HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 12.20.2022 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 20, 2,0 2 This tneeting ivas c vnducied as a h.Ybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the P'ort Angeles City Council to order at 600 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present ln-Person: Mayor Dexter. Members Present Virtually: Deputy Mayor Meyer, Council Members Carr, French, McCaughan, Schrornen-Wawrin and Suggs. Members Absenc Council Member McCaughan Staff Present: City Manager West, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat, D. Sharp, B. Smith, S. C'arrizosa,N.Gollub,and M, Healy. It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to: Excuse McCaughan from tire meeting. ,Motion carried 6-0, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Fire(.I hief Derrell Sharp led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Due to inclement weather and out of an abundance of caution for community members and staff, the Mayor made changes to the December 20,2022 City Council agenda, Mayor Dexter stated the pinning ceremony for Port Angeles Fire Chief Derrell Sharp and recognition of outgoing Council member Mike French were postponed to January 3, 2021 PUBLIC COMMENT No comments were received. Mayor Dexter stated Council agenda item. F-1,the Surplus of Citv Real Property ocated tit Corner a Worth Jones and East WaterSIreefs, would be continued to January 17,2'023: Mayor Dexter pulled items I-I-Glass RecKling llresentation, 1-2-Dcnvirtown Resource Pfficer,and 1-44'leet Transition Presentation and stated the matter',would be addressed during the January 17, 2023 rneeting- PUBLIC COMMEN'r No comments were received, CONSENT AGENDA The Mayor added items G-I and 1-3 and J-I to the Consent Agenda. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by:"Meyer to approve the Consent Agenda to include: I. City Counci I Minutes,of November I and November 15, 2022, 2, Fxpenditurc Report: From November 26, 2022 to Decernber 9, 2022 in the amount call'$1,681,691.62. 1 Electric Utility Lasement 1,41)'Prove the easenients described herein jor Etectric Litilil.Yjacihiies- 4. CON-2021-30 Pole Testing 202 1- Final Acceptance/Aceept the Pole Testing 2021 prqj(?ct cis complete hY North Idaho Cmurae for s LLCand author i:estqffto proceed with provect closeout and releetse of then reiainagt' upon receipiof required c1earancens. PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL, MEETING- December 20, 2022 5. 0-inch Water Main Round Tree Repair-Final Acceptance 1,4('cept tht 20-inc,h 14'ater It Round Tree Repairl-Iroiect, CON-.2022-54, vvithpnject closeout andre/eitse ihe retabia9c",upon recet pt qf'all re,qifin,d(learances, 6 `hird Party Administrator Contract for Self.Insured Worker's Compensation Open Cl aims/Staffrecointnends the CaY Cmawil approve the third-party athninistrator conlravt ivith Wa.,�ihirigrton IfospitalServices LIhited ('71ai"Is Ale otagernent and alloiv the CitY Manager iosign ihe contrext and to nwke minor rnodifications to the contract ij'necessaii% 7 EOVEDTO CONSENT/EV Charging Station Rates/,4uthoriiation to Copuract ivil.h 7R.4JVI-'via ff"ashingloot State P"nterprise Services/A second wading cif the proposed rate ordinance and adufnion(#'Ordinance#3,709. ff MOVED TO CONSENF/Community Services Department and Fight Operations Division Position and Salary Schedule Changes//I PP p-ades in the Cornniuna,t%and Economic Development Department andLight Opertitions Division qf Public, fforks and I-Itilities Departments and authorize the 'i Manager and Human Resources to deterinine the correct plea.wnent qf the job class fications on the caurrenl sala)-v schedides based opt c.ontparaflve dattiftont sintilarsize cities and create at-update aj)plicablejob d6criplions. 9. MOVED TO CIONSENT/LIVAC Upgrades for City Facilities Authori7ation to Enter into agreeinents,through Washington State Department of Enterprise Services/Approve and,4uthorix the CitY Manager to ca n n Inleragenc Y Agreement with the Washington State D tepartment qt`Fr iterprise S(,,!rvices tDE-S, tared sign all necessar' c v dounients w a with DFSn TRANE d 'fi ca n n Invewneni Grade,4udit qf(.7iry Hall, f7re Hall, Senior Center, and Vern Burton I fiacilities. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 6-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council member French spoke about an Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission meeting. No other reports were given, SECOND PUBIAC COMMENT No public comment was received. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dear ter adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.in. Kate Dexter,Mayor ar�i Martinez-Bailey,City Clerk Page 2 of'2