HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda Packet 2023-03-22
Hybrid Meeting – In-Person and Virtual
City Council Chambers: 321 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362
Attend Virtual Meeting Here: https://www.cityofpa.us/984/Live-Virtual-Meetings
March 22, 2023
6:00 P.M.
Minutes of the February 22, 2023 Regular Meeting
1. Nomination and Election of Planning Commission Officers
Annual election meeting for the nomination and election of a Planning Commission
Chair and Vice Chair.
1. Annual Legal Training for Planning Commissioners
Annual training covering aspects of the Washington Open Public Meetings Act, the
Public Records Act, and ethics relevant to Planning Commissioners.
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Minutes of the February 22, 2023
Regular Meeting
Hybrid Meeting – In Person and Virtual
City Council Chambers: 321 E 5th Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362
February 22, 2023 at 6:00 P.M.
Chair Stanley opened the regular meeting at 6:06 P.M.
Commissioners Present: Benjamin Stanley (Chair)
Andrew Schwab (Vice Chair)
Richie Ahuja
Tammy Dziadek
James Taylor
Colin Young
Commissioners Absent: Marolee Smith – excused
City Staff Present: Patrick Bartholick (Development Services Specialist)
Ben Braudrick (Senior Planner)
Chris Cowgill (Assistant City Attorney)
Holden Fleming (Housing Coordinator)
Calvin Goings (Assistant City Manager)
Norman Gollub (Interim Director of Community and Economic
Mike Sanders (Fire Marshal)
Zach Trevino (Assistant Planner)
Eric Walrath (Engineering Project Supervisor)
Public Present: Neva Anderson, USCG Commander Roger Barr, Katie Blose, D.
Carson, Chelsea, Chris, Beau Clark, Katie Connors, Lincoln Erickson,
Frank McPhee, Jim Haguewood, Keith Halsey, Gilliam, Joey Gamino,
Kurt Hansen, Abraham Hedlin, Kelly Johnson, Peter Johnson, Brian
M., Julie Maron, Don Nivens, Magdalena Pendergrass, Peter, Annie
O’Rourke, John Ralston, Brian Reid, Angie Robar, Betsy Robbins,
Carolyn Wait, Colby Wait. Other individuals were present in the
publicly accessible room without having signed in.
Chair Stanley opened the meeting to general public comment.
No comments were provided during the general public comment period.
Chair Stanley closed the meeting to general public comment.
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Planning Commission Minutes
February 22, 2023
Page 2
Commissioner Young moved to approve the minutes from the February 8, 2023 special meeting
and the February 8, 2023 regular meeting of the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded
and passed by unanimous consent (6-0).
1. Pursuing Housing for All – Title 17 Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) Amendment
Process (PZ 23-01)
Chair Stanley introduced the item, noting that it is a continuation of a public hearing that began
on February 8, 2023 to discuss proposed Title 17 PAMC amendments. He explained that the
amendments are meant to increase housing supply by allowing for four units on one 7,000 square
foot lot in the R7 zone, offer greater flexibility for the construction of infill middle housing, and
provide a regulatory pathway for temporary and emergency housing. He noted that the Commission
may make a recommendation to the City Council following the public hearing.
Planners Braudrick and Fleming introduced the item by providing an overview of changes that
have been incorporated into the draft code amendments since the public hearing began. Changes
were reviewed using a slide show presentation that summarized the addendum to the PZ 23-01 staff
report. Staff provided an explanation of each section of Title 17 PAMC to which changes were
made to ensure that the Commission understood how staff responded to public and Commission
input received on February 8, 2023.
The presentation ended with staff providing recommendations that the Planning Commission may
consider adopting as a motion.
Chair Stanley opened the public hearing.
The following individuals provided comment:
• Commander Roger Barr explained that the United States Coast Guard is facing
challenges securing housing for local service members. He provided details illustrating the
magnitude of the current crisis. A housing market survey and analysis was conducted
which determined that there is a community housing shortfall of 139 units for all members.
Projections show that in 2027 the number of units available to service members will still
fall short of need. Over one-third of service members are paying for housing above what
their housing allowance covers. Additionally, temporary lodging expense for service
members is typically only for 10 days, but the local base was granted an extension to allow
members to stay in a hotel for up to 60 days while they look for housing, since affordable
housing is the biggest challenge facing the base in establishing new service personnel
• Brian M. stated that Commissioner Schwab was qualified for the City Council position
that was recently vacant.
• Pete Johnson, Human Resources Manager for McKinley Paper Company, explained that
the company has grown since 2019 and now has about 200 employees. The local housing
situation makes it difficult for prospective employees to find housing, which harms the
company’s ability to provide affordable housing for entry-level employees. He considers
housing the top priority issue faced by the local economy.
• Christeal Milburn, a Port Angeles homeowner, explained that she observes most of her
friends in their 20s through 40s struggling to find housing in Port Angeles. Most people
find housing through friends and families. She appreciates the effort to make the PAMC
more flexible.
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February 22, 2023
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• Abraham Hedlin, a local homeowner and business owner, is interested in subdividing his
property and constructing multi-family housing that would be allowed by the proposed
amendments. He explained that five units on a single lot would cause him to be ineligible
for residential financing, so he is in favor of the proposed amendments that would allow
him to pursue an alley-street subdivision.
• Beau Clark, a local housing provider, supports the proposed changes because they would
ease the provision of housing by facilitating an increase in density.
• John Ralston supports the proposed changes as a way to provide additional affordable
housing units. Increasing density will still be subject to dimensional and design standards.
• Julie Maron is hoping that accessory dwelling units will be subject to restrictions that will
prevent them from being converted to short-term rentals. Chair Stanley responded to state
that the Commission is not considering restrictions on short-term rentals at this time.
• Katie Blose expressed that upon moving to Port Angeles in 2019, she found housing to be
unaffordable, forcing her family to live in a hotel until an ADU became available. She
identified lack of access to affordable housing and general unaffordability as two main
barriers for medical professionals. She expressed support for the proposed amendments,
which would increase options and help solve the housing crisis.
• Colby Wait noted that some of his concerns have been alleviated by attending the meeting.
He is concerned about housing supply and expressed a need for affordable housing. He
explained that new units need to be made available to local workers instead of used as
short-term rentals. He expressed the importance of ensuring that temporar y housing does
not become permanent.
• Don Nivens explained that the solution to Port Angeles’ housing problems must be local,
as investors from elsewhere are not coming. He believes the proposed code amendments
are a step toward addressing the housing shortage. Allowing multi-family will enable
developers to feasibly construct high-quality units.
• Carolyn Wait stated that it is unclear whether we are trying to provide affordable housing
or extremely low income or no income housing. She explained that alley access lots
throughout the City may diminish quality of life for residents. The City should better utilize
underutilized land for infill instead of promoting RV occupancy.
• Keith Halsey, local homeowner and ADU resident, explained that his short subdivision
process with the City is taking almost a year. He expressed support for the proposed
amendments as creating potential for growth.
• Joey Gamino supports the proposal, as he has many friends who are struggling to find
housing. He has concerns about how the proposal will be implemented but is in favor of
affordable housing.
• Chelsea Winfield was unable to live in Port Angeles for a time due to safety. It took her
one year to find a rental when she eventually moved to the City. She explained that
managing short-term rentals has enabled her to continue living in her home.
• Lincoln Erickson, local landlord, is in support of the proposed changes. He noted that
bottlenecks limiting development include the length of time it takes to obtain engineered
plans and the complexity of the development process.
• Katie Connors, Clallam County employee, has been unable to purchase a house and noted
that her income is moderate. She asked how lower-income workers can afford housing in
the current market. She advocated for walkability and bicycle use in addition to the
proposed code amendments.
• Neva Anderson advocated for open space and the maintenance of the local environment.
She stated that open space outside the City could be developed as an alternative to
increasing density within the City.
• Frank McPhee noted that most public comments submitted during this process have
pertained to topics other than housing. City work should be restricted to sewer, streets, and
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February 22, 2023
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safety. High interest rates and cost of materials and labor cause affordable housing to be
difficult to construct even with the proposed code amendments. He stated that it is wrong
to scatter smaller units throughout single-household neighborhoods.
• Steve Luxton noted that the Commission has the choice between walkable neighborhoods
or suburban sprawl and a green future or pollution. He asked whether the American system
is working for people and noted that local workers need help. He noted that the proposed
amendments do not benefit corporate landowners exclusively and advocated for increased
density as a way to maximize the efficient use of infrastructure.
Chair Stanley officially closed the public hearing.
Following public comment, the Commission continued their discussion of the proposed draft code
amendments. Commissioners provided suggestions and observations regarding the draft code. The
Commission’s discussion focused on several aspects of Title 17 PAMC that had been mentioned
during the public hearing, including whether the proposed temporary housing standards should be
removed from the draft code and considered at a later time.
Commissioner Young motioned to strike the proposed changes to Section 17.96.075 –
Temporary Use Permits from Municipal Code Amendment No. 23-01. The motion was
seconded and failed (2-4) through a roll call vote, with Commissioners Taylor and Young
voting in favor.
Vice Chair Schwab motioned to recommend the approval of Municipal Code Amendment
No. 23-01 to City Council as written including any minor changes required to maintain
consistency with all titles and chapters of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, along with the
list of future recommendations for Municipal Code changes as identified in Appendix E of
the staff report. The motion was seconded and passed (6-0) through a roll call vote.
City staff provided the following updates to the Commission:
• Planner Braudrick thanked the Planning Commission for the time they have dedicated
to considering Municipal Code Amendment No. 23-01, noting that further code
amendment proposals are forthcoming based on identified City Council priorities.
• Planner Braudrick stated that the first Planning Commission meeting in March may be
cancelled to allow the Planning Commission to take a break.
• Planner Braudrick explained that staff is working on climate resiliency planning and
will be presenting new information to the Planning Commission in April and May about
how climate resiliency will be integrated into the Comprehensive Plan.
• Planner Braudrick suggested that the Planning Commission select someone to represent
the Commission at the City Council meeting on March 7, 2023 at 6:30 PM and provide
comment about Municipal Code Amendment No. 23-01. The Commission discussed who
should serve as the representative. Vice Chair Schwab motioned that Chair Stanley be
designated to represent the Planning Commission during the comment period at the
next City Council meeting. The motion was seconded and passed 5-0-1 through a
consent vote, with Chair Stanley recused.
• Commissioner Ahuja requested that staff provide general information about how the City
handles finance at an upcoming meeting, with a focus on how debt is structured in the City.
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Planning Commission Minutes
February 22, 2023
Page 5
Director Gollub confirmed that staff could collaborate with the City Finance Department
to prepare information about this topic.
• Commissioner Taylor announced that he had attended the Sequim Home Show and
presented Municipal Code Amendment No. 23-01 to all the builders at the event. Planner
Braudrick responded by noting that City staff will be attending the Port Angeles Home
Show on March 18 and 19, 2023.
• Commissioner Dziadek reported that Fayetteville, Arkansas and Burlington, Vermont
became among the first cities in the country to have eliminated minimum parking
• Commissioner Young confirmed that he had been reappointed to the Planning
Commission for another full term on February 21, 2023.
Vice Chair Schwab moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and passed
unanimously (6-0).
The meeting adjourned at 8:53 P.M.
Zach Trevino, Secretary Ben Stanley, Chair
MINUTES PREPARED BY: Zach Trevino, Secretary
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Action Item
Nomination and Election of
Planning Commission Officers
(Amended April 14, 2021)
Section 1. Name
The official name of the organization shall be “The City of Port Angeles, Washington, Planning
Section 1. Official Seat
The official seat of the Planning Commission shall be in the City Hall of Port Angeles,
Washington, 321 East Fifth Street, and meetings shall be held there except on such occasions and
at such times as the Commission may, by a majority vote of those present at any regular,
recessed, or special meeting, otherwise direct.
Section 1. Officers
The elective officers of the Planning Commission shall consist of a Chair and Vice-Chair.
Section 2. Nomination and Election of Officers
Nomination of elective officers shall be made from the floor at the annual election meeting
which shall be held at the last regular meeting of March of each year. The election shall follow
immediately thereafter. A nominee receiving a majority vote of those present at the election
meeting shall be declared elected. If meetings cannot occur because of an unforeseen
circumstance, nominations and elections shall take place at the next available meeting.
Section 3. Terms of Officers
The term of office for elective officers shall begin in April and shall continue for a term of one
year, or until nominations or elections have taken place at the next available meeting date.
Elective officers shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 4. Vacancies in Offices
Vacancies in elective offices shall be filled immediately by regular election procedure for the
unexpired portion of the term.
Section 5. Duties of Officers
(a) Chair
The Chair shall preside at all meetings and public hearings of the Planning Commission
and shall call special meetings when he/she deems it necessary or is required to do so.
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They shall appoint all committees, shall be an ex-officio member of each, without the
power to vote. They shall sign the minutes of Planning Commission meetings and all
official papers and plans involving the authority of the Planning Commission which are
then transmitted to the City Council. The Chair shall have the privilege of discussing all
matters before the Planning Commission and voting thereon. They shall have all the
duties normally conferred by parliamentary usage on such officers and shall perform such
other duties as may be ordered by the Planning Commission except as otherwise provided
in these Bylaws, in other Planning Commission regulations, or in City Ordinances.
(b) Vice-Chair
The Vice-Chair shall assume the duties and powers of the Chair in his or her absence. If
the Chair and Vice-Chair are both absent, the Planning Commission members may elect a
temporary chair by a majority vote of those present at a regular, recessed, or special
meeting, who shall assume the duties and powers of the Chair or Vice-Chair during their
(c) Executive Secretary
The Executive Secretary is a staff appointed position. The Executive Secretary shall keep
the minutes of all regular, recessed, and special meetings of the Planning Commission;
such minutes shall be approved by the Planning Commission. They shall also keep the
minutes of Planning Commission committee meetings when requested to do so. They
shall give notice of all regular and special meetings to Planning Commission members,
shall prepare with the Chair the agenda of regular and special meetings, shall serve
proper and legal notice of all public hearings, and shall draft and sign the routine
correspondence of the Planning Commission. The Executive Secretary shall maintain a
file of all studies, plans, reports, recommendations, and official records of the Planning
Commission and perform such other duties as are normally carried out by a secretary and
as the Planning Commission may determine.
Section 1. Regular Meetings: Time and Place
Regular monthly meetings shall be held on the second and/or fourth Wednesdays of each month
beginning at 6:00 P.M. in City Hall except as otherwise designated by the Planning Commission
unless a meeting has been noticed as taking place virtually. If a stay at home order or other
disruptive event has occurred that affects Port Angeles and precludes the Planning Commission
from meeting in City Hall, meetings shall be noticed and the alternative physical or virtual
location shall be specified in the notice.
Any change in the hour, date, and place of regular meetings shall be given wide publicity for the
convenience of persons having business before the Commission. When the regular meeting day
falls on a legal holiday, the replacement date will be designated by the Planning Commission
with notice posted to the public per the Open Public Meetings Act.
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Section 2. Recessed Meetings
Any regular meeting may be recessed to a definite time, place, and date by a majority vote of the
Planning Commission members present at the meeting.
Section 3. Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the Chair or Planning staff with approval of the Chair.
Section 4. Cancellation of Regular Meetings
In the event it is necessary to cancel a meeting due to lack of agenda issues, Planning staff will
contact the Chair and each Commission member prior to the meeting and will provide notice to
the public per the Open Public Meetings Act.
Section 5. Notice of Meetings
Notice of all regular and special meetings shall be given by the Executive Secretary to the
members of the Planning Commission in accordance with current RCWs. Notice to members of
the Planning Commission and to members of the public of all special meetings shall be provided
at least 2 days (48 hours) prior to the special meeting.
In addition to the provision of the notice of all special meetings to the members of the Planning
Commission, notice shall be provided to each local newspaper of general circulation in the City
of Port Angeles and on the Newsflash located on the official City of Port Angeles Webpage.
Said notice shall be transmitted electronically or mailed at least 24 hours before the time of the
meeting specified in the notice. The notice shall state the time and place of the meeting and the
business to be transacted by the Commission.
The meeting agenda for the next regular meetings shall be closed on Friday at the close of
business five (5) days prior to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission except that
urgent matters may be inserted on the agenda later at the discretion of the Chair.
Petitions and communications from the audience and matters brought to the meeting by the
Planning Staff and Commission members, which are not on the agenda for the meeting, may be
received and discussed at the meeting. However, no official action may be taken on any matter
at a Planning Commission meeting which is not included on the agenda for that meeting or
which has been added to the agenda after it has been received by the Planning Commission
members except that this requirement may be suspended at any meeting by the unanimous vote
of the members present at the meeting.
Section 6. Order of Business - Regular Meeting for Administrative, Routine, and Hearing-Type
(a) Call to order by Chair
(b) Roll call
(c) Approval of minutes of preceding meeting
(d) Public hearings/Other business
(e) Communications from the Public
(f) Staff Updates
(g) Reports of Commission Members
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(h) Adjournment
Section 7. Order of Business - Regular Meeting for Discussion of Matters Related to
Comprehensive Planning
(a) Call to order by Chair
(b) Roll call
(c) Approval of minutes of preceding meeting
(d) Staff Updates for current business
(e) Reports from Planning Commission members and committees
(f) Communications from audience (related to comprehensive planning only)
(g) Communications from Planning Commission members
(h) Adjourn
Section 8. Operational Guidelines
(a) All requests and applications on zoning, annexations, and vacations will be tabled if the
applicant or an authorized representative is not present at the hearing on the request or
(b) All requests and applications will be tabled if all essential information is not provided to
the Planning Department staff by Friday, five days prior to the regular Wednesday
meetings of the Planning Commission for timely analysis and inclusion into the
Commissioners information packets.
(c) All requests and applications requiring legal opinion or interpretation will be tabled until
the Planning Commission has received an opinion or interpretation from the City
(d) The Commission shall act as a body in making its decisions and in announcing them.
(e) Willful misrepresentation of information pertaining to a request or application will void
that request or application upon discovery of the misrepresentation.
(f) The Planning Commission will not commence a new hearing after 10 P.M. unless agreed
upon by the Planning Commission.
Section 9. Public Hearing Procedure
(a) Chair introduces the discussion item orally and outlines the public hearing procedures to
be followed during the public hearing process. The Chair then reads qualifying questions
to the Commissioners regarding the Appearance of Fairness and Conflict of Interest
Doctrines and opens the public hearing.
(b) Planning Staff presents a staff report and provides a recommendation. Commissioners
are permitted to ask the Chair or staff any relevant questions about the application. The
public hearing will be opened with a brief explanation of the procedures to be followed
(c) The spokesperson for proponents in the audience shall be given an opportunity to speak
in favor of the application. Information submitted should be factual, relevant, and not
merely duplication of previous presentation(s). A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be
March 22, 2023 Planning Commission Agenda Packet Page 12 of 15
allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes).
Each person speaking shall give their name, location of residence, and nature of the
interest in the matter. The Chair may allow additional public testimony if the issue
warrants it. Any data presented shall be retained by staff and marked as an exhibit.
(d) The spokesperson for opponents in the audience shall be given an opportunity to speak
against the application. Information submitted should be factual, relevant, and not
merely a duplication of a previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be
allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes).
Each person speaking shall give his or her name, location of residence, and nature of the
interest in the matter. The Chair may allow additional public testimony if the issue
warrants it. Any data presented shall be retained by staff and marked as an exhibit.
(e) Other interested parties shall be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes) or make
(f) There can be a brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents each heard
separately and consecutively, with presentation limited to their spokesperson. The
rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. The Chair
may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it.
(g) The public hearing is closed. Commissioners voice their considerations and pose any
relevant questions through the Chair. Specific questions may be posed through the Chair
to a particular speaker to clarify testimony previously presented.
(h) Motion for disposition is presented and an action taken.
Section 10. Quorum
Four members of the Planning Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business and the taking of official action. If there are vacancies on the Commission, quorum
shall constitute a majority of the existing membership.
Section 11. Motions
Motions shall be restated by the Chair before a vote is taken. The names of the members making
and seconding a motion shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Section 12. Voting
Any action taken by a majority of those present, when those present constitute a quorum, at any
regular, recessed, or special meeting of the Planning Commission shall be deemed and taken as
the action of the Commission except that any proposed change of the Zoning Map must be
approved by a majority of the total membership of the Planning Commission.
Voting on amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and Map, all matters requiring a public hearing
before the Planning Commission, and all matters referred to the Planning Commission by the
City Council shall be by the vote of each member and shall be recorded in the minutes of the
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Section 13. Staff Reports
On all matters considered by the Planning Commission, the report and recommendations, if any,
of the Planning staff shall be presented to the Commission and shall become part of the formal
record of the action and recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Section 14. Conflict of Interest and Appearance of Fairness
Any member of the Planning Commission who has an interest in any matter before the
Commission that would or could tend to prejudice his or her actions thereon, shall so publicly
indicate this fact and shall abstain from voting or participating in any way in the Commission's
action on that matter.
Section 15. Attendance
Attendance at regular meetings and executive sessions is expected of all Commission members.
Any members anticipating absence from an official meeting or executive session shall notify the
Chair or Executive Secretary in advance. Any absence may be excused by the Commission,
even for an extended period, provided the absence is approved in advance.
Section 16. Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary procedure in Planning Commission meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules
of Order Newly Revised unless it is specifically provided otherwise in these Bylaws, in other
Planning Commission resolutions, in City Ordinances, or in the State of Washington Planning
Enabling Act (Chapter 35.63 RCW).
Section 17. Public Nature of Meetings and Records
All regular, recessed, and special meetings, hearings, records, and accounts shall be open to the
public provided, however, executive sessions may be held by the Commission as provided in
RCW 42.30.110.
Section 1. Establishment of Committees
The Planning Commission may establish such standing or special committees as it deems
advisable and assign each committee specific duties or functions. Each standing committee shall
consist of 3 members. No standing or special committee shall have the power to commit the
Planning Commission to the endorsement of any plan or program without the plan or program
submitted and approved by a quorum of the Commission.
Section 2. Appointment and Terms of Committee Members
The Chair of the Planning Commission shall appoint the members of each standing or special
committee and shall name the chair of each committee. The members of each standing
committee shall be appointed at the first regular meeting in July for a term of one year. Special
committees may be appointed at such times and for such purposes and terms as the Planning
Commission approves.
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Section 3. Committee Vacancies
Vacancies on committees shall be filled immediately by the Chair of the Planning Commission
for the unexpired portion of the term.
Section 4. Meetings of Committees
The committees shall meet at the call of the committee chairman; in addition the Chair of the
Planning Commission shall also have the authority to call a special meeting of any committee at
any time and upon such notice as They may specify.
The Planning Staff shall issue notice of committee meetings at the request of a committee chair
or the Planning Commission Chair.
Section 5. Quorum and Voting
The majority of the members appointed shall constitute a quorum of all committees. The
affirmative vote of a majority of the committee membership shall be required for the adoption of
a matter before the committee.
Section 1. Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by the affirmative vote of five (5)
members of the Planning Commission provided that the proposed amendments have been
submitted in writing at a previous meeting.
Amended April 14, 2021
As amended: 2/23/76; 8/23/78; 5/23/79; 1/19/88; 3/16/90; 4/25/90; 4/29/90; 6/23/93; 1/12/94; 3/24/2004; 5/08/13; 01/25/2017;
8/26/20; 4/14/21
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