HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 07.05.2023 CITY COUNUL MEETING
kart Angeles, Washington
July 5�, 2023
Thb ureeling was conducted els a hYbrid nwcting.
Mayor DeNter called the regular meeting of the Port Xngeles City Council to order at 6-00 p.m.
Members Present: Nlayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer. Council Members Carr. Miller, Schrornen-Wawrin and
Members Absenc. Council member McCaughan.
Staff Present-. City Manager West.Assistant City Manager Goings. Assistant City Attorney Cowgiil,Clerk Martinez-
Bailey, C, Delikat,B, Smith, S. CalTiz�osa,D, Sharp, and M. Healy.
It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Nleyer to:
Excuse Council member McCaughan from the meeting.
Hearing no objection, the motion carried 6,-0.
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge oaf'Allegiance to the Flag.
Sula Jacobs,Olympic National[lark Superintendent,spoke about the changes and monitoring of visitors after the fire.
Julian Larnarche, residing outside the city limits, spoke about the need for winter access to Hurricane Ridge,
Karen Larnarche,residing outside the city,limits, spoke about the need for winter access to hurricane Ridge,
Steve Luxton,city resident, spoke about the multi-family tax exemption,pursuing housing for all,spoke about utility
feasibility study and how it relates to housing development.
Manager West pulled item J-1, the East C. Hall Park.ring Lot Local Improvenrent District Retrofit, A lhori:e
Construction Corstract and provided an explanation,
Council member Schromen-Wawrin asked the Mayor to consider adding a Utility Feasihilin, Discussion and a
Accessory D;vefling t/nit Discussion. hearing no objections, the Mayor added the items to the agenda as items 1-3
and 1-4.
It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. City Council mutes of May 23,,June 20, and June 27,2023 /Approve
2, Expenditure Report: Front June 10,2023 and,lone"2.3,2023 in the amount of$1,852,391.06/Approve
3. Memorandum of Understanding—Restoring Locomotive 04 the Cit'i, havigerto Sign a
Memoranthan between the City qfl'ortAngeh,�s, Rtt,vonier Inc, Mort/i 011vinpic Radroade", and&ott Golding.
The motion carried 6-0.
I. Habitat for Ilumanity Presentation
Habitat for Humanity Chief'Executive Officer Colleen Robinson. presented an update on a City assisted housing
project and answered Council questions.
2. Opiaid Settlement Funding Oversight and Allocation "Methodology
Fire Chief Derrell harp provided background on the matter and spoke about the Participation requirements and
conditions as they,relate to the allocation and use of the funds. He spoke about the sub committee's meeting on Julie
1,changes to the initial recommendations, and the draft methodology in the City Council packet.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Meyer to,
After the motion was amended,the final motion was considered by C ouncil:
Adopt the methodology to establish a process to obtain public comment on the use of the opioid funds,- to solicit
prograin proposals and award opioid funds, designate the Finance Director as the City's agent to receive funds from
the I rustee and to distribute the Opioid Funds to the recipient(s): and to be responsible for the reporting required by
the settlement documents and to make publicly, available all decisions on Opioid Fund allocation applications,
distributions,and expenditures.
The motion carried 6-0.
1. LATE ITEM —Utility Feasibility Discussion
Council members discussed the matter brought forward by local horne builder Steve I uxton, Council discussion
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Direct staff to create a program and application for the city's affordable housing lax money,to be used for public utility
and infrastructure upgrade projects liar developments that are Multi-Farnily 11CRIS610 TaX Exempt compliant,
Hearing no objection,the motion carried 6-0.
It was inoved by Schromen-NN(awrin and seconded by Carr to:
,After the motion was amended,the final motion was considered by Council:
Direct staff to add to our next Title 17 SEPA-reviewed code aniendinent, the code change front "utility feasibility
shall be considered on projects which create 3 or snore primary units oil a single lot" to "Utility feasibility rnay be
reviewed on projects that create 8 or more bedrooms per 7,000 square foot land area,
[fearing no objection,the motion carried 6-0.
4. LATE I1 I EM —Accessory Dwelling Unit Discussion
Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about current legislation. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to,:
After the motion was amended, the final motion was considered by Council:
Place a first, reading on August 15 Council meeting agenda fair an ordinance to anlend the Port Angeles Municipal
Code to adopt the forthcoming Accessory Dwelling Unit requirements from Engrossed[louse Bill 1337 Section 4.
The motion carried 6-0.
Mayor recessed the meeting,for a break at 7:20 p.m."The meeting reconvened at 7:25 p.m.
2. 2023, Landfill Beach Nourishment Project C ON-2023-19
Public Works& Utilities Director Mike Healy provided background int"orniation oil the proposed contract that would
allow the placement of 2,600 cubic yards of clean beach nourishment material which serves as mitigation of the
seawall to prevent natural erosion along the Landfill bluff'face.
Due to a schedule conflict caused by the meeting lalling on a Wednesday due to the 4"of July holiday,at 7:31 p.m.,
Council member Carr excused herself from the meeting.
It vvas moved by Schroinen-Wawrin and seconded by Meyer to:
Push,$79,699,26 into an Ediz Hook drift cell restoration fund.
Motion to approve failed 1-5 With Schromen-WaV%rrin in favor.
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It was mo ved by Meyer and seconded by Miller to:
After the narration was amended, the final motion was considered by Council:
Award a construction contract with 2 Grade LLC of'Port Angeles. WA, for the 2023 Landfill Beach Nourishment
Project,CON-2023-19,in an amount not to exceed$79,699.26 and authorize the City Manager to sign all documents
necessary to execute the construction contract for the p M� ject and to make minor modifications to the contract, as
necessary and direct staff to add a Elwha River drift cell study and to bring back a plan to address.
Motion carried 3-2 with Miller and Meyer opposed.
Council member Meyer spoke about the successful 41:1 of July corrununity celebration.
Council member Miller spoke about her experience at the Association of Washington Cities conference, specifically
infiormation addressed recycling.and spoke about an UPCOrning conference.
Council member Suggs provided an update on a recent Marine Resources Corturrittee meeting and spoke about various
topics related to wildlife,shorelines.and protection of both.
Mayor Dexter spoke about her recent attendance at the 2023 Association of Washington Cities conference, United
States Coast Guard change of command ceremonies, spoke about a recent Mayor's exchange with the Mayor of
Victoria,Marianne Alto,and thanked the Police and Fire,Departments for their work over the holiday,
No other reports were given.
Manager West spoke about the passing of Orville Campbell and spoke to a number of roles and ways fie served the
Cc=nunity including,as a City Ciauricil member and spoke about the positive Audit Exit conterence results.
Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 8:09 p.m,
Kate Dexter.Mayor Kari Marti Bailey, City Cie
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