HomeMy WebLinkAboutUAC Agenda Packet 10/10/23 OCTOBER 10, 2023 City of Port Angeles UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Agenda This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public, Council members, and City staff have the option to attend the meeting in person, in Council chambers at City Hall th located at 321 East 5 Street, Port Angeles, or remotely via telephone or video link. The Chair may determine the order of business for a particular UAC meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the UAC and the public. The Chair will determine time of break. Hearing devices are available for those needing assistance. The items of business for regular UAC meetings may include the following: A. Call to Order – Regular Meeting at 3:00 p.m. B.Public Comment The Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly and timely manner. Visit https://www.cityofpa.us/Live-Virtual- Meetings to learn how to participate during public comment and or watch the meeting live. Written public comments can be submitted to: gking@cityofpa.us, comments will not be read aloud but will be made part of the record. Comments should be received by 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 10, 2023. For audio only please call: 1-844-992-4726 Use access code: 2557 412 5695 Password: ATk8PD3UwE8 (28587338 from phones and video systems) Once connected, press *3 to raise your virtual hand if you wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code is good for the October 10, 2023 meeting only. If you are joining in through the Webex link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=mf783e8005180758cb3864208fa6d2d6f and wish to make a comment or public testimony, please use the “raise your hand” feature in Webex. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. Members of the public may address the UAC at the beginning of any Regular Meeting under "Public Comment." The UAC desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At any time, the presiding officer, in the presiding officer's sole discretion, may set such reasonable limits as are necessary to prevent disruption of other necessary business. At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the Public Comment period. Individuals may speak for three (3) minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak. If more than 20 people are signed up to speak each speaker may be allocated two (2) minutes. October 10, 2023 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 1 Individuals who are residents of the City or own businesses within the City will be called to speak first, with preference given to those who wish to speak to an item on the meeting’s agenda. If time remains, the presiding officer will call other individuals wishing to speak, generally in the order in which they have signed in. If time is available, the presiding officer may call for additional unsigned speakers. Persons speaking shall state their name, whether they reside within the City limits, whether they have any other pertinent connection to the City, and whether they are appearing as the representative of an organization. Excerpts: Council Rules of Procedure Section 12 C. Late Items To be placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the meeting. D. Minutes September 12, 2023 | Approve E.Cost of Service Studies and 2024-2025 Rates for Electric, Solid Waste, and Storm Water Utilities | Presentation by Finance Staff F. Future UAC Topics, Members G. Next Meeting November 14, 2023 Adjournment October 10, 2023 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 2 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEEMEETING Hybrid Meeting Port Angeles, WA 98362 September12, 2023 3:00 p.m. I.A. Call to Order Chair Mattias Järvegren called the meeting to order at 3:03 pm. B.Roll Call UAC Assigned Councilmembers Present:Mayor Kate Dexter, Councilmember Amy Miller and Councilmember Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin (Excused leave at 3:59 p.m.) UAC Members Present:Chair Mattias Järvegren, Robert Kajfasz, Terry Nishimoto and Richard French UAC Members Absent: Laura Dodd. Staff Present: Public Works and Utilities Director Mike Healy, Power Resources Manager Gregg King, City Engineer Jonathan Boehme, Civil/Utility Engineer Lucio Baack, Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa, Cost and Capital Accountant MarySue French, Accountant Jason Jones, Systems Network Analyst Daniel Harris, Public Works Management Assistant Jessica Toth, and City Attorney William Bloor. II.Public Comment The public is invited to provide written comments via e-mail prior to the meeting, call- in and via WebEx. There was no public comment. III.Late Items There were no late items. IV.Approval of Minutes Councilmember Miller moved to approve the August 22, 2023, minutes. Mayor Dexter second the motion. Chair Järvegren asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. V.Wastewater Comp Plan-Financial Analysis Civil/Utility Engineer II Lucio Baack presented with Mackenzie Capaci and Michael Lubovich from Kennedy Jenks for the purpose of presenting the Wastewater Comprehensive Plan financial chapter to identify and discuss a rate strategy that would be able to support the capital projects identified in the General Sewer Plan. October10,2023Port Angeles UAC MeetingPage 3 The presentation focused on the overview of the comprehensive plan approach, overall system risk results, collection system risks and repair and replacement strategies, capital improvement planning, the financial analysis, and recommendations for next steps. Four funding scenarios were presented to UAC members: Scenario 1: cash financed Capital Improvement Plan in the draft Wastewater Comprehensive Plan, with system development charge update. Scenario 1a: cash financed (Increases every other year starting 2025) Capital Improvement Plan in the draft Wastewater Comprehensive Plan, with system development charge update. Scenario 2: cash and debt financed Capital Improvement Plan in the draft Wastewater Comprehensive Plan, with system development charge update. Scenario 2a: low interest loans financed (increases every other year starting 2025) Capital Improvement Plan in the draft Wastewater Comprehensive Plan, with System Development charge update. Staff recommends UAC forward a favorable recommendation to City Council for inclusion of Scenario 1a: cash financed (increases every other year starting 2025) Capital Improvement Plan in the draft Wastewater Comprehensive Plan, with System Development Charge Update. This will align with the current COSA cycle and allow Staff to make adjustments during this time as needed. Discussion followed. Member French moved that the UAC forward the staff recommendation, a favorable recommendation to City Council for inclusion of Scenario 1a: Cash Financed (Increases Every Other Year Starting 2025) Capital Improvement Plan in the draft Wastewater Comprehensive Plan, with System Development Charge Update. Member Kajfasz seconded the motion. Chair Järvegren asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. VI. Community Solar Update Power Resources Manager Gregg King gave a verbal update in regard to UAC requested that staff begin a study on implementing a community solar project to be funded in the fiscal year of 2025. Staff was able to add a Capital Project CL0623 to fund $10,000 toward that study which was passed by City Council in July for the 2024-2029 CFP. After discussion with Energy Northwest, staff was directed to additional grant opportunities that could fund community solar projects with the goal to have community solar in place by 2025. VII. Calendar of Actions & Meetings Cost and Capital Accountant MarySue French discussed that the finance group is working on the COSAs for Electric, Solid Waste and Stormwater. The Solid Waste COSA must be approved by the second City Council meeting in October to meet their 75-day deadline before rates can be increased. The Solid Waste COSA will be presented to City Council on October 3, 2023, then presented to the UAC at the meeting scheduled in October with the UAC recommendation and second reading presented to City Council at the October 17, 2023, meeting. There will be no change in methodology, but rather updating to the 2024 budget. The same will be done for Electric and Stormwater. October 10, 2023 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 4 Director of Public Works and Utilities Mike Healy asked for some parity between Blue Mountain and the Transfer station as the minimum rates differ significantly. VIII. Next Meeting Date: October 10, 2023 IX. Adjournment: 4:43 p.m. ______________________________________ ________________________________________ Chair Mattias Järvegren Jessica Toth, Public Works Management Assistant October 10, 2023 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 5 E. Cost of Service Studies and 2024-2025 Rates for Electric, Solid Waste, and Storm Water Utilities Presentation by Finance Staff Information will be provided to UAC members prior to the meeting. Presentation at the UAC meeting will provide rate details. October 10, 2023 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 6 F. Calendar of Actions and Meetings • 2024 Budget • Cost of Service Studies – Electric, Storm Water, and Solid Waste • Utility Rates – as needed October 10, 2023 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 7 Next UAC Meeting November14, 2023 3:00 –5:00 PM This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. October 10, 2023 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 8 PROPOSED 2024 -2025 ELECTRIC, SOLID WASTE AND STORMWATER RATES Utility Advisory Committee October 10, 2023 3 BHFOEB Utility Rate Change Review Methodology Cost of Service Analysis (COSA) Electric Rates Solid Waste Collections and Transfer Station Rates Stormwater Rates 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 4 VUJMJUZSBUFSFWJFXTDIFEVMF 2024-2025 Rates Proposed in Fall of 2023 2-year rates Stormwater Electric Solid Waste Collections Solid Waste Transfer Station 2025-2026 Rates Proposed in Fall of 2024 2-year rates Water Wastewater 2026-2029 Rates Proposed in Fall of 2025 3-year rates Medic 1 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 5 DPTBQSJODJQMFT Financial Meet revenue requirements Provide revenue stability to the Utility Be easy to administer Customer Requirements Provide rate stability to the customer Be easy to understand Be affordable Other Conform to Generally Accepted Rate Setting techniques Be cost based Encourage economic development and conservation 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 6 31333134DPTB ELECTRIC No rate increase overall Continued the 10-year phase in to shift consumption to base per COSA SOLID WASTE COLLECTIONS AND TRANSFER STATION No change to rates STORMWATER No increase to the residential rate Increased the ERU factor from 15 to 25 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 7 DPTBGBDUPST Methodologies approved by the UAC and City Council in 2019 have been used to calculate all utility rate adjustments. Funding for capital assets are included in the COSA Set through the Capital Facilities Plan Maintenance of required fund balances has been preserved per City Financial Policies Rates have been averaged over the 2 year cycle to provide stability 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 8 DPTBGBDUPST Currently the City is seeing significant increases to the 2024 Budget for personnel costs that resulted from collective bargaining, cost for supplies and services that are attributed to inflation. State mandated requirements are also a factor in these funds. Balancing affordability with maintaining infrastructure through additional capacity is critical so that costs are not deflected to future generations. 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 9 ELECTRIC 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJT.VBDPDUPCFS21-3134 : DVSSFOUDPTBwt/QSPQPTFEDPTB Overall Total Increase: $1,777,200 Budget Increase Personnel Costs 10.5% increase Expected Includes City Electrician Supplies 5.6% increase 6.4% Includes BPA payments 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 21 FMFDUSJDSBUFT.DPTB In 2019, in order to keep rates steady a phased approach was taken to build the base rate to appropriate levels. The base rate consists of customer and distribution costs that do not vary based on usage. The City is responsible for these costs even if no services are billed or sold. The ability of the City to ensure the costs of the utility are covered in the event of an emergency is an indicator of economic health and can impact other areas such as bond ratings. This phased in approach was spread across 10 years. Though the base rate increases the corresponding consumption rate decreases. In 2024 2025 this phased in approach is demonstrated without an expected increase to overall customer charges. 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 22 FMFDUSJDSBUFT.DPTB Rates have been averaged over the two-year adoption period to provide stability to customers. The Electric Utility phase in approach is continued with an increase in Base rates and a decrease in variable rates. This approach does not have an overall change in rates and is expected to be cost neutral. This was made possible by savings from an approximately $3.0M credit from the BPA in 2023. 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 23 FMFDUSJDSBUFT.DPTB RESIDENTIAL BASE PHASE-IN CALCULATION 2020 Adopted2021 COSA after 1/20 phase inbefore phase Difference1/9th Base 22.620 46.20 23.5800 2.6200 Energy 0.07102 0.05081 10,707,63310,707,63310,707,633 2020202120222023 Prior base rate 22.620 25.24 27.86 Adjust for 1/9th of difference 2.6200 2.6200 2.6200 New Base rate 22.620 25.24 27.86 30.48 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 24 FMFDUSJDSBUFT.DPTB ELECTRIC UTILITY 2022-2023 rates2024-2025 Rates BaseDemandEnergyBaseDemandEnergyBaseDemandEnergy Residential 29.17 0.06596 34.41 0.06130 5.24 - (0.00466) Residential 35% Disc 18.95 0.04288 22.35 0.03986 3.40 - (0.00302) Residential 25% Disc 21.87 0.04948 25.79 0.04599 3.92 - (0.00349) Non Profit 1 Phase 34.21 0.05486 39.59 0.05370 5.38 - (0.00116) Non Profit 3 Phase 75.99 0.05589 83.97 0.05417 7.98 - (0.00172) General Service 1 Phase 36.45 0.06095 42.51 0.05782 6.06 - (0.00313) General Service 3 Phase 83.31 0.06343 94.09 0.05934 10.78 - (0.00409) GS Municipal 1 Phase 35.02 0.06639 40.10 0.06229 5.08 - (0.00410) GS Municipal 3 Phase 80.19 0.07748 88.79 0.07055 8.60 - (0.00693) GS Demand 1 Phase 75.56 4.462 0.05257 87.94 4.462 0.05198 12.38 - (0.00059) GS Demand 3 Phase 151.93 4.462 0.05212 161.41 4.462 0.05166 9.48 - (0.00046) GS Dem Municipal 1 Phase 80.62 4.462 0.05536 95.10 4.462 0.05467 14.48 - (0.00069) GS Dem Municipal 3 Phase 151.07 4.462 0.05180 160.05 4.462 0.05137 8.98 - (0.00043) 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 25 SOLID WASTE 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJT.VBDPDUPCFS21-3134 26 CVEHFUDIBOHFT3134wt/3135 Overall Total Increase: $3,826,800 Budget Increase Personnel Costs 9.8% increase Expected Other Services 31.7% increase -$1.0M settlement payment 29.7% Debt Payments 75.0% increase Includes payments to the Water division for the Staff recommendation of a $1.5M interfund loan from the water division 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 27 DPMMFDUJPOTSBUFT.DPTB SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Accounts2020-23 Rate2024-25 RateDifference% Total Res-Weekly 2,836 39.970 43.375 3.41 Б͵Ўі 25% discount 20 30.235 32.810 2.58 Б͵Ўі 35% discount 43 26.205 28.435 2.23 Б͵Ўі Res-EOW 4,536 26.740 31.175 4.44 ЊЏ͵Џі 25% discount 35 20.050 23.390 3.34 ЊЏ͵Аі 35% discount 79 17.380 20.270 2.89 ЊЏ͵Џі Res-Yard Waste 3,590 8.875 10.165 1.29 ЊЍ͵Ўі Comm-90g 611 37.880 40.810 2.93 А͵Аі Fed 90G 1 34.370 37.029 2.66 А͵Аі Comm-300g 876 97.610 111.605 14.00 ЊЍ͵Ќі Schools/Comm-Recycle 115 15.705 40.490 24.79 ЊЎА͵Бі Muni/City-90g 51 34.780 38.205 3.43 В͵Бі Muni/City-300g 134 92.775 105.630 12.86 ЊЌ͵Ві Comm Yard Waste 14 8.875 10.165 1.29 ЊЍ͵Ўі Fed-300g 17 91.690 107.595 15.91 ЊА͵Ќі 12,958 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 28 USBOTGFSTUBUJPOSBUFT.DPTB SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATION Tons2020-23 Rate2024-25 RateDifference% Total Commercial/City HaulersRateSurchargeTotalRateSurchargeTotal MSW 24,202 119.48 25.51 144.99 169.91 25.51 195.42 50.43 ЌЍ͵Бі MSW COPA 12,496 119.48 25.51 144.99 154.28 25.51 179.79 34.80 ЋЍ͵Љі YW 1,483 31.55 - 31.55 196.06 - 196.06 164.51 ЎЋЊ͵Ѝі Self Haul MSW 15,764 162.99 30.99 193.98 213.04 30.99 244.03 50.05 ЋЎ͵Бі MSW-Charity 83 77.26 15.50 92.76 101.40 15.50 116.90 24.14 ЋЏ͵Љі Tires 39 184.48 184.48 244.03 - 244.03 59.55 ЌЋ͵Ќі Asbestos 1 411.02 411.02 449.89 - 449.89 38.87 В͵Ўі Contaminated Soils 0 218.52 218.52 492.93 - 492.93 274.41 ЊЋЎ͵Џі Yard Waste 1,063 51.19 - 51.19 253.52 - 253.52 202.33 ЌВЎ͵Ћі Metals and White Goods 439 78.40 78.40 117.40 - 117.40 39.00 ЍВ͵Аі Environmental fee 968 25.82 25.82 39.41 - 39.41 13.59 ЎЋ͵Џі Blue Mountain 1,128 225.90 30.99 256.89 291.91 30.99 322.90 66.01 ЋЎ͵Аі 57,665 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 29 STORMWATER 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 2: CVEHFUDIBOHFT3134wt/3135 Overall Total Increase: $261,700 Budget Increase Personnel Costs 6.8% increase Includes Expected additional Utility Worker per State Mandates for NPDES permit requirements. 8.2% Capital Transfers 9.1% increase 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 31 TUPSNXBUFSSBUFT.DPTB STORMWATER UTILITY 2022/23 COSA2024/25 COSA Equivalent ERU's$Change% Change 3,000 sq/ft w disc3,000 sq/ft w disc Rate Revenue 2,672,234 3,272,790 600,55622.5% Max ERU's 25 50 25 Equivalent ERU 13,165 14,329 1,1648.8% Rates/year 202.98 228.40 25.4212.5% Residential 7,129.00 204.06 229.59 25.5312.5% 25%Disc 57.00 132.64 149.23 16.5912.5% 35% Disc 35.00 153.05 172.19 19.1412.5% Commercial 6,927.45 203.03 228.67 25.6412.6% Fed Non Taxable 180.61 193.55 224.10 30.5515.8% 14,329.06 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 32 DPODMVTJPO Low Consumption - Lowest 20%2022-232024-25 Total Total Base/TieredConsumptionBase/TieredConsumptionDifferenceDifference Approx. 1,700 customerConsumptionMonthlyMonthly RateChargesRateCharges$% ChargesCharges Electric382 29.17 25.20 54.37 34.41 23.42 57.83 3.466.4% Water 141 40.86 3.55 44.41 40.86 3.55 44.41 -0.0% Wastewater141 34.96 6.92 41.88 34.96 6.92 41.88 -0.0% CSO141 13.92 2.17 16.09 13.92 2.17 16.09 -0.0% Solid Waste CollectionsEOW 26.74 - 26.74 31.175 - 31.18 4.4416.6% Yard Waste ContainerBi-Weekly 8.875 - 8.88 10.165 - 10.17 1.2914.5% Medic I 12.37 - 12.37 12.37 - 12.37 -0.0% 204.74 213.93 9.184.5% 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 33 DPODMVTJPO Medium Consumption2022-232024-25 Total Total Base/TieredConsumptionBase/TieredConsumptionDifferenceDifference aprox 5,200 customerConsumptionMonthlyMonthly RateChargesRateCharges$% ChargesCharges Electric1277 29.17 84.23 113.40 34.41 78.28 112.69 (0.71)-0.6% Water 730 40.86 18.40 59.26 40.86 18.40 59.26 -0.0% Wastewater730 34.96 35.84 70.80 34.96 35.84 70.80 -0.0% CSO730 13.92 11.24 25.16 13.92 11.24 25.16 -0.0% Solid Waste CollectionsWeekly 39.97 - 39.97 43.375 - 43.38 3.418.5% Yard Waste ContainerBi-Weekly 8.875 - 8.88 10.165 - 10.17 1.2914.5% Medic I 12.37 - 12.37 12.37 - 12.37 -0.0% 329.84 333.83 3.981.2% 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 34 DPODMVTJPO High Consumption - top 20%2022-232024-25 Total Total Base/TieredConsumptionBase/TieredConsumptionDifferenceDifference aprox 1800 customerConsumptionMonthly Monthly RateChargesRateCharges$% ChargesCharges Electric2664 29.17 175.72 204.89 34.41 163.30 197.71 (7.17)-3.5% Water 4420 40.86 296.67 337.53 40.86 296.67 337.53 -0.0% Wastewater4420 34.96 217.02 251.98 34.96 217.02 251.98 -0.0% CSO4420 13.92 68.07 81.99 13.92 68.07 81.99 -0.0% Solid Waste CollectionsWeekly 39.97 - 39.97 43.375 - 43.38 3.418.5% Yard Waste ContainerBi-Weekly 8.875 - 8.88 10.165 - 10.17 1.2914.5% Medic I 12.37 - 12.37 12.37 - 12.37 -0.0% 937.60 935.12 (2.48)-0.3% 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 35 DPODMVTJPO 35% Med - middle 65%2022-232024-25 Elec range 178/mo to Total Total Base/TieredConsumptionBase/TieredConsumptionDifferenceDifference 3529/mo. Water range ConsumptionMonthlyMonthly RateChargesRateCharges$% 144/mo to 1704/moChargesCharges Electric845 18.95 36.23 55.18 22.35 33.68 56.03 0.851.5% Water 875 26.56 14.72 41.28 26.56 14.72 41.28 -0.0% Wastewater875 22.72 27.96 50.68 22.72 27.96 50.68 -0.0% CSO875 8.89 8.66 17.55 8.89 8.66 17.55 -0.0% Solid Waste CollectionsEOW 17.38 - 17.38 20.270 - 20.27 2.8916.6% Yard Waste ContainerBi-Weekly 8.875 - 8.88 10.165 - 10.17 1.2914.5% Medic I 12.37 - 12.37 12.37 - 12.37 -0.0% 203.31 208.34 5.032.5% 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 36 DPODMVTJPO 25% Med - middle 75%2022-232024-25 Elec range 166/mo to Total Total Base/TieredConsumptionBase/TieredConsumptionDifferenceDifference 2383/mo. Water range ConsumptionMonthlyMonthly RateChargesRateCharges$% 165/mo to 3335/moChargesCharges Electric1101 21.87 54.48 76.35 25.79 50.63 76.42 0.080.1% Water 756 30.64 14.67 45.31 30.64 14.67 45.31 -0.0% Wastewater756 26.22 27.86 54.08 26.22 27.86 54.08 -0.0% CSO756 10.26 8.62 18.88 10.26 8.62 18.88 -0.0% Solid Waste CollectionsEOW 20.05 - 20.05 23.390 - 23.39 3.3416.7% Yard Waste ContainerBi-Weekly 8.875 - 8.88 10.165 - 10.17 1.2914.5% Medic I 12.37 - 12.37 12.37 - 12.37 -0.0% 235.91 240.62 4.712.0% 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 37 DPODMVTJPO Staff is committed to ensuring utility rates remain affordable to our community. This is particularly important as we consider the effects of high inflation and current economic trends. Though rate increases are projected in some utilities in the coming year Staff have worked to ensure the impact is as minimal as possible while balancing the needs of the utilities including infrastructure and capacity. 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 38 VUJMJUZBEWJTPSZDPNNJUUFF Forward a favorable recommendation for the Staff Recommended 2024 -2025 Electric, Solid Waste and Stormwater rates to City Council. 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134 39 VUJMJUZBEWJTPSZDPNNJUUFF QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION 3135DPTUPGTFSWJDFBOBMZTJTVBDPDUPCFS21-3134