HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 02.07.2023 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 7, 20�23 Ibis tneeling was,conducred ease ah.vbrid lneethlg CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Dexter called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.m. Members, present In-person: Mayor Dexter, Council Members Carr. McCaughan. Miller, Schromen-Wawrin arid Suggs, Members Present Virtually: Deputy Mayor Meyer. Members Absent: one Staff Presenc City Manager West,Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, EXECUT IVE SESSION Based on nipur from City Attorney Williarn Bloor, Mayor Dexter announced the need for an Executive Session under authority ofR(I W 42. 30. 110(1)(b),consideration of site selection or acquisition of real estate purchase or lease if likelihood that disclosure would increase price and tinder RCW 42,30 110( TO) to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel until 5:55 pmi. The Executive Session convened at 5:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:55 p.m. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Counci I to order at 6>00 PAIL ROLL CALL Members Preseric Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer,Council Members Carr,Miller,McCaughan,Schromen- Wawrin and Suggs. Members Absent: None Staff Present-. City Manager West, Assistant City Manager C. Goings., attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-bailey, C. Delikat, D. Sbarp,B. Smith,S,Carrizosa., and M.Healy. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Dexter led the pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PUBLIC COMMENT Nancy Walters., city resident, spoke about the need for local affordable housing. Steve Workman.city resident,spoke about permanent and short-term housing. HATE 11TEMS TO BE, PLACED O THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS Council member Suggs asked the Mayor to consider adding Senate Bill 5517 Discie.."ion to the agenda for Council discussion, Hearing consensus from the Council the Mayor added the item as 1-4. CONS ENT AGENDA At the request of Councilinembers McCaughan and Meyer,and after hearing no objection froin the Council,Mayor Dexter added J-1 and J-2 to the Consent Agenda, PORT AN LES CITY COUNCIL MEETING -- February 7, 2023 It was moved by Carr and seconded by McCaughan to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Nlinutc.,.,of January 3. 2023 1'.4pprove 2, Expenditure Report: F'rom January 7. 2023 to January 20,2023 in the aniount of$4,136,983.57 1,,IPprove 3, Council Attendance /E'.Yetifse Council tnenlber McCaughan trom rebruen-Y 21, 2023 Xleeting 4. Berg Benefits professional Services Agreernent and RedQuote HRA Adoption Agreement 1,4uthorizze the Cit'v Manager to sign, the Berg Bene0 .4gree n a niew in aine.non'not to exceed$55,200 and the RcdQuote,4dopfion Agreement, 5, Public Restroont Replacement Site Work,CON-2022-5 1,Final Acceptance/Accept the Puhlic Restroorn Replacement Site [Vot*CON-2022-51 contract with,2 Grade, LLC as complete, and authori.7c,stq1ttoproceed vviih project closeout, and release theretainage upon receipt qfall required clearances. 6. Department of Ecology, Site Rental Agreement 1,4whorize the Cit'r Xhinager or his ale sigynee to si n the attacjjt,aj site rental o reement rene-wal ivith the Departnient aI'F colo v, A gdditiona a ltv, uthorize the Citv Afanagt!r or his,designee to sign the Deparonew ql'Ecohov annual lease agreemeni reneived.1br the nevt five Years 0hrough 202 7,) with nzinor inocifflealions i.,w updates ci's necessai,v, 7, Lincoln Street Safety Proiect, '1'R0218,Final Acceptance/Accept the Lincoln Street&t1k-?1Y Project TR0218'aN, coniplete, and authorize staff to proceed ivith prqject closeout, and release the retaincige hond upoty receipt qf till reguired clearances. & Clallain County Board of Health Request/zluthorize the A]a'vor to send a.letter ofsupport to the Ch,111am Couniv confirming Port ofForks City Council memberJeft Gingellas the cities'representertive on the' (""fallani Count' v Board qI'llealth. 9. City of Port Angeles and Clallain County CREW Memorandum of LRtderstanding,',4titht�)rize the Cily Manager to sign the inemoranthim qfunderstanding with Clallam COuntYfin-2023 and make ntinor modifications as necessaii". 10, MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA/Equipinent Purchase-Replacement of'Solid Waste Vehicle#1945 / Approve the purchase and outfitting qfa neivSohd TTaste Division pickup truck in an.atnount not to exceed $9.5,649.88, authorize the Cii�Y Manager to.sign a contract f6r the purchase and outlining of a 2023 Ford F250 4x4 extra cacao pickup and to ntake ininor enodifications to the purchase<!:ontract ifnecessarv, and authorize the City Manager losurplus both vehicle#1945 and the 1999 Chevrolet Se m-ice Truck once the new vehicle is placed into service. 11. MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA /2020-2021 Structural Engineering Services, Professional Services Agreement with Sargent Engineers, Inc.,PSA-2019-38 Amendment 3 /Approve and awhorize the City Manager to sign the Struciural P'nghieerbig Professional Semices Agreenient Atnendment 3 itith Sev,!gent modifications to the agreement ifnecessarY, Council discussion followed. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. RESOLLMONS NOT REQUIRING COUNCIL PUBLIC HE 1. Resolution to NNaive Interest on Utility Accounts and Temporarily Change Payment Requirements to Reconnect Services Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa spoke about the resolution and provided staff recornmendat ions, waiving interest on utility,accounts through September 30,2023,and temporarily change payment requirements to reconnect serve ices by suspending PANIC 1116,050 through December 31,2023 Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title,entitled, RESOLUTION NO.01-23 A RESOLL)TION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,continuing interest waivers on utility accounts as additional relief for the hardship created by the COVID-19 pandemic and suspending requirements for fUll payinent of past due aniounts prior to re-connection of services. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: Pass the resolution as read. 'The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no,opposition, the motion carried 7-0. Page 2 of 4 PORT ANGELES CFFY COUNCIL MEE"TING -- February 7, 2023 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. RAISE Grant Presentation Jeff Bohman of the Peninsula Trails Coalition introduced FASLA Project Director of Puget Sound to Pacific Steve Durand presented slides that described the prklject and potential challenges. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Schromen-Wa"rin and seconded by Suggs to. Identify the City as the lead applicant of the Puget Sound to Pacific RAISE Application. Motion carried 7-0. Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 6,58 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 7:05 p,m. 2. Glass Recycling Presentation Interim Director(if Public Works and Utilities Mike Healy presented slides oudining a glass recycling pilot program proposal. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Carr to- Direct staff to move forward with,the new glass pilot recycling project. Motion carried 6-1 with Schroffiett-Wawrin abstaining from the vote, 3. City Council Assignments& Ad lloc Committees for Advisory Boards Application Review Manager West presented the agenda itein. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: After the motion wwa,seconded and approved., die final motion passed- Approve committee assignments for 2023, as presented, to include Meyer to the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission and appoint Council member Miller to the vacant seat oil an ad hoc subcommittee,to review appointments to tire Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Motion carried 7-0y. At 7:31 p.m. Council member Meyer excused himself from the meeting. 4. LATE FIFEIM —Senate Bill 5517 Discussion Council member Suggs provided background oil the late agenda item. Council discussion followed. It was moved by,Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs to: Draft a letter from the Mayor or City Manager to the 24"' District legislative representatives to fortnally oprKISe any bill that removes water for mitigation requirements state in water law,notably Senate Bill 5517. Motion carried 6-0. CITY COUNCH.. REPORTS Council member Suggs spoke about a recent Shore Aquatic Center inecting and shared upcoming events and classes. Council member Miller shared her appreciation for the opportunity to serve the community. Council member Schronien-Wawrin spoke about a Clallarn'rransit System meeting and Pursuing Housing for AIL Council member McCaughan spoke about a City, Wellness Committee meeting, a William Shore District Aquatic Center meeting, and the Solid Waste,Advisory Commiuce. Council tnernber Carr spoke about a North Olympic Development Council meeting. Mayor Dexter spoke about the upcoming Association of Washington City Action Days conference in Olympia. WA. No other reports were given. Page 3 of 4 PORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING —February 7, 2023 INFORMA,riON Manager West welcomed Council rnernber Miller to the City Council and Assistant City Manager Calvin Goings to the City tearn, Manager West,spoke about an update from the County's Housing Solutions COMulittee, Spoke about an upcoming Planning Connnission meeting, reminded Council of the upcoming February work session to discuss Pursuing Housing for All proposals.and an upcorning two-hour work session on February 28.topic to be determined. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT No public cornmentswere received, ADJOURNMEN'r Mayor Dexter adJourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Ka�e Kari Martinez-'Bailey,City C l ti Page 4 of 4