HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.446 Original Contract . f <I. <1<1 /P ",' CONTRACT BETWEEN THE THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND S & B INC. FOR WATER UTILITY SCADA SYSTEM UPGRADES PROJECT 03-16 THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into this '1~ day of ~ ~ ~o A_ , 2003, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non-charter c de city of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY") and S & 8 Inc., a Washington Corporation (hereinafter called the "CONTRACTOR"). WHEREAS, the CITY desires to continue the development and implementation of a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) System to assist in monitoring and controlling the City's Water System, and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to engage the professional services and assistance of a qualified firm to perform the scope of work as detailed in Exhibit A, and WHEREAS, the City Council has passed a Resolution designating S &8 Inc. as the sole source for the design, acquisition, and installation of additional SCADA System facilities for the - CITY's Water System and declaring an exception to normal bidding requirements, and WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR represents that it has the background, experience, and ability to perform the required work in accordance with the standards of the profession, and WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR represents that it will provide qualified personnel and appropriate facilities necessary to accomplish the work; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the terms, conditions, covenants and agreements set forth below, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be achieved by the CONTRACTOR shall be as detailed in the attached Exhibit A and Exhibit 8 and shall include all services and material necessary to accomplish the work. The CITY may review the CONTRACTOR'S work product, and if it is not satisfactory, the CONTRACTOR shall make such changes as may be required by the CITY. Such changes shall not constitute "Extra Work" as related in Section XI of this Contract. The CONTRACTOR agrees that all services performed under this Contract shall be in accordance with the standards of the profession and in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws. The Scope of Work may be amended upon written approval of both parties. Page 1 of 7 City of Port Angeles - November 2003 ," II. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Upon completion of the work, all documents, exhibits, photographic negatives, or other presentations of the work shall (except as applicable in Section XVII below) become the property of the CITY for use without restriction and without representation as to suitability for reuse by any other party unless specifically verified or adapted by the CONTRACTOR. However, any alteration or reuse of the documents, by the City or by others acting through or on behalf of the City, will be at the City's sole risk. III. DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVES Each party shall designate its representatives in writing. The CONTRACTOR'S representative shall be subject to the approval of the CITY. IV. TIME OF PERFORMANCE The CONTRACTOR may begin work upon execution o~ this Contract by both parties. The time of performance (performance period) for the Contract is 90 days from the date of award. V. PAYMENT The CITY shall pay the CONTRACTOR as set forth in this section of the Contract. Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed, services rendered, and all labor, materials, supplies, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit invoices to the CITY on a monthly basis. Invoices shall indicate the specific task or activity in the Scope of Work to which the costs are related. B. The CITY shall review the invoices and make payment for the percentage of the project that has been completed less the amounts previously paid. C. The CONTRACTOR invoices are due and payable within 30 days of receipt. In the event of a disputed billing, only the disputed portion will be withheld from payment. D. Final payment for the balance due to the CONTRACTOR will be made upon the completion of the work and acceptance by the CITY. E. Payment for "Extra Work" performed under Section XI of this Contract shall be as agreed to by the parties in writing. VI. MAXIMUM COMPENSATION Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties, the CONTRACTOR'S total compensation and reimbursement under this Contract, including labor, direct non-salary reimbursable costs and outside services, shall not exceed the maximum sum of $14,030.00, not including applicable Washington State sales tax for the City of Port Angeles (8.2%). Page 2 of 7 City of Port Angeles - November 2003 .. VII. EMPLOYMENT Employees of the CONTRACTOR, while engaged in the performance of any work or services under this Contract, shall be considered employees of the CONTRACTOR only and not of the CITY, and claims that may arise under the Workman's Compensation Act on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of the CONTRACTOR'S employees while so engaged, on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. In performing this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall not employ or contract with any CITY employee without the City's written consent. VIII. NONDISCRIMINATION The CONTRACTOR shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fair, equal and nondiscriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed, color, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin, and, in particular: { A. The CONTRACTOR will maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions from qualified individuals who are members of the above-stated minorities. B. The CONTRACTOR will comply strictly with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of nondiscriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all patrons and customers without discrimination with respect to the above-stated minority status. IX. SUBCONTRACTS A. Except for electrical work, the CONTRACTOR shall not sublet or assign any of the work covered by this Contract without the written consent of the CITY. B. In all solicitation either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the CONTRACTOR for work to be performed pursuant to a subcontract, including procurement of materials and equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the CONTRACTOR of CONTRACTOR's obligations under this Contract, including the nondiscrimination requirements. X. CHANGES IN WORK Other than changes directed by the CITY as set forth in Section I above, either party may request changes in the scope of work. Such changes shall not become part of this Contract unless and until mutually agreed upon and incorporated herein by written amendments to this Contract executed by both parties. City of Port Angeles - November 2003 Page 3 of 7 .- XI. EXTRA WORK .- The CITY may desire to have the CONTRACTOR perform work or render services in connection with this project, in addition to the Scope of Work set forth in Exhibit A and minor revisions to satisfactorily completed work. Such work shall be considered as "Extra Work" and shall be addressed in a written supplement to this Contract. The CITY shall not be responsible for paying for such extra work unless and until the written supplement is executed by both parties. XII. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT A. The CITY may terminate this Contract at any time upon not less than ten (10) days written notice to the CONTRACTOR. Written notice will be by certified mail sent to the I CONTRACTOR's designated representative at the address provided by the CONTRACTOR. Mutually agreed-upon compensation for work already completed and reasonable costs incurred shall be made to the CONTRACTOR by the CITY. 8. In the event this Contract is terminated prior to the completion of the work, a final payment shall be made to the CONTRACTOR, which, when added to any payments previously made, shall compensate the CONTRACTOR for the amount of work completed. C. In the event this Contract is terminated prior to completion of the work, documents that are the property of the CITY pursuant to Section II above, shall be delivered to and received by the CITY prior to transmittal of final payment to the CONTRACTOR. XIII. INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS A. The CONTRACTOR shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers against and from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or lawsuits, including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the CITY. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the CITY by reason of entering into this Contract, except as expressly provided herein. B. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the CONTRACTOR and the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the CONTRACTOR's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the CONTRACTOR's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the CONTRACTOR's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract. XIV. INSURANCE The CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in Page 4 of 7 City of Port Angeles - November 2003 connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the CONTRACTOR, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Failure by the CONTRACTOR to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract upon which the CITY may, after giving five working days notice to the CONTRACTOR to correct the breach, immediately terminate the Contract or at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the CITY on demand, or at the sole discretion of the CITY, off set against funds due the.CONTRACTOR from the CITY. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance The CONTRACTOR shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured Contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The CITY shall be named as an insured under the S's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the CITY using ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or a substitute endorsement providing equivalent coverage. 3. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. . B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1 ,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance. City of Port Angeles - November 2003 Page 5 of 7 1. The CONTRACTOR's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the CITY. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the CITY shall be excess of the CONTRACTOR's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The CONTRACTOR's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the CITY. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the CITY with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the CONTRACTOR before commencement of the work. F. Subcontractors The CONTRACTOR shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for-each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the CONTRACTOR. XV. APPLICABLE LAW This Contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, and in the event of dispute the venue of any litigation brought hereunder shall be Clallam County. XVI. SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS The supplemental terms set forth in the attached Exhibit C are hereby incorporated in and made part of this Contract, except that in case of conflict with any Section of this Contract, that Section shall have precedence over the conflicting part of Exhibit C. XVII. SOFTWARE AND LICENSING AGREEMENT All software is provided by the CONTRACTOR under a non-transferable, on-exclusive license for the CITY's use, as set forth in the attached Exhibit D. A designated representative of the CITY will sign the End-User License Agreement upon accepting the CONTRACTOR'S software documentation and using the software provided. All software and documentation are copyrighted by the CONTRACTOR and no copies of the software or documentation may be made except for CITY use as a "backup" copy, or as required or allowed by law. City of Port Angeles - November 2003 Page 6 of 7 XVIII. EXHIBITS AND SIGNATURES This Contract, including its exhibits, constitutes the entire Contract, supersedes all prior written or oral understandings, and may only be changed by a written amendment executed by both parties. The following exhibits are hereby made a part of this Contract: Exhibit A - Scope of Work Exhibit B - Specifications Sheets for GUI and Duty Notebook Exhibit C - S & B's General Terms and Conditions Exhibit D - Software and Licensing Agreem~nt In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES . ~~~r ' ~AYOR CONTRACTOR J~d~TT'/f..L, TITLE: VICe PXES/C:i5NJ APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTESTt &~ .~A. BECKY UP N, Y CLER i' "- , " . N.\PROJECT S\03-16 SCADA Upgrades\S&Bcontract2003.wpd City of Port Angeles - November 2003 Page 7 of 7 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK 1. CONTRACTOR will design, furnish and install the following: (1) upgrade the existing WinCC V4.0 to WinCC V6.0, and (2) supply a new GUI 2003 machine. The new computer will have adequate storage and the ability to offload data onto DVD media. See attached specification sheet in Exhibit B for additional details on system specifications and'supplied software. The cost to complete this item of work is $9,420, not including tax. 2. CONTRACTOR will furnish and install one Duty Notebook Computer to replace the existing one. . The new computer will be a Dell Latitude Series notebook computer with a licensed copy of Windows 2000, Microsoft Office, TISOFT, DirectSOFT and pcAnywhere loaded on it. See the attached specification sheet in Exhibit B for additional information. The cost to complete this item of work is $2,860, not including tax. 3. CONTRACTOR will design, furnish and install hardware and PLC application software to upgrade the existing 4-channel headquarters dialer to an 8-channel dialer. The equipment includes an 8-point card from RACO and an additional 8-point relay output module with wire harness for the additional points. The cost to complete this item of work is $1,050, not including tax. 4. CONTRACTOR to provide one day of start-up and training on site. The cost to complete this item of work is $700, not including tax. If an additional day is required to complete the work, up to $700 will be charged for that day. : EXHIBIT B SPECIFICATIONS SHEETS FOR GUI AND DUTY NOTEBOOK (two pages) OCT-23-2003 10:27 FROM S&B INC. TO 913604174542 P.03 h II II II II _ ~ _ . IIPR~:::. I PROCESSOR: I I I I I I 0.0 ~. ,... 't...: TT T.L ~ /"""YTY' S -- .- '-:J'"raUlliC user J.nlerl8ce l bUI, peclIlcanon Graphic User Interface (GUI) P~ntium IV 2.6 GHz or better, PCI bus r'^eoMIo-"........._ ..._...1...:1"'.... ~"""I''''1.4".,& &...~.UU~.3. 512 ME DDR .RAM (miiiimwn) 80Gb Bam Dlsk 4X M:ax DVD+RW/+R Drive and 16X D\i'D 1.441'..11; 3.5" Fluppy Drive Super VGA, 64MB Graphics Adapter 2 RS-232 Serial Communications Pori Parallel Printer Port 10/100 Base T Eihcmei Network Card 56k baud, Y.9O Modem PS2 Mouse Port and Mouse PS2 Standard Keyboard Windows 2000 Professional SPJ ManufacturersIPart Numbers: S&B WinCC@ GUI.03 MONITOR: 18" Flat Panel Di$play 0.285mm dot pitcl4 Hori7.ontah 31-80kH7, Vertical: 55-85kHz 1280x1024ni ManufacturerslPart Numbers: Den UltraSharpTK 1800 FP GUl SOFTWARE: (Required for each System) Kit Includes: Siemens WinCC@ v6.0 RunTime 1024 Tag Software pcAnywbere™ dO (2-host, 2-client) MicroSoft Office Basic 2003 S&B Applications Software Complete Doc:umentation Mouse Pad 11 II II !I I I I I I I I I I I PLC INIERFACE: Serial Communication RS232 S&B GUf machines represent current computer technology, specifications of equipment may change without notice to equipment with improved speed, capacity <md/or features. All computer equipment includes a one-year pOJt$ and labor service warranty_ TOTRL P.03 -- I ~....J ~u~..... ..... U...J rrr~UI f ':)~l:S! Nl.... IU 913604174542 P.02 h n.n II '-'-'-" II =- iii ~ S&B inC. PROCESSIITEM; SCADA Duty Notebook Computer d II II r ...--. ~ '1a.T ~.. W.r'1 _______.....___ r1___~~__~__ lJUtv ~OleDOOK \..,OmpUler ~pecllu;auun PROCESSOR; Pentium III 1.0 Glh or better, PCI bus Comjiuur In~ludes; 128 MB DDR RAM (minimum) 20Gb Pgrd IYJSk 24X CD ROM 1.44 Mb 3.5" :Fluppy DriVl: 1 RS-232 Serial CommuDkations Port Parallel Printer Port 1 USH Port ...^,....I'W"tt. ft___ FW" ~..L___" ...y_A--_......J_ ~....-...:I .lV/.lUV ~ .I ~W-=CIl-=L .I."'t:LWUCa. \.-anI 56k b8ud, V.92 Modem (Integrated) ....... ", ... ,.. _ _ ....... 1""'4_ __:I ~._..& vue .1 ype .1 ur .1 ype U UlIU "IU," DuaiPoint Pointing Dnice (Touch Pad and Track Stick) Windows 2000 Professional SP3 ManufactnrerslPart Numbers: S&B Duty Notebook-03 I MONITOR: I I nm J _ ~TP'POIlT. ,---- ~--- ----- I I ~TTT l:nli"TW A 1llC'- I'" "'.. """.. .. '1'.. ..a_- I I I I I I I IPLC INTERFACE: 12.1" XGA color TIT Active Matrix Display 1024x768 XGA M.Qx R~ution 3 Ye-ar Limjt~ W~l'r'!Ll!ty Plu~ 3 Y~r NBD ~-Site Seni<< and Complete Care 3 Year C..Qld TeoCh"'''AJ Support (R..nnin>d tnr ....,.h ~vct..ftI\ ,.-..,-..-- --- -- -J-.--~ Kit Includes; pc..t\.n.ywhere™ Ver 10 (Pw.!rchased in G!JI-03 Upgrade) Micr~S~ft Office Sma!! Bu&..n.ess TISOFTTM (City's Copy) 'i:R.1I 4nnH..atinn" ~lf-ap.. ...,~.... '..ry.........-.......... "'-.... -.- Serial Cmnmumcation RS232 S&B Duty Notebook computers represenr CU"enI compUler rechnology, specificarions of equipment may change without notice to equipment with impruved speed, capaciry and/or jeatures. All computer equipment includes a one-year parts and labor service warranry(unless stared otherwise). TOTAL P.02 EXHIBIT C S & B's GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (two pages) ; .. 0.0 . S&Binc. 13200 SE 30th Street, Bellevue, W A 98005 (425) 644-1700 FAX (425) 746-9312 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS - INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS 1. SCOPE These terms and condlnons apply to the sale of all mstrument systems assembled by S&B Inc. (Seller) and any InConsIstent terms and condItIOnS m Purchaser's purchase order are not bindIng on Seller, tmless accepted, or these terms and condlnons are modified by an authonzed S&B Inc. representanve. 2. ACCEPTANCE Purchase orders receIved from Purchaser do not bmd Seller unless accepted by an Officer of Seller, eIther by acknowledgment, wntten acceptance, prormse to shtp, or shtpment of the mstrument systems commurncated to Purchaser. Acceptance IS expressly made condInonal on Purchaser's assent to Seller's Matena! Terms and CondItions whtch are additional to or dIfferent from Purchaser's terms, unless Seller agrees otherwtse m wnnng 3. PRlCEANDPAYMENT Unless othelWlse speCIfied, quoted selhng pnces are FOB Seller's factory or Its supplier's shlppmg pomt, WIth freIght allowed to destmal10n and are subject to change If not accepted wlthtn 30 days from the quotanon date The quotanon may be withdrawn at any time pnor to acceptance or extended beyond 30 days. InVOIces are due and payable NET 30 days, tmless othelWlse speCIfied, at the company offices at 13200 S.E 30th Street, Bellevue, W A. 98005. Late payment of mVOIces are subject to mterest InvOIces shall be rendered accordmg to the followmg schedule Benchmark Upon nonce from purchaser that all draWIngs have been approved for fabncatIon Upon nonce from Seller that the mstrument system IS ready for factory tests Upon notIce from Seller that the mstrument system has been ShIpped or that factory tests are complete and eqUIpment IS bemg held for convemence of customer Upon notIce of acceptance from Purchaser or 180 days from notIce of shIpment, whIchever occurs first. % of Total Price 20% AddInonal 50% Addinonal 25% Fmal 5% If Purchaser defaults m any payment when due, Seller may at Its opnon, and m addlnon to Its remedIes tmder the U.C C WIthout mcurring any hablhty thereof to Purchaser or Purchaser's customers, declare all payments for work completed ImmedIately due and payable WIth maxImum legal mterest thereon from due date and stop all further work and shIpments tmtIl all past due payments have been made and/or reqwre that any further dehvenes be paId for prior to shtpment 4. ITEMS INCLUDED The pnce quoted mcludes only the Instrument system speCified, and does not mclude acl11a1 Installanon, accessory or' assocIated matenals such as wmng, plpmg, etc., not specIfically mcluded. EqUIpment pnces quoted mclude InstallatIOn mformatIon and start-up assIstance proVIded by the Seller's field engineer or techmclan. Such serVIces WIll be provided m a mUl11ally agreeable manner and tIme. Seller WIll proVIde, upon request, at Seller's estabhshed current rates, an expenenced Project Engineer or SerVIce TechniCIan to provide on-sIte supenntendence of the eqUIpment mstallanon Responslblhty for proper operanon of eqwpment, If not Installed by Seller or mstalled m accordance WIth Seller's mstructions, rests entirely WIth Purchaser S. TAXES Any federal, state or local sales, or use or other taxes apphcable to thIS transacl10n are not mcluded m the pnce quoted, and unless a vahd certIficate of exemptIon is prOVIded, any such tax shall be added to the pnce and IS for the Purchaser's accotmt 6. SmPMENTS AND DELIVERY Any shipment or dehvery dates reCIted herem represent Seller's best estImate No hablhty, dIrect or mdlrect, IS assumed by Seller for faIlure to ShIP or dehver on such dates In any event, dehvery dates are based upon the effective date of the contract and prompt receIpt by Seller or all necessary mformatlOn and Instrucnons from Purchaser, mcludIng approved submittal drawmgs. Seller shall have the nght to make partial shIpments, and mVOIces covering the same shall be due and payable by Purchaser m accordance WIth the payment terms hereof In the event that the mstrument system speCIfied herem IS to be ShIpped outsIde the Umted States, Purchaser shall obtaIn all necessary Import hcenses and permIts reqUIred to clear the shIpment for entry mto the foreIgn country and pay all dunes, tolls and unports If Purchaser requests postponement of shIpments or causes a delay m shIpment, the ennre purchase pnce shall be due and payable upon nonce from Seller that the mstrument system IS ready for shIpment, and thereafter any storage, or other charge Seller mcurs, shall be for Purchaser's account, mcludmg mterest on any tmpald balance at the maxImum legal rate. All claImS for damage, delay or storage for FOB Seller's plant shall be made dIrectly agamst the carner of the Purchaser When shIpments are FOB destInatIOn" Purchaser shall Inspect the Instrument system shIpped and nonfy Seller of any damage or shortage wlthm 5 days of receIpt. FaIlure to notIfy Seller shall constItute acceptance of Purchaser, reheVIng Seller of any hablhty for shlppmg damages or shortages 7. RlSK OF LOSS AND SECURITY INTEREST Unless shtpments of mstrument systems are made FOB destmatlOn, all nsk of loss or damage shall pass to the Purchaser upon dehvery to a carner for shIpment Purchaser shall protect and mamtaIn Seller's title, mcludmg adequate Insurance for Seller's benefit, and nght of repossessIon to the Instrument system speCIfied hereIn or m any change order untIl the full purchase price has been paId In full and WIll not encumber or permIt others to encumber such systems by any secunty mstruments Purchaser acknowledges that as secunty for payment of the purchase pnce, Seller WIll retaIn and Purchaser has granted, a secunty mterest In all mstrument systems sold to Purchaser Seller shall have all of Its nghts and remedIes as a Seller and a secured party tmder the U C C or other appropnate law No waIver by Seller or any default shall consntute a waIver of any subsequent or further default Seller may retam as hqUldated damages any part1ll1 paymentsmade and may peaceably repossess the eqUIpment from the Purchaser's prermses WIthout prejudIce to any further claims 11 may have In the event legal actIOn be brought to enforce the prOVISIons of any order accepted by It, Seller shall be enntled to recover Its court costs and reasonable attorney fees. 8. WARRANTY Seller warrants that for a penod of one year after test and acceptance by the Purchaser, or 18 months from date of shIpment, wlnchever occurs first, all products assembled by Seller shall be free from defects m matenal and workmanshIp Seller WIll at Its sole optIon e1ther repay the purchase pnce, or repaIr or replace at a locatIon to be desIgnated by 1t, any product defects whIch develop Wltlnn such period under nonnal and proper use provided 1t receIves prompt wntten notIce of claimed warranty perlod. 11us warranty shall not apply to any products altered or repaired outsIde Seller's factory or WIth other than Seller's replacement parts, unless such repair was authonzed m wnting by Seller, or to products or parts subject to nususe, abuse, neglect or acCIdent or damaged by unproper mstallatIon or applIcatIon. In no event shall Seller be lIable for nonnal wear and tear, nor for any mcidental or consequentIal damages due to moperab1l1ty of its products. The foregomg are Seller's sole warranties and guarantees, and all express or unplied warrantIes, mcludmg a1lunplIed warrantIes or merchantabIlIty and fitness for a partIcular pwpose, which exceed the above oblIgatIon, are hereby dlsclaimed by Seller. 9. CANCELLATION, SUSPENSION AND DELAYS After acceptance by Seller, thIS contract shall not be subject to cancellal1on, suspension or delay. Orders may be cancelled only WIth Seller's wntten consent and upon payment of reasonable cancellation charges, whIch shall mclude all costs mcurred and work done pursuant to the contract to date of cancellatIon, suspensIOn or a delay plus reasonable overhead and profit AddltIonally, all nsks incident to and charges related to storage and/or resumptIon of work, at Seller's plant or elsewhere, shall be for Purchaser's sole account 10. LIMITATIONOFLIABILITY Seller shall not be responSIble or lIable m any way for any faIlure to perform due to Acts of God, fire or flood, senous explOSIOns or acCIdents, foreIgn or Umted States embargoes, war or nots, senous shortages, unavaIlabIlIty or SIgnIficant pnce mcreases m COmmOd111eS, matenals or components, labor dlsputes, mterruption of transportallon, loss of essenl1al productIon ServIces, acts of any U.S. or fore1gn governmental authonty, or by any other event beyond the reasonable control of Seller or Its subcontractors. Seller shall not be lIable to Purchaser for any mC1dental or consequential damages for any reason whatsoever. II. CHANGES AND BACKCHARGES Any changes m or any add1110ns to the scope of work herem descnbed or 1mtIated by the Purchaser or resulllng from any CIrCumstances beyond Seller's control shall be for the account of and paId by the Purchaser Wntten change orders shalllmtIate changes, and shall be cons1dered as mdlVldual modlfical1ons and shall not delay payment to the Seller for the origmal order. Seller WIll not approve or accept returns or backcharges for labor, matenals or other costs incurred by Purchaser or others in modlficallon or adJuslnlent, servIce or repaIr of Seller furnIshed matenals unless such return or backcharges are pursuant to Seller's warranty and have been authorized m wntmg by an Officer of Seller or by assigned purchase order or work reqUIsItIOn 12. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION All mfonnal1on furn1shed by Seller 1S subnutted solely for Purchaser's cons1deral1on m connectIon WIth thIS Job and shall be not be used by Purchaser nor dlsclosed to any thud party WIthout Seller's wntten consent 13. DRAWINGS AND DESIGN All draWIngs, descnptlVe matter, etc. subnutted WIth th1S proposal are merely mtended to gIve a general Idea of the equIpment descnbed and a set of drawmgs may be supplIed for approval after acceptance Seller reserves the right to change or modIfy the deSIgn and construcl1on of any eqUIpment m order to incorporate Improvements or to Subslltute matenal equal to or supenor to that ongmally speCIfied, and upon request, wIll ass1St WIth suggestIons WIthOUt lIabilIty for any resull1ng loss or damage to Purchaser 14. SOFTWARE AND LICENSE AGREEMENT All software IS prOVIded under a non-transferrable, non-excluslve lIcense for Its use The purchaser, and If dlfferent, the end-user, shall be reqUIred to SIgn Seller's End-User LIcense Agreement upon accepllng Seller's software documentatIon and using the software proVlded. All software and documentation are copynghted by Seller and contam valuable trade secrets. No copies of tins software or documentallon may be made except as authonzed under the terms of the lIcense agreement. The software and documentalIon are warranted agamst funcl10nal defects found dunng a penod of one year after delIvery Seller's sole oblIgallon shall be to correct any such defect in a manner chosen by Seller m Its sole dIscretIon Seller shall have no hablhty for any lost profits or dIrect, mdlrect, mCldental, consequentIal, or other damages arJsmg from use of the software and documentalIon or any assOCIated hardware 15. NON-ASSIGNMENT Purchaser shall not asSIgn thIS contract, nor any interest herem or nghts hereunder, WIthOUt the wntten consent of Seller and any attempted assignment shall be VOIdable at Seller's sole opllon 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT The contract expresses the enlIre agreement between the pattIes hereto and supersedes any preVlOUS communicatIOns, representatIOns or agreements, whether oral or wntten, and IS not subject to modlficallon except by a wnting SIgned by an authonzed Officer of each party. 17. GOVERNING LAW The contract shall be IOterpreted and governed by the law of the State of Wash 109 ton, mcludlOg but not hmlted to any dIspute, controversy or claIm anslOg out ofthe contract Form 977 Rev Aug 1992 \FORMS\FORM977 doc J ", . EXHIBIT D SOFTWARE AND LICENSING AGREEMENT . ) f . 0.0 . S & B inc. 13200 SE 30th Street, Bellevue, WA 98005 (425) 644-1700 FAX (425) 746-9312 S&B END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ACCEPTING THIS DOCUMENTATION AND USING THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS. S&B Inc. (S&B), the developer of this fully integrated Software Package, grants you a personal, non- transferable, non-exclusive license to use the Software and Documentation enclosed in this package, but only on the computers on which it is originally installed, or if a computer malfunctions, then temporarily installed on a back-up computer. The Software and Documentation are copyrighted by S&B and contain valuable trade secrets of S&B. You may not make any copies of the Software or Documentation, except a necessary back-up copy; you may not transfer the Software or Documentation or otherwise make it available to anyone else; and you may not disassemble, decompile, update, revise or enhance the Software. The Software and Documentation are warranted against functional defects found during a period of one year after delivery. S&B's sole obligation shall be to correct any such defect in a manner so chosen by S&B at its sole discretion. The media, on which the Software is recorded, shall be replaced without charge by S&B Inc., if the media should prove defective within one year after delivery. This warranty (1) does not extend to defects arising from changes made to Software and the hardware with which it is intended to operate, (2) will be rendered void by any evidence of tampering with the Software, and (3) does not extend to any hardware components, subsystems peripherals, or other non-S&B developed software, whether or not supplied by S&B. Except as provided above, the Software and Documentation are licensed to you (and any hardware delivered by S&B is delivered to you) "AS IS" with the original manufacturer's warranty. S&B DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. S&B shall have no liability for any lost profits or direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or other damages arising from the use of the Software or Documentation or any associated hardware. ISSUED TO: CITY OF PORT ANGELES, W A WARRANTY REGISTRATION NO. EFFECTIVE: Receipt of Documentation Acknowledged By: Acknowledgement Date: H \FORMS\S&BEndUserLlc doc