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Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs
City of Port Angeles Washington
Table of Contents
1 1 Parties Involved
1 2 Purpose of Agreement
1 3 Penod of Performance
1 4 Monltonng Equipment
1 5 Compensation
2.1 Purpose and Intent
2.2 Program Application
2 3 Offender Eligibility Requirements
2 4 Types of Services
3.1 Offender Selection
3.2 Offender Enrollment
3 3 Offender Program Completlon/Non-Compllance/Escape
3 4 Offender Case Files
3.5 Drug Testing
3 6 Billing Procedures
Interagency Agreement
Washrngton ASSOCIatIOn ofShenffs and Police Ouefs and CIty of Port AngeJes Washmgton
1.1 Parties Involved:
City of Port Angeles Washington enters into an agreement with the Washington
Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) for the purpose of operating
an Electronic Home Detention (EHD), and Day Reporting Program for offenders
under jurisdiction of The City of Port Angeles.
1.2 Purpose of Aqreement:
The purpose of this agreement is to outline the provisions of an Electronic Home
Detention, and Day Reporting Program and define each party's obligation.
1.3 Period of Performance:
The term of this agreement shall commence upon execution of this Agreement
by both parties. This Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement
between both parties hereto or by a 60 day written notice by either party. In the
event of any termination of this Agreement, both parties agree that this
Agreement will remain in full force and effect on individual offenders until such
time as the monitoring term of an offender has been completed or 90 days after
the effective date of termination of this Agreement. This Agreement, its terms,
conditions and authorized amendments will be renewed automatically for
succeeding periods of one year on the anniversary date of its original effective
date unless there is mutual agreement to terminate the agreement or a 60 day
written notice has been provided by either party of intent to terminate.
1.4 Monitorinq Equipment For Electronic Home Detention:
Under the terms of this Agreement, WASPC shall utilize electronic monitoring
equipment that shall consist of the latest technology available to WASPC
including RF curfew monitoring, Breath Alcohol Testing and Passive GPS
offender monitoring equipment.
1.5 Compensation:
The City of Port Angeles agrees to compensate WASPC for the Electronic Home
Monitoring, and Day Reporting Program services in accordance with the Pricing
Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A. Under the terms of this agreement,
WASPC agrees to make commercially reasonable efforts to collect the full
service fee for each of these programs from the offender based upon that
offender's ability to pay. Indigence or partial indigence may be determined by
The City of Port Angeles. If The City of Port Angeles does not indicate
indigence, WASPC will evaluate an offender's ability to pay utilizing the Fee
Assessment Sliding Scale attached hereto as Exhibit B.
Interagency Agreement
Washmgton ASSOCiatIOn ofShenffs and Police Chiefs and City of Port Angeles Washmgton
The City of Port Angeles agrees to pay a portion of or the entire fee up to the
maximum agency fee for an offender determined to be indigent or partially
indigent. Indigence or partial indigence is defined as the offender's ability to pay
based on income and other financial commitments.
Once a daily fee has been determined, the offender will sign the Enrollment
Agreement. If an offender fails to pay the assessed fees after signing the
agreement, the offender may be terminated from the program by the WASPC
Case Manager, referred back to The City of Port Angeles, and/or the remaining
balance owed will be forwarded to a collection agency.
2.1 Purpose and Intent:
The Electronic Home Detention, and Day Reporting Programs are meant to
maximize limited resources reduce jail overcrowding and cost to the taxpayer
and allow offenders to remain integrated within the community while mitigating
risk to public safety. A complete Scope of Services to be accomplished by the
Case Manager for each program is attached hereto as Exhibit C.
2.2 Proqram Application:
The application of EHD, or Day Reporting shall be applied to offenders under the
jurisdiction of The City of Port Angeles. Specific length of time/sentence shall be
imposed for each offender by The City of Port Angeles. The City of Port Angeles
shall instruct the offender to report to the WASPC Full Service Office by the next
working day and shall impose a timely date that the sentence shall be completed.
The City of Port Angeles will notify the WASPC Full Service office in a timely
manner of all offenders that are ordered into any of the aforementioned
programs. WASPC will notify The City of Port Angeles if an offender fails to
report as instructed and if/when an offender completes or fails to complete a
2.3 Offender Eliqibilitv ReQuirements:
Offender eligibility for any of these programs is not determined by WASPC. The
City of Port Angeles shall establish offender eligibility criteria for placement on
EHD, or Day Reporting. Selection and screening of offenders to participate in
these programs is the responsibility of The City of Port Angeles. Eligibility
consideration for EHD should include but is not limited to the offender having a
residence, electrical power, and a telephone. Eligibility to participate in the
and/or the Daily Reporting Program should include but is not limited to ability to
perform certain tasks and have transportation either private or public to report to
the Day Reporting CenterlWASPC Full Service Office. Sex offenders may be
Interagency Agreement
Washmgton ASSocIatIOn of Shenffs and PolIce DJlefs and CIty of Port Angeles Washmgton
placed on EM or Day Reporting if screened and selected by The City of Port
2.4 Tvpes of Services:
WASPC will provide Full Service Case Management for Electronic Home
Detention. WASPC will utilize a variety of monitoring equipment including RF
monitoring (curfew); RF monitoring used in conjunction with video BAC testing
equipment; video BAC testing equipment used as stand-alone; and Passive GPS
monitoring equipment. Unless specified in The City of Port Angeles Judgment
and Sentence WASPC will place offenders on RF monitoring. The City of Port
Angeles shall determine whether further monitoring requirements such as BAC
testing or Passive GPS are necessary based upon The City of Port Angeles
screening of the offender's criminal history and/or perceived risk to the
WASPC will provide Full Service Case Management for Day Reporting to be
used as a means of increased supervision of offenders ordered by The
Department to report each working day to the WASPC Full Service Office to
report work status; or submit to a random BAC or urinalysis test. This program
may be utilized as a pre-trial or post-trial program.
3.1 Offender Selection:
The City of Port Angeles shall be exclusively responsible for decisions regarding
the selection, screening, and referral of all offenders placed in these programs.
3.2 Offender Enrollment:
When an offender is ordered by The City of Port Angeles to report to the WASPC
Full Service Case Manager for EM, or Day Reporting the Full Service Case
Manager shall:
a. Interview the offender to review program requirements, including
ability to pay the required fee. WASPC Full Service Case
Managers shall retain the authority to refuse an offender and
instruct that offender to return to court the next available court day.
The City of Port Angeles will be notified by WASPC.
b. Assist the offender with completion of the Enrollment Agreement.
c. Review the requirements of the program that they are being
placed in.
d. Collect and receipt all program fees.
e. Install EM monitoring equipment if required.
Interagency Agreement
Washmgton AssociatIOn of Shenffs and PolIce Chiefs and City of Port Angeles Washmgton
f. Notify The City of Port Angeles when an offender has been
successfully enrolled.
3.3 Offender Proqram Completion/Non-Compliance/Escape:
Once an offender is successfully enrolled in a program, the WASPC Full Service
Case Manager shall manage the offender pursuant to guidelines established for
each program. If/when an offender completes a sentence the Full Service Case
Manager will provide The City of Port Angeles with official document notification.
The Full Service Case Manager will have the authority to correct minimal non-
compliance issues by providing verbal or written guidance to correct the
offender's behavior. The WASPC Full Service Case Manager will document the
offender's official file and is not required to; but may, notify The City of Port
Angeles. If an offender fails to correct the behavior the Full Service Case
Manager may remove the offender from a program and instruct the offender to
immediately report to the sentencing court. The Full Service Case Manager will
again document the offender's official file and promptly notify The City of Port
Angeles and the sentencing court with official documentation of non-compliance.
If an offender is placed on Electronic Home Detention it is considered by statute
to be partial confinement. If an offender escapes from Electronic Home
Detention the Full Service Case Manager will immediately notify The City of Port
3.4 Offender Case Files:
WASPC shall maintain offender case information in both electronic and hardcopy
form per WASPC policy. WASPC shall maintain a file that outlines fee payment,
enrollment forms, equipment installation if required, compliance and non-
compliance data and equipment removal forms if required, and completion
notification forms. These files are the property of WASPC, but will be provided
and/or made accessible to The City of Port Angeles when requested in writing.
Each file will be archived by WASPC per statutory requirement.
3.5 Druq Testinq:
When requested through The City of Port Angeles Judgment and Sentence the
WASPC Full Service Case Manager will conduct random urinalysis drug
screening of offenders. WASPC will provide this drug screen at an additional
cost indicated on the Pricing Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A.
Interagency Agreement
Washmgton ASSOCiation ofShenffs and Police Chiefs and City of Port Angeles Washmgton
3.6 Billinq Procedures:
The Full Service Case Manager will attempt to collect as much of the program
fee as commercially reasonable from the offender. The portion of the fee not
collected from the offender shall be billed to The City of Port Angeles on a
monthly basis.
WASPC shall comply with state auditor guidelines while conducting transactions
with offenders
In addition to summary information, the billing statement to The City of Port
Angeles shall include:
a. List of each offender enrolled in the program during a billing period.
b. Total number of days an offender was monitored (if on EHD) or days
reported to Day Reporting.
c. Total amount owed by the offender in fees for the billing period.
d. Total amount of fees collected from the offender for the billing period.
e. Remaining balance to be paid by The City of Port Angeles for each
offender for the billing period.
Monthly billing statements shall be submitted by WASPC to The City of Port
Angeles for services rendered. The monthly billing total shall be reduced by the
total amount of monies collected by WASPC from the offender. The City of Port
Angeles shall report any discrepancies to WASPC within 15 days of receipt of the
statement. The City of Port Angeles shall remit the balance owed within 30 days
of receipt of the monthly billing statement. The total amount due for each
offender shall not exceed the agreed to agency fee as indicated on the Pricing
Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A. If an offender is partially indigent, the
sliding scale attached hereto as Exhibit B will be used to determine the daily
amount the offender will be required to pay for fees.
The City of Port Angeles shall be liable for loss or damage of monitoring
equipment utilized for the Electronic Home Detention Program that is installed for
an offender under the jurisdiction of The City of Port Angeles.
The cost of replacement or repair due to offender negligence will be the actual
WASPC cost of replacement of the equipment or the actual cost of repair, which
ever is less. In no event shall the cost to The City of Port Angeles exceed those
set forth in the Pricing Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A. In the event that
monitoring equipment is lost or stolen, The City of Port Angeles will have 15 days
from the date of notification of loss to locate and return the equipment before
billing takes place. If the equipment is subsequently recovered within six-months
Interagency Agreement
Washmgton ASSOCIatIOn of Shenffs and Pohce Chiefs and City of Port Angeles Washmgton
and is in working condition, The City of Port Angeles will be refunded the
replacement cost.
WASPC is not responsible for, and makes no implied or express warranty
regarding the conduct of an offender while participating in any of the
aforementioned programs. WASPC duties and responsibilities are limited to the
case management and services outlined in this agreement. WASPC neither
warrants nor represents that these programs will deter or cease an offender from
re-offending or causing damage to person or property. An offender's eligibility for
these programs is not determined by WASPC.
The City of Port Angeles shall protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless
WASPC, its officers, employees, and agents from any and all costs, claims,
judgments or awards of damages, arising out of or in any way resulting from the
negligent acts or omissions of The City of Port Angeles, its officers, employees
and agents. WASPC shall protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless The
City of Port Angeles, its officers, and employees from any and all costs, claims,
judgments or awards of damages arising out of or in any way resulting from the
negligent acts or omissions of WASPC, its officers or employees in performing
this Agreement.
It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that if any part, term or
provision of this Agreement is held by the Courts to be illegal or unenforceable
the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, and the rights and
obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did
not contain the particular provision held to be invalid.
This Agreement, together with attachments hereto, and other documents or
instruments executed by WASPC and The City of Port Angeles in connection
herewith, shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. This
Agreement shall not be modified, amended, altered or changed except with
written consent of The City of Port Angeles and WAS PC. The waiver by WASPC
of any breach by The City of Port Angeles of any term covenant or condition
hereof shall not operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach thereof.
Interagency Agreement
Washmgton ASSOCIatIOn of Shenffs and Pohce ChIefs and CIty of Port Angeles Washmgton
This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by the laws
of the State of Washington. Venue for any action shall be in the Superior Court
of Thurston County, Washington. The prevailing party in any action to enforce
the rights or obligation expressed herein shall be awarded reasonable attorneys
fees and costs.
We the undersigned, agree to the terms of the foregoing Agreement. This
Agreement may be waived, changed or amended only by written agreement of
both parties:
t -;2-j-C?7
/17~1: ~
Mark E. Madsen, City Manager
Authorized Representative
bo ~ ~ lJlJtnA
Becky J. Up ,C Clerk ,
Authorized Representative
"/~~ [0-,
Donald G. Pierce, Executive Director
Washington Association of
Sheriffs and Police Chiefs
Michael E. McAleenan
Approved As To Form
Smith Alling & Lane
Interagency Agreement
Washmgton AssocIatIOn of Shenffs and Police Chiefs and CIty of Port Angeles Washmgton
Offenders assigned to the W ASPC Full Service Electronic Home Detention Program
will be assessed a daily fee depending on monitoring requirements and ability to
pay. Current maximum charge to the offender is:
BI 9000/HomeGuard 200 RF Monitorine: - $15.00 per day
BI 9000/HomeGuard 200 RF Monitorine:NICAP Breath Alcohol Testine: - $18.00
per day
Pro-Tech Passive GPS - $15.00 per day
Pro-Tech Passive GPSNICAP Breath Alcohol Testine: - $18.00 per day
VI CAP Breath Alcohol Testine: Stand-alone - $12.00 per day
Urinalysis - $ 10.00 per test
Ae:encv Monitorine: Rate * (applies when the offender is totally indie:ent and the
Ae:encv still desires that the offender be placed on EHM as an option to jail.
>- BI 9000/HomeGuard 200 RF Monitoring - $12.00 per day
>- BI 9000/HomeGuard 200 RF MonitoringNICAP Breath Alcohol Testing - $15.00
per day
>- Pro-Tech Passive GPS - $12.00 per day
>- Pro-Tech Passive GPSNICAP Breath Alcohol Testing - $15.00 per day
>- VI CAP Breath Alcohol Testing Stand-alone- $10.00 per day
>- Urinalysis - $8.00 per test
BI 9010 Transmitter - $550.00
BI 9000 Receiver (FMD) - $850.00
BI Power Cord - $35.00
VICAP Camera - $700.00
VICAP BAT/PAL - $525.00
VICAP Power Cord - $50.00
Pro Tech GPS Transmitter/Bracelet - $350.00
Pro Tech GPS Receiver (MTD) - $1,300.00
Pro Tech GPS Charging Stand - $350.00
BI HomeGuard Transmitter - $600.00
BI HomeGuard Receiver - $1,100.00
* The Agency retains control and can avoid any costs by not putting indigent
offenders on the program.
Attachment to Interagency Agreement
Washmgton AssocIatIOn ofShenffs & Police ChIefs and City of Port Angeles Washmgton
Offenders assigned to the Day Reporting Program will be assessed a fee depending
on program requirements.
Day Reporting:
Offender rate - Each offender will be assessed an enrollment fee of $25.00 and a daily
reporting fee of $5.00 per day for each day they report to the W ASPC Full Service
Office. This amount will cover a brief interview by the Full Service Case Manager as to
the offender's daily activity and a random BAC test. If a random UA is required the
offender will be required to pay an additional $10.00 fee.
Agency rate - Totally Indigent: If the offender is determined to be totally indigent, the
offender will be assessed the agency rate which will include a enrollment fee of $10.00
and a daily reporting fee of $5.00 per day for each day they report to the W ASPC Full
Service Office. This amount will cover a brief interview by the Full Service Case
Manager as to the offender's daily activity and a random BAC test. If a random UA is
required the offender will be required to pay an additional $8.00 fee. The City will be
billed for this offender.
Agency rate - Partially Indigent: If the offender is determined to be partially indigent,
the offender will be assessed the portion of the offender rate they are capable of paying
and the agency will be billed for the remaining amount, not to exceed the agency rate for
totally indigent offenders. The smallest denomination of payment accepted from the
offender will be $1.00. The total amount charged including fees received from the
offender and the amount billed to The City, will not exceed the offender rate.
Attachment to Interagency Agreement
Washmgton ASSOCIatIon ofShenffs & Poltce Clnefs and City of Port Angeles Washmgton
W ASPC is responsible for fee assessment and collection from the offender. W ASPC
staff will set a minimum daily base fee per the Pricing Schedule, (Attachment) per
day, per unit, for each day monitoring is conducted. In the event the offender is not
employed, or the Full Service EHM Fee Assessment Form indicates the inability to
pay the daily base fee, the following Sliding Scale will be used as a reference to
determine and assess daily fees. The City will pay the difference between what the
offender can pay and the daily base fee, up to the Agency Rate per the Pricing
~ 1%1)841.00
61.00 " 2320.00
21.00, 2480.00
2481.00 2640.00
2641.0]\, 2800.00
1.05'1 2960.00
3120.00 00,,<,
'fJ8i .'
3280.00 ~~. 20.0~
*,>'-'- '-
3440.00 .., 2tJI0
3600.00 22foo
1.00 3760.00 '23'00 w
'". <<
~.OO 3920.00 .4.00_, '
,\ ",'; ~ ,/~
392hOO 4080.00 ;j;, 25.0)( "
:II 4081.00 " 4240.00 .00 .
.4241_ Y'''' .~
401 00" Wp.,
Attachment to Interagency Agreement
Washmgton ASSOCiatIOn of Shenffs and Poltce Chiefs and City of Port Angeles Washmgton
W ASPC Case Managers are tasked with insuring that the offender complies with court
requirements and completes his/her sentence on EHM; or Day Reporting successfully.
The following are steps required to accomplish that task:
. Offender orientation and fee assessment, includes completion of the enrollment
application and enrollment agreement
. Assessing what equipment (EHM), or time to report (Day Reporting) is best to
properly monitor the offender
. Explaining the program to the offender and family members
. Insuring the offender has what is needed to be enrolled i.e. residence, electrical
power, phone for EHM and Day Reporting, and transportation public/private to
properly report for Day Reporting
. Establish a curfew schedule, report time in accordance with work, school or
appointment schedule
. Make schedule changes as appropriate
. Install the equipment for EHM and insure it is operating and monitoring properly
. Upgrade or change equipment that is malfunctioning
. Notify the court of enrollment in one of the programs
. Verify daily activity and compliance/non-compliance
. Randomly administer BAC (in person or electronically) or Urinalysis tests as
. Establish and maintain both hard copy and electronic copy of documents
pertaining to each offender
. Establish and maintain financial files both hard copy and electronic copy for each
. Provide each offender with receipts for all financial transactions and insure they
understand their payment requirements
. Testify in court and provide needed documentation pertaining to the offender in
. Upon successful completion or non-compliance of one of the programs; remove
and recover equipment as needed.
. Notify the court of completion or non-compliance
. Work with the Court; Port Angeles Police Department; City Prosecutor and
defense council to insure offender compliance
. Continue to maintain liaison with the Law and Justice Council to insure W ASPC
North Sound Full Service Office is in touch with County needs for Correctional
Options Services
Attachment to Interagency Agreement
Washmgton ASSOCiatIOn of Shenffs & Police ChIefs and City of Port Angeles Washmgton