HomeMy WebLinkAbout529 E 1st St (2)ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 3604t74735 N I N$ Applicatsion NuBiber Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEI, NT'MBER: ApplicaEion type descripLion Subdi.visi.on Name ... Property Use ProperEy zoning ApplicaEion vatuat.ion 2!-oogOt279 Dale Lo/oe/2| 791391 529 E lST ST 06 - 30-00-5 - 1- 2050 -0000- EI,ECTRICAL ONLY I]NI(NOWN 0 Applicatsion desc Circuit repairs in apartmenls ConEractor TAI'I 1 LLC 120 STATE AVE NE #1408 ful.lwATER WA 98501(350) 339-3391 ]NVESTOR SERVICES LLC 120 STATE AVE NE *1408 TUMWATER WA 98501 (360) 628-8r12 Permit Addilional desc Permi! Fee I6sue DaEe Expiration DaEe 222.00 to / a5 /2t 4/a3/22 ELECTRICAI AITER COMMERCIAL Qty UniE charge Per 3 .00 74 .0000 ECH EIJ-COI4I4 BRANCH CIR WO/ S/E 00 0 Exteosion 222.OO Fee suultary charged Paid crediEed Due Pernit Fee Tolal Plar check Total Gland Total 222 . OO .00 222.O0 222 222 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00 .oo .00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) PERIIIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION INSPECTION T\?E DATE RESULTS INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICF t'll)22 4 V4N ROUGH.IN tileTa {J FINAL o b)22-$P COMMENTS q-= Signature ofowner or Electrical Contractor X CIEXCHANCE\BUILDINC Date Plan Check Fee Valua! i.o[ I I I :ttldu lB.,21.- tz-7J $Ve+1orz- Stzrlr$- ADDRESS14 E-lrT APPROVED tr DTTCH tr SEFIVICE FINAL DAI Fn-e- A-+'T-2- ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REFORT 4174735 NSPECICF NOT APPROVED ........tr 7*$*th l-.souox r N/covEH tr tr tr -)---' I t coRREcIoNs NEEDE}" I,DA.L\- (*rl-tv 6 ZbrlF ?-: NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COT/IPLETED WTHIN 15 DAYS _ DO NOT REMOVE- cr5&..."/'EY !\ll_ F116*oEK' ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT 4174735 NOT APPROVED .....D|TCH APPBOVED tr tr tr D ....ROUGHIN/COVEB., ....SERVICE . FINAL tr D D tr ) "o""."r*. ".*ro,Fu^-*y- )+*lt tt l L ,DA')-L, ?v l2-- *-r1DVr+- ,-$brSC-. YL r) Da*-Fu* srJu36D ELtzC- I {(-. NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED UTHIN 15 DAYS _ OO NOT REMOVE - '^-i'h,)^-4-tze NSPEClOS "\OfOUA]EF CONTRAC'IOB Zc"o,r,lxl J 6 ci1-n 17 rZ 273 *-11;{- t-F L P PP IC Public Works and Utilitics Dopartnrent l2,l E. 5ttr Street- Potl i\ngelcs' W\ 98-l(r2 .160.41 7.4735 I wrvrv.ciLyofpa.us , e lectricalpemr itsirlcit-vo $a'us ?S2ct ttJ *sJ ,l ),8,.?0 ,l An Lo !oII =5 I {-o 0l Project Address: Project Oescription: Multi-Family Residential E Commercial / lndustrial / Public Building Square footage: Email: q { Name; i/ailing Address .).)F + t ati !c-,hvet ll./ t @\( License: Expiratio Phone: n Date: Z Name: irailing Email: Address z ^vc .Ca vt ct_> (y'tu- fghl (quantlty x Unit Charg€) Itsn Service/Fesder 200 ArnP, ServicelFeeder 201400 AmP. Servic€/F€edor 401-600 AmP. Servica/Feeder 601-1000 AmP. Servics/Feeder over 1000 AmP. Branch Circuit W Sorvics Feeder Branch Circuit WO Ssrvice Feeder Each Additional Branch Circuit Branch Circuits 1-4 Temp. Saruic€/Fsed€r 200 AmP. Temp. Servicei Feeder 201'400 AmP' Temp. Ssrvico/Feeder 40'l'600 Amp. Temp. Sorvica/Feadar 601-1 000 Amp. Ponal to Portal Houdy Sign / Outline Lighting Signal Circ1lit/Limited Energy - Multi-Family Sional CircuiuLimited Energy/First 15OO sf - Comm€rcial (Note: $5.00 foriach additional 1500 sf) Renewable Elec. Energy; sKVA Syslem or less Thermostet (Nota: $5 for each additional) l0 q e t (tt t ,ll,l< l/€l Print Name s132.00 $160.00 $225.00 s288.00 $410.00 $5.00 $74.00 $s.00 $86.00 $102,00 $121.00 $164.00 $185,00 $96.00 s88.00 $88.00 ss6.00 $113.00 $56.00 s $ $ s U $ $ $ $ s $ $ $ $ ! e $ $_- Z7Z.* owner as definod by Rcw.19.28.261: (1) OwneI will occupy the struclure for two years aftel thrs eleclrical permit is finalized (2) OwneI is ,oqeir6d to hi6 an 6rocrricar c6n,.""-;ti;;,; said oroostty is for s"f". t"it oif6"""' Permit €xpires after six months of last lnspection' Aner r€ading lhe above statemenl, I h€rBby certify that l.am the own€r of the Ebove named property o. a lic6ns6d slBclrical contractor' I am making the etectrical instattation or atieiation in comptiance w,tn tne eteciJ taws' N E'C ' nCW Ctrapter t9 28' WAC Chapter 296- 468. The city of port Angetes Municipat code, and utility specifications *J pluc tn.05.o50 regarding Electrical Permit Applications' Cr*" 3 TOTAL Signature (Owner Electrical Contractor /Administrator) Dale [Elactrical Permit Applicetons may bB submitted to City Hall or olectricalparmits@ cityofpa.usl *lT- Electrical correction report TATT 1 LLC 529 E 1't 1. Replace damaged service. Service shall comply with NEC, WAC and NESC. 2. Group disconnecting means. NEC 230.72 3. Service load calculation required. NEC 220.1 4. Float neutral in all sub panels. NEC 250.32 5. Repair broken EMT. NEC 300.10 6. Seal all unused openings. NEC 110.12A 7. Multiple wires installed on a single breaker is not allowed. NEC 110.3 8. Arc fault protection required for extended circuits. NEC 210.12 9. Multiwire branch circuits shall simultaneously disconnect. NEC 210.48 10. Replace all damaged romex. NEC 110.34 11. Protect romex from physical damage (Nail plate). NEC 300.4 12. Receptacles above baseboard heaters shall be relocated. NEC 424.9 13. lnstall smoke detectors per National building code. 1.4. Receptacle's outlet placement shall comply NEC 2 j.0.52 N m q F uA+ ,a s+4 v $o tl LN S. oo a fto 3 sr Ul v) "FrA o r0? g $a, * P e r- oq d's o \- tp o o!- *... -d' ) -aIx (, X f.r il UJ r.) &q q sx c\ il Nl. oa a q ,< P ll A 1 P 71 X t' I o oo CI N B{ : !.r6 ll rN 5' dok F CR ( rlt' I t I N I i\t -\ SA ">3€ lh ooo PJ UJ 0( ..l ul aII 1 I I I I I t Ir I l I ! I l c rl f ><. Io : It ts\ ao o x rr rl s.- I i I I I I I 1. IN I I I