HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 11082023CITY OF PORT ANGELES
Wednesduy, November 8, 2023
This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting.
Mayor Dexter called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 4:45 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer, Council Members Carr, McCaughan, Miller, and Schromen-
Wawrin (attending virnrally) and Suggs (arrived at 5:04 p.m.).
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: City Manager West, Assistant City Manager Goings, Assistant City Attorney Cowgill, Clerk Martinez-
Based on input from Assistant City Attorney Chris Cowgill, Mayor Dexter announced the need for an Executive
Session under RCW 42.30.1l0(l)(i) to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel until 5:01 p.m. The City
Council moved to the Jack Pittis Conference Room for a virtual Executive Session. The meeting convened at 4:45
p.m. At 4:58 p.m. Council moved back to the City Council Chambers to continue their special meeting in open
Fire Chief Derrell Sharp presented a City of Port Angeles Wildfire: Risk, Preparation, and Mitigation Presentation
and spoke about local fire risks. Chief Sharp provided various examples of fire preparation including Code
Enforcement and the use of a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and provided ways residents could
mitigate fire emergencies.
Mayor Dexter adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:41 p.m.
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer, Council Members Carr, McCaughan, Miller, and Schromen-
Wawrin (attending virnrally) and Suggs.
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: City Manager West, Assistant City Manager Goings, Assistant City Attorney Cowgill, Clerk Martinez-
Bailey, C. Delikat, K. Hatton, S. Carrizosa, D. Sharp, and M. Healy.
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Dan Anderson, spoke about short-term rentals and how his operations bring money to the local community.
Susie Blake, city resident, spoke about the need to provide financial support to code enforcement.
Bob Nichols, spoke on stormwater issues created during heavy rains in downtown business.
Holden Flemming, city resident, spoke about the concrete seal located at Francis Street Park that was damaged by
vandalism and asked that the City find a way to replace and or relocate new seal.
Donna Hope, city resident, spoke in favor of short-term rentals-
Stanely Hope, city resident spoke in favor of short-term rentals.
James Taylor, city resident, spoke about infill, cancelled Planning Commission meetings, and optimal locations for
Steven Pelayo, city resident, spoke about short-term rentals as they relate to lodging tax opporhrnities.
At the request of Councilmem ber McCaughan, and after hearing no opposition, Mayor Dexter added J-l PAWTP
Pump Bltpass at EDS, CON-202 3-23, Award Construction Contracl to the Consent Agenda.
It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Meyer to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
l. City Council Minutes of October3,2024 I Approve
2. Expenditure Report: From October 7, 2023 to October 27, 2023 in the amount of $5,077,498.53 / Approve
3. Washington Emergency Management Division and FEMA Cybersecurity Grant I Approve and authorize the
City Manager to accept the grant and sign all necessary grant documents and make minor modifications as
4. General Agreement Between the National Park Service and the City of Port Angeles I Approve the General
Agreement Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service and the Port Angeles Police
Department and authorize the City Manager and the Chief of Police to sign the agreement with the National Park
Service and make minor modifications as necessary-
5. Declaration Informing the Court on Trust Land Transfer Application I Direct the City Manager to submit a
declaration in support of Plaintffi'motionfor sanctions in Earth Law Center et al. v. Dept. of Natural Resources
et al., informing the court of the City's Trust Land Transfer application and requesting that the court order a
pause on all logging activity at the Power Plant ttmber sale site until the court has the opportuntty to consider
the merits of the case.
6. REdisCOVERY/WASPC Grant Renewal Award Acceptance and Contract I Approve and authorize the City
Manager to accept the WASPC grant award of $938,243.16, sign a contract with WASPC to expend the awarded
funds and sign a professional services agreement with OPCC,fo, the 2023-2024 period and authorize the City
Manager to make minor modifications to both agreements as necessary.
7 . ITEM MOVED TO CONSENT J- 1- PAWTP Pump Bypass at EDS, CON-202 3-23, Award Construction Contract
I Award a contract to N & N Constructton for the CON-2023-23 PAWTP Pump Bypass at EDS, in the amount of
$3 t 3,924.00 including applicable taxes and authorize the City Manager to sign a construction contract for this
project and to make minor modifications if necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
1. Property Tax Levy
Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa presented the agenda item, stating it was before Council as a first reading of the
ordinance, said the matter was an important piece to the budget process, and stated in accordance with State law the
City of Port Angeles is required to levy properfy taxes before November 30. She said the after the presentation on
property taxes, there would be an oppornrnity for the public to comment on the proposed 1.0% increase to the levy
during the public hearing.
At 6:46 p.m. the Mayor opened the public hearing
James Taylor, city resident, spoke about properfy tax costs.
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After verifuing there were no other members of the public wishing to provide public testimony in the room or from
virtual attendance.
Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, levying regular ad valorem property taxes for
collection in the fiscal year 2024, and directing the City Clerk to certifu said amount to the Board of Clallam County
The Mayor continued the matter to the November 21 meeting.
City Manager West asked if the Council would wish to have a November 14 budget work session, hearing consensus,
Council would not hold a second budget work session.
The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 6:52 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:58 p.m.
1. Ordinance Adopting New Permit, Fire and Cemetery Fees, Updating the Fee Schedule, Creating
Reporting Requirements and Revising Section 1.25.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
Assistant City Manager Goings presented the agenda item that addressed the development of infill, multi-household,
and affordable housing are critical issues for the City of Port Angeles, adding that fees for development services have
not been adjusted since 2008. Assistant Manager Going provided staff recommendation, stating the approval of an
updated fee schedule would better respond to growing costs of services for development related activity and a fee
waiver for various infill, multihousehold, and affordable housing types. Assistant Manager Goings stated the proposal
also adjusted Cemetery and Fire Department fees, created reporting requirements, and revised Section 1.25.010 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code. Assistant City Manager Goings provided information on the two options before
Council for their consideration. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Carr and seconded by Suggs to:
Adopt Ordinance Option I - All Fees Effective on llll2024 and Exhibit A Option 1, Fee Schedule - All Fees Effective
on |lll2024, together with Option B - Reporting Requirements, and to authorize the City Manager to make any minor
modifications as needed.
Motion carried 5-2 with Meyer and McCaughan opposed.
1. Legislative Priorities
Mayor Dexter recognized the matter was on the agenda and stated the topic would return for Council discussion as an
agenda item on the November 2l meeting. The Mayor moved on to the next agenda item.
2. Clallam Transit System Board Appointment
Mayor Dexter introduced the agenda item, turned the meeting over to Clerk Bailey Martinez who provided
background, stating Clallam Transit System asked that the City's list of appointments be adjusted to match their
bylaws which require two appointed members of Council and one appointed alternate. Mayor Dexter stated she
resigned as an appointed alternate. Staff communicated they would share this news leaving member Carr as the
single alternate appointed to the Board.
Council member Carr provided an update on Lodging Tax Advisory meeting
Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about public comment regarding short-term rentals and zoning, code
enforcement, prioritization of sewage issues happening downtown, and short-term rental policies.
Council member McCaughan spoke about preliminary election night results.
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Deputy Mayor Meyer spoke about the Winter Ice Village and Clallam Transit System's ZeroFare Pilot Program.
Council member Miller spoke about the upcoming discussions scheduled for the Homelessness Task Force.
Council member Suggs spoke about attendance at meetings related to the protection of the Elwha Watershed.
No other reports were given.
Manager West spoke to the Council motion that requested a joint meeting with between the Board of Clallam County
Commissioners, the Department of Natural Resources Board of Natural Resources, and Lower Elwha S'Klallam Tribal
Council. He stated the City had heard back a representative of the County Commissioners had responded and shared
they offered two preferred options, either a joint meeting with the Commissioners only, or the originally identified
group and to include junior taxing districts.
Steve Pelayo, city resident, spoke to a code enforcement issue, asked Council to consider reviewing the 2017 code, in
particular, sections that relate to short-term rentals.
Rita Houston, city resident, in a pre-recorded message, spoke in favor of short-term rentals.
Larry Hines, city resident, in a pre-recorded message, spoke about short-term rentals.
Rick Parker, city resident, in a pre-recorded message, spoke in favor of short-term rentals.
Ashlan Emiliani, city resident, business owner and short-term rental owner, in a pre-recorded message, spoke about
tourism as it relates to short-term rentals.
Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at737 p.m.
Mayor Kari C
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