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1111 E 8th St - Building
CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 4 Application Number 11- 00000494 Date 5/26/11 Application pin number 894208 Property Address 1111 E 8TH ST REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-2- 2165 -0000- Tenant nbr, name MARTIN KEDRIN GUZMAN on your state excise tax form Application type description RES REMODEL Subdivision Name to the City of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation 15000 Application desc ADD FRENCH DOORS IN BASEMENT REPAIR H2O DAMAGE Owner Contractor MARTIN AND KEDRIN GUZMAN OLYMPIC RESTORATIONS INC 27534 NORTH 84TH GLEN 1604 E 4TH ST PEORIA AZ 85383 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (623) 521 -9657 (360) 460 -0463 Permit BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 186056 Permit Fee 277.75 Plan Check Fee 180.54 Issue Date 5/26/11 Valuation 15000 Expiration Date 11/22/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 95.75 13.00 14.0000 THOU BL- 2001 -25K (14 PER K) 182.00 Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc Permit pin number 186163 Permit Fee 222.10 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 5/26/11 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 11/22/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50.00 3.00 7.2500 EA ME -VENT FAN (SINGLE DUCT) 21.75 1.00 10.6500 EA ME- HOOD /DUCT -MECH. EXHAUST 10.65 1.00 10.6500 EA ME- STOVE /FIREPLACE /MISC. APP. 10.65 1.00 10.6500 EA ME -FUEL GAS PIPING,1 -5 OUTLETS 10.65 8.00 14.8000 EA ME- HEATER(SUSP /WALL /FLOOR -MTD) 118.40 Permit PLUMBING PERMIT fiKa/ 2.^ Additional desc Permit pin number 186171 Permit Fee 64.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 5/26/11 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 11/22/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be corn d with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provi.'. of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. 0 5/// --6-6/Peon--/ .4 Date Print Name Signature of Contr. ter -a&.6 orized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 -4815 Electrical Inspections 417 -4735 Public Works Utilities 417 -4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 -4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water FINAL Date Accepted by AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts FINAL Date Accepted by MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit #s SEPA: Parking Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W. PW Engineering 417 4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit J CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 'ye 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Immor i Page 2 Application Number 11- 00000494 Date 5/26/11 Application pin number 894208 REPORT SALES TAX Qty Unit Charge Per Extension on your state of Port state excise tax form BL TER 50.00 1.00 7.0000 EA PL-WATER C to the ATER LINE 7.00 y Angeles 1.00 7.0000 EA PL -WATER HEATER 7.00 (Location Code 0502) Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 563.85 563.85 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 180.54 180.54 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 748.89 748.89 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T: Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOT/CE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: 5 41 0Wek-Pyre "7-$ -(l "YU Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water FINAL Date 2.12J t I1'2Accepted by�L� AIR SEAL: (L( Walls Ceiling L FRAMING: "i (4_( L.(— Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs 1.-"q Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: "7 Z$ -(t �LL� Slab C Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts FINAL Date �7 /2.ecepted by MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit #s SEPA: Parking Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W. PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 CQ Building 417 -4815 11 1 2- T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit H N H a N N WO] OH 4 4 a Q rl r 1 10 N 1 a o 1 W OM a W N ',I,' 0 0 OH 0 HI io N 1 H 0 0 1010 L .0 .0 1 H HI N O HI 0) (4 S1 11 0 0) 0 0 ,-I >1 0 H Id 1)) 0) CO 0 10 .04 S1 .0 S1 H A A H >1 .0 >1 to W 1 1J 1, 0) H 11 Q) 14 a 0. 11 H a W 1 1 0 W }1 0 N rn 11 10 0 1d ttl W I1) o Id H1 N W .A .A 0. E .A 0 01 n m H 7 1 0404 HI z a 01 HI W E Q WW 1 (1 o H, C11 1n el W W 0 1 U E a H a 01 x W a M 0 0 E E as a E a E E H U U) a s W G1 d' '1) a a N 0 H 1 m U) CO 10 1 10 0 In N N N z HI-] a N H 10 0)10 H N 10 1 O ..H m m z H1 co co 0 r co r 0.MM (0 In FL 0 1 0 O N U 0 N H N N a (0 r H 0 1 (1 Z H U) a H Cr N H H E H 1010 co 1- )1010Z10 a 0 E 4 o E 10 o cn U 0 1 z 0 (0 N to Z H N rl Z 4110 a a N E W W 1 I.a W a Hi Hi H I r) H H1 H 10 W t0 W 3 rl 11 r) Z 0.0. 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Fifth St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 NVESTIV (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 4711 Permit ate Approved ajZ'}.�6. Applicant aLil; iG i s cc: n Inc, Pho eye 4i0.. c�� S J (✓`t k7 w Property Owner` ti�cxc -h,k 6uaiwetn l Ph i e (fa3f 5 ct t 57 Property Owner's Address i 1 t t-6, s Tk; rL( bh'r A s Contractor DrzErcki \C CiL rc-. irl -2- i,cw1s hone tic, i f,o 044 Contractor's Address 1p i.{- t✓j -t 4 Si- i��-:v-(- lk,ti tzs Lk) License P`d_yIlnt' T 89 5 a K Expires v.20 6 E-mail 2,-- c5f 10,,,4rre.sfo; ‘ms.e. j►ictij,ca PROJECT ADDRESS I I I 1 Pcis Parcel Number 300000 ,2(45 Lot /a Zoning 1/ Project Type Brief Description: Residential Multi- family Commercial o Industrial Check all that apply New Construction Addition Remodel Ad (l 1 1)/ev f iil 66/.4"Yt2ll Repair )e 4 4° DGib'Vi )Demolition Or ytdA7 /7 �5v /7Vt/ fe,ce- o Re -roof o House garage o other tear off re -roof lay over one layer .Heat System Heat pump o wood burning stove gas fireplace o pellet stove o other )efOther i y,er 5 an d cede up 5 rJi' pe- v AIXAM.42,1 /It.PyWLe9 Pzu416Th 2 4e 1 6j l Floor Areas Existing (sq. ft.) Proposed (sq. ft.) Basement Plo- o� or bc�Seb ©�rdl h�a per sq. ft. 1 Floor 2nd Floor 1,L 1 3` Floor Garage Carport y l r Covered Porch Deck Shed Other G TOTAL VALUATION IS ,000 Total footprint of structures sq. ft. T Lot size sq. ft. Lot coverage Site Coverage the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces. (see PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions) Site coverage Max. height of proposed structures ft. Occupancy group of bedrooms Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? NO Occupant load of full baths Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? j,i Construction type of half baths I have read and completed this application and know if to be true and correct. l am authorized to appl '.r permit and understand that it is m responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to wo h.. I -cts. Date 5 7 /i Print Name 6ed /1 Signature .��,Ji 7.1, 40 T:Forms uild ng Division /Building permit application ,i NOTES (l Permit q 4 3 (i2 1-1 J --r^ I i C- a wa-l-K or base-bo (AA 5 V V 0(xune, g, I MooA vev► he-ln 0 2 p i-v a( 'R retia.CAS riot Dv e.-1-iy freita Vin as 0 ea J C iR�2 y IS Grf e p -j I S P L N Garj5 f Iuw,,h., 0 t T:Forms/Building Division/Notes i LYM PI C Fred DeFrang 360- 460 -0463 Sean Ryan 360 -912 -0224 ESTORATIONS INC olympicrestorations @gmail.com 1604 East 4th Street Licensed Bonded Insured Port Angeles, WA 98362 Lic. OLYMPRI895BK May 17, 2011 To: City of Port Angeles Building Department From: Fred DeFrang Subject: Building Permit 1111 East 8th Street, Marty and Kedrin Guzman This residence sustained a major water damage loss in early February 2011. As a result,.a major portion of the electrical was water damaged. Drywall and some framing was removed to provide access for dry out and remediation. The residence was extensively remodeled a few years back and prior to purchase by the Guzman. It is not known what portions of the remodel were permitted by the city. Electrical Inspector Trent Pappard visited the site in February. Mr. Pappard is requiring that the entire electrical system be replaced and brought to code. Kirsch Electric is performing this portion of the work and a permit has been issued. Building Inspector Jim Lierly visited the site. Mr. Lierly is requiring that the plumbing be brought to code and has given instructions on targeted areas. Proper venting of bathroom fans and dryer vent will be required. Mr. Lierly also plans to inspect propane rough in and general repair of existing and repaired framing prior to cover. Additionally, one window may need to be replaced with tempered glass. During the repair process, the homeowner is requesting the addition of French Style doors in the northwest corner of the ground floor. This will require modification of the existing foundation per attached sketch. Mr. Lierly has reviewed the plan on site. A tiled shower pan will be added in the basement. f Thank you, Fred DeFrang r4111 A i MP 60210-0 y I ,e) iy) n 0 lJ 1.._ livv\N-4---- f „n i a k ti FILE c).,. cs z. q \41(,...„2,_ CITY OF PORT ANGLES Construction Plans The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans, spe.;;ifi- cations and other data shall not prevent the budding official trom thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said P'ar,s, specifications and other data orfrom_- preventing n� tcb' opetation's ljeing carried on thereunder when in violation of ail codes and ordinances of this jurisdiction. Approval Date i/ l BY VeC ..4..t; tocoa_k_ c -/----c A we- (i 14,,,, 4 w� a 1 k Ague y tt t.1.6,1!LtalLq A.,„ L�C tea- S is.f A- t1 ,A....„...) 1 c2.^..,.... S_ V W �NVJ DaJ t 00 G10fri ��o•. w Lo l ZS( r Z6 4. S �E 4- 6vztAPoi I\1\ gas% at P ,ncf. k IOV5 f 52 1 .1 c 4 i V 4-S-I'4c1 Fbur)A. br ,ANt1 4/ 4 4 0.: i v i i -PAN'ts C a:-..2.x& /Wei r 7 mi Eet,..1" 5 44; R 0 Cfr p i f It ivsl\ 1 145\\to LeueL i.... 5 '1. ,665eis(Naid ..a..••■••••7•■•■■•■■••••■.....................*..........a.axe.........7""'''W' '''''''"'"'""'"'"'""'"'*'*'ML''— 4 0; .S.'k ELECTRICAL PERMIT ..7' CITY OF PORT ANGELES x. 360 -417 -4735 (1) Application Number 11- 00000458 Date 6/22/11 REPORT SALES TAX Application pin number 763116 Property Address 1111 E 8TH ST on your excise tax form ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06- 30- 00 -0 -2 -2165 -0000- to the City f Port Angeles eles Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY y 9 Subdivision Name (Location Code 0502) Property Use Property Zoning RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation 0 Application desc New construction Owner Contractor MARTIN AND KEDRIN GUZMAN KIRSCH ELECTRIC INC. 27534 NORTH 84TH GLEN P. 0. BOX 3396 PEORIA AZ 85383 SEQUIM WA 98382 (360) 683 -6819 Permit ELECTRICAL NEW RESIDENTIAL e■■• Additional desc Permit pin number 185595 Permit Fee 326.20 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 5/12/11 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 12/14/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 110.3000 ECH EL -R -SQFT FIRST 1300 110.30 3.00 35.2000 ECH EL-R-SQFT ADDITIONAL 500 105.60 1.00 110.3000 ECH EL- SWIMMING POOL /HOT TUB 110.30 CO Special Notes and Comments May 12, 2011 8:51:51 AM Bob Larson. .A Need Load calcs and new meter location. Existing 75kVA U pole -mount transformer is serving 7 homes. Fault current is a concern if new UD service is placed on a new structure close to the power pole.. Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 326.20 326.20 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 326.20 326.20 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH L 131 11 r° SERVICE 4 c ROUGH 1N L I Z l 11 44f3 FINAL 21S 1 COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G: \EXCHANGE \BUILDING o *QORT „frst. ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT N G i, ,�v� 417 -4735 RKS p+ DAT PERMIT INSPECTOR LZ 1Z �O��g OWNER /CONTRACTOR ADDRESS 1l1 1V■ APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN /COVER SERVICE FINAL CORRECTIONS NEEDED: E Tom V 141) 0 P• irto Y-‘v 64 I'rLO'T ECr -,14 LL 14 T tit oak(, M-b 1-1.40ry Ti3 rk17-400 'Lt tom{" NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. (360) 452 -1381 pFPpAT;Zo ELECTRICAL INSs" ECTfON N '1) 113 6 r LI \UT Nagspr *Dims 417-4735 DATE: PERMIT.# INSPECTOR A4 1 /71 1I _b R CONTRACTOR ADDRESS APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN /COVER SERVICE tEL FINAL CORRECTIONS NEEDED: N Mai ir. 33 L .3h Kis Qr 14 l.- go K v. S 5 6-) ti ounl 1' 31 x. 1 Rn l) tJ V o∎� `1E.SZ !'%►A t ►4 �ra i DT K N1 *-4- o AIFY I' SPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE CO PLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS 0 NIT [I;1MtVE May 12 11 07:51a Kirsch Electric, Inc. 360- 683 -0869 p.1 ECEIIVED 1 os poHr.A4,. MAY 12 2011 i-," ire f fi s O CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION Alr•N,,,,o► Building Division/Electrical Inspections ELECTRICAL 1 INSPECTIONS 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150/Port Angeles Washington, 98362 L- Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 IMMP Date: *--Chc �d /1 A_ 1 &.2 Single Family Dwelling Multi- Family or Commercial` Commercial Addition Alteration f Remodel Repair* Plan Review May Be Required,P Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address: t k It l% Building Square Footage: a G,•9 0 Description of above Nt.‘.. F k p tor. G Cl Owner Information. r^ Contractor Ir Name: Qk G i1'L kp ce vt Name: 7 4 r-.)c- .t I et t r\ P LL Mai A /111 E. ,j5 Mailing Address: x 33 5 4 City: Q ft State: es- Zip: 1d'341 City: p.. State: 1 4 zip. r_ Phone: Fax: Phone: Fax: License li Exp. License 4 Exp. Item Unit Charge Total (Oty Multiplied by Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. 119.90 Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. 145.50 Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp 204.60 ServicelFeeder 601 -1000 Amp. 262.20 Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. 372.50 Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder S 2.60 Branch Circuit WC Service Feeder S 73.50 Each Additional Branch Circuit 2.60 i Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. 92.70 Temp. Service/Feeder 201 -400 Amp. 110.30 Temp. ServicelFeeder 401 -600 Amp. 148,70 Temp. Service /Feeder 601 -1000 Amp 167.90 Portal to Portal Hourly 95.90 Sign/Outline Lighting 88.20 Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy First 1500 sf Commercial 3 95.90 Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Signal Circuit' Limited Energy -1 2 Family Dwelling 63.90 Signal Circuit' Limited Energy Multi Family Dwelling 63.90 Manufactured Home Connection 119.90 Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less 102.30 Thermostat 56.00 NEW CONSTRUCTION ONLY: 3 First 1300 Square Ft. 3110.30 f (Cr ‘ac' i 1 a Each Additional 500 Square Ft. or Portion of 35.20 jay' b S Cl Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage 73.50 0 lc Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub 110.30 1 Q 30 Total 2U I Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.251: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is final O is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires alter six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296.468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: 0 cash 0 Check r1 rreaa r.re e 1 4,0 aLI 6 3 r Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning . . . Application valuation 08-00001260 Date 10/02/08 310180 1111 E 8TH ST 06-30-00-0-2-2165-0000- ELECTRICAL ONLY RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY o Application desc Security system Owner Contractor Guzman, Marty 1111 E 8TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 983626628 HI TECH SECURITY INC 72 3 E FRONT ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452-2727 Permit ELECTRICAL NEW RESIDENTIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 135723 Permit Fee 40.00 Plan Check Fee Issue Date 10/02/08 Valuation Expiration Date 3/31/09 .00 o Qty 1. 00 Unit Charge Per 40.0000 EL-LOW VOLT SYS <=2500 SQFT Extension 40.00 ~ Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 40.00 40.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 40.00 40.00 .00 .00 00 ~\ . > SPECTION ELECTRICAL TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH. SERVICE OUGH - IN FINAL OMMENTS: CITY OF PORT ANGELES ,\ FIRE DEPARTMENT PEILMIT 32l East 5~' Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 \ Application Number ..... 03-00001179 Date 12/12/03 Property Address ...... 1111 E 8TH ST ASSESSOR pARCEL I~]MBI~.: 06-30-00-0-2-2165-0000- ;~lication description . . · FIP. E A~AA~ON TANK INSPECTION Subdivision Name ...... Property Use ........ Applicaeion valuation .... 800 Owner Contractor HUFFORD CARL W PETTIT OIL CO. 1111 E 8TH ST 638 MARINE DRIVE PORT ANGELES WA 983626628 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 457-9404 Additional desc . . Permit Fee .... 15.00 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date .... 12/12/03 Valuation .... 800 This permit becomes null and void if work authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days afer the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested with 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be tree and correct. All provisions of recognized standards, laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compled with whether specified herein or not. Ihe granting of this permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the p/d0visions of any ~tate or ~[ocal law regulating the work specified in the permit. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if Owner is builder) Date FIRE PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD Call 360-417-4655 for fire inspections. Please provide a minimum 24-hour notice. It is unlawful to cover, insulate or conceal any work before inspected and accepted. Post permit in a conslSicuous location. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE Inspection Type I Date Passed Comments FIRE SPRINKLER Underground piping hydrostatically tested Underground piping flushed Interior piping hydrostatically tested Interior piping inspection Dry system air tested at 40 psi (24 hours) Sprinkler final FIRF~ ALARM Rough-in inspection Alarm final LP-GAS Completed by Contractor: Underground piping inspection/pressure test Test #1 Above ground piping inspection/pressure test Piping pressure test psi Time initiated Tank (container) inspection Test #2 Appliance inspection Piping pressure test psi Time initiated LP-gas final i UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK (UST) ABANDONMENT Removal of flammable/combustible liquids Tank appropriately abandoned UST abandonment final PERMIT OTHER (specify) permi, r, nal GENERAL COMMENTS: 2/15/00 CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT N? 15147 ~....., <- \.--- Port Angeles, wasW~on_____>i..._u_-:::_uuj_uum_____u_u____um_um_m, ,\....... 1-/ . 7~, 19_u'm_ \'h In accordance with the City Ordinance to regulate the installation, extension, or repair of elec- trical equipment in, on, or about any building or other structure in the City of Port Angeles, per- mission is hereby granted to do electrical work as listed below. ~::::s__i~::f::=:2::t:'::ZZ~:::!J:::::::::m-;:~~~~:::_u~::~:~.n:_~::::::::::::::~~~~::::=::::::::~::::::::: . "// ~5.~ Wiring Contractor ___.l.:J1<".m_J~.!!..,.!~,,:!~Luuu_.um__. Bymuu____uu___.uu.m_uum.u_____u_m.uu_.u___.u____u -r Light Outlets_______________.____._.......___._.__.... Service, volts ..~!n2:-y'::...-"b-.~I...9... No. wires .n.m_...._~....._mmm__nn ,-/1 . Size wiresn_....n:!..n:.:._.~t_---n 'f Main fuse nm...n~._.~_.(Lmmn. Receptacle Outletsmm_m..m.......n....... Dryer, KWlu_.u__........___.____u______.u____n_ Range, KW ____h__________________n__. Water Heater: Enclosure nn..___nm..m.m__...m.nn... Type of wIring: Entrance Cable n....mn___mn__nmm KW.___________________. '7 ~ Hea', RW. ._______.____L.______-'--.,s___________.___.___ Rigid Conduit .n.mm__mmnnmmn. Metallic TUbing .....m....nn........m Current transformers: No. & Slze...nn__...___.n__.........n_....... Motors: sIze. volts and phase: Ser. NO........._....__.................n_.......... Ser. NO..__nn_nnn____nn..nn.__............... Ser. NO....__...___....n.nn_.nn_________...._... Total Load__....__....__....__........ Ser. NO.....n..n....._....._........__n..nn___.. Type of Wiring: Armored Cable Non-Metallic m..m__....._n............... Knob & Tube__m__..m_____m..nmm... Rigid Conduit ....._...__...__m.mnn_.._ MetalUc Tubing .n........__.......mn__ Racc,vay ..........n......_...._._..nn.._nn._. Circuits. LlghLm...mmn.mmm...n........ Utlllty.___.__._...............................____. Heat Range ___._________..____________.____....__.____.. Water Heater .m_.....m.................. Motor .__..._______..______._________._______..__._ Dryer._..__n_.n__n_n___._n_n_n.._n_nn_nnn_ Furnace .....n.nn....nn......__m_..___ _ Total ....n.......n..___n..._.._n_..__n_ Remarks: ___.::~~_m~":~:L_~____~Ju_.:=_-!2_~~______m_____h_cm.l_L____,._.___!--?~Lu._m..--un..-n-----n..--n--numnnm.-m-m- Permit Fee $_______________.u.___...____________. Treas. Receipt NOh_______..__________m____ By _u__mm________________mm_____u..._.n__n___nn_________.. NOTICE--Current must not be turned on until Certificate of Inspection has been issued. If work is to be con. cealed due notice must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspectcd before concealment. NOTIFY THE INSPECTOR BY PERMIT NUMBER WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION $-- G)-V 1-\ ~ n.)- IlP ELECTRICAL PERMIT N? 15147 Date callew;:~i~pef;.;.,....;!!:i~~....---m._..m.........--------..m.....m.--...m--....--.---.Y.____=___f.......:=...._.-:].___._<<... ~::;~::::ry:::~::~:~.E;:::::~:l{i~--;;;;.:::::..::::::::::::::::::..:.::.:.:.':::::::::::::::::::::::::{~;;;;;;~:::::::~::::::= Total Load .._.....................__._._..____.__....___.....____.....____ 1M 3.72 Olympic Printers, Inc. ......._............n_ .n.n_n__..n__............u....n...u.nn.........._...n..n....n.........___n_.._........._......_ FROM HI-TECH ELECTRONICS FA e.c IBG ~&& Oct. 01 2008 04:16PM Pi ~-(ZW ,(J:~~~:_!:,,~.. ~~-' .,I~-.J~ \~.~T ...-.<:..,.--;;;:t-" OCT 0 1, 200~LECTlU('t\LWOR.l":'PEHJYl1J',l'l'LlCATiON U H:(~(lue!.'t JIlSpl.."..:ti(l!~ o lik\"(n.:al CUllrraClOr 0 Owoer ::l Alll<l.;~1 Pl,;rlllir O-_~lann 0 C~rQiVI\l 0 COilmu.:rciill 'lI!taHlt':laEPlJ H.t'sidt!ntial iVI~illt, 0 Sij;IlS 0 ThCI'IlIC>~Ll.ll CJ '{,:(~'-t'UliJ, Jvb },'b-r-:J b)' o Elc;cnic;ll COlHnH:llJl' 0 Owner Iw;wHllliu,'t d'~~l.'riptj')1l flc:~:l';:;.<:.-..,jr..I."':::'-::IQr mUlle 1.1, ,-4." Se.eu~\"'" Pu.r-=lb:,,""s m:.lilil\S ad\lr~ss ::E!:...'> €..-,- Cit\ ~=-__ ~1cIs. Tekpj,.:ll;(: numb!:l 3,c -4';;2-2727 """"'- Lic<:n:;c numu.:l' I-I\"'ec.~ 9S7l;;"BS, -"..- T'"1"._\1.~\"_ S~t'.A.l....~:t't--_ ::>. ~ lO. ~"'-- [jS , F""o"'''--- SUl.Te ZTP ~ "'~. 98~~ r^X number '3~ - 4s-2 -BrGO 5 'Pre.w.l~=~ OWlll:;!"S n:uuc _f'l'f>A."''< _-\ddf\:ss Ilr' i1.1sj.lcctian ---.l!' \ ~, (~\J<. W\.~ S ~l+ ('it\ CtI~\ p..,c,eJ.o ~ ,~3-5'ZI - 9b,:)~ o Cash 0 Check # o..s F.t~ r t~(.'b>' ":C':!"lify ~h~l 1 am the Owner of lhc )lOOVC I'l.tuned properry or a HCCllScd ele..:,l:i':::J1 ':.)nIIa.:Cor (or the :tll'Ju's ;1l.Lth.or.i:Led agent) and aJD making (he clccU"ical i.n.sIall:=.:ioll vi' altaatiOfl in compliance with the c\c:cuicallaw, Chapter 19.28 RCW. Cl Credit Card Visa MllSlcrcard Discuvcr C~#________________ 5.i~n;J.LLl[l.! ot own ',electrical CQlllrllclor OJ' eltcrl'lc..l udmillistr:ltor Expiration Dare of card Inspection fee; $ 40..QO ----- ( WAllS I h\subtiOfl Uuly / Oft J CJtO Ape,",,'" Covu CEll.ING Insul;aliOl\ Only !:l~:~ Apptl)\'C.:l 6y D~l,; .\pJno~ccl U)' TIillRMOSTAT J OllIe ^PJ"".~"II:Ir C""" DITCH ^PP'''~ ~J SERVICE D~le il.llplU~~-d By Cover ~-"-'-'i5;';-- ^~.lIl~~':d,.ti)' ./ FEEDER t)~r~ .'l.PI)f",-edby Sl~jC'\i:i1 Load Additions and or subtraclions Cl NO LOAD CHANGES Q 2.:~,eo\)a.rd KW CJ F~l;naca _ KW CJ h,;a: Pl.:mp Ton LAR o FEo.~.'yV.:iIJ KW ~e.Jrlto.rmation o Ovarhaad Service o Temp Service a Underground SGrvicG Voltage PhaseD, 03 Service Size; FeediOlr Si.e; l~"~f'~.:riop Area, Building or EqulplUeAt lnspected Action 'taken F.l.::.;-tr;(,:.-' D:::~..: la~?.:ct()( /0 /&,f OJ:< hN A'-- M? T-Irr , -.- --I -- ------"- -" -- ...~..._~- I "- -~".'"-"'."._- I I - " - ! ~_.~ .~'...._'~- ,,-.' =1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION Building Division /Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street — P.O. Box 11501 Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax: (360) 4174711 Date: -2 * Plan Review May Be Job Address: / / // Building Square Footage: Description of above T Owner information Name: Y (5VZ1K4 Mailin ddress: / /// 4 a i City: State: Phone:�'�3�.��1• 9,'T7-Fax: �1 & 2 Single Family Dwelling Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Zip: License # ! Exp. d Item Unit Charge ServicelFeeder 200 Amp. $120.00 Service /Feeder 201 -400 Amp. $146.00 Service /Feeder 401 -600 Amp $ 205.00 Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp, $ 262.00 ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp. $ 373.00 Branch Circuit WI Service Feeder $ 5.00 Branch Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 63.00 Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 Branch Circuits 1 -4 $ 75.00 Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp, $ 93.00 Temp. Service /Feeder 201 -400 Amp. $110.00 Temp. Service /Feeder 401.600 Amp, $149.00 Temp. Service /Feeder 601 -1000 Amp . $168.00 Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 5lgnal Circuit/ Limited Energy -1 & 2 Family Dwelling $ 64.00 Manufactured Home Connection $120.00 Renewable Electrical Energy - 5KVA System or Less $102,00 Thermostat $ 56,00 Note: $5.00 for each additional T -Stat NEW CONSTRUCTION ONLY: First 1300 Square Ft. $120.00 Each Additional 500 Square Ft, or Portion of $ 40.00 Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage $ 74.00 Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub $110.00 Contractor Information Name: Mailing Address: City: State: Phone: Fax: _ License # ! Exo. Zip: G�ty Total (Qty Multiplied by Unit Charge) $ $Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E,C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296 -468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: © Cash ❑ check ❑ Credit Card # X a✓i�/�' �f.�i Dated: ✓ i 3 01/0112012 LV l A 0 � VoRr 4,v 41. ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT RKS 417-4735 DATE: PE9M[T4 INSPECT R 41- 43 OWNER CQN Tl%A(�,T OR ADDRESS APPROVED NOT APPROVED .............. DITCH ..... .............. El ............... ROUGH IN/COVER ... .......... .O 0 .................... SERVICE .... ............. 0 0- . .... ........ .... FINAL .... .......... CORRECTIO.N�S NEEDED: -X NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 - 417 -4735 Application Number , , , . , 13- 00000565 Date 5/24/13 Application pin number . , . 322990 Property Address . . , . , . 1111 E 8TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBAR: 06-30-00-0-2 -2165- 0000 - Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . , . . . Property Use . . . Property Zoning , . . . . . . RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . , . 0 Owner Contractor MARTIN AND KEDRIN GUZMAN OWNER 27534 NORTH 84TH GLEN PEORIA AZ 85363 --- ------- ---- - - -- - -- Permit , . . . , , ELECTRICAL, ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional. dear . , 1 -4 CIR Permit Fee . . . , 75,00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 5/24/13 valuation 0 Expiration Date 11/20/13 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 75.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 75,00 75,00 .00 DO Plan Check Total .00 ,00 .00 .00 Grand Total 75,00 75.00 .00 ,00 CPI s tl-48)1q e., kJ4 1 INSPECTION TYPE REPORT SALES TAX RESULTS: on your excise tax form DITCH to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -INS FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGEMILDING