HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 08.15.2023CITYCOT]NCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington August 15, 2023 This meeting *,as conducted as a hvbrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Deputy Mayor Meyer called t]le regular meeting ofthe Pon Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m ROLL CALL Members Present: Depury Mayor Meyer. Council Members Carr, McCaughan, Miller, Schromen-Wawrin and Suggs Members Absent: Mayor Dexter Staff Present: City Manager West, Assistant City Manager Goings, Attomey Bloor, Clerk Maninez-Bailey. C Delikat, K. Hatton, S. Carrizosa. D. Shary, M. Healy. S Cartmel, B. Braudrick, and E. Walker. It wrs moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: Excuse Mayor Dexter from the meeting. Motion carried G0. PLEDGE OF AT,LEGIANCE Deputy Mayor Meyer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag PUBLIC COMMENT Colleen Robinson, speaking on behalfofHabitat for Humanity and provided an update on a recent project. Jake Purvis, county resident, spoke in opposition ofthe short+erm rental moratorium. Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about zoning regulations as they relate to short-term rentals. Donene Hope, Pon Angeles teacher, spoke about her positive experience as a short-term retrtal owner- Holden Flemming, spoke about housing development and in favor ofthe proposed Title 17 changes. Caitlin Sullivan, residing ouside of the city limits and local business owner, speaking virually, asked for clarification on the shon-term rental moratorium. Charice Bennet, city resident, spoke in favor of shon-term rentals. CONSENTAGENDA After hearing no objection at the request of Councilmember McCaughan to add J-l and J-2 and at the request of Deputy Mayor Meyer to add G-2 to fte Consenr Agenda, Deputy Mayor Meyer added the three items ro the agenda as E-10, E-l I and E-12. It was moved by Mccaughan and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to rpprove the Consent Agenda to include: t. City Council Minutes ofJuly 18 2023 I Approv 2. Expendihrre Repon: From July 22, 2023 to August 4, 2023 in the amount of$3,583,942.12 / Appro|e 3. Hearings Examner / 1) Ratif, the contract with Trebucket Legal Consulting, LLC for Hearing Examiner sen ices, in accordance with Section 2.18.020 of the Pon Angeles Municipal Code and 2) authorize the Cit-v Manoger to make minor modifcations as necessarv. 4. Salt Storage Building Purchase / 1/ Approve the procurement ofa Salt Storage Sheker from the Sourcewell Cooperatite purchasing contract #l108?2-CSS in an anount not to exceed $62,000 and 21 authorize the Cirx- Monager to execute a purchase contract and to make minor modifcations if necessary. 5. Stonegarden Grant Agreement / lxthorize the Ci4) Mqnqger, Finqnce Arector and Police Chiefto sign reletant portions ofthe agreement n'ith the State oJl Wqshington and Clallam Counry^ PORT ANGELES CITY COLINCIL MEETING August 15. 2023 6. 2025 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update Grant / .1,, Authori:e Ci.!* staf to submit a Periodic Update Grant Applicalion to the Washington State Departmenl ofCommerce es soon as lhe application is prepared and 2) authori:e the Mu!-or to sign lhe leuer to the Depanment of Commerce authoizing the grant submittal. 7. Material Purchase: Electrical Underground Cables / I ) Award a purchase contact to WESCO Distibution, Inc. for 15,000 feet ofelectrical underground cable at a price of$93,350.40 including sales tax, and 2) authorLe the Cit-v^ Manager to execute a contact for the purchase and to make minor modifcations to the contract as necessary. 8. Hamilton School Direclional Bore - Bid Rejection - CON-2023-2'I I I ) Reject all bids receired for the Hqmibon School Directionql Bore, CON-2021-27 dnd 2) direct staf to re-et'aluate the project for inclusion in a 2024 directional bore project. 9. Pedestrian Light Fixtures - Bid Rejection - MEC-2023 -25 I I ) Reject all bids recei,ed for the Pedestrian Light Fixtures, MEC-2023-25 and 21 direct staf to re-bid for onl! ,he downtottn pedestian light fxtures a, ,his time. 10. MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA J-l College Substation Load Tap Changer Replacement - Contract Award I Award to KVA Electic, Inc. or Arlington, WA a contrac, in ,he anount of$189,988.74 including sales tar, for upgrades to College Substation and euthori:e the Ciry* Manager to execute a confi'act u'ith KyA Electric, Inc. qnd to make minor modifcations lo the cont(rct as necessary. I l. MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA J-2 Class B Biosolids to Beneficial U* I l) Approve and award a conrract extension with Tmelco Inc. lor biosolids transpon and benefcial use through December 2024 at a not to exceed amount of$300,000., and 2) authorize the Citlt Manager to execute documents necessary to impleuent the extension and to make minor modifcations as necessary. 12. MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA G-2. 2nd Budget Amendment to the 2023 Brdg* I Second Reading / Adopt the ORDINANCE ofthe City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the City's 2023 budget for the second time. Adopted Ordinance 3 7 I 7. Motion to rpprove passed fi. Deputy Mayor Meyer confirmd, tro opposition was herrd. ORDINAI.ICES IiOT REO UIRI}.G COU\CIL PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Title 17 Municipal Code Amendments No. 23-41 Deputy Mayor Meyer spoke to the matter as it was presented in the agenda packet. Assistant Cily Manager Goings summarized the information, sharing the action was in response to Council requests and nrmed the meeting over to Planning Supervisor Ben Braudrick. Planning Supervisor Braudrick spoke about notice to the Departnent of Commerce, the public process, and a request to Commerce relative to expediting the matter. He spoke about discussion and changes that came fiom the Planning Commission. Council discussion followed. Staffclarified their intent is to provide overlay mapping to identiry areas where wastewater infrastructure is available for development. Deputy Mayor Meyer conducted a first reading oflhe ordinance by title, entitled, ORDI\.{\CE \O. 37TE It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin lnd seonded by Cerr to: Waive the second and adopt the ordinance, amending Title 17, and to str*e " 17.21.021 - Park Model Alternqtite, suhsection 2. Density. Only one Park Model may be placed in conjunction with each single-household dwelling or duplex". Motion carried G0. 3. Port Angeles Municipal Code Re-Envisioning Updeted Fee Schedule Ciry Anorney Witliam Bloor presented the agenda item that identified the lates effons of Madrona Law Group to address fees throughout the code. Attomey Bloor spoke about Council identified goals and spoke about the proposed process that would r€vise the manner most City's fees. rates. and charges are set and recorded. Deputy Mayor Meyer conducted a f[st reading ofthe ordinance by title, entitled, ORDIN,{iiCE \O. TBD AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending portions of the Port Argeles Municipal Code relating to fees, rates, and other charges. Page 2 of4 PORT ANGELES CITY COLTNCIL MEETING - August 15, 2023 Deputy Mayor Meyer continued the matter to the September 5 meeting RESOLUTIONS NOT REOUIRIN G COUNCIL PIJ'BLIC HEARINGS l. Resolution on Lodging Trx Policy and Fund Disbursemcnt Scoring Criteria Assistant City Manager Calvin Goings presented the agenda item. provided background on the matter and introduced Planning Supervisor Braudrick who spoke about the proposed policy changes that would improve the proc€ss to score and award funding to the applicants. Council member and Chair of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Carr. provided information as a member ofthe Lodging Tar Advisory Committee. Council discussion followed. Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title, ertitled, RESOLUTIOIi \O. 05-23 It was moved by Carr and seconded by Suggs lo: Pass the resolution as read. Iotion carried 60. The Depury Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 6:48 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:53 p.m OTHER CON DER{TIONS 1. Recommendation - Opioid Settlement City Council Subcommittee At ?:0t p.m., prior to the presentation of the agenda item, Council member Miller stated she is employed by one of the organizations that applied for Opioid Senlement Funding. She stated due to the conflict of interest she will recuse herself from the discussion and vorc and left the Council Chambers. Manager West provided background on the matter, spoke about the Council created sub-cornrnittee- Council discussion followed. Clerks note: The City Council Subcommittee recommends that the Settlement Funds for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024 be awarded to ,he Port Angeles Police and Fire Departments for their project proposal titled "Operation Shielding Hope: Police qnd Fire lJniting Forces for a Sqfer Communitr-"; ond that each subsequenl year av'ard be considered b! the City Council in adrance of the Annual Budget Process. CITY COUN-CIL REPORTS Council member Scbromen-Wawrin spoke about City policy, short-term rentals, and defmitions and descriptions contained in the current Pon Angeles Municipal Code relative to shod-term rentals. Council member Suggs spoke about her paticipation on the Opioid Sub-Committee. Council member Carr spoke about participation during the recenl canoe joumey events, No other reports were given. INFORMATIO!{ Manager West spoke about the City's website and effons made by staff to use the platform to communicate information to residents relative to shon-term rentals. He provided historical information about the establishment of Page 3 of4 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Pon Angeles. Washington, amending Lodging Tar Advisory Committee Policies by adding Lodging Tar Funding Program goals and priorities to the Policies. It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to: Fund the Port Angeles Police and Fire Departments for their project proposal titled "Operation Shielding Hope: Police and Fire Uniting Forces for a Safer Community" for the full l8-year funding cycle. Motion crrried 4-l with Deputy Mryor Meyer opposed. After discussion and vote, Council Member Miller rerurned to the Council Chambers. PORT ANGELES CITY COLNCIL MEETING - August 15, 2023 shon-term rertal zoning and spoke about Senator Murray's visit to 9l lMemorial Park related to the recently awarded RAISE erant. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT Chealsea Winfield. city resident, spoke about her time living in India. the adoption of her son, and her positive experience with short-tenn rentals. Steve Pelayo, property owner. spoke about hotel capacity as it relates to tourism. Jim Halburg, city resident, spoke about the benefits ofshon-term rentals to the communiry. Michael Wright, city resident, spoke about short-term rcntals in relation to the community's needs. Janetle Carpenter, city residen! spoke about the need for smaller trash bins for residents that generate less garbage. Sean Washbum, residing outside the city limits and a business owner, spoke about housing costs in relation to the short-term rental matter. Ruby (no last name shared), homeowner, spoke about her experience as a short-term rental owner. Jake Purvis, residing outside the city, spoke in favor of shon-term rentals. ADJOURNMENT Deputy Mayor the meeting at 7:43 p.m. Brendan Meyer. Deputy Mayor Kari Maninez-. City CI Page 4 of4