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Revision No.2 Exhibit A
Effective on the Date Executed by both Parties
This revision No.2 does the following:
(1) Reduces the LSD (Project No.1) Implementation Budget to $28,575.
(2) Reduces the Implementation Budget amount for Project No.2, the
Commercial & Industrial Pre-Fab Project, from $500,000 to $200,000.
(3) Adds Project No.3, the "Expanded Standard Offer for Commercial &
Industrial Lighting" and establishes an Implementation Budget amount of
$150,000 for this Project.
(4) Adds Project No.4, the "Commercial and Industrial Standard Offer and
establishes an Implementation Budget amount of $300,000 for this Project.
(a) Project Description
This Limited Standard Offer (LSO) provIdes rebates for retrofits of lighting in
commercial buildings. The Measures eligible for payment under this LSO
include only those listed in the Verification Report. In addItion, a 25 percent
watt reduction for each Project IS required to receive the rebate. Port Angeles
shall ensure that all matenals, including PCB ballasts, are disposed of in
accordance with current envIronmental laws.
Port Angeles shall Implement a commercIal sector lighting retrofit program
designed to install the Measures listed in the Verification Report below. Port
Angeles may implement the program using Port Angeles' staff or contractors
to proVlde the services necessary to install the Measures.
Port Angeles shall provide a work plan to Bonneville which includes (1) a
brief description of Port Angeles' program, (2) method for determmmg eligIble
buildings, and (3) qualifications reqUlred for auditors, installers and
Bonneville shall reVIew this work plan and upon acceptance, send wntten
notification to proceed.
(b) Implementation Period
This LSO is available from the Execution Date of the Agreement, or
amendment through September 30, 2003.
(c) Energy Savings Verification
Port Angeles shall inspect all installations to ensure Measures are installed
correctly and the Measures meet the specIfIcations listed in Section F of thIS
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LSO. Port Angeles shall complete and sign the Verification Report and
attach the Wattage Reduction Summary Sheet, or equivalent, for each
Project and submit it with the invoice as described in section 4 below. Port
Angeles shall retain all supporting documents for each Project that include,
but are not limited to, purchase orders, subcontractor invoices, preproject
estimates, or other related Project documents. Bonneville may review these
records as provided for in this Agreement. Project records must be keep a
minimum of three years following the termination of the Agreement.
(d) Bonneville Payment & Invoicing Requirements
Bonneville shall provide $28,575 for implementation of the LSO. Port
Angeles may invoice Bonneville up to thIS total Implementation Budget for
this LSO through September 30, 2003. If Port Angeles expends this
Implementation Budget amount prior to September 30, 2003, Port Angeles
may request additional Implementation Budget. Bonneville will review the
request and may add additional funds to the Implementation Budget by
modification of this Agreement.
Port Angeles may invoice Bonneville when Projects are complete, but no more
often than once a month. Bonneville shall review and upon acceptance pay
the reImbursements for Measures installed. Port Angeles shall, if requested
by Bonneville, arrange for an on site inspectIOn by Bonneville of the Measures
(e) Program Requirements
(1) The facility shall be non-residential and served by Port Angeles.
(2) The rebate shall not exceed 100 percent of the actual total cost.
(3) All retrofit Projects must reduce the connected lIghting wattage by
25 percent.
(3) Rebates are available for existing facilities only.
(4) Specify Energy Star@ labeling if available.
(f) Specifications for installation
(1) Electronic Ballasts for Full Size Fluorescent Lamps
(A) Listing: The ballast must be lIsted on the most current
Lighting Design Lab Specification Committee's Electronic
Ballast List for Full Size Fluorescent Lamps.
(B) General: All electronic ballasts shall meet the requirements of
United Laboratories (UL) 935 and shall bear the appropriate
UL label.
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(C) Warranty: The electronic ballast shall be warranted against
defects in material and workmanship for 3 years. The
warranty shall include either a $10.00 replacement labor
allowance or complete replacement including labor by an agent
of the manufacturer.
(D) Mechanical Characteristics: Electronic ballasts shall have
the same physical dimensions and mounting arrangements as
those of their core and coil counterparts.
(E) Electrical Characteristics: The electronic ballast shall
withstand input power line transients as defined in ANSI
C62.41. The ballast shall tolerate a line voltage variation of
+/- 10 percent.
(F) The power factor shall be 95 percent or higher. The lamp crest
factor shall measure 1.1 or less for rapid start ballasts and 1.85
or less for instant start ballasts.
(G) Total harmonic distortion of the input current to the electronic
ballast shall not exceed 20 percent of the input current.
(H) The electronic ballast shall be Class "A" sound rated and UL
Class "P" thermally protected.
(I) The electronic ballast shall comply with FCC rules and
regulations Part 18 concerning the generation of both EMI
(electromagnetic interference) and RFI (radio frequency
in terference).
(J) Electronic ballasts shall operate the lamp at a frequency of
20 kHz or greater.
(K) The ballasts shall start and operate standard lamps at
50 degrees F and energy savmgs lamps at 60 degrees F.
Ballast case temperature shall not exceed 25 degrees Crise
above a 40 degrees C ambient temperature.
(L) The ballast shall be provided with an internal fuse to protect
the electrical power supply from internal component failure.
The ballast shall also be short-circuit protected in the event of
(1) Compact Fluorescent Low Wattage Fluorescent Ballasts
This specification applies to magnetlc and electronic ballasts of either
integral or modular configuration operating 5 to 30 watt fluorescent
lamps, regardless of shape or number of dnven lamps. This
specification does not apply to ballasts operatmg fluorescent lamps
2 feet and longer.
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(A) Listing: The ballast must be listed on the most current
Lighting Design Lab Specification Committee's Electronic
Ballast List for Low Wattage Fluorescent Lamps.
(B) All ballasts shall comply with UL requirements and shall bear
the appropriate labels.
(C) The power factor for all ballasts shall be 90 percent or higher.
(D) Total harmonic distortion (THD) of the input current shall not
exceed 33 percent of the fundamental 60 Hz current.
(E) Electronic Ballasts shall comply with FCC rules and
regulations Part 18, concerning Electromagnetic and Radio
Frequency Interference (EMI and RFI)
(F) Electronic ballasts covered by this specification shall withstand
input power line transients as defined in ANSI C62.41.
(G) All equipment covered by the specification shall be Class "P"
thermally protected where required by Code.
(H) For all modular ballasts, the lamp current crest factor (ratio of
peak current to RMS current of the modulated waveform) shall
not exceed 1. 7 for rapid start ballasts or 1.85 for instant start
(I) The ballast shall be capable of starting the deSIgnated lamp at
the minimum temperature established by the lamp
manufacturer. Integral units shall state minimum starting
(J) All ballasts shall be Class "A" sound rated.
(3) Full Size Fluorescent Lamps:
(A) Lamps shall be 1 inch in dIameter T8.
(B) Lamps shall have Rare Earth phosphor coating and have a
minimum CRI of 80.
(4) Fluorescent Luminaires:
Components or luminaires shall be UL listed or classified.
(5) Compact Fluorescent Lamps:
Lamps shall have Rare Earth phosphor coatmg having a minimum
CRI of 80.
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(4) Screw-in Compact Fluorescent:
(A) Total harmonic distortion (THD) of the input current shall not
exceed 33 percent of the fundamental 60 Hz current.
(B) Lamps shall meet Energy Star@ requirements. No equivalents
(5) Compact Fluorescent Fixtures:
(A) Components or luminaires shall be UL listed or classified.
(B) Recessed downlights shall have a reflector specifically designed
for the lamps.
(C) Recessed downlights shall be vented to provide convective
cooling to the lamp.
(6) HID Lighting:
Luminaires and retrofit kits shall be UL listed or classified per specific
application, (e.g., exterior lummaires to carry a UL wet or damp label
(7) Occupancy Sensors:
(A) Occupancy sensors shall be UL listed or classified.
(B) Controlled luminaire wattage shall not exceed occupancy
sensor electrical load capacity.
(C) Occupancy sensors shall be provided with manual sensitivIty
adjustment or and an adjustable or fixed time delay during
which controlled luminaires remain on after the space is
vacated. Fixed time delay shall be at least 30 seconds and no
more than 20 minutes.
(D) Occupancy sensors shall be provided with a minimum 3-year
manufacturer warranty.
(8) Programmable Thermostats
(A) Programmable thermostat shall have deadband and 7-day
setback capabilities; heat pump thermostats shall also have
optimal start and emergency heat lockout features.
(B) Programmable thermostats shall include a switch to manually
actlVate the fan. The fan shall run continuously when thIS
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switch is on. The fan shall run only when the thermostat calls
for heating or cooling when this switch is off.
(C) Programmable thermostats shall be provided with a battery
back up.
(g) Tables
The attached Table 1: Verification Report, and Table 2: Wattage Reduction
Summary Sheet are part of this Project.
Table 1: Verification Report
Modifications to Existing Fixtures
Existing Fluorescent Fixtures, with mal!netic ballasts;
And T12 lamps. 4' or less, change to:
T8 lamps and electronic ballasts with: 2 to 4 lamps $30
1 lamp $15
and T12 slimline lamps. 5' to 8'. change to:
T8 lamps and electronic ballasts with: 2 to 4 lamps $40
1 lamp $20
and T12 HO or VHO lamps. 5' to 8', change to:
T8 lamps and electronic ballasts with: 2 to 4 lamps $50
1 lamp $40
Existing Incandescent Fixture, change to:
Compact Fluorescent, hard wired, replaceable lamp $30
Screw-in Compact Fluorescent, locking base,
replaceable lamp $15
Screw in compact fluorescent $7
Existing Exit Sign, over 17 watts, change to:
Less than 5 Watts (LED) $35
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New Lighting Fixtures to Replace Existing Fixture~
Re bate
Fluorescent Fixtures, 4' or less with Elect. Ballasts and T 8 lamps
2, 3, or 4 lamps $30
1 lamp $15
Fluorescent Fixture, over 4' with Elect. Ballasts and T8 Lam s
2, 3, or 4 lamps $40
1 lamp $20
Compact Fluorescent Fixtures, Hard Wired
5 - 17 watts nominal
Greater than 17 watts nominal
Exit Signs
Less than 5 Watts (LED)
High Pressure Sodium or Metal Halide Fixtures
100 W or less
101 W - 399 W
400 W or greater
New Lighting and HVAC Controls
Occupancy sensors
Wall-switch mount: 100 to 300 W $20
over 300 W $35
Ceilmg or high wall mount, over 300 W $45
Programmable Setback Thermostat (with optimal start and emergency heat lockout)
For HV AC systems with electric resistance heat or
Heat Pumps $50
Building Name and Address:
Total Cost: $
kWh Savings:
% Watt Reduction
Watt Reduction Achieved
All Equipment Meets Minimum Equipment SpecifIcations
The Rebate Items listed above have been installed and are operational
Inspected and Approved by:
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Table 2: Wattage Reduction Summary Sheet
Annual Annual Payment
Measure Installed Existing Measure Watts ~Watts % Watt Operating kWh Amount (from
(from Table 1) Before After Reduction Hours Savings Table 1)
Total Payable I
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(a) Project Description
Port Angeles shall implement a commercial and/or industrial sector energy
conservation program. Port Angeles shall follow the procedures and
requirements described below to receive payment from Bonneville for
Energy Savings delivered under this Agreement. Individual projects
submitted under this Project 2 shall be referred to as Subproject A,
Subproject B, etc.
(b) Subproject Submission, Completion, and Acceptance
(1) Port Angeles shall submit a Subproject proposal to Bonneville. A
Subproject proposal shall include:
(A) a description of the Subproject,
(B) the timeline to complete the Subproject,
(C) the expected annual Energy Savings,
(D) the methodology for determining Energy Savings (includmg
assumptions used for calculating Energy Savings),
(E) a plan for measuring and verifying the energy savings which
shall include a description of how the energy use will be
measured or calculated before and after the installatlOn of
the Subproject,
(F) the estimated total Subproject cost, and
(G) the total expected cost to Bonneville,
(2) Bonneville shall review the Subproject proposal and provide
written notIce either:
(A) accepting the Subproject proposal,
(B) returmng the Subproject proposal for modification, or
(C) rejecting the Subproject proposal.
(3) The Parties agree that Bonneville's written acceptance of the
SubprOject proposal unilaterally amends the Subproject mto this
Project 2 of Exhibit A.
Port Angeles shall upon completlOn of a Subproject provide to
Bonneville a completion report that includes, but IS not limited to:
(A) the actual Energy Savings (including the assumptlOns and
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formulas used),
(B) the actual total Subproject costs, any changes in equipment
installation or operations from what was described in the
Subproject proposal, and
(C) other information relevant to the Subproject installation.
(4) At Bonneville's request, Port Angeles shall make arrangements for
a site visit to inspect the Subproject as part of Bonneville's receipt
and acceptance of the Subproject completion report.
(5) Bonneville shall review the Subproject completion report and
provide written notice either:
(A) accepting the Subproject completion report,
(B) returning the Subproject completion report for modification,
(C) rejecting the Subproject completion report.
(c) Bonneville Payment
(1) For each completed Subproject accepted by Bonneville, Port
Angeles may submit an invoice to Bonneville.
(2) Bonneville shall reimburse Port Angeles the lesser of $0.18 per
actual first year kWh saved or 80% of the Subproject cost. If Port
Angeles prefers to offer the Consumer less than 80% of the
Subproject cost, Port Angeles shall specify the actual percentage for
a specific Subproject in the Subproject proposal. Bonneville will
reimburse Port Angeles the lesser of $0.18 per actual first year
kWh saved or the percentage specified by Port Angeles for a
particular Subproject. '
(3) The reimbursement paid for Energy Savings by Bonneville shall be
paid to the Consumer.
(4) Bonneville shall reimburse Port Angeles for administrative costs for
each completed Subproject accepted by Bonneville. The
administrative cost will not exceed 15% of the Subproject
reimbursement paid to the Consumer. The total administrative
reimbursement to Port Angeles shall not exceed 15% of the amount
disbursed from the Implementation Budget.
(5) Port Angeles may, if agreed to by Bonneville, request Bonneville's
assistance III exchange for part of or all of this admimstrative
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(6) Bonneville shall, upon receipt and acceptance of properly submitted
invoice, pay Port Angeles in accordance wIth this Agreement
(d) Delivery Schedule
Port Angeles may begin implementation of Project 2 upon execution of this
Agreement. Port Angeles may submit Subproject completion reports to
Bonneville under this Project 2 through September 30, 2003.
(e) Estimated and Actual Energy Savings
The Energy Savings methodology for each Subproject shall be described in
the Subproject proposal per sections 2(a)(4) and 2(a)(5) of Project 2. The
actual Energy Savings for each Subproject as shown in the completion
report shall be the basis for the payment from Bonneville. Bonneville may
review Project and Subproject records as provided for in this Agreement.
Project and Subproject records must be keep a minimum of three years
following the termination of the Agreement.
(f) Implementation Budget
Bonneville shall make available to Port Angeles an Implementation
Budget of $200,000 for Project 2. For each Subproject proposal accepted by
Bonneville, a portion of the Implementation Budget available for Project 2
shall be allocated to that Subproject. Port Angeles may continue to submit
Subproject proposals until the Implementation Budget is fully allocated.
(g) Eligibility Requirements
(1) Subprojects with simple energy paybacks of one year or less shall
not be eligible for reimbursement from Bonneville under Project 2.
(2) Subprojects must contribute to a reduction of the amount of power
purchased by Port Angeles from Bonneville under Power Sales
Contract No. 00PB-12054.
(3) Only commercially available Measures shall be eligible for
reimbursement under Project 2.
(4) All non-residential facilities are eligible for participation in
Project 2.
(5) Bonneville will not reimbursement Subprojects under Project 2 for
Measures that have been paid for under another Bonneville
(6) Bonneville shall not pay for any Subproject where the equipment to
be installed has already ready been purchased.
(7) ModIfication to equipment that has been retired III place is
ineligible for reimbursement from Bonneville under Project 2 unless
it is under restoration for installation in a new or expanding facility
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provided that an acceptable baseline for determining Energy
Savings can be established.
(a) Project 3 Description
(1) This Expanded Standard Offer (ESO) provIdes rebates for retrofits of
lighting in commercial and industrial facilities. The measures eligible
for payment under this ESO include only those listed in the Lighting
Rebate Verification Report. In addition, a 30 percent watt reduction of
the affected lighting load for each project is required to receive the
rebate. Port Angeles shall ensure that all materials, including PCB
ballasts, are disposed of or recycled in accordance with current
environmental laws.
(2) Port Angeles shall implement a commercial and industrial sector
lighting retrofit program designed to install the measures listed in the
Lighting Rebate Verification Report below. Port Angeles may
implement the program using Port Angeles' staff or contractors to
provide the services necessary to install the measures.
(3) Port Angeles shall provide a work plan to Bonneville within 120 days
of the execution of this Project 3. The Plan shall include: (1) a brief
description of Port Angeles' program, (2) method for determining
eligible facilities, and (3) qualificatIOns reqUIred for auditors,
installers, and inspectors.
(4) Bonneville shall review this work plan and upon acceptance, send Port
Angeles written notification to proceed.
(5) Should the level of program implementatIOn fall substantially below
the activity level identified in the work plan, Bonneville reserves the
right to adjust the implementation budget pursuant to section (i)
(6) In order to accommodate the addition of new technologies and revised
specifications, Bonneville may annually revise this Project 3.
(b) Implementation Period
This ESO is available from the Execution Date of this Project 3 through
September 30, 2006.
(c) Energy Savings Verification
(1) Port Angeles shall inspect all installations to ensure measures are
Installed correctly and that the measures meet the specifications listed
in sections (k) and (1) of this Project 3. Port Angeles shall:
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(A) complete a signed and dated Lighting Rebate VerificatlOn
Report for each project,
(B) attach the Wattage Reduction Summary Sheet for each facility
showing the wattage reductions and energy savings,
(C) attach any cut sheets or equipment descriptions for the
installed equipment,
(D) submit the above with an invoice as described in section (d)
(2) Port Angeles shall retain all supporting documents for each project
that include, but are not hmited to; purchase orders, subcontractor
invoices, pre-project estimates, or other related project documents.
Bonneville may review these records as provided for in this
(d) Bonneville Payment and Invoicing Requirements
(1) Bonneville shall provide $150,000 dollars for implementation of this
proposal. Port Angeles may invoice Bonneville up to thIs total
Implementation Budget for this ESO through September 30, 2006. If
Port Angeles expends this Implementation Budget amount prior to
September 30, 2006, Port Angeles may request additional
Implementation Budget. Bonneville shall review the request and may
add additional funds to the Implementation Budget by modification to
this Agreement.
(2) Port Angeles may invoice Bonneville when projects are complete, but
no more often than once a month. Bonneville shall reVIew and upon
acceptance pay the reimbursements for measures mstalled. Port
Angeles shall, if requested by Bonneville, arrange for an onsite
inspection by Bonneville of the measures installed.
(e) Technical Interpretations
Port Angeles may submit technical questions in writing, including E-mail, to
Bonneville regarding the specifications and the rebate list.
(f) Consideration of Non-Standard Measures
The mtent of the ESO rebate hst is to provide standard incentlves for
common lighting efficiency measures. Port Angeles may request, on a
case-by-case basIs, Bonneville consideration of lighting measures that are not
included in the LIghting Rebate Verification Report. Such measures must be
determmed by Bonneville to be cost-effectlve measures and meet general
Conservation AugmentatlOn program requirements. BonnevIlle reserves the
right to approve or disapprove use of such non-standard measures.
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(g) Program Requirements
(1) The facility shall be non-residential and served by Port Angeles.
(2) Rebates are available for replacement of existing equipment in
existing facilities only.
(3) The total rebate for each project shall not exceed 70 percent of the
total project cost.
(4) All projects must reduce the affected lighting wattage by 30 percent or
greater, where: Percent Watt Reduction = 100 x (Input Watts of
Removed Lighting - Input Watts of Installed Lighting) - Input Watts
of Removed Lighting).
(5) All payments for savings under this Project 3 must be passed through
from BonnevIlle to the end-user by Port Angeles.
(h) Measure Life
Regardless of the method for determining measure life as described m
section 14(e)(I) of the body of this Agreement, the measure life for this project
is 10 years for all measures except for CFLs, which are 3 years.
If a termination charge is implemented under section 14(e) of the body of this
Agreement, the measure life provided in this section shall be used in the
formula provided in sectlOn 14(e) of the body of this Agreement.
(1) Budget Review and Adjustment
Bonneville shall periodically review Port Angeles' progress to insure that the
program is being implemented m a manner that provides assurance that the
funds will be utilized by Port Angeles during the term of Project 3.
Bonneville may, in consultation with the Port Angeles, and only after
providing 3 months notice, reduce the budget. Bonneville shall take into
account all issues that Port Angeles believes will affect future rates of
expenditure. In any case, Bonneville shall not reduce the budget:
(1) below the level needed to meet all commitments previously made in
writing by Port Angeles to any consumers. A list of commitments
shall be provided to Bonneville;
(2) below the level needed to cover the estimated cost associated wIth all
projects that have been formally presented to Port Angeles by any
consumers, and that, m the opinion of Port Angeles have a hIgh
likehhood of gaimng utility or Bonneville approval, whichever is
needed. A hst of projects shall be provided to Bonneville.
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(j) Consumer Triggered Stranded Conservation Investments
(1) If a consumer who received conservation payments under the terms of
this exhibit;
(A) provides notice to Port Angeles it will stop placing firm load on
Port Angeles, and
(B) that consumer continues to operate the facility with electricity
provided by any other entity, including energy the consumer
may produce using its own generation resources, and
(C) the Bonneville payment to Port Angeles to achieve that
conservation with that consumer was $100,000 or greater, then
Port Angeles shall be responsible for repayment for the
resulting stranded conservation investment.
(2) The amount of the repayment shall be calculated using the formula in
section 14(e). The definition of the variables in the formula shall be
construed to apply to those projects for which repayment shall be
reqUIred. The measure hfe shall be consistent with those provided in
section (h) of Project 3 of this Exhibit A.
(3) The repayment shall be made within 60 (sixty) business days from
when the business ceases to place firm load on Port Angeles.
(k) General Equipment Requirements
(1) All equipment shall be new.
(2) All ballasts and luminaires shall be UL rated.
(3) Ballast Warranty: All electronic ballasts shall be warranted against
defects in material and workmanshIp for a minimum of 3 years. The
warranty shall include either a $10.00 replacement labor allowance or
complete replacement includmg labor by an agent of the
(4) Lamp Warranty: Lamps shall be warranted against defects in
material and workmanship for 2 years. The warranty shall provide
for replacement lamps.
(5) Compact Fluorescent Warranty: CFLs shall be warranted for at least
1 year, or for the manufacturer's stated life of the CFL.
(6) Starting Temperatures: All ballasts shall be capable of starting the
lamps at the appropriate ambient (surrounding) temperatures.
Examples include indoor heated, indoor non-heated, normal outdoor,
and, cold climate outdoor.
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(1) Rebate Item Requirements
(1) High Performance T8 Fluorescent Lamps and Electronic
(A) Includes fixture retrofits and new fixtures.
(B) This category is primarily intended for 4-foot T81amps, but
includes T8 and T5 linear fluorescent lamps, 2 feet to 8 feet in
length, with ballast input watts from 15 to 114 watts, that
meet the 95 lumens per watt requirement.
(C) Lamps shall have a CRI equal to or greater than 85, lumen
maintenance equal to or greater than 95 percent, and lamp life
equal to or greater than 24,000 hours (at 40 percent of rated
life, 3 hours per start). Four-foot F32T8 lamps shall have
initial output equal to or greater than 3,100 lumens.
(D) Ballasts shall meet the requirements of the Lighting Design
Lab T8 & T5 Fluorescent Lamp Electronic Ballast
Specifications current at the time of ballast mstallation.
(E) Lamplballast combination shall have an efficacy of equal to or
greater than 95 lumens per watt:
Lamp/Ballast Efficacy = (Initial Lamp Lumens x No. of Lamps
x Ballast Factor)/Ballast Input Watts.
(F) For this "High Performance" rebate, the application must
include either the manufactures specification sheet
documenting InitIal Lamp Lumens, Lamp Lumen
Maintenance, Ballast Factor and Ballast Input Watts, or lIst
Manufacture's model numbers and performance.
(G) Alternate Compliance Method: In lieu of Lamp/Ballast Efficacy
documentation, lamps and ballast may qualify separately as
Ballast Type
Lamp Type Instant Start Programmed Lamp Lumens
Rapid Start
I-lamp F32T8 -......_- BEF.:::: 2.75 .:::: 3,100
2-lamp F32T8 BEF.:::: 1.6 BEF.:::: 1.47 .:::: 3,100
3-lamp F32T8 BEF.:::: 1.06 BEF .:::: 0.97 .:::: 3,100
4-lamp F32T8 BEF .:::: 0.81 BEF.:::: 0.75 .:::: 3,100
Ballast Efficacy Factor (BEF) = Ballast Factor x 100 - Ballast Input Watts
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(2) T8 or T5 Fluorescent Lamps and Electronic Ballast
(A) Includes fixture retrofits and new fixtures. This rebate
category is intended only for applications where the
requirements of category A above cannot be achieved.
(B) Includes T8 and T5 linear fluorescent lamps, 2 feet to 8 feet in
length, with ballast input watts from 15 to 114 watts.
(C) Lamps shall have a CRI equal to or greater than 80, lumen
maintenance equal to or greater than 90 percent, and lamp life
equal to or greater than 18,000 hours (at 40 percent of rated
life, 3 hours per start). Four-foot F32T8lamps shall have
initial output equal to or greater than 2,900 lumens.
Lamplballast combination shall have an efficacy equal to or
greater than 80 lumens per watt.
(D) Ballasts shall meet the requirements of the Llghtmg Design
Lab T8 & T5 Fluorescent Lamp Electronic Ballast
Specifications current at the time of ballast installation.
(3) Hardwired Compact Fluorescent
(A) Includes new hardwired compact fluorescent fixtures and
fixture retrofits, 15 to 99 watts.
(B) Must replace existing incandescent or mercury vapor lighting.
(C) Hardwlre retrofits must remove screw-in lamp socket. Recessed
fixtures must include a reflector designed for the new lamp.
(D) Lamps shall have a CRI equal to or greater than 80, lumen
maintenance equal to or greater than 80 percent, and lamp life
equal to or greater than 10,000 hours (at 40 percent of rated
life, 3 hours per start).
(E) Ballast shall have a power factor equal to or greater than
90 percent, THD less than or equal to 33 percent, Lamp
Current Crest Factor less than or equal to 1. 7, Class A sound
rated, and provide end of life protection.
(F) Lamp/ballast combination shall have a mllllmum efficacy of
46 lumens per watt for lamps under 30 watts, and 60 lumens
per watt for lamps 30 watts or greater.
01ES-10390, The CIty of Port Angeles
RevisIOn No.2, ProJects, Energy Savmgs, & Project Budgets
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(4) Ceramic Metal Halide
(A) Includes new hardwired fixtures and fixture retrofits, 39 to
250 watts (nominal).
(B) Must replace existing incandescent lighting.
(C) Lamps shall have CRI equal to or greater than 80, lumen
maintenance equal to or greater than 80 percent, and
maximum color shift over life oflamp less than or equal to
200 degrees Kelvin.
(5) Screw-in Compact Fluorescent Lamps
(A) Includes one-piece or modular screw-in compact fluorescent,
3 to 150 watts (nominal).
(B) Must replace existing incandescent lighting.
(C) InstallatIOn in recessed fixtures is not recommended. Lamps in
recessed fixtures must include a reflector designed for the
(D) Screw-in compact fluorescents must bear the ENERGY STAR@
label and meet the ENERGY STAR@ speCIfIcations for energy
efficiency. Exception: Where ENERGY STAR@ specifications
do not apply, substitutions may be allowed with prior approval
from BonnevIlle.
(6) LED or Cold Cathode Exit Signs
(A) Applies to new LED or Cold Cathode exit signs.
(B) Must retrofit or replace existing incandescent eXIt signs.
(C) Exit signs must meet the ENERGY STAR@ specificatIOns for
energy efficiency. Input power must be less than 5 watts per
(7) Induction Lamp Luminaire
(A) Includes new induction lighting systems.
(B) Must replace existing incandescent or mercury vapor lIghting.
(8) High Output Fluorescent Luminaire
(A) Includes T8, T5, standard or HO, 4-foot and 8-foot lamps, 85 to
600 input watts.
OlES-I0390, The CIty of Port Angeles
ReVIsion No.2, ProJects, Energy Savmgs, & Project Budgets
18 of 27
(B) Must replace T12 fluorescent/magnetic ballasts, mercury
vapor, probe-start metal halide, or incandescent.
(C) Lamps shall have a CRI equal to or greater than 80, lumen
maintenance equal to or greater than 90 percent, and lamp life
equal to or greater than 18,000 hours (at 40 percent of rated
life, 3 hours per start).
(D) Lamp/ballast combination shall have an efficacy of greater
than 80 lumens per watt.
(E) Ballasts shall meet the requirements of the Lighting Design
Lab T8 & T5 Fluorescent Lamp Electronic Ballast
Specifications current at the time of ballast installation.
(9) Pulse Start Metal Halide
(A) Includes new pulse-start lighting systems. Where possible,
high output fluorescents are recommended over metal halide.
(B) Lamps shall have a CRI equal to or greater than 65, lumen
maintenance equal to.or greater than 75 percent, and lamp life
equal to or greater than 20,000 hours (at 40 percent of rated
life, 3 hours per start).
(C) Lamp/ballast combination shall have an efficacy equal to or
greater than 89 lumens per watt.
(10) Occupancy Sensors
(A) Includes infrared, ultrasonic, and dual-technology sensors, and
wall, ceiling, and fixture mounts.
(B) Occupancy sensor must be compatible with the controlled
lighting equipment and rated for the controlled wattage.
(C) Infrared sensors require an unobstructed view of targeted
(D) All sensors shall be tuned after installation for proper
coverage, sensitIvIty, and time delay.
01ES-10390, The City of Port Angeles
RevisIOn No.2, ProJects, Energy Savmgs, & Project Budgets
19 of 27
roject TItle
acihty Address:
T12 Fluorescent
Mercury Vapor
Mercury Vapor
T12 Fluorescent
Mercury Vapor
Metal Hal~de
Lighting Rebate Ve'rification Report
$ Total by
D. Ceramic Metal Halide
CRI > 80, lumen maintenance> 80%, and maximum color shift over l~fe of lamp < 200K
39 to 100 Watts (Nommal Lam Watts $ 40
101 to 250 Watts $ 60
Lamp: Lumen Mamt. ?:....90%,
I. Pulse Start Metal Halide
Includes mfrared, ultrasonLc and dual-technology sensors
Manual Control 1. Wall-swItch mount. 100 to 200 Watts controlled $ 20
2 Wall-swItch mount. over 200 Watts controlled $ 35
3 Cellmg, fixture, or hI h wall mount over 200 Watts controlled $ 45
ReQuirements A Umt Total'
1. The installed eqmpment meets the program requirements and specIficatIOns B. Total Project Cost. $
2. The rebate Items hsted have been mstalled and are operatIOnal.
3 The project has achIeved a 30% or greater Watt ReductIOn C. 70% of Project Cost. $
Customer Rebate (lower of A or C above): $
Watt ReductIOn. %
Inspected By: Date' Annual kWh Savmgs:
o lES-10390, The CIty of Port Angeles 20 of 27
ReVISIOn No.2, ProJects, Energy Savmgs, & Project Budgets
Measure Installed Existing Measure Watts Watts % Watt Annual Annual Payment
(from table) Before After Reduction Operating kWh Amount (from
Hours Savings Table)
Total Payable
Wattage Reduction Summary Sheet
o lES-l 0390, The CIty of Port Angeles
RevIsIOn No.2, ProJects, Energy Savings, & Project Budgets
21 of 27
The mtent of the Sub-ProjectsI identified under this ProJect 4 is to reduce the
commercial and industrial Consumer load served by Port Angeles under its Bonneville
Power Sales Contract No. OOPB-12054.
(a) Sub-Project Submission, Approval, and Completion Process
(1) General Requirement
Port Angeles shall follow the procedures and requirements described
below to receive payment from Bonneville for Energy Savings delivered
under this Project 4.
(2) Sub-Project Proposal Submission Process
(A) Port Angeles shall submit Sub-Project proposals to Bonneville
using the Commercial Industrial Proposal Requirements
Document (Proposal Requirements Document). The Proposal
ReqUIrements Document is incorporated by reference into this
Agreement. Bonneville shall provide a dated copy of the Proposal
Requirements Document to Port Angeles. Bonneville may revise
this Proposal Requirements Document over the term of this
Exhibit Revision No.2 and shall provide Port Angeles with
updated versions. Port Angeles may use either the most current
Proposal Requirements Document for Sub-Project proposal
submittals or prior versions as provided to Port Angeles, by
(B) Upon initial review of Port Angeles' Sub-Project proposal,
Bonneville may request additional information and/or clarification
of informatIOn given.
(C) Upon completion of the review of a Sub-Project proposal,
Bonneville shall provide Port Angeles written notice either
accepting or rejecting the Sub-Project proposal.
(D) Once Bonneville's written acceptance is received by Port Angeles,
then Port Angeles may proceed with the Sub-Project as provided
under this Exhibit A.
(E) The Parties agree that Bonneville's written acceptance of a
submitted Sub-Project proposal automatically adds such Sub-
Project to this Exhibit A.
I "Sub-PrOJects" shall be defmed as those submItted by the utIlity for separate evaluatIOn and approval
m accordance WIth the process as outlmed under thIs Commercial,& Industrial Standard Offer. The
term "ProJect" refers to the entIre CommerCIal and IndustrIal Standard Offer and mcludes all "Sub-
ProJects" as approved by BonneVIlle.
OlES-I0390, The CIty of Port Angeles 22 of 27
ReVISIOn No.2, ProJects, Energy Savmgs, & Project Budgets
(3) Completion Report
(A) Elements of Completion Report
Upon completion of each approved Sub-Project added pursuant to
section 4(a)(2), Port Angeles shall provide to Bonneville a written
CompletIOn Report2 that includes, but is not limited to, the
(i) A description of the equipment installed and how this
differs, if at all, from description provided in the original
Sub-Project proposal;
(ii) The actual Energy Savings as determined from the results
of the metering and verification plan as agreed upon at the
time of Sub-Project approval (include information on the
methodology, assumptions, and formulas used);
(ill) All actual total Sub-Project costs as allowed per the
Requirements Document;
(IV) Any changes in equipment installation or operations from
what was described in the Sub-Project proposal;
(v) The date on which the Sub-Project was installed and made
fully operational.
(B) Additional Information
(i) Mter initIal review of the Completion Report, and after
consultation with Port Angeles, Bonneville may ask for
addItional mformation it believes is relevant pertaining to
the Sub-Project. If Bonneville determines that the
Completion Report is still incomplete, Bonneville shall
request the Port Angeles revise and resubmit the
Completion Report based on comments received from
(Ii) Upon completing its review of the Completion Report
Bonneville shall provide written notice to Port Angeles
accepting the report.
(b) Implementation Period
Port Angeles may begin implementation of thIs Project 4 upon executIOn of thIs
Exhibit Revision No.2 and may implement this Project 4 through September 30,
2006, provided that all Measures mstalled under this Project 4 are Completed
2 "CompletIOn Report" shall be defmed as the report submitted by the utIhty to BonnevIlle once the Sub-
ProJect has been successfully mstalled and put mto operatIOn. The "CompletIOn Report" shall contam
the mformatIon as called for m thIS sectIOn 4(a)(3).
OlES-I0390, The CIty of Port Angeles
23 of 27
RevisIOn No.2, ProJects, Energy Savmgs, & Project Budgets
Units (as defined in section 2(a) in the body of this Agreement) by this date.
(1) Port Angeles may complete measurement and verification activities and
submit the Completion Report after September 30, 2006, provided,
however, such Completion Report shall be submitted no later than
September 30, 2007, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties.
(2) Port Angeles shall notify Bonneville in writing by October 15, 2006, of
the Measures and Sub-Projects that were Completed Units by
September 30,2006, but for which metering and verification has not yet
been completed and for which the Completion Report has not yet been
(c) Energy Savings
(1) The Energy Savings methodology shall be described in the Sub-Project
proposal. Bonneville may suggest changes to the Energy Savmgs
methodology outlined for that Sub-Project proposal.
(2) The actual Energy Savings for each Sub-Project as shown in the
approved Completion Report shall be the basis for payment from
(3) Bonneville may request and Port Angeles shall make arrangements for
site visits by Bonneville representatives, for evaluation of the Energy
Savings methodology proposed in a Sub-Project proposal, or as part of its
review of a Completion Report.
(d) Payment for Energy Savings
Bonneville shall reimburse Port Angeles based upon the Energy Savings
reported in the accepted Completion Report. The reimbursement amount shall
be based upon the measure life as shown in the table below. The full incentive
amount shown in the table below shall be paid to the Consumer, except Port
Angeles may retain up to 60 percent of Port Angeles incurred "Allowable Project
Costs" as defined in Section "E" of the Proposal Requirements Document.
Measure Life Incentive Amount Maximum Amount payable
> 1 year to 5 years $0.035 per first year kWh 60% of total Sub-Project cost
>5 years but <10 years $0.075 per fIrst year kWh 60% of total Sub-PrOject cost
10 years or more $0.12 per fIrst year kWh 60% of total Sub-Project cost
(e) General Eligibility Requirements
(1) Commercial/Industrial Proposal Requirements
OlES-I0390, The CIty of Port Angeles
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ReVISIOn No.2, ProJects, Energy Savmgs, & Project Budgets
(A) Bonneville shall evaluate all Sub-Project proposals using the
information provided by Port Angeles m the Proposal
Requirements Document.
(B) Bonneville may reject any Measure that does not meet the
eligibility requirements as listed in the Proposal Requirements
(C) Bonneville shall make the final decision as to whether any
proposed Measure or Sub-Project proposal meets the eligibility
requir~ments and critena as stated in the Proposal Requirements
Document and whether to accept the Sub-Project proposal.
(2) Additional Eligibility Requirements
Bonneville shall also consider the following when determming a
Measure's or Sub-Project proposal's eligibility:
(A) Bonneville shall not pay reimbursements under this Project 4 for
Measures that have been paid for under another Bonneville
(B) Bonneville shall not accept residentIal Sub-Project proposals
under this Project 4.
(C) Bonneville shall not accept agnculturallrrigation Sub-Projects
under this Project 4.
(D) Bonneville reserves the right to reject Sub-Project proposals for
which it considers the Energy Savings to be insufficient relative to
the cost to Bonneville to implement such Sub-Project.
(f) Consumer-Triggered Stranded Conservation Investments
(1) If a Consumer received conservation payments under the terms of this
Project 4 and
(A) stops purchasing its electnclty from Port Angeles, but
(B) continues to operate its commercial and/or mdustrial facility with
electricity provided by any other entity, including energy the
Consumer produces from Its own generation resources, and
(C) the Bonneville payment to Port Angeles to.achieve any portion of
Energy Savings associated with such Consumer IS $100,000 or
greater, then
Port Angeles shall be responsible for repayment to Bonneville of the
resulting stranded conservation investment.
OlES-I0390, The CIty of Port Angeles
25 of 27
RevisIOn No.2, ProJects, Energy Savmgs, & ProJect Budgets
(2) The amount of the Sub-Project repayment shall be calculated using the
formula in section 14(e) of the main body of this Agreement. The
measure life shall be consistent with those provided pursuant to
section 4(g), Measure Life, below.
(3) The repayment shall be made within 60 (sixty) business days from when
the business ceases to place firm load on Port Angeles.
(g) Measure Life
Notwithstanding section 14(e)(1) of the main body of this Agreement, the
measure life shall be determined by Bonneville and shall be stated in the letter
to the Port Angeles approving the Sub-Project proposal.
(h) Implementation Budget
(1) Implementation Budget Amount
Bonneville shall make available to Port Angeles an Implementation
Budget of $300,000 dollars for this Project 4. The Implementation
Budget shall be allocated to each Sub-Project accepted by Bonneville.
Port Angeles may continue to submit Sub-Project proposals until the
Implementation Budget is fully allocated. Bonneville reserves the right
to reduce the Implementation Budget during the course of this Project 4
as provided in section 4(h)(2), "Implementation Budget Review and
(2) Implementation Budget Review and Adjustment
Bonneville shall periodically review Port Angeles' activities and
implementation under this Project 4.
(A) In consultation with the Port Angeles and after providing
3 months written notice, Bonneville may umlaterally reduce the
Implementation Budget. Bonneville shall take into account all
factors that Port Angeles believes will affect future rates of
expenditure. Bonneville shall not reduce the ImplementatIOn
Budget below:
(i) The level needed to meet all commitments previously made
in writing by Port Angeles to any Consumer (a list of
commitments shall be provided to BonnevIlle); and
(ii) The level needed to cover the estimated cost associated
with all Sub-Project proposals that hav~ been formally
presented to Port Angeles by any Consumer, and that, in
the opinion of Port Angeles have a high likelihood of
gaming Port Angeles and Bonneville approval. A list of
Sub-Project proposals shall be provided to Bonneville.
OlES-I0390, The CIty of Port Angeles
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ReVIsIOn No.2, ProJects, Energy Savmgs, & Project Budgets
(B) If Port Angeles expends this Implementation Budget amount prior
to September 30, 2006, Port Angeles may request addltIonal
Implementation Budget. Bonneville shall review the request and
may, but is under no obligation to, add additional funds to the
Implementation Budget by modification to this Exhlbit.
(i) Invoicing and Payment
Port Angeles may invoice Bonneville upon receipt of Bonneville's written
approval ofthe Sub-Project Completion Report. The procedures described in
section 8 of the body of this Agreement, "Invoicing and Payment," shall be
The signatories represent that they are authorized to enter into this revisIOn on behalf
of the Party for whom they sign.
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
/:iU- A
Account Executive /
Name 6 Le.,v,.; .L}. (!u07'l_c.R
Name Charles W. Forman Jr.
g /"'2-0 )0 3
, ,
~ l-VJ-
/4, J-oo 3
o lES-l 0390, The City of Port Angeles
27 of 27
RevIsion No.2, Projects, Energy Savmgs, & Project Budgets
~FP - 4 2001
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
po. Box 3621
Portland, Oregon 97208-3621
August 31, 2001
In reply refer to: PSW-6
Mr. Scott McLain
Deputy Director of Power Systems
The City of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217
Dear Scott:
Enclosed for the City's consideration are two originals of Revision No.1, Project 1 and the
addition of Project 2 to Exhibit A of the City's Purchase of Conservation Contract
No.01ES-10390. The revision to Project 1 puts this project into a format that allows for the
addition of future Projects. The revision also add language about record keeping in Section 3.
The addition of Project 2 provides for the City's implemention of a Commercial and Industrial
Program under this Agreement. Under this Project 2, Bonneville Power Administration (BP A)
will fund up to $500,000 of measures in the City's service area.
If you find this contract action acceptable, please have sufficient copies signed to provide one for
BP A and as many other copies as the City needs and return them to this office. The offering of
this contract expires 30 days from the date of this letter.
If you have any questions on the contract, please contact me at (503) 230-3432.
Charles W. Forman, Jr.
Account Executive
Exhibit A: Projects, Energy Savings & Project Budgets
Revision No.1, Project 1: Limited Standard Offer for Commercial Lighting
This project revision puts Project 1 into a format that allows for the addition of future
1. Project Description
This Limited Standard Offer (LSO) provides rebates for retrofits of lighting in
commercial buildings. The Measures eligible for payment under this LSO include
only those listed in the Verification Report. In addition, a 25% watt reductlOn for
each Project is required to receive the rebate. Port Angeles shall ensure that all
materials, including PCB ballasts, are disposed of m accordance with current
environmental laws.
Port Angeles shall implement a commercial sector lighting retrofit program designed
to install the Measures listed in the Verification Report below. Port Angeles may
implement the program using Port Angeles' staff or contractors to provide the
serVIces necessary to install the Measures.
Port Angeles shall provide a work plan to Bonneville which includes (1) a brief
descriptlOn of Port Angeles' program, (2) method for determining eligible buildings,
and (3) qualifications required for auditors, installers and inspectors.
Bonneville shall review thIS work plan and upon acceptance, send written
notification to proceed.
2. Implementation Period
This LSO is available from the Execution Date of the Agreement, or amendment
through September 30, 2003.
3. Energy Savings Verification
Port Angeles shall inspect all installations to ensure Measures are installed
correctly and the Measures meet the specifications listed in Section F of this LSO.
Port Angeles shall complete and sign the Verification Report and attach the Wattage
ReductlOn Summary Sheet, or equivalent, for each Project and submit it with the
inVOIce as described m section 4 below. Port Angeles shall retain all supporting
documents for each Project that include, but are not limited to, purchase orders,
subcontractor invoices, preproject estimates, or other related Project documents.
BonnevIlle may review these records as provided for in thIS Agreement. Project
records must be keep a mmimum of three years following the terminatlOn of the
4. Bonneville Payment & Invoicing Requirements
BonneVIlle shall provide $200,000 for implementation of the LSO. Port Angeles may
inVOIce Bonneville up to this total Implementation Budget for this LSO through
September 30, 2003. If Port Angeles expends this Implementation Budget amount
prior to September 30, 2003, Port Angeles may request additional Implementation
Budget. Bonneville will review the request and may add additional funds to the
Implementation Budget by modification of this Agreement.
OlES-I0390, The CIty of Port Angeles
Port Angeles may invoice Bonneville when Projects are complete, but no more often
than once a month. Bonneville shall review and upon acceptance pay the
reimbursements for Measures installed. Port Angeles shall, if requested by
BonneVIlle, arrange for an on-sIte inspection by Bonneville of the Measures
5. Program Requirements
(a) The facility shall be non-residential and served by Port Angeles.
(b) The rebate shall not exceed 100 percent of the actual total cost.
(c) All retrofit Projects must reduce the connected lighting wattage by 25%.
(d) Rebates are available for existing facilities only.
(e) Specify Energy Star@ labeling if available.
6. Specifications for installation
(a) Electronic Ballasts for Full Size Fluorescent Lamps
(1) Listing: The ballast must be listed on the most current Lighting
Design Lab Specification Committee's Electronic Ballast List for Full
Size Fluorescent Lamps.
(2) General: All electronic ballasts shall meet the requirements of D.L.
935 and shall bear the appropriate V.L. label.
(3) Warranty: The electronic ballast shall be warranted against defects
m material and workmanship for three years. The warranty shall
include either a $10.00 replacement labor allowance or complete
replacement including labor by an agent of the manufacturer.
(4) Mechanical Characteristics: Electronic ballasts shall have the
same physical dimenslOns and mounting arrangements as those of
their core and coil counterparts.
(5) Electrical Characteristics: The electronic ballast shall WIthstand
input power line transients as defined in ANSI C62.41. The ballast
shall tolerate a hne voltage variation of +/- 10%.
(6) The power factor shall be 95% or higher. The lamp crest factor shall
measure 1. 7 or less for rapid start ballasts and 1.85 or less for instant
start ballasts.
01ES-10390, The City of Port Angeles
ReVISiOn No.1, ExhIbIt A, Project 1, LImIted Standard Offer for CommercIal LIghtmg
(7) Total harmonic distortion of the input current to the electronic ballast
shall not exceed 20% of the input current.
(8) The electronic ballast shall be Class "A" sound rated and UL Class "P"
thermally protected.
(9) The electronic ballast shall comply with FCC rules and regulations
Part 18 concerning the generation of both EMI (electromagnetic
interference) and RFI (radio frequency interference).
(10) Electronic ballasts shall operate the lamp at a frequency of 20 kHz or
(11) The ballasts shall start and operate standard lamps at 50 degrees F
and energy savmgs lamps at 60 degrees F. Ballast case temperature
shall not exceed 25 degrees C rise above a 40 degrees C ambient
(12) The ballast shall be provided with an internal fuse to protect the
electrical power supply from internal component failure. The ballast
shall also be short-circuit protected in the event of miswiring.
(b) Compact Fluorescent Low Wattage Fluorescent Ballasts
This specIfIcation applies to magnetic and electronic ballasts of either
integral or modular configuration operating 5 to 30 watt fluorescent lamps,
regardless of shape or number of driven lamps. This specIficatlOn does not
apply to ballasts operating fluorescent lamps 2' and longer.
(1) Listing: The ballast must be listed on the most current Lighting
Design Lab SpecifIcatlOn Committee's Electronic Ballast List for Low
Wattage Flu'orescent Lamps.
(2) All ballasts shall comply with Underwriters Laboratory (UL)
requirements and shall bear the appropriate labels.
(3) The power factor for all ballasts shall be 90% or higher.
(4) Total harmonic distortion (THD) of the input current shall not exceed
33% of the fundamental 60Hz. current.
(5) Electronic Ballasts shall comply with FCC rules and regulatlOns Part
18, concerning Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Interference
(EMI and RFI)
(6) Electronic ballasts covered by this specification shall withstand input
power line transients as defined in ANSI C62.41.
01ES-10390, The CIty of Port Angeles
ReVISIOn No 1, ExhIbIt A, Project 1, LImIted Standard Offer for Commercial LIghtmg
(7) All equipment covered by the specification shall be Class "P"
thermally protected where required by Code.
(8) For all modular ballasts, the lamp current crest factor (ratio of peak
current to RMS current of the modulated waveform) shall not exceed
1. 7 for rapid start ballasts or 1.85 for instant start ballasts.
(9) The ballast shall be capable of starting the designated lamp at the
minimum temperature established by the lamp manufacturer.
Integral units shall state minimum starting temperature.
(10) All ballasts shall be Class "A" sound rated.
(c) Full Size Fluorescent Lamps:
(1) Lamps shall be 1" in diameter T8.
(2) Lamps shall have Rare Earth phosphor coating and have a minimum
CRI of 80.
(d) Fluorescent Luminaires:
Components or luminaires shall be V.L. listed or classified.
(e) Compact Fluorescent Lamps:
Lamps shall have Rare Earth phosphor coating having a mmimum CRI of 80.
(f) Screw-in Compact Fluorescent:
(1) Total harmonic distortion (THD) of the input current shall not exceed
33% of the fundamental 60 Hz. current.
(2) Lamps shall meet Energy Star@ requirements. No equivalents
(g) Compact Fluorescent Fixtures:
(1) Components or luminaires shall be D.L. listed or classified.
(2) Recessed downlights shall have a reflector specIfically designed for the
(3) Recessed downlights shall be vented to provide convective cooling to
the lamp.
OlES-I0390, The City of Port Angeles
ReVlslOn No.1, ExhIbIt A, Project 1, LImIted Standard Offer for CommercIal LIghtmg
(h) HID Lighting:
Luminaires and retrofit kIts shall be D.L. listed or classified per specific
application, (e.g., exterior luminaires to carry a D.L. wet or damp label
(i) Occupancy Sensors:
(1) Occupancy sensors shall be D.L. listed or classified.
(2) Controlled luminaire wattage shall not exceed occupancy sensor
electrical load capacity.
(3) Occupancy sensors shall be provided with manual sensitivity
adjustment or and an adjustable or fixed time delay during whlCh
controlled luminaires remain on after the space is vacated. Fixed tIme
delay shall be at least 30 seconds and no more than 20 minutes.
(4) Occupancy sensors shall be provided with a minimum 3-year
manufacturer warranty.
(j) Programmable Thermostats
(1) Programmable thermostat shall have deadband and 7-day setback
capabIlities; heat pump thermostats shall also have optimal start and
emergency heat lockout features.
(2) Programmable thermostats shall include a switch to manually
activate the fan. The fan shall run continuously when this switch is
on. The fan shall run only when the thermostat calls for heatmg or
cooling when this switch is off.
(3) Programmable thermostats shall be provided with a battery back up.
7. Tables
The attached Table 1: Venfication Report, and Table 2: Wattage Reduction
Summary Sheet are part of this ProJect.
01ES-10390, The CIty of Port Angeles
Revision No 1, ExhIbIt A, Project 1, LImited Standard Offer for CommercIal LIghtmg
, <
" ~
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
eR-d- ~,{
Account Executive
Charles W. Forman. Jr.
~ 3/; 20(/ I
I ."
01ES-10390, The CIty of Port Angeles
ReVIsIOn No.1, ExhIbIt A, Project 1, LImIted Standard Offer for Commercial LIghting
Exhibit A: Project, Energy Savings & Project Budgets
Project 1: Limited Standard Offer for Commercial Lighting
Table 1: Verification Report
Modifications to Existing Fixtures Item Installed Total
Rebate Quantity Re bate
Existing Fluorescent Fixtures, with mag-netic ballasts;
And T12 lamps. 4' or less, change to:
T8lamps and electronic ballasts with: 2 to 4 lamps $30
1 lamp $15 I I
and T12 slimline lamps. 5' to 8'. change to:
T8 lamps and electronic ballasts with: 2 to 4 lamps $40
1 lamp $20 I I
and T12 HO or VHO lamps. 5' to 8', change to:
T8lamps and electronic ballasts with: 2 to 4 lamps $50
1 lamp $40 I I
Existing Incandescent Fixture, change to:
Compact Fluorescent, hard wired, replaceable lamp $30
Screw-in Compact Fluorescent, locking base,
replaceable lamp $15
Screw in compact fluorescent $7
Existing Exit Sign, over 17 watts, change to:
Less than 5 Watts (LED) $35
New Lighting Fixtures to Replace Existing Fixtures
Fluorescent Fixtures, 4' or less with Elect. Ballasts and T 8 lamps
2, 3, or 4 lamps $30
1 lamp $15
Fluorescent Fixture, over 4' with Elect. Ballasts and T8 Lamps
2, 3, or 4 lamps $40
1 lamp $20
Compact Fluorescent Fixtures, Hard Wired
5 - 17 watts nominal
Greater than 17 watts nommal
Exit Signs
Less than 5 Watts (LED)
High Pressure Sodium or Metal Halide Fixtures
100 W or less
101 W - 399 W
400 W or greater
OlES-I0390, The CIty Port Angeles
ReVIsIOn No.1
New Lighting and HVAC Controls
Re bate
Occupancy sensors
Wall-switch mount: 100 to 300 W $20
over 300 W $35
Ceiling or high wall mount, over 300 W $45
Programmable Setback Thermostat (with optimal start and emergency heat lockout)
For HV AC systems with electric resistance heat or
Heat Pum s $50
Building Name and Address:
Total Cost: $
kWh Savings:
% Watt Reduction
o Watt Reduction Achieved
o All Equipment Meets Minimum Equipment Specifications
o The Rebate Items listed above have been installed and are operational
Inspected and Approved by:
0IES-IQ390, The CIty of Port Angeles
ReVIsion No.1, ExhibIt A, Project 1, Table 1: VenficatlOn Report
Exhibit A: Projects, Energy Savings, & Project Budgets
Project 1: Limited Standard Offer for Commercial Lighting
Table 2: Wattage Reduction Summary Sheet
Annual Annual Payment
Measure Installed Existing Measure Watts Watts % Watt Operating kWh Amount (from
(from Table 1) Before After Reduction Hours Savings Table 1)
Total Payable I
o lES-10390, The CIty of Port Angeles
ReVIsIOn No.1
1 of 1
Exhibit A: Projects, Energy Savings & Program Budgets
Project 2: Commercial and Industrial Program
1. Project Description
Port Angeles shall implement a commercial and/or industrial sector energy
conservation program. Port Angeles shall follow the procedures and requirements
described below to receive payment from Bonneville for Energy Savings delivered
under this Agreement. Individual projects submitted under this Project 2 shall be
referred to as Subproject A, Subproject B, etc.
2. Subproject Submission, Completion, and Acceptance
(a) Port Angeles shall submit a Subproject proposal to Bonneville. A Subproject
proposal shall include:
(1) a description of the Subproject,
(2) the timeline to complete the Subproject,
(3) the expected annual Energy Savings,
(4) the methodology for determining Energy Savings (including
assumptions used for calculating Energy Savings),
(5) a plan for measuring and verifying the energy savmgs which shall
include a descnption of how the energy use will be measured or
calculated before and after the installation of the Subproject,
(6) the estimated total Subproject cost, and
(7) the total expected cost to BonnevIlle,
(b) Bonneville shall review the Subproject proposal and provide written notice
(1) accepting the Subproject proposal,
(2) returning the Subproject proposal for modification, or
(3) rejecting the Subproject proposal.
The Parties agree that Bonneville's wntten acceptance of the Subproject
proposal umlaterally amends the Subproject mto this Project 2 of ExhIbit A.
(c) Port Angeles shall upon completion of a Subproject provide to Bonneville a
completion report that includes, but is not limited to:
(1) the actual Energy Savings (including the assumptions and formulas
OlES-I0390, The CIty of Port Angeles
1 of 4
(2) the actual total Subproject costs, any changes in equipment
installation or operations from what was described in the Subproject
proposal, and
(3) other information relevant to the Subproject installation.
(d) At Bonneville's request, Port Angeles shall make arrangements for a site visit
to inspect the Subproject as part of Bonneville's receipt and acceptance of the
Subproject completion report.
(e) Bonneville shall reVIew the Subproject completion report and provide written
notice either:
(1) acceptmg the Subproject completion report,
(2) returning the Subproject completion report for modIfication, or
(3) rejecting the Subproject completion report.
3. Bonneville Payment
(a) For each completed Subproject accepted by Bonneville, Port Angeles may
submit an invOlce to Bonneville.
(b) Bonneville shall reimburse Port Angeles the lesser of $0.18 per actual first
year kWh saved or 80% of the Subproject cost. If Port Angeles prefers to
offer the Consumer less than 80% of the Subproject cost, Port Angeles shall
specify the actual percentage for a specifIc Subproject in the Subproject
proposal. Bonneville will reimburse Port Angeles the lesser of $0.18 per
actual first year kWh saved or the percentage specified by Port Angeles for a
particular Subproject.
(c) The reimbursement paid for Energy Savings by Bonneville shall be paid to
the Consumer.
(d) Bonneville shall reimburse Port Angeles for administrative costs for each
completed Subproject accepted by Bonneville. The administrative cost w1l1
not exceed 15% of the Subproject reImbursement paid to the Consumer. The
total administrative reimbursement to Port Angeles shall not exceed 15% of
the amount disbursed from the ImplementatlOn Budget.
(e) Port Angeles may, if agreed to by Bonneville, request Bonneville's assistance
in exchange for part of or all of this administrative payment.
(f) Bonneville shall, upon receipt and acceptance of properly submitted invoice,
pay Port Angeles in accordance with this Agreement
OlES-I0390, The City of Port Angeles
ExhibIt A, Project 2, CommercIal and Industnal Program
2 of 4
4. Delivery Schedule
Port Angeles may begin implementation of Project 2 upon execution of this
Agreement. Port Angeles may submit Subproject completIOn reports to Bonneville
under this Project 2 through September 30, 2003.
5. Estimated and Actual Energy Savings
The Energy Savings methodology for each Subproject shall be described in the
Subproject proposal per sections 2(a)( 4) and 2(a)(5) of Project 2. The actual Energy
Savings for each Subproject as shown in the completion report shall be the basis for
the payment from Bonneville. Bonneville may review Project and Subproject records
as provided for in this Agreement. Project and Subproject records must be keep a
mimmum of three years following the termination of the Agreement.
6. Implementation Budget
Bonneville shall make available to Port Angeles an Implementation Budget of
$500,000 for Project 2. For each Subproject proposal accepted by Bonneville, a
portion of the Implementation Budget available for Project 2 shall be allocated to
that Subproject. Port Angeles may continue to submit Subproject proposals until
the Implementation Budget is fully allocated.
7. Eligibility Requirements
(a) Subprojects with simple energy paybacks of one year or less shall not be
eligIble for reImbursement from BonneVIlle under Project 2.
(b) SubprOjects must contribute to a reduction of the amount of power purchased
by Port Angeles from Bonneville under Power Sales Contract No. OOPB-
(c) Only commerCIally available Measures shall be eligible for reimbursement
under Project 2.
(d) All non-residential facilities are eligible for participation in Project 2.
(e) Bonneville will not reimbursement Subprojects under Project 2 for Measures
that have been paid for under another Bonneville program.
(f) Bonneville shall not pay for any Subproject where the equipment to be
installed has already ready been purchased.
(g) Modification to equipment that has been retired in place is ineligible for
reimbursement from Bonneville under Project 2 unless it is under restoration
for installation in a new or expanding facilIty provided that an acceptable
baseline for determining Energy Savings can be established.
OlES-I0390, The CIty of Port Angeles
ExhIbIt A, Project 2, CommerCIal and IndustrIal Program
3 of 4
Title M..A" Of?_....
Date q ~ L g . () J
" ,
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
OlES-I0390, The City of Port Angeles
Exhlbit A, Project 2, Commerclal and IndustrIal Program
Account Executive
Charles W. Forman, Jr.
"3', '20t1!
</. ~5g
Contract No. 01ES-l0390
executed by the
acting by and through the
Table of Contents
Term of Agreement................................................................................. 2
Defmitions.............................................................................................. 2
Purchase of Energy Savings.................................................................... 4
Implementation Budget.......................................................................... 4
Other Sources of Funding. ..... .. ......... ...... .. .. . .. ... ...... .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . 5
Project Implementation........................................................................... 5
Consumer Agreements........................................................................... 5
Invoicing and Payment ........ ...... ..................... ........................................ 6
Records and Audits.......................................................... ......... ......... ... . 6
Bonneville Oversight............................................................................... 7
Evaluations............................................................................. ............... 7
Procedures for Addition or Removal of Measures and Units.................... 8
Suspension and Withholding Payment ................................................... 8
Termination................................................. ... .... .. . . . . .. . .. .. . . ..... .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . 9
Environmental Provisions...... ....... ........ ..... ..... ........ ......... ....................... 11
Standard Provisions ............................................................................... 12
Uncontrollable Force ...................................... ...... ................. ...... ........... 13
Liability.................................................................................................. 14
Dispute Resolution ......................................... .... ....... ............ ................. 15
Notices................................................................................................... 17
Signatures.............................................................................................. 17
Exhibit A, Projects, Energy Savings & Project Budgets
STATES OF AMERICA, Department of Energy, acting by and through the
ANGELES (Port Angeles), a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the
State of Washington, hereinafter may be referred to individually as "Party" or
collectively as "Parties."
Bonneville is required by the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning
and Conservation Act, Public Law 96-501 (Northwest Power Act), to meet the
net firm power load requirements of its customers in the Pacific Northwest; and
Bonneville is authorized to acquire Conservation to reduce the firm
power load requirements of its customers in the Pacific Northwest; and
Bonneville intends to acquire Conservation which is reliable and
dependable as part of its efforts to augment the supply of Federal power; and
Port Angeles intends to produce Completed Units within its service area,
producing a quantity of Energy Savings in exchange for an Implementation
Budget from Bonneville; and
The Parties agree:
This Agreement becomes effective at 2400 hours on the date of execution by
both Parties (Effective Date), and shall remain in effect until 2400 hours on
September 30, 2006, unless terminated earlier as provided in section 14.
Except as provided for in section 3(d), all obligations shall remain until
All capitalized terms used herein shall have the following meaning:
(a) "Completed Unit" means a Unit that is properly installed, operating and,
when applicable, commissioned in accordance with the manufacturer's
requirements and specifications for normal operations; and as applicable
has satisfied or met any specification requirements set forth in Exhibit A.
(b) "Conservation" means any reduction in electric energy consumption
resulting from an increase in the efficiency of electric energy use,
production or distribution.
(c) "Consumer" means any end user of electric energy in the Port Angeles'
service area that contributes to Port Angeles' total retail load.
OlES-I0390, Port Angeles
(d) "Contracting Officer" means the person designated by Bonneville who has
the authority to enter into, administer, modify, suspend, or terminate
this Agreement; and to make related interpretations, determinations and
(e) "Contracting Officer's Technical Representative" or "COTR" means the
authorized representative of the Contracting Officer knowledgeable in the
technical aspects of this Agreement designated in writing by the
Contracting Officer.
(f) "Energy Savings" means the ascribed, deemed, estimated, evaluated, or
verified Conservation, in first year kilowatt-hours (kWh) attributable to
Completed Units as specified in Exhibit A.
(g) "Fiscal Year" means the consecutive twelve (12) month period which
begins on every October 1 and ends on the following September 30,
during the term of this Agreement.
(h) "Implementation Budget" means the amount of money Bonneville shall
make available to Port Angeles pursuant to Exhibit A to expend on
Implementation Costs during the Implementation Period.
(i) "Implementation Costs" means the sum of all or part of the actual total
costs to install or implement Measures which result in Completed Units
as identified for each Project in Exhibit A.
(j) "Implementation Period" means the period of time from the Effective Date
through 2400 hours on September 30,2006, during which Completed
Units are delivered, unless extended by written agreement of the Parties.
(k) "Measure(s)" means materials or equipment installed, or activities
implemented, to achieve Conservation, as identified in Exhibit A.
(1) "Other Requirements" means any revision, restriction, or alteration
which Bonneville may impose on any Measure as a result of any directive
or order of any court or regulatory agency of competent jurisdiction, or
the result of a [mal record of decision of any process conducted by
Bonneville pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act.
(m) "Project" means the total of all Completed Units installed for each
proposal under this Agreement.
(n) "Regional Technical Forum" (RTF) means an organization composed of
BPA customers, state agencies, public interest groups and Bonneville
that has responsibility for developing the list of recommended qualifying
measures, some of which are eligible for purchase under the
Conservation Augmentation as deemed measures.
OIES-10390, Port Angeles
(0) "Unit" means any Measure or combination of Measures which achieve
Conservation as provided in each Conservation proposal agreed to and
incorporated in Exhibit (A).
(p) "Work in Progress" means Projects committed to by Port Angeles, the
installation of which has not been completed as of the date of any notice
of termination of this Agreement.
(q) "Workday" means a day that both Parties recognize as a regular day of
(a) Bonneville agrees to purchase and Port Angeles agrees to sell the Energy
Savings from each Project incorporated into Exhibit A.
(b) Port Angeles may at any time propose additional Projects for Bonneville's
consideration to purchase during the term of this Agreement. Proposals
submitted shall include the information as outlined in the Bonneville
Invitation to Reduce Loads through Conservation, dated October 17,
2000, and include the funding sources as required in section 5(a).
Bonneville may request additional information on any project submitted
prior to acceptance. If Bonneville agrees to the terms for the purchase of
Energy Savings from additional Projects proposed, then Exhibit A shall
be amended to add such Projects.
(c) Bonneville may at any time during the term of this Agreement send Port
Angeles notice that Bonneville will no longer accept proposals for
additional Projects under this Agreement.
(d) Bonneville shall not be obligated to pay for a Project that is completed
and the Energy Savings delivered after September 30,2006.
(a) On the Effective Date of this Agreement, or when a Project is amended
into Exhibit A, Port Angeles is authorized by Bonneville to incur
Implementation Costs in an amount equal to the Implementation Budget
for each Project described in Exhibit A.
(b) Bonneville's purchase commitment, consistent with the Exhibit A, shall
be available to Port Angeles for the term of this Agreement, except as
provided for in sections 13 (Suspension and Withholding Payment) and
14 (Termination).
(c) Unless otherwise described in Exhibit A, Bonneville shall not be obligated
to pay cqsts in excess of the Implementation Budget for any individual
Project. Such costs shall solely be paid by the Port Angeles.
o lES-I 0390, Port Angeles
(d) Bonneville may, but is under no obligation to supplement the
Implementation Budget or provide additional budget authority under this
(e) Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the balance of any Implementation
Budget remaining after the completion, acceptance and payment for a
Project shall be made available to Bonneville.
(f) Agreements entered into by Port Angeles with their Consumers under
this Agreement that commit the Implementation Budget shall be signed
prior to September 30, 2006.
(a) For any proposal submitted, Port Angeles shall list all other sources of
funding for Projects and Measures other than that provided by
Bonneville. Bonneville and Port Angeles may then agree to the allocation
of costs among the various funding sources.
(b) Bonneville will not pay for any portion of the cost of a Project under this
Agreement that has been or would be paid or given credit for under any
other Bonneville or Federal contract or financial assistance agreement.
No Project or Measure claimed under Bonneville's C&RD shall be eligible
for payment under this Agreement.
Port Angeles shall:
(a) implement the Projects as described in Exhibit A;
(b) deliver Completed Units within the timelines described in Exhibit A
unless as otherwise agreed to by the Parities;
(c) cause only those Measures identified in Exhibit A to be installed in
accordance with any specifications for those Measures;
(d) implement Projects in accordance will all applicable building, electrical,
environmental, and health and safety regulations imposed by Federal,
state and local laws, codes and ordinances;
(e) unless otherwise specified in Exhibit A, submit a summary report, that
includes the information required by section 8(a), together with the
associated invoice(s) to the Bonneville representative identified in section
8(b); and
(f) Port Angeles may subcontract to provide Completed Units under this
Agreement. If Port Angeles does create such an arrangement, Port
Angeles shall, by contract, require that the entity comply with the terms
OlES-I0390, Port Angeles
and conditions of sections 9 (Records and Audits), 10 (Bonneville
Oversight), 11 (Evaluations), 13 (Suspension and Withholding Payment),
and 14 (Termination).
For projects where Port Angeles establishes an agreement with the Consumer,
wherein the Consumer returns the funds to Port Angeles either through an
addition to their utility bill, or due to an obligation created by the Consumer's
removal of the equipment, Port Angeles shall use those returned funds to
purchase additional Energy Savings.
(a) Unless otherwise specified in Exhibit A Port Angeles shall provide for
each Project, an invoice with the documentation detailing the Project
costs and the Energy Savings. This shall include, but is not limited to:
the Energy Savings methodology, including, if the Energy Savings are not
deemed, any pre- and post metered data, formulas, assumptions,
operating hours used for determining the Energy Savings; the equipment
installed; and the Project costs, including but not limited to equipment
costs, architecture and engineering costs, labor, and other direct and
indirect costs. Unless specified in Exhibit A for the Project, the frequency
of invoices shall either be: (1) no more often than monthly for Projects
with multiple Units expected to be delivered throughout the term of this
Agreement; or (2) a single invoices when the Project is completed.
(b) Invoices shall be transmitted to Bonneville at the following address:
Bonneville Power Administration
909 - 1st Avenue, Suite 380
Seattle, Washington 98104-3636
Attn: Betty J. Olsgaard
Telephone (206) 220-6781
Fax (206) 220-6805
Email: bjolsgaard@bpa.gov
(c) Bonneville shall pay on a cost reimbursement basis the amount invoiced
by electronic transfer of funds from Bonneville to the Port Angeles' bank
account. Payment by Bonneville shall be made on or before the close of
business on the 30th day following the date of receipt and acceptance of
a proper invoice by Bonneville's COTR. Should the 30th day be a day
other than a Workday, the payment shall be due on the next Workday.
(d) Should there be a disagreement in the invoice amount, Bonneville and
Port Angeles agree to work together to correct errors to the invoice
submitted and any revisions noted on the revised invoice. The Parties
shall make reasonable efforts to make invoice adjustments as soon as
possible after Bonneville's receipt of the invoice.
o lES-l 0390, Port Angeles
(a) Port Angeles shall establish and maintain supporting documents and
records for each Project. The f11es for all projects implemented under this
Agreement shall be clearly designated as being Conservation
Augmentation projects. The records for each Project, Measure or Unit as
appropriate shall include, but is not limited to: (I) the name, address,
and telephone number of the recipient; (2) the measure installed; (3) the
kWh savings from the measure; (4) documents detailing how the energy
savings were determined; (5) the total cost of the measure; and (6) the
dollar amount invoiced to Bonneville.
(b) If Port Angeles participates in any of Bonneville's Conservation Programs,
Port Angeles shall maintain records sufficient to demonstrate the source
of BPA funding, or credit for each Project, Measure or Unit as
(a) Bonneville or Bonneville's agent shall have the right to conduct
inspections of Units or Completed Units and monitor or review Port
Angeles' procedures, records, verified Energy Savings methods and
results, or otherwise oversee Port Angeles' implementation of this
Agreement. The number, timing, and extent of such audits shall be at
the discretion of Bonneville. Such audits shall occur at Bonneville's
expense. Financial audits shall be in compliance with the audit
standards established by the Comptroller General of the United States.
Bonneville may contact appropriate Federal, State, or local jurisdictions
regarding environmental, health, or safety matters related to Units or
Completed Units.
(b) Prior to any physical inspection pursuant to section 10(a), Bonneville
shall give Port Angeles written notice. Upon receipt of notice, Port
Angeles shall have 30 days to arrange for the inspection of Units or
Completed Units, or review of energy audit or Measure installation
procedures, technical documents, records, or verified savings methods
and results.
(c) Bonneville's Contracting Officer, or Contracting Officer's Representative,
may issue interpretations, determinations, and findings of the body of
this Agreement that are binding on the Parties. Such decisions shall be
provided to Port Angeles in writing. In administering this Agreement,
only the written statements of Bonneville officials acting within the scope
of their authority shall be considered to be official Bonneville statements.
(a) Bonneville may conduct, and Port Angeles shall cooperate in,
Conservation impact and Project implementation process evaluations to
OlES-I0390, Port Angeles
assess the amount, cost effectiveness, and reliability of Conservation in
Port Angeles' service area or Region. Bonneville shall select the timing,
frequency, and type of such evaluations.
(b) Bonneville will set the specific requirements for evaluations with
consideration for the schedules and reasonable needs of Port Angeles and
Port Angeles' customers.
(c) Any evaluation of the Project initiated by Bonneville shall be conducted at
Bonneville's expense and such costs shall be excluded from the
Implementation Budget.
(a) Measures may be removed from Exhibit A only upon agreement of the
Parties; except however, Bonneville may unilaterally remove any Measure
from Exhibit A when such removal is necessitated by Other
(b) Units may be removed from Exhibit A, or the descriptions of Units
revised, only upon the agreement of the Parties; except however,
Bonneville may unilaterally remove any Unit or make necessary revisions
to Unit descriptions when necessitated by Other Requirements.
(c) Bonneville may provide notices that establish procedures for
implementing this Agreement. When such procedures are adopted by
mutual agreement they shall be amended into this Agreement.
(a) Bonneville and Port Angeles agree to amend Exhibit A to reflect a change
to any Measure that is required due to Other Requirements during the
term of this Agreement.
(b) Bonneville and Port Angeles agree to an immediate suspension of the
Project related to any Measure that either Party determines after a
reasonable investigation presents a significant environmental, health, or
safety threat to Consumers. Port Angeles shall take actions within
60 days, or another number of days as agreed in writing, to remedy the
environmental, health or safety threat to Consumers from past Measure
installation, and/or implement such other actions as the Parties agree
to. The Project shall resume only when Bonneville is satisfied that the
Contractor has remedied the environmental, health or safety threat to
(c) If Bonneville determines that Port Angeles' Project implementation is not
in substantial compliance with the environmental, technical, and/ or
record-keeping requirements of this Agreement, Bonneville shall provide
01 ES-I 0390, Port Angeles
a written report to Port Angeles identifying the specific nature of the
noncompliance and the Measures affected thereby and withhold further
payment of Implementation Costs claimed by Port Angeles for such
(d) Upon receipt of the report specified in subsection 13(c), Port Angeles
shall not submit additional invoices for Implementation Costs for the
Measures identified in the report.
(e) Port Angeles shall take action to bring the Project into substantial
compliance with the environmental, technical and/or record-keeping
requirements of this Agreement within thirty (30) days and shall notify
Bonneville when corrective action has been completed.
(f) If Port Angeles has not brought the Project into substantial compliance as
provided for in subsection 13(e), then Bonneville may either:
(1) continue to withhold payment of Implement Costs until such time
as Bonneville and Port Angeles agree that the Project is in
substantial compliance with the environmental, technical and/ or
recording-keeping requirements of this Agreement; or
(2) terminate this Agreement in accordance with section 14.
(g) If Bonneville continues to withhold further payment of Implementation
Costs pursuant to subsection 13(c), Bonneville shall not accept and
make payment for any Energy Savings from the Measures or Completed
Units which are not in substantial compliance with the environmental,
technical, and/or record-keeping requirements of this Agreement.
(h) Mter a suspension imposed under section 13(a) or 13(b) has been lifted
or an event of noncompliance under section 13(c) has been corrected,
Bonneville shall pay for all claims that are in substantial compliance with
this Agreement. including claims for work performed during the previous
suspension period, except that for environmental, health, or safety costs
incurred due to noncompliance with Federal, State, or local agency
regulations, Port Angeles shall bear the costs of compliance. Bonneville
shall also accept the Energy Savings from the affected Completed Units if
a section 13(a) or (b) suspension is lifted and if Port Angeles has
completed actions bringing the affected Completed Units into substantial
compliance with this Agreement.
(a) Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) calendar
days' written notice. Port Angeles shall have one (1) year from the
effective date of termination pursuant to this section to complete Work in
OlES-I0390, Port Angeles
(b) Bonneville may terminate this Agreement by giving Port Angeles thirty
(30) days' written notice, if Port Angeles has failed to comply with the
(1) the environmental, technical, or record-keeping requirements.
Port Angeles' commitments to Consumers shall be the
responsibility of Port Angeles.
(2) for cause upon Port Angeles' failure to comply with this
Agreement, including use of any portion of the Implementation
Budget in a manner that is inconsistent with this Agreement.
(c) Bonneville may terminate this Agreement by giving Port Angeles thirty
(30) days' written notice if Port Angeles:
(1) gives notice to Bonneville that it will stop placing firm load on
Bonneville pursuant to its existing, amended, or new firm power
sales contract with Bonneville (for the sale of power and energy to
meet all or a portion of Port Angeles' firm electrical energy load or
electric peaking requirements) for a period of at least one (1) year;
(2) gives notice to Bonneville of its intent to terminate, or terminates,
such existing or new firm power sales contract with Bonneville; or
(3) if Port Angeles becomes insolvent, files a petition for bankruptcy
or reorganization, or assigns substantially all assets to creditors
and consequently Bonneville no longer serves Port Angeles' loads.
Port Angeles' commitments to Consumers shall be the
responsibility of Port Angeles.
(d) There shall be no period to complete work in progress beyond the
effective date of termination available to Port Angeles for a termination
under subsection 14(b) and 14(c). Port Angeles' commitments to
Consumers shall be the responsibility of Port Angeles.
(e) If this Agreement is terminated in accordance with section 14(c), a
termination charge shall be determined pursuant to this subsection
14(e). The termination charge shall be based on the ratio of the total
Conservation expected for the life of the Completed Units less the Energy
Savings achieved to the date of termination, compared to the total
Conservation expected for the life of the Completed Units. Port Angeles
shall pay the termination charge returning payments received from
Bonneville for the Conservation not yet acquired by Bonneville in
accordance with the following formula:
R = P*(T-A)jT
OlES-10390, Port Angeles
R= Reimbursement to Bonneville;
P= Bonneville payments made to Port Angeles for
Implementation Costs to the termination date of this
A= Total Energy Savings through the date of termination of this
T= Total estimated Conservation for the life of all Completed
Units achieved to the date of termination of this Agreement.
The following conditions apply to this charge:
(1) The Energy Savings values for Completed Units shall be consistent
with Exhibit A. Measure life values shall be consistent with the
Bonneville Energy Conservation Guidebook published in
October 1993, or in effect at the time this reimbursement is
(2) Bonneville shall present an invoice to Port Angeles for payment
calculated pursuant to this section 14(e).
(3) Port Angeles may reimburse Bonneville by either:
(a) making a lump sum payment within thirty (30) calendar
days of the date of Bonneville's invoice; or
(b) by making no more than 12 consecutive equal monthly
payments, with the first payment and each succeeding
payment due within thirty (30) days of the date of
Bonneville's invoice.
(4) If reimbursement is accomplished by installments, interest shall
be charged on the outstanding balance in accordance with average
Bonneville Interest Earning Rate with the United States Treasury.
Interest shall be calculated for the period of time between the date
of the. first payment made by Bonneville to Port Angeles and the
date of the fIrst reimbursement payment made by Port Angeles to
Bonneville for which reimbursement to Bonneville is being made
in accordance with this section.
OlES-10390, Port Angeles
(a) Bonneville in the performance of this Agreement shall comply with all of
its obligations pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act.
(b) The Parties agree to:
(1) comply fully with all applicable Federal, State, and local
environmental laws;
(2) to assist and to cooperate with each other in meeting each other's
environmental obligations, to the fullest extent economically and
technically practical and mutually agreeable; and
(3) provide upon request of the other Party a copy of the pollution
abatement plans as required by the Clean Air Act, by the Clean
Water Act, by other federal statutes, or by an agency having
jurisdiction and within a reasonable time submit evidence that
such plans have been approved or have not been objected to by
agencies with jurisdiction.
(a) No oral or written amendment, rescission, waiver, modification, or other
change of this Agreement shall be of any force or effect unless set forth in
a written instrument signed by authorized representatives of each Party.
(b) This Agreement is binding on any successors and assigns of the Parties.
Bonneville may assign this Agreement to another Federal agency to
which Bonneville's statutory duties have been transferred. Neither Party
may otherwise transfer or assign this Agreement, in whole or in part,
without the other Party's written consent. Such consent shall not be
unreasonably withheld. Bonneville shall consider any request for
assignment consistent with applicable Bonneville statutes.
(c) The Parties shall provide each other with any information that is
reasonably required, and requested by either Party in writing, to operate
under and administer this Agreement. Such information shall be
provided in a timely manner. If such information is subject to a privilege
of confidentiality, a confidentiality agreement or statutory restriction
under state or Federal law on its disclosure by a Party to this Agreement,
then that Party shall endeavor to obtain whatever consents, releases, or
agreements are necessary from the person holding the privilege to
provide such information while asserting the confidentiality over the
information. Information provided to Bonneville which is subject to a
privilege of confidentiality or nondisclosure shall be clearly marked on
each appropriate page as such and Bonneville shall not disclose such
information without obtaining the consent of the person or Party
asserting the privilege, consistent with Bonneville's obligation under the
Freedom of Information Act. The Consumer's company name, estimated
OIES-I0390, Port Angeles
and/ or actual Energy Savings, and estimated and/ or actual
Implementation Costs for Units and Completed Units may not be
designated as proprietary information.
(d) This Agreement, including all provisions, exhibits incorporated as part of
this Agreement, and documents incorporated by reference, constitutes
the entire agreement between the Parties. It supersedes all previous
communications, representations, or contracts, either written or oral,
which purport to describe or embody the subject matter of this
(e) The exhibits listed in the table of contents are incorporated into this
Agreement by reference. The exhibits may only be revised upon mutual
agreement between the Parties unless otherwise specified in this
Agreement. The body of this Agreement shall prevail over the exhibits to
this Agreement in the event of a conflict.
(f) The Parties agree that there are no unspecified third party beneficiaries
of this Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to
confer any right or interest to anyone other than the Parties, their
respective legal representative, assigns or successors.
(g) Except as otherwise provided herein or as agree by the Parties, no
provision of this Agreement may be waived except as confirmed in
writing. Any waiver at any time by a Party of its rights with respect to a
default under this Agreement, or any other matter arising in connection
therewith, shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent
default or matter. Either Party may waive any notice or agree to accept a
shorter notice that specified in the Agreement. Such waiver of notice or
acceptance of shorter notice by a Party shall not be considered a wavier
with respect to any subsequent notice required under this Agreement.
(h) If any term of this Agreement is found to be invalid by a court of
competent jurisdiction then such term shall remain in force to the
maximum extent permitted by law. All other terms shall remain in force
unless that term is determined not to be severable from all other
provisions of this Agreement by such court.
(i) This Agreement shall be govemed by and interpreted under Federal law.
(a) Any obligation of a Party to perform under this Agreement, except an
obligation to pay amounts due under this Agreement, shall be excused
when such failure to perform is due to an Uncontrollable Force. In the
event that either Party is unable to perform due to an Uncontrollable
Force, such Party shall exercise due diligence to remove such inability
with reasonable dispatch. Nothing in this section shall be construed to
o lES-l 0390, Port Angeles
require either Party to settle any strike or labor dispute in which it may
be involved.
(b) Each Party shall notify the other in writing as soon as practicable of any
Uncontrollable Force that may impair performance under this
Agreement. Failure to give such notice within a reasonable period shall
be deemed a waiver of such Uncontrollable Force.
(c) Uncontrollable Force is an act or event beyond the reasonable control of
a Party, and which by exercise of due diligence and foresight such Party
could not reasonably have been expected to avoid or remove, which
impairs the ability of the Party to perform and, includes, but is not
limited to, failure of or threat of failure of facilities, flood, earthquake,
storm, accident, fire, lightning, and other natural catastrophes; epidemic,
war, labor, or material shortage, strike or labor dispute, or sabotage; and
also includes restraint by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction or
by regulatory authorities against any action taken or not taken by a
Party, after a good faith effort by the appropriate Party to obtain: (1)
relief from such order; or (2) any necessary authorizations or approvals
from any govemmental agency or regulatory authority.
(a) To the extent allowed by the Federal Tort Claims Act, Bonneville agrees
to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Port Angeles, its affiliated
companies, their respective boards of directors, officers, employees,
agents and representatives, against and from any and all loss, claims,
actions, or suits, for or on account of injury, bodily or otherwise to, or
death of persons, or for damage to or destruction of property belonging to
Port Angeles or others, resulting from Bonneville's negligent acts or
omissions or intentional misconduct in connection with the performance
of this Agreement, excepting that any liability attaching to Bonneville
shall be reduced by any proportion that such injury or harm is caused by
negligence or intentional misconduct of Port Angeles, its affiliated
companies, their respective boards of directors, officers, employees,
agents or representatives.
(b) Port Angeles agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Bonneville,
its employees, agents and representatives, against and from any and all
loss, claims, actions, or suits, for or on account of injury, bodily or
otherwise to, or death of persons, or for damage to, or destruction of
property belonging to Bonneville, or others, resulting from Port Angeles'
negligent acts or omissions or intentional misconduct in connection with
the performance of this Agreement, excepting that any liability attaching
to Port Angeles shall be reduced by any proportion that such injury or
harm is caused by negligence or intentional misconduct of Bonneville, its
employees, agents or representatives.
OlES-I0390, Port Angeles
(c) No Party ("First Party") shall be liable to the other Party ("Second Party")
for any injury or death to any person, or for any loss or damage to any
property, caused by or arising out of an electric disturbance on the First
Party's electric system, whether or not such electric disturbance resulted
from the First Party's negligent, grossly negligent, or wrongful act or
(d) Bonneville and Port Angeles assert that neither Party is the agent or
principal for the other, nor are they partners or joint ventures; and the
Parties agree that they will not represent to any other party that they act
in the capacity of agent or principal for the other.
(e) In no event shall either Party be liable to the other Party hereto for any
special, punitive, exemplary, consequential, incidental, or indirect losses
or damages for any failure of performance howsoever caused, whether or
not arising from a Party's sole, joint, or concurrent negligence.
(f) Port Angeles agrees that Bonneville has no responsibility for production
of Energy Savings under this Agreement.
(g) Independent contractors contracting with either Party to implement the
provisions of this Agreement shall be required by contract to indemnify
and hold harmless the other Party from all claims, damages, losses,
liability, and expenses arising from breach of contract. statutory and
regulatory claims, and the negligent or other tortious acts or omissions of
such independent contractors, their officers, employees, or agents.
Nothing in this Agreement shall establish, or be construed as
establishing, a contractual relationship between Bonneville and any
contractor or subcontractor hired by Port Angeles to participate in the
Project's implementation.
(a) The Parties shall make a good faith effort to negotiate a resolution of
disputes before initiating litigation. During a contract dispute or
contract issue between the Parties arising out of this Agreement, the
Parties shall continue performance under this Agreement pending
resolution of the dispute, unless to do so would be impossible or
impracticable. Port Angeles reserves the right to seek judicial resolution
of any dispute arising under this Agreement that is not subject to
arbitration under this section 19.
(b) Final actions subject to section 9(e) of the Northwest Power Act are not
subject to binding arbitration and shall remain within the exclusive
jurisdiction of the United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Any
dispute regarding any rights of the Parties under any Bonneville policy,
including the implementation of such policy, shall not be subject to
arbitration under this Agreement. Port Angeles reserves the right to seek
OlES-I0390, Port Angeles
judicial resolution of any dispute arising under this Agreement that is
not subject to arbitration under this section 19. For purposes of this
section 19 Bonneville policy means any written document adopted by
Bonneville as a final action in a decision record or record of decision that
establishes a policy of general application, or makes a determination
under an applicable statute. If either Party asserts that a dispute is
excluded from arbitration under this section 19, either Party may apply
to the Federal court having jurisdiction for an order determining whether
such dispute is subject to arbitration under this section 19.
(c) Any contract dispute or contract issue between the Parties arising out of
this Agreement, except for disputes that are excluded through section
19(a) above, shall be subject to binding arbitration. The Parties shall
make a good faith effort to resolve such disputes before initiating
arbitration proceedings. During arbitration, the Parties shall continue
performance under this Agreement pending resolution of the dispute,
unless to do so would be impossible or impracticable.
(d) Any arbitration shall take place in Portland, Oregon, unless the Parties
agree otherwise. The CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution's arbitration
procedures for commercial arbitration, Non-Administered Arbitration
Rules (CPR Rules), shall be used for each dispute; provided, however,
that: (1) the Parties shall have the discovery rights provided in the
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure unless the Parties agree otherwise; and
(2) for claims of $1 million or more, each arbitration shall be conducted
by a panel of three neutral arbitrators. The Parties shall select the
arbitrators from a list containing the names of 15 qualified individuals
supplied by the CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution. If the Parties
cannot agree upon three arbitrators on the list within 20 business days,
the Parties shall take turns striking names from the list of proposed
arbitrators. The Party initiating the arbitration shall take the first strike.
This process shall be repeated until three arbitrators remain on the list,
and those individuals shall be designated as the arbitrators. For
disputes involving less than $1 million, a single neutral arbitrator shall
be selected consistent with section 6 of the CPR Rules.
(e) Except for arbitration awards, which declare the rights and duties of the
Parties under this Agreement, the payment of monies shall be the
exclusive remedy available in any arbitration proceeding. Under no
circumstances shall specific performance be an available remedy against
Bonneville. The arbitration award shall be [mal and binding on both
Parties, except that either Party may seek judicial review based upon any
of the grounds referred to in the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. ~1-16
(1988). Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be
entered by any court having jurisdiction thereof.
01 ES-I 0390, Port Angeles
(f) Each Party shall be responsible for its own costs of arbitration, including
legal fees. The arbitrators may apportion all other costs of arbitration
between the Parties in such manner as they deem reasonable taking into
account the circumstances of the case, the conduct of the Parties during
the proceeding, and the result of the arbitration.
(a) Any notice required under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be
delivered: (1) in person; (2) by a nationally recognized delivery service; or
(3) by United States Certified Mail. Notices are effective when received.
Either Party may change its address for notices by giving notice of such
change consistent with this section.
If to Port Angeles:
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles W A 98362-0217
Attn: Scott McLain
Deputy Director of Power Systems
Phone: 360-417-4703
FAX: 360-417-4709
E-Mail: palight@ci.port-angeles.wa.us
If to Bonneville:
Bonneville Power Administration
P.O. Box 3621
Portland, OR 97208-3621
Attn: Charles W. Forman, Jr. -
PSW /6
Account Executive
Phone: 503-230-3432
FAX: 503-230-3544
E-Mail: cformanjr@bpa.gov
OIES-I0390, Port Angeles
The signatories represent they are authorized to enter into this Agreement on
behalf of the Party for whom they sign.
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
Account Executive
Name Michael Quinn
(Print/ Type)
Name Charles W. Forman, Jr.
(Print/ Type)
Date ,L 1<( ) :1-od /
v ~
Title City Manger, City of Port Angeles
Date ~ - J g - 0 1
PBLLAN\ W\PM\11_16\Port Angeles\06_09_01 PA ConAug OlES-10390.doc
" \
OlES-I0390, Port Angeles
Exhibit A
Project Proposals, Energy Savings & Project Budgets
1. Limited Standard Offer for Commercial Lighting
A. , Description
This Limited Standard Offer (LSO) provides rebates for retrofits of lighting in commercial buildings The
Measures eligible for payment under this LSO include only those listed in the Verification Report. In
addition, a 25% watt reduction for each Project is required to receive the rebate. Port Angeles shall ensure
that all materials, including PCB ballasts, are disposed of in accordance with current environmental laws
Port Angeles shall implement a commercial sector lighting retrofit program designed to install the
Measures listed in the Verification Report below. Port Angeles may implement the program using Port
Angeles' staff or contractors to provide the services necessary to install the Measures.
Port Angeles shall provide a work plan to Bonneville which includes (1) a brief description of Port
Angeles' program, (2) method for determining eligible buildings, and (3) qualifications required for
auditors, installers and inspectors.
Bonneville shall review this work plan and upon acceptance, send written notification to proceed
B. Implementation Period
TIlls LSO is available from the Execution Date of the Agreement, or amendment through September
30, 2003. TIlls may be extended by modification of this LSO.
Co Energy Savings Verification
Port Angeles shall inspect all installations to ensure Measures are installed correctly and the Measures
meet the specifications listed in Section F of this LSO. Port Angeles shall complete and sign the
Verification Report and attach the Wattage Reduction Summary Sheet, or equivalent, for each
Project and submit it with the invoice as described in section D below. Port Angeles shall retain all
supporting documents for each Project that include, but are not limited to, purchase orders,
subcontractor invoices, preproject estimates, or other related Project documents. Bonneville may
review these records as provided for in this Agreement.
D. Bonneville Payment & Invoicing Requirements
Bonneville shall provide $200,000 for implementation of this proposal. Port Angeles may invoice
Bonneville up to this total Implementation Budget for this LSO through September 30, 2003. If
Port Angeles expends this Implementation Budget amount prior to September 30, 2003, Port
Angeles may request additional Implementation Budget. Bonneville will review the request and may
add additional funds to the Implementation Budget by modification to this Agreement.
Port Angeles may invoice Bonneville when Projects are complete, but no more often than once a
month. Bonneville shall review and upon acceptance pay the reimbursements for measures installed.
Port Angeles shall, if requested by Bonneville, arrange for an on-site inspection by Bonneville of the
Measures installed.
E. Program Requirements
1. The facility shall be non-residential and served by Port Angeles.
2. The rebate shall not exceed 100 percent of the actual total cost.
3. All retrofit Projects must reduce the connected lighting wattage by 25%.
4. Rebates are available for existing facilities only.
OlES-I0390, Port Angeles
5. Specify Energy Star labeling if available.
F. Specifications for installation
Electronic Ballasts for Full Size Fluorescent Lamps
1. Listing: The ballast must be listed on the most current Lighting Design Lab Specification
Committee's Electronic Ballast List for Full Size Fluorescent Lamps.
2. General: All electronic ballasts shall meet the requirements of u.L. 935 and shall bear the
appropriate UL. label.
3. Warranty: The electronic ballast shall be warranted against defects in material and workmanship
for three years. The warranty shall include either a $10.00 replacement labor allowance or
complete replacement including labor by an agent of the manufacturer.
4. Mechanical Characteristics: Electronic ballasts shall have the same physical dimensions and
mounting arrangements as those of their core and coil counterparts.
5. Electrical Characteristics: The electronic ballast shall withstand input power line transients as
defined in ANSI C62A1. The ballast shall tolerate a line voltage variation of + / - 10%.
6. The power factor shall be 95% or higher. The lamp crest factor shall measure 1.7 or less for
rapid start ballasts and 1.85 or less for instant start ballasts.
7. Total harmonic distortion of the input current to the electronic ballast shall not exceed 20% of
the input current.
8. The electronic ballast shall be Class "A" sound rated and UL dass "P" thermally protected.
9. The electronic ballast shall comply with FCC rules and regulations Part 18 concerning the
generation of both EMI (electromagnetic interference) and RFI (radio frequency interference).
10. Electronic ballasts shall operate the lamp at a frequency of 20 khz or greater.
11. The ballasts shall start and operate standard lamps at 50 degrees F and energy savings lamps at
60 degrees F. Ballast case temperature shall not exceed 25 degrees C rise above a 40 degrees C
ambient temperature.
12. The ballast shall be provided with an internal fuse to protect the electrical power supply from
internal component failure. The ballast shall also be short-circuit protected in the event of
Compact Fluorescent Low Wattage Fluorescent Ballasts
This specification applies to magnetic and electronic ballasts of either integral or modular
configuration operating 5 to 30 watt fluorescent lamps, regardless of shape or number of driven
lamps. This specification does not apply to ballasts operating fluorescent lamps 2' and longer.
1. Listing: The ballast must be listed on the most current Lighting Design Lab Specification
Committee's Electronic Ballast List for Low Wattage Fluorescent Lamps.
2. All ballasts shall comply with Underwriters Laboratory (UL) requirements and shall bear the
appropriate labels.
3. The power factor for all ballasts shall be 90% or higher.
4. Total harmonic distortion (IHD) of the input current shall not exceed 33% of the fundamental
60Hz. current.
5. Electronic Ballasts shall comply with FCC rules and regulations Part 18, concerning
Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Interference (EM! and RFI)
6. Electronic ballasts covered by this specification shall withstand input power line transients as
defined in ANSI C62AI.
7. All equipment covered by the specification shall be Class "P" thermally protected where required
by Code.
OIES-10390, Port Angeles
Exhibit A, Projects, Energy Savings & Project Budgets
8. For all modular ballasts, the lamp current crest factor (ratio of peak current to RMS current of
the modulated waveform) shall not exceed 1.7 for rapid start ballasts or 1.85 for instant start
9. The ballast shall be capable of starting the designated lamp at the minimtllll temperature
established by the lamp manufacturer. Integral units shall state minimtllll starting temperature.
10. All ballasts shall be Class" A" sound rated.
Full Size Fluorescent Lamps:
1. Lamps shall be 1" in diameter T8.
2. Lamps shall have Rare Earth phosphor coating and have a minimtllll CRl of 80.
Fluorescent Luminaires:
1. Components or lwninaires shall be D.L. listed or classified.
Compact Fluorescent Lamps:
1. Lamps shall have Rare Earth phosphor coating having a minimtllll CRl of 80.
Screw-in Compact Fluorescent:
1. Total harmonic distortion (IHD) of the input current shall not exceed 33% of the fundamental
60 Hz. current.
2. Lamps shall meet Energy Star requirements. No equivalents allowed.
Compact Fluorescent Fixtures:
1. Components or lwninaires shall be D.L. listed or classified.
2. Recessed downlights shall have a reflector specifically designed for the lamps.
3. Recessed downlights shall be vented to provide convective cooling to the lamp.
HID Lighting: ,
1. Lwninaires and retrofit kits shall be D.L.listed or classified per specific application, (e.g., exterior
lwninaires to carry a D.L. wet or damp label designation).
Occupancy Sensors:
1. Occupancy sensors shall be D.L. listed or classified.
2. Controlled lwninaire wattage shall not exceed occupancy sensor electrical load capacity.
3. Occupancy sensors shall be provided with manual sensitivity adjustment or and an adjustable or
fIXed time delay during which controlled lwninaires remain on after the space is vacated. Fixed
time delay shall be at least 30 seconds and no more than 20 minutes.
4. Occupancy sensors shall be provided with a minimum 3 year manufacturer warranty.
Programmable Thermostats
1. Programmable thermostat shall have deadband and 7-day setback capabilities; heat ptllllp
thermostats shall also have optimal start and emergency heat lockout features.
2. Programmable thermostats shall include a switch to manually activate the fan. The fan shall run
continuously when this switch is on. The fan shall run only when the thermostat calls for
heating or cooling when this switch is off.
3. Programmable thermostats shall be provided with a battery back up.
01 ES-I 0390, Port Angeles
Exhibit A, Projects, Energy Savings & Project Budgets
Table 1: Verification Report
Modifications to Existing Fixtures
Quanti Total Rebate
Existing Fluorescent Fixtures, with magnetic ballasts;
And T12lamps. 4' or less, change to:
T8 lamps and electronic ballasts with: 2 to 4 $30
1 lamp $15
and T12 slimline lamps. 5' to 8'. change to:
T8 lamps and electronic ballasts with: 2 to 4 $40
1 lamp $20
and T12 HO or VHO lamps. 5' to 8', change to:
T8 lamps and electronic ballasts with: 2 to 4 $50
1 lamp $40
Existing Incandescent Fixture, change to:
Compact Fluorescent, hard wired, replaceable $30
Screw-in Compact Fluor., locking base, $15
replaceable lamp
Screw in compact fluorescent $7
Existing Exit Sign, over 17 watts, change to:
Less than 5 Watts ED $35
New Lighting Fixtures to Replace Existing
Total Rebate
Fluoresa!J1t Fixtures, 4' or less uith Elect. Ballasts and T 8 !amp
2, 3, or 4 lamps $30
1 lamp $15
Fluorescent Fixture, over 4' with Elect. Ballasts and T8 Lam s
2, 3, or 4 lamps $40
1 lamp $20
Compact Fluorescent Fixtures, Hard Wired
5 - 17 watts nominal
Greater than 17 watts nominal;
Exit Signs
Less than 5 Watts (LED)
High Pressure Sodium or Metal Halide Fixtures
100 W orless
101 W - 399 W
400 W or eater
OlES-10390, Port Angeles
Exhibit A
Bonneville Contract No. 01ES-10389
New Lighting and HV AC Controls
Total Rebate
Occupancy sensors
Wall-switch mount: 100 to 300 W $20
over 300 W $35
Ceilm or hi h wall mount, over 300 W $45
Programmable Setback Thermostat (with optimal start and emergency heat lockout)
For HV AC systems with electric resistance $50
heat or Heat Pumps
Building Name and Address:
Total Cost: $ kWh Savings: % Watt Reduction
o Watt Reduction Achieved 0 All Equipment Meets Minimum Equipment Specifications
o The Rebate Items listed above have been installed and are operational
Inspected and Approved by: Date:
OlES-10390, Port Angeles
Exhibit A, Projects, Energy Savings & Project Budgets; Table I: Verification Report
Exhibit A
Bonneville Contract No. OlES-I0389
atta e e uction eet
Measure Installed (from Existing Measure Watts Watts % Watt Annual Annual Payment Amount
Table 1) Before After Reduction Operating kWh (from Table 1)
Hours Savings
Total Payable
OlES-I0390, City of Port Angeles
I of]