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1210 E Front St - Building
After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical instaliation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N,E.C,, RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature �7, electric cc frac or electrical administrator: ❑ cash q check J i t l Credit Card # �s' I Dated: ��G 01101!2012 RECEIVED ?,OR14,g���� C� V" CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION r' 2013 Building Division/Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street -- P.O. Box 11501 Port Angeles Washington, 98362 ELECTRICAL z` � Ph; (360) 417-4735 Fax: (360) 417-4711 tI�SPCCIO�S Date: � X 3 Zo/ 'a�' Multi -Family or Commercial* * Plan Revie�}1 Ma Be RgUired, Ve se Complete El�trl�ai-Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address: l % 1 () r"" vx),,e�` ✓ Building Square Footage: Description of above Owner Information Name: 7–Z–A — Contractor Information Name:., Mailing Address: 5 rel �.r S� Ps Mailing Address::.ii'_'- fr_), t� City: State: Zip: City:= SE 1 UrztA State: _LL)X Zip: ; Z Phone: Fax: Phone:, License # I Exp. License # 1 Exp. " Item Unit Chara_ e Qtv Total (Qtv Multiplied by Unit Charae) ServicelFeeder 200 Amp. $ 132,00 $ ServicelFeeder 201-400 Amp. $ 160.00 $ ServicelFeeder 401-600 Amp $ 225.00 $ ServicelFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $ 288.00 $ ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp. $ 410.00 $ Branch Circuit WI Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit WIO Service Feeder $ 74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $ 86.00 $ Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. $ 102.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp. ServicelFeeder 401-600 Amp. $ 164.00 $ Temp, ServicelFeeder 601-1000 Amp . $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly Sign/Outline Lighting $ 96.00 $ 88.00 $ $_____ Signal Circuitl Limited Energy – Multi -Family $ 64.00 $_4m Signa[ Circuitl Limited Energy 1 First 1500 sf – Commercial $ 96.00 $ Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy - 5KVA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Note: $5.00 for each additional T-Stat $ -:�'Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical instaliation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N,E.C,, RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature �7, electric cc frac or electrical administrator: ❑ cash q check J i t l Credit Card # �s' I Dated: ��G 01101!2012 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-4174735 Application Number 13-00000729 Date 7/10/13 Application pin number , , , 083992 Property Address . . . . 1210 E FRONT ST 8. ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER; 06 -30 -00 -7 -1 -0100 -0000 - Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name , , . . . Property Use Property Zoning . . , , , , , COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation . . , . 0 Application desc Replace sign ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ WINCED INVESTMENTS T C NOR'T'HWEST INC 367 WALKABOUT WAY 333 9W, PINE' ST. PORT ANGELES WA 98363 SEQUIM WA 98382 (360) 683-6655 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . , . , . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee , . , . 88,00 Plan Check Fee ,00 Issue Date 7/10/13 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 1/06/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 88. -0000 ECH EL -COMM -SIGN 88.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 88.00 88.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 88,00 88.00 00 .00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE I DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGEWILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Applicatior Number 11 )0000681 Date //06/11 Application pin number 323167 Property Address 121) E FRONT ST ASSESSOR P-RCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 7 1 010) 0000 Applicatio, type description ELEc'TRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zuning COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Applicatior valuation 0 Application desc 1 circuit fix roof electrical Owner Can ractor DOMINOS PIZZA DATE RESULTS ELECTRIC 3ERVIC" DITCH ROBERT DOSTER 8 DRAPED RD 238 PRISTINE LANE ROUGH IN PORT ANGELES VIA 18362 PORT ANGELES VIA 98362 1 / 7 118 1 ( i ( 60) 45? 6424 (360) 452 4222 PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS Permit ELECTRICA? ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 188607 Permit Fee 73 50 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 7/06/11 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 1/02/1 Qty Unit Charge Per E: -tension 1 00 73 5000 ECH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO/FEEDER 73 50 Fee summar Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 73 50 73 50 00 00 Plan Chec1- Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 73 50 73 50 00 00 IF • REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE RESULTS INSPECTOR. DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN 'Z C� fvtl FINAL 1 / 7 118 1 ( i COMMENTS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G \EXCHANGE,BUILDING JUL-6-2011 07 06A FROM ELECTRIC SERVICE 4526424 TO 41747.11 .GU I V1 It Il 117 nt+u I I JT mu W 4.7 tx, i % uvt. •�j : .Pvv T .Ci.TY OF -PORT ANGELES ftRmiT.ArPLjCAnoN P 2/2 REG"EIVE Qf tan �y WW%Qk=9WQ-i) Btdlding DMsian&leetrical 'bopeetions J I I I 6 201 W :321 East Fif*tb Street P.O. Boa 1150 /Port Angeles'Washinp: m , 9$362 .Ph: (360)4417-4' 35 Fax: (360) 417-4712 ELECTRICAL Date: "11'x' �- INSPECTIONS 1 & 2.Single Family. Dwelling. _...0 ti -Family ar Gomrnercial' _ Commercial Addition /Alteration / Remodel t Repair' `Plan Review May a Required, Pkase Complete Eiedrical Plan Review °It formation Sheet Job Addrew Z -t 0 S atifi ng Square Footage• S.f Description of above — 1 1. OwnarinfoRlton Contractor lnfoaluon Name; 1 Inns tip` j t-azG Nwe:-E'-�tT4'+— �"'-^•t M21 dmU: 4- a -(o anal' egress . vat+ ,gra City 6n. "A",Xu r state: Wf ZIQ: Yb`? C 2_ Clfy: �• r- � Stade. . Zip: (' %`_ �3.. PiWne:'ts �- - K z Fax Phone'.r - :?u! Fait 4 - lkerm # I EKp license 01 Exp. 0 L.- -A2 a w. Item U„ak Qemet3ty 'Total M MulSolied by Unit Chance'; Servicsifeeder 204 Amp. $118.90 $ SerAcafFeeder 201-400 Amp. $145.50 $ ServlWFeeder 401-600 Amp $ 204.60 $ Servica Feeder 6014000 Amp. $ 26224 $ rvicflFeeder oyer 100DAmp. $ 372.b0 $ Bmnth Circult W1 Service Feeder $ 2.60 $ Branch Circuit W10 Serra Feeder $ 73.50 Each Addiponal Branch C4rcWt S 2.60 $ Temp. SovkW Feeder 200 Amp. $ 92.70 $ Temp. S•vicelFeeder 201.400 Amp. .$110.30 $ Temp, SwviceJFeeder 401.600 Amp. $146.74 $ Temp. ServlcelFeeder601-1000Amp $167.90 $ Portal to Portal hourly $ 95.90 S SWWOutfine lighting $ $620 $ Signal Orcultf Umked Energy / First 1500 it — Commercial $ 95.90 $ Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 d' Signal Circuitf Um'ied Energy 1 & 2 Fetidly Dwelling $ .MAD $ Signal CirculU Umited Energy MuVamity Dwelling : $ 63.90 $ Manufactured Home Connection $119.90 $ Renewable EWctrical Energy 5KVA System or lass $ 1OZ30$ Thermostat S 56.00 S NEW CONSTRUCTION Qom; First 1300 Square FL $110.30 S Each Ad Monal 600 Square FL or Podlon of $ 35 Zf1 $ Each Oulbull ft or Detached Garage S 73.50 S .Facts Swimming Part or Hct Tub .$110.30 $ $ -i-c-) Totaf – , Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261 (1) Owner wiff occupy the structure for t*, I Mars efter.tAts electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required lobire an etectrtt;al contrarillor If above sold property Is for sale, rent or lease. :It expires alter &moi6s of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the ab q a named property or a licensed electrical cortttactor. t am making' the electrical installation toe nstallation or alteration in compiterwith lineelatdrical lava. 144 ; , RCW. Chaptw 19.28, WAG. Chapter 2%465, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Wily Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 reg _ 1 Electrical Pormlt Applications. Signature of owner, eladdCAl Coat a terOr eloddCal >tdntinistrdtOr ❑ catch ❑ am& �y oa— oma: 1-120— G• 01Ai112t)1tt ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number 11 00000481 Date 5/18/11 Application pin number 968201 Property Address 1210 E FRONT ST A ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 7 1 0100 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use WA 98363 Property Zoning COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation 0 Application desc (360) 452 4222 Ductless heat pump Owner Contractor DOMINOS PIZZA BLACK DIAMOND ELECTRICAL CONTR ROBERT DOSTER 502 BLACK DIAMOND RD 238 PRISTINE LANE PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 565 1035 (360) 452 4222 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 185918 Permit Fee 73 50 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 5/18/11 valuation 0 Expiration Date 11/14/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1 00 73 5000 ECH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO/FEEDER 73 50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 73 50 73 50 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 73 50 73 50 00 00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE RESULTS INSPECTOR. 1 DITCII l SERVICE J ROUGH 1N ` 71M I FINAL 7 I'fg r A COMMENTS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date G \EXCHANGE\BUILDING °, RT ui S°� ELECTRICAL INSPECTION iw X50 WIRING REPORT &,sc"`� 417-4735 DAT I PERMIT # I INSPECT 15 OWNE �3 CONTRACTOR (ADDRESS 12, l'O w- r 2a�-l`f SIT - APPROVED NOT APPROVED ❑ DITCH ❑ ❑ ROUGH IN/COVER n ❑ SERVICE ❑ Q ❑ FINAL ❑ `7 CORRECTIONS NEEDED bC�i� t" L -L Ci?l7lf"i 1 PrioVtt�� vy-oy Fm tjpyZ.b:i�Ac. v— 44_1 F'aU - ' 6V 'PA14)F-L vJr,-C-l)D ZJ(, p� 16CC> )4,-#J Fir_ -TI RL X02 poo k!' -rb p IF-IFSI rqrm-c Y3v '25' �1''azta NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS — DO NOT REMOVE — �_.x i i ii-ir kiiiii A34i7hLk_ 5 is-_. ATION MAY 17 2011 Bu ldiiiig Dlv-1 iar,lElec.trical Iuspectfons ELECTRICAL t 121 East Fifth, Str+e t — P 0 Box 11-50 / Nil. Ma lies Washington, 3 2 INSPECTIONS ..,�.. v Pli (360) 41,74735 Fax- (1360) 417-4711 � r �r��� =-•" 1: & L Singie Family Dwelling _ 1 uli1=1•ca. i1�ily or 1. o lmercial* ;�lGmi-norcial Addition f rkitel atio t J Remodel i Plepair� ,t , w or Do ,�d ;288C r'.. -i ! + BeCtrIC 1 Ian RJI�W lnfm tion S'n etI C1 vscvr May Fits Adr� Y2iLv�+T 3uilding Square Footape: 3esct-iption of above �.irw ici an Mailing Mailing Address- fho��e; / - -- - AM 3ervieelFeeder 200 Arta. vervice{Feeder 201-400 Amp. ServiicelFeeder 401-60^ Amp 5Q1 JQQQ ArsV Sorvige/15peoerover 40t7 Amp inch Orcui:'ifil Ser4ce Feeder € 3eE Qim it VV1O sf-rvic-e Feeder Cn.O Add ui nal 171x` nch "'imult temp. Services Feeder 200 Amp, '.�lp ServloeJFeeder 201-400 Amp T�r�i'�. JW Yl4CTl�'J'�Ouar 404-00�Amp. ei-np, SmeitelFeeder 604 11060 Amp Yog�i`ytoP9rigi How, �i�V4tll110 L1111 ititi�t i 5:iai t:;rcui#1 Limited 1=nvrgy 1 Firsi 1500sf - Commercial NOW.SIM— }f6f vacth additional 1500 2f '.goal uireuiti Limiied i=nerav 19 2 Ferro t)w"A g &Prial Circuit/ tim4ed Energy Mufti -Family Dwelling A. ffacita � Horne Connection t���z�nra�te, �tBCTric$i �n�uy vt<tiA $vsierr � ��, FR i'300I Ft Fatty A.I.I 't!onal $00 Square €t or Porfion of Sae;; OLAb :stding or, Dalached Garage Qi Gwirfiming Pett of }let Tutt 119 go 5 -- a4cn ! .JV 204.6? ?62,20 X72.50 73 50 $ $ f 10.30 $14870 $ 03 t0 55.x+0 $ P -9Q $ 63.90 ;� 119.5it Name: Ace, Y/:kK40" 0 4&_ EC -M (e*L C Mailing Address. SO2 VC.Af-r— V/AM-on+i City: -.._.70A-..._...._._.-..-.-.-.-_ Cta4:44.gk Tlp—q�- Phone: ?Lo iL o V6l 3_*.r?Fax: License tr [xg.__ TOW f CIv ArkAl,iod b kkfA CIS} - - --- $ s �a $ D CWjer viii =upy the structure for two years alter this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Omer is r� -%,,e an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. Am mading the above statement, i her y certify that i am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor i am making: electricai installation or alteration in compliance With the electrical laws, N.E.C. RCW Chapter 19,26, WAC Chapter 296,46B, The City of Port =-mss Municipal Code, and utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications, ammm of omw eOW cunhador o'°tencW6c: 1-7Clh o 7- 2-oll $ When recorded mita to 2009-1246555 Page 1 of 2 Protc Go,-enant 14 NJJ Winged Investments l��L �j�{VeS- yV,[„r Cla1!am County Washington '12/18/2009 02 27 04 PM illi A11,14, FIAN 11&I011U+rA ���� w? Pam /�G 0 ZONING LOT COVENANT O �� I/WE the undersigned owner(s) of the following described property - (Insert legal description and parcel number here) C34- 3ut)c>-7S s t c), do hereby covenant that said property shall be designated as one zoning lot as defined in Section 17 08 130 `Z" of the Port Angeles Municipal Code This covenant creates one inseparable building lot which may only be removed through compliance with Chapter 58 17 RCW (subdivision regulations) and/or the City of Port Angeles short subdivision regulations (Ordinance No 2222, as amended) This covenant shall be binding on the owner(s), heir(s), assign(s), and successor(s) in interest and shall .be filed with the County Auditor's Office. This covenant is for the mutual .� benefit of said owner(s), heir(s), assign(s), and successor(s) in interest and is for the further purpose of compliance with state and local land use and building regulations. This covenant may be enforced by inunction or other lawful procedure and covenant by the recovery of any damages resulting from non compliance. DATED this 1 day of 20c_ V,J i ate! (aEP mt Name �� PAaqwtc-Pnnt Name (Owner Signature) / (Owner Signatu ) Phone Phone 4' ` S L STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF CLALLAMt4 E -*otary Public in and for the State of Washington, do hereby certify that on this —J da} -,f v l Y a _ , 200%persoiially appeared before me ,,Lk LJ b l,_ `4--1A -u':6N t_ .aeaStiG S 0P/Q JAJ*-q = known to me to be the individual(s) described In and who executed the within m� 1S aliHRlL%(,,othat '11J►L94 signed and sealed the same as -r%Xlg 10- _V4, free and voluntary act and d6E0P616!P'I'n+'1V6*jAWin mentioned. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND A% IC1 �,�1 \A I. this I '13 day of �C�cU ��66L 2069. llillllll 1- NOTARY PUBLIC in. and for the State vC Wa, Kington residing it Port Angeles. File Number 088939,'_%u EXHIBIT A PARCEL A t'D G 3 a o v '710 t c-" C3 LOTS I TO 6 BOTH INCLUSIVE IN BLOCK I OF WESTPHALS FIRST SUBDIVISION TO PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 3 OF PLATS PAGE 43 RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY WASHINGTON PARCEL B 0C-3ooc:,'-7570kl0 LOTS 8 9 10 11 AND 12 IN BLOCK 1 OF LONDON PARK SUBDIVISION TO PORT ANGELES AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS PAGE 60 RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY WASHINGTON SITUATE -IN CLALLAM COUNTY STATE OF WASHINGTON 111fi- 1122 1126 1130 1134 121: X30 1218 �0 1218 ti 1222 CITY OF PORT ANGELES 4 Tf N L`� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 ;Z BUILDING PERMIT ISSUED: 9/11/2002 PERMIT NO: 13657 OWNERIAPPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION 1210 FRONTI B DOMINO'S PIZZA 1210 "B" E. FRONT STREET Lot: 1-6 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 1 ❑ Long Legal 360/452-3861 Subdivision: WESTPHALS FIRST SUB T: S: Parcel No: 063000071010000 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT HANSON SIGN CO N/A 1533 SHOREWOOD DR BREMERTON, WA 98312 98360-0000 360/613-9550 360/000-0000 PROJECTINFO N Project Value: $1,200.00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: 0 Project Type: SIGN/WALL SFD SQ FT: 0 Industrial: 0 p Occupancy Type: COMMERCIAL Garage: 0 Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 r - Construction Type: MFD SQ FT: 0 Zoning Use: T PROJECT NOTES p INSTALL 36 S.F. WALL MOUNTED SIGN 4 RECEIPT#9679 FEES ASSESSMENT 1T( Building Permit: Plan Check: State Surcharge: House Moving: Manufactured Home: Sign: Plumbing: Mechanical: Radon: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $85.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Misc Fee 1: Misc Fee 2: Misc Fee 3: TOTAL FEE: AMOUNT PAID: BALANCE DUE: $85.00 $85.00 Im Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. (*D0J f- / L L Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T \PLANNING\F0RMS\1102.15 [4/20021 BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSL/LATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INA CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHTDEPT) SEPARATE.... -MIT # ROUGH -IN PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR/SLAB ROUGH -IN WATERLINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS/ GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS / ROOF / CEILING DRYWALL T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL/ FLOOR/ CEILING iMECHANICAL HEAT PUMP WOOD STOVE/PELLET/CHIMNEY HOOD/ DUCTS DATE I ACCEPTED YES I NO PW UTILITIES/ SITE WORK (Engm. e, Division) SEPARATE PERMIT #'r WATERLINE / METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s I SEPA. PARKING/LIGHTING I ESA. LANDSCAPING I SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R W. / PW/ CONSTRUCTION - R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW / ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 (4/20021 COMMENTS DATE ACCEPTED YES NO FPOM : HANSON SIGNS FAX NO. : 360 613 9515 Aug. 26 2002 01:42PM P2 BUILDING PERMIT — PREAPPLICATION The Building Permit - Preopplication must be filled out CoMpletel y. Please type or n�you have any questions, please call 417-4815 Applicant and/or Agent:` Al ( ; Owner: 6612: fJc�i Erb` c- � Address: /Z/o— /T cos;7- or city: Architect/Engine Contractor. 71 'Vso+% ��.t� (o FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: DLL, R,c. 2S-6 Z. Petit! u, 1-44-:5-7 Pto.Ap Caiplete7 Due AWovad:,�b 4($35Oa Phone:-sl,��(('S Phone: -r{s'f - 3A I Zip: �// _ Phone: —License #:tEpy-<�OSdo2rHiExp: Z7 o Phone: -%&-b/3 4sia Address: t4S . l�x 92-9 City: ,S reJeli-&A •er Zip: '793t 3 PROJECT ADDRESS: LZ I& Tr ' /ZONING_�MEtr9te roc LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: �-G Block / Subdivision lv&.s Pf:Rt- F/IZ61—z! 0g. /1 /-*OrrY')7101 Ott TYPE OF WORK: ❑ Residential O New Constr. ❑ Reroof ❑ Woodstovc ❑ Multi -family o Addition ❑ Move ❑ Garage ❑ Commercial ❑ Remodel ❑ Demolition ❑ D<,ck ❑ Repair ❑ Sign c BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TRE PROJECT: . SIZE/VALUATION: SF. @ SF. @ S /SF. _ S SF. @ S /SF. = S TOTAL VALUATION S ep X14e — COMMERCIAIJRESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: Construction Type: No. of Stories: Lot Size: % Lot Coverage: % Existing Lot Coverage: /sq. ft. + Proposed Lot Coverage: /sq. ft. = TOTAL LOT COVERAGE. /sq.ft PLANNING USE ONLY. APPROVALS: PLAN Permits Required: _ Notes: BLDG Max. Height: Setbacks: Zoning: DPW Site Plan and Use Approved by: Date: FIRE ESA/Wedand(s): ❑ Yes ❑ No SEPA Checklist required? ❑ Yes ❑ No Other: OTHER PREAPPLICATION S UBMITTAL: Your applft:anion and site plan matt befdled out comp/te4y to be acetpred for review. The Building Division can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittal requirements. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your completed application. site pian (for additions) and building construction plans arc to be submitted to the Building Division. Any addition larger than 500 sq. IL will need n Preapplieation Review. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cwcs, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure wtll be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Div. to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. r PLAN CHECK FEE: Your plan check fee is due at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is tssucd within 180 days of the date of application, this application will expire by limitations. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days, on written request by the applicant (see Section 304(d) of the Uniform Building Code, current edition). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct, and I am authorized to apply for this permit. I Understand it 1.5 not the City's legal respansibiliry to determirnt wAot p ore required: n remains the applicanri responsibiltry to deternrrne what penrdet nn rrryu:.r<l cmd to abtatn such. / ,, , \/1` // A Applicant: aL,lJate: d ^J�-A2. pv:C �DATAtW'ru(EEPERSIBLDAPP.Ftind PW11.74-ro:.' t'Z i° cx'"f " Glrros Lal/!4 fjY if o2X2x k Q�(RZ"#ev X ♦ p I m ♦ �--� l�i�$ U�1 3-r+vi 3 ZAT&,NN) D N r 31gri _ 3 ~i n i� NSe u.a�c'lcrs—%c c. M CL LL Ul Z CO cn z 0 un y. O�ha ' Domino s The Pizza Delivery Experts Blue Arch Sign Front Elevation 6 er 764iuot rtu,U4 wr>- 3 �, teteNT i92- 1/ OF PORT ANO Iw=FAN CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT r�� 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 PERMIT NO. DATE ELECTRICAL PERMIT Site Address:" �r El READY FOR El WILL CALL FOR �� E7 %�S�l INSPECTION INSPECTION Installed By: AAS / I License Number: Phone: Owner/Business: n �, Phone: /�U�gc',lS' / oS/ie�-rg9iaJcIf1L /"i� Zt�- Owner/Business Address: / Sq. Ft. I ❑ RESIDENTIAL ❑ TEMPORARY SERVICE ❑ OVERHEAD SERVICE COMMERCIAL ❑ PERMANENT SERVICE ❑ UNDERGROUND SERVICE ❑ BASEBOARD KW ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION VOLTAGE: ❑ FURNACE KW ❑ REMODEL ❑ SINGLE PHASE ❑ FAN/WALL KW ❑ ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS ❑ THREE PHASE ❑ HEAT PUMP KW ❑ SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR SERVICE SIZE AMPS ❑ SIGN SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (LIST BELOW) Details/ Description: I s .,�-c, C©,vvEG%d: /o L I I CR r� C/ xco I I W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE DATE ENGR. CAPACITY: ❑ O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: ❑ CHANGE TRANSFORMER ❑ CHANGE SERVICE WIRE ❑ INSTALL SERVICE POLE ❑ OTHER I I ❑ Ditch Inspection O.K I 41,111 Rough-in/cover OX F)X to comet-ser„iep Final O.K Site Address: Xt r/ Permit/Receipt No. Installer: New Meters Date: c. 9,s�y 3 Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered • before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Building Permit. PHONE 457.0411, EXT. 224. �7 ,/AMS NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT Electrical Inspector Permit Fee WHITE — File by address YELLOW — file by number PINK — Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN — Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OF PORT 4NC ="N CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 PERMIT NO. q�:�ys ELECTRICAL PERMIT DATF 913/x-3 Site Address: - � [IREADY FOR El WILL CALL FOR I'Q /0 45'. 5 . / L.eeh1 /- INSPECTION INSPECTION Installed By: .-D F/ C!c c`"Al C I License Number: Phone: Owner/Business: Phone: Owner/Business Address: Sq. Ft. ❑ RESIDENTIAL ❑ TEMPORARY SERVICE( OVERHEAD SERVICE COMMERCIAL ❑ PERMANENT SERVICE ❑ UNDERGROSECE El BASEBOARD KW ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION VOLTAGE: SIC/ �f ❑ FURNACE KW ❑ REMODEL ❑ SINGLE PHASE ❑ FAN/WALL KW ❑ ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS k THREE PHASE ❑ HEAT PUMP KW ❑ SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR/SERVICE SIZE i AMPS ❑ SIGN ❑ SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (LIST BELOW) Details/ Description: // c�feiJ%C� ?')t, W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE DATF ENGR. CAPACITY: ❑ O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: ❑ CHANGE TRANSFORMER ❑ CHANGE SERVICE WIRE ❑ INSTALL SERVICE POLE ❑ OTHER ❑ Ditch Inspection OX ❑ Rough-in/cover O.K. fk(D.K. to connect service ❑ Final OX Site Address: t, yy Permit/Receipt No. /..)-/ o Q t �Fio �. �9s_ Installer. j % �/ New Meters Date: Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report ® or on the Buildin rmit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. l NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT�y0 Electrical Inspector Permit Fee WHITE — File by address YELLOW — file by number PINK — Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN — Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC ►j F-1 L OF PORT qNC CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT II 'lam_ 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 ( / ", (206) 457-0411 PERMIT NO. �` zJ 7 ELECTTRIC-(A/—L PERMIT Site Address. Installed By: ./60 E xr-/'� C/F Owner/Business: �£ / 'Six) Owner/Business Address IF DATE ❑ READY FOR ❑ WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION INSPECTION License Number: Phone: Phone: Sq. Ft. ❑ Ditch Inspection OX 7 t� Rough-in/cover O.K. O.K. to connect services / yHl Final O.K. Site Address: / fI Permit/Receipt No. /a l tD cF. 7'k- O,T rR inl r 'g, I -11z17 Installer: / J New Meters Date / 7/zrP/3 Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report ® or on the Building Permit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. lap Z NOOCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT 70 o�,I"I Electrical Inspector Permit Fee WHITE — File by address YELLOW — file by number PINK — Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN — Top. Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC t ❑ RESIDENTIAL ❑ TEMPORARY SERVICE X OVERHEAD SERVICE COMMERCIAL ❑ BASEBOARD 24 PERMANENT SERVICE ❑ UNDERGRROUN SERVICE /o20J7-- KW ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION VOLTAGE: FURNACE KW — DEL X OALLTER E PHASE 0 LHASE {fIC- ;K AN/WA�t KW,/O ADD/CIRCUITS ;4 THREE ❑ HEAT PUMP KW il SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR SERVICE SIZE ADO AMPS ❑ SIGN ❑ SPECIAL EQUIPMENT / /J TV7'- e7' (LIST BE/LOW) aa'ChCO£1E.2'— Details/ Description: w�s �SEev/r e W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE DATE ENGR. CAPACITY: ❑ O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: ❑ CHANGE TRANSFORMER ❑ CHANGE SERVICE WIRE ❑ INSTALL SERVICE POLE ❑ OTHER ❑ Ditch Inspection OX 7 t� Rough-in/cover O.K. O.K. to connect services / yHl Final O.K. Site Address: / fI Permit/Receipt No. /a l tD cF. 7'k- O,T rR inl r 'g, I -11z17 Installer: / J New Meters Date / 7/zrP/3 Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report ® or on the Building Permit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. lap Z NOOCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT 70 o�,I"I Electrical Inspector Permit Fee WHITE — File by address YELLOW — file by number PINK — Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN — Top. Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC t • OF PORT 4,,C u+ i�=m�N �'`� CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street e Port Angeles, WA 98362 orr " (206) 457-0411 PERMIT NO Tr9 7/ /zz1i"3 DATE y ELECTRICAL PERMIT Site Address:/� 0 /(/ A- ^d �C6� 'E. ❑READY FOR ❑ WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION INSPECTION Installed By: % 1*e^/ r License Number: Phone: 1 Owner/Business: (d / I eS Phone: Owner/Business Address rjlwj�'{'f,7�2�-6W Sq. Ft c Go Qi j(a�ct i 4(39i7 ❑ RESIDENTIAL ❑ TEMPORARY SERVICE ❑ OVERHEAD SERVICE COMMERCIAL ❑ PERMANENT SERVICE ❑ UNDERGROUND SERVICE ❑ BASEBOARD KW ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION VOLTAGE: ❑ FURNACE KW ❑ REMODEL ❑ SINGLE PHASE FAN/WALL KW � ElADD/ALTER CIRCUITS El THREE PHASE ❑ HEAT PUMP KW ❑ SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR SERVICE SIZE AMPS ❑ SIGN ❑ SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (LIST BELOW) Details/ Description: W.S. No. / !► C,* 7/— - a6 CuJ SERVICE SIZE CAPACITY: ❑ O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: ❑ CHANGE TRANSFORMER ❑ INSTALL SERVICE POLE DATE r9 i` 5 Gr— ENGR. ❑ CHANGE SERVICE WIRE ❑ OTHER ❑ Ditch Inspection O.K. 4V/ -Rough-in/cover OX ❑ O.K. to connect services wQ� xFinalO.K. lY Site Address:!� Permit/RQcg� No/ etc�� Y 7 Installer: New Meters Date: Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Buildin Permit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. / B,V NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT / D .-- Electrical Inspector n Permit Fee WHITE — File by address YELLOW — file by number PINK — Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN —Top Meter Dept, BottomCity Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC C CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT Site Address: Installed By: AtA J�4j rX.lr Owner/Business: If Owner/Business Address:Av',Fn',_','�/'-i ❑ Residential Heat KW ❑ Baseboard ❑ Furnace/Boiler ❑ Heatpump ❑ Other ❑ Commercial/Industrial load Total Connected load (attach breakdown) Total Motor load (attach breakdown) Details/Description: / /bn.�- ❑ New Construction ❑ Remodel Service update/alter/repair ❑ Add/alter circuits ❑ Auxiliary power (list below) ❑ Special equipment (list below) W.S. No, Service Si7P Capacity: ❑ O.K. ❑ Not O.K. Commentq ❑ Ditch inspection O.K. ❑ Rough-in/cover O.K. O.K. to connect service Final O. K. PERMIT NO DATE ❑ READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: 31291 9 ati -'Q/ ❑ WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Phone: Sq. Ft. Xi Overhead ❑ Undergroun 2 Voltage V10 ❑ 3Z Service size —2690 Amps ❑ Temporary lr� Date Hold for: ❑ Easement ❑ Letter ❑ Signed up for service/meter ❑ Meter Department notified for installation ❑ Fire Department notified of inspection ❑ Plan Review approved/pending Site Address: �- I Permit/Receipt No. Installer: New Meters Date. 1 9 aG W ® Notify the D artment of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the Inspector in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457.0411, EXT. 158 or EXT. 224. NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT / �. t I Inspector Amount paid WHITE —file by address YELLOW —file by number PINK —Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN —Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS. INC. E Of ?08r ANC =F°N CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT PERMITNO�— c Ti ELECTRICAL PERMIT DATE Site Address: t` _ff ❑READY FORNILL CALL FOR v 6N> INSPECTION INSPECTION Installed By: G �f I License Number: Phone: Owner/Business: Q Phone: Owner/Business Address: ❑ Residential Heat KW ❑ Baseboard ❑ Furnace/Boiler ❑ Heatpump ❑ Other NSA Commercial/Industrial load (( Total Connected load (attach breakdown) Total Motor load (attach breakdown) Details/Description: ❑ New Construction ❑ Remodel ❑ Service updatelalter/repair gAddlalter circuits ❑ Auxiliary power (list below) ❑ Special equipment (list below) c2 A0 Va 17L o4. i ./ W.S. N- Service S17a Capacity: ❑ O.K. ❑ Not O.K. Comments ❑ Ditch inspection O.K. ❑ Rough-in/cover O.K. ❑ O.K. to connect service �f Final O.K. Rata Sq. Ft. Overhead ❑ Underground Voltage IZ(-9111- 00 d 110 ❑ 3Z Service size Amps ❑ Temporary /i¢viHr%UU E�Fc! / Hold for: ❑ Easement ❑ Letter ❑ Signed up for service/meter ❑ Meter Department notified for installation ❑ Fire Department notified of inspection ❑ Plan Review approved/pending Site Address: LL / I Perm itlReceipor; tfY_�— Installer: ��// New Meters Date: -2—P/ . Notify the Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the Inspector in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 158 or EXT. 224. / NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT '-;2t9% Ins/pector Amount pail WHITE —file by address YELLOW —file by number PINK —Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN —Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS. INC. f�4,7ELECTRI:CA�t.INSPECTION WIRING REPORT �-_ :�, 457°Q411 Ext, 158 OWNEICONTR CTORj��f�f[j J/ ADDRESS -- - �o -- APPROVED NOTAPPROVED ❑ ................... DITCH ................. - ❑ ❑ ............ - ROUGH INICOVER .............. ❑ ❑ .................. SERVICE ................ - ❑ ❑ .................... FINAL .............. :... - ❑ CORRECTIONS NEEDED: :- P V C . 4T sm if to At, -w flys,/OMfAl I 6tor1 o I d w&A_ ,oud Cold It A> WA-77ie- A-- ��A rr- ��vlf�� NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS - DO NOT REMOVE - OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. (2061 4 52 4 381 1 5-3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES A FEE RECE I PT NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT - A E-/ PERMIT NUMBER APPLICATION AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT iry� TOTALFEE I - I 4,w CONT. LIC. NO TIMETOCOMPLETE NO. STORIES ! LEGALOCCUPANCY ELECTRICAL PERMIT ONLY, NO �1 OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHEDUNDER THIS PERMIT .� Site Address /r �� [C��r TteoA/T,..-;,.:. �•, i1 CORRECT ADDRESS IS RESPONSIBILITY OF APPLICANT PERMITS WITH WRONG ADDRESSES ARE CANCELLED Owner LE/✓ .scNRvFbrir Installation By AJS Owner's Address /2/,7 .L'/�ST ,4_.PDA1T Installers Address /906 U/ //4 Day Phone -4.5"z —.9Z 13 Installers Phone Application is hereby made for Permit to install Electrical Equipment as follows: lug e9_6f{+-\O (0' ICS - USE OF CIRCUIT LIGHT LIGHT CONVENIENCE (CONVENIENCE APPLIANCE DISHWASHER (DISPOSAL RANGE (OVEN WATER HEATER (LAUNDRY (DRYER 1 FURNACE GAS - OIL FURNACE ELECTRIC ELECTRIC HEAT IELECTRIC HEAT A.C. UNIT FEEDER SERVICE NUMBER _AMP CIRCUITS PER CIR 3 P 0 3v �50 20V 240V 10 10 OR FEE 30 SUB -TOTAL Wiring Method r -P D4 //r AMP 240V USE OF CIRCUIT NUMBERCIRCUITS PER 11 0 1 OOR CIR 30 I SIGN FEE I I OR LESS ESS I I lI MOTOR MOTOR I I I I I MOTOR FIRE ALARMS I I I I I BURGLAR ALARM MISC. / ;7 ( I I 11 I -1 I 1 I REINSTALLATION LIGHT FIXTURE k SUB TOTAL FEE ENERGY FEE - BASIC FEE �I TOTALFEE SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER AMP / /D PHASE SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CON UCTORS 750 A�/rM R/_ AWG OROUND SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH 20,44 I certify that the work to be performed under this permit will be done by the installer and in conformance with the N.E.C. Electrical Code. Date Application mad e---_--��f�- -�_'17 - 19 By �- �CONTRACTOR OR OWNER (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) Permission is hereby given to do the above described work, according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the OB finances t City of Port Angeles CTO CIT T Date Permit Issued to / `- / y - • ( / PLANSIAPPflOVIEH 'moi •� Notify Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or current turned on before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by Inspector in Writing on Permit Placard. A. - Permits Phone: 457-0411 Ext. 158. WARNING PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK — SEE OVER — WHITE -Original CANARY -Duplicate PINK -Triplicate WHITE CARD - Inspector's Report REPORT OF INSPECTOR OATEOFVISIT MAGEBY REMARKS 7141F7 04c-- 1?;IeO.CESSO�P O.K. FOR COVERING �` �E 7/�, O.K. TO CONNECT SERVICE ;V7A -7 / �jvi FINAL O.K. 0$W F POFigN m ELECTRICAL INSPECTION - w WIRING REPORT m 417-4735 WORKS 6U D ���� PERMIT k INSPEC' �\ O NERi(' ANTRA.7 ADDRESS APPROVED NOT APPROVED ❑ — - .. . ........ DITCH .................... ❑ ❑................ ROUGH IN/COVER ................. X ❑ ....................SERVICE................... ❑ ❑............... .....FINAL.............. ..... ❑ CORRECTIONS NEEDED' x,�6r - /lJ /,r l77,V6 6,\) 17-7;7-t"� -�2cc/iG� NO liI�ECT4 WHA C RRECTIbAN-9 ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS — DO NOT REMOVE — OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC (360)452-1381 02/05/08 19:08 FAX Q001 t _ ELECTRICALWORKPERMITAPPLICATION 0 . p Request Inspection -Electrical Contractor ❑ Owner i'1�,,.,�+,,'" ❑ Annual Permit ❑ Alarm Cl Carnival oesmercial ❑ Residential ❑ Residential Mainl. ❑ Signs ❑ Thermostat ❑ Telecom. / N /Installation description` Job wired by XEiectrical Contractor ❑ Owner Electrical contractor name p�License number A I Purchaser's mailing address 2-7-L City State ZIP Telephone number FAX number 'Premises owner's name Pt ► (TT�Drre��f �i2a2 /SAL Address of inspection City �d l E l�C esv?EFTS "7 JI t ❑ Cash ❑ Check # I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed 19(�.tedt[Card Pisa �� Mastercat Discover electrical contractor (or the firm's authon¢am making agent) and amaking the electrical law, Chapter 19.28 RCW installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical installation Card # ."Sigoalure aowner, lectrical trac�pr or electrical administrator §� -Expirationr / . / Inspecuo fee I\$ �S'CJ �.atd \ / WALLS —--CEMJNG THERMOSTAT l SF1tVIf� 1 Insulation Only Insulation Only .�� �� , J V Dve Approved BY VAppmvcd Dale Approval By J J Dale Approved By Dam BY DITCH /// 1 FEEDER 1 Cover Cover D.m Appmvcd By Da. Appmvd BY Approved By Dae! Approved By J J Electrical Load Additions and or subtractions Servlee Information O NO LOAD CHANGES ❑ Baseboard _ KW Voltage ❑ Furnace _ KW ❑ Overhead Service Phase O 1O 3 ❑ Heat Pump Ton LAB O Temp Service Service Size: _ _ ❑ Fan -Wall _KW O Underground Service Feeder Size: Inspection Area, Building or Equipment Inspected Action Take Electrical I Date Inspector Lbo l qYY VW -f -0 ? -T 3i11169, Ft I�Jpr✓ 40 4-7 $"�P 1 1 Job mired by Electrical Contractor ❑ Owner I ELECTRICAL WORK PERMITAPPLICATION It "s/Installation description ACommercial ❑ Residential Elect cal contr llnnr name /' License number Dale Expires T ,�e ❑ New Altered/Addition Purchaser's a.1address ✓e,�'% '' // 53"x. / - 9, City t� State ZIP �0�9�,�i1/l��ScUA9�r,��2. Tel a umber FAX number -y/%/L TJ Prse Address of inspection �QJ� Cit -Q tel/ ,1�/'� Ph,a`u he -r) g-5,l�dole in n Owner as defined by RCR:19.28.26 /: (!) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after ous electrical permit is finalized /2/ artier is required to hire an electrical contracmr if above said proper(v is for .sale, real or lease. ❑ Cash ❑ Cheek # After reading the above statement, 1 hereby certify that 1 am the owner of the above named property or a licensed cicctncal contractor. I am making the electrical instal- ❑ Credit Card Visa Mastercard Discover lation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N E C , RCW. Chapter 19 29. WAC. Chapter 296-4613, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Card # - - - Utility Speciffcauons. /Signature of owner, electrical cont ctoifor electrical administrator �' Fxpiration Date - - - 40 ate ii ' 3' of card (- nspection ce Electrical Load Additions and or subtractions Service Information ❑ NO LOAD CHANGES ❑ Baseboard _KW Voltage ❑ Furnace _KW ❑ Overhead Service Phase ❑ 1 ❑ 3 ❑ Heat Pump _ Ton LAR ❑ Temp Service Service Size: ❑ Fan -Wall _KW ❑ Underground Service Feeder Size: SAME DAY INSPECTION, CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 CROUGH -IN THERMOSTAT �J lzhll/�o I7NAL � � DITCH D 1 �I�IID� J ate Appmvcd By Date Approved By Inspection Area, Building or Equipment Inspected r Date FFR 0 7 2008 LItiHT REPT. CSERVICE Dale Appmvcd By CFEEDER Detc Appmvcd By Action TakenI Electrical Inspector N, 1. D > D47'x' WbY CYj/ST/NG- A 1STINCp 1 YI B iyP1egL' I a 1w w ap ��' cu9GG%�1/xry -� A q mQv4,: J9/�7 b -4,'Su- V - 4 a 8 P b w N ,1 ov a0� w An I,] Attached are the panel schedules Note that one is a new single phase service panel and the other two are before and after schedules of the same existing three phase panel ill Q� No actual load calculations h;3vp been done since we at Olympic Electric are confident the panels are of sufficient size to handle the loads On the three phase r panel we have added a new lif of 10 amps and thermostatically operated 4 ton �••{ heat pump to the existing pririiing equipment that is alternately operated. On the U single phase panel, the only $itanificant load is the thermostatically operated hot water tank and 5 kW heater ' If required by the City Elkir I Inspector we car, do load calculations. 1230 Tumwaor 'ort Anaefex WA 98363 360) 451 5303 phone 360) 452 3498 fax I T 1-Y 17 T Ai Sfk t j �.•� Fax Cover Pis is a privileged and confidential message, intended solely for the person to whom it is addressed. Dissemination, distribution or copying, except by the person for whom its intended, is strictly prohibited. if you receive this message in error please notify us by phone immediately and mail it back to us. Timmk you. 5 r� ' x To Paul Eyestone @ Eyestone Building Design Fax No 457-0351�� From Richard French @ Olympic Electric Date 12/13/99 Subject AGS Panels Schedule Pages 4- including this one k Attached are the panel schedules Note that one is a new single phase service panel and the other two are before and after schedules of the same existing three phase panel ill Q� No actual load calculations h;3vp been done since we at Olympic Electric are confident the panels are of sufficient size to handle the loads On the three phase r panel we have added a new lif of 10 amps and thermostatically operated 4 ton �••{ heat pump to the existing pririiing equipment that is alternately operated. On the U single phase panel, the only $itanificant load is the thermostatically operated hot water tank and 5 kW heater ' If required by the City Elkir I Inspector we car, do load calculations. 1230 Tumwaor 'ort Anaefex WA 98363 360) 451 5303 phone 360) 452 3498 fax I T 1-Y 17 T Alf GS 4 ;r• A PANEL NAME. NORTH END (NEW) Y MAINS- MAIN CB LOCATION PHASE VOLTS 120/240V 10 AMPS 200A 0 0 0 A B C 1 LIGHTING 20 20 LIGHTING 2 ' 3 LIGHTING 20 20 LTS EXTERIOR 4 5 FAN/LT COMBO j 20 20 SIGN 6 7 RECEPTACLES 4 20 20 RECEPTACLES 8 9 RECEPTACLES 20 { 20 RECEPTACLES 10 11 RECEPTACLES 20 i 20 RECEPTACLES 12 13 RECEPTACLES 20 I 20 (RECEPTACLES 14 15 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 20 20 IRRIGATION & WP 16 & RECEPTACLE 1 GFI RECEPTACLE 17 COMPUTER RECEPT 20 f 20 COMPUTER RECEPT 18 19 COMPUTER RECEPT 20 f f 20 COMPUTER RECEPT 20 1 21 COPIER 20 _ 20 IFAX 22 23 TELEPHONE 20 30A HWT 24 20 P 26 25 REFRIGERATOR 27 MICROWAVE 20 30A 5KW HEATER 28 2P 1 29 1-112 TON A/C 20A 4 w 30 31 I �/ 2P V .. _� 20 EXHAUST FAN 32 33 MAIN FRAME 30 30 MAIN FRAME 34 COMPUTER CKT COMPUTER CKT 35 SPARE 20- 20 SPARE 36 37 SPARE 20 20 SPARE 38 39 SPARE 20 20 SPARE 40 40 SPARE 20 20 SPARE 42 0 0 0 Z0 39dd 00 OI8i=3 OIdWA-10 86bEZ5b09E 69 TT- 9FAT/ET/TT ?y .tfr A G S F a; PANEL NAME SOUTH END (AFTER MODIFYING) `, MAINS MAIN CB LOCATION PHASE VOLTS 120/240V W AMPS 200 A # 0 x' ` ,4, 0 0 A"I � 6 c 1 CUTTER/ 30A 20 VIEW LIGHT 3 FOLDER 3P 30A "OMNI 5- 3P 7 HEAT 80A j 9 �, 2P 30A *C3000 PRESS e I11 EQUIPMENT 20 2P 13 GTO 30A 20A 98910 PRESS {v 15 3P 2P 17 20 LTS/PLUGS W �• 19 LTS/PLUGS 20 ( 20A 9890 PRESS 21 NEW LIFT 15A 2P 23 3P ,. 50A NEW 4 -TON 25 3P H P 1 27 SPACE 29 LTS/PLUGS 20 30A 19810 PRESS 0 j 0 0 WILD LEG i. 1A 4' f -Li 7Llti-4 n,) r)TA i YA-R iT,-II-.J -in RFbF7GbG19F 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Fq TT RRRT/FT/7T PANEL NAME SOUTH END (EXISTING) LOCATION VOLTS. 120/240V 30' AMPS: 1 CUTTER/ 30A 3 FOLDER * 3P 5 A B C 1 7 EQUIPMENT 20 9 SPACE 2 11 HEAT 80A 13 I J/ 2P 15 SPACE 17 GTO 30A 19 3P 21 30A C 3000 PRESS 23 LTS/PLUGS 20 25 LTS/PLUGS 20 27 SPACE 16 29 LTS/PLUGS 20 * WILD LEG AGS 0 MAINS. MAIN CB PHASE. AMPS: 200 A 0 0 0 A B C 20 VIEWING LT 2 - *SPACE 4 30A OMNI 6 3P 8 10 30A C 3000 PRESS 12 2P I i 14 "SPACE 16 20A 9890 PRESS 18 2P 1 1 20 *SPACE 22 20A 9890 PRESS 24 2P 26 "SPACE 28 30A 9810 PRESS 30 n �n F.r] 7C1HJ rl"l r1T111rt717 nTJI.li-ln ocZC7f 4,n0C Cl! TT GCCT /OT /7T -C2 - MIE EML IAW4 ur d oll rml Bonn DIVISION C3 pU=C 0 0 o mmmmm 0 kmmasn=m - 0 erwy CM=* [ 3 Pj= FROM: PUBUC W0RXS1va=nqG DrVISIOK RE ADDRES S NMM/COIVTACT -7 `� /� / / c, PROJECT DZSC?a7rl0K rml��510�� C] ADDITION/ALTERKTION IN r:7 ColooniTS/CONDITIONS kF7771 �tl;�'Z£WlRI;'S'LtR� n rTLr., or A TO: Q FIRL► w�.I+CI VltlwlNlrrllldIl a / hi PV=C WCMM A••til� � DIVISION ^.'•/ +I�/�+i Q x111. MT \ r I c- 0 QPOZSm DfSPl�lllltl.i 11 Y.YIa Qii .NT 1 2%M=m r .. II UITY Com* C] RISK FROM: PU=C WORKS/BUn.,DING DIVISION RE: ADDRESS I ,/ z !�) to=/CONTACT PRONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION F -p t�fvrl- L -T Q ADDITION/ALTERATION REQ IEw/RETURN £ITS FROM: PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING DIVISION RE ADDRESS % l� L_.- PHONE: 4c PROJECT DESCRIPTION S •• '/! !l 3 cmem rs/cONDInONS: ' n 1 q7/q I RE'V'IEW / RETU Rl1 (-1 riLr, DATE z% f 9 �Z) Fn eticvwl 6 f 9 ; DECT)ORT ANGELES � Pi ANs1dlN;; DE€'Ars —I MENT ' gWMM 131 a= Q pU e DIVISION 0 tsG$r DEPlI Q ZRMWi. Q pOLieE rwa�r Q s �xls��a�toa� Q cz�t FROM: PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING DIVISION RE ADDRESS % l� L_.- PHONE: 4c PROJECT DESCRIPTION S •• '/! !l 3 cmem rs/cONDInONS: ' n 1 q7/q I RE'V'IEW / RETU Rl1 (-1 riLr, A; BUILDING PERMIT - PREAPPLICATION �, ii gar The Building Permit - Pmapplication must he filled out completel y 1CN10 Please type or print In ink. Kyou have any questions, please call 4174815 Applicant and/or Agent: ?A'.,4 -L. E XG=M E owner- GWAt4 A lit S Address: 1 Lt O 6, FXw4T sr. city P A Architect/Engineer G Yc3T0J t 9 we u b trot 4 N-5316--4 Contractor —1i't S l o 4 $ "t t.D e7L S License #- Address: city - PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 VO tom. Fi-dm T- S r. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Rea. 47 - a a - Fe� a: t� Pt,Ap Complete? Date approved: Phone: 46" 7 - 3 -¢{ Q Phone: 45-2.- ZZ$ G Zip Cr $3 16 2 - Phone: 4C7 - 3 410 Exp* Phone: -2 '-/1 FV�' Zip - ZONING G A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: / — Co Block: / Subdivision W GX j*bM'S Ff Asr- S uB . TYPE OF WORK: o Residential a New Const: o Reroof o Multi -family W Addition o mom }d CommercW Remodel o Demolition 0 Repair o Sign c ..N OF THE PROJECT- yMt rC "d0, a Q t(rb b'L SEWVALUATION: 00 o Woodatove SF @S o Garage SF @S /SF =S ' o Deck SF @S /SF =S o TOTAL VALUATION S AbbtnoAl (Nr(—sfq 64 tar -t adQ_ ` g — 3 So COMMERCIAURESIDENTIAL: Group: —r--/ Occupant Load.—! S construction Type: 3'N No. of Stories: Z Lot Size: 74, aur % Lot Coverages . (o % Existing Lot CovaW - AWM /sq. R + Probosed Lot Coverage: 7d e{- /so, tt.= TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: /(, d 467 !0 3¢/ PLANNING USX ONLY Notes: - ESA Vetland(s): o Yes o No SEPA Checklist. required? 0 Yes o No Other: APPROVALSt PLAN BLDG DPW FIRE OTHER hq.8 PREAPPLICATION SUBIAMAL: Your a m and sbphn nwgbefrll fed out c» ► to be accep&d for review. The Building Division can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittal its, BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your completed application, site plan (for additions) and building construction plass are to be submitted to the Building Division. VALUATION OF C..r i yL".iCITON. In allcases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and maybe revised by the Building Div to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Comdinatc� at 417-4915 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: Your plan check fee is due at the t nc the building permit application and construction plans are submitted Allother permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REV]kW- If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application. this application will exp1re by lirnitations. The Building grist can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 190 days, on written request by the applicant (see section 304(d) of the Uniform Building Code, current edition). No application can be adended more than once. I hemby cetWfy that 1 have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and cornett, and 1 an authorized to apply for this permit. 1 understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required. it remains the applicant's responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. Applicant:Date: v% f PW- 11th_111rev.2/%l RZO M r S i rZZE T O fY F fYDKh�►T Sipe WALK � w+��trt. r►t� 141 X z.3 17 0 1& N Gant 2T' �. to S 4 3 2 I 14-5 PAI,+t. ► cl tLor7 t N o' S � ,SIC a C3-` ahrcri g,Fsw O '� SHoA L CATCH bAsI N NI D ��/ sj ak1'I DR>'-i Tro $ t /rB,1r►DoN t'� 'L2 �Fn f- . <F-LA i u R- - o i•tN C X 1 Sr 1 /J G a c c�[� SNC CC Y rd LrTy JTa2M 1 O� ti�J co�Is7cT� ani o PR�nt7 -Skop _ � � f � d �c/STt n! cy l i �RtNT SHOP - 13 1.41 3 T t 491 3 (b 0 23 wI . t-- v FIZO nl i S NZEE T . IO FARE 1 D1ZtvG / ��e,r►r . FfYbKAr-AT ? Awn I I ?PLC 10: 1 L 500 whlL K I 7 , 2O, e-X1Si I-16 gLAI bIAICI l 1 CA T" m o V t'zt E� 0 ►�C) 1N.0 -- Ol cnPRt PAL T 2 1-0 8"cc-AlNC s7a121-t S�c/c� 'u ,q �iZT �IsTi�ueTiaN 115 1�� �. 17 I la SHOP fl �,U A 4 431.4" O ! I 21 ���� Y 4 s AV% Tz WWI' PREPARED BY 1'A( -F - toReynoao- .,°Pw-otorA- Ai- DATE A C---t:S-1 GESS -7- 91A vadF PRUARED BY PAC -'F O FIRE / f f YDRi4#-AT 0 w.*TEP- M am F1Zo nr r s i tZEE T SrDc WALK rr_ 20' p F F% CES t ms i r N G � a V �1Zh-Eh-d ii A Pow GR 45' bo; -7 INC, S O' C� �ht�n B�4S�ti/ TD 8t ABA-+U�dNED L � CATC N e -W Si3R,r-1 D R.�i N FOP, F-&4TU aE "t-QU Y m e- rTY j7ZAM SEwc� s O 3 �vc-w C N7 SHo� co�lsTrZ.KLT� aN N �L PR "T srtp v° 4 -At' 49` S4r 8� 3r 0 1 0 N �� r IN ;ULHTIOfJ _ Fax �+ 1-E- 1-034-+ 1` '99 11 39 PO - _W -___-COMPLIANCE WATTSUN 5 6 - -=1997 WA -STATE -ENERGY -CODE` 189 REPORT FILE C \\WATTSUN5\\NEWFILE HOUSE ID AGS BUILDING Site FRONT PA WA Homeowner Builder VISION BUILDERS Analyst Jurisdiction Utility House Type Single Family Floor Area 4240 ft2 Weather Data Whidbey Island, WA Climate Zone 1 The PROPOSED design *COMPLIES* with 1997 WA State Energy Cpde -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPOSED DESIGN COMPONENTS Component REFERENCE PROPOSED Value X Area = UA COMPONENT PERFORMANCE 816 567 Btu/hr-F R0 Uninsulated F-0 ENERGY BUDGET ** * * kWh/ft2=yr 189 8 REFERENCE DESIGN **MILGARD VINYL PIC LOW -E GAS U-0 320 140 0 Reference 8 Doors Component Value X Area = UA 86 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Grade Slab F-0 540 260ft 140 4 Glazing 015% U-0 650 636 0 413 4 Doors U-0 390 86 6 33 8 AG Wall U-0 062 1357 84 1 Ceiling, Vault U-0 034 4240 144 2 Infiltration ACH-0 350 33920ft3( 21.7 3) ---------------------------- Reference UA 815 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPOSED DESIGN COMPONENTS Component Description Value X Area = UA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Grade Slab R0 Uninsulated F-0 730 260ft 189 8 Glazing @3% **MILGARD VINYL PIC LOW -E GAS U-0 320 140 0 44 8 Doors 291 Full Lite Ings 1/2 Clr+Ar U-0 340 86 6 29 4 AG Wall R11 STD Lap Wood U-0 088 1853 163 1 Ceiling R30 batt Vault vented 2x12 24oc U-0 033 4240 1.39 9 Infiltration Standard Air Sealing ACH-0 350 33920ft3 (217 3) ---------------------------- Proposed UA 567 0 Items in parentheses not included in COMPONENT PERFORMANCE totals * Denotes non. -standard values - check calculation of thermal value page 1 WATTSUN 5 6- - - 1997 WA STATE 'ENERGY -CODE _COMPLIANCE REPORT T-- 11/23/99 FILE C \\WATTSUN5\\NEWFILE HOUSE ID AGS BUILDING Struc-Mass ----Light Frame, Sheetrock walls M- 3 000 4240 12720 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING/COOLING/VENTILATING SYSTEMS Heating System Type Make} Syetem Efficiency Backup AFUE Modified Efficiency Design ACH Design Load(at 46F dt) Duct LoBses(% Dan Load) Total Load System Size(Output) Outdoor Unit Size Auxiliary Size HP Balance Point Average Annual. Heat Annual Cost Ventilation System Cooling System SEER Cooling Load(at -7F dt) System Size(%Over) Annual Cool Requirement Solar Access PROPOSED Heat Pump Air Source HP Air. Source Default 6 8 HSPF 100 0% (Electric) 0 % 0 60 44929 Btu/hr 0 Btu/hr( 0%) 44929 Btu/hr 67500 Btu/hr (150%) O 0 Tons (@47F) 19 7 kW (150%) 0 F * kWh Integrated Spot & Whole House 0 0 (Ducted) Btu/hr tons(@125%) kWh/yr Partially Shaded -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPOSED DUCT SYSTEM Location Avg Rvalue Surface Area --------------------------------------------------- SUPPLY Vented crawlspace R- 8 0 848 0 ft2 RETURN Attic or garage R- 8 0 169 6 ft2 Page 2 P <k 01 PORT �<<^ CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT STANDARD DETAILS 17 �cic �S WALL OR I I OR PROPERTY LINES I j C -DESIGN LAYOUT FORMULAS - f A = Parking Angle B = Stoll Layout Width C = Stoll Layout Depth D = Aisle Width L = Stall Length (18.0') W = Stoll Width (8.5') HANDICAP STALL WIDTHS. Standard = W + 5 = 13.5 Van =W+8'= 16.5 NOTES STANDARD PARKING LOTS PARKING Min. Min. MIN. AISLE WIDTH ANGLE STALL STALL WIDTH DEPTH 1—Way 2—Way PARALLEL 22'-0"* 8'-0" 10-0' 20'-0" R 45 12'-0" 18 —9" 13'-5' 20'-0" 50 11 —1 19-3' 14 —4" 20'-0" 15 55 10'-5' 19'-7" 15 —5" 20'-0" S 60 9'-10" 19-10" 16'-6" 20'-0" 65 9'-5" 19'-11" 17'-8" 20'-0" 70 W-1" 19'-10" 18'-11 20'-0" 75 8'-10" 19'-7" 20'-2' 20'-2" 90 8'-5' 18'-0" 24 —0" 24 —0" A B C D D *ADD 2'-0" FOR PARALLEL END SPACES. 1 Number of spaces shall be in accordance with City's off—street parking requirements. 2. Handicap parking spaces shall meet City's requirements 3. Parking area and aisles shall be paved with asphalt or concrete. 4. Spaces shall be delineated by 4' white striping or buttons. 5. Construction shall be in accordance with City's Clearing Grading Filling and Drainage requirements Catch basins with oil separation T" are required 6 Overhangs of 2 —6' maximum may be permitted if walkways (3 —0' minimum) are not obstructed and curb or fastened curb stops are provided 7 Fire Department may require 20'-0' minimum fire lane when necessary 8 A site plan (1 =50 or 1 =20 ) showing all spaces, property lines and dimensions is required for review and approval prior to construction FORMULAS. C = W cos(A) + L sin(A) D = 15 ton (A/2) sin A) + 9 " *Minimum radius (P)+1.2' •*P + 2' (P=AASHTO 1990 Passenger Vehicle) APPROVED BY DATE 1/28/94 CITY ENGINEER REVISED 10/4/95 FILE NAME: 93EF1118.OWG X = W sin(A) B = W/sin(A) R = (W/2) sin(A) Z = L cos(A) S = 2.5 sin(A) PARKING LOOT DESIGN LAYOUT FORMULAS I IDER ARPTION 47 10" 177 11-0" 4 1" 6' 277 (x;`71 rte[ -011 rO" ref-�ti /„ " 3-0" PRINT SHOP MACHINES FOLDING / COLLATING Ise 46`-8 x OFFICE x 8 7' Q FULL GLA55N FULL GtnsS Q N BEARING WALL TO REMAIN WALL TO BE FURRED OUT INSULATED FOR SOUND AND DRYWALLED NEW T -BAR CEILING 018' THROUGHOUT OFFICES COMPUTER STATIONS 26 7'x 17-6 QER 'ARTIThpN LOADING DOCK ENCLOSED OFFICE °RAME3p WALLS X BEARING f 09T/REAM STRUCTURE TO REMAIN 9' -Ci' S T )20 WALLS TO BE FURRED OUT / BETWEEN 5T -EL COLUMNS / — ` _ / I ENTIRE BUILDING TO 6CLIMATE CONTROL REQUIRED E SIDED _ COMPUTER SERVERS N WITH HARDIPLANK 510ING I CU 1 13 3' x 11',3' NEW MANSARD ROOF OVERHANGS _ TO OE ADDED PER ENGINEERING 1 i I LIVING AREA { 5479 oq ft { -L A OFFICE- S -0' x 10'-6 U LOJ z668 - o I 0 RESTROOM 3 -6" w 8'-4 x 5' 3' Lu 3068 In m F U-1 d) { RECEPTIONIST o a k 6-4 x8 2' v 1 t` N FULL GLASS I Q .F - -- - - !FUL:1 Ur GLASScriNEW T -BAR CEILING Ot 9'THROUGHOUT o I CO Ok N p WAITING AREA 0 �, � I I OFFICE 12' 2 x 9' 1 r. _ t a 8 7' x 10' 1' J' 1 3 � v� I _ az= I II I t "0050 3068 _ 6oJB y I 1 -f3 '7314" 4 -ii' 4 '5147' 11'-61 6'- rt , 1 o �2'-0'1_5'-05',12 -1 L ._._ 6'-O" — 91/4"— Q) Q) .I LL C'*\ �t :..x�..1 V I 0 /I / I � / 1 i' 3050 3050 3050 3050 �t t W�.6'-0'-��, i LL L4 LL a � � OFFICE OFFICE ! 3 10'-8 x x I SMALL WATER HEATER UNDER COUNTER I WH RESTROOM o _ 8'-4 x 5' 8' BREAK ROOM 10'-6' x 11' 3 2668 — — — — — I OFFICE- S -0' x 10'-6 U LOJ z668 - o I 0 RESTROOM 3 -6" w 8'-4 x 5' 3' Lu 3068 In m F U-1 d) { RECEPTIONIST o a k 6-4 x8 2' v 1 t` N FULL GLASS I Q .F - -- - - !FUL:1 Ur GLASScriNEW T -BAR CEILING Ot 9'THROUGHOUT o I CO Ok N p WAITING AREA 0 �, � I I OFFICE 12' 2 x 9' 1 r. _ t a 8 7' x 10' 1' J' 1 3 � v� I _ az= I II I t "0050 3068 _ 6oJB y I 1 -f3 '7314" 4 -ii' 4 '5147' 11'-61 6'- rt , 1 o �2'-0'1_5'-05',12 -1 L ._._ 6'-O" — 91/4"— Q) Q) .I LL C'*\ �t :..x�..1 V I 0 to It to 11 1111 A t\ 1111 *--1 1 2'-(Y'ro" 2'-(o-" 0" 2'45-11 6112--o" 2' 11 4-1011 32'-0" ROOF OVERHANG TO BE REMOVED L------_---- LIVING AREA 1386 f5q ft 12'2" LIVING A ,3385 oq 129'-,4!' ,32'-0" - - . . - ------ - --- ------1 12* -2" 14-31/2" 6' 111/21' irol-oll — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — —'-r_—_—_--_—_----_--_ 14 -0" EX15TING PRINT SHOE 39-6 x 301-5, up A 8314X131/224F-V4GLULAM6E.AM- J -v- x Z5 6 X 10 DF#2 POST IN :55 d 1 LOFT FLOOR FRAMING TO SUPPORT 5TORAC- 126# LIVE LOA[)/15# V BEA POCKET IN PA?TMON 3 3/4 X 131/2 24F -V4 GLLIJ $1/2' REDHEADS INT) EXICgTtNG CMU WALL K) UP oc CJ to A 8314X131/224F-V4GLULAM6E.AM- J -v- x Z5 6 X 10 DF#2 POST IN :55 d 1 SOLID' RAMING UNDER & (2) A54 CLIPS 0 P05T/15EAIM BEA POCKET IN PA?TMON $1/2' REDHEADS INT) EXICgTtNG CMU WALL UP to 7FULL GLA CV LIFT PIT 4 -2" 50LID FRAMING UNDER 8 3/4 X 131, 2 24hTV4 GLU LAM BEAM BEAM POCKET IN PARTITION OPEN LOADING DOCK OFFICE TO BE ENCLOSED WITH FRAMED WALLS 9,-0, x (55020 WALLS TO I Lu (NJ BETWEEN IL LIFT PIT fl LJ EXISTING C.M.U. WALL' --;;;7 I E -W CK0555ECTION 0 LIFT PIT 1/411 =1' TORCH -DOWN ROOFING 516 055 5HEATING 2 X 4 FLOCKING R 30 INSULATION PKE-MAN. MONO-TRU55 2 X 4 X 16 PARAPET WALL (ALIGN W1 PARAPET STUDS) W12 X 4 STUDS & 13RACE5 9 24 FASTEN TO RAAFTER5 W1(3)16c 2 X 12 DF#2 J015T5 0 24 O.C. g EACH CK055ING 4 X 10 DF#2 BEAM1 4 X 10 OF#2 BEAM 5IMPC70N A35F ONE 51DE 5IMP50N A35F ONE 51DE SIMPSON A34 ONE SIDE 2 X 6 CONTINUOUS 4 X 6 VF#2 POSTS FASTEN TO FAFTEf 4 X 6 DF#2 PO9T5 2 X 6 STUD WALL BETWEEN POSTS , -7'_"�L 1� W/ K 19 INSULATION EX15TING ROOF 5Y5TEM 5IMP50N A34 ONE 61DE OF TRUSSES 12-51/211 �EXISTING CMU. WALL 5/4 055 51.113FLOOK 6 3/4 X 131/2 24F -V4 GLULAM BEAM '` 6 X 10 DF#2 POSTS 6 X 10 DF#2 POSTS CRO55 SECTION OF MAN5AKL) ROOF 119W &D EXISTING BUILDINGSHEAR WALL I/ )c 1 2 X 5 5TUD5 016' O.C. 0 7/16' 0513 SHEATHING DOTH SIDE -NAILED W/ 80 0 21/2 / 4 /12 4 X ei D X 5 F#Z & HD5A 0 EACH END /8' #56 THREADED ROD EPDXY TO A/ EX15TIN_X15TIJ G FLOOR W1 71/2' MIN. EMDER,/ 2 X 4 FLOCK -NAILED TO TOP PLATE W/ 16,10 2' O.C. 5 CONCRETE SLAB 1 SIMPSON A34 ONE 51DE OF TRU55E5 2 X 5 TOP PLATE EX15TING PARAPI 12 X 16 CONCRETE MONOLITHIC INCREASE DEPTH OF FOOTING PRE -MAN. MONO-TRU55 FOOTING /5LAf3 AS NEEDED 24 X 24 X 650 ENLARGED W/ (2) #4 BAR DAR 0 12' O.C. EXISTING ROOF 5Yr FOOTING 0 POSTS CONT LD EX15TING C.M.Ll W 2 X fo- FLOCK It -FASTENED TO CMU WALL W/ I �_5 1/2 CRO55 SECTION 0 NEW BUILDING 1/4 0177" 5H05T PINS 0 4 O.C. I- L CRO55 SECTION OF MANSARD ROOF 0 EX15TING PRINT SHOP � .i�V"stat-v (Lvt-L %acv PR y Sl s �Z l�(e S o�Ime 2N- r--, 1>,I -C,I coS D-esf �, to-,? 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A � � T) M k-- 4-a At,* t na¢ eu-- G,-,1,fli 1,4.-, L o - d i vi 5 C -ea -� h- 6 v a �-e A -u vo I S I �! o,-- I eve- I Pte, Uo3o 1 , 1>� = 2S i c5 1 L-Nve Lo -e ►� � v� .,� d sig-Yb� i o.�cd L° eco c e// -7e ?.O -1 = 7� �b aS� / )ae-A VA eVon A USS- 'L� � 'zn -uP s;,- A 34- GI, P s e- pc -,J 4�1 2- - :> A - '-1. 4- 1�, 2(3dSX 1 337 = `fi 1-7 "7 �` ✓ i-A,�c. `µ..L7. c&- he -4--i M e LIJIIu I .6el;-A ioc.,-4, U 4 r,e A ad t *,. AZ, - C S'C .5 S") 2 15 1,' 2 -7SC ,kb C9a-Y- 1 33� = 'C'777 k i5u 7� '7e2 7'� v- o l c- rQ-1 6-44 w. 1\ valve, --.,,s" )3-70"L e,— iG,&O ., p' -A— egL - t.2 ~i f -2N �O -J4 v w a=lf ��A t 7/2gl" 3h Neva ,fav, = 1�) o, �As�-,vtA blS>F �y , o5rc-1-, v,� I TL= 3A , 6 Ps -F X 4 33 = •3 ply 1 -7 x/o`-C,1S 4� tM = �dco 3x 1>t�.f 2) = �lcooxi, t�,l. 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M� . A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT Copyright 0 1998 IGBO Evaluation Service, Inc. Filing Category- FASTENERS—Concrete and Masonry Anchors (066) ER -5193 Reissued December 1 1998 HILTI HIT HY 150 ADHESIVE ANCHOR SYSTEM strength of 2,000 psi (13 780 kPa) and must meet the coarse HILTI, INC grout proportion limits specified in Table 21-B of the code, 5400 SOUTH 122ND EAST AVENUE Grout must be prepared in accordance with Section 2103 of TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74146 the code and UBC Standard 21 19 The specified compres- sive strength of masonry Vm, at 28 days must be minimum 1.0 SUBJECT 1,500 psi (10.3 MPa) Hilti HIT HY 150 Adhesive Anchor System. 2.0 DESCRIPTION 2.1 General The Hilti HIT HY 150 adhesive is used for bonding threaded rods and deformed reinforcement bars in normal -weight and lightweight concrete and fully -grouted, concrete -masonry construction to resist short-term wind loads only 2.2 Materials: 2.2.1 Hilti HIT HY 150 Adhesive: The cured Hilti HIT HY 150 adhesive consists of a resin/hardener mixture com- bined with a cement/water mixture. The reaction resin is based on methacrylates. The resin and cement are kept sep- arate from the hardener and water by means of a dual -cylin- der foil cartridge. An auger -style mixing nozzle is attached to the manifold to ensure proper mixing of the separate adhe- sive components. The shelf life of the adhesive is one year when the storage temperature is above freezing. 2.2.2 Threaded Steel Rods: Threaded steel rod is 3/8,1/2, 5/8,3/4,7/8,1 or 11/4 inch (9.5,12.7 15 9 19 1 22,25.4or31 7 mm) in diameter Steel rods must conform to either ASTM A 36 [F, = 60 ksi (412 MPa), minimum]; ASTM A 193, Grade B7 [F, = 125 ksi (860 MPa), minimum]; or AISI 304 -SS, Group 1 CW stainless steel [F. = 140 ksi (967 MPa) minimum). 2.2.3 Reinforcement Bars. Deformed reinforcement bars range from No. 3 to No 10 and must conform to ASTM A 615, A 616, A 617 or A 706; minimum'Grade-60. 2.2.4 Concrete Construction. Concrete construction must comply with Chapter 19 of the Uniform Building Code TM (UBC) Concrete mix design must comply with Chapter 19 Division It of the code Coarse and fine aggregate in concrete must comply with ASTM C 33 for normal -weight concrete and ASTM C 330 for structural lightweight concrete Minimum compressive strength for normal -weight concrete must be 2,000 psi (13 780 kPa) minimum compressive strength for structural lightweight concrete must be 3 000 psi (20 670 kPa) 2.2.5 Grouted Hollow -unit Concrete -masonry Construe tion Masonry wall construction must comply with Chapter 21 ofthe UBC Concrete masonry units must be Type I Grade N lightweight, medium -weight, or normal -weight classifica- tion conforming to UBC Standard 21-4 Mortar must be pre- pared in accordance with Section 2103 of the code and UBC Standard 21 15 Grout must have a minimum compressive 2.3 Design: Allowable static loads for anchors installed in accordance with this report are shown in Tables 4 through 8. Tabulated values must be adjusted for in-service temperatures in accordance with Figure I and for spacing and edge effects in accordance with the footnotes to the tables. Allowable loads for anchors subjected to combined shear and tension forces are determined by the following formula: (pt V, Pr) + (�O < where P, = Applied service tension load. Pr = Service tension load. V, = Applied service shear load. Vt = Service shear load. Anchors are not permitted to be subjected to vibratory loads such as those encountered by supports for reciprocating en- gines, crane loads and moving loads due to vehicles. Anchors are permitted for live load and wind load applications. 2.4 Installation: Installation requirements are tabulated for various thread- ed rod sizes in Tables 4 5, 6 and 7 and are tabulated in Table 8 for deformed reinforcement bars. Holes for the threaded -bar or reinforcement -bar anchor must be drilled to a predetermined depth, using a hand-held Hilti drill motor in roto -hammer mode with a Hilti carbide -tipped drill bit that complies with ANSI B212.15-1994 Before installing the adhesive holes must be cleaned of dust and debris using a wire brush and a jet of compressed air Ambient and concrete temperatures shall be 70°F (21°C) minimum, during adhesive placement. The foil cartridge is self -opening and has a mixing nozzle attached. An auger style mixing nozzle is attached to the Hilti manifold to ensure proper mixing of the product from the separate cartridges. Be- fore application, the epoxy is pumped out of the nozzle until a uniform light -gray material -color is achieved. Holes are filled approximately one-half full with the mixed adhesive, and the threaded rods or deformed rebar are inserted, with a rotat- ing motion, to the bottom of the hole Adhesives must cure in accordance with Table 1 before placing attachments. The finding in Section 4.9 of this evaluation report indicates that adhesive anchors cannot be used to resist pull-out forces Evaluation reports of ICBO Evaluation Service Inc. are issued solckv to provide information to Class A incothers of ICIIO utilizing the code upon which the report is based. 1, valuation reports are (tot to be construed as representing aesthetics or arty other attributes hurt specifically addressed nor as art euriorsetrient or recotrunen- datio a for use of (lie subject report. This report is based upon independe tit tests or other technical data subinitted kv the applicant. The. ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. technical staff has reviewed the rest results and/or other data, but does not possess test facilities to make art independent verification. The" is no warranty by ICB0 Evaluation Service, Inc. express or implied, its to airs, Fouling or other atinter in the report oras to air)- product (-a vered ky the report. This dischriater Includes, but is not litnited lo, tnerchantabllily. Page 1 of 7 I in overhead and wall installations. This restriction is neces- tAry solely because the structural performance of the adhe- sive is temperature sensitive Anchors can be satisfactorily installed in walls and ceilings, provided proper consideration is given to fire conditions. Other installation details remain un- changed. 2.5 Special Inspection Adhesive anchor installations require special inspection in accordance with Section 1701 of the code The special in- spector records compliance of the drill bit with ANS! B212.15-1994 hole depth and cleanliness; product descrip- tion, including product name rod diameter and length adhe- sive expiration.date and verification of anchor installation in accordance with the manufacturer's published instructions and this evaluation report 2.6 identification. The Hilti HY 150 adhesive anchors are identified by labels on the packaging indicating the manufacturer's name (Hilti) product name material type, serial number traceable to pro- duction date, length and diameter of the threaded rod, evalua- tion report number (ICBG ES ER -5193) and the name of the quality control agency (underwriters Laboratories Inc.) 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICBG ES Acceptance Criteria for Adhesive Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements (AC58), dated January 1998. 4.0 FINDINGS That the Hilti HY 150 adhesive anchors described in this report comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Code"A subject to the following conditions: 41 Use of anchors to resist earthquake loads is be- yond the scope of this evaluation report. 4.2 Use of anchors to resist dead and live loads is be- yond the scope of this report. 4.3 Use of anchors is limited to resisting short-term wind loads only. The tabulated allowable load val- ues shall not be Increased by 331/3 percent for short-term wind loads. ER -5193 44 The anchors are installed In accordance with the manufacturer's Instructions and this report. 4.5 Anchors are installed in holes predrilled with a car bide -tipped masonry drill bit, manufactured within the range of the maximum and minimum drill -tip di- mensions of ANSI B212.15-1994 for the allowable values set forth in this report. 4.6 Special inspection in accordance with Section 2.5 is provided for all anchor installations. 47 Calculations and details showing compliance with this report are submitted to the local building offi- cial for approval. 4.8 Anchors are not used to support fire -resistive construction. 4.9 Anchors are not used to resist tension forces in ceiling or wall installations except as noted in Sec tion 2.4 of this report. 410 Anchors are not subjected to vibratory or shock loads, such as those encountered by supports for reciprocating engines or crane rails. 411 Anchors in concrete are limited to installation in uncracked concrete, which is defined as concrete with maximum 170 -psi (1172 kPa) tensile stress in- duced by external loads or deformations. 412 The anchors are limited to Interior use, except that installation in concrete in severe, moderate or neg- ligible exterior weathering locations, in accord- ance with Figure 21 1 1 of UBC Standard 21 1 is permitted when stainless steel threaded rods are Installed Into dry holes. 413 During installation, the hole and surrounding loca- tion must be dry 414 Adhesives are manufactured by Hilb, Inc. at their facilities in Kaufering, Germany, with quality con- trol inspections by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (NER-OA403). This report Is subject to re-examination in two years. TABLE 1—MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED CURE TIME FOR HiLTI HY 150 ANCHORSI MINIMUM CONCRETE TEMPERATURE ("F) INITIAL SET TIME2 CURE TIMES 70 S minutes 50 tnimates 85 4 minutes 40 minutes { 105 2 minutes 30 minutes For Si. °C = 5/9 (°F – 32). (Adhesive must not be installed in substrates colder than 65.1- 2Anchors must tx undisturtx:d during the initial set time. Scare time is required 1x fore the application of allowable (design) tensile and shear loads TABLE 2—SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF THREADED ROD IN CONCRETE WITH HILTi HY 150 ADHESIVE PROPERTY 3/8 Inch { 1/2 Inch AN, :t – omtn t! area of threaded rod (m 2} 0 1 I )5 (11963' 81) – Nominz! bit diameter (inch} 718 110 . SS 18 30 1'– Max torque itainetee } ( AM) A36 18 15 AE93 t37 18 — _ 15 KWSI I inch = 25 4 nnu, i ii Ibr = 1 36 N -m, I in.2 = 645 16 it 'Rod threads must conform Io ANSI ti If 74. THREADED ROD DIAMETER i 510 inch 3/4 inch 7/0 Inch 1 inch tt/d Inches 03068 044-18 06613 078-54 1.2272 If/ 16 11/Il, 1511(, 11116 1112 75 I-- ! 50 t 75 235 400 80 160 ; 2(x) 330 550 8() _^ _ 16Q 200 330 550 ER 5193 TABLE 3 -ALLOWABLE TENbiON AND SHEAR LOADS FOR THREADED RODS BASED ON STEEL STRENGTH' TENSION (pounds) 2 SHEAR (pounds) s THREADED ROD Type of Steel Type of Steel DIAMETER (inches) A36 A193-87 { AIS4304-SS A36 A193.87 AISI304-SS 3/8 2,115 4 555 1,645 10)0 _ 2,170 199s i 112_.. 3,755 8,100 6,480 1915 3,895 1585 5/8 5,870 12,655 10,125 3,025 6,125 5,635 3/1 8,455 18,225 12,390 r 35� 8,855 74,10 7/8 11 510 24,805 16,865 5, 30 12,105 10170 1 15,010 32,4(0 22,030 7 745 15,810 11285 11/.t 23,490 50,620 34,425 12,1'x} 24,790 18.840 For Sl i inch = 25 4 nim, l pound = 4 45 N ITabulated allowable loads arc based on the strength of the steel 'these values must he compared tothe allowable loads for the anchors, based on the HiIti 1-1 Y 150 adhesive bond strength. The lesser of the value shown above and in the tables in this evaluation report for the bond strength ofthe adhesive anchors must be used for the al lowab)e value of the threaded bar installed with Hilti HY 150 adhesive. '-Allowable tensile load equals 0.33 x F x A, n, 3Allowable shear load equals 0.17 x F x An, TABLE 4 --ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR LOADS FOR THREADED RODS INSTALLED LEzD3N 2,000 -PSI NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE WITH HILTI HY 150 ADHESIVE EDGE DISTANCE, SPACING, S ALLOWABLE LOAD BASED ON 2,000 -PSI (inches) (inches) CONCRETE AND BOND STRENGTH (Ibl)s,s ANCHOR EMBEDMENT Critical Minimum DIAMETER DEPTH Edge Edge Critical Minimum (inches) (Incheal Distance Distance Spacing Spacing Teneton Shear 13/4 '43/8 11/4 7 31/2 483 3/8 ' 31/2 51/4 13/4 7 31/2 1,269 - i 51/4 77/g 2518 101/2 t 51/4 1762 1 21/8 63/8 21/g 41/2 I 21/8 816 1/2 41/4 63/8 21/8 81/2 21/4 1,822 { 63/8 95/8 31/g 123/4 31/8 2,877 - 21/2 7112 21/2 ` 5 21/2 1,085 5/8 5 71/2 I 23/2 10 2112 2,938 I - 7 /2 15 33/4 15 33/4 4,027 - 3118 10 33/g 6314 33/s 1,581 3,302 3/4 65/8 10 3318 131/4 � 35/81 (?,11 5,154 to 15 5 20 S 6,362 5,1.54 33/4 11114 33/4 71/2 33/4. f -2-,06Q 1 5154 7/8 71/2 15 P/4 15 31/2 5,24¢ 5154 111/4 17 55/8 I 221/2 55/8 8,910 5,154 41/8 81/4 41/8 8114 41/8 2,303 5,154 i 1 81/4 161/2 41/8 161/2 41/4 5,570 5IS4 123/8 143/4 6118 241/,1 61/4 10,387 5.154 6 18 6 12 6 3,106 5 154 1114 I 12 18 ( 6 24 6 10,353 S 154 15 221/2 71/2 30 71/2 12,840 i 5154 For SI I inch = 25 4 trait, 1 ibf = 4 48 N i psi = 6.89 kPa, °C = 5/9 (°F - 32). 1Allowable load must be the lesser of the bond strength tabulated above and the steel strength shown in Table 3 2-t'hc allowable tension capacities shall not be increased for duration of load in accordance with Section 1612.3 3 of the code. Resistance to earthquake loads ,s beyond the scope of ibis report. IThe tabulated values are for anchors installed at the critical spacing (.S) and edge (C) distances. Critical spacing is the least anchor spacing distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable such that the anchor is not influenced by neighboring anchors. Critical edge distance is Ihc,leasi edge distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applictible without applying it load -reduction factor 'IAnchors installed at tie minimum edge distance must have the tabulated allowable tension load multiplied by it 0 70 reduction factor and the tabulated shear load multi plied by a 0 30 reduction factor Linear interpolation of allowable loads may be used for anchors installed ata distance between the critical and minimum edge distances. SAnchors installed at the nlinitliuni spacing must have the allowable tension and shear loads multiplied by a 0 60 reduction factor Linear itueipolattoil of allowablc loads may be used for anchors installed at a distance between tie critical and minimum spacings. 6,1'he application of load reduction factors is cunmlativc for an anchor affected by multiple anchors or multiple edge distances, or both. I5 I 7The tabulated values arc for anchors installed in concrete having the designated compressive strength or higher at the lime of installation 8Adhesive anchors experience it reduction in tensile and shear capacity with increased ani6icnt temperatures. Sec Figure I for load -reduction factor 'Special inspection in accordance with Section 2.5 must be provided for till anchor installations, laSection 2.4 contains special considerations for anchor load conditions.o { c( 11 Bond strength loads are based on it safety factor of 5 33 12Displacenient under tabulated allowable toad is 1/8 inch or less. "Concrete thickness must be equal to or greater than 1 5 limcs the anchor embedment depth. ER -5193 f TABLE 5—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR LOADS FOR THREADE `NODSSINSTALLED�2DaIN 4,000 -PSI NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE WITH HILTI HY 150 ADHESIVE EDGE DISTANCE, SPACING, ALLOWABLE LOAD BASED ON 4,000 -PSI (Inches) (Inches) _ CONCRETE AND BOND STRENGTH (Ibf)e,e ANCHOR EMBEDMENT Critical Minimum DIAMETER DEPTH Edge Edge Critical Minimum (inches) (inches) Distance Distance Spacing Spacing Tension Shear I 51 /4 1.1/4 7 31/ - 847 3GI _ — 3/8 3112 51/4 I1f,I 7 Ji12„ 4 1,811 — 51/ 77/ 2S/8 101/2 51/4 1,874 — - 21J8 63/88 21/8 4112 2118 1,054 — � 1/2 41/4 63/8 2118 81/2 21/4 2,631 — 63/8 95/8 31/8 123/4 31/g 3 540 — 21/2 71/2 21/2 5 21/2 1330 — 5/8 5 71/2 2112. 10 2112 3,510 _ 1 71f, IS 33/4 15 33/4 5,500 1 3318 t0 33/8 6314 33/8 2,624 3,302 3/4 6518 t0 33/8 131/4 35/8 5,941') 5,154) 10 !S S 20 5 8,116 5,154 3314 ! ! I/q 33/,1 7112 3314 3,397 5,154 7/8 7112 111/4 3314 15 31/2 7 308 5,154 11114 17 55/8 221/2 55/8 11127 5,154 41/8 81/4 ! 41/8 81/4 41/8 3,253 5,154 1 8114 123/8 ! 41/8 161/2 41/4 7 778 5,154 12318 143/4 61/8 243/4 61/4 !3,051 5,154 fi 6 18 6 j 12 6 4,681 5,154 11/4 12 18 6 24 6 = 13,885 5,154 15 221/2 j 71/2 30 71/2 1 17,925 5,154 For Si. i inch = 25 4 mut, I Ibf = 4 48 N, i psi = 6.89 kPa. i Allowable load must be the lesser of the bond strength tabulated above and the steel strength shown in Table 3 2The allowable tension capacities shall not be increased for duration of load in accordance with Section 1612.3.3 of the code. Resistance to earthquake loads is beyond the scope of this report. 3The tabulated values are for anchors installed at the critical spacing (S) and edge (C) distances. Critical spacing is the least anchor spacing distance at which the tabulated allowable toad capacity of an anchor is applicable such that the anchor is not Influenced by neighboring anchors. Critical edge distance is the least edge distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable without applying a load -reduction factor. 4Anchors installed at the minimum edge distance must have the tabulated allowable tension load multiplied by a 0.82 reduction factor and the tabulated shear load multi- plied by a 0.30 reduction factor. Linear interpolation of allowable loads may be; used for anchors installed at a distance between the critical and minimum edge distances. 5Anchors installed at the minimum spacing must have the allowable tension and shear loads multiplied by a 0.60 reduction factor. Linear interpolation of allowable loads may be used for anchors installed at a distance between the critical and minimum spacings. (The application of load reduction factors is cumulative for an anchor affected by multiple anchors or multiple edge distances, or both. 7The tabulated values are for anchors installed in concrete having the designated compressive strength or higher at the tune of installation. 8Adhesive anchors experience a reduction in tensile and shear capacity with increased ambient temperatures, See Figure I for load -reduction factor. 9Special inspection in accordance with Section 2.5 must be provided for all anchor installations. IDSection 2.4 contains special considerations for anchor load conditions. I I Bond strength loads are based on a safety factor of 5.33 12Displacernent under tabulated allowable load is I/g inch or less. "Concrete thickness must be equal to or greater than 1 5 times the anchor embedment depth. ER 5193 3 /8 10 /4 3 /2 71/8 31/2 1 320 3,(X() 3 For SI I inch = 25 4 min, I Ibf = 4 48 N, I psi = 6.89 kpa. 'Allowable load must be the lesser of the bond strength labulated above and the steel strength shown in Table 3 2The allowable tension capacities may be increased for duration of load in accordance with Section 1612.3 3 of the code. Resistance to earthquake loads is beyond the scope of this report. 'The tabulated values are for anchors installed at the critical spacing (S) and edge (C) distances. Critical spacing is the least anchor spacing distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable such that the anchor is not influenced by neighboring anchors. Critical edge distance is the least edge distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable without applying a load -reduction factor 4Anchors installed at the minimum edge distance nrost have the tabulated allowable tension load multiplied by a 0.70 reduction factor and the tabulated shear load multi- plied by a 0.30 reduction factor. Linear interpolation of allowable loads may be used for anchors installed at a distance between the critical and mininrom edge distances. iAnchors installed at the minimum spacing must have the allowable tension and shear loads multiplied by a 0.60 reduction factor. Linear interpolation of allowable loads may be used for anchors installed at a distance between the critical and minimum spacings. ('The tabulated values are for anchors installed in concrete having the designated compressive strength or higher at the time of installation. 7Adhesive anchors experience a reduction in tensile and shear capacity with increased ambient temperatures. Sec Figure I for load -reduction factors. 8Special inspection in accordance with Section 2.5 must be provided for all anchor installations. 9Section 2A contains special considerations for anchor load conditions. IOBond strength loads are based on a safety factor of 5.33 11 Displacement under tabulated allowable load is 1/8 inch or less. 12Concrete thickness must be equal to or greater than 1.5 times the anchor embedment depth. TABLE 7—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR LOADS FOR THREADED RODS INSTALLED IN GROUT -FILLED CONCRETE -MASONRY WALL CONSTRUCTION WITH HILTI HY 150 ADHESIVE1,2,a,4,5,6,710,11 12,13,14 j EDGE DISTANCE, SPACING, ALLOWABLE LOAD BASED ON C S GROUT -FILLED CONCRETE MASONRY (Inches) (Inches) AND BOND STRENGTH (Ibf)s-° ANCHOR EMBEDMENT Cynical minimum DIAMETER DEPTH Edge Edge Critical Minimum (Inch) (inches) Distance Distance Spacing Spacing Tension Shear 3/8 31/2 12 4 7 7 1163 1197 1/2 41/4 12 4 81/2 ( 81/2 1,340 2,050 5/8 5 12 I 4 10 10 l 700 3,182 3/4 65lg 12 f 4 131/4 131/4 2,809 4,220 For SI. 1 inch = 25.4 mm, i lbf = 4.48 N, t psi = 6.89 kPa. l Allowable load values arc based on masonry construction consisting of 8 -inch -wide, Gnde N. lightweight, medium -weight, or normal -weight masonry units conforming to ASTM C 90 and UBC Standard 214. Mortar must he prepared in accordance with Section 2103 of the code and UBC Standard 21 15 Grout must have a minimum compressive strength of 2,000 psi and must meet the coarse grout proportion limits specified in "table 21-B of the code. Grout must be prepared in accordance with Section 2103 of the code and UBC Standard 21 19 The specified compressive strength of masonry f„ at 28 days must be minimum 1,500 psi 2Anchor locations are limited to one masonry cell. lAllowable load must be the lesser of the bond strength tabulated above and the steel strength shown in Table 3 4,1hc allowable tension capacities shall not be increased for duration of load in accordance with Section 1612.3 3 of the code. Resistance to earthquake loads is beyond the scope of this report. SThe embedment depth is measured from the outside face of the masonry r'The tabulated values are for anchors installed at (lie critical spacing (S) and edge (C) distances. Critical spacing is the least anchor spacing distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable such that the anchor is not influenced by neighboring anchors. Critical edge distance is the least edge distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable without applying a load -reduction factor. 7Anchors installed at the minimum edge distance must have the tabulated allowable tension load multiplied by a 0 50 reduction factor and the tabulated shear load multi- plied by a 0 36 reduction factor. Linear interpolation of allowable loads may be used for anchors installed ata distance between the critical and minimum cdgC diS1,111Ce$. RAnchors installed at the minimum spacing do not require the tabulated allowable tension or shear values 10 he Multiplied by a reduction factor since the a dical spacing equals the mininrom spacing. `)The application of load reduction factors is cumulative for an anchor affected by multiple edge distances. ItlAdhesive anchors experience a reduction in tensile and shear capacity with increased ambient temperatures. ';cc Figure I finr load-re(Iuction'facior 1'Special inspection in accordance with Section 2 5 must be provided for all anchor installations. 12Scclion 2.4 contains special considerations for anchor load conditions. IIBond strength loads are based on a safety factor of 5 33 141)isplacctnent under tabulated allowable load is 1!8 inch or less. TABLE 6 --ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR LOADS FOR THREADED`HODS INSTALLED IN 3,000 -PSI LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE WITH HILTi HY 150 ADHESIVE1,2,3,4,5.6,710,11 12 EDGE DISTANCE, SPACING, ALLOWABLE LOAD BASED ON 3,000 -PSI C S LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE AND BOND (inches) (inches) STRENGTH (Ibi)8.9 ANCHOR EMBEDMENT Critical Minimum DIAMETER DEPTH Edge Edge Critical Minimum (Inch) (Inches) Distance Distance Spacing Spacing Tension Shear 1/ R 15/4 61/4 21/2 10 5 558 967 31/2 71/2 21/2 10 5 923 I I IRR 1/2 21/8 91/g 3 63/8 3 731 !I 1,000 �-- 41/4 91/8 3 121/g 31/4 908 2185 5/8 21/2 � 31/2 � 1, 71/8 31/2 900 1,860 3 /8 10 /4 3 /2 71/8 31/2 1 320 3,(X() 3 For SI I inch = 25 4 min, I Ibf = 4 48 N, I psi = 6.89 kpa. 'Allowable load must be the lesser of the bond strength labulated above and the steel strength shown in Table 3 2The allowable tension capacities may be increased for duration of load in accordance with Section 1612.3 3 of the code. Resistance to earthquake loads is beyond the scope of this report. 'The tabulated values are for anchors installed at the critical spacing (S) and edge (C) distances. Critical spacing is the least anchor spacing distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable such that the anchor is not influenced by neighboring anchors. Critical edge distance is the least edge distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable without applying a load -reduction factor 4Anchors installed at the minimum edge distance nrost have the tabulated allowable tension load multiplied by a 0.70 reduction factor and the tabulated shear load multi- plied by a 0.30 reduction factor. Linear interpolation of allowable loads may be used for anchors installed at a distance between the critical and mininrom edge distances. iAnchors installed at the minimum spacing must have the allowable tension and shear loads multiplied by a 0.60 reduction factor. Linear interpolation of allowable loads may be used for anchors installed at a distance between the critical and minimum spacings. ('The tabulated values are for anchors installed in concrete having the designated compressive strength or higher at the time of installation. 7Adhesive anchors experience a reduction in tensile and shear capacity with increased ambient temperatures. Sec Figure I for load -reduction factors. 8Special inspection in accordance with Section 2.5 must be provided for all anchor installations. 9Section 2A contains special considerations for anchor load conditions. IOBond strength loads are based on a safety factor of 5.33 11 Displacement under tabulated allowable load is 1/8 inch or less. 12Concrete thickness must be equal to or greater than 1.5 times the anchor embedment depth. TABLE 7—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR LOADS FOR THREADED RODS INSTALLED IN GROUT -FILLED CONCRETE -MASONRY WALL CONSTRUCTION WITH HILTI HY 150 ADHESIVE1,2,a,4,5,6,710,11 12,13,14 j EDGE DISTANCE, SPACING, ALLOWABLE LOAD BASED ON C S GROUT -FILLED CONCRETE MASONRY (Inches) (Inches) AND BOND STRENGTH (Ibf)s-° ANCHOR EMBEDMENT Cynical minimum DIAMETER DEPTH Edge Edge Critical Minimum (Inch) (inches) Distance Distance Spacing Spacing Tension Shear 3/8 31/2 12 4 7 7 1163 1197 1/2 41/4 12 4 81/2 ( 81/2 1,340 2,050 5/8 5 12 I 4 10 10 l 700 3,182 3/4 65lg 12 f 4 131/4 131/4 2,809 4,220 For SI. 1 inch = 25.4 mm, i lbf = 4.48 N, t psi = 6.89 kPa. l Allowable load values arc based on masonry construction consisting of 8 -inch -wide, Gnde N. lightweight, medium -weight, or normal -weight masonry units conforming to ASTM C 90 and UBC Standard 214. Mortar must he prepared in accordance with Section 2103 of the code and UBC Standard 21 15 Grout must have a minimum compressive strength of 2,000 psi and must meet the coarse grout proportion limits specified in "table 21-B of the code. Grout must be prepared in accordance with Section 2103 of the code and UBC Standard 21 19 The specified compressive strength of masonry f„ at 28 days must be minimum 1,500 psi 2Anchor locations are limited to one masonry cell. lAllowable load must be the lesser of the bond strength tabulated above and the steel strength shown in Table 3 4,1hc allowable tension capacities shall not be increased for duration of load in accordance with Section 1612.3 3 of the code. Resistance to earthquake loads is beyond the scope of this report. SThe embedment depth is measured from the outside face of the masonry r'The tabulated values are for anchors installed at (lie critical spacing (S) and edge (C) distances. Critical spacing is the least anchor spacing distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable such that the anchor is not influenced by neighboring anchors. Critical edge distance is the least edge distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable without applying a load -reduction factor. 7Anchors installed at the minimum edge distance must have the tabulated allowable tension load multiplied by a 0 50 reduction factor and the tabulated shear load multi- plied by a 0 36 reduction factor. Linear interpolation of allowable loads may be used for anchors installed ata distance between the critical and minimum cdgC diS1,111Ce$. RAnchors installed at the minimum spacing do not require the tabulated allowable tension or shear values 10 he Multiplied by a reduction factor since the a dical spacing equals the mininrom spacing. `)The application of load reduction factors is cumulative for an anchor affected by multiple edge distances. ItlAdhesive anchors experience a reduction in tensile and shear capacity with increased ambient temperatures. ';cc Figure I finr load-re(Iuction'facior 1'Special inspection in accordance with Section 2 5 must be provided for all anchor installations. 12Scclion 2.4 contains special considerations for anchor load conditions. IIBond strength loads are based on a safety factor of 5 33 141)isplacctnent under tabulated allowable load is 1!8 inch or less. ER -5193 TABLE 8 --ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS FOR GRADE 60 REINFORCIL BAR INSTALLED IN NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE WITH HILTI HY 150 ADHESIVEI,2,3,4,5,8,9 MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND CRITICAL MINIMUM AND CRITICAL ALLOWABLE TENSION B BASED ON BOND STRENGTH A T t' DEPTH, EDGE DISTANCE, SPACING, REBAR DRILL BIT DIAMETER E C SIZE (inches) (inches) (Inches) S (Inches) 4 - 2,000 psi tp a 4,000 psi 1-1/8 3 3 472 721 No. 3 1/2 I 33/8 11 7 1 300 1 534 7 14 14 2,929 2,898 2 6 4 805 1125 jl No, 4 s/8 4 (i 8 1 782 2,966 -I 8 6 16 3,386 3,611 21/2 71/2 5 1,000 1,302 No. 5 :1/4 5 71/2 10 2,338 3,911 10 71/2 20 6,069 7,334 31/2 101/2 7 1,915 2,405 No.6 7/8 z 7 �10112� 14 3,98.1 6,845 14 101/2 28 9 440 10,142 33/4 15 71/2 2,018 2,969 No. 7 t 71/2 101/2 15 4,962 6,432 131/4 261/2 261/2 13,250 12,725 4 12 8 2,644 3,398 No.8 11/8 ;, 6 12 12 6,670 8,504 ^ j 16 12 32 11 587 8,504 li 5 15 10 3,146 4,100 No.9 13/8 t0 15 20 9143 11,917 18 15 36 19,000 16,019 6 24 12 4,367 6,083 J No. 10 11/2 12 24 24 9,892 15,290 jf 20 30 40 21,981 23,670 7 101/2 14 6,011 7 757 No. 11 15/8 14 21 28 17 193 18,506 20 30 40 19,906 26,462 For SI. 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 IV = 4.48 N, I psi = 6.89 kPa, °C = 5/9 (°F - 32). IThe allowable tension load must be the lesser of the tabulated bond strength and the allowable steel strenggth. For reinforcing bars, the allowable steel strength is based on the tensile stresses listed in Section 1926.3.2 of the code applied to the cross-sectional area of the rebar. 2The tabulated values are for rebar installed in concrete having the designated compressive strength or higher at the time of installation. 3The tabulated values are for rebar installed at the critical spacing (S) and edge (C) distances. Critical spacing is the least anchor spacing distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable such that the anchor is not influenced by neighboring anchors. Critical edge distance is the least edge distance at which the tabulated allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable without applying a load reduction factor- no reduction factors are applicable, since the critical distances equal the minimum distances. 4The rebars cannot be used to resist tension forces in overhead and wail installations unless proper consideration is given to tire conditions. 5The allowable load values may be increased for duration of load in accordance with Section 1612.3.3 of the code. Resistance to earthquake loads is beyond the scope of this evaluation report. 6The adhesively installed rebars experience a reduction in tensile capacity with increased ambient temperatures. See Figure I for load -reduction factor. 7Loads are based on a safety factor of 5.33. IlDisplacement under load is 1/8 inch or less. 9Cogcrete thickness must be equal to or greater than 1 5 times the anchor embedment depth. l i f L I 1" EH -5193 100 - 90 _ N 80 — } m 70 — 0 J CD Z 80 — (0 3 O Q 50 — 0 c 40 — m 0 CD 30 — rte! litf 1 I I I I I 1 I i I I I 70° 1240 178° 214° 250° Concrete Temperature (t°F) where: At = Reduction factor applied to allowable load for anchors exposed to elevated temperatures. For SI. °C = 519(°F -- 32). FIGURE 1—INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE HY 150 ADHESIVE ANCHOR i JP{ION4 ICBG Evaluation Service "inc �y UBIF'ORM fl ING !n ODE 5360 WORKMAN MILL ROAD • WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 2299 h885 A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials n EVALUATION REPORT Copyright © 1998 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. Filing category- FASTENERS—Concrete and Masonry Anchors (066) ER -4627 Reissued July 1 1998 KWIK BOLT -II AND POST NUT KWIK anchor must be hammered into the predrilled hole until at BOLT -II CONCRETE ANCHORS least six threads are below the surface The nut must be tight- HILTI, INC. ened against the washer until the torque values specified in 5400 SOUTH 122ND EAST AVENUE Table 1 are attained. Minimum embedment depths, edge dis- TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74146 tance and spacing requirements are set forth in Tables 1 and 1.0 SUBJECT 2. Kwik Bolt -II and Post Nut Kwik Bolt -II Concrete Anchors 2.0 DESCRIPTION 2.1 Kwik Bolt -II Kwik Bolt -II (KB -II) concrete anchors consist of a stud wedge nut and washer The stud is manufactured from a car bon or stainless steel material. The carbon steel Kwik Bolt -II stud is made from AISI 1038 or AISt 1144 materials. The wedges are made of AISI 1010 steel, except that KB -II 3/4 -by -12, KB -II 1 -by -6 KB -II 1 -by -9 and KB -II 1 -by -12 an- chors have AISI 304 (stainless steel) wedges. All carbon steel components are zinc -plated. Each component of the stain- less steel Kwik Bolt -II anchor is made from either AISI 304 or AISI 316 material. The stud consists of a high-strength steel rod threaded at the upper end. The tapered mandrel has an increasing diam- eter toward the anchor base and is enclosed by a three -sec tion wedge which freely moves around the mandrel. In the vertical direction, the wedge movement is restrained by the mandrel taper at the bottom and by a collar at the top of the mandrel. When subjected to torque the wedge is forced against the wall of the predrilled hole to provide the anchor age Allowable tension and shear values in normal -weight concrete are shown in Tables 3 and 4 for the carbon steel and stainless steel anchors, respectively Allowable tension and shear values for lightweight concrete are shown in Table 5. The anchors are illustrated in Figure 1 2.2 Post Nut Kwik Bolt -ll Post Nut Kwik Bolt -II concrete anchors consist of a .carbon (AISI 1144) or stainless (Type 304) steel stud and post nut. The threaded end of the stud is fabricated to accept a threaded post nut with an outside diameter equal to the nomi- nal diameter of the stud. The post nut has a countersunk head configuration. Allowable tension and shear values for carbon and stainless anchors in 3,000 psi (20 7 MPa) normal - weight concrete are shown in Table 7 The anchors are illus- trated in Figure 2. 2.3 Installation 2.3.1 Kwik Bolt -II Holes are drilled into the concrete using carbide -tipped masonry drill bits complying with ANSI B212.15-1994 The drill bit diameter must be the same as that of the anchors. The drilled holes must exceed the depth of an- chor embedment by at least two anchor diameters, to permit overdriving of anchors and to provide a dust -free area. The 2.3.2 Post Nut Kwik Bolt -II Holes are drilled into the con- crete using carbide -tipped masonry drill bits complying with ANSI 8212.15-1994 The drill bit diameter must be the same as that of the anchors. The drilled holes must exceed the depth of anchor embedment by approximately two anchor di- ameters, to permit overdriving and to provide a dust -free area. The anchor is tapped into the hole until the post -nut head touches the material to be fastened. The post nut is then loosened by two complete turns and the anchor is again tapped until the post nut is again in contact with fastened ma- terial. The post nut is then hand -tightened with a screwdriver Minimum embedment depths, edge distance and spacing re- quirements are set forth in Tables 1 and 2. 2.4 Special Inspection. Where special inspection is required, compliance with Sec tion 1701.5 of the code is necessary. The special inspector must be on the jobsite continuously during anchor installation to verify anchor type, anchor dimensions, concrete type, con- crete compressive strength predrilled hole dimensions, an- chor spacing, edge distances slab thickness, anchor embed- ment and tightening torque. 2.5 Design: 2.5.1 General. Allowable shear and tension loads are as set forth in Tables 3, 4 5 and 7 2.5.2 Combined Loading for Kwlk Bolt -II Anchors In Nor mal-welght Concrete: Allowable loads for Kwik Bolt -ll an- chors subjected to combined shear and tension loads in nor mal -weight concrete noted in Tables 3 and 4 are determined by the following equation. (Ps/Pt)5/3 + (Vs / Vt)5/3 s 1 where: Ps = applied tension load Pt = allowable tension load. VS = applied shear load. Vt = allowable shear load. 2.6 Identification The anchors are identified in the field by dimensional charac teristics and packaging. The packaging label indicates the manufacturer's name and address and the size and type of anchor A length identification code letter is stamped on the threaded end of the bolt. See the length identification system in Table 6. Evaluation reports of ICBG Evaluation Service, Inc. are issued solely to provide information to Class members of ICI10 utilizing the code upon which the report is based. Evaluation reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specificdlly addressed noras an endorsement or recommen- dation for use of the subject report This report is based upon independent lesls or other technical data submitted by the applicant. The ICI10 Evaluation Service Inc technical staff has reviewed the test results andlor other data, but does not possess lest facilities to make an independent verification. There is no warranty by IC110 Evaluation Service, Inc, express or implied, as to any 'Finding or other matter in the report oras to any product covered by the report. This disclaimer includes, but is not limited to, merchantability. Page 1 of 4 3.Q EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICBG ES Acceptance Criteria for Expansion Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements (AC01) dated September 1997 4.0 FINDINGS That the Kwlk Bolt -II and Post Nut Kwlk Bolt -11 concrete anchors described in this report comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Code subject to the following conditions 41 Installation dimensions and installation torques are as noted In Tables 1 and 2. 4.2 Allowable tension and shear values are as noted In Tables 3,,4, 5 and 7 4.3 Calculations justifying that the applied loads com- ply with this report are submitted to the building of- ficial for approval. 4.4 Special Inspection Is provided as set forth In Sec tion 2.4 of this report. 4.5 Anchors are limited to installation in uncracked concrete, which Is concrete subjected to tensile stresses not exceeding 170 psi (483 kPa) as in- duced by external loads, deformations and interior exposures. `rr-rue 4.6 Allowable 1 Acin and shear values for Kwik Bolt -11 anchors In normal -weight concrete noted in Tables 3 and 4 may be Increased 331/3 percent for short- term loading due to wind or seismic forces. Use of the Kwik Bolt -11 anchor in lightweight concrete, and use of the Post Nut Kwik Bolt -ii anchor In resisting wind and seismic forces, are beyond the scope of this report. 47 Use of the anchors in resisting vibratory or shock loads, such as those present in supports for recip- rocating engines or crane loads, Is beyond the scope of this report. 4.8 Anchors are limited to nonfire-resistive construc- tion. 4.9 Use of the carbon steel anchors is limited to dry, In- terior locations. Use of the stainless steel anchors is permitted in exterior -exposure or damp environ- ments. 4.10 Anchors are manufactured by Hilti, Inc. at 5400 South 122nd East Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma, with quality control Inspections by Underwriters Labo- ratories Inc. (AA -637). This report is subject to re-examination In two years. TABLE 1—INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS For Sl. 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4.45 N. IInstallation torques are applicable for all anchor installations unless noted otherwise in this report. TABLE 2—ANCHOR SPACING AND EDGE DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS, NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE1,2,3,4,5,6,7 DESCRIPTION Embedment. minimum/standard (inches) k Spacing required to obtain maximum working load (inches) S, Minimum allowable spacing between anchors (inches) M, Edge distance required to obtain maximum working Shear load (inches) Tension 1/4 inch l 11/8 1 ANCHOR.SIZE 15/8 I SETTING DETAILS /4 Inch 318 inch 1/2 Inch5/6lnch 5 314 Inch 1 Inch Drill bit size = anchor diameter (inches) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 Depth of embedment (minimum/standard) (inches) 111/8 2 13/8 1 21/2 2114 31/2 23/4 I 4 31/4 143/4 41/2 J 6 Wedge clearance hole (inches) 5/16 7/16 v/16 11/16 13/16 11/8 Anchor length (min./max.) (inches) 11/4 i 41/2 21/8 7 21/4I 51/4 1 12 6 j 12 Thread length std./extra thread length (inches) 3/4 ( 3 3/8 4 11/4 4 11/2 41/2 11/2 41/2 ! 21/4 it 41/2 Installation. Torque Stainless steel guide valued Carbon steel: Min. embedment 4 4 20 20 30 30 75 75 150 200 150 200 (ft. Ib.) Carbon steel: Std. embedment 7 25 45 95 225 325 Min. base material thickness (inches) 3 or 1.3 x embedment depth, whichever is greater For Sl. 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4.45 N. IInstallation torques are applicable for all anchor installations unless noted otherwise in this report. TABLE 2—ANCHOR SPACING AND EDGE DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS, NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE1,2,3,4,5,6,7 DESCRIPTION Embedment. minimum/standard (inches) k Spacing required to obtain maximum working load (inches) S, Minimum allowable spacing between anchors (inches) M, Edge distance required to obtain maximum working Shear load (inches) Tension 1/4 inch 3/e inch 11/8 1 2 15/8 21/2 21/4 4 31/4 5 11/8 1 2 15/8 21/2 33/8 33/8 47/8 47/8 13/4 3 21/2 33/4 M, Minimum allowable edge Shear 13/4 13/4 21/2 21/2 33/8 33/8 41/8 4 /8 4 /8 4 /8 distance {inches} Tension 11/x 2 15/8 2112 21f4 31/, 23/4 4 31/4 43/4 For SI. I inch = 25 4 min, I lbf = 4.45 N. 1Data in this table and the footnotes apply to all anchors covered in this report. 2When using M, for a load that is shear, reduce the allowable load by 50 percent. 3When using M, for a load that is tension, reduce the allowable load by 20 percent. 4For S and M of anchors with actual embedments between the listed embedments, use linear interpolation. 5For S and Al of anchors with embedments greater than the deepest embedment listed in this table, use the value for (tie deepest embedment listed. 6When using S, reduce the allowable tension load by 30 percent. 7When using S; reduce the allowable shear load by 30 percent. I Inch 41/2 6 9 12 41/2 6 131/2 131/2 63/4 9 63/4 63/4 41/2 6 ANCHOR SIZE f/z Inch 6/8 inch 3/4 Inch 21/4 31/2 23/4 4 31/4 43/4 41/2 7 51/2 8 61/2 91/2 21/4 31/2 23/4 4 31/4 43/4 63/4 63/4 81/4 81/4 93/4 0/4 33/g 51/4 41/8 6 1 47/8 7 71/8 7 M, Minimum allowable edge Shear 13/4 13/4 21/2 21/2 33/8 33/8 41/8 4 /8 4 /8 4 /8 distance {inches} Tension 11/x 2 15/8 2112 21f4 31/, 23/4 4 31/4 43/4 For SI. I inch = 25 4 min, I lbf = 4.45 N. 1Data in this table and the footnotes apply to all anchors covered in this report. 2When using M, for a load that is shear, reduce the allowable load by 50 percent. 3When using M, for a load that is tension, reduce the allowable load by 20 percent. 4For S and M of anchors with actual embedments between the listed embedments, use linear interpolation. 5For S and Al of anchors with embedments greater than the deepest embedment listed in this table, use the value for (tie deepest embedment listed. 6When using S, reduce the allowable tension load by 30 percent. 7When using S; reduce the allowable shear load by 30 percent. I Inch 41/2 6 9 12 41/2 6 131/2 131/2 63/4 9 63/4 63/4 41/2 6 Lfl- 4,04 TABLE 4 -STAINLESS STEEL KWIK BOLT -ii ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES (in pounds), NORMAL-WEIGHT'CONCRETEI.2 F Z,ppp psi. 1 4 3,000 psi 4 4,000 psi 4 6,000 psi TABLE 3 -CARBON STEEL KWIK BOLT -I ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES (}n pl-is), NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETEt,2 Tension tt 2,000 psi Tension 0,000 psi ANCHOR ANCHOR DIAMETER DEPTH Will (inches) With Sp. Insp. 4 4,000 psi Shear With Sp. Iosp. 4 6,000 psi Shear with Sp. Insp. Tension Shear Tension Without Sp. insp. Tension 11/83 Tension 85 ANCHOR ANCHOR DIAMETER DEPTH With W11110101With 540 245 Without 550 With Without 550 vft WNhout 210 (inch) (inches} Sp. Insp. Sp. Insp. Shear Sp. Insp. Sp. Insp. i Shear Sp. Insp. Sp. Insp. Shear Sp.insp. Sp. nsp. Shear I1/R3 245 120 400 300 150 400 350 175 400 430 215 400 1/4 2 525 265 400 550 280 400 590 295 400 625 315 400 33/4 625 315 400 625 315 400 625 315 400 625 315 400 15/R3 500 250 925 605 300 975 710 355 1,025 800 400 1,025 3/8 21/2 1125 565 1100 1,210 605 1100 1,290 645 1,100 1450 725 1100 41/4 1190 595 1100 1,235 615 1100 1,285 640 1,100 1450 725 1,100 21/43 860 430 1,810 960 480 1,840 1,065 530 1,840 1,625 815 1,840 1/2 31/2 1750 875 1,840 2,000 1,000 1,840 2,250 1,125 1,840 2,625 1,315 1,840 6 1950 975 1,840 2,165 1,080 1,840 2,375 1190 1,840 2,625 1,315 1,840` 23/43 1425 710 2,875 1,685 845 2,875 1950 975 2,875 2,500 1,250 2,875 5/R 4 2,180 1125 3,125 2,670 1,335 3,125 3,090 1,545 3,125 3,925 1,465 3,125 7 3,000 1,500 3,125 3,250 1,625 3,125 3,500 1750 3,125 3,925 1,965 3,125 31/43 1,850 925 3,875 2,175 1,090 3,875 2,500 1,250 3,875 3,000 1,500 3,875 3/4 43/4 2,750 1,375 4,225 3,625 1940 4,225 4,500 2,250 4,225 5,060 2,530 4,225 8 3,750 1,875 4,225 4,625 2,315 4,225 5,500 2,750 4,225 5,925 2,965 4,225 41123 2,930 1465 6,625 3,650 1,825 7125 4,375 2,190 7,625 4,360 2,180 8,625 1 6 3,990 1995 8,625 5,310 2,655 8,625 6,625 3,315 8,625 7,875 3,940 8,625 9 6,040 3,020 8,625 7,050 3,525 8,625 8,055 4,025 8,625 10,000 5,000 8,625 For SI. 1 inch = 25.4 min, I psi = 6.9 kPa, 111). = 4.45 N. 'Anchors installed at this embedment depth shall not be used to resist shear due to wind or seismic forces. 1See Table 2 footnotes. 2Allowable loads may be increased by 331/3 percent for short-term loading due to wind or seismic forces. 3Anchors installed at this embedment depth shall not be used to resist shear due to wind or seismic forces. TABLE 4 -STAINLESS STEEL KWIK BOLT -ii ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES (in pounds), NORMAL-WEIGHT'CONCRETEI.2 F Z,ppp psi. 4 3,000 psi 4 4,000 psi 4 6,000 psi Tension Tension Ton" Tension ANCHOR ANCHOR DIAMETER DEPTH Will (inches) With Sp. Insp. Without Sp. insp. Shear With Sp. Iosp. Without Sp. Insp Shear with Sp. Insp. Without Sp. Insp. Shear With Sp. tnsp. Without Sp. insp. Shear 11/83 170 85 525 230 115 540 245 120 550 350 175 550 1/4 2 425 210 550 500 250 550 500 250 550 520 260 550 33/4 520 260 550 520 260 550 520 260 550 520 260 550 15/83 400 200 825 460 230 950 515 260 1,075 625 315 1,150 3/8 21/2 875 440 1,250 1,025 515 1,250 1175 590 1,250 1,350 675 1,250 41/4 1,000 500 1,250 1,145 625 1,250 1,350 675 1,250 1,350 675 1,250 21/43 800 400 1700 1,000 500 1740 1,200 600 1775 1,250 625 2,085 1/2 31/2 1,250 625 2,085 1,625 815 2,085 2,000 1,000 2,085 2,250 1125 2,085 6 1,375 690 2,085 1765 880 2,085 2,150 1,075 2,085 2,550 1,275 2,085 23/43 1,020 510 2,625 1,250 625 2,875 1475 735 3,125 1,800 900 3,125 5/8 4 1730 865 3,125 2,220 1110 3,125 2,715 1,355 3,125 3,000 1,500 3,125 7 2,250 1125 3,125 2,825 1415 3,125 3,425 1715 3,125 3,425 1715 3,125 31/43 1450 725 2,700 1,825 915 3,100 2,200 1100 3,500 2,450 1,225 4,500 3/4 43/4 2,350 1175 4,225 2,990 1,525 4,365 3,625 1,815 4,500 4,375 2,190 4,500 8 2,750 1375 4,500 3,500 1,815 4,500 4,250 2,125 4,500 4,800 2,400 4,500 41/23 2,300 1150 5,700 2,850 1425 6,350 3,400 1700 7,000 4,500 2,250 7,000 1 6 3,740 1,870 7,000 4,930 2,465 7,000 6,120 3,060 7,000 6,875 3,440 7,000 9 5,250 2,625 7,000 7,075 3,750 7,000 8,800 4,400 7,000 8,800 4,400 7,000 For SI: I inch = 25A mm, i psi = 6.9 kPa, 1 Ib. = 4 45 N. ISee Table 2 footnotes. 2Allowab}e toads may be increased by 331/3 percent for short-term loading due to wind or seismic forces. 'Anchors installed at this embedment depth shall not be used to resist shear due to wind or seismic forces. L -f1- tUG I ( TABLE 5—r WIK BOLT -ii CARBON STEEL ALLOWABLE TENS. AND SHEAR IN LIGHTWEIGHT, EXPANDED SHALE -AGGREGATE CONCRETE1,2,3 TENSION SPE (lb.) WITH TENSION WITHOUT SPECIAL TENSSPECIAtWRN WITHOUT SP�CiAt EMBEDMENT SHEAR (pounds) INSPECTIONS INSPECTION4 INSPECTIONS INSPECTION4 ANCHOR SIZE DEPTH TOROUE (inch) (Inches) (ft. -Ib.) ra 2,000 psi f� 2,000 psi ro, 4,000 psi 1/4 11/8 4 400 210 105 360 180 2 5 400 300 150 450 225 3/8 15/8 15 755 380 190 625 310 21/2 15 1100 630 315 975 485 1/2 21/4 25 1,370 685 340 1100 550 31/2 30 1,840 1,000 500 1,600 800 5/8 23/4 65 2,480 1110 555 1,575 785 4 75 3,125 1,650 825 2,300 1150 3/4 31/4 135 3,170 1,545 770 2,200 1100 43/4 150 4,135 2,200 1,100 3,250 1,625 For SI: 1 inch = 25 4 mm, I lbf = 4.45 N, 1 ft. -Ib. = 1.3558 N In, 1 psi = 6.9 kpa. 1The tabulated tension and shear values are for anchors installed in lightweight expanded shale -aggregate concrete having the indicated compressive strength at the time of installation. Concrete aggregate must comply with ASTM C 330-85 and ASTM C 332-83. 210se of the anchors in resisting wind or seismic forces in lightweight concrete is beyond the scope of this report. 3Spacing and edge distances noted in Table 2 must be increased by 331/3 percent. 4Thesc tension values are only applicable when the anchors are installed without special inspection as set forth in Section 1701 of the code. $These tension values are only applicable when the anchors are installed with special inspection as set forth in Section 1701 of the code. TABLE 6—LENGTH IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM STAMP ON ANCHOR A R C D E F G H t d K L Y N 0 P 0 R S T U V W X Y Z Length Fr 1112 2 11/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 61/2 7 71/2 8 81/2 9 91/2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 of anch Up 1, 11/2 3 3112 4 4112 5 5112 6 61/2 7 71/2 8 81/2 9 91/2 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 18 (i chnx) bul nl mcludi 1g TABLE 7—POST NUT KB -11 ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES (pounds), NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE4.2 ic . 3,000 pal MINIMUM Tension ANCHOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH DIAMETER (inches)/MATERIAL (Inches) With Special Inspections Without Special Inspectlon4 Shear 1/4 carbon steel 11/8 310 155 330 1/4 stainless steel 11/8 305 155 470 3/8 carbon steel 15/8 605 300 700 3/8 stainless steel 15/8 460 230 1,250 For SI: I inch= 25 r4 mnl, I Ibf = 4.45 N. 1The tabulated tension or shear values are for anchors installed in stone -aggregate concrete having the indicated compressive strength at the time of installation. 2Use of the anchors in resisting wind or seismic forces is beyond the scope of this report. 3Thesc tension values are only applicable when the anchors are installed with special inspection as set forth in Section 1701 of the code. 4Thesc tension values are only applicable when the anchors are installed without special inspection as set forth in Section 1701 of the code. � t HKB I i C OSM POST N J[ ANCHOR Washer — Reduced illmwter Tappered Threads mandrel Area -•—Thread Area Anchor Body I FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 O A35 Installed over 1 foamboard See note 5. Beam to Posts A and B Legs Outside Ceiling Joists to Beam Joists to Beams Chimney Framing 60 141...J;) tA2 02 LTP44041A35 FRAMING S y, The LTP4 Lateral Tie Plate transfers shear forces for top plate -to -rim joist or blocking connections. Nail holes are spaced to prevent wood splitting for single and double top plate applications. May be installed over plywood sheathing. The A35 anchor's exclusive bending slot allows instant, accurate field bends for all two- and three-way ties. Balanced, completely reversible design permits the A35 to secure a great variety of connections. MATERIAL. LTP4-20 gauge; all Others—i 8 gauge FINISH: Galvanized. Some products available in stainless steel or Z -MAX, see Corrosion -Resistance, page 6. INSTALLATION: Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. A34—Use 8-8dxl l/2 nails. A35 and A35F—Use 12-8dxl1/2 nails. A35—Use 9-8dxl1/2 nails for connection types Al E, Ci LTP4—Use 12-8dx11/2 nails. CODES: BOCA, ICBO SBCCI NER-413 and NER-432; Dade Co. FL 97-0107.05, City of L.A. RR 25119, RR 25293. Allowable loads Model Type of -.'Direction No; -i! , - Connection , _of Load, . Floor ; s Roof ,• A34 0 Fx 345 365 F2 280 2801 .�i..`Ar, Ei'";.260'i1: ~,:, 320' Gt,,.� ... '170:. 1 iE. Az ` 260 I A35❑� 7� t`W DVA'+ !,",'-4 50t - A'150 4 450' 450 G 500 500 A35F 0 J 265 265 J H 440 440 j „LTP 5� :lt515tf>' 645 j �str -=T K4=5 i515s 7645.W� 1. Allowable loads are for one anchor. When anchors are Installed on each side of the joist, the minimum joist thickness Is 3" 2. Roof loads are 125% of floor loads unless limited by other criteria. Floor loads may be adjusted for other load durations according to the code, provided they do not exceed those In the roof column. 3. Some illustrations show connections that could cause cross -grain tension or bending of the wood during loading if not reinforced sufficiently. In this case, mechanical reinforcement should be considered. 4. G direction only A35F and LTP4 can be Installed over a/a plywood with 8dxl lh nails and achieve .72 of the listed load, or over 1h and achieve .64 of the listed load. lid commons will achieve 100% load. 5.A35 installed over V foamboard has a load of 170 lbs (100) and 215 Itis (125) in an F1 direction of load. L''J A35 Studs to Plate with B Leg Outside o O LTP4 Installed over Plywood Sheathing cal illation Joists to Plate with A Leg Inside E . 1 C Holdowns are used to transfer tension 11�,i, o'etween floors, to tie purlins to masonry or concrete, etc. Use HDAs and HDs for overturn requirements and other applications to transfer tension loads. All HDAs and the HD15 are self -jigging, ensuring code -required minimum 7 bolt diameter spacing from the end of the wood member. HD6A, HD8A, HD10A and H014A's seat design allows greater installation adjustability. An overall width of 31/4 for the HD6A, H08A and HD10A, and 31/2 for the HD14A provides an easy fit in a standard 4x wall. HDA SPECIAL FEATURES. Single piece non -welded design results in higher capacity Load Transfer Plate eliminates the need for a seat washer Fewer inspection problems. MATERIAL. See table FINISH: HD2A, 5A, 6A, 8A, 10A—galvanized. HD8A may be ordered HDG" check with factory. HD14A, HD15, HD20A—Simpson gray paint INSTALLATION: Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. For an improved connection, use a steel nylon locking nut or a thread adhesive on the anchor bolt. Bolt holes shall be a minimum of 1/32 to a maximum of 1/1e larger than the bolt diameter (per 1997 NDS, section ). Standard washers are required between the base plate and anchor nut (HD15 only), and on stud bolt nuts against the wood. The Load Transfer Plate is an integral part of the HDA Holdown and no washer is required. See page 24 for BP/LBP Bearing Plates. See SSTB Anchor Bolts, Simpson's Anchoring Systems and Additional Anchorage Designs for anchorage options. The design engineer may specify any alternate anchorage calculated to resist the tension load for a specific Job. Locate on wood member to maintain a minimum distance of seven bolt diameters from the end of the member to the centerline of the first bolt hole (HDAs and the HD15 are self -Jigging; minimum required distance is automatically maintained when end of wood member Is flush with -the bottom of the holdown). To tie double 2x members together, the designer must determine the fasteners required to bind members to act as one unit without splitting. For holdowns Installed on the mudsill, anchor bolt nuts should be finger -tight plus 1/3 to 1/2 turn with a wrench, with consideration given to possible future wood shrinkage. Care should be taken to not over -torque the nut, which may lead to premature anchor bolt failure. Stud bolts should be snugly tightened (1997 NDS, section CODES: BOCA, ICBG, SBCCI NER-393, NER-469; City of L.A. RR 24818, RR 25158 and RR 25293. HD5A (HD2A similar) U.S. Patent 4,665,672 Canada Patent 1,253,481 Typical HD5A Holdown Installation with SSTB anchor bolt. Washers are not required at the base. Typical HD5A * Tie between Floors To achieve table loads, the minimum bolt end distance is seven boll diameters. This distance Is designed Into holdowns. Bolt end distance may be Increased, provid- ed the anchor nut Is not over- .4torqued, which could split the stud. :Deflection values may be higher. Purlin Anchor Installation t „4... 1, . { Z..�N�.=.t�,r "' mS�sti,.,. :asx>- „r::�;rs...,--, .x{'t k�,iy - "- ;i+� :aS €"i,�`?; ..�r.,..,�,-�rar: �,�� " 11 ;Material.» •,#:t .., r�,Dimensltins, � ,a,:i" N.r. Fastenersl x ,, AlioxrableLoads. *oldownau.N Model ,'.�• ry 4f a s ' �� t t'." !t ..: , k ° ,� t� Stud Avp h �} ' t t q tr F vOellecllon y": rrr L`e`notfi of 8tflt w No. BGae so `,HB at 'SB ` ,W rH` (, `' 8 . A SO CL 'Anchor' a Bolts:i I ;11'Ult iiY ,4n Vertical Wood Member f ! i'11,1 al High Dia .Allowable .+ ` Qty ;Ula; } ;:.P,,' ';1Y..:4.?,.. x:Oy, 8... , BY: + 6eslpn Load H02A 7 12 4%, 2y 2% 8 2o/1e / 11Xe % 2 ye 12150 1555 2055 2565 2775 2775 2760 0.058 jH05A 3 10 5y 3 3y 91/,e 3Xe y 2-{e % or 3: 2 3; 20767 1870 2485 3095 3705 4010 3980 0.067 HD6A 7Aw 63{e 9y' 3y 11Xe`'`3'/e'' 3% + .2Xe % 2 .,'�' 27333 .2276 29130 '96135" 4405 6105 6Mb 10.041 HD8A 7 6X, 3y � 6y, 143%' 3'i%' y i 2Xe % 3 -3/ 28667, .3220 4350 6416 6465 7460 7910 0.111 HO10A Y. 7 6y. 3y ' 3y, 18X, '3'7e ' Ye' 2X6 ye' .4 ye 28667 3945 6540 6935 8310 .9540 9900 0.269 H014A y 3 7 4 3y 20Xe 3% % 2/e 1 4 1 38167 — — — — 11080 13380 0.215 HD20A / 3 7 4 4y, 2D X, 4y, / 2% 1 y, 4 1 51333 — — — — 11080 13380 0.250 HD15 3 7 1 4 3y 24y 4X, 3% 2y 1 y, 5 1 55333 — — — — — 15305 0.082 1 Allowable loads have been Increased 33% for earthquake or wind loading with no further Increase allowed; reduce where other loads govern. 2.HD15 requires a minimum 6x6 nominal post. 3. Use a minimum 46 nominal post for the HD14A and (lie H020A. 4 The wood member must be sized for the load -carrying capacity at the critical net section, reducing the gross section area for holes or other removed wood as specified in the code. 5. HB Is the required minimum distance from the end of the -stud to the center of the first stud bolt hole. End distance may be Increased as necessary for installation 6.The anchor embedment and configuration must be specified. See SSTB Anchor Bolts and Additional Anchor Designs. 7 See pg 24 for anchor bolt retrofit. B. Lag bolts will not develop the listed loads. 9.Holdowns Installed raised off the mudsill may have larger deflection values. 10. Full tension loads apply when HD5A Is used with a% anchor bolt. 11 See pgs 4, 5 for testing and other Important Information. 12. Deflection at Highest Allowable Design Load: The deflection of a holdown measured between the anchor bolt and the strap portion of the holdown when loaded to the highest allowable load listed in the catalog table. This movement is strictly due to the holdown deformation under a static load test conducted on a steel fig. 15 [A r Request our Anchoring Systems 1L� log for complete Information. Epoxy -Tie ET is a two -component, 100% solid epoxy based adhesive for use as a high strength, non -shrink anchor grouting material. Resin and hardener are dispensed and mixed simultaneously through the mixing nozzle. ET meets the ASTM C-881-90 specification for Type I, 11, IV and V Grade 3 Class B, and C APPLICATION: Surfaces to receive epoxy must be clean dry Epoxy should not be installed in or through standing water. The base material temperature must be 40° F or above at the time of installation. For best results, material should be 70° F 80° F at the time of application. Cartridges should not be immersed in water to facilitate warming. To warm cold material, the cartridges should be stored in a warm, uniformly heated area or storage container for a sufficient time to allow epoxy to warm completely Mixed material in nozzle will harden in 7 10 minutes ata temperature of 40° F or above. CODES: ICBO 4945, SBCCI 94145; City of L.A. RR25185 RR25120. Our comprehensive Mechanical Anchor line offers load -rated connections for different materials: hollow concrete block grout -filled concrete block solid brick hollow brick concrete Loads for Threaded Rod Anchors in Concrete Sri y 3y 6y 5y 8776 2195 2105 1085 Y y 4y 7y 6Y. 15368 3840 3750 1930 y Y4 5 By, 7y 22876 5720 5875 3025 Y. vee 6% 12 10y 35460 6865 8460 4360 1 I 73; I 13% 11% 43596 10900 11500 5925 1 1Y, I 9 15,: y4 13y, 47332 11835 15025 7740 I. Allowable loads are based on a 4 times factor of safety. 2. Allowable load is the lesser of the load based on bond strength, connector or steel strength, Tension Loads for Threaded Rod Anchors in Concrete Foundation Stetnwali Installation Stud Bit ;.MIR T ,Wall; .Min ,',Min, Avg ' Allowable Bit Edge 'End ; „i tilt Tension Load Dia Dia Embed Tbtck- Dist Dist 'Tension I'c z 2000 psi ness _Ye . __Y4_ —9y2 6 1% 5 10720 2680 _%_ _%+___ 12 6 13; 5 16160 4040 . __.1 i2& 8 1 _5 17000 4250 _YU _-I 15Y $ 1 5 23340 5835 __.z_ _. fit.. — - — -. Madel Min Edge Compatible Products No Distance FAP FA6, FA8, HFA6, HFA8, FJA, FSA, ABA44 WA50334 5 ABA44R, ABE44 ABE44R, AB series _ WA62312 6y, ' ABU44,ABU46,ABU66 ABE46,ABE46R,ABE66 ABE66R,A8A46,ABA46R,A8A66 ABA66R I Minimum concrete thickness Is 4' 2. Maximum anchor uplift load is 1130 lbs in 2000 psi or 2150 lbs in 4000 psi for all ABU's. ET22 and ET66 8" or 8 Edge and.end distances for threaded rod in concrete stemwall corner Installation Mechanical Wedge Anchors 23