HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2023-01-11MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Hybrid Meeting – In Person and Virtual City Council Chambers: 321 E 5th Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 January 11, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER Acting Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting at 6:05 P.M. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Andrew Schwab (Acting Chair) Tammy Dziadek Marolee Smith James Taylor Colin Young Commissioners Absent: Benjamin Stanley (Chair) - excused Richie Ahuja City Staff Present: Ben Braudrick (Senior Planner) Holden Fleming (Housing Coordinator) Norman Gollub (Interim Director of Community and Economic Development) Zach Trevino (Assistant Planner) Public Present: Jim Haguewood K. Connors Shawn Washburn PUBLIC COMMENT Acting Chair Schwab opened the meeting to public comment. Jim Haguewood provided comment on behalf of the Port Angeles Association of Realtors. He stated that the association is monitoring the Planning Commission’s discussion of the Pursuing Housing for All effort and plans to participate in the process. Acting Chair Schwab closed the meeting to public comment. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Smith moved to approve the minutes from the December 28, 2022 regular meeting of the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded and passed by unanimous consent (5-0). DocuSign Envelope ID: 154A5F35-8FE4-4DD0-8824-BA6A31596963 Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2023 Page 2 DISCUSSION ITEM 1. Pursuing Housing for All – Title 17 Port Angeles Municipal Code Amendment Process Planner Braudrick introduced the discussion item by providing an overview of the material included in the agenda packet. He explained that staff prepared draft amendments to the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) in response to the Planning Commission’s identification of priorities during discussions at previous Planning Commission meetings. He clarified that the draft code is in the process of being developed, so the version being presented to the Commission is a preliminary version that will change based on the Commission’s discussion and further public outreach. Acting Chair Schwab opened the discussion to Commission members for questions and comments. Commissioner Taylor asked why some sections are missing from the draft code and whether staff will clean up the document. Planner Braudrick clarified that the draft code document is intended to identify changes, so does not include all chapters or sections in Title 17 PAMC. City staff from multiple departments are working to ensure consistency of terminology and references throughout the document. Following staff introduction of the document and clarification regarding which portions of the PAMC are and are not presently being considered for amendment, the Commission proceeded to discuss the draft code amendments provided by staff. Responses to significant points were provided by staff and are noted below. The following suggestions, observations, and opinions were expressed by Commissioners during the discussion: • Section 17.03.010 acts as a table of contents and should be updated to reflect the changes made to the sections included in Title 17 PAMC, such as the removal of Chapter 17.23 PAMC from Title 17 PAMC. • The difference between “affordable housing” and “attainable housing” should be clarified in Chapter 17.08 PAMC. Staff noted that the former is based on average wages in an area, while the latter is based on personal income. Average median income is defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. • Title 17 PAMC should address animal husbandry, including the keeping of chickens and roosters. Staff clarified that animals are addressed in Title 7 PAMC, which includes a definitions section. • Temporary housing regulations should focus on health and safety to ensure that all occupants are protected and the standards are enforceable. • Chapter 17.46 PAMC is confusing and needs to be clarified to enable use by developers. Staff provided an overview of the Multi-Family Property Tax Exemption program and acknowledged that clarifying this chapter is one of staff’s goals for a future code amendment process. DocuSign Envelope ID: 154A5F35-8FE4-4DD0-8824-BA6A31596963 Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2023 Page 3 • The R9 and R11 zones should be consolidated into a single zone. Staff responded to clarify that the zones reflect historic development patterns which have resulted in different residential areas of the City having different densities. • The City should collaborate with Clallam Transit to improve transportation connectivity and service frequency throughout the City. • Changes to Chapter 17.13 PAMC were discussed, with staff noting that the most significant issue with the RTP zone is the minimum size requirement, which is proposed to be reduced through the amendment process. • The transparency standards for storefronts were briefly discussed, with staff emphasizing that commercial design standards are not the focus of Pursuing Housing for All. • A suggestion was made that maximum building height for accessory structures should not be different than the maximum height for primary structures in a zone. • Cottage housing design standards were discussed. Staff noted that the density standard of three cottage units equating to one standard dwelling unit is being removed from Section 17.21.030 PAMC. • The removal of the one-bedroom limitation for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) was confirmed by staff, as the Commission agreed it was unnecessary when Section 17.21.020 PAMC will already include the proposed size restrictions of 800 square feet for ADUs or 50 percent of the gross floor area of the primary single- household dwelling, whichever is larger. It was noted that the draft code amendments will continue to be modified over the next few weeks as further input is obtained. • Definitions for lot types in Section 17.08.065 PAMC need to be clarified to better reflect the proposal to allow alley-street subdivisions. Staff explained that diagrams illustrating possible lot configurations are being prepared for use at the January 23, 2023 Pursuing Housing for All public workshop. STAFF UPDATES City staff provided the following updates to the Commission: • Planner Braudrick provided an overview of the planned January 23, 2023 Pursuing Housing for All public workshop, to be held from 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM at the NOLS Port Angeles Main Library. He requested that each Planning Commissioner attend part of the event so they can participate in the discussion about proposed changes and listen to input from community members. He also mentioned the online survey that will be available soon, which will allow more direct feedback from members of the public, including those who are unable to attend the public workshop. He noted that staff would provide a synopsis of the workshop and public input received at the February 8th public hearing that will be held in front of the Planning Commission. DocuSign Envelope ID: 154A5F35-8FE4-4DD0-8824-BA6A31596963 Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2023 Page 4 • Planner Braudrick noted that he and Planner Fleming had attended the Port Angeles Farmers Market on January 7, 2023 to conduct public outreach leading up to the Pursuing Housing for All public workshop. Staff also met with the Port Angeles Association of Realtors on January 10, 2023 and will provide the association with a presentation on January 26th at 8:30 AM. Future public outreach may be conducted at the Port Angeles Food Bank once staff coordinates a date and time. • Planner Fleming explained that he recently attended a webinar focused on current developments related to rent stabilization in the State of Washington, which Commissioner Dziadek also attended. He provided an overview of the current state of rent stabilization, noting that several relevant bills are forthcoming. • Planner Fleming attended the January 6, 2023 Housing Solutions Committee meeting, which Commissioner Taylor also attended. A brief discussion of rent stabilization and just cause eviction followed this staff update. • Planner Trevino demonstrated use of the City’s Multi Use Map tool available on the City website, which contains zoning and other information the Commissioners may find useful as they proceed with reviewing proposed Title 17 PAMC updates. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS • Commissioner Dziadek announced that the American Physical Therapy Association invited her to apply for emeritus status, which she did. • Commissioner Smith stated that toomanyeggs.com is a source for egg recipes. The recipe book she wrote is forthcoming. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Young moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously (5-0). The meeting adjourned at 7:49 P.M. Zach Trevino, Secretary Andrew Schwab, Acting Chair MINUTES PREPARED BY: Zach Trevino, Secretary DocuSign Envelope ID: 154A5F35-8FE4-4DD0-8824-BA6A31596963