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915 E 5th St Permit
Application Number . . . . . 23-00000653 Date 6/23/23 Application pin number . . . 417338 Property Address . . . . . . 915 E 5TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-1-7665-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc PV system ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ IAN AND MIRA NELSON BLOSSOM SOLAR LLC 915 E 5TH ST 1706 LOMBARD AVE PORT ANGELES WA 983624112 EVERETT WA 98201 (425) 213-4181 (425) 330-4322 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 120.00 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . . . 6/23/23 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 12/20/23 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 120.0000 ECH EL-0-200 SRV FEEDER 120.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 120.00 120.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 120.00 120.00 .00 .00 1 - 2 SINGLE-FAMILY ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Pub! ic \Yorks and ULili ties Department 32 l E. 5th Street. Port ;\ngeles. WJ\ 98362 300.417.47]5 ! www.cilyofjJa us I electricalpcnnitsr21/cityofpa.us Project Address:-------------------------------------- Project Description:--------------------------------------□Single-Family Residential D Duplex/ ARU Building Square footage: _______________ _ OWNER JNFORMATtON Name: ________________________ Email: ______________ _ Mailing Address: ________________________ Phone: ___________ _ ELECTRfCAL CONTRACTOR fNFORMATION Name: ___________________________ License: ___________ _ Mailing Address: ________________________ Expiration Date: ________ _ Email: Phone: ___________ _ PROJECT DETAILS Item Unit Charge Qy51ntit3£ :To1s.l (Quantity x Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $120.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $146.00 $ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $205.00 $ Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $262.00 $ Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $373.00 $ Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder $5.00 $ Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $63.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $75.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $93.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $110.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $149.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $168.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $96.00 $ Signal CircuiULimited Energy - 1 &2 DU. $64.00 $ Manufactured Home Connection $120.00 $ Ren ewable Elec. Energy: 5KVA System or less $102.00 $ Thermostat (Note: $5 for each additional) $56.00 $ First 1300 Sql;Jare Feet $120.00 $ Each Additional 500 square feet" $40.00 $ Each Outbuilding / Detached Garage $74.00 $ Each Swimming Pool/ Hot Tub $110.00 $ TOTAL $ Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296- 468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Date Print Name Signature (0 Owner D Electrical Contractor/ Administrator) [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or electricalpermits@cityofpa.us] '"'CJ CD PREPARED 6/22/23, 8:35:16 PAYMENT DUE CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROGRAM BP820L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION NUMBER:23-00000653 915 E 5TH ST FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL 120.00 TOTAL DUE 120.00 Please present reciept to the cashier with full payment REPORT SALES TAX on your state excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) The issuance of a permit does not authorize any construction or other activity in violation of, nor does the issuance supersede or cancel the provisions of, any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. The permit does not authorize any construction or other activity in violation of the Governor’s COVID-19 Emergency Proclamations and related Guidance Memoranda. Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Environmentally Sensitive Area, utilities, and private/public Improvements. This permit becomes null and void if the work or construction authorized is not commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested, with 180 days from the last inspection. During the Governor’s COVID-19 Emergency Proclamation the City, in its sole discretion, may allow for or extend the life of building permits beyond the typical 180-day lifespan. All work done pursuant to this permit must comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations governing the work even if such local, state, or federal laws or regulation is not expressly specified herein. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION- 321 E. 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Building Permit Inspection Requests: https://www.cityofpa.us/986/Virtual-Inspections Application Number . . . . . 23-00000500 Date 5/11/23 Application pin number . . . 751500 Property Address . . . . . . 915 E 5TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-1-7665-0000- Application type description RES SOLAR PROJECT Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . . . 37669 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc 12.21 kW grid tied roof mounted solar system ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ IAN AND MIRA NELSON BLOSSOM SOLAR LLC 915 E 5TH ST 1706 LOMBARD AVE PORT ANGELES WA 983624112 EVERETT WA 98201 (425) 213-4181 (425) 330-4322 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . BUILDING PERMIT - SOLAR Additional desc . . ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR Permit Fee . . . . 130.00 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . . . 5/11/23 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 11/07/23 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 130.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments Approved per solar permit checklist showing project complies with all requirements of WAC 51-51-2300. pb ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . STATE SURCHARGE RES 6.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 130.00 130.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 6.50 6.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 136.50 136.50 .00 .00 BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments Foundation Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage/Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Buildings) Plumbing Under Floor / Slab Rough-in Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow/Water Air Seal: Walls Ceiling Framing: Joists / Girders / Under Floor Shear Wall / Hold Downs Walls / Roof / Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T-bar Insulation: Slab Wall / Floor / Ceiling Mechanical: Heat Pump / furnace / FAU / Ducts Rough-in Gas Line Wood Stove / Pellet / Chimney Commercial Hood / Ducts Manufactured Homes Footing / Slab Blocking & Hold Downs Skirting Planning Dept. Separate Permit #s SEPA: Parking / Lighting ESA: Landscaping Shoreline: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE Inspection Types Date Accepted By Electrical - 417-4735 Construction Right of way Here Fire - 417-4653 Planning - Request Inspection Here Building - Request Inspection Here Department of Community & Economic Development 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 360.417.4817 | www.cityofpa.us | permits@cityofpa.us Version 2021.12.28BPGENGENERAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROJECT INFORMATION □Single-Family Residential □ Multi-Family Residential □ Commercial □ Industrial □ Public Project Address: Tax Parcel No.: Zoning: Primary Contact: (Property Owner: □ Yes □ No) Phone: Email: OWNER INFORMATION Name: Phone: Mailing Address: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: License #: Mailing Address: Expiration Date: Email: Phone: CONSTRUCTION CLASSIFICATION □New Construction □ Manufactured Building □ Addition □ Remodel □ Repair □ Foundation□Fence (If >6’ high) □ Retaining Wall (If >4’ high or >2’ high with surcharge) □ Other: ____________ PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Value (Materials + Labor): $ Please summarize proposed work: APPLICATION MATERIALS CHECKLIST General Building Permit Application (BPGEN): Complete this form and have an authorized agent sign Stormwater Checklist (SWCL): Submit if the project has any ground disturbing activities Scaled Site Plan: Please submit a detailed site plan. (Scale: 1”=20’) Building/Construction Plans: Detailed drawings/engineering of construction plans and elevations Engineering: Required for all projects in Seismic Zone E unless demonstrate R301. IRC Other Applications: Electrical, Fire related, Wastewater Questionnaire, Waste Disposal, Right-of-Way for driveway, etc. I have read and completed the application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain permits prior to work. I understand that plan review fees are not refundable after review has occurred. I understand that I will forfeit review fees if I withdraw the application before the permit is issued. I understand that additional information may be required when determined necessary by the building official and if the permit is not picked up/issued within 180 days of submittal, the application will be considered abandoned and the fees will be forfeited. Date Print Name Signature (□Owner □Contractor □Representative) CITY USE ONLY App. #: Received: I am unable to sign digitally, but I agree to the terms above 23-500 5/10/2023 915 E 5th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Blossom Solar - Kyle Phillips n 425-610-7067 office@blossomsolar.com Ian Nelson 425-213-4181 915 E 5th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362 ianknelson88@gmail.com Blossom Solar BLOSSSL823M7 1706 Lombard Ave, Everett, WA 98201 7/24/24 office@blossomsolar.com 425-610-7067 4 Solar System Installation 37,669 12.21 kW grid tied roof mounted solar system installation 4 4 4 4 02/08/2023 Madison E. Martinez 4 Version 2021.12.28 PROJECT DETAILS PROJECT ADDRESS: NEW STRUCTURES & ADDITIONS □Single-Family Residential □ Multi-Family Residential □ Commercial □ Industrial □ Public Location Description Existing (sq.ft)Proposed (sq.ft)Total (sq.ft)Proposed Value Comments Main Floor $ Upper Floor(s)$ Basement $ Covered Deck / Porch / Entry $ Deck $ Garage (Attached / Detached)$ Carport (Attached / Detached)$ Other (Describe):$ TOTAL $ LOT & SITE COVERAGE CALCULATIONS (For new construction and additions only) Lot Details Dimensions _______ ft. x _______ ft. or □Irregular total sq.ft. Lot Coverage*Total footprint area of all structures on the property total sq.ft. % Site Coverage*Total area of all impervious surfaces total sq.ft. % *Lot Coverage: The percent of ground area of a lot on which buildings are located. (PAMC 17.08.065) *Site Coverage: The amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces. (PAMC 17.08.095) MECHANICAL DETAILS (If Applicable) Please indicate how many of each type of fixture is to be installed or relocated as part of the project. Air Handler Size: #:Heater (Suspended/Floor/Recessed Wall)#: Furnace/Heat Pump/ Forced air Unit Size:#:Heating/Cooling Appliance (Repair/Alter)#: Appliance Exhaust Fan #:Pellet/Wood/Gas Stove, Fireplace, Misc.#: Evaporated Cooler (Attached)#:Vent Fan (Single Duct)#: Fuel Gas Piping # of outlets:Vent System #: Hazard / Non-Hazard Piping # of outlets:Other:____________________________#: PLUMBING DETAILS (If Applicable) Please indicate how many of each type of fixture is to be installed or relocated as part of the project. Plumbing Traps #:Water Heater #: Plumbing Vent Piping # of outlets:Medical Gas Piping # of outlets: Water Line # of outlets:Fuel Gas Piping # of outlets: Sewer Line # of outlets:Industrial Waster Pretreatment Interceptor (Grease Trap)#: Vent System #:Backflow Protection Device (size: in.) #: Other: ADDITIONAL DETAILS (If Applicable) Irrigation System YES NO Proposed Proposed Bedrooms/Baths #: / Fire Sprinkler System YES NO Proposed Proposed Dwelling Units #: Is the project in Flood Zone? YES (Zone ID: ) NO Structure Value $ Is clearing or grading proposed: YES NO (if yes, estimate cut/fill total: ______________ (cubic yard) += 915 E 5th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362 4 RES IDENTIAL ROOF-MOUNTED SOLAR PANEL AP PLICATION Community & Economic Development Depa11rncnt 3'.?. l E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 9836'.?. 360.417.4817 I www.cityofpa.us I permits@cityofpa.us Project Address:-------------------------------------- PV System Description:------------------------------------- Mfg. I Model# of Major Equip.:-------------------------------- OWNER INFORMATION Name: _________________________ Email: _______________ _ Mailing Address: ________________________ Phone: ___________ _ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: _________________________ License: ___________ _ Mailing Address: Expiration Date: ________ _ Email: Phone: ___________ _ PROJECT DETAILS Per WAC 51-51-2300, if the answer to the following questions is "yes" a building permit will be issued for simple (10-15kw output) PV systems without further engineering. Section M2302.2.1 -Where solar panels are installed on roofs, the roof structure shall be deemed adequate to support the load of the rooftop if all of the following are met: YES N.Q 1.PV system is designed and proposed for a single family or detached accessory structure □ □ 2.Will the photovoltaic panels and modules and supporting structure shall be constructed of noncombustible materials or fire-retardant treated wood equivalent to that required for the roof construction. The installation □ □ shall meet the requirements of the International Fire Code as amended by WA State. PV modules are listed and labeled with a fire classification in accordance with UL 1703 3.The PV system is designed for the wind speed of the local area and will be installed per the manufacturer's □ □ specifications. 4.The ground snow load does not exceed 70 pounds per square foot. The PV system is designed for the wind □ □ speed of the local area, and will be installed per the manufacturer's specifications. 5.To tal dead load of modules, supports, mountings, raceways and all other appurtenances weigh no more than □ □ four pounds per square foot. Enter total dead load of system (lbs/ft2): 6.Supports for solar modules are installed to spread the dead load across as many roof-framing members as needed to ensure that no point load exceeds fifty (50) pounds. Modules are mounted no higher than 18"□ □ above the surface of the roofing to which they are affixed and do not exceed the highest point of the roof unless approved by the local jurisdiction. NOTE: If site inspection indicates a concern that the roof structure is not adequate to support the PV module(s), engineering may be required prior to final of the permit. Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296- 468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Date Print Name Signature (ID Owner D Electrical Contractor/ Administrator) [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or electricalpermits@cityofpa.us] -0 CD ianknelson88@gmail.com 915 E 5th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362 1706 Lombard Ave, Everett, WA 98201 office@blossomsolar.com 915 E 5th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362 12.21 kW Silfab SIL 370 HC panels and Enphase IQ8PLUS-72-2-US microinverters. 33 total modules. Ian Nelson office@blossomsolar.com 915 E 5th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362 425-610-7067 Blossom Solar BLOSSSL823M7 425-213-4181 915 E 5th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362 office@blossomsolar.com 7/24/24 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2/8/2023 Madison E Martinez Tech Brief The Strongest Attachment in Solar IronRidge FlashFoot2 raises the bar in solar roof protection. The unique water seal design is both elevated and encapsulated, delivering redundant layers of protection against water intrusion. In addition, the twist-on Cap perfectly aligns the rail attachment with the lag bolt to maximize mechanical strength. FlashFoot2 Twist-On Cap FlashFoot2’s unique Cap design encapsulates the lag bolt and locks into place with a simple twist. The Cap helps FlashFoot2 deliver superior structural strength, by aligning the rail and lag bolt in a concentric load path. Single Socket Size A custom-design lag bolt allows you to install FlashFoot2 with the same 7/16” socket size used on other Flush Mount System components. Three-Tier Water Seal FlashFoot2’s seal architecture utilizes three layers of protection. An elevated platform diverts water away, while a stack of rugged components raises the seal an entire inch. The seal is then fully-encapuslated by the Cap. FlashFoot2 is the first solar attachment to pass the TAS-100 Wind-Driven Rain Test. Water-Shedding Design An elevated platform diverts water away from the water seal. © 2016 IronRidge, Inc. All rights reserved. Visit www.ironridge.com or call 1-800-227-9523 for more information. Version 1.0 Tech Brief Installation Features Testing & Certification Structural Certification Designed and Certified for Compliance with the International Building Code & ASCE/SEI-7. Water Seal Ratings Water Sealing Tested to UL 441 Section 27 “Rain Test” and TAS 100-95 “Wind Driven Rain Test” by Intertek. Ratings applicable for composition shingle roofs having slopes between 2:12 and 12:12. UL 2703 Conforms to UL 2703 Mechanical and Bonding Requirements. See Flush Mount Install Manual for full ratings. Alignment Markers Quickly align the flashing with chalk lines to find pilot holes. Rounded Corners Makes it easier to handle and insert under the roof shingles. Reinforcement Ribs Help to stiffen the flashing and prevent any bending or crinkling during installation. A B C E B C Benefits of Concentric Loading Traditional solar attachments have a horizontal offset between the rail and lag bolt, which introduces leverage on the lag bolt and decreases uplift capacity. FlashFoot2 is the only product to align the rail and lag bolt. This concentric loading design results in a stronger attachment for the system. A Tech Brief Solar Is Not Always Sunny Over their lifetime, solar panels experience countless extreme weather events. Not just the worst storms in years, but the worst storms in 40 years. High winds capable of ripping panels from a roof, and snowfalls weighing enough to buckle a panel frame. XR Rails are the structural backbone preventing these results. They resist uplift, protect against buckling and safely and efficiently transfer loads into the building structure. Their superior spanning capability requires fewer roof attachments, reducing the number of roof penetrations and the amount of installation time. XR Rail Family Force-Stabilizing Curve Sloped roofs generate both vertical and lateral forces on mounting rails which can cause them to bend and twist. The curved shape of XR Rails is specially designed to increase strength in both directions while resisting the twisting. This unique feature ensures greater security during extreme weather and a longer system lifetime. Compatible with Flat & Pitched Roofs Roof Mount utilizes XR Rails, along with optional all-in-one attachments, to secure systems flush against residential roofs. Corrosion-Resistant Materials XR Rails are compatible with FlashFoot and other pitched roof attachments. IronRidge offers a range of tilt leg options for flat roof mounting applications. All XR Rails are made of 6000-series aluminum alloy, then protected with an anodized finish. Anodizing prevents surface and structural corrosion, while also providing a more attractive appearance. XR Rail Family The XR Rail Family offers the strength of a curved rail in three targeted sizes. Each size supports specific design loads, while minimizing material costs. Depending on your location, there is an XR Rail to match. © 2014 IronRidge, Inc. All rights reserved. Visit www.ironridge.com or call 1-800-227-9523 for more information. Version 1.13 Tech Brief Rail Selection The following table was prepared in compliance with applicable engineering codes and standards. Values are based on the following criteria: ASCE 7-10, Roof Zone 1, Exposure B, Roof Slope of 7 to 27 degrees and Mean Building Height of 30 ft. Visit IronRidge.com for detailed span tables and certifications. Load Rail Span Snow (PSF)Wind (MPH)4’5’ 4”6’8’10’12’ None 100 120 140 XR10 XR100 XR1000 160 10-20 100 120 140 160 30 100 160 40 100 160 50-70 160 80-90 160 XR100 XR100 is the ultimate residential mounting rail. It supports a range of wind and snow conditions, while also maximizing spans up to 8 feet. • 8’ spanning capability • Heavy load capability • Clear & black anodized finish • Internal splices available XR10 XR10 is a sleek, low-profile mounting rail, designed for regions with light or no snow. It achieves 6 foot spans, while remaining light and economical. • 6’ spanning capability • Moderate load capability • Clear & black anodized finish • Internal splices available XR1000 XR1000 is a heavyweight among solar mounting rails. It’s built to handle extreme climates and spans 12 feet or more for commercial applications. • 12’ spanning capability • Extreme load capability • Clear anodized finish • Internal splices available Tech Brief Moving Flashing Forward We set out to design a flashing that checked all the boxes: fully waterproof, fast and easy to install correctly, economical, and strong enough to handle every environmental condition. FlashVue does it all. The optimized flashing design features a large viewport, for easy alignment with the pilot hole. And the GripCap and GripCap+ sit snugly in place, so the lag can be driven single-handedly. FlashVue™ GripCap & GripCap+ The 360º capable GripCap (2.74” tall) and GripCap+ (3.74” tall) can be placed in any orientation, and provide a “friction-fit” for easy installs. Push snug into the viewport, without worrying it will roll away or rotate while driving the lag. Three-Tier Water Seal, Reimagined FlashVue’s seal architecture utilizes three layers of protection. The viewport is elevated 0.30”, and provides a “friction-fit” for the GripCap. The GripCap fully covers the viewport while a sealing washer adds another layer of protection. And an EPDM washer and lag bolt “seal the deal” in the stack. Large Viewport in Flashing The large viewport makes it easy to align the flashing with the pilot hole, and drive the lag centered into the rafter. The elevated rim not only provides a sturdy dock for the GripCap or GripCap+, but increases water-shedding capabilities. ⌀ 0.75” Triple Certified to Protect the Roof™ UL 2703, 441 (27) TAS 100(A)-95 © 2020 IronRidge, Inc. All rights reserved. Visit www.ironridge.com or call 1-800-227-9523 for more information. Version 1.0 Tech Brief Solve Roof Undulations See Your Pilot Holes Also Available: GripCap+ We know roofs are not always perfectly flat. GripCap+ can help when undulations get in the way. Large Viewport in Flashing FlashVue makes pilot holes highly visible, like never before. No more tedious guesswork on hot roofs. Trusted Strength & Certification Attachment Loading FlashVue has been tested and rated to support 1161 (lbs) of uplift and 353 (lbs) of lateral load. Structural Certification Designed and certified for compliance with the International Building Code & ASCE/SEI-7. Water Seal Ratings Passed both the UL 441 Section 27 “Rain Test” and TAS 100-95 “Wind Driven Rain Test” by Intertek. UL 2703 Listed System Conforms to UL 2703 mechanical and bonding requirements. See Flush Mount Manual for more info. Tech Brief Solar Is Not Always Sunny Over their lifetime, solar panels experience countless extreme weather events. Not just the worst storms in years, but the worst storms in 40 years. High winds capable of ripping panels from a roof, and snowfalls weighing enough to buckle a panel frame. XR Rails are the structural backbone preventing these results. They resist uplift, protect against buckling and safely and efficiently transfer loads into the building structure. Their superior spanning capability requires fewer roof attachments, reducing the number of roof penetrations and the amount of installation time. XR Rail Family Force-Stabilizing Curve Sloped roofs generate both vertical and lateral forces on mounting rails which can cause them to bend and twist. The curved shape of XR Rails is specially designed to increase strength in both directions while resisting the twisting. This unique feature ensures greater security during extreme weather and a longer system lifetime. Compatible with Flat & Pitched Roofs Roof Mount utilizes XR Rails, along with optional all-in-one attachments, to secure systems flush against residential roofs. Corrosion-Resistant Materials XR Rails are compatible with FlashFoot and other pitched roof attachments. IronRidge offers a range of tilt leg options for flat roof mounting applications. All XR Rails are made of 6000-series aluminum alloy, then protected with an anodized finish. Anodizing prevents surface and structural corrosion, while also providing a more attractive appearance. XR Rail Family The XR Rail Family offers the strength of a curved rail in three targeted sizes. Each size supports specific design loads, while minimizing material costs. Depending on your location, there is an XR Rail to match. © 2014 IronRidge, Inc. All rights reserved. Visit www.ironridge.com or call 1-800-227-9523 for more information. Version 1.13 Tech Brief Rail Selection The following table was prepared in compliance with applicable engineering codes and standards. Values are based on the following criteria: ASCE 7-10, Roof Zone 1, Exposure B, Roof Slope of 7 to 27 degrees and Mean Building Height of 30 ft. Visit IronRidge.com for detailed span tables and certifications. Load Rail Span Snow (PSF)Wind (MPH)4’5’ 4”6’8’10’12’ None 100 120 140 XR10 XR100 XR1000 160 10-20 100 120 140 160 30 100 160 40 100 160 50-70 160 80-90 160 XR100 XR100 is the ultimate residential mounting rail. It supports a range of wind and snow conditions, while also maximizing spans up to 8 feet. • 8’ spanning capability • Heavy load capability • Clear & black anodized finish • Internal splices available XR10 XR10 is a sleek, low-profile mounting rail, designed for regions with light or no snow. It achieves 6 foot spans, while remaining light and economical. • 6’ spanning capability • Moderate load capability • Clear & black anodized finish • Internal splices available XR1000 XR1000 is a heavyweight among solar mounting rails. It’s built to handle extreme climates and spans 12 feet or more for commercial applications. • 12’ spanning capability • Extreme load capability • Clear anodized finish • Internal splices available IQ8 and IQ8+ Microinverters Our newest IQ8 Microinverters are the industry’s first microgrid-forming, software- defined microinverters with split-phase power conversion capability to convert DC power to AC power efficiently. The brain of the semiconductor-based microinverter is our proprietary application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) which enables the microinverter to operate in grid-tied or off-grid modes. This chip is built in advanced 55nm technology with high speed digital logic and has super-fast response times to changing loads and grid events, alleviating constraints on battery sizing for home energy systems. Part of the Enphase Energy System, IQ8 Series Microinverters integrate with the Enphase IQ Battery, Enphase IQ Gateway, and the Enphase App monitoring and analysis software. IQ8 Series Microinverters redefine reliability standards with more than one million cumulative hours of power-on testing, enabling an industry-leading limited warranty of up to 25 years. Connect PV modules quickly and easily to IQ8 Series Microinverters using the included Q-DCC-2 adapter cable with plug-n-play MC4 connectors. IQ8 Series Microinverters are UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conform with various regulations, when installed according to manufacturer’s instructions. Easy to install • Lightweight and compact with plug-n-play connectors • Power Line Communication (PLC) between components • Faster installation with simple two-wire cabling High productivity and reliability • Produce power even when the grid is down • More than one million cumulative hours of testing • Class II double-insulated enclosure • Optimized for the latest high- powered PV modules Microgrid-forming • Complies with the latest advanced grid support • Remote automatic updates for the latest grid requirements • Configurable to support a wide range of grid profiles • Meets CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA) requirements © 2021 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, IQ8 microinverters, and other names are trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Data subject to change. IQ8SP-DS-0002-01-EN-US-2021-10-19 DATA SHEET (1) No enforced DC/AC ratio. See the compatibility calculator at https://link.enphase.com/ module-compatibility (2) Maximum continuous input DC current is 10.6A (3) Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility. (4) Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. IQ8 and IQ8+ Microinverters INPUT DATA (DC)IQ8-60-2-US IQ8PLUS-72-2-US Commonly used module pairings1 W 235 – 350 235 – 440 Module compatibility 60-cell/120 half-cell 60-cell/120 half-cell and 72-cell/144 half-cell MPPT voltage range V 27 – 37 29 – 45 Operating range V 25 – 48 25 – 58 Min/max start voltage V 30 / 48 30 / 58 Max input DC voltage V 50 60 Max DC current2 [module Isc] A 15 Overvoltage class DC port II DC port backfeed current mA 0 PV array configuration 1x1 Ungrounded array; No additional DC side protection required; AC side protection requires max 20A per branch circuit OUTPUT DATA (AC)IQ8-60-2-US IQ8PLUS-72-2-US Peak output power VA 245 300 Max continuous output power VA 240 290 Nominal (L-L) voltage/range3 V 240 / 211 – 264 Max continuous output current A 1.0 1.21 Nominal frequency Hz 60 Extended frequency range Hz 50 – 68 Max units per 20 A (L-L) branch circuit4 16 13 Total harmonic distortion <5% Overvoltage class AC port III AC port backfeed current mA 30 Power factor setting 1.0 Grid-tied power factor (adjustable)0.85 leading – 0.85 lagging Peak efficiency %97.5 97.6 CEC weighted efficiency %97 97 Night-time power consumption mW 60 MECHANICAL DATA Ambient temperature range -40ºC to +60ºC (-40ºF to +140ºF) Relative humidity range 4% to 100% (condensing) DC Connector type MC4 Dimensions (HxWxD)212 mm (8.3”) x 175 mm (6.9”) x 30.2 mm (1.2”) Weight 1.08 kg (2.38 lbs) Cooling Natural convection – no fans Approved for wet locations Yes Acoustic noise at 1 m <60 dBA Pollution degree PD3 Enclosure Class II double-insulated, corrosion resistant polymeric enclosure Environ. category / UV exposure rating NEMA Type 6 / outdoor COMPLIANCE Certifications CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA), UL 62109-1, UL1741/IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES-0003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 107.1-01 This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC 2014, NEC 2017, and NEC 2020 section 690.12 and C22.1-2018 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according to manufacturer’s instructions. IQ8SP-DS-0002-01-EN-US-2021-10-19 X-IQ-AM1-240-4 The Enphase IQ Combiner 4/4C with Enphase IQ Gateway and integrated LTE-M1 cell modem (included only with IQ Combiner 4C) consolidates interconnection equipment into a single enclosure and streamlines IQ microinverters and storage installations by providing a consistent, pre-wired solution for residential applications. It offers up to four 2-pole input circuits and Eaton BR series busbar assembly. Enphase IQ Combiner 4/4C X-IQ-AM1-240-4 X-IQ-AM1-240-4C To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com Data Sheet Enphase Networking Smart • Includes IQ Gateway for communication and control • Includes Enphase Mobile Connect cellular modem (CELLMODEM-M1-06-SP-05), included only with IQ Combiner 4C • Includes solar shield to match Enphase IQ Battery aesthetics and deflect heat • Flexible networking supports Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular • Optional AC receptacle available for PLC bridge • Provides production metering and consumption monitoring Simple • Centered mounting brackets support single stud mounting • Supports bottom, back and side conduit entry • Up to four 2-pole branch circuits for 240 VAC plug-in breakers (not included) • 80A total PV or storage branch circuits Reliable • Durable NRTL-certified NEMA type 3R enclosure • Five-year limited warranty • Two years labor reimbursement program coverage included for both the IQ Combiner SKU's • UL listed X-IQ-AM1-240-4C To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com © 2021 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, IQ Combiner 4/4C, and other names are trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Data subject to change. 10-21-2021 MODEL NUMBER IQ Combiner 4 (X-IQ-AM1-240-4)IQ Combiner 4 with Enphase IQ Gateway printed circuit board for integrated revenue grade PV production metering (ANSI C12.20 +/- 0.5%) and consumption monitoring (+/- 2.5%). Includes a silver solar shield to match the IQ Battery system and IQ System Controller 2 and to deflect heat. IQ Combiner 4C (X-IQ-AM1-240-4C)IQ Combiner 4C with Enphase IQ Gateway printed circuit board for integrated revenue grade PV production metering (ANSI C12.20 +/- 0.5%) and consumption monitoring (+/- 2.5%). Includes Enphase Mobile Connect cellular modem (CELLMODEM-M1-06-SP-05), a plug-and-play industrial-grade cell modem for systems up to 60 microinverters. (Available in the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, where there is adequate cellular service in the installation area.) Includes a silver solar shield to match the IQ Battery and IQ System Controller and to deflect heat. ACCESSORIES AND REPLACEMENT PARTS (not included, order separately) Ensemble Communications Kit COMMS-CELLMODEM-M1-06 CELLMODEM-M1-06-SP-05 CELLMODEM-M1-06-AT-05 - Includes COMMS-KIT-01 and CELLMODEM-M1-06-SP-05 with 5-year Sprint data plan for Ensemble sites - 4G based LTE-M1 cellular modem with 5-year Sprint data plan - 4G based LTE-M1 cellular modem with 5-year AT&T data plan Circuit Breakers BRK-10A-2-240V BRK-15A-2-240V BRK-20A-2P-240V BRK-15A-2P-240V-B BRK-20A-2P-240V-B Supports Eaton BR210, BR215, BR220, BR230, BR240, BR250, and BR260 circuit breakers. Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 10A, Eaton BR210 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 15A, Eaton BR215 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 20A, Eaton BR220 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 15A, Eaton BR215B with hold down kit support Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 20A, Eaton BR220B with hold down kit support EPLC-01 Power line carrier (communication bridge pair), quantity - one pair XA-SOLARSHIELD-ES Replacement solar shield for IQ Combiner 4/4C XA-PLUG-120-3 Accessory receptacle for Power Line Carrier in IQ Combiner 4/4C (required for EPLC-01) XA-ENV-PCBA-3 Replacement IQ Gateway printed circuit board (PCB) for Combiner 4/4C X-IQ-NA-HD-125A Hold down kit for Eaton circuit breaker with screws. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rating Continuous duty System voltage 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz Eaton BR series busbar rating 125 A Max. continuous current rating 65 A Max. continuous current rating (input from PV/storage)64 A Max. fuse/circuit rating (output)90 A Branch circuits (solar and/or storage)Up to four 2-pole Eaton BR series Distributed Generation (DG) breakers only (not included) Max. total branch circuit breaker rating (input)80A of distributed generation / 95A with IQ Gateway breaker included Production metering CT 200 A solid core pre-installed and wired to IQ Gateway Consumption monitoring CT (CT-200-SPLIT)A pair of 200 A split core current transformers MECHANICAL DATA Dimensions (WxHxD)37.5 x 49.5 x 16.8 cm (14.75” x 19.5” x 6.63”). Height is 21.06" (53.5 cm) with mounting brackets. Weight 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs) Ambient temperature range -40º C to +46º C (-40º to 115º F) Cooling Natural convection, plus heat shield Enclosure environmental rating Outdoor, NRTL-certified, NEMA type 3R, polycarbonate construction Wire sizes • 20 A to 50 A breaker inputs: 14 to 4 AWG copper conductors • 60 A breaker branch input: 4 to 1/0 AWG copper conductors • Main lug combined output: 10 to 2/0 AWG copper conductors • Neutral and ground: 14 to 1/0 copper conductors Always follow local code requirements for conductor sizing. Altitude To 2000 meters (6,560 feet) INTERNET CONNECTION OPTIONS Integrated Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n Cellular CELLMODEM-M1-06-SP-05, CELLMODEM-M1-06-AT-05 (4G based LTE-M1 cellular modem). Note that an Enphase Mobile Connect cellular modem is required for all Ensemble installations. Ethernet Optional, 802.3, Cat5E (or Cat 6) UTP Ethernet cable (not included) COMPLIANCE Compliance, IQ Combiner UL 1741, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.1, 47 CFR, Part 15, Class B, ICES 003 Production metering: ANSI C12.20 accuracy class 0.5 (PV production) Consumption metering: accuracy class 2.5 Compliance, IQ Gateway UL 60601-1/CANCSA 22.2 No. 61010-1 Enphase IQ Combiner 4/4C 1.CUSTOMER ELECTRIC GENERATING FACILITY 1.1 Customer has elected, in accordance with RCW 80.60 et seq., to operate either a net energy metering fuel cell, solar, wind or hydropower electric generating facility, with a generating capacity of not more than one hundred kilowatts, in parallel with the City's transmission and distribution facilities. This generating facility is intended to offset either part or all of the Customer's electrical requirements. 1.2 Customer’s Application for Net Metered Electrical Generation, including the location of the electrical generating installation and details on the electrical generating unit(s) is hereby incorporated into this agreement as Appendix A. 1.3 The installation is identified by the City with the following designators: Transformer No. Underground on feeder/phase Customer Utility Location No. 1.4 A separate agreement shall be entered into for each Customer’s electrical service location(s). 1.5 The electrical generating system used by the Customer shall be located on the Customer’s premises. It shall include all equipment necessary to meet applicable safety, power quality, and connection requirements established by the National Electrical Code (Articles 690 and 705), National Electrical Safety Code, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Underwriters Laboratories, and the City’s Connection Standards, as set forth in Appendix B, which is attached hereto. 1.6 The City shall have the sole authority to determine which connection requirements set forth herein are applicable to Customer’s proposed installation. 2.PAYMENT FOR NET ENERGY 2.1 The City shall measure the net electricity produced or consumed by the Customer during each billing period, in accordance with normal metering practices. 92232 This Net Energy Metering Connection Agreement is executed in duplicate this 31st day of January, 2023 between Mira R Nelson (hereinafter referred to as "Customer"), and the City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works and Utilities (hereinafter referred to as the City). Both parties, who may be herein further referred to collectively as "Parties" and individually as "Party", agree as follows: NET ENERGY METERING CONNECTION AGREEMENT for CUSTOMER FUEL CELL, SOLAR, WIND, or HYDROPOWER ELECTRIC GENERATING FACILITIES of 100 KILOWATTS or LESS PW1201-01 Net Metering Agreement.DOC 1 of 6 3/28/01 DocuSign Envelope ID: AD81E9D6-7798-42F9-9879-025E38B5CDF9 2.2 If the electricity supplied by the City exceeds the electricity generated by the Customer and fed back to the City during the billing period, or any portion thereof, then the Customer shall be billed for the net electricity supplied by the City together with the appropriate customer charge paid by other customers of the City in the same rate class. 2.3 If the electricity generated by the Customer and distributed back to the City during the billing period, or any portion thereof, exceeds the electricity supplied by the City, then the Customer shall be: (a)billed for the appropriate customer service charge as other customers of the City in the same rate class; and (b)credited for the net excess kilowatt-hours generated during the billing period, with this kilowatt-hour credit appearing on Customer’s bill for the following billing period. 2.4 At the beginning of each calendar year, any remaining unused kilowatt-hour credit accumulated by the Customer during the previous year shall be granted to the City without any compensation to the Customer. 2.5 Customer shall pay any amount owing for electric service provided by the City in accordance with applicable rates and policies. Nothing in this Section 2 shall limit City’s rights under applicable Rate Schedules, Customer Service Policies, and General Provisions. 3.INTERRUPTION OR REDUCTION OF DELIVERIES 3.1 The City may require Customer to interrupt or reduce deliveries as follows: (a)when necessary in order to construct, install, maintain, repair, replace, remove, investigate, or inspect any of its equipment or part of its system; or (b)if it determines that curtailment, interruption, or reduction is necessary because of emergencies, force or compliance with prudent electrical practices. 3.2 Whenever possible, the City shall give Customer reasonable notice of the possibility that interruption or reduction of deliveries may be required. 3.3 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if at any time the City determines that either: (a)the facility may endanger City personnel, or (b)the continued operation of Customer's facility may endanger the integrity of the City’s electric system, The City shall have the right to disconnect Customer's facility from the City’s electric system. Customer's facility shall remain disconnected until such time as the City is satisfied that the condition(s) referenced in (a) or (b) of this section 3.3 have been corrected. 4.CONNECTION 4.1 Customer shall deliver the excess energy to the City at the City’s meter. PW1201-01 Net Metering Agreement.DOC 2 of 6 3/28/01 DocuSign Envelope ID: AD81E9D6-7798-42F9-9879-025E38B5CDF9 4.2 Customer shall pay for designing, installing, inspecting, operating, and maintaining the electric generating facility in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and shall comply with the City’s Connection Standards set forth in Appendix B, which is attached hereto. 4.3 Customer shall pay for the City’s standard watt-hour meter electrical hook-up, if not already present. 4.4 Customer shall not commence parallel operation of the generating facility until written approval of the connection facilities has been given by the City. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The City shall have the right to have representatives present at the initial testing of Customer's protective apparatus. 5.MAINTENANCE AND PERMITS 5.1 Customer shall: (a)maintain the electric generating facility and connection facilities in a safe and prudent manner and in conformance with all applicable laws and regulations including, but not limited to, the City’s Connection Standards, Appendix B, and (b)obtain any governmental authorizations and permits required for the construction and operation of the electric generating facility and connection facilities, including electrical permit(s). 5.2 Customer shall reimburse the City for any and all losses, damages, claims, penalties, or liability it incurs as a result of Customer's failure to obtain or maintain any governmental authorizations and permits required for construction and operation of Customer's generating facility or failure to maintain Customer's facility as required in (a) of this Section 5. 6.ACCESS TO PREMISES 6.1 The City may enter Customer's premises or property to: (a)inspect, with prior notice, at all reasonable hours, Customer's protective devices; (b)read meter; and ( c)disconnect at the City’s meter or transformer, without notice, the connection facilities if, in the City’s opinion, a hazardous condition exists and such immediate action is necessary to protect persons, or the City’s facilities, or property of others from damage or interference caused by Customer's electric generating facilities, or lack of properly operating protective devices or inability to inspect the same. 7.INDEMNITY AND LIABILITY 7.1 The Customer assumes the risk of all damages, loss, cost and expense and agrees to indemnify the City, its successors and assigns, and its respective directors, officers, employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, losses, costs, liabilities, PW1201-01 Net Metering Agreement.DOC 3 of 6 3/28/01 DocuSign Envelope ID: AD81E9D6-7798-42F9-9879-025E38B5CDF9 damages and expenses including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney fees, resulting from or in connection with performance of the agreement or which may occur or be sustained by the City on account of any claim or action brought against the City for any reason including but not limited to loss to the electrical system of the Customer, caused by or arising out of an electrical disturbance. 7.2 Such indemnity, protection, and hold harmless includes any demand, claim, suit or judgement for damages, death or bodily injury to all persons, including officers, employees or agents, and subcontractors of either Party hereto including payment made under or in connection with any Worker’s Compensation Law or under any plan for employees’ disability and death benefits or property loss which may be caused or contributed to by the connection, maintenance, operation, use, presence, or removal of Customer’s equipment. The only exception will be liability occasioned by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City or its employees acting within the scope of their employment and liability occasioned by a partial negligence of the City or its employees acting within the scope of their employment to the extent that such partial liability is fixed by a court of competent jurisdiction. 7.3 The provisions of Section 7 shall not be construed to relieve any insurer of its obligations to pay any insurance claims in accordance with the provisions of any insurance policy. 7.4 The City shall have no liability, ownership interest, control or responsibility for the Customer’s Electric Generating Facility or its connection with the City’s electric system, regardless of what the City knows or should know about the Customer’s Electric Generating Facility or its connection. 7.5 Customer recognizes that it is waiving immunity under Washington Industrial Insurance law, Title 51 RCW, and further agrees that this indemnification clause has been mutually negotiated. This indemnification shall extend to and include attorney’s fees and the costs of establishing the right of indemnification hereunder in favor of the City. 8.INSURANCE 8.1 Customer shall maintain, during the term of this Agreement, Comprehensive Personal Liability Insurance with a combined single limit in an amount equivalent to the industry standard for this type of insurance. 8.2 Such insurance shall, by endorsement to the policy or policies, provide for thirty (30) calendar days written notice to the City prior to cancellation, termination, attention, or material change of such insurance. 8.3 The City shall have the right to inspect or obtain a copy of the original policy or policies of insurance. 9.INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS 9.1 The Parties hereto are independent contractors and shall not be deemed to be partners, joint venturers, employees, franchisees or franchisers, servants or agents of each other for any purpose whatsoever under or in connection with this Agreement. PW1201-01 Net Metering Agreement.DOC 4 of 6 3/28/01 DocuSign Envelope ID: AD81E9D6-7798-42F9-9879-025E38B5CDF9 10.GOVERNING LAW 10.1 This Agreement shall be interpreted, governed, and constructed under the laws of the State of Washington as if executed and to be performed wholly within the State of Washington. Venue of any action arising hereunder or related to this agreement shall lie in Clallam County, Washington. 11.AMENDMENTS, MODIFICATIONS OR WAIVER 11.1 Any amendments or modifications to this Agreement shall be in writing and agreed to by both Parties. The failure of any Party at any time or times to require performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect the right at a later time to enforce the same. No waiver by any Party of the breach of any term or covenant contained in this Agreement, whether by conduct or otherwise, shall be deemed to be construed as a further or continuing waiver of any such breach or waiver of the breach of any other term or covenant unless such waiver is in writing. 12.APPENDICES The Agreement includes the following appendices attached and incorporated by reference: Appendix A: Customer’s Application for Net Metered Electrical Generation to City of Port Angeles. Appendix B: City’s Connection Standards for Customer Electric Generating Facilities of 100 Kilowatts or Less. 13.NOTICES All written notices shall be directed as follows: City of Port Angeles: Electrical Engineering Manager 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Customer: Mira R Nelson Name 915 E 5th St Address Port Angeles, WA 98362 City, State & Zip PW1201-01 Net Metering Agreement.DOC 5 of 6 3/28/01 DocuSign Envelope ID: AD81E9D6-7798-42F9-9879-025E38B5CDF9 Customer notices to the City, pursuant to this Section 13, shall refer to the Service Address set forth in Appendix A. 14.TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be in effect when signed by the Customer and the City and shall remain in effect thereafter month to month unless terminated by either Party on thirty (30) days' prior written notice in accordance with Section 13. 15.SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused two originals of this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. This Agreement is effective as of the last date set forth below: CUSTOMER: CITY OF PORT ANGELES: Signature Signature Print name Print name Title Title Date Date PW1201-01 Net Metering Agreement.DOC 6 of 6 3/28/01 Mira R Nelson Home Owner DocuSign Envelope ID: AD81E9D6-7798-42F9-9879-025E38B5CDF9 2/1/2023 PW1201_02 [Revised 01/2016] 1 of 2 APPENDIX A Application for Net Metered Electrical Generation Thank you for your interest in establishing a renewable energy or fuel cell connection with City of Port Angeles, Electric Utility. Please note generation systems must meet certain requirements to be considered. x The project must be not more than 100 kilowatts (kW) in size. x Generation must be fueled by solar, wind, hydropower, or be a fuel cell. x Owner provides power conditioning, connection, and safety equipment. x Projects will be considered on a first come first served basis. Please complete Customer and Installer Information and the appropriate section for the type of generation proposed to be installed. In addition, include a one-line diagram and description of protection equipment. Please allow at least ten working days for processing your application. Questions may be directed to Electrical Engineering Manager, at telephone number (360) 417-4702. Customer Information Owner Name: Mailing Address: City, State & Zip: Email Address: Service Address: (If different than Mailing Address) Electric Utility Account No.: Expected System Operational Date: Installer Information (If different from Customer Information) Installer Name: Mailing Address: City, State & Zip: Email Address: Daytime Telephone: Mira R Nelson 915 E 5th St Port Angeles, WA 98362 ianknelson88@gmail.com 915 E 5th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Daytime Telephone: Blossom Solar 1706 Lombard Ave Everett, WA 98201 office@blossomsolar.com 425-610-7067 425-213-4181 121105-92232 February 10, 2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: AD81E9D6-7798-42F9-9879-025E38B5CDF9 PW1201_02 [Revised 01/2016] 2 of 2 Photovoltaic Solar System Information PV Module Manufacturer: PV Module Model Number: __________________ PV Power Rating per Module: _________ DC Watts DC Watts Inverter Manufacturer: Inverter Model Number: ,QYHUWHU¶V3RZHU5DWLQJN: (AC continuous) Installation Cost Information Estimated cost of installation: Drawings Attached: one line manufacturers literature design drawings Silfab SIL 370 HC 33 370 Number of Modules: Total Output: 12.21 kW Enphase IQ8PLUS-72-2-US 9.9 kW Describe the protection equipment to be used and the physical location of the installation: 12.21 kW grid tied roof mounted solar system installation. $37,668.60 ✔ DocuSign Envelope ID: AD81E9D6-7798-42F9-9879-025E38B5CDF9 A.General This Appendix sets forth the requirements and conditions for interconnected non-utility- owned electric generation where such generation may be connected for parallel operation with the service of City of Port Angeles Electric Utility (the "City"). For purposes of this Appendix, the interconnecting entity shall be designated "Customer". B.Connection Requirements 1.Customer shall conform to all applicable National Electric Code (NEC) requirements [NEC Articles 690 and 705] and building codes, and shall obtain electrical permit(s) for the equipment installation. 2.Customer shall have a dedicated lockable disconnect device between sources of alternating-current, (i.e. between inverter(s) or other power conditioning unit(s)) and the City’s distribution system. The lockable disconnect must be accessible to the City at all times and only the City’s lock may be used on it. 3.Customer’s over current device at the service panel shall be marked to indicate power source and connection to the City’s distribution system. 4.Customer’s power production control system shall comply with NEC Articles 690 and 705, Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Standard 1741, Second Edition, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard 1547 minimum specifications, and standards for parallel operation with the City. In particular, the: a.Power output control system shall automatically disconnect from the City’s source upon loss of the City’s voltage and not reconnect until the City’s voltage has been restored by the City. b.Power output control system shall automatically disconnect from the City’s source if Customer’s voltage fluctuates beyond plus or minus 10 percent, per UL 1741. c.Power output control system shall automatically disconnect from the City’s if Customer’s and the City’s frequency fluctuates plus or minus 2 cycles per second (Hertz). d.Inverter output distortion shall meet IEEE Standard 519. C.Safety All safety and operating procedures for joint use equipment shall be in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standard 29, CFR 1910.269, the NEC, WAC rules, the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Administration (WISHA) Standard, the City Service Requirements, and equipment manufacturer’s safety and operating manuals. of not more than 100 KILOWATTS APPENDIX B CONNECTION STANDARDS for CUSTOMER ELECTRIC GENERATING FACILITIES Net Metering-Apndx B.doc{2/19/13} DocuSign Envelope ID: AD81E9D6-7798-42F9-9879-025E38B5CDF9 2022 Single Line Blossom Solar LLC (425) 610-7067 office@blossomsolar.com String 1 11 Mods & Invtrs 12.21 kW Photovoltaic Solar System Micro Inverters Enphase IQ 8+ Max Output: 300 W AC Output Voltage: 240 V AC Max Output Current: 1.21 A Rapid Shut Down Compliant Service Meter #6 EGC 3 #6 Conductors #10 EGC THHW Nelson, Ian 915 E 5th St Port Angeles, WA 98362 3 x 2 #12 Conductors #12 EGC THHW MSP AC Disconnect DG222NRB or DH222NRK Rapid Shutdown Switch Service Rated Fused @ 50A AC Combiner 3 #6 Conductors String 2 11 Mods & Invtrs String 3 11 Mods & Invtrs Service Disco (RSD) #6 GEC 9.9 kW Max AC Output Main Service Panel Rating : 200A / 240V Ac Line Side Connection PV Combiner Panel (IQ-4) Rating : 125A / 240V Ac 2P20A x 3 Solar Strings 33 x 1.21A x 1.25A = 49.91 A Main Lug Supply Side Connection Generation Module Silfab 370 HC Output 370 W Total Modules 33 Max Production 12.21 kW V(oc)41.75 V I(sc)11.25 A