HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 08162022CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer, Council Members Carr, French, McCaughan, Schromen- Wawrin and Suggs. Members Absent: None Staff Present: City Manager West, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat, D. Sharp, B. Smith, N. Gollub, T. Hunter, S. Carrizosa, J. Boehme, and J. Nieborsky. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAI\CE Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were received and there were no prerecorded messages to play. CONSENT AGENDA At the request of Council member McCaughan and Council member Meyer, and hearing consensus from the Council, Mayor Dexter added 2022 Neighborhood Sewer Rehqbilitation, CON-2022-25, Award Construction Contract and Volunteer Field Turf Project PK-0220- Award Contract with Coast to Coast Turfto the Consent Agenda. It was moved by LSW and seconded by CM to approve the Consent Agenda to include: l. City Council Minutes of July 5,2022 I Approve. 2. Expenditure Report: From July 9, 2022 to August 5, 2022 in the amount of $5,735,969.83 / Approve. 3. Zoll Monitor Replacement - Cardiac Defibrillator/Jvlonitor Purchase / Approve the purchase of a Zoll X-Series Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillatorfor the amount of $36,929.17, plus tu,from Zoll Medical Corporation and authorize the City Manager to sign a purchase agreement and to make minor modifications if necessary. 4. System Design West LLC Service Agreement; Medicare Data Collection I Authorize the City Monager to sign the Professional Service Agreement in the amount of $j5,000 with Systems Design West LLC and to make minor modifications if necessary. 5. Public Safety Advisory Board I Appoint Rochelle Blankenship to the position heldfor an enrolled Tribal member on the Public Safety Advisory Board to a term ending February 28, 2026. 6. Inter-local Agreement I Streamkeepers of Clallam County: Water Quality Monitoring I Approve S-year ILA with Clallam County to secure the services of Streamkeepers of Clallam County and authorize the City Manager to sign the ILA qnd to make minor modifications to the agreement, as necessary. 7. MOVED TO CONSENT I 2022 Neighborhood Sewer Rehabilitation, CON-2022-25, Award Construction Contract I Approve and qward a construction contract with Michels Corporation of Salem, ORfor the 2022 Neighborhood Sewer Rehabilitation, Project CON-2022-25,for the total bid qmount of $210,619.40, including taces; and authorize the City Manager to sign and execute the construction contract and to make minor modifications to the Agreement if necessary. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington August 16,2022 This meeting was held virtually. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTI]RE AGEI\DAS City Manager Nathan West added Olympic Community of Health Grant Approval and Round Tree Road 2)-inch Water Main Repair CON-2022-54 to the Consent Agenda. PORT ANGELES CITY COLINCIL MEETING - August 16,2022 8. MOVED TO CONSENT / Volunteer Field Turf ProjectPK-0220- Award Contract with Coast to Coast Turf / Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Coast to Coast Turf in the amount of $700,000 for the Volunteer Field Turf Project PK-0220 and; (2) allow any minor modifications to the contract if necessory. 9. LATE ITEM - Olympic Community of Health Grant Approval I Accept the grant offered by OCH and authorize the City Manager to sign the Olympic Community of Health Expanding the Table services contract, to implement and approve all actions necessary to accomplish the purposes of the grant, and to make minor modifications to the services contract if necessary. 10. LATE ITEM - Round Tree Road 20-inch Water Main Repair CON-2022-54 I Award a construction contract with Vet Industrial Inc, for the 2}-inch Water Main Round Tree Repair Project, CON-2022-54, in the amount of $57,450 and authorize the City Manager to sign oll documents necessary to execute the construction contractfor the project qnd to make minor modifications to the contract, os necessary. . Council discussion followed. RESOLUTIONS NOT REOUIRIN G COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. TR-0209 Race Street Recreation Conservation Office Grant Application Interim Department of Community and Economic Development Director Norm Gollub introduced the agenda item, provided information relative to the improvements, added that no General Funds dollars were associated with the grant application before them, and the recommended action was approval to submit the grant application. Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title, entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 16.22 This resolution/authorization authorizes the person(s) identified below (in Section 2) to act as the authorized representative/agent on behalf of our organization and to legally bind our organization with respect to the above Project(s) for which we seek grant funding assistance managed through the Recreation and Conservation Office. It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by Carr to: Approve the affached Resolution authorizngthe submission of an application for grant assistance from the Recreation and Conservation Office for Capital Facility Project TR-0209. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. ORDINANCES REOUIRING COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Ordinance Amendments - Wastewater System Modeling Requirement Public Works and Utilities Director Thomas Hunter presented the agenda item and provided background on the matter that would provide a mechanism to allow for informed decisions regarding approval for new connections to and extensions of the City's wastewater collection system. Council discussion followed. Mayor Dexter read the ordinances by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO.3698 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapter 13.62 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to sewer extensions. ORDINANCE NO.3699 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapters 3.70 Fees of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as follows. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: Conduct the first reading of the proposed Ordinances amending Municipal Code Sections 13.62.180 to require wastewater system modeling and 3.70.1l0 for the associated fee and waive the second reading and adopting the Ordinances. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. Page 2 of 6 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING - August 16,2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Electric Utility 2022 Resource PIan Director Hunter presented the agenda item and provided information relative to the every-other-year submission to the Department of Commerce. Elecffical Engineer Jack Nieborsky provided additional information on the plan and answered Council questions. Council discussion followed. Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 17-22 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving the 2022 Electric Utility Resource Plan. The Mayor opened the public hearing for testimony at 6:30, hearing none, the Mayor closed the public hearing. It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by Meyer to: Pass the resolution approving the 2022 Electric Utility Resource Plan. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. ORDINANCES NOT REOUIRING C PUBLIC HEARINGS CONTINUED l. Bird Rides, LLC, Amendment of PAMC Chapter 10.24 Manager West presented the proposed ordinance and stated that during the July 19 meeting the City Council authorized a limited trial period for deployment of the e-scooters. He noted that the operational agreement with Bird Ndes, LLC was fully executed on July 31. He said the proposed amendments to the Port Angeles Municipal Code regulate the sffeets upon which the electric scooters will be allowed to operate and the conditions of their operation. City Attorney William Bloor spoke to the restrictions in the proposed ordinance stating the changes would likely benefit an elecffic scooter operation. Council discussion followed. Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO.37OO AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending portions of Chapter 10.24 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Motorized Foot Scooters and Similar Devices. After the original motion was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Meyer, the final motion to: Waive the second reading and adopt the ordinance, amending portions of Chapter 10.24 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Motorized Foot Scooters and Similar Devices. Including the following amendments to the proposed ordinance in the Council packet, Section 10.24.020: Strike '7. On any City street unless such person is l6 years of age or older;" And subsection B, to read On any City street with a macimum speed limit above 30 miles per hour; "except where there is a designated bike lone". The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the amended motion carried 7-0. Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at7:36 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:45 p.m. Deputy Mayor Meyer left the meeting and did not return after the break. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS l. 2023 Funding Legislation Pending Police Chief Brian Smith spoke to the agenda item relative to 2023 funding legislation pending. Council discussion followed. Page 3 of6 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING - August 16,2022 It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: Encourage the Mayor or a designee, to send a letter of support to the authors of both bills and testifo in favor of both bill during the 2023 legislative session. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. 2, ARPA Update of City's Financial Position Manager West provided an update, outlining obligated funding to date, and spoke to the remaining balance. He said staff continue to ask Council to consider supporting HVAC upgrades as outlined in the Council memo. Council discussion followed. It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by French to: Authorize spending of $1,000,000-to be used to upgrade the HVAC systems at the Senior and Community Center and Port Angeles Fire hall. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: Table the motion. After a roll call vote, the motion to table passed 5-1, with Suggs opposed. CONTRACTS & PURCHASING 3. Electrical Dock Crew Director Hunter provided background on the matter, saying the City is actively recruiting for vacant lineman positions, however, because of a general shortage of elecffical utility linemen the City could not forecast the length of time it will take to hire and retain multiple qualified lineman staff members. He spoke about the companies that bid on the project that would provide additional time to recruit. Council discussion followed. It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to: Table the matter to the September 6,2022 Council meeting in order to allow our staff time to share with council the analysis of the hourly, weekly and monthly costs to the city, the bid documentation showing the dollars bid by each conffactor, and the long term goal to recover the staff shortage the city has experienced in the Electric Utility over the past few years. After a roll call vote, the motion to table passed 5-1, with Dexter opposed. 4. Equipment Purchase - Replacement of Street Division 5yd Sander Director Hunter presented the item and stated the item was included in the approved CFP and2022 budget. Council discussion followed. It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by Suggs to: Approve the purchase of a new Street Division Sand Spreader and authorize the City Manager to sign a purchase contract for sand spreader. Approve and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the purchase contract if necessary. Approve and authorize the City Manager to surplus the Swenson Sand Spreader, once the new Sander is placed into service. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: "Table it until we have information on why an all-electric spreader is not an option for the City." After a roll call vote, the motion failed with a tie vote,3-3, with Carr, Schromen-Wawrin, and Suggs in favor. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to amend the main motion: Approve the purchase of a new Street Division Sand Spreader, adding "after researching all options for an all- II I elecffic sand spreader". and authorize the City Manager to sign a purchase contract for sand spreader. Approve and authorize the Cify Manager to make minor modifications to the purchase contract if necessary. Approve and authorize the City Manager to surplus the Swenson Sand Spreader, once the new Sander is placed into service. Amendment to the motion passes,5-l with Dexter opposed. Schromen-Wawrin clarified that the intent of the motion does not require this purchase be brought back to Council for approval after the research is completed. Council voted on the final motion, Approve the purchase of a new Street Division Sand Spreader after researching all options for an elecffic sand spreader", authorize the City Manager to sign a purchase conffact for sand spreader. Approve and authorize the City Page 4 of6 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING - August t6,2022 Manager to make minor modifications to the purchase contract if necessary. Approve and authorize the City Manager to surplus the Swenson Sand Spreader, once the new Sander is placed into service. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. SECOI\D PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were received It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by McCaughan to: Extend the meeting until the end of the agenda. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. 5. Equipment Purchase - Replacement of Street Division Vehicle #1568 Director Hunter presented the item for Council discussion and shared information relative to procurement. Council discussion followed. It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to: Approve the purthase and outfitting of a Street Division Hot Asphalt Truck from MetroQuip of Boise, ldaho for SjjS.:OO, ani authorize the City Manager to sign a purchase contract. Approve and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the purchise contract if necessary. Approve and authorize the City Manager to surplus vehicle #1568, once the new vehicle is placed into service. lt was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: ldd To research all electric patch ffuck options prior to purchasing. Approve the purchase and outfiffing of a Street Division Hot Asphalt Truik from MetroQuip of Boise, Idaho for $255.300, and authorize the City Manager to sign a purchase contraCt. Approve and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the purchase conffact if ,.r.5ury. Approve ind authorize the City Manager to surplus vehicle #1568, once the new vehicle is placed into service. Motion to amend the original motion passed, 4-2 with French and Dexter opposed. Schromen-Wawrin clarified that the motion does not require report to or further action by Council prior to the purchase from MetroQuip of Boise. Council voted on the final motion to: To research all electric patch truck options prior to purchasing. Approve the purchase and outfiffing of a Sffeet Division Hot Asphalt Truck from MeffoQuip of Boise, Idaho for $255.300, and authorize the City Manager to sign a purchase contraci. Approve and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the purchase conffact if n.r.rrury. Approve and authorize the City Manager to surplus vehicle #1568, once the new vehicle is placed into service. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. 6. ChargePoint Master Agreement Director Hunter spoke about the agreement, saying software and services are utilized for customer transactions, billing, and reports for the EV charging stations located at City Hall. Council discussion followed It was moved by Carr and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to: Authorize the City Manager to execute the ChargePoint Master Agreement and to make minor modifications as needed. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. CITY COT]NCIL REPORTS Council member McCaughan provided updates from a Shore Aquatic Center meeting including hiring and general updates on events and enrollment. Council member Suggs provided information on the grand opening of the Healing Center in Sequim. Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about an upcoming meeting to discuss housing polies and changes at the state level. Page 5 of6 PORT ANGELES CITY COLTNCIL MEETING _ August 16,2022 Council member Carr spoke about a tour of Port Angeles Police Department vehicles, the Clallam County needle exchange program, upcoming events, and attendance at a future Board of Health training event. Mayor Dexter spoke about Marine Resources Service Committee orientation and spoke about spending time job shadowing in PenCom. No other reports were given. INFORMATION Manager West spoke about the informational item in the packet and an upcoming NODC Energy Conference. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at l0:13 p.m. Dexter, Mayor Kari Maninez- ai Page 6 of6 a