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833 E Front St - Building
Post on the premises in a conspicuous place. 10/26/10 Date cer ifcae,,,chailicit be removed except by the Building Official. CERTIF ort Angeles >w B uilding ,Di vision u... fit_ This certificate is issued ursuant to the requirements -of Section 1741 o t 2009 International the requi Code certiffing that zt1he�tme o /issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulatingbu ld c or,use/or the following wr Business name The .Q uarry Port Angeles LLC (Owner Greg. Galin Downing) Business address 2 833E Front 4 S t t V` Property owner {s r Lisa Delguzzi LV Trust ~j Property owner ..k,,: -ts s ad tress 4016 Old Mill R Automatic fire sprinkler system. PerIB0A T" r R if Use occupancy classif cation. Mer' a '1 tiI Occupant load. h,k Per 20A0 i Building permit numhe Type of construction. 0- -28-16 -J '51 Qr O °RT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPLICATION See. 1 dai Perm' t` 8 LE FEES CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn. Permit Technician 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 (360)417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 PLEASE PRINT IN INK Check one: New business in P.A. Change of ownership only? Si Moving location from within P.A.? Zoning CA BUSINESS NAME i{-IIE Q,)Ae.&`E PoR ELES u-c_. Business address 43,•A C, F2c r 5T.. P_J% 9g36 Mailing address Q ..P :Alt- 300-1 Pt. 9 34.7-- Phone number 3 c c J 417 -.s 11 Opening date 1/1/1c, Days hours of operation 1 7:?,c'-4 SAcric 3 Business owner's name to Al-iliNI IbOuSAIAEN Contact phone 4 Z3cY OR- 411 -g391 Business owner's address 31 R•04 b $O_fr c631.'z- Brief description of business I±R4.st.gt riAsar 2`1 Sv PPL.1 Es Property owner's name L_tSA i_J SI Contact.phone Property owner's address /contact 4016 arD M) 61- Qt). otZT ArJG, R-ES Kam- 9 3( 2- BUILDING DEPARTMENT phone 417 4815 Is the business a restaurant or bar that will seat 50 or more people? Yes No k Construction changes planned (moving walls adding /enlarging windows or doors roofing siding foundation work, adding /altering stairways ramps, bathrooms, electrical, heating /cooling /ventilation systems etc) Work planned. 140 c IA L PLAN) WeiTh FIRE DEPARTMENT phone 417 4653 Changes to a fire sprinkler system or fire alarm system? Yes No Work planned. r3o C-4-IAA IN) et PBIA (Parking Business Improvement Area Downtown) phone 417 4623 Square footage of business? 75 5 F, Is business moving within the PBIA? Yes No A CITY CLERK phone 417 4634 Second -hand dealer /pawnbroker business? Yes No j& Will there be dancing at this business? Yes No A City of Port Angeles Business License is required for Taxi, Peddlers, Second -Hand Dealer Pawnbroker Dance, Hotel Motel, Fireworks, Ambulance, and Tattoo Businesses. Page 1of2 Bldg approval by on Permit l 0-12 Certificate Inspection Parking Business Improvement Area (PBIA) fee charged for Downtown locations Fire approval by on PBIA notified on City Clerk approval by on COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT phone 417 -4750 Number of off street parking spaces available for employees and customers? (Z —I S (A parking plan may be required.) Signs? (wall- mounted freestanding, projecting awning A- frame, etc Signs planned: mX 1 STI iJ c-, /Jo ct-tA 4Cs)ES P?A:4 rY ED PLEASE NOTE: NO flashing, intermittent, or chasing signs-are permitted in the City of Port Angeles. nIInI I/ IA /I1nr es I11"f1 A nTUAr.• IT a,• lrrn,s o% I_____ a. I w r VOLT ti vvvrcrv. IJCr,ir[ I IvICIY I- C p11uIie 1 I —C F O 1 L Is site work planned (new or re- located sewer or water service, excavation, grading or filling, work in City right -of -way new driveway openings, site drainage, parking lots, downspouts, irrigation system backflow devices, etc.) Yes No Work planned I6640eS VIA AN\El) PUBLIC WORKS WASTEWATER phone 417 -4845 CED approval by on PWE approval by S J on /6 -JO JUcs PWW approval by on Will waste other than domestic household waste be discharged into the sewer system? Yes No IK If yes, what will be discharged' Call for Certificate of Occupancy inspections BEFORE opening business. Building Department Inspection 417 -4815 Fire Department Inspection 417 -4653 Please sign up for utility services at the cashiers' counter I hereby apply for a Certificate of Occupancy I acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information I have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge. Incorrect information may result in revocation of permit. Date I0 Print Name C7A►.-1N recov-S: J 1t%) Signature L L. T:1Forms1Building DivisionnCertiricate of Occupancy Application (2010).doc Page 2 of 2 Business owner's address 312 RD Brief description of business HA? scg c, BUILDING DEPARTMENT phone 417 -4815 Is the business a restaurant or bar that will seat 50 or more people? Yes No FIRE DEPARTMENT phone 417 4653 Changes to a fire sprinkler system or fire alarm system? Yes No Work planned r3o C4-1Ar t Ss P 1 r4 ED PBIA (Parking Business Improvement Area Downtown) phone 417 -4623 Square footage of business? Is business moving within the PBIA? Yes No X CITY CLERK phone 417 -4634 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPLICATION Sea Id Pen-- CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn. Permit Technician 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 7 5 F, Second -hand dealer /pawnbroker business? Yes No K. Will there be dancing at this business? Yes No C? A City of Port Angeles Business License is required for Taxi, Peddlers, Second -Hand Dealer Pawnbroker Dance, Hotel- Motel, Fireworks, Ambulance, and Tattoo Businesses. Page 1 of 2 FEES Permit (12S Certificate Inspection Parking Business Improvement Area (PBIA) fee charged for Downtown locations PLEASE. PRINT IN INK f Check one: New business in P.A. Change of ownership only? l81 Moving location from within P.A.? El Zoning BUSINESS NAME 114-6 Q ,)AegA PD C' Business address 3 3 E. F2c 5T.. P.A 9cg3( •Mailing address P ©:Bay- 3001 P/ 9433b7-- Phone number 31 417 *SW11 Opening date 9/1(10 Days hours of operation M." 1.7.0 5 kr i c -3 Business owner's name At< ►auJrplrA(a Contact phone 4(.0---2-30 OR- 47 -g39- -ELes 9q 34.7-- Property owner's name �15A DEL60.z I J 1020 ST Contact phone t$7- L I C O Property owner's address /contact 4ollo dap M ►t.L. S�I?. •otZT A.I-1G- )El-ES 9 -3iz- Bldg approval by ,.4 I on PBIA notified Construction changes planned (moving walls adding /enlarging windows or doors roofing siding foundation work, adding /altering stairways ramps, bathrooms electrical heating /cooling /ventilation systems etc) Work planned* No c�,jAf P Fire approval by KM on JO! 240 _cif 3e ()to Go terskip c4 City Clerk approval by M1 on 9-1-1 I 0 2- COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT phone 417 -4750 Number of off street parking spaces available for employees and customers? i z —I S (A parking plan may be required.) Signs? (wall- mounted, freestanding projecting awning A -frame etc Signs planned mXtsTirL 1J0 cHA4Gne.S ISisb PLEASE NOTE: NO flashing intermittent, or chasing signs -are permitted in the City of Port Angeles. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING phone 417 -4812 i Is sitetwork,planned (new or re- located sewer or water service excavatiori 'grading orjfillirig work in City right -of -way new driveway openings site.drainage, parking lots, downspouts, irrigation system backflow devices, etc.) Yes No R. Work planned rI0 A fAL ri -AAAE° i_; PUBLIC WORKS WASTEWATER phone 417 -4845 Date 9 J Io Print Name C7A► -1N Pov-s:lt T \Forms\Building Division\Certificate of Occupancy Application (2010).doc Page 2 of 2 Signature CED approval by R. on i f Z51 I A PWE approval by J' on I 1(0 PWW approval by Will waste, other than domestic household waste be discharged into the sewer system? S If yes, what will be discharged. on No Call for Certificate of Occupancy inspections BEFORE opening business. Building Department Inspection -4815 Fire Department Inspection 417 -4653 Please sign up for utility services at the cashiers' counter I hereby apply for a Certificate of Occupancy I acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information I have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge Incorrect information may result in revocation of permit. Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Details 61649 LISA DELGUZZI LV T Page 1 of 9 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Search Results 61649 LISA DELGUZZI LV TRUST for Year 2010 2011 Property Account Property ID Geographic ID Type Tax Area: Open Space. Historic Property' Multi Family Redevelopment: N Township Range Location Address: Neighborhood Neighborhood CD Owner Name Mailing Address. Taxes and Assessment Due 2010 44348 2010 44348 201 0 443 4 8 12010 44348 2010 2010 12010 ,2010 2010 2010 44348 2009 616492008 2009 616492008 44348 44348 44348 44348 44348 61649 Legal Description. SMITH, NORMAN R LTS 16- 18 BL 38 0630005138800000 Real 0010 N N PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L Land Use Code DFL Remodel Property 833 E FRONT ST PORT ANGELES WA Cycle 5 Comm 20953140 LISA DELGUZZI LV TRUST 4016 OLD MILL RD PORT ANGELES WA 98362 1905 Property Tax Information as of 09/08/2010 Amount Due if Paid on. E. Year i Statement ID Taxing Jurisdiction ST SCH STATE SCHOOL CC -GEN COUNTY 2009 616492008 PORT PORT 2009 616492008 PORT ANG PO RT ANGELES 1 2009 616492008 SD #121 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 2009 616492008 NTH OLY LIB NORT_H _OLYMPIC LIBRARY 2009 616492008 HOSP #2 HOSPITAL #2 Agent Code: Section. Mapsco. Map ID Owner ID Ownership. Exemptions. 52 N N 2 21140 100 0000000000% O First Half Second Half Base Due Base Due Penalty Interest Base $754 74 $754 75 $0 00 $0 00 $7E $401 64 $401 66 $0 00 $0 00 $4C PORT PORT $56 45 $56 45 $0 00 $0 00 PORT ANG PORT ANGELES $929 95 $929 95 $0 00 $0 00 SD #121 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 $977 60 $977 60 $0 00 $0 00 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY $116 71 $116 71 $0 00 $0 00 HOSP #2 HOSPITAL #2 $164 77 $164 77 $0 00 $0 00 WSMET PK DIST WILLIAM SHORE MET PARK DIST $52.43 $52.43 $0 00 $0 00 CITY STORMWATER CITY STORMWATER $179 08 $179 08 $0 00_ $0 00 WEED_CONTROL WEED CONTROL $0 82 $0 81 $0 00 $0 00 2010 44348 TOTAL. $3634.19 $3634.21 $0.00 $0.00 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL $880 81 $880 81 $0 00 $0 00 CC -GEN COUNTY $445 76 $445 77 $0 00 $0 00 $E $92 $97 $11 $1E $E $17 9 $362 $17E $85 $63 14 $63 14 $0 00 $0 00 $12 $977 76 $977 74 $0 00 $0 00 $19E $1089.27 $1089.27 $0 00 $0 00 $217 $129 52 $129 53 $0 00 $0 00 $2E $182.82 $182.81 $0 00 $0 00 $3€ http. /vpn.clallam. net: 8084 /propertyaccess /Property.aspx ?cid =0 &year= 2010 &prop_id =61649 9/8/2010 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc New Office space Owner DELGUZZI LISA 4016 OLD MILL RD PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Fee summary Charged Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total INSPECTION TYPE DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS WA 983621905 141747 109 75 2/17/09 8/16/09 109 75 00 109 75 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735* 09 00000154 788930 833 E FRONT ST 06 30 00 5 1 3880 0000 ELECTRICAL ONLY COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL 0 Contractor APS ELECTRIC 546 BENSON RD PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES (360) 452 6753 ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Plan Check Fee Valuation Qty Unit Charge Per 8 00 2 0000 ECH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT W /FEEDER 1 00 93 7500 ECH EL 0 200 SRV FEEDER Paid Credited 109 75 00 00 00 109 75 00 DATE 313/ 2, ovi c7 Date 2/18/09 WA 98363 Due 00 00 00 RESULTS 00 0 Extension 16 00 93 75 Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date INSPECTOR. FROM A. P S. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR City of Port Angeles Permit Application Building Division/Electrical Inspections 321 East Flfth Street— P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax: (380) 4174711 Date: 2 -13 aZw 1 2 Single Family Dwelling Multi- Family or Commercial" Commercial Addition Alteration Remodel Repair Plan Review Ma Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Job Address: L'.3 3 tel: c, t' St Building Square Footage: Description of above 2v.) C9 FF i e• .O. Owner Information Name: J i Mailing Address: 3 aS City a A State: Phone: ISF.2 Fax License Exp Unit Charae 93.75 $113.75 $160.00 8205.00 $291.25 2.00 57.50 2.00 72.50 86.25 $116.25 $131.25 7500 69.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 93.75 80.00 86.25 27.50 57.50 86.25 43.75 Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator FAX NO. c Owner as defied by RCO119.28_261_ (1) Owner will occupy the Winder* for two years alter this eleebicsrpennitis erect (2) Owner is requuad to hire an alectrteal eonbactor ff above said prapergr Es fors* rant or !ease. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that 1 am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor_ I am making the electrical Installation or alteration In compliance with the electrical Iaws. NEC.. RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter29946a, The City of PortAngetes Municipal Code, and utility Specifications. x e J -'/3 -e5 360 452 6753 RECEIVED FEB 1 7 2009 LIGHT DEPT Review Information Sheet P ,l.. 112, Q u i 6- r t.' Contract Info tion Name: S /.c± ca 1 Ca j� g'r,�1■1 Maifmg Address: <s-,.. ZIP: City Stater Zp: Phone: Fax license /Exp Cash Check X credit era s Feb. 13 2009 0 04PMM, P1 Total (Wi Muffnl'ied by Unit Chant $13.75 ServicelFeeder200Amp_ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. Service/Feeder 401 600 Amp. Service/Feeder 801 Amp. Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder Branch Circuit W/0 Service Feeder Each Additional Branch Circuit Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 201 -400 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 401600 Amp Temp_ Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. Portal to Portal Hourly Sgn/OutTate Lighting Signal Creu 1 Limited Energy Commercial Signet Circlet/ Limited Energy 1 2 Family Dwelling Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Multi-Family Dwelling Manufactured Home Connection Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less First 1300 Square Ft Each Additional 500 Square Ft or Portion of Each Outbuikiigg or Detached Garage Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub Thermostat 1,7 cl 76 Total _ PREPARED 10/30/07 11 54 04 INSPECTION TICKET CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY ADDRESS 833 E FRONT ST TENANT NBR ANGELES MILLWORK SHOWCASE CONTRACTOR THE SIGN STORE OWNER LISA DELGUZZI LV TRUST PARCEL 06 30 00 5 1 3880 0000 APPL NUMBER 07 00001223 SIGNS PERMIT SIG N 00 SIGN REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS SUBDIV BL99 01 10/30/07 JLL BLDG FINAL October 30 2007 8 04 05 AM 1pangrle /40/1 SHAWN 461 2863 BLDG FINAL SIGN (ANGELES MILLWORK SHOWCASE) COMMENTS AND NOTES PHONE (360) 383 6655 PHONE PAGE 4 DATE 10/30/07 /30 17 ,oy-6 307ES/ ,v ,e7eAJe (C to logiute cr Date Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Tenant nbr name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Owner LISA DELGUZZI LV TRUST 4016 OLD MILL RD PORT ANGELES Fee summary CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 WA 983621905 T.Forms /Building Division/Building Permit (l0 /01 /07).wpd 07 00001223 943807 833 E FRONT ST 06 30 00 5 1 3880 0000 ANGELES MILLWORK SHOWCASE SIGNS COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL 3000 Contractor THE SIGN STORE 22 MILL RD SEQUIM WA SEQUIM (360) 383 6655 Permit SIGN Additional desc BACK LIT SIGN IN EXISTING POLE Permit pin number 113720 Permit Fee 115 00 Issue Date 10/29/07 Valuation Expiration Date 4/26/08 Plan Check Fee Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 115 0000 PER S SIGN FREE OR PROJ 25+ Special Notes and Comments October 26 2007 10 59 10 AM sroberds The proposal is the replacement of a sign one for one Sign will be backlit on existing post in the CA zone No land use issues anticipated Charged Paid Credited Permit Fee Total 115 00 115 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 Grand Total 115 00 115 00 00 and i_. -VY pJi,9,LAD") 6 v &/7P e-y/ ‘fJD42' A Print Name Signature of Contractor or Date 10/29/07 WA 98382 Due 00 00 00 00 3000 Extension 115 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ed Agent Signaturcklof Owner (if owner is builder) INSPECTION TYPE FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP /FURNACE /DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY COMMERCIAL HOOD DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT 417 -4735 CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING DEPT I BUILDING 417 -4807 417 -4653 417 -4750 417 -4815 T Forms /Building Division /Building Permit (10 /01 /07).wpd BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. DATE ACCEPTED YES NO FINAL PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT N's SEPA. PARKING /LIGHTING ESA. LANDSCAPING I SHORELINE. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW ENGINEERING I FIRE DEPT I PLANNING DEPT I BUILDING COMMENTS DATE ACCEPTED BY. FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED 1 YES 1 NO 1 V) a W m Applicant or Agent Live e Li 0 n Owner f r),q P )4s 1_ J/ 7 czv Owner's Addrea Fro,r, I Por An4e -i s- /4)79 Contractor /Engineer —j eS'/q,r, Contractor /Engineer's Address cz, 9i3ga License Expires PROJECT ADDRESS g35 E f t Parcel Number Proiect Type Brief Description. Check all that apply New Construction Addition Remodel Repair Re -roof Demolition Sign Heat System (/Other 1 144 Floor Areas Existing (sq. ft.) Basement 1St Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other wall- mounted Total sign area Heat pump -Sr- e_ -f4.?ce4 4 p7 s -fro Total footprint of structures Max. height of proposed structures Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? T Forms /Building Division /Bldg Permit Appl. 006 Code.doc BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn Building Permit Technician 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 Pho�i X5 7 £55j Lds=e_ Pholb ,.34i ys ,D Residential Commercial ft. Occupancy group Occupant load Construction type O 'Phone Lot 0 For City Use Only Date Received /0 22 07 Permit 47— spate Approved 34e)-- Z$3 Zoning per sq ft. TOTAL VALUATION no '7L sq ft. Lot size sq. ft. Lot coverage of bedrooms of full baths of half baths Multi family Industrial projecting freestanding awning other sq ft. Maximum allowed sign area sa ft. wood burning stove gas fireplace pellet stove other l� e9,o /ac r'1 ,c) u 2..x ,.S�i.snA D �s% Proposed I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain pe ts prior to working on projects. I AM-4e Date)b /c2W /O1 Print Name 4,i e-/e- I &bi-k &�s� Sign re ��1 OCT -23 -2007 02 17 AM 5 LJ S c P 01 9CT -23 -2007 02 17 AM '1 P 02 OT-23-2007 02 18 AM 1 4W 80g121114351211 1"2 .A Y elk. Approval Date) 1■11.721 011 I .r.....-.. i.... t■ CITY-OPPerPriNtakien-ES—Congtrostion-Flacia The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans, specifi- :•L 4 40. 1 r...anit nthor r iatalhanie.iggvgatitil[ting. official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in sail plans, specifications and other data, or from preventing I Eirdi riFiplitiai s n g verre violation of all codes and ordinances of this jurisdiction. P 03 OCT -23 -2007 02 18 AM ,04 y 4 (0 Z 941 U0B: 64461. 6∎140..MMww64014. 1111144 e./•wl.... MVA1..MIws•.fww..w T1C 7 CF/ CUT M? w YIMMIN....♦Y Xr: O „wl,._......,. OW. ....A..... Ir wlmoaa. -1 .M.._wy. -1.... 1 ..w W.A. M. M.M I SOM. t kl\‘ t, K S 1. t(?thA C' M1 1.t TS 3O ,:'.1,, AR,(7 M• V.A)t 10 ACC NA IV\ 0 WC.' 1 rt &t LAMP P G U A M i T y 2 w w .ww/ Yy N, TO AN/WS Vii C) 1(6:4 I AurnA*4 ediktott, E`, Iota V 1 CM \N ii4 1 W.IrYI /1 .1100.4., BOToMOF IAANOINIE) ?AR to 1 4 0? OF c. UT P" ..INS IG 140 fnAg: D iTow 1~ *0 v=. you niv5r ._r ._r.,... w._.. w....._. w r Y W ow wol I 1' 2. 40 16 joig CI, \I 0 I Ow 64.01.0 POW wl wM.w.w .IM w.l• EC ONO OJ AID Y.. w_. 'WI T(')I.I1;:;A1.fr 516N MF( CO. P 04 1 WA PREPARED 7/19/07 8 34 56 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 5 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 7/19/07 ADDRESS 833 E FRONT ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR ANGELES MILLWORK SUPPLY CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO PHONE PARCEL 06 30 00 5 1 3880 0000 APPL NUMBER 07 00000084 COMM REMODEL PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL3 01 7/19/07 I( BLDG FRAMING 07/18/2007 01 04 PM LPANGRLE LONNIE 457 8581 FRAMING COMMENTS AND NOTES f PORT g TfiGlf VIEW Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Owner DELGUZZI LISA 4016 OLD MILL RD PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty Unit Charge Per Fee summary Charged T\Policies \1102.15R [1/05] WA 983621905 Permit Fee Total 70 00 Plan Check Total 00 Grand Total 70 00 Signature of aontractor or Authorized Agent CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 07 00000157 038000 833 E FRONT ST 06 30 00 5 1 3880 0000 PUBLIC WORKS UTILITES COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL 0 Contractor OWNER RIGHT OF WAY BLOCK S/W ON FRONT ST RUP07'07 95372 70 00 4/18/07 Valuation 10/15/07 BASE FEE Date Plan Check Fee Paid Credited 70 00 00 00 00 70 00 00 Date 4/18/07 Due 00 00 00 00 0 Extension 70 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date CALL 417 -4807 FOR UTILITY INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS PW UTILITIES (Engineering Division) WATERLINE METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE SITE EROSION CONTROL PARKING SIDEWALK CURB GUTTER DRIVEWAY APPROACH BACK -FLOW DEVICE T•\Policies \I 102.15R 1/05] RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ ENGINEERING 417 -4807 FIRE 417 -4653 1 PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 I BUILDING 417 -4815 1 PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD YES 1 NO FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES 1 NO CONSTRUCTION R.W PW ENGINEERING 1 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT BUILDING 04 17 2007 TUE 16 42 FAX FAX TRANSMITTAL CITY OF PORT ANGELES ENGINEERING DIVISION 321 E Sth St PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 (360) 457-0411 COMPANY NAME: 9 r(/./vi CONTACT NAME: /04(4,62 -12-1 FAX:. 4 QTY STATE: SENT BY: �u DESCRIPTION: X4 ZL-P ZIAZ h 6 Gem .91/z21/L 7 eZA-14, /1- 4:4, (a) w 7 NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): RETURN FAX NO. (360) 417 -4709 JF THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS WITH TRANSMISSION CALL. (360) 417 -4807 2] cm Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Tenant nbr name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation 47000 Owner Contractor OWNER ANGELES MILLWORK'& LUMBER CO 1601 S C ST PORT ANGELES Construction Type Occupancy Type Other struct info Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 417 75 22 00 10 1000 THOU BL -25 001 50K (10 10 PER K) 222 20 Special Notes and Comments Electrical load calculations and elctrical permits are required The Fire Department has reviewed the project application and has no comments 02/07/2007 04 26 PM SROBERDS The proposal will result in the remodel of a commercial structure in the CA zone No land use parking or access issues are anticipated Electrical load calculations and elctrical permits are required MAINTAIN CLEARANCES FROM SERVICE WIRES Public Works Utility Engineering has no requirements for this plan review Other Fees Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Other Fee Total Grand Total CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 WA 983637449 Structure Information 000 000 TYPE V NON RATED BUSINESS OFF /PRO /MED /REST NUMBER OF UNITS Charged 639 95 415 97 4 50 1060 42 639 95 415 97 4 50 1060 42 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances goveming this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date T \Policies \1102_15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [1/4/2005] M 07 00000084 Date 2/14/07 463420 833 E FRONT ST 06 30 00 5 1 3880 0000 ANGELES MILLWORK SUPPLY COMM REMODEL 1 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL COMM REMODEL 94045 639 95 Plan Check Fee 415 97 2/14/07 Valuation 47000 8/13/07 STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Paid Credited Due 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 yi f Y/ Sign.t Owner (if owner as builder) Date orsa f e) k CALL 417 -4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR /SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL ROUGH -IN HEAT PUMP /FURNACE /DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s PARKING /LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT INSPECTION TYPE DATE BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD QR/ V 1 1 q- dtk ACCEPTED YES NO FINAL SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ CONSTRUCTION R.W ENGINEERING 417 -4807 PW ENGINEERING FIRE 417 -4653 I 1 I I FIRE DEPT I PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 I 1 I I PLANNING DEPT 1 BUILDING 417 -4815 1 1 I 1 BUILDING T• \Policies \1102 15 building permit inspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] COMMENTS DATE ACCEPTED BY. FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO C +OF pORTq %.e RIGHT OF WAY USE PERMIT 5 01- 1 51 4 ,4 NAME OF APPLICANT 0.r W Q 2 3t,�+ Kc S411 DATE 2)1313 7 MAILING ADDRESS <8 33 PHONE NUMBER 3teo- 4c2- €S STREET ADDRESS OF PROPOSED STREET USE 3 3 -rorfsi S DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST (include drawings required for clarity): [If street closure is requested, please state the name of the street and limits of closure, together with the duration of closure.] 3Joc1L. St le_,.J 1 ie. -0 0, -A/9nc d reri,tOJ4I 2 -3 days IS THE USE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT? Tst,' r4r HOW LONG WILL THE OBSTRUCTION BE IN PLACE? 7 WHAT ARE THE HOURS OF OPERATION? 91 5 O HOW IT WILL BE LIGHTED? 04-019// EXPLAIN THE NECESSITY TO USE THE PUBLIC STREET SIDEWALK OR PLANTING STRIP ARE THERE ALTERNATE AREAS THAT COULD BE USED? x 5t, N5 51 I o Lre_r Sde k HOLD HARMLESS and INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT In compliance with the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and in consideration of the issuance by the City of Port Angeles of a Right Of Way Use Permit to the undersigned allowing the placement of the above described street use or obstruction, the undersigned for hi self and for his successors in interest, hereby agrees to indemnify hold harmless, and defend the City of Port Anaeles,t.. MFAw,claims or lawsuits for personal injury or property damage arising out of or in any way connected with, theA ti))04, or obstruction on the City street, sidewalk, planting syip or riat tway DATED this ZAAtay of t'e 6114 ,20 No TA 7 9 f" -�a_ k N 4 13 2 008 w Kiplicant q��4eaf 6 L AG ;;V 1 �WASH` C1, NOTARY aPUBLIC for Washington residing 014. (nG_0- S My commission expires._3 1 of (This permit, if approved, may be terminated by the City of Port Angeles without cause and at any time) [OFFICE USE ONLY) e-°-0 Date application received o? a 7 Fee paid 7i Receipt Date Certificate of Insurance per PAMC 11 12 140(B) received Agreement to Remove Encroachment signed and on and recorded on Application revie ed and recommendation by City Engineer/ rl L is to d approve, and with the following conditions 2 /5 /o7 N/A N/A Date z/ if/ a Applicatio approved e c �y the Director of Public W Date 7 Approved copies to: Applicant 0 Fire 0 Police 0 Street 0 Other 0 Address file o RUP d 7 N:\PWKS \ENGINEER \Urban Standards Revised\2006 Version \Chl \ROW Use Permit.doc Applicant or Agent: L eo iA,, e L Owner Aii) v e /ps /YID //rioek Si, AA' Address: /6 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 FAX(360)417 -4711 t City r 'RT 14A)6. Architect/Engineer e?Si 6•.✓ &do eX$ z wl.7 /Q-4 Phone: 4t/ .Z 7 77 Contractor spa. State License A Exp: Phone: Address: City Zip PROJECT ADDRESS. 23,3 OEA 7 ZONING C00414 A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: /.1 —/V Block: Subdivision. /VORmn.a R Sosif14. /1<oa.'f►l' CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. No 30 oD -..s/ ,3 0 384. C; L2'°. 312 TYPE OF WORK. Residential New Constr Re -roof Stove Multi- family Addition Move Garage Commercial iX Remodel gc Demolition Deck Repair Sign Other BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT le PA e&' Zw}enh. t LartLL_ Afo Dhe e-iSkair COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group: No. of Stories: Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. Total lot coverage PLANNING USE ONLY ESA/Wetland(s) Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes No Other. T• \FORMS\BldgPermitAppl. wpd Applic FOR OFFIC1A USE ONLY Date Rec. a-Q'l 7 Permit 7 Date Approved Date Issued: Phone: 31, 0 44E7- FS'81 Phone: (,O 4'6 gS2? Zip: 9 13(03 SIZENALUATION SF /SF SF /SF SF /SF TOTAL VALUATION 5i7 poi E,rkri'aG M sosex_ 0 ?AoeT' lSoweE Occupant Load: Construction Type: Proposed Sq. Ft. TOTAL Sq. Ft. APPROVALS. PLAN BLDG DPWU FIRE. OTHER. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE. IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R 105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required ,not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. Date: 4— o 0 I- 14"i 4.A s eavris-r. e/z (43,-/oPY, /41 (Foia eg 644 4464- Ai P 14141/44/ 6 4 44 ,,"1 51:cif 4 4 4 a Vo4v.t. 0. 4 te-4 6 4 Rom 1 /PAD r- I) .60P-P 6 t lOt_ P 14A= 14064 12: 6 11 ez16 kfloair5 4.4,ce C.. Rt.-14 cylc d 114/IIA C4' Vt.( ere- 444-1 4 ,t-i4 fig,VA C 5 %Ai 2. 4444 e 9 old 8 u141-( A 1 4 4 5.76 a 3. 4 4 6,4,7-, 5 7 6 (1, Li 4 44 064. 22' (Z)C7: 62,1 7 4L a-'.' S -7- cuhl 04 1046 104 R4 7- b It c tkisbc. FILE IS5(./ 8 V);7) fro 1 60 (s\ X74 3.7? �•.Z Soo6l..(ck( ts1(1 3, 5 1 1 6 i _On" 64 4As 1"i pp /s 4 Y M.s� T. LO o c bY 444- 104 9 /0:84, d- /3 0,? s 2 35 M o go u41 •40crs i-g90 16280 V 5d2_ 214 4, 9 /2 cLW 7 30 g OA) Zeu.� �s� c•.i.. et Z3cZ °so P 2So` t i6covVit1 tYs p;4 u 5iz... 20.. Q i7 ht,p --t 455 LJAn. 4 .Z T f4 14„6 (;2s "(4/1-. V )9bv ADi-r ,N cans A A T S` o 6 4) 3 Gop 7t.4- 2 0 Y- 4e' p I s,rz /7 4 4 y ./J^' s V L q O C, �f Y /wt+iS %Z2 7'i /609 4...2 i (z) CAA 1 U9z i1- Y 41 C,, s cir).PPmi`7 J A,L4Aii 13 7s 4S So o(c SP A o, cr '76'3 4 kit t< 144"j C4444 'y IPJa 3 r Cl Owner DELGUZZI LISA 4016 OLD MILL RD PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 07 00000103 Application pin number 394939 Property Address 833 E FRONT ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 5 1 3880 0000 Application type description DEMOLITION Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation 500 WA 983621905 Contractor Permit DEMOLITION Additional desc ROMOVE MANSER ROOF Permit pin number 94268 Permit Fee 50 00 Issue Date 1/31/07 Expiration Date 7/30/07 OWNER Structure Information 000 000 MANSER ROOF Plan Check Fee 00 Valuation Date 1/31/07 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50 00 Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 50 00 50 00 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Other Fee Total 4 50 4 50 00 00 Grand Total 54 50 54 50 00 00 9 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances goveming this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. 3 -c,, ature of tgnfractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T•\Policies 1102_15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [1/4/2005] CALL 417 -4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL FUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. v INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS 1 SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS 1 POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.I PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR SLAB 1 ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING 1 JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS 1 WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL ROUGH -IN HEAT PUMP /FURNACE DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING /SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s PARKING /LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CONSTRUCTION R.W P WI ENGINEERING 417 -4807 FIRE 417 -4653 1 PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 1 BUILDING 417 -4815 1 T- \Policies11102 15 building permit inspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] YES NO FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY. SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE: COMMENTS FINAL DATE ACCbP 1 ts'D BY. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES 1 NO 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW ENGINEERING FIRE DEPT 1 PLANNING DEPT 1 BUILDING 1 o V TYPE OF WORK. Residential New Constr Re -roof Multi family Addition Move Garage Commercial Remodel N Demolition Repair Sign Other BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group: No. of Stories. Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. Total lot coverage PLANNING USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 FAX(360)417 -4711 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Rec. 3 /-40 7 Permit e' 7 l 0 3 Date Approved:_ 3/ e /3i Date Issued: 3/- Applicant or Agent: L c nl nr i'r pi A1 Owner AA) /I'1t'IJ.ock Address: /60/ ,Sovi'lt c� City ?oar ,4 6a/es Architect/Engmeer:CA VEstbili LcAMti'd.i. Contractor S State License Exp: Phone: Address: City Zip PROJECT ADDRESS g33 EAT 2oA/tt ZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: M Block: Subdivision. /1102 in ri b R 6 n /7% CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. O(, ,30 -OD, 32.2522. 394.0 3,9D ,g 6. ESA/Wetland(s): Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes No Other Phone: WS" 7- /S?/ Phone: z/LS 7- g s Zip: '9,343 Phone: _9/7 SIZENALUATION Stove SF /SF SF /SF Deck SF /SF TOTAL VALUATION RF»ln yr AtIvosErR Occupant Load: Construction Type: Proposed Sq. Ft. TOTAL Sq. Ft. APPROVALS. PLAN BLDG: DPWU FIRE. OTHER. l VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE. IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R 105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my respo ility to jermine what permits are required not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. T•\FORMS\BIdgPermitAppl. wpd Applicc �Gc J Date: )-3/ -o '7 Owner DELGUZZI LISA 4016 OLD MILL RD PORT ANGELES Fee summary ELECTRICAL PERM71T AM) INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Application Number 07 00001233 Application pin number 211865 Property Address 833 E FRONT ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 5 1 3880 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation 0 Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Sub Contractor Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total WA 983621905 Contractor ELECTRICAL SIGN PERMITS THE SIGN STORE 113845 THE SIGN STORE 35 00 Plan Check Fee 10/23/07 Valuation 4/20/08 Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 35 0000 ECH EL COMM 1ST SIGN THE SIGN STORE 22 MILL RD SEQUIM WA SEQUIM (360) 383 6655 Charged Paid Credited 35 00 35 00 00 00 00 00 35 00 35 00 00 Date 10/23/07 WA 98382 Due Extension 35 00 00 00 00 00 0 INSPECTION ELECTRICAL TYPE DATE RESULTS INSPECTOR DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS: /0r47 .93° DLO` Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Owner Contractor VAN GEMS MICHA j •0 0 AA 0. 'T 1 APS ELECTRIC 650 SH ELAND DR polk. Anr ,5, 546 BENSON RD LOP ISLAND WA 98261 qS3�� PORT ANGELES D (360) 452 0.53 Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Sub Contractor Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 175. ECH EL -COM ALT 201 Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total COMMENT/ACTION NEEDED CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 t Li 07 00007743 033 L Date 7/30/07 382358 AE G C 1ST 3T /4i'/.1-7 S7 06 30 00 5 1 0000 ELECTRICAL ONLY.3 ii0 COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL 0 ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL APS/ ALTER 400A CIRCUITS 105353 APS ELECTRIC 175 00 7/30/07 1/26/08 Plan Check Fee Valuation `WA 98363 Extension 600 SRV FDR 175 00 Charged Paid Credited Due 175 00 175 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 175 00 175 00 00 00 00 0 FINAL GENERAL COMMENTS: ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO DITCH I I I ROUGH -IN COVEk I 1 SERVICE I I I COMMENTS PW -I 102.15141961 CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DWISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORt ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number ..... 03-00000050 Date 2/04/03 Property Address ...... 833 E FRONT ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 0630005138800000 Application description . . . ELECTRICAL ONLY PrOperty Zoning ....... Application valuation .... 0 Property owner ....... DELGUZZI LISA Owner address ........ 4016 OLD MILL PORT ANGELES WA 983621905 {) Contractor ......... APS ELECTRIC Permit ...... ELECTRICAL ALTER COb~ERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee .... 243.20 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date .... 2/04/03 Valuation .... 0 Expiration Date . . 8/03/03 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 178.6000 ECH EL-COM ALT 201-600 SRV FDR 178.60 1.00 59.4000 ECH EL-CON~4 ALT <5 CIRCUITS 59.40 1,00 5.2000 ECH EL-COb94ALT-ADDTNL CIRCUITS 5.20 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 243.20 243.20 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 ,00 .00 Grand Total 243,20 243.20 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of '180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within '180 days from the las~ inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All previsions o laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T:\PLANNING~FORMS\] 102.15 [4/2002] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE I DATE I YEsACCEPTEDI NO COMMENTS FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DP, AINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT: # PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER AIR SEAL CEILING ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUED: 12/16/2002 PERMIT NO: 13908 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION HARTNAGELS (DELGUZZI) 833 FRONT E 833 E. FRONT Lot: 14,15,16,17,18 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 38 [] Long Legal 360/452-8933 Subdivision: nr smith T: S: Parcel No: 063000513860 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT OWNER N/A VARIOUS Port Angeles, WA 99360 , 98360-0000 206~000-0000 360~000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $20,000.00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: 0 Project Type: ADDITION SFD SQ FT: 0 Industrial: 0 Occupancy Type: COMMERCIAL Garage: 0 ~'~ Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 Construction Type: MFD SQ FT: 0 Zoning Use: ca PROJECT NOTES ADD 856.5 SQ. FT. SECOND FLOOR ADDITION FOR OFFICE SPACE RECEIPT#10006 FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $321.25 Misc Fee 1: $0.00 Plan Check: $192.75 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 State Surcharge: $4.50 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $518.50 Plumbing: $0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $518.50 Mechanical: $0.00 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby cedify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any s~l~i( or IocalQ law0 regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T:~'LANNING\FORMS\ 1102.15 [4/2002] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS, PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSUL.4TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YESINO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PER3MIT: # PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS / GIRDERS SHEAR WALL DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION ,MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP WOOD STOVE / PELLET / CHiMNEY HOOD / DUCTS PWUTILITIES/ SITEWORK (EngineeringDiv~sion) SEPAKATEPER2VlIT#'s: WATERLINE / METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTPdCAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W. / PW/ CONSTRUCTION - ENGINEERING 4 ~ 7-4807 PW / ENGINEERING FIKE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 % / ' (~) '~ ~'~ ~'/ BUILDING T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 [4/2002] CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ........... INSPECTION REPORT ........... REQUEST: ...... Date ~ Time Received by · (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected -- ~ Name of person requesting inspection ~ "/' ' ' ' Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circ~ali~, riate one): Sewer Foundationf/ ~ ~(l~aming IChimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excav, Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date ' Time. By Remarks: RESTORATION REQUIRED ...... YES. NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: [] Unimproved []Gravel []Asphalt []PCC []Other [] Repaired by City Work Order # ~--} Repaired by Permittee [] COMPLETE [] No Damage Found [] INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT {DATE) CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ........... INSPECTION REPORT ........... '----- REQUEST: ~ Date ,-~-/* ~/'~- ~ '~ Time Received by (phone, person) Location o, Work to be inspected ~ % ~ ~~ Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Phone No, Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. ,/ ~ "' ~ Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excav. Other..~'7~J~-- INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date ~'~- Remarks: RESTORATION REQUIRED ...... YES. NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: [] Unimproved [~Gravel []Asphalt []PCC ~]Other [] Repaired by City Work Order # [] Repaired by Permittee [] COMPLETE [--I No Damage Found [] INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ........... INSPECTION REPORT ........... REQUEST: Date ~ -22 /~ C ~ T,me '~ , ~): )] Recmved by Location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspection Addrass of person requesting inspection Phone No..~.V~ Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing I wer Excav. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date ~--/-d~ Time By hU Remarks: RESTORATION REQUIRED ...... YES. NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: [] Unimproved {~]Gravel []Asphalt []PCC [~Other [] Repaired by City Work Order # [] Repaired by Permittee [] COMPLETE [] No Damage Found [] INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION Date Approved:~.~2~ The Building Permit/Ipplication must be filled out completely. Please type or print in ink. If you have any questions, please call 417-4815 Applicant or Agent: I-hh~x'~qAc=,~:-c_ ~t~2~6, <~-Je'e~' Phone: Address: City: Zip:. Architect/Engineer: Phone: Contractor License #: Exp: Phone: Address: City: Zip: PROJECT ADDRESS: ~:~"~ ~::~N~T '~-r°,--.oo,t~- -~T, ZONING: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: [zlr. tY;tl:,;tq, tt~ Block: ~ ~ Subdivision: IXll3Cao,,.sdq CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: e~(~ ~'t~f~IGoo~redit Card H01der Name: Billing Address: City: Credit Card #: Exp. Date: VISA MC TYPE OF WORK: SIZE/VALUATION: [] Residential [] New Constr. [] Re-roof D Wood-stove SF. ~ $ /SF. =-$ [] Multi-family }~Addifion [] Move [3 Garage SF. @ $ /SF. = $ ~Commercial '[] Remodel [] Demolition [] Deck SF. @ $ /SF. = [] Repair [3 Sign 13 TOTAL VALUATION $ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: ,~X.c>E> ~---<-~,-,t,c:, ~ ,m:n'-~- tc-~v~- ~-OMME~RCI~-~qtESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group:. Occupant Load: Construction Type: No. of Stories: __ Lot Size: % Lot Coverage: % Existing Lot Coverage: /sq. ft. + Proposed Lot Coverage: /sq. ft. -- TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: /sq. ft. PLANNING USE ONLY: APPROVALS: PLAN Notes: BLDG. DPW ESA/Wetland(s): ~3 Yes [] No SEPA Checklist required? [] Yes [] No Other: OTHER BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your application and site plan must be filled out completely to be accepted for review. The Building Division can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittal requirements. Your completed application, site plan (for additions) and building construction plans are to be submitted to the Building Division. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: Your plan check fee is due at the time the building permit application and construction plans arc submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, this application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section 107.4 of the Uniform Building Code, current edition). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that 1 have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct, and I am authorized to apply for this permit. I understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required; it remains the applicant's responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtafll such. TSFORM S\AP PS\B uildin gpennit Applicant: 1~.?,_t.~[~ ~_~_~"~. Date: d 90RT ~ l~ rea ...~ ~ ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 ~1:".L.L\.,;a."'..LVJ..l. J....WlWt:::L Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Application description Subdivision Name Property Zoning . . . Application valuation U3-00000835 Date 8/26/03 833 E FRONT ST 06-30-00-5-1-3880-0000- ELECTRICAL ONLY o Owner Contractor DELGUZZI LISA 4016 OLD MILL RD PORT ANGELES WA 983621905 APS ELECTRIC 546 BENSON RD. PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES (360) 452-6753 WA 98363 Permit Additional desc Sub Contractor Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date ELECTRICAL NEW COMMERICAL LUMBER YARD SHACK APS ELECTRIC 76.30 Plan Check Fee 8/26/03 Valuation 2/23/04 .00 o Qty Unit Charge Per 1.00 76.3000 ECH EL-COM 0-100 NEW SRV FEEDER Extension 76.30 ~ ~VJ ~'" \'~ ~ '\ Fee sununary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 76.30 76.30 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 76.30 76.30 .00 .00 ~ Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date T \PLANNlNG\FORMS\1102 15 [4/2002] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE r INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS r YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEP ARA TE PERMIT: # ROUGH-IN I PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER AIR S~AL IWALLS (:)OILING I FR.f~lING . !OrSTS / GIRDERS , SHEAR WALL WALLS / ROOF / CEILING DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL / FLOOR / CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP WOOD STOVE / PELLET / CHIMNEY HOOD / DUCTS PW UTILITIES / SITE WORK (Engmeenng DlVlslOn) SEPARATE PERMIT #'s: WATERLINE / METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM /J,trv'l (!JId? j ~J PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: 6~ LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL 8bb~3 Ju; LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R W./ PW/ CONSTRUCTION - R W. 1/ / ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW / ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING CITY. OF PORT ANGELES ~ LIGHT DEPARTMENT , ELECTRICAL PERMIT N~ 17858 /-;; 0 d3 Port Angeles, Washlngton.._mn__m_mm_________m______mnm___n~_mm_._, 19mnm In accordance with the City Ordinance to regulate the installation, extension, or repair of elec- trical equipment In, on, or about any building or other structure In the City of Port Angeles, per- mission is hereby granted to do electrical work as listed below. Address ..f[_J.nJ.__me....~~_?:!~'i::...__n.nnnnnnnnmmn occupancynnk::::-::="!=.m.._n__mm._..... ~:~:~~-~~~~~~~~-:::?ik~;;:::~~g::~::::nn~~:~~~;::-.::::::::::._.:.-:_~::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::: Light Outlets..............................._.._..... Service, volts .....................................__ Receptacle Outlets............................... No. wires .................................__..__ Dryer, KW._..nnn....n..............n__........ Size wlres..................................._.. Range, KW u......__u.um..u.hmuuuu Main fuse ........................__......__..... Water Heater: Enclosure ....__..____.....__..__................ KW......._________________________... Type of wiring: Entrance Cable ............................. Heat: KW..............__.......____..................__.__. Motors: size. volts and phase: Rigid Conduit ....____....................... MetalUc Tubing ........................... Current transformers: No. & Size............______.__.__....__......... Ser. No.............................................. Ser. No. .......--.--..........____..__....____....... Ser. NO.__.n____.................................... Type at Wiring: Armored Cable ......................m..._ Non-Metallic _.......................__...... Knob & Tube.................................. Rigid Conduit .._..____...................... Metalllc Tublug ____................____.__ Raceway ......__.........................._..._ Circuits, Light.........__..........................n UtlIity .._.m___............._......_______n____. lIeat ......................................._...... Range ............................................. Water Heater ....m.............__......... Motor .___...............__..________.__.......... Dryer ................__.__..........................._ Furnace .. ..... ...................w.__........__...... Total Load............................. Ser. No.______.....____..___.......__............... Total ..........__.........__................ ::;;g;p::~7~::!2j,=:~;..~::~::-::::::::=::::':~~=:t.::::::~::::::::::::::::: -;:~_=_~~__~::-:n~-__n-_:n~-:_-:.-_-.m-mm::~.~_~:~~~_~_~_~~~_~..:__-_---n-..----..----:~.iJ22:;~{;l;~:Z:?~. NOTICE-Current must not; be turned on until Certificate ot Inspection has been issued. It work is to be con- cealed due notice must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected betore concealment. NOTIFY THE INSPECTOR BY PERMIT NUMBER WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION ELECTRICAL PERMIT N~ 17858 Address._..............__......................................................................................................................Date..._.........._.................._......_......___....... Owner .......__.........................._......_.._......_......_.._........................................................... Tenant........_.................................................__........ Wirip.g Contractor........................__................................................................................................ By.............................................................. NOTICE-Current must not be turned on until Certificate at Inspection has been issued. It work Is to be con- cealed due notice must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected betore concealment. . "',. -'-, '- IM,_ Olympic Printers, Inc. .l. . , CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT N~ 1 8370 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Port Angeles, WaBhlngtonnJ2!Al-----..Z2~-nr--------------------' l~i In accordance with the City Ordinance to regulate the installation, extension, or repair of elec- trical equipment in, o~, or about any building or other structure in the City of Port Angeles, per- mission Is hereby granted to do electrical work as listed below. Address .-F2'33---Efs-.,---Ei-DAtCu--n-----nununmo..---. occupancy.B_~lp(.;,-,-.$-~.rrl.:c)!-5K5'U:.- o.,~ ll1R,.,,',JL.LLL.<>""~..L..__......_.. "'~~~lSw.~) Wiring Contractor1?W1N:St.UA-.:5E.<:1.JC.10Ym.-n~--: 1_____ ._~:- - nnnnnn Light Outlets....__........................._.._..... Service, volts __...._._.__....___.................... Type ot Wiring: Receptacle Outlets________.....___............... Dryer, KW....nn.._..................__......_.... No. wires .____n__n.....hu_.__.............._ Size wlresuon............n._mm_n..h.__. Range, KW....__..___.u........_____.._....__.__n. Main tuse .............._........................ Water Heater: Enclosure ....................................... KW.___u.o.o.mnmmmm.n.nn hmo.n_ Type of wiring: Entrance Cable __nmmmnm Heat: KW.................__..__....____...__......... Motors: sIze, volts and phase: Rigid Conduit ......o.o.m..n Metallic TUbing .....__.................... Current transformers: No. & Sizem.m....__...__.m................. Ser. NO.n.........__................................. Ser. No. .........................__.00........____... Ser. No.....______..........__.....__................. Total Load.n..mm.................. Ser. No.................._.......................... Armored Cable ................__....__.__... Non-Metallic .........mm..........m..... Knob & Tube..............__................~ Rigid COOldult .mn___mm__..mn_n..o. Metallic TubIng .......mm__m__m..__ Raceway n..____......................._._..._ CIrcuits, Llght................__n................... UtfUty......m.........___....................m. Heat ......................................._...... Range ............................................. Water Heater ............................... Motor ........................__..............__... Dryer ....__________......._........................... Furnace .........................'..n.......... ...... Total ....................__...........__.... Remarks: ~.J0.~>;2_b1\K...IJI.AKM...,,$y.s::r:E.Ii1._n_.n......__..______n..___..mm.....m.......n______n___________m .nnn.n~n__..nUn__nnnnnnnnnnn..u.u.__nnn_nnnnnnnnnnnnuuuu__.nn.n_._.n.nnnu._u.n_._h_n_nnn.nuu.._.....nnnnnn_nn_ .nnnnnn.n...hnnn_n.n.nn.nnunnnnuun.nu..n.nn.......nn.n.n...._._nnun.......n...nnnn___nn.uh_n...n..nnn.uu..h.n.....h_... Permit Fee ~ $jKc::2_9._..__________ Treas. Receipt No.d-:zf4:2.-..... By.$~_____ NOTICE-Current must not be turned on until Certificate of Inspection has been issued. If work 5 to be con. cealed due noUce must be given the Inspector so that work may be Inspected before concealment. NOTIFY THE INSPECTOR BY PERMIT NUMBER WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION N~ 1 8 3 7 0 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Address ..,____..833....f.;_!_.&it)i:Jr.....=.....Si:___J\.NbE.t"E~ Date.JpA.~l__.?.0..,_.j'3..d:.. Owner _tJl.J~GJNJAm12E..L~.U.:?",.L...m.n.m......____..__....o.h....nmm.....m.. Tenant.i:p .. __ _~_H_~~mm Wiring Contractor.X'W.l.NSJ.J..L1'l____n.::5"E.<:J.J.1s.L:z:y..n..mnm...m.m..._.... By..n_mm \mnn. .' -" ~ .. m. .. _ NOTICE-Current must not be turned on until Certificate at Inspection has been. issued. If work Is_to_be_ cealed due noUce must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected before coffcealment.-- UK f"'Ilo._~,_ 1:1.'_'___ f__ . A ~ CITY or PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT N~ 1 8370 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Port Angeles, wasblngton.)2lA-Y----2.L.T.m....._...___.___. lci:/! In aocordance with the City Ordinance to regulate the installation, extensIon, or repair of elec- trical equipment in, on, or about any building or other structure In the City of Port Angeles, per- mission is hereby granted to do electrical work as listed below. Address l23.3---r;;..~-nEi.(}t:,'rC.nn..n-.-------mmn--.. Occupancy .B.!.kln~.,_S-0.EE(,-.x-;?;6~ Owner .U1R.G1JJ.1lL.Du..!;;,.U~lnmmnmn... Tena~~~_j~UAJ.k~J~SJ.!P.P';)' Wiring Contractor"YW1NS,UU\n.-SFr 1JR.I:Ij...____ __!..~.n- _'000 -.. ~~.~...--mn Light Outlets..._.h._n.___......._......_.._..._ Service, volts ou,n_ .....m.....n................ Type of Wiring: Receptacle Outlets___......__.................... No. wires .....hhn.h........................ Anilored Cable ........nu___..__....___ Dryer. J\:\V.......................____.____.. Size wires...._..__........u__n_n........._.. Non-Metallic .......__.__....__......__.h__. Knob & Tube...................___............ L RIgid ConduIt ....____......_....uu___u r Range, KW.......... Main tU'ail ......., 'Water Heater: Enclosure ......... (,,/. Metallic TUbing ..n..m...........h._.. Raceway .mm_.m.mm.____m___~ CIrcuits, LJghLm__....__:._____m.m...m__. Utlllt)" .._.....m.._._______u.__..__u.__m__ ::'ge --:::::::::~:::::::.~:::_. ---~::~'$ .Water Heater ..... Motor m_~u---.. . Sec. NO.....n....nn.................n............ Dryer.. .........h ..........-. .....-- ....n...............u................................._ Furnace ....... .........._. ..._. ........ Ser. No. ............................................. Total wad.................n.......... Sec. NO.n....n...........n..nn.._..........._. Total .....n_.._.. . .................. Remarks: ::B-J.J.~~c;;..b~.$_jj.I.AKM.n::2ysLe.M__._____n____.______n....___.___n...___.m_...______nn .______n.__. Heat: K\V....................n.............n....,.. K\l.'.____..._.__________. Type of Wiring: Entrance Cab~e .......m....__ Motors: sIze, volts and phase: RigId Conduit ,........ m MetalUc TUbing ..__n............ Current transformers: No. & SIze....................................... Sec. NO..n.n....................................... __~h__.n.u.....___n_~.hhnn____._.n__.u_________n...n_____.....u_nn._~_~___un.~__n_n.h_....nn__u_~n______~n__n.n....n___..__.___~__nnn...... ..--nn.._h._nun.hU..n.nh.d.nnnh..n_._uu.~..n__u.u_uh._.__..h__nnh.h.nu_____....n_nu_..._n...~_n__uu._.nn..n___.n....___ Permit Fee . ) j /--"c) C $_./.-:O_'-.'o-...mn..______________. Treas. Receipt No.8.;Lj!(:2___._ By.$~.___ NOTLCE-Current must not be turned on unttJ Certlflcate of Inspection has .been issued. It work cealed due notice must be given the Inspector so that..work Ulay be inspected betore conce~ment. NOTIFY THE INSPECTOR BY PERMIT NUMBER WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION N~ 18.370 ., ELECTRICAL PERMIT Addres. .,.u.-u8--3_3mt.:.=:!...Ei.{).;jT..mu=-m_~.ji.~6E?E~ Date.JpA_~L?-?'+_j'1d O=er .u.I-&ll,JJA___fu~Uh~Lhh_u_hh_m_...u_hmhh.._m__uhh_._m. TenanLf.t.l. h .:NAh' .4::.mhm___ Wiring Contractor.?CJ!)J.J,)S.LJ.Li-lh___.::5EC.k!.Js._1_rY'_.hUhhm_mhmm~' ..h.h'm -'. ., I,. , NOTICE-Current must Dl)t be turned on unttl Certlflcate ot Inspection has 'been B8Ued. It work Ja...to cealed due noUce must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected before co e-e.aJment. /.~ . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 PERMIT NO. o' , . DATE L/3</0 /(}//y/73 / ' ELECTRICAL PERMIT Installed By: o READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: g(WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Site Address: Owner/Business: Phone: Owner/Business Address: Sq. Ft. tRESIDENTIAL , COMMERCIAL BASEBOARD KW _ o FURNACE KW _ o FAN/WALL KW _ o HEAT PUMP KW_ o SIGN o TEMPORARY SERVICE o PERMANENT SERVICE o NEW CONSTRUCTION 8 REMODEL J,';' ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS o SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR o SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (LIST BELOW) o OVERHEAD SERVICE o UNDERGROUND SERVICE VOLTAGE: o SINGLE PHASE o THREE PHASE SERVICE SIZE AMPS Details/Description: /f /L'~;I-//.// j7~b;&.~/ a!.Z'-f &l'tJ dAJI-fU.:Zz,J #?tb~M / . W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE CAPACITY: o O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: 0 CHANGE TRANSFORMER o INSTALL SERVICE POLE DATE ENGR. o CHANGE SERVICE WIRE o OTHER o Ditch Inspection O.K. o Rough-in/cover O.K. o O.K. to connect service ,1r 1) Final O.K. Site Address: New Meters Installer: . Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Numberwhen ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Buildin ,Per it. HONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. /' NO OCCUPANcY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT $ :0tJ d.9 () Permit Fee WHITE - File by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN - Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall OLYMPIC PAINTERS INC Job wired by ~d~ ~~ ..'1l1iliII .... r:=;.l;I.. 'i~l _.. ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATION Electrical Contractor 0 Owner Installation description '1 Commercial 0 Residential o New 0 Altered! Addition Electrical contractor name '-\\.\Q s'1(:""" S\~~~ Purchaser's mRiling addre s ?,?,3 W P,nE', City ~ e.4u vh--- Telephone number ,0 (a, License number Date Expires I( 1--1()(U ~qK4 jL S'\ vJA Stale ZIP C;;t:)~1.. c:- I hS.\Ld_Q lo&:I,~( S10 City /(!; l>g~ l:0 ~ Phone OWl/('/" as defined hy RCWJ9.28.261~(I) OWI/er will occtlpy the ,\"trucfllre!or two years after this electrical permit is iinalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical con/metal' if above said properly is for sale. rent or lease. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical instal- lation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C.. RCW. Chapter 19.28. WAC. Chaptcr 296-468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code. and Utility S ccificatiolls. Signatu 0 owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator o Cash 0 Check # o Credit Card Card # Visa Mastercard Discover x Date: Expiration Date of card Inspection fce $ 35,0-0 Service Information Electrica ~ ddi s and or subtractions o NO LOAD CHANGES o Baseboard KW o Furnace KW o Heat Pump Ton LAR o Fan-Wall KW o Overhead Service o Temp Service o Underground Service Voltage Phase 0 1 0 3 Service Size: Feeder Size: SAME DAY INSPECTION, CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 ROUGH-IN THERMOSTAT SERVICE Dale ApprOlcd By Dale Approved By Date Approved By FINAL ~ DITCH FEEDER Dale Approved By Date Approved By Inspection Date Area, Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken Electrical Inspector IElIEClrlRl~CAl ~NSIPIEClr~OM . W~IRl~NG IRlIEIPOIRlT 417-4735 PERMIT # ~I -tJ7 0"'1-743 OWNEA/CONTAACTOR H.s c ADDRESS 833 .E.F~ ~.5r; APPROVED NOT APPROVED o .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DITCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUGH IN/COVER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .}( CORRECTIONSNEEDEc([) POST f:~ ~~ .'T" G:> n"'7'l4_'L-aEIw~4~(, l>ol'}~ O~~ ~1E.~_eLh-.l$.. ~.... oN t#,:>o~ J)F- ,~~ 0&00/1... - op.u-. (",ee ~~t) :s""..u..& &...B,t.u.Pr B~ul..sr fnD k-tT - "'.C!T" ~ ..,...& --'J;!V~~ @ e~ :r-B.~--.-C.~c.. S~ .a~~ ~V C.~RIJ' ""'f~lLT-E.J.t~ k~-CD PANE t.. .set+t.(.)....L-€.~ (;j)~~ , < .cA~l.Llt"'~l~~lc.-~ t.W-i) G> t<6-Wf.... E-o.ML)'L..~~---As.-...A-t.t. E.J~.:rE.N.3.t D hi ~ ..B~ Itbetv:\. NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS - DO NOT REMOVE - OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. (360) 452-1381 G-ZI S L 'l ~-t' ~~ -,.. ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATION Job wired by ~leClriC.J Contr.ct~r 0 Owner Installation description X Commercial l:I Residential ~lcctrical c~trdctO[ name. --I- ~icense lumb~ J. Date ~iTes A. . ,- . 5. G I€. C-f ".. I C,,- LA"f\\ t-<lqo Pur5'f{b.mnft~e~ 6C:>l\ CJ New *teredJAddition Ci'Yfan- -4 ~.Qle..s Telephone number FAX number 'DbO ~ 1f5.;l -b 153 rremls~l .wner:.!. ~'re . '-' L'\. !-\l\ ",,-e5 rI\,' LOOM'- ul\OU)Q.a'i)e., Address of InspectioD 'l33 ~ Slate ZIP W-tb alf'e.r-ed. 5el'lI}t-e- Cf; 36S f" 'i '';'' City P . A. ~~f() r Phone number to schedule il1spectioa: Lll-P'1'1"37 Own.er as defined 1Jy RCw'l-9.28.261:(I) Owner wilL occupy the slrucrlln for two y~a1'$ ajW lhis ek..("1I'k..a.l P('Jml1 i..~ Jitul.fi:(!d. (2) Owner i<; required 10 /lire an electrical CO/lD'aCl~" if above said property ir f(ll' .<;aIe, rent or lea.<;e. After reading: the above statement. I hereby certify tha1 I ,un tbe 0\\11<;,r of the above named properlY or 3 licensed electrical COntr3Clor. I am m3king the dcetrical instal- lation or altec3tion jlJ' compliaDce witb the elecuicallaws. N.E.C" RCW. Chapter 19.28. WAC. Chapter 296-468, Tne City of po" Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications. Sign:nu owner; el tri~ c:?~ctor ot; electriC31 2d,::.nidntor X .K...~ Datc:b ;J;l.-()7 o Cash 0 Check # I:J Credit Card Visa 6n~ Mastercard Discover Card# ____o____-____-____ Expiration Date of card Electrical Load Additions and or subtractions o NO LOAD CHANG ES Cl Baseboard _ KW o Furnace I<N'J o Heat Pump Ton LAR o Fan.Wall K'W 1'K... Overhead Service U Temp Service U Underground Service Voltage ;JJ/O Phase)lll O~. Service Size: ~A Feeder Size: "I/O . SAME DAY INSPECTION. CALL BEFORE 7;00 AM 360-417-4735 ROUGH-IN TBER:\fOSTAT ~ ",," A,.""",., DITCH . SER"lCE 6~/&7 hD , DM\; ApprlwCd B)' FEEDER D. D~,~ .'-PP'"ved/!,'l D,.w Appravt4 By Inspection OalC Area, Building or Equipment Inspected. Action TaK:cn :ElccLi-ical Inspector 1t7- ~p.q" () 1Bl~ C lE1V IE 10 JUN . .d W~G0:60 L00G GG 'unr [SL9 GSI7 09[ 'ON X~j ~OlJ~~lNOJ l~JI~lJ3l3 'S'd'~ WO~j , FROM A.P.5. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FAX NO. 360 452 6753 Aug. 25 2003 02:55PM Pi " .... .~. u,.~. 7"- ~}' ~,,~ ~"" ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION POk OrflCIALUSE ONLY o,.lo;lR<<: '____n f<:rn'lil"~_.._. D~l= "'wroww~ _" __ . __. . O-\lc I~ucd: _. u___ .__ nil,;: (lr:c>dr:C(l1 Pcrmil Application must be flJl~d out comDJeterV. 11 B35' Please type 0'- reprint in ink. If you have any questions, please calt (360) 4174735 Fax number: (360) 417-4711 REQUEST INSPECTION 0 Ow"".o,EI-;'c Conlraclo'Agcn!: A !'I.d ~ c,icr--k Phon.'lf~;;J. -/::'753 Fax: ")a./YIe... P'OpMy Owneclit..tt..Q...\J ')eJ,lCVv! I/.. r-.... L-il.,."hI'X--T NdeK 1/--1 rfMrpL Phone: 45.;2 -2933 Add,.ss <l 53 Co. F./ -r~f\. E City: . lip: · PSI )., (C I + .-;-- A p:st: ~c;::r.. "ll? I ;IN EI<clnc.' Contrnclor: H - -. C c/ )'/ tll .~rrrG'n I IT\, .J..~nicens. #: Exp: 4-1e:; -0<1 Md'OSS 5'16 f)(-x)Vn iCQa.. City: t'("',..+-- tl YlS",-I -e <, ~LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 6! e e-fd Ca.! c: () t\ +- {'(;I. v-fo 'l BiI~~ng Address: C; ilb &- r) ~fl Rca& cay: _Pn r- + -4 nj -eJ~ 5 Credit Card Number: Exp. Date: 'S-f'rervt Phon.: '-IS.:J '675: lip: 9-0363 INSTALLATION WIRED BY: 8 OWNER Credit Card Holder Name: A. p."; Zip: 9 g 363 VISA:_ MC:...;s TYPE OF WORK: Check ill! that apply: ~ew ;0.1 Residental 0 Multi-family )( Commercial <2;33 E; CC 5T Fto ~t PROJECT ADDRESS: o AlterationlAddition o Mobile Home Sq. Ft Remote Meter n DetaChed galage eJ Hol Tub 0 Swim Pool n Septic Pump o Low Voltage 0 Telecom. 0 Si~ Number of Circuits added or altered: L I D I. ;f;.. ~<;'~ ~j.':(\CV...J-o d06 ~ ""'.'J')" /), DESCRIPTION OF THE ElECTRIC;L- PROJ~C-:;:~J \\0 tJ ~ dP./ F '2 "" I' _ 1) ~ _ '-'<.--L/K Electrical Heat Load Additions PERMIT FEE: 7&.30 Service Infonnation ,:: Baseboard KW ; '; Furnace KW :J Heat Pump -TON__ LRA '>(Fan-Wall <J _~KW )(Overhead Service o Temp SeIVlce o Underground Service Voltage: -;J /fa Phase: ~1 _ 0 3 Service Size: ~n A Feeder Size: t.J) FAMe 14.05,060(6): For industrial, commercial, & reSIdential projects larger than a duplex. a one -line draINing of the Electrical Service & Feeders, building size (sQ. ft.), load calculatio onductors a ceway is required and shall accompany the Electrica Permit application. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know that same to be true and cOffeet, and I an authorized to apply for this permit I understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits al required; it remains the applicants responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. . ',,"m ,,,' Ho''''', "'""ore' ~ ~ Owner or Elee. Cont. Signature:~. / ~. C:IELECTRICALPERMIT APPLICATION ~ -;:15"-03 Dale: Date:g>~/.5,03 l. FROM: A.P.S. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FAX NO. 360 452 6753 Jan. 21 2003 08:09AM Pl. ""'-(~:;- .-~$i b,1/' ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION H)RlJFF1CLAl..USEO~I,'( D'lt6.'Ill!C: r<ni1il ~: OJ;":ApplV~l'li;_.. __.. OalcIDllCU:___ .____ T:lI~ Flet.:1r:-;C\' Permit Application must bo fllll:!d out comolotelv. PleMe :}'l.lc ur r!!r:rinl ill ink. If you havQ any questions. please c;all (360) 417-4735 Fax numb.r: (3601 4174711 . o 5 - 5""0 PROJECT ADDRESS: Anci~ C,Ia.c-*. S e,'fI f;" (/, -\ -f.V\ I L. \,1 I'VI b......- I ,A,ddress: City: Zip: ElectricalConl'Octor I4p.:" thc;h~ CLnbcf(\<;:r^Cl-ic~f.f" LC.-:I:- <tZIE~ '1-ICj-O"{ Address 5 'i b fl ell 'YJ 11 lC(i It City: ~'" (' t 11 ns t'j of; -; INSTALLA TION WIRED BY: 0 OWNER )<ElECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Credit Card Holder Name:A..r:=. S E'!<!..-C-Tr('CQ\ (f) (\+v-ac.tn r-c T,\(' , Billing Address: ,J)t.t{p r3 fA'\5pJ'L ~ City:-.!?ec:-t' AT\.j'" lee, % Exp. Date: () 'Li [c. B I {I <0 I 6\(1 S iAp-p l '{ /{~ F:. F;~()fi\+ o New )(Alteration/Addition OWr18r or EI~(;. Contractor A.gent: P",perty Owne" .Ar-\\()\ ~i REQUEST INSPECTION 0 Phone:Ift)~-b7S3 Fax: SQmE... T r G\.d e.i" j Phone: Phone: '-!5;;;J -I:. 75:3 Zip: 903&3 Zip: ..Sj90&3 VISA:_MC::1 IYPE OF WORK: .. \ 'v+O:.IA:i\O, .3 -e.J Check gjj that apply: (->" '.] Residental 0 Multi-family 'JI1. Commercial 0 Mobile Home Sq. Ft Remote Meter 0 Detached garage ,: Hot Tub 0 Swim Pool Number of C,rculls added or altered, _y~_~ o Septic Pump o Low Voltage 0 Telecom, 0 Sigr DESCRIPTION OF THE ELECTRICAL PROJECT: (.\ r~r-G1 ~ e- ' ift'lJ A - /7g. (;,0 T 5'"9.<'('0 f" 5.;J.o= Electrical Heat Load Additions PERMIT FEE: .:293...,;i.6;) I' Cvlir~ prOpo5 ( d d ~d 1\-1'01"1 ': { SE..n/1 CJ!.. ~ervice Information ::; Baseboard r.: Furnace i"~ Heat Pump ~-: fan-Wall KW KW TON LRA ::LKW - ~Overnead Service o Temp Service o Underground Service VOltage: 1= / Phase: )i;l1 /0 3 Service Size: "I {Tl, /fy..,;D Feeder Size: PAMC 14.05.060(6): For industrial. commercial. & residential projects larger Ihan a duplex. a ana -line drawing 01 the Electrical Service & Feeders, building size (sq. ft.), load calculations, and the type & of conductors and/or raceway is required and shall accompany the Electrical Permit application. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know that same to be true and correct, and' am authorized to apply for this permil. I understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits arE required; it remains the applicants responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. 1 (Z.." 'f . . . . ~ ". I A ( - O~ Ni" 7s ~ ~ '., .' . " ..' .:1,_ Credit Card Holder's Signature: 5hA' ),r'f J R Sf a.c..le. Date: I - ~C - 0) Owner or Elec. Cant. Signature: ';\(I'''-,i \ rQ, SlOck Date: i~rll- OJ d/ElECTRICALPERMITAPPLlCATION I . ;JX I! fl.--r' /-~5' - c:J3 ~ ,~-;>. .. CITY OF PORT ANGELES ,j, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS \ 1./7/D5 . . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . . . . . . REQUEST: Date / / - ,J 7 - G~-) Time / : :J () IJN1 Received by I ' 7/7 6 personl .' Location of Work to be inspected " ~J]i E r/O;,1r Name of person requesting inspection {JI\- teil~ l1t./ Address of person requesting inspection I 7<J;, <; " /-:3 51 Phone No. (.//7- '1'}~C; Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excav. @ {~t t e r- " INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date //-}7-cYS- Remarks: Time 1', 5(/~m I By 7/f '1. RESTORATION REQUIRED. . . . .. YES X NO v I 'l:: . 'lJ ~ , "" Jl'C-r r'~' ~ Lt" rCM r 5I. I . ~ ilJ"L'j 1;<' C-;L ~ , Ce>^c i;3 \V SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved OGravel o Asphalt OPCC ~Other 5JJ.. wl{)k Work Order # Ju 3 9?- - OS'i ~~-COMP-LET.E~ ~'INCOMPLETE ~} /?-/:. / /) c:s~ o Repaired by City o Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found <,r;'~ Slyt?-~J (Continue on reverse side if necessary) ~TDI:I:T ~IIDI:DIIUTl:lUnI:IUT ,nATK:\ 1 ,p 7 \a'-e-re 1vt 5 9- r 1 r�g c zd98 3 J9de 5111, tiff I••• 1••• W W W W W W VlN VI vf 0 00 p Cl, It It IC rr 7 q 7 I/, n .2- j 0 5 i s..w, c= tV f, 3 S ao I's'' /pa o,/ 8 'eetrr. -77 /5 Ps17 y/�� lieg e. !s ice <10-tic tv't "'re S/0 w ae •tof Loa d 3 -C 3 �2'I mB f SN e.) %N 2/ Tu /y o 6 OD 72 L oer, 1 Scc -a; e /7' a A 7-276, .4/4-e m4 ii 7`�/ 3/, d ter/ s 4.6,e- j 4/ 3 Zr00 /S l oS 7 i r 5-5 a' A 9 9 ery .1 j fir! 1°"07 1 s. (yitie 90 a. ,4 vekvr Ao .14 er S t� I 4 .oS .d,ffl .$41 k 'Oh 0029 r ("L) ao_. f 1 i N 114 Opt 00 fel 10 ft! III N tr ji H /Li r 7 T i I •�r 6'r it it tf` t CB G V/ of e rr frd^'' cr�'�� q tr .5:3010,t4 le c N 26 GA UNPAINTED GALVALUME ROOF DECKING Z -PURL IN PURAL DESIGN ONLY 1/410X22 BASE -TYP FASTEN TO COL 1 TH o) 3/4" X 2" A325 BOLTS 12' -0" STEEL TRUSS FASTEN TO COL Val I TH (6) 3/4" X 2" A325 BOLTS 1"110X26 ROOF SUPPORT VIII OX22 I NTERMED I ATE COLUMNS GARY K MUNKELT, PE ASSOC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 9 775 JACKSONVILLE RD WARMINSTER, PA 18974 TEL 215-675-7674 WA LI C. 2V3 1 All columns, bases, load arms, roof beams, pallet rack uprights and load rails are to have Fy 50 KSI 2. All 'Z' and 'C' sections to have Fy 57 KSI 3 All Roof Panels to have Fy 80 KSI 4 All Welding rod to be E70 or better Arse 12" iii/ q14 11 REV NO DATE OWN. BY OWN. FAR EDGE TIM Y 1 1 481: 1 )7 2.48K W 2,48 K 2,48K 26'' RACK 10' -2" SLAB END VIEV4 (SCALE 1/4" l' -0 Cl 6 3 o At)OED DET'A -{LS, 8245 Industrial PI Alpharetta, GA 30201 770 -569 2244 Fax 770 589 -9944 HARTNASLES FORT ANGELES, IAA. DA TE AS NOTED 04/24/00 2 t4G 144 bLE go as EarneE L .N6T14- 01 S'rQ CTorLf FA S11.4 .P Tb SS WI 744. CI 4112-2k A 114 e 1 "rs.K. 1; %KR. Cal4 rac ?o4 4" X 52" ARMS (40" CLEAR) -TYP FASTEN TO COL NI TH (4) 3/4" X 2" A325 BOLTS FRENAmE: SUN22 DESCRIPTION 0110. Na CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS DATE "'I l e o ailglpp,uiuUi NOS 1. '111 77 H-2278 20'-5" COLUMN REF 143 o BY REV. sm.I or "‘*N j 4 o. 4 4 5 1 -0 11 5 1 011 26 CAA UNPAINTED C AVALUME ROOF DECKING r e iii i ///7 ,i ii: 1 —0" 10 -0 II II It II II If it Ii II If Il II U fl li Il If FT Il I1 tl fI [I [Fit II 10 1 -0 11 FASTEN HORIZONTAL BRACE TO COL 1A4ITH (2) I/2" X I -1/2" A525 BOLTS 100 SDE ELEVATION (SCALE I /8" I I -0 11 DESIGN NOTES CODE. I C Soo 1 041r4LIA QiJILD,,J6 eo 8E' 1997 EARTHQUAKE ZONE 3 R 0 so WIND 85 MPH EXPOSURE 'C' WALLS 7 PSF (HORIZONTAL) ROOF _15 _PSF (UPUFT) LIVE `LOAD ON ROOF ROOF SNOW LOAD 2S _PSF LIVE LOAD ON ARMS 2450 lbs. PER ARM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED OVER LENGTH OF 4" ARMS DOUBLE —SIDED COLUMN 4 ARMS PER COLUMN iii/ .iii, iiii /,i iii. //i' iii/ rill .iiir 10 -0 DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD ROOF SNOW LOAD 10 —O" '0 —On ROOF SUPPORTING COLUMN O,fo 2 4 8_K 6,2 K ZI 6 LOAD ON SOIL O.6 K /Sq.Ft. a •3 T /Sq Ft. 6 /T FASTEN BRACE PANEL TO COL Y'IITH (4) 1/2 X I -1/2" A525 BOLTS las Iq -0 16 51 -0" 52" 10 1 52" 6 j 6" 1" TYP W10X22 BASE j 5" EMBEDMENT %Ye iir '407.97 .01/7,• d 4 6 W10X26 COLUMN ANCHOR, BOLT DETAIL (ROOF BEARING RACK COLUMNS) SCALE NONE 13/16" D/A HOLES ON BOTH FLANGES) 5/8" X 7" RAMSET /RED HEAD TRUBOLT WEDGE ANCHORS. 5" EMBEDMENT (5) PER COLUMN (AS SHOWN) X12 -14 X 1 1/4" TEK SCREW 52" r 10" 5" j 6" 1 1" TYP W10X22 BASE j 3" 3 EMBEDMENT 3 d 4 W10X22 COLUMN ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL (INTERMEDIATE RACK COLUMNS) SCALE NONE 13/16" DIA HOLES (IN BOTH FLANGES) 5/8" X 5" RAMSET /RED HEAD TRUBOL T WEDGE ANCHORS. 3" EMBEDMENT (3) PER COLUMN (AS SHOWN) 7 /7