HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.461 Original Contract <I. </ ~ I 4-2~-04; 8:48AM ; - "' ...._. ___ I ........_ 404238;# 1 . .......- -............. ..' FAX COVER SHEET DATE: 04/29/04 TO: ATTN: Garv Brooks - Information Technology Division FAJ(# 360-417-4609 FROM: Robert Englandl mM Contract Analyst PHONE # 404-238-1742 FAX # 404-426-5515 SUBJECT: Gary. I apologize for not getting your countersigned contract back to VOll earlier. Attached. are both the Statement ofW'ork and the Schedule for Services for you m.aintenance contract# ADINC? When requesting additions to or remo,,"als from maintenance. in regards to this contract.. you should reference the aforementioned contract number. Thank you, ,~~ y. ~ NUMBER OF PAGES SENT INCLUDING COVER SHEET: 11 4-29-04; 8:48AM 404238;# 2 --,..--...,---_-.. . o~e-30T03 03:27P port Ange1es Pub1i~ Wor~s P.02 ---- ---- ~ ~i:;~41 statement of Work for SerVjce~. .......-... .. .-... .. $Srv1Ci1l:E1ect 1. Scope.of Services We will p.ro\lide to you the Servicas descnced in this Statement 01 Work fur the Macl1iD~ we spec?fy (called .Eligible MaCl"lines"). We Will identIfy the Eligible MaChmes. tlte SEnllt:es that apply to them. and the charges for theSe. in :a Schedule to this Statement of Wor!{, The $chedule will also identify the Specified Locations stwhich the Services will be provided. A Specified :..ocation may be your enWe infDm1alion processinS environment, or a portion thereo1. Which may tl8 resident at multiple sites or a single building- . These Services are available: for Machines normally U5ed for bUSIness, p~fessional, Of trade purposes, rather than personal, family, or household purposes. 2. ContJact Period Start Date: 01/0112004. End Date: 1213112004 Eligible MachiniOl$. Specified lQeations. or new SeNice::;; add~d to this Statement of Work following i~ start Date Will asSl.lme the remainins portion criMe exisllnE l;Cln1ract period. Rel'lewaf Contrad. Period (years}: 1 We will renew the Services that:apply for each Specified LocatiOn on "the Contract Peric:ld EnI:1 Cate 'eai:hD'r'us agreij';"ulllt lfi~~i; agreeme"~ tie~n us oIltout Inls t'alls~gn gOn~h; Qf' llhls Statcmcntal Work ;:jlld It'/; sehed\ll~. :Z13~pple:me1\tal terms rd=rcfll;Cd hcrcfn. and 3} the .aM CUSlomcl' Agrllement (Cl' sn)' ~quiv.,!ent ;agreel11ent in effect tle\'Neen us) ldenlllil!!Q below. AgreelS to: [CUS1crner CoIT1;1IlI1y) c:rrv OF poRT p,NGE!.SS Agreed to: Intem<ltkmal Bu:lI11ell$ Macbll1Cl:S Corl)oratlon .,~;Z~ twlhl;l~ slgnaturu Nilme (1)'1'" or pril'll): G:~ (" Y L. {Sroofc.r Dam: 12. h,c.(oJ:. By <-rn~ Iv~ Aulhcrin:d $ignlLture Name (t)'pl.: or printl: ;Yrifk \AltAI/V" Dale: a ~klJ/d 'I Customer CDmpnny ad4res!>: FINANCE O~PT 3:a1 E I"IFTH ST PORi ANGELES. W~ 9S:36:2.3.:!06 Talopnor.o numbGr: :J bo ,. loft i... <<{ ';-13 snling ;,Jdctress: FINANCE DEP. 321 e F=IFTH S1' l'ORT ANGElES. WA 98382~205 stalem~lt.of Work rrombet: A.grollmel1lnumbsr: IBM ServieBAssllNl'Il nl.l!'!lbec G010114WS CUl;'lomsr CcnlJ).any ol.lmtltlr: or~!lOSii6 I EllA :rddress: A ';'TN; Chri!:taI/QO\IS t.el:)I 11n BelllineRd, Cailpall. TIc 7SD1:;j Afi&r sigllin;;: Please reJJJm a copy Qf this Sls/ermm! o( ~k r" 111~ "lSM :sdt!I8SS.~ show/l .:JbO~B, ... . #' ...... Z12505S1IJ.1B 7J2003 (MK<J7G) 121~12003 POlLJI: 1 flEe :$8 2El133 17:a6 PQGE _ 02 L 4-29-04; 8:48AM 404238;# 3 '-" "'.-_' ___ I Oec-30-03 03:Z7P Po~t Angeles Public Works P.03 for 1he number of yeaTS (called the "Renewal Contt:ict penad'" specif&ed above. Thereafter. we wJJi automatically renew for same Ieng1tl periods Unless yw notify us in advance of your desire to change the length of the renewal. Ch~rges wlD be recalculated based em the length of the Renarial Confract Period ~nd each sUbsequent renewal periad. Either oi lJS cal'l select not to renew by provfdlng written nctitialtion (at least one monfh prior to the end of the CtJrrent contract period) to the other of their decision not to renew. 3. Your Responsibilities You agreo: 1. to provide us with an inventory in which you kfentify all Eligibte Mad:t!nes to be covered al each SpeelfieCl' ~rion. All 51igibfe Machines of the same type al a Specilied Loc;atlon must be inelud-ed in the coverage. YQU arso agree to identify all Eligible Machines for which we are 10 provide warranty senlic~ Z. to notil'y us whenever )IOU wish 10 adtl Eligible Machine types to an EI~n9 Specified Location or set up new Specified L.oca.ti.ons; 3. 10 retum to IBM all defective CRUs (from covered Eligible Machines) within 30 days of your rece.ipt of the replacement CRU. A "CRUd is a Machine part which is designated as a Customer R,eplaceable Unit (e.g. I<eyboards. memory. or h"rd disk drives). IBM provides CRUs to you fOl replacement by you; 4. to ensure iliatany access codes we provida to yeu 8l'e used only by ll1oseWho are authoriZed to do so; 5. to proviCfe llS with information we reques1 WtliCh is related to OLlr prtWisitln of these Services to you and notify us of ;:lny changes; 6. to 211/Q:w 16M and entities wil...llI its EnfeJpflse :0 store and u~ your contact infarmafion. including nam~. pnane numbel's, alld e-mail ad~ anywhere they do business. SlJdJ information wU! be processed and used In connediao with GuT business relationship, and may be provided lD conlractors, Business Partners, and assignee!> of ISM end entities within its Enterprise for uses consistent with their C(lllective business activities. including communicating with you (for example. for procesaing ordel'3,. for promotions. and for market research); . 7. to JJ$e ClJ'I)' electrollic diagQostic alld servIce d9JJvery facilities we proVide to you only in support of EUgible Machines identified in !he Smedule to thIs Stalement of work: S. thai alscfronic access to oLlr $\JI:lporl eenters and certain databasas may requite a separate network setvloes agreement for an additional charge; 9. to pay any communlcat.ions charges associated with accessing these Services unless we specify ofhenNise: 10. to use the information obtained under these Sel'Vic:es only for the support of the in:bnnation processing reqtlirements within your Enterprise-; and 11. that your accepfance of any software Servlces does nofalter your responsibilities for Distributed System License Option licenses.' . When~er both of us <l!;iree tD store repair paf1S at your SpecifIed Loeation. }lOll also agree: , . to provide secure storage space for all parts stored 31 YOllr Specified Location; 2. to J)fol/ide IBM service technicians easy acc~ to the storage space so thaI they may promptl')' stote, insp~ and remove the parts whenavar they deem neCl8SS3ry; and :L-1oaLwbiJ@ .in storal;le. . a. you are responsIble for an ross or damage to the parts, b. you will be separately charged for any par1s that we find to be missing, usec/o or damaged, and c. parts remain the property of IBM and Will tie SUbject to JBM parts contrtll proeedures and must be made avaDable for reiUm to IBM lJpon our request. Z12S-5S10.1& ,.,m3 (lYlKO;&) 1~SIZ003 PdgA ;;: :Dee ;)0 2aB3 l 1': B9 PAGE.l2J3 4-29-04; 8:48AM 404238;# 4 D@e-30-0S 03=2ap Port Ang~les publ,e works 1='.04 I L 4. Mutual RespoMibJ/ltles if at any time either of us reQuests.a revIew or the lovento!)' count, each of us will cooperate in iJpdaling the ~st formallllvenlory. s. Services program Ueense The folfowil"l9 rerms apply to each Program we prQVit:le wil.l1 a ServIce t/'lat is not olhernise ~ceompanled 1>)' a licer.se agreement, We grant you a ncnexcJusive license to lJse the Progl'3m on the Eligible Machine we designate to assist us it! problem determination or ather system support in conjunction with these Services. If we c!o. not supply a backup copy, you may make one ocpy of the Progrem for bacl<Up purpos.es provided you reproduce the copyright notlce and any other legend of ownership 01'1 the co~y. The backup copy is ~bjecl-:O the sametem1S as tile original. You may not 1) modify the Program'$ machine readClbfe instruetiol'\s or data or merge them in10 another Program. 2) reverse assemble, rev~e ecmpile, orol:hefWise1ranslale me Program. 3) sublicense, assign. or transfer the license far the Program; or 4) distribute 1he Program to any third pa~. We provide the Program WITHOUT WAR~ANnES OF ANY KIND. Your Jic.ense termina1e:s when 1) the Service 1ermina~. is withdraW1'\ or expires and is not reneweo. 2} the Program is-no Jongeroeeded to perfu.rm the SSlVice. or 3} th9 Eligible Madline Which we designated for the Program 1S removed from productive use within your Enterprise. We may tenninate your IIQense if you fail to comply With lhese terms. Upon terrninatlor.. you ;agree 10 d~y Ule Program and any bad<:up eopy you were given or made. S. A.utomatic Inventory Increases We wjll aUlomalic:ally lna'~e the inventory count at a Specified Lot:a1icn 'lVhene\ler: 1. an Eligible IBM Machine is added to 1he. inventol)'. 1f the fy1aohi~ is under warrantY WMn added, maintenance Services will commence at warranty exit. If the Machine is not under warran(y when added, maintenance Sel"v'~ will commence at tile laler of ill the date of Installation or Il) the previous yearly annivel"3SlYof %he:start of1he contract perioel. IBM Machines speoffically excluded from coverage at contract peliod start will remain oUlSJde the scope of thl$ satement of Work unless you request we add them duril'9 the con1l'3c1 period. However, all Eligible IBM Machines gdded to your inventory during the COIltrac:t period will De included in the inventory COLlnt and receive maintenance Sgrvioes as set out in this Section: or 2. an Eligible noo-lBM Macl'line, of the same type as other nan-IBM MaChines already covered at 'hat Specffied t.ccation. is added to me Inventory~ If the Matihlne js unt1er warranty when added. fTlalntenance Se;vjces wlll commence at warranty exIt. If the Machine is not under warranty when addeo, maintenance Servlc::e.s wilt commence at the later of a) tI'Ie date of installa~Qn or b) the previous yeal1y anniversary of the s~ of the contract period. The maIntenance Services that apply for-these Maci'lines will be \he same as 1h<li.'WtIic:h yo~ are __ rec;eivlng tor all other EligIble Machrnes of tlle- same type. Newly installed IBM Maohines af th€ same type for which you have already s8t~ed Warranty Service Upgrade will be aClded at date af actual installation an~ will .be covered at the same Warrallly Service Upgrade support level. Z12S.5S10.1<J 712003 (MI<07ti) 1~orn P.:Jg~3 Pee 3a z6€)3 17: ia PAGE.€!4 4-29-04; 8:48AM 404238;# 5 o@c-ao-03 03~2ap Po~ Angeles Pub11~ Wor~s P-05 7. Charges and Payment Your charges.are calculated taking into account your Machine volumes, Service .serections, and payment optiON>. Since you have selecled It) prepay for me entire contract. penCld. you will not be sUbject to increases in charges (during that period) ror itlr:luded Eligible Mad1ine configurations and Services. All newly -added Eligibl& MachInes and Services. as well a$ changes to existIng ElIgtble Macnlne conti9uratiol1s :and Servlte$, will assume the charge rate tMat applied for V'lese at contract period start. Eligible Machines and Services the1 become generally C1..-ailable during the contract period wm be added at the ehsrge rats that appned on l~eir iniliat availability date. If yQu elect to have these charge terms apply for your Renewal Con1TcIc1 Period charges (as recalctllated at the start of eadl renewal pericxl). yeu m\J$1 provide U6 written notifi1:ation (at least cn~ month prior to lhe start ::lftl1e renewal perIod) a nd prepayment for the entire renewal period. Otherwise, charSes 10r the renewal period wilf rever2 to a quarterly billing cycle and lhe following will apply throughout the renewal p~lod: 1. we may revise charges.. However. any rate Increase will not taiCe effect until the next year1y amiversary of !he sta,t of the OJrllrad period. At tfle start of each contract year. you wm be invQiced at 1he charge ra19s that are then in -effect. We wm not issue advance notice of charge rete cha.nges; ~ 2. all newly added Eligible Machil1es and Services, as well as dlange:s to :existing E&gible Mac.hioo configurations and SeNices, will assume the charge rate that applied for1hese at the previous yearly anniversary cfthe start of the IXlnfract period; and - 3. Sligible Machines and Services that become 9enerally available dvnng l.1'le renewal period will be added at the charge tate that applied on their initial availability date. Total 5eMces charges may be adjusied whenever: . 1. a review of 1he lnvt:ntory count indicates a change from !he last acco!R\tlng; or 2. a Specifi&d Location. Eljgible Machine type, or Service is added. deleted. or changed. Fer aU Service charges based on IJsage. upon our request you will provide us with :he actual meter reading recording the actual u5age. 8. Termination You may terminate Servlces for an Eligible Machlne. on notice to us, if you permanently remove it from productive- use within your Enterprise. You m.:J)' also 1enninate ServIces l)y providing us "ne monih's wntten notice, after the Services have been covered under this Statement of WorK for at least ona y43ar. You will receive :a credit for any remalOlng prepaid period associated with Services you terminate in accordance lIAlil the provisions of this Stacemont of Work. 9. Satisfaction Guarantee If, for any reason, you are not compfete!y satisfied with a SeNlce we provide to you under this Statement of Work. notify us in writing within one month of the time you fllst become di$$a!isfled. We will tty to resclw the problem to your satisfaction. If we are unable to do SQ, you VIm receive a credit equal to the prorated charge for the Sarvice for -the period of time-you were dissatisfied,_ --- 10. Maintananc;e Services Maintenanl:i8 of laM MaJ:hlnes We wr11l'rovide Service for M3d1ines, ~ described in our Agreement, for those Eligible rBM Machines specified in me Schedule. Z1~10-'8 7120D3 IM1<016} '2i2Sreot'~ Page 4 DEe 38 2€JB3 .17:.1E1 ~GE. ffi [ ~ 4-29-04; 8:48AM Oec-3o~a3 03~2ap PQrt An9~les Publ~c WQ~~s IBM Schedule for Services This Schedule ~tls: :a li5!1ng of the 'Eligible Machines al the Speciflad locations iI:let1tifleCll:lelow for Which ....-a ".J11l provide lhi!> Ed'enlilted Services as desl;[1ced in lhe ~nct:ld Sta1emont of Work. These terms are in a:WlSon 1tI ~e of lhe refErenced SUllem~nt of Wolf< and IBM International C1.lstomer Agreement (or any eQuivalent agreeme.,l :sigrlll:d by both of us and Identified below). Cuslomer Name and Dilling APdress: CITY OF PORT ANGELES . FINANCE DfPT 3:21 E F[FTH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362.-3206 Agrucmlent No; StaWment of Worle No: JaM Scu"'\(;O&Assl:i1tsnt ~o~ G01094W5 Assocr~ed Con1.rad No: A$sClCItded Conl~ SgjIt Datu: Ent.8rpri:M Na: Cl!$tOmoM" No: 07250S6S CnarQ@S and Pavment PIa Il, COl'llraCl Period Plit:e prcteC'!lan 1QI'" Cont!'act Peri:1d Pl'epay prepayment Cb:lrgg porlod: St:lrt Dale: 01101.12004 End: Oate: 12J31J2004 .Total charges: $1.523.39 :[y1:Ie of Di~count(8) ~ppned: . Chargw EfiJ lIa:<;ad on 1htI Cll'tOl'n tn~lllry :m!l SIBN&:eE: klenliroad In 1111'$ Senadule. Aoobr31 Charges mf!l1 ~ wi1h anyaddillons. deletions, or l:hi3nge$ to tr.e invl:ntcl'l or ~ces. - - ., The- parties need not sign this: sc:hedulo, unless either of US' request5lt. A\1feed to: CITY Of PORT ANGElES By~ ~. ~ . .o~~ ::;i~n2llJre Name(~ypeorJ;lrlnt): &ffry' L. troof~ tl~l~ I 2- ( "3 SI /D 1.. Zl250SS11.137I2oo3 12129f2003 Me 3el 2ilra3 J. 7; J.:3 Agl"Elect1:o: Jnt8maticnal BlJslnlilss Mad\inlel$ Corpar:aUon By: lj!)a-JL uJ~ . .AU1horizelf sia natIJre Name (type or print): ;t1 ~ Ie W ~ jI<d' o.rt~ () 2j1l)f 'I Paga1 404238;# 6 P_06 PFGE.€S 4-29-04; 8:48AM .... ".__' __.... I ._ j- Dec-30-03 OS:28P Por~ Angeles publ1C Wo~ks IBM Schedule for Services . . 404238;# 7 _II....... - ~ .:::-- Enterorise Total for CharQe Perlcd bv Customer Number: CUSklmQr No Chafges" 072!:lQ$S S 1.523.69 Total: $1,523.69 7.1~~5' '.13 7f2tlOO 12lZ9IZ)Cl3 P;Js&-"l DEe ~ 2ero 1'7:11:' P~.e7 P.07 I'J ~ -. 4-29-04; 8:48AM .... ",,__1 _.......... I Oee-30-03 03~29P Port Ange'es Pub'~c Works IBM Schedule for Servicf#s :EIiSli>>~ M",ehin " &1hW~e& Sentic~ I ! I I ## Chll~os. Milnul3c:turGr I I I I TvDG Machine ~ Type gf Repair '# Rl)larntl ortJlJrf S~zi~l Orcrerl Mc!dal Sarisl Cl1Olflil~ Start"' Customer NO Il.oeJIion: O'l25tl5GIl PORT ANGELES. WA IBM 8S4S 2JUC 0023~ , A S4S2..7B W D41Cl>r.!004 IBM am e"'" W7BZS604 1 A $3Tll, CO W 01J28/.2Q04 ~, IBM 8673 S3X 007SZB6i3 1 A :5310.00 w 01/2612004- IBM 607:3 63X OOKPKG718 1 Ii. !260.00 W o5lO7~OOA 15M 8673 T.i:X OOI<PZP3S3 , A. $71.11 W 1flf21120C4 TcmJ : $1,523.as z,2!i.ll511.t:5 7/2003 - - -lZf.2~c3 - Pase~- .DEe .:3e aaa3 1't': 11 404238;# p_oa Cl1a~s"" Stop'" PAGE - es 8 4-2~-04; 8:48AM '-' I' ___I ....'-''-' I ........ Oec-30-0S 03:Z9? Port Angeles Pub'~c works (BM Schedule for ~.~.rvice~._ - . Legelttll': ttT\lPf\!-ClrRGJ)alrServie~. . - ..' A) On-Site RepairfE:u:hal'lge Services. Monday tnltll.lgh Friday (excluding holidClys). Sam to 5pm. next business day B I On-Site Repalrt5~change serviQos. 7 days a weeK. :o!4hrs/daY C) Qn.Ske RepairlExchange $er'IIk:eS, 5 days a week. !ltlrslday. 4 hour response objective.. Tl'II9 type flf repair ~erJi(;e jncl;:d'~ B ~PQnse lime obj6~iVe ancl is not ~ guarantee D} Qrl-.Sile RepairfExd1ange Services. 7 days a week. 24hi$lday. 2 hour response objectiVe. This type of repair service includes a respDnse time Objectivf; and i$ not a guarantee X) EasyServ (fSrrlOtElly dOlivered services) . ## M..in~e"::'lnc:.e Sl!lrvlees , j M~lnle:n:3I1= Clf ISM Machines 2} MIllntenanO;9 of nOn-let.! Macllines 3) wan-anty SerJlce!l Uf'gr.adl? 4) Maintenance of non-l8M Machine:s: fiJ~ SUN Miaosyste:ms Mad'Unes during the SUN Warl?:nty parlcd 51 IBM Maintenance Services. Fir:st I.lne rvtatnten:ance far Winccr Nr:<<larl ATM's 6) Po.st II\Slallalion Covaraga (PIC) ServleO Upgrade, for seleCled Nan-IBM Mad1lnes . cml'ges shown are tor C/'Iarga Period -An (E) indicates a Machine that has been l!lnntlUr\ced ~ withdta10m frQl!'l geflelaUy MlIintcnatlcc Servlce .An (H) indie3tes 3 Machine that is LInder an exJStirlg SalviC$Sulte/SllMcsfilecl CHIS contract_ .A (1<) ir.dicates ~umptive pnced prodUcts are inCluded ill the ~lal Charge PerloCl Price but will be Gmea base<! on the lerms or the Contract -An (L.) indicates a Maellino !has is under an exis:ting Icsaey s=repay conlrcu::t -An (O) ind3cal,es One Time Ct&arge ..p., (U) maacates usage Charges lNhich ara measUred in E1ilhsr Feet. Houn>', or irn~lons .A (WI indlc;;Itea a MachinelModellFeat\lre 1J11d.erWarranty -M (Xl indJeatlo!!:. On-order Produl:l$ which are shown for plannmg purposes only .. Ch3rSes St2rt1SltJp dares sh ovm Cl~e thQse U1at dj~r 1rom me Conl1aci Period Star1/End Dates ---- - f--- ~ - - -- -------------~- - ----~-- --- - ~- --- 404238;# 9 _..of ...... P_09 -om; ----- ------- ~- -~~---~-------- ----- --- I- Z~2S-SS1M3 712t103 12f29/2.0G3 page 4 DEtC :se zero 17' j,.1. PP.GE.as L 4-2,.9-04; 8: 48AM ...... II _-" _,-,,_. ........ 404238;# 10 Oec-30-03 03:29P Por~ Ange1es Pub11C Works P_1.0 Additional Information CtilS T ANn C ; MAE$AACT01 ~ ~ 1'Cl2W~ ConvI ~ Cb,'lI'nos ~ Con:'lcmel'HCI ~ Modet ~ BE!l .D.d Be!;,1 ~ I!C 07250568 864S ;lAX D023H03S4 llZ/tl5J2004 $$73 (3)l 007aZaG04 01J.2BaOOd. 8873 63>: 0tI78Z8613 Otl2al2004 8G?3 s;x OOKPI(.G'7, a tJ6JD712.0Dllo 8613 7~ ~oK?;::P351a 1aJ27120a4 Offortnq ~MQ. 9m!I!. ~ ~ Service Condition SC \t1'l1u~ fDmt Ig :Q!:t 1 1 1 Q.t!L \ 1-- P~1 Dee 3e 2303_17;1~ PAGE_18 4-~-04; 8:48AM y .0 __I ___ , 404238;# 11 \ \ I I .. O~c-30-03 OS:29P Po~ Angeles Public Works P_~1 Additional Information - General Comments D€C 313 2ea3 1?~.u ~e:.11