HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 06.06.2023CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
June 6, 2023
This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting.
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:01 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer (attended virtually), Council Members Carr, McCaughan,
Miller, Schromen-Wawrin and Suggs..
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: City Manager West, Assistant City Manager Goings, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez -Bailey, C.
Delikat, B. Smith, S. Carrizosa, D. Sharp, M. Healy, S. Cartmel, B. Braudrick, and Z. Travino.
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. Park Award
Parks and Recreation Director Corey Delikat spoke about the 2023 Spotlight Award for Facilities presented by the
Washington Recreation & Parks Association. He stated that Erickson Playfield was selected to receive the award
and said the significant achievement was made possible through the support and generosity of local community
2. Pride Month
Mayor Dexter read a proclamation recognizing June as Pride Month.
City Manager Nathan West added 2023 Association of Washington Cities Voting Delegates to the agenda.
Christi Cox, residing outside the city limits Olympic Roots farm, spoke in favor of the City's climate resiliency efforts.
Karen Unger, city resident, spoke about housing development needs and code violations.
John Ralston, city resident and property owner, spoke to agenda items and made suggestions as to ways the City could
Steve Brown, city resident, spoke about a successful code enforcement process in his neighborhood.
Monica Roberts, city resident, spoke about the Enterprise Resource Planning matter on the agenda.
At the request of Councilmembers Miller and Meyer, Schromen-Wawrin, Mayor Dexter pulled Consent Agenda
items E-4, E-6, and E-7, from the Consent Agenda.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. City Council Minutes of May 16, 2023 / Approve
2. Expenditure Report: From May 6, 2023 and May 26, 2023 in the amount of $3,581,248.23
3. Approve Electric Utility Easements / Approve the easements described herein for Electric Utility facilities.
4. PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA - Amend the Authorized Temporary Housing Position to
5. Request for Revised Procurement Motion — Fire Engine / Stalf requests that Council revise their original
motion of'AL1ay 16, 2023 to 1) Authori e the Cih, Manager to purchase a Type 1 Fire Engine from
Rosenbauer South Dakota, LLC for a Not to Exceed price of ,5985, 000.00. including taxes. and 2) to
sign agreements associated with the purchase and make any modifications to the purchase contract if'
necessary, and 3) to sur plus and direct the sale of the replaced vehicle once the new vehicle is placed
in service.
6. PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA - Approval of Short -Term Rental Inventory and Compliance
7. PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA - Authorize Housing Action Plan Implementation Grant Contract
Award to Artisans Group
8. LATE ITEM- 2023 Association of Washington Cities Voting Delegates /Designate Mayor Dexter, and Council
members Miller and Schromen-Wawrin as the Citv Council 's voting delegates at the Association of Washington
Cities Annual Conference.
9. ADDED Replacement of the City's Enterprise Resource Planning System /Authorize
10. ADDED Amendment to the Agreement with SoftResources, LLC for Enterprise Resource Planning System
Professional Services / Authorize
11. ADDED Radio Over Internet Protocol Radio Console Upgrade l Authorize
12. ADDED PK0819 City Pier Railing Replacement Project— Change Order / Authorize
Council discussion followed.
Motion carried 7-0.
1. Moratorium for New Short -Term Rentals
Manager West outlined the three presented alternatives presented by staff, Bloor, outlined the process and spoke to
the approach taken by Council and explained the process staff s approach to Council's direction. Both provided the
City sstaff recommendation that no action be taken. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by Meyer to:
Table the topic until the Council has been presented more data.
Motion to table failed 3-4 with Meyer, McCaughan and Dexter in favor.
At 7:06 p.m. the Mayor opened the public hearing:
Steve Workman, city resident, spoke in favor of the moratorium on short-term rentals.
Chelsea Winfield, county resident, spoke in opposition of the moratorium on short-term rentals.
Jessica Goss, city resident, spoke in opposition of a moratorium on short-term rentals.
Jim McEntire, county resident and on behalf of the Port Angeles Business Association, attending virtually, spoke in
opposition of the moratorium.
Holly Harrell, city resident, asked the Council to enforce the codes in place relative to short-term rentals.
Marolee Smith, city resident, asked the Council to consider first collecting data prior to limiting short-term rentals.
Michael Wright, county resident, shared some experiences as a short-term and long-term renter and provided data
Karen Unger, city resident, spoke in opposition of a moratorium on short-term rentals.
Jim Michalczik, residing outside of city limits, attending virtually, spoke in opposition of the moratorium on short-
term rentals.
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John Rahlston, city resident and property owner, spoke about the proposed moratorium on short-term rentals.
Jim Haguewood, city resident, spoke in opposition of a moratorium on short-term rentals.
Lynette Dryke, city resident and homeowner, spoke about her experience as a short-term and long-term renter.
Tenette Possinger, city resident, spoke about her challenges as a long-term renter under the laws of Washington.
Laurel Cripe, city resident, spoke in opposition of short-term rentals.
Sean Washburn, residing outside of city limits, speaking as a member of the Association of Realtors, spoke about
Jake Purvis, residing outside of the city limits and a business owner, spoke in opposition of a moratorium on short-
term rentals.
Catlin Sullivan, residing outside the city limits, spoke about housing needs in Port Angeles and spoke about potential
Timothy Dalton, Clallam County Title, spoke about staff recommendation regarding the short-term rental process and
the need for affordable housing.
Steven (last name unclear), city resident, spoke about the need to collect data to better understand the short-term
housing matter.
Cheriss (no last name provided), city resident, spoke in favor of short-term rentals.
Jenny Houston, on a prerecord message, city resident and business owner, spoke in favor of short-term rentals.
Name not provided, on a prerecord message, spoke in favor of short-term rentals.
Name not provided, on a prerecord message, spoke in favor of short-term rentals.
Marla Hanifee, on a prerecord message, spoke in opposition of short-term rentals.
Mary Margolis, on a prerecord message, spoke in opposition of short-term rentals.
Ed Parsin, city resident, on a prerecorded message, spoke in favor of short-term rentals.
After hearing that no other person wished to speak on the matter, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 8:23 p.m.
The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 8:23 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:29 p.m.
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by McCaughan to:
Table the discussion until additional detailed information about short-term rentals in Port Angeles is compiled and
presented by the consultant.
Motion to table failed 3-4 with Meyer, McCaughan and Dexter in favor.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
After the motion was made and amended, the final motion was considered by Council:
Adopt the limited moratorium on new short-term rentals without the emergency clause, and waive the second reading.
Motion carried 4-3, with Meyer, McCaughan and Dexter opposed.
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Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, imposing a moratorium on the designation, permitting, construction,
development, expansion, remodeling, creation, locating, and siting of short-term rental uses, structures, residences,
businesses, lots, zones, buildings.
At 9:10 p.m., Council member Meyer left the meeting.
2. The 2024-2029 Capital Facility Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan
Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa presented slides that described the Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation
Improvement Plan which included information on opportunities for public comment and Council work sessions.
At 9:29 p.m. Mayor Dexter opened the public hearing.
Mike Doherty, spoke about parking needs downtown.
Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the resolution by title, entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the City's Capital
Facilities Plan for 2024 — 2029, which includes the City's Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2024 -
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Follow staff recommendation to add the Housing Study Project addition, funded from Affordable Housing tax and the
EOC/911 Center Infrastructure addition as an unfunded project.
Motion carried 6-0.
The Mayor continued the public hearing to the June 20 meeting.
3. 2023 Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Assistant City Manager Calvin Goings introduced the matter and turned the meeting over to Assistant Planner Zach
Trevino provided background on the proposed plan, spoke about the plan's priorities, procedures followed during the
process that included public testimony, and the proposed amendment.
At 9:48 p.m., Mayor Dexter opened the public hearing. Hearing that no one wished to provide testimony on the
matter, the Mayor closed the public hearing.
Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adopting a new Amended Comprehensive Plan.
The Mayor continued the matter to June 20.
1. Approval of Short -Term Rental Inventory and Compliance Consultant
Assistant City Manager Goings presented the agenda item and provided background on the matter. He provided an
update on the current position and shared the staff recommendation.
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It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Approve the addition of a regular full-time position in the Community and Economic Development Department and
authorize the City Manager and Human Resources to determine the correct placement of the job classification on the
current salary schedule and update the applicable job description.
Motion carried 6-0.
2. Approval of Short -Term Rental Inventory and Compliance Consultant
Assistant City Manager Goings presented the agenda item, provided background and explained work done by staff
to review the proposals, and shared the staff recommendation. Community Services Deputy Director/
Community and Economic Development Manager Shannen Cartmel and Principal Planner Braudrick answered
Council questions.
At 10:05 p.m. it was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs to:
Extend the meeting to the end of the agenda.
Motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by Carr and seconded by Suggs to:
Accept the proposal of GovOS, LLC for short-term rental inventory and compliance services and award a contract to
GovOS in an amount not to exceed $40,000, and 3) authorize the City Manager to approve and sign a contract with
GovOS in accordance with the terms of the request for proposal published by the City and to make minor
modifications if necessary.
Motion carried 6-0.
No public comment was received.
3. Authorize Housing Action Plan Implementation Grant Contract Award to Artisans Group
Assistant City Manager Goings presented the agenda item. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by LSW and seconded by Miller to:
Accept the proposal of and award a contract to Artisans Group to prepare professionally engineered permit -ready plan -
sets and associated work in an amount not to exceed $75,000, and 2) authorize the City Manager to approve and sign
a contract with Artisans Group and to make minor modifications if necessary.
Motion carried 6-0.
Council member McCaughan left the meeting at 10:11 p.m.
Council member Carr spoke about an upcoming Pride event.
Council member Suggs spoke about the upcoming graduation.
No other reports were given.
Manager West spoke about grant work done by the Public Works & utilities Department for a electrical vehicle
charging stations. Public Works & Utilities Director Mike Healy spoke about road work done by the Washington State
Department of Transportation which resulted in significant traffic delays east of Port Angeles.
Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 10:14 p.m.
ate Dexter, Mayor Kari
K Martinez -Bailey, City Clerk
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