HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 09.19.2023CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington Septernber 19, 2023 This meeting u'as conducted as a hltbrid meeting CALL TO ORDER.REGULAR NTEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting ofthe Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer, Council members Can, McCaughan, Miller, Schromen- Wawrin (anending viroally) and Suggs. Members Absent: None StaffPresent: City Manager West, Assistant City Manager Goings, Anomey Bloor, Acting Clerk Howell, C. Delikat, J. Viada. S. Carrizosa, J. McKeen, M. Healy, S. Cartmel and B. Brau&ick. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Dexter led the Pledge ofAllegiance to the Flag. CERENIONIAL NIATTERS. PROCLANIATI ONS & ENIPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS l. CorstitutionlVeekProclemation Mayor Dexter read a proclamation recognizing September l Tth-23rd as Constitution Week and encouraged all citizens to reflect on the freedoms, rights and responsibilities guaranteed to us through the Constihltion. 2. Suicide Prevention Month Proclemation Mayor Dexter spoke to lives lost to suicide in Pon Angeles and then read a proclamation, recognizing September as National Suicide Prevention Month and presented the proclamation to ChiefExecutive Olficer Wendy Sisk from North Olympic Healthcare Network. CEO Sisk spoke to suicide rates within Clallam County, the community members who struggle with mental health, and what the communiry can do to help. PI- BLIC CO}I}IE\T Laurel Cripe, city resident, gave a handout to Council and spoke against shon temr rentals. Steve Workman, city resident, spoke about housing challarges in Port Angeles and against short term rentals. Port Angeles Senior Center Manager Carmen Geyer, city resident, spoke to the need for a new HVAC system for the Center. Eric Edmiston, city resident, spoke about the issues at home involving a curtain drain near his residence on Golf Course Rd. He provided photos to council. James Taylor, city resident, spoke against the Transponation Benefit District Tax Increase agenda item Mrs. Sweetman, stated she is a resident of King County but lives on Race Street. spoke against the Race Street development project and presented a photo to the Council. OTHER CONSIDER{TIONS l. Olympic National Park Superintendent Suls Jacobs Superintendent Sula Jacobs introduced Deputy Superintendent Kevin Killian and spoke to updates within Olympic National Park including the wildland fire where 4,000 acres were actively on fire. Council discussion followed. 2. HVAC Upgrade ofCitv Facilities Presentatior by Trane Technologies PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING - September 19, 2023 Senior Account Executive Angie Estey from Trane Technologies along with Project Developer Greg Stinson spoke to the City facilities HVAC projects including a progress update. Council discussion followed. The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at7:26 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:33 p.m. 3. Greerli.nk Port Angeles - Futurewise Futurewise Water. Fish. and Wildlife Program Manager Susannah Spock and Herrera Environmental Consultants Engineer David Cortese presented Valley Creek Restoration Master Plan that includes parmering with Greenlink Advisory Committee, a daylight feasibility study, and next steps. Council discussion followed. ITIMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTT]RE AG City Manager Nathan West placed on the ager,d,a. Multi-Famill TcLr Exemption Contracts as age\da item E-6 CONSENT AGENDA At the request of Councilmember Suggs, Mayor Dexter pulled agenda item E-3, Harbor Clean- Up because ofa conflict of interest due to her place of emplo;nnent. Manager West provided additional information regarding the authorization needed for Multi Famity Tax Exemptions. It was moved by Carr and seconded by Miller to approve the Consent Agenda to itrclude: L City Council Minutes of September 5, 2023 2. Expenditure Report: From August 19, 2023 to September 8, 2023 in the amount of$4,743,726.67 3. ITEM PULLED Harbor Cleanup 4. Vehicle Purchase/Replacement of Wastewater Division Pickup i14600 / 1) Rescind the September 5,2023, otion that quthorized purchase ofa replacement ofVehicle #4600: 2) Accept the bid from Bud Clary Ford, to sell to the City a neh, Wqstewqter Division Sen'ice Truckfor the amounl of$58,241 .51, including tax and accessories, 3) Authoize the Cit! Manager to approye q d execute qn agreeuent to pulchase q nei, Wastewater Dh.ision Sen ice Truck using the bid supplied by Bud Clary Ford and authoize the City Manager to make uinor modifications to the purchase contract ifnecessary; and 41 Authori:e the City" Manager to surplus tehicle #4600, and to dispose of thdl vehicle i a commercialll; reasonable maaner upon addition of the new, whicle to the CirY fleet. 5. Agreement with DebtBook for Software Sewices I Authorize the Citl) Manager to sign the .tgreement with DebtBook in an amounl not to exceed $12,000.00 qnd lo make minor modifications as necessary. 6. LATE ITEM Multi Family Tax Exemption Contracs I Authorize Ciqs Manager to qppro|e contacts for Multi famib; t(la exemptions in accordance with Chapter 17.46 PAMC and to sign, execute, and administer such conrracts on behalfofthe City. The Mayor asked if there was unalimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. PI-r'LLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: Harbor Cleanup It was moved by Carr and seconded by Miller to approve the CoNent Agenda to include: Authorize the City Manager to approve. sign, and execute on behalfofthe City the lnformation Sharing Agreement. and authorize the City Manager to take other actions as necessary and appropriate to effectuate the presewation of its documents and information sharing among the panies. including any funrre modification or termination ofthe agreement. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried G0 with Coutrcilmember Suggs recused from the vote. Page 2 of4 At the r€quest ofcouncilmember Suggs- Mayor Dexter added DNR Trast land Tra sport Application as agenda item t-4. PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING - Septernber 19, 2023 ORDI\AI'iCES \OT REOUIRI}-G COL \CII- PLBI,IC IIT-.\RI\GS l. Trsnsportstion Benefit District Tex Increrse Ordinrnce Manager West provided background information on the agenda item, stating that by adopting the Trarsportation Benefit District Council will be utilizing and implementing an importatrt tool provided by the State Legislature to support local transportation needs. Mayor Dexter conducted the second reading of the ordinance by title. entitled oRDINA|TCE NO.1z!1 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, imposing an additional sales and use tax ofone-tenth of one percent within the boundaries of th€ Port Angeles Transponation Benefit District for the purpose of financ ing the costs associated with transportation improvements in the dishict. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Miller to adopt the ordinance as read. After Council discussion, Milter withdrew the motion because there was no second. It was moved by Miller rnd secotrded by Suggs to: Direct staff to provide the necessary information to Department of Revenue for implementation of this tax effective January I, 2024 and conduct the second reading of the ordinance authorizing the 0. l7o increase to transportadon Benefit Improvement sales tar and adopt the ordinance. Motion crrried 7-0. 2. Management, Administrative and Non-Represented Personn€l Vacation Accrual Restruclure Human Resource Manager Abbigail Fountain spoke to the need to maintain parity with represented staff and incentivize succession planning and internal promotions. She indicated staffis proposing a restructure to the current Management, Administrative and Non-Represented persorurel vacation accnral schedule. Council discussion followed. Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading ofthe ordinance by title, entitled, AN ORDINANCE ofthe City ofPon Angeles, Washington, amending the Penonnel Policy and Procedures Manual and repeating Ordinance 3471 . It was moved by Carr rnd seconded by Suggs to: Wave the second reading and adopt the ordinance restructuring the Managemelt, Administrative and Non- Represented vacation schedule and adding a vacation bank for overtime-exempt employees and authorize the City Manager to make minor modihcations ifnecessary. Motion carried 7-0, OTHER CONSIDERATIONS CONTINUED 4. DNR Trust Land Transfer Applicetion Councilmember Suggs gave background on the item, stated the Elwha River is the City ofPon Angeles' main warer supply and said Council and City staff have sent letters to Department of Natural Resources (DNR) regarding Elwha watershed and timber hawest. Suggs spoke to the Trust Land Transfer program which is an application process through DNR that allows the transfer ofland parcels. Suggs stated the apptication is due September 30, ?023. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Suggs and secotrded by Carr to: Direct the City Manager to submit a Trust Land Transfer application to DNR no later than September 30, 2023 to protect the forest within the Elwha Watershed. The city should also continue to pursue options for DNR to use these Page 3 of4 ORDIT{\CE r.-O. 3722 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING - September 19, 2023 properties for but not limited to carbon sequestration, and work towards potential legislative fixes, additional ownership options and potential property management solutions working with other entities. Motion carried 7-0. CO NTRACTS & PURCHASING l. Bird Ride, lnc. Program Update tnd Ertension Assistant City Manager Calvin Goings discussed the background of the agreement the City ofPon Angeles entered on July 31.2022 with Btd zude, Inc. The agreement allowed the operation ofelectric motor scooter rental sin Port Angeles until September 30. 2023. with the option to renew the contract. Based on community survey feedback. extending the program should include modifications to the exisling contract to strengthen ealforcement and usabiliry. Principle Planner Ben Braudrick was available to answer council questions. Council discussion followed. It t rs moved by Miller end seconded by Suggs to: Authorize and direct the City Manag€r to execute the necessary documents to extend the temporary operating agreement by one year and to include scooter pickup requirements, geofenced areas, and deployment zones language therein and assess the need for additional reflected surfaces. Motiotr crrried 7-0. The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 9:M p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:09 p.m CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Couniil member Schromen-Wawrin expressed interest for writing a letter of support to the Olympic Peninsula Extended Needs Housing. He also gave a summary of the commiftee meetings h€ recently attended. Clerks note: Due to technicol difficulties, Schromen-Wowrin's repott wos cut short. Council member Suggs spoke to future meetings she will attend including the William Memorial Pool District meeting. Council member Miller spoke about her experience attending the Utility Advisory Comminec, Homelessness Task Force and Olympic Area Agency on Aging meetings. Council member Meyer spoke about attendance at the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Committee meeting. Council member Dexter spoke to her attendance at the Municipal Research and Services Center Board meeting. No other repons were given INFO ATION Manager West reponed on the City of Pon Angeles Declaration of Stage 3 Water Shonage and the effect ofbeing in stage 3- He reminded Council there will be no work session in September SECOND PUBLIC COMNIENT Mary Margolis. city resident, in a pre-recorded message. spoke in favor of the short-term rental moratorium and discussed housing issues Pon Angeles residens face. Justin (no last name provided), ciry residenr, spoke against taxation, inflation, banks, natioml debt, and the increase of sales tax. A,DJOI, RNNI ENT Mayor Dexter adjoumed fie meeting at 9:26 p.m Kate Dexter. Mayor Page 4 of4 ting City Cterk