HomeMy WebLinkAbout221 W 1st St - BuildingPREPARED 2/23/11 8 17 23 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 2/23/11 ADDRESS 221 W 1ST ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR BAXTER AUTO PARTS CONTRACTOR ANGELES HEATING INC PHONE (360) 457 0111 OWNER GERALD A CORNELL PHONE PARCEL 06 30 00 0 0 1460 0000 APPL NUMBER 11 00000106 MECHANICAL APPL PERMIT PERMIT ME 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS ME99 01 2/23/11 ,ILL( MECHANICAL FINAL TIME 01 00 I l February 22 2011 3 59 07 PM 1pangrle BOB 460 2314 MECHANICAL FINAL TWO DUCTLESS HEAT PUMPS AFTERNOON COMMENTS AND NOTES 'Application Number 11 00000133 Application pin number 836015 Property Address 221 W 1ST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 0 0 1460 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Application valuation 0 Application desc 400 amp service and 2 ductless HP Owner GERALD A CORNELL PO BOX 301 PORT GAMBLE Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total INSPECTION TYPE DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS WA 98364 ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 181370 153 30 2/10/11 8/09/11 Qty Unit Charge Per 3 00 2 6000 EqH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT W /FEEDER 1 00 145 5000 EdH EL 201 400 SRV FEEDER Charged Paid Credited 153 30 00 153 30 PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MO 'JTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X G \EXCHANGE \BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 417 -4735 153 30 00 153 30 Contractor 00 00 00 NORTH PENINSULA ELECTRIC 761 FRESHWATER PARK RD PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 477 1764 DATE. Date 2/10/11 1yo_(_ Plan Check Fee 00 Valuation 0 Extension 7 80 145 50 Due 00 00 00 RESULTS INSPECTOR. 4 .fr .W /Z N-AID l z.l ,..k0 +4, Date REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) I/ OWNER CONTRACTOR DATE: ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT 417 -4735 PERMIT INSPECTOR (413-6t) rzr ADDRESS APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN /COVER SERVICE FINAL 4 RRECTIONS NEEDED: 71 v 4 t mac_ QrLO p)=r_12. G A 6f.)- J2o CW-F Ira 2 %Ill L� QUi io es) fl D 1•441144- C- S4- MVI LE NEL, 1,06K 444 D #.1 CSC CALI fC Vo r, /14 L A AI V ,QV pE4 is i 11rz R6R Ad 3 NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE 2011 -02 -09 11:51 NORTH PENINSULA ELEC City of Port Angeles Permit Application Building Dlvlr1on /Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Pon Angeles Washington, 983132 Ph:1380) 4174735 Fax: (380)417.4711 Date• :L 1 1 1 2 Single Family Dwelling Multi -Family or Commercial' /Commercial Addition 1 Alteration I Remodel 1 Repair Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review in>aban Sheet Job Address: c--J Building Square Footage: Wit Descrlplion of above 1 i t,. 1 it 1 Owner Information-- Name' Mailing AddreSS `T l _.1 :4 i City State Lj Zip }J Phone S License At!Exp. Unit Charge G1yt 5 (19.90 5 145 50 S 204.60 S 262.20 372 50 S 2 60 S 73.50 S 2.60 92.70 511030 S (46 70 S 167 90 59590 I S 8820 5 9590 S 6390 3 63 90 S 119.90 S 102.30 1 5 110 30 35.20 S 73.50 110.30 S 56.00 r r ��Ck Dale: ty Multiplied by Unit Charge) ce/F eeder 200 Amp. Service/Feeder 201400 Amp 1 J r 06 S_ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. 5 Service/Feeder 601 1000 Amp 0 8 C. S, Service/Feeder over 1000 AMC 5, L T_ Branch Circuit 14 Service Feeder S_ Branch Circuit MO Service Feeder 5 e Eacn Additional Branch Circuit S 1 Temp Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. 5 Temp ServrcerFeeder 201 -400 Amp 5 Temp. SemcelFeeder 401.600 Amp S Temp. Service /Feeder 601 1000 Amp S_ Portal to Portal Houny S SignrOuttine Lighting t- S Signal Crrcinv •Limned Energy Commercial, Additional 1500 S5 00 W S_ Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy 1 2 Family Dwellulg Sinai Circuit/ _imeed Energy Mule- Family Dwelling S Manufactured Home Connection S Renewable Etectncai Energy 5KVA System w Less 5 First 1300 Square Ft S Each Add u 500 Square Fr or Garage of 4,3 S Each Ou(huil0ing or Detached Garage S Each Swimming Pooi or Hot Tub 3 Owner es defined by RCW, 19.28.281 (1) Owner w111 occupy the structure rot two years after this electrical permit it finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor M above veld property is for sale, rent or pease. Permit expnee alter six months of last Inspection. After reading the above statement,l hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor, 1 am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrtcat laws, N.E.C. RCW, Chapter 19,28, WAC. Chapter 296.480. The City or Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Uglily Specifications, Signature of owner electrical conlractbr or electrical adminietntor 0 Cash 3609289409 360 417 4711 REC EU!E FEB 9 2011 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS r Contractor Information L. Name P i 11 1). .0 I ,-1 f_- ',_:T ('I Mailing A,dd .._�l l j 1 ',k is.. r. I• IL. City 1' State L_rt.. Z p 'it 5 Phone LI ')l I )L- 1/ Fax 'Z. 0 y1 Licensed Exp.JL 2 1 r t )1 r I 1 2 _e., P 1/1 l Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Tenant nbr name Application type Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc INSTALL TWO 3 TON DUCTLESS HEAT PUMPS Owner Contractor GERALD A CORNELL PO BOX 301 PORT GAMBLE Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty 2 00 Fee summary Permit Fee Total 79 60 79 60 00 00 Plan Check Total 1 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 79 60 79 60 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ?Ali/ z>" id; Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 BAXTER AUTO PARTS description MECHANICAL APPL PERMIT WA '98364 MECHANICAL PERMIT INSTALL TWO DHP S 181073 79 60 Plan Check Fee 00 12/02/11 Valuation 0 '8/01/11 Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50 00 14 8000 EA ME FURN /HP /FAU OR 5 TON 29 60 Charged Paid Credited Due 11 00000106 006734 221 W 1ST ST 06 30 00 0 0 1460 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 10000 ANGELES HEATING INC 2114 W 8TH ST PORT ANGELES (360) 457 0111 0000 Date 2/02/11 WA 98363 REPORT SALES TAX on your state excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date I Accepted By FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING. Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES. Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s Parking Lighting Landscaping Inspection Type Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit IFINAL Date IFINAL Date SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE. Comments FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Accepted by Accepted by Date Accepted By BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink CITY' OF PORT ANGELES Attn. Building Permit Technician 321 E./Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 Applicant f},Jri,G tg ,1- r., -,1N' y i Property Owner CA A-4/e 4 Property Owner's Address Contractor 4 d' .J /A/""C Contractor's Ad ress 2 u 'F t ,t-4,L License Expires I PROJECT ADDRESS q„t) we St (5T Parcel Number Project Type Brief Description: I le S g Residential Multi- family Check all that apply Dvc New Construction O S (3+b r\ �QGh House garage other pump wood- burning stove gas fireplace Existin (sq. ft.) Proposed (sq. ft.) Addition Remodel Repair Demolition Re -roof System Other Floor Areas Basement 1' Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other Signature For City Use Only Date Received 02_-02.-11 Permit# k1 -U%i Date Approved Phone 360 y s-7-0./4/ Phone Phone c O E-mail c: jeff {2 4a tgcc �x /z� r Bo fir A■74 RATS 'Lot Zoning mmercial Industrial tear off re -roof lay over one layer o pellet stove other per sq. ft. TOTAL VALUATION �Olv Total footprint of structures sq ft. T Lot size sq ft. Lot coverage Site Coverage the amount of impervious surface on a parcel including structures paved driveways sidewalks patios and other impervious surfaces. (see PAMC 17 94 135 for exemptions) Site coverage of bedrooms of full baths of half baths Max. height of proposed structures if Occupancy group Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type I have read and completed this applicatiin and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine at permits are o C er required, and to obtain permits prior to t�cer'tjing gs7i projects. Dated /�,-J Print Name h-2G•fi I !2-� V /C T.Forms /Building Division /Building permit application v v Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Details 55912 GERALD A CORNELL Page 1 of 4 Clallam County Assessor Tre Property Search Results 55912 GERALD A CORNELL for Year 2011 2012 Property Account Property ID: 55912 Legal Descnption: LOTS 14 &15 BL 14 Geographic ID. 0630000014600000 Agent Code' Type: Real Tax Area' 0010 PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L WMP Land Use Code 55 Open Space: N DFL N Histonc Property' N Remodel Property' N Multi Family Redevelopment: N Township: Section Range' Location Address' 221 W FIRST LT Mapsco PORT ANGELE S, WA Neighborhood: Cycle 5 Comm Map ID: 2 Neighborhood CD' 20953140 Owner Name: GERALD A CORNELL Owner ID' 19451 Mailing Address. PO BOX 301 Ownership. 100.0000000000% PORT GAMBLE, WA 98364 Exemptions: Taxes and Assessment Details Property Tax Information as of 02/02/2011 Amount Due i f Paid on: NOTE. If you plan to submit payment on a future date, make sure you enter the date and click RECALCULATE to obtain the correct total amount due. Year Statement ID Taxing Jurisdiction Amt. Amt. Penalty Interest Base Paid Amount Due 2010 38984 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL 5289.05 $289.05 $0 00 $0.00 $578 10 $0.00 2010 38984 CC -GEN COUNTY CLALLAM $153.82 $153.82 $0.00 $0.00 5307.64 50.00 2010 38984 SD #121 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 5374.40 $374.39 $0.00 $0 00 $748.79 $0 00 2010 38984 CITY PORT ANG CIT' OF PORT ANGELES $356.15 $356 15 $0 00 $0.00 $712 30 50.00 2010 38984 PORT PORT OF POR r ANGELES 521.62 521 62 $0.00 $0.00 543.24 50 00 2010 38984 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY 544.70 544.69 $0.00 $0.00 $89 39 50.00 I. 2010 38984 HOSP #2 HOSPITAL #2 $63.10 $63.10 $0 00 $0.00 $126.20 $0.00 2010 38984 WSMET PK DIST WILLIAM SHORE MET PARK DIST 520.08 $20.08 50.00 $0.00 $40 16 $0.00 2010 38984 CITY_STORMWATERJ CITY STORMWATER 599.68 $99.67 $000 50.00 $19935 $0.00 2010 38984 WEED CONTROL WI iED CONTROL 50.82 $0.81 50.00 50.00 $1 63 $0.00 2010 38984 TOTAL. $1423.42 $1423.38 $0.00 $0.00 $2846.80 $0.00 2009 559122008 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL $337 33 $337.33 $0.00 $0 00 $674.66 $0 00 2009 559122008 CC -GEN COUNTY CL 5170.72 $170.71 $0.00 $0 00 $341 43 $0.00 2009 559122008 SD #121 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 $417 17 $417 16 $0.00 $0 00 $834.33 $0.00 2009 559122008 CITY PORT ANG CITY OF PORT ANGELES $374.46 $374.45 $0.00 $0 00 $748.91 $0 00 2009 559122008 PORT PORT OF PORT ANGELES 524 18 $24.18 $0.00 50 00 $48.36 $0 00 12009 559122008 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY 549.60 $49.61 50 00 $0.00 599.21 $0.00 2009 559122008 HOSP #2 HOSPITAL #2 570.01 $70.02 $0 00 $0.00 $140.03 50.00 2009 559122008 CITY_STORMWATER CITY STORMWATER 599.68 $99.67 $0.00 50 00 $199.35 $0.00 2009 559122008 WEED_CONTROL WEED CONTROL $0.81 $0.82 $0.00 $0 00 $1.63 $0.00 2009 559122008 L. $1543.96 51543.95 $0.00 50.00 $3087.91 $0.00 Values Improvement Homesite Value: Improvement Non Homesite Value' Land Homesite Value. Land Non Homesite Value: 1 Curr Use (HS): Curr Us (NHS): Market Value. Productivity Loss. Subtotal: Senior Appraised Value: +1 Non Senior Appraised Value' Total Appraised Value: Senior Exemption Loss' Exemption Loss: Taxable Value' N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Ag Timber Use Value N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A First Second Half Half Base Base http. /websrv8 clallam .net /propertyaccess /Property aspx ?cid =0 &year =2011 &prop_id =55912 2/2/2011 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc Lighting replacment energy efficient Owner CORNELL GERALD A 1597 DEER PARK RD PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty 1 00 5 00 Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total INSPECTION TYPE DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS Unit Charge Per 57 5000 ECH 2 0000 ECH WA 983628264 153791 67 50 9/18/09 3/17/10 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 09 00000963 450238 221 W 1ST ST 06 30 00 0 0 1460 0000 ELECTRICAL ONLY CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 0 Contractor APS ELECTRIC 546 BENSON RD PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES (360) 452 6753 ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Plan Check Fee Valuation EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO /FEEDER EL ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT Charged Paid Credited 67 50 67 50 00 00 00 00 67 50 67 50 00 lizaiD1 44p Date 9/18/09 WA 98363 DATE RESULTS 00 0 Extension 57 50 10 00 Due 00 00 00 Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date INSPECTOR. °y1o). FROM A.P S. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR City of Port Angeles Permit Application Building Division/Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street P.Q. Box 1150 Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (380))) 417.4735 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 Date: -ao3ct 1 2 Single Family Dwelling Multi Family or Commercial" Commercial Addition/ Alteration Remodel Repair" Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address: &2 1 ]/32.(__A Building Square Footage: 1 Description of above AiAitt r -t-- Owner Information 1 Name: _d,,)L'� r Alba Mailing Address: tA1 1� Cit State: Phone;j `.Fax: License Exp. It I "tiEaIV SEP 18 NUS ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS Unit C2 r e gt Total (Qiv Multiplied by Unit Chars 9175 Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $113.75 Service/Feeder 201.400 Amp. $160.00 Service/Feeder 401 400 Amp. $20510 So/ice/Feeder 501 -1000 Amp. $291.25 Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. 2.00 Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder 57.50 _J 57 (2 Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder 2.00 J O.0 c5 Each Additional Branch Circuit 72.50 Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. 86.25 Temp Service/Feeder 201-4 Amp. $116.25 Temp. Service/Feeder 401 -800 Amp. $131,25 Terrr,. Serv 601 -1000 Amp. 75.00 Portal to Portal Hourly 68.00 Sign/Outline Lighting 75.00 Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Commercial 50.00 Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy 1 2 Family Dwelling 50.00 Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Multi✓Fami4y Dwelling 93 -75 Manufactured Home Connection 80.00 Renewable Electrioal Energy 5KVA System or Less 86.25 First 1300 Square Ft. 8 27.50 Each Additional 500 Squire FL or portion of 57.50 3 Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage 86.25 Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub 43.75 Thermostat I-, 7 Cga Total Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator Cash /t f �Jj �r Q Cheelc .CMrre. Q l 70c7 A Credit Card Sep. 17 2009 03 03PM P1 ,s0 so Co Information y c fin y Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Phone. Fax: 1, License Exp. Owner as d e f i n e d byRCW.1A28.261; 4 O w n e r will o c c u p y t h e s h u c tr u e f o r two yeas a f t e r tl t l s e f e c l r i c a l permit I s f i n a l i z e d 4 Omarla required to hire an aleablaal canbeetor t /above said property is for salt rent or tease Alter reading the above statement, I hereby certify that tam the owner of the above named property or a gemmed elecbleal venom 1 am making the electrical Installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical taws, N..C. RCW. Chapter 18.28, WAC. Chapter 2$5.4513, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications. '~ YIJ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION 121 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 9R362 Application Number Application pin number' Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation APS ELECTRIC .'-".,,'~ '..' '546 BENSON RD. PORT ~9.~I:,~~~_ PORT ANGELES,' ...+" "WA- 98363 (360) ;452,~6'753 ",- .~;~":,.,_ L:I." _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -',_ _. _l..;.'::'___,;' ;;.'::. _ _ _ _ ~"_.'_ _ _ _"_'__ ELECTRICAL ALTER COMM'E~CIAL',:' .' APS/ 1-5 CIRCUITS '\.> ':-'~"":..;.J~. 109181 ,. . ~ ~.. ~ - ',~ "." APS ELECTRIC 58.00 9/13/0c7p', ,j/H/OS. ,_. ,,"- < Owner BAXTER AUTO 221 W 1ST ST PORT ANGELES' 460-1937 "..'permi t". Additional desc . ~~~.rmi t pin ,nuInber Sub Contractor Permi t Fee ~ Issue Date Expiration Dab:~ 07-00000959 Date 326667 221 W 1ST ST 06-30-00-0-0-1460-0000- ELECTRICAL ONLY CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT o contr~.ctor WA 98362,8264 ,:1"- Plan: Check Fee . ,Valuation,-' . ,~- " ,V_\ .'''. QtY,' 1. 00 , " ...' . Un~t Charge ~ Per.,1 "" '4,::A:A: '\':.,~ 58 'OOOO"EC'H' '. EL'-COMM ALT' <::5 CIRC'uITS Fee summary. Permit,Fee.Total Plan Check Total Grand Total .' '.,'" " .. ',' Extension 58.00 Charged Paid Credited Due 58.00 .00 58,00 58.00 .00 58.00 .00 .00 .00 '~, :. " c, .' -. 't'~ e' , "'" .i" COMMENTS/ACTioN NEEDED 9/13/07 "",.,e-,,, ~ ',' ':'--'~''';:\';~t'.:'''~':; ',,' ., ~ '~-__~_-_; '; ,...f-~. -,~. .00 o __ .00' .'00 .00 -~ . t....; ~ "", ,~. , '.' ~-" ,,' ~ ~. ',," ',: ':-.,',-' , . .'. 'j'. I"~ ,- ,.' .." -."- , . -''\''-\ ~ - t. ~, ~ ELECfRICAL PERMIT INSPECfIONRECORD CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB sITE lNSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMME'NI'S YES 1 NO UlTCH Dnnr.U_IN / CUY1;.K SERVICE FINAl 1'7./4""'071 ...-n I GENERAL COMMENTS; pw-lIo1.1~i4'96} ; ,,"'~': '~. ., " Group: .-M- CERTI FICA:fEec6'F",Q,CCU P ANCY ,,'- '" "'~ City of Port Angeles', / Building Division " This Certification issued pursuant to the requirements of Section.109 of the Uniform$uilding Code certifying that at the time of issuance this s~r.ucture was in colfnpliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating iluilding 8 construction or use, For the following: '\ Use Classification: Auto SupDlv Building Permit No: Business Name: Baxter Auto Barts !l ~ \. Type of Construction, Y-N UseZon" ~ CBD I W" . Owner of BusincsslResidence, Baxter Auto Parts Address, 221 est 1st. Street. Port Angeles W A 98362 \ ' Building Address, 221 West !st Street, Port Angeles, W A{98362 '.~. ~I ~" Shall , j u....e. .z.~ s "\ ROUTING SLIP Certificate of Occupancy ~ Certificate/Inspection Fee --- ~{",~e. MGI.~e..-- 'B~l~ Ja.c.~50tA... 0- 18'-0 Y DATE Address of Proposed Busines4r ...-z...?-( 0 . I. Applicant 'BA-yrP12. ~(O -f flP::r5 AdQress '2.:1-1 LV. i}L tT ;"}I\(rt:-L-iS S W Il Phone: business ~-l(s~- 3?/8home ../111(0 pflP....:r;, Brief description of proposed business: ~ Legal Description: Lot . Current Use of Property: Zoning Classification of Property: Block WILL THERE BE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? Construction changes. . . . . Electrical changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mechanical (heating, cooling, stoves) . Plumbing changes . . . . . . New or relocated signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . New septic tanks. New sewer service . . . . . . . . . . . . . Admission charged to patrons. . . Is this a home occupation? ...................... Excavation of filling at lots ............ Work done in City right-at-way.................. Is there sufficient off-street parking? . . . . . . . . . . . . . New driveway openings. .................. A grading plan for site drainage. . . . . (parking lots, downspouts, etc.) Are the existing streets paved? ................... Are there existing sidewalks? . Is there curb and gutter? ........................ Other.......... . YES NO ~= ~ ---z-- ---T - -r- I hereby apply for a Certificate of Occupancy and acknowl- edge that I have read this application and state that the information I have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge. A~[1i~~EJECTE' ~~.1..'1:i)l{<;'fl. j(~ In.t (i-QY . b) \1' /~Il./.,~f.'''1 J"" Building Section Public Works Department Planning Department Fire Department City Clerk P.B.I.A. New Business ........................... Transfer of Business Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Change of Ownership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Building ................... . . . . . . . . . Remodel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temporary Business ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Change of Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W tb 1$--6/1 tL d-f2E-f7}-1 L Subdivision THE FOLLOWING WILL BE REQUIRED: BUSINESS LICENSE 1) Taxi 2) Peddlers 3) 2nd Hand Dealer 4) Pawn Broker 5) Dance 6) Hotel. Motel 7) Fireworks 8) Ambulance 9) Tattoo shop 10) Other PERMITS 1) Building 2) Plumbing 3) Electrical 4) Mechanical 5) Sewer 6) Sidewalk installation 7) Driveway installation 8) Curb installation 9) Sidewalk obstruction 10) Water meter installation 11) Fire 12) Occupancy 13) Sign 14) Shoreline 15) Home occupation 16) Conditional use 17) Other 4 ~1.. A' v..~A Date: A, - '-r rv v /J _ '!:T7 Signed: (? ---(8' 0'-1 "7 Comments / Conditions ~(f,6L( .'MtA.... $c~Q<}'" "~<\.. L~ ~ - q,;IC~<' ( ) ( ) ({/ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ROUTING SLIP ,eO"'.,'v ~{...".e. Mc..~e.-t- ::-c~o<;-", Certificate of Occupancy " 'f'T2;;;~ " "-.~ 13;n J a.c. \::50 tA..., ~ Certificate/Inspection Fee . , "4;"cwo"'~~ DATE 0-u?-O Y New Business ............. ..., ........... ( ) Address of Proposed Busines~ Transfer of Business location. ...,. . .. . . . , . . . ( ) ! ''2-1-( LJ . I Change of Ownership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ,/ ) Applicant 'BAYI~ A..u,-v f' /It';Lj:7 New Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . ( ) Ad~ss z;L( /..V . I 11 Remodel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) .. ........... () 11 II.(,-i:.- u <;; ~ W tJ Temporary Business .. . ..... . '..... . . , . . . . . ( ) Phone: business~' 'l(, .. '3:?18home Change of Use. . . . . ......................, ( ) Brief description of proposed business: >1ifIo pM--h W rb Lfi...6111L d-/2[;:"f;+, L I legal Description: lot Block Subdivision Current Use of Property: Zoning Classification of Property: WILL THERE BE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? YES NO THE FOllOWING Will BE REQUIRED: Construction changes. -- PERMITS BUSINESS LICENSE Electrical changes. ........ -- 1) Building 1) Taxi Mechanical (heating, cooling, stoves) . .. ........... -- 2) Plumbing 2) Peddlers Plumbing changes V-= 3) Electrical 3) 2nd Hand Dealer New or relocated signs. ......... .......... ..... 4) Mechanical 4) Pawn Broker New septic tanks . ... -- 5) Sewer 5) Dance New sewer service .. .............. -- 6) Sidewalk installation 6) Hotel. Motel Admission charged to patrons. ......... -- 7) Driveway installation 7) Fireworks Is this a home occupation? ...."... ..."..... -- 8) Curb installation 8) Ambulance Excavation of filling of lots ..................... -- 9) Sidewalk obstruction 9) Tattoo shop Work done in City right.of.way . . -- 10) Water meter installation 10) Other Is there sufficient off.street parking? . .,/"' 11) Fire -- New driveway openings. .. ..... -- 12) Occupancy A grading plan for site drainage. ... -- 13) Sign (parking lots, downspouts, etc.) .... ............. ~- 14) Shoreline Are the existing streets paved? .. ...... --?'"'- - 15) Home occupation Are there existing sidewalks? . ......... -:r- 16) Conditional use Is there curb and gutter? .......... -- 17) Other Other. ...................... /} I hereby apply for a Certificate of Occupancy and acknowl.. I /J~!, ./. 1:::: ~LI edge that I have read this application and state that the Date:. All ~'''7 n/~ information I have supplied is correct to the best of my Va. -~i( / knowledge. Signed: -<8' 0 ~REJECTED Comments / Conditions 1> . Building Section Public Works Department Planning Department Fire Department City Clerk P.B.IA j u.....e. '2..\ 'So r 'P V - t ....... \'" ..., Cft ~ .QI/ A/I d'OIIr~ ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DMSION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Issued: 11/18/96 Permit No: 5725 OWNER/APPLICANT------------------------PROPERTY LOCATION------------------------ CORNELL AUTO PARTS 221 1ST ST W 221 W. 1ST Lot: Port Angeles, WA 98363 Block: Long Legal: 360/000-0000 Sub: T: S: Parc No: CONTRACTOR-----------------------------DESIGNER--------------------------------- APS ELECTRIC 546 BENSON RD. PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 360/452-6753 , 000/000-0000 PROJECT INFO-------------------------------------------------------------------- prj Type: COML. MISC. prj Value: $0.00 Occ Type: Cnstr Type: BURGLAR ALARM Occ Grp: Occ Load: Land Use: Electrical Heat Baseboard KW: Furnace KW: Heat Pump KW: Fan/Wall KW: Service Type o Riser o Overhead Service o Underground Service o Temp Service Voltage: Diameter: Service Size: Feeder Size: -1 o -3 o AMPS o AMPS PROJECT NOTES------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT--------------------------------------------------------- Service: $0.00 Additional Feeders: $0.00 Circuit Wiring: $0.00 Temp Service: $0.00 Misc ALARM '$35.00 TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: $35.00 $35.00 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- TOTAL FEE: $35.00 Balance Due: $0.00 COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED . Site Address: Installed By: Owner/Business: Owner/Business Address: ELECTRIC HEAT D BASEBOARD KW _ D FURNACE KW D HEAT PUMP KW D FAN/WALL KW .~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMIT NO. S0 70 9/"UJ/gt , . DATE D READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: D RESIDENTIAL D COMMERCIAL D NEW CONSTRUCTION D REMODEL D ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS ~ERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR D TEMPORARY SERVICE K{ mOU~ RE;~11'kf f Details/Description: . ~. --kef ~ Z- ;c is liA-l Q I U / r'f4 2cO~ ~-e. S&fUIC~ A;to p a.::t; D WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Phone: Sq. Ft. D RISER '%- OVERHEAD SERVICE D UNDERGROUND ERVICE VOLTAGE: Z 0 Z yv ~1 t/J D 3!Z1 SERVICE SIZE 0d2i/ AMPS FEEDER SIZE AMPS -h /4/-U l- f -R ea:1t:e ...<1411 c / / W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE CAPACITY: D O.K. D NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: D CHANGE TRANSFORMER D INSTALL SERVICE POLE DATE ENGR. D OVERHEAD SERVICE APPROVED D CHANGE SERVICE WIRE D OTHER D Ditch Inspection O.K. D Rough-in/cover O.K. D O.K. to connect service ~ I)Sb Final O.K. Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Numberwhen ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Building~. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. ~ /71~..... NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT ". -:7:0 /~ $ /' Electtcallnspector Permit Fee Site Address: d02-/ tU r ~ Installer: . WHITE - File by address 1 OLYMPIC PRIf':lTERS INC. Is;{: PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer permit/~ 7"D New Meters GREEN - Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT Site Address: Installed By: Owner/Business: Owner/Business Address: o Residential Heat KW o Baseboard 0 Furnace/Boiler o Heatpump 0 Other o Commercial/Industrial load Total Connected load (attach breakdown) Total Motor load (attach breakdown) o New Construction o Remodel o Service update/alter/repair ~Add/alter circuits o Auxiliary power (list below) o Special equipment (list below) DetailslDescription: PERMIT NO. c;J 77S 8//31,0 , , DATE D READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: ,xvvILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Phone: Sq. Ft. o Overhead o Underground Voitage 0113 03.0 Service size o Temporary Amps . W.S. No. Service Capacity: 0 O.K. 0 Not O.K. o Ditch inspection O.K. o Rough-in/cover O.K. o O.K. to connect service ~alo.K. Date Hold for: 0 Easement 0 Letter Size Comments o Signed up for service/meter o Meter Department notified for installation o Fire Department notified of inspection o Plan Review approved/pending Installer: Notily the Department 01 City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready lor inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the In~in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT.158 or EXT. 224. J "A'u NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT &iJ _ "'V"l :::J 0 ~ Inspector Amount paid w.~~~,~ =.~j~~~: address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN - Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall ~ ,. I~ , ."':-... &- " ,- ~!-,~'! "'''"liiOii....'#'... ELECTRICAL WOlu\:.PERMIT ;\PPLICATIOlN Job wired by ~EleCtriCal ContraclOr 0 Owner Tnlltallslion description ~ommerclal Q Residential EI,4tC'{>C-SacIO' b'7 e vf I' ~C4 I"""'" C~'~t ~ a- ~tr CI New ;UteredlAdditioD P"~<C~'&:il;ng~~J\ ~ C~ rc.-u3f5 Ci'y.r;:::, ..L. ^ . I St.te ZII' vJ 1I .tit """ I :> . 'f 0' V r'O-NJ Q.t,-e.....;S . ",. LI>~CD Telephone number FAX number Prc~es owner',- name _/\ ..~ D &lX..Te r-- ~ 0 AddT;)o;2'riO\JeE.} ~; I;'t} S-h.eVi Citp, A C...I t(..c- Iv-..J I'::, ~TIIL. - ~D(2..... (JA:-1l-.L -r Phone number to schedule ID,pe~flon: L}bo r \q57 OWlur a.v deft/led by RCW.J9.28.16I:(l) Owner will occupy the slrll{:(ure Jo,. two years CJjil~r this. dee/rIcal perlttit if finalized. (2) Owner I~ required to IJil'/' an electrical ccmtraC'/ur if tlbol!e said property is InT .fale, r~t ur leuse. After Tellding: the ubove Slalement, I hel'cby ~Cl1i;y that ( am the OWDcr of the above named property or 3 licensed dccoiC3.1 contractor. I wn making the electrical in!\t1l.I- lIHion or ullcralion in compliance wjth the clectrical law.';, N.13.C.. KCW. Chapter 19.28. WAC. Chapler 296-46D. Tb~ City of Port Angcles Municipul Code, and Utility Specifications, Signatu o Cash 0 Check # o Credit Card Visa Card # on f(1e- Mastercard Discover .. - ---------------- x cn~o~yr or ~ecrrlcal 3dm~ni~tra~ ,/'.,. ~ Date:'8'" 13 7 Expirdtion Dale of card Electrical load Addltl and or sublraRlillM 'j(NO LOAD CHANGES o Baseboard KW Q Furnace K:W Q Heat Pump _ Ton _ LAA o Fan-Wall KW , ~ Overhea.d SGMce Q Temp Service, U Underground Service VOila9\... ;;vt/ 0 PhaseJlll...,03 SQrviee Size: _ Feeder Size: SAME DAY INSPECTION, CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 031.. Approved By -"'- n"I,. Approve.:! lly SERVICE D3lc Approved "y FEEDER "- DIIII(' Approv~By ,./ ROUGH-IN THERMOSTAT . FINAL L C) ~ urICH D~\c Al)I)r'(lVN H)I Inspection D3te . ^r~ Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken Electricsl Inspectoi' CA lr~ ~ \ 14RHTD~ . ==f. I l , > \ , Td I..---^-"') ""1- W~8c:L0 L00c [T '6n~ [SL9 CSP 09[ 'ON X~.:I ~O~)~~~NO) l~)I~~)3l3 'S'd'~ WO~.:I . l'f f RETURN ADDRESS: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 2007-1212369 Page 1 of 2 Easement Port Rngeles City Of Clallam County Washington 11/20/200709:3338 RM 1111 ~rlrr'j, rrrj~~~ rlf\~~-II~ r~~~ rt~!,llfrr'.1Wllr lfi~ 11M ~r~ I1111 DOCUMENT TITLE: Temporary Construction Easement GRANTOR (S) : Gerald A. Cornell GRANTEE (S) : City of Port Angeles STREET ADDRESS: 221 West First Street ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL: 0630000014600000 ., City of Port Angeles Public Warks Engineering Division PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT The Grantor(s), Ac., IdA CIY,,( ! , for and in consideration of mutual benefits, grant(s) to the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), a temporary construction easement over and along the full width and length of the premises situated in Clallam County, Washington, and described as follows: Tax Parcel Number 0630000014600000 221 West First Street, City of Port Angeles, WA The temporary construction easement hereby granted shall include the right, privilege and authority, to said City and its contractor(s), of ingress and egress to and over said described premises during the construction of water main, sidewalk, fire sprinkler piping, and related facilities as part of the Downtown Water Main Project, Phase m. The City or its contractor shall, upon completion of said facilities, restore the premises of the Grantor(s), which are disturbed by the City or its contractor, to as good condition as they were in prior to any such construction of facilities, The City and its contractor shall indemnifY the Grantor(s) against, and hold the Grantor(s) harmless from, all claims, damages, and lawsuits related to the construction of said facilities. In consideration of the City's construction of fire sprinkler piping for the benefit of the Grantor(s), which the City is undertaking in the interest of public safety and to take advantage of the cost effective opportunity made available by the Downtown Water Main Project, the Grantor(s) hereby agree that the City shall have no legal responsibility or liability for the fire sprinkler piping constructed pursuant to this easement. Grantor(s) further agree to indemnifY the City against, and hold the City harmless from, all claims, damages, and lawsuits related to the operation of the fire sprinkler piping following completion of construction. This temporary construction easement shall expire one year from the date of signature of the Grant~ 0 ~J Grantor 11''&.07 Date Grantor Date STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of Clallam ) \JweN-b'G;.~ , ~ ,~ . (":> s;. r\,,-'<, l~\ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at;)clLT ~"'~ l:S. My commission expires: ~ - \ - c PI N:\PROJECTSIOO.]9 DOWNTOWN WATERMAIN PHASE 3\09 RIGHT OF WAY\EASEMENT$\121 WEST FIRST-DOC On this date, before me the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of ().J~-ro~, personally appeareB' @~""'^' (1 c'J&': t.J~ , to me known to be the individual( s) who executed the foregoing -r:~~~ ': ~jon Easement and acknowledged to me that they signed the same for the uses and cont-S:iFfereiJ"m,mtici1'ei1. ~''''-' O,"""T . - 'i;:s:' "'" '2,00'0 :z~ DA T~D th~p-I'\. ~ ,(, ~@ Ef ::'0>', Pue\.. :0::: ..... :";"0. ~~:::: -// '1>-,:-. .<),." '" ......... /(' ...... S"'''''' ///11 OF 'IN ~ \\\\." /1/11/111\\\\ FROM : A.P.S. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FAX NO. : 360 452 6753 Oct. 07 2014 11:43RM P2 1 CITY OF POIZ'r ANGUES PF•,RMIT APPLICATION Building Division /Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street— P.O. Box 11501 Port Angeles WAshington, 98362 Ph: (360) 4I7 -4735 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 Date; �, mu��i•f�mi�ys�� co�mc�ia�' R E C#' E I V -EE u. OCT - F7 20111 or �.tIURICAL � " Plan Review Ma 0 Retired, Please Compi a Electrical Plan R eW in' "mation Sh�ee�t, Inh nririron�' .. .. I � I !` it tf (7, f A' , 0 N Building Square Footage: Description of above 1 a. r ,r h A rya 1� C11WASWIMF$r AWK Name: 6, + # N `J - N.arny: G. Mailing Address; '70 rid' . c) n, $i`et n c� .DG. City: t7# {,,daQ - hL State: W A Zip: City: Phone: ' (0y - i -1%'Z Fax; Rhona: License o. ucano❑ 9l pup. 1City Item _Unit Charge Servicii/Figler 200 Amp.' $ 132.06 ServicelFeeder201.400 Amp. $160,00 Service /Feeder 401 -600 Amp $ 225.00 Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Arnp. $ 288.00 Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $ 410.00 Branch Circuit Wl Service f=eeder $ 5100 Branch CirouitW10 Service Feeder 8 74,00 Each Additicnal Branch Circult $ 5.00 Branch Circuits 1-4 . $ 86,00 Tamp. Servicel Feeder 200 Amp, $102,00 Temp. ServiaFeeder201.400Amp. $121.00 Tamp, ServlcelFeeder 401 .000 Amp, $ 164.00 Temp. ServicelFeeder 801.1000 Amp , $185.00 Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96,00 Sign /Outline Lighting $ 88,00 Signal Circuitl Limited Energy- Matti- Family $ 64,00 Signal Circuill Limited Energy! First 1500 sf- Commercial $ 96.00 Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy , 5KVA System or Less 8113.00 Thermoslal $ 56.00 Note: $6,00 for each additional T -Slat C11WASWIMF$r AWK Name: 6, + # N `J - S - I Mailing Address: City: 21p: . Rhona: License o. ram 11 r +e 1City lotal .Multiplied by Unit Charge a� \ t74 $ $ 0q Total Owner as defined by RCW.19,28,261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Own eris required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19,28, WAC, Chapter 296 -463, The City of Fort Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.06.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications, Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: ❑ C� r r i x Dated, f Q -7 •- Gash 13 Check Credit Card # 01!0112012 I ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 Application Number 14- 00001217 Date 10/08/14 Application pin number . . . 585519 DITCH Property Address . , . . . , 221 W 1ST $T ASSESSCR PARCEL NUMBER; 06-30-00-0-0- 1460 -0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . , . . . , 17 j Property Use . . . . . . . , FINAL Property Zoning , , . . , , . CENTRAL EUSINESS DISTRICT Applioation valuation . . , , 0 Application desc Lighting upgrade Owner Contractor GERALD A CORNEiLL APS .ELECTRIC PO SOX 301 546 SENSOR RD. PORT GAMBLE WA 98364 PORT ANGELES WA 983G3 (360) 452 -6753 Permit . , , . . , ELECTRICAL, ALTER COMMERCIAL - Additional desc . Permit Fee . , . , 74.00 Plan Check Fee 0,0 Issue Date . . . , 10/08/14 Valuation 0 Expiration Date . . 4/06/15 Qty Unit Charge, Per Extension 1.00 74.0000 ECH FL-COMM BRANCH CIR WO/ S/F 74.00 ----------------------------------°_-_---------------___-___-----------°_°_- Fee summary Charged. Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 74.00 74.00 00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 ,00 00 'Do Grand Total 74,00 74,0.0 .00 . Do REPORT SALE'S TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN 17 j FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or EIectrical Contractor X Date: G IEXC I IAN GE\B U I LD ING 1 Application Number . . . . . 23-00000247 Date 3/14/23 Application pin number . . . 872509 Property Address . . . . . . 221 W 1ST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-0-1460-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Sign circuit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ KRISTY M CORNELL APS ELECTRIC 170 MOUNT CONSTANCE WAY 546 BENSON RD. PORT LUDLOW WA 98365 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 452-6753 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 74.00 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . . . 3/14/23 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 9/10/23 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 74.0000 ECH EL-COMM BRANCH CIR WO/ S/F 74.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 74.00 74.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 74.00 74.00 .00 .00 PREPARED 3/13/23,10:50:15 PAYMENT DUE CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROGRAM BP820L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION NUMBER:23-00000247 221 W 1ST ST FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 74.00 TOTAL DUE 74.00 Please present reciept to the cashier with full payment ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN/COVER SERVICE FINAL COMMENTS NOTIFY INSPECTOR at (360) 808-2613 WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DATE PERMIT # INSPECTOR 3/14/2023 23-247 TAP OWNER CONTRACTOR APS Electric PROJECT ADDRESS 221 W 1st St Application Number . . . . . 23-00000397 Date 4/24/23 Application pin number . . . 430083 Property Address . . . . . . 221 W 1ST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-0-1460-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc 3 signs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ KRISTY M CORNELL HEATH NW INC 170 MOUNT CONSTANCE WAY 12830 INTERURBAN AVENUE PORT LUDLOW WA 98365 SEATTLE WA 98168 (503) 378-0012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 264.00 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . . . 4/24/23 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 10/21/23 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 3.00 88.0000 ECH EL-COMM-SIGN 264.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 264.00 264.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 264.00 264.00 .00 .00 MULTI-FA MILY/ COMMERCIAL ELE CTRICAL PERMIT APPL ICATION Public \Yorks and Utilities Department 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles. WA 98362 360.417.4735 I www.cityofpa.us I electricalpermits(s/.cityofpa.us Project Address:--------------------------------------­ Project Description:--------------------------------------□Multi-Family Residential D Commercial I Industrial/ Public Building Square footage: __________ _ OWNER INFORMATION Name: ________________________ Email: ______________ _ Mailing Address: ________________________ Phone: ___________ _ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name: License: ___________ _ Mailing Address: ________________________ Expiration Date: ________ _ Email: Phone: ___________ _ PROJECT DETAILS llim! Service/Feeder 200 Amp. Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder Each Additional Branch Circuit Branch Circuits 1-4 Temp. Service/Feeder 200 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. Portal to Portal Hourly Sign / Outline Lighting Signal Circuit/Limited Energy -Multi-Family Signal Circuit/Limited Energy/First 1500 sf -Commercial (Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf) Renewable Elec. Energy: 5KVA System or less Thermostat (Note: $5 for each additional) Unit Charge Quantity $132.00 $160.00 $225.00 $288.00 $410.00 $5.00 $74.00 $5.00 $86.00 $102.00 $121.00 $164.00 $185.00 $96.00 $88.00 $88.00 $96.00 $113.00 $56.00 Total (Quantity x Unit Charge) $ ____ _ $ ____ _$ ____ _$ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _$ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ _____ TOTAL Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296- 46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Date Print Name Signature (0 Owner D Electrical Contractor/ Administrator) [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or electricalpermits@cityofpa.us] lJ CD 221 WEST 1ST ST HOOK UP (3) ILLUMINATED WALL SIGNS TO EXISTING POWER, SIGN CIRCUIT DONE BY OTHERS BAXTER AUTO PARTS 9440 N WHITAKER RD PORTLND OR 97217 360-457-3318 HEATHNI981JZ 5209 122ND ST E TACOMA WA 98446 3-30-24 2534957091 3 4-21-23 BRIAN BROSNAN BRIAN BROSNAN 4 HEATH NORTHWEST bbrosnan@heathnorthwest.com 4 264 264 PREPARED 4/21/23,10:19:52 PAYMENT DUE CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROGRAM BP820L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION NUMBER:23-00000397 221 W 1ST ST FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 264.00 TOTAL DUE 264.00 Please present reciept to the cashier with full payment ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN/COVER SERVICE FINAL COMMENTS NOTIFY INSPECTOR at (360) 808-2613 WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DATE PERMIT # INSPECTOR 4/25/2023 23-397 TAP OWNER CONTRACTOR Heath NW PROJECT ADDRESS 221 W 1st St A 7 ti T Y we . ' CTRICAL PERMIT t ,. -TORT ANGEUS Application Number 21-00000818 Date 7/07/21 Application pin number . . 593744 _ Property Address . . . . 221 WIST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NVMBRR: 06-30-00-0-0-3460-0060- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . Property Use Property Zoning . . CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Application valuation . . . . 0 . - __ ___ _ _ __ _ Application desc Re-locate counter Owner - Contractor GERALD A CORNELL OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC PO BOX 301 4230 TUMWATER_ PORT GAMBLE WA 98364 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 457-5303 ' - ^Permit . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . , 1-4 CIRCUIT4 -Permit Fee . . . 86.00 Plan Check Pee .00 Issue Date . . . . 7/07/21 Valuation . . . 0 Expiration Date 1/03/22 Oty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 86.00 __ --____..___ ____ ___ ____ >____ _- ___ __ _ _ Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due -Permit Fee Total $6.00 $6.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 86.00 86.00 .00 .00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise fax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE LATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN CON94ENTS. _ PERMfi'WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FRUM LAW Signature ofowner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGeBUILDING _ _ _ ___ r _ �.a � _.. .,- ,. -� � .:, E::, , .. � T - - I {I{ I I i i i i A. 4 ���:,, • MULTI-FAMILY / COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Public Works and Utilities Department � 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, N A 98362 o� 360.417.4735 ( www.cityofpa.us ! electricalpermits@,cityofpa.us Project Address: 221 W FIRST ST Project Description: ADD OUTLETS FOR RE-LOCATE COUNTER ❑ Multi-Family Residential R) Commercial/Industrial/Public Building Square footage: OWNER INFORMATION Name: KRISTY CORNELL Email: Mailing Address: 170 MT CONSTANCE WAY, PORT LUDLOW,WA.98365' Phone:>360-460-1062 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name: Olympic Electric Co., Inc. License: OLYMPEC285D1 Mailing Address: 4230 Tumwater Truck Route Expiration Date: 03/31/2023 Email: maureenm@olympicelectric.net Phone: 360-457-5303 PROJECT DETAILS item Unit Charge Quantity i9dw(Quantity x Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $160.00 $ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $225.00 $ Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $288.00 $ Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $410.00 $ Branch Circuit W/Service Feeder $5.00 $ Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $86.00 1 $ 86.00 Temp. Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $12100 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $9600 $ Sign/Outline Lighting $8800 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy-Multi-Family y $88.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy/First 1600 sf'-Commercial $96.00 $ (Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf) Renewable Elec. Energy: 5KVA System or less $113.00 $ Thermostat(Note: $5 for each additional) $56.00 $ $ 86.00 TOTAL Owner as defined by RCW 19.28.261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized.(2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N.E.C., RCW.Chapter 19.28,WAC. Chapter 296- 46B,The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. D. 07/01/2021 Michael L. Rutten Michael L. Rutten m.AYtlael L QIIWI,o-0lympk Ebchic,a. enuianlear�al,mplaMCllc.nsl.�1S Dale:201E 08 2015:50:20-0IVO' Date Print Name Signature(VI Owner V Electrical Contractor/Administrator) [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or epermits@cityofpa.us or faxed to 360.417.47111 Application Number . . . . . 24-00001312 Date 12/04/24 Application pin number . . . 854272 Property Address . . . . . . 221 W 1ST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-0-1460-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc DHP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ KRISTY M CORNELL BLACK DIAMOND ELECTRICAL CONTR 170 MOUNT CONSTANCE WAY 502 BLACK DIAMOND RD PORT LUDLOW WA 98365 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 565-1035 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 95.10 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . . . 12/04/24 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 6/02/25 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 95.1000 ECH EL-COMM BRANCH CIR 1-4 95.10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 95.10 95.10 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 95.10 95.10 .00 .00 Public Works and Utilities Department 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 360.417.4735 | www.cityofpa.us | electricalpermits@cityofpa.us ELCOM MULTI-FAMILY / COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Project Address: Project Description: □Multi-Family Residential □ Commercial / Industrial / Public Building Square footage: OWNER INFORMATION Name: Email: Mailing Address: Phone: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name: License: Mailing Address: Expiration Date: Email: Phone: PROJECT DETAILS Unit Charge Quantity Total (Quantity x Unit Charge) $237.75 $ $237.75 $ $332.85 $ $427.95 $ $523.05 $ $5.60 $ $95.10 $ $47.55 $ $95.10 $ $190.20 $ $237.75 $ $285.30 $ $332.85 $ $95.10 $ $142.65 $ $190.20 $ $190.20 $ $190.20 $ Item Service/Feeder 200 Amp. Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder Each Additional Branch Circuit Branch Circuits 1-4 Temp. Service/Feeder 200 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. Portal to Portal Hourly Sign / Outline Lighting Signal Circuit/Limited Energy - Multi-Family Signal Circuit/Limited Energy/First 1500 sf - Commercial (Note: $5.60 for each additional 1500 sf) Renewable Elec. Energy: 5KVA System or less Thermostat (Note: $5.60 for each additional)$95.10 $ $ TOTAL Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296- 46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Date Print Name Signature (□Owner □Electrical Contractor / Administrator) Pe r m i t # : [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or epermits@cityofpa.us or faxed to 360.417.4711] ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN/COVER SERVICE FINAL COMMENTS NOTIFY INSPECTOR at (360) 808-2613 WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DATE PERMIT # INSPECTOR 12/19/2024 24-1312 TAP OWNER CONTRACTOR Black Diamond Electric PROJECT ADDRESS 221 W 1st St