N T""" T""" l) Z o o LlJ :) Z i= Z o l) o o + V LO ~ CJ) ill Z .....J I U !d: ~ NOTES 1 FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SPACING SEE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION - HWY 101 ffi. ~ 2. SEE TYPICAL EMBANKMENT FILL CROSS SECTION ST A 42+50 TO 44+80 AND 48+90 TO 50+72 FOR EMBANKMENT COVER~ ~ 3 CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT EXISTING GUARDRAIL OR REMOVE AND REPLACE WITH EQUAl OR BETTER A ::l :;: ii5 :>:: <.) €> 4. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE EXISTING WATER AT STA 49+10 AND STA 54+00 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION PROTECT OR RELOCATE AS NECESSARY 5. SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-09 FOR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS 6. ADJUST WATER LINE DEPTH TO MAINTAIN 12" CLEARANCE FROM BOTTOM OF STORM DRAIN TO TOP OF PIPE TRANSITION PIPE COVER STARTING AT STA 44+28 FROM 3.5 FT TO APPROXIMATELY 60FT AT CROSSING THEN RETURN TO 35FT OF COVER AT APPROXIMATELY STA 50+27 USING AlLOWABLE JOINT DEFLECTION FOR A MINIMUM OF 4 PIPE SEGMENTS ON EACH SIDE OF CROSSING MAINTAIN A CONTINUOUS SLOPE FROM THE AIR RELEASE STATION TO LOW POINT IN PIPELINE. 7. USE CONCRETE ENCASEMENT~ FOR 10FT EACH SIDE OF STORM DRAIN ~ 8 CONNECT 16" WATER TO EXISTING SERVICE CONNECTION CROSSING HIGHWAY 101 CONFORM TO CITY WATER SERVICE CONNECTION STANDARD DETAIL INSTALL INDIVIDUAL SERVICE PRV IN METER VAULT LOCATE AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER lL o ~ ~::I ~~ ~i5 I-lL {/)o ~z wO W= ffi~ BIII~ ~!3 0< ii'iffi ~I: 0'" ,.,';: I1.w lSi': 1-1- z::> wO ;:;;:>:: :::>1- g:~ enl- zU ~a enlf <..a: Zw ~5 ~~ w,., ~~ o - ~l;: o~ ~~ -,., ~o 52~ eno C~~ ~~ ~!jj o=> _w wID i':~ 01- ::i:~ 1-"" z- wo ;:;;::i: g~ 0:>:: en::E ~8 ~ w :::E => g o LL o W {/) => ~ KEY PLAN NTS D CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON PIPELlNE- PHOTO & PLANIMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 49+00 TO STA 54+00 SHEET 18 OF 58 DWG Cll1 DATE JUNE 200S PROJ 323194 WU NO DATE REVISION BY PVD I I I I I I I I I I I '" . "to . 0> ;;; I N .., ..J N Iii c '" I ~ D 2 ~ ~ :> I 1; ~ I ... 0> fj .., I ~ CL :l ~ ~ c I D_ ED ,,'" 8~ ~.!' ~E I "'" cO> D_ -eO ,,- ~I ~., DO "'0 I "to N 5~ ~c c" e""> iliJ I ~ .." uiL STA 58+57.60 68LF RT (1) 2" SERVICE SADDLE (1) 2" CORP STOP - PLACED HORIZONTAL FOR WRENCH OPERATION (1) VALVE BOX PIPELlNE- PHOTO & PLANIMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 54+00 TO STA 59+00 r- r- r- o Z o o w :::> z f= z o o o o + V l() <( -ts, I- ,-- I" CJ) ,';-.., WI' Z. -.J I () ~ ~ J i o 20 40 60 2" SEWER SERVICE FORCE MAIN CONTINUE PASS IMPROVEMENTS TO EDGE OF ROW CAP AND MARK WfTREATED2"x4" \---~ // ")'3~ SECTIONALlZING VAULT STA 56+04 00, 10LF LT FOV STA 56+13 00, 10LF LT OH - - G KNOX R BENFIELD CHK A STORBO IAPVD D BERSCHAUER VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl. DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST BY I'\PVD I SCALES ACCORDINGLY CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION NO I DATE REVISION C') r- r- o Z o o w :::> z f= z o o o o + 0> l() ~ CJ) W Z -.J I () ~ ~ NOTES 1 FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SPACING SEE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION - HWY 101 ~ ~ 2 SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-00 FOR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS 3. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE EXISTING WATER FROM STA 55+00 TO 56+00 AND FROM STA 57+00 TO 58+20 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. PROTECT OR RELOCATE AS NECESSARY. A =I :;: ~ '" x <> e> 4 CONNECT 16" WATER TO EXISTING SERVICE CONNECTION CROSSING HIGHWAY 101. CONFORM TO CITY WATER SERVICE CONNECTION STANDARD DETAIL INSTALL INDIVIDUAL SERVICE PRVIN METER VAULT. LOCATE AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER u. o ~ ~;j ox g:~ wg ~~ ~~ 0- ~~ wa: B"'o a!5 6< cnffi ~t= oa: a:;= CLw U.x 0>- !z!:; wO ~E ~;= ~&j ~o ~g: .J5 gii!' wO x>- e~ I!!a: ~~ 0"': l2~ on. Oz z- -a: "'0 ~~ "'0 c~~ Oz ~-: ~!ll 0:> _w w'" i!':? e>- ~~ !z'!ll we ~~ g;J eX "'~ -~ i!'o C') r- r- () Z o o w :::> z f= z o () o o + 0> l() <( I- CJ) W Z -.J I () I- <( ~ '" >- z w ~ :> o o o U. o w rn :> w a:: KEY PLAN NTS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 19 OF 58 DWG C112 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194,WU I I I I I I I I I, I I '" . ." .,.: '" n I N .., J .., ~ e '" I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I "Iii ~ I -+ '" f.i .., I f z -:; I L E" "r;:: 81 ~1i' ~E I r;::D ~~ ......~ " ~I :ilg I ~. D~ lie e" e-' ~iJ I 8~ &~ N T'"" T'"" U Z o o w ::> z i= z o u o o + (J) L() ~ C/) W Z .....J I () ~ ~ N T'"" T'"" U Z o o w ::> ~I ... z o u o o + (J) L() <{ til w z .....J I () ~ <{ ~ J L' ~ { Row- 20 40 60 r<<.-_-~-___ I 1" = 20' PROTECT OR REMOVE AND RESTORE EXISTING FENCE AND LANDSCAPING TO ORIGINAL CONDmON _- 394 PADMOUNT XFMR STA 60+97 00, 76LF RT SECTIONAlIZING VAULT STA 60+88 00, 76LF RT STA 62+10 02, 78LF RT SEWAGE COMBINATION AIR RELIEF AND VACUUM VAlVE STATION G KNOX R BENFIELD A STORBO D BERSCHAUER BY IA.PVD VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o I' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION "<t ,.... T'"" U Z o o w ::> z i= z o u o o + "I:;t CD ~ C/) W Z .....J I () ~ <{ ~ NOTE: 1 FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SP~ SEE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION - HWY 101 B 11 2 SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-09 FOR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS. 3 COORDINATE SHUT DOWN OF EXISTING 4' AC WATER LINE WITH CITY CUT EXISTING 4" AC WATlER LINE 10 FT BEYOND SERVICE CONNECTION INSTAlL 2" BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY PER CITY STANDARD DETAILS. DRAIN AND CAP EASTERN PORTION OF AC WATER LINE WITH GROUT AND ABANDON IN PLACE A :j :i' ~ '" o €J 4 CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE EXISTING WATER FROM STA 59+20 TO BLOW OFF LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. PROTECT OR RELOCATIE AS NECESSARY 5 LOCATE AlL EXISTING SEWER LINES AT MH T249 u, o ~ Ir W-' 11.~ 0'" Ir::!; 11.'" w'" ",0 I-u' enD ~~ 0- ~~ wlr BenD :;;!i!' ~~ Ci5ffi ~~ Olr Ir;;:: I1.w u,,,, 01- 1->- z::> wO ::!;'" ::>!:: a:;;:: ~t; ~w ~3 ~1f :.0: ZW w~ 1r0 w>- ;;~ wlr ~12 &~ 011. Oz z- -a: enD ~~ enD C~~ Oz :l-: ~~ 0::> _W WID i!'~ 01- :l~ I-'!!? Zo ~:l g;1 0'" en::!; ~g "<t ,.... T'"" U Z o o w ::> z i= z o u o o + "I:;t CD ~ C/) W Z .....J I () ~ ~ en !z w ::E ::> o o o u, o w en ::> w a: KEY PLAN NTS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON PIPElINE- PHOTO & PLANIMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 59+00 TO STA 64+00 SHEET 20 OF 58 DWG C113 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU NO I DATE REVISION I I C') T""" I I T""" U Z 0 0 I I w :J Z i= z 0 I I u 0 0 + -.::t I I CO ~ en I I w 2 -.J I I () I ~ ~ I I J I I N J I 0 20 40 60 r\ro? _~.._ , I 1. = 200 f I C') T""" r T""" "" U -+ Z '" n 0 I N ~ 0 W 0 :J u Z e: ... i= I % z 2 0 ~ U (1 0 J 0 I "" + I -.::t I co ... <( '" ~ .- I ,. en e w Q. ::E 2 0 ~ -.J e: I .. I E- :0" () 8~ ~ ~1I o,E ~ I e:o ~~ /'" .. gol ~g lIlO N I "" ~~ .Be: e::o ..., E :0.. g"" I ~ I DPIlES 8/Z1.J..J'1 I FD U I:ll:K::i{;HAUl:K I NO I DATE on: r REMOVE EXISTING HYDRANT ASSEMBLY AND CAP 384 384 ~3B2- ST 66+50 9O.BENDOO.7YLFRT C 380~- SECTION \ ~.Q:, STA 66+0~~'NG VAULT FOV " 78LF RT ST A 66+00 00, 78LF RT VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH OORlGINAl. DRAWI~ IF NOT ONE r PVD I THIS SHEET INCH ON SCALESACC~Y CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON PIPELlNE- PHOTO & PLANIMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 64+00 TO STA 69+00 SHEET 21 OF 58 DWG C114 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU " CH2MHILL REVISION WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION BY LO T""" T""" U Z o o W :J Z i= z o u o o + 0> co ~ en w 12 -.J I () ~ ~ NOTE. 1 FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SP~ SEE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION - HWY 101 B 11 2 SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-09 FOR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS A :::I x ~ x o e> "- o ~ ~;I ox lf~ wX xO 1-"- ",0 -z WO 0>= ~~ w'" B"'o ;;l~ ~~ wffi !i!~ 0'" "':;: n.w "-x 01- 1-1- ZJ wO ::EX J!::: ~:;: ",I- ZO ~a ~lf :a: ZW ~~ wO x>- o~ ~'" ;i[2 0"": g,~ on. ~~ -'" ~o ~~ "'0 C~~ ~~ ~!jJ oJ _w WID ~::? 01- ~~ 1-"" Z- wO ::E~ g~ OX ~~ xx 1-0 ~ z w ::!: J o o o u. o w rn J UJ '" KEY PLAN NTS D CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 I I I I I I I I I I I r 'U . '" I ~ 'il ~ I i , ~ ~ ::> I ~ l I ... '" r; N I f ~ z ~ I C . E- J~ ,.. ":1; I ~E 00 ~ ~I 'flS I '0 'UN 5~ l1C E~ I " ~~ 00: J H d ~"J'..~~O 40 6,0 a 1" = 20' -----+f- ROW 1- Lf I RoW 12-sTUB, CAP, ANdDI K (\1 S~ o~o 10FI/LTt~lIo\OVE AND REPLACE EXISTING \~(Q~ __ " CURB'~CHORIGINAL 4~T -=- ; P&:T - OtfpaO~OO~IP.H i / ~ 12"SDIE( FOV I 'II OUT) 360 11 STA 71+,88 0 ~- ( ,8l!F LT SECTIONA ~MO, EAND", s" ",,,,I: .:;,J.."i\ I ~RB;rOMAJtH LACEEXISTlNG f F -, \ :10 ORIGINAL <b - ~ ~ , -OHP&<T ~ ROW Vii 1.1'f1OO - I T ~'O "::j 1~~ _;2'L1NE / -,<:,1>, ( /- R BENFIELD CHK A STORBO IAPVD D BERSCHAUER VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGlY WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION co ...... U z o o w => z i= z o () o o + v I'- ~ (j) ill Z .....J I () ~ <( :2 NOTE. 1 FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SP~ SEE TYPICAl CROSS SECTION - HWY 101 B 11 2. SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 2-00 FOR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS 3. ADJUST WATER LINE DEPTH TO MAINTAIN 12" CLEARANCE FROM BOTTOM OF STORMDRAlN TO TOP OF PIPE. TRANSITION PIPE COVER FROM 3 5FT TO APPROXIMATELY 4.6FT AT CROSSING THEN RETlJRN TO 35FT OF COVER USING ALLOWABLE JOINT DEFLECTION FOR A MINIMUM OF 2 PIPE SEGMENTS ON EACH SIDE OF CROSSING. A -' -' i: ~ x U (i) 4 MAINTAIN A CONTINUOUS SLOPE FROM THE AIR RELEASE STATION TO lOW POINT IN PIPELINE 5 USE CONCRETE ENCASEMENT LU FOR 10FT EACH SIDE OF STORMDRAlN. ~ u.. o ~ a:. W-' Q.~ ox a:::lE Q.N wX i!'~ ",0 -z WO Qi= ~~ wa: B "'0 <i!i!' ~~ ~ffi ~~ oa: a:;: Q.w u..x 01- !Z5 wO ::lEX ::>1- 1!:3: ",I- ZU -w ~a ,,,If -sr zW w~ a:o w". ~~ wa: ~f2 O' ~~ OQ. ~~ -a: ~o ~~ "'0 cl!j~ Oz ~-: ~m 0::> _w W'" i!'g 01- ~~ !Z'!!1 ~~ g~ OX !!l~ i!'o co ...... ...... () Z o o w => z i= z o () o o + v I'- ~ (j) ill Z .....J I () ~ :2 u; I- Z w ::.: :::> U o o u.. o w '" :::> w a: KEY PLAN NTS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON PIPELlNE- PHOTO & PlANlMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 69+00 TO STA 74+00 SHEET 22 OF 58 DWG C115 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU NO. I DATE REVISION BY jo.PVD I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ .. ... ., I ~ 'il .a I i ;e ~ ~ ::> 1;; I f ... ~ I f z ~ e I -- E- ,,'" ge o.f ~~ "e I ~~ r ......e . ~I :eot) ~8 N I :: E~ I !i oiL It) ..... ..... () Z o o w ~ z ~ z o () o o + "<:;t f'-. ~ C/) W Z -.J I U ~ ~ J o o + f'-. f'-. ~ C/) W Z -.J I U ~ ~ o o + f'-. f'-. ~ C/) W Z -.J I U ~ ~ 2. SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 2-ll9 FOR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS 3. CONTRACTOR TO LAY RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE SEGMENT BEGINNING AT FLANGED CONNECTION OR VALVE AT PUMP STATION TO AVOID FIELD CUTTING OF RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE NOTE. 1. FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER AND SP~ SEE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION - HWY 101 B 11 o 60 CONTRACTOR TO USE JOINT DEFLECTION TO MAINTAIN ALIGNMENT AND AVOID CONFLICT WITH POWER AND SO SYSTEMS WITH 75% MAX ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION PER JOINT 20 40 P\.-_--_~..._ I 1" = 20' 'r.J"v ^:l ,,--_-.J / I '-/1 // I ~j --. I ~ ,.....-/ I '.'.,<fi.~ _ _~ _I It) ..... ..... () G KNOX R BENFIELD A STORBO D BERSCHAUER I NO I DATE REVISION VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INOi ON ORIGINAL DRAWING. o r IF NOT ONE INCH DN THIS SHEET, ADJUST BY Jl\PVD I SCAlES ACCORDINGlY CH2MHILL o o + f'-. f'-. ~ C/) W Z -.J I U I- <( ~ WATER PUMP STATION SEE SHEET C117 ~, o o + f'-. f'-.I <( 1-1- C/) ROW- WI l z 2" BLOWOFF - ASSEMBLY. SE -.J CITY STD DETAIL I FOR TAP AND U EXTENSION TO I- VALVE BOX ONLY ~~ ~t- : SEEM101 FOR CONTINUATION AND . : CONNECTION DETAILS " RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE FROM STA 76+54 65 TO 77+64 53 SEE NOTE 3 KEY PLAN flTS' CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION PIPELlNE- PHOTO & PLANIMETRICS WATER & SEWER STA 74+00 TO STA END SHEET 23 OF 58 DWG C116 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU A ~ :c 2 g €) LL o ~ ~::i ~~ wiJ j!:LL ",0 -:z ~Q ~~ wa: B"'O cii= z::> 0< cnffi ffJl= ~C2 a:;: "-w LL:<: 00- !Z~ wO ~i= ~:i: ",0- ZO -w ~~ !:2"- :ziffi li!i= wO ~~ \;!!a: ~12 00-' ~~ 8"- z~ -a: ::go ~~ c~~ Oz ~g ~'" 0::> _w wm i=~ 00- ~~ !Z"!!! ~~ a~ 8:<: !Q2 j!:g ~ z w 2 ::> o o o LL o W '" ::> w a: I I I I I I I I I I I '" . .., .. '" ;;; N I J C; u e: 0 I ~ i! ~ ~ ::> 11 I ~ I .... '" ~ .., I ~ lL :z 0 z / II e: .. I ~~ oe: 0" of! i'~ c ~5 I .e~ /<1> .. :1'1 :eon JIg N I .., ~~ lie: e::o ..., E ~ii I ~ ocr: i POWiRTRANSFORMER I ON 5 5' x 7' CONC. PAD, I i OV.ER POWER VAULT I F!tllSI:LG~ 338 5 I ' C)=n-. g.--s 2:~__=~~~~ ~.-::. N 414m 4.1 ~.ft:.../ 5-99~L___~__ -+--------f-. \ L--/N 414780 34 LI - -j E 9i7 7033 ,'PROTECT EXS} ~ INSTALL AND CAP FENCE DURIN" c{ \ 10' OF 5" & 2" ELEC. CONSTRUCTION CONDUIT I ! I i ?; o 0::: ~ t:> I J I I SEE DWG M101 FOR CONTINUATION ---- N 41478115 E 997324.95 INVERT @ BLOG LINE 335.0' , ../ N 41478109 E 997333 46 \ \ , -.------....~..,..l~~~t!f~r ....... ___ '_. ~ 4 3390";: '-. - ''J'e' '\IN-:i--,~P--- .- -- .-,,>, ~_ ~ 11' \,.;\C!' . -'~ \" - -- "---&. -'- \ "\.\ "\ '\, "\. \. 4 t:> -~-_ b -.-&in: . -_. _-=::;A.-===--~::::-__ _ ..._' ~ ~ - '" -.. ~~~~ ffU- '-- -- --~--~ - _.~----l I I '/ ...--__.._..Ll .' . ....-.-- --N 414758 31 4 bo ?'t:> bot> 4 REMOVE EXISTING UNUSED POLE AND GUY WIRE \ -, \\ 338 7}._._-' " .--- t:> 4 N 41473148 /' " :z:~ o 6 ro,...,r.-.-. CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 1, SEE WSDOT STD. L-2 RETAINING WALL TOP OF WALL=336 0 GROUND LEVEL=332 0 12 1" - 6' SITE PLAN SCALE 1"=6' \ ~--- @~ ~. ? 0; C ~ <s- 'l-~ <s- LOCK-BLOCK SIZES & SHAPES NTS ~?'...... - O:! D ~ .05'- FINISHED GRADE AT TOP OF WALL B CLEARING PLAN SCALE 1"-16' NTS FINISHED GRADE AT BOTTOM OF WALL CHK G KNOX R BENFIELD A STORBO CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SliEET. ADJUST PVD SCAlES ACCOROINGL Y APVD D BERSCHAUER WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION NO DATE REVISION BY \ I \ , \1 i i\ Ii\. ili \ .\ I ~ \i '\ 11 \---- \ () <- <: I NOTE 1 CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE EXISTING WATlER AND STORM DRAIN LINES AT ALL CROSSINGS AND CONNECTION POINTS SHOWN ON Cl17 AND Ml0l PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. --------------'-----~---- A -' -' Z ::E '" x u €il 8" ) u, o ~ ~;;! ox lf~ Wu ~u, ",0 ~~ u- ~5 wa: r "i~ .____- " INSTALL 4" ELEC \ ~ PER CITY DTL 03 024.....({ - - - -- - '~ -__ ~- , "-,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ -" I'--:!, tdiJ -~'\ ~~1i ; \ ...... ____J '\.,.....- - ..----.-- a::;: lLw U,X 0>- !Z~ wO ::EX ~>- r;:!: ~&j ~~ "'lL ~ ZW w~ a:o w>- ;~ wa: ~12 &~ OlL uz z- -a: "'0 ~~ [:30 CO~ ~~ 15m 0::> _w W'" ~g 0>- ~~ >-'!!! Zo ~~ i3~ 8x !'l~ ~o - ~.._._--~- NEW FENCE, TYPE 1 CHANLlNK DRILL & GROUT INTO CENTlER OF WALL, SEE NOTlE EL 338.5 9 N EL 334 0 NATIVE FILL NATIVE FILL in !z Ul ::!: ::> u o o u, o w '" ::> Ul a: NOTlE. COORDINATE WITH ULTlRABLOCK MANUFACTURER FOR DRILLING METHOD. GROUT PER SPECIFICATION 03600. 6" MIN CRUSH SURFACING BASE COURSE SECTION SCALE 1"-1' fA\ D CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CIVIL WATER PUMP STATION SITE GRADING AND ELECTRICAL PLAN SHEET 24 OF 58 DWG Cl17 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU I I I I I I I I I I I i * '" ., I N J N 0 ij e 0 I i 2 ~ ~ ::> 1: I f '" ., N ,., I i ~ z :; I 1- ~~ 8.e ~l; I ~~ ~~ "'I ~g .xo I ~N 5~ .Be e:> e""> gii I~ 00: \ \ \ \ RIGHT OF';WAY -\~ \ I I 0 , I , I I , I I I I , " / ' -::;- - - _\ - - \ I , ", - - l-S"'V'';, I I . '1\ ( '''''- I CC-~ {/! {s"V A '" _<.~ I rQ <:: ! I I ,,\ 1/..1" f/';, ! {~;f'\ ~ - - - -'L...-i\ ~ " ,,_~:- ' Z"r ~~\ \-f'W I ' ...._.... ?"'- Q ~_c j t, l ~ ... po ! -:- ^\..~ ~ I ,-! -.::::0 ;,;:;. ~ If I ! ";' in' !~" i , /c '-::-' . r' '.,.J ,~ I -':f.':-'- i .' . / \'-. "TREE TO BE ~ /__..________'~" I h --;,3 / -("'.,~ '! ~REMOVED I "- "\..f/.)' , /. i . ,,^ . -' .' 7. . . / IJ::. ,I I I ~; .,' ,', /:-;,",=' :t!f.<-;~: ~<~~~ _I '" ; , " I' - I .',' ", '",i / ~ -....j ,l _ -~~X-:-X-X--:-X- -X- i j' ;.:. /'" I r ~ I ~/'- , ! . N413894,48 r "I . ' (3):Y4"ELEC CONDUIT ); E99191042 \ "\., ,,' . ~~ - " . 4: (''Vi\ ((;1.,. -x/,~x -x -x -x -x EL = 417,25 \ ......,__ , j ",.., _ ,-. "XI' ~> Q:"';(, r;J X \ / X ,. 0... t ^ '< \,y'r t:>/l r-"-'" 1'.- - X t-Jt" /)' \ ' ,I '.;....0.- ',';, I~ \....J"'~ / I \ \~----"=' J / I #'7J>... . .. . X ~ ,...-/ >.< b'. ,.,;/A.,' . / I'" CONTRACTOR TQ R~MOVE \.-/ I RIGHT OF WAY ~. \, " p' > . , >,c:: tX V AND REPLACE EXISTING '..- ( X T/ 418.251 11. CHAINLlNK FENCE WHERE '-'-" ~ - -;" l~ ... 1-, fl 7 '1" COINCIDENTAl \ \ ,---' . ,. .-'-., jl t:> I ;1. II \ 0. '_3~_ " 0. 0"~' , ! ~90.BEND \ \ '. I' 1- f ~l ~\ I . I ",-, x .\- -'----, , I / \::-----./ x ( \' :'\ I \' ,> \1/ I X II , ~ + I ~ . r'i I l/''\ :;~ I ! /?,$" ~ L.~\ / '" '\. I X \ I ", ':"\ '.I I ' I~! ,,\. .. f >:< I "" I I . ..,I! ,_ - I L >\ I '-. I N 413893 80 1 ~ E 991940 44 L.-1 j I EL=41770 I . ~,,-EXISTlNG I \ ; x CHAIN LINK ,J.(l-+ \ FENCE '-~9(1-'-'-'- '''\ l x ;0(1"- ' il \ i ,- d')('I---- '" ,,- - J.00--'-'::./ ,,' an ---- ..._- .l;)(l - "''>, 'c;!:"-- 'c,;:.',___..(cn-'--dvn..~dan-d.)n - ! __L:Jn..--".,,LOfl .....~ ~r~-" . ._ .LOr ..--"- ~ 4" SEWER --'lOf) --;;. - "~i-pn .----- i 5,,--"-- - 'an -.-- J.911'-- FORCEMAlN n:~----' "-- ..... '-'l--'> J, 1\ \ ' t:>-, L. ))j .z' I ! 5 10 15 r!ir'_~_-_-_ I 1"=5 j i J ! ~I I I 1 II ELECTRICAl , ENCLOSURE I '-X -X -x-X p X 53' N 413842 00 E 991907.19 EL = 420 00 , .. -x -X -x -)(--x -x\ c. CONCRETE PAD SEE NOTE 1 YARD LIGHT. SEE~ MOBIL GENERATOR HOOKUP PLUG FUTURE t:> 417 90 Do il Do 418,25 ?_'" (/ 18.2V\~ ~ t:> ~( I X i b M ~ t:> il 41825 -../ I SEWAGE PUMP VALVE VAULT il t:> I STATION MANHOLE ~ N 413863 39 t:> E 991919 30 1 t:> ~ t:> -'\..(l , "--- GRAVEL PAD ~ il t:> \ j./ il \ ,'0 20' CHAIN LINK ~\~ TYPE 1 x X ,X N 413874 44 ()) E 991939 24 \.--..// ,>,EL=418oo ~/ '''-.., Ix....'. ''-''./ DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1"=12' il il ...'------- "-.----..~.~-..-.- t:> 7i:Jfi---~o;--====-CCJ:JA-;-- c;-:;n -dVf) -dDnl-l- da. \ \ \ , NOTES 1, MAINTAIN MINIMUM 3-INCH CLEARANCE BETWEEN ELECTRICAl ENCLOSURE AND CONCRETE PAD, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 2 SEE SHEET E105 FOR ELECTRICAl DETAILS, 3 SEE SHEET M103 FOR PUMP STATION PlAN AND SECTIONS, SITE PLAN SCAlE 1"=5' REVISION VERIFY SCAlE BAR 15 ONE IHOl ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON T1iIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY, CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 D BERSCHAUER DR R BENFIELD CHK A STORBO iIi'ii"fi"n IAPVD D BERSCHAUER I NO, I DATE CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON CIVIL SEWAGE PUMP STATION SITE PlAN SHEET 25 OF 58 DWG C118 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU BY ""PVD WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION A ::l :;: ~ :r o €> LL o ~ ~~ o:r 0::::1; D.N w:r j!:~ ",0 -z ~Q ~5 wa: B",o ~!3 0< -z m~ ~~ D.w LL:r 0.... !z5 wo ~~ I!'.... ~M ~~ ~D. :a: Zw ~6 ~~ I!:!o:: ~~ 0": ~~ ~~ -0:: "'0 ~~ 130 co~ ~~- ~~ 0::> _w w'" j!:~ 0.... ~~ !z'!e wO ::I;~ l3::t 8:;: ",::I; ~g ~ w ::;: ::> o o C LL o W '" ::> w 0:: D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EDGE ROW ROW It 100' EDGE ROW 50' 5' EXISTING GUARDRAIL SEE NOTE 2 II r \~~"C~~~ II I FINISHED II GRADE EMBANKMENT, FILL SEE NOTE 1 FOR TRENCH SECTION SEE~ NOTES. 1 TERRACE EMBANKMENT FILL INTO EXISTING GROUND AS SPECIFED IN 2-03.3(14) OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO PIPE TRENCH EXCAVATION. EDGE ROW '" . -0 ~ ... fj J 8 u e o ~ 2 g ~ J ~ e ~ I ... ... ;;; N ~ lL :IE o z ,/ B e e_ ~~ 8.e ~A' ~[ ~~ ,/- e gol ~8 "'~ -0 5~ Be e:> e~ E :>.. g-o ~~ oiL 2. PROTECT EXISTING GUARDRAIL DURING EMBANKMENT FILL PLACEMENT OR REMOVE AND RESTORE TO ORIGINAL CONDITION OR REPLACE WITH NEW SEE WSDOT STD PLAN, G-1, BEAM GUARDRAIL -EXISTING 4" AC WATER FORCEMAIN (EXACT LOCATION AND DEPTH UNKNOWN) TYPICAL EMBANKMENT FILL CROSS SECTION NTS fA\ C109, C110 ROW It 100' 50' 36' 12' 12' 12' EDGE ROW :l:10' EAST BOUND TRAFFIC :l:S' C NTER TURN LANE WEST BOUND TRAFFIC .~ FOR TRENCH SECTION ....--- SEE~ NOTE: TYPICAL ~ SECTION FOR HWY 101 WHERE A DOES NOT APPLY ~ EXISTING 4" AC WATER FORCEMAlN (EXACT LOCATION AND DEPTH UNKNOWN) TYPICAL CROSS SECTION - HWY 101 NTS fB\ C106 THRU C116 EDGE ROW ROW It. 30' EDGE ROW 30' 3' ROAD It 3' 12' 12' SOUTH BOUND TRAFFIC 'J$' FOR TYPICAL TRENCH Li:J SECTION, SEE C121 TYPICAL CROSS SECTION - ECLIPSE INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY (C\ NTS C101 THRU C105 G KNOX VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON T1iIS SHEET. ADJUST SCALES ACCORDING!. Y CH2MHILL DR R BENFIELD CHK A STORBO APVD D BERSCHAUER NO DATE REVISION BY FOR TRENCH BACKFILL AND SURFACE ~ RESTORATION SEE L!....J C121 TRENCH EXCAVATION SEE NOTE " ~ ~ (2) 1 5" HDPE FIBER OPTIC CONDUITS TAPE BUNDLED AT 25' INTERVALS 12" z ~ :.- 4'-6" TYPICAL WATER TRENCH SECTION - HWY 101 fD\ SCALE: 1"-2' FOR TRENCH BACKFILL AND SURFACE @ RESTORATION SEE 1 C121 TRENCH EXCAVATION LIMITS, SEE NOTE 1 DETAIL " DWG C121 (4) 1.5" HDPE FIBER OPTIC CONDUITS. TAPE BUNDLED AT 25'INTERVALS 4" SEWER FORCEMAIN 4" HDPE ELECTRIC CONDUIT (WHERE SHOWN) 2" HOPE ELECTRIC CONDUIT MAINTAIN 2" CLEARANCE../ ALL SIDES 5" HOPE ELECTRIC CONDUIT 4" MIN. I 8"MIN TYP 2'-8"MIN TYPICAL POWER & SEWER TRENCH SECTION fE\ SCALE: 1"=2' FOR TRENCH BACKFILL AND SURFACE @ RESTORATION SEE 1 C121 16" WATER MAIN TRENCH EXCAVATION LIMITS, SEE NOTE 1 DETAIL " DWG C121 (4) 1.5" HDPE FIBER OPTIC CONDUITS. TAPE BUNDLED AT 25'INTERVALS 5" HDPE ELECTRIC CONDUIT 4" HOPE ELECTRIC CONDUIT z ~ :.- 3'-11" MIN. TYPICAL WATER TRENCH SECTION - ECLIPSE INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY SCALE. 1"=2' (F\ CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON CIVIL SHEET 26 OF 58 DWG C119 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION CIVIL DETAILS A ::j X ~ N :I: <.) €> "- o ~ w..J lL= O:I: "'~ lLN wiS ~~ ~~ ~~ ffi", B"'O .....:I: ~!3 0< cnffi 131= ~~ eLw "-:I: 01- !z!3 wO ~j!: ~3' ~~ ~~ ~eL 'ffi ~j!: "'0 w> ;;~ ~!2 ~~ OeL ~~ -'" "'0 ~~ "'0 C~~ ~~ ~~ oJ _w w'" j!:g ob ~z !z"!!! wO ~~ G::j gx "'~ ~g in I- Z w ::!: J U o a u. o w fI.I J W '" D I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ." .. '" ~ I ~ 0 U e: 0 ~ I 2 ~ ~ :::> 1l I I 1 .... '" ~ ,., I f ? B e: ,,- I E~ U ~A' ~E o::n. e:- I i?~ /- .. "'I :B~ .xo ." ... I 5~ Be: e::> e""> :>.. I ~ 60: I '"A REMOVE PAVEMENT WITHIN ANTICIPATED EXCAVATION LIMITS ANTICIPATED EXCAVATION LIMIT ~ PAVEMENT REMOVAL PRIOR TO EXCAVATION f1\ NTS VARS REMOVE IF "0" IS LESS THAN 3' FOR PCC AND PCC WITH AC OVERLAY PAVEMENTS OR IF "D" IS LESS THAN 2" FOR AC PAVEMENTS. SEE NOTE REMOVE PAVEMENT DAMAGED BY CONSTIRUCTION ACTIVITIES BEYOND MINIMUM REMOVAL~ REMOVAL PRIOR TO EXCAVATION 1 _ , MINIMUM REMOVAL CUT PAVEMENT BEFORE REMOVAL AT FARTHEST REMOVAL LIMIT BY VERTICAL SAW CUT (TYP) _- =_ - EXCAVATION LIMIT EXISTING -.:::.::,.A- PAVEMENT _ - ;:-BACKFIL~ _ - _- - EXISTING CRACK -...( : - JOINT OR EDGE - - OF PAVEMENT. SEE NOTE WHERE EXCAVATION HAS UNDERMINED REMAINING EXISTING PAVEMENT REMOVE PAVEMENT DAMAGED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES BEYOND MINIMUM REMOVAL :\ REMOVAL PRIOR TO EXCAVATION"\ , _. MINIMUM I REMOVAL REMOVE IF "0" IS LESS THAN 3'. SEE NOTE 1 CUT PAVEMENT BEFORE REMOVAL AT FARTHEST REMOVAL LIMIT BY VERTiCAl ~SAWCUT(TYP) EXISTING W PAVEMENT 1'-0" EXISTING CRACK JOINT OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT SEE NOTE WHERE EXCAVATION HAS NOT UNDERMINED REMAINING EXISTING PAVEMENT NOTE REMOVE EXISTING AC PAVEMENT FROM EXCAVATION TO EDGE OF - CONCRETE GUTTER OR EDGE OF ROAD. PAVEMENT REMOVAL AFTER BACKFILL AND PRIOR TO PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT NTS G KNOX R BENFIELD A STORBO APVD D BERSCHAUER I NO I DATE ~ VARS REVISION I I -"~&- :~ I ----I D "- 'I r"" AIR RELIEF I '-- VALVE I 1'( " .- fA\ ~ 10" MIN WIDE I I=TI ~ LADDER RUNGS MAX I IV SPACED AT 12" I'f'. - J I "" DIAMOND PLATE fd'L - - - - - - I "- "'". """"" rU:=J:I t.=A.. PLAN PIPING PARTS SCHEDULE FOR EACH SEWAGE AIR RELIEF VALVE ITEM # QUANTITY DESCRIPTION (1) 1 AIR VENT. eD 1 BACK FLUSHING ATTACHMENT WITH 1" STEEL GATE VALVE (2) 1 1/4" THICK NEOPRENE BETWEEN CLAMP AND VALVE 0 1 4" AIR RELEASE VALVE. SEE SPECIFICATIONS 0) 1 1" OUTLET WITH STEEL GATE VALVE FOR BACK FLUSHING OFFSET PIPE CLAMP, GRINNELL FIGURE 103, 0 1 OR EQUAl, HOT DIP GALVANIZE. STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS AND WEDGE ANCHORS FOR CONNECTION BETWEEN CLAMP AND VAULT Txl" REDUCER 1" 316 SST PIPE ::~::TPIPE~~ 1" 90^ ELBOW ~ 1. NIPPLE 4" PVC PIPE"\ ~ I I SPRING ASSISTED GALVANIZED DIAMOND PLATE COVER (TRAFFICRATED) WITH LOCKING LATCH AND RECESSED LIFT HANDLE PRECAST VAULT WITH NO BASEii\ TOP OF VAULT SHALL BE FLUSH WITH EXISTING SURFACE ., ;. :;11 ...'.... '"! -~.;..;. \ ," " ,'" . . . ~ "O,~, .1c~ @ '-TPVC o SCH 80 CD o 2" FUSIBLE RIGID HDPE~ ISOLATION 2" 316SST U ( GATE VALVE ^ L.: CORP STOP r~~- ( ~ ~ I' -, -, 2 - . + SLOPE~ -~-. - - -~ ~ ~ NEW PIPE I" I' (('..rllrK' SECTION A 2. ROMAC SADDLE IPT, STYLE #202N, DOUBLE STIRAP ~ \rv -~rt BASE COURSE MATERIAL I ACTIVATED CARBON AIR FIL nER, ORENCO MODEL CF4 4" PVC SCH 80 VENT PIPE ~ SST STIRAP ____ TREATED 4x4 POST, ------ MIN 24" ABOVE GRADE, MIN 3D" BELOW GRADE, ~ t--+- 4"x4"x2" PVC nEE WI PLUG IN BOTTOM. DRILL 2-1/4"0 WEEP HOLES IN PLUG L.. zl!lj~ ~ ~"'iTI 9 ~~iTI .. :;;I-W oOz trW lL'" SEWAGE COMBINATION AIR RELIEF AND VACUUM VALVE STATION SCALE'NTS ~ Cl07,Cl13 2" OPEN PATTERN, RETURN BEND 2" BEEHIVE STIRAINER RIM=38622\ AIR VALVE TO BE INSTALLED IN 17"x28" CONC METER BOX WI 318" STEEL DIAMOND PLAnE COVER, FOG- TITE METER SEAL CO. No 2 METER BOX OR EQUAL 1" Vl00 BRONZE GATE VALVE, SCREWED, RED & WHITE VALVE CORP, FIG. 280 OR 2"XTXT TEE EQUAL OR 2-x2"Xl" TEE BED WI WASHED 1. V464 MUELLER (H-9969) CORP GRAVEL, PASSING 11/2" STOP W/90^ FORD TYPE 600 AND RETAINED ON 1/4" L06-44-G (OR EQUAL) BEND MESH FOR HOPE PIPE --. 1.746 AIR & VACUUM VALVE, SCREWED 2.316 SST PIPE 18" LONG CAP 1" CLOSE NIPPLE WITH 1/8" DRAIN 1" 316 SST HOLE PIPE TO FIT 1" 90" ELBOW COUPLING, HDPE TO 1" 316 SST PIPE TO FIT MALE IRON PIPE FORD C16-44-G OR EQUAL 1" UNION ~w ""~<"~~~,,; ('. N~-;&O(.~~ '-<ideo I;c,,~.- '9> v . '(5"?~J>"i;>-';{,iO~.t4"1 :f~ d;...c - "'S..._"", 1', \<C; _ 2" GALVANIZED IRON t---L PIPE FIELD LOCATE I .:1-,1 ------ SST STRAP N r- -r BY "'PVD AIR RELEASE STATION - WATER SCALE NTS - VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING. o I' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGlY (4\ Cl0l.Cl07,Cl13 CH2MHILL EXISTING 8" CONCREnE OUTLET NORTIf DOWN FAIRMOUNT AVENUE II. . . . RE-CHANNEL :<..;,5->' - CONCREnE GUARD POST PAINTED WITH BLUE ENAMEL PAINT ~~ W "'OSTIRG MANHOLE #T249 434LF WEST ALONG HWY 101 INLET ~ NOTE 1 LOCATE AIR RELEASE CONNECTIONS AT HIGHEST POINTS ALONG PIPELINE PROFILE EXISTING MANHOLE #T248 SCALE:NTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON CIVIL WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION CIVIL DETAILS HWY101 24" G~ ~ IE=382.n '\. 4" SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAlN AS NECESSARY EXISTING 8" SANITARY SEWER TOP EL=279 43 IE =378.n ~ C114 CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 27 OF 58 DWG C120 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU A :::l :I: ::!! g €> r u.. o ~ w...J n.:! 0:>: ~g 1-"- ",0 -h wO 01= ~~ B "'0 ~5 0< !I "-w l:'>i!' 1-1- z:::> wO ::!!i!' 1i!~ tit; ~w ~o ~lf .n: ZW wi!' n:o ~~ ~~ ~...- n:~ on. ~~ -n: "'0 ~~ "'0 C~~ ~~ o ~lll 0:::> _w weD :>:0 1-1- 01- ~~ 1-1!2 Zo ~~ 13:::l gz t-~g ~ z W ::!! :::> o o o u.. o w '" :::> l:! D I I I I I I I I I I I i ... '" ;;; I N J :g " e 0 I I ~ ::> 1; I ~ '" ;;; N ,., I f z ~ e I eo n ~~ ~E I i~ /- . got :eon .0 11>0 I ~~ ..~ Be e::o .., E g-o I ~~ oiL I FOR SURFACE RESTORATION \ AND TRENCH BACKFILL ABOV HE PIPE ZONE, SEE~THROUGH~ LOCATING WIRE (SEE V V (SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 7-(9) MATCH EXISTING CONDITION I FOR SURFACE RESTORATI~ -...l..-- ~lJ ~-0 //// --~ WARNING TAPE, SEE NOTE 5 0"J 18"~ ~ SEE NOTES o '0 2AND3 ==;lj 0~0 ~ 12" PIPE ll:'~ 00 0: 2 "B", TYP SEE TABLE PIPE BEDDING LIFT FOUNDATION MATERIAL TO BE INSTALLED ONLY AS APPROVED AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER SEE SPECIFICATIONS. w :r:jQ: ou:c..w Z~WZ Wu>O D::-O;ON I-mm -0; PIPE SIZE PIPE LARGER THAN 18" DIAMETER PIPE 18" D1AMETIER OR LESS MINIMUM DIMENSIONS "N "B" ~ ~ NOTES 1 TRENCH WALL SLOPES ARE SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE AS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION AND SLOPE AND/OR PROVIDE ADEQUATE SHORING FOR SAFETY AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL CODES AND REGULATIONS DO NOT EXCEED AVAILABLE WORK AREA 2 PIPE ZONE AND BACKFILL MATERIAL AS SHOWN OR SPECIFIED SHALL EXTEND TO THE EDGE OF THE EXCAVATED TRENCH UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. 3. PIPE SHALL BE CENTERED IN TRENCH, UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. 4 SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS, PLACEMENT, AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS 5 INSTALL WARNING TAPE IN ALL TRENCH SECTIONS AT DEPTH SHOWN. " "A" CAN BE REDUCED TO 4" IF CONTROL DENISTY FILL (CDF) IS PLACED IN THE PIPE ZONE TYPICAL TRENCH SECTION NTS ~ C121, Cl19 I~l .=iIlIE\ PIPE ZONE, SEE@ NOTES: 1. THIS DETAIL SHALL GENERALLY BE USED IN UNPAVED PORTIONS OF COUNTY ROADS, UNPAVED ACCESS ROADS AND SHOULDERS ON WHICH BASE COURSE WILL BE REPLACED OR ADDED 2 SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIAL PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS. UNPAVED ROAD - TRENCH BACKFILL SECTION f3\ NTS G KNOX R BENFIELD CHK A STORBO APYD D BERSCHAUER I NO. I DATE I I I TOPSOIL SEE NOTE 2 TRENCH BACKFILL ABOVE THE PIPE ZONE PIPE ZONE, SEE@ ";~'~!3 1/4" PLYWOOD OVER FACE OF BOLTS z[ 518" TIE ~ RODS SEE NOTE 4 -Et= - TEE PLUGGED CROSS" WYE &'I~ ~^' It &\ IIPh BEND PLUGGED TEE GALVANIZED RODS OVER FITTING AND EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE (SEE TABLE FOR SIZES) SAME BEARING AREA REQUIREMENTS AS TEE PLUGGED CROSS PLAN PROFILE VALVES NOTES 1. THIS DETAIL SHALL GENERALLY BE USED IN AREAS WHERE TOPSOIL NOW EXISTS AND REPLACEMENT IS REQUIRED. 2. TOPSOIL SHALL BE REMOVED, STOCKPILED, AND REPLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. 3 SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIAL PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS. 4 DO NOT MOUND TOPSOIL IN DRAINAGE DITCHES, WHERE MOUND MAY OBSTRUCT RUNOFF OR WHERE DIRECTED BY ENGINEER BEARING AREA OF THRUST BLOCKS IN SO FT VOLUME OF THRUST BLOCK (HORIZONTAL BENDS) IN CUBIC YARDS (VERTICAL BENDS) TEE FITTING BEND ANGLE FITTING I TEE, WYE'I900 BEND PLUGGED BEND ANGLE SIZE 45" 221/2" 11 1/4" SIZE PLUG, OR PLUGGED RUN 4 1.1 04 0.2 CAP CROSS 6 2.7 10 04 Al A2 45" 22 1/2" 11114" 14 19 1.4 8 40 15 06 I " EACH AREA 4 10 1.0 - . 6 3.0 10 10 6.0 23 09 I (AI2) IS 1/2 OF 21 43 30 16 . 12 8.5 3.2 13 I TABULATED 8 38 5.3 76 5.4 2.9 15 1.0 TOTAL AREA 10 59 84 11.8 8.4 4.6 24 12 12 85 120 170 120 66 34 1.7 EMBEDMENT 30" GRASSED AREAS - TRENCH BACKFILL SECTION f2\ NTS 4" MIN ASPHALT CONCRETE (AC), HMA CL 1/2", PG 70-22 OR MATCH EXISTINGAC THICKNESS, WHICHEVER IS GREATER THRUST BLOCK NOTES 1 KEEP CONCRETE CLEAR OF JOINT AND JOINT ACCESSORIES r 12" MIN OR MATCH EXISTING, WHICHEVER IS GREATER SEE NOTE 5. 2 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING SHALL BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTlJRBED EARTH. 12"MIN 3. REQUIRED VOLUMES OR BEARING AREAS AT FITTINGS SHALL BE AS INDICATED BELOW, ADJUSTED, IF NECESSARY, TO CONFORM TO THE TEST PRESSURE(S) AND ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURES STATED IN THE HYDRAULIC PROFILE AND STRUCTURAL NOTES, RESPECTIVELY 4. THRUST BLOCK VOLUMES FOR VERTICAL BENDS HAVING UPWARD RESULTANT THRUSTS ARE BASED ON TEST PRESSURE OF 150 PSIG AND THE WEIGHT OF CONCRETE = 4050 LBSlCU YO TO COMPUTE VOLUMES FOR DIFFERENT TEST PRESSURES, USE THE FOLLOWING EQUATION VOLUME = (TEST PRESSJ15O) X (TABLE VALUE). 5 BEARING AREAS FOR HORIZONTAL BEND THRUST BLOCKS ARE BASED ON TEST PRESSURE OF 150 PSIG AND AN ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE OF 2000 PSF. TO COMPUTE BEARING AREAS FOR DIFFERENT TEST PRESSURES AND SOIL BEARING STRESSES, MULTIPLY TABLE VALUES BY THE FACTOR (13 33)(P'IS'b), WHERE P'=ACTUAL TEST PRESSURE, PSIG S'b=ACTlJAL ALLOWABLE HORIZONTAL SOIL BEARING PRESSURE, PSF OR AS SHOWN FOR DEPTHS AND CONDITIONS IN NOTE 11 SAWCUT, NOTE 2 AND NOTE 3 6 THRUST BLOCKS FOR VERTICAL BENDS HAVING DOWNWARD RESULTANT THRUSTS SHALL BE THE SAME AS FOR HORIZONTAL BENDS. 7 BEARING AREAS, VOLUMES, AND SPECIAL BLOCKING DETAILS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THIS STANDARD 8. BEARING AREA OF THRUST BLOCK SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 1.0 SQ FT. 9. VERTICAL BENDS THAT REQUIRE A THRUST BLOCK VOLUME EXCEEDING 5 CUBIC YARDS REQUIRE SPECIAL BLOCKING DETAILS. 10. TEST PRESSURES ARE PROVIDED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS 11 ALLOWABLE HORIZONTAL SOIL BEARING PRESSURES STA 11+00 TO STA 24+50 = 1000 PSF, ALL OTHER AREAS = 1500 PSF. NOTES ~ DETAIL SHALL GENERALLY BE USED IN PAVED ROADWAYS SEE~ 2 SAW CUTS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT SHALL BE STRAIGHT, SQUARE, AND PARALLEL TO THE TRENCH. 3 SAW CUTS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT PRIOR TO EXCAVATION SEE~ 4. ALL EDGES OF EXISTING PAVEMENT BEING JOINED AND SURFACE BEING OVERLAID SHALL RECENE A TACKCOAT OF ASPHALT EMULSION. 5. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIAL PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS. TYPICAL THRUST BLOCK DETAIL NTS (5\ 6 ECLIPSE INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY APPROXIMATE EXISTING AC PAVEMENT THICKNESS: STA 0+00 TO 10+00 -12"-18", STA 10+00 TO HIGHWAY 101 - 5'.10" PAVED ROAD - TRENCH BACKFILL SECTION (4\ NTS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 REVISION BY W>vD VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl DRAWING o t' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON CIVIL SHEET 28 OF 58 DWG C121 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU CH2MHILL CIVIL DETAILS A ::l :r :::E N '" U G I u.. 0 ~ ~;;! 0'" e<:! ~g j!:u.. mO ~~ ~~ ffie< B mo ~~ Uiffi 131:: ~~ oow :5i= ~~ ~~ f!',.. ~h:1 I- ~~ "'a. """" ZW il!i5 ~~ we< ~~ O' ~~ 000 Uz z- -e< "'0 ~~ mo C~~ ~~ ~!Jl 0'" _w w'" j!:g 00- ~~ !Z"!a wO :::E~ g;;! 0'" r-~g ui !z w ::!: :::0 g o u.. o w m '" :i! o I I I I I I I I I I I '" . .., -i '" I ~ 'J '" 0 u c 0 I I ~ ::> I 1; ~ , . '" ;;; N ,. I i z ~ c I .. E- ",to 8g >. ~1i' I 'j ~ ~ go, i8 mo I ~~ ,,~ -Ec E~ I h ~o oil: FILL PIPE WITH CONCRETE CEMENT OR GROUT. DOMED SURFACE WITH SMOOTH TROWEL FINISH ~I O-tU , ;., . co I ;., GUARD POST-EXTERIOR NTS G KNOX R BENFIELD CHK A STORBO !APVD D BERSCHAUER 2" WIDE REFLECTIVE TAPE SPACED 2" APART, 6" BELOW TOP 8" DIA SCH 40 STEEL PIPE, GRIND SMOOTH, FILL WITH CONC AND PAINT WHITE FINISH GRADE CONCRETE ENCASEMENT f1\ Cl0l, Cl02, Cl03, Cl04 NO I DATE 2 REVISION IIIEIIII UNDIS\iTI <ARm ~. =1111' IIIE CONC THRUST !ill BLOCK BEARING AREA AGAINST TRENCH WAlL, SIZE AS SPECIFIED . IZ 9- ;..:> 314" ROCK TO EL 6" ABOVE WEEP HOLE IN BARREL FOR DRAINAGE FOR SURFACE RESTORATION AND TRENCH BACKFILL~E THE PIPE ZONE, SEE ~ TROUGH 4 ~ C121 - ~ FINISH GRADE ~IZ m- o{:> n:~ ~c:, NOTE' SEE SECTION 7-14 AND 9-30 OF WSDOT AND AMMEND IN PART # OF THE PROJECT MANUAl FIRE HYDRANT DETAIL NTS ~ Cl0l THROUGHCll6 f3\ Cl07, Cll0, Clll, Cl14, CllS CONCRETE ENCASEMENT NTS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 BY "'PVD VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING o I' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST SCAlES ACCORDING\. Y WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON CIVIL CH2MHILL CIVIL DETAILS SHEET 29 OF 58 DWG Cl22 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU A :::l :;: ~ is €> .... o ~ le;;i &l~ Q.~ ~~ ",0 ~~ g5= ~~ UJa: B mo :;ii':' 5~ Uiffi fZ~ ~~ "-UJ l5i':' ........ z::> UJO ~E a:;:: ~b ~UJ ~~ ~"- :.a: zUJ w~ a:o ~~ UJa: ~~ 2~- a:< 0"- ~= -a: "'0 ~~ mo C~~ ~~ ~~ o=> _UJ UJ<tl :eo ........ 0.... ~~ ....~ Zo ~~ ::>-, 0-, 8x !!1i'!l :ex ....0 u; !z UJ ::0 ::> '-' o o .... o UJ m ::> UJ a: D I I I I I I I I I I I i .. '" I ~ s u r: 0 I . ~ ::> -;; I ! '" ~ I ~ I ~ z ~ r: I ~- ~~ " ~~ I o! ~~ gol ion I ~~ ,,~ I TEST STATION, COVER NOT SHOWN PIPELINE TERMINAlS 9 N FINISH GRADE II I Ell 11= CONDUIT BUSHING PIPELINE WIRE CONNECTION, TYP,SEE 0 TYPE PT POST MOUNTED TEST STATION (1\ NTS Cl0l,Cl03,Cl04,Cl06,Cl16 INSULATING WASHER, TYP STEEL WASHER, TYP INSULATING SLEEVE, LENGTH DESIGNED TO EXTEND TO NUT FACE OF EACH SIDE OF FLANGE FULL FACE INSULATING GASKET PIPELINE FLANGE, TYP NOTES 1 ABOVE GRADE INSULATING FLANGE INSTAlLATION SHOWN. 2 OVER-VOLTAGE PROTECTOR NOT SHOWN 3. FOR BURIED OR SUBMERGED INSULATING FLANGE INSTALLATION DO NOT INSTAlL INSULATING WASHER ON PROTECTED SIDE OF INSULATING FLANGE INSULATING FLANGE NTS ~ M102, Cl03 J DUPPONG R BENFIELD CHK A STORBO ,APVD D BERSCHAUER NO. IDATE REVISION PIPE JOINT ~ WECO "',. "" I #2 AWG STRANDED COPPER WIRE WITH HMWPE INSULATIO: WIRE CONNECTION, TYP, SEE 0 NOTE SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR NUMBER OF BOND WIRES REQUIRED AT EACH PIPE JOINT PUSH-ON JOINT BOND NTS BLIND FLANGE FLxFL DIP SPOOL INSULATING FLANGE, SEE@ INSULATING FLANGE SPOOL NTS BY VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INOl ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGlY PVD I r--fT"\ ~ Gl03 TEST STATION WIRES, SEE EB ~ Cl01, Cl06 FLEXIBLE OR EXPANSION COUPLING OR GROOVED COUPLING lWO WIRES REQD FOR TEST STATION INSTALLATIONS ONLY #2 AWG STRANDED COPPER WIRE WITH HMWPE INSULATION FILE OR GRIND WELD AREA TO BRIGHT METAl WIRE CONNECTION, TYP, SEE DETAIL 0 THERMITE WELD WIRE CONNECTION NOTE' 1. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR NUMBER OF BOND WIRES REQUIRED AT EACH PIPE JOINT. 2. USE BONDING DETNL FOR GROOVED COUPLINGS. NOTES' COPPER SLEEVE REQUIRED FOR THERMITE WELDING OF #10 AWG AND SMALLER WIRE. 2 USE COPPER SLEEVE ON #2 AWG JOINT BONDING WIRES. 3 WELDER AND CARTRIDGE SIZE VARIES ACCORDING TO WIRE SIZE AND PIPE MATERiAl, CONSULT WELDER MANUFACTURER FOR RECOMMENDED WELDER AND CARTRIDGE 4 MAKE ALL WIRE CONNECTIONS AT JOINTS. 5 COAT WELD AREA AND FILL RECESS ON THERMITE WELD CAP WITH COLD APPLIED COAL TAR MASTIC AND APPLY CAP TO WELD FLEXIBLE COUPLING BOND NTS LD M101 WIRE CONNECTION FOR STEEL AND DUCTILE IRON PIPE NTS ~ C123 CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON CIVIL SHEET 30 OF 58 DWG C123 DATE JUNE200S PROJ 323194 WU CH2MHILL WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION CIVIL DETAILS A ::l :;: ::!; N :x: u €l u.. o ~ ffi.J CL=! o:x: a::::!; CL~ ~u I-u.. eno -:z wO ~~ a::_ wa:: B eno -':x: <(I- z::> 0<( cnffi ~t= oa:: a::3:: CLw u..:x: 01- !z!:; wO ::;:x: ::>t:: ~3:: ~&j ~o ~g: :a: ZW w~ a::o ~~ 0<( wa:: ~~ ~t-- gj~ ~~ -a:: ~o S!~ eno C~~ Oz ~-- ~m 0::> _w wD> :X:O 1-.... 0.... ~~ I-'!!? Zo !!i~ ::>-, gd 0:X: en::!; ~g in !z w ;:;: ::> u o o lL o w en ::> w a:: D I I I I I I I I I I I '" . "0 .. '" ;;; N I J ; "0 " 0 ~ I . :e ~ ~ => -;; . I ~ I .... '" ;;; N .., I f 0.. ~ 0 z ~ I:: . I ~~ 811 i! ~~ ~5 I "N .e~ /'" .. gol ~8 1110 N "0 I ~~ !II:: 1:::> .., E :>.. n 0:: I /0 00: Yo" PL YWD SOFFIT lx3 TRIM SIMPSON CS 16, CONTINUOUS STRAPPING FULL LENGTH OF BLOCKING FOR FOUR TRUSS SPACINGS TOP & BOT Yo" PL YWD SOFFIT ~ AlSl03 @.~ AlSl04 IMPSON U26 HANGER FOR BLOCKING TO TRUSS 518" GWBX ON 2x4 FURRING @ 24" OC R-38 BATT INSUL, TYP ( J 8" CMU WALL, TYP AlSl04 b L #6<1l!40" cm .;, DOWELS TO MATCH AND LAP VERTICAL WALL REINF SIZE AND SPACING 3 ADD'L #5 T & B EOUALSPACED ~ rc~ ;':'::E /" 2" SAND LAYER ON UNDERSLAB VAPOR RETARDER OVER MIN 6" COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL 2'-6" PROVIDE 90" HOOKS AT CORNER OF FDN SECTION 3/4"=1'-0' fA\ NOTE FOR ADDITIONAL CMU REINFORCEMENT SEE DETAIL ~ NO DATE REVISION 56'-8" 28'-0" &;> ~ 2'-0" ROOF OVERHANG ALL: AROUND ~~ PUMP ROOM CIQI] ----, I t-C~C PAD I TY~E E~ I 1 I I I 3950 I 6" BEVEL I ~ ATTIC A~ J\!~ I ~~~CH'~L'L I AlSl04 I I@ EOPT PAD TYPE E I , it" BEVEL (!Jl I ~39 00 _ _EXP CORNE~ , F~ 239508_ .J F-EXTl &;> to N @ I I I I I I , ,e I I I I I L____ F-EXT 1 @ 339.00 ;-0 in::E I EOPT PAD I TYPE A, TYP , i L~oo, L______TYP~5~e~--- 4 SECTIONS REMOVABLE RA('NGS. ) SEE ~& 5524 339 50 8 DS 6'-0" 3'-4" MO. GENERAL NOTES t. COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES. 2. VERIFY GRADES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS 3 g~~~~~~~~5JM~~~A~~~,Ptt~~~~~.S ARE TO FACE OF 4. FLOOR L1NECFlLl REFERS TO TOP OF CONCRETE SLABS AT THE HIGH POINT FINISH flOORING IS INSTALLED ABOVE THE FLOOR LINE FOR g~~%f~5~'1Y9rS'~iN<fH~~~fAIE~W~~~tfc'1'bSb~8JM?PM~~'f,]. 5 DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS: USE WRITTEN DIMENSIONS 6. VERIFY SIZE AND LOCATION OF, AND PROVIDE ALL OPENINGS THROUGH ~~~R~~~RdJ~H.'Lt~~ 'lW5~t~~~~~Eg~~&€D-}~~HORS AND INSTALLATION OR MOUNTING OF ACCESSORIES, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND OTHER EQUIPMENT 7. ~~~~J~'&eFfvl};'~6~1~5 ~~TFD~WJM~lr(r ENTIRETY AND SHALL 8. ~~~M~I~~'6lf=C~~N~~~~~..t%~hf6-~~~-f'gs~D OTHER 9 REFER TO SPEC SECT 08150 FOR DOOR AND HARDWARE SCHEDULE, AND 10200 FOR LOUVER SCHEDULE 10 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR FINISHES AND COLORS ARE SCHEDULED IN SECTION 09000. 11 FOR EOUIPMENT PADS SEE DETAlL~ ON DWG SlO2. CODE NOTES 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING & FIRE CODES . Construcbon Type V-B per IBC Chapter 6 - Table 601. . ~~'Fa'J;~~J~~~'.ficabonS: F-2 Factory Industnal Occupancy per Chapter 3 - . BUlldmg IS not spnnklered. .. Allowable vs Actual floor area. 13,000 s.f allowable/l,511 sf gross area Exlbng Using 300 s fJoccupant for a mechanical eqUlf>lT1"nt roornlTable 1004 12 = .. Occupant Load of 5, which reqUIres only one eXit per Table 1014.1. Two exits at opposIte ends of the bUilding are provloed, although the buildIng IS normally unoccupied. BY VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o ,. If NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SIlEET. ADJUST VD SCAlES ACCORDINGLY. CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION ARCHITECTURAUSTRUCTURAL WATER PUMP STATION ARCHITECTURAUSTRUCTURAL FLOOR PLAN & WALL SECTION "? to "? .. 90- ..::E CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 31 OF 58 DWG AlSl0l DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU A :J 'i: ::; ~ <.:> €l ;-0 i'-::E u. o ~ a:. ~;;! O:I: a:::; o..~ Wu i'!"u. u)o ~~ ~~ wa: B U)O ~i'!" ~~ U5ffi 1Q~ ~~ o..w ~~ .......... z=> wo ::;:I: "'~ I!:... ~M ~3 ~g: :rr; Zw -:I: w... a:o w>- ~~ ~'" ~~ o - &~ 80.. z~ -'" U)o ~~ U)o C~;E OZ ~-: U)O Llilll 0'" _w weD ~e 0..... ~~ ....."!2 jLo ::;~ ~g U)::; ~g "? q in o <( " a. 5'z "'w C) q M ~ w :::0 => <.:> o o u. o w U) => w a: D I I I I I I I I I I I '" '" ." oJ '" ;;; N ,., I I ." 0 ,., " e 0 ;;. : I "" ~ ~ ::> 1;; ~ I I .. '" ~ I ~ n. 2 0 ~ e '"- E'" I iJ'€ 8~ l'~ / .. ",D- cO I ~;! /- '" ~I ii:g Jlo N ." I ~~ Be e" ,"., E 8-0 ~ I uii: ~ FL LINE N NORTH ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-{)" ENGINE GENERATOR ----------------~ SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0" NO DATE REVISION STENDING SEAM METAL ROOFING WOOD SIDING TOP COURSE SMOOTH CMU ~ -~~8-P-~~E~ CMU 3 COURSES SMOOTH CMU 2 COURSES RIB- TESTURED CMU 4 COURSES SCORED GROUND- FACE CMU 2 COURSES SPUT-FACE CMU 3 COURSES SMOOTH FACE CMU ~ ~ ~ '" ~ DOWNSPOUT TO SPLASH BLOCK, TYP OF 2 THIS SIDE EXHAUST ENCLOSURE AT SO END OF ENGINE GENERATOR A =I X ::E 5! o €) 2'-0" __' . . . . 4-8" SQ Yv~lRC~~~ER ..... o ~ W"'" n.d o::r: O::::E CLN ~i5 ......... ",a ~~ 01= ~~ B"'o .....::r: ~5 0< inffi 131= ~~ , CLW .....::r: 0.... ffi~ ~E 0:::;: ~t; ~w ~o ~g: :a: zW w~ 0::0 w> ;;~ ~o:: ~~ &~ OCL ~~ -0:: "'a ~~ "'0 C~~ Cz ~-- "'c i'lill:l c::> _w W'" ~~ c.... :i:~ !Z"!!2 wC ::E:i: 13=1 gx !!l~ ~o .' . L________________~ CMU CONTROL JOINT. TYP IN EAST & WEST WALLS 4031 L_____---1 ENGINE GENERATOR IN FRONT EAST ELEVATION - WEST SIMILAR 1/4"=1'-0" ENGINE GENERATOR STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING OVER SLIP SHEET & UNDERLAYMENT ON PLYWOOD SHEATHING 12 ~;Lt~~s'l)'t,.!JI~~~~g~-RY GROUTED CELLS, TYP ,. :;... ~ II ~ @ Ul W Ul a: ::> o o ... REMOVABLE RAILING SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION ~&~ / FOR REINFORCEMENT S~TION NS101 in .... z w ::E ::> o o <:> lL o w '" ::> w 0:: SLAB ON GRADE WI #5(ill12" EW, CTRD. TYP 2" SAND ON UNDERSLAB VAPOR RETARDER OVER 6" COMPACTED FILL, TYP R-10 RIGID INSUL FULL HEIGHT OF FOOTING, TYP 0 VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THISSHEET.AOJUST BY PVD SCALES ACCORDINGLY 9'-0" x 21'-0" LONG CONCRETE EQUIPMENT PAD TYPE "0" ~ BUILDING SECTION (B\ 318"=1'-0" NS 102 CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON ARCHITECTURAUSTRUCTURAL SHEET 32 OF 58 DWG NS 102 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU WEST UGA UTILmES EXTENSION WATER PUMP STATION ARCHITECTURAUSTRUCTURAL BUILDING ELEVATIONS & SECTION I I I I OVERHANG I I I I I I I I DO . ." ~ '" ;;; N n I ..J ~ " " 0 ~ I 2 ~ ~ ::> 1l ~ I I .. '" ;;; N I ~ lL ~ 0 ~ " .- E. "l;: I <>" 8.e l'~ ~E l;:a. ,,0 I .e~ /~ .. rl ~., .0 "'0 ." N I 5~ i~ E'" g-o ~~ I u~ BRICATE o :p- ~ \1 1'''\ / SEE~~ / rTRUSS <i< TYP N AlS101 \ / "~ / I/FACEOFWJ -- / "~ 1/ / f-- - ~ - - -- - ~ 9 1/ ~ - - -OUT RIGGERS ;... L 1-- - "'" - -- = 1/ ~ ~ - - r- RIDGE ~ 1'-4" L -- 1'-4" "'" 10 = IL------ fx;> ~ -- -- ~ IL -- ~ ;;; ~ f 1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - 6' -- - / "'" -- - ~ ~ 1-- :::-:: "" 1/ IY WALL """"' -I-Ie.-......... ~ 1-- BELOW ~ ~ ,- 4 PREFABRICI -I I 1"-......--'1"" ~ "" TRUSSES W / Y /" t/ CHORD,TYP A -I I I I I ,---- ~ 'j ;; ENDS OF BUlL -- ~ V 7 ...- -- _I I I I I I I 1\ ~ V I I I I 1 I I I ~ 1-- -. I ~ I I I I I I I T ~ f/ I I I I I ~ ~ DESIGN TOP CHORD 1 ........ ~2x6RAFTER N 10'-0" 10d@4" 1 FOR COMPRESSION OR 10'-0" TENSION FORCE 10d @ 4" 2'-0" 56'-8" OF 2222 Ib 2'-0" OVERHANG 60'-8" - .LL PANEL ,TED WOOD MIN 3x6" TOP TN&S DING PANEL EDGE, Bd@lT FIELD NAIL, UNO ROOF I FRAMING PLAN 1/4"=1'-0" BY VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o I' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEEr, ADJ\JST PVD I SCAlES ACCORDING!. Y CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILmES EXTENSION A FIRTH DR A HUKIC CHK L KORBUS APVD o BERSCHAUER I NO I DATE REVISION l/T DIA, GALV BOLT THROUGH BRACING AND BLOCKING SIMPSON CS 16 CONTINUOUOS CROSS BRACING TOP CONNECTION 3"=1'-0" ~ 318" DIA LAG SCREW EMBED T MIN INTO TOP PLATE SIMPSON U 26 ROOF TRUSS ffi AlS 101 r ',""ON C'" 2x4 CROSS-BRACING CROSS BRACING CONNECTION 3"=1'-0" ARCHlTECTURAUSTRUCTURAL WATER PUMP STATION ARCHITECTURAUSTRUCTURAL BUILDING SECTION & DETAILS SIMPSON H 11Z ffi AlS 101 CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 33 OF 58 DWG AlS103 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU A ::l X ~ :1: o 'i) ... o ~ "'. w-' Q.:! 0:1: "',. ~g ....."- ",0 -z wO !J~ ~N we:: B"'o <l~ z::> 0< iilifj [ZI= ~~ "-w "-:1: 0..... .......... z::> wO ~E "'ii= tit; 1!;w :1'id ~lt :tr Zw w~ "'0 w,.. ~~ w", ~:r &~ 00.. Oz z- -'" "'0 ~~ "'0 Cg,:~ Oz :1'i-: ~~ 0::> w~ i!:~ 0.... :1'i~ !Z"!!l !!i1~ g;;1 0'" ",2 ~g en ..... z w ::! ::> U o o lL o W '" ::> w a: o I I I I I I I I I I I DO . " .,.: '" ~ I '1 " N ~ 0 " 0 ~ I 2 ~ ~ => 1: I ~ I ... '" ~ N I ~ ... :2 0 Z ~ " ..- E" I ~~ 8.e ~~ ~E l;:Q. ,,0 I .e~ /- .. ~I ~:g 11>0 N " I 5~ :I" ,,:> ..... E :>.. 8" I ~ ocr I SHEET METAL ROOFING EXTENSION OF TOP CHORD OF TRUSS CONTINUOUS CLEAT APPLY CONTINUOUS BEAD OF SEALANT BETWEEN FLASHING AND CLEAT AND FASTEN THROUGH POINT OF CAULK tll112" OC NOT MORE THAN 2" UPHILL FROM EAVE HOOK PANEL ON HOOK STRIP ALLOWING FOR . EXPANSIONI CONTRACTION.~...... GUTTER STRAP @36"OC MAX \ ~ 2xBLOCKING WI ~ BEVEL CUT 1/ ~ ~ ~~~PtJm~&~~~DfFlr~~~s 1\ SEE ROOF FRAMING PLAN f'\~ -----?~tM~l~~..J ~ W~ ~ ~ SOFFIT ~ PLYWOOD GUTTER 4" 1x4 TRIM f1\ NS102 SHEET METAL ROOF PANEL FIELD CUT STANDING ~ SEAM PANEL & INSERT INTO STARTER STRIP I STARTER STRIP APPLY CONTINUOUS BUTYL MASTIC TAPE SEALANT c TOP AND BOTTOM ~RAKETRIM ~t:0'TLOOKER / X ~ CONTINUOUS CLEAT NAIL tll112" OC AND NAILER ATTACH RAKE TRIM 1 ~4 5I4x8 FASCIA, TYP EAVE DETAIL 3"-1'-0" 1x3 TRIM, TYP -- 5I4x8 EXTERIOR WOOD FACIA RAKE DETAIL f2\ NS101 3"-1'.{)" Z-CLOSURE CUT TO FIT BETWEEN STANDING SEAMS APPLY CONTINUOUS BUTYL BOUNDRY MASTIC TAPE SEALANT NAILING AS BETWEEN PANEL AND NOTED~ ~6~~g'ifs9~bN;~~E \ CLOSURE MEETS STANDING SEAM RIVET FLASHING TO =:;::;"" r ~ ROOFING . ~ ~f I /~~ 2-2x8B~ ~ I CUT RIDGE ATTACH TO TRUSS · 1/ · MEMBERS WI SIMPSON LUS26-2 .. HANGERS ::illS'lWItl'"-./ ~ETAIL~ VENT PIPE INSTALLED AFTER ROOF .--2 FASTENERS PER PANEL ~ RIDGE CAP FLASHING CLEAR SEALANT UNDER FLANGE OF BOOT EPDM BOOT ~~~ .Qii 0 -1W6EN- SWE CT_ ~-r=r~) "Ft' I I I SHEET METAL ROOFING ~. ~~~ J VENT THRU ROOF tISf] ~~ NTS I ." ~J' I U:;(,;N J HANSEN I A FIRTH ...,'" A> +" \<i) DR 0~~~"'~.1\1/i A HUKIC '-' "~~ CHK L KORBUS I EXPIIiES '2/11/.0." I APVD 0 BERSCHAUER (4\ NO. DATE I 3 ~~I~~rPt~6 ~ ~~~IMPSONLS30/' _ BLOCKING ~,~ ~ TO BLOCKIN r---.. ~ 2x BLOCKING~ ~ ~~.. ~ (.Yr' I m1H BAVEL ~~..... ~ ~ . SIMPSON H-1 I ~ s_J\ \ ).f: ~ ~ 'to ANCHOR ALL V- I 2'1X"DIA~~(c TRUSSES@ f'......... INS LA;rjON I VENT HOLES lI\ tf\ ~ BNJFLE \ I ~ V . U ~2x4FURRING SIMPSON LS30 ,( I ~~4' 0 q ALL TRUSSES , ~ ~ ......~~, ./ \...../ ~ ~'/./--&.. 2 ~- 8 ~r ~ ~~-r~ 2~- 8 ~ ~ ~ T _~ '- 1,1'-- l%'GWBX g l5 1X3TRIM....L./" t:= II ~ ~ '-1x4 TRIM ~ g VENTSCREEVf...---- .111. ~~ ~! 1x4TRIM DETAIL Y5\ ~8;~t~CHOR 8' CMU WALL 3'-1'.0' NS102 l' EMBEDMENT 5I8'PLYWD~~ooFJ' r ::;~~:A.~~L1NG :J 1/1/ TO BLOCKIN . DOUBLE . V V 2X BLOCKING . SIMPSONH-::! 2~4 ANCHOR tll1 /-"'" ---...: OUTRIGGER ~4 2X6 ~ OUTLOOKERS ! .......... SCREEN AS --------- SCHEDULED~ 8d@6' I ~ 1/2" PLYWOOD ~ WALL SHEATHING .----1x4 TRIM ~ 1-2x4 NAILER ____ 1x3 EXTWooD ......- TRIM, TYP 8d@6'TYP ~_!U- FLASHING WI '- ~ pRIP TO MATCH ~ LOUVER FINISH ~ SEALANT AND ~ BACKER ROD - ~ LOUVER AS SCHEDULED , GABLE LOUVER HEAD 3'=1'.{)' (6\ NS101 - LOUVER AS ~ j.--- SCHEDULED ~ JZ. ~l ~ EXTRUDED "" 2 ALUMINUM SILL ~ SEALANT & ~ BACKER ROD 2x4 STUDS tll116" " .' - BUILDING PAPER HEIGHT AS REOD -----" V=8d @ 6' TYP ~gW~t).~8 ~ ANCHOR '- 2 ----= J:--- 8 BEVEL SIDING "'" t5\ - ,S <-28 ~f '" ""'c",'" 8" CMU WALL 518' DIAANCHOR -H___ . (iil 2'.{)" 0 C. _____ 1'EMBEDMENT~_ _ GABLE LOUVER SILL 3'-1'..0' TOP PLATE 112" PLYWD SHEATHING ~ f7\ AlS101 CONT DBL 2x6 BETWEEN BOTTOM TRUSS CHORDS 1 318' :~~~~~~~~"OOO~n()( ~ "'" ;~ R 19BAr-r~SI'LA IO~ ^ I 1/ v~ }. II ) ~ (J i J ( i ~ / / ,(.." '., ~.:. L ::~~:~;I;:~::~:ARO~ND U L 1X31NTWDTRIM r 1/4" - 518' GWBX 2'.9'x1'.10 112" f8\ NS101 ATTIC ACCESS HATCH DETAIL 3' 1'.{)' REVISION VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl DRAWING o I" IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGlY CH2MHILL WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION BY ~VD I <l. ~ A ~".". :J..---- '.:. '.: ..,.' h.. . ... I........ ....: :':':~~CMULlNTEL 'c SEE STRUC FO" REINF ~ SEALANT WI ~~~tl:~<6~ND BOTH SIDES "\ N \....---""~ 1~"1 =r--,............... RAIN DRIP ~ WHERE SCHEDULED ~ A HM FRAME DOOR AS ill I SCHEDULED l' 5314".. r9\ DOOR HEAD 3'-1'..0' A EXTERIOR tj. ,',,' t I ------ 8' VERTICAL <l. WALLFACE___...... ,:::~ ::" ~ gROUTE~ ~ --.... ',: :. ,:' ~TYP ~ ~ /' / ~ SEALANT WI ---./ l5 ~~tA~<6~ND i':: :::. BOTH SIDES z i5 o OC ~ 8 :::. 0 N to- r--"lio.. ------- MFR'S $TO - I' ~ ~ JAMB ANCHOR ~ HM FRAME, GROUT JAMB SOLID = DOOR AS SCHEDULED / / ~I. A , 5314 " ..I DOORJAMB 110\ 3'-1'.0' DOOR AS SCHEDULED A DOOR SHOE AS '\ , 1,.-+- THRESHOLD AS SCHEDULED ~ \ SCHEDULED SET ~ 1/ IN SEALANT ~ :!tf ....... i / SLOPE ~ "", ~ L ~ . ~ .. ~ : .~.) "---- ~ qr J' ~ ... . , ~ ~ ;.:y- CONC SLAB '-/ CONC PAD OR SIDEWALK. SLOPE J AWAY FROM BLDG- 1/4' 1FT, TYP DOOR SILL 3'=1'.{)' f11\ SEALANTr~ ----- ~ IFRY"ORIGINAL REGLET" SLOPE 1/4' AT SIDEWALK / (45' OTHER LOCATlONS)--..", ==r PROVIDE 314' + "a::::;;;;'" MORTAR TFDN STAINLESS :I' \ ' TO ACCO DATE ~(I~RING >< ~~W. U~:rS TO MIN VINYL ABOVE T G 6' BELOW ~ >< ROPE COURSE T ~~E ' >< f.'~~ J.~. AFL DARD K ~ ~ 2' RIGID INSULATION NOTE: STOP INSULATION AND FLASHING EACH SIDE OF DOOR OPENINGS DETAIL NTS (f2\ NS101 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON 5 SEE EXT ELEVATIONS FOR TEXTURE OF CMU I ~ .......... ~~,' I ',E ~ ~~~t~~~~L )TYp " 14GA GALV ANGLE SIZE AS REOUIRED - ...., V-- FACE OF 6" ACLOUVER G z D.. o >- a: z o en <( :::. FACE OF 8' WALL ~ BEYOND----.-..... ... o LOUVER AS / ffi SCHEDULED- > :;) o -' 12:/ MIN CLR .... ... ( JAMB SIMILAR) f13\ NS101 ".-/ / / /If ___ BACKDRAFT , DAMPER WHERE SHOWN ON HVAC w~ 4' LOUVER HEAD 3'-1'.{)' l' ltt1 , ~ EXTRUDED AL SILL BY LOUVER MFR ~ ~:c)~ - ---: ....:..... -=- ~ t-- - . - - - I--- . . ~ DAMPER WHERE . . REO'D BY . - r---;. MECHANICAL . GROUT SILL - _ c---: BLOCK FLUSH B . . . . . ---:- .' . r--.:.. . . ~ , CMU WALL ....1::+:: LOUVER SILL 3'-1'.{)' (14\ NS101 OUTLooKER SIMPSON H10-2 ANCHOR DOUBLE 2x4 PLATE, U26 . 2 HANGAR .....-: ATTACHFA~~ "" ~:;.--- OUTLOOKER ~?'" ~ DOUBLE 2x6 OVERHANG MEMBER - ~./" ""I: ~ :;.--- ~ ~J. ~.~ ~ ........ >-< >-< ~UDSJ DOUBLE TOP PLATE CMU END WALL CORNER OVERHANG f15\ 1 W=1'.{)" NS103 CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 ARCHITECTURAUSTRUCTURAL WATER PUMP STATION ARCHITECTURAUSTRUCTURAL ROOF & WALL DETAILS SHEET 34 OF 58 DWG NS104 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU A ::l :i: ~ '" o €l t- u. o ~ "'. ~~ 0'" "'::!! ....,. ~G :;;t:> ~~ 01= ~~ "'0 ~5 0< Ci>ffi ~~ ~~ <l.w ~i!' ........ z=> wO ~E "';;: tit) ~w ::l6 -~g: "" ZW ~S ~~ w'" ~f? &~ 0... ~!: U;~ ~~ "'0 cl!:l~ Oz ::l-: ",0 L5~ g~ WID i!'l? 0.... ::l~ ~~ ::!!::l g;! 0'" ,-!!l~ '-i!'o ~ Z w .. => o o o u. o w en => w II: o I I I I I I I I I I I '" . .., .. '" r; N I J ~ .. C 0 ~ I. ;;< ~ ~ ::> "" I l- I .... '" ~ I ~ lL :E 0 ~ C ..- E" I iI'€ 8.e ~1i' ~E ~~ I .e;.: /- .. gol B:g J::;: .., I 5~ -E~ ..... E :On U.., I ~~ Un: I DESIGN CRITERIA 1 APPLICABLE CODE' 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC). AS AMENDED BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND LOCAL AGENCIES 2 REFER TO THE DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL AND SPECIFIC STRUCTURE LOADINGS AND REQUIREMENTS. 3. ROOF LOADS SNOW LOAD = 25 PSF PLUS DRIFTING Ce =09 I =12 ROOF LIVE LOAD =25 PSF DEFLECTION CRITERIA FOR ROOF FRAMING MEMBERS TOTAL LOAD Ll240 LIVE LOAD L 1 360 WHERE L IS THE MEMBERS SPAN LENGTH 4. FLOOR lIVE LOADS PUMP STATION 300 PSF (2000 POUND CONCENTRATED) 5. WIND LOAD' IBC & ACSE 7 WIND PRESSURE WIND SPEED (3-SECOND GUST) EXPOSURE I ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR BUILDING HIGHT & EXPOSURE SEISMIC LOAD IBC & ACSE 7 SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D SITE CLASS D SEISMIC USE GROUP III OCCUPANCY CATEGORY IV OCCUPANCY IMPORTANT FACTOR 1=1 5 Ss = 1 26g S1 = 0 579 SDS =0849 SD1 = 0 579 BASIC SEISMIC-FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM SPECIAL REINFORCED MASONRY SHEAR WALLS DESIGN BASE SHEAR 23 72 k ( WORKING STRESS) SEISMIC RESPONSE COEFFICIENT, Cs= 0 252 RESPONSE MODIFICATION FACTOR, R = 5 ANALYSIS PROCEDURE USED = EQUIVALENT LATERAl FORCE METHOD = 100 MPH =C = 1.15 = 121 6 7 SOIL DESIGN PARAMETERS. NET AlLOWABLE SOil BEARING PRESSURES. 2500 PSF 8. DATUM. SEE SITE DRAWINGS GENERAL INFORMATION 1 FOR ABBREVIATIONS NOT LISTED, SEE PUBLICATION AS DISTRIBUTED BY THE AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE INC (INSI) 2 DESIGN DETAILS ARE INTENDED TO BE TYPICAL AND SHALL APPLY TO SIMILAR SITUATIONS OCCURRING THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT, WHETHER OR NOT THEY ARE KEYED IN EACH LOCATION, CONSULT THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3 VERIFY OPENING DIMENSIONS IN WALLS, SlABS, AND DECKS WITH OTHER DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS. 4. FOR NUMBER, TYPE, SIZE, ARRANGEMENT, AND/OR LOCA nON OF EQUIPMENT PADS SEE OTHER DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS. COORDINATE WITH EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER PRIOR TO PLACING SLABS, WALLS AND FOUNDATIONS COORDINATE PIPING OPENINGS WITH OTHER DISCIPLINE DRAWINGS. 5 NO STRUCTURAl MEMBERS SHALL BE CUT FOR PIPES, DUCTS, ETC, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DETAILED OR APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE ENGINEER 6 VISITS TO THE JOB SITE BY THE ENGINEER TO OBSERVE THE CONSTRUCTION DO NOT IN ANY WAY MEAN THAT ENGINEER IS GUARANTORS OF CONSTRUCTOR'S WORK. NOR RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE OR SPECiAl INSPECTIONS COORDINATION, SUPERVISION, NOR SAFETY AT THE JOB SITE. ' 7. SPECIAL INSPECTION (OWNER FURNISHED) IS REQUIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2003 IBC SPECiAl INSPECTIONS SECTION 1704 ON THE FOLLOWING PORTIONS OF THE WORK: CONCRETE PLACEMENT REINFORCING STEEL PLACEMENT STRUCTURAl WELDING ANCHORS, EMBEDS AND BOLTS INSTAlLED IN CONCRETE HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS GRADING, EXCAVATION, AND FILLING MASONRY 8 SPECIFIED CONCRETE AND MASONRY TESTING DURING CONSTRUCTION WILL BE OWNER FURNISHED SPECIFIED LABORATORY TEST MIXES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR ........ , Jt; IL K L,<;)/i: O\S, li ,,\o~ U::;l;iN A FIRTH DR ~ -- ~ ~8i, QfAL ~<>' ~. I EllFlRES '2/1'/..f1 ( I A HUKIC CHK L KORBUS APVD D BERSCHAUER NO. DATE I FOUNDATIONS 1 ALL FOUNDATION SLABS, SLABS-ON-GRADE AND WAlL SPECIFICAlLY NOTED TO BE ON FILL SHALL BEAR ON COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL AS SPECIFIED 2 ALL FOUNDATION MAT SLABS SHALL BE CAST ON FIRM, UNDISTURBED BEDROCK, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 3 ALL FOUNDATION BEARING SURFACES SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF REINFORCING STEEL FORMWORK, SHORING AND BRACING 1 STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED FOR STABILITY UNDER FINAL CONDITIONS ONLY. DESIGN SHOWN DOES NOT INCLUDE NECESSARY COMPONENTS OR EQUIPMENT FOR STABILITY OF THE STRUCTURES DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR AlL WORK RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION ERECTION METHODS, BRACING, SHORING, RIGGING, GUYS, SCAFFOLDING, FORMWORK, AND OTHER WORK AIDS REQUIRED TO SAFELY PERFORM THE WORK SHOWN. 2. TEMPORARY SHORING SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL ELEVATED CONCRETE FLOOR OR SLABS HAVE REACHED 28 DAY DESIGN STRENGTH AS DETERMINED BY CYLINDER BREAKS. CONCRETE REINFORCING 1 MINIMUM REINFORCING FOR ALL CONCRETE WALLS AND SlABS SHAll BE AS FOLLOWS WALL THICKNESS REINF EACH WAY LOCATION 6" #4@12" CENTERED 8" #5@12" CENTERED 10" #4@12" EACH FACE 12" #5@12" EACH FACE PROVIDE LARGER SIZES AND MORE REINFORCING IN SECTIONS OF CONCRETE WHERE REQUIRED BY THE DETAILS ON THE DRAWINGS OR BY THE SPECIFICATIONS 2. CLEARANCE FOR REINFORCEMENT BARS, UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE, SHALL BE WHEN PLACED ON GROUND: 3" EXTERIOR, DRY FACE OF SLAB 1 112" INTERIOR, DRY FACE OF SLABS No3-No5 No6- Noll STIRRUPS AND TIES 11/2" 2" 1112" 3 90 DEGREE BENDS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN, SHAlL BE ACI318 STANDARD HOOKS. 4. LOCATE SLAB TOP BAR SPLICES AT MIDSPAN AND BOTTOM BAR SPLICES AT SUPPORTS. 5 REINFORCEMENT BENDS AND LAPS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, SHALL SATISFY THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: CONCRETE DESIGN STRENGTH = 4,000 PSI BAR SIZE #3 #4 LAP SPLICE LENGTH SPACING<6" TOP BAR * OTHER BAR SPACING>6" TOP BAR * OTHER BAR EMBEDMENT LENGTH SPACING<6" TOP BAR * OTHER BAR SPACING>6" TOP BAR * OTHER BAR #5 GRADE 60 REINFORCING STEEL #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 1'-4" 2'-<l" 3'-0" 4'-0" 5'-10" 6'-8" 7'-l" S'-6" 9'-5" 1'-4" 1'-l" 2'-4" 3'-1" 4'-6" 5'-2" 5'-10" 6'-l" 7'-3" 1'-4" 1'-8" 2'..()" 2'-5" 3'-6" 4'..()" 5'..()" 6'-2" 7'-5" 1'-4" 1'-4" l'-l" 1'-10" 2'-9" 3'-1" 3'-10" 4'-9" 5'-8" 1'..()" l'-l" 2'-4" 3'-1" 4'-6" 5'-2" 5'-10" 6'-l" 7'-3" 1'..()" 1'-3" 1'-9" 2'-5" 3'-6" 4'..()" 4'-6" 5'-1" 5'-l" 1'-0" 1'-3" 1'-l" 1'-10" 2'-9" 3'-1" 3'-10" 4'-9" 5'-8" 1'-0" 1'..()" 1'-3" 1'-5" 2'-1" 2'-5" 3'..()" 3'-8" 4'-5" TOP BARS SHALL BE DEFINED AS ANY HORIZONTAl BARS PLACED SUCH THAT MORE THAN 12 INCHES OF CONCRETE IS CAST IN THE MEMBER BELOW THE BAR IN ANY SINGLE POUR. HORIZONTAl WAlL BARS ARE CONSIDERED TOP BARS. CONCRETE 1. 26-DAY CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE STRENGTHS: TYPiCAl' 4000 PSI CURBS AND SIDEWALKS: 3000 PSI CONDUIT ENCASEMENTS. 3000 PSI PIPE ENCASEMENTS NOT INTEGRAl WITH FOUNDATIONS 3000 PSI 2. REINFORCING STEEL: TYPICAL: ASTM A615, GRADE 60, WELDED IS PROHIBITED REVISION BY I\PVD VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST SCALES ACCOROINGl Y CH2MHILL WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I I 3 FABRICATION AND PLACEMENT OF REINFORCING STEEL SHAlL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CRSI MSP-1 "MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE" AND AC/301 "SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL, CONCRETE FOR BUILDING" 4. ROUGHEN AND CLEAN CONSTRUCTION JOINTS IN WAlLS AND SLABS AS SPECIFIED PRIOR TO PLACING ADJACENT CONCRETE 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHAlL COORDINATE PLACEMENT OF OPENINGS, CURBS, DOWELS, SLEEVES, CONDUITS, BOLTS AND INSERTS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE 6 NO ALUMINUM CONDUIT OR PRODUCTS CONTAINING ALUMINUM OR ANY OTHER MA TERIAlINJURIOUS TO THE CONCRETE SHAlL BE EMBEDDED IN THE CONCRETE. MASONRY 1. MORTAR. ASTM C270, TYPE S, HYDRATED. MASONRY CEMENT SHALL NOT BE USED. 2 GROUT: ASTM C476 COURSE GROUT. 2000 PSI MINIMUM 28 DAY COMPRESSNE STRENGTH 3. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS' ASTM COO, GRADE N, MEDIUM WEIGHT, 1900 PSI UNIT COMPRESSIVE MASONRY STRENGTH LINEAR SHRINKAGE SHALL NOT EXCEED .065 PERCENT. 4 DESIGN fro OF THE FINISHED ASSEMBLY SHAlL BE 1500 PSI 5. PLACE COURSES IN RUNNING BOND PATTERN, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED OTHERWISE. 6. GROUTING: A DO NOT SOLID GROUT WALLS UNLESS SO INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS B GROUT ONLY CELLS WITH REINFORCING WHERE REBAR IS SPACED AT 40 INCHES ON CENTER OR GREATER EACH WAY. C SOLID GROUT CMU WAlLS WHERE REBAR IS SPACED AT 24 INCHES ON CENTER OR LESS, EITHER WAY D. SOLID GROUT ALL PIERS, HEADERS, AND BOND BEAMS. SOLID GROUT ADDITIONAL MASONRY AREAS SPECIFICAlLY INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. E. FILL CELLS NOT GROUTED WITH MASONRY FILL INSULATION WHERE WALL TYPES SHOWN ON ARCHITECTlJRAL PLANS INDICATE INSULATION 7 LAP VERTICAL REINFORCING 48 BAR DIAMETER WITH DOWELS AT BUILDING WAlLS LAP AlL OTHER VERTiCAl BARS 72 BAR DIAMETERS. LAP VERTICAL BARS IN CANTILEVER WAlLS 72 BAR DIAMETERS STAGGER ADJACENT LAP SPLICES BY 24 INCHES, WHEN SEPARATED BY 3 INCHES OR LESS. 8 PROVIDE TWO FULL HEIGHT TYPICAL VERTICAl BARS AT EDGES OF OPENINGS AND FULL HEIGHT TYPICAL VERTICAl BARS IN 3 CELLS AT CORNERS. PROVIDE MATCHING DOWELS FOR VERTiCAl BARS. PROVIDE REINFORCED LINTELS ABOVE AND REINFORCED BOND BEAMS BELOW OPENINGS. PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CORNER BARS WITH MINIMUM 2'-0" LEGS AT CORNERS. SEE DETAILS 4001, 4003 AND 4004 9. PROVIDE SPECIAL INSPECTION FOR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION INDICATED: A MASONRY AT EMBED AREAS, ROOF LEVEL BOND BEAMS, PIERS, AND UNIQUE DETAIL AREAS. 10 MASONRY UNIT AND GROUT TESTING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH 2003 IBC, "UNIT STRENGTH METHOD". TESTING WILL BE OWNER FURNISHED OTHER IBC TEST METHODS MAY BE SUBMITTED AS AN ALTERNATIVE 11. THE MINIMUM REINFORCING FOR CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS SHAlL BE AS FOLLOWS. WAlL VERTICAL HORIZONTAl THICKNESS REINFORCING REINFORCING LOCATION 8" #6@40" #5@4S" CENTERED PROVIDE LARGER SIZES AND MORE REINFORCING IN WAlLS WHERE REQUIRED BY THE DRAWINGS OR BY THE SPECIFICATIONS 12. PLACE NO CONDUIT IN CELLS CONTAINING REINFORCEMENT. WELDING 1 WELDS SHALL CONFORM TO AWS Dl.1LATEST EDITION AS SPECIFIED. 2. REPAIR WELDS FOUND DEFECTIVE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWS 01.1, 526 3 USE INTERMITTENT WELDS AT FIELD WELDS OF EMBED PLATES AND ANGLES TO AVOID SPALLlNG OR CRACKING OF THE EXISTING CONCRETE CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON ... o ~ UJ--' o.=' o:x: a:::E lLN ~o 0-'" ",0 ~~ ~~ ffia= 2 5 PSF (PLUS SNOW LOAD TOP CHORD) B ~~ 10 PSF (BOTTOM CHORD) ~~ Uiffi ffJ~ ~~ o.UJ "':x: 00- 0-0- z::> UJO ~E a:~ ~ti 1!::UJ ~~ -~ ~~ a:o UJ>- ;;~ UJa: ~~ &~ 00. ~~ c;;~ ~~ "'0 C~~ ~~ ~l}l g~ UJ'" i!:f? 05 ~z o-'!a Zo ~~ G::l gx ",::E -~g I ROUGH CARPENTRY 1. FRAMING LUMBER SHALL BE DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH, NO 1 OR BETTER UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE PLATES, SILLS, AND BLOCKING MAY BE DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH NO 2 OR BETTER. 2. ROOF SHEATHING SHALL BE 51S" STRUCT I, MINIMUM 518 INCH THICK. EXTERIOR, GRADED PER PS-l SEE DRAWINGS FOR MINIMUM NAILING REQUIREMENTS NAILS SHALL BE GALVANIZED, COMMON DO NOT USE BOX NAILS UNLESS A NAIL SPACING REDUCTION IS APPROVED 3 FRAMING CONNECTORS SHALL BE ICC APPROVED FRAMING CONNECTORS AND PARTS SHALL BE GAlVANIZED. 4 PROVIDE GALVANIZED WASHERS AT BOLT HEADS OR NUTS BEARING ON WOOD 5 PRESSURE TREAT WOOD IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR MASONRY. 6 STRUCTlJRAL WOOD MEMBERS SHAlL HAVE A MAXIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT OF 19 PERCENT FOR MEMBERS GREATER THAN 20'-0" IN LENGTH, ADVANCE PURCHASE AND AIR DRYING MAY BE REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE THIS MOISTURE CONTENT. 7. WALLS SHOWN ON STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS TO BE 2><4 AT 1'-4" ON CENTER PROVIDE TRIPLE STUDS AT CORNERS AND WAlL INTERSECTIONS. PROVIDE MULTIPLE STUDS UNDER HEADERS AT ~ OPENINGS PER DETAIL ~ A1S104 PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES 1. PROVIDE CAlCULATIONS, PRODUCT DATA, LUMBER GRADES, AND CONNECTION DETAILS, FOR ALL TYPES OF PREFABRICATED WOOD ROOF TRUSSES USED ON THE PROJECT. CALCULATIONS MUST BE STAMPED AND SIGNED BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 2. DESIGN PREFABRICATED WOOD ROOF TRUSSES FOR THE FOLLOWING LOADS' SUPERIMPOSED ROOF LIVE LOAD: A MISC B. ATTIC (NO STORAGE) SUPERIMPOSED ROOF DEAD LOAD A ROOFING: 2 5 PSF (TOP CHORD) B PLYWOOD SHEATHING: 20 PSF (TOP CHORD) C. INSULATION. 50 PSF (BOTTOM CHORD) D GYPSUM CEILING. 2 5 PSF (BOTTOM CHORD) E. MISCELLANEOUS: 3 0 PSF (BOTTOM CHORD) THE ABOVE SUPERIMPOSED DEAD LOADS SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE ALL OF THE DEAD LOADS THAT COULD BE INCLUDED IN THE DESIGN OF THE PREFABRICATE WOOD ROOF TRUSSES THE PLANS SHAlL BE REVIEWED FOR ANY ADDITIONAL DEAD LOAD WHICH WOULD NORMAlLY BE INCLUDED IN COMMON PRACTICE. 3 4 WIND LOADS: SEE DESIGN CRITERIA 5. WIND ANALYSIS FOR THE PREFABRICATED WOOD ROOF TRUSSES SHALL USE THE PROVISIONS OF THE 2003 IBC CODE FOR ELEMENTS AND COMPONENTS 6. SNOW LOAD SEE DESIGN CRITERIA 7. SNOW LOADS SHALL BE APPLIED TO THE PREFABRICATED WOOD ROOF TRUSSES PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2003IBC CODE, CHAPTER 16 8 TOP CHORDS SHALL BE A 2><6 MINIMUM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE DESIGN THE TOP CHORD AT THE END OF THE ROOF SUB-DIAPHRAGMS FOR THE ADDITIONAL AXiAl LOADS INDICATED ON THE ROOF FRAMING PLAN DRAWINGS 9, TRUSS BRIDGING AND OTHER ACCESSORIES SHAlL BE PER THE MANUFACTURER'S STANDARDS. PROVIDE ONE ROW OF BLOCKING AT MID SPAN MINIMUM PROVIDE ADDITIONAl BLOCKING AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS 10. SOLID BLOCK ALL TRUSS ENDS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 STRUCTURAl STRUCTURAL NOTES SHEET 35 OF 58 DWG S101 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU A ::l ;: 1!l :x: o €l - in 0- Z W ::; ::> o o o ... o w '" ::> w a:: o I I I I I I I I' I I I '" . "0 ..; CD r; N I J N ~ . e 0 I ~ .. ~ ~ :> 1: I ~ I ,. CD r; N I ~ 0. :E 0 t .- I E- ,,~ 8~ ~~ ~E 0=0. eN I ~~ /- . ~I :e:g .xo N "0 I 5~ .Be e" -., E j-a I ~ 00. 4 1/2" MIN ALl AROUN 3" MINALLAROUN~ ~ --.. 11/2" 1 1/Z' FLUID MAX NON-SHRINK GROUT~ SEE NOTE 7-J I A~EQUIPMENT BASE If;ANCHORB~EENOTES & ANCHOR BOLT DETAILS 314" CHAMFER, TYP r 2 - #4 O@ TOP OF PAD "r _ ADDL #4@6"O ... FOR PAD HT> 10" ~'EQUIPMENT BASE ffr.#4@I2"EWrI ANCHOR BOLT, SEE NOTES & ANCHOR BOLT DETAILS 314" CHAMFER, TYP r 2 - #4 O@ TOP OF PAD ~ ~ / :"DDL #4@60 M.- FOR PAD HT > 10" ~ 1 PAD SIZE SHALl BE MINIMUM INDICATED OR AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR AS INDICATED BY THE MANUFACTURER AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER 4 1/2" MIN ALL AROUN 2 THE SIZE, NUMBER, TYPE, LOCATION, AND THREAD PROJECTION OF THE ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER AND AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE HELD IN POSITION WITH 3" MIN ALL AROUNo--........ ~ A TEMPLATE OR OTHER ACCEPTABLE MEANS, MATCHING THE BASE PLATE, WHILE ~ PAD IS BEING PLACED _ II> i-- 3. ANCHOR BOLT SLEEVES SHALL BE USED TO PROVIDE MINIMUM ANCHOR BOLT 1 1/Z' MOVEMENT OF 1/Z' IN ALL HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONS. THE MINIMUM SLEEVE LENGTH MAX SHALl BE 8 TIMES THE BOLT DIAMETER. 1 1/2" FLUID 4. ANCHOR BOLT SLEEVES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM INTERNAL DIAMETER 1" GREATER NON-SHRINK GROUT............. THAN BOLT DIAMETER AND A MAXIMUM INTERNAL DIAMETER 3" GREATER THAN "'" ANCHOR BOLT DIAMETER. SLE~L BE FILLED WITH NON-SHRINK GROUT AFTER BOLTS ARE ALIGNED. SE 3357 . 5 EQUIPMENT BASES SHAll BE INS LEVEL UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. 6. WEDGES, SHIMS, OR LEVELING NUTS SHALL BE USED TO SUPPORT THE BASE WHILE THE NON-SHRINK GROUT IS PLACED WEDGES OR SHIMS THAT ARE LEFT IN PLACE SHALL NOT BE EXPOSED TO VIEW. 7. HEIGHT OF PADS SHALL BE MINIMUM REQUIRED FOR ANCHOR BOLT CLEARANCE TO KEEP ANCHOR BOLT ABOVE SUPPORTING SlAB (SEE TABLE BELOW). WHERE EQUIPMENT OR PIPING ELEVATION REQUIRE A PAD HEIGHT LESS THAN THE MINIMUM SHOWN, USE TYPE "B" EQUIPMENT PAD WITH BLOCKOUT 8. TYPE "0" PAD SHALL BE USED ONLY WHERE SPECIFICALLY INDICATED. PLACE THE SURROUNDING FLOOR SlAB AFTER THE EQUIPMENT PAD. 9. AT CONTRACTOR'S OPTION, CONCRETE ANCHORS MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF CAST-IN-PLACE ANCHOR BOLTS FOR EQUIPMENT ANCHOR BOLTS LESS THAN 314" DIAMETER WHEN APPROVED BY THE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH 4" MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE IN EACH DIRECTION 'J ~i / \ ANCHOR BOLT SLEEvJ j SUSPENDED SLAB OR SLAB ON GRADE, FOR REINF AND THICKNESS NOT SHOWN SEE PlAN ~ 4 1/2" MIN ALL AROUN 3" MIN AllAROUN~ --.. 11/2" 1 1/2" FLUID MAX NON-SHRINK GROUT~' ANCHOR BOLT SLE ~ " SEE NOTE 7-J fl- /CI:.J 3357 ;~ SUSPENDED SlAB OR SlAB ON GRADE, FOR REINF AND THICKNESS NOT SHOWN SEE PLAN ~ . \:#4@12"LMIN4PERPAD (#5@12" FOR AB 3/4" DIA OR LARGER) CONSTRUCTION JOINT '\~ " \:#4@12"LMIN4 PER PAD (#5@12" FOR AB 314" DIA OR LARGER) CONSTRUCTION JOINT I AB DIA (IN) 1 1/2 I 5/8 I 314 I 7/8 1 1 11 1/411 31811 1/211 3/41 2 I I MIN PAD HT (IN) 1 7 181/21 10 I 11 1121121 15 1161121 18 I 21 I 24 I 4 1/Z' MIN ALL AROUN 3" MIN ALL AROUNo--........ . ~ ~"..+ 1112" I 1 1/2" FLUID MAX I NON-SHRINK GROUT~- I ANCHOR BOLT SLEEV~ " I I !. Z ~ #6@12". TYP~ 2" MIN ALL AROUND OR AS REQUIRED BY ANCHORAGE CALCULATIONS PAD HEIGHT AS ... - REQD, 3 1/2" MIN, 10" MAX -., EXST OR NEW SUSPENDE~J SlAB OR SLAB ON GRADE, FOR THICKNESS SEE PLAN ~ 1 WHEN ANCHORAGE OF EQUIPMENT TO PAD IS REQUIRED, USE CONCRETE ANCHORS SPECIFIED. 2 CONCRETE PADS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE 3 1/Z' HIGH, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 1::!Eli SEE 1 NOTE 7 i1 / ANCHOR BOLT SLEEV;/ EXST SUSPENDED SLAB OR SLAB ON GRADE, FOR THICKNESS SEE PlAN ( 3356 ) REVISION I i ~EQUIPMENT BASE #6@12", TYP MINIMUM ANCHOR BOLT DIMENSIONS, SEE NOTES & ANCHOR BOLT DETAILS ~ 314" CHAMFER, TYP 2-#4 O@TOPOFPAD Y 1/2" DEEP SEAlANT - i - ~SlAB ON GRADE, FOR THICKNESS SEE PlAN ~1/2" PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER ADDL #4@6"O FOR PAD HT>10" ~ #3@12"EW,1"CLR FOR PAD HT < 4", #4@12" EW, 1 1/Z' CLR FOR PAD HT > 4" :;..-- EQUIPMENT . / ~EQUIPMENT PAD / ./ 314" CHAMFER, TYP \ \, \~@4@12" O.C.@PERIMETER #5@12" FOR AB ~" R LARGER) ONSTRUCTION JOINT, ROUGHEN & ClEAN PRIOR TO PLACING PAD ~.EQUIPMENTBASE #4@12" EW rI ffrANCHOR BOLT, SEE NOTES & ANCHOR BOLT DETAILS 314" CHAMFER, TYP r 2 - #4 []@TOPOFPAD .-ADDL,,~@6"[] FOR P...... HT> 10" . Z ~ \ I!1ll. \#5 ADHESIVE DOWEL @ 12" MAX, 4 MIN, EMBED PER CONSTRUCTION JOINT, ROUGHEN & ClEAN PRIOR TO PLACING PAD BY IoJ>vo VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING. o I' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDING!. Y ANCHOR BOLT, JI- SIZE AS SHOWN OR AS REQD !,.---- PROJECTION BYMFR ~ ~~_::+ oj';~:::-:::INKGROUT o I ~ ____d+l",MIN 8 ~ H --- INSIDE DIAMETER ~ ::!: " I: __ SLEEVE, SEE NOTE 2 0:: ~ 1"........- ~J 1:=3 .~'ci:;;;',' I ,~.(;'." o ".~ i<" 0-0 ~cc ~ _ I > fE25::!: ~..::~ ::!: ' I'd + 1" MIN -0 I ' '<t I ANCHOR BOLT SLEEVE AS SPECIFIED /:CORNERBARS ,lAP MATCH TYP HORIZ ~ BARS SIZE & SPG ,~g:rn 11 ~ ~ 5 TYP VERTS, LOCATE VERTS WITHIN HORIZ BARS AT CORNERS ONLY I 1/8" PLATE WASHER, 3" DIA MIN, SEE NOTE 2 PROJECTION AS REQD~ TOP OF CONC MACHINERY ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL r- z . 33 = :31 EXTERIOR CORNER DOUBLE MAT PlAN ~~ "- 3 TYP VERTS CORNER BARS MATCH TYP HORIZ BAR SIZE & SPACING lAP 5' EXTERIOR CORNER SINGLE MAT PLAN I I 6 SEE TYPICAL EQUIPMENT ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL TOP OF CONC~ PROJECTION \ AS REQD--......., I \ .... ....--; :0.0 '." . ...........- Fill WITH I -"'" NON-SHRINK : io"'"" GROUT -oZ N- -::!: i i i i i j ! . r---.__ . --ROUGHEN J. EDGE,CLEAN I ~ I ALL AROUND ~6d, 4" MIN CORED HOLE IN EXST CONC v 0:: :-5 ANCHOR BOLT, SIZE AS SHOWN OR AS REQD BY MFR REMOVE FORM AT TOP BY CUTTING AFTER CONC IS CAST AND PRIOR TO GROUTING ANCHOR BOLT RETROFIT FILL BLOCKOUT WI NON-SHRINK GROUT~ ~~:'fi~':~ ~ ,} ... 'C"- ;;"li'-;' ",*. ll.. .". 1 I ....... DEPTH /1 AS REQD../ TOP OF CONC EQPTPAD r r ~ONC EQPT V PAD HEIGHT rTOP OF STRUCTlJRAL SlAB OR BEAM ~~ONC SlAB OR BEAM -0 N ,(ci~" ~'&..:.. :-t- GROUT ~ 1 FOR CONCRETE EQUIPMENT PAD DETAILS ANDNOTESNOTSHOWNSEE~ 2 MATERIAL TO MATCH BOLT. "- 3" CLR, ELEVATION ALL AROUND ANCHOR BOLT BLOCKOUT ANCHOR BOLT DETAILS NTS ( 3357 ) I ~~~'::D 90- FAR FACE 2 - #5 ABOVE "W" & BELOW OPNG, NOTE 1 SEE NOTES 2 & "- ~I\ I I ) \ ~ I ',I, or.:- I - 1 . W :1:1- . 0 t Z VERTICAL BARS (FUll HT) EA SIDE OF OPNG, SEE NOTE 4 2'-8" TYP 8" LINTEL '::" +---- " BLOCK 11 l!"- 2 TYP WALL .....r..........V \ ..----, I I lJ n, I-" 3TYP VERTS .f ' ./ j I ..1 '._I"'r TYP VERT BARS AT 1/2" CLR OF CELL WALLS INTERIOR CORNER (STANDARD 90" HOOK AT FAR FACE 1. j -ll- 8" BOND BEAM :..-r I 1 I f ~ 'r! +Vr "O':-'-':'+r-. I I .~E\. I 1~~ I I SAW CUT '-l'.!,..o t. ' ),,' ...; .f u.. ~ BLOCK FOR "I V . l I .l I 7-REINFSIMAS CIRCULAR OPNG.><l II SHOWN FOR SOLID GROUl' RECTANGULAR OPNG ABOVE ~ ) I a I 1 '- #4 TOP ARCH BARS, NOTE 5 1'-0" -.-/ ~ 2 TYP VERTS !ill!E2: 1. TYPICAL FOR ALL OPENINGS WITH (W, H, OR D) 2'.{)" OR GREATER AND 4'.{)" OR LESS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SEE PlANS FOR LARGER OPENINGS. 2. AT ADJACENT OPENINGS WITH LESS THAN 8'.{)" WALL BETWEEN, CONTINUE HORIZONTAL REINFORCING TO 2'-8" BEYOND FURTHEREST OPENING 3. AT OPENINGS LOCATED WITHIN 2'-8" OF CORNER, CONTINUE HORIZONTAL REINFORCING AROUND CORNER PER DETAI~ 4 LOCATE VERTICAL BARS CENTERED IN 2 ADJACENT CELLS IN 8" WALLS, AND EACH FACE IN SINGLE GROUT CELL IN 12" WALLS lAP 48 BAR DIAMETERS WITH MATCHING FOUNDATION DOWELS 5. LOCATE #4 ARCH BARS CENTERED IN 8" WALlS, AND EACH FACE IN 12" WALLS INTERIOR CORNER !:!Q]li 1 LAP=48 BAR DIAMETERS OR 2'.{)" MINIMUM UNlESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. PROVIDE A STANDARD 90' HOOK EACH END ON ANY HORIZONTAL BAR BETWEEN OPENINGS, CONTROL JOINTS, OR CORNERS LESS THAN 6'.{)" IN LENGTH CMU WALL CORNERS NTS CH2MHILL ( 4001 ) ( 4002 ) CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 I!A~~. ~~NCRETE EQUIPMENT PADS I ... /5, I USl;N A FIRTH (... .... ..... fl' \t' DR A HUKIC ~~~ t_l\\" CHK '........, ,,\ L KORBUS IElCI'IRES .2/l'llt' I APVD 0 BERSCHAUER NO DATE CMU OPENING REINFORCING NTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL DETAILS SHEET 36 OF 58 DWG S102 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION A -' -' :i: ~ :J: o €l - u. o ~ a:. w-' o..:! ~~ ~G ~~ ~~ 0>= ~;'j wa: B~~ ~~ ii5ffi !~ o..w l!;~ !zS wO ~E ~~ ZU ~a f-~lf z'ffi ~S w> ;;~ wa: ~l2 ~~ ~~ c;;~ ~~ (1)0 W:J: Co:;: ~~ ~~ Q~ WCC ~~ 0.... ~~ !z:!l ~~ G::l gz !!l~ r-~G it; .... Z w .. ::> o o o u. o w (I) ::> w a: D I I I I I I I I I I I. ! ~ '" I ~ ~ .. 5 .' I ~ :> 1: I ~ '" ;;:; N I I _ z ~ c I .- E. :>~ U ~~ ~E I ~:t .e;! /- .. s' ;1:0) ..0 I :" c . ,,~ , i~ E' j~ I ~ oti: I CMU OPENING REINF SCHEDULE 8" WALLS W LINTEL STIRRUP "A" "B" "C" JAMB DEPTH SIZE, SPG BARS BARS BARS WIDTH s2' -8" 8" - 1 1 1 8" >2'-8"54'-0" 16" - 2 1 1 8" >4'-0".:56'-0" 24" #3@8" 2 1 2 16" >6'-0".:58'-0" 32" #3@16" 2 2 3 24" >8'-0".:510'-0" 48" #3@24" 2 2 3 24" ~ 1. USE BAR QUANffilES AND SIZES GIVEN IN LINTEL SCHEDULE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. 2. EXTEND"c- BARS 48 BAR DIAMETERS OR 2'-0" MINIMUM BEYOND TOP AND BOTTOM OF OPENING EXCEPT THAT WHEN"W OR "W" EXCEEDS 2'-0", "c- BARS SHALL EXTEND FULL HEIGHT. WHERE THERE IS LESS THAN 8'-0" BETWEEN ADJACENT OPENINGS, EXTEND REINFORCING CONTINUOUS TO 2'-8" BEYOND FURTHEST OPENING 3. "N AND "6" BARS SHALL EXTEND 48 BAR DIAMETERS OR 2'-0" MINIMUM EACH SIDE OF THE OPENINGS. 4. FOR BAR SIZES, MATCH TYPICAL WALL REINFORCING AS SHOWN ON THE BUILDING WALL SECTIONS. "C" BARS EACH SIDE, SEE NOTE 2 (ONE CENTERED PER CELL IN 8" WALLS, TWO (1 EF) PER CELL IN 12" WALLS) TYP WALL HORIZONTAL BAR AT TOP OF STIRRUP, SAME LENGTH AS "A" BARS 90" STIRRUPS [HOOK AS REQD SEE SCHEDULE_ -'II WI-- 1--0. Zw ::;0 I 3 GROUT ALL CELLS / II WITHIN SHADED BOUNDARY AREA - TYP CMU WALL VERTICAL REINFORCING IW 1---' a.:> wO OW I -'c) Wen I--w LINTEL BOTT~M ~ W HORIZONTAL en REINFORCING "A" BARS SEE LINTEL BLOCK SCHEDULE 8" LINTEL SECTION 8" CMU WALL CMU OPENING REINFORCING NTS 1/8" SST PLATE TO FIT SST PIPE 314" LONG, CENTER ON PLATE, SIZE PIPE SAME AS POST 3116 V COVER PLATE PROVIDE CIRCULAR SHAPED SST SHIMS TO FIT RECESS AROUND TOP AND STABILIZE HANDRAIL MIN OF THREE AT 120". SHIMS TO BE INTERMITTENT TO PERMIT REMOVAL COLLAR, SAME MATERIAL AS POST RING FAB FROM 1/4" SST PLATE. IDTOMATCH OD OF PIPE SST PIPE x 6" LONG, 10 TO ALLOW 1/4" +1- SPACE 314" REMOVABLE POST 3116" SST PL x OD+1" -.L.fI'I J i i i i i ~ J.5,,, V ,\,-~, -VSV ~ -- m:5.:!2: ~ PROVIDE COVER PLATE FOR EACH ANCHORAGE SLEEVE. HANDRAIL POST ANCHORAGE-ALUMINUM 'NO IDATE C 5521 ) REVISION (4003) , 9'-0" MAX . 8" i ftF. ALUMINUM 10", . 8" RAILING i . ! . . I I . . I i ; J<!Qi i i ! ! 6'-0" rr=-d In: '-'-'-'11 -' LJL - ~r7t"" ~ " SLAB ~ {"""""""";F;l II ,I II 'I ====~l=::!J II II II ~ 9 N ... u u w REMOVABLE TWO-RAIL HANDRAIL-ALUMINUM NTS (5524 ) VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl. DRAWING. o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON BY ,",PVDI ~~6=Y I 4 TYP VERT REINF 2'-0" MIN, TYP-... TYP HORIZ REINF - TOPO~ CONCRETE DOWELS, SEE NOTE 4 I x ---~~~ BARS AT TOP OF WAlL AND AT ALL ROOF AND FLOOR LEVELS 72 BAR DIA lAP, TYP, SEE NOTE 2 CMU OPENING REINF SEE ~ '\.- SEE NOTE 8 ~I ~48BAR DIA lAP, SEE NOTE 2 HORIZ BAR IN FIRST COURSE WALL PIER OR ELEVATION COLUMN, SEE NOTE 7 ~ 1 FOR TYPICAL WALL REINFORCING, SEE WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS FOR EACH FACILITY FOR MINIMUM REINFORCING REQUIREMENTS, SEE GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES, 2. lAP VERTICAL REINFORCING WITH WALL DOWELS 48 BAR DIAMETERS (2'-0" MIN), LAP ALL OTHER VERTICAL BARS 72 BAR DIAMETERS. 3 STAGGER SPLICES IN ADJACENT HORIZONTAL BARS IN THE SAME COURSE BY 2'-0". 4 PROVIDE DOWEL BARS IN FOUNDATION TO MATCH ALL VERTICAL REINFORCING 5. FOR ADDED REINFORCING AT WALL INTERSECTIONS AND CORNERS, SE~ 6 GROUT EACH SIDE OF OPENING AS NOTED IN TYPICAL OPENING REINFORCING DETAIL ~ 7. DO NOT PLACE VERTICAL CONDUIT IN THE SAME CELL AS VERTICAL REINFORCING. REINFORCED CMU WALL NTS ( 4004-) CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON CH2MHILL WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I 318" SEAlANT BOND BREAKER TAPE BACK-UP ROD STOP TYP HORIZONTAL REINFORCING AT JOINT, EXCEPT CONTINUE HORIZONTAL BARS AT ALL ROOF AND FLOOR LEVELS THRU JOINT \ \ \ PROVIDE TYP VERTICAL ~REINFORCING IN2 CEllS EACH SIDE OF JOINT PREFABRICATED CONTROL JOINT ~U~ -CMU BLOCK CMU CONTROL JOINT NTS _(4031) CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800424-5555 STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL DETAILS SHEET 37 OF 58 DWG S103 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU A :::l :i: :E '" I o €> ~ u. o ~ W-' 0--' [E~ WI IO I-u. ",0 -~ wO OJ:: ~~ wa: B"'o <i!~ 6~ ~ffi ~t:: ~~ O-w ~~ ~~ wO :EI =>1- ~~ ~~ :;:0 ~g: :a: zW iJj~ ffio ;;~ wa: ~f2 0- l::~ 80- z;!; ;;;a: zO c>W Ci56 c~~ ~~ ~m o=> _w WID ~l? 01- :;:~ I-"!a Zo ~:;: g;;;! OI I-!!!~ ~u en I-- Z w ::! :> o o o u. o w '" => l:! D I I I I I I I, 'I J I I '" . ... ~ '" I ~ "'I ... ~ E c: 0 I' i i! ~ ~ ::> I 10; ~ I .. '" ;;; N I ,. e- lL :IE 0 ~ c: I li- Eu ~~ ~~ .cE I '"" c:o ~~ /- II ~I 'ilg rllo I N ... 5~ ~~ II., E :>.. g... /1: ~ ..J:! OIL J>. z: :e- 12.x12.xa. FLG DI TEE 1. COMBINATION AIR RELEASE V746 FLANGE x RESTRAINED """' ""^",,R ~ r'~VOOO ~~~~: ~LOW ~tt L 16.01/ PIT : 3 ~a.V506 112"DMJ - TYPOFi2 2. FD HIGH FLOW Fa. V614 I -1:l;- - - BOOSTER Pl,lMP , _TYP OF ~ '- 4. FLOOR I P-2-2 I n ! DRAIN [[JE3[}.. .- ~ - : I '_ 'I , . . -. I j I I PIPE @ HANGER, SEE 7 PI I \, TYP OF 5 M104 2-1 10. VSOO '"" MANVYAL._ -- -- --'-, ; TYPOF2~~ " HQSERACK III ------- III 1~~~~~~UREK---l ~SEE~' ------ ""1Ir -W SEE~\ / 1 ~. .rEXST12" p~?\- ~ ~ 16.01 --- --,,--1 ..~:.~ \-/--[ _-m_'!'';;':f- - ..- ........----....., . ~LOW ",1FAIRMOUNT 9 .. -- ----.. ..... .......-1 .... p- j~ - --.. ---,~... ___~_.V(630)ZONE 16.x16.x10" I AmC ACCESS I HOSE BIBB EOUIV..}LENT 01 FLG TEE TYP OF I (ABOVE) \. TO A NIBCO 0174)(1 ( . \ 11\ l) 2 . 'INSTALL 42. AFF PROVIDE Je ~ sN-r ~ - 'J 16"x16.x16" 4.FLOORDRAlN~ WITH WATER HOSE AND i '~\:: - 01 FLG TEE I 'NPZZLE. SEE 151f 12.01--........ ,~ 16.01 ". I I Lt . . I 314. COMPRESSED AIR ,~_ + L ~ 12 x16 01 RDCR ? I I LINE SEE 15209 FbR / EXST 20. 01 . ., ?-.;;; J ~DptrIONALlNFORMATlON / _ :: !@}/'~~NEW PIPING CONFIGURATION, REMOVE EXISTING TEE, ELBOW, AND . .----------- .- _______.c;' 1=---,-= ._. _'~______...____ ; . ' -. '. SPOOL PIECE AND REPLACE WITH NEW AS SHOWN SEE NOTE 1. .- ,.... '/'1 \. :..1.,.. - -- . - - - ---i- - -- -- - --- -- -- .- -- 6 -- - . . -. . --" .-- -- -- .... .-,-- ---- --. -- . ~. rD I FLOW MEDIUM ____....___;=9;__ -..~ - - .. - ~- . .-- ,~.. ------ ;~-~~ ------- .2~-Vi'Rj:-----, r1'I~ 4:::3 1. .__ .__. _~ (419) ZONE --~_~~~~~OX, .. _... __.. - u _-..~ -_~_ ._~~~~~~~~~~;~-~~=.n=~~~~~~~~~L-~~~~~~~~~~L-2~~~[~______~-_~ __ _._ ----.-r---. i ~~~A;~~ON - ,- .m._ '-,'- -"20':B()m~1:IYVALVE----------"--- ------.-.-. ',.--------r----"(ct;----- .' UP FOR RAIN _ _1_ - - - - - - ~LOPE 1/4. PER~ i- _ _ ~ _ ~L~ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ J+ _ _ _ _ _ 4. RAINWATER~ _ ,_ _ .~ _ WATER : CONNECTTO I I . ~I ! I : EXISTING 20" LINE: i I USING A DIRECT TAP SLEEVE ~ fA\ M102 1. W TO HOSE BIBB, ROUTE LINE ABOVE LOUVER FAIRMOUNT (630) ZONE ~~OW MEDIUM (419) ZONE 1/2. AIR RELEASE, V-744 EXST 20. DIP ;'-/ (419 P:ES ZONE) -~, " .:!:..O;' ~~ ""......-. i II ~SURGETANK ,J , I T-6-1 I , ',~ , l r,.-- --1 l I :-F-"'l . --- <i. l[) ,fffiQ) I , -- ,'G-- , L_._ 6-',,505 j .____.__...__ ..0. _, " 4. CAST IRON HUB DRAIN UP FOR RAIN WATER AIR COMPRESSOR FOR SURGE CONTROL, SEE SPEC SECTION 15209, EXTEND X. DRAIN TO FLOOR DRAIN SEE SITE PLAN DWG C117 FOR CONTINUATION INVERT 336 5' ~;ROOF- DRAIN ----l~---~ I L- L.. SEE 15209 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ~ !__~~~._~_M~~.______________~_ ______A~_~ I i ENGINE GENERATOR NOTE 1. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE EXISTING WATER AND STORM DRAIN AT ALL CROSSINGS AND CONNECTION POINTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO CONFIRM CONNECTION TYPE, ELEVATION, LOCATION AND CONDITION ____l 2, CONFIRM SUCTION AND DISCHARGE SIZES WITH ENGINEER FOR PUMPS BEFORE ORDERING MATERIALS , L-__~_~__~.__~_ -~~ ---------- ----.-~-___~___~~~___ -,- -~-----..-. - , I ~____J___.e.LA~___,... _ ___.._.. ___ _._____....____.,_____ ..___________ 3Ia. = 1'-{J. CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING o I' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON MECHANiCAl WATER PUMP STATION MECHANICAL PLAN SHEET 38 OF 58 DWG M101 DATE JUNE 200S PROJ 323194 WU J YANG CHK A STORBO APVD 0 BERSCHAUER WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION NO DATE REVISION BY PVD A ::l :E ::!; N X U €) LL o ~ !e;;j ox O::::!; ILN wX i=~ ",0 ~~ !.1~ 6:!::l wo:: 6"'0 -,x ~~ cnffi ~~ 00:: 0::;: l1.w lSi= >->- z=> wO ::!;X ::>!::: 0::;: tit> :;;w ~~ ~ Zw ~5 ~~ ~~ ~~- 0l1. ~~ -0:: "'0 ~~ "'0 C~~ Oz :l-: ;g!J} 0::> _w wm ~e 015 :lz !Z'!a ~~ ::>-, 0-, 8% ",::!; _N XX >-0 en !z w ::!; ::> u o o LL o W '" ::> w or:: o I I I I I I IJ I I' I I '" ~ ." .,: '" I ~ '" .J '" !1 E " 0 I, ~ =t! ~ ~ :> I ~ , I ... '" ~ I '" ,/ e- n. 2 0 z 11 I " EO ~~ ~~ ~E I "'D "'" D'" ~e .. gol :ell) ~g I ." '" ~~ .5" Ii" E' I gij ~:g on: WEST UGA (677) ZONE EL 341.00 ..:L.. EL. 339 00 z ::i: 4" DRAIN FROM COMPRESSOR '\ ~V506 ~ FLANGE x RESTRAINED JOINT ADAPTER ffi M101 SLEEVE PIPE WHERE PIPE PASSES THRU THICKENED SLAB,TYP,SEE~ ~ SLEEVE PIPE WHERE VENT PASSES THRU THICKENED SLAB, SEE ~ ~ SECTION 318" = 1'.{)" lj .^~ !, ~' Ifli ~~ U ;!- .;~ it-ji il J I] ;rA't i . , I-t-r1 I: ;! t~ 'w. ~ II HUB DRAIN If-~ ~~~[ ==-J-l"T~P .. , 4" )-~ .... ~i--'+- " , t~- ii' I ' HUB DRAIN Ir~;; FOR ROOF 'I " DRAIN~ ii",! ;'--'1u" ", - ~ - --~-- ----'--.-- _.._---~,_. :::::"::.::-: =1' . - 4- --~:~:'<.,,>;f.::,:::;;j;/ - " EL. 341 00 EL. 339 00 EL 336.00 EL. 341 00 EXIST 20" DI IE 330.54:1: ~ 12" MJ X FLG RESILENT SEAL GATE VALVE, TYP ffi M101 SECTION 318" = 1'.{)" ffi M101 318" = 1'.{)" JYANG CHK A STORBO APVD D BERSCHAUER VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl ORAWlNG o I' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST BY !<I.PVD I SCALES ACCOROINGL Y WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON MECHANICAL WATER PUMP STATION MECHANICAL SECTIONS NO I DATE REVISION 4" DOUBLE ClEANOUT CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 39 OF 58 DWG M102 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU A...J ...J :;: ~ I o €> I.L o ~ ~;;! OI a::::E ll.N WI j:!:~ enO -,Z ~Q ~~ Wa: B eno :;;!j:!: Z:> 0< cnffi :31= ~~ ll.W lSj:!: !Z~ wO :::EI =>1::: f!:3: en..... zO ~a ~[f z'lli WI ffiE> I>- o~ ~a: ~12 o - g,~ Oll. Oz Z- -a: ~O ClW 05 C~~ Oz ~-- ~~ o=> _w wm j:!::;? 0..... ~~ !Z'!2 wO :::E:i: g~ OI en:::E ~iS ~ w :::E => g a I.L o U.I en ::> U.I a: D I I I I I I I I I I I '" ~ "V .. ... ~ N I J ,., ~ E e: '" ;; I ~ ~ ~ :> i I ~ I .. ... ~ N ,., I ~ lL ::E '" Z ~ e: ..- E,! I ::Ie: 8.e ;i'li' ~E l;:Q. e:N I €~ /~ .. gol :ell) ..0 "'0 N "V I' 5~ :Ie: e:" ...., E ::I. U-o 8;! /0 I On: ..-. ~ EL 41825 ~ G;) FLOAT SWITCH INSTALLATION ULTRASONIC LEVEL MENTITRANSMITTER INSTALLATION c;) HIGH HIGH LEVEL ALARM EL 4100 HIGH LEVEL ALARM EL 4080 LAG ON EL 406 0 LAG OFF EL 404 0 LEAD ON EL. 404 0 LEAD OFF EL. 401 0 LOW WATER ALARM EL. 400 0 EL 399 0 EL. 398 0 2-HYDROMATIC S4NX PUMPS ~ 10'-0" 10'-0" EQUIPMENT LIST 0 4" SWING CHECK VALVE WI LEVER AND WEIGHT, V608 0 4" PLUG VALVE, V405 CD 4" D I. 90" BENDS, FLxFL 0 4" D I SPOOL, FLxFL, 40" LONG W/BLlND FLANGE 0 4" D.I. CROSS, FLxFL 0 6" SPARLING WATERHAWK FLOWMETER, MODEL 621 0 2-2" SST GUIDEBARS 0 SST INTERMEDIATE GUIDE BAR BRACKET, 6' SPACING 0 4" 0.1. SPOOL, FLxFL, LENGTH AS REQUIRED @ SST LIFT CABLE WITH SPLICE PIN AT TOP @ SST CATCH FOR EACH PUMP LIFT CABLE, LIFT EMBED 3" CABLE TO HAVE WELDED. STUD TO FIT CATCH MIN (TVP) SST HOOK FOR EACH PUMP W/SST KELLUM GRIPS, @ EPOXY SEAL-OFF, AND STRAIN RELIEF @ 8' DIA. PRECAST LID WITH DUAL DUPLEX ACCESS HATCHES. @ NON-SHRINK GROUT. TYPICAL OF ALL PENETRATIONS @ 4" D I. SPOOL, FLxFL, 20" MIN W/BLlND FLANGE --- /---........, /,/ ......... '\. / / '\ \ II I I II ~ \ \ \\ ,'\. t::::: ~ WETWELL PUMP STATION PLAN 318"=1'-0" EL. 418 25 ~ SECTION 318"=1'-0" T HASTINGS JYANG D BERSCHAUER D BERSCHAUER NO. DATE WETWELL fA\ REVISION EL.41475 4" PVC DRAIN PIPE VAULT 96" DIA TYPE /I PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE SUPPORT PIPE AND FORM CHANNEL WITH CONCRETE INSTALL CONCRETE FILL AS SHOWN ON FULL PERIMETER. BY VERIFY SCALE BAA IS ONE INCH ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING o I' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST VD SCALES ACCOROINGL Y CH2MHILL WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION ~.25 DISCHARGE INV EL. INSTALL CONCRETE FILL AS SHOWN ON FULL PERIMETER SECTION 318"=1'-0" (8\ CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON @ 1" ASHCROFT SST OIL FILLED PRESSURE GAUGE (l)..160 PSI), WITH EPDM DIAPHRAGM ISOLATOR. PROVIDE 1" SADDLE TAP WITH SST NIPPLE. @ PIPE SUPPORT, GRINNELL NO. 264 OR EQUAL. fi8I CONNECT TO 4" PVC WITH ROMAC 501 COUPLING \Y OR APPROVED EQUAL. @ 4" D I. SPOOL, PExPE, LENGTH AS REQUIRED @ 4" 0 I. SPOOL, FLxPE, LENGTH AS REQUIRED @ 4" D I. SOLID SLEEVE FLEXIBLE COUPLING. @ 4" DISMANTLING JOINT, AWWA C219. @ INSTALL 4" TF-2 TlDEFLEX CHECK VALVE (TIDEFLEX TECHNOLOGIES INC) ON DRAIN FROM VAULT @ RESTRAINED TRANSITION ADAPTER, ROMAGRIP OR EQUAL. @ POLYPROPYLENE PLASTIC STEPS (LADDER RUNGS) SHALL BE POLYPROPYLENE PLASTIC STEP INJECTION MOLDED AROUND A 1/2-INCH DIAMETER ASTM A615, GRADE 50, STEEL REINFORCING BAR. STEP DIMENSION AND PATTERN SHALL CONFORM TO THE WSDOT/APWA SECTION 7-03 5 @ 56-1/4" x 33-1/8" HYOROMATIC DUPLEX HATCH @ 24" STD. H20 MANHOLE ACCESS LID @ 5' x 3' DUAL H20 ACCESS DOORS @ 4" 01 BLIND FLANGE SYSTEM No. 18 SPECIAL SEALER - CONCRETE, SEE SECTION 09900, PAINTING AND PROTECTING COATINGS SYSTEM No. 19 CONCRETE TANK LINING - DOMES SEE SECTION 09900, PAINTING AND PROTECTING COATINGS INFLUENT PIPE EL. 410.14 FLEX COUPLING 8" PVC TEE 45" (MIN) CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 MECHANICAL SEWER PUMP STATION PLAN AND SECTIONS SHEET 40 OF 58 OWG M103 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU A ::i :;: :0; N :x: o €> u.. o ~-1 ~::::! O:X: "':0; Q.N w:X: :x:0 I-lL ",0 ~~ OJ:::: ~~ w'" B"'o --':x: <I- z:> 0< c;;ffi :3~ ~~ Q.w lL:X: 01- 1-1- z=> wo ~E "';;; tib ~w ~3 !{,!If .'" Zw wi= "'0 w>- ;;~ w", ~:2 ~~ OQ. ~~ -'" "'0 ~~ "'0 w:x: Co;;; Oz ~-: ~~ 0:> _w weD ~~ 01- ~~ !Z'!I? w'" :o;~ G:::I gz ",::E ~g ~ Z w :0; :> o o a u.. o w '" :> w '" D G KNOX I T PRICE JYANG CHK A STORBO APVD D BERSCHAUER I NO I DATE I .1. I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I' I 4- THRU 36- PIPE ~ A STD PIPE FLANGE ATTACH TO CONC WITH 4 SST STUD TYPE WEDGE ANCHORS 1 112- GROUT PIPE SUPPORT NTS .,. .. .., -i '" ;;; N '1 ~ ~ E " o ~ :e ~ ~ => 1;; ~ I ... '" ;;; ~ Q. ~ o z / .:J " ..- E" ~~ 8€ ~1.' ~~ ~~ €.;: /- .. go. :Bit) ..0 11>0 N .., ~~ .:J" "" ..... E ".. n oz /0 oiL I LLJ M101,M102 9- e- 9- e- 9- e- ll- W 11- 13 1/2- 131/2" 13112- 13112- 13112" 131/2- 16- I rA MACHINE ~ BOLT, TYP 00 ~ ,~ OFFSET PIPE CLAMP COOPER MINE B314S, OR EQUAL 314- THR~ l:::::+--J S-PIPE PLAN OR VER'i'iCAl:PIPE ELEVATION PROVIDE PIPE PROTECTION BARRIER AS SPECIFIED. FABRICATE OVERSIZE CLAMP WHERE REQUIRED CONCRETE FLOOR OR WALL-..... SECTION ;,;ro 4:l! PIPE SUPPORT WALL MOUNTED NTS ~ Ml01 PIPE CONDUIT SILICONE SEALANT N0.790 OR EQUAL ..--.Ie::: MooULAR MECHANICAL SEAl ASSEMBLY WI SST BOLTS & NUTS AS SPECIFIED lIT r4- UNLESS OTHERWISE / r SHOWN ON PLANS .--- I--.. CONCRETE FLOOR ~ r- t-- .. . .... :. ~.~:'''O-..''I ;~~;-;€~o c?: ,. 'D_ C,. -',- - R ~ II .. STEEL WALL PIPE WI1:~~ ~:o.:::o/. . THK STL SEEP RING - l::::::.f...- COAT AS SPECIFIED ' SEEP RING DIA.= SLEEVE DIA. +4- ~~'O;~~'O NOTES' 1 COAT FLOOR SLEEVE AS SPECIFIED BEFORE CONCRETE PLACEMENT 2. WALL AND FLOOR PENETRATION WHEN USED IN EXTERIOR BELOW GRADE WALLS PROTECT NUTS AND BOLT THREADS WISILlCONE SEALANT FLOOR PENETRATION NTS LI:J Ml0l,Ml02 REVISION BY !o.PVD VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING o /" IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJ\JST SCALES ACCORDINGLY CH2MHILL WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I ____ PRESSURE GAUGE 114- NATIONAL ...-- PIPE THREAD 1/4- GAUGE COCK PROCESS PIPE SEE NOTES 1 AND 2 --+-- t PRESSURE GAUGE NOTES. 1 FOR STEEL, GALVANIZED STEEL, AND pvc 21/2" AND SMALLER USE A BUSHING IN A TEE 2 FOR DUCTILE IRON AND FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PIPE, ALL SIZES, USE PIPE SADDLE WITH BUSHING. 3 FOR STEEL AND STAINLESS STEEL PIPES 3" AND LARGER, AND PRESSURE VESSELS, USE THRED-O-LET AS SHOWN. 4 PROVIDE SNUBBER FOR POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMP INST AlLA TIONS. 5 FOR THE lOCATION OF USE FOR THE PRESSURE GAUGE, SEE DWGS So-12 AND SD-l2A PRESSURE GAUGE MOUNTING NTS LU M101 1-#4x3' -0" FOR ATTACHMENT APPLICATION, SEE SPECIFICATION 15100 ~,.. :Q ....0.. : -(.. .. '~.>~:-. {J;fO -fl' I-' ROD THREADED EACH END AND SIZED FOR lOAD AND SPACING 112- THRU S- PIPE - fil a: a uJ a: ~~ SPLIT PIPE RING, WITH TURNBUCKLE ADJUSTER SIZED FOR PIPE PIPE HANGER NTS ~ M1D1,Ml02 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON I BOLT LOCATION OF SEE NOTE 3 MOUNTING HOLES, WALL MOUNT, TYP <( RACK TYPE TYPE A-314- HOSE DIMENSION IN INCHES NOTES. 1 INTERIOR UNITS SHALL BE FABRICATED FROM liS" A-36 STEEL PLATE AND ENTIRE UNIT SHALl BE HOT DIP GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION. 2 EXTERIOR UNITS SHALL BE FABRICATED FROM 3116" 6061-T6 ALUMINUM ALLOY PLATE 3 ATTACH TO CMU WALL WITH (4) - 3/S- STAINLESS STEEL MASONRY ANCHORS 4 ATTACH TO VERTICAL HANDRAIL OR INDIVIDUAL POST WITH PLATES AND (4)- 3/S" STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS 5 ATTACH TO STEEL COLUMN WITH (4)- 31S" ROUND HEAD BOLTS, ONE IN EACH CORNER. INSERT DOUBLE SPACER NUTS BETWEEN COLUMN AND HOSE RACK. HOSE RACK NTS ~ Ml01 CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 MECHANICAL SHEET 41 OF 58 DWG Ml04 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU MECHINICAL DETAILS A :::l :I: i!l :J: o €> ~ ... o ~ Ir. w.... 0..... 0:1: Ir::!! ~g i=... ",0 ~ 0>" ~~ wlr B"'o ~5 5< -z m~ ~~ "-w lSi= !Z5 wO ::!;i= ~~ :;;..... zO I-~a ~g: "" zw wi= Iro ~~ l!!1r ~~ 0"": &:~ 00. ~~ -Ir !:10 "'W -.... 11>0 c~~ ~~ 11>0 ;5~ o=> _w WID i=~ 0..... :ii:~ !Z'!!l wo ::!;:ii: g;;! 0:J: I-!!?~ i=o ~ z w ::0 => o o o ... o Ul U) => w rr: o .- - .. IIIIr, - - .. - - - - - - - - - .. C:\Documlnte ond Settlngl\rbenftll\l.ty Documlnte\NDtolProJ\J23194 - WIll UGA utflltl..\10nm40ScLJ2JI94.dwg Plotted: Jun 15, 2005 - 11 :22pm by rbenftll ~ ~ f6 o ;>; z p ~ m ~ c;; o z ~ ~ o ~~iIO i~ ~ gm~ ~~ ~ 1M I~ ~ !:( ~ n z N I: J: - r- r- :E m ~ c ~ c -; ;= :3 fJJ ~ z 00 ~ () ~ ~~ 00" :to z::j ~)> oz ZCl m r- m 00 z o -t c en m o -<0 0)> c::: r- or- G5tii :ll ~ 0 ~ gg:co o in ::EGJ m 9C ~ ~ ~::o ifi~ ()1qJ o :;.u m w '- ~ i ~ m ~ ~ :;: m () ~ ~ :;: ~ o 0 '" ." 8l o () 00 THIS DOCUMEN1, AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREINJoS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF CH2M HILL AND I~ NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR ANY OTHE" PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF CH2MHILL )> ~CH2M HILL REUSE OF DOCUMENTS' - - .... I I I I I I [Pl00] I I I I I I r ." -+ Gl ., '" I J 0 "' " .s i I i! ~ ~ ::> -;; I' I I .... Gl ., '" I i :2 0 ~ " ,,- I E~ :>" 8.e i'~ ~E l;1>. ,,~ I .e~ /~ . ~t ~~ ." g I 5~ .B" ,,:> e-' :>.. 81: I ~ oiL CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT (PACL) (NQTE~ 5) 6. :j CT ENCLOSURE - - - I SERVICE MAIN BREAKER (NOTE 2) I 800 r-.. r I I I I _--1 SS-2-1 (NOTE 6) METER BASE [Pl06] ~ _ _ _ J 450 KW, 563 KVA STANDBY 4801277V 3-PH, 4-WIRE I GEN-ll I 350 SS-2-2 (NOTE 6) ~. ~ MCC-01] - - - - - - - - - - - - 800A, 480V, 3-PHASE, 3-WIRE, GND, 42,OOOSCCR, CU SS 50A ) 6. ~ XFMR.{)l _ 480V- X B 1201208V ~ 3-PHASE 15 kVA DPL [Pl12] SS SS Z I- a: ~ <( Z g~ a: a: .-~ ."~ -~ "~ ffi~ u. :5 w w a:0 a:' f3~ ~ I- oci ~ 00", wO N ?- M Oa: ii5 rtz N ..Jz ' ~z ~ I-z , I- Z , rn 8w a:, w 1L a.. C':' CJ)D.. ~ (/H1. ';' (fl[l.';' :::> w [l.[l. J: J: Ia. c:L J:~ [l. O~ [l. O~ll. O~ ~~I- ffi~ a:~ ~ I-~ t:'i' C)~ -:::> ~::> 0:::> 0::> 0:::> ~tt~ _0 zr. ZJ: J:[l. J:[l. al[l. al[l. al[l. C)J: <(0 :::>w :::>::> '--- J ---...y-- (NOTE 4, 6) NOTE 1 SIZED BY GENERATOR MFR. 2. BREAKER AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SERVICE ENTRANCE RATED, WITH AN SCCR OF AT LEAST 42,OOOA. 3. PROVIDE WITH 150VA CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMER ADDITIONAL LOAD DUE TO LOUVERS. 4 PROVIDE MCC SPACE FOR FUTURE UPGRADE TO 50 HP. 5 NEW UTILITY WORK. SEE PART III, SETION1.{)4, SCOPE OF WORK, IN PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. 6 SEE CONTROL DIAGRAM ffi El04 B BADGELEY V MAXEY -SUHR D WAGNER D BERSCHAUER VOLTAGE. 208/120 PHASE, WIRES: 3, 4 NO. I DATE VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl. ORAWlNG o I' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCOROINGL Y CH2MHILL WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION REVISION BY ,",PVD I L [Pl08] [Pl09] [Pll0] [P111] SERVICE RATED' NO NEUTRAL. BONDED MOUNTING: IN MCC FEED: TOP/BOTTOM KVA DESCRIPTION 030 SCP-13 040 LIGHTS, OUTSIDE 0.36 OUTSIDE RCPT C2Ccll180VA 0.10 SMOKE DETECTORS SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE CB 20/1 1 20/1 3 20/1 5 20/1 7 20/1 9 20/1 11 20/1 13 20/1 15 20/1 17 20/1 19 TOTALS CKT CB 2 20/1 4 20/1 6 20/1 8 15/1 10 20/1 12 20/1 14 20/1 16 20/1 18 20/1 20 20/1 AMPS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON " [P116] CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 ELECTRICAL WATER PUMP STATION ONE - LINE SHEET 43 OF 58 DWG E101 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU ::J ~ ~ :I: U ~ LL o J:;: "". W--' I>.=' 0:1: lE~ Wo ~LL ",0 ~~ ~~ ffiD:: Bi~ 0< cnffi fflt:; ~~ I>.w ~~ ffi~ ~E "":;: ~ti ~w ~o ~lE "" :z:W w~ ""0 w,.. ~~ ~"" ~12 ~~ 01>. ~~ -"" "'0 ~~ "'0 C~~ ~~- ~fj} 0::> _w wID :1:0 >->- 0>- ~~ >-~ :Z:o ~~ G::J 8~ ",::!: _N :1::1: >-0 Iii >- z w ::; ::> o o o u.. o w '" ::> w "" D I I I I I I I I I I I i -i '" r; I N ~ 0 ~ c: 0 /. I ! ::> I ~ ~ I .... '" ~ ,., I I ~ z ~ c: I ~- E~ ,,~ 8.e :t~ ~E I ~~ .e9. /~ , .. go, :28 Jlo I ~~ ,,~ i~ E-' I~ UGo -Z'_ ~ (S303) -- ----. -,~ PS-6-1 [C203] ''', W, BADGELEY DR V MAXEY -SUHR CHK D WAGNER APVD D BERSCHAUER 'NO I DATE \~ (P100] 1 (NOTE 2,5)~ I I I 1 \ \ \ i PAD MOUNTED UTILITY \ i TRANSFORMER, SEE , ' : COMBINED SITE PLAN " __. _____u H_ _ _ _ , _____ __ __ _________m_ ,: DWG C117 --+--;1 _~__,__, _ _'. , r ~ ~------------------------------------------------------------------------~- ; --'(SoL.~'F9IbHNOTE~tl--: - , - ~S-2 [C207) --~----~ _ :,:_--------- ____._=~ -Z- ___ , _,_ .r, .. m__ -,-- .--- . ___ """ f ~~ __~~::.~+~;;;E~}~~~-i~~.-=~ill=-- ,\ P.l-1 P-2-1 - ---, ! =~ I ,.,., r\- .. , I 1'-1 -,:;;::-.;;:::--,;::: -------::---, .--"/-~ ! -; d' _~ _ : __ (} k ' ~::-:~, - 1 J M ~~) --, -- , ~""";;:l. . II II ~, , - " i I ! I : Li U; ~.J~ l ,- "~~_~ ~-~t /~ \ -; - 4 ~ [Pll0) , ~+,-<--- _ 1::::::1"4 l -::r::::::::________I_ ---+'-'--'1'::L- 1-, ~I [C223] ____ ,:., , I ,---. --=-~=--__:~-------) 1 :t~~7: ~,---1^- ,--~,,-;:--;i3~ - ,-- -_r,~J:_____ '[P111) ;::J;_~ 1 'T--' ~~M , J"~M-t" < M ------ '::r::::r: e:n-~_L 2'" '= -, , ~"-1/' "> ' \ c, - ..1'""" -:<I ;y/r '""" """" I I """ ,,,,,:..::::uL ~te '" ,,' ~-::,LJ-7l'---~-~--- W-"--) I ;__ _ ;; I 1 ~-:'-~ , l W =----------'1""'" 1'---' " I I" 1__" " J'--.D-;-~-------- t:p J:! ----,---ffi--~\ I'n,;-T-I -!:-~-1J'r-'11,-E)=--f~,in,---,-----I-- -- ~ ~ 1.1----;' \-" t-',c--'~--.---HU'---,'y;-~-"r- If I,J-;I" hi 'i""" 'I I Illl I, ~ ", .'; '1 .:' " n >'1 " 'I '-,,' . ,I , ' '). rc~~~) It ~J :,1 .it ~':;-~ -lli----~-..:~tjllL---J~, 11 ~r ,;;.~ _';'~___~_L_, u __., --':fu'~'-~~",:' '-ru--u___--Ht--_T"-t__. -==:=-:u _.....! -~---~ r. . -- 'r, I +--r--L-------- -- ---------- I ~I --- ,- --------~,- - - - '---'1" Ii, " PIT-9 I YA-7-3B I I I I , '".-- (S300] (NOTE 6) I I I' ,:-J.__ ", \ (NOTE 4) ~ (P108) , I I' (P106) J,/'" I Ii:; I :, ' } (C22O]: 1 (C221] --"-11,;1---,' '--,' I I ,ill \" SS-2-2, III [C216] I : I I I SS-2,1' I ''-'-=- ~i' I' I [C?15), 'I' 1 "~it~ -""i: 1 1-- --- n__ "_n_ - - --j~~::} ~~,~~lti' :;~ ~' 1_,' J __ ____,_~, '_un ~ _fl!:~:Q1. __________.' .l,-- :,--=_=-,.=:,-~l- _ L"__,,u L:,,~I l- t:_ __ _:.-E_,___ ----u-- --I -- I ,,,, ~', ;'-- ---- -. '-n:TI$-1 1--'- -----ffi~I1___----HH,-i-- II I ", .._____ 1 YA-7-3A ~'j:I-----'JI: [C219)' --,---------- ,,- '1,_ IlIlll IP119D V -...J:; (NOTE 6) ATS-10 [C21 0] MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER GENERATOR E-STOP (NOTE 9) [C218] J, __; (P103]----f ! I ! I I TYP , I l i """-------- CT ENCLOSURE : i i I ! I , I , I I I I I r--~-"'-~--~- G - ---'1---- GI I CB '-- BATTERIES [P118] COOLANT HEATER fP113) ~ CONTROL PANEL I [C211) [C217) [C218) I ' GEN-11' I ENGINE GENERATOR PLAN ~ REVISION VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INOHlN ORIGiNAl DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INOi ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST BY !lr.PVD I SCALES ACCORDINGlY WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON , , I : ~^"- 1 I j I I ~'-.~ I, i' 'I 'I 1 ---9.S-7 [C202] -- - ..~---- lS-7-2 [C201) SCP-13 (P117) fC212] _ ____ ______I -~_.- - NOTES. 1, PROVIDE FOR WIRING OF TWO SOLENOID CONTROL VALVES FOR SURGE TANK CONTROL -- G E!) : 2, SEE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM, DWG E101, FOR POWER I CALLOUTS AMONG MAJOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 3, FOR DEVICES ALONG WEST WALL ROUTE CONDUITS OVERHEAD AND DOWN WEST WALL 4 ROUTE UNDER SLAB, 5 SEE CONDUIT AND CABLE SCHEDULE ON E1Q4. 6 WIRE SMOKE DETECTOR OUTPUTS IN SERIES AND POWER FROM COMMON CIRCUIT BREAKER 7 WIRE PER CONTROL DIAGRAM LD, E104 8, PROVIDE 1 112" PVC CONDUIT WITH PULLSTRING FROM CP-WPS TO NEAREST FIBER OPTIC HAND HOLE. f SEE DWG C117, I 9 PROVIDE BREAK GLASS COVER AND SPOT MUSHROOM I HEAD E-STOP BUTTON IN WALL BOX. MOUNT 5 FT AFF ! i I o o 1 I , I CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 80D-424-5555 ELECTRICAL WATER PUMP STATION ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN SHEET 44 OF 58 OWG E102 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU A=:j :;: ii5 is 9 LL o ~ ffi....i o..=' 0:<: O:~ Go'" w:<: :<:0 I-LL ",0 -20 wO Q~ ~~ wo: B"'o :;i~ z::> 0< u;ffi 121:: 00: 0::;:: o..w LL:<: 01- !Z5 wO ~:<: :::>1- ~:: ~M ~~ "'Go ~ Zw -:<: l:\J1- wO :<:>- o~ ~o: ~f2 0": 0..0: 0:< 80.. 2O~ -0: ~o Q~ "'0 c~~ 020 ~-: ~~ o=> _w wm ~~ 01- ~~ I-~ 200 ~~ 8;; 0:<: "'~ ~g ~ z w ::E ::> U o o LL o W '" ::> ::! D I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ... . '" ;;; I ~ ~ 5 I I 1'3 ::> . I ~ ~ I .... '" ~ n I' f , z ~ e I -- E- :0"" 81 ~A' I i~ en .e9. ......e .. gol ~:g I :. ~: _:0 E-' jii I~ o~ 2 'Z'_ EH-1 EXHAUST LOUVER ~~~~ - , I 'lb --. --~- =-,,~, --:_'~='.i----~--=-~~~r~r;~~~~~~-~_~-- ~~~~~~~__ _ ~:;:"t'"~1:~~:::::~;n,,'t il, ,/,oo-{'::' i9!:=;-l~~i'i~-=-___-=<-==_~:__"_J --=- - .~ ,cl-':~);W'U-':::Jdl'l; :11 f;~AC",- ;~.--~i;:j~/ :'~ ~::,-~.:=:::.:- ::;r~-1t=.::}::~.-:::=::::.- tt:~-----=- "", ;;:~~ ,-'--- I - (i) Ib '~n ~____ _.I~-~ Ib O~;~-t;:-;-~,,::::~ __I · 1__ _J]) . _J~_m -.S,___________ ~-~-- 30" DEEP PLENUM BOX INSTALL WITH 1" SOUND LINING MOUNT OPERATOR AT BOTTOM OF __. LOUVER (NOTE 4) I (i) Ib II -;.; >'lBDlf ':\ ('''''' " , '"' ~>ltcJL'-_cliJi f~ / rn> > -- ,,"'-c, in---------1r, '~-~ I ' I" 1 I, ; r " 'i '" I 0) L___ ' -'- ,,_on), ><, ,,'~, " ----- _wu'__, '--<:.,,~"I'1 ili l,~ PI (]) ;:1 b .J!!..-J t--:~:u"-- I r.\ ') II " -~ J, '<.' __ I, \!I-::- I -----'1'-________ G '"J-o- _~ ___<_______ 'I ~ lL_______. u: ______~---::::::.n ______ ______ " I I EF-1 SEE SPEC 15830. INSTALL AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE SUPPORT ~ OF FAN'Wrrlj PDH WALL BRACKET-FIGJl5O. TYPE 3 OR EQUIVALENT '~ : ~~~~~~~~-~~~~;t(~~E~- ".. : , ! ,- . ----., '-,- , -- m__ - - . HALF OF FAN Wl1rlSTR~ ; " ',,__<< __ -L--,,-..~'~~~~~~t_ ___" FROM WALL TO ROOF '- __, I 1 fi ~'"-~.r.\'fI\"".:,, ._~~, STRUCTURE ABOVE "L I I O~iLLr!~' ._-:} (NOTE l)TYP 1-1-j-, _ ~"~~:,:--., I ' I 1 '-~ .~--- -- - TYPL.!i E107 MAIN BREAKER \ \ \ \ I , .. -- --- --- ---fl'" $~S3It ! l~ IU -------- _ ;E!~~ _;;~_~~_0_ J~-- .--J_-=~~--~~~~J_ ...~_..J I ,(NOTE2V I I' / I ,./ , SINGLEPOLE120VACTHERMoSTAT1--1 L->'~- -----I ON WALL CONTROL EF-1 AND: i MOTORIZED LOUVERS MOUNT c_ - - -- - ---. , <~' (NP) (NO"") \\ '\ ,\, " -- \~\ ,\\ \ " '\ \' ,\ \ / , ~ V qpWP MCC-01 GFJ ",~--1-___~__ __._~y____ .___ - --0~ , I ____.....L.. I i I I I I I . , I ENGINE GENERATOR NOTES. 1. SEE DWG E101 FOR HVAC POWER TAGS. 2 MOUNT ALL OUTSIDE LIGHTS AT 9'-4" TO BOTTOM. COORDINATE WITH BUILDING BLOCK. 3. MOUNT AT 10'-0" AFF 4 WIRE LOUVER OPERATORS AND THERMOSTAT (T-STAT) PER CONTROL DIAGRAM ~ < E104 , , " PLAN ~ BY VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o I' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST 'VD I SCALES ACCORDINGlY. WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION W. BADGELEY DR V MAXEY-SUHR CHK D WAGNER APVD D BERSCHAUER I NO I DATE 'I .. ~ ~ INTAKE LOUVER WP =€) EJ c CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON ELECTRICAL WATER PUMP STATION HVAC AND ELECTRICAL FACILITY PLAN I I , -- \ - :~~tt;~~~=='E~ ..-- ."!~~~;e: ! ~. 'WP n .GFI =€)..... - -- I I REVISION MOUNT OPERATOR AT TOP OF LOUVER (NOTE 4) --- ---.-------1 I ---_.~-,---- . , i , ! CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 45 OF 58 DWG E103 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU A ::l :;: :!: N is €> u. o ~ ~;;! O:I: a::!: ::;15 ~~ -z wO u- ~~ LUa: B(I)O =<!!3 ~< -z f3~ ~~ o.w u.:I: 01- 1-1- z::> wO :!::I: ::>~ e:1- ~frl ~~ (1)0. ~ ZLU ~5 w>- ~:t t!!a: C2~ ~...... O~ ~~ -a: (1)0 ZLU lila C:g~ Oz ~~ (1)0 U'i~ 0::> _w LUtD ~e 01- ~~ !z'!2 !I!!~ g~ 0:I: !2~ ~iS o ~ LU :!: ::> u o o u. o LU (I) ::> UJ a: D I I I I I I I I I I I '" ;0 ." ... '" ;;; N I '1 ~ 0 '2 e 0 ;:- " . I ;e ;; ::;) ~ "Iii I .; I ... '" ;;; N ,., / I e- n. :of 0 z 'B e .- E.!! g1 oi! I ~~ :of'" .cE .!a. e~ I ,e~ /~ " ~I ~., .0 "'~ I ~.n 0_ .Be e:o .., E :0.. U." o. 0:1:: I /0 uiL CONDUIT AND CABLE SCHEDULE TAG FROM TO CONDUIT CONDUCTORS NOTES P100 UTlLTIY TRANSFORMER CT ENCLOSURE 3-4" 3#300,1#1/0N EA P101 CT ENCLOSURE MAIN CB 3-3" 3#300, 1#1/0N, 1#1/0G EA P102 MAIN CB ATS-10 3-3" 3#300, 1#1/0N, 1#1/0G EA P103 GEN-11 ATS-10 2-4" 3#500.1#1/0N,1#1/OG EA P104 ATS-10 MCC-01 3-3" 3#300, 1#1/0N.1#1/0G EA P105 SS-2-1 MCC-01 4" 3#500, 1#3G CONDUITS SIZED FOR FUTURE P106 P-2-1 SS-2-1 4" 3#500, 1#3G CONDUITS SIZED FOR FUTURE P107 SS-2-2 MCC-01 4" 3#500, 1#3G CONDUITS SIZED FOR FUTURE P108 P-2-2 SS-2-2 4" 3#500, 1#3G CONDUITS SIZED FOR FUTURE P109 P-1-1 MCC-01 1 112" 3#6, 1#8G CONDUITS SIZED FOR FUTURE P110 P-1-2 MCC-01 1 112" 3#6, 1#8G CONDUITS SIZED FOR FUTURE P111 P-1-3 MCC-01 1 1/2" 3#6, 1#8G CONDUITS SIZED FOR FUTURE P112 EF-1 MCC-01 3/4" 3#12, 1#12G P113 GENSET COOLANT HTR MCC-01 1" 3#10,1#10G P114 ACP-12 MCC-01 3/4" 3#10, 1#10G P115 EH-1 MCC-01 3/4" 3#12, 1#12G P116 EH-2 MCC-01 3/4" 3#12, 1#12G P117 SCP-13 DPL-01 3/4" 2#12,1#12G 120VAC POWER P118 ATS-10 GEN-11, BATTERIES 1" 2#8 GENERATOR VDC BATTERY CHARGING P119 YA-7-3A,B DPL-01 3/4" 2#14,1#14G POWER BOTH SMOKE DETECTORS C200 ZS-7-1 CP-WPS 3/4" 2#14,1#14G C201 ZS-7-2 CP-WPS 3/4" 2#14,1#14G C202 as-7 CP-WPS 3/4" 4#14,1#14G INCLUDES 24VDC POWER C203 PSL-6-1 CP-WPS 3/4" 2#14,1#14G C204 ZS-8 CP-WPS 3/4" 2#14,1#14G C205 ZS-4 CP-WPS 3/4" 2#14,1#14G C206 PRV-4 CP-WPS 3/4" 2#14,1#14G 120VAC SOLENOID OPERATION SIGNAL C207 ZS-2 CP-WPS 3/4" 2#14,1#14G C208 FIT-1 CP-WPS 3/4" 2#14,1#14G 120VAC POWER C209 FIT-2 CP-WPS 3/4" 2#14,1#14G 120VAC POWER C210 ATS-10 CP-WPS 1" 10#14,1#14G 2 SPARE C211 GEN-11 CP-WPS 1" 8#14,1#14G 2 SPARE C212 SCP-13 CP-WPS 3/4" 6#14,1#14G 2 SPARE C213 ACP-12 CP-WPS 3/4" 2#14,1#14G C214 MCC-01 CP-WPS 1 112" 15#14,1#14G 6 SPARES C215 SS-2-1 CP-WPS 1" 12#14,1#14G 2 SPARE C216 SS-2-2 CP-WPS 1" 12#14,1#14G 2 SPARE C217 GEN-11 ATS-10 1" 4#12, 1#12G START/STOP, 2 SPARES C218 E-STOP GEN-11 1" 2#12,1#12G EMERGENCY STOP C219 YA-7-3A,B CP-WPS 3/4" 2#14,1#14G WIRE DETECTOR OUTPUTS IN SERIES C220 P-2-1 SS-2-1 3/4" 4#14,1#14G MOTOR TEMPERATURE SENSORS C221 P-2-2 SS-2-2 3/4" 4#14.1#14G MOTOR TEMPERATURE SENSORS C222 P-1-1 MCC-01 3/4" 4#14,1#14G MOTOR TEMPERATURE SENSORS C223 P-1-2 MCC-01 3/4" 4#14,1#14G MOTOR TEMPERATURE SENSORS C224 P-1-3 MCC-01 3/4" 4#14,1#14G MOTOR TEMPERATURE SENSORS S300 PIT-9 CP-WPS 3/4" 1 TYPE 3 S301 FIT-1 CP-WPS 3/4" 1 TYPE 3 S302 FIT-2 CP-WPS 3/4" 1 TYPE 3 / S303 PIT-3 CP-WPS 3/4" 1 TYPE 3 -----:~~~~~-----------l r-- I N I I I I I I r... I L 5' I ______ L____ 85-2-1 85-2-2 (NOTE 3) SS/PRV INTERLOCK CONTROL DIAGRAM NTS WATER PUMP STATION LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE NUMBER DESCRIPTION FLUORESCENT NON-METALlIC ENCLOSED AND GASKETED WET LOCATION RATED WITH ELECTRONIC BALLAST. MANUF/MODEL COLUMBIA / CAT #lUN4-232-EB8120 LAMPS 2-F32T8 VOLTS 120 MOUNTING PENDANT 2 SMALl WALl MOUNT LUMINAlRE. WET LOCATION RATED WITH ONE-PIECE POL YCARBONATE FRONT AND ALUMINUM BASE, AND PHOTOCEll GE / WS03S12OPE 35W HPS 120 WALL 3 SHARP CUTOFF WALl MOUNT FIXTURE, WET LOCATION RATED. GE /W25C2551A1GMEDDB 250W HPS 120 WALL CROSS- HATCH PROVIDE FIXTURE WITH EMERGENCY BALlAST B BADGELEY V MAXEY -SUHR D WAGNER D BERSCHAUER I NO I DATE VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INQl ON ORIGINAL ORAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST BY "'PVD I SCAlES ACCORDINGLY REVISION MOTOR TEMPERATURE SENSORS NOTES: 1, TEMPERATURE SENSOR CONTACTS AUTOMATICAlLY RESET UPON MOTOR COOL-OOWN. PROVIDE MANUAL RESET FUNCTION AT SOFTSTART. 2. PROVIDE FOR MANUAL ACROSS- THE-LINE STARTING IF P-2-l OR P-2-2 SOFTSTART SHOULD FAlL 3 PROVIDE CONTACT WHICH WILL OPERATE IN AJNY MANUAL OR AUTOMATIC RUNNING OF PUMPS P-2-l OR P-2-2. 4. PUMP SHALl RUN WHEN SWITCHED TO 'H', HAND. CH2MHILL ENCLOSU~E~ ,- . L1 . L1~ . L2 ~ L2 I L3 ~ L3 I G Gil I = I SOLENOID I FOR PRV-4 I I I f3\ I I I ~ C?~~ On.n. OMn. ~~~ 00 ... SOFT START WITH BYPASS AND ISOLATION CONTACTORS I T1 T2 T3 A ::l X i!i Q @ CONTROLS (SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FUNCTIONS) (NOTE 2) ETM (NOTE 4) A (XOO) (OOX) OPEERATOR INTERFACE MODULE DISPLAY AND KEYPAD M G I G 1 !o I I I I .... o ~ 0::. w-' n.~ O:J: g:~ ~Q ........ <nO ~~ ~~ B <no :ii!i= z::;) 0< -z i3~ ~~ n.w lSi= ........ z::;) WO ;:O:J: ::;)!::: 0:::;:: tit; ~w ~~ ~n. ~ w.... 0::0 ~~ wo:: ~~ 0,..: &~ 00.. ~~ -0:: <no ~~ <no w:z: Co:;:: ~~ <nO i'li~ 0::;) _w wOO i=::? 0.... ~!j1 !z"!!2 wO ;:o~ g;;;! 0:J: !!l~ i!'o ON PRV"" INTERLOCK RUN TO CP-WPS (OOX) S IN AUTO Y 0 120V M 120VAC POWER INPUT HIGH TEMP (NOTE 1) MOTOR HIGH TEMP --.J SOFTSTART (SS) ELEMENTARY CONTROL DIAGRAM f1\ NTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION OL'S I L OFF ON ~l__ I I Lj ~ T-STAT OL'S EF-1 CONTROL DIAGRAM NTS ELECTRICAL WATER PUMP STATION ELECTRICAL CONTROL DIAGRAMS AND PANEL SCHEDULE l I =1 I r~:=--=--=--0} LOUVER . I I --f'::\ OPERATOR I II (~ I I I ( . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ) l ) I _..-c....___ I . ) ) ~------- l!! z w ;:0 ::;) o o o .... o w '" ::;) w a: D (2\ CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 46 OF 58 DWG El04 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU I I I I I I I I I I I '" ~ ." ~ (II ;;; I N J on 0 ".l '" 0 I -? ~ ~ ~ ::> I 1;; ~ I ... (II ;;; N I ,. e- ll.. :E 0 z / .:l '" I CD_ ED ,,'"' u" 8! ~A' ~E I ,",0 U /- CD gol :eon ell 8 I ." N 5~ ./!I", "''' ~ CD., E ~;; I ~ On: MOBILE CB 't 100 AMP ELECTRICAL [ GENERATORiDISCONNECT AUTOMATIC l ENCLOSURE .Eh!& (NOTE 8) TRANSFER SS, NEMA 3R SWITCH (NOTE 10) r ~.- I: '-l'~T: ~- ;=.~ "i-"-'-':~~'~"~i~~~~~~~~1 100AF . I L._.._..L._ ._J I ~ (NOTE7)) (NOTE 7) ) i I __ 11 11 i I I PUMP CONTROL PANEL -.---.-..-..-..-, SERVICE MAIN BREAKER . -. , (NOTE 3) ~.1QQ& ) I 1100AF DPL-D2 UTILITY METER 1._ ._. _"_"_', ..-....- I KWH I I - '-"-"- ! I ~'-"-"- 1_.._._ '_ #4 BARE COPPER I I I I I I I I I I I I _../J GROUND PER NEC HH-l NEMA 7 ENCLOSURES, (TYP) LOCATED INSIDE HH-l PUMP CABLES, (TYP 2) INCOMING UTILITY SERVICE 240/120V/3PH,4W P-21-1 P-21-2 ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE DIAGRAM NTS NOTES' 1. COORDINATE WITH PORT ANGELES CITY LIGHT (PACL) REGARDING THE LOCATION AND DETAILED REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PUMP STATION POWER SUPPLY CONSTRUCT THE POWER SUPPLY AND CONFORM TO ALL CITY OF PORT ANGELES SCADA AND PACL REQUIREMENTS. 2. COORDINATE WITH CITY AND LOCAL FIBER OPTIC CABLE COMPANY REGARDING THE LOCATION AND DETAILED REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SERVICE. CONSTRUCT THE SERVICE AND CONFORM TO ALL COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS 3 BOND SYSTEM NEUTRAL AT MAIN BREAKER CONTINUE NEUTRAL TO ISOLATED NEUTRAL BARS IN ATS, PANELBOARD, AND PUMP CONTROL PANEL PROVIDE SEPARATE GROUNDING CONDUCTORS TO GROUNDING POINTS IN ALL EQUIPMENT. 4. NO PENETRATION OF ANY KIND THROUGH ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE TOP. ENCLOSURE MAY BE SUPPLIED WrTHOUT FEET IF ADDITIONAL SPACE IS NEEDED. 5. INSTALL SIGN INSIDE OF ENCLOSURE "WARNING! SYSTEM MAY BE SUPPLIED BY A BACKUP POWER SYSTEM. OPENING MAIN BREAKER WILL NOT DISCONNECT POWER". MINIMUM 1" HIGH LETTERING 6. AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH PROVIDED BY GENERATOR MANUFACTURER, AND INSTALLED AND WIRED BY CONTROL PANEL CONTRACTOR. 7 PROVIDE MCP TYPE DISCONNECTS SIZED FOR INITIAL 3HP MOTORS AND ADJUSTABLE TO ACCOMMODATE FUTURE 10HP MOTORS. 8. PROVIDE 100A, 3PH, 4W, 125/250 VAC, WATERTIGHT INLET TYPE PLUG: BRYANT #4100Bl2W WITH CLOSURE CAP AND 4-WAY ANGLED BACK BOX. 9. PROVIDE CIRCUIT BREAKER DISCONNECT IN NEMA 3R ENCLOSURE. 10. THE ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE AND ALL CONTENTS AND APPERTENANCES WILL BE SUPPLIED COMPLETE UNDER SPECIFICATION 13390 AND 13401 11. PROVIDE 2-2" PVC AND 1-1" PVC BURIED CONDUITS FROM BOTTOM OF ENCLOSURE TO POINT ADJACENT TO MOBILE GENERATOR PLUG FOR CONNECTION TO FUTURE ON-SITE GENERATOR CAP, MARK WITH REBAR, AND NOTE LOCATION ON AS-BUILTS B BADGELEY V MAXEY -SUHR DWAGNER D BERSCHAUER NO DATE REVISION --------------- .... =============-',', PVCCOATEDRGS ....\ \ ~ " [l"C, 2#12, 1#12G) I I i ~4 C, MSC) ZS-25-1 I ~ [314"C, 2#12, 1#12G) L~S:H~;2 ~ [314"C, 2#14, 1#14G) LE-23 III [314"C, 2#12, 1#12G) PVC COATED RGS 3 4 ~L[2"RGS' 3#2,1#4N,1#4G) E107 (NOTE 11) 3 Ij1 E107 I --...., I GROUND WELL \ I AND #4 BARE MOBILE I I COPPER GROUND GENERATOR PLUG AND ~ ELECTRIC POWER ELECTRICAL INCOMING UTILITY ENCLOSURE (NOTE 1) ~ 2" PVC - 3#1, l#2N \ ----~-------------~ UTILITY METER WITH SAFETY DISCONNECT BELOW -r---------------v--- FIB OPTIC AIR CONDo I I I I I I I E LIGHTS IIIIIII F SCADA [l"C, 4#12, 1#12G) I I I I I I I (NOTE 2) ~IIIIII " [1"C'2#12'1#12GI~ I I ~ 11/2 PVC-PULLSTRING / I I I I I PUMPS )':;"L / I I I I I I [l"C, 3#12, 1#12G) V---------- I I ~ [l"C 8#14 1#14G) } POLE LIGHT I I I I I I LEVEL SENSORS INTRINSICALLY /Ii"-... I I I I I I AND HATCH SWITCHES SAFE CIRCUITS L.!..J I I I I I I E106 I I I I ! ! _____ [l"C, 2-TYPE 3) LEVEL AND FLOW SENSORS IIII~ I I I I I ~ [l"C, l-TYPE 3) LEL SENSOR : : : : : I PUMP & LEVEL CABLES TERMINATION I I I I I I & ACCESS HAND-HOLE AND COVER I I I I I I UTILITY VAULT CO. I I I #3642-LA WITH #364-22P ~ I I I LOCKING STEEL COVER OR EQUAL L-1-J E106 CLASS I, DIV 1 INSIDE HH-l 2" PVC COATED RGS SLEEVE CONDUITS FOR PUMP CABLES 4-1" PVC COATED RGS SLEEVE CONDUITS FOR SENSOR CABLES PUMP CABLES, TYP AE-24-1 P-21-2 ZS-25-2 LOCATE AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER VALVE VAULT CLASS 1. DIVISION 1 AREA LOCATE AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER SCHEMATIC PLAN NTS PANEL: DPL-02 VOLTAGE 120/240 PANEL BUS 100 AMPS SERVICE RATED NO PHASE, WIRES 1, 3 MAlN_ 60A BREAKER NEUTRAL ISOLATED SCR (AMPS) 10,000 125% OF MAX BUS LOAD 15 AMPS MOUNTING SURFACE SOURCE ATS TOTAL LOAD 22 KVA FEED TOPIBOTTOM DESCRIPTION KVA CB CKT A B CKT CB KVA DESCRIPTION WETWELL & VALVE VAULT LIGHTS 030 15/1 1 67 2 15/1 0.50 ENCLOSURE HEATER ENCLOSURE LIGHT 010 15/1 3 4 20/1 018 RECEPTACLE ENCLOSURE AC 050 20/2 5 6 15/1 010 AIT-24-1 050 7 8 15/1 SPARE SPARE 20/1 9 10 2011 SPARE SPARE 20/1 11 12 2011 SPARE TOTALS 117 AMPS PANEL DETAIL NTS (5\ BY PVD VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o r IF NO. ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCAlES ACCORDINGlY CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION VALVE VAULT LIGHT SWITCH WET WELL LIGHT SWITCH YARD LIGHT SWITCH ENCLOSURE LIGHT SWITCH DUPLEX RECEPTACLE ENCLOSURE AIR COND AIT-24-1 FE-26 5 CONC PAD, SEE SYMBOL ., @ G o c @ o -t>I<I-- -l~ -----f"_ 151M r--.. -- 30 @ ~,~ o o MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER (NOTE 5) UTILITY METER PUMP CONTROL PANEL DPL-D2 ~ GROUND ROD GROUND BUS TO UTILITY HANDHOLE1, SEE DWG C118 FOR CONTINUATION l ~---f L FROM MOBILE GENERATOR PLUG ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE NTS LEGEND DESCRIPTION CONNECTION POINT TO EQUIPMENT SPECIFIED, FURNISHED AND INSTALLED UNDER OTHER SECTIONS, RACEWAYS, CONDUCTORS, AND CONNECTIONS UNDER THIS SECTION. MOTOR SQUIRREL CAGE, INDUCTION, HORSEPOWER INDICATED EXPOSED CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS CONCEALED CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS CONDUIT DOWN CONDUIT UP CONDUIT STUBBED AND CAPPED AS SHOWN RECEPTACLE, SPECIAL PURPOSE, AMPERAGE AS INDICATED JUNCTION BOX, NEMA 1 ENCLOSURE, UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE LETTER SYMBOLS OR ABBREVIATIONS INDICATE TYPE OF DEVICE. EP - EXPLOSION PROOF. SOLID STATE "SOFT START" MAGNETIC STARTER WITH NEMA SIZE INDICATED CIRCUIT BREAKER. MAGNETIC TRIP ONL Y_ FRAME SIZE SHOWN. SPOOL UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. CIRCUIT BREAKER, THERMAL MAGNETIC TRIP SHOWN 3 POLE UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE GROUND WELL 10.." I D.xl2" CAST IRON GROUND ROO WELL PROTECTING A rxl0'-COPPER GROUND ROD. TWO #12 WIRES WITH A GROUND, FOUR #12 WIRES WITH A GROUND EXPLOSION PROOF INCANDESCENT FIXTURE, 150W, MEDIUM BASE SCREW EXTERIOR LIGHT, COMPACT FLUORESCENT (52 WATT MINIMUM), WITH 30^ ANGLE REFLECTOR, POLE MOUNTED, CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 ELECTRICAL SEWER PUMP STATION CONTROL DIAGRAMS AND PANEL SCHEDULE SHEET 47 OF 58 DWG E105 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU A ::I :i: ~ :r:: u €> "- o ~ "'. ~;j o:r:: "'::;; "-'" W:r:: i!:~ ",0 -z wO Qi= ii;~ w'" B "'0 <i~ 5< U5ffi ~~ 0'" "'?= "-w ~i!: t--t-- z::> .wo ::;;:r:: ::>!::: "'?= ~t; ;;!;w z~ <0 ~g: z{5 wi!: "'0 ~~ w'" ~l? ~h:- "'< 0"- Uz z- -'" "'0 ~~ "'0 c~~ Oz ~--- ",0 Lfilll 0::> _w wm :r::o t--t-- ot-- ~~ !z"!2 ~~ ::>..... u..... g:i: ~~ :r:::r:: t--U in !z w ::;; ::> U o o "- o w U) ::> w '" D I I I I I I I I I I I r " .. '" ;;; I 5 l:; on - " 0 I J ~ ~ ::> -;; I ~ I .. '" ;;; N ,., I ~ D.. 2 0 Z ~ " -- E- I "r;:: U i'A' ~E r;::D- ,,- I .e::! /- - g'1 ~8 1Il0 " N I " . O~ -E" -~ E g-o I % .0 00: STAINLESS STEEL "EYE" HOOK LOCATETONOT HINDER PUMP REMOVAL STAINLESS STEEL WEDGE ANCHOR WET WELL TOP SLAB ACCESS DOOR OPENING WET WELL CLASS 1 DIVISION 1 SLOPE PUMP CABLE TERMINATION & ACCESS HANDHOLE HH-1 GUAB JUNCTION BOX WITH DOMED COVER APPROVED FOR CLASS 1, DIVISIONS 1 & 2 FINISH GRADE TREATED 6"x6' TIMBER. HEM-FIR NO 2 OR BETTER. BEVEL TOP ~ MINIMUM 12" THICKNESS OF COMPACTED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE MATERIAL 3/1E1111 IIJE - TO ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE CAST IRON GROUND NOTE TYPICAL FOR EACH CONDUIT FOR PUMP POWER AND CONTROL AND LEVEL SENSOR CABLES BETWEEN ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE AND WET WELL ALSO SIMILAR, FOR CONDUIT FOR WET WELL AND VALVE CHAMBER LIGHTS EXCEPT USE GUAD JUNCTION BOX. ... TYPICAL MOTOR POWER AND SENSOR CABLE TERMINATION AND ACCESS NOT TO SCALE PROVIDE NEOPRENE GASKET BETWEEN ENCLOSURE AND PAD CONCRETE DRILLED ANCHORS CONCRETE PAD 4' MIN THICKNESS TOP COURSE MATERIAL UNDER BASE 6' AS REQUIRED 9 i'> LJ:j E105 ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE z ;<;1 ~ ::. ~ a SECTION 6' ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE PLAN CONCRETE PAD CONCRETE BASE DETAIL NTS ill E105 W BADGELEY V MAXEY-5UHR D WAGNER D BERSCHAUER I NO I DATE REVISION VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl. DRAWING o " IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST BY I<\PVD I SCALES ACCORDINGlY CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON LIGHT FIXTUE. ATTACH TO POST WITH STAINLESS STEEL LAG SCREWS .......-314. RGS /' CONDUIT " '. . :tl I I I I I~t: I I:~; I ~lll mE FROM ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE CONCRETE '" 0_.... ::. _1.0. im '9 fig 3111 4:ll MIN. TYP CRUSHED ROCK YARD LIGHT NTS L3:::J E105 WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL DETAILS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 48 OF 58 DWG E106 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU A ::l x ~ x o €> u.. a ~ W-' 11.:! ax I%:::!! I1.N Wx xU ....u.. ",a -z wO ~~ 1%:_ wI%: B"'o ::;;liE z::> oc( u;ffi ffl~ ~~ I1.w u..x 0.... ........ z::> wO ::!!'" ::>.... g::: "'.... zO -w ~o ~g: 'ffi ~iE ffio x>- o~ wI%: ~~ 0": g,~ 011. ~~ -I%: ~o !:?~ "'0 C~;€ ~~ ",0 U'jlll 0::> _w W." ~~ 0.... ~~ ffi;; ::!!~ g~ 0'" !!?~ ",,,, ....0 u; .... z w :::;: ::> u o o u.. o W 1Il ::> w I%: D I I I I I I I I I I I ! .. '" ~ I ~ '2 " 0 I :;: ~ ~ ~ ::> 1: I ~ '" ~ I ~ f z ,,- .ll " I ~. :s~ 8.e ~1i' ,,- ;!E I' ~~ >~ D go, il., I ~~ ~~ l~ E'" j.;; I~ oiL 'CADWELD' TYPE TA CABLE TO CABLE TEE CONNECTION DETAIL NTS ~ E102 #1/0 Cu 'CADWELD' TYPE RR END CABLE TO UPPER REBAR CONNECTION DETAIL NTS ~ E102 103/8'ID x12' CAST IRON GROUND ROD WELL 3/4' x 10'..{)' Cu GROUND ROD DETAIL NTS ~ E102,E105 #1/0 Cu 'CADWELD' TYPE GL CABLE TO BURNDY TYPE QQA TWO-HOLE CONNECTION DETAIL NTS LI:J E102 B BADGELEY V MAXEY-5UHR D WAGNER .APVD D BERSCHAUER I NO I DATE REVISION I I II ! I I ,\\ , '------:il ,------ MOBILE GENERATOR PLUG. SEE DWG E105 FOR DETAILS GRADE CONCRETE CRUSHED ROCK MOBILE GENERATOR PLUG DETAIL NTS 1'-2' MIN (2-DUCTS) wen ~S gg 00 00 "'''' v~ Z ~~ ~&, "'''' (1-DUCT) 1I11~ 311l D = 3' MIN FOR 2" AND LARGER CONDUrr D = 2' MIN FOR 1 112" AND SMALLER CONDUrr l' MARINE GRADE PAINTED PLYWOOD BACKBOARD. SIZE FOR EQUIPMENT 100A CIRCUIT BREAKER DISCONNECT. SQUARE D, FA100, 240V, 3-PHASE IN FA100RB ENCLOSURE OR EQUAL NIPPLE CONDUIT FROM ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE CB E105 FINISH GRADE SEE TRENCH AC TOPPING DETAIL (IF APPLICABLE) SUBSEQUENT BACKFILL INITIAL BACKFILL CONDUIT TRENCH AND CONDUIT PLACEMENT (6\ NTS VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o f IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST BY "'PVD I SCAlES ACCORDINGLY CH2MHILL 3'MIN I~ 6' .1 MIN TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONDUIT INSTALLATION SCHEMATIC NTS NOTE. 1. APPLY CORROSION PROTECTION TAPE EXTENDING 2' EACH WAY FROM ErrHER SIDE OF CMU FACE 2. NO MORE THAN 2-1' CONDUITS PER CMU CELL AVOID REINFORCED CELLS WHEN POSSIBLE. CONDUIT WALL INSTALLATION NTS CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILmES EXTENSION CONDUIT(S) SAND (7\ RGS ADAPTER COUPLING PVC (NOTE 2) ~ E103 ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL DETAILS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 49 OF 58 DWG E107 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU A ..... ..... :J: i15 I t.> @ LL o ~ a: ~;;;! OI a:::; Il.N WI It.> ....LL ",0 -z wO 0- ~~ wa: 6"'0 .....I ce>- z=> oce ooffi ~~ oa: a:;: ll.w LLI 0.... ....>- z=> wo ::;I =>.... a:ji: ~t; -w z~ ceO ",a: cell. :IY. Zw w~ a:o ~?z 0< wa: ~~ ~~ oct: Oz z- -a: f[;!0 S2~ "'0 C~:I: 0;: ~~- ",0 l1i~ a=> _w wD> ~~ 0>- zO cez ....'<1) z- wo ::;~ =>..... 0..... 0- OI !!l~ II t-O en t- Z w ::; ::> o o o LL o W '" ::> w a:: D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RTU PANEL CP-WPS lOW PRESS DOOR MOTION ~ t I I L_ o~ I t t t , I I I I I , I I I I I , ' 'I I , I I I I I I I I I I I , I I J. I I ( $ I I .t J 1- 1- I TO FAIRMOUNT~OOR ~OOR I SUBZONE ZS ZS I I 7-1 7-2 I T ys MOTION I 7 I I I , 24VDC I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I r .., ~ ... ~ J C; "E co 0, ~ . E ~ c1 :> 1: ~ I . ... ~ ~ ll.. ::IE o f . ~~ 8i -e !-~ ![ e:N .h /N . gol :gn JIg N -g . 0:,2 .!Ie: e::J .... E :J.. ~ 00: , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I , , I I I I L_ SURGE TANK I T-6-1 I GERB V MAXEY-SUHR D WAGNER D BERSCHAUER 1:: - -=- -R:N! t t ~: i I SMOKE ALARM 1 SMOKE ALARM 2 1 1 , I I I I I .. I I I I , I I I I I , I I I , , t I I I , , I T I I .. I I I I , I I , I I I I , , I I I I I I !~ cl; I L_-i , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I , I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , , , I I I I I I I I I I L' I MC~HOA _(-_'- HS I-- I 1-1 I I I l, : " I "..- , I I , , , , I t I I I I 1- ~ ~I , , I J lOW flOW I I BOOSTER PUMP 1 I I P-l:2 _ ~ _ J~)_ _ --.l LOW FLOW BOOSTER PUMP 2 I P-1-2 I (SIMILAR TO ABOVE) LOW flOW BOOSTER PUMP 3 I P-1-3 I (SIMIlAR TO ABOVE) <( 15 fo , I 8' DIA S 10' DIA NO. I DATE REVISION UPS FAIL 1 HEADER PRESS + .. I I I I .. t I I I BY ,",PVD ,--------l I ~~MP RUN AUTO ON t ! f f I I I I I I I I I 3 , I I I t I , , I I , I , I I I , I I I ~ , I I I I I , I I I I I , I , I I I , I I I , , .. I I I I , I , , I I , I I , I I , I ' I I , , I I I I I ~ ~I I I SS-2- HOA I HS I 2-1 I I I I I J I I I , , I I I I I I ~LOSED I ZS ; , 8 I I I I ~RV f= ~ 8 f4"DIA SS-2-1 I --, 1 -----/ --- -/ -----/ ; .. I LEITHER I ! I PUMP ON ; I I <( .. I 15 I . I I '" I I CLOSED ~ , , I L I I , I I , I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I , I , I , I I I I I , I I I I , , I I I I I , , I I I I , I , I I I , , I I I , , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I , , I I I I I , , , I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I .. I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I r I I , I I I I I , I I I I o 4"DIA , I I I I I , I I I , I , I I I I I , I , , I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I , I I , I I I I /...J I" , I I HIGH FLOW ~ BOOSTER PUMP 1 I P-2-1 1_ _ .,ilYPOF2)__ VERIFY SCALE BARIS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY CH2MHILL FLOW CLOSED + I I I I I I I I ~ , I I I I I , , I I t I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I , I I ,J.. FLOW DISCHARGE PRESS + I I I I I I I I OPEN t I I I t , , I I I I , I I , I I I I I , I I I I , I I I I I I I 6" DIA , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I 1.- ~ ;b ~.-- T 120V I 2 FV 'f' I I I I / _____/ ---. "'4----- I 10"DIA , I I I I I <( 15 SURGE TANK I I T-6-2 I ".D~. $ 19OW ~ W" D~ · OODS"<ER '""" '''"'lAR TI) """"'" GAll4" HOURS BEFORE ~ 1 I ,-,~ I - YOU DIG 800-424-5555 ,J , I I I }hI CLOSED ZS 4 ~ 1... CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION 10' DIA 5 RE-XFER INHIBIT RELEASE PWR GEN RE-XFER T COMMON lOW lOW FAIL POS READY AlARM ON FUEL TROUBLE PRESS ~ ~ ~.. ~ ~ t t ~ .... ..... ..... I .... ..... .... I I I I , , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : I I I I I I .. I I I I I ..... .... ..... . ..... .... I I ..... I I I I I I .. .. I I I I 1 I I I I I I " "I I I J.- J.- J.- J.- J.- I I J.- (C] 10' DIA I I $ J }) i I I TO FAIRMOUNT :':V~; T T SUBZONE I I -r 2"DIA 9)/ I I , ,~, .-....." I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I J.- ,~,. 8"DIA ~ ~I , I I I I I . I , I I I I I I <( 15 10 16" DIA r r r r r 'f' TO WEST UGA SUBZONE , I I I I I , I I , I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , , I I I I , I I I I I , I I I , I , I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I r , I I I I I , I I , I I , I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , , I I I I , I I I I 1 , , I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I I , I I I I , I I I I , I I I I , I I I I ATS CONTROL PANEL ATS-10 GENERATOR CONTROL PANEL GEN-11 120V , I I I I T SURGE TANK CONTROL PANEL SCP-13 , I I I I I , I I I I AIR COMPRESSOR CONTROL PANEL ACP-12 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SHEET 50 OF 58 DWG 1101 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU PROCESS AND INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAM WATER PUMP STATION A ::l :;: ~ :I: U €l LL o ~ "'. W-' ll..:! 0:1: "'::;; ll..N w:l: :l:U o-LL ",0 -20 wO ~~ w'" B"'O -,:I: <0- 20:> 0< cnaJ ~~ 0'" "':;: a.w LL:I: Do- 0-0- 20:::> wO ::;;:1: :::>!::: "':;: tilt> ~w 2O~ <0 ~~ "" 20W -:I: Wo- "'0 ~~ w'" ~f2 a:~ "'< Oll.. ~~ -'" "'0 ~~ "'0 C~~ ~~ ",e LS~ e:> _w w'" :1:0 0-0- eo- 200 <20 0->2 20e ~~ :::>-, u-, gi: ",::;; ~g ~ :z w ::;; :::> U o e LL o w '" :> w '" D I I I I I I I I I I I ! . ... I i ~ I l ~ ~ I ~ ... ~ I ~ ~ ? ~ . I E- ill 8" .e !-~ !E I ~~ ~ ~I 'Sit) Jl8 I g; JI" ,,:> ~... " 8-0 I ~ 00: I I I I OR : I I I I ... I : I I I I I t ! I I CP-SPS I RTU LEVEL ON UPS t 't FAIL I ... I 't , I I I I I I I I , ... I I I I I , I I I I 1 I I I I ... I I I I I I , I I I I 1 I 1 I ... I 1 I I ~'=~ I I , 28 2 HIHI LEVEL HI LEVEL HI LEL LEL AUTO 't RUN RUN AUTO ON r r r: ! ! I I I I .. .. I: : \ I I 1, I I I ~ 'I I I I I .... ... ... -@'/HIHI " ..... I I I l-----, ---+-, -----, ~---J -----, -.: rl --r- YL LEVEL I I I' I 23-2 I I I I I I /" ~ ~ 1: rl- - :- isR-JBOX-l----, I I I I 1-+ I I I I I I, : t-----, -~--' .----'1 I --- : -----, I I ~120V : .. I,.. '.. I : I I I : I I I I I I --1--': .!.' .!. I , /. T I L---fR L--tR I ~L ON I I I 21-2 --I-i L ~ ... ... ... / ", __--'--____....1 I , I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1 'f ... I I I I I ... I I I I ... I I I I I ... I , , I I ... I I I I I ... I I I I '+---1-- ... I I I I I ... I I I I I ... I I , I ... I I I ......... . I I , ... I I I I ... I I I I I I I I I I I I "" I I I I ... I I I , ... I , I I I I I I , I I I .......... ' t I I ... I .. I I : ... I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I : -/ -----1 -----1 -----/ -----1 -----1 -----1 -----1 -----1 -----1 -----1 -----/ -----/ -----1 J I I I I I I I I ... I I I I '- ,----- '-----, ... I I I I ...-----' ----' I I i ~ MANUFACTURER V SUPPLIED CABLE 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ... I I I I I ... I I 1 , I ... I I , I I r----' -----, ----,'1-----' --- ... ... I I I I I I I I 1 ... I I I 1 I ... I I I I I ... I I I I I ... I I I I I ... I ... I I I I I ... 1 ... I . I I ... I I I I I 120V .. ... I I I I I I I I I .. ... I , I , I I I I I ... ... I I I I I I I I I I ... ... I I I I I I I I I I .. I I I ... I I I l-------- ... I I I I ... I I , I I ... I I I 6' HATCH ZS 25-1 I I ! ~ MANUFACTURER dr' SUPPLIED CABLE I I I I ... I I I , I ... I I 1 I I SEWAGE PUMP NO 1 I 1'-21-1 I SEWAGE PUMP NO 2 L P-21-2 I WETWELl BY VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl. DRAWING o I" IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST D I SCALES ACCORDINGlY CH2MHILL GERB V MAXEY-8UHR D WAGNER D BERSCHAUER I NO I DATE REVISION HATCH OPEN 't I I I I I ... I 1 I I I ... I I I I I ... I I 1 I , ... , I I I ctf5ATCH ZS 25-2 UTILITY VAULT CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILmES EXlENSION 5 PWR GEN RE- FLOW FAlL pas XFER t t t t I I ... ... ... , I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I ... ... ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... ... ... I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I '=~ I I I ... ... ... FIT I I I I I I I 1 I 26 I I I I I I ... ... ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I ... ... I I I 1 I I 1___ --.l I I I I ATS MANUFACTURER I SUPPLIED CABLE ~ CONTROL PANEL A TS-27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL PROCESS AND INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAM SEWAGE PUMP STATION CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 51 OF 58 DWG 1102 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU A ::l :r 1& :>:: u ~ LL o ~ "'. W-' o..~ 0:>:: "'::E o..N w:>:: :>::u I-LL ",0 ~~ u;::: ~~ B"'o ~5 0< (ijz .~i o..w "-:>:: 01- 'Zs wO ~E "'~ tiit; "'w ::'fa ~g: :0: ZW w~ "'0 ~~ w'" ~f2 ~~ 00.. ~~ -'" "'0 ~~ "'0 w:>:: CO~ ~~ ",0 U'jm 0:::> _w WOO :>::0 1-1- 01- zO <z 'Z~ ~~ :::>-, U-' gs: ~~ I-U u; I- Z w :::; :::> U o o "- o w UJ :::> w '" D I I I I I I I I I I I i .; '" I : c 8 I -: i ~ => I ~ 'l I .... '" ~ ,., I i ~ z ~ " I ~D "Ii: 8-1 1'1;- ./ DE I ~cl: .e'? ./~ D ~I il:g rllo I ~N lilli B': "" ~-, " g-u l%.i oiL GAS SENSING ELEMENT GAS SENSOR ASSEMBLY CEMENT LINED STEEL PIPE. CAST IRON PIPE & DUCTILE IRON PIPE CONDUIT TO MONITOR/DISPLAY UNIT VOLATILE HYDROCARBON (VHC) SENSOR CONDUIT MOUNTE GAS MOUNTED INSTRUMENTS (1\ NTS 314 . SCH 80 CPVC PIPE ON CPVC, 314 . SCH 80 PVC PIPE ON PVC ~314'V- , -SOLVENTWELD REDUCING TEE WI SOLVENT WELD BY FEMALE NPT BUSHING ~ " FLOOR SLAB OpODOo PVC & CPVC PIPE . <> . <> / SECURE TO WAlL WITH 4 - 1/2" SST CONCRETE ANCHORS . o . <> :()o.. o PRESSURE CONNECTION INSTALLATION (2\ NTS WALL MOUNTED PANEL OR INSTRUMENT INSTALLATION NTS (3\ ~ " L 2 1/2 "xZ'x 1/4 " Al LENGTH TO SUIT INSTRUMENT MOUNTING HOLES TO SUIT INSTRUMENT SECURE INSTRUMENT TO STANCHION W/SST BOLTS, NUTS & WASHERS RAIN HOOD REQUIRED FOR OUTDOOR APPLICATION, SEE 1-11- _z ::>w en=:< O=> 1-0:: Ii; ~ ~ N L 2 1/2 "x2"x 1/4 " AL LENGTH TO SUIT INSTRUMENT 2" SCH 40 Al PIPE 4"x2" Al REDUCER 4" SCH 40 Al PIPE PL 1/2 "x12"x12", Al ~ SECURE TO SLAB WITH 4- 1/2 " SST CONCRETE ANCHORS .--- 1" NONSHRINK ._.' ._ ,.~ GROUT :0,0-'.0"_ 1:0'.'''.'-' . :d ~ . ."_ _ _ . ." NOTES 1. ROUND OFF AlL EXPOSED EDGES AND CORNERS 2. PAINT AlUMINUM IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING. STANCHION SUPPORT FOR CASE MOLJNTED INSTRUMENTS NTS GERB DR V MAXEY -SUHR CHK D WAGNER APVD D BERSCHAUER I NO I DATE I REVISION f5\ SST SUPPORT HOOK ~~.. :)0 -.. ..... o ACTUATION LEVEL 0' ~b~ ~~; .~. ,... .... .,t. ,..... iii.' ~l.: ~C!.~ ,9. 4:0~T AT AC:ATION . _ . LEVEL . . .~ FLOAT LEVEL DURING NORMAl PUMP OPERATION NOTES' 1. LOCATE FLOAT SWITCHES SO THAT THEY ARE ACCESSIBLE AND YET DO NOT INTERFERE WITH OTHER EQUIPMENT OR STRUCTURES. ..:'1 ;i:j. ~:4~ ;4~,...-o~,:>"...: ~"'. f.9.j) ...;0". :C!-~ -. ..a!"..:.. !9.:~:~.,:o;~!, ~.; .:~~~~ FLOAT SWITCH INSTALLATION NTS t6\ VERIFY SCAlE BAR 15 ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl DRAWING o I' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST BY II\PVD I SCAlES ACCORDINGLY CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, NUTS & LOCKWASHERS PRESSURE SENSING ELEMENT PIPE MOUNTING BRACKET SECURE TO WALL WITH 4 - 1/2 " SST CONCRETE ____-::', ANCHORS----- ,0 ,'J CONCRETE WALL ~ 1. ALTERNATIVELY, WALL MOUNT BRACKET SHALL BE O'BRIEN CORP. MODEL WE16M WITH 9 MIL ARC SPRAY ZINC METAlLIZED COATING. OR EQUAl. 2 PAINT AlUMINUM IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING 3 AlL MOUNTING BRACKETS ARE TO BE INSTAlLED APPROXIMATELY 4'-0" ABOVE FLOOR OR AS REQUIRED BY PROCESS CONNECTION, SEE 0 PRESSURE AND PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL f4\ TRANSMITTER INSTALLATION 4 NTS SECURE TO WAlL WITH 4 -1/2" SST CONCRETE ANCHORS ~ LEVEL SWITCH WITH 1" NPT CONNECTION C6x10 5 SST CHANNEL, 9" LONG 3116 I I I I I. ,~ .1 1/4"x8"x8" SST PLATE ULTRASONIC LEVEL ELEMENTfTRANSMITTER INSTALLATION f7"\ NTS CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SHEET 52 OF 58 DWG 1103 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU INSTALLATION DETAILS A ::l x ilS B @> u.. o 1::: ~;;j ox O:::::! :>ug ~~ ~~ 0- _....~ ~ w B "'0 :;;!i!: 5~ ii5ffi ii!~ 00:: 0::;;: O-w u..:J: 0.... ........ z=> wO ~E 0::;;: t;ti ;;';:w ~a ~ff :rr Zw mi= 0::0 w,. ~~ wo:: ~~ 0"': :'l:!l( 00- ~~ -0:: "'0 ~~ "'0 cl!l~ Oz :il-: ",0 ;5lJJ o=> _w w'" i!:~ 0.... ~~ !z12 wO :::!:il g;;! 0:J: ",::!E ~g ~ z w ::E => o o o u.. o w '" => w 0:: D I I I I I I I I I I I '" .. " ., ... ~ I '1 " <:; 9 c 0 i I :!! ~ ~ ::> 10 I :: I ... ... ;;; N .., I 'i D. ::IE 0 ~ c .. E- I ~! ,gli of! i'~ ~ .!E c~ I .f<:'! /0 .. :1'1 :en .xg N " I 5! J!c c::> ..-. E I !i ....R UD. GENERAL TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES: t. TRAFFlC CONTROLS SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS AND GUIDES SET FORlH IN PART VI OF THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFlC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTeD) EXCEPT ~ OTHERWISE AND ~ ADDmONALLY SHOWN OR SPECIFIED. 2. THESE PLANS DO NOT INCLUDE SPECIFIC TRAFFlC CONTROL FOR THE FOllOWING: - CONTRACTORS ACCESS TO CONSTRUCTION ZONES. - INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION AC1MTY WITHIN THE TRAVELED WAY. PRIOR TO THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A DETAILED TRAFFlC CONTROL PLAN (TCP) ADDRESSING THE SAFE CONTROL OF TRAmC FOR THE ABOVE ITEMS. THE SEQUENCING AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE TCP SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. NO WORK SHAll BE PERMITTED WITHOUT AN APPROVED TCP. THERE SHALL BE NO DEVIATION FROM THE APPROVED TCP WITHOUT APPROVAL OF THE WSDOT AND CITY OF PORT ANGELES. 3. NOTIFY EMERGENCY SERVICES OF ALl STREET CLOSURES, LANES CLOSURES, STREET LANE WIDTH REDUCTION AND AFTER OPENING THE STREET. KEEP EMERGENCY SERVICES CONTINUOUSLY INFORMED OF HOW ACCESS TO ALl PROPERTIES AlONG THE SEWER AlIGNMENT WIll BE MAINTAINED. 4. PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN A SAFE MARKED PATH THROUGH OR AROUND THE CONSTRUCTION AREA FOR CYCUSTS AND PEDESTRIANS. SIGNING AND MARKINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED THAT SPECIFICALlY DIRECTING CYCUSTS AND PEDESTRIANS. CYCUSTS MAY BE REQUIRED TO DISMOUNT AND WAlK THROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION AREA. PROVIDE FlAGGERS TO ASSIST AND GUIDE CYCUSTS AND PEDESTRIANS THROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION AREA WHEN CONSTRUCTION ACTMTlES ARE IN PROGRESS. 5. CHANNEUZATlON DEVICES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS SHALL BE ~ FOllOW: - CHANNEUZING DEVICES SHALL BE PROVIDE REFLECTONIZATlDN PER MUTCD. - STEADY BURNING WARNING UGHTS (TYPE C MUTCD) SHALL BE USED TO MARK CHANNEUZING DEVICES AT NIGHT. - A MINIMUM OF 6 CHANNEUZING DEVICES SHALL BIO USED ON TAPERS. US 101 - TRAFFlC SAFElY DRUMS WITH STEADY BURN (TYPE C) UGHT AT TRANSmONS AND LANE EDGES WHERE INDICATED ON PLANS OR WHERE DIRECTED BY WSDOt AND CITY OF PORT ANGELES. - TRAFFlC SAFElY CONES OR TUBUlAR MARKERS SHALL BE USED FOR LEFT TURN POCKET CLOSURES. 6. SIGNS SHALL BE COVERED/REMOVED AT LUNCH AND OTHER TIMES WHEN WORK IS NOT PRESENT. 7. DROP-OFFS SHALL BE PROTECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ROAD, BRIDGE, AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE W~HINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND AMERICAN PUBUC WORKS ~ClATlON 2004 ENGUSH UNITS EDmON SECTION 1-07.23(1) 8. CHANNEUZING DEVICE SPACING SHALL BE REDUCED TO 8-FooT ON CENTER WHEN VEHICLES MUST TRAVEL INTO THE OPPOSING LANE OF TRAFFlC. 9. TAPER LENGTHS FOR SHOULDERS AND BICYCLE LANES SHALL BE L/2. 10. ALl CONSTRUCTION SIGNS SHALl BE 48" X 48", BlACK ON ORANGE UNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED. FLAGGING OPERATION NOTES: 1. FlAGGERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH PORTABLE TWO WAY RADIOS WITH A RANGE SUITABLE FOR THE PROJECT. 2. FlAGGER STATIONS SHALL BE IllUMINATED DURING HOURS OF DARKNESS. 3. ~HING WARNING UGHTS (TYPE A. MUTCO) SHALL BE USED TO MARK BARRICADE(S) AT NIGHT AS NEEDED. NOTES: 1. MAXIMUM OPEN TRENCH WORK AREA IS 200' UNlESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. CHANNEUZATlON DEVICES AND SIGNING SHALl BE INSTALlED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, MUTCD AND THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN. VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING. o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST D SCAlES ACCORDINGlY E SHIMIZU E SHIMIZU M REIMBOLO APVD 0 BERSCHAUER I DlPIRES 5111/." I REVISION BY NO DATE W20-1 SIGN CI) W4 - 1 MOD SIGN CD SIGN 0' POINTS TO '-!-/ THE LEFT W20-4 SIGN CD W6 - 3 SIGN CD W20 - 7b SIGN G) Wl - 4L SIGN Q) 48" 48" ROAD 70 ECLIPSE 7D TO BE 5C TO BE 5C 50" CLOSED 7D 60" CLOSED 70 CDAY&MONTH~ CDAY&MONTH~ C =TIME= ~ C =TIME= ~ CDAY&MONTH~ C DAY & MONTH:::J SPECIAL BLACK ON WHITE REFLECTIVE 314" BORDER 1/2" MARGIN ADVANCED WARNING SIGN DETAIL SIGN GD SPECIAL BLACK ON WHITE REFLECTIVE 314" BORDER 1/2" MARGIN W20 - 70 SIGN G) 36" KEEP 48" 1 RIGHT R4 - 7B BlACK ON WHITE SIGN <J]) W20 - 5 MOO SIGN Q) SPECIAL SIGN AND FLAGGER TO BE PLACED AT ALL DRIVEWAYS WITHIN THE LANE CLOSURING AREA. DRIVEWAYS SHALL REMAIN OPEN AT ALL TIMES. SIGN CID 48" BLACK ON WHITE NOTES: PLACED 8 CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO CLOSURE A MINIMUM OF ONE ADVANCED WARNING SIGN SHALL BE PLACED IN EACH DIRECTION CH2MHILL ADVANCED WARNING SIGN DETAIL SIGN GD WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON SIGN SCHEDULE & TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES SHEET 53 OF 58 DWG 1101 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194.WU TlRAFFIC CONTlROL TYPE III BARRICADE DETAIL WIR11 - 2 MOUNTED TO BARRICADE SIGN GD CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 A :i :x: '" !I! o €> LL o ~ ~;;;! ox a:ilj ::;iJ ~~ ~i5 U!= ~~ B "'0 ~5 0< il D.w ~~ !z!5 wO "'~ ~~ t>t; <;;w ~~ ~c. 'ffi ~~ a:o ~~ l:!!a: ~~ 0,.: g,!;'l OD. ~~ -a: "'0 ~~ "'0 C~~ ~~ ~~ 0::> _w w'" xo 1-1- ell- ~~ ~~ "'~ G:i g:E !!lilj ~iJ en I- Z W ::;; ::> o o o LL o W '" ::> w a: o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SIGN SPACING = X (FEET) MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH L (FEET) FREEWAYS &: lANE POSTED SPEED (MPH) EXPRESSWAYS 55/70 MPH 1500' ~ (OR AS PER WIDTH Mtn:CD) (FEET) 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 RURAl ROADS 45/55 MPH 500' .... 10 105 150 205 270 450 500 550 URBAN ARTERIALS 35/40 MPH 350' .... 11 115 165 225 295 495 550 605 660 URBAN STREETS 12 125 180 245 320 540 600 660 720 780 840 RESIDENTIAL &: 25/30 MPH 200' .... A ::f BUSINESS DISTRICTS x ~ :t: 0 €> CHANNELIZING DEVICE SPACING (FEET) MPH TAPER TANGENT 50/70 40 80 35/45 30 60 25/30 20 40 II I' B T SO' "N, lOll' "'" 'I x. X . X . X =- _ --:::::- _ --:::::- _ --:::::- _ --:::::- _ --:::::- _ --:::::- _ --:::::- _ 0- ;---:::::- _ --:::::- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ -:::: _ -:::: _ -:::: _ -:::: ....:::::::- _ -:::: .o..~ -:::: _ -:::: _ -:::: _ -:::: _ --::::- _ --::::- _ --::::- _ -= '_'_' 00 ~f~~{~ :0 0 0 -'-'-'---- b 0- ---cr-- ---0 -0 0 0- -0 b 0- ---cr-- - -. ECLIPSE INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY T-l)-r;-_~L_--_--------- x 50' MIN, 100' MAX I- .z ZW ~~ - > N<( ~CL x x x CD . ." .. CD ;;; N J ~ e o i :e ~ ~ :> 1: I I ... '" ~ ,., ~ D. ~ o Z -" .B C . ~! 8:i -e ~A' .,c .E 'E-t !<:'! -"'" . gol 'flon ~~ ." ;i! .Be C:J .... E !i 6l. CD LEGEND ~ CONSTRUCTION SIGN 0 CHANNEUZING DEVICE ...- FlAGGER ~ lYPE III BARRICADE IPCMSI PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN CD SIGN CD SEE SIGN SCHEDULE (TYPICAL) NOT TO SCALE NOTES: SEE TRAFFlC CONTROL GENERAL NOTES A MINIMUM OF 5 TRAFFlC SAFETY DRUMS SHALL BE USED ON TAPERS. STEADY BURNING WARNING UGHTS (TYPE C MUTCD) SHALL BE USED TO MARK CHANNEUZING DEVICES AT NIGHT. FlAGGERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH PORTABLE TWO WAY RADIOS WITH A RANGE SUITABLE FOR THE PROJECT. FlAGGER STATIONS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED DURING HOURS OF DARKNESS. DROP - OFFS SHALL BE PROTECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 1-07.23(1). CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SliEET. ADJUST BY PlIO SCAlES ACCORDING!. Y E SHIMIZU E SHIMIZU CHK M REIMBOLD APVD 0 BERSCHAUER CI1Y OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON TRAFFIC CONTROL SHEET 54 OF 58 DWG T102 DATE JUNE2005 PROJ 323194.WU CH2MHILL ECLIPSE SINGLE LANE TRAFFIC CONTROL WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION I DCPIIla NO DATE REVISION ..... o ~ w-' 0..=1 o:t: lE~ Wo ~~ ~~ ~~ B eno ~~ 1i)~Z fa ..... ~:;:: o..w 15~ tzs wO ~E "':;:: lnt; ~w ~g lito.. z'Hl w~ "'0 ~~ ~~ 0": g,!;'l 00.. ~~ -'" eno ~~ eno C~~ cz :i-. ~~ c:> _W WID ~~ co- :i~ tz'!!l wC :E:i g;;;! c:t: en:E ~t5 ~ W :E :> o o c ..... o w en :> W '" o I I I I I I I I I I I '" . ... .; '" ;;; N I J N 0 - c: 0 ~ I - ;e ~ ~ :> ~ I J I . '" ;;; N ,., I ~ lL ::IE 0 Z ~ c: -- I E- :>"" uC: 8.e ~~ <iE ""ell I !~ /- - gol :g3 (/)0 N I ... Ii~ j!i E-' g-o I ~~ 00: SIGN SPACING = X (FEET) MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH = L (FEET) FREEWAYS & lANE POSTED SPEED (MPH) EXPRESSWAYS 55/70 MPH 1500' i:. (OR AS PER WIDTH MUTCO) (FEET) 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 RURAl ROADS 45/55 MPH 500' -* 10 105 150 205 270 450 500 550 URBAN ARTERIAlS 35/40 MPH 350' -* 11 115 165 225 295 495 550 605 T 660 URBAN STREETS 12 125 180 245 320 540 600 660 I 720 I 780 I 840 RESIDENTlAL & 25/30 MPH 200' -* BUSINESS DISTRICTS CHANNELIZING DEVICE SPACING (FEET) MPH TAPER TANGENT 50/70 40 80 35/45 30 60 25/30 20 40 q q q ------------------------------ -----------~~:~~~~~~~~-----~-~-~-~---------~----- - . --0- a-- ...,- ---0 - 0 - . U-- . ----0- . ---oq' - - ---0 0 II I' B l L 'I o~.- o -.,. O. --Q-- o o o x x o o x o o o o 0- -0 -0' - 0- 0-- ---0 -0' --e- . ----0 o 0-0 -e-- o o -c-- 0 ---0 0- 6 - HIGHWAY 101 _ _ _ _ _ _ I -1/2 -~-~-------t~-t~1---------- x x CD I ElCPIIID_ _ 51'-~~~ E SHIMIZU E SHIMIZU M REIMBOLD ,APVD 0 BERSCHAUER 50' MIN, 100' MAX NOTES: SEE TRAFFIC CONTROL GENERAl NOTES A MINIMUM OF 5 TRAFFIC SAFETY DRUMS SHALl BE USED ON TAPERS. STEADY BURNING WARNING UGHTS (1YPE C MUTCD) SHALl BE USED TO MARK CHANNEUZING DEVICEs AT NIGHT. FlAGGERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH PORTABLE TWO WAY RADIOS WITH A RANGE SUITABLE FOR THE PROJECT. FlAGGER STATIONS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED DURING HOURS OF DARKNESS. DROP - OFFS SHALl BE PROTECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 1-07 .23( 1). LEGEND p CONSTRUCTION SIGN 0 CHANNEUZING DEVICE ~ FlAGGER I27ZZJ TYPE III BARRICADE IPCMSI PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN CD SIGN CD SEE SIGN SCHEDULE (TYPICAl) NOT TO SCALE NO I DATE VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGiNAl DRAWING o l' IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET. ADJUST BY I<\PVD I SCAlES ACCOROINGL Y WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON REVISION CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 TRAFFIC CONTROL SHEET 55 OF 58 DWG T103 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU US 101 TRAFFIC CONTROL A -' -' :;: ::0 N X o €> u. o ~ ~::i 0:;: a:::o lLN wX j!:~ ",0 --:z ~Q ~5 wa: B (1)0 ;;!~ z:> 0< iiiZ [3~ ~~ lLw 13~ !Z!; wO ~~ [!:3: (1)0- zO ~~ ~o. :.a: ZW ~S X>- o:l: wa: ~12 ~li a:< 8lL z~ -a: ~o !:2~ (1)0 cl!:~ oz :l:--: ~~ 0:> _w w'" ~e 00- :l:~ !Z'!2 wo ::o:l: G-' o~ oX ~~ 0-0 en !z w ::!: :> o o o u. o w '" :> l:! o I I I I I I I I I I I i . '" :;; I i c 0 I J i1 => '" I 1 '" ::i ,., I f t . I E- ". ,,0:: 8~ l'-f .:::~ I .;J .e~ /ID . ~I :eon cl!8 11; i~ E'" ~ij I ~ 0;>: I I SIGN SPACING = X (FEET) MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH = L (FEET) RURAl ROADS 45/55 MPH 500' .... LANE POSTED SPEED (MPH) WIDTH URBAN ARTERIAlS 35/40 MPH 350' .... (FEET) 25 30 35 40 45 URBAN STREETS 10 105 150 205 270 450 RESIDENTlAl &: 25/30 MPH 200' .... 11 115 165 225 295 495 BUSINESS DISTRICl'S ~ 125 180 245 320 540 CHANNELIZING DEVICE SPACING (FEET) MPH 35/45 25/30 TAPER 30 20 TANGENT 60 40 18 .1t,c 0--0' ""'C'/ 0 - 0/0 o ~ . _Q ~ .0---' o --D o ------------ o .0--0. --0-- 0 ---0- 112l 112L I _ _ _ _ ~ _ _-= _------=::::-" ,,~-~~,I ~1 "-"- PCMSI. . x I x I x so' MIN, 100' MAX 5 2 ) ( 3 4 PCMS 1 CENTER LANE CLOSED 1.5 SEC 2 FtAGGER AHEAD 1.2 SEC . ., r$- If, ~ E SHIMIZU DR E SHIMIZU CHK M REIMBOLD jAPVD D BERSCHAUER BY _.....:/~ 'I~ IDlPIIlD - 51IVO, I REVISION NO I DATE I I: I: I: I: I: PIID I 4 3 11 so' MIN, 100' MAX F- X - Px =t- ~ --0 o o 0 o o 0' 0 . L-- 0' 0 ..II.-- Il " I , I ," I , I~ ___ --1_ _ L _ _ -.L _ _ ~ _J_ ~" ~-------~-----~-------------- 0-0 I II 2 m: o o o I 5 9 0_ .---=--- - - - - A :::l ~ ::IE S;! u €> I- LL o ~. W"'" 0..=1 0:1: g:~ w:l: :1:0 t-u. ",0 ~S ~~ a:_ wa: "'0 .....:1: g~ -z ~~ ~~ o..w 15~ tz~ wO ~E a:;;: ~t5 o;;w ::lO ~g: 'ffi ~~ a:o ~~ I!!a: ~f( 0": ~~ 00.. ~~ -a: "'0 ~~ "'0 C~:J: 0;;: ::l~ ",0 ;5lJl o=> _w wlXl ~~ Ot- ::l~ tz"!!l wO ::IE::l g;;:! 0:1: ::IE l-~iS /f =-=-=--------- ( --- .?S - - - --=------- Z. -- ---- ~(;" - - - -=_-=_-=_-=_-=_-=_-=_-=-=-=_--=t- II X H : I X it II X n VERIFY SCAlE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON llilS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY _ .o~ o '-- o o o o ~.~ 0----0 - 0 . -0-- O. ---e--O . o----D- <L--- '<t C') N CH2MHILL NOTES: SEE TRAFFIC COJllTROL GENERAL NOTES A MINIMUM OF 5 TRAFFIC SAFElY DRUMS SHALL BE USED ON TAPERS. STEADY BURNING WARNING UGHl'S (TYPE C MUTeD) SHALL BE USED TO MARK CHANNEUZING DEVlcB AT NIGHT. o .--- ~ FLAGGERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH PORTABLE TWO WAY RADIOS WITH A RANGE SUITABLE FOR THE PROJECT. FLAGGER STATIONS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED DURING HOURS OF DARKNESS. DROP - OFFS SHALL BE PROTECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 1-07.23(1). IPCMSI CD CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON US 101 LEGEND I> CONSTRUCTION SIGN CHANNEUZING DEVICE FLAGGER TYPE III BARRICADE PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN SIGN CD SEE SIGN SCHEDULE (TYPICAL) NOT TO SCALE CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 INTERSECTION/CROSSING WORK ZONE ON US 101 TRAFFIC CONTROL SHEET 56 OF 58 DWG T104 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION in t- Z w :::E => u o o LL o W '" => w a: D I I I I I I I I I I I i . ... ;;; I N i - 8 I J ~ ::> 1;; I ! ~ ,., I l ~ ~ 0:: "' I E- :>"' u"" 8~ ~-e ...c~ .!E I ~~ ~~ ~I 'BII) Jl8 Il; .l!Io:: 0:::> ~., ji; I ~ oiL I SIGN SPACING = X (FEET) RURAL ROADS 45/55 MPH 500' -* URBAN ARTERIALS 35/40 MPH 3SO' -* URBAN STREETS RESIDENTIAL & 25/30 MPH 200' -* BUSINESS DISTRICTS CHANNELIZING DEVICE SPACING (FEET) MPH 35/45 25/30 TAPER 30 20 - .- - 0--0'70- ,jT$ LO 0 - .- .- ~Q-O- 1/2 L PCMS ~ It x x x 1 5 E SHIMIZU E SHIMIZU M REIMBOLD VD D BERSCHAUER =- 1 CENTER lANE CLOSED 1.5 SEC NO I DATE 1/2 L It 2 TANGENT 60 40 .0 --9- PCMS 10 I MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH = L (FEET) lANE POSTED SPEED (MPH) WIDTH (FEET) 25 30 35 40 45 10 105 150 205 270 450 11 115 165 225 295 495 12 125 180 245 320 540 I 4 3 11 -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -0- - -=-=- -=-=- -=-=-::::- - ==t- - c-: ~ -V o ' _SO' -;N:;~ MAX I -; -I -; -I X- x 3 FLAGGER AHEAD 1.2 SEC o o 0 ~ 0--0. ~ 0 x so' MIN. 100' MAX 4 2 REVISION BY \o\PVD o o o o Oq 0 0' 0 \-.~ 0' 0 .L- I II 2 ~ o o o o o --- o o o o _. _Q~.o----o- 0--0. -0-- _ .0---0 ~O ~. o---'l- ~ I A ::l :;: ~ :I: 0 5 ) ( 1 "\ . €> 9 0_ ''-::=--- - - - - I- "- o ~ '" . W-' a.d 0:1: "'::;; a.N w:l: :1:0 0-"- ",0 -z wO OJ::: ~~ w'" B"'o -,:I: :i5 0< ~iz ~ '" a.w ~~ !z5 wO ~E "'3: ~o- ZO ~a ~g: "" ZW w~ "'0 ~~ w'" ~12 0,..: g,~ oa. Oz z- -'" "'0 ~~ "'0 c~~ ~~ ",0 Lfjm 0::> _w w<D :1:0 0-0- 00- :z~ o-'!!! Zc ~:z g~ 0:1: I-~~ :1::1: 0-0 --- /,--- =.=----- (( - - --=--=--=----- I -- ---- - -- - - - - I - - ---- - - +1~ti - - --=---=---=---=---=-~ U x I " x n x !, VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAl DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON llilS SHEET. ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY '<t C') N CH2MHILL ~l " I X I X I X I X ~ --1_ _ L _ _ -.L _ _~ _J_ ~ -------~-----~-------------- o NOTES: SEE TRAFFIC CONTROL GENERAL NOTES A MINIMUM OF 5 TRAFFIC SAFElY DRUMS SHALL BE USED ON TAPERS. STEADY BURNING WARNING UGIiTS (TYPE C MUTCD) SHALL BE USED TO MARK CHANNEUZING DEVICES AT NIGHT. FLAGGERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH PORTABLE TWO WAY RADIOS WITH A RANGE SUITABLE FOR THE PROJECT. o ~ I2ZZZJ IPCMSI - It It , X I II 00 I 00 1'0 I I' I II I II I II FLAGGER STATIONS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED DURING HOURS OF DARKNESS. DROP - OFFS SHALL BE PROTECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 1-07.23(1). CD US 101 LEGEND ~ CONSTRUCTION SIGN CHANNEUZING DEVICE FLAGGER TYPE III BARRICADE PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN SIGN CD SEE SIGN SCHEDULE (TYPICAL) NOT TO SCALE CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON SHEET f;T OF 58 DWG T105 INTERSECTION/CROSSING WORK ZONE ON US 101 IDATE JUNE 2005 TRAFFIC CONTROl WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION PROJ 323194.WU ~ z w ::;; ::> <) o o LL o W '" ::> w a: o I I I I I I I I I I I ~ "0 . '" n N I .., .J It) ~ c 0 I ~ ;e ~ ~ ::> 1: I f I v '" n I ~ 0.. ~ 0 z :l c " I E- :>" uO;: DC 0" ~-e ~J; r!E I co.. "II) -e'.'! .......10 .. gol Ell) rn8 I "ON ~t .:Ic c:> ~., :>.. I ~ {j~ SIGN SPACING = X (FEET) MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH = L (FEET) ri RURAL ROADS 45/55 MPH 500' :t LANE POSTED SPEED (MPH) WIDTH URBAN ARTERIALS 35/40 MPH 350' :t (FEET) 25 30 35 40 45 URBAN STREETS 10 105 150 205 270 450 I I I RESIDENTIAL & 25/30 MPH 200' :t 115 BUSINESS DISTRICTS 11 165 225 295 495 12 125 180 245 320 540 CHANNELIZING DEVICE SPACING (FEET) MPH 35/45 25/30 TAPER 30 TANGENT 60 I II I: I: /:3 I: I _____JI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---=___________-.J --------------------------------------------------- 20 40 $"~ o ~ 0 o O--D. -'L.- O. ---'l..- .0 -n 0 0-..-- o o $" $" o o . _ . _ . _ . _ 0 -A-o ~O--.O . .0..-.-0/ o o --0 . 0-0 -C-O o PCMS -~-----=r --II f 13 I: ~ I , "0 II II ~ I , en II I, .~ I 'W NOTES: A MINIMUM OF 6 TRAFFIC SAFETY DRUMS SHAlL BE USED ON TAPERS STEADY BURNING WARNING LIGHTS (TYPE C MUTCD) SHAlL BE USED TO MARK CHANNELIZING DEVICES AT NIGHT. x PCMS 1 ECUPSE ROAD CLOSED 1.5 SEe 2 UNTIL (TIME) (MONTH DAY) 1.2 SEC [EXPiAa-5IWV"fl E SHIMIZU E SHIMIZU M REIMBOLD IAPVD D BERSCHAUER NO I DATE REVISION VERIFY SCALE BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING o r IF NOT ONE INCH ON llilS SHEET, ADJUST BY ItIPVD I SCALES ACCOROINGl Y CH2MHILL CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON ECLIPSE INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY CLOSURE WEST UGA UTILITIES EXTENSION "- o ~ a:. w..... o..:! O:I: a::;; 0..'" ~Q 1-"- ",0 -z wO 01= ~;} wa: B~~ ~~ 0< U:iffi f:ll= ~~ o..w "-:I: 01- tz~ wO ~E a:;;: tit; ;o;w ;!lo ~g: :a: zW w~ a:o w>- ;;~ wa: ~l? &~ oeE ~~ -a: "'0 ~~ "'0 W:I: Co;;: Oz ;!l-: o 15\Jl 0::> _W WID :I:O 1-1- 01- zO <z I-~ Zo f,li~ ::>..... 0..... g:i: ",:;; ~g I II : I : I : I I ILL _ _ ~ _ _ IPCMSI _ L________________~ "0 m o 0:: 1:: o c.. '- <( It IpCMSI o I!ZZZl CD TRAFFIC CONTROL x x US 101 LEGEND CONSTRUCTION SIGN PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN CHANNEUZING DE.VICE TYPE III BARRICADE SIGN CD SEE SIGN SCHEDULE (TYPICAl) NOT TO SCALE CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 800-424-5555 SHEET 58 OF 58 DWG T106 DATE JUNE 2005 PROJ 323194 WU ~ z W ::;; ::> o o o "- o W '" ::> W a: D