HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.440 Original Contract ~h </. <t<lD ~ . PURCHASE CONTRACT RECEIVED OCT - 6 2003 CSO Flow Monitoring Upgrades Project 99-21 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ~y of ~f!!!;,~, 2003, between the City of Port Angeles (hereinafter called the "Purchaser") and Geotivity, Inc. (hereinafter called the "Contractor", "Vendor", or "Bidder"). WITNESSETH: c That the Purchaser and the Contractor, in,consideration of the performance of the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned, agree as follows: ARTICLE I I CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The complete contract includes the attached QTREK Upgrade Proposal dated January 14, 2003, the attached Quotation dated August 22, 2003, and the Purchase Contract. The foregoing documents shall hereinafter be called "Contract Documents" or "Contract". All obligations of the Purchaser and the Contractor are fully set forth and described herein. In the event of a discrepancy between any of the Contract Documents, as above defined, the Purchaser shall make written interpretation thereof, which interpretation shall govern. ARTICLE II CONTRACT COST The Contractor agrees to sell and deliver to the Purchaser, at the delivery point specified in the Instructions to Bidders, and the Purchaser agrees to purchase and receive from Contractor the equipment as described and set forth in the Contract Documents and the provisions of the Contractor's Proposal and Quotation attached and made a part hereof. ARTICLE III ASSIGNMENT The Contractor shall not assign any of its responsibility under this Contract without the express written consent of the Purchaser. ARTICLE IV APPLICABLE LAW AND VENUE This Contract shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the applicable laws of the State of Washington. Any legal proceedings to determine the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall be brought and heard in Clallam County Superior Court. ARTICLE V NONDISCRIMINATION During the performance of this Contract, the parties shall conduct their business in a manner which assures fair, equal and nondiscriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed, color, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin, and, in particular: 1. The parties will maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions from qualified individuals who are members of the above stated minorities. 2. The parties will comply strictly with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of nondiscriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all patrons and customers without discrimination with respect to the above-stated minority status. ARTICLE VI TERMINATION OF CONTRACT In the event that any of the provisions of this Contract are violated by the Contractor or the Contractor's subcontractors, the Purchaser may serve written notice of intention to terminate such Contract upon the Contractor, which notice shall specify the reasons therefore. Unless within thirty (30) days after serving such notice upon the Contractor such violation shall cease and an arrangement for the correction thereof satisfactory to the Purchaser be made, the Contract shall, upon the expiration of the said thirty (30) days, cease and terminate. In the event of any such termination, the Purchaser may purchase the materials necessary for complete performance of this Contract, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Purchaser for any excess cost thereby. ARTICLE VII SEVERABILITY If any term or condition of this Contract or the application thereof to any person(s) or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions, or applications which can be given effect without the invalid term, condition, or application. To this end the terms and conditions of this Contract are declared severable. ARTICLE VIII WAIVER Waiver of any breach of any term or condition of this Contract shall not be deemed a waiver of any prior or subsequent breach, no term or condition of this Contract shall be held to be waived, modified, or deleted except by a written instrument signed by the parties hereto. CONT CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: ~4-..' ~ Mayor Dated: q ~ J i - 0 ~ . --'" By: Title: Dated: ATTEST: 6Dft.~ .~ Becky J. U n, y Clerk _ PW -0409_16 [rev. 09/18/02] @Q PORT ANGELES Upgrade QTREK Upgrade Proposal Prepared for Steve Sperr' Prepared by: Marc Mayes and Judy Meier GEOtivity Inc. (250) 491-1439 1/14/2003 801 Dalton Road Kelowna, Be V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax: (250) 491-3171 Equipment IS warranted for one year pails apd labor Shipping brokerage and other fees are FOB GEOtlvlty Warehouse Kelowna Be Canada For rental eqUipment all shipping and brokerage fees are paid by client Page 1 of 15 @v tivity 801 Dalton Road Kelowna. Be V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax' (250) 491-3171 Table of Contents 1 I ntrod uction.............................................................................................................. 3 2 The project ...... ........... ........................ ...................... ... ....... ....... ................ ............... 4 3 Equi pment - Qtrek Platform .... .............................. ............ ..... ................................. 5 3.1 Qtrek Core Platform - Detailed Specifications ............................................................................... 6 4 Project Management - Reporti ng.............. ........ ............. ...... ............. ...................... 7 4.1 Data Confidence Acceptance Reports ......................................................................................... 11 4.2 Custom Project Website........ .......... ................................ ......... .............. ...... .................... ..... ....... 12 4.3 The Field Management System ...................................................................................................13 5 Equipment Trade-In Program .......... .......... .................... ....................................... 14 6 Prici ng ........................................................................................... ......................... 15 Equipment IS v/arranted for one year palts and labor Shipping brokerage and othel fees are FOB GEOtlvlty Warehouse Kelowna BC Canada For rental equipment. all Shlpplllg and brokerage fees are paid by client Page 2 of 15 ~ ", @v tivity 1 Introduction 801 Dalton Road Kelowna, Be V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax: (250) 491-3171 Re: Upqrade Proposal for Port Anqeles Thank you for the opportunity to re-submit this proposal. Enclosed you will find details of the upgrade to wireless flow meters for the City of por:t Angeles. After speaking with Steve Sperr, he has indicated that upgrading to wireless flow meters will facilitate their Real Time CSO permit requirements. The main issues are real time, event notification and wireless access. In addition, GEOtivity is offering a discount towards the upgrade costs in lieu of our Trade-In program. Please review this document and the pricing. Do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you. Professionally, yP r/'F-P7 dl ~ judy Meier - Regional Manager Marc Mayes - Account Manager EqUipment is warranted for one year pal ts and labor ShIPPlllg, brokerage and other fees are FOB GEOtlvlty Warehouse Kelowna Be Canada For rental equipment. all shipping and brokerage fees are paid by cliem Page 3 of 15 @v tivity 801 Dalton Road Kelowna. BC V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax. (250) 491-3171 '. 2 The project The City of Port Angeles requires Real Time Event Notification flow-monitoring equipment to monitor CSO events and flows in five key-monitoring locations. The captured data will be utilized for CSO reporting and capacity analysis for Port Angeles. The challenge is to provide a cost-effective solution that incorporates GEOtivity's trade- in program and field and data services while allowing for a cost savings to the city. GEOtivity proposes the Qtrek Wireless Platform as the solution. The Qtrek will utilize hydrostatic pressure depth for level measurement and ultrasonic Doppler technology for velocity measurement, and an industry standard protocol, RS232 HyperTerminal for communications as well as the Internet for meter access and project and data access. The primary technologies that will be used: · Hydrostatic pressure depth. · Doppler velocity for velocity measurement · A meter capable of communication using industry standard HyperTerminal. The QTREK is a battery powered flow monitor that measures depth and velocity and numerous other inputs such as water quality parameters. The QTREK can also accommodate a state-of-the-art wireless communication module supported by TCP/IP technology. The innovative, industry-leading concept provides a rugged unit that can function in the harsh sewer environment, coupled with advanced communications for downloading, querying, and programming of meters from remote locations via the Internet. Data processing and review is also facilitated through our online Internet based data software program providing enhanced online analysis using Qview software. This high tech, user-friendly combination makes analysis and reporting more efficient and effective. The greatest development achievement of the Qtrek Platform with a wireless module is the product's ability to turn itself on, report data to the server and go back to sleep. This automated function allows for true real time data posting at any time interval, allowing the end user access to their data via the internet 24 hours a day. Equipment IS warranted for one year pal ts and labor Shlppmg brokerage and other fees are FOB GEOtlVlty Warehouse Kelowna BC Canada For rental equipment, all shipping and brokerage fees are paid by client Page 4 of 15 @v tivity 801 Dalton Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax: (250) 491-3171 3 Equipment - Qtrek Platform The Qtrek is a rugged system that can function in the harsh sewer environment, coupled with advanced communication ports designed to support Palm and Pocket PC computers. Standard with one depth and one velocity sensor, it can take up to seven different sensors at one time, three digital and four analog. Options include redundant pressure depth or ultrasonic level, redundant velocity, temperature, water quality, and more. This allows for expandable, highly integrated flow monitoring when several measurements are required; or the platform can be scaled to use only one sensor if a weir or flume equation is the preferred method of measurement. The Qtrek is appropriate for permanent or portable applications, and can be uporaded to the Qtrek Wireless Platform at any time. The Qtrek Wireless Platform is a battery powered flow monitor with alarm notification capabilities that utilizes state-of-the-art wireless communication supported by CDPD (or GSM where applicable) and TCP/IP technology. Real-time event notification and alarming capabilities provide a level of service and security that many users require. Public notification is attained using the Internet for web posting of overflow events. Highly accurate depth, velocity, and water quality data can be collected on a user- defined interval, and transmitted to the user's SCADA server via wireless Internet technology. Data processing and review is facilitated through the Internet and enhanced for onsite analysis using Qview software. This high tech, user-friendly combination makes analysis and reporting more efficient and effective. The greatest development achievement of the Qtrek Wireless Platform is the product's ability to turn itself on, report data to the server and go back to sleep. This automated function allows for true real-time data posting at any time interval, allowing the end user access to their data via the internet 24 hours a day. Page 5 of 15 Equipment is warranted for one year parts and labor Shipping, brokerage and other fees are FOB GEOtlvlty Warehouse Kelowna BC Canada For rental eqUipment. all shipping and brokerage fees are paid by client @'t9 tivity 801 Dalton Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax: (250) 491-3171 3.1 Qtrek Core Platform - Detailed Specifications 3.1.1 Description QTREK is a battery or AC powered flow monitor. The innovative, industry-leading design provides a rugged functional unit coupled with advanced communication ports designed to support Palm and Pocket PC computers in the harshest environments. Highly accurate depth, velocity, and water quality data can be collected on a user- defined interval, and transmitted to the user via wireless, Internet technology. Data processing and review can be facilitated through the Internet and enhanced for onsite analysis using Qview software. This high tech, user-friendly combination makes analysis and reporting more efficient and effective. 3.1.2 Warranty GEOtivity INC. warrants the equipment to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from receipt of equipment. See our warranty policy document for full details regarding Equipment is warranted for one year parts and labor Shipping brokerage and other fees are FOB GEOtlvlty Warehouse, Kelowna BC Canada For rental equipment all Shipping and brokerage fees are paid by client Page 6 of 15 @v tivity 801 Dalton Road Kelowna. BC V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax: (250) 491-3171 4 Project Management - Reporting GEOtivity provides many data options for the end user because we understand the versatility needed by today's data users. From modeling, to reporting, there are many types of preferred methods of data utilization. Therefore, data is available for use in almost any format. Graphs, tables and other reports can be printed directly or reproduced in spreadsheet and document programs. Copy and past the data tables into programs like Excel and Lotus as well as Microsoft Word and WordPerfect for easy document and report building capabilities. The list of capabilities is endless. A small number of sample reports are provided. Primary Site Secondary Site Graph Duration None From Y 12002 M 111 D I2D 10 10 To Y 12002 M 111 D W 123159 ~t~1I1i5~1 Gtown02 Gtown03 Gtown04 Gtown05,11 L _c;~~n06Ajt Sensor Options Depth 1 P" Velocll)(~ Apply Offsets P AV FlowP Data State Processed r. Onglnal r- Both r- ~ @lCOPYRIGHT 2002. GEOTIVITY, tIC I ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Equipment IS warranted for one year palts and labor Shipping, brokerage and othel fees are FOB GEOllvlty Warehouse Kelowna Be Canada For rental equipment all shipping and brokerage fees are paid by cltent Page 7 of 15 " @(r, J K~own~: ."2"~;:~: v (250) 491-1439 tivity Fax: (250) 491-3171 Depth V5. Velocity or AV - This web-printable graph can be created online, and instantaneously by entering the online reporting section of your custom Website. Sites are listed by number and type where the end user simply selects the site, the number of sensors to report, the time duration, and seconds later a printable graph appears. An advantage of wireless connectivity is that recently self-uploaded data by the Qtrek our wireless platform can be viewed immediately after upload to the Website. Data from rain events and storms can be reported as they occur. 8m4 712 6419 56i7 .. 4814 , 1i e 4012 ! 31119 2~7 1605 ~ 08112 0000 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r! ,; r! r! r! ,; 1808 1447 :: .985 , .804 ;; ! 843 482 .322 181 .000 \ r! ~ r! ~ ,; ,~ ,; <I- <I ,~ r! ,~ <I ,~ <I r.,. Slw1J1g:2IIIl2-09-01PST Combined Sewer Overflow - Data produced in this example, reveals the influence the rain is having on a CSO site and the systems ability to cope with the increased flow. Specifically in this example, precipitation has influenced the four CSO events here. In addition, where the cyan line at the top of thiS graph is present, this indicates that the critical level indicator has been activated. At any point, anyone of the sensors channel can be set to alarm or warn when a critical depth or sensor set point has been reached. i g B 000 1000 ~877 - --- .... m I~ L 2.t6O ~ ~ ..~m,'2.81l1 I < - - -- -~, ~~. ~ -, f---- . .- .'0 . . .... 3Q)) . . JJI : I 9 ... j:' i '1, 6liS '-,,----.. .. - 5~ ,'--______-...f........~- . ................~ -~~--~- -- , , ,\s :-......~_-":'~-.:::-~:.~.....:_""".:"""~:'--_- Si60 31es ~ 0000 01llJ " I 7100 ; l \ I ; l ~ l .~ I " l . /' TIIli~2002I1-115EST EqUipment IS warranted for O'1e year parts and labor Shlpplllg brokerage and other fees are FOB GEOtlvlty Warehouse Kelowna BC Canada For rental equipment all Shlpplllg and broke/age fees are paid by client Page 8 of 15 ;. @V(t~ 'l(,.-" r~~ c~ "~ ~ ~'" -";S tivity 801 Dalton Road Kelowna, Be V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax: (250) 491-3171 Rain Intensity - Graphs such as rain intensity as shown in this example, can be graphed for the user define time-penods as well as any single or multi channel report. 0000 0432 - - - -]-- 0865 1297 ._- - -- ~ 1729 2161 ,.. i i It: 2594 3026 _un_ -_ _._ _. ,._._. 3458 , , , ------~--- - -, ---,--------- ------1 --- --- -~-, --'~- , 3891 ___~_ ~ _~_~_I_u_~___________..J _____ 4323 ~ .# 10 .# '\ ~'" 'll .# '!> .# ...~ ~... ~ .# TlIIle_ starting 2002-11-05 PST Depth I Velocity I Flow and Rain Intensity - In this online graph, we have overlaid the rain intensity revealing the reason for such rapid changes in the flow conditions at this site. During periods of no or little precipitation, we see the relationship of the depth velocity and flow return to a similar dry weather pattern. Additionally, any sensor channel can be compared to the rain intensity. "" 010 .l! l.Im! f :: I l I :: 7.841 I'~ 0610 15.682 .,. Tine~:!OO::_11.()3PST Equipment IS warranted for one year parts and labor Shipping brokerage and other fees are FOB GEOtlVlty Warehouse Kelowna BC Canada For rental equipment. all shipping and brokerage fees are paid by client Page 9 of 15 @v tivity '. 801 Dalton Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax: (250) 491-3171 Scatter Plots and a Tabular reports - In addition to online graphs, tabular reports, and various other reports, offline reporting can be performed similar to the online reports offering a additional data viewing option. Slle 04 Group JWTI' RelX'rt Dole 03120102 2402m. a,.,ular a.a"",l :I! Silll:mt.Ltlrel IS 0.00 D!ptL OlfRt IS 0.00 ScI/N1' Plott(' DtpJI n ~Jod" f--~-':~ I :: 1-"-'&'-". Lo~on : Jasper WWTP 610 mm Round Sewer Site Name 04 TWI )4 07m ClmlluClune1 Group Name JWTP ~;":~~l : ~':o Rtpcrt Date 03l2ll1l1 Smtplt R&.. u Oh 1m OJ VoIodty : Max VeiMity Mia V""'.,. A.C Velec:My -- ~ 11r.22Sa 11123J98 11124198 11125138 11J26.198 11127/98 l112BBS 70855 65082 6225 6 62304 72314 B545 8 69161 m3Jd 625.9 6796 7498 7584 1011 a 6498 7462 m3Jd 29907 2829 3 27321 2764.2 3203 2 2n74 3128 8 m3Jd W_kMa...~w W_kAnnceF~w WeekMb-... 8545.8 2918.0 625.9 11122F.J8 111.23198 11/24198 11125138 11126J98 11127/98 11 Location: Fireboat 29907 28293 27321 2764 .2 32032 2777 . Si.. ,01 TotllWeekV.1uMe GI'OVII' : Fireboat 20425.9 Report 00... : 06121/9' 11f22J98 11123J98 11124198 11125136 11f26.198 11127198 11 '.2 '.. '... ,~ 'II " " '. 111 l' 11 2" 2... v_"."... am.. Carl:1d...a....ct tJcpll afbcl .. O.DO ~_OIILtworl .. om a '0.69 1022 1027 9.91 1125 1310 3'2 353 342 332 3IT 332 DallJl Stanmcal Summary - ... 627 60s 594 597 650 601 - T4.TU:1PI WeekMa... WeekAnlale Deptk WeekMD...... - UA61 "" 1l:JWII' 13.10 616 332 A__ IIOtoJ.... 1".1'1"1" V_ 4J.T1l:4J..2CMoL - 11122138 11123198 lln4196 l1f.2SJ98 11126J98 11f27198 11 Dqdu4YdoaqYln.-. VoIo.., ....... ........ t...... 2.362 2.329 0.919 0.951 1 759 1 7S6 WeekMaDIII1" Veltd1y 2526 2.297 2264 2.329 2526 105() 1.017 1.214 0919 1754 1760 1.832 1713 WeekAnnce Veltdty WeekMD..... Ve 1171 0.919 . .. .. ....-- '''':--'''''' ':'" .... .'l...........!....... ..'l.........--:--. .----.:-- i ~ : ; ; i i i . i I a .....um(u.u [.m.u...t. ....ut.... ... 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The problem is simple; all sewer f1ow- monitoring sensors are subject to fouling, clogging, chemical, and environmental damage. Imagine providing your engineers or design staff with data that has unknowingly been subject to one or more of these common environmental monitoring hazards. We also to understand and accept the fact that we are human and all humans are subject to error. This is the reason for creating new data filter technologies to screen data and compare trends from week to week and even month to month. GEOtivity's Data Confidence filter applies a verified depth, velocity and flow relation model to subsequent weeks and months of data to compare flows. Any variance in those relationships from the verified Data Confidence Filter (DCF) model, throws a red flag allowing us to re-verify data and or site conditions to remedy the problem if one exists. The data filter model is created using a complicated statistical variance and SCANOV A equations built into our software. The ultimate advantage of using DCF technology is piece of mind by qualifying flow reports with a confidence percentage. StatterPlot Analy..s and CorveFIt Result ._ _ _ M M _ _ _ M _ M M _ _ M M _ M-M"'"':" ..__ M_ ._ _ _ ~ ~ _1_ _ ~ _ _ 1_ _ ... _ ~ . _-::iI::-_~~.. _ _ I _ _ ~ _ _ 1_ : : : ~ : ~ 1= = ~ 1M - , - M ~~~ ':--~ : I: I ' I I ~.-----_~--::t:~':;'.:-~ _ I -l ._ _ M _ _ _ _ _ _ ;:::-~- M _ __~_ _ M _ ~ _ _ uN M _ J. _ _ 1_ _ ~~~'_ ':. -=-=- _ .. _ _I _ .L _ M I _ M ~ _ _ _ i~ ~ ~ 1- :~'~~~~~:i ~ :--~-f--~-~~~--: ~ ~ ~;~:]: ~:~ Relation ship Data: Mol 09 1998 MoIll1998 Mol 13 1998 Mol 06 1998 Nov261998 Nov271998 Nov281998 Qr-H~~~_I"~ StatterPlot Legend: :. . MOJUtor Data - Best Frt AMljIsIS Corve Fit Overlay U smg Relationship Data (Attual Velocity vs Corve Fit Data) , I ,- L I , , , -' i ; . i I Lop' -Mol\1l:),Deplh -ActlJalV,loclty -C1JlVO-Frt V,locrty-Actual Flow -Curve FrtFlow Dn~ Confld.not n.r(DCF)teehnolovy rs .mployedio ."UJe d....qu.alityconlrol Om Confid.nceP.otnt.ag. dml.dtom. C.aQbrolbon CUJV" IS ~n In dlc.allon ofmonllor p.rforrNnC. eomp.aredto hrstonc.alf.eords uSlngse.atll'r plots: of depthvefSl.5 veIoo\t The c.aIOJl.atedv.alu.wl deere.s e H mo nlol sensors are fouledwrthdebns hyclr.aullc eondrlons change. or Ifsensors howebeen rT'IO'\I'ed t.vnpel'edwih or .ted.amagtd. Th. Curve IS usedtl:l oontllm.nd rTYlnt/lm progr.m data ntegrrl!t' onO!the moniolS h.vebeenlnstalled Ubitlflg DCF d.u. processlflgtechnlcl.lns .f. ..utom..be.1lty warned of ltVensubt~ ch..ngt5lnd.1t,,'~pl!o1tabllrtyt\.c.ll'l bl!.lttributrldtosll! condlbon tlf.qutprMntch.lngflS thIS ~Inlflg enables Immedl..te IRVesbgo1bonlntotMc.lllU5e oftMdl!fv"'lOI'Iflomthif! pre(hd.d 01 iD:Pif!d:edle5ults Ifthif!dif!vyhon fromthif! DCr genelRd cYI. confld enee p .feentage eccMds sp.clfled pM~met.rs. the d~.wllbt: lilVliMledto determ....Ifdelfllunof . n.. OJIVif!lJ lequlredtO .dclrusflow condItions The dlentc.m b4! notlftedprlottodisp.t:h offield crewstoasSif!SS on-sl.oondlbons Total Alla/yzed Pomt. = 4320 Calibratim Curve Data Confidence = 99% POlnt.s Gr,aJ,r Th2n 80% DCF= 4285 Pomts < 8(FA,and)o 65%DCF - 33 Point.s E..s.s 71tan 6J%DCF = 2 Date_ S/gnaJuro or &a/pled Code o/Cl/ent Date_ Sr gnature or Encnpted Code O/Cllont I HAVE READ I UNDERSTAND THIS INFORMATION ANDACCEPTTHISCURYE TO BE USED ASAQUAL.lTY CONTRCl.It<<lICATOR FOR THIS MQNrTORINGPROGRAM EqUipment IS warranted for one year parts and labor Shlppll1g brokerage and other fees are FOB GEOtlvlty Warehouse Kelowna Be Canada For rental equipment all shipping and brokerage fees are paid by client Page 11 of 15 .- @':f(rr-J ~4i/ i,.~::;; tivity 801 Dalton Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax: (250) 491-3171 4.2 Custom Project Website A custom Website will be built for the project management. The project Website can be utilized to manage a number of functions in the project. Among them are Reporting, Project Services, Field Management Information, Connectivity, Archive information, and Critical Event Notifications. With all elements of the project under control, well organized, and easily accessed by all project members, the only decisions left to make are where to use your data, and what site to monitor next. Clickable site nodes with labels are placed on the Website indicating GEOgraphically where the sites are located. Clicking on a site node brings up an individual control panel for access to that site's photo album and critical information regarding the site specifics. Additionally, if available for your project, connecting live over the internet to the site can be conducted right from the control panel as well as viewing site notifications sent upon critical events. Site nodes change colors indication visually what sites are experiencing critical events. I~'-----rijj--~~I Equipment IS warranted for one year parts and labor Shipping brokerage and other fees are FOB GEOtlvlty Warehouse Kelowna BC Canada For rental equipment, all shipping and brokerage fees are paid by den! Page 12 of 15 @1!J tlvity 4.3 The Field Management System GEOtivity's Field Management System relieves the client of the frustrations of managing field related tasks and hours of field report compilation. We understand that field related tasks and their results are necessary to substantiate data used to make critical decisions. Therefore GEOtivity has created the Field Management System. This online system is can be accessed by everyone involved in the project. Access to field reports, service related work, site profiles, and even archive information, is just a click away to obtain needed site information. 801 Dalton Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax: (250) 491-3171 Field Management System Work Flow {number goes here} Number ReclVed Yes or No Aproved Ve. or No ~~;j:S~Riji.;~~41 t{"""w.--. t ~ = "'" v~ ~ .. ~'" ~"...-+;r~ - ~ Edit Field Survey Data Lab Calibration Shop Venficatlon ~te Arnval Confined Space Entry Permit Manual Download L_' F_I f Field VenficatlOn - I Site Profile Site Imaaes 11IIII Graph Dlaanostics f "'i!. f ..,\ Bl ~ --"'''''', l I - . -. ~ - The Field Management System (FMS) was derived to bring all project members together from a project management standpoint. It standardizes field procedures and ensures that all fieldwork is completed prior to site departure. In the past, project management was completed in which each project manager had a different field- scheduling sheet for one field crew. The new FMS system forces accountability and ensures budgets are not exceeded and fieldwork is being completed according to specification. Page130115 EqUipment IS warranted for one year palts and labor Shipping brokerage and other fees are FOB GEOtlVlty Warehouse Kelowna BC Ca,lada For rental equipment. all shipping and brokeragE' fees are paid by client @v tivity 801 Dalton Road Kelowna, Be V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax: (250) 491-3171 '. 5 Equipment Trade-In Program GEOtivity is committed to continued product development. In an effort to keep our clients' projects current with the latest technology and the same platform, which enhances performance and reduces operating costs, we are pleased to offer the Equipment Trade-In Program. GEOtivity will issue a credit note against all original equipment purchased from GEOtivity or RMI Rocky Mountain Instruments or evaluated trade-in value of other vendor's equipment, to the original purchaser, towards the purchase of new equipment. This program has the following guidelines and parameters: 1. The program only applies to the purchase of new units on a direct one for one basis; pooling of several units against one new unit will not qualify. 2. For each year, or part there of, the trade in allowance will decrease. 3. Upon evaluation of: equipment type, age and functionality, a schedule of trade-in value will apply. GEOtivity equipment Year 0-1 Year 1-2 Year 2-3 Year 3 + 70% of the original cost 55% of the original cost 40% of the original cost 25% of the original cost Other Vendor's Equipment Example only pending equipment review: Year 0-1 old Year 1-2 Year 2-3 Year 3 + 2000.00 trade in value 1400.00 trade in value 1000.00 trade in value 800.00 trade in value 4. All equipment being traded in must be in working order. 5. Applicable taxes do not qualify as part of the allowance. 6. Service fees such as installation do not qualify as part of the package. 7. Shipping and freight charges are payable by the customer. 8. Trade in allowance only applies to the original purchaser of the equipment. 9. Each new unit comes complete with a comprehensive warranty. 10. Units being purchased under this program must be identified PRIOR to shipment of product (for accurate billing details). 11. The customer's account must be within authorized limits and terms, and not in default. 12. All units traded in must be returned to the Kelowna facility, freight prepaid. 13. All units where trade in must apply against the price in our standard price book, trade in against discounted pricing will not be permitted unless authorized in advance in writing. Equipment IS warranted for one year parts and labor Shipping brokerage and othel fees are FOB GEOtlVlty Warehouse Kelowna BC Canada For rental eqUipment, all shipping and brokerage fees are paid by client Page 1.1 of 15 t. '. ~v tlvity Pricing 801 Dalton Road Kelowna, Be V1 x 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax: (250) 491-3171 Up rade Pricin for Port An eles , , ,~' " - ,-- , < Pricif)g:~ Qtr~_kP!atfo~m- ~ _ _,2 ;:;_ __~,...;:. ~~ "- ~",.-xC_1" _ r ^ ,.' ""--, - ~ --..__ '<J'"" ~j~- -,^' ~^ Qtrek - Wireless Unit - Complete - (2 depth sensors (one redundant) one velocity s sor, Software, Manuals, Sensor mounting band - Wireless alarming, web page interface, FMS syst , Wireless module, antenna, Webslte - Upgradeable to accommodate all Qtrek sensor or ral gauge options Returned trade-in unit (*Value 0 be determined by GEOtivity eva 5 $ 8,800 $ 44,000 $ (12,250) $ - (12,250) Monitor site Installation Monitor site Removal Site Connectivity for six months 5 5 5 $ 900 $ 450 $ 50 $ 4,500 $ 1,800 $ 1 ,500 / . t liJ ~ tSo/~;re pc,r" ~ \. &/ DJ eJ"'\ t ~.l$f' ")..01), Q\)O'- 1r '"J-. ~...e.~ij{ ~~.)..~j" \ EqUipment is warranted for one year palts and labor Shipping, brokerage and othel fees are FOB GEOtlvlty Warehouse Kelowna BC Canada For rental equipment, all shipping and brokerage fees are paid by client Page 15 of 15 .I. . . ' @ THE ClnOF @ r:el F2RT ANGELES ~ Quotation: Prepared for: Company: Phone: Email: Address: Date: Steve Sperr City of Port Angeles (360) 417-4821 ssperr@ci.port-angeles.wa.us August 22,2003 Trade in of Equipment to Q2 ~, Qtrek V2 IS a rugged flexible system that IS capable of collecting quality data In the harsh sewer environment. The V2 IS appropriate for permanent or portable applications and IS coupled with advanced communication ports designed to support industry standard tel net and HyperTerminal applicalions In most operating systems such as Windows, Macintosh, and Llnux. The V2 can take up to sixteen different sensors at one time, eight digital and eight analog, and comes standard with two depth one velocity sensor and digital float sWitch. Any sensors with a 4-20ma or 0-5V input can be utilized, including, but not limited to, ultrasonic level, redundant velocity, temperature, pH and water quality. This allows for expandable, highly Integrated flow mOnitoring when several measurements are reqUired; or the platform can be use only one sensor if a weir or flume equation IS the preferred method of measurement. Highly accurate depth, velOCity, and water quality data can be collected on a user-defined Interval. Data processing and review can be facilitated through the Intemet. ThiS high tech, user-fnendly technology makes analysis and reporting more efficient and effective. Monitor Site removal Monitor Installation Wireless Connectivity/site/month Rain Gauge Data uploaded to server monthly Total Capital Cost Monthly Operating Costs ~Q 801 Dalton Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7X3 (250) 491-1439 Fax: (250) 491-3171 Prepared Judy Meier by: Company: GEOtivity Phone: (250) 491-1439 Email: jmeier@mygeotivity.com Position: Regional Manager Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. #of Units 4 Per unit cost Discount Cost $8,800 $2,450 $25,400 4 4 4 1 $450 $900 $50 $200 $1800 $3600 $200 $200 $30,800 $400 Page 1 of 1 EqUipment IS warranted for one year parts and labor. Current delivery lime is two weeks. Shipping, brokerage and otherfees are F.O.B GEOllvity Warehouse, Kelowna BC Canada. All <:nlnninn ,:mti nrnkpr",np. fpp<: ",rp n""r! nv dlp.nt CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 19, 2003 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: (Cont'd) Proposed ElectrIC Rate Adjustment (Cont'd) FINANCE: CSO Flow Momtormg Upgrades A ward Contract ElectrIcal Underground RebUIld, Elwha Line Stage 1 Property Lease and ProfessIOnal ServIces Contract - HIstoncal SOCIety tImes. DIrector ZIOmkowskI cautIoned against the use of too much of the reserves in light ofthe debt ratio requIrement. Mr. Lamoureux indicated that, ifthis were the only Issue being faced In the fIrst SIX months of the year, then he could support Option I. However, he urged restraInt In adoptIng the rate Increase. Mayor WIggInS closed the pubhc heanng at 7:42 p.m. CouncIlmember Enckson Informed the CouncIl that the UtIhty AdVISOry COmmIttee endorsed Option I, as It supports a lower Increase to the customer and also maintaInS an appropriate level of reserves. Councilmember Erickson moved to direct staff to bring a new rate ordinance reflecting Option I to a future City Council meeting for action. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell, who noted that Option I stIll leaves the CIty rates at $5 - $10 below what neIghbonng CItIes and utIhtIes are paying for energy. Bnef dISCUSSIOn was held on stepped rates, peak usage, and the east coast blackout. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 1 CSO Flow MOnitOring Upgrades: Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler explaIned the need for the CSO Flow Momtonng upgrades, providIng the City WIth real time data when there is a CSO event in keeping WIth new reqUIrements assocIated WIth the NPDES pennit. He noted the payback penod for the new eqUIpment would be two and one-half years; funds are being moved WIthIn the budget to accommodate the purchase. Followmg bnef diSCUSSIOn, Council member Erickson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a purchase order with Geotivity, Inc., for the RMI 1100 flow recorders in an amount not to exceed $34,500. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2 Award Contract - Electrical Underground RebUild, Elwha Lzne Stage 1 DIrector Cutler reVIewed the request for funding to commence Phase I of the Elwha Underground Rebuild, whIch IS necessItated by an aging underground electrIC lme that has faIled once or twIce per year over the last few years. To locate the problem and conduct repairs can take several days, and the number offaIlures IS expected to mcrease quickly if the cables are not replaced. Director Cutler dIscussed the relocation of the trench m the MIlwaukee Avenue right-of-way m detaIl, and Councilmember Rogers mdicated there had been a thorough dIScussion at the Utility Advisory COmmIttee meetmg, espeCIally regarding utilitIes in a standard nght-of-way location. DISCUSSIOn followed concerning the City's program for condUIt replacement, after whIch Councilman Braun moved to approve the allocation of additional funds from the Light Fund reserves in the amount of $70,000 and award and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with Superior Electric Northwest, Inc., of Bothell, Washington, in the amount of $206,689.05, including sales tax. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson, which carried unanimously. 3 Property Lease and Professional Services Contract - Historical Soczety Manager Quinn bnefly reVIewed the $1.7 mIlhon restoratIOn of the CarnegIe Library bUIldmg for the operation of a unIque museum that would contam educational and technIcal components. Manager Quinn reviewed the sahent pomts of the proposed lease and professional services contract, to include a 20-yearterm wIth renewal optIOns estabhshed at multiple 1 O-year renewal terms. The rent IS set for $1 per month due to the public benefit of the museum. UtihtIes are to be paId m full by the HIstoncal SOCIety, the Histoncal Society will be responsible for Janitorial maintenance, and the City will be responsIble for structural maIntenance. Manager Qumn reviewed a clause in the lease for purposes of dIspute resolution, and he summarized the vanous measurements by WhICh the quality of the museum can be detenmned. He then reviewed the contract for Museum Development ServIces, mclusive of a subcontract between the Histoncal Society and Pacific StudIO, noting that State and Federal fundmg - 4-